Business English Quiz for ESL learners

Cover Letter Quiz

You can do this quiz online or print it on paper. It tests what you learned on the Your Cover Letter page in our Business English section on Resumes and Cover Letters.

1. A cover letter or covering letter can also be called

2. Job applicants must send a cover letter _______ sending their resume.

3. A cover letter should be

4. If a cover letter is poorly-written, most employers will _______ the applicant.

5. Which date format is best for a cover letter?

6. Your name should be _______ of the letter.

7. Which topic isn't normally mentioned in a cover letter?

8. Your cover letter should explain how much you will _______ the company.

9. Cover letters often begin with the applicant explaining how they

10. Your cover letter can summarize a key selling point such as your

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Cover Letters  - Cover Letters Quiz

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Cover Letters: Cover Letters Quiz

Lesson 2: cover letters quiz.



Parts of a Cover Letter: A Detailed Breakdown of 6 Must-Have Sections

Nathan Thompson

3 takeaways

  • Learn each part of a cover letter and proper cover letter structure
  • Discover how to correctly write each section of your cover letter 
  • The best method for generating personalized cover letters in seconds with the Teal AI Resume Builder

When you’re job searching, writing a cover letter can be one of the most discouraging tasks on the list. After all, you’ve already bookmarked the job you want, researched the company, and tailored the perfect resume to match the job description. 

And now, you need to find the time (and energy) to fit all that information into a single-page cover letter.

But by knowing all the parts of a cover letter, along with how to write them, you’ll have a massive head start in the application process. 

What are the parts of a cover letter?

Before you get started creating your cover letter sections, it's important to know the main parts of a professional cover letter. Here they are in order:

  • Salutation (or greeting)
  • Opening paragraph
  • Closing paragraph

Struggling to land interviews with your current resume and cover letter? Get started with Teal’s AI Resume Builder today.

Just like there are resume sections , cover letters have sections, too.  So, first things first: should a cover letter have a header? Absolutely. 

More than just a list of ways to reach you, the header of your cover letter is your first branding opportunity. It should mirror the header of your resume to frame your application as a polished and cohesive package. 

This symmetry isn't just visually appealing; it shows a deliberate and meticulous approach to your job application.

But what should be on a cover letter header?

The key elements of a cover letter header include your:

  • Email address
  • LinkedIn URL (Optional)
  • Phone number

Here’s an example: 

Parts of a cover letter showing the header

Consider adding a link to your professional online profile, like LinkedIn, especially if you’re applying for a remote job. 

Note: Even if you’re sending an email cover letter, you should attach your letter as a PDF. First, it’s just easier to format. Second, it helps the hiring manager print or share this document with other decision-makers. 

Following the date, you’ll want to add the:

  • Name of the hiring manager 
  • The company you’re applying to 

Here’s what this looks like: 

Parts of a cover letter showing hiring manger details in the header

2. Salutation

When you’re on the hunt for a new job, first impressions matter. This is what makes the cover letter salutation so important.

This is where writing a personalized cover letter begins and where you demonstrate your interest and effort in connecting with the company on a human level. Directly addressing the hiring manager is highly recommended when you know their name. It signals respect, shows that you've done your homework, and positions you as a candidate who values personal engagement.

Why not just start your cover letter as “To whom it may concern”? 

Because in today's job market, where a lot of applications flood an inbox, a personalized greeting helps you stand out. It sets a tone of attentiveness and immediately tells the hiring manager that you pay attention to detail. 

Even this little gesture can transform a generic cover letter from a one-size-fits-all document into a tailored conversation starter that resonates with the person responsible for filling the role.

How to find the hiring manager's name

Finding the hiring manager’s name may seem difficult, but it’s often simpler than you think. 

Here are some strategies to uncover this key piece of information:

  • LinkedIn : The professional network is your first port of call. Search for the company and sift through employee listings, focusing on those with titles like “Hiring Manager,” “Recruitment Officer,” or specific department heads if you’re applying for a specialized position.
  • Company website : Sometimes, the information is hidden in plain sight on the company’s ‘Team’ or ‘About Us’ page. Larger companies might list their staff, job titles, and contact information.
  • Calling in : A direct approach can be the most effective. Call the company’s front desk or HR department. Be polite, introduce yourself, and explain that you wish to address your cover letter appropriately. Most will be happy to help.
  • Networking outreach : Rely on your network. Ask colleagues or mentors if they know who the hiring manager might be for the position you're eyeing. A mutual connection can often provide you with the name you need.
  • Social media scan : Companies often post about their team and new hires on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram. A quick search might yield the right name.

