A Level Geography Case Studies: contemporary examples

Give strength to your answers with case studies.

Case Studies are an important part of A Level Geography, as they help to exemplify your answers and show your application of geographical theory into real-world examples. Expand your knowledge and examples with Study Geography.

A Level Geography Case Studies

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Utilising contemporary examples in an essay demonstrates thorough knowledge and gets higher marks.

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If you’re an A Level Geography student, you know how important it is to have a deep understanding of natural and human events in order to unlock higher marks. That’s where our A Level Geography case studies come in – providing you with the in-depth insights and examples that help you develop your answers.

Our A Level Geography case studies cover a wide range of topics, from coasts to changing places, and are designed to help you develop a clear understanding of examples of geography in action. We provide detailed analysis, key facts, and applications to theory to help you deepen your understanding and retain critical information.

Plus, with our easy-to-navigate platform, you can access all of our case studies whenever and wherever you need them, whether you’re studying at home or on-the-go. They’re available within our Course resources, and can be easily found within their respective topics.

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A Level Geography Audio Notes

Geography Case Study

Geography case study, 1. introduction.

In the realm of Geography Education , case studies serve as potent tools to immerse students in real-world scenarios, fostering a deep understanding of geographical concepts and their practical applications. This template outlines the essential components for crafting a compelling geography case study that engages learners and facilitates effective learning outcomes.

2. Background Information

2.1 overview of the geographic context.

This section provides a concise description of the geographical setting or phenomenon under study. It includes details such as location, climate, topography, cultural aspects, and relevant historical background.

2.2 Objectives and Scope

Clearly define the objectives of the case study and outline the scope of analysis. Specify the key questions or issues that the case study aims to address, guiding the reader towards the central themes of the study.

3. Methodology

3.1 data collection methods.

Detail the methods employed to gather relevant data for the case study. This may include field observations, surveys, interviews, GIS (Geographic Information Systems) analysis, satellite imagery analysis, or archival research.

3.2 Data Analysis Techniques

Explain the analytical techniques utilized to interpret and analyze the collected data. This could involve quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis, spatial analysis, statistical modeling, or a combination of these approaches.

4. Case Study Presentation

4.1 case description.

Present a comprehensive description of the case study scenario, providing contextual information and highlighting key geographical features, challenges, or phenomena.

4.2 Analysis and Findings

Discuss the findings of the case study analysis, focusing on insights gained, patterns identified, and conclusions drawn regarding the geographical context or issue under examination.

4.3 Lessons Learned

Reflect on the lessons learned from the case study, emphasizing the practical implications for geography education, real-world applications, and potential strategies for addressing similar challenges or situations.

5. Conclusion

Summarize the key findings, implications, and recommendations derived from the case study. Highlight the significance of integrating case studies into geography education to enhance students' ability to navigate complex geographical issues and contribute meaningfully to society.

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Case Study Templates @ Template.net

geography case study template

Examples, Detailed Examples and Case Studies

Throughout the Geography Guide there are references to 'examples', 'detailed examples', and 'case studies' but what do these mean and where can they be found?

  • Collect a copy of the Geography Guide and write a definition for an example, a detailed example, and a case study.
  • Read through the Freshwater aspect of the Geography Guide. When you come across a reference to either an example, a detailed example or a case study write the syllabus point in a copy of the table below.
  • Using the Freshwater unit on geogalot, find the relevant syllabus point that you have referenced in your table and record the name of the place and whether it is an example, a detailed example or a case study.
  • Using your notes, fill in the detail section of the table for the relevant example, detailed example, or case study. Don't forget to include the data.
  • Collect a piece of A4 or A3 paper and a set of coloured pens.
  • Click on the link to take you to the Freshwater questions - Extended Answer Questions
  • Choose a question and write in a colour on your paper.
  • Mind map which examples/ detailed examples/ case studies which relate to place that you could use to aid your arguments for that question. Within the mind map write down the specific elements of the example of place that you would include.
  • Using a different coloured pen - justify your choice of place.

geography case study template

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geography case study template

A Level Geography: Case Studies and Exam Tips

geography case study template

A-Level Geography is a challenging and rewarding subject that explores the dynamic relationships between people and their environments. The curriculum often includes the study of case studies to illustrate key concepts and geographical theories. In this article, we'll delve into the importance of case studies in A-Level Geography and provide exam tips to help you excel in this subject.

