Mentoring Graduate Students Online: Strategies and Challenges [Record]

  • Rhiannon Pollard and
  • Swapna Kumar

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Rhiannon Pollard University of Florida [email protected]

Swapna Kumar University of Florida [email protected]

Online publication: June 28, 2021

An article of the journal International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning  

Volume 22, Number 2, May 2021 , p. 267–284

Copyright (c) Rhiannon Pollard, Swapna Kumar, 2021


The proliferation of online graduate programs, and more recently, higher education institutions’ moves to online interactions due to the COVID-19 crisis, have led to graduate student mentoring increasingly occurring online. Challenges, strategies, and outcomes associated with online mentoring of graduate students are of primary importance for the individuals within a mentoring dyad and for universities offering online or blended graduate education. The nature of mentoring interactions within an online format presents unique challenges and thus requires strategies specifically adapted to such interactions. There is a need to examine how mentoring relationships have been, and can best be, conducted when little to no face-to-face interaction occurs. This paper undertook a literature review of empirical studies from the last two decades on online master’s and doctoral student mentoring. The main themes were challenges, strategies and best practices, and factors that influence the online mentoring relationship. The findings emphasized the importance of fostering interpersonal aspects of the mentoring relationship, ensuring clarity of expectations and communications as well as competence with technologies, providing access to peer mentor groups or cohorts, and institutional support for online faculty mentors. Within these online mentoring relationships, the faculty member becomes the link to an otherwise absent yet critical experience of academia for the online student, making it imperative to create and foster an effective relationship based on identified strategies and best practices for online mentoring.

  • e-mentoring,
  • online mentoring,
  • virtual mentoring,
  • graduate mentoring


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In memoriam, in memoriam: philosophy professor frank schalow.

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Frank Schalow, a University of New Orleans philosophy faculty member, died May 25, 2024.

Frank Schalow, a University of New Orleans philosophy faculty member, died May 25, 2024.

Frank Schalow, a University of New Orleans philosophy faculty member for nearly three decades and an internationally renowned authority on German philosopher Martin Heidegger, died on May 25 at the age of 68.

Schalow started his career at UNO in 1995 as an adjunct faculty member. In 2001, he was promoted to assistant professor and became a full professor in 2010. He taught classes including Introduction to Philosophy, Social Ethics, Ethics, The Philosophy of Kant and The Philosophy of Heidegger.

Schalow was a prolific author and researcher. He wrote 12 books on Heidegger and was the longtime co-editor of “Heidegger Studies,” an international journal published in four languages. Considered one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century, Heidegger was best known for his philosophy of existentialism. Schalow’s other areas of research interest included ethics, medical ethics, phenomenology, and 19th and 20th century German thought.

“Dr. Schalow had the admiration of his students and the respect of his colleagues,” said Robert Stufflebeam, associate professor of philosophy. “He was the embodiment of the philosophy professor stereotype. He was brilliant, but quirky. He always wore a tie, even if it bore no stylistic relation to whatever shirt he was wearing. He always spoke thoughtfully and logically. He was never heard to raise his voice in anger. The philosophy program has suffered a great loss. Professor Schalow was one of a kind. He will be missed.”

In addition to the dozen books he authored on Heidegger, Schalow co-edited three books, wrote 16 chapters, and authored several dozen journal articles, review essays, critical discussions and book reviews, Stufflebeam said.

According to colleagues, Schalow’s commitment to his discipline was matched only by his devotion to the stray cats for which he cared for in his New Orleans neighborhood and his beloved New York Yankees.

Schalow earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Denver, and both a master’s and doctorate in philosophy from Tulane University.

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International Journal of Research and Review

International Journal of Research and Review (IJRR)

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International Journal of Research and Review (IJRR) is a double-blind Indexed peer-reviewed open access journal which publishes original articles, reviews and short communications that are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The journal publishes papers based on original research that are judged by critical reviews, to make a substantial contribution in the field. It aims at rapid publication of high quality research results while maintaining rigorous review process. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and academic excellence. Papers are published approximately one month after acceptance.

IJRR is dedicated to promote high quality research work in multidisciplinary field.

Publication Impact Factor: 7.64

Index copernicus value (icv) for 2021: 100.00; icv 2020: 100.00; icv 2019: 96.58; icv 2018: 95.79; icv 2017: 85.08; icv 2016: 67.22; icv 2015: 73.64; icv 2014: 52.85, salient features of our journal.

✵ Journal is indexed with Index Copernicus and other indexing agencies.

✵ Print version (hard copy) with P-ISSN number is available.

✵ Fast Publication Process.

✵ Free e-Certificate of Publication on author's request.

How to Submit Manuscript:

Thesis publication.


