Session 14 - Server-Side: HTTP and Apache Web Server Configuration

Harvard Extension School   Fall 2021

Course Web Site:

  • Webpage and Website Optimization
  • Web Browser and Web Server
  • HyperText Transfer Protocol
  • Apache HTTP Server
  • Caching - Don't deliver content unnecessarily
  • Typical Expiration / Cache Directives for Websites
  • Minify and Compress Content
  • Friendly Errors
  • Friendly Ways to Get There
  • HTTP Cookies
  • Search Engines and Optimization
  • HTML5 Boilerplate

Session 14 - Server-Side: HTTP and Apache Web Server Configuration, slide1 Webpage and Website Optimization, slide2 Web Browser and Web Server, slide3 Domain Name System, slide4 Domain Names: Top Level Domains (TLD), slide5 Getting Your Own Domain and Hosting, slide6 Web Server Software, slide7 HyperText Transfer Protocol, slide8 HTTP Overview, slide9 Looking at HTTP Under the Hood, slide10 HTTP Header: Host, slide11 HTTP/2, slide12 Apache HTTP Server, slide13 Apache Configuration Overview, slide14 Scope of .htaccess files, slide15 Problems You Will Have with .htaccess files, slide16 500 Internal Server Error, slide17 Problems You will encounter when using .htaccess files (Internal Server Error 500), slide18 Problems You will encounter when using .htaccess files (Can't see the .htaccess file), slide19 Apache Configuration Sections, slide20 Caching - Don't deliver content unnecessarily, slide21 Caching Related Headers, slide22 If-Modified-Since, slide23 Expires HTTP Header, slide24 Do not cache, slide25 Typical Expiration / Cache Directives for Websites, slide26 Minify and Compress Content, slide27 Compress Content, slide28 Does Compressing Help?, slide29 Friendly Errors, slide30 Custom Error Documents, slide31 Friendly Ways to Get There, slide32 HTTP Redirect, slide33 Redirect, slide34 Rewrite, slide35 Example - Make Simple Links Instead of Complex Ones, slide36 Example: Create Links that can always point to the correct place, slide37 URL Shortener Services, slide38 My Example Project - .htaccess setting to improve Webpagetest scores!, slide39 HTTP Cookies, slide40 Cookie Example, slide41 Cookies and Session IDs, slide42 Cookies and JavaScript, slide43 Search Engines and Optimization, slide44 Search Robots, Crawlers, Spiders, slide45 robots.txt and Examples, slide46 Robots meta element in markup, slide47 Content: meta tags, slide48 HTML5 Boilerplate, slide49

Presentation contains 49 slides

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Apache Web Server presentation with a demo of a port-based virtual host


Folders and files, repository files navigation, apache web server - introduction and basic configuration, what is apache web server.

Apache is a free and open-source web server that delivers web content through the internet.

Apache functions as a way to communicate over networks from client to server using the TCP/IP protocol. Apache can be used for a wide variety of protocols, but the most common is HTTP/S. HTTP/S or Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (S stands for Secure) is one of the main protocols on the web, and the one protocol Apache is most known for.

HTTP/S is used to define how messages are formatted and transmitted across the web, with instructions for browsers and servers on how to respond to various requests and commands. Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure is usually through port 443 with the unsecured protocol being through port 80.

The Apache server is configured via config files in which modules are used to control its behavior. By default, Apache listens to the IP addresses configured in its config files that are being requested. This is where one of Apaches many strengths come into play.

Features of Apache Web Server:

  • Handling of static files
  • Loadable dynamic modules
  • Auto-indexing
  • Compatible with IPv6
  • Supports HTTP/2
  • FTP connections
  • Gzip compression and decompression
  • Bandwidth throttling
  • Perl, PHP, Lua scripts
  • Load balancing
  • Session tracking
  • URL rewriting
  • Geolocation based on IP address
  • Multi platform - Linux, Windows, Mac (The only difference would be directory paths and installation processes)

Apache directives are a set of rules which define how your server should run, the number of clients that can access your server, etc. you can configure them by using the apache2.conf or httpd.conf files.

Here is a list of the available directives in the official Apache documentation .

Some of the most used directives are:

Server Name

The ServerName directive is used to define or set the name of your domain name or sub-domains.

The ServerName directive is optional and specifies what FQDN your site should answer to. The default virtual host has no ServerName directive specified, so it will respond to all requests that do not match a ServerName directive in another virtual host.

Listen is the directive used to define the port Apache listens on and also any specific IP address to listen on. If the IP address is not specified, Apache2 will listen to all IP addresses assigned to the machine it runs on.

By default, Apache listens on port 80, but you can define this to a nonstandard port if needed. You can also use Listen to define specific addresses that the server will accept connections from.

LoadModule is the directive used to inform the Apache server of a module to be loaded. A list with available modules can usually be found in the mods-available directory.

The ServerRoot directive sets the directory in which all the webserver's global configurations are defined and set.

Typically it will contain the subdirectories conf/ and logs/. Relative paths in other configuration directives (such as Include or LoadModule, for example) are taken as relative to this directory.

