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  • Java Developer Resume Guide & Examples

Entry-Level Java Developer Resume Examples: Proven To Get You Hired In 2024

Hiring Manager for Entry-Level Java Developer Roles

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  • Entry-Level Java Developer
  • Junior Software Engineer
  • Associate Software Developer
  • Software Development Apprentice
  • Software Development Intern

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  • Entry-Level Java Developer Resume Tips

Entry-Level Java Developer Resume Template

Download in google doc, word or pdf for free. designed to pass resume screening software in 2022., entry-level java developer resume sample.

As the name suggests, this position is meant for someone just getting started in the software development space. In this position, you will be developing using Java language so highlight any experience you have with that specifically. Tasks you can expect are assisting with coding, troubleshooting, running tests, reporting bugs, etc. You are likely to be working under more senior developers so great communication skills are a huge plus. Here is a recruiter-approved resume sample.

An entry-level Java developer resume sample that highlights the applicant’s developer qualifications and educational background.

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Recruiter Insight: Why this resume works in 2022

Tips to help you write your entry-level java developer resume in 2024,    lead with your qualifications..

This is an entry-level position so you won't be expected to have years of experience developing. What recruiters will be looking closely at are your qualifications. So clearly list your bachelor’s degree if you have a degree in I.T. or a related field, and list all software development certifications you may have. Remember this is a Java position so your Java certifications should lead.

Lead with your qualifications. - Entry-Level Java Developer Resume

   Include software development experience from school.

You may not have a lot of professional experience so include school projects and activities to populate your experience section. Concentrate on any projects that included you using Java language.

Include software development experience from school. - Entry-Level Java Developer Resume

Junior Software Engineer Resume Sample

Associate software developer resume sample, software development apprentice resume sample, software development intern resume sample.

As a hiring manager who has recruited Java Developers at companies like Oracle, Google, and Microsoft, I've seen thousands of resumes for entry-level roles. The best resumes that lead to interviews and job offers have a few things in common. Here are my top tips for writing a strong entry-level Java Developer resume:

   Highlight your Java projects

As an entry-level candidate, you may not have much professional experience yet. Instead, focus on the Java projects you've worked on, whether through coursework, internships, or personal projects.

Don't just list the project name. Provide details on:

  • The specific Java frameworks, libraries, and tools you used (e.g. Spring, Hibernate, JUnit)
  • The size and scope of the project (e.g. worked on a team of 5 to build an e-commerce app with 10,000+ users)
  • Your role and contributions (e.g. implemented the shopping cart feature using Java servlets and JSP)

Quantify your impact where possible. Instead of just saying 'Built a web app', try:

Developed a Spring MVC web app that processed 500+ orders per day, increasing revenue by 25%

Bullet Point Samples for Entry-Level Java Developer

   Show your passion for learning

Entry-level candidates who show curiosity and a willingness to learn new skills stand out. Highlight what you've done to expand your Java knowledge outside of the classroom:

  • Completed a 12-week Java bootcamp covering core Java, web development with servlets and JSP, unit testing, and SQL
  • Built 5 Android apps in Java as side projects, with one app reaching 1,000+ downloads on Google Play
  • Active contributor on Stack Overflow in the Java and Spring tags, with 20+ answers posted

Avoid just saying you're a 'fast learner' or 'passionate about coding' without backing it up. Instead, prove it with specific examples of how you've taken initiative to learn and improve your Java skills on your own time.

   Tailor your skills to the job

Read the job description carefully and make sure your resume highlights the specific skills and keywords mentioned. Some Java Developer roles may focus more on certain areas, like:

  • Backend development with frameworks like Spring and Hibernate
  • Android app development
  • Big data processing with tools like Apache Hadoop and Spark

Organize your skills section to put the most relevant skills for that job first. Instead of a generic 'Skills' section like:

  • Java, Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL, Git

Try tailoring it to the job:

  • Java, Spring, Hibernate, JUnit, SQL, Android Development, Git

   Demonstrate your problem-solving skills

As a Java Developer, your job is to solve problems with code. Employers want to see examples of how you've approached challenges and found solutions.

In your project descriptions, include details on the problems you faced and how you solved them:

Improved performance of SQL queries in a Spring app by 50% by implementing database indexes and optimizing N+1 queries

You can also highlight your problem-solving skills in other sections, like:

  • Coursework: Implemented a novel algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem in a senior Algorithms class, finding an optimal route 25% faster than the naive approach
  • Hackathons: Won 'Best Use of Java' award at a 24-hour hackathon for building a Java app that optimized food delivery routes, processing 50,000+ data points

   Show your teamwork and communication skills

While coding skills are crucial, Java Developers also need to work well in a team and communicate effectively. Highlight projects where you collaborated with others or took on a leadership role.

Led a team of 6 students to build a Java-based task management system. Held weekly stand-up meetings, delegated tasks, and ensured all deadlines were met.

Also emphasize your ability to explain technical concepts to non-technical audiences, like:

  • Presented a talk on 'Introduction to Java' to 50+ first-year Computer Science students
  • Created documentation and user guides for a Java project, simplifying complex technical concepts for end-users

Avoid just using buzzwords like 'team player' or 'good communicator'. Prove it with actual examples of how you've collaborated and communicated effectively on Java projects.

   Highlight your testing and debugging skills

Employers value Java Developers who can not only write code, but also test and debug it thoroughly. Show that you're familiar with testing frameworks and methodologies.

  • Implemented unit tests using JUnit, achieving 90%+ code coverage for a Java project
  • Developed integration tests for RESTful APIs built with Java and Spring Boot
  • Used debugging tools like Eclipse Debugger and Chrome DevTools to identify and fix bugs

Also highlight specific examples of when your testing and debugging skills came in handy, like:

Discovered and fixed a critical null pointer exception bug in production, saving the company an estimated $50,000 in potential lost revenue

Avoid generic statements like 'tested and debugged code'. Get specific about the tools you used and the impact you had.

Writing Your Entry-Level Java Developer Resume: Section By Section


A resume summary for an entry-level Java developer is an optional section that provides a brief overview of your professional background, skills, and career goals. While a summary can be beneficial in certain situations, such as when you're changing careers or have extensive experience, it's not always necessary for entry-level positions. In contrast, an objective statement should be avoided altogether, as it focuses on what you want rather than what you can offer the employer.

When crafting your summary, tailor it to the specific entry-level Java developer position you're targeting. Highlight your most relevant skills, experiences, and achievements that align with the job requirements. Keep it concise and engaging, as hiring managers often have limited time to review resumes.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for an Entry-Level Java Developer resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Entry-Level Java Developer resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Entry-Level Java Developer Resume Summary Examples , or Entry-Level Java Developer Resume Objective Examples .

1. Showcase your Java programming skills

When writing your entry-level Java developer resume summary, it's crucial to showcase your Java programming skills. Highlight your proficiency in Java and any related technologies or frameworks you've worked with. Consider including:

  • Familiarity with Java SE, Java EE, or Java ME
  • Experience with popular Java frameworks like Spring, Hibernate, or Struts
  • Knowledge of object-oriented programming (OOP) principles
  • Understanding of SQL and database management systems

By emphasizing your Java-specific skills, you demonstrate to potential employers that you have the necessary foundation to succeed in an entry-level Java developer role. Avoid simply listing generic programming skills without tying them to Java development.

Aspiring software developer with a passion for coding and problem-solving. Skilled in various programming languages and eager to learn new technologies.

Instead, focus on your Java expertise:

Recent computer science graduate with a strong foundation in Java programming. Proficient in Java SE, object-oriented design, and SQL. Experienced in developing Java applications using the Spring framework.

2. Highlight relevant projects or internships

As an entry-level Java developer, you may not have extensive professional experience. However, you can still make your resume summary stand out by highlighting relevant projects or internships you've completed. Discuss the Java applications you've developed, the technologies you used, and the impact of your work.

When describing your projects or internships, focus on your role, the challenges you faced, and the results you achieved. Use action verbs and quantify your accomplishments whenever possible.

  • Participated in various coding projects during college
  • Developed a simple Java application as part of a course project

Instead, provide more specific details:

  • Collaborated with a team of 5 to develop a Java-based e-commerce platform, implementing features such as user authentication and shopping cart functionality
  • Created a Java application that streamlined data processing, resulting in a 30% reduction in manual effort for the company during a summer internship
Entry-level Java developer with experience in developing robust applications using Java SE and Spring. Collaborated on a successful e-commerce platform and completed a data processing project that reduced manual effort by 30%. Committed to writing clean, efficient code and eager to contribute to a dynamic software development team.


The work experience section is the heart of your resume. It's where you show hiring managers what you've accomplished and the skills you've developed that make you a great fit for the entry-level Java developer role you're targeting.

In this section, we'll break down step-by-step how to write an effective work experience section that will grab a hiring manager's attention.

1. Use strong Java development action verbs

When describing your work experiences, choose powerful action verbs that showcase your Java development skills and achievements. Consider verbs like:

  • Implemented

For example, instead of writing 'Responsible for coding new features', write:

  • Programmed 5 new customer-facing features in Java, boosting user engagement by 25%

The latter paints a much clearer picture of your abilities and impact. Avoid weak, passive phrases like 'Responsible for' or 'Helped with'.

Action Verbs for Entry-Level Java Developer

2. Quantify your Java development impact with metrics

Numbers jump off the page and quickly convey your capabilities to hiring managers. Whenever possible, include metrics that demonstrate the impact of your Java development work. For example:

  • Reduced page load time by 40% by optimizing Java code, improving user experience scores
  • Collaborated with product team to develop 12 new Java software modules, contributing to 20% quarterly revenue growth

If you don't have access to direct business metrics, quantify your work in terms of the number of projects you contributed to, lines of code written, or the size of the datasets/databases you worked with.

Programmed 10,000+ lines of Java code to build robust web applications

3. Highlight promotions and career growth

Showing advancement and increasing responsibilities in your work experience is a great way to catch a hiring manager's eye, especially for entry-level Java developers. If you've been promoted or taken on leadership tasks, make it obvious. For example:

  • Software Engineer Intern promoted to Junior Java Developer due to strong coding skills and work ethic
  • Mentored and onboarded 3 new junior developers while managing own Java programming tasks

Avoid simply listing your day-to-day duties. Instead, think about the key skills and traits you demonstrated that led to more responsibility and trust.

4. Showcase Java tools and technologies used

Hiring managers want to know if you have experience with the specific tools their team uses. When possible, sprinkle in mentions of Java development tools and frameworks you've used. For example:

  • Developed and maintained 8 Java-based web applications using Spring MVC framework
  • Collaborated with senior developers to build REST APIs in Java using Jakarta EE

However, be careful not to stuff your resume full of every tool or technology you've ever touched. Focus on those most relevant to the job you want and that you have solid experience with.

Programmed data analysis tools in Java 8 and 11, utilizing knowledge of JVM internals to optimize garbage collection and boost efficiency


Your education section is a key part of your entry-level Java developer resume. It shows employers you have the necessary foundation to do the job. Here are tips to make your education section stand out to hiring managers and land more interviews.

How To Write An Education Section - Entry-Level Java Developer Roles

1. Put education at the top if you're a recent grad

If you graduated within the past 1-2 years, place your education section above your work experience. Your degree is your strongest qualification as an entry-level applicant.

Include your graduation date to show employers how recently you earned your degree. For example:

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Graduated: May 2022

2. Include relevant coursework and projects

Under your degree, add a 'Relevant Coursework' or 'Projects' section to highlight Java-related courses and hands-on experience. This shows employers you have job-ready skills, even without professional experience.

Include 2-4 advanced courses, like:

  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Web Application Development
  • Database Systems

Avoid listing introductory courses every CS grad takes, such as:

  • Intro to Programming
  • Fundamentals of Software Development

3. Add a 'Certifications' subsection

Java certifications validate your skills to employers and set you apart from other entry-level candidates. Add them in a 'Certifications' section under your degree.

Include the full certification name and when you earned it. For example:

Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 8 Programmer Issued: June 2022

Avoid listing online course completion certificates, which don't carry the same weight:

Certificate for completing 'Java Programming Basics' on Udemy

4. Keep the section brief if you're experienced

If you have 7+ years of Java development experience, employers are most interested in your work accomplishments. Keep your education section to 1-2 lines, with just your degree, university name, and graduation year (if you choose to include it).

For example:

MS in Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University

Don't list graduation dates more than 10-15 years in the past, as it may open you up to age discrimination. And remove coursework and certifications, which are less relevant for experienced candidates.


The skills section of your resume is a critical component that showcases your technical abilities and expertise to potential employers. As an entry-level Java developer, it's essential to highlight the relevant skills that demonstrate your proficiency in Java programming and related technologies.

When crafting your skills section, focus on the specific tools, frameworks, and methodologies that are commonly used in Java development. By strategically selecting and presenting your skills, you can capture the attention of hiring managers and increase your chances of landing an interview.

How To Write Your Skills Section - Entry-Level Java Developer Roles

1. Categorize your Java development skills

Organize your skills section by grouping related skills into categories. This helps hiring managers quickly identify your areas of expertise and makes your resume more scannable. Consider using categories such as:

  • Programming Languages : Java, Python, JavaScript
  • Web Technologies : HTML, CSS, XML, JSON
  • Frameworks : Spring, Hibernate, Struts
  • Databases : MySQL, Oracle, MongoDB
  • Tools : Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, Git, Maven

By categorizing your skills, you demonstrate a well-rounded skill set and make it easier for recruiters to assess your qualifications at a glance.

2. Showcase proficiency levels for key Java skills

While it's important to list your skills, providing context about your level of proficiency can give hiring managers a better understanding of your capabilities. Consider using proficiency levels such as "Proficient," "Experienced," or "Familiar" to indicate your comfort level with each skill.

Here's an example of how you can incorporate proficiency levels:

Java (Proficient) Spring Framework (Experienced) JavaScript (Familiar) Oracle Database (Proficient)

By specifying your proficiency levels, you provide a more accurate representation of your skills and help employers gauge your suitability for the role.

3. Align your skills with the job description

Tailoring your skills section to the specific job you're applying for is crucial. Many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to screen resumes based on keywords and skills mentioned in the job description. To increase your chances of passing the ATS and catching the attention of hiring managers, incorporate relevant keywords from the job posting into your skills section.

For example, if the job description emphasizes proficiency in specific Java frameworks like Spring and Hibernate, make sure to include those skills prominently in your resume. However, avoid simply listing generic or outdated skills that don't directly relate to the position.

Programming Microsoft Office Teamwork

Instead, focus on specific and relevant skills that showcase your expertise in Java development:

Java 8+ Spring Boot RESTful APIs JUnit Testing

4. Highlight your experience with Java tools and IDEs

As an entry-level Java developer, showcasing your familiarity with popular Java development tools and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) can set you apart from other candidates. Employers value candidates who are proficient in using industry-standard tools and can hit the ground running.

Include skills related to Java IDEs such as:

  • IntelliJ IDEA

Additionally, mention your experience with build tools, version control systems, and testing frameworks commonly used in Java development:

By highlighting your skills in these areas, you demonstrate your readiness to contribute to Java development projects from day one.

Skills For Entry-Level Java Developer Resumes

Here are examples of popular skills from Entry-Level Java Developer job descriptions that you can include on your resume.

  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
  • Software Development
  • Jakarta Persistence

Skills Word Cloud For Entry-Level Java Developer Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Entry-Level Java Developer job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more likely you should include it in your resume.

