Should Students Have Part-Time Jobs? Essay


The supreme desire of every parent to take their children to school is for them to get the best education and excel at their studies. Despite this fact, there comes a point in time when the student needs to supplement the income from their parents or rather source funds to even cater for their education (Sloman, 652).

As a result, most students end up engaging in part-time jobs. It can be due to the necessity or desire to have some extra money to spend. The decision to engage in part-time jobs is entirely the student’s choice. Some get support from their parents, tutors, and friends, while others don’t.

But should students have part-time jobs? This essay tries to answer this question.

Before any decision to engage in part-time jobs is reached, three things have to be critically considered. These are the students themselves, their financial situation, and, finally, the type of work. The listed factors will allow a person to make decisions that they will not live to regret.

Therefore, this part-time job essay is an in-depth analysis of the advantages of students having jobs and a little discussion on the disadvantages.

Advantages of Part-Time Jobs for Students

Part-time jobs are of great essentiality since students are able to earn while at the same time studying. Most part-time jobs require that one works for about three to four hours a day, something that is manageable by almost every student, given the fact that lessons don’t take the entire day. Some of the benefits associated with part-time jobs for students include the following;

Relief of financial burden

Students who engage in part-time jobs get paid for the services offered; hence the earnings obtained can be used to partly relieve the students’ financial burden they could have.

This is because the cost of education has in the recent past sky-rated, making students from poor families not able to afford yet the banking systems have also failed to loan such students; therefore, engaging in part-time jobs makes such students meet their education expenses (Somoski 1). In addition, part-time jobs give students pocket money that they can spend on their own without nagging their parents with money.

Promotion of education

Students who undertake part-time jobs are able to upgrade their studies, making them understand whatever they learn in school even better. For instance, an accounting student who gets a part-time job in an accounting firm will be able to experience the theory learned in school practically hence having a better understanding of the course. The same applies to medicine, engineering, law, and biology students, among others (Pickett 1).

Accumulation of work experience

Engaging in part-time jobs enables the students to gain experience in their field of work hence boosting their resumes. This is important when it comes to job hunting after completion of studies.

Research has shown that students that have undertaken part-time jobs and gained relevant experience have the upper hand when it comes to getting jobs, unlike those that are just fresh from school. On the other hand, working part-time for recognized organizations increases one’s chances of landing a better job.

Time Management Skills

Having a part-time job helps students to acquire time management skills in the sense that they treasure every time they get and use it efficiently. This happens because their study time is now preoccupied with the job, thus having to restructure their schedule to fit in the study time, work time, leisure time, etc.

Learn the value of money

Most parents have complained that their children who are students do not know the value of money until they get jobs. Therefore, students who take part in part-time jobs while in school are in a position to understand the value of money, thus using it well in the future (Pickett 1). For instance, they are now able to refrain from impulse buying and resulting in smart shopping hence making their money last longer than before. This, as a result, makes them responsible adults even in the future.

Other benefits associated with part-time jobs are that the students get new ideas while in the workplace (Somoski 1). This happens mostly for challenging courses that need great minds, such as web design, whereby the students learn new technologies as soon as they are generated. Last but not least is the improvement in communication skills since the student interacts with different people at the workplace.

Disadvantages of Part-Time Jobs for Students

As mentioned above, the decision to engage in part-time jobs is wholly dependent on the student. This is because there are disadvantages that come in handy with a student engaging in part-time jobs.

Among them is the effect it has on students’ performance, given the less time allocated for study (Anti Essays 1). Other students may be overwhelmed by their greed for money and end up forgoing their studies to indulge in full-time jobs hence affecting their education.

In a nutshell, it can be concluded that the pros of part-time jobs for students outweigh the cons. From the discussion above, the benefits that a student gets on deciding to engage in part-time jobs are endless. The good thing is that the disadvantages attached to part-time jobs for students are manageable depending on the mind and focus of the students in their education and life.