In Debian and Ubuntu it is /etc/apache2 and in RHEL-based distributions it is /etc/httpd. That’s where all the configuration for virtual hosts, modules, ports, envvars, etc. lives.


The DocumentRoot directive specifies where Apache2 should look for the files that are requested by the clients and the files which should be rendered and processed by the webserver. This is the directory from which Apache will read the contents that the visitor will access over the browser. Or in other words, this is the directory that forms the tree of directories that will be accessible over the web. The "DocumentRoot" option specifies where the content that is requested for this Virtual Host will be located.

The default value is /var/www/html, as specified in /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf.

This directive allows inclusion of other configuration files from within the server configuration files. This is very useful when you want to give access to the configuration of a website to a developer team or vendor employee, whithout giving them root access (becasue /etc requires root).

.htaccess file

An .htaccess file is used for an Apache web server as a way to configure the details of your website without altering the server configuration files. This file begins with a period to signify that it’s hidden within the folder. An .htaccess file can be used to load customized error pages (such as 404 pages), create URL redirects, implement password-protected authentication for specific directories on your server, and more.

It is not advised however to use .htaccess anymore. The following is a quote from the official Apache documentation of the .htaccess file :

You should avoid using .htaccess files completely if you have access to httpd main server config file. Using .htaccess files slows down your Apache http server. Any directive that you can include in a .htaccess file is better set in a Directory block, as it will have the same effect with better performance.

Virtual Hosts

Virtuals hosts allow a single server to host multiple websites or web applications. Each virtual host has its own separate configuration, allowing different domains or subdomains to be served independently. Virtual hosts are a crucial feature for efficiently managing and hosting multiple websites on a single server.

This is the most common type of virtual hosting. It relies on the HTTP Host header sent by the client's browser to determine which virtual host configuration to use. Multiple domains can share the same IP address, as long as they have different domain names.

Each virtual host has its own unique IP address. This method is less common and may be used when strict separation of websites is required, or when using older web browsers that don't support the Host header.

In this approach we use the same IP address and hostname, but the webistes listen on different ports.

Starting the port-based demo

Run docker-compose up -d to start the demo. You can then open localhost:8081 , localhost:8082 and/or localhost:8083 to see the port-based virtual hosts working. You can also play with the configuration in /conf and /www directories and the docker-compose file.

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May 8, 2019 By Jovan Hernandez

What is Apache? In-Depth Overview of Apache Web Server

What is apache web server.

Apache HTTP Server is a free and open-source web server that delivers web content through the internet. It is commonly referred to as Apache and after development, it quickly became the most popular HTTP client on the web. It’s widely thought that Apache gets its name from its development history and process of improvement through applied patches and modules but that was corrected back in 2000. It was revealed that the name originated from the respect of the Native American tribe for its resiliency and durability.

Now, before we get too in depth on Apache, we should first go over what a web application is and the standard architecture usually found in web apps.

Apache Web Application Architecture

Apache is just one component that is needed in a web application stack to deliver web content. One of the most common web application stacks involves LAMP, or Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP.

Linux is the operating system that handles the operations of the application. Apache is the web server that processes requests and serves web assets and content via HTTP. MySQL is the database that stores all your information in an easily queried format. PHP is the programming language that works with apache to help create dynamic web content.

While actual statistics may vary, it’s fair to say a large portion of web applications run on some form of the LAMP stack because it is easy to build and also free to use. For the most part, web applications tend to generally have similar architecture and structure even though they serve many different functions and purposes. Most web applications also benefit from Firewalls, Load Balancers, Web Servers, Content Delivery Networks, and Database Servers.

Firewalls help protect the web application from both external threats and internal vulnerabilities depending on where the firewalls are configured. Load Balancers help distribute traffic across the web servers which handle the HTTP(S) requests (this is where Apache comes in) and application servers (servers that handle the functionality and workload of the web app.) We also have Database Servers, which handle asset storage and backups. Depending on your infrastructure, your database and application can both live on the same server although it’s recommended to keep those separate.

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Web Server Landscape

The internet is comprised of many different technologies and not all of them are the same. While Apache is arguably one of the most popular web servers out there on the net, there are many other players and the landscape is always changing. Back in the late 90s and early 2000s, Apache’s dominance was very strong, serving over 50% of the internet's active websites. Microsoft's IIS (Internet Information Services) was also an option but not nearly as popular.

Today, Apache still serves a large portion of the active websites but their share of the field has shrunk from 50% to just under 40% as of 2018 and NGINX , a relatively new player to the web server playing field, is in second place with roughly 35% and Microsoft IIS hovering around 8-10%. Every year there’s a new crop of web applications with new stacks and servers so the landscape is always changing.

Why Apache Web Servers?

Apache is considered open source software, which means the original source code is freely available for viewing and collaboration. Being open source has made Apache very popular with developers who have built and configured their own modules to apply specific functionality and improve on its core features. Apache has been around since 1995 and is responsible as a core technology that helped spur the initial growth of the internet in its infancy.