If you can’t find the hiring manager's name despite your best efforts, opt for a polite and general salutation like “Dear hiring manager” or “Dear hiring team” over the impersonal “To whom it may concern.” 

This retains a level of personalization and respect for the team's collaborative hiring effort. It also sets you apart from the many others who simply wrote: “to whom it may concern.”

Write the elements of a cover letter with Teal's AI

Before you start writing the main parts of your cover letter, consider using Teal instead.

Teal’s cover letter generator pulls from the information you added to a specific resume (also extracting the main keywords and details from the job posting you’re applying to) to align your content. Then, in just a click, you’ll have a great cover letter written before your eyes.

All of the parts of a cover letter written with AI

3. Opening paragraph

The opening paragraph of your cover letter is your chance to captivate the reader's interest and set the stage for your narrative. 

When it comes to your cover letter format , this section should include a succinct introduction of who you are, a brief mention of the position you’re applying for, and a compelling reason why the role aligns perfectly with your skills and career aspirations. 

How to grab your reader’s attention in the opening paragraph

To make your entrance memorable, the opening paragraph must do more than introduce – it must intrigue. Here’s how to ensure it does that:

  • Start with a bang : Lead with a strong statement or a striking fact about your career achievements. Alternatively, a concise, bold expression of your enthusiasm for the company can be just as effective.
  • Show, don't tell : Use a mini anecdote or a powerful example from your experience that reflects your capabilities and mirrors the values or needs of the company.
  • Tailor your tone : Match the tone of your writing to the culture of the company. A startup might appreciate a more casual and innovative opener, while a traditional firm might respect a formal and straightforward approach.
  • Add some flair : Add a touch of your personality without overshadowing your professionalism. Make sure it’s a blend that conveys your unique professional identity.
  • Research results : Mention something recent about the company that impressed you, showing you’re up-to-date and genuinely interested in what they do.
  • Give the why and the what : Clearly articulate why you’re excited about the role and what you bring to the table – this is your unique value proposition.

Example of cover letter content for an opening paragraph

“Imagine a marketing strategy so engaging that it doesn't just capture attention but creates a movement. That's been the hallmark of my approach as a Marketing Manager for the past decade, where I've increased brand engagement by an average of 65% year-over-year. Inspired by [Company Name]'s recent groundbreaking campaign on sustainability—a subject close to my heart since I was just a kid—I am eager to bring my expertise in crafting compelling narratives to the role of Head of Marketing.”

You can find more cover letter samples in these marketing manager cover letter examples .

What makes this a strong opening:

  • Engages with storytelling: The opening verb is “Imagine,” which is much more engaging than something more traditional, like “My name is…”
  • Quantifiable achievements: It includes a specific, measurable achievement (increasing brand engagement by 65% year-over-year), which adds credibility to the applicant’s claims and showcases a track record of success.
  • Personal connection: There’s a personal touch with the mention of a lifelong passion for sustainability, making the applicant’s interest in the company feel genuine and deeply rooted.
  • Alignment with company values: The reference to the company’s campaign on sustainability suggests that the applicant has done their research and shares the company’s values, implying a natural cultural fit.
  • Focus on contribution: By stating a desire to bring expertise in crafting compelling narratives, the applicant immediately addresses how they can contribute to the company’s success rather than just what they wish to gain from the position.

If you can get all of those qualities to shine through in your cover letter, you’ll be more likely to get the reader over to the body of your cover letter. 

Your cover letter body is the meat of your message. It's where you dive into your professional journey, aligning your skills and experiences with the needs of the job at hand. 

This part should be structured in a clear and compelling manner, usually composed of one to three paragraphs, each serving a distinct purpose. 

The first paragraph should connect your past successes to the potential future contributions you'll make to the company. Subsequent paragraphs , like the second or third paragraph , can be used to go further into your relevant skills, experiences, and achievements while also reflecting your knowledge of the company’s goals and challenges.

