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10 Benefits to Studying Abroad

Study Abroad

Studying abroad may be one of the most beneficial experiences for a college student. By studying abroad, students have the opportunity to study in a foreign nation and take in the allure and culture of a new land. Here is a list of the top 10 reasons to study abroad!

1. See the World

The biggest reason you should consider a study abroad program is the opportunity to see the world . By studying abroad, you will experience a brand-new country with incredible new outlooks, customs and activities. The benefits of studying abroad include the opportunity to see new terrains, natural wonders, museums and landmarks of your host nation.

In addition, when you’re abroad, you won’t be limited to traveling in just the nation in which you are studying – you can see neighboring countries as well! For example, if you study in France, you’ll have the option to travel through various parts of Europe including London , Barcelona , and Rome.

2. Education

Another reason you might consider studying abroad is for the chance to experience different styles of education . By enrolling in a study abroad program, you’ll have the chance to see a side of your major that you may not have been exposed to at home.

You’ll find that completely immersing yourself in the education system of your host country is a great way to really experience and understand the people, its traditions, and its culture. Education is the centerpiece of any study abroad trip—it is, after all, a study abroad program—and choosing the right school is a very important factor.

advantages of studying abroad essay

3. Take in a New Culture

Many students who choose to study abroad are leaving their home for the first time. When they arrive in their new host country, they are fascinated by the distinct cultural perspectives. When you study abroad you will find incredible new foods, customs, traditions, and social atmospheres.

You will find that you have a better understanding and appreciation for the nation’s people and history. You will have the opportunity to witness a completely new way of life.

4. Hone Your Language Skills

Chances are if you’re planning on studying abroad, one of the major draws is the opportunity to study a foreign language. Studying abroad grants you the opportunity to completely immerse yourself in a new language, and there is no better way to learn than to dive right in.

In addition to the considerable language practice you will get just in day to day life, your host university will likely offer language courses to provide you with a more formal education. Immerse yourself in a new culture and go beyond a purely academic experience

5. Career Opportunities

When you finish your study abroad program and return home, you will return with a new perspective on culture, language skills, a great education, and a willingness to learn. Needless to say, all of these are very attractive to future employers.

Many students find that they love their host country so much that they decide to seek work there. If you can relate, you will find that a local education will be very valuable when searching for a potential job in that country.

6. Find New Interests

If you are still questioning why to study abroad, you should know that studying in a different country offers many new activities and interests that you may never have discovered if you’d stayed at home. You might find that you have an as-yet undiscovered talent for hiking, water sports, snow skiing, golf, or various other new sports you may never have tried back home.

You’ll also have the chance to discover other new and exciting forms of entertainment. Plays, movies, dancing, nightclubs, and concerts are just a few activities that you can enjoy.

7. Make Lifelong Friends

One of the biggest benefits of studying abroad is the opportunity to meet new lifelong friends from different backgrounds. While studying abroad, you will attend school and live with students from your host country. This gives you the opportunity to really get to know and create lasting relationships with your fellow students.

After the study abroad program ends, make an effort stay in contact with your international friends. In addition to rewarding personal relationships, these friends can also be important networking tools later down the road.

8. Personal Development

There is nothing quite like being on your own in a foreign country. You might find that studying abroad really brings out your independent nature. Students who study abroad become explorers of their new nation and really discover the curiosity and excitement that they harbor.

A benefit to studying abroad is the opportunity to discover yourself while gaining an understanding of a different culture. Being in a new place by yourself can be overwhelming at times, and it tests your ability to adapt to diverse situations while being able to problem solve.

9. Graduate School Admissions

Like future employers, graduate school admissions boards look very highly on study abroad experiences. Students that study abroad display diversity and show that they aren’t afraid to seek out new challenges or put themselves in difficult situations.

Most importantly, students who have studied abroad show just how committed they are to their education. Graduate schools regularly look for candidates who will bring a unique aspect to their university. Students who have studied abroad have shown that they have the curiosity and educational acumen to be a leader in graduate school.

10. Life Experience

Why study abroad? For most students, this time may be the only opportunity they ever get to travel abroad for a long period of time. Eventually you will find a job and career, and the opportunity to study abroad may turn out to be a once in a life time opportunity.

Take this opportunity to travel the world with no commitments but to study and learn about new cultures. Studying abroad is an experience unlike any other.

These are just some of the advantages of studying abroad. The benefits of this experience really can’t be explained in such a short article. Boost your language skills as you live in another country, get out of your comfort zone and meet people from different places of the world and at the same time get the best education.

Living in another country exposes you to things you cannot experience in your home country and in the future it will help you stand out from the competition as you apply for jobs and your experience of studying abroad is somethig you can share on your resume.

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How Study Abroad Can Benefit College Students

Doing some coursework outside the U.S. can help students learn power skills and may provide an employment edge.

College Study Abroad Benefits

Three friends are waiting on a side street together in Italy.

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Students can develop various personal, interpersonal and cognitive skills by studying abroad, studies indicate, including adaptability, self-awareness, tolerance for ambiguity, teamwork, leadership, work ethic, and problem-solving and intercultural skills.

International education opportunities expose college students to foreign cultures, language immersion and interaction with diverse communities around the world, which can lead to increased self-awareness, improved critical thinking and even work opportunities, experts say.

Due largely to the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of U.S. college students studying abroad plummeted nearly 96% from the all-time high of 347,099 in 2018-2019 to 14,549 in 2020-2021, according to the 2022 "Open Doors U.S. Study Abroad" annual survey by the Institute of International Education, a not-for-profit global organization founded in 1919.

The most recent data is still inconclusive, but the institute reports that 96% of responding college administrators in a different recent survey predict that their international programs will grow or stabilize in 2023-2024. Along those lines, conversations about the many benefits of studying abroad are echoing across U.S. campuses once again, experts say.

“We live and work in a globalized world. We are so interconnected, whether virtually or through physical contact,” says Lindsay Calvert, director of the Center for Access and Equity at IIE. “And it is ever more important for students to have these experiences, so they are able to work with and among different cultures.”

What Students Can Gain From Studying Abroad

Nick Gozik, dean of global education at Elon University in North Carolina, is emphatic about the utility of study abroad.

“It is difficult to imagine that a college graduate will not need the skills gained through study abroad and other global experiences,” he wrote in an email. “Whether it is a doctor who treats patients originating from other countries, a teacher with students from underrepresented backgrounds, or a scientist working in a multinational, it is increasingly necessary for graduates to be able to navigate difference and work with people from other cultures and backgrounds.” 

Cognitive and Relational Skills

In an IIE research study involving 4,500 college alumni who studied abroad between the 1999-2000 and 2016-2017 academic years, about 90% of respondents said their overseas experience cultivated these qualities in them. The benefits generally increased with the length of the study period, from a short term of a few weeks to one semester to a year.

Asked if their study abroad contributed to a job offer at some point, 67.5% of respondents who participated in a full academic year of the experience said yes, compared to 53.4% of those who studied overseas for roughly a semester and 42.5% of those who did so for fewer than eight weeks.

Professional Development

Students in study abroad programs often mix their desire for an adventure with foreign language acquisition, academic pursuits, short-term work opportunities such as internships, career building or a combination.

Sera Park, who is earning an art history degree at Temple University in Pennsylvania, went to the university’s Rome campus in spring 2021, during the pandemic.

“It was my dream to study in Italy,” she says. “My mom is an artist and I grew up around that but didn’t know what I wanted to do with my degree.”

Park worked as an intern on an art preservation project with a local art conservator recommended by her professor.

“As I continued my internship,” she says, “I realized this field (art conservation) was what I wanted to pursue in my future.”

Upon learning that studying chemistry was essential to becoming an art conservator, Park decided to add a chemistry minor to her degree. She plans to go to graduate school to complete her training as a conservator. Knowledge of chemistry is required in some graduate art programs in the U.S.

Study abroad also exposed Park to many opportunities for travel, she says. “As I was traveling, it helped me appreciate cultural heritage and art more, and why it is important to preserve it.”

How Study Abroad Can Enhance Job Prospects 

Among the most tangible ways that students are leveraging their study abroad experiences is in their job searches. Experts and students say that when searching for employment straight out of college and lacking significant employment history, one’s broader life experiences may count more.

Having been in a foreign environment gives job applicants a broader scope for a narrative about how their background and experiences have built their character, experts say.

Moriah Baxevane-Connell, who studied at the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom for six months during college, says she highlighted her time abroad in her job resume .

“Looking for my first job out of college, study abroad helped me show that I had the curiosity and the willingness to explore new things and that I was open-minded,” she says.

So, when an interviewer asked, “Can you thrive in this new environment?” she was prepared with a response: “I said, ’Yeah sure, absolutely. I flew 4,000 miles away from everyone that I know and spent six months and I had a great time.’”

Baxevane-Connell worked for a tech firm in the U.S. for several years before going back to the U.K. to earn an MBA at the University of Oxford . She now works as a strategy and operations manager for Google in London.

The pandemic taught additional lessons about the value of studying abroad, says Samantha Brandauer, associate provost and executive director of the Center for Global Study and Engagement at Dickinson College in Pennsylvania. Those lessons include “your ability to understand and tolerate ambiguity that comes from cross-cultural experiences and to sit with the ‘I don’t know,’” she says. “That is a valuable skill in your working environment, your ability to sit with the unknown that often comes with significant cross-cultural experiences.”

At Dickinson, about 65% of the 2,200 students study abroad at some point during their time at the college, Brandauer says.

Employers may have more favorable views of young job seekers with international experience, some research suggests. QS Global Employer Survey Report found in 2016 that six out of 10 employers around the world give extra credit for job applicants with study abroad on their resumes, and more than 80% said they actively seek graduates with overseas study experiences. 

What Deters Students From Studying Abroad 

Multiple factors deter U.S. students from studying abroad, such as financial concerns, fear of missing out on something at home, health challenges and being far away from family and friends, experts say.

“It is the combination of the expenses and just not knowing what it is,” says Baxevane-Connell. “And the fear that, 'I really need to finish my degree in four years, so I can get a job and start paying back my loan and so I can start living my life.'”

Female students are more likely to study abroad than male students, says Brandauer. “For decades, it has been 60-40” in favor of women, she says, and that's been the national trend.

Brandauer suspects that male students have "a harder time finding their social niche on a college campus, and once they identify with a group, then it is hard to leave that group,” she says. “There is a lot of comfort being male on campus.”

Students who are historically underrepresented in U.S. colleges, such as students with disabilities and some racial minorities, tend to also be underrepresented in study abroad participation, according to the 2023 IIE study. That study report also notes that many colleges have been making efforts to improve the access and experience for underrepresented students by offering scholarships, boosting advising and providing special information sessions.

In the 2020-2021 academic year, according to data from NAFSA: Association of International Educators, Black students were 13.1% of U.S. postsecondary enrollment but just 4.1% of U.S. students studying abroad, while Hispanic and Latino students were 20.3% of postsecondary enrollment and only 12.3% of U.S. students who studied overseas. At the same time, White, Asian/Pacific Islander and multiracial students were proportionally overrepresented.

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The Benefits of Studying Abroad

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Studying abroad is an exciting opportunity for students to explore new cultures, gain new experiences, and broaden their perspectives. It is a chance to step out of your comfort zone and into a new world, and the benefits of studying abroad are endless.

In this article, we will explore the reasons why studying abroad is a life-changing experience and examine the pros and cons, and considerations that should be taken before making the decision.

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Why studying abroad is a life-changing experience?

Studying overseas presents a multitude of advantages that go beyond pure academic education. There are numerous reasons why studying abroad is beneficial, such as gaining exposure to diverse cultures, acquiring new language skills or improving existing ones, personal growth and development, and expanding career opportunities.

By studying abroad, individuals have the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in a new culture, gain insights into different customs and ways of life and encounter novel ways of living. Moreover, this type of experience provides a chance for students to practise the local language regularly, which can be advantageous for future job prospects.

In addition, studying abroad can help students cultivate independence, self-assurance, adaptability, and problem-solving skills while providing them with a global perspective on various issues.

Finally, studying abroad can bolster a student’s CV and job prospects, demonstrating their willingness to take risks, adapt to new surroundings, and acquire new proficiencies.

A group of international students

Why study abroad?

Studying abroad presents a unique opportunity for students to reap several benefits, such as:

  • Discovering new adventures: Studying abroad opens up avenues for students to explore new destinations and engage in exciting adventures. 
  • Improving language proficiency: Studying abroad can help students hone their language skills, acquire new languages, and enhance their future job prospects.
  • Gaining insight into diverse educational systems: Studying abroad gives students a chance to gain insights into diverse educational systems, which can broaden their outlook and comprehension of various teaching methodologies.

Pros and cons of studying abroad

Studying abroad is an exciting opportunity for students to explore new cultures, gain new experiences, and broaden their perspectives. It is a chance to step out of your comfort zone and into a new world, but like any decision, studying abroad comes with both pros and cons.

Pros of studying abroad

  • Exposure to new cultures: Studying abroad allows students to immerse themselves in a new culture, learn about different customs and lifestyles, and experience new ways of living.
  • Language skills: Studying abroad can be an opportunity to learn a new language or improve existing language skills. It offers an immersive experience, allowing students to practise the language daily, which can be beneficial for future job opportunities.
  • Global perspective: Studying abroad offers a global perspective, providing students with the opportunity to learn about global issues, understand cultural differences and similarities, and gain insight into international relations.
  • Personal growth: Studying abroad is a chance for students to develop independence, confidence, adaptability, and problem-solving skills. It can also foster a sense of self-awareness and broaden one’s understanding of themselves and the world around them.
  • Career prospects: Studying abroad can enhance students’ resumes and job prospects, demonstrating their willingness to take risks, adapt to new environments, and learn new skills.