Works Cited

Anti Essays. Benefits of Part-Time Jobs . 2011. Web.

Pickett, Theresa. What are the Benefits of Part-Time Jobs for Students? 1999-2011. Web.

Sloman, John. Economics . 2004- Penguin.

Somoski, Nick. Should students work part-time during the school year ? 2010-2011. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2023, October 29). Should Students Have Part-Time Jobs? Essay.

"Should Students Have Part-Time Jobs? Essay." IvyPanda , 29 Oct. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Should Students Have Part-Time Jobs? Essay'. 29 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Should Students Have Part-Time Jobs? Essay." October 29, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "Should Students Have Part-Time Jobs? Essay." October 29, 2023.


IvyPanda . "Should Students Have Part-Time Jobs? Essay." October 29, 2023.

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current events conversation

What Students Are Saying About Having a Part-Time Job While in School

We asked teenagers about their after-school jobs and what they think young people can learn from working. Some said it’s not for everyone.

a part time job essay

By The Learning Network

The week we asked teenagers: Should All High School Students Have Part-Time Jobs? The question was inspired by an Opinion essay by Pamela Paul , in which she argued that even while lots of American teenagers need to work to help support their families, “there’s a case to be made that those who don’t need to work should get a job anyway.”

Many students said they agreed. They shared the jobs they have had and the invaluable skills they have learned from them. But others said work isn’t for everyone — kids today are already under too much pressure, they argued, and their time is better spent studying, doing the extracurricular activities they enjoy, and being with friends and family.

Before you read their responses below, we want to take a moment to recognize the students this week who have been replying to others in the comments across our writing prompts, including those from Atrisco Heritage Academy High School, Centerville High School, Hoggard High School, Nashoba Regional High School, Reynoldsburg High School, and Roaring Fork High School . Thank you for keeping the conversation going!

And a warm welcome to the many others who joined us this week; we heard from students at The Agnes Irwin School in Rosemont, Pa.; Girard College in Philadelphia; Kelseyville High School in Kelseyville, Calif. ; and many more places.

A reminder that teenagers anywhere in the world can join our Current Events Conversation any time they like by responding to our daily writing prompts . We round up a selection of comments each week.

Please note: Student comments have been lightly edited for length, but otherwise appear as they were originally submitted.

Many students saw the value in working. They talked about the life skills a job could teach …

I do have a part-time job that I work at like 5 times during the week … My job has helped me personally in many ways, I was super shy before I started and now I am more confident with myself … I have learned communication skills with people that I do not know. I have learned how to carry multiple things at a time to get places faster, and I have learned time management so that I can get from school to work and then come home and do homework.

— Maddie, Donovan High School

From a personal perspective I work roughly three times a week during summertime and twice during the school year and have improved my public speaking because of working in the restaurant industry — as well as forming responsibility and always showing up. This promotes a work ethic that will influence high school students to create a well balanced schedule and they will understand the importance of a work ethic. On the downside, working as a young person may open you up to criticism and rejection. In my opinion, however, it is best to experience this at least once while working when you’re a teenager; it shows the imperfections of working and that work is ultimately a learning experience.

— Sierra, MSMHS

The most important qualities I have learned from a job are responsibility, learning to work within a team, leadership, learning to speak my voice, and believing in myself. To me, these are more important than learning what the x equals in a logarithmic equation, or who founded Jamestown.

— Ty, Donovan High School

During the winter time I work as a ski instructor at a local ski hill most days after school, it helps encourage me to be productive and also helps me understand time management and what having a job is like. I feel as if I’ve learned so much from this simple job over the past few years. I’ve learned how to work with children, become a better teacher, and how to help different people based on how they learn new skills. These lessons that I’ve learned have carried over to my life outside of work and I strive to continue to help others the way I help little kids learn how to ski.

