Customer Success Presentations: How to Create Decks That Will Wow Your Customers and Drive Upsell and Retention

Customer Success Presentations: How to Create Decks That Will Wow Your Customers and Drive Upsell and Retention

In a world where experience often is just as important as results, customer satisfaction is no longer enough to find success in an increasingly competitive market. Instead, the focus has turned toward customer success. According to Forrester Research, 72 percent of businesses now say that improving customer success is their top priority.

What is customer success? Let’s start with what it isn’t. Unlike customer satisfaction, customer success is not a measure of how well a product or service meets customer expectations.

Customer success occurs when client expectations are met through their interactions with a company. They might love a product but despise the customer experience, which definitely can impact repeat business.

In fact, a Zendesk report found that 96 percent of customers are likely to change their behavior after a bad customer experience, including 59 percent who said they would stop buying from the company. Perhaps even more concerning, 39 percent said their buying behavior would remain changed more than two years after the negative incident.

“The focus is on all of the interactions your customer has with your company; starting at the earliest touchpoints of marketing and sales, moving through closing and onboarding, and continuing through their entire lifecycle with you,” wrote customer success consultant Lincoln Murphy, author of, “Customer Success Book.”

As a result of its increased importance, customer success strategies have become a primary focus among businesses large and small. In what ways can the company increase its customer success rates to sell more and reduce churn? Then, what is the best way to communicate this all-important strategy to internal and external clients?

Want to design a stellar customer success presentation? Wondering how to best present a customer success strategy? Check out the following five ways to create decks that will wow your customers, drive upsell and boost retention:

1. Create a consistent experience

It’s no secret that any business wants its customers to be satisfied with their experience. Without satisfied customers, no company will meet success— and it’s not enough to provide a positive experience part of the time. 

A customer often will form their opinion of a company based on their worst experiences, even if they are few and far between. Since 60 percent of customers told Salesforce that inconsistent experiences were enough for them to switch brands, consistent satisfaction and positive experiences are necessary for true customer success.

Likewise, the strategies featured in effective customer success presentation examples must consistently support a primary goal. Even inexperienced presentation designers can create a consistent slide deck by starting off with one of’s various presentation templates , already curated by our skilled artists to support all sorts of goals and objectives.

2. Make it personal

Customers want to feel valued, and therefore personalizing every interaction is key to customer success. What does that customer hope to get from the company? Satisfying someone else’s goals won’t improve the relationship with any customer. Likewise, be sure that your customer success story presentation speaks to a variety of customer expectations.

Of course, if you’re spending time catering your message to a variety of customers, you’ll want to ensure you aren’t wasting time communicating with people who are unlikely to be your customers regardless of their experiences. After all, a company that sells largely to a teen market would be wasting valuable time and resources customizing its strategies to satisfy Baby Boomer expectations.

3. Include social proof

Long before Facebook was a mere glint in Mark Zuckerberg’s eye, before Tom had us picking our top friends for Myspace, even before the phrase, “social media” meant anything, back when the Internet was still like something from science fiction, social proof was an enormous buying factor among most consumers. 

If you don’t recall hearing much about it, just replace it with customer testimonials and word-of-mouth advertising. Potential customers might not believe what a salesperson or an advertiser has to say, but they are more likely to listen to fellow consumers tell of their own experiences.

Including positive customer experiences in your customer success story presentation will support your strategies and reinforce your message. The folks at know the value of social proof, and therefore have provided users with a customizable Quotation Template among our smart slides . The template is perfect for showcasing customer feedback and fostering trust among potential clients.

4. Identify milestones along the journey

Customer success is about the entire journey, not only the final scene. Therefore, identifying the milestones a customer meets along the way is another key element of customer success. Likewise, effective customer success presentation examples should also feature milestones clients have met along the way. If the customer’s journey is not yet complete, also identify the milestones yet to come.

Since people instinctively respond to storytelling, present the milestones in a story of the customer experience journey. For ideas on how best to present a variety of customer milestones within a storytelling format, reference’s library of presentation templates , designed with the perfect slides for practically any purpose.

5. Illustrate your data

Most people will agree that numbers typically don’t lie. It’s no wonder, then, that hard data is powerfully persuasive among consumers. It’s not enough to present the results of a subjective customer satisfaction survey. Qualitative data that supports customer success includes key performance indicators such as repeat sales, increased sales, customer acquisition costs and email engagement— metrics based on real numbers, not opinions.

At the same time, it’s commonly known that bombarding presentation audiences with a series of statistics is a great way to put people to sleep. Instead, make the numbers come to life and truly tell the story of the company’s customer success plan by placing them within engaging infographics . 

Don’t become overwhelmed at the prospect of designing a series of colorful and informative charts and graphs, either.’s PowerPoint-alternative presentation software features a host of infographics among our library of smart slides . Just enter your data and watch our AI-powered software create the perfect infographics, including bar graphs , pie charts , flow charts , timelines , pictograms and so many more.

Samantha Pratt Lile

Samantha Pratt Lile

Samantha is an independent journalist, editor, blogger and content manager. Examples of her published work can be found at sites including the Huffington Post, Thrive Global, and Buzzfeed.

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How to deliver a successful client presentation.

Enrique Roth

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How to deliver a successful client presentation

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Our compass for how to constantly deliver value to customers is none other than the desired outcome . In more practical terms, our client presentations are the first step in navigating our client towards the road to success.

This is one of your most important assets you will have as a CSM . A structured, well-built presentation for any customer lifecycle stage is the enabler of showcasing clear value to your customers.

In this article, I share best practices and tips on how to build killer client presentations for any stage in the customer lifecycle.


Build a Client Presentation Checklist

When I build a presentation, I always make sure to go over the following items — to guarantee that its content is complete and comprehensive.

  • Know your audience & stakeholders - This is one of the most important things to keep in mind when building a presentation. Effective presentations can’t be built without knowing which people will be in the room, and who the ultimate decision-makers are.  Mapping out the people attending the meeting — both on the clients’ side and on the vendor side clarifies your understanding of the material you should include. This should cover important subject matters for the stakeholders so that you can captivate your customers with a clear and powerful presentation.
  • Identify the presentation goal - Every presentation will serve a different purpose within the customer lifecycle, so identifying your presentation’s goal is imperative to its successful delivery. For example, a kickoff meeting’s main goal could be to “showcase the first perception of value”. A QBR/EBR goal, however, would be to “showcase milestones & goals achieved using your product”, and so on. Pinpointing your presentation’s main goal lets you dig deeper into the details and key items that will fulfill the presentation’s goal in the clearest and most impactful way.
  • Identifying the Key Items - These items will be included in the presentation’s agenda. Same as the presentation, the purpose of your chosen key items is to exhibit your product’s added value and help you achieve the presentation goal. Let’s say you are building your product’s basic training presentation with the goal to teach the customers how to use its basic features. The key items in the presentation would then include those exact features; their added value per use case, which you can even show using your customer’s real data or dashboard. This conclusive list of key presentation items facilitates the next step: building your presentation template and slowly compiling its parts. You can now start connecting the dots that create an impressive narrative; delivering a clear message whose value permeates each presentation slide.  Each slide should tell a brief story (in a few words alone) that helps your value proposition resonate among your audience by the meeting conclusion.  The more value your customers derive from each presentation or meeting, the stronger the CSM-to-customer relationship becomes. Ultimately, you’ll be considered a key part of their success: the strategic advisor within your company.

Build your story

You’ve now mapped out your audience, with a clear definition of the meeting goal and your presentation’s key items. The last step is to design a presentation sequence and flow that will maintain audience interest during the meeting, each slide telling its own story. 

By the time you’ve finished presenting, you’ll have achieved the presentation’s goal and by presenting valuable insights to your customers that will keep them eagerly waiting for your next presentation and the information you’ll provide.

Create client presentation templates

company presentation to customer

Presentation templates are a key part of scaling your customer success capabilities. Templates are more than a time-saver: they also allow you to focus more on improving presentation deliverables, based on your customers’ feedback, industry, and feature preference. 

Some templates vary according to product needs (for example, product training & setup). However, for kickoff meetings, ongoing meetings, and QBR/EBRs, I maintain the same structure and tailor it according to customer background and the product at hand.

Here are some templates you can use:

Kickoff Meeting

company presentation to customer

This is one of the customer lifecycle’s most important stages; where your customers see your product differentiation and value. 

Here you will present the project scope and timeline, and work with your customer to identify their desired outcome and success plan.

  • Agenda - Always have an agenda in place, preferably share this agenda the moment you send the calendar invite
  • Your Team - Who will be the key stakeholders within your company (CSM, support, sales, etc.)? Make sure to add the contact details and explain the best communication method for each stakeholder
  • About Your Compan - This part of the presentation is your opportunity to ask key questions to your customer in order to better understand their expectations, objectives, and desired outcome
  • Onboarding Overview - In this section, you will present your onboarding plan to the customer, make sure you give important context on what does each stage mean and what will they achieve as they progress, and how much more value they will get from your product once they have been fully onboarded
  • Key Opportunities - If you did your due diligence, you might have a few examples of how your product can add immediate value to your customer. The best approach is to present use-cases that have a direct impact on your customer’s business outcomes
  • Q&A - Leave a few minutes to answer any questions they have about the product/onboarding/anything else
  • "Next Steps" - Momentum is key, so make sure the next steps are clear action items that will get your customer closer to the next milestone

Ongoing Meeting

company presentation to customer

Now that you’ve completed customer onboarding , your focus shifts towards the desired outcome and executing the defined action items within the success plan. 

Depending on the client, you may want to have this type of meeting on a bi-weekly/monthly basis.

  • Open Items - This is intended for a status update for any open items related to your customer, show that you’re on top of things and that you’ll make sure these items are completed
  • Account Review - What progress has been made so far? Are we getting closer to important milestones? This is in context to the desired outcome and success plan
  • Opportunities - Are we using the product to its full potential or are there any available features that can help us get closer to the desired outcome.
  • Key Takeaways - This slide can be used to share your key recommendations and also emphasize key achievements, this will further position you as a strategic consultant to your customer. The key achievements can be anything that gets the customer closer to their desired outcome and closer to achieving the main objectives in their success plan. ‍

company presentation to customer

  • Executive Overview - The executive overview gives a quick picture and clear report of what has been achieved since the past QBR/EBR, so the rest of the presentation should tell the story of each individual achievement. In a few words, underscore the work set in place that led us to successful results.
  • Account Review - If the executive overview includes all of the achievements, this is where you can tell the story of how you obtained them and what the progress looked like.
  • Engagement Heat Map  - I personally like this one since it’s your opportunity to showcase your added value as an account CSM; emphasize how working together helped the customer reach their objectives. The idea is to account not only for the product’s added value, but for our knowledge and expertise as well.
  • Your Success Plan (Milestones) - This is probably the most important presentation slide. There’s no clearer way of proving value than by fulfilling your customer’s expectations and objectives. This is why defining your success plan with your customer is crucial, so that you’re both aligned on the plan’s key objectives, goals, milestones, etc.
  • “Looking Ahead” - This slide focuses on future plans: planning for the next Q and opportunities available for exploration. If there’s a renewal coming up, this is also the perfect time to discuss it and discuss their point of view. Don’t forget to update the success plan accordingly.


Killer client presentations spell out added value

At the end of the day, like everything else in life, the more you practice, the better you’ll be. Building and delivering successful client presentations is all about that. Once you’ve found your secret sauce for delivering value through your presentations — take it up a notch and see how you can improve every deliverable.

Work closely with your customers, making sure you understand their challenges, objectives, and business goals. This empowers you to continuously provide added value to your customers and help them achieve their desired outcome.

Enrique Roth

Enrique has spent 7+ years in CS, account management and sales roles. Enrique is a staunch advocate of the value CSMs bring to organizations, and dedicates his content to sharing inspirational knowledge and experience with budding CSMs.

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8 Best Tips for Business Proposal Presentations [+Examples]

John Hall

Updated: May 24, 2022

Published: February 16, 2022

Business proposal presentations are the culmination of a long sales process between you and your clients. If you don’t structure it correctly or take the time to craft one with care, you risk losing the client’s buy-in for your solution. So getting it right is essential.

consultant creating a business proposal presentation

In this article, we’ll look at several ways to improve your business proposal presentation (and pitch) and increase the odds that you’ll walk away with a new customer.

→ Download Now: Free Business Proposal Template

Business Proposal Presentation

A business proposal presentation is a document that outlines a business solution for a customer after a lengthy consultation process. It is presented to the customer in either PDF or PowerPoint format, and can be paired with a contract for immediate signing.

Other formats that may be accepted include Google Docs or Google Slides, but PowerPoint is the industry standard. The presentation is then delivered in person or through a video conferencing tool such as Zoom.

Rarely, if ever, is a business proposal presentation sent to the customer for asynchronous perusal. Rather, it’s presented live in a customer meeting . That will give you the opportunity to sell them even more on the solutions you offer and persuade them to make a decision within a reasonable time frame.

company presentation to customer

Free Business Proposal Template

Propose your business as the ideal solution using our Free Business Proposal Templates

  • Problem summary
  • Proposed solution
  • Pricing information
  • Project timeline

You're all set!

Click this link to access this resource at any time.

If you let the customer review the presentation on their own, it’s likely that they’ll lengthen the sales process and even put off making a decision.

When crafting your proposal presentation, there are a few quick best practices to keep in mind.

  • Personalize the presentation . While it’s totally fine to reuse a PowerPoint presentation template , you don’t want to accidentally include another business’ name on the deck. So be sure to go through every slide and personalize it for the customer’s goals and pain points.
  • Send a pre-meeting email with an agenda. To prepare your customer for the presentation, it’d be wise to send a pre-meeting email with a quick, scannable sales agenda detailing how the meeting will go. That way, you can set the right expectations and keep you both on track.
  • Plan your in-person customer visit. If you’re meeting the customer in person, there will be a few more elements at play, such as an office tour and even a colleague introduction. That can quickly lead to lost time, so use this guide to plan a customer visit that stays on track and helps you effectively sell your solution.
  • Pay attention to the design of the deck . Your clothes and demeanor may be in tip-top shape, but if your deck is messy and poorly designed, then the effectiveness of your points will be diminished. Use a PowerPoint template and check out a few sales presentation examples to inspire you.
  • Keep the presentation short and precise. Keep your presentation as short as possible, about 15 to 20 minutes. The longer you speak to your clients, the less they’ll remember.

Now, it’s time for your presentation. Let’s go over how you can execute it flawlessly.

How to Present a Business Proposal

  • Optimize your meeting time from the start.
  • Have a clear agenda.
  • Open up with the customer’s problems and challenges.
  • Pause and ask questions.
  • Lead with stories, not data.
  • Don’t read off of your PowerPoint slides.
  • Present your solution — and sell them a vision.
  • Establish a clear follow-up timeline at the end of the meeting.

1. Optimize your meeting time from the start.

When presenting a proposal, it’s important to remember that your clients are busy. They have other meetings to attend, phone calls and emails to return, and problems to solve. Time is their most precious asset. Here are a few tips to optimize the time you spend with your customers:

  • Arrive early . This is a no-brainer, but arrive to the meeting with at least ten minutes to spare, especially if it’s in person. Use this buffer to use the bathroom, rehearse your introduction, and even set up the meeting space.
  • Rehearse setting up the projector or sharing your screen before the meeting . If you’re carrying out a meeting in person, you don’t want to waste ten minutes figuring out how to project your laptop’s screen. Carry several adapters with you and have a fail-safe plan, such as bringing a tablet with a copy of the presentation. If the meeting is over Zoom, practice sharing your screen so that your notes aren’t visible.
  • Keep your introduction short. Leave space for banter and rapport, but keep your personal introduction short. Small talk should be reduced as much as possible — you shouldn’t spend twenty minutes talking about the weather, unless you sell a weather-related solution.

2. Have a clear agenda.

Your presentation must have a clear and compelling agenda, which you can share right at the start (in addition to having shared it over email before the meeting).

