Examination Malpractice In Nigeria: Major Causes, Effects And Solutions

  • Post author: Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka ACMC
  • Post published: May 24, 2024
  • Post category: Scholarly Articles
  • Post comments: 27 Comments

Examination malpractice in Nigeria : Examination malpractice has eaten deep into the education system of Nigeria to the extent that it can no longer be totally defeated. Many scholars have corroborated the fact that examination malpractice cannot be easily eliminated in Nigeria any longer because a considerable number of students and parents in the country accepts it. It will also surprise you to know that 75% of students who take WAEC and JAMB examination in special centers around the country, where examination malpractice is prevalent, were advised by their parents to go there.

How to solve the problem of examination malpractice in Nigeria

These days, school principals, teachers and even external examination supervisors help candidates to pass their examinations through examination malpractice just for them to get paid. Frankly speaking, education in Nigeria is really in a chronic state. Many scholars are of the view that there is actually no hard and fast rule for whipping off examination malpractice from the examination system of Nigeria.

In this article, i will be analyzing and discussing examination malpractice in Nigeria. Particularly, i will be looking at the forms of examination malpractice in Nigeria, the causes of examination malpractice in Nigeria, effects and solutions to the problem of examination malpractice in Nigeria.

On this note, if you have been searching the internet for an article that clearly explains examination malpractice in Nigeria, this is the article you have been looking for. Trust me; you will not regret reading this work.

causes and effects of examination malpractice in Nigeria bscholarly.com

Meanwhile, it is pertinent to note that the information provided in this article applies to all levels of education in Nigeria. So, the solutions highlighted here will be applicable for both primary, secondary and tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Without wasting any more time, lets quickly look at the definition of examination malpractice and its different forms.

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Table of Contents

Examination malpractice meaning

To understand the meaning of examination malpractice, it is important to take each word one after the other. First, an “ examination ” is a formal test of a person’s knowledge or proficiency in a subject or skill. In Nigeria, the test is usually conducted before a student will be allowed to graduate to a higher level of education.

According to Oxford learned dictionary, malpractice is an improper, illegal, or negligent professional behaviour . In law, malpractice has a different meaning (though not totally different). It means, negligence or lack of competence in the act of a professional in any field.

From the definitions given above, examination malpractice can simply be defined as an improper or illegal conduct by a candidate of an examination with the intention of passing the examination. Most times parents are to be blamed when students engage in examination malpractice because, they are responsible for the moral life of their children.

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It has also been stated by many scholars that to ensure a drastic decrease in the rate of examination malpractice in Nigeria, the role of parents is very important. In other words, parents can actually contribute to an increase or decrease in the rate of examination malpractice in Nigeria. This assertions will be explained later in this article. Meanwhile, lets quickly look at the forms of examination malpractice in Nigeria.

Kindly watch the video below for a more elaborate explanation of the problem of examination malpractice in the Nigerian education sector.

Forms of examination malpractice

Below are the different forms of examination malpractice in Nigeria:

1. Impersonation : This is one of the well known forms of examination malpractice in Nigeria. Impersonation is simply the act of pretending to be another person for the purpose of helping that person write an examination. This form of examination malpractice is very rampant in Nigeria. In fact, in Nigerian universities today, students who fail their courses don’t usually rewrite those courses themselves. They will rather pay someone to impersonate them and write the course for them.

The reason why this form of examination malpractice is rampant in Nigeria is because, the country has not attained the kind of technological advancement that is needed to avoid any type of impersonation. Take for instance, before WAEC examination is taken in Nigeria, there usually no scrutinizing of students before the examination starts. Thus, many engage in examination malpractice through Impersonation just to pass the examination.

Over the last two years, about 2000 candidates have been punished for impersonation during WAEC examination. This is to tell you the severity of this form of examination malpractice. It is indeed the most rampant form of examination malpractice in Nigeria today.

2. Smuggling of extraneous materials: Another form of examination malpractice in Nigeria that is used by almost every bad student is the bringing of extraneous materials into examination hall. Nowadays, students who cannot pay the money required for impersonation, usually come into the examination hall with extraneous materials to aid themselves in the examination. This could be by bringing notebooks, papers, mobile phones or laptops into the examination hall to source for information.

General speaking, bringing extraneous materials into examination hall is prohibited in most of the examinations conducted in Nigeria. But even at that, many student still engage in this form of examination malpractice, not minding what will be the punishment or outcome of their actions.

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3. External assistance: This form of examination malpractice is normal in examinations like JAMB UTME, WAEC and NECO. In this form of examination malpractice, it is actually the exam officers that come rescue students who did not prepare for the examination in return for some money. Sometimes, the exam officers can also threaten students to pay some money so that they can be helped or else, they will fail. In this case, both students who prepare very well for the examination and those who did not must engage in examination malpractice since that is the only way they can pass the examination.

This form of examination malpractice is rampant in Nigeria again. The reason is because, examination bodies like the West African Examination Council (WAEC), Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) and even the National Examination Council (NECO) has made efforts to see that examination officers cannot ask students for money in other to pass the examination.

4. Copying during examination: This is a general form of examination malpractice. It is seen in both primary, secondary and tertiary education level in Nigeria.

Students in Nigeria who did not prepare very well for their examination end up coping from their classmates or friends just to pass the examination. In Nigeria, the act of coping during examination is known to be done by smart students because it is only a smart student that can copy from his classmates without being caught by their teacher/lecturer.

5. Collusion : Last on the forms of examination malpractice in Nigeria is collusion. This form of examination is always used during written examinations like WAEC and NECO. In this case, students share information passed (in paper) to them by their teachers to pass external examinations.

The answers that are shared among the students are usually the answers to the exact questions in the examination they are talking.

Many a time, this form of examination malpractice does not work because, students tend to share one particular answer. Thus, it will be very easy for the examination body to find out that there was actually examination malpractice in the examination center.

It is pertinent to note that almost all the examination bodies in Nigeria are already aware of the different forms of examination malpractice in the country. Frankly speaking, WAEC, NECO, JAMB and even POST UTME examination are very strict nowadays. In fact, it is very difficult if not impossible to engage in examination malpractice using any of the forms above. Thus, i enjoin every Nigerian student who is going through this article, to stop planning of engaging in examination malpractice in Nigeria because, those plans will definitely fail.

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Causes of examination malpractice in Nigeria

Below are the causes of examination malpractice in Nigeria:

  • Failure of our education system
  • Poor parental upbringing:
  • Undue emphasis on Certificate
  • Environmental factor
  • Failure to prepare for examination
  • Over population in schools

solutions to examination malpractice in Nigeria

1. Failure of our education system: First and foremost, I must highlight the fact that the reason why many students cheat during examination is because of the failed education system of the country. In Nigeria today, many students have come to understand that they are wasting their time studying because it’s not going to pay off at the end of the day.

Think about it, after graduating from the university, many students end up in places where they are paid just N20,000 to N50,000 monthly which it totally unfair in some situations. On the other hand, the winner of the well known BBNaija show in Nigeria is paid over 90 million for just winning a competition that adds nothing to the society in the long run.

After considering all of this, a lot of Nigerian students are discouraged to continue putting in all their efforts in education because they believe it won’t pay off. The stress and pain they go through will surely end in sorrow so they prefer not paying to much attention to their studies.

In my school (The University of Nigeria, Nsukka, UNN), I know of many students who have this mindset I have explained above today and I don’t really blame them because the country is not really encouraging education in any way.

That is why many Nigerian students now are engaged in a lot of online scam. Some pay more attention to making money through bitcoin and other businesses than their education. This is a very big problem and it is one of the major causes of malpractice in the education sector.

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2. Poor parental upbringing: This is undoubtedly one of the most contributing causes of examination malpractice in Nigeria. As it is rightly said, charity begins at home. Anything a person displays in the public is what he was taught at home. If a child uses any of the forms of examination malpractice just to pass an examination, it is apparent that his actions is as a result of the kind of morals built in him/her as a child. This is why Poor parental upbringing is seen as one of the causes of examination malpractice in Nigeria today.

To further examine this point, i will tell you a story of a friend of mine who failed her first WAEC examination because of his parental upbringing. He took his first WAEC examination in 2017 but his results were withheld. The reason was because he depended so much on examination malpractice and WAEC found out. Before the examination, his parents told him not to worry about passing WAEC examination because they will make sure he had the best WAEC grades ever. That year, he didn’t read for the examination. In fact, was so happy because he thought he would pass without going through the stress other students were going through.

Unfortunately, when the result came out, WAEC withheld the result of all the students who took examination in the miracle center were he wrote the examination and never released it. That was how my beloved friend failed his first WAEC examination. The next year, he had to read very hard and his hard work actually paid off at last.

3. Undue emphasis on Certificate: The emphasis placed on school certification in Nigeria is becoming alarming. You will agree with me that many Nigerian students no longer care about learning in school any longer. What matters most to them is to make the best grades in all their subjects/courses.

