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College Admissions , Extracurriculars


Are you applying to a college or a scholarship that requires a community service essay? Do you know how to write an essay that will impress readers and clearly show the impact your work had on yourself and others?

Read on to learn step-by-step instructions for writing a great community service essay that will help you stand out and be memorable.

What Is a Community Service Essay? Why Do You Need One?

A community service essay is an essay that describes the volunteer work you did and the impact it had on you and your community. Community service essays can vary widely depending on specific requirements listed in the application, but, in general, they describe the work you did, why you found the work important, and how it benefited people around you.

Community service essays are typically needed for two reasons:

#1: To Apply to College

  • Some colleges require students to write community service essays as part of their application or to be eligible for certain scholarships.
  • You may also choose to highlight your community service work in your personal statement.

#2: To Apply for Scholarships

  • Some scholarships are specifically awarded to students with exceptional community service experiences, and many use community service essays to help choose scholarship recipients.
  • Green Mountain College offers one of the most famous of these scholarships. Their "Make a Difference Scholarship" offers full tuition, room, and board to students who have demonstrated a significant, positive impact through their community service

Getting Started With Your Essay

In the following sections, I'll go over each step of how to plan and write your essay. I'll also include sample excerpts for you to look through so you can get a better idea of what readers are looking for when they review your essay.

Step 1: Know the Essay Requirements

Before your start writing a single word, you should be familiar with the essay prompt. Each college or scholarship will have different requirements for their essay, so make sure you read these carefully and understand them.

Specific things to pay attention to include:

  • Length requirement
  • Application deadline
  • The main purpose or focus of the essay
  • If the essay should follow a specific structure

Below are three real community service essay prompts. Read through them and notice how much they vary in terms of length, detail, and what information the writer should include.

From the Equitable Excellence Scholarship:

"Describe your outstanding achievement in depth and provide the specific planning, training, goals, and steps taken to make the accomplishment successful. Include details about your role and highlight leadership you provided. Your essay must be a minimum of 350 words but not more than 600 words."

From the Laura W. Bush Traveling Scholarship:

"Essay (up to 500 words, double spaced) explaining your interest in being considered for the award and how your proposed project reflects or is related to both UNESCO's mandate and U.S. interests in promoting peace by sharing advances in education, science, culture, and communications."

From the LULAC National Scholarship Fund:

"Please type or print an essay of 300 words (maximum) on how your academic studies will contribute to your personal & professional goals. In addition, please discuss any community service or extracurricular activities you have been involved in that relate to your goals."


Step 2: Brainstorm Ideas

Even after you understand what the essay should be about, it can still be difficult to begin writing. Answer the following questions to help brainstorm essay ideas. You may be able to incorporate your answers into your essay.

  • What community service activity that you've participated in has meant the most to you?
  • What is your favorite memory from performing community service?
  • Why did you decide to begin community service?
  • What made you decide to volunteer where you did?
  • How has your community service changed you?
  • How has your community service helped others?
  • How has your community service affected your plans for the future?

You don't need to answer all the questions, but if you find you have a lot of ideas for one of two of them, those may be things you want to include in your essay.

Writing Your Essay

How you structure your essay will depend on the requirements of the scholarship or school you are applying to. You may give an overview of all the work you did as a volunteer, or highlight a particularly memorable experience. You may focus on your personal growth or how your community benefited.

Regardless of the specific structure requested, follow the guidelines below to make sure your community service essay is memorable and clearly shows the impact of your work.

Samples of mediocre and excellent essays are included below to give you a better idea of how you should draft your own essay.

Step 1: Hook Your Reader In

You want the person reading your essay to be interested, so your first sentence should hook them in and entice them to read more. A good way to do this is to start in the middle of the action. Your first sentence could describe you helping build a house, releasing a rescued animal back to the wild, watching a student you tutored read a book on their own, or something else that quickly gets the reader interested. This will help set your essay apart and make it more memorable.

Compare these two opening sentences:

"I have volunteered at the Wishbone Pet Shelter for three years."

"The moment I saw the starving, mud-splattered puppy brought into the shelter with its tail between its legs, I knew I'd do whatever I could to save it."

The first sentence is a very general, bland statement. The majority of community service essays probably begin a lot like it, but it gives the reader little information and does nothing to draw them in. On the other hand, the second sentence begins immediately with action and helps persuade the reader to keep reading so they can learn what happened to the dog.

Step 2: Discuss the Work You Did

Once you've hooked your reader in with your first sentence, tell them about your community service experiences. State where you work, when you began working, how much time you've spent there, and what your main duties include. This will help the reader quickly put the rest of the essay in context and understand the basics of your community service work.


Not including basic details about your community service could leave your reader confused.

Step 3: Include Specific Details

It's the details of your community service that make your experience unique and memorable, so go into the specifics of what you did.

For example, don't just say you volunteered at a nursing home; talk about reading Mrs. Johnson her favorite book, watching Mr. Scott win at bingo, and seeing the residents play games with their grandchildren at the family day you organized. Try to include specific activities, moments, and people in your essay. Having details like these let the readers really understand what work you did and how it differs from other volunteer experiences.

Compare these two passages:

"For my volunteer work, I tutored children at a local elementary school. I helped them improve their math skills and become more confident students."

"As a volunteer at York Elementary School, I worked one-on-one with second and third graders who struggled with their math skills, particularly addition, subtraction, and fractions. As part of my work, I would create practice problems and quizzes and try to connect math to the students' interests. One of my favorite memories was when Sara, a student I had been working with for several weeks, told me that she enjoyed the math problems I had created about a girl buying and selling horses so much that she asked to help me create math problems for other students."

The first passage only gives basic information about the work done by the volunteer; there is very little detail included, and no evidence is given to support her claims. How did she help students improve their math skills? How did she know they were becoming more confident?

The second passage is much more detailed. It recounts a specific story and explains more fully what kind of work the volunteer did, as well as a specific instance of a student becoming more confident with her math skills. Providing more detail in your essay helps support your claims as well as make your essay more memorable and unique.

Step 4: Show Your Personality

It would be very hard to get a scholarship or place at a school if none of your readers felt like they knew much about you after finishing your essay, so make sure that your essay shows your personality. The way to do this is to state your personal strengths, then provide examples to support your claims. Take some time to think about which parts of your personality you would like your essay to highlight, then write about specific examples to show this.

  • If you want to show that you're a motivated leader, describe a time when you organized an event or supervised other volunteers.
  • If you want to show your teamwork skills, write about a time you helped a group of people work together better.
  • If you want to show that you're a compassionate animal lover, write about taking care of neglected shelter animals and helping each of them find homes.

Step 5: State What You Accomplished

After you have described your community service and given specific examples of your work, you want to begin to wrap your essay up by stating your accomplishments. What was the impact of your community service? Did you build a house for a family to move into? Help students improve their reading skills? Clean up a local park? Make sure the impact of your work is clear; don't be worried about bragging here.

