will writing service maldon

Maldon Wills

Your Local Will Expert

will writing service maldon

Not Sure Where to Start?

Get your affairs in order.

Our face to face meetings are always conducted in a friendly and professional manner with no pressure so you are free to decide what you would like to do concerning your will.

So why not book an appointment with one of our consultants today?

will writing service maldon

Welcome to Maldon Wills

Maldon Wills is a professional Will Writing and Estate Planning Company who work closely with a number of independent legal advisors to offer a full range of Legal services. We market a select range of innovative Estate Planning Products directly to the public ranging from straight forward Wills and Powers of Attorney right through to complex arrangements designed to …

Wills & Testament

A Will is a legal declaration of an individual’s intentions of how he or she wishes to dispose of their assets upon death. As well as looking after your assets a Will allows you to appoint Guardians for your children in the event of your demise.

Simply put a Will provides the peace of mind of knowing that those closest to you are taken care of.

Lasting Power of Attorney

A Lasting Power of Attorney allows you to plan ahead and appoint attorneys to make decisions for you in the future if you are unable to make those decisions yourself.

You can appoint one or more attorneys and these can include your spouse, children, relatives and friends or indeed a professional. There are two types of Lasting Power of Attorney, one that covers your finances and one that covers your Health and Welfare.

Probate Services

If you or someone you know has recently been bereaved then Probate is often required.

We offer a very personal Probate Administration Service which allows you to choose how much or little you require us to do. This can range from simply obtaining a Grant of Probate on your behalf right through to providing full estate administration.

Inheritance Tax

Inheritance tax can cost your estate hundreds of thousands of pounds in the event of your death and yet in many cases it's possible to legally avoid huge swathes of it and in some cases to possibly pay nothing at all.

Whilst we don't profess to be tax experts or indeed give tax advice if it is required we can refer you to a number of tax experts who we work in tandem with to ensure that you receive the highest level expertise before we embark on the drafting of the documents.

Asset Protection Trusts

The problem is well known : most people wish to pass on an inheritance to their families and many children "expect" to receive the proceeds of their parent's home when they die.

We know however that this doesn't always happen especially if the survivor remarries and this is known as sideways dis-inheritance.

By using Will Trusts sideways dis-inheritance can often be avoided and therefore you can ensure by good planning that your share of the house reaches your desired beneficiary which is often the children.

Document Storage

When you have a house full of the "stuff" you have collected throughout your life, it's easy to forget where you've stored important documents.

By using our Document Storage facility you have the peace of mind of knowing those important documents are safely stored in one place and are available to you at any time.

First Floor, Fullbridge House, Maldon, Essex, CM9 4NX

+44 (0) 1621 473 033

[email protected]

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will writing service maldon

20+ Years Experience

Specialist Will Writing

Best Will Prices

Will Writing Nationwide

will writing service maldon

Will Writing Service in Maldon

Enquire Today For A Free No Obligation Quote

A will is an extremely important part of your life – and your death. Without a will, you can create all kinds of financial and interpersonal problems among friends and family, especially if there are already tensions between different people in your personal and home life in May 2024.

Table of Contents

If you do not already have an existing will, then it can seem daunting to try and create one from scratch. Many people in Maldon have no idea how a will looks, let alone how to create a legal document that can contain all the assets they want to spread around after their death. Even a basic will can seem like a tough document to produce on your own.

The best alternative is to use a cheap, reliable will writing service. Will writers can help you put together a will that is not only legally valid and binding but accurate to your wishes and the way that you want your family to be compensated after your passing.

A will is a major part of getting your affairs in order. We are a team of specialist will writers that understand how to tailor every single will to the client’s wishes and needs, acting as legal professionals to review and amend your will as needed to better suit the legal framework it exists in.

If you are interested in getting a valid will created, then our will writing services may be the best place to turn. There is no easier way to get a will created than sitting in the comfort of your own home and letting the professionals handle it for you.

Why Use Us?

Our team of specialist in-house solicitors and experts have formed a will writing service with a strong legal core. We understand how to construct a will that will not be contested or found invalid, writing firm and decisive details that fall within the legal requirements of any written will.

Co-Op Legal Services

We consider ourselves to offer co-op legal services, with several specialists cooperating at all times. This does not impact the solicitor cost and ensures that you get the best results possible.

Thanks to our Maldon online will writing service, plenty of past clients have been able to rest easy, safe in the knowledge that our will writing services have given each family member the security and stability they will need. As legal documents, it takes a lot of skill to craft a will completely free of ambiguity and uncertain language.

Our Work in Maldon

If you want to prove testamentary capacity and ensure that your will is carried out, then you want a will that is professionally written and able to give you all the right legal cover. A professional service like ours is not just there to protect someone’s interests but to make sure that the personal circumstances behind your will do not compromise your wishes.

Inheritance, Wills & Probate Barristers Maldon

Our Maldon experts are far more than just simple will-writers. We know how to write wills that properly distribute your assets to your chosen beneficiaries, making sure that there are no vague terms or hard-to-understand passages that get in the way of a clear and direct will statement.

As a licensed team of barristers and legal experts, we understand how inheritance laws relate to your personal possessions. We also have a full understanding of the legal processes surrounding British wills and how they should be approached if you want a will of your own.

Our online will writing service provides an easy way to get a new will written quickly, tailored to your exact needs and preferences, through multiple in-depth discussions. Will writing services like ours need to be prepared to sift through legal details and personal information to figure out how the right kind of will can be constructed.

A will dictates what happens after your death, concerning both immediate family and personal friends. A professionally-drafted will is not just something you get for style – it also provides you with the legal protection and support you need to have your wishes carried out correctly.

A large part of our duties as your will writing service involves us carefully piecing together a will that matches your wishes and needs, making sure that absolutely nothing can be misunderstood or misinterpreted. Any vagueness could allow the will to be challenged, compromising your original intentions and wishes as a result.


Wills are commonly used to set aside possessions or assets for inheritance, whether that is your own home or just a simple lump sum of money. We know how to write inheritance documents in a way that will not leave any doubt about how those assets are distributed and the terms behind them being handed over.

This includes details like overseas assets or money that is given in set amounts every year – things that can require highly specific legal language to get right. In a complex family situation, our professional assistance can make a big difference in how the inheritance is carried out.

Probate is the process of a person getting the legal right to deal with your personal property after your death. Your will can name a family member or friend that you trust to handle your assets – if you do not, then your closest living relative may have a chance to apply for probate.

A will allows you to specify your own executor (or executors) that will carry out your wishes instead. Since probate awards some control over your assets, you may have somebody you would prefer to name as your executor – former partners, close family members, a best friend, etc.

Probate might sound like a small detail, but it can be important if you have highly specific wishes for what will happen after your death. Our will writing services take these details into account, even if they do not initially appear to be all that important.

Reasons For Getting A Will Written

There are many reasons to get a will written, some more obvious than others. This includes:

You Have Specific Wishes

Wills allow you to specify the kind of Maldon funeral that you want and means that your family do not have to make that decision for you. This can be important since many people have specific personal or religious preferences that will impact how they want their body to be treated after their death.

You Have Dependent Children

Providing for children after your death is important, especially if they are your own children. If you die without a will, then the courts will choose who takes care of them and what assets they are given, so specifying your wishes can be important.

You Aren’t Married

If you are not married or in a partnership, then there is no guarantee that your partner will get anything after your death. This could even include the home that you have both been living in if you owned it.

You Own Overseas Property

Owning property overseas can complicate things since inheritance laws might be different between the two countries. This often requires you to specify your own inheritance requirements – this gives your family and friends some guidelines on what they should be doing.

You Worry About Inheritance Tax

Inheritance tax can become a problem if your estate is worth more than £325,000 upon death. Specifying that everything above that threshold goes to your spouse can result in them avoiding the tax.

Things Change

Updating your will can be important if circumstances change. It is possible to keep a single will throughout your entire life (although your existing will is cancelled if you get married), but you will want to keep updating your will to make sure that it is relevant to your current wishes and list of assets.

Where to get a will written?

Online will-writing services provide a useful place to get wills written quickly and efficiently, condensing the usual will-writing process into something far more convenient. Local solicitors and online specialists like us are a great way to get your wills created on short notice.

Online wills are no less valid than wills that were written in person in Maldon. In fact, many online wills are written with more care and specificity than the alternative, thanks to the wider pool of experience that online specialists like ours can draw from. Online platforms are akin to an online law firm – offering the same protection in a more convenient fashion.

Keep in mind that will writing is not a regulated market. You want to be sure that you are using will and probate services you can trust, so be sure to do your research on any local solicitor you consider. Even a licensed solicitor may not be experienced enough to write more than a simple will with minimal details.

How to get a will written?

The easiest way to get a will written is to simply approach a will-writing team and start telling them what you are looking for. Our will specialists know how to turn even the most basic of will concepts into an effective legal document, all without major delays or legal hurdles.

You can contact us directly if you need a will written by experts who know exactly what they are doing. We are more than happy to take up the responsibilities of writing your will, putting all of our expertise and past successes into producing the best document possible.

What is the Cost of a Will Writing Service?

On average, expect to pay anything from £100 to £150 for a single will, £250 for a mirror will, and £400 for trust wills in Maldon. This can vary depending on where you go, but paying more for a higher-quality will is almost always a worthwhile trade.

A will writing service involves a lot of serious legal work and careful planning to ensure that the document is legally correct and free from any misunderstandings or vague passages. Even a small mistake in terminology can completely destroy an otherwise perfect document – many of the extra costs here are due to the time it takes to produce a good will.

A cheap will might technically be valid, but it may not offer the same fine print details that a higher-quality option does. This can become a significant problem at a later date – for example, a budget will using the wrong terminology for your civil partner or not specifying a legal guardian for your children.

Best will writing service near me

Finding a good will writing service in Maldon can involve a lot of searching in your own time. However, the best wills come from experts, and online services mean that you do not even need to be in the same part of the country to get a will prepared for you.

Online wills are perfectly legal, meaning that they can be a great option for people who want something more than their local will-writers can offer.

Legal Will vs Online Will

Getting a will written by local legal professionals can often seem like the right choice, especially if you do not want to spend too much time searching for any alternatives. However, online documents offer far more flexibility and often come from specialists with more varied kinds of experience.

Wills can be tricky to write, and you might think that an online will writing service would be a riskier option. However, both are fully legal – the only difference is which one suits your needs best, and how well you choose the company providing it.

The Advantages Of Getting Will Written By A Solicitor

Writing your will yourself is always an option, but even then, it can be a smart idea to get a will writer to revise and reword it. This is because:

  • A solicitor knows what to ask. They will cover details you did not even consider to leave no loopholes or vague details.
  • A professional can draft your will correctly, making it far more legally admissible.
  • A solicitor will word your will correctly and use the right kind of language, ensuring that nothing is misinterpreted and none of your wishes can be spun into something they are not.
  • A good solicitor understands how to draft wills to accommodate complex family structures or tense financial stations.
  • You get the option of extra steps, such as inheritance planning.

What happens if I die without making a will?

If you die without having written a will, then your assets and debts pass on to your partner. If you have no surviving partner, then any children you might have take on the estate, divided equally.

While this is sometimes fine for tight-knit families in Maldon that can distribute the wealth as intended anyway, this can become a problem in almost any other situation.

Divorced or separated partners cannot inherit, but cohabiting or informally-separated partners still can. Other relatives may be able to inherit under specific circumstances if there is nobody else who can, following a specific order of priority.

If you have no people who are eligible to inherit your assets, then they pass to the Crown. This effectively puts them in the hands of the government, meaning that they are no longer accessible to your family unless somebody makes a case to prove otherwise.

What exactly is a will?