A woman studying abroad on a street with a map

Cons of studying abroad

  • Culture shock: Studying abroad can be challenging for students who experience culture shock. It can take time to adapt to a new culture, and students may feel homesick, isolated, or overwhelmed.
  • Financial considerations: Studying abroad can be expensive, and you may need to cover tuition fees, travel, accommodation, and daily living expenses, which in some cases may be higher than they would be in your home country.
  • Academic challenges: Studying abroad may involve adapting to a new educational system, which can be challenging. Students may struggle with language barriers, different teaching methods, or academic expectations.
  • Distance from family and friends: Studying abroad can be emotionally challenging for students who are far away from their family and friends. They may miss important events, birthdays, or holidays, and feel isolated or disconnected from their support networks.
  • Visa and immigration issues: Depending on where you are from and where you will be studying in, you may need to deal with visa and immigration issues, such as obtaining the necessary student visa.

Students should weigh the pros and cons before deciding to study abroad, consider their personal goals and priorities, and explore the available support and resources. Studying abroad is an opportunity for personal growth and development, and by taking the time to make an informed decision, students can have a fulfilling and rewarding experience.

Should I study abroad?

When considering whether to study abroad, students should reflect on their goals and priorities. Personal and academic aspirations are an important factor. You should consider your academic goals and how studying abroad might impact your academic progress.  

Financial factors are also important. You should carefully consider the costs associated with studying abroad. Think about if you are able to afford it, and make sure to look into possible scholarships and grant opportunities that may help cover some or all of your expenses.

Also make sure to look into available support and resources you could use. Organisations such as study abroad offices, local embassies, and student associations are used to dealing with exchange students and they may be able to offer you valuable insights and ideas you might not have thought of yourself.

Two international students at graduation

Final thoughts

  Studying abroad can be a transformative experience that brings various advantages like acquiring a global perspective, immersing oneself in diverse cultures, enhancing language skills, personal growth through adventure and making lifelong friendships. However, it also comes with potential difficulties such as culture shock and financial constraints.

Therefore, students should weigh the benefits and drawbacks and evaluate their personal aspirations to make an informed decision about studying abroad. Pursuing education overseas is a chance to expand one’s outlook and encounter life-changing experiences that can have lasting impacts.

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15 Benefits of Studying Abroad Essay Tips

This blog post discusses the benefits of studying abroad essay which you can use as a guide or tip for constructing your own essay on the same subject matter or generally learn about the advantages of studying abroad.

Studying outside of your country in a distant land has to be the most adventurous thing you may ever do in life. Going to a place where everything is new and different, the food, culture, language, etc. are new and different from what you’re used to. It is challenging, truthfully, but after a while, you get used to it and it starts to become fun, exciting, and adventurous.

You get to learn new customs and languages, meet new people, taste new foods, see beautiful places, and most of all, gain quality education and degrees. The main reason why a lot of people decide to study abroad is for educational purposes, as in most cases, the abroad education is better than the one in their home country.

Knowledge can be acquired in numerous ways and studying abroad is one of the possibilities. Students get significant experience by studying abroad. It is a fantastic opportunity for students to come into direct contact with a different culture in their daily lives and return home with many fond memories.

For example, students can travel to a place with four seasons and experience four seasons there, which will be the most memorable moments for students who have never experienced the seasons before. There are several advantaged to studying abroad and they are outlined and discussed in this essay.

Benefits of Studying Abroad Essay

Improve your language skills, enjoy top quality education, career opportunities, experience a different style of teaching, it will look nice on your resume, enhance your network, become truly independent, see the world, get ready for an international workplace, discover other cultures and viewpoints, employers will be impressed, you will get motivated, creating life time experiences.

On our list of benefits of studying abroad essay, improving your language skills comes first. Studying in another part of the world or another country offers you the opportunity to hone and develop your language skills. Learning a new language and adding it to other languages you already know how to speak will take you farther in life, especially career-wise.

Having a second language will make your CV or resume stand out and become a key candidate for a highly competitive role such as a diplomat or ambassador. If you are looking to enter into the international or global workforce, a second language will serve as a catalyst as well.

One of the major reasons students travel abroad is to gain top-quality education and degrees that will be recognized internationally. There is no doubt that some schools are better than some and provide internationally recognized degrees while some do not and for this reason, many students live the comfort of their home and abandon the traditional teachings of their local schools to go to another country and pursue a degree that every HR or employee anywhere in the world will recognize and accept.

As an international student, you can broaden your option greatly and for the top choice countries, you may want to consider the United States, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom as they provide top-quality degrees.

Studying abroad will provide you with better career opportunities, no doubt, international universities will provide you with quality education which is highly sought after by employees back at home. With a degree from a university or college abroad you’ve automatically gotten ahead of the workforce competition compared to people who got a local education.

Studying in a new country exposes you to increased career opportunities, depending on your field of study.

If you completed your bachelor’s in your country and decided to complete graduate studies abroad, you’d note the difference in teaching style almost immediately. There are different teaching styles and studying abroad will help you experience them and help you expand your academic horizon and develop your ability to adapt to the different educational settings.

The benefit here will also help you be more versatile in the workplace and you are can easily adjust to different management styles.

It is common knowledge that employers value international experience since it demonstrates that you have dealt with individuals from many cultures and have a greater level of adaptability. If you can travel to a new nation while learning a new skill to land a decent graduation job, that is really impressive.

Employers value individuals with international studies and stand ahead of the workforce competition to add it to your CV.

Enhancing your network is also one of the benefits of studying abroad essay. Studying abroad you must make new friends and build relationships with people from other parts of the world. These relationships will later go on to become a broad network of connections who will come to your aid when needed and you also provide aid to them when required.

Some of these connections can even lead to career opportunities, job offers, business partners, and life-long friends. Universities usually have varieties of students from all walks of life and the community has offered an opportunity for you to meet them, create, and enhance your network.

Attending a local university or a university in your own country, you are still not completely independent because you’ve got your friends and family who could always drive down to your school to visit you. But when you travel out of the country to study, you are very far away from your friends and family, and coming all the way to see you will be a daunting task.

This will surely come as a challenge at first but it will shape you to become an independent, adventurous adult ready to succeed in your future career.

Traveling can be very fun especially when you travel out of your country to another and in this case, you’re acquiring a degree at the same time, talk about taking down two birds with a single stone. Studying abroad allows you to see the world and travel to new places you would otherwise not have visited.

This can be adventurous and exciting as you also get to visit many attractions in the country.

Another benefit of studying abroad is that it opens students to new knowledge and expertise when they study overseas and that knowledge is frequently more easily relevant and adaptable to situations that require international engagement; as a result, in today’s globalized world, one might expect to be more competitive.

While you can always return home at the end of your abroad education, many students opt to stay and apply for a work visa. Even if you decide to return home or look for a job elsewhere, employers are likely to value the foreign experience gained via studying abroad.

This is one of the benefits of a study abroad essay and here studying abroad will expose you to a different culture allowing you to broaden your horizons. You will get new ideas and build cross-cultural awareness by studying overseas.

In your future career, for example, you might have to collaborate with people from other countries. You will be more comfortable with people from other backgrounds, value their unique experiences, and develop a better bond with them if you study abroad.

Our cultural heritage has a significant impact on how we react to certain situations. Getting a diversity of viewpoints can help you see things in a fresh light. You will meet people from all walks of life if you study abroad and have the opportunity to witness a completely new way of life.

This is another benefit of studying abroad and the advantage that comes with this is that it can help you kick start your career and make you more marketable. It allows you to demonstrate potential and present to employers that you have the flexibility, resourcefulness, and ambition to adjust to a new situation. Graduates with foreign experience are in high demand by many employers.

Regardless of where you study, the most essential benefit of studying abroad is that it will continually inspire you on your life’s journey. Immersing yourself in the atmosphere of a new city, nation, or culture is a great way to stretch your mind and learn new things.

Visit art institutions, historic sites, learn a new language, try a new cuisine – the opportunities to broaden your horizons are endless. Long after your studies are through, you will reflect gratefully on all of the fresh memories and lessons you have gained.

On this list of benefits of studying abroad essay, this is the one that crowns it all. Taking classes, staying in a homestay, making new friends, and traveling around a whole other country are all experiences that you will never forget. When it is all said and done, you will be able to recall practically every detail of that time you went white water rafting in Brazil.

You will have a once-in-lifetime experience and make memories that will last a lifetime and the advantages of studying abroad will also last a long time. You can’t put a price on the memories, friendships, and experiences you will bring back from your trip overseas.

These are the benefits of studying abroad essay which should further help you consider studying abroad.


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  • Study Abroad

Your Study Abroad Essay Made Easy

Your Study Abroad Essay Made Easy

Danielle DeSimone

Danielle graduated from the University of Mary Washington with degrees in English, creative writi...

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How to write a unique study abroad essay

Sometimes, the process of studying abroad can feel almost as difficult as applying for college. You have to choose the country you want to study in, compare and contrast programs (hint: MyGoAbroad ), collect your transcripts and references and, inevitably, you will have to write a personal statement and study abroad essay for your application. 

When applying for a study abroad program —especially a competitive one—your personal statement and/or study abroad essay can make or break your application. After all, your program wants to know who it is exactly that will be representing their program in another country! They want to know exactly why you’ve decided to make the life-changing decision to spend a summer, semester, or even a year abroad.

Sound intimidating? Don’t you fret. We’re here to give you 10 study abroad essay tips so you can WOW your study abroad program with your application.

Your Study Abroad Essay Made Easy

10 awesome study abroad application tips

1. brainstorm .

Most study abroad applications will ask you something along the lines of, “Tell us about yourself,” and “Why do you want to study abroad?” Simple questions, right?

Actually, these can be pretty tough, when you consider how many ideas you need to narrow down to fit into a 500 word response. Remember that writing is a process. And, the best first step to streamline your study abroad essay-writing process is to just scribble some ideas down and do some good ol’ fashioned brainstorming.  

[ Read 5 More Ways to Ace Your Study Abroad Application ]

Write down the things you’re excited to see, do, eat while abroad. Think about what intimidates you or what will be challenging in a new country. Doodle some of your goals for your summer/semester/year abroad, and really think about what it is that has made studying abroad so important to you .

Is it the idea of finally exploring that country you’ve been reading about since you were seven? Is it because this will be your first time living independently and far away from home? Are you just over the moon to be learning about your favorite subject in a place that is relevant to your studies? Whatever it is, write it, draw it, sing it— but get those ideas out there, so you can plan out the best essay you can possibly write. 

[ Browse study abroad programs here ]

notes written in cursive with fountain pen

Take some time to brainstorm and jot a few things down.

2. Outlines, Outlines, Outlines

Yeah, yeah, we know: since day one, your teachers and professors have pushed the idea of an essay outline. You’ve done about a billion of them, but breaking down your study abroad essay and knowing exactly where you’re going to go in your writing can help you have a more concise argument as to why your chosen study abroad program should choose you. We repeat: writing. Is. A. Process. 

3. First Impressions Matter

You always want to have that eye-grabbing introduction: who are you as a student, a person, and a traveler? In just one to two sentences, try to summarize and explain exactly who you are and why you want to study abroad (easy-peasy, right?). Don’t be afraid to get personal and really let your true colors fly — this is how you’ll stand out to the admissions counselors who are reading hundreds of personal statements and essays!

For example: “My grandparents emigrated from Argentina at the ripe, young age of 20 years-old, and throughout my entire life, I have been taught to love a country I have never met. My passion for studying the Spanish language, and gaining a deeper understanding of where my family comes from, has inspired me to apply to ______ study abroad program in Buenos Aires, Argentina .”

two girls laughing in the sunshine

Don’t forget to sprinkle in your sparkling personality.

4. Supporting Statements

Up next in our study abroad essay tips: support your statement on why you want to study abroad by expanding on the ideas you presented in your introduction.

This is where your brainstorming comes in! What has brought you to this point? What subjects studied, projects completed, or passions followed have made you choose to not only study abroad, but study abroad with this particular program?

Be honest and sincere. It’s okay if the main reason why you want to study literature in England is because you spent your childhood reading Harry Potter and The Chronicles of Narnia . It’s perfectly acceptable if your love of the ocean comes from an obsession with sea turtles, which is why you’ve decided to study marine conservation in Costa Rica . 

Maybe you want to study in Germany because you’ve always had the goal of working in international business! These are the things that make you a unique and interesting prospective study abroad student! Just be sure to always tie your passions, goals, and dreams back to how this study abroad experience will help you expand on these things and carry them with you through the rest of your life.

5. Get Detailed

close up of hands typing on mac keyboard with headphones plugged in

Organize your outline and start on Draft 1!

When you’re describing the who, what, when, and why of your decision to study abroad, be sure to state your goals clearly .

Passion is one thing, but your study abroad program also wants to know what it is exactly that you plan on gaining from this experience. How will this summer , semester , or year abroad bring you closer to your academic or career goals in the future?

Example: “Through this study abroad program in Israel , I will expand my worldview and understanding of Middle Eastern cultures, which will, in turn, prepare me for my plans to pursue a graduate degree in Global Peace and Conflict Studies. With this, I hope to eventually utilize my experience and passion to work for the United Nations. Studying abroad will help me achieve these goals.” 