If you can include specific numbers, that will also strengthen your essay. Saying "I delivered meals to 24 home-bound senior citizens" is a stronger example than just saying "I delivered meals to lots of senior citizens."

Also be sure to explain why your work matters. Why is what you did important? Did it provide more parks for kids to play in? Help students get better grades? Give people medical care who would otherwise not have gotten it? This is an important part of your essay, so make sure to go into enough detail that your readers will know exactly what you accomplished and how it helped your community.

"My biggest accomplishment during my community service was helping to organize a family event at the retirement home. The children and grandchildren of many residents attended, and they all enjoyed playing games and watching movies together."

"The community service accomplishment that I'm most proud of is the work I did to help organize the First Annual Family Fun Day at the retirement home. My job was to design and organize fun activities that senior citizens and their younger relatives could enjoy. The event lasted eight hours and included ten different games, two performances, and a movie screening with popcorn. Almost 200 residents and family members attended throughout the day. This event was important because it provided an opportunity for senior citizens to connect with their family members in a way they aren't often able to. It also made the retirement home seem more fun and enjoyable to children, and we have seen an increase in the number of kids coming to visit their grandparents since the event."

The second passage is stronger for a variety of reasons. First, it goes into much more detail about the work the volunteer did. The first passage only states that she helped "organize a family event." That really doesn't tell readers much about her work or what her responsibilities were. The second passage is much clearer; her job was to "design and organize fun activities."

The second passage also explains the event in more depth. A family day can be many things; remember that your readers are likely not familiar with what you're talking about, so details help them get a clearer picture.

Lastly, the second passage makes the importance of the event clear: it helped residents connect with younger family members, and it helped retirement homes seem less intimidating to children, so now some residents see their grand kids more often.

Step 6: Discuss What You Learned

One of the final things to include in your essay should be the impact that your community service had on you. You can discuss skills you learned, such as carpentry, public speaking, animal care, or another skill.

You can also talk about how you changed personally. Are you more patient now? More understanding of others? Do you have a better idea of the type of career you want? Go into depth about this, but be honest. Don't say your community service changed your life if it didn't because trite statements won't impress readers.

In order to support your statements, provide more examples. If you say you're more patient now, how do you know this? Do you get less frustrated while playing with your younger siblings? Are you more willing to help group partners who are struggling with their part of the work? You've probably noticed by now that including specific examples and details is one of the best ways to create a strong and believable essay .

"As a result of my community service, I learned a lot about building houses and became a more mature person."

"As a result of my community service, I gained hands-on experience in construction. I learned how to read blueprints, use a hammer and nails, and begin constructing the foundation of a two-bedroom house. Working on the house could be challenging at times, but it taught me to appreciate the value of hard work and be more willing to pitch in when I see someone needs help. My dad has just started building a shed in our backyard, and I offered to help him with it because I know from my community service how much work it is. I also appreciate my own house more, and I know how lucky I am to have a roof over my head."

The second passage is more impressive and memorable because it describes the skills the writer learned in more detail and recounts a specific story that supports her claim that her community service changed her and made her more helpful.

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Step 7: Finish Strong

Just as you started your essay in a way that would grab readers' attention, you want to finish your essay on a strong note as well. A good way to end your essay is to state again the impact your work had on you, your community, or both. Reiterate how you changed as a result of your community service, why you found the work important, or how it helped others.

Compare these two concluding statements:

"In conclusion, I learned a lot from my community service at my local museum, and I hope to keep volunteering and learning more about history."

"To conclude, volunteering at my city's American History Museum has been a great experience. By leading tours and participating in special events, I became better at public speaking and am now more comfortable starting conversations with people. In return, I was able to get more community members interested in history and our local museum. My interest in history has deepened, and I look forward to studying the subject in college and hopefully continuing my volunteer work at my university's own museum."

The second passage takes each point made in the first passage and expands upon it. In a few sentences, the second passage is able to clearly convey what work the volunteer did, how she changed, and how her volunteer work benefited her community.

The author of the second passage also ends her essay discussing her future and how she'd like to continue her community service, which is a good way to wrap things up because it shows your readers that you are committed to community service for the long-term.

What's Next?

Are you applying to a community service scholarship or thinking about it? We have a complete list of all the community service scholarships available to help get your search started!

Do you need a community service letter as well? We have a step-by-step guide that will tell you how to get a great reference letter from your community service supervisor.

Thinking about doing community service abroad? Before you sign up, read our guide on some of the hazards of international volunteer trips and how to know if it's the right choice for you.

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?   We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download them for free now:

Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Vibrant Volunteer Work Essay

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Table of Contents

How To Write An Essay About Volunteer Work

Are you struggling to write an essay about volunteer work? This guide will provide you with essential tips and techniques to effectively showcase your experiences, motivations, and impact as a volunteer. Learn how to structure your essay, highlight your achievements, and convey the significance of your volunteer work. Start crafting a compelling essay that captures the essence of your volunteer journey.

Volunteer work is not only an opportunity for individuals to give back to their communities, but it also provides invaluable experiences and personal growth. When tasked with writing an essay about volunteer work, it is crucial to approach the topic with an organized and insightful mindset. By presenting a well-structured piece that effectively conveys your experiences and the impact it had on you, you can inspire others to get involved in their communities as well. In this article, we will explore the essential steps and key elements to consider when crafting an impactful essay about volunteer work.



Writing an essay about volunteer work can be a meaningful and impactful way to showcase your experiences and highlight the importance of giving back to the community. Whether it is for a scholarship application, a college admissions essay, or simply to share your story, this guide will provide you with valuable insights on how to effectively write about your volunteer work.

Understanding the Purpose

Before diving into the writing process, it is crucial to understand the purpose of your essay. Reflect on why you are writing about volunteer work and what message you want to convey to your readers. Is it to inspire others to get involved, shed light on a particular issue, or demonstrate personal growth? Clarifying the purpose will guide your writing and ensure a coherent essay.

Selecting a Relevant Experience

Choose a volunteer experience that is significant to you and aligns with the message you want to convey. It could be a long-term commitment or a one-time event, as long as it resonates with your values and showcases your dedication. Selecting a relevant experience will make your essay more authentic and engaging.

Describing the Impact

Showcase the impact your volunteer work had on both the community and yourself. Describe the positive change you witnessed, whether it was improving the lives of individuals, addressing social issues, or contributing to a cause. Also, discuss how your involvement in volunteer work has shaped your character, values, and worldview.

Highlighting Personal Growth

Discuss how your volunteer work has contributed to your personal growth and development. Share any challenges you faced, how you overcame them, and the valuable lessons you learned along the way. Emphasize how your experiences have helped you become a more compassionate, empathetic, and socially aware individual.

Connecting to Your Field of Study

If applicable, connect your volunteer work to your field of study or career aspirations. Explain how your experiences have influenced your academic or professional goals and how they have provided you with unique insights and skills. This will demonstrate your passion and dedication in making a difference within your chosen field.

