6 Examples: Impactful Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher

By Editorial Team on September 8, 2023 — 13 minutes to read

  • Purpose of a Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher Part 1
  • Components of a Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher Part 2
  • Steps to Writing a Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher Part 3
  • Sample Phrases for a Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher Part 4
  • Teacher Letter of Recommendation Template 1 Part 5
  • Teacher Letter of Recommendation Template 2 Part 6
  • Teacher Letter of Recommendation Template 3 Part 7
  • Teacher Recommendation Letter Example From a Co-Worker Part 8
  • Recommendation Letter Example From a Principal Part 9
  • Template of a Character Reference Letter for a Teacher Part 10
  • Mistakes to Avoid Part 11

A well-crafted letter of recommendation can make a world of difference for a teacher, showcasing their strengths and helping them land the perfect teaching job. Whether you’re a colleague, supervisor, or student, your insight into the teacher’s skills, character, and performance carries significant weight. By sharing this through a well-structured letter, you can contribute to their career development. This article will provide you with useful tips and examples that will help you convey the teacher’s capabilities in the best possible light.

Related: Best Teacher Cover Letter (Examples and Templates)

Part 1 Purpose of a Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher

Purpose of a letter.

A letter of recommendation for a teacher is written to showcase a teacher’s qualifications, skills, and achievements. It helps potential employers, such as schools and educational institutions, evaluate the candidate’s suitability for a teaching position. Often, they play a significant role in the hiring process, as they not only provide an insight into the teacher’s expertise but also their personality and teaching philosophy. It’s crucial for you, as the author of the letter, to be honest and objective while highlighting key strengths and instances of excellence.

Part 2 Components of a Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher

When writing a letter of recommendation for a teacher, there are specific components you should include to make it comprehensive and useful:

  • Introduction : Start by identifying yourself and your relationship to the teacher. Provide context on how long you have known them and in which capacity.
  • Teaching Skills : Describe the teacher’s prowess in their subject area and instructional methods. Mention their ability to create engaging lesson plans, adapt to students’ needs, and assess learning outcomes effectively.
  • Classroom Management : Highlight the teacher’s capacity to maintain a well-organized and disciplined classroom environment while promoting a positive learning atmosphere.
  • Interpersonal Skills : Discuss the teacher’s rapport with students, colleagues, and parents. Detail their ability to work collaboratively in a team, as well as their communication and listening skills.
  • Achievements and Contributions : Provide specific examples of the teacher’s accomplishments, such as high test scores, successful school events, or innovative teaching initiatives they have spearheaded.
  • Personal Traits : Describe the teacher’s character and work ethic. Talk about their dedication, motivation, professionalism, and ability to handle pressure.
  • Closing Statement : Reiterate your endorsement, expressing confidence in the teacher’s capabilities, and offer your contact information for further queries.

Part 3 Steps to Writing a Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher

1. set the tone.

Start by addressing your letter to the appropriate person or committee. Use a formal salutation, such as “Dear Hiring Committee” or “To Whom It May Concern.” In the opening paragraph, mention your relationship with the teacher, including the length of time you have known them and in what capacity. This helps establish your credibility as a reference.

2. Discuss Qualifications and Provide Specific Examples

Next, talk about their education, certifications, and teaching experience. Mention any awards or special recognitions they have received. Highlight their strengths as an educator, such as strong communication skills, dedication to student success, or passion for innovative teaching techniques. Use descriptive language to paint a clear picture of what sets this teacher apart from others.

Support your assertions by providing specific examples of the teacher’s accomplishments and successes. Describe instances where they went above and beyond in their role or made a meaningful impact on a student’s life. This may include their ability to create engaging lesson plans, adapt to different learning styles, or foster a positive classroom environment. Incorporate details that showcase the teacher’s unique approach to education and their commitment to their students.

3. Closing Statement

In the last paragraph, reiterate your wholehearted recommendation of the teacher for the position they are seeking. Offer your contact information, including phone number and email address, in case the recipient has any questions or would like further information. Finish your letter with a respectful and professional closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards,” followed by your signature and printed name.

Part 4 Sample Phrases for a Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher


  • I am writing to recommend [teacher’s name] for [position].
  • My name is [Your name], and I have had the pleasure of knowing [Teacher’s name] for [number of years] in my capacity as [relationship].
  • As a former student of [Teacher’s name], I am honored to write this letter of recommendation.
  • I am writing this letter on behalf of [Teacher’s name], who I have worked with for [number of years] as a colleague.
  • It is my pleasure to recommend [Teacher’s name], whom I have known for [number of years] as a friend and fellow educator.
  • I have had the privilege of knowing [Teacher’s name] for [number of years] in my capacity as [relationship], and I am confident in their abilities as an educator.
  • It is my pleasure to write this letter of recommendation for [teacher’s name].

Qualifications and Specific Examples

  • They have [number of years] of experience teaching [subject/grade level].
  • [Teacher’s name] has received numerous awards and recognitions for their work in education.
  • Their strengths as an educator include [list of strengths], which make them an exceptional candidate for [position].
  • I have witnessed firsthand [teacher’s name]’s ability to [specific example].
  • [Teacher’s name] has a talent for [specific skill], as demonstrated by [specific example].
  • They have created a classroom environment that is [specific adjective], which has led to [specific result].
  • [Teacher’s name] has made a significant impact on [specific student’s name] by [specific action].
  • [Teacher’s name] has a unique talent for creating lesson plans that are both engaging and effective in promoting student learning.
  • They are skilled at adapting their instructional methods to meet the diverse needs of their students, ensuring that everyone in the classroom is able to thrive.
  • [Teacher’s name] has a keen eye for assessing learning outcomes, using data to inform their teaching practices and improve student achievement.
  • [Teacher’s name] is highly skilled at maintaining a well-organized classroom environment that is conducive to learning.
  • They are able to effectively manage student behavior, promoting a positive and respectful atmosphere in the classroom.
  • [Teacher’s name] has a talent for creating a sense of community among their students, fostering a supportive learning environment that encourages collaboration and mutual respect.
  • [Teacher’s name] has a natural rapport with their students, earning their trust and respect through their kindness and dedication.
  • [Teacher’s name] is an excellent communicator, able to listen carefully to the needs of their students, colleagues, and parents, and respond with empathy and understanding.
  • [Teacher’s name] has consistently achieved high test scores among their students, demonstrating their effectiveness as an educator.
  • They have spearheaded several successful school events, such as [specific event], which have brought the school community together and promoted school spirit.
  • [Teacher’s name] has been recognized for their innovative teaching initiatives, such as [specific initiative], which have had a positive impact on student learning.
  • [Teacher’s name] is highly dedicated to their students and their profession, going above and beyond to ensure their success.

Closing Statement

  • I highly recommend [teacher’s name] for [position].
  • I wholeheartedly recommend [teacher’s name] for the position they are seeking and am confident they would be an asset to your organization.
  • I am honored to recommend [teacher’s name] for this position and am certain they will excel in this role.
  • Thank you for considering [teacher’s name] for this position. I am confident that they will exceed your expectations and make a positive impact on your organization.
  • I hope you will give [teacher’s name] serious consideration for this position. They are an exceptional educator with a passion for teaching and a dedication to their students.
  • Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.

Part 5 Teacher Letter of Recommendation Template 1

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to highly recommend [Teacher’s Name] for the position of [Job Title] at [School or Institution]. [Teacher’s Name] has been a [Subject/Grade Level] teacher at [Current School] for [Number of Years]. During this time, I have had the pleasure of witnessing their dedication, enthusiasm, and expertise in teaching.

[Teacher’s Name] has demonstrated exceptional skills in lesson planning, classroom management, and student engagement. They consistently receive positive feedback from both students and parents. Furthermore, [Teacher’s Name] has shown a commitment to professional development and works effectively with colleagues.

I am confident that [Teacher’s Name] will be an incredible asset to your institution and will greatly contribute to the success of your students. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.

[Your Name]

Part 6 Teacher Letter of Recommendation Template 2

I am pleased to offer my strong endorsement for [Teacher’s Name] as a candidate for the [Job Title] position at [School or Institution]. As [Your Title], I have had the opportunity to observe [Teacher’s Name] in various professional settings since they became a part of the [Subject/Grade Level] team at [Current School] in [Year].

[Teacher’s Name] has consistently demonstrated a high level of proficiency in instructional design and delivery, employing a variety of strategies to engage students and foster a growth mindset. They have also exhibited strong collaboration skills, actively participating in curriculum review and school-wide initiatives.

What truly sets [Teacher’s Name] apart, though, is their passion for teaching and unwavering commitment to helping each student reach their full potential. I am certain that the dedication and skill set that [Teacher’s Name] brings will make a significant impact on the academic achievement of your students.

If there is any additional information I can provide, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Best regards,

Part 7 Teacher Letter of Recommendation Template 3

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my wholehearted recommendation for [Teacher’s Name] as they seek the [Job Title] position at [School or Institution]. I have had the privilege of knowing [Teacher’s Name] personally for many years, and I can confidently attest to their outstanding qualities as an educator.

[Teacher’s Name] brings a unique combination of warmth, creativity, and patience to their teaching. They genuinely care about the well-being and success of each of their students, and they foster an environment of trust and mutual respect in their classroom. Their lesson plans are both engaging and thoughtfully tailored to the diverse needs of their students.

In conclusion, I believe that [Teacher’s Name] would be an exceptional addition to your faculty, inspiring a love of learning and making a lasting impact on the lives of your students. I am confident that you will find their passion and expertise invaluable. Please feel free to contact me for any additional information.

