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PhD Studies & Research

Research in Germany

Science and research in Germany are characterised by a distinguished infrastructure, a wide variety of disciplines, well-equipped research facilities and competent staff. Germany offers various career opportunities for international PhD students and researchers.

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  • Doctoral studies
  • Admission with an FH degree possible
  • Admission with a Bachelor's degree possible
  • in english possible
  • in other foreign language possible
  • Collaborative dissertation (groupwork) possible
  • Cumulative possible
  • Doctoral Studies
  • Preparing for a doctoral degree
  • Admission requirements

Admission requirements for doctoral degrees

If you hold a university degree then you already have the most important prerequisite for embarking on a doctoral programme. Your intended doctoral project should usually be linked to your degree subject. You will usually have to meet other criteria too, for example evidence of an above-average mark in your final exams or very good language skills. The prerequisites for admission to a doctoral programme will be explained in the doctoral regulations of the institution in question.

Admission requirements depend on the degree you obtained

If you have a degree from a German institution , the admission requirements will largely depend on the degree you obtained from a university, a college of the arts, or a university of applied sciences.

Under certain conditions you can also enrol on a doctoral programme at a German university if you have a degree from a foreign institution. Universities decide at their own discretion whether to recognise international degrees .

[Translate to English:] Studierende des KIT (Foto: Andrea Fabry/Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)

German degrees

If you have a German master's degree, Magister, Diplom or Staatsexamen, you are entitled to enrol on a doctoral programme.

[Translate to English:] international Studierende an der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (Foto: Universität Tübingen)

Foreign degrees

Under certain conditions you can enrol on a doctoral programme at a German university if you have a degree from a foreign institution.

Exceptionally qualified holders of a bachelor's degree can also be accepted for doctoral programmes under certain conditions. Most universities offer a fast-track option which allows you to obtain a master's degree at the same time as your doctoral degree. Each university defines its own criteria for the level of qualification needed.

There are basically two types of fast-track doctoral degree. At some universities, doctoral candidates must complete their studies for a master's degree in parallel to their doctoral degree, in other words obtain a master's degree, while at other universities this is not mandatory.

It is advisable to choose a fast-track doctoral degree with integrated master's degree.

Cotutelle - joint doctoral degree with a foreign institution

It is also possible to obtain a doctoral degree in international doctoral programmes or through a cooperation agreement with a foreign institution. In this case a written agreement is required in which the faculties undertake to make a joint doctoral degree possible and define the details of the joint doctoral process. The doctoral degree is awarded jointly by the participating institutions.

The individual usually receives a joint doctoral diploma from both institutions and in both languages. Instead of one joint diploma, two individual diplomas can also be issued, one from each university. The individual diplomas clearly indicate that the degree is the result of a binational doctoral process. Recipients of such a doctorate are entitled to use the German title of doctor in Germany and the foreign title of doctor in the other country. In third countries, only one of the two titles may be used. A binational doctorate does not entitle an individual to use both titles at the same time.

phd requirements in germany for international students

Guide to applying for doctoral studies

for international applicants

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Doctoral studies at lmu, individual doctoral studies, funding opportunities.

  • Doctoral Committees / Dean's Offices

There are two options if you would like to pursue a doctorate at LMU:

  • Individual doctoral studies If you already have a State Examination ( Staatsexamen ), Diplom ( German academic degree), Magister (German academic degree) or master’s degree, you can pursue a doctorate with us. The traditional way of doing this is to choose individual doctoral studies , where you are supervised by a professor from the respective faculty.
  • Structured doctoral programs LMU also offers an increasing number of structured doctoral programs, where candidates follow a curriculum for a set period of time and are supervised by a number of academic professionals. The GraduateCenter LMU is responsible for coordinating structured doctoral programs at LMU, and also offers advisory support and other services for prospective LMU candidates and/or current doctoral candidates.

1. Find a doctoral supervisor

First you will need to find a professor who is willing to support you as you write your doctoral thesis and supervise your doctoral studies. Unfortunately, the International Office cannot help you do this. You'll find more information on the respective institutes' websites. You can also look at the notice boards in the various institutes and dean’s offices.

2. Apply to the respective doctoral committee for admission to start your doctoral studies

Once you have received confirmation of doctoral supervision from your professor ( Betreungszusage ), you can apply to the respective doctoral committee for admission onto your doctorate of choice.

Please note: In general, registering at the International Office is not mandatory for a lot of doctoral studies (except for faculties 9 to 13) . If you wish to register, please follow steps 3–5. The documents you will need to present to the dean’s office / doctoral committee will also be required when you register at the International Office.

3. Applying at the International Office

As soon as you have written confirmation of admission to doctoral studies from the relevant doctoral committee, you will need to apply at the International Office within the stated registration period.

Deadline: 15 January / 15 July for the following semester, late applications until 21 October or 21 April respectively.

  • Completed application form (PDF, 622 KB) (for faculties 9–15 Humanities and Social Sciences: application )
  • in the original language — as an officially certified copy
  • and with officially certified translation where applicable. Certificates in English, French, Italian, Spanish, Catalan, Latin, Portuguese and Rumanian do not have to be translated.
  • for applicants from the USA transcript of records in closed envelopes are needed.
  • Registration and certificates of studies previously undertaken at any other German university
  • Letter of acceptance to doctoral studies from the respective doctoral committee
  • Confirmation from the professor who will supervise your studies
  • Marriage certificate / official proof of change of name (if applicable)
  • Evidence of proficiency in German: please refer to the general regulations on proficiency in German . In many cases, doctoral committees will not insist on evidence of proficiency in German.

For country-specific requirements (e.g. APS certificate), please refer to the detailed application information .

4. Receiving an official letter of admission from the International Office

This letter is an important official document which you will need to show the authorities.

5. Registering at the International Office

Once you have a letter of admission, you must register before the deadline, submitting all necessary documents (listed on the letter of admission). See here for more information on registering as an international applicant.

Doctoral studies are not subject to a standard period of study. However, you may only register for a maximum of 8 semesters. If you do not manage to complete your doctoral studies within these four years, you can complete them at a later date, without needing to register.

  • Scholarships for international doctoral students
  • Scholarship Program for Chinese Doctoral Students
  • STIBET Mentoring
  • Guide to applying for doctoral studies (PDF, 337 KB)

International Office

International Admissions

Send an email

+49 89 2180-3156 oder -3743

International Admissions: Counseling

Contact and coordination units for doctoral students

  • GraduateCenter
  • Doctoral programs
  • Doctoral Committees

Doctoral Committees / Dean's Offices

Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, Room D 101, 80539 München Phone: +49 89 2180-2416 E-Mail: [email protected] Website:

Ludwigstraße 29, EG, 80539 München Phone: +49 89 2180-5376 , +49 89 2180-3228 , +49 89 2180-5778 E-Mail: [email protected] Website:

Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, Room C 019, 80539 München Phone: +49 89 2180-3478 E-Mail: [email protected] Website:

Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, Room D 109, 80539 München Phone: +49 89 2180-2326 E-Mail: [email protected] Website:

Ludwigstraße 28 - Vordergebäude EG, Room 04, 80539 München Phone: +49 89 2180-2228 E-Mail: [email protected] Website:

Schackstr. 4/IV, Room 402, 80539 München Phone: +49 89 2180-2327 E-Mail: [email protected] Website:

Bavariaring 19, 80336 München Doctorate Office Munich Medical Research School

Veterinärstraße 13 o. Königinstr. 8, Room B104, 80539 München Phone: +49 89 2180-3578 E-Mail: [email protected] Website:

Geschwister-Scholl-Pl. 1, Room D 205, 80539 München


Faculties 9 -11:

E-Mail: [email protected] Telefon: +49 89 / 2180 - 3828

Faculties 12 - 13:

E-Mail: [email protected] Telefon: +49 (0)89 / 2180 - 2341

Faculty 15:

E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: +49 89 2180 - 2272

Theresienstraße 39/I, 80333 München Phone: +49 89 2180-4503 E-Mail: [email protected] Website:

Schellingstraße 4/IV, Room H 439, 80799 München Phone: +49 89 2180-3340 E-Mail: [email protected] Website:

Butenandtstraße 5-13, Building F, Room F2.060, 81377 München Phone: +49 89 2180-77001 E-Mail: [email protected] Website:

Großhaderner Str. 2, Room B 01.030, 82152 Planegg-Martinsried

Phone: +49 89 2180-74120 E-Mail: [email protected] Website:

Luisenstraße 37/ I, Room A 118, 80333 München Phone: +49 89 2180-6506 E-Mail: [email protected] Website:

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Choose from dozens of free online resources for german learners.

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Study at a German University: Guide for International Students

Last updated on  November 16, 2023

Germany is the second most attractive destination (after the UK) for international students wishing to obtain a university degree in Europe. German universities are renowned for combining studies with scientific research and are a steady source of innovations and patents. High international rankings of many German universities, free tuition, relatively low cost of living in Germany, reasonable funding opportunities including generous scholarship programmes and promising employment prospects after graduation are among the most compelling reasons that convinced 416 thousand international students to enrol at German universities in the academic year 2020-21.

If you wish to join the ranks of hundreds of thousands international university students in Germany, this one-page guide is for you. It has been compiled to help international applicants for university study in Germany answer all their most common questions regarding admission requirements, application and visa procedures, choice of study programmes, funding options and general opportunities to study at German universities. Read on to learn more.