Structuring Your Essay

A well-structured essay is essential for effectively conveying your message. Start with a compelling introduction that grabs the reader’s attention and clearly states your thesis statement. Then, organize your main points in separate paragraphs, each focusing on a specific aspect of your volunteer work. Finally, conclude your essay by summarizing your key points and reinforcing the overall impact of your experiences.

Adding Supporting Evidence

Support your claims and statements with specific examples and evidence from your volunteer work. Whether it is through anecdotes, statistics, or testimonials, providing supporting evidence will strengthen your arguments and make your essay more persuasive. This will also help your readers understand the significance of your volunteer work.

Editing and Proofreading

After writing your essay, take the time to edit and proofread it carefully. Check for any grammatical or spelling errors, ensure a smooth and logical flow of ideas, and verify that your essay effectively conveys your intended message. It is also beneficial to have someone else read your essay and provide feedback to ensure clarity and coherence.

Inspiring and Motivating Others

Ultimately, the purpose of writing an essay about volunteer work is to inspire and motivate others to get involved and make a difference. Use your essay as a platform to share your passion and enthusiasm for volunteerism, and encourage others to explore their own opportunities for giving back to the community. By sharing your experiences, you can create a ripple effect of positive change.

Writing an essay about volunteer work is a powerful way to articulate your experiences, growth, and impact on the community. By following these guidelines, you can effectively convey your message, inspire others, and showcase the value of volunteerism. Remember, your essay has the potential to make a lasting impression and create awareness about the importance of giving back.

When writing an essay about volunteer work, it is vital to create an engaging introduction that captures the reader’s attention. Start by emphasizing the significance of volunteerism in society, discussing how it benefits individuals and communities alike. Provide a brief overview of the specific volunteering experience you will focus on in your essay.

Research and Reflect

Before diving into the essay, take time to research and reflect on your volunteer experience. Investigate the organization you volunteered with, the work they undertake, and the impact they have on the community. Reflect on your personal motivations for volunteering and any insights gained from the experience to enrich the content of your essay.

Define Your Thesis Statement

Craft a well-defined thesis statement that will guide your entire essay on volunteer work. It should clearly state the purpose of your essay and your stance on the topic. Whether you want to emphasize personal growth obtained from volunteering or the positive impact it has on the community, make sure your thesis statement is direct, concise, and arguable.

Structure Your Essay

Ensure your essay has a logical structure that is easy to follow. Begin with an introduction that provides background information and presents your thesis statement. Follow this with body paragraphs that discuss specific aspects of your volunteer work. Each paragraph should include a topic sentence, supporting evidence or examples, and a clear transition to the next paragraph. Conclude your essay with a strong summary of your main points and a restatement of your thesis.

Showcase Your Personal Involvement

To make your essay about volunteer work compelling, draw upon your personal experiences and emotions. Include specific anecdotes from your volunteer work to highlight the challenges you faced, the impact you made, and the skills you developed. Your personal involvement will help demonstrate your commitment to the cause and engage the reader on a deeper level.

Highlight the Benefits

While sharing your personal experiences, do not forget to emphasize the broader benefits of volunteer work. Discuss how volunteering helps address social issues or improve the lives of others. Highlight the positive changes witnessed within the community as a result of your volunteer efforts. Presenting these benefits will showcase the larger impact of volunteer work and support your argument.

Connect to Future Goals

In your essay, establish connections between your volunteer work and your future goals. Explain how your volunteer experiences have shaped your aspirations, whether you aim to pursue a career in a related field or simply want to continue making a difference. Demonstrating this connection will help validate the significance of your volunteer work and showcase its lasting impact on your life.

Edit and Revise

After completing your essay, thoroughly review it for grammar, spelling, and formatting errors. Ensure your ideas flow cohesively and that your arguments are clear and concise. Read your essay aloud to identify any awkward phrasing or inconsistencies. Consider seeking feedback from peers, teachers, or writing tutors who can provide constructive criticism to further enhance the quality of your essay.

In writing an essay about volunteer work, it is crucial to adopt a professional voice and tone to effectively convey your thoughts and experiences. Below are some key points to consider:


Start with a captivating introduction that grabs the reader’s attention.

Briefly explain the importance of volunteer work and its impact on both individuals and communities.

Include a thesis statement that clearly states the purpose of your essay.

Body paragraphs:

Organize your essay into coherent paragraphs, each focusing on a specific aspect of your volunteer work.

Support your claims and statements with relevant examples and evidence.

Use descriptive language to vividly portray your experiences and convey your emotions.

Highlight the skills and personal growth you have gained through your volunteer work.

Discuss the challenges you have faced and how you have overcome them.

Explain the positive impact your volunteer work has had on the community or the target group you have served.


Summarize the main points discussed in your essay.

Reflect on the significance of your volunteer work and its lasting effects.

End with a powerful closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

Tone and language:

Adopt a professional tone throughout your essay, maintaining a balance between formality and personal reflection.

Use clear and concise language to effectively communicate your ideas.

Avoid slang or informal expressions that may undermine the professionalism of your essay.

Proofread and edit your essay to ensure proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Engaging the reader:

Consider using storytelling techniques to captivate the reader’s interest.

Include relevant statistics or facts to provide context and support your arguments.

Pose thought-provoking questions or challenges to encourage the reader’s engagement.

Ensure a logical flow of ideas between paragraphs to maintain the reader’s attention.

By following these guidelines and adopting a professional voice and tone, your essay about volunteer work will effectively convey your experiences, showcase your growth, and inspire others to engage in meaningful community service.

Thank you for visiting our blog and taking the time to read our article on how to write an essay about volunteer work. We understand that writing an essay can be a challenging task, but with the right guidance and approach, it can become an opportunity to showcase your experiences and passion for volunteering.

When it comes to writing an essay about volunteer work, it is crucial to start with a strong introduction that grabs the reader’s attention. Begin by providing a brief overview of your volunteering experience and why it is important to you. This can be followed by a clear thesis statement that highlights the main points you will discuss throughout the essay. Remember to use transition words such as firstly, in addition, or finally to create a smooth flow between your ideas.

In the body paragraphs of your essay, you should delve into the specific details of your volunteer work. It is essential to provide concrete examples and anecdotes that illustrate the impact you have made and the lessons you have learned. Whether you volunteered at a local shelter, participated in community service projects, or worked abroad, make sure to explain the significance of your actions and how they have shaped your perspective on the world.

Furthermore, it is crucial to emphasize the personal growth and development you have experienced through your volunteer work. This can include the skills you have acquired, the challenges you have overcome, and the relationships you have built. By highlighting these aspects, you will demonstrate not only your commitment to helping others but also your ability to learn and adapt in different situations.

In conclusion, writing an essay about volunteer work can be an enriching and rewarding experience. By following the tips provided in this article, we hope that you feel more confident in crafting an engaging and impactful essay. Remember to use a professional tone, incorporate transition words to enhance the flow of your ideas, and provide concrete examples to support your statements. Your essay has the potential to inspire others and showcase your dedication to making a difference in the world through volunteer work.

Thank you again for visiting our blog, and we wish you the best of luck in your writing endeavors!

