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Ten Steps for Writing an Exceptional Personal Statement

Danielle jones.

All authors are with Emory University School of Medicine

Danielle Jones, MD, is Associate Professor of Medicine, Associate Section Chief of the Division of General Internal Medicine Grady Section, and Associate Program Director, Internal Medicine Residency

J. Richard Pittman, Jr

J. Richard Pittman Jr, MD, is Associate Professor of Medicine, and Program Director, Fourth Year Internal Medicine Sub-Internship

Kimberly D. Manning

Kimberly D. Manning, MD, FACP, FAAP, is Professor of Medicine, and Associate Vice Chair, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Department of Medicine

The personal statement is an important requirement for residency and fellowship applications that many applicants find daunting. Beyond the cognitive challenge of writing an essay, time limitations for busy senior residents on clinical rotations present added pressure. Objective measures such as scores and evaluations paint only a partial picture of clinical and academic performance, leaving gaps in a candidate's full portrait. 1 , 2 Applicants, seemingly similar on paper, may have striking differences in experiences and distances traveled that would not be captured without a personal narrative. 2 , 3 We recommend, therefore, reframing personal statements as the way to best highlight applicants' greatest strengths and accomplishments. A well-written personal statement may be the tipping point for a residency or fellowship interview invitation, 4 , 5 which is particularly important given the heightened competition for slots due to increased participation on virtual platforms. Data show that 74% to 78% of residency programs use personal statements in their interview selection process, and 48% to 54% use them in the final rank. 6 , 7 With our combined 50 years of experience as clerkship and residency program directors (PDs) we value the personal statement and strongly encourage our trainees to seize the opportunity to feature themselves in their words.

Our residency and medical school leadership roles position us to edit and review numerous resident and student personal statements annually. This collective experience has helped us identify patterns of struggle for trainees: trouble starting, difficulty organizing a cogent narrative, losing the “personal” in the statement, and failing to display unique or notable attributes. While a bland personal statement may not hurt an applicant, it is a missed opportunity. 4 , 8 We also have distinguished helpful personal statement elements that allow PDs to establish candidates' “fit” with their desired residency or fellowship. A recent study supports that PDs find unique applicant information from personal statements helpful to determine fit. 4 Personal statement information also helps programs curate individualized interview days (eg, pair interviewers, guide conversations, highlight desirable curricula). Through our work with learners, we developed the structured approach presented here ( Figure 1 ). Applicants can use our approach to minimize typical struggles and efficiently craft personal statements that help them stand out. Busy residents, particularly, have minimal time to complete fellowship applications. We acknowledge there is no gold standard or objective measures for effective personal statement preparation. 9 Our approach, however, combined with a practical tool ( Figure 2 ), has streamlined the process for many of our mentees. Moreover, faculty advisors and program leaders, already challenged by time constraints, can use this tool to enhance their coaching and save time, effort, and cognitive energy.

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Object name is i1949-8357-14-5-522-f01.jpg

Structured Approach to Writing a Personal Statement

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is i1949-8357-14-5-522-f02.jpg

Ten Steps for Writing an Exceptional Personal Statement: Digital Tool

Note: Use the QR code to download the digital tool and follow the 10 steps highlighted in Figure 1.

Given word count and space limitations, deciding what to include in a personal statement can be challenging. An initial brainstorm helps applicants recall personal attributes and experiences that best underscore key strengths (Step 1). 10 Writing explicit self-affirmations is challenging, so we recommend pairing with a near peer who may offer insight. Useful prompts include:

  • ▪ What 3 words best encapsulate me?
  • ▪ What accomplishments make me proud?
  • ▪ What should every program know about me?

Reflecting on these questions (Step 2) helps elucidate the foundations of the narrative, 10 including strengths, accomplishments, and unique elements to be included. Additionally, the preparation steps help uncover the “thread” that connects the story sequentially. While not all agree that personal or patient stories are necessary, they are commonly included. 5 One genre analysis showed that 97% of applicants to residency programs in internal medicine, family medicine, and surgery used an opening that included either a personal narrative (66%) and/or a decision to enter medicine (54%) or the specialty of choice (72%). 9 Radiology PDs ranked personal attributes as the second most important component in personal statements behind choice of specialty. 9 Further, a descriptive study of anesthesia applicants' personal statements ranked those that included elements such as discussion of a family's or friend's illness or a patient case as more original. 3 We feel that personal and patient stories often provide an interesting hook to engage readers, as well as a mechanism to highlight (1) personal characteristics, (2) journey to and/or enthusiasm for desired discipline, and (3) professional growth, all without giving the impression of being boastful. Sketching these Step 2 fundamentals prepares applicants to begin writing with intention.

Writing and Structuring

Once key elements are identified, the next steps assist with the actual writing. Utilizing information gleaned from the “Preparing” steps, start with a freewriting exercise (Step 3), an unrestricted association of ideas aimed at answering, “What experiences have cultivated my strong interest in pursuing [______]?” At this stage, ignore spelling and grammar. Just write, even if the product is the roughest, rough draft imaginable. 10 Setting a timer for 10 to 15 minutes establishes a less intimidating window to start. Freewriting generates the essential initial content that typically will require multiple revisions. 10

Next, we recommend structuring the freewriting content into suggested paragraphs (Step 4), using the following framework to configure the first draft:

  • ▪ Introductory paragraph: A compelling story, experience, or something that introduces the applicant and makes the reader want to know more (the hook). If related to a patient or other person, it should underscore the writer's qualities.
  • ▪ Paragraph 2: Essential details that a program must know about the applicant and their proudest accomplishments.
  • ▪ Paragraph(s) 3-4: Specific strengths related to the specialty of choice and leadership experiences.
  • ▪ Closing paragraph: What the applicant values in a training program and what they believe they can contribute.

Evaluate what has been written and ensure that, after the engaging hook, the body incorporates the best pieces identified during the preparation steps (Step 5). A final paragraph affords ample space for a solid conclusion to the thread. Occasionally the narrative flows better with separate strengths and leadership paragraphs for a total of 5, but we strongly recommend the final statement not exceed 1 single-spaced page to reduce cognitive load on the reader.

This part of the process involves revising the piece into a final polished personal statement. Before an early draft is shared with others, it should be evaluated for several important factors by returning to the initial questions and then asking (Step 6):

“Does this personal statement…”

  • Amplify my strengths, highlight my proudest accomplishments, and emphasize what a program must know about me?
  • Have a logical flow?
  • Accurately attribute content and avoid plagiarism?
  • Use proper grammar and avoid slang or profanity?

While not as challenging as the other steps, optimization takes time. 10 At this stage, “resting” the draft for 1 week minimum (Step 7) puts a helpful distance between the writer and their work before returning, reading, and editing. 10 Writers can edit their own work to a point, but they often benefit by enlisting a trusted peer or advisor for critiques. Hearing their draft read aloud by a peer or advisor allows the applicant to evaluate the work from another perspective while noting how well it meets the criteria from the tool (provided as online supplementary data).

A virtual or in-person meeting between applicant and mentor ultimately saves time and advances the writer to a final product more quickly than an email exchange. Sending the personal statement in advance helps facilitate the meeting. Invite the advisor to candidly comment on the tool's criteria to yield the most useful feedback (Step 8). When done effectively, edits can be made in real time with the mentor's input.

We bring closure to the process by focusing on spelling and grammar checks (Step 9). Clarity, conciseness, and the use of proper English were rated as extremely important by PDs. 3 , 9 Grammatical errors distract readers, highlight inattention to detail, and detract from the personal statement. 3 , 9 Once more, we recommend resting the draft before calling it final (Step 10). If the piece required starting over or significant rewriting based on feedback received, we also suggest seeking additional feedback on this draft, ideally from someone in the desired residency or fellowship discipline. If only minor edits (eg, flow, language) were incorporated, the personal statement can be considered complete at this time.