Top Entry-Level Java Developer Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

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  • Java Developer Resume Guide & Examples for 2022

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Entry-Level Java Developer Resumes

  • Template #1: Entry-Level Java Developer
  • Template #2: Entry-Level Java Developer
  • Template #3: Junior Software Engineer
  • Template #4: Associate Software Developer
  • Template #5: Software Development Apprentice
  • Template #6: Software Development Intern
  • Skills for Entry-Level Java Developer Resumes
  • Free Entry-Level Java Developer Resume Review
  • Other Engineering Resumes
  • Entry-Level Java Developer Interview Guide
  • Entry-Level Java Developer Sample Cover Letters
  • Alternative Careers to a Java Software Engineer
  • All Resumes
  • Resume Action Verbs

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Entry Level Java Developer Resume Sample

The resume builder.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Work Experience

  • Passion for front end web design and user experience design
  • Attention to detail and a willingness to learn new skills
  • Experience in JAVA, J2EE, JavaScript, JSON, JSP, CSS, AJAX, JQuery, UNIX, MQ Series, UML, HTML, XML, Soap
  • Experience in Secure Coding to prevent XSS, CSRF and other vulnerabilities
  • Experience in SunOne and WebSphere
  • Database experience in Oracle and DB2
  • Tool experience in Eclipse, CA SCM or Harvest, Control M
  • Solid analytical and problem resolution skills
  • Proven history of technical leadership and successful implementations
  • Develop quality system solutions for presented problem statements
  • Work successfully/collaboratively within a Scrum/Kanban team to deliver incremental value to the business
  • Tier 3 – Production Support and Maintenance
  • Mentor others where applicable
  • Integrates web applications with backend databases. Deploys large web-based transaction systems using application servers. Researches, tests, builds, and coordinates the integration of new products per production and client requirements
  • SDLC Understanding of the Systems Development Lifecycle
  • Participate in various process steps within the software development lifecycle
  • Write clean, scalable code for our web sites, services, and applications
  • Work with systems analyst to collect and understand requirement and translate that into IT functional requirement and technical solution architecture blueprint
  • Hands on application developer with extensive development experience in building and supporting J2EE based web services using both SOAP and REST
  • Extensive hands-on experience in development/ deployment/ integration/ Support using Spring MVC framework
  • Develop technical solutions with a small team to meet those requirements
  • Learn about our clients’ businesses to provide the best solutions
  • User support of application issues
  • Good knowledge of Core Java (J2SE)
  • Good knowledge of HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript

Professional Skills

  • Zero or more years of experience in programming or testing
  • Experienced with Agile framework and ability to apply best practices using industry standards throughout all software developed
  • Experienced with Java 7+, Spring MVC/ Struts, JDBC, Hibernate, Eclipse, Web Services (XML, SOAP/RESTful, Apache CXF) and Git
  • Experience with RDMS and database design and troubleshooting (Oracle, PL/SQL)
  • Experience or knowledge of secure coding practices desired
  • Experience working in Agile or Safe desired
  • Experience in a similar position or performing similar work with Java

How to write Entry Level Java Developer Resume

Entry Level Java Developer role is responsible for design, architecture, java, database, integration, software, programming, coding, blueprint, rest. To write great resume for entry level java developer job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Entry Level Java Developer Resume

The section contact information is important in your entry level java developer resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Entry Level Java Developer Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your entry level java developer resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to. This section, however, is not just a list of your previous entry level java developer responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular entry level java developer position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Entry Level Java Developer resume experience can include:

  • Document basic business problems and technical work processes followed during work activities
  • Assist in answering basic technical questions in a timely basis
  • Gain an understanding of user requirements and provide standard solutions
  • Assist in generating design specifications/business case
  • Support database monitoring activities
  • Support usage assessments and interface design tasks

Education on an Entry Level Java Developer Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your entry level java developer resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your entry level java developer experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Entry Level Java Developer Resume

When listing skills on your entry level java developer resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical entry level java developer skills:

  • 6 months to two years' experience working in Java/J2EE
  • Experience with Object oriented design and development, data structures and design patterns
  • Experience with front-end technologies such as Bootstrap, JQuery, Ajax, Tiles, HTML5, CSS3
  • Experience with Automated unit test (i.e. jUnits, jsTestDriver, mocks) and test driven development
  • One or more years or relevant experience
  • Assist in routing testing activities

List of Typical Skills For an Entry Level Java Developer Resume

Skills for entry mid level java developer resume.

  • Previous technical internship desired
  • Keep abreast of current industry trends and their impact on own and team’s initiatives
  • Assist in the documentation of system performance
  • Assist in system design projects
  • Perform data queries and basic analyses
  • Designs, develops, enhances, debugs, and implements software. Troubleshoots
  • Knowledge of Implement best practices/standards on IBM WebSphere and/or JBOSS based runtime environment
  • Knowledge of SOA to include SOAP/WSDL and RESTful services

Related to Entry Level Java Developer Resume Samples

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Resume Builder

  • Resume Experts
  • Search Jobs
  • Search for Talent
  • Employer Branding
  • Outplacement
  • Resume Samples
  • Software Development

Entry Level Java Developer Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the entry level java developer job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Resume Builder

  • Develop programs in languages, Tools and Databases such as Java, Java Script, SQL Server
  • Develop application program logic from customer-defined specifications
  • Design, develop, code, test, debug, document and install programs
  • Learn about our clients’ businesses to provide the best solutions
  • Knowledge of some source control concepts and tools such as Git, SVN, or other equivalents
  • Solid CS fundamentals: OOP, data structures, design patterns, etc
  • Translate functional specifications into logical, component-based technical designs, and estimate the level of effort to implement your design
  • Develop, test, implement and maintain application software working with established processes
  • Perform code review and identify functional gaps in end-to-end application development life cycle
  • Design, implement and maintain Java application within all phases of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
  • Develops innovative approaches
  • Reviews the work of others
  • Provide technical support and consultation for Java web services application and infrastructure questions
  • Identify opportunities to fine-tune and optimize applications of Java web services developed projects
  • Owning user stories writing code, designing
  • One or more of Cassandra, Redis, MongoDB, aerospike, RocksDB
  • Code, design, test, review. 60% of the day will be coding
  • NGINX, software load balancer
  • Java Security.Search Jobs US
  • Interest in the latest web technologies and techniques. Willing to take initiative to suggest or make improvements
  • Prepare program specifications and diagrams, and develops logic flowcharts
  • Familiarity with advanced standards WS-I Basic Profile, WS- standards
  • Less than 2 years of applicable professional experience
  • Good working knowledge of project management concepts
  • Knowledge of software design and implementation
  • Knowledge of relational database principles and/or experience in database design
  • Knowledge of core JAVA EE patterns, SOA design principles and design patterns
  • Knowledge of and experienced in one or more programming languages (java, C++, etc.)
  • Ability to explain complex technical terms and systems to others
  • Ability and willingness to work in fast paced and dynamic environment
  • Excellent interpersonal skills in handling team internal and external and business customers

2 Entry Level Java Developer resume templates

Entry Level Java Developer Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

How to tailor your resume, how to make a resume, how to mention achievements, work experience in resume, 50+ skills to put on a resume, how and why put hobbies, top 22 fonts for your resume, 50 best resume tips, 200+ action words to use, internship resume, killer resume summary, write a resume objective, what to put on a resume, how long should a resume be, the best resume format, how to list education, cv vs. resume: the difference, include contact information, resume format pdf vs word, how to write a student resume, entry level java developer resume examples & samples.

  • 3-5 years of experience with Data Modeling, RDBMS, O/R mapping such as Toplink, Hibernate or similar
  • 3-5 years of Java, JAVA EE development experience using RSA/RAD/Eclipse or similar tooling
  • 3-5 years of experience with Object Oriented Analysis and Design
  • Capabilities in application design, design patterns and performance tuning
  • A coaching nature, along with effective experience coaching and mentoring other software developers relative to Agile Software Craftsmanship/Clean Coder principles and practices

Java Developer Entry Level Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ability to operate with minimal supervision and should deliver code
  • Exposure to developing Java based web applications
  • Exposure to the following languages: Java, JavaScript, PL/SQL
  • At least 1 year experience in developing Java based web applications

Java Applications Developer, Entry Level Resume Examples & Samples

  • Researches, tests, builds, and coordinates the conversion and/or integration of new
  • Minimum of a Bachelor’s degree, preferably in Information Systems, Computer Science, or related discipline. Experience may be substituted for education
  • 1-3 years’ experience in a similar position or performing similar work with Java
  • 1-3 years Java EE development experience
  • 1-3 years Oracle/SQL/Database programming experience
  • Web service technologies including SOAP, XML, JAX-WS
  • Web development experience (HTML, JavaScript, AJAX)
  • Apache Tomcat
  • IBM emulation or IBM IMS
  • JAVA Web technologies such as Java Server Faces (JSF), Java Server Pages (JSP), Wicket, Seam, or Google Web Toolkit (GWT)
  • Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) technologies such as iBATIS, Apach Cayenne, JDO or JPA
  • Other Java EE servers such as JBoss, Glassfish, Websphere, Weblogic, or Jetty
  • Subversion or CVS
  • NetBeans or Eclipse
  • Windows Server 2003/2008

Java Developer, Entry Level Resume Examples & Samples

  • 1+ years of experience in full Software Development Life Cycle
  • 1+ years of experience working as a Java / Java Web Services developer
  • 1+ years of programming experience in a Java/J2EE environment
  • Able to commit to 24/7 on call responsibilities on a rotational basis to provide application support
  • Bachelor's Degree (or higher) in Computer Science
  • Java Certified Developer
  • Strong working knowledge and prior development experience in the following areas: JSP, Servlets, JSF, Ajax, Rational Application Developer 8.x or Eclipse 3.x, OO design, Web Services development and governance lifecycle
  • Provides technical and production support to end-users
  • Participates in peer reviews
  • Assists in creating unit and other test plans for assigned programming tasks
  • Two or more years of programming experience
  • Basic testing skills
  • Enhance & maintain programs
  • Assist colleagues in the build process of the SDLC
  • Assist in the evaluation of various products
  • Keep abreast of current industry trends and their impact on own and team’s initiatives
  • Assist colleagues in the implementation of technical products or solutions
  • B.S. in related area or equivalent work experience
  • 0-2 years of experience in a related discipline
  • Basic understanding of computing software, hardware and networking infrastructure
  • Certification(s)
  • Programming Language(s)
  • Build and maintain low latency high performance scalable systems
  • Work in a collaborative manner with team members in local and remote offices
  • Develop elegant solutions to complex problems
  • Balance out your desire to ship code with your responsibility to get it right
  • Deploy monitoring solutions, and help identify signals to e.g. solve system performance bottlenecks
  • Tune processes and monitoring solutions for extreme efficiency and control
  • Knowledge of web technologies (HTML5/CSS3/JS)
  • Passion for performance debugging and benchmarking
  • Experience with JS Frameworks other than jQuery
  • Understanding of the full web technology stack (e.g. HTTP, cookies, headers, asset loading / caching)
  • J2EE, Experience with Spring, ESB, Web Services, Maven proficiency
  • Apply coding and analytical skills in all phases of the system life cycle
  • Test, debug, support and maintain application programs for customers in a variety of business areas and environments
  • Recently graduated within the last year, or graduating in December of 2014 with strong academic standing; coursework around software development, computer networks, and database systems preferred
  • Anywhere from 1-3 years real world experience performing application development in a corporate environment
  • Excellent understanding of relational databases, SQL syntax and the construction of complex queries
  • Experience using XML, XML schemas and SOAP
  • Understanding of web programming (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
  • Understanding of object oriented design, data structures and algorithms
  • Strong organizational skills and the ability to adhere to coding and quality standards
  • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information Systems or related field
  • Oracle and MySQL RDBMS
  • Insurance and/or financial industry experience
  • Google Web Toolkit (GWT)
  • ClearCase SCM

Entry Mid Level Java Developer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Spring framework
  • Understanding of web & RESTful services (Spring, JAX-RS)
  • Junit or other unit testing framework
  • Conceptual understanding of distributed caching clusters
  • Working knowledge on unix/linux OS platform
  • Meet the requirements, unit testing, writing automation test, load and performance test of their code
  • Mid level developer or a candidate out of college with strong java coding skills

Related Job Titles

entry level java developer resume sample

Java Developer Resume Sample + How-to Guide [2024]

Background Image

You’re a Java developer. You’re smart. You develop complexities.

But when it comes to writing a resume that shows off your talents, you’re lost.

We understand. Creating a resume isn’t the easiest of tasks, especially for a job as specific as a Java developer.

Do you include a portfolio of pieces you’ve developed?

How different should your resume be from a senior developer?

There are many questions that need to be answered before creating a winning resume.

Follow this guide for a step-by-step process to creating a resume that puts the odds massively in your favor. 

  • An complete Java developer resume article 
  • How to write a Java developer resume 
  • The latest tips & tricks to make your Java developer resume stand out 

To give you an idea of what you can achieve, here’s a Java developer resume example, created with our very own online resume builder :

java developer resume sample

So now you know what’s possible with the correct format and structure. Simply follow the steps below to create a professional resume of your own.

Looking for a different resume example in the computer science field? Check out our extensive list of resume examples here:

  • Software Engineer Resume
  • Web Developer Resume
  • Computer Science Resume
  • Artificial Intelligence Engineer Resume
  • Data Analyst Resume
  • Data Entry Resume
  • Data Scientist Resume
  • Engineering Resume

How to Format a Java Developer Resume

Although your job is complex, your resume should be clear and concise.

Choosing the correct format allows you to encapsulate the complex nature of JavaScript.

“ Reverse-chronological ” is the most common resume format in the professional world. As such, this is our recommended resume format for Java developers. 

reverse chronological format java developer

The following resume formats also get our approval:

  • Functional Resume – This is the format for those who have a strong knowledge of Java, but have little work experience. If you’re a self-taught coder, this is the format for you.
  • Combination Resume – As the name suggests, this format combines both “Functional” and “Reverse-Chronological.” If you have a wealth of experience to back up your skills, a combination resume would be the smarter option.

With your format taken care of, you need to select the correct resume layout .

A professional resume needs:

  • Margins - One-inch margins on all sides
  • Font - Pick a professional font that stands out.
  • Font Size - Use a font size of 11-12pt for normal text and 14-16pt for headers
  • Line Spacing - Use 1.0 or 1.15 line spacing
  • Resume Length - Don’t go over the 1-page limit. For guidance, view these one-page resume templates .

To completely skip the formatting issues, use a professional resume template .

What to Include in a Java Developer Resume

The main sections in a Java developer resume are:

  • Work Experience
  • Contact Information

Want to go a step further? You can also add these optional sections:

  • Awards & Certification

Interests & Hobbies

Read on to find out what to write under each section.

If you want to learn more about resume sections, view our guide on What to Put on a Resume .

How to Correctly Display your Contact Information

As a developer, you know that there can’t be any mistakes in your code. Well, the contact section in the resume is exactly the same. Entering incorrect information will deem the resume useless – disaster! 

The contact information section must include:

  • Title - The same as the job title you’re applying for - “Java Developer”
  • Phone Number - The number you are most reachable on
  • Email Address - Use a professional email address ([email protected]), not a silly one ([email protected])
  • Portfolio Link - GitHub, Stack Overflow, Personal Website
  • (Optional) Location
  • Tim Smith - Java Developer. 101-358-6095. [email protected]
  • Tim Smith - Java Coding King. 101-358-6095. [email protected]

job search masterclass novoresume

How to Write a Java Developer Resume Summary or Objective

Here’s an interesting, yet important fact for you...recruiters spend less than 6 seconds on each resume! 

This sounds extremely short, but bear in mind that recruiters usually have hundreds of resumes to go through. 

As such, your resume needs to deliver a positive reaction within the first few lines. To do this, use a resume summary or objective .

If you’ve ever coded a website, you’ll know that call to actions should be placed “above the fold” . Well, it’s the same concept with your resume. The top of your resume should have an objective or summary section that hooks the reader.

Java Developer Resume Summary

Now, the two sound the same, but there is a slight difference:

A resume summary is a 2-4 sentence paragraph that summarizes your greatest achievements and relevant work experience.

  • Enthusiastic and reliable Java Developer with a strong JavaScript knowledge base. 4+ years of industry experience as part of a computer program development team. Proficient at being able to clearly explain complex computer development concepts to a variety of audiences.

A resume objective is a 2-4 sentence paragraph that focuses on your skills and delves into your professional aspirations. 

  • Enthusiastic and highly-skilled Java Developer looking for a junior role at Company X. Experience includes developing apps, websites, and complex programs while at University X. Skilled in PL/SQL, Oracle, MySQL, Tomcat Apache, Ajax VB, JavaScript, ASP, CSS, and HTML, and more.

So, which should a Java developer choose?

We would usually recommend going with a dummary, as it clearly shows your relevant work experience. However, as you’re going for a junior position, you will likely be better suited to an objective.

How to Make Your Java Developer Work Experience Stand Out

A developer should be someone that you can trust. The hiring company needs someone they can rely on. To grow confidence in the recruiter, list any work experience you have.

Here’s the best way to structure your work experience section:

  • Position name
  • Company Name
  • Responsibilities & Achievements

Junior Java Developer


04/2016 - 02/2020

  • Updated 1000+ existing applications and modules 
  • Used HTML and JavaScript to design form validation programs
  • Improved functionality of web applications with JSP and Servlets

Remember, competition is fierce. Your work experience is another chance for you to separate yourself from other applicants. As such, concentrate on your achievements, not just your daily tasks. 

“Web applications manager”

“Improved functionality of web applications with JSP and Servlets”

It is easy to see which one is better (clue – it’s the second). It shows that you can use a number of protocols, and that you were successful in doing so. Using more in-depth answers will help the recruiter to visualize how you can benefit their company.

What if You Don’t Have Work Experience?

Are you a graduate looking for a foot in the door?

Perhaps you’re an experienced developer, but new to JavaScript ?

Don’t worry if you don’t have much experience, companies will know that junior developers won’t have years of experience under their belt. 

With that said, companies want developers they can rely on, so any experience can be an advantage. One of the easiest and most efficient ways to gain trust and show your skills is via a portfolio . 

If you already have a portfolio that acts as proof to your JavaScript skills, simply add a link in your resume (we will take you through this very shortly).