— Anne, Glenbard west

I learned some of my social skills by working, and got to know a little bit more about myself from the experiences. In school, the only relationships I could experience were with my family members, friends and teachers. When I started the very first part time job, I didn’t know how to deal with my manager and customers. I had never been that position before that I was with someone who is supposed to supervise me, and I felt like I was being observed and that thoughts make me even more clumsy. Once I got used to it, it wasn’t a big deal anymore, but I had a clear insight that I don’t fit in customer service jobs. Moreover, now that I see what is going in the back room, I can appreciate their efforts more than before. All of these are what I couldn’t learn in school, so I think part-time jobs are good for expanding life experience.

— JJ, South Korea

One of the major benefits I have noticed as a High School student with a part-time job is having a better sense of communication and patience. For example working as a cashier puts you in the position of talking to many people, which can help you open up if your shy, listen to the customers stories that may help you, and if customers have a problem it helps us better understand compromise.

— Eduardo, Atrisco Heritage Academy

I think it’s important for teenagers to work part-time. Teenagers today enjoy much more privileges than their parents did. Some people have a lot to be thankful for, but a lot of people don’t. It’s simple to misuse privileges and take advantage of the luxury, thus I think teenagers should be taught the value of money. Jobs for teens don’t have to be big, they only need to uphold criteria for developing leadership, handling various people and situations appropriately, and teaching some lessons that school alone can’t. Teenagers who have worked hard for a long time will eventually learn how satisfying it is to be rewarded for their efforts.

— Bryce, Girard College, Philadelphia

The opportunities it could provide for their futures …

I believe every student should have the opportunity of a part-time job, especially in high school. Students are always told to be “ready for the real world,” where things won’t just be handed to them. I think part-time jobs are a great way to prepare students for this. Personally, I have been working part-time jobs since I was thirteen years old to build my work experience and resume. I feel that working part-time has greatly impacted my life by granting me many positive connections that I would not otherwise get, and by allowing me to have more insight into what I’d like to do in the future.

— Emma, Ellisville

One of the other things I like about where I work is it mirrors the industries I want to become a professional in throughout the future. This means I can learn new skills that might directly apply to my jobs in the future. I think that job-shadowing, whether extracurricular or sanctioned as a class, should be required. Not every student wants to take on having a job — which is completely understandable considering the daily pressure they are under — but they should start using it to their advantage to set up their future. That isn’t to say many jobs can teach fundamentals like leadership, teamwork, crisis management, etc. But doing so in the industry you want to develop yourself as a professional in does give you a much greater advantage from what I have seen.

— Drew, Glenbard West High School (Glen Ellyn, IL)

The chance to make and manage their own money …

As a 13-year-old, I had a job this summer and when it comes to social skills, taxes, and being financially responsible, I learned more than I do at school … Earning money also teaches you a huge lesson especially if you are paid minimum wage. After working so many hours and receiving your paycheck it can be disappointing how little money you earned. It can also be surprised how easily you can blow through a paycheck. I thought getting a job would make me spend more money but it actually just encourages me to save my money more, because I know that I earned it myself.

— Wynn, Agnes Irwin School

In my personal opinion I do think that students should have part time jobs. I believe that students that have part time jobs can help their families with money help pay bills such as water, electricity, internet etc. … You can also earn extra pocket money, you can learn to manage your money. And you can access discounts and perks.

— gg, kelseyville California

As well as the confidence work could instill.

Having a job that I enjoy and that I’m good at really helps keep my mental health intact and makes me feel like I accomplish more and give me more motivation to improve my daily life and be the best person I can be.

I currently work part-time at an automotive collision repair shop where I detail vehicles and complete common shop maintenance like sweeping floors, taking out the trash, mopping, and even picking up parts we order from locations as far as a couple of hours away from where I work.

Managing homework is also really not as hard as it seems … The most important thing that keeps me doing my school work is that if I don’t have passing grades, then I don’t work until I have passing grades. For most of my high school career, I struggled with my academics but senior year has consisted of me turning a new leaf which has gone extremely well since I currently have all A’s in my classes as well as putting in just about 30 hours a week of work.