I have noted in many of my articles that while it is important to remind students that making good grades is very important, teachers and Lecturers must ensure to tell them that making good grades is not the reason why they came to school. The goal is to learn in school and secondly, to make good grades.

They way teachers and parents lay emphasis on making good grades from school has actually caused many students to engage in examination malpractice just to make sure that they reach up to the required marks. For example, I know of a guy in my class who only cares about making good grades in school. He will never share his ideas with anybody because he wants to be the best in the class. Sometimes, he goes to the extent of paying teachers so that they will supply examination questions to him even before the examination.

In this case, it is not really this parents that caused him to engage in examination malpractice. It is the high level of emphasis placed on making good grades before graduating that caused him to engage in examination malpractice.

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4. Environmental factor: Believe it or not, environment matters too. The place a child grew up will also affect the way he see examination malpractice. I am saying this because I am one of the persons whose view of examination was affected by the environment.

Causes of examination malpractice in Nigeria

In 2017 when I took my first external examination by the West African Examination Council (WAEC), i couldn’t resist the urge to register for examination in a miracle center because almost all my friends and age mates in my community register in a miracle center.

The only reason why I ended up not taking my WAEC examination in a miracle center was because my parents forced my not to. They were bent on making sure that I prepare and pass the examination all by myself. Eventually, I passed the exam with good grades and I can proudly say that in the public because I can defend my certificate.

The point I am trying to point here is that, sometimes students who engage in examination malpractice do so because their environment accepts it. That is to say, environmental factor is also one of the causes of examination malpractice.

5. Failure to prepare for examination: Unlike the old days, majority of students of nowadays don’t prepare for examination. They walk into their examination hall with empty heads and expect God to do magic for them. When they find out that can not pass the examination on their own, they will resort to examination malpractice as that is their only option.

How to eradicate malpractice in Nigerian education system

A typical example of a student like this is my roommate when I was in 300level at the University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus (UNEC). He never read his books for one day. What he new how to do best was to party with his friends and come back to school during weekends to do his assignments. During examinations, supervisors usually watch him closely because he is generally known as the king of examination malpractice. So you see, failing to prepare for examination is actually one of the causes of examination in our society today.

6. Over population in schools : What do you expect 150 students to do during examination when they are all congestion in classroom. Obviously, the environment is already encouraging examination malpractice in the first place. This is the case in almost all the government owned secondary and tertiary institution in Nigeria.

The reason why I am bringing up this point is because, I went to a government owned secondary school. During my days, we were about 250 in just one classroom. Our teachers don’t even care whether or not students are engaging in examination malpractice because the population was too much. Even the brilliant ones like me that always hid my answer during examination could no longer hide them because the classroom was too congested.

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Effects of examination Malpractice in Nigeria

Below are some of the likely effects of examination malpractice in Nigeria if nothing is done to reduce it:

  • Dearth of professionals in Nigeria
  • Decrease in the nation’s integrity
  • Increase in corruption
  • Underdevelopment. 

causes of examination malpractice in Nigeria

1. Dearth of professionals in Nigeria: Believe it or not, if examination malpractice is not given a good fight in Nigeria, the country will definitely get to a stage where there is dearth of professionals in every sector. What this means is that, there will be few or no professional doctors, lawyers and even engineers in the country.

Now, imagine a country where there is only a few number of good lawyers. Apparently, innocent citizens of that country is going to suffer because of injustice. Government will have a justification for all their evil deeds and unjust policies.

Accordingly, in a country where there is no professional and qualified doctor, people will die because of little sicknesses or professional misconducts on the part of the unqualified doctor. I know of a man in my community who died as a result of the overdose given to him by his own son who is a medical doctor. He was one of those rich men who will always pay for his child to pass any examination in school. Eventually, his own actions killed him. Obviously, his son is one of the products of examination malpractice.

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2. Decrease in the nation’s integrity: This is the case in Nigeria presently. In recent times, students prefer to study abroad than in Nigeria. The reason is because, people who studied in Nigeria are valued lesser than those who study abroad. The funniest part of it is the fact that, Nigerian students now prefer to study in less developed countries like Ghana, South Africa and even Gambia which Nigeria is far better than. This points to the fact that Nigeria’s education system is gradually declining and the nation’s integrity is going low too.

What are the consequences of examination malpractice

Nowadays, it is probably impossible to see a Nigerian, who graduated from a Nigerian university, going to further his/her education in Harvard or Manchester University. In fact, before top universities like Harvard or Manchester will admit a Nigeria, there must be proper scrutinizing of the student to be sure that he/she is truly academically sound.

3. Increase in corruption: Corruption is one of the biggest problems Nigeria is having today. In fact, i am of the opinion that corruption is the only problem in Nigeria because every other problem of Nigeria is as a result of corruption. One of the likely consequences of examination malpractice in Nigeria is an increase in corruption rate.

How to stop students from cheating during exams

Trust me; if the students are taught to solely depend on examination malpractice to pass their examination, they will grow with the understanding that cheating is not really bad. Undoubtedly, this will reflect every other aspects of their life.

As it is rightly said, the youths are the leaders of tomorrow. Whatever that is inculcated in them today, will definitely grow with them. So, if they are allowed to cheat during examination, then looting public funds won’t be a problem too.

4. Underdevelopment: It will surprise you to know that one of the reasons why Nigeria is still underdeveloped is because our education system has not been able to produce enough qualified students in different fields of study. It seems as if our education system is more concerned about producing students who can write examination and pass very well, than those who can actually put into practice what they have been taught.

This is actually the reason why the country is still underdeveloped after many years of independence. Believe it or not, only about 20% of the federal university universities in Nigeria are currently equipped with all the necessaries a good university should have. As a result of this, students concentrate more on passing their examination because that is the only way they can be deemed fit in their various professions.

Solutions to Examination Malpractice in Nigeria

Below are some tentative solutions to the problem of examination malpractice in Nigeria:

  • Good parental upbringing
  • Increase in the salary of teachers
  • Incentives for those who report malpractice cases
  • De-emphasizing of the need for certificate
  • Creation of more schools and learning facilities
  • Government should encourage education

1. Good parental upbringing: From my discussion in the early part of this work, it is clear the parental upbringing contributes a lot to examination malpractice in Nigeria. The way a child is trained can increase or decrease the rate of examination malpractice in Nigeria. The reason is because, most people act the way they act in the public because, that is the way they were trained.

On that note, if parents can inculcate in their children that examination malpractice should be fraund upon at all times, there will be a drastic decline in the rate of examination malpractice in Nigeria with time.

In 2007, my friend told me the story of a student who insisted that he will not engage in examination malpractice even when every other person was. The student told the investigator that his mother warned him not to engage in examination malpractice and that he must obey his mother. When I heard of this, I was amazed. No doubt, good parental upbringing can really decrease the rate of examination malpractice in Nigeria.

2. Increase in the salary of teachers: I have come to realize that not every teacher/Lecturer actually likes encouraging students to engage in examination malpractice. Sometimes, teachers engage in examination malpractice because their salary is not enough for them. Thus, in other to increase their salary, they will ask students to pay some amount of money so as to enable them pass the examination.

Why students engage in examination malpractice

Trust me; if the government should increase the salary of teachers in school by 30%, there will be less case of examination malpractice in Nigeria. To corroborate this, many teachers have expressed the opinion that one of the tentative ways through which examination malpractice can be fought in Nigeria is by increasing the salaries of teachers. It will really go a long way to curb examination malpractice in this country.

3. Incentives for those who report malpractice cases : In 2011, the government of Nigeria deviced a new way of catching corrupted persons in the country. The government made a public announcement that there will be incentives for anyone who reports any case of corruption to the government. That year, many corrupt public officers were exposed. In fact, some corrupt people who didn’t want to get caught started to pressurize the government to stop the policy.

If that same tactics is deployed in fighting examination malpractice in Nigeria, there will be a rapid decrease in the rate of examination malpractice in Nigeria. Truth be told, most people who enjoin students to engage in examination malpractice, don’t like it. Some of them are forced to do it because they are indigent. So, if the government or any any examination body in Nigeria starts giving incentives to people who report cases of examination malpractice, i strongly believe that the rate of examination malpractice in Nigeria will decrease in a short time.

4. De-emphasizing of the need for certificate: Until less emphasis is placed on paper qualification in Nigeria, many students will not stop striving to get good grades in school through any means. I have stated in the early part of this article that one of the reasons why many students engage in examination malpractice is for them to get the best grade while in school, as that will determine how fit they are in their profession.

Employers of labor must understand that grades does not really show that someone is fit for a job. What will show that someone is really fit for a job is the practical capacity of that person. It is possible for a student who had low grades while in school to work better than another student with good grades in thesame area of specialty.

My point hear is that for examination malpractice to reduce, it is necessary that lesser value be placed on the paper qualification of students.