Writing a personal statement represents a unique opportunity for residency and fellowship applicants to amplify their ERAS application beyond the confines of its objective components. 3 Using this stepwise approach encourages each personal statement to be truly personal and streamlines the process for applicants and reviewers alike. All stakeholders benefit: applicants, regardless of their scores and academic metrics, can arm themselves with powerful means for self-advocacy; PDs gain a clearer idea of individual applicants, allowing them to augment the selection process and curate the individual interview day; and faculty mentors can offer concrete direction to every mentee seeking their help.

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The personal statement is one of the most important parts of many fellowship applications. These awards are competetive, so a strong personal statement will help you stand out. It is also a peculiar kind of essay. It involves a narrative style of writing that some people aren't used to. Others find it awkward to talk about themselves in such an open and forward way. The following resources can give you the know-how and confidence to produce an authentic and compelling personal statement.

A personal statement is an intellectual autobiography that illustrates the experiences, interests, and ambitions that define who you are. It introduces the formative experiences that shaped your intellectual and professional development. Think about key moments in your life that influenced your direction, led you to this point, and set you on your future path. This can include personal history, family background, intellectual influences, opportunities (educational, professional, and cultural) or lack of them, and the ways in which these experiences have affected you and your personal growth. 

The personal statement should also be persuasive , making a compelling case for yourself as the ideal candidate for the particular fellowship. Always keep the specific award you are applying to in mind and make sure to tailor your statement accordingly. Are they looking for particular qualities or criteria? How do you meet (or surpass) these expectations? How will this fellowship impact your future goals?

The key to a successful personal statement is telling an authentic narrative that convinces the selection committee that you are what they are looking for. 

Consider the Context

Many fellowship applications include a number of application components. You will need to consider how the personal statement fits within the larger application package. If there are additional written essays you are asked to submit, think about how the content in the personal statement will complement, rather than replicate, these materials. What you include in your personal statement will depend on what is covered elsewhere.

Some awards include a specific prompt or ask a set of guiding questions. Make sure your personal statement is tailored accordingly.

Be aware of the distinction between a personal statement and a statement of purpose. These two essays are similar, but statements of purpose focus more on your academic plans and goals. In a statement of purpose, you would discuss research experiences and interests, which faculty members you hope to work with in the future, and/or possible topics for a thesis or dissertation.

Show, Don't Tell

Stories are a critical element of a good personal statement. They bring the narrative to life and help the reader see the real you.

Include anecdotes and examples that show evidence of your qualities, interests, and experiences. For instance, rather than just saying, "I am a leader," recount a time when you exhibited leadership in a real-world context. When discussing your interest in an issue or field of study, describe an experience or two that led to key insights or new perspectives.

Do's and Don'ts

  • Research the fellowship and/or program you are applying to.
  • Write a coherent, well-structured essay. Frame it with a unifying metaphor or analogy. Start with an interesting lead--a story, anecdote, or description of a scene--and end it with a conclusion that refers back to the lead or completes the metaphor. 
  • Be concise and to the point. Sometimes a short sentence is more effective than a long one.
  • Revise the personal statement multiple times with the help of your advisors, mentors, friends, and the University Writing Center . Of course, the Office of Fellowships and Awards should also be one of your first stops if your personal statement is for a competitive fellowship.
  • Read it out loud to yourself. If it doesn't sound like your natural voice, make some edits.
  • Adhere to the expected page layout, format, and length. Unless otherwise indicated, default to Times New Roman font, 12-pt., 1-inch margins. Page limits vary. When in doubt, consult your fellowship advisors.
  • Thoroughly proofread your personal statement. The easiest way to sink a fellowship application is to send a personal statement with spelling and grammatical errors.
  • Don't list everything on your resume. 
  • Avoid phrases like "I've always wanted to be," "The world we live in today," "My biggest passion," and other clichés. 
  • Don't try to be funny. You might get the joke, but the selection committee might not.
  • Don't sell yourself short. Avoid negative qualifiers such as, "Although I've only taken two years of French," or "Despite not having as many leadership opportunities as I would like." If you frame your experiences negatively, so will the selection committee.
  • Avoid overly flowery prose and discipline-specific jargon. Keep it simple.

1. As you start to formulate your personal statement, answer these guiding questions : 

  • Who are you? What defines you?
  • What are the character traits that help to qualify you?
  • Why did you choose your major or field of study? How have you nurtured and developed this interest?
  • Who or what motivates you? Who or what do you care about?
  • What is unique or different about you?
  • What are your future goals?
  • What have you accomplished that you are proud of?
  • What do you hope to accomplish through this fellowship? What knowledge or skills do you hope to acquire?

2. Write down some stories :

  • What are some key life moments that changed your perspective or led you in a certain direction?
  • What experiences convey something interesting or unusual about you?
  • Who has influenced you and how?
  • When have you experienced disappointment and how did you handle it?
  • When have you experienced success and what did you learn from it?

3. Once you've answered these questions and drafted some stories, make an appointment with a fellowships advisor to discuss how to craft an excellent personal statement!

  • Personal Statements, JMU Writing Center
  • Writing the Personal Statement, Purdue University
  • Five Strategies for Writing More Clearly, City University of New York
  • Clichés, UNC Chapel Hill
  • Writing a Winning Personal Statement for Grad School, gograd.org

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How to Write a Strong Personal Statement

  • Ruth Gotian
  • Ushma S. Neill

personal statement for fellowship

A few adjustments can get your application noticed.

Whether applying for a summer internship, a professional development opportunity, such as a Fulbright, an executive MBA program, or a senior leadership development course, a personal statement threads the ideas of your CV, and is longer and has a different tone and purpose than a traditional cover letter. A few adjustments to your personal statement can get your application noticed by the reviewer.

  • Make sure you’re writing what they want to hear. Most organizations that offer a fellowship or internship are using the experience as a pipeline: It’s smart to spend 10 weeks and $15,000 on someone before committing five years and $300,000. Rarely are the organizations being charitable or altruistic, so align your stated goals with theirs
  • Know when to bury the lead, and when to get to the point. It’s hard to paint a picture and explain your motivations in 200 words, but if you have two pages, give the reader a story arc or ease into your point by setting the scene.
  • Recognize that the reviewer will be reading your statement subjectively, meaning you’re being assessed on unknowable criteria. Most people on evaluation committees are reading for whether or not you’re interesting. Stated differently, do they want to go out to dinner with you to hear more? Write it so that the person reading it wants to hear more.
  • Address the elephant in the room (if there is one). Maybe your grades weren’t great in core courses, or perhaps you’ve never worked in the field you’re applying to. Make sure to address the deficiency rather than hoping the reader ignores it because they won’t. A few sentences suffice. Deficiencies do not need to be the cornerstone of the application.

At multiple points in your life, you will need to take action to transition from where you are to where you want to be. This process is layered and time-consuming, and getting yourself to stand out among the masses is an arduous but not impossible task. Having a polished resume that explains what you’ve done is the common first step. But, when an application asks for it, a personal statement can add color and depth to your list of accomplishments. It moves you from a one-dimensional indistinguishable candidate to someone with drive, interest, and nuance.

personal statement for fellowship

  • Ruth Gotian is the chief learning officer and associate professor of education in anesthesiology at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City, and the author of The Success Factor and Financial Times Guide to Mentoring . She was named the #1 emerging management thinker by Thinkers50. You can access her free list of conversation starters and test your mentoring impact . RuthGotian
  • Ushma S. Neill is the Vice President, Scientific Education & Training at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. She runs several summer internships and is involved with the NYC Marshall Scholar Selection Committee. ushmaneill

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Fellowship Personal Statement: Non-trivial Ways to Make It Standout

Nick Guli

Securing a fellowship is challenging because of the stiff competition. In early 2023, the National Resident Matching Program recorded the highest match rate in history: 13919 applicants matching for 13365 positions. The data stresses the importance of standing out among the numerous contenders, which is why composing a great personal statement for fellowship is key. Let’s dig into how to craft a statement that effectively communicates your qualifications and aspirations.

