How to Start a Mali Mali Business in Kenya

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By Bizhack Editorial

Mali Mali Business in Kenya

Last updated on March 2nd, 2024 at 05:44 pm

So you want to start a Mali Mali business in Kenya ? That’s great! This article will give you a step-by-step guide on how to get started.

Mali Mali business is the buying and selling of plastics items, locally made or manufactured items such as baskets, sufurias, baby diapers and other essential items at a very cheaper price. Mali Mali products are usually cheap and affordable because they are locally manufactured and have less are also not expensive when manufacturing them

First, you’ll need to decide what type of Mali Mali business you want to start. This is because there are many different types of business ideas you can choose from, so to right make sure you pick one that best suits your skills and interests.

Next, you’ll need to do some research on the market and find out who your target customer is.

Once you have a good idea of who your target customer is, then you can start developing a marketing strategy that will reach them.

Lastly, you’ll need to create a business plan and get the necessary licenses and permits. By following these steps will ensure that your mali mali business is successful and profitable.

What are the requirements?

What can i sell in mali mali shop, understanding the local market and regulations.

When starting a mali mali business, you need to understand the local market and regulations.

Because in Kenya, there are certain licenses and permits that are required to operate a business.

The government has put in place measures to ensure that all businesses operate in a fair and lawful manner that’s is why it’s stay up to law.

You will also need to research the competition and come up with a business plan that outlines your goals and strategies.

Therefore, it is always important to have a clear idea of what you want your business to achieve and how you plan on achieving it.

You will also need to find the right location for your business and hence being sure that you have the necessary infrastructure in place.

Finally, you will need a clean and safe work environment for your employees, as well as the necessary tools and equipment.

So, is this business really profitable? Yes, Mali Mali business is profitable because it has a higher profit margin of up to 20% profit margin.

On average you can make more than Ksh.20,000 per day if you’re located in a busy area.

  • A business plan
  • A business permit
  • A reliable supplier
  • A good location
  • A one or two staff

How to Finance Your Business

You will need to finance your business since every business has to be financed. Some ideas on financing are using your own money, borrow from friends and family, or seek a loan from a financial institution.

Whatever route you decide to take, it is important to have a solid business plan and a good understanding of your finances. This will help you make sound decisions about how much money you need to start your business and how you will pay back any loans.

Identifying the Best Locations

The best locations for your mali mali business will depend on a few factors, such as the product(s) you plan to sell and your target market. But in general, you’ll want to consider areas that are busy and have a lot of foot traffic.

Another important thing to keep in mind is competition. Try to find a location where there aren’t many other mali malis, or else you’ll have a hard time attracting customers. But sometimes competition can be good if you know how to handle your customers well. You can still leverage in competitive if you understand your competitors well.

And finally, make sure the area is accessible and affordable for you to rent or lease.

How to Start a Bar Business in Kenya and Succeed

Choosing a Partner or Employees

Starting a mali mali business in Kenya requires good people to make it successful. Depending on your budget and the size of your business, you may need to find a partner or employees who will help you manage the growth of your mali mali business.

It is important to carefully vet any potential partners or employees. This means making sure they understand the fundamentals of mali mali as well as being able to work in a team environment with other people.

You should also consider whether they have the right skillsets for running and growing a mali mali business in Kenya, such as understanding financial management, marketing, customer service, accounting and operations.

When looking for partners or employees, it can be beneficial to look outside of Kenya and consider those who have experience working in the African continent.

For example, those who are familiar with micro-financing and banking systems are invaluable when it comes to managing a successful business. Ultimately, by choosing partners and employees wisely, you can create an impactful team that will bring success to your mali mali business for years to come.

Understanding the Costs Involved

Starting a mali mali business in Kenya requires an understanding of the costs involved. To get things rolling, you’ll need to pay for the cost of registration, which can range from Ksh. 3000-10000 depending on the county. This fee will cover the cost of your license and other required documents.

Next, you’ll need to invest in equipment and supplies, such as chairs, tables, mats, and containers. Depending on the type of business you run, you might also need to invest in other items like curtains or rugs. Other costs could include rent for your space or transportation fees if you plan to offer delivery services.

Additionally, some registries may require that you have an emergency fund of Ksh.1000 – 5000 in order to ensure that operations are not interrupted due to lack of funds for unexpected costs. Lastly, it is important to consider any electricity or water bills associated with running your Mali Mali business.

Here are some item ideas you can sell in a Mali Mali shop:

Tips for Succeeding in the Marketplace

Once you’ve made the decision to start a mali mali business in Kenya, there are certain steps you can take to make sure that your venture is successful. Here are some key tips for succeeding in the marketplace:

  • Get to know the local market: Understanding who your target customers are and what their needs and wants are is key for success. Do some market research to get a better sense of what people need, how much they’re willing to pay, and which products have the most potential.
  • Build relationships with your customers: Developing strong relationships with your customers is essential for success. People have more confidence when they know that they’re dealing with someone they trust.
  • Focus on quality service: Quality is essential. Ensure that your business stands out by providing excellent customer service at all times.
  • Leverage technology: Technology can help you increase efficiency and bring more value to your customers. Research different software solutions that could help streamline your processes and make things easier.

Summarizing Mali Mali Business in Kenya

Once you’ve decided what type of business you want to start, you need to come up with a business plan. This plan will outline your goals, strategies, and projected expenses and revenues.

The first step is to decide what kind of mali mali business you want to start. Do you want to shoes and umbrella? Basins and cups? Clothing and accessories?

Once you have your business plan in place, you need to get the proper licenses and permits from the government. You will also need to register your business with the Kenya Revenue Authority.

Finally, you need to choose a location for your business and set up shop. Make sure you have everything you need to run your business, such as shelving, storage containers, and signage.

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Mali Mali business is a common business venture in Kenya. Whether it’s in a local shopping center in a residential area or in a big shopping center.

Having a one-stop-shop that offers a wide variety of household items can make you a good amount of money. Some of the mali mali enterprises that have grown earn about Ksh.800, 000 a month. Some of these enterprises were started with as low as Ksh.3, 000 meaning you don’t need too much money to start.

Your mali mali business can be started with as low as Ksh.5, 000 and grow to an enterprise that earns you over Ksh.50, 000, or even more.

Esther Wanjiru runs a small mali mali store in a local shopping center in Ruiru and makes good money every month.

Denster Malimali – Esther Wanjiru

“I started my business in 2013 and I have been in this business for seven years now. When I started, the economy was not as bad as it is now. But, I didn’t even have money when I started. I only had Ksh.5, 000, and that’s what I used.

I just bought a few items to stock up and noticed that the items are actually selling. From then on, I started adding my stock.

Before my mali mali store, I ran a kerosene pump business.  I never got the satisfaction I wanted and decided to divert to mali mali . I got the idea from my sister who ran a mali mali business and was making good money from it.

She told me when I listen to my customers and give them the items they needed, I would grow my business and make money.” Esther.

“I did not pay for a business permit when I started my business. Considering how much I had as capital, I couldn’t afford to pay for a single business permit.

However, I now pay Ksh.4, 500 annually to the county government annually. I used to pay Ksh.3, 500 the first two years but the fee was increased.

Before I acquired my business permit, I had issues with the county council and it was not a good experience. 

Location + Rent

“When looking for a location top set up your mali mali business, look for a place that’s populated. Look for a place near the road. Don’t set up your store somewhere customers cannot notice you with ease.

Also, as you set up your store, make sure your display looks good and is visible. Your customers need to know what you are selling, even without being told.”

Look for locations with the need you want to meet. Think of business centers and local shopping centers. Consider locations near residential areas, colleges, and universities where the people in the area will need household items.

“I pay Ksh.4, 000 for my store per month, and the space is good enough for me.”

Esther’s store is located in the interior and a similar store near the highway on the other end would cost double that price. So, different spaces in different locations will vary in price.

Also, remember to choose a location that provides you an outside space to display your items.

First years of business

The first years of business for an entrepreneur especially a small business entrepreneur are never easy. Most businesses fail in the first year of business for so many reasons. You have not yet established your footing in the market and you don’t have an established customer base.

There are cash flow issues, management issues and the business might struggle to sustain itself.

“My first year of business was not too bad for me but it was not too good either. You are new in the market and customers don’t trust you yet. But when a customer comes in, buys an item from you, and discovers its good quality, they will keep coming back.”