5. Creation of more schools and learning facilities: This is on the part of the government. By creating more schools in Nigeria, there will be less number of students in a particular classroom and that will discourage examination malpractice in any form. Evidently, students in schools where there are very low numbers of students perform more better than those in over populated schools.

The reason is because, in those less populated schools, students are well monitored to ensure that they actually learn what is being taught in the classroom. However, no teacher/Lecturer in an overpopulated school has the time and strength to do that.

Providing learning facilities will also help to foster learning in school. It will help students to know the what they are supposed to know at every level of their education. In my opinion, creating more schools and learning facilities will go a long way to solve the problem of examination malpractice in Nigeria.

6. Government should encourage education : Trust me, if the government starts encouraging education there will be a drastic reduction in the number of examination malpractice recorded in the country every year. In the United States of America currently, students who are not able to completely pay for their education can be given loan by the US government .

This does not only show that their education is important. It also encourages students in the US to keep studying.

Increasing the salary of every profession is also a good idea because when students are confident about what they can earn after graduating, they won’t be looking for ways to make money or scam other people online.


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From my discussion so far, it is evident that the problem of examination malpractice can be drastically reduced in Nigeria, even though it cannot be totally stopped. With the tentative solutions I have proffered, there is no doubt that Nigeria’s education system can still come back to life.

However, for this to happen our parents, government and teacher must also play their role effectively. The Nigerian society must see examination malpractice as an abominable act. This will help to deter many students from engaging in examination malpractice in the country.

Hope this article was helpful? If you still have any question or contribution to this article, kindly send them via the comment section. Remember, your solution to the problem of examination malpractice in Nigeria can also help to save the country’s educational system.

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Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.

This Post Has 27 Comments

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I love these articles, pls let make use of it and correct the nation as hole

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So then what could be the remedy of this problem of examination malpractice in Nigeria in the expecting future time,even though is not a hope,but to be maintain.

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Outstanding effort! I benefit much from this article. Thank you so much. May we not be in such illegal practice.

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Good job you’ve done ✅

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Well written article, well done

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i love it, thanks

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Examination malpractice in Nigeria: Causes and Solutions

The Nigerian educational system has suffered from examination malpractices for a long time. Examination malpractices are not only morally wrong but also are an illegal act according to the Philip Kim Law . Examination malpractice can ruin the life of the students in many ways. How is this so? What can be done to stop examination malpractice? What are the reasons it keeps increasing in Nigerian educational institutions?


What is Examination Malpractice?

Examination malpractice has to do with any form of cheating before, during or even after an examination session. According to the best medical malpractice lawyer this means that examination malpractice could be done inside or outside the test hall. Malpractice includes plagiarism which is the theft of ideas, words of another person without acknowledgement, thereby claiming it to be yours.; Using notes during the exam, writing answers from a pre-prepared answer sheet, writing answers from another student’s answer sheet, attempting to answer examination questions when the exam time is over. If something goes wrong with your surgery Houston medical negligence attorneys can help you get justice. Examination malpractice is considered any action that gives one an unfair advantage over others and that is not in conformity to the societal laws and standards. If you have suffered and injury due to a surgical error, or a misdiagnosis has resulted in a serious illness, Hastings Law Firm Houston can help. As a direct necessity of both experienced and novice moped riders having to share major and minor roadways from extremely busy major city interstate highways to the less busy, even less dangerous minuscule minor rural small towns of our ultra highly mobile society, the resulting mix of large and small fast moving vehicles can be a traumatic, confusing and at times deadly combination of unforeseen conflicts for the experienced and uninitiated adult and vulnerable inexperienced moped rider — the unprotected moped rider is especially vulnerable and all moped riders are most likely to fair the worst with even severe Manhattan UBER and Lyft Accident Injury Attorney , as compared to the driver in the ultra protected vehicles, in any vehicle and moped rider will fair the worse in all multi vehicle collisions. The essential life protecting moped riding skills and techniques essential for the safekeeping of the moped while riding on the highway, especially in extremely highly populated and densely mobile business and residential areas, can be very complex even for the fit, alert and agile moped rider. Though spare a thought for the less fit, less alert and agile moped rider, especially considering the near impossible task of attempting to turn from and into a very busy highway at an intersection, when forcibly confronting and assessing high speed vehicles from all directions on a very busy crossroads. The next and deadliest combination is of navigating a very busy street will crossing very fast moving vehicles in the darkest and wet winters night, and what is more apparent — and possibly more deadly, is when the moped rider is a young teen or adult and suffers from a physically or mentally challenged but controlled condition, especially physically challenged by just at legal eyesight criteria and or legal deafness criterion, this debilitating disability allows the moped rider very little opportunity of safely crossing the flow of busy traffic, at even the simplest highway intersection crossing without a high possibility of being involved in an accident involving serious personal injury or even massive fatal trauma.

Causes of Examination Malpractice

One of the leading causes of examination malpractices in Nigerian educational institutions is the lack of preparation by students.

Other prevalent causes include:

  • Unspecialized or incompetent teachers who are unable to teach or explain topics properly
  • Lack of time on the part of students either due to the part-time employment
  • Other factors affecting the concentration of a student in school such as difficulties at home
  • Non-interest of students in school or learning: A student could be interested in things other than schoolwork.
  • Inadequate educational facilities: There are not enough educational facilities especially higher institutions in Nigeria, therefore a large population of students fight for the limited space; this makes many students who are not doing well resolve to cheat in order to have a higher advantage.
  • Insufficient learning time: It has been seen that in learning institutions here in Nigeria, topics are not taught sufficiently in relation to time. Complex subjects such as Mathematics need an ample of time to be taught properly. Unfortunately, not only are they rushed through when taught but all students are expected to catch up and understand neglecting the fact that each individual is wired differently. The time allocated to all subjects is the same irrespective of their difficulty. Many times, students resolve to cheating in order to get by.
  • Anxiety: Some students panic when it is examination time and therefore cheat. They consider cheating the only assurance of success.
  • Corruption: This is one of the biggest problems of the Nigerian society; from the government level down to the grassroots and indeed educational institutions. Some teachers allow for bribery in order to for their students to pass, some also demand benefits before they pass their students.
  • Pressure from parents

Undoubtedly, parents want the best for their children. This, most times, push them to bribe teachers, supervisors or make them encourage their children or wards to cheat. This they do instead of hiring private tutors for their children.

Effects of Examination malpractice

Examination malpractice has its dangers for the future of students. These include:

Examination malpractices encourage laziness of individuals. Many students who cheated their way through school become unproductive and lazy at their future jobs and engagements.

Examination malpractice encourages a lack of moral values in students. The dignity of hard work is scoffed at. When a student who worked hard to prepare for his or her exams does not pass as much as those who cheated. He/she starts to wonder if his or her hard work was useful at all. In case that you suffer from a malpractice contact long island personal injury lawyer for legal advice.

Examination malpractice is a menace that leads to other areas of misconducts and crimes such a robbery. Students who cheat are used to an easier and faster means to success and this will translate into their chase for wealth.

Measures to be taken towards tacking Examination Malpractices in Nigerian Institutions

There are several solutions and measures that can be taken to ensure an attitudinal change and reorientation of teachers, students and parents towards examination malpractices.

  • Higher wages for teachers: This would help reduce the corruption perpetrated by teachers when demanding benefits from students
  • Properly trained teachers: When the teachers are properly trained, they will be skilled enough to teach and prepare the students for their examinations.
  • Guidance and Counsellors: The services of counsellors are needed in schools to help guide the students in the choice of subjects and career path.
  • Breaks and holidays should be given to students to allow them to rest and prepare for their academic work so they can be productive. It is advised that the holidays should be more but less in length. This allows for rest and yet discourages the students from becoming too slack and playful before resumption.
  • More supervisors and invigilators in examination halls: This would keep the students in check as more people have control over them and would easily notice any form of fraud. Proper searching should also be done. This would scare students bent on cheating and would discourage them.

All these would, in turn, create an attitudinal change and orientation in the minds of Nigerians towards education. Examination malpractice is a menace in the society that not only affects students and teachers but the whole society due to its future dangers on society. A society that allows examination malpractices to thrive will have to deal with adults who are used to always getting what they want and also always searching for quicker and easier means to come to wealth. This is what leads to robbery attacks, corruption, mismanagement of public funds etc. A society filled with unproductive, entitled and immoral adults Etc. It may be difficult to stop students from examination malpractices but it is not impossible for it to be brought to a minimal, while attitudes mindsets might take some time to be corrected, it is better started than ignored altogether, Adequate measures should be taken to prevent the spread of educational malpractices.

48 thoughts on “Examination malpractice in Nigeria: Causes and Solutions”

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Examination Malpractice: Causes, Effects, And Solutions

Cover Image for Examination Malpractice: Causes, Effects, And Solutions

Did you know that one million dollars are lost to examination malpractices in Nigeria every year? 

50% of Nigerian students have been victims of examination malpractice. They failed a subject or an exam due to examination malpractices.

