77 interesting medical research topics for 2024

Last updated

25 November 2023

Reviewed by

Brittany Ferri, PhD, OTR/L

Medical research is the gateway to improved patient care and expanding our available treatment options. However, finding a relevant and compelling research topic can be challenging.

Use this article as a jumping-off point to select an interesting medical research topic for your next paper or clinical study.

  • How to choose a medical research topic

When choosing a research topic , it’s essential to consider a couple of things. What topics interest you? What unanswered questions do you want to address? 

During the decision-making and brainstorming process, here are a few helpful tips to help you pick the right medical research topic:

Focus on a particular field of study

The best medical research is specific to a particular area. Generalized studies are often too broad to produce meaningful results, so we advise picking a specific niche early in the process. 

Maybe a certain topic interests you, or your industry knowledge reveals areas of need.

Look into commonly researched topics

Once you’ve chosen your research field, do some preliminary research. What have other academics done in their papers and projects? 

From this list, you can focus on specific topics that interest you without accidentally creating a copycat project. This groundwork will also help you uncover any literature gaps—those may be beneficial areas for research.

Get curious and ask questions

Now you can get curious. Ask questions that start with why, how, or what. These questions are the starting point of your project design and will act as your guiding light throughout the process. 

For example: 

What impact does pollution have on children’s lung function in inner-city neighborhoods? 

Why is pollution-based asthma on the rise? 

How can we address pollution-induced asthma in young children? 

  • 77 medical research topics worth exploring in 2023

Need some research inspiration for your upcoming paper or clinical study? We’ve compiled a list of 77 topical and in-demand medical research ideas. Let’s take a look. 

  • Exciting new medical research topics

If you want to study cutting-edge topics, here are some exciting options:

COVID-19 and long COVID symptoms

Since 2020, COVID-19 has been a hot-button topic in medicine, along with the long-term symptoms in those with a history of COVID-19. 

Examples of COVID-19-related research topics worth exploring include:

The long-term impact of COVID-19 on cardiac and respiratory health

COVID-19 vaccination rates

The evolution of COVID-19 symptoms over time

New variants and strains of the COVID-19 virus

Changes in social behavior and public health regulations amid COVID-19


Finding ways to cure or reduce the disease burden of chronic infectious diseases is a crucial research area. Vaccination is a powerful option and a great topic to research. 

Examples of vaccination-related research topics include:

mRNA vaccines for viral infections

Biomaterial vaccination capabilities

Vaccination rates based on location, ethnicity, or age

Public opinion about vaccination safety 

Artificial tissues fabrication

With the need for donor organs increasing, finding ways to fabricate artificial bioactive tissues (and possibly organs) is a popular research area. 

Examples of artificial tissue-related research topics you can study include:

The viability of artificially printed tissues

Tissue substrate and building block material studies

The ethics and efficacy of artificial tissue creation

  • Medical research topics for medical students

For many medical students, research is a big driver for entering healthcare. If you’re a medical student looking for a research topic, here are some great ideas to work from:

Sleep disorders

Poor sleep quality is a growing problem, and it can significantly impact a person’s overall health. 

Examples of sleep disorder-related research topics include:

How stress affects sleep quality

The prevalence and impact of insomnia on patients with mental health conditions

Possible triggers for sleep disorder development

The impact of poor sleep quality on psychological and physical health

How melatonin supplements impact sleep quality

Alzheimer’s and dementia 

Cognitive conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are on the rise worldwide. They currently have no cure. As a result, research about these topics is in high demand. 

Examples of dementia-related research topics you could explore include:

The prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease in a chosen population

Early onset symptoms of dementia

Possible triggers or causes of cognitive decline with age

Treatment options for dementia-like conditions

The mental and physical burden of caregiving for patients with dementia

  • Lifestyle habits and public health

Modern lifestyles have profoundly impacted the average person’s daily habits, and plenty of interesting topics explore its effects. 

Examples of lifestyle and public health-related research topics include:

The nutritional intake of college students

The impact of chronic work stress on overall health

The rise of upper back and neck pain from laptop use

Prevalence and cause of repetitive strain injuries (RSI)

  • Controversial medical research paper topics

Medical research is a hotbed of controversial topics, content, and areas of study. 

If you want to explore a more niche (and attention-grabbing) concept, here are some controversial medical research topics worth looking into:

The benefits and risks of medical cannabis

Depending on where you live, the legalization and use of cannabis for medical conditions is controversial for the general public and healthcare providers.

Examples of medical cannabis-related research topics that might grab your attention include:

The legalization process of medical cannabis

The impact of cannabis use on developmental milestones in youth users

Cannabis and mental health diagnoses

CBD’s impact on chronic pain

Prevalence of cannabis use in young people

The impact of maternal cannabis use on fetal development 

Understanding how THC impacts cognitive function

Human genetics

The Human Genome Project identified, mapped, and sequenced all human DNA genes. Its completion in 2003 opened up a world of exciting and controversial studies in human genetics.

Examples of human genetics-related research topics worth delving into include:

Medical genetics and the incidence of genetic-based health disorders

Behavioral genetics differences between identical twins

Genetic risk factors for neurodegenerative disorders

Machine learning technologies for genetic research

Sexual health studies

Human sexuality and sexual health are important (yet often stigmatized) medical topics that need new research and analysis.

As a diverse field ranging from sexual orientation studies to sexual pathophysiology, examples of sexual health-related research topics include:

The incidence of sexually transmitted infections within a chosen population

Mental health conditions within the LGBTQIA+ community

The impact of untreated sexually transmitted infections

Access to safe sex resources (condoms, dental dams, etc.) in rural areas

  • Health and wellness research topics

Human wellness and health are trendy topics in modern medicine as more people are interested in finding natural ways to live healthier lifestyles. 

If this field of study interests you, here are some big topics in the wellness space:

Gluten sensitivity

Gluten allergies and intolerances have risen over the past few decades. If you’re interested in exploring this topic, your options range in severity from mild gastrointestinal symptoms to full-blown anaphylaxis. 

Some examples of gluten sensitivity-related research topics include:

The pathophysiology and incidence of Celiac disease

Early onset symptoms of gluten intolerance

The prevalence of gluten allergies within a set population

Gluten allergies and the incidence of other gastrointestinal health conditions

Pollution and lung health

Living in large urban cities means regular exposure to high levels of pollutants. 

As more people become interested in protecting their lung health, examples of impactful lung health and pollution-related research topics include:

The extent of pollution in densely packed urban areas

The prevalence of pollution-based asthma in a set population

Lung capacity and function in young people

The benefits and risks of steroid therapy for asthma

Pollution risks based on geographical location

Plant-based diets

Plant-based diets like vegan and paleo diets are emerging trends in healthcare due to their limited supporting research. 

If you’re interested in learning more about the potential benefits or risks of holistic, diet-based medicine, examples of plant-based diet research topics to explore include:

Vegan and plant-based diets as part of disease management

Potential risks and benefits of specific plant-based diets

Plant-based diets and their impact on body mass index

The effect of diet and lifestyle on chronic disease management

Health supplements

Supplements are a multi-billion dollar industry. Many health-conscious people take supplements, including vitamins, minerals, herbal medicine, and more. 

Examples of health supplement-related research topics worth investigating include:

Omega-3 fish oil safety and efficacy for cardiac patients

The benefits and risks of regular vitamin D supplementation

Health supplementation regulation and product quality

The impact of social influencer marketing on consumer supplement practices

Analyzing added ingredients in protein powders

  • Healthcare research topics

Working within the healthcare industry means you have insider knowledge and opportunity. Maybe you’d like to research the overall system, administration, and inherent biases that disrupt access to quality care. 

While these topics are essential to explore, it is important to note that these studies usually require approval and oversight from an Institutional Review Board (IRB). This ensures the study is ethical and does not harm any subjects. 

For this reason, the IRB sets protocols that require additional planning, so consider this when mapping out your study’s timeline. 

Here are some examples of trending healthcare research areas worth pursuing:

The pros and cons of electronic health records

The rise of electronic healthcare charting and records has forever changed how medical professionals and patients interact with their health data. 

Examples of electronic health record-related research topics include:

The number of medication errors reported during a software switch

Nurse sentiment analysis of electronic charting practices

Ethical and legal studies into encrypting and storing personal health data

Inequities within healthcare access

Many barriers inhibit people from accessing the quality medical care they need. These issues result in health disparities and injustices. 

Examples of research topics about health inequities include:

The impact of social determinants of health in a set population

Early and late-stage cancer stage diagnosis in urban vs. rural populations

Affordability of life-saving medications

Health insurance limitations and their impact on overall health

Diagnostic and treatment rates across ethnicities

People who belong to an ethnic minority are more likely to experience barriers and restrictions when trying to receive quality medical care. This is due to systemic healthcare racism and bias. 

As a result, diagnostic and treatment rates in minority populations are a hot-button field of research. Examples of ethnicity-based research topics include:

Cancer biopsy rates in BIPOC women

The prevalence of diabetes in Indigenous communities

Access inequalities in women’s health preventative screenings

The prevalence of undiagnosed hypertension in Black populations

  • Pharmaceutical research topics

Large pharmaceutical companies are incredibly interested in investing in research to learn more about potential cures and treatments for diseases. 

If you’re interested in building a career in pharmaceutical research, here are a few examples of in-demand research topics:

Cancer treatment options

Clinical research is in high demand as pharmaceutical companies explore novel cancer treatment options outside of chemotherapy and radiation. 

Examples of cancer treatment-related research topics include:

Stem cell therapy for cancer

Oncogenic gene dysregulation and its impact on disease

Cancer-causing viral agents and their risks

Treatment efficacy based on early vs. late-stage cancer diagnosis

Cancer vaccines and targeted therapies

Immunotherapy for cancer

Pain medication alternatives

Historically, opioid medications were the primary treatment for short- and long-term pain. But, with the opioid epidemic getting worse, the need for alternative pain medications has never been more urgent. 

Examples of pain medication-related research topics include:

Opioid withdrawal symptoms and risks

Early signs of pain medication misuse

Anti-inflammatory medications for pain control

  • Identify trends in your medical research with Dovetail

Are you interested in contributing life-changing research? Today’s medical research is part of the future of clinical patient care. 

As your go-to resource for speedy and accurate data analysis , we are proud to partner with healthcare researchers to innovate and improve the future of healthcare.

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100+ Medical Research Paper Topics for Students

Medical technology research paper topics

The medical field is vast and rich, so choosing a medical topic for a research paper is easy. However, the abundance of medical topics to research can also make choosing the “best” one a daunting task. Medical research topics are about drugs and their interactions and those expounding on the root causes of diseases. There are a variety of topics in medicine to discuss, spanning the different angles of the field, including medical social issues research topics .

Tips for Choosing the Best Research Topics in Medicine

Best topics for medical research paper, great research health topics on genetics for an a+ paper, interesting healthcare research topics, research topics in healthcare: pediatric medicine, anatomical research topics for healthcare to write on, amazing health care topics to write about, top medical research paper topics today, medical research papers topics on public health, audience attention-grabbing medical topics for research paper, interesting medical topics to research on, interesting medical topics for presentation, healthcare research topics for college students.

If you find it difficult to choose a medical research topic for your paper, that is to be expected. This article will give you 100+ medical research topics to work on, spanning different aspects of medicine. However, before that, we will show you how to select the best-med research topics. Whether you’re looking for argumentative essay topics or anatomy research paper topics , there is no dearth of medical research topics.

Choosing a research topic, even if it’s an interesting thesis statement about social media , is often more challenging than the actual writing. To be able to do justice to these medical research topics, you need to choose topics that inspire you. Below are our A+ tips for choosing the best medical topics to write about:

  • Choose medicine research topics you are interested in; whether you’re working on economics research paper topics or biochemistry topics , personal interest is vital.
  • Choose a few med research topics first; then, sift through scholarly articles to get updated with the latest medical developments and issues.
  • Understand the why, how, and what of your research; how will it contribute to the existing knowledge body?
  • Choose healthcare research topics that are neither general nor too narrow; there should be sufficient research scope.
  • Choose a significant medical research topic for you and your chosen career path.

You’re close to a breakthrough now that you know what factors to consider when choosing health topics to research. There are many places to get inspiration, including research topics on medicine. Below, we have compiled some of the best research topics in health.

  • The genetics of epilepsy
  • Clinical genetic research malpractice
  • The concept of reverse genetics in creating vaccines
  • GNE myopathy: therapies
  • Brain imaging
  • Genes behind juvenile idiopathic arthritis
  • How screenings help gynecologic cancer prevention
  • Drug addiction: the genetics
  • Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease: exploring the genetic similarities
  • Genetic factors in HIV
  • Telehealth: meaning and benefits
  • Eating disorders
  • Staying healthy while studying
  • Health fraud
  • Occupation diseases: how are they classified?
  • Effective measures to help reduce sports injuries
  • Safe use of medical devices
  • Is mental disorder curable?
  • Causative diseases of B vitamins deficiency
  • Regular exercise and heart health
  • Non-therapeutic ADHD medication use in children
  • Type 1 diabetes in children: effective management
  • Movement disorders in children
  • Secondhand smoking: its effect on children
  • Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
  • Children exposed to meningitis
  • Autism in children
  • How exposure to air pollution affects prenatal
  • Diagnosis and management of childhood asthma
  • Prevention strategies for obesity in children
  • Human microbial ecology: the latest discoveries
  • How to attenuate arthritic bone tissue destruction
  • Brain changes in stroke survivors
  • Cancer effect on bone marrow
  • Effective diagnostic methods of endometriosis
  • Photoperiodic changes and their effect on brainstem volume
  • The crystal structure of human enamel
  • Measuring musculoskeletal and neuromuscular function
  • Extensor hallucis longus in hallux pathology
  • Obesity and knee osteoarthritis
  • Pandemic vs. epidemic
  • The placebo effect of homeopathic medicine
  • Causes and treatment for virus infection
  • Brain injuries
  • Chronic diseases
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Effects of circumcision
  • Medical approaches to abortion
  • Legalization of marijuana for medicine
  • Effect of environmental changes on human health
  • Urban pollution and respiratory diseases: exploring the relationship
  • Communication disorders
  • Why are cancer cases increasing?
  • Latest developments in HIV/AIDs
  • Medical tools and instruments: latest innovations
  • Effect of terrorism on mental health
  • Insulin resistance
  • Genetic engineering
  • Adverse effects of smoking on vital organs
  • Developments in breast cancer research
  • Management principle of healthcare professionals
  • Private hospitals vs. public hospitals
  • Who should be held responsible for surgery failures?
  • The anti-vaccine movement
  • Cancer treatments: estimated costs
  • Hospital administration and their legal responsibilities
  • The upside to national healthcare systems
  • Anxiety disorders: causes and treatment
  • Public policies on mental health
  • Treatment of childhood trauma in public healthcare systems
  • Schizophrenia
  • Anorexia vs. Bulimia
  • Postpartum depression
  • The mental health of rape victims
  • Side effects of chemotherapy
  • Child vaccination programs: benefits and limitations
  • Medical internships: the benefits
  • Use of AI in medicine
  • Doctors’ roles vs. nurses’ roles
  • Poor sanitation: management in developing countries
  • Sleep paralysis
  • Vaccination: benefits and side effects
  • Eating disorders: causes and remedies
  • Sexual organ transplantation
  • Challenges in biomedical research
  • The importance of the lymphatic system
  • Functions of thyroid glands on the body
  • The digestive system
  • The developmental stages of the human muscular system
  • Antibiotic resistance
  • Effects of air pollution on health
  • Aging: biological effects
  • Contraception
  • Surrogacy vs. artificial insemination
  • Causative diseases for hair loss
  • Effect or non-effect of alcohol on the bone marrow
  • Tongue disorders
  • Understanding when chest pain becomes severe
  • The relationship between diabetes and eye problems
  • Alternative medicine and complementary medicine: is one better than the other?
  • The reversal potentials of diabetic nerve damage
  • Thrombocytopenia: do they cause bleeding disorders?
  • Does one’s ethnic group influence one’s susceptibility to metabolic syndrome?
  • Mandating flu vaccination for health workers

There are thousands of ideas and angles to explore in the medical field. With the 100+ interesting medical topics for the research papers that we have provided, you have options to work with. The tips for choosing a topic can also help you sift through research topics for STEM students , among others, to choose the best.

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Research Topics & Ideas: Healthcare

100+ Healthcare Research Topic Ideas To Fast-Track Your Project

Healthcare-related research topics and ideas

Finding and choosing a strong research topic is the critical first step when it comes to crafting a high-quality dissertation, thesis or research project. If you’ve landed on this post, chances are you’re looking for a healthcare-related research topic , but aren’t sure where to start. Here, we’ll explore a variety of healthcare-related research ideas and topic thought-starters across a range of healthcare fields, including allopathic and alternative medicine, dentistry, physical therapy, optometry, pharmacology and public health.

NB – This is just the start…

The topic ideation and evaluation process has multiple steps . In this post, we’ll kickstart the process by sharing some research topic ideas within the healthcare domain. This is the starting point, but to develop a well-defined research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , along with a well-justified plan of action to fill that gap.

If you’re new to the oftentimes perplexing world of research, or if this is your first time undertaking a formal academic research project, be sure to check out our free dissertation mini-course. In it, we cover the process of writing a dissertation or thesis from start to end. Be sure to also sign up for our free webinar that explores how to find a high-quality research topic.

Overview: Healthcare Research Topics

  • Allopathic medicine
  • Alternative /complementary medicine
  • Veterinary medicine
  • Physical therapy/ rehab
  • Optometry and ophthalmology
  • Pharmacy and pharmacology
  • Public health
  • Examples of healthcare-related dissertations

Allopathic (Conventional) Medicine

  • The effectiveness of telemedicine in remote elderly patient care
  • The impact of stress on the immune system of cancer patients
  • The effects of a plant-based diet on chronic diseases such as diabetes
  • The use of AI in early cancer diagnosis and treatment
  • The role of the gut microbiome in mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety
  • The efficacy of mindfulness meditation in reducing chronic pain: A systematic review
  • The benefits and drawbacks of electronic health records in a developing country
  • The effects of environmental pollution on breast milk quality
  • The use of personalized medicine in treating genetic disorders
  • The impact of social determinants of health on chronic diseases in Asia
  • The role of high-intensity interval training in improving cardiovascular health
  • The efficacy of using probiotics for gut health in pregnant women
  • The impact of poor sleep on the treatment of chronic illnesses
  • The role of inflammation in the development of chronic diseases such as lupus
  • The effectiveness of physiotherapy in pain control post-surgery

Research topic idea mega list

Topics & Ideas: Alternative Medicine

  • The benefits of herbal medicine in treating young asthma patients
  • The use of acupuncture in treating infertility in women over 40 years of age
  • The effectiveness of homoeopathy in treating mental health disorders: A systematic review
  • The role of aromatherapy in reducing stress and anxiety post-surgery
  • The impact of mindfulness meditation on reducing high blood pressure
  • The use of chiropractic therapy in treating back pain of pregnant women
  • The efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine such as Shun-Qi-Tong-Xie (SQTX) in treating digestive disorders in China
  • The impact of yoga on physical and mental health in adolescents
  • The benefits of hydrotherapy in treating musculoskeletal disorders such as tendinitis
  • The role of Reiki in promoting healing and relaxation post birth
  • The effectiveness of naturopathy in treating skin conditions such as eczema
  • The use of deep tissue massage therapy in reducing chronic pain in amputees
  • The impact of tai chi on the treatment of anxiety and depression
  • The benefits of reflexology in treating stress, anxiety and chronic fatigue
  • The role of acupuncture in the prophylactic management of headaches and migraines

Research topic evaluator

Topics & Ideas: Dentistry

  • The impact of sugar consumption on the oral health of infants
  • The use of digital dentistry in improving patient care: A systematic review
  • The efficacy of orthodontic treatments in correcting bite problems in adults
  • The role of dental hygiene in preventing gum disease in patients with dental bridges
  • The impact of smoking on oral health and tobacco cessation support from UK dentists
  • The benefits of dental implants in restoring missing teeth in adolescents
  • The use of lasers in dental procedures such as root canals
  • The efficacy of root canal treatment using high-frequency electric pulses in saving infected teeth
  • The role of fluoride in promoting remineralization and slowing down demineralization
  • The impact of stress-induced reflux on oral health
  • The benefits of dental crowns in restoring damaged teeth in elderly patients
  • The use of sedation dentistry in managing dental anxiety in children
  • The efficacy of teeth whitening treatments in improving dental aesthetics in patients with braces
  • The role of orthodontic appliances in improving well-being
  • The impact of periodontal disease on overall health and chronic illnesses

Free Webinar: How To Find A Dissertation Research Topic

Tops & Ideas: Veterinary Medicine

  • The impact of nutrition on broiler chicken production
  • The role of vaccines in disease prevention in horses
  • The importance of parasite control in animal health in piggeries
  • The impact of animal behaviour on welfare in the dairy industry
  • The effects of environmental pollution on the health of cattle
  • The role of veterinary technology such as MRI in animal care
  • The importance of pain management in post-surgery health outcomes
  • The impact of genetics on animal health and disease in layer chickens
  • The effectiveness of alternative therapies in veterinary medicine: A systematic review
  • The role of veterinary medicine in public health: A case study of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • The impact of climate change on animal health and infectious diseases in animals
  • The importance of animal welfare in veterinary medicine and sustainable agriculture
  • The effects of the human-animal bond on canine health
  • The role of veterinary medicine in conservation efforts: A case study of Rhinoceros poaching in Africa
  • The impact of veterinary research of new vaccines on animal health