— Steven, Hanover Horton Hs

I believe 100% a high school student should have a part-time job. I’ve experienced it a little bit differently because I own a lawncare business which means: I can schedule myself, work freely and feel in control. Most important of all however it prepares me for constant rejection and people aspect of business. I believe a job toughens the mind of a young person and protects them from laziness.

— 9, Block 4, Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC

But not all were convinced that having a job while in school was a good idea. Some argued that academics should be students’ top priority.

Most students, especially after the quarantine, are struggling to catch up even now after what has happened. If a student has the time and is prepared, they should get a job. Jobs will always be available, but school is a bit more limited. School should be the top priority, and jobs below that.

— Alecia, Kelseyville High

Jobs work for a lot of students, but it’s not for everyone. While part time jobs can help some students excel, it can make others struggle immensely. Having their time split between two things of great importance can lead some kids to fail in both … There’s so much pressure on young people to start early, like they’re going to miss their chance if they take their time. It needs to be understood that some kids can’t just go for everything all at once, especially before they even know what they want to do in life.

— A, Block 3, Hoggard Highschool

Growing up in a Chinese-American immigrant family, I’ve lived the lives of the people Pamela Paul mentions first meeting through her service job — immigrants of uncertain legal status, families making near minimum wage. Yet even when my mother, our only source of income, was just a graduate student, my family’s fierce immigrant pride outlawed the possibility of me having a part-time job. My parents insisted that I view bus drivers and cashiers I met as cautionary tales rather than roles I could take. My mother and I never washed dishes or took out the trash because my family strongly believed that studying time was worth its weight in gold and could not be wasted on chores. This philosophy has been in many ways successful — I now attend an elite high school, and my mother makes far more an hour than a service worker does a day. However, though I’ve learned similar values of hard work and patience in academics, I cannot deny that I am missing the practical experiences. However, I’d argue that such experiences as poor bosses and boredom do not necessarily need to be gained working rote minimum wage — they can also be acquired through more intellectually challenging unpaid internships and apprenticeships relevant to a student’s future interests.

— Nora, Walter Payton College Prep (Chicago, IL)

Others said they wouldn’t want to give up their extracurricular activities, which they believed could be just as valuable.

The author of this article made the argument that all high school students should have a job because it can teach them different life lessons and work skills that they can’t get from extracurricular activities but I feel as though that is not true. With playing an instrument, being on a sports team or just hanging out with friends you can connect and learn so much more than having a job. These are the years to find ourselves and who we are so if some feel ready to have a job they have the opportunity to do so and if others don’t feel that the time is right then that’s okay.

— Niyaira, Philadelphia

I believe that having a part time job would hurt me more than it would help me … I am a three sport athlete and not only play for my school teams, but I also play club lacrosse. I have practice everyday after school and when I am not on the field, court, or in the weight room, I am studying and doing my work so I can keep my grades up and not only stay eligible for sports, but ultimately end up getting into a good college.

Some people may argue that sports don’t matter that much however they are a crucial part of your everyday life. Sports have taught me to be resilient, have confidence, give my best effort, and have a great attitude. I have learned that if you want to be the best then you have to put in the work even when no one is watching. I’ve also learned that you can never fail in life unless you don’t learn a lesson from your mistakes …

— Jacob, Glenbard West High School

I still am not convinced that a minimum wage job is better than traditional extra circulars. I think the author’s most persuasive point was that some skills you learned at a job cannot be taught in school. While I agree with that statement the argument can be made for both sides. Being a part of the student council can teach leadership skills, and joining the debate team can improve public speaking etcetera.

— Autumn, Philadelphia

Several said they would get a job — if colleges appreciated work experience more.

