
Essay on Media And Globalization

Students are often asked to write an essay on Media And Globalization in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on Media And Globalization

What is globalization.

Globalization means the way countries and people of the world interact and mix. It’s like different parts of the world coming together to share things like goods, services, ideas, and culture. It’s a bit like having friends from many places.

Role of Media in Globalization

Media, like TV, internet, and newspapers, helps globalization by spreading information. It’s like a bridge that connects people from far places, letting them share news and stories. Media makes the world seem smaller because it’s easy to know what’s happening far away.

Types of Global Media

Media comes in many forms. There are movies, music, and shows from all over the world. The internet also has websites and social media which lets us chat and see what others do, no matter where they are.

Impact on Culture

Because of media, we get to see and try new things from other cultures. Sometimes, this can change our own culture, like how we might start enjoying food from a different country or celebrate new festivals.

Challenges of Media Globalization

Not all parts of media globalization are good. Sometimes it can hurt local cultures or spread wrong information. It’s important to be careful and think about what we see and hear from the media.

250 Words Essay on Media And Globalization

What is media and globalization.

Media refers to the different ways we share information, like newspapers, television, and the internet. Globalization is when people and places all over the world become connected and start sharing things like goods, ideas, and culture. When we talk about media and globalization, we’re looking at how the ways we share information help connect the world.

The Role of Media in Connecting the World

Media plays a big role in making the world feel smaller. With the internet and TV, we can learn about what’s happening in far-off places in just a few seconds. News from one country can spread to another very quickly, making everyone more aware of global events. This means that a kid with a computer or smartphone can see and learn about different cultures and places without leaving home.

Sharing Culture Through Media

Thanks to media, music, movies, and TV shows from one country can be enjoyed all over the world. This helps different cultures to understand each other better. For example, a child in India might watch a cartoon from the United States and learn about American life and language.

Challenges of Media and Globalization

Even though media helps us connect, it can also create problems. Sometimes, the information shared is not true, which can cause misunderstandings. Also, when everyone is watching the same shows or listening to the same music, local cultures might become less important. It’s like when everyone starts wearing the same type of clothes, and traditional outfits are worn less often.

In conclusion, media has a huge part in making globalization happen by spreading information and culture. But it’s important to remember to check if the news is true and to keep celebrating our own local traditions and cultures.

500 Words Essay on Media And Globalization

Imagine you can sit in your living room and see what is happening on the other side of the world. This is possible because of media and globalization. Media means different ways of sharing information like TV, newspapers, and the internet. Globalization is when people and businesses from different countries start working together and sharing things with each other.

Media Brings the World Together

Media has made it easy for us to know about other countries. Before, if something happened in another country, you might never hear about it. Now, you can watch news from everywhere on your phone or computer. This means we can learn about other cultures and what life is like for people who live far away.

Global News and Understanding

When we watch global news, we start to understand people from other places better. If there is a big storm in another country, we see the pictures and want to help. This makes us feel connected to the whole world, not just our own town or country.

Business and Media

Businesses use media to sell things all over the world. They show ads on TV and the internet to tell people about their products. Because of this, you can buy the same brand of shoes or eat the same type of food in many different countries.

Learning from Each Other

Thanks to media, we can learn new things from other cultures. We might watch a show from another country and learn how to cook their food or speak a few words in their language. This helps us to be more open and friendly with people who are different from us.

Problems with Global Media

Even though there are good things about media and globalization, there are also problems. Sometimes, news from other countries can make us scared or worried. Also, when businesses sell the same things everywhere, local shops and traditions might disappear. This can make different places start to look the same, and we might forget what makes each culture special.

In the end, media and globalization have changed the world a lot. They have made it easier for us to learn about each other and to feel like we are part of one big community. But it’s important to remember to take care of our own cultures and traditions too. By using media wisely, we can enjoy being connected to the world while also celebrating what makes us unique.

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globalization and media essay

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13.6 Globalization of Media

Learning objectives.

  • Identify three ways that technology has helped speed globalization.
  • Explain how media outlets employ globalization to their advantage.
  • Describe some advances that can be made in foreign markets.

The media industry is, in many ways, perfect for globalization, or the spread of global trade without regard for traditional political borders. As discussed above, the low marginal costs of media mean that reaching a wider market creates much larger profit margins for media companies. Because information is not a physical good, shipping costs are generally inconsequential. Finally, the global reach of media allows it to be relevant in many different countries.