  • Why Study in Germany
  • Who Can Study at a German University?
  • Language Requirements to Study in Germany
  • University Entrance Entitlement
  • Aptitude Test
  • Requirements for Graduate/Post-Graduate Studies in Germany
  • Finding Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programmes in Germany
  • Finding a Ph.D. Programme in Germany
  • No Admission Restriction
  • Local Admission Restriction
  • Central Admission Restriction
  • Applying through Uni-Assist
  • Application Deadlines
  • Applying for a Ph.D. Programme
  • Documents Needed for Visa Application
  • Documents Needed for Residence Permit
  • Health Insurance
  • Scholarships for International Students
  • Working while Studying in Germany
  • Finding Work in Germany after Graduation
  • Summary of Steps for Applying to Study in Germany

1. Why Study in Germany

  • Tuition-free education at some of the highest-ranked universities in the world
  • Access to cutting-edge technology and world-class research facilities in the universities-owned research centres
  • More than 15,000 different study courses to choose from
  • Hands-on education as many German universities have close links to the industry
  • Truly international environment as all German universities accept foreign students and offer study programmes in English
  • Opportunity to learn German and improve your English while studying in Germany but there is no need to learn German if you do not want to
  • Excellent reputation and worldwide acceptance of German university degrees
  • Reasonable cost of living for university students in Germany
  • Good funding options including scholarships for international students
  • No age limit for students in Master’s and PhD programmes in Germany
  • Possibility to work while studying in Germany
  • Endless opportunities to find a job and stay in Germany after graduation

2. Who Can Study at a German University?

Citizens of any country can pursue a university degree in Germany. Some will have it initially easier than others, though. EU and EFTA (European Union and European Free Trade Association) nationals do not need a visa or a residence permit to stay or study in Germany but they will have to register with local authorities (Einwohnermeldeamt) in their town like anyone else living in Germany. Likewise, citizens of many countries outside of the European Economic Area (EU + EFTA) do not need a visa to travel to Germany but they need a residence permit to study in Germany. Once admitted to the university, they can apply for a residence permit within 3 months of their entry to Germany. However, citizens from countries that need a visa to enter Germany will have to apply for a study applicant’s visa before their arrival in Germany. Once accepted to the university, this type of visa can be converted into a residence permit for study purposes.

3. Requirements to Study at a German University

Universities in Germany are autonomous and, therefore, in order to find out about exact admission requirements you will need to contact their Akademisches Auslandsamt (AAA) or International Office in English. Higher Education Compass (Hochschulkompass) will help you find contact details for the International Office at any university in Germany. The International Office staff will not only inform you about requirements, admission restrictions (numerus clausus) and application deadlines but also about applicable fees and available degree programmes. There is absolutely no discrimination, so anyone wishing to study in Germany at the university will have to meet the same admission criteria of that university.

3.1. Language Requirements to Study in Germany

Generally, many universities offer international study programmes taught in English and for these programmes German proficiency is not required. However, students coming from non-German speaking countries will need to provide proof of German language proficiency if they wish to pursue programmes taught in German. Most likely they will have to pass one of the two tests – Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang ausländischer Studienbewerber (DSH) or Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache (TestDaF). Please refer to this article for more information on language examinations for international students.

3.2. University Entrance Entitlement

An appropriate school qualification is no less important than language competency. Your school qualifications will be reviewed by the International Office staff to ensure Hochschulzugangsberechtigung (or university entrance entitlement in English). That is, for a Bachelor’s programme they will need to determine whether your high school graduate certificate corresponds to the German Abitur. In general, most school-leaving certificates from a higher education institution in the EU and EFTA country will entitle you to study at a German university. Depending on the university entrance entitlement (general or subject-specific) granted by the International Office, you will be allowed to pursue any study programme or only some specific programmes.

In fact, even if you do not possess an adequate qualification you may still be able to pursue studies at the German university. But, before you can enrol in a regular degree programme you will need to complete preparatory courses (Studienkollegs) provided by the university of your choice. Preparatory courses typically take one year. In addition, some Fachhochschulen may also require you to complete a working internship.

In some cases, school-leaving certificates of applicants from countries outside the European Economic Area (EU and EFTA) may not be accepted as readily as those from the EU and EFTA countries. Therefore, students are advised to check the anabin database (available only in German) for school qualifications in their home country that are recognized in Germany as a university entrance entitlement. Click on the tab “Suchen” and then choose your country and type of school-leaving certificate and school.

3.3 Aptitude Test

Some German universities may require international applicants for undergraduate programmes to pass the TestAS (Test für Ausländische Studierende or Test for Academic Studies in English). The aim of this test is to assess the student’s ability to study at the German university. High scores can help greatly improve your chances of being admitted.

3.4. Requirements for Graduate/Post-Graduate Studies in Germany

Regarding graduate/post-graduate studies, students who have earned a Bachelor’s or a Master’s degree from a foreign university need to get in touch with the International Office of the German university of their choice to have their degree recognized in order to be allowed to pursue Master’s or Ph.D. studies in Germany.

4. Choosing the Right University

There are over 300 public and 100 private universities in Germany, offering more than 15,000 degree programmes. German universities are classified into classical universities (Universitäten incl. Technische Universitäten), universities of applied science (Fachhochschulen), cooperative universities (Duale Hochschulen) and colleges of art and music. Unlike largely research-oriented Universitäten, Fachhochschulen are, as their name suggests, practice-oriented with strong links to the industry and do not provide Ph.D. degrees. Cooperative universities, too, are practice-biased combining study and work and specialize in dual studies . In contrast to many other parts of the world, German public universities tend to have better rankings than private ones. In the academic year 2022-23, 46 German universities are ranked among the top 1,200 universities in the world and all of them are public. See this article for a complete list of the top German universities and their highest ranked degree programmes.

4.1. Finding Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programmes in Germany

German universities provide plenty of degree programmes designed for international students as well as courses for exchange students staying for one or two semesters which are all taught in English. Most undergraduate foreign students begin with courses conducted in English while taking free German lessons at the university. Once their command of the German language is good enough to study in German, they continue with courses taught in German. The website of DAAD will help you find degree programmes in English . TOEFL or IELTS are generally required from non-English native speakers who wish to pursue international programmes in Germany.

International students who are seeking programmes taught in German can use the search engine of Hochschulkompass to find out about all study programmes available at German universities. Alternatively, students can also use a portal of to search for all Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes offered at German universities. A useful tool for identifying highly regarded degree programmes and to see how they compare with each other are the German university rankings compiled by the German Academic Service (DAAD) in cooperation with the largest German national weekly newspaper “die Zeit”. Those who already have an idea of what programme suits them best should contact “student advisory services” at the selected university to have any specific questions regarding their chosen study programme answered.

4.2. Finding a Ph.D. Programme in Germany

The two types of doctoral studies that are offered by German universities are an individual doctorate and a structured Ph.D. programme. International students who wish to earn their Ph.D. in Germany via an “individual path” need to find a supervisor called ‘Doktorvater’ or ‘Doktormutter’ either through personal contacts or searching through the database of doctoral studies of . At the moment, an individual doctorate (i.e., traditional form of Ph.D. studies) is still the more common option of the two chosen by three quarters of students in Germany.

Another possibility is to find a structured Ph.D. programme (alternatively check also this link ). A structured Ph.D. programme resembles those in the US, Canada or the UK where Ph.D. students form a small group and attend lectures, seminars and assessments together and are supervised by a team of professors rather than a single supervisor. Yet another useful place where to find listings of open positions in doctoral programmes in Germany is the database of the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD .

5. Application and Admission Procedure at German Universities

When applying for a degree programme at a German university you need to find out whether there are any limitations imposed. Some programmes at German universities, such as medicine, are extremely popular and thus have a limited number of places. These restricted programmes are also called numerus clausus degree programmes. Some programmes are restricted on a national level and then we speak of a central restriction whereas others are restricted only locally at a particular university.

5.1. No Admission Restriction

If no restriction is in place you can directly enrol in the programme of your choice provided you have been issued a university entrance entitlement certificate by the university’s International Office. You will need to fill in the application form and provide a copy of your university entrance entitlement certificate as well as your CV, proof of health insurance covering Germany and a photo. Please note that you will need to meet a certain deadline to be admitted.

5.2. Local Admission Restriction

For restricted degree programmes only the best applicants will be admitted. Selection criteria include the average grade as well as other factors such as assessment test results, applicant’s interview scores and specific practical experience. Applications are submitted directly to the chosen university and will be handled by the university staff.

5.3. Central Admission Restriction

The major difference between applying for a programme with central and local restriction is that for nationally restricted programmes you need to apply with the Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung (University Admissions Foundation) and not directly with the university as is the case with locally restricted programmes. Therefore, applications for nationally restricted programmes are handled centrally by the University Admissions Foundation.

5.4. Applying through Uni-Assist

If you want to apply for several degree programmes at different universities you can use the paid service of Uni-Assist which will handle all your applications for you. This service is specifically designed for international applicants. The staff at Uni-Assist will review your documents and make sure they are complete before forwarding them onto the universities you are applying to. However, please note that Uni-Assist cannot be used for applying to the University Admissions Foundation for nationally restricted programmes.

5.5. Application Deadlines

In most cases, application deadlines are the 15th of July and the 15th of January for the winter and the summer semester, respectively.

5.6. Applying for a Ph.D. Programme

The application procedure mostly depends on whether you are applying for an individual doctorate or a structured Ph.D. programme. In case of an individual doctorate, once you have found a supervising professor willing to act as your ‘Doktorvater’, you can enrol at the university provided you meet the qualification criteria (i.e., Master’s degree in your intended course of study that is equivalent to the German degree). Your suitability must be usually confirmed by the doctoral committee of the faculty department where you are going to conduct your research.

Applicants for structured Ph.D. programmes should contact the International Office of the selected university to begin standard application procedure. Just like in classical Ph.D. programmes (i.e., individual doctorates), a corresponding Master’s degree will also be required. Since most Ph.D. programmes in Germany (and structured doctoral programmes in particular) use English as the sole language of instruction and communication and the thesis is also written in English, proof of German proficiency is typically not required. For tips on how to make your application for a Ph.D. study programme successful and how to write a research proposal check out this webpage of Research in Germany .