Topics & Ideas: Physical Therapy/Rehab

  • The efficacy of aquatic therapy in improving joint mobility and strength in polio patients
  • The impact of telerehabilitation on patient outcomes in Germany
  • The effect of kinesiotaping on reducing knee pain and improving function in individuals with chronic pain
  • A comparison of manual therapy and yoga exercise therapy in the management of low back pain
  • The use of wearable technology in physical rehabilitation and the impact on patient adherence to a rehabilitation plan
  • The impact of mindfulness-based interventions in physical therapy in adolescents
  • The effects of resistance training on individuals with Parkinson’s disease
  • The role of hydrotherapy in the management of fibromyalgia
  • The impact of cognitive-behavioural therapy in physical rehabilitation for individuals with chronic pain
  • The use of virtual reality in physical rehabilitation of sports injuries
  • The effects of electrical stimulation on muscle function and strength in athletes
  • The role of physical therapy in the management of stroke recovery: A systematic review
  • The impact of pilates on mental health in individuals with depression
  • The use of thermal modalities in physical therapy and its effectiveness in reducing pain and inflammation
  • The effect of strength training on balance and gait in elderly patients

Topics & Ideas: Optometry & Opthalmology

  • The impact of screen time on the vision and ocular health of children under the age of 5
  • The effects of blue light exposure from digital devices on ocular health
  • The role of dietary interventions, such as the intake of whole grains, in the management of age-related macular degeneration
  • The use of telemedicine in optometry and ophthalmology in the UK
  • The impact of myopia control interventions on African American children’s vision
  • The use of contact lenses in the management of dry eye syndrome: different treatment options
  • The effects of visual rehabilitation in individuals with traumatic brain injury
  • The role of low vision rehabilitation in individuals with age-related vision loss: challenges and solutions
  • The impact of environmental air pollution on ocular health
  • The effectiveness of orthokeratology in myopia control compared to contact lenses
  • The role of dietary supplements, such as omega-3 fatty acids, in ocular health
  • The effects of ultraviolet radiation exposure from tanning beds on ocular health
  • The impact of computer vision syndrome on long-term visual function
  • The use of novel diagnostic tools in optometry and ophthalmology in developing countries
  • The effects of virtual reality on visual perception and ocular health: an examination of dry eye syndrome and neurologic symptoms

Topics & Ideas: Pharmacy & Pharmacology

  • The impact of medication adherence on patient outcomes in cystic fibrosis
  • The use of personalized medicine in the management of chronic diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease
  • The effects of pharmacogenomics on drug response and toxicity in cancer patients
  • The role of pharmacists in the management of chronic pain in primary care
  • The impact of drug-drug interactions on patient mental health outcomes
  • The use of telepharmacy in healthcare: Present status and future potential
  • The effects of herbal and dietary supplements on drug efficacy and toxicity
  • The role of pharmacists in the management of type 1 diabetes
  • The impact of medication errors on patient outcomes and satisfaction
  • The use of technology in medication management in the USA
  • The effects of smoking on drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics: A case study of clozapine
  • Leveraging the role of pharmacists in preventing and managing opioid use disorder
  • The impact of the opioid epidemic on public health in a developing country
  • The use of biosimilars in the management of the skin condition psoriasis
  • The effects of the Affordable Care Act on medication utilization and patient outcomes in African Americans

Topics & Ideas: Public Health

  • The impact of the built environment and urbanisation on physical activity and obesity
  • The effects of food insecurity on health outcomes in Zimbabwe
  • The role of community-based participatory research in addressing health disparities
  • The impact of social determinants of health, such as racism, on population health
  • The effects of heat waves on public health
  • The role of telehealth in addressing healthcare access and equity in South America
  • The impact of gun violence on public health in South Africa
  • The effects of chlorofluorocarbons air pollution on respiratory health
  • The role of public health interventions in reducing health disparities in the USA
  • The impact of the United States Affordable Care Act on access to healthcare and health outcomes
  • The effects of water insecurity on health outcomes in the Middle East
  • The role of community health workers in addressing healthcare access and equity in low-income countries
  • The impact of mass incarceration on public health and behavioural health of a community
  • The effects of floods on public health and healthcare systems
  • The role of social media in public health communication and behaviour change in adolescents

Examples: Healthcare Dissertation & Theses

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a healthcare-related research topic, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual dissertations and theses to see how this all comes together.

Below, we’ve included a selection of research projects from various healthcare-related degree programs to help refine your thinking. These are actual dissertations and theses, written as part of Master’s and PhD-level programs, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • Improving Follow-Up Care for Homeless Populations in North County San Diego (Sanchez, 2021)
  • On the Incentives of Medicare’s Hospital Reimbursement and an Examination of Exchangeability (Elzinga, 2016)
  • Managing the healthcare crisis: the career narratives of nurses (Krueger, 2021)
  • Methods for preventing central line-associated bloodstream infection in pediatric haematology-oncology patients: A systematic literature review (Balkan, 2020)
  • Farms in Healthcare: Enhancing Knowledge, Sharing, and Collaboration (Garramone, 2019)
  • When machine learning meets healthcare: towards knowledge incorporation in multimodal healthcare analytics (Yuan, 2020)
  • Integrated behavioural healthcare: The future of rural mental health (Fox, 2019)
  • Healthcare service use patterns among autistic adults: A systematic review with narrative synthesis (Gilmore, 2021)
  • Mindfulness-Based Interventions: Combatting Burnout and Compassionate Fatigue among Mental Health Caregivers (Lundquist, 2022)
  • Transgender and gender-diverse people’s perceptions of gender-inclusive healthcare access and associated hope for the future (Wille, 2021)
  • Efficient Neural Network Synthesis and Its Application in Smart Healthcare (Hassantabar, 2022)
  • The Experience of Female Veterans and Health-Seeking Behaviors (Switzer, 2022)
  • Machine learning applications towards risk prediction and cost forecasting in healthcare (Singh, 2022)
  • Does Variation in the Nursing Home Inspection Process Explain Disparity in Regulatory Outcomes? (Fox, 2020)

Looking at these titles, you can probably pick up that the research topics here are quite specific and narrowly-focused , compared to the generic ones presented earlier. This is an important thing to keep in mind as you develop your own research topic. That is to say, to create a top-notch research topic, you must be precise and target a specific context with specific variables of interest . In other words, you need to identify a clear, well-justified research gap.

Need more help?

If you’re still feeling a bit unsure about how to find a research topic for your healthcare dissertation or thesis, check out Topic Kickstarter service below.

Research Topic Kickstarter - Need Help Finding A Research Topic?

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Mabel Allison

I need topics that will match the Msc program am running in healthcare research please

Theophilus Ugochuku

Hello Mabel,

I can help you with a good topic, kindly provide your email let’s have a good discussion on this.

sneha ramu

Can you provide some research topics and ideas on Immunology?


Thank you to create new knowledge on research problem verse research topic

Help on problem statement on teen pregnancy

Derek Jansen

This post might be useful: https://gradcoach.com/research-problem-statement/

vera akinyi akinyi vera

can you provide me with a research topic on healthcare related topics to a qqi level 5 student

Didjatou tao

Please can someone help me with research topics in public health ?

Gurtej singh Dhillon

Hello I have requirement of Health related latest research issue/topics for my social media speeches. If possible pls share health issues , diagnosis, treatment.

Chikalamba Muzyamba

I would like a topic thought around first-line support for Gender-Based Violence for survivors or one related to prevention of Gender-Based Violence

Evans Amihere

Please can I be helped with a master’s research topic in either chemical pathology or hematology or immunology? thanks


Can u please provide me with a research topic on occupational health and safety at the health sector

Biyama Chama Reuben

Good day kindly help provide me with Ph.D. Public health topics on Reproductive and Maternal Health, interventional studies on Health Education

dominic muema

may you assist me with a good easy healthcare administration study topic


May you assist me in finding a research topic on nutrition,physical activity and obesity. On the impact on children

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201 Stellar Medical Researches Topics For Any Taste

medical research Topics

If you are in a medical college, you probably understand the struggle students face in finding medical research topics. On top of having to view corpses during practical sessions, there is another scary part of looking for best-rated medical research topic ideas.

What Is A Medical Research Paper?

It refers to an academic paper designed to test medical students’ understanding of medicine’s various aspects. These include nursing, psychotherapy, surgery, diseases, and many more.

Finding great medical research paper topics is not as hard as most students perceive it to be. It is only the fear that turns down most students, preventing them from unleashing their potential. However, here are some of the readily available sources that will give you medical topics for research papers:

Reputable medicine-related websites such as the WHO’s Known books and scholarly journals in medicine A credible online writing site (such as ours)

Through this paper’s help, you will know how to write top-rated medical research papers topics in an easy-to-understand manner.

Medical Research Topics For College Students

  • Discuss why doctors use a snake in their logo
  • Why is the field of medicine not preferred by most students?
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of using simulations instead of natural bodies in a medical class
  • The role of therapy in advancing the economic and political status of a country
  • Why schools should incorporate First Aid skills as part of their curriculum
  • Are the medical internships too long for students?
  • Assess the possibility of paying doctors more than any other workers
  • Should all the staff in a medical facility have a background in medicine?
  • Discuss the impact of technological advancements on medicine
  • Do movies depict the unfair practice of medicine?
  • The perception of students towards medicine: A case study of middle school students
  • What is the greatest challenge facing doctors and clinicians?
  • Does the medical curriculum cover every aspect of medicine
  • Discuss the impact of online learning on medical students
  • Should doctors down their tools in case of a disagreement with their employers?
  • How often should one go for a dental check-up?
  • Analyze the number of medical colleges in the US
  • Should doctors undergo a psychological check-up after every three months?
  • What is the role of the government in ensuring a sustainable healthcare program?
  • The impact of long shifts to the mental state of a doctor

Med Research Topics in Nursing

  • Analyze the factors affecting elderly nursing care programs
  • Discuss why memory loss is associated with advancement in age
  • Should first responders to an accident scene dress the wounds of the victims?
  • Why is the field of nursing not a favorite for men?
  • Compare and contrast the roles of a doctor versus those of a nurse
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of nursing shifts in case of a pandemic
  • Why is the uniform of most nurses white in color?
  • Analyze the different ethical challenges associated with the nursing profession
  • What is the motivation story behind most of the nurses in work?
  • The impact of domestic violence on the effectiveness of a nurse
  • How nurses manage to stay sober despite the horrific scenes they encounter daily
  • Are nurses born or made: A case study of nurses at a hospital of your choice
  • The role of nurses in caring for those in Acoma
  • The impact of the nursing profession on one’s social interactions
  • Compare and contrast nursing in developing countries versus developed countries
  • Describe the effect of negligence on the part of the nurses to patients
  • Are nurses compensated enough for their labor?
  • Describe what constitutes a typical day of a nurse
  • Is stereotyping a leading cause for the dominance of females in the nursing profession
  • Conduct a critical analysis of the role of nurses in a surgery room

Interesting Medical Topics on Health

  • The impact of global warming on the behavior of disease-causing micro-organisms
  • Dealing with the problem of poor sanitation in developing countries
  • Why are the whites primarily susceptible to malaria attacks
  • Discuss why vaccines can only be effective if made within one year
  • Conduct a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of syringes versus tablets
  • What is the impact of taking a dose and not completing it?
  • Evaluate why sourcing doctors from outside may not be effective
  • Are the research papers on health conclusive enough?
  • Why governments need to invest more in the health systems of a nation
  • Barriers to affordable medical care among low-income families
  • What are the considerations for an effective universal healthcare program?
  • Analyze the various factors that impede the productivity of healthcare workers
  • The effectiveness of counseling and psychology before a surgery
  • Is it possible to achieve a healthy world with the ravaging effects of greenhouse gases?
  • The impact of private health firms on the existing public one
  • How to regulate the sale of medical products
  • Discuss why most people opt for advanced medical procedures overseas
  • Analyze the challenges encountered in maternity wards
  • The role of religious persons in a medical facility
  • Should the government tax medical products?

Medical Research Topics For High School Students

  • Discuss why HIV/AIDS has not found a cure to date
  • What is the impact of alternative medicine in promoting healthcare services?
  • The role of exercises and fitness in leading a healthy lifestyle
  • Why is there a need for health care reform measures
  • The part of fast-food restaurants in deteriorating the health of a country
  • Evaluate the impact of dietary supplements on one’s health
  • Reasons why Over-the-Counter prescription drugs are killing many
  • Considerations before going for a weight loss surgery
  • What are the medical reasons behind vegetarianism?
  • The impact of organic foods on the health of a person
  • Why depression is the leading cause of health complications among teens
  • Discuss drug abuse in the line of health impacts
  • Practical ways of helping a smoking addict to reform
  • Discuss the relationship between fat diets and obesity
  • Why do people who work in offices predominantly suffer from obesity?
  • Compare and contrast between cycling and jogging: Which is advisable?
  • Why do some people prefer injections while others opt for syrups?
  • Should medicine as a course be introduced at the high school level?
  • What are the physical traits and qualities of a person aspiring to do the treatment?
  • Evaluate the time taken to complete a medical course: is it long or short?

COVID-19 Medical Topics To Write About

  • Why is the world experiencing second and third waves of COVID-19?
  • Assess the viability and effectiveness of the coronavirus vaccines?
  • How does washing hands prevent one from contracting COVID-19?
  • Compare and contrast the point of a surgical mask and one made of cloth
  • Discuss why there are more COVID-19 related deaths in European countries than African countries
  • The impact of quarantines on the mental state of a person
  • What is the maximum number of nasal swabs that a person should take?
  • Discuss the science behind social distancing in curbing the spread of the virus
  • Why coronavirus cases are still on the rise despite the availability of vaccines
  • What determines the immunity of a person against coronavirus?
  • Evaluate the chances of contracting coronavirus from handling a corpse
  • Is it possible to eliminate coronavirus?
  • How effective are the COVID-19 certificates for travelers?
  • Is it possible to curb the spread of coronavirus in kindergartens?
  • Critically evaluate COVID-19 treatment and containment measures in developed and developing countries
  • The role of researchers in providing medical information during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • What are the differences between coronavirus and the Spanish flu?
  • Impact of economic recessions on the containment of the virus
  • Analyze the roles of various stakeholders in containing coronavirus
  • Discuss the mutation of the coronavirus

Top Topics For Medical Research Paper

  • Discuss the differences between epidemic and pandemics
  • Analyze the critical considerations for a child health care program
  • The role of humanitarian medical missions in reaching the developing nations
  • Why are most people suffering from heart diseases of late?
  • Discuss the dangers and benefits of vaccination
  • Critically analyze the ethical considerations of conducting medical research on animals
  • The impact of rare genetic disorders on the stability of families
  • What are the effects of surgeries on organs and artificial tissues
  • Discuss why brain surgeries are always a matter between life and death
  • Evaluate the various causes and treatments of virus infections
  • Are antibiotics treatments effective for complex diseases?
  • Discuss the ethical considerations in ending the life of a person with a terminal illness
  • The causes and remedies of eating disorders
  • How age affects mental health and physical development
  • Analyze the shortcomings of palliative treatment
  • The impact of modern lifestyles on people’s health
  • How technology is helping patients battling with Alzheimer’s disease
  • Considerations before being part of a blood donation exercise
  • How to care for cancer patients in their critical stages
  • Are professional conditions only for specific careers?

Controversial Medical Topics For Research Paper

  • Do doctors have the right to conduct abortions when it is a matter between life and death?
  • The ethical underlining of artificial insemination in man
  • Discuss why most surrogate parents are not considered
  • Is it right to use birth control pills for school-going children?
  • Discuss the impact of stem cell research on a society’s morals
  • Is plastic surgery, for whatever case, unethical?
  • Should male doctors attend to female patients?
  • Is it possible to achieve confidentiality in a hospital set-up?
  • Why do most male patients prefer being treated by female nurses?
  • Discuss the ethical implications behind sperm and egg donation
  • Is donating blood unethical? A case study of selected religious sects
  • Should families pay for medical bills after their death of their beloved one?
  • Discuss the implication of LGBTQ on medical care
  • Is it ethical to sell body organs before or after death?
  • Critically discuss the impact of transplanting a sexual organ
  • Discuss how to deal with teen pregnancy
  • How do religion, culture, and tradition differ from the field of medicine?
  • Are health insurance companies to cover all healthcare costs?
  • Discuss the impact of taxing on medical supplies
  • Who should be paid more between doctors and nurses?

Researchable Medical Research Topics Examples

  • Discuss the medical implications of male circumcision
  • The impact of political action on the effectiveness of health care systems
  • The role of international collaborations in improving medical care
  • Evaluate the challenges faced in the regulation of biomedical research
  • A survey of the different attitudes towards psychiatry in the United States
  • Evaluate the occupational safety concerns of medical laboratories
  • Discuss the considerations of a controlled clinical trial
  • Challenges during mass medical reparations: A case study of terrorist attacks
  • The essence of introducing research training in psychiatry
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the courses offered in the medical colleges
  • Discuss the impact of the US-African medical partnerships
  • Why scientists need to collaborate in the case of a pandemic
  • Are vaccines the best way to prevent one from contracting a disease?
  • The impact of community-based participatory approaches in improving hygiene standards
  • The vital role of pharmacy workers in a medical profession
  • The critical place of knowledge and experience in the field of medicine
  • The role of stakeholders in developing better health care policies
  • The impact of demoralization of HIV/AIDS
  • Discuss the process of production and distribution of medical products
  • Analyze the critical aspect of globalization in medical research

Hot Medical Research Paper Topics For College Students

  • The role of medicine in setting and implementing food standards
  • What are the critical causes of gluten allergy
  • Is it ethical to conduct assisted suicide for terminal patients?
  • Ethical concerns of charging fees for patients who die in the process of treatment
  • The ethical considerations when conducting a postmortem
  • How is virtual reality transforming medicine?
  • An analysis of the myths and misconceptions surrounding medicine?
  • Why many people are against cloning
  • Is it legal to use marijuana as a medical product?
  • Evaluate the benefits and dangers of immunization at a tender age
  • Is increased life expectancy a burden on the healthcare system?
  • Analyze the health effects of female genital mutilation
  • The impact of the environment on human health
  • How to deal with deafness as a communication disorder
  • Discuss air pollution in the context of a household
  • Alcohol control practices
  • The public danger of diabetes
  • Urban population and respiratory diseases
  • Effectiveness of oral health assessments
  • Unhealthy diets

Unbeatable Research Topics in Medical Field

  • Factors leading to increased cancer cases
  • Resistance to insulin
  • Treating autism
  • Genetic engineering
  • Latest developments in cancer
  • Terrorism and mental health
  • Dealing with coma
  • Treating mental diseases
  • Inequalities in healthcare
  • Effects of smoking on body organs
  • Healthcare considerations for prison inmates
  • Economic development and healthcare
  • The role of infrastructure in healthcare systems
  • Recent developments in coronavirus
  • Genetic mutations
  • Benefits of banning tobacco ads
  • Dealing with anti-vaccine movements
  • How to deal with childhood trauma
  • Effects of posttraumatic stress disorder
  • Importance of the lymphatic system
  • How to care for the liver

From the marvelous medical research topics ideas above, we hope you find one that suits your task. If not, you can still opt for our quality research paper writing help.

Let an expert complete your paper quickly and fast at a cheap rate today!

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Yale Medicine Thesis Digital Library

Starting with the Yale School of Medicine (YSM) graduating class of 2002, the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library and YSM Office of Student Research have collaborated on the Yale Medicine Thesis Digital Library (YMTDL) project, publishing the digitized full text of medical student theses on the web as a valuable byproduct of Yale student research efforts. The digital thesis deposit has been a graduation requirement since 2006. Starting in 2012, alumni of the Yale School of Medicine were invited to participate in the YMTDL project by granting scanning and hosting permission to the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, which digitized the Library’s print copy of their thesis or dissertation. A grant from the Arcadia Fund in 2017 provided the means for digitizing over 1,000 additional theses. IF YOU ARE A MEMBER OF THE YALE COMMUNITY AND NEED ACCESS TO A THESIS RESTRICTED TO THE YALE NETWORK, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR VPN (VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORK) IS ON.

