Organizational Behavior Research Paper Topics

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This page provides a comprehensive list of 100 organizational behavior research paper topics that are divided into 10 categories, each containing 10 topics. These categories include communication and teamwork, organizational culture and climate, employee motivation and engagement, organizational leadership, diversity and inclusion, organizational communication, employee well-being and work-life balance, organizational change, human resource management, and organizational ethics and corporate social responsibility. In addition to the list of topics, the page also provides expert advice on how to choose a research topic and how to write an organizational behavior research paper. Finally, students can take advantage of iResearchNet’s writing services to order a custom organizational behavior research paper on any topic. With this page, students will be able to explore the wide range of topics in organizational behavior and excel in their academic pursuits.

Organizational Behavior Topics Guide

Organizational behavior is an important field of study that focuses on how individuals and groups behave in organizations. It is a multidisciplinary field that draws on insights from psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics, and management. Understanding organizational behavior is crucial for individuals who are interested in careers in management, human resources, or organizational development. Research papers are an important aspect of studying organizational behavior, as they allow students to explore various aspects of this field in-depth.

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The purpose of this page is to provide students with a comprehensive list of organizational behavior research paper topics that will help them choose a topic for their research paper. The page is divided into 10 categories, each containing 10 topics. The categories include communication and teamwork, organizational culture and climate, employee motivation and engagement, organizational leadership, diversity and inclusion, organizational communication, employee well-being and work-life balance, organizational change, human resource management, and organizational ethics and corporate social responsibility. By providing a wide range of topics, students can find one that aligns with their interests and career goals.

Organizational Behavior Research Paper Topics

100 Organizational Behavior Research Paper Topics

Communication and Teamwork

1. Communication barriers in the workplace 2. Interpersonal communication and conflict resolution 3. The effects of technology on communication and teamwork 4. Cultural diversity and communication in global organizations 5. Communication strategies for effective leadership 6. Group dynamics and team performance 7. Decision-making processes in teams 8. Motivation and satisfaction in team-based work environments 9. Leadership styles and their impact on team effectiveness 10. Team training and development programs

Organizational Culture and Climate

1. The impact of organizational culture on employee behavior 2. The role of leadership in shaping organizational culture 3. Organizational change and resistance to change 4. Organizational culture and innovation 5. Ethical climates in organizations 6. Managing cultural diversity in organizations 7. The impact of organizational culture on employee well-being 8. Measuring and assessing organizational culture 9. The relationship between organizational culture and performance 10. The impact of organizational climate on employee motivation and job satisfaction

Employee Motivation and Engagement

1. Theories of employee motivation and their application in the workplace 2. The role of incentives and rewards in employee motivation 3. The impact of job design on employee motivation and engagement 4. The relationship between job satisfaction and employee motivation 5. Employee engagement and its impact on organizational performance 6. Employee empowerment and motivation 7. The role of leadership in employee motivation and engagement 8. The impact of organizational culture on employee motivation 9. Employee motivation and retention strategies 10. Employee motivation and its impact on organizational change

Organizational Leadership

1. Theories of leadership and their application in the workplace 2. Transformational leadership and its impact on organizational performance 3. Authentic leadership and its impact on organizational culture 4. Situational leadership and its effectiveness in different contexts 5. Servant leadership and its impact on employee well-being 6. The relationship between leadership and employee motivation 7. The impact of gender and cultural diversity on leadership 8. The role of emotional intelligence in leadership 9. The impact of leadership on organizational change 10. Developing effective leadership skills

Diversity and Inclusion

1. Defining diversity and inclusion in the workplace 2. The business case for diversity and inclusion 3. The relationship between diversity and innovation 4. Overcoming diversity challenges in global organizations 5. Managing diversity and inclusion through leadership 6. The impact of cultural diversity on team performance 7. Addressing diversity and inclusion in performance evaluations 8. The role of diversity and inclusion in employee retention 9. The impact of diversity and inclusion on organizational culture 10. Strategies for developing and implementing effective diversity and inclusion initiatives

Organizational Communication

1. The impact of communication on organizational effectiveness 2. Organizational communication strategies 3. Internal communication and its impact on employee engagement 4. The role of communication in change management 5. The impact of technology on organizational communication 6. The relationship between communication and organizational culture 7. The impact of communication on employee motivation and satisfaction 8. The role of nonverbal communication in organizational behavior 9. The impact of communication on organizational reputation 10. The role of feedback in organizational communication

Employee Well-being and Work-Life Balance

1. The impact of work-life balance on employee well-being 2. The relationship between stress and employee performance 3. Mental health in the workplace 4. Workplace wellness programs 5. The role of leadership in promoting employee well-being 6. The impact of job demands and resources on employee well-being 7. The impact of work schedule flexibility on employee well-being 8. The impact of job security on employee well-being 9. Burnout and its impact on employee well-being 10. Developing effective work-life balance policies