Personal Statement for Fellowship: An Overview

To know how to write fellowship personal statement, you should first understand what it’s used for. Admissions committees use statements to assess applicants’ suitability and potential contributions to their organization or field. A personal statement is a brief essay explaining why you are applying to a specific program. It is supposed to provide insights into your background, experiences, and career goals while highlighting why you are an ideal candidate for the program.

Thus, in a fellowship personal statement , you need to address your academic and professional journey, relevant achievements, and research interests. Also, show how your goals align with the fellowship’s mission and objectives.

The Key Components of a Successful Medical Fellowship Personal Statement

On top of components such as academic experience and career goals, there are three crucial items that medical program applicants need to include in their documents. These elements help the reviewers understand your qualifications, motivations, and suitability for their program.

I. Research

If you’ve engaged in research related to your selected subspecialty, discuss it in your medical fellowship personal statement. Show how the experience shaped your interests and future goals. Talk about future research topics you’re interested in and whether research will be a significant part of your career.

II. Clinical Experience

Discuss the clinical experiences that contributed to your passion for your desired subspecialty. Also, explain some barriers you’ve faced in a clinical setting and how you overcame them. If you struggle to find relevant experiences, feel free to consult a fellowship personal statement writing service. The seasoned admission experts at such services will help identify and emphasize your best traits and cases to include.

III. Teaching

Do you have a background in teaching? Do you want to teach others? Elaborate on your experience in teaching and learning and whether you will pursue this professional direction in your future career.

Expressing Yourself in a Personal Statement Fellowship

Everyone loves a good story, and the selection board is no different. Your story strengthens your reputation, and you can leave a strong impression on the reviewers by properly expressing yourself. Here’s some advice on how to write a fellowship personal statement that properly embodies who you are:

  • Be genuine about your personality and who you are. Share some personal stories to show how you came to pursue the program.
  • Talk about what excites you in the field and what drives your desire to join the program.
  • Show your enthusiasm by using descriptive and engaging language. Professional samples are a great way to learn this skill; discover more here.
  • Emphasize your unique experiences, which set you apart from other contenders.

A personal statement is more than just your achievements; it should show your passion and character. So, invest time and effort to improve your self-expression for the request.

Preparation for a Fellowship Application Personal Statement

Taking ample time to prepare to compose your document makes the process much easier. It requires proper planning and keen reflection. Let’s explore some ways you can get ready to handle this document.

  • Review the given guidelines and requirements to know what is expected of you.
  • Reflect on your experiences, values, and motivations for pursuing that course.
  • Research how to write a personal statement for a fellowship, which you’ve probably done if you’re here.
  • Gather the relevant documents like CVs, transcripts, and letters of recommendation. They should be the source of your accomplishments and some key experiences.
  • Seek inspiration, for example, by reading a fellowship personal statement sample to get a sense of the style and content, but don’t plagiarize.

While there might be more ways to prepare, the above will help you familiarize yourself with the task for easy accomplishment.

How to Write a Fellowship Personal Statement that Outclasses Others

Making your document distinctive is essential in gaining an advantage in the competitive application. To achieve this, start your fellowship application personal statement with a catchy hook or a captivating anecdote to draw in the reviewer and pique their interest.

Then, when illustrating your qualities and accomplishments, provide specific examples; it makes them more convincing. You can also make yourself unique by discussing the specific challenges you’ve experienced personally and how you overcame them.

Finally, capitalize on your conclusion being the last part they read. Leave them with a strong impression of you by reminding them of your desire to undertake the course and how it fits your plans.

How to Write Fellowship Personal Statement for a Specific Program

Tailoring your application document to a specific program is a fantastic way of showing the selection board you’ve done your research and that you’re genuinely interested in their program. How do you achieve this?

  • Research the program and understand its requirements, missions, and goals.
  • Address comprehensively any program-specific questions in the requirements.
  • Demonstrate in your personal statement fellowship how the course fits into your aims and be specific.
  • Address weaknesses in your application and show how the program can help you overcome them.

You can also tailor the conclusion to the particular program. Emphasize your desire to join the course and summarize how it prepares you for your goals.

How Long Should Fellowship Personal Statement Be in Pages/Words?

There’s no consensus on how long should a fellowship personal statement be. But usually, it’s 500-800 words. The specific volume varies across different colleges and programs.

Thus, if you’re wondering, “How long should fellowship personal statement be?” refer to the institution requirements, not the Internet. However, if there are no specifications, keep it between 500 and 750 words. That way, you’ll ensure you have included all the important information without it being too long.

Composing a good personal statement is a delicate process that requires planning, attention to detail, and careful thought. It’s an opportunity to be distinctive from other contenders. So, take ample time to prepare and reflect, and use the above advice to craft a document that properly expresses your passion and professionalism.

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Fellowship Personal Statement Examples

personal statement for fellowship

by Talha Omer, MBA, M.Eng., Harvard & Cornell Grad

In personal statement samples for scholarships.

Here is the personal statement of an applicant who got admitted on a fellowship to  the MIT Sloan fellows MBA program . This fellowship paid for the complete tuition fee, the cost of living, and the cost of health insurance. In addition, the MIT fellowship covered the entire program duration, which was one year.

For the fellowship personal statement, MIT poses several questions to applicants, which the admissions committee expects to be answered in an essay form. MIT provides these personal statement prompts to encourage students to self-reflect and share their insights with the program. 

In this Article

Fellowship Personal Statement Prompt 1

Fellowship personal statement prompt 2, fellowship personal statement prompt 3.

What are your short-term and long-term professional objectives for attending the program? Specifically, please indicate your objectives and how they fit with the purposes of the Program. How would your unique background contribute to the diversity of the Fellows community? 

Ten years of diverse experience driving commercial functions of Fortune 500 firms has established me as a well-versed sales leader. To further enrich my experience, I intend to work on international assignments as a sales expert in global consultancy firms. This career progression would help me understand the corporate DNA of various organizations across industries spread around the world. After receiving adequate multi-faceted exposure in global consultancy, my ultimate objective is to land back in my home country and lead any sales and distribution company as a C-level executive and derive satisfaction by positively influencing the lives of employees and their families, customers, and business partners and the society at large.

I am inclined to the MIT fellowship program as its core philosophy of innovation and leadership resonates with my key strengths and career background. My undergraduate studies in computer sciences and my initial work experience in the software industry imbued in me the significance of framing systems and structures to enhance an organization’s performance capabilities. My undergrad from the top business school in Switzerland and my experience in key leadership roles in commercial functions of fortune 500 companies further polished my leadership skills.

Because learning innovations in technology and leading diverse teams have been the key motivating factors for me, the more I read about the fellowship program, the more I feel I belong here. This program would also provide a window to the world and make me more relevant and worthy of consideration for international positions. As I aim to work internationally, this program is the perfect platform to develop the knowledge, skills, and network I need. By traveling to essential centers of enterprise and government during the Seminar in a Leadership course, having direct interactions with world-class leaders through Dean’s Innovative Leader Series, and networking with classmates coming from 30+ different nations, I would gain the essential exposure needed to become a globally relevant team lead.

Not only is the fellowship program a perfect fit for me, but I am also confident I could enrich other fellows’ experiences. My personality reflects my culture, religion, and family values, and my presence in the cohort will help my fellows learn more about this part of the world. Because Singapore is one of the fastest-growing markets internationally, understanding how the business operates in this area would be invaluable to anyone wanting to work internationally. Having spent most of my life in Singapore and Malaysia, I possess deep knowledge of its indigenous culture, the opportunities this land offers, and the challenges companies face. My experience would help others understand the application of innovation and leadership from the perspective of a small country.

