28 Case Study Examples Every Marketer Should See

Caroline Forsey

Published: March 08, 2023

Putting together a compelling case study is one of the most powerful strategies for showcasing your product and attracting future customers. But it's not easy to create case studies that your audience can’t wait to read.

marketer reviewing case study examples

In this post, we’ll go over the definition of a case study and the best examples to inspire you.

Download Now: 3 Free Case Study Templates

What is a case study?

A case study is a detailed story of something your company did. It includes a beginning — often discussing a conflict, an explanation of what happened next, and a resolution that explains how the company solved or improved on something.

A case study proves how your product has helped other companies by demonstrating real-life results. Not only that, but marketing case studies with solutions typically contain quotes from the customer. This means that they’re not just ads where you praise your own product. Rather, other companies are praising your company — and there’s no stronger marketing material than a verbal recommendation or testimonial. A great case study is also filled with research and stats to back up points made about a project's results.

There are myriad ways to use case studies in your marketing strategy . From featuring them on your website to including them in a sales presentation, a case study is a strong, persuasive tool that shows customers why they should work with you — straight from another customer. Writing one from scratch is hard, though, which is why we’ve created a collection of case study templates for you to get started.

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There’s no better way to generate more leads than by writing case studies . But without case study examples to draw inspiration from, it can be difficult to write impactful studies that convince visitors to submit a form.

Marketing Case Study Examples

To help you create an attractive and high-converting case study, we've put together a list of some of our favorites. This list includes famous case studies in marketing, technology, and business.

These studies can show you how to frame your company offers in a way that is both meaningful and useful to your audience. So, take a look, and let these examples inspire your next brilliant case study design.

These marketing case studies with solutions show the value proposition of each product. They also show how each company benefited in both the short and long term using quantitative data. In other words, you don’t get just nice statements, like "This company helped us a lot." You see actual change within the firm through numbers and figures.

You can put your learnings into action with HubSpot's Free Case Study Templates . Available as custom designs and text-based documents, you can upload these templates to your CMS or send them to prospects as you see fit.

case study template

1. " How Handled Scaled from Zero to 121 Locations with the Help of HubSpot ," by HubSpot

Case study examples: Handled and HubSpot

What's interesting about this case study is the way it leads with the customer. That reflects a major HubSpot cornerstone, which is to always solve for the customer first. The copy leads with a brief description of why the CEO of Handled founded the company and why he thought Handled could benefit from adopting a CRM. The case study also opens up with one key data point about Handled’s success using HubSpot, namely that it grew to 121 locations.

Notice that this case study uses mixed media. Yes, there is a short video, but it's elaborated upon in the other text on the page. So while your case studies can use one or the other, don't be afraid to combine written copy with visuals to emphasize the project's success.

Key Learnings from the HubSpot Case Study Example

  • Give the case study a personal touch by focusing on the CEO rather than the company itself.
  • Use multimedia to engage website visitors as they read the case study.

2. " The Whole Package ," by IDEO

Case study examples: IDEO and H&M

Here's a design company that knows how to lead with simplicity in its case studies. As soon as the visitor arrives at the page, they’re greeted with a big, bold photo and the title of the case study — which just so happens to summarize how IDEO helped its client. It summarizes the case study in three snippets: The challenge, the impact, and the outcome.

Immediately, IDEO communicates its impact — the company partnered with H&M to remove plastic from its packaging — but it doesn't stop there. As the user scrolls down, the challenge, impact, and progress are elaborated upon with comprehensive (but not overwhelming) copy that outlines what that process looked like, replete with quotes and intriguing visuals.

Key Learnings from the IDEO Case Study Example

  • Split up the takeaways of your case studies into bite-sized sections.
  • Always use visuals and images to enrich the case study experience, especially if it’s a comprehensive case study.

3. " Rozum Robotics intensifies its PR game with Awario ," by Awario

Case study example from Awario

In this case study, Awario greets the user with a summary straight away — so if you’re feeling up to reading the entire case study, you can scan the snapshot and understand how the company serves its customers. The case study then includes jump links to several sections, such as "Company Profile," "Rozum Robotics' Pains," "Challenge," "Solution," and "Results and Improvements."