6. Overcoming Initial Entry and Settlement Hurdles

Although there is absolutely no discrimination against anyone from anywhere at German universities, certain things are beyond their control. That is, some students, depending on their nationality, will have to deal with visa and/or residence permits. If you are not a resident of any EU or EFTA country, you will certainly need a residence permit to study in Germany. Moreover, citizens of most non-European countries (excluding the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Korea, etc.) will also need a visa before they can travel to Germany either as applicants or as prospective students. The following lines briefly explain which documents you will need to be allowed into the country and to arrange a residence permit as well as some other necessities.

6.1. Documents Needed for Visa Application

Citizens who need a visa to enter Germany will be required to submit the following documents to apply for a student visa or an applicant visa:

  • Passport that is valid for at least another twelve months
  • Confirmation of application from the German university for an applicant visa
  • Admission letter from the university for a student visa
  • University entrance entitlement for an applicant visa
  • Proof of adequate language skills (minimum B2)
  • Health insurance coverage for Germany
  • Proof of sufficient funds for at least one year (i.e., 11,208 Euros in blocked account as of January 1, 2023) which may also include scholarship

For more detailed information get in touch with the nearest German consulate or embassy .

6.2. Documents Needed for Residence Permit

In order to convert a student visa into a residence permit for study purposes you will need the same documents as above plus a certificate of resident registration and a rental contract but instead of the admission letter from the university you will have to submit a certificate of enrolment. Please note that if you are a citizen of a third country with visa-free entry to Germany, you also have to submit all these documents at the local aliens’ office (Ausländerbehörde) because you too need a residence permit. Residence permit for study purposes is issued for two years, so make sure your passport is valid for at least as long.

6.3. Health Insurance

Citizens of the EU and EFTA countries can use a statutory health insurance from their home country that is registered with a German statutory health insurer. Nationals of other countries may be able to use a health insurance from certain private insurers in their home country (it must cover Germany and must be accepted in Germany) or they will need to get an insurance cover from a German statutory insurer. German insurers are obliged to offer discount rates to all students under 30 years of age (in 2022, 110 Euros a month). Please note that students have to provide proof of the health insurance coverage to be allowed to enrol at a German university.

7. Cost of Studying in Germany and Financing Options

Public universities in Germany do not charge tuition fees to undergraduate students. Most public universities also waive tuition fees for graduate students, especially for consecutive Master’s programmes (building directly on a Bachelor’s degree earned in Germany). However, there is a small one-off enrolment charge (typically around 250 Euros) that becomes payable at the beginning of each semester. This amount often also includes a semester ticket that entitles the holder to a reduced rate for local public transportation. Private German universities, on the other hand, usually do charge tuition fees. However, there are a few exceptions among public universities. Since the beginning of the academic year 2017-18, the federal state of Baden-Württemberg charges the non-EU university students a tuition fee of ca 1,500 Euros per semester for all degree programmes except for PhD. The new rule applies to all public universities in this federal state (i.e., the University of Freiburg, the Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, the University of Konstanz, the University of Mannheim, the University of Stuttgart, the Eberhard Karl University of Tübingen and the University of Ulm).

According to DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), the average monthly budget of a German university student in 2022 was 867 Euros (for 2023 it is estimated at 934 Euros) whereas international students in Germany can usually get by on a slightly smaller budget. The most significant and also the most variable part of this expense is rent, that is, on average 332 Euros a month in 2022. The average monthly cost of a room in a student’s dormitory is 260 Euros while a small studio can cost between 450-700 Euros a month, depending on the town and other factors (more information on the cost of living in Germany ). In addition, Ablöse (compensation for investments made by the previous tenant) and 1-3 months deposit will often be required. Since acceptance to the university does not guarantee anybody a room in a dormitory and renting a flat alone is too expensive, many students live in shared apartments (Wohngemeinschaften) to save on rent and initial investment. By doing so, they can reduce their rental expenses to around 310 Euros per month. In order to secure inexpensive accommodation in dormitories students are advised to contact their local Studentenwerk immediately after enrolment.

7.1. Scholarships for International Students

There are plenty of scholarship options for international students in Germany, both governmental and non-governmental from private foundations, to help them finance their studies. Below are the links to the most comprehensive lists of scholarship programmes available to foreign students in Germany.

  • DAAD : Scholarship Database
  • Study in DE : Study Financing & Scholarships
  • TopUniversities : Overview of Scholarships in Germany

7.2. Working while Studying in Germany

Students who come from countries outside of the European Economic Area (EU and EFTA) are only allowed to work part-time, that is either for 120 full days a year or 240 half-days a year (140 full days a year or 280 half-days a year from March 2024) or 20 hours a week (remember this also includes voluntary work). Still, this may help them cover part of the living costs. It goes without saying that those from the EEA countries can work full time.

8. Finding Work in Germany after Graduation

Citizens of the EEA countries (EU and EFTA) may stay and seek employment in Germany for as long as they wish just like any German national and they do not need a work permit. Other nationals, including those who normally need a visa for Germany, can extend their residence permit and stay in the country for a period of 18 months after graduation while seeking employment. If they find a job, their residence permit for study purposes will be converted into a residence permit for work. In addition, those who need a visa to enter Germany and decide to leave the country after finishing their studies can still seek employment in Germany. They will, however, need to apply for a six-month visa (a twelve-month visa from March 2024) for the purpose of job search (also known as the jobseeker’s visa) to return to Germany for job hunting. From June 2024 there will be an opportunity to apply for a so-called ‘opportunity card’ instead of the jobseeker’s visa as defined in the new Skilled Immigration Act .

9. Summary of Steps for Applying to Study in Germany

We hope this concise guide has strengthened your desire to study in Germany. To get you started here is a summary of what you need to do to apply for study at a German university:

  • Take up an intensive German language course
  • Find a German university and a study programme. You can choose more than one
  • Enquire about admission requirements
  • Do the necessary paperwork and have your school diplomas recognized in Germany
  • Sort out your financing (do not forget to check out scholarships options)
  • If you need an applicant visa, take up an insurance policy that covers Germany
  • Apply in due time

Germany is the home of 416 thousand international students benefiting from tuition-free education in Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD programmes at some of the world’s most renowned universities. Why not join them and study in Germany too?

Study in Germany FAQs

Most international students in Germany agree that Germany is a great place to study and live. German university degrees are highly valued across the world and come at a cost that is affordable to most foreign students thanks to minimal university fees and reasonably low living costs. Statistics show that for international students, Germany is just after the UK the second most popular destination in Europe where to earn a university degree.

Relative to its high education standards and excellent quality of living, Germany is an inexpensive place for university students to study and live. German public universities, which are among the best in the world, charge no tuition fees while students enjoy a number of discounts. The monthly living cost of an international student in Germany in 2023 is estimated at 930 euros per month, which is less than in most other countries of Western Europe.

Since public universities in Germany charge no tuition fees, everyone can study at a German university nearly for free, no matter which country they are from. The only money the student will ever have to pay to the university is an enrollment fee at the beginning of semester, which is on average ca 250 euros, that is, 500 euros per year. One exception is the federal state of Baden-Württemberg where public universities are allowed to charge tuition fees to non-EU students of approximately 1,500 euros per semester. But, keep in mind that students from the non-EU and non-EFTA countries will have to demonstrate to immigration authorities that they are able to cover their cost of living in Germany.

Most German universities charge no tuition fees, just a small enrollment charge payable at the beginning of each semester. Hence, the cost of studying at a German university mainly consists of the rent and everyday living expenses. For 2023, the monthly budget of an international university student in Germany is estimated at 930 euros.

Yes, you can as there are plenty of international study programmes at German higher education institutions (i.e., universities) provided exclusively in English. And, just like the regular German-language programmes, many of the international study programmes are tuition-free.

Yes, you can, if you choose a tuition-free international study programme at one of the public German universities.

Germany prides itself in its high quality of education, so you can expect that graduating from a respected German university will require some effort on your part. At exams you will have to demonstrate that you understand the matter rather than just mechanically cramming the stuff from the textbook.

For many young people it certainly is worth. Higher education at public institutions in Germany is practically tuition-free for citizens of any country while the quality of education is among the best in the world. Moreover, the living standard in Germany is very high though the cost of living is affordable for most students. Scholarships and student jobs are easy to find to help finance the studies. Yet, German degrees are recognized worldwide but if a graduate of German university from a non-European country wants to start a career in Germany they can if they find a job that corresponds to their qualifications. Furthermore, foreign graduates of German universities are allowed to stay in the country for 18 months after graduation searching for a job. The chances to stay are great especially for those who earn a degree that is in high demand in Germany.

The most important requirements are a university entrance entitlement and knowledge of the German or English language at B2/C1 level. If you come from a non-EEA country you will also have to show to the immigration authorities that you have enough money to finance your stay in Germany (11,208 euros per year in 2023).

In general it is but for some study programmes C1 or even C2 proficiency level can be required.

Yes, you can as there is no age limit for admission to German universities. In fact, students who are in their late 30s or early 40s can be commonly found in Master’s and MBA programmes at German universities.

Technically you can, although it is less common than applying for two or more study programmes to different universities.

Students from the EEA countries are allowed to work full time, that is, 40 hours per week but those from the non-EEA countries can work 40 hours per week only for 6 months a year. Or in other words, students from third countries are allowed to work 120 full days or 240 half-days a year (140 full days a year or 280 half-days a year from March 2024), or 20 hours a week.

If you are a citizen of another EEA country (that is, the EU or EFTA), you can work full time while there is no limit on how much you can earn. However, university students from the so-called third countries are allowed to work only 120 full days or 240 half-days a year (140 full days a year or 280 half-days a year from March 2024) or 20 hours a week. Likewise, there is no limit on how much they are allowed to earn. But, remember that the annual tax exemption threshold for a working student in Germany in 2023 is 10,908 euros. So, if you earn more than that you will have to pay taxes and social security contributions.

Yes you can, if you find a job that corresponds to your qualification. As a matter of fact, you are allowed to stay in Germany for additional 18 months after graduation, searching for a job. Once you have found a job, your residence permit for study purposes will be converted into a residence permit for work. It goes without saying that citizens of the EU and EFTA countries are free to stay in Germany irrespective of whether they finish the university or not.

Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from respected German universities are accepted worldwide. Diplom and Magister degrees are usually accepted too but their recognition in foreign countries may not be always as straightforward as with Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.

The university diplomas that give you the best chances to succeed in the German job market include degrees in medicine, natural sciences (e.g., biotechnology, nanotechnology) , different fields of electrical and mechanical engineering, mathematics, computer science and technology as well as nursing.



YES Germany

YES Germany

German Education Consultant in India

Requirements To Study PHD in Germany

phd requirements in germany for international students

Requirements to Study PHD in Germany

Getting Admission in PhD in our country is quite challenging and complex. Firstly, there aren’t many colleges that run PhD programs. Secondly, it is quite difficult to clear the entrance exam, in which many students don’t pass. Thus talented students who are deprived of getting admission here try for universities outside the country.

There are many study destinations like US, UK, Singapore, Australia, Canada but these days Germany is the place where many international students look for.

Reasons that make Germany an attractive study destination for Indian  students

Germany is the second most well known study destination on the planet and their educational Institutions have the benefit of undeniable global reputation. They’re known for top class schooling standards, experienced academic staff, modern educational approaches, practical-oriented teachings, state of the art facilities, present day instructive methodologies, a wide variety of courses and excellent job prospects.

For Indian students particularly those who want to do research i.e. PhD students who need a well-suited environment, all these features make Germany a great choice. To get a fulfilling experience both professionally and personally many students are choosing to go to Germany for a Phd degree.

In case you’re an Indian student who needs to get your  PhD degree in Germany . So we can assist you with navigating through the application cycle. 

Study PhD in Germany – Keep in mind these points

Requirements to study PhD are more or less same as the general  requirements to Study in Germany . 

  • Eligibility for PhD in Germany

PhD programs are open to all international students in Germany. Admission eligibility to PhD degrees depends entirely on the previous academic background. German universities admit only the best students. To apply for a PhD in Germany your academic qualifications must be recognized. To know your earlier education equivalence you can check DAAD’s online database.

  • Find a PhD degree

This is a difficult step because PhD degrees in Germany are offered by universities as well as by licensed companies. You can search a completed and updated database of PhD degrees or consult YES Germany, the best  German Educational Consultants .

  • Types of PhD programs available

In order to make the right choice, it is important to have the correct information. You must know that there are two types of PhD degrees in Germany:

  • Individual PhD Degrees

It is a research project under the guidance of a professional personal tutor with your mentor being informed about the progress. It allows you to work a lot by yourself on your dissertation thesis. 

Structured PhD Degrees

It is a joint PhD project with a specific top and a small group of PhD students supervised by a group of experts.

  • Documents required for admission

Indian students must submit the following documents to apply for a PhD degree in Germany: It is still advised to check the list available on the university portal as the requirements keep changing.

  • Master Degree recognized in Germany
  • Proof of Language Proficiency
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Letter of Recommendation
  • Relevant Job Experience
  • How to apply

It is time to submit your application once you are done with finding your PhD program and know the documents required. The application procedure may be complex. You can get the detailed explanation of the process from your PhD provider.

If you get everything in order than you may need the following documents 

  • Certified copies of your qualifications
  • A statement from your personal mentor
  • Academic references
  • Admission Requirements

Here is a list of documents that you may need while applying for a PhD program in Germany.

  • CV (Curriculum Vitae)
  • A doctoral thesis outline
  • Qualification equivalent
  • German Language Proficiency (not mandatory, but can be asked somewhere)
  • English proficiency test
  • GRE or GMAT ( require in Some universities )
  • Motivational letter
  • Recommendation letter
  • Academic degrees
  • Your Academic Degrees (matriculation, intermediate, bachelors, masters) and their transcripts copies (If required), and their copies.

If you’re an Indian student who wants to get your PhD degree and you have decided to do it from a foreign university in Germany then all you have to do is to contact YES Germany and get through the application process. We are the best German Educational Consultants (awarded by Eminent Research-Brand IQ) with more than 15 years of experience in helping students to meet their foreign education objectives. Call us now on 8070606070, request a call back or visit

YES Germany Education Pvt. Ltd.

As the days pass by Germany is increasingly becoming the go-to dream destination for students aspiring to pursue their higher education abroad.

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  • Study in Germany /

PhD in Germany

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  • Updated on  
  • Dec 2, 2023

PhD in Germany

With its unparalleled focus on research, innovation, and development, Germany offers innumerable opportunities to individuals not only in STEM courses , but also in social sciences , humanities , and languages. Further, colleges in Germany are known for their outstanding faculty, internationally recognized curriculum as well as bright career prospects both in enterprises and research organisations. Be it Berlin, Munich, Frankfurt, or Cologne, German cities serve as hubs for manufacturing, international business and finance sectors and housing headquarters of several giant companies. If you are interested in pursuing a PhD in Germany, this blog will help in breaking down its process.

This Blog Includes:

Why study for a phd in germany, types of phd courses in germany, academic session, phd in germany: admission requirements, phd in germany: admission process, writing your research proposal, top universities for phd in germany, cost of studying phd in germany, phd in germany with scholarships, visa process for international students to germany, can i work in germany after my phd, work opportunities, salaries after phd in germany.

The PhD study in Germany epitomizes the country’s mastery of higher education. Let us examine the advantages of studying PhD programs in Germany in further depth:

Free Adult Education: In terms of higher education, Germany has distinguished itself. It offers free education to both domestic and international students. Compared to other international colleges, it only costs a student 310 EUR to cover the semester as well as travel expenses.

Immensely well infrastructure and facilities: After the United Kingdom and the United States, Germany has been ranked as the world’s third finest education destination, and its amenities reflect this. A multitude of non-university research groups contributes to high-quality Ph.D. education at German institutions.

PhD in Germany with Scholarship: Germany values all students’ knowledge, and as a result, they never allow anyone to stop researching due to a lack of funds. There are organizations whose major goal is to offer enough funding to ensure that the informed are loved eternally.

In Germany, there are two broad categories into which PhD courses are divided, namely, individual doctorate programs and structured PhD degrees. Read the following to know more:

Individual Doctorates [3 to 5 Years] Considered the most favourable choice for a PhD in Germany, an individual doctorate also called the traditional PhD is a more direct method of gaining a doctoral qualification. The process of application involves approaching a potential professor or supervisor who is teaching at the university directly, demonstrating how one’s research interests align with the professor, and asking whether he is willing to act as a supervisor. Typically, this process requires a considerable amount of effort and time as it involves finding the right professor, proving that one’s experiences in prior degrees and experiences make him the right candidate, and submission of a research proposal, among other steps. In a traditional PhD, learners have to submit a doctoral thesis focusing more on the research and an oral presentation and examination of their work testing their wider knowledge in the field.

Structured PhD Degrees [3 to 5 Years] An individual opting for a structured PhD in Germany undertakes research work as part of a group of doctoral students who are guided by a team of supervisors. Structured PhD degree admissions and application process is done through online portals of universities such as DAAD. The curriculum may involve interdisciplinary studies along with an emphasis on scientific tools and techniques, and interpersonal skills.   As far as a structured PhD is concerned, students need to complete several mandatory units to achieve 180 to 240 ECTS credits that are essentially required in doctoral studies. They will be assessed on their understanding of course content delivered in seminars and lectures, besides submitting their thesis and completing the oral exams.

If you plan to study in Germany , your academic year will typically comprise 2 semesters – Wintersemester which runs from October 1 to March 31 with Christmas and Easter break; and Sommersemester which runs from April 1 to September 30 with breaks from July to September.

For pursuing a PhD in Germany, the documents to be submitted remain more or less the same throughout the universities in Germany. However, there can be some exceptions. Following are the required things you can’t miss while applying for a PhD:

  • Materials to be submitted at the time of application include aptitude scores like GRE or GMAT and  English-language proficiency scores of IELTS or TOEFL , research proposal, SOP , LOR , and CV, amongst others. However, these requirements vary from university to university.
  • Sometimes, traditional PhDs may require you to write a thesis in Germany, thus you may need to prove your German-language proficiency through TestDaF or DSH.

A strong research-oriented master’s degree in a relevant field of interest is a major prerequisite while applying for a PhD in Germany. As for the application process is concerned, the individual doctorate route is quite straightforward and requires a direct approach to potential supervisors. On the other hand, for a structured doctorate, one is required to apply through official university portals.

  • Once you have supplied the documents highlighted above, the doctoral committee you are applying to will confirm your eligibility to pursue a PhD in Germany.
  • A personal interview may also be part of the application process. This is typically conducted by the supervising board for the program. You can refer to our blog on DAAD Scholarshipfunding as well as admission-related information.

A staple part of the application process both for individual and structured PhD in Germany is the submission of a well-curated, coherent and concise research proposal. A research proposal is a document that outlines your research interests, at what points they match with those of your potential supervisors, and what you intend to study and work under the guide. More often than not, applicants do not devote as much time as required to writing a proposal that underlines their achievements as well as what it doesn’t involve. It is important to not sway away from the research topic. Apart from including only the relevant details, it is important to make sure that errors and mistakes have not crept in. Getting it checked by your current professors and mentors is also an option worth considering. 

Germany is home to some of the top institutions in the world, known to offer quality education, scientific discoveries, and technology. Below listed are the top universities to pursue a PhD in Germany:

Note: This list is for indicative purposes and is not exhaustive. While some PhD courses in Germany are available throughout the year, others are offered based on the number of vacancies and the semester chosen. 