Supplies and stocking up

Your mali mali store is all about your stock and what you have for your customers. They need to find what they are looking for if you want to sell and make good profits.

In the beginning, you might not have so much stock but as time goes by, work towards increasing the quantity and variety of items.  For household items mali mali store, think of all that people use and need in their houses. From kitchenware to cleaning items. There is a vast variety of what you could stock in your store.

You also need to be aware of the different places you could connect with the right suppliers and get quality items.

“You don’t have to stock everything while starting. Stock items that will obviously sell. Items like buckets, basins. Whether you are spending Ksh.7, 000 or Ksh.10, 000, stock up the necessities first.

Learn to listen to your customers and with time, you will add to your stock list and bring what your customers actually need. You will know what sells and what doesn’t sell.

I get my items from the Kamukunji market. From my experience, Kamukunji is the best place to get your items at wholesale and at an affordable price. While re-stocking my store, I spend about Ksh.20, 000, or even more depending on the timing.”

Staring and running a mali mali store has its own challenges just like any other business.

“While starting, the main challenge is how customers don’t trust your business yet and still prefer where they are familiar with.

A customer will pass by your shop and come back carrying an item you sell in your shop and don’t buy from you even if you are the nearest to them. You start wondering whether customers are even noticing you. But once they start getting used to you, that’s it.

Also, some customers are really difficult and you have to keep your cool even when they are getting to your last nerve. You have to be nice to them and make them feel welcomed to your business.

Another challenge is customers wanting to get items on credit and end up never paying you. Some pay half and never finish up their debt.”

To aspiring mali mali entrepreneurs

“Avoid giving goods on credit at all cost. Giving items on credit can actually collapse your business if you are not careful.

While shopping to stock up, choose good quality items. For example, you will find a variety of basins in Kamukunji but some are of really poor quality and break easily. Take the basin that’s of good quality even if the price is higher.

Don’t compromise quality at any point in your business. Poor quality items will make you lose customers.

Remember to give your customers the best experience when they come to your store even if they are the difficult type.

Also, avoid mismanaging your money. Keep an account of every shilling that comes in and goes out of your business. Additionally, let business money be business money.

Another thing, don’t let people who are not in your business such as your family dictate how you do your business. Be in control of your business.

I ran my business by myself and I love it. It makes accountability easier and gives you more control over your business. It’s not easy for you to just take business money and use it somewhere less important.”

“When your customers get what they need and what they are asking for, you could make good money. Think of Ksh.20, 000 and above every month coming from your small mali mali business.”

Final Thoughts

A small mali mali business is a good venture you can make money from whether as a side hustle or a full-time job. You could start small and grow your business into a big malimali enterprise.  



How to make Ksh 1,000 – 2,500 per day selling diapers

By Benson Bundi

malimali business plan pdf in kenya

The diaper business is one of those businesses that have an ever-ready market. As long as babies are being born, diapers will always sell. Flora Moraa, aka Flo the entrepreneur, runs a diaper business.

In this article, she takes us through the process of starting and running a profitable diaper business.

Like most businesses, the diaper business entails purchasing diapers wholesale and selling them at retail prices. Wholesale diapers are sold in 4 bales: Jumbo (largest), High count, low count, and pieces (smallest). Popular diaper brands in Kenya include Pampers, Snuggles, Huggies, Nipnap, KissKids, Molfix, and Pretty Baby.

For suppliers, you have three options. The first option is company distributors. Here, Flora advises that Molfix offers the best prices and free delivery. They also mix bales of different sizes for you.

Budgeting For a New Baby: 8 Ways

The second option is wholesale shops near you. You can purchase bales from here and retail them in your shop. Flo recommends Molfix and Pretty Baby brands as the fastest-moving brands currently. Factors to consider in a wholesaler include whether they mix brands and offer delivery.

The third option is Mega Wholesalers, located in Eastleigh. Flora says they offer delivery, and their prices are fair. You can contact them via their website.

Once you get a good supplier, the next step is identifying an ideal location for your shop.

Market research

You’ll need to research the shops around your target area to determine your competition. Establish how much they are selling their diapers. From that, you can calculate how to price your products and whether the profit margin will be able to sustain your business. Will it be enough to cater for rent and employees? If yes, you’re good to go

Flora recommends a startup capital of at least Ksh 17,000 for your diaper business. Start wilt a few bales and focus on the fast-moving brands depending on your customers’ preferences. However, ensure you have at least one bale of Molfix, Softcare, and Pretty Baby brands, as most customers prefer them.

Diapers alone will not sustain your shop forever. Once a customer buys a packet of diapers, when else will you see them? When they need another diaper. Therefore, you need other products to keep customers returning to your shop. Flora recommends toys, crocs, candies, ice popsicles, balloons, airtime, rubbers, pencils, guns, bubbles, tissues, kitchen towels, and serviettes.

Starting a Malimali Business in Kenya

Set aside ksh 20 000 for diapers, which will be your main product. Later, set aside ksh 10 000 for toys. These harbour plenty of money but have the best returns—even better than diapers. Finally, set aside Ksh 5 000 to stock crocs, which Flora says has 100 % profits.

Startup Cost

You can start this business with approximately Ksh 50,000 – 60,000. The capital breakdown is as follows:

Ksh 15,000 – Diaper Stock

Ksh 10,000 – Toys stock

Ksh 5,000 – Toiletries stock

Ksh 5,000 – Crocs stock

Ksh 10,000 – Rent

Ksh 10,000 – Miscellaneous

According to Flora, you can expect profits of between Ksh 1,000-2,500 per day. She says the business is not worth your time if you can’t make your rent within the first week.

You’ll need to get a good supplier for your diapers. You will also need a good location to set up your shop. Also, remember to stock only the diaper brands that are in demand. Finally, diversify to sell other products, which will attract customers to your shop.

If you’re in Nairobi, you can source diapers from Kamukunji, the Retail market, or OTC.

Flora advises that it doesn’t matter where you start your business; your vision is what matters. Start with what you have and grow your vision.

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How to Write a Business Plan in Kenya (+ Free PDFs)

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There is a system you can use to write a business plan in Kenya that streamlines the entire process.

By using this system, not only makes the writing process faster and simpler but also way more useful in a really practical way.

If you want to organize your business and start strategically increasing your profits and growing towards your goals, then keep reading this guide.

This business plan has six main sections and I’d recommend that you start by scribbling your ideas for each on a separate blank piece of paper.

Once you get your ideas worked out, you can create one cohesive document.

How to Write a Business Plan in Kenya 

Now, the six pages of your business plan in Kenya are 

  • Product 
  • Production and Delivery 

Let’s look at each of these pages, shall we?

Page #1. Overview

Business Plan in Kenya

The first page of your business plan will be an overview.

It is going to give a basic understanding of what your company does and the structure of your business.

Now, on that first overview page of your business plan, you want to include 

  • Your business structure
  • Location, that is where you do business and also
  • A brief description of exactly what your company actually does.

The next piece of information for your company’s overview is your business’s mission, which is really important.

Here is why;

The business mission is the driving force behind your business plan in Kenya.

It is what all your plans are focused on achieving and if you don’t have a mission’s like trying to make plans to reach a goal without having the goal.

So make sure you don’t skip this step.

The final component of the overview page is your chart of accountability.

This chart describes who is accountable for which of the major tasks involved in running the business.

And the three main areas of accountability in most businesses are 

  • Sales operations
  • Finances 

Page #2. Message

malimali business plan pdf in kenya

The second page of your business plan in Kenya will focus on outlining your company’s message.

If you want your business to be successful, you MUST have a clear idea of;

  • What message you are working to communicate to your customers, 
  • Who are those customers
  • How do you fit into their lives and 
  • How can you help them solve a problem that they are facing and create a result that they are looking for.

Here are the questions that you will want to answer on this page of your business plan

  • What problem does your company solve for your customers
  • What result does your company create for those customers
  • How does your company create those results
  • Who does your company serve
  • Why do you do what you do
  • Why should your customers choose you over your competition 
  • What is your company’s step by step plan for creating those results for the customer or what is your proprietary system

This both helps to answer the question of what sets you apart from your competition

It also shows your customers how you are going to create those results that you are promising.

By making this clear, you are instilling confidence in your ability to create the results.