I started my career as a software engineer, firmly believing in systems and processes, but my career taught me the importance of people in an organization. The experiences from this transition from a system enthusiast to a transformational leader have stories worth sharing.

Give an example of how you have used your strengths to demonstrate leadership. Now consider the leader you aspire to be – what areas of personal development do you want to focus on in this fellows program to become that leader?

During my career at Nestle, Singapore, I developed a strong reputation for being a change agent and a leader of high competence and integrity. Because of this, I was handed the extraordinary task of rejuvenating the biggest region in constant negative growth. The management gave me complete autonomy to get the house in order.   

My leadership style was very transformational. I articulated my vision to become number one and then motivated people to turn this vision into reality. Being very friendly and democratic, I opened candid discussions to identify problems and find their solutions collectively. I focused on positive reinforcement and introduced an employee recognition program called ‘Champion of the month’ to encourage initiatives and developed a ‘Wall of Champions’ to create a high-performance culture. My core job was to establish a culture of a supportive climate to promote creativity, autonomy, and ownership, an environment where people feel excited to contribute. By motivating the team and making them believe in themselves, I could deliver results surpassing management’s expectations.

The business required some tough decisions to be taken as well. A few team members and business partners needed to be set off the bus. But first, I had to establish that the decisions taken were for the right reason and the bigger interest of the organization and not based on personal interest or ego. My fair and honest treatment of all the team members helped them accept a not-so-popular decision. I suppose my people leadership skills blended with the system-oriented mindset, creating a positive difference in the region.

There is an adage that the world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page. The world is full of diversity – race, faith, values, cultures, traditions, and languages, and there is much to learn from. Therefore, to continue the lifelong learning journey, I aspire to see the next phase of my life unfold while working in different parts of the world. Hence, being a global leader defines my passion and future career aspiration. The fellowship program would be the perfect platform to prepare me for the international arena. I would improve my effectiveness as a multicultural leader and work on social and networking skills. The 360° Leadership Assessment would also be beneficial in identifying the improvement areas and eventually developing me into a distinctive and effective leader. I believe the more I want to grow outwardly, the more I need to develop inwardly.  

So, this 10-month fellowship would give me the space and time to self-reflect and develop personal leadership skills. The ultimate objective, however, is to become a better human being and serve humanity.

Tell us about the most challenging experience you have had in collaborating with a person or group who did not share the same ideas. What did you learn from this experience, and did it change how you dealt with similar situations afterwards?

After my undergrad from NUS, I was hired as Area Sales Manager at Nestle Singapore. Coincidently, one of the third-party distributors in my area also got appointed simultaneously. The first task I was assigned was to chalk out the commercial plan for the current year, which included presenting the growth forecast and a detailed action plan. The analysis revealed that the area under the newly appointed distributor had tremendous growth potential. However, the plan required increased fleet infrastructure, additional headcount in the sales team, and injection of further credit investment in the market. 

When the plan was discussed with the distributor, he rightly rejected it as he considered the forecast highly exaggerated and impossible to achieve. Hence, he did not want to invest any further. The fundamental reason for the conflict was the lack of confidence the distributor had in me; I was naïve to propose a concrete business plan. Since the initial few discussions didn’t work out well, I tried to delay further talks to avoid conflict and let him take his time to digest my proposal. However, subsequent discussions also didn’t turn out to be positive. Instead, the confrontation kept increasing to the extent that the distributor started taking it personally as a matter of his ego.

To sort the confrontation amicably, I tried to find a middle ground and convert the negative conflict into creative tension. Since the core objective was shared between us to increase profitability, we decided to kick start the plan while partially compensating him for additional expenses. We also announced target achievement incentives to make him stretch for the set goals. The distributor agreed, and a collective effort was made in the new direction. The recent developments brought success beyond our expectations and improved profitability by leaps and bounds. Thus, both of us have a great sense of achievement and recognition.

Later, while reflecting on the initial conflicts we faced, I realized that the situation might have been tackled much better if I had invested more time in rapport and trust-building at the start. Suppose I had built more confidence that I cared about him and his business, the matter would have been resolved much more amicably. I learned that trust leads to acceptance and willingness to collaborate, and building trust is much more important than conquering discussion through logic and numbers. Since then, I got to work with different teams and business partners. However, I ensured I did not initiate business discussions before achieving personal rapport and a bond of trust.


  • 100+ Outstanding Examples of Personal Statements
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  • Ideal Length for a Graduate School Personal Statement
  • 100 Inspiring Quotes to Jumpstart Your Personal Statement

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Personal Statement Don'ts and Do's

Hi everyone:

Every year, I read hundreds of personal statements, mostly for residency, but my labor of love is to review the statements you write for fellowship applications. Residency personal statements are straightforward: we don’t expect applicants to have sophisticated career plans; we just want to know a student has a spark, can write well, and would fit into our community. In contrast, fellowship directors want mature applicants with a more advanced career trajectory.

For those of you getting ready to write your personal statements (and those who plan to write one someday), here are some don'ts and do's:

1.Don't dwell too long on why you chose your specialty: Beyond a sentence or two explaining why you chose your field, don't waste space extoling your specialty. All nephrology applicants love the kidney and you obviously love your organ too or you wouldn’t be applying. If you really have a special story—for example, your uncle had cancer and that motivated you to spend two years studying cancer genetics—then tell that story. But if your personal epiphany isn't unique, move on.

2.Don't trash other specialties: You don’t accomplish anything by saying other specialties bore you. Do you really think rheumatology is the only specialty that requires clinical reasoning? What if the cardiology chief’s wife is a gastroenterologist?

3.Don't exceed one page: No matter how fascinating you think you are, no one wants to read a long statement. Program directors have to examine hundreds of statements, often in long, exhausting sessions. Get to the point.

4.Don't pretend you're someone you're not: Be realistic about your trajectory. If you haven't done much research, don't claim you can't wait to return to the lab. And don't try to please everyone- almost no one has a career with one third clinical work, one third teaching, and one third research. Focus.

5.Don't make spelling and grammar errors: Pay attention to details. Read your statement out loud to find mistakes.

Take your time, make yourself shine, craft a masterpiece.

1.Do show how you plan to contribute: Fellowship Directors don't care what their program will do for you; they want to know what you will do for their program. And they really don’t want to hear about how you can’t wait to begin a new chapter or start your journey.

2.Do show sophistication: What are the big opportunities and new directions in your field? How will you contribute?

3.Do show where your career is headed: What do you expect to do after fellowship? How will you spend your time? If you can be specific—“I want to do cardiac transplant”—then be specific. If you don’t know, that's fine, but show you’re thinking ahead because fellowship directors need to know if they can give you the skills you need. And remember, not all fellowships offer the same training; if you want to do interventional pulmonology, you’re not going to excite programs that don't offer that.

4.Do be exciting: Use active voice. Don’t say “Directing a MICU would be a rewarding career pathway.” What a snore! Say “I hope to direct a MICU one day." And think big- fellowship directors like applicants with ambition.

5.Do show your draft to others: Show it to friends and family. I want to read all your personal statements, often if necessary, to make sure they're great.

So remember your personal statement is your last opportunity to boost your candidacy. Once you’ve applied, your clinical performance, board scores, research accomplishments, and extracurricular contributions are pretty much set. A fantastic personal statement will elevate you from a crowd of talented applicants. Take your time, make yourself shine, craft a masterpiece.

Enjoy your Sunday, everyone. I'm on my way to the MICU,

Featured in this article

  • Mark David Siegel, MD Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary); Program Director, Internal Medicine Traditional Residency Program

NSE Communication Lab

Fellowship Personal Statement

Whether the personal statement is called Career Goals , Intellectual Excitement , or Statement of Purpose , it should contain a coherent theme that ties together your experiences, the goals of the program, and your research interests. Regardless of the structure you choose, the committee reading your application should get to know your scientific identity and see a place for you in their program.