Due to the unfortunate college admissions system, from personal experience, I feel as though my peers and I are participating and engaging in certain activities just so they “look good for college” or “stand out in our college applications.” But when you really think about it, most of these activities, such as participation in student government, sports, theatre, music, clubs, etc. are done for the greater purpose of increasing the chances of admission into college. The only true extracurricular which gives first-hand experience with the real world is working a job. Due to the fact that admissions committees seek interest in students with the previously mentioned extracurriculars, they tend to be less impressed with students who do not participate in such extracurriculars, but work. If having a job was looked at differently by college admissions committees, I believe that many more students would not only be working a job, but they would also be equipped with the integral life skills that many develop at an older age.

— Ella, Miami Country Day School, Florida

In my personal opinion I believe having a job is essential; giving the student a look into the real world will help stimulate the struggles of real life. In fact having a job and the maintaining of that job — instead of just using your array of joined clubs — could be a way for colleges to more accurately determine your abilities. If you make a mistake or don’t follow directions you risk getting laid off. I believe that the fault isn’t that students don’t want to take in part time jobs it's the fault of colleges not valuing them enough even though they are more informative than clubs.

— Divine, Groton, Connecticut

But many felt that being a high school student was already too stressful, and said their limited free time was better spent enjoying their childhoods.

As much as I agree with the writer, I don’t think that having a job is necessary … School is already hard enough, and there is always homework to think about. Then on top of that, you have a job that might not be that easy. It leaves the question, when are we supposed to have the time to be human? Or do the things that we like to do?

— Kate, Union High School, Vancouver Wa

As a dedicated student, an avid volleyball player, and someone who gets overwhelmed easily, I would struggle with a part-time job. Most days, I spend around 12 hours at school, completing the school day and then staying after for volleyball practice or games. Therefore, I get home at 6:30 PM at the earliest and sometimes 10:00 PM if a game drags out. After this, I have the workload of 4 AP classes to deal with while trying to maintain a decent sleep schedule. My weekends are spent playing in volleyball tournaments and catching up on work from the week. Already, I have little to no free time. Any more time I have squeezed in is spent doing activities I enjoy like volunteering and spending time with my family …

I believe that childhood should be spent engaging in activities with our peers, and less with adults. By having a part-time job, teenagers are taught useful life skills, but they are also robbed of time possibly spent on other extracurricular activities. Most of us will work for the greater part of our lives, so why start early?

— Emilie, Carmichael, California

As a 17-turning-18-year-old, some of my fondest memories come from my high school experiences. Whether it be going to the mall with my friends on the weekend, or staying back after school to do homework together, I would argue that deepening relationships with friends is far more important for blossoming teens than work experience is … These youthful years are the most precious years of our lives. High-schoolers should focus on being children and students first and foremost: the growing-up can come later.

— Gwen-Zoe, California

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IELTS Essay Sample Answer # Part-Time Work

You should spend 40 minutes on this task. Some people believe it is a good idea for students to work part time to ensure better opportunities in future. Others are of the opinion, job during study distracts the individual. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Write at least 250 words.


Part-time job is the kind of work a person does for a fewer hours per week allowing an individual to explore different other aspects of his or her character. While in many countries it is common for students to work part time allowing them the freedom to learn their course practically, allowing better knowledge about their subject. Some people are of the opinion, that a job during the student years take away the time and attention required during education.

Doing a part time job while studying surely ensures a more practical knowledge about a subject to the student. For example, a student doing a course on mechanical engineering is more likely to know about what he or she is studying when they get to work on the real tools in real life scenario. Even more, part time jobs allow students to become more independent. Most students are seen to save money from their part time jobs for their graduation.

However, odd jobs are very tough to handle for students. They need to focus not only on their studies but also work, leaving them drained off, with no social life. It has been even observed that some student leave their education to work, while in many cases there have been positive results, in many the students were left with neither a good job nor a better education.

