• How to Create an Effective Video Pitch for Investors

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Camera for Investor Pitch Video for startup

Pitch videos have become an increasingly important tool for pre-seed startups looking to secure investment. In a world where investors are inundated with pitches and proposals, a well-crafted pitch video can help a startup stand out from the crowd. But what exactly is a pitch video, and how can it help a pre-seed startup secure investment?

At its core, a pitch video is a short, engaging video that introduces a pre-seed startup and its product or service to potential investors. It typically includes a brief overview of the company's mission and vision, as well as a demonstration of the product or service in action. The goal of a pitch video is to give investors a clear understanding of the startup's value proposition and why it is worth investing in.

Creating an effective pitch video requires careful planning and attention to detail. From choosing the right visuals and music to crafting a compelling narrative, every aspect of the video should be designed to capture the viewer's attention and communicate the startup's key messages. By investing time and resources into creating a high-quality pitch video, pre-seed startups can increase their chances of securing the investment they need to grow and succeed.

Key Takeaways

  • Pitch videos are a powerful tool for pre-seed startups looking to secure investment.
  • A pitch video should provide a clear overview of the startup's mission and value proposition.
  • Creating an effective pitch video requires careful planning and attention to detail.

Understanding Pre-Seed Startup Investment

Pre-seed funding is the earliest stage of investment in a startup. It is the initial funding round where investors provide capital to the startup to develop its product in return for equity in the company. This funding round precedes seed and series A rounds and may follow funding from an angel round or a period of bootstrapping with your own funds. Pre-seed funding typically raises between $50,000 and $250,000.

Venture capital firms and angel investors are the primary sources of pre-seed funding. Venture capitalists are professional investors who manage funds that invest in startups with high growth potential. Angel investors are typically wealthy individuals who invest their own money in startups. They are often more willing to take risks than venture capitalists and may invest smaller amounts of money.

Pre-seed fundraising is important because it provides the capital necessary to develop the initial product or service and to validate the startup's business model. It also helps the startup to attract seed and series A funding by demonstrating traction, market demand, and a solid business plan.

Seed funding is the next stage of investment after pre-seed funding. Seed investors typically demand that the company demonstrate some sort of traction. Seed funding can raise as much as $2.5 million to $7.5 million.

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The Importance of a Pitch Video

A pitch video is an essential tool for startups seeking pre-seed funding. It is a concise and engaging way to showcase the business idea, team, and potential to investors. Potential investors are more likely to watch a pitch video than read a lengthy document, and it helps to make a personal connection with them.

A pitch video allows startups to present their story and passion in a dynamic way, making it easier for investors to understand the goals and motivations of the business. It also helps to set the startup apart from other businesses seeking funding, as it allows them to showcase their unique selling points and vision.

Investors often make investment decisions based on perceived passion in a startup pitch, and a pitch video is an effective way to demonstrate that passion. It also helps to build credibility and trust with potential investors, as it shows that the startup is serious about their idea and willing to put in the effort to create a professional video.

In summary, a pitch video is a crucial component of a startup's pre-seed fundraising efforts. It helps to showcase the business idea, team, and potential in a dynamic and engaging way that sets the startup apart from other businesses seeking funding.

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Creating an Effective Pitch Deck

A pitch deck is a crucial tool for pre-seed startups looking to secure investment. It's a visual representation of the startup's business plan and should be designed to capture the attention of potential investors. Here are some tips for creating an effective pitch deck:

  • Keep it concise: A pitch deck should be no more than 10-15 slides. Each slide should be simple and easy to understand. Use bullet points and visuals to convey information quickly.
  • Tell a story: A pitch deck should tell a story about the startup's journey, from the problem it's solving to the solution it's offering. Use the pitch deck to showcase the startup's unique value proposition.
  • Use data: Investors want to see evidence that the startup has done its homework. Use data to back up claims and show that the startup has a deep understanding of its market.
  • Highlight the team: Investors invest in people, not just ideas. Use the pitch deck to showcase the startup's team and their expertise.
  • End with a call to action: The pitch deck should end with a clear call to action, such as requesting a meeting with the investor.

By following these tips, pre-seed startups can create an effective pitch deck that will help them secure investment.

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Essential Elements of a Pitch Video

Startup Pitch Deck Checklist

A pitch video is an excellent tool to showcase a pre-seed startup's vision, mission, and product. It is a chance for the founders to convey their message and persuade potential investors to fund their startup. Here are some essential elements that a pitch video should have:

The pitch video should start by highlighting the problem that the startup is trying to solve. It should be clear and concise, and the founders should explain why this problem is worth solving. The video should demonstrate that the problem is significant and that it affects a large number of people. By explaining the problem, the founders can grab the investors' attention and make them interested in the solution.

After explaining the problem, the pitch video should introduce the solution that the startup is offering. The solution should be innovative and unique, and the video should explain how it solves the problem. It should also highlight the benefits of the solution and how it can make a difference in people's lives. The founders should also explain why their solution is better than the existing solutions in the market.

The pitch video should showcase the product and explain how it works. The founders should demonstrate the product's features and how it can solve the problem. They should also highlight the product's uniqueness and how it stands out in the market. The video should also explain how the product can be scaled and how it can generate revenue.

Business Model

The pitch video should explain the startup's business model and how it plans to generate revenue. The founders should demonstrate how the business model is sustainable and how it can adapt to changing market conditions. The video should also highlight the startup's competitive advantage and how it can stay ahead of the competition.

The pitch video should showcase the startup's traction and how it has gained momentum. The founders should explain how they have validated their solution and how they have acquired customers. They should also highlight any partnerships or collaborations that the startup has secured.

Market Conditions

The pitch video should explain the market conditions and how they affect the startup's growth. The founders should demonstrate how the market is growing and how it presents an opportunity for the startup. They should also explain how the startup can adapt to changing market conditions and how it can stay ahead of the competition.

Product-Market Fit

The pitch video should demonstrate the startup's product-market fit and how it has identified its target audience. The founders should explain how they have validated their solution with their target audience and how they have received feedback. They should also highlight how they plan to expand their reach and how they can cater to different customer segments.

Market Size

The pitch video should highlight the market size and how it presents an opportunity for the startup. The founders should demonstrate how the market is growing and how it presents a significant opportunity for the startup. They should also explain how they plan to capture a share of the market and how they can scale their business.

In conclusion, a pitch video is an excellent tool for pre-seed startups to showcase their vision, mission, and product. By including these essential elements, the founders can grab the investors' attention and persuade them to fund their startup.

The 3 Why's

When creating a pitch video for a pre-seed startup investment, it's important to keep in mind the "3 Why's" that investors will be looking for:

1. Why this problem?

Investors want to know that the problem the startup is trying to solve is a real and significant one. They want to see that the founders have done their research and can articulate why this problem matters and how it affects potential customers.

2. Why this solution?

Once investors understand the problem, they want to see that the startup has a unique and effective solution. They want to know what sets this solution apart from others in the market and why it's the best option for solving the problem.

3. Why this team?

Finally, investors want to see that the team behind the startup has the skills, experience, and passion necessary to bring their solution to market successfully. They want to know that the team has a clear vision for the future of the company and the drive to make it happen.

In the pitch video, it's important to address each of these "Why's" clearly and concisely. Using visuals, data, and customer testimonials can help to strengthen the pitch and make it more compelling to potential investors. By addressing these three key points, a pre-seed startup can increase their chances of securing the funding they need to bring their idea to life.

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Navigating the Investment Landscape

Navigating the investment landscape can be a daunting task for pre-seed startups. There are various options available, such as venture capital firms, accelerators, and incubators. Each has its own unique set of benefits and drawbacks.

Venture capital firms are a popular choice for startups seeking investment. They typically invest in early-stage companies and provide funding in exchange for equity. However, they often require a high level of due diligence and may take a long time to make a decision.

Accelerators and incubators are also popular options for startups seeking investment. These programs provide funding, mentorship, and other resources to help startups grow. However, they often require startups to give up a percentage of equity in exchange for their services.

When seeking investment, it is important to have a clear understanding of the investment landscape and the various options available. Startups should research potential investors and understand their investment criteria, as well as the terms and conditions of any potential investment.

In addition to understanding the investment landscape, startups should also have a solid pitch video and pitch deck. These materials should clearly communicate the startup's vision, market opportunity, and growth potential. They should also address any potential risks or challenges.

Overall, navigating the investment landscape can be challenging for pre-seed startups. However, with the right research and preparation, startups can find the right investors and secure the funding they need to grow their businesses.

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In conclusion, creating a pitch video for a pre-seed startup investment can be a valuable tool for entrepreneurs looking to secure funding. The video should be concise, engaging, and provide a clear explanation of the startup's concept, market opportunity, and team.

When creating a pitch video, it is important to keep in mind the target audience, which is typically investors. The video should be tailored to their interests and highlight the startup's potential for growth and profitability.

Additionally, entrepreneurs should focus on creating a strong narrative that captures the essence of their startup and connects with investors on an emotional level. This can be achieved through storytelling, visual aids, and a clear call to action.

Overall, a well-crafted pitch video can help pre-seed startups stand out in a crowded market and increase their chances of securing funding. By following the tips and best practices outlined in this article, entrepreneurs can create a compelling pitch video that effectively communicates their vision and attracts the attention of potential investors.

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What are the key elements to include in a business pitch video?

A business pitch video should include the following key elements: Introduction: Introduce yourself and your business. Problem: Identify the problem your business solves. Solution: Explain how your business solves the problem. Market: Describe your target market and its size. Competition: Highlight your unique selling proposition and how it differentiates you from your competitors. Financials: Provide a summary of your financial projections and funding requirements. Call to Action: Clearly state the next steps for the viewer.

How long should a pitch video for pre-seed startup investment be?

A pitch video for pre-seed startup investment should be no longer than 3-5 minutes. It should be concise and to the point, highlighting the most important aspects of the startup and its potential.

What should be the focus of a pitch video for pre-seed startup investment?

The focus of a pitch video for pre-seed startup investment should be on the problem the startup is solving, the unique solution it offers, and the potential market opportunity. It should also showcase the team's expertise and experience, as well as any traction or milestones achieved.

What are the common mistakes to avoid in a pitch video for pre-seed startup investment?

Common mistakes to avoid in a pitch video for pre-seed startup investment include being too vague or generic, focusing too much on the product or technology rather than the problem it solves, and not showcasing the team's expertise and experience.

What are some effective ways to showcase traction in a pitch video for pre-seed startup investment?

Effective ways to showcase traction in a pitch video for pre-seed startup investment include highlighting key metrics and milestones achieved, showcasing customer testimonials and case studies, and demonstrating product usage and adoption.

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investment presentation video

Best Practices for Creating a Top-Notch Investment Presentation

investment presentation video

Raising venture capital is difficult. On top of having a business or product that a VC finds “fundable,” you need to have a system in place to raise capital. This includes everything from identifying the right investors to pitching investors to nurturing investors.

Related Resource: How To Write the Perfect Investor Update (Tips and Templates)

Inevitably, you will have to present or pitch to investors over the course of a fundraise (typically using a pitch deck ). To learn more about how to best pitch and present to your potential investors, check out our tips below:

What is the purpose of an investment presentation?

An investment presentation or pitch is a tool to help founders share their company story and vision with investors. An investor presentation is a visual representation of your company narrative and includes things like metrics, roadmaps, team members, etc.

Kristian Andersen of High Alpha breaks down how founders should think about crafting their pitch deck and story below:

Related Resource: Tips for Creating an Investor Pitch Deck

How long should an investment presentation be?

There is no exact answer when it comes to determining the length of your pitch deck. Different businesses and pitches will require different pitch decks, but we have found that as a rule of thumb founders should shoot for a pitch deck that is 12 slides or less.

We studied our own data from our pitch deck sharing tool and found that the average number of slides in a pitch deck (where 100% of slides were viewed) was 12.2 slides.

investment presentation video

Related Resource: Pitch Deck 101: How Many Slides Should My Pitch Deck Have?

Many investors agree with somewhere between the 10 to 15 slide range as well. Alex Iskold of 2048 recommends a short pitch deck that should be 10 or fewer slides.

What your pitch deck should look like for your investment presentation

As we mentioned previously, every business is different. The needs for different slides and narratives will differ from business to business. However, there are a few slides that are typically used regardless of the business. Check out a few popular pitch deck slides below:

1) Discuss the company overview

First things first, clearly present your company and what you do. This should be easy to digest and understand for the investors you are pitching.

2) Present the problem

Use data, stories, or a compelling way to present the problem you are solving. Ideally, you’d like your audience to feel the problem or have a good grasp of others experiencing the problem.

3) Present your solution

Once investors understand the problem you are tackling, you need to lay out how your solution solves the problem. Make the case why you and your solution are the ones to solve the problem.

4) Highlight the target market

Next, lay out the target market and what your ideal customer looks like. This can help investors answer the “why now?” question.

