Winter Season Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on winter season.

Winter is one of the most important seasons in India. It is a part of the four seasons that occur in India. Winters are the coolest season that starts from December and last till March. The peak time when winter is experienced the most in December and January. In India, winters hold great importance. In addition, the essence it has is admired by many people. Winters give you the time to indulge in various activities like snowball fighting, building snowmen, ice hockey and more. It is a great time for kids to enjoy their vacations and get cozy in their blankets.

winter season essay

Essence of Winter

During winters, schools usually take a break and close down. The days are shorter and the nights get longer. The chilly mornings give you a different sense altogether. Hot drinks like coffee, tea, and hot chocolate are enjoyed more during winters. The sun rises quite late and sometimes it does not.

Even when it does, it doesn’t get a bit hot. People long for a little sunshine as the cold weather sends chills down the spine. You see people on the roads burning woods and paper to get a little warmth. However, not many people prefer going out in winters. They like sitting by the fireplace or heater all day.

In the hilly areas, people experience snow during winters. They have to shovel it out of the way to make way for walking. The essence of winters is enhanced by Christmas as well. It sets the holiday mood for people and is admired all over the world.

But, there is also a downside of this season. The farmers, homeless people, and animals are most affected by this season. There is hardly any business in this season for farmers. Hundreds of homeless people die due to the harsh winters.

As the animals do not have proper shelter, they too lose their lives. In addition, many flights are also canceled during this season. Nonetheless, this does not make winter any less important. It is quite essential to maintain balance in the weather of our country.

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Why I Love Winter?

I personally love winters. This season brings a lot of healthy fruits and vegetables. People get the chance to eat fresh grapes, apples, carrots, cauliflower, guava and more. Furthermore, so many beautiful flowers bloom during this season. These flowers include roses, dahlias and more. This makes winter even more beautiful than it already is.

Other than that, no lizards are to be found as they go in hibernation. This makes me very happy and lets me live fearlessly. Most importantly, winter mornings are the best part of this season for me. I like getting up early in winters and witnessing the morning dew on flowers. There is a different vibe altogether that comes with winters.

Also, our school organizes bonfire which is one of the most awaited events of the year.

In short, winter is as important as any other season. Sure, it may have its negative sides and positive sides, but that happens with every season. Winters helps you enjoy long morning walks and fresh air.

FAQ on Winter Season Essay

Q.1 Explain the essence of winter.

A.1 The essence of winter cannot be described in one word. It is the hot cup of coffee in the morning. It is the warmth you get from the fireplace. The fun of making a snowman is what forms the essence of winter.

Q.2 Why do  people love  winters?

A.2 People love winter because they like coolness. They love the absence of mosquitoes and lizards. Plus, the seasonal fruits and vegetables in winters are absolutely delicious.

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How To Describe Winter Season In Writing

How To Describe Winter Season In Writing (12 Best Ways, Adjectives& Quotes)

Describing the winter season in writing is an enchanting endeavor that allows words to transcend the boundaries of language and immerse the reader in a world of frosty wonder.

Winter’s crystalline landscapes, snow-laden boughs, and icy breath create a canvas upon which authors paint with vivid imagery and sensory details.

It’s a season of contrasts—of stark beauty and harsh conditions, introspection and celebration, solitude and togetherness.

In this exploration of how to encapsulate the essence of winter through words, we embark on a journey to capture the season’s profound impact on the natural world, human emotions, and daily life.

Join us as we delve into the art of storytelling amidst the snowflakes and chill, discovering the power of language to transport readers to the heart of winter’s enchantment.

Table of Contents

How To Describe Winter Season In Writing

Describing the winter season in writing involves creating a vivid and sensory-rich portrayal of this time of year. Here’s a step-by-step process on how to do it:

Observation and Note-taking

Start by observing the winter environment. Take notes on what you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel during this season. Pay attention to the landscapes, weather, and activities associated with winter.

Setting the Scene

Begin your description by setting the scene. Describe the location and time of day. For example, “In the heart of a snow-covered forest on a crisp winter morning…”

Weather and Temperature

Mention the weather conditions. Is it snowing, sleeting, or just cold and clear? Use sensory words to convey the temperature, such as “biting cold” or “frosty.”

Landscape and Nature

Describe the natural elements. Mention the snow-covered trees, frozen lakes, icicles hanging from rooftops, or the crunch of snow beneath your feet. Use descriptive language to paint a picture of the winter landscape.

Sounds of Winter

Include the sounds of winter. Describe the quiet hush of falling snow, the crunch of boots on a snow-covered path, or the distant laughter of children playing in the snow.

Activities and Traditions

Write about the activities and traditions associated with winter. Mention sledding, building snowmen, ice skating, or holiday celebrations. Describe how people dress warmly and gather around the fire.

Sensory Details

Engage the reader’s senses. Use descriptive language to evoke the feeling of cold air on the skin, the taste of hot cocoa or spiced cider, the scent of pine trees, or the sight of twinkling holiday lights.

Emotions and Moods

Explore the emotions and moods that winter evokes. Talk about the coziness of being bundled up indoors, the sense of wonder as snow falls, or the nostalgia of the holiday season.

Metaphors and Similes

Consider using metaphors and similes to make your description more vivid. For example, “The snow-covered landscape was like a blank canvas waiting for the artist’s touch.”

Transitions and Flow

Ensure a smooth flow in your writing. Use transition words and phrases to connect your descriptions, so the reader can move seamlessly from one aspect of winter to another.

Editing and Polishing

Review and revise your writing for clarity, coherence, and conciseness. Eliminate unnecessary words and ensure your descriptions are engaging.

Wrap up your description by summarizing the essence of the winter season. Leave the reader with a lasting impression of what makes winter special or unique.

By following these steps, you can effectively describe the winter season in your writing , bringing it to life for your readers.

How To Describe Winter Season In Writing

Adjectives Or Words To Describe Winter

Crisp: Winter air often feels crisp, with a sharp and refreshing quality that invigorates the senses. The cold temperatures contribute to this characteristic, creating a clear and clean atmosphere.

Frosty: Winter landscapes can be described as frosty, with a delicate layer of frozen dew or ice crystals covering surfaces, giving them a sparkling and magical appearance.

Snowy: One of the defining features of winter is the presence of snow. A snowy scene evokes a sense of purity and tranquility, transforming the environment into a soft, white wonderland.

Cozy: Winter is synonymous with cozy moments spent indoors by a warm fire, wrapped in blankets, and enjoying the comfort of home. This adjective captures the feeling of warmth and contentment during the colder months.

Serene: Winter landscapes often exude a sense of serenity, with quiet snow-covered surroundings and a calm stillness that can be both peaceful and contemplative.

Invigorating: The brisk, cold air of winter can be invigorating, awakening the senses and providing a refreshing contrast to the warmth of indoor spaces.

Whimsical: Winter can have a whimsical quality, especially when snowflakes fall gently, creating a dreamlike and enchanting atmosphere that feels almost magical.

Glistening: The sunlight reflecting off the snow and ice can make winter landscapes glisten, adding a touch of brilliance and sparkle to the scenery.

Majestic: Winter’s landscapes, with snow-covered trees and frost-laden branches, often evoke a sense of majesty and grandeur, transforming ordinary scenes into something extraordinary.

Enchanting: Winter possesses an enchanting quality, with its frosty beauty and the hushed stillness of snow-covered landscapes, captivating observers and creating a sense of wonder.

How To Describe Winter Season In Writing

Quotes About Winter Season

Here are a few quotations about the winter season, along with references:

“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.”  (Edith Sitwell)

“Winter is the time of promise because there is so little to do – or because you can now and then permit yourself the luxury of thinking so.” (Stanley Crawford)

“A snow day literally and figuratively falls from the sky—unbidden—and seems like a thing of wonder.” (Susan Orlean)

“Winter, a lingering season, is a time to gather golden moments, embark upon a sentimental journey, and enjoy every idle hour.” (John Boswell)

“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.” (Albert Camus)

Creating a Winter Wonderland

Creating a winter wonderland is like painting with nature’s own brush, a masterpiece forged from frost and magic.

As you step into this crystalline realm, the world transforms into a shimmering paradise. Each flake of snow, like a unique work of art, adorns the landscape with intricate designs.

The air is electric with the promise of quiet miracles, and every tree stands as a sentinel wrapped in glistening crystal armor.

Here, the world becomes a hushed symphony of nature’s whispers, inviting you to explore the enchantment hidden within the icy tapestry.

The power of sensory details

The power of sensory details lies in their ability to breathe life into words, transforming a mere description into a vivid and immersive experience for the reader.

When you evoke the senses of sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste in your writing, you engage the reader on a profound level.

With the stroke of a pen or the typing of keys, you can make them see the snow-capped mountains, hear the melodic chirping of birds, feel the cool breeze on their skin, catch the aroma of blooming flowers, or even taste the bittersweet nostalgia of a childhood memory.

These sensory elements not only enrich the narrative but also create an emotional connection, making the reader not just a passive observer but an active participant in the world you’ve crafted.

In the hands of a skilled writer, sensory details have the power to transcend words, leaving an indelible impression on the reader’s imagination.

Describing winter’s effect on the environment

Winter casts its enchanting spell upon the environment, turning the world into a breathtaking tableau of transformation.

As temperatures plummet and the first snowflakes descend, a serene hush blankets the land. Bodies of water, once teeming with life, now lie beneath a crystalline veneer, their surfaces frozen in stillness.

Windows become canvases for delicate frost patterns, resembling nature’s own intricate artwork. Architecture, too, undergoes a metamorphosis, with rooftops and branches heavy with snow, bending under its weight.

It’s a season of quiet marvels and serene beauty, where the environment, like a patient artist, surrenders to the gentle touch of winter, creating a surreal landscape where each element wears the cloak of frost and serenity.

How To Describe Winter Season In Writing

Evoking Emotions and Atmosphere

Emotions are the symphony, and atmosphere the conductor in the grand opera of storytelling.

Just as a maestro’s baton commands the rise and fall of a musical masterpiece, a skilled writer wields their words to evoke emotions and shape the atmosphere within their narrative.

In the realm of words, we can craft a storm of heartache that drenches the reader with empathy or a sunbeam of joy that warms their very soul.

Through masterful storytelling, we can transport readers to the darkened alleyways of fear or the sunlit gardens of love.

Every paragraph becomes an enchanting melody that resonates in the reader’s heart, every word, a brushstroke on the canvas of their imagination.

To paint the palette of emotions and atmosphere is to awaken the dormant spirits within a story, inviting the reader to dance with the characters, breathe the air of foreign lands, and feel the tremors of emotions that pulse with life.

Winter as a time of introspection

Winter serves as an introspective cocoon, where the world retreats into a silent slumber, and our thoughts unfurl like dormant buds waiting for the warmth of spring.

The snow blankets the land in a quiet serenity, creating an almost otherworldly stillness. In these frozen moments, we find solace in self-reflection, as the bare trees and the chill in the air reflect the stripped-down simplicity of our own thoughts.

The world seems to whisper secrets, inviting us to delve into the depths of our inner landscapes. It’s a time when the crackling of a fireplace becomes an accompaniment to our inner musings, and the solitude of the snow-covered landscape mirrors the silent chambers of our hearts.

Winter, in all its stark beauty, is a sanctuary for introspection, a season that beckons us to delve into the frosty recesses of our souls, seeking clarity and renewal.

The feeling of nostalgia

Nostalgia is a bittersweet embrace of the past, a melody that tugs at the heartstrings, often catching us by surprise.

It’s the scent of an old, worn book, the familiar taste of a childhood dish, or the sepia-toned memories of yesteryears.

Nostalgia is a window into the cherished moments and the places we’ve left behind. It transports us to a time when life seemed simpler, or perhaps when we were different people altogether.

It’s a feeling that brings both comfort and a longing ache, like a familiar face in an old photograph, simultaneously grounding us in the past and reminding us of the inexorable march of time.

Nostalgia has the power to make the ordinary extraordinary, for within its embrace, even the most mundane memories become precious, like shards of a shattered mirror that reflect our lives, refracted through the lens of memory.

Weathering the Elements

Weathering the elements is a courageous dance with nature’s most formidable partners, where humanity and the environment engage in an intricate tango of resilience and adaptability.