Overall, part time jobs offer more exposure to the students about their subjects, if chosen wrongly, it can leave the person drained off to pursue other plans. In my opinion, an individual should do a part time job, but it should always be something that he or she loves to do and enhances their personality.


Most of the successful companies that we have today in our world, from Apple to Microsoft, the successful people that we cherish, from Shahrukh Khan to Kangana Ranaut, started with what they do as part time job. It was when they realized that they have fallen in love with this work, that they did actually made it big. Many people are of the opinion that part time jobs allow an individual to explore his or interest early in life while others believe that more often a part time jobs leave the person drained off to pursue future plans.

Odd jobs surely help an individual to grow, to perform better and work on the different skills that he or she has. For example, a person may like writing, but when he or she starts working as a part time writer they get to know the seriousness of their interest. It becomes much more easier for them to make a choice of career later in life because they have already become aware of their potential. Even more, a part time job, allows a person to learn different aspects of life, like hard work, punctuality, discipline which may or may not directly affect their lives.

However, if done in a wrong way, often leads to emaciation. Even more, part time job workers are not included in the health benefits and the other services that the company offers to its regular employees. Also, a part time job worker is less likely to get a promotion as compared to a regular worker. A student can find it difficult to focus on studies, sometimes skipping classes to fulfill the sleep that he or she missed. It could make up for a very stressful life for the student, when there entire focus should be on grasping knowledge.

In conclusion, nothing is perfect. Maintaining a job while studying is not what everyone can do. It demands lot of focus from the individual. One need to make sure that they learn things well in school, meanwhile maintaining a balanced work. However, in my opinion a person who is able to do it, is more likely to benefit more than his or her counter parts.

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Argumentative Essay Sample: High School Students Should Have a Part Time Job

As life is getting more expensive and teenagers yearn for independence, it would be a good compromise for high school students to get a part time job. Getting a part time job would allow students to learn responsibility, the value of money, and how the real world works. 

Firstly, getting a part time job in high school forces students to be responsible and learn how to balance their school life and their work life. As students are at school during the day and work part time at night, they will have to exhibit responsibility to be dedicated to both their commitments. As well, they need to develop good time management skills in order to not only attend work but find time to do their homework and study for school. Whatsmore, getting a job for the first time is not easy and students will have to learn the duties they must complete at work, how to work alongside co workers, interact with customers, and have a good attitude. With all this responsibility, students will undoubtedly need to know how to prioritize school and work. Though it will be a very difficult situation, there is no doubt that it will also give students more life experience and force them to be more adult-like as they now have newfound responsibilities they have to juggle. 

Secondly, working while in school let’s students learn the value of money. As students now work and make an earning, they can use this money to buy the things they otherwise would have bought with their parents' money. With a job of their own, students will learn firsthand how many hours of labour it costs them to buy the things they want, which will encourage them to spend their money more sensibly. Whatsmore, it will prompt students to open a bank account and divide their paycheck into a spending and savings account.    

Finally, if high school students have a part time job they can get work experience and learn more street smart skills. Students are in school for most of the day and are stuck in classrooms learning from a textbook. School mainly focuses on teaching kids academic knowledge such as math, english, science, and more. However, it is also important for students to hone skills that will help them in the real world after school, such as teamwork, communication, efficiency, productivity, management, and more. All of these street smart skills can be taught at a part time job for the first time, as instead of a classroom setting, you are in a hands on work environment. By working at McDonald’s, you can learn procedure, how to interact with customers, how to work productively, and how to work in unison with coworkers. As you can see, working teaches you a lot of things that school can’t. 

In conclusion, high school students should have a part time job because it will teach them how to be responsible, spend their money more wisely, and real life work skills. For students looking for a challenge and to earn some cash, it is highly recommended that they take on a part time job.