The sparse copy and prominent headings show that you don’t need a lot of elaborate information to show the value of your products and services. Like the other case study examples on this list, it includes visuals and quotes to demonstrate the effectiveness of the company’s efforts. The case study ends with a bulleted list that shows the results.

Key Learnings from the Awario Robotics Case Study Example

  • Create a table of contents to make your case study easier to navigate.
  • Include a bulleted list of the results you achieved for your client.

4. " Chevrolet DTU ," by Carol H. Williams

Case study examples: Carol H. Williams and Chevrolet DTU

If you’ve worked with a company that’s well-known, use only the name in the title — like Carol H. Williams, one of the nation’s top advertising agencies, does here. The "DTU," stands for "Discover the Unexpected." It generates interest because you want to find out what the initials mean.

They keep your interest in this case study by using a mixture of headings, images, and videos to describe the challenges, objectives, and solutions of the project. The case study closes with a summary of the key achievements that Chevrolet’s DTU Journalism Fellows reached during the project.

Key Learnings from the Carol H. Williams Case Study Example

  • If you’ve worked with a big brand before, consider only using the name in the title — just enough to pique interest.
  • Use a mixture of headings and subheadings to guide users through the case study.

5. " How Fractl Earned Links from 931 Unique Domains for Porch.com in a Single Year ," by Fractl

Case study example from Fractl

Fractl uses both text and graphic design in their Porch.com case study to immerse the viewer in a more interesting user experience. For instance, as you scroll, you'll see the results are illustrated in an infographic-design form as well as the text itself.

Further down the page, they use icons like a heart and a circle to illustrate their pitch angles, and graphs to showcase their results. Rather than writing which publications have mentioned Porch.com during Fractl’s campaign, they incorporated the media outlets’ icons for further visual diversity.

Key Learnings from the Fractl Case Study Example

  • Let pictures speak for you by incorporating graphs, logos, and icons all throughout the case study.
  • Start the case study by right away stating the key results, like Fractl does, instead of putting the results all the way at the bottom.

6. " The Met ," by Fantasy

Case study example from Fantasy

What's the best way to showcase the responsiveness and user interface of a website? Probably by diving right into it with a series of simple showcases— which is exactly what Fantasy does on their case study page for the Metropolitan Museum of Art. They keep the page simple and clean, inviting you to review their redesign of the Met’s website feature-by-feature.

Each section is simple, showing a single piece of the new website's interface so that users aren’t overwhelmed with information and can focus on what matters most.

If you're more interested in text, you can read the objective for each feature. Fantasy understands that, as a potential customer, this is all you need to know. Scrolling further, you're greeted with a simple "Contact Us" CTA.

Key Learnings from the Fantasy Case Study Example

  • You don’t have to write a ton of text to create a great case study. Focus on the solution you delivered itself.
  • Include a CTA at the bottom inviting visitors to contact you.

7. " Rovio: How Rovio Grew Into a Gaming Superpower ," by App Annie

Case study example from App Annie

If your client had a lot of positive things to say about you, take a note from App Annie’s Rovio case study and open up with a quote from your client. The case study also closes with a quote, so that the case study doesn’t seem like a promotion written by your marketing team but a story that’s taken straight from your client’s mouth. It includes a photo of a Rovio employee, too.

Another thing this example does well? It immediately includes a link to the product that Rovio used (namely, App Annie Intelligence) at the top of the case study. The case study closes with a call-to-action button prompting users to book a demo.

Key Learnings from the App Annie Case Study Example

  • Feature quotes from your client at the beginning and end of the case study.
  • Include a mention of the product right at the beginning and prompt users to learn more about the product.

8. " Embracing first-party data: 3 success stories from HubSpot ," by Think with Google

Case study examples: Think with Google and HubSpot

Google takes a different approach to text-focused case studies by choosing three different companies to highlight.