[ Get Matched with 5 Study Abroad Programs for FREE ]

6. be yourself.

In the world of academia, being formal and professional is key, but in the world of study abroad, it’s all about making those human connections beyond the borders of your own country! That’s why it’s so important to be yourself when writing your study abroad essay.

Of course, always put in the time and effort so that your writing sounds smart, but don’t be afraid to add a little pizzaz and let your personality shine through! This will set you apart from other study abroad applications, and will give your study abroad program a much clearer sense of who you are as a student and a person.

silhouettes of business-people sitting in front of full length windows looking out on London

Always related your study abroad essay back to your long-term #GOALS and how this program will help you reach them.

7. A Two-Way Street

Ask not what you can do for your study abroad program, but what your study abroad program can do for you! Studying abroad isn’t just about what your study abroad program can provide you — you also need to prove your worth to the program’s officials .

After all, you’ll be serving as an ambassador of your home country and this program in a completely different country. They want to be sure that they’re accepting dedicated and deserving students into their program, so that years from now, when you’re a famous scientist or a world-leading politician, they can point to you and say: “See that person? They studied abroad on our program!” 

A study abroad program’s reputation is dependent not only on the opportunities they build for their students, but also on the caliber of students that they bring in. So when writing your personal essay, be sure to highlight what you bring to the table and how you look forward to continuing your study abroad program’s mission.

Example: “As a participant in this program, I know that I could expand my worldview and continue <Insert Study Abroad Program Provider’s Namer>’s mission of creating global citizens by creating bridges between myself and other cultures.” 

close up of old school typewriter and dusty keys

No need to go totally analog when writing your study abroad essay. Stay in the 21st century!

8. A Solid Sprint to the Finish Line

As you conclude your study abroad essay, be sure to nail the point home and finish with a strong conclusion . You’ll have to tie together your original introduction, the reasons for studying abroad, and your goals for the future all together in a nice, clean, concluding two to three sentences.

Don’t repeat yourself, but be sure that these final sentences pack a punch, and leave your study abroad program admissions officers ready to buy you your plane ticket outta here.

9. Edits & Revisions

Never hit submit without first revising and editing your essay two or three times! You might notice typos or awkward sentences at second glance, and you might also think of an exciting new idea you want to add in after your third look-over! It’s also always a good idea to have someone else to look at your essay (or maybe even write it for you ...), to get a fresh pair of eyes on your writing.

[ Use MyGoAbroad to Find & Compare Study Abroad Programs ]

10. submit (on time).

Once you’ve cleaned up your essay, upload that application and click submit! But, don’t forget to pay attention to all of the application deadlines, and be sure to get all of your relevant documents to the study abroad program on time! There’s no worse feeling in the world than having spent weeks perfecting an essay and application, only to have missed the deadline. 

notes written in cursive with fountain pen

A Pulitzer Prize-Winning study abroad essay

With all of these study abroad essay tips, you might as well start packing! You’re well on your way to your grand adventure abroad, and by investing so much time and effort into your writing, your chosen study abroad program will be sure to accept you! Applying to study abroad can seem like a lot of work, but the minute you step off that plane and into your new home, you’ll realize that it was all worth it. 

Find a Study Abroad Program & Get Writing!

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Benefits of Studying Abroad

purple flowers park gazebo abroad

Change Your Life

Study abroad and you 
 what could be a more perfect match?  

The benefits of studying abroad impact each and every part of your life – academically, personally, and professionally. When you study and travel abroad, you’ll not only take your educational and professional journey to the next level, but you’ll also change your life like you never knew you could. 

What are the Benefits of Studying Abroad?

kyoto student in gardens japan

1. Take in the World

You don’t travel to see; you travel to understand.

From practicing your Arabic and exploring the Middle East in the metropolitan city of Amman to studying sustainability practices and walking through a Cloud Forest in Monteverde’s lush ecosystem, studying abroad gives you a new perspective of the world .

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2. Make Lifelong Connections

Learn from those who've lived it.

In an increasingly global society, international connections are essential to building community and cross-cultural competency. Make forever friends in faraway places and create a professional network on a whole other continent. You’ll always have someone to visit when you return!

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3. Gain a Competitive Edge

Acquire essential skills that last a lifetime.

97% of students who study abroad find employment within 12 months of graduation and 25% earn higher salaries than their peers. Boost your resume with a global internship and build the edge you need to stand out by having international experiences abroad.  

Read More: Why Study Abroad? Top 7 Benefits of Studying Abroad

pizza workshop in rome for study abroad students laughing

4. Become Your Best Self

Experience a world outside of your own and change your life.

Time and time again, students describe their study abroad experience as life-changing. It's true! Study abroad teaches you leadership, cross-cultural communication, adaptability, and so much more that has to be experienced to be understood. What are you waiting for?


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63 Study Abroad Essay Examples & Topics

Looking for study abroad topics to write about? Studying in another country is one of the most beneficial experiences for students.

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❓ Questions About Studying Abroad

In your studying abroad essay, you might want to write about advantages and disadvantages of being an international student. Another option is to describe the process of making application for a scholarship. One more idea is to share your personal experience. Whether you’re planning to write an argumentative, descriptive, or persuasive essay, our article will be helpful. Here we’ve collected top studying abroad essay samples and research titles ‍‍‍‍for scholarship papers.

🏆 Best Studying Abroad Essay Examples

  • Why Studying Abroad Results in Better Education For most people, especially in developing nations, the only way to gain an education that will satisfy the demands of the international job market is by studying abroad.
  • Should Students Study Abroad? Studying abroad offers students an opportunity to travel to new countries and have new experiences that expand their perceptions of the world.
  • Education in Australia as a Tool of Promoting Equality of Opportunity The main objective of vocational education and training is to promote the people, the society, and the economy and to upgrade the labor market.
  • Specifics of Studying Abroad The purpose of this paper is to discuss the most common benefits and drawbacks, as well as overall outcomes that are related to studying abroad and to recommend the ways to handle the drawbacks.
  • Challenges of Studying Abroad A closer look at the information provided by the majority of the companies specializing in student transfer and the related services will reveal that a range of essential data, especially the information concerning the financial […]
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  • The Social Role of Higher Education in UK In addition to this, higher education provides a set of values that changes the students to face the existing and the future problems facing the society and the various sectors of work that they operate […]
  • International Education in Australia China is a good market for Australian education and in the year 2010 a sum of 284700 students from China left the country to further their studies most of them on their own expenses.
  • The Criteria and Benefits That Allow Students to Work Abroad The most direct experience that a person gets while studying abroad is the understanding of the business world and economics. There is no doubt that the environments and culture of a country are the major […]
  • A Benefits of Education Abroad One of the qualitative aspects of the educational reality in today’s world is the fact that, as time goes on, the number of students who decide in favor of studying abroad increases rather exponentially.

📌 Research Titles about Studying Abroad

  • Do Study Abroad Programs Enhance the Employability of Graduates
  • The Effect Of Study Abroad On Studying Abroad
  • Culture and Study Abroad and Some Drawbacks
  • How Does Study Abroad Affect A Student ‘s View Of Professional
  • Analysis Of Some Of The Benefits Of Study Abroad
  • Do People Who Study Abroad Become More Successful
  • Increasing Number Of Worldwide People Go Study Abroad
  • The Lowering Ages of Students Who Study Abroad
  • Colleges Should Make It Mandatory: For Students To Study Abroad For Specific Major’s
  • Should Students Spend Lots Of Money For Study Abroad

đŸ—ș Study Abroad Topics to Write about

  • The Cultural Shock That Students Face When They Study Abroad
  • Advantages and Dis Advantages of Further Study Abroad
  • Interlanguage Pragmatic Competence in the Study Abroad
  • The Study Abroad Trip On Australia
  • History Of Study Abroad And Exchange Programs
  • An Analysis of Many Students Wishing to Study Abroad
  • Most Study Abroad Program Should Be Rename Party Abroad They Are Waste of Time
  • Why College Students Should Study Abroad
  • Analysis Of Michelle Obama ‘s Reasons For Study Abroad
  • Study Abroad Is Beneficial For All College Students
  • The Journey of Traveling and The Study Abroad
  • Analysis: Why Student Chose to Study Abroad
  • The Benefits of Choosing to Study Abroad
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"63 Study Abroad Essay Examples & Topics." IvyPanda , 26 Oct. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '63 Study Abroad Essay Examples & Topics'. 26 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "63 Study Abroad Essay Examples & Topics." October 26, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "63 Study Abroad Essay Examples & Topics." October 26, 2023.


IvyPanda . "63 Study Abroad Essay Examples & Topics." October 26, 2023.


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What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad? IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay

The IELTS writing task 2 requires an individual to present their views on a topic that has been assigned to them. They are required to go through the topic and present their side of the argument. One such example of it could be: “What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?”

So, whenever you are presented with such topics, all you are required to do is present your side of the argument. There is no right or wrong in these answers – all an individual is required to do is to let the examiner know their understanding of the topic that they are provided with.

So, let’s move forward to learn a little about this topic and present an amazing essay answer afterwards to let you know how it’s done.


What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad? 

The decision to study abroad depends solely on the different advantages and disadvantages of that thing.

So, let’s move forward to know all about them.

What are the Advantages of Studying in a Foreign Country? 

Studying abroad has today become the new normal, every other child wishes to move out of their resident country to enjoy among a bunch of completely new people to study between them and to gain as much knowledge as possible with the help of this.

Given below are a few advantages of studying abroad:

#1. Improved Language 

The greatest benefit of studying abroad is that it helps you to improve your language skills to a great extent. you get to learn some new words each day and among a bunch of people who speak this language on a regular basis, you get to enjoy the benefits of learning a language completely.

Talking to your friends on a daily basis in the same language helps you to have that fluency in the language which you were not able to achieve before.

#2. New Friends and Career Opportunities

Another benefit that one gets to enjoy after studying abroad is that it really helps an individual to expand his/her network and have some really good friends which can also turn into friends for life. One gets to enjoy their time with people they have not known before and have a great time in their company.

It also helps one to expand their network for some great business or job opportunities overseas. A wider network helps one to connect to some really amazing people and have the benefits of so many new opportunities in life.

#3. Confidence Booster

When you enjoy time among people from a different country and culture altogether, you get to learn so many new things from them on a regular basis. Along with this, it helps one to practice the language on a daily basis which helps in boosting their confidence.

With a great and built-up confidence level, it’s easy to then achieve the heights that you want to.

Also Read: Important Points to Keep in Mind while Answering IELTS Writing Task 2

#4. Explore the World

Moving out of your resident country provides you with an opportunity to live in a new city altogether which also comes with the benefit of exploring a new city and a place never seen before.

When you live in a completely new place, you get to enjoy the scenic beauty of that place, the unexplored yet the most famous places at the same time which serves as an amazing experience.

Now, let’s move forward to learn some of the disadvantages of studying abroad.

What are the Disadvantages of Studying Abroad?

Everything that has some advantages comes with some disadvantages too. So, while there are many advantages of studying abroad, there are many disadvantages of the same too.

So, let’s check them out.

#1. Highly-Priced

Studying abroad might look fascinating to you but it is extremely expensive. Bearing all the expenses of studying abroad for an individual can be quite expensive and tiring at the same time.

The expenses of studying abroad depend solely on the place that you have chosen for yourself and the university that you’re going to get your degree from. The more advanced the country, the higher the expenses.

Also Read: Guide to Ace The Advantages & Disadvantages Essay Questions in IELTS Writing Task 2

#2.   Language as a Barrier

One of the biggest problems that many students face while studying abroad is the language that they are not fluent in. It is extremely important for one to learn the official language of the country that you have decided to move to in order to enjoy the benefits of having meaningful conversations.

Many times students have a lot of difficulty in speaking the native language or even understanding it. There are many cases in which teachers prefer to teach the entire lessons in the local language of the city. Therefore, it’s extremely important to have a good grasp of the language.

#3.   You’re Dependent on Your Own

Living in a foreign country means you are completely on your own. All the work that you need to do, right from washing your clothes to doing all the household chores, all need to be done by yourself.

There are many students who have never lived out of their home for a long period of time and studying abroad requires them to have such experiences for the first time. While this may have a lot of benefits like you learn so many new things, it can also have some serious demerits too. Many times it has been noticed that students who live alone tend to suffer from loneliness or in some cases, even depression.

IELTS Advantage Disadvantage Model Essay 

So, let’s move ahead to discuss one such advantage disadvantage essay in order to know how to present an answer while in the examination hall.

The question for today is: With more and more people moving out of their own country to study abroad, it has been a trend these days. What do you think are the advantages or disadvantages of the same? Share your opinions with us.

Also Read: Want Band 9? Check These Previous IELTS Writing Task 2 Exam Questions and Answers

Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad – IELTS Model Essay

With changing times, more and more students wish to move out of their native country to a completely new place where they can study among a bunch of students who are new to them. And this has certainly given a rise to the number of students moving abroad to study among them. While the idea of going out seems fun, is it actually true in real scenarios?

Elaborate – IELTS Model Essay Answer

There are many benefits of studying abroad but according to me, I believe the number of demerits of studying abroad is more than its advantages. Starting with knowing about its benefits, it feels great to study abroad. When one starts studying abroad, they become more independent as a person. This is because everything, right from all the household chores to outdoor things needs to be done on one’s own and this helps an individual to become a better version of himself/herself. They learn to be better and dependent on themselves. Living abroad allows an individual to learn different foreign languages in order to converse with their peers and fellow classmates. This further helps them to broaden their horizon, that by learning new languages and living for a period of 2-3 years in a foreign country, they tend to learn new cultures and how things are done differently in their country. They learn about their customs, traditions, and values.