  Organizational Change

1. Theories of organizational change 2. Managing resistance to change 3. The role of leadership in organizational change 4. The impact of organizational culture on change management 5. The role of communication in change management 6. The impact of technology on organizational change 7. The impact of organizational change on employee motivation and satisfaction 8. The role of employee involvement in change management 9. Change management strategies for global organizations 10. The impact of organizational change on organizational performance

Human Resource Management

1. Recruitment and selection strategies 2. Performance management and appraisal 3. Training and development programs 4. The impact of compensation and benefits on employee motivation 5. The role of HR in promoting diversity and inclusion 6. The impact of technology on HRM 7. The impact of employee turnover on organizational performance 8. Employee retention strategies 9. HR metrics and analytics 10. HR strategy and its impact on organizational performance

Organizational Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

1. The importance of ethical behavior in organizations 2. Ethical decision-making processes in organizations 3. The impact of corporate social responsibility on organizational performance 4. The relationship between ethics and organizational culture 5. Ethical leadership and its impact on employee behavior 6. The role of codes of ethics in organizations 7. The impact of social media on organizational ethics 8. The impact of globalization on organizational ethics 9. The role of stakeholders in promoting ethical behavior 10. Developing ethical organizational policies

Choosing an Organizational Behavior Topic

Choosing a research topic can be a daunting task, especially when there are so many organizational behavior research paper topics to choose from. The key to choosing a successful topic is to select one that is relevant, interesting, and manageable. In this section, we provide expert advice on how to choose an organizational behavior research paper topic that will help students succeed in their academic pursuits.

The importance of choosing a relevant and interesting topic

The first step in choosing an organizational behavior research paper topic is to select a relevant and interesting topic. A relevant topic is one that aligns with the course curriculum and the student’s area of interest. An interesting topic is one that is engaging and will hold the student’s attention throughout the research and writing process. Choosing a relevant and interesting topic is important because it will make the research and writing process more enjoyable and fulfilling.

Tips for choosing a topic that aligns with the student’s interests and career goals

To choose a topic that aligns with the student’s interests and career goals, it is important to consider what topics are relevant to the student’s area of study and future career aspirations. Students should consider their personal interests, as well as the interests of potential employers. They should also consider the latest trends and developments in the field of organizational behavior, and choose a topic that is timely and relevant.

How to narrow down a broad topic into a manageable research question

Once a broad topic has been selected, it is important to narrow it down into a manageable research question. This can be done by breaking the topic down into smaller, more manageable sub-topics. Students should consider the scope of the topic and the available resources, and choose a research question that is focused and manageable.

Examples of how to brainstorm ideas for research topics

Brainstorming is an effective way to generate ideas for research topics. Students can start by listing the topics that interest them and then narrowing down the list to the most relevant and interesting topics. They can also read academic journals and textbooks to identify current trends and issues in organizational behavior. Finally, they can talk to their instructors or peers to get ideas and feedback.

How to conduct preliminary research

Before choosing a research topic, it is important to conduct preliminary research to ensure that the topic is feasible and has enough available resources. Students can start by conducting a literature review to identify the latest research on the topic. They can also use online databases and search engines to find relevant articles and publications. Finally, they can consult with their instructors or academic advisors to get advice on the available resources and potential research topics.

Choosing the right organizational behavior research paper topic is essential for success in academic pursuits. By following these expert tips and advice, students can choose a relevant and interesting topic, narrow it down into a manageable research question, and conduct preliminary research to ensure the topic is feasible and has enough available resources.

How to Write an Organizational Behavior Research Paper

Once a research topic has been chosen, the next step is to write the research paper. Writing an organizational behavior research paper can be a challenging task, but with the right guidance and strategies, it can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. In this section, we provide expert advice on how to write an organizational behavior research paper.

The structure and format of a research paper

The structure and format of an organizational behavior research paper should follow the standard guidelines for academic research papers. It should include an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, and discussion sections. The introduction should provide an overview of the research topic and the purpose of the study. The literature review should summarize the relevant research on the topic. The methodology section should describe the research design, sample, and data collection methods. The results section should present the findings of the study, and the discussion section should interpret the results and provide conclusions and recommendations.

How to conduct research and gather sources

To conduct research and gather sources for an organizational behavior research paper, students should start by conducting a literature review. This involves searching for relevant articles and publications on the research topic. Students can use online databases, search engines, and academic journals to find relevant sources. They should also consider the credibility and relevance of the sources they choose, and use a variety of sources to support their arguments.

How to organize and outline the paper

Organizing and outlining an organizational behavior research paper is an important step in the writing process. Students should start by creating an outline that includes the major sections of the paper and the key points they want to make in each section. They should then organize their sources and research findings according to the outline. This will help them write a clear and coherent paper.

How to write an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, and discussion sections

Each section of an organizational behavior research paper has a specific purpose and format. The introduction should provide an overview of the research topic and the purpose of the study. The literature review should summarize the relevant research on the topic. The methodology section should describe the research design, sample, and data collection methods. The results section should present the findings of the study, and the discussion section should interpret the results and provide conclusions and recommendations. Students should use clear and concise language and support their arguments with relevant sources and research findings.