5) Illustrate the market opportunity

At the end of the day, investors want to invest in companies that can turn into huge companies. Demonstrate the market and how it is (or has the opportunity) to become a large market.

6) Identify the competition

Investors will want to understand the space. Lay out your competitors and explain how you are different and better than them.

7) Showcase your product

Next, showcase the status of your product and future plans. Use data or customer stories to share how awesome your product is.

8) Share why your team is the one to solve the problem

Show your executive team members and share their relevant experience and skills so investors understand why your team is fit to execute the problem and the solution.

9) Explain your business model and marketing strategies

Investors want to know that your business has a clear plan and strategy to generate revenue. Clearly lay out your acquisition strategy and sales & marketing efforts to date so investors can understand how your business will attract and close new customers.

10) Present financial data and metrics

Of course, investors want to see the data and metrics behind your business. Lay out key financial and core metrics so investors know the status of your business.

Qualities investors want to see

An investor’s job is to generate returns for their investors (limited partners, LPs). What investors look for in a potential investment will vary from firm to firm but we laid out a few of the common attributes investors want to see in a founder and their business below:

  • Large market
  • Clear customer acquisition strategy
  • Experienced team
  • Strong leadership
  • Traction and growth
  • Coachability

Of course, those are just a few of the traits investors will look for in a founder or startup. Different investors will place a different level of importance on different attributes. It is important to understand what an investor looks for in an investment and tailor your pitch to them.

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Best practices for a top-notch investor presentation

As we’ve mentioned, different investors will look for different attributes in a presentation. However, most things investors look for can be boiled down to a few key areas. Below we lay out a few best practices for putting together a top-notch investor presentation.

Practice your pitch

This should go without saying but make sure you practice your pitch. You should know the ins and outs of your presentation and business. Of course, practicing in front of a mirror or friend can only go so far.

Some founders and investors recommend “ranking” your investors before approaching investors. E.g. Tier 1 investors are the best fit, Tier 3 are less of a fit for your business. If you rank your investors you’ll be able to spend some of your earliest pitches on “Tier 3” (or lower fit) investors to dial in your pitch and prepare for your pitches with better fit investors later on in your fundraise.

Related Resource: How to Pitch a Perfect Series B Round (With Deck Template)

Keep your message simple and clear

Investors see hundreds or thousands of pitches over a given year. Being able to clearly articulate your message and pitch is a surefire way to remove any confusion. By keeping your message simple and clear, you’ll remove any back-and-forth wasted on small details and be able to spend time on what matters most — having a conversation about your business.

Find ways to connect with the investors

At the end of the day, a founder is selling their company to potential investors. Like a good sales process, a good investor pitch starts by building a relationship and trust. When pitching potential investors, find ways to connect with them in advance of the pitch. This could be everything from following and interacting with them on Twitter to going to in-person events where they are present.

Highlight early successes and wins

Get potential investors excited about your business by sharing early successes and wins. This will get the presentation off on the right foot and allow everyone to build excitement around your business. Of course, try to back up your early successes and wins with data when possible.

Know your metrics

Inevitably, investors will want to dig into the metrics and data behind your business. For most investors, this is used to evaluate your business and could be considered the best predictor of success for your business.

However, metrics can also be a barometer for how well you know your business. You don’t need to remember every data point behind your business but need to know how different metrics are calculated and what causes any major fluctuations.

Include engaging visuals and graphics

An investor presentation is a tool used to pitch your business. In order to best engage with your audience, you should aim to have engaging visuals and graphics throughout your presentation. Of course, the underlying data is what is most important but having engaging and easy-to-understand visuals and graphics is a great way to support and improve your pitch.

Leave time for questions

The best pitches and presentations tend to be more conversational. You’ll want to balance feeding your investors with the material they need and also be able to have a constructive conversation about your business. By coming prepared, having a clear and simple presentation, and engaging with your investors beforehand is a surefire way to have a conversation about your business.

Communicate before your presentation

Investors need months of data and interactions to make a decision about a potential investment. In order to best help investors build conviction and have more meaningful conversations, make sure you are engaging with potential investors on a regular basis. This can be in the form of your monthly investor updates or sharing your pitch deck in advance before a meeting.

Sharing your pitch deck in advance of a meeting is a hot topic. Some investors will say you should and some will say the opposite. At the end of the day, it is important for you to feel out the investor and do what you believe is best for you and your business.

Related Resource: 18 Pitch Deck Examples for Any Startup

In-person vs remote investment presentations

Before 2020, investment presentations were generally in-person. However, since the way we work has shifted so have investment presentations. Investors are largely open to receiving pitches and making investment decisions via a remote presentation. Learn more about the pros and cons of both in-person and remote presentations below:

In-person presentation

Before 2020, in-person presentations were the go-to for investment presentations. In-person presentations come with both pros and cons. On the positive side, in-person presentations are typically a better way to build relationships and will make sure an investor’s time is undivided.

On the other hand, in-person presentations can be expensive (both financially and time-wise) for an early-stage startup founder that might not have the resources to travel across the country. This will likely limit the number of potential investors that a founder can meet with over the course of a fundraise.

Remote presentation

Remote presentations and investor pitches have risen in popularity since COVID. Many investors are becoming comfortable with investing in companies remotely and is largely accepted by most investors. Like in-person presentations, remote presentations come with their own unique set of pros and cons.

On the positive side, remote presentations allow founders to meet with more investors as it is more viable financially (and time-wise) to meet with investors remotely. On the flip side, some individuals might find that developing a relationship remotely is more difficult and can take more meetings and a different style of communication to build trust.

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investment presentation video

investment presentation video

Boost Campaign Performance Through Video

Discover how to boost your next campaign by using video.

How To Create a Killer Investor Pitch Video

One of the most fundamental aspects of any business’ life is raising money so it can be able to survive the next few years. Crucially enough, though, getting investors’ attention is not always the easiest thing to do.

In between stressful working hours, general unavailability from the investors themselves and tight budgets, coming up with something appealing can be quite difficult.

A novel approach to convincing investors lies in the power of campaign videos. Videos have taken over the internet for their ability to convey information much faster and concisely than any other form of media can. It’s a really powerful tool that you can make use of during your next investor meeting.

Why use pitch videos?

They grab attention.

It’s usually said that no matter what it looks like when pitching an idea to someone, you have just a few seconds at most to grab their attention. Videos work great for this because they employ nearly all the senses, and nothing works better for this than visual cues.

According to HubSpot, people are 64% more likely to be convinced into buying a product after watching a video . Pretty much the same goes for investor videos.

Raise more money

On Kickstarter, a good 33% percent of campaigns raise money without any form of video, but that number rises to 66% when an explainer video is added on. Indiegogo backs up these statistics, reporting that the average campaign with a video raises 114% more money than those that do not use video.

This probably has to do with the fact that videos make for an easier telling of stories,  evoking an emotional response and making difficult concepts much easier to understand for the layman,

Tell better stories

The best way to engage potentially interested investors in what you have to sell is to tell them a story or entertain them. Video pitches make it easier to stand out by employing various techniques during the actual making of the video including storytelling and humor.

With that said, a good pitch isn’t meant to address every potential flaw in your product or answer every question you expect the investor will have. Rather, it’s meant to showcase the strengths of your idea so that it resonates with all the interested parties. Convey your points in a simple manner and possibly address the hardest bits to understand just as much.

Things to consider when creating an investor pitch video

No matter how much the world loves watching videos, nobody likes a video that drags on. Knowing just how long to make your video is essential to its effectiveness. A good pitch video should be between three and five minutes long, anything more is bound to have people trail off and lose attention.

Create a storyboard and script

Having a script for the shooting process of the video is essential. This will serve to help you remember your lines and make sure you don’t wander too far from the original message you wanted to get across. Stick to the script – if new ideas come up, add them to the script. If it’s not in the script, it shouldn’t be in the video.

A storyboard is an organization of graphics that are going to be used in a motion picture, media sequence or animation. They are very useful for your cause because they will help you experiment with different things in the storyline of the video. The story that evokes the most emotion is usually chosen. Include key scenes that you feel investors would be interested in seeing – for instance, customers using your product .

Invest in a graphics designer

A good looking video is going to do wonders when presenting to investors. Considering just how important an investor pitch video is, it’s worth the money and time hiring someone that knows what they are doing.

Graphics are important because they are used extensively to emphasize key points, especially when it comes to data. Simply showing a random chart on the screen during a frame of the video won’t do at all. This is crucial for helping to clarify aspects of your product that aren’t so straightforward to explain.

Have people in the shot

Perhaps the worst mistake you can make when filming such a video is doing a bland video that only includes clips of data or worse, text, with nothing but a voice over in the background. To be fair, this might work depending on the kind of presentation you’re aiming for and your budget, but having people in the video has its benefits.

Videos featuring people, preferably with at least a few shots of them smiling have historically had an incredible impact of convincing people to buy an idea. With which regard, it’s highly recommended that you invest in a professional videographer is people are the subject of your video. You’d rather not do it than do a half-baked job.

Don’t be afraid to invest

Marketing is the central focus of most companies out there and a sizeable percentage of companies’ profits are usually poured into it. Don’t be afraid of spending money . It’s recommended that for creating an interesting, entertaining and engaging video, you should invest about 1% of your target solely on shooting and producing the video.

What to include in your video

If you already have a website up, your video will take on a structure similar to what you have on your campaign page. Overall, however, the feel of the video should be on par with the company’s feel and branding .

It’s been pointed out often that a good story needs to be emotionally engulfing, but as to what might achieve this for you is probably rather vague. At the end of the day, the aim is to get the investor thinking ‘where do I sign?’

The first fifteen seconds are where you briefly describe who you are, what you do, what problem you want to solve and maybe what has motivated you to start your business.

Afterward, other pertinent topics might be addressed, such as:

  • What’s your vision?
  • Is your niche already filled with other solution providers? If so, how is your product different from the others out there? If not, why do you think it has taken so long for a solution to be available?
  • Have you run different successful businesses before?
  • Why should they invest in your product? Have you done the market research? Are people interested in your product? How big is the market going to be later on?

Including your team members in the video, preferably while they are working at their stations is also another good step to take. Perhaps even let them talk about what it has been like working at your firm so far. If the founding members are available to give their story, it would have an even greater effect.

If you have customers, you can reach out to them and have them explain how they felt the product has helped them, include them and their testimony in the video. If possible, let their words be their own – add them to the script and change as few words as possible.

Finish it off with a strong CTA and instruct the videographer you want small (about 30 seconds) clips of the video to share via social media .

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A Guide To Investor Pitch Decks For Startups

Dec 17, 2021

investor pitch deck video

4 Tips on How to Create an Investment Presentation Pitch

Creating an investment presentation pitch deck for investors undoubtedly involve a degree of pressure. After all, investors can help your business reach new heights, providing the financial support that you need to grow. Plus, support from investors can ultimately make the difference between becoming a leader in your industry and struggling to gain brand recognition.

To acquire investors, you need to make an excellent case for the value of your company. After all, why should they place their faith in you over a competitor? You likely have a stellar idea to this question, but can you translate it into a professional, engaging, and effective presentation pitch deck? What makes you stand out from the competition?

This is where we Presentation Geeks come in. Here, we’ve gathered up our best tips for creating an outstanding investment pitch deck. Make money with a compelling, action-inspiring pitch deck is at your fingertips with the help of these easy-to-implement tricks.

Tips For A Successful Investment Presentation Pitch Deck

1. start broad and narrow as you go..

The framework of creating a presentation pitch deck consists of big ideas. Investors have a lot of information to absorb in a single pitch, so giving them a broad, big-picture understanding of your business and market size is the most realistic way to capture their interest.

As geeks, we get it – diving into your research and the complexities of your ideas is the most exciting aspect of an investment pitch. But, before giving your audience a step-by-step breakdown of how you plan to achieve your goals, focus on giving them context. More than anything, your investment presentation pitch deck is the first impression. An investor will want to know: Who are you as a business? What is your business all about? What is your product or service? What is your business model? By ironing out these basic questions first, you’ll have a strong framework to support the more detailed aspects of the pitch and the market opportunity within it.

Who are you as a business? Who are the founders, what are their stories? Was a family member a collector of fine wine and one of the children decided to carry the family name by opening up a winery? Was it started by two friends who have cornered the market in real estate in their local neighborhood?

What is your business about, and what is your product/service? Of course, people would love to know what you sell, how you operate and what market you service. For example, do you have an eco-friendly cleaning business that operates through app bookings or are you a storefront that specializes in hard to find and unique items such as art, food items or early adopter technology?

What is your business model? This is where you will narrow down your ideas. How do you operate, how many people do you employ, how do you produce and distribute your services?

2. In A Presentation Pitch Deck, You’re A Storyteller.

3 businessmen looking at report

Investors are interested in the story behind your business. How did the business’ core idea come about, and how did it start to take flight? This story defines your business and can be made a major selling point in your pitch deck. Plus, it humanizes your brand, helping investors to relate to you, your goals, and your needs.