The elements of wind, rain, snow, and sun become our tempestuous partners, each challenging us to find our balance on the ever-shifting stage of life.

The thrill of a thunderstorm, the serenity of a gentle snowfall, the relentless force of a hurricane—all these natural phenomena are a testament to the awe-inspiring power of the elements.

As we navigate their capricious moods, we discover our own tenacity, drawing strength from the tempests that test our mettle.

In weathering the elements, we become not just observers of nature’s grand performance, but participants in the ongoing drama of survival, resilience, and the enduring human spirit.

The dramatic tension of winter storms

Winter storms are nature’s grand theater productions, where the stage is set with an icy backdrop, and the players are wind, snow, and the restless sky.

There’s a palpable dramatic tension that builds as dark clouds gather, and the air grows heavy with anticipation.

As the first snowflakes descend, it’s as if the opening act has begun, a delicate overture that soon crescendos into a tempestuous symphony of howling winds and swirling snow. Each snowflake is a character in this epic narrative, vying for its place in the swirling plot.

The world becomes a hushed audience, witnessing the turmoil and the magnificence of a winter storm with bated breath.

Amid this turbulent performance, there’s an undeniable exhilaration, a thrilling sense of nature’s raw power and the fragility of our human existence.

Winter storms are both a spectacle and a reminder of the forces that shape our world, a captivating drama that leaves us in awe of the beauty and chaos of the natural world.

Human interaction with winter

Human interaction with winter is a remarkable tapestry of adaptation and celebration, a testament to our indomitable spirit.

In the face of biting cold and relentless snowfall, we don our warmest attire and venture into the frosty embrace of this season.

From the laughter of children building snowmen to the grace of ice skaters on frozen ponds, we seize the opportunity to revel in the unique activities that winter bestows upon us.

Yet, this interaction also bears the weight of responsibility, as we navigate treacherous roads and prepare for the challenges of snow removal.

Winter is a season that demands both reverence and resilience, where the human spirit shines brightly, illuminating the darkest days with our resourcefulness, creativity, and the warmth of community.

How To Describe Winter Season In Writing

The impact of winter on daily life

The impact of winter on daily life is an intricate interplay of challenge and charm, where the world outside transforms into a breathtaking wonderland while our routines undergo adjustments.

The shorter days and longer nights compel us to adapt, embracing the cozy sanctuary of home and the warmth of shared moments with loved ones.

From the practicality of shoveling driveways and navigating icy streets to the joy of curling up by the fireplace with a good book, winter’s influence weaves its way into every facet of our existence.

It calls for extra layers, hot beverages, and the soothing embrace of comfort food.

In these chilly months, we become both the beneficiaries of nature’s artistry and the architects of our own winter stories, each day a new page to be written in the diary of a season where the world slows down, offering us a chance to savor life’s simpler pleasures.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about How To Describe Winter Season In Writing

What is the best way to start a description of the winter season in writing.

Begin by setting the scene. Describe the location and time of day, creating a clear and vivid starting point for your readers.

How can I effectively convey the weather and temperature of winter in my writing?

Use descriptive language to depict the weather conditions and temperature. Words like “snowy,” “icy,” “chilly,” and “freezing” can help paint a clear picture.

What are some key elements of the winter landscape to include in my description?

Mention snow-covered trees, frozen bodies of water, icicles hanging from surfaces, and any other distinctive features of the winter environment in your description.

How can I make my writing about winter more sensory-rich?

Engage the reader’s senses by describing what can be seen, heard, felt, smelled, and even tasted during the winter season. Mention the sounds of snowfall, the feeling of cold air, the scent of evergreen trees, and the taste of seasonal treats.

What emotions and moods should I explore when writing about winter?

Delve into emotions like coziness, wonder, nostalgia, or even the sense of isolation that winter can bring. These emotions can help create a more well-rounded description.

Should I use metaphors and similes when describing winter?

Metaphors and similes can be powerful tools to make your descriptions more vivid. For example, you could liken a snowy landscape to a pristine canvas or a white blanket.

How do I maintain a smooth flow when describing the winter season in writing?

Use transition words and phrases to connect different aspects of your description. This will ensure that your writing flows smoothly from one detail to the next.

What is the best way to conclude a description of the winter season?

In your conclusion, summarize the essence of the winter season and leave the reader with a lasting impression of what makes winter special or unique.

How can I make my description of winter stand out and feel unique?

Focus on the distinctive elements of winter that resonate with you. Highlight what sets this season apart in your eyes, whether it’s the serenity of falling snow or the festive spirit of the holidays.

Any tips for editing and polishing my winter descriptions?

After writing, carefully review your work for clarity, coherence, and conciseness. Eliminate unnecessary words and ensure your descriptions are engaging and captivating for your audience.

In the tapestry of literature, the winter season serves as a remarkable thread, weaving its unique charm into the fabric of storytelling.

As we conclude this exploration of how to describe winter in writing , we are reminded of the enduring power of words to evoke the beauty, complexity, and emotions of this enchanting season.

Through vivid imagery, sensory details, and the exploration of winter’s impact on both the environment and the human experience, we have glimpsed the magic of this time of year.

The icy landscapes, cozy firesides, and moments of introspection have been laid bare through the art of the written word, inviting readers to partake in the wonders of winter.

In the hands of a skilled writer, winter becomes more than just a season—it becomes a canvas upon which stories are painted with the brushstrokes of imagination, where the snowflakes themselves whisper secrets and the chill in the air holds untold mysteries.

The ability to describe winter in writing is a precious gift, allowing us to share the enchantment of this season with the world and to celebrate its enduring allure.

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Essay on Winter Season

Here we have shared the Essay on Winter Season in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 250, 400, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Winter Season in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

Topics covered in this article.

Essay on Winter Season in 150 words

Essay on winter season in 200-300 words, essay on winter season in 500-1000 words.

Winter is a much-awaited season characterized by cool temperatures, shorter days, and a refreshing change in weather. It brings a picturesque landscape with trees shedding leaves and snow-covered surroundings in many regions. The cool breeze adds freshness, and people enjoy outdoor activities and festivals like Christmas and New Year’s Eve. However, winter also poses challenges, requiring precautions to stay warm and healthy. Proper clothing and warm beverages provide comfort and protection against the cold. In essence, winter is a season of joy, beauty, and togetherness. It offers an opportunity to appreciate nature’s beauty and create cherished memories with loved ones.

Winter is one of the most awaited seasons of the year. It brings a refreshing change in the weather and fills our hearts with joy. The winter season usually starts in December and lasts till February. It is characterized by cool temperatures, shorter days, and chilly winds.

During winter, the environment transforms into a picturesque landscape. The trees shed their leaves, and the surroundings are adorned with a white blanket of snow in many regions. The cool breeze brings a sense of freshness, and people often enjoy outdoor activities like bonfires, picnics, and sports.

Winter is also associated with various festivals and celebrations. Christmas and New Year’s Eve are widely celebrated during this season, bringing together families and friends. The festive spirit, decorations, and the joy of giving add warmth and happiness to the cold winter days.

However, winter also presents challenges. The cold weather can be harsh, and it is important to take necessary precautions to stay warm and healthy. Proper clothing, including sweaters, jackets, and caps, helps to protect against the cold. Warm beverages like tea, coffee, and hot chocolate provide comfort and warmth.

In conclusion, the winter season brings a unique charm and beauty of its own. It offers an opportunity to appreciate the beauty of nature and spend quality time with loved ones. While it may require extra care to stay comfortable, the winter season is a time of joy, festivities, and making cherished memories.

Title: Winter Season – Embracing the Beauty and Challenges of the Chilly Months

Introduction :

Winter, one of the four seasons, is a time of the year that brings a distinct change in weather and scenery. Lasting from December to February in most parts of the world, winter is known for its cold temperatures, shorter days, and unique charm that captures the hearts of many. The season offers a delightful respite from the scorching heat of summer and creates an environment of tranquility and serenity. From snow-covered landscapes to cozy evenings by the fireplace, winter evokes a sense of nostalgia, joy, and warmth.

The Beauty of Winter

Winter transforms the world into a picturesque wonderland. Trees shed their leaves, revealing bare branches that dance against the pale winter sky. Snowflakes gently descend from above, painting the ground in a pristine white layer, turning even the most ordinary landscapes into scenes of ethereal beauty. The sight of snow-covered mountains, frozen lakes, and frost-kissed foliage fills our hearts with awe and wonder.

Winter also brings a unique kind of silence. The stillness in the air, broken only by the soft crunch of snow beneath our feet, offers a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It provides an opportunity to slow down, reflect, and appreciate the simple pleasures of life.

Outdoor Activities

Despite the cold temperatures, winter entices people to engage in a variety of outdoor activities. Winter sports such as skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, and sledding become popular pastimes. The thrill of gliding down a snowy slope or gracefully skating across an icy rink brings immense joy and exhilaration. Families and friends gather to build snowmen, have snowball fights, and create snow angels, fostering bonds and creating lasting memories.

Winter also offers the perfect opportunity for nature enthusiasts to explore the beauty of the season. Hiking through snow-covered trails or taking peaceful walks in the crisp winter air allows us to appreciate nature in its most serene state. Birdwatching becomes an exciting activity as migratory birds visit different regions, adding splashes of color to the otherwise white landscape.

Festivals and Celebrations

Winter is a season of festivities and celebrations. The holiday season, with Christmas and New Year’s Eve at its core, brings families and friends together to celebrate love, joy, and togetherness. Homes are adorned with sparkling lights, beautifully decorated Christmas trees, and the aroma of delicious food fills the air. It is a time for exchanging gifts, singing carols, and spreading goodwill.

Winter is also marked by cultural and religious celebrations around the world. Diwali, the Festival of Lights in India, is celebrated with grandeur, illuminating homes and streets with earthen lamps and vibrant decorations. Hanukkah, the Jewish festival, is a time of lighting the menorah and commemorating the miracle of the oil.

Challenges and Precautions

While winter brings enchantment and joy, it also presents its share of challenges. The plummeting temperatures demand that we take necessary precautions to stay warm and healthy. Proper clothing, including warm sweaters, jackets, scarves, and gloves, shields us from the biting cold. Layering clothing helps trap body heat and insulate us against the chilly winds.

Winter can also take a toll on our health. Cold and flu become common during this season, and it is important to practice good hygiene and boost our immune systems through a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep. Additionally, staying hydrated is crucial, as we may not feel as thirsty during colder months.

Conclusion :

Winter is a season of beauty, tranquility, and celebration. It invites us to appreciate the marvels of nature and enjoy the warmth of relationships. From snow-covered landscapes to festive gatherings, winter offers a unique experience that captivates our senses and fills our hearts with joy. While the challenges of cold weather exist, they can be overcome with proper precautions. As we embrace the beauty and challenges of winter, let us cherish the moments it brings, creating memories that will warm our hearts for years to come.

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Short Essay on Winter Season [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In this session, you will learn to write short essays on the topic of ‘Winter Season’. I will write three sets of essays on the same topic covering different word limits with simple words that all kinds of students can easily understand.

Table of Contents

Short essay on winter season in 100 words, short essay on winter season in 200 words, short essay on winter season in 400 words.

Feature image of Short Essay on Winter Season

According to the cycle of seasons, winter arrives at the end of the year and continues till the first two months of the new year. This season is associated with a harsh climate, extreme cold weather conditions, snowfall, drizzle, and disasters like landslides. The mountains and hilly regions in different parts of the world experience immense cold.

Regular snowfall occurs in Northern India as well as several parts of Asia and Europe. During this season, Human beings try to stay indoors. Many fall ill due to this cold. However, winter is not just a passive state but also a time of festivals. Christmas and New year are the two biggest celebrations in winter. Cakes and sweets are distributed at different places. Winter is a time when we can enjoy the warmth of tea and family.

The cycle of seasons moves in a circular motion throughout the year. Almost at the end of the year, after the autumn, the earth’s revolution takes the Northern hemisphere away from the Sun. So the Northern hemisphere receives little sunrise and grows cold. During that time winter arrives on the earth. Simultaneously summer arrives in the Southern hemisphere of the earth. 