Warm regards,

Part 8 Teacher Recommendation Letter Example From a Co-Worker

Dear [Recipient’s Name], I am writing to recommend [Teacher’s Name] for the position of [Position]. As a co-worker for the past five years at [School Name], I have closely observed their teaching methods, commitment to the job, and growth over time. [Teacher’s Name] is a creative and lesson plan developer. They know how to engage students in a variety of subjects and deliver comprehensive material that caters to different learning styles. They are always looking for new ways to challenge their students. [Teacher’s Name] consistently demonstrates patience and understanding when working with students who struggle academically or behaviorally. They go above and beyond to provide support and tailored approaches to help students succeed. I wholeheartedly believe [Teacher’s Name] is an excellent choice for the position of [Position] at [Name of School or Institution]. Their passion for teaching and dedication to the profession is unparalleled, and I am confident they would be a valuable addition to your team. Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information]

Part 9 Teacher Recommendation Letter Example From a Principal

Dear [Recipient’s Name], I am writing to endorse [Teacher’s Name] for the position of [Position]. As the principal of [School Name], I have had the pleasure of observing [Teacher’s Name] teach for the past six years. I can confidently affirm that they have made a significant impact on our students and school culture. [Teacher’s Name]’s classroom management skills are exceptional. They create a positive and respectful learning environment that results in increased student participation and achievement. Their dedication to inclusivity and social skills development has fostered a strong sense of community in the classroom. Not only is [Teacher’s Name] a highly skilled educator, but they are also an active contributor to our school body. They have played a pivotal role in organizing extracurricular activities, championing school improvement initiatives, and supporting their fellow teachers. I highly recommend [Teacher’s Name] for the position of [Position] at [Name of School or Institution]. I am confident they will bring the same level of passion, expertise, and commitment to your organization. Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information] Part 10 Template of a Character Reference Letter for a Teacher Dear [Recipient], I am writing to enthusiastically endorse [Teacher’s Name] for the teaching position at [School Name]. As a colleague, I have been fortunate to witness [Teacher’s Name]’s exceptional dedication, kindness, and empathy towards students. [Teacher’s Name] excels in creating a warm and engaging learning environment. They are attentive to each student’s needs and always encourage their strengths. I remember a time when [Teacher’s Name] took extra hours to tutor a struggling student, ultimately helping them achieve remarkable improvement. In summary, [Teacher’s Name] embodies the qualities of a remarkable educator, and I wholeheartedly recommend them for the teaching position. Sincerely, [Your Name]

Part 11 Mistakes to Avoid

When writing a letter of recommendation for a teacher, there are certain mistakes you must avoid to ensure the letter is as effective as possible:

  • Being too generic: Make sure to personalize the letter by highlighting the teacher’s unique skills, strengths, and accomplishments. If your recommendation letter is too broad and lacks specific examples, it may lose credibility and fail to impress the reader.
  • Neglecting to proofread: Typos, grammar, and punctuation errors can undermine the professionalism and impact of a well-written letter of recommendation. Always proofread your work carefully before submitting it to ensure it is error-free and maintains a polished appearance.
  • Focusing solely on the past: While it’s important to mention the teacher’s past achievements, also emphasize their potential for future success. Describe the skills and qualities that make them a valuable educator in their current role, as well as how they will contribute positively to future endeavors.
  • Overlooking the format and structure: A well-organized and properly formatted letter demonstrates attention to detail and professionalism. Include all the necessary elements, such as the date, a salutation, an introductory paragraph, a body with specific examples, and a conclusion with a compelling endorsement. Also, make sure to be consistent with font, spacing, and style throughout.
  • Making unverified claims: Avoid exaggerating the teacher’s abilities or fabricating achievements that can’t be verified, as this could damage their reputation and harm their chances of being considered seriously. Stick to genuine examples and honest assessments of their skills and accomplishments.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key elements to include in a teacher recommendation letter.

When writing a recommendation letter for a teacher, make sure to include their full name, your relationship with them, and their teaching position. Explain your teacher’s specific skills and strengths, and provide examples of their successes. Describe their dedication, work ethic, and collaboration with colleagues. Lastly, mention their impact on students’ growth and learning.

How can a parent write an effective letter of recommendation for a teacher?

As a parent, focus on the teacher’s impact on your child’s learning and development. Describe the teacher’s teaching methods, their ability to engage and motivate students, and their adaptability to different learning styles. Provide specific examples showing how the teacher went above and beyond their duties to help your child. Close the letter by expressing your gratitude and enthusiasm for the teacher’s work.

What does an ideal recommendation letter from a principal look like?

An effective principal recommendation highlights the teacher’s professionalism, collaboration, and impact on the school community. Start by introducing your role, your relationship to the teacher, and the teacher’s teaching position. Discuss their expertise, classroom management skills, and commitment to professional development. Share examples of how they have improved student outcomes and contributed to the school’s goals.

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Template Num

Recommendation Letter for Special Education Teacher

Printable recommendation letter for special education teacher template available in Word for easy editing

What is a recommendation letter for a special education teacher?

A recommendation letter for a special education teacher is a document written by someone who has firsthand experience working with the teacher and can attest to their skills, qualifications, and abilities in the field of special education. This letter is typically requested by the teacher when applying for a new job or promotion within the field. It serves as a testament to the teacher’s competence and can greatly impact their chances of being hired or advancing in their career.

The purpose of a recommendation letter for a special education teacher is to provide insight into the teacher’s abilities and qualities that make them a suitable candidate for the position they are applying for. The letter should highlight the teacher’s knowledge of special education principles, their ability to create individualized educational plans, and their dedication to meeting the unique needs of students with disabilities. It should also mention specific examples of how the teacher has positively impacted the academic and personal growth of their students.

The benefits of a recommendation letter for a special education teacher are extensive.

  • It can increase the teacher’s chances of being hired for a new job or securing a promotion. Employers often rely on recommendation letters to gain a deeper understanding of a candidate’s abilities and work ethic.
  • A strong recommendation letter can enhance the teacher’s professional reputation and credibility within the field of special education. It can also serve as a source of encouragement and validation for the teacher, boosting their confidence and motivation in their career.

How to write a letter of recommendation for a special education teacher?

Here are some tips to guide you in writing an effective letter of recommendation for a special education teacher:

  • Introduction: Start the letter by introducing yourself and your relationship with the teacher. Mention how long you have known the teacher and in what capacity you have worked together.
  • Highlight qualifications: Provide a brief overview of the teacher’s qualifications, such as their educational background, certifications, and any specialized training in special education. Emphasize their knowledge of different learning styles and their ability to adapt teaching strategies to meet individual student needs.
  • Discuss experience: Describe the teacher’s experience in working with students with special needs. Highlight their ability to create individualized education plans, implement effective teaching strategies, and collaborate with other professionals to ensure students’ success.
  • Provide specific examples: Share specific instances or anecdotes that demonstrate the teacher’s dedication, creativity, and effectiveness in the classroom. This could include successful student outcomes, innovative teaching approaches, or positive feedback from students, parents, or colleagues.
  • Address personal qualities: Discuss the teacher’s personal qualities that make them well-suited for special education, such as patience, empathy, flexibility, and strong communication skills. These traits are essential in building rapport with students and effectively addressing their unique needs.
  • Conclusion: End the letter by summarizing your overall recommendation and expressing your confidence in the teacher’s ability to excel in a special education role. Offer to provide additional information or answer any questions if needed.

Writing a letter of recommendation for a special education teacher requires careful thought and attention to detail. By following these guidelines and including specific examples, you can create a compelling letter that highlights the teacher’s qualifications and strengths in working with students with special needs.

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Home Business Letter of Recommendation Teacher

Letter of Recommendation for Teacher Template

Create a teacher letter of recommendation to showcase a teacher’s accomplishments and emphasize their qualifications for a new teaching position.

Letter of Recommendation for Teacher

Updated May 13, 2024 Written by Raina Chou | Reviewed by Brooke Davis

A Letter of Recommendation for Teacher is a vital document that showcases a teacher’s professional abilities and personal qualities. It helps decision-makers in educational institutions understand why a candidate is the perfect fit for a specific teaching position.

Key Takeaways

  • The letter writer should be someone of educational authority, such as a principal, department head, or another teaching colleague.
  • Highlight the teacher’s unique skills and experiences that match the role they are applying for.
  • Explain how the teacher’s values align with the prespective school’s culture.
  • Use examples like improved test scores, leadership initiatives, or innovative projects to showcase the teacher’s impact.

Who Should Write

Keys for an effective teacher recommendation letter, how to write a letter of recommendation for teacher, sample letter of recommendation for teacher.

A teacher letter of recommendation should be written by someone who has closely observed the teacher’s professional conduct. This could be a  principal, department head, another teaching colleague, or someone in a supervisory educational role .

Can a parent write a letter of recommendation for a teacher?

While parents can provide valuable perspectives, they are often not ideal for writing a teacher’s recommendation letter due to potential bias and lack of direct supervision. Letters from colleagues or educational supervisors carry more weight, as they can objectively assess teaching skills, classroom management, and contributions to the school’s educational goals.

Reference the Position

Tailor the recommendation to the specific teaching position. Highlight how the teacher’s skills and experiences make them particularly suited for the role.

Here are ways to effectively align the recommendation with the job requirements:

  • Large Classroom Management : Highlight their proven ability to manage multiple students effectively . For example, mention a time when the teacher successfully implemented group projects and cooperative learning strategies that engaged a diverse group of students in a large classroom setting.
  • Subject Specialization : Focus on the teacher’s depth of knowledge and passion for the subject. Discuss instances where the teacher went beyond the curriculum to enrich students’ understanding and interest, perhaps through innovative experiments, historical reenactments, or by integrating technology to create immersive learning experiences.
  • Contributions to Private Institutions : Emphasize attributes that align with the institution’s specific philosophy and values . Mention the teacher’s ability to tailor lessons to individual learning styles, their involvement in extracurricular activities that support the school’s mission, or their contribution to community service initiatives that reflect the institution’s values.

Discuss the Candidate’s Values

Emphasize the teacher’s educational values and how they manifest in their teaching style and classroom management. Link these values to the school’s culture and mission to show alignment and potential contributions.

Examples can include:

  • Commitment to Inclusivity : Explain how the teacher adapts lessons to accommodate different learning needs, encourages respectful discussions among students from diverse backgrounds, or creates a safe space where students are comfortable sharing their thoughts.
  • Fostering Collaboration : Many schools prioritize a collaborative culture among students and staff. If the teacher excels in fostering teamwork, describe how they engage students in group activities, facilitate peer learning, or contribute to collaborative curriculum development.
  • Dedication to Character Building : Some schools prioritize character development alongside academics. If the teacher emphasizes this value in their classroom, highlight examples where they encouraged kindness, perseverance, or responsibility among students.

Include Desirable Qualities

Highlight key attributes that distinguish great educators. Based on insights from both academic research and educational professionals , consider emphasizing the following qualities:

  • Strong Listening and Communication Skills : Teachers must effectively convey concepts while listening to students’ needs, adapting lessons to ensure comprehension and engagement.
  • Collaboration and Adaptability : Successful teachers work well within educational ecosystems, adapting teaching strategies to suit varying classroom dynamics and learning styles.
  • Engagement and Empathy : Engaging teachers connect learning with real-world applications and approach each student with empathy and a positive attitude. They build deep student-teacher relationships and are able to recognize unique backgrounds and learning hurdles.
  • Patience and Real-World Learning : Patience is vital in managing diverse classroom environments. Teachers who integrate real-world learning enhance engagement and understanding.
  • Lifelong Learning and Best Practice Sharing : Effective teachers are committed to continual learning and willingly share knowledge and best practices, enriching the school community.

Provide Concrete Examples

Use specific examples to illustrate the teacher’s achievements and effectiveness. Detail instances where they have gone above and beyond. Quantify the examples’ positive results (e.g., student outcomes, student achievement) if possible.

Concrete examples to demonstrate a teacher’s achievements may include:

  • Language development activities (X% improvement in early literacy scores)
  • Sensory learning stations (X% increase in children’s engagement levels)
  • Games initiative (X% increase in standardized test scores)
  • Environmental awareness project (reducing monthly waste by X%)
  • Technology integration (boosted assessment scores by X%)
  • Student leadership program (reduced absenteeism by X%)
  • Advanced Placement (AP) or SAT success (increased pass rate by X%; improved average scores by X points)
  • Career and technical education (CTE) (X% employment rate in technical fields after graduation)

Step 1: Introduction

Address the purpose of the letter. Establish your authority by mentioning:

  • Your role in the current institution;
  • Your professional relationship with the teacher;
  • How long and in what capacity you have known the teacher.

Remember to use business letter format when crafting the letter. If sending via email, title the message as “Letter of Recommendation for [Teacher’s Name].”