 The Significance of Case Studies in A-Level Geography

Case studies are essential in A-Level Geography for several reasons:

1. Illustrating Concepts: 

Case studies provide real-world examples that illustrate the geographical concepts and theories covered in the curriculum. They make abstract ideas tangible and relatable.

2. Application of Knowledge: 

Case studies offer opportunities for students to apply their geographical knowledge and analytical skills to specific situations. This application enhances understanding.

3. Contextual Learning: 

Case studies allow students to explore the complex and dynamic interactions between people and their environments in specific contexts. This contextual understanding is at the heart of geography.

4. Exam Requirement: 

In A-Level Geography exams, you are often required to use case studies to support your arguments and analysis. Having a repertoire of case studies at your disposal is crucial for success.

 Selecting and Using Case Studies

Here's how to select and effectively use case studies in your A-Level Geography studies and exams:

1. Diverse Selection: 

Choose a range of case studies that cover different geographical contexts, themes, and issues. This diversity will prepare you for various exam questions.

2. Local and Global: 

Include both local and global case studies. Local examples may provide opportunities for fieldwork, while global case studies allow you to explore international perspectives.

3. Relevance to the Curriculum: 

Ensure that your case studies align with the topics and themes covered in your A-Level Geography course. They should be relevant to your exam syllabus.

4. In-Depth Understanding: 

Study your selected case studies in-depth. Familiarize yourself with the geographical context, key facts, statistics, and relevant theories and concepts.

5. Interdisciplinary Approach: 

Recognize that geography often intersects with other subjects like environmental science, economics, and sociology. Explore how these interdisciplinary aspects come into play in your case studies.

6. Regular Review: 

Periodically review and update your case studies to ensure you have the most recent data and information. Geography is a dynamic field, and changes can occur over time.

 Exam Tips for A-Level Geography

Here are some tips to help you succeed in your A-Level Geography exams:

1. Practice Essay Writing: 

Geography exams often require essay-style responses. Practice writing coherent and well-structured essays that incorporate case studies effectively.

2. Master Map Skills: 

Geography exams may include map interpretation and analysis. Develop your map-reading skills to excel in this section.

3. Use Case Studies Wisely: 

When using case studies in your exam, ensure they are relevant to the question and directly support your argument. Avoid including irrelevant details.

4. Time Management: 

Manage your time wisely during the exam. Allocate specific time slots for each section or question and stick to the schedule.

5. Understand Command Terms: 

Be familiar with the command terms used in geography questions, such as "explain," "discuss," and "evaluate." Tailor your responses accordingly.

6. Practice Past Papers: 

Work through past exam papers to get a sense of the format and types of questions that may appear in your A-Level Geography exams.

7. Seek Feedback: 

If possible, ask your teacher or a peer to review your practice essays and provide feedback. Constructive feedback can help you refine your writing and analysis skills.

8. Stay Informed: 

Keep up with current geographical events and developments. This knowledge can be invaluable in your essays and discussions.


A-Level Geography is a subject that bridges the gap between the natural and social sciences, offering a comprehensive view of the world. Case studies are pivotal in this field, providing practical examples that support your learning and exam performance. By selecting diverse and relevant case studies, studying them thoroughly, and practicing effective essay writing and map skills, you can navigate A-Level Geography with confidence and success.

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Anthony Bennett

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Case study: Urban problems in New York City

By Matt Burdett, 27 June 2019.

In this article, we look at the incidence of poverty, deprivation and informal activity (housing and industry) in urban areas at varying stages of development

New York City: A brief introduction

New York, New York – not just so nice they named it twice, but in reality because New York the city is in New York the state. This page uses ‘New York’ to refer to the city, not the state.

New York began as New Amsterdam, a colony of the Dutch, who lost it in 1664 to the British ( History.Com, 2010 ). Over the next three hundred years, the city became ever more important as a port and as a magnet for migrants from Europe and the rest of the world, resulting in modern New York being one of the most globalised cities in the world.

Today, New York is part of a conurbation, surrounded by other urbanised areas including New Jersey and the rest of Long Island. It is made up of five districts (see map below) with a population of 8.2 million ( NYC Planning, 2017 ).

geography case study template

  • New York City’s five boroughs. Source: Rodrigo.Argenton, 2015 .

