Frantically Speaking

Your Guide To Writing The Perfect Valedictorian Speech (With Sample Speech)

Hrideep barot.

  • Speech Writing

high school graduation ceremony

So, you have managed to achieve the feat that’s probably the dream of most high school students: you’re the valedictorian. 

Congratulations, that is amazing.

You definitely deserve a pat on your back–maybe multiple ones. 

But, while this sounds like the perfect time to sit back and relax, it’s probably not. You still have one big task left to complete: delivering your valedictorian speech. 

But don’t worry. 

You managed to seize the highest marks in your class. Compared to that, delivering this speech should be a piece of cake. And even if it’s not–if you’re someone more comfortable with books than speaking in front of other people–don’t worry. We’ve got you. 

For delivering a memorable Valedictorian speech, keep in mind a few things like incorporating humor and storytelling, having a theme, getting other students’ insight & keeping your most important point for the end of your speech.  

We’ve delved into them deeper in the following sections. 

Tips To Keep In Mind While Writing Your Valedictorian Speech

writing a valedictorian speech

1. Talk About Things You’ve Learnt Outside The Classroom 

While classroom learning is something that’s common to most of the students in the audience–that is, all of you probably learned the same coursework–what’s different is the stuff that you learned OUTSIDE the classroom. 

Talk about your personal experiences. The valuable lessons that seemingly trivial incidents taught you, what you remember the most from time spent with friends, etc. Teach them something they haven’t learned before; something that doesn’t involve an unwieldy textbook. 

2. Make Sure To Incorporate Humor 

Don’t just step up on the stage and start talking about a bunch of motivational stuff. If you truly wish to motivate your peers and make them remember you, then you need to incorporate humor in your speech. 

That’s because humor is a universal way to connect with people & make good memories with them. Think about all the good moments in your life, and chances are, you’ll realize you were smiling in more than one of them. 

For Example: “Your families are extremely proud of you. You can’t imagine the sense of relief they are experiencing. This would be a most opportune time to ask for money.”

We can also use the Paraprosdokian technique to make our speeches funny. It’s a simple technique which means narrating a story and having a surprise twist at the end. Want to know how some of our most beloved celebrities go about using this technique (and how you can too)? Check out this (entertaining) video we made:

3. Tell Stories 

Stories are another excellent way of connecting with your peers. Especially if it’s a popular story that most people recognize or was maybe quite the rage at a time in your school–chances are, at a time like this, repeating it will work to evoke fonder memories and emotions in your audience. 

So, make sure to use stories in your speech. 

For Example: Have you ever been the new kid in school? Well, I have…

We’ve created an entire video on how your can go about narrating great stories. The narrative structures and techniques discussed here will help you craft a compelling and engaging narrative:

4. Have A Theme 

Themes are a great way to enhance the impact of your speech. That’s because they are a common point that your entire speech is organized towards anything that you say in your speech can inevitably be traced back to it. 

Pick a theme that can inspire your audience. For example: 

  • Why the best years of our life are  not  behind us
  • What high-school didn’t prepare you for
  • Why it’s okay to fail
  • Why not being the top of class is not a big deal
  • Why the small picture is more important than the big picture

5. Talk To Other Students 

Your valedictorian speech is not just a cornerstone in your own high-school life, but also a testament to the life and experiences of the other students in the audience. So, why not include them in the writing of your speech?

I’m not asking you to get another student to write your speech for you. Rather, what I’m suggesting is talking to other students, and getting insight into their own thoughts, experiences & emotions. 

You can use them or the common themes you hear to structure your speech, and even include a couple of incidents or other things into your speech. This will greatly increase the impact that you make. 

Check our article 11 Engaging Ways To Interact With The Audience to make your speech a wholesome and interactive experience for the audience. 

6. Keep It Short & Simple 

Remember that your speech is a part of a larger ceremony that’s taking place and that most people in the audience are unlikely to pay attention to an hour-long speech. 

So, make sure that your speech is short and simple. Stick to the main points. A general guideline would be to have your speech be anything between 5-15 minutes. You can confirm if you have a time limit with the principal. 

7. Keep Your Most Important Point For The End 

How you end your speech is just as important as the way you begin it. That’s because while your beginning will determine whether people pay attention to your speech–or doze off–the ending will determine the takeaway that people return with. 

Your speech should be organized in such a way that it leads up to the final point that you make, which should be your most important point. 

This is going to be the line that people will most likely remember for a long time, the main takeaway from your speech. It can be a quote, the summary of a story or memory that you’ve spoken before, a few words of wisdom, or even a quote. 

For more inspiration on how to end your speech, check out our article on 50 Speech Closing Lines (& How To Create Your Own) l The Ultimate Guide 

How To Start Your Valedictorian Speech 

1. Start With An Anecdote 

As I mentioned before, stories and anecdotes are a must in any speech. And what better way to include them in your speech than have them right at the beginning? 

Stories will work to hook your audience right from the beginning and make it more likely that they will stick with you till the end. 

For Example: In Grade 11, one of my friends started the fire alarm…

2. Use A Prop 

Props are another great way to start off your speech. They are eye-catching, and if used correctly, can create an entire story for your audience. So you’re hitting two birds with one stone!

However, before using props, one thing to keep in mind is to make sure that they’re relevant to the topic at hand. Don’t just use a prop for the sake of using one. 

Examples of props:

  • Your high-school yearbook
  • A photograph
  • A memoir from a popular school incident
  • Your graduation cap
  • Memorable food from cafeteria

3. Make Them Imagine 

Another great way to start off your speech is to make your audience imagine a scenario. By evoking the power of imagination, you will pique your audience’s mind and make it more likely that they will pay attention to you. 

You can make them imagine many scenarios. You could get them to picture the future, or even make them recall a particular incident from the past. 

For Example: Imagine you’re sitting in the classroom…

4. Sing A Song 

This is a different–and somewhat unconventional–way to start off your speech. Was there a song or piece of lyrics that were really popular back in high school? Maybe something that was viral with a lot of students. 

Well, now would be a great time to make them remember it. Not only will this evoke fond memories, but it might also make them join in with you, thus taking the interaction to another level. 

5. Tell A Joke 

Another great way to start off your speech is by telling a joke. As I mentioned, humor is an essential element for any speech or presentation. It can spice up a boring speech, and make a more difficult point easy to remember. 

Start off your speech with a joke. This can be done in the form of a normal punchline format, or you could mix up different elements by telling a funny story or using your prop as a joke. 

For Example: I was good at math, once they decided to mix the alphabet into it. 

For more information on how to open your speech, check out our article on 50 Speech Opening Lines (& How To Create Your Own) l The Ultimate Guide. 

How Long Should The Speech Be? 

As mentioned above, you need to remember that you’re not giving an isolated speech. Neither is the speech the only important component of the entire event. 

Rather, your speech is part of a bigger ceremony that is going to be likely many times longer than it. 

So, it’s important to make sure that you don’t dawdle on for too long. Not only will this make most of the students in the audience more impatient, but longer speeches generally tend to be less intirguing and harder to retain. 

That’s why it’s important to keep your speech short. Preferably somewhere between 5-15 minutes. 

This will give you ample time to cover your most important details, while also making sure that your fellow students and teachers don’t doze off from boredom. 

Sample Valedictorian Speech

high school valedictorian speech

You’re probably wondering why I’m smiling like an idiot right now–and why I have been the entire way on the stage. Well, that’s because as I prepare to deliver my final speech on this stage, I can’t stop thinking about my first time up here. When I first came to high-school, I was a shy kid whose worst fear was speaking in front of a big crowd of people. That’s because I have always been very imaginative, you see. But instead of using my imagination for writing stories as I now do, I used to use it to imagine the worst possible stories and scenarios in my head. And so when I somehow let my English teacher convince me to take part in a debate competition during my freshman year, most of my energy was focused on all the things that could go wrong during my speech rather than the speech itself. You know, like, me stumbling and falling on my face as I climbed all those big steps to the stage. Or me forgetting my speech in the middle. Or me bursting into tears from all the nerves and pressure–which is exactly what happened. Yep, ALL OF IT. Not only did I fall falt on my face the moment I stepped on the stage, but I also proceeded to tick off the other two items on the list–all within the span of two minutes. I was so embarrased that I swore to my mother I would NEVER in my life take another step inside this high-school. My mom indulged me for one day, and then sent me packing straight to school counselor’s office the next day. You’re probably wondering why I’m recounting what was probably the most embarrasing moment of my life on the best moment of my life. Well, that’s because, while at that moment it certainly felt that way, now I know that I’m not alone. Over the course of these four years, every single one of you has probably felt at least once as embarrased as I felt on that day. This speech is for all of you who’ve ever felt so humiliated that they felt like crawling under a giant rock and never showing your face to the other people sitting around you again. And yet, WE DID IT. The fact that we’re sitting in this room today is proof that we did. Despite the embarrasement or fear or regret or failure, we showed up. Maybe we didn’t show up right away, but we did pick ourselves up and got things together eventually. And in the end, that’s what matters: not when you get yourself together, but the fact that you do. As most of us in this room know from experience, being a senior is not all fun and games. Applying to a bunch of colleges, juggling classes and assignments, making sure your grades don’t slip, trying to squeeze in as many last-time high-school experiences as you can in the little time you can find between all them…well, it’s not easy. And yet we made it–all of us did. Graduation marks the close of a big chapter in our lives. It has been a chapter filled with tears and laughter, pranks and solutions, good memories and bad memories, of last-minute studying for exams taking place the next day, running behind the school bus in a seemingly impossible attempt to catch it, of attempts to stifle laughter in the middle of exams, and much much more… I can say with confidence that none of us sitting in this room today are the same person that we were on the day your story began. And all of us have witnessed each other bloom in this journey. And this is not the end–today, the doors to a new journey have been opened to us. And as we prepare to take our first step in this new journey, I’d like to thank each and every single one of the people who have helped us pass the previous one. I would like to thank our principal, all of our teachers and staff, our parents, and each and every single one of you sitting in this room today. Thank you. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been a small part of our journey or a big one, it doesn’t matter whether you’ve been in every single chapter of this book or only a paragraph–it wouldn’t have been the same without you. And I would like you to thank yourself as well. Thank yourself for having the courage to stand up after you fall, and to have the strength to show up day after day. Thank yourself for showing up despite the terrible food–if you can call it that–served in the cafeteria every single day. Give yourself a pat on the back. You deserve it.

Valedictorian Speech Examples

1. the king’s academy class of 2019.

Takeaway: This speech is a great example of how you can structure your entire valedictorian speech around a central theme to make it more memorable and intriguing. You can use it to select & organize your own speech.

2. La Plata High School Class of 2015

Takeaway: This speech is a great example of how you can effectively incorporate humor into your own speech. Use it to structure the flow of humor in your speech and to understand how to use humor without making it seem too forced.

3. West Hall High School Class Of 2010

Takeaway: This is an excellent speech to figure out how you can creatively use props in your own speech to make it a more interactive, visually appealing & memorable experience for your audience.

To conclude, writing a memorable Valedictorian speech isn’t as daunting of a task as it sounds. For delivering a memorable Valedictorian speech, keep in mind a few things like incorporating humor and storytelling, having a theme, getting other students’ insight & keeping your most important point for the end of your speech.  

Hrideep Barot

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how to write a good grade 8 valedictorian speech

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How to Write a Valedictorian Speech

Last Updated: December 10, 2022 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Lynn Kirkham . Lynn Kirkham is a Professional Public Speaker and Founder of Yes You Can Speak, a San Francisco Bay Area-based public speaking educational business empowering thousands of professionals to take command of whatever stage they've been given - from job interviews, boardroom talks to TEDx and large conference platforms. Lynn was chosen as the official TEDx Berkeley speaker coach for the last four years and has worked with executives at Google, Facebook, Intuit, Genentech, Intel, VMware, and others. There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,156,459 times.

Giving your valedictorian or graduation speech at the end of your time at high school is both an exciting and sometimes daunting task, and it is one that most speech givers relish. Its aim is to provide a persuasive, moving, and ultimately uplifting speech. You want to give your listeners a fond farewell to high school, and also inspire them to go out and achieve greatness. That's quite a task for a speech giver in just one address. You can do it, though, as long as you plan and prepare your address before you get up to speak.

Planning Your Speech

Step 1 Read other graduation speeches.

  • Steve Jobs at Stanford in 2005
  • J.K. Rowling at Harvard in 2008
  • David Foster Wallace at Kenyon in 2009

Step 2 Find a theme.

  • “Find and follow your passion”
  • “You do not need to be perfect”
  • “If you think and believe you can, you can”
  • “Try selflessness and give back”

Step 3 Make an outline.

  • Your outline should include multiple parts, sections, and subsections.

Step 4 Talk to other students.

  • Note any themes or trends amongst the students. Find the most common and important ones, and stick with those.
  • Don't forget the smaller memories and lesser-known stories. Mentioning them during your speech will help make those people feel noticed.