Or that a teacher or lecturer is involved in over 70% of these cases, and sometimes, even the Principal. These are just some of the sad truths about examination malpractices in Nigeria.

Examination malpractices are scandals that have taken over the Nigerian education sector. 

In this article, we will look into the major causes, effects, and solutions to examination malpractices in Nigeria's educational sector.

Effects of examination malpractices on students are closely associated with poor results and low academic performances. 

Low academic performances affect both students' native aptitude, their future development as well as their future career opportunities. 

The effects exam malpractice can have on students can be demotivating and discouraging. Those suffering from the problem may eventually affect their performance later on in life.

But before we look into the causes, effects, and solutions to examination malpractices in Nigeria, let's quickly check what examination malpractice is.

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What Is Examination Malpractice?

Examination Malpractice is defined as a deliberate illegal act contrary to the rules and regulations of the official examination.

In another way, it can be defined as illegal or improper conduct by a candidate of an examination with the aim to pass an exam.

This illegal act is alarming in our educational sector today. Many students are always on the lookout for means to cheat in their exams. 

Cheating in examinations is a problem prevalent in our society today, as a result of an abundance of examination malpractices.

Now, let's check the causes of examination malpractice in our Nigerian schools today.

Causes Of Examination Malpractice In Schools

There are many factors that cause examination malpractice among students in Nigeria and other countries. 

Some of them are:

1. Fear of failure.

2. Laziness of students.

3. Lack of self-confidence.

4. Poor quality teaching.

5. Bad school management.

6. Poor parental upbringing.

7. Peer pressure.

8. Inadequate study materials.

9. High level of poverty.

10. Bad government practices.

11. Teacher's attitude to work.

12. Poor supervision.

FIND OUT: Top 15 Reasons Why Students Fail WAEC Exam Each Year

As you can see, all these factors can cause students to engage in examination malpractice in school.

However, I am going to explain some of these factors and how they impact examination malpractice in our schools today.

1. Fear of Failure

Many students engage in examination malpractices because they are afraid that they will fail the exams. 

When they should spend quality time reading their notes they are panicking about the examination. The fear of failure is one of the major causes of illegal acts in exams today.

2. Laziness of Students

Yes, it is hundred per cent true that many students are very lazy in their academic careers. 

They are lazy to read and study notes, do their home works and assignments, and carry out the tasks given to them by their teachers or lecturers. 

Laziness will make any students go the extra mile (illegal ways) to pass exams.

3. Poor Parental Upbringing

You will agree with me that poor parental upbringing is one of the major causes of examination malpractice in Nigeria today.

Many parents do not have time to train their children in the right way because of work and busyness. And the parents who have the time to teach their children taught them in the wrong way.

Lack of proper home training has caused some students to engage in examination malpractices because they don't find anything wrong with it.

4. High Level of Poverty

Indeed, poverty makes some students engage in examination malpractices because education and schooling require parents to spend money on their children.

Some parents could not afford to buy textbooks, novels, and other necessary materials for their children. This leads to the students cheating in examinations.

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5. Bad Government Practices

The government is the body controlling the educational sector from nursery schools to tertiary institutions.

If the government engage in some bad practices, it will affect the education sector. 

A corrupt government will produce corrupt officials. This will lead to students engaging in examination malpractices. 

Why? Because teachers, lecturers, and education officials are involved in these illegal practices too.

6. Teacher's Attitude To Work

Here is another cause of examination malpractices many people are not talking about.

Teachers' bad attitude to work enhances the high rate of examination malpractices in Nigeria.

Some teachers or lecturers are indeed lazy to teach students in class as they ought to. 

For instance, some teachers or lecturers have not covered the quarter (1/4) of the syllabus they are supposed to teach for a term or semester. 

Yet they set out questions on every topic in the syllabus for the students in the exam. How do you expect them to pass? Some of the students will settle to cheat in exams.

Right now, you might be asking yourself if examination malpractices have effects on students?

Yes, it does. So, what are the effects of examination malpractices on students?

Effects Of Examination Malpractices On Students

Here, I have explained the 7 powerful effects of examination malpractice on students in another post.

Go here to read the article now -   7 Effects Of Examination Malpractices On Students

Now, that you've known what examination malpractice is, the causes, and the effects on students. Let's quickly check the solution to it.

Solutions To Examination Malpractices In Nigeria

What can we do to eliminate these illegal practices in Nigeria? Here are some of the solutions to eradicate the problem of examination malpractices in Nigeria:

1. Good Parental Upbringing

"Charity begins at home," they say. If we are going to eradicate examination malpractices, it must begin at home.

Parental upbringing contributes a lot to these illegal acts in exams. 

So, it is the role of the parents to give their children proper home training and teach them against examination malpractices.

A student with solid home training will not engage in these improper activities in exams.

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2. Punishment of Students

Another practical and effective solution to examination malpractices in Nigeria is to punish students found engaging in any illegal acts during exams.

Other students will take caution when they know there is severe punishment for any illegal or misconduct during exams.

This will help to reduce examination malpractices gradually in schools today.

3. Good School Management

Good school management includes good quality teaching, good equipment and facilities, a conducive environment, adequate study materials, and so on.

This will help students pay more attention in class and be more serious with their studies.

4. Increment In The Salaries Of Teachers

Teachers and lecturers should be appreciated for their hard work and rewarded equally. 

This will make them have the right attitude to work and carry out their duties accordingly.

Also, an increment in the salaries of teachers will reduce examination malpractices in Nigeria.

5. Government Should Encourage Education

The government has a role to play in eradicating examination malpractices in Nigeria.

The government should encourage and spend more on education. It should provide more facilities and equipment and other necessary things for schools.

Examination malpractice is very alarming in Nigeria. This act is reducing our national integrity and values.

The government, teachers, parents, and students have roles to play in eradicating these illegal acts in schools during exams. 

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Perfectly said

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A very interesting story thanks.

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What is examination malpractice: causes, effects, and solutions in Nigeria

In almost every country in the modern-day world, examinations are among the primary methods of assessing learners' skills and knowledge. In Nigeria, these exams come in the form of primary school exams, secondary school exams, and those conducted in higher learning institutions. Still, one of the biggest challenges in carrying out these assessments is examination malpractice. This vice has eaten so deep into the Nigerian education system that it can no longer be ignored. What is examination malpractice, and what are its effects?

what is examination malpractice

Exam malpractice comes in numerous forms and can include any of a wide range of parties, including the examinees, tutors, examiners, and other external forces.

What is examination malpractice?

The definition of examination malpractice is improper or illegal conduct by an examination candidate (examinee) with the intention of passing the examination. While some debate on examination malpractice as a result of inadequate preparation, others believe it is driven by the pressure to achieve high grades.

write an expository essay on examination malpractice in nigeria 200

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Types of examination malpractice

solutions to examination malpractice

To define examination malpractice, one must understand that exams are designed to take place under a set of standards. When these standards are breached, it is often in the form of one or more forms of malpractice. Here are the various forms that exam malpractice can take.

  • Impersonation: This is one of the best-known forms of examination malpractice in numerous countries worldwide, including Nigeria . Impersonation is the act of pretending to be another person with the aim of helping them cheat and pass the exams.
  • External assistance: This vice usually involves exam officers who receive bribes from candidates in exchange for assistance before, during, or after the examinations. These officers can sometimes threaten students, forcing them to part with bribes.
  • Giraffing: This term is derived from the physical features of the giraffe, particularly its long neck. This malpractice involves a situation in which an examinee cranes their neck to view what their neighbour is writing and copy it. It is among the oldest forms of exam malpractice.
  • Inscription: This involves inscribing notes on one's body or materials allowed into the exam room. Some of the most common include writing notes on one's palm, tables, examination hall walls, and small pieces of paper.
  • Collusion: This is the vice that results in what is commonly known as exam leakage. Typically, a candidate colludes with an officer of the exam-setting body, allowing them to get a copy of the questions in advance. They then revise the exact questions.
  • Intimidation/assault: Students sitting their exams can sometimes intimidate or assault the officers invigilating the exams. This can be in brandishing weapons or any other form of assault. The exam officers are then forced to let the candidates carry out their wishes, often some other form of cheating .

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What are the five causes of examination malpractice?

types of examination malpractice

Here are the primary causes of exam malpractice in Nigeria.

1. Parenting failure

Parenting is, quite often, the beginning of numerous virtues and vices. Parents typically play an integral role in examination malpractice in Nigeria. Some parents have little interest in their children's academic life.

When exam time comes around, some of these parents are often at the forefront in facilitating cheating for their children to get good grades.

2. A corrupt educational system

One of the most significant aspects to blame is the extent of the rot in the education sector. Today, education is viewed as a business, with some school owners willing to do anything to ensure their institutions come out on top.

Additionally, some institutions employ untrained teachers to reduce their operations costs. This affects students' performance, making them resort to unorthodox methods to attain good grades.