However, if you don’t have a portfolio, it’s not too late. A day or two of coding will be enough – there’s no need to create a game-changing app or anything. 

Fortunately, the skills of a Java developer are in high demand, so there are a few ways to build a portfolio:

  • Complete freelancing gigs on UpWork
  • Offer your services to friends and family
  • Start your own project, website, app, etc.

Students will be interested in reading our student resume guide!

Use Action Words to Make Your Java Developer Resume POP!

“Responsible for”

…are all words that the recruiter can’t escape from. You see, resumes all feature the same common words.

A top tip to separate you from the competition is to use power words . The following words allow your resume to stand out:

  • Conceptualized
  • Spearheaded

How to Correctly List your Education

After talking about your real-world experience, you should mention your education. 

This section requires listing your education history in the following format:

  • Degree Type & Major
  • University Name
  • Years Studied
  • GPA, Honours, Courses, and anything else you might want to add

B.A. in Computer Science

Havard University

  • Relevant Courses: Fundamentals of computer science, compliers and operating systems, information theory, systems and architecture, web applications and databases, and data structures

Here are some frequently asked questions in relation to education:

I’m still in education, should I still disclose it?

  • You should mention every year of education to date, even if you have yet to graduate

Should I include my high school education if I have a degree?

  • No. Only include your highest qualifications

Is experience more important than education?

  • Recruiters value experience over education, so talk about your experiences first and foremost

Here’s more information on how to put your education on a resume .

Top 10 Skills for a Java Developer Resume

Being a Java developer requires a lot of technological knowledge and skills. This certainly isn’t a job that you can “fake it till you make it”. As such, you need to make the recruiter aware of your skill set.

Remember, the hiring manager has never seen you work before. Don’t let somebody with fewer skills than you get the job, just because their resume actually included a list of the skills they can perform.  

Here are some of the most common java developer skills:

Hard Skills:

  • Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
  • JavaScript Pages (JSP)
  • Service-oriented architecture – SOAP/REST
  • Web technologies – HTML, CSS, JQuery
  • Web frameworks – Struts and Spring

Soft Skills:

  • Communication
  • Time management
  • Team player
  • Critical thinking
  • Work well under pressure
  • Generally, soft skills don’t have as much weight as hard skills. You see, applicants tend to list loads of soft skills, knowing that it’ll be hard for the hiring manager/interviewer to test. Any Java developer can say they have problem solving skills, but not many have a vast knowledge of service-oriented architecture use every CMS.

Here’s a more comprehensive list of 101+ must-have skills this year .

What Else Can You Include?

Now that we’ve covered the essentials, is there anything else we can add?

Well, if you want to get an interview, yes!

Doing the basics correctly should be enough to get you shortlisted, but adding these extra sections can be the deciding factor.

Awards & Certifications

Have you won any awards during your studies?

Have you completed any third-party courses?

Said yes to any of these questions? Definitely mention them in your resume!

Here’s an example:

Awards & Certificates

  • “Building Scalable Java Microservices” - Coursera Certificate
  • “Learning How to Learn - Coursera Certificate
  • “Critical Thinking” - MadeUpUniversity

Companies will have a preference for applicants that have a passion for computer science. 

Showing that you have personal projects is one of the best ways to show that you have a passion for the job, and not just there for a pay check. 

Many developers have their own side projects, so don’t be left behind.

But don’t worry, it’s not too late. Here a few ideas to get you started:

  • Developing your own app/website as a side project
  • Writing about JavaScript for a blog
  • Freelance work on job boards

If done correctly, the projects section should look like this on your resume.

Now, you’re likely thinking “how does my second language relate to my Java skills?”

And to be honest, it doesn’t. 

But even though it doesn’t impact your daily job, being able to speak a second language is always impressive.  

As such, include a language section if you have space.

Rank the languages by proficiency:

  • Intermediate

Now, you are likely wondering, “I’m a skilled developer, why would I talk about my love of hiking?”

Well, hobbies reveal WHO you are. 

People who have interests outside of work tent to be great additions to the office. 

Here are some great hobbies & interests you may want to include in your resume.

Include a Cover Letter with Your Resume

If you want an advantage over the sea of other applicants, you should include a cover letter with your resume. 

A well-written cover letter allows you to go into more depth and fill in any blank spaces in your Java developer resume. But most importantly, a cover letter allows you to make a personal connection.

Here’s how to structure a winning cover letter.

cover letter structure java developer

You should complete the following sections.

Personal Contact Information

Your full name, profession, email, phone number, location, and website (or GitHub / Stack Overflow).

Hiring Manager’s Contact Information

Full name, position, location, email

Opening Paragraph

As we mentioned earlier, hiring managers skim through documents. As such, you need a powerful opening paragraph with short sentences and concise language that mentions…

  • The position you’re applying for
  • The summary of your achievements

Once you have their attention, you can get to the specifics:

  • Why you chose this specific company
  • What you know about the company
  • How are your top skills relevant for the job
  • Which similar industries or positions have you worked in before

Closing Paragraph

Don’t just end the conversation abruptly, you should:

  • Conclude the points made in the body paragraph
  • Thank the hiring manager for the opportunity
  • Finish with a call to action. This is a good way to start a conversation. A simple “At your earliest opportunity, I’d love to discuss more about how I can help company X” will work

Formal Salutations

Close in a professional manner. Something like, “Kind regards” or “Sincerely.”

To feel even more inspired, please read our step-by-step guide on how to write a cover letter .

Key Takeaways

Follow the advice in this guide to create a resume that increases your chances of getting that elusive junior Java developer job.

Here’s a quick rundown and what we’ve learned:

  • Before writing your resume, you need the correct format. We recommend using the reverse-chronological format or functional format (as you’ll likely have little work experience).
  • Use an objective or summary at the top of the resume to hook the recruiter.
  • Focus on your work achievements rather than your work responsibilities.
  • Link to your portfolio of work. Examples of your work will separate your application from the competition.
  • For a personal touch, include a cover letter with the resume.

Suggested Reading:

  • 101+ Achievements to List On Your Resume [In 2024]
  • How to Ace Interviews with the STAR Method [9+ Examples]
  • What Is Your Greatest Accomplishment? [3 Proven Answers]

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Click here to directly go to the complete java developer resume sample.

If you have not modernized your java developer resume, you are not doing enough to achieve your goal.

If you have been spending hours on job boards, frantically applying to any java developer jobs, and still not getting interview calls, the panic is bound to set in.

Have you ever questioned your approach? Is your core java resume up to the mark? Do your skills even apply to this role? Have you thought about what an employer looks for in a resume?

If you do not have the answers to these questions, fear not! Read on to learn java resume writing tips.

Keep reading the blog to further learn the following:

  • What are the responsibilities of a java developer?
  • Why Java Developer as a career option so popular?
  • What is the salary of a java developer?
  • How to write java developer profile summary?
  • How to draft each section of your java resume correctly?
  • What to write in the header section of the java developer resume?
  • How to curate highly impactful, ATS-optimized, and recruiter-friendly professional experience for java developer resume?
  • What are the skills required for a java developer?
  • What certifications are needed for java developer resume?

Java Developer Job Description for Resume

Throughout the development lifecycle of an application, a java developer could be responsible for anything ranging from concept and design to testing.

Here are a few responsibilities that could come with java developer jobs:

  • Designing, building, and maintaining Java-based applications & websites.
  • Developing well-designed and efficient code; and testing this code.
  • Analyzing software.
  • Programming, testing, and debugging.
Also read : What all does a Java Developer Job description consist?

Why Java Developer as a career option is popular?

With so many people choosing java developer as a career option, here is the reason for it becoming so popular. The Java Developer job provides a handsome salary, and it also opens up a plethora of opportunities in a variety of fields.

Other than those mentioned above, here are a few reasons for the popularity of java developer career option:

  • Mobile applications run on Java: World's no. 1 mobile operating system that is Android runs on Java
  • Backward capability of Java: The code, once written in Java, can run on any version of Java without modifications
  • Easier to learn: Java is easier than its counterpart languages like C, C#. Also, it accommodates the learning of other languages like Python
  • Supports Object-Oriented Programming: Java supports OOPS concepts and is used to train machine learning models
  • Supports various development tools: Java supports tools like IDE, AWS, Azure, etc.

Java Developer Salary

Java Developer salaries as quoted by the following major websites:

  • PayScale : $74,040 / year
  • Indeed : $103,368 / year
  • Glassdoor : $88,116 / year
Also read : What is the Java Developer Salary in 2023?

Java Developer Sample Resume

You must be looking for a java developer sample resume, right?

Here is your java developer sample resume for senior java developer.

  • Enhanced productivity by 80% by applying relevant technical skills to deliver program changes and unit test scripts
  • Executed planning, documentation , and tests to ensure code changes met 100% requirements and specifications
  • Supported programming changes during quality assurance and post-implementation leading to 99% customer satisfaction
  • Researched and documented software bugs and created and implemented fixes to increase efficiency by 90%
  • Implemented and managed SQL database to be used in the background for security; achieving 100% data security
  • Devised code for a project to authenticate users to ensure that intruders are detected and security breaches are prevented
  • Deducted application's memory consumption by 30% by eliminating duplicate strings via Garbage Collection Logs Analysis
  • Identified and improved code inefficiencies leading to increased application stability by 40%
  • Customized end-user support to include account management at the front-end leading to 100% client satisfaction
  • Delivered 50+ new features in the application which resulted in increased customer base by 80%
  • Designed, maintained and built reusable, efficient, and reliable Java code increasing efficiency by 50%
  • Oracle Certified Java Developer | Oracle University | Redwood City, CA, US | Jul '17 - Jan '18
  • Languages : English, French

Java Developer Resume Sections

You do not want to leave out any relevant information. These sections will help you navigate through all the important information that should be included in a core java developer resume:

  • Personal Information
  • Profile Title
  • Summary/Objective
  • Professional Experience
  • Certifications (if any)
  • Awards & Recognition (if any)
  • Additional Information (if any)
Also read : How to draft a Java Developer Cover Letter?

Java Developer Resume: Header

Your name should be the default resume header of your java experience resume.

Remember these points while writing the resume header in your java experience resume:

  • Use a font size between 16 and 20.
  • Do not write "CV" or "Resume" as it is apparent that you are creating one.
  • If you have a middle name, initialize it.
  • Example: “Amelia June Bones” should be written as "Amelia J. Bones.”

Junior Java Developer Resume Sample: Resume Header

Head Section in Java Developer Resume

Java Developer Resume: Personal Information

Ideally, the personal information section of your java developer should communicate the following information to your recruiter:

  • Your functional mobile number
  • Your professional email ID
  • Your current location of residence

Updated Mobile Number

This information is essential. So be sure to avoid any mistakes. The simple rules you can adhere to are:

  • Use your country’s ISD code as a prefix before your phone number
  • Put a plus sign (+) before the ISD code
  • Write your updated mobile number after the ISD code
  • Eg: +1 53427 97784

Professional Email Address

If shortlisted, your recruiter will most likely contact you by sending you an email.

Provide a professional-looking email ID that follows the pattern of “[email protected]” if you want the recruiters to take you seriously and not omit you thinking you are still not out of your college days.

Current Location of Residence

You should not give out details about your full home address, street name, etc.

If you are looking for a job in your own country, simply mention the city and state you are living in. However, if you are looking for a job in another country, mention the name of the city and country you are residing in.

Also read : How to craft the personal information section?

Junior Java Developer Resume Sample of a Personal Information Section

Personal Information Section in Java Developer Resume

Java Developer Resume: Profile Title

Your most recent job title should ideally be your profile title on your java developer resume. Some people, however, tend to exaggerate their titles, seeking higher pay. Do not make this mistake!

The recruiters will be able to make out your seniority level through your profile title as well as about your functional industry.

Your profile title should be the 2nd largest text on your resume and in the range of 14-16 font size.

Junior Java Developer Resume Sample for Profile Title

Profile Title Section in Java Developer Resume

Senior Java Developer Resume: Professional Experience

This might as well be the most complicated section on your java developer resume as you want to put in as much information as you can while still keeping it easy to understand and not too dull to put off a potential employer.

We are here to guide you in framing the perfect resume with a flawless professional experience section.

Follow these three approaches and see the magic happen:

  • Use the STAR format
  • Frame one-liner points
  • Use Grouping & Highlighting
Also read : How to land an entry level java developer job?

Java Resume Sample for Professional Experience Section

Experience Section in Java Developer Resume

STAR Format

The STAR format is so widely used and accepted because of its ability to establish a cause-effect relationship between the work you did and the outcome it bore.

STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action & Result.

  • S: Situation - The situation that led to your contributions.
  • T: Task - A task that was assigned to you.
  • A: Action - What action you took to fulfill the assigned task.
  • R: Result - What were the results of this action in the form of an achievement figure.

Framing Points

Using bullet points to frame your one-liner points is the best way to draft your professional experience section, as it makes sure that your resume is easy to read and navigate.

On the other hand, paragraphs are bulky and discourage the recruiters from reading the entire thing.

Let us look at these two java resume samples to understand why framing points are essential:

Example 1 :

"As a Java Developer, I delivered program changes and unit test scripts to increase productivity by 80%. I did this by applying the relevant technical skills I have accumulated throughout my years of experience. I also planned and documented code changes, and ran tests to ensure they met 100% requirements and specifications of the customer. Moreover, I spearheaded a team of 4 programmers to support programming changes during quality assurance and post-implementation, leading to 80% customer satisfaction. I also identified software bugs and developed fixes to be implemented, which increased efficiency by 90%."

Example 2 :

  • Employed relevant technical skills to deliver program changes and unit test scripts, enhancing productivity by 60%
  • Planned and documented code changes and ran tests to ensure they met 100% requirements and specifications of the customer
  • Spearheaded a team of 4 programmers to support programming changes during quality assurance and post-implementation, leading to 80% customer satisfaction
  • Developed and implemented fixes to software bugs to increase efficiency by 90%

Framing Points Analysis

As we can observe, both the examples state the same thing but example 2 has done a better job as it is more readable as compared with example 1. Recruiters are less likely to read paragraphs than they are to read points.

Example 1 sabotages the applicant’s chances of making it into a shortlist as there are no highlights of the individual's career or achievement making it look like an incomprehensible wall of text which most recruiters will not scale.

On the contrary, example 2 encourages the recruiter to look at the mentioned data as it is more reader-friendly.

Grouping & Highlighting

Now that you have framed the points look at your resume. Doesn't it look like it’s still missing something? What could be done to make sure that as soon as a recruiter lays their eyes on your resume, they get a gut punch?

Frame unique subheadings to group similar points under (grouping) and highlight the important aspects like performance figures. Voila! Your resume is now on top of the stack.

Need a visual confirmation? Here are two java resume samples demonstrating the importance of grouping & highlighting:

Product Development

Quality Assurance

Java Developer Resume: Education

This is an essential feature in your resume, especially for junior java developer resume, especially if you are a professional with little experience or a fresher.

Mention the following details regarding the education section in your java developer resume:

  • Name of your school/university.
  • Name of the courses you have pursued.
  • The location of your school/university.
  • Date of enrollment and graduation from each course (in month and year format).

Java Developer Resume Sample for Education Section

Education Section in Java Developer Resume

Java Developer Resume: Certifications

If you have spent extra time to gain relevant certifications, make sure to add them to your resume, as it will add immense value to your job application.

Mention the following information in the certifications section of your java developer resume:

  • Name of the certification you have pursued.
  • Name of the certification issuing body.
  • Location of the certifying body.
  • Enrollment and completion date in the month and year format.

Align this information horizontally in the format shown below:

{Name of certification} | {Affiliating Institution} | {Location} | {Date} (in month & year format)

Java Developer Resume Sample Certification Section

Certifications Section in Java Developer Resume

Java Developer Resume Sample: Additional Information

All the misfitting information can be mentioned in the additional information section. You can mention anything ranging from interesting hobbies to your knowledge of multiple languages.

Additional Information Section in Java Developer Resume

Senior Java Developer Resume: Key Skills

This section will give the recruiter a broad overview of your professional skills. This section is vital as recruiters tend to scan the resume, so a separate section for your key skills will make them stand out.

We advise you to identify the keywords used in the job listing and replicate them in your key skills section while incorporating them in your professional experience section as well.

Also read: What are most asked Java Developer Interview Questions in 2023?

Here is the list of skills that you can add to your java developer resume:

  • Hibernate and JPA
  • Spring Core 5.0
  • HTML5 and CSS3
  • JavaScript and JQuery
  • Software Development
  • JavaServer Pages (JSP) and servlets
  • Web Frameworks
  • Unit Testing
  • Service-Oriented Architecture (SOAP/REST)
  • Code Optimization
  • Web Services
  • Documentation
  • Web Technologies
  • Troubleshooting
  • Code Testing
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Abstract Classes and Interfaces
  • File IO and Serialization
  • Access Specifiers
  • Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
  • Memory Management
  • Data Security
  • Multithreading and Synchronization
  • Dependency Injection
  • Application Development
  • End-User Support

Java Developer Resume Sample: Key Skills

Key Skills Section in Java Developer Resume

Java Developer Profile Summary

Your java developer profile summary is an overview of your professional experience. It is a brief statement of all your achievements and past roles & responsibilities.