One of the pros of Apache is its ability to handle large amounts of traffic with minimal configuration. It scales with ease and with its modular functionality at its core, you can configure Apache to do what you want, how you want it. You can also remove unwanted modules to make Apache more lightweight and efficient.

Some of the most popular modules that can be added are SSL, Server Side Programming Support (PHP), and Load Balancing configs to handle large amounts of traffic. Apache can also be deployed on Linux, MacOS, and Windows. If you learn how to configure Apache on Linux, you can administer Apache on Windows and Mac. The only difference would be directory paths and installation processes.

Features of Apache Web Server

  • Handling of static files
  • Loadable dynamic modules
  • Auto-indexing
  • Compatible with IPv6
  • Supports HTTP/2
  • FTP connections
  • Gzip compression and decompression
  • Bandwidth throttling
  • Perl, PHP, Lua scripts
  • Load balancing
  • Session tracking
  • URL rewriting
  • Geolocation based on IP address

How does Apache Web Server Work?

Apache functions as a way to communicate over networks from client to server using the TCP/IP protocol. Apache can be used for a wide variety of protocols, but the most common is HTTP/S. HTTP/S or Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (S stands for Secure) is one of the main protocols on the web, and the one protocol Apache is most known for.

HTTP/S is used to define how messages are formatted and transmitted across the web, with instructions for browsers and servers on how to respond to various requests and commands. Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure is usually through port 443 with the unsecured protocol being through port 80.

The Apache server is configured via config files in which modules are used to control its behavior. By default, Apache listens to the IP addresses configured in its config files that are being requested. This is where one of Apaches many strengths come into play.

With the Listen directive, Apache can accept and route specific traffic to certain ports and domains based on specific address-port combination requests. By default, Listen runs on port 80 but Apache can be bound to different ports for different domains, allowing for many different websites and domains to be hosted and a single server. You can have listening on port 80, on port 8080 and on port 443 using HTTPS all on Apache.

Once a message reaches its destination or recipient, it sends a notice, or ACK message, basically giving acknowledgment to the original sender that their data has successfully arrived. If there’s an error in receiving data, or some packets were lost in transit, the destination host or client sends a Not Acknowledged, or NAK message, to inform the sender that the data needs to be retransmitted.

Who Uses Apache Web Server?

Apache HTTP web servers are used by over 67% of all web servers in the world. Apache web servers are easy to customize environments, they’re fast, reliable, and highly secure. This makes Apache web servers a common choice by best-in-class companies.

Alternatives for Apache HTTP Server

While Apache web servers are very popular, they’re not the only web servers on the market. Below are a number of alternatives for Apache HTTP servers.

  • Apache Tomcat
  • Microsoft IIS

Apache HTTP Server vs Tomcat

Simply put, Apache HTTP server is a web server designed to serve static web pages. Whereas, Apache Tomcat is an application server built to serve java applications. Web pages can still be served through Apache Tomcat, but it will be less efficient than using an Apache HTTP server.

Conclusion: Apache Web Server

Throughout the last few decades, Apache has proven to be a staple in many popular stacks and the backbone of the early internet year. While it’s popularity is declining and the options of web server choices are increasing, Apache still plays a pivotal role in many technology stacks and companies system infrastructure. Even with new technologies and servers coming out nonstop, Apache is still a technology every developer should learn how to handle and configure.

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Jovan Hernandez

Jovan is a Cloud Security Engineer at Blackboard Insurance by day and freelance technical writer and consultant by night. Beginning his career at Apple as a Genius, he eventually found his way to NYC where he's spent the last 5 years wearing many hats from systems administrator to consultant. Jovan is passionate about automation, operations efficiency, user security, and streamlined workflows. Outside of work, Jovan enjoys photography, cooking, and film analysis.

More posts by Jovan Hernandez .

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Introduction to Web Servers

  • First Online: 10 October 2020

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This chapter introduces web servers, the services they provide, and how they work. This information is essential to web developers so they can make proper use of their web server and provide the best web experience to their users.

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Ashley, D. (2020). Introduction to Web Servers. In: Foundation Dynamic Web Pages with Python. Apress, Berkeley, CA.

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Published : 10 October 2020

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quick and dirty kevin g chege for afnog 2013 originally by joel jaeggli for afnog 2007

Apache Web Server

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Quick and Dirty Kevin G. Chege for AfNOG 2013 (Originally by Joel Jaeggli for AfNOG 2007) ‏. Apache Web Server. About Apache. Apache http server project Apache foundation started to support the web server project, but now extends to a multitude of other projects.

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Presentation Transcript

Quick and Dirty Kevin G. Chege for AfNOG 2013 (Originally by Joel Jaeggli for AfNOG 2007)‏ Apache Web Server

About Apache • Apache http server project • • Apache foundation started to support the web server project, but now extends to a multitude of other projects.