People also ask about How To Write An Essay About Volunteer Work:

What should I include in an essay about volunteer work?

In your essay about volunteer work, you should include the following:

  • A brief introduction explaining the importance of volunteer work.
  • Your personal motivations for getting involved in volunteer work.
  • The specific organization or cause you volunteered for and why you chose it.
  • The activities or projects you participated in as a volunteer.
  • The impact your volunteer work had on the organization, individuals, and yourself.
  • Any challenges or obstacles you encountered during your volunteering experience and how you overcame them.
  • A conclusion summarizing the overall significance and lessons learned from your volunteer work.

How can I make my essay about volunteer work stand out?

To make your essay about volunteer work stand out, consider the following tips:

  • Choose a unique angle or perspective to present your volunteer experience.
  • Showcase specific examples and personal anecdotes that highlight your contributions and the difference you made.
  • Highlight any special skills or qualifications you gained through your volunteer work.
  • Emphasize the personal growth and positive impact your volunteer work had on you.
  • Use vivid language and descriptive details to engage the reader and create a compelling narrative.
  • Proofread and edit your essay to ensure clarity, coherence, and correct grammar.

Should I mention any challenges or difficulties faced during my volunteer work?

Yes, it is important to mention any challenges or difficulties you faced during your volunteer work. This demonstrates your resilience, problem-solving abilities, and commitment to the cause. However, make sure to focus on how you overcame these challenges and what you learned from them, rather than dwelling solely on the negative aspects.

Can I include volunteer work that I did in a different country?

Absolutely! Including volunteer work you did in a different country can add an extra layer of cultural awareness, global perspective, and diversity to your essay. It shows your willingness to step out of your comfort zone and engage with different communities and cultures.

Is it necessary to explain why I chose a specific organization for volunteering?

Yes, it is important to explain why you chose a specific organization for volunteering. By providing the reasons behind your choice, you demonstrate your thoughtfulness, alignment of values, and commitment to a particular cause. This helps the reader understand your motivations and the genuine interest you have in the organization and its mission.

Should I discuss the impact of my volunteer work on the community or individuals?

Yes, it is crucial to discuss the impact of your volunteer work on the community or individuals involved. This showcases the significance of your contributions and the positive change you helped bring about. Provide specific examples and anecdotes that illustrate the difference your volunteer work made, whether it be improving lives, raising awareness, or addressing a specific issue.

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The power of volunteerism

People the world over engage in volunteerism for a great variety of reasons: to help to eliminate poverty and to improve basic health and education, to tackle environmental issues, to reduce the risk of disasters or to combat social exclusion and violent conflict. In all of these fields, volunteerism makes a specific contribution by generating well-being for people and their communities.

Volunteers are motivated by values like those of justice, equality and freedom as expressed in the United Nations Charter. A society which supports and encourages different forms of volunteering is likely to be a society which also promotes the well-being of its citizens.

More than 1 billion people volunteer globally , the majority of them serving in their own countries. Many are in the forefront of efforts to improve the way they and their fellow citizens are governed and engaged. Moreover, volunteers are playing a vital role in making governments worldwide more accountable and responsive to their citizens.

They are working with governments and civil society to hold those in power to account and to represent the voices of those who are often left out of development decisions such as women, youth and marginalized groups. The end result is more inclusive –and ultimately more effective– development.

Volunteerism is a basic expression of human relationships. It is about people’s need to participate in their societies and to feel that they matter to others. We strongly believe that the social relationships intrinsic to volunteer work are critical to individual and community well-being. The ethos of volunteerism is infused with values such as solidarity, reciprocity, mutual trust, belonging and empowerment, all of which contribute significantly to quality of life.

Volunteerism and well-being

People the world over engage in volunteerism for a great variety of reasons: to help to eliminate poverty and to improve basic health and education, to provide safe water supply and adequate sanitation, to tackle environmental issues and climate change, to reduce the risk of disasters or to combat social exclusion and violent conflict. In all of these fields, volunteerism makes a specific contribution by generating well-being for people and their communities.

Volunteerism also forms the backbone of many national and international non-governmental organizations and other civil society organizations, as well as social and political movements. It is present in the public sector and is increasingly a feature of the private sector.

There is a widespread view today that gross domestic product (GDP) does not provide an adequate picture of a society because it does not account for the well-being of individuals and their communities. Nor does it include activities that have an economic value but that fall outside the market and therefore have not, traditionally, been reflected in national accounts.

Where mainstream economics fosters values of self-interest and competition to achieve maximum satisfaction, a focus on well-being finds greater reason to value compassion and cooperation, both core values of volunteerism. The discourse on quality of life and well-being, and its place in the evolving development paradigm, must recognize the solidarity and reciprocal values of volunteerism as part of the dynamics that enhance human wellbeing.

A healthy society is one in which importance is given to formal and informal relationships that facilitate interaction and engagement and thus engender a sense of belonging. It is also one in which there is broad participation by all sections of the population. Communities with these characteristics do better in moving forward to meet common aspirations.

Volunteers are more likely to develop civic skills, to attach more importance to serving the public interest as a personal life goal and to be more politically active. Thus, in going about their voluntary activities, individuals are also cultivating an outlook that contributes to a social environment that nurtures the well-being of all.

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65 Volunteerism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best volunteerism topic ideas & essay examples, 📌 most interesting volunteerism topics to write about, 💡 good research topics about volunteerism.

  • Importance of Volunteerism Essay A society where people volunteer and work together is always faces less problems since all the members tend to get along well and support each when they are in need.
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  • Concept of the Community Services in Modern Society Community services are defined as the services which are performed for the benefit of the society on volunteering basis. The advantages of the community services cannot be questioned, still, making such service mandatory for graduation […]
  • Volunteerism Is Important in Canada Nevertheless, there is a view that volunteering is the exploitation of free labor of workers and a waste of time since such delivery is not paid.
  • Volunteerism in Corporate America Construct validity is significant for the research which is expected to be done in this dissertation. A threat to construct validity is the reliability of a test.
  • Job Satisfaction and Employee Retention Correlates of Corporate Volunteerism The proposed sub-sample size of 200 is a prudent compromise between precision and the cost of enlarging the samples. The investigation of cause-and-effect can be projected with a reasonable degree of confidence to the universe […]
  • Addressing the Impacts of Undergraduates’ Engagement in Community Service on Stakeholders It is important to note that as much as the community and the individual stands to benefit from community service, there are various challenges facing the provision of this service in a given community.
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  • Sacrificing Time and Effort for the Good of Others: The Volunteerism
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  • The Community Outreach and Volunteerism Division at Southwest Airlines
  • The Effects of Volunteerism and Social Capital as Well as Health
  • Motivational Factors Affecting Olympic Volunteerism Among Turkish University Students
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IvyPanda. (2023, February 7). 65 Volunteerism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"65 Volunteerism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 7 Feb. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '65 Volunteerism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 7 February.

IvyPanda . 2023. "65 Volunteerism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 7, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "65 Volunteerism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 7, 2023.