The meeting should begin with compelling reasons to consider your proposal and culminate with a specific request for the business. Here’s an agenda template you can use to structure your meeting:

  • Challenge/Opportunity. Begin your presentation by illustrating the opportunity or challenge that your client is overlooking. Make sure it’s compelling enough to motivate your client to listen to the rest of your presentation.
  • Benefits . Discuss the benefits that your client will achieve by adopting your solution. Use a customer case study or testimonial to support your point.
  • Plan . Present your plan or options to resolve the client’s challenge/opportunity.
  • Company . Briefly share your company’s background, including who your company helps with these issues.
  • Recommend . Before closing your presentation, be sure to ask for the client’s business. You might close by asking the client, “Do you believe that the solution that I’ve presented will effectively help you overcome your challenges and achieve your goals?”

In the presentation, include a few bullet points that outline these parts of the meeting, so that the client knows what to expect.

3. Open up with the customer’s problems and challenges.

As mentioned, you’ll begin the meeting with a challenge or opportunity. Don’t walk into the meeting and immediately start talking about yourself or your company or your products. If you do this, your client will immediately focus on cost and product features, often ending the meeting before you’ve had a chance to finish.

Instead, focus on re-emphasizing the customer’s challenges and pain points. Your clients want to know how they can beat their competitors, reach new customers, retain existing customers, and increase profit margins. But before you can sell them your product, you have to emphasize the graveness of the issue they’re facing and illustrate how their challenges will prevent them from achieving these goals.

For instance, if 30% of their customers are churning, and you sell a business solution that can help reduce churn, you might open up your presentation with how their revenue will continue to be impacted by this loss. This will emphasize the urgency of the problem and help you create a stronger pitch later.

4. Pause and ask questions.

After you’ve spoken for a few minutes, stop and ask your client a question. This is a great way to stay in control of the meeting while allowing your client to interact with the sales presentation.

Here are some questions that you might ask:

  • Have I summarized your challenges correctly?
  • Is there anything I’ve missed that you’d like to add?
  • Am I right in saying that you want to solve this problem in the next quarter?

5. Lead with stories, not data.

While clients value data, they are also realistic about what data can — and cannot — tell them. They’ve seen many projects fail despite the glowing research results, and they’ve seen projects succeed despite the lack of any data to back it up.

So, introduce stories first, then the data to back it up. Come to the presentation armed with customer experiences and competitor moves. Your clients are far more interested in what other businesses like them have experienced and what their competitors are doing. They’re not all that interested in the latest research study, but you can use a study to support your points and lend credence to an anecdote.

6. Don’t read off of your PowerPoint slides.

Let the deck complement your points. If you read directly off the slides, you’ll quickly bore your customer, and the impact of what you’re saying won’t land.

Keep your slides simple, too, so that you’re not tempted to read off of them. Most slides are far too complex — too much text, distracting designs, and unrelated images.

You should only put one picture and one line of text on a slide. No more. Your clients can only absorb so much at once, and if they’re too busy trying to sort out paragraphs upon paragraphs on the screen, most of what you’ll say will be missed.

7. Present your solution — and sell them a vision.

After you’ve re-established the business challenge and spoken to the customer’s pain points, it’s time to present your product or service as a solution. But it’s important to not stop here — you have to also sell them a vision of what their business will look like after they take care of the problem.

Will they experience increased sales? Streamlined processes? Better customer retention? And what will that look like a few years from now? Don’t exaggerate, but don’t be afraid to show them how your product can create a much positive future for their business.

8. Establish a clear follow-up timeline at the end of the meeting.

This is maybe the most important part of your business proposal presentation. Tell your customer what will happen after the presentation, so that there’s no ambiguity regarding next steps.

We highly recommend establishing a clear follow-up date. Don’t say, “I’ll follow up in about a week.” Instead, try, “Is it okay if I call you on Friday, May 10th?”

We also recommend creating a timeline after the follow-up call. For instance, you might say you’ll call on a certain date, and then you’ll send the contract over using a tool such as PandaDoc , Qwilr , or Proposify . Your contract will be in your customer’s hand for a week, and then on the following Wednesday, you’ll follow-up once again to see if the customer has any questions.

Adjust this timeline depending on your customer, sales cycle length , and industry. Such a short timeline might not suit a product that costs thousands of dollars and requires a yearly commitment. However, it might suit a product that only costs a few hundred dollars a year.

Feeling stumped? No worries. Below, we share some business proposal examples you can glean inspiration from.

Business Proposal Presentation Examples

1. moving malta forward.

business proposal presentation example: moving malta forward

This compelling presentation proposes a metro system for the city of Malta. It opens with a “Case for Change” and uses graphics and visuals to argue for the creation of a metro in the city. While it is text heavy, it includes plenty of information for Malta’s government to make a decision. That’s why it’s important to know your audience. If you’re proposing to a gubernatorial entity, then being comprehensive is important.

2. The Big Picture

business proposal presentation example: the big picture

This is another presentation that argues for the urban development of a district. Its most notable feature is its “At a glance” spread, which shows an overview of the plan from top to bottom, down to the impact the proposed changes will have on the city. In the same way, you can include at an at-a-glance slide in your presentation.

3. AMW Tech

business proposal presentation example: amw tech

This deck presents a business as opposed to a product, but it does everything right: It opens with an agenda and closes with a call-to-action (“Keep in touch with us”). Even something as simple as providing your contact information can be enough to prompt your customer to continue the conversation.

4. Microsoft Advertising

business proposal presentation example: microsoft advertising

This deck by Microsoft Advertising takes a slightly different approach: It starts with a quote from the Microsoft CEO, and then provides details about how the brand helps its customers. This works for a major brand like this one because the client may be interested in Microsoft as a whole as opposed to just one service. It’s important to know your audience in this respect, as well.

Creating a Compelling Business Proposal Presentation

Being able to effectively present proposals is key to your success. To be effective, get to the point and focus on vision and stories. Use PowerPoint or Keynote as supporting material and be sure to keep it short. Finally, your presentation should begin with compelling reasons to consider your proposal and culminate with a specific request for the business.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in July 2014 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Client management

How to run the perfect client presentation

Síle Cleary - Sr. Content Marketing Manager - Author

Pitching your agency as the perfect fit during a client presentation is daunting.

You have to remember product positioning, messaging, client goals, and most importantly, selling your service. Most of all, a client presentation must add value.

The aim is for clients to envision what it’ll look like if they work with you and how you’ll help them reach their goals. The failure of most client presentations is how they land.

Some are full of text-heavy slide decks.

Others are all about the agency – not the client and their specific goals.

Finding the sweet spot with a client presentation is possible if you stick to the basics and put the client first by answering their biggest needs, uncovering any issues, and confidently explaining why they're worse off without your services.

Let's dive in a little deeper and help you get ready for the big presentation:

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Step 1: Do your research and carefully plan your pitch

Any client presentation starts with a who: who is it for?

The answer is your client.

You should know everything about them before you step into the meeting with them. Go into the room with a good understanding of their business, their industry, and how your services fit into the picture. 

Prepare by researching their past projects, understanding their goals, and even studying business presentation examples to ensure your communication is effective.

Start by researching the basics:

What industry are they in?

How big is their company and how big is their team?

What are the main goals they want to hit?

What roadblocks are stopping them?

How can product/service help them?

Look at their website and LinkedIn pages to see what services or products they’re selling. If you’ve done work for similar clients in their industry, check back at past projects and pitches, and see the pain points were you spent the most time. 

Then you need to understand the company’s size and more importantly, how they plan to grow and scale their business.

Your client should have plenty of information about them online and a simple about us – like our video below – can help direct your presentation topics and tone of voice.

If you're stuck when making your presentation you can even use prompts to easily generate an AI presentation , which will streamline the process and save you valuable time that would otherwise be spent on slide creation. Overview

Once you know a little bit about the company, focus on why your solution is right for them.

How you sell your why depends on who you are selling to. A CEO with 200 employees has different challenges to a scrappy startup owner with a couple of employees on the books. Either way, explain your why by: 

Acknowledging their pain points. Talk about the client's problems and what they need to do to reach their goals. Show them that you understand their issues and build trust from the start of the presentation.

Asking questions. Presentations shouldn't be a one-sided affair. Asking the client questions makes them feel comfortable and helps you understand their needs.

Introducing your brand as the solution. Tie the client's problems to your product/service. If they need a new website , talk about how you can make that happen and what the process looks like. If they have hit a brick wall with their marketing, explain why they may be struggling and what they can do to change it.

Pro-tip: Researching potential clients can take a lot of energy. You need to ensure that they're a good fit before stepping into a presentation. Get a headstart with presentation research and start using detailed intake forms. Use a tool like to build customized intake forms and get as much information as possible about a client before sitting down for a meeting. 

Step 2: Take care of some housekeeping

Your clients are busy—that’s a given.

But so are you. 

Make sure you set some ground rules before the presentation starts so that it runs smoothly. These can be basic rules like: 

Always get to the meeting first. Whether the meeting is in the client's office or on Zoom – get there first and early. Give yourself enough time to organize your slide deck and get comfortable with the pitch before the client arrives (or logs in.)

Test your tech. Open your presentation, check that it's working, and test each slide. If you're using a laptop or projector, have it open to the first slide at the start of your presentation, ready for when the client arrives.

Practice your pitch. Is it just you presenting to the client? Do you have a team joining you? Don’t show up to the meeting without a game plan. Rehearse what you’re going to say and how you’ll answer client questions before the presentation.  

Cut to the chase. Your client isn’t your friend. Don’t waste too much time with small talk. If the pitch goes well – they'll move forward – not always on your small talk skills.

These steps are so basic that it almost seems like they don't need to be mentioned. But walking into a presentation with a poorly prepared pitch or a slide deck that takes 15 minutes to fix is the fastest way for it to fall flat.

Step 3: Turn the presentation into a marketing funnel

Your presentation should have one goal—getting the client to agree to the next steps or sign a contract.

So, why not design your slide deck like a marketing funnel—with a beginning, middle, and end?

You must tread a fine line between a lecture and a negotiation with client presentations. If the slide deck is too information-heavy, clients can feel like you're speaking at them instead of talking to them.

And if you don't take charge of the meeting, it can go off track and makes it harder to get your client focused on the next steps.

Aim for somewhere in the middle and tell a story where your slides convince the client that your solution is a good fit. Your presentation deck should include these sections:

Beginning: Set the stage and tell the client what the presentation is about, why you’re there, and how you plan on working together.

Middle: The meat of the presentation. Don’t overload the slides with text. They should be a visual background to back up what you’re saying.

End: Use this as your call to action and outlines the next steps. Here, you give the client a reason to book another meeting or sign a contract with you.

Here’s a great example of LeadCrunch turning a presentation into a compelling story. The presentation kicks off by talking about common problems that B2B sales companies experience: 

Blog post image

This helps hook the audience.

The presenter understands their frustrations with trying to get more leads. Next, LeadCrunch takes the three frustrations and turns them into opportunities for the client: 

Blog post image

The text on the slide mirrors the issues in the industry so the client can connect the dots between the problems and LeadCrunch's solution.

Finally, the presentation winds up by using a pricing chart as its CTA. Don't overthink how you tie in your CTA to the client – you know your value and what you can bring to the table – so just clearly say it.

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Step 4: Use visuals to tell and sell the story

Visuals are your friend during a client presentation. 

They have obvious benefits—they grab your client’s attention, break up text-heavy slides and make complex data easier to digest. 

But there are other reasons why adding visuals to your presentation is a good move.

The SEO software company SEMRush asked over 200 agency and brand reps what made their presentations successful and found 74% of brands said it was tailoring the proposal to the client. They recommended using images to help clients understand concepts that usually end up on a spreadsheet or hidden under a mountain of text. This is easy to do.

Don’t explain how your agency’s complex strategic marketing will work — show the client instead.

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Step 5: Open the pitch up into a two-way conversation

Once the presentation is done, don’t just pack up and leave—start a conversation with the client instead. 

Getting feedback as soon as the pitch is over is crucial. You need to know if your presentation resonated with them and iron out any concerns or questions they have.

Kickstart the feedback process by asking the client:

Did you have any questions about anything we mentioned in the presentation? 

Do you see our solution solving your problems?

What can we do to move this forward and start working together?

Now, the client may give you some feedback you don’t like. Or ask more pressing questions around project cost estimations , deadline management , or how you handle scope creep .

Make your value clear. But also show how you'll promote a straight road to client collaboration , so you make their values your own. Want more insights into collaboration tips? Download our guide to creating a collaborative culture with your clients.

Resource thumbnail

5 tips for fostering collaboration with your clients: CTA

Download our guide to get essential communication tips and insights into how to foster collaboration with your clients.

Download the guide

Step 6: Close strongly with clear next steps

Don’t leave the meeting in limbo.

Be clear about what you want to do next with the client moving forward. Don’t say that you’ll follow up in a couple of days—it’s too vague. Be more direct. 

Make sure you and your client agree on a defined deadline for when the deal should move forward. If the follow-up call goes well and the client wants to go ahead, send a contract over to seal the deal. 

Pro-tip: If you want to build a strong relationship with your client, be transparent from the beginning. Invite clients to the project to keep them updated on progress. Using a tool like makes this part easy.

And they’ll get access to visual project timelines , Kanban board views , and Gantt charts as well as ways to simply reply to messages, so you can both speed up feedback loops.

If you're worried about the client getting too involved, there's a solution – and it's permissions. Simply add permissions to client accounts so they can only access the things that move projects forward – not backward.

Blog post image

Ready to deliver a pitch-perfect client presentation?

A pitch that wows your clients begins way before walking into the meeting room. 

Successful presentations hinge on knowing your client's pain points. The more research you do, the more you'll be able to identify the barriers they face and how you can help. 

From there, it’s just a matter of showing up, targeting your messaging to their problems, and starting a conversation. 

See how helps teams manage client work more successfully to impress everyone beyond the initial conversation. Get a 30-day trial for free to get in the driver's seat.


6 steps to build the ultimate client presentation

  • Do your research and carefully plan your pitch
  • Take care of some housekeeping
  • Turn the presentation into a marketing funnel
  • Use visuals to tell and sell the story
  • Open the pitch up into a two-way conversation
  • Close strongly with clear next steps

Síle Cleary - Sr. Content Marketing Manager - Author

Síle is a Senior Content Marketing Manager at She has been working in the project management software space for over 7 years, exclusively serving the agency sector. She loves providing agencies with actionable insights and captivating content to help navigate the ever-evolving landscape of project management.

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Create a Winning Client Presentation: Tips, Tricks, & Strategies

February 14, 2024

Pitching client presentations can be a daunting experience.

You have to convince clients that you’d be a good fit for their brand and have the best solution to their problem. That your product or service can help them achieve their goals.

With multiple elements in the mix, driving engaging and relevant presentations becomes challenging. 

Learn how to deliver a successful client presentation using the strategies in this guide.

The Importance of a Client Presentation

Step 1. research and plan the pitch, step 2. create a marketing funnel out of your presentation, step 3. use visually engaging content to communicate your story, step 4. encourage two-way conversations, step 5. establish clear next steps to close your presentation, 1. detailed client research, 2. client pain points, 3. proof points, 4. call to action, 5. expected investment and timeline, 1. not setting the stage properly, 2. getting defensive, 3. mentioning irrelevant information, 4. not guiding the feedback loop, pitch perfectly with clickup, common faqs.

Avatar of person using AI

A client presentation is meant to give prospective clients a good idea of your specialized expertise. It helps them see what working with you might be like and how you can add value to them. 

If planned and delivered well, an informative customer presentation can help you:

  • Talk about your work in the format of a compelling story
  • Articulate your value to potential clients
  • Communicate the progress you’ve made to an existing client
  • Wrap up projects and dissect what went well and what didn’t

Effective client communication is one of the most critical skills for a sales or business professional today.

5 Essential Steps for a Successful Client Presentation

Creating engaging client presentations is tough work, whether you’re about to deliver a sales pitch or a creative slideshow.

Use this five-step checklist when creating presentations and add value to your client’s time:

You may understand your work inside out, but your potential client has yet to warm up to partnering with you. 

This is why the most essential part of an effective client presentation starts with research and planning.