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Essay on Part-Time Jobs


A part-time job is a good way of spending one’s spare time as well as earning some extra money. Many people who hold part-time jobs do so to supplement their insufficient normal income. In this age of inflation and rising costs, this insufficiency is not surprising. Others may do part-time work because they love that particular kind of work. Yet others may have dreams of making it rich. Whatever the reasons, part-time jobs are available to those who care to take them.

Part-time jobs can be lucrative. Companies that deal with direct sales employ a lot of part-timers. They may be housewives, teachers, students, school-leavers, laborers or anyone who have the time, energy and drive to go around pushing the products. These direct-sales organizations sell mainly consumer products, like cosmetics, toiletries, casual-wear, and others. The employees are paid a commission for the number of goods sold. The more a person sells the greater the financial reward he will get.

Selling insurance is another popular part-time job. Anyone with a fast tongue and an amiable personality will do well in this line. Selling insurance is like selling any ordinary products. Instead of solid products, the customer is given a promise of security for the future. It is not easy to convince a person to part with his money for such an intangible thing as security, but persistence helps. I have a friend who has sold a ringgit worth of life-insurance, all done during the school holidays. It demanded great efforts and sacrifices on his part but I suppose he is more than compensated for his troubles.

Not everyone has this ‘gift of the gab.’ There are people who are terribly shy and can hardly converse with a stranger without blushing. For such a person, selling is not a job for him. He would be better off doing a job that demands the minimum of interaction with strangers.

Working as a temporary clerk would be suitable for an introvert. There are such jobs available almost daily. All one has to do is to refer to the classified advertisements section of – a newspaper to find them.

For the more physical person, there is always the possibility of doing temporary work with construction, firm. The pay is good, even fora no-experience laborer: However, the work is tough. It entails long hours at the mercy of the weather. However, it is particularly rewarding for anyone who intends to get into the construction line. Experience at the lowest level will serve him well later. He learns what hardship is.

Without the necessary muscles and endurance, a person would be better off away from construction work. A less demanding form of part-time work is as a counter salesclerk in one of the many stores and supermarkets in towns and cities. The job involves looking after the customers with their purchases. Unlike direct-sales, there is not much need to convince a customer. He is ready to buy. All the salesclerk has to do is to help him along. A little courtesy goes a long way.

Yet there are others who are contented with simple part-time jobs like babysitting and washing cars for the neighbors. Also, the demand for tutors is over increasing among well-to-do families. So it can be worthwhile to find out about such opportunities in various housing estates. Teaching little kids about simple things like writing and arithmetic cannot be too tough. A bit of patience is al! That needed.

Whatever part-time jobs that one may do, the experience of working it invaluable this is especially true for students who will leave school one day and take up permanent jobs.

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Congratulations on getting your degree. Now welcome to a tricky job market.

Closeup of a 2024 Graduation Tassel at a graduation ceremony

College seniors will don graduation gowns this month before jumping into a job market that isn’t quite as hungry for their diplomas as it is for skills learned outside of four-year schools.

Employers added 175,000 jobs in April , the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday, below analysts’ expectations and a sign that hiring is slowing down across the economy. Some of the strongest gains were in health care, retail and the transportation and warehousing sector — industries where part-time and nondegree roles are plentiful.

“Not every sector is hiring that a new college grad would want to target based on their education level,” Nela Richardson, chief economist at the private payroll processor ADP, told reporters on Wednesday.

Her remarks came on the heels of ADP’s own report this week that found that the biggest private-sector job growth was in leisure and hospitality, construction and several other fields that don’t often require college credentials.

The heavily white-collar information sector, on the other hand, which includes many roles in media and technology, posted job losses and the slowest pay gains since summer 2021, ADP found.

Meanwhile, Friday’s BLS data showed that the number of people employed part-time because their hours had been reduced or they were unable to find full-time jobs ticked up slightly to 4.5 million in April, higher than the 3.9 million level a year ago.

“I don’t think that’s the dream of many college students — to graduate and go part-time immediately,” Richardson said.