Step 5 Remember your audience.

  • If you aren’t sure how your speech will go, think about if you were listening to it. Is this the kind of speech you would like to hear at your graduation? [5] X Trustworthy Source University of North Carolina Writing Center UNC's on-campus and online instructional service that provides assistance to students, faculty, and others during the writing process Go to source
  • If you’re not sure you would enjoy it, your fellow students probably won’t either.

Step 6 Keep it short.

  • Talk to your principal or teachers to get a sense of how much time you have. If they don’t have good guidelines, 5 to 10 minutes should be more than enough.
  • The average speaker reads about 120 words in a minute. That is a little less than 1 page of double-spaced,16-point font, which you’ll want because it is easier to read. [7] X Research source

Step 7 Put your most important message at the end.

  • Keep the message short, brief and to the point. This will make it easier to remember.
  • Your message does not have to be philosophical or mundane. It can be humorous.

Including Important Parts

Step 1 Thank people.

  • One way to make this more accessible to the rest of the class is to finish this section by encouraging or reminding the other graduates to thank someone too.

Step 2  Include a...

  • One style of joke is the funny inspirational quote, like Will Rogers’s “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there,” or Ben Franklin’s “You will find the key to success under the alarm clock.” These clever lines can be a good start to a speech, introducing your big theme. [10] X Research source
  • Look for funny stories specific to your school. These can help personalize your speech, and reference things that most of the audience will recognize. You can make fun of school construction that was “building the future one closed hallway at a time.”
  • You only need to include a few jokes. This is a valedictorian speech, not an audition for your stand-up comedy career.
  • Remember to write them down and rehearse them just like the rest of your speech. You don’t stumble over the punchlines or forget how they go on the big day.
  • Keep it clean. Your audience will include teachers, parents, grandparents, and siblings, including your own, so make sure your jokes are appropriate for all.

Step 3 Reflect on the past.

  • Make sure you mention specific accomplishments. Look for sports championships, awards, charity events, anything that you or your classmates accomplished during your time in high school. The more examples you can include that don’t involve you, the better. You are celebrating your whole class’ accomplishments, not just your own.

Step 4 Talk about what comes next.

  • As the valedictorian, you are probably going on to college after graduating. That may not be true for everyone in your class, so don’t forget to mention other possible avenues like getting a job or serving in the military.
  • If you aren’t sure what kinds of things your classmates are doing after graduation, that’s a great thing to ask when you talk to them.

Step 5 Tell a personal story.

  • If you don’t have a specific funny story about you or your friends, consider talking about how you’ve changed over your time in high school. Think about how you felt when you started as a freshman, how you got lost in the large school, or couldn’t reach your locker. A personal story is also a good way to add a little self-deprecating humor, as long as you are comfortable telling a story where you don’t look brilliant or cool.

Step 6 Avoid cliches.

  • This means quotes too. One or two good quotes from famous people can be useful, as long as they relate directly to your main point. Remember that people want to hear you talk, not recite a list of famous lines.

Delivering Your Speech

Step 1 Practice your speech.

  • If you can, recreate the setting as much as possible. Wear your cap and gown so you will be comfortable in them, and practice at the podium or where the graduation is, if possible. The more familiar you are with the setting, the more comfortable you will be in giving your speech.

Step 2  Keep it...

  • Letting one or two tears out can be fine. You can always pass it off by blaming allergies, or make a joke about it being dusty in the room.

Step 3 Enjoy yourself.

Sample Valedictorian Speeches

how to write a good grade 8 valedictorian speech

Expert Q&A

Lynn Kirkham

  • Remember that you were picked to be valedictorian for a reason. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, to speak as the representative of your graduating class, so give it your best. Thanks Helpful 5 Not Helpful 0
  • Bring a copy of your speech. While you may be able to memorize it, practicing in front of the mirror or your friends is a bit different than speaking at the actual graduation. Even if you think you know it all by heart, you’ll want the little reminder just in case. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0

how to write a good grade 8 valedictorian speech

  • Avoid doing distracting things while giving your speech. This means keeping your phone off, making sure you don’t have a noisy keychain or coins in your pocket, and not chewing gum while speaking. These will make it difficult for people to hear you, and won’t keep their attention on your words. Thanks Helpful 18 Not Helpful 2
  • Many high schools will review your speech before you give it to make sure you don’t touch on any controversial or inappropriate topics. It is not a good idea to submit one speech to the school, then give a completely different one as a way to get around this. Thanks Helpful 18 Not Helpful 6
  • Avoid plagiarism. This is your speech, not a chance to use someone else’s. Make sure your work is original to you and your school. With so many speeches available online, it can be tempting to just copy one for yourself, but remember that will make it easy for people to catch you as well. Thanks Helpful 16 Not Helpful 7

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About This Article

Lynn Kirkham

To write a valedictorian speech, start by deciding on your theme. Choose something inspiring, like “find and follow your passion,” “you don’t need to be perfect,” or “if you think and believe you can, you can.” Then, make an outline of the speech with a few major points and a couple of jokes throughout, and plan to make your most important point at the end. Remember to thank the people who have helped your class along the way, and take time to reflect on the past. For tips on handling speech anxiety and connecting with your audience, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Amazing Valedictorian Speech Examples & Tips

Memorable valedictorian speech examples (+ tips & ideas).

Becoming a valedictorian and giving a speech in front of other fellow graduates is a great honor. On the flip side, drafting a memorable speech that the audience will remember for a long time is a huge stress. You need to reflect about four years in high school, choose a theme that will resonate with others, and keep the audience engaged during the entire speech.

To make things easier for you, in this post, our pro speechwriters share the secrets for writing a perfect speech for your graduation ceremony.

Keep reading to find out:

  • tips & tricks for writing a great valedictorian speech,
  • two speech examples for your inspiration, and
  • recommendations for polishing your delivery.

Are you too stressed to write your high school graduation speech? No worries - our experienced speech writers can craft your text from scratch or revise it. We prepare witty, inventive, and attention-grabbing speeches even if you need them by tomorrow. Contact us ASAP to get a free quote and your special student discount!

Good valedictorian speech examples

If you're not sure where to get started, take a look at the example valedictorian speeches to get inspired:


This speech reflects on the unique experience of everyone present and the importance of seeing each day as a learning experience. It also has an inspirational note, encouraging the classmates not to let our self-doubt stand in front of the new opportunities. As any other valedictorian address, it expresses gratitude to teachers, peers, parents, and faculty, and mentions that graduation is only the start of an exciting life.


This concise valedictorian speech congratulates proud graduates and is less formal than the previous one. It emphasizes the importance of education and academic excellence, as well as the friends you made in high school, and ends on a high note, congratulating peers on graduation day and encouraging them to take any path that students want in life.

You can use these examples to get an idea of how to organize your text and what to add. Below, we'll share tips and guidance for writing memorable, inventive valedictorian speeches.

What to say in your graduation speech: Tips & strategies

Good valedictorian speeches share some common elements. They express gratitude for being invited to speak, reflect on shared memories of school days, and look forward to the next phase of life. Here's how to craft a strong high school graduation speech:

Begin with a welcome and gratitude

The opening of your valedictorian speech sets the tone for the rest of your presentation, so it's essential to grab your audience's attention from the start.

Begin your speech by thanking everyone who helped you achieve something in life and guided you along the journey - teachers, students, and parents. This will set a humble, appreciative tone. Congratulate fellow students on their big day and start with an anecdote or an interesting fact.

Choose a theme for your valedictorian speech

Good speeches have a central element that sets the tone. You may use one element for the entire graduation speech, or use two or three, just be sure to keep your speech concise. Reach out to other presenters to make sure that they don't use the same theme as you, otherwise the audience will be bored. Here are some popular valedictorian speech perspectives you can use:

  • friends and friendship
  • shared memories
  • overcoming obstacles and failures
  • advice to achieve success
  • importance of gratitude
  • stories about classmates, etc.

Mention collective experiences

After four years in high school, you and your classmates surely have some interesting stories and experiences. Consider telling about challenges you faced, anecdotes, or stories about important milestones. You can mention both achievements and learning experiences.

Sharing such stories will make your speech personal and human, and also will remind your friends and teachers about the most memorable moments.

Use inspiring quotes

Every great valedictorian speech quotes some accomplished person: Oprah Winfrey, J.K. Rawling, Steve Jobs, etc. A relevant quote helps inspire the audience, better get your message across and surely draws the attention. Use quotes related to education, achievements, professional development, staying true to yourself, and overcoming setbacks.

Reflect on challenges you faced

Your graduating class surely had its fair share of challenges. Recollect the obstacles that the entire class or several students faced and how they overcame these challenges in your valedictorian speech. Such stories highlight resilience and determination, and show the life lessons you learned.

Similarly, you can tell about the shared triumph - winning in the contest or achieving a big goal together. Just be sure to pick stories that matter to your classmates and resonate with everybody. Such stories will inspire your peers to do better and overcome adversity in the future.

Storytelling techniques make any speech better. They keep the audience engaged and make people relate to your message. Weaving in inspirational stories will also remind your peers about the friendship and the importance of events they had together.

Look into the future

Graduating from school is not the end of your academic journey. In addition to reflecting on the past, a good valedictorian speech also looks positively in the future. Encourage your classmates to embrace change, pursue their dreams fearlessly, and make a positive impact on the world. No matter what path they choose, wish well to everyone in your graduating class and express hope for a great future.

Mention the importance of developing their talents and gaining knowledge for achieving success in life. Encourage everyone to grow professionally and personally. Everybody has the power to make a difference, so, you might want to make this a central element of your speech.

End on a positive note

At the end of the speech, recap the key points and remarkable moments you've shared in your address. Remind the audience about the amazing journey you had together. You don't know if you'll cross paths with your classmates and whether you'll go to the same university. So, wish them luck in all future endeavors and thank them for the time spent together.

Consider adding an inspiring call to action as well. Encourage your friends to pursue their dreams, realize their potential, and stay true to themselves. This will leave your audience with a closing statement that exudes optimism for the future and the great opportunities it holds.

Practice delivering your speech

Your valedictorian speech won't captivate the hearts of the audience if you don't show genuine emotions and read it from paper. After you've written your speech, take some time to polish your delivery. Practice speaking it at home in front of the mirror, or deliver the speech to your friends and family.

Watch your body language and use gestures.

Speak in front of the mirror to control your gestures, facial impressions, and other elements of body language. Use specific hand movements, facial expressions, and posture to enhance your message and connect better with the audience. Make sure that your posture and face are consistent with what you are saying.

Pay attention to your vocal delivery.

Use appropriate pauses and variations of tone to make your speech not only informative, but also emotional. Practice speaking in the microphone to choose the appropriate volume of your speech. Record yourself to see shortcomings in your delivery and fix them. Use a positive, hopeful tone to inspire your classmates and leave a lasting impression.

Maintain eye contact.

When delivering your valedictorian speech, you'll need to maintain eye contact to keep your audience engaged. Learn to scan the room and make eye contact with different sections of the audience. If this sounds challenging at first, try looking at the most distant person in the hall and speaking to them.

Mistakes to avoid when delivering your valedictorian speech

When it comes to delivering a stellar valedictorian speech, content and delivery are equally important. Be sure to avoid these common mistakes to leave a lasting impression:

  • Don't read your speech  - while using speaker's notes is okay, reading from paper makes a poor impression. It shows your fellow graduates that you didn't take enough time to rehearse and practice.
  • Don't rush  - some people start speaking faster when they get nervous. Yet, there's a risk that the audience miss the content of your speech. Practice to maintain a steady pace so that everyone understands your message.
  • Don't use little-known facts  - in your speech, use stories that most graduates know and will find relatable. Sharing a story about your friend that anyone knows isn't likely to sound impressive.
  • Don't keep it too formal  - leaving high school is an important emotional moment, so being too reserved can spoil the moment. Use genuine emotions when crafting your valedictorian speech - they will surely resonate with the audience.
  • Don't overuse cliches  - each bad valedictorian speech is full of cliches. To make your speech memorable, use authentic stories and vivid language. If you struggle to pick the right words, consider working with a speechwriter.

By following these tips, you'll craft a valedictorian speech that reflects your shared journey, motivates your classmates for great things in life, and leaves everyone uplifted and inspired. So, encourage your classmates to strive for excellence in everything and highlight the potential of each individual.

Use storytelling techniques, show genuine emotions, and use an enthusiastic tone to get your speech remembered by everyone.

Let our valedictorian speech experts help and impress your graduating class

Writing and delivering a valedictorian speech is a responsible task. If you feel the pressure or your perfectionism gets in the way, consider getting help from a talented speechwriter. At SpeechPaths, we prepare affordable speeches for any special occasion, including high school graduation.