How to properly cite sources and format the paper

Properly citing sources and formatting the paper is essential for academic integrity and professionalism. Students should follow the guidelines for the appropriate citation style, such as APA or MLA. They should also ensure that the paper is formatted according to the guidelines provided by their instructor or academic institution. This includes proper margins, headings, and references.

How to revise and edit the paper for clarity and coherence

Revising and editing the organizational behavior research paper is an important step in the writing process. Students should read the paper carefully and revise it for clarity, coherence, and organization. They should also check for spelling and grammar errors and ensure that the paper meets the requirements and guidelines provided by their instructor or academic institution.

Writing an organizational behavior research paper can be a challenging task, but with the right guidance and strategies, it can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. By following these expert tips and advice, students can write a high-quality research paper that meets the academic standards and expectations.

Order Custom Organizational Behavior Research Papers from iResearchNet

Organizational behavior research is a dynamic and challenging field, and writing a research paper on the topic can be daunting. However, with the right guidance, strategies, and support, students can succeed in their academic pursuits and contribute to the ongoing discourse in the field.

We have provided a comprehensive list of organizational behavior research paper topics and expert advice on how to choose a topic, conduct research, and write a high-quality research paper. Additionally, iResearchNet offers writing services that provide customized solutions to students who need expert help with their organizational behavior research papers.

If you’re struggling to choose a topic, conduct research, or write your organizational behavior research paper, iResearchNet’s writing services can help. Our team of experienced writers can provide personalized assistance on any topic, ensuring that your paper meets the highest standards of quality. We offer flexible pricing, timely delivery, and a money-back guarantee, so you can trust us to provide the support you need to succeed.

Don’t let the challenges of writing an organizational behavior research paper hold you back. With the right tools and support, you can excel in your academic pursuits and make a valuable contribution to the field of organizational behavior. Contact iResearchNet today to get started!


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Top 50 Organizational Behaviour Dissertation Topics Trending in 2021

  • July 7, 2021 July 15, 2021

The behaviour of the workforce is directly proportional to the efficiency output in a production cycle. It is the motivation, activities promoting teamwork and on-time grievance redressal that help the worker to nurture his or her skills. Besides, it dynamically contributes to the exponential growth of the organization. The study of organizational behaviour is regarded as an integral part of any management course. It helps a management aspirant to delve into an in-depth study of the human psychology and behaviour in the given organizational settings. It is primarily the study and analysis of the interface between the human behaviour and the organization, as well as the organization itself.

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The study of organisational behaviour standardly comprises of many dissertations, case studies, essays, and thesis papers to reflect the conceptual clarity of the student. To successfully clear this management subject with the desired grades, the students are required to attend all the given assignment homework on time. All these submissions are required to be made with an unmatched quality of eloquent writing prowess. The management students who prefer to attend their organisational behaviour homework themselves without professional assignment help , always counter numerous hurdles to begin with.

thesis on organizational behaviour

The selection of the right organisational behaviour assignment topic is one of the quibbling bulwarks that can curtail the pace of swift assignment submission. Here, our prima-facie motto is to help our students irrespective of the fact whether they are hiring our assignment writing services or not.  We have created the list of the top organisational behaviour dissertation topics after conducting an intense number of research and brainstorming sessions. While creating the list, we have made sure that the students from all kinds of management backgrounds, course curriculums, and diversified nations could reap benefits out of the give piece of information. 

The Principle Elements of an Organisational Behaviour Study

There are in total four main elements of a successful organisational behaviour (OB) study –

  • People: The people to people contact is somehow extremely crucial to induce the cohesiveness between the team members to improve the overall productivity. The groups of people within the organization may change, form or dissolve. Time to time team-building activities and effectual grievance redressal mechanism could boost a sense of belongingness between the organisation and its manpower.    
  • Structure: The structural layout of the organisation and the delegation of authority somehow segregate the rights, duties, functions, and responsibilities of all the members of the organisation in a crystal-clear sense. The behavioural approach and the outlook of the members of the organization is decided on the grounds of the designation and the level in the hierarchy that they are occupying. Yet, right from the designation of the CEO to the executives and supervisors operating at the lower level, certain structural traits like communication, mutual understanding and respect would always remain common at all levels.
  • Technology: If we speak in terms of the contemporary scenario of the organisational work culture, then the absence of technology could either make the functioning difficult or impossible. It is primarily because of the intervention of the technology, that we could access physical and economic resources to make the jobs of the people easy. The assistance could be procured through machines, methods, and tools. The technology could enforce restrictions on the freedom of the people but deliver efficiency in terms of the contingent nature of tasks at diverse scale of operations.
  • External Environment: The organisational behaviour not only get influenced by the internal environment but the external one as well. The functions of an organization exist in a larger social system and external environmental forces like socio-cultural, political, economic, technological, legal, and geographical forces. These are some of the typical external environmental forces that impact the attitudes, working conditions and motives of the people. In a similar sense, there are circumstances, where the organisations could also have an impact over the environment, but its degree would certainly be less than the vice-versa.