Compared with today, the past few graduating classes found “the opportunities were very plentiful,” said Guy Berger, director of economic research at the Burning Glass Institute, a labor market research group. “Employers were falling over themselves to hire them.” Since then, he said, “It’s gotten more challenging for sure.”

A federal survey released this week revealed that total job openings had slowed to a three-year low in March, while total job separations — including quits, layoffs and discharges — decreased by nearly 340,000.

More than 40% of college seniors said they planned to pursue freelance or gig work after walking across the stage, a recent survey by the job marketplace Handshake found. Almost a third expected to do so on top of a full-time role.

While that isn’t exactly a new trend among fresh grads, who often cobble together multiple income streams in their first year or two out of school, it could signal that they’re bracing for a tough long-term job search. It’s something of a silver lining that part-time hiring is still going strong.

Experts said there may be others, too. As layoffs in tech and elsewhere continue, skill vacuums in sectors like health care might create new opportunities to excel quickly, Berger said.

After the 2008-09 financial crisis, “You started seeing a lot of the MBAs [and] Ph.D.s previously going into finance start drifting toward tech,” he said. “The key question is whether we start seeing the reverse, where that talent that was really flowing to tech starts to show up in other sectors.”

The class of 2024 will need to be more nimble and should consider “retooling their skills and orientation toward sectors that are hiring,” Berger added.

That might include strengthening qualities beyond subject-area expertise: The top skills employers of all sizes are prioritizing among new hires include all-purpose basics, like “strong work ethic,” the ability to work on a team and strong interpersonal skills, according to a recent ADP survey .

Mark Hamrick, senior economic analyst at Bankrate, said “the keys for those who are graduating college — as well as members of the workforce aspiring to find new employment — are possessing the right skills, being in the right location and then, obviously, finding their way toward an enterprise organization where they can be a good fit.”

In other words, demand for white-collar workers may be softening , but the fundamentals of job searching still apply. And in any case, the hiring climate for new grads could be a whole lot worse — just ask the nearest millennial .

“The measures speak to a labor market that’s still relatively robust,” Hamrick said.

a part time job essay

J.J. McCorvey is a business and economy reporter for NBC News.

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Home & House Stagers in Elektrostal'

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Featured Reviews for Home & House Stagers in Elektrostal'

  • Reach out to the pro(s) you want, then share your vision to get the ball rolling.
  • Request and compare quotes, then hire the Home Stager that perfectly fits your project and budget limits.

A home stager is a professional who prepares a house for sale, aiming to attract more buyers and potentially secure a higher selling price. They achieve this through the following techniques:

  • Rearranging furniture to optimize space and functionality.
  • Decluttering to create a clean and spacious look.
  • Making repairs to address visible issues.
  • Enhancing aesthetics with artwork, accessories, and lighting.
  • Introducing new furnishings to update the style.

Their goal is to present the house in the best light. Home stagers in Elektrostal' help buyers envision themselves living there, increasing the chances of a successful sale.

  • Decluttering
  • Furniture Selection
  • Space Planning
  • Art Selection
  • Accessory Selection

Benefits of the home staging in Elektrostal':

  • Attractive and inviting: Staging creates a welcoming atmosphere for potential buyers.
  • Faster sale: Homes sell more quickly, reducing time on the market.
  • Higher sale price: Staging can lead to higher offers and appeal to a wider range of buyers.
  • Showcasing best features: Strategic arrangement highlights positives and minimizes flaws.
  • Stand out online: Staged homes capture attention in online listings.
  • Emotional connection: Staging creates a positive impression that resonates with buyers.
  • Easy visualization: Buyers can easily picture themselves living in a staged home.
  • Competitive advantage: Staging sets your home apart from others on the market.
  • Affordable investment: Cost-effective way to maximize selling potential and ROI.
  • Professional expertise: Experienced stagers ensure optimal presentation for attracting buyers.

What does an Elektrostal' home stager do?

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