How to showcase relevant skills and experiences

Here’s how to write a cover letter body that resonates with hiring managers:

  • Customize and contextualize : Tailor each example of your experience to mirror the job description. It’s about relevance—show the reader why and how your background prepares you for the specific role.
  • Quantify your impact : Use numbers and metrics to give weight to your achievements. Whether it’s increasing sales by a certain percentage or reducing costs through innovative solutions, numbers speak louder than words .
  • Problem, action, result (PAR) method : For each skill or experience you share, present the problem you encountered, the action you took, and the result of your efforts. This method illustrates your thought process and problem-solving skills.
  • Align with the company's vision : Show that you’ve done your homework by relating your experience to the company's current projects or goals. This demonstrates not just alignment but also initiative and forward-thinking.
  • Storytelling with substance : Craft your experiences into a narrative that’s engaging. Your goal is to lead the reader on a journey that showcases growth, impact, and relevance to the role.
  • Be concise, be clear : Avoid jargon and overly complex language. The body of your cover letter should be easy to read and understand, ensuring that your points are made without confusion.

Example of what should be in a cover letter body

During my tenure with XYZ Corp, a pioneer in eco-friendly packaging, I spearheaded a transition that faced significant initial resistance both internally and from our customer base. The challenge was formidable: to reframe the public's perception of sustainable packaging from a costly alternative to a savvy, consumer-driven choice. My strategy was to launch an educational campaign that highlighted not just the environmental impact but also the long-term economic benefits. This initiative not only garnered a 120% increase in consumer engagement but also positioned XYZ Corp as a thought leader in the market. In my most recent project, I led a cross-functional team to address a 15% slump in market share due to increased competition. By instituting a thorough competitor analysis and customer feedback loop, we identified key areas where our messaging fell flat. I orchestrated a brand revitalization campaign focused on our core strengths, infused with customer success stories. The result was a 25% market share rebound within the first quarter post-campaign. In each role, I've aligned my actions not only with the company's immediate goals but with a visionary outlook. For instance, anticipating the rise of AI in marketing, I initiated a successful pilot program at XYZ Corp that utilized machine learning to personalize customer interactions, leading to a 30% uptick in customer retention rates.

But remember, not every cover letter will focus on the same information. You’ll need to craft your cover letter according to the specific job you’re applying to. 

While this level of personalization may seem tedious, it’s absolutely necessary. 

5. Closing paragraph

One of the last main parts of a professional cover letter , the closing paragraph, isn’t just a summary but a strategic push to get you into the interview room. This part should reiterate your interest in the position, succinctly summarize why you’re the right fit, and express your enthusiasm about the potential to contribute to the company. 

It's also the place to include a call to action, such as expressing your desire to discuss your application in more detail in a personal interview.

How to end the cover letter on a strong note

  • Reaffirm your value : Concisely restate how your skills and experiences align with the job and can benefit the company.
  • Personal touch : Express genuine enthusiasm and confidence in your ability to perform the role. Let them feel your eagerness and readiness to take on the challenges it presents.
  • Call to action : Encourage the hiring manager to take the next step. You can say you look forward to the opportunity to discuss how you can contribute to their team or that you're eager to provide further details on how you can help achieve their goals.

Closing paragraph example in a cover letter

I am excited to contribute to [Company Name]'s innovative marketing efforts. My skill set aligns seamlessly with the objectives of the Head of Marketing position. I am eager to apply my expertise in strategic planning and digital engagement to drive impactful campaigns that resonate with your brand's vision, and I look forward to discussing how my experience and insights can support your company's success. Thank you for considering my application, and I am hopeful for the opportunity to discuss collaboration in person.

If you're looking for more inspiration, check out this comprehensive database of 1300+ cover letter examples .

6. Sign-off

A professional sign-off sets the tone for how your cover letter is received. It's the equivalent of the final handshake after a successful meeting—it should convey respect and formality. 