The case study is clean and easily scannable. It has sections for each company, with quotes and headers that clarify the way these three distinct stories connect. The simple format also uses colors and text that align with the Google brand.

Another differentiator is the focus on data. This case study is less than a thousand words, but it's packed with useful data points. Data-driven insights quickly and clearly show how the value of leveraging first-party data while prioritizing consumer privacy.

Case studies example: Data focus, Think with Google

Key Learnings from the Think with Google Case Study Example

  • A case study doesn’t need to be long or complex to be powerful.
  • Clear data points are a quick and effective way to prove value.

9. " In-Depth Performance Marketing Case Study ," by Switch

Case study example from Switch

Switch is an international marketing agency based in Malta that knocks it out of the park with this case study. Its biggest challenge is effectively communicating what it did for its client without ever revealing the client’s name. It also effectively keeps non-marketers in the loop by including a glossary of terms on page 4.

The PDF case study reads like a compelling research article, including titles like "In-Depth Performance Marketing Case Study," "Scenario," and "Approach," so that readers get a high-level overview of what the client needed and why they approached Switch. It also includes a different page for each strategy. For instance, if you’d only be interested in hiring Switch for optimizing your Facebook ads, you can skip to page 10 to see how they did it.

The PDF is fourteen pages long but features big fonts and plenty of white space, so viewers can easily skim it in only a few minutes.

Key Learnings from the Switch Case Study Example

  • If you want to go into specialized information, include a glossary of terms so that non-specialists can easily understand.
  • Close with a CTA page in your case study PDF and include contact information for prospective clients.

10. " Gila River ," by OH Partners

Case study example from OH Partners

Let pictures speak for you, like OH Partners did in this case study. While you’ll quickly come across a heading and some text when you land on this case study page, you’ll get the bulk of the case study through examples of actual work OH Partners did for its client. You will see OH Partners’ work in a billboard, magazine, and video. This communicates to website visitors that if they work with OH Partners, their business will be visible everywhere.

And like the other case studies here, it closes with a summary of what the firm achieved for its client in an eye-catching way.

Key Learnings from the OH Partners Case Study Example

  • Let the visuals speak by including examples of the actual work you did for your client — which is especially useful for branding and marketing agencies.
  • Always close out with your achievements and how they impacted your client.

11. " Facing a Hater ," by Digitas

Case study example from Digitas

Digitas' case study page for Sprite’s #ILOVEYOUHATER campaign keeps it brief while communicating the key facts of Digitas’ work for the popular soda brand. The page opens with an impactful image of a hundred people facing a single man. It turns out, that man is the biggest "bully" in Argentina, and the people facing him are those whom he’s bullied before.

Scrolling down, it's obvious that Digitas kept Sprite at the forefront of their strategy, but more than that, they used real people as their focal point. They leveraged the Twitter API to pull data from Tweets that people had actually tweeted to find the identity of the biggest "hater" in the country. That turned out to be @AguanteElCofler, a Twitter user who has since been suspended.

Key Learnings from the Digitas Case Study Example

  • If a video was part of your work for your client, be sure to include the most impactful screenshot as the heading.
  • Don’t be afraid to provide details on how you helped your client achieve their goals, including the tools you leveraged.

12. " Better Experiences for All ," by HermanMiller

Case study example from HermanMiller

HermanMiller sells sleek, utilitarian furniture with no frills and extreme functionality, and that ethos extends to its case study page for a hospital in Dubai.

What first attracted me to this case study was the beautiful video at the top and the clean user experience. User experience matters a lot in a case study. It determines whether users will keep reading or leave. Another notable aspect of this case study is that the video includes closed-captioning for greater accessibility, and users have the option of expanding the CC and searching through the text.

HermanMiller’s case study also offers an impressive amount of information packed in just a few short paragraphs for those wanting to understand the nuances of their strategy. It closes out with a quote from their client and, most importantly, the list of furniture products that the hospital purchased from the brand.