No. of websites

Top Server Market share from 1995 - 2013

Apache Installation on FreeBSD • Apache can be installed from Ports /usr/ports/www/apache22 • Can be installed from pkg_add • Or from source if one requires a more recent version than what's on FreeBSD source ports tree

File System Layout / var usr etc home local Apache Binaries www etc sbin apache22 nagios rc.d apache22 apache22 Apache Config Files data icons cgi-bin error Apache web files Apache startup script

Starting Apache • Startup script is/usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache22 • Take a look in startup script/usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache22 • Add apache22_enable="YES" to /etc/rc.conf • Run/usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache22 start • Restart $ sudo apachectl restart

Apache features • Unix Threading • On Unix systems with POSIX threads support, Apache can now run in a hybrid multiprocess, multithreaded mode. This improves scalability for many, but not all configurations. • IPv6 Support • On systems where IPv6 is supported by the underlying Apache Portable Runtime library, Apache gets IPv6 listening sockets by default. • Multilanguage Error Responses • Error response messages to the browser are now provided in several languages, using SSI documents • Simplified configuration • Native Windows NT Unicode Support • More at:

Apache SSL • Secure Socket Layer (SSL) port is 443 • SSL is important to protect communication between client browser and web-server • Requires the creation of SSL certificates and Certificate Signing Requests (CSR) • For integrity, SSL certificates are signed by a Certificate Authority’s (CA) such as Verisign • Self signed Certificates will also work but your browser will not trust it and will give a warning to users (which most don’t read) • Refer to the Creating SSL Certificate Exercise Section

How SSL Works • Each SSL certificate has a Public and Private key • The Public Key is used to encrypt the information • The Public Key is accessible to everyone • The private Key is used to decipher the information • The private should be not be disclosed

Role of Certificate Authority • There are a number of CA that certify certificates • Most browsers have pre-included public Keys from the CA’s • A CA certified certificate will have validation information signed by the CA’s private key • The browser will decrypt the validation information using the public key and verify that the certificate is certified by the CA • If this fails a warning is given

Virtual Hosting • Apache Provides multiple options of virtual hosting and scales • Name Based virtual hosts • IP Based Virtual Hosts • Aliases • Its recommended to use name based virtual hosting over IP based hosting in virtual hosting configuration • Refer to virtual hosting Exercise section

Installing PHP & Mysql • PHP and Mysql implementations have increased driven mainly by development requests • LAMP and WAMP are the most common implementations • FreeBSD = “FAMP” ? • Installation via ports and relatively straight forward • See PHP & Mysql installation exercise section

Apache and IPv6 • Apache supports IPv4 and IPv6 by default • Set the listen option to port 80 will listen for both IPv4 and IPv6 • listen option with IPv4 and IPv6 specific addresses will invoke different sockets for each protocol Listen 196.200.219.xx:80 Listen [2001:4348:0:219:196:200:219:xx]:80 • Refer to IPv6 & php test exercise

Start Apache! • /usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache22 start • Check that you can access http://your.ip.add.ress in your browser • Check that you can access https://your.ip.add.ress in your browser, and that you get a certificate warning • Click on the padlock icon in your browser and check that the certificate details are correct

Apache implementations • Apache is widely used to serve many content applications • Webmail, Blogs, Wiki’s, CMS etc

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Tomcat Home

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Support Apache


Apache Tomcat ® features regularly at ApacheCon and other conferences. Copies of many of these presentations are freely available online. This page provides links to these presentations where known. If you are aware of additional presentations then please do let us know via the Tomcat Users mailing list .

Future Topics

The following suggestions have been received for future presentation topics. To add your idea to the list, e-mail the Tomcat users mailing list .

  • how to set up Tomcat so as to make upgrades easier
  • the relationship between Tomcat and the Java Servlet Specification
  • for sysadmins : how to set up Tomcat logging
  • tools and formulas for tuning Tomcat for specific load scenarios
  • when and how to generate heap dumps, and how to (roughly) interpret them

Community Over Code Asia 2023

  • Tomcat's technical insider and practice in the Himalayas - Rongxin Peng, slides , video (Chinese)
  • GraalVM static compilation in web container application - Zihao Rao, slides , video (Chinese)
  • How to participate in Tomcat community - Han Li, slides , video (Chinese)
  • Best Practices for Rapidly Locating Tomcat Issues Using APM Toolchain - Cheng Chen, slides , video (Chinese)
  • Securing Tomcat - Dennis Jacob, slides , video

ApacheCon North America 2022

We have videos from this event, but the audio is not good quality. We are working to see if we can improve the audio before posting the videos.