  • Who your target audience is (for the presentation) and what their goals look like
  • Everything about your prospective client, including their problems, inspirations, interests, and more
  • How to answer your client’s biggest goals, roadblocks, and issues
  • Their business, team size, and industry (and how your product/services will support their vision)

Now the question is, where do you find this data?

Make sure to look up the following:

  • The client’s LinkedIn page and website for information on their current offerings
  • Your past pitches for inspiration—especially if you’ve catered to clients in the same industry
  • The client’s ‘About Us’ page and videos online for a better understanding of your presentation’s ideal tone of voice and topics

Gather client information with ClickUp's Agency/Client Discovery Doc Template

Once you have all the information about what makes your clients tick, help them make sense of the data—structure and format the key points you plan to deliver using ClickUp AI.

Utilize this smart assistant to generate a presentation to help you reach your prospective client goals faster.

Next, you’ll want to use the client meeting to talk about why your brand is right for them:

  • Start by acknowledging their pain points, showing them that you understand them, and building trust in the process
  • Move on to asking questions and see if they have any pressing issues that need to be solved
  • Introduce your offering as the ultimate solution to your client’s problems and tie your product to their immediate needs

Your presentation needs a tangible end goal to ensure focus and direction. Do you want the client to sign the contract? Or maybe you want them to register for a demo. 

Either way, you must clearly know what action you’d like to inspire them to take.

Here are a few tips on how to convert your presentation into a marketing funnel:

  • Build your narrative using a compelling story to hook the audience
  • Don’t overload the prospect with tons of information
  • Ensure your presentation is to the point, and avoid beating around the bush
  • Take charge of your meeting and get your clients to focus on the conversation at hand
  • Beginning: Introduce what is being presented, why you’re presenting, and what the client should expect when working together
  • Middle: Add visuals to your story and create aesthetic value 
  • End: Tell the customer about the next steps and add a relevant call to action

Use the premade ClickUp Presentation template and customize it according to your liking.

ClickUp's Presentation template is great for beginners

This template enables you to:

  • Organize sections of your presentation easily, with a clear structure from beginning to end
  • Gather feedback from key stakeholders before the final presentation
  • Keep track of all tasks related to the presentation in one place

Too much text on your slides makes them dull and will overwhelm your audience.

So, when presenting, consider visual aids like infographics, pie charts, bar graphs, images, hand-drawn illustrations, etc., as your trusted friend.

These visuals offer advantages such as:

  • Catching and keeping your client’s attention
  • Aligning the client’s needs to the brand’s product/service—visually
  • Breaking up text-heavy slides for better focus 
  • Converting complex information into easy-to-digest data

Use ClickUp Whiteboards as a canvas to create a visual presentation for your meeting and show your clients your value.

ClickUp 3.0 Whiteboards simplified

Whether it’s a sales pitch or an onboarding meeting, it is necessary to keep your audience engaged. In other words, your presentation cannot be a monologue.

So, when the presentation is done, it is vital to encourage two-way interaction.

Here’s how you can do this:

  • Avoid small talk and instead iterate why the client’s account is important to you
  • Do you have any questions for us?
  • Do you see our product/service as a satisfactory solution for your needs?
  • How do we work together as partners and move this project forward?
  • Motivate your audience to ask questions and provide support for their queries—whether it’s related to scope, costs, timelines, and so on

Effective client management is about establishing clear next steps at the end of the meeting. 

If you leave the meeting open-ended, you might not hear back from your audience.

Here’s how to set the right expectations for your client while closing the presentation:

  • Outline what you want them to do next 
  • Be upfront and direct about how and when you’ll be making follow-up calls
  • Give the client a defined deadline and keep them in the loop always

Key Elements to Include in a Client Presentation

Brush up your client presentation skills and set your presentation up for success with these must-have elements:

Use primary and secondary research methods to gather information about your client’s pain points.

Get answers to these questions during your research:

  • What are the client’s short-term and long-term goals?
  • What problems are they currently facing within their industry?
  • How does the client measure success?

Pro tip: Leverage sources like company websites, annual reports, industry publications, and social media platforms to get granular details. 

Invest in client onboarding software to efficiently organize and present your research.

Addressing your client’s current challenges demonstrates your understanding of their immediate needs and, by extension, establishes your relevance.

Do your homework about your client’s recent activities to identify current challenges they might be grappling with. Also, engage in discussions with your key stakeholders to get their opinions. In addition, you can use project kickoff templates to capture information about your clients from the get-go.

ClickUp Project Kickoff Template offers a structure for establishing expectations, clarifying roles, delegating tasks, and comprehending project timelines.

Your proof points validate your claims and build credibility by highlighting your track record and success stories. To showcase them:

  • Gather case studies, testimonials, and performance data that demonstrate the effectiveness of your solutions within the industry
  • Structure your presentation to strategically incorporate these proof points, highlighting them at key moments to reinforce credibility
  • Use visuals, such as charts or graphs, to represent your proof points and make them more impactful

A clear call to action directs your client to the next steps they should take after the presentation and guides them toward a decision.

To make this process easier for them:

  • Clearly outline the desired outcome, whether it’s scheduling a meeting, signing a contract, or starting a trial
  • Provide multiple channels for the client to take the desired action and make it as convenient as possible for them to move forward
  • Connect with them promptly afterward to reinforce the call to action and provide additional support as needed

Present a detailed breakdown of the investment required for your solutions, including costs, payment terms, and potential ROI.

To get an accurate estimate of your client’s budgetary and timeline requirements, ask these questions:

  • What’s the maximum budget for the project?
  • Are there any specific budgetary constraints to be aware of?
  • How flexible is the client’s budget? Are they open to discussions about cost adjustments?
  • What timeline do they have to get the project up and running?
  • What will happen to the deadline and costs in case of a scope creep?

4 Common Mistakes to Avoid During a Client Presentation

Find the sweet spot with your presentation skills by avoiding these common mistakes:

Failing to establish the proper context at the beginning of your presentation leads to misunderstandings and a lack of engagement from your client. Manage client expectations and clarify what the audience should expect.

If your clients feel confused about the purpose of the presentation, they’ll never be able to grasp the value of your offerings fully.

To set the stage properly , follow these few tips:

  • Understand your audience’s background and align your introduction to resonate with their needs
  • Clearly state the objectives of your presentation and let your clients know what they stand to gain from your pitch
  • Start with a compelling hook that captures their attention and sets the tone for the rest of the presentation

Displaying defensive body language, such as crossing arms, avoiding eye contact, or appearing tense, signals discomfort to your clients.

This can immediately undermine your credibility and rapport with them.

Plus, your defensiveness may seem more like a lack of confidence in your customer’s eyes, leading to a breakdown in communication and trust.

To sharpen your non-verbal communication skills , follow these tips:

  • Pay attention to your body language during practice sessions. Also, practice maintaining an open posture and making eye contact to convey confidence and openness
  • If a challenging question is asked, remain calm and open-minded
  • Demonstrate active listening by nodding, smiling, and using affirming gestures. This shows your clients that you value their input and are engaged in the conversation
  • If you’re unsure about something or need clarification, ask questions politely and respectfully. This demonstrates a willingness to understand and address your client’s concerns

Irrelevant details during a pitch are a waste of your client’s time. If there is no clear benefit of adding additional information about the company services, don’t.

For example, if your presentation is about account management, don’t talk about your company’s history unless it directly relates to the success of your account management strategies.

Instead, focus on showcasing account results as the main takeaway. This will keep your presentation focused and ensure you’re providing valuable information that directly addresses your client’s interests and needs.

Here are some strategies to effectively incorporate relevant data within your presentation:

  • Add data that directly addresses your customer’s specific pain points and interests
  • Identify the most important metrics that align with your audience’s goals and tie these metrics to the impact of your solutions
  • Use charts, graphs, and visuals to present data in a clear and compelling manner
  • Provide context of the data you’re presenting—help your audience understand why these numbers matter and how they relate to the overall story you’re telling
  • Use real-life examples and case studies to illustrate how your solutions have delivered tangible results for similar clients

Finishing a solid presentation is not where your work should end. Keep tabs on your audience’s needs, starting with a follow-up call.

Use a free project management software like ClickUp and arm your company with real time client feedback into what’s working for them and what isn’t. A good client management platform can also automate many of these tasks. 

With ClickUp Forms you can capture your client’s responses and route work to the right team at the right time. Additionally, you can convert Clickup Form responses into trackable tasks, which can be plugged directly into your workflows

Read More: Strategies for Client Project Management

When it comes to a presentation, sticking to the basics makes sense. However, deliver the Big Idea in a way that wows your clients and wins them firmly over. 

So, incorporate research and storytelling and maintain a client-first approach to make your presentation stand out .

Use presentation software like ClickUp to deliver pitch-perfect pitches!

1. How can I improve an audience presentation?

Here are a few key takeaways on how to deliver a successful presentation:

  • Spend time and effort researching and planning your pitch
  • Convert your presentation into a well-defined marketing funnel
  • Leverage visuals and images to highlight the USPs of your product or services
  • Close the presentation with a two-way dialogue and clear next steps

2. What should I include in a client presentation?

You can include the following in a client presentation:

  • Detailed client research
  • The client’s pain points
  • Strategic proof points for your presentation content
  • A relevant call to action for your audience
  • Essential details such as the expected investment and timelines

3. How can ClickUp help in optimizing a client presentation?

ClickUp saves you time and effort in creating effective presentations through its various tools as:

  • ClickUp Presentation template, which helps you create effective and engaging presentations for your audience
  • ClickUp AI, which allows you to generate a presentation outline within seconds; for example, creating a sales presentation for your sales process
  • ClickUp’s Presentation Executive Summary Template, which helps you make a killer first impression with your presentation

Use these features and save the time that goes into creating presentations.

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8 Tips for a Winning Company Presentation

A company presentation is a vital tool for management and sales departments . This type of presentation plays a huge part in promoting the corporate brand – it’s layout and structure need to be professional and convincing . In this article, we’ll show you what goes into a successful company presentation.

Your company presentation in PowerPoint 

Today’s dynamic market requires companies to adapt and continually seek out new partnerships and clients. Creating a compelling and versatile presentation of products and services is essential . Here are 8 useful tips for designing your company presentation in PowerPoint .

First impressions are everything – and that goes for company presentations, too. It takes people a fraction of a second to form an initial opinion and all too often, that initial opinion is hard to change. This makes it all the more important to set the right tone at introductory meetings.

At face value, a company presentation serves the simple purpose of presenting a company in the best possible light . You want to list key figures and detail services, but you also want to convey emotions and mission statements. The other party wants to learn about who you are .

Your company presentation needs to be tailored to your brand, your business, your products and your services . Although there is no ideal blueprint for a company presentation, there are principles and rules to guide the process.

Company Presentation

Tip 1: Preparation and design: The first impression counts

A company presentation is often the first step in connecting with important stakeholders . It lays the groundwork for further discussions and meetings and other objectives, such as closing a contract, establishing a partnership or inviting the client to a follow-up meeting.

You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression and your company presentation is no exception to this rule. To truly be effective, every presentation needs a professional design . And that starts with the corporate design (CD) .

Take a look at your existing company presentation. Is it consistent with your CD?

If not, you need to tailor the font, color scheme and visual language to your corporate identity. Establishing a consistent and meaningful design will help you make a lasting impression on potential clients and partners.

In addition, high-quality images are a must. Professional preparation and great design mean being able to win over even the most critical managing director or the most demanding customers.

✔ Keep the design of your company presentation timeless, elegant and appealing . Avoid overwhelming your audience with cluttered slides and too many bells and whistles. Clean and modern flat design (a large selection of graphics, icons and diagrams can be found here ),as well as isometric design (found here ) are currently on trend.

Tip 2: The 20-minute rule. Your audience’s time is precious!

Most executives and leader are pressed for time and as a result, attention spans can be short. For this very reason, keep your company presentation short:

Spend a maximum of 20 to 25 minutes on the introduction section (“about us”). Then it’s time to get to the point and present your business concept, specific offer, products and/or services in detail. Better yet, keep you presentation short and start a dialogue .

Studies have proven that during a presentation, attention levels drop sharply after just 15 minutes . Your audience will be grateful that you value their time. In most cases, they already know more about your company than you think.

Company Presentation

Tip 3: Structure: What belongs in a professional company presentation?

The art of a successful company presentation is, among other things, to condense the most important content of your business plan (business model, market, strategy, finances, etc.) onto a few slides . But it’s even more important to know which facts are truly relevant to your target audience and which are not.

1. Always start by answering the most important W questions :

Who? Contacts, management, staff, partner companies

What? Services, products, etc.

Where? Locations, industries/markets, business areas

How? Goal, vision, mission statement

Why? Advantages for new clients or partner companies

Emphasize the “What?” and ” Why?” of your presentation; this is what your audience will be most interested in.

2. Competition is fierce. Most markets are flooded with competitors and attractive alternatives. That’s why unique selling propositions and individual advantages are so important. What makes you special? Why are you better at meeting the needs of your audience?

3. Always include references from satisfied clients and customers . Concrete references help your audience better understand why your services or products are the right choice.

4. Call-to-action: The last slide of your PowerPoint presentation should motivate your audience to act . You’ve presented your company in detail and with conviction – now you want a reaction from the audience. You can formulate this call to action in more general phrases along the lines of “Let’s get it done!” or “Let’s go!”, package it as a targeted question about the content or use it as a prompt for follow-up contact.

Company Presentation

Tip 4: Highlight benefits to your target audience

Knowledge about your target group is power . The first question your audience will ask themselves when you give a presentation is, “How will I benefit from this?” Here are some questions that will help you tailor your content to your audience :

  • What are the driving factors for purchasing/collaborating?
  • How much prior knowledge about your company is available?
  • What follow-up questions are you likely to receive?
  • What key messages do you want to convey in your presentation?
  • What is your unique selling point (USP) and how do you differ from your competitors? Check out this blog article for more information.
  • What kind of design and layout is right for your (business) presentation?
  • Storytelling: How do you best get your story across?
  • Is the company history really interesting to your audience? Maybe it’s the new innovative solutions you’re about to launch that will deliver real added value?
  • Does it matter how many locations and employees you have or is how your customer service process works more important?

A good start to developing your presentation is a team brainstorming session followed by a workshop with key decision-makers from management, marketing, and sales. You can also bring editors, copywriters or a specialized agency on board.

Tip 5: Convince with more than just text

The presentation design needs to be just as convincing as the content. Most presentations we see consist of 70-80% text. But bullet points and sprawling text alone aren’t enough to make an impact .

The design process begins when you stop focusing on writing statements and start creating a presentation that supports your content visually. Here’s a good rule of thumb: 50% of your slide’s area should be text, 50% should be images, graphs and charts .

Obviously, you don’t have to follow this rigidly on all slides, but presentations with rich visual content are always a success . The most important thing is to keep written content short – keywords and short sentences are usually enough .

The following slides (screenshots from our Company Presentation Toolbo x ) provide vivid examples of layouts and designs.

Company Presentation Toolbox

If you’re pressed for time or need some professional design inspiration, check out our PowerPoint templates . Or ask a graphic designer or a professional PowerPoint or presentation agency like PresentationLoad for support.

Tip 6: The customer is king: Give them what they want

Before you start your presentation, ask your audience what information they need. Are they familiar with your company? Have they already gone to your website for information? Knowing this might help you tailor it more to your audience’s needs by editing or even completely omitting sections of your presentation. The key is to remain flexible while presenting and only include what is really relevant to your audience.

The first step is to make sure your presentation is completely up to date .  A slide master is the easiest way to make any universal changes to your presentation, update key figures, contact information, etc., without sacrificing formatting or layout.

Even in a completely updated presentation, you may find there’s information that just isn’t relevant to your target audience. PowerPoint helps you with this by providing a quick and easy option to hide slides . In the thumbnail pane, right-click the slide you want to hide and select Hide Slide .  You can also hide multiple slides by holding down the Ctrl key , clicking on them and then selecting Hide Slide with a right-click. The hidden slides will now appear greyed out. To reverse this option, simply click Hide Slide again and you slides will be visible.