Page #3. Marketing

how to write a business plan doc

Let’s talk about the third page of your business plan.

This page focuses on marketing and generating sales.

First, you will want to define your target market by their demography and psychographics.

Demographics are attributes such as their age, income, where they live.

On the other hand, psychographics has to do with their interests, desires, and fears.

Here, you will also want to include an estimated size of your target market .

More importantly, where you have identified that you can find groups of those target customers.

Here is a little big hint;

If you haven’t yet figured out where you can find groups of those customers be it online or off, you are probably going to have trouble successfully marketing your product or service.

So if you come to this part in the business plan and don’t know what to put here, stop and do some digging.

Make sure that YOU can find this customer you have defined here. 

If you can’t, you might want to consider redefining that target customer and pivoting your marketing position.

The final three pieces of information that you can include on this page of your business plan are

  • Your visibility strategy. This explains how people will first learn about your brand and your products 
  • Your lead generation strategy, which explains how you will establish contact with the people who have discovered your brand
  • Your conversion strategy, which is essentially your sales strategy. Explain how you will turn those leads you’ve generated into paying customers.

Here is a quick heads up;

As you are working through this business plan, it’s more than likely that you won’t know the answers to all of these questions.

And you won’t have all these things figured out yet.

I just want to let you know that that is completely alright.

And actually, one of the main purposes of writing your business plan is to become aware of things you haven’t thought about yet or haven’t figured out.

Because only once you are aware of what you don’t know, you will be able to think through it. 

Don’t put off writing the business plan in Kenya just because you don’t know everything yet.

Rather, write the business plan so that you can get very clear on exactly what you know and need to figure out.

Page #4. Product

business plan in kenya now

This page describes the product or products that you sell.

To clarify, a product could be a physical product or a digital product or service.

I highly recommend that you choose just one product as your business’s primary product.

You might be selling several different things, so determine what your main product is that you are going to center your business’s marketing message around.

Many different parts of your business development will be much easier if you do have one product that is the focus.

Now, on this page of the business plan, start by identifying 

  • what that product is and then 
  • describing the result that the product creates.

Here’s a little SECRET;

What your business sells is really the result your product creates not the product itself.

After describing the results, describe the impact the product creates.

This is different than the result itself.

It’s instead how the customers’ life is affected by the result of the product.

For example;

If your product is a vacuum cleaner, then the result the product creates is clean floors.

But the impact of the product is that your prospect feels better about the state of their house.

Now they have a cleaner, healthier living environment and perhaps feel more confident inviting some company.

Once you have described those three things for your main product, you can move on to other products that your company sells and do the same.

Page #5. Goals

business plan

The final page of your business success plan has to do with your goals.

If you have looked at any examples of business plans in the past or read a guide on how to write a business plan in Kenya, you might have seen a section that focused on projections.

  • sales projections or
  • new customer acquisition projections, or 
  • market share projections 

And if you’ve tried to write a business plan in Kenya in the past and you tried to write this section, you may have found it very difficult.

Chances are that is because you are running a small business in Kenya or maybe you have just started your business.

Truth is, it is really difficult to make accurate projections or projections at all for that matter if you don’t have any data to base them on.

And that is why I’d recommend that instead of trying to create projections, you simply set goals if you are just starting your company or have only been in business for a couple of years.

You can decide exactly how long you want to make your goals for.

But a good place to start would be to set some one-year goals and also some five-year goals.

This way you know what you need to work on right now but you also know where you are aiming long term.

For each time frame, you can set whatever goals you’d like.

However, some that I might recommend;

  • number of sales total revenue 
  • Profit 
  • impact in terms of the number of customers who you help or how wide you spread your message and
  • Development, could be the extent to which you have advanced the product that you create and offer or to what extent you have built your company.

And of course, when setting goals, it is always important to set specific, measurable goals and a deadline for when you plan to reach them.

Free Business Plans in Kenya & Guides (+Pdf)

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  • Bank Agency Business Guide
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  • Road Rescue Business Guide
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  • Medical Imaging Business Guide
  • Auto Garage Business Guide
  • Dry Cleaning Business Guide
  • Animal feeds Business Guide
  • Cleaning Services Business Guide
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  • E-commerce Website Business
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  • Stationery Importation Business Guide
  • Vehicle Importation Business Guide
  • Mobile Phone Selling Business Guide
  • Refurbished computers Business Guide
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  • Matatu Business Guide
  • Boutique Business Guide
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Final thoughts on creating a business plan in Kenya

All right, that is everything you need to include in your business plan in Kenya.

As you can see, they are simple pages and you probably already know most of the information that will be going into this business plan.

There are many other pieces of information that you may want to include in your business plan 

You are more than welcome to include any relevant information that describes how you successfully run you and how you plan to reach your goals.

Here is my final piece of advice for you;

Make sure that you don’t overcomplicate things.

More words are not better.

In fact, your business plan in Kenya will be the most useful if you keep it short and relatively simple.

If you write a document that’s 20 40 or more pages long, chances are high that nobody will ever go back and read it again.

A business plan is a written document that describes your business, its objectives and strategies, and how you will achieve them. It outlines your marketing plan, financial projections, and operational procedures.

A business plan is important because it helps potential investors or lenders understand your business concept, objectives, and strategies. It also gives an overview of the financial viability of the business and helps you analyze potential risks.

A business plan should include a summary of your business concept, products and services, market segment, target consumers, marketing plan, financial plan, including cash flow statement, balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and sales forecast, operational procedures, personnel, infrastructure, and ownership.

The cost of writing a business plan varies depending on the complexity of the business and the depth of the analysis required. On average, it can range from KES 10,000 to KES 50,000.

Every business owner, whether an established entrepreneur or a startup, should write a business plan. It is a crucial document required to give potential investors an overview of the business and its financial viability.

To attract an investor with your business plan, you need to clearly define your business concept, market segment, target consumers, and marketing plan. You should also provide financial projections, including the required investment and the expected return on investment.

The purpose of a financial plan in a business plan is to provide an overview of the business’s financial viability. It includes cash flow statement, balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and sales forecast.

To write a marketing plan for your business, you’ll need to analyze your market segment, determine your target consumers, and define your promotional, advertising, and sales strategies to attract and retain them. You should also set objectives and strict budgets for your promotion and advertising activities.

You should update your business plan constantly to reflect changes in your business environment, like increased competition, new regulations, or changes in your products or services. You should review and update it at least once a year, or whenever significant changes occur.

A profit and loss statement is a financial statement that shows the revenues, expenses, and net income or loss of a business for a specific period, usually monthly or annually. It helps business owners analyze their profit margins and identify areas where they can cut costs and increase revenue.

Yes, every business needs insurance to protect its assets, employees, and customers. You should consider insurance options, like liability insurance, property insurance, or workers’ compensation insurance, depending on your business operations and risks.

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Yoh. This was great content. I will apply it on my business and see the results. Thanks a lot.

Yes Chris, glad you found it valuable.

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How to Start a Cosmetics Business in Kenya

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The cosmetics business in Kenya is a profitable venture you can start. With the increased demand for beauty products, you can make huge profits. It is because of the high demand for beauty products that many people want to use products that provide care for their skin, hair and health . Besides, people want to look good and smart, making the beauty shop business a profitable venture. 

Tips on How to Start a Beauty Shop in Kenya 

Starting a cosmetic shop in Kenya requires you to have a few tips that will set your cosmetics business apart from that of your competitors. For instance, you need to know what to stock in a cosmetic shop in Kenya. This is what you need:

Write a Cosmetics Business Plan

The first step in starting any business is writing a business plan . A good cosmetic shop business plan for the cosmetics business should have: 

  • Startup costs
  • List of cosmetic items for the shop
  • Business location
  • Strengths and weaknesses
  • Risks and ways to mitigate those risks

If you don't know how to write a business plan, you can hire a professional to do it on your behalf.

Understand How Cosmetics Business Works

To succeed in any business, you need to know how it works and how you can beat the competition. You can start by researching online and talking to people who buy beauty products. Understand what potential customers want and the figure out how best to deliver it.

Also, talk to those in the business, find out what they are selling and at what price. Besides, you need to understand things like how to arrange a cosmetic shop and the market gap. Then find ways you can address the challenges in the cosmetics industry . You can succeed in the cosmetics business if you know the tricks and risks involved. It becomes easy to navigate your way and grow your business.