Poverty, deprivation, informal housing and informal industry

Although few people in New York live in absolute poverty, defined as “a condition where household income is below a necessary level to maintain basic living standards (food, shelter, housing)”, there is widespread relative poverty, which is defined as “a condition where household income is a certain percentage below median incomes” ( Pettinger, 2017 ). In 2016, around 20% of New Yorkers lived in poverty, with around 46% living in near-poverty ( NYC Mayor’s Office, 2018 ). This is partly due to the very high incomes of a minority of New Yorkers which skews the data; however, it is also due to the higher costs of living in New York compared to other US cities which means the boundary for being in relative poverty is higher than elsewhere, so more people fit under it.

geography case study template

  • Poverty rates in New York City. Source: NYC Mayor’s Office, 2018, p13

geography case study template

  • Patterns of poverty in New York City. Source: NYC Mayor’s Office, 2018, p30

The reasons for this variation in poverty in space and time are contested. The spatial variation is likely to be due to a combination of factors which are linked to social deprivation, lack of education and healthcare, lack of affordable housing, crime and social problems, and so on. The apparent decrease over time has been credited by the mayor’s office to projects such as Homeless Outreach and Mobile Engagement Street Action Teams (HOME-STAT), the New York City ‘Rent Freeze’ Programme, and programmes such as paid family leave and paid sick leave. However, some critics have claimed it is because the poorest people are leaving the city due to high rent for housing ( Toure, 2018 ).


Deprivation relates to lack of person’s access to the things that people in a society consider to be normal, such as diet, clothing, housing, as well as healthcare, education and recreation, among many others ( Mack, 2016 ). Across New York, there are patterns of deprivation.

Deprivation: Lack of access to healthcare

For example, in terms of health insurance, in 2014 a report by the New York City Comptroller found that around 10% of the population were uninsured, and that these people were largely found in the same places where poverty was highest.

geography case study template

  • Uninsured NYC residents, 2014. Source: Brooklyn Reader, 2015 .

This lack of health insurance is compounded by the lack of public health providers. People without health insurance were forced to use free clinics at hospitals where they would be treated for all their health concerns. However, 16 hospitals, including 4 in Brooklyn, closed between 2003 and 2017 ( Ford, 2017 ). One of the results of this lack of access to healthcare has been a pattern of life expectancy that varies in the city, and of the cause of death also varying. Diseases of affluence, such as heart disease and cancer, kill people in the wealthier areas of the city while diseases of poverty, such as diabetes and hepititis, kill more people in the poorer areas – but, this is likely because people in the wealthier areas avoid deaths from treatable diseases, and eventually they die of something else.

geography case study template

  • Source: US Department of Health, via Rizzi, 2017 .

Informal housing

The Department of Housing Preservation and Development is the government department responsible for housing in New York City. Historically, New York had poor quality housing, but this was mostly removed in the 1920s and 1930s ( Garcia, 2012 ). Informal housing doesn’t exist in New York in the same way that it does in Nairobi, for example. However, there is evidence of informal housing in other forms, such as:

  • Squats: Abandoned housing is taken over by squatters
  • Lofts: Informal and unofficial rooftop dwellings are added to buildings
  • Illegal conversions: Buildings that were not designed for housing (and often don’t have the required infrastructure such as adequate bathrooms) are converted to housing without permission from the authorities

These informal housing types are the living spaces for the same marginalised groups of people that are found in lower income countries, especially new and impoverished migrants ( Waldrep, 2014 ). However, there is very little information about the distribution of such informal housing, nor the amount. With several government programmes for affordable housing ( NYC HPD, n.d. ) along with tight regulation of the construction industry, the spread of informal housing is kept in check. Around 62,000 people who cannot find a place to live are instead forced to sleep in homeless shelters. Those who cannot access the shelters sleep on streets, subway trains and other public spaces, but there are no accurate figures on this ( Coalition for the Homeless, 2018 ).

Informal industry

Informal industry in New York City is not common. There is no significant informal heavy industry or even light manufacturing. As with all large cities, there is a signifacant informal service sector. People work as maids, casual labourers, and so on. The patterns of informal industry fit the HIC description in the page on this site ‘Urban poverty, deprivation and informal activity’.