Winter is associated with harsh and tough weather conditions. It is terrific to easily get accustomed to the winter season. Excessive snowfall takes place in the mountains and hilly regions and the temperature falls below the freezing point. Even on plain lands like Kolkata, the winter is quite sickening. Continuous snowfall and drizzle cause landslides in hilly regions. Winters are often unfavourable for tourism in hilly regions. However coastal places can be beautiful.

The most important characteristic of winter is many animals hibernate. Birds from the end of autumn start migrating toward warmer places. Insects also gather food and hibernate during this time. Yet this is a festive season for Christmas and New year. The whole world rejoices during this time. Cakes, sweets, and gifts are shared with people. Even in the face of severe disturbances, people still get their own opportunities to celebrate the winter season.

Earth has its own ways of creating life forms and nonliving creatures. It flows in its own rhythm and is a cycle that controls the birth and death of even the smallest of all beings. The cycle of seasons falls into the natural flow where one season automatically accompanies the other. Summer, winter, spring, and autumn are the four major seasons on earth. They create a chain or system where the end of the death of a year happens through winter and rebirth takes place through spring.

Winter is a symbol of the dead and old. The trees are bare without any leaves, the plants and flowers do not bloom, and animals and insects hibernate while birds leave their nests and migrate to warmer continents. The environment becomes white with snow and fog and human beings prefer to reside within their houses. Winter is essentially the death of life on earth. 

From a geographical point of view, winter can be best understood through the mountainous and hilly regions. The altitude of those places causes extreme cold temperatures which are unbearable. Snowfall, landslides, drizzles, and snowstorms are common weather conditions in these regions. Many human lives get at stake due to this harsh weather. Thus winter is not at all romantic to enjoy with hot tea. Even on plain lands like Kolkata winter below 10 degrees Celsius becomes quite unbearable. Only the southern part of India which is the coast enjoys pleasurable weather conditions. 

The winter season, however, is not entirely a dangerous situation. People honestly wait for this time so that the old year can end and the New year can arrive with new hopes and happiness. Winter in the seasonal cycle marks the end of all that is bad and unrequired. The two biggest celebrations of the winter season are Christmas and New year.

The entire world gets into the mood of vacation with the start of Christmas. Jesus, the saviour of the world was born during this harsh weather as if to give the world warmth of his virtue. People bake cakes, prepare sweets, and share goodwill and gifts with others.

While the year ends in rebirth, in Bengal the arrival of winter is celebrated through the worship of nature and its fruits. Poush Parbon is famous in different parts of Bengal where the women prepare several delicacies of sweets such as assorted pitha and payesh. Although the winter is a moment of cold and sickness the festivals make it full of life. It is one of the reasons why people await winter.

Hopefully, after going through this session, you have a holistic idea of the context. If you still have any doubts regarding this topic, kindly keep me posted through the comment section below. Keep browsing our website for more such writeups covering various other types of English comprehension. 

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Essay on My Favourite Season Winter

Winter is my favourite season. I live in Delhi and the winters of this city are known for being chilly. The best things about winter, according to me, are the delicious winter foods and respite from the scorching summer heat. Here are a few sample essays on “My Favourite Season Winter” .

100 Words Essay On My Favourite Season Winter

My favourite season is winter. The crisp, cool air, the blanket of snow on the ground, and the holiday spirit all contribute to my love for this season. I enjoy bundling up in warm clothing and going for walks in the snow. Winter activities such as ice-skating, skiing and snowboarding, and building snowmen are always a great way to spend time with friends and family. The winter season also brings the holiday season, with Christmas and New Year's, which are full of joy and celebration. The warm and cozy atmosphere inside while it's cold outside, enjoying hot chocolate and warm meals, makes it even more special. Overall, winter is my favourite season because of the many opportunities it provides for outdoor activities and the special memories it creates with loved ones.

Essay on My Favourite Season Winter

200 Words Essay On My Favourite Season Winter

My favourite season is winter, the season of snow, hot cocoa, and cozy blankets. The feeling of the cool, crisp air on my cheeks as I step outside, the blanket of snow on the ground, and the holiday spirit all contribute to my love for this season. I enjoy bundling up in warm clothing and going for walks in the snow, it's a great way to get some fresh air and enjoy the beauty of the season.

Winter activities such as ice-skating, skiing and snowboarding, and building snowmen are always a great way to spend time with friends and family. I remember when I first learned to ski, it was a challenging experience but the feeling of gliding down the slope and the rush of adrenaline was worth it. Building snowmen with my cousins and having snowball fights with my friends is one of my fondest memories from my childhood.

The winter season also brings the holiday season, with Christmas and New Year's, which are full of joy and celebration. The warm and cozy atmosphere inside while it's cold outside, enjoying hot chocolate and warm meals, makes it even more special. I love the way my house smells when my family is baking holiday treats, the warmth and love in the air is something that I look forward to every year.

500 Words Essay On My Favourite Season Winter

The beauty of winter.

One of the reasons why I love winter is because of the way it transforms the world around me. Everything looks so peaceful and beautiful when it's covered in snow. The trees, the houses, the streets, everything looks like a winter wonderland. I love going for walks in the snow and taking in the beauty of the season. One of my favourite memories from my childhood is of walking to school on a snowy morning, the snow crunching under my boots and the frosty air on my cheeks. It was a magical experience and one that I will always treasure.

Outdoor Activities

Winter also provides a wide range of outdoor activities that I love. Skiing and snowboarding are two of my favourite winter sports. I remember when I first learned to ski, it was a challenging experience but the feeling of gliding down the slope and the rush of adrenaline was worth it. I also love going ice skating with friends and family, it's a fun way to stay active during the colder months. Building snowmen with my cousins and having snowball fights with my friends is one of my fondest memories from my childhood.

The Holiday Spirit

Another reason why I love winter is because of the holiday season. The warm and cosy atmosphere inside while it's cold outside, enjoying hot chocolate and warm meals, makes it even more special. I love the way my house smells when my family is baking holiday treats, the warmth and love in the air is something that I look forward to every year. The holiday season brings with it a sense of joy and celebration that I find truly special.

Coziness and Comfort

Winter also means bundling up in warm clothing, blankets, and hot cocoa. There's something truly special about being warm and cozy while it's cold and snowy outside. I love curling up with a good book or watching a movie with my family while it's snowing outside. It's the perfect way to relax and unwind after a long day.

Winter is my favourite season for many reasons. The beauty of the snow, the joy of the holidays, and the warmth of family and friends all make winter a magical and unforgettable season. The outdoor activities, the coziness and comfort and the holiday spirit are a few of the reasons that make winter my favourite season . I love the way winter transforms the world around me, everything looks so peaceful and beautiful covered in snow. The trees, the houses, the streets, everything looks like a winter wonderland.

Overall, winter is my favourite season because of the many opportunities it provides for outdoor activities and the special memories it creates with loved ones. The beauty of the snow, the joy of the holidays and the warmth of family and friends, all make winter a magical and unforgettable season.

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  • Winter Season Essay in English for Students


Download Winter Season Essay On Vedantu

Learning how to write an essay is interesting, isn’t it? Learning at a very young age makes it more challenging and interesting. Writing an essay helps you to understand your thoughts and convey it through your write-ups. It also helps to improve your kid’s entire linguistic skill. 

So, if you want to guide your kid about how to write an essay, you can refer to the leading ed-tech site named Vedantu and download the sample essays for your child’s reference. The best part is that these samples won’t cost you a penny.

Here we have provided a sample essay on the Winter season for you and your kid’s convenience. So that you can download it at any time you want. Take a look below.

Brief on Winter Season

Winter season in India refers to the period between November and February when the northern hemisphere is inclined away from the sun and hence sun rays have to travel a longer distance to reach the surface of the earth. The winter season is a magical time as the weather gets cooler and people, in general, enjoy the weather around them. As the mercury drops, people take out their warm clothes and get together in small gatherings lighting fireplaces and enjoying small talk around them.

The vegetables available in the winter season are also fresh and taste better than the ones available during summer. People instead of avoiding the sun start waiting for the sun and enjoying its warmth.

The Importance of Winter Season

Even from the view of our culture, the winter season holds a special place. The winter season is generally the time when Monsoon has retreated, the water sources are full and the weather is very suitable for roaming around. People like to celebrate this weather along with their families and also enjoy festivities like Christmas and New Year. Many people take vacations during this time and go to visit tourist destinations like Shimla, Manali, and Leh, etc. Many parts of our country even witness snowfall and overall the weather turns delightful. However, there are various concerns that come with the winter season like Pollution. Delhi has been witnessing a sharp rise in the pollution levels during the winter season which is mainly due to the depression columns formed around the area Delhi is geographically situated in. These challenges should be dealt with so that people can cherish the mild atmosphere and enjoy it the most during the winter season.

Challenges People Face in this Season:

The season is good but not for everyone. The season creates a huge problem for all the homeless people, stray animals, and people who live in the hilly areas. In some parts of our country (especially the mountain regions), daily snowfall or rain can be witnessed during this time. It creates challenges for them to survive as the roads get blocked due to snowfall or heavy fog. That’s why they preserve their winter food throughout the year. So that they do not have to worry about it. However, life gets truly difficult in a few European countries as they face massive snowfall or blizzards during winter. 

Different countries face the winter season in different ways. It may be harsh or not. One needs to be prepared well for the same.


FAQs on Winter Season Essay in English for Students

1. Why are winters in North India generally more severe than winters in South India?

The temperature generally varies with longitude, as we south, we get closer to the equator which receives more direct sunlight as compared to the North. There are various other geographical reasons as well like the Western Disturbances and the Himalayas which contribute to Winters being more severe in North India as compared to the south. Also, the sea is closer in peninsular India while the North is landlocked which makes it ideal for a continental climate. Do check more about winters in North India on Vedantu website available for free.

2. What should we do to help people who are suffering due to winters?

Even though winters are enjoyed by most people, there are still some who are more unfortunate than us. These people suffer from a lack of basic resources and do not have enough woolen clothes to keep their bodies warm during winters. As responsible people, it is our duty to help these poor people and donation drives must be conducted across cities where old warm clothes of people which they might not be used should be provided for the poor.

3. What are the most enjoyable things to do in winter?

In winters, across the villages and cities in India, people gather around small fireplaces where they would be burning wood and keeping them warm. These fireplaces are very social and create a bond among the people who are present around them. The vegetables which are grown in winters are also generally tastier than the vegetables which are grown in summers. People enjoy the sunlight and wait for the sun to come up. These things make Indian winters special.

4. What are the keywords when we write an essay on winters?

While writing an essay on the subject of winters, bring out the essential things which people associate with winters such as good food like Gajar ka Halwa, The fog which comes up in North India. Bring out the regional diversity, the close socialization among people near fireplaces, how people plan to visit hill stations and witness snowfall and also stress on how the society can help those people who suffer during winters due to lack of warm clothes.

5. What is the cultural significance of winters?

If you observe closely, you will notice that winters generally start with the culmination of Durga Puja and Deepavali which are among the two biggest festivals celebrated throughout India and end just a few days after the celebration of Makar Sankranti. This shows the close cultural relationship of Indian customs with changes in the atmosphere. During winters Rabi crops are grown and it is generally harvested at the end of January which is the end of winters.

Mr Greg's English Cloud

10 Paragraphs: Winter Season

The winter season, with its crisp air, glistening snowflakes, and cozy ambiance, holds a special place in our hearts. Writing a paragraph about the winter season allows us to capture the enchantment and unique qualities of this time of year. From the hushed stillness of a snowy landscape to the comforting warmth of crackling fires, winter evokes a range of emotions and sensory experiences that can be beautifully conveyed through words.

Table of Contents

Tips On Writing A Paragraph On Winter Season

Set the mood: Begin your paragraph by setting the mood and atmosphere of the winter season. Describe the chill in the air, the scent of wood smoke, and the quiet stillness that blankets the world. Create a sense of tranquility and peace, conveying the serene and contemplative nature of winter.

Capture the visuals: Use descriptive language to paint a vivid picture of the winter landscape. Describe the glistening snowflakes as they fall gracefully from the sky, covering the ground in a pristine white blanket. Explore the beauty of ice formations, frost-kissed trees, and the shimmering sparkle of sunlight on frozen surfaces. Convey the visual elements that make winter so distinct and captivating.