Follow the guidelines below to draft the perfect summary:

  • Always create the senior java developer profile summary at the end.
  • Write a summary for your java resume only if you have experience of 3 years and above.
  • Scan the professional experience section of your resume and pick the highlights you are most proud of to display in this section.
  • Keep the summary between 3 and 5 lines.
Also read : The dos and don'ts of creating a resume summary.

Java Developer Profile Summary Sample

Summary Section in Java Developer Resume

Java Developer Resume Objective

Write an objective for an entry-level java developer resume. Write an objective if you have less than three years of work experience. Individuals looking for a career change should also use a java fresher resume objective.

As an introduction, your entry-level java developer resume objective serves an important purpose of letting you market yourself.

Begin by reviewing the job posting carefully and understand what to put in your entry-level java developer resume objective statement. Highlight the skills the recruiter is looking for and make sure to integrate them into your java fresher resume.

Here have a look at the entry level java developer resume objective below:

A detail-oriented computer software engineer possessing in-depth knowledge of Java Interfaces and Configuration Management and a sound command over J2EE, ORM tools and database, Oracle, SQL, and OC4J servers. Ability to provide creative resolution for complex technical problems. Played a key role in providing quality assurance checks and working abiding by compliance during the internship.

Entry Level Java Developer Sample


Senior Java Developer


Key Takeaways

  • Use grouping & highlighting along with frame one-liner points to enhance the effectiveness of your java developer resume.
  • Begin every point of your professional experience section with action verbs in the past tense for past profiles and projects, and in the present continuous tense for present profiles and projects.
  • Write the dates in the month and year format across all sections of your java developer resume.
  • Write a java developer resume objective if you have less than three years of work experience.
  • Write a java developer resume summary only if you have over three years of work experience.
  • Write the location in city/state format if you are applying for a job in the same country; else, write the location in the city/country format.
  • You can't go wrong with the reverse-chronological format. Follow it to make sure that your java developer resume is ATS-optimized.
  • In the professional experience section, quantify your achievements wherever you can.
  • Never let your java resumes exceed two pages and your resume summary 3-5 lines unless you have 10+ years of work experience or create a Senior java developer resume.

Now that you have all this valuable information, we hope that you can write a job-winning resume for java developers.

Go to Hiration's Online Resume Builder and create a professional resume for yourself. Additionally, reach out to us at [email protected] and you can get 24/7 professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries.

entry level java developer resume sample

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entry level java developer resume sample

Java Developer Resume Sample

The demand for Java developers in the IT industry is steadily increasing. If you get this profession, you should be able to earn good money and get great job satisfaction. In this article, you’ll discover an excellent sample resume for Java developer. Relying on this Java developer resume sample, you’ll be able to compile a convincing resume for yourself, regardless of whether you’re an entry level, junior or senior specialist. Besides, we’ll tell you how to order a high-quality resume.

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics, or BLS, pegs the average JAVA developer salary at $109,020 per year and $52.41 per hour.

entry level java developer resume sample

How to Format a Java Developer Resume 

Successful professionals usually stick to the following Java developer resume format :

  • Professional experience (in reverse chronological order)
  • Additional skills

The resume sample that you’ll find below in this article is based on this layout. If you compile your job application according to this template, you should get a higher chance of being invited for an interview. 

Please use bulleted and/or numbered lists. Avoid adding charts or graphs to the text. Always be honest and don’t exaggerate your capabilities.

Gift your resume the reviews it needs! Learn more about our professional resume builder service here!

See below java developer resume sample written by our professional resume writers on Skillhub .

Java Developer Resume [Sample]

Here is a real-life Java developer resume that you can use as a template.

Technically advanced Java developer with 2 years of experience. Good command of JavaScript, HTML, and other programming languages. Seeking to secure a responsible career opportunity to utilize my training and skills.


YZD Company, New York

Java Developer, May 2019 — June 2021

  • Used Java technologies to build web applications
  • Carried out user requirements analysis to build applications 
  • Delivered support for system improvements
  • Worked as a part of an Agile Scrum team
  • Consulted with clients on project status and technical issues

DDD Online Courses at the FFF Virtual Academy, December 2018 — May 2019


  • Programming languages: Java, JavaScript, SQL, HTML, and others
  • Databases: Oracle, MySQL
  • API’s: Java Naming and Directory Interface 
  • Software: Eclipse, NetBeans
  • Frameworks: J2EE, Apache Struts”

That was a 2 years Java developer resume. When the list of tools that you can use is not too large, their order doesn’t matter. But if you know over a dozen programming languages or APIs, start with the most popular ones.

Relying on the resume sample for Java developer from this article, you should be able to compile a top-notch resume for yourself. But if you’re focused on IT, you might want to concentrate on your technical duties. Our experienced writers will be glad to craft a winning resume for you.

We offer our clients the following services:

  • Resume writing 
  • Resume editing 
  • CV writing 
  • LinkedIn resume writing

We know the requirements for all professions in the IT industry, from customer service to engineering. We keep updating the list weekly with new professions. With our service you should rest assured that your dream employer will hire you.

Resume Objective & Resume Summary

Summary and objective are important parts of a resume. But, one should understand the difference between them. While the summary shows your experience, the objective rather states your career goals and explains why you are a good fit for the position.  

Here are three tips on writing a Java Developer resume objective.

  • Use keywords.
  • Customize your resume for each organization you submit it to.
  • Offer your potential employer exactly what they are looking for.

Avoid saying that you would be glad to complete training if the company doesn’t offer any. Don’t state that your goal is to land an interview — your objective is to get a job. Don’t mention your salary expectations in the resume — you’ll discuss it later.

Resume Summary [Examples]

Good Java developer resume samples feature clear statements with facts, names and numbers:


 “Around 4+ years of experience of work in IT design, development, implementation, and testing of client-server web applications using Java/J2EE technologies”.

And here is a resume sample that would hardly help a job seeker succeed in the job market:

“Wide experience in Java development and testing. Basic experience in testing web applications. I have worked for two companies and want to explore new opportunities.”

Resume Objective [Examples]

“Skilled and ambitious Java developer looking for a junior position at a rapidly evolving European or American software company.” This is a convincing Java Developer resume objective.

 “Entry-level Java Developer looking for free training and a good salary.” This is a very poor resume example. 

Mind that the larger the population of IT specialists in your area, the more convincing stories you should tell. Please emphasize your desire to work and grow but not just earn good money.

Resume Examples [Experience]

Here is a worthy sample resume for Java developer with 2 years experience.

“Java Developer

June 2019 — June 2021

RRR company, New York

  • Designed and analyzed application changes. Created design documents (PRD, FRD, UIRD, TRD, SRS, and SDD). 
  • Planned, documented, and carried out testing to ensure that the code meets specifications and requirements.
  • Supported programming changes during quality assurance.
  • Tested user acceptance.”

This basic template should come in handy for professionals with 1 year experience or 3 years experience as well. The larger your work experience, the more business duties, data, tools, and achievements you will need to mention.

Entry Level Java Developer Resume [Experience] 

This is a sample resume for Java developer fresher with little experience:

  • Documented diverse business problems and technical work processes 
  • Helped customers to answer technical questions in everyday language
  • Got a vision of end-user requirements and learned to provide comprehensive solutions
  • Helped senior developers to make design specifications

Such a list will contain minimum facts and figures — and this is the reason for keeping it short. When describing your potential responsibilities, prove that you can work with automation tools.

Entry Level Java Developer [Sample]

In entry-level Java Developer resume examples, you would normally find the following information:

  • Analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Technical leadership and successful implementations
  • SDLC Understanding of the Systems Development Lifecycle
  • Work collaboratively within a Scrum/Kanban team

Typically, such a resume example should be enough for acceptance. A recruiter would hardly be able to assess the candidate’s efficiency in all these spheres. But you should be ready to back up these statements with facts and examples during a face-to-face interview.

What to Mention in the Education Section

If you got a higher Java Developer education, you can write in your resume something like this:

YZD High School, YZD town

Master of Science in Computer Science, May 2019

Honors: cum laude (GPA: 3.7/4.0)

Yet today, an applicant doesn’t need a high school diploma to land a position with a high salary. If you studied at online courses, it won’t tell on the creation of your Java Developer resume. Just prove that you meet the requirements!

Java Developer Resume Examples [Education]

This is what you can come across in good Java Developer resume samples: “Completed JJJ online courses in Java development (May 2019 — February 2021). Carried out the graduation project on this and that topic”.

 “Graduated from JJJ online courses in 2020”. This won’t convince the recruiter that you meet the Java Developer requirements and have career growth potential.

If you graduated from high school, but your education wasn’t related to IT, it might be worth mentioning nevertheless.

Skills on a Resume for a Java Developer

So what are the skills required for Java developer? The answer consists of two parts. For a successful career, you should have both hard and soft skills. When listing your Java Developer skills in a resume, start with the hard ones first. Here is a real-life example.

Hard Skills:

  • Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
  • JavaScript Pages (JSP)
  • Service-oriented architecture – SOAP/REST
  • Web technologies – HTML, CSS, JQuery, and others
  • Web frameworks – Struts and Spring

Soft Skills :

  • Communication
  • Time management
  • Team player
  • Critical thinking
  • Work well under pressure

To make your resume look balanced, make sure the list of soft skills is shorter than that of hard ones. For entry-level professionals or junior developers, both lists might have identical lengths.

Java Developer Resume Examples [Skills]

This is what authors of professional Java Developer resume examples would say: “Java Basics – Spring, JMS, JSF. Web Development Languages — CSS, HTML, JQuery”

 In low-quality Java Developer resume samples, you might read something like, “I have general computer skills, and I know PL/SQL. I love to think outside the box.” This won’t work because creative vision is not the primary skill for individuals who would like to get an occupation in the Java Development sphere.

Java Developer Job Description: Tailor Your Resume 

Experienced professionals might want to add the following resume sections to the template that was described above:

  • Certificates
  • Personal projects (it doesn’t matter whether you have monetized them or not)
  • Conferences and courses (short-time ones that enable you to master one particular skill or tool)
  • Honor awards
  • Organizations (such as professional associations and communities)

These Java Developer resume sections will convince the recruit during the interview that you perceive this job as your vocation and are planning to develop continuously. 

Java Developer Job Description [Example]

This is a Java developer job description example that you might come across on a job search platform. “A startup is looking for a Java developer for building Java applications. You should handle back-end services and client-end interfaces. You will need to coordinate your activities with the rest of the team.”

To apply for this position, you should write in your Java developer resume something like:

  • Good command of such and such back end Java development tools
  • Experience in building desktop and mobile applications since 2019
  • Communication and teamwork skills

Accentuate these skills from the onset in your resume summary.

Java Developer Resume Examples [Other Sections]

 In the Personal Projects section of a professional Java Developer resume, it would be reasonable to write something like: “Emoji chatbot app, 2020 - present. The app generates custom emojis by written text request”.

 “I enjoy building Android chatbots in my free time.”

Mind that an ATS application system will scan any resume for Java Developer jobs that you will submit. The better it conforms with the guidelines, the more likely you will work in the company.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, this article came in handy. After reading it, you should understand how to write a Java Developer resume, no matter how large or limited your experience is. We suggest that you focus on honing your immediate technical skills and improving your key soft skills. We, meanwhile, can write a top-notch resume for you. With the help of our dedicated writers, you’ll have higher chances to be invited to an interview, impress the recruiter, and land your dream job.

Don't forget your resume should showcase and attract attention among other candidates! Customized cover letter writing service know how to make it effectively and professionally! Anyway you can ask for resume helper anytime you feel you need it! 

entry level java developer resume sample

More Resume Examples

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2 Java Developer Resume Examples for Your 2024 Job Search

Java developers are exceptionally talented at constructing high-level logic and finding solutions for complex problems. As a Java developer, your resume should, similarly, be highly accurate and clearly demonstrate your skills in an organized fashion. In this guide, we'll provide you with 1 Java developer resume samples that you can use to distinguish yourself in 2023.

java developer resume

Resume Examples

Resume guidance.

  • High Level Resume Tips
  • Must-Have Information
  • Why Resume Headlines & Titles are Important
  • Writing an Exceptional Resume Summary
  • How to Impress with Your Work Experience
  • Top Skills & Keywords
  • Go Above & Beyond with a Cover Letter
  • Resume FAQs
  • Related Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on Java Developer Resumes:

  • Writing, testing, and debugging Java code for web and mobile applications
  • Implementing OOP and SOLID principles for scalable and maintainable code
  • Designing and developing RESTful web services
  • Utilizing messaging and event-driven architectures such as Apache Kafka/RabbitMQ
  • Developing projects with microservices and cloud-native architectures
  • Integrating front-end web pages with backend coding
  • Working with databases such as MySQL, Oracle, and MongoDB
  • Deploying and managing applications on both local and cloud servers
  • Developing user interfaces with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
  • Optimizing Java applications performance, scalability, and stability
  • Investigating problems and recommend solutions
  • Helping junior developers with coding and design patterns
  • Participating in code reviews with other team members

You can use the examples above as a starting point to help you brainstorm tasks, accomplishments for your work experience section.

Java Developer Resume Example:

  • Spearheaded Java-based ecommerce platform, leading to a 68% year-over-year increase in online orders.
  • Automated test and debugging protocols, resulting in a 40% improvement in the system’s operational efficiency.
  • Streamlined components and programs integration processes, drastically reducing development cycles by 25%.
  • Optimized existing Java applications, resulting in a 50% improvement in overall system performance
  • Implemented software components and third-party programs, leading to a 90% decrease in IT-related ticket incidents
  • Developed and implemented scaling strategies for enterprise-level projects, including a process automation system that improved budget year-over-year
  • Assumed design, development, and deployment of Java-based applications from concept to release, reducing the development cycle by 40%
  • Refined existing code and executed automated testing routines to improve scalability and performance by 85%
  • Investigated and identified key issues with existing applications, leading to a 50% increase in the system’s availability
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Database design and development
  • Web applications
  • Software development life cycle
  • Software architecture
  • Operating systems
  • Agile/Scrum Methodology
  • RESTful web services
  • Automated testing
  • Issue resolution
  • System integration
  • Process automation
  • Code optimization
  • Cloud computing
  • Data analysis and visualization
  • Scalability
  • Performance optimization
  • Computer Science
  • Electrical Engineering

Fresher Java Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented a new feature for a high-volume Java application, resulting in a 10% increase in user engagement within the first month.
  • Collaborated with a team of developers to troubleshoot and debug an existing system, resolving technical issues and improving system efficiency by 15%.
  • Designed and executed quality assurance processes, ensuring compliance with specifications and delivering a high-quality software component.
  • Contributed to the development of a Java application, writing efficient and well-designed code that improved system performance by 20%.
  • Integrated software components into a fully functional software system, collaborating with other developers and software architects to ensure seamless integration.
  • Documented software functionality and maintained codebase, ensuring that the system was up-to-date and easily maintainable.
  • Developed and maintained a Java application, ensuring that it was scalable and reliable, resulting in a 25% increase in customer base.
  • Identified and resolved technical issues, troubleshooting and debugging existing systems to improve system efficiency by 10%.
  • Worked closely with other developers and business analysts to ensure that designs complied with specifications and delivered high-quality software components.
  • Java programming
  • Object-oriented programming (OOP)
  • Spring Framework
  • RESTful APIs
  • SQL and database management
  • JUnit and Mockito
  • Maven and Gradle
  • Git and version control
  • Agile methodologies
  • Debugging and troubleshooting
  • Software design patterns
  • Quality assurance and testing
  • Team collaboration
  • Documentation and code maintenance

Junior Java Developer Resume Example:

  • Developed and maintained a Java application that improved system performance by 30% and reduced response time by 20%.
  • Collaborated with a team of developers to integrate the application with third-party APIs, resulting in enhanced functionality and improved user experience.
  • Implemented security measures and data protection solutions, ensuring the application met industry standards and safeguarded sensitive information.
  • Wrote and debugged code for a Java application, resulting in a 15% reduction in software bugs and improved overall application stability.
  • Tested and deployed applications, ensuring smooth implementation and minimizing downtime for end users.
  • Troubleshot and resolved technical issues, providing timely solutions and minimizing disruption to business operations.
  • Collaborated with a team of developers to optimize a Java application for maximum speed and scalability, resulting in a 25% increase in application performance.
  • Developed unit tests and automated tests, improving code quality and reducing the occurrence of software bugs.
  • Monitored application performance and troubleshooted issues, ensuring optimal functionality and minimizing downtime for end users.
  • Proficiency in Java programming language
  • Knowledge of Java frameworks like Spring and Hibernate
  • Experience with third-party APIs integration
  • Understanding of data protection and security measures
  • Debugging and troubleshooting skills
  • Experience in application testing and deployment
  • Proficiency in code optimization for speed and scalability
  • Knowledge of unit testing and automated testing
  • Ability to monitor and improve application performance
  • Strong collaboration and teamwork skills
  • Understanding of software development lifecycle (SDLC)
  • Knowledge of database management systems like SQL or Oracle
  • Familiarity with front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Good communication skills
  • Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines
  • Knowledge of cloud platforms like AWS or Azure
  • Familiarity with version control systems like Git
  • Understanding of Agile/Scrum methodologies.