Here's how you can ensure your sign-off strengthens your application:

  • Choose the right closing : "Sincerely," "Best regards," and "Kind regards" are safe and professional options. If the company culture is more casual, "Best" or "Warm regards" may be suitable.
  • Include your full name : Your sign-off should always include your full name to ensure clarity and formality. If you've established a personal connection with the hiring manager, adding a handwritten signature above your typed name can add a personal touch.
  • Professional contact details : Beneath your name, include your professional contact details, such as your phone number and email address, and LinkedIn profile URL to facilitate easy follow-up.

The best way to write a cover letter 

Again, if writing a cover letter is your least favorite part of the job application, you’re not alone. It can be difficult to take all the bullet-point information from a resume and turn that into a single page of compelling and persuasive text. 

From getting the cover letter format just right to writing the actual information, it’s not an easy task. 

That’s why, with a tool like Teal’s cover letter generator , there’s simply no excuse for not having a personalized cover letter with each application. 

Simply build your resume, and with the click of a button, you can have a polished and personalized cover letter in seconds. 

Sign up for Teal today to give it a try!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should each section of a cover letter be to maintain the reader's interest, can i include bullet points in the body of my cover letter to highlight my achievements, is it necessary to address the cover letter to a specific person, and what if i can't find a name.

cover letters quiz quizlet

Nathan Thompson

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Cover Letter Format: How to Write a Stellar Cover Letter

You’ve just found a job that you find interesting, and you have decided to hit “apply.” Upon reading the application, you realize you are expected to produce a cover letter as well as a resume. What should you do?

Employers often ask applicants to submit a cover letter. Cover letters give you an opportunity to explain how you can add value to the employer. They also help the employer evaluate the candidates and decide who deserves an interview.

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In this guide, we explain what a cover letter is, why you need one, and how to format it. We’ll also provide an example cover letter that will help write your own.

What is a Cover Letter?

A cover letter is a document, typically one page in length, sent as part of a job application. In a cover letter, you discuss your skills, past qualifications, and what makes you the right candidate for the job.

While some employers do not ask for a cover letter in the job application, sending one never hurts. Cover letters give you an opportunity to sell yourself. Whereas resumes merely list your qualifications, you can use a cover letter to delve deeper into how those qualifications make you a good fit for the job.

What Goes Into a Cover Letter?

Cover letters have been an essential part of the hiring process of many companies for decades. As a result, there is a standard format you should use. Let’s discuss the main elements that go into a cover letter.

Date and Contact Details

Cover letters start like any other letter: with the current date and your contact information.

The information you list in this section will depend on whether you are sending a physical or virtual copy of your cover letter. If you are sending a physical copy, you should list your address as well as other relevant contact details.

Here is the structure that you should follow to open the cover letter if you decide to send a physical copy:

May 20, 2020 

James Peters

123 Main Street

San Francisco, CA, 94127

+1 (123) 456 7890

[email protected]

If you are sending a virtual copy, you can leave your address out. 

The next part of the cover letter is the greeting. This is where you address the person that will be receiving the letter.

Before you set out to write the letter, find out the name of the person responsible for making hiring decisions at the company advertising the job. This will typically be the hiring manager. You can usually find this information on the company’s website, or you can directly ask the company to whom you should address the letter.

Here is an example greeting for a cover letter:

Dear Ms. Richards,

The first paragraph in your cover letter is your hook—an opportunity to grab the attention of the reader and make a positive first impression.

There are a few things you should say in your opening paragraph.

First, introduce yourself in one or two sentences. You don’t need to go into much detail at this stage because you will spend the next few paragraphs talking about your work experience.

Then, explain why you are applying for the job.

What interests you about the job or the company? Do you think it is a great fit based on your skills? Or do you like one specific aspect of the company’s culture? You should try to provide a specific reason—this shows you have done your research.

Once you have finished the opening paragraph, you are ready to tackle the main body of the letter. Here you discuss your experience and skills in depth.

In this section, you should list your most impressive accomplishments and skills that qualify you for the job. If you are struggling, read over the job posting and consider the main skills highlighted there. Then, ask yourself what experiences you have that align with those needs.

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You should not list all your accomplishments, awards, and educational history in the main body of your cover letter—that’s what you do in a resume. Instead, you should focus on one or two points. This ensures you only highlight what is relevant to the employer and keeps the letter short and to the point.