Some Other German Universities to Consider

  • Heidelberg University
  • Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  • University of Freiburg
  • University of Tübingen
  • Free University of Berlin

When it comes to studying for a PhD at public universities in Germany, there is no tuition fee charged to international students but you will be required to pay certain administrative costs which range from €150-€200 [roughly 13,100 INR-17,600 INR] (per semester administration fee). However, you will also have to keep the living expenses in mind while applying for a PhD in Germany as the living costs can vary largely from one city to another. While applying for the German student visa, you will be required to provide proof of sufficient funds of €10,236 [roughly 8,94,000 INR] as well. You can also use our exclusive Cost of Living Calculator to estimate your living costs and also check out our blog on the cost of studying in Germany to get an overview of the major expenses you can expect while pursuing higher education in Germany.

Explore the popular German Scholarships for PhD Programs !

To continue your studies in Germany, you will require a student visa. There are two categories of student visas:

  • Schengen Visa: Permits you to take a 90-day course in Germany specifically.Visa Fee: 60 EUR 
  • National Visa: This allows you to stay in Germany for more than 90 days; you must also obtain a residency permit.
  • VISA Fee: 75 EUR
  • Working in Germany after completing a PhD is governed by nationality.
  • Students from the EU and EEA will not require a work visa. You will have the same career opportunities as German citizens.
  • Students from outside the EU and EEA can prolong their stay for up to 18 months to look for jobs connected to their studies.

As an international student, you are permitted to work 120 full days or 240 half days every year while studying for a PhD in Germany. In case you plan to work for longer than this, then you need to seek permission from the Foreigner’s Registration Office and Local Employment Agency. The student is sometimes employed by the university under student assistants or teaching appointments. The salary depends on the hours spent supervising the library, researching literature, and demonstrating or leading tutorials.

Ans. The majority of German institutions do not charge tuition for PhD programmes, and financing is available from numerous government agencies, research groups, and other organisations.

Ans. A PhD professor typically earns a gross monthly salary of between 4,00,000 and 5,300,000 euros (INR 4 lakh and 5.3 lakhs). Do German PhD students receive compensation? Yes, PhD students may be paid in Germany thanks to the PhD Stipend.

Ans. In Germany, getting a PhD is a little more challenging than getting a bachelor’s or master’s degree. This is mostly due to the fact that PhDs are offered in Germany by both accredited businesses operating in the industrial sector and universities.

Thus, building a successful career in Research needs hard work, dedication, and the right guidance. If you are planning to pursue a PhD in Germany or at any other study abroad destination but are not sure how to go about it, then Leverage Edu can guide you through the process. Right from the application to the arrangement of funding, the counsellors will assist at every step. and beyond so that you can take a step towards building a rewarding career.

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Hi, The article is very crisp and informative. Well i would like to introduce myself as a curious learner and aim to pursue Ph.D from Germany for which i am looking for insight and guidance.

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  • Leibniz Association
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  • How do German businesses compare internationally?
  • How is the start-up scene set up?
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  • Find your PhD position

How to apply for a PhD

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Find your PhD position in Germany

Before you start your search ....

Before you start your search you should know that there are different PhD models:

  • Individual doctorate  or
  • Structured PhD programmes

What's the difference? Check out our  overview of the various ways to do your PhD in Germany  

Find your individual doctorate

Two young researchers are sitting on a lab desk listening to a standing professor and taking notes. The professor holds a molecular model in his hands.

The "traditional" or "individual" path to a PhD remains the most common in Germany. An individual doctorate involves a thesis or dissertation that is produced under the  supervision of one professor . This form of PhD study offers a great deal of  flexibility , but demands a high degree of  personal initiative  and responsibility.

How to find your PhD supervisor

In Germany there is no central admissions or selection office for doctoral students. Therefore, your first step is to find a suitable professor who is willing to be your supervisor.

One way to find a supervisor is to look for a university institute that matches your area of research. The following online search engines might help you find a suitable supervisor:

  • GERiT – German research institutions GERiT is a website containing information on approximately 29,000 research institutions in Germany. GERiT allows the user to search easily by location or subject. It provides all the information needed to choose an institution at which to research, study or do a doctorate.
  • Finding a PhD position PhDGermany publishes PhD openings in Germany that specifically target international applicants. Accordingly, in most cases the working language is English. Fluent knowledge of German is only required for certain special positions. PhDGermany helps you find the right PhD opening or supervisor for your doctoral thesis and assists you with the online application process.
  • Higher Education Compass   This database provides up-to-date information from universities about doctoral opportunities in Germany. The search engine enables you to carry out targeted searches on the basis of departments, admission requirements and form of doctoral thesis.

Furthermore,  your contacts with your professors or previous university  could help direct you to a suitable department or potential supervisor in Germany.

It is also helpful to attend  academic conferences  in your own subject area. There you will be able to exchange information and make contacts ­– and perhaps even find a future PhD supervisor.

Find your structured PhD programme

Students are sitting in a modern study hall on red chairs at grey desks.


Structured PhD programmes in Germany are frequently very similar to the PhD programmes in English-speaking countries, in which a  team of supervisors  look after a  group of doctoral students . Around 12,000 doctoral students from abroad – roughly one in four – do their PhDs in structured programmes. As a rule, it is possible to complete a doctorate in four to five years.

Where to find your PhD programme

There is no central database of all structured PhD programmes in Germany. You can usually find these programmes directly through the respective universities, graduate schools or non-university research institutions. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) database is also a good place to look. Here you will find a large number of PhD programmes that are specially aimed at international doctoral students.

International doctoral programme database

Are you interested in an international doctoral programme in Germany? This DAAD database presents a selection of roughly 230 international doctoral programmes in Germany. The database can be searched according to different criteria. 

Doctoral programmes at universities

Many universities offer structured doctoral programmes, which they publicise on their websites. The Student Advisory Service or Graduate Centre at the respective university will also provide help here. You can find the relevant addresses using the Higher Education Compass provided by the German Rectors’ Conference.

​​​​​​​DFG-funded research training groups

Research training groups are also funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation, DFG) for a period of up to nine years. Their key emphasis is on the qualification of doctoral researchers within the framework of a focused research programme and a structured training strategy. > Current Research Training Groups

Helmholtz Research Schools, Colleges and Graduate Schools

The Helmholtz Association is Germany’s largest scientific organisation. In collaboration with various institutions of higher education, Helmholtz Association research centres have established structured PhD programmes under the auspices of Helmholtz Graduate Schools, Helmholtz Research Schools and Colleges. > PhD Candidates 

Leibniz Graduate Schools

The Leibniz Association connects 97 research institutes that conduct problem-oriented research and provide scientific infrastructure of national and international importance. Together with universities they run structured PhD programmes in Leibniz Graduate Schools. > Leibniz Graduate Schools

International Max Planck Research Schools

The Max Planck Society specialises in innovative basic research and its institutes are able to offer up-and-coming researchers excellent infrastructure and support. The website lists the programmes available at International Max Planck Research Schools (IMPRS): > International Max Planck Research Schools  

Max Planck Schools

In Germany, the best researchers in a specific field are often work at different universities and non-university research institutions spread throughout the country. The Max Planck Schools serve as hubs which gather this distributed knowledge. Here, the brightest minds in their fields have come together from within the scientific community to interconnect in faculties made up of active researchers. Students gain access to these unique networks, learn in close personal exchange from leaders in their fields and their peers, and enjoy access to outstanding infrastructure. Currently, three Schools are operating in the fields of Cognition, Matter to Life, and Photonics.

Where can I find out about requirements?

Application procedures  differ from programme to programme . The precise requirements and deadlines can be found on the website of the respective university, research training group or graduate school. You should therefore first choose a PhD programme and/or graduate school.

You've found the position you want to apply for, but how does applying to a potential supervisor or structured PhD programme work in Germany? Find out more here.

DAAD/Jan Zappner

We help you navigate through the large number of job portals that specialise in openings for academics and scientists. These are some of the sites that may get you started.

DAAD/Uta Konopka

The cover of the brochure "Doing a PhD in Germany". It depicts a graduation cap and a diploma. On the bottom left there is the logo of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. On the bottom right is the logo of "Research in Germany"

Check out our brochure

Doing a phd in germany (2019, 40 pages).

This booklet for (prospective) international doctoral students presents the different options for doing a doctorate in Germany. It explains the formal requirements and gives some practical advice on finding the right supervisor or doctoral programme. It also outlines different sponsorship and funding options.

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phd requirements in germany for international students

Application for international students

Application to the tu darmstadt with international university entrance qualification (hzb).

Whether German or foreign HZB – the online application portal TUCaN (opens in new tab) is available for all prospective students and the same application deadlines apply.

International applicants only have to take into account some specifics regarding the application documents and the language requirements, please note the information below.

Required Documents

To apply, you will need the following documents:

  • school-leaving certificate in the original language, and a certified translation
  • list of grades and subjects in the original language, and a certified translation
  • university entrance examination/certificate (if required in your country) in the original language, and a certified translation
  • copy of your passport ID page
  • proof of your language skills

In addition, if you have attended university:

  • Degree certificate / Preliminary confirmation of completion in the original language, and a certified translation
  • Transcript of records for each semester in the original language, as well as a certified translation of the transcript

If you would like to apply for a Master's programme and are in the last semester of your Bachelor's degree, you can apply to us and submit the following documents:

  • Certificate regarding prospective graduation from the university at which you will complete the bachelor's programme in the original language, as well as a certified translation
  • Transcript of records for each semester in the original language, as well as certified translation of the transcript

Notarisation of the documents to be submitted is not required!

Please read the checklist provided with your online application in TUCaN carefully. In some cases you may be required to submit further documentation as specified by the department.

After you have submitted your online application in TUCaN, you will find in your application under the section “Application documents to be submitted” which documents have to be submitted and whether you have to submit a printed application form by mail.

a) If you do not have to apply form with documents, your application becomes directly binding by sending it (online).

b) If you must submit an application form with documents by post, this is now generated. In this case, your application will only become binding when the printed application has been received by the Technische Universität Darmstadt within the application deadline. It is not sufficient here to submit the application online.

c) Special applications for admission-restricted courses of study must also be printed out and submitted by mail within the application deadline.