In general, a will is a document that spells out exactly what you want to happen after your death. That means the treatment of children, spouses, civil partners, bank accounts, properties, assets, and anything else that you might want to specify. It also includes your funeral preferences and any inheritances you wish to happen.

What Can you Include in a Will?

You can include a lot in a will, mostly involving who in your family or private life gets what. This might mean things like giving bank accounts to a civil partner or trying to securely store inheritances until your children are old enough to use them wisely.

What types of gifts can I include in my will?

There are three types of gifts involved in a will:

  • Specific, meaning a particular item you own or amount of money you want to give.
  • Non-specific, meaning a general term like “my collection of antiques”. These can sometimes require some interpretation from the beneficiaries.
  • Residuary, meaning everything left after the specific and non-specific gifts. This could be to a specific person, or a general order to divide everything else up fairly.

You can also give gifts to children, held until they are 18, or give gifts directly to charities as a donation.

Can an executor of a will also be a beneficiary?

An executor in Maldon can be a beneficiary, and the executor is often chosen from the main beneficiaries of the estate. Sometimes multiple are chosen to prevent bias and self-interest.

Do I need a will if I don’t own a house?

Wills cover all belongings, not just property. “Estate” does not mean your physical estate but your general assets as a whole.

What if I don’t have anything to leave?

Having a properly drafted will can be important even if you have no direct assets. You and your possessions may be worth more than you think, and you can also use a will to specify your funeral wishes.

Tips for writing a will if you have young children

Writing a will when children are involved can be hard – but we can help guide you through the process. Parental responsibility involves picking guardians for children who may be left parent-less, and naming them if you have any specific assets you want them to take on.

Always put parental responsibility first. You do not want to leave your children with nothing.

Can I include funeral wishes in my will?

A large part of the will involves funeral wishes in Maldon. These can be amended if you change your mind later on.

Can a will help protect my home against potential care home fees?

While you can’t avoid care home fees, certain methods of creating a will can allow you to not pay inheritance tax.

I’m not married to my partner – should I make a will?

Making a will is important for any partnership that is not a marriage or civil partnership. Without a will, only certain situations will result in your assets being given to a non-spouse partner.

How does getting married affect your will?

Being married – or entering a civil partnership – makes your duties as will writer that much more important. Spouses and civil partners will not necessarily need to be left anything specific, but mirror wills can still be important for ensuring that certain assets pass between you if one of you dies.

Making a will and mental capacity

If a person lacks the mental capacity to create a will, then any will they create will not be legally binding. Using an online will service may allow you to get around this problem.

Our will writing service makes the process easy

Making a will can be simple if you use an online will writing service like ours. We provide a huge range of different options for creating the perfect will for your needs, discussing each point in detail to make sure that we are creating something that matches your wishes exactly.

We can deal with all kinds of specific information, from your registered civil partnership to the inclusion of a disabled family member. If you are living in England and Wales, then our services can provide exactly what you need – and we can start writing as soon as you need us.

Solicitors Regulation Authority

We at Get A Will Written in Maldon are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) and are part of a recognised trade body. This connection with the Solicitors Regulation Authority shows that we are taking our online service very seriously.

Can any of my beneficiaries be a witness when I am making my will?

A beneficiary can’t witness a will, and neither can the spouse or partner of those beneficiaries. While many wills are created with around two witnesses there, our online service allows each client to create separate wills in private.

Where should I store my will?

Always store your will somewhere safe. This could be a locked safe, a filing cabinet, or a special hiding place. You need the physical document, so do not lose it, and get another created if you do.

Can my will be challenged?

Any will can be challenged, but that does not mean it will necessarily be successful. Most successful challenges involve situations where somebody is ignored unfairly in your will, or you have a request or gift that does not make sense and is not possible for your family and friends to complete.

What does undue influence mean in will writing?

Undue influence happens when somebody is pressured into creating a will, adding details they normally would not. This is not a practice approved by any legal body, and wills can be contested on the grounds that they appear out-of-character or biased towards somebody who may have forcibly had it changed for their own benefit.

Not all wills are regulated – Be Careful

Not all wills are safe and reliable. Even in England and Wales, you can end up setting wills that are not tax-efficient, that use incorrect information, or that are not even legally binding. Always choose a service or solicitor you feel confident with, like us.


Do debts die with you.

Debts only die with you when there is no estate left and/or no relatives left to pay them in Maldon. While most debts will not incur any additional costs due to your death, they will not go away easily.

What about inheritance tax?

Inheritance tax only applies if your estate is worth more than 325,000. You can avoid this problem by splitting your money up more to get below that threshold.

Can I leave a will If I become incapacitated?

You can leave a will at any time. However, standard wills only apply if you die. The exception is living wills, which include details like whether or not you want to be resuscitated. These might also specify things that hold lasting power over your family even before you die, like property being given to family members in the event of you being severely wounded.

Can I Write My Own Will?

While you can write your own will, it is important to turn to a specialist as soon as you can. Wills require a lot of specialist legal language that the average person has not encountered before.

Even if you have every step of the writing process witnessed correctly by another person with some legal experience, the will you produce and the will we produce may feel like two separate wills.

What can I do if I think a relative’s estate has gone to the Crown?

You can attempt to claim an unclaimed estate if you think you have a reasonable justification for it. This is easiest to do when you are a relative. However, there is no guarantee that you will succeed.

Living together but not married or in a civil partnership in Maldon? A ‘cohabitation agreement’ gives you protection.

Cohabitation offers you some legal protection in England and Wales. Even if you are not married, you can still take your partner’s assets in many cases.

Is it possible to change somebody’s will after they have died?

You can only change a will if everybody involved in the decision agrees. This includes people who may be worse off from the changes. Challenging a will also counts.

Get In Touch With a Specialist

If you need a will done by a professional solicitor, contact us (outside of bank holidays) and let us know what you are looking for. Our co-op legal services ensure that several of our writers can cooperate to bring you the best legal document possible, matching your exact wishes and wants.

Feel free to contact us any time – aside from bank holidays – to get a full breakdown of what we offer. The sooner you talk with us, the sooner you get your finished will.

Find More Info

Make sure you contact us today for a number of great will writing services in East of England.

Here are some towns we cover near Maldon.

What Others Say About Our Services

We absolutely love the service provided. Their approach is really friendly but professional. We went out to five different companies and found Will Writing Service to be value for money and their service was by far the best. Thank you for your really awesome work, we will definitely be returning!

We have used Will Writing Service for many years as they are certainly the best in the UK. The attention to detail and professional setup is what makes this company our go-to company for all our work. I highly recommend the team for the immense work - we highly recommend them!

For more information on will writing services in Maldon, fill in the contact form below to receive a free quote today.

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  • South Woodham Ferrers
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  • Southend-on-Sea
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  • Walton-on-the-Naze
  • Saffron Walden
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  • Danbury Office
  • 01245 226444
  • Maldon Office
  • 01621 852323
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  • 01621 819019
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  • 01376 512338

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Bright & Sons Solicitors

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For You and Your Family

Will Solicitors in Essex

Your Will is probably the most important document you will ever sign – let our team of specialist Will solicitors help you to get it right.

More than 60% of those who die each year  do not leave a Will. Failing to make a Will can cause a range of problems, including:

  • Your estate may not go to the people you would have wanted
  • Your loved ones may not have the financial support they need when you are gone
  • The inheritance tax on your estate could be higher due to missing the opportunity to plan effectively
  • There can be an increased risk of disputes over the estate between your loved ones

It is therefore essential to make a Will and ensure your estate is properly planned as early as possible.

At Bright & Sons Solicitors, we provide specialist legal advice on all aspects of Wills and estate planning to minimise the tax burden on death. We have local offices in Maldon , Tiptree or Witham , with our Will and estate planning lawyers assisting clients in Essex, Suffolk, Sussex, Ipswich, London and throughout the UK, as well as internationally.

To have an initial discussion about how we can help with your Will and estate planning, please contact your local Bright & Sons Solicitors office or use the enquiry form on the right and we will get back to you promptly.

Our Will solicitors will be happy to talk to you face-to-face, over the phone, via email or through videoconferencing – whatever is most comfortable and convenient for you.

Why choose Bright & Sons Solicitors for your Will?

Feedback from clients tells us that they value our specialist knowledge, plain English advice, responsiveness and ability to consistently complete work on time and at the agreed price. Across the firm, we have a strong focus on providing a high quality legal service that meets and exceeds our clients’ expectations.

Our solicitors have particular expertise in advising High Net Worth individuals, as well as in dealing with complex tax and estate planning issues and specialist issues such as succession planning. We have a strong client base in the agricultural sector, with extensive experience around issues including farm and rural estate planning.

Our team includes members of the prestigious Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) , offering independent assurance of the high quality of work and our leading expertise in this area.

We continuously invest in technology, allowing us to work efficiently and cost-effectively, passing those savings on to our clients. Many people are surprised how inexpensive it is to make a Will – we are always happy to discuss our fees in advance.

How our Will solicitors in Essex can help you

Our Will and estate planning lawyers work with chartered tax and chartered financial advisors and can assist you in dealing with the big issues, such as:

  • How to provide for children from a previous marriage
  • Protection from care home fees
  • Inheritance tax planning
  • How to appoint guardians for your children
  • Who is to look after money for underage beneficiaries, and at what age you wish them to inherit
  • How to safeguard a disabled child including setting up a trust
  • Succession planning relating to partnerships and companies, whether these are farms or other types of businesses
  • Heritage assets
  • Overseas assets
  • Changing a Will
  • Laws of intestacy

Making a Will explained

When should you write a will.

It is never too early to think about making your Will – and, in fact, it is something the majority of people put off until it is too late.

However, there are some key points in your life when it is particularly important to think about making a Will or updating your Will. These include:

  • If you are buying a home
  • If you are getting married or divorced
  • If you move in with your partner
  • If you have children or adult dependants
  • If you are making investments or acquiring significant new assets
  • If you receive an inheritance or expect to receive one
  • If you have substantial savings or other assets that need to be accounted for
  • If your financial or personal circumstances change in any other significant way

Making a Will ensures that the entirety of your estate and all of your loved ones are fully considered and accounted for, no matter what the future brings.

What should you include in your Will?

All of your assets should be considered as part of your Will and estate planning. Many people do not realise what are classed as assets or how valuable they can be until they take the time to properly plan for the future.

Common assets to consider for your Will include:

  • Second homes and investment properties
  • Investments
  • Business assets
  • Art and other high value personal items
  • Intellectual property (including for unpublished/unrealised works)

Making a full account of your assets and their value can be critical to effective estate planning, allowing you to potentially reduce the inheritance tax burden on your estate by a significant amount.

What happens if someone dies without a Will?

If someone dies without leaving a valid Will, their estate will be dealt with under the rules of intestacy. This means that who the estate goes to will be decided according to the size of the estate and what living relatives they have.

Exactly how the rules of intestacy apply will depend on the circumstances. However, generally, these rules favour a living spouse or civil partner of the deceased, then any living children, grandchildren and other direct descendants. If there is no living spouse or direct descendants, other close relatives, including the deceased’s parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles, would potentially be in line to inherit.

If someone dies without making a Will and they have no living relatives who qualify under the rules of intestacy, then their entire estate would pass to the Crown.

When should I update my Will?

You should review your Will regularly and make sure to update it if there is any significant change in your finances or personal circumstances. Key points at which you should update your Will include if you:

  • Get married (this will invalidate any pre-existing Will)
  • Get divorced
  • Have children
  • Receive an inheritance
  • Change your name
  • Start a business

Do you need a solicitor to make a Will?

Some people opt for DIY Wills or Wills made via Will writers who are not part of a firm of solicitors. There is nothing to stop you from doing this, but it can mean you are taking a substantial risk.

