• Stress Essays

Stress and Health Essay

Stress is the state of being worried, run-down or overwhelmed by difficulties experienced in the modern daily lives. Health is the state of being free from any physical or psychological disease or malfunction. When one is stressed therefore, it has direct effects on the individual’s health as the main impact of stress is the distortion of the psychological and physical state. Stress in most cases is emotional and has evident symptoms so much as many human beings fail to admit that they are under stress. This serves the reason as to why many people in the modern generation die of illnesses caused by stress as compared to the generation before us who lived longer. Even though stress is well known for the damage that it causes to people’s health, at some point it appears helpful to the human body systems (Charleston & Nathan, 2012, p. 23-27).

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Situations as such are during educational examinations where stress may help in fastening one’s thinking capacity and probably becoming more creative or when trying to meet work deadlines, making one more productive at place of work. However, many are the cases where stress causes body illnesses which leads to early deaths and sequentially affecting the nation at large when many citizens die of this chronic issue, stress. These illnesses include heart diseases, blood pressure and poor immune system amongst many more. This means that increase in stress is most likely going to increase health problems to people and may even lead to death. Research has shown that many are the people from the current generation die of problems that were initially caused by chronic stress (American Psychological Association, 2015).

Whenever the body experiences stress, some hormones are released to take care of the situation. These hormones are the reason as to why people experience blood pressure as they raise it, increase the rate at which the heart beats and raise the levels of blood sugars. These are the changes that make short term stress helpful, as they help one increase the strength and speed at which they act to overcome the issue at hand. Additionally, rapid and extended change in the above factors, may lead to dangerous illnesses. These changes are also the cause of digestive illnesses, fertility problems and a weak immune system. They may also go as far as causing viral infections such as common cold or the flu, depression, anxiety, lack of sleep and bad headaches (Natural Cancer Institute, n.d). Another main and alarming damage that stress may cause is the mental disorder. Apart from the illnesses highlighted above, stress in most cases serves responsible for mental illnesses to many patients. A mentally ill individual may not be productive as expected and is at some point of no use to the society. These are the dangers that people expose themselves to when they overwork, overthink and subject themselves to any other form of stress. At all cost therefore, human beings need to identify when they are under stress conditions and know how to deal with the situations so as to overcome them. People can choose to live long, which can be achieved by simply controlling any stress that comes their way in the course of daily activities (Fink, 2009, p. 3-5).

Research also shows that the main reason why many people suffer stress is the mental and emotional development. Many people engage their brains and emotions in issues of their daily lives, not knowing that when this is overdone, it may lead disastrous conditions that trigger stress related illnesses. Long working hours serves as the main cause of stress amongst many. This is because some of the duties many people undertake on daily basis are stressful and involve engagement of the brain. Many people therefore cause stress unto themselves, sometimes unknowingly.

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Others go ahead in overthinking on job tasks even when not in their places of work. This means they even add working hours to themselves unaware of the dangers they are exposing themselves to. People do this as they worry about the future. Everyone wants a promising future and does their best in fighting for it. They forget that they may fail to even live to see the future they fight and struggle for depending on the way they do it. It is good to express concern for the future but with limits so as to avoid chronic stress which will have to mess up with the same future.

This is all linked up by the excessive anxiety about work and is a major cause for alarm across the world. Blame at some point is also on employers as they cause stress to their employees. This makes the employee ever stressed about how to increase their productivity and to cope with upcoming issues in job affairs. It is the main reason people extend work emotions and thoughts to even outside working hours which are long already. The way the employers treat these employees also affects their emotions and may cause stress and in the end bring about stress related illnesses (National Cancer Institute, 2012). All the work pressure comes in due to competition in various fields. People are said not know how to cope with competition especially in the business field. They wrongly extend emotionally and mentally into how they will stand out as the best with competition perfection. This makes them mentally busy day and night which is harmful to their body systems.

Everyone wants to integrate work and build up their family and social lives. This aspect may bring about diseases such as blood pressure, depression and the likes (Dewe et al., 2012, p. 11-17). Another aspect of life is the struggle in relationships and marriages. Many people end up involving themselves in marriages that take away their happiness for the rest of their lives. This in many cases happens unknowingly due to haste in choosing partners which leads to settling with the wrong people at the end of it. The stress on how to find solutions has great effect as it builds mental and emotional disturbance. Continuation of such intense stress may also lead to various stress related illnesses. It is therefore good to evaluate oneself before settling down. This way one is able to realize the kind of people they can settle with. It helps in later identifying the right people and engaging themselves in marriages for better and happier lives (Griffin, n.d).