Also read: How to start a cyber cafe business in Kenya.

Find a Suitable Cosmetics Business Location

Its location determines the success of any business. It is best to get a stall where you can display beauty products and have a high influx of people. Get a storefront where there is high foot traffic. You can also start your business inside a mall, plaza, or kiosk. Find what works best for you and ensure that your option is within your budget .

Essentially, look for a visible place from the street, has a parking area, is easy to access, and has high on foot traffic.

Decide on Cosmetic Products to Sell

You need to figure out what to stock in a cosmetic shop in Kenya. It depends on your business model, what your passion is and what you are good at. Find out what is not on the market that you can offer. It will make your makeup business unique, and customers will be willing to try your products.

Among the fast-moving beauty products in Kenya are mirrors, makeup products, eyeliners, manicure and pedicure products. Also, have various hair products like weaves and different hair brands, perfumes, skincare products and facial products. Besides, there are products for men, like beard and mustache products.

What to Stock in a Cosmetic Shop 

The following are items to sell in a cosmetic shop in Kenya.

  • Makeup products. You can stock products like nail polish, concealer, eye shadow, eye primer, mascara, eyeliner, eyebrows, lip gloss, lipstick and brushes.
  • Hair care products. There is a wide variety of hair products you can stock, like weaves, hair extensions, shampoo, conditioners, hair cream, spray gel, braids, hair relaxers and hair sprays.
  • Skin care products. You also need to stock skin care products like body toning, moisturizer, body lotion, age-defying and exfoliation.  
  • Toiletry. You can stock toiletry products like soap, toilet paper, deodorant, toilet soap, bar soap, toothpaste, and body perfume.

Find Cheap Cosmetics Suppliers

Every business looks for ways to minimize operational costs and maximize profits. As such, you need to source your stock. Look for cheap suppliers for your products.

Where to Buy Cosmetics in Wholesale Nairobi 

You can find cosmetic supplies at wholesale prices in Nairobi's downtown. You will find many cheaper cosmetics wholesalers in Nairobi along Dubois Road, Munyu Road and River Road.

Hire The Right Team

You need to hire staff that is knowledgeable about beauty products. They need to know how to use most of the products and their downsides and upsides. It is because customers can ask questions related to products they have never used. Also, hire staff that believes in your business' goals and has the best interests of your customers in mind. With the right team, it is easy to grow your cosmetics business.

Advertise Your Cosmetics Business

You need customers to make a profit from your cosmetics business. As such, you need to tell people that you are selling beauty products. There are several marketing strategies you can adopt. Among them are the use of flyers, posters and customer referrals. You can also provide passersby with coupons and samples. 

Also, you need to have a social media presence. It is probably the cheapest way to promote your business and reach more people. Tell people about the beauty products you are selling and why they should buy them.

Read also: How to start a mitumba business in Kenya.

How Much Do I Need to Start a Cosmetic Shop in Kenya? 

The cost of starting a cosmetic shop in Kenya is at least Ksh 300,000. The price depends on the size and location of your business. The following are the requirements for starting a cosmetic business in Kenya and their respective prices:

  • Beauty products inventory - Ksh 100,000
  • Furniture - Ksh 20,000
  • Rent and upfront rent - Ksh 50,000
  • Electricity expenses - Ksh 3,000
  • Salary for staff - Ksh 15,000
  • A computer and printer - Ksh 30,000
  • Advertising - Ksh 5,000
  • Licenses and permits - ksh 20,000

For business consultancy, strategic planning, organizational development, market research, financial management & accounting, risk management and business plan writing at an affordable fee, please reach out to us through a phone call 0728 621 138 , WhatsApp , or email: [email protected]

Is Cosmetic Business Profitable in Kenya? 

Yes. The profits you can generate from your beauty business depend on the size of your business and its location. If you are aggressive enough, you can make between Ksh 3,000 and Ksh 5,000 in a day. On average, the profit margin is usually 40%. It implies that in a month, you can earn at least Ksh 50,000 in profit.

Starting a beauty shop in Kenya is easy. The success of any business depends on the number of customers and advertising. If you can find a good place, it will give you value for your money . Also, focus on customer satisfaction and continually improve your services. With that, I hope you can now easily start a beauty shop business in Kenya. 

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Farming With Precision!

Poultry Farming Business Plan In Kenya

[Pdf Sample] Poultry Farming Business Plan In Kenya Docx

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Starting a poultry farming business in Kenya can be a lucrative venture, given the country’s growing demand for poultry products. This article aims to provide you with a comprehensive business plan for poultry farming in Kenya.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced farmer looking to expand your operations, this guide will walk you through the essential steps and considerations to ensure a successful and profitable poultry farming venture.

[Pdf Sample] Business Plan Proposal For Poultry Farming In Kenya Docx

Table of Contents

To write a business plan, here is a breakdown of how it should be structured and what should be in each category. After this instruction, I will provide you with a sample of one I wrote for my farm, let us go:

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Executive Summary

The executive summary provides an overview of your poultry farming business plan , highlighting the key points and objectives. It serves as a concise introduction to your business proposal, enabling potential investors or partners to quickly grasp the main aspects of your venture.

Market Research and Analysis

Conducting thorough market research is crucial before starting a poultry farming business . This section delves into analyzing the demand and supply dynamics of the poultry market in Kenya. It includes factors such as consumer trends, competition, pricing strategies, and potential risks. By understanding the market landscape, you can make informed decisions regarding product positioning and target markets.

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Farm Setup and Infrastructure

Creating an efficient and sustainable farm setup is essential for the long-term success of your poultry farming business . This section covers aspects such as land selection, farm layout, infrastructure requirements, and waste management systems. Additionally, it discusses the necessary permits and licenses needed to operate a poultry farm in Kenya .

Breeds and Selection

Choosing the right poultry breeds is crucial to maximize productivity and profitability. This section provides an overview of the different chicken breeds suitable for commercial poultry farming in Kenya. Factors such as egg production, meat quality, disease resistance, and adaptability to local conditions are discussed to help you make informed decisions.

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Feeding and Nutrition

Proper feeding and nutrition are vital for the growth and health of your poultry . This section explores the various types of poultry feeds , including their composition and nutritional requirements. It also discusses feeding strategies, feed formulation , and cost-effective approaches to optimize feed utilization.

Disease Control and Biosecurity

Maintaining a disease-free environment is essential to prevent outbreaks and ensure the well-being of your poultry flock. This section focuses on disease control measures, vaccination schedules, biosecurity protocols, and hygiene practices. By implementing effective biosecurity measures, you can minimize the risk of diseases and protect your investment.

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Poultry Housing and Equipment

Providing appropriate housing and equipment is essential to create a comfortable and safe environment for your poultry. This section covers different types of poultry housing systems, including broiler houses, layer houses, and free-range systems. Additionally, it discusses essential equipment such as feeders, drinkers, ventilation systems, and lighting.

Poultry Farm Management

Efficient farm management is crucial for the smooth operation of your poultry farm. This section covers topics such as flock management, record-keeping, monitoring growth and production parameters, and ensuring optimal conditions for your poultry. Effective management practices will help you identify and address issues promptly, leading to increased productivity and profitability.

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Marketing and Sales Strategies

Developing a robust marketing and sales strategy is essential to reach your target customers and maximize profits. This section explores different marketing channels, including direct selling, wholesalers, retailers, and online platforms. It also emphasizes the importance of branding, product differentiation, and customer relationship management.

Financial Planning and Projections

Creating a comprehensive financial plan is essential to assess the feasibility and profitability of your poultry farming business . This section covers aspects such as startup costs, operational expenses, revenue projections, and return on investment. By conducting thorough financial analysis, you can make informed decisions and secure funding if required.

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Risks and Challenges

Every business faces risks and challenges, and poultry farming is no exception. This section identifies potential risks such as disease outbreaks, market volatility, feed price fluctuations, and regulatory changes. It also discusses strategies to mitigate these risks and ensure the long-term sustainability of your poultry farming venture.

Here is a Download Links to The Poultry Farming Business Plan in Kenya

How much capital do I need to start a poultry farming business in Kenya?

The capital required depends on various factors, including the scale of your operation and the infrastructure you choose. It is advisable to conduct a detailed financial analysis to determine your specific capital requirements.

What is the typical lifespan of a chicken in commercial poultry farming?