Closing Paragraph and Signature

In the closing paragraph you thank the hiring manager for taking the time to evaluate you as a candidate. You may also want to write a brief summary of your qualifications. This will help the hiring manager develop a clearer narrative of who you are and why you are the right candidate for the job.

Following your closing paragraph, you should write a complimentary close and affix your signature. Here is an example of a complimentary close:


Eileen Johnson

Example Cover Letter Template

Now that you know the main components of a cover letter, you may want to start writing. To help you out, here is a cover letter sample that uses the structure outlined earlier:

May 20, 2020

Samantha Carlisle

Scranton, Pennsylvania 18503


[email protected]

Dear Ms. Carlisle,

I am writing to you to apply for the role of Administrative Assistant, currently advertised on your website. I have been working as an administrative assistant for two years, and enjoy the responsibility of organizing documents and speaking with new people every day. I read on your website that you won an award for having the best work culture in the Scranton area, and I believe that your corporate values align closely with my own.

Previously, I was employed by the Peter Michaels Paper Company in Scranton. During this role, I was responsible for managing the schedule of the office manager, and tracking all correspondence going to and from the office manager’s desk. My position required me to exercise organizational skills on a daily basis to ensure that my manager was able to keep track of all her tasks and scheduled events.

I was also responsible for answering the phone on behalf of the office manager. This was my favorite part of the job, as I enjoy interacting with different people and building new relationships. This responsibility helped me refine my skills, including listening to other people, identifying their needs, and figuring out how to best support them.

Your company’s commitment to social responsibility in the Scranton area is especially meaningful to me, as a local resident. I would love to apply my administrative assistant skills in your organization to help you become more efficient and organized, and achieve your broader community and business goals.

I have attached my resume for your perusal. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Kind regards,

Devin Stephens

Cover letters are one of the first impressions you’ll make on an employer. Although you may not be asked to provide one, writing a cover letter is a good way to draw attention to your main accomplishments and explain how your experience qualifies you for the job.

There is a standard format most cover letters follow, which we have discussed above. In general, cover letters should not be longer than a page, which means each section should be short.

By following the cover letter format in this guide, you should have no trouble writing a letter that exemplifies your skills and makes you stand out from other candidates!

About us: Career Karma is a platform designed to help job seekers find, research, and connect with job training programs to advance their careers. Learn about the CK publication .

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Cover Letter Quiz Time!

Okay, the moment has come, people it’s time to suit up, boot up, and take on our cover letter quiz . . . ties are optional. the following twenty questions cover the bases of what’s involved in cover letter writing; answer them correctly and you’ll be considered a demigod by your peers, and feared by fellow job-hunters the world over; answer them incorrectly and you’ll face a lifetime of ridicule, contempt and a probable future in reality tv shows. oh, and definitely no job. some of the questions posed are ludicrously difficult and may require weeks of head-scratching and contemplation. others, not so much. either way, be consoled by the fact that esteemed scholars the world over have been there, done that, and share your pain. you’re not alone. anyway, to the quiz, i hear you cry take your time, have some fun, and hopefully you’ll come out the other side with a new found love for cover letters. if that’s pushing things, you should at the very least emerge with a new found appreciation and understanding of what’s required. enjoy.

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Section 6 - Branding, Cover Letter & Job Application


The following quiz is based on material found in Section 6 of the Career EDGE Workbook. Take this quiz before and after the section to see how much you have learned and retained from this seciton.

A resume is usually read for less than _____seconds by an employer.

Rate this question:

A document sent with your resume to provide additional information on your skills and experience is a:

Employer letter

Cover letter

Professional letter

Effective cover letters explain the reasons for your interest in the specific organization and identify your most relevant skills or experiences.

The 3 types of resumes a job seeker can choose from are:.

Chronological, functional, and targeted

Chronological, functional, and Objective

Professional, Objective, and functional

What are the 3 grammatical sections of the cover letter?

Beginning, Middle and End Paragraph

Introduction, Body and Closing Paragraph

Introduction, Explanation and Closing Paragraph

The cover letter’s closing paragraph is the action stage. Take the initiative and suggest arrangements for a specific interview time and date.