When students seek dissertation help related to different OB topics, these are some of the principle elements that frequently occur in the homework assigned at different stages of the course curriculum.

Read our sample page of a management topic by going through the below link to behold how eloquently our writers could blend diverse topics like management and healthcare in single assignment order.

Must read: change management in the healthcare facility – sample, the organizational behaviour models that are critical for management students to understand.

The online assignment help rendered by the professionals are primarily based upon the time-tested models of organisational behaviour. Let us briefly throw some light over them one after the other –

  • Autocratic Model: This OB model emphasises on the rule that the employees are required to be instructed in detail and constantly motivated to perform in their job. Here, it is the job of the manager to conduct all the thinking part. The formalization of the entire process is done by the managers, and they wield the authority to give command to the entire workforce.
  • Custodial Model: The model is more revolving around the economic and social security of the employee. Here, the companies do offer high scale pay, financial packaging, health benefits, corporate cars, and other forms of incentives. The model is induced to make sure that the employee shall remain loyal and dependent on the company, rather than the supervisor, manager, or the boss.
  • Supportive Model: The model sustains around the motivation and value given to the employee, instead of money and command being the driving factor. The relationship between the manager and the employee goes beyond the day-to-day activity and role. The model is more effective in developed nations, in comparison of developing nations, where monetary gains and delegation of authority play a very pivotal role.
  • Collegian Model: How good it would be a model with no worry about the job status or title? How good it would be if our manager would act as a supportive coach, instead of being bossy? Well, this model functions in an organizational structure where all the colleagues work as a team. There is no boss or subordinates and participates coordinate better to achieve the assigned target rate.  
  • System Model: One of the most popular and emerging OB models in the contemporary corporate arena. Here, the managers try to nurture a culture sharing authenticity, transparency, and social intelligence. The motto is to link the employees emotionally and psychologically with the interests of the organization and make them more accountable for their actions.

The questions that frequently appear in OB dissertation assignments tend to revolve around the models that we discussed above. Some of the models are comparatively more preferred and practiced than the rest.

What are We Intended to Gain by Sharing a Well-Researched List of 50 Topics?

Well, our motto is to help the students save their time, energy, and resources to focus solely on the content. We have seen a plethora of students spending ridiculous amounts of time just on topic selection. What is essential for the students to understand here is that the selection of the right topic is not going to earn them the premium grades. It is the presentation of the right topic in the right content and format that become game-changer for them. The number of OB topics listed below are the ones that do matter in the prevalent managerial culture and that can help score some brownie points in the eyes of the evaluator.

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Explore our business analytics sample at the below link to witness our optimum standards of assignment writing dedicated to quality-oriented students.

Must read: business analytics – demand forecasting – sample, top 50 organizational behaviour dissertation topics for the year 2021.

The following is the list of OB dissertation topics that can turn out to be a prudent choice for the number of assignment submissions that you make in future –

  • The resistance of the employees towards organisational change and the right measures to curb the same
  • The work environment stressors: The link between the job performance and the well-being of the employees
  • Conflict management in the cross-functional project teams in a Singaporean corporate culture
  • The role of social networks in the field of global talent management
  • Apply the ‘Theory of Planned Behaviour’ in the assessment of the attitude of students towards self-employment
  • Measuring the collective mindfulness as well as navigating its nomological network
  • Recognizing and rewarding the employees: How the IT professionals in Germany and in France are motivated and rewarded?
  • The incorporation of organisational identity in the turnaround research: A case study
  • The top 10 findings on the resilience and the engagement of the employee
  • The competition straight from the inside out
  • How to overcome the virtual meeting fatigue during the pandemic crisis?
  • Why good leaders fail?
  • Building up better work models to effectively function in the next normal
  • Promoting employee wellness within an organization, now and post the Chinese Covid-19 pandemic
  • Turbulent times anticipate dynamic rules: Discuss
  • The courage to be candid: The merits and demerits in an organisational setup
  • The personal network utility to nurture an inclusive culture
  • Putting up blinders can actually help us see more clearly: Discuss
  • Redesigning the workspace to propel social interaction
  • How to set customer satisfaction as one of the key yardsticks for healthy organisational behaviour?
  • Counterproductive behaviour at work: The adversities and remedies
  • How creative at the workplace could bring in more job satisfaction?
  • Cyberloafing at the work: How it is a matter of grave concern than we actually imagine?
  • Employee theft: The right measures for the culture of integrity and work ethics
  • How technological innovation could enhance the job performance at the workplace?
  • Organisational retaliatory behaviour: The causes and the measures to ensure minimal impact
  • Whistle-blowing culture and how it changed the American work culture forever?
  • Withdrawal Behaviour: Absenteeism and lateness and the countermeasures to prevent the same
  • Conflicting value systems and their impact on complex work culture
  • Managerial research and pursuit of opportunity: Elaborate
  • How TMT diversity and CEO values jointly influence the culture of a corporate world?
  • The emerging role of the team-players in a multicultural organisation setup
  • How the external factors could actually impact the motivation of an employee, and eventually his or her behaviour?
  • The situations of interpersonal conflict and how it can change the overall scheme of things in an organisational setup?
  • Emotional responses of entrepreneurs to a situation of bankruptcy
  • How the study of correct organizational behaviour could actually increase the chances of survival within an organisation?
  • How promoting cultural connections in MNCs can actually promote the organisational culture?
  • Need Theory Perspective: Motivational preferences of the workforce
  • Investigation and assessment of the motivational factors at work
  • A rationalised utility of the link between the social capital and the organisational learning
  • Bullying before the occurrences of sexual harassment: Preventing the inevitable
  • Conspiracies at the workplace: Recognizing and neutralising the root cause
  • Effective strategies for the management at the age of boycotts
  • Creation of an OB mentoring program that works at all levels
  • The repercussions of bad management on employee behaviour and what are the possible remedies?
  • Leveraging the organisational identity to gain a competitive edge
  • Spiritual leadership and its impact on the outlook of the organisational workforce
  • The role of positive organisational communities pre-and-post organisational goals
  • The organisational behaviour for specially-abled workers to make their role more constructive to the organisational settings
  • Managing successfully the dark side of the competitive rivalry before it affects the interpersonal relations within an organisational setting