Your company’s story is a great way to introduce your business towards the beginning of your presentation pitch deck. Companies often choose to introduce their team at this time as well, either immediately before or immediately after talking about their conception.

Visual aids can also help to add interest and vibrancy to your company’s story. Consider including images from the early days of the business and graphics that depict your growth over time. These visuals can go a long way in boosting your narrative and providing a background for the entire presentation pitch deck.

3. For Every Problem, There’s A Solution.

A sure-fire way to hook investors on your business is to present them with a relevant, poignant problem, then explain how your business is ready to implement a solution in market.

Masn using laptop and computer with graphs

This direct line between an unsolved problem and a solution to fill the void is powerful, so use it!

Here, it’s important to avoid grazing over the problem and jumping straight to the solution. Your solution will have a more powerful effect on your audience if they understand the full scope of the problem first.

You should to create a full slide to your problem. Explore what the problem is, but also present evidence to support the fact that this problem is significant and rooted in reality. Explaining the people who are directly impacted by this important problem will also give investors a good sense of your target audience.

After analyzing your problem, you can move onto the solution.

4. Describe your solution in detail

  • Explain why your solution is superior to your competitors’ solutions in market
  • Outline what makes your solution entirely unique business model
  • What does your product or service lifecycle look like?
  • Explain why your solution is valuable and important to people experiencing the related problem
  • Generally, what is your marketing strategy to attract and retain customers?
  • What are your financial projections and strategy to stay stable and viable in the long run?

Investors want to see that you have a good understanding of your target market, industry, and execution. Additional questions to ask yourself are: what are other businesses doing and what are their strengths? Why do their business models work? How is your model better? Are there obvious trends and themes in the market you are servicing?

Another area to think about is your own internal structure. An organizational chart can show how each person’s unique experience will contribute to the solution you are proposing.

When you detail your solution, you have the chance to flex your research muscles, offering as much backup as possible to support your claims. This research will add credibility to your proposition. Having all this information might not fit in your deck, but being able to answer your investors with enthusiasm and knowledge during your presentation is the benefit of doing your research.

Copyright Protection

On your pitch deck, you could write “All Rights Reserved” on each slide or page. Copyright protects the execution of a business idea but not the idea itself. If you want protection, the product must be tangible. Please seek legal consultation for deeper detail.

You can also apply for patent protection which applies to newly developed technology or processes. Patents provide a time-limited, legally protected, exclusive right to make, use, and sell an invention. In this way, patents serve as a reward for ingenuity.

You could also consider registering a trademark. However, a trademark typically protects brand names and logos used on goods and services only.

Confidential information is a form of intellectual property (IP) that has commercial value, is not in the public domain and is communicated to others in confidence. If you sue someone for taking your idea, you will have to prove your idea has commercial value and that you sustained damages.

Need more legal help?

Seek legal counsel for more information. As a formality, until your product or service created, you could put your business name and “All Rights Reserved”.

5. Make Your Investment Pitch Deck Actionable.

The goal of your pitch deck is to convince potential investors of the value of your business, driving them to take action for your growth. Inspiring action is never easy, but getting investors to act after a single presentation pitch deck is possible when you use actionable language.

Make sure to use actionable language in your pitch. Start by using the second-person point of view to draw your audience into the presentation. By using “you”, “your”, and “yours”, you create an active voice and everyone is part of the conversation. Use verbs to emphasize to make sure your investors know what you want them to do.

6. Know exactly what you want and need.

Another important aspect of actionable language is knowing exactly what you need from your investors. This is typically financial support, but it could also be important professional expertise about the market, industry connections, and other types of assets. During your pitch, asking for what you need upfront opens the door for others to get involved and want to know more about your business model or product or service.

Conveying confidence in your pitch is crucial to inspiring action. If you have and are able to portray, complete trust in your business, investors are more likely to trust you, too. So, speak directly and make your points firmly in your pitch. Be clear about what you want. Just be sure to check your tone so that it doesn’t come out as aggressive or coercive during your pitch.

7. How do you create an awesome presentation?

There are many platforms to create presentations in. The most common one is Powerpoint and another dynamic, interactive platform is Prezi. You can also hire a professional or a team of professionals like Presentation Geeks.

If you are wanting to do this DIY, here are a couple of tips.

  • Striking images are always an immediate eye-catcher. You can use your own photos that you have shot. Have no time to produce your own content? Various stock sites like Shutterstock, iStock, and others offer high-quality stock options. For free photos, there is Unsplash , Pexels , Freepik , Pixabay , and many more!
  • Only have 3-4 bullet points or 1-2 paragraphs per page. Your audience probably will not be reading the screen for very long and if you need them to, consider also having supplementary handouts, especially for those who don’t have very good vision!
  • Infographics or dynamic charts and media help liven siIf you are wanting to do this DIY, here are a couple of tips.mple graphs, data, and charts. This is where a professional graphic designer or someone on your team who has a good eye for data visualization.
  • Video content is always a wonderful way to demonstrate a practical solution without having to use so many words. Or it can spotlight someone in your business who’s important, or show a day in the life of your company!
  • Add animations or transitions elegantly into the Powerpoint. A simple fade or slide push can go along way, as well as a well-timed bullet point or a clever zoom on a photo.

Investors hear pitches from businesses all the time. So, to make them want to invest in your endeavor, you need to be a cut above your market competitors. This involves having a stellar first impression, offering a thought-provoking solution to a problem, and detailing the actions that must be taken for that solution to come to life. So, take the time to create a solid pitch!

The key points outlined above can guide you in the creation of an investment pitch. While investment pitches are usually quite concise, you can relay plenty of information to investors with an attractive, efficient, and thoughtfully-designed presentation pitch which make them want more.

Author:  Ryan

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investment presentation video


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How to Prepare a Successful Investor Pitch Deck and Presentation

A woman wearing a blue shirt and holding a pen in her left hand explains company documents to a female colleague.

The investor pitch is one of the most important tools an entrepreneur has for raising capital. It is no secret that a successful investor pitch can make or break your chances of securing funding for your business venture. 

As an entrepreneur, you only have a limited amount of time to make a good impression on potential investors. Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs fail to prepare a successful pitch, resulting in missed opportunities and wasted time.

In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know to prepare a successful investor pitch deck and presentation. We will discuss topics such as what information should be included in your pitch, how to structure your presentation, and how to effectively deliver your message. By following the advice in this guide, you will be well on your way to impressing potential investors and securing the funding you need for your business venture.

One of the most important aspects of a successful investor pitch is the content. 

Your pitch should include information about your business model, your competitive landscape, and your financial projections. In addition, you will need to address any concerns that investors may have about your business. For example, if you are pitching a new technology product, you will need to explain why consumers will want to use it and how you plan on marketing it effectively. If you are pitching a new app or service, you need to explain what problem it solves and why people would be willing to pay for it. 

The key is to provide enough information so that investors can understand your business and see the potential for growth but not so much that they get bogged down in the details. The best pitches strike a balance between being informative and concise.

Content Structure

A typical structure we recommend to entrepreneurs includes the following

  • Executive summary : The executive summary should be a one-page overview of your business that includes your company’s mission statement, a brief description of your products or services, and an overview of your target market.
  • The problem : This describes the issue that your product or service is attempting to solve. Also, you should describe who faces this problem,how it is currently being dealt with today, and the shortcomings and costs of existing solutions.
  • Your solution : This is where you describe the solution you will offer for the problem your potential customers currently face. 
  • Your team : Highlight the team behind your product and their qualifications to be trusted in handling your project.
  • The market size : Talk about the size of the industry you’re serving and its projected growth.
  • Traction : What milestones have you achieved so far? Traction is the measurable demonstration of your business’s ability to solve the problem combined with the proof of the business’s potential to grow over time.
  • Competition: How does the competitive landscape. What are your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats vis-a-vis your competitors?
  • Financial statement : This is where you include your financial models, income statement, cash flow forecast, and balance sheet.
  • Your long-term future plans : These are your next steps. It explains what your plans are for future funding and how these funds will be used to continue your business growth.
  • FAQ : The final section should be reserved for frequently asked questions. This allows you to answer any lingering questions that the investors may have about your business venture.

Let's probe into each of these in more detail.

Executive Summary

This is a one-page overview of your business that includes your company’s mission statement, a brief description of your products or services, and an overview of your target market. 

The purpose of the executive summary is to give investors a zoomed-out view of your business so that they can quickly decide if it is something they are interested in.

It should be clear, concise, and free from any unnecessary jargon or technical terms. The executive summary should be visually appealing and easy to read; bullet points are often helpful in this regard. Finally, you want to make sure it leaves potential investors wanting more by providing just enough information to pique their interest without giving away too much detail about your business plan.

Remember when crafting your own executive summary, the goal is to give investors a quick and easy way to understand what your business is all about. Keep it short, and free of any unnecessary fluff.

One great historic example of an executive summary is from Ronald Wayne, the third co-founder of Apple . In 1976, he wrote up a one-page agreement that summarized the key points about the new company. The document included information such as the name of the company (Apple Computer Company), its address (360 N Virginia St.), and its purpose (“To develop and sell personal computers.”)

It also listed out each founder’s roles and responsibilities within the company. 

While this executive summary was short and to-the-point, it provided enough information for investors to understand what Apple was all about and see potential in investing in the young startup.

You, too, can use the executive summary to give investors a quick overview of your business and what makes it unique.

By including key information such as your company’s mission statement, a brief description of your products or services, and an overview of your target market, you will be well on your way to preparing a successful investor pitch.

The next piece of information you need to include in your investor pitch is the problem that your product or service is solving.

The Problem

This should describe the issue that your potential customers are facing and how it is currently being dealt with. In addition, you will want to show investors why your solution is better than any existing alternatives. 

For example, if you are pitching a new app that helps people save money on groceries, you would want to describe the current methods people use for grocery shopping (such as clipping coupons or comparison shopping) and how they often fall short (such as not knowing which coupons are available or taking too much time comparing prices).

You would then explain how your app solves these problems by providing users with personalized recommendations for where they can find the best deals on groceries. By showing investors how your product solves a specific problem in a more effective way than existing solutions, you will be one step closer to impressing them and securing funding for your business venture.

When Peter Thiel was pitching PayPal to potential investors, he focused on the problem that people were facing with online payments. At the time, there were no safe and convenient ways to pay for goods and services online.

This created a major pain point for consumers as well as businesses who were trying to sell products or services online. Thiel’s solution was PayPal, which allowed users to securely send and receive money using only an email address. By focusing on the problem that people were facing with online payments, Thiel was able to show potential investors why his solution was needed and how it would revolutionize the way people interact with businesses online.

What problem is your product or service solving? 

How does it compare to existing solutions? 

By answering these questions, you will be able to craft a convincing argument for why investors should believe in your business and fund your venture.

When describing the problem your product or service solves, it can be helpful to use what is known as the “job-to-be-done” framework. 

This framework was popularized by Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen and focuses on understanding the underlying reasons why people purchase a particular product or service.

For example, when someone buys a drill, they are not actually buying the drill itself but rather the “job” that they need to get done (such as drilling a hole in their wall). 

By understanding the job that your potential customers are trying to get done, you will be better equipped to position your product or service as the best solution for them.

After describing the problem, now is your chance to show investors how your product or service solves the pain points that you have previously described.

The Solution

This is an opportunity for you to describe the solution to the problem your potential customers currently face. 

So, if you are pitching a new money-saving app for those purchasing groceries, you would want to explain how your app provides users with personalized recommendations for where they can find the best deals on groceries. 

When Mark Zuckerberg was pitching Facebook to potential investors, he focused on its unique ability to connect people online in a way that had never been done before. He explained how Facebook allows users to stay connected with their friends and family members no matter where they are in the world.

Zuckerberg also talked about how businesses could use Facebook as a platform to reach out directly to consumers and build relationships with them (something that was not possible with traditional advertising methods). By focusing on its unique ability to connect people online, he was able to highlight why Facebook deserved investment despite being just another social networking site at a time when there were already many established players such as MySpace.

Describe how your solution addresses the problem your potential customers currently face.

This is your chance to show investors how your product or service solves the pain points that you have previously described. 

Two key questions to ask yourself (and answer) are: a) what makes my product or service unique? And b) how does it solve the problem in a better way than existing solutions? 

Remember that when describing the solution, you want to focus on how your product or service is uniquely positioned to solve a specific problem. 

Tips for Presenting your Solution: 

  • Keep it simple : The solution should be easy for investors to understand. Avoid using any technical jargon or terms that they may not be familiar with.
  • Be specific : Describe exactly how your product or service solves the problem in a better way than existing solutions.
  • Focus on the benefits : Explain how your product or service will make life easier for potential customers and why they would want to use it over existing alternatives.
  • Paint a picture : Use visuals to help investors visualize how your product or service works. A demo video can be especially helpful in this regard. Make it tangible.
  • Address any concerns : If there are any potential concerns that investors may have about your product or service, make sure to address them head-on. For example, if you are pitching a new technology product, you will need to explain how you will achieve the technological edge over your competitors, why consumers will want to use your solution and how you plan on marketing it effectively.