3. Poor students attitude

write an expository essay on examination malpractice in nigeria 200

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Since students are the common factor in all forms of malpractice, they bear the biggest responsibility in the vice. Some students have been known to be lazy and seek any shortcut to good grades that do not involve studying and working hard.

Some students do not believe in the tried and tested attributes such as dedication and consistency. As a result of this poor attitude, such students often tend to resort to various forms of examination malpractice.

4. Environmental (societal) factors

Nigerian candidates have found themselves in a society where examination malpractice is celebrated and, sometimes, justified. The environment has a way of influencing students who are quick to embrace norms.

In a society that will go to any lengths to succeed, cheating has become one of the somewhat accepted vices in society.

5. Undue emphasis on academic results

Exam malpractices are on the rise partly due to the high-value society has placed on academic results over skills and professionalism. Thus, everybody wants to get that piece of paper by hook or crook.

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What are the 10 effects of examination malpractice?

What are the three forms of examination malpractice?

Examination malpractice can have various negative effects on individuals, educational institutions, and society as a whole. Here are some of the undesirable effects brought about by exam malpractices.

  • Underdevelopment: One of the primary reasons most underdeveloped countries find themselves in precarious situations is the lack of qualified personnel in various economic sectors. This happens when the education sector constantly produces unqualified people who only pass their examinations through cheating.
  • Unqualified professionals: Examination malpractice may result in individuals passing exams without the necessary skills and knowledge, leading to a workforce with inadequately qualified professionals.
  • Negative impact on prospects: Students involved in examination malpractice may face difficulties in the future, as employers and higher education institutions might question the authenticity of their qualifications.
  • Increased corruption: Corruption is among Nigeria's biggest economic problems. Looking at the vice critically, one can see that the corruption in numerous public offices stems from the country's generally corrupt societal and education systems. If students cheat in their exams, they believe they can get away with any form of corruption afterwards.
  • Legal and disciplinary consequences: In some cases, examination malpractice can lead to legal actions or disciplinary measures, resulting in serious consequences for the individuals involved.
  • Erosion of academic integrity: Examination malpractice undermines the values of honesty, integrity, and fair competition in the educational system, leading to a lack of trust and respect for academic achievements.
  • Degradation of educational standards: When students resort to cheating, the true assessment of knowledge and skills becomes compromised, leading to a decline in the overall quality of education.
  • Reduced motivation to learn: Students who engage in malpractice may rely on cheating instead of genuinely learning, leading to a lack of motivation for academic excellence.
  • Devaluation of certificates: Widespread malpractice can diminish the value of academic certificates and qualifications, impacting the credibility of the entire education system.
  • Inequality among students: It can create an uneven playing field, benefiting those who cheat while disadvantaging honest students who work hard.

write an expository essay on examination malpractice in nigeria 200

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What are the solutions to examination malpractice?

What are the five causes of examination malpractice?

Here is a look at some of the possible measures that can be taken to curb exam malpractice.

  • Creation of more schools and learning facilities: This will go a long way in ensuring Nigeria's classrooms are not overcrowded. As a result, examinees will have a harder time engaging in vices such as giraffing, which are common in overcrowded exam halls.
  • Government should encourage education: In some developed countries, the government actively encourages the populace to acquire education. This is done through numerous incentives such as loans and grants. This goes a long way in curbing malpractice since the students' goals become attaining knowledge and skills.
  • De-emphasizing the need for academic results: Given that people are endowed differently, reducing the emphasis placed on academic results would only make sense. Some people acquire knowledge and skills easily but cannot articulate them in an examination paper. Instead, employers should find ways to gauge someone's ability via practical skills, not written examinations.
  • Rewarding those who report malpractices: In 2011, the government of Nigeria came up with a new way of nabbing corrupt government officials. This was via an incentive program to reward those who reported corruption cases. The same concept can be applied to exam malpractice.
  • Encouraging good parental upbringing: Poor parenting plays a huge role in exam cheating. The government can develop social programs designed to change how parents view their roles in this modern digital era.

write an expository essay on examination malpractice in nigeria 200

Vibrating vests translate music for deaf concertgoers

What is the standard definition of examination malpractice in Nigeria?

What is the standard definition of examination malpractice in Nigeria?

Examination malpractice meaning is simply improper or illegal conduct by an examination candidate (examinee) with the intention of passing the examination.

What are the three forms of examination malpractice?

The common forms of examination malpractice include:

  • Cheating: Involves using unauthorized materials, notes, or devices during an examination. It can also include copying from another student's paper or obtaining answers from external sources such as hidden notes.
  • Plagiarism: The act of presenting someone else's work or ideas as your own without giving proper credit or acknowledgement.
  • Impersonation: Occurs when a student takes an examination on behalf of someone else, pretending to be that person.

Why do students cheat in their exams?

There are numerous reasons, some of the most common being society's emphasis on academic certificates, overpopulated schools, and poor upbringing.

What are the effects of exam malpractice?

write an expository essay on examination malpractice in nigeria 200

'Fight is on' at deep sea mining debate in Jamaica

Some of the most detrimental ones include underdevelopment, increased corruption, and a country's loss of integrity.

What is examination malpractice? This is any form of dishonest or fraudulent behavior carried out by individuals during an examination to gain an unfair advantage. It is considered a serious offense in educational settings and is condemned by educational institutions, governments, and society as a whole.

Legit.ng recently explored the effects of colonialism in Nigeria . Like numerous other African countries, Nigeria was under imperial rule since 1914. The country's 46 years of colonial rule were characterized by culture changes, slavery, improved literacy, and improved infrastructure, among other impacts.

The jury is still out on whether the positive effects outweigh the negative ones or not. Nevertheless, the inarguable fact is that post-colonial Nigeria is vastly different from pre-colonial Nigeria in so many aspects.

Source: Legit.ng

Jackline Wangare (Lifestyle writer) Jackline Simwa is a content writer at Legit.ng, where she has worked since mid-2021. She tackles diverse topics, including finance, entertainment, sports, and lifestyle. Previously, she worked at The Campanile by Kenyatta University. She has more than five years in writing. Jackline graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics (2019) and a Diploma in Marketing (2015) from Kenyatta University. In 2023, Jackline finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques and Google News Initiative course in 2024. Email: [email protected].

Adrianna Simwa (Lifestyle writer) Adrianna Simwa is a content writer at Legit.ng where she has worked since mid-2022. She has written for many periodicals on a variety of subjects, including news, celebrities, and lifestyle, for more than three years. She has worked for The Hoth, The Standard Group and Triple P Media. Adrianna graduated from Nairobi University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in 2020. In 2023, Simwa finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. You can reach her through her email: [email protected]

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write an expository essay on examination malpractice in nigeria 200

Examination Malpractice And Powers Of Examination Body To Discipline Students

write an expository essay on examination malpractice in nigeria 200

By Hassan Bala (PhD.)

1.1 Introduction

Examination malpractice in Nigerian educational system has been widely discussed and viewed as a major challenge not only to examination bodies but to school administrators, the entire education system, the government and the society at large. Many of these irregularities or misconducts surround examination and it came to an alarming rate in the last three decades.

The hues and cries about examination malpractice taking place at all levels of the Nigerian educational system is nothing but a reflection of the decay in the value system of the society. The Nigerian society is that which celebrates mediocrity and views cheating as being smart. The society does not want to know how an individual achieves success. The important thing is the success. In fact, in Nigeria the end justifies the means instead of the means justifying the end. In actual fact examination malpractice is a variant of the wrongs and corruption in the society. The politicians employ rigging at elections and enjoy enviable political offices and so do students cheat from primary to tertiary institutions to move from one level of education to another. All sorts of misconducts take place in and around examination venues to take undue advantage of the process and achieve “success”. To make matter worse, it is not only students that are involved, “ Business and miracle centres” inside or around schools, parents, teachers, school heads, and examination officers all collude with students to perpetrate this misconduct. For Example, it is common during Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) examination, to see up to 5000 persons in examination centre that has 500 candidates. The other persons who are not writing the examination come around to crowd the venue as aids to those writing the examination. The collusion between two or more of these agents makes it more difficult to combat. Even the penalties stipulated in the Act [i] ranging from cancellation of results to 21 years jail- term has failed to achieve any significant shift from the cheating culture due to the effect of collusion. [ii]

The university system evaluates the achievement of students’ learning by administering two major types of examinations. Each course is evaluated by continuous assessment test (C.A. Test) and semester examination. These two types of examination are not spared of malpractices or irregularities of one type or the other.

It is the intention of this paperto discuss the effect of examination malpractices. To achieve this aim, it will be apposite to first discuss what exams and exams malpractice mean. The types or forms of malpractices will also be discussed including the positionof our laws. Lastly, recommendations on measures aim at stopping or reducing the ugly trend will be proffered.