Further Information on the Application Documents:


  • All documents may be submitted in English or German .
  • Documents in any other language must be translated. Translations must be certified by the German embassy or consulate. Alternatively, the documents must be translated by a certified ( vereidigte ) translator in Germany.
  • How to find a certified ( vereidigte ) translator in Germany : At . Alternatively, you can ask at a nearby court.

APS – Certificate of the Academic Evaluation Center

The Academic Evaluation Center (APS) verifies the documents of applicants who wish to apply for studies in Germany with a Chinese, Vietnamese or Indian school or university degree. On this page you can find out who needs an APS certificate to apply to the TU Darmstadt.

What is the certificate of the Academic Evaluation Center?

The Academic Evaluation Center (Akademische Prüfstelle, APS) is a service institution of the cultural departments of the German embassies in cooperation with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). It examines the documents of applicants who wish to apply for studies in Germany with a Chinese, Vietnamese or Indian school or university degree. After successful examination, applicants receive a certificate. This certificate confirms that the documents submitted are genuine and that the academic achievements suffice to study at a German university.

Who needs a certificate from the Academic Evaluation Center?

All applicants, who wish to apply for a degree program at a German university with a Chinese, Vietnamese or Indian school or university degree. This applies to both bachelor's and master's degree programs, as well as to preparatory programs like the Studienkolleg and German course. Only when applying for a doctoral program, an APS certificate is not required.

Exception: Applicants who have passed the Feststellungsprüfung after a preparatory course at a Studienkolleg do not need an APS certificate to apply.

Applicants with documents from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan do not need a certificate from the Academic Evaluation Center.

Language Requirements

Language requirements for master's and bachelor's degree programmes taught in german.

You must pass the “Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang” (DSH-2) as evidence that your spoken and written command of the German language is adequate for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes for which the language of instruction is German . Participating in the DSH at the Studienkolleg is subject to charge. Entry requirements for participation in the DSH exam:

  • conditional admission at TU Darmstadt
  • Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang ausländischer Studienbewerber level DSH-1
  • The Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache für ausländische Studienbewerber (TestDaF) with the result TDN 14 or TDN 15
  • “Goethe Certificate B2”
  • “ÖSD Zertifikat B2”
  • Certificate “telc B2”
  • “Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz – Ertse Stufe” (DSD-I)
  • “Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz – Zweite Stufe” (DSD-II) – Level B2

The Studienkolleg Darmstadt offers DSH language courses during the summer semester and the winter semester. Applicants are exempt from the DSH-2 examination if they hold one of the following certificates:

  • The Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache für ausländische Studienbewerber (TestDaF) with a final result of TDN 16; only one TDN 3 may be compensated for by one TDN 5.
  • “Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz – Zweite Stufe” (DSD-II) – Level C1
  • “Goethe-Zertifikat C1”
  • “Goethe-Zertifikat C2”
  • “ÖSD Zertifikat C1”
  • “ÖSD Zertifikat C2”
  • The certificate “telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule”.
  • A certificate from the examination to determine the suitability of foreign applicants to study at universities in the Federal Republic of Germany. (Assesment test ( Feststellungsprüfung ) of a preparatory college ( Studienkolleg ) in Germany)
  • University degree certificate of a course of study held in German, which was completed in a country where German is an official language
  • UNIcert III
  • „Fachsprachenprüfung am Sprachenzentrum der Technischen Universität Darmstadt“

Language Requirements for Degree Programmes taught in English

For Master’s degree programmes with English as the language of study, required evidence of English proficiency must be presented through one of the following certificates:

  • PTE Academic 76
  • Cambridge University – Certificate in Advanced English (CAT)
  • TOEFL itp 627
  • TOEFL Paper 550
  • TOEFL CBT 213
  • TOEFL iBT (includes Special Home Edition) 95
  • TOEIC Listening 490/Reading 455/Speaking 200/Writing 200
  • Oxford On-Line Placement Test (OOPT) 80
  • Michigan English Test (MET) 64
  • Exam for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE)
  • Telc English B2-C1 University “C1 certificate”
  • Confirmation from the university at which you completed your degree programme that English was the programme's language of instruction.

Language Requirements for the degree programme “Mechanics Master of Science” and “Mathematics Master of Science”

For the degree programme “Mechanics Master of Science”, the following requirements in English apply for enrolment:

  • PTE Academic 59
  • Cambridge University – First Certificate in English (FCE)
  • TOEFL itp 543
  • TOEFL Paper 525
  • TOEFL CBT 197
  • TOEFL iBT (includes Special Home Edition) 72
  • TOEIC Listening 400/Reading 385/Speaking 160/Writing 150
  • Oxford On-Line Placement Test (OOPT) 60
  • Michigan English Test (MET) 53
  • Exam for the Certificate of Competence in English (ECCE)
  • Telc English B2-C1 University “B2 certificate”
  • Confirmation from the university at which you completed your degree programme that English was the programme's language of instruction

Language Requirements at the Studienkolleg Darmstadt (T- and G-Courses)

Required evidence of German language proficiency must be provided through one of the following certificates:

  • “Goethe-Zertifikat B1”
  • “Goethe-Zertifikat B2”
  • “ÖSD Zertifikat B1”
  • “telc B1” certificate
  • “telc B2” certificate
  • “Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz – erste Stufe (DSD-1)”
  • the “Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache (TestDaF)” with a final result of at least TDN 12
  • The “telc Deutsch für Zuwanderer B1“ certificate
  • Certificate ”Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer B1“
  • Certificate ”Kenntnisse in Modernen Fremdsprachen“ Niveaustufe B1 (gemäß GER)”

Pilot project for M.Sc. Aerospace Engineering

In case of admission, the admission letter is valid for two semesters and thus for enrolment in the summer semester 2024 as well as for enrolment in the winter semester 2024/25. This serves, for example, for the application for a visa or for submission to the Foreigners' Registration Office.

This only applies to the M.Sc. Aerospace Engineering for applicants applying to the TU Darmstadt for the first time in the summer semester 2024!

Early application deadline

The application portal TUCaN is already open for international applicants for the following degree programms from 1st March 2024 for an application for the winter semester 2024/25. This serves, for example, for the application for a visa or for submission to the Foreigners' Registration Office.

There is a cut-off deadline for some degree programmes. You can find the exact application deadlines here.

  • M.Sc. Synthetic Biology
  • M.Sc. Bauingenieurwesen – Civil Engineering
  • M.Sc.TropHEE
  • M.Sc. Geodäsie und Geoinformation
  • M.Sc. Umweltingenieurwissenschaften
  • M.Sc. Cognitive Science
  • M.Sc Physik
  • M.Sc Physics
  • M.A. Data and Discourse Studies
  • M.A. Geschichte
  • M.A. Governance und Public Policy
  • M.A. Linguistic and Literary Computing
  • M.A. Philosophie
  • M.A. Soziologie
  • M.A. Technik und Philosophie
  • M.Sc. Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
  • M.Sc. Energy Science and Engineering
  • M.Sc. Information and Communication Engineering
  • M.Sc. Informationssystemtechnik
  • M.Sc. Mechatronik
  • M.Sc. Medizintechnik
  • M.Sc. Sustainable Urban Development


The Studienkolleg Darmstadt prepares university applicants for the technical and language requirements that studying in Germany requires. To do this, the Studienkolleg offers academic bridging courses lasting one year (two semesters) for international students in two subject areas. They are designed for international students who do not meet the University’s established requirements for direct entry admission. Students who successfully complete the academic bridging programme, and the concluding assesment test ( Feststellungsprüfung ), may apply for a bachelor’s degree programme, or equivalent, in their subject area.

Whether or not applicants may attend the Studienkolleg depends on their university entrance qualification ( Hochschulzugangsberechtigung ). We encourage you to find information about the requirements for whether or not you are eligible for direct entry to the university on the online platform anabin .

The Studienkolleg Darmstadt offers two different courses.

  • G-course: This course provides an introduction to academic methods and language to prepare students for degree programmes in the liberal arts. In addition to conveying know-how, the focus of the course is to introduce and train students in methods and techniques which will help them to be self-sufficient in their university studies in the liberal arts. Further Information
  • T-course: This course teaches specialist knowledge with a focus on mathematics and the natural sciences, preparing applicants for their further studies at a university, technical university, or a university of applied sciences ( Fachhochschule ). It provides training in scientific methods and techniques to prepare students for degree programmes in engineering and natural sciences. Further Information

Proceed to online application.

Please consider the application deadlines.

Depending on what you would like to study, there are other courses you may choose to take at a Studienkolleg. More information about Studienkollegs in general and details about the different types of courses they offer can be found at .

Studienkolleg – Course Mapping

General information.

Everything you need to know about the application

Digital Consultation Hour

From 16th April until 10th May will be no digital consultation hours!

You would like to apply to TU Darmstadt and still have questions? We are here to help you with any questions you may have.

We are available online via video chat (Zoom) at the the following times:

  • Tuesdays 11 – 13 (CET)
  • Thursdays 11 – 13 (CET)

Please dial in by 12.30 pm at the latest!

Click here to enter the the digital consultation meeting

FAQ – International Admission

I was granted admission in a previous semester. Is this admission still valid?

No, it is no longer valid, please reapply online through TUCaN with all the documents listed in the checklist.

As soon as I have been admitted to TU Darmstadt, I must contact a statutory health insurance provider in Germany regardless of the health insurance status that I currently have. Where can I find further information?

Please learn more about German health insurance on the websites of the International Student Services . If you have any questions , please contact: the International Student Services at TU Darmstadt.

How do I request a confirmation / a form filled out for the Foreigners' Office (Ausländerbehörde)?

Please submit your current transcript of records ( his can be downloaded from TUCaN. ) with your matriculation number by email only to International Admission . Please note that it may take up to 14 days to process your request. The certificate will be sent to you as a PDF via email and is valid without a stamp or signature.