Check out NSE’s page on fellowships to see which ones you may be eligible for. For more information on international fellowships, contact the Office of Graduate Education .

1. Before you start

Most applications are rejected if they look generic or the applicant appears uninformed about the target program. Your strategic goal is to demonstrate that you understand what they are about, and that your qualifications, values, and interests are a match for them. So don’t start writing yet—not until you’ve clarified this match for yourself.

1.1. Who are you?

You are more than a research project. Spend some time reflecting on your experiences and values. What do you care about? Why do you need this fellowship to accomplish your ulterior objectives?

Think beyond the technical space as well. If you only have one summer research internship because you spent your summers mentoring under-served high school students, use that to demonstrate your commitment to service and diversity. If you discovered a passion for fusion energy in your senior year and all your previous experience was optimized for an industry job, show that excitement to the committee. Whether it’s growing up on a farm, hiking the Appalachian Trail, or leading a high school robotics team, these experiences can be used to demonstrate motivation, commitment, and a good work ethic. These are attributes that can help you be successful in research.

1.2. What is your target program?

Take the time to carefully read about the program. Consider the goals of a fellowship and pay attention to any special requirements (e.g. Broader Impacts and Intellectual Merit for NSF applications) as well as any tips they might offer on their websites.

As for t he backgrounds of the actual reviewers, the evaluating committee may vary from non-technical readers to specialists in your scientific niche. Usually, they are academics from your broad area of science (e.g., nuclear engineering) but not from your specific area (e.g., thermal hydraulics). Consider this as you choose the details and vocabulary to describe your current and former research and activities.

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2. What goes in your statement

As long as you stay within the specifications set by your target program, you have the freedom to structure your personal statement as you wish. Some programs have specific prompts seeking 300–500-word answers, and others ask for 2–3-page statements.

personal statement for fellowship

2.1. A personal narrative

Build a personal narrative that ties together y our personal history, experiences, and motivations. In addition to a few paragraphs (2–3) at the beginning of your statement, you can weave your motivation and goals throughout your document to create a cohesive story. This cements your identity into the minds of the reviewer. If they remember you, they will be more likely to accept you!

2.2. Your experiences: meaning and match

This section is typically 3–6 paragraphs long, with a few examples to illustrate your point. To decide which experiences to share, ask yourself these two questions:

1. In which ways did this experience help me grow? One common mistake is to describe an experience in great detail and fail to translate it into skills or qualifications. Instead, explicitly say what that experience means for your future goals. Ex: Building a fusor in high school has prepared you for laboratory work, or volunteering with a recycling program shows your dedication to protecting the environment. More details here.

2. Why should the review committee care? Make it very clear that you are a match for their program. Tie your experiences and their meaning directly to the qualities that the fellowship program is looking for in successful applicants. For NSF GRFP applications, you’ll need to have explicit sections for Broader Impacts and Intellectual Merit. Be sure to explain how you and your project will fulfill these two goals.

2.3. Research interest

Spend 1-2 paragraphs describing your research goals. Depending on the application, you may or may not have a specific research statement. If you have a separate research statement , save the more specific research topics for that document, and reference them in your personal statement. If there’s no research statement, you should briefly summarize the projects you want to work on, and how those fit in with your experiences.

2.4. Career goals

Wrap up by looking into the future. Your long-term career goals should be a logical completion of the personal narrative you’ve built throughout the document, and usually takes up one paragraph. Will you leverage the fellowship to explore new and impactful ideas without established funding? Will you be able to engage in public outreach and education more easily with a secure source of funding? Answering these questions will show that you are forward-thinking and will put the fellowship to good use.

3. Maximize effectiveness

Now that you’ve got the main pieces down, revise your document to maximize its impact.

3.1. Be specific and quantitative (show, don’t tell)

Make your relevant experiences tangible by stating specific outcomes such as awards, discoveries, and publications. Whenever possible, try to quantify the experience. How many people were on your team? How many protocols did you develop? As a TA, how often did you meet with your students? Here are some examples of vague and concrete experiences:

3.2. Explain the meaning of your experiences

Your goal in sharing your experiences is to demonstrate that you have the qualifications, qualities, and promise found in successful recipients of that specific fellowship. Therefore, you will need to not only choose experiences wisely but also state specifically what they mean within the context of your application.

personal statement for fellowship

3.3. Match your level of specificity to your current academic level

Your current education level should influence the tone and topics you address in your statement. For instance, the NSF GRFP accepts applications from three levels of students: senior undergraduates, first-year graduate students, and second-year graduate students. The tone and specificity of your application should reflect your level. While senior undergrads can write generally about their future goals, second-year graduate students should write about specific progress towards career goals.

3.4. Try section headers

Consider labeling your sections to show the structure of your statement. These will guide the reviewer through your document and explicitly call attention to sections where you answer questions from the application material. In an NSF research proposal, “Intellectual Merit” and “Broader Impacts” section headers are specifically requested.

4. Quick tips

  • Start early. It is critical that you spend the time to carefully read through the program’s solicitation and guidelines, and that you have the chance to receive and incorporate feedback on your drafts. The evaluation committee will be reviewing hundreds of applications and yours will be quickly dismissed if it doesn’t quickly make an impact.
  • Pay close attention to formatting instructions. The NSF GRF Program is notorious for rejecting applicants who use the wrong font size or line spacing. Whatever fellowship program you apply to, make sure to follow the formatting instructions.
  • Read the prompt carefully. Each fellowship is unique and will have unique requirements for their applications. If anything in those requirements contradicts with advice you read here or elsewhere, go with the application guidelines.
  • Double-check your spelling and grammar. A well-written statement demonstrates your communication skills, which are essential for success as a researcher.
  • Be strategic with letters of references. Do not go to professors who you think will write you the most positive letters. Instead, go to those who can write about specific experiences that demonstrates the skills that you want to highlight in your application. Each letter should bring new and complementing insights into who you are as a student and researcher.
  • Check out other fellowship resources , especially those on the MIT Office of Graduate Education website . If you are an international student enrolled at MIT, you can email OGE ([email protected]) to learn more about your options.

5. Authentic Examples

Selection criteria can vary from year to year. Be sure to follow the most up-to-date guidelines provided by your target fellowship program, especially if you are referencing older examples. You can also find examples from across different disciplines here (scroll to the bottom).

To get started or receive feedback on your fellowship personal statement, make an appointment with one of us. We would love to help you!

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Resources     >     Advice for Personal Statements     >     Part 4: For Fellowship

Expert Personal Statement Advice - Fellowship vs Residency

male doctor with thumbs up in front of blackboard

Written by David Lombardino   |  Updated March 1, 2024

Medical Fellowship Is About Maturity

The best fellowship personal statements are the ones that reflect both the personal and professional maturity that should come with residency. This means a focused and driven personal statement, one that shows its confidence in being directly and humbly written.

What Subspecialties Does This Advice Apply to?

This advice applies to all fellowship programs, from cardiology and hematology to endocrinology and gastroenterology, surgery, the pediatric subspecialties and everything in between.

Do the Same Rules Apply for Fellowship as for Residency?

Yes, though following the same rules naturally leads to differences.

The fellowship personal statement will distinguish itself by its diligence, focus and maturity.

What Must the Fellowship Personal Statement Include?

At a minimum, to write an outstanding personal statement for fellowship, it must include:

  • The first time you realized your interest (or ideally passion) in the particular subspecialty;
  • Times since then when your passion for the subspecialty was deepened, refined, reinforced or expanded;
  • Any noteworthy accomplishments achieved—and ideally sought intentionally—so far in following that path, including clinical, research and teaching aspects;
  • The direction, as a result, you now see yourself taking, including short-, medium- and long-term goals;
  • How the program(s) you are applying for would be an ideal match for that direction; and
  • How you and your path are an ideal fit for the program(s).

What Must These Items Accomplish?

Each of these items must elucidate a particular quality or qualities about you as a fellowship applicant.

