mass effect unc assignments

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Mass Effect – Collection Assignments

Last Updated: 2021-04-09

Collection assignments include:

  • UNC: Asari Writings (10/16 to complete)
  • UNC: Locate Signs of Battle (10/12 Medallions and 3/4 ID Tags to complete)
  • UNC: Prothean Data Discs (7/10 to complete)
  • UNC: Turian Insignias (13/17 To complete)
  • UNC: Valuable Minerals (discover all minerals in your journal to complete)

Downloadable Checklist

List of collectibles and locations.

This document uses material from the “UNC: Asari Writings”, “UNC: Locate Signs of Battle”, “UNC: Prothean Data Discs”, “UNC: Turian Insignias”, and “UNC: Valuable Minerals” articles on the Mass Effect wiki at Fandom and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.

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mass effect unc assignments

Mass Effect (2007)

mass effect unc assignments

  • Survey : These planets or asteroids are too dangerous to land on. Your navigator will scan the planet or asteroid for any useful artifacts or tools for future use.
  • Land : These planets can be explored on foot by the M35 Mako rover. These will require exploring the planet and can be found in various decryptable objects.
Research on Prothean culture is focused on the discovery of ancient data discs.
These discs are extremely fragile; intact discs are rare and usually found inside Prothean data recording devices. Scientists have not yet found a way to transcribe the information from these discs, but it is generally agreed that they are the most promising source of information on Prothean science and culture.
Interstellar colonization sparked a golden age of learning and cultural advancement for the asari. During this time, the Matriarchs became obsessed with achieving 'ultimate knowledge'. To that end, a small but dedicated group chose to leave Thessia hoping to find greater wisdom and true enlightenment. Within a span of a few years, twenty-eight Matriarchs left Thessia with no destination in mind and no plan to return. Only six were ever heard from again. Of the other twenty-two, only Matriarch Dilinaga's remains were discovered, along with several writings made during her journey. The writings instantly became the subject of intense study and discussion. Hundreds of anthropologists and historians analyzed the writings and theorized on their meaning and importance to the asari race. For several generations, these writings were kept at Thessia Guildhall, the center for asari learning and research. Less than a century ago, these were finally made available to the public. Since arriving at the Farinah Museum, the Dilinaga exhibit has become one of most popular historical attractions on Thessia.
  • You completed this assignment (Collected 10)
  • You assisted Gavin Hossle on Feros
  • You purchased the Elkoss Combine Armory License
  • Persuaded him in ME1 and ME2
  • Assisted Jenna in ME1
There are several League of One medallions and a few ID Tags scattered throughout these systems. The hunt must have been extensive and taken years.

mass effect unc assignments

Mass Effect: UNC: Major Kyle Assignment Walkthrough


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The original Mass Effect game has plenty of enjoyable assignments that teach you the universe's lore . For instance, if you want to understand more about how galactic society treats biotics, UNC: Major Kyle is a good one to play.

RELATED: Mass Effect: Asari Consort Walkthrough

The assignment is about an unstable Alliance Officer who's formed a biotic cult. Most of his followers join his cause because they believe the general populace looks down on them. You're sent to investigate the group after two other Alliance soldiers go missing during their visit to the commune. Whether your time at the place also ends with people dying is up to you. Here's how to complete the mission.

Starting The Mission

You can trigger the assignment in multiple different ways, from hacking into the embassy computers to looking at data on server nodes. Regardless of how you receive the mission, though, you start it by traveling to the Century System in the Hawking Eta cluster. At this point, Admiral Hackett will appear on comms and tell you about the mission if he hasn't already done so.

Once the conversation is over, search the Century system for the moon named Presrop and land on it. When you're on the surface of the moon, you want to visit the Biotic Compound in the south .

Getting To Major Kyle

The Biotic Compound contains two main structures. You must go to the bigger one and interact with the entrance. Instead of simply walking in, though, a voice talks to you through the door. The guy is not very inviting as he immediately tells you to go away.