You'll work one-on-one with a pro writer who will find the right words and use storytellin

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Inspiring Valedictorian Speech Examples to Help You Write Your Own


Most of us remember delivering a speech in front of our classmates during graduation, whether as salutatorian or valedictorian.

While inputting the right facts and research can be challenging, it’s important to make sure that your graduation speech is inspiring and motivating. Afterall, this is the last time you see many of your class mates, so you want your message to have an impact.

That’s why we’ve compiled some of the most memorable and inspiring valedictorian speeches. Review these examples to get ideas and help you craft your own unique speech. With thoughtful words and effective storytelling , you’ll be sure to make a lasting, positive influence to your classmates!

Reflecting on Our Journey

Throughout high school our journey of self-discovery and growth has been a constant.

As we look back on our journey, it’s important to recognize the significant role that memories have in helping us shape our lives and define who we are. What we reflect on can be both uplifting and humbling while inspiring us to strive for further success.

The more we reflect on our past experiences, the better able we are to learn from failures and successes alike. This not only helps us acknowledge our accomplishments, but it also gives us perspective and insight into how far we’ve come as individuals.

Reflecting on our journey is an opportunity to celebrate the best moments of our years in high school, from sports victories to unforgettable conversations with friends. It also allows us to appreciate all that we learned during those formative years that has helped shape the person we have become today.

It’s natural to feel hesitant about taking time out of a busy day to look back on our individual paths.

But it is a beneficial exercise, even if viewing the past causes painful emotions or overwhelming feelings of nostalgia. Reflection helps us fully appreciate what was achieved and reminds us to take time out of our daily routine for introspection.

Now that we have taken the time to reflect on our individual journey up to this point in life, let’s take a look at some of the notable accomplishments made by members of our class. In the next section, we will examine how remembering some of these triumphs can help provide insight into future goals and ambitions.

Remembering Our Achievements

The valedictorian’s job is to honor the successes and hard work of the graduating class. This can be done by looking back at our collective achievements over the past few years.

From faculty members to peers, remembering everyone who contributed to our success encourages a sense of gratitude and pride in our accomplishment.

One option for doing this is by recognizing special accomplishments or awards that were earned during our time together.

Names can be called out and stories can be shared , only if appropriate and welcomed by those mentioned. It is important to check with anyone beforehand if they are comfortable being publicly remembered in such a way.

It could also be done through sharing meaningful interactions and experiences with classmates. Narratives about how we have learned from one another and grown together remind us of all that we have accomplished, both as individuals and as part of a collective body.

Finally, it may be beneficial to recall moments of progress and growth throughout all of our years in school. Celebrating, even our smaller triumphs along the way further highlights the successes that brought us here today.

Remembering our achievements serves as a reminder of all the hard work our graduating class has put into their education and provides an opportunity to give credit where it is due.

Let us take this moment to pause and recognize everyone who was involved in ushering us here to this milestone moment in time. Now let us transition into celebrating our success as we look ahead at what is possible for us next on our journeys beyond this pivotal rite of passage.

Celebrating Our Success

When it comes to delivering the valedictorian speech, an important element is celebrating our success. The idea of celebration can take on different forms, from lightheartedness to a more serious acknowledgement of a job well done.

It’s up to individual taste as to how you as the valedictorian choose to celebrate and recognize your peers’ many accomplishments that brought you all together.

For those who prefer something more humorous and attractive to the crowd, celebrating with jokes or funny stories that have become part of the shared history of the graduating class can have a greater impact than simply citing general successes.

It shows familiarity and genuine appreciation for the special moments you’ve had with your peers that has led to your combined achievement.

Others may choose a more solemn tone, thanking their entire class for their hard work and dedication over the years which enabled them all to come so far in their respective fields.

This kind of approach also has its merits, as it adds a level of gravity to the speeches, conveying real admiration and gratitude amongst graduating students.

No matter which route one takes, celebrating success has long been an integral component in setting graduation ceremonies apart from everyday life.

As such, valedictorians do not only recognize the accomplishment of graduating classes but also the memories and stories held within their hearts that made it meaningful. Following this section about celebrating our successes, we’ll now discuss how we can look ahead to the future.

Looking Ahead to the Future

It’s perfectly natural to spend some time looking back and reflecting on our successes during the past few years, but when it comes to speeches, valedictorians should also look ahead.

Looking ahead creates a sense of direction and hope that can be shared with the other graduates, reminding them of all of the future possibilities that lie ahead. It also helps to encourage graduates to set goals for themselves and strive for a brighter future.

When talking about the future, many people have conflicting views on whether tackling hard challenges or taking risks should be considered a positive outlook.

On one hand, some would argue that taking risks can lead to incredible rewards and great opportunities. On the other hand, others may point out that the cost of taking too big of a risk can be very costly in terms of time and money spent.

However, instead of debating which side is right or wrong in this scenario, it is more important to focus on how graduates can prepare themselves for whatever life may bring their way.

Valadictorians can use their speech as an opportunity to challenge their peers by inspiring them to make proactive steps towards achieving their dreams – no matter what obstacles they may face along the way.

This may include setting goals apart from just focusing on academic performance; such as staying active, forming meaningful relationships and continuing to learn new skills.

Furthermore, valedictorians can talk about any struggles or set-backs they faced during their journey and about how perseverance eventually played a role in helping them reach their desired outcome – which could serve as an inspiration for those listening .

Overall, by looking ahead and encouraging their peers not just to take risks but find ways to proactively approach their future endeavors, valedictorians can get across an important message – even if it’s through leaving a graduation ceremony with mostly unanswered questions – that they are ready for the next step and up for the challenge.

With these thought processes in mind, let’s now look towards how we as individuals can set goals and understand the power of embracing each challenge head-on.

Setting Goals and Embracing the Challenge

It is no secret that words have the power to both motivate and to inspire. As graduating seniors, now is the time to reflect on our successes, our failures, and the many challenges we have faced in high school.

It can be easy to move onto the next step in life while leaving the past behind us; however, it is important that we acknowledge our individual growth and progress.

Having goals helps us to stay focused on what we set out to achieve. Presenting a detailed outline of your life’s purpose can help to keep you motivated and inspired throughout future milestones.

Remind your classmates that setting goals is essential for any success and should include listed plans; such as attainable academic objectives, personal fitness goals, financial milestones and career aspirations. Making achievable short-term objectives also allows you reflect on your progress as you reach them one by one.

Embracing challenge gives us an opportunity to enhance skills , learn from our mistakes, gain mental strength and resilience, improve problem solving capabilities and explore new ideas that just may lead to something great.

Even though a challenge may be uncomfortable or difficult, sometimes taking risks are necessary for growth. Highlight those times when everyone tried something unexpected out of their comfort zones and how they overcame their fears into becoming confident individuals who tackled anything that came their way because they weren’t afraid of failing.

Demonstrating this important message will help your classmates recognize that push through hard things in life; there are so many more opportunities waiting for them once they continue down this path in life until eventually reaching their end goal!

Through setting achievable goals paired with embracing the challenge of not knowing the outcome, we can take control of our own paths rather than allowing our futures to follow whatever route happens along the way.

Let your classmates know that every step taken in order to achieve something great adds up over time which is why it’s important not to give up no matter how long or hard it may seem! Now onto saying goodbye…

Saying Goodbye to Our Classmates

Saying goodbye to our classmates can be a hard task for any valedictorian speaker. On one hand, we want to express our gratitude for all the time shared together and the memories created. We have supported one another through difficult times and celebrated our successes together.

All of these experiences have brought us closer and given us the strength to overcome anything that comes our way.

On the other hand, some may argue that it is important to move on from this chapter in life and looking forward to what lies ahead in the future.

After all, every good ending paves the way for new beginnings and this could very well be a start of something great. It’s essential to take all these emotions while saying goodbye – sadness, happiness, excitement – and expressing them through an emotional yet motivating valedictorian speech tailored specifically to your graduating class.

These arguments aside, a valedictorian speech is not complete without expressing both appreciation and hopefulness of what lies ahead. To craft a memorable farewell speech that resonates with your classmates, you must include everything mentioned above and show your utmost sincerity in thanking your peers.

Armed with these sentiments, you can now put pen to paper for an example valedictorian speech that is sure to capture and move your entire audience.

An Example Valedictorian Speech

An example of a valedictorian speech can illustrate the harmonious combination of humor and humility, storytelling and self-reflection that creates an inspiring speech.

One such valedictorian speech was delivered by Valedictorian Avery June of Elmore County High School, who told moving stories about growing up in rural Alabama and the profound impact her teachers had on her success.

She poignantly noted that while she had pride in her own accomplishments, they were only part of her journey. Her understanding of the influence of her teachers and peers was instrumental in creating a sense of community and school spirit.

At the same time, not all good valedictorian speeches will be purely reflective or serious. There is a place for levity and humor, as demonstrated by another example valedictorian speech – given by Australian Valedictorian Tom Alchin from St Ives High School – which bravely mocked both himself and his school’s teachers to much applause.

He reminded the entire assembly of their shared accomplishments despite any internal disagreements – ultimately leading to contagious positivity and celebration. By using a humorous approach , he embodied the spirit of togetherness amidst any differences between individuals at the school.

These examples show how effective an inspiring valedictorian speech can be when rendered correctly – walking a fine line between self-reflection and levity without sacrificing either ambition or collaboration.

From these examples we can see how a valedictorian speech can set the tone for celebration while showing admiration for our schools’ greatest resource – its people.

In the next section, we’ll explore further examples which showcase proud alumni stories as well as advice on representing our schools with pride during a valedictorians speech. With this in mind, let us turn to exploring how we can be proud ambassadors for our schools during our own special day.

Being Proud of Our School

When it comes to delivering a powerful valedictorian speech, there is nothing more powerful than a heartfelt thanks and recognition of the school that you attended.

Every academic institution has unique features that set it apart from other schools, and as such, being proud of your school should play a prominent role in any valedictorian speech.

While everyone takes pride in their individual successes, acknowledging one’s school can be just as important—possibly even more important. Students should take time out of their speech to thank their school, students, teachers, administrators, and staff.

Doing so will provide an opportunity to show gratitude, recognize all those who have helped along the way, and provide an optimistic outlook of what the future holds for each student’s home school.

In addition to thanking components of the school community, valedictorians should also use their speech as an opportunity to speak about specific qualities about their home institution that makes it special.

Depending on the size or focus of the school (i.e., public vs. private), there may be some unique aspects worth mentioning from curriculum to diversity. Being able to recognize these qualities during a person’s valedictorian speech will serve as a direct compliment to the entire school community and provide validation for all its efforts.

It is important for a valedictorian to keep in mind though that not every criticism leveled against one’s school needs to be addressed during this time—instead, focus solely on what makes it great and why you chose to spend your time there.

Bring up positive stories or anecdotes if pertinent and while providing constructive criticism can be useful in other contexts and situations like alumni mentorship panels or boards of trustees meetings, remember that using your valedictorian speech is not really the place or time for it.

At the end of the day, no matter how much one does or does not agree with certain aspects of their school’s policies or traditions taking pride in where one went to high school should be sincere and heartfelt before anything else. With this in mind, being proud of our school should be at the center of any inspiring valedictorian speech!

In conclusion, crafting a memorable valedictorian speech can be an intimidating task. However, taking the time to plan out your speech and focus on elements such as tone , storytelling, and timing can help to make your valedictorian speech stand out.

Additionally, you should consider practicing in front of an audience or recording yourself ahead of time so that you can get comfortable with delivering your speech in front of a larger group.

Ultimately, a great valedictorian speech will take time and effort. But by utilizing inspiring valedictorian speeches as examples and paying close attention to the style and delivery of your own speech, you’ll be able to craft a meaningful and memorable valedictorian address for all to enjoy.

Frequently Asked Questions and Responses

What is the expected format of a valedictorian speech.

The typical format for a valedictorian speech is to first thank everyone involved in making the event possible and congratulate fellow classmates on their accomplishments. This can be followed by a brief reflection on the past four years, including any challenges that have been faced, before transitioning into an inspirational message about the future. The conclusion should include a memorable quote or saying to sum up the main themes of the speech.

In terms of structure, it is important to begin with an attention-grabbing statement , introduce topics in an organized manner, use vivid language and thought-provoking examples, and end with a strong conclusion . Additionally, it is important to vary sentence length and speak at a moderate pace so that your audience will remain engaged and follow your message.

How can I make sure my valedictorian speech is effective and impactful?

Making sure your valedictorian speech is effective and impactful requires you to be organized and creative. Before writing a word, brainstorm themes that represent your personal experience in the best light. Once you’ve identified your core message, you can begin structuring the speech in three parts: an opening statement, the body of the speech, and a closing.

When crafting your opening statement, use humor and heartwarming anecdotes to grab the audience’s attention. Opening statements should have a strong emotional connection with everyone in attendance.

The body of the speech should emphasize your core message by examples from your own life or experiences in high school. Try using visual aids such as pictures or videos to drive home key points in your presentation. Additionally, include quotes from educators, authors, politicians, or other influential figures to add depth to your delivery.