Introduction Sample

Dear Hiring Committee,

I am pleased to recommend Jennifer Smith for the English Teacher position at Meadowbrook High School. As Jennifer’s department head during her tenure at Riverside Middle School, where she has been a valued educator for five years, my extensive secondary education background allows me to attest to her teaching skills and dedication confidently.

Step 2: Body Paragraphs

Use the next 2-3 paragraphs to discuss the teacher’s specific qualities that make them a successful teacher. Mention:

  • Relevant anecdotes and skills that illustrate the teacher’s qualities;
  • How these qualities match the job description.

Body Paragraphs Sample #1: High school math teacher

Michael’s expertise in mathematics education and outstanding adaptability align perfectly with the demands of the Math Department Head role at Crestwood High School. A memorable example includes when he revamped the school’s Algebra curriculum to focus on real-world problem-solving, leading to a 20% improvement in students’ standardized test scores in just one year.

Throughout his tenure, Michael has consistently demonstrated strong leadership and commitment to fostering a positive learning environment. One notable achievement was his implementation of a peer tutoring program, which resulted in a 10% reduction in students struggling with foundational math concepts.

Additionally, Michael’s innovative approach to collaborative learning is a testament to his suitability for this role, particularly in a large educational institution like Crestwood High School. He effectively integrates group projects and technology into his lessons, enhancing student engagement and confidence. Thanks to Michael’s dedication, Crestwood’s math team secured the top spot in the regional math competition for the first time in five years.

Body Paragraphs Sample #2: Special education teacher

Maria demonstrates a deep understanding of special education strategies and unwavering commitment to her students’ well-being and academic growth. A memorable example includes when Maria developed a personalized learning plan for a student with autism, which significantly improved the student’s communication skills and social interactions.

Throughout her tenure, Maria has consistently demonstrated empathy, patience, and innovation. One notable achievement was her implementation of an inclusive classroom model that integrates special education students with their peers, resulting in a 35% increase in overall student engagement and collaboration, as measured by our yearly student assessments.

Moreover, Maria’s approach to individualized instruction and her ability to adapt lessons to meet diverse learning needs make her exceptionally well-suited for the role at Riverside Learning Center, an institution that prioritizes personalized and inclusive education. Thanks to her effective methods,  students improved academically and showed remarkable progress in social and emotional development.

Body Paragraphs Sample #3: Elementary teacher

Sarah has a profound understanding of child development and exceptional empathy in action. A memorable example includes when Sarah initiated a reading buddy system pairing older and younger students, which led to a measurable improvement in reading fluency across grades by 30%.

Throughout her tenure, Sarah has consistently demonstrated dedication and creativity. One notable achievement was her development of an integrated science and art curriculum, which, according to our yearly evaluations, resulted in a 20% increase in student engagement.

Moreover, Sarah’s approach to inclusive education is a testament to her suitability for this role, especially in an institution like Sunnydale Academy, which values diverse educational strategies. Thanks to her effective methods, students improved academically and exhibited significant enhancements in social skills and empathy.

Step 3: Closing

Reiterate your endorsement of the candidate’s abilities and your confidence in their suitability for the position. Provide your contact information for follow-up questions.

Closing Sample

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly endorse Emily Parker, as she is the ideal candidate for the role of English Department Coordinator at Ridgeway Middle School. Her exceptional teaching methods, leadership skills, and unwavering dedication to student success assure me she will be a valuable addition to your team.

If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact me at 555-555-5555 or [email protected] .

Yours Sincerely,


___________________ [Referrer’s Name] ___________________ [Referrer’s Company] ______________________________________[Referrer’s Address] ___________________[Referrer’s Phone Number or Email Address]

_______________, 20_____

___________________ [Recipient’s Name] ___________________ [Recipient’s Company] ______________________________________ [Recipient’s Address] ___________________ [Recipient’s Phone Number or Email Address]

Dear ________________________ [Recipient’s name],

I am writing to recommend ___________________ [Applicant’s name] for ___________________ [Position applied for] at ___________________ [Name of entity]. As ___________________ [Applicant’s name]’s ___________________ [Relation to applicant] for the past ___ years at ___________________ [Name of entity where the referrer and applicant worked], I have had the pleasure of witnessing ___________________ [Applicant’s name]’s professional growth firsthand. With ___ years of experience in ___________________ [Referrer’s professional field], I believe I am well-positioned to provide an accurate assessment of ___________________ [Applicant’s name]’s contributions and skills.

During their tenure, ___________________ [Applicant’s name] has consistently demonstrated ___________________ [Personal trait]. One notable achievement was their involvement in __________________________________________________________ [Applicant’s accomplishment], showcasing their ability to _______________________________ [Key quality relevant to the applied position] — key qualities for the role at your company. As a result, ________________________________________________________ [Result of accomplishment].

In addition, ___________________ [Applicant’s name] exhibits strong ___________________ [Personal trait]. This was evident in ___________________ [Applicant’s name]’s commitment to __________________________________________________________ [Applicant’s accomplishment].

Thanks to ___________________ [Applicant’s name], _____________________________________________ [Result of accomplishment]. ___________________ [Applicant’s name]’s skills in _______________________________________ [Professional skills relevant to the position applied for] also align seamlessly with the requirements of the position. With their expertise and impeccable work ethics, ___________________ [Applicant’s name] is sure to be an invaluable asset to your team.

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly endorse ___________________ [Applicant’s name] for this position. I am confident that they will exceed your expectations and contribute positively to your team. Should you have further questions, do not hesitate to contact me at [phone number] or [email address].

___________________ [Referrer’s Signature]

___________________ [Referrer’s Print Name]

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Letter of Recommendation for Teacher

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Special Education Teacher Recommendation Letter: Templates

The job position of a special education teacher may appear to be insignificant to some but it actually requires an individual to be patient, caring, deadline-oriented, organizational, and highly intuitive.

A person with a wish to take up this post is also expected to be of calming nature and creative. When you are asked to write a recommendation letter on behalf of such a person, then referring to some sample letters written by me will help you to a great extent.

Template: 1

Special Education Teacher Recommendation Letter

[Mention your Name]

[Mention the Job Title]

[Mention the school]

[Mention the Address, Zip Code]

[Mention the Phone]

[Mention the Email Id]

[Mention the Date]

[Mention Addressee’s Name]

[Mention the school Name]

[Address, Zip Code]

[Mention the Email]

Subject- Recommendation Letter for Special Education Teacher

Dear [mention addressee’s Name],

I am writing this letter to recommend you a person (mention the person) who is a good fit for the post of Special Education teacher for your school (mention the school name).

She has experience teaching and managing the class for about (mention the years of experience). So I think you will be happy to have her for your school.

She worked in my junior school (mention the junior school name), which is why I know her and was impressed. As not only is she stylish, but she also has good teaching and communication skills.

Has good knowledge of education topics and methodologies, has a very resilient personality, and has all the valid certificates (mention the certificates) and degrees (mention the degrees).

So looking at all her qualities and experiences of her, I would definitely like to recommend her for your school as you will be happy to have such a talented teacher here.

If you want any other details about her you can call me at another number at (mention the number and time). I will be happy to clear your doubts about her or you can send an email at (mention the address) or can directly come to my office (mention the address). 

[Mention you’re Name].

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How To Write a Reference Letter (Examples and Free Template)

Pass along your praise in a meaningful way.

special education teacher letter of recommendation example

Teacher job searches frequently require something many other careers don’t: a letter of reference. Both principals and teachers may find themselves asked to write these letters for their employees or coworkers. Wondering what to include and how to make the recommendation useful? Here’s how to write a reference letter for a teacher.

Want to make things even easier? Grab our free reference letter printable template, which walks you through the whole process. Just fill out the form on this page .

What is a reference letter?

How to write a letter of reference, reference letter example: principal for teacher, reference letter example: teacher for coworker.

Reference letters are just what they sound like: a testimonial about a person’s professional qualifications, abilities, and achievements. They’re written by someone who knows the applicant well and can speak to specifics about their career.

These days, most jobs don’t require reference letters since employers perform reference checks themselves. However, academia is different. Many teaching jobs require candidates to submit written letters of reference as part of their application packet. This is just one part of their overall evaluation of a candidate, of course. But these letters remain a key part of many teachers’ job searches.

Letter of Reference vs. Letter of Recommendation

These two terms are often used interchangeably, but reference letters are almost always specific to a job search. Students often need letters of recommendation for scholarships and college applications. If you need help writing a letter of recommendation for a student, check out these articles:

  • Tips for Writing a College Recommendation Letter
  • Strong Scholarship Recommendation Letter Examples

Writing a reference letter can feel like a daunting task, but these tips can help. Don’t forget to grab our free printable letter of reference template too!

Review Reference Letter Samples

If you’ve never written a reference letter or you want to up your game, take a look at some samples first. One of our favorite ways to do it is to use AI like ChatGPT to generate some reference letter samples specific to your situation. You definitely don’t want to copy these word-for-word, but you might find some helpful phrases or get a better idea of the format you should use. We’ve included some sample letters below too.

Brainstorm Ideas First

Before you begin writing, do a quick brainstorming session and jot down your thoughts about these prompts:

  • What three words first come to mind when you think of this teacher?
  • List this person’s biggest strengths as an educator.
  • List a few times when this teacher really impressed you.
  • Has this person won any awards or accolades worth mentioning?
  • What makes this teacher special compared to their peers?
  • What would this teacher’s students say about them? What about parents or co-workers? (If you have examples, round them up to include in the letter.)

Personalize the Letter

If you can, try to write a letter that’s specific to the job the teacher needs a reference letter for. Find out what they’ll be doing in their new role or position so you can include the most relevant qualities in your recommendation. Some reference letters are more general, so it’s OK if you can’t personalize them to the job.

Ask the teacher if there’s anything specific they’d like you to mention. You may also ask if there’s anything they’d prefer to keep confidential. For instance, if the teacher has a disability, they may not want to disclose that information yet.

Write an Introduction

Introduce yourself and explain your relationship to the teacher you’re providing a reference for. Include information such as how long you’ve known them and whether you’re speaking as a colleague, coworker, mentor, or supervisor.

Verify Their Qualifications and Experience

In the next paragraph, speak to the teacher’s education, including any special certifications or professional development achievements. Mention any awards, honors, or accolades they’ve earned. You can keep this section fairly short; the teacher has likely listed all of this on their CV already. Your reference letter will just help verify these qualifications.

Highlight Their Best Qualities

In the body of your letter, write two or three paragraphs that really help identify what makes this teacher special. Don’t try to squeeze in everything you know; instead, think about what really helps the person you’re recommending stand out. For each paragraph, focus on one of these areas (or other relevant topics), choosing the two or three overall that seem most important for this person.

  • Subject matter knowledge and expertise
  • Pedagogy skills
  • Student and/or parent relationships
  • Professional development
  • Community relations
  • Communication skills
  • Leadership roles
  • School pride and loyalty
  • Personal traits, such as passion, enthusiasm, dedication, creativity, etc.