Let's now talk about the team behind your product and their qualifications to be trusted in handling your project. 

This is your chance to show investors that you have assembled an A team of qualified individuals who are passionate about solving the problem that your product or service addresses. 

For example, if you are pitching a new app that helps people save money on groceries, you would want to include information such as the experience of your team members in fields such as grocery-chain veterans, software development, user experience design, and marketing.

Some key points to keep in mind when crafting this part of your presentation include:

  • Keep it short: You only have a limited amount of time to make an impression on potential investors so make sure not to bog them down with too many details about each team member’s background. Instead focus on highlighting their most important credentials and why those credentials make them well-suited for working on this particular project. 30 to 45 seconds for every key team member should suffice, and no more than 4 highlighted individuals.
  • Focus on diverse backgrounds: Potential investors will often look favorably upon teams with diverse backgrounds as it shows that different perspectives are being represented
  • Highlight Awards & Recognition: Be sure to mention any major awards or recognition

Take some time to think about the different backgrounds and skillsets that your team members bring to the table. Then, highlight why those credentials make them well-suited for working on this particular project.

The Market Size

It can be helpful to provide some context around why this particular market is growing or changing. For example, an increase in online shopping due to Covid-19. Show investors that there is a large potential customer base for your product or service and explain why this market is attractive.

A couple of questions you should answer are:

  • How big is the total addressable market for your product or service?
  • Is this particular market growing or changing (and if so, why)? 

Consider the following resources when researching the size of your market:

  • Industry reports : These can be helpful in understanding the overall size and growth of a particular market. For example, if you are pitching a new app for pet owners, you could look at industry reports such as the American Pet Products Association’s “Pet Owners Survey” to learn more about this market. Also consider websites like statista.com, pewsocialtrends.org , edisonresearch.com
  • Government data : Websites like census.gov can provide useful information on population trends that might impact the potential customer base for your product or service. Consider websites like census.gov and usa.gov/statistics
  • Secondary research : In addition to industry reports and government data, there are a number of other sources that can provide helpful insights into the size of your target market. These include trade associations, market research firms, and business directories. Consider websites like nasdaq.com , www.dnb.com, marketsandmarkets.com , bcg.com

Traction is a measure of your business’s growth and momentum within the market you are addressing. It can be helpful to think of traction as the “proof” that your business is working and that there is customer demand for your product or service.

There are a number of different ways to measure traction, but some common metrics include pilots, numbers and names of customers, revenue growth, user growth, and engagement metrics. 

Some other metrics could include marketing campaigns (and their success), press coverage (the more prestigious the media outlet - the better), brand mentions on tweets and big-shots that have tweeted about your idea or company, testimonials, subscribers, and more. 

Including information about your business’s traction in your investor pitch can be helpful in convincing potential investors that now is the right time to invest in your company. After all, if you can show them that you have already achieved significant growth with limited resources, they will likely be more interested in supporting your venture moving forward. 

How do you go about including this information in your presentation? 

Start by focusing on one or two key metrics that best demonstrate the momentum behind your business. Then provide context around these numbers by explaining what they mean and why they are important. For example, if you are pitching a new app for pet owners and have seen strong revenue growth over the past six months, highlight this trend by showing investors a graph depicting this increase over time. You could then explain why this uptick is important (perhaps pet ownership has increased during Covid-19) and how it positions your company for continued success in the future.

Imagine you are pitching a new social media platform to potential investors.

One way to showcase the traction behind your business would be to include information about the number of users who have signed up for your platform, as well as how much time they are spending on the site each day.

You could also highlight any partnerships you have formed with other businesses or influencers and mention any press coverage you have received. All of this information will help show potential investors that your business is gaining momentum and has what it takes to be successful in the long run.

The Competition

Be sure to address the competition in your investor pitch. This will show that you have done your homework and are aware of the other companies in your industry. Reviewing your competition openly will give you an opportunity to discuss why you believe your company is better positioned for success than others. If you come to the conclusion that you don’t have any direct competitors, it may be that investors who hear this might decide that you have not performed your due diligence and will decline to back your business.

There are a few key points you’ll want to hit when discussing the competition in your investor pitch:

  • Competitive landscape: Provide an overview of the competitive landscape. Consider all the products similar to yours in the market, and all the companies that solve similar problems to the one you are addressing. List your key competitors, and what they've done to succeed. Include a brief description of each competitor and their respective market share. Investors will be particularly interested in hearing customers' complaints about your competitors' products. 
  • Your uniqueness: Discuss what makes your company unique and better positioned for success than others. This could be anything from a new technology you have developed to a more efficient production process. 
  • Threats: Don’t forget to mention any potential threats that could impact your business down the road such as new entrants into the market or changes in consumer preferences.

Including this information in your presentation will show investors that you have taken the time to research the industry and understand where your company fits within it.

We recommend using a competitive analysis framework to help you organize your thoughts and gather the relevant information to include in your pitch. One great framework to use is known as the Five Forces framework. 

The Five Forces is a tool created by economist Michael E. Porter that can be used to assess the competitive intensity of an industry and the corresponding attractiveness of opportunities within that industry. The five forces are:

  • Threat of new entrants : How easy is it for new firms to enter the market and compete against existing firms? (e.g., high barriers to entry)
  • Bargaining power of buyers : How much negotiating leverage do buyers have when purchasing products from suppliers in the industry? ( e. g., few buyers, switching costs)
  • Bargaining power of suppliers : How much negotiating leverage do suppliers have when selling inputs to firms in the industry? ( e. g., many supplier options, differentiated products)
  • The threat posed by substitute products : What alternatives do customers have if they decide not to purchase your product? (e.g., close substitutes, low switching costs)
  • Intensity of competitive rivalry : How intense is competition among existing firms in this market?

The Five Forces framework can help you identify which areas of the industry are most attractive for opportunities and where there may be more competition. By taking the time to assess the competitive landscape prior to pitching your business, you will be better prepared to discuss why your company has what it takes to succeed in spite of any challenges that exist.

One critical question to address during this part of your investors deck is - what is your moat? A moat is a competitive advantage that makes it difficult for other companies to compete against you. This could be anything from a loyal customer base to patents or proprietary technology. When assessing your company’s moat, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What does my company have that others don’t? 
  • How hard would it be for another firm to replicate what I have built? 
  • What are the costs associated with replicating my business model? 
  • What switching costs do my customers face if they decide to leave me for another supplier?

To assess your company’s moat, you will need to spend some time researching your industry and looking at what others are doing. Once you have a good understanding of the landscape, you can begin to identify areas where you may have an advantage over others.

Financial Statement

The next step is to provide potential investors with an overview of your financial situation. This should include information such as your current revenue, expenses, and burn rate (the rate at which you are spending money). 

In addition, it is often helpful to include a short-term and long-term forecast of your finances so that investors can see how you expect your business to grow over time.

Think of your financial statement as a snapshot of your company’s health. For example, if you are currently generating $1 million in annual revenue but anticipate doubling this figure within the next year, be sure to mention this on your financial statement slide. 

By providing potential investors with a clear picture of your current financial situation as well as where you expect things to be in the future, they will be able to get a better sense of whether or not investing in your company is a wise decision.

Remember when crafting your financial statement that the goal is to provide potential investors with a clear picture of your current financial situation as well as where you expect things to be in the future. Warren Buffet is famously quoted as saying, “If you can’t write it down on one page, I don’t want to hear about it.” Buffett understands that by looking at the numbers, he can get a clear picture of a company’s financial health and make more informed investment decisions. As an entrepreneur, you should take a page out of Buffett’s book and make sure that your financial statement is clear, concise, and easy for potential investors to understand. 

We suggest the following format for your financial statement:

  • Income Statement : Showing revenues, expenses, and profits over a period of time
  • Balance Sheet : Showing what the company owns (assets) and owes (liabilities) at a specific point in time
  • Cash Flow Statement : Showing how cash is moving in and out of the business over a period of time.

Terms of the Round

The financial plan is a critical component of your investor pitch deck. This section will give investors a clear idea of your business’s financial situation, including your current revenues and expenses, as well as your projected revenues and expenses for the future.

In addition, the financial plan should include information on how you intend to use any funding that you are seeking from investors. For example, if you are looking for $1 million in funding, what specific purposes will this money be used for? 

Will it be used to hire new employees? To launch a new marketing campaign? To open up a new office location? Be sure to include these details in your financial plan.

Some key elements you will want to include in your financial plan are:

  • Amount you’re seeking, amount of equity you are giving away and conditions
  • Use of proceeds: how you intend to use the investment money
  • A detailed description of how you intend to generate revenue
  • Your short-term and long-term business goals
  • A breakdown of your costs and expenses
  • A valuation assessment of your company
  • Current cap table
  • Shares outstanding pre-money and post-money
  • Funding source for previous rounds

A well thought out financial plan will give investors confidence that you have a clear understanding of your business model and how you intend to generate revenue. It will also demonstrate that you have put serious thought into the feasibility of your business idea and its potential for long term success.

Your Long-term Future Plans

You will also want to include some information about your long-term plans for the company. 

This is important because it shows investors that you are thinking ahead and have a vision for where you see the business going. 

It can be helpful to include things such as long term product pipeline, milestone syou hope to achieve, projected financials (revenue, expenses, etc.)

We recommend addressing the following items when presenting your long-term plans:

  • Plan of action
  • Sources of revenue, projected sales, margins
  • Profitability forecasts
  • Balance sheet projection
  • Growth and opportunity timeline
  • Impact of team expansion on cash flow
  • Exit strategy

Plan of Action

Your plan of action is a high-level overview of the steps you will take to achieve your long-term goals. It should include things such as when you plan on launching new products, expanding into new markets, or hiring additional staff.

Include information about your projected sales and margins for the next few years. This will give investors an idea of how much revenue you expect to generate and what kind of profit margin they can expect from investing in your company. It is also important to include any assumptions that you are making about future sales (e.g., market growth rate, product pricing). Being transparent about your projections will help build trust with your investors.

Exit Strategy

An exit strategy is a plan for how (and to whom) you may sell your company or when you plan to offer it on the public market. This information is important because it helps investors understand what they can expect from investing in your business. It shows that you have thought about the future of the company and have a plan in place for when it is time to capitalize on the initial investment. There are many different types of exit strategies, so be sure to include the one that makes the most sense for your business. Some common examples include selling the company to a larger company or taking it public through an IPO.. 

Discussing your exit strategy shows that you have thought about your investors’ interests and that their investment will generate more value down the road, and not just help you to keep the lights on for another month.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Make time in your investors' pitch to allow for questions and be prepared to answer them, even if the question is not directly relevant. It shows that you're truly interested in what they think and care about their input. While it's nearly impossible to predict every question an investor may ask you, prepare for some of the most common questions that were not covered in your pitch:

  • How did you come up with the idea for your business?
  • Why do you believe your team is qualified to execute on this opportunity?
  • What are your unit economics?
  • How have you validated your market opportunity?
  • Describe your competitive landscape and how you plan to differentiate yourself in the market.
  • When do you anticipate reaching profitability?
  • What are the biggest risks and challenges facing your business?
  • How did you come up with your valuation?
  • Have you had any conversations with potential acquirers?
  • How much money are you looking to raise and for what purpose?
  • Do you have any existing relationships with potential investors?

Consider these questions and prepare to answer them with confidence.

Now you know the critical ingredients you should prepare for your pitch. 

Before we let you go, here are a few key tips to delivering an effective presentation. Remember - content is only half of the ingredients of a successful pitch.

Presentation Tips

If you were making a cake, the content would be the ingredients, and how you mix them together and bake them would be your presentation skills. Here are a few key tips:

  • Practice, practice, practice - A successful investor pitch requires careful planning and execution in order to convince investors to provide funding for your startup. Knowing your material cold is not enough; it is important to rehearse your delivery daily so you come across as polished and professional. Preparing well will allow free you from the dreadful reading from your slides or notes.
  • Start strongly - Grab investors' attention from the beginning with a compelling story or statistic that will make them want to hear more.
  • Be clear and concise - Use simple language that can be understood by everyone in the room, and get to the point quickly without beating around the bush. Being concise is so important that, perhaps somewhat ironically, Y Combinator partner Kevin Hale speaks about the importance of this point for seven whole minutes in his outstanding lecture about pitching startups .
  • Be passionate - Show excitement about your business and market opportunity; you're trying to convince others to believe in your vision!
  • Visuals matter - Use high-quality visuals (e charts, graphs, photos) throughout your presentation to support your points; slides should complement what you're saying, not repeat it verbatim.
  • Do not read off your slides - This is a surefire way to lose investors' attention. Instead, use your slides as a guide and speak extemporaneously about the topics you've prepared.
  • Be prepared for questions - Have answers ready for commonly asked questions about your business and industry. Be sure to answer each question thoroughly but concisely; if you don't know the answer to a question, be honest and say so.
  • Speak slowly and clearly - An investor presentation is not the time to speed up your talking or try out a new vocal fry.
  • Make eye contact - With each person in the room, if possible. This will help you come across as sincere and trustworthy.
  • Smile! - A genuine smile goes a long way in making a good impression; it makes you appear more likable and creates a positive association with your business in investors' minds.
  • Avoid filler words such as “um” or “like“   -  Using filler words makes you come across as nervous and unprepared, two qualities that will not instill confidence in investors.
  • Dress the part - First impressions matter, so be sure to dress professionally in clothing that is clean and wrinkle-free. This shows that you're taking the pitch seriously and are respectful of investors' time.
  • End on a strong note - Thank investors for their time and interest, then provide a brief overview of your key points to leave them with a lasting impression of your business.