IvyPanda . "65 Volunteerism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 7, 2023.

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From Passion to Action: The Joy of Volunteerism and how it Elevated my Career

  • Post author: admin
  • Post published: December 4, 2015
  • Post category: Uncategorized

By: Dr. Jonas Nguh

We see people volunteering all the time. Whether they’re visiting the elderly, delivering meals, stuffing envelopes and more. It’s obvious that volunteering helps an individual, group or organization. But let’s face it—volunteering also helps volunteers themselves. When asked the question “Why do you volunteer?” Many people refer to the old adage, “Doing good is its own reward”. Many state the main reason they volunteer is because it makes them feel good. They speak of giving back for all the blessings they’ve been given in life. Some volunteer because they are able to, and they want to help people less able. Others speak of paying it forward—doing good things so that if they are in need, someone might help them. Other more insightful and philosophical reasons are: giving hope and inspiration to those in need; showing people that there are others who care about them; and showing that there can be something good that comes out of an unfortunate situation.

While these are valid and practical reasons, they do not go far enough. The process of volunteering itself enables the individual to gain experience that they may not get elsewhere, such as building their confidence and self-esteem. Two innate qualities that motivate someone to volunteer are — an attitude to learn and experience new things, and a willingness to share one’s experiences and knowledge. Volunteering gives you a lot in return. It is all about the joy of making a difference on the one side, while receiving immense value on the other from the experience of volunteering, meeting people and learning something new.

My passion for volunteering rose out of my deep interest in networking and interacting with others to solve problems. I wanted to collaborate with peers and thus develop my sphere of influence over a period of time. From my own experience, I must say that the success of volunteering is directly proportional to the time spent on improving upon the lessons learnt. I started my volunteering journey through affiliation with local professional networks . This gave me the opportunity to meet my peers, who are involved in addressing common issues and moving an agenda forward. I also learnt that the route to learning is to listen and absorb rather than talk and convey one’s viewpoints. From these network associations, I learned about and acquired Fellow status in various professional associations that would help catapult my career and increase my professional visibility and credibility; Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), Distinguished Scholar & Fellow of the National Academies of Practice (FNAP), Nurse Executive- Advanced, Board Certified (ANCC).

This brings to mind the words of Gandhiji who said “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” There are many wonderful things that will never be done if you do not do them, and volunteering for me, is one such thing. Volunteering has helped me gain sound technical knowledge of relevant issues, helped me perfect my soft skills, gain confidence and credibility to make a good professional impact. Volunteering offered me the opportunity to extend my knowledgebase, to influence the direction of an organization/project, to network with other professionals & business leaders, and, perhaps most important, to have an impact on the next generation. Volunteering, be it to serve a term on a board/council, write an article or a chapter for a textbook, be a presenter or speaker at an industry meeting naturally requires additional time from one’s already busy schedule. For me, though, the benefits from doing so have outweighed the efforts in that it increased my awareness of professional matters as well as being a great way to network with my peers.

I joined the Education Committee of the National Blood Clot Alliance, out of a desire to improve education on this topic and a desire to develop relationships outside of my own organization. Having always had a passion for patient education, volunteering for the Education Committee enabled me to indulge that passion and brought me in contact with many other healthcare professionals many of whom are top leaders in the profession. Volunteering to me is a great way to stay current, improve my skills, expand tool sets, and gain exposure to “a broader set of topics than one may get in their current job.” .

Today, more than 20 years later, when asked the reason I initially decided to volunteer and why I continue to do so, my reasons have expanded to include the following:

Travel opportunities Sheer enjoyment of the work Joy of working with a Group of talented professionals. Maintain relationships and making new friends Networking opportunities Keeping up with practice Giving back to the profession Making a difference in the education of future healthcare professionals Years after initially volunteering, I find that the need to make a difference still matters, but it is the joy of the work and, especially, the people we meet that sustain us in our volunteer efforts. Many of the individuals that I have had the pleasure of serving with are exceptionally talented people. They care deeply about their work, and they challenge me to be my best. I have volunteered for multiple organizations, and the people I’ve met are some of the most dedicated individuals it has ever been my pleasure to know. Volunteers are individuals who have found a passion, a purpose, in their volunteer work. Through their work, they derive a sense of well-being or personal satisfaction. In short, they have found their bliss. So let me ask you. What is your passion? What is your bliss? How will you affect the lives of future generations? Whatever it is, volunteer or support it in whatever way you are able. You’ll be glad you did.

What You Gain

Leadership skills, such as agenda planning, delegating, strategic planning, decision making, and managing virtual teams Collaboration and communication skills, such as brainstorming, negotiating, and developing presentations Competitive advantage, by working on key issues facing the profession Important connections, through professional networking Direct, hands-on experience, in a controlled, supportive environment Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credit for certain volunteer activities

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Volunteering: stories of hope and experiences in cultivating good, jordan's youth dedicating their time to building a better future.

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International Volunteer Day is a day to celebrate the efforts of people who create a positive change in their communities, and work selflessly to bring about peace and development for the world. With the help of partners and donors, UNICEF provides many volunteer opportunities through its programmes in various governorates in Jordan. As many countries prepare to celebrate the efforts of volunteers around the world, volunteers in Jordan share their experiences with volunteering and talk about its impact on their personal and professional lives.



During the lockdown due to Coronavirus pandemic, Joanna found she had a lot of time in her hands, so she decided to benefit herself and to support her community. First thing she did was look for opportunities to volunteer online. She did not think it was possible and she came across “Nahno” Platform. Nahno platform, supported by UNICEF, provided Joanna with an opportunity to volunteer from home, and to assist members of the community who needed help.

"Volunteering is a human act that gives us a feeling of satisfaction because we contribute to the development of our society. Volunteering comes in various forms, including the simple things that we do in the community on a daily basis, which make a big difference, such as helping someone carry their heavy shopping bags, or cleaning garbage off the street."

Volunteering gave Joanna a better understanding of life, as she learned to look at things from a new angle. "Give volunteering a chance, regardless of the circumstances. Volunteering makes us humble, and helps us make a real impact and be part of the positive change in our society."

Before volunteering, Joanna didn't really realize the community's need for young people's hands, but after volunteering, she saw the community with a different outlook and had a greater passion for its members.

"Just like volunteering helps our communities, it also helps us. Hand in hand, we will lead our societies to a better future." Joanna

"I lost everything during the conflict in Syria, I left my belongings and my home and came to Jordan. I was psychologically tired and needed a way to get busy." Anas has suffered from the conflict in Syria, he came to Jordan with nothing in his hands but his degree in mechanical engineering and his hopes for better opportunities in life. Since his arrival, therefore, he has quickly begun to engage in various programmes to meet the needs of his family and children.

Anas found support in UNICEF’s “Maharati” Program, he became an assistant trainer and got involved in the implementation of the program, which helped him hone his skills and be part of the community. As a way to give back to the community, Anas went on to volunteer in different programs that would benefit his community and those around him.