However, some have argued that media is actually a partial cause of globalization, rather than just another globalized industry. Media is largely a cultural product , and the transfer of such a product is likely to have an influence on the recipient’s culture. Increasingly, technology has also been propelling globalization. Technology allows for quick communication, fast and coordinated transport, and efficient mass marketing, all of which have allowed globalization—especially globalized media—to take hold.

Globalized Culture, Globalized Markets

Much globalized media content comes from the West, particularly from the United States. Driven by advertising, U.S. culture and media have a strong consumerist bent (meaning that the ever-increasing consumption of goods is encouraged as an economic virtue), thereby possibly causing foreign cultures to increasingly develop consumerist ideals. Therefore, the globalization of media could not only provide content to a foreign country, but may also create demand for U.S. products. Some believe that this will “contribute to a one-way transmission of ideas and values that result in the displacement of indigenous cultures (Santos, 2001).”

Globalization as a world economic trend generally refers to the lowering of economic trade borders, but it has much to do with culture as well. Just as transfer of industry and technology often encourages outside influence through the influx of foreign money into the economy, the transfer of culture opens up these same markets. As globalization takes hold and a particular community becomes more like the United States economically, this community may also come to adopt and personalize U.S. cultural values. The outcome of this spread can be homogenization (the local culture becomes more like the culture of the United States) or heterogenization (aspects of U.S. culture come to exist alongside local culture, causing the culture to become more diverse), or even both, depending on the specific situation (Rantanen, 2005).

Making sense of this range of possibilities can be difficult, but it helps to realize that a mix of many different factors is involved. Because of cultural differences, globalization of media follows a model unlike that of the globalization of other products. On the most basic level, much of media is language and culture based and, as such, does not necessarily translate well to foreign countries. Thus, media globalization often occurs on a more structural level, following broader “ways of organizing and creating media (Mirza, 2009).” In this sense, a media company can have many different culturally specific brands and still maintain an economically globalized corporate structure.

Vertical Integration and Globalization

Because globalization has as much to do with the corporate structure of a media company as with the products that a media company produces, vertical integration in multinational media companies becomes a necessary aspect of studying globalized media. Many large media companies practice vertical integration: Newspaper chains take care of their own reporting, printing, and distribution; television companies control their own production and broadcasting; and even small film studios often have parent companies that handle international distribution.

A media company often benefits greatly from vertical integration and globalization. Because of the proliferation of U.S. culture abroad, media outlets are able to use many of the same distribution structures with few changes. Because media rely on the speedy ability to react to current events and trends, a vertically integrated company can do all of this in a globalized rather than a localized marketplace; different branches of the company are readily able to handle different markets. Further, production values for single-country distribution are basically the same as those for multiple countries, so vertical integration allows, for example, a single film studio to make higher-budget movies than it may otherwise be able to produce without a distribution company that has as a global reach.

Foreign Markets and Titanic

Figure 13.5


The movie Titanic , which became the highest-grossing movie of all time, made twice as much internationally as it did domestically.

Scott Smith – Best In Film: American Film Institute Showcase – CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Worth considering is the reciprocal influence of foreign culture on American culture. Certainly, American culture is increasingly exported around the world thanks to globalization, and many U.S. media outlets count strongly on their ability to sell their product in foreign markets. But what Americans consider their own culture has in fact been tailored to the tastes not only of U.S. citizens but also to those of worldwide audiences. The profit potential of foreign markets is enormous: If a movie does well abroad, for example, it might make up for a weak stateside showing, and may even drive interest in the movie in the United States.

One prime example of this phenomenon of global culture and marketing is James Cameron’s 1997 film Titanic . One of the most expensive movies ever produced up to that point, with an official budget of around $200 million, Titanic was not anticipated to perform particularly well at the U.S. box office. Rather, predictions of foreign box-office receipts allowed the movie to be made. Of the total box-office receipts of Titanic , only about one-third came from the domestic market. Although Titanic became the highest-grossing film up to that point, it grossed just $140 million more domestically than Star Wars did 20 years earlier (Box Office Mojo). The difference was in the foreign market. While Star Wars made about the same amount—$300 million—in both the domestic and foreign markets, Titanic grossed $1.2 billion in foreign box-office receipts. In all, the movie came close to hitting the $2 billion mark, and now sits in the No. 2 position behind Cameron’s 2009 blockbuster, Avatar .

One reason that U.S. studios can make these kinds of arrangements is their well-developed ties with the worldwide movie industry. Hollywood studios have agreements with theaters all over the world to show their films. By contrast, the foreign market for French films is not nearly as established, as the industry tends to be partially subsidized by the French government. Theaters showing Hollywood studio films in France funnel portions of their box-office receipts to fund French films. However, Hollywood has lobbied the World Trade Organization—a largely pro-globalization group that pushes for fewer market restrictions—to rule that this French subsidy is an unfair restriction on trade (Terrill, 1999).