Talk about the Disadvantages

But despite having so many advantages, the number of disadvantages succeed them. Though it is true that students get to learn new languages while living in a foreign country, with that comes the possibility of isolation and loneliness. There are many students who face difficulty while speaking in languages other than their native ones and while learning these languages, there are times when they are not able to converse fluently and swiftly as other students. And this leads to the different language barriers that arise among them. Thus, these children tend to spend most of their time alone without anyone’s company which can further lead to failure in examination and also depression.

Move towards Conclusion of the IELTS Essay Model Answer

Another demerit of studying abroad is that one has to do all of their work on their own which can be quite tiring at times and can lead to fatigue. This can also affect the students psychologically and they can suffer from various mental illnesses. Further, living abroad for a long time alone without being with anyone from your family or loved one can lead to homesickness and even lead to depression among many students. Along with this, studying abroad can be extremely expensive as compared to the cost one bears when he/she decided to study in their native country.

In conclusion, I believe it’s always better to study in one’s own country while being in the company of your loved ones and it should be encouraged more than moving out to study.

Hopefully, you must have found this article useful and if you have any doubts regarding the same, feel free to comment down below and let us know about the same.

For more such information, check out our amazing blogs on our site.


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Sakshi bachani.

Sakshi Bachani is a freelance Content Writer and Teacher. She has completed her Bachelor's degree from Delhi University.. She has been a freelance teacher for the past five years and has worked towards helping young kids achieve their dreams. She had also worked as an Intern teacher with an NGO. Apart from writing and teaching, she really enjoys music, animals, and plants. She even has her own little garden which she loves very dearly and can be sometimes seen buying more plants for herself.

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Advantages of Studying Abroad Essay Example

Last updated by rubayet al sami on june 14, 2021.

There are numerous personal advantages of studying abroad , as well as opportunities to develop professionally and personally. In reality, going overseas to study can be one of the most rewarding, exciting, exciting, and educationally exposure times of your life. In today’s globe, practically every country offers a range of study abroad programs, making studying in your favorite country easier than it has ever been. Let’s read the advantages of studying abroad essay.

Advantages of Studying Abroad Essay

Advantages of Studying Abroad Essay

Students will have the opportunity to enhance their academic studies in a foreign country while studying abroad . There are indeed a number of programs to select from: some immerse you directly in a foreign culture and language, while the others help students deal with the culture shock by providing essential services tailored to attend university students. With many various programs can choose from, you must be able to choose one that reflects your style and ambitions.

Take advantage of this opportunity to expand your views. Broaden your knowledge by learning about other locations, cultures, and people. Not only may you expand your global network of acquaintances, but you could also discover more about yourself by partaking in a new and fascinating lifestyle. Globalization can help you comprehend your place in the world as an individual.

It’s easy to have a narrow perspective of the world we live in, but international travel can help you broaden your perspective. You’ll understand how your native country fits within mankind, and you’ll be able to reflect on your own culture more precisely through the eyes of another society.

You will see the importance of keeping your own traditions alive while sharing them with others after learning about the traditions of another culture. You may be given the option to travel about your host nation or nearby countries during your time abroad; take advantage of it. Putting your ideas into action and witnessing remarkable sites might help you see the world in new ways.

Studying abroad does have its own set of problems which are inextricably linked towards the advantages of studying abroad. Regardless of where you end up, you’ll be out of your comfort zone as you deal with issues like homesickness, foreign currency spending and budgeting, and simply living in a new, strange environment.

These may appear to be minor achievements at the time, but you will be proud of your successes in the long run. You’ll almost certainly return home smarter and better prepared to meet any future obstacles.

Employers frequently seek pupils who are willing to take risks and learn from their mistakes. The experiences and wisdom you gain while overseas can provide you with a plethora of examples and real-life scenarios to use in an interview to further demonstrate your talents and work ethic.

As you enter America’s increasingly varied workforce, your newly gained personal growth and worldly knowledge will boost your cover letter. Remember to include your international experience in your resume and cover letter.

The opportunities you take advantage of while abroad can have a long-term impact on your career ambitions. You’ll almost certainly discover a new interest that will impact your degree or career choice, or you may opt to work overseas or learn a new language.

Continuing your further education outside of the United States is one strategy to keep your competitive edge in the workplace. Perhaps you’ll opt to pursue a master’s or doctorate degree in another country.

Employers may be interested in your personal development and interpersonal abilities, so don’t write off your international experience just because it wasn’t in a professional situation. Working on any multi-cultural team in the professional world could benefit from your skill in cross-cultural and interpersonal communication. Employers will notice that you can adjust to different situations and aren’t afraid of change if you study abroad.

Advantages of Studying Abroad Essay Summary

  • Globalize Yourself
  • Broaden Your Experience
  • Take the Challenge
  • Look Great in an Interview
  • Discover a New Career Path
  • Gain Interpersonal Skills

If this essay, helps you to know about advantages of studying abroad essay then share this essay on any social media.

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About Author

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Rubayet Al Sami

Rubayet Al Sami is the founder of StudyConnexion. He loves to write about higher education and study abroad. You’ll often find him helping others study abroad.

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Hallstatter See, Austria.

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Industry Advice Political Science & Security

Studying abroad can be a life-changing experience for students. From enhancing your global network to experiencing a new culture, the benefits to your education and career are significant.

Given this, it’s no wonder that the number of students earning a degree outside of their home country has tripled over the past 25 years. Currently, there are 100,000 more American students studying abroad compared to the previous decade, along with more than one million international college students in the U.S. What’s more, the student profile of those who study abroad continues to change, including an increase in the number of graduate-level students who choose to study internationally.

“When talking about studying abroad, you’re taking concepts from the classroom and watching it play out in real-time, in real life,” says Marissa Lombardi, assistant teaching professor and director for the Master of Science in Global Studies and International Relations program at Northeastern University.

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Can You Study Abroad in Grad School?

If you didn’t have the opportunity to study abroad as an undergraduate, you might be worried that you’ve missed your chance.  

Fortunately, some graduate programs offer students the option to study internationally during their studies. In fact, the number of graduate-level study abroad students continues to grow–more than 12 percent of students who studied abroad during the 2017-2018 academic year were enrolled in a graduate program.

advantages of studying abroad essay

Students participating in IFSE in Zurich, Switzerland. Photo credit: Michal Holland, CPS

At Northeastern University, for example, students enrolled in programs like the MS in Global Studies and International Relations are eligible to participate in the International Field Study Experience program. This 12-week course includes a one-week, on-ground international experience in which students work to solve a real-world issue for an established multinational organization. During this time, students act as international consultants and apply their learning to a practical scenario.

Although this course is offered as a capstone for the Global Studies and International Relations program, all College of Professional Studies students are invited to enroll as an elective to enjoy the benefits of international experience that are widely applicable across disciplines. 

Not only are students able to study abroad in grad school, but doing so can have tremendous benefits to your education and your career. Below is a look at the advantages of studying abroad at any stage in your education, but especially at the graduate level.

8 Benefits of Studying Abroad

In an increasingly globalized world, studying abroad is now more important than ever. If you’re considering studying abroad in graduate school, here are eight ways it can benefit your education and career.

1. Improves Your Language Skills

By studying abroad, you’ll have the opportunity to hone your language skills. While studying a language in class is rewarding, applying it to the real world is an entirely different experience. It’s likely you’ll learn the language faster because you’re practicing it regularly. You’ll also be able to pick up conversational language you wouldn’t study in class, enabling you to speak like a local.

advantages of studying abroad essay

Many careers in international relations and diplomacy also rely heavily on foreign language skills. Although there are no specific language requirements to become a foreign service officer, proficiency and experience with a foreign language is a key component of a candidate’s competitiveness during the selection to become a diplomat , ambassador , or other positions with the United Nations . 

2. Exposes You to Different Styles of Teaching

Each country has its own unique style of teaching. Studying abroad can help you expand your academic horizon and develop the capacity to adapt to various educational settings.

Adapting to different styles of teaching can also help you adjust to different management styles, making you more versatile in the workplace. Teaching styles you may encounter abroad include:

  • Authority Style: A teacher-centered style where a professor is the authority figure and frequently gives long lectures or one-way presentations. There is a focus on set rules and expectations, and students typically take notes to retain information.
  • Facilitator Style: Professors promote self-learning by emphasizing the teacher-student relationship. They help students develop critical thinking skills by teaching them how to ask questions and find solutions through exploration.
  • Delegator Style: Professors assign lab activities and give students in-class projects to help them stay engaged. This is a guided learning style that places the teacher in an observer role while helping students remain active participants in their learning.  

3. Impresses Employers

Studying abroad can help launch your career and make you more competitive in the workforce. It gives you the opportunity to show future and current employers that you have the open mind, resourcefulness, and drive needed to adapt to a different environment.

advantages of studying abroad essay

Many employers are looking for graduates who have international experience. According to a survey , 64 percent of employers consider study abroad experience to be important, and 92 percent of employers look for transferable skills that are typically gained from the experience, such as flexibility to new challenges.

“Students who study abroad offer more to the workplace than those who don’t,” Lombardi says. “They offer a fuller package than just a student who’s looked at how things are theoretically, as opposed to students who have the opportunity to apply the concepts in their studies to real jobs and experiences across various cultures.”

Another survey found that nearly 40 percent of companies missed out on international business opportunities due to a lack of personnel with international experience. Studying abroad can be a powerful resumé booster that shows employers that you have the skills they need to achieve their business goals.

4. Enhances Your Network

Studying abroad helps you build invaluable relationships with people from all over the world. You broaden your international connections while having the opportunity to meet people that could turn into life-long friends. Some connections can even lead to career opportunities, including internships, job offers, and business partners.

The university where you study will often have a large community of students from local regions and abroad, giving you the opportunity to meet people from different backgrounds and cultures. The wider your network, the greater the likelihood you’ll be connected to exciting career and social opportunities.

Northeastern’s International Field Study Experience, for instance, allows students to work with established multinational companies on a real global issue that they are facing. Doing so is a unique opportunity to build relationships and expand their global networks.

5. Teaches You About New Cultures and Perspectives

advantages of studying abroad essay

For example, you may work with people from other countries in your next job. By studying abroad, you’ll be more comfortable with people from different backgrounds, value their unique experiences, and establish a stronger relationship with them.

Oftentimes, our cultural background has a huge impact on how we react to different situations. Gaining a variety of perspectives can help you look at experiences in an entirely new way. By studying abroad, you’ll meet people with different upbringings, helping you widen your horizons and broaden your mind.

In addition, the best way to experience another culture is to immerse yourself in it, and the ideal way to do that is by living in another country.

6. Boosts Your Confidence

By immersing yourself in another culture, you develop valuable life skills needed for personal growth, including independence and adaptability. These skills can give you an added boost of confidence in your personal and professional life.

Studying abroad can be overwhelming, but the challenges you overcome can help you become a more mature person. You’ll find out that you can often thrive in new, unexpected circumstances, and you’ll boost your communication skills by speaking a new language—helping you further improve your self-confidence.

“It’s a great opportunity to work on cultural competencies, like being sensitive to other cultures, learning how to adapt to new situations, and tolerating ambiguity,” Lombardi says. “These skills are important to almost any job.”

Quickly adapting to your new environment will hone your self-reliance and resilience. From small tasks, like going to the doctor, to larger issues, like learning how to negotiate with a professor or adapt to a different culture’s management styles, your daily life can help you become a more capable person.

Studying abroad can also help you gain more confidence by improving certain skills that help you connect with others, such as:

  • Leadership: Strong leadership and team management skills are important in almost any environment. Knowing how to lead and inspire the people around you can help you establish stronger relationships, whether you’re working on a class project with a group of international students or completing an internship abroad.
  • Communication Skills: Strong written, public speaking, and negotiation skills are important to communicating effectively, particularly in an unfamiliar environment like a new country.
  • Cross-Cultural Awareness: Our experiences, values, and cultural backgrounds guide our viewpoints and actions. Studying abroad reminds you to be cognizant of others’ perspectives. Remember that what is considered appropriate in one culture can be inappropriate in another.

7. Allows You to See the World

advantages of studying abroad essay

Studying abroad allows you to see the world and travel to new places you would otherwise not have visited. During your time away from your studies, you can go sightseeing in your new city. You’ll also get to know your region more intimately than if you were just visiting for a shorter period of time.

When studying abroad, you can also visit neighboring regions and countries, as you’re not limited to one place. For example, if you’re studying in Milan, you can visit Florence or explore the Tuscan countryside by train. With international budget airlines and travel deals, exploring the world is becoming increasingly more affordable.

Your newfound connections can also show you areas that a tourist otherwise wouldn’t experience.

8. Uncovers New Career Opportunities Abroad

Studying in a new country exposes you to increased career opportunities, depending on your field of study. If you’re interested in finance, for example, consider studying in a region such as London or Hong Kong—two cities well known for business. If you’re interested in tech, then look into Berlin or Tel Aviv.

Oftentimes, organizations hiring international employees want to see evidence that candidates can thrive in a global environment. Studying abroad, especially in an area where you are interested in working, gives you the chance to showcase key skills and relevant experience on your resumé, like cross-cultural communication and an understanding of international policy. 