Brooklyn Reader, 2015. Comptroller’s Report on Healthcare: Number of Uninsured NY’ers Drops Only 2 Percent; Higher Enrollment Still Needed. https://www.bkreader.com/2015/11/comptroller-healthcare-report-number-of-uninsured-nyers-drops-2-percent-higher-enrollment-still-needed/

Coalition for the Homeless, 2018. New York City Homelessness: The Basic Facts. http://www.coalitionforthehomeless.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/NYCHomelessnessFactSheet-3-2018_citations.pdf

Ford, 2017. Hospital Closures and Medicaid Shifts Took Toll on NYC’s Health. https://citylimits.org/2017/01/04/hospital-closures-and-medicaid-shifts-took-toll-on-nycs-health/

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Free Case Study Templates

By Kate Eby | February 28, 2024

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We've collected free marketing case study templates for marketing managers, project coordinators, business strategists, and sales teams. Use these templates to organize and showcase your case studies for problem-solving and data analysis.

Simple Case Study Template

Simple Case Study Example Template

Download a Sample Simple Case Study Template for  Microsoft Word | Adobe PDF | Google Docs  

Download a Blank Simple Case Study Template for  Microsoft Word | Adobe PDF | Google Docs  

When to Use This Template:  This simple case study template available with or without sample copy has a straightforward, user-friendly format. It's ideal for junior marketers or entry-level associates who are just starting to write case studies. This template is also perfect for situations that require a quick, clear understanding of the basics.

Notable Template Features:  This simple case study template sports an easy-to-follow structure, focusing on the essentials without overwhelming the user with complex details. It features fundamental sections such as  Introduction, Challenge, Solution, and  Results , laid out in an intuitive, no-frills manner. 

While a marketing case study template showcases strategy outcomes, a  business case template evaluates broader business impacts.

Single-Slide Case Study Presentation Template

Single-Slide Case Study Presentation Example Template

Download a Sample Single-Slide Case Study Presentation Template for  PowerPoint | Google Slides  

Download a Blank Single-Slide Case Study Presentation Template for PowerPoint | Google Slides  

When to Use This Template:   Ideal for sales representatives and quick-paced meetings, use  this single-slide case study presentation template to deliver a concise yet impactful presentation.

Notable Template Features:  The standout feature of this template is its ability to condense the entire case study into one slide. If you want some guidance on formatting, download the template with sample copy. This template differs from more elaborate versions by focusing on essential elements such as the problem, solution, and results.

Case Study Report Template

Case Study Report Example Template

Download a Sample Case Study Report Template for  Microsoft Word | Google Docs  

Download a Blank Case Study Report Template for  Microsoft Word | Google Docs  

When to Use This Template:  Choose this case study report template when you need to create an in-depth, detailed analysis of a marketing case. It's especially useful for marketing managers and product managers who need to delve into extensive data analysis and provide a thorough overview of their findings. 

Notable Template Features:  The defining feature of this template — available with or without sample copy — is its detailed and comprehensive structure, which sets it apart from simpler formats. It facilitates an examination of complex cases, providing ample space for data presentation, detailed analyses, and in-depth discussions. This template is ideal for producing clear, professional, and exhaustive reports that cover every aspect of the case study in depth.

Data-Driven Case Study Template

Data-Driven Case Study Example Template

Download a Sample Data-Driven Case Study Template for  Excel | Microsoft Word | Google Docs  

Download a Blank Data-Driven Case Study Template for  Excel | Microsoft Word | Google Docs  

When to Use This Template:  Utilize the data-driven case study template — available with or without example copy — to showcase the measurable outcomes and analytics of a case study. The template is ideal for marketers and analysts who want to emphasize the quantitative results and data-backed aspects of their strategies and campaigns. 

Notable Template Features:  This template emphasizes data visualization and metrics. It incorporates graphs, charts, and tables to present for a clear and detailed presentation of statistical information. Its strength lies in transforming complex data sets into understandable, visually engaging formats.

Marketing Case Study Template

Marketing Case Study Example Template

Download a Sample Marketing Case Study Template for  Microsoft Word | Google Docs  

Download a Blank Marketing Case Study Template for  Microsoft Word | Google Docs 

When to Use This Template:  Turn to this marketing case study template to showcase marketing strategies, campaigns, and their outcomes. It’s particularly well suited for marketing managers, sales representatives, and content creators who aim to clearly illustrate the impact and success of their marketing efforts. 

Notable Template Features:  What sets this template apart is its focus on the storytelling aspects of marketing. Download the version with sample data to see how to structure the section on your company details, the challenge, and the solution.