One Final Tip...

Always follow up. After the pitch, be sure to send a thank-you note or email to each investor. You can use this interaction to send answers to questions you didn’t have the answer to during the presentation. 

This not only shows your appreciation and professionalism, but also keeps you top of mind in case they have any additional questions or are interested in investing.

Follow these tips, and you'll be well on your way to delivering a successful investor pitch and securing the funding you need to grow your business.

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How To Pitch For Investment: 25 expert tips for success

How to pitch for investment.

How should you pitch for investment ?

Your investor deck  design is ready, you know your startup inside out…But how do you smash your actual startup pitch and make your presentation stand out from the crowd?

We’ve brought together 25 tips from experts to show you how to pitch for investment & stand head and shoulders above the crowd, to find live examples from amazing designers on Twine look here .

Let’s jump straight into investor pitch examples:

1. Each audience is different, so your pitch presentation should be too

“You have your one-minute version, your 10-minute version, your hour-long version. Some people think this means having the same story edited to different lengths, but you can’t do that. It’s impossible. There’s no way to compress an hour of material into a minute and still speak with the same passion. You have to have a new approach for each one of those situations & learn how to pitch bespoke to the situation.”

– “Take Your Fundraising Pitch from Mediocre to Memorable with These Storytelling Tips” –  Oren Jacob, Co-founder, and CEO of ToyTalk

2. Make the pitch narrative engaging

“Storytelling is a scientifically proven way to capture a listener’s attention and hold it. Besides, it makes your pitch unforgettable.

Investors are bored with spreadsheets, valuations, and numbers. If they want that information, they can get it. What you can offer that no term sheet can convey is the story and pathos behind your startup. Everyone loves a good story, even the most data-driven investor.

So, tell your story and tell it right. You’re bound to gain attention, and the funding will follow.”

– “13 Tips on How to Deliver a Pitch Investors Simply Can’t Turn Down” –  Neil Patel, Entrepreneur, investor & influencer.

3. Benchmark your competitors, amplify your benefits

“Speak about your competitors honestly and in detail

Have one or more reasons why your product is better than the competition, but never underestimate them.

Study their businesses inside out and clearly articulate (both visually and audibly) how you position against them. List their weaknesses and their strengths and, if appropriate, talk about your plan to turn your weaknesses into strengths against them.

You want to be able to articulate why an incumbent has a huge market share and convincingly convey why you feel you have a shot at winning over their customers.”

– “8 tips for giving the perfect investor pitch (from someone who’s raised $75M)” –  Mitchell Harper, Co-founder at BigCommerce 

4. Practice your delivery

“Again, treat this like you are on a date, or trying to convince someone to go out with you. Don’t be too aggressive or too aloof. Nobody wants someone who is too desperate or too uninterested. Strike a balance. If you don’t appear to be interested in what an investor has to offer, why would they want to give you money? Finding this balance takes practice of course, so if possible, give your earlier pitches to less distinguished backers whose investment isn’t crucial. Try to work your way up slowly to more esteemed, powerful investors so you have time to improve and make mistakes with your pitch. Nobody learns how to pitch for investment successfully before they have ever pitched”

– “4 Simple Pitch Tips that Will Attract Investors to Your Startup” – John Boitnott, Journalist, and digital consultant

5. Reference your references

“Name drop: If possible, name drop brands and people that are involved with your company customers, partners, and members of the team. The investor needs to know who is involved from the very beginning of the pitch. This most of all increase your credibility quickly and early on. If you do decide to name drop, warn each of the people that an investor may be contacting them in the near future. And of course, don’t make up names.”

– “10 Tips to an Effective Investor Pitch” – Allison Way, Writer and Videographer for Think Big Partners and bizperc

6. Micro-target potential investors

“Who you pitch to is nearly as important as what you pitch. You should know why this specific investor would be a good partner for your company. Otherwise, investors might see a red flag — either that you will take money from anyone, or you are trying to create a bidding war — neither is a good situation on the investor’s end. Getting an investment from the wrong person can be a decision you’ll later regret, as not every investor offers equal value.”

– “5 Practical Tips for Perfecting Your Startup Pitch” – Erica Swallow, Owner of Southern Swallow Productions

7. Plan for questions, prepare your answers

“Be prepared to answer questions. If you’re asked a question, try to provide at least a brief answer on the spot because even if you have a slide that specifically addresses the issue later on. It’s also OK to not have an answer or “the right” answer because the way you respond to questions is sometimes more important than the answer itself (it demonstrates how you deal with situations that may involve uncertainty or pressure).”

– “ 7 tips for nailing a startup pitch to a boardroom full of VCs “ – Hila Shitrit Nissim, VP of marketing for private equity investment firm Viola Group.

8. Faultless pitch deck

“Ensure your deck is faultless. That old Digital Marketing saying ‘content is king’ is rather relevant here. Your deck must be engaging and interesting whilst being based on an airtight business plan with in-depth detail surrounding your finances and projections. Structure your deck like your business plan whilst highlighting the problem you wish to solve, your route to market, your finances, competition and even a bit about your team too.

Time is going to be low so don’t waffle or bore people with lots of text. Furthermore visual aids such as charts and images are consequently more likely to hold the audience’s attention. Be prepared for scrutiny, you should anticipate the difficult questions and be able to explain the answers in a clear and concise way. Sometimes your reaction to scrutiny can win or lose you the investment.”

– “ Killer Tips for Nailing Your Next Start-Up Investment Pitch “ – Ashley Salek, Account Director at Netleadz

9. Be authentic

“Be authentic. Great investors are generally great readers of people and they can tell if you are bullshitting.”

– “What not to do when pitching your tech startup to a VC: The dos and don’ts of pitching to a VC fund” – Ari Newman, Partner at TechStars

10. Establish market need early & your business a solution

“A lot of the time people begin by saying what their solution is. But I recommend that you talk more about what the problem is. This helps you establish emotional context with the person listening”.

– “Dave McClure’s 10 tips for the perfect investment pitch” – Dave McClure, Entrepreneur, angel investor and founder at 500 Startups

11. Can you explain the premise to a child?

“You may know your domain very well, but not everyone in the audience is an expert in this field – so spend some time explaining the context in which you are operating. It could be the size of the e-commerce market for travel, or augmented reality apps for medicine, or a wildlife mapping platform – explain the scope of the activity, target audience, transactional components, and user needs. At the same time, don’t get too carried away with describing the context – you should describe just enough to frame why this is important for your company.”

– “Startup Pitches: Ten Tips for Success” – Madanmohan Rao, Research Director at YourStory

12. Compelling data, elegantly referenced

“Along with a compelling story and presentation, talking comfortably about your sales numbers and projections is a very important part of your pitch. Without numbers to back them up, whether a person likes a product concept or not is fairly anecdotal. Investors like to see ideas that are backed by real dollar figures.

Remember to be realistic with your sales predictions. If they’re not believable, therefore won’t be, either. (Read this blog post to learn more about how to accurately predict your future sales.)”

– “How to Deliver the Perfect Business Pitch: 8 Tips Inspired by ‘Shark Tank'” – Lindsay Kolowich, Marketing at Hubspot 

13. A fisher is as good as their bait

“Hook your audience of venture capitalists or angel investors.

There’s a reason clickbait articles get so many clicks, and it’s not rocket science – it’s a hook. Whether you’re writing an article for Buzzfeed or you’re up on stage delivering your pitch, you have one chance and one chance only to grab your audience’s attention, and you do so with a catchy, juicy, irresistible hook.

The key to a successful hook is to break the norm. By interrupting your audience’s everyday thought patterns and challenging their assumptions of what a pitch might be, you’ll be able to not only hook their attention, but keep them hanging on your every last word.”

– “ 3 Tips for Nailing Your Startup Pitch and Getting Funded “ – Matt Hunckler, Verge 

14. Personal projections matter

“Prepare yourself, not just your idea. Angel investors invest first in the entrepreneur not in the business plan. It’s important that the investor and entrepreneur can get along. They will want to see that you are fast, thoughtful and efficient, and can sustain the project through its conception and growth.”

– “7 Tips For Pitching Your Entrepreneurial Idea, Whether To Angels Or Sharks” –  Matt Symonds, Co-Founder at Fortuna Admissions 

15. Your business is your passion, make it theirs too

If you’re starting or expanding your business, you probably wake up every morning excited to take on the day. Communicate that passion to potential investors. What is the big potential of your business? Describe how you’ll shake up the industry and do things differently. What’s your “special sauce.”

Communicate a dynamic action plan for capital deployment. Investors and banks refer to this as the “use of funds.” Don’t use dry language. This should be the most exciting part of your pitch. What awesome goals will an infusion of investment funds help you achieve? How will this capital accelerate your company’s growth and expand its capacity?”

– “7 Tips for an Investment Pitch That Excites and Inspires” –  Miles Jennings, Founder and CEO of Recruiter.com

16. Know your exits

“If you’re seeking large sums of investment capital (over $1M), most investors will want to know what your exit strategy is. Are you planning on getting acquired, going public (very few companies actually do), or something else? Show you’ve done some due diligence on this exit strategy, including the companies you’re targeting, and why it would make sense 3, 5, or 10 years down the road.”

–  “How to Pitch to Investors in 10 Minutes and Get Funded”  – Caroline Cummings, Tech entrepreneur, angel investor and Venture Catalyst for Oregon Rain

17. Be succinct

“Be brief. You need to communicate with stunning efficiency. Typical presentations are 12 to 15 slides. Your prepared comments should take no more than 15 to 20 minutes to deliver. In some cases, you may have as few as five minutes to present. Leave the details to the Q&A. When someone asks a question of you, they want more details.”

– “9 Ways to Perfect Your Pitch and Investor Presentation” – Geri Stengel, Founder and President of Ventureneer

18. Clichés are so last year

“Avoid clichés. Phrases to avoid:

“All we need is 1% of the market” (unlikely you will get that) “We will get huge viral usage” (unless you show me early traction, that will be difficult to believe) “This product will market itself” (no, it won’t) “Google will want to buy us” (maybe, but not likely) “Our projection numbers are conservative” (just once I would like to hear an entrepreneur say, “Our projections are wildly optimistic”).”

– “28 Mistakes Startups Make When Pitching To Investors” – Richard Harroch, Managing Director and Global Head of M&A for VantagePoint Capital Partners

19. Nerves are an ally

“Even though putting together a punchy, well designed, well thought-out presentation can give you a lot of confidence, it still takes courage to stand up and talk in front of an audience.

A certain degree of pre-talk nerves is good and even veteran presenters have them. However, you don’t want your nerves to detract from the presentation.

It’s all about practicing, building up experience and making yourself feel more comfortable:

1. Practice. Dedicating time before the presentation to go through the presentation at least five or six times. This will do wonders for your confidence. Talk out loud not just inside your mind. This will help with retaining the information

2. Experience. Seek out other opportunities to speak that are less important for practice. For example, business clubs or local chamber of commerce. Not only will you feel better the more times you present, it’s also a great way to get awareness of your business in the local environment.

3. Engage the audience. Asking questions can reduce isolation between you and the audience and also help you relax as it feels more intimate.”

– “How to showcase your business and successfully pitch your idea to investors – tips from a presentation expert” – Spencer Waldron, presentation expert and UK Country Manager at Prezi

20. Turn the abstract into fact

“Make the abstract concrete. When Steve Jobs launched the iPod he talked about “1,000 songs in your pocket”. That was concrete. No MB, no Hz, no bit rates, no hard drives. You can do the same – even with the most obscure hedge fund strategy.”

– “Make Your Investment Pitch More Memorable – Six Simple Tips”  – Benjamin Ball Associates 

21. Avoid jargon at all costs

“Ditch the jargon.

It can be tempting to add layers of technical speak in an attempt to convince others of your expert credentials. This is unlikely to impress the real experts and furthermore presents them with an opportunity to switch off. Learning how to pitch for investment is understanding each investor is different.

Keep the language simple, and don’t make the assumption that almost anyone in your audience has any specialist knowledge.”

– “5 tips to successfully pitch new ideas to angel investors”  – David Gammon, Real Business

22. Emphasise benefits not features

“Simplify your message to express benefits, not features.