"Volunteering gave me the opportunity to be part of the community and gave me a sense of belonging, so, it became part of my identity. I get a feeling of satisfaction every time I do a job that serves my community and my family."

Anas continued to volunteer during the Corona pandemic: "We have received full support from UNICEF to help us as volunteers transition into the online world to continue our work. I encourage young people to volunteer and help others, because just as volunteering helps others, it also helps us discover skills we didn't know we had, such as communication skills, listening, and interpersonal skills

"Volunteering makes me feel good, and it also gives young people the space to do good for the vulnerable, for free." Anas


Since the launch of Nahno platform, Ammar has participated in it because he considers it a national volunteering platform supported by UNICEF.

"Volunteering is to devote the skills and efforts of young people to serving the community in all its segments. For me, volunteering helped me get to know a lot of young volunteers who want to build a better society and put a smile on the faces of its children."

As a university student, Ammar found, through volunteering, an opportunity to develop his skills, which helped him obtain a job through networking with various programs and organizations, who considered his volunteering hours as an experience they needed to employ.

“Volunteering is a true investment, as it gives me a peace of mind and happiness.” Ammar


As a way of learning to take responsibility, Amer resorted to volunteering. For him, volunteering is one of the best ways to show a sense of social responsibility and loyalty to the community, which is "one of the secrets of my success in all aspects of life,” says Amer.

The COVID-19 pandemic affected the whole world, and many have lost their jobs and their situations of living have changed. While everyone was studying/working remotely, some have taken advantage of the online resources to start new projects and businesses or to continue their work and activities. Motivated by responsibility for his community in the face of the challenges of the Coronavirus, Amer volunteered with the National Elak w Feed campaign, a programme aimed at increasing awareness and reducing the spread of COVID-19. 

"For me, volunteering is one of the things that bring me happiness in life as it gives me a sense of belonging, and through it, I receive love and encouragement from my community. I encourage young people to volunteer because it's a way to gain the skills and experiences needed to build your professional path.” Amer

Nanci smiling at the camera

Nancy began her volunteering journey in 2005, which helped her hone her skills and pave the way for her to launch her own project. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Nancy had a unique experience with the opportunities she found online and especially through the “Nahno” platform, as it connected her with a lot of other volunteers and it pushed her to start her own volunteering project.

"Volunteering online during the pandemic has helped me overcome the distances and leave my mark everywhere. Volunteering is like planting a seed, and with time, it will grow into something beautiful. For me, because of volunteering I was inspired to start my own project." Nancy

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Why volunteer?

Benefit 1: volunteering connects you to others, benefit 2: volunteering is good for your mind and body, benefit 3: volunteering can advance your career, benefit 4: volunteering brings fun and fulfillment to your life, how to find the right volunteer opportunity, getting the most out of volunteering, volunteering and its surprising benefits.

Volunteering can help you make friends, learn new skills, advance your career, and even feel happier and healthier. Learn how to find the right volunteer opportunity for you.

essay in volunteer

With busy lives, it can be hard to find time to volunteer. However, the benefits of volunteering can be enormous. Volunteering offers vital help to people in need, worthwhile causes, and the community, but the benefits can be even greater for you, the volunteer. The right match can help you to find friends, connect with the community, learn new skills, and even advance your career.

Giving to others can also help protect your mental and physical health. It can reduce stress, combat depression, keep you mentally stimulated, and provide a sense of purpose. While it’s true that the more you volunteer, the more benefits you’ll experience, volunteering doesn’t have to involve a long-term commitment or take a huge amount of time out of your busy day. Giving in even simple ways can help those in need and improve your health and happiness.

Benefits of volunteering: 4 ways to feel healthier and happier

  • Volunteering connects you to others.
  • Volunteering is good for your mind and body.
  • Volunteering can advance your career.
  • Volunteering brings fun and fulfillment to your life.

One of the more well-known benefits of volunteering is the impact on the community. Volunteering allows you to connect to your community and make it a better place. Even helping out with the smallest tasks can make a real difference to the lives of people, animals, and organizations in need. And volunteering is a two-way street: It can benefit you and your family as much as the cause you choose to help. Dedicating your time as a volunteer helps you make new friends, expand your network, and boost your social skills.

Make new friends and contacts

One of the best ways to make new friends and strengthen existing relationships is to commit to a shared activity together. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, especially if you are new to an area. It strengthens your ties to the community and broadens your support network, exposing you to people with common interests, neighborhood resources, and fun and fulfilling activities.

Increase your social and relationship skills

While some people are naturally outgoing, others are shy and have a hard time meeting new people. Volunteering gives you the opportunity to practice and develop your social skills, since you are meeting regularly with a group of people with common interests. Once you have momentum, it’s easier to branch out and make more friends and contacts.

Volunteering as a family

Children watch everything you do. By giving back to the community, you’ll show them firsthand how volunteering makes a difference and how good it feels to help other people and animals and enact change. It’s also a valuable way for you to get to know organizations in the community and find resources and activities for your children and family.

Volunteering provides many benefits to both mental and physical health.

Volunteering helps counteract the effects of stress, anger, and anxiety. The social contact aspect of helping and working with others can have a profound effect on your overall psychological well-being. Nothing relieves stress better than a meaningful connection to another person. Working with pets and other animals has also been shown to improve mood and reduce stress and anxiety.

Volunteering combats depression. Volunteering keeps you in regular contact with others and helps you develop a solid support system, which in turn protects you against depression.

Volunteering makes you happy . By measuring hormones and brain activity, researchers have discovered that being helpful to others delivers immense pleasure. Human beings are hard-wired to give to others. The more we give, the happier we feel.

[Read: Cultivating Happiness]

Volunteering increases self-confidence. You are doing good for others and the community, which provides a natural sense of accomplishment. Your role as a volunteer can also give you a sense of pride and identity. And the better you feel about yourself, the more likely you are to have a positive view of your life and future goals.

Volunteering provides a sense of purpose. Older adults, especially those who have retired or lost a spouse, can find new meaning and direction in their lives by helping others. Whatever your age or life situation, volunteering can help take your mind off your own worries, keep you mentally stimulated, and add more zest to your life.

Volunteering helps you stay physically healthy. Studies have found that those who volunteer have a lower mortality rate than those who do not. Older volunteers tend to walk more, find it easier to cope with everyday tasks, are less likely to develop high blood pressure, and have better thinking skills. Volunteering can also lessen symptoms of chronic pain and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Speak to a Licensed Therapist

BetterHelp is an online therapy service that matches you to licensed, accredited therapists who can help with depression, anxiety, relationships, and more. Take the assessment and get matched with a therapist in as little as 48 hours.

I have limited mobility—can I still volunteer?

People with disabilities or chronic health conditions can still benefit greatly from volunteering. In fact, research has shown that adults with disabilities or health conditions ranging from hearing and vision loss to heart disease, diabetes or digestive disorders all show improvement after volunteering.