Entry Level Java Developer Resume Example:

  • Developed and tested Java applications, resulting in a 10% improvement in application performance and user experience.
  • Collaborated with a team of developers to implement new features, resulting in a 15% increase in application functionality and user satisfaction.
  • Wrote technical documentation for code maintenance, ensuring efficient knowledge transfer and reducing onboarding time for new team members.
  • Integrated Java applications with external systems, improving data exchange efficiency by 20% and streamlining business processes.
  • Participated in code reviews and implemented suggested improvements, resulting in a 10% reduction in application bugs and enhanced code quality.
  • Developed and maintained web services, enabling seamless communication between different software components and enhancing overall system functionality.
  • Developed unit tests for Java code, ensuring the reliability and stability of applications and reducing the occurrence of software defects by 15%.
  • Analyzed and resolved application issues, resulting in a 25% decrease in system downtime and improved user satisfaction.
  • Implemented security and data protection solutions, enhancing application security measures and ensuring compliance with industry standards.
  • Knowledge of Java frameworks (Spring, Hibernate)
  • Experience with web services (REST, SOAP)
  • Understanding of databases (SQL, NoSQL)
  • Familiarity with front-end technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
  • Experience with unit testing and debugging
  • Ability to write clear technical documentation
  • Knowledge of code versioning tools (Git, SVN)
  • Understanding of software development methodologies (Agile, Scrum)
  • Knowledge of application security measures
  • Experience with system integration
  • Ability to analyze and resolve application issues
  • Understanding of data protection regulations and standards
  • Familiarity with cloud platforms (AWS, Azure)
  • Experience with containerization technologies (Docker, Kubernetes)
  • Knowledge of continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines
  • Understanding of microservices architecture
  • Proficiency in software design patterns.

High Level Resume Tips for Java Developers:

As a Java Developer, it’s important to showcase your technical expertise and experience in developing software applications using Java. Consider including the following tips when creating your resume: Emphasize your technical skills: As a Java Developer, your technical expertise is critical. List your relevant technical skills, including programming languages, software tools, and frameworks, to demonstrate your technical abilities. Highlight your experience with Java development: Your resume should highlight your experience in developing software applications using Java. This should include the size and complexity of the projects you have worked on, as well as the specific functions and features you have built. Include examples of your work: Include links to your GitHub profile or other code repositories to demonstrate your programming skills, or include links to live applications you have built to showcase your experience. Customize your resume: Tailor your resume to the job you are applying for, emphasizing your skills and experience that are most relevant to the specific role and company.

Must-Have Information for a Java Developer Resume:

Here are the essential sections that should exist in a java developer resume:

  • Contact Information
  • Resume Headline
  • Resume Summary or Objective
  • Work Experience & Achievements
  • Skills & Competencies

Additionally, if you're eager to make an impression and gain an edge over other java developer candidates, you may want to consider adding in these sections:

  • Certifications/Training

Let's start with resume headlines.

Why Resume Headlines & Titles are Important for Java Developers:

Java developer resume headline examples:, strong headlines.

Experienced in Java Development with 4 Years of Experience

Results-oriented Java Developer with Proven Software Development Skills

What makes these good headlines good is that they are specific and concise. The first example immediately indicates that the person has four years of professional experience in Java development. The second headline is results-oriented and indicates that the person has the skills and experience needed to succeed in a software development role.

Weak Headlines

Java Developer with Years of Experience

Seeking a Java Developer Role

What makes these bad headlines bad is that they are vague and uninformative. The first example doesn’t provide any concrete information about the person’s experience. The second headline is also very generic and doesn’t demonstrate any qualifications for the role.

Writing an Exceptional Java Developer Resume Summary:

Resume summaries are important for Java Developers to include on their resumes because it's an opportunity to provide a quick and concise overview of your technical expertise, experiences, and relevant accomplishments in the field. This section is usually the first thing that a hiring manager sees on a resume, so it's important to write it thoughtfully.

Java Developers should convey their proficiency in developing and deploying complex software systems, improving application performance, or solving complex technical problems. Ultimatley the best way to craft your summary will depend on your strengths and the role itself.

  • Here are some tips to leverage the resume summary most effectively:
  • Tailor it to the specific job that you are applying for and highlight successful projects that you've launched with Java.
  • Incorporate keywords related to the role description to optimize your resume for both people and applicant tracking systems (ATS).
  • Where possible, substantiate your achievements with metrics
  • Keep the summary concise (no more than 3-4 sentences), and always proofread it to ensure that there are no typos or spelling mistakes.

Java Developer Resume Summary Examples:

Strong summaries.

  • Experienced Java Developer with 4 years of software engineering experience. Skilled in developing and deploying applications using the Java programming language. Proven ability to work with databases, debug code, and test applications.
  • Highly skilled Java Developer with 4 years of experience designing, developing, and deploying Java enterprise applications. Experienced in developing web-based applications, troubleshooting and debugging code, and working with relational databases.

Why these are strong:

  • These summaries highlight the candidate's level of experience and specific skills in Java development. They also demonstrate the candidate's ability to develop, deploy, and troubleshoot applications and use databases.

Weak Summaries

  • 4 years experience as a Java Developer. Skilled in developing Java based applications.
  • Experienced Java Developer with 4 years of experience. Responsible for developing and deploying Java applications.

Why these are weak:

  • These summaries lack detail and do not provide any specific accomplishments or examples of how the candidate has contributed to successful project outcomes. They also do not provide any insight into the candidate's specific skills and don't explain why they are a good fit for the role.

Resume Objective Examples for Java Developers:

Strong objectives.

Experienced Java Developer seeking a challenging position to utilize my skills in developing efficient and high-quality software solutions. Dedicated to leveraging my expertise in Java, J2EE, and Spring Framework to support the company's growth and success.

Driven, detail-oriented Java Developer looking to join the right team in a dynamic and innovative company, where I can collaborate with passionate developers to build scalable, reliable, and secure applications. Committed to developing efficient, clean, and maintainable code and continuing to learn and grow as a Java Developer.

Self-motivated and organized Java Developer, with 1 year of experience, seeking to leverage their proven ability to analyze user-needs and develop effective and efficient coding solutions to join an innovative, fast-paced software development team.

These resume objectives clearly showcase the individual's relevant skills, expertise, and their commitment to producing efficient, high-quality, scalable software solutions. Additionally, both demonstrate the candidate's passion for the industry and their eagerness to work collaboratively with a team. Overall, the objectives give a clear indication of the candidate's capabilities and suitability for the role.

Weak Objectives

A Java Developer looking for a position that will allow for financial stability and the opportunity for career advancement.

Experienced Java Developer seeking next job to gain more experience because current position has become stagnant.

To find a position as a Java Developer where I can learn new skills and improve my knowledge. I am a fast learner and a dedicated worker.

The poor objectives focus too much on what the candidate is looking for out of the position instead of how they will benefit the employer and don't accurately explain the candidate's qualifications or strengths as a java developer.

Generate Your Resume Summary with AI

Speed up your resume creation process with the ai resume builder . generate tailored resume summaries in seconds., how to impress with your java developer work experience:, best practices for your work experience section:.

  • Have a section dedicated to "Programming Expertise" and list the specific languages, platforms, and technologies you have used during your Java development work
  • Highlight the most important tech you have experience with (e.g. Spring, JSP, Hibernate, etc.)
  • Clearly describe the projects you've worked on and how your Java development skills have contributed to those projects
  • Demonstrate your knowledge of SDLC -- focusing on the phases you have personally handled
  • Give examples of real world problems that you solved using Java technologies
  • Can be helpful to mention any Agile methodologies you're familiar with
  • Provide evidence of process improvement initiatives that you have achieved in past jobs
  • Share any certifications or qualifications you've earned in your Java development work
  • Showcase how you have collaborated with other teams and departments
  • Mention any challenges you've faced in Java development work and how you have solved them

Example Work Experiences for Java Developers:

Strong experiences.

Designed and developed various modules for an e-commerce platform using Java, Spring Boot, and AngularJS.

Implemented a payment gateway integration that improved checkout speed by 35%.

Reduced server response time by 20% by optimizing database queries and adding caching mechanisms.

Mentored junior developers and contributed to their technical development.

Led the development of a customer management system that improved sales by 25% by automating manual processes and providing real-time data to sales representatives.

Improved software reliability by 30% by implementing an automated testing framework and continuous integration pipeline.

Worked with cross-functional teams to develop and implement a new data privacy policy in accordance with GDPR regulations.

Presented technical presentations and demonstrations to internal and external stakeholders.

  • Both experiences focus on the impact that the Java developer had on the company, rather than just listing responsibilities.
  • The examples show how the Java developer improved processes and made a positive impact on the business.
  • The experiences also show that the Java developer had leadership responsibilities and engaged in knowledge sharing with junior developers and stakeholders.

Weak Experiences

Worked on a Java development project.

Troubleshot bugs in the system.

Participated in code reviews.

Attended weekly meetings with the development team.

Wrote Java code for a new project.

Debugged issues with the system.

Contributed to the development of new features.

Collaborated with other team members.

  • These experiences do not provide any specific information about the impact that the Java developer had on the company or the projects they worked on.
  • The examples only list responsibilities, which do not demonstrate the individual's achievements or the value they brought to the company.
  • The experiences are also too general and do not provide any unique or noteworthy details.

Top Skills & Keywords for Java Developer Resumes:

Top hard & soft skills for java developers, hard skills.

  • Experience with Java frameworks such as Spring and Hibernate
  • Knowledge of database technologies such as SQL and NoSQL
  • Familiarity with web development technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Experience with version control systems such as Git
  • Understanding of software development lifecycle and agile methodologies
  • Experience with testing frameworks such as JUnit and Mockito
  • Knowledge of object-oriented programming principles and design patterns
  • Familiarity with build and deployment tools such as Maven and Jenkins
  • Experience with cloud technologies such as AWS or Azure.

Soft Skills

  • Critical Thinking
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Communication
  • Adaptability
  • Time Management
  • Attention to Detail
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Self-motivation

Go Above & Beyond with a Java Developer Cover Letter

Java developer cover letter example: (based on resume).

Dear [Company Name], As an experienced Java Developer with a proven track record of success, I was excited to come across your company's open position. With [number] years of experience in designing, developing and deploying Java-based applications, I am confident that I have the technical skills, experience, and passion needed to make a valuable contribution to your team. In my current position, I spearheaded the development of an ecommerce platform using Java, which led to a 68% increase in online orders year-over-year. I also automated test and debugging protocols, resulting in a 40% improvement in system operational efficiency. These achievements showcase my ability to develop innovative solutions and optimize existing systems, while always keeping business goals in mind. I have a proven track record in streamlining components and program integration processes, which has drastically reduced development cycles by 25%. I have also developed and implemented scaling strategies for enterprise-level projects, including a process automation system that improved budget year-over-year. Through these initiatives, I have demonstrated an ability to manage complex projects and deliver results that positively impact the bottom line. Additionally, my skills in code refinement, automated testing, and issue identification have helped to improve scalability and performance by 85% and system availability by 50%. I am always on the lookout for ways to improve system performance, while keeping up-to-date with the latest trends in Java development. I am excited about the opportunity to bring my skills, experience, and passion to your company and to contribute to your success.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to discussing how I can help your team achieve its goals. Sincerely, [Your Name]

A cover letter is an invaluable tool for any job seeker, and this is especially true for Java Developers. The Java development field is highly competitive, and a cover letter can help you stand out from other applicants. It can showcase your communication skills, highlight your relevant experience, and demonstrate your enthusiasm for the position.

While a resume provides a summary of your skills and experience, a cover letter allows you to personalize your application and connect with the hiring manager on a deeper level. It's an opportunity to tell your story, explain why you're passionate about Java development, and show how you can add value to the organization.

Here are some of the key reasons for pairing your Java Developer resume with a cover letter:

  • It demonstrates your communication skills: As a Java Developer, communication is key. Your cover letter provides an opportunity to showcase your ability to write clearly and concisely, and to convey your ideas effectively.
  • It shows your enthusiasm for the position: A well-written cover letter can demonstrate your passion for the role and the organization. This can make a big difference in the hiring manager's decision-making process.
  • It highlights your relevant experience: Your cover letter allows you to explain how your skills and experience align with the requirements of the job. This can help the hiring manager understand why you're a good fit for the role.
  • It sets you apart from other applicants: A well-crafted cover letter can help you stand out from other applicants who may have similar experience and qualifications.

We understand that writing a cover letter may seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Remember that the cover letter is an extension of your resume, so you can use the same format and content as your resume. It's also a chance to address any gaps or questions that the hiring manager may have after reading your resume.

Tips for aligning your cover letter with your resume:

  • Use the same header as your resume: This will help the hiring manager identify your application as a complete package.
  • Align the content of your cover letter with the requirements of the job: Use the job description as a guide to highlight your relevant skills and experience.
  • Use keywords from the job posting: Incorporate relevant keywords from the job posting to help your application get past applicant tracking systems (ATS).
  • Keep your cover letter concise and focused: Aim for one page and avoid repeating information from your resume.
  • Proofread carefully: Errors in your cover letter can undermine your credibility, so make sure to proofread carefully before submitting your application.

Resume FAQs for Java Developers:

How long should i make my java developer resume.

Most resumes for Java Developers should be kept to one page. It is important to include relevant and measurable information that will help employers understand your skill set, previous accomplishments and experience. Not including bullet points to back up your experience diminishes the effectiveness of your resume. Too much information, however, will make it difficult for the employer to find the most important parts – so aim to include the most impactful and relevant details in a concise manner.

What is the best way to format a Java Developer resume?

When formatting a Java Developer resume, it is important to stay organized and showcase your technical skills and professional experiences with software development. Make sure to list your certifications and any current technical training you are taking. When summarizing your job experience, highlight your achievements and demonstrated skills. It also helps to add any conferences where you have made a technical presentation as this may be something employers are looking for.

Which Java Developer skills are most important to highlight in a resume?

When crafting a resume for a Java Developer, hard skills are important to highlight. These hard skills should demonstrate the depth and breadth of a developer's knowledge and experience in the Java programming language. At the very minimum, Java Developers should list coding and scripting language experience on their resume, including Java, Javascript, HTML, and CSS, as well as database knowledge, like Oracle, SQL, and NoSQL. Network, system, and security skills are also important for Java Developers to have. These include familiarity with Linux, Apache, and Tomcat, as well as encryption and authentication protocols, Active Directory, and broad security concepts. Finally, developers should also list their experience building applications based on frameworks like Spring, Hibernate, and Struts, as well as their familiarity with platforms such as Android, iOS, Azure, and AWS. By highlighting these hard skills and experiences, a Java Developer can create a comprehensive resume that illustrates their technical knowledge and expansive skill set.

How should you write a resume if you have no experience as a Java Developer?

If you have no experience as a Java Developer, focus on skills and knowledge that you do have and that will provide value to potential employers. Highlight any areas you're knowledgeable about, such as programming languages, software development, and database management. If you have any successful coding or development projects, include them as well. You may also want to emphasize any development-related courses, certifications, or workshops you have completed. Lastly, any involvement in related extracurricular activities, such as hackathons, local meetups, or coding clubs should be included.

Compare Your Java Developer Resume to a Job Description:

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Java Developer job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

Related Resumes for Java Developers:

Java developer resume example, fresher java resume example, more resume guidance:.

Java Developer

6 Java Developer Resume Examples for 2024

Looking to land a job as a Java developer? This article offers examples and strategic advice to help you create a strong resume. We’ll cover how to highlight your skills, structure your experience, and use industry-specific keywords. Whether you're new to the field or an experienced professional, these tips will help you stand out to hiring managers.

Portrait of Diana Price

  • 31 May 2024 - 4 new sections, including 'Organizing your education', added
  • 31 May 2024 - 5 new resume templates, including Aspiring Java Developer, added
  • 29 May 2024 - Article published
  • 26 May 2024 - Resumes approved
  • 24 May 2024 - First draft complete

  Next update scheduled for 08 Jun 2024

Here’s what we see in the best Java Developer resumes.