Customers buy a product because it solves a need, not because of a rich feature set. Discuss the benefits of your product and the burning pain point it addresses.”

– “10 tips for pitching angel investors” – Yi-Jian Ngo, Founder and Managing Director at Alliance of Angels 

23. Nail your premise in as few words as possible

“Nail your elevator pitch. It may be a cliché, but the elevator pitch is an essential tool in the fundraising entrepreneur’s toolbox. You have to test it, perfect it and practice it until you know it back to front and inside out. You may well need it at a moment’s notice, after all.”

– “5 Top Tips for Getting Angel Investment” – Adam Gale, Associate Web Editor at Management Today

24. Don’t get lost in the noise

“Mondays are not the best day to pitch.

What’s wrong with Mondays? It’s that day of the week, when partners at most VC companies hold morning meetings to go through the potential deals and decide on investments. If you pitch on Monday afternoon, you will spend the rest of the week dying to know whether the company is interested in your offer or not. Also, if your pitch may get lost in the bundle of other ideas spoken during the week and receive less attention than another would have if delivered closer to Friday.”

– “Tips for Producing the Best Investor Pitch” – Dianna Labrien, Writer and Blogger

25. End strong

“Don’t end with a generic “Q&A” slide. End with your most important slide, something that you want on screen while you’re answering questions that will linger in investors minds long after the meeting’s over.”

– “Dos and Don’ts of the Startup Pitch: Expert Advice from 5 Famous Investors” – Reid Hoffman, LinkedIn co-founder and venture capitalist

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Becca is the Marketing Executive at Twine. She loves literature, music, film and make-up. She spends a lot of time complaining about the mismatched angles of her winged eyeliner and stalking drag queens on Instagram. Otherwise, she’s helping Joe by writing blog posts and keeping Twine’s social media running.

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Collection of the best tech startup pitch video

Collection of the best tech startup pitch video

A collection of the best startup pitch video to use as a reference for your fundraise.

So you got your deck together, intros to the venture capitalist and now its time to meet in person and make the ‘pitch.’ Whoa, you’re on your way, but what does a great in person pitch look like?

Unsurprisingly, VCs don’t record in-person pitches, so the closest founders can get are pitches done on stage during demo day pitches.

This blog is a collection of the best founder pitch video on stage pulled together in one place.

Key learnings from the pitches on stage from pitch video

  • Casual and relaxed : No one is stressed out and fidgeting. They are confident and getting their message across like a boss
  • Practiced : Even if people are ‘nervous’ and uncomfortable on stage, they have practised so much they get away with it
  • Simple words : Don’t use lots of big words and buzz words (Social, local, mobile: SoMoLo)
  • Focus on you : Slides are background, they aren’t the focal point. You are the star of the show!
  • Humour : Keep people attentive with humour. Nothing makes people reach for their phone faster than boredom.
  • Cover the key points : There is a reason founders are pitching, to ‘sell’ and get the money (“Ask”)
  • Stage deck is different to a pitch deck : When you are presenting on stage, less is far more. You want to have very large header text, large emotive images and maybe even a sense of humor. What you send to investors can be more detailed. You are meant to do the talking
  • Polished graphical presentation : There are short text statements, there aren’t endless bullet points. The quality of the graphics are also high

Here is a blog I wrote about pitching for demo days:  Demo day pitching guide

If you are looking for the largest collection of pitch decks, head over here.

Evernote – Phil Libin

Great one minute pitch about Evernote in 2008.

Parker Conrad – Zenefits

Sam Altman – Loopt

Party on Demand – Big Willie G

Hoist – Kasper Hulthin

Twoodo – David Arnoux

Possibly the best pitch I have ever seen. They raised $320k at their Startup bootcamp pitch in 2013

Saddl – George Ankohmah – pitch video

AdMob – Omar Hamoudi

Super confident guy. You can guess that mobile was probably a big question mark in 2007 so he goes straight in to address concerns.

Sendgrid – Isaac Saldana

Pitch with analysis of the pitch.

Hungry House

Bizimply – Mikey Cannon

Timo Kauppila – Catchbox

Catch Box –

That’s suspicious behaviour.

Good confident speaker. Some humour without trying due to “Creepy person.”

ZocDoc – Cyrus Massoumi

Mike Tyson ear biting joke…

GiveMeTap – Edwin Broni-Mensah

Vizify – Todd Silverstein

Great use of humour.

Next Big Sound

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Comments (3)

Hey thanks for featuring my Pitch with Twoodo! Would it just be possible to change the name of the speaker? It should be David Arnoux and not Denis Duvauchelle 😛

Hey David, changed. It’s David now 😉 Interested to know how you guys have been doing. Have been tracking a few similar startups. Ping me

Check out Mikey Cannon knock it out of the park at the 2015 Web Summit.


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[Updated 2023] Top 25 Investment Presentation PowerPoint Templates for a Secured Future

[Updated 2023] Top 25 Investment Presentation PowerPoint Templates for a Secured Future

Malvika Varma


We work hard to earn money and fulfill our dreams of buying a home, starting a business, going for a vacation, or for any unforeseen events. But just working hard may not be sufficient to lead a comfortable lifestyle or to fulfill your dreams and goals. Investments give money the right direction and much higher returns as compared to saving it in a bank account. 

Having planned financial investments help us to beat inflation, sustain during the grave times of pandemic like Covid-19, save for retirement, and also to serve as an additional financial resource. As just earning money is not enough, investments are extremely important in today’s world. Investing is a requisite for wise money management as it ensures both present and future financial security. 

“Investment is most successful when it is most businesslike.” – Ben Graham

There are two chief ways to make money in the modern world. The first way one is the conventional one, to earn an income, either by working for yourself as in business or by doing a job for someone else. The other way is to grow your fortune by investing money so that it increases in value over time. Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, gold, bank deposits, precious metals, real estate, small business, or a combination of all of the above, are a few options where one can invest money. The sole objective of the investment is to generate more money by putting in assets whose value increases over time.  

SlideTeam professionals have designed Top 25 Investment Presentation PowerPoint Templates as a powerful tool to meet all the requirements related to investment. Download these PowerPoint complete decks and elucidate the chief ways of building a financially secure and independent future. 

Let us begin!

Top 25 Investment Presentation PowerPoint Templates To Download

Template 1: private equity investment deck powerpoint presentation.

Private Equity Investment Deck PowerPoint Presentation

Download this template

Introducing our Private Equity Investment PPT Template - the ultimate solution to showcase your investment opportunities and highlight your expertise in the field of private equity. Our template is a powerhouse of 77 professionally designed slides that cover major topics of private equity investment. With our template, you can impress your clients and investors with a detailed analysis of the use of funds, shareholding patterns, and financial summaries, including revenue, EBITA, and PAT. Whether you are a seasoned investor or a beginner, our Private Equity Investment PPT Template is the perfect tool to showcase your expertise and investment opportunities. Download now.

Template 2: Investment in Land and Building PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Investment in Land and Building PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Get this template

Presenting our Investment in Land and Building PPT Template. It provides a comprehensive overview of the real estate market and gives you insights into the price statistics of the industry. With our template, you can easily analyze investment and sales in real estate, understand the laws and regulations encompassing this topic, and clearly understand mortgage financing. With our Investment in Land and Building PPT Template, you can impress your clients and investors with your in-depth knowledge of the real estate market. Our template is the ultimate guide to help you succeed in your real estate investments. Get it now.

Template 3: Real Estate Investment PPT Template

Real Estate Investment PPT Template

Grab this template

Looking for a comprehensive Real Estate Investment PPT Template? Look no further! Our template is your one-stop shop for all your real estate investment needs. Our template is designed to help you perform a thorough industry analysis, providing insights into the cost of real estate. With our template, you'll have the tools you need to perform budget, cash flow, and break-even analysis, giving you the information you need to make informed investment decisions. Our template also helps to determine real estate valuation. Grab yours today.

Template 4: Investment Funds PPT Presentation Slides

Investment Funds

Introducing this stellar investment PowerPoint complete deck to illustrate stocks and bonds to your customers effectively. Showcase the shareholding pattern in the form of graphs and charts with the help of this content-ready PPT presentation. You can effectively discuss the growth strategy of each investment option, and highlight its pros and cons by incorporating our financial investment PowerPoint template. This engaging investment PowerPoint layout comprises a wide array of topics such as growth strategy, financial projections, goals of funding, and lots more. 

Template 5: Investment Analysis PowerPoint Presentation

Detailed Investment Analysis

Illustrate the objectives of portfolio management with your esteemed clients by downloading this attention-grabbing investment PowerPoint presentation. You can explain the investment options in detail by incorporating this ready-made finance management PowerPoint complete deck. Showcase the threats and opportunities of the current market by utilizing this amazingly designed PowerPoint theme. Elucidate the objectives of portfolio management, types of investment, market scenario overview, analysis, and valuation of equity securities by utilizing our money management PPT theme.  You can also showcase the PESTLE technique with the help of this investment PowerPoint template.

Template 6: Angel Investment PowerPoint Presentation

Angel Investment

This investment PowerPoint complete deck is a must for your next fundraising meeting. Download this content-ready investment PowerPoint presentation to give your company overview and highlight your talented team. Illustrate the problems and the proposed solutions to showcase the problem-solving ability of your esteemed enterprise using this template. You can also explain the product roadmap and value proposition by employing our ready-to-use investment PowerPoint theme.

Template 7: Investment PowerPoint Presentation


Discuss the significance and objectives of investment by incorporating our finance management PowerPoint template. By utilizing our pre-designed investment PowerPoint complete deck, you can efficiently explain the various investment instruments, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, etc. Systematic investment plans (SIP) can be elaborated for your clients with the help of this attention-grabbing investment PowerPoint presentation. 

Template 8: Venture Capital Investment PowerPoint Presentation

Venture Capital Investment

Showcase the strategic financial plan and impress your customers by downloading this comprehensively researched investment PowerPoint template. You can efficiently discuss the customer segments, industry footprints, and other related topics by incorporating this 53 slides PowerPoint complete deck. Highlight the financial projections and use of funds by employing this eye-catchy investment PowerPoint presentation.

Template 9: Investment Audit PowerPoint Presentation

Investment Audit

Our investment audit PowerPoint complete deck is a one-stop solution to address all the details related to investment. Discuss the financial due diligence and KPIs using graphical representation by incorporating our investment PowerPoint presentation. You can also showcase the balance sheet, cash flow statements, key financial ratios, financial projections, liquidity, and profitability ratios by utilizing this template. This professionally designed PowerPoint presentation can be downloaded by finance experts.

Template 10: Investment Crowdfunding PowerPoint Presentation

Investment Crowdfunding

Have a great impression on your client by presenting this awe-inspiring investment PowerPoint complete deck. Comprising 80 content-ready templates, this PowerPoint presentation covers topics such as financial projections, goals of funding, use of funds, shareholding pattern, and lots more. With this pre-designed investment PowerPoint template, you can also give an overview of your company and the milestones achieved. You can effectively showcase your skilled workforce to prove your expertise in the field. 

Template 11: Investments Profitability PowerPoint Presentation

Investments Profitability

Demonstrate the concept of return of investment to your customers in an easy to comprehend manner by employing our pre-designed investment PowerPoint complete deck. The market analysis and the effects of investing in different sectors can be discussed efficiently by downloading this amazingly designed financial planning PowerPoint presentation. You can also explain the ways of boosting the financial growth of an enterprise by utilizing this money-planning PowerPoint layout.

Template 12: Fixed Investment Analysis PowerPoint Presentation

Fixed Investment Analysis

Elucidate the capital budgeting in tabular form with the help of our investment PowerPoint template. Discuss the analysis of assets and liabilities with your customer by incorporating this infographic investment PowerPoint complete deck. You can elaborate on the fixed capital analysis, cash flow, ratio analysis, and payback period by utilizing this ready-made investment PowerPoint presentation. Investment Templates help in a better understanding of the subject matter.

Template 13: Fixed Investment Evaluation PowerPoint Presentation

Fixed Investment Evaluation

Analyze and evaluate the fixed investment by introducing this financial management PowerPoint template. Incorporate this pre-designed investment PowerPoint complete deck to explain capital budgeting, analysis assets, and liabilities to your clients. Illustrate the stages of return of investment model effectively by utilizing this finance PowerPoint presentation.

Template 14: Fixed Investment Assessment PowerPoint Presentation

Fixed Investment Assessment

Showcase the fixed investments in detail with the help of our content-ready PowerPoint presentation. Elucidate the annual report, ratio analysis, and capital budget plan in tabular format by employing this striking investment PowerPoint complete deck. Investors can download this infographic PowerPoint template to discuss the significance and objective of investing in fixed assets. ROI of different projects can be assessed by incorporating this financial investment PowerPoint theme.