Key Learnings from the HermanMiller Case Study Example

  • Close out with a list of products that users can buy after reading the case study.
  • Include accessibility features such as closed captioning and night mode to make your case study more user-friendly.

13. " Capital One on AWS ," by Amazon

Case study example from Amazon AWS

Do you work continuously with your clients? Consider structuring your case study page like Amazon did in this stellar case study example. Instead of just featuring one article about Capital One and how it benefited from using AWS, Amazon features a series of articles that you can then access if you’re interested in reading more. It goes all the way back to 2016, all with different stories that feature Capital One’s achievements using AWS.

This may look unattainable for a small firm, but you don’t have to go to extreme measures and do it for every single one of your clients. You could choose the one you most wish to focus on and establish a contact both on your side and your client’s for coming up with the content. Check in every year and write a new piece. These don’t have to be long, either — five hundred to eight hundred words will do.

Key Learnings from the Amazon AWS Case Study Example

  • Write a new article each year featuring one of your clients, then include links to those articles in one big case study page.
  • Consider including external articles as well that emphasize your client’s success in their industry.

14. " HackReactor teaches the world to code #withAsana ," by Asana

Case study examples: Asana and HackReactor

While Asana's case study design looks text-heavy, there's a good reason. It reads like a creative story, told entirely from the customer's perspective.

For instance, Asana knows you won't trust its word alone on why this product is useful. So, they let Tony Phillips, HackReactor CEO, tell you instead: "We take in a lot of information. Our brains are awful at storage but very good at thinking; you really start to want some third party to store your information so you can do something with it."

Asana features frequent quotes from Phillips to break up the wall of text and humanize the case study. It reads like an in-depth interview and captivates the reader through creative storytelling. Even more, Asana includes in-depth detail about how HackReactor uses Asana. This includes how they build templates and workflows:

"There's a huge differentiator between Asana and other tools, and that’s the very easy API access. Even if Asana isn’t the perfect fit for a workflow, someone like me— a relatively mediocre software engineer—can add functionality via the API to build a custom solution that helps a team get more done."

Key Learnings from the Asana Example

  • Include quotes from your client throughout the case study.
  • Provide extensive detail on how your client worked with you or used your product.

15. " Rips Sewed, Brand Love Reaped ," by Amp Agency

Case study example from Amp Agency

Amp Agency's Patagonia marketing strategy aimed to appeal to a new audience through guerrilla marketing efforts and a coast-to-coast road trip. Their case study page effectively conveys a voyager theme, complete with real photos of Patagonia customers from across the U.S., and a map of the expedition. I liked Amp Agency's storytelling approach best. It captures viewers' attention from start to finish simply because it's an intriguing and unique approach to marketing.

Key Learnings from the Amp Agency Example

  • Open up with a summary that communicates who your client is and why they reached out to you.
  • Like in the other case study examples, you’ll want to close out with a quantitative list of your achievements.

16. " NetApp ," by Evisort

Case study examples: Evisort and NetApp

Evisort opens up its NetApp case study with an at-a-glance overview of the client. It’s imperative to always focus on the client in your case study — not on your amazing product and equally amazing team. By opening up with a snapshot of the client’s company, Evisort places the focus on the client.

This case study example checks all the boxes for a great case study that’s informative, thorough, and compelling. It includes quotes from the client and details about the challenges NetApp faced during the COVID pandemic. It closes out with a quote from the client and with a link to download the case study in PDF format, which is incredibly important if you want your case study to be accessible in a wider variety of formats.

Key Learnings from the Evisort Example

  • Place the focus immediately on your client by including a snapshot of their company.
  • Mention challenging eras, such as a pandemic or recession, to show how your company can help your client succeed even during difficult times.

17. " Copernicus Land Monitoring – CLC+ Core ," by Cloudflight

Case study example from Cloudflight

Including highly specialized information in your case study is an effective way to show prospects that you’re not just trying to get their business. You’re deep within their industry, too, and willing to learn everything you need to learn to create a solution that works specifically for them.