Skills Gained From Studying Abroad

Studying abroad can broaden a student’s academic experience by acquiring various skills that go beyond the classroom, including:

  • Provides opportunities to experience foreign cultures, improving one’s ability to work and communicate effectively with people from different backgrounds
  • Creates adaptability and resilience as students navigate unfamiliar environments and overcome challenges
  • Encourages students to learn independently and manage their daily tasks and responsibilities, giving them critical leadership skills for their future endeavors

Skills you can develop studying abroad include communication, adaptability, resilience, cultural knowledge, and independence.

The global perspective gained through studying abroad is an invaluable experience to have in today’s interconnected world, providing a competitive advantage for professionals who take the opportunity during their academic career.

Choosing a Graduate Study Abroad Program

The advantages of studying abroad are tremendous at any stage in your education. But, for those students looking to study abroad at the graduate level, finding the right program to fit their needs can be challenging.  It’s important to find a program that will help you meet your goals. If you are balancing work and school, for example, a short-term program may be a better fit for you than a one- or two-semester trip. 

For those pursuing a Master of Science in Global Studies and International Relations , for example, Northeastern’s International Field Study Experience is designed to give students the experience they need for a global career .

“Our International Field Study Experience offers an experiential learning opportunity matching students with international organizations,” Lombardi says. “It’s truly an immersive program where you have the opportunity to learn about the culture and work with an industry partner. You are learning about different cultures and gaining work experience at the same time.”

In addition to career-specific benefits, Northeastern’s program also fosters personal development. International education promotes global learning, fosters understanding among groups from diverse backgrounds and perspectives, and develops globally-minded individuals.

“Being able to take all of what we’re learning, focus it in the classroom, and apply it out into the field and world is amazing,” Lombardi says. “All students should take advantage of this incredible opportunity.

To learn more about advancing your global career, download the free guide to breaking into Global Studies and International Relations below. 

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What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad- IELTS Writing Task 2

Janice Thompson

Updated On Dec 19, 2023

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What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad- IELTS Writing Task 2

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Achieving proficiency in the Essay Writing section of the IELTS Writing module poses a difficulty for numerous test-takers. Hence, it is essential to enhance your essay writing abilities before undertaking the IELTS to ensure success.

The  IELTS Writing Task 2  is a crucial part of both the General Training and Academic versions of the IELTS exam. It assesses your ability to write a well-structured and cohesive essay in response to a given topic.

This is an Advantages and Disadvantages essay that assesses a writer’s ability to evaluate both the positive and negative aspects of a particular issue. To effectively prepare for the IELTS Writing Task 2, it is highly recommended to practice with a variety of sample essays. offers a comprehensive collection of  IELTS writing task 2 practice tests , that can help you hone your essay writing skills and achieve a high score in the exam.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words.

Structure Breakdown

Band 7 sample answer for advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad – writing task 2.


Studying abroad has become much more prevalent in this current day and age than it was before. Today, nearly every student considers studying abroad for higher education, especially for their Master’s degree. Since travelling to a foreign country has become relatively straightforward, people are availing themselves of the best of opportunities. However, there are both pros and cons to studying abroad, making it a challenging decision to take. In the following paragraphs, I will go through the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad.

Body Paragraph 1:

The present-day economy is known to be competitive and demanding. Today, if an individual is not decorated with impressive degrees and accolades, they are bound to miss out on various profitable opportunities. Amidst such relentless competition, an individual will inevitably choose to be educated at a reputable academic institution. Since the quality of education is often not superlative in developing countries, people from such nations tend to move abroad for better alternatives. Also, the amount of time a student spends studying abroad and adapting to the foreign environment significantly increases their interpersonal skills and facilitates their overall development.

Body Paragraph 2:

On the contrary, there are numerous limitations to choosing a foreign university for higher education. First and foremost, we must acknowledge that studying and living abroad is an exceedingly costly affair. Most students have to give up on their ambition of studying abroad due to financial hindrances. Moreover, staying away from one’s family and native place is an onerous ordeal. There are also several cases of discrimination and social exclusion against non-native students, which makes it difficult for such individuals to adopt the lifestyle of the host country.


Finally, I would like to end by saying that, like any other course of action, studying abroad has both benefits and drawbacks. It is upon the individual who needs to weigh their options and make a prudent decision.

Band 7 Vocabulary

Meaning: widespread in a particular area or at a particular time.

Example: There are many social obstacles still prevalent in today’s society.

  • Challenging

Meaning: testing one’s abilities; demanding.

Example : The journey was lengthy and challenging.

Meaning: make (something) look more attractive by adding extra items or images to it.

Example: The building was decorated with lights during Diwali.

Meaning: an award or privilege granted as a special honour or as an acknowledgement of merit.

Example: The army officer was presented with numerous accolades.

Meaning: unceasingly intense.

Example: His relentless efforts finally resulted in his success.

  • Superlative

Meaning: of the highest quality or degree.

Example : She possessed a superlative skill in dancing.

  • Exceedingly

Meaning: extremely.

Example: The Taj Mahal is an exceedingly beautiful monument.

Meaning: a thing that provides resistance, delay, or obstruction to something or someone.

Example: There were many hindrances during the execution of the plan.

Meaning: (of a task or responsibility) involving a great deal of effort, trouble, or difficulty.

Example: The duty of raising a child is an onerous task.

Meaning: acting with or showing care and thought for the future.

Example: He made a prudent decision in the end.

Practice & Prepare with  IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Essay Sample Questions and Answers

Band 8 Sample Answer for Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad – Writing Task 2

Studying abroad has become increasingly popular in recent years, with students from all over the world opting to pursue their higher education in foreign countries. There are many advantages to studying abroad, including a better learning experience, international exposure, and enhanced employment opportunities. However, there are also some disadvantages to consider, such as the high cost of living and education, the challenges of adapting to a new culture, and the potential for homesickness.

One of the biggest advantages of studying abroad is that it provides students with a better learning experience. Foreign universities often offer more specialized programs and cutting-edge research facilities than their domestic counterparts. Additionally, students are able to learn from world-renowned professors and interact with classmates from diverse backgrounds. This can lead to a more well-rounded education and a deeper understanding of the world.

For example, students who study engineering at a top university in Germany may have access to state-of-the-art laboratories and equipment, as well as the opportunity to work on research projects with leading experts in the field. Similarly, students who study business at a prestigious university in the United States may have the chance to learn from experienced entrepreneurs and business leaders.

Another advantage of studying abroad is that it exposes students to new cultures and perspectives. This can help them to become more open-minded and tolerant individuals. It can also give them a competitive edge in the global job market, as employers increasingly value candidates with international experience.

For example, a student who studies abroad in Japan may learn about Japanese culture and values, such as the importance of hard work and respect for elders. This knowledge can be invaluable when applying for jobs in Japanese companies. Similarly, a student who studies abroad in France may learn about French business culture and etiquette. This can be helpful when working with French clients or colleagues.

Body Paragraph 3:

Finally, studying abroad can enhance students’ employment opportunities. Many employers are looking for candidates with international experience and intercultural skills. Students who have studied abroad can demonstrate these skills through their resumes, cover letters, and job interviews.

For example, a student who has studied abroad in China may have the opportunity to work for a Chinese multinational company. A student who has studied abroad in India may be able to land a job in a tech company in Bangalore. In both cases, the student’s international experience will give them an advantage over other candidates.

Overall, the advantages of studying abroad outweigh the disadvantages. While the cost of studying abroad can be high, there are many scholarships and financial aid options available. Additionally, the challenges of adapting to a new culture can be overcome with careful planning and preparation. For students who are willing to put in the effort, studying abroad can be a life-changing experience.

Band 8 Vocabulary

  • Opting (verb)

Meaning: choosing, selecting.

Example : Students from various countries are opting to study abroad for a more comprehensive educational experience.

  • Cutting-edge (adjective)

Meaning: innovative, advanced.

Example : Foreign universities often provide students with access to cutting-edge technology and research facilities.

  • Well-rounded (adjective)

Meaning: comprehensive, balanced.

Example : Interacting with diverse classmates contributes to a student’s well-rounded educational experience.

  • Invaluable (adjective)

Meaning: extremely useful or valuable.

Example : The knowledge of local culture and customs can be invaluable for students seeking employment in foreign countries.

  • Etiquette (noun)

Meaning : the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.

Example : Understanding French business etiquette can be crucial for effective communication in a professional setting.

  • Overcome (verb)

Meaning: succeed in dealing with a problem or difficulty.

Example : With proper preparation, students can overcome the challenges of adjusting to a new culture.

  • Comprehensive (adjective)

Meaning: complete, including all or nearly all elements or aspects of something.

Example : The comprehensive educational experience provided by foreign universities benefits students in various ways.

  • Multinational (adjective)

Meaning: involving or operating in several nations or countries.

Example : Students with international experience have an edge when applying to multinational companies.

  • Tolerant (adjective)

Meaning: showing willingness to allow the existence of opinions or behaviors that one does not necessarily agree with.

Example : Exposure to different cultures fosters a tolerant attitude among students studying abroad.

  • Life-changing (adjective)

Meaning: having such a strong effect that it changes one’s life.

Example : For many students, the experience of studying abroad is truly life-changing, shaping their perspectives and future opportunities.

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Band 9 Sample Answer for Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad – Writing Task 2

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The landscape of international education has expanded significantly, attracting a growing number of students pursuing higher degrees abroad. While studying abroad offers diverse cultural exposure and personal development, it comes with financial and socio-cultural challenges. This essay contends that the advantages, such as enhanced career prospects and personal growth, are balanced by significant disadvantages, including financial burdens and potential difficulties in adapting to new environments.

One major advantage of studying abroad is the unparalleled exposure to superior educational opportunities. As competition intensifies globally, students seek admission to prestigious institutions, aiming for degrees from renowned universities. This exposure not only broadens their academic horizons but also positions them for better career opportunities. For instance, students often lack access to state-of-the-art facilities in their home countries, compelling them to explore education abroad.

Conversely, a noteworthy disadvantage is the financial strain associated with studying overseas. The costs involved, encompassing tuition fees and travel expenditures, pose a significant barrier for many students. Consequently, dreams and aspirations may be surrendered due to the inability to manage these expenses. The financial burden extends to the challenges of relocating far from home, creating additional hurdles for those unfamiliar with such separation.

In conclusion, the decision to study abroad entails a careful consideration of its advantages and disadvantages. While the exposure to diverse cultures and superior education is advantageous, the financial and socio-cultural challenges cannot be overlooked. Prospective students must weigh these factors diligently to make informed decisions aligned with their academic and personal goals. Ultimately, the benefits and drawbacks are intrinsic to the pursuit of international education, demanding thoughtful reflection before embarking on this transformative journey.

Band 9 Vocabulary

  • Consequential (adjective):

Meaning: Resulting from or having important consequences.

Example : The decision to study abroad is consequential, impacting both academic and personal aspects of a student’s life.

  • Landscape (noun):

Meaning : The overall look or view of a particular subject or situation.

Example : The educational landscape has evolved, with more students considering international studies.

  • Prestigious (adjective):

Meaning: Having a high reputation or honor.

Example : Students aspire to gain admission to prestigious institutions for a quality education.

  • Horizons (noun):

Meaning: The range of one’s knowledge, experience, or interest.

Example : Studying abroad broadens students’ academic horizons, exposing them to diverse subjects and cultures.

  • Intrinsic (adjective):

Meaning: Belonging naturally; essential.

Example : The benefits and drawbacks are intrinsic to the pursuit of international education.

  • Conducive (adjective):

Meaning : Making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible.

Example : The exposure to diverse cultures is conducive to personal development.

  • Diligently (adverb):

Meaning: With careful and conscientious effort.

Example : Prospective students must diligently weigh the advantages and disadvantages before deciding to study abroad.

  • Encompass (verb):

Meaning: To include or contain something.

Example : The costs of studying abroad encompass tuition fees, travel expenses, and living costs.

  • Harbor (verb):

Meaning: To shelter or provide a home for.

Example : Students may harbor concerns about adapting to new environments when studying abroad.

  • Reiterate (verb):

Meaning : To say or do something again, usually for emphasis.

Example : In the conclusion, the essay reiterates the importance of weighing the advantages and disadvantages before making a decision.

Connectors Used in the Above Sample Answers

Connectors, also known as connectives or transition words, are words or phrases that link ideas or parts of a sentence or paragraph together. Here are some of the connectors used in the above sample answers:

  • For instance
  • Consequently
  • In conclusion
  • For example
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Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?

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Include an introduction and conclusion

A conclusion is essential for IELTS writing task 2. It is more important than most people realise. You will be penalised for missing a conclusion in your IELTS essay.

The easiest paragraph to write in an essay is the conclusion paragraph. This is because the paragraph mostly contains information that has already been presented in the essay – it is just the repetition of some information written in the introduction paragraph and supporting paragraphs.

The conclusion paragraph only has 3 sentences:

  • Restatement of thesis
  • Prediction or recommendation

To summarize, a robotic teacher does not have the necessary disciple to properly give instructions to students and actually works to retard the ability of a student to comprehend new lessons. Therefore, it is clear that the idea of running a classroom completely by a machine cannot be supported. After thorough analysis on this subject, it is predicted that the adverse effects of the debate over technology-driven teaching will always be greater than the positive effects, and because of this, classroom teachers will never be substituted for technology.