RELATED: Mass Effect Races Ranked By Biotic Prowess

The conversation that follows is important as it heavily impacts the next few minutes of the quest. Depending on your dialog options , the biotics might allow you to meet with Major Kyle, or they may try to stop you from reaching their leader at all costs.

Peaceful Method

If you want to get in to see Major Kyle while avoiding bloodshed, pick the following options:

  • "I Have To See Major Kyle."
  • "I'm Here To Help" Or "Alliance Officers Are Dead."
  • "He Needs My Help." (Requires Charm Points) Or "He'll Get You All Killed." (Requires Intimidate Points)

Alternatively, if you chose the 'ruthless' background when creating your Shepard, you can just mention that you know Major Kyle , and you'll be allowed access to him.

The leader isn't actually inside the big building, though. He is in the bunker next to it , which you can now enter. Run through the place to find the Major in a room at the back of the structure .

Violent Method

Choosing the violent method makes the conversation go a lot quicker. All you need to say to the cultist is, "you can't keep me out." Then manually override the door to get inside, where a group of hostile biotics are waiting for you.

Having the absolute best weapons in the series isn't required to take these enemies down as they're not well armored. However, what they lack in defenses, they make up for it in their offensive abilities. Make use of cover to avoid getting knocked down and pick your shots.

You must fight your way to the control room on the first floor to find a terminal that allows you to unlock the bunker next door . After you do so, you can leave this building and enter said bunker .

RELATED: How Long Does It Take To Beat Mass Effect?

Naturally, this new place also contains plenty of enemies that are trying to protect their leader. Take them down and head to the rooms at the back of the complex . The one on the left has another enemy, while the one on the right contains Major Kyle.

Speaking With Major Kyle

Upon entering Major Kyle's room, a conversation triggers. Once again, this scene can end peacefully or with people dying .

From talking with Kyle, it's clear that he's not among the most evil villains in the series , so it's understandable if you want to stop the man without gunning him down. By saying these exact things, you can keep the peace:

  • "Where Are The Investigators?" (This First Choice Isn't As Important As The Other Ones)
  • "Safe? They're Not Safe!"
  • "You Can't Help Them Now." (Requires Charm Points) Or "Surrender Or They All Die!" (Requires Intimidate Points)
  • "I Know This Isn't Easy."
  • "I Believe You."

In this situation, causing things to turn violent is a simple task as most of the dialog options lead to guns being drawn .

For instance, you can simply say "enough crazy talk" when the opportunity presents itself, which will result in Shepard shooting Major Kyle. You then need to defend yourself against all of the cultists that remain alive.

Finishing The Mission And Triggering The Debrief

Whether Major Kyle and his followers are dead or not, you need to return to the Normandy and use the galaxy map to complete the mission . Hackett will then call in again and debrief you. After the talk is over, the assignment is complete.

NEXT: Mass Effect: Bring Down The Sky Walkthrough

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Mass Effect Assignments: how to start every side quest & assignment

While you’ll be doing a lot of running and gunning across the Galaxy, Mass Effect is still a traditional RPG in many ways. That naturally means a whole bunch of side quests - or Assignments,  as they’re known officially in the game.

As with the various character classes, abilities and class specializations in Mass Effect 1, the assignments featured are pretty typical RPG tropes - various quests that offer up rewards like XP, items, gear, paragon or renegade alignment points, and of course new and unique storylines. Completing the majority of the game nets you the ‘Completionist’ trophy/achievement - so if you’re going for that, you’ll need to tidy up the majority of the assignments.

One advantage of the branching, multi-game narrative of Mass Effect is that several of these side quests and assignments can also feature choices that have consequences in Mass Effect 2 and 3 - if you do the quest.