And with that, we come to the end of the top 50 OB assignment topics that can not only fulfil our dissertation topic requirements, but also the assignment writing requirements of various other formats. The requirements related to topic selection for case study help , essay help , research paper writing help , or thesis help can also be referred and met with the given list of topics.

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Must read: wish to master dissertation skills in 2 weeks learn from the experts here.

The organisational behaviour dissertation topics enlisted above would cover various dynamic aspects of corporate culture revolving around the human behaviour. The topic list would not only help you cover the assignment topic demand for all the upcoming semesters, but also impressing your colleagues with topic suggestion prowess. It makes the efforts of assignment writing more seamless as the student could customise his or her writing as per the liking or aptitude of a specific type of OB topic.

Nevertheless, the requirements of the students are not merely confined to OB dissertation topic recommendation only. There are situations where management students prefer to hire paid assignment help to get their regular assignments done with perfection. The reasons can be associated with the lack of subject clarity, lack of time and resources or commitment to other critical events like exams or co-curricular activities. You can visit organisational behaviour assignment help at Thoughtful Minds to order online homework help related to all OB topics at the most competitive rates from the industry professionals of more than 15 years of experience. no longer supports Internet Explorer.

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In the present global business environment, organizations need different approaches for overcoming the current demands and future challenges for which a creative workplace is a prerequisite. To understand workplace creativity in depth, we need to examine the interactions between personal and contextual characteristics as well as interactions among the contextual characteristics in an organization. Although researchers have attempted to understand the interactions between personal and contextual characteristics, enough attention has not been paid to the interactions among the contextual variables of employee creativity. In the present study, an attempt has been made to examine the interacting role of task complexity with work autonomy in contribution towards workplace creativity. The study has been carried out upon 304 information technology (IT) professionals working in different IT companies located in the Kochi and Trivandrum region of the state of Kerala. Findings reveal that the three dimensions of work autonomy, namely, work method autonomy, work schedule autonomy and work criteria autonomy have a direct positive contribution towards workplace creativity. Direct positive contribution towards workplace creativity is also exhibited by task complexity. As far as the moderating effect is concerned, task complexity is found to moderate significantly the relationships of work criteria as well as work schedule dimension of work autonomy with workplace creativity.

Business & Economic Review

This study examines the relationship among management and peer support, trust, self-efficacy, organizational learning, and organizational effectiveness. Within organization , supportive work environment plays a significant role in the establishment of employees' learning process. The causal design is used to analyze the impact of supportive work environment on employees' psychological influence (i.e. trust and self-efficacy) and organizational learning. The nature of the study is cross-sectional with convenience sampling technique. Data is collected from employees of 400 banks located at twin cities i.e. Islam-abad and Rawalpindi through self-administered questionnaire. Data was analyzed through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) through maximum likelihood. Finding indicates that top-management and co-worker support (i.e. stimulus) had significant positive impact on employee's trust and self-efficacy (i.e. organism) and organism acts as mediator between stimulus and response. Moreover, employees' trust (cognitive/emotional), and self-efficacy had significant positive impact on organizational learning and organizational effectiveness (i.e. response). Bank managers, industry associations, training providers, and research institutions may use findings to bring improvements in organizational learning mechanisms and employee behaviors to enhance the overall effectiveness of the organizations.

Aisha Maningratu

Today, the effective managers have realized that efficient use of capital and achieving socioeconomic unique competitive advantage is possible in the light of psychological capital, and to recognize and foster the positive aspects of employee behavior. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the relationship between the structural components of psychological capital with creativity and entrepreneurship. The study population consisted of 435 employees of Bushehr city traffic police that is determined using Cochran formula; the sample size became 332 people. In addition to collecting data, a questionnaire and to analyze the data, Pearson correlation and structural equation modeling (SEM) were used. The results of structural equation modeling show that hope and efficacy, resiliency has a direct relationship with creativity. As well as self-efficacy, hope, resiliency and optimism have a direct and significant relationship with creativity and entrepreneurship. Moreover creativity is a partial mediator of the relationship between optimism and self-efficacy to corporate entrepreneurship. In other words, hope and self-efficacy are effective through creative influence on entrepreneurship.