Engage the senses: Appeal to the senses to evoke a strong sensory experience of winter. Describe the feeling of crisp, cold air against the skin and the soft crunch of footsteps in the snow. Explore the taste of warm beverages like hot cocoa or spiced cider, and the comforting aroma of freshly baked goods. Convey the sounds of laughter echoing through frosty air or the gentle whisper of the wind as it dances through bare branches.

Explore emotions and moods: Reflect on the emotions and moods that the winter season evokes. Discuss the sense of awe and wonder that comes with witnessing a winter wonderland. Explore the coziness and comfort of being bundled up indoors, surrounded by loved ones or engrossed in a good book. Convey the mix of solitude and introspection that often accompanies the quieter months of winter.

Embrace seasonal traditions: Highlight the unique traditions and activities that are synonymous with winter. Explore the joy of building snowmen, engaging in friendly snowball fights, or gliding across icy ponds while ice skating. Discuss the warmth and togetherness of holiday celebrations, with gatherings, festive decorations, and delicious meals. Convey the sense of community and shared experiences that make winter an unforgettable time of year.

Paragraph 1

Winter arrives with a gentle hush, painting the world in shades of white and gray. The air is crisp and biting, yet there is a certain beauty in the chill. Snowflakes fall from the sky, dancing as they descend, transforming the landscape into a winter wonderland. The trees stand tall and bare, adorned with delicate frost. It is a season of stillness and tranquility, where time seems to slow and the world takes a collective breath.

Paragraph 2

As winter settles in, a sense of coziness fills the air. It is a time for warm blankets, crackling fires, and steaming mugs of cocoa. The aroma of freshly baked cookies and hearty stews wafts through the house, comforting both body and soul. Winter invites us to seek solace in the simple pleasures of curling up with a good book or gathering with loved ones around the hearth. It is a season that nourishes both our physical and emotional well-being.

Paragraph 3

Winter brings with it a sense of awe and wonder. With the first snowfall, the world is transformed into a magical playground. Children bundle up in their winter gear, ready to build snowmen and create angels in the snow. The sound of laughter fills the air as snowballs are thrown and sleds glide down snowy slopes. Winter invites us to embrace our inner child, to marvel at the beauty of nature’s artwork and to find joy in the simplest of pleasures.

Paragraph 4

The winter season is a time of introspection and reflection. As the days grow shorter and darkness descends earlier, there is a sense of turning inward. It is a time for self-discovery, for delving into the depths of our thoughts and emotions. Winter encourages us to slow down, to take stock of our lives, and to nurture our inner selves. It is a season that invites us to find clarity and renewal amidst the stillness and quietude.

Paragraph 5

In winter, nature reveals its resilience and adaptability. Animals retreat to their cozy dens or migrate to warmer climates, while evergreen trees proudly display their emerald foliage against the snowy backdrop. Frost patterns delicately decorate windows, and icicles glisten like crystal daggers. Winter reminds us of the strength and beauty that can be found even in the harshest of conditions, teaching us the importance of resilience and the cycles of life.

Paragraph 6

Winter is a time for celebration and togetherness. From festive holiday gatherings to New Year’s Eve parties, the season invites us to come together and share in the warmth of companionship. The twinkling lights, merry tunes, and delicious feasts create an atmosphere of joy and goodwill. Winter reminds us of the power of unity and the value of cherishing our relationships, as we gather with loved ones to create lasting memories.

Paragraph 7

The winter nights are adorned with a celestial spectacle. As darkness blankets the sky, stars twinkle with exceptional brilliance. The crisp air allows for crystal-clear views of the constellations, and the occasional streak of a shooting star adds a touch of magic. Winter invites us to gaze up at the heavens, to ponder the vastness of the universe, and to find solace in the beauty of the night sky.

Paragraph 8

Winter is a season of contrasts. The stillness of a snowy morning is juxtaposed with the vibrant hues of a winter sunset. The biting cold is offset by the warmth of holiday lights and the cheer of laughter. It is a time when nature’s delicate beauty meets the resilience of the human spirit. Winter reminds us of the intricate balance between light and dark, cold and warmth, fragility and strength.

Paragraph 9

Winter beckons us to explore the great outdoors. In this season, the landscapes become a playground for winter sports and activities. Skiing down snow-covered slopes, gliding across frozen lakes on ice skates, or embarking on a snowshoeing adventure through untouched trails—all offer opportunities for exhilarating experiences and a deeper connection with nature. Winter invites us to embrace the invigorating challenges and rewards of outdoor exploration.

Paragraph 10

Winter is a season that stirs the imagination. The long nights and cozy ambiance provide the perfect backdrop for storytelling and creative pursuits. It is a time to immerse ourselves in books, films, or artistic endeavors that transport us to other worlds. Winter encourages us to let our imaginations run wild, to dream, and to explore the depths of our creative potential.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

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describe winter season essay

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Winter: a Magical and Challenging Season

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Words: 560 |

Published: Feb 7, 2024

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The beauty of winter, the challenges of winter, winter holidays and traditions, winter memories and experiences.

Image of Alex Wood

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describe winter season essay

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Essay on Winter Season in 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 Words for Class 1-12

Winter is one of the most important times of the year. You will find various changes in the environment at that time. Here we have got a few essays on the winter season in 200, 300, 400, 500, and 600 words for students of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. 

In This Blog We Will Discuss

Essay on Winter Season in 200 Words

Winter is a very significant season in India and it lasts for three months. January and February are the two coldest months of this season. People find a different vibe this time. Nature becomes different. The sun comes late and sometimes it doesn’t even appear. 

Everybody has to wear warm clothes. People prefer to stay home this season. But poor people have to work and they suffer a lot. Most of the time they can’t afford good warm clothes. And that’s why they face sickness. 

The students get winter vacation and they don’t have too much pressure to study. There are many big festivals that people celebrate in this season. This season is favorite for many people because you will find fresh vegetables and fruits. Many people go for family tours on vacation. 

It’s the perfect time to enjoy snow falling. Overall winter has a huge impact on our life. We can enjoy the time a lot. It feels great to stay at home under the blanket. It is a very good time for rich people to give away some warm clothes for the poor. With so many positive and negative sides, this season has importance for the farmers. 

Essay on Winter Season in 300 Words


Winter is the coldest season of the year. The entire country faces tremendous environmental change in this season. The level of coldness is increasing year by year, and that is happening because of climate change . 

Winter has many important aspects of Indian life and some negative sides too. It is the favorite season for many people and it brings a burden to many peoples’ lives. 

Why People Love Winter: 

People love winter for a few reasons. First of all the biggest reason is fresh food in this season. You will find all types of vegetables and fruits and they are fresh. So if you want to eat healthy food then winter is the best season for yourself. 

Offices and schools get a vacation in this season and people can spend more time with their family . Most people arrange picnics and tours during this vacation time. It is the best time for people who love to stay at home. Everybody has to wear warm clothes and that’s the most important part of the season. 

Bad Sides of Winter Season: 

Winter has some bad sides too. The sun comes very late and sometimes it doesn’t even appear. The day labor people who need to earn their money day by day, they face a huge work crisis at this time. 

They can’t buy warm clothes and it makes their life very difficult. Many homeless people fall into serious problems because they don’t have proper shelter and clothes. The animals and birds die because of too much coldness. 


With so many good and bad sides, still, it is an important season for the country. Especially the farmers grow their rice and beans in this season. And it has some environmental usefulness too. 

Essay on My Favorite Season Winter in 400 Words

Winter is one of the four seasons in our country. It is a very important time of the year. We experience different changes in nature during that season. The days are very short and the nights are long in this season. 

The sun comes very late and sometimes it doesn’t even arise. There are many festivals like Christmas or Holi in this season. January is the coldest month of the year. 

Why Winter is My Favorite Season?

It is my favorite season and there are a few reasons behind it. First of all, I can enjoy the time properly. I love the winter vacation that we get in this season. I can visit my village and meet my cousins and grandparents, that’s a huge experience for me. 

My cousins are amazing, I spend a good time with them. We go to the river and swim there. Sometimes we catch fish too. In this season, we find different types of fruits and vegetables and they are fresh. These foods are very good for our health. 

There are uncountable numbers of vegetables available and they are all very delicious. Winter morning is the best time to get up early in the morning and go for a walk. Nature is very beautiful this time. 

People can do hard work this season which is almost impossible to do in summer. People don’t fall sick often, because this season doesn’t come with many diseases. It is a very important season for Indian farmers. 

But it makes trouble for the homeless and poor people. They can’t afford proper shelter and clothes for themselves. The thing that I really dislike about this season is many animals and birds die because of the too cold atmosphere. 

Winter Picnic:

The Winter picnic is a very exciting thing. We arrange a picnic in the nearest Jungle every year with the entire family. Last year, we went with 10 people for a picnic and that was a good experience for us. 

The most significant thing about the picnic was the lunch meal. My mother cooked the biryani and it was delicious. We enjoyed nature, saw a hilly river, and I took a bath there. 


So winter is a very important part of nature. It has many good impacts on the environment. It brings joy and happiness to many people’s lives because it’s time for celebrations and festivals.

Essay on Winter Season in 500 Words

Essay on Winter Season in 500 Words

Winter is one of the four seasons in India. It is one of the most important and most seen times of the year. We can enjoy many changes in nature and the environment in that particular season. There are many things to enjoy and a few things to be sad about. 

But at the end of the, it is very important for us. Because of climate change, the winter is very too cold day by day and it has an impact on every human and animal. 

Impacts of Winter: 

In this season, we see the change in nature. The sun comes very late and sometimes it doesn’t come at all. And the sunlight has not too much brightness. There is too much fog in some areas and some areas face snowfall. 

Snow falling is a beautiful scene to enjoy in winter. Many people visit different tourist places where they can enjoy such a view. Because it is too cold, the office and school slow down and people prefer to stay home. 

It is a tough time for the animals because they have no proper shelter to stay. The same situation is also for homeless peoples. They have to sleep on the street in the freezing air. It is very tough for them. This season is the right time to give away some clothes. 

Winter Morning: 

Winter morning is a beautiful part of the season. Mornings are different based on the city or village . In the village, people normally get up early in the morning, but in the winter season the sun comes late and that’s why people also get out from their blanket late. 

The domestic animals stay at their castle. Sometimes some young people gather papers and make a fire to make the environment warm. You will find many elderly people besides that type of fire. 

In the cities, the people who live in the street face many problems because they don’t have proper clothes and shelter.

Winter Picnic with Family: 

Many people arrange a picnic in this season and I think it’s the perfect time for arranging a tour. Last year, I visited Darjeeling with my family . 

It was a pleasant journey for me. I always loved the hilly road and beautiful tea gardens, that’s why it is one of my favorite tourist spots. We went to visit one of my uncles in Kolkata, then we planned for that picnic from there. 

That uncle gave the plan and my father agreed with him. We were 10 people in total and we were in a big car. There was a lot of fun and many things to enjoy. 

Winter is a very important season for the climate and for our country. This season lasts for three months, but we feel the highest impact of winter is in January and February. This season is the best time to explore one place to another and make some tour plans. 

Essay on Winter Season in 600 Words

Essay on Winter Season in 600 Words

Winter is one of the four seasons in India. It has a lot of importance in the country. Usually, it’s the coolest time of the year. And it gets started from December and stays until March. January is the coldest month of the year. 

This season comes with many changes in human life. Some people enjoy their time with a blanket and some people fight with it without proper winter clothes. It has both good sides and bad sides. 

Advantages of Winter: 

There are many advantages to the winter season that we can’t finish counting. First of all, it’s the time of vacation. Most of the schools and offices stay on a vacation. So anyone can make a picnic or trip with the family. 

Nature becomes very beautiful and cool. In some areas of our country, you can enjoy snow falling. It is an amazing view to watch. Tons of people visit Shimla, Sikkim, and Kashmir every year to enjoy snowfall. 

It gives you the chance to eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Almost every type of vegetable is available in the market at that time. These foods are fresh and delicious to eat. Because of the too cold environment, people love to drink hot coffee, tea, etc in that time. 

Winter is the time of celebration too. All the major celebrations of the year fall in this season. That’s why there is less pressure from school and lots of vacation. 

Winter Vacation: 

Winter vacation is one of the best things to enjoy this season. I always visit my native village on vacation. I love to spend time with my cousins there. My grandparents live there and they are very friendly with me. 