1.2 Examination

Examination is a word that is common to not only those that have entered the four walls of a school, it is known by even those who haven’t. While it may not have generally accepted meaning, one can define it as spoken or practical test at school or college especially an important one that you need to do in order to get a qualification. [iii] It is an assessment intended to measure a test takers knowledge or skill, aptitude, physical fitness or classification in many other topics (e.g. beliefs). A test may be administered orally, on a paper, on a computer or in confirmed area that requires a test taker to physically perform a set of skills. Examination is an organized assessment technique which presents individuals with a series of questions or tasks geared towards ascertaining the individual acquired knowledge and skills. [iv]

1.3 Meaning of examination malpractice

Examination malpractice is defined as any deliberate act of wrong doing, contrary to the rules of examinations designed to give a candidate an undue advantage. Examination malpractice, also known as cheating, is the illegal action that students take during their examinations to try to make good grades by cutting corners. Examination malpractice is an act or irregular manner of testing candidates which contravenes the rules and conventions guiding the conduct of examinations. [v] It is any irregular behaviour or act exhibited by candidates or anybody charged with the responsibility of conducting examination in or outside the examination hall, before, during or aftersuch examination with the aim of taking undue advantage. [vi]

1.4 What the law says about examination malpractice

Section 19 of The Examination Malpractice Act [vii] defines Examinationmalpractice as an act which constitutes an offence under this act. But simply put, as the phrase implies, it means a deliberate wrong doing contrary to official examination rules designed to place a candidate at unfair advantage or disadvantage. Thus, the following constitutes examination malpractice under the Act

1.4.1 Cheating at examination:

This is clearly enunciated by section 1 of The Act. When a person who, in anticipation of, before or at any examination, is by any fraudulent trick or device or in abuse of his office or with intent to unjustly enrich himself or any other person procures any question paper produced or intended for use at any examination of persons, whether or not the question paper concerned is proved to be false, not genuine or not related to the examination in question is said to have cheated in the examination and hence, liable to imprisonment not exceeding three years, or fine of #100,000, or to both fine and imprisonment, for any offender under the age of eighteen years, see action 1(2)(a) of The Examination Malpractice Act. But, if the accused happens to be a principal, teacher, an invigilator, a supervisor, an examiner, or an agent or employee of the examination body concerned with the conduct of an examination, he shall be liable for imprisonment of four years without the option of fine. [viii]

1.4.2 Stealing, etc…, of The question paper

A candidate who, at any examination, by any fraudulent trick or device or with intent to cheat or secure an unfair advantage for himself or any other person, steals or otherwise appropriates or takes a question paper, an answer sheet or a script of any other candidate commits, an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine of #100,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to both such fine and imprisonment. [ix]

1.4.3 Impersonation

If a person falsely represents himself as a candidate and he sits for an examination, or he attempts to write a paper in the name of some other person, whether that name is the name of a person living or dead, is guilty of an offence which attracts three to four years’ imprisonment or a fine of N100,000, or both such fine and imprisonment. See section 3 of the Act.

1.4.4Orderlinessat examinations

Section 4 of the Act revolves around the maintenance of orderliness in the examination venue during the course of writing an examination. By the dint of Section 4(1), a candidate who leaves the examination venue and mixed up with other students, with the motive of involving in the commission of acts perceived as examination malpractice, commits an offence and is liable to conviction to a term of not exceeding 3 years or an option of fine not exceeding N50,000. It must be noted that offenders will not be allowed entry into the examination venue again. It’s also prohibited for the candidates to seek unlawful excuses, with ulterior motives.

1.4.5Disturbancesat examinations

Section 5 of the act prohibits disturbances during the course of writing an examination: an individual who, is located in a place that has a close proximity with the exam venue, and possesses harmful weapons, or instigates individuals into the perpetuation of activities aimed at disorganizing the examination hall/ making the examination to culminate in a pandemonium, if found guilty, will be punished with the imposition of a fine of N100,000, or imprisonment for a reasonable amount of time.

1.4.6 Conducts at examinations

Section 6 of the aforesaid act, seeks to ensure tranquility in the conduct of exams. According to section 6, any person (s) who is reluctant to obey law enforcement agents, disobedience of exam officials, unruly behavior, etc, commits an offence and as such. Is liable to a fine of 50,000, imprisonment for a period of 3 years, or both. It’s also stated further that violators risks removal from the examination venue.

1.4.7 Obstruction of supervisors, e.t.c

According to S.7 of the act, any person(s) who decides to willfully obstruct officials whose presence are sacrosanct for the conduct of the examination commits an offence and is liable to imprisonment and the option of a fine, if found guilty.

1.4.8 Forgery of result slips

The Act provides that any person who forges; or fraudulently or without lawful order, alters or in any other way tampers with, the scores of a candidate as contained on a result slip or certificate duly issued by an  examination body, commits an offence and as such, is liable to imprisonment for a term ofnot exceeding three years or an option of fine of N100,000 or both. [x]

1.4.9 Breach of duty

The Act elucidates on the breach of duty. It providesthat official who fails woefully in the performance of his or her duty, commits an offence, and if convicted is liable to imprisonment for a term of four years without the option of a fine. On the part of an individual who is vested with the responsibility of handling or making question papers available, if he or she reveals the sensitive information on the newspaper illegally to anyone, is liable to imprisonment for a term of five years. [xi]

1.4.10 Conspiracy, aiding

Conversely, section 10 of the act nullifies conspiracy. If an individual cooperates or incites another individual into committing the offence tagged as examination Malpractice by the act, he is liable, upon conviction to imprisonment and fine, as embedded in the act.

1.4.11 Conviction for alternative offence

Section 11 of the act revolves around the fact that anyone who attempts the commission of acts nullified by the examination malpractice act, invariably, commits the act and as such, the appropriate punishment that will be meted out to someone caught in the act, will also be imposed upon him.

1.4.12. Offences by bodies corporate

Where an offence under the Act which has been committed by a body corporate is proved tohave been committed on the instigation or with the connivance of; orbe attributable to any neglect on the part of,a director, manager, secretary or other similar officer of the body corporate, or any person  purporting to act in any such capacity, he, as well as the body corporate, where practicable, shall be deemed to have committed that offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly. [xii]

This position is consistent with trite principle of law that there is no vicariously liability in criminal law. A person who commits an offence cannot be heard to say that a company or organization be punished for it.

1.4.13. Trial of children and young persons

Where a person who is a child or a young person (within the meaning of the Children and Young Persons Act, that is, a person who has not attained the age of seventeen years) is charged with an offence under this Act, he shall be dealt with under the provisions of the Children and Young Persons Act.

1.4.14 Jurisdiction

As regards the court of competent jurisdiction, section 14 of the Act donates the power of trying offenders to the Federal High Court. The court of competent jurisdiction is also exemplified in the case of University of Uyo V. Essel [xiii] where the court held that:…”Examination malpractice can only be tried by a competent criminal court…”

1.4.15. Power of the examination body

The act defines “examination body” to mean the West African Examinations Council, the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board, the National Teachers Institute, the National Business and Technical Education Board, the National Board for Educational Measurement and any other body established by the Government to conduct an examination. [xiv] The implication is that private examination bodies are not contemplated here.

The Act empowers an examination body power to do the following:

  • withhold, suspend or cancel the results of a candidate or ban or blacklist a candidate from  taking its examinations if it is satisfied that the candidate has engaged  in any  form of   examination malpractice;
  • withdraw recognition, suspend, ban or blacklist or place on probation a school or an examination centre if it is satisfied that the school or examination centre is involved in any form  of examination malpractice;
  • remove the name of, or withhold payment to a supervisor or an invigilator or any other official employed in the conduct of an examination if it is satisfied that the supervisor or invigilator or official has contributed to an examination malpractice. [xv]

The Act further empowers examination body to circulate the name of an offending candidate, supervisor, invigilator, official, school or examination centre to other examination bodies which may impose similar punishment.

However, it’s pertinent to note that institutions can by also discipline students on examination malpractice [xvi] . The requirement that must be met by the university is that, there must be strict adherence to the twin principles of natural justice; the doctrines of Audialterampartem and Nemo judex in causasua . See the case of Kobi V. UsmanuDanfodiyo University Sokoto. [xvii] In this case a student of Usman DanfodioUniversity was caught committing exams malpractice and for that reason was expelled. He challenged the expulsion on the ground that examination malpractice is a criminal offence so the school ought to have reported him to the police first before expulsion. His application was refused and his appeal was also dismissed. The Court held as follows:

“…it is important to state without further ado that over time, the law has been fairly well settled that a University and indeed all academic institutions have the powers to discipline erring students and most importantly in respect of infractions bordering on Examination Malpractices and for such other misconduct, Notwithstanding the element of criminality Inherent in  them. “ (Underlined for emphasis)

Also, In the case of University of Calabar vs. Ugochukwu and Ors [xviii] my noble Lord , NGWUTA, JCA (as he then was) held the view that an academic institution may discipline a student for infractions to University Rules and Regulations bordering on Examination Malpractices and Cultism, notwithstanding that these infractions also amount to serious criminal offences.