Another technique to make your PowerPoint company presentation more flexible and interactive is to use hyperlinks . For example, you could hyperlink all the titles of individual sections on your agenda slide so that you can jump from the agenda slide directly to the relevant section with a simple click. This also allows you to respond dynamically to your audience’s reactions or interests.

Pro tip : Use your company logo as a home button. Adding a small logo to the corner of each slide not only strengthens your branding, but also allows you to add a hyperlink to the agenda slide. Click on the logo and you’re back to your PowerPoint presentation overview.

Tip 7: Present like a pro

A company presentation lives and dies by its delivery . Even a perfect presentation is of little value if the delivery isn’t convincing. As a presenter, you need to communicate the passion and enthusiasm you feel for your brand through your presentation.

But don’t go overboard! Be authentic . If you can do this, your company presentation will not only reinforce your company’s positive image but will also excite your audience.

Arouse emotions by using images that speak to your audience . Involve your audience by starting with words such as “Imagine…”. Focus less on “we” (your company) and more on “you” (your audience) . These techniques will help you open the door to your audience’s subconscious – which is where most decisions are made.

 ✔ Leave enough time to rehearse your presentation . Ask your colleagues if they would be willing to serve as a test audience and give feedback on your presentation.

Company Preseentation

Tip 8: Post-presentation best practice

Always prepare a ready-to-email format of your presentation . When your customers and partners are impressed, they’ more likely to ask for a digital copy.

Never send your presentation as a PowerPoint file; always send it as a PDF to preserve its formatting and layout. Be sure to pay attention to the file size , too. A company presentation in PDF format should be no larger than about 3MB. An email attachment containing a 30MB company presentation will come across as anything but professional. There’s also a risk that the email won’t even reach the recipient’s inbox due to a limited attachment size.

✔ Create your company presentation PDF before you present . This way, you can offer it as a digital copy directly after the presentation.

Win customers with your company presentation

On just a few slides, your company presentation summarizes all the pertinent facts and ideas with which you want to convince your audience. This makes it all the more important to truly understand your audience before you start designing your presentation .

The first impression counts – adhering to your corporate design will elevate your presentation to a higher, more professional level. Be concise and to the point and highlight the benefits your audience will derive from working with you and your company. A modern presentation is designed with a 50:50 ratio of text to images ; avoid too much text and unnecessary facts.

As the presenter, you represent your company. That’s why it’s especially important to be flexible and provide your audience with the information that matters most to them .

The aim of this blog post is to provide you with a general idea of how to create a practical and convincing company presentation in PowerPoint. These tips are based on years of proven professional expertise.

Need help creating an even better company presentation?

Feel free to post a comment here or contact me directly by sending an email to [email protected] .

I’d be happy to answer your questions or, along with my team, help you with the concept, structure, content and design of your company presentations. It can really help to have someone with a different perspective take a look at your presentations.

We have been creating PowerPoint presentations for mid-sized companies and international corporations for almost 20 years. As a result, we have a wealth of experience with corporate sales and strategy presentations.

Additional services:

  • Non-binding consultation for your presentations.
  • Send me your presentations for review.
  • Professional support with concept and design.
  • Revision of your existing company presentations.

Good luck with your presentations!

Company Presentation

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Pitch Like A Pro in 2022: Create An Engaging Client Presentation To Win Contracts

Table of contents, start getting more business with our client presentation tips, what is a client presentation.

Any good sales process will include a client presentation. Whether you’re pitching a prospect for new business, showcasing account results for an existing client or presenting new business offerings to help grow your clients’ business, crafting engaging and relevant presentations is crucial. Creating presentations shouldn’t be a task. Think of them as your one opportunity to impress your audience.

company presentation to customer

Similar to an RFP presentation , a client presentation allows you, the vendor, to prove the value of your work to the client in a digestible and persuasive way. The presentation is the main takeaway and could very well determine if you two work together.

How Do You Start A Client Presentation?

You might be tempted to jump right in and start compiling a sales deck but structuring the flow of the story is crucial to engage your potential client. Here are a few tips we recommend before you even begin creating the presentation slides.

Research Prospective Client & Outline Sales Process

A good starting point is to collect as many details about your prospective client as possible . This will help you outline how you’re going to craft your client presentation as well as outlining the sales process. Even though you may have an effective sales pipeline in place, understanding your potential clients will help you mitigate objections.

Determine Pain Points

company presentation to customer

Next, you should focus on determining the client’s pain points . Most of the time, the client either doesn’t 100% know what their pain points are, or they have a misunderstanding of what their struggles are.

As a professional, you should be able to present with confidence the real challenges you determined the client to have as well as the tailored services your company can provide to support them and help them achieve success.

You want to be able to present your idea in a way that makes sense. Do not try and get too fancy or over-complicate the answer.

Begin Crafting The Sales Presentation

Now that you know who your client is and the challenges they’re facing, you’re now ready to begin creating the sales presentation. You should already have a good structure and foundation in place thanks to the preliminary research you’ve conducted. Now, it’s time to craft a persuasive message to get your client from consideration to conversion.

What Should Client Presentations Include?

You want to avoid having too much text on your slides. Prioritize creative visuals that help tell the story and bring your point across. Having your potential customer digest visuals is less cognitively demanding than having them read a bunch of text. In fact, the human brain can process visual information 60,000 times faster than text .

You want to ensure your client is still listening to what you have to say. By using more visuals than text, you’ll still have your client engaged in the presentation while you’re presenting.

If you do need to use text, avoid using full sentences. Bullet points are a great way to reduce the amount of text you use while still highlighting the key takeaways .

Opening Slide

First impressions are everything and your presentation matters too. The opening slide should be the hook of the presentation that draws your audience in and makes them want to listen to what you have to say.

Some might think the opening slide should be an agenda that outlines the structure of how the presentation will flow. Although this may work in some circumstances, an agenda might not always be necessary.

company presentation to customer

Proof Points

You should always have proof points to back up your claims. It’s one thing to say you’ll do something or to say you’re the best at what you do, but results are the most important part. Proof points make customers feel confident they are choosing the right person to work with and that they’ll be getting the most helpful information from them.

Call To Action

Finally, your client presentation should include a call to action . This is where you ask for the business. Often times, people are afraid to input a call to action because it seems too forward and they’re afraid of rejection. Don’t be afraid of rejection and don’t be afraid to sell! At the end of the day, you’re not losing a client because they aren’t your client, to begin with. Until you have them sign a contract, they’re still a prospective client.

How Do You Structure A Client Presentation – Our Proven Client Presentation Template

Creating a persuasive message is an art. It gets your audience to either act, think, or feel in a certain way. By structuring client presentations similar to a story – with a clear beginning, middle and end, you’ll be able to convert more clients with less difficulty.

What you know about your client

First, take inventory of what you know about your client and prepare one quick slide deck outlining your research. This proves to the client you took the time to research them and their market and it will help build their confidence in you.

This doesn’t need to take too long either. An hour-long discovery call with the client and a quick search on their website should provide you with enough information on who they are, what business they’re in and the target audience they’re trying to reach.

company presentation to customer

Who your company is

Now, it’s time to talk about yourself. But remember, the presentation is about the prospective clients, not all about you. So keep this slide brief and simple. Just like this.

Stats related to your successes

It’s one thing to say you’re the best. It’s another thing to prove it. Provide examples of past clients you worked with – especially if the scope of work is similar to what the prospective client would request. Use data points and key performance indicators (KPIs) to help support the narrative.

Social proof such as testimonials and case studies

There is no stronger marketing tool than word of mouth. Obviously, you won’t bring past clients into the meeting but you can bring their positive remarks.

Testimonials or a case study of a past project are great elements to incorporate into a sales presentation. They help speak to the quality of work or service you provide from someone who has already experienced working with you.

More often than not, a company would object to working with you because they’re afraid of the unknown. Having a testimonial eases the tension since someone has already walked the path and had great results. It serves as a great example of success.

What your client’s pain points are

Next, present the pain points you have found. This is a great opportunity to see if you’re aligned with the client. The worst thing that can happen is both sides think the other knows what the problem is when reality there is a disconnect. You’ll then begin finding a solution to a problem that isn’t the problem, to begin with.

How your company can solve their problems

Presenting your ideas and solutions is where your hard work pays off and where your sales skills really shine. Now you can present the deliverables you’d propose to the client to help them solve their problem.

Expected Investment (Optional)

Depending on your business strategy and how you conduct a sales presentation, a slide outlining the expected investment gives the prospective customer a clear understanding of what they can expect to pay for the proposed service.

A timeline is another great slide to include which highlights the next steps. The reason you want to have a timeline in the deck is that it gets the prospective customer to put themselves in the mindset that they’re already working with you.

If they’re able to clearly see what the future touchpoints will be, when they can expect to follow up and when they can expect deliverables, it will be easier to close the deal.

Don’t forget the call to action ! This point is so important we had to put it in the blog twice. Don’t be afraid to ask for their business and have a call to action to close off the presentation.

Client Presentation Skills You Should Know

Virtual presentation skills.

With more businesses turning to a virtual model, you’ll be presented with more opportunities to present virtually. This means you’ll need to begin familiarizing yourself with online presentation tools such as Google Meets, Zoom and Pigeonhole to facilitate your presentation.

Luckily, there are great resources available online that go into detail on how to ace your virtual presentation so when the time comes to present virtually, you’ll nail it.

company presentation to customer

Body Language

Whether you’re presenting in-person or virtually, body language still plays a role . Body language will help you engage with your audience and enhances the way you speak.

Body language also helps you emphasize key points. Want to bring attention to a key fact or piece of data? Use body language to help convey the message.

Public Speaking

The skill of public speaking allows you to deliver a message with confidence. Whether it’s in-person or done virtually, public speaking allows you to speak at a proper cadence.

With practice, public speaking also helps you think quickly on your feet. So when you potential customer starts asking questions about the services you offer and your recommended solutions, you’ll be able to respond effectively.

Designing Presentations

If you don’t have a professionally designed presentation, all the work you put into your pitch will be for nothing. A professionally designed presentation is the vehicle that helps deliver the message.

Even if you decide to use templates, you should have the skills to customize PowerPoint slides or Google Slide. But, this can be time-consuming and tricky.

If you rather focus your time more on research than the creative aspect of presentation design, consider using a presentation design service such as Presentation Geeks who offer e-learning solutions, PowerPoint design, Google Slide design, sizzle reels, motion graphics and much more!

Author:  Ryan

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Home Blog Presentation Ideas How To Make a Company Profile Presentation with Examples and Templates

How To Make a Company Profile Presentation with Examples and Templates

How To Make a Company Profile Presentation with Examples and Templates

Imagine a presenter who can resonate with their target audience so effectively that they inspire the required trust and confidence to get new relationships started. That’s the primary goal of a successful company profile presentation. 

As Nancy Duarte has said in her book Resonate , “Presenting ideas can either evoke puzzled stares or frenzied enthusiasm, which is determined by how well the message is delivered and how well it resonates with the audience.” Precisely because we know how vital this is to any business, we’re revising how to write a productive company profile in this article. 

We’ve included company profile examples in this article to learn from others on how to best present your company. In this article, we’re strictly referring to company profile presentations.

What is a company profile?

As we’ve described before in our company profile templates category, a company profile is a resource organizations can use for creating presentations that describe the essential aspects of a company.

Company profile uses

A company profile is meant to assist in presenting a company to an audience. With that understanding, it can help with topics ranging from sales to internal company presentations, for example: 

Introducing the company to its new employees

If we understand this resource as a polished portfolio or dossier, it’s easier to conceive how it can back up almost any pitch for diverse collaborations. The tool is suitable for showing a company’s philosophy, intentions, and plans to an audience. 

Acquiring new investors

Promote your brand with it, or use the resource to persuade investors during fundraising for your company. You can also rely on it to present your company to prospects by crafting a professional company presentation.

Marketing presentations

Another aspect to consider is that company profiles are great for media presentations, back up any sponsorship opportunities, and get new collaborators to pitch in with our global company vision and plans.

How to create a company profile presentation: step-by-step instructions

Putting a company profile presentation together helps to focus on each slide at a time. Focus on the meaningful content of your company profile and use slides to complement your message. 

Here is a run-down of each slide, one by one, to help put your company profile together. Alternatively, you can create your company profile presentation deck using SlideModel’s AI Presentation Maker tool and prepare your presentation for final PowerPoint edits. 

Step 1 – Company Profile Cover Page

Your first slide can include your company logo , a title that typically reads “Company Profile”, and a sub-title. A quick one-liner description can be entered here or a meaningful short text with a motto or phrase.

Tips for presenting a company profile presentation

Step 2 – Mission & Vision

In general, you’re seeking to include the vision and mission slides in these first part of a company presentation. The classic piece of advice here is to state a company’s mission to give out what you’re looking to achieve. If you have doubts on what to include in a mission and vision slide, learn here how to prepare a successful vision statement .

Very much tied to the above, start by seeking a compelling introductory section for a company presentation. 

Defining a Company's Vision and Mission in Company Profile presentation

Step 3 – What we do

Next, introduce your services or products in a medium-sized slide text. Nancy Duarte again guides us with valuable wisdom on this aspect as she recalls how “communicating only the detailed specifications or functional overviews of a product isn’t enough.” Look for an emotional rapport in your product introduction as much as possible. Ideally, you’ll address consumers’ or your audience’s pain points in a way that compels them to hear more. 

On this last note about your audience, go deeply into their ways of thought, desires, interests, and needs to determine the problems and challenges they’re facing. Clearly defining what your proposed solution of value will be throughout your company pitch is a great way to present your company profile. 

Far from overdoing it, focus on your main business areas to present your top three to six. Use images or icons for visual support. Include a supporting text on a service description, and the benefits of these for your target audience. 

What we do Slide for company profile presentation

Step 4 – About the Company

And enter your company description in the next slide. This is usually presented with the header “About Us.” If your growth is at the point where it makes an impact once the story is told, include it. The same applies to any awards or key certifications you may have in your name. If you’ve made it to the news or media in great light, or if there’s any vital history that can be an impressive point for your company’s reputation, it may be worth adding those here. 

An About Page for a Company Profile presentation

If you don’t want to start from scratch, you can use the About Us slide templates for PowerPoint.

In a nutshell, use all of your relevant bragging rights as you see fit. Stress any significant milestones your company could have achieved by the time you present. And narrow down your niche and any location-specific expertise you may have working to your advantage. 

Step 5 – Present the Team

Follow with your team slide through a Meet the Team slide design. Show a few images of your leading talent. As usual with a team slide, consider the most common recommendations on who to highlight and what to include. You’re looking for the most reputable milestones of your team members’ careers as a highlight of their background to make a shining difference. If a particular person or group makes a stellar difference by being an experienced part of your team, include the following slide with just those party’s credentials and best references. 

Showcasing the team in Company Profile presentation

Step 6 – Company major milestones

Then move to portray the company’s significant milestones in a timeline visually . The idea is to make your roadmap visually clear in your corporate presentation or company profiles. For that, title each part of the process, give it a brief description, and extend timeline indications onto a separate slide, if you prefer. 

Timeline illustration of a company's milestones

Step 7 – Relevant Data

If you need to add PowerPoint chart templates , the next few slides would be a proper section to include these into the corporate presentations. Give descriptions of the data you’re presenting. Include a mix between pie charts, line and bar graphs, and other formats as you move along. 

Company Profile Presentation Data Charts Slide

Our Company Profile PowerPoint template , for example, includes a world map that allows users to pinpoint company locations around the globe. The idea is to make the company’s global reach a lot more visible, which will help enhance your company overview slides. 

All of the above coincides with a total of 15 slides we put together as part of this company PowerPoint-friendly material. Edit its background, move data around, and customize it as you see fit.

From here on, we suggest adding positive reviews via Client Testimonials or feedback left on review sites. For this purpose, you can reuse one of our editable client testimonial slides for PowerPoint & Google Slides. You can even add a client portfolio if you already have a great, solid base. Any good words about you from relevant parties will reinforce your credibility as the final touch and your conclusion slide.

Why use company profile templates?