The condition of lack of sleep is brought about by stress and may be harmful as it can lead to stress related illnesses. When one spends sleepless nights, the most probable situation is that the brain is much engaged in thinking of certain issues, solutions or even making plans. If this continues for a long time therefore, it may lead to cause of long term headaches and depression (Siegel, 2008). This condition therefore must be avoided at all cost by running away from stress causing events for it proves to be much dangerous to the health of human beings. It is one of the surest symptoms of stress and it should be attended to with immediate effect to avoid developments of next stages. Obesity is also as a result of stress. When people are under stress they tend to consume a lot of junk food and eventually end up suffering from obesity.

When this is identified therefore, the victim needs to handle their stress levels carefully and strive to reduce them. These two effects of stress end up leading to heart diseases. At this stage, it becomes a hustle in getting treatment for a condition that would have simply been avoided by refraining from any stress related situation (Charleston & Nathan, 2012, p. 47-53). Another disease that may come along with the effects of stress is cancer. Not much research has been done about cancer, but it has been proven that when many people are under stress, they tend to take alcohol and smoke cigarette at a high rate. Alcohol and cigarette lead to cancer development in parts of the human body (American Psychological Association, 2015). This therefore makes cancer and heart diseases some of the illnesses that come along with stress. To fight these diseases, it begins with prevention from involving oneself with stress related situations. Otherwise, it becomes very much difficult and expensive to treat these diseases.

In conclusion, stress is identified as the worst form of injustice an individual would ever do to themselves. Stress related problems are bad news that no one would wish to be associated with. It is easier to prevent one-self from the diseases brought about by stress as compared to trying to cure them. Efforts against causes of stress are therefore worth making in everyone’s daily life. All the same, not all changes triggered by stress happen to be negative. Some changes are positive depending on how far the stress extends. Stress that is short term positively affects the victim in that it helps to improve their speed in thinking and their level of creativity. On the other hand, long term stress brings about increased blood pressure and sugars among many other conditions, which later mature up to diseases. Physical exercise is part of the recommendations from the doctors to avoid any stress related problems amongst many such as enough sleep. It is said that a normal human being should sleep for around seven to eight hours.

  • American Psychological Association. 2015, Understanding Chronic Stress. [Online] Available at [Accessed 20 Apr 2015].
  • Charleston, E. A. & Nathan, R. G. 2012, Stress Management: A Comprehensive Guide to Wellness. New York, Ballantine Books. Dewe, P. O’Driscoll, M. & Cooper, C. 2010, Coping with Work Stress. West Sussex, Wiley & Sons.
  • Fink, G. 2009, Stress Science Neuroendocrinology. Burlington, Elsevier Science.
  • Griffin, M. n.d, 10 Health Problems Related to Stress That You Can Fix. [Online] Available at [Accessed 20 Apr 2015].
  • Mayo Clinic Staff. n.d, Stress Management. [Online] Available at [Accessed 20 Apr 2015].
  • National Cancer Institute. 2012, Psychological Stress and Cancer. [Online] Available at [Accessed 20 Apr 2015].
  • Siegel, S. 2008, Stress and Health. [Online] Available at [Accessed 20 Apr 2015].

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What Is Stress?

Your Body's Response to a Situation That Requires Attention or Action

Elizabeth Scott, PhD is an author, workshop leader, educator, and award-winning blogger on stress management, positive psychology, relationships, and emotional wellbeing.

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Stress can be defined as any type of change that causes physical , emotional, or psychological strain. Stress is your body's response to anything that requires attention or action. 

Everyone experiences stress to some degree. The way you respond to stress, however, makes a big difference to your overall well-being.

Verywell / Brianna Gilmartin

Sometimes, the best way to manage your stress involves changing your situation. At other times, the best strategy involves changing the way you respond to the situation.

Developing a clear understanding of how stress impacts your physical and mental health is important. It's also important to recognize how your mental and physical health affects your stress level.

Watch Now: 5 Ways Stress Can Cause Weight Gain

Signs of stress.

Stress can be short-term or long-term. Both can lead to a variety of symptoms, but chronic stress can take a serious toll on the body over time and have long-lasting health effects.