However, the position has somehow changed in the most recent Court of Appeal decision in Rashidat Suleimanvs. Ahmadu Bello University Zaria ( 2021) LPELR 55101 CA when it held that Universities have no powers to punish students in respect of examination malpractice cases. It is our humble view that this decision is faulty in many respect. One is that the provision of section 16 of the Act is very clear as it gives examination bodies the power to discipline students on various malpractice offences. Again, same Court of Appeal clearly and unambiguously held in Kobi (supra) that disciplinestudents who engage examination irregularitiesis within the powers of the universities. This is in addition to the powers given to universities by the laws estabilishing them. It is similarly our position that this current decision of Court of Appeal is not only reached per incurium but will put students that are faced with cases of malpractice into disadvantaged position as the moment they are found guilty they will be referred to as “ex-convict”, the reference that can disqualify them from holding any office in Nigeria.

1.4.16 Power of search, etc.

The Act providesthat if the Court is satisfied that there is a reasonable ground to suspect that there may be found in any building or other place whatsoever, any question paper, examination paper, score sheet or information in any other form whatsoever which, in its opinion, is or may be material to the subject-matter of any trial under the Act, it may issue a warrant authorising any police officer or any member of the armed forces or of any of the security agencies to enter, if necessary by force, the building or other place and every part of the building  or place; and search for, seize and remove any question paper, examination paper, score sheet or  information found in the building or place. [xix]

1.5 Effects of examination malpractice

The consequences of examination malpractice both to education and the society will be catastrophic in the long run candidates/students who would ordinarily be working hard to pass examination will now depend on quack arrangements since they believe so much in such arrangements that it rarely failed. Then the fraud or malpractice may eventually be seen as a way of academic exercise. The candidates produced in this manner will grow into adults and teachers or examinations officials who will not see anything wrong with such sophisticated and high class examination fraud thus defeatingthe goals of education by turning out certificated illiterates.

Examination malpractice increases lack of confidence among students. Students who would have ordinarily passed an examination feel disappointed and lose confidence when less intelligent ones perform better than them through cheating, thus leading to loss of confidence in themselves and in the examination and the system at large. Examinations malpractice may lure some students into other areas of misconducts such as prostitutions and or armed robbery, female students who lack money to sort or pay for scores may take prostitution while male may as well take stealing or armed robbery in a bid to make money to pay for scores

The products of examinations malpractice are square pegs in round holes. They lack the required knowledge and experience to carry out their assignment and professional duties effectively.Examinations malpractice produces candidates with low morale and academic values. The products of examination malpractice always end up with unfulfilled dreams in their chosen career, as the effect of examination malpractice is always a regret. At this juncture I find very relevant to quote my mentor and my English teacher (Malam Umar Hassan), who once said ‘ ’you can’t cheat on education that you don’t know, if you don’t, you just don’t know. So if you cheat, it will one day follow you, look for you, get you and finally deal with you’’ [xx]

Examinations malpractice is a negative orientation for future leaders who may end up being fraudulent and corrupt in their various offices.Anyone who engages in examinations malpractice is building on a false foundation which can lead to serious professional errors. [xxi]

Another effect is over reliance on exams malpractice. In other words, the more person relies on exams malpractice, the more he or she commits it. That is to say, he or she will rely on it all the time as the only way to pass exams. This can be seen in the 2021 JAMB result statistics. 14 per cent passed while 86 per cent failed. [xxii]

at the just-concluded 2021 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination, UTME, conducted by the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board, JAMB, divergent views have been expressed by stakeholders as to what led to the poor performance by the candidates.

1.7 Conclusion

Examination malpractice take place in all forms of examinations and it is almost a routine to cheat in these examinations. Everyone continues to decry this cankerworm in the Nigerian education system and all penalties put in place to stop it remains almost ineffective if not totally ineffective.

In the course of research some findings were made:

  • Non-implementation of the Act: Despite good provisions of the Act, there are very few cases in respect exams malpractice in court. This is because those that will report the cases are mostly the culprits.
  • Thevarious forms and styles of examination malpractices include impersonation, disorderliness, cheating, giraffing, conspiracy and aiding, forging of results, machinery, microchips, smuggling of question papers out of examination venues, smuggling answer scripts into examination venues, sorting and rewriting can be done electronically
  • The factors responsible for examination malpractice in Nigeria includes: wrong value system, quest for certification instead of knowledge and skills, Laziness, lack of preparation or in-adequate preparation for examination, lack of self-confidence, poor school facilities, (Lack of or in-adequate examination hall) poor sitting arrangement, socio-economic factors, political- undertone, poor invigilation, weak parental function. e.t.c.
  • Factors identified as reasons why examination malpractices has not been eliminated or reduced are among others, the fact that, the penalties as stipulated in theExamination Malpractice has not been fully applied. Again, many cases in respect of examination malpractice failed as a result of delay in attending them. And justice delayed is seen as justice denied.
  • Current admission policy had made our public and private institutions not habitable for sound and qualitative education. It always gives room for examination malpractice as teachers find it difficult to ensure proper control students and exams ethics during examinations
  • Poor foundation from primary to secondary school have made student doll and vulnerable to examination malpractice
  • Aid and abet by some teachers, parents etc to student gave students the courage and morale to cheat in examination. As some parents not only aid abet abet students to pass exams dubiously but also proudly buy results or certificates for them


Based on the research findings, the following recommendations were made to curb examination malpractice.

  • All stake holders, examination bodies, principal officers, family members and the entre Nigerian communities must come together to fight the menace of examination mal-practice
  • Teachers, parents, and examination bodies must work hand in hand to ensure that students are prevented from any electronic gadgets that is not officially authorized by schools. More so, the ban on the use of mobile cell phones, BBs and IPAD in examination halls should be enforced to check the new wave of e-cheating.
  • Change in value system, the situation where people place so much value on certificate does not augur well for our academics as it encourages examination malpractice. Sound educational policy should be put in place with de-emphasis on the supremacy of certificates over skills and professional competence.
  • The Act whose primary purposed is to prohibit and penalize all forms of exams malpractice should be fully applied by our courts and relevant authorities should report those cases as and when due
  • The universities should guide against indiscriminate admission of students so as not to overstretch the available facilities. The National Universities Commission (NUC) is waging war against over-crowding in universities. Universities should ensure they admit only qualified students and this should be based on available facilities as stipulated by NUC. Again,The Federal and State Government should continue to establish more universities to give opportunities to more candidates seeking admission in order not to over stretch facilities in existing universities. Considering the teeming population and the number of JAMBITES who meet the cut-off point every year, we recommend that every senatorial district should have a public university.
  • Students who engage in examination malpractice have been found to be academically weak. The weakness could be traced to faulty foundation in their educational ladder. It is therefore recommended that they should be improvement in the delivery of instruction especially at the foundation i.e primary and secondary levels.
  • Generally, the integrity of the teachers is important in curbing examination malpractice,teachers and supervisors should be persons of proven integrity. The invigilators should be very vigilant in the supervision of examination and should be fair to all. The question of double standard should not arise. Stakeholders should stop paying leap services to Examination malpractice. Religious and community leaders should be used to intervene on parents who insist on their children getting the best result without genuine efforts for it.

Written By Hassan Bala (PhD.) Department Of Private Law Faculty Of Law Ahmadu Bello University Zaria

[i] Examination Malpractice Act, Cap E15 LFN, 2004 (The Act)

[ii] Oduwaiye, R. O.(2014) Students‟ Perception of Factors and Solution to Examination Malpractices in Nigerian Universities: A case study of the University of Ilorin. www.academia.edu

[iii] The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2018)

[iv] Oduwaiye, R. O.(2014) Students‟ Perception of Factors and Solution to Examination Malpractices in Nigerian Universities: A case study of the University of Ilorin. www.academia.edu

[v] Oko, S. U (2016) ‘Examination Malpractice: Causes, Effects and Possible Ways of Curbing the Menace. A Study of Cross River University of Technology’ International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research (IJMSR)

Volume 4, Issue 1, P. 59

[vii] Examination Malpractice Acts Cap E15, LFN 200

[viii] Ibid section 1(2)(b)

[ix] Ibid section 2

[x] Section 8 of the Act

[xi] Ibid section 9

[xii] Section 13 of the Act

[xiii] Uyo V. Essel (2006) ALL FWLR (Pt.315) 104 (CA)

[xiv] Section 17 of the Act

[xv] Section 16(1)

[xvi] See section 18 of the Act which defines examination.