  • New and Upcoming - Rémy Maucherat, slides
  • HTTP/2, HTTP/3 and TLS State of the Art in our Servers - Jean-Frederic Clere, slides
  • Panama: A case study with OpenSSL and Tomcat - Rémy Maucherat, slides
  • Automating your Tomcat with Ansible - Coty Sutherland slides
  • Proxing to Tomcat with httpd - Jean-Frederic Clere, slides
  • Migrating from AJP to HTTP: It's About Time - Christopher Schultz, slides

ApacheCon Asia 2022

  • State of the Cat - Mark Thomas, slides , video
  • Design and implementation of application graceful shutdown based on Tomcat - Zihao Rao, slides , video (Chinese)
  • Extending Valves in Tomcat - Dennis Jacob, slides , video
  • The application practice of Tomcat in Kuaishou - Yang Song, slides , video (Chinese)
  • Jakarta EE - Mark Thomas, slides , video
  • How we use and optimize Tomcat at Alibaba - Huxing Zhang, slides , video

ApacheCon @Home 2021

  • New and Upcoming - Rémy Maucherat, video
  • HTTP/2, HTTP/3 and TLS State of the Art in our Servers - Jean-Frederic Clere, video
  • Enabling FIPS for Tomcat - Amit Pande, video
  • Proxing to Tomcat with httpd - Jean-Frederic Clere, video
  • Debugging complex issues in web applications - Mark Thomas, slides , video
  • From a Cluster to a Cloud - Jean-Frederic Clere, video
  • Enabling Scripting Languages in JSPs - Rony G. Flatscher, video

ApacheCon Asia 2021

  • Debugging complex issues in web applications - Mark Thomas, slides , audio , video
  • Using Alibaba Arthas for Tomcat Diagnostics - 泮圣伟, video (Chinese)
  • Mtop: Highly Concurrency and Highly Reliable API Gateway based on Tomcat - Xinwei Wu, video (Chinese)

ApacheCon @Home 2020

  • Lost in the Docs - Felix Schumacher, slides , video
  • Deploying a Production Instance - Andrew Carr, video
  • HTTP/2, HTTP/3, and SSL/TLS State of the Art in our Servers (httpd, Traffic Server, and Tomcat) - Jean-Frederic Clere, video
  • Split your Tomcat Installation for Easier Upgrades - Christopher Schultz, slides , video
  • Tomcat: New and Upcoming - Rémy Maucherat, video
  • Reverse-Proxying with nginx - Igal Sapir, video
  • Tomcat: From a Cluster to a Cloud - Jean-Frederic Clere, video
  • Migrating from AJP to HTTP: It's About Time - Christopher Schultz, slides , video
  • Tomcat 10 and Jakarta EE - Mark Thomas, video
  • Getting Started Hacking Tomcat - Christopher Schultz, slides , video
  • Apache Tomcat and Spring Boot - Andrew Carr, video
  • Openly Handling Security Vulnerabilities (Q&A/Panel) - Mark Thomas, Christopher Schultz, Coty Sutherland, slides , video

Webinar Series 2020

  • Tomcat 10 and Jakarta EE 9 - Mark Thomas, video

ApacheCon Europe 2019

  • State of the Cat - Mark Thomas, video
  • New and upcoming - Rémy Maucherat, slides , video
  • Apache Tomcat - lost in the docs - Felix Schumacher, slides , video
  • Apache Tomcat, your webapp and the Graal - Rémy Maucherat, slides , video
  • HTTP/2, HTTP/3 and SSL/TLS State of Art in Our Servers - Jean-Frederic Clere, slides , video
  • Tomcat from a cluster to a cloud - Jean-Frederic Clere, slides , video

ApacheCon NA 2019

  • State of the Cat, New ! - Rémy Maucherat, slides , video
  • Let's Encrypt Apache Tomcat - Christopher Schultz, slides , video
  • Tips for Debugging Tomcat and Web Applications - Coty Sutherland, slides , video
  • Serving Clean URLs via Custom Internet Media Types on Tomcat - Garret Wilson, video
  • Locking-Down Apache Tomcat - Christopher Schultz, slides , video
  • Apache Tomcat, your webapp, and the Graal - Rémy Maucherat, slides , video
  • Packaging Tomcat for Linux Distributions - Coty Sutherland, slides , video
  • Apache Tomcat / HTTPD Configuration Management - Steve Sanders, video
  • I Love Lucee - Igal Sapir, video
  • Apache httpd reverse proxy and Tomcat - Jean-Frederic Clere, slides , video

ApacheCon NA 2018

  • State of the Cat - Mark Thomas, slides , audio
  • New and Upcoming - Rémy Maucherat, slides , audio
  • Let's Encrypt Apache Tomcat - Christopher Schultz, slides , sample code , audio
  • HTTP/2 and SSL/TLS State of Art in Our Servers - Jean-Frederic Clere, slides , audio
  • Apache httpd reverse proxy and Tomcat - Jim Jagielski, audio
  • Routing CDN traffic at scale using Apache Tomcat - Jeff Elsloo, audio
  • The Anatomy of a Secure Java Web Application Using Apache Fortress - Shawn McKinney, slides , audio
  • Deep dive into Tomcat Clustering - Keiichi Fujino, slides , audio
  • Improving NIO2 (and Tomcat) - Rémy Maucherat, slides , audio
  • Tomcat: From a cluster to the cloud - Jean-Frederic Clere, slides , audio
  • Tomcat Monitoring Alternatives, Pros and Cons - Charlie Arehart, slides , audio
  • Monitoring production webapps running in apache tomcat with MoSKito - Leon Rosenbergt, slides , audio