Research Articles

Mansi Desai, Prabhudas Patel, Hemangini Vora

Sabira Dabeer, Neha Sharma, Abhay Nagdeote

Ashish Choudhary, Riyaz Farooq, Aamir Rashid Purra, Fayaz Ahmed Ahangar

Joshi Medhavi H., Desai Devangi S, Singh Lalli M, Joshi Vaibhavi A

Jasvir Singh

Mariya Thomas Chacko, Tima Babu, Jenin Vincent Parambi, Irene T. Ivan, Sheik Haja Sherief

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Malhotra H, Patel P, Doshi M, Mestry P, Rampariya K, Vyas V

Hazem Mohammad Al-Kaseasbeh, Yoshifumi Harada, Ummi Naiemah binti Saraih

Iji Clement O, Age Terungwa James

Varsha S. Dhage, Pratibha Chougule

Uzma Khan, Arindam Ghosh

Dr. Uzma Khan, Dr. Arindam Ghosh, Dr. John Pramod

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  2. Introduction to the Graduate Applications International Network (GAIN)

  3. Creative Daily Journal- May 2024 Week Three Set Up

  4. MA in International Relations, Security, & Strategy OP Jindal Masterclass

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  1. Home

    International Journal of Graduate Research and Review (IJGRR) is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary publication that encourage graduate and under graduate student research related studies. The journal contributes to graduate student professionalization by providing opportunities for emerging scholars to peer review manuscripts and publish research.

  2. Current Issue

    International Journal of Graduate Research and Review ISSN: 2467-9283. Archive Issues 2015 Vol. 1, Issue 1 2016 Vol. 2, Issue 1 Vol. 2, Issue 2 ... International Journal of Graduate Research and Review is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International

  3. Aims & Scope

    The "International Journal of Graduate Research and Review" (IJGRR) is an international online journal in English language published quarterly (February, May, August and November).This journal has been started with objective to publish peer reviewed research and review articles in rapidly developing field of all subjects.

  4. International Journal of Graduate Research and Review

    Journal description; International Journal of Graduate Research and Review (IJGRR) is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary publication that encourage graduate and under graduate student research related studies. The journal contributes to graduate student professionalization by providing opportunities for emerging scholars to peer review ...

  5. International Journal of Graduate Research and Review (IJGRR)

    MR Poudel, HK Poudel. International Journal of Graduate Research and Review 2 (1), 9-12. , 2016. 11. 2016. Readiness for Self-Directed Learning among Nursing Students in Lahore, Pakistan. S Ejaz, M Hussain, I Majeed, M Afzal, SA Gilani. International Journal of Graduate Research and Review 4 (2), 44-53. , 2018.

  6. International Journal of Graduate Research and Review

    International Journal of Graduate Research and Review, Birgunj. 623 likes. International Journal of Graduate Research and Review (IJGRR) is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary publication for graduate...

  7. Submissions

    This journal will consider Graduate Research Articles, Graduate Reviews, and Graduate Survey Articles; visit the section policy for more details on each article type. For a better understanding of the submission requirements to this journal, kindly read the FAQs and Common Rejection Reasons.Author(s) are expected to comply with the best ethical practice in research & publication.

  8. PDF International Journal of Graduate Research and Review

    International Journal of Graduate Research and Review ISSN: 2467-9283 Indexing and Abstracting InfoBase Index, Cosmos, Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI), InfoBase Index, Cosmos, ResearchGate, CiteFactor, Scholar Stear, JourInfo, ISRA: Journal-Impact-Factor (JIF), Root Indexing etc Impact Factors* IBI factor: 3 Impact factor (OAJI): 0.101

  9. International Journal of Research and Review

    ISSN: 2454-2237 (Print) International Journal of Research and Review (E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237)is a double-blind, Indexed peer-reviewed, open access international journal dedicated to promotion of research in multidisciplinary areas. We define Open Access-journals as journals that use a funding model that does not charge readers or ...

  10. International student graduates' workforce integration: A systematic review

    This review focuses specifically on research articles examining international students' post-study work experience in a receiving country. To search for relevant articles, we used electronic databases in business management, psychology and sociology, including Business Source Complete (EBSCO host), PsyInfo, ProQuest, and Web of Science, and used different combinations of keywords, including ...

  11. Record. Mentoring Graduate Students Online: Strategies an

    Mentoring Graduate Students Online: Strategies and Challenges. An article from journal International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning (Volume 22, Number 2, May 2021, pp. 1-341), on Érudit.

  12. International Research Collaboration: Challenges and Opportunities

    International collaborative research involves cross-country teams that share research interests, conduct research, and promote research results to advance knowledge and promote positive shifts in practice. A rigorous cross-national study can bring many benefits to a particular research field, including more significant impact and broader ...

  13. Archive. International Journal of Research and Review

    Galore International Journal of Applied Sciences and Humanities. Visit Website. Approved Publication. International Journal of Research and Review (P-ISSN: 2454-2237; E-ISSN: 2349-9788;)is an Indexed, double-blind, peer-reviewed, open access international journal dedicated to promotion of research in multidisciplinary areas.

  14. AIJR Journals

    AIJR is a unique international publisher for publishing online open-access research contents of the highest quality and significance in all areas of academic research and technology. We publish refereed journals of the highest quality and significance in all areas of Academic Research and Technology. Open access allows everyone to have unrestricted use and reuse of scientific content as per CC ...