Finally, wrap up with a call-to-action for attendees to take away from the ceremony. End by expressing gratefulness for being selected valedictorian, for having been granted the opportunity to attend school with peers and teachers who have shaped their journey thus far.

By building an emotional base at the beginning of the speech and staying organized throughout, you can ensure that your valedictorian speech is both effective and impactful – regardless of how many people are present!

What are some tips for writing a valedictorian speech?

1. Think carefully about your topic. Consider what would be meaningful and inspiring to your classmates as they prepare to transition into the future. Take time to brainstorm ideas and narrow down your focus until you come up with something that stands out.

2. Get organized. Once you have chosen a topic , create an outline that divides your speech into sections, beginning with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Develop your main points and make sure that each one is addressed within each section of the outline .

3. Start writing as soon as possible. Begin drafting the body of your speech , utilizing concrete examples when possible to make it relatable and memorable for your peers. You can always edit your work later, but getting started is key in order to finish on time.

4. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Reach out to teachers or other members of the school community who may have advice or feedback on how you can improve your speech before delivering it. Even if they are not familiar with valedictorian speeches specifically, they may be able to provide insights on writing or public speaking in general that will benefit you as you create your address.

5. Practice, practice, practice ! Rehearse your speech in front of friends and family until you are comfortable speaking it aloud from memory; this will help build confidence and give you the chance to iron out any issues before taking the stage at graduation day .

How to Write a Graduation Speech as Valedictorian

A good valedictory speech takes preparation and practice

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The valedictory speech is a staple of graduation ceremonies. It is usually delivered by the valedictorian (the student with the highest grades in the graduating class), although some colleges and high schools have abandoned the practice of naming a valedictorian. The terms "valedictory" and "valedictorian" come from the Latin valedicere , meaning a formal farewell, and this is core to what a valedictory speech should be.

Understand the Goal

The valedictorian speech should fulfill two goals: It should convey a "sending off" message  to the members of a graduating class, and it should inspire them to leave school ready to embark on an exciting new adventure. You likely have been chosen to deliver this speech because you've proven you are an excellent student who can live up to adult responsibilities. Now it's time to make every student in your class feel special.

As you prepare your speech , think about your shared experiences with the class and the people with whom you shared them. This should include popular and quiet students, class clowns and brains, teachers, principals, professors, deans, and other school employees. It's important to make everyone feel as if they played an important role in this shared experience.

If you have limited experience in certain aspects of school life, ask for help in collecting important names and events you might not know about. Are there clubs or teams that won prizes? Students who volunteered in the community?

Compile a List of Highlights

Make a list of highlights of your time in school, putting more emphasis on the current year. Start with these brainstorming questions:

  • Who received awards or scholarships?
  • Were any sports records broken?
  • Is a teacher retiring after this year?
  • Did your class have a reputation with teachers , good or bad?
  • How many students remain from freshman year?
  • Was there a dramatic event in the world this year?
  • Was there a dramatic event at your school?
  • Was there a funny moment everyone enjoyed?

You might need to conduct personal interviews to learn about these benchmarks.

Write the Speech

Valedictory speeches often combine humorous and serious elements. Start by greeting your audience with a "hook" that grabs their attention. For example, you could say, "Senior year has been full of surprises," or "We're leaving the faculty with lots of interesting memories," or "This senior class has set records in some unusual ways."

Organize your speech into topics describing these elements. You might want to start with an event that's on everyone's mind, such as a championship basketball season, a student featured on a television show, or a tragic event in the community. Then focus on the other highlights, putting them into context and explaining their importance. For example:

"This year, Jane Smith won a National Merit Scholarship. This may not seem like a big deal, but Jane overcame a year of illness to achieve this goal. Her strength and perseverance are an inspiration to our whole class."

Use Anecdotes and Quotes

Come up with anecdotes to illustrate your shared experiences. These brief stories can be funny or poignant. You could say, "When the student newspaper printed a story about the family who lost their home to a fire, our classmates rallied and organized a series of fundraisers."

You can sprinkle in quotes from famous people as well. These quotes work best in the introduction or conclusion and should reflect the theme of your speech. For example:

  • "The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again." (Charles Dickens)
  • "You will find the key to success under the alarm clock." (Benjamin Franklin)
  • "There is only one success: to be able to spend your life in your own way." (Christopher Morley)

Plan for Time

Be mindful of the appropriate length of your speech. Most people speak about 175 words per minute, so a 10-minute speech should contain about 1,750 words. You can fit about 250 words onto a double-spaced page, so that translates to seven pages of double-spaced text for 10 minutes of speaking time.

Tips for Preparing to Speak

It's important to practice your valedictory speech before giving it. This will help you troubleshoot problem spots, cut boring parts, and add elements if you're running short. You should:

  • Practice reading your speech aloud to see how it sounds
  • Time yourself, but remember you may speak faster when you're nervous
  • Focus on remaining calm
  • Put aside comedy if it feels unnatural
  • Be tactful if broaching a tragic topic you feel needs to be included. Consult a teacher or adviser if you have any doubts.

If possible, practice your speech using the microphone in the location where you'll be graduating—your best chance might be just before the event. This will give you an opportunity to experience the sound of your magnified voice, figure out how to stand, and get past any butterflies in your stomach .

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Crafting an Unforgettable Valedictory Speech: A Guide and Samples

Crafting a valedictory speech

Hello there, future valedictorian! If you're on the hunt for a fantastic sample valedictory speech and helpful analysis to guide you in crafting your own, you're in the right place. Your valedictory address is an important moment to inspire, entertain, and make a memorable mark on your graduation day. Let's help you rise to the occasion with confidence and style.

Sample Skeleton Valedictory Speech

  • Speech Analysis

Extended Sample Valedictory Address

Let's begin by looking at a complete skeleton of a sample valedictory speech.


"Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone. Distinguished guests, faculty, friends, family, and my fellow graduates, thank you for being here to celebrate this remarkable day.

Four years ago, we walked into this institution, eyes wide with anticipation, hearts brimming with hopes. Today, we step out, our minds enriched, our spirits ignited, and our hearts full of memories.

Our journey hasn't been easy. It was filled with long nights of study, intense debates, exhilarating victories, and humbling losses. It's been a rollercoaster ride that tested our resolve but also shaped us into the individuals we are today.


Looking back, I am filled with gratitude. To our teachers, thank you for sharing your wisdom, guiding us through the maze of knowledge. You've transformed us from caterpillars into butterflies, ready to take flight.

To our parents, your unwavering support has been our rock. In times of success and in times of failure, you've been there. Your love and sacrifices have propelled us forward.

To my fellow graduates, we did it. Together, we've conquered mountains. And while today is an ending, it's also a beginning. It's a launching pad, sending us towards the next grand chapter of our lives.


As we venture forward, let's carry with us the lessons learned. Let's remember the value of hard work, perseverance, and the importance of standing up for what we believe in. Above all, let's continue to value the friendships we've formed, and the community we've built.


Let us face our future, not with fear but with confidence, armed with the knowledge that we are capable, prepared, and ready to make our mark on the world.


And finally, remember that success is not the key to happiness, happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.

Class of [Year], it's been an honor. Thank you."

Valedictory Speech Analysis

Now, let's break this down to help you in crafting your own valedictory address.

Valedictory speech structure

  • Opening: The speech starts with a greeting and appreciation, setting a positive and welcoming tone. A great speech is as much about the audience as it is about you, so it's essential to acknowledge them.
  • Reflection: Next, the speaker reflects on their shared journey, highlighting the trials and triumphs, the growth, and transformation. This helps the audience to connect with the speaker and adds a personal touch.
  • Gratitude: Showing gratitude is crucial. This part acknowledges the teachers, parents, and peers' roles in their journey, making them feel appreciated and valued.
  • Encouragement and Inspiration: This part speaks directly to the graduates, inspiring them for the future. It encourages them to apply their learned lessons, face the future with confidence, and to remember the importance of happiness in their journey to success.
  • Closing: Finally, the speaker wraps up with an optimistic conclusion, leaving a lasting impression. This part is your final chance to inspire and should be as memorable as your opening.

Remember, your valedictory speech is a reflection of you and your experience, so make it personal.  A typical valedictory speech usually lasts between 5 to 10 minutes. This translates to roughly 750 to 1500 words, depending on your speaking speed. However, it's not the length that matters, but the content. It's important to stay concise and keep your audience engaged throughout your speech. Focus on delivering a meaningful, impactful, and inspiring message rather than filling up time.

The sample valedictory speech provided above serves as a concise, broad-strokes example designed to offer guidance on the general structure and key components of a typical valedictory address. In practice, you would likely expand upon each section, including more personal anecdotes, shared memories, specific instances of growth and learning, and detailed acknowledgments of influential people.

These details can significantly lengthen the speech while providing a more personalized, engaging experience for the listeners. The sample serves as a starting point, a skeleton that you can flesh out with your unique experiences and perspective to craft a heartfelt and inspiring valedictory address.

Remember, the key to an excellent valedictory speech is to ensure that it's authentically you. Don't feel constrained by word counts or time limits. Instead, focus on articulating your thoughts and feelings in a manner that resonates with your classmates, teachers, and everyone in attendance. 

The following is an extended sample valedictory speech that provides an example of a complete 5-10 minute address.

"Good evening, esteemed Principal, distinguished faculty, honored guests, devoted families, and my fellow graduates. It is a moment of tremendous pride and a deeply humbling experience to stand before you as the valedictorian of this accomplished and spirited Marshall High School Class of 2023. As we gather here today, clad in our caps and gowns, holding a whirlwind of emotions within us - excitement, nostalgia, anxiety, and hope, I am moved by the collective strength and unity we represent.

Before I journey down the memory lane, allow me to express my heartfelt gratitude to the stalwarts of our academic life. Our teachers, who have been the beacon of knowledge, guiding us through the tempestuous sea of equations, literary works, scientific principles, and historical events. They have tirelessly and patiently nurtured our minds, celebrated our victories, and encouraged us to rise from our failures. To our families, the constant source of love, support, and inspiration - you held us when we stumbled, cheered for us in our triumphs, and most importantly, believed in us when we doubted ourselves. And last but not least, to my fellow students, who turned into friends and friends who became a family - your companionship has enriched this journey beyond measure.

Our voyage through the halls of Marshall High School has been a tapestry of varied experiences - a vibrant mosaic of moments that transformed us from wide-eyed freshmen to young adults ready to carve out our own paths. Together, we braved daunting examinations, grappled with challenging assignments, and basked in the euphoria of our collective accomplishments.

Do you recall the thunderous applause when our soccer and basketball teams clinched city and state championships? Or the stirring excitement that filled us during the centennial celebration, marking a hundred years of our beloved school's glorious legacy? What about the intense, adrenaline-fueled moments leading up to the national robotics competition victory, where our hours of toil and teamwork bore fruit? These milestones have not only defined us as individuals but fortified our unity, creating a unique blend of memories that will forever echo in the corridors of Marshall.

Renowned poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou wisely remarked, 'I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.' This profound wisdom resonates deeply with our journey at Marshall. Here, we haven't merely been equipped with academic prowess. We have been molded into empathetic, responsible citizens, who understand the ripple effect of kindness and compassion.

From brainstorming innovative solutions for a cleaner environment to establishing tutoring programs for underprivileged students, we strived to extend our learning beyond the classrooms. We realized that while personal success is rewarding, collective growth is truly fulfilling. So, we rolled up our sleeves and got our hands dirty - cleaning parks, initiating recycling drives, and raising funds for the local homeless shelter. And in the process, we discovered that the real essence of education is not just in mastering theorems or formulae but in uplifting those around us.

As we stand on the cusp of a new chapter in our lives, let us carry forth the indomitable spirit of Marshall - the spirit that encourages innovation, nurtures diversity, and champions resilience. We step into a world rife with challenges, but fortified by our experiences and values, we are prepared to navigate it. As we spread our wings to embrace the future, let's remember that we are not just graduates, we are the torchbearers of change, endowed with the ability to make a difference in the world.

To the mighty Class of 2023, we have arrived at this significant milestone through our relentless hard work, shared experiences, and indomitable spirit. We are leaving behind a part of our lives that has shaped us, nurtured us, and prepared us for the journey ahead. We are not just graduates with a high school diploma; we are young men and women ready to use our knowledge and skills to leave an indelible mark on the world.

Let's not forget, though, that this is not an end, but a new beginning. We are stepping out of our comfort zones, ready to chart unknown territories, driven by curiosity and fortified by our learnings. In this world of relentless change and countless opportunities, let us continue to be lifelong learners, innovators, leaders, and above all, compassionate human beings.

So, my fellow graduates, as we bid adieu to our beloved Marshall High School, let's not say goodbye. Instead, let's thank it for being our second home, our sanctuary of learning, and a nurturing ground for our dreams. Let's cherish the unforgettable memories, friendships, and invaluable lessons it has bestowed upon us.