Start your conclusion with a linking phrase. Here are some examples:

  • In conclusion
  • To conclude
  • To summarize
  • In a nutshell

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  • multilingual
  • communicate
  • cognitive skills
  • cultural awareness
  • opportunities
  • globalized world
  • linguistic abilities
  • cultural exchange
  • language proficiency
  • language barrier
  • foreign travel
  • personal growth
  • academic achievement
  • self-confidence
  • cross-cultural communication
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some people think that success in life comes from hard work and determination, while others think that there are more important factors such as money and appearance . dicuss both views and give your opinion.

In some countries, more and more people are becoming interested in finding out about the history of the houses or building they live in. what is the reason for this how can people research on this, some people believe that it is the government's responsibility to provide care and financial to support people after they retire. others, however, think that individuals themselves saving money in their own care when they are old. discuss both views and give your opinion., in some countries, more and more people are becoming interested in finding out about the history of the house or building they live in. what are the reasons for this how can people research this, some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. others believe that children who are taught to co-operate rather than compete become more useful adults. discuss both these views and give your own opinion. give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. you should write at least 250 words..

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advantages of studying abroad essay

👋 NháșŻn cho DOL để tĂŹm hiểu chi tiáșżt về cĂĄc khĂła học IELTS nhĂ©!

IELTS Writing Task 2: Advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad

Studying abroad IELTS essay lĂ  một dáșĄng bĂ i báș„t hủ của kỳ thi nĂ y cĂł láșœ một pháș§n cĆ©ng vĂŹ một trong những mỄc tiĂȘu lớn nháș„t khi thi IELTS lĂ  đi du học. VĂŹ tháșż, đñy lĂ  dáșĄng bĂ i báșĄn nĂȘn bỏ tĂși cáș„u trĂșc bĂ i, một số vocabulary cĆ©ng nhÆ° cáș„u trĂșc ngữ phĂĄp xịn xĂČ nha. CĂčng DOL đi qua cáș„u trĂșc bĂ i Advantages and Disadvantages of studying abroad essay IELTS nhĂ©.


Đề bĂ i sá»­ dỄng lĂ m máș«u cho bĂ i advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad essay IELTS láș§n nĂ y sáșœ lĂ :

More and more students are choosing to study at colleges and universities in a foreign country. Do the benefits of studying abroad outweigh the drawbacks?

advantages of studying abroad essay

1. Outline tham kháșŁo Advantages and Disadvantages of studying abroad

advantages of studying abroad essay

CĂčng đáșżn với outline nĂ o. Trong outline máș«u nĂ y, DOL sáșœ viáșżt nghiĂȘng về disadvantage của việc du học. Trong lĂșc


Paraphrase the topic

Thesis: Although this (doing this) has several advantages, the drawbacks may be far more significant.

BODY 1 (Advantage)

Topic sentence 1: There can be some minor benefits to N/Ving.

Firstly, S + V. / One advantage could be that S V.

Explanation | Cause-Effect | Example

In addition, S V. / Another advantage worth mentioning is that S V.

BODY 1 (Disadvantage)

Topic sentence 2: Nevertheless, N/Ving can have serious downsides which overshadow these positive impacts.

One major drawback is that S+V

Moreover, S + V

Paraphrase the Answer: In conclusion, despite the potential benefits that N/V-ing can bring, they pale in comparison to the drawbacks involved.

2. Gợi Ăœ idea viáșżt Advantages and Disadvantages of studying abroad

Sau khi chốt xong cáș„u trĂșc, DOL sá»­ dỄng Linearthinking để xĂĄc định cĂĄc từ khĂła chĂ­nh để lĂȘn Ăœ tưởng viáșżt bĂ i nhÆ° sau:

Advantages of studying abroad

advantages of studying abroad essay

Thesis : From my perspective, the benefits of this trend outweigh its negatives, as it greatly improves foreign language fluency and opens a wide range of job opportunities.

Body 1 - Disadvantage

Foreign country -> loneliness -> living somewhere far away seems to be impossible

Overseas colleges and universities -> academic difficulties -> only used foreign language -> language barrier -> can’t understand -> delaying in completing assignments

impossible -> insurmountable

loneliness -> homesickness -> extremity

living somewhere far away -> remaining somewhere far away/Living thousands of miles from friends and family

only used foreign language -> exclusively foreign language-oriented

can’t understand -> obstacles in comprehension

Body 2 - Advantage

Foreign country -> increasing foreign language proficiency -> native environment -> important to improve the way we use languages as we use them actively

Overseas colleges and universities -> gaining access to high-quality work options -> land a high-paid job -> valued certification

important to improve the way we use languages as we use them actively -> establishing fluency through active usage

Disadvantages of studying abroad

advantages of studying abroad essay

Thesis : Personally, the benefits of this trend are outweighed by its negatives, since the costs of abroad education and cultural differences might be substantial.

Body 1 - Advantage

Overseas colleges and universities -> good way to develop oneself -> immerse oneself in new lifestyles and be challenged on a daily basis -> improve personal development -> become more independent and have a sense of commitment.

Foreign country -> learn about new cultures -> fresh view of life -> broaden one’s horizon.

good way to develop oneself -> excellent way to advance oneself

immerse oneself in new lifestyles and be challenged on a daily basis -> encountering diverse lifestyles and responses to everyday challenges

become more independent and have a sense of commitment -> forces people to rely on themselves and become more self-reliant, emphasizing the need for self-discipline and commitment to the objective they have set for themselves.

fresh view of life -> fresh perspectives on life

Body 2 - Disadvantage

Overseas colleges and universities -> increased living costs -> cost of studying abroad can increase quickly -> huge costs of accommodation/food/transportation/

Foreign country -> cultural barriers -> prevent oneself from getting used to norms and practices -> minor irritations but get worse -> isolation and loneliness.

cost of studying abroad can increase quickly ->cost of studying abroad can quickly accumulate

prevent oneself from getting used to norms and practices -> make it harder to acclimatize due to the host country's various norms and practices.

minor irritations but get worse -> Although they may appear to be minor annoyances, different cultural values might aggravate

Khi gáș·p dáșĄng cĂąu hỏi "những lợi tháșż cĂł lớn hÆĄn những báș„t lợi khĂŽng?" thĂ­ sinh pháșŁi tráșŁ lời báș±ng quan điểm của báșŁn thĂąn. Một trong những sai láș§m phổ biáșżn nháș„t mĂ  thi sinh máșŻc pháșŁi lĂ  khĂŽng tráșŁ lời Ä‘Æ°á»Łc cĂąu hỏi nĂ y.

3. BĂ i máș«u topic Advantages and Disadvantages of studying abroad

CĂčng xem káșżt quáșŁ từ nhĂ  DOL sau khi xĂĄc định cáș„u trĂșc vĂ  lĂȘn Ăœ tưởng cho advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad essay IELTS nhÆ° tháșż nĂ o nhĂ©.


Today, an increasing number of students are opting to study at higher education institutions in other countries. Personally, the benefits of this trend are outweighed by its negatives, since the costs of abroad education and cultural differences might be substantial.

On the one hand, education in another country is an excellent way to advance oneself and learn about new cultures. Regarding the former, encountering diverse lifestyles and responses to everyday challenges can assist individuals in developing character as well as habits that are essential for success in life, thus improving their personal development. Moreover, living abroad forces people to rely on themselves and become more self-reliant , emphasizing the need for self-discipline and commitment to the objective they have set for themselves. Furthermore, cultural diversity might provide fresh perspectives on life. Studying abroad is a fantastic opportunity to interact with new people, learn about different ethnicity, and widen one's horizons .

On the other hand, living abroad has drawbacks such as increased living costs and cultural barriers . Firstly, the cost of studying abroad can quickly accumulate . Although tuition and living expenses might vary based on location, these costs are often considerable since the most desirable places for study are often first-world countries. Furthermore, expenditures, such as food and transportation, are unavoidable to live comfortably. Another downside involves cultural differences, which might make it harder to acclimatize due to the host country's various norms and practices. Although they may appear to be minor annoyances , different cultural values might aggravate a foreigner. For instance, a misinterpretation of friendliness and a sense of rejection can lead to isolation and loneliness.

In conclusion, I feel the drawbacks of studying overseas exceed the benefits, considering the expensive costs of international education and the large cultural gaps.

advantages of studying abroad essay

Today, more and more students are choosing to attend higher education programs abroad. From my perspective, the benefits of this trend outweigh its negatives, living in another country provides a wider perspective of the world which leads to improved confidence.

On the one hand, studying overseas brings drawbacks such as culture shock and its reverse effect. First and foremost, because of the host country's diverse norms and practices, culture shock can make it difficult for newcomers to adapt to the unfamiliar way of life. Unless students have already mastered the host country's language proficiency, they might not be able to comprehend or communicate with locals and could experience difficulty speaking with other students. Furthermore, reverse culture shock also exists. Returning home after adjusting to their study abroad place might still be difficult. As students and their home countries both change when living overseas, this makes it challenging for them to readjust to their new surroundings when they return home.

Overseas education, on the other hand, is an excellent way to boost one's self-esteem and perspective on the world. To begin with, acquiring a global perspective is a vital aspect of the educational journey. Individuals who study abroad have the opportunity to learn about other cultures and subjects in completely different settings. Students will also be able to experience everything that the new culture has to offer, giving them a deeper understanding of what it is like to live there. Secondly, studying abroad is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to live life outside of one's comfort zone. The confidence gained will be invaluable in dealing with any challenging situations that may be encountered in the future.

In conclusion, the benefits of this phenomenon, in my opinion, outweigh the drawbacks because living in another country provides a larger perspective of the world, which leads to improved confidence.

📖 DOL xin gá»­i báșĄn một vĂ i chủ đề tham kháșŁo khĂĄc:

Global warming IELTS Writing

DOL hy vọng lĂ  bĂ i viáșżt trĂȘn đã giĂșp báșĄn biáșżt nhiều hÆĄn về advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad essay IELTS để cĂł thể ĂĄp dỄng tá»± học hiệu quáșŁ. 

Náșżu cĂł báș„t kỳ tháșŻc máșŻc gĂŹ về IELTS Speaking hay cĂĄc ká»č năng, đừng ngáș§n ngáșĄi mĂ  liĂȘn hệ DOL qua cĂĄc kĂȘnh sau báșĄn nhĂ©: website , Facebook .

ChĂșc báșĄn thĂ nh cĂŽng.

CĂąu hỏi thường gáș·p:

Gợi Ăœ tráșŁ lời cĂąu hỏi: What are the advantage and disadvantage of studying abroad?


Build a better network

Learn about new cultures

Develops confidence

Provides a wider perspective

Disadvantages: Unforeseen circumstances can cut short your studies

Gợi Ăœ tráșŁ lời cĂąu hỏi: What are the main problems of studying abroad?

Accommodation problems

Time zone annoyances

Financial/Monetary problems

Overcoming the language barrier

Living an independent lifestyle

Gợi Ăœ tráșŁ lời cĂąu hỏi: Why is studying abroad is better?

With study abroad, you can experience new places and cultures, make friends from around the world, and gain a global perspective–while earning credits towards your degree. It will allow you to develop highly-valued skills such as intercultural communication, foreign languages, adaptability, and problem-solving.

Những từ vá»±ng tiáșżng Anh về chủ đề Studying Abroad

Achievement: giáșŁi thưởng; Academic record: thĂ nh tĂ­ch học táș­p; Application form: Ä‘ÆĄn xin nháș­p học; Boarding school: trường nội trĂș; Bachelor degree: báș±ng cá»­ nhĂąn; Bursary: học bổng; Brochure: sĂĄch giới thiệu về trường; Boarding school: trường nội trĂș; Comprehensive school: trường tổng hợp; Class, class hour, contact hour: tiáșżt học

Candidate: thĂ­ sinh; Consultant/ Education adviser: chuyĂȘn viĂȘn tÆ° váș„n du học; College: đáșĄi học chuyĂȘn ngĂ nh/ Trường cao đáșłng; Complementary education: bổ tĂșc văn hĂła; Candidate-doctor of science : PhĂł Tiáșżn sÄ©; Certificate of graduation: báș±ng tốt nghiệp; Day school: trường bĂĄn trĂș; Degree/qualification: báș±ng cáș„p, chứng nháș­n tốt nghiệp; Director of studies: trưởng phĂČng đào táșĄo

Director of studies : trưởng phĂČng đào táșĄo; Design/Develop/ plan a course/ curriculum/program/syllabus: thiáșżt káșż/phĂĄt triển/ lĂȘn káșż hoáșĄch cho khĂła học/ chÆ°ÆĄng trĂŹnh giáșŁng dáșĄy/ chÆ°ÆĄng trĂŹnh học/giĂĄo trĂŹnh; Education agent: trung tĂąm tÆ° váș„n du học; Elective: tá»± chọn báșŻt buộc; Extracurricular activity: hoáșĄt động ngoáșĄi khĂła; Education fair: triển lĂŁm giĂĄo dỄc; Financial aid: hỗ trợ tĂ i chĂ­nh; Final exam: thi tốt nghiệp; Fail (an exam): trÆ°á»Łt; Letter of admission: thÆ° đồng Ăœ nháș­p học

BĂ i viáșżt khĂĄc

CĂĄch dĂčng quillbot tá»± học ielts writing hiệu quáșŁ.