Some common signs of stress include:

  • Changes in mood
  • Clammy or sweaty palms
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Digestive problems
  • Feeling anxious
  • Frequent sickness
  • Grinding teeth
  • Muscle tension, especially in the neck and shoulders
  • Physical aches and pains
  • Racing heartbeat

Identifying Stress

What does stress feel like? What does stress feel like? It often contributes to irritability, fear, overwork, and frustration. You may feel physically exhausted, worn out, and unable to cope.

Stress is not always easy to recognize, but there are some ways to identify some signs that you might be experiencing too much pressure. Sometimes stress can come from an obvious source, but sometimes even small daily stresses from work, school, family, and friends can take a toll on your mind and body.

If you think stress might be affecting you, there are a few things you can watch for:

  • Psychological signs such as difficulty concentrating, worrying, anxiety, and trouble remembering
  • Emotional signs such as being angry, irritated, moody, or frustrated
  • Physical signs such as high blood pressure, changes in weight, frequent colds or infections, and changes in the menstrual cycle and libido
  • Behavioral signs such as poor self-care, not having time for the things you enjoy, or relying on drugs and alcohol to cope

Stress vs. Anxiety

Stress can sometimes be mistaken for anxiety, and experiencing a great deal of stress can contribute to feelings of anxiety. Experiencing anxiety can make it more difficult to cope with stress and may contribute to other health issues, including increased depression, susceptibility to illness, and digestive problems.

Stress and anxiety contribute to nervousness, poor sleep, high blood pressure , muscle tension, and excess worry. In most cases, stress is caused by external events, while anxiety is caused by your internal reaction to stress. Stress may go away once the threat or the situation resolves, whereas anxiety may persist even after the original stressor is gone.

Causes of Stress

There are many different things in life that can cause stress. Some of the main sources of stress include work, finances, relationships, parenting, and day-to-day inconveniences.

Stress can trigger the body’s response to a perceived threat or danger, known as the fight-or-flight response .   During this reaction, certain hormones like adrenaline and cortisol are released. This speeds the heart rate, slows digestion, shunts blood flow to major muscle groups, and changes various other autonomic nervous functions, giving the body a burst of energy and strength.

Originally named for its ability to enable us to physically fight or run away when faced with danger, the fight-or-flight response is now activated in situations where neither response is appropriate—like in traffic or during a stressful day at work.

When the perceived threat is gone, systems are designed to return to normal function via the relaxation response .   But in cases of chronic stress, the relaxation response doesn't occur often enough, and being in a near-constant state of fight-or-flight can cause damage to the body.

Stress can also lead to some unhealthy habits that have a negative impact on your health. For example, many people cope with stress by eating too much or by smoking. These unhealthy habits damage the body and create bigger problems in the long-term.  

Mental Health in the Workplace Webinar

On May 19, 2022, Verywell Mind hosted a virtual Mental Health in the Workplace webinar, hosted by Amy Morin, LCSW. If you missed it, check out  this recap  to learn ways to foster supportive work environments and helpful strategies to improve your well-being on the job.

Types of Stress

Not all types of stress are harmful or even negative. Some of the different types of stress that you might experience include:

  • Acute stress : Acute stress is a very short-term type of stress that can either be positive or more distressing; this is the type of stress we most often encounter in day-to-day life.
  • Chronic stress : Chronic stress is stress that seems never-ending and inescapable, like the stress of a bad marriage or an extremely taxing job; chronic stress can also stem from traumatic experiences and childhood trauma.
  • Episodic acute stress : Episodic acute stress is acute stress that seems to run rampant and be a way of life, creating a life of ongoing distress.
  • Eustress : Eustress is fun and exciting. It's known as a positive type of stress that can keep you energized. It's associated with surges of adrenaline, such as when you are skiing or racing to meet a deadline. 

4 Main Types of Stress:

The main harmful types of stress are acute stress, chronic stress, and episodic acute stress. Acute stress is usually brief, chronic stress is prolonged, and episodic acute stress is short-term but frequent. Positive stress, known as eustress, can be fun and exciting, but it can also take a toll.

Impact of Stress

Stress can have several effects on your health and well-being. It can make it more challenging to deal with life's daily hassles, affect your interpersonal relationships, and have detrimental effects on your health. The connection between your mind and body is apparent when you examine stress's impact on your life.

Feeling stressed over a relationship, money, or living situation can create physical health issues. The inverse is also true. Health problems, whether you're dealing with high blood pressure or diabetes , will also affect your stress level and mental health. When your brain experiences high degrees of stress , your body reacts accordingly.

Serious acute stress, like being involved in a natural disaster or getting into a verbal altercation, can trigger heart attacks, arrhythmias, and even sudden death. However, this happens mostly in individuals who already have heart disease.