Show Impact With Numbers : The best resumes show impact by using numbers. For example, increased application performance by 30% , reduced page load times by 2 seconds , cut customer issues by 20% , and maximized code efficiency by 15% .

Include Relevant Skills : Include skills on your resume that you have and are mentioned on the job description. Some popular ones are Java , Spring Boot , RESTful APIs , SQL , and Microservices . But don't include all of them, choose the ones you have and are mentioned in the JD.

Highlight Teamwork Experience : Show your experience working in teams. Use phrases like collaborated with team or worked on a team to make it clear.

use this maybe to have a resume upload button widget 1: yellow Here's a short quick tip / warning for people to include. If your symptoms get worse or do not improve after 1 day, go to a lower altitude if you can. Try to go around 300 to 1,000 metres lower.

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Java Developer Resume Sample

Organizing your education.

Put your education section at the top of your resume if you are an entry-level candidate or have recently completed a significant qualification such as a master's, bootcamp, or another relevant certification. This helps employers understand your current knowledge base right away.

If you have a mix of experience, place your education after your work experience to showcase your practical skills first. Highlight courses or projects that involved Java development as they directly relate to the job.

Highlighting technical skills

Detail your proficiency in Java and related technologies like Spring, Hibernate, or JavaFX within the skills section. This gives a clear indication of your technical capabilities.

Include specific projects or roles where you applied these skills. Mention any contributions to open-source Java projects or relevant certifications like Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE Programmer.

Keeping it concise

For an entry-level or mid-level Java developer role, aim to keep your resume to one page. This helps hiring managers quickly assess your qualifications.

Senior candidates with over 10 years of experience can extend to two pages. Focus on relevant experiences and impactful projects that showcase your Java development skills to make the most of the space.

Junior Java Developer Resume Sample

Showcasing problem-solving.

Employers value problem-solving skills highly in the field of Java development. Include examples of complex problems you have solved using Java in your past roles or projects.

Detail the methodologies and tools you used, like version control systems (Git) or continuous integration tools (Jenkins), to further emphasize your readiness for the role.

Senior Java Developer Resume Sample

Full stack java developer resume sample.

  •   Front-End Developer Resume Examples
  •   Entry Level Android Developer Resume Examples
  •   SQL Developer Resume Examples
  •   PHP Developer Resume Examples
  •   BI Developer Resume Examples
  •   Junior Web Developer Resume Examples
  •   Full Stack Java Developer Resume Examples
  •   Senior Web Developer Resume Examples

Quick links

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Java developer resume examples

Why you should invest in your java resume, skills to include in a java developer resume, how to craft an effective java resume summary, how to “sell” your experience through achievements, sample #1: core java developer resume, sample #2: java developer resume (1-3 years of experience), sample #3: senior java developer resume, sample #4: senior java developer resume (4-6 years of experience), sample #5: senior java developer resume (6-8 years of experience), sample #6: java engineering manager resume (8-12 years of experience), sample #7: lead java developer resume, download our java developer resume template, apply for a java developer job at epam anywhere.

Java icon on a piece of notepad

As Chief Editor, Darya works with our top technical and career experts at EPAM Anywhere to share their insights with our global audience. With 12+ years in digital communications, she’s happy to help job seekers make the best of remote work opportunities and build a fulfilling career in tech.


Java developers are in demand, but if you want to stand out from the pack, having a stellar Java developer resume is still essential. Whether you’re an aspiring Java developer or an experienced one, a well-crafted Java curriculum vitae (CV) helps you showcase your skills and accomplishments effectively.

Here are some Java developer resume tips and tricks as well as Java resume examples to get you headed in the right direction.

Investing in your Java developer CV is critical for several reasons. First, Java programmer resumes (along with a Java developer cover letter ) open doors. With a well-designed Java CV, you provide hiring managers with a clear summary of your experience, skills, and achievements. That helps them see that you’re capable of handling the responsibilities of the roles they’re filling.

Second, a carefully crafted Java backend developer resume can highlight critical soft skills. For example, the format and content showcase your written communication capabilities, and that may help you boost your career. Additionally, as you see in many Java developer resume samples, you can speak about soft skills in your bio and when creating a description of your various achievements.

Essentially, whether you’re a recent graduate looking for a beginner-level job (or internship) or a senior-level professional with an extensive Java project resume, your CV determines whether you’ll advance through the hiring process. As a result, if you want a chance to face off against entry-level or senior Java developer interview questions and ultimately land the position, you need to make sure that your Java experience resume is on point.

Whether you’re creating a Java one-year experience resume or a 12-years Java experience resume, highlighting the right skills is critical. If you want to ensure that your Java software engineer resume covers all of the essential bases, here are some must-have and nice-to-have skills to include.

Must-have skills

Programming languages.

The programming languages you know are crucial Java resume points to cover. The ones you want to include may vary depending on the exact nature of the position. Along with Java, it’s wise to discuss widely-used ones like Python and Scala at a minimum. However, you can go further if you choose, particularly if the job description mentions others as potential requirements.

Java frameworks

There are several Java frameworks that are commonly used by developers. Often, when you look at or download nearly any Java resume example, you’ll typically see at least a few. Additionally, specific ones are mentioned in job ads placed by employers, so make sure to include Spring , Hibernate, or others if they’re discussed and you have applicable experience.

Web technologies

Another thing you’ll often notice when reviewing a sample Java developer resume is that web technologies are commonly discussed. Primarily, that’s because they’re highly sought by employers, so make sure to highlight your HTML, CSS, or JQuery capabilities if you possess them.

Java build tools

As a developer, using specific tools for different tasks is common. Whether you’re creating an entry-level CV, a Java developer resume with 5 years of experience, or a senior-level CV, you need to showcase your experience with Java build tools like Maven and Gradle.


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Nice-to-have skills

Many companies harness the cloud for development activities and general operations. As a result, experience with cloud technologies like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud generally fall in the nice-to-have category.

Data management

While not always required, employers often favor Java developer candidates with data-related capabilities. This can include knowledge of relational databases, familiarity with SQL , an understanding of big data , and similar capabilities.

One thing you may notice if you’re exploring a senior Java developer resume sample or CV example for mid-to-upper-level professionals is mentions of DevOps . While DevOps isn’t always a required skill, understanding the methodology is often considered at least a nice-to-have. It shows you can work within that system to deliver results, and that can elevate your position as a candidate.

If you’ve ever reviewed a Java developer resume sample, you’ve likely noticed that a clear, concise resume summary is usually positioned near the top. This section allows you to showcase some of the best of what you have to offer. Plus, it’s a chance to include keywords that position you as a solid match for the role.

Whether you’re creating a Java developer resume with 2 years of experience or a Java developer resume with 8 years of experience, effective professional summaries for Java CVs (including core Java resumes) should showcase a few key points. Along with your total years of relevant experience, highlight a few must-have skills that relate to the specific position you’re trying to land. Standout resumes for Java developers don’t just include hard skills in the summary; they include soft skills, too, so make sure to have a solid mix.

Also, limit the summary on Java experienced resumes to no more than four sentences. The goal is to make the content enticing but brief. That way, it encourages the hiring manager to take action by continuing to read your CV.


Today, you’ll notice that any Java resume sample you see doesn’t list job duties in the position descriptions found on the document. Instead, being achievement-oriented is essential.

Showcasing your capabilities by describing relevant accomplishments helps hiring managers see how you leverage your skills and knowledge to deliver results. Essentially, you’re “showing” them you’re skilled instead of just “telling” them, and it’s a far more impactful approach.

Even if you’re creating a Java developer resume with 3 years of experience or less, you’ve likely handled a task effectively. So, instead of merely talking about your duties, discuss instances where you harnessed your knowledge to accomplish specific goals. For example, instead of stating that reviewing code was a responsibility, talk about a time when you improved code quality and enhanced application performance by reducing bugs, and quantify the details when possible.


Now that you’ve had a chance to explore our Java developer resume examples and template and create your own attention-grabbing CV, it’s time to use it to elevate your career. If you have your resume saved as a PDF or Word Doc and you’re ready to find career-boosting remote Java developer jobs , EPAM Anywhere makes it easy to land your perfect opportunity. Apply for a Java developer position at EPAM Anywhere today!

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Resume Templates

entry level java developer resume sample

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entry level java developer resume sample

Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

Make use of expert tips & tricks to to help you build the perfect resume

Java Developer Resume: Free Templates, Examples & Essential Skills

As a Java Developer, you’re an expert in creating applications and software using the Java programming language, however, are you having trouble coming up with the correct codes for your resume? If that’s the case, take advantage of our personalized resume templates.

entry level java developer resume sample

Java Developer Resume Example MSWord® Program the perfect resume by using our Java Developer Resume template in Word format. 

ResumeGiants Team

Applying to your next java developer job?

According to Statista, about 33% of developers worldwide can code in Java programming language. Now that’s a lot of people to beat in the job market!

While writing clean code for unique, user-friendly software that can change the world, you’ll need a catchy resume to sway decisions in your favor in this heavily saturated niche.

Not everyone can build a strong resume that gets you interviewed for your next role. But we’ve got some pointers to help. In this guide, we’ll take you through the following;

  • How to write a resume objective and summary that introduces you memorably
  • How to craft a java developer resume that’s coded to the company requirements
  • The top skills every developer needs for resume success
  • Additional sections that’ll give you the upper hand in the job search

If building your resume from scratch seems stressful, take advantage of our efficient and free resume builder . With only a few clicks, you’ll let the real builders do all the work for you for free.

Java Developer Resume Sample

Before we get into those tips and tricks, let’s look at this java developer resume sample. Our Full Stack Developer resume might also spark a few creative cords.

[Lauretta Festus]

[Java Developer]

Laramie, WY 12123 |   109-381-8726   |  [email protected]

Enthusiastic and teachable computer science graduate with 2 years experience working with agencies to create user-friendly, functional, and fast mobile and desktop apps. Adept at writing clean and efficient code. Well-versed in Java, JavaScript, HTML, and Python. Seeking an opportunity to grow while working on the software development team at NetPro.


Associate Java Developer

Encase | Laramie, WY

August 2019 – Present

  • Wrote clean, scalable code for 5+ mobile apps.
  • Implemented REST and SOAP in building and implementing web services.
  • Collaborated with system analysts in the collection and translation of requirements to technical solution architecture.

Java Developer Intern

YouBuild Developers| Laramie, WY

September 2018 – August 2019

  • Achieved a 15% success rate by supporting junior java developers in testing lines of code.
  • Contributed significant perspectives during peer reviews and coding project meetings.
  • Designed method for implementing strategies developed by the development team resulting in a 10% increase in efficiency.


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

University of Wyoming | Laramie, WY

2014 – 2018

  • Cumulative GPA: 3.9
  • Relevant Coursework: Software Engineering and Development, Programming Languages, Operating Systems
  • Soft skills: Communication, creative problem-solving, teachability, adaptability
  • Hard skills: Familiarity with spring frameworks, web technologies, Github, Application containers, and Java systems


  • Java SE Associate – 2019
  • Java SE Professional – 2020

What’s the Best Java Developer Resume Format?

A resume format refers to how each section is arranged and structured to pass your message succinctly. 

There are three basic types of resume format: functional , reverse-chronological , and hybrid . 

These formats each have where they shine, but the industry standard java developer resume format is the hybrid format except where other options are necessary or specifically requested. 

Whether you’re applying for an entry-level position or a senior java developer role, your resume should contain the following information:

  • Heading (with name, phone number, email address, and location. You might also want to add your GitHub, portfolio, or LinkedIn profile links)
  • Summary or objective
  • Relevant work experience
  • Soft and hard skill
  • Academic background
  • Any additional sections relevant to your application

Extra Design Tips and Tricks

In addition, you should dot your i’s and cross your t’s on your resume by following some extra tips. Try these:

  • Write in font size 11 or 12.
  • Draw attention where necessary by using bullet points, bold, italics , and a larger font size.
  • Save your resume in a word document and PDF so your resume will appear the same on any device it’s opened.

How to Write a Java Developer Resume Summary or Resume Objective

A resume objective and summary are similar, but distinct options for introducing the rest of your resume. Either of them provides a 2-3 sentence paragraph summary of the resume.

  • A resume summary summarizes the extensive skills, experience, and achievements of an experienced or senior java developer
  • A resume objective helps an entry-level or newbie java developer highlight their skills and present a case for their career objectives in an entry-level java developer resume

From these few sentences, the reader should be able to tell if they should keep reading. 

Most hiring teams make a decision about whether to read or pass on a resume within just a few seconds. 

As a result, it’s crucial that your objective or summary is packed full of eye-grabbing details and achievements . What makes you the best fit for the job?

To quickly grab the reader’s attention, it’s a good idea to go through the job advert and take note of keywords and specific requirements . 

If the company is requesting a developer who knows Java, Python, and HTML, you should mention it right away in your summary or objective.

This way, they’ll know you meet the basic requirements and would be willing to read the rest of the resume without fear of having their time wasted. 

Here’s a quick formula to follow as you consider what to include in either your summary or objective:

  • Professional title
  • Key experiences
  • Top achievements with measurable numeric results
  • Relevant, unique, and top skills as required in the job description 
  • For your objective, follow the same format but include a career objective stating what you hope to achieve

Java Developer Resume Summary Examples

Here are a couple of java developer summary examples for a senior developer resume:

Proven Java Developer with 7+ years of experience in software development looking to bring my expertise into your organization to boost growth.

Java developer with 7+ years of proven experience developing and delivering user-centered mobile software in the eCommerce industry. High technical ability in programming languages like HTML, C++, and JavaScript. Looking to join your development team at Joint Creators and create culturally relevant mobile software.

After reading both examples, you’ll notice that the second java developer resume example provides a more detailed view of this candidate’s skills and experience . 

They also give numerical insights , use keywords for java developer resumes like user-centered , and mention the company’s name to grab attention.

How to Write an Entry-Level Java Developer Resume Objective

We get it. You’re trying to advance your career, and you want to prove yourself in your entry-level java developer resume. 

It’s understandable, then, to feel a bit overwhelmed by the thought of summarizing your work experience and achievements in just a few sentences. 

Luckily, cracking the code of a strong resume objective is well within your wheelhouse.

By following a few pointers, you should be able to craft a stellar entry-level resume objective for your java developer resume, regardless of your experience level.

Let go of the pressure to embellish or exaggerate your achievements. Instead, maintain honesty while promoting your skills to the reader with keywords and metrics. Hone in on your strongest Java developer skills; resumes that contain specific examples of what you can do are often the most unique and most likely to land an interview.

Secondly, let the hiring manager see your potential right from the start. 

For entry-level positions, hiring teams want to know you’re a self-starter who can work with a team and still be teachable, solve problems and follow instructions while being creative.  

Show the hiring manager what you already have and what you hope to achieve on their team with these skills.

Entry-Level Java Developer Resume Objectives

Need some examples of an entry-level java developer resume objective? Here are two examples of the right and wrong ways to write a resume objective.

New computer science graduate looking for opportunities to practice java development skills and build industry experience. Would be glad if given a chance to work at your organization.

What do you think is wrong with this example?

First, it reads like this applicant is more interested in having a job in general than in applying to the specific job posting they’re responding to. 

While it’s tempting to opt for general language that can be applied to multiple resumes at once, write your objective with a clear goal in mind so that the hiring manager sees you as the best fit for the job.

The example above also doesn’t make use of keywords or skills and key achievements in describing who this candidate is. 

Overall, the hiring manager would be less inclined to read the rest of the resume than they were before they read this objective. 

For a better example, here’s how to write your entry-level java developer resume objective:

Enthusiastic and passionate computer science graduate with a proven ability to collaborate with teams in developing and launching software products within given deadlines. Utilized undergraduate education to learn Java, Javascript, and C/C++ and applied this skill in building two software projects. Looking for exciting opportunities to work to build meaningful projects in a developer-friendly agency like Coleslaw Enterprise.

From this example, you can tell that this candidate is passionate and ready to work and learn. 

They’ve clearly outlined their skills , what they’ve achieved by themselves, and what their current career objective is.

How to Describe Your Java Developer Experience

Your resume experience section is where you provide information about your past java developer roles and responsibilities in resume

To do this, you must read the job description thoroughly and take note of the job responsibilities. 

It might be tempting to reel out what you did at your previous jobs, but some may not be relevant to this particular role. So reading the job ad and taking notes is where you should start. 

Next, check if you have some experience in executing the advertised responsibilities. Write out your key achievements and pick out the most relevant ones.

Java development is a highly technical career path. Your resume is the best way to demonstrate how well-versed you are in your career, so be sure to include language that showcases your technical skills.

Here are some tips to note:

  • Write in bullet points (like this) and keep it concise
  • Mention the impact you made in your previous role and back it up with measurable examples
  • Use reliable and confirmable metrics 
  • Use action verbs like improved, facilitated, launched, operated, programmed, etc.
  • Use three to five bullet points. 
  • Tailor your achievements to the job description with keywords for Java developer resumes
  • Demonstrate your knowledge of Java development by mentioning industry keywords

Java Developer Resume Examples: Experience

Talk is cheap, but an example of all that talk would help you even more. Here’s how to write your java developer resume work experience.