Congratulations, Class of 2023! We've traversed a remarkable journey together, and today, we stand victorious, ready to forge ahead. As we flip the page to a new chapter, let's write a future filled with curiosity, kindness, resilience, and success. Here's to us, here's to our journey, and here's to the exciting adventures that await us.

We did it, and we did it together!"

The extended speech now conveys a valedictory message with detail and emotion, helping to create a deep connection with the audience. This valedictory speech illustrates the power of narrative, emotion, and the personal touch in making a speech truly memorable. It goes beyond the standard formula to offer a personal and poignant view of the graduates' shared experience, making it a suitable model for those seeking to craft a meaningful and impactful valedictory address.

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how to write a good grade 8 valedictorian speech

Valedictorian Speech Examples Challenge Class To Reach For The Stars

Valedictiran speech examples - valedictorian inspoired graduates

A valediction speech is a short speech that recaps the years the graduating class spent at the school and honors their achievement. The valedictorian prepares it, and it may be heartfelt, humorous, or inspirational. The best valedictorian speech examples advice, wish the graduates good luck, thank honored guests, and reminisce about the journey the class has experienced together.

At high school and college graduations, the students who rank the highest in the class are the ones who speak on behalf of their classes. The top student, called the valedictorian, presents a short speech known as the valedictorian speech .

This often follows words by the salutatorian, the second highest-ranking student, who also gives a speech.

Table of Contents

What Is The Definition Of Valedictorian Speech?

A valedictorian speech is a commencement speech given by the person with the highest grade point average (GPA) in the graduating class. It is worth noting that some schools have a weighted scale to ensure that students who have taken honors or advanced placement classes outscore students with an easier load of courses through their high school years.

It is a high honor to be the person to give this speech, as it is clear to all that the valedictorian has engaged in years of hard work to get to that point.

Valedictorian speech example/ Highest-ranking classmate speaks

What Is A Valedictorian Speech About?

The graduation day speech given by the valedictorian is typically given after the salutatorian has spoken. While the salutatorian speaks on behalf of the graduating class, the valedictorian is speaking for (and to) his or her fellow students who are graduating.

Topics presented during great valedictorian speeches include:

  • Gratitude:  The valedictorian or salutatorian expresses gratitude to everyone who has helped the graduates get to where they are appropriate, including faculty members, family, community members, friends, and fellow graduates. Speakers should communicate with other speakers to prevent duplication.
  • Memories:  It is worth noting that class valedictorian recount not only their personal memories but those relevant to the entire class during their high school experience.
  • Future Endeavors:  As graduates prepare to move to the next stage of life, a speaker may discuss what the future holds for the assembled students.
  • Inspire:  The speaker inspires the class to pursue their dreams as they move on to the next stage of life.
  • Quotes:  Quotes that inspire or reflect are excellent for graduation speeches. One might choose inspirational quotes to help set the stage for the speech or as part of the conclusion. The quote can also help transition between main points.

How Do You Write A Short Valedictorian Speech?

What if you are tasked with writing a very short speech? In some middle or high school graduation ceremonies, the speakers are requested to keep it short (3-5 minutes). When that is the challenge set before you, speech writing can feel tricky.

When given a shorter time, you need to get a lot of bang with fewer words. Shorten your introduction. Limit your main ideas to two (rather than 3-4). Find efficient transition thoughts. As you conclude your speech, you can pull the ideas together in a few sentences to make sure the anecdotes you have shared are clearly linked for those listening. One important rule for public speaking is quality over quantity. You can say a lot in just a few words!

Maya Angelou quote

What Do You Do If You Have A Lot Of Things To Say In A Valedictorian Speech?

It may be necessary to limit your speech due to certain factors. First, knowing how long the faculty advisors expect you to speak is important. Traditionally the valedictorian speaks for anywhere from 5-10 minutes.

As you begin brainstorming about your speech, sticking to the main ideas that resonate with most people assembled is essential. In other words, this is not about you and your best friends. The speech you prepare for the graduating class’s big day should engage the entire class. This is not the time or place for inside jokes or stories involving just a few class members.

Valededictorian speech examples appeals to whole class

Often, a class’s years together may revolve around a significant event that occurred during high school or college. Recent classes may have bonded over Covid restrictions, but natural disasters, the untimely death of a classmate, or political upheaval may have marked the years. (Ask grandparents. They may remember the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the Vietnam War, or Y2K as the focal point of their school years.)

One should also refrain from discussing anything controversial during a graduation speech. While current issues can be significant and worth talking about, this is not the forum for doing so.

When choosing anecdotes to share, limit it to three or four stories or thoughts that can be somehow linked together in an interesting way.

How To Write A Valedictory Speech For Graduation?

Wondering how to write your speech?

  • Talk to others:  Classmates will have ideas on important memories you might want to share.
  • Brainstorm:  Give yourself some time to think things through and brainstorm ideas on topics to cover.
  • Planning:  Make an outline or organize your thoughts before writing. Do you have stories you can pull together?
  • Write:  Start writing your speech! Like all speeches, the valedictorian speech should have a beginning, middle, and end.
  • Read it out loud:  As you read your speech out loud, set a timer. Do you fit within the parameters given to you?
  • Revise:  All great writers revise. Don’t assume your first copy is the best.
  • Practice:  Once you have the final speech written, be sure to practice it either with someone, in front of a mirror, or by making a video.

What Are Some Valedictorian Speech Examples?

Valedictorian  Carl Aquino , graduating class of 2010 from West Hall High School, compares life to solving a Rubik’s Cube. He gives his speech with the help of a classmate who accompanies him by playing the guitar. You will enjoy the stories and analogies he uses with such fun humor.

Chase Dahl  of Weber High School class of 2015 gave another speech in a unique style. His speech is also a fairly short 5 minutes.

What Is The Best Valedictorian Speech Example?

Arguably, a contender for the best high school valedictorian speech ever was given by Alex Stone, part of West Boca Ratan’s high school class of 2022. He was particularly poised as he hit all the required elements for a graduation speech, wove an important personal loss into his speech, and tied the speech together with the quote by May Angelou, “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away,

A former English teacher and currently an elementary principal in a rural school, Pam has honed her speaking skills in the classroom and before professional groups. Pam enjoys sharing her insights about public speaking almost as much as she enjoys running, which she does daily.

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8th Grade Graduation Speech Examples

Graduation speeches are a time-honored tradition, and they can be a lot of fun to give. If you are feeling nervous about giving your speech , don’t worry! We are here to help. If you’re looking for inspiration, or simply want to see how other people have done it, we’ve gathered some 8th grade graduation speech examples and inspiring quotes to include for you.

Before we get to the examples themselves, let’s go over a few tips on how to make your 8th grade graduation speech memorable.

How to Give a Memorable Speech

Giving a memorable speech in 8th grade is all about finding your personal voice and using it to connect with your audience. The best speeches are the ones that sound like they were written just for the occasion, and that’s exactly what you should aim for.

Start by thinking about what makes you unique – what experiences, hobbies, or interests do you have that nobody else does? This can be anything from your love of animals to your talent for painting.

8th grade graduation speech examples - - 8th Grade Graduation Speech Examples

Once you’ve pinpointed what makes you special, use that as the foundation for your speech. What message do you want to share with your classmates? How can you inspire them to follow their own dreams ? Answering these questions will help you write a speech that is both personal and powerful.

And if you’re still feeling nervous about speaking in front of a group, remember that practice makes perfect! Studies show that the more you speak in front of others, the more confident you’ll become.

Here are some tips to help you make it memorable:

  • Be yourself: This is probably the most important tip of all. Being genuine and authentic will help you connect with your audience and deliver a speech that is truly meaningful.
  • Use humor: A little bit of humor can go a long way in making your speech more enjoyable for everyone. Just be sure not to overdo it – too much jokes can make you seem unprofessional.
  • Tell a story: Stories are a great way to engage your audience and illustrate your points. If you can, try to find a personal story that relates to the topic of your speech .
  • End on a high note: Your conclusion is what people will remember most, so make it count! Sum up your main points and leave your audience with a strong and positive message.

The 8th grade graduation speeches examples below provide a great starting point, but remember that the best way to make your speech memorable is to be yourself. Be natural, and speak from the heart. This is your time to shine, so enjoy it!

And now, without further ado, here are some 8th grade graduation speech examples.

Blurbs to include in your 8th Grade Speech

“Class of 20xx, we did it! We made it through 8th grade! I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling pretty proud right now. It’s been a long journey, full of ups and downs, but we’ve made it to the end. And I think that’s worth celebrating!”

“This is just the beginning. 8th grade may be ending, but there are so many great things ahead of us. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for each and every one of you. Congratulations, and best of luck!”

“Graduation is a time to look back on all we’ve accomplished, and to set our sights even higher for the future. So let’s make a promise to ourselves right now: to never give up on our dreams, no matter how big or small.”

“It’s been a pleasure getting to know all of you over the past few years. You’re an amazing group of people with bright futures ahead of you. I have no doubt that you’ll go on to do great things in the world. Congratulations!”

“Wishing all of you a bright future full of happiness, success, and lots of love. Congratulations, 8th grade graduates!”

8th grade graduation quote -  - 8th Grade Graduation Speech Examples

Short 8th Grade Speech Examples

Speech example 1.

“Class of 2023, we did it! We made it through 8th grade! This is a huge accomplishment and I’m so proud of each and every one of you. I can’t wait to see all the great things you will do in high school and beyond.

Now, I know graduation speeches are supposed to be serious, but I also know that 8th graders aren’t always the most serious bunch. So, instead of giving a long speech full of big words, I thought I would leave you with this quote from Dr. Seuss:

‘Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.’

Class of 2023 , congratulations again. Make sure to enjoy the rest of your summer break!”

Speech Example 2

“It seems like only yesterday we were starting 8th grade. Time really does fly when you’re having fun, or in 8th grade’s case, when you’re trying to survive 8th grade. But we made it! We’re finally graduating and moving on to high school.

I’m going to miss all of you, but I know that we will all keep in touch and stay friends. I want to wish you all the best of luck in high school and beyond. Remember to always stay true to yourselves and never give up on your dreams.

And with that, I’ll leave you with one more quote, this time from Walt Disney: ‘All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.’

Thank you and good luck!”

Speech Example 3

“As I stand here today, looking at all of you, I’m filled with so much pride. We’ve come so far, and we’ve accomplished so much. 8th grade is a big milestone, but it’s only the beginning. The sky is the limit for all of us.

I encourage each and every one of you to follow your passions and never give up on yourselves. Believe in yourselves and always stay positive. And finally, don’t forget to have fun! Life is too short to not enjoy every moment.

Thank you all for making 8th grade such a great year.”

Speech Example 4

“Graduation is a time to celebrate our accomplishments, reflect on our journey thus far, and set our sights on the future. For some of us, 8th grade was tough, but we made it through! We should be proud of ourselves for everything we’ve overcome.

As we move on to high school and beyond, let’s always remember the lessons we learned in 8th grade. Be kind to others, work hard, and never give up on your dreams. With that said, I’ll leave you all with one last quote from Maya Angelou:

‘You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.’

Class of 2023, congratulations and best of luck!”

Speech Example 5

“It’s been a pleasure getting to know each and every one of you over the past year. You’ve all accomplished so much and I know you’re going to do great things in high school.

I encourage you to always stay true to yourselves and never give up on your dreams. And remember, it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey. So, enjoy the ride!

Thank you all for making 8th grade such a great year. I wish you all the best of luck in high school and beyond.”

believe in yourself quote -  - 8th Grade Graduation Speech Examples

Quotes to Use in Your 8th Grade Speech

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

“Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” – Steve Jobs

“If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough.” – Unknown

“Don’t let anyone ever dull your sparkle.” – Unknown

“Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody.” – Brad Montague

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss

“Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So… get on your way!” – Dr. Seuss

“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” – A.A. Milne

“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” – Albert Einstein

“Remember, it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.” – Unknown

“Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the best.” – John D. Rockefeller

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” – Walt Disney

“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.” – Unknown

We hope these 8th grade graduation speech examples have inspired you to write your own. Remember, the most important thing is to be yourself and have fun. Congratulations on your big day!

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Mr Greg's English Cloud

Valedictorian Speech

Table of Contents


As the valedictorian of your graduating class, you have the honor—and the challenge—of delivering a speech that encapsulates years of hard work, celebrates the achievements of your peers, and looks forward to the future. Crafting a valedictorian speech is not just about reflecting on past experiences; it’s about inspiring your classmates as they embark on their next chapters. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps to write a memorable and impactful valedictory speech.