The lifespan of a chicken can vary depending on the purpose (meat or egg production) and the breed. Generally, broilers are ready for market within 6-8 weeks, while laying hens can remain productive for 1-2 years.

Are there any government regulations or permits required for poultry farming in Kenya?

Yes, there are specific regulations and permits that need to be obtained before starting a poultry farming business . It is essential to consult with local agricultural authorities or experts to ensure compliance with the necessary legal requirements.

How can I market and sell my poultry products effectively?

Developing a strong brand, establishing partnerships with retailers or wholesalers, and utilizing online platforms can be effective marketing strategies. Additionally, participating in trade fairs and engaging in direct selling can help promote your products to potential customers.

What are the common diseases that affect poultry in Kenya, and how can I prevent them?

Common poultry diseases in Kenya include Newcastle disease, avian influenza, and coccidiosis. Vaccination, proper biosecurity measures, regular health monitoring, and maintaining hygiene standards can help prevent and control these diseases.

In conclusion, starting a poultry farming business in Kenya offers significant opportunities for entrepreneurs and farmers. By following this comprehensive business plan , you can lay a strong foundation for a successful and profitable venture. Remember to adapt and innovate based on market trends and evolving consumer demands to stay competitive in the poultry industry.

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Author: Adewebs

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How to Write a Wines and Spirits Business Plan in Kenya [Free Template]

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How to Write a Wines and Spirits Business Plan in Kenya [Free Template]

If you’re looking to venture into the wines and spirits business in Kenya, having a well-crafted business plan can significantly expedite the realization of your dreams.

While it is possible to start and run your wines and spirits business without a plan, creating one can set your establishment apart from the competition and increase your chances of success. 

However, crafting a business plan from scratch can be a daunting task, especially if you lack prior experience in entrepreneurship or finance.

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Business plan template

Not sure where to start your business and need a detailed roadmap? Looking to take your business to the next level? Do you need a well-crafted business plan that can guide your growth and set you on the path to success?

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Fortunately, a ready-made wines and spirits business plan template , like the one I am going to provide below, can be an invaluable roadmap to guide you in developing a comprehensive business plan for your liquor business.

What is a Wines and Spirits Business Plan in Kenya

A business plan is a written document that outlines your objectives and goals for your business, as well as the strategies you intend to employ to achieve them. Much like a roadmap, this plan will chart your course from the inception of your wines and spirits business to a stage where it can thrive and generate profits. It encompasses your marketing, financial forecasts, goals, and strategies.

Whether you envision starting a small boutique wines and spirits shop or plan to establish a large-scale business, this document will prove indispensable in charting your path to success.

The Importance of a Wines and Spirits Business Plan in Kenya

There are several compelling reasons why you need a business plan for your wines and spirits business:

  • Clarity: A well-structured business plan helps you clearly define your business’s objectives and what you hope to achieve with your wines and spirits venture.
  • Goal Setting: It enables you to set achievable and measurable goals while identifying potential obstacles that may impede your progress.
  • Strategy: Your business plan will help you devise a clear and effective strategy to attract customers and ensure profitability.
  • Progress Tracking: With a business plan, you can monitor and measure your business’s progress, making adjustments as necessary to achieve your desired outcomes.
  • Funding: A solid business plan can be instrumental in securing external funding from investors or financial institutions.
  • Team Alignment: It keeps your team focused on the same business objectives and goals.
  •  Financial Planning: You can gain a deeper understanding of the financial requirements to start and sustain your wines and spirits business.
  • Competition Analysis: You’ll be able to study your competitors and develop strategies to outperform them.
  • Marketing Strategies: Effective marketing strategies are vital for your wines and spirits business, and a business plan can help you devise the best approaches to reach your target audience.
  •  Risk Management: Through thoughtful planning, you can minimize the chances of encountering risks that could lead to financial losses.

Why is This Business Plan Template Important?

Writing a business plan from scratch can be overwhelming and time-consuming. This template provides several advantages:

  • Time-Saving: Using the template significantly reduces the time required to draft your business plan.
  • Relevant Information: It helps you focus on essential elements that matter most for your wines and spirits business.
  • Clarity: The template gives you a clear framework of what to include in your plan.

Think of this template as your guiding compass, steering you towards a comprehensive and effective business plan for your wines and spirits enterprise.

Types of Wines and Spirits Business Plans in Kenya

When crafting a wines and spirits business plan, you have two main options to choose from:

  • Traditional business plan
  • Lean business plan

1. Traditional Business Plan

The traditional business plan is a comprehensive format, often spanning several pages. It is ideal for large-scale wines and spirits businesses seeking external funding.

Sections commonly included in a traditional business plan:

  • Executive Summary
  • Company Description
  • Product or Service Description
  • Market Analysis
  • Organization and Management Team
  • Marketing and Sales
  • Financial Projections

You can tailor the traditional business plan to suit your specific needs and objectives. For instance, if you require funding or desire a detailed roadmap for your business’s growth, focus on the relevant sections.

Full Wines and Spirits Business Plan Template [FREE]

Business plan template


2. Lean Business Plan

The lean business plan is a condensed version of the conventional plan, typically presented as a one-page table summary. It serves as an action plan or outline for starting your wines and spirits business and is primarily for internal use by your team.

Key sections to include in a lean wines and spirits business plan include:

  • Identity: Briefly describe your business.
  • Problem: Explain the problem your business aims to solve.
  • Solution: Describe your unique products/services and the solution they offer.
  • Competition: Analyze competitors, their strengths, and weaknesses.
  • Expenses: Outline the startup costs for your wines and spirits business.
  • Target Markets: Identify your customer base.
  • Marketing Activities: Specify your marketing strategies and related costs.
  • Sales Channels : Describe how you’ll reach your customers.
  • Revenue Streams: Explain how your wines and spirits business will generate income.
  • Partners and Key Resources: Identify essential collaborators and resources.
  • Team : Introduce the people who will play key roles in your business.
  • Milestones: Outline significant steps and milestones for your wines and spirits venture.

The choice between a lean and traditional business plan depends on the size and complexity of your wines and spirits business and the purpose of the plan.


When Not to Use this Template

While templates can accelerate the completion of your business plan, there are situations where it may not be ideal, especially for large businesses or startups seeking detailed reporting. This template provides limited instructions that may not be comprehensive enough for big businesses requiring external funding.

If your wines and spirits business falls into this category, it may be best to seek professional assistance in creating a tailored business plan. Otherwise, if you find the template suitable for your needs, you can download either the lean or traditional wines and spirits business plan template to commence your entrepreneurial journey.

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50 new business ideas in Kenya 2024 to start with different capital

The unemployment rate in Kenya is significantly high as more and more graduates enter the job market with few opportunities available. As job opportunities get scarcer by the day, Kenyans are turning towards entrepreneurship as a means of income. To succeed in the field, though, one must be conversant with the viable business ideas in Kenya.

New business ideas in Kenya

Despite the rising unemployment, the entrepreneurial space in Kenya is still quite attractive. Locals and foreigners alike can capitalise on the opportunities to earn a living. Discover the best business ideas in Kenya today.

The best business ideas in Kenya

Here is a look at some of the best business ideas to venture into for Kenyans.

Consulting business ideas in Kenya

Consultants are professionals who provide professional or expert advice or service in a particular area. Consultation services are among the most profitable business ideas in Kenya. Check out a collection of consultation-related ideas below.

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1. Social media marketing services

You probably spend a lot of time on social media platforms. You can earn while interacting with your buddies and fans online. Monetise your social media accounts by making them a platform for others to advertise their products. To do this, you should learn how to activate ads to get paid per view.

2. Accounting and bookkeeping services

An accounting or bookkeeping start-up is one of the unique business ideas in Kenya for those who have the skill. First, you must become an accredited accountant and earn the prerequisite exposure to handle clients effectively.

3. Business planning services

Many people have business ideas but do not know how to actualise them. You can offer business planning consultations and help them turn their ideas into detailed, actionable business plans. Business plan help the entrepreneur in the investment process.

4. Social media management

malimali business plan pdf in kenya

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There are many small, medium, and large enterprises that want to effectively market their products and services through social media, but are unsure of how to do so. If you start a social media management service business, you will help other businesses to tell the story of their brand and reach a wider target audience.