Potential problems of making a DIY Will or using a less experienced Will writer include:

  • There may be mistakes in your Will that could mean it is not valid, so your estate would be dealt with under intestacy rules
  • The full extent of your assets may not be considered and covered
  • Your estate might not be planned in the most tax efficient way, increasing the inheritance tax bill that will need to be paid when you pass away
  • Your Will may be drafted in a way that is ambiguous, creating confusion about your intentions and increasing the likelihood of disputes over your estate
  • If something goes wrong with a Will made by a firm of solicitors, any losses may be covered by their Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) – you would not have this protection with a DIY Will or many Will writers who are not part of a firm of solicitors

We would always recommend working with a firm of solicitors when making your Will so you can be confident that everything has been handled correctly and that you will have the assurance of their Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) if anything did go wrong.

Our Will writing fees

Fixed fee wills.

We can offer fixed fee Wills where appropriate, so you know exactly how much it will cost.

Mirror Will fees

Where a couple wish to have identical Wills to deal with their estates, we can offer a reduced fee for creating two ‘mirror Wills’.

Hourly rates for our Will solicitors

We can offer competitive hourly rates for more complex Wills and estate planning matters, ensuring you have exactly the level of support you require to properly plan your affairs.

Contact our Will solicitors in Essex

To have an initial discussion about how we can help with your Will and estate planning, please contact your local Bright & Sons Solicitors office in  Maldon ,  Witham  or  Tiptree  or make an enquiry and we will get back to you promptly.

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20+ Years Experience

Specialist Will Writers

Best Will Prices

Will Writers Nationwide

will writing service maldon

Get A Will Written in Maldon

Enquire Today For A Free No Obligation Quote

We are a leading will writing company based in Maldon that can help all people assure their assets after death in May 2024.

Our company offers a range of will writing services to people across Maldon, whether you are writing a will for the first time or need a new will created to meet the new demands of your life.

Table of Contents

As this is a legally valid document, there is a range of things that need to be included, and your will should be written in a specific way to ensure all of these needs are met.

Working with our will writing services can ensure that you or a family member has a professional will written on time. There is a range of ways we can help you during this time, and we support clients across England and Wales.

If you are interested in the professional assistance we can offer, do not hesitate to get in touch with our team today to see what we can do for you.

Why Use Us?

Our team of in-house solicitors in Maldon provide a specialist Will Writing Service. We can ensure that all of your personal possessions are protected during this time and can cover a range of assets, no matter the personal circumstances.

We can prevent a will from being successfully contested and protect someone’s interests following death. We work closely with a recognised trade body as well as those within the legal profession, such as local solicitors, as well as giving all clients their own executor to ensure the highest standard of work every time.

There are many reasons why you should consider working with professional will writers during this time, whether you are looking to get your own will completed or working on behalf of a family member.

Our professional will writers ensure that all areas of writing a will are completed, and we do this to a high standard. All our legal documents are assessed by a local solicitor to ensure they meet the needs of the client.

Working with a professional service covers all needs, including proving testamentary capacity. Our professional will writers will provide an assessment of capacity and ensure that this is recorded on file for future reference, preventing the will from being successfully contested and going against your wishes following death.

Many benefits come from working with us for the will writing process, and as a legal service, we can ensure that all needs are met during this time.

If you are interested in working with us and want to see how our will writing service can help, do not hesitate to get in touch with the Maldon team today to learn more.

Inheritance, Wills & Probate Barristers

Working with our will writing service gives you access to not only a will writer but also members of the law society that can help you during this process.

With our practice approved by the solicitors regulation authority, we can provide a properly drafted will as well as offer ongoing advice that can help you during this time. These services can help family members following their bereavement and help your will be seen as you desired.

We understand that you may have a complex family situation and only want all the assets to go to your immediate family or specific people, which is why we offer a probate service as well as help to write your will.

Our Maldon barristers have a great understanding and experience with inheritance laws and will ensure that your will is handled the same way you desire. Working with our service provides the legal cover you and your family may need during this time, as well as providing a valid will.

Reasons For Getting A Will Written

Creating a will for the first time or getting a new will organised is a task that many people put off. However, it is one of the most important things you can do and may not take as much work as you have anticipated, especially when working with a professional will writer.

Getting a will organised is a way of protecting your family and loved ones following your death, ensuring that all your assets are handled in the right manner. Having a professional will makes it easier for any law firm to handle your assets following death and can prevent family disputes, issues within the family, as well as the overpaying of inheritance tax.

With a will, it will be easier for your personal possessions to be divided once you have died and ensure that your needs will be met.

Even a simple will can provide a range of benefits, and this is something we can help with. Working with professional will writing services like those offered by our brand, as well as many others, including the Co Op Legal Services, can help with many factors in Maldon, including:

  • You have dependent children

One of the most important reasons for hiring a will writer is to protect your children. With a will, you can not only continue to provide for your children following death but also nominate a legal guardian for those who are under 18.

Your will covers more than your personal possessions, and it is a parental responsibility to ensure that your children will be taken care of even when you are no longer with them. A will can offer the same protection to your children in the form of a guardian as it would your personal possessions following death.

If you die without a will, there will be no one with parental responsibility for your children in Maldon, which means it will be up to the court to decide who should look after your children. This may result in something you do not want, which is why you should take some of your own time now to finalise your wishes and get them filed legally to protect your children.

  • You are not married to your partner

If you are not married or in a civil partnership with your partner, then you should not expect anything to go to them following death unless you have made a will. If you are not a civil partner or married to the person you love, then this can cause a lot of issues should you die without a will.

Without the legal binding that comes from marriage or a civil partnership, it will be difficult for your partner to continue their life following your death. Even a basic will can cover their needs and ensure they get to remain inside your shared home without being a civil partner or married to you at the time.

Unless there is this legal binding in the form of marriage or a registered civil partnership, you need to have a will that indicates your wishes for your partner to protect them during this time. You should both have separate wills that indicate your wishes for each other if you are not a civil partner or married, or you can also have the same will, which is known as mirror wills to ensure all your needs are covered.

  • You are worried about inheritance tax

If your Maldon estate is worth more than £325,000, it is likely going to be hit heavily with inheritance tax following your death. An IHT bill can be avoided by writing a will or updating your existing will to meet your current needs, ensuring that your personal assets can be handed on in full to your loved ones.

Working with our professional writing services can help you get around having to pay inheritance tax on your possessions, as we understand the exemptions that are available to all. For example, leaving everything that is above the threshold of £325,000 to your spouse or civil partner can avoid IHT and is something to consider if you do not want to pay this tax.

  • Your personal circumstances have changed

Change is the only constant in life, which can make will writing difficult. However, working with a professional will writing service like the one we offer is a way to keep up with these ever-changing circumstances and ensure that your will reflects the circumstances of your life at the time of death.

For example, we will help you write a new will or update an existing will whenever you marry, divorce, or have children to ensure the right people are entitled to your possessions and care following death.

In England and Wales, your existing will is automatically revoked or cancelled when you get married. This does not apply to people in Scotland. To prevent former partners or civil partners from getting access to your assets following death, then you will need to write a will.

  • You have specific funeral wishes

If you know what you want your funeral to be like and who you want to be there, then having a will is a way to ensure this will happen following your death. With a will in place, you can leave specific instructions for your family in Maldon so they do not have to make any decisions following your death.

This can be helpful as they may not have the mental capacity to deal with these things once you have died, but you can get your wishes by leaving them in the will.

  • You have property overseas or own property with someone else

If you own your property on a joint tenancy basis, your ownership will automatically go to the other person when you die. This is part of the survivorship rules that are present in England and Wales.

However, if you own property on a ‘tenants in common basis’ then the intestacy rules will apply unless you have left specifications in your will and this is witnessed correctly. It is important to note that if you own overseas property, the rules may differ from those in England and Wales, which is why it is best to finalise your wishes in a will.

Where to get a will made?

Now that you understand the importance of having a will made, it is time to consider your options. We are professional will writers that can offer a range of services, including the writing of simple wills to ongoing professional advice to help you during this process.

We offer Co Op legal services in Maldon, including will writing services, to people across the nation to ensure that your possessions and assets will be protected after death. We have plenty of services that can help you during this time, as well as an online will writing service that can be easily accessed.

Working with our will writing services, in conjunction with Co Op Legal services, gives you access to everything you need during this time. We can provide a completely free quote and a draft of your will, based on your needs, and help you cover the solicitor cost during this time.

Following the writing of your will, we will securely store this document until it is required.

If you are interested in working with us, please get in touch with the team today. We can arrange a telephone or video call with you to discuss your needs and see what we can do for you at this time.

How to get a will made?

There are various steps involved in getting a will made, and while we can do a lot of the work for you, it is a good idea for you to understand the steps involved before paying for any service so you can determine what kind of help you need at this time.

Before you can make a will, there are some things you need to do first. These are things you should do before hiring our will writing services in Maldon, although we can help with these too. Before writing a will, you need to determine:

  • What type of will you want to make
  • Who do you want to inherit from you following death
  • Who you would like to look after your children (if they are under 18 or you are dealing with a disabled family member)
  • If you want to leave anything to a particular charity, which includes the registered charity number
  • Who you would like to leave your estate to

Once you have determined these factors, it is time to start working on making your will.

The steps that are required to make a will are as follows:

1) Value Your Estate

Before you can make a will, you first need to determine what you own and how much you have. This can determine the type of will you need to make. You will need to have a list of assets that will be included in your will, which can be:

  • your home and any other property you own
  • savings in bank accounts and building society accounts
  • National savings, for example, premium bonds
  • insurance, such as life insurance or endowment policies
  • pension funds, including any lump, sums to be paid after death
  • investments, such as stocks, shares, or investment trusts
  • motor vehicles
  • jewellery, antiques, and other personal belongings
  • household contents

As well as these, you also need to include debts as these are also referred to as assets in a will.

2) Decide how you want to divide these assets

Who will get what when you die is the main purpose of a will, and this is the most important step to do when it comes to writing one. This is something we can help with when you use our writing service, but ultimately the decision is yours when it comes to your estate and assets.

In this part of the process, you will need to think about who you want to benefit from your estate as well as the needs of your family, which need to be outlined in the will.

3) Determine any charity donations

A lot of people like to include a charitable donation of some kind in their will, and this is something you can determine now or at a later date.

4) Choose your executors

A single will requires at least one executor, and this is the person who will handle everything after you have died. This is a big role and one that requires a lot of responsibility, so it is something you should consider carefully.

5) Write your will

This is where paying for a will writing service can come in very useful, and we are highly experienced at what we do. As a leading will writing company in Maldon, we can help create a simple will or something more complex based on your needs and will ensure that everything you desire is covered in one document.

Our registered company number is accessible across the country, including with an online service. We can help you get your will done and ensure that all of your needs are met during this time to support your family during their bereavement following your death.

What is the Cost of getting a will made?

The cost of making a will can vary based on the method you choose and the kind of service you use. As a leading will writing company, we aim to offer the best prices for all our services and have helped people across the nation in this particular area.

We can provide free quotes and free will drafting services to help you make your decision. If you are interested in learning more about the costs of our services, please get in touch with the team today.

Best Will writing service near me

We are a national will writing service that has worked with people across Maldon.

If you are interested in working with us, please get in touch with the team today to see how we can help and whether we are available in your local area.

Legal will vs online will

We offer both in-person and online will writing services. Online will writing services are accessible at all times and are available on bank holidays as well.

Regardless of the kind of service you choose, when signing the will you need two witnesses over the age of 18. If you are in Scotland, then you need one witness over the age of 16 for this part of the process.

The Benefits Of Getting A Legal Will Written

  • Providing financial security for loved ones
  • Making gifts of possessions and money
  • Paying less inheritance tax
  • Appointing guardians for your children
  • Choosing your executors
  • Avoiding inheritance disputes
  • Creating a life interest
  • Specifying wishes for your funeral

What happens if I die without making a will?