Cloudflight does a splendid job at that in its Copernicus Land Monitoring case study. While the information may be difficult to read at first glance, it will capture the interest of prospects who are in the environmental industry. It thus shows Cloudflight’s value as a partner much more effectively than a general case study would.

The page is comprehensive and ends with a compelling call-to-action — "Looking for a solution that automates, and enhances your Big Data system? Are you struggling with large datasets and accessibility? We would be happy to advise and support you!" The clean, whitespace-heavy page is an effective example of using a case study to capture future leads.

Key Learnings from the Cloudflight Case Study Example

  • Don’t be afraid to get technical in your explanation of what you did for your client.
  • Include a snapshot of the sales representative prospects should contact, especially if you have different sales reps for different industries, like Cloudflight does.

18. " Valvoline Increases Coupon Send Rate by 76% with Textel’s MMS Picture Texting ," by Textel

Case study example from Textel

If you’re targeting large enterprises with a long purchasing cycle, you’ll want to include a wealth of information in an easily transferable format. That’s what Textel does here in its PDF case study for Valvoline. It greets the user with an eye-catching headline that shows the value of using Textel. Valvoline saw a significant return on investment from using the platform.

Another smart decision in this case study is highlighting the client’s quote by putting it in green font and doing the same thing for the client’s results because it helps the reader quickly connect the two pieces of information. If you’re in a hurry, you can also take a look at the "At a Glance" column to get the key facts of the case study, starting with information about Valvoline.

Key Learnings from the Textel Case Study Example

  • Include your client’s ROI right in the title of the case study.
  • Add an "At a Glance" column to your case study PDF to make it easy to get insights without needing to read all the text.

19. " Hunt Club and Happeo — a tech-enabled love story ," by Happeo

Case study example from Happeo

In this blog-post-like case study, Happeo opens with a quote from the client, then dives into a compelling heading: "Technology at the forefront of Hunt Club's strategy." Say you’re investigating Happeo as a solution and consider your firm to be technology-driven. This approach would spark your curiosity about why the client chose to work with Happeo. It also effectively communicates the software’s value proposition without sounding like it’s coming from an in-house marketing team.

Every paragraph is a quote written from the customer’s perspective. Later down the page, the case study also dives into "the features that changed the game for Hunt Club," giving Happeo a chance to highlight some of the platform’s most salient features.

Key Learnings from the Happeo Case Study Example

  • Consider writing the entirety of the case study from the perspective of the customer.
  • Include a list of the features that convinced your client to go with you.

20. " Red Sox Season Campaign ," by CTP Boston

Case study example from CTP Boston

What's great about CTP's case study page for their Red Sox Season Campaign is their combination of video, images, and text. A video automatically begins playing when you visit the page, and as you scroll, you'll see more embedded videos of Red Sox players, a compilation of print ads, and social media images you can click to enlarge.

At the bottom, it says "Find out how we can do something similar for your brand." The page is clean, cohesive, and aesthetically pleasing. It invites viewers to appreciate the well-roundedness of CTP's campaign for Boston's beloved baseball team.

Key Learnings from the CTP Case Study Example

  • Include a video in the heading of the case study.
  • Close with a call-to-action that makes leads want to turn into prospects.

21. " Acoustic ," by Genuine

Case study example from Genuine

Sometimes, simple is key. Genuine's case study for Acoustic is straightforward and minimal, with just a few short paragraphs, including "Reimagining the B2B website experience," "Speaking to marketers 1:1," and "Inventing Together." After the core of the case study, we then see a quote from Acoustic’s CMO and the results Genuine achieved for the company.

The simplicity of the page allows the reader to focus on both the visual aspects and the copy. The page displays Genuine's brand personality while offering the viewer all the necessary information they need.

  • You don’t need to write a lot to create a great case study. Keep it simple.
  • Always include quantifiable data to illustrate the results you achieved for your client.

22. " Using Apptio Targetprocess Automated Rules in Wargaming ," by Apptio

Case study example from Apptio

Apptio’s case study for Wargaming summarizes three key pieces of information right at the beginning: The goals, the obstacles, and the results.