Provide Specific Examples and Anecdotes

This is where you really have the chance to make your letter valuable to the candidate. It’s easy to describe a person as “passionate about recognizing diversity” or “excellent at differentiating learning.” Without examples, though, these are just words. Try to anchor each quality you mention with specific examples or anecdotes that back up those words. Here are a couple of examples:

  • “Alana is passionate about recognizing and celebrating diversity in her classroom. She frequently draws on her strong community relationships to bring diverse speakers and cultural activities to her classroom. Last fall, she organized an incredibly popular school-wide Diversity Fair where students and their families were encouraged to share their own cultures and experiences and learn from each other. One parent noted, ‘I’ve lived in this community for three years, but this is the first time I really feel like I know my neighbors.’”
  • “One of Jamie’s strongest qualities is their ability to differentiate learning for their students. They’re always willing to determine what’s keeping a student from doing their best and finding new ways to overcome challenges. For instance, Jamie was instrumental in helping our school implement text-to-speech software that assists struggling readers and those who have visual impairment. This leveled the playing field in their history and geography classes, helping students focus on the subject at hand instead of spending too much time deciphering text.”

Conclude With a Strong Endorsement

You’ve come all this way, so don’t fall short at the very end! This is the time to state your personal recommendation in no uncertain terms. Sum up your major points, and offer to provide more information if needed.

  • “I’m pleased to recommend Alana Whitmore for an elementary teaching position at your school. Her commitment to diversity, creative classroom approaches, and compassion for students and fellow coworkers would make her an excellent addition to any education team. If you want to discuss her qualifications further, don’t hesitate to contact me.”

Write Professionally and Proofread Carefully

This is a business communication, so strive for a professional but warm tone overall. If it’s a paper letter, use the standard business letter format (on your school letterhead if you’re an administrator). In an email, be sure your signature includes contact information such as a phone number and school address.

Don’t forget to proofread! A letter riddled with spelling errors and grammar mistakes is unlikely to hold much sway with a hiring committee or selection panel. Use a program like Grammarly to help you edit your letter until you’re satisfied with the final version.

Dear Hiring Committee,

I am writing to enthusiastically recommend Alana Whitmore for any opportunity that may arise that aligns with her exceptional skills and dedication as an elementary school teacher. In my capacity as the principal of Maya Angelou Elementary, I have had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the invaluable contributions Alana has made to our school community.

Alana has worked here for seven years, three as a fifth-grade teacher and four in third grade. She came to us fresh from earning her teaching certification at Lancaster University, and continued her education over the last several years to earn her Master’s of Education in Curriculum Design and Development. She was honored with our district’s Teacher of the Year award in 2022 and was the keynote speaker at our state’s education conference in 2023.

Alana is an exemplary educator who consistently demonstrates a deep commitment to the academic and emotional growth of her students. Through her inventive teaching methods and personalized approach, she ensures that every child in her classroom is provided with opportunities to thrive and succeed. During a recent observation, I noted how she cleverly adapted her unit on volcanoes to embrace different learning styles. She provided choices like watching a video, reading an article, or listening to a short podcast to build background knowledge. Students individually chose the option they preferred, then used their knowledge to work with a partner to design a poster, write a report, or give a short presentation on the topic. Students were all engaged throughout the process, enjoying a measure of autonomy while still meeting the stated learning objectives.

Furthermore, Alana excels in building strong and collaborative relationships with parents and guardians. She understands the importance of fostering open communication and partnership between home and school, and she actively seeks opportunities to involve families in their child’s education. One parent reached out to me to share these thoughts: “Ms. Whitmore is the first teacher who seems to care about me as a parent and a person. She went out of her way to arrange a videoconference that met my hectic work schedule, and seemed genuinely interested in the suggestions I had for helping my son. Knowing that she really cares has made this school year so much better for us all.”

In addition to her effectiveness in the classroom and with parents, Alana is highly regarded by her colleagues for her collaborative spirit and willingness to share her expertise. Last year, she helped organize a very well-received professional development day, with a variety of sessions that allowed every teacher to find a subject that truly mattered to them. She serves as a mentor to one of our new teachers, who told me that Alana has helped him see how he can put his college educational theories into practice in the real world. Other teachers regularly share praise for Alana’s cooperative spirit, and she’s been awarded “Coworker of the Year” by our staff three years in a row.

Alana embodies the qualities of an exceptional educator: She is dedicated, passionate, and deeply invested in the well-being and success of her students. Her commitment to differentiation, parent relationships, and collaboration sets her apart as a truly outstanding teacher. I wholeheartedly recommend Alana Whitmore for any role or opportunity where her skills, expertise, and dedication can make a meaningful impact. Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information.

Gina Torres Principal, Maya Angelou Elementary

Dear Selection Committee,

I am writing to enthusiastically recommend Jamie Lin for any teaching position that may become available within your school. As a fellow teacher and colleague at Ridgemont High School, I have had the pleasure of working closely with Jamie and have witnessed firsthand their exceptional talents and dedication to the field of education.

Jamie came to our school as a teacher of history and geography in 2019, working with ninth- through twelfth-grade students each year since. Before joining our team, they earned their Master’s Degree in Education with a focus on diversity studies. During Jamie’s four years here, they have been nominated for Teacher of the Year three times and received the award in 2023. Jamie frequently speaks at educational conferences on subjects like cultural relevance and student diversity.

One of Jamie’s greatest strengths is their ability to foster diversity and inclusivity within the learning environment. Whether discussing historical events or exploring global cultures, Jamie ensures that all students feel valued, respected, and represented in the curriculum. They frequently draw on their strong community relationships to bring diverse speakers and cultural activities to the classroom. Speakers and cultural presentations have included representatives of several indigenous communities and local authors from a variety of backgrounds. They also invite community politicians and activists to debate key issues, while students observe and then question the speakers themselves.

In addition to their dedication to diversity, Jamie is a remarkably creative educator who consistently goes above and beyond to engage students in meaningful and thought-provoking learning experiences. They have a passion for project-based learning, teaching critical thinking and problem-solving by having students tackle real-world issues. Through their projects, Jamie’s students have painted cultural murals on the walls in the school courtyard, helped translate our school handbook and other documents into three different languages, and created clubs for fellow students interested in topics like history, geography, and global cultures. Jamie believes in demonstrating what you’ve learned in meaningful ways, and their students thrive in this environment.

Furthermore, Jamie excels at building strong community relationships both inside and outside the classroom. They actively collaborate with colleagues, parents, and community members to create a supportive and enriching learning environment that extends beyond the walls of the school. Last fall, Jamie organized an incredibly popular school-wide Diversity Fair where students and their families were encouraged to share their own cultures and experiences and learn from each other. One parent noted, “I’ve lived in this community for three years, but this is the first time I really feel like I know my neighbors.”

Overall, Jamie Lin is an exceptional educator who embodies the qualities of excellence, creativity, and community engagement. Their passion for teaching, dedication to diversity, and innovative approach to education make them an invaluable asset to any school community.

I wholeheartedly endorse Jamie Lin for any teaching position and am confident that they will continue to make a positive impact on the lives of their students and colleagues. Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information.

Fatima Sundaram Teacher of Civics and Government, Ridgemont High School

Grab our free reference letter template!

This free editable template guides you through the process of how to write a reference letter. Just fill out the form on this page for instant access.

Have more questions about how to write a reference letter? Come ask for advice in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.

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Sample Teaching Recommendation Letters


Two recommendation letters for students going into the teaching profession, which you can download by clicking on the link below, demonstrate the traits that employers seek in teachers. When students have done student teaching in schools, at least one of their recommendation letters is written by the faculty supervisor of their student teaching program.

In the first letter, kept efficient at one page, the writer makes it clear that she knows the student not as a teacher but as a performer in her class who has kept in touch with her outside of the classroom. She uplifts the student by tracing their two-year history, and noting that the student attended a fiction reading that she gave. Most importantly, she shows that she can comfortably view the student as a teacher, citing his resume: “And I see this same ideal—one that he wants to pass on to his future students—even in the careful wording of his career objective on his resume, where he speaks of helping students achieve their ‘academic, athletic, and social potential.’” This letter demonstrates that even a writer with limited knowledge of the student’s work can write an effective letter by partnering with the student on the process.

The second letter, more extensive at two pages, comes from the student teaching supervisor, who also taught a concurrent course and web-based portfolio workshop in which the student was enrolled. Therefore, the examples provided come directly from these relevant experiences, and they go into a good deal of depth—citing lesson design, scientific principles taught, direct interactions with students, and use of technology. The letter is also filled with affirmations about the student as a future teacher: “He is thoughtful, reflective, and committed to life-long learning and continued development as an educator.” One of the final sentences both recommends the student and reminds readers of the relationship that the letter writer had with the student: “After evaluating his work, observing his performance in class, and supervising his teaching, I feel confident that Mr. Lerner will make a significant contribution as an elementary educator.”

special education teacher letter of recommendation example

Teaching Recommendation Letter

Teacher letter recommendation showing an example of how to write a teacher recommendation letter on a teacher's desk.

A teaching recommendation letter request always seems to 📆 pop up at the busiest time of the school year.

General education, colleagues, special, education, teachers, student teachers, and even instructional assistance or paraprofessionals need teacher recommendation letters.

They all start looking for new opportunities at the same time during the school year.

As an educator who’s worked in the field for over 20 years, it’s pretty common for me to get requests from other teachers for a teaching recommendation letter.

Of course, I’m 😀 happy to help and give my honest opinion of a person reaching out about the teaching recommendation letter.

But pausing everything to write a letter can be a bit challenging, especially when I have a week of a half a dozen IEP‘s that are due.

So let me share a little secret about how I got the last recommendation letter for a colleague typed up in less than 10 minutes. đŸ’»

Teaching Recommendation Letter Template

Recommendation Letters for teaching shows a letter of recommendation for teacher sitting on top of file folders on a teacher's desk.

I’m 🍀 lucky enough that only teachers that I’ve worked with closely have asked me for letters of recommendation recently.

Because of this, the letters have all reflected stellar teachers who care about students and want to do well in the teaching profession.

So, I was able to create myself a template that I can modify for each teacher. 📝

Because I am a special education teacher I get request from both General Ed and SPED teaching staff for letters of recommendation.

I truly do love helping my fellow teachers out, but I despise hours of paperwork.

I knew that I needed to come up with a way to make genuine teacher, recommendation letters and get them done quickly as possible.

Next, I set out to make a template that I could modify for all types of recommendation letters.

General Education Colleague Recommendation Letter

Teacher Template recommendation letters showing a letter of recommendation for a teaching assistant on a teacher's desk.

A General Education teacher Colleague Recommendation Letter should be a detailed and comprehensive review of a colleague’s professional experience, performance, and qualifications.

The letter should include pertinent information about the individual’s educational background, teaching experience, and accomplishments in the classroom.

Next, it should also include a detailed description of the individual’s teaching style and their ability to effectively communicate with students and colleagues. đŸ‘©â€đŸ«

The letter should also provide an honest assessment of the individual’s ability to build relationships with students, parents, and other faculty members.

Finally, the letter should provide an honest assessment of the individual’s dedication to their profession, their commitment to their students, and their overall professional character.

A general education teacher colleague recommendation letter should be thoughtful, detailed, and demonstrate the highest level of respect for the individual being recommended. đŸ«

Special Education Teaching Recommendation Letter

Teacher template recommendation letters showing a recommendation letter sitting on top of a teacher's desk.