Understand the Purpose of Your Speech

The valedictorian speech is more than just a personal accolade; it serves several key purposes:

  • Celebration : Acknowledge and celebrate the accomplishments of the class.
  • Inspiration : Motivate your classmates to pursue their dreams with determination.
  • Reflection : Reflect on the experiences and lessons learned throughout school.
  • Gratitude : Express thanks to teachers, families, and others who have supported your class’s journey.

Start with a Clear Structure

Organizing your speech is crucial for delivering your message effectively. A clear structure helps maintain your flow and keeps the audience engaged. Here’s a basic outline to consider:

  • Introduction : Open with a strong, engaging hook to grab attention.
  • Reflections on the Past : Share memorable experiences and lessons learned.
  • Acknowledgments : Thank teachers, parents, and peers.
  • Looking Forward : Speak about hopes and dreams for the future.
  • Conclusion : End with a powerful closing that leaves a lasting impression.

Crafting the Introduction

Your introduction should capture the audience’s attention and set the tone for the rest of the speech. Start with something relatable and engaging:

  • Quote : Open with a quote that resonates with your message.
  • Anecdote : Share a short, humorous, or poignant story from your school years.
  • Question : Pose a thought-provoking question to pique interest.

Reflecting on the Past

This section of your speech should resonate with your peers as it revisits shared experiences. Be selective about the memories you choose to share:

  • Universal Experiences : Discuss moments that most, if not all, classmates can relate to.
  • Personal Growth : Share how specific experiences have shaped you and your classmates.

Expressing Gratitude

Acknowledging those who have helped along the way is a key component of your speech. Be sincere and specific:

  • Mention Teachers by Name : Personalize your thanks by mentioning influential teachers and describing how they have impacted you.
  • Thank Parents and Guardians : Recognize the support from families, acknowledging their sacrifices.
  • Thank Your Peers : Celebrate the support and friendships that have developed among classmates.

Looking to the Future

As valedictorians, part of your role is to inspire your classmates as they look to the future. Offer encouraging words about embracing new challenges and the importance of continual growth:

  • Encourage Lifelong Learning : Stress the importance of staying curious and open to new experiences.
  • Inspire Action : Motivate your peers to pursue their passions with courage and resilience.

Writing the Conclusion

Your conclusion is your final opportunity to leave an impact. Make it memorable:

  • Call to Action : Challenge your classmates to make a positive impact in the world.
  • Reflective Quote : End with a quote that encapsulates your message and inspires reflection.
  • Personal Farewell : Offer a heartfelt farewell that resonates emotionally.

Valedictorian Speech Sample

Good morning, respected principal, esteemed teachers, staff, proud parents, and, above all, my fellow graduates. Today marks a pivotal moment in our lives, the day we step forward from the familiar into the unknown, armed with education, memories, and dreams.

Reflecting on Our Journey

As I stand here, I am reminded of our first day at this school, filled with a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation. We didn’t know then that the halls we walked, the classes we attended, and the grounds we played on would become the backdrop to our transformation. From those tentative first steps to confident strides towards our future, each moment has been a stitch in the fabric of our shared story.

We faced academic challenges that pushed us to our limits and beyond. We celebrated victories in sports, arts, and science, proving that our talents are diverse and our capabilities vast. We also supported each other through setbacks, learning that failure is not the opposite of success, but a part of it.

Our journey would not have been possible without the unwavering support of many. To our teachers, thank you for not just educating us, but inspiring us. You challenged us to think critically and act compassionately. You taught us not just subjects, but lessons that extend beyond the classroom walls.

To our parents and families, you were our first teachers and our constant champions. Your sacrifices and encouragement fueled our ambitions. Thank you for standing by us through every step, offering love and guidance.

And to my classmates, thank you for the camaraderie and memories. Each of you has contributed to making our time here unforgettable. I am proud to be part of this incredible group.

Looking Forward

As we look to the future, it’s filled with uncertainties, but also limitless possibilities. We are equipped not only with knowledge but with critical thinking skills and a sense of social responsibility. Whether our next steps are in further education, the workforce, or exploring the world, I am confident each of us will leave a mark of excellence and kindness.

Let us take the resilience and adaptability we’ve honed here to face the challenges of tomorrow. Let’s continue to learn, not just from textbooks, but from every experience and every person we encounter.

In closing, while today we celebrate the end of a significant chapter, let’s also look forward to the new beginnings that await us. Remember, graduation is not the end; it’s the commencement of new journeys, new challenges, and new achievements.

Let us step forward with courage and optimism, carrying the legacy of our alma mater with pride. As we scatter in different directions, let the bonds we’ve formed remain strong, and may the memories we cherish today inspire us always.

Thank you, and congratulations to the Class of 2024! Let’s go forth and make our mark on the world, always remembering where we began and dreaming of where we will go.

Final Tips for Writing and Delivering Your Speech

Be authentic.

Your speech should reflect your personality and values. Write in a way that feels true to yourself, and your sincerity will resonate with the audience.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Rehearse your speech multiple times. This will not only help you memorize it but also allow you to work on your delivery, including timing, pauses, and intonation.

Keep It Concise

Aim for a speech that lasts about 5-7 minutes. Keeping it concise helps maintain the audience’s attention and ensures that your message is delivered clearly.

Engage with Your Audience

Make eye contact and use gestures to connect with your audience. This engagement makes your delivery more effective and dynamic.

Be Prepared for Emotions

Giving a valedictorian speech can be an emotional experience. Be prepared for this and allow yourself to express these emotions; it adds to the authenticity of your message.

Final Thoughts

Writing a valedictorian speech is a significant responsibility, but it’s also a great honor. By following these guidelines, you can create a speech that not only reflects on your journey through school but also inspires and motivates your classmates as they move forward. Remember, this speech is not just a farewell; it’s a celebration of beginnings, achievements, and the endless possibilities that lie ahead.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

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how to write a good grade 8 valedictorian speech

Writing Your Valedictorian Speech from Beginning to End

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Writing Your Valedictorian Speech from Beginning to End

Decide on a Theme

Writing your valedictorian speech starts with creating a theme or main message for your speech. What do you want to portray to your classmates? Some common themes for graduation speeches are:

  • Past, present, future: describe how your classmates have gone from kindergarten up to 12th grade together, and now, you are looking toward the future; or for college graduations, you can describe freshman week to senior year to careers.
  • What your education has done for you and your classmates.
  • How you are going to fit into the world with this degree.
  • Hard work and perseverance paid off for your education, and they will pay off in your future.
  • Memories from school will keep you grounded as you go out into the world and start a new life.

Be Thankful

Most speeches generally starts with a thank you section. You want to thank the hosts of the graduation and the people responsible for giving you the opportunity to speak. For example, a high school speech giver might thank the school board members, the superintendent, the principal and the student body before beginning the speech.

Get Your Audience’s Attention

When creating your valedictorian speech, the next thing you need to do is decide how you want to begin your speech. You can start with a/an:

  • inspirational quote

One of the most popular ways to start a speech that really grabs the audience’s attention is to use an anecdote. An anecdote is a true story that fits with the theme of your speech. You could tell a story from your own life, from a famous person’s life, from your parents’ lives or from a classmate’s life. As long as it is inspirational and says something about the future or about a positive outlook on life, you can use the story. Many speech writers will start with a story from an essay in a book series like Chicken Soup for the Soul or Cup of Comfort.

The Body of the Speech

Depending on the theme you choose when writing your valedictorian speech, you will create an outline that has a beginning, middle and end – just like if you were writing an essay. In the body of the speech, you may include stories, quotes, memories, facts and even current events. The important thing is to keep in mind what your theme or message is, and everything in your speech should fit that theme. For example, if you are doing a past, present and future speech, then you would have three parts to the speech, and each would highlight that time with stories, quotes or facts. The body of your speech is the longest part and could vary anywhere from five minutes to 15 minutes, depending on your school’s requirements and guidelines.

In Conclusion

When writing your conclusion, remember this is the last message you will leave with them. So, it should summarize our overall message, be inspirational, or possibly have a call for action. For example, if your theme is how you and your classmates are going to fit into the world, you could finish the speech with a prediction – what do you see some of your classmates doing in the future? If you can find a quote by a famous person, that’s another good way to end a speech.

Giving a valedictorian speech at graduation is a privilege, so speak from your heart and deliver an honest message.

Valedictorian Speeches,

how to write a good grade 8 valedictorian speech

Crafting a Memorable Valedictorian Speech: 5 Tips and Ideas

  • The Speaker Lab
  • February 16, 2024

Table of Contents

Standing at the podium to deliver a valedictorian speech marks a pinnacle moment for high school graduates. While it’s an honor that speaks volumes about dedication and academic prowess, it also carries the weight of expectation.

This guide will walk you through creating a memorable valedictory address. You’ll learn how to reflect on collective milestones and incorporate those unique stories that bind your class together. We’ll explore themes like overcoming adversity and extracting life lessons from your high school years—all designed to leave everyone feeling inspired as they part ways.

Understanding the Valedictorian Speech

In academia, traditions run deep and none stands out quite like delivering that commencement speech amidst fellow graduates. The valedictorian speech is more than just a final farewell to high school. It’s a beacon of inspiration for every graduate sitting in their cap and gown. When you’re tasked with delivering this pivotal speech, remember: You’re not just speaking as an individual; you represent your entire graduating class.

Achieving this honor means you’ve scaled heights academically within your school community. But let’s face it—being top dog isn’t just about having bragging rights at family gatherings or making grandma proud. It signifies commitment beyond individual success—it speaks volumes about what one can achieve with determination.

You’re no ordinary student. As a result, you are now tasked with crafting words that will echo long after tassels have been turned at graduation ceremonies.

Significance in Academic Tradition

In academic tradition, there’s something almost sacred about commencement speeches. After all, they mark both an ending and a beginning. The best ones capture the essence of shared journeys through stories from freshman year fumbles to senior year triumphs—and everything in between.

In addition to recounting these stories of growth and camaraderie, a great valedictorian speech recounts lessons learned inside classrooms and on sports fields alike. As we at The Speaker Lab know, these narratives can shape powerful messages .

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Crafting Your Valedictorian Speech

To strike the right chord with listeners takes careful consideration—you want each word to resonate authentically without falling into cliché traps often heard at graduations. To get you started, here are some ideas on what you might include in your graduation speech . In addition, consider these examples from The New York Times .

Reflecting on Collective Experiences and Aspirations

Weave common threads throughout your narrative—think back row shenanigans or early morning bus stop meetup. Memories like these will draw laughter and nods from classmates who’ve lived these moments too.

You can even reflect on how you’ve tackled challenges like the global pandemic and how you’ve navigated changes like online classes. Events like these have impacted you and your classmates profoundly and they’re worth reflecting on.

Beyond merely recounting achievements, your words should also echo the aspirations and spirit of your high school class. This moment serves as both reflection on what has been accomplished and anticipation for all that lies ahead, uniting everyone under common hope as they prepare to part ways into diverse futures.

Incorporating Personal Faith

Talking about personal faith can be powerful but it’s key to respect everyone’s beliefs. For those from Christian backgrounds, mentioning how God has influenced your journey might resonate deeply. It’s about balancing personal truth with inclusivity—giving thanks without assuming uniformity among fellow graduates.

Universal Values for Collective Inspiration

When delivering your valedictorian speech, try incorporating values that you and your classmates share. This could include anything from teamwork to cooperation, hard work, or perseverance. Brainstorm values that mean something to you personally and then choose themes from that list that will resonate with your classmates as well.

Highlighting Collective or Personal Accomplishments

We all know high school wasn’t just a walk in the park. Think back to freshman year, when everything was new and challenging. You had to navigate not only math class but also social dynamics and personal growth spurts.

This is where your valedictorian speech can shine by highlighting your collective accomplishments. Emphasize how you learned how to work together, transforming trials into triumphs. The moments spent tackling group projects or cheering each other on during sports events show more than your ability to overcome adversity—they showcase your school’s spirit of unity.

Alternatively (or perhaps in addition), highlight personal growth, and the ways you saw yourself and others improve, whether academically or as a person. Whichever approach you take, speaking on the triumphs of high school gives you and your classmates the chance to appreciate the challenges you overcame. By adapting, innovating, and pushing past comfort zones, you and your classmates made it to the finish line: graduation day.

Personal Touches in Your Speech

Your personal growth is another treasure trove for material. Maybe there was an “aha” moment with Mr. Smith, the math teacher who turned numbers into life lessons. Or perhaps Ms. Wilson’s U.S. history class pushed you out of your comfort zone more than once. These individual stories add a personal touch to your speech while granting recognition to teachers who made a positive impact on your high school career.

And don’t forget your fellow students. If you’ve attended your high school for awhile, chances are you’ve made some close friends. Go ahead and give a shoutout to those that made a difference in your life. As valedictorian, you want your words to resonate—to leave everyone feeling seen, understood, celebrated even as they prepare to part ways beyond high school graduation.

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FAQs on Valedictorian Speeches

What should i say in my valedictorian speech.