Readers then have the opportunity to continue reading — or they can walk away right then with the information they need. This case study also excels in keeping the human interest factor by formatting the information like an interview.

The piece is well-organized and uses compelling headers to keep the reader engaged. Despite its length, Apptio's case study is appealing enough to keep the viewer's attention. Every Apptio case study ends with a "recommendation for other companies" section, where the client can give advice for other companies that are looking for a similar solution but aren’t sure how to get started.

Key Learnings from the Apptio Case Study Example

  • Put your client in an advisory role by giving them the opportunity to give recommendations to other companies that are reading the case study.
  • Include the takeaways from the case study right at the beginning so prospects quickly get what they need.

23. " Airbnb + Zendesk: building a powerful solution together ," by Zendesk

Case study example from Zendesk

Zendesk's Airbnb case study reads like a blog post, and focuses equally on Zendesk and Airbnb, highlighting a true partnership between the companies. To captivate readers, it begins like this: "Halfway around the globe is a place to stay with your name on it. At least for a weekend."

The piece focuses on telling a good story and provides photographs of beautiful Airbnb locations. In a case study meant to highlight Zendesk's helpfulness, nothing could be more authentic than their decision to focus on Airbnb's service in such great detail.

Key Learnings from the Zendesk Case Study Example

  • Include images of your client’s offerings — not necessarily of the service or product you provided. Notice how Zendesk doesn’t include screenshots of its product.
  • Include a call-to-action right at the beginning of the case study. Zendesk gives you two options: to find a solution or start a trial.

24. " Biobot Customer Success Story: Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida ," by Biobot

Case study example from Biobot

Like some of the other top examples in this list, Biobot opens its case study with a quote from its client, which captures the value proposition of working with Biobot. It mentions the COVID pandemic and goes into detail about the challenges the client faced during this time.

This case study is structured more like a news article than a traditional case study. This format can work in more formal industries where decision-makers need to see in-depth information about the case. Be sure to test different methods and measure engagement .

Key Learnings from the Biobot Case Study Example

  • Mention environmental, public health, or economic emergencies and how you helped your client get past such difficult times.
  • Feel free to write the case study like a normal blog post, but be sure to test different methods to find the one that best works for you.

25. " Discovering Cost Savings With Efficient Decision Making ," by Gartner

Case study example from Gartner

You don't always need a ton of text or a video to convey your message — sometimes, you just need a few paragraphs and bullet points. Gartner does a fantastic job of quickly providing the fundamental statistics a potential customer would need to know, without boggling down their readers with dense paragraphs. The case study closes with a shaded box that summarizes the impact that Gartner had on its client. It includes a quote and a call-to-action to "Learn More."

Key Learnings from the Gartner Case Study Example

  • Feel free to keep the case study short.
  • Include a call-to-action at the bottom that takes the reader to a page that most relates to them.

26. " Bringing an Operator to the Game ," by Redapt

Case study example from Redapt

This case study example by Redapt is another great demonstration of the power of summarizing your case study’s takeaways right at the start of the study. Redapt includes three easy-to-scan columns: "The problem," "the solution," and "the outcome." But its most notable feature is a section titled "Moment of clarity," which shows why this particular project was difficult or challenging.

The section is shaded in green, making it impossible to miss. Redapt does the same thing for each case study. In the same way, you should highlight the "turning point" for both you and your client when you were working toward a solution.

Key Learnings from the Redapt Case Study Example

  • Highlight the turning point for both you and your client during the solution-seeking process.
  • Use the same structure (including the same headings) for your case studies to make them easy to scan and read.

27. " Virtual Call Center Sees 300% Boost In Contact Rate ," by Convoso

Case study example from Convoso

Convoso’s PDF case study for Digital Market Media immediately mentions the results that the client achieved and takes advantage of white space. On the second page, the case study presents more influential results. It’s colorful and engaging and closes with a spread that prompts readers to request a demo.