Senior Java Developer Halifax Agency October 2015 – January 2019

  • Oversaw the designing and development of 30+ java applications
  • Facilitated and contributed to discussions that produced architectural solutions
  • Performed analysis and developed solutions to technical issues 
  • Participated in the process of streamlining development processes resulting in a 15% increase in productivity
  • Responsible for designing java applications
  • Joined discussions about architectural solutions
  • Responsible for analyzing technical issues
  • Responsible for streamlining the development process

Between these two options, the first example uses metrics and descriptive action verbs to provide a clearer picture of their achievements at their last job.

The second example would only make the reader doze off with its lack of descriptive words and numeric evidence.

Entry-Level Java Developer Resume: Experience Section

When entering the industry, you’ll need more than just extracurriculars to get a job with your resume for a java developer entry-level application. 

While you may not have official work experience, you can try starting personal projects or volunteering your skills at organizations or for causes. 

When it comes down to putting all this pertinent information on the page, focus on those that are most relevant to the job itself.

Here’s how to write your entry-level experience in your java developer resume to stand out:

Volunteer Java Developer  Junior Data Coders Organization, Laramie

2015 – 2017

  • Sat in on senior developers brainstorming meetings and helped to keep notes.
  • Assisted the team in writing the base code for a test app.
  • Conducted tutorials for other developers and consulted on java development issues.
  • Reduced bloated code by 20%, resulting in a reduction in load time and increased traffic.

Here’s how not to do it:

Volunteer java developer

Junior data coder, Laramie 2015 – 2017

  • Responsible for keeping notes in meetings
  • Wrote code for a test app
  • Responsible for planning tutorials for junior devs
  • Responsible for increasing website traffic

Choosing to write like the second option might seem like the best bet for conciseness, but its language is monotonous and doesn’t do much to tell a reader why this applicant is better than the rest.

It also doesn’t make use of power verbs and instead opts for basic vocabulary. Connections to what the job description is looking for are missing too.

Is Your Education Section In Need of a Revamp?

In today’s world, it’s possible to get a job without a computer or tech-related academic degree. If you have experience to make you a qualified fit, it’s possible to work in the industry without formal post-secondary education.

Still, a related degree will give you an extra edge over someone who doesn’t have one at all. And more competitive companies may look exclusively for candidates with a degree. 

So how do you make this section pop?

First of all, your java developer education section must contain the basic information such as:

  • Degree designation
  • Course title
  • Institution attended 

But if you want to stand out, you can include more information like:

  • Relevant coursework
  • Grade graduated or expected grade in cases where you haven’t graduated yet
  • And any extracurricular activities that might be relevant to your application. 

If you’ve only stuck to the basics before or have little professional experience to showcase, you might find it’s best to bulk up your education section and include more information about your academic pursuits.

Java Developer Resume Education Section

Below is an example of how you might want to avoid writing your java developer education section:

BS.c Computer Science University of Wyoming| Laramie, WY

The only candidates who might get off on writing an education section like this are developers using a senior java developer resume with ample years of experience. 

If you’re just starting and you’re seeking an internship or you only have a few years of work experience with a java development intern resume, then you need to puff up your resume with more information. 

Here’s how to do it:

B.Sc in Computer Science University of Wyoming | Laramie, WY 2014 – 2018

  • Dean’s List: 2017 and 2018
  • Relevant coursework: Software development and testing, web applications and databases, compilers and operating systems, systems and architecture, 
  • Winner of Java Developer’s award
  • Coordinated the development and building of a java-based project for student use

In this example, the candidate uses bullet points to highlight important parts of their academic life. 

You can see that while they maintained academic prowess, evidenced by the dean’s list award, they also participated in extracurricular activities that helped them develop their java skills.

The Best Java Developer Skills for a Resume

After your work experience, the skills section of your java developer resume is where you highlight your java skills in your resume to make you rank higher on the hiring list. 

In this section, you should include a good number of soft, hard, and technical skills. 

Soft skills are transferable skills you’ve gained from various experiences. It doesn’t have to be gained from a job, and you can use them in any setting.

Hard and technical skills are job-specific skills that java developers or those in a related field would have. They usually aren’t transferable outside of the software or java development sphere. 

Below you’ll find an example of how to list your java developer resume skills:

Soft Skills

  • Teachability
  • Clear communication
  • Attention to detail
  • Problem-solving
  • Time management
  • Organization
  • Self-learning

Hard Skills

  • System Design And Architecture
  • JVM Internals
  • Version control systems
  • Java Testing Tools 
  • Unit testing tools
  • Principles Of SOLID
  • Advanced javascript frameworks
  • Dev ops tools (maven, chefs, Kubernetes)

One way you don’t want to ruin the structure of your resume is by listing too many skills or choosing ones that aren’t heavily tied to the job you’re applying to.

We recommend choosing 4-5 of your strongest skills and listing them in a way that’s easy to read , like bullet points or a small numbered list.

Here’s how not to list your skills for a Java developer resume:

  • Adaptability 
  • Friendliness
  • Java systems
  • Graphic design 

Not only is this list a little lengthy, some of its additions are questionable in terms of connection to the duties and responsibilities of the job.

How to Add Other Sections for an Effective Resume

When making hiring decisions, business owners and hiring managers want a candidate that goes beyond the normal to pursue their goals. 

The best way to show you have this trait is by adding extra sections to make your resume effective, not by hounding their comment section on social media. 

One of the most invaluable additions to your java developer resume is your industry certification.

Certifications are a calling card and can, at least sometimes, be worth more than a university degree. 

For example, the Oracle Certified Master Java Enterprise Architect certification shows you can conduct enterprise application development using your java skills and competencies. It’s a top-level certification that java developers aspire to. 

For someone whose first degree isn’t related to computer science or tech, an industry-standard certification like this can put you at the forefront of applicants. 

Not only does it improve your chances of getting hired, Java developers learn specific skills while pursuing certification status. When applied to your craft, this new knowledge will show up in your work achievements and the quality of development work you do. 

Ultimately, it’ll reflect in your resume too. 

Other certifications you might want to consider are:

  • Professional Scrum Master
  • Spring Professional
  • Apache Spark Developer
  • Java SE Master
  • Java SE Professional
  • Java SE Associate
  • Java EE Certified Expert
  • Java EE Master
  • Oracle Certified Expert Web Component Developer
  • Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer
  • Oracle Certified Associate Java Programmer

Think about how best you can stand out. What makes your experiences worth the potential employer’s time? Pick out the best and create an additional section for them

More Ideas for Other Sections

Aside from certifications, your coding, software development, or java related projects are also a great addition to your resume. 

Java developer newbies should take advantage of this section and outline whatever unique, individual, or group java development projects they’ve worked on. 

It’s a great way to highlight your experience that doesn’t exactly fit into the “work experience” archetype or section. 

Other sample sections you might want to add are:

  • References : These are no longer compulsory and should only be added when requested. However, if you feel it’s invaluable to your resume, include a reference section with a note that says your references are available upon request. That way, you save your space for more essential sections. 
  • Volunteer work: Volunteering isn’t only for newbies seeking work experience. It’s also for established java developers who wish to apply their skills for a greater cause while honing their skills for free. 
  • Hobbies: If you’re applying to a fun-loving company, your hobbies might be good to mention in your java developer resume. If the organization seems like a serious, straight-jacket place, including a list of hobbies might not be the best course of action, especially when it isn’t explicitly required. 
  • Awards: Include awards you’ve won from development competitions or industry membership groups. 

Additional languages: An international organization would love multilingual employees who can relate with clients in their language and not only in programming language

Java Developer Resume Sample “Other” Sections

You’ve decided what sections to add, but how can you make them appear well on paper? 

Just as in other sections, you should make use of bullet points and make every sentence succinct. If you need to provide further explanations for specific points, then do so concisely. 

Here are a few examples of how to structure your additional sections:


  • Developed a simple web app that helped students make quick CGPA projections 
  • Ensured users with disabilities had the best UI/UX by implementing ATly and ATIA accessibility standards
  • Available upon request

Key Takeaways

Phew! We know that’s a lot to consume, so let’s break it down into key points to remember:

  • Working as a java developer requires strong technical skills. Ensure you demonstrate this while writing your resume by including skills in your java skills section, resume objective, and work history. 
  • A resume objective belongs in an entry-level java developer resume. And a resume summary is for a senior java developer resume.
  • Use bullet points to outline information and make use of white space.
  • A java resume sample can be a great tool for picturing how much space each section of your resume can take up, what to include, etc.
  • No matter which section you’re writing, information about the goals and career objective for Java developer jobs at the company you’re applying to is your best friend – use it to connect your experiences, skills, and more to the job you want

We hope this guide has been useful for you as you program your Java developer resume. When in doubt, don’t hesitate to turn to our resume tools for help!

entry level java developer resume sample

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Java Developer Resume With No Experience | Tips For No Experience

learn how to craft an exceptional java developer resume with no experience that lands you the job, tips and tricks for fresh graduate java developers

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Table of Contents

Imagine landing a job as a fresh graduate Java developer with no experience sounds impossible, right? Think again

You’ve got the skills and the passion, but no official “experience” on paper but guess what? That won’t stop you from landing your dream job.

Here is a comprehensive guide on how to Craft a unique Java developer resume with no experience that will help you stand out from the competition and land your first job in the Java development industry.

In this guide, we will discuss:

  • How to write a good CV for freshers Java developers.
  • The best format for entry level Java developer resume with no experience
  • Profile summary for Java developer fresher.
  • Putting skills on a Java developer resume no experience
  • Compensating for the lack of work experience In resume
  • Using resume Builder for an ATS-friendly resume.
  • Crafting an Impressive Java Developer Resume: Tips and Examples

Short on time? Resume Forrest can craft you an ATS-beating resume in minutes, with ready-made content to add to your CV. Take advantage of every job opportunity.

Formatting a Java developer resume with no experience

Designing, coding, testing, debugging, and a lot of missions and responsibilities you are doing as a developer but, when it comes to writing a Java developer resume with no experience your first mission is formatting your resume.

Formatting is about arranging your information in the resume to perfectly show your qualifications and skills.

For this mission, there are three main resume format types:

  • The reverse chronological format
  • The functional format
  • The combination format

The reverse chronological format is the most loved one by hiring managers in case you have previous work experience.

It’s about listing your work experience in reverse chronological order.

But in case you are writing a Java developer resume with no experience it’s preferred to use the functional format.

The functional format or the skills-based format can highlight your skills and qualifications without focusing on the work experience or the dates of work like other resume formats.

After your summary highlight your relevant key skills followed by bullet points for each skill that show how you learned those skills and the ways you have applied them at work, training, or even in your education.

This allows you to show that you have the required talents for the position, even though you have not yet applied them as a Java developer in the workplace.

Finally, The combination format where it’s obvious from its name that you can combine the reverse chronological format and the functional format features.

Additional tips to have a professional layout for your resume:

  • Leave the page margins at 1 inch from each Direction and consider double spacing after each section to look neat and clean.
  • Write with professional resume fonts such as Helvetica and avoid using informal or funny fonts like Comic Sans.
  • Use a font size of 12:9 where the big is for the heading and the small is for the description under the heading.
  • After finishing your CV save it in the format of PDF or the preferred format to the hiring managers of the company you are aiming to work in.

You now know how to craft a Java developer resume with no experience in perfect format and layout let’s dig deeper into the components of the resume itself.

Core sections in Junior Java developer resume with no experience:

  • The header and contact details.
  • Resume summary or objective.
  • Experience or the alternative sections.

Mention your contact details and basic information 

At the top of your Java developer resume write your name in big font followed by the job name in the job description.

Then your contact information:

  • Your country code followed by your phone number.
  • Your professional email address.
  • The links to your LinkedIn profile, GitHub, Portfolio, and blog if you have one.

How does it appear in your resume:

Before moving forward to other CV sections double and Triple review your contact information, make sure they are valid and in correct spelling.

Imagine you are accepted but no one can contact you because of the wrong information or a typo, How a big disaster!

Unleash your coding passion with an attention-grabber Resume objective or summary

Cause the first impression matters it’s crucial to write a captivating profile objective for your Java developer resume with no experience.

The resume objective is an opening paragraph to your resume that consists of 2-3 sentences describing who you are, what you are skilled in, your qualifications, and your goals from joining the organization.

Simply we can say it’s Passion + Skills + Goals equals the perfect resume objective.

Right example

Wrong example

Don’t write it like that ever, landing your dream job with a Java developer resume with no experience needs a compelling and active resume objective to catch the hiring manager’s eyes, so stay positive and persistent.

You can add a touch of personalization to increase the chances of being noticed by mentioning the company name, it’s an attention-grabbing trick.

Moreover,  it’s necessary to read the job description before writing the resume profile to craft a related profile to the job description that will higher your ranking in case the company is using ATS programs.

In case you have previous work experience you can mention that section as a resume summary.

The resume summary in Java Developer resume 6 months experience or more is a way to highlight your working duration and achievements that impress the hiring managers.

For example

Proudly mention your education

The educational background is the basic section in every CV for fresh graduates without experience it gives an overview of your expected qualifications and knowledge you have in the Java development field.

You have studied for years and a lot of effort into being qualified for this role you already have the necessary academic background, sometimes your educational background only can land you the job.

To write that section correctly, first mention your degree then the faculty name and the graduation year.

Don’t hesitate to mention any related coursework it’s vital in a Java developer resume with no experience.

If you haven’t graduated yet feel free to mention your expected graduation year under the university name.

Highlight your work experience

The work experience section is where you can prove your skills and qualifications to the hiring managers.

For future purposes or in case you have previous work experience you can handle this section as follows:

Consider the reverse chronological order by starting from the earlier job to the last one.

For every job, there are four main parts:

  • The position name
  • The company name
  • The working period
  • Responsibilities and achievements

It’s preferred to mention the position name as the position in the job description to tailor your resume to the job description.

Turn your responsibilities and tasks into achievements consider using bullet points to list your achievements and start every bullet point with an action verb.

The action verbs like designed, developed, and debugged add a sense of activeness to your resume especially when it is followed by countable achievements that will show you are a developer who makes an impact not only doing routine tasks.

How do I write a resume for Java developer with no experience?

No official gigs? No problem! you can rely on other core resume sections such as education and skills.

In addition, you can add extra resume sections and highlight personal projects, certifications, volunteering work, hobbies, interests, and language skills in your Java developer resume with no experience.

Highlight Skills, your secret weapons

Don’t let the “experience gap” trap you, your skills are valuable, regardless of experience. own your potential in your Java developer resume with no experience.

Step back to the job description and pick up the required skills, think about your skills honestly, and make a list of your skills.

Next, match your related skills to the job description and list them in your java developer resume with no experience by combining your technical skills and soft skills as well.

As a Java developer, your technical skills can include:

Programming languages: Java (JSE & JEE), Python, Spring Boot, HTML/CSS/JavaScript, and RESTful APIs.

Databases: MySQL, Oracle Database, and Microsoft SQL Server.

Frameworks: JavaServer Faces (JSF) and Spring Boot.

Go beyond coding and highlight your soft skills like problem-solving, communication, and teamwork those are valuable assets for any developer.

Enhance your Java developer resume with no experience with projects

As a Java developer, every project counts and emphasizes your ability to apply what you learned perfectly.

How do showcase diverse projects in your Java developer resume with no experience?

Write the project name, explain the technologies used, the project goals, and what you achieved with these projects, then highlight all that in your Java developer resume with no experience.

Certifications count too

Boost your credibility with relevant courses and certificates in your Java developer resume with no experience.

Feeling stuck? consider using resume builder for freshers 2024 to optimize your Java developer resume with no experience.

Master the ATS game with Resume Forrest

About 250 resume recruiters receive it every day, hard to filter all that amount of resumes manually, so a lot of organizations today use ATS software to help in the process of filtering CVs and choosing who will continue to the next level of recruiting.

In order to stand out from that crowd with a Java developer resume with no experience and pass both the ATS and the hiring managers you should have a compelling ATS-friendly resume.

That’s where Resume Forrest comes in!

Resume Forrest is the best resume builder with a lot of features that will give you the needed resume assistance to maximize your impact.

Such as helping you choose the best resume template based on your years of experience and your field.

In addition, resume Forrest gives you recommended content to add to your resume and offers you a proofreading option to end up with a perfect resume without a typo.

Besides building resumes, Resume Forrest provides you with the best Resume checker online to check your previous resume for ATS and put your hands on the weaknesses that may prevent your resume acceptance.

Fresh out of coding boot camp? No problem, Resume Forrest will assist you in crafting a Java developer resume with no experience that shines brighter than a senior’s.