Theses/Dissertations from 2024 2024

Refractory Neurogenic Cough Management: The Non-Inferiority Of Soluble Steroids To Particulate Suspensions For Superior Laryngeal Nerve Blocks , Hisham Abdou

Percutaneous Management Of Pelvic Fluid Collections: A 10-Year Series , Chidumebi Alim

Behavioral Outcomes In Patients With Metopic Craniosynostosis: Relationship With Radiographic Severity , Mariana Almeida

Ventilator Weaning Parameters Revisited: A Traditional Analysis And A Test Of Artificial Intelligence To Predict Successful Extubation , John James Andrews

Developing Precision Genome Editors: Peptide Nucleic Acids Modulate Crispr Cas9 To Treat Autosomal Dominant Disease , Jem Atillasoy

Radiology Education For U.s. Medical Students In 2024: A State-Of-The-Art Analysis , Ryan Bahar

Out-Of-Pocket Spending On Medications For Diabetes In The United States , Baylee Bakkila

Imaging Markers Of Microstructural Development In Neonatal Brains And The Impact Of Postnatal Pathologies , Pratheek Sai Bobba

A Needs Assessment For Rural Health Education In United States Medical Schools , Kailey Carlson

Racial Disparities In Behavioral Crisis Care: Investigating Restraint Patterns In Emergency Departments , Erika Chang-Sing

Social Determinants Of Health & Barriers To Care In Diabetic Retinopathy Patients Lost To Follow-Up , Thomas Chang

Association Between Fine Particulate Matter And Eczema: A Cross-Sectional Study Of The All Of Us Research Program And The Center For Air, Climate, And Energy Solutions , Gloria Chen

Predictors Of Adverse Outcomes Following Surgical Intervention For Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy , Samuel Craft

Genetic Contributions To Thoracic Aortic Disease , Ellelan Arega Degife

Actigraphy And Symptom Changes With A Social Rhythm Intervention In Young Persons With Mood Disorders , Gabriela De Queiroz Campos

Incidence Of Pathologic Nodal Disease In Clinically Node Negative, Microinvasive/t1a Breast Cancers , Pranammya Dey

Spinal Infections: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Prevention, And Management , Meera Madhav Dhodapkar

Childen's Reentry To School After Psychiatric Hospitalization: A Qualitative Study , Madeline Digiovanni

Bringing Large Language Models To Ophthalmology: Domain-Specific Ontologies And Evidence Attribution , Aidan Gilson

Surgical Personalities: A Cultural History Of Early 20th Century American Plastic Surgery , Joshua Zev Glahn

Implications Of Acute Brain Injury Following Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement , Daniel Grubman

Latent Health Status Trajectory Modelling In Patients With Symptomatic Peripheral Artery Disease , Scott Grubman

The Human Claustrum Tracks Slow Waves During Sleep , Brett Gu

Patient Perceptions Of Machine Learning-Enabled Digital Mental Health , Clara Zhang Guo

Variables Affecting The 90-Day Overall Reimbursement Of Four Common Orthopaedic Procedures , Scott Joseph Halperin

The Evolving Landscape Of Academic Plastic Surgery: Understanding And Shaping Future Directions In Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion , Sacha C. Hauc

Association Of Vigorous Physical Activity With Psychiatric Disorders And Participation In Treatment , John L. Havlik

Long-Term Natural History Of Ush2a-Retinopathy , Michael Heyang

Clinical Decision Support For Emergency Department-Initiated Buprenorphine For Opioid Use Disorder , Wesley Holland

Applying Deep Learning To Derive Noninvasive Imaging Biomarkers For High-Risk Phenotypes Of Prostate Cancer , Sajid Hossain

The Hardships Of Healthcare Among People With Lived Experiences Of Homelessness In New Haven, Ct , Brandon James Hudik

Outcomes Of Peripheral Vascular Interventions In Patients Treated With Factor Xa Inhibitors , Joshua Joseph Huttler

Janus Kinase Inhibition In Granuloma Annulare: Two Single-Arm, Open-Label Clinical Trials , Erica Hwang

Medicaid Coverage For Undocumented Children In Connecticut: A Political History , Chinye Ijeli

Population Attributable Fraction Of Reproductive Factors In Triple Negative Breast Cancer By Race , Rachel Jaber Chehayeb

Evaluation Of Gastroesophageal Reflux And Hiatal Hernia As Risk Factors For Lobectomy Complications , Michael Kaminski

Health-Related Social Needs Before And After Critical Illness Among Medicare Beneficiaries , Tamar A. Kaminski

Effects Of Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair On Cardiac Function At Rest , Nabeel Kassam

Conditioned Hallucinations By Illness Stage In Individuals With First Episode Schizophrenia, Chronic Schizophrenia, And Clinical High Risk For Psychosis , Adam King

The Choroid Plexus Links Innate Immunity To Dysregulation Of Csf Homeostasis In Diverse Forms Of Hydrocephalus , Emre Kiziltug

Health Status Changes After Stenting For Stroke Prevention In Carotid Artery Stenosis , Jonathan Kluger

Rare And Undiagnosed Liver Diseases: New Insights From Genomic And Single Cell Transcriptomic Analyses , Chigoziri Konkwo

“Teen Health” Empowers Informed Contraception Decision-Making In Adolescents And Young Adults , Christina Lepore

Barriers To Mental Health Care In Us Military Veterans , Connor Lewis

Barriers To Methadone For Hiv Prevention Among People Who Inject Drugs In Kazakhstan , Amanda Rachel Liberman

Unheard Voices: The Burden Of Ischemia With No Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease In Women , Marah Maayah

Partial And Total Tonsillectomy For Pediatric Sleep-Disordered Breathing: The Role Of The Cas-15 , Jacob Garn Mabey

Association Between Insurance, Access To Care, And Outcomes For Patients With Uveal Melanoma In The United States , Victoria Anne Marks

Urinary Vegf And Cell-Free Dna As Non-Invasive Biomarkers For Diabetic Retinopathy Screening , Mitchelle Matesva

Pain Management In Facial Trauma: A Narrative Review , Hunter Mccurdy

Meningioma Relational Database Curation Using A Pacs-Integrated Tool For Collection Of Clinical And Imaging Features , Ryan Mclean

Colonoscopy Withdrawal Time And Dysplasia Detection In Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease , Chandler Julianne Mcmillan

Cerebral Arachnoid Cysts Are Radiographic Harbingers Of Epigenetics Defects In Neurodevelopment , Kedous Mekbib

Regulation And Payment Of New Medical Technologies , Osman Waseem Moneer

Permanent Pacemaker Implantation After Tricuspid Valve Repair Surgery , Alyssa Morrison

Non-Invasive Epidermal Proteome-Based Subclassification Of Psoriasis And Eczema And Identification Of Treatment Relevant Biomarkers , Michael Murphy

Ballistic And Explosive Orthopaedic Trauma Epidemiology And Outcomes In A Global Population , Jamieson M. O'marr

Dermatologic Infectious Complications And Mimickers In Cancer Patients On Oncologic Therapy , Jolanta Pach

Distressed Community Index In Patients Undergoing Carotid Endarterectomy In Medicare-Linked Vqi Registry , Carmen Pajarillo

Preoperative Psychosocial Risk Burden Among Patients Undergoing Major Thoracic And Abdominal Surgery , Emily Park

Volumetric Assessment Of Imaging Response In The Pnoc Pediatric Glioma Clinical Trials , Divya Ramakrishnan

Racial And Sex Disparities In Adult Reconstructive Airway Surgery Outcomes: An Acs Nsqip Analysis , Tagan Rohrbaugh

A School-Based Study Of The Prevalence Of Rheumatic Heart Disease In Bali, Indonesia , Alysha Rose

Outcomes Following Hypofractionated Radiotherapy For Patients With Thoracic Tumors In Predominantly Central Locations , Alexander Sasse

Healthcare Expenditure On Atrial Fibrillation In The United States: The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey 2016-2021 , Claudia See

A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Of Oropharyngeal Cancer Post-Treatment Surveillance Practices , Rema Shah

Machine Learning And Risk Prediction Tools In Neurosurgery: A Rapid Review , Josiah Sherman

Maternal And Donor Human Milk Support Robust Intestinal Epithelial Growth And Differentiation In A Fetal Intestinal Organoid Model , Lauren Smith

Constructing A Fetal Human Liver Atlas: Insights Into Liver Development , Zihan Su

Somatic Mutations In Aging, Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria, And Myeloid Neoplasms , Tho Tran

Illness Perception And The Impact Of A Definitive Diagnosis On Women With Ischemia And No Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease: A Qualitative Study , Leslie Yingzhijie Tseng

Advances In Keratin 17 As A Cancer Biomarker: A Systematic Review , Robert Tseng

Regionalization Strategy To Optimize Inpatient Bed Utilization And Reduce Emergency Department Crowding , Ragini Luthra Vaidya

Survival Outcomes In T3 Laryngeal Cancer Based On Staging Features At Diagnosis , Vickie Jiaying Wang

Analysis Of Revertant Mosaicism And Cellular Competition In Ichthyosis With Confetti , Diana Yanez

A Hero's Journey: Experiences Using A Therapeutic Comicbook In A Children’s Psychiatric Inpatient Unit , Idil Yazgan

Prevalence Of Metabolic Comorbidities And Viral Infections In Monoclonal Gammopathy , Mansen Yu

Automated Detection Of Recurrent Gastrointestinal Bleeding Using Large Language Models , Neil Zheng

Vascular Risk Factor Treatment And Control For Stroke Prevention , Tianna Zhou

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Radiomics: A Methodological Guide And Its Applications To Acute Ischemic Stroke , Emily Avery

Characterization Of Cutaneous Immune-Related Adverse Events Due To Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors , Annika Belzer

An Investigation Of Novel Point Of Care 1-Tesla Mri Of Infants’ Brains In The Neonatal Icu , Elisa Rachel Berson

Understanding Perceptions Of New-Onset Type 1 Diabetes Education In A Pediatric Tertiary Care Center , Gabriel BetancurVelez

Effectiveness Of Acitretin For Skin Cancer Prevention In Immunosuppressed And Non-Immunosuppressed Patients , Shaman Bhullar

Adherence To Tumor Board Recommendations In Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma , Yueming Cao

Clinical Trials Related To The Spine & Shoulder/elbow: Rates, Predictors, & Reasons For Termination , Dennis Louis Caruana

Improving Delivery Of Immunomodulator Mpla With Biodegradable Nanoparticles , Jungsoo Chang

Sex Differences In Patients With Deep Vein Thrombosis , Shin Mei Chan

Incorporating Genomic Analysis In The Clinical Practice Of Hepatology , David Hun Chung

Emergency Medicine Resident Perceptions Of A Medical Wilderness Adventure Race (medwar) , Lake Crawford

Surgical Outcomes Following Posterior Spinal Fusion For Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis , Wyatt Benajmin David

Representing Cells As Sentences Enables Natural Language Processing For Single Cell Transcriptomics , Rahul M. Dhodapkar

Life Vs. Liberty And The Pursuit Of Happiness: Short-Term Involuntary Commitment Laws In All 50 US States , Sofia Dibich

Healthcare Disparities In Preoperative Risk Management For Total Joint Arthroplasty , Chloe Connolly Dlott

Toll-Like Receptors 2/4 Directly Co-Stimulate Arginase-1 Induction Critical For Macrophage-Mediated Renal Tubule Regeneration , Natnael Beyene Doilicho

Associations Of Atopic Dermatitis With Neuropsychiatric Comorbidities , Ryan Fan

International Academic Partnerships In Orthopaedic Surgery , Michael Jesse Flores

Young Adults With Adhd And Their Involvement In Online Communities: A Qualitative Study , Callie Marie Ginapp

Becoming A Doctor, Becoming A Monster: Medical Socialization And Desensitization In Nazi Germany And 21st Century USA , SimoneElise Stern Hasselmo

Comparative Efficacy Of Pharmacological Interventions For Borderline Personality Disorder: A Network Meta-Analysis , Olivia Dixon Herrington

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Student Research Resources

Resources and forms to help you navigate student research opportunities!

Required Formatting and Components of the MD Thesis

Examples for reference section formatting, avoiding the risk of copyright violation and liability when submitting your md thesis, instructions for submitting a thesis to the yale medicine thesis digital library, thesis depositors declaration form, evaluations of advisor.

In general, one topic is appropriate for the thesis, but it is recognized that some students may have performed several projects in parallel under the supervision of their mentor. If the student elects to include more than one study in the thesis, it is recommended that an attempt be made to integrate the topics into one coherent presentation. In rare cases where this goal cannot be achieved, it may be acceptable to divide the results section into different portions (or “chapters”). However, to be consistent with Yale formatting requirements, a thesis may not contain more than one abstract, introduction, statement of purpose, methods, results, and discussion section. It is not acceptable to submit a published or submitted manuscript in lieu of the thesis requirement. The formal thesis is presented as a digital document (PDF) during the graduation year. It must adhere to the following formatting and content requirements. These aspects of research are critical in making the work sound, error-free, and impactful for communities of interest. Recognizing that students may have uncertainly regarding how these guidelines relate to their thesis, OSR will be happy to answer any questions that may arise. Additionally, students may find it useful to consult the Equator reporting guidelines to enhance the quality and transparency of their theses. The Yale MD Thesis is a doctoral thesis that assesses research competencies as the basis for the conferring of a doctoral degree. Therefore, a minimum requirement of 30 pages (exclusive of title page, abstract, acknowledgements, table of contents, figure legends, references) is considered the minimum acceptable length.

  • Font: 10-12-point font should be used.
  • Line spacing: Body paragraphs and tables should consist of double-spaced text. Single spaced text may be used within block quotations, footnotes, and bibliography.
  • Margins: 1.5-inch margins on the left with one-inch margins on the remaining three sides. These margins apply to text, full-page images and illustrations, and tables.
  • Figures: Illustrative information, schematics, and representative data should be included as figures. Each panel in a figure should be labeled. Legends should describe each panel in detail in a 9-point font or greater and positioned below the figure to which they refer. Figure legends do not count towards the 30-page minimum.
  • Page Numbers: Each page in the thesis should be numbered except the title page, abstract, acknowledgements, and table of contents. The numbering should start at page 1 of the first page of the instruction be placed either at the top or bottom center, or at the top or bottom right-hand corner, at least 1/2 inches from any edge.
  • Minimal page requirement: Most Yale MD theses average 40-80 pages of text. A minimum of 30 pages of text excluding title page, abstract, acknowledgements, table of contents, figures, legends, and references is required. Tables may count towards the minimum page requirement.

Required Components

  • Title page: Title should not exceed 100 characters including spaces between words. The title page is not included in the 30-page minimum.
  • Abstract page: As described below. The abstract is not included in the 30-page minimum.
  • Acknowledgements: Personal and faculty acknowledgements, grant support, departmental support, etc. The acknowledgements page is not included in the 30 page minimum.
  • Table of Contents: with page numbers for each section. The table of contents is not included in the 30-page minimum.
  • Introduction: A thorough, complete, detailed, critical review of the literature that contextualizes and cites the work of previous investigators. This section should describe the state of the existing knowledge, provide rationale for the study, identify knowledge gaps, and frame the contribution of the thesis to medicine. The introduction is included in the 30-page minimum.
  • Statement of purpose: Specific hypothesis if appropriate, and specific aims of the thesis. The statement of purpose is included in the towards the 30-page minimum.
  • Student Contributions: Describe in detail exactly which procedures, methods and experiments were conducted by you and which procedures, methods and experiments, generation of data, or production of reagents, were performed by other members of the study team. It is not sufficient to state that this information may be mentioned elsewhere. It must be summarized here. It is recognized that students may often be completing a portion of a larger work. A statement detailing precisely what was done by the student and what was done by others does not detract from the thesis but is necessary for academic honesty.
  • Ethics Statement: Include information regarding the ethical and responsible conduct of research.
  • Human Subjects Research: If relevant, include explicit information regarding Institutional Review Board approval and informed consent. If the study had a waiver of consent, this exception must be clearly stated. Information regarding inclusion of historically vulnerable populations as research participants should be included here.
  • Laboratory Animals: For studies involving laboratory animals, include an explicit statement regarding study approval from the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Include information regarding the species, strain, sex, and age of laboratory animals in this section as well.
  • Methods Description: Provide information regarding the materials and methods used in the study. Each method should consist of its subheading and paragraph and be described in detail that is sufficient to allow its replication by an investigator who did not participate in the study.
  • Statistical Methods: The last paragraph in this section should present the methods used to derive results. As needed, describe any data preprocessing such as transformation and normalization. Describe how outliers were defined and handled and present descriptive statistics as appropriate. The number of sampled units (ie, “n”) and significance (ie, “P”) should be reported for each statistical comparison. Continuous variables that are normally distributed may be presented as mean + standard deviation. Continuous variables that are asymmetrically distributed should be presented as median + interquartile range. All statistical tests should be clearly described and include information regarding testing level (alpha) and one- or two-sided comparisons. Corrections for multiple testing should be addressed and reported. Any novel or complex data algorithms should be clearly described and appropriately referenced.
  • Transparent reporting of results: All primary data related to the thesis topic should be presented. Important data should be enumerated in figures or tables. For ease of review, it is preferred that figures and tables be included in proximity to their callout in the text. Alternately, tables and figures can be presented separately after the discussion but, if possible, it is advantageous to the reader to include these components in the body of the results section, as occurs in research publications. The results section is included in the 30-page minimum.
  • Discussion: This section presents thorough and detailed interpretation and analysis of data, conclusions drawn, and framing of observations with the larger scientific literature. Limitations should be addressed, as should alternate interpretations and how the thesis may inform future studies in the field. Whenever relevant, a discussion of how the thesis may or already has meaningfully impact(ed) communities of interest should be included here. The discussion section is included in the 30-page minimum.
  • Challenges & Limitations : A brief discussion of methodologic, operational, and other challenges relevant to the research presented in the thesis. Please also include a brief discussion of how these challenges were addressed. Recognizing that all research projects have important limitations that readers should consider in interpreting the results, please include a brief discussion of the limitations relevant for your research. This section is included in the 30-page minimum.
  • Dissemination: Please include efforts made to share findings with the scientific community (through oral presentation, peer-reviewed publications, and other venues) and the larger community including patients. This section is included in the 30-page minimum.
  • Figure References and Legends: Figures must be cited sequentially in the text using Arabic numerals (for example, “Fig. 7”). Provide a short title (in the legend, not on the figure itself), explanation in sufficient detail to make the figure intelligible without reference to the text, and a key to any symbols used. Figures and legends are not included in the 30-page minimum.
  • Tables: All tables should be double-spaced, self-contained, and self-explanatory. Provide brief titles and use superscript capital letters starting from A and continuing in alphabetical order for footnotes. Tables and their legends are included in the 30-page minimum.
  • References: We strongly recommend the use of bibliography software such as Endnote for managing the references. References should be formatted according to New England Journal of Medicine Style. References are not included in the 30-page minimum.

It is acknowledged that theses in the area of medical humanities, ethics, history, and related fields may not obviously adhere to the above requirements. In this case, the thesis will likely replace the “hypothesis” with a “claim” based on evidence gleaned through literary, historical, and ethical research. The first paragraph of the Methods should still contain information about the student’s contribution. The subsequent paragraphs should describe the artistic, literary, or historical databases and methods used to gather the “evidence” presented in support of and contrary to the central claim. The discussion and remaining sections are the same and the 30-page minimum applies. If you have questions about how to best frame your thesis, please contact OSR.

Abstract Page

Standardized format for the abstract of each MD thesis is required. This format must be followed for all abstracts published in the Yale Medicine Thesis Digital Library. These abstracts will not be reviewed for content. It is the responsibility of the student investigator and the faculty advisor to prepare the abstract. Faculty sponsors provide approval of the abstract when they approve the final version of the thesis. These abstract instructions are to be used for the digital library submission.

  • Abstracts should be formatted with 1.5-inch margins on the left and 1-inch margins on the remaining three sides. All text, including title page, must be double-spaced.
  • Abstracts may be no more than 800 words in length, not including title and author information.
  • Titles should be brief, clear, and carefully chosen. The title should not exceed 100 characters including spaces between words. Capitalize the entire title, using no abbreviations.
  • Authors’ names are to be written in full, omitting degrees. The student author's name shall be first. If the faculty sponsor also qualifies as an author, their name should be last. If the faculty member has been only a sponsor, his or her name should appear in parentheses after the name(s) of other authors as follows: "(Sponsored by...)". Other collaborators should be listed after the student's name and before the faculty sponsor's name. Immediately following the faculty sponsor's name, designate section (if any), departmental affiliation, institution, city, and state (Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT) (see examples in the Thesis Guide ).
  • For thesis work performed at another institution, designate the senior author's departmental and institutional affiliation. In parenthesis, indicate the Yale faculty sponsor and institutional affiliation with the phrase: "Sponsored by..." (see examples).
  • A statement of the hypothesis or goals and specific aims of the study.
  • A statement of the methods used.
  • A summary of the results presented in sufficient detail to support the conclusions. Include actual values with statistics, if appropriate.
  • A statement of the conclusions reached.
  • Do not use subtitles, e.g., methods, results.
  • Do not include graphs, references to other publications, or acknowledgement of any research grant support. A single short table of results can be used if appropriate.
  • Abbreviations may be used in text only if defined initially by placing them in parentheses after the full word (or phrase) first appears in the text. Abbreviations may not be introduced in the title.
  • Non-proprietary (generic) names are required the first time a drug is mentioned, written in small letters. Proprietary names are always capitalized, e.g., acetazolamide (Diamox).
  • Completed abstracts must be approved by faculty advisor.

Thesis Assessment

The thesis assessment will assess student performance on the following domains using a 1-5 Likert Scale.

  • Significance
  • Rigor of Prior Research
  • Methodologic Rigor
  • Responsible Conduct of Research
  • Organization and Clarity of Text
  • Presentation of Data
  • Interpretation of Data
  • Student Effort
  • Dissemination to Communities of Interest

Likert Scale:

  • Not Acceptable

The vast majority of YSM students receive scores of 2-3 across these domains. Scores of 1 are considered truly outstanding. Scores of 5 are highly unusual and indicate the presence of critical deficiencies. Students receiving a score of “5” in any domain will be referred to OSR and the Progress Committee for remediation in order that they may stay on track to graduate.

Journal Articles

1. Yalow, R.S., and Berson, S.A. 1960. Immunoassay of endogenous plasma insulin in man. J. Clin. Invest. 39:1157-1175.

2. Gardner, W., and Schultz, H.D. 1990. Prostaglandins regulate the synthesis and secretion of the atrial natriuretic peptide. J. Clin. Invest. In press.

Complete Books

3. Myant, N.B. 1981. The Biology of Cholesterol and Related Steroids. London: Heinemann Medical Books. 882 pp.

Articles in Books

4. Innerarity, T.L., Hui, D.Y., and Mahley, R.W. 1982. Hepatic apoprotein E (remnant) receptor. In Lipoproteins and Coronary Atherosclerosis. G. Noseda, S. Fragiacomo, R. Fumagalli, and R. Paoletti, editors. Amsterdam: Elsevier/North Holland. 173-181.

5. Standardized format for the abstract of each MD thesis is required. This format must be followed for all abstracts published in the Yale Medicine Thesis Digital Library. These abstracts will not be reviewed for content. It is the responsibility of the student investigator and the faculty advisor to prepare the abstract. Faculty sponsors provide approval of the abstract when they approve the final version of the thesis. These abstract instructions are to be used for the digital library submission.

Your MD Thesis represents an academic milestone. The protection of your thesis copyright exists from the time your work was created in digital form. Every article, book, or web page you used in conducting research and writing your thesis is also protected by copyright. When you download a single personal copy of a research article or cite a short passage, this scholarship is protected by the legal concept of fair use. A basic understanding of copyright protections and fair use is found at www.copyright.gov . Yale University also provides a guide to copyright protection and fair use: http://ogc.yale.edu/legal_reference/copyright.html .

Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Law describes how to determine if a particular use of copyrighted material is fair. However, the distinction between what is fair use and what is infringement is not always clear or easily defined. Copying an image from an academic e-journal and citing the source does not substitute for obtaining permission to reproduce the image. Many publishers use www.copyright.com to grant reproduction rights of their articles to authors.