One-Page Case Study Template

One-Page Case Study Example Template

Download a Sample One-Page Case Study Template for  Microsoft Word | Google Docs

Download a Blank One-Page Case Study Template for  Microsoft Word | Google Docs

When to Use This Template:  Choose this one-page case study template to deliver a powerful message quickly and succinctly. The template is ideal for sales representatives and marketing managers who need to present a compelling, brief summary of a case study when time is limited and the impact is crucial, such as in sales pitches or high-stakes meetings.

Notable Template Features:  The hallmark of this template is its streamlined, one-page format, which sets it apart from more extensive options. Download the version with example text to see how it distills the case study into key highlights and results, presented in an easy-to-digest format. 

Check out this  article featuring free Google Docs case study templates for more options.

Problem-Solution-Impact Case Study Template

Problem-Solution-Impact Case Study Example Template

Download a Sample Problem-Solution-Impact Case Study Template for  Microsoft Word | PowerPoint | Google Docs

Download a Blank Problem-Solution-Impact Case Study Template for  Microsoft Word | PowerPoint | Google Docs  

When to Use This Template:  This problem-solution-impact case study template is effective for projects where you need to delineate a specific problem, outline the applied solutions, and discuss the subsequent effects. Download the version with sample text to see how to use the template to craft a case study with a logical flow and clear outcome. 

Notable Template Features:  This template's distinctive feature is its structured approach, dividing the case study into  Problem, Solution,  and Impact  sections. Unlike templates that might blend these elements together, this one provides a distinct, sequential framework.

In-Depth Analysis Case Study Template

In-Depth Analysis Case Study Example Template

Download a Sample In-Depth Analysis Case Study Template for  Microsoft Word | Adobe PDF | Google Docs  

Download an Blank In-Depth Analysis Case Study Template for  Microsoft Word | Adobe PDF | Google Docs  

When to Use This Template:  Deploy this in-depth analysis case study template and delve into a complex case study. It's perfect for situations where a thorough understanding and comprehensive analysis of all aspects of the case are needed, such as in research-heavy projects, detailed marketing strategy reviews, or complex product development scenarios.

Notable Template Features:  This template — available with or without sample data — has an expansive and detailed structure. Use the  In-Depth Analysis section to thoroughly explore the various facets of the case, including situation analysis, stakeholder analysis, and a deep dive into relevant data and evidence. Unlike simpler templates, this one offers a platform for comprehensive dissection and examination of intricate case studies, providing space for a detailed problem-specific analysis (such as  SWOT or PESTLE).

Testimonial-Based Case Study Template

Testimonial-Based Case Study Example Template

Download a Sample Testimonial-Based Case Study Template for Microsoft Word | Adobe PDF | Google Docs  

Download a Blank Testimonial-Based Case Study Template for Microsoft Word | Adobe PDF | Google Docs  

When to Use This Template:  Utilize this testimonial-based case study template to emphasize the real-world impact and customer satisfaction of your service or product, especially in scenarios where customer experiences and endorsements are crucial. This template is ideal when you have strong, positive feedback from clients that can illustrate the benefits of your offerings. 

Notable Template Features:  This template focuses on customer testimonials. Unlike other case study formats, this one dedicates a significant portion to showcasing direct quotes and stories from clients. The sample-text version includes real-life examples and endorsements, demonstrating the practical benefits and satisfaction of your clients.

Key Elements in a Case Study Template

The key elements in a case study template include a clear title, executive summary, background information, and problem statement. They also cover objectives, solutions, results, and lessons learned to help you create a complete, engaging story of a project's success.  

The following elements help to structure a case study:   

  • Title:  Add a concise and informative title that captures the essence of the case study. 
  • Executive Summary:  Provide a brief overview of the case study, summarizing the problem, solution, and results. 
  • Background Information: Include detailed context about the company, situation, or environment relevant to the case study. 
  • Problem Statement:  Clearly define the challenge or issue addressed.
  • Objectives: Outline what the case study aims to achieve or resolve. 
  • Methodology or Approach: Describe the methods or strategies used to address the problem. 
  • Solution: Detail the specific actions taken or solutions implemented to solve the problem. 
  • Results: Provide quantifiable outcomes and data showing the impact of the solution.
  • Analysis: Write a critical examination of the solution's effectiveness and the achieved results. 
  • Visuals (Charts, Graphs, Images): These visuals should help viewers understand complex data and break up text-heavy content. 
  • Testimonials/Quotes: Add credibility with direct quotes from clients, customers, or team members involved. 
  • Challenges and Limitations: Discuss any obstacles faced during the project and how they were overcome. 
  • Lessons Learned: Include any insights or knowledge gained from the experience. 
  • Conclusion:  Summarize the main points, and restate the significance of the case study. 
  • Call to Action (CTA):  Add content to encourage the audience to take a specific action, such as contacting the company or learning more about a service.