How do I get information about my university entrance qualification?

Please note that we can only provide you with information on your eligibility for your chosen degree programme after you have completed and submitted our online application, and your application and the necessary documents have reached us through the mail.

We accept qualifications from around the world. You can check to see if you are eligible for your chosen degree programme on the online platform anabin

I have further questions about the application process. Whom can I contact for help?

Come to our digital consultation hours and we will answer all your questions about the application process.

International Admission

phd requirements in germany for international students


International Counter, Lobby karo 5 (submit/pick up documents):

Mo: 2 - 4 pm Tue - Fri: 10 am - 12 pm

We are also available via video chat at our digital consultation hours .

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Studying in Germany

PhD in Germany for Indian Students

indian student in Germany

Getting a PhD in Germany for Indian students can seem complicated, but it really isn’t.

According to the latest enrollment data, German universities are home to around 380,000 international students with PhD candidates sharing around 10% of that number. Indian students, as the second largest group of international students in Germany, account for a significant portion of that PhD student population.

What makes Germany such an attractive study destination for Indian PhD students?

Germany is the second most popular study destinations in the world and their universities enjoy a firm and undeniable global reputation. They’re valued for top class education standards, leading academic staff, state of the art facilities, modern educational approaches, a great emphasis on the practice, a wide variety of courses and excellent job prospects.

All these features make Germany a perfect choice for Indian students, especially for PhD students who need a well-suited environment to get a fulfilling experience both professionally and personally.

If you’re an Indian student who wants to get your PhD degree in Germany all we have to do is to greet your decision and help you go get through the application process.

phd requirements in germany for international students

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Be one step ahead with a globally recognised college in Germany!

In order to help you with that, given below is a complete set of information about PhD in Germany for Indian students.


PhD degrees in Germany are open to all international students. Thus, your eligibility depends entirely on your previous academic background. German universities are global leaders and they only admit the best students. To achieve that your qualifications must meet the optimum standards as required. If your academic qualifications are recognized in Germany then you’re eligible to apply for a PhD.

Find a PhD degree

Finding a PhD degree in Germany is a bit more difficult than finding an undergraduate or a master’s degree. That’s mainly because PhD degrees in Germany are not only offered by universities but also from licensed companies engaged in the industrial sector.

Lucky for you, navigating this information is easy with the right management. Here is a completed and updated database of PhD degrees for you.

Important Information

In order for you to choose the right choice, it is important you know there are two types of  PhD degrees in Germany

Individual PhD Degrees

On an individual PhD degree course, you will carry out a research project under the professional provision of a personal tutor (Doktorvater/Doktomutter). Although your mentor will be informed about your progress at any time, this study program allows you to work a lot by yourself on your dissertation thesis. Note that individual PhD degrees in Germany can be offered by accredited universities and licensed companies engaged in the industrial sector.

To find such degree, you have to do a little research to see if there are universities in Germany offering PhD degrees in your field of interest. In addition to that, Universities can be used as a primary source of information to find available PhD degrees offered by industrial companies.

Structured PhD Degrees

Structured PhD degrees contain a small group of PhD students who are involved in a joint PhD project with a specific top. The team is supervised by a group of experts in that particular subject whose job is to mentor, advise and assess the progress PhD students have made at each stage. These PhD programs in Germany are instructed in English and last three to five years of full-time studies.

PhD entry requirements for Indian students in Germany change variously due to several factors, including here your previous education, your nationality, the university and the course of your choice.

Indian students must submit the following documents to apply for a PhD degree in Germany:

  • Master Degree recognized in Germany
  • Proof of Language Proficiency
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Letter of Recommendation
  • Relevant Job Experience

Note that your qualifications attained in India must initially be accepted at the university or the institution you want to enroll. If it is assessed that your master degree does not qualify you for PhD studies in Germany, there is still a chance you will be admitted upon undertaking a fast-track preparatory course to teach you the skills and knowledge required in your regular PhD course.

Also, note that sometimes universities in Germany may admit international undergraduate students who are able to show top quality in a related field.

As per the Proof of Language, most PhD degree courses in Germany are taught in English. That said, you need to undertake an English proficiency test, commonly TOEFL or IELTS. Since the language used at this academic level is advanced you must aim to score high otherwise the PhD provider in Germany may reject your application.

How to apply

After you have found your PhD degree course and complete all documents as required is time to submit your application. Keep in mind that the details of the application procedure may be typical of the university you’re willing to apply, therefore for e detailed explanation of the application process you must contact your PhD provider.

Usually, after you have found an available professional tutor for your individual doctorate degree, there is a committee in charge of deciding if your academic profile matches exactly the vacant place in their PhD programs.

In this case, the committee will need the following documents to assess if you’re the right candidate

  • Certified copies of your qualifications
  • A statement from your personal mentor
  • Academic references

Note that the application for PhD studies in Germany can be carried online by scanning your documents into PDF or JPG format. Also, keep in mind that the committee may also be interested in doing an interview with you through Skype. Basically, the interview will contain questions around your master studies and its relation to the PhD course you want to attend.

Cost of Getting a PhD in Germany for Indian Students

The cost of getting a PhD in Germany for Indian students includes both tuition fees and living costs.

Although tuition fees are introduced in some German states as of 2017, this change does not affect Indian PhD students. That said, all international students seeking a PhD degree in Germany carry no tuition fees at least for the standard length of a PhD course which is typically three years of full-time studies. Note that if it takes more than three years to complete your PhD studies certain fees may be applied.

While you won’t have to pay for university tuition fees there are still living costs you need to cover. But don’t worry because with the right management Germany turn to an easy, affordable place to live and study. If you want to read more about living costs for international students in Germany

German Student Visa

Every Indian student in Germany is obliged to have a student visa in order to legally stay in Germany for the period of their studies.

As soon as your PhD provider in Germany approves your admission you must go to the local German embassy and initiate a process for student visa application.

Below is given a list of documents you need to submit for your German Student Visa:

  • Duly completed student visa application form,
  • Valid passport (recommended with validity up to the period of studies or more),
  • Recent Photos,
  • Proof of mentors acceptance to supervise your doctoral thesis work– as a proof for your right of entry doctoral studies in Germany,
  • Proof of health insurance,
  • Proof of sufficient financial coverage for the given period of doctoral studies – typically a blocked German bank account,
  • Certificates of education (all formal and informal education),
  • Proof of sufficient German and/or English language skills (depending on the language of the doctoral program).

To Increase Your Chances of Getting Your Student Visa for PhD You Should Use a Blocked Account as Proof of Financial Resources.

Learn more about the German Blocked Account at Expatrio

It is important you apply for your German student visa well in time to avoid any possible delay in your enrollment. Fortunately, master and PhD candidates in India who want to get a German student visa can appear at the local embassy without making an appointment beforehand, thus helping you to save a lot of time.

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8 Steps to Study in Germany How To Apply To Study in Germany German Education System Requirements Universities in Germany International Programmes Financing Your Studies German Student Visa German Health Insurance Germany Blocked Account Learn German Guide German Cities Cost of Living

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Einstein Forum Fellowship Overview:

International Students are advised to apply for Einstein Forum Fellowship 2023   in Germany . Students from all Countries whose ages are under 35 years can apply for this Fully Funded Scholarships to work on any unique projects in their specialization areas. The time period of the Einstein Forum Fellowship  Scholarship is 5-6 Months . No Application Fee is to be paid by students to apply. All the Major Subjects and Specializations like Science, Humanities, Agriculture, Life science and Environment, Medicine, Social Science etc are available here. You Can Also Apply For Netherlands Government Scholarships 2024-25 [Fully Funded] | Free Study in Holland

The Einstein Forum Fellowship Scholarship is for all international students. The Einstein Forum Fellowship offered scholarships to young students to show their abilities in unique projects. The time period of the Einstein German Fellowship  scholarship is almost 5-6 months . The German government will provide a well-established study environment to their students. It also has well-established or well-equipped labs which facilitate its students’ study.

Einstein Forum German Fellowship scholarship offered this scholarship for multidisciplinary courses to international students. All students can apply for this scholarship. This scholarship will cover all expenses regarding their study. So, never miss the chance of this scholarship. Students!   Don’t miss out on applying for   University of Lincoln Scholarships in the UK 2024-25 [Fully Funded] | Free Study in the UK

Description of Einstein Forum Fellowship:

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As mentioned above Fellowship 2024/25 provides all the benefits to international Students during their stay in Germany. The scholarship coverage given to the selected students is given below:

  • Full Tuition Fee.
  • A Monthly Stipend of 10,000 Euro for 6 Months will be provided.
  • Free Residence.
  • Registration fee
  • Family Residence is given to Married Students.
  • Airfare Tickets.
  • Medical Insurance.
  • Free lab experiments

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Einstein Forum Fellowship in Germany

Available Study Programs :

Einstein Forum Fully Funded Fellowship offered multiple programs for their unique projects. The time duration for this scholarship will be 5-6 months. Complete details about the programs are given below:

  • Chemistry and Materials Science
  • Marine Science & Technology
  • Materials Science & Engineering
  • Life Sciences
  • Nuclear Science and Technology
  • Physical Sciences
  • Social Science
  • Computer Science & Technology
  • Environmental Science
  • Natural science

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Einstein Forum Fellowship Eligibility Requirements:

  • The candidate must be international.
  • A photo with a white background is required.
  • The age of the candidate will be less than 35 years old.
  • A good Academic Record is required.
  • The candidate must have a degree in humanities, the social sciences or in the natural sciences.
  • Experience in Research.
  • English courses must be required.
  • No criminal record will be there.