ProQuest/UMI and the Yale Medicine Thesis Digital Library may elect not to distribute your thesis in the absence of evidence that permission or reproduction rights have been secured. Providing evidence of permission or reproduction rights is a student author responsibility. Examples encountered in MD Thesis research that require documentation of reproduction rights include but are not limited to:

  • Sections of published survey instruments or questionnaires.
  • Complete journal articles or other complete scholarly works [Note: The publisher Elsevier does allow graduate student authors of a journal article prior to graduation to reproduce their article in a thesis].
  • Image, graphic, or pictorial works from publications where the author has transferred copyright to the publisher, a common occurrence.

The safest course to avoid a delay in thesis is to avoid using published images without obtaining permission. It is almost always possible to cite a source and expect that readers can find the figure, chart, or image in the published version of the referenced work. Research faculty who transfer copyright to a publisher of their article are no longer the copyright holder and are unable to grant permission for reproduction. To circumvent this issue, the student or mentor may be able to offer unpublished images from their group’s image collection.

When it is impracticable or prohibitively expensive to obtain permission through the publisher or the Copyright Clearance Center (www.copyright.com), students should avoid using that the material, unless they have obtained a written legal opinion that fair use would apply to the situation. Neither the Office of Student Research nor the Yale Library can supply legal advice on copyright and fair use. If there is any doubt, it is advisable to consult the Yale University Office of the Vice President and General Counsel at 432-4949. If a student is unable to obtain permission to use their previously published work in their MD thesis, they may place a permanent embargo on their thesis at the time it is uploaded into the Yale Medicine Digital Thesis Library (see below).

Upon receiving notification that the MD thesis has been approved as meeting graduation requirements, students should upload the thesis to the Yale Medicine Digital Thesis Library.

Yale Medicine Digital Thesis Library:

Starting with the YSM class of 2002, the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library and OSR have collaborated on the Yale Medicine Digital Thesis Library (YMTDL) project, publishing the digitized full text of medical student theses as a durable product of Yale student research efforts. Digital publication of theses ensures access for all scientists to a summary of such work, provides students with a formal citation for their thesis, and demonstrates the exceptional quality of student research and student-faculty cooperation at Yale. In 2006, the digital copy became a graduation requirement. Starting in 2012, alumni of the Yale School of Medicine were invited to participate in the YMTDL project by granting scanning and hosting permission to the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, which digitized the Library’s print copy of their thesis or dissertation.

The Office of Student Research and Yale School of Medicine require that the MD thesis be submitted to the YMTDL. This submission should be accompanied by a completed “ Yale School of Medicine Digital Thesis Depositor’s Declaration Form. ”

Submitting a thesis via the ProQuest website:

Detailed instructions on how to submit a thesis via the ProQuest website will be provided to students at the time they receive notification of formal YSM thesis approval and feedback from the Office of Student Research.

The electronic thesis submission process in ProQuest is organized into three major categories: Publishing information, About my dissertation/thesis, and Submission & payment. The system will walk you through the submission process step-by-step.

A few things to note: the ETD Administrator software is a 3rd party product that YSM licenses from ProQuest. Because this vendor is unaffiliated with Yale, OSR and Yale University Libraries do not have control over its policies or processes. The ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global database is a subscription resource that collects dissertations and theses from multiple countries and a range of academic specialties. This collection is then made available to subscribers. When students choose to make their thesis publicly available, the full-text will appear in this database and users will be able to read, save, and download the text.

EliScholar is a digital platform for scholarly publishing provided by the Yale University Library (YUL). While it is supported by third party software, EliScholar is maintained by YUL and offers more flexibility in uploading and managing theses. The option selected for thesis release in the ETD Administrator system will apply to both ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global and EliScholar. All theses are available to the Yale community (individuals with a NetID and password and users physically present at a library facility on campus) upon publication. A limited release of approved theses to the awarding institution’s user community is common practice.

YSM requires a Thesis Publishing Agreement Form, previously known as a Thesis Deposit Declaration Form, to be submitted in conjunction with your final thesis to ProQuest. For reference, you can find a copy of the form at this link .

We urge your participation in evaluating your experience with your thesis advisor at this Qualtrics link . The results will be kept anonymous, and any feedback to the individual faculty member will be made over a three- to four-year interval and will be a summarized statement, not involving reproduction or direct quotes from this form.

We will file these evaluations for future use by first and second year students who are looking for a project and research advisor. These evaluations have been immensely valuable to students initiating thesis projects. Thank you for your cooperation in this effort.

Contact us if you have questions or need accessibility assistance with the documents on this page.

Research Guide for Students

Thesis publishing agreement form, student evaluation of thesis advisor.

Research Topics

The links below will take you to the Research pages for all of the Department of Medicine’s different Section and Centers. You can explore more specific research topics within those pages.


1.       Clinical profile of type I and II respiratory failure patients at a teriary care hospital.

2.       Clinical profile of end stage renal disease in patients undergoing haemodialysis.

3.       Clinical profile of cardiac autonomic neuropathy in diagnosed patients of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

4.       A study of lipid profile in newly diagnosed hypertension.

5.    Correlation of serum cholinesterase levels,clinical score at presetation and severity of organaphosphorous poisioning.

6.       Dengue fever-clinical profile and complications.

7.     Comparative clinical study of patients of herat failure in Type 2 daibates mellitus verses heart failure in non diabetic patients.

8.       Study of serum ferritin in metabolic syndrome.

9.       A study of lipid abnormilities in chronic kidney disease and its implication in cardio vascular disease.

10.    Clinical study of patients of delirium hospitalized in medical wards & in medical intensive care unit.

11.    Clinicoradiologic study of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis.

12.    Study of clinical profile of HIV patients in the elderly age group.

13.    Study of different types of arrythmias occuring in hospitalised patients of acute myocardial infarction.

14.    Comparative study of seropositive and seronegative arthritis in adult.

15.    Clinical profile and pattern of non communicable diseases in age more than 40 years.

16.    Acute kidney injury of obstetric origin.

17.    Comparative study of pneumonia severity index and CURB 65 in assesing the severity of community acquired pneumonia.

18.    Diagnostic efficacy of adenosine deaminase levels in cerebrospinal fluid in patients of tubercular meningitis

19.    A comparision with PCR.AFB culture,cytology for mycobacterium tuberculosis.

20.    To study the clinical,serological,biopsy profile of adult onset nephrotic syndrome.

21.    Study of renal involvement in acute gastroenteritis.

22.    Study of cardiac manifestation in patients with HIV infection and there correlation with CD4 count.

23.    A study of clinical profile of dengue fever in a tertiary care in central india.

24.    Clinical profile of pattern of dyslipidemia and ischemic heart disease in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients.

25.    Clinical profile of patients with organophosphorus poisoning in an intensive care unit in a tertiary hospital.

26.    Study of thyroid hormone profile in acute coronary syndrome.

27.    A study of hepatic dysfunction in denuge fever Association between serum uric acid level with presence and severity of coronary artery disease.

28.    A study of clinical profile of critically III obstetrics patients admitted in medicine wards ICU

29.    Correlation between electrocardiography and echocardiography in patient with left ventricular hypertrophy.

30.    To study diagnosis,diurnal,seasonal variation,risk factors and outcome of patients admitted to ICU.

31.    Clinical profile of rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease.

32.    Correlation between and electrocardiography in patients with left ventricular hypertrophy.

33.    The study of etiology and outcome of non-traumatic coma patients at tertiary care hospital.

34.    Study of left ventricular hypertrophy with reference to left ventricular mass index in patients with hypertension.

35.    Study of postprandial hypertriglyceridemia and carotid intima-media thickness in type 2 diabetes mellitus.

36.    To study the role of serum uric acid as risk factor in acute ischemic stroke.

37.    Clinical profile and cardiac evaluation in patients of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

38.    Study of correlation of body mass index,waist hip ratio and lipid profile in patients with newly diagnosed type-2 diabetes.

39.    To study haematological manifestations of malaria

40.    To study clinical profile of dilated cardiomyopathy.

41.    Study of cardiovascular manifestions of hypothyroidism.

42.    Evaluation of thyroid function status in patients of chronic kidney disease.

43.    A cross sectional study of glycosylated hemoglobin in ischemic stroke and transient ischemic attacks.

44.    Study of delirium in patients admitted in the intensive care.

45.    Cardiovascular manifestations in alcoholism

46.    Study of clinical profile of catheter related thrombosis incidance and risk factor related to patient and devices.

47.    Predictors of successful weaning of patient on mechanical ventilation in icu.

48.    Clinical profile of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis.

49.    Clinical spectrum of extra pulmonary tuberculosis.

50.    Clinical profile of encephalopathy in medical intensive care-unit.

51.    Clinical profile of amitraz poisoning.

52.    Clinical Study on the complications of haart in people living with HIV

53.    Study of lipid profile in stroke patients.

54.    The study of clinical and lab profile of acute febrile illness with thrombcoytopenia.

55.    Prevalence of HIV associated neurocognitive disorders among HIV infected patients in a tertiary care center.

56.    Study of prognostic factors affecting outcome of cardiomyopathy.

57.    Validation of pneumonia severity index score for community acquired pneumonia in elderly.

58.    Study of factors predicting conversion of non invasive ventilation to invasive ventilation in patients of acute respiratory distress syndrome.

59.    Evaluation of oculoinflammatory diseases for systemic association and outcome after treatment.

60.    Clinical Profile and serum gamma glutamyl transferase estimation in case of alcohol withdrawal.

61.    Serum homocysteine level in sickle cell anaemia and its association with vaso occlusive crisis.

62.    Assessment of left ventricular mass in normotensive subjects without any cardiovasculer risk.

63.    Glycaemic variability and mortaliy in critically ill patients.

64.    Cognititve and functional impairment in elderly diabetics.

65.    Cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction in alcoholic cirrhosis of liver

66.    To study the clinical profile of pyrexia of unknown origin.

67.    Study of the clinical laboratory and radiological features in patients with large vessel vasculitis in a tertiary care centre.

68.    To study sympathetic modulation in patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and it’s correlation with mortality.

69.    Clinical profile of patients with anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody associated vasculitis in tertiary care centre.

70.    Renal involvement in HIV positive patients on tenofovir or zidovudine Based art regimen at tertiary care hospital.

71.    Corelation of serum magnesium,calcium and potassium levels with outcome in critically ill invasively ventilated patients in MNICU.

72.    To study the prevalence of metabolic syndrome after initiation of anti-retroviral therapy and comparison of zidovudine vs tenofovir based regimens.

73.    Study of genetic and environmental factors determining warfarin toxicity

74.    To study the menstrual abnormalities and gonadal hormonal dysfunction in women with connective tissue disorders on immunosuppression with intravenous cyclosphamide and oral mycophenolate mofetil

75.    Evaluation and assesment of the utility of NT-pro BNP in the emergency diagnosis and in hospital monitoring of patients with dyspnea.

76.    Echocardiographic study of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in type 2 diabetes mellius

77.    Spectrum of acute renal failure patients requiring haemodialysis at medical college hospital.

78.    A clinical study of acute ischemic stroke with reference to colour doppler sonography of the extra cranial carotid vessels.

79.    Clinical profile and echocardiographic findings of patients with cardiomyopathy at tertiary care hospital.

80.    Assessment of the clinical profile and risk factors associated with myocardial infarction in young adults.

81.    Study of the effects of a low protein diet on nutritional status of patients with chronic kidney disease not on dialysis.

82.    Assessment of thyroid function among the young asymptomatic male members of indian armed forces.

83.    A compareative study of renoprotective property of n-acetylcysteine in cis platinum based chemotherapies.

84.    To study the etiological factors,symptoatology and outcome in case of acute pancreatitis.

85.    Clinico-bacteriological study of urinary tract infectons in catheterized patients in hospital.

86.    Clinico biological profile of dengue and malaria with special reference to inflammatory markers.

87.    Ultrasonographic evaluation of gallbladder

88.    contractility in patients of Type 2 diabetes mellitus with & without autonomic neuropathy.

89.    Clinico-endoscopic predictors of clinical outcome in patients with upper gastro-intestinal bleeding.

90.    Electrocardiographic and echocardiographic assessment in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

91.    Clinicopathological profile of patients with pancytopenia.

92.    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in type 2 diabetes mellitus and it’s correlation with cardiovascular risk factors.

93.    Study of renal osteodystrophy and serum vitamin D level in cases of chronic kidney disease.

94.    Study of clinical features of patients presenting with dengue viral infection     at tertiary care hospital.

95.    Clinical profile of chronic kidney disease patients at tertiary care hospital.

96.    Study of cardiometabolic risk profile of female patients in tertiary care hospital.

97.    Clinical Study of autonomic dysfunction in patients of type-2 diabetes mellitus in rural hospital.

98.    Clinical profile of megaloblastic amaemia in rural hospital.

99.    study of high sensitivity Creactive protein (hs-CRP) in patients with Ischemic stroke.

100.  Study of clinical profile of acute coronary syndrome with special reference to vitamin D level.

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241 Medical Research Topics: Original Ideas List

241 Medical Research Topics

As an applied science, attaining the level of becoming a professional requires getting a medical science certificate. To get this, you need to have studied in a university and fulfilled all professional academic requirements.

However, when it comes to writing your project or contributing a paper to a journal, it may be very difficult to wrap your head around good medical surgical research topics or controversial medical research topics to discuss.

This article shares custom medical topics for research papers for you. Before you see them, get to know a few things that must be seen in a good medical research paper.

Medicine is a field that deals with human health. It requires the activities of people like doctors, nurses, and many other specialists handling the different sections of the field.

Medicine as a profession encompasses the tests, treatment, and prevention of diseases through medical research and the actual application of such research. The goal is always to promote and maintain the collective health of everyone in the globe.

Characteristics of a Good Medical Research Paper

Every research has distinct things that make it exceptional. When these things are lacking in some field, it’s a failure. This is why your professors and teachers will be pleased if your paper have these.

  • Research is Based on Great Research Questions

Your research is developed on research questions that are relevant to the field. This is where you get to define the scope and the cases you want to base your research. To formulate your research question, you must assess its feasibility, newness, ethics, and relevance to the current discussions.

  • Significant Research Methodology

This is what determines the success of your paper. You must note that you need both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Adhering to these means that your paper examined patients’ experiences and behaviors as well as the observation of various data.

  • Discuss Previous Knowledge on the Subject

A good paper must show knowledge on the topic by discussing previous works done on the subject. Through this, you can shed light on the darker parts and evaluate your objectives.

  • The Use of Relevant Data

Your paper must not be based on what you believe. They must be reliable, which is why there is a need for unbiased evidence. For this, you must collect data, analyze them, and apply them while writing.

  • It is Reproductive

Your research must not be one without consistency or productivity. Your research must be available and transparent to specialists or researchers who are taking it up. Your paper must include how you examined the subject, the details of the research, and how you reached the conclusions of your discussion.

  • Your Research Should Be Ethical

Your research may have limits, but that’s what makes it ethical. You must research using standards of objectivity, accountability, honesty, and other medical values which ensures that you don’t violate anybody or objects in the course of research. Aside from this, your research must not be plagiarized, falsified, or fabricated.

Your research must also be appropriately structured into introduction, main body, discussion, and conclusions. Examine this structure:

Introduction Your introduction is a short review of your title. It must include the shortcomings of existing research, the aim, and objectives of your study, the scope, as well as the methodology to attain a full understanding of your topic. Your introduction may be chapter one if you’re writing a project or it may take a few pages of your paper. The Main Body This is where you share the reasons for some of the tests you conducted and your analysis of such tests. If you’re also engaged in statistical analysis, you also need to discuss the results here. This is where you tender your data, correlate them, and draw your conclusions. In all these, you must emphasize your message and the reasons for it. Conclusion This is where you write the advantages and limitations of your study. You can also recommend other authors whose work clarifies some of the things your work hasn’t clarified. The conclusions is also where you give a summary of your paper.

Now that you know the characteristics of a good medical paper as well as the structure, you can choose any of these topics for your use. On the other side, you always have an opportunity to custom dissertation help from our expert team.

Medical Research Topics

As a necessity to fulfilling your academic or professional requirements, you need quality medical research paper topics to choose from. These are topics that encompass basic things about human health, even adult and teenage lifestyles.

  • The effect of eating disorder on teen development
  • Effects of systemic lupus on kids
  • How birth Injury affects the mental health of a child
  • How does a sickness become a stereotype?
  • The process of managing acute otitis media
  • Role of social workers in raising special children
  • The role of social workers in protecting abused kids
  • The importance of childhood cancer treatment
  • Why does cancer happen to kids
  • The dangers of continuous assault on kids
  • How do the microbes in the body affect or influence the growth
  • The role of immunity in disease prevention
  • How to improve the probability of recovering from a stroke in adult women
  • Describe the ways of attenuation in issues of bone tissue destruction
  • Examine how stroke affects the brain
  • What are the recent findings in the study of human microbial ecology?
  • How to diagnose a poisoned patient
  • What is the mechanism used in explaining seasonal affective disorder (SAD
  • What are the dangers surgery helps patients avoid
  • Is surgery the last resort for those who couldn’t achieve weight loss?
  • What are the limitations of the human physical structures
  • How has the human physical structure affected abilities in selected careers like athletics
  • Examine the evolution of HIV AIDS in Africa
  • Discuss the evolution of HIV AIDS in America
  • Study three bipolar disorder patients and document your findings
  • Study three cancer patients and discuss suggestions of treatment
  • How does stroke lead to communication difficulty?
  • The correlation of knee osteoarthritis to obesity
  • How the central lateral thalamus helps with consciousness
  • Risk of medically induced coma
  • Risks of sickness during post-transplantation
  • How sports promote mental health attitudes
  • Discuss the challenges facing public hospitals.

Medical Research Papers Topics

If you want to contribute to a journal or you’re required to write a paper in school, how do you intend to go about it? Finding a topic can give you troubled moments, it could even ruin your mood. This is why there are professional medical topics for research papers, some of which are:

  • Consequences of drug misuse drawing from 5 ADHD patients
  • The encounter of type 1 diabetes in kids
  • Differences in the challenge of movement disorders in adults and kids
  • How clinical trials can be a change or a societal menace
  • The concept of secondhand smoke and danger to kids
  • Predictive testing: what does it mean?
  • Genetic research and the ethics of integrating adults
  • Thorough overview of the omicron virus
  • Thoroughly examine the trends of pandemics
  • Infant death syndrome and the symptoms that causes it
  • Parkinson’s disease and its correlation to stroke
  • Recent trends in the study of autism spectrum disorder
  • How genetics helps in understanding hereditary diseases
  • Discuss the problems facing W.H.O.
  • What is social anxiety disorder (SAD)
  • Cerebral palsy: an overview of existing genetic study
  • Role of genetics in human wellness
  • The importance of health in the workplace
  • The limitations of insurance and how it affects healthcare
  • The challenges that put kids at risks
  • How meningitis’s risk increases in children
  • The relationship between genetics and nutrition
  • Relations between iron deficiency and obesity
  • Study the pros and cons of breastfeeding
  • Why do women’s breast sag while breastfeeding?
  • Recent ways to diagnose asthma
  • Healthcare challenges to understanding eye complications
  • What has hindered the performance of health organizations in the world
  • Discuss the medical approach to help in reducing suicide
  • Causes of eating disorders.

Medical Anthropology Research Topics

Anthropology is a field that studies humans through its social lens. It does this through both cultural and sometimes societal and historical perspectives. Medical anthropology is enthralled by this, which is why this field is also important in medicine. Consider these current medical research topics:

  • An examination of why people from a region are short
  • The medical culture of China
  • The medical culture in England
  • Multigenerational addiction and how it affects kids
  • The growth of subjective experience in healthcare
  • What are the challenges caused by disability
  • How caffeine endangers human health
  • Sleep disorders and the role of drugs
  • How medical pluralism came to be and its relevance in contemporary medicine
  • Impact of incarceration on health
  • Discuss how African history affect interest in western medicine
  • Dangers of racial healthcare treatment
  • Most critical cause of death in the US
  • Consequences of environmental disorders on human health
  • How much does the environment of India lead to its death rate
  • How does culture affect medical exposure?
  • The basis of chronic illness and premature death
  • Comparative assessment of disability and chronic health on children
  • An overview of cultural bias in anatomy studies
  • How speech hearing and loss affect growth
  • Contributions of Egypt to medicine
  • The contribution of Greek medical systems to medicine.

Controversial Medical Topics for Research Paper

Different topics remain highly controversial in today’s healthcare. These are topics that are both essential to discuss and significant in the future of medicine. These current medical research topics are worthy of examination:

  • Discuss any five contradictory arguments on the need for euthanasia
  • Difference between euthanasia on animals and humans
  • Ethical issues in stem cells
  • The question of abortion and the choice of women
  • How much is enough for a vaccine test?
  • How had gender bias affected medical research
  • Role of policies in regulating healthcare services
  • Antidepressants and the challenge of human growth
  • African supplements equate western drugs
  • Discuss any three medical conspiracy theories
  • How chronic fatigue affect human health
  • To what extent can individuals claim ownership of life?
  • To what extent can an owner claim ownership of the life of a pet?
  • What are the controversies regarding plastic surgeries?
  • Is the growth in medical know-how a threat to people?
  • The network between mental health and abortion
  • Sexual enhancement products and consequences
  • Challenges smoking pose on the society
  • Fast food and junk food: consequences
  • Dangers of genetic engineering
  • Dangers of genetic engineering in robots.

Medical Research Topics for College Students

As college students, you also need to discover topics that could help with your understanding of medicine better. These are topics that offer insights into the field itself; exploratory topics. You can consider these interesting medical research topics for your level:

  • Significant changes in consumption patterns in America
  • Relationship between obesity and food allergy
  • The role of music therapy in pain management
  • What are the roles of art in pain management?
  • Changes in food consumption globally
  • Side effects of obesity
  • Dangers of low sugar intake
  • Dangers of high sugar intake
  • The hazards of low fruit and vegetable consumption
  • Teenage pregnancy and challenges in Africa
  • Abortion and superstitions in the Middle East
  • Teenage pregnancy and challenges of healthcare in India
  • Rape and health repercussions to victims
  • The psychology of trauma
  • Concept of hereditary trauma
  • How to treat dementia in Africa
  • Dangers of the rise in dementia globally
  • Preventive strategy of social viruses like AIDS
  • An overview of leading researches on breast cancer
  • Challenge of lifestyle choices in middle-aged women
  • How teenage lifestyle choices could affect adults
  • Health challenges of boxing
  • Recent approaches to seizure disorders
  • Maintaining immune system in HIV patients
  • Strategies to enhance affordable public healthcare
  • Is digital health a threat to existing health systems
  • An overview of nanotechnology in healthcare
  • Importance of digital medical records
  • The consequences of greenhouse gas emissions
  • How ICT has influenced the healthcare sector
  • How to prevent workplace healthcare challenges.