Template 15: Customer Investment Profile PowerPoint Presentation

Customer Investment Profile

Discuss the revenue model of a company by introducing this pre-designed financial investment PowerPoint complete deck. You can elaborate on the wide array of financial topics such as market dynamics and financial highlights by incorporating this PowerPoint presentation. The finance dashboard included in this PPT layout gives an overview of the financial status of the enterprise in an easy-to-understand manner. 

Template 16: Real Estate Investment Analysis PowerPoint Presentation

Real Estate Investment Analysis

Introducing this pre-designed investment PowerPoint presentation to showcase the factors to consider when investing in real estate. Convince the clients to accept the deal by highlighting market activity and illustrate the real estate trends by downloading this investment PowerPoint complete deck. You can also showcase the policy support of real estate by employing this investment PowerPoint presentation.

Template 17: Investment Management Analysis PowerPoint Presentation

Investment Management Analysis

Introducing this financial management PowerPoint complete deck to discuss the objectives of portfolio management with your customers. Give detail of each type of investment and the threats and opportunities of the market by utilizing this investment PowerPoint complete deck. You can illustrate the investment instruments like stocks, bonds, cash, real estate, hedge funds, mutual funds, and other options with this amazingly designed financial investment PowerPoint templates.

Template 18: Business Investment Proposal PowerPoint Presentation

Business Investment Proposal

Incorporate this business PowerPoint complete deck to present your proposal in an impressive way for your clients. Utilize this content-ready investment PowerPoint presentation to discuss the market gap opportunity, value proposition product benefits, and other related topics. With the help of this professionally designed PowerPoint proposal, you can showcase the business models and strategic business investment plans. 

Template 19: Quantitative Methods In Investment Management PowerPoint Presentation

Quantitative Methods In Investment Management

Managing corporate finance is not an easy task and requires a lot of market analysis. Download our eye-catchy financial service PowerPoint complete deck to illustrate the market research and findings. Give a detailed explanation of the financial strategies by utilizing our ready-to-use finance PowerPoint slides. Download this engaging business PPT presentation and make an impression in your next meeting. The 76 slides constituting this finance PowerPoint presentation covers a variety of topics such as investment objectives, risk tolerance matrix, asset allocation, target modeling, resource capacity planning, financial planning, and others. 

Template 20: Investment Strategies For Stock Portfolio Management PowerPoint Presentation

Investment Strategies For Stock Portfolio

Explain to your clients about portfolio strategies for managing financial risks by employing our content-ready financial services PowerPoint complete deck. Describe the concepts like asset management, corporate governance, trading strategy, portfolio optimization in an easy-to-understand manner by incorporating our attention-grabbing PPT layout. Share insights about the financial roadmap of your organization to increase investors and partners by incorporating this investment strategy PowerPoint presentation. 

Template 21: Quantitative Investment And Risk Management PowerPoint Presentation

Quantitative Investment And Risk Management

Download our content-ready quantitative investment PowerPoint presentation to describe the portfolio management process. By employing this investment PowerPoint complete deck you can discuss the investment objectives such as capital appreciation, risk management, asset management, etc. Showcase the risk tolerance analysis effectively by incorporating our pre-designed quantitative investment PowerPoint templates.

Template 22: Investment In Business Assets PowerPoint Presentation

Investment In Business Assets

Employ this ready-made investment PowerPoint complete deck to describe the capital budgeting of the organization. You can effectively analyze the composition of assets and liabilities in tabular form. Discuss the cash flow statements with your customers by incorporating this content-ready PowerPoint presentation. Download this investment PowerPoint layout to highlight the return of investment of different projects of the enterprise.  

Template 23: Investment Risk Management Strategies PowerPoint Presentation

Investment Risk Management Strategies

Brief your clients about the portfolio management process by downloading this comprehensively researched investment PowerPoint complete deck. You can discuss the objectives of investment and the strategies of risk management with the help of this content-ready investment PowerPoint presentation. Risk tolerance analysis can be effectively explained to your audience by employing this investment strategy PowerPoint template.

Template 24: Portfolio Investment KPIs And Dashboard PowerPoint Presentation

Portfolio Investment Kpis And Dashboard

Gain insight into all the aspects of investment management by downloading this ready-made PowerPoint complete deck. Comprising 25 completely editable slides, with this investment PowerPoint presentation, you can illustrate the KPIs and dashboard to your clients. Using this infographic investment PowerPoint template, you can explain to your clients the importance of portfolio management. Investment templates are useful for financial analysts. 

Template 25: Investment Portfolio Management PowerPoint Presentation

Investment Portfolio Management

Portfolio management is often regarded as a crucial yet cumbersome process. This finance management PowerPoint template is a must to highlight the various investment segments, tools required, and different investment strategies. You can effectively discuss the objectives of portfolio management with this pre-designed financial services PowerPoint slide. The finance department of an organization can make the most of it by elaborating on the detailed investment options available. Finance advisors can illustrate the threat and opportunities of the current market scenario and suggest the appropriate strategies by employing our financial services PowerPoint complete deck. 

Money has an enormous potential to grow only if the right financial moves are adopted at the right time. Download these Top 25 Investment Presentation PowerPoint Templates and enjoy the journey of investing. 

After all, investing is the key to achieving financial goals.

Happy Investing!

FAQs on Investment Presentation

What is the importance of investment.

Investment is important for several reasons, including:

  • Building wealth:  Investment allows individuals and organizations to build wealth over time. By investing in assets that appreciate in value, such as stocks or real estate, investors can increase their net worth.
  • Providing financial security:  Investing can provide financial security, both in the short and long term. By investing in assets that generate income, such as stocks that pay dividends or rental properties, investors can have a steady stream of income to cover their expenses.
  • Meeting long-term goals:  Investing can help individuals achieve their long-term financial goals, such as retirement or saving for their children's education. By investing early and consistently, individuals can take advantage of compound interest and see their investments grow over time.
  • Beating inflation:  Investing can help individuals stay ahead of inflation. By investing in assets that appreciate in value at a rate that exceeds inflation, investors can preserve the purchasing power of their money.
  • Contributing to economic growth:  Investment is also important for economic growth. By investing in new businesses or expanding existing ones, investors can create jobs, generate income, and stimulate economic activity.

What are investment and objectives of investment?

Investment refers to the act of committing money or other resources with the expectation of generating a return or profit over time. Investment can take various forms, including stocks, bonds, real estate, and mutual funds, among others.

The objectives of investment can vary depending on the individual or organization investing the money. Some common investment objectives include:

  • Capital preservation:  This refers to the objective of protecting the initial investment from loss. The focus is on maintaining the principal amount of the investment.
  • Capital growth:  This refers to the objective of maximizing the return on investment over time. The focus is on generating capital appreciation through asset price appreciation.
  • Income generation:  This refers to the objective of generating a steady stream of income from the investment. The focus is on investments that provide regular income, such as dividend-paying stocks or rental properties.
  • Speculation:  This refers to the objective of generating short-term profits through the buying and selling of assets based on market fluctuations.
  • Socially responsible investing:  This refers to the objective of investing in companies or assets that align with the investor's values, such as those related to sustainability, social justice, or environmental protection.

What are the features of investment?

The key features of investment include:

  • Return on investment (ROI):  This is the primary feature of investment, which refers to the profit or return earned. Investors typically seek investments that provide a higher ROI relative to the amount of risk taken.
  • Risk:  Investment involves risk, which refers to the uncertainty associated with the investment's potential return. Higher-risk investments may provide a higher ROI but also come with a higher probability of loss.
  • Liquidity:  This refers to the ease with which an investment can be converted into cash without a significant loss of value. More liquid investments, such as stocks and bonds, can be easily traded on an exchange, while less liquid investments, such as real estate, can take longer to sell.
  • Diversification:  This refers to the practice of spreading investments across different asset classes, sectors, and regions to reduce the overall risk of the portfolio. Diversification can help minimize the impact of losses from any single investment.
  • Time horizon:  This refers to the length of time an investor intends to hold an investment. Some investments are better suited for short-term gains, while others are better suited for long-term growth.
  • Tax implications:  Different investments may have different tax implications, which can impact the overall return on investment. Understanding the tax implications of an investment is important for making informed investment decisions.

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Jtc team to host the virtual investor pitch conference on june 17-18, 2024.

- Live video webcast presentations with Q&A

- Participating company line-up to be announced

FRENCHTOWN, NJ / ACCESSWIRE / May 28, 2024 / JTC Team ("JTC"), a fully integrated corporate communications and investor relations firm, today announced it will host the Virtual Investor Pitch Conference on June 17-18, 2024. A full line-up of presenting companies will be announced at a later date.

For the event, participating companies will provide their "elevator pitch" and outline upcoming milestones. Additionally, investors and interested parties will have the opportunity to submit questions live during the event. Participating companies will answer as many questions as time allows.

All investors and interested parties can access the event schedule and individual company webcast details at www.virtualinvestorco.com . Webcast replays will be made available shortly after the conclusion of the live event and will be accessible for 90 days.

To access all Virtual Investor events, visit www.virtualinvestorco.com .

About JTC Team

JTC is a fully integrated investor relations firm that is dedicated to helping you tell your story to the right audiences in order to build awareness. JTC has developed a reputation of excellence for executing on robust communication strategies that deliver results. The Company partners with both public and private companies across the Life Sciences and Technology industries to help raise awareness and build stakeholder value. For more information, please visit www.jtcir.com or connect with the company on Twitter and LinkedIn .

Jenene Thomas JTC Team, LLC T: +1 (833) 475-8247 [email protected]


View the original press release on accesswire.com

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News & Insights


RPM Automotive Gears Up for 2024 Investor Day

May 28, 2024 — 09:58 pm EDT

Written by TipRanks Australian Newsdesk for TipRanks  ->

RPM Automotive Group Ltd. ( AU:RPM ) has released an update.

RPM Automotive Group Ltd. has announced its Investor Day Presentation for May 29, 2024, which will include a series of video presentations. The news was authorized for release by the company’s secretary, Wayne Kernaghan, and signifies an opportunity for investors to gain insights into the company’s progress and future plans.

For further insights into AU:RPM stock, check out TipRanks’ Stock Analysis page .

The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.

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D-BOX Technologies reports fourth quarter 2024 results

D-BOX Technologies Fourth Quarter Caps Record Year for Revenue and Net Profit

Haptics leader is focused on accelerating profitable growth.

investment presentation video


  • Total revenues of $10.1 million contributed to full year record highs for rights for use, rental and maintenance revenue, system sales revenue, and total revenues
  • 31 net new screens installed, bringing the total number of active D-BOX cinema screens to 929 as at March 31, 2024
  • Adjusted EBITDA decreased slightly from $648 thousand to $619 thousand
  • Net profit of $620 thousand contributed to record net profit of $1.1 million for the fiscal year

“Fiscal 2024 was our best year ever, with record highs for rights for use, rental and maintenance revenue, system sales revenue, total revenues, and net profit,” said Sébastien Mailhot, President and Chief Executive Officer of D-BOX. “We attribute this success to our decision to focus primarily on commercial markets, particularly the theatrical, simulation and training, and sim racing segments. In fact, most of our record revenues and profitability in fiscal 2024 came from these three key market segments. For the fourth quarter, our revenues and profitability rebounded strongly following a softer third quarter a few months ago. However, our system sales, total revenues and adjusted EBITDA were down compared to the very strong fourth quarter we had the prior year.”

“Even though we are proud of our strong and growing financial results in both fiscal 2023 and fiscal 2024, we are looking to accelerate profitable growth as we have reached a pivotal point on revenue growth conversion to higher profitability. We are now more focused on fewer markets where we see more market readiness, and on building a more dominant position in those markets to materialize strategic value accordingly. And while the Hollywood guild strikes ended last year, some lingering effects are expected to persist in calendar 2024 as the industry undergoes a transition-year ahead of an expected rebound, pointing to a potentially softer H1 in fiscal 2025 for D-BOX.”



Fourth quarter revenues decreased 2% to $10.2 million compared to the same period in the previous year, due to a 5% decrease in overall system sales, attributable to lower system sales in the simulation and training market.

Systems sales for the entertainment market increased 4% to $6.4 million driven by a $1.9 million increase in system sales to theatrical customers. There were 31 net new screen installations in the quarter, bringing the total number of active D-BOX screens to 929 at quarter end. The increase in system sales among theatrical customers was offset by decreases among sim racing customers ($0.5 million) and other entertainment market customers ($1.2 million).

Rights for use, rental and maintenance revenues increased 10% to $2.1 million with strong performances from highly anticipated films like Dune II and Kung Fu Panda 4 during the month of March.

Gross profit excluding amortization decreased to $5.0 million from $5.2 million for the same period in the previous year. Gross margin excluding amortization decreased to 49% from 50% due to a higher proportion (market mix) of system sales to theatrical customers. Generally, system sales to theatrical customers have a slightly lower margin due to rights for use, rental, and maintenance revenues in subsequent periods.

Operating expenses excluding selling and marketing expenses decreased 3% to $10.2 million, representing 45% of total revenues. Selling and marketing expenses decreased 5% to $1.7 million; administration expenses were down 3% to $1.8 million; and research and development expenses were essentially flat at $1.1 million.