If you die without making a will, it can be difficult for your family to handle your assets in Maldon. Various consequences can come with not making a will before you die, based on your estate, your family, and these requirements.

For example, failure to make a will when you are not married or in a civil partnership could be disastrous for your partner, who may lose their home with you as they are not considered to be legally responsible for this. A will can also determine who has legal guardianship over your children or those in your care, which is something you need to consider.

It is always a good idea to have some form of a will written in preparation for when you die to ensure that your family is taken care of.

What exactly is a will?

According to the Co-Op legal services, a will is a document that allows you to determine what will happen to your assets and estate following death.

What Can you Include in a Will?

Everything you own can be included in a will, including:

  • Household items, antiques, and other physical items you own
  • Parental guardianship of children under the age of 18

There is a range of things that are included in your Maldon estate, which we have already mentioned. We can help ensure that everything is included in your will.

What types of gifts can I include in my will?

There are various ways that you can divide your estate in your will, such as:

  • A pecuniary bequest (a fixed sum to a specific person)
  • A specific bequest (for a specific item)
  • A residuary bequest (a percentage of your estate)

Can an executor of a will also be a beneficiary?

It is possible for the executor of your will to also be a beneficiary of your estate.

Do I need a will if I don’t own a house?

It is a good idea to write a will regardless of what you own because there is more than just property ownership covered.

What if I don’t have anything to leave?

We all leave something behind when we die, even if it is a small selection of personal belongings which need to be organised by our family.

However, even if you do not have a lot and do not think that writing a will is worth it, you may have money or assets by the time you die, which can be assigned to other people through this legal document.

Can a will help protect my home against potential care home fees?

A trust will is what you need for this, and it protects your home or savings against future care home fees.

Making a will and mental capacity

To make a will, you have to understand what you are doing, which is to prove mental capacity. This is something you have to prove at the time that your will is written, as well as at the time it is signed by two witnesses.

Four things are required to prove this:

  • you must understand the purpose of the will (which is the handling of your estate when you die)
  • you must understand what is in your estate (which can be a general awareness)
  • you must understand that people can make a moral claim on your estate, even if they are not a beneficiary
  • you must not be suffering from what is legally known as a ‘disorder of the mind.’

Our will writing service makes the process easy

Making a will can be quick and easy if you use a will writing service. Working with us will ensure that you are getting access to the right guidance and support.

Our will writing service in Maldon will provide you with a specialist to help you complete each step of the process, and we will work with you from start to finish. Our will writing advisors can discuss your wishes, offer recommendations and help you to make a will that is right for you and your circumstances, no matter what these may be.

We are an authorised company number and are regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), so you have peace of mind that your will is written in a way that is recognised by the law.

Where should I store my will?

Your will is stored in a safe place that can be accessed by executors when you die. We can keep hold of your orignal document as well as any other documents you require as part of your writing services.

Can my will be challenged?

All wills can be challenged, but when it is professionally drafted and backed by legal professionals like those in our team, it can prevent this from being a successful claim.

What does undue influence mean in will writing?

This is when someone has been influenced or forced to write their will by another person, and can affect the legality of the document.

Not all wills are regulated – Be Careful

While there are many services similar to ours in Maldon, not all of them are of the same quality. We are a regulated and secure will writing service that can provide legal documents for your needs.


Do debts die with you.

No, as debts will be included in your estate.

Can I leave a will If I become incapacitated?

You can include guidance in your will to help if you become incapacitated, which will be used by solicitors.

Can I Write My Own Will?

Yes, you can write your own will, but it is always worth getting this checked by a solicitor to ensure this is legally binding.

Is it possible to change somebody’s will after they have died?

You can make variations to a will based on specific regulations, as outlined by the government.

Get In Touch With a Specialist

Get in touch with a will writing specialist today.

We are open every day, including bank holidays, so contact us today to see how we can help.

Find More Info

Make sure you contact us today for a number of great will writing services in East of England.

Here are some towns we cover near Maldon.

What Others Say About Our Services

We absolutely love the service provided. Their approach is really friendly but professional. We went out to five different companies and found Get a Will Written to be value for money and their service was by far the best. Thank you for your really awesome work, we will definitely be returning!

We have used Get a Will Written for many years as they are certainly the best in the UK. The attention to detail and professional setup is what makes this company our go-to company for all our work. I highly recommend the team for the immense work - we highly recommend them!

For more information on will writing services in Maldon, fill in the contact form below to receive a free quote today.

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Areas We Cover

  • South Woodham Ferrers
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  • Privacy Policy
  • Probate Pricing
  • Preparing a will
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  • Will writer
  • Why have a will?
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Maldon  will  writers


​​What our clients think of our service

  • We are very comprehensive - we look in depth at your situation and provide advice to make sure your Will stands the test of time.
  • We explain things very clearly - we don't talk in jargon and try to make complicated issues as easy as possible to understand.
  • We are very patient - we want to spend as much quality time with you to find the right solution. Because we are a small company working for ourselves, we can spend time with you to understand what you need and want. Especially with older clients, things can be complicated, so we are in no rush to end the meeting if you need more time.
  • We are great value - we are not the cheapest - and we do not aim to beat everyone on price. However we think we beat most other firms on the quality of our service, and we price ourselves to beat most solicitors and the majority of other willwriting firms. 
  • We offer lots of free advice - for example we are happy to provide your family with free advice is they need help with probate forms for example, or we can find other ways to says inheritance tax.

About your local will writer

We can help you arrange a will or lasting power of attorney without needing a personal face to face appointment, and so we can also offer discounted teams, skype, zoom, facetime, whatsapp, messenger or many other types of video calls. ​ call us or use our contact us page for more details..

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Home Local Age Space Essex Legal Advice Will Writing Services in Essex – Average Fees of Solicitors in Essex

Will Writing Services in Essex – Average Fees of Solicitors in Essex

A Will is one of the most important documents we will write in our lives. There are multiple options available to get this job done – you can pay a solicitor in Essex, use a Will Writing service  or make use of a DIY Will Writing service online.

Will Writing services come in many forms, some more personal than others. Some providers offer a completely online service in which you fill out questionnaires based on circumstance and they will fit all of your answers into a Will. Others might complement this with short phone or in person consultations. Both of these options are particularly useful when a Will is uncomplicated and are almost always cheaper than a fully in-person, detailed approach. However, if a Will is more complicated, or the estate is particularly large, these options will be less beneficial.

Will Writing services can also be offered by solicitors and law firms or specific Will Writing companies. There are pros and cons to both; Age Space recommends that although specialised Will Writing Companies often offer their services for a reduced price, paying for professional and comprehensive legal services from a solicitor is the preferred option to have the job done right.

Types of Wills  differ too, from a simple standard Will where the instructions are straightforward, to those requiring more detail for more complicated estates. These different types of Will can vary the pricing a fair amount. Often, where two Wills will be largely the same, for example in the case of a spouse, it can be a good, cost effective idea, to make both Wills at the same time, known as ‘Mirror Wills’.

There is a lot to consider when writing a Will. On this page, AgeSpace has listed some Will making services throughout Essex, alongside their contact details and a cost indicator where possible. When researching or contacting a Will making service it is a good idea to ask if estate administration or Will storage are also offered, or included in the price.

If you are looking for  Free Legal Advice Clinics in Essex , click here.

What Solicitors Charge in Essex for Writing a Will

E.j. coombs solicitors, chelmsford.

Solicitors support with will-writing in Essex

E J Coombs Solicitors have an office on the outskirts of Chelmsford, in Danbury. They can provide your relative or relatives with either single wills or mirror Wills.

  • Standard Single Will starts at: £300
  • Standard Mirror Will starts at: £420
  • Address: Suite One, Well Lane, Danbury, Essex, CM3 4AB
  • Telephone: 01245 221699
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Visit Website

Kew Law Solicitors

Kew Law are experts in Will-writing and are happy to travel to your elderly relative’s home to discuss their options and go about writing the will. They also have 11 offices throughout Essex if your relative is happy to travel.

  • Standard Single Will starts at: £210 + VAT
  • Standard Mirror Will starts at: £350 + VAT
  • Office Locations
  • Telephone: 0333 322 1000

Sanders Witherspoon, Billericay

Sanders Witherspoon’s experienced team of Will and probate solicitors offer a fixed fee Will writing service, with no hidden charges for annual or monthly storage. They can talk your relative through all their available will options.

  • Standard Single Will starts at: £250 + VAT
  • Telephone: 01277 284508
  • Contact Form

Sternberg Reed, Grays

A solicitor in Grays, Essex, helping to write a will.

Sternberg Reed are a solicitors are based in Grays, with an experienced team that will be able to help your relative every step of the way with their will-writing. They also provide a free, initial consultation over the phone.

  • Standard Mirror Will starts at:  £450 + VAT
  • Address: Upper Floors, 6-8 High Street, Grays, Essex, RM17 6LU
  • Telephone: 01375 486500

Braintree Wills, Braintree

Braintree Wills are a specialist Will-making service who can provide their expertise to people living in and around Braintree, Colchester or Chelmsford. They offer a range of Wills and can provide a free phone consultation to your relative.

  • Standard Single Will starts at:  £216
  • Standard Mirror Will starts at:  £300
  • Address: Suite 3 13, 9 Bocking End, Braintree, CM7 9AE
  • Telephone: 01376 349366

Oliver's Wills, Epping

Oliver’s Wills is a specialist Will-writing service based in the Epping area, providing a local and efficient service for people in Essex. Their team primarily travel to visit your relative in their own homes, but can arrange an office based appointment if required.

  • Standard Single Will starts at: £240
  • Standard Mirror Will starts at:  £360
  • Telephone: 0800 3345 245

Paragon Legal Services, Colchester

Paragon Legal Services offer a highly affordable Will-writing service. Their staff are happy to travel to your relative’s home to discuss their Will options and receive instruction on writing their Will. They also provide telephone appointments.

Standard Single Will starts at:  £49.99 + VAT

  • Address: Communications House No. 15, 9 St John's Street, Colchester, Essex, CO2 7NN
  • Telephone: 0800 0747 642

Bright & Sons Solicitors, Maldon, Tiptree and Witham

Bright & Sons can provide specialist support with Will-writing to people living in and around the Danbury, Maldon, Tiptree and Witham areas.

  • Telephone (Danbury): 01245 226444
  • Telephone (Maldon): 01621 852323
  • Telephone (Tiptree): 01621 819019
  • Telephone (Witham): 01376 512338
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Our Wills, Probate and Trusts Department, headed by a member of the Society of Trusts and Estates Practitioners (STEP) and staffed by sympathetic and experienced personnel, provides advice on:

  • Making and revising wills
  • Minimising liability for Inheritance Tax
  • Administration of estates after death
  • Challenging wills
  • Claiming against an estate
  • Creating and registering a Lasting Power of Attorney
  • Creation and administration of trusts
  • Asset protection
  • Problems with Probate
  • Lasting Power of Attorney problems

Home visits are available for elderly or infirm clients who are unable to attend at our offices.

Additionally, many of our colleagues are Dementia Friends.

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Involved in sorting out someone’s estate.

Contact us to arrange a no obligation 45 minute consultation. We’ll answer your questions and explain what the process entails.

will writing service maldon

The practice at ‘long-established firm’ Palmers Solicitors ‘provides solutions to fit individual needs’. The team undertakes a broad range of work, including wills, lasting powers of attorney, estate planning and administration, Court of Protection, inheritance tax as well as trust creation and administration.

Legal 500 August 2017

Lee McClellan – Very many thanks again for your help with Mum’s estate. Excellent and friendly service at a very difficult time for the family, forever grateful for your help. I will of course recommend your services any opportunity that I have.