They must be particular to you, as opposed to being able to be said generically by anyone applying for the program.

What Are the Similarities Between the Fellowship and Residency Personal Statement?

Both the fellowship personal statement and the residency personal statement should describe the specific path / specific reasons that has / have led to the decision to apply for the chosen specialty or subspecialty.

They should also detail what the candidate hopes to achieve through the position, including how the candidate sees it will edify their future career.

What Are the Differences?

The general format of the residency personal statement is to describe the candidate's initial interest in medicine and how that was shaped into a desire for the particular field (e.g., internal medicine).

This is fleshed out with details that are relevant to the candidate's pursuit of the program (e.g., elective rotations, research experience, community involvement), with a view toward the future career.

This vision should be informed by significant clinical and, ideally, academic experiences in residency, if not also medical school.

How Does a Resident Applicant See Their Future Career?

Because candidates for residency are writing the personal statement for residency before having begun the training, it is often difficult for them to have a precise view of what they want in their future careers.

While residency applicants may already have some inclinations of what their future careers will be, many of those choices will be made through the course of their residency.

How Should a Fellowship Applicant See Their Future Career?

By contrast, fellowship applicants should know precisely what they anticipate for their future careers.

This means having a clear vision for how fellowship training (and often the fellowship training offered at the particular institution receiving the application) is the necessary next step in that direction.

Fellowship candidates should have a clear idea of who they are as doctors and the specific path they see their careers taking.

The 3 Pillars of a Successful Medical Fellowship Personal Statement

The three pillars of a successful medical fellowship personal statement, which should either have a paragraph devoted to each or be integrated where possible throughout the personal statement, are:

  • Clinical: What are the specific clinical experiences that have made you passionate for the subspecialty you are applying for? How do you perform in a clinical setting? Do you have a team-first attitude? Do you seek to edify others? What barriers have you faced, and how have you overcome them?
  • Research: What specific research activities have you engaged in either related to your chosen subspecialty or pointing you in its direction? How have your research experiences shaped and defined your future research goals and interests? What specific topics/areas of research are you interested in exploring most in fellowship? What percentage of your future career do you want to devote to research?
  • Teaching: Teaching is the acquiring and sharing of knowledge. It includes teaching medical students, interns and junior residents informally at the bedside and in rounds. It includes small group presentations and large presentations (e.g., at Grand Rounds). It includes teaching nurses and techs. It also includes teaching patients and their families. What experiences do you have with teaching, specifically as it relates to the subspecialty you are applying for? What experiences do you have of learning from others, whether an attending, a nurse of 20 years or your patient? What experiences of learning and teaching do you seek in fellowship and in your long-term career?

Make It About the Journey

Through it all, make your fellowship personal statement about the journey you—and your passion for your chosen subspecialty—have taken to get your application to the program director's inbox. What is your story? What are the key moments that have shaped you personally and professionally and your passion for the subspecialty?

Make your fellowship personal statement a story about who you are as a person. Dig deep. What barriers have you faced and overcome on your journey? What keeps you up at night? What is your core drive, your core mission—your core WHY—that happens to bring you now to applying for this fellowship?

How Should the Personal Statement for Fellowship Be Structured?

The personal statement for fellowship should be developed according to the above, centered on the three pillars and composed of, in most cases, five paragraphs as follows:

  • Introduction: The first paragraph—and ideally first sentence—should mention the fellowship subspecialty being applied for, or give a clear indication of it.
  • Body: The three body paragraphs are for points 2 and 3 from the list above.
  • Conclusion: The conclusion to your personal statement is for points 4 and 5.

What Should the Word Count Be?

For most fellowship personal statements, the word count should be about 625 words .

With some exceptions, if your personal statement is longer than 685 words, you have gone on too long and need to streamline your personal statement.

Similarly, with some exceptions, if your personal statement is less than 600 words, you haven't written enough and need to further develop your personal statement.

personal statement for fellowship

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How to Apply for a Fellowship

Residents & fellows.

Find useful tips and learn more about applying for fellowship positions. View a list of fellowship opportunities on the Fellowship Directory .

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  • Clinical Neurophysiology Fellowship FAQ
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  • Headache Fellowship FAQ
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  • Neuromuscular Medicine Fellowship FAQ
  • Stroke/Vascular Neurology Fellowship FAQ
  • Neuroimaging Fellowship FAQ

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  • Start Early:  Check program websites for vacancies and requirements for the application process. Make contact with programs toward the end of your PGY2 year, and no later than October/November of your PGY3 year. Look on the AAN Fellowships Page, individual program websites, such as FREIDA and other websites. Remember, since fellowship positions and availability are constantly changing, do not rely on information on these sites alone. Always contact the program you are interested in.
  • Think About Your Career Goals:  Why a fellowship? What specialty? Is this the right area and/or lifestyle for me? Compare specialties. Speak to people across multiple specialties. Keep your options open. Make time to reflect and decide your priorities.
  • Get Informed:  Consider the job market of your specialty, check out geographical areas, talk to other applicants or previous fellows, speak to your mentors (very important!), obtain input from professors. Where is the field going and where will it be when you are done training? In general, the application process varies widely based on the fellowship to which you're applying (e.g., neurocritical care now follows a match system).
  • Draft a Timeline:  Create a timeline of when to submit applications and prepare for interviews. The budget for travel. If you are going to need to arrange for time off work or clinical coverage while you are at interviews, do this early.
  • Relax:  Don't panic. The vast majority of program graduates have found fellowships that have suited their needs well.
  • Organize:  Prepare a list of questions, organize your certificates with all dates, be prepared for the application process in advance, have a portfolio available, use one email address for all applications. (Tip: Use your university address rather than personal email.)
  • Draft Your Personal Statement:  Personal statements should be one page or less. Be enthusiastic, communicate through your words. Get help with proofreading (by at least two people), especially if English is not your first language.
  • Recommendation Letters:  Obtain strong letters that are well-written. You need to sell yourself and be competitive.
  • Research Experience:  Whether publications or presentations, be able to demonstrate the significance of your work, be knowledgeable on your research topic, how your research will make an impact. Get excited about your research and think about how you want to continue research through Fellowship and beyond.
  • Application:  List community service projects, write clearly and demonstrate the spectrum of your academic record. List all pertinent accomplishments.
  • Interview/Selection Process:  Clinical performance, rotation evaluations, and interpersonal skills are important, as well as the reputation of your program, involvement in research, and medical knowledge (e.g., USMLE). Be prepared for questions (why are you different, why this field, this particular program, your weaknesses, where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?). Be confident. Ask your own questions. Eye contact and professionalism are important. Plan to arrive at least 15 minutes early, plan your route the day before and allow time for travel delays and mishaps.
  • Keep in Contact:  Send thank you notes, maintain follow-up, listen for vacancies or announcements, consistently check and re-check websites.
  • Maintain Perspective:  Stressful situations can blur your goals and/or perspective. Strategize early - you may have to make difficult decisions to make when the offers start rolling in!
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Composing a standout doc will be easier with a pro-made example, which you can pick up here.

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Dear Committee,

I am writing to show my interest in and desire to join your fellowship program. Since my early years, my interest in radiology immunology has grown rapidly. Whether it was research or a conducted experiment, I`ve always wanted to keep going. 

I have multiplied this passion during my academic journey by pursuing and getting a bachelor’s degree in radiology immunology. This helped me to improve my [skills], which I hope to expand and advance during the fellowship program.

I used all opportunities to study radiology immunology beyond my bachelor’s. Internships, research projects, and volunteering gave me priceless experiences that helped me understand how knowledge in radiology immunology could be practically implemented in multiple situations. The experience of studying the growth dynamics of immune cells while participating in [research project name] helped me understand the specifics of cooperation with multidisciplinary specialists. It boosted my skills working on a team and taught me that the best outcome is only possible with coordinated work.