That’s why my winter vacation is always special and comes with many surprises. I do many fun activities with my cousins. We swim in the big pond and catch fish there. I love catching fish. On our last vacation, we went for a picnic in the nearest jungle. 

We set up a tent there and spent around 6 hours. We enjoyed nature and the location was beside a hilly river. The river was very beautiful. I still can remember that day, it was full of fun and joy. We had an amazing lunch there. My mom and aunties cooked some local dishes and they were very delicious. 

Disadvantages of Winter: 

Along with many good sides, there are a few disadvantages too of this season. A huge number of people are poor and homeless in our country. They can’t afford proper clothes, food, and shelter in the time of too cold. 

That’s why they have to face different diseases at that time. The farmers can’t work and they can’t maintain their family. It is very difficult to work in that type of cold environment. Most of the day labor faces a huge work problem. 

There are many diseases also seen in this season. Because of the cold nature, most of the plants die at that time. You will see all the old leaves are falling from the tree. 

Why I Love the Winter Season?

Winter is my favorite season and there are a few reasons behind it. First of all, I love vacation. I can spend a lot of time with my family. And can plan some tours. In this season, we get fresh vegetables and fruits. I love eating them. I love the winter morning too. 

Winter is a very important season as like the other seasons along with a few positive sides and a few negative sides. End of the day, it has a good impact on us. 

Essay on Winter Season in 10 Lines

1. Winter is the coldest season in the entire year. 

2. It lasts for three months. 

3. People have to wear warm clothes in this season. 

4. The sun comes out very late and sometimes it doesn’t even come out. 

5. It is the favorite season for many people because there are fresh vegetables and fruits. 

6. Winter vacation is an exciting part of this season. 

7. People go for tours and picnics during this time. 

8. It is difficult for poor people because they can’t afford to buy warm clothes. 

9. Homeless people also fall under grave trouble. 

10. Winter is a very important season for the farmers and for the country. 

Why is winter the best season? 

There are so many reasons behind it, first of all, you will find all types of fruits and vegetables this season. It is the best time to eat healthy food. 

What is the importance of the winter season?

– Nature is very cold and beautiful. – Snow falling is a beautiful scene to enjoy. – Fresh vegetables and fruits are available. 

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describe winter season essay

Let it snow: 6 of the best descriptions of winter weather in literature.

Katie Yee

Oh, the weather outside is frightful! But the reading is so delightful… Weather (sorry) or not you love the snow—blanketing your driveway, stalling your subway lines—it’s hard to deny that there have been some pretty darn good descriptions of it in literature, the kind that make you want to curl up by the fire (or, in my case, the space heater). Personally, I think I like winter weather best when it’s on the page and not the thing standing between me and the closest bar or the corner bodega when I’m out of popcorn. In an attempt to reframe the cold months ahead for myself, I have assembled some of the most beautiful/relatable descriptions of snow I could find in fiction. Perhaps now I will think of it as one of these instead of being irrationally irritated by Mother Nature’s cruel attempts to curb my snacking and my social life. So, here we go: let it snow! Sit down with these delightfully icy passages, and keep the hot cocoa coming.

From Leo Tolstoy’s  Anna Karenina :

At first she was unable to read. To begin with she was bothered by the bustle and movement; then, when the train started moving, she could not help listening to the noises; then the snow that beat against the left-hand window and stuck to the glass, and the sight of the conductor passing by, all bundled up and covered with snow on one side, and the talk about the terrible blizzard outside, distracted her attention. Further on it was all the same; the same jolting and knocking, the same snow on the window, the same quick transitions from steaming heat to cold and back to heat, the same flashing of the same faces in the semi-darkness, and the same voices, and Anna began to read and understand what she was reading.

From Italo Calvino’s   If on a winter’s night a traveler :

So here I am walking along this empty surface that is the world. There is a wind grazing the ground, dragging with flurries of fine snow the last residue of the vanished world: a bunch of ripe grapes which seems just picked from the vine, an infant’s woolen bootee, a well-oiled hinge, a page that seems torn from a novel written in Spanish, with a woman’s name: Amaranta. Was it a few seconds ago that everything ceased to exist, or many centuries? I’ve already lost any sense of time.

From Ali Smith’s  Winter :

And here instead’s another version of what was happening that morning, as if from a novel in which Sophia is the kind of character she’d choose to be, prefer to be, a character in a much more classic sort of story, perfectly honed and comforting, about how sombre yet bright the major-symphony of winter is and how beautiful everything looks under a high frost, how every grassblade is enhanced and silvered into individual beauty by it, how even the dull tarmac of the roads, the paving under our feet, shines when the weather’s been cold enough and how something at the heart of us, at the heart of all our cold and frozen states, melts when we encounter a time of peace on earth, goodwill to all men; a story in which there is no room for severed heads; a work in which Sophia’s perfectly honed minor-symphony modesty and narrative decorum complement the story she’s in with the right kind of quiet wisdom-from-experience ageing-female status, making it a story that’s thoughtful, dignified, conventional in structure thank God, the kind of quality literary fiction where the slow drift of snow across the landscape is merciful, has a perfect muffling decorum of its own, snow falling to whiten, soften, blur and prettify even further a landscape where there are no heads divided from bodies hanging around in the air or anywhere, either new ones, from new atrocities or murders or terrorisms, or old ones, left over from old historic atrocities and murders and terrorisms and bequeathed to the future as if in old French Revolution baskets, their wickerwork brown with the old dried blood, placed on the doorsteps of the neat and central-heating-interactive houses of now with notes tied to the handles saying please look after this head thank you […]

From Donna Tartt’s  The Secret History : 

The snow in the mountains was melting and Bunny had been dead for several weeks before we came to understand the gravity of our situation.

From Kelly Link’s  Stranger Things Happen :

The next day it was snowing and he went out for a pack of cigarettes and never came back. You sat on the patio drinking something warm and alcoholic, with nutmeg in it, and the snow fell on your shoulders. You were wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt; you were pretending that you weren’t cold, and that your lover would be back soon. You put your finger on the ground and then stuck it in your mouth. The snow looked like sugar, but it tasted like nothing at all.

From Charles Dickens’  A Christmas Carol :

Holly, mistletoe, red berries, ivy, turkeys, geese, game, poultry, brawn, meat, pigs, sausages, oysters, pies, puddings, fruit, and punch, all vanished instantly. So did the room, the fire, the ruddy glow, the hour of night, and they stood in the city streets on Christmas morning where (for the weather was severe) the people made a rough, but brisk and not unpleasant kind of music, in scraping the snow from the pavement in front of their dwellings, and from the tops of their houses, whence it was mad delight to the boys to see it come plumping down into the road below, and splitting into artificial little snow-storms.

The house fronts looked black enough, and the windows blacker, contrasting with the smooth white sheet of snow upon the roofs, and with the dirtier snow upon the ground; which last deposit had been ploughed up in deep furrows by the heavy wheels of carts and wagons; furrows that crossed and re-crossed each other hundreds of times where the great streets branched off; and made intricate channels, hard to trace, in the thick yellow mud and icy water. The sky was gloomy, and the shortest streets were choked up with a dingy mist, half thawed, half frozen, whose heavier particles descended in a shower of sooty atoms, as if all the chimneys in Great Britain had, by one consent, caught fire, and were blazing way to their dear hearts’ content. There was nothing very cheerful in the climate of the town, and yet was there an air of cheerfulness abroad that the clearest summer air and brightest summer sun might have endeavoured to diffuse in vain.

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Writing Beginner

How to Describe Snow in Writing (100+ Examples & Words)

Snow is a popular setting in many stories, essays, poems, and all kinds of writing.

Here is how to describe snow in writing:

Describe snow in writing by choosing specific words and phrases that evoke its unique characteristics: fluffy, sparkling, silent, cold, and transformative. Consider the type of snow, the time of day, the weather conditions, and the overall atmosphere you want to create.

In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know about how to describe snow in writing.

11 Best Tips to Describe Snow in Writing (+ Examples)

People walking through the snow in a forest - How to describe snow in writing

Table of Contents

As we step out into the winter wonderland of words, let’s start with the best ways to describe snow in your stories.

1. Define Different Types of Snow

There are many different types of snow, each with its own unique characteristics. Here are a few examples:

  • Powder: Dry and fluffy snow, perfect for skiing and snowboarding.
  • Corn: Snow that has been melted and refrozen, creating a granular texture.
  • Crust: A hard layer of snow on top of a softer layer.
  • Drift: A large pile of snow that has been blown by the wind.
  • Sleet: A mix of snow and rain.
  • Graupel: Small, white pellets of snow that are formed when supercooled water droplets collide and freeze.

2. Describe the Texture of the Snow

The texture of snow can vary greatly depending on the type of snow, the temperature, and the wind conditions. Here are some examples of words to describe the texture of snow:

  • Fluffy: Light and airy, like a cloud.
  • Powdery: Fine and dry, like dust.
  • Crunchy: Hard and brittle, like ice.
  • Slushy: Wet and mushy, like melted ice cream.
  • Slick: Smooth and slippery, like a sheet of ice.

3. Describe the Color of the Snow

Snow is often described as white, but it can also take on other colors depending on the light and the environment. Here are some examples of words to describe the color of snow:

  • White: Bright and pure, like a blank canvas.
  • Gray: Dark and dirty, like a city sidewalk.
  • Blue: Cold and icy, like a glacier.
  • Yellow: Warm and sunny, like a winter sunrise.
  • Pink: Soft and delicate, like a rose petal.

4. Describe the Sound of the Snow

Snow can make a variety of sounds, depending on the conditions.

Here are some examples of words to describe the sound of snow:

  • Crunching: The sound of footsteps on fresh snow.
  • Hissing: The sound of wind blowing through the snow.
  • Rustling: The sound of leaves being blown by the wind.
  • Silence: The absence of sound, creating a peaceful atmosphere.
  • Muffled: The sound of voices being muffled by the snow.

5. Describe the Smell of the Snow

Snow can have a faint, clean smell, especially when it is fresh. Here are some examples of words to describe the smell of snow:

  • Clean: Fresh and pure, like a mountain stream.
  • Cold: Sharp and refreshing, like the air in a winter forest.
  • Earthy: Musky and rich, like the smell of soil.
  • Dry: Dusty and powdery, like the smell of a desert.
  • Metallic: Sharp and metallic, like the smell of ice.

6. Describe the Movement of the Snow

Snow can move in a variety of ways, depending on the wind conditions.

Here are some examples of words to describe the movement of snow:

  • Falling: Descending gently from the sky.
  • Drifting: Blowing across the ground by the wind.
  • Whirling: Spinning in circles in the wind.
  • Swirling: Moving in a circular motion, like a blizzard.
  • Settling: Coming to rest on the ground.

7. Describe the Light on the Snow

The light on the snow can create a variety of visual effects. Here are some examples of words to describe the light on the snow:

  • Glistening: Sparkling and reflecting light, like diamonds.
  • Dazzling: Bright and blinding, like the sun on a winter day.
  • Soft: Gentle and diffused, like moonlight.
  • Shadowy: Dark and mysterious, like the woods on a winter night.
  • Eerie: Strange and otherworldly, like a snowy landscape in a horror movie.

8. Describe the Temperature of the Snow

Snow can range in temperature from very cold to slightly warmer.

Here are some examples of words to describe the temperature of snow:

  • Freezing: Cold enough to cause frostbite.
  • Chilling: Cold and uncomfortable.
  • Crisp: Cool and refreshing.
  • Invigorating: Exhilarating and stimulating.
  • Biting: Cold and sharp, like a winter wind.

9. Describe the Emotions Associated with Snow

Snow can evoke a variety of emotions, depending on the context.

Here are some examples of words to describe the emotions associated with snow:

  • Peacefulness:  Calm and serene, like a winter wonderland.
  • Joy:  Playful and happy, like children building snowmen.
  • Loneliness:  Isolated and desolate, like a deserted snow-covered landscape.
  • Melancholy:  Sad and introspective, like a lone figure walking through the snow.
  • Fear:  Anxious and apprehensive, like being trapped in a blizzard.

10. Describe the Sensory Impact of Snow

Snow has a unique sensory impact that can be described using a variety of words and phrases.