Ms M Ford, Upminster April 2016

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Trusted Will Writing

Writing Your Own Will – Is it Easy?

writing your own will

Writing Your Own Will: Benefits and Challenges Trusted Will Writing Maldon

The benefits of using a trusted will writing maldon.

There are numerous benefits to using a Trusted Will Writing service when creating your own will. First of all, it can save you time and stress. Trying to navigate the legal requirements and technical language of a will can be overwhelming for many people, but our trusted will writers can guide you through the process and explain everything in easy-to-understand terms. Additionally, a trusted will writer can ensure that your will is legally binding and valid, so that your wishes are respected after you pass away.

Creating Your Own Will

If you decide to write your own will, there are a few key steps you need to follow. First, you need to list all of your assets and liabilities, including bank accounts, investments, properties, and debts. Next, you will need to choose an executor, who will be responsible for administering your estate after you pass away. You may also need to name benefactors or outline any specific requests you have for your funeral arrangements.

After you have gathered all of the necessary information, you can begin drafting your will. It’s important to ensure that your will is specific and clear, and that you use the correct legal language to make it legally binding. You will also need to have your will witnessed by two independent witnesses, who must not be beneficiaries or connected to you in any way.

Contact Trusted Will Writing Maldon Today

Writing your own will doesn’t have to be complex or stressful. Using a Trusted Will Writing Maldon can make the process much easier and ensure that your wishes are respected after you pass away. Once you have created your will, be sure to review it periodically to ensure that it remains up-to-date with any changes in your circumstances or wishes. Remember, writing your own will is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your loved ones, so don’t put it off any longer. Contact our expert team at Trusted Will Writing today.

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  • Westcliff-on-Sea
  • Stanford-le-Hope
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  • Woodham Ferrers

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Legacy Wills & Estate Planning are dedicated to providing our clients with a straightforward, friendly and no-fuss Wills and estate planning service. We want our customers to be assured that their affairs are being handled with care, and our priority is to ensure you have the peace of mind that your loved ones are provided for. With careful planning we can help you decide which Will and other estate planning services are best for you, and always advise in your best interests, and offer professional advice in areas such as inheritance tax planning and Trusts. Our friendly team will tailor advice to your specific circumstances, and always treat our clients in the utmost confidence, with sensitivity and compassion.

Our many years of experience mean we fully understand it can be difficult to discuss private matters, and we aim to put your mind at ease. Contact our team today, or you can start your Will application online and someone will be in touch with you to discuss your options

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Imagine the weight lifted off your mind, knowing everything is in place, leaving no burden for your loved ones, just happy memories.

1000's of delighted customers...

Protect your property and money for generations to come

Ensure your hard earned money stays in the family

Avoid unnecessary inheritance taxation

Rated Excellent on TrustPilot by 3000+ happy clients 

No home visits required, all done by phone or video call

Nationwide coverage across England & Wales

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Legacy Wills & Estate Planning Limited. Registered in England and Wales No. 08630878 at 1 st Floor, Provincial House, 37 New Walk, Leicester, LE1 6TE. VAT Registration No. 169 1570 86. Legacy Wills & Estate Planning Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for credit broking activities only (see FCA Register at www.fca.org.uk FCA Number 689835). The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate will writing or estate planning services.

Call: 0345 2600 600

Monday - Friday 9AM - 6PM

Provide simple instructions as to who gets what

100% Legally binding and validated by legal experts

80+ People per day write their Will with us

Enjoy peace of mind for a lifetime

"All done after a short phone call. No fuss. Friendly. Polite. Understanding. Would definitely recommend. Thank you for peace of mind"

Doreen Darcy

Protect Your Loves Ones & Assets Now

"All done after a short phone call. No fuss. Friendly. Polite, & Understanding. Would definitely recommend. Thank you for the peace of mind"

Services Why make a Will Useful links Information Parental Responsibility Executors Duties Guardians Duties Signing Your Will IHT Civil Partnerships Add To Favorites Established in 1993, The Write Will Service offers a friendly professional Will writing and probate advice service at a reasonable cost. We are also able to draw up Lasting Powers of Attorney. We provide a free of charge home visiting service in the South Essex area to enable our clients to write their Wills in the comfort of their own home. We are based in Leigh on Sea in Essex. We also offer a Postal and Internet based service. Originally established to offer a Will writing service to clients of Commercial Union we now offer many other related services including probate and estate administration and have a wide range of experience. The principal of the company is Alan Edwards who personally drafts all our Wills. Alan has worked in financial services for over 37 years and has been writing Wills since 1993. He holds an Advanced Financial Planning Certificate and is an Associate of the Society of Will Writers. In addition to his Will writing work Alan also trains and supervises new Will writers entering the industry. Alan has trained over 500 new Will writers in the last 10 years. We are Members of the Society of Will Writers and are fully covered by Professional Indemnity Insurance up to 2.5 million pounds and Public Liability Insurance of 5 million pounds. For clients that require Estate planning over and above that provided by a Will, we can refer you to a local adviser from a national financial services network. Why not call us today for a free no obligation quote or just to ask us a question?


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Will Writing

Whether your needs are simply to have peace of mind, or you want to protect your hard earned assets, we'll ensure you have the right legally binding Will in place.

See our Will Writing Service >


Sorting out the affairs of someone who has died can be time consuming and very complex, at what is a difficult time. We can work with you to ensure everything is done correctly.

See our Probate Service >


Power of Attorney

Probably the most important document, ever! If you suddenly couldn't manage your finances etc, a Lasting Power of Attorney allows people you trust to legally take over for you.

See our Power of Attorney Service >

"I have to admit I found Paul excellent, knowledgeable and very reassuring. A breath of fresh air for a company these days. I would highly recommend them to anybody who is asking or thinking about a will."

Ian & Samantha Johnson

Latest News

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More ‘Do-It-Yourself’ Wills are ending up in Court

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We are open for business

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How to write a Will or Power of Attorney using Skype, FaceTime or phone with us

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Milton Keynes Office

The Will Writing Company

Head Office | i-Centre

Newport Pagnell

Tel 01908 299411

Email: [email protected]

Bedford Office

11 Lurke Street

Tel 01234 964911

  • WIll Writing
  • Lasting Power of Attorney
  • Protective Property Trusts

Site under maintenance

Apologies for any inconvenience, but you can still reach us at our offices

Securing Your Legacy, Simplifying Your Future.

Proficient in Will Writing and Estate Planning with Highly Skilled Legal Professionals.

Streamlining Will Writing & Estate Planning for You

Our experienced consultants serve areas including Northampton, Milton Keynes, and Bedford, making estate planning straightforward and accessible. We demystify the legal process with clear, understandable language, empowering you to make informed decisions for yourself and your loved ones.

Act Today for a Secure Tomorrow – Think, Plan, Safeguard.

will writing service maldon

Welcome to The Will Writing Company, a cherished family-owned venture that has stood the test of time, flourishing under the guidance of our founder, Mr. Russ C. Kerry, since 1993. With roots deeply embedded in the heart of Milton Keynes, our journey began with a mission to offer unrivaled expertise in estate planning. Today, we're proud to be recognized as one of Milton Keynes' most esteemed and enduring establishments, specializing in Will Writing, Property Trusts, and Lasting Power of Attorney.

For over three decades, we've been the trusted partner to more than 20,000 clients, guiding them with care, integrity, and professionalism. Our dedication to personalized service is mirrored in our growth and the expansion of our presence, with our head office nestled in Newport Pagnell and a vibrant branch in Bedford's bustling town centre.

At The Will Writing Company, we believe in making the complex simple. Our team of experts is committed to providing you with peace of mind, ensuring your wishes are honored and your legacy is preserved for the generations to come. We're not just in the business of will writing; we're here to secure your family's future, one thoughtful decision at a time.

Join us, and let's embark on this important journey together, ensuring your peace of mind is forever in safe hands.

Explore Our Wide Range Practice Areas

will writing service maldon

Will Writing

While the thought of creating a will has crossed the minds of many, only about 30% of people have actually completed this important task.

will writing service maldon

Protective Property Trust

To create wills with protective property trusts, it's necessary to own your property as tenants in common.

will writing service maldon

Our services include a range of trust options such as Discretionary Trust, Business Relief Trust, and Protective Property Trusts.

Power Of Attorney

Creating a Lasting Power of Attorney ensures that decision-making remains in the hands of those you trust most.

will writing service maldon

Professionally written wills simplify the process of obtaining a grant of probate, typically without any complications.

will writing service maldon

Document Storage

Choose between Gold and Silver document storage levels for secure and tailored document preservation.


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will writing service maldon

Alyson Lakin

will writing service maldon

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Felis consectetur facilisis augue sed mi ut non a ultricies. Aliquet tellus massa tortor pulvinar in at sem ut

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Pamela Ondricka

Get In Touch

Email: [email protected]

The Will Writing Company,

Milton Keynes Office: Howard Way, Newport Pagnell, UK

Bedford Office: Mayfair House, Lurke Street, MK40 3HZ

Assistance Hours

Mon – Fri 9:00am – 5:00pm

Saturday, Sunday – CLOSED

Phone Number:

MK: 01908 299411

Bed: 01234 964911

iCentre, Howard Way, Newport Pagnell MK16 9PY, UK

Offices: Howard Way, Newport Pagnell

Mayfair House, Lurke Street, MK40 3HZ

Call xxx-xxx-xxxx

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Wills & Probate

Expert will and probate services

We understand that dealing with wills and probate can often be a sensitive time. We take the time to find out your exact circumstances and then work with you to ensure that everything is taken care of.

Whether you're getting your will in order or administrating the estate of a loved one, you can count on us to make a potentially stressful situation as stress free as possible.

Why should Bailey & Co be your number one choice for wills and probate?

  • We deal solely with conveyancing, wills and probate so you will have our full and undivided attention
  • We can arrange home visits for tasks such as documents delivery, collection and signing
  • Fixed fee structure with no hidden charges
  • We have a fantastic reputation


Are you looking for a company that specialises in wills and probate? Call us today on Heathfield Office 01435 862 277 Maldon Office 01621 874 600

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An official website of the United States government


Hosted by Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer

During the federal application process session, VMSTEP personnel will present on how to write a Federal Government resume, set up a user account and navigate USAJOBS. Get ready to learn insider tips and tricks for crafting a standout federal application that will get you noticed by top federal employers. You will learn the difference between a private sector and federal resume and tips to enhance describing your experience. Veterans, transitioning service members, military spouses and individuals qualified under Schedule A (People with Disabilities/People with Targeted Disabilities) will leave this session armed with information on how to develop a competitive application and how to craft an effective resume for use in applying for positions with VA and other federal agencies.

See more details

Treasury's - Interviewing Techniques

Hosted by Department of the Treasury

Come Grow With Us - This presentation introduces the audience to the interview process within the Federal government. It explains the types of interviews (structured/unstructured), different delivery methods, types of common questions, responding utilizing the S.T.A.R (Situation/Task, Action, Result) method and how to prepare for an interview.

  • Supervisory Civil/Environmental Engineer (Deputy Director)
  • Supervisory Civil/Environmental Engineer (Field Operations)
  • Supervisory Civil/Environmental Engineer (District Engineer)
  • Supervisory Civil/Environmental Engineer (Deputy Director for Project Support)
  • Supervisory Civil/Environmental Engineer (Deputy Director for Management Operations)

Indian Health Service - May Virtual Information Session

Hosted by Indian Health Service

We are excited to invite you to the upcoming Indian Health Service Division of Sanitation Facilities Construction (DSFC) - May Virtual Information Session. This event aims to provide valuable insights into the critical work of DSFC professionals in ensuring access to safe sanitation facilities in Indigenous communities. We encourage you to join us for an information session that highlights the importance of sanitation infrastructure in promoting health and well-being in our indigenous communities.  Date: May 21, 2024 at 2:00 pm EST to 3:00 pm EST. This virtual event will provide you with the chance to:

  • Learn about the mission and services of the Indian Health Service Division of Sanitation Facilities Construction
  • Discover various career paths available within Indian Health Service
  • Explore job openings
  • Get valuable insights into working with indigenous communities

Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to embark on a fulfilling career journey with the Indian Health Service. Mark your calendar and register now to secure your spot! We look forward to meeting you virtually on May 21st!

