20 System Analysis and Design Interview Questions and Answers

Prepare for the types of questions you are likely to be asked when interviewing for a position where System Analysis and Design will be used.

system analysis and design case study questions and answers

Systems Analysis and Design (SAD) is a process used by businesses to develop new systems or improve existing ones. This process is usually completed by a team of analysts, designers and developers who work together to understand the needs of the business and create a system that meets those needs. If you are interviewing for a position that involves SAD, you can expect to be asked questions about your experience and knowledge of the process. In this article, we review some common SAD interview questions and how you should answer them.

System Analysis and Design Interview Questions and Answers

Here are 20 commonly asked System Analysis and Design interview questions and answers to prepare you for your interview:

1. What is System Analysis and Design?

System analysis and design is the process of planning, creating, testing, and maintaining software systems. This can include anything from small programs to large, complex systems. The goal of system analysis and design is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of a system.

2. What are the different phases in a typical system development life cycle?

The different phases in a typical system development life cycle are:

1. Planning and feasibility study 2. System analysis 3. System design 4. Implementation and testing 5. Deployment and maintenance

3. Can you explain what information systems architecture is?

Information systems architecture is the high-level design of an information system. It provides a blueprint for how the system will be structured and organized. The architecture defines the system’s components and how they will work together. It also establishes standards and guidelines for development and implementation.

4. How can data flow diagrams be used to model business processes?

Data flow diagrams can be used to model business processes by showing the flow of data through the system. This can be helpful in understanding how the system works and identifying potential bottlenecks.

5. What do you understand by a use case diagram? How can it help with system analysis?

A use case diagram is a type of behavioral diagram that shows how a system should interact with users in order to achieve a specific goal. In other words, it is a graphical representation of the steps that need to be taken in order to complete a task. Use case diagrams can be very helpful in system analysis because they can provide a clear and concise overview of the functionality that a system needs to provide.

6. What is the difference between an activity, sequence, and state diagram?

An activity diagram is used to model the flow of activities within a system. A sequence diagram is used to model the sequence of messages exchanged between objects within a system. A state diagram is used to model the different states that an object can be in.

7. Can you explain what a class diagram is and how it relates to object-oriented programming languages like Java and C++?

A class diagram is a type of modeling diagram that is used to represent the structure of a system by showing the relationships between classes of objects. In object-oriented programming languages like Java and C++, a class is a template for creating objects, and each object is an instance of a class. The class diagram can be used to show the relationships between different classes of objects, as well as the relationships between the objects themselves.

8. What’s your understanding of functional requirement specification documents?

A functional requirement specification document outlines the specific functions that a system, software, or other product must be able to perform. This can include things like input/output requirements, performance requirements, data storage requirements, etc. This document is important in helping to ensure that the final product meets the needs of the customer or client.

9. What is the purpose of a context diagram?

A context diagram is a high-level view of a system that shows the system’s boundaries and the major components that interact with it. Context diagrams are useful for understanding the big picture of a system and for identifying the major stakeholders and their interests.

10. What is the significance of a Gantt chart?

Gantt charts are a popular project management tool that can be used to track the progress of a project by displaying the tasks involved as bars on a timeline. This allows project managers to see at a glance which tasks are behind schedule and which are on track, and to make adjustments to the project plan as needed.

11. What is database design? Why is it important for a software analyst to know about it?

Database design is the process of creating a detailed data model of a database. This data model includes all the data elements and their relationships. Database design is important for a software analyst to know about because it is necessary for understanding how data is stored and accessed in a database. A software analyst needs to be able to understand the data model in order to be able to effectively design software that interacts with the database.

12. What factors should be considered when designing a database schema?

There are a few key factors to consider when designing a database schema:

1. The first is to identify the entities that will be stored in the database, and the relationships between them.

2. The second is to decide on the structure of the database, including the data types that will be used for each field.

3. The third is to choose an appropriate indexing strategy to ensure efficient retrieval of data.

13. How would you deal with legacy code that needs to be refactored or rewritten?

There are a few different ways to deal with legacy code that needs to be refactored or rewritten. One option is to create a new version of the code from scratch, which can be time-consuming but may be necessary if the legacy code is very old or difficult to work with. Another option is to refactor the code piece by piece, which can be less disruptive but may take longer in the long run. Finally, you could also try to rewrite the code using a different programming language or framework, which can be a good way to improve its maintainability and extensibility.

14. What is the best way to reduce complexity when analyzing a large code base?

One way to reduce complexity when analyzing a large code base is to use a tool like JArchitect. This tool can help you to visualize the code base and identify areas of complexity. Another way to reduce complexity is to use a tool like SonarQube, which can help you to identify issues with the code and provide recommendations for how to fix them.

15. What tools do you use to analyze source code?

I use a variety of tools to analyze source code, depending on the language it is written in and the purpose of the analysis. For example, if I am looking for potential security vulnerabilities, I might use a tool like Fortify SCA. If I am trying to understand how a system works, I might use a tool like reverse engineering to decompile the code and generate UML diagrams.

16. What is the importance of using agile methodologies while performing software analysis tasks?

Agile methodologies are important for software analysis tasks because they emphasize the need for constant communication and collaboration between the development team and the client. This is important in order to ensure that the final product meets the client’s needs and expectations. Additionally, agile methodologies place an emphasis on delivering working software early and often, which is also important in order to ensure that the client is happy with the final product.