5. Niche staffing

Companies are always looking to employ the right staff and rely on the services of recruiting agencies. You can open a niche staffing agency and create a good rapport with these firms. With time, dedication, and constant improvement, you can easily become their go-to firm for staffing needs.

6. Travel planning

While modern-day travel apps and websites have pretty much taken over most of the traditional travel planner's functions, a significant number of people still require these traditional services. If you are skilled and knowledgeable about Kenyan destinations, you can start a travel planning business .

malimali business plan pdf in kenya

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7. Career coaching

good business ideas in Kenya

With the rising unemployment in Kenya worsened by a saturated job market, there is no shortage of job seekers needing help with finding jobs. If you have a knack for helping your friends and family find suitable job vacancies, you can help others too. Consider starting a career coaching business.

Creative business opportunities in Kenya

If you are best business to start in Kenya, you need to be creative and innovative so you can come up with something unique and fun. Here are creative opportunities you can explore.

8. Photography and cinematography

Photography and cinematography are some of the most captivating business opportunities in Kenya. These professions suit individuals who love documenting special moments. While there's stiff competition in the sector, specialising in a niche, e.g., pet photography can win you many clients.

9. Furniture building

The furniture designing and building industry has grown over the years. The modern person wants comfy and aesthetic pieces. If you have carpentry skills, you should start a furniture building business , especially for custom pieces.

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10. Event planning and management

You may not appreciate how demanding event hosting is until you host a party. This explains why most people begin event planning as a side hustle but end up doing it full-time. You can make money by planning birthday and graduation parties, parties for religious occasions, and even funerals.

11. Event space rental

There is a high demand for venues for weddings, corporate events, birthdays, and fundraisers in Kenya. When you look closely, you will realise that there are few venues to host events. Take this opportunity to start an event space rental business. Beware that setting up an event space may require a lot of capital.

12. Interior designing and decorating

If you have a passion for interior design , you need not look for a typical nine-to-five job. The interior design market has something for you if you can prove your skills. Many developers may not have the time or expertise to decorate their properties, and this is where you come in. Offer to do the walls, furniture, floors, and numerous other interior design elements at a fee.

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13. Drawing and painting

There is a lot of money in creative art drawings, but one has to stand out in whatever they choose. The good thing is that creating art is not restricted to any one field. You can become a creative artist for just about anything you are good at. Some of the most popular options include pencil art, canvas water paints, and charcoal drawings.

14. Sewing and alteration

Amazing business ideas in Kenya

Why not start a sewing and alteration business if you have sewing skills? After all, people will always wear clothes, and your services will never go out of fashion. This business does not necessarily require special training or a degree. All one needs is a certain level of skill and relevant equipment to get started.

15. T-shirt printing

If you have an eye and mind for great designs, you can start a t-shirt printing business . Some of the most common methods include screen printing and heat pressing. You can set up your business online or even work with institutions .

malimali business plan pdf in kenya

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Online/ work-from-home business ideas in Kenya

Many people are now working from home because it is convenient and flexible. Below are remote business ideas you can explore.

16. Blogging

Blogging has not been commercialised enough in Kenya, as is the case in the Western world. When implemented correctly, blogging can easily be one of the most profitable businesses due to the numerous monetisation options. You only have to find a niche and target the right audience.

17. Freelance writing

Writing is an extensive field that cannot be exhausted, and it is one of the best business opportunities. A writer can be successful by focusing on a particular subject or type of writing. A freelance writer can choose among online articles, business plans, resumes, short stories, and even ghost-writing, among many others.

18. Software and app development

These are interesting times for IT gurus as the demand for their services is at an all-time high. As a result, software and app development is an amazing business opportunity. If you have the right skills, you can create apps and software for clients on different platforms, including Windows, Android, and iOS.

malimali business plan pdf in kenya

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19. Online tutoring

Online tutoring is among the small business ideas in Kenya to explore. Note that you have to be good at what you intend to be tutoring in order to create a profound link with your students. Since the country has great internet coverage, you can easily set up an online tutoring business. Make sure you specialise in a particular niche to stand out.

20. Virtual assistant services

A virtual assistant is a self-employed person who provides administrative services to another individual or company from a remote location. If you are looking for an online job that lets you earn from your skills while giving you the freedom of working from home, then being a virtual assistant should be among your considerations.

21. Dropshipping services

Dropshipping is an innovative e-commerce business model in which the seller does not have to manage any physical products. Instead, you only have to set up an online store and partner with various suppliers who are ready to store, package, and ship orders to clients.

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22. Vlogging

amazing business ideas in Kenya

You have probably heard of PewDiePie and other YouTubers with millions of followers. Their journey to stardom often starts with simple web cameras and setups. From live-streaming games to teaching skills and everything in between, the things you can do on a YouTube channel are almost unlimited. Vlogging is among the best businesses to start with little money.

23. Translation services

The demand for multilingual people has recently increased. If you can speak two or more languages, you could consider starting a small language translation business . You can start looking for clients on freelance websites such as Flexjobs and Upwork and then slowly build your portfolio.

24. Affiliate marketing

An affiliate marketer promotes products of other companies and earns commissions on their sales. One of the most popular affiliate platforms is Amazon's affiliate program. Affiliate marketing is often combined with information distribution models such as blogging to create a seamless mix of content and promotion.

malimali business plan pdf in kenya

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25. Podcasting

Podcasts have been getting more traction over the last few years. The number of people who listen to podcasts has risen significantly in the last two decades. If you can engage people on a particular line of conversation, why not try a podcasting business ?

26. Digital bookstore

Starting a digital bookstore with Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is a highly attractive venture due to the immense market size and numerous benefits it offers . With a vast reader base globally, your digital bookstore gains immediate access to a massive audience.

Food-related business ideas in Kenya

Food-related businesses come to many people's minds when exploring small business ideas in Kenya. There are multiple food setups you can start in this country. People are always on the lookout for places with good food.

27. Bed and breakfast

When you mention bed and breakfast, it brings an image of relaxation in a roaring fireplace, sleep in a cosy bed, and breakfast the following morning. It is not a complicated business to start and all you need is space to entertain your guests, be it a guest house, a spare bedroom, or a servant quarter. If you love entertaining guests, then you can comfortably turn your home into a B&B.

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28. Home-based catering services

good business ideas in Kenya

If you have a knack for cooking, you can create a decent home-based catering business. You don't have to look for an outlet and pay exorbitant rental fees. If you are doing catering services for small businesses, you can do it by yourself. However, if you get big clients, you may have to employ a few people for assistance

29. Food truck

With the restrictions brought about by the recent pandemic, aspiring restaurateurs can easily find success with a food truck. Food trucks come in different shapes and sizes and serve up a wide range of snacks and cuisines.

30. Baking business

If you have a passion for baking yummy delicacies , why not turn it into a money-making venture? You can do this by starting a café, shop, or even an online bake and deliver business.

31. Restaurant/café

Opening and operating a café is one of the most challenging and risky ventures. It can be pretty expensive too. However, if you are willing to put in the work, it is a very rewarding business which can grow to great heights. This calls for an ambitious culinary individual who is very entrepreneurial.

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Kenyan IT Guru Empowering Less Fortunate Kids with Digital Training Skills wins Global Award

32. Ice cream shop

Starting your own ice cream shop can be lucrative, especially with the right approach and location. Ensure you invest in quality ingredients to get delicious ice cream that will make customers come back.

Health and wellness-related business ideas

More Kenyans are conscious about their health and wellness, creating a high demand for health and wellness-related services and products.

33. Health and fitness training

You can make money if you can turn health and fitness into a business. There are not so many well-equipped gyms around. If you can get your hands on some capital, put in place a state-of-the-art gym, and your business will be a success story in no time. Note that you have or hire someone who has the right skills to train people.

34. Nutrition/dietary services

amazing business ideas in Kenya

Going hand in hand with health and fitness training is the demand for healthy food intake. Nutritionists and dieticians can tap into this niche to offer dietary services at a fee, including food planning and portioning.

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Taiwan's Foxconn plans to invest $1.54 bn more in India

35. Doula services

Interestingly, more Kenyan families are leaning towards home child deliveries. Doulas get to support, guide, and witness the miracle of new life. If you are a trained and licensed doula, you can offer doula services outside hospitals.

36. Massage therapy services

The massage therapy industry is booming and is a great way to earn a living. People like going for massage services as a way of relaxation and healing. If you are looking for a career that helps others feel better about themselves and improves their health, consider starting a massage therapy business.