Net profit was $620 thousand compared to a loss of $115 thousand a year earlier. Adjusted EBITDA was $619 thousand, down from $648 thousand a year ago.

At quarter-end, D-BOX had a cash position and undrawn credit facilities totaling $8.4 million.


Management of D-BOX will be publishing a video presentation to investors on the Corporation’s website on Monday June 3, 2024, at 9:00 am ET. During the presentation, management will discuss the Corporation’s third quarter results and outlook for the balance of the fiscal year. Investors are invited to submit relevant questions in advance by email to [email protected] before 12 pm ET on Friday, May 31, 2024.


The financial information relating to the fourth quarter and fiscal year ended March 31, 2024, should be read in conjunction with the Corporation’s audited consolidated financial statements and the Management’s Discussion and Analysis dated May 30, 2024. These documents are available at www.sedarplus.ca .


D-BOX uses three non-IFRS financial performance measures in its MD&A and other communications. The non-IFRS measures do not have any standardized meaning prescribed by IFRS and are unlikely to be comparable to similarly titled measures reported by other companies. Investors are cautioned that the disclosure of these metrics is meant to add to, and not to replace, the discussion of financial results determined in accordance with IFRS. Management uses both IFRS and non-IFRS measures when planning, monitoring and evaluating the Corporation’s performance. The non-IFRS performance measures are described as follows:


2) During fiscal 2024, D-BOX sold an investment, recorded in other assets, for gross proceeds of $500, resulted in a realized gain on sale of investment of $478.


D-BOX creates and redefines realistic, immersive entertainment experiences by moving the body and sparking the imagination through effects: motion, vibration and texture. D-BOX has collaborated with some of the best companies in the world to deliver new ways to enhance great stories. Whether it’s movies, video games, music, relaxation, virtual reality applications, metaverse experience, themed entertainment or professional simulation, D-BOX creates a feeling of presence that makes life resonate like never before. D-BOX Technologies Inc. (TSX: DBO) is headquartered in Montreal with offices in Los Angeles, USA and Beijing, China. Visit D BOX.com.


Certain information included in this press release may constitute “forward-looking information” within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation. Forward-looking information may include, among others, statements regarding the future plans, activities, objectives, operations, strategy, business outlook, and financial performance and condition of the Corporation, or the assumptions underlying any of the foregoing. In this document, words such as “may”, “would”, “could”, “will”, “likely”, “believe”, “expect”, “anticipate”, “intend”, “plan”, “estimate” and similar words and the negative form thereof are used to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements should not be read as guarantees of future performance or results, and will not necessarily be accurate indications of whether, or the times at or by which, such future performance will be achieved. Forward-looking information, by its very nature, is subject to numerous risks and uncertainties and is based on several assumptions which give rise to the possibility that actual results could differ materially from the Corporation’s expectations expressed in or implied by such forward-looking information and no assurance can be given that any events anticipated by the forward-looking information will transpire or occur, including but not limited to the future plans, activities, objectives, operations, strategy, business outlook and financial performance and condition of the Corporation.

Forward-looking information is provided in this press release for the purpose of giving information about Management’s current expectations and plans and allowing investors and others to get a better understanding of the Corporation’s operating environment. However, readers are cautioned that it may not be appropriate to use such forward-looking information for any other purpose.

Forward-looking information provided in this document is based on information available at the date hereof and/or management’s good-faith belief with respect to future events and are subject to known or unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other unpredictable factors, many of which are beyond the Corporation’s control.

The risks, uncertainties and assumptions that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Corporation’s expectations expressed in or implied by the forward-looking information include, but are not limited to, the ability to increase royalty-based revenue and generate profitable growth. These and other risk factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from expectations expressed in or implied by the forward-looking information are discussed under “Risk Factors” in the Corporation’s annual information form for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024, a copy of which is available on SEDAR+ at www.sedarplus.ca.

Except as may be required by Canadian securities laws, the Corporation does not intend nor does it undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information contained in this press release to reflect subsequent information, events, circumstances or otherwise.

The Corporation cautions readers that the risks described above are not the only ones that could have an impact on it. Additional risks and uncertainties not currently known to the Corporation or that the Corporation currently deems to be immaterial may also have a material adverse effect on the Corporation’s business, financial condition or results of operations.


Josh Chandler Chief Financial Officer – D-BOX Technologies Inc. 450-928-8043 [email protected]

Trevor Heisler Vice President Investor Relations  – MBC Capital Markets Advisors 416-500-8061 [email protected]

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Joshua Chandler joins D-BOX as the new Chief Financial Officer


  1. How to Create an Investor Presentation [Templates + Tips]

    investment presentation video

  2. Key Investment PowerPoint Presentation Template

    investment presentation video

  3. Finance & Investment PowerPoint Template

    investment presentation video

  4. Finance & Investment PowerPoint Template

    investment presentation video

  5. 1342+ Free Editable Investment Strategy Templates for PowerPoint

    investment presentation video

  6. [Updated 2023] Top 25 Investment Presentation PowerPoint Templates for

    investment presentation video


  1. Investments concepts that we should all know about as new or ongoing investors


  3. Mathematics of Investment presentation

  4. mathematics of Investment presentation

  5. investment presentation part 2

  6. math of investment presentation 👌


  1. What investors ACTUALLY want to see in your PITCH DECK

    In this episode, I wanted to share my thoughts on what an investor really wants to see in your pitch presentation. If you want to book me for a 1:1 session y...

  2. How to Create an Investor Presentation [Templates + Tips]

    1. Build a Compelling Story to Hook Investors. It's important to create a cohesive story that grabs the attention of the investors right off the bat. It's an opportunity to show how you came up with that idea and why you're so passionate about it. The best pitch decks start with a real problem.

  3. How to Create an Effective Video Pitch for Investors

    Keep it concise: A pitch deck should be no more than 10-15 slides. Each slide should be simple and easy to understand. Use bullet points and visuals to convey information quickly. Tell a story: A pitch deck should tell a story about the startup's journey, from the problem it's solving to the solution it's offering.

  4. How to Write an Investor Pitch Deck

    Our Team can help you write and design the perfect Pitch Deck https://yt.slidebean.com/s6wA perfect pitch deck template https://yt.slidebean.com/kml--#st...

  5. Best Practices for Creating a Top-Notch Investment Presentation

    This should be easy to digest and understand for the investors you are pitching. 2) Present the problem. Use data, stories, or a compelling way to present the problem you are solving. Ideally, you'd like your audience to feel the problem or have a good grasp of others experiencing the problem. 3) Present your solution.

  6. How to Create a Pitch Deck for Investors [Templates + Design Tips]

    The aim is simple: keep your copy simple, succinct and to the point. A presentation deck is no place to be wordy. Instead, limit to 6-8 lines per slide — roughly 30 words per slide. You can also try the 5 x 5 x 5 rule of writing presentation copy: 5 lines of text per slide with. 5 words per line and placing only.

  7. How To Create a Killer Investor Pitch Video

    Pretty much the same goes for investor videos. Raise more money. On Kickstarter, a good 33% percent of campaigns raise money without any form of video, but that number rises to 66% when an explainer video is added on. Indiegogo backs up these statistics, reporting that the average campaign with a video raises 114% more money than those that do ...

  8. A Guide To Investor Pitch Decks For Startups

    Now, we're going to give you 5 tips for creating a winning investor pitch deck. 1. Let your pitch deck do the work. If you ever send your pitch deck to potential investors without doing a presentation, you'll need your pitch deck to have enough information and power to persuade on its own.

  9. How to Create an Effective Investor Presentation

    Start by clearly articulating your business's mission, vision, and unique value proposition. Describe the problem your product or service solves and how it addresses a market need. Use storytelling techniques to engage your audience emotionally and make your presentation memorable. By connecting with investors on a deeper level, you increase ...

  10. 4 Tips On How To Create An Investment Presentation Pitch

    Start by using the second-person point of view to draw your audience into the presentation. By using "you", "your", and "yours", you create an active voice and everyone is part of the conversation. Use verbs to emphasize to make sure your investors know what you want them to do. 6. Know exactly what you want and need.

  11. How to Prepare a Successful Investor Pitch Deck and Presentation

    The investor pitch is one of the most important tools an entrepreneur has for raising capital. It is no secret that a successful investor pitch can make or break your chances of securing funding for your business venture. As an entrepreneur, you only have a limited amount of time to make a good impression on potential investors.

  12. 15 Stunning Investor Pitch Deck Templates To Secure Funding

    4. BuffIT Investor Pitch Deck Template. Inspired by the Buffer pitch deck, this BuffIT pitch deck template helps you share your ideas, progress and future goals with your investors. The consistent use of different blue shades across the slides will help you immediately attract and impress your target audience.

  13. How To Pitch For Investment: 25 expert tips for success

    We've brought together 25 tips from experts to show you how to pitch for investment & stand head and shoulders above the crowd, to find live examples from amazing designers on Twine look here. Let's jump straight into investor pitch examples: 1. Each audience is different, so your pitch presentation should be too.

  14. Top 10 Investor Presentation Templates with Samples and Examples

    Template 7: Supply Chain Logistics Investor Presentation Template. Chris Caplice, author and logistics expert, said, "Supply chains compete, not companies." Logistics efficiency can make or break a firm. And this is the presentation template you need to make it.

  15. Collection of the best tech startup pitch video

    Key learnings from the pitches on stage from pitch video. Casual and relaxed: No one is stressed out and fidgeting. They are confident and getting their message across like a boss. Practiced: Even if people are 'nervous' and uncomfortable on stage, they have practised so much they get away with it. Simple words: Don't use lots of big ...

  16. Investment presentation template

    To deliver a winning pitch, prepare and present an investment opportunity presentation in-person or virtually through a video call to an audience of potential investors, lenders, or partners. You may even deliver your pitch at a pitching event or to a startup incubator.

  17. Free Investor Presentation Templates & Google Slides Themes

    They can also be used by financial professionals and companies seeking to showcase their financial performance and growth strategies to shareholders and stakeholders. Download your presentation as a PowerPoint template or use it online as a Google Slides theme. 100% free, no registration or download limits.

  18. How to present Investment

    Check out our blog: https://blog.infodiagram.com/2016/12/present-investment-icon-capex.html?camp=5&utm_source=youtube.com&utm_medium=video&utm_campaign=youtu...

  19. Investment Powerpoint Templates and Google Slides Themes

    Download your presentation as a PowerPoint template or use it online as a Google Slides theme. 100% free, no registration or download limits. Use these investment templates to create compelling presentations that showcase your financial expertise. No Download Limits Free for Any Use No Signups.

  20. Free Investor Pitch Deck Template for Fundraising

    Use our startup pitch deck template to make your investor presentation in minutes. Inject your own creativity using our vast library of free icons, photos, illustrations, fonts and more, or keep it simple and clean. Each slide of the sample pitch deck is designed to amplify your startup vision and help you reach your funding goals. Title.

  21. Free Investment Education Videos

    These webinar recordings are free and available to all individuals interested in stock investing, investment clubs, and those considering membership in BetterInvesting. All we ask is that you share them with others who would benefit from the information and education provided. If you enjoy the videos, then we invite you to come and learn our ...

  22. Investment Business Plan Google Slides and PPT Template

    Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. Rewards come after a great investment, and this applies especially to companies. You'll need to attract potential investors and other people to put their trust in your project. With this free presentation template, you can explain your business plan, your market ...

  23. [Updated 2023] Top 25 Investment Presentation PowerPoint ...

    Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, gold, bank deposits, precious metals, real estate, small business, or a combination of all of the above, are a few options where one can invest money. The sole objective of the investment is to generate more money by putting in assets whose value increases over time. SlideTeam professionals have designed Top 25 ...

  24. The secret to 'superior performance' in investing

    (Note that there are two videos of me teaching "Understanding Financial Statements" in Tuesday's e-mail. You can watch part 1 here and part 2 here.) In my "How to Achieve Superior Performance" presentation, I start by addressing the first step: developing a strategy for active investing. Here's the slide:

  25. JTC Team to Host the Virtual Investor Pitch Conference on June 17-18, 2024

    - Live video webcast presentations with Q&A - Participating company line-up to be announced FRENCHTOWN, NJ / ACCESSWIRE / May 28, 2024 / JTC Team ("JTC"), a fully integrated corporate ...

  26. RPM Automotive Gears Up for 2024 Investor Day

    RPM Automotive Group Ltd. has announced its Investor Day Presentation for May 29, 2024, which will include a series of video presentations. The news was authorized for release by the company's ...

  27. D-BOX News

    NOTICE OF VIDEO INVESTOR PRESENTATION. Management of D-BOX will be publishing a video presentation to investors on the Corporation's website on Monday June 3, 2024, at 9:00 am ET. During the presentation, management will discuss the Corporation's third quarter results and outlook for the balance of the fiscal year.