Stress also takes an emotional toll. While some stress may produce feelings of mild anxiety or frustration, prolonged stress can also lead to burnout , anxiety disorders , and depression.

Chronic stress can have a serious impact on your health as well. If you experience chronic stress, your autonomic nervous system will be overactive, which is likely to damage your body.

Stress-Influenced Conditions

  • Heart disease
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Tooth and gum disease

Treatments for Stress

Stress is not a distinct medical diagnosis and there is no single, specific treatment for it. Treatment for stress focuses on changing the situation, developing stress coping skills , implementing relaxation techniques, and treating symptoms or conditions that may have been caused by chronic stress.

Some interventions that may be helpful include therapy, medication, and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).

Press Play for Advice On Managing Stress

Hosted by therapist Amy Morin, LCSW, this episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast featuring professor Elissa Epel, shares ways to manage stress. Click below to listen now.

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Some forms of therapy that may be particularly helpful in addressing symptoms of stress including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) . CBT focuses on helping people identify and change negative thinking patterns, while MBSR utilizes meditation and mindfulness to help reduce stress levels.

Medication may sometimes be prescribed to address some specific symptoms that are related to stress. Such medications may include sleep aids, antacids, antidepressants, and anti-anxiety medications.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Some complementary approaches that may also be helpful for reducing stress include acupuncture, aromatherapy, massage, yoga, and meditation .

Coping With Stress

Although stress is inevitable, it can be manageable. When you understand the toll it takes on you and the steps to combat stress, you can take charge of your health and reduce the impact stress has on your life.

  • Learn to recognize the signs of burnout. High levels of stress may place you at a high risk of burnout. Burnout can leave you feeling exhausted and apathetic about your job.   When you start to feel symptoms of emotional exhaustion, it's a sign that you need to find a way to get a handle on your stress.
  • Try to get regular exercise. Physical activity has a big impact on your brain and your body . Whether you enjoy Tai Chi or you want to begin jogging, exercise reduces stress and improves many symptoms associated with mental illness.  
  • Take care of yourself. Incorporating regular self-care activities into your daily life is essential to stress management. Learn how to take care of your mind, body, and spirit and discover how to equip yourself to live your best life.  
  • Practice mindfulness in your life. Mindfulness isn't just something you practice for 10 minutes each day. It can also be a way of life. Discover how to live more mindfully throughout your day so you can become more awake and conscious throughout your life.  

If you or a loved one are struggling with stress, contact the  Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline  at 1-800-662-4357 for information on support and treatment facilities in your area.

For more mental health resources, see our  National Helpline Database .

Cleveland Clinic. Stress .

National institute of Mental Health. I'm so stressed out! Fact sheet .

Goldstein DS. Adrenal responses to stress .  Cell Mol Neurobiol . 2010;30(8):1433–1440. doi:10.1007/s10571-010-9606-9

Stahl JE, Dossett ML, LaJoie AS, et al. Relaxation response and resiliency training and its effect on healthcare resource utilization [published correction appears in PLoS One . 2017 Feb 21;12 (2):e0172874].  PLoS One . 2015;10(10):e0140212. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0140212

American Heart Association. Stress and Heart Health.

Chi JS, Kloner RA. Stress and myocardial infarction .  Heart . 2003;89(5):475–476. doi:10.1136/heart.89.5.475

Salvagioni DAJ, Melanda FN, Mesas AE, González AD, Gabani FL, Andrade SM. Physical, psychological and occupational consequences of job burnout: A systematic review of prospective studies .  PLoS One . 2017;12(10):e0185781. Published 2017 Oct 4. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0185781

Bitonte RA, DeSanto DJ 2nd. Mandatory physical exercise for the prevention of mental illness in medical students .  Ment Illn . 2014;6(2):5549. doi:10.4081/mi.2014.5549

Ayala EE, Winseman JS, Johnsen RD, Mason HRC. U.S. medical students who engage in self-care report less stress and higher quality of life .  BMC Med Educ . 2018;18(1):189. doi:10.1186/s12909-018-1296-x

Richards KC, Campenni CE, Muse-Burke JL. Self-care and well-being in mental health professionals: The mediating effects of self-awareness and mindfulness .  J Ment Health Couns . 2010;32(3):247. doi:10.17744/mehc.32.3.0n31v88304423806.

American Psychological Association. 2015 Stress in America .