QuillBot lĂ  một cĂŽng cỄ trá»±c tuyáșżn, giĂșp báșĄn viáșżt láșĄi cĂąu hoáș·c đoáșĄn văn báșŁn tiáșżng Anh một cĂĄch sĂĄng táșĄo vĂ  tá»± nhiĂȘn, mĂ  váș«n giữ nguyĂȘn nghÄ©a gốc. KhĂŽng chỉ váș­y, QuillBot cĂČn cung cáș„p nhiều tĂ­nh năng hữu Ă­ch khĂĄc nhÆ°. 1. TĂłm táșŻt nội dung: GiĂșp báșĄn rĂșt gọn văn báșŁn dĂ i thĂ nh những Ăœ chĂ­nh ngáșŻn gọn, dễ hiểu. 2. Kiểm tra ngữ phĂĄp: PhĂĄt hiện vĂ  sá»­a lỗi ngữ phĂĄp, giĂșp báșĄn viáșżt tiáșżng Anh chĂ­nh xĂĄc hÆĄn. 3. Gợi Ăœ từ vá»±ng: Đề xuáș„t những từ vá»±ng phĂč hợp để thay tháșż từ ngữ hiện cĂł, giĂșp bĂ i viáșżt phong phĂș vĂ  đa dáșĄng hÆĄn. Với những tĂ­nh năng máșĄnh máșœ nĂ y, QuillBot sáșœ hỗ trợ báșĄn đáșŻc lá»±c trong việc nĂąng cao ká»č năng viáșżt tiáșżng Anh vĂ  luyện thi IELTS Writing hiệu quáșŁ. HĂŁy cĂčng DOL khĂĄm phĂĄ cĂĄch dĂčng QuillBot học IELTS Writing vĂ  tráșŁi nghiệm những lợi Ă­ch tuyệt vời mĂ  cĂŽng cỄ nĂ y mang láșĄi!

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Ká»č năng viáșżt lĂ  một trong những yáșżu tố quan trọng nháș„t trong kỳ thi IELTS. Để đáșĄt điểm cao trong pháș§n thi Writing, báșĄn cáș§n trau dồi ká»č năng viáșżt một cĂĄch bĂ i báșŁn vĂ  hiệu quáșŁ. BĂ i viáșżt nĂ y sáșœ giới thiệu cho báșĄn cĂĄch dĂčng Write and Improve tá»± học IELTS Writing hiệu quáșŁ. Write and Improve lĂ  trang web miễn phĂ­ Ä‘Æ°á»Łc phĂĄt triển bởi ĐáșĄi học Cambridge vĂ  iLexR, cung cáș„p nhiều tĂ­nh năng hữu Ă­ch giĂșp báșĄn nĂąng cao ká»č năng viáșżt tiáșżng Anh, đáș·c biệt lĂ  cho pháș§n thi IELTS Writing. HĂŁy cĂčng theo dĂ”i cĂĄc pháș§n tiáșżp theo của bĂ i viáșżt để khĂĄm phĂĄ bĂ­ quyáșżt chinh phỄc IELTS Writing cĂčng Write and Improve!

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ChatGPT lĂ  cĂŽng cỄ AI với kháșŁ năng táșĄo ra văn báșŁn tá»± nhiĂȘn, mở ra nhiều cÆĄ hội cho việc học vĂ  nĂąng cao ká»č năng viáșżt trong nhiều lÄ©nh vá»±c, bao gồm cáșŁ IELTS Writing. CỄ thể, Chat GPT cĂł thể giĂșp báșĄn phĂĄt triển Ăœ tưởng vĂ  láș­p dĂ n Ăœ theo nhiều hướng khĂĄc nhau, táșĄo ra cĂĄc đoáșĄn văn theo cáș„u trĂșc yĂȘu cáș§u. HÆĄn nữa, Chat GPT cĆ©ng cĂł kháșŁ năng đánh giĂĄ vĂ  đưa ra lời khuyĂȘn để cáșŁi thiện điểm số, cĆ©ng nhÆ° cung cáș„p cĂĄc bĂ i máș«u để tham kháșŁo. Trong bĂ i viáșżt nĂ y, chĂșng ta sáșœ khĂĄm phĂĄ vai trĂČ quan trọng của ChatGPT trong việc nĂąng cao ká»č năng viáșżt, cung cáș„p hướng dáș«n cĂĄch dĂčng Chat GPT trong việc học IELTS Writing chi tiáșżt vĂ  nháș„n máșĄnh những điều cáș§n lÆ°u Ăœ khi sá»­ dỄng cĂŽng cỄ nĂ y. Chat GPT cĂł thể hỗ trợ báșĄn trong việc. 1. PhĂĄt triển Ăœ tưởng vĂ  láș­p dĂ n Ăœ theo nhiều hướng khĂĄc nhau. 2. XĂąy dá»±ng đoáșĄn văn theo cáș„u trĂșc cỄ thể theo yĂȘu cáș§u của người học. 3. Học từ vá»±ng theo cĂĄc chủ đề cỄ thể. 4. Đånh giĂĄ vĂ  cung cáș„p lời khuyĂȘn để cáșŁi thiện điểm số. 5. Tham kháșŁo cĂĄc bĂ i máș«u hay vĂ­ dỄ để hiểu rĂ” hÆĄn về cĂĄch viáșżt vĂ  cáș„u trĂșc văn báșŁn. HĂŁy cĂčng khĂĄm phĂĄ chi tiáșżt bĂ i viáșżt để táș­n dỄng ChatGPT trong việc cáșŁi thiện ká»č năng IELTS Writing!

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CĂĄch dĂčng Grammarly tá»± học IELTS Writing hiệu quáșŁ

Grammarly lĂ  một cĂŽng cỄ trá»±c tuyáșżn giĂșp báșĄn kiểm tra vĂ  sá»­a lỗi ngữ phĂĄp, chĂ­nh táșŁ, dáș„u cĂąu vĂ  phong cĂĄch viáșżt trong tiáșżng Anh. NĂł sá»­ dỄng trĂ­ tuệ nhĂąn táșĄo tiĂȘn tiáșżn để phĂąn tĂ­ch văn báșŁn của báșĄn vĂ  đưa ra những gợi Ăœ sá»­a lỗi chĂ­nh xĂĄc, giĂșp báșĄn viáșżt tiáșżng Anh trĂŽi cháșŁy vĂ  tá»± tin hÆĄn. Trong bĂ i viáșżt nĂ y, DOL sáșœ cung cáș„p cĂĄc tĂ­nh năng, hướng dáș«n cỄ thể vĂ  những lÆ°u Ăœ quan trọng khi sá»­ dỄng ứng dỄng Grammarly. CĂčng đọc tiáșżp bĂ i viáșżt để hiểu Ä‘Æ°á»Łc cĂĄch dĂčng Grammarly vĂ o việc học IELTS Writing nhĂ©!

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10 Creative Ideas for Holiday Homework for Class 5 EVS

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  • May 30, 2024

Holiday Homework for Class 5 EVS

Vacations are an opportunity for students, to learn new and interesting things. It’s a time to indulge in hobbies, watch favourite movies, and relax. However, it’s also crucial that students stay connected with their studies. Holiday homework is an excellent way to ensure this balance. In this blog, we present 10 creative and fun holiday homework ideas for Class 5 EVS. These activities are designed to be both educational and enjoyable, helping students learn while having fun. Read on to discover these exciting project ideas that will make learning a delightful part of the vacation.

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 1. Nature Journal
  • 1.2 2. Plant Growth Project
  • 1.3 3. Environment Poster
  • 1.4 4. Mini Garden Project
  • 1.5 5. Water Conservation Diary
  • 1.6 6. Wildlife Research
  • 1.7 7. Recycling Craft
  • 1.8 8. Weather Chart
  • 1.9 9. Energy Audit
  • 1.10 10. Community Clean-Up
  • 2 FAQs 

Holiday Homework for Class 5 EVS

1. nature journal.

Encourage students to keep a nature journal during their vacation. They can document plants, animals, weather patterns, and other natural elements they observe. They should include drawings, photos, and written descriptions.

2. Plant Growth Project

Ask students to plant a seed in a pot and observe its growth over the vacation. They should record daily observations, including measurements, drawings, and any changes they notice.

3. Environment Poster

Students can create a poster on an environmental issue such as pollution, global warming, or recycling. The poster should include information about the issue, its effects, and possible solutions.

Also Read : Exciting Class 2 Holiday Homework Ideas: Sparking Creativity and Adventure

4. Mini Garden Project

Ask students to create a mini garden in a small space at home. They can use pots, recycled containers, or a small patch of land. They should document the types of plants they grow, their care routine, and the benefits of having a garden.

5. Water Conservation Diary

Have students maintain a diary on how they conserve water at home. They should list activities that save water, like taking shorter showers, turning off the tap while brushing teeth, and using a bucket for washing cars.

Also Read : Essay on Summer Vacation: Samples for Students  

6. Wildlife Research

Students can choose a local wildlife species to research. They should create a report or presentation about the species’ habitat, diet, behavior, and conservation status, including pictures or drawings.

Also Read : 10 Ways to Make Your Summer Break Productive  

7. Recycling Craft

Encourage students to create something useful or decorative from recycled materials. They should take pictures of the process and the final product and write a short description of how they made it and why recycling is important.

8. Weather Chart

Ask students to keep a weather chart for the duration of their vacation. They should record daily temperatures, weather conditions (sunny, rainy, cloudy), and any significant weather events, then summarize the data at the end.

Also Read : Computer Holiday Homework For Classes 5 to 8  

9. Energy Audit

Have students conduct an energy audit at home. They should list all the electrical appliances and devices, note how often they are used, and suggest ways to reduce energy consumption.

10. Community Clean-Up

Encourage students to participate in a community clean-up activity. They can organize or join a local clean-up drive, document the activity with photos, and write a short report on the experience and the importance of keeping their community clean.

Explore interesting ideas for school children here : 

Ans: Here are some ways to finish holiday homework on time. Set a study schedule. During the holidays, you can have a lot going on, so it’s crucial to make sure you schedule time each day for studying.  Get rid of online distractions.  Take short breaks.  Check your work.  Prepare your material.

Ans: Plan your schedule well in advance. Keep your study place neat and organized, and keep your study materials handy.

Ans: Holiday homework is essential to ensuring that students don’t lose touch with their studies. Making different projects and implementing various ideas helps them get creative too. 

To refer to interesting ideas related to children’s school education activities, follow Leverage Edu now!! 

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Aayushi Vardhan

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Guest Essay

The Gender Gap Is Now a Gender Gulf

A dense audience, mainly made up of men, many wearing red Trump hats.

By Thomas B. Edsall

Mr. Edsall contributes a weekly column from Washington, D.C., on politics, demographics and inequality.

Regardless of who wins the presidential election, the coalitions supporting President Biden and Donald Trump on Nov. 5, 2024, will be significantly different from those on Nov. 3, 2020.

On May 22, Split Ticket , a self-described “group of political and election enthusiasts” who created a “website for their mapping, modeling and political forecasting,” published “ Cross Tabs at a Crossroads : Six Months Out.”

Split Ticket aggregated “subgroup data from the cross tabs of 12 reputable national 2024 general election polls” and compared them with 2020 election results compiled by Pew, Catalist and A.P.

Combining data from multiple surveys allowed Split Ticket to analyze large sample sizes and reduce margins of error for key demographic groups.

The Split Ticket report identified the groups in which Trump and Biden are gaining or losing ground.

In Biden’s case, the analysis shows the president falling behind his 2020 margins among Black voters (down 23 percentage points); urban voters (down 15 points); independents, including so-called partisan leaners (down 14); Latinos (down 13); moderates (down 13); and voters ages 18 to 29 (down 12).

“These losses,” the report noted, “reflect withheld support for Biden, as Trump has gained less than what Biden has lost to voters declaring for undecided/other. In other words, they’re unhappy with Biden, but have not realigned with Trump.”

Biden did not fully make up for his losses with gains in other groups: Republicans (plus 3 percentage points); rural voters (plus 3); voters 65 and over (plus 2); voters 50 to 64 (plus 1) and white, non-college voters (plus 1).

Even though April was one of Trump’s worst months in terms of Black support, the study found that

among Black voters, in aggregate Trump is outperforming his 2020 margin by a whopping 23 points. Relative to 2020, Biden has lost more support (–16 points) than Trump has gained (+7 points), with the remaining 9 percent moving to undecided/other. If Trump matches his April polling vote share (15 percent) among Black voters, it would be nearly double what he received in 2020, and would be the strongest performance by a Republican presidential nominee in nearly 50 years.

Among Latino voters, according to Split Ticket,

Trump is outperforming his 2020 margin by 13 points. Once again, compared to 2020, Biden has lost more support (–9 points) than Trump has gained (+3 points). If Trump ends up winning 40 percent of Latino voters, it would match the highest performance by a Republican presidential candidate in the last 50+ years, George W. Bush in 2004.

White voters were far less volatile, according to Split Ticket:

Biden has dropped by 4 points, and Trump has dropped by 3 points, with the balance moving to undecided/other. Among white college grads, Biden’s vote share has dropped by five points since 2020, while Trump’s has dropped by 1.5 points. Among white non-college grads, Biden’s vote share has dropped by three points since 2020, while Trump’s has dropped by four points.

Much of the focus this year has been on young male voters, who are one of the critical wild cards of 2024.

“Young men have repeatedly been found in recent years to be apathetic toward voting , with young women in recent election cycles constantly turning out to vote at higher rates than young men,” Elaine Kamarck and Jordan Muchnick , both of the Brookings Institution, wrote in a recent essay, “ The Growing Gender Gap Among Young People .”

Kamarck and Muchnick noted the conflicting possibilities: “There are more women than men in the country; they make up a larger portion of the electorate; they are more motivated to vote, and vote blue.”