Whether due to a disability, a lack of transportation, or time constraints, many people choose to volunteer their time via phone or computer. In today’s digital age, many organizations need help with writing, graphic design, email, and other web-based tasks. Some organizations may require you to attend an initial training session or periodical meetings while others can be conducted completely remotely. In any volunteer situation, make sure that you are getting enough social contact, and that the organization is available to support you should you have questions.

If you’re considering a new career, volunteering can help you get experience in your area of interest and meet people in the field. Even if you’re not planning on changing careers, volunteering gives you the opportunity to practice important skills used in the workplace, such as teamwork, communication, problem solving, project planning, task management, and organization. You might feel more comfortable stretching your wings at work once you’ve honed these skills in a volunteer position first.

Teaching you valuable job skills

Just because volunteer work is unpaid does not mean the skills you learn are basic. Many volunteering opportunities provide extensive training. For example, you could become an experienced crisis counselor while volunteering for a women’s shelter or a knowledgeable art historian while donating your time as a museum docent.

[Read: Finding the Right Career]

Volunteering can also help you build upon skills you already have and use them to benefit the greater community. For instance, if you hold a successful sales position, you can raise awareness for your favorite cause as a volunteer advocate, while further developing and improving your public speaking, communication, and marketing skills.

Gaining career experience

Volunteering offers you the chance to try out a new career without making a long-term commitment. It is also a great way to gain experience in a new field. In some fields, you can volunteer directly at an organization that does the kind of work you’re interested in. For example, if you’re interested in nursing, you could volunteer at a hospital or a nursing home.

Your volunteer work might also expose you to professional organizations or internships that could benefit your career.

When it comes to volunteering, passion and positivity are the only requirements

While learning new skills can be beneficial to many, it’s not a requirement for a fulfilling volunteer experience. Bear in mind that the most valuable assets you can bring to any volunteer effort are compassion, an open mind, a willingness to pitch in wherever needed, and a positive attitude.

Volunteering is a fun and easy way to explore your interests and passions. Doing volunteer work you find meaningful and interesting can be a relaxing, energizing escape from your day-to-day routine of work, school, or family commitments. Volunteering also provides you with renewed creativity, motivation, and vision that can carry over into your personal and professional life.

[Read: Building Better Mental Health]

Many people volunteer in order to make time for hobbies outside of work as well. For instance, if you have a desk job and long to spend time outdoors, you might consider volunteering to help plant a community garden, walk dogs for an animal shelter, or help out at a children’s camp.

There are numerous volunteer opportunities available. The key is to find a position that you would enjoy and are capable of doing. It’s also important to make sure that your commitment matches the organization’s needs. Ask yourself the following:

  • Would you like to work with adults, children, animals, or remotely from home?
  • Do you prefer to work alone or as part of a team?
  • Are you better behind the scenes or do you prefer to take a more visible role?
  • How much time are you willing to commit?
  • What skills can you bring to a volunteer job?
  • What causes are important to you?

Consider your interests

You will have a richer and more enjoyable volunteering experience if you first take some time to identify your goals and interests. Think about why you want to volunteer. What would you enjoy doing? The opportunities that match both your goals and your interests are most likely to be fun and fulfilling.

What are your volunteering goals?

To find a volunteer position that’s right for you, look for something that matches your personality, skills, and interests. Ask yourself if there is something specific you want to do or achieve as a volunteer.

For example, you might want to:

  • Improve your neighborhood.
  • Meet new people with different outlooks or experiences.
  • Try something new.
  • Do something rewarding with your spare time.
  • See new places or experience a different way of living.
  • Try a new type of work that you might want to pursue as a full-time job.
  • Expand on your interests and hobbies.

Consider several volunteer possibilities

Don’t limit yourself to just one organization or one specific type of job. Sometimes an opportunity looks great on paper, but the reality is quite different. Try to visit different organizations and get a feel for what they are like and if you click with other staff and volunteers.

Where to find volunteer opportunities

  • Community theaters, museums, and monuments.
  • Libraries or senior centers.
  • Service organizations such as Lions Clubs or Rotary Clubs.
  • Local animal shelters, rescue organizations, or wildlife centers.
  • Youth organizations, sports teams, and after-school programs.
  • Historical restorations, national parks, and conservation organizations.
  • Places of worship such as churches or synagogues.
  • Online directories and other resources (see below).

How much time should you volunteer?

Volunteering doesn’t have to take over your life to be beneficial. In fact, research shows that just two to three hours per week, or about 100 hours a year, can confer the most benefits—to both you and your chosen cause. The important thing is to volunteer only the amount of time that feels comfortable to you. Volunteering should feel like a fun and rewarding hobby, not another chore on your to-do list.

You’re donating your valuable time, so it’s important that you enjoy and benefit from your volunteering. To make sure that your volunteer position is a good fit:

Ask questions. You want to make sure that the experience is right for your skills, your goals, and the time you want to spend. Sample questions for your volunteer coordinator might address your time commitment, if there’s any training involved, who you will be working with, and what to do if you have questions during your experience.

Make sure you know what’s expected. You should be comfortable with the organization and understand the time commitment. Consider starting small so that you don’t over commit yourself at first. Give yourself some flexibility to change your focus if needed.

Don’t be afraid to make a change. Don’t force yourself into a bad fit or feel compelled to stick with a volunteer role you dislike. Talk to the organization about changing your focus or look for a different organization that’s a better fit.

If volunteering overseas, choose carefully. Some volunteer programs abroad can cause more harm than good if they take much-needed paying jobs away from local workers. Look for volunteer opportunities with reputable organizations.

Enjoy yourself. The best volunteer experiences benefit both the volunteer and the organization. If you’re not enjoying yourself, ask yourself why. Is it the tasks you’re performing? The people you’re working with? Or are you uncomfortable simply because the situation is new and unfamiliar? Pinpointing what’s bothering you can help you decide how to proceed.

VolunteerMatch  – Find opportunities that match your volunteer interests, from location to type of work. (VolunteerMatch)

Idealist  – Find volunteer opportunities in your local area or internationally. (Idealist)

National and Community Service  – Federal organization offering volunteer positions across the U.S. (National Service)

Volunteer  – Directory of environmental volunteer opportunities. (

U.S. Peace Corps  – Offers volunteer opportunities overseas and includes a  50 Plus  division. (Peace Corps)

American Red Cross  – Volunteer in any of the Red Cross’s key service areas. (Red Cross)