In conclusion, I am convinced that the radiology immunology program is the chance I will use to develop myself as a specialist. Besides sharing the workspace with top-class specialists and running research projects, I want to contribute to the radiology immunology program I am a part of. I feel confident about joining the program because my passion and confidence always lead me to the top.

I appreciate your consideration of my application. I see myself as a member of the radiology immunology fellowship program, and I’m looking to make a step forward.

[The applicant’s name]

Explore Our Best Examples of a Personal Statement for Fellowships

Fellowship programs set strict requirements and choose candidates carefully, so convincing the admission board that you’re their #1 candidate is not easy. Still, you can get this chance effortlessly by preparing a compelling personal fellowship statement that will perfectly present your desire and ability to become a fellow. Moreover, we provide good ready-made fellowship personal statement samples to simplify this task additionally.

Just choose one example that best correlates with your needs, and let’s start.

How Medical Fellowship Personal Statement Examples Can Help You

Someone may think completed writing pieces may be used for copypaste and rewriting. However, it’s a critical mistake because such things in personal statement for fellowship examples are immediately considered plagiarism, and the institution officials will immediately deny the applications. Reasons why a suitable example may help aren’t so obvious, but knowing them can help a lot while writing your own fellowship application doc.

  • It’s invaluable for understanding requirements

When applicants examine examples, they see what format these texts have. Moreover, they understand how the information is organized, starting with the introduction, moving to the self-description mentioning the main achievements that made them who they are today. Moreover, personal statement examples for fellowship help to understand how to combine parts in a well-composed statement.

  • It’s a great tool to visualize writing tips

Having several medical fellowship personal statement examples on hand may assist you while exploring expert tips and recommendations. Most people perceive information better only with visual materials, and pro-made samples can cope with this task perfectly.

  • It’s necessary to define key components

Another advantage of using already-composed personal statement fellowships is that they help people see what writing components should and shouldn’t be included. Once individuals see what works for solid personal statement examples and what doesn’t, they understand how to strengthen it.

  • It provides good ideas to manage your thoughts

In successful medical fellowship essays/applications, the writers’ main goal is to reveal their  strengths that will be valuable for the chosen program. Seeing how others compose their examples can help individuals tailor personal statements, emphasizing their strengths and motivating them to join the preferred program.

  • It can help to avoid common mistakes

Fellowship personal statement examples are ideal for debriefing dos & don’ts and working on bugs. This works exceptionally well when visuals are accompanied by expert commentary. However, it is essential to remember that not all examples are suitable, but only from sources you can trust.

Top Personal Statement for Fellowship Examples From Proven Experts

There are two main reasons why you should explore our database with medical fellowship personal statement examples. First, it’s their variety – radiology, pathology, dentistry, orthopedics, and internal medicine are just some of the fields we can help you with. Secondly, it’s their authors. Every example is made by a proficient field-related expert knowing all the admission process nuances and program features that must be considered.

Of course, you cannot copy from a fellowship personal statement sample, as your own document should be well-personalized and tailored to a particular program. Nevertheless, there’re no restrictions to getting inspired with content structure, transitions, and things that need to be revealed.

How to Work With a Personal Statement for Fellowship Sample Properly

Preparing admission documents takes a while, especially if applicants pretend to join a competitive program. Composing everything in one night is not an option. So, here are some tips to help you better prepare your medical fellowship personal statement using our examples.

  • Create an outline

With a plan, you understand your document’s appearance. Divide the text into paragraphs, with an introduction, a body part consisting of three sections, and a conclusion. Look at fellowship personal statement examples to define what needs to be included in these structural parts, and consider adding them to your document.

  • Explore how the example author engages readers

Whether it’s an introductory hook, calls to action in conclusion, or exciting anecdotes in the body. Personal statements fellowships are formal pieces, so use engagement methods in your writing wisely. See how examples writers manage it to get more ideas.

  • Define accents and things to focus on

The fellowship application personal statement should be program-focused and contain information that describes an individual as a skillful specialist. Moreover, the writing should include the most valuable career and educational path facts. Try to find this information in pro-made examples and explore how authors manage it.

About Medical Fellowship Personal Statement Grammar and Spelling

Besides learning about the text’s structure and format, it’s also important to consider simple elements like grammar and spelling. Institution officials carefully revise each piece and pay attention to all details. Once they spot even the slightest mistake, it may harm your personal statement for fellowship sample.

Your grammar should be correct and simple, as the text should be easy to understand. Grammar continues to be one of the most problematic points when preparing personal statements for fellowship and other application docs. Spelling is also necessary and should be given as much attention as grammar. Let someone else read the text to ensure you don’t miss anything. A fresh look may identify issues that should have been included during the first check.

How to Pick up a Right Sample Fellowship Personal Statement

We’d like to recommend you prepare several fellowship personal statement examples because hardly only one will 100% match your needs. And it’s not about competence but the fact that each program is unique, even if you’re applying to the same specialty. Faculty culture, values, and capabilities vary from institution to institution. Therefore, having only one sample fellowship personal statement to work with would be a bad decision. Consider the following factors when looking for suitable examples:

  • Level and type of program
  • Direction, if the program is highly specialized
  • The specifics of the program and its features
  • Focus and opportunities (practice, research, teaching, etc.)
  • Requirements for their fellowship candidates

Let’s Create Your Own Personal Statement Fellowship Example

A solid and consistent personal statement is your golden ticket to new opportunities, and it’s worth all efforts and time spent creating it. However, sometimes people may worry a lot due to great responsibility or feel a lack of competency to cope with this writing themselves. And that’s where professional help preparing a personal statement for fellowships is the best solution.

From comprehensive guides & examples to expert writing & editing assistance – our service is qualified enough to boost your admission prospects significantly. With years of expertise and hundreds of successful admission cases, we are well aware of ways to make a lasting impression on the committee with your sample personal statement for fellowship application.

All you need is just place an order with your requirements and the filled questionnaire. You can also add an appropriate personal statement fellowship example as a reference to help experts understand your needs better. But don’t worry if there’s no suitable example – your materials are enough to make your own perfectly.

Use a chance to work with the best specialists and receive excellent personal statements to succeed!


The Fellowship Personal Statement- What’s The Deal?

After the popularity of my initial article called How To Write A Killer Radiology Personal Statement , I’ve had multiple requests to write a post on How To Create A Fellowship Personal Statement. Now, I have to admit that there are lots of similarities between the two. And, many of the same writing techniques still hold. So, I would recommend that you click on the link above to remind you of some of the basics. However, you will find a few unique differences that I will share. Let’s have at it!

The Fellowship Personal Statement- Does It Matter?

Well, to start with, even though personal statements tend to be one of the least critical parts of the application, they are a bit more important in fellowship. Why? First and foremost, fellowship directors have fewer data points than residency directors. For instance, applicants may have a Deans letter and USMLE scores, but they are out of date. And, extracurriculars do not play as significant a role in the fellowship application since residents do not have as much time. Moreover, core examination results do not change the equation at all because they come back too late.

So, what’s left? The application, recommendations, interviews, and then, finally, the personal statement. So, by the sheer decreased numbers of relevant items to peruse, you will notice that the personal statement must play a more substantial role in the decision for fellowship.

To balance that out, however, most radiology fellowships, currently, are less competitive than the same application to residencies. Of course, that statement probably does not include some select programs such as the independent interventional radiology fellowships. But for most applications, if you take the higher weighting and the less competitive nature of fellowships, both factors probably cancel themselves out.

Finally, it’s not just my words. Instead, it comes directly from the mouth of several fellowship directors that I know. Most do not put too much stake in the personal statement. (Similar to residency directors!)

So, what’s the take-home point of all this? Well, even though marginally more influential, the personal statement still has little sway on most fellowship applications.

OK. How Should The Fellowship Personal Statement Differ From Residency?