Using PowerPoint presentation templates for company profiles is the first step toward a professional job. The primary justification for this choice is how much easier it is to edit, add, remove, or re-write a slide compared to other formats. Depending on how often you’ll need to customize this resource to pitch an audience, making quick changes can be easy and convenient.

Also, consider how quickly a company is going to face alterations in terms of products, finances, milestones, and diverse goals. Adding or removing a slide is very easy!

While we’re touching upon edits, keep your texts short and relevant descriptions. Avoid long blocks of content or jam-packed illustrations, even using graphs, tables, or others. As with any slide for any purpose, keep your presentation as lean as possible. 

Alternatively, you can access our free company profile template to create an excellent company presentation.

Recommendations on company profiles

Speaking of purpose, define what the company profile is set out to achieve. An investment plan or trade portfolio can be a part of why a company profile is needed. Align objectives in this sense with the overall content. 

If it isn’t evident, add the company logo to the company profile presentation. If you’re using pictures, make sure they’re of the highest quality, as this speaks professionalism. Some logo maker tools offer preset presentation sizes which makes the process easier.

As for contact details, seek to include email, phone, corporate address, and even a website mention. Adding these details is a way to let potential clients quickly learn more about your company. Social media accounts are also a must in terms of outreach and potential customers checking the company’s trajectory. To make it convenient and for a streamlined access to your contact information, add a digital business card with relevant contact details including website link and social media handles.

Company profiles might not be the best place to include financial reports or any corporate problems you’re dealing. On the contrary, they’re intended to draw people to your business and make them fall in love with a brand, its mission, and its vision. 

That’s why it’s so important to seek to appeal to your audience’s emotions. How you can call upon an emotional connection with what you’re presenting is a great guiding principle as you build your next company profile presentation material, script, setting, and performance. Every aspect counts! Control what happens rather than leaving it to chance. 

Examples of successful company profiles

Study cases for eco-friendly companies.

From a two-page company profile for a food waste management solution company to an 88-page document of the exact nature of one of Australia’s Equity Trustee companies, we’re detailing various company profile examples for a clearer idea of what these can include. 

MAEKO made a clear statement in just a couple of slides, clearly defining its mission & vision, its niche, the offered solution for a world-class problem, and displaying its products’ end purpose.

The annual report from Equity Holdings Ltd. instead presents data in a consolidated way that both shareholders and potential business partners can quickly appreciate. Though lengthy, the main goal behind this approach is to provide complete insights into each aspect of the trust’s management, profits & losses.

We hope this has helped, and, of course, let us know if you’d like to see more or different. We’re here to help you excel every step of the way. Also, check out our step-by-step guide on how to make a PowerPoint Presentation .

1. Company Profile PowerPoint Template - The Basic Structure

Cover Image for Company Profile Presentation

For business executives, sales teams, and entrepreneurs, the Company Profile PowerPoint Template proves to be a powerful tool for kicking off a quick and impactful presentation. As described in the article, it contains the basic structure for a powerful Company introduction covered in 15 slides.

Blue & light gray themed, it’s fully compatible with all versions of PowerPoint, Keynote, and also Google Slides. Pie chart graphs, linear graphs, and bar graphs slides included to create detailed data reports.

Use This Template

2. Company Profile PowerPoint Template with SWOT Analysis & Pricing

cover for company profile template in teal tone

This template will give you the tools for a fully-detailed company introduction. Listing slides to showcase scenarios such as “problem vs solution”, SWOT analysis, global market solutions, pricing lists, and way more, it’s a compendium of 20 slides intended for business success.

In a dashing white and teal color combination, with gray accents, this template is the perfect asset to present data in a visually appealing way. Fully compatible with all versions of PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides.

3. Professional Company Profile PowerPoint Template

cover photo for company profile template

Present your company in a stellar fashion thanks to this Company Profile template. With subtle gradients and a clean layout, this template’s design moves far from the classy-styled presentation into a carefully crafted design with vivid tones. Dark purple, red, and orange tones make up this template in striking combinations to gather the public’s interest.

100% compatible with all PowerPoint versions, Apple Keynote, and Google Slides.

4. Executive Styled Company Profile Template

cover photo for executive profile template

Make a memorable introduction for your company with the help of this Company Profile template for PowerPoint. This template can boost your pitch in a steel gray tone with terracotta and teal accents. Featuring slides for organigrams, goals and milestones, core values, timelines, and more, 22 slides are ready to edit and rearrange as fits your company the best.

Compatible with all PowerPoint versions, Apple Keynote, and Google Slides.

5. Flyer One-Pager Company Profile Template

cover for flyer one pager company profile template

Easy to distribute, even easier to create. A vividly toned one-pager company profile template is a practical solution for conferences, meetups, and any kind of large business exhibition. Quickly deliver the vital data that makes your company a profitable place to invest. Get hold of potential new clients, or just attract potential employees with the help of this flyer format of a company profile.

Fully editable in all versions of PowerPoint, Apple Keynote, and Google Slides

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Business PowerPoint Templates, Company Introduction, Company Profile, Company Profile Presentation Filed under Presentation Ideas

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50 Must-See Customer Engagement Presentations

The Team at CallMiner

September 26, 2018

Microphone on abstract blurred of speech in seminar room

Customer engagement has evolved from the origins of customer satisfaction and customer delight. Today, customer engagement is defined as the profound relationship that the customer has with your brand.

In today’s digital age, irrespective of which industry you are in, customers expect an immediate or near-instant response as well as a picture-perfect anticipation of their wants. To meet this requirement, businesses are getting competitive and aiming to provide hyper-personalized experiences to keep their customers enrolled and engaged with their brand, products, and services.

Designing a well-crafted customer engagement strategy is an excellent way to boost sales and drive profitability. More companies are incorporating customer engagement tools such as  speech analytics  and chatbots to better gain deeper insight into customer engagement and respond readily to consumers across digital channels by leveraging technologies such as  artificial intelligence .

With many tools, technologies, and tactics that play a role in customer engagement, developing a strategy can seem daunting. To get you started, we’ve compiled a list of 50 different customer engagement resources, including both videos and slide presentations, by highly regarded individuals in the industry. For more expert insights on customer engagement, visit  CallMiner’s Learning Center  to access dozens of white papers, videos, articles, and other resources to help you develop and execute a top-notch customer engagement strategy.

The 50 must-see presentations below are listed in no particular order, but are separated by category including:

Video Presentations

Slide presentations, engage business media.

Twitter :  @EngageCustomer

1: Important Considerations for your Customer Management

This video is presented by Mike Havard, Director at Ember Services, at the Telecos/Utilities Director Forum 2014. The video covers customer engagement opportunities and challenges and covers topics such as regulation in a social context, the value of complaints, personal data implications, and what transformation and growth means in customer engagement.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding customer engagement and why organizations make it so hard
  • Securing board commitment for funding solutions
  • Discusses nine important themes around customer engagement

2: Employee and Customer Engagement

This video, from the fifth Directors Forum of 2014, takes a look at the important connection between employees and customer engagement. One of the key highlights includes understanding the shift between wanting to be customer-centric and enforcing an actionable strategy to actually make it happen. The video covers a panel of different speakers who discuss the relationship between employees and customer engagement.

  • Understanding the bridge between staff engagement and customer engagement
  • Incorporating employee engagement in putting the customer first
  • Using staff engagement to delight the customer

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Twitter:   @awscloud

3: Scaling Up to Your First 10 Million Users

Gaining users is the key to the cloud. This presentation is one that is regularly at the AWS conference “re:Invent”. However, in this particular version, Joel Williams changes the game a bit to help you scale to your first  11  million users. If you have a great product for sale, but can’t handle a large amount of traffic at once — this presentation will help you plan to scale AWS resources quickly.

  • Techniques for scaling an application on AWS
  • Why “auto-scaling” is not where you should start
  • Reasoning for starting with SQL databases for your scalabilty
  • Direct gameplans and examples from 1 million to 11 million users

4: Engaging Your Customers with SNS Mobile Push and Amazon Analytics

Push notifications are a crucial part of creating a game play experience that retains and reengages users. If an app that keeps running in the cloud, messages can be delivered to your players. The right communication at the right time can improve your engagement and build long-term relationships with your users.

  • 65% of mobile apps are abandoned within 90 days
  • Effectively sending mass messages versus using 1 to 1 communication based on analytics and player actions
  • Real time examples of notifications as well as a look at analytics and how to process data

5: How I discovered the black art of cult branding

Rob Howard, founder of Cult Collective, delivers this compelling talk at a TEDx event at St. Lawrence College. Howard boasts a marketing career spanning 20+ years, and in addition to founding Cult Collective, he founded a think tank, a global summit (The Gathering), and authored a book,  Fix: Break the Addiction That’s Killing Brands . Howard discusses how consumers tend to “evangelize” to others in the spur of the moment and how brands can capitalize on this enthusiasm and win the allegiance of die-hard fans through customer engagement.

  • What makes customers loyal to the world’s most coveted brands
  • How successful brands are like modern-day cults in disguise (in a good way)
  • What successful brands did to survive in times of economic diversity while spending less on traditional forms of marketing

Doug Stephens

Twitter :  @TheLavinAgency

6: Customer Engagement is the Key to Success

This video is presented by Doug Stephens at the Lavin Agency Speakers Bureau. He holds the opinion that every retailer understands that customer experience is crucial, but very few really know how to implement it. Being one of the world’s foremost retail speakers and consumer futurists, he drives the idea that, “We have to allow customers to feel like they’re not just walking into a different store, but walking into a different world.”

  • Retail stores have to be a “story”
  • Making stores less static
  • Engaging customers by creating a sensory experience

Mathew Sweezey

Twitter:   @msweezey

7: The New Rules for Customer Engagement

This video is a talk by Mathew Sweezey, “marketing evangelist” for He is also the author of “Marketing Automation for Dummies.” He provides an overview of modern customer engagement and explains how to execute a marketing strategy that drives lasting results.

  • How to value buy-in for your efforts
  • Social media tactics and strategies that get results
  • How the modern customer makes buying decisions
  • Lead nurturing best practices to increase lead flow

Twitter:  @Microsoft

8: New Customer Engagement Models

This video discusses how customers and Microsoft Retail Stores are successfully executing new customer engagement models. Microsoft Solutions Specialist and Retail Industry Solutions Director Pinar Salk covers how Microsoft Retail Stores are implementing an end-to-end customer engagement experience from mobile browsing to in-store purchases and more.

  • Implementing a frictionless shopping experience using a mobile app
  • Driving higher conversion and customer retention in the engagement process to impact the bottom line
  • Empowering sales associates to recommend curated products catered to the customer based on individual personal insights and data

Twitter:   @salesforce

9: The Future of Customer Engagement

This video from Salesforce brings together a panel of experts who impart expert tips and insights about the latest customer engagement strategies that are ready to be implemented and put into action. Discussions are centered around a properly designed customer engagement strategy that inspires, creates loyalty, and drives profit.

  • Defining customer engagement and discussing example case studies
  • Meeting customer expectations and personalizing the engagement process
  • Handling and understanding customer data and acting on it
  • Customer engagement best practices and strategies

Jon Suarez-Davis

Twitter:   @jsuarezdavis

10:  Customer Engagement in the Age of Intelligent Marketing

This video features keynote speaker Jon Suarez-Davis (“JSD”), who is Salesforce’s chief cloud marketing officer. He has experience working with some of the world’s biggest brands. In his talk, he draws upon real life examples to explain how customer engagement can be enhanced in the age of intelligent marketing.

  • New level of engagement
  • Brand marketing and performance marketing
  • Salesforce’s vision for the future of marketing
  • Predictions for digital advertising in 2020
  • Core competencies: Know, Engage, and Personalize


Twitter:   @pega

11:  AI in Customer Engagement

In this video by PegaWorld, Dr. Rob Walker, VP of Decision Management and Analytics at Pegasystems, discusses both the advantages and potential risks of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the customer engagement process.

  • Balancing the risks and rewards of Artificial Intelligence
  • Discussing how AI can be a threat to human existence and how we can control and trust it
  • Difference between Opaque and Transparent AI
  • Where to allow Opaque AI and where to insist on transparency
  • Predicting outcomes based on AI

12: Automation, AI and Customer Engagement

In this video, 25-year veteran employee and Senior Vice President of Products at Pegasystems, Kerim Akgonul, discusses how technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), DevOps, and robotic automation are building agility and transforming customer engagement in organizations.

  • Automating AI for customer engagement
  • Providing real-life case studies on how AI is being used today to enhance customer engagement
  • Bridging the gap between customer engagement, operational efficiency, and business agility

IBM Analytics

Twitter:   @IBMAnalytics

13.  Data-driven Customer Engagement

This video gives a walkthrough of how to spot customers who are at risk of churn and use preemptive measures before they are defected. It talks about using predictive analytics capabilities to drive customer retention by accurately targeting campaigns, which allows you to retain valuable customers while boosting your revenue.

  • Deliver customer insights to front-line decision-makers and systems
  • Boost customer lifetime value through personalized efforts
  • Predict which customers are at risk of leaving
  • Identify choice prospects for highly targeted marketing programs
  • Enhance sales forecasting, accelerating sales cycles

Insurance Nexus

Twitter:   @InsuranceNexus

14.  Raising Customer Engagement in the Insurance Industry

This video covers a webinar conducted by Insurance Nexus with a panel of three leading speakers and discusses how to raise customer engagement in the insurance industry. Key topics covered include analyzing the customer journey and identifying where the pain points are, how to improve customer engagement, and measuring interactions with customers.

  • How insurance carriers can improve their customer engagement
  • Practical advice, case study examples and best practices for the insurance industry
  • Innovating and using technology to interact with customers

Twitter:   @SAP

15: Beyond CRM: Digital Transformation Starts with Customer Engagement

This video, delivered by enterprise resource planning (ERP) giant SAP, talks about how digital transformation is impacting how to deal with customers and why organizations need to think beyond the CRM. Leading speakers from SAP discuss actionable strategies for customer engagement and reveal how SAP offerings, such as the “SAP Hybris portfolio and SAP Jam Communities,” can help you reach digital transformation objectives.

  • How to exceed customer expectations and delight with digital solutions
  • Delivering richer, faster, and better digital experiences personalized to the customer
  • Understanding digital businesses and why customers are their most important assets
  • Assisted and unassisted customer support before, during, and after the purchase

CustomerEdge TV

Google+:   CustomerEdge TV

16: How Social Media Has Impacted Customer Engagement – Customer Edge

This video talks about the role that social media has played on the way businesses sell, market, and serve their customers. Irrespective of industry, whether it is telecom or heavy machinery, the competition is ever increasing which makes it necessary to provide a personalized experience to each customer.

  • How to engage with personalized social media in B2B and B2C situations
  • How to involve influencers and advocates, and foster their growth
  • Learning from best practices and avoiding pitfalls

Twitter:   @couchbase

17:  Revolutionizing customer engagement – Connect Silicon Valley 2017

Couchbase CMO Peter Finter discusses the attributes and values of an engagement database and how Couchbase clients are transforming their organizations with improved customer engagement, personalized experiences, lower costs, and time-sensitive innovation.

  • Changes impacting businesses today that requires them to rethink customer experience
  • Challenges of customer engagement and how to overcome them
  • How businesses can revolutionize customer engagement and reap the rewards
  • Employing technology to give customers a unique experience

Google G Suite

Twitter:  @gsuite

18: Connecting your sales associates to drive customer engagement and satisfaction

There are a many “real world” problems in the retail and ecommerce space — especially when it comes to customer engagement. Google has provided a short tutorial about how Chrome can help alleviate many of these scenarios. The focus of the webinar is to help connect sales associates in a way that improves customer engagement through the production of “regular, lively content”.

  • Discovering the top two operational challenges of the retail world
  • How Chrome can help modernize and rethink workflows
  • Enhancing and improving communication across a distributed workforce

Twitter:  @Dreamforce

19:  Workshop: Transform Customer Service to a Customer Engagement Center

In this video, Service Cloud experts from Salesforce discuss the importance of adapting your service organization to engage a whole new breed of technology savvy customers who expect immediate answers and support at every step of their customer experience journey. They uncover strategies for connecting with customers and building meaningful relationships, and the role of a customer engagement center to transform customer experience.