Virtual Office Hour with USPTO patent examiners

Hosted by Patent and Trademark Office

Calling all scientists and engineers!

Are you a U.S. citizen graduating with a science, engineering, or tech-related degree? Do you want a job that is challenging and an opportunity to work from home nationwide with a flexible schedule? Would you like to work in a culture of inclusivity and camaraderie as part of a community that leads America toward breakthroughs in innovation?  Consider becoming a patent examiner at America's Innovation Agency!

At this event, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will share more about why you should work with us as a patent examiner. By attending, you will learn more about the agency, the patent examiner position, and why employees love to work at the USPTO.

Bring your questions about the agency, the role of a USPTO patent examiner, and the hiring process to this informal Q&A session with current team members for these virtual office hours.

If you are a U.S. citizen and are graduating this year with a focus in:

  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Related fields

…then bring your questions about the agency, the role, and the hiring process to this informal Q&A session with current USPTO patent examiners on May 22nd, at noon ET . Our team members are excited to answer your questions, chat with you, and provide you with more info. Plus, we're hiring!

Treasury's - Writing Your Federal Resume

Come Grow With Us! This presentation was designed to help applicants understand the federal resume. The briefing explains each section of the job opportunity announcement (JOA) in an effort to better inform applicants and to assist them in selecting in or out of the job. The main part of the briefing uses a 3-part process to assist applicants in writing their resume. Attendees are shown a real JOA and walked through a process that helps them review the JOA to determine qualifications and interest, identify the important requirements and then they are shown how to properly tailor their resumes to the JOA. Lastly, we will do a quick overview of the resume builder within USAJOBS.

DFC - Federal Career Possibilities Webinar for AANHPI

Hosted by Development Finance Corporation (formerly Overseas Private Investment Corporation)

Delve into the World of Federal Career Possibilities for Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) with DFC. Don’t miss the opportunity to unlock the path to federal employment success with the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC). We're dedicated to guiding you through the federal hiring process, resume optimization, USAJOBS, and an exclusive Q&A session with federal hiring experts.

Ready to make an impact as a public servant? Join DFC’s mission to empower AANHPI representation in federal roles.

Together, let’s build a federal workforce that truly represents the America we serve! Hosted by the Office of Equal Opportunity, Diversity, and Inclusion (OEDI) and the Office of Human Resources Management (Talent Management in OHRM

DoD Civilian Careers Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics

Hosted by Department of Defense

Elevate Your Career with the Department of Defense!

DoD Civilian Careers Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM) Virtual Career Fair

Embark on a career journey at the forefront of innovation with the Department of Defense (DoD)! Join us for an electrifying journey into the world of cutting-edge technology. Dive into innovation, engage with industry leaders, and unlock exclusive opportunities. Chart your course towards a career brimming with potential in: • General Engineering • Electrical Engineering • Computer Engineering • Interdisciplinary Engineering • Information Technology • Chemistry - Date: May 23,2024 - Time: 11 am to 5Pm (ET) - Register here: https://lnkd.in/ev5edEcA

Why Attend? • Engage with DoD recruiters via live chat. – • Discover diverse career paths across multiple fields. – • Learn about the benefits and growth opportunities within the DoD.

Secure your spot today and be part of something bigger! Your future in public service starts here.

Bureau of Land Management 101 (Careers caring for the land you love)

Hosted by Bureau of Land Management

Interested in a career caring for the land you love? Join the Bureau of Land Management Recruiting Team and learn more about how you can us achieve our mission of managing and conserving public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.

Our challenging mission calls for the best and the brightest our nation has to offer, and in return, we offer interesting, creative work with opportunities for professional growth throughout the organization. The BLM offers a wide variety of job opportunities for qualified individuals with different levels of education and work experience, tune in to find out more.

Virtual office hour with USPTO patent examiners

…then bring your questions about the agency, the role, and the hiring process to this informal Q&A session with current USPTO patent examiners on May 29th, at noon ET . Our team members are excited to answer your questions, chat with you, and provide you with more info. Plus, we're hiring!

What You Need to Know About Schedule A Hiring Authority

Hosted by U.S. Agency for International Development

Discover the Benefits of Schedule A Hiring

- Learn about the unique benefits of Schedule A Hiring Authority and how it can fast track your entry into federal employment. - Arm yourself with practical tools and knowledge to enhance your job- seeking strategy.

Don't let this opportunity pass you by. Join us on June 4th and discover everything you need to know about Schedule A hiring Authority. Your federal career starts here!

  • Patent Examiner (Mechanical Engineering)
  • Patent Examiner (Electrical Engineering)
  • Patent Examiner (Biology)
  • Patent Examiner (Computer Engineer)
  • Patent Examiner (Physics)
  • Patent Examiner (Biomedical Engineer)
  • Patent Examiner (Chemical Engineering)
  • Patent Examiner (Chemistry)
  • Patent Examiner (Computer Science)

…then bring your questions about the agency, the role, and the hiring process to this informal Q&A session with current USPTO patent examiners on June 5th, at noon ET . Our team members are excited to answer your questions, chat with you, and provide you with more info. Plus, we're hiring!

Treasury's - Navigating USAJOBS

Come Grow With Us! Instructor led training that provides a step-by-step process that covers searching for Federal jobs, creating your account and profile, managing your account, reviewing Job Opportunity Announcements, submitting your applications, and following up on your application status.

Navigating the Federal Hiring Process Series: Interview Tips

Hosted by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

As the nation’s preeminent public health promotion, protection, preparedness, and prevention agency, CDC works 24/7 to conduct critical science and provides health information that protects our nation against public health threats, both foreign and domestic. Join us for this informative session to hear directly from CDC Recruiters to gain expert knowledge on how to prepare for your interview, learn best practices to use during your interview, and discover ways to becoming the most competitive applicant during your federal job application process. Please contact [email protected] for any accommodation requests.

U.S. EPA Region 8 , 9 and 10 Federal Careers Virtual Workshop

Hosted by Environmental Protection Agency

Come learn about Federal Employment at Region 8 (Denver), Region 9 (San Francisco), and Region 10 (Seattle) of the EPA! Entry level, early and mid-career professionals are all welcome to attend.

Our work at EPA has purpose and impact. From tackling the climate crisis to advancing environmental justice, what happens here changes our world. Our mission is to protect human health and safeguard the environment – the air, water, and land upon which life depends.

At EPA, you can make a real difference for the environment and the lives of others.

  • At EPA, you work at the center of key environmental issues.
  • Give examples of the benefits of working on issues at the federal level – designing the policies, issuing the grants, etc.
  • Highlight key programs and projects of EPA staff as examples and the impact of the work.

Participants have the opportunity to learn about EPA’s mission, how to navigate USAJOBS and creating a federal resume. There will be panel discussion to provide a glimpse into variety of careers within the EPA. For more information or to request accommodations, please contact  [email protected] , [email protected] , or [email protected] .

…then bring your questions about the agency, the role, and the hiring process to this informal Q&A session with current USPTO patent examiners on June 12th, at noon ET . Our team members are excited to answer your questions, chat with you, and provide you with more info. Plus, we're hiring!

Virtual office hour with USPTO trademark examining attorneys

Take the next step in your law career...at the United States Patent and Trademark Office!

Are you interested in becoming a trademark examining attorney at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)? If so, join us for a virtual office hour on June 13 at noon ET.

You’ll receive a brief overview of the role and have the opportunity to ask questions to trademark examining attorneys in real-time.

Learn more about the hiring process, how trademark examining attorneys contribute to the protection of intellectual property, what a day in the life looks like, and what it's like to work at America’s Innovation Agency.

You do not have to register for this event, but come prepared with questions. We hope to see you there!

A fireside chat with USPTO patent examiners

Do you want a challenging career? Would you like the opportunity to work from home nationwide with a flexible schedule? Do you want to be a part of a culture of inclusivity and camaraderie, and a community that leads America toward breakthroughs in innovation? Are you a U.S. citizen with a degree or soon to be degree in any of these fields?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, come join us virtually on June 20  at noon ET for a laid back and informational fireside chat that will give you an inside look at being a patent examiner at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). You will get the opportunity to engage in insightful conversations and get answers to your questions directly from team members.

Don’t miss your opportunity to take a deep dive into a career that combines purpose with passion. Come join us fireside, and we will ignite your interest in joining the USPTO team. There is no need to register, you can effortlessly dive right into conversation. Hope to see you there!

When ready to apply, submit application via  USAJOBS . For more information, contact  [email protected] .

…then bring your questions about the agency, the role, and the hiring process to this informal Q&A session with current USPTO patent examiners on June 26th, at noon ET . Our team members are excited to answer your questions, chat with you, and provide you with more info. Plus, we're hiring!

DOE Careers in Data and Computing Information Session

Hosted by Department of Energy

We are powered by science and technology to fulfill our mission.

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) ensures America’s security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental, and nuclear challenges. At our very core, we are an agency powered by science and technology to fulfill our mission–from deploying energy solutions to enhancing national security. Join our event to learn about our important and exciting career opportunities and how the Energy Department is working to maintain American leadership in technology and innovation.

DOE is hiring for AI, Data, IT, and Cybersecurity professionals from diverse backgrounds for positions located across the United States!

Career opportunities include but not limited to :

  • Computer Engineer 0854
  • Computer Scientist 1550
  • Data Scientist 1560
  • Electronic Engineer 0855
  • IT and Cybersecurity Specialist 2210
  • Management & Program Analyst 0343
  • Mathematical Statistician 1529
  • Statistician 1530

Join us for a virtual information session to learn from Subject Matter Experts across DOE about the exciting career and internship opportunities available and how to apply.

Reserve your spot today!

Navigating the Federal Hiring Process Series: USAJOBS

As the nation’s preeminent public health promotion, protection, preparedness, and prevention agency, CDC works 24/7 to conduct critical science and provides health information that protects our nation against public health threats, both foreign and domestic. Join us for this informative session to hear directly from CDC Recruiters to gain expert knowledge on how to navigate USAjobs.gov, understanding job vacancies, and discover ways to becoming the most competitive applicant during your federal job application process. Please contact [email protected] for any accommodation requests.

A day in the life of a USPTO patent examiner

Do you want a challenging career? Would you like the opportunity to work from home nationwide with a flexible schedule? Do you want to be a part of a culture of inclusivity and camaraderie, and a community that leads America toward breakthroughs in innovation? Are you a U.S. citizen with a focus in any of these fields?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may belong at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) as a patent examiner! We recruit the most promising at America’s Innovation Agency, and we encourage you to take the step forward in your journey today by joining us virtually on July 9  at noon ET for an informational webinar on becoming a patent examiner.

By attending this event, you will learn more about the USPTO and the patent examiner position, meet with the USPTO team, and hear about our tremendous benefits and why employees love to work here. You do not need to register.

When you are ready to apply, submit your application via USAJOBS .

For more information, contact  [email protected] .

U.S. EPA Region 8, 9, and 10 Federal Careers Virtual Workshop

Participants have the opportunity to learn about EPA’s mission, how to navigate USAJOBS and creating a federal resume. There will be panel discussion to provide a glimpse into variety of careers within the EPA. For more information or to request accommodations, please contact  [email protected] , [email protected] , or [email protected]

HHS Careers Webinar: Navigating the Federal Application Process

Hosted by Department of Health and Human Services

Attend HHS’ webinar on navigating the federal application process!