Krantz DS, Whittaker KS, Sheps DS.  Psychosocial risk factors for coronary heart disease: Pathophysiologic mechanisms .  In R. Allan & J. Fisher,  Heart and mind: The practice of cardiac psychology. American Psychological Association; 2011:91-113. doi:10.1037/13086-004

By Elizabeth Scott, PhD Elizabeth Scott, PhD is an author, workshop leader, educator, and award-winning blogger on stress management, positive psychology, relationships, and emotional wellbeing.

Beat Away Stress

Beat the Stress Away

how stress affects your health essay

How Stress Affects Your Health Essay: Learning In 900 Words

Stress, an omnipresent force in our lives, has profound implications for our overall health and well-being. Its presence can be overwhelming, affecting our bodies, minds, and relationships. However, by delving into the depths of stress and its intricate effects, we can unveil its power and discover ways to overcome its negative impact. We embark on a journey to understand how stress affects your health essay and explore effective strategies to cope with its impact. Through learning and gaining insights into the intricate relationship between stress and health, we can equip ourselves with the necessary tools to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and vitality.

  • 1 The Nature of Stress
  • 2.1 The Influence on Mental and Emotional Well-being
  • 2.2 Unveiling the Mind-Body Connection
  • 3.1 a. Mindfulness and Meditation: 
  • 3.2 b. Physical Activity: 
  • 3.3 c. Social Support: 
  • 3.4 d. Healthy Lifestyle: 
  • 4 Conclusion

The Nature of Stress

Stress is a natural response to demanding situations, whether they be physical, emotional, or psychological. It triggers a series of physiological reactions in our bodies, including the release of stress hormones like cortisol . These hormonal changes can have both short-term and long-term effects on our health. 

When stress becomes chronic, it acts as a silent predator, gradually eroding our vitality and compromising our overall health. The constant barrage of stress hormones can lead to elevated blood pressure , increased heart rate, and heightened inflammation, laying the foundation for various health issues. By unraveling the intricate mechanisms of stress and its impact on our health, we can empower ourselves with the knowledge to navigate its treacherous path and forge a resilient, balanced existence.

The Impact on Physical Health

Stress can manifest in various ways, taking a toll on our physical well-being. Research has linked chronic stress to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases , compromised immune function, and even chronic pain conditions. The constant activation of stress responses can lead to inflammation, hormonal imbalances, and disruptions in our body’s natural regulatory systems.

Furthermore, stress can affect our digestive system , contributing to issues like indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS ), and appetite disturbances. It can also impact our sleep patterns, resulting in sleep disorders and fatigue. This can also affect our endocrine system , nervous system , muscular system , and musculoskeletal system causing many troubles if not treated well. 

how stress affects your health essay

The Influence on Mental and Emotional Well-being

Beyond its physical effects, stress can significantly impact our mental and emotional well-being. Prolonged periods of stress can contribute to the development or exacerbation of mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. Moreover, stress can affect cognitive function, impairing memory, concentration, and decision-making abilities.

The emotional toll of stress can lead to irritability, mood swings, and a decreased ability to manage daily stressors effectively. Additionally, it can hinder our interpersonal relationships, causing conflicts and withdrawal from social activities.

Unveiling the Mind-Body Connection

The mind and body are intricately connected, and stress serves as a powerful link between them. The psychological strain of stress can exacerbate physical symptoms, while physical discomfort can intensify emotional distress. Understanding and addressing this mind-body connection is crucial in managing stress effectively.

By learning techniques to calm the mind, such as practicing mindfulness and deep breathing exercises, we can alleviate the physical manifestations of stress. Similarly, engaging in physical activities like yoga or tai chi not only promotes physical well-being but also helps reduce stress and anxiety.

Coping Strategies For Stress Management

Learning to cope with stress is essential for maintaining optimal health. Here are some effective strategies:

a. Mindfulness and Meditation: 

Engaging in mindfulness practices and meditation can help cultivate present-moment awareness, reducing the impact of stress on our minds and bodies. Taking a few minutes each day to focus on the breath and bring attention to the present can create a sense of calm and improve overall well-being.

b. Physical Activity: 

Regular exercise releases endorphins promotes better sleep, and acts as a powerful stress reliever. Whether it’s going for a brisk walk, practicing yoga, or engaging in your favorite sports, physical activity can help reduce stress levels and improve overall health.

c. Social Support: 

Nurturing strong social connections and seeking support from loved ones can provide comfort and a sense of belonging, buffering the negative effects of stress. Spending quality time with family and friends, participating in social activities, or joining support groups can all contribute to improved well-being.

d. Healthy Lifestyle: 

Adopting a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and avoiding excessive caffeine and alcohol consumption can bolster our resilience to stress. A nutritious diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins provides the necessary nutrients for our bodies to function optimally. Prioritizing sleep and practicing good sleep hygiene can enhance our ability to manage stress effectively.

how stress affects your health essay

In this exploration of how stress affects your health essay, we have recognized the significant impact it has on both our physical and mental well-being. By embracing the power of learning and understanding the intricate relationship between stress and health, we can navigate life’s challenges with greater resilience and take proactive steps to manage stress effectively. 