Here are some examples:

  • The cold sting of snowflakes on your cheeks.
  • The soft crunch of your boots on fresh snow.
  • The muffled silence of a snow-covered landscape.
  • The blinding glare of the sun reflecting off the snow.
  • The sweet scent of pine trees in the winter air.

11. Describe the Transformative Power of Snow

Snow can transform a familiar landscape into a magical wonderland. Here are some examples of words and phrases to describe the transformative power of snow:

  • The world was blanketed in a pristine layer of white.
  • The trees were adorned with sparkling diamonds of ice.
  • The normally bustling city was eerily silent and serene.
  • The snow created a sense of peace and tranquility.
  • The world felt new and clean, as if it had been reborn.

Here is a video about how to describe a snowy day in writing:

50 Best Words for Describing Snow

Consider these words for describing snow in your writing:

  • Invigorating
  • Peacefulness
  • Tranquility

50 Best Phrases for Describing Snow

Read through these phrases and choose your favorites to describe snow:

  • A blanket of white
  • A winter wonderland
  • A crystalline carpet
  • A world transformed
  • A hush fell over the land
  • The air was crisp and clean
  • The sun glinted off the snow
  • The world was a silent symphony in white
  • The snow fell like a thousand tiny feathers
  • The snowdrifts piled high
  • The snowflakes danced in the wind
  • The snow-covered landscape sparkled like diamonds
  • The snow crunched underfoot
  • The snow was a canvas waiting for footprints
  • The snow muffled all sound
  • The snow was a reminder of the fleeting beauty of winter
  • The snow fell in gentle whispers
  • The snow was a cleansing force
  • The snow covered the world in a peaceful shroud
  • The snow was a testament to the power of nature
  • The snow was a blank slate waiting for stories to be written
  • The snow was a symbol of hope and renewal
  • The snow was a reminder to slow down and appreciate the simple things in life
  • The snow was a magical world waiting to be explored
  • The snow was a reminder that even the coldest winter eventually gives way to spring

3 Full Examples of How to Describe Snow in Different Genres

Now, let’s look at three full examples of how to describe snow in different kinds of stories.

Outside, the snow fell in thick, swirling flakes, muffling all sound and creating a world of hushed intimacy.

The soft glow of the streetlights cast long shadows on the snow-covered ground, and the only sound was the gentle crunch of our boots as we walked hand-in-hand. The air was crisp and clean, and the scent of pine trees filled the air. In this winter wonderland, surrounded by the beauty of the falling snow, I felt closer to her than ever before.

The first snowflake drifted down from the leaden sky, an icy harbinger of the blizzard to come. The air was thick with anticipation, and the silence was broken only by the occasional creak of the old house settling.

The snow began to fall in earnest, blanketing the world in a cold, white shroud. Visibility dropped to near zero, and the house was plunged into darkness. I huddled closer to the fire, the flames casting flickering shadows on the walls. The old house seemed to hold its breath, waiting for what the storm might bring.

The snow swirled around the ancient castle, obscuring its towers and ramparts in a swirling mist.

The wind howled like a banshee, tearing at the windows and doors. Inside the castle, the fire crackled in the hearth, casting long shadows on the stone walls. The king sat on his throne, his face grim and determined. He knew that the blizzard was not just weather; it was a portent of the dark forces that were gathering at the borders of his kingdom.

The snow continued to fall, a silent promise of the battles to come.

How to Write a Scene with Falling Snow

Setting a scene with falling snow can add a touch of magic and atmosphere to your writing.

Here are a few tips:

  • Use vivid verbs and sensory details to bring the scene to life. Describe the way the snow falls, the crunch of boots on fresh snow, the way the wind whips around.
  • Use the snow to create a mood. Is it a peaceful and serene snowfall, or a violent blizzard? The way you describe the snow can set the tone for the entire scene.
  • Use the snow to reveal something about the characters. How do they react to the snowfall? Are they excited and playful, or are they cold and miserable?
  • Don’t forget the contrast. The white snow can create a beautiful contrast against dark backgrounds, such as trees or buildings.

How to Describe a Blizzard

A blizzard is a powerful and dangerous storm, and it can be difficult to capture its full force in writing.

  • Use strong verbs and adjectives to describe the wind and the snow. The wind should howl and roar, the snow should swirl and whip.
  • Focus on the sensory details. Describe the way the wind sounds, the way the snow feels against your skin, the way the world looks completely white and obscured.
  • Use figurative language to create a sense of danger and chaos. Similes and metaphors can help to convey the power of the blizzard.
  • Show, don’t tell. Instead of simply saying that the blizzard was a powerful storm, describe the effects of the storm on the characters and their surroundings.

How to Write a Winter Wonderland

A winter wonderland is a magical place where the snow covers everything in white and creates a world of its own.

Here are a few tips for writing about a winter wonderland:

  • Focus on the beauty of the snow. Describe the way it glistens in the sunlight, the way it covers the trees in a white shroud, the way it creates a peaceful silence.
  • Use metaphors and similes to compare the snow to other things. Describe the snow as pure, as clean, as a blank canvas.
  • Don’t forget the other elements of winter. Include details about the cold air, the frost on the trees, the icicles hanging from the eaves.
  • Use the winter wonderland to set the mood for your story. Is it a peaceful and idyllic place, or is it a cold and lonely place? The way you describe the winter wonderland can affect how your readers feel about the story.

Final Thoughts: How to Describe Snow in Writing

So next time you see snow falling, take a moment to appreciate its beauty and transformative power.

It might just inspire you to write your own snow-bound story.

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Winter Season Essay

Read winter season essay in English for kids of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Know more about essay on winter season in 300 words. You can learn an essay on my favourite season winter or winter season essay for kids.

Winter Season Essay

Winter Season Essay 300 Words

Winter is one of the most-awaited seasons of the year as it brings in the feelings of calmness and peace. This season starts from mid-November and lasts till mid of March. However, the coldest months of this season are December and January when you experience those chills and search for cosiness. Winter is a great season that brings a lot of happiness as children can enjoy various games like snowball fighting, ice hockey and building snowmen around their houses.

Also, we can sit in warm blankets and watch our favourite shows by having some coffee or tea along with delicious snacks. Winter evenings are the most enjoyable and romantic ones where couples enjoy walking on roads and having street food. Children enjoy their winter holidays and play outdoor games in the warmth of the sun. Well, people wait for the sun during winters as they relax and enjoy under the sun as it makes them feel cosy and comfortable. Sometimes the sun does not even shine and the weather becomes too much cold making people damn freezing.

People try to do everything that keeps them warm and in a stable state, they burn woods and paper along the roads to get some heat and feel comfortable. Many people don’t like going out anywhere in winters as it is always freaking chilled outside. They prefer to sit around a bonfire or heaters and enjoy at home.

Most of the hilly areas are covered with snow during winters and people have to clear it out to make way to other places. Winter also brings a festive feeling along with it as Christmas and New Year are celebrated in the month of December.

However, winter is a curse for homeless people and animals that do not have shelter to protect themselves from the chilling weather. Business usually gets affected during winters as people hardly come out and shop. Nevertheless, the winter season is an important part of the year and is required to maintain balance in the environment.

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Table of Contents

We have provided a variety of essays on winter season in order to help students. Now-a-days, essay writing competitions have been very common in the schools to enhance students skill about any topic. All the essays are written using very simple words under various words limit according to the class of students. Dear students you can select any winter season essay given below according to your need and requirement.

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Long and Short Essay on Winter Season in English

In India, winter stands as a crucial season among the four. It’s the coolest time starting in December and lasting till March. The coldest months are December and January, marking the peak of this chilly season.

Essay on Winter Season in 100 words

Winter season is the coldest season of year, starts from the month of December and ends in the month of March. December and January are the peak winter months and counted as the coldest months when temperatures falls around 10 to 15°C (means 50 to 59°F) in the northwest regions of country however, in the southeast regions (mainland of country) it remains around 20 to 25°C (means 68 to 77°F). a high speed cold winds blow from the north region in the peak winter months. We have to face a thick fog which often hides the sun light causing cold becomes severe all through the winter season.

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Essay on Winter Season in 150 words

Winter season is very cold and one of the four seasons of India. It falls in the month of December and ends in march during Holi festival. December and January are considered as the peak cold months of the winter season. It comes after the autumn season and finishes before the spring season (later summer season). We generally feel slight decrease in the atmospheric temperature from Diwali festival (start of winter) till Holi festival (end of winter).

We have to face high degree cold and high speed cold winds during the peak winter months. We feel a huge level changes in the atmospheric temperature and day and night routine. In the winter season, night becomes long and day becomes short. Sky often looks clear however sometimes it remains unclear all through the day because of the thick fog during peak cold months. Sometimes it rains also during the winter season and makes condition more worse.

Essay on Winter Season

Essay on Winter Season in 200 words

Winter season is the coldest phase of the year, starts from December and ends in March. It feels very cold everywhere all through the winter season. Atmospheric temperature falls very down especially during the peak winter months. Hilly regions (including houses, trees and grasses) gets covered by the thick layer of white snow and looks very beautiful. In this season, hilly regions looks like an awesome scenery. Due to the severe cold weather conditions in the winter, people have to face lots of difficulties while going out of their homes.

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At some places of the country, climate remains moderate with normal temperature (not too cold and not too hot) and gives very pleasant feeling. Everyone wears thick woolen clothes all thorough the winter to keep body warm as well as getting safety from very low temperature. We likes to take a sip of hot coffee, tea, soup, etc in the morning and evening to get slight heat and pleasurable experience. We generally go to the picnic on Sunday in the afternoon to get some heat from the natural sunlight and enjoy with our family and friends. We go into the bed early in the night to get heat and be safe from the winter.

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Essay on Winter Season in 250 words

Winter season is a very cold season of the year in India. It starts after the autumn season and finishes on the arrival of spring season. We feel huge level of changes in the atmosphere in the winter season in comparison to the other seasons of the year. Atmospheric temperature becomes very low, cold winds blow in high speed, day becomes short and night becomes long, etc. Sometimes, we do not see sunlight because of the thick clouds in the sky however on other winter days sky looks very clear and blue. Atmosphere becomes very dry however dusty. Sunlight of the winter season becomes very very mild and light warm. It creates much problem in drying the wet clothes all through the winter. It is a season of healthy and favorite fruits orange, guava, chickoo, papaya, amla, carrot, beetroot, grapes, etc.

Why Winter Season Comes

As we all know that earth revolves around other planets on its tilted axis. Tilt of rotational axis of earth plays main role in the weather changes all through the year. Whenever earth makes round in the northern hemisphere (means farthest from sun), it becomes winter season. Seasons change when

earth rotates away or toward the sun through its year long path. Earth is tilted by 23.5 degrees to its ecliptic plane.

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Natural Scenery during Winter

Hilly regions become very beautiful during winter season as everything gets covered by the ice and give awesome look like scenery. Ice on the things look as beautiful as pearls. Flowers of different colors bloom when sun rises and give the environment a new look.

Also Read: Essay on Nature for Children and Students

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Essay on Winter Season in 300 words

Winter season is the coldest season of the year in India. Winter season can be characterized by cold wind blow, falling of snow, very low atmospheric temperature, short day, long night, etc. This season lasts about three months, starts from December and ends in March. There becomes winter vacation in the schools for small kids in the peak winter days (last week of December and start week of January) to save them from high cold. People having their business or working in the office get problems in continue their job because of disturb schedule. Sun rises late in the morning and sets early in the evening with very slight heat sunlight.

Winter season is quite difficult season for everyone especially poor people because of lack of woolen clothes and proper home. They generally seen taking sun bath in the sunlight on the footpaths or other open places like park, etc. in order to keep their body warm. Many old people and small age kids lost their life because of very much cold weather.

Winter season is a season of healthy fruits and green leafy vegetables such as grapes, orange, apples, guava, papaya, sugarcane juice, pineapple, carrot, amla, cabbage, beetroot, turnips, cauliflower, radish, tomato, potato, etc. We can say winter season a health making season. Winter season is a season of crops like wheat, barley, mungfali, and few other crops. Various kinds of seasonal flowers (dalais, roses, etc) blooms in beautiful colors and enhance the beauty of nature.