A special education colleague teaching recommendation letter should highlight the individual’s strengths as a teacher, providing specific examples of their effectiveness in the classroom.

It should emphasize their knowledge and understanding of special education and the skill they have in creating a safe and inclusive learning environment. 📝

The letter should also demonstrate their dedication to their students, providing evidence of their ability to individualize instruction and create meaningful learning experiences.

Additionally, the letter should note the teacher’s commitment to collaboration with other staff and their willingness to go above and beyond to ensure positive outcomes for their students.

Lastly, it should speak to the teacher’s professional demeanor, emphasizing their character and integrity. 🚌

Teaching Recommendation Letter for Student Teachers

Recommendation template letters showing a student teacher recommendation letter

When writing a letter of recommendation for a student teacher, it is important to include specific examples of their work, highlighting their strengths and successes. đŸ’Ș

It should also provide an overall positive assessment of their performance and potential, noting any challenges they faced and how they overcame them.

Additionally, the letter should mention any specific qualifications the student teacher has that make them a great candidate, as well as any relevant experience they possess.

It should also provide a summary of the student teacher’s relationship with their students and colleagues, and discuss how they interacted with both. 🧑‍🎓

Finally, the letter should be written in a professional tone and should express confidence in the student teacher’s abilities.

Highly Rated

Recommendation letters for colleagues with a computer screen showing a teacher recommendation letter from a colleague.

A highly rated student teacher letter of recommendation should include the student teacher’s strongest skills and achievements, such as their classroom management strategies and their ability to engage students in learning.

It should also include concrete examples of their successful projects or activities and highlight their ability to foster a positive learning environment. 🏆

The letter should focus on the student teacher’s unique qualities, such as creativity, enthusiasm, or strong relationship skills.

A well rated student teacher letter of recommendation should focus on the student teacher’s strengths, such as their ability to collaborate with colleagues and their demonstrated knowledge of their subject matter.

It should also include specific examples of their success in the classroom and any awards or recognitions they have received. đŸ„ˆ

An average or below student teacher letter of recommendation should focus on the student teacher’s commitment to their work and their ability to work with colleagues and students.

Average or Below

Teaching recommendation letters showing a letter of recommendation template on a teacher's desk.

When writing a student teacher letter of recommendation for a student who was average or below average as a teacher, it is important to focus on the student’s strengths. đŸ„‰

It may be useful to mention any positive feedback the student received from peers and/or supervisors, as well as any efforts the student made to improve.

Additionally, it is important to highlight the student’s willingness to take on new challenges and any creative approaches they employed in their teaching.

It is also important to note that the student was able to work well with others, even in difficult or challenging situations.

Finally, it is important to emphasize that the student was always eager to learn and grow as a teacher. 📈

By focusing on the student’s strengths, it is possible to create a well-rounded picture of the student’s abilities and to provide a positive assessment of their overall teaching experience.

Have a Teaching Recommendation Letter Collection

Teacher recommendation letter showing a teacher computer work station with a writing a teacher recommendation letter template on the screen.

Editable teaching recommendation letter templates provide teachers with the necessary tools to write powerful, personalized letters of recommendation. 🗂

With a little bit of tweaking a teacher can use the template to write a teaching letter of recommendation in about 5 minutes.

This goes for writing letters for colleagues in general and special education, student teachers, and instructional assistants or paraprofessionals. 

With a range of professional, user-friendly designs, these templates enable teachers to quickly create compelling letters that help their recommendees reach their potential. 

These templates are an essential tool for any teacher looking to provide a detailed and effective recommendation letter. 🧰

Use the template to quickly edit, save, and print or copy and paste the edited text into required template from an employer or university.

The templates provide a framework for teachers to easily and quickly craft a compelling letter of recommendation that accurately reflects their assessment of the individual. 

All templates are formatted to make it easier for teachers to customize the letter with the specific details of each case. đŸ’»

With this bundle, teachers save time and energy when writing a teaching recommendation letter and ensure that each one is written in a professional and effective manner.

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Teacher Letter of Recommendation

teacher letter of recommendation

Sample Teacher Recommendation Letter - 8+ Free Documents in ...

Example letters of recommendation, letter of recommendation sample - 9+ free documents in pdf.

teacher letter of recommendation bundle 1024x530

What is a Teacher Letter of Recommendation?

A Teacher Letter of Recommendation is a document where a writer, often a colleague, supervisor, or educator, endorses the skills, achievements, and teaching philosophy of a teacher. This letter plays a crucial role in job applications, academic advancements, or award nominations, providing a personalized insight into the teacher’s professional and interpersonal abilities. It’s an essential tool for teachers to showcase their impact and expertise in the educational field.

Teacher Letter of Recommendation Format

Your Name Your Title School/Organization Address City, State, Zip Code Email Phone Number Date

Recipient’s Name Title School/Organization Address City, State, Zip Code

Dear [Recipient’s Name],


Introduce yourself, your position, and how you know the candidate. Mention the duration and capacity in which you have known the candidate.

Academic Performance and Achievements

Detail the candidate’s academic strengths, achievements, and awards. Highlight specific projects or contributions that stand out.

Personal Qualities and Skills

Discuss the candidate’s personal qualities, such as leadership skills, character, and work ethic. Provide examples of how these qualities have been demonstrated.

Classroom Contributions

Explain how the candidate contributes to the classroom environment, including participation, interaction with peers, and willingness to take on challenges.

Reaffirm your recommendation of the candidate. Provide a summary of the candidate’s qualifications and potential contributions.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Teacher Letter of Recommendation Sample

teacher letter of recommendation sample

PDF Word Google Docs

Explore a curated Teacher Letter of Recommendation Sample that showcases the ideal blend of personal anecdotes and professional achievements, serving as a solid foundation for a Personal Recommendation Letter .

Recommendation Letter for Teacher from Student

recommendation letter for teacher from student

A Recommendation Letter for Teacher from Student highlights the unique, impactful relationship between teacher and student, perfectly embodying the essence of a Recommendation Letter for Student , illustrating the educator’s ability to inspire and educate.

Teacher Letter of Recommendation PDF

teacher letter of recommendation pdf

Our Teacher Letter of Recommendation PDF offers a ready-to-use format that simplifies the process of crafting an impactful Job Recommendation Letter , ensuring it aligns with professional standards and showcases the teacher’s qualifications.

Letter of Recommendation For a Teacher Colleague PDF

letter of recommendation for a teacher colleague pdf

This guide provides a Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher Colleague PDF, a tool to endorse a peer’s teaching skills and contribution to the academic community, embodying the spirit of a Recommendation Letter for a Friend .

More Teacher Letter of Recommendation Samples

Letter of recommendation for college student from teacher.

letter of recommendation for college student from teacher

Size: 56 KB

A college student who needs some special benefits like some funding for a project or a scholarship can get this with the recommendation of the teacher. The aforesaid letter format can be used by the teacher to make the recommendation in a professional and impressive manner. You should also take a look at our  Cover Letter for Teacher

Student Recommendation Letter from Teacher For High School

student recommendation letter from teacher for high school

Size: 47 KB

When a student wishes to gain admission into a high school of his choice, this can definitely become easier if he has the Student Recommendation Letter of one of his teachers. This document can be used by the teacher to write such letter to elaborate on the positive traits of the student.

Letter of Recommendation For a Teacher Colleague

letter of recommendation for a teacher colleague

Size: 34 KB

Sometimes when a teacher moves to a different organization, she may have to offer a reference from her colleagues. In such cases, she can use this reference letter to help her colleagues to write a solid letter of recommendation for her. You should also take a look at our Paralegal Recommendation Letter

Letter of Recommendation for Teacher From Parent

letter of recommendation for teacher from parent

Size: 46 KB

When a teacher seeks a job in an educational institution, a recommendation letter from a parent of an old student can surely gain her some rosy points and ultimately the job. Using the aforesaid letter makes it easier for the parent to draft a highly professional letter. You should also take a look at our  Sample Letter .

A teacher can use this recommendation letter to write a letter to the scholarship authority for recommending a student whom she thinks is eligible for such a provision and would also be perfect for the award. You should also take a look at our  Teacher Appreciation Letter .

Teacher Assistant Letter of Recommendation

teacher assistant letter of recommendation

Size: 32 KB

A teacher who wishes to offer a letter of recommendation to her assistant to help him/her find a better job can use the aforesaid format for the purpose. This helps her to draft an impressive and highly professional letter. You should also take a look at our  Teacher Report Form .

Letter of Recommendation for Teacher Special Education

special education teacher letter of recommendation

Size: 104 KB

When offering a letter of recommendation for a teacher special education, it is extremely important to highlight her positive traits and strengths. This letter can be used for the purpose as this gives the user a clear idea of the right way to draft such a letter. You should also take a look at our  Teacher Assessment Form .

Elementary Teacher Letter of Recommendation

elementary teacher letter of recommendation

A person writing a letter of recommendation for an elementary teacher to help her find a better job can use this letter for the purpose. It gives the person an idea of the right way to frame sentences that would add a professional touch to the recommendation letter. You should also take a look at our  Teacher Appraisal Form .

How do you write a letter of recommendation for a teacher?

Writing a letter of recommendation for a teacher involves a structured approach to highlight their professional skills, achievements, and impact on students. Follow these steps to craft an effective letter:

  • Introduction: Start with a formal greeting, then introduce yourself and explain your relationship with the teacher.
  • Body Paragraph 1: Highlight the teacher’s educational background, teaching style, achievements, and contributions to student learning. Incorporate examples that demonstrate their effectiveness in the classroom.
  • Body Paragraph 2: Discuss the teacher’s interpersonal skills, dedication, and impact on the school community. Mention any awards or recognitions they’ve received, such as the Sorority Recommendation Letter  they may have garnered.
  • Conclusion: Summarize why you believe the teacher is a valuable asset and strongly endorse them for the position they are seeking. Include your contact information for follow-up.

What teachers should write your letter of recommendation?

teacher letter of recommendation steps 1024x530

Choosing the right teachers for your letters of recommendation is crucial. Follow these steps to make an informed decision:

  • Identify Relevance: Select teachers in subjects related to your future study or career path. For instance, a Science teacher for a Medical School Recommendation Letter .
  • Consider Relationship: Opt for teachers who know you well and can speak to your strengths and potential, like those who have seen your growth and can provide a Recommendation Letter for Scholarship .
  • Look for Enthusiasm: Choose teachers who are enthusiastic about your future and willing to write a positive and detailed recommendation.

How long do teachers need to write a letter of recommendation?

Allowing teachers ample time to write a recommendation letter is respectful and ensures a thoughtful, comprehensive letter. Follow these steps for timing:

  • Early Request: Approach teachers at least two months before the deadline, giving them plenty of time to write a detailed letter, such as a Graduate School Recommendation Letter Document .
  • Provide Information: Supply teachers with your resume, personal statement, and any other information that could help them write a personalized letter.
  • Follow-Up: Check in respectfully after a few weeks if you haven’t received the letter, to ensure they have everything they need.

What is the structure of a letter of recommendation?