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Dorothea Wahyu Ariani

gonca aslan , Aylin Araza, PhD

Dr. Yasin Munir

Elizabeth Ogbodo

Lalatendu Jena

Alexander Decker

European Journal of Business and Management

Chandan Kumar Sahoo

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5 Organizational Behavior Research Topics

  • Published February 26, 2019
  • Last Updated March 24, 2023

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Topics for Master’s in Organizational Behavior Research

  • Artificial Intelligence and Reducing Bias
  • Effective Use of Contractors
  • Office Design and Productivity
  • Globalization and Corporate Culture
  • Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

Organizational behavior is best defined as the study of human behavior in the workplace.  Organizational behavior is closely related to human resources management and industrial-organizational psychology.   Pursuing a Master’s in Organization Behavior usually requires a thesis.  A thesis is an extended piece of original research on an important topic in the field.

The best organizational behavior research topics are sufficiently narrow.  A narrow focus is important so that one can feasibly read the majority of existing research on the topic.  Then they can build on that to create an original contribution. Writing about the generic qualities of a good leader is too broad of a topic to tackle.  Instead, a narrower focus might be on the factors accounting for the success of three leaders in small manufacturing firms in a single industry. Here are five research topics in organizational behavior to consider.

Related Resource:   50 Most Affordable Master’s in Organizational Behavior Degree Programs

1. Artificial Intelligence and Reducing Bias

Bias in recruitment and promotion is seen as increasingly problematic for companies. According to a recent article in Forbes , more companies are turning to AI.  Artificial intelligence has the potential to reduce bias and increase diversity within an organization.  Within this exciting new field, there are plenty of unique organizational topics .  Organizational behavior essay topics might include:

  • case studies of implementation in individual companies
  • analysis of specific technologies
  • meta-studies examining the existing literature in the field

2. Effective Use of Contractors

A growing number of tasks are being outsourced to contractors.  An organization’s overall productivity depends on the effective use of contractors and freelancers working alongside permanent staff. Under this rubric, organizational behavior research paper topics might include the study of contractors in a specific organization or an investigation of how multiple companies in a single industry use contractors in an attempt to understand best practices. Other topics in organizational behavior might include:

  • The role of contractors in different organizational structures
  • The impact of contractors on organizational behavior in the workplace
  • The challenges of contract workers in a global business environment
  • Does organizational structure influence the productivity of contract workers?

Related Resource:  What is Workforce Diversity?

3. Office Design and Productivity

There is much enthusiasm for open offices and other forms of innovative workspace design.  It is important to analyze how design factors impact productivity. Organizational behavior topics might include:

  • An ethnographic study by closely observing workers in a particular setting and documenting how their environment affects their workflow and interactions with colleagues
  • A comparison of similar companies that have different physical workspace designs

4. Globalization and Corporate Culture

Globalization and cultural diversity present ongoing challenges in organizational behavior and many potential areas of investigation. One could compare and contrast how cultural differences affect employee behavior in two similar organizations in different countries.  One could also study how staff from one culture need to learn how to interact with members of a different culture. Other OB research topics could include:

  • The ways effective behaviors from other cultures could improve productivity in American firms
  • The effects of organizational culture change in a global business environment
  • Employee mental health in international business
  • Organizational change and development strategies used in global business
  • The different ways globalization has changed organizational behavior

5. Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

One trending topic in organizational behavior is how corporate ethics and social responsibility can help:

  • attract the right employees
  • retain and promote the right employees
  • improve the morale of employees

Another related topic is the use of the behavioral concept of the “nudge” to create more ethical behavior.

Other organizational development topics include:

  • an investigation of fair treatment of a diverse workforce
  • environmentally responsible practices
  • the impact of ethical leadership in criminal justice agencies on officer behavior

The right choice of a topic can enhance one’s career opportunities.  A quality piece of writing can attract the interest of potential employers. Publishing a revised thesis in a journal or expanding it into a book signals expertise.  This can make a potential employee stand out from a crowd of applicants. Overall, one’s research project for a Master’s in Organizational Behavior can have a positive effect on obtaining jobs or promotions.

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University of New Haven    
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

M.A. Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Program outcomes.

1.  Students will master theory and techniques related to core areas of industrial-organizational psychology including talent identification and development, work motivation, training, human capital practices, organization and group behavior.

2.  Students will learn how to employ the knowledge gained through their classes to the workplace through supervised experiential learning opportunities such as internships, practicum, case studies, and applied research projects.