Interesting Medical Research Topics

Would you like some interesting research topics? You can discuss any of these medical topics for research papers. They are interesting research topics for medical students which are often intriguing, serious, yet exciting.

  • What is autism?
  • Discuss the challenges of post-transplantation of liver
  • How does energy-dense food affect people?
  • Consequences of social media addiction on health
  • How to improve fresh food consumption
  • How to improve the services of social workers
  • How global warming affects global health
  • How to enhance health literacy
  • The Relationship between cultural awareness and literacy
  • The challenges of alcohol misuse in teenagers
  • Reasons for high blood pressure
  • High blood pressure in low-income countries and high-income countries
  • Factors leading to high mortality rates
  • Factors leading to population growth
  • Future predictions of healthcare
  • Tobacco and public health: the problem
  • Differences in health issues in low and high-income countries
  • How to prevent STDs in teenagers
  • How pregnancy could complicate hypertension
  • Preventive measures to birth accident
  • The consequences of the elderly population on global health
  • Comment on the healthcare concerns in America, England, and Nigeria
  • How has physical activity helped maintain health?
  • Influence of physical activities on mental health
  • The challenges of age-propelled illnesses
  • How does growth affect human abilities
  • Concerns of pharmaceutical companies in global health
  • Concerns of health tech companies in global health
  • Problems of healthcare with supplements
  • How supplements have helped avoid complications in healthcare.

Medical Ethics Research Paper Topics

As it is in many other professions, there are ethics to healthcare activities. These ethics are sometimes up for debate. If you’d like to discuss any of these, choose from these interesting research topics for medical students:

  • Everyone does not need to put on masks outdoor
  • How the coronavirus vaccine proved ineffective
  • The gross differences in results of vaccines in western countries and Africa
  • Replacement of nurses by robots: right step?
  • Lack of doctors’ allowance for extra hours of work
  • The challenges of assisted suicide in hospitals
  • Human organs and ethics
  • Ethics of saving a pregnant women
  • Crisis of selective reproduction
  • Crisis of healthcare services to low-income families
  • The need for counseling for HIV/AIDS patients
  • Confidentiality assurance of medical histories
  • Is it a criminal offense to give poor medical results leading to a patient’s death?
  • What are the possibilities of a disease-free globe
  • Why morticians need special psychological counseling.

Medical Sociology Research Topics

You may need to attempt topics on social health in medicine. These are topics that are likewise related to public health. You can attempt the following:

  • How malnutrition affects students
  • How obesity affects African children
  • High cholesterol and health consequences
  • How expensive drugs often lead to the death of low-income earners
  • Global efforts to reduce smoking
  • Influence of pollutants on health
  • An overview of the protective essence of alcohol on health
  • How to prevent chronic backache
  • How to avoid drunk driving
  • The crisis of supplements in Africa
  • Comment on the role of black magic in healthcare
  • Discuss the harmful objects leading to lung cancer
  • How to improve the quality of life
  • How to improve the high mortality rate
  • How video games can lead to illnesses
  • Impact of flights on public health
  • Significance of research in mental health
  • How stigma affects patients of HIV/AIDS
  • The devastating effects of tech innovations in public healthcare
  • How to control cancer through research.

Medical Microbiology Research Topics

Microbiology is a branch that delves into microorganisms and their consequences on living organisms. This extends to man and animals. In medicine, it implies how medical healthcare services and systems combat the consequences of these organisms. You can consider the following topics:

  • Reasons which lead to the exacerbation of sports Injuries leading to slow recovery
  • The challenges of managing limb loss and the statistics of the people it is affecting
  • How patient-based diagnosis remains underestimated in some cases of healthcare as well as the consequences
  • Challenges of imaging in biomedical research
  • Concept of bacterial meningitis and how to diagnose it
  • The concept of thermal rehabilitation approach in the cases of Neurodegeneration
  • The consequences of hemodialysis and how it affects victims of chronic kidney insufficiency
  • Growth of lung cancer and the attempt of repute authorities in attacking it
  • Leading research in the new variant of COVID-19, the omicron virus
  • Comment on the statements made by South African officials about the mildness of the omicron virus
  • Examine the virologic concepts of seasonal influenza and its effects
  • Examine in detail the ethics and regulations placed on using animals during biomedical research and testing
  • Discuss existing diagnoses and classifications of blood cells disorder and its role in healthcare
  • How aging is influenced by external changes
  • How to protect the laboratory during an earthquake
  • Examine recent discoveries in Alzheimer’s disease
  • How does the union of people help in avoiding stroke
  • A step by step guide to enhancing visual sights
  • Ways to approach viruses and their infestation in food
  • Revolutionary discoveries in microbiology.

Research Topics in Medical Biochemistry

You may also want to consider a few topics in biochemistry. These are topics that deal with the basis of chemistry, biology, and their relationship with medicine. You can discuss:

  • Investigate the height of potassium bromate in bread
  • Examine the performance of laboratory assistants in any pharmaceutical company of your choice
  • Discuss the number of chemicals in barber shops’ washing ingredients
  • How does the human skin react to toxic chemicals?
  • Discuss the different approaches to extracting or treating dental caries
  • Analyze a chemical particle in the soap of any two brands of your choice
  • Examine the pH value of water in any three brands of your choice
  • Cost of building delay in human health
  • The consequences of the swift resort to drugs at the perception of any illness
  • Walk to any market of your choice and select three different types of tomatoes. Comment on the phytochemical constituents
  • Evaluate the antioxidant constituents of the African nutmeg
  • Examine the anti-inflammatory challenges in Crateva adenosine dichloromethane fraction
  • The constituents of alcohol and the most dangerous properties
  • Ethics guiding home-brewed alcohol in the US
  • Content of Azadirachta Indica and its essence to human health
  • Comment on the physicochemical features of potatoes and sorghum
  • Disburse the chemical end mineral properties of hibiscus sabdariffa
  • Dangers of unprotected watercourses
  • The challenges of nuclear energy in a war triggered world.

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Chapter 5 dissertations and theses.

Created: October 10, 2007 ; Last Update: August 11, 2015 .

A. Entire Dissertations and Theses

  • Sample Citation and Introduction
  • Citation Rules with Examples

B. Parts of Dissertations and Theses

  • A. Sample Citation and Introduction to Citing Entire Dissertations and Theses

The general format for a reference to entire dissertation, including punctuation:

Illustration of the general format for a reference to entire

The general format for a reference to entire master's thesis, including punctuation:

Illustration of the general format for a reference to entire master's

  • Examples of Citations to Entire Dissertations and Theses

Dissertations and theses are rigorous reports of original research written in support of academic degrees above the baccalaureate level. Although some countries use the term "thesis" to refer to material written for a doctorate, the term in this chapter is reserved for work at the master's level, while "dissertation" is used for the doctorate.

Citations to dissertations and theses are similar to the standard book, with the following important points:

  • With rare exceptions, dissertations have only one author. Most master's theses also have a single author, but occasionally will have two.
  • The place of publication for a thesis or dissertation is the city where the university or other institution granting the degree is located. Many dissertations, particularly those of US universities, do not state the place of publication. When this occurs, obtain the city name from another source and place it in square brackets.
  • The publisher is the university or other institution granting the degree.

The chief source for information about a dissertation or thesis is its title page. The back of the title page, called the verso page, and the cover are additional sources of authoritative information not found on the title page.

Continue to Citation Rules with Examples for Entire Dissertations and Theses .

Continue to Examples of Citations to Entire Dissertations and Theses .

  • Citation Rules with Examples for Entire Dissertations and Theses

Components/elements are listed in the order they should appear in a reference. An R after the component name means that it is required in the citation; an O after the name means it is optional.

Author (R) | Title (R) | Content Type (O) | Type of Medium (R) | Place of Publication (R) | Publisher (R) | Date of Publication (R) | Pagination (O) | Physical Description (O) | Language (R) | Notes (O)

Author for a Dissertation or Thesis (required)

General rules for author.

  • List names in the order they appear in the text
  • Enter surname (family or last name) first for each author
  • Capitalize surnames and enter spaces within surnames as they appear in the document cited on the assumption that the author approved the form used. For example: Van Der Horn or van der Horn; De Wolf or de Wolf or DeWolf.
  • Convert given (first) names and middle names to initials for a maximum of two initials following each surname
  • Separate author names from each other by a comma and a space
  • End author information with a period

Specific Rules for Author

  • Surnames with hyphens and other punctuation in them
  • Other surname rules
  • Given names containing punctuation, a prefix, a preposition, or particle
  • Degrees, titles, and honors following a personal name
  • Designations of rank in a family, such as Jr and III
  • Names in non-roman alphabets (Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Korean) or character-based languages (Chinese, Japanese)
  • Options for author names

Surnames with hyphens and other punctuation in them.

Other surname rules.

Given names containing punctuation, a prefix, a preposition, or particle.

Degrees, titles, and honors following a personal name.

Designations of rank in a family, such as Jr and III.

Names in non-roman alphabets (Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Korean) or character-based languages (Chinese, Japanese).

Options for author names.

Examples for Author

1. standard dissertation, 2. standard master's thesis, 3. dissertation or thesis with optional full name(s) for author, 4. dissertation or thesis with more than one author (rare), 5. dissertation or thesis with authors showing designations of rank within the family, title for a dissertation or thesis (required), general rules for title.

  • Enter the title of a dissertation or thesis as it appears in the original document and in the original language
  • Capitalize only the first word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initialisms
  • Use a colon followed by a space to separate a title from a subtitle, unless another form of punctuation (such as a question mark, period, or an exclamation point) is already present
  • Follow non-English titles with a translation whenever possible; place the translation in square brackets
  • End a title with a period unless a question mark or exclamation point already ends it or a Content Type or Type of Medium follows it, then end with a space

Specific Rules for Title

  • Titles not in English
  • Titles containing a Greek letter, chemical formula, or another special character

Titles not in English.

Titles containing a Greek letter, chemical formula, or another special character.

Examples for Title

6. dissertation or thesis with titles ending in punctuation other than a period, 7. dissertation or thesis with titles containing a chemical formula, greek letter, or other special characters, 8. dissertation or thesis with non-english titles, 9. dissertation or thesis with non-english titles, with translation, content type for a dissertation or thesis (optional), general rules for content type.

  • Place [dissertation] or [master's thesis] after the title to alert the user that the reference is not to a standard book
  • Follow the bracketed type with a period unless the dissertation or thesis is in a non-print medium (see Type of Medium below)

Specific Rules for Content Type

  • Titles ending in punctuation other than a period
  • Non-English titles with translation

Titles ending in punctuation other than a period.

Non-English titles with translation.

Examples for Content Type

10. dissertation or thesis in a microform, type of medium for a dissertation or thesis (required), general rules for type of medium.

  • Indicate the specific type of medium (microfiche, ultrafiche, microfilm, microcard, etc.) following the title and the content type when a dissertation or thesis is published in a microform
  • Place the name of the medium inside the square brackets for the content type, preceded by the word "on". For example: [dissertation on microfiche].
  • End with a period following the closing bracket
  • Add information about the medium according to the instructions under Physical Description below
  • See Chapter 15 for dissertations or theses in audiovisual formats; Chapter18 and Chapter 22 for those in electronic formats

Specific Rules for Type of Medium

Examples for type of medium, place of publication for a dissertation or thesis (required), general rules for place of publication.

  • Place is defined as the city where the university or other institution granting the degree is located
  • Follow US and Canadian cities with the two-letter abbreviation for the state or province (see Appendix E ) to avoid confusion when citing lesser known cities or when cities in different locations have the same name, such as Palm Springs (CA) and Palm Springs (FL)
  • Follow cities in other countries with the name of the country, either written out or as the two-letter ISO country code (see Appendix D ), when citing lesser known cities or when cities in different locations have the same name, such as London (ON) and London (England)
  • Use the anglicized form for a non-US city, such as Vienna for Wien
  • End place information with a colon

Specific Rules for Place of Publication

  • Non-US cities
  • No place of publication can be found

Non-US cities.

No place of publication can be found.

Examples for Place of Publication

11. dissertation or thesis with place of publication not found on title page, publisher for a dissertation or thesis (required), general rules for publisher.

  • The publisher is the university or other institution granting the degree
  • Record the name of the institution as it appears in the publication, using whatever capitalization and punctuation is found there
  • Abbreviate well-known words in institutional names, such as Univ. for University, if desired
  • When a division or other subsidiary part of an institution appears in the publication, enter the main institutional name first. For example: University of Illinois at Chicago, Health Sciences Center.
  • End publisher information with a semicolon

Specific Rules for Publisher

  • Abbreviations in publisher names
  • Non-English names of institutions
  • Government agencies and other national and international bodies as publisher

Abbreviations in publisher names.

Non-English names of institutions.

Government agencies and other national and international bodies as publisher.

Examples for Publisher

12. dissertation or thesis publisher with subsidiary part included, 13. dissertation or thesis issued by a governmental body, 14. dissertation or thesis issued by other than a university, date of publication for a dissertation or thesis (required), general rules for date of publication.

  • Always give the year of publication, i.e., the year the degree was granted
  • Convert roman numerals to arabic numbers. For example: MM to 2000.
  • Include the month of publication, if desired, after the year, such as 2004 May
  • Use English names for months and abbreviate them to the first three letters, such as Jan
  • End date information with a period

Specific Rules for Date of Publication

  • Non-English names for months
  • Seasons instead of months
  • Options for date of publication

Non-English names for months.

Seasons instead of months.

Options for date of publication.

Examples for Date of Publication

15. dissertation or thesis date with month included, 16. dissertation or thesis date with season, pagination for a dissertation or thesis (optional), general rules for pagination.

  • Provide the total number of pages on which the text of the dissertation or thesis appears
  • Do not count pages for such items as introductory material, appendixes, and indexes unless they are included in the pagination of the text
  • Follow the page total with a space and the letter p
  • For dissertations or theses published in more than one physical volume, cite the total number of volumes instead of the number of pages, such as 2 vol
  • End pagination information with a period

Specific Rules for Pagination

  • No numbers appear on the pages

No numbers appear on the pages.

Examples for Pagination

17. dissertation or thesis submitted in more than one volume, physical description for a dissertation or thesis (optional), general rules for physical description.

  • Give information on the physical characteristics if a dissertation or thesis is published in a microform (microfilm, microfiche, microcard, etc.), such as 3 microfiche: black & white, 2 x 4 in.

Specific Rules for Physical Description

  • Language for describing physical characteristics

Language for describing physical characteristics.

Examples for Physical Description

Language for a dissertation or thesis (required), general rules for language.

  • Give the language of publication if other than English
  • Capitalize the language name
  • Follow the language name with a period

Examples for Language

Notes for a dissertation or thesis (optional), general rules for notes.

  • Notes is a collective term for any type of useful information given after the citation itself
  • Complete sentences are not required

Specific Rules for Notes

Dissertations or theses accompanied by a videocassette, CD-ROM, DVD, etc.

  • Other types of material to include in notes

Other types of material to include in notes.

Examples for Notes

18. dissertation or thesis with availability statement included, 19. dissertation or thesis with location of a library or other holding institution where the dissertation/thesis may be found, 20. dissertation or thesis with note on specific type of degree, 21. dissertation or thesis with sponsorship or support note included, 22. dissertation or thesis accompanied by a cd-rom, dvd, or other medium, 23. dissertation or thesis with supplemental material on the internet.

Jones DL. The role of physical activity on the need for revision total knee arthroplasty in individuals with osteoarthritis of the knee [dissertation]. [Pittsburgh (PA)]: University of Pittsburgh; 2001. 436 p.

Liu-Ambrose TY. Studies of fall risk and bone morphology in older women with low bone mass [dissertation]. [Vancouver (BC)]: University of British Columbia; 2004. 290 p.

Zhao C. Development of nanoelectrospray and application to protein research and drug discovery [dissertation]. Buffalo (NY): State University of New York at Buffalo; 2005. 276 p.

Roguskie JM. The role of Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1244 pilin glycan in virulence [master's thesis]. [Pittsburgh (PA)]: Duquesne University; 2005. 111 p.

Weisbaum LD. Human sexuality of children and adolescents: a comprehensive training guide for social work professionals [master's thesis]. Long Beach (CA): California State University, Long Beach; 2005. 101 p.

Baldwin, Karen Brandt. An exploratory method of data retrieval from the electronic medical record for the evaluation of quality in healthcare [dissertation]. Chicago: University of Illinois at Chicago, Health Sciences Center; 2004. 116 p.

Kolotylo C, MacDonald JM. Exploration of the relationships among personal and illness-related factors, migraine headache pain, the chronic pain experience, coping, depressive symptomatology, disability, and quality of life in women with migraine headache [dissertation]. [Milwaukee (WI)]: University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee; 1999. 295 p.

Korir J, Karr-Kidwell PJ. The relationship between self esteem and effective educational leadership: a literary review, recommendations, and interviews [master's thesis]. [Denton (TX)]: Texas Woman's University; 2000 May. 98 p.

Daugherty RH 3rd. Social work education and public assistance workers in Kentucky 1936-2001 [dissertation]. Louisville (KY): University of Louisville; 2004. 203 p.

Boyer CL. Do rural Medicare patients have different post-acute service patterns than their non-rural counterparts? [dissertation]. [Cleveland (OH)]: Case Western Reserve University; 2004. 131 p.

Martin EJ. 1,1-dichloroethylene -induced mitochondrial aberrations precede apoptotic and necrotic cell death in murine liver and lung [dissertation]. Kingston (ON): Queen's University; 2004. 149 p.

Greek letters may be written out if special fonts are not available

Goel R. Characterization of α-thrombin -induced rapid phase of PI 3-kinase [dissertation]. St. Louis (MO): Saint Louis University; 2004. 141 p.

Goel R. Characterization of alpha-thrombin -induced rapid phase of PI 3-kinase [dissertation]. St. Louis (MO): Saint Louis University; 2004. 141 p.

Superscripts/subscripts may be enclosed within parentheses if fonts are not available

Uddemarri S. Aging affects stretch-induced p70 S6k and 4E-BP1 phosphorylation in fast- and slow-twitch muscle [master's thesis]. [Huntington (WV)]: Marshall University; 2005. 151 p.

Uddemarri S. Aging affects stretch-induced p70(S6k) and 4E-BP1 phosphorylation in fast- and slow-twitch muscle [master's thesis]. [Huntington (WV)]: Marshall University; 2005. 151 p.

Montes Alvarez MJ. Parametros predictivos de complicaciones macroangiopaticos en la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 que precisa insulinoterapia [dissertation]. Cadiz (Spain): Universidad de Cadiz; 2005. 180 p. Spanish.

Cisse A. Connaissances et comportements sexuels des jeunes de 15-29 ans sur les M.T.S. et le SIDA a Bamako [master's thesis]. [Quebec (QC)]: Laval University; 1993. 69 p. French.

Montes Alvarez MJ. Parametros predictivos de complicaciones macroangiopaticos en la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 que precisa insulinoterapia [Predictive parameters for macroangiopathy complications in Type 2 diabetes which requires insulin] [dissertation]. Cadiz (Spain): Universidad de Cadiz; 2005. 180 p. Spanish.

Cisse A. Connaissances et comportements sexuels des jeunes de 15-29 ans sur les M.T.S. et le SIDA a Bamako [Sexual knowledge and behavior of young people 15-29 years of age concerning sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and AIDS in Bamako] [master's thesis]. [Quebec (QC)]: Laval University; 1993. 69 p. French.

Craft LL. Exercise and clinical depression: examining psychological mechanisms [dissertation on microfiche]. [East Lansing (MI)]: Michigan State University; 2002. 116 p. 2 microfiche: black & white, negative, 4 x 6 in.

Peppas D. Der Anatom Eduard Jacobshagen (1886-1967) [The anatomist Eduard Jacobshagen (1886-1967)] [dissertation on microfiche]. [Marburg (Germany)]: Marburg University; 2001. 133 p. 2 microfiche: black & white, negative, 4 x 6 in. German.

Brill S. Hygieia: health and medicine in Plato's Republic [dissertation on microfilm]. [College Park (PA)]: Pennsylvania State University; 2004. 311 p. 1 reel: black & white, negative, 35 mm.

Johnston PG. A survey of nursing school libraries in the city of Philadelphia [master's thesis on microcard]. Philadelphia: Drexel Institute of Technology; 1955. 55 p. 3 microcards: 3 x 5 in.

Campbell E. Childbearing and choice: views of young Chinese professional women [dissertation]. [Claremont (CA)]: Claremont Graduate University; 1996. 147 p.

Metry KJ. NAT polymorphism in breast cancer risk [master's thesis]. Louisville (KY): University of Louisville, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology; 2004. 71 p.

Miller LE, Sperry BM. Central American women's experience of prenatal care [master's thesis]. [Boston (MA)]: Massachusetts General Hospital, Institute of Health Professions; 1992. 66 p.

Schauppner CE. Some ramifications of compensation limitations in personal services contracts for direct health care providers [master's thesis]. Monterey (CA): Naval Postgraduate School (US); 1990. 74 p.

Kazerouni NN. Family history of breast cancer as a determinant of the risk of developing endometrial and ovarian cancers: a nationwide cohort study [dissertation]. [Bethesda (MD)]: Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (US), Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics; 2002.

Kan H. Does the Medicare principal inpatient diagnostic cost group model adequately adjust for selection bias? [dissertation]. Santa Monica (CA): RAND Graduate School; 2002. 101 p.

Lemov RM. The laboratory imagination: experiments in human and social engineering. [Berkeley (CA)]: University of California, Berkeley; 2000 Spring. 2 vol.