On this page, we’ll list every side quest assignment in Mass Effect, plus where to start them and any other key information completionists will need to know - broken up by each of Mass Effect’s core locations:

  • Citadel Assignments, part 1

Normandy Squadmate Assignments

  • Citadel Assignments, part 2
  • Story Planet Assignments on Feros, Noveria & Virmire
  • Citadel Assignments, part 3
  • DLC Assignments
  • Collectible assignments

Uncharted World Assignments


Citadel Assignments Part 1

These assignments are available from your very first visit to the Citadel very early in the game, though some assignments unlock gradually as more of the Citadel becomes available to you. 

  • Citadel: Asari Consort: visit the Consort’s Chambers on the Presidium and speak to Nelyna and then Sha’ira.
  • Citadel: Doctor Michel: head to the Lower Wards Med Clinic again any time after taking down Fist in Chora’s Den as part of the main story. 
  • This quest evolves into a ‘second part’ called ‘Citadel: Doctor Michel is Safe’
  • Citadel: Homecoming: once Tali has joined your party, speak to Samesh Bhatia near the embassy area commons area, not far from where there’s an Avina terminal.
  • This quest leads to several follow-up quests as the storyline twists and turns, including Citadel: Jahleed's Secret ,   Citadel: Jahleed and Chorban , followed by one of a number of finales such as Citadel: Jahleed Returns Materials , Citadel: Jahleed Arrested , Citadel: Jahleed Set Free . 
  • Citadel: Presidium Prophet: after the council reject your claims about Eden Prime and the Citadel: Expose Saren main quest begins, find a C-Sec Officer and Hanar on the Presidium in the wide open area near the Citadel Tower. 
  • Citadel: Reporter's Request: as soon as you can access the Upper Wards (once you’re working to expose Saren), find Emily Wong near the stairway to Flux. Alternatively, picking up the OSD in Fist’s office in Chora’s Den also retroactively gives you the quest. 
  • This quest evolves into Citadel: Rita's Sister and Chellick and Citadel: Rita's Sister is Safe as you progress it.
  • Citadel: Scan the Keepers: this assignment is dropped into your lap; after meeting the council, a Salarian is right in your path, fiddling with a keeper. A squadmate will even point them out. Chat to the Salarian, Chorban, to start the quest. If you’ve already started the Citadel: Jahleed’s Fears quest before this one, Chorban will move to the Lower Markets, where you can still get the quest from him. We’ve got a guide to the Keeper Locations to get you through this quest.
  • Depending on choices you make, this assignment will change into either Citadel: Schells' Scanner Given Away or Citadel: Schells has his Data .
  • Citadel: Signal Tracking: visit Flux Casino on the Lower Wards and examine a ‘Suspicious Gambling Machine’ in the upstairs corner to start this quest. We’ve got a guide on the signal tracking locations if you need help.
  • Citadel: The Fan: you’ll find Conrad Verner standing in the Markets area of the Upper Wards. There are three stages to this assignment; you’ll need to visit Verner when you first gain access to the wards, then again after becoming a Spectre, and one last time after completing any of the three main story worlds.
  • As it progresses, this quest changes name to Citadel: Xeltan Convinced .
  • Missing Person / UNC: Privateers: get this assignment by speaking to Garoth in the Citadel Tower after your second meeting with the council. Alternatively, it can be received by hacking a computer terminal on Noveria. It will also automatically trigger if you find and scan the MSV Majesty in the Horse Head Nebula.

Once you’re back on the Normandy after your first Citadel Visit, you’ll have the chance to talk to your squadmates during down time aboard the ship. If you keep talking to them, three of your alien squad members will have requests for you.

What squadmates have to say changes each time you complete a main story mission; you may have to complete one or two story missions before they give you their request and the associated assignment .

  • Garrus: Find Dr. Saleon: keep talking to Garrus and he’ll gradually reveal information about this C-Sec case gone wrong, which eventually gives you a location to head to.
  • Tali and the Geth / Tali’s Pilgrimage: Tali will tell you about her pilgrimage, but this assignment only pops when you clear a Geth Base on Solcrum as part of UNC: Geth Incursions. There’s a terminal you can interact with in that planet’s Geth Stronghold, and you can then gift that data to Tali aboard Normandy.
  • Wrex: Family Armor: keep talking to Wrex and talking about his past; he will ask you to retrieve his family armor, which was stolen. Alternatively, you can find the assignment goal on Tuntau in the Phoenix System of Argos Rho; finding the armor first gives you the quest, then you can turn it in by talking to Wrex. We recommend, for various reasons, that you do this quest before heading to Virmire .