A well-structured letter of recommendation enhances readability and impact. Here are the steps to structure the letter effectively:

  • Opening: Include the sender’s details, date, and a formal salutation. Briefly introduce yourself and your relationship to the candidate.
  • Body: Divide the body into 2-3 paragraphs. Each should cover different aspects of the candidate’s skills, achievements, and character, like the traits highlighted in a Character Reference for Court Recommendation Letter .
  • Conclusion: End with a strong endorsement of the candidate, your contact information, and a formal closing.

What should be the qualities of a good teacher?

good teacher qualities 1024x530

Identifying the qualities of a good teacher helps in writing a more compelling recommendation. Include these steps:

  • Knowledgeable: A good teacher possesses a deep understanding of their subject and stays updated with the latest educational practices.
  • Communicative: Effective communication skills are crucial, not just in delivering lessons but in engaging with students and parents.
  • Empathetic: An empathetic teacher understands and respects students’ individual needs and challenges, similar to qualities praised in a Registered Nurse Recommendation Letter .
  • Inspirational: Teachers should inspire students to learn and achieve their best, showing passion and dedication that motivates students.

How long should a recommendation letter be?

The ideal length of a recommendation letter balances detail with conciseness. Follow these guidelines:

  • Brevity with Substance: Aim for a one-page letter, consisting of 3-4 paragraphs. Each section should succinctly convey the candidate’s qualifications and merits, similar to an MBA Recommendation Letter .
  • Detail-Oriented: While being concise, include specific examples and anecdotes that illustrate the candidate’s abilities and character, providing a compelling narrative.

How do you start a letter of recommendation?

Begin with a formal salutation, introduce yourself, your position, and how you know the candidate. Mention your enthusiasm for recommending them, akin to starting a Cooking Recommendation Letter with zest.

What does a strong letter of recommendation look like?

A strong letter showcases the candidate’s achievements, skills, and impact with specific examples. It’s well-structured, personalized, and includes endorsements, similar to the efficacy of a Law School Recommendation Letter .

Do teachers write one letter of recommendation?

Teachers often tailor a single letter for multiple uses, but may customize it for specific opportunities, such as a Tenant Recommendation Letter , to address particular requirements or highlight relevant qualities.

How many times should you ask a teacher for a letter of recommendation?

It’s best to request once, providing all necessary details and deadlines upfront. If updates or additional letters, like for a Military Recommendation Letter Form , are needed, communicate clearly and respectfully.

When should I get teacher recommendation letters?

Request letters at least two months before your application deadlines, allowing teachers ample time to write a thoughtful letter, ensuring it’s as impactful as a Military Letter of Recommendation .

What is the closing paragraph of a letter of recommendation?

The closing should reiterate your strong endorsement of the candidate, summarize key points, and invite further contact, leaving a lasting impression similar to a heartfelt Thank You for a Recommendation Letter .

Do you indent in a letter of recommendation?

Traditionally, letters of recommendation follow a block format without indents, ensuring a professional appearance and readability, mirroring the formal structure of a  Fraternity Recommendation Letter .

In the realm of professional advancement and academic opportunities, the Teacher Letter of Recommendation stands as a pivotal document. It not only underscores a teacher’s dedication and achievements but also serves as a testament to their potential for future endeavors. Utilizing samples, forms, and tailored letters, such as the esteemed Eagle Scout Recommendation Letter , can significantly enhance a teacher’s portfolio. These tools not only showcase a teacher’s exemplary abilities but also illuminate their path towards achieving career milestones and educational objectives.

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Teacher Recommendation Letter

Some employers trust oral interviews rather than written character references when hiring a new worker and deciding whether they have enough experience for this or that position. The main reason is that some former employers are not creative enough—they use samples with many clichĂ©s that give only general information about a worker without highlighting their specific professional skills.

A written character reference is also known as a recommendation (or reference) letter. If you are seeking employment, we highly advise you to have such a free letter of recommendation template for use to your advantage. To create a letter that characterizes you as a professional and experienced employee rather than a purely formalistic letter, you need to follow certain rules and recommendations.

This article focuses on requirements for reference letters for different types of teachers. Every employer that is hiring an educator wants to ensure effective interaction of their students with the teacher. Thus, we aim to help teachers get a job and help employers gain more confidence in the applicant’s professionalism.

We will provide key points concerning the document and three samples in which you will find ready-made phrases for different teacher recommendation letters. If you intend to prepare such a letter, we encourage you to read the article till the end to understand how to do it correctly.

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Key Issues Regarding the Document

Essential details to mention, reference letter structure, tips on how to create a good reference letter for a teacher.

As we have already mentioned, we will consider all possible issues that might arise when creating a recommendation letter. Below are the most relevant information and basic requirements for the paper.

Why Does a Teacher Need a Recommendation Letter?

A letter of recommendation for a teacher is typically used when an experienced teacher wants to change working conditions by applying for a new job in the education field. In some cases, it is a mandatory requirement during the application process. In other situations, it is the teacher’s personal choice to provide a reference letter. Regardless of the situation, it is better to submit the document to enhance your chances of being hired.

The paper can also be used when a teacher has no experience and wants to find a job after graduating. The document shows that the applicant has acquired all the necessary skills and theoretical knowledge and can work effectively.

Who Can Create a Reference Letter?

Remember that the letter works best only if it comes from a reputable source. We strongly recommend that you request the principal to write the paper and describe your abilities and professional skills—potential employers are likely to trust their colleagues. However, you are allowed to ask another experienced teacher (or co-worker) who has worked with you and knows how you deal with students.

If you are a recent graduate applying for a job with no experience, the ideal option for you is to ask your supervisor or another professor to create the document. In any case, it is better to ask a professional educator, especially if they are popular in educational circles.

Another option is to ask a parent of one of your students to describe you as an educator and tell a potential employer about the student’s achievements resulting from your teaching work.

How Long Should a Recommendation Letter Be?

A reference letter should not be longer than one page—it should consist of 300-500 words. A longer document can discourage the reader from reviewing it effectively. Thus, when writing a letter, you should include only relevant information and avoid unnecessary details.

All reference letters, including teacher recommendation letters, must be specific. Those who make them should provide details specific to the candidate. If the letter contains general information, the potential employer is likely to reject it. Below is a checklist with all the mandatory information required. Once you have completed writing the letter, make sure you have included all the following details:

  • Full names of all the parties involved

As a principal or colleague (or any other person creating the letter), you should introduce yourself for the recipient to understand that the letter comes from a credible source. It is also mandatory to include the applicant’s name for the addressee to identify them among other candidates. Also, make sure that you have written the recipient’s name; otherwise, the letter may get into the wrong person’s hands.

  • The author’s qualifications

As the author of the letter, you should prove that you have the authority to offer such a letter. It is advised to state what position you occupy at the institution where the teacher was previously employed (it is better to provide a letter from a person of a higher rank). You should also state what type of relationship you have with the applicant and how long you have known them. Are they your former employee or student? All details regarding your interactions are important.

  • The teacher’s characteristics

When writing a recommendation letter for a teacher, always consider the job the teacher is applying for as all the qualities and skills you mention must be applicable to this particular job. For example, if the teacher wants to work with students with special needs, state if the applicant can find an individual approach to each student. Include other skills and qualities relevant for all types of teaching jobs, such as organizing skills, creativity, personal charm, multitasking, engaging speaking skills, the ability to give detailed feedback and integrate technology into the classroom, and so on.

  • The author’s contact information

It would help if you showed the recipient that you are ready to answer any question they might have. Remember to include your contact details, like email address and phone number, so that the reader could contact you to check the source and make sure that the letter is not written and signed by the candidate.

  • Signature and signing date

Another requirement is to place your signature at the bottom of the letter and indicate the current calendar date of creation.

All the items mentioned above help create the teacher’s positive and credible image and, therefore, are essential. In the next part of our article, you will find information about including all the details in the letter properly.

Most recommendation letters have a rigid and logical structure. The process of creating a letter becomes easier if you have a certain plan in mind. Once you have found out what details your letter should contain, all you need to do is arrange all the paragraphs correctly. For those who have written a least one academic essay, the structure we are going to present may seem familiar.

At the top of the letter, write the name of the document. You have several options, but the most common names are “Teacher Recommendation Letter” (the word “recommendation” can be substituted by “reference”) or “Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher Position.”

Underneath the name, at the left of the document, you should write the date the letter was written, your full legal name, title, the name of the school where you work, and your full physical address (including street name, city, state, and Zip Code). Each piece of information is typically written on a separate line. At the end of the article, you will find several samples with properly arranged lines in the heading.


In this part of the letter, first and foremost, you should address the recipient. You can begin with “Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. Smith”. If you are writing a general letter that is not addressed to a particular individual, you can use a clichĂ© phrase found in our samples.

Then, you should start a new line and introduce the applicant for whom you are writing the letter. Besides the name, include the previous position (for example, “1st Grade Teacher”) and the type of school where the teacher was employed.

At the beginning of the letter, specify the nature and duration of your relationship with the teacher. The longer the period you have been in contact with the applicant, the more confidence the reference letter will instill.

Main Body (Paragraph 1)

In the main part of the letter, you should write about the teacher’s positive experience in the previous position. It is always a good idea to indicate the duration they have served in that position and school. The longer the employment period, the more experienced the teacher is considered to be.

You need to provide a positive evaluation of the teacher’s performance at school and enumerate relevant skills. Take the time to mention the applicant’s contribution outside the classroom. For example, do not ignore the fact that the teacher participated in the organization of school events or represented the school at international competitions, conferences,  contributed to the school community, or raised the status of the school.

Main Body (Paragraph 2)

After describing the teacher’s personality as an educator, provide a summary of all the skills and traits and say how they can come in handy in the new position. For instance, if the teacher is seeking employment at an online school, speak about the teacher’s ability to incorporate technology into the lessons or the teacher’s knowledge of relevant online programs and apps.

For every teacher, it is important to keep up with the latest tendencies in teaching methods and approaches. Therefore, you should highlight the teacher’s ability to adapt to new environments and conditions and the desire to self-educate and self-improve.

In this paragraph, you can also write about the teacher’s responsibilities at the previous educational institution and provide examples showing the extent to which they fulfilled all the obligations.

The concluding paragraph should be brief. State the reason you recommend the applicant by summing up all the characteristics mentioned above. Furthermore, demonstrate your willingness to answer the recipient’s questions and leave your contact details. Below the paragraph, write a thanksgiving and closing phrase. Finally, affix your signature and write your name and title underneath it.

Let us clarify what is recommended for a credible reference letter and how to make a potential employer develop a positive attitude towards the applicant:

  • Choose a professional tone and official wording
  • Avoid negative characteristics and false information
  • Be honest and precise
  • Follow the letter format and structure
  • Provide relevant information
  • Give specific examples
  • Avoid mentioning the reason for leaving the previous position if it is negative
  • Provide contact information and be approachable
  • Follow the submission requirements (submit the letter in the correct format and in due time)
  • Proofread the letter before submitting it

Now, we will provide several samples for your convenience and show how everything mentioned above works in practice. You can either input your data in our samples if they suit your situation or use them as a source of inspiration and create a unique letter.