  15. Advanced Journal of Graduate Research

    To ensure our journal's sustainability and maintain quality, a nominal Article Processing Charge (APC) of $25 (₹2,000+GST) will be introduced, effective from 15 th November 2023. We're committed to open access and rigorous peer review. Submissions till 14 November 2023 will remain free. Join us in advancing research and knowledge sharing ...


    10 unemploy ed people below age 24, and the total unemployment rate was 56.9 percent of. unemployed female graduates and 43.1 of the male graduates in 2018. The highest unemplo yed. fresh ...

  17. PDF International Journal of Graduate Research and Review

    Full text of this paper can be downloaded online at As we can see above for annual rental value of up to Birr 600, 1% tax rate applies, and the maximum rate defined was 4.5% and the rate was progressive with the increase in the annual rental value and recognizes rate for values that exceed Birr 6,000.

  18. About the Journal

    About the Journal. IJR takes special care to publish your research paper/article without any delay. Our journal aims to bring out the latent research talent and the professional work done by Scientists, Engineers, Architects, Planners, Practitioners, Administrators, Scholars, Graduate and Post Graduate students across all fields. This journal ...

  19. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning

    The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning ( is a refereed e-journal that aims to advance research, theory and best practice in open and distance education research. ... Scimago Journal Rank (SJR) of 0.787, a Journal Impact Factor (JIF) of 3.4, and an h-index of 83. CiteScore 5.6 SJR 0.787 SNIP 1.348.

  20. CBD: Safe and effective?

    A prescription cannabidiol (CBD) oil is considered an effective anti-seizure medication. However, further research is needed to determine CBD's other benefits and safety.. CBD is a chemical found in marijuana.CBD doesn't contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive ingredient found in marijuana that produces a high. The usual CBD formulation is oil, but CBD is also sold as an extract ...

  21. International Journal of Research

    The International Journal of Research (IJR) stands as a distinguished peer-reviewed, open-access journal, dedicated to encompassing a broad spectrum of academic disciplines and research realms. Holding the ISSN 2348-6848, it serves as a conduit for scholars, researchers, and academicians to disseminate their original research findings, reviews ...

  22. Analysis of State-of-Health Estimation ...

    Energy storage systems (ESS) are seeing rapid market growth due to the changing worldwide landscape of electricity distribution and consumption. An ESS must possess the capability to oversee the fu...

  23. Masks and respirators for prevention of respiratory infections: a state

    The need for a new review on masks was highlighted by a widely publicized polarization in scientific opinion. The masks section of a 2023 Cochrane review of non-pharmaceutical interventions was—controversially—limited to randomized controlled trials (RCTs).It was interpreted by the press and by some but not all of its own authors to mean that "masks don't work" and "mask mandates ...

  24. Social transmission of negative valence in prairie voles using a new

    The journal uses a single blind peer review system and each manuscript, based on the results presented in its original submission, will be evaluated by two student reviewers and one faculty reviewer. This process will provide an opportunity for medical students, graduate students, residents, fellows and faculty to publish research observation ...

  25. Comprehensive Analysis and Design of Electrical Power Systems for

    International Journal of Energy Research. Volume 2024, Issue 1 4879696. Research Article. ... This paper is aimed at performing a comprehensive review of the approaches employed in nanosatellite platforms, specifically 1 U and 3 U, for electrical power systems (EPS). Moreover, it seeks to develop a robust maximum power point tracking (MPPT ...

  26. PDF International Journal of Graduate Research and Review

    The data entered through SPSS software package version 25 and analyzed by descriptive statistics. Results: The mean of knowledge score was 1.6079 and standard deviation was 0.43180. The mean of attitude score was 1.7115 and standard deviation was 0.55121. The mean of practice score was 1.6434 and standard deviation was 0.49611.

  27. Adoption of the International Cognition and Cancer Task Force

    Background: This abstract presents a review of published research literature to determine research investigators' rate of adoption of the International Cognition and Cancer Task Force (ICCTF) recommended criteria for defining cancer-related cognitive impairment (CRCI). Published in 2011, the ICCTF recommendations were intended to identify psychometric standards that would facilitate ...

  28. In Memoriam: Philosophy Professor Frank Schalow

    The philosophy program has suffered a great loss. Professor Schalow was one of a kind. He will be missed." In addition to the dozen books he authored on Heidegger, Schalow co-edited three books, wrote 16 chapters, and authored several dozen journal articles, review essays, critical discussions and book reviews, Stufflebeam said.

  29. International Journal of Research and Review

    ISSN: 2454-2237 (Print) International Journal of Research and Review (E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237)is a double-blind, Indexed peer-reviewed, open access international journal dedicated to promotion of research in multidisciplinary areas. We define Open Access-journals as journals that use a funding model that does not charge readers or ...

  30. International Journal of Applied Glass Science

    International Journal of Applied Glass Science is a glass science journal looking at glass use in the world today to help researchers meet the associated challenges. Abstract To effectively manage turbine blade weight and blade deflection under severe weather conditions, longer and stiffer blades are required, fiber glass producers have devoted ...