Citadel Assignments Part 2

These assignments will be available the next time you visit the Citadel after completing any one of the three ‘core’ story planet missions of Therum, Noveria, or Feros .

Three of the quests that unlock this point are a branch based on your pre-service history character background - each background gets one exclusive side quest. The other three are available to all.

  • Citadel: I Remember Me: only available if your Shepard has the Colonist background. You’ll automatically get a call about this quest after arriving on the Citadel and using the elevator from the docking bay.
  • Citadel: Old Friends: only available if your Shepard has the Earthborn background. Find Finch in Chora’s Den.
  • Citadel: Old, Unhappy, Far-Off Things: only available if your Shepard has the Spacer background. Talk to Zabaleta in the Wards Access corridor area.
  • Citadel: Family Matter: near the Presidium financial district and Barla Von’s office, there's two people audibly arguing. Insert yourself into their conversation.
  • Citadel: Planting a Bug: you must have completed Citadel: Reporter’s Request for Emily Wong. If you have, find Wong in the Citadel Tower to get this continuation.
  • Citadel: Snap Inspection: this will automatically occur as you step off the Normandy when it first arrives back at the Citadel. 
  • Citadel: The Fourth Estate: the reporter Khalisah Al-Jilani can be found at the bottom of the elevator from the docking bay; talk to her to take on this verbally-charged assignment.

Story Planet Assignments: Feros, Noveria, & Virmire

Mass Effect’s handful of story-critical planets also have a few assignments of their own - though it’s only a few for each planet, and Therum actually has no side quests at all, being a much more straightforward affair. Here’s the quests you can expect on each planet:

Noveria Assignments:

  • Noveria: Espionage: as you explore the port in Noveria, you’ll be approached by an Asari named Mallene Calis, giving you this side quest. If you agree to help her, the quest continues. If you refuse, it is marked as completed.
  • Noveria: Smuggling: there’s a Hanar Merchant named Opold on Noveria, in the port area. Chat to it and it’ll ask for your help smuggling an item.

Feros Assignments:

  • Feros: Data Recovery: when you’re in the Mako heading from Zhu’s Hope to the ExoGeni facility, you can stop and head into ruins - speak to the scientists hiding within. 
  • Feros: Geth in the Tunnels: after speaking to Fai Dan as part of the main story and then dealing with some Geth, speak to him again. You can also get the quest by heading into the tunnels and blowing up the transmitter.
  • Feros: Power Cells: once you’ve met Fai Dan in Zhu’s Hope, talk to May O’Connell, who hangs out near the area entrance.
  • Feros: Varren Meat: once you’ve free reign to look around Zhu’s Hope, talk to Davin Reynolds.
  • Feros: Water Restoration: find and talk to Macha Doyle inside the Zhu’s Hope colony.

Virmire Assignments:

  • Virmire: Assisting Kirrahe's Team & Virmire: Wrex and the Genophage : both unmissable quests that will pop part-way into the Virmire mission - with the Wrex mission only happening if you recruited him. We’ve got a full guide to the choices on Virmire that helps explain the decisions you’re making here.

Citadel Assignments Part 3

While you can go back and forth to the Citadel as much as you like, these assignments will be made available when the story takes you back to the Citadel and for a brief period you can’t leave there. 

  • Citadel: Our Own Worst Enemy: once Captain Anderson asks you to meet him in Flux but before you do go to join him, talk to Charles Saracino, who is leading a group of protestors. 
  • Citadel: Negotiator's Request: once Captain Anderson asks you to meet him in Flux, you’ll be able to talk to Mr. Keeler near the entrance to Flux to get this assignment.