ApacheCon EU Roadshow 2018

  • State of the Cat - Mark Thomas, slides
  • Performance Troubleshooting using Java Thread Dumps - Rainer Jung, slides
  • Apache Web Server 2.4 - 10 Must-know Configuration Features - Rainer Jung, slides
  • Reactive Applications on Apache Tomcat - Violeta Georgieva, slides

TomcatCon London 2017

  • State of the Cat - Mark Thomas, slides , slides + audio
  • New and upcoming - Rémy Maucherat, slides , slides + audio
  • Reverse Proxies, Load-Balancing & Clustering - Part 1 - Mark Thomas, slides , slides + audio
  • Reverse Proxies, Load-Balancing & Clustering - Part 2 - Mark Thomas, slides , slides + audio
  • Tomcat from the Cluster to the Cloud - Jean-Frederic Clere, slides

Webinar Series 2017

  • Tomcat and MoSKito (Leon Rosenberg) video

TomcatCon Miami 2017

  • Seamless Upgrades for Credential Security in Apache Tomcat - Christopher Schultz, slides , sample code , audio
  • Introduction to Tomcat and TLS - Mark Thomas, slides , audio
  • Securing Tomcat for your environment - Mark Thomas, slides , audio
  • Tomcat and Proxies - Jean-Frederic Clere, slides , audio
  • Load balancing - Mark Thomas, slides , audio
  • Tomcat Clustering - Keiichi Fujino, slides , audio
  • The Challenges Tomcat Faces in High Throughput Production System - Huxing Zhang, slides , audio
  • Using OpenSSL to Boost JSSE in Tomcat - Jean-Frederic Clere, slides
  • How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Open Source - David Cleary, slides , video
  • Introduction to Spring Boot - Rossen Stoyanchev, video
  • ASF Loves Tomcat and JavaEE: From Meecrowave to TomEE - Romain Manni-Bucau, slides , video
  • Jwala - Apache Tomcat and HTTPD Enterprise Manager - Steven Ger & Arvindo Kinny, slides , video
  • From a Cluster to the Cloud - Jean-Frederic Clere, slides , video
  • Wrap up - Mark Thomas, slides , video

ApacheCon 2016

  • Seamless Upgrades for Credential Security in Apache Tomcat - Christopher Schultz, slides
  • Monitoring Apache Tomcat with JMX - Christopher Schultz, slides

Webinar Series 2016

  • Connector selection: BIO vs NIO vs NIO2 vs APR (markt) video
  • TLS key/certificate generation (markt) video , script
  • Introducing Apache Tomcat 8.5 (markt) video

Webinar Series 2015

  • Tomcat 9: HTTP/2 Quick Start (markt), video
  • TLS Virtual Hosting (markt), video

ApacheCon 2015

  • Tomcat Clustering: Part 1 - Reverse Proxies (markt), slides
  • Tomcat Clustering: Part 2 - Load-balancing (markt), slides
  • Tomcat Clustering: Part 3 - Clustering (markt), slides
  • Load-balancing Tomcat with mod_jk - Christopher Schultz, slides

ApacheCon 2014

  • Apache Tomcat and SSL – Mark Thomas, slides , audio
  • Monitoring Apache Tomcat – Christopher Schultz, slides , audio
  • Migrating to Apache Tomcat 8 – Mark Thomas, slides , audio
  • Connecting Tomcat to the World: Performance and other considerations when selecting a Tomcat connector – Christopher Schultz, Jean-Frederic Clere, slides not available, audio
  • A Practical use of Servlet 3.1: Implementing WebSocket – Mark Thomas, slides , audio

Java One, September 2013 (San Francisco)

  • Building WebSocket 1.0 on Servlet 3.1 (markt) pdf

Pivotal Open Source Hub, September 2013 (San Francisco)

  • Apache Tomcat 8 (markt) pdf

ApacheCon North America, February 2013 (Portland)

  • Apache Tomcat Clustering (markt) video , pdf
  • Apache Tomcat 8 update (markt) video , pdf
  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Security Vulnerability Reports from the Apache Tomcat project (markt) video , pdf
  • Monitoring Apache Tomcat and the Apache Web Server (rjung) video
  • Continuous Delivery with Maven, Puppet and Tomcat (Carlos Sanchez) video

ApacheCon Europe, October 2012 (Sinsheim)

  • Apache Tomcat 8 Preview (markt) pdf
  • Apache Tomcat Reverse Proxies (markt) pdf , notes (rjung)

JavaOne, September 2010 (San Francisco)

  • Memory Leaks (markt) pdf

apache web server presentation

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  • Apache Traffic Server
  • Apache Traffic Control

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Downloading the Apache HTTP Server ¶

Use the links below to download the Apache HTTP Server from our download servers. You must verify the integrity of the downloaded files using signatures downloaded from our main distribution directory. The signatures can be verified with our KEYS file.

Only current recommended releases are available on the main distribution site. Historical releases, including the 1.3, 2.0 and 2.2 families of releases, are available from the archive download site .