Types of Case Study Templates

Case study templates include single-slide overviews for quick summaries, in-depth analysis for detailed exploration, and customer testimonial templates that track the user's experience. Others focus on comparing strategies, showcasing data-driven results, and more. 

Here’s a list of case study templates:   

  • Single-Slide Overview Case Study Template: Ideal for quick summaries, this template condenses the entire case study onto one slide, highlighting the problem, solution, and results. 
  • In-Depth Analysis Case Study Template: Designed for detailed exploration, this template type has sections for background, market analysis, strategy implementation, and results. 
  • Problem-Solution-Results Case Study Template: Structured around identifying a challenge, detailing the solution, and showcasing the outcomes, use this template when you want to take a narrative approach. 
  • Data-Driven Case Study Template: Use this template to emphasize quantitative results and include charts and graphs to illustrate key metrics and successes.
  • Testimonial-Based Case Study Template: This option uses customer reviews and testimonials to highlight real-world applications and satisfaction.

Streamline and Collect All the Elements Needed for a Case Study with Smartsheet

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Canada Geography Case Studies 10-Lesson Bundle (No. 2)

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This is a great-value lesson bundle of 10 flexible reading comprehension-based lessons based on Canada Geography Case Studies.

When students study the Geography syllabus "Canada Geography Case Studies," they will embark on a multifaceted exploration of Canada's diverse geographical landscapes and socio-economic dynamics. Through a series of case studies, students will delve into key geographical phenomena and their implications for regional development, environmental sustainability, and social cohesion.

From the iconic Niagara Falls to the burgeoning tech industry in the Waterloo Region, students will examine the intricate interplay between human activities and natural environments. They will analyze the role of tourism in shaping the economy and ecology of Niagara Falls, while also evaluating the social and cultural impacts on local communities.

Similarly, students will investigate the growth of the tech industry in Waterloo, assessing its economic significance and the potential challenges of establishing the region as a tech hub. Language dynamics in Montreal, the Trans-Canada Highway's role in national connectivity, and agricultural practices in the Canadian Prairies are among the other topics students will explore.

Learners will critically analyze the socio-economic and environmental implications of these phenomena, considering factors such as historical context, policy interventions, and stakeholder perspectives. Through this comprehensive study, students will gain a deeper understanding of Canada's geographical diversity and the complex interactions between human societies and the natural world. They will develop critical thinking skills, geographical literacy, and an appreciation for the interconnectedness of global and local phenomena.

Ultimately, students will emerge with a holistic understanding of Canada's geographical landscape and the challenges and opportunities it presents for sustainable development and societal well-being.

Student focus:

1. Niagara Falls: Tourism and Its Effects on Regional Development

- Examine the role of tourism in shaping the economy and development of the Niagara Falls region.

- Evaluate the environmental impacts of tourism on the Niagara Falls ecosystem.

- Analyze the social and cultural implications of tourism on local communities near Niagara Falls.

2. The Growth of the Tech Industry in Waterloo Region: A New Silicon Valley?

- Investigate the factors contributing to the growth of the tech industry in the Waterloo Region.

- Analyze the economic impacts of the tech industry on the local economy and employment.

- Evaluate the potential challenges and opportunities associated with positioning the region as a tech hub.

3. French and English Dynamics in Montreal: Social and Economic Implications

- Understand the historical and cultural significance of French and English language dynamics in Montreal.

- Analyze the socio-economic impacts of language politics and bilingualism in Montreal.

- Explore initiatives aimed at promoting linguistic diversity and social cohesion in Montreal.

4. The Trans-Canada Highway: Uniting a Nation through Transportation

- Examine the historical development and significance of the Trans-Canada Highway as a transportation corridor.

- Analyze the economic impacts of the Trans-Canada Highway on trade and regional development.

- Evaluate the social and environmental implications of highway infrastructure projects in Canada.

5. Agricultural Practices in the Canadian Prairies: Economic and Environmental Aspects

- Investigate the dominant agricultural practices in the Canadian Prairies and their economic importance.

- Analyze the environmental impacts of intensive farming practices, including soil degradation and water usage.