DLC Assignments: Bring Down the Sky & Pinnacle Station

The DLC for Mass Effect adds two new locations with associated story missions - Asteroid X57 and Pinnacle Station. Note that Pinnacle Station is only available in the original releases of the game, not the Legendary Edition remaster . Bring Down The Sky is available in both.

Bring Down the Sky / Asteroid X57 Assignments:

  • X57: Bring Down the Sky: simply land on the asteroid; this is the main story mission.
  • X57: Avoid the Blasting Caps: will be introduced to you over comms when you turn off the first fusion torch.
  • X57: Missing Engineers: either find one of the engineers out on the Asteroid or speak to Simon Atwell later in the main quest.

Pinnacle Station Assignments: 

  • Pinnacle Station: Combat Missions: visit Pinnacle Station. Talk to Admiral Ahern, then Ochren. 
  • Pinnacle Station: Convoy: clear Admiral Ahren’s special scenario to get this quest.
  • Pinnacle Station: Vidinos: beat the high score of a challenge to start this quest.

Galactic Collectible Assignments

Each of these five assignments relate to various resources that can be found on the uncharted worlds you can land the Mako on through the galaxy as presented in Mass Effect. Each of these quests automatically begins the first time that you pick up one of these resources on any uncharted world.

Keep in mind that in most of these cases, there are more of these resources to be found than required to finish each quest. Aside from some cash and XP, there is no bonus to finding ‘extra’ resources.

  • UNC: Prothean Data Discs
  • UNC: Turian Insignias
  • UNC: Valuable Minerals
  • UNC: Locate Signs of Battle
  • UNC: Asari Writings


These assignments make up the bulk of the side quests in the game - relatively random encounters you can have out in space while exploring the galaxy.

Most of these quests can be acquired in multiple ways - either through stumbling on the quest location while exploring a planet, through hacking computers and terminals, through overheard news reports and banter, or even through distress signals. Many of these quests have multiple names depending on how you first acquire them - so we bundle each quest together with its multiple monikers below.

  • UNC: Asari Diplomacy / Mercenaries: after completing one story planet, talk to Nassana Dantius in the lounge area of the Citadel’s Presidium embassies area. Alternatively, the quest automatically begins if you assault a merc base on Sharjila in the Macedon system.
  • UNC: Colony of the Dead / Investigate Samples: hack a terminal in the ExoGeni building on Feros - or go to Chasca in the Matano system and enter one of the planet’s research stations.
  • UNC: Dead Scientists / Doctor at Risk: find a clue on a terminal on Noveria, or get it automatically when you first enter the Newton system.
  • UNC: Derelict Freighter: any time after finishing the story mission on Feros, find this ship drifting in the Caspian System of the Maroon Sea Cluster, hidden in an asteroid belt. 
  • UNC: Distress Call / Unusual Readings: hack the computer in Udina’s office on the Citadel, or go to Metgos in the Argos Rho cluster’s Hydra system.
  • UNC: Espionage Probe / Investigate Shipments: simply take the Normandy to the Voyager Cluster’s Amazon system.
  • UNC: ExoGeni Facility / Investigate Facility: obtain the quest by unearthing a transmission while on Feros, or get the assignment by landing on Nodacrux in the Maroon Sea cluster.
  • UNC: Geth Incursions / Geth Activities: acquired by hacking a Geth terminal on Feros or terminal on Virmire, but it’s more easily obtained by visiting the Armstrong Nebula, where it’ll be given to you on arrival.
  • UNC: Hostage: you’ll get a message from Admiral Hackett the first time you enter the Farinata System of the Hades Gamma cluster.
  • UNC: Hostile Takeover / A Person of Interest: either talk to Helena Blake in the Citadel Presidium Financial District after becoming a Spectre, or decrypt a terminal in C-Sec Academy.
  • UNC: Major Kyle / Strange Transmission: unlocked by hacking various terminals on Feros, the Citadel, or Noveria. Alternatively, navigate to the Century system of the Hawking Eta cluster to get it automatically.
  • UNC: Missing Marines / UNC: Cerberus / UNC: Hades' Dogs: after becoming a Spectre, speak to Admiral Kahoku in the Citadel Tower to get the Missing Marines assignment. Alternatively, take Normandy to Edolus in the Artemis Tau cluster to get the assignment that way. Once Missing Marines is completed, UNC: Cerberus triggers when you next use the galaxy map, and that quest leads directly to UNC: Hades’ Dogs. 
  • UNC: Listening Post Alpha / UNC: Listening Post Theta / UNC: Depot Sigma-23: after completing Noveria, go to the Styx Theta cluster. Enter the Erebus system to pick up a distress signal.
  • UNC: Lost Freighter: locate the missing ship in the Gemini Sigma cluster’s Ming System. 
  • UNC: Lost Module: simply enter the Hercules system in the Attican Beta cluster to be given the assignment. 
  • UNC: Missing Survey Team: commonly overheard in Citadel elevators. Alternatively, just go to the planet Trebin in the Hades Gamma cluster’s Antaeus system.
  • UNC: Privateers / Missing Person: talk to Garoth on the Citadel Tower after becoming a Spectre. Alternatively, find and scan the MSV Majesty in the  Horse Head Nebula. It’s near the planet Xawin.
  • UNC: Rogue VI: once you reach a certain level, Admiral Hackett will call you to give you this assignment the next time you travel to a new system. This assignment is how you unlock Shepard’s specialization class .