Apache httpd for Microsoft Windows is available from a number of third party vendors .

Stable Release - Latest Version:

  • 2.4.59 (released 2024-04-04)

If you are downloading the Win32 distribution, please read these important notes .

Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 (httpd): 2.4.59 is the latest available version 2024-04-04 ¶

The Apache HTTP Server Project is pleased to announce the release of version 2.4.59 of the Apache HTTP Server ("Apache" and "httpd"). This version of Apache is our latest GA release of the new generation 2.4.x branch of Apache HTTPD and represents fifteen years of innovation by the project, and is recommended over all previous releases!

For details, see the Official Announcement and the CHANGES_2.4 and CHANGES_2.4.59 lists.

Source: httpd-2.4.59.tar.bz2 [ PGP ] [ SHA256 ] [ SHA512 ]

Source: httpd-2.4.59.tar.gz [ PGP ] [ SHA256 ] [ SHA512 ]

Security and official patches

Other files

Files for Microsoft Windows

Apache mod_fcgid FastCGI module for Apache HTTP Server released as 2.3.9 2013-10-08 ¶

The Apache Software Foundation and the Apache HTTP Server Project are pleased to announce the release of version 2.3.9 of mod_fcgid, a FastCGI implementation for Apache HTTP Server versions 2.2 and 2.4. This version of mod_fcgid is a security release.

For information about this module subproject, see the mod_fcgid module project page .

Source as gzip with LF line endings: mod_fcgid-2.3.9.tar.gz [ PGP ] [ MD5 ] [ SHA1 ]

Source as bz2 with LF line endings: mod_fcgid-2.3.9.tar.bz2 [ PGP ] [ MD5 ] [ SHA1 ]

Win32, Netware or OS/2 Source with CR/LF line endings: [ PGP ] [ MD5 ] [ SHA1 ]

Apache FTP module for Apache HTTP Server released as 0.9.6-beta 2008-10-08 ¶

The Apache HTTP Server Project is pleased to announce the release of Apache FTP module for Apache HTTP Server, version 0.9.6 as beta.

Users are encouraged to test and provide feedback on this beta release. For information about this module subproject, see the mod_ftp module project page .

Source with LF line endings (bzip2 compressed): mod_ftp-0.9.6-beta.tar.bz2 [ PGP ] [ SHA1 ] [ MD5 ]

Source with LF line endings (gzip compressed): mod_ftp-0.9.6-beta.tar.gz [ PGP ] [ SHA1 ] [ MD5 ]

Win32, Netware or OS/2 Source with CR/LF line endings: [ PGP ] [ SHA1 ] [ MD5 ]

Verify the integrity of the files ¶

It is essential that you verify the integrity of the downloaded files using the PGP or SHA signatures. Please read Verifying Apache HTTP Server Releases for more information on why you should verify our releases and how to do it.

Copyright © 1997-2024 The Apache Software Foundation. Apache HTTP Server, Apache, and the Apache feather logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.


  1. PPT

    apache web server presentation

  2. PPT

    apache web server presentation

  3. PPT

    apache web server presentation

  4. PPT

    apache web server presentation

  5. Serveur Apache : Guide Complet Pour Débutant (2023)

    apache web server presentation

  6. PPT

    apache web server presentation


  1. Deploy a Apache Web Server onto An AWS EC2 Instance

  2. Install Web Server Apache, PHP, MySQL di Ubuntu

  3. Apache HTTP / Web-Server with PHP

  4. Apache web server basics tutorial (Tamil)

  5. Apache web server tutorial

  6. Creating PHP Apache Server #shorts


  1. Slide 1

    Session 14 - Server-Side: HTTP and Apache Web Server Configuration. Harvard Extension School Fall 2021 Course Web Site:

  2. Apache web server

    May 16, 2017 • Download as PPTX, PDF •. 2 likes • 3,846 views. R. Rishabh Bahukhandi. Apache Web Server Description. Technology. 1 of 21. Download now. Apache web server - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

  3. Apache web server

    5. Apache is the web server that processes requests and serves web assets and content via HTTP. Linux is the operating system that handles the operations of the application. Load Balancers help distribute traffic across the web servers which handle the HTTP(S) requests (this is where Apache comes in) and application servers (servers that handle the functionality and workload of the web app.)

  4. GitHub

    Apache is a free and open-source web server that delivers web content through the internet. Apache functions as a way to communicate over networks from client to server using the TCP/IP protocol.

  5. What is Apache? In-Depth Overview of Apache Web Server

    Apache HTTP Server is a free and open-source web server that delivers web content through the internet. It is commonly referred to as Apache and after development, it quickly became the most popular HTTP client on the web. It's widely thought that Apache gets its name from its development history and process of improvement through applied ...

  6. PPT

    1.05k likes | 2.85k Views. APACHE WEB SERVER. Presented by Lonnye Bower Fardin Khan Chris Orona. Introduction and Installation of Apache Server. Note: Images courtesy of Introduction to Apache. Apache is a web server package that works under Linux as well as under other operating systems. Download Presentation.