17. What is the difference between functional and non-functional requirements? Give some examples of each type of requirement.

Functional requirements are those that describe what a system is supposed to do, while non-functional requirements are those that describe how a system is supposed to do it. For example, a functional requirement might be that a system be able to search for and retrieve information from a database, while a non-functional requirement might be that the system be able to do so quickly and efficiently. Other examples of non-functional requirements include requirements for security, scalability, and usability.

18. Is there any difference between SDLC and SADLC? If yes, then what is it?

The main difference between SDLC and SADLC is that SDLC is more focused on the technical aspects of designing and developing a system, while SADLC is more focused on the business aspects. SADLC also puts more emphasis on user involvement and on understanding the user’s needs before starting to design the system.

19. What is the most common mistake made by junior software analysts? Do you think its something that can be avoided?

The most common mistake made by junior software analysts is failing to understand the user’s needs. This can be avoided by taking the time to interview the user and understand their workflows and needs.

20. In your opinion, what is the most difficult part of the system analysis process?

I believe that the most difficult part of the system analysis process is understanding the needs of the user. In order to create an effective system, it is essential to have a clear understanding of what the user is looking for and what their specific needs are. This can be difficult to obtain, as sometimes users themselves are not entirely sure of what they need or want. It is the job of the analyst to try to understand the user’s needs and requirements and to translate them into a system that will meet those needs.

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system analysis and design case study questions and answers


QUESTION ONE a) Define the following terms as used in System Analysis and Design. [5 Marks] i) System ii) Sub-System iii) Information System iv) System Design v) Feasibility studies b) Define the term stake holders and give three stake holders of a software system. State and explain system stake holders [5 Marks] c) Explain the advantages of flow charts [5 Marks] d) QuickCabsis an independent taxi company operating in a major city. QuickCabsowns taxis which it rents out to drivers on an annual basis. Each vehicle is effectively rented out to three drivers to cover three 8 hour shifts in a day. QuickCabsis a profitable company because it has built up a good reputation locally, and there is always a waiting list of drivers wanting to apply to rent a vehicle. QuickCabsexpands gradually by purchasing new vehicles from local car dealers. Each driver pays an annual rental fee in advance to QuickCabsin return for use of a vehicle for 8 hours a day every day of the year. In addition to the annual rental, QuickCabstakes 5% of the money a driver earns every week. QuickCab sis responsible for taxing, insuring and maintaining the vehicles. If a vehicle is due for a service or needs to be repaired, QuickCabscontacts a garage and arranges it. QuickCabskeeps records of the repairs and services for each vehicle, and records of the corresponding garages. At the end of each shift, drivers give the money they have earned to BCSCabs. If they needed to refuel the vehicle, they also submit an expense claim at the end of the shift. At the end of every week, QuickCabscalculates the amount owed to each driver based on the money earned from fares, the expense claims and the deduction of 5%. The drivers are then paid. Required: (i) Create a context diagram for QuickCab. [5 Marks] QUESTION TWO [20 MARKS] a) Explain any three desirable properties of good system design. [6 Marks] b) State and explain the three advantages and two disadvantages of using Questionnaires as a technique for gathering system requirements. [5 Marks] c) Discus main characteristics of user Interface. [4 Marks] QUESTION THREE a) Describe the system development life cycle. [10 Marks] b) Discuss the main roles of a system analyst in a software project management. [3 Marks] c) Using your own words, define “effective system” [2 Marks] QUESTION FOUR a) Give a detailed explanation of a feasibility study. Explain what it is, its importance in system development life cycle as well as all the types of feasibility study, and write a sample feasibility study report (including the main parts). [9 Marks] b) Describe software usability. [2 Mark] (i) Identify the main factors contributing to software usability. [4 Marks]

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System Analysis And Design MCQ Questions & Answers | Computer Science

Section 1 Section 2 Section 3

1. System Study involves

A. study of an existing system

B. documenting the existing system.

C. identifying current deficiencies and establishing new goals

D. All of the above

E. None of the above

Answer & Solution

2. the primary tool used in structured design is a:.

A. structure chart

B. data-flow diagram

C. program flowchart

3. In a _____ one module of the new information system is activates at a time.

A. System Development Life Cycle

B. CASE tool

C. Phased Conversion

D. Success factors

E. None of the above.

4. In Prototyping

A. BASIC is used

B. COBOL is used

C. 4GLs are used

D. system is documented

5. The step-by-step instructions that solve a problem are called _____.

A. An algorithm

D. A sequential structure

6. The approach used in top-down analysis and design is

A. to identify the top level functions by combining many smaller components into a single entity

B. to prepare flow charts after programming has been completed

C. to identify a top level function an d then create a hierarchy of lower-level modules and components.

7. Which of the following is not a factor in the failure of the systems developments projects?

A. size of the company

B. inadequate user involvement

C. failure of systems integration

D. continuation of a project that should have been cancelled

8. A Ring, refers to a record chain, the last of which refers to the first record, in the chain, is called a/an

A. addressing

B. location

9. The primary tool used in structured design is a:

A. data-flow diagram

C. structure chart

D. program flowchart

10. A problem's _____ will answer the question, "What information will the computer need to know in order to either print or display the output times?"

C. Processing

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