Finally, there are two assignments that are exclusive to different moralities. They only trigger if you've amassed a certain amount of Paragon or Renegade points, and are themed around what each morality axis is good at:

  • UNC: Besieged Base:  Admiral Hackett will contact you when you use the Galaxy Map once you qualify, which will require at least 80% of Paragon points.
  • UNC: The Negotiation:  Admiral Hackett will contact you when you use the Galaxy Map once you qualify, which will require at least 80% Renegade points.

Finished with ME1? We've got the same guide for the ME2 side quests if you enjoyed this - just click on through!

Mass Effect Wiki

UNC: Collection Complete

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UNC: Collection Complete can refer to one of three assignments in your journal after they are completed:

  • UNC: Asari Writings
  • UNC: Prothean Data Discs
  • UNC: Turian Insignias
  • Mass Effect


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    Rogue VI. By KBABZ , IGN-GameGuides , Jason Burton , +5.3k more. updated Jan 21, 2022. This page of IGN's Mass Effect wiki guide is all about the UNC: Rogue VI Assignment Side-Quest, including ...

  3. Hostile Takeover

    updated Jan 18, 2022. This page of IGN's Mass Effect wiki guide is all about the UNC: Hostile Takeover Assignment Side-Quest, including where to find all the items, how to survive the combat ...

  4. Mass Effect

    Mass Effect - Collection Assignments. Last Updated: 2021-04-09. Collection assignments include: UNC: Asari Writings (10/16 to complete) UNC: Locate Signs of Battle (10/12 Medallions and 3/4 ID Tags to complete) UNC: Prothean Data Discs (7/10 to complete) UNC: Turian Insignias (13/17 To complete) UNC: Valuable Minerals (discover all minerals ...

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  6. Steam Community :: Guide :: UNC Collection Assignments

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  8. UNC: Dead Scientists

    The guide for Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition features all there is to see and do including a walkthrough containing coverage of all Assignments, detailed breakdown of all the important choices, class builds and much more! Full coverage of all the Main Missions. Every Assignment covered. In-depth look at the major choices and consequences of each.

  9. Unusual Readings

    The guide for Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition features all there is to see and do including a walkthrough containing coverage of all Assignments, detailed breakdown of all the important choices, class builds and much more! Full coverage of all the Main Missions. Every Assignment covered. In-depth look at the major choices and consequences of each.