37. Beauty and hair care services

Kenya's beauty industry has undergone a massive transformation in the recent past. This has resulted in an increased demand for cosmetic products and services. If you set up a beauty salon or a barbershop/beauty salon and offer great services, you might just land yourself numerous clients.

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VW weighs staff reductions as electric shift stalls

38. Children's daycare services

With the busy schedules associated with modern-day life, people need their children taken care of during the day. A significant number of people are wary of house-helps because they sometimes mistreat children in the absence of their parents. The alternative is taking children to a daycare centre . You can start the business in a small, rented room or even in your guest room.

39. Senior citizen assistance services

Senior citizen assistance is one of the best business opportunities in Kenya. There are several ways you can set up the business. For example, you can help senior citizens run errands, take them to social functions, and even help them around the house.

Outdoor-related business ideas

Many outdoor-related business ideas are quite engaging. Below is a look at ideals with the potential to make you a rich person.

40. Moving services

Every day, there is someone packing up boxes and moving out of their home or office to a different location. If you have ever moved houses, you know the hassle that comes with this transition. Moving companies are sought after to help people to move out of their homes.

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VGG Connect Wi-Fi packages, app, internet speeds, and coverage

41. Landscaping services

A landscaping business is for people who love working hands-on and are great with design. Even though you need some skills to start, some landscaping tasks are quite basic. You can work with individuals who own homes, schools, companies, and other institutions.

42. Pet sitting and grooming services

good business ideas in Kenya

Do you love animals? If so, then a pet daycare or grooming business might be the right business for you. While the pet business sector was not considered very promising several years ago, the sector has drastically changed. Still, the sector represents one of the top untapped business ideas in Kenya.

43. Car wash

Car wash services in Kenya are in demand. Owning a car has become a necessity in most households. This has created an opportunity for car cleaning businesses .

44. Car detailing

If you are a detail-oriented person and have a passion for cars, a car detailing business is certainly for you. It does not require much capital, and all you need is space and the necessary tools. If you set up a good company and impress clients, they will pay good money for your premium services.

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Kenya's PrideInn Hotels Changes Face to Reflect Service to Community

45. Ride-sharing

Car owners can make extra cash and not affect their routines at all through innovative business ideas like ridesharing . For example, you can advertise your car as a taxi and pick up passengers while running your errands. There are modern-day ride-sharing apps that can easily implement this idea.

46. Entertainment lounge

There are many entertainment joints, but each is known for a particular reason. Despite being flooded, your lounge will never run dry if you have a unique service or product. Entertainment lounges offer many things, such as, music, food, drinks, and shows. Do a market analysis, and you will find a niche in which your entertainment joint will stand out.

Green business ideas in Kenya

Environmental sustainability and conservation is a big thing in the contemporary world . You can explore the green business ideas listed below.

47. Greenhouse farming

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If you have the starting capital, greenhouse farming is among the best ventures to try. You can grow vegetables, fruits, or anything you deem fit for the market. Due to the significant capital outlay required, greenhouse farming is one of Kenya's least implemented business opportunities.

48. Recycling

Recycling is a great way to save the environment and earn money. Many products can be recycled and reused , but you will often find such products disposed of after first use. A good example is car tires that can be used to make sandals. If people can be as creative as making boats out of recycled plastic bottles, you can easily find your niche in this area.

49. Eco-friendly cleaning services

good business ideas in Kenya

Did you know we have organic and environmentally friendly cleaning products? You can offer eco-friendly cleaning services to small and large homes and businesses. The upside to this business is the sheer number of people who want a clean environment to live and work in.

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Meet the Solar Sisters: Women Entrepreneurs Championing Clean Energy Solutions in Rural Kenya

50. Solar panel installation and repair services

Many homesteads and businesses are going green by opting for solar panels. Solar energy protects our planet from climate change. You can offer solar panel installation and repair services to homes and businesses and make some good cash.

Ways to develop business ideas if you have little capital in Kenya

Starting a business requires taking calculated risks. You must be willing to exploit an opportunity to make money. If you have little capital, use the techniques and strategies explored below for the best outcome.

  • Your idea must solve a problem: We all have problems. Within problems lie opportunities. People want to pay for solutions, and it is up to you to come up with one.
  • Identify an unmet need and exploit it: What are consumers complaining about? What do they wish they had? Answering these questions can help you recognise underserved needs, which could form the basis of your business idea.
  • Analyse your skillset: For whatever skill you have, you can monetise it in Kenya. Carefully look at what you can and cannot do. Use what you can do to make money.
  • Be innovative: Innovation means coming up with something new that solves an existing problem in society. If you invent something, patent or copyright it to avoid copying by other people.
  • Save people's energy and time: We live in a microwave generation, where we want things that save time and energy. Your idea should make life easier and offer convenience.
  • Come up with cheaper yet effective solutions: Kenyans always want to save money, so they often buy cheap. Offering affordable yet effective solutions will attract customers.

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German union calls on Amazon workers to strike on 'Black Friday'

Which is the most profitable business to start in Kenya?

It is challenging to identify a single business that is the most profitable. The best option is to choose something you are passionate about and have the skillset for.

What business can I start with KSh 50,000?

There are multiple small businesses you can start with 50k in the country, including general kiosks, mobile money agent shops, crop farming, milk bars, car wash, and mitumba businesses.

What is the worst business to start in Kenya?

Being a rapidly developing country, Kenya has a wide range of businesses that would not do very well. Top among these is the executive passenger limousine service business. With the rise of ride-sharing platforms such as Uber and Bolt , the executive passenger limo business would really struggle.

There are numerous viable business ideas in Kenya, some requiring more capital than others. The best investment opportunities in Kenya today deal with solving everyday challenges.

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Cellulant: How Ken Njoroge Co-Founded Payment Platform that Transacts Over KSh 150b Monthly

DISCLAIMER: This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility! recently published an article about sorghum yield per acre in Kenya. Ranked as Kenya's fifth most crucial grain crop, sorghum follows closely behind maize, wheat, rice, and barley in terms of agricultural significance.

Its cultivation is motivated by diverse purposes, serving as a staple food or cash crop in certain regions. If you are planning to grow sorghum as a cash crop, it's advisable to research sorghum yield per acre in Kenya.


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malimali business plan pdf in kenya

How to Start a Malimali Business in Kenya

The mali mali business is increasingly in demand in Kenya. The demand for household products is high, thereby providing a large market for mali mali businesses. It is one of the businesses you can start with little startup capital in rural or fast-growing areas. To make it in this business, ensure you have a one-stop shop where you sell a wide variety of household items.

Write a Malimali Business Plan One of the first things that you need to do before starting any business is to write a business plan. A business plan will help you plan and manage your finances. Some of the things that you need to capture in your business plan include:

Startup capital Source of startup capital Business location Household items to sell Suppliers Market segmentation Business competition Find a Suitable Business Location The other thing you need to do is find a suitable business location. The mali mali business can do well in fast-growing residential areas or rural areas. You need to identify what fast-moving goods are in the specific area, since the mali mali products are in a wide category.

What Can I Sell in the Mali Mali Shop? Malimali products are in a wide category, and you need to decide which one you will be selling. Some of the mali mali items you can sell include:

Shoes like rubber, leather and slippers. Plastic and metallic utensils like buckets, sufurias, thermos, cups, plates, and spoons. Clothing like handkerchiefs, panties, boxers and vests. Electronic items like earphones, pocket radios, batteries, a rechargeable lamp, memory cards and USB cables. Beauty products like lipstick, lip balm, perfumes, cream, necklaces, and earrings.

Find Mali Mali Business Suppliers Once you have decided the items to sell in your business, the next thing is to decide where to source these items. It is good that you look for cheap, convenient and reliable suppliers.

If you are around Nairobi, you can find mali mali wholesalers in Kamukunji, River Road, Dubois Street and Nyayo Market.

Acquire Business Licenses You need to get a business licenses and permits to start operating a mali mali business. You can get a mali mali business permit from the County Council offices. It goes for only Ksh 4,000 every year.

Failure to secure a business permit will land you in trouble with the authorities, and you risk losing your stock to the County Council until you pay a fine. Therefore, make sure to secure business licenses and permits.