But, they added, the disaffection of young men has potentially significant implications:

We may be in the opening stages of a social backlash to the progressive social movements of the past decades. When significant societal change occurs, some may feel left behind or cheated. Right now, young men fall into that camp.

They added, “If the aim is to build a fairer equitable future where all feel they have a role and are respected, the polling of Gen Z appears to show we are moving in the opposite direction.”

Two years ago, the Survey Center on American Life , a project of the American Enterprise Institute, conducted a poll, the results of which provide insight into the defection of young men of all races and ethnicities from the Democratic Party.

The survey, Politics, Sex and Sexuality : The Growing Gender Divide in American Life, asked 2007 adults 18 and over a series of questions about masculinity and femininity. Men were asked to define themselves as “very masculine,” “somewhat masculine” or “not too or not at all masculine.”

Among Republican men, a majority, 54 percent, described themselves as “very masculine,” 39 percent as “somewhat masculine” and 7 percent as “not too or not at all masculine.”

Among Democratic men, 33 percent said they were “very masculine,” 53 percent “somewhat masculine” and 12 percent “not too or not at all masculine.”

The authors of an analysis of the survey, Daniel A. Cox , Beatrice Lee and Dana Popky , all of the American Enterprise Institute, found that in the case of women and self-defined femininity, there was only a modest partisan division: “Women across the political spectrum are roughly as likely to identify as feminine. Roughly four in 10 Democratic women (42 percent) and Republican women (39 percent) say they are traditionally feminine.”

In other words, self-defined femininity does not differentiate Republican and Democratic women, but self-defined masculinity reflects a key partisan division among men.

Where do two crucial Democratic constituencies, Black and Hispanic men, fit in? It turns out that in terms of self-defined masculinity, they are far closer to Republican men than to Democratic men, according to Cox, Lee and Popky: “A majority of Black men (55 percent) and Hispanic men (52 percent) say they are very manly or masculine.” On this measure, there is statistically virtually no difference between Republican men, Hispanic men and Black men.

In a June 2023 essay, Cox asks in the headline, “ Are Young Men Becoming Conservative? ” He points out that the trends among young men are less easily explained than the trends among young women.

Young men, Cox wrote, “have not had the same type of formative experiences as young women.” Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which ended the constitutional right to abortion,

was a political accelerant for young women. The #MeToo movement and Donald Trump’s election were seminal political events in the lives of many young women. These experiences continue to shape the outlook of young women who increasingly perceive society as hostile to women and believe that the experiences of other women in the U.S. are connected to what happens in their own lives.

There were, in Cox’s view, no “comparable experiences for young men.”

Without formative political experiences, Cox argued,

what emerges is a type of political apathy. Young men are less engaged on key political issues. For young women, three issues are uniquely salient: climate change, gun policy and abortion. Young men express far less interest in these issues. Young men seem to care more about economic issues — inflation is high on their list of priorities — but they appear less invested in culture war topics or issues that do not affect them directly. Despite being generally supportive of abortion rights, it is hardly a priority for young men. In a poll we released late last year, young men were approximately 30 points less likely than young women to say abortion was a critical concern (32 percent versus 61 percent, respectively).

All of this led Cox to ask:

Are young men adversaries or allies when it comes to issues such as gender equality? Young men appear to be quiescent when it comes to ceding the historic advantages men have enjoyed in American society. Whether this is due to the fact they believe these changes are just and fair or simply inevitable is unclear.

At the same time, “nearly half of young men believe that American society has become ‘too soft and feminine.’”

The growing gender divide between young men and women in the United States is part of a decade-long international trend, according to a survey of 300,000 men and women in 20 mostly advanced nations.

In “ Polarization Extends Into Gender via Young Adults Who Lose Hope ,” Glocalities , a marketing firm based in the Netherlands, found that

young women have significantly strengthened their embrace of liberal and anti-patriarchal values over the last decade while young men increasingly are lagging behind in this trend. In 2014 older men (aged 55 to 65) were the most conservative and younger men (18 to 24) were significantly more liberal; almost 10 years later, young men have become even less liberal than older men.

Both here and abroad, Glocalities reported:

Feelings of hopelessness, societal disillusionment and rebelling against cosmopolitan values partly explain the rise of radical right anti-establishment parties. Now young men are stagnating in their progress toward liberal values. The radical right in many countries increasingly resonates with disillusioned conservative segments among them, who do not feel that establishment parties are serving their interests. This trend has already impacted elections in Poland, Portugal, Germany, Netherlands and South Korea. If policy priorities and electoral strategies remain unchanged, this trend will likely impact the European elections in June, the U.S. presidential elections in November and more to come.

While feelings of hopelessness are common among young people of both sexes, the sense of despair is pushing males and females in opposing directions. Glocalities’ survey determined that there is a growing “anti-authoritarian trend among young women” who

are more worried about sexual harassment, domestic violence, child abuse and neglect and mental health problems. These worries explain the increasing anti-patriarchal trend among young women and, for example also the rise of the #MeToo movement since it went viral in 2017. Young women demand better prospects in combination with social justice and equality at home, in the workplace and beyond. Globally, young women are likely the most liberal group in human history.

Young men, in contrast, are “more focused on competition, bravery and honor” and “are more patriarchal in their orientations overall when compared with women and even when compared with older men.” The radical right “increasingly resonates with conservative segments among young men.”

One section of the Glocalities study focused on the United States. The study measured trends from 2014 to 2023 among age cohorts of men and women on two scales — one on hope versus despair, the other on control and patriarchy versus freedom and autonomy.

The despair-versus-hope dimension was based on questions “about feeling let down by society and feelings of pessimism and disillusionment about the future.” The control-versus-freedom dimension was “based on a set of strongly differentiating values regarding support for patriarchy versus support for emancipative values including gender role flexibility, gay marriage and unmarried couples cohabitating.”

The survey found that over the past decade, men over the age of 55 became happier and their values moved from controlling and patriarchal toward freedom and autonomy. Men ages 34 to 54 basically stayed in place. Men 18 to 34 moved decisively toward despair and modestly toward patriarchal values (and away from emancipatory values).

Women of all ages became stronger in their belief in freedom and autonomy. Young women, however, stood out, moving almost as much as young men from hope to despair.

I asked Martijn Lampert , the research director of Glocalities, to elaborate on developments over the past 10 years in the United States, including the influence of the #MeToo movement. He replied in an email, “The #MeToo movement globally was a strong driver for young women to become more liberal and emancipated, but we do not consider the #MeToo movement specifically as a driver for young men to shift to the right.”

Instead, in the case of young men,

we interpret the stagnating progress of men on the control-freedom axis to be caused by factors that affect their ambitions first and foremost. Given that their values focus a lot on success, status, recognition et cetera, the current situation does not facilitate this ambition. Because of this they not only become more pessimistic (as we see happening in the United States even more than in Europe), but also become more susceptible to populist forces and a “politics of bravery.’’

Young men, Lampert continued, “are not necessarily conservative in a traditional sense (and in the United States, young men are still more freedom oriented than older men) but are more geared toward ambition, bravery, honor, innovation, loyalty, success, wealth and luxury.”

While young men, in Lampert’s view, are not “a prime target for Trump or the MAGA movement, because Trump positions himself as culturally conservative while young men are still more emancipated and liberal, there certainly are young men who resonate with Trump’s bravery, ambition and his emphasis on success, honor and loyalty.”

What does the future hold?

“Based on the research outcomes, we expect the conflict between emancipatory/feminist values and patriarchal beliefs among young men and women to become more intense.”

Melissa Deckman , the chief executive of P.R.R.I. and author of the forthcoming book “ The Politics of Generation Z : How the Youngest Voters Will Shape Our Democracy,” described by email what she found in her research: First and foremost, “Gen Z women are unique from older generations of women in that they are more engaged in politics than their male counterparts.”

But, Deckman added, “while Gen Z women are fiercely feminist and progressive, Gen Z men are more ideologically diverse. P.R.R.I.’s study on Gen Z shows a gender gap, certainly, on ideology, but Gen Z men are still slightly more likely to self-identify as liberal than conservative.”

Deckman provided The Times with P.R.R.I. poll data showing that among young voters ages 18 to 25, women identify themselves as decisively Democratic (41 percent, compared with 18 percent Republican) and firmly liberal (47 percent, compared with 24 conservative).

Men ages 18 to 25 are Democratic by a much smaller margin (30 percent, compared with 24 percent) and much less liberal (38 percent, compared with 31 percent).

More ominous for Democrats are P.R.R.I.’s data on 13-to-17-year-olds, who will soon become eligible to vote.

Self-described partisanship among girls ages 13 to 17 was 31 percent Democratic to 20 percent Republican, an 11-point Democratic advantage, compared with a 23-point Democratic advantage among women 18 to 25.

Among boys ages 13 to 17, 24 percent said they were Democrats, and 23 percent said they were Republican, a one-point Democratic advantage, compared with the eight-point Democratic edge among men 18 to 25.

In their 2020 paper “ Precarious Manhood Predicts Support for Aggressive Policies and Politicians ,” Sarah H. DiMuccio , a consultant with the Danish firm Mannaz , and Eric D. Knowles , a professor of psychology at N.Y.U., suggested another set of reasons for Trump’s appeal to some men:

Perhaps more than any politician in recent history, Donald Trump has rooted his political persona in traditional notions of masculinity. As a candidate and as president, Trump presents himself as dominant, unyielding and virile. From threatening foreign nations with attack to alluding favorably to the size of his penis and testosterone levels, the president’s behavior suggests a desire to place his manhood beyond reproach.

In this light, DiMuccio and Knowles wrote,

we argue that support for harsh political policies, Trump and the present-day Grand Old Party reflects (in part) the psychology of precarious manhood. On this account, some men harbor doubts about their masculinity, which they, in turn, seek to reaffirm through voting behavior and policy preferences that can be characterized as “politically aggressive.”

The authors cited research showing that

laypeople tend to associate the Republican Party with masculinity and the Democratic Party with femininity. Moreover, a content analysis of primary debates in 2012 and 2016 found that Republican candidates utilized more aggressive discourse against their intraparty opponents than did Democrats — with Donald Trump proving to be the most rhetorically aggressive candidate in the history of American presidential debates.

To test their argument, DiMuccio and Knowles conducted a detailed geographic analysis of internet searches for subjects they determined signal anxiety over masculinity or precarious masculinity. The searches included hair loss, steroids, Viagra and more salacious subjects.

They then correlated the data with presidential voting in 2008, 2012 and 2016. In the case of the two earlier contests, Obama-McCain and Obama-Romney, there was no strong linkage between presidential voting and the level of precarious masculinity internet searches.

In the 2016 contest between Trump and Hillary Clinton, however, DiMuccio and Knowles found that “Trump received a higher share of votes in media markets where precarious masculinity-related searches were particularly popular and that this relationship held after adjusting for a range of search-based and demographic covariates.”

Why did the linkage between presidential voting and precarious masculinity emerge with Trump but not in the previous elections?

The authors’ answer:

Trump and the Republican Party he leads appear more consistently aggressive than high-profile G.O.P. politicians of the recent past — including Mitt Romney and John McCain.

“While the recent ideological evolution of the Republican Party may not have occurred without Trump,” the authors went on to say, it is “likely that these changes will far outlast Trump as a political force. Thus, we believe the link between precarious masculinity and Republican voting will generalize to future elections.”

Biden’s struggles with young men, however, have far deeper roots than precarious masculinity.

In 1949 the chemist Carl Djerassi and his co-workers synthesized norethisterone , a potent available progestin that eventually led to the emergence of oral contraceptives . For his obituary, The Guardian used the headline “ How the Inventor of the Pill Changed the World for Women .”

With the backing of two liberal Supreme Court decisions — Griswold v. Connecticut in 1965, overturning a state law prohibiting the sale of contraceptives, and Roe v. Wade in 1973, legalizing abortion nationwide — the birth control pill set in motion the slow but steady emancipation of women and the erosion of men’s dominance in politics and in society writ large.

In this context, the struggle over the 2024 election is the latest chapter in a long saga.

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An earlier version of this article misstated details of an analysis comparing previous and recent support for President Biden. The previous data is from 2020, not 2000, and the differences in support are in percentage points, not percentages. The article also misstated the title of a paper by Sarah H. DiMuccio and Eric D. Knowles. It is “Precarious Manhood Predicts Support for Aggressive Policies and Politicians,” not “Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.”

How we handle corrections

Thomas B. Edsall has been a contributor to the Times Opinion section since 2011. His column on strategic and demographic trends in American politics appears every Wednesday. He previously covered politics for The Washington Post. @ edsall


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    3. BĂ i máș«u topic Advantages and Disadvantages of studying abroad. CĂčng xem káșżt quáșŁ từ nhĂ  DOL sau khi xĂĄc định cáș„u trĂșc vĂ  lĂȘn Ăœ tưởng cho advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad essay IELTS nhÆ° tháșż nĂ o nhĂ©.

  25. 10 Creative Ideas for Holiday Homework for Class 5 EVS

    Holiday Homework for Class 5 EVS. 1. Nature Journal. Encourage students to keep a nature journal during their vacation. They can document plants, animals, weather patterns, and other natural elements they observe. They should include drawings, photos, and written descriptions. 2. Plant Growth Project.

  26. Opinion

    One section of the Glocalities study focused on the United States. The study measured trends from 2014 to 2023 among age cohorts of men and women on two scales — one on hope versus despair, the ...