The main agents of winter season are the cold winds and frost which make this weather more dry dull and chill. It rains sometimes without weather which makes life really miserable. Winter’s cold rain destroys crops, vegetables and fruits. Frost makes very difficult to go outside home at night in winter.

Winter season has its own importance as well. It is useful to make health, good for walk in the morning, environment full of fresh air to breathe in, no fear of mosquitoes, good for farmer’s crop, etc.

Also Check: Essay on Spring Season

Essay on Winter Season in 400 words

Winter season is one of the four seasons in India, starts from December and lasts till March. Winter days are bright and pleasant because of the low heat sunlight. Hilly regions of the northern India look very beautiful because of the heavy snowfall. December and January are the peak winter months during which we feel lots of problem because of much cold weather. It is the best season to go on long drive and tour. This season attracts more tourists traffic to India as well as invites beautiful birds in the pleasant surroundings of sky.

Winter season creates some problems too for the poor people as they have no or less warm clothes and proper home. Various birds are migrated and animals go to hibernation because of much cold. Fog and mist are very common during this season that cause more traffic and road accidents. We have to wear many woolen clothes and stay in the home for many days to get protected from the cold.

Duration of Winter Season

The start of winter season slightly varies all over India according to the regions and rotation of earth on its tilted axis all around the sun. According to the recent meteorology, winter season falls in December and ends in February (or start of March) for the Northern Hemisphere. For the people of Southern Hemisphere, winter months are June, July and August.

Features of Winter Season

We feel many variations in the winter season than other seasons such as long nights, short days, cold weather, cold wind, snow fall, winter storms, cold rains, thick fog, frost, very low temperature, etc.

Things to Enjoy in Winter

We can enjoy many winter activities according to the interest and condition of weather such as ice skating, ice biking, ice hockey, skiing, snowball fighting, building snowman, snow castles, sledging and many more activities.

Some Winter Facts

Winter is one of the important seasons in India which begins on the Winter Solstice however ends on the Vernal Equinox. Winter has shortest days, longest nights and lowest temperatures than all other seasons. Winter season comes when earth tilted away from sun. It is the season of health making however bad for trees and plants as they stop growing. Many animals hibernate during this season because of unbearable cold weather. Snow falling and winter storm are very common during this season.

Below are the list of related essay available at IL

Essay on Winter Season FAQs

How do you write a winter season essay.

To write about winter, start with describing its chilly weather, mention snowfall, and talk about activities like snowman-making or hot cocoa to make it engaging.

What is winter season in English?

Winter is the coldest season of the year, marked by low temperatures, shorter days, and often accompanied by snow and frost.

What is the essay of winter season?

An essay on winter season typically discusses its cold weather, snow, outdoor activities, and the cozy feeling of warmth indoors.

What is winter season 15 lines in English?

Winter brings cold winds, snow-covered landscapes, frozen lakes, and the joy of winter sports. Days get shorter, trees lose their leaves, and people bundle up in warm clothes.

What is the winter season summary?

Winter is a cold season with snow, chilly weather, outdoor fun like skiing, and a time for cozy indoor activities, creating a unique and beautiful atmosphere.

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Essay on Winter Season

We know that winter anywhere is the coldest month of the year. Winter months and duration varies widely from place to place throughout the globe.

Short and Long Essays on Winter Season in English

I have given below three essays of different word lengths like 100 – 120 Words, 250 Words, 500 Words and 600 Words limit on the winter season for my readers.

Winter Season Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) The winter season is the coldest one of all the seasons.

2) We all wear warm clothes in winter.

3) In India, November to January is considered cold months.

4) In winter, nights are longer and days are shorter.

5) The Hindu calendar includes the months of Kartik to Paush as winter months.

6) We can see lots of rare migratory birds in winter.

7) In winter, people can find snow on the hills.

8) The winter months are a period of hibernation for many animals.

9) Many healthy fruits and vegetables are available in winter.

10) Children can enjoy holidays like Christmas and New Year in winter.

Essay 1 (250 Words) – Temperature Variances and Preparations


Winter is the coldest month in the year. In India it usually ranges for around three months from December to February. Though, the temperature varies from place to place within the country and some places have the lowest while others the highest winter temperatures.

Temperature Variances

Temperatures in India are the coldest in northern parts than in the central of southern. For example, Dras, in the valley of Jammu and Kashmir is the coldest place during winters. It lies on the trek to Amarnath and is often referred to as the second coldest place on the planet. The winter temperature at Dras stoops as low as minus 45°C. In the winter of 1995, the winter temperature here was recorded to be minus 60°C, which is the record lowest to date.

On the other hand, Sriganganagar in the state of Rajasthan that lies in western parts of India records the highest temperature even in winters. The temperature is recorded to be around 40-50°C even during the coldest winter months.

Winter Preparations

Getting ready for winter requires some proactive measures to face the chill. There is a need to accumulate food items and vegetables before the advent of winter, as it would be difficult to procure them in winter. Also, there is a need to buy extra warm clothes to keep the body temperature normal and higher than the atmospheric temperature.

India’s climate is as diverse as its culture. Even during the winters, there are places that are sweltering hot.

Essay 2 (400 Words) – How Does Winter Season Affects Normal Life

Winter season is the coldest season of the year. Typically the average temperature during the winter season is below 10°C, at times and places, often reaching below 5°C, sometimes stooping lower 0°C.

Winter in India

Winter season in India occurs typically in the months of December to February. Temperature in India during winter is comparatively lower in the north, the Himalayas being the lowest.

Due to snowfall and chilling rain in the southern Himalayan region, cold waves are generated and propagate through the plains, sending the temperature to chilling levels.

Even during the coldest winter months, many parts of northern and central India don’t receive snow falls; although, the temperature sometimes fall below zero degrees, that too only for a couple of days.

However, fog is the most common occurrence all throughout the country during winters. At places, it disrupts normal life and impedes the movement of services.

Also, the southern states of India like Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, have comfortable temperatures during the winters, unlike the northern states that are uncomfortably cooler.

How Does Winter Season Affect Normal Life

Winter affects the normal life and everyday activities, mainly in the northern parts of the country.

1) Lesser work hours

During the winter the days become shorter, thereby reducing the normal business hours by around two hours. Shorter days hamper the efficiency of businesses and individuals up to some extent.

2) Obstructed vision

Fog is a common occurrence during winter. Sometimes the visibility is so low that it is impossible to see beyond couple of meters. In India, dense fog is infamous for delaying trains and flights for hours, every year. Often the fog is so dense that the trains or the flights have to be cancelled. This causes a lot of discomfort to the unsuspecting passengers.

3) Law and Order

Thieves and other notorious elements become active, trying to take advantage of fog and empty roads. It is difficult to spot a crime when the visibility is low and makes it easy for the culprits to escape. Therefore, it wouldn’t be inappropriate to say that petty crimes do increase during the winters.

Winter season, however harsh it may be, has its own advantages. It gives us a chance to preserve our energy for the coming summer months, when we would be working effectively and efficiently. Though there are some disadvantages associated with the season, never the less, its advantages are more and prominent.

Essay on Winter Season

Essay 3 (500 – 600 Words) – My Favorite Season ‘Winter Season’

Winter season is characteristically identified by low temperature. It is indeed the coldest season of the year. The season typically occurs when earth’s axis moves away from the Sun. Winter season appears alternately in both Northern and Southern Hemispheres, that is, when there is summer in Northern Hemisphere, it is winter in Southern Hemisphere and vice versa.

My Favorite Season Winter

Winter is my favorite season for several reasons. Firstly, with the advent of winter season starts the long winter vacations that children love. Also, there are festivals like Christmas that are celebrated during the winter season.

Secondly, besides the holiday and festivals, there are so many things that I like about winter. Fruits and vegetables produced during winter are healthy and a delicacy to eat. Grape, carrot, pomegranate are some of my favorite winter fruits.

Apart from the fruits I also love the mist and fog that continuously hangs in the atmosphere, giving the atmosphere a cool and mystic appearance.

Advantages of Winter Season

There are several advantages of winter season that we will discuss below –

1) No more sweating under the sun

The day’s temperature during the winter season is considerably cooler and pleasant. Though often it gets too cool to comfortably be outside, still there is no harsh heat of the Sun to face and if you are wearing warm clothes, you are good to enjoy the climate.

2) Preserving energy for harsh summers

Days in winters are shorter and nights longer. This reduces our working hours and let us to preserve energy so that we can deal with the winter as well as preserve sufficient energy, gaining health to face the summers.

3) Beneficial to Plants and Animals

The shorter days, lesser sunlight and cool temperature during the winter is specifically suitable for some plants like Calendula, Hollyhock, etc. The season benefits the plants metabolism and helps them grow. Several animals and reptiles like bear and snakes hibernate during the winter, thereby preserving energy to face the summers.

Disadvantages of Winter Season

Apart from the advantages, the winter season has its own disadvantages as well. Below given are some of the prominent disadvantages of the winter season.

1) Health Issues

Winter season, due to cold climate, might trigger certain health issues in people suffering from specific medical conditions. Senior citizens suffering from arthritis, experience aggravated pain due to colder temperature. Also, people suffering from asthma become sensitive during winters.

2) Restricted Movement

Winters season restricts the movement of the general populace due to cold temperature. It could be uncomfortable to roam outside even when you are appropriately dressed for the chill. Roads are often empty during winter. Due to shorter days, people have a tendency to leave early for home, which also reduces productivity.

3) Requires Extra Preparations

Facing the chill requires some special preparations beforehand. People start purchasing for warm clothes and make necessary in-house arrangements to face the lower temperatures and to keep their surrounding temperature normal. Sweaters, jackets, quilts need to be purchased before the arrival of winter.

4) Scant Sunlight

Another significant disadvantage of winter is scant sunlight. There is hardly any sunlight available in winters, which is not a good thing. Sunlight is very important for our health as well as to carry out several daily activities. It is an essential source of Vitamin D which is good for bones, teeth and the calcium content in our body.

Despite being uncomfortable in a way of low temperature, winter is a pleasant season with an unprecedented calmness. It also plays an essential part in maintaining the ecological balance, like all the other seasons.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans . Antarctica experiences winter and snow throughout the year.

Ans . We love to drink hot drinks like tea, coffee, and chocolate in the winter season.

Ans . The activities like skiing, ice skating, building a snowman, snowboarding are the activities enjoyed by people in the winter season.

Ans . Gajar ka Halwa is a sweet delicacy that is prepared in the winter season.

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Essay On My Favourite Season: Sample in 100, 200 & 300 words

describe winter season essay

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  • May 13, 2024

Essay on my favourite season

Essay on My Favourite Season: Loving a season has no specific reason. Some might like the rainy season because it’s refreshing, while others may like the summer because it is the best time for outdoor activities. Similarly, some like the winter season so that friends and family can go for a bonfire activity. Season preference depends on one’s choice and idea of refreshments as it affects the human feel and influences behaviour. 

In this blog, we will provide three essay writing samples on the topic ¨My Favourite Season¨ which will help the students with ideas and information. 

Also Read: NCERT Class 9 Climate Change Notes (Free PDF)

Table of Contents

  • 1 Sample Essay On My Favourite Season in 100 Words
  • 2 Sample Essay On My Favourite Season in 200 Words
  • 3 Sample Essay On My Favourite Season in 300 Words
  • 4 Short Essay on My Favourite Season in English
  • 5 FAQs 

Sample Essay On My Favourite Season in 100 Words

My favourite season is Summer. As the season is characterised by long days and short nights, there are ample daylight hours for outdoor activities. During the summer season, children in north and south India are free from school for a couple of months. They go for summer holidays to their favourite places with their parents and make these days their memorable childhood memories. 

Summertime brings refreshing and water-packed food like muskmelon, cucumber, and peaches. These nourishments help the body get hydrated and benefit the body. Also, we get to enjoy ice cream, cold drinks, and other chilled refreshments. So, I enjoy this season thoroughly with friends and family while enjoying refreshing fruits and drinks. 

Also Read: Essay on Rainy Season in 100, 200, 300 & 500 Words

Sample Essay On My Favourite Season in 200 Words

My favourite season is Winter . After the scorching heat of summer, winter arrives and brings pleasant changes to the weather. The cool breeze of the winter season carries a hint of freshness and brings comfort.  