How Much Do I Need to Start a Malimali Shop? The cost of starting a mali mali business in Kenya depends on the business location and size. Typically, you can start a mali mali business with Ksh 200,000. You don’t need a permanent premise to start the business. You can build a temporary shed from which you can sell your stuff.

Is the Malimali Business Profitable in Kenya? The mali mali business is a profitable venture that you can start with small startup capital. Its profit margin is 20%, while most of the products are fast-moving. This means that you will be making Ksh 20 for every Ksh 100 sales you make.

For business consultancy, strategic planning, organizational development, digital marketing, financial management & accounting, risk management and business plan writing at an affordable fee, please reach out to us through a phone call or WhatsApp on 0788803375, or email: [email protected]

Challenges Facing Mali Mali Business in Kenya One of the major challenges that people in the mali mali business face is competition from established shops. It is because customers tend to trust established businesses like supermarkets compared to mali mali sellers.

Also, from time to time, mali mali traders face harassment by the County Council officers. This happens, especially for those who do not have business permits. To avoid losing your stock, it is best that you get business licenses.

Insecurity and fire outbreaks. Most mali mali traders lose their stock to fires and thieves. It is because most of them store their stock in temporary shades, which are vulnerable to break ins.

Summary The mali mali business is a good business with good prospects. You need to ensure that you target the right people and stock fast-moving products. Also, be patient with customers and trust your business so that you can start getting many clients. Finally, seek to find solutions to the challenges you will be facing in the day-to-day running of your business.

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    malimali business plan pdf in kenya

  2. How to Start a Malimali Business in Kenya

    malimali business plan pdf in kenya


    malimali business plan pdf in kenya

  4. Sample Of A Business Plan In Kenya

    malimali business plan pdf in kenya

  5. Starting a Malimali Business in Kenya

    malimali business plan pdf in kenya


    malimali business plan pdf in kenya





  4. MALIMALI BUSINESS IN KENYA, BUSINESS IDEAS @katevlogs95 #businessideas

  5. Business Ideas



  1. How to Start a Malimali Business in Kenya

    The cost of starting a mali mali business in Kenya depends on the business location and size. Typically, you can start a mali mali business with Ksh 200,000. You don't need a permanent premise to start the business. You can build a temporary shed from which you can sell your stuff.

  2. How to Start a Mali Mali Business in Kenya

    Starting a mali mali business in Kenya requires an understanding of the costs involved. To get things rolling, you'll need to pay for the cost of registration, which can range from Ksh. 3000-10000 depending on the county. This fee will cover the cost of your license and other required documents. Next, you'll need to invest in equipment and ...

  3. Starting a Malimali Business in Kenya

    SME. 22nd September 2023. By Bizna Team. Mali mali business in Kenya Bizna Kenya. Malimali is one of the best businesses to start. You start with a capital of 20k-250k. For those with capital, stock your shop. This business flourishes both in towns and villages. This business gives you the freedom to sell a wide range of products.

  4. How I Started My Small MaliMali Store

    Some of these enterprises were started with as low as Ksh.3, 000 meaning you don't need too much money to start. Your mali mali business can be started with as low as Ksh.5, 000 and grow to an enterprise that earns you over Ksh.50, 000, or even more. Esther Wanjiru runs a small mali mali store in a local shopping center in Ruiru and makes ...

  5. How to make Ksh 1,000

    Starting a Malimali Business in Kenya. Set aside ksh 20 000 for diapers, which will be your main product. Later, set aside ksh 10 000 for toys. These harbour plenty of money but have the best returns—even better than diapers. Finally, set aside Ksh 5 000 to stock crocs, which Flora says has 100 % profits.

  6. How to Write a Business Plan in Kenya (+ Free PDFs)

    Don't put off writing the business plan in Kenya just because you don't know everything yet. Rather, write the business plan so that you can get very clear on exactly what you know and need to figure out. Page #4. Product. This page describes the product or products that you sell.

  7. How to Start a Cosmetics Business in Kenya

    The price depends on the size and location of your business. The following are the requirements for starting a cosmetic business in Kenya and their respective prices: Beauty products inventory - Ksh 100,000. Furniture - Ksh 20,000. Rent and upfront rent - Ksh 50,000. Electricity expenses - Ksh 3,000.

  8. PDF A Brief Guide to Doing Business in Kenya, 2021


  9. PDF Plan your Business FOR SHARE

    This toolkit is freely available to entrepreneur in Kenya and is structured in an easy to unders manner to enable you get the information they need in one place. The toolkit is broken down into for key business development stages and enumerates the regulatory requirements as well as identifies key regulators within each stage. Plan Your Business.


    Kenya is a regional hub for business and trade throughout East and Central Africa. It is a member of the East African Community (EAC), which is an economic trading bloc currently comprising the economies of Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and most recently Burundi and South Sudan. Kenya is also a member of the Common Market for


    Kenya is a regional hub for business and trade throughout east and central Africa. It is a member of the East African Community (EAC), which is an economic trading bloc currently comprising the economies of Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and most recently Burundi and South Sudan. Kenya is also a member of the Common Market for Eastern

  12. How to start a Mali Mali Business in Kenya

    Problems with Mali Mali Business in Kenya. The main challenge for new Mali Mali businesses is that customers do not trust your business and prefer to buy from familiar businesses. New Mali Mali Mali businesses face competition from existing businesses because they have loyal customers. Mali Mali sellers face harassment from the county council.

  13. [Pdf Sample] Poultry Farming Business Plan In Kenya Docx

    Farm Setup and Infrastructure. Creating an efficient and sustainable farm setup is essential for the long-term success of your poultry farming business. This section covers aspects such as land selection, farm layout, infrastructure requirements, and waste management systems. Additionally, it discusses the necessary permits and licenses needed ...

  14. Mitumba Business Plan in Kenya [Free PDF Template]

    KSh 2,000. Tap the button below to chat on WhatsApp or call 0713140158. Chat on WhatsApp. The problem is, writing a Mitumba business plan from scratch is not easy. It is even harder if you are starting your first business and have no finance or business experience. That is why a Mitumba business plan template like this one comes in handy.

  15. Wines and Spirits Business Plan in Kenya [Free PDF Template]

    It serves as an action plan or outline for starting your wines and spirits business and is primarily for internal use by your team. Key sections to include in a lean wines and spirits business plan include: Identity: Briefly describe your business. Problem: Explain the problem your business aims to solve.


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    Nairobi 1st Floor, Pacis Centre, Slip Road off Waiyaki Way, Westlands P.O. Box 349 - 00606, Nairobi, Kenya T +254 20 3614000 / 4451747/8/9 M +254 706 347950 / 772 786111

  18. How to Start and Run a Malimali Business in Kenya.lets Write a Business

    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

  19. 50 new business ideas in Kenya 2024 to start with different capital

    2. Accounting and bookkeeping services. An accounting or bookkeeping start-up is one of the unique business ideas in Kenya for those who have the skill. First, you must become an accredited accountant and earn the prerequisite exposure to handle clients effectively. 3.

  20. How to Start a Malimali Business in Kenya

    If you are around Nairobi, you can find mali mali wholesalers in Kamukunji, River Road, Dubois Street and Nyayo Market. Acquire Business Licenses You need to get a business licenses and permits to start operating a mali mali business. You can get a mali mali business permit from the County Council offices. It goes for only Ksh 4,000 every year.


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  22. Business Plan

    Business Plan - Sample Small Busines Plan in Kenya - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This is a sample Business plan in Kenya for Small businesses .


    Kenya is a regional hub for business and trade throughout East and Central Africa. It is a member of the East African Community (EAC), which is an economic trading bloc currently comprising the economies of Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and most recently Burundi and South Sudan. Kenya is also a member of the Common Market for

  24. Federal Register :: Taking and Importing Marine Mammals; Taking Marine

    NMFS has received a request from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Portland District, for authorization to take, by Level A and Level B harassment only, small numbers of marine mammals incidental to the Lower Columbia River (LCR) Dredged Material Management Plan (DMMP), in Oregon and Washington, for a period of 5 years from November ...

  25. Federal Register :: Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact

    This supplemental watershed plan is sponsored by Mt. Pleasant City and cosponsored by Pleasant Creek Irrigation Company and Twin Creek Irrigation Company. The proposed action is needed to address flood prevention in Mt. Pleasant City and portions of unincorporated Sanpete County and reduce flood damage now that existing facilities and ...