In many ways, globalization presents legitimate concerns about the endangerment of indigenous culture. Yet simple concerns over the transfer of culture are not the only or even the biggest worries caused by the spread of American culture and values.

Key Takeaways

  • Technology allows for quick communication, transport, and mass marketing, greatly contributing to a globalized marketplace.
  • Media economies of scale achieve much larger profit margins by using digital technology to sell information instantly over a global market.
  • Foreign markets offer excellent profit potential as they contribute to media companies’ economies of scale. The addition of new audiences and consumer markets may help a company build a global following in the long run.

Think of a U.S. product that is available throughout the world, such as an athletic brand like Nike or a food product like Pepsi or Coca-Cola. Now go online to the different country-specific branches of the company’s web site.

  • What differences are there?
  • How might the company be attempting to tailor its globalized product to a specific culture?
  • What advances into the foreign market does this use of the Internet allow the company to make?
  • What advantages does this globalization of its products give the company?
  • In what other ways has technology helped speed this globalization?

Box Office Mojo, “All Time Domestic Box Office Results,” http://boxofficemojo.com/alltime/domestic.htm .

Mirza, Jan. “Globalization of Media: Key Issues and Dimensions,” European Journal of Scientific Research 29, no. 1 (2009): 66–75.

Rantanen, Terhi. The Media and Globalization (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2005).

Santos, Josefina M. C. “Globalisation and Tradition: Paradoxes in Philippine Television and Culture,” Media Development , no. 3 (2001): 43–48.

Terrill, Roman. “Globalization in the 1990s,” University of Iowa Center for International Finance and Development , 1999, http://www.uiowa.edu/ifdebook/ebook2/contents/part3-I.shtml#B .

Understanding Media and Culture Copyright © 2016 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

Globalization in Media: Pros and Cons

Globalization has a great impact on the world transforming social, political, cultural, and economic spheres of life. Innovations in transportation have been complemented by the swift development of communication technologies. The 20th-century arrival of mass-circulation newspapers and magazines, film, and television further enhanced a growing consciousness of a rapidly shrinking world. Globalization transforms the economic system of the world bringing new opportunities to less developed countries; it changes cultural and political spheres popularizing democratic values and principles and promulgating the western style of life. Globalization in the media sphere is influenced by changes in political and cultural spheres bringing new economic opportunities and financial capitals to media giants. These needs lead to digitalization, consolidation, and deregulation of the media environment around the globe.

Far-reaching changes are occurring in the social, economic, and political environments, affecting the strategies, structure, and management of media business. The notion of strategic alliances in media incorporates the need for considering the current economic context affecting the firm. Media companies use strategic alliances as one of the main tactics to compete in the global media market. Need to collaborate caused by changes occurring in the social, economic, and political environments. Strategic alliances allow media companies like AOL to meet new economic and legal challenges (MacGillivray 43). Increased use of public transportation systems may reduce the audiences of in-car radio and outdoor advertising. Media companies are interested in reaching the large percentage of the population that is English and Spanish speaking will need to develop new strategies (Emling 1). This factor could be interpreted as a strength but the globalization process and changing international relations show that cultural and social values become opportunities rather than strategies for global steel companies. A solid understanding of cultural preferences is important for any company that markets such products internationally. Media companies leverage superior cultural understanding to compete effectively with large foreign firms. It is possible to say that it has an advantage drawing from tradition. In recent years many people are concern about their health and the quality of water they use. The industry structure and market position of media companies suggest that the threat of entry is low (Osterhammel and Petersson 65).

Consolidation in the media industry is a direct result of new economic and cultural relations. The economic environment in America and Europe is very favorable creating enormous opportunities to increase sales and profitability. National and regional economic health and growth have become increasingly dependent upon export sales as an engine of growth and as a source of the foreign exchange necessary for the import of goods and services. In the media sector, collaborations and strategic alliances allow companies to effectively compete in today’s turbulent business environment. The future of Time Warner Inc lies in its ability to stand fast against foreign competition and to develop the goods and services that will be in demand in the twenty-first century (Osterhammel and Petersson 65). Emerging from great difficulties and embarking on an ambitious program to create products that will revolutionize entire industries, Time Warner Inc wastes no time in taking the steps necessary to seize its future. The strategy at Time Warner Inc was to develop known technologies into viable commercial products that could deliver value to customers. Thus Time Warner Inc was prepared to commence work on a project that would enhance its competitive advantage by establishing it as an industry leader in an emerging field. To be successful given this new set of ground rules, a new way of thinking must be instilled among all levels of management (Time Warner Inc Home Page 2007). This is no longer a luxury, but a necessity born out of a historically dismal track record. With each failure, the UK media sector becomes increasingly indebted and unable to compete against foreign companies. The executive must be able to create a dynamic management structure with an equal distribution of authority capable of responding to the unique requirements of combined business cultures. A shift from short- to long-term thinking when developing and implementing acquisition strategies is necessary to ensure that strategies are properly implemented before they are abandoned. This requires calculated risk-taking and, most importantly, streamlined channels of communication. The underlying argument presented is that there are significant opportunity costs associated with restructuring (Picard, 61).