Your interview outfit should be a bright color (ie. not navy or black), clean and pressed suit., a(n)  _______________ provides answers to questions about your education and work experience. second, it provides information about your ability to follow directions, work neatly, spell correctly, and provide accurate and complete data..

Job Application

The purpose of the resume to generate enough interest in the employer’s mind to make them want to interview you or ask for additional information.

A _______________ is a person who can vouch for your qualifications for a job (ie. former employer, a colleague, a client, a vendor, a supervisor or someone else who can recommend you for employment.).

Professional Reference

Corporate Reference

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Resume Quiz: How Prepared Are You for the Job Search?

6 min read · Updated on June 15, 2022

Amanda Augustine

Put your job-search knowledge to the test with our resume quiz.

Whether you're currently on the hunt for a new job or happily employed, when push comes to shove, we've all been job seekers. But if you lost your job tomorrow, how prepared would you be to write your cover letter and resume?

I recently took to the streets of New York's Union Square area to find out just how much the average person knows about writing a professional resume. Check out the video below to watch the results, and test your own job-search knowledge with these seven quick questions.

cover letters quiz quizlet

Don't believe the rumors; you are not expected to squeeze 15+ years of work experience into a one-page resume . This page limit only really applies to those professionals who (1) are searching for an internship; (2) are recent college grads pursuing an entry-level job; or (3) are still relatively new to the workforce. If you fall into one of these categories, you get one page of resume real estate.

If you do not fall into one of the categories mentioned above, you're entitled to two full pages for your resume. There are, of course, a few exceptions to this rule, but the majority of experienced professionals should restrict themselves to a two-page resume. This applies whether you've been in the workforce for nine or 19 years.

Additionally, according to one study that involved nearly 500 recruiters, hiring managers, and HR professionals and nearly 8,000 resumes, recruiters are 2.3 times as likely to prefer two-page resumes over one-page resumes, regardless of a candidate's job level. 

If your work history and experience requires two pages, then a two-page resume is right for you.

cover letters quiz quizlet

2. Detail-Oriented

3. Organized


Action verbs are exactly what they sound like — words that describe an action. When chosen carefully, they are an effective way to illustrate your capabilities and achievements on your resume.

However, not all resume action verbs are created equal, and some have been overused so much that they've lost their impact with recruiters. There are only so many times you can say you “led” a team, “handled” a situation, or “supported” a project before your resume job descriptions sound repetitive and boring.

If you find yourself describing your work experience with the same boring words over and over again, try switching them out for strong, compelling resume action verbs that will catch employers' eyes.

cover letters quiz quizlet

Many organizations use software known as an applicant tracking system — ATS, for short — to pre-screen resumes as they are submitted, rank them based on their contents, and send only the most qualified candidates over to HR for review.

In other words, your resume has to make it past a pretty tough digital gatekeeper before a human at the company ever sets eyes on it.

If your professional resume contains the same keywords as your target job description , your application is in a better position to get past this digital gatekeeper.

Click on this link for a step-by-step plan to customize your resume for a job listing using the right resume keywords.

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1. 90 seconds

2. 60 seconds

3. 16 seconds

4. Less than 10 seconds


Yes, you read that correctly; the average recruiter spends less than 10 seconds scanning a resume before deciding if the candidate could be a good fit for the position. In other words, you have mere seconds to make the right impression on employers.

Does your resume meet all the requirements to pass this test? Use this article to check for yourself . 

cover letters quiz quizlet

The problem with most resume objective statements is that they don't do a great job of selling your candidacy to an employer. We've all seen that bland resume objective that tells the reader how you're a “motivated self-starter looking for opportunities in the [___] field that will allow me to leverage my [___] skills.”

Ditch this generic resume objective statement with its fluffy adjectives in favor of a compelling professional summary, also known as a career statement or career summary, that explains the type of position you're targeting and why you're qualified to land such a role.

Click here for more specific job-search tips on how to write an effective resume professional summary .

cover letters quiz quizlet

2. Including a headshot

3. Using an unprofessional email address


While all of these common resume mistakes could cause your job application to end up in the digital trash pile, spelling and grammatical errors are considered the biggest resume deal-breaker, according to this TopResume survey . About 79 percent of recruiters ranked it the top resume mistake, with missing contact information and an unprofessional email address coming in second and third respectively.