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Required Documents For Einstein Forum Fellowship:

All the Documents listed below are needed when applying online. Complete details are given below:

  • Candidate Must hold a PhD Degree at the time of application.
  • Photocopy of Passport for International Students required.
  • Short Resume or CV How to Write a Powerful CV For Scholarships and Jobs
  • Statement of purpose required. Tips To Write a Motivation Letter or Statement of Purpose For Scholarships
  • Research Proposal is also required. How to Write a Study Plan or Research Proposal for an Abroad Scholarship
  • Two  Recommendation Letters. Click Here
  • English Proficiency Certificate from the last institute.
  • An acceptance Letter is also required. How to Get Acceptance Letter From Professors For Full Scholarships
  • A valid passport is required.

Must Read This: Students may learn our Professional Writing Tips to increase their chances of acceptance for the Einstein Forum German Fellowship. Click Here

Einstein Forum Fellowship in Germany

Einstein Forum Fellowship Application Deadline:

The closing date for this fellowship is 1st June 2024 . So, never miss the chance to get this opportunity.

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Einstein Forum Fellowship Application Process :

During application, must read all terms and conditions carefully and also Send all your required documents to Gmail [email protected]   before the closing date. So, hurry up students. Must apply for this scholarship if you want to fulfil your dreams.

Official Scholarship Link

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Australia tightens student visa rules as migration hits record high

Australia tightens student visa rules as migration hits record high

Australia will begin enforcing tougher visa rules for foreign students this week as official data showed migration hit another record high, which is likely to further exacerbate an already tight rental market.

From Saturday, English language requirements for student and graduate visas will be increased, while the government will get the power to suspend education providers from recruiting international students if they repeatedly break rules.

“The actions this weekend will continue to drive migration levels down while delivering on our commitments in the migration strategy to fix the broken system we inherited,” Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil said in a statement.

A new “genuine student test” will be introduced to further crack down on international students who look to come to Australia primarily to work, while the imposition of “no further stay” conditions will be used on more visitor visas.

The moves follow a raft of actions last year to close off Covid-era concessions introduced by the former government, including unrestricted working hours for international students. The government at the time said rules would be tightened for students that could halve its migrant intake over two years.

Australia boosted its annual migration numbers in 2022 to help businesses recruit staff to fill shortages after the Covid-19 pandemic brought strict border controls, and kept foreign students and workers out for nearly two years.

But the sudden influx of foreign workers and students has exacerbated pressure on an already tight rental market.

Data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics on Thursday showed net immigration rose 60% to a record 548,800 in the year to Sept. 30, 2023, higher than the 518,000 people in the year ending June 2023.

Overall, Australia’s population rose 2.5% - the fastest pace on record - to 26.8 million people in the year to last September.

The record migration - driven by students from India, China and the Philippines - has expanded labour supply and restrained wage pressures, but it exacerbated an already tight housing market where rental vacancies hovered at record lows and elevated construction costs restricted new supply.

O’Neil said the government’s actions since September have led to a decline in migration levels, with recent international student visa grants down by 35% on the previous year.

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  1. PhD Studies & Research

    PhD Studies & Research. Science and research in Germany are characterised by a distinguished infrastructure, a wide variety of disciplines, well-equipped research facilities and competent staff. Germany offers various career opportunities for international PhD students and researchers. Discover Germany's top-tier PhD programs and research scene ...

  2. How to Apply for a PhD in Germany: Programs, Funding, & FAQs

    International student community. Germany welcomes a diverse and thriving international student community, with over 458,210 international students studying across the country. ... Securing funding is a crucial step when preparing for a PhD in Germany. To meet visa requirements and stay in the country, you must demonstrate access to a minimum of ...

  3. PhD Study in Germany

    A traditional PhD usually takes four years, compared to three years for a structured doctoral programme. The academic year in Germany is usually comprised of two semesters with the Wintersemester running from 1 October to 31 March and Sommersemester running from 1 April to 30 September.

  4. Applying for a PhD in Germany

    Exceptionally well-qualified international students may be admitted onto a PhD with a Bachelor degree (fast-track programme). For this you will typically have to complete an entrance examination. The language requirements for a PhD in Germany will depend on the programme you apply for. Structured doctoral programmes are typically taught in ...

  5. How to apply for a PhD

    Doing a PhD in Germany (2019, 40 pages) This booklet for (prospective) international doctoral students presents the different options for doing a doctorate in Germany. It explains the formal requirements and gives some practical advice on finding the right supervisor or doctoral programme. It also outlines different sponsorship and funding options.

  6. How to Study a PhD in Germany

    Beyond this, you may be required to pay fees. However, as with all levels of study in Germany, PhD students are also required to make a semester contribution of between €150 to €200 (~US$175-230) for administration and other costs. This means that your main expenses will be the general costs of living in Germany.

  7. Admission requirements for doctoral degrees

    If you have a degree from a German institution, the admission requirements will largely depend on the degree you obtained from a university, a college of the arts, or a university of applied sciences. Under certain conditions you can also enrol on a doctoral programme at a German university if you have a degree from a foreign institution.

  8. PDF In Germany Doing a Phd

    The online GERiT database of more than 25,000 research institutions will help you with your search: PhDGermany has PhD openings specially targeted at international doctoral students: You can find funded doctoral positions on the website of the German Research Foundation (DFG):

  9. PDF A Guide to Doing a PhD in Germany

    Year by year, the number of international scientists in Germany is rising: At the moment, nearly 25,000 international PhD students are enrolled in Germany and more than 35,000 foreign researchers work in higher education institutions (research-in-germany. org).The career perspectives after obtaining a PhD from a German

  10. Guide to applying for doctoral studies

    3. Applying at the International Office. As soon as you have written confirmation of admission to doctoral studies from the relevant doctoral committee, you will need to apply at the International Office within the stated registration period. Deadline: 15 January / 15 July for the following semester, late applications until 22 October or 22 ...

  11. Guide to Student Visas for PhD in Germany

    International students from all other countries will need a visa to study in Germany. Types of visa in Germany. There are two types of visa for PhD students in Germany: ... You will need documentation from your university confirming that you are continuing to meet the requirements of your programme in order to extend your residence permit.

  12. Two ways to get your PhD

    Doing a PhD in Germany (2019, 40 pages) This booklet for (prospective) international doctoral students presents the different options for doing a doctorate in Germany. It explains the formal requirements and gives some practical advice on finding the right supervisor or doctoral programme. It also outlines different sponsorship and funding options.

  13. Study in Germany: the ultimate guide for a PhD in 2024

    Tuition fees in Germany depend on the type of university you attend - public or private - and on your level of study - undergraduate, postgraduate or doctorate degree.. Public universitiesare free for all undergraduate students, meaning there are no tuition fees for international students. The only cost is a small administration fee of 265 EUR per year.

  14. PhD in Germany: Top Universities, Admissions 2024-25 ...

    10. Highly Likely. PhD in Germany is a 3-5 year long program, available to international students across various top universities. You might need top pay a semester fee between 100 and 325 EUR (8,900 to 28,930 INR) to pursue PhD courses in Germany. Know more about admission, fees, financial aid, and work opportunities after PhD in Germany!

  15. Study in Germany: Masters and PhD for International Students

    Requirements for Graduate/Post-Graduate Studies in Germany. Regarding graduate/post-graduate studies, students who have earned a Bachelor's or a Master's degree from a foreign university need to get in touch with the International Office of the German university of their choice to have their degree recognized in order to be allowed to ...

  16. Requirements To Study PHD in Germany

    Requirements to study PhD are more or less same as the general requirements to Study in Germany. Eligibility for PhD in Germany; PhD programs are open to all international students in Germany. Admission eligibility to PhD degrees depends entirely on the previous academic background. German universities admit only the best students. To apply for ...

  17. PhD in Germany: Types, Eligibility, And Admission Process

    To continue your studies in Germany, you will require a student visa. There are two categories of student visas: Schengen Visa: Permits you to take a 90-day course in Germany specifically.Visa Fee: 60 EUR. National Visa: This allows you to stay in Germany for more than 90 days; you must also obtain a residency permit.

  18. Find your PhD position

    Doing a PhD in Germany (2019, 40 pages) This booklet for (prospective) international doctoral students presents the different options for doing a doctorate in Germany. It explains the formal requirements and gives some practical advice on finding the right supervisor or doctoral programme. It also outlines different sponsorship and funding options.

  19. Study in Germany Requirements for International Students 2024

    Germany is a hotspot for education, offering a wide range of courses and programs at world-renowned universities. With over 450,000 international students already making the most of what Germany has to offer, it's a top pick for students worldwide. If you're considering pursuing a degree in Germany, we've put together a handy list of the requirements you'll need to meet - check them ...

  20. International Students

    Whether German or foreign HZB - the online application portal TUCaN (opens in new tab) is available for all prospective students and the same application deadlines apply. TUCaN Application Portal International applicants only have to take into account some specifics regarding the application documents and the language requirements, please ...

  21. PhD in Germany for Indian Students

    The cost of getting a PhD in Germany for Indian students includes both tuition fees and living costs. Although tuition fees are introduced in some German states as of 2017, this change does not affect Indian PhD students. That said, all international students seeking a PhD degree in Germany carry no tuition fees at least for the standard length ...

  22. Einstein Forum Fellowship in Germany 2024-25 [Fully Funded]

    Einstein Forum Fellowship Overview: International Students are advised to apply for Einstein Forum Fellowship 2023 in Germany.Students from all Countries whose ages are under 35 years can apply for this Fully Funded Scholarships to work on any unique projects in their specialization areas. The time period of the Einstein Forum Fellowship Scholarship is 5-6 Months.

  23. Canada to introduce new rules around off-campus work hours for

    April 29, 2024—Ottawa—International students enrich Canada's social, cultural and economic fabric.That is why, in recent months, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada has introduced reforms to the International Student Program, to ensure system integrity while protecting students from fraud and financial vulnerability.

  24. Australia tightens student visa rules as migration hits record high

    From Saturday, English language requirements for student and graduate visas will be increased, while the government will get the power to suspend education providers from recruiting international students if they repeatedly break rules. Students during orientation week at The University of Sydney February 15, 2023. Reuters File Photo