During the winter season, nature undergoes a subtle transformation. Trees shed their leaves, and the surroundings appear peaceful. Mornings are misty and create a magical ambience, especially in areas with diverse topography. 

Winter brings festival time to India and among them, Diwali is a major celebration. The festival comes with lights, decorations, and a spirit of togetherness. All these warming features make the festival a joyous occasion for families and friends. 

One of the highlights of the winter season is the nourishing warm and comforting foods. From hot tea to traditional delicacies like gajar ka halwa and makki ki roti, adds a delicious experience to the winter season in northern India. 

Also, the winter season brings snowfall possibilities in higher altitudes in northern parts of India. Besides, people also eagerly wait for the arrival of migratory birds in sanctuaries. The arrival of birds from faraway lands increases the diversity and adds richness to the biodiversity of that particular area.  

Altogether, the winter season brings delightfulness and festive celebrations. A unique mix of cultural and natural experiences makes the winter season my favourite time of the year. 

Also Read: Essay on Winter Vacation: Samples in 150, 250 Words 

Sample Essay On My Favourite Season in 300 Words

Spring Season brings a world of wonder and joy. Winter birds bid farewell and spring arrives with a burst of colours and peaceful nature. The air carries warmth and gentleness which transforms the world into a magical place.

During the spring season, the flowers bloom in vibrant colours and carpet the earth with beautiful flowers. In this season, we witness blossoms of cherries, daffodils, and tulips. These flowers create a breathtaking sight and turn the gardens into a palette of a painter. 

Further, the mild temperature of Spring allows one to spend more time outdoors, playing in the sunshine and exploring the natural world. The trees that were bare once, adorn themselves with fresh green leaves, creating a canopy that dances in the breeze.

One of the most admiring things about the spring season is the return of birds. They come back from their winter migration and fill the air with cheerful sons. These chirping beautiful songs of birds are like a melody that lifts the spirits and brings a sense of harmony to the surroundings.

Spring is a time of new life and beginnings. Animal babies like lambs and chicks are born during the spring season and add a touch of innocence and playfulness to the season. Watching these young newborns taking their first steps is a heartwarming experience that reminds us of the beauty of life´s cycle. 

As we walk through parks or simply gaze out of our windows, we see colourful butterflies and bees busy pollinating flowers. It is like nature seems to come alive with activity and creates a vibrant ecosystem. 

Thus, spring is a season that fills our hearts with joy and wonder. It is a time for nature and spirits to blossom. The beautiful colours, fragrances, and lively sounds of the spring season make it a truly enchanting and magical season that we look forward to every year. 

Also Read: To Feel Under the Weather Meaning, Usage With Examples

Short Essay on My Favourite Season in English

Here is a format on short essay on my favourite season in English:

Also Read: Essay on Good Manners in 250 Words, in 500 Words

Ans. Spring is the favourite season of many people for its colourful blooms, mild weather, and the sense of renewal it brings. 

Ans. Many people think Spring is beautiful because of the colourful flowers and nice weather. 

Ans. In India, the names of the six seasons are Spring, Summer, Rainy, Autumn, Pre-winter, and Winter. 

Ans. The winter season is nice because the weather is cool and there are many fun festivals like Diwali. Also, the Winter season brings warm and tasty food items. 

Ans. The best season is different for everyone. Some like Spring, because of the blooming of flowers, others like winter for the cool weather. It completely depends on one preference and choice. 

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Deepika Joshi

Deepika Joshi is an experienced content writer with expertise in creating educational and informative content. She has a year of experience writing content for speeches, essays, NCERT, study abroad and EdTech SaaS. Her strengths lie in conducting thorough research and ananlysis to provide accurate and up-to-date information to readers. She enjoys staying updated on new skills and knowledge, particulary in education domain. In her free time, she loves to read articles, and blogs with related to her field to further expand her expertise. In personal life, she loves creative writing and aspire to connect with innovative people who have fresh ideas to offer.

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  1. 10 Lines on Winter Season for Students and Children in English

    describe winter season essay

  2. Essay on Winter Season in English Writing/Winter season short essay in English/Winter Season

    describe winter season essay

  3. 15 lines essay on WINTER SEASON in English for Students

    describe winter season essay

  4. Grade 10 Favourite Season Essay

    describe winter season essay

  5. Winter season essay in english || Essay on winter season

    describe winter season essay

  6. Descriptive Writing Lesson

    describe winter season essay


  1. 20 lines on Winter Season in english/Winter Season essay in english/Winter Season 20 lines essay

  2. Winter season||Essay onWinter season||Essay writing ||Essay in English ||10lines about winterseason

  3. 10 lines on my favourite season winter ||essay on winter season 10 lines #youtubeshorts #shorts

  4. Winter Season essay in English

  5. Essay on winter season in english writing / Winter season short essay in English / Winter season @yo

  6. Winter season essay #winterseason #ytshorts


  1. Winter Season Essay for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Winter Season. Winter is one of the most important seasons in India. It is a part of the four seasons that occur in India. Winters are the coolest season that starts from December and last till March. The peak time when winter is experienced the most in December and January. In India, winters hold great importance.

  2. How To Describe Winter Season In Writing (12 Best Ways, Adjectives& Quotes)

    Adjectives Or Words To Describe Winter. Quotes About Winter Season. Creating a Winter Wonderland. The power of sensory details. Describing winter's effect on the environment. Evoking Emotions and Atmosphere. Winter as a time of introspection. The feeling of nostalgia. Weathering the Elements.

  3. Essay on Winter Season: 250, 500-1000 words for Students

    Essay on Winter Season in 200-300 words. Winter is one of the most awaited seasons of the year. It brings a refreshing change in the weather and fills our hearts with joy. The winter season usually starts in December and lasts till February. It is characterized by cool temperatures, shorter days, and chilly winds.

  4. Essay on Winter Season: 100 Words, 200 Words, 300 words and 500 words

    There are festivals like Christmas and New Year that make the winter season fun. In some parts of India, there is snowfall in winter. There are a lot of lights and decorations at these festivals that make the streets glow. Winter season is a very enjoyable season. Essay on Winter Season for Class 3. After the autumn season, comes the winter season.

  5. Why Winter Is My Favorite Season: [Essay Example], 526 words

    In conclusion, winter is my favorite season due to its enchanting ambiance, the joy of winter activities, and the moments of reflection it offers. Its unique blend of magic and tranquility allows me to embrace the beauty of nature's transformation and find delight in both outdoor adventures and cozy indoor moments. This is only a sample.

  6. Winter Season Essay

    100 Words Essay On Winter Season. In India, winter is a freezing time of year. It begins following the autumnal equinox and ends with the arrival of the spring equinox. Compared to the other seasons of the year, the winter season causes significant changes in the atmosphere. The atmosphere gets extremely chilly, and cold winds blow quickly.

  7. Short Essay on Winter Season [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

    Short Essay on Winter Season in 200 words. The cycle of seasons moves in a circular motion throughout the year. Almost at the end of the year, after the autumn, the earth's revolution takes the Northern hemisphere away from the Sun. So the Northern hemisphere receives little sunrise and grows cold. During that time winter arrives on the earth.

  8. Essay on My Favourite Season Winter

    100 Words Essay On My Favourite Season Winter. My favourite season is winter. The crisp, cool air, the blanket of snow on the ground, and the holiday spirit all contribute to my love for this season. I enjoy bundling up in warm clothing and going for walks in the snow. Winter activities such as ice-skating, skiing and snowboarding, and building ...

  9. Winter Season Essay in English for Students

    Winter season in India refers to the period between November and February when the northern hemisphere is inclined away from the sun and hence sun rays have to travel a longer distance to reach the surface of the earth. The winter season is a magical time as the weather gets cooler and people, in general, enjoy the weather around them.

  10. Winter Season Essay in English for Students with Samples

    Winter season essay in English in 10 lines. Winter is one of the five seasons that occur worldwide - summer, winter, spring, autumn and monsoon. In India, the months of October to February experience winter. During winters, the days are warm, but the nights are cold. The sun rises late in the morning and sets early.

  11. Winter Season Descriptive Essay

    Winter is a season of wonder and enchantment, transforming the world into a pristine and ethereal landscape. As the air turns crisp and the days grow shorter, nature undergoes a stunning metamorphosis, painting a picturesque scene of snowy hills, glistening icicles, and frost-kissed trees. In this descriptive essay, we embark on a sensory ...

  12. 10 Paragraphs: Winter Season

    Paragraph 6. Winter is a time for celebration and togetherness. From festive holiday gatherings to New Year's Eve parties, the season invites us to come together and share in the warmth of companionship. The twinkling lights, merry tunes, and delicious feasts create an atmosphere of joy and goodwill.

  13. Winter: a Magical and Challenging Season

    In conclusion, winter is a season that brings both beauty and challenges. The snow-covered landscapes, winter sports, and activities make winter a magical season. However, the cold weather, snow and ice on roads and sidewalks, and potential dangers can present challenges. Winter holidays and traditions, personal experiences, and emotions ...

  14. Essay on Winter Season in 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 Words for Class 1-12

    Essay on Winter Season in 200 Words. Winter is a very significant season in India and it lasts for three months. January and February are the two coldest months of this season. People find a different vibe this time. Nature becomes different. The sun comes late and sometimes it doesn't even appear.

  15. Descriptive Essay About Winter

    Descriptive Essay About Winter. 719 Words3 Pages. Picture this, you walk outside and look up, you feel snowflakes landing on your eyelashes, and you see snowflakes falling down and making everything around you look like a winter wonderland. Winter is a time for spending time with your family, watching the snowfall, and drinking hot chocolate ...

  16. Let it snow: 6 of the best descriptions of winter weather in literature

    From Italo Calvino's If on a winter's night a traveler: So here I am walking along this empty surface that is the world. There is a wind grazing the ground, dragging with flurries of fine snow the last residue of the vanished world: a bunch of ripe grapes which seems just picked from the vine, an infant's woolen bootee, a well-oiled hinge ...

  17. How to Describe Snow in Writing (100+ Examples & Words)

    Here are some examples of words to describe the light on the snow: Glistening: Sparkling and reflecting light, like diamonds. Dazzling: Bright and blinding, like the sun on a winter day. Soft: Gentle and diffused, like moonlight. Shadowy: Dark and mysterious, like the woods on a winter night.

  18. Descriptive Writing Lesson

    11 Steps for Writing a Descriptive Setting. STEP 1: Select a setting (like winter wonderland) or allow your students to select a topic. STEP 2: Show images of a setting to inspire descriptive ideas. STEP 3: Whole Group - Explain to students that the purpose of writing a descriptive setting is to paint a picture for their reader using words.In order for the reader to visualize the story, they ...

  19. Winter Season Essay in English for Students in 300 Words

    Winter Season Essay 300 Words. Winter is one of the most-awaited seasons of the year as it brings in the feelings of calmness and peace. This season starts from mid-November and lasts till mid of March. However, the coldest months of this season are December and January when you experience those chills and search for cosiness.

  20. Essay on Winter Season for Children and Students

    Essay on Winter Season in 400 words. Winter season is one of the four seasons in India, starts from December and lasts till March. Winter days are bright and pleasant because of the low heat sunlight. Hilly regions of the northern India look very beautiful because of the heavy snowfall.

  21. Essay on Winter Season

    Winter Season Essay 10 Lines (100 - 150 Words) 1) The winter season is the coldest one of all the seasons. 2) We all wear warm clothes in winter. 3) In India, November to January is considered cold months. 4) In winter, nights are longer and days are shorter. 5) The Hindu calendar includes the months of Kartik to Paush as winter months.

  22. Essay On My Favourite Season: Sample in 100, 200 & 300 words

    Sample Essay On My Favourite Season in 300 Words. Spring Season brings a world of wonder and joy. Winter birds bid farewell and spring arrives with a burst of colours and peaceful nature. The air carries warmth and gentleness which transforms the world into a magical place.

  23. Winter

    winter, coldest season of the year, between autumn and spring; the name comes from an old Germanic word that means "time of water" and refers to the rain and snow of winter in middle and high latitudes. In the Northern Hemisphere it is commonly regarded as extending from the winter solstice (year's shortest day), December 21 or 22, to the vernal equinox (day and night equal in length ...