Hanson CA. Embodying erudition: English art, medicine, & antiquarianism in the age of empiricism [dissertation]. [Chicago]: University of Chicago, Department of Art History; 2003. 2 vol.

Boyer CL. Do rural Medicare patients have different post-acute service patterns than their non-rural counterparts? [dissertation]. [Cleveland (OH)]: Case Western Reserve University; 2004. 131 p. Available from: UMI, Ann Arbor, MI; AAT 3145345.

Overlock JA. The relationship between balance and fundamental motor skills in children five to nine years of age [master's thesis]. [Corvallis (OR)]: Oregon State University; 2004. 111 p. Available from: Kinesiology Publications, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR; PSY 2317.

Akerstrom B. Adults with autism and mental retardation: a life-span perspective [dissertation]. Uppsala (Sweden): S. Academiae Upsaliensis; 2001. 156 p. Located at: National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD; W1 AC955 v.20 2001.

Ari AB. Eye injuries on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan: public health implications [master's thesis]. Anchorage (AK): University of Alaska; 2005. 48 p. Master of Public Health.

Verhovsek EL. Examining stages in curriculum change: implementation of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) [dissertation]. [Morgantown (WV)]: West Virginia University; 2003. 197 p. Doctor of Education.

Kanika K. Labor market implications of employer provided health insurance [dissertation]. Evanston (IL): Northwestern University; 1997. 204 p. Sponsored by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research.

Tuitele BA. The current practices in injury prevention and safety helmet use in an Air Force medical center [master's thesis]. [Bethesda (MD)]: Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences; 2000. 59 p. Supported by the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Protocol No. T061AK-01.

Lukasik-Sedmak DM. How to develop an interactive MRI brain cross-sectional anatomy CD-ROM and Web-based educational materials to meet the needs of medical imaging specialists working in magnetic resonance imaging [dissertation]. [Milwaukee (WI)]: Cardinal Stritch University; 2002. 113 p. Accompanied by: 1 CD-ROM.

Morgan JC. VISIO/KINESIS: a mixed media installation and performance [master's thesis]. Dominguez Hills (CA): California State University, Dominguez Hills; 2001. 47 p. Accompanied by: 1 videocassette.

Wyatt TH. Pilot testing Okay with Asthma (TM) : a digital story for psychosocial asthma management [dissertation]. [Charlottesville (VA)]: University of Virginia; 2003. 109 p. Web site for the program available at: http://okay-with-asthma.org/ .

  • B. Sample Citation and Introduction to Citing Parts of Dissertations and Theses

The general format for a reference to a part of a dissertation, including punctuation:

Illustration of the general format for a reference to a part of a

The general format for a reference to a part of a master's thesis, including punctuation:

Illustration of the general format for a reference to a part of a master's

  • Examples of Citations to Parts of Dissertations and Theses

Rather than citing a dissertation or thesis as a whole, separately identified portions of them may be cited. Chapters, sections, tables, charts, graphs, photographs, appendixes, and the like are considered parts of dissertations/theses when they are written or compiled by the authors of the dissertation or thesis. In general, most modern texts have standardized to three types of parts: figures, tables, and appendixes. However, many other names may be found for parts.

Because a reference should start with the individual or organization with responsibility for the intellectual content of the publication, begin a reference to a part of a dissertation or thesis with the citation to the dissertation or thesis itself, then follow it with the information about the part. See Chapter 2C Parts of Books for further details on citing parts.

Medical texts frequently contain charts, figures, and other illustrative material that has been reproduced with permission from other sources. Do not cite these as parts using the instructions presented here. Consult the original publication and cite the particular item from there.

Continue to Citation Rules with Examples for Parts of Dissertations and Theses .

Continue to Examples of Citations to Parts of Dissertations and Theses .

  • Citation Rules with Examples for Parts of Dissertations and Theses

Dissertation or Thesis (R) | Name and Number/Letter (R) | Title (R) | Location (Pagination) (R)

Dissertation or Thesis (required)

  • Cite the dissertation or thesis according to Chapter 5A Entire Dissertations or Theses

Name and Number/Letter of the Part for a Dissertation or Thesis (required)

General rules for name and number/letter.

  • Enter the name of the part, such as Chapter, Table, Figure, or Appendix
  • Do not abbreviate names. For example, convert Fig. to Figure.
  • Follow the name with any accompanying number or letter, such as Chapter 12, Table 2, Figure 3.1, or Appendix A
  • Use arabic numbers only. For example: convert VI or Six to 6.
  • End name and number/letter information with a comma and a space

Specific Rules for Name and Number/Letter

  • Non-English names for parts
  • No letter or number follows the name
  • No name appears

Non-English names for parts.

No letter or number follows the name.

No name appears.

Examples for Name and Number/Letter

1. chapter in a dissertation or thesis, 2. table in a dissertation or thesis, 3. figure in a dissertation or thesis, 4. appendix in a dissertation or thesis, 5. other part of a dissertation or thesis, 6. other part of a dissertation or thesis, without name and number/letter, 7. part of a dissertation or thesis in a language other than english, title of the part for a dissertation or thesis (required).

  • Enter the title of the part as it appears in the dissertation or thesis
  • End title information with a semicolon and a space
  • Non-English titles for parts
  • Titles containing a Greek letter, chemical formula, or other special character
  • No title appears

Non-English titles for parts.

Titles containing a Greek letter, chemical formula, or other special character.

No title appears.

Location (Pagination) of the Part for a Dissertation or Thesis (required)

General rules for location (pagination).

  • Begin location with "p." followed by a space
  • Enter the page number or numbers on which the part appears. Examples: p. 438 and p. 663-4.
  • Do not repeat page numbers unless they are followed by a letter. For example: 126-127 becomes p. 126-7, but p. 126A-127A is correct.
  • Include a letter (often S for Supplement or A for Appendix) when it precedes the page number. For example: p. S10-8.
  • End page information with a period

Specific Rules for Location (Pagination)

  • Roman numerals for page numbers
  • Part paginated separately
  • No page numbers appear on the pages of the part

Roman numerals for page numbers.

Part paginated separately.

No page numbers appear on the pages of the part.

Examples for Location (Pagination)

Lemov RM. The laboratory imagination: experiments in human and social engineering [dissertation]. [Berkeley (CA)]: University of California, Berkeley; 2000 Spring. Chapter 2, Running the maze: animal and human experiments; p. 67-130.

Christensen PM. Infant nutrition and child health on Tarawa, Kiribati: a nutritional anthropological approach [master's thesis]. Sydney (Australia): University of New South Wales, Centre for South Pacific Studies; 1995. Chapter 3.1, Breastfeeding practices on Tarawa; p. 46-53.

Hayenga ES. Dieting through the decades: a comparative study of weight reduction in America as depicted in popular literature and books from 1940 to the late 1980's [dissertation]. [Minneapolis (MN)]: University of Minnesota; 1988. Chapter 3C, Science and health; p. 257-70.

Cornwell D. A cost benefit of telemedicine: an assessment of aero-medical evacuation patients throughout the Pacific Basin [master's thesis]. [Waco (TX)]: Baylor University, US Army-Baylor University Graduate Program; 1995. Table 4, Total air-evacs vs total potential telemedicine patients; p. 45.

Munoz JA. What is the quality of care in a developing country? Measuring physician practice and health outcomes [dissertation]. Santa Monica (CA): Rand Graduate School; 2002. Table 4.8, Mean objective measures of health for healthcare facility users; p. 4-33.

Bicks C. Lurking in the gossip's bowl: genealogy, gynecology, and the politics of midwifery in Shakespeare's England [dissertation]. [Stanford (CA)]: Stanford University, Department of English; 1997 Jun. Figure 9, Syringe for emergency in utero baptism; p.194.

Roberts PR. Snakes and ladders: the pursuit of a safety culture in New Zealand public hospitals [master's thesis]. [Wellington (New Zealand)]: Victoria University of Wellington, Institute of Policy Studies and Health Services Research Centre; 2002. Figure 2.1, Schema showing relationship of paradigms to human performance and links to and through culture; p. 13.

Deutsch B. Lifestyle and contaminants in Greenland 1994-1996: evaluation of the AMAP, Human Health Subprogram [master's thesis]. Aarhus (Denmark): University of Aarhus; 1999. Figure 2, Histograms of birth weight and gestational age; p. 20.

Grant MM. Under the microscope: "race," gender, and medical laboratory science in Canada [dissertation]. [Toronto (ON)]: University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education; 2004. Appendix, Survey on the career patterns and professional experiences of Canadian medical laboratory technologists; p. 285-92.

Kneale C. Health claims: an exploration of the current debate in Australia [master's thesis]. Sydney (Australia): University of Sydney, Nutrition Research Foundation; 1996 Oct. Appendix 4, Health claims questionnaire; p. 49.

Munoz JA. What is the quality of care in a developing country? Measuring physician practice and health outcomes [dissertation]. Santa Monica (CA): Rand Graduate School; 2002. Appendix 1, Background on problems of less developed countries; p. A1-8.

Powers JC. Herman Boerhaave and the pedagogical reform of eighteenth-century chemistry [dissertation]. [Bloomington (IN)]: Indiana University, Department of History and Philosophy of Science; 2001 May. Epilogue, Boerhaave's legacy; p. 296-301.

Mackowski MP. Human factors: aerospace medicine and the origins of manned space flight in the United States [dissertation]. [Tempe (AZ)]: Arizona State University; 2002 May. Part 2, Space medicine; p. 188-377.

Kairo JG. A review of the ecology and restoration of mangroves systems [dissertation]. Brussels (Belgium): Vrije University; 2001. Ecology and restoration of mangrove systems in Kenya; p. 2-15.

Kneale C. Health claims: an exploration of the current debate in Australia [master's thesis]. Sydney (Australia): University of Sydney, Nutrition Research Foundation; 1996 Oct. Summary recommendations; p. 44.

Stewart EP. Who shall decide when doctors disagree? Hoaxes and American men of science in the nineteenth century [dissertation]. Washington: American University, Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences; 2003. "Doctor" Dionysius Lardner; p. 132-48.

Mackowski MP. Human factors: aerospace medicine and the origins of manned space flight in the United States [dissertation]. [Tempe (AZ)]: Arizona State University; 2002 May. [Map], Germany 1946: showing Allied zones of occupation; p. 188.

Tamayo Lorenzo PA. Descentralizacion y financiacion de la asistencia sanitaria publica en Espana: un estudio desde la perspectiva de la equidad [dissertation]. Madrid: Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia; 1999. Tabla 5.11, Resumen de los resultados de los estudios evaluados, en terminos de necesidad para cada comunidad autonoma; p. 238. Spanish.

with translation

Tamayo Lorenzo PA. Descentralizacion y financiacion de la asistencia sanitaria publica en Espana: un estudio desde la perspectiva de la equidad [Decentralization and financing of public health assistance in Spain: a study from the perspective of equality] [dissertation]. Madrid: Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia; 1999. Tabla 5.11, Resumen de los resultados de los estudios evaluados, en terminos de necesidad para cada comunidad autonoma [Table 5.11, Summary of the results of the evaluated studies, in terms of need for each independent community]; p. 238. Spanish.

  • Cite this Page Patrias K, author; Wendling D, editor. Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); 2007-. Chapter 5, Dissertations and Theses. 2007 Oct 10 [Updated 2015 Aug 11].
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Edinburgh Medical School is one of two schools at the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine at the University of Edinburgh. The Edinburgh Medical School integrates research and teaching across our three Deaneries: Biomedical Sciences, Clinical Sciences and Molecular,Genetic and Population Health Sciences.

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Integrated analysis of patient gene expression data for precision medicine applications in breast and pancreatic cancer , investigating chromosome cohesion loss in mammalian oocytes , quality palliative care in humanitarian crises in low- and middle-income country context , understanding and stratifying brain health through blood-based omics data , role of the nuclear basket in regulating the senescence-associated secretory phenotype , identifying mistranslating mrnas in mouse models of autism , development of attachment in infants born preterm , investigating the motor neuron translatome in spinal muscular atrophy and normal postnatal development , impact of prenatal stress and chronic stress in adult rats on the brain, behaviour and gut microbiome , investigating colonic macrophage heterogeneity in steady-state, inflammation, and resolution , social behaviour in two rat models of syngap1 haploinsufficiency , multimodal decoding of the human and mouse mesenchymal lineage in biliary fibrosis , establishing the mechanistic basis of action for novel siderophore-based antibiotics in gram-negative bacteria , planar cell polarity pathway as a master regulator of biliary morphogenesis , anatomical, biomechanical and histological evaluation of the glenoid labrum , circuitry and function of layer 1 interneurons in the medial entorhinal cortex , exploiting large-scale exome sequence data to study the genotype-phenotype relationship , characterising disease heterogeneity in crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis: leveraging longitudinal biomarker profiles , influence of glucocorticoid bioavailability on atherogenesis , manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in cardiometabolic disorders .

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Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2021 2021.

“The Impact of Self-Stigma of Seeking Help and Perceived Social Support on Burnout among Clinical Psychologists” , Aavrita A

The impact of self-stigma of seeking help &percieved social support on burnout among clinical psychologists. , Aavrita .

Immediate Effects of Novel Hand Rehabilitation Board on Fine Motor Skills in Children with Cerebral Palsy. , Romita Fernandes. Abraham


Comparative predictive validity of Alberta Infant Motor Scale and Infant Neurological International Battery in Low Birth Weight Infants- A Prospective Longitudinal Study. , Polisetti Siva Sai Anand

Antagonistic Asynchrony in Muscle Recruitment Pattern of Forward Reach Movement In Children With Cerebral Palsy. , Sanya Anklesaria

Muscle fatigue response of rotator cuff muscles in sitting and standing postures , Lisanne Aranha

Effectiveness of static weight bearing versus modified constraint induced movement therapy on improving hand function in hemiplegic cerebral palsy- A Randomized Clinical Trial. , Ruth Bavighar

How informed are our patients about generic medicines? – A study from coastal South India , Darshan BB

Morphological variants of the human spleen, a cadaveric study , Murlimanju BV

Association between cervical breast cancer and Diabtetes mellitus among women seeking health care in tertiary hospitals od south India: A cross sectional study , Pratik Kumar Chatterjee

Carcinoma Breast in among Women with Diabetes Mellitus: A Case Control Study , Pratik Kumar Chatterjee

Perception of Empathy among medical students: A cross sectional study , Pratik Kumar Chatterjee


Study of outcome of Ponseti technique of management for idiopathic clubfoot in a tertiary center in south India , Lulu Damsas

Comparative study of emotional labour &burnout on life satisfaction among school teachers across different educational settings , Meghana Dharampalan

“Comparative Study of Emotional Labor and Burnout on Life Satisfaction Among School Teachers Across Different Educational Settings” , Meghana V. Dharmapalan

“Relationship Between Sexual Fantasy, Sexual Communication, Personality Traits and Sexual Satisfaction in Married Individuals” , Rhea Dhir

Comparing the efficacy of USG guided supraclavicular brachial plexus block with or without intercostobrachial nerve block for forearm surgeries – an observational study , DIKSHA D’MELLO

Does Quality of Sitting influence Functional Mobility in Cerebral Palsy? A cross-sectional study , Kaiorisa N. Doctor

Factors effecting gait velocity in osteoarthritis knee-An observational study. , Lisha Gretal D’silva

Effect of Inspiratory Muscle Training on Pulmonary Function, Functional Capacity, Quality Of Life And Length Of Stay in individuals undergoing Cardiac Surgery , Fiona Verdine Dsouza

Relationship of Academic Resilience with Self-Efficacy, and Perceived Social Support; Among Civil Service Aspirants , Neha Eldho


Comparison of efficacy of two different bolus doses of norepinephrine as prophylac-tic to prevent post-spinal hypotension during elective caesarean section , PRANATHI GARAPATI

Trends in Frailty and its Associated factors in Community Dwelling Elderly Indian Population during COVID-19 Pandemic- A Prospective Analytical Study , Karan Gautam

Speech Sound acquisition in some south Indian Dravidian languages: A systematic review , Jesica George

Comparison of Femoral nerve block with Dexmedetomidine and Adductor canal block with Dexmedetomidine for postoperative analgesia for Total Knee Arthroplasty . , NEHA GEORGE

Assessment Of Cardiovascular Risk Factors In Patients With Osteoarthritis Knee , Sagar Goel

Effectiveness of Intermittent Cervical Traction with and without Neural Mobilization in Discogenic Cervical Radiculopathy , Aditi Goyal

Study of maternal and cord blood vitamin B12 levels with anthropometry in term neonates born to normal and malnourished mothers: a hospital based cross sectional study , Sugapradha a. GR

Development of a Questionnaire to Determine the Intervention and Service Delivery Practices of Speech-Language Pathologists for Children with Speech Sound Disorders in India , Shaily Gupta

Relationship between Physical Activity, Objective Sleep Parameters and Circadian Rhythm in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer receiving Chemoradiotherapy- A Longitudinal Study , Rachita Gururaj

“Emotional Contagion, Perceived Stress and Coping Strategies Among Nurses” , Saumya Hariharan

Assessment of knowledge and belief about stuttering among undergraduate medical students , Anushree Harihar

Association of serum lipid levels and other systemic risk factors with retinal hard exudates in diabetic retinopathy patients. , Harshita Mukesh Hiran

Assessment of risk of Diabetes Mellitus by using Indian Diabetes Risk Score among Housekeeping staff , Ramesh Holla

“Emotional Intelligence, Self-compassion, and Life-Satisfaction In Clinical Psychologists” , Vania Jacob


Study to assess the role of doppler ultrasound in evaluation of arteriovenous hemodialysis fistula and the complications of hemodialysis access , Ishank Jain

Relationship between burnout compassion fatigue, work environment & mindfulness in medical residents , Pranay Javeri

“Relationship Between Burnout, Compassion Fatigue, Work Environment and Mindfulness in Medical Residents” , Pranay Harichandra Javeri

“Dating Anxiety in Emerging Adults” , Jisha V. Jayaprakash

“Relationship Between Tolerance for Disagreement and Mindfulness in Married Males and Married Females” , Jahnavi Jha

Antibiotic usage and susceptibility patterns in Uncomplicated UTI in a Tertiary Hospital in South India , Christy John

Association of bed rise difficulty scale with trunk impairment and functional scales among stroke patients , Leena G. John

Is there a correlation between Pediatric Berg Balance Scale and Centre of Pressure Excursion measured through Dual Axis Static Force Plate™ to assess Balance in Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy and Typically Developing? , Niharika Joshi

Comparison of Sensory Processing Responses in Cerebral Palsy Subtypes and Typically Developing Children (7-36 months): A Cross Sectional Study. , Archana Antony K

‘A study on the Role of Learned Helplessness, Selfefficacy and Perceived Social Support in Determining Resilience in Parents of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders’ , Benaisha Khurshed Katrak

A study of correlation of maternal serum zinc levels with breast milk and cord blood of late preterm neonates , Rashmi Katti

Correlation of histopathology and direct immunofluorescence findings in clinically diagnosed prurigo nodularis , Haritha K

Difference in proximal femur loading due to muscle activity during partial weight bearing and NWB standing- A cross-sectional study. , Smital Kshirsagar

Effect of Sesamol on neurobiochemical changes in diet induced (DIO) obesity model of Zebra fish (Danio rerio) , Rashmii K.S.

Importance of integration of medical ethics with undergraduate medical curriculum- Instructors and student’s perspectives. , Rashmii K.S.

Long-term potentiation (LTP): A simple yet powerful cellular process in learning and memory , Rashmii K.S.

Parkinson's Disease Overview: Alternative Potential Curcumin Treatment, Current Treatment and Prevalence Among Ethnic Groups , Rashmii K.S.

Smart brain of India vs. tricky drugs , Rashmii K.S.

The Role of Professionalism and Ethics Training: Instructor’s and Student’s perspectives in a medical College , Rashmii K.S.

Violence Against Doctors: A Qualitative Study On This Rising Predicament , Rashmii K.S.