Join us for a free, informational webinar on Tuesday, August 6, from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. ET to learn how to effectively apply for HHS positions, including analyzing a USAJOBS vacancy announcement and developing a competitive federal resume.

The virtual session is geared toward everyone interested in working at HHS, including but not limited to the general public, mid-to-senior level professionals, federal contractors, and current federal employees. This webinar is open to the public. Please note that this is not a hiring event. We will send the slide deck and video recording of the webinar to all registrants via the email used to sign up within two weeks of the conclusion of the webinar. Please do not send us your resume – to be considered for a position with HHS, please apply via USAJOBS.gov.

Learn more and register for this information session today!

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Kevin spacey defends himself in rare live tv interview on newsnation’s ‘cuomo’, kevin williamson’s family drama series ‘the waterfront’ lands at netflix.

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Dawson’s Creek creator Kevin Williamson ’s return to North Carolina is heading to Netflix .

Williamson’s family drama series The Waterfront has been ordered to series by the streamer. It comes a few months after Deadline revealed that the Scream writer was working on the series as part of a new overall deal with Universal Television.

Inspired by true events, The Waterfront dives into the flawed Buckley family as their attempts to retain control of their crumbling North Carolina fishing empire drive them to increasingly dangerous means to keep themselves afloat.

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Williamson was born in New Bern, North Carolina, the son of a fisherman.

He will write and exec produce the series with Ben Fast from his Outerbanks Entertainment also exec producing.

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Jumpstart Your Writing: AI Use, Plagiarism, and Academic Integrity: Doing the "Write" Thing

Join us virtually on May 23, 2024, from 12-1pm PST for the first installment of the Summer 2024 Jumpstart Your Writing Series: AI Use, Plagiarism, and Academic Integrity: Doing the "Write" Thing hosted by GSEP Writing Support Services.

We will discuss AI, its responsible use, plagiarism detection, and writing through the struggle. We hope you'll join us for this exciting discussion about the use of AI in education as we collectively explore and determine what the "write" thing will be in this new age. 

Be sure to register for this free event. We hope to see you there!

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  • Published: 08 May 2024

Accurate structure prediction of biomolecular interactions with AlphaFold 3

  • Josh Abramson   ORCID: orcid.org/0009-0000-3496-6952 1   na1 ,
  • Jonas Adler   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-9928-3407 1   na1 ,
  • Jack Dunger 1   na1 ,
  • Richard Evans   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-4675-8469 1   na1 ,
  • Tim Green   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-3227-1505 1   na1 ,
  • Alexander Pritzel   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-4233-9040 1   na1 ,
  • Olaf Ronneberger   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-4266-1515 1   na1 ,
  • Lindsay Willmore   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-4314-0778 1   na1 ,
  • Andrew J. Ballard   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-4956-5304 1 ,
  • Joshua Bambrick   ORCID: orcid.org/0009-0003-3908-0722 2 ,
  • Sebastian W. Bodenstein 1 ,
  • David A. Evans 1 ,
  • Chia-Chun Hung   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-5264-9165 2 ,
  • Michael O’Neill 1 ,
  • David Reiman   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-1605-7197 1 ,
  • Kathryn Tunyasuvunakool   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-8594-1074 1 ,
  • Zachary Wu   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-2429-9812 1 ,
  • Akvilė Žemgulytė 1 ,
  • Eirini Arvaniti 3 ,
  • Charles Beattie   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-1840-054X 3 ,
  • Ottavia Bertolli   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-8578-3216 3 ,
  • Alex Bridgland 3 ,
  • Alexey Cherepanov   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-5227-0622 4 ,
  • Miles Congreve 4 ,
  • Alexander I. Cowen-Rivers 3 ,
  • Andrew Cowie   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-4491-1434 3 ,
  • Michael Figurnov   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-1386-8741 3 ,
  • Fabian B. Fuchs 3 ,
  • Hannah Gladman 3 ,
  • Rishub Jain 3 ,
  • Yousuf A. Khan   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-0201-2796 3 ,
  • Caroline M. R. Low 4 ,
  • Kuba Perlin 3 ,
  • Anna Potapenko 3 ,
  • Pascal Savy 4 ,
  • Sukhdeep Singh 3 ,
  • Adrian Stecula   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-6914-6743 4 ,
  • Ashok Thillaisundaram 3 ,
  • Catherine Tong   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-7570-4801 4 ,
  • Sergei Yakneen   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-7827-9839 4 ,
  • Ellen D. Zhong   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-6345-1907 3 ,
  • Michal Zielinski 3 ,
  • Augustin Žídek   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-0748-9684 3 ,
  • Victor Bapst 1   na2 ,
  • Pushmeet Kohli   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-7466-7997 1   na2 ,
  • Max Jaderberg   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-9033-2695 2   na2 ,
  • Demis Hassabis   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-2812-9917 1 , 2   na2 &
  • John M. Jumper   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-6169-6580 1   na2  

Nature ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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We are providing an unedited version of this manuscript to give early access to its findings. Before final publication, the manuscript will undergo further editing. Please note there may be errors present which affect the content, and all legal disclaimers apply.

  • Drug discovery
  • Machine learning
  • Protein structure predictions
  • Structural biology

The introduction of AlphaFold 2 1 has spurred a revolution in modelling the structure of proteins and their interactions, enabling a huge range of applications in protein modelling and design 2–6 . In this paper, we describe our AlphaFold 3 model with a substantially updated diffusion-based architecture, which is capable of joint structure prediction of complexes including proteins, nucleic acids, small molecules, ions, and modified residues. The new AlphaFold model demonstrates significantly improved accuracy over many previous specialised tools: far greater accuracy on protein-ligand interactions than state of the art docking tools, much higher accuracy on protein-nucleic acid interactions than nucleic-acid-specific predictors, and significantly higher antibody-antigen prediction accuracy than AlphaFold-Multimer v2.3 7,8 . Together these results show that high accuracy modelling across biomolecular space is possible within a single unified deep learning framework.

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Author information.

These authors contributed equally: Josh Abramson, Jonas Adler, Jack Dunger, Richard Evans, Tim Green, Alexander Pritzel, Olaf Ronneberger, Lindsay Willmore

These authors jointly supervised this work: Victor Bapst, Pushmeet Kohli, Max Jaderberg, Demis Hassabis, John M. Jumper

Authors and Affiliations

Core Contributor, Google DeepMind, London, UK

Josh Abramson, Jonas Adler, Jack Dunger, Richard Evans, Tim Green, Alexander Pritzel, Olaf Ronneberger, Lindsay Willmore, Andrew J. Ballard, Sebastian W. Bodenstein, David A. Evans, Michael O’Neill, David Reiman, Kathryn Tunyasuvunakool, Zachary Wu, Akvilė Žemgulytė, Victor Bapst, Pushmeet Kohli, Demis Hassabis & John M. Jumper

Core Contributor, Isomorphic Labs, London, UK

Joshua Bambrick, Chia-Chun Hung, Max Jaderberg & Demis Hassabis

Google DeepMind, London, UK

Eirini Arvaniti, Charles Beattie, Ottavia Bertolli, Alex Bridgland, Alexander I. Cowen-Rivers, Andrew Cowie, Michael Figurnov, Fabian B. Fuchs, Hannah Gladman, Rishub Jain, Yousuf A. Khan, Kuba Perlin, Anna Potapenko, Sukhdeep Singh, Ashok Thillaisundaram, Ellen D. Zhong, Michal Zielinski & Augustin Žídek

Isomorphic Labs, London, UK

Alexey Cherepanov, Miles Congreve, Caroline M. R. Low, Pascal Savy, Adrian Stecula, Catherine Tong & Sergei Yakneen

You can also search for this author in PubMed   Google Scholar

Corresponding authors

Correspondence to Max Jaderberg , Demis Hassabis or John M. Jumper .

Supplementary information

Supplementary information.

This Supplementary Information file contains the following 9 sections: (1) Notation; (2) Data pipeline; (3) Model architecture; (4) Auxiliary heads; (5) Training and inference; (6) Evaluation; (7) Differences to AlphaFold2 and AlphaFold-Multimer; (8) Supplemental Results; and (9) Appendix: CCD Code and PDB ID tables.

Reporting Summary

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About this article

Cite this article.

Abramson, J., Adler, J., Dunger, J. et al. Accurate structure prediction of biomolecular interactions with AlphaFold 3. Nature (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-07487-w

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Received : 19 December 2023

Accepted : 29 April 2024

Published : 08 May 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-07487-w

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Arts and Sciences Summer Exploration Program

The Arts and Sciences Summer Exploration program offers middle and high school students one-week intensive enrichment courses intended to introduce them to new areas of study or allow them to engage in content they may already have an interest in. In-person classes meet from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and are taught by Ohio State faculty, staff, and graduate students. Teaching is active, hands-on and encourages participants to engage with the instructional team and their fellow participants. These courses are not for grade or credit and are designed for self-motivated learners.  

Eligibility is based on a participant’s current grade level for the 2023-2024 school year. Students currently enrolled in 7 th and 8 th grades are eligible for middle school courses. Students currently enrolled in 9 th – 11 th grade are eligible for high school courses. 

If you have questions about this program, please contact [email protected] or call Courtney Price at 614-292-8208. 

The application deadline for Summer 2024 courses has passed. We invite you to sign up for updates  to receive information about our programs and be alerted when the when future application windows open.  

2024 Course Offerings

Explorations in creative writing.

Dates : June 3–7

Eligibility : Middle School (current grade 7-8)

Description : In this course, we will take a deep dive into poetry, fiction, and nonfiction writing! In each genre, we’ll be thinking about what it means to develop our own individual writing voice that’s unique to who we are. During the week, we will experiment with daily writing exercises based off prompts crafted to spark creativity and seek inspiration from reading classic and contemporary literary work, as well as different forms of art, such as music and collage. 

Through this course, participants will hone their writing voice in multiple genres. By the end of the course, each participant will have an impressive portfolio of writing developed in our supportive writing community. 

Prerequisites:  Previous experience with the subject matter is not required for this course.

Astronomy as a Gateway to the Data Sciences

Eligibility : High School (current grade 9-11)

Description : Astronomy has entered the “big data” era, in which huge collections of measurements are analyzed to attack the most challenging problems. In this course, we will explore how even the simplest data – the positions and brightness of stars – can address an active research problem. We will build the components of a data analysis pipeline using the most basic parts of the Python programming language, and use real data to search for young stars that have diffused away from the clusters they were born in. 

This course will explore many aspects of competency in the data sciences. This is a true research project! We do not know the answers in advance but will discover them as part of our course. This course will include small group exploration, interviews, peer teaching, and pair programming. Through this course students will learn basic statistical analysis, and gain experience in several fundamentals in the Python programming language. 


  • Participants should have completed high school algebra or geometry prior to taking this course. 
  • Previous experience with astronomy and programming is not required for this course. 

Specific Course Requirements:

  • Contact  [email protected] if lack of access to a personal computer would limit participation.

Sensational Science: Exploring Human Perception

Description : Discover the wonders and mysteries of how we perceive the world around us. Participants will explore not only the traditional five senses — sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch — but also examine proprioception, nociception, balance, and the complex neural networks that integrate sensory information. 

Through a dynamic blend of lectures, hands-on experiments, interactive activities, and group discussions, participants will learn the science behind how we perceive our environment and ourselves. This course will enhance critical thinking and scientific inquiry skills through investigations of how our brains interpret sensory information. Going beyond the basics, this course will uncover the fascinating spectrum of sensory and perception disorders. From the challenges of navigating the world with color blindness or anosmia to the extraordinary experiences of synesthesia, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of how diverse the human experience of the world can be. 

Prerequisites:  Previous experience with the subject matter is not required for this course. 