More Information

  • Simple Changes, Big Rewards - A Practical, Easy Guide for Healthy, Happy Living. (Harvard Medical School Special Health Report)
  • The Health Benefits of Volunteering: Recent Research (PDF) - Research on the benefits of volunteering, especially for seniors. (Corporation for National and Community Service)
  • The many ways volunteering is good for your heart - Includes resources for finding volunteer positions. (Harvard Health Publications)
  • 10 Tips on Volunteering Wisely - Tips to make the most of your volunteering experience. (Network for Good)
  • Carr, D. C., Kail, B. L., & Rowe, J. W. (2018). The Relation of Volunteering and Subsequent Changes in Physical Disability in Older Adults. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B , 73(3), 511–521. Link
  • Kim, E. S., Whillans, A. V., Lee, M. T., Chen, Y., & VanderWeele, T. J. (2020). Volunteering and Subsequent Health and Well-Being in Older Adults: An Outcome-Wide Longitudinal Approach. American Journal of Preventive Medicine , 59(2), 176–186. Link
  • Lawton, R. N., Gramatki, I., Watt, W., & Fujiwara, D. (2021). Does Volunteering Make Us Happier, or Are Happier People More Likely to Volunteer? Addressing the Problem of Reverse Causality When Estimating the Wellbeing Impacts of Volunteering. Journal of Happiness Studie , 22(2), 599–624. Link
  • Okun, M. A., Yeung, E. W., & Brown, S. (2013). Volunteering by older adults and risk of mortality: A meta-analysis. Psychology and Aging , 28(2), 564–577. Link
  • Salt, E., Crofford, L. J., & Segerstrom, S. (2017). The Mediating and Moderating Effect of Volunteering on Pain and Depression, Life Purpose, Well-Being, and Physical Activity. Pain Management Nursing , 18(4), 243–249. Link

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Volunteerism: My Experience by Nori

Noriof Syracuse's entry into Varsity Tutor's May 2018 scholarship contest

Volunteerism: My Experience by Nori - May 2018 Scholarship Essay

Community service has become a major aspect of my life that has shaped me into who I am today. Volunteering is a way that I can give back to the world that does so much for me. There is no one way to define community service, because everyone has their own definition. However, it is not the definition itself that matters; it is what community service means to you. Is it the laughter of the special needs children when I help them bounce on the trampoline at cheer practice? Is it the squeals of the recreational cheer team that I coached when they win a competition? Maybe it is the joy on the faces of the veterans when they win a round of bingo. To me, volunteering and community service are all of these things. Volunteerism is a donation of my time in order to enhance someone’s life, even if it is only slightly. I view volunteering as a window through which I have an opportunity to change the lives of people, as well as my own. However, volunteering is not only about aiding others. It offers so much more. Through volunteering, I learned valuable community and social skills, and well as gained valuable work experience. I learned how to work with children, the elderly, and those with special needs. In addition, I learned what it is like to have a job and responsibilities. Volunteering has played in a significant role in the shaping of who I am today. Community service has been a resource for me to express myself and gain control of my life. After my father passed and my mother suffered a major stroke, leaving her permanently impaired, I sought an outlet, or an escape. I desperately needed a positive activity to take my mind off of the hardships I was experiencing. That outlet was community service. After a visit to my mother in the hospital, I would go to the public library and volunteer with their children’s activities. Seeing the overwhelming smiles of children after reading them a story made me forget about my problems at home. Volunteering has always been a way to bring joy into my life and to make my day (as well as someone else’s) a little bit better! My first significant volunteer experience was coaching a special needs cheerleading team. As a special needs coach, I had to control a group of special needs children. They struggled to do many things on their own, and looked to me to lead them. It is from this experience that I learned to be a leader. I volunteered as their coach during my freshman year of high school, and that is when my leadership skills truly began to develop. I was responsible for instructing the team on cheerleading and ensuring that they did everything safely. When they would go out and compete, they would bring tears to my eyes. I have never met such an inspiring group of kids, and it is from them that I learned that no matter what comes in my way, anything is possible if you give it your best effort, and that all hardships can be overcome. Coaching Team FIRE was not always an easy job. There were many meltdowns and times when I would want to give up. However, the joy that lit up their faces when times were good motivated me to keep going. From them, I learned perseverance. They would be elated when they successfully completed a forward roll, or learned a new dance. Every day, with their joy, they would remind me to enjoy the small things in life, and I will forever appreciate the endless giggles we’ve shared. That team made me proud and made me recognize how lucky I am to be healthy and well. They taught me that someone is always in need of help, and with my help, that person can succeed. Community service made me realize that I wanted to participate in a profession that helped people. At first, I was unsure of what I aspired to be when I grew up, but I knew one thing: I wanted to make an impact in people’s lives. I developed a love of science, and asked myself how I could help people with science. I decided that my goal was to become a forensic chemist, so I could help solve crimes. That way, if a crime was inflicted upon someone or a loved one, those people would receive justice thanks to me. I truly feel as if volunteering has helped me recognize what it is I aspire to be in the future. In addition, I have goals of participating in more volunteer work throughout my life. Volunteering is a significant way to make the world a better place and to grow as a person. I have impacted numerous lives through volunteering, and that is something that I take great pride in. Whether it was reading to children at the library, helping veterans play bingo, giving Thanksgiving meals to the less fortunate, or anything else, I made someone’s day better, and that is an amazing feeling. In addition, I have developed numerous skills through volunteer work. I feel as if I have grown significantly through my community service. Community service has shaped me into a responsible leader. I am grateful for all that volunteering has done for me.



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Topic: From what frequent activity do you derive your joy? Why is this activity meaningful to you and how does it shape your perspective on life?

My Volunteer Experience

I personally enjoy helping people with other problem they have because I always try to picture myself in another person’s shoes. I don’t enjoy watching people suffer or being unable to do certain things because I feel that it is every human’s responsibility to help those who cannot help themselves. Knowing that I can make a difference in someone’s day by just providing my assistance is very important to me because I can help bring ease to people. Volunteering to help others is where I derive my greatest joy from.

In the past few years, my volunteering experiences has allowed me to gain new perspectives on life. For example, when I volunteered at my local hospital, Nassau University Medical Center, in the summer of 2014, I was able to realize why I was such a valuable asset to a hospital as a volunteer. When I originally signed up to volunteer at the hospital, it was because I had to meet a service requirement for my school’s honor society, the Scholar Service Institute. However, after my first week of volunteering, I started to develop a love for helping people.

I realized that in the hospital, volunteers are very much needed because a hospital is a community of people working together to ensure the lives of hundreds of people. In that community of the working people, you have people such as pharmacists, who work hard to make sure that every patient gets their correct medication. However, for the pharmacists to deliver that medication to the different floors of the hospital is very time-consuming, but as a volunteer I was able to ease their job by delivering the medications to all the different floors of the hospital. Reflecting on this experience still brings me joy because I was able to help imperative people of a hospital efficiently get their job done and help patients get better with proper medication.

Another experience of volunteering is the bake sale my friends and I organized on Valentine’s Day of 2016 for Make-A-Wish foundation. We held a bake sale at the parish of our school, St. Mary’s Church. I feel that this experience was one of the most joyful volunteering experiences I was able to have. I felt that my friends and I could aid children of terminal diseases such as Lymphoma by helping them to experience some joy in their life. With the help of the funds of the $334 we raised at our bake sale, Make-A-Wish was able to grant the wishes of these ill children.

Whenever I volunteer, I never think of the personal benefits I will get. I always consider how others will benefit from my assistance. The pleasure of knowing that my assistance in the lives of others can make a difference is all the convincing I need to get out and volunteer.

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