  • How mobile and social media are transforming customer service today
  • Delivering outstanding customer service at every point of customer interaction
  • Deploying and running a customer engagement center successfully
  • Achieving measurable results through increased agent productivity

Pitney Bowes

Twitter:  @pb_digital

20: Digital Transformation with Mobile First Customer Engagement

This demo by Pitney Bowes covers how organizations need to be relevant and interact with customers on every marketing channel today. It shows ways to optimize and simplify communication for mobile devices and discusses the importance of AV interactions to create engaging and personal customer experiences.

  • Identifying current trends in customer engagement
  • Providing digitized customer engagement management solutions
  • Discussing the future of customer driven “predictive” engagement
  • Scalable, compliant and secure mobile-first customer engagement

TiE Silicon Valley

Twitter:   @tiesv

21:  Inhi Cho Suh – GM Watson Customer Engagement, IBM – MarTech Track TiE Inflect 2018

Inhi Cho Suh, GM Watson Customer Engagement at IBM, discusses the human and business impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and how AI combined with other disruptive technologies such as IOT and Blockchain are drastically transforming different industries including HealthTech, FinTech, MarTech, and more.

  • How AI and machine learning is transforming customer engagement
  • Creating real-time personalized experiences using AI
  • Identifying the challenges of AI and offering solutions
  • Employing an AI powered platform to holistically analyze customer data and deliver the best possible customer experience

Twitter:   @TheNextWeb

22:  Danielle Levitas (App Annie) on How to Grow Customer Engagement through Mobile | TNW Conference 2017

Danielle Levitas, Senior Vice President and Research and Analysis team lead at App Annie, talks about how to grow customer engagement through mobile. With most customers mobile today and a good part of them spending 2+ hours a day on mobile apps, she emphasizes the importance of mobile-first marketing. This video also covers the importance of using customer data to understand what consumers want and expect and how to use mobile apps to create an intimate level of engagement with a customer.

  • Why and how to reach out to customers on mobile devices
  • Growing customer engagement through mobile app interactions
  • Increasing ROI and building a better business through apps

Twitter:  @Comm100

23:  [Webinar] Social Media Best Practices for Effortless Customer Engagement

Research from Gartner predicts that in the next two years almost 90% of all companies will be providing customer support on social media. This webinar video shows how to build meaningful customer relationships by providing stellar customer service through a variety of social media channels.

  • Social media best practices for effortless customer engagement
  • Dealing with rising expectations and providing instant/near-instant responses
  • How to handle social media customer service queries
  • Social media excellence checklist

Twitter:   @adtech

24:  Game On: How Gamification Drives Sales & Customer Engagement

In this video, CRO Samantha Skey from RecycleBank and leading executives from NativeX, Electronic Arts, and SponsorPay discuss relevant case studies of how brands and businesses can use gamification to push sales and increase customer engagement. Going beyond just reward points and tokens, they discuss strategies that can be borrowed from gaming to attract new leads and gaining customer loyalty.

Download our guide on  how to use gamification to improve call center performance !

  • Importance of gamification to drive sales and enhance customer experience
  • Offering rewards to customers for user-directed opt-ins
  • ‘Mobile to in-store’ and ‘in-store to mobile’ customer engagement

Karan Verma

25: Artificial Intelligence in Customer Engagement

Karan Verma, product manager for Dry Ice at HCL Technologies, discusses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning and the millions of variables involved in delivering the data to be used to drive customer engagement.

  • When to employ machine learning vs. human interaction
  • How large-scale enterprises can use AI to enhance customer engagement
  • Discussing current and future trends in AI
  • Building the gap between different marketing platforms to engage a customer in their customer journey

Twitter:  @CityGro

26:  Innovative Ideas That Increase Your Customer Engagement

A live podcast video by CityGro, a company that builds marketing and client retention tools, discusses how to build customer loyalty and keep people coming back, and how businesses can improve customer retention and develop marketing strategies to better engage customers.

  • Exploring innovative ways to get people to engage with your business, brand, and loyalty programs
  • Getting direct feedback from customers to help businesses improve their customer experience
  • Discusses the tools CityGro offers to increase customer engagement through gamification, scratch cards, and more

Twitter:   @PitneyBowes

27: Predictive Analytics + Customer Engagement = Bad Debt Prevention

Bad debt costs millions per year for utilities. Predictive analytics and properly tuned in customer engagement can alleviate and prevent many of these losses. This pre-recorded webinar has some of the foremost experts in the areas of analytics, utility companies and customer success.

  • See how predictive analytics as well as a customer service strategy can prevent bad debt
  • Using data to determine where your collection efforts are best spent by likeliness to pay
  • Keep more debt from becoming delinquent based on indicators before payments are missed

Tom Tsongas, PMP, CSM

28: Customer engagement

This slide presentation gives an overview and discusses key aspects of customer engagement. It explains how customer engagement is the process of fostering and optimizing the relationship with the consumer, as well as the necessary steps that need to be taken to produce the most viable deliverable. It emphasizes the need for improving customer satisfaction scores and giving the customer a lasting impression of your brand.

  • Difference between internal and external customers
  • Challenges in engaging internal customers
  • Internal customer engagement lifecycle
  • Key methodologies to achieve customer engagement

David Williams


29: Customer engagement 5 vectors

This slide presentation is shared by David Williams, Director of iPoint Solutions Ltd., in which he discusses the five vectors of customer engagement. The slides discuss the need to shift from efficiency to effectiveness and the importance of having direct engagement with the customer.

  • 5 vectors of customer engagement
  • Expanding opportunity with smart everything
  • Offshoring and re-shoring
  • Keeping up with the competition

Raghvendra Saboo

Twitter:  @jumoora

30: In-Store Customer Engagement & Analytics

This slide presentation primarily discusses the importance of in-store customer engagement and ways to improve it. It also shares analytics of customer behavior and how to grab engagement analytics of the ever connected and the ever-browsing customer. It also shares market evolution details and case studies of a couple of leading organizations.

  • Enhancing experience related to shopping at physical stores
  • The behavior change brought by E-commerce
  • Leveraging proximity techniques and cloud NFC smart tags
  • Value proposition of brands

Emilia D’Anzica, MBA, PMP

Twitter:  @emiliadanzica

31: Driving Product Advocacy: Customer Engagement

This slide presentation discusses the importance of having an engagement program and key strategies to jumpstart customer engagement in your organization. It also shares recent customer analysis and platforms that can be used for customer relationship management and offers guidance on creating an action plan for your engagement program.

  • Analysis of customer journey
  • Gamification of customer experience
  • Strategies for mobilizing your network
  • Action plan for continuous engagement

Twitter:  @plumb_five

32: Autonomous Customer Engagement

The slide presentation focuses on implementing AI that is capable of autonomous human-like customer engagement. It advocates the use of Plumb5 which is a unified data platform that is built using the concepts of a real-time decision process. It renders seamless engagement between touch-points like web, mobile, email, SMS, and other channels of communication.

  • Introduction to Plumb5 platform
  • Data preparation for individual customers
  • Connecting all data sources
  • Unification technique
  • Machine learning workflow
  • Segmentation and dynamic personalization

Twitter:  @Ogilvy

33: Equipping Engagement with Wearable Tech

This slide presentation talks about wearable tech that can function as a multi-disciplinary analysis. It discusses smart body apparel and various factors such as personal, environmental, and physical that come into play when designing and implementing with wearable tech.

  • How to stay consumer-centric
  • Utilizing mobile devices and connected watches
  • Today’s wearable tech eco-system

Richard Sedley

Twitter:  @richardsedley

34: 4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey

This series of slides are from the 4th annual online customer engagement survey report of 2010. The presentation comments on the report, provides an executive summary and goes into an in-depth discussion regarding customer management. It discusses the importance of repeated interactions that strengthen the emotional, psychological, or physical investment of the customer in the brand, product, or company.

  • Behaviors and dimensions to consider for customer engagement campaigns
  • Importance of message relevance and medium selection for customer engagement
  • Improving online customer engagement
  • Increasing value delivered and long-term customer engagement

35: Creating Customer Engagement Strategies

This presentation created by Richard Sedley, CEO at EY-Saren, is a series of slides discussing various factors, mediums, and analysis that can be used for creating effective customer engagement strategies.

  • Permission based marketing
  • Touch strategies
  • Proposition development
  • Psycho-graphic profiling
  • Behavioral targeting
  • Contextual targeting

OgilvyOne Worldwide

36: eCommerce: The Crucible of Customer Engagement

This is a series of slides that talk about the core-essentials or ingredients of customer engagement. It discusses how mobile users and millennials are going to drive the future. It focuses on developing customer engagement and enhancing customer experience by a combination of either physical or digital stores, along with the application of continuous commerce.

  • Using M-commerce to drive E-commerce
  • Location marketing
  • Instant Gratification Marketplaces

Twitter:  @davidleeking

37: Freak Out, Geek Out, or Seek Out: Dealing with Tech Change and Customer Engagement

The series of slides in this presentation talk about the rapid technology changes that need to be made to boost customer engagement. It talks about the changing web, which is a decentralized, two-way channel for public communication in real-time and also how to deal with the ever-changing competition landscape.

  • Dealing with pocket web
  • Enhancing visitor experience
  • Improve touch-points
  • Dealing with change

SAP Customer Experience

Twitter:  @SAP_CX

38: 44 Facts Defining the Future of Customer Engagement

This slide presentation offers a series of facts that gives an idea of where customer engagement is headed in the future. It shares statistics related to customer engagement in different fields such as electronics, banking, hotels, and the retail market.

  • Necessity of engaging customers on social media
  • Statistics relating customer spending with customer experience
  • Effectiveness of customer usage algorithm
  • Importance of being customer-centric

Braze (formerly Appboy)

Twitter:  @Braze

39: What is Customer Engagement

This series of slides gives an in-depth understanding of customer engagement. It talks about the process of actively building, nurturing, and managing relationships with customers. The customer journey is no longer linear, which makes creating a customer engagement strategy more complex. Therefore, it is easier to sell to an existing customer than acquire a new one.

  • Customer acquisition and metrics marketing
  • Leveraging CRM data to better understand customers
  • Segmentation to increase the relevancy and effectiveness of campaigns
  • Using multiple channels for maximum impact

Twitter:  @marketo

40: 5 Marketing Strategies for Customer Engagement

This series of informative slides discusses the upcoming “engagement economy” as the foreseen new era. It presents the 2017 marketing benchmark report and shares success stories that have worked for leading organizations.

  • Need for an engagement platform
  • Quality of engagements
  • Personalized engagement
  • Custom scoring models
  • Multi-touch reporting

Twitter:  @Alterian

41: The Future of Customer Engagement

This series of slides aims at predicting the future of customer engagement. It talks about how the definition of customer engagement has changed with evolving customers, social change, and customer demands that drive marketing. It discusses how to identify the challenges in delivering customer engagement and how these challenges can be addressed.

  • Strategies in customer engagement
  • Identification and addressing challenges
  • Customer engagement maturity model

Twitter:  @MarTechConf

42: The Four R’s of Customer Engagement for Marketing Success

This presentation discusses digital transformation and the key difference between customer experience and customer engagement. It talks about the science of marketing, and how marketing has evolved with machine learning and omni-channel architecture.

  • Right message
  • Right channel

David Leonarde

43: Top 7 winning customer engagement strategies for your business

This series of slides discusses some of the key strategies that are vital for increasing customer engagement. It talks about the importance of humans being multi-dimensional and how they can be engaged on other levels that are not directly related to the company’s product. It discusses the sharing of stories and how providing customers with real time benefits are keys to continuous customer engagement.

  • Engage and enroll customers by sharing your story
  • Use customer data effectively to generate relevant content
  • Share customer reviews on social media
  • Attempt to engage customers on an emotional level

Demand Metric

Twitter:  @DemandMetric

44: Customer Engagement Playbook

This series of slides shows a step-by-step guide to improve the engagement level of customers and make your organization customer-centric. It talks at length about initiatives that need to be taken to improve customer engagement, and understanding the strength and weakness of the organization to design the most effective customer engagement plan.

  • Customer journey mapping
  • Initiative preparation and technology selection
  • Strategy selection for customer engagement and advocacy

Amazon Web Services

Twitter:  @awscloud

45: Customer Engagement in the Age of Digital Transformation

The digital customer leaves behind an explosion of data that is collected across all touchpoints. This series of slides gives a walkthrough of the research and industry analysis conducted in the field of customer engagement. It also educates about how Amazon Web Services (AWS) and FICO can help in building better customer engagement for your organization.

  • Data driven, highly scientific approach to optimize omni-channel customer experience
  • Using existing customer data to predict future behavior
  • Model outbound and real-time customer interactions to create effective campaigns
  • Core benefits of using AWS

Techedge Group

Twitter:  @techedgegroup

46: Design for Customer Engagement: Digital Marketing Strategy

This series of slides focuses on identifying all of the relevant technological components that seamlessly integrate with one another. It further discusses that end-to-end digital marketing strategies are key to developing a strong customer base for any organization.

  • Search engine marketing and related online campaigns
  • Accurate application of the digital marketing funnel
  • Developing a successful digital marketing strategy

Twitter:  @servicenow

47: How to Develop Winning Customer Engagement Strategies

This series of slides teach how to develop customer engagement strategies that increase customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. The presentation talks about the advent of the digital customer and how to use omni-channel methods to build trust and engage the customer. It also covers concerns of the company regarding the cost of the campaigns and how to optimize budget limits.

  • Customer engagement in the digital era
  • Personal value chain of customers
  • Multichannel customer engagement
  • Analysis of Dialog Axiata Group case study

MIT Sloan Management Review

Twitter:   @MITSloan

48:  Turning Data into Customer Engagement

Here is a very data-based slide presentation reviewing “key findings” from the 2018 Data & Analytics Global Executive Study and Research Report. If you’re not using any form of analytics at the moment, the results found may convince you to start.

  • Using analytics is a competitive advantage that continues to improve
  • The data provided by analytics is improving customer engagement for those employing it
  • Experienced analytics users are using more data points to improve engagement
  • The power of sharing data

The Digital Insurer

Twitter:   @DigitalInsurer

49:  Customer Engagement in a Connected World

A great set of useful slides from a series of presentations at a conference specifically from insurers. There are four distinct presentations all dealing with the topic of improving both customer engagement and customer experience. While it is intended for insurers, the strategies are broad and can benefit nearly any industry.

  • How insurers can specifically drive customer engagement by embracing the “age of the customer”
  • How AI and Machine Learning can improve customer experience
  • Insights into the customer via online engagement
  • “Uplifting” the experience of an insurer’s customer


Twitter:   @Kissmetrics

50:  Data-Driven Storytelling: How To Use Qualitative and Quantitative Insights To Create Content That Fuels Your Business

A long title that says exactly what to expect within the slides. Kissmetrics is known for quality content as well as creating tools that give incredibly useful data. This presentation deals with both creating good content and using it to the fullest for data-backed engagement.

  • A clean-cut definition of good content, how to “cut through the noise” and telling good stories
  • Detailed, itemized list of the ways storytelling content can fuel your business objectives
  • Further resources to continue your data and storytelling journey

What customer engagement strategies are most crucial to your organization in the digital world? Tweet at us  @CallMiner  and let us know! 

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CallMiner is the global leader in conversation analytics to drive business performance improvement . Powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning, CallMiner delivers the industry’s most comprehensive platform to analyze omnichannel customer interactions at scale, allowing organizations to interpret sentiment and identify patterns to reveal deep understanding from every conversation. By connecting the dots between insights and action, CallMiner enables companies to identify areas of opportunity to drive business improvement, growth and transformational change more effectively than ever before. CallMiner is trusted by the world’s leading organizations across retail, financial services, healthcare and insurance, travel and hospitality, and more.

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[Updated 2023] 50 Best Company Presentation Templates To Ace The Corporate Ladder

[Updated 2023] 50 Best Company Presentation Templates To Ace The Corporate Ladder

Malvika Varma


Let’s face it! Company presentations are generally the same– unattractive and boring. 