Dates : June 10-14 Eligibility : Middle School (current grade 7-8)

Description : This studio-based, hands-on course will be held in the Ohio State Print Shop in Hopkins Hall. Participants will be introduced to a variety of printmaking techniques including screenprinting, relief printing, monoprinting, risography, and bookmaking. Participants will have the option to focus their work through the lens of comics, storytelling, and character design, if they so choose. At the end of the week participants will visit the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library on Ohio State campus, where they will view exhibitions and archives of comics and sequential art. 

Through this course, participants will learn how to operate specialized printing presses, tools, and equipment. Participants will create an original portfolio of printed works on paper and fabric. Participants will have the opportunity to share their prints and acquire works by their fellow participants through a course print exchange.

During this course students will use sharp tools and operate printmaking equipment. Students will be supervised and provided with personal safety training for every technique, but there is an inherent risk of injury.

Prerequisites: Previous studio art experience is not required to successfully participate in this course.

Course Specific Requirements:

  • Close-toe shoes are recommended.
  • Clothing may get art materials on them. Participants should dress accordingly.

Intercultural Competence for Future Global Leaders 

Dates : June 24-28

Description : Intercultural competence is conceptualized as a lifelong process that includes the development of the attitudes (respect and valuing of other cultures, openness, curiosity), knowledge (of self, culture, sociolinguistic issues) skills (listen, observe, interpret, analyze, evaluate, and relate), and qualities (adaptability, flexibility, empathy and cultural decentering) in order to behave and communicate effectively and appropriately to achieve one’s goals. 

In this course, participants will learn what it takes to become globally-minded and acquire the skills to navigate in multiple, diverse, global and local networks. Participants will understand the core concepts related to culture and intercultural competence, learn the basics of American Sign Language (ASL), develop cultural self-awareness, and understand the relationship between intercultural competence, citizenship and leadership. 

Course Specific Requirements: 

Application and deadline

The 2024 Arts and Sciences Summer Exploration Program application will remain open through May 15 . Space in each course is limited, so individual courses may fill before the May 15 deadline. 

If a participant requires an accommodation such as interpretation to participate in this program, please contact the program at [email protected] or 614-292-8208. Requests should be made as soon as possible. Requests made two weeks before the first day of a course will generally allow us to provide seamless access, but the university will make every effort to meet requests made after this date. 

We invite you to sign up for updates  to receive information about our programs and be alerted when the when future application windows open.    

Costs and aid

The program fee for the Arts and Sciences Summer Exploration 2024 program is  $550 per one-week course , which includes all course materials and activities, lunch, and snacks.

Limited need-based financial assistance may be available in the form of partial support. Financial assistance can be requested on the program application.  

Payment deadlines

Applicants have one week to accept their offer of admission to the program and pay the program fee. All payments must be made through the applicant portal. Once an offer is accepted and payment made, the parent or legal guardian must submit emergency contact and medical information, as well as signed Policy Acknowledgement and Consent forms no later than May 27, 2024.   

Refund Policy

The Arts and Sciences Summer Exploration Program recognizes that sometimes plans change. Participants may request a refund of the program fee by emailing [email protected] according to the following schedule:

  • On or before May 1, 2024: 100% of program fee paid
  • May 2 – May 15, 2024: 50% of program fee paid
  • On or after May 16, 2024: No refund of program fee paid

Program Details

While plans for each course may differ slightly, the daily schedule follows this general model:

  • Drop off 8:15 - 8:45 a.m.
  • Morning session 9:00 - 11:30 a.m.
  • Travel to lunch 11:30 - 11:45 a.m.
  • Lunch at Traditions 11:45 - 12:45 p.m. 
  • Travel time 12:30 - 12:45 p.m. 
  • On campus activity 12:45 – 1:45 p.m.
  • Afternoon session 2:00-3:45 p.m.
  • Travel to pick-up location 3:45 - 4 p.m.
  • Pick up 4:00 - 4:30 p.m.

Participants will always be escorted between pick-up/drop-off, their assigned classroom, the dining hall, and the on-campus activity by program staff. Additional information about the program will be emailed to participants and families, as needed, closer to the start of the program. 

Lunch will be provided daily at the Traditions at Scott dining hall and will be supervised by program staff. Traditions provides a wide variety of food options that meet the most common dietary needs and restrictions, including halal, gluten-free and vegetarian. However, kosher dining is not supported during summer term. 

The pick-up and drop-off location for students is the corner of Annie and John Glenn Avenue and Millikin Road, outside of the PAES building (see maps below). Please drop your child off from the eastbound lane of Annie and John Glenn Avenue. The drop-off/pick-up location will be marked with a sign and program staff will be present to check your child in and out of the program. 

If you are using a navigation system for directions, enter the following address: 305 Annie and John Glenn Avenue, Columbus, Ohio, 43210.

Please do not park in the drop-off/pick-up lane. If you need to park, or your child is driving themselves to and from the program, the closest surface lot parking is at the Ohio Stadium. The closest garage parking is Tuttle Garage. You can learn more about parking at Ohio State, including hourly rates, on the CampusParc website . 

Map of Ohio State campus, with route for drop-off and pick-up of summer program students highlighted.

The image above shows the ideal route to the drop off and pick up location. The image below shows the drop off and pick up lane from the street view. 

Photo of the drop off and pick up location.

For those riding COTA, the closest bus stop to the drop-off/pick-up location is N. High Street & E. 15th Avenue. See the COTA website for more information. 

The first day of the program will kick-off with a brief orientation session. At 8:45 a.m. program staff will walk the students to the orientation location. At the orientation, students will receive a program t-shirt and lanyard, the program staff will be introduced, and the daily schedule will be reviewed. After orientation, students will be escorted to their classrooms and the morning session will begin.  

What to Wear

Participants should wear comfortable clothing appropriate for the classroom, as well as for a range of temperatures. For most courses, participants will spend most of the day inside air-conditioned classrooms. However, we will be walking between the drop-off/pick-up location, classrooms, campus locations and the dining hall. Dressing in layers and wearing comfortable walking shoes is recommended. Any course specific requirements are listed in the course description. 

Friday What to Wear

Each Friday on the last day of classes, we will take pictures of each class cohort. We encourage participants to wear their Arts & Sciences Summer Exploration t-shirt on Friday for this event!

Daily Packing List

  • Cell phone and charger (optional)
  • Any special academic materials needed for courses beyond this basic list will be provided by the program.
  • Snacks and water: Participants should bring a refillable water bottle every day. While the program will provide an afternoon snack, participants are allowed to bring their own snacks. However, we request that, for the safety of participants with nut allergies, no snacks containing nuts be brought to the program.
  • Personal medications in their original labeled containers (if taken during the day)
  • Sunscreen and umbrella or rain jacket (optional)

The documents linked below are samples of the required program forms. Once an applicant accepts their offer of admission, the parent or legal guardian will receive an email from DocuSign with links to these forms. Forms must be reviewed and signed by May 27, 2024 .  

  • Arts and Sciences Summer Exploration 2024 Policy Forms
  • Arts and Sciences Summer Exploration 2024 Consent Forms


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    Top » Wills, Trusts & Probate » Maldon Top 10 Wills, Trusts & Probate Solicitors in Maldon. Here you can see the best Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitors in Maldon. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm's accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and ...

  14. Wills, Trusts & Probate

    Palmers Solicitors is the trading name of Palmers Law Limited (company registration England & Wales: 09464224) registered office 19 Town Square, Basildon, Essex SS14 1BD and is authorised & regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, SRA No: 813805 | VAT Number: 394 924214.

  15. Questions Answered From Trusted Will Writers Maldon

    Trusted Will Writers Maldon answer the most popular asked questions. We are Will writing experts and offer unrivalled advice and help. ... 03300101078; Trusted Will Writing Service; Fast Acting; Range Of Products; Cost Effective; Approved; Appointments 7 Days Per Week; Services. Single Will; Mirror Wills; Update your Will; Property Protection ...

  16. Will Writing Services Maldon

    The biggest benefit that the online will writing services offer is the ability to make sure that your document is completed. Contact us! Skip to content. 03300101078; Trusted Will Writing Service; Fast Acting; Range Of Products; Cost Effective; Approved; Appointments 7 Days Per Week; Services. Single Will;

  17. Business School of Will Writing

    Business School of Will Writing, Maldon, Essex. 76 likes. The Business School of Will Writing holds a series of workshops throughout the year that are highly

  18. Writing Your Own Will

    03300 101 078; Contact; Our Locations; Services. Single Will; Mirror Wills; Update your Will; Property Protection Trust

  19. Professional Wills at Affordable Prices

    Legacy Wills & Estate Planning Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for credit broking activities only (see FCA Register at www.fca.org.uk FCA Number 689835). The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate will writing or estate planning services. Call: 0345 2600 600. Monday - Friday 9AM - 6PM.

  20. The Write Will Service

    01702 512604. Head Office. 2 Shepard Close. Leigh on Sea. Essex. SS9 5YR. Professional home Will writing and probate advice service, based in Southend on Sea. We cover all of South East Essex, Greater London and the South Coast in particular Southend, Chelmsford, Thurrock, Maldon, Hythe, Bournemouth and Harrow.

  21. How We Work

    Welcome to PWP - How we work is we provide Will writing, Power of Attorney and probate services. We can visit you in your home at a time convenient to you. Skip to content. 01623 325035. [email protected]. About. About Us; Terms of business; Your Cancellation Rights;

  22. The WiIl Writing Company

    Welcome to The Will Writing Company - Your Trusted Estate Planning & Legal Services Partner. Explore our comprehensive range of services, including Wills, Trusts, Lasting Power of Attorney, Probate, & more. Our expert team is here to safeguard your assets, protect your family's future, and provide peace of mind. Discover how our tailored solutions can benefit you today.

  23. Top free or cheap will-writing services

    Option 2: Low-cost will-writing services. Will-writing services can offer savings against standard solicitor fees, with prices starting under £100. These services may be online-based - using digital tools to draft your will - operate by post, or will involve someone coming to visit you at home.

  24. Affordable wills and probate services in Southminster with Bailey & Co

    01435 862 277. 01621 874 600. Is your will up to date? For assistance with wills and probate in Southminster, call Bailey & Co on 01621 874 600.


    Date: May 21, 2024 at 2:00 pm EST to 3:00 pm EST. This virtual event will provide you with the chance to: Learn about the mission and services of the Indian Health Service Division of Sanitation Facilities Construction. Discover various career paths available within Indian Health Service.

  26. 'Dawson's Creek' Creator Kevin Williamson Writing 'The ...

    Dawson's Creek creator Kevin Williamson's return to North Carolina is heading to Netflix. Williamson's family drama series The Waterfront has been ordered to series by the streamer.

  27. Jumpstart Your Writing: AI Use, Plagiarism, and Academic Integrity

    Join us virtually on May 23, 2024, from 12-1pm PST for the first installment of the Summer 2024 Jumpstart Your Writing Series: AI Use, Plagiarism, and Academic Integrity: Doing the "Write" Thing hosted by GSEP Writing Support Services.

  28. Open for Public Comment at Stone Lakes NWR

    This scoping letter is available for public review and comment until May 25th, 2024. Comments may be submitted in writing via email at [email protected]. Scoping Letter for Aquatic Invasive Species EA. Before including your address, phone number, email address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, please be aware ...

  29. Accurate structure prediction of biomolecular interactions with

    The introduction of AlphaFold 21 has spurred a revolution in modelling the structure of proteins and their interactions, enabling a huge range of applications in protein modelling and design2-6 ...

  30. Arts and Sciences Summer Exploration Program

    The Arts and Sciences Summer Exploration program offers middle and high school students one-week intensive enrichment courses intended to introduce them to new areas of study or allow them to engage in content they may already have an interest in. In-person classes meet from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and are taught by Ohio State faculty, staff, and graduate students.