  10. UNC: The Negotiation

    Admiral Hackett has asked you to negotiate a treaty with a man named Darius in the Plutus System system [sic]. The treaty concerns mining rights on an asteroid rich in Element Zero. You are authorized to make any financial or diplomatic concessions necessary to secure mining rights to the asteroid. This assignment only becomes available when you have hit 80% Renegade, or 90% Renegade if you ...

  11. UNC: Besieged Base

    Biotic fanatics have taken over a medical station and drugged innocent researchers to serve as human shields. You must eliminate the biotics while minimizing innocent casualties. This assignment only becomes available when you hit 80% Paragon, or 90% Paragon if you had attained 80% Renegade first. Admiral Hackett explains the situation and sends you to the planet Chohe, in the Cacus system of ...

  12. Hostage

    This page of IGN's Mass Effect wiki guide is all about the UNC: Hostage Assignment Side-Quest, including where to find all the items, how to survive the

  13. Mass Effect: UNC: Major Kyle Assignment Walkthrough

    The original Mass Effect game has plenty of enjoyable assignments that teach you the universe's lore.For instance, if you want to understand more about how galactic society treats biotics, UNC: Major Kyle is a good one to play. RELATED: Mass Effect: Asari Consort Walkthrough The assignment is about an unstable Alliance Officer who's formed a biotic cult.

  14. When do you complete UNC/Citadel assignments? ME1 mission order

    Bring down the sky. Return to citadel and finish the 2nd half of side quests (excluding ones that require you to leave the Citadel) Do some more UNC assignments (specifically the ones that reward morality points) Feros and it's assignments. Some UNC assignments and the ones that you were given on the Citadel that require you to leave.

  15. UNC: Valuable Materials

    The guide for Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition features all there is to see and do including a walkthrough containing coverage of all Assignments, detailed breakdown of all the important choices, class builds and much more! Full coverage of all the Main Missions. Every Assignment covered. In-depth look at the major choices and consequences of each.

  16. UNC: Side Quests

    UNC: Side Quests. By KBABZ , IGN-GameGuides , Jason Burton , +5.3k more. updated Feb 5, 2021. UNC side quests are the ones which come to your terminal on the Normandy itself. Unlike the other side ...

  17. Mass Effect Assignments: how to start every side quest & assignment

    UNC: Lost Module: simply enter the Hercules system in the Attican Beta cluster to be given the assignment. UNC: Missing Survey Team: commonly overheard in Citadel elevators. Alternatively, just go ...

  18. Category:Collection Assignments

    This category comprises all of the collection assignments available in Mass Effect . Main article: Assignments. To add an article to this category, put [[Category:Collection Assignments]] at the end of that article. A. UNC: Asari Writings.

  19. UNC: Hostage

    The guide for Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition features all there is to see and do including a walkthrough containing coverage of all Assignments, detailed breakdown of all the important choices, class builds and much more! Full coverage of all the Main Missions. Every Assignment covered. In-depth look at the major choices and consequences of each.

  20. Mass Effect Assignments

    Galaxy Collection Assignments. UNC: Prothean Data Discs → UNC: Collection Complete. UNC: Turian Insignias → UNC: Collection Complete. UNC: Valuable Minerals → UNC: Survey is Complete. UNC: Locate Signs of Battle → UNC: Entire Collection is Found. UNC: Asari Writings → UNC: Collection Complete.

  21. UNC: Valuable Minerals

    Mass Effect Wiki. in: Assignments, Collection Assignments, Uncharted, Mass Effect. English. UNC: Valuable Minerals. To maintain its fleets and continue to expand, the Alliance must find new resources wherever it can. You've recently surveyed an important deposit and claimed it for the Alliance. There must be more like them in the Traverse .

  22. UNC: Collection Complete

    Mass Effect Wiki. in: Assignments, Collection Assignments, Uncharted, Mass Effect. UNC: Collection Complete. UNC: Collection Complete can refer to one of three assignments in your journal after they are completed: UNC: Asari Writings. UNC: Prothean Data Discs. UNC: Turian Insignias.