  7. PDF Apache Web Server 2.4

    © 2018 kippdata informationstechnologie GmbH 2 Apache Web Server 2.4 - 10 Must-know Configuration Features Introduction Rainer Jung, kippdata GmbH Committer and ...

  8. Welcome!

    The Apache HTTP Server ("httpd") was launched in 1995 and it has been the most popular web server on the Internet since April 1996. It has celebrated its 25th birthday as a project in February 2020. The Apache HTTP Server is a project of The Apache Software Foundation. Apache httpd 2.4.59 Released 2024-04-04 ¶

  9. About the Apache HTTP Server Project

    The Apache HTTP Server Project is a collaborative software development effort aimed at creating a robust, commercial-grade, featureful, and freely-available source code implementation of an HTTP (Web) server. The project is jointly managed by a group of volunteers located around the world, using the Internet and the Web to communicate, plan ...

  10. Getting Started

    A client (e.g., a web browser) connects to a server (e.g., your Apache HTTP Server), with the specified protocol, and makes a request for a resource using the URL-path. The URL-path may represent any number of things on the server. It may be a file (like getting-started.html) a handler (like server-status) or some kind of program file (like ...


    This 3-day course provides an overview of installing, configuring, and administering the Apache Web Server on Linux. It covers topics such as installing and configuring Apache, adding security, supporting dynamic and virtual hosting, using proxies and firewalls, and monitoring and improving performance. Participants should have prior Linux ...


    Presentation transcript: 1 APACHE WEB SERVER. 2 Apache An open source web server. Mostly for Unix, Linux and Solaris platforms Apache is the most popular web server on the net. It is very secure, fast, and reliable. The name "Apache" derives from the word "patchy" that the Apache developers used to describe early versions of their software.

  13. Complete Apache HTTP Server Course

    The course is aimed to teach Apache webserver administration for Linux admins who wish to develop their skills with a new wanted skill. this course take you from the basic web serverconcept to the advanced topics in Apache. So we are going to start with: What is web server? Http protocol. Install and configure apache.

  14. PDF Introduction to Web Servers

    The Apache Web Server The Apache web server (today this is known formally as the HTTP Server) dates back to the mid-1990s when it started gaining widespread use. The web server is a project of the Apache Software Foundation, which manages several projects. There are currently more than 200 million lines of code managed by the foundation for the ...


    What is apache httpd server? Apache HTTPD provides the service with which the client Web browsers communicate. The daemon runs in the background on your server and waits for requests from clients. Web browsers connect to the HTTP daemon and send requests, which the daemon interprets, sending back the appropriate data.

  16. Tomcat vs. Apache HTTP Server: What's the difference?

    Key difference between Tomcat and the Apache HTTP Server. There are many ways to compare Tomcat vs. the Apache HTTP Server, but the fundamental difference is that Tomcat provides dynamic content by employing Java-based logic, while the Apache web server's primary purpose is to simply serve up static content such as HTML, images, audio and text ...

  17. Apache ppt

    The presentation underscores the strategic advantage of treating design systems not just as technical assets but as vital business components that require thoughtful management, robust planning, and strategic alignment with organizational goals. ... The Apache HTTP Server is web server software notable for playing a key role in the initial ...

  18. Apache vs Nginx: Detailed Comparison {+Infographic}

    What Is Apache? The Apache HTTP Server is an open-source web server developed by the Apache Software Foundation. It was initially designed as a process-based web server.However, as of version 2.0 and the introduction of Multi-Processing Modules, Apache can be configured as a process-based and threaded server.Apache's modular architecture also allows for features such as modular protocol handling.

  19. Introduction to Web Servers

    Introduction. A web server's primary role is to serve web pages for a website. A web page can be rendered from a single HTML file, or a complex assortment of resources fitted together. If you want to host your web application on the internet, in many cases you will need a web server. One of the most common use cases for web servers is serving ...

  20. PPT

    APACHE WEB SERVER. APACHE WEB SERVER. Presented by Lonnye Bower Fardin Khan Chris Orona. Introduction and Installation of Apache Server. Note: Images courtesy of Introduction to Apache. Apache is a web server package that works under Linux as well as under other operating systems. 2.85k views • 32 slides

  21. Apache Tomcat®

    The following suggestions have been received for future presentation topics. To add your idea to the list, e-mail the Tomcat users mailing list. ... Apache Web Server 2.4 - 10 Must-know Configuration Features - Rainer Jung, slides; Reactive Applications on Apache Tomcat - Violeta Georgieva, slides;

  22. Web Servers (ppt)

    For web developer this presentation is very helpful as it provide useful knowledge of the latest web technology that is ASP.NET Introduction to ASP.NET. ... Table 4.3 Built-in handlers in Apache server and default file extension Web Protocols and Practice WEB CLIENTS Send the file as static content Send the file as an HTTP response message ...

  23. Download

    Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 (httpd): 2.4.59 is the latest available version 2024-04-04 ...