Sample 1: Letter of Recommendation for an Elementary Teacher

April 18, 2020

Molly Smith

Central Elementary School

900 7th Street

Wamego, KS 66547

To Whom It May Concern,

It is my pleasure to write this recommendation letter in favor of ____________________(the applicant’s full name) for the position of an elementary teacher at _____________________ (the name of the potential educational institution). As principal of Central Elementary School, I have had the pleasure of working with ____________________(the applicant’s name) for the past ten years. During that time, I had the opportunity to watch him/her develop professionally and maintain personal growth.

____________________(the applicant’s full name) has always demonstrated outstanding skills and abilities in teaching young learners. ____________________(the applicant’s  name) is the most creative and caring teacher I’ve ever worked with. The teacher is able to engage young students in various activities and maintain discipline in large classes. When there is a need to work as a substitute teacher, ____________________(the applicant’s name) can always adapt to a new class and make a good impression on each student.

As a teacher with 10 years of experience, ____________________(the applicant’s name) is able to find an individual approach if necessary. Once, the teacher came to me with an idea to teach a student who lagged behind the other classmates differently. ____________________(the applicant’s name) suggested giving extra lessons for free. By the end of the year, the student managed to achieve the best test results in her class.

When presenting and explaining new material to his/her young learners, the teacher uses technological devices and innovative methods to help the students grasp the material quickly. Even on a sick leave, ____________________(the applicant’s name) gave Zoom lessons and used the “green screen” feature to display images and videos as the background.

I am absolutely confident that ____________________(the applicant’s name) is suitable for your position. As a diligent and hard-working employee, ____________________(the applicant’s name) has never been reprimanded or dismissed. You can rest assured that under the guidance of ____________________,(the applicant’s name) your young learners will always be in a safe environment and in a positive atmosphere.

If you have any follow-up questions or need more information, do not hesitate to contact me at _________________(email address or phone number)


Mrs. Molly Smith

Sample 2: Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher Colleague

July 15, 2019

James Johnson

High School Teacher

Crawford High School

4191 Colts Way

San Diego, CA 92115

I am writing this letter at the request of ____________________(the applicant’s full name), my colleague, who is applying for a position of high school teacher at ____________________ (the name of the school). I have known ____________________(the applicant’s name) for five years and heartily wish we could continue working together and sharing our teaching experience. At ____________________ (the name of the school), ____________________(the applicant’s name) worked as a Math teacher and dealt with sophomore students and I had frequent opportunities to observe ____________________(the applicant’s name) in action.

During the whole period of co-working, ____________________(the applicant’s name) demonstrated great knowledge of students’ psychological peculiarities and impressive teaching skills, thus acting as an example for other fellow teachers, including me. ____________________’s (the applicant’s name) lesson styles and methods could involve even the most indifferent students in learning activities. Students that were not skillful at other subjects always got perfect scores in Math tests.

If students had difficulties in fulfilling their obligations or in learning subject material, ____________________ (the applicant’s name) always tried to connect with parents and suggested cooperative work to solve a problem. The teacher’s caring nature was highly valued by the student’s parents, who always left positive reviews and comments on the teacher’s Internet page.

Commitment to student’s success and devotion to teaching are the essential qualities that employers are looking for in every potential teacher. Thus, without doubt, ____________________(the applicant’s name) is a perfect candidate for you. If you want to know more about the teacher’s experience and contribution, you can reach me at  _________________(email address or phone number).

Sample 3: Letter of Recommendation for a Special Education Teacher

Margaret Hernandez

Brehm Preparatory School

950 S Brehm Ln,

Carbondale, IL 62901

My name is Margaret Hernandez, Principal at Brehm Preparatory School for students with special needs. I highly recommend ____________________(the applicant’s full name) for the position of a sixth-grade special education teacher at your school. I have known him/her for seven years. During that time, ____________________(the applicant’s name) always tried to ensure effective communication. As a principal who has seen many teachers come and go, I can claim with great certainty that ____________________(the applicant’s name) is a kind of teacher I would never let go. Difficult life circumstances made ____________________(the applicant’s name) move to another city, thus, we departed on good terms.

During my working relationships with ____________________(the applicant’s name), the candidate was never late for classes. ____________________(the applicant’s name) carried out all the teacher’s obligations with great diligence and the sense of responsibility. Besides being an excellent school teacher, ____________________(the applicant’s name) eagerly participated in school events and took up the responsibility to organize school competitions, conferences and other events not related to ____________________’s (the applicant’s name) teaching subject. ____________________ (the applicant’s name) wrote eloquent articles in our school newspaper for students to read during their break time.

Apart from being a cooperative staff member, ____________________ (the applicant’s name) is a gifted educator. Working with students with special needs always requires patience and compassion. ____________________ (the applicant’s name) always acted as a caring teacher and displayed great talents in teaching students with learning difficulties and managing the emotional atmosphere in class. His/her motto is never to give up on a child even when it seems that there is no way out. One of his/her students with Down’s Syndrome has become a successful actress just because ____________________ (the applicant’s name) managed to start developing the student’s creative and artistic skills after ____________________ (the applicant’s name) saw the student’s interest in the activity.

I strongly believe that ____________________ (the applicant’s name) will make a significant contribution to your school community and encourage students to learn and develop. Though I wish I could keep ____________________ (the applicant’s name) in their current position, I highly recommend this candidate to you without reservation. If you want to get more details, do not hesitate to text or call me. I will leave my contact details below.

_________________(email and phone number)


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Letters of Recommendation


According to the Connecticut State Department of Education , there were up to 29 applicants per teaching position in Connecticut last year! Teaching's a competitive field, so a stand-out letter of recommendation can go a long way.

In the sample letter below, a principal recommends an art teacher applying to another school due to budget cuts. Check out what the principal has to say about this teacher, and then read on for an analysis of what this letter does well.

Sample Letter #2: Written by a Principal for a Teacher

Mr. Henry Nichols School Principal Cityville Middle School 1 School Road Cityville, NJ 08008

Dear Principal Nichols,

It's my honor and pleasure to provide this letter of recommendation for Julia as she pursues an art teaching position with Cityville Middle School. As the principal of Townston Middle School, I've enjoyed having Julia on the teaching team for grades 6 through 8. We'll all miss her and her contributions to our school community.

Unfortunately, budgetary restrictions have forced us to reduce the art teaching faculty, and as the most recent hire, Julia will no longer have a position with us next year. This decision in no way reflects on her skills, and I wholeheartedly endorse her candidacy as she seeks a position elsewhere. It's my wish that she finds a school with the resources to support her talent for teaching art.

Julia started her teaching career with us fresh out of graduate school two years ago. She brought with her a solid training in pedagogical methods and art history, along with great energy and enthusiasm. She introduced several new projects that are now a part of the curriculum, including a self-portrait assignment that asks students to reflect on their identities, a stop-motion animation project using clay and iPads, and a papier-mache "sled challenge" that resulted in fun races down the hill beside the school. Julia also contributed to the "3D Printer Build-a-Thon," a weekend-long event during which students, educators, and community members came together to assemble over 20 3D printers. Julia brings exciting new ideas to life; I'm confident that she will continue her momentum with her next school.

Julia also impressed me with her commitment to lifelong learning. She successfully collaborated with her mentor, took advantage of several professional development opportunities offered in the district, and took classes on digital technology and special education over the last two summers. She also went out of her way to elicit feedback from her students, inviting them to share their experiences at the end of each semester. It's this commitment to growth and her students' well-being that makes Julia an outstanding educator who empowers her pupils.

Julia is charismatic and creative, and she thinks outside the box. She has shown excellent classroom management skills and developed a rapport with students, colleagues, and parents that is characterized by mutual respect. At the end of last year, I had a parent come to me specifically to praise Julia's teaching and the impact she's had on her son. Beyond her strengths as an art teacher, Julia's also a talented artist and has some of her oil and acrylic paintings displayed in a nearby gallery.

Julia has my highest recommendation for the position of art instructor, and I look forward to learning more about the accomplishments that lie in her professional future. If the circumstances were different, I would strive to retain Julia on our art department teaching team. Please don't hesitate to contact me for any further information. Thank you for your time.

Elsa Skools School Principal Townston Middle School [email protected] (866) 811-5546


Will this letter convince Principal Nichols to make room for Julia and her paintbrushes?

Recommendation Letter #2: The Breakdown

Like the first sample, this recommendation letter represents a common relationship between letter writer and candidate. It starts out with a strong statement of support with, "It's my honor and pleasure to provide this letter." This statement is then quickly followed by an explanation of who the letter writer is, thereby showing why she's qualified to recommend Julia.

Principal Skools explains why Julia's applying elsewhere and makes sure to state that she would retain her on the teaching team if the budget allowed. She goes on to describe Julia's contributions with specific examples of projects she introduced and community events to which she contributed.

The writer uses highly positive language to describe Julia, calling her creative, energetic, and committed to continuous improvement. She also touches on her personal talents as an artist. The letter's structured to describe three main points: Julia's accomplishments at the school, her commitment to learning and improvement, and her relationships with teachers, parents, and colleagues.

In her glowing endorsement, Principal Skools gives specific examples of the achievements Julia's made and will continue to make in her next art teaching position.

What's Next?

What experience do you need to become a teacher in the first place? Find out what degree you do (or don't) need to teach in this article .

On to the next! Click here to read our third recommendation letter sample written by a restaurant manager for a part-time employee .

Are you looking for a different type of sample letter? Head back to our original recommendation letter guide to find more samples and learn about the key features of outstanding reference letters.

Rebecca graduated with her Master's in Adolescent Counseling from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She has years of teaching and college counseling experience and is passionate about helping students achieve their goals and improve their well-being. She graduated magna cum laude from Tufts University and scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT.

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From our series of model letters
because sometimes you need to communicate with the school about your child’s education.

Current as of February 2022 En español | In Spanish

In PDF format

There are times when you, as a parent, may want to communicate in writing with your child’s school about some problem or concern with your child’s education or well-being. This page presents a model letter or email you might write the school to ask that your child be evaluated to see if he or she has a disability and is eligible to receive special education and related services.

  • Discussion (Keep scrolling)

General letter-writing tips

  • Model letter


When would I request an evaluation for special education services?

If your child has been consistently struggling in school, his or her problems may be due to a disability. If the school thinks your child may have a disability, they will contact you to request your written permission to evaluate your child. Under the IDEA (the nation’s special education law), you also have the right to ask the school to evaluate your child. The purpose of the evaluation is to see if he or she has a disability and needs special education services. This evaluation is free of charge.

For more information on evaluation, visit our evaluation pages online, at:

If your child has been identified by your doctor or other professionals as having a disability, you will want to include this information in your letter to the school. You should also provide copies of any reports you have received that explain your child’s condition.

If you decide to write the school and ask that your child be evaluated, the model letter below provides an example of what you may want to say.

Back to top

Picture of a stack of folders marked

  •  Why am I writing?
  • What are my specific concerns?
  • What are my questions?
  • What would I like the person to do about this situation?
  • What sort of response do I want: a letter, a meeting, a phone call, or something else?

Each letter you write should include the following basic information:

  • Put the date on your letter.
  • Give your child’s full name and the name of your child’s main teacher or current class placement.
  • Say what you want, rather than what you don’t want. Keep it simple.
  • Give your address and a daytime phone number where you can be reached.
  • Always end your letter with a “thank you.”