Morphometric study of the gracilis muscle and its pedicles , Chettiar Ganesh Kumar

Comparative study of bed side tests to assess difficult airway in paediatric patients , S.Abinandha Kumar

Euphorbia thymifolia (Linn.)- A review on ethno pharmacological properties , Vasavi Kumblekar


‘Feminist Identity, Socio-cultural Attitude Towards Appearance, and Body Images issues in Emerging Adult Women’ , Sheena Lonappan

A novel approach to quantify the Dynamic Windlass Mechanism , Ishita Mahajan


Cognitive abilities among employed and unemployed middle-aged women – a systematic review , Aswini M

‘Emotional Intelligence, Job Satisfaction and Psychological Well-being Among Nurses’ , Chetna M


“Effect of Sensation Seeking and Anxious Traits on Suicidal Ideation Among Adults by Birth Order” , Haripriya G. M

Clinical & radiological assessment of intertrochanteric fractures treated with PFN A2 , Harish M

Effect of a home-based pulmonary rehabilitation programme on respiratory function, functional capacity, and quality of life in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease , Vaibhavi Mhatre

Profiling Communication Characteristics of Individuals with Acquired Neuro-communication Disorder in a Tertiary Care Setup , Nikita Subudhi M

Relationship between weight bearing symmetry, trunk control and fear of fall amongst subjects with stroke: A cross sectional study , VIVIAN NEHAL MONIS

Lower extremity muscle recruitment pattern during sit to stand transfer in children with cerebral palsy as compared to typically developing children- a cross sectional study. , Kiran P. Nadgauda

Knowledge, attitudes and practices of Indian classical singers towards vocal healthcare , Raveena Muralidharan Nair

"Perspectives of Indian Speech Language Pathologists on Adolescent Language Assessment" , Rohana Muralidharan Nair

Effect Of Yoga On Perceived Stress And Pulmonary Function In High Stressed Postmenopausal Women , Vinodini NA

Refractory errors, blood groups & diabetes mellitus: A corrleative study in south Indian population , Vinodini NA

Comparison of Functional outcomes for displaced extra-articular distal radius fractures managed by Conservative versus Operative methods: A Prospective cohort study , Muhammed Ehsan Nazeer


Assessment of attitude among public towards stuttering in a coastal city of Southern Karnataka , Prithvi N

"Severity assessment of acute pancreatitis using ct severity index and modified ct severity index: association with clinical outcomes and ranson’s criteria. " , GEETANJALI PARMAR

“The Effect of Culture Shock on Adjustment and Psychological Wellbeing Among College Going Students” , Akanksha Patra

‘Effect of Religiosity on Attitude Towards Euthanasia in Medical Students’ , Sumedha Pawar

Development Of A Questionnaire To Determine The Clinical Assessment Practices Of Speech-Language Pathologists For Children With Speech Sound Disorders In India , Prasila Elsa Philip

Correlation of oxidised LDL with oxidant and antioxidant enzymes in subjects with elevated LDL levels , Pooja p

Association of emotional intelligence of primigravida mothers with breastfeeding self efficacy in the early postpartum period and exclusive breastfeeding rates up to 6 months. , Priyanka Reddy p

Morphometric study of the Sartorius muscle and its vascular pedicles , M.D. Prameela

Comparison of the analgesic duration using ultrasound guided popliteal sciatic nerve block between diabetics with neuropathy and non-diabetics without neuropathy , GANESH PRASAD

Early follicular and Mid-luteal phase associated changes in Lower extremity Muscle strength , length and Agility in amateur female athletes – a Prospective Analytical study , Vishnu Priya

Assessment of mobile device based educational intervention on breastfeeding technique in multigravida mothers and its effect on early infant feeding pattern- A randomized controlled trial. , Keerthi Raj


Correlation of Histopathology and Direct Immunofluorescence: Findings in clinically diagnosed Prurigo nodularis in a Tertiary care hospital , Haritha Reddy


Assessment of the acceptable length of Right internal jugular central venous catheters. , Nivedhitha R



Profiling selected speech characteristics in individuals with Chronic Cough , Nawal Palakkal Sathar

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Thesis Topics for MD/MS and DNB

It’s a junior resident’s nightmare to search for appropriate thesis topics for MD/MS and DNB. While we all know the first year of residency in any medical college is a period when the junior residents are all overburdened with work. It’s not uncommon to see Junior Residents not getting time to eat, shave or even take bath. In this demanding period looking for an appropriate thesis topics for MD/MS and DNB is another task that needs to be performed by Junior Residents. Many times Junior Residents end up selecting topics that they later regret selecting. 

In this regard i vividly remember my co-resident. When i joined MD radiology one of co-resident took a topic on cardiac MRI in thalassemia. Cardiac MRI facility was not available in our institute and then for this she had an agreement with a private diagnostic center for cardiac MRI at concessional rates. After some days the management of that private diagnostic center changed and new management refused to do cardiac MRI at concessional rates and all hell broke. She suffered a lot because she didn’t think at the time of choosing thesis topic that cardiac MRI was not available in our department. So carefully choosing a thesis topic is a must. 

The topics for MD/MS and DNB should be important but not difficult. And for this you have to go through at least 400-500 thesis topics for MD/MS/DNB before selecting one.  Its not possible to search for thesis topics in libraries, over the internet, and everywhere else because of  shortage of time.

Taking into consideration all these difficulties faced by junior residents we have painstakingly collected more than 50,000+ thesis topics for MD/MS/DNB of all broad specialty subjects. That comes to an average of 3000 thesis topics per subject. And it’s not over here we are continuously updating the list so that as and when new topics emerge on the horizon we will go on adding them.

This website will give you a list of all the relevant thesis topics in one place and it will be very hard for you to find any thesis topic outside this list. If there is a good thesis topic for MD/MS and DNB then it will be on this list. Do check the list of conventional as well as emerging Thesis Topics.

We wish you all the best in choosing appropriate thesis topics for MD/MS and DNB.

You can directly discuss with me on whatsapp regarding a thesis topic. Ill help you not only for selection of a thesis topic but also ill guide you throughout your Journey of writing thesis. I have more than 60 research papers published in my name in various national and international journals and i can guide you if you face any difficulty during writing of thesis. I can help you write synopsis, Review of literature, Statistics and discussion etc.

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There are many methods of sample size determination. It is one of the first hurdle when someone starts writing a thesis. I have tried to give simplest way of determination of sample size. You need to show the method to your PG teacher before you include this method in your thesis. First confirm from your PG teacher and then only proceed.

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Palliative care education: a nationwide qualitative study of emergency medicine residency program directors in the United Arab Emirates

Emergency medicine (EM) physicians routinely care for patients with serious life-limiting illnesses. Educating EM residents to have general skills and competencies in palliative medicine is a global priority. ...

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Limitations and consequences of public health models centred on hospitals and lacking connections with territorial and home-based social and health services

Delayed discharge from hospital to home or other care institutions is a significant problem and has been investigated in the international scientific literature for many years.

Factors and clinical prediction score for complication development after cellulitis diagnosis in adult patients

Cellulitis is defined as a bacterial infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue that can cause multiple complications, such as sepsis and necrotizing fasciitis. In extreme cases, it may lead to multiorgan f...

Emergency medicine residents and performance under pressure: learning from elite athletes’ experience

The skills of coping with stress and pressure within emergency medicine are conveyed informally and inconsistently throughout residency training. This study aims to identify key psychological competencies used...

Emergency medical services in Armenia: national call trends and future directions

Emergency medical services (EMS) are paramount to boosting health indices in lower-middle income countries (LMICs); however, lack of uniform data collection and analysis hinders system improvement efforts. In ...

The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on pediatric emergency department utilization in three regions in Switzerland

The COVID-19 pandemic was associated with a decrease in emergency department (ED) visits. However, contradictory, and sparse data regarding children could not yet answer the question, how pediatric ED utilizat...

Double bad luck: pulmonary embolism and vaginal bleeding - a case report

Pulmonary embolism is a common and potentially fatal condition. Exogenous estrogens in contraceptives are associated with an increased risk of venous thrombo-embolism. However, discontinuation of a combined or...

Mediastinitis and septic shock complicating spontaneous esophageal rupture “Boerhaave’s syndrome”: a case report

Boerhaave’s syndrome, also known as spontaneous esophageal rupture, is a rare but life-threatening condition characterized by a tear in the esophagus. It is most commonly caused by a sudden increase in intraes...

Patients’ pathways to the emergency department: a scoping review

Emergency department (ED) crowding is a common healthcare issue with multiple causes. One important knowledge area is understanding where patients arrived from and what care they received prior to ED admission...

Guanfacine poisoning resulting in transient ST-segment elevation: a case report

Guanfacine is an alpha-2 adrenergic agonist that decreases norepinephrine release and sympathetic outflow. With the increased use of guanfacine for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), reports of g...

An unexpected case of tetanus in a fully immunized 20-year-old female: a case report

Widespread vaccinations have significantly decreased the number of tetanus cases in developed countries. Today, most cases of tetanus affect the elderly and those with inadequate immunization in developed coun...

Physicians’ experiences with reporting domestic violence against women: a cross-sectional study in Saudi Arabia

Domestic violence, including violence against women, is a global public health concern with significant implications for women’s health and well-being. Despite its prevalence, healthcare providers often face b...

Diagnostic utility of capnography in emergency department triage for screening acidemia: a pilot study

Capnography is a quantitative and reliable method of determining the ventilatory status of patients. We describe the test characteristics of capnography obtained during Emergency Department triage for screenin...

What factors are effective on the CPR duration of patients under extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a single-center retrospective study

Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECPR) is an alternative method for patients with reversible causes of cardiac arrest (CA) after conventional cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CCPR). However, cardiop...

From symptom onset to ED departure: understanding the acute care chain for patients with undifferentiated complaints: a prospective observational study

For most acute conditions, the phase prior to emergency department (ED) arrival is largely unexplored. However, this prehospital phase has proven an important part of the acute care chain (ACC) for specific ti...

Correction: Patient-controlled analgesia morphine for the management of acute pain in the emergency department: a systematic review and meta-analysis

The original article was published in International Journal of Emergency Medicine 2024 17 :37

Randomized controlled open-label trial to evaluate prioritization software for the secondary triage of patients in the pediatric emergency department

The continual increase in patient attendance at the emergency department (ED) is a worldwide health issue. The aim of this study was to determine whether the use of a secondary prioritization software reduces ...

Screening for harmful substance use in emergency departments: a systematic review

Substance use-related emergency department (ED) visits have increased substantially in North America. Screening for substance use in EDs is recommended; best approaches are unclear. This systematic review synt...

Emergency department responses to nursing shortages

The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the nursing shortage, which is predicted to continue to worsen with significant numbers of nurses planning to retire within the next 5 years. There remains a lack of published...

Bibliometric analysis of ChatGPT in medicine

The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) chat programs has opened two distinct paths, one enhancing interaction and another potentially replacing personal understanding. Ethical and legal concerns arise d...

Clinical significance of elevated D-dimer in emergency department patients: a retrospective single-center analysis

D-dimer is a marker of coagulation and fibrinolysis widely used in clinical practice for assessing thrombotic activity. While it is commonly ordered in the Emergency Department (ED) for suspected venous thromb...

The state of emergency medicine in Greece: at critical momentum

Greece is a parliamentary republic in southeastern Europe populated by over 10 million permanent residents: 9 million reside on the mainland, with almost 4 million in the greater Athens area. The remaining 1 m...

Single intravenous dose ondansetron induces QT prolongation in adult emergency department patients: a prospective observational study

Ondansetron is one of the most commonly used drugs in the emergency department (ED) for treating nausea and vomiting, particularly in intravenous (IV) form. Nevertheless, it has been shown to prolong QT interv...

Evaluation of elevated serum apelin-13 and D-dimer concentrations in individuals diagnosed with pulmonary embolism

Given the limited specificity of D-dimer, there is a perceived need to discover a more precise marker for diagnosing individuals who are suspected of having pulmonary embolism (PE). In this study, by evaluatin...

An AI-based multiphase framework for improving the mechanical ventilation availability in emergency departments during respiratory disease seasons: a case study

Shortages of mechanical ventilation have become a constant problem in Emergency Departments (EDs), thereby affecting the timely deployment of medical interventions that counteract the severe health complicatio...

A survivor with unexplained chest scars

This case illustrates chest scars after piston-based chest compression device resuscitation and raises the awareness of the potential benefits of following up survivors of critical illness.

Natto (fermented soybeans)-induced anaphylaxis in a surfer with the possibility of sensitization to poly(γ-glutamic acid) from cutaneous exposure to jellyfish sting: a case report

We report a case of anaphylaxis induced by natto (fermented soybeans) allergy that occurred following dermal sensitization from a jellyfish sting.

Utilizing the National Early Warning Score 2 (NEWS2) to confirm the impact of emergency department management in sepsis patients: a cohort study from taiwan 1998–2020

Most sepsis patients could potentially experience advantageous outcomes from targeted medical intervention, such as fluid resuscitation, antibiotic administration, respiratory support, and nursing care, prompt...

Emergency airway management in resource limited setting

Emergency airway management in resource-limited settings presents multifaceted challenges due to shortages in essential medical resources, healthcare professionals, and infrastructure.

From compression to diagnosis: identification of superior vena cava syndrome using point-of-care ultrasound in the emergency department

Superior vena cava (SVC) syndrome is an urgent condition arising from restricted blood flow through the SVC, often linked to factors like malignancy, thrombosis, or infections. Typically, confirmation of the d...

PoCUS identification of distal biceps tendon rupture: a case report

In the Emergency Department (ED), patients may present with various injuries that damage muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bony structures. Fractures, joint dislocations, strains, and sprains are prevalent amon...

Jejunogastric intussusception associated with jejunojejunal intussusception (double telescoping) occurring 20 years after gastrojejunostomy

Jejunogastric intussusception (JGI) is a rare but potentially lethal complication following gastrectomy or gastrojejunostomy surgeries. Diagnosis of this condition can be challenging due to its rarity and non-...

Patient-controlled analgesia morphine for the management of acute pain in the emergency department: a systematic review and meta-analysis

The ideal pain control approach is typically viewed as titration of analgesia for pain reduction and periodic pain evaluation. However, this method takes time and is not always possible in the crowded Emergenc...

The Correction to this article has been published in International Journal of Emergency Medicine 2024 17 :54

Use of bitemporal NACA score documentation in prehospital emergency medical services– a retrospective study

The assessment of illness severity in the prehospital setting is essential for guiding appropriate medical interventions. The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) score is a validated tool common...

Recurrent transitory attacks with cytotoxic edema could benefit from thrombolysis

The original article was published in International Journal of Emergency Medicine 2023 16 :62

Comparison of T-POD and SAM Pelvic Sling II and the influence of attachment level in the initial management of unstable pelvic type C injuries – a cadaveric study

Type C pelvic fractures (AO/OTA) are severe injuries that frequently lead to bleeding and hemodynamic instability. Pelvic binders play a crucial role in their initial management. Placement at the correct level...

Catheter-related gas-forming suppurative thrombophlebitis

Catheter-related suppurative thrombophlebitis (CRST) is a complication of catheter-related bloodstream infection (CRBSI). The microbiology of CRST is similar with the microbiology of CRBSI, but  Clostridium perfri...

Introduction of a formative assessment tool in a post-graduate training program in India: a mixed methods evaluation

Our institution has longstanding post-graduate education and training partnership programs in Emergency Medicine (EM) across India. A programmatic challenge has been the integration and uptake of evidence-base...

The leading role of expert safety knowledge in supporting the mission of caring for patients during man-made and natural disasters: state of emergency medicine in Ethiopia, Myanmar, and Ukraine

Preparedness to endure extreme situations such as natural disasters or military conflicts is not commonplace in healthcare training programs. Moreover, multidisciplinary teams in health services rarely (if eve...

The PIRATE mnemonic: providing a structured approach in the care for intoxicated patients at the emergency department

Expertise in toxicology is essential for acute care providers, as intoxicated patients frequently present to Emergency Departments. These patients can be challenging for care providers because they often prese...

Persistent hiccups as a rare presenting symptom of empyema: a case report

Empyema is uncommon owing to antibiotic use but still affects patient health if not treated. Hiccups as the initial symptom of empyema are rare; however, empyema should be considered if a patient has persisten...

Physicians’ challenges when working in the prehospital environment - a qualitative study using grounded theory

In the rapid development in prehospital medicine the awareness of the many challenges in prehospital care is important as it highlights which areas need improvement and where special attention during education...

A case report of an accidental iatrogenic dexmedetomidine overdose in an adult

Dexmedetomidine is a sedative drug with a wide safety margin.

Impact of teaching on use of mechanical chest compression devices: a simulation-based trial

The use of mechanical chest compression devices on patients in cardiac arrest has not shown benefits in previous trials. This is surprising, given that these devices can deliver consistently high-quality chest...

Demographics and clinical characteristics of carbon monoxide poisoning for patients attending in the emergency department at a tertiary hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Carbon Monoxide (CO) is one of the most common environmental causes of acute intoxication globally. It can lead to the development of Delayed Neuropsychiatric Sequelae (DNS) which may develop in 2-40 days afte...

How a broken vertebra can lead to a fatal hemorrhage: a case report

Unintentional falls are common among the elderly and given the expected increase of the aging population, these falls contribute to a high number of admissions to the emergency department. Relatively low-energ...

Overview of best practices for buprenorphine initiation in the emergency department

In recent decades, opioid overdoses have increased dramatically in the United States and peer countries. Given this, emergency medicine physicians have become adept in reversing and managing complications of a...

Diagnostic challenges between takotsubo cardiomyopathy and acute myocardial infarction—where is the emergency?: a literature review

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TC) is an emergency cardiovascular disease, with clinical and paraclinical manifestations similar to acute myocardial infarction (AMI), but it is characterized by reversible systolic ...

Triage implementation in resource-limited emergency departments: sharing tools and experience from the Pacific region

According to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Emergency Care Systems Framework, triage is an essential function of emergency departments (EDs). This practice innovation article describes four strategies that...

Chest tube placement in trauma patients: please use sonography

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International Journal of Emergency Medicine

ISSN: 1865-1380

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Emergency medicine – Case studies'

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Olsson, Thomas. "Risk Prediction at the Emergency Department." Doctoral thesis, Uppsala : Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis : Univ.-bibl. [distributör], 2004. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-4632.

Carney, Nancy Ann. "Patient-Guided Investigation of the Restoration of Health Following Traumatic Brain Injury." PDXScholar, 1998. https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/open_access_etds/2697.

Rööst, Mattias. "Pre-hospital Barriers to Emergency Obstetric Care : Studies of Maternal Mortality and Near-miss in Bolivia and Guatemala." Doctoral thesis, Uppsala universitet, Internationell mödra- och barnhälsovård (IMCH), 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-112481.

Barakat, Soraia Fatima Coelho. ""Caracterização da demanda do Serviço de Emergências Clínicas de um hospital terciário do município de São Paulo"." Universidade de São Paulo, 2004. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/5/5159/tde-07112005-174138/.

Ott, Kenneth Brad. "The Closure of New Orleans' Charity Hospital After Hurricane Katrina: A Case of Disaster Capitalism." ScholarWorks@UNO, 2012. http://scholarworks.uno.edu/td/1472.

Moolla, Zuraida. "Case mix and workload of patients seen at three private emergency centres in Cape Town, South Africa." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/25467.

Nentrup, Randall. "Emergency Hazardous Materials Incidents: Case Studies for EPA Federal OnScene Coordinators." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 1989. https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu-works/8562.

Bowen, Mariya. "Development of Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses: A Case Study." Diss., North Dakota State University, 2018. https://hdl.handle.net/10365/27858.

Andrews, Stephen P. "Computer-assisted emergency evacuation planning using TransCAD case studies in Western Massachusetts /." Amherst, Mass. : University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2009. http://scholarworks.umass.edu/theses/345/.

Roberts, Rebecca Kate. "Studies in the periphery of spelling : six patient case studies of graphemic buffer disorder." Thesis, University of Exeter, 2002. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.269849.

Bosman, Justice Selvyn. "Principles of physics implicit in emergency medical rescue education and operational practice: a case study of motor vehicle related rescue." Thesis, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11838/2967.


Marshall, Jane. "Sentence processing in aphasia : single case treatment studies." Thesis, City University London, 1994. http://openaccess.city.ac.uk/7424/.

Solebo, Colette. "The first 24 hours : mortality and other outcomes of paediatric emergency care in Lagos : a case study." Thesis, University of Warwick, 2014. http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/61795/.

Leung, Wing-sze Grace, and 梁穎詩. "Emergency and crisis management: a case studyof Hau Tak Market fire incident and its impact on the Link and thesociety." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2010. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B4440315X.

Onder, Ozdemir Neslihan. "Writers in pursuit of scholarly publications : case studies from the discipline of medicine." Thesis, University of Sheffield, 2017. http://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/18563/.

Van, Woerden Hugo. "Atypical organisms affecting the respiratory tract and their sequelae – a series of case studies." Thesis, Cardiff University, 2012. http://orca.cf.ac.uk/39357/.

Locke, Eward P. "The use of military forces for emergency management| A comparative case study of the United States and Israel." Thesis, Capella University, 2014. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=3603822.

Military organizations are often called upon to assist with emergency management missions, so it is critical that they have appropriately established and well understood organizational perceptual factors. Military organizations are often unique within a nation, which increases the challenge for scholars to effectively analyze how organizational factors are influenced by the dynamics of national use of military forces for emergency management missions. There are several disparate theories of government organization, but the most recent and relevant is Keith James' organizational science of disaster and terrorism prevention and response theory. James' theory identified several important organizational factors specific to emergency management organizations. These factors include organizational structure and networks, processes, teams, leadership, and technology. James' organizational factors guided the development of this qualitative comparative case study's interview protocol with 24 members from the strategic, operational, and tactical levels of the United States National Guard and Israeli Homefront Command. Results revealed why two nations use their military forces for disaster response as well as provided a description of how each organization is used within their respective nation. The data affirmed aspects of James' theory, including relevant structural, networking, and procedural factors and identified the other organizational factors within James' theory as possible areas for future research. Finally, based upon interview participant perceptions, recommendations were made to the leadership of the Homefront Command and National Guard regarding areas of potential organizational emphasis to include internal messaging, additional doctrine, and clarified organizational structures for disaster response.

Downing, Christopher. "Black populations in epidemiological Alzheimer's disease case-control and cohort studies : a discussion and review." Honors in the Major Thesis, University of Central Florida, 2008. http://digital.library.ucf.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ETH/id/1076.

Grimsley, Christina, and Stephen B. MD FAAEM Blankenship. "Case Report: Tension Pneumothorax Complicated by Massive Subcutaneous Emphysema." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2018. https://dc.etsu.edu/asrf/2018/schedule/113.

Morrow, Susan Elizabeth. "Research strategy in UK academic medicine : four case studies in the University of London." Thesis, University of Sussex, 1998. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.262717.

Jarman, Lisa Charlotte. "Galen in Early Modern English medicine : case-studies in history, pharmacology and surgery 1618-1794." Thesis, University of Exeter, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10871/15279.

Van, Pinxteren Myrna. "Tracing ‘paper', discovering people: three ethnographic case studies exploring the use of health information to improve health services in Gugulethu." Doctoral thesis, Faculty of Health Sciences, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/32367.

Hallberg, Anneli. "SOS 112– vad har inträffat? : En studie av framgångs- och riskfaktorer i nöd-samtalet utifrån ett förbättringsarbete för att öka säkerställandet av vitala parametrar genom reflektion." Thesis, Hälsohögskolan, Högskolan i Jönköping, The Jönköping Academy for Improvement of Health and Welfare, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-40755.

Grajales, III Francisco Jose. "Social media : a comprehensive knowledge synthesis and case studies of applications in medicine and health(care)." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/42806.

Linden, Luan Paula. "Pharmaceutical industry perspectives on factors that influence the adoption and diffusion of drugs in the UK : four case studies." Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2014. http://etheses.bham.ac.uk//id/eprint/4897/.

O'Brien, Siobhan. "The ultimate alternative : a single case study understanding Jason's journey from addiction to self-recovery." Thesis, Lethbridge, Alta. : University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Health Sciences, c2012, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10133/3110.