Digitalization of media is caused by new technology and the availability of technological innovations in all countries. The attractiveness or the presumed merits of digitalization activity is the assumption that a given technology will enhance the growth potential of the company. Preferably, the goal is to acquire digital technology a complementary business unit with related lines of markets and products that would fit nicely into the firm’s long-term strategic direction, improving the acquiring firm’s overall growth potential and marketability (Osterhammel and Petersson 60). The selection of which company would fit best in the current corporate culture is based on many factors, and it varies from firm to firm. In fact, even firms competing within the same industry segment might have very different acquisition strategies. Media gains sustainable competitive advantage by conceiving new ways of conducting activities, employing new procedures, technologies, inputs, or channels of distribution. Managing the organization is therefore not just about managing functions, but managing linkages between those functions (Picard, 74; Time Warner Inc Home Page 2007).

Deregulation in the media industry is a result of global economic and political changes and weaknesses of international laws. For a modern state, it is difficult to control multinational media corporations and their financial flows. In order to compete in the global market and remain competitive, a media firm may choose to sell off a business unit in order to purge those divisions that exhibit either low growth potential or low relative market shares. As with the case of an acquisition, the desire is to improve the growth potential of a firm and thus its survival in the marketplace. A business unit exhibiting modest or negative cash flow and low growth potential should definitely be a candidate for divestiture. An appropriate strategy may also be to sell off businesses with high relative shares in high-growth markets to provide the necessary funding for investment in existing business units that the firm would rather concentrate its energies on. Of course, one reason for divestiture may simply be that the business unit is too expensive for the firm to fund, requiring too much cash to sustain its rate of growth (Picard 33). This type of business would also be a more attractive acquisition target. The point remains that a major motivating factor for strategic alliance activity is the potential for improved growth. The task, then, is to determine how well corporate acquirers have fared with their acquisition activities, and whether these firms have been better off from these activities (Picard, 83). In other words, how a target firm will perform in the long term and how well its corporate strategy coincides with the strategy of the acquiring company are more important than the acquired firm’s current financial performance. This is not to say that one must only locate an acquisition or alliance target that is on solid footing. Rather, it is more important to internally evaluate a firm’s internal needs and purpose before embarking on a strategy of acquisition. If the acquisition is the vehicle, it must be a structural component of the acquiring firm’s strategy. A business always has the option of expanding either internally through R&D efforts or externally through strategic alliances. If one firm acquires another and the combined entity’s returns cannot be significantly greater than the two separate companies would have been independently, then the acquisition was not based on a sound strategy.

In sum, the information mentioned above shows that globalization processes in the media industry are crucial for success and a strong market position of the media companies. Globalization involves the transfer of resources from the colonized global South in exchange for European manufactures. Developed nations spread their political system and cultural values across the globe. Like all social processes, globalization contains dimensions filled with a range of norms, claims, beliefs, and narratives about the phenomenon itself. However, it is not just rational economics that drives this selection: it helps that media organization tend to be staffed by highly trained people with an interest in new technologies, people who have been selected to embrace and develop new ideas. Of all the functions in a media organization, this is the one that should show the most natural inclination to embrace the new ideas of working within the media alliances can all be effective ways to improve the competitive position of an overall firm. However, any one of these processes must be an integral part of an ongoing corporate strategic plan. In addition, the evaluation process must shift its emphasis away from traditional financial performance criteria toward overall competitive dynamics.

Emling, S. May 4. AOL’s push to rev up Net service faces hurdles. Atlanta Journal- Constitution , 1F, 2002.

MacGillivray, A. Globalization . Carroll & Graf, 2005.

Osterhammel, Jurrgen, and Nieles P. Petersson. Globalization: A Short History . New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2005.

Picard, R. The Economics of Financing of Media Companies (Business,  Economics & Legal Studies). Fordham University Press; 1 edition, 2002.

Time Warner Inc Home Page 2007. Web.

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