Editing your resume to eliminate spelling and grammatical errors might seem obvious, but according to the info above, these mistakes are still occurring. One way to ensure your resume is typo-free is to get a second set of eyes — whether it's a friend, family member, or resume expert — to read it over again.

You can also try printing your resume out to review or using a free tool like Grammarly to scan your resume for contextual spelling mistakes that spell check won't pick up. 

Get more tips on how to proofread your resume .

cover letters quiz quizlet

2. References

3. Street Address


Don't waste limited space by listing references on your resume or including a note like “References available upon request” at the bottom of the page. Potential employers won't need that information until you make it to a face-to-face job interview, and they know you'll provide the information when they ask for it.

Similarly, there's no reason to include a street address on your resume anymore. In addition to wasting space, including your street address on your resume can raise some security concerns (think about all the places you've uploaded your resume). If you're targeting a role close to home, by all means, include your city, state, and zip code — just leave off your street address.

Core competencies, however, are an important component of your professional resume. These terms, also known as areas of expertise or skills highlights, act as relevant keywords to help you summarize your qualifications within the top third portion of your resume and improve your application's ranking within an ATS.

Click on the following link to learn more about incorporating relevant resume keywords into your core competency section .

The results

So, how'd you do? If any of these answers surprised you, don't panic. The average professional isn't aware of these standard resume rules — in fact, there's no reason you should know all this information.

Bottom line: Your job is to know the ins and outs of your profession. Our job at TopResume is to know the ins and outs of resume writing.

So leave it to us. Learn more about TopResume's resume-writing packages .

This article was updated in November 2020 by Danielle Elmers .

Recommended Reading:

The Anatomy of a Perfect Resume

We Serve the Job Seeker

What Is the Best File Format to Use for Your Resume?

Related Articles:

Do Hiring Managers Actually Read Cover Letters?

How to Create a Resume With No Education

Why You Lose When You Lie on Your Resume: Learning From Mina Chang

See how your resume stacks up.

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Cover Letters

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  • 4. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt A cover letter serves to __________________ Create a favourable first impression. Demonstrate your professionalism. Illustrate your communication skills. All of them
  • 7. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt What must be included in a cover letter? Recipient information Return address Date All of the above
  • 8. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt How many typos are permitted in a cover letter? 0 1-4 5-10 10+

Which of the following is the only time you might NOT need a cover letter?

When you are submitting your résumé in response to a newspaper ad

When you are submitting your résumé via e-mail

When you are submitting your résumé in person at a networking event

When you are submitting your résumé through a recruiter

A cover letter should NOT be which of the following?

The first paragraph of a cover letter does NOT need to do which of the following?

Identify the position of interest

Outline reasons you are right for the position

Emphasize your excitement and passion

Include your contact information

Which of the following is the main function of the second paragraph of a cover letter?

To make yourself desirable

To arrange a time for an interview

To describe your personality

To praise and flatter the reader

Which of the following is NOT a tip included in the presentation for making a cover letter distinct and effective?

Be direct rather than passive in sentence structure

Proofread your cover letter carefully

Avoid overusing “I” and vary sentence structure

Use generic letters or letter templates found online

Which of the following is the recommended font size to use for a cover letter?

10 or 12 point

14 or 16 point

Which of the following is the most preferred way to address the recipient of a cover letter?

To Mr. or Ms. Taylor Johnson

To whom it may concern

Dear Hiring Manager

Dear Dr. Johns

When formatting a cover letter, what should be first at the top of the page?

A salutation

The name and contact information of the recipient

Your name and contact information

The final paragraph of a cover letter does NOT need to do which of the following?

Indicate a follow-up time and method

Refer the reader to your résumé

Do not use _____________ or stock letters found on the Internet.

It is incredibly important to ______________ your cover letter carefully.

Go above and beyond on

have a lot of color on

A cover letter is a matter of ______________, used to introduce yourself, explain why you are submitting your résumé and identify any skills and experiences relevant to the position.


A cover letter should be about one page long and include ___________ to __________ paragraphs.

The first paragraph is used to get the reader’s ______________ while identifying the position of interest.

You should always include your _________________ information.

Marital Status

Never lie or________________. Be completely honest about your experience.

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