Your company presentation is a crucial thing! It is often the primary stage of your business as it forms the ground for further discussions. Do it right and witness your company flourish! Do it wrong and lose a lot more — brand identity, productivity, and communication effectiveness. Whether you’re introducing your company to venture investors and potential clients or discussing the business with senior management, you need to make an amazing first impression . 

A well-crafted business presentation assists you in achieving significant goals like sealing deals or developing of partnerships. It is an important tool that evaluates the components of the company, like plans, progress, and specific goals. The secret ingredient of a successful business presentation is putting your heart and soul into it. The right presentation will help you in connecting with your audience and show them the value of your ideas and vision, thereby serving the purpose. 

Now the question is how can you make an engaging company presentation? Well, this is where we come into the picture. SlideTeam provides the 50 best company presentation template complete decks that are as unique as your organization, your products, and your services and make you stand out from a dozen others. 

Company Presentation Templates To Download

Template 1: company profile ppt template.

Company Profile PPT Template

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Our PPT Template is the perfect solution for anyone looking to create a comprehensive, engaging, and visually stunning overview of their company. With our Company Profile PPT Template, you can showcase your brand's vision and mission, introduce your founders and team members, and highlight your company's goals and objectives. Our template allows you to share your organization structure, workflow, and future projects with your audience, giving them a clear picture of where your company is headed. But that's not all - our PPT Template also provides a detailed comparison with your competitors, enabling you to showcase what sets your brand apart from others in your industry. By illustrating your company's unique selling points and core values, you can create a compelling brand narrative that resonates with your audience and sets you apart from the competition. Download now.

Template 2: Business Plan for New Company PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Business Plan for New Company PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Looking for a professional and comprehensive way to showcase your business to investors, stakeholders, or potential clients? Look no further than our Business Plan PPT Template!

Our template is designed to give you a head start in creating a visually appealing and informative company profile presentation. It includes all the key sections you need to highlight your brand, including your value proposition, product roadmap, business model, revenue model, go-to-market strategy, and financial projections. Our template helps to create a compelling story about your business that showcases its strengths and potential while providing key insights that will help stakeholders make informed decisions. Get it now.

Template 3: Business Model For Startup Companies PPT Template

Business Model For Startup Companies PPT Template

Introducing the ultimate PPT template for startup companies - the perfect tool to help you unlock the full potential of your business. Our Business Model PPT template is designed to provide you with the tools you need to effectively communicate your market insights, the company's unique selling proposition (USP), projected key financials, objectives, and strategic positioning to investors, partners, and stakeholders.

Crafted with the needs of startups in mind, this template is both creative and engaging, making it easy for you to capture your audience's attention and communicate your message effectively. 

With this template, you'll be able to showcase your startup's unique value proposition and market insights in a visually stunning way. You'll also be able to present your financial projections and key objectives with clarity and precision, helping you to secure the investment and support you need to take your business to the next level. Download now.

Template 4: Company Profiling PPT Template 

Company Profiling

Download Company Profiling PowerPoint Presentation Slides

As you know, a company presentation is your best tool to narrate your corporate story to the audience with clarity and simplicity. Highlight the strengths of your enterprise in an interesting manner using our complete PPT deck. The professional summary of your business and its activities presented here will keep the audience engaged and make it informative for the investors as well as management staff. Our company presentation templates are pre-designed to help you out with numerous ideas on how to illustrate the various facets of your organization. Reach new heights with this captivating enterprise PPT deck. This company profiling PowerPoint template can be employed for company introduction to new employees, pitch capitalists, and whatnot. 

Template 5: Company Summary Of Business Plan

Company Summary Of Business Plan

Break the stereotype of monotonous company presentations. Save yourself from the yawn-inducing corporate presentation by downloading our attention-grabbing company profiling PowerPoint template. All crucial elements to making an awesome business presentation are incorporated in this PowerPoint layout. Acquisition strategy plan, core values, company objectives, organizational structure, and other aspects which amplify the success of the firm can be presented effectively. It is also useful for project managers, HR, and other management meetings conducted to track corporate milestones.

Template 6: Corporate Profile PPT Slides

Corporate Profile

Do wnload Corporate Profile PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Deliver an in-depth blueprint of the organizational structure and leave a mark on the audience's mind by utilizing this corporate profiling PowerPoint theme. The complete deck is specially designed by keeping in mind all the essential elements that can help you reach the top of the corporate success ladder. Build a strong connection with your audience by using this corporate profile PPT presentation describing the agenda, vision and mission of the enterprise, achievements accomplished and lots more. Utilize our professionally designed company presentation template in meetings, where core values, solutions, and business strategies are to be discussed with co-workers and management staff.

Template 7: Vision, Mission, Goals, And Objectives

Vision Mission Goals And Objectives

Download Vision Mission Goals And Objectives PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Is achieving targets on your mind? Look no further. Incorporate our company goals PowerPoint template to state and achieve corporate goals within the deadline. Our business goals PPT presentation is interactive enough to communicate your ideas effectively. This attractively designed PowerPoint complete deck can also be used to foster teamwork and describe what your institution wants to accomplish.  

Template 8: Business Pitch

Business Pitch

Download Business Pitch PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Weave an interesting story for your startup fundraising meeting by introducing this awe-inspiring business pitch PowerPoint template. If you are new to the corporate world and looking to start your own business, then this content ready company PowerPoint template can be of great use to you. The format, design, and selection of slides make it very easy to explain the financial projections and growth strategy to the stakeholders. Impress your prospects by giving a framework to your business ideas and climb up the corporate ladder.

Template 9: Business Achievements PPT Template

Business Achievements

Download Business Achievements PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Business accomplishments give us the much-needed confidence to excel further. The company presentation template consisting of business achievements can be employed to illustrate the key milestones achieved. Project managers can present our pre-designed corporate achievements PowerPoint complete deck to acknowledge the teammates and encourage them to continue showing dedication. You can list the company achievements with the use of the timeline so that the viewer gets a clear idea about the progression of your firm. 

Template 10: Business Campaigning

Business Campaigning

Download Business Campaigning PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Campaigning is so important in the success of any business. Poor business campaigning can easily fade your presence from the market. Discuss the brand promotion channels and tools with the marketing team to outshine your competitors. Advertising techniques to boost the business in the online and offline market can be formulated by taking the aid of this company presentation template complete deck. This editable company promotion PowerPoint template can be incorporated to analyze the marketing strategies to target different sets of audiences.

Template 11: Business Operational Excellence Strategy

Business Operational Excellence Strategy

Download Business Operational Excellence Strategy PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Business Operational PowerPoint template can be used to showcase the operational excellence for your company to create value for customers and stakeholders. Discuss the agenda, operational and customer-related challenges with the senior managers and figure out ways to mitigate sales and marketing challenges using this PowerPoint template. The eye-appealing graphics with a thoroughly researched content of the company presentation template complete deck makes it a perfect fit for presenting the company stats across the table.

Template 12: Business Overview Module

Business Overview Module

Download Business Overview Module PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Portray all your success stories with our company overview module PowerPoint presentation. Amplify your core values, milestones achieved, and services offered to ace your business presentation. This business presentation template can be tailored to suit your needs as it is completely editable. You can also bring the spotlight on the press and media coverage of your institution with the assistance of our company presentation PowerPoint layout. Present this complete deck in front of your clients and get an overwhelming response converting it into a deal done right.

Template 13: Product Design And Development

Product Design And Development

Download Product Design And Development PowerPoint Presentation Slides

If you are looking for a powerful company presentation template to launch a new product in the market, you are just a few clicks away. This product design and development PowerPoint template can make your brand stand ahead of others. Comprising PowerPoint slides such as product idea screening, product lifecycle, market analysis, development plans, cost analysis, product roadmap, and other significant features, you can download our company presentation complete deck to ace your next product launch meeting.

Template 14: Market Growth Rate

Market Growth Rate

Download Market Growth Rate PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Demonstrate the market driving factors with the help of this professionally designed market growth rate PowerPoint layout. Discuss the market analysis with the marketing team to identify trends and driving forces to forecast the sales and mitigate risks beforehand. Incorporate our pre-designed company PowerPoint layout to boost the dominance in the field. Download this corporate presentation template to communicate right and build your brand image. Just add your organization's statistics and you are ready to go.

Template 15: Business Strategy Innovation

Business Strategy Innovation

Download Business Strategy Innovation PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Introducing business ideas is no piece of cake. The repercussions of a single decision can last for a long time. Download our innovative business strategy PowerPoint complete deck to bring business innovation in an organization for a positive impact on the overall growth of the company. This PPT deck includes topics such as business model innovation framework approaches to the business model, the strategy of innovation, business model innovation segments, and many more. Download this impactful company presentation template to give an engaging presentation to your seniors and colleagues to have a competitive edge over others.

Template 16: Quarterly Business Review

Quarterly Business Review

Download Quarterly Business Review PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Use this template to talk about quarterly highlights, financial summary, key developments, balance sheet, cash flow statement, key financial ratios, and other important information of your organization. Beneficial in showcasing the company results and suggesting methodologies for improvement, this company presentation template can be of great advantage to you. No need to prepare the presentation from scratch as this PowerPoint template is well-researched and the designing aspect makes it very appealing.

Template 17: Start-Up Business Proposal

Start Up Business Proposal

Download Start-Up Business Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Startups have to toil day and night to get an opportunity to make their business ideas come to reality and we want to give our best shot. Download our professionally designed startup company presentation template to showcase the executive summary, market insights, services offered, objectives, key financial highlights and other crucial elements to convince your investors. This start-up company PowerPoint complete deck is a must for your institution as it covers all the aspects of a great business pitch. 

Template 18: Organizational Success

Organizational Success

Download Organizational Success PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Organizational success is dependent on numerous factors and each element plays a crucial role in determining the corporate triumph. Discuss the tools and techniques your company adopts to increase the efficiency by employing our professionally designed company presentation template. This enterprise success PowerPoint complete deck can be used to illustrate the steps to achieve organizational effectiveness along with the dimension. Human resource management of your firm can utilize this business PPT theme. 

Template 19: Detailed Business Plan For Company

Detailed Business Plan For Company

Download Detailed Business Plan For Company PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Have a business plan but clueless about how to prepare an attention-grabbing PowerPoint presentation? The solution is just a click away. Download our business plan PowerPoint theme and illustrate the solutions to the problems and a detailed growth plan suggested to a strong market game. Including the contents, growth strategies, financial projections, details of shareholders, this company presentation template can also be employed by start-up companies to c onvince the investors to invest in your business idea. The shareholding pattern and milestones achieved can be highlighted in an effective manner using this visually attractive business plan PPT theme.

Template 20: Investor Relations Profile

Investor Relations Profile

Download Investor Relations Profile PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Investors' relations are directly linked to the brand image. Employ this company presentation template to discuss the business canvas model, investment deals and monthly run revenue to showcase the company achievements. This investor relations PowerPoint complete deck is particularly helpful in building trust with potential clients. Download this customer relations PPT template and convince your clients to work with you.  

Template 21: Business Performance Analysis And Planning

Business Performance Analysis And Planning

Download Business Performance Analysis And Planning PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Analyze the financial situation of your business by incorporating this detailed company presentation template. This business performance analysis and planning PowerPoint template can be utilized as the quarterly results of the company as it includes topics such as financial summary, key developments, balance sheets, cash flow statements, etc. to give a clear view of the financial status of the firm. Employ this corporate performance PPT theme to ace your business.

Template 22: Financial Assets Management KPI And Dashboard

Financial Assets Management KPI And Dashboard

Incorporate this company dashboard PPT template in providing an overview of setting up KPI reports for your enterprise. Summarize your business stats and figures in an impressive report of business performance to help your organization navigate the best strategy to adopt for boosting the sales and profitability of the company. This pre-designed company presentation template can be downloaded by finance analysts to present the company results in an interesting way to the viewers. 

Template 23: Brand Resonance

Brand Resonance

Download Brand Resonance PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Brand image plays a crucial role in determining the success of the company, which can be effectively communicated by introducing this company presentation template. The concepts like the brand loyalty pyramid, measurement framework, and brand measurement can be discussed with your employees with the assistance of our brand resonance PowerPoint template.

Template 24: Business Operational Challenges

Business Operational Challenges

Download Business Operational Challenges PowerPoint Presentation Slides

The general operational challenges faced by business houses can be described using this company presentation template. Illustrate ground realities of the market scenario to employees to showcase the company strategy, objectives, changes in the competitive market scenario, sources of revenue, etc., with this business challenges PowerPoint presentation. Download this PPT theme to highlight the key performance indicators of your firm and strategize the methodology to be followed accordingly. 

Template 25: Company Marketing Analysis Report

Company Marketing Analysis Report

Download Company Marketing Analysis Report PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Marketing analysis of an enterprise is of great importance as it is related to the generation of revenue of the company. Download this company presentation template to showcase the key highlights of your business. Discuss the factors that are responsible for company sales and marketing by utilizing our content-ready PowerPoint presentation.

Template 26: Entering a New Market

Entering A New Market

Enter the market with a bang by incorporating this powerful company presentation template. Identify your target market, have thorough market research, and a good marketing strategy like market assessment, business case development, implementation roadmap, etc., can be illustrated by employing this entering a new market PowerPoint theme. Download this business PPT complete deck and impress your prospects.

Template 27: Business Model Design

Business Model Design

Download Business Model Design PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Present your business model like a pro by introducing our professionally designed company presentation template. Essential for your business meetings, this business model PowerPoint complete deck covers all the topics which give an edge over other presenters. Discuss the enterprise roadmap, agenda, objectives, and goals by downloading this visually attractive PPT layout and excel at the business conferences. 

Template 28: HR Induction

HR Induction

Download Hr Induction PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Have an impressive HR induction by downloading this very handy company presentation template. Giving a detailed overview of the company success road map, milestones achieved, corporate hierarchy, office timings, office dress code, attendance portal, leaves and holidays, rules and regulations, our company briefing hr induction ppt is a must to give the information to the new employee in an interesting and engaging manner.

Template 29: Recruiting Process PPT Template

Recruiting Process

The HR department can download this company presentation template to illustrate the recruitment process and portray the transparency of the organization. Elaborate your hiring process using this eye-catching PowerPoint complete deck to strengthen the human resource process of your institution. Showcase the recruitment agencies, hiring process, job description, recruitment funnel, the budget allocated and other such important components of the employee recruitment process by downloading this company hiring PPT theme.

Template 30: New Product Analysis

New Product Analysis

Product analysis before launching in the market is a significant step as the company's reputation is at stake. Download this visually appealing company presentation template to highlight the key features to be analyzed before introducing a new product in the market. Illustrate the different parameters that must be met for performing well by utilizing this new product evaluation PowerPoint complete deck. 

Template 31: Business Operations Cycles

Business Operations Cycles

Download Business Operation Cycles PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Business operation cycles are essential for the smooth functioning of your organization. Incorporate this company presentation template for displaying the executive summary, company mission statement, strategy to excel in business, potential sources of revenue and other chief areas. Download this awe-inspiring business management PowerPoint complete deck to illustrate the key performance indicators, financial and operational summary of your organization. The designing element used here is definitely attention-grabbing.

Template 32: Business Strategic Planning Template For Organizations

Business Strategic Planning Template For Organizations

Business Strategic Planning Template For Organizations PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Accomplish the company goals by stating your mission and vision and lay a firm ground for your organization. Employ this business strategic planning PowerPoint complete deck highlight the purpose of the business plan, the SWOT analysis, brand promotion road map, company sales & performance dashboard effectively. Download this company presentation template to give an impressive enterprise overview for the board meetings.

Template 33: Project Management Concepts And Principles

Project Management Concepts And Principles

Download Project Management Concepts And Principles PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Gain a competitive edge in your company by illustrating this company presentation template to your employees. Precisely highlight your project management principles and concepts by downloading our content ready business PPT complete deck. Brief your colleagues about project management principles and techniques for precise control and monitoring.  Download this business management PowerPoint template about the constraints or roadblocks of your organization. 