Remember, the key lies in incorporating coping strategies into our daily lives and nurturing our minds, bodies, and relationships. With this knowledge and understanding of how stress affects your health essay, let us embark on a journey towards improved health and well-being, armed with the tools to conquer stress and thrive in every aspect of life.

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Stress Impact On Health Essay Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Blood , Workplace , Stress , Society , Leadership , Students , Pressure , Life

Published: 02/22/2020


With the high pressure and fast-paced lives that people live, it leads to many family and job responsibilities. The major causes of stress include money, work and economy. There are also stress-related habits that are unhealthy and they include eating unhealthy foods and overeating. The technological innovations and the demands from the daily life lead to stress. All people have to live with stress but if it not controlled well it has profound effects on the body and the mind. Individuals need to gain control of their lives and develop mental strength to curb stress coming from different areas of life. Stress does not arise from only unpleasant things or aggravating events. It also arises from positive happenings like being pregnant, getting married, winning an election or starting anew job. The chronic exposures to stress hormones damage the body and can lead to depression and eventually death. Stress contributes greatly to the development of blood pressure and heart disease that is why the heart programs incorporate stress management courses (Rossi et al, 148). Elevated blood pressure is a condition resulting because of stress. Too much pressure with no skills to reduce the stress makes the person’s blood pressure to increase. Stress lowers the immunity of individuals and they make people susceptible many different infections. For example, when a person has stress, he/she is prone to a headache and if it continues for a prolonged period, it leads to migraine. Stress can also alter the course of an existing disease if a person already has one. Stress causes the common headaches, stomachaches, sleep loss, diarrhea and loss of sex drive. Skin doctors have concluded that skin conditions like the eczema and hives are because of stress (Rice, 140). The stress effect moves blood away from the skin to support the muscles and heart tissues. Persistent stress may lead the patient to get involved in accidents because the mind is preoccupied with the thoughts of the event causing the stress. This is common in work place. Uncontrolled stress leads to a heightened level of dysfunction. It results to increased anxiety and depression. It makes the person prone to psychiatric disorders. When a person suffers stress for a long period without a proper way to control it, the patient may end up becoming mad. Stress has many signs, which include sleep disturbance, digestive upsets, agitated behavior, dizziness, general restlessness, sweaty palms, nervousness, fatigue, confusion, irritation, feeling overworked, lack of concentration and poor work relations at work. Stress influences the society from the homes to the work place. It is important that business management students because learn this topic because they will learn ways to cope with the stress at their workplace. The students will become managers in institutions and by learning about stress, they get equipped with skills on stress management. The students learn to focus on the positive things in life and they restructure their activities (Matta, 97). The students get knowledge on the picture of how the workplace is really like. Understanding stress and its impacts is very important in the society. The busy day and age has many stressors and the society must learn about stress. This enables them to learn ways to reduce and conquer the amounts of stress and this eventually leads to a healthy society. It also protects people in the society in many instances by allowing the body to react quickly to adverse events and situations. This fight-or-flight response helps to keep the human beings in the society alive when the environment demands quick reactions in response to the situations or events.

Works Cited

Matta, Christy. The Stress Response: How Dialectical Behavior Therapy Can Free You from Needless Anxiety, Worry, Anger & Other Symptoms of Stress. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, 2012. Print. Rice, Virginia H. Handbook of Stress, Coping, and Health: Implications for Nursing Research, Theory, and Practice. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, 2012. Print. Rossi, Ana M, James C. Quick, and Pamela L. Perrewe. Stress and Quality of Working Life: The Positive and the Negative. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Pub, 2009. Print.


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Home / Essay Samples / Health / Stress / The Impact Of Stress On Health

The Impact Of Stress On Health

  • Category: Health , Life
  • Topic: Cardiovascular System , Pressure , Stress

Pages: 1 (488 words)

Views: 1645

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