- Explore sustainable agriculture initiatives aimed at mitigating environmental impacts and promoting long-term viability.

6. The Role of Mining in the Economy of Northern Canada

- Understand the historical development and significance of mining in Northern Canada.

- Analyze the economic contributions of the mining industry to regional development and employment.

- Evaluate the environmental and social impacts of mining activities on Indigenous communities and ecosystems.

7. Managing Forest Resources: Sustainable Practices in British Columbia

- Examine the importance of forest resources in British Columbia's economy and culture.

- Analyze sustainable forestry practices and certification systems aimed at preserving forest ecosystems.

- Evaluate the challenges of balancing timber extraction with conservation and biodiversity preservation in British Columbia.

8. The Effects of Urban Sprawl in Calgary and Edmonton

- Investigate the patterns and drivers of urban sprawl in Calgary and Edmonton.

- Analyze the social, economic, and environmental impacts of urban sprawl on local communities and ecosystems.

- Explore strategies for promoting compact and sustainable urban development in Calgary and Edmonton.

9. The Changing Landscape of the Canadian Arctic: Opportunities and Challenges

- Understand the environmental, social, and economic changes occurring in the Canadian Arctic region.

- Analyze the impacts of globalization, resource development, and climate change on Arctic communities and ecosystems.

- Evaluate adaptation strategies and governance approaches for addressing the challenges and opportunities of Arctic change.

10. Renewable Energy Initiatives in Quebec: A Move Towards Sustainability

- Examine Quebec's renewable energy initiatives, including hydroelectric power and wind energy.

- Analyze the economic and environmental benefits of transitioning to renewable energy sources.

- Explore the challenges and opportunities of integrating renewable energy into Quebec's energy grid and economy.


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This is a quality, ready-made resource intended for busy teachers, cover teachers, parents and home-schoolers to simply print and go. Each individual resource is packed with a variety of differentiated comprehension activities for students, including 'stretch & challenge tasks' and further recommended classroom, project and homework activities. Each resource also includes a detailed lesson plan, for a 60-minute lesson, based around the reading passage. This provides incredible flexibility for the teacher to transform this resource into a comprehensive, student-centred lesson, which encourages independent and team learning activities. The resource also provides a variety of templates for teachers to carry out Assessment For Learning (AFL) to identify independent student and whole class progress.

Best of all, each individual lesson includes a comprehensive answer key, making teachers' lives far more simple! It also means some students can self-assess or peer-assess their work.

Each Reading Comprehension Learning Resource Includes The Following:

  • Reading Passage
  • Multiple-Choice Questions
  • Plenary: True / False Activities
  • Main Idea/Key Details Graphic Organizer
  • Who, What, Where, When Graphic Organizer
  • Writing Framework For Students
  • Standard-Level Comprehension
  • Intermediate-Level Comprehension
  • Advanced-Level Comprehension
  • Stretch & Challenge Questions
  • Further Recommended Activities For Teacher And Students
  • Detailed 60-Minute Lesson Plan, Based On Article, For Teachers
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AQA GCSE Geography Case Study and Scaffolded Exam Question Revision Booklet

AQA GCSE Geography Case Study and Scaffolded Exam Question Revision Booklet

Subject: Geography

Age range: 14-16

Resource type: Assessment and revision

Mrs Humanities' Resources

Last updated

4 February 2018

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geography case study template

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    IGCSE Geography Case studies Theme 1- Population 1. A country which is over-populated : Bangladesh 2. A country which is under-populated : Australia 3. A country with a high rate of natural population growth : Bangladesh 4. A country with a low rate of population growth (or population decline) : Russia 5. An International migration : From ...

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  24. KS3 / KS4 Geography: Case study write-up template

    KS3 / KS4 Geography: Case study write-up template. A simple template to help students record and break down case study information. My TES shop for all other resources. Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch.

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    To ensure you're making the most of your case studies, we've put together 15 real-life case study examples to inspire you. These examples span a variety of industries and formats. We've also included best practices, design tips and templates to inspire you. Let's dive in!

  26. Canada Geography Case Studies 10-Lesson Bundle (No. 2)

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  28. AQA GCSE Geography Case Study and Scaffolded Exam Question Revision

    docx, 424.49 KB. The booklet starts with an outline of the required case studies and examples from the AQA specification and identifies the name of those we have studied. In order develop student independence in the revision process each case study contains a blank templates that encourage students to revise the key content for each of the case ...