Template 34: Company Overview

Company Overview

Give an impressive company overview by employing our aesthetically appealing organization profiling PowerPoint complete deck. This visually communicating company presentation template is perfect for highlighting your enterprise’s strength in front of your investors and potential clients. You can also demonstrate the risk management report to discuss ways of mitigating risks in business.  

Template 35: Customer Acquisition Business Process

Customer Acquisition Business Process

Download Customer Acquisition Business Process PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Showcase the procedure your company adopts for gaining new clients by stating the agenda, customer acquisition management, framework and target prospects in a very compelling manner. Download this pictorial company presentation template to highlight the efforts as well as tips required to turn a prospect into a loyal customer and hence boost the sales of your organization. 

Template 36: Introduce Company Profile

Introduce Company Profile

Download Introduce Company Profile PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Introduce your enterprise for pitching investors and leave a powerful impression by employing our company presentation template. Starting with the agenda of your company you can easily strike the viewers’ attention as this pre-designed organization briefing PowerPoint complete deck covers all the essential elements of portraying the strengths of your company. You can showcase the founders and your talented workforce in an effective way by introducing this organizational introduction PPT theme. 

Template 37: Business Profile PPT Template

Business Profile

Download Business Profile PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Incorporate our multi-purpose company presentation template to highlight the business framework and the core values of your organization. The color palette used in this business PPT complete deck caters to a wide variety of topics such as milestones achieved, company roadmap, organization structure, services offered and lots more which portray the efficiency and dominance of the company in the market. 

Template 38: Business Change Principles

Business Change Principles

Download Business Change Principles PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Engage your audience with this beautifully designed company presentation template and explain the concept and principles of business change management effectively. Discover opportunities and educate your employees to learn new skills with the help of this business transformation PowerPoint complete deck. Take the help of this content ready organization change strategy PPT layout to formulate a plan and provide effective training to your workforce. Download our professionally designed business PowerPoint template to manage time and prioritize different tasks in your enterprise.

Template 39: Strategic and Operational Planning

Strategic and Operational Planning

Download S And Op PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Document and establish the right direction of your business by incorporating this company presentation template. The progress of your business is directly linked to the strategic and operational plans you adopt to manage resources, risk and return across an organization and stand ahead of your competitors. Articulate the decisions made about the organization's goals by downloading this business plan PPT complete deck.

Template 40: Marketing And Sales Strategy Business Plan

Marketing And Sales Strategy Business Plan

Download Marketing And Sales Strategy Business Plan PowerPoint Presentation Slides

A strong marketing and sales strategy can make or break a company. Highlight the significance of a powerful business plan by downloading this company presentation template. Illustrate the challenges and the solutions proposed to meet the target with the assistance of this content ready business PPT complete deck. Explain the value proposition and acknowledge your team by downloading our marketing and sales strategy PowerPoint templates.

Template 41: Company Introduction

About Our Company Introduction Profile

Download About Our Company Introduction Profile PowerPoint Presentation With Slides

Cover the important aspects of your enterprise with this aesthetically appealing company presentation template. Introduce the founding members of your company and their vision and mission to showcase the core values and principles in a convincing manner. You can also showcase future projects and workflow in your organization. Influence your prospects by illustrating customer testimonials using this pre-designed business PPT theme.

Template 42: Business Continuity Audit Program And Checklist

Business Continuity Audit Program And Checklist

Download Business Continuity Audit Program And Checklist PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Auditing is a very crucial component for your firm as it helps your business in keeping track and achieving goals. Highlight the types and procedures of your enterprise audits by downloading this company presentation template. Finance analysts can download this business continuity PowerPoint complete deck to illustrate the audit conversion system and portray the company efficiency. 

Template 43: Company Representation

Company Representation

Download Company Representation PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Introduce your organization with a bang by downloading this graphically convincing company presentation template. Amplify your business goals, objectives, ideas and core values by employing our striking business profiling PowerPoint theme. Showcase your services and upcoming projects to establish a solid foundation for your enterprise in front of your stakeholders. 

Template 44: Performance Rating

Performance Rating

Download Performance Rating PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Discuss the performance rating system of your institution by giving an overview of the employee assessment criteria by utilizing this beneficial company presentation template. Discuss the evaluative methodologies and tools to access the overall work quality of your employees by downloading this human resource management PowerPoint complete deck. Workforce assessment on various parameters can be described with this graphically appealing HR PowerPoint template.

Template 45: Project Quality Management Plan Checklist

Project Quality Management Plan Checklist

Download Project Quality Management Plan Checklist PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Ensure getting your quality assurance and quality control methods conveyed effectively by employing this quality management PowerPoint template. You can discuss the evolution of quality management in your organization and its key principles by employing this company presentation template and suggest solutions to the problems faced in the process. 

Template 46: Financial Proposal PPT Template

Financial Proposal

Download Financial Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Finance experts of your organization can make optimum use of this pre-designed company presentation template to highlight the financial plan proposed to pitch in investors. The business highlights and financial summary can be discussed with your fellow teammates by using this visually appealing company budget PowerPoint presentation.

Template 47: Elevator Pitch PPT Presentation

Elevator Pitch

Download Elevator Pitch PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Leave no stone unturned by incorporating this professionally designed company presentation template to influence your potential investors. Present this awesome company presentation to impress your audience like never before. This content ready elevator pitch PowerPoint complete deck highlights all the essential elements to give you an edge over others. 

Template 48: New Employee Briefing

New Employee Briefing

Download New Employee Briefing PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Employ this HR induction company presentation template to give a briefing to your new employees. Mention the attendance portal, leaves and holidays, office timings, dress code, rules and regulations, employee compensation and benefits and salary package with the assistance of our company presentation template.

Template 49: Feedback and Performance Management PPT Template

Feedback And Performance Management

Download Feedback And Performance Management PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Feedback is so important to ensure continuous performance improvement in your business which can be highlighted using this company presentation template. Employee assessment and different criteria on which the capabilities are judged can be displayed to make the colleagues aware of the transparent rating system of your organization. Download this employee evaluation PowerPoint complete deck and portray the work efficiency of your enterprise.

Template 50: Company Results PPT Slides

Company Results

Download Company Results PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Get the spotlight on you by incorporating this attractively designed company presentation template. Show your institutions overwhelming performance in our pre-designed and get applauded by your seniors. 

A company presentation is not just a deck of well-designed slides! They reflect the future of the company. Catering to a variety of purposes, we have curated the best company presentation templates to ease the work for you. If you’re already feeling pumped about your next corporate meeting, then definitely download these 50 Best Company Presentation Templates and double your impact!

FAQs on Company Presentation

What is a company presentation.

A company presentation is a document or a set of materials, usually in a slide deck format, that provides an overview of a company, its products or services, and its overall performance. The purpose of a company presentation is to communicate the company's key information, objectives, strengths, and achievements to different stakeholders, including investors, customers, employees, partners, and the general public.

A typical company presentation may include information on the company's history, mission statement, leadership team, organizational structure, financial performance, and competitive landscape. It may also showcase the company's products or services, including their features, benefits, and value propositions, as well as highlight the company's achievements, awards, and recognition.

How to make an effective company presentation?

To make an effective company presentation, you should keep in mind the following tips:

  • Know your audience: Before creating your presentation, it's important to know your audience and their needs. This will help you tailor your content and messaging to their interests and priorities.
  • Define your key message: Identify the core message or takeaway that you want your audience to remember after your presentation. This will help you structure your content and focus on the most important points.
  • Keep it concise: Avoid overwhelming your audience with too much information. Stick to the key message and present information in a clear, concise, and easy-to-digest manner.
  • Use visuals: Visual aids such as images, infographics, and graphs can help to break up text and make information easier to understand. They also make your presentation more engaging and memorable.
  • Tell a story: Use storytelling techniques to create a narrative that connects with your audience and conveys your message in a compelling way. Use real-world examples and anecdotes to make your content relatable and memorable.
  • Practice and rehearse: Practice your presentation several times to ensure that you are comfortable with the material and can deliver it with confidence. Rehearse in front of friends or colleagues to get feedback and improve your delivery.

Be authentic and enthusiastic: Show your passion for your company and your message. Be authentic and enthusiastic, and use your own voice to connect with your audience and build rapport.

How to describe a company in a PPT presentation?

When describing a company in a PPT presentation, it's important to keep the following points in mind:

Company overview: Start with an overview of the company, including its history, mission statement, core values, and leadership team.

  • Products or services: Describe the products or services offered by the company, including their features, benefits, and value proposition. Use visuals and examples to illustrate how the company's products or services solve problems or meet customer needs.
  • Market and competition: Provide an overview of the market in which the company operates, including size, growth, and trends. Discuss the competitive landscape and how the company differentiates itself from its competitors.
  • Financial performance: Share the company's financial performance, including revenue, profit margins, and key metrics. Use charts and graphs to help visualize the data and provide context for your audience.
  • Future plans: Discuss the company's plans for growth and expansion, including new products or services, new markets, and strategic partnerships. Highlight any achievements, milestones, or awards that the company has earned.
  • Conclusion: End the presentation with a clear and compelling call to action, such as investing in the company or purchasing its products or services.

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Nvidia, Powered by A.I. Boom, Reports Soaring Revenue and Profits

The Silicon Valley company was again lifted by sales of its artificial intelligence chips, but it faces growing competition and heightened expectations.

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A display about Nvidia’s Blackwell platform dwarfs Jensen Huang as he presents it from a stage.

By Don Clark

Reporting from San Francisco

Nvidia, which makes microchips that power most artificial intelligence applications, began an extraordinary run a year ago.

Fueled by an explosion of interest in A.I., the Silicon Valley company said last May that it expected its chip sales to go through the roof. They did — and the fervor didn’t stop, with Nvidia raising its revenue projections every few months. Its stock soared, driving the company to a more than $2 trillion market capitalization that makes it more valuable than Alphabet, the parent of Google.

On Wednesday, Nvidia again reported soaring revenue and profits that underscored how it remains a dominant winner of the A.I. boom, even as it grapples with outsize expectations and rising competition.

Revenue was $26 billion for the three months that ended in April, surpassing its $24 billion estimate in February and tripling sales from a year earlier for the third consecutive quarter. Net income surged sevenfold to $5.98 billion.

Nvidia also projected revenue of $28 billion for the current quarter, which ends in July, more than double the amount from a year ago and higher than Wall Street estimates.

“We are fundamentally changing how computing works and what computers can do,” Jensen Huang, Nvidia’s chief executive, said in a conference call with analysts. “The next industrial revolution has begun.”

Nvidia’s shares, which are up more than 90 percent this year, rose in after-hours trading after the results were released. The company also announced a 10-for-1 stock split.

Nvidia, which originally sold chips for rendering images in video games, has benefited after making an early, costly bet on adapting its graphics processing units, or GPUs, to take on other computing tasks. When A.I. researchers began using those chips more than a decade ago to accelerate tasks like recognizing objects in photos, Mr. Huang jumped on the opportunity. He augmented Nvidia’s chips for A.I. tasks and developed software to aid developments in the field.

The company’s flagship processor, the H100, has enjoyed feverish demand to power A.I. chatbots such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT. While most high-end standard processors cost a few thousand dollars, H100s have sold for anywhere from $15,000 to $40,000 each, depending on volume and other factors, analysts said.

Colette Kress, Nvidia’s chief financial officer, said on Wednesday that it had worked in recent months with more than 100 customers that were building new data centers — which Mr. Huang calls A.I. factories — ranging from hundreds to tens of thousands of GPUs, with some reaching 100,000. Tesla, for example, is using 35,000 H100 chips to help train models for autonomous driving, she said.

Nvidia will soon begin to ship a powerful successor to the H100, code-named Blackwell, which was announced in March. Demand for the new chips already appears to be strong, raising the possibility that some customers may wait for the speedier models rather than buy the H100. But there was little sign of such a pause in Nvidia’s latest results.

Ms. Kress said demand for Blackwell was well ahead of supply of the chip, and “we expect demand may exceed supply well into next year.” Mr. Huang added that the new chips should be operating in data centers late this year and that “we will see a lot of Blackwell revenue this year.”

The comments may ease fears of a slowdown in Nvidia’s momentum.

“Lingering concerns investors had in the short term regarding an ‘air bubble’ for GPU demand seem to have vanished,” Lucas Keh, an analyst at the research firm Third Bridge, said in an email.

Wall Street analysts are also looking for signs that some richly funded rivals could grab a noticeable share of Nvidia’s business. Microsoft, Meta, Google and Amazon have all developed their own chips that can be tailored for A.I. jobs, though they have also said they are boosting purchases of Nvidia chips.

Traditional rivals such as Advanced Micro Devices and Intel have also made optimistic predictions about their A.I. chips. AMD has said it expects to sell $4 billion worth of a new A.I. processor, the MI300, this year.

Mr. Huang frequently points to what he has said is a sustainable advantage: Only Nvidia’s GPUs are offered by all the major cloud services, such as Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure, so customers don’t have to worry about getting locked into using one of the services because of its exclusive chip technology.

Nvidia also remains popular among computer makers that have long used its chips in their systems. One is Dell Technologies, which on Monday hosted a Las Vegas event that featured an appearance by Mr. Huang.

Michael Dell, Dell’s chief executive and founder, said his company would offer new data center systems that packed 72 of the new Blackwell chips in a computer rack, standard structures that stand a bit taller than a refrigerator.

“Don’t seduce me with talk like that,” Mr. Huang joked. “That gets me superexcited.”

Explore Our Coverage of Artificial Intelligence

News  and Analysis

News Corp, the Murdoch-owned empire of publications like The Wall Street Journal and The New York Post, announced that it had agreed to a deal with OpenAI to share its content  to train and service A.I. chatbots.

The Silicon Valley company Nvidia was again lifted by sales of its A.I. chips , but it faces growing competition and heightened expectations.

Researchers at the A.I. company Anthropic claim to have found clues about the inner workings  of large language models, possibly helping to prevent their misuse and to curb their potential threats.

The Age of A.I.

D’Youville University in Buffalo had an A.I. robot speak at its commencement . Not everyone was happy about it.

A new program, backed by Cornell Tech, M.I.T. and U.C.L.A., helps prepare lower-income, Latina and Black female computing majors  for A.I. careers.

Publishers have long worried that A.I.-generated answers on Google would drive readers away from their sites. They’re about to find out if those fears are warranted, our tech columnist writes .

A new category of apps promises to relieve parents of drudgery, with an assist from A.I.  But a family’s grunt work is more human, and valuable, than it seems.


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How One Company Added Carbon Estimates to Its Customer Invoices

  • Robert S. Kaplan
  • Timmy Melotte

company presentation to customer

A four-step playbook to help businesses increase transparency and reduce emissions.

Soprema is an international building materials supplier, producing millions of square meters of waterproofing, insulating, and roofing products each year. In 2022, Pierre-Etienne Bindschedler, the company’s president and third-generation owner, committed to reporting the carbon footprint of each product on every customer invoice, and to help customers reduce the embedded GHG emissions in the products they purchased. Paper co-author Melotte, an experienced operations director, was selected to lead a pilot project to measure and subsequently lower the carbon embedded in its products. Melotte decided to follow the E-Liability Pilot Playbook, which divides a pilot project into four stages: Project Design, Data Collection; Data Analysis, and Action. This article describes how the pilot, which focused on the company’s bitumen waterproofing systems, unfolded at Soprema. The company estimates a potential carbon footprint reduction of 34% from the project.

In 2022, Pierre-Etienne Bindschedler, the president and third-generation owner of Soprema, set a goal to develop sustainable solutions for customers. Soprema is a multi-product, family-owned business in the middle of the building materials value chain and produces millions of square meters of waterproofing, insulating, and roofing products each year.  Bindschedler wanted to report the carbon footprint of each product on every customer invoice, and to help customers reduce the embedded GHG emissions in the products they purchased.

  • Robert S. Kaplan is a senior fellow and the Marvin Bower Professor of Leadership Development emeritus at Harvard Business School. He coauthored the McKinsey Award–winning HBR article “ Accounting for Climate Change ” (November–December 2021).
  • TM Timmy Melotte is an Operational Excellence Director for Soprema International, a building materials supplier based in Limburg, Belgium

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