3.  Students will conduct applied organizational research and interpret research used to make business decisions.

A total of 45 credits is required of candidates for the master of arts degree in industrial/organizational psychology. Candidates for this degree must complete 24 credits of basic program requirements. Another 21 credits (including concentrations, program options, and electives) are chosen after consultation with the program coordinator in light of the student's academic and professional goals. Students may not complete more than nine credits of electives until they have satisfied the basic requirements. Up to nine credits of electives may be taken in other departments, such as industrial engineering, economics, management, marketing, and public administration.

Transfer Credit

The transfer of credit from other institutions is permitted subject to the graduate policy on transfer of credit detailed elsewhere in this catalog

Students may elect to write a thesis as part of the program of study. The thesis must show ability to organize materials in a clear and original manner and to present well-reasoned conclusions. Thesis preparation and submission must comply with the graduate policy on theses as well as specific departmental requirements.

Program Options

Students have the opportunity to develop a program that meets their particular needs and interests by choosing from many elective courses and various program options. These options include a thesis, for those interested in future pursuit of a doctoral degree; an internship, for those interested in a practical introduction to an organizational environment; or a practicum, for those already employed.

Option 1 (Thesis) is intended primarily for those who are interested in continuing their education in doctoral-level programs. This option gives students the research experience necessary to be successful in pursuit of admission to and completion of a Ph.D. program.

Option 2 (Internship/Practicum) allows the student to acquire special skills by coordinating formal course work with an internship or practicum in an organizational setting. The internship gives the student with limited work experience opportunity to work in cooperating organizations or consulting firms. The practicum experience is for the student who is currently employed.

The content of the practicum or internship is established jointly by the cooperating organization, the program coordinator, and the student. A comprehensive project report is required in which the student analyzes and integrates internship/practicum experiences with relevant research and coursework.

Option 3 (Approved Electives) consists of elective courses selected under faculty advisement. The choice of electives is intended to provide the student with a broad interdisciplinary background, complementing the student's own academic training and interests. A comprehensive examination covering material from the required psychology courses is required under this option.

Program Concentrations

Within each program option described above, students may concentrate in industrial-human resources, organizational development, conflict management, or talent analytics. A concentration requires 12 credits of electives, which are counted as part of the 21 credits required in the elective option (Thesis, Internship/Practicum, or Approved Electives) selected by the student. If a concentration is selected, the student must notify the program coordinator as well as the Registrar. A concentration is not required if the student's educational or career goals can best be met without this specialization.

Required Courses (24 credits)

  • ECON 6625 - Industrial Relations
  • PSYC 6626 - Worker Well-Being
  • PSYC 6608 - Statistics for Psychological Science *
  • PSYC 6609 - Research Methods
  • PSYC 6619 - Organizational Behavior
  • PSYC 6620 - Industrial Psychology
  • PSYC 6635 - Psychological Tests and Measurements in Organizations
  • PSYC 6640 - Workplace Motivation and Attitudes
  • PSYC 6645 - Seminar in Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Program option** (21 credits)

Option 1 (thesis).

  • PSYC 6698 - Thesis I
  • PSYC 6699 - Thesis II
  • Electives ** (15 credits)

Option 2 (Internship/Practicum)

  • PSYC 6693 - Organizational Internship I
  • PSYC 6694 - Organizational Internship II
  • PSYC 6678 - Practicum I
  • PSYC 6679 - Practicum II

Option 3 (Approved Electives)

  • Comprehensive examination required
  • Electives ** (21 credits)

*Undergraduate preparation in statistics is prerequisite.

**Chosen in consultation with the program coordinator in light of the student’s academic and professional goals.

General Concentration

  • Electives (12 credits)

Consult with the program coordinator to select electives in light of your academic and professional goals.  These 12 required concentration credits count toward the program option selected.



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30 Credit Hours

The public square generally, and organizational leaders specifically, are in dire need of critical thinkers who can engage, understand, and solve morally problematic and challenging issues within the pluralistic and global society in which we live. Through the Ethics and Organizational Behavior program, students will develop the ability to critically analyze theory and argument, identify often hidden philosophical assumptions, seek out logical fallacies in argument, locate truth and wisdom, and develop cogent and innovative solutions as unique problem solvers.

Students are encouraged to engage philosophy as related to theory and practice not to simply understand, but to isolate falsities, understand related issues, and seek out truth for the good of the individual, the organization, and our global community. The program does not seek to merely “teach” students. Instead, it focuses on encouraging students to contemplate in new ways, critically evaluate research and relevant issues, and to think freely for themselves with an appreciation for the bias we all carry with us each day.

The M.S. in Ethics & Organizational Behavior at PBA is a rigorous program focused in philosophy and theory as related to relevant organizational and societal issues. Our faculty are committed Christians and well respected academicians who aim at nothing less than developing critical thinkers who will pioneer change and help make organizations, societies, and the world a better place.

Admissions Requirements

● Hold a baccalaureate degree from an institutionally accredited institution.

● Achieve an undergraduate minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale with exceptions, on a case-by-case basis.