What are some other tips to keep in mind?

  You want to make a good impression so that the person reading your letter will understand your request and say “yes.” Remember, this person may not know you, your child, or your child’s situation. Keep the tone of your letter pleasant and businesslike. Give the facts without letting anger, frustration, blame, or other negative emotions creep in. Some letter-writing tips include:

  • After you write your first draft, put the letter aside for a day or two. Then look at it again and revise it with fresh eyes.
  • Read your letter as though you are the person receiving it. Is your request clear? Have you included the important facts? Does your letter ramble on and on? Is it likely to offend, or is the tone businesslike?
  • Have someone else read your letter for you. Is your reason for writing clear? Can the reader tell what you are asking for? Would the reader say “yes” if he or she received this letter? Can your letter be improved?
  • Use spell check and grammar check on the computer. Or ask someone reliable to edit your letter before you send it.
  • Keep a copy for your records.

Back to top _____________________

Model Letter

Today’s Date (include month, day, and year)

Your Name Street Address City, State, Zip Code Daytime telephone number

Name of Principal or Special Education Administrator Name of School Street Address City, State, Zip Code

Dear (person’s name),

I am writing to request that my son/daughter, (child’s name), be evaluated for special education services. I am worried that (child’s name) is not doing well in school and believe he/she may need special services in order to learn. (Child’s name) is in the ( _ ) grade at (name of school). (Teacher’s name) is his/her teacher.

Specifically, I am worried, because (child’s name) does/does not (give a few direct examples of your child’s problems at school).

We have tried the following to help (child’s name): (If you or the school have done anything extra to help your child, briefly state it here).

I understand that I have to give written permission in order for (child’s name) to be evaluated. Before the evaluation begins, I have some questions about the process that I need to have answered (list any questions you may have). I would be happy to talk with you about (child’s name). You can send me information or call me during the day at (daytime telephone number). Thank you for your prompt attention to my request.

cc: your child’s principal (if letter is addressed to an administrator) your child’s teacher(s)

Note: If your child has been identified as having a disability by professionals outside the school system, add the following sentence to the end of the first paragraph: “(Child’s name) has been identified as having (name of disability) by (name of professional). Enclosed is a copy of the report(s) I have received that explains (child’s name) condition.”

Note:  The “cc:” at the bottom of the letter means you are sending a copy of your letter to the people listed after the cc.

**Highly Rated Resource! This resource was reviewed by 3-member panels of Parent Center staff working independently from one another to rate the quality, relevance, and usefulness of CPIR resources. This resource was found to be of “High Quality, High Relevance, High Usefulness” to Parent Centers. ________________________________________

Would you like to read another letter?

Discussing a problem

Requesting a copy of your child’s records

Requesting an evaluation for special education services (you’re already here)

Requesting an independent evaluation

Requesting a meeting to review your child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Requesting a change in your child’s placement

Informing the school that you intend to place your child in a private school at public expense

Requesting prior written notice

Requesting Mediation to resolve a conflict

Requesting a due process hearing to resolve a conflict

Filing a complaint with the State to resolve a conflict


  1. FREE 10+ Teacher Letter of Recommendation Samples, PDF, MS Word, Google

    special education teacher letter of recommendation example

  2. letters of recommendation

    special education teacher letter of recommendation example

  3. 18+ Letter of Recommendation for Teacher Samples

    special education teacher letter of recommendation example

  4. FREE 24+ Letter of Recommendation for Teacher Samples & Templates in

    special education teacher letter of recommendation example

  5. Sample Letter Of Recommendation For Special Education Teacher

    special education teacher letter of recommendation example

  6. 15+ Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher Free PDF, Doc, Words

    special education teacher letter of recommendation example


  1. à€…à€žà€Čà„€ à€”à€° à€šà€•à€Čà„€ OTS letter à€•à„‹ à€•à„ˆà€žà„‡ à€Șà€čà€šà€Ÿà€šà„‡? How to recognise fake or real OTS Letter? #OTS

  2. Elements of a Strong Recommendation Letter for Graduate School Application (Tips and Insights)

  3. Recommendation Letter

  4. Teachers’ Day Letter writing || Dear Teacher || Letter to Teacher || Respect Teachers

  5. You're asking for letters of rec WRONG

  6. Write a Letter to Your Teacher on Teacher's Day || Teacher's Day Gratitude Letter ||


  1. 6 Examples: Impactful Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher

    Examples: I am writing to recommend [teacher's name] for [position]. My name is [Your name], and I have had the pleasure of knowing [Teacher's name] for [number of years] in my capacity as [relationship]. As a former student of [Teacher's name], I am honored to write this letter of recommendation.

  2. Letter of Recommendation for a Special Education Teacher

    A Letter of Recommendation for a Special Education Teacher is a document that sheds light on the skills, compassion, and dedication of a teacher working with students who have diverse learning needs. This letter becomes particularly significant during job applications, promotions, or when transitioning to a new school or district. Authored ...

  3. Letter of Recommendation for a Special Education Teacher Sample

    400 Main Street. Brookside, TN 88888. May 2, 2016. Dear Principal Bobson, I am writing to recommend Fiona Fiddler for a position as a special educator working with fourth and fifth grade students ...

  4. Recommendation Letter for Special Education Teacher

    A recommendation letter for a special education teacher is a document written by someone who has firsthand experience working with the teacher and can attest to their skills, qualifications, and abilities in the field of special education. This letter is typically requested by the teacher when applying for a new job or promotion within the ...

  5. Letter of recommendation for teacher

    3. Work on our template to flesh out your own teacher recommendation letter. Now that you know what to include in general, modify our teacher recommendation letter template: Dear [insert name], I am writing to recommend [teacher_name]. [He/She/They] worked with me at [education_institution_name] for [time_period] as a [teaching_capacity].

  6. Letter of Recommendation Template for Teacher (with Samples)

    Step 2: Body Paragraphs. Use the next 2-3 paragraphs to discuss the teacher's specific qualities that make them a successful teacher. Mention: Relevant anecdotes and skills that illustrate the teacher's qualities; How these qualities match the job description. Body Paragraphs Sample #1: High school math teacher.

  7. Special Education Teacher Recommendation Letter: Templates

    Special Education Teacher Recommendation Letter: Templates. March 18, 2024 by Rahul Panchal. The job position of a special education teacher may appear to be insignificant to some but it actually requires an individual to be patient, caring, deadline-oriented, organizational, and highly intuitive. A person with a wish to take up this post is ...

  8. Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher (With Sample)

    A letter of recommendation for a teacher can use a professional format and tone. While each letter of recommendation may vary depending on the candidate and the position, there are a few pieces of information you can include: Your name and address in the top right corner. The date. The recipient's name and address.

  9. Letter of recommendation for teacher [Full template + Sample

    For example, is this teacher has applied for a Master's program in special education, it'd be helpful to mention their work with children with special needs ... see this teacher recommendation letter example spell by a fictional Schools Principal, Sam Davis: Special Education K-12 Teaching | Secondary of Education | VCU.

  10. How To Write a Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher in 6 Steps

    Letters of recommendation can be an important part of a teacher's application materials. If asked to write a letter of recommendation for a colleague, here are a few steps you can follow: 1. Include the proper heading. At the top of your letter, it's traditional to include your name, job title, location, phone number and email address.

  11. Student and Teacher Letter of Recommendation Letter Samples

    To help, here are four recommendation letter examples and templates that you can easily copy and paste into Microsoft Word or Google Docs to speed up your writing process. Table of contents: For students applying to college. For students applying for scholarships. For students applying for graduate school. For teachers applying for jobs.

  12. Teacher Recommendation Letter Template

    The general form for a teacher recommendation letter includes a letterhead, an introduction, at least two (2) body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The length of the letter will depend on how familiar the author is with the person that they are writing on behalf of. That being said, it should only fill one page.

  13. How To Write a Reference Letter (Examples and Free Template)

    Strong Scholarship Recommendation Letter Examples; How To Write a Letter of Reference. Writing a reference letter can feel like a daunting task, but these tips can help. ... In the next paragraph, speak to the teacher's education, including any special certifications or professional development achievements. Mention any awards, honors, or ...

  14. Sample Teaching Recommendation Letters

    Sample Teaching Recommendation Letters. Two recommendation letters for students going into the teaching profession, which you can download by clicking on the link below, demonstrate the traits that employers seek in teachers. When students have done student teaching in schools, at least one of their recommendation letters is written by the ...

  15. Teaching Recommendation Letter

    A special education colleague teaching recommendation letter should highlight the individual's strengths as a teacher, providing specific examples of their effectiveness in the classroom. It should emphasize their knowledge and understanding of special education and the skill they have in creating a safe and inclusive learning environment. 📝.

  16. FREE 10+ Teacher Letter of Recommendation Samples, PDF, MS Word, Google

    Size: 104 KB. Download. When offering a letter of recommendation for a teacher special education, it is extremely important to highlight her positive traits and strengths. This letter can be used for the purpose as this gives the user a clear idea of the right way to draft such a letter.

  17. Teacher Recommendation Letter

    High School Teacher. Sample 3: Letter of Recommendation for a Special Education Teacher. July 15, 2019. Margaret Hernandez. Principal. Brehm Preparatory School. 950 S Brehm Ln, Carbondale, IL 62901. To Whom It May Concern, My name is Margaret Hernandez, Principal at Brehm Preparatory School for students with special needs.

  18. A School Principal's Recommendation Letter for a Teacher

    According to the Connecticut State Department of Education, there were up to 29 applicants per teaching position in Connecticut last year!Teaching's a competitive field, so a stand-out letter of recommendation can go a long way. In the sample letter below, a principal recommends an art teacher applying to another school due to budget cuts.

  19. PDF Writing Letters of Recommendation for Students with Disabilities

    Typical letters of recommendation are used to gather additional information about a candidate for employment, graduate study, or other opportunities. The letter should give an overall picture of the candidate's: ... For example, if the candidate requires extended time to complete some tasks, the opportunity provider and candidate

  20. Requesting an Initial Evaluation for Special Education Services

    This page presents a model letter or email you might write the school to ask that your child be evaluated to see if he or she has a disability and is eligible to receive special education and related services. Discussion (Keep scrolling) General letter-writing tips; Model letter _____ Discussion. When would I request an evaluation for special ...

  21. Letters of Recommendation

    WCSD Leptondale Elementary School, 48 Mill Street, Wallkill, NY 12589. Principal. Richard J. Kelly. Office: (845) 895-7200. Fax: (845) 564-8098. March 25, 2013. Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to you to recommend my student teacher, Mrs. Angela Morales for a teaching position you may have in your elementary school. Mrs.

  22. Letter of Recommendation from Special Education Teacher ...

    lbackman. 1 of 1. Download now. Download to read offline. Letter of Recommendation from Special Education Teacher from Megan Decker - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

  23. Four Sample Letters of Recommendation for a Teaching Aide

    Sample Letter for a Preschool Teacher Aide. Dear Sir or Madam: I would like to recommend Kelsey Dahlstrom for a position at your school. Ms. Dahlstrom has assisted me in a classroom for four- and five-year-old children. She was employed at Bright Starts Preschool from August 2014 to May 2018.