Harris, Rochelle. "The cost of professionalization: a case study of osteopathic medicine in the united states." Scholar Commons, 2005. http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/etd/2968.

Tian, Xiao Ying. "The study of Chinese herbal medicine in embryonic development of mice." HKBU Institutional Repository, 2009. http://repository.hkbu.edu.hk/etd_ra/1071.

Meeuwisse, Willem H. "The effect of salbutamol on performance in elite non-asthmatic athletes." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1990. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/28769.

De, La Cruz Cara. "A Mixed Method Study on the Peripartum Experience and Postpartum Effects of Emergency Hysterectomy Due To Postpartum Hemorrhage." Scholar Commons, 2011. http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/etd/3423.

Veronin, Michael A. "The Validity of Health Claims on the World Wide Web: A Case Study of the Herbal Remedy Opuntia." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2000. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc2441/.

Lukhozi, Sipho Michael. "Dual obligations in clinical forensic medicine." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/86537.

Vaišvilienė, Jolanta. "Greitosios medicinos pagalbos pasirengimo veikti ekstremalių situacijų atvejais tyrimas." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2014. http://vddb.library.lt/obj/LT-eLABa-0001:E.02~2014~D_20140618_233423-53499.

Palmer, Ryan Tyler. "Exploring Online Community Among Rural Medical Education Students: A Case Study." PDXScholar, 2013. https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/open_access_etds/990.

Muffet-Willett, Stacy L. "Waiting for a Crisis: Case Studies of Crisis Leaders in Higher Education." University of Akron / OhioLINK, 2010. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=akron1290118943.

Blue, Ian A. "The professional working relationship of rural nurses and doctors : four South Australian case studies." Title page, table of contents and abstract only, 2002. http://web4.library.adelaide.edu.au/theses/09PH/09phb6582.pdf.

Wong, Hay-tai, and 黃熙締. "Attitudes of accident and emergency department nurses towards extending and expanding their professional roles in Hong Kong: a pilot study." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2003. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B3197286X.

Cordella, Marisa 1961. "The dynamic consultation : a discourse-analytical study of doctor-patient communication in Chilean Spanish." Monash University, Dept. of Linguistics, 2001. http://arrow.monash.edu.au/hdl/1959.1/8920.

Partington, Hazel Ann. "Post-qualification education and professional identity in the contested landscape of Complementary and Alternative Medicine : a case of transformative learning in an online setting." Thesis, University of Central Lancashire, 2017. http://clok.uclan.ac.uk/23989/.

Li, Xiangyu. "Delaying Evacuation: Risk Communication in Mobilizing Evacuees." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2014. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc699992/.

何湛華. "三仁湯及其臨床應用的文獻研究." HKBU Institutional Repository, 2010. http://repository.hkbu.edu.hk/etd_ra/1124.

Lindsey, Amy M. "A tornado hazard analysis for Indiana and an evaluation of the emergency management needs of the Amish community." Muncie, Ind. : Ball State University, 2009. http://cardinalscholar.bsu.edu/422.

Dahlbom, Gro. "The art of saving life : Interaction of the initial trauma care system from a cognitive science persepctive." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för datavetenskap, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-70704.

Entwistle, P. A. "The use of hypnosis as an auto-ethnographic modality in the exploration and management of overweight and obesity : selected case studies." Thesis, Liverpool John Moores University, 2016. http://researchonline.ljmu.ac.uk/4212/.

Kondo-Legan, Vala. "Exploration of Disorganized Attachment in Emotionally Disturbed Children Through Art Therapy: Case Studies at a Therapeutic School." Digital Commons at Loyola Marymount University and Loyola Law School, 2012. https://digitalcommons.lmu.edu/etd/102.

Pineda, Kimberly Rose. "Intercultural communication in healthcare interpreting : an exploration of possibilities." Scholarly Commons, 2010. https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/uop_etds/754.

Fisher, Gweneth. "Drying up the bedwetting : retelling of a narrative journey." Thesis, Link to the online version, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/10019/1023.

Glackin, Patrick. "The evolving role of the healthcare assistant and its implications for regulation in the Republic of Ireland : a case study approach." Thesis, Northumbria University, 2016. http://nrl.northumbria.ac.uk/32561/.

Katikireddi, Srinivasa Vittal. "The relationship between evidence and public health policy : case studies of the English public health white paper and minimum unit pricing of alcohol in Scotland." Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2013. http://theses.gla.ac.uk/4687/.

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2023/2024 PhD Recipients Thesis Titles

2022-2023 PhD Thesis Titles    2021-2022 PhD Thesis Titles    2020-2021 PhD Thesis Titles   

2018-2019 PhD Thesis Titles    2017-2018 PhD Thesis Titles    2019-2020 PhD Thesis Titles   

2018-2019 PhD Thesis Titles    2017-2018 PhD Thesis Titles    2016-2017 PhD Thesis Titles  

2015-2016 PhD Thesis Titles    2013-2014 PhD Thesis Titles    2012-2013 PhD Thesis Titles   

2011-2012 PhD Thesis Titles  

Candidates for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy

Solomon abiola, b.s. princeton university, m.s. carnegie mellon university; translational biomedical science.

Thesis: The Rise of Temperature and Fall of Fever: A 21st-Century Translational Science Approach to Infectious Disease Forecast using Machine Learning Transformers, mHealth Application Node and Wearable Device Edge

Advisor: Dr. Benjamin Miller  

Sara Ali, B.S. Rochester Institute Of Technology, M.S. University of Rochester; Biophysics

Thesis: A Bioinformatics Pipeline for Identifying Structurally Conserved ncRNAs: From Prediction to Validation

Advisor: Dr. David Mathews  

Naemah Alkhars, B.S. Kuwait University, M.S. University of Rochester; Translational Biomedical Science

Thesis: Three-dimensional Maternal influence on Children at High Risk of Severe Early Childhood

Advisor: Dr. Jin Xiao  

Katherine Andersh, B.S. University Of Arizona, M.S. University of Rochester; Neuroscience

Thesis: The role of proinflammatory cytokines in glaucomatous neurodegeneration

Advisor: Dr. Richard Libby  

Uday Baliga, B.S. Colorado State University, M.S. University of Rochester; Pathology

Thesis: Gene Delivery:  Multigenic approaches

Advisor: Dr. David Dean  

Sara Blick-Nitko, B.S. Rochester Institute of Technology, M.S. University of Rochester; Pathology

Thesis: Platelet Ido1 in Plasmodium yoelii Uncomplicated Malaria Infection

Advisor: Dr. Craig Morrell  

Zachary Brehm, B.M. SUNY College Potsdam, M.S. SUNY College Potsdam; Statistics

Thesis: Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Complex Tissue Bulk RNA-seq Data

Advisor: Dr. Matthew McCall  

Tina Bui-Bullock, B.S. The University Of Texas At Austin, M.S. University of Rochester; Microbiology and Immunology

Thesis: Elucidating Host Factors That Modulate Staphylococcus aureus Osteomyelitis Severity in Obesity-Related Type 2 Diabetes

Advisor: Dr. Steven Gill  

Kimberly Burgos Villar, B.A. Daemen College, M.S. University of Rochester; Pathology

Thesis: Expression and Function of SPRR1A, a Novel Marker of the Ischemic Cardiac Border Zone

Advisor: Dr. Eric Small  

Wesley Chiang, B.S. University Of California-Irvine, M.S. University of Rochester; Biophysics

Thesis: Nano for Neuro: Developing Hybrid Quantum Dot Nano-Bio Assemblies to Probe Neuroinflammatory Activation

Advisor: Dr. Todd Krauss  

Jessica Ciesla, B.S. SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, M.S. University of Rochester; Biochemistry

Thesis: Mechanisms Through Which Metabolism and the Human Cytomegalovirus UL26 Protein Contribute to Anti-Viral Signaling

Advisor: Dr. Joshua Munger  

Martin Cole, B.E. The Open University, M.S. University of Rochester; Statistics

Thesis: Scratching the Surface: Surface-Based Cortical Registration and Analysis of Connectivity Functions

Advisor: Dr. Xing Qiu  

Luke Duttweiler, B.A. Houghton College, M.A. SUNY Brockport, M.A. University of Rochester; Statistics

Thesis: Spectral Bayesian Network Theory: Graph Theoretic Solutions to Problems in Bayesian Networks

Advisor: Dr. Sally Thurston and Dr. Anthony Almudevar  

Esraa Furati, M.B.B.S. University of Dammam, M.S. University of Rochester; Pharmacology

Thesis: Insights into the Roles of Aging and Chemokine Signaling During Neuromuscular Regeneration

Advisor: Dr. Joe Chakkalakal

Erin Gibbons, B.S. University Of Connecticut, M.S. University of Rochester; Microbiology and Immunology

Thesis: Investigation of mTORC1-mediated genes Neutrophil Elastase and Glycoprotein-NMB  Demonstrates Tumor Promotion and GPNMB as a Serum Biomarker for  Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM)

Advisor: Dr. Stephen Hammes  

Christie Gilbert Klaczko, B.S. SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry; Translational Biomedical Science

Thesis: Oral Cross-kingdom Bacterial-fungal Interactions in a Cross-sectional Pregnant Population Living in Low Socioeconomic Status in Rochester, New York

Jimin Han, B.S. Duquesne University, M.S. University of Rochester; Pathology

Thesis: Investigating the role of CLN3 in retinal pigment epithelium dysfunction in CLN3-Batten

Advisor: Dr. Ruchira Singh  

Jarreau Harrison, B.S. CUNY Medgar Evers College, M.S. University of Rochester; Pharmacology

Thesis: HSPB8 Attenuates Pathological Tau Accumulation

Advisor: Dr. Gail Johnson  

Alicia Healey, B.S. Simmons College, M.S. University of Rochester; Microbiology and Immunology

Thesis:Aryl hydrocarbon receptor activation modulates monocytic cell responses during respiratory viral infection

Advisor: Dr. B. Paige Lawrence  

Omar Hedaya, B.S. Kuwait University, M.S. University of Rochester; Biochemistry

Thesis: uORF-mediated Translational Regulation of GATA4 in the Heart

Advisor: Dr. Peng Yao  

Emma House, B.S. Wayne State University, M.S. University of Rochester; Pathology

Thesis: Investigating the Role of CD4+ T Cells in Flavorings-Related Lung Disease

Advisor: Dr. Matthew D. McGraw  

Yechu Hua, B.A. Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Health Services Research and Policy

Thesis: Did Greater Price Transparency of Hospital Care Lower Health Care Costs?

Advisor: Dr. Yue Li  

Feng Jiang, B.S. Wuhan University, M.S. University of Rochester; Biochemistry

Thesis: The Molecular Mechanism and Biological Impact of Cis-acting Elements and Trans-acting Factors in mRNA Translation Regulation

Amber Kautz, B.S. Cornell University, M.S. Boston University; Epidemiology

Thesis: Maternal Non-Adherence to the Dietary Fat Recommendations During Pregnancy and Neonatal Adiposity and Infant Weight Gain: The Role of Inflammation

Advisor: Dr. Diana Fernandez  

Gabrielle Kosoy, B.S. SUNY College At Geneseo, M.S. University of Rochester; Biophysics

Thesis: Understanding vaccine antibody response: high throughput measurements of equilibrium affinity constants for influenza, cross-reactivity of SARS antibodies, and asthmatic response

Thomas Lamb Jr., B.S. St Josephs College, M.S. University of Rochester; Toxicology

Thesis: Chemical Characterization and Lung Toxicity of Humectants and Flavored E-cigarettes

Advisor: Dr. Irfan Rahman  

Linh Le, B.S. Truman State University, M.S. Truman State University, M.S. University of Rochester; Neuroscience

Thesis: The effects of microglial adrenergic signaling and microglial renewal on Alzheimer’s disease pathology

Advisor: Dr. Ania Majewska  

Jiatong Liu, B.S. Huazhong University of Science and Technology, M.S. University of Rochester; Pathology

Thesis: The Role of Senescent Cells in Aging Fracture Healing

Advisor: Dr. Lianping Xing  

Daniel Lopez, B.A. University Of California-Los Angeles, M.A. Stanford University. MPH Cuny Hunter College; Epidemiology

Thesis: The Neurobiological Correlates of Problematic Gaming Behaviors in Adolescents

Advisor: Dr. Edwin van Wijngaarden  

Ferralita Madere, B.S. Xavier University Of Louisiana, M.S. University of Rochester; Microbiology

Thesis: Elucidating Complex Transkingdom Interactions in the Female Reproductive Tract Microbiome in Health and Disease

Advisor: Dr. Cynthia Monaco  

Courtney Markman, B.S. Rochester Institute Of Technology, M.S. University of Rochester; Pathology

Thesis: The role(s) of JAG1 during Embryonic Cochlear Development

Advisor: Dr. Amy Kiernan  

Andrew Martin, B.S. North Adams State College, M.S. University of Rochester; Microbiology

Thesis: Mechanism and Consequence of IFN--mediated Loss of Tissue Resident Macrophages on Host Immunity to Toxoplasma gondii

Advisor: Dr. Felix Yarovinsky  

Alyssa Merrill, B.S. Nazareth College Of Rochester, M.S. University of Rochester; Toxicology

Thesis: Pregnancy-dependent Cardiometabolic Effects of Anti-estrogenic Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals

Advisor: Dr.Marissa Sobolewski and Dr. Deborah Cory-Slechta  

Briaunna Minor, B.S. Xavier University Of Louisiana, M.S. University of Rochester; Microbiology

Thesis: Implications for Targeting Tumor Associated Neutrophils to Attenuate Estrogen Mediated Lymphangioleiomyomatosis Progression

Mostafa Mohamed, M.S. Alexandria University, M.D. Alexandria University; Epidemiology

Thesis: Association Between Chemotherapy Dosing, Treatment Tolerability, and Survival Among Older Adults with Advanced Cancer

Advisor: Dr. David Rich  

Adrián Moisés Molina Vargas, B.S. University of Alcala, M.S. University of Rochester; Genetics

Thesis: Developing Design Strategies for Efficient and Specific CRISPR Cas13 RNA-Targeting Applications

Advisor: Dr. Mitchell O'Connell  

Teraisa Mullaney, B.S. Rochester Institute Of Technology, M.S Rochester Institute Of Technology, M.S. University of Rochester; Health Services Research and Policy

Thesis: Understanding the Role of Navigation Capital in Health Services and Social Determinants of Health: A Health Capability Explanation

Advisor: Dr. Peter Veazie  

Daxiang Na, B.S. Peking University, M.S. Peking University, M.S. Brandeis University, M.S. University of Rochester; Genetics

Thesis: An Investigation of the Relationship between Auditory Dysfunctions and Alzheimer’s Disease Using Amyloidosis Mouse Models

Advisor: Dr. Patricia White  

Thomas O'Connor, B.S. SUNY University at Buffalo, M.S. University of Rochester; Genetics

Thesis: Adaptive and Protective Responses of Skeletal Muscle to Endurance Exercise in the Context of Aging, Juvenile Radiotherapy, and Tubular Aggregate Myopathy

Advisor: Dr. Robert Dirksen and Dr. James Palis  

Raven Osborn, B.A. University Of Missouri-Columbia; Translational Biomedical Science

Thesis: Single-cell gene regulatory network analysis reveals cell population-specific responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection in lung epithelial cells

Advisor: Dr. Juilee Thakar and Dr. Stephen Dewhurst  

Emily Przysinda, B.A. Skidmore College, M.S. University of Rochester; Neurobiology and Anatomy

Thesis: Social processing and underlying language deficits in schizophrenia during naturalistic video viewing

Advisor: Dr. Edmund Lalor  

Emily Quarato, B.S. University Of Alabama At Birmingham, M.S. University of Rochester; Program

Thesis: High levels of mesenchymal stromal cell efferocytosis induces senescence and causes bone loss

Advisor: Dr. Laura Calvi  

Zahíra Quiñones Tavárez, B.S. Pontificial Catholic University Mother and Teacher, M.P.H. University of Rochester; Translational Biomedical Science

Thesis: Linking Exposure to Flavors in Electronic Cigarettes and Coughing

Advisor: Dr. Deborah Ossip  

Matthew Raymonda, B.S. University Of North Carolina At Wilmington, M.S. University of Rochester; Biochemistry

Thesis: Identifying Metabolic Vulnerabilities Associated with Viral Infections

Savanah Russ, B.A. SUNY Geneseo, M.P.H Yale University; Epidemiology

Thesis: Association Between Community-Level Socioeconomic Status and Spatiotemporal Variation in COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake

Advisor: Dr. Yu Liu  

Cooper Sailer, B.S. University at Buffalo, M.A. University at Buffalo, M.S. University of Rochester; Pathology

Thesis: Characterization of CAR-T cell phenotypes to augment response against solid tumors

Advisor: Dr. Minsoo Kim  

Jishyra Serrano, B.S. Universidad Adventista De Las Antillas; Translational Biomedical Science

Thesis: Prenatal Maternal Stress and Inflammation: Association to Childhood Temperament

Advisor: Dr. Thomas O'Connor  

Yuhang Shi, B.A. Henan Agricultural University, M.S. University of Rochester; Microbiology

Thesis: Interactions Between Viruses and the Innate Antiviral Factors SERINC5, BST2 and BCA2

Advisor: Dr. Ruth Serra-Moreno  

Anjali Sinha, B.E. PES Institute of Technology, M.S. University at Buffalo, M.S. University of Rochester; Neuroscience

Thesis: Role of mAChR signaling and M-current in EVS mediated responses of mammalian vestibular afferents

Advisor: Dr. J. Chris Holt  

Celia Soto, B.S. SUNY Geneseo, M.S. University of Rochester; Pathology

Thesis: Elevated Lactate in Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Bone Marrow Microenvironment Dysfunction

Advisor: Dr. Benjamin Frisch  

Michael Sportiello, B.S. University Of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, M.S. University of Rochester; Microbiology

Thesis: Investigating CD8 T cell tissue resident memory phenotype, function, metabolic activity, and differentiation

Advisor: Dr. David Topham  

Kumari Yoshita Srivastava, B.S. National Institute of Science Education And Research, M.S. National Institute of Science Education And Research, M.S. University of Rochester; Biophysics

Thesis: Structure and Function Analysis of Bacterial Riboswitches that Control Translation

Advisor: Dr. Joseph Wedekind  

Kathryn Toffolo, B.S. SUNY College at Buffalo, M.S. University of Rochester; Neuroscience

Thesis: Semantic Language Processing: Insight into Underlying Circuitry and Development using Neurophysiological and Neuroimaging Methods

Advisor: Dr. John J. Foxe  

Megan Ulbrich, B.S. University Of Pittsburgh, M.S. University of Rochester; Microbiology and Immunology

Thesis: The Activity of Vibrio cholerae Effector VopX Targets Host Cell Pathways that Reorganize the Actin Cytoskeleton

Advisor: Dr. Michelle Dziejman  

Erik Vonkaenel, B.S. Slippery Rock University Of Pennsylvania, M.A. University of Rochester; Statistics

Thesis: Methods for Microglia Image Analysis

Amanda Wahl, B.S. Saint John Fisher College, M.S. University of Rochester; Pharmacology

Thesis: Redefining the function of salivary duct cell populations utilizing a structural, functional, and computational approach

Advisor: Dr. David Yule  

Yunna Xie, B.S. Sichuan University, M.S. Universität Heidelberg; Health Services Research & Policy

Thesis: Is Physician Expertise Working as a Barrier to the Implementation of New Clinical Interventions? A Neural Network Approach

Shen Zhou, B.S. Shanghai University, M.S. Brandeis University, M.S. University of Rochester; Genetics

Thesis: The Study of c-Cbl in Clear Cell Sarcoma

Advisor: Dr. Mark Noble

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May 21, 2024

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New thesis shows Lynch syndrome should be seen as a common condition

by Karolinska Institutet

New thesis shows Lynch syndrome should be seen as a common condition

Sophie Walton Bernstedt from the Gastroenterology and Rheumatology Unit at the Department of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH), is defending her thesis "Risk factors for colorectal cancer and the impact on life in Lynch syndrome," on 24 May, 2024. The main supervisor is Ann-Sofie Backman (MedH).

"We have investigated various risk factors associated with the development of colorectal cancer in Lynch syndrome and what it is like for these patients to live with a greatly increased cancer risk," says Walton Bernstedt.

"There is likely still a large number of patients yet to be identified with Lynch syndrome. It is necessary to identify these patients in time in order to prevent and detect early stage cancer by preventive procedures.

"By implementing routines in follow-up services for this group of patients it is possible to create optimal conditions for early detection. These routines include bowel preparation , but also the quality of the procedure, adaptation to genetic risk but also accommodating psychosocial needs among patients.

"Lynch syndrome no longer should be considered a rare condition. By increasing the knowledge of hereditary cancer in the public we hope to increase the efficiency of cancer preventive measures ."

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    This practice innovation article describes four strategies that... Rob Mitchell, Libby White, Leigh Elton, Cliff Luke, Sarah Bornstein and Vincent Atua. International Journal of Emergency Medicine 2024 17 :21. Practice Innovations in Emergency Medicine Published on: 14 February 2024. Full Text. PDF.

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    Consult the top 50 dissertations / theses for your research on the topic 'Emergency medicine - Case studies.'. Next to every source in the list of references, there is an 'Add to bibliography' button. Press on it, and we will generate automatically the bibliographic reference to the chosen work in the citation style you need: APA, MLA ...

  24. 2023/2024 PhD Recipients Thesis Titles

    2021/2022 Thesis Titles for PhD students graduating from the school of medicine and dentistry at the University of Rochester. ... Thesis: The Rise of Temperature and Fall of Fever: A 21st-Century Translational Science Approach to Infectious Disease Forecast using Machine Learning Transformers, mHealth Application Node and Wearable Device Edge ...

  25. New thesis shows Lynch syndrome should be seen as a common condition

    Sophie Walton Bernstedt from the Gastroenterology and Rheumatology Unit at the Department of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH), is defending her thesis "Risk factors for colorectal cancer and the impact ...