Highlight shared triumphs, express gratitude, and inspire your peers to embrace future challenges with optimism.

What is a valedictory speech example?

An effective valedictory speech might start by recalling a common freshman challenge and end on hopeful notes about the journey ahead.

How do you make a valedictorian speech unique?

Weave in personal stories that echo the class’s spirit. Use humor wisely and leave them pondering fresh ideas or perspectives.

What is the main purpose of a valedictorian speech?

To celebrate achievements, acknowledge collective growth, and rally classmates for upcoming adventures beyond high school halls.

Delivering a valedictorian speech is an art. It’s your story, your graduating class’s journey, everyone’s milestone. Remember the key takeaways: weave together personal triumphs with shared moments that defined you all.

Reflect on the lessons learned beyond textbooks—those are what will shape you moving forward. Embrace adversity since it taught you resilience and brought out collective strength you never knew you had.

Your valedictorian speech should be more than words—it’s a celebration, an inspiration, a final bow to high school life as you ignite excitement for what comes next. So go forth and conquer!

  • Last Updated: February 29, 2024

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Here’s a template for a valedictory speech.

Here’s a Template for a Valedictory Speech

You thought becoming the valedictorian of your high school class was tough? That’s nothing compared to giving a great valedictory speech. Spend just a few minutes on YouTube and you’ll see that most valedictory speeches are boring and, worse, embarrassing.

But there’s hope! You can give a great valedictory speech.

Great valedictory speeches follow a pattern. They offer a fond reflection on the high school years. They connect with audiences using anecdotes and lots of name-dropping. And they offer gratitude. With that in mind, the key to a great valedictory speech is to keep it simple, short (ten minutes is perfect), mention lots of people by name, tell stories, and practice it so much that you don’t have to read it. You want to deliver it like you’re having an animated chat with a close friend.

Here’s a template to pass along to the valedictorian in your life.

My fellow graduates. Over the last four years here at [Insert name of high school.], we have learned a lot. Mr. [Insert name of math teacher.] taught us how to [Insert a complicated sounding math thing.]. Ms. [Insert name of English teacher.] taught us [Insert interesting tidbit from a favorite piece of literature.]. And Mr. [Insert name of widely known funny, popular teacher.] taught us [Insert something odd that parents might be surprised to learn. For example maybe he taught you how to swear in Portuguese. Or maybe he taught you the best way to approach a girl at a dance. Make it funny but revealing about a beloved teacher.].

And all of this knowledge will no doubt be valuable as we go forward in life. But I think that the most important thing that we have learned over the last four years is [Insert major theme. Keep the theme simple. Good themes include “How to build relationships and rely on each other,” “How to Work Together as a Community,” “How to respect each others differences,” and “How much we need each other to succeed.” Don’t worry if it’s corny. If it’s from the heart, go for it.].

Over the next few minutes, I’d like to talk about what we’ve learned, the people we have to thank, and the people we have to remember. [Notice that you’re setting up a little three-part structure, letting your listeners know where the speech is going.]

I told you that the most important thing that we learned was [Restate the theme.].

Let me give you just a couple of examples of what I’m talking about. [Give three or four quick and fun examples that bring in as many of your classmates’ names as possible. People love hearing their names. One of the examples might sound like this. “In ninth grade with our first pizza drive, we raised a lot of money for homecoming. It was a true team success. John Smith was our pizza baker. Cindy Jones showed us how to track and spend the money. Fred Williams played a critical role in getting people to turn out for the event with his creative posters. And Garth taught us that indeed one person can eat three entire pies in one sitting.” Give one longer example that is personal. For example, you might tell about how one of your teachers took an interest in your writing and encouraged you to submit your stories for publication. Be sure to tell about how you thought the story was really stupid but your teacher disagreed. Be sure to thank the teacher by calling her out from the audience, asking her to stand and asking the audience to give her a round of applause. Finish the story by telling how this teacher taught you that “Nothing we accomplish is done alone. Rather, we need each other for support and coaching.”]

Next, I’d like to take a moment on behalf of myself and my fellow graduates to thank the people that have brought us here.

[Pick five or six people to thank. But don’t just give their names. Tell why you’re grateful to them. And in telling why, give anecdotal context. For example, “I’d like to thank my mother Wendy Johnson, who taught me that if I want to make it to the bus stop on time, I can’t spend 20 minutes checking Facebook.” Or “I’d like to thank my Math teacher, Ms. Jackson, who drilled into my head “Getting the right answer isn’t everything. How you get there is important. So show me your stinking work!”]

Finally, I’d like to take a moment to remember our classmates and teachers who are not with us today.

[Here is where you mention anyone in your school community that died during your years in school. Once again, don’t just give their names. Give their names and then give a personal remembrance. “We all miss our friend Jenny Wilson. She was a wonderful sister and daughter, a great friend, and the best cheerleader on the squad. We also miss our teacher Mr. Carson. Mr. Carson didn’t allow us to show up late in his class. And we loved him for his humor. No one went through his class unchanged for the better.”]

So now we’re high school graduates. And soon we’re going to be signing each others’ yearbooks and saying goodbye. There will be hugs and tears. We’ll do our best to stay in touch. But we’ll be living our lives and doing our best.

As a final thought going forward, I’d like to leave you with a quote from [Insert name of someone you’d like to quote. The best people to quote are people that you’ve personally learned from, like your parents or grandparents. For example, “My grandfather told me that ‘A high school education is a great thing just as long as you’re willing to learn something after you graduate’.”]

He said, [Insert final quote.]

Thank you all.

My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

10 Tips to Write the Best High School Valedictorian Speech

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

Writing a valedictorian speech can be challenging. Your audience has high expectations for you because you’re the highest-ranking student in the batch.

Don’t stress out. I’ve got nine tips for writing the best high school valedictorian speech that will make sure you leave an impact.

How to Write a Valedictorian Speech

how to write a good grade 8 valedictorian speech

Do you want to create a memorable speech? Follow these ten tips to write the perfect graduation speech.

Tip1: Talk About What You’ve Learned in Your Speech

The perfect valedictorian speech is one where you share the essential lessons from high school. These are not lessons learned in the four corners of the classrooms but life learnings you can apply everywhere.

You can talk about the importance of loyalty to your friends, sportsmanship after losing a game, or teamwork from your school play.

Tip 2: Check for Themes

Almost every school graduation event has a theme. People at school will expect you to follow this idea while incorporating your own memories, advice, and stories.

If there is none, you can create a personal theme that shows the essence of your entire high school experience. Think about school events that fit in with the theme, then start writing your valedictory speech.

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Some sample themes include teachers and students who inspire, overcoming failure, connecting amidst adversity, and more.

Tip 3: Use an Outline

Follow this outline when creating a farewell address for your fellow high school students.

  • Introduction
  • Greet everyone congratulations.
  • Introduce yourself.
  • Give an overview of the last four years, from freshman to senior year. Mention significant moments like prom, homecoming, debate competitions, and more.
  • What are you grateful for? Recall fun moments from high school you appreciate. Mention teachers you want to thank and the parts of the academic institutions that helped you achieve.
  • Tie everything together.
  • End with a memorable line.

Tip 4: Make Your Valedictorian Speech About Everybody But You

As valedictorian, you represent the entire school graduating class. So it only makes sense that you talk about everybody. Don’t turn it into a biography of your school accomplishments.

In Gilmore Girls , Rory wrote a valedictory speech entirely about herself. It’s the best example of what you should not do in real life. Not everyone cares about the books you read or your family members. It’s one of my fav shows, and I adore that character, but I shook my head at that scene.

Gather information about what the four years have been like for your classmates. Are there any school memories worth mentioning? Ask them what they want you to include in the speech. That will ensure your valedictorian speech becomes remarkable.

Tip 5: Your Opening Line

The hardest part about writing any speech is starting the introduction. Your opening line should instantly grab everyone’s attention, whether it’s your schoolmates, teachers, or parents.

Do not start your address with “Can you hear me?” or “Is this microphone working?” You also don’t want to share your nervousness while on stage.

Tip 6: Practice Like It’s Real

There are two ways to practice your speech. First, you can read your manuscript and rehearse your non-verbal cues. Make sure you maintain eye contact with the audience and use your hands for gestures.

You can also read it in front of trusted people so they can give you suggestions. Speaking in front of people will build your confidence. But if there’s no one around to help you, record yourself giving the speech to analyze areas of improvement.

Tip 7: See Your High School Years With a Sense of Humor

Another tip is to open your address with an attention-grabbing joke. This will keep your audience from being bored during the program.

One of the best jokes as a valedictorian is a self-deprecating one. It will make you more relatable to your batchmates. You can also share funny memories with classmates, teachers, and school administrators.

Tip 8: Learn the Art of Stage Presence

An outstanding stage presence is critical in giving an excellent speech. One way to achieve this is by embracing the power of the pause. It allows you to gather your thoughts and follow the outline you prepared for the speech.

Dressing to impress, respecting the audience’s time, and adjusting the tone of your voice also help. These small practices will allow you to get your audience’s reaction and remembrance.

Tip 9: Inspire Your Fellow Students

One of the critical features of a valedictorian speech is that it should be inspiring. Graduation is not only about celebrating the fact that you finished high school.

You also want your fellow students to look back at the best high school memories and then look forward to the future. Valedictory speeches should make everyone excited about college and their careers.

With the central theme in mind, try giving your fellow graduates an inspiring piece of advice. It can be about hard work, patience, overcoming self-doubt, and more. You can also use motivating quotes that will make a memorable valedictorian speech.

Tip 10: Hire a Speech Writer

Consider hiring a captivating valedictorian speech writer if you are having trouble putting your thoughts into words. They will help you deliver concise, clear messages that resonate with the crowd.

Professional speech writers also have excellent editing skills. They can spot spelling and grammar mistakes to produce the perfect speech.

Cheat Sheet of Inspirational Quotes

how to write a good grade 8 valedictorian speech

  • “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” – John Dewey
  • “I’ve learned it’s important not to limit yourself. You can do whatever you really love to do, no matter what it is.” – Ryan Gosling
  • “There are no regrets in life. Just lessons.” – Jennifer Aniston
  • “You must have some vision in your life. Even if you don’t know the plan, you have to have a direction in which you choose to go.” – Oprah
  • “Take your risks now. As you grow older, you become more fearful and less flexible … Try to keep your mind open to possibilities and your mouth closed on matters that you don’t know about. Limit your ‘always’ and your ‘nevers.’ Continue to share your heart with people even if it’s been broken.” – Amy Poehler
  • “Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
  • “He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” – Muhammad Ali
  • “Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead.” – Nora Ephron
  • “You and you alone are the only person who can live the life that writes the story that you were meant to tell.” – Kerry Washington

Cheat Sheet of Funny Graduation Quotes

  • “The unfortunate, yet truly exciting thing about your life, is that there is no core curriculum. The entire place is an elective.” – Jon Stewart
  • “Big pay and little responsibility are circumstances seldom found together.” – Napoleon Hill
  • “At graduation, you get to wear a cap and gown, but it’s a good idea to also wear something underneath it.” – Greg Tamblyn
  • “Remember, when it comes to applying for jobs, books ARE judged by their cover!” – Patricia Akins
  • “Minds are like parachutes. They only function when open.” – Thomas Dewar

Valedictorian Speech Example

Today, December 10, 2022, we have become [name of school] graduates. We recall endless lectures, meeting best friends during lunchtime, and looking forward to prom and homecoming. We also remember occasional sports events, field trips, and examinations. Now, we are future pharmacists, engineers, teachers, doctors, business owners, and more. Some of us plan to start new families, while others might want to take the independent route.

This year’s graduation theme is relevant to our experiences. University of the Future: Reimaginations, Reconfigurations, and Realizations. It’s time for us to reimagine a life of connecting beyond the four walls of the classrooms. The pandemic taught us the hard way to reconfigure learning and connect despite the spatial distance. Our four years in school also made us realize that our families, friends, teachers, and school administrators are our rock.

We are thankful for our teachers who encourage group collaborations and have become a source of motivation despite the challenges. We are grateful for the employees behind Tech Support, Registration, Student Advising, and other offices because they ensure that a collective space for sharing and learning is operating smoothly and democratically. Most of all, we are thankful for fellow students who humanize our learning experience and offer support beyond school-related matters.

When you leave the hall today, celebrate everything you have accomplished. Celebrate every hardship you encountered from freshman to senior year. Thank yourself for staying strong and persevering despite everything. Look forward to the future while keeping your connections with everyone in this room. Congratulations, Class of 2022!

Practice, Practice, Practice

The only way to give the best high school valedictorian speech is to practice it regularly. Read it in front of a mirror, make revisions when necessary, then recite it in front of a few people. Check for their reactions and feedback.

Once you have perfected your speech, you’ll be prepared to take on the stage like an expert public speaker.