[xvii] Kobi V. UsmanuDanfodiyo University Sokoto& ORS (2018) LPELR-44665(CA)

[xviii] UNIVERSITY OF CALABAR vs. UGOCHUKWU and ORS (No. 2) (2007) 17 NWLR (PT. 1063) 248 AT 266-267

[xix] Section 17 of the Act

[xx] He said this in our English class at Muslim Refresher Course Programme, then  Nurul Huda LEA Primary School,  2003

[xxi] Onyechere, J. (2004). Consequences of Examination Malpractice. www.ajol.info/index Oxford

advanced learners dictionary (2000); Adewale, G. (2014). Examination Malpractice: A Stigma on School Effectiveness in Nigeria. Https://www.unilorin.edu.ng and Uzoccukwu, Mike. (2015) Examination Malpractice and Causes. http://uzochukwumike.Hubpages.com June 16, 2015

[xxii] Osayande, E. (2021), “Mass failure in 2021 UTME: Stakeholders, JAMB trade blames” available at https://www.vanguardngr.com/2021/07/mass-failure-in-2021-utme-stakeholders-jamb-trade-blames/ accessed August 14, 2021

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Examination malpractice is the major clog on the wheel of the educational system in Nigeria. Maduemezia (2003) reported that the first examination malpractice in Nigeria occurred in 1914 during the Senior Cambridge Local Examination papers which were leaked before the scheduled date of examination. Thus, examination malpractice which started at a low trend became more pronounced in 1970, involving persons other than the candidates. Since then examination malpractice became more advanced and sophisticated. However, 1977 marked a watershed in the history of examination malpractice as there was an outcry in Nigeria on the credibility of West African Examination Council (WAEC), which was the only organ saddled with the responsibility of conducting public examination in Nigeria. Consequently, a Judicial Commission of enquiry headed by Justice Sogbetun was set up to look into the affairs of the WAEC in relation to the problems of efficient conduct of examinations and prompt release of results. The report acknowledged the excessive workload of WAEC and recommended reduction of its workload by establishing other examination bodies to take over some of its examinations.

Examination is defined as a formal test of one’s knowledge or ability in a particular subject especially by means of answering questions or practical exercises. Therefore, it is through examination that students are evaluated or tested to find out the quality of knowledge they have acquired within a specific period. Thus, examination could be either internal, external, oral, written or both. Continuous assessment scores, terminal, semester, annual or promotion examinations are examples of internal examinations. (Benard,1988). The external (public) examinations include Common Entrance Examinations for admission into Secondary Schools, School Certificate Examinations which are conducted by West African Examination Council (WAEC), National Examination Council (NECO). The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) now conduct the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).

The National Teachers’ Institute (NTI), National Business and Technical Examination Board (NABTEB) conduct examinations for teachers and technicians respectively. Although students’ performance in examination may not be the true reflection of their ability, till date however, examination still remains the best tool for an objective assessment and evaluation of what a learner has achieved after a period of schooling/training. In fact, it is one of the most reliable indicators used to determine the extent of students’ performance in a given training.

According to Awanbor (2004) therefore, defined examination malpractice as an illegal act committed by a single student or in collaboration with others like fellow students, parents, teachers, supervisors, invigilators, computer operators or secretarial staff and anybody or group of people before, during, or after examination in order to obtain undeserved marks or grades. The study in this regard wishes to determine the effect of examination malpractice on the educational system


The education system in Nigeria has being under continuous revolution with several infrastructural development in most secondary and tertiary institution in Nigeria but the issue of examination malpractice has become a clog on the wheels of the growth and development of the educational system in Nigeria. Some of the causes of examination malpractice include; poor socio-economic background of students, peer group, the fear of failure factor and lack of confidence among students. Secondly there have been several studies on examination malpractice but not even a single study has been carried out on the effect of examination malpractice on the educational system in Nigeria; hence a gap in the literature.


The main aim of the research work is to examine the effect of examination malpractice on the education system in Nigeria. Other specific objectives of the study include:

1.  To determine the effect of examination malpractices on the academic achievement of secondary school students in Nigeria

2.  To determine the causes of examination malpractices in secondary schools and tertiary institutions in Nigeria

3.  To investigate on the factors affecting student academic performance in secondary school and tertiary institutions

4.  To proffer solution to above stated problems


The study came up with research questions so as to be able to ascertain the above stated objectives of the study. The research questions for the study are stated below as follows:

1.  What is the effect of examination malpractices on the academic achievement of secondary school students in Nigeria?

5.  What are the causes of examination malpractices in secondary schools and tertiary institutions in Nigeria?

2.  What are the factors affecting student academic performance in both secondary school and tertiary institutions?


H0:  Examination malpractice has no significant effect on the educational system in Nigeria.

H1:  Examination malpractice has significant effect on the educational system in Nigeria


The study on the effect of examination malpractice on the educational system in Nigeria will be of immense benefit to the entire secondary schools in Nigeria, the state and the federal government and other researchers that wishes to carry out similar research on the above topic as the findings from the study will educate the government on the effect of examination malpractice on the educational system in Nigeria, the study will also reveal the causes and effect and solution to examination malpractice in the Nigeria educational system


The study on the effect of examination malpractice on the educational system in Nigeria is limited to secondary schools in Benue state. The study will cover the effect of examination malpractice on the educational system in Nigeria and also the causes and effect and solution to examination malpractice in the Nigeria educational system


Financial constraint – Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).

Time constraint – The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work


Malpractices : It is the action of any person usually not in conformity with laid down rules and regulations whether internal or external.

Local Government Area : A group of towns and villages delimited as a result of the Local Government Edict No 13 of 1976.

Educators : As used here implies school principals, administrators and teachers sampled.

WAEC : West African Examinations Council

NECO : National Examination Council

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Expository essay on Examination Malpractice


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Examination malpractice is defined as any intentional misconduct that violates examination standards and is intended to provide a candidate with an unfair advantage. It is commonly known as cheating. It is the criminal conduct that students engage in during exams to improve their grades by cutting corners. Misconduct causes significant harm to pupils because many of them neglect their books, intending to perform the magic they are accustomed to performing in every examination.

Examination misconduct in the educational system has been widely disputed and seen as a serious problem not just by examination boards but also by school administrators, the educational system as a whole, the government, and society at large. Many of these anomalies or misconducts revolve around the examination. They have increased at an alarming rate over the previous three decades.

It is now expected that there is a standard practical method of passing an examination. 

Examining Malpractices in Various Forms

The following are some examples of examination malpractice:

  • Leakage: This occurs when the content of an examination is revealed before taking the test. It usually entails inspecting authority personnel, printers, proofreaders, and messengers.
  • Impersonation: When a person who is not enrolled as a candidate for a specific examination takes the place of someone who is. This is usually accomplished through collaboration between the chief examiner and the examination supervisor. It typically involves tertiary institution students taking the test in exchange for monetary compensation or a favor for a girl or boyfriend.
  • Foreign Material Smuggling: This is possibly the most widespread type of misconduct. It refers to the illicit introduction of materials (e.g., parts or entire notebooks, textbooks, microchips, and answers) into the test hall. Foreign materials are smuggled into pants, shoes, hems, and bras, dropped or fastened in the examination hall before the exam, or even smuggled by candidates or their helpers.
  • Plagiarism: Copying from another candidate’s work, with or without permission.
  • Makers Malpractice: Willful manipulation of marks with the intent of inflating or deflating a candidate’s original marks. Either exam officials or candidates can start this.

Misbehavior During Examination

  • Bringing unlawful materials related to the examination being taken into the examination hall.
  • Copying with cooperation
  • “Giraffing” is copying without cooperation.
  • Presenting identical responses/answers to the same question(s) by two or more students, even if the question(s) has been canceled.
  • All kinds of communication during an examination, such as passing or dropping papers and collecting or picking papers, and the appearance of different handwriting in a student’s script.
  • Courier: The smuggling of exam question papers or materials from or to the examination hall.
  • Reading notes or textbooks in the restroom or outside is prohibited during the relevant examination.
  • Mobile phones and data or information storage devices are not permitted in examination halls.


Based on the research following are the recommendations to reduce examination misconduct 

  • Students who commit examination misconduct are determined to be academically deficient. The flaw might be traced back to a shaky base in their educational ladder. Consequently, it is advised that improvements be made in education delivery, particularly at the foundation, i.e., primary and secondary levels.
  • To combat the new wave of e-cheating, a restriction on the use of mobile phones, BBs, and IPADs in examination halls should be implemented.
  • Stakeholders should stop paying for examination malpractice services. Religious and community leaders should intervene on behalf of parents who insist on their children receiving the greatest possible outcome without making genuine attempts to achieve it.
  • The rigor and schedule of examinations should be examined so that when a student legitimately complains about being unable to write a test, he can do so. Another suitable time should be organized for him, perhaps in summer exams; this will eliminate the phobia of failure, resulting in impersonation and other forms of malpractice.

Examination malpractice occurs in all types of examinations, and cheating in these examinations is a routine. Everyone continues to this cankerworm in the school system, and all punishments put in place to deter it are near, if not wholly, ineffectual.

The factors could be traced to the social value system, candidate behavior, parental behaviour, and the educational system. The repercussions could be disastrous for both the education system and society.

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