○ Online application and application fee,

○ Official undergraduate transcripts (All official undergraduate and graduate transcripts must be submitted directly to the Office of Admissions. Unofficial transcripts may be submitted for probationary admission.),

○ Contact information for 3 references (Name, Affiliation, Phone, Email Address).

● Interview with admissions counselor.

Program Learning Outcomes

“Expected student learning outcomes specify the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes students are expected to attain in courses or in a program.” Page 69,  Resource Manual for the Principles of Accreditation: Foundations for Quality Enhancement, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), 2018.

Students will evaluate organizational behavior and leadership theory and concepts in the context of philosophical and theological ethics.

Students will develop organizational competencies in areas of organizational assessment, strategic planning, organizational change, ethical behavior, and the building of effective teams.

Students will utilize appropriate academic writing guidelines in written communication and the presentation of research.

Students will synthesize Christian values in the leadership of pluralistic organizations.

Degree Requirements

Thesis/Project Requirement:

Students will take an independent research course in which the student will produce a quality master’s level thesis or project. If choosing the thesis, the student will fall under guidance of a faculty Research Supervisor (RS). The research thesis or project is the culminating event in the program required for graduation. The topic of the thesis/project must be relevant to program learning objectives. Thesis students will be required to successfully defend their thesis by way of a thesis examination. All research project students who choose not to conduct a supervised thesis will conduct their research independently and complete the project under the supervision of a Project Advisor (PA).

Required Courses

  • EOB 5003 - Organizational Behavior 3 Credit Hours
  • EOB 5013 - Organizational Leadership Concepts & Theory 3 Credit Hours
  • EOB 5023 - Philosophy of Social Science 3 Credit Hours
  • EOB 5033 - History of Ethics 3 Credit Hours
  • EOB 5053 - Strategic Leadership and Planning 3 Credit Hours
  • EOB 5063 - Leading Organizational Behavior Change 3 Credit Hours
  • EOB 5093 - Research Capstone 3 Credit Hours
  • EOB 5001 - Research Capstone Continuation A as Needed 
  • EOB 5011 - Research Capstone Continuation B as Needed 
  • EOB 5113 - Philosophy of Moral Leadership 3 Credit Hours
  • EOB 5123 - Biblical Leadership in Pluralistic Organizations 3 Credit Hours
  • EOB 5133 - Human Resource Development 3 Credit Hours

Academic Probation

  • Students can be placed on academic probation either as a condition of admission to the program or when a student’s cumulative GPA falls below 3.0. Please note for calculating GPA that a “B-” course grade counts as 2.67 points per credit hour and can end with a student being placed on academic probation.
  • Students receiving a grade of “C+” or lower for any course must repeat the course with a grade of “B-” or higher for it to count towards graduation.
  • Students who remain on academic probation for more than two continuous subterms will be dismissed from the program for failure to maintain academic progress.

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Research Interests

Awards & recognition.


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  3. Chapter:Organizational change and Development/ OB/ Dibakar/MBS/MBA/BBA/BBS

  4. How to improve your hiring process in under 2 minutes! #privateequity


  6. Conceptual Model of Organizational Behaviour



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    This page provides a comprehensive list of 100 organizational behavior research paper topics that are divided into 10 categories, each containing 10 topics. These categories include communication and teamwork, organizational culture and climate, employee motivation and engagement, organizational leadership, diversity and inclusion, organizational communication, employee well-being and work ...

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    The Contingent Effects of Prior Ties on Network Dynamics: Essays on the Formation and Dissolution of Interorganizational Relationships in the Venture Capital Industry . Zhelyazkov, Pavel (2015-05-11) This dissertation comprises three empirical chapters that investigate the limits of prior interorganizational ties in explaining patterns of ...

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    The CVF is seen as representing two orthogonal dimensions: (1) exibility versus control, and (2) internal fl focus and integration versus external focus and differentiation. These four quadrants result in four types of "organizational culture: clan,adhocracy, market, and " hierarchy.

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    Scholars in the doctoral program in Organizational Behavior at Harvard Business School are prepared to pursue an interdisciplinary inquiry into issues that are broadly related to the functioning of individuals within groups, at either the micro or macro level. Graduates of our program go on to become the leading researchers and thinkers in ...

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  13. Organizational Behavior: A Study on Managers, Employees, and Teams

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  15. (Pdf) Research Proposal-organisational Behaviour That Fosters Positive

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    The organisational behav iour is. specifically concerned with work-related behaviour which takes place in organisations. In a ddition to understanding the on-going behavioural processes involved ...

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    Thesis. Students may elect to write a thesis as part of the program of study. The thesis must show ability to organize materials in a clear and original manner and to present well-reasoned conclusions. Thesis preparation and submission must comply with the graduate policy on theses as well as specific departmental requirements. Program Options

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    Abridged Science for High School Students. The Nuclear Research Foundation School Certificate Integrated, Volume 2. Book. • 1966. Abschlusskurs Sonografie der Bewegungsorgane First Edition. Book. • 2024. Absolute Radiometry. Electrically Calibrated Thermal Detectors of Optical Radiation.