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224 School Speech Topics for All Grades [High School, Middle School, Elementary]

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Valedictorian Speech

Valedictorian speech generator.

how to write a good grade 8 valedictorian speech

You have been named valedictorian, congratulations! In writing your valedictorian speech, a speech outline is necessary. A speech outline will help you compose a well-organized valedictory speech. Speech outlines will help you identify the important details of your speech and put them in order. Simply put, speech outlines will be your guide from the beginning to the end of your speech composition.

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Sample Valedictorian Speech

Sample Valedictorian Speech

Valedictorian Nomination Speech

Valedictorian Nomination Speech

Class Valedictorian Speech

Class Valedictorian Speech

What Is a Valedictorian Speech?

A valedictorian speech is a message delivered by the class valedictorian near the end of the graduation ceremony. A good valedictorian speech is, usually, a meaningful farewell message intended to express the valedictorian’s thoughts and feelings throughout his/her four years in school. You may also see  how to start a speech .

Here, a valedictorian usually retells memorable experiences the whole class shared together, insights, realizations, reflections, and of course, learned lessons. As you can observe in some valedictorian  speech examples in PDF  format found here, a valedictorian speech can be pretty lengthy and is of course, quite boring. You may want to take a look at  speech examples for student  examples if you’re having a hard time writing your valedictorian speech.

How to Start a Valedictorian Speech

Most great speeches are not created overnight. If you do not know where to begin, there are various speech templates and examples you may refer to. Now writing a valedictorian speech is an important responsibility that requires planning, creativity, and practice. Here are some steps to help you write a successful valedictorian speech:

Step 1: Brainstorming and Outlining

Begin by brainstorming ideas and organizing your thoughts into an outline. Consider your personal experiences, what you learned during your academic journey, and what you want to say to your peers and teachers. Write down all the key points that you want to include in your speech and organize them into a logical order. Read books and other  graduation speeches , and look for inspiring quotes and anecdotes to include in your speech.

Step 2: Introduction

Start your speech with an introduction that captures your audience’s attention. Consider using a personal story or a quote that relates to the occasion. This will help you connect with your audience and set the tone for the rest of your speech.

Step 3: Thanking the Teachers and Staff

Acknowledge the hard work and dedication of your teachers and staff members. Express gratitude for their support and guidance throughout your academic journey. This is an opportunity to recognize the efforts of those who helped you achieve your academic goals.

Step 4: Reflections on the Academic Journey

Reflect on your academic journey and share your personal insights with your audience. Discuss your experiences and challenges, and how you overcame them. Share your growth and achievements, as well as any lessons you have learned along the way. This is an opportunity to inspire your peers and offers valuable advice.

Step 5: Encouragement and Inspiration

Offer words of encouragement and inspiration to your peers as they embark on their next chapter in life. Share your hopes for their future success and emphasize the importance of perseverance, hard work, and dedication. You can also offer advice on how to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

Step 6: Conclusion

End your speech with a memorable conclusion that summarizes your key points and leaves a lasting impression on your audience. Consider using a call to action that encourages your peers to make a positive impact on the world. Here are samples of how to conclude a speech .

Step 7: Rehearsal

Practice your speech several times to ensure that you are comfortable with the content and delivery. This will help you build confidence and deliver your speech effectively.

What should I include in my valedictorian speech?

Your valedictorian speech should include a mix of personal reflections, advice and inspiration for your peers, and recognition of the hard work of your teachers and staff members. You should also consider using anecdotes, quotes, or other forms of storytelling to engage your audience and make your speech more memorable.

How long should a valedictorian speech be?

The length of a valedictorian speech can vary depending on the requirements of the school or the expectations of the audience. In general, a valedictorian speech should be no longer than 10 minutes to keep the audience engaged and attentive.

What are some tips for delivering a successful valedictorian speech?

To deliver a successful valedictorian speech, be confident and passionate about your message. Use body language and vocal variety to keep your audience engaged, and make eye contact with different sections of the audience to connect with them. Finally, practice your speech several times to ensure that you are comfortable with the content and delivery.

You’ve finished planning, now start writing. Remember, your valedictorian speech is an opportunity to reflect on your academic journey, inspire your peers, and leave a lasting impression. Check out some speech examples in doc format, and some  presentation speech examples .


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Writing a Valedictorian Speech that inspires your classmates

How to craft a memorable Valedictorian Speech for graduation

5 Tips For Writing A Memorable High School Valedictorian Speech

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Some might assume that earning the highest grades to become the valedictorian in your high school graduating class was tough. But anyone who has made it that far will tell you: writing a memorable valedictorian speech is the real challenge. After all, as a high point of your class commencement ceremony, this once-in-a-lifetime moment honors not only four years of high school but must encourage everyone to look forward to the future. It's a tall order but follow our five tips below to write a valedictorian speech that your audience hears, remembers, and draws inspiration from.

1. Begin with a Goal

A helpful way to start is by understanding the unique goal of your valedictorian speech. Of course, you want to deliver a fitting send-off message to your graduating class. Still, to be memorable, you must also get them excited about the future as if an epic adventure starts soon. For inspiration, see the winners in our NSHSS Virtual Valedictorian Speeches , there you will find a recurring idea or central theme cementing each speech.

Examples of themes suited for high school graduation include:

  •   People at school that inspired you
  •   Significant changes between freshman year and now
  •   Tips for moving forward after graduation

By establishing a personal theme, you'll produce a unique valedictorian speech that only you could write.

2. Make it Everybody

As valedictorian, you are there to represent the entire graduating class, not just your own experience. Be sure not to turn your valedictorian speech into a mini-biography of your high school accomplishments. While you're welcome to add personal anecdotes for flavor, it would be best to talk about everyone else in your class. It might take extra work to find out what the four years have been like for them. Using your chosen theme, provide the captive audience with memories and insights that their family and friends are eager to hear. That will guarantee your valedictorian speech achieves stellar status.

3. Hit the Highlights

To make your valedictorian speech genuinely unforgettable, you can tap graduation's unavoidable nostalgia by recounting the highlights of the past four years in high school. Sure, four years may not be a lifetime, but everyone in your class takes away lifelong memories from such a short period. With the right theme in mind, and a list full of memories you’ve gleaned, you’ll know the best anecdotes and stories that will resonate with everyone. In addition, you can include global events of importance that occurred during your high school years. Just remember to focus on the positives you all experienced together. 

4. Humor Speaks Volumes

Reading your greatest hits of high school memories like a shopping list will quickly bore your crowd. Why don't you write your valedictorian speech with a fusion of humor, no matter how tiny? We suggest making a big splash with something funny to open your address, then doling it out in smaller bits and pieces for the remainder. The best kind of joke to charm your listeners is self-deprecating humor, such as something that you (the valedictorian) failed at in high school. Or asking the audience if your hair looks good from the back row. Even a funny memory about a quirky teacher or favorite classes can likewise immerse your audience. It's a fun way to liven up your valedictorian speech.

5. Leave your audience inspired!

You've honored the past four years with many cherished memories recalled in a celebratory way. The other half of your valedictorian speech should inspire your fellow students. We suggest writing a clear call to action to end your address. You're not at your commencement to pick up your diploma. You're there to see everyone off to all the places they'll go after graduating. To leave everyone feeling inspired to face their next challenge, you can end your valedictorian speech with an inspirational quote. Since you and your fellow graduates should try to live by this quote going forwards, choose one that ties back to your theme and leaves everyone motivated. This circular approach will help round out your speech as a whole. 

 Examples of quotes suited for high school graduation include:

  •   "There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind." - C. S. Lewis
  •   "Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself." - John Dewey
  •   "There are no regrets in life. Just lessons." - Jennifer Aniston

In the end, there is no perfect valedictorian speech, they are all different in their own unique way. Find a speech that best suits the way you want to send off your fellow classmates into their next adventure. But, when in doubt, follow these five tips to write a memorable one. While your address is vital to the ceremony, remember to keep it short and sweet. Unless otherwise instructed, cut it to ten minutes maximum, so people stay attentive. It might help to imagine yourself twenty years from now watching your valedictorian speech on YouTube. Will you regret anything you've written? Maybe, you’ll chuckle to yourself. Maybe you’ll cry. And maybe, just maybe, you too will be left feeling inspired by the young, wise voice calling out to from your past. 

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, writing salutatorian and valedictorian speeches.

I've been chosen as the salutatorian for my class and I need to give a speech during graduation. I've never written anything like this before. Does anyone have any advice on how to write a meaningful and engaging speech? Also, what's the difference between a salutatorian and a valedictorian speech, if there is any?

First off, congratulations on being chosen as the salutatorian for your class! It's an incredible achievement! Now, when it comes to writing a salutatorian speech, it's essential to make it personable and inspiring. Here are a few tips to help you craft a memorable speech:

1. Reflect on your experience: Take some time to think about the years you've spent in high school and what they meant to you and your peers. Consider discussing shared experiences, successes, or challenges that you all faced together.

2. Keep the tone positive: It's important to inspire and motivate your classmates as they move on to the next chapter in their lives. Focus on positive aspects of your time together and how the lessons you've learned can help guide you all in the future.

3. Include a personal touch: Share a story or anecdote that relates to your time in high school and helps illustrate a broader theme or life lesson. Make sure that your story is relatable and not too personal.

4. Show gratitude: Acknowledge and thank the teachers, school staff, family, and other community members who have supported you and your classmates throughout your high school journey.

5. Be concise: Graduations can be lengthy, so keep your speech's time in mind. Aim for a speech length of around 5-7 minutes.

You might want to go on YouTube and look at examples of high school graduation speeches to get a sense of what people talk about and how they are structured.

Now, regarding the difference between a salutatorian and valedictorian speech, there isn't a major distinction in content. The primary difference lies in academic ranking, with the valedictorian representing the highest-ranking student in your class and the salutatorian coming in second. Both speeches typically focus on experiences, reflection, gratitude, and inspiration. However, as the salutatorian, you might want to briefly acknowledge the valedictorian's achievements and congratulate them during your speech.

Remember to stay true to yourself and speak from the heart. This will help make your speech genuine, engaging, and relatable to your audience. Good luck!

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how to write a good grade 8 valedictorian speech

High School Valedictorian Gives Tear-Jerking Graduation Speech Shortly After Leaving Dad’s Funeral

Tissues out.

Texas high school graduate Alem Hadzic was shaking slightly as he began his valedictorian speech on May 16. But it wasn’t just nerves. Unbeknownst to the audience, the 18 year old buried his father shortly before taking the stage.

“My father died yesterday, May 15, 2024, and I attended his funeral today, right before graduation,” Hadzic said in his speech. “That’s why my shoes are muddy and my arms are shaking, because I had to carry him into his grave and bury him.”

Gasps rippled across the auditorium as he revealed the tragic news.  

Hadzic explained in his speech that he kept his father’s cancer diagnosis mostly private because he didn't want to be treated differently during his last semester at Early College High School in Farmers Branch.

“I can’t stand up here and pretend I want to be doing this speech right now. But I can’t throw something away that he worked so hard for me to achieve,” he said. “That’s why I’m going to go to college and spend every hour of every day working as hard as I can to achieve all of my goals because that’s what he wanted, and I’m going to do it for him. And I want all of you to look to your loved ones and say you wouldn't do the same.”

The crowd rose to its feet as Hadzic, overcome with emotion, stepped away from the lectern. 

The teen told KDFW that it was a spur of the moment decision to go off script and talk about his dad. The outpouring of support he received after the ceremony buoyed his spirit.

"I didn’t know any of them but they came up to me,” Hadzic recalled. “They made me feel better. They wanted to take pictures with me. They told me how strong I was and it made me feel so much better. It made me feel so good on such a dark day. It was really what I needed.”

Hadzic told the local news outlet that he hopes his speech reminds people to cherish the time they have with their loved ones. 

In a few months Hadzic will attend University of Texas at Austin to study chemical engineering.

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Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD

  • May 23, 2024

Valedictorian helps bury his late dad, then gives an unforgettable graduation speech

"I can't stand up here and pretend I want to be doing the speech right now," Alem Hadzic said. "But I can't throw something away that he worked so hard for me to achieve."

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Valedictorian helps bury his late dad, then gives an unforgettable graduation speech

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    Aim for a speech length of around 5-7 minutes. You might want to go on YouTube and look at examples of high school graduation speeches to get a sense of what people talk about and how they are structured. Now, regarding the difference between a salutatorian and valedictorian speech, there isn't a major distinction in content.

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    Tissues out. Texas high school graduate Alem Hadzic was shaking slightly as he began his valedictorian speech on May 16. But it wasn't just nerves. Unbeknownst to the audience, the 18 year old ...

  25. Valedictorian helps bury his late dad, then ...

    Valedictorian helps bury his late dad, then gives an unforgettable graduation speech "I can't stand up here and pretend I want to be doing the speech right now," Alem Hadzic said. "But I can't throw something away that he worked so hard for me to achieve."

  26. Video Valedictorian helps bury his late dad, then gives an

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