Entry Level Java Developer Resume Examples

Don’t hesitate to customize this template to a Java developer resume with no experience according to your personal information.

For future updates to Java developer resume with no experience read:

Resume for software engineer internship

Entry level software engineer resume

Software Developer Resume Examples

Landing a job with a Java developer resume with no experience is challenging but now you can go out there and conquer those interviews! 

You’ve got the tools, the skills, and now the confidence to land your dream Java developer job.

In summary,

  • Tailor your Java developer resume with no experience to each job description using relevant keywords.
  • Keep refining your Java developer resume with no experience as you grow in your career
  • Network, network, network! Connect with experienced Java developers and learn from their journey.
  • No experience no problem feel confident and kick ass those interviews.

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How to List References on Resumes: Strategic Guide (With Examples)

Stephen Greet

  • The Role of References in Job Applications
  • Preparing Your Reference List
  • Showcasing References
  • Real World Examples

References in Resumes FAQs

References don’t usually live on a resume—they take up too much space and typically aren’t even needed at that stage of the application process.

Be that as it may, sometimes employers may go against the curve and ask for them straight away, and when that happens, you’ll need to rearrange your resume and make room.

Of course, the trickiest thing about references isn’t where to put them, but who to choose. In this article, we’ll show you plenty of resume templates and useful tips to help you handle references like a pro!

Understanding the Role of References in Job Applications

Understanding the Role of References in Job Applications.

When employers are searching for someone to hire, there are a lot of different steps they have to take to determine whether a candidate is both technically capable and a good fit for the company . There’s the resume, the cover letter, the interview—maybe another interview, or two, or five—and the references.

You can learn a lot about a candidate from their own words, but there are certain things you can only learn from others. That’s why employers sometimes need a few recommendations from third parties as final confirmation that a candidate is a good choice.

entry level java developer resume sample

Why include references?

References often aren’t optional. When an employer asks for them, you need to hand some over or it could greatly impact your application.

If you have prior work listed on your resume but you don’t have anyone that could act as a reference, it implies that you might have been fired, or that your manager refused to act as a reference for you. Those things can happen, but some employers may not overlook that.

Instead, it’s always best to prepare your references in advance and have them ready to send whenever the employer asks for them. This is the right way to look professional since the more experienced you are, the more people you know and the easier it is for you to get a few references.

entry level java developer resume sample

Selecting the right references

There are a few rules you need to follow when it comes to picking references. There are three main types of reference and each has different relationships to you.

  • Professional references: To list someone as a professional reference, they need to know you in a professional setting. This includes current colleagues, former colleagues, and managers. Some companies also deal with references through their HR department.
  • Academic references: These are people that you know from school and college. It can include teachers, professors, academic advisors, academic counselors, and even classmates. You usually only use academic references as a fresh graduate and replace them with professional references once you get your first job or two.
  • Character references: This type of reference can be a friend or a family member, and their role is to talk about your general character and personality. These aren’t always accepted by employers, and it’s important not to list a friend or family member if the employer explicitly asks for professional or academic references.

entry level java developer resume sample

Common mistakes to avoid

Putting your references on your resume is really something you should only do if the employer asks for it directly. Otherwise, it’s best to avoid mentioning your references too early.

For most employers, checking references comes right at the end of the application process—because it would be too much work to check references for large numbers of candidates.

That’s why there’s usually no need to put your references on your resume. Some people like to put a line at the bottom of their resume saying “References available on request.” This isn’t a terrible idea, but it’s also not that necessary.

References are a requirement during many application processes so it’s assumed that anyone applying has references—it’s not something that really needs to be announced. They’ll ask you if they want them.

Preparing Your Reference List : Step-by-Step Instructions

Preparing Your Reference List: Step-by-Step Instructions

There are a lot of things you need to think about when choosing your reference list. In this section, we’ll go over the best practices for picking references, asking permission, and formatting your reference list.

entry level java developer resume sample

Choosing appropriate references

The first thing you need to think about is how many references you need. The most common number employers ask for is two or three, so it’s a good idea to prepare at least three.

The second thing to think about is reference types. If the employer asks for a specific type such as professional, academic, or character references, it’s best to comply with that request. If they don’t specify, your safest bet is to include only professional or academic references.

Now, as for who you pick, consider the following:

  • Who they are
  • What your relationship is
  • What they’ll say about you
  • How quickly they’re likely to respond

When you list someone as a reference, employers will contact them by email or phone to ask questions about you, so it’s important that they’re easy to get in contact with. If you choose someone busy like a CEO, there’s a chance they just won’t see the email or reply to it quickly enough.

entry level java developer resume sample

How to ask for permission

Once you’ve decided who you want your references to be, you need to ask them if they’ll accept to do it. No one has to write you a reference if they don’t want to and it’s not very professional to list someone without asking them first.

You may have previously inquired whether someone could serve as your reference in the future—for instance, querying a manager upon leaving a job or a professor at graduation. However, it’s still necessary to reach out again with an email to confirm this arrangement.

In the email, include a quick reminder of who you are and how you’re acquainted, and then get straight to the point and ask if they’d be willing to be a reference for you. You can tell them a little about the opportunity you’re applying for and send your resume so they’re updated on what you’ve been doing.

One more important point is to give them room to refuse. It’s generally considered a responsibility to give references when requested—but sometimes people are busy, and you’re better off keeping them happy and primed for a different favor in the future than pushing them on this one now.

Formatting your reference list

Unlike when writing a cover letter or creating a resume , formatting a reference list is straightforward and very simple. All you need to include is:

  • The reference’s name
  • Their job title
  • The company they work for
  • Their phone number
  • Their email address

A phone call is generally more inconvenient for references to take, so feel free to write “(preferred contact)” beside the email address to encourage the employer to use that.

Below the contact information, you should also add a short reference description. This literally only needs to be one sentence, explaining who they are, how you know each other, and how long you’ve known each other. Like this:

“Terry was my manager at Meta from 2019 to 2022 when I was working as a front-end developer.”

Showcasing References : Formats and Templates

Showcasing References: Formats and Templates

There are two main ways to showcase your references: directly on your resume or on a separate sheet. In both cases, however, the format largely stays the same—just contact information and a reference description.

entry level java developer resume sample

Reference List Templates

Here are some examples of how to format your reference list:

Contact Information

Reference Name:

Reference Description:

Reference Description: (In this case, use the reference’s full name)

entry level java developer resume sample

Best practices in reference format

There isn’t really anything fancy you need to think about when it comes to reference formats. All that matters is clarity and organization. Clearly state who the reference is and provide their contact information.

One way to make the reference section match the rest of your resume (even if you’re using a separate sheet) is to use the same contact info format as you have for your own contact info at the top of your resume. By matching the order, font, bolding, and use of colons or titling, you can create a nice organized reference section that doesn’t look like it was added in a rush.

entry level java developer resume sample

Tips for digital submission of references

Submitting your references digitally is often exactly the same as submitting them physically—just take the reference document you would have printed out and simply attach it to an email instead!

Some companies may have a special application portal that you’ve been using to submit other parts of your application, and if that’s the case, there might be a tab for references. The employer will likely tell you when and how to fill it in but in most cases, it will just involve filling in a contact form with the same information you’d usually provide. Just make sure to read the instructions carefully so you can fill everything in as the employer wants it.

Real-World Examples of Effective Reference Sections

Real-World Examples of Effective Reference Sections

To help you get a feel for what these sections look like and how you can write a good reference description, take a look at these resume examples . The reference list is on the second page of each example (which is recommended; there’s no need to take up valuable real estate on a resume) and closely matches the style of the resume.

Entry-Level Job Applicant

Entry-Level Job Applicant Resume

Mid-Career Professional

Mid-Career Professional Resume

Senior-Level Executive

Senior-Level Executive Resume

Sales Manager

Sales Manager Resume

School Teacher

School Teacher Resume

Java Developer

Java Developer Resume

In almost all cases, you should avoid putting your references directly on your resume because it takes up valuable space and isn’t useful in the early stages of the application. However, if the employer asks for references with your resume, you can include them—either on the resume itself or preferably on a separate sheet.

Most employers tend to ask for two or three references, so you want to have at least three you can use. This can feel like a lot for a fresh graduate or someone lacking experience but if you’re struggling, you can use academic references, ask people from part-time jobs you’ve worked at, or people you’ve volunteered with.

Family members can be used as a character reference but character references are not always accepted by employers. The easiest way to know if you can use a family member is to look at the type of reference the employer asked for. If they say “professional” or “academic” references, it means they don’t want character references.

Writing up your reference is easy, you just need their name, job title, company, phone number, and email address. Below, you can write a brief reference description that tells the employer how you know each other and for how long. It only needs to be one sentence, so make sure not to ramble!

You should ideally have at least one reference from every job you’ve had, so every time you get a new job, find a reference there and remove the oldest one you have from the list. If you’re at your first job, it could be a good idea to find multiple people in different roles to be your references so you don’t have to rely on academic references again.

In a normal situation, the best way to send your references is as an attachment to an email, when the references are asked for. If you prepare them in advance, you can shoot them over as soon as you get the email asking for them, and this will look professional and well-organized! Basically, references are something you don’t need to worry about until they’re asked for, which makes it pretty easy!

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    Entry-Level Java Developer Resume Sample. Crafted an intuitive user interface for an internal tool using Java, increasing department efficiency by 15%. Led the optimization of a Java-based application, resulting in a 30% reduction in runtime.

  2. Entry Level Java Developer Resume Sample

    Entry Level Java Developer. 03/2008 - 04/2014. San Francisco, CA. Write clean, scalable code for our web sites, services, and applications. Work with systems analyst to collect and understand requirement and translate that into IT functional requirement and technical solution architecture blueprint. Hands on application developer with extensive ...

  3. 5 Entry-Level Java Developer Resume Examples for 2024

    Top 5 Tips for Your Entry-Level Java Developer Resume. Consider using an objective A resume objective can showcase your skills in a relevant way. For instance, explain in a couple of sentences how you're a motivated professional who maintained a 3.9 GPA over four years while growing your knowledge in Java back-end analytics.

  4. Entry Level Java Developer Resume Examples

    Professional Summary. Exceptionally focused and reliable Entry Level Java Developer with an outstanding work ethic and computer language knowledge base. Adept at explaining complex computer development concepts and processes to a variety of professional and lay audiences in a clear and accessible manner. Able to work well independently or as ...

  5. How to Write an Entry-Level Java Developer Resume (With ...

    Resume template for a Java developer. Here is a functional resume format you can use to create a strong entry-level Java developer resume: [Your name] [Address] [Phone number] [Email address] Summary. [One or two sentences to introduce yourself, your qualifications and your goals] Skills.

  6. Entry Level Java Developer Resume Example

    An Entry Level Java Developer's resume should highlight their ability to develop and test Java applications, with a focus on improving performance and user experience. It should emphasize collaboration with development teams to implement new features and increase functionality, as well as their experience in integrating Java applications with ...

  7. 9 Real Java Developer Resume Examples That Worked in 2024

    Entry-level Java developer resumes should include education near the top. However, if you boast many years of experience, education becomes far less significant and can be deprioritized toward the bottom. If you have one year of experience AND a BS, education simply doesn't matter beyond "BS in CS from the University of Location ...

  8. Best Java Developer Resume Examples for 2024

    What to include in the work experience section on an entry-level Java developer resume? Well— Don't leave it empty. Fill it up with relevant examples from your: 1. Internships. The strength of an entry-level Java developer resume depends on its experience section. Yes, it's true that internships don't get you the money.

  9. 6 Java Developer Resume Samples and Templates for 2024

    IT America Inc., Arizona City, AZ. Java Developer, September 20XX - Present. Developed and maintained 20+ web applications using Java/J2EE technologies, resulting in a 30% increase in client satisfaction. Led the revamp of legacy Java applications with Spring and Hibernate, reducing system downtime by 25%.

  10. Entry Level Java Developer Resume Samples

    Phone. +1 (555) 231 3748. Experience. Los Angeles, CA. Spencer LLC. Develop programs in languages, Tools and Databases such as Java, Java Script, SQL Server. Develop application program logic from customer-defined specifications. Design, develop, code, test, debug, document and install programs. Learn about our clients' businesses to provide ...

  11. Java Developer Resume Examples & Writing Tips (2024)

    The overall market for software developers is expected to leap 22% by 2030, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts. Entry-level Java developers can expect to earn about $80,000 to start, while experienced engineers command more than $116,000, Payscale reports.

  12. Java Developer Resume Sample + How-to Guide [2024]

    A resume summary is a 2-4 sentence paragraph that summarizes your greatest achievements and relevant work experience. Java Developer Resume Summary Example. Enthusiastic and reliable Java Developer with a strong JavaScript knowledge base. 4+ years of industry experience as part of a computer program development team.

  13. Java Developer Resume: The 2023 Guide with 10+ Examples and Samples

    Here have a look at the entry level java developer resume objective below: A detail-oriented computer software engineer possessing in-depth knowledge of Java Interfaces and Configuration Management and a sound command over J2EE, ORM tools and database, Oracle, SQL, and OC4J servers.

  14. Java Developer Resume Examples: Templates & Tips

    Java developer resume (text version) Name: Alan Zang. Chattanooga, TN 37410. (555) 555-5555. [email protected]. Professional Summary. Ambitious Java developer versed in following established procedures and working under little or no supervision. Offering technical expertise in programming analysis, application analysis and design.

  15. Java Developer Resume Sample

    Entry Level Java Developer [Sample] In entry-level Java Developer resume examples, you would normally find the following information: Analytical and problem-solving skills; Technical leadership and successful implementations; SDLC Understanding of the Systems Development Lifecycle; Work collaboratively within a Scrum/Kanban team

  16. Java Developer Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    Resume Builder offers free, HR-approved resume templates to help you create a professional resume in minutes. Start Building. 1. Craft an outstanding profile with a summary of your java developer qualifications. The profile is the first thing the hiring manager looks at when evaluating whether you're a good fit for the position, requiring ...

  17. Java Developer Resume Examples for Junior & Senior Jobs

    The first of those Sr java developer resume examples wins with numbers and accomplishments. But what about a job description for an entry-level resume? Job ad wants these Java developer skills: (1) wearables programming (2) Android Studio (3) JSP. Entry-Level Java Developer Resume Job Description [Sample] Good Example. Freelance Java Developer ...

  18. 4+ Java Developer Resume Examples [with Guidance]

    An Entry Level Java Developer's resume should highlight their ability to develop and test Java applications, with a focus on improving performance and user experience. It should emphasize collaboration with development teams to implement new features and increase functionality, as well as their experience in integrating Java applications with ...

  19. 6 Java Developer Resume Examples for 2024

    Resume Worded January 2022 - Present. Java Developer. Developed an enterprise-level microservices architecture, reducing deployment time by 40% and improving system scalability by 35%. Enhanced a legacy system by integrating Spring Boot framework, cutting system downtime by 50% and boosting client satisfaction by 25%.

  20. 7 Java Developer Resume Examples & Template

    First, Java programmer resumes (along with a Java developer cover letter) open doors. With a well-designed Java CV, you provide hiring managers with a clear summary of your experience, skills, and achievements. That helps them see that you're capable of handling the responsibilities of the roles they're filling.

  21. Java Developer Resume [Free Template to Download & Tips]

    A resume objective and summary are similar, but distinct options for introducing the rest of your resume. Either of them provides a 2-3 sentence paragraph summary of the resume. A resume summary summarizes the extensive skills, experience, and achievements of an experienced or senior java developer; A resume objective helps an entry-level or newbie java developer highlight their skills and ...

  22. Entry Level Java Developer Resume Sample

    Entry Level Java Developer, 09/2016 - 11/2016. Revature - Bellflower, CA. Updated, modified and expanded existing software programs. It was complete backend project using Web-Services. My role was to assist the team to complete project.

  23. Entry Level Java Developer Resume Sample

    Looking for entry level java developer resume examples online? Check Out one of our best entry level java developer resume samples with education, skills and work history to help you curate your own perfect resume for entry level java developer or similar profession. LiveCareer-Resume.

  24. Java Developer Resume With No Experience

    For future updates to Java developer resume with no experience read: Resume for software engineer internship. Entry level software engineer resume. Software Developer Resume Examples. Landing a job with a Java developer resume with no experience is challenging but now you can go out there and conquer those interviews!

  25. How to List References on Resumes: Strategic Guide (With Examples)

    Formatting your reference list. Unlike when writing a cover letter or creating a resume, formatting a reference list is straightforward and very simple. All you need to include is: The reference's name. Their job title. The company they work for. Their phone number.

  26. Senior Developer Resume Example (With Tips)

    Resume Sample For A Senior Developer. Here is an example of a resume for a senior developer with more than three years of experience. You can use this sample format as a reference to ensure that your resume has a clean structure, professional tone and relevant information:ContactMonika PaulPune, Maharashtra | (91) 92544 59888 | monika.paul ...