Now that we got that brief introduction out of the way, here is the million-dollar answer to the question. And, it is rather simplistic. In addition to all the general recommendations for a residency personal statement, you need to add why you are specifically interested in this particular fellowship. And, you should also incorporate the reasons and motivations for you to select a fellowship in this area.

Unlike the residency personal statement, you want to rely less on extracurriculars and more upon your experiences in residency, not medical school. And, unless they pertain directly to the fellowship, your statement should not emphasize the motivations that initially led you to go to medical school or residency. Of course, however, if you continued to pursue an impressive extracurricular or motivation that began before residency and is relevant to your fellowship, you can add it.

What should you add to show your interest in your fellowship? It could be a radiofrequency ablation device if you want that fellowship. Maybe, you secretly desire to interview patients and miss close patient contact as a mammographer. Or, it could be your love for untangling wires and hoses as former electrician or plumber (notice the touch of lousy humor- that can be a useful tool!) Whatever you choose, you need to make it specifically known why you have decided upon this career path. And, show not tell why you have made that decision.

Where Does This Information Belong?

If you click on the following template link ( Fellowship Personal Statement Template ), notice that in the first section, you have the “hook” to reel that program director into your application. (That still counts!) Well, you need to apply the reasons you are interested in radiology to this first paragraph. Makes sense, right? Get to the point!

The Fellowship Personal Statement- Not So Hard Right?

To make a great fellowship personal statement, all it takes is a few steps. First, take a look at my Fellowship Personal Statement Template and the link to How To Write A Killer Radiology Residency Personal Statement . It’s an excellent summary if I say so myself!  Then, make sure to add your specific motivations for fellowship in your first paragraph. And, finally, explain any other extracurriculars or specifics during your residency that may be relevant to your fellowship. There you have it. Now, you have the system that you will need to make that exceleent fellowship personal statement!

personal statement for fellowship

About Barry Julius

My name is Barry Julius, MD and I am the founder and chief editor of the website. I have been practicing as the associate radiology residency director at Saint Barnabas Medical Center since 2009. Through many years of on-the-job training, I have gained significant insight regarding all things radiology resident related. Over this time, I have noticed a significant lack of organized online resources for many common radiology residency issues unrelated to the typical medical education and scientific side of radiology. Therefore, I have created a credible, reliable, and informative site that is dedicated to radiology residents, students, program directors, and physicians interested in other radiology residency topics. The emphasis is on day-to-day residency information that is not covered on most educational sites. Topics will include surviving a radiology residency, radiology residency learning materials/books, financial tips, jobs, among other subjects that residents and other visitors may be afraid to ask or unable to find out.

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Personal Statement

Personal statements may be used to customize the application to a specific program or to different specialties. 

In This Section:

Creating the personal statement, formatting the personal statement, previewing the personal statement, reviewing/editing the personal statement, assigning the personal statement.

You create your own personal statements in the MyERAS portal from the Personal Statements section listed under Documents. 

  • Each personal statement must contain a Personal Statement Title and the Personal Statement Content. The title will be visible only to you to help you correctly assign it to programs, and the content will be visible to both you and the programs it is assigned to. 
  • The personal statement is limited to 28,000 characters, which include letters, numbers, spaces, and punctuation marks. 
  • There is not a limit to how many personal statements applicants can create. 
  • Personal statements created outside the MyERAS application should be done in a plain text word processing application such as Notepad (for Windows users) or SimpleText (for Mac users). The statement should reflect your personal perspective and experiences accurately and must be your own work and not the work of another author or the product of artificial intelligence. 
  • Personal statements created in word processing applications not using plain text may contain hidden and invalid formatting. 
  • Note: A number of websites provide examples of personal statements. Do not copy any information from these sites and use it in your personal statements without giving credit to the author. Such use is considered plagiarism. 
  • The ERAS program will investigate any suspected acts of plagiarism. 
  • Any substantiated findings of plagiarism may result in the reporting of such findings to the programs to which you apply now and in subsequent ERAS seasons. 

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When creating a personal statement in the MyERAS application, the following formatting options will be available: 

  • Bold. 
  • Italic. 
  • Underline. 
  • Strikethrough. 
  • Bullets. 
  • Numbering. 
  • Align left. 
  • Center. 
  • Align right. 
  • Increase indent. 
  • Decrease indent. 
  • Insert hyperlink. 

After entering the personal statement title and content, you will have the opportunity to preview your personal statement before saving it. This preview allows you to view your personal statement just as the programs will view it, including the number of pages.  

You are responsible for reviewing your personal statements before assigning them to programs. 

The Preview/Print option under the Actions column will allow you to view and/or print your personal statement. 

Personal statements can be edited at any point during the application season — even when assigned to programs that have been applied to. 

Personal statements that have been edited will be reflected on the programs’ side by an updated status containing the date of the updated version, but programs are not guaranteed to view or review updated versions of personal statements. 

You may designate the assignment of one personal statement for each program. 

  • Personal statements can be assigned to any saved or applied to programs from the Personal Statements page by selecting “Assign” under the Actions column of the intended personal statement. 
  • When assigning by personal statement, programs listed with a disabled checkbox already have the selected personal statement currently assigned. 
  • When assigning by personal statement, you should review any personal statements that are listed under the Assigned Personal Statement column before making selections or changes. 
  • Personal statements can be assigned by program using the Assign option under the Actions column on both the Saved Programs and Programs Applied To pages. 
  • Changes to personal statement assignments can be made throughout the application season, but programs are not guaranteed to view or review newly assigned personal statements. 
  • A personal statement cannot be assigned to programs that are closed. 
  • Printer-friendly version

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  4. PDF The Writing Center @ KUMC

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  6. PDF Writing a Great Personal Statement

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  7. PDF Writing Personal Statements for Fellowships Dhuang

    One applicant concern is that the personal statement comes off like an expanded CV/resume. However, it may help to start your initial outline like this to keep your story focused and concise. 1. Look at the resume/CV you are submitting to the fellowship and choose the most important experiences for your personal statement. 2.

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    Address the elephant in the room (if there is one). Maybe your grades weren't great in core courses, or perhaps you've never worked in the field you're applying to. Make sure to address the ...

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  13. Expert Personal Statement Advice

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  16. PDF Ten Steps for Writing an Exceptional Personal Statement

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  19. PDF Writing a Personal Statement for Fellowships and Awards

    ‒ "The purpose of this statement is to submit my application for the _____ fellowship." ... - See the Personal Statement Guide& use the Personal Statement evaluation chart at www.career.fsu.edu. FSU Career Center • career.fsu.edu • 850.644.6431 The Career Center is located in the Dunlap Success Center (DSC)

  20. Best Fellowship Personal Statement Examples & Writing Help

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  21. MyERAS® Documents for Fellowship Applicants

    Within your MyERAS ® account, you may create personal statement(s); identify the people who will write your letters of recommendation (LoRs); and release your Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination of the United States (COMLEX-USA) and/or United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) transcripts. You will also assign most documents to the programs, track the status of ...

  22. The Fellowship Personal Statement- What's The Deal?

    The Fellowship Personal Statement- Does It Matter? Well, to start with, even though personal statements tend to be one of the least critical parts of the application, they are a bit more important in fellowship. Why? First and foremost, fellowship directors have fewer data points than residency directors. For instance, applicants may have a ...

  23. Personal Statement

    The personal statement is limited to 28,000 characters, which include letters, numbers, spaces, and punctuation marks. There is not a limit to how many personal statements applicants can create. Personal statements created outside the MyERAS application should be done in a plain text word processing application such as Notepad (for Windows ...

  24. Medicine Fellowship Personal Statement

    Medicine Fellowship Personal Statement My name is "Usama Safdar" and I am a Ph.D degree holder which means I am highly-capable to tackle this project "Content Editor " with 100 percent accuracy. I am a professional writer with over 6 years of experience in writing; Essays, Research Summaries, Thesis, Dissertation, Lab Reports and Case Studies.