Key Learnings from the Convoso Case Study Example

  • List the results of your work right at the beginning of the case study.
  • Use color to differentiate your case study from others. Convoso’s example is one of the most colorful ones on this list.

28. " Ensuring quality of service during a pandemic ," by Ericsson

Case study example from Ericsson

Ericsson’s case study page for Orange Spain is an excellent example of using diverse written and visual media — such as videos, graphs, and quotes — to showcase the success a client experienced. Throughout the case study, Ericsson provides links to product and service pages users might find relevant as they’re reading the study.

For instance, under the heading "Preloaded with the power of automation," Ericsson mentions its Ericsson Operations Engine product, then links to that product page. It closes the case study with a link to another product page.

Key Learnings from the Ericsson Case Study Example

  • Link to product pages throughout the case study so that readers can learn more about the solution you offer.
  • Use multimedia to engage users as they read the case study.

Start creating your case study.

Now that you've got a great list of examples of case studies, think about a topic you'd like to write about that highlights your company or work you did with a customer.

A customer’s success story is the most persuasive marketing material you could ever create. With a strong portfolio of case studies, you can ensure prospects know why they should give you their business.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in August 2018 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Showcase your company's success using these free case study templates.

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33+ Best Digital Marketing Case Studies [2021 Update]

  • June 16, 2020

Looking for some inspiration for your digital marketing?

The best thing you can do is read up some real-life, practical digital marketing case studies.

But see, good case studies are few and far in-between…

...Which is why we compiled this mega-list of the BEST digital marketing case studies in 2021.

Whether you’re looking for SEO, Content Marketing, PPC, or whatever else, we included it in this guide.

So, let’s dive right into it.

Ready, set, go!

33+ Digital Marketing Case Studies [All Channels]

Looking for a specific digital marketing channel you want to read up on?

Feel free to skip ahead:

SEO Case Studies

Content marketing case studies, facebook ads case studies, google ads case studies, influencer marketing case studies, other digital marketing case studies, 1. apollo digital - 0 to 200k monthly organic traffic.

google analytics

  • 0 to 200,000 monthly organic traffic in 2 years.
  • Ranked #1-3 for extremely high CPC keywords (20$ CPC+).

Case Study Summary:

Apollo Digital helped set up an SEO strategy for a client (business process management software) that brought in 200K+ monthly organic traffic in just 2 years.

  • Apollo Digital (that’s us!) completely revamped a SaaS company’s content strategy.
  • We pin-pointed issues with existing blog posts (mainly, keyword cannibalization ), and proposed improvements
  • Did keyword research to identify and prioritize top keywords for the company.
  • Implemented content outlines to make sure the content that writers were writing was on-point for SEO.
  • Used superior content UX to make the blog extremely easy to read.

You can find the full SEO case study here.

2. Backlinko - 652% Organic Traffic Increase in 7 days

google analytics graph

  • Increased organic traffic to one of their webpages by 652% in 7 days.
  • Ranking went from the middle of the second page on Google to #5.

Backlinko implemented the Skyscraper Technique 2.0. Here’s what they did...

  • Created a mobile SEO checklist blog post which cracked the top 10 results for the target keyword, got a huge spike in traffic in its first week, but soon dropped to the middle of the second page.
  • Realized the post was getting buried because it didn’t satisfy user intent for that keyword.
  • Analyzed first page results to figure out user search intent for extremely competitive keywords (“mobile SEO”).
  • Changed blog post format from case study to an actual checklist to satisfy the intent, and optimized for user experience by making the text easier to read.

Check out the detailed steps for the Skyscraper Technique 2.0 here.

3. Ahrefs - Using the Skyscraper Technique to Obtain 15 Links With a 6.5% Success Rate


  • Sent out 232 emails and obtained 15 backlinks, at a 6.5% success rate.

Dale Cudmore tested the SEO skyscraper technique for his brand new site (an online cv builder).

  • Picked a topic that was very relevant to his niche. Since he was trying to build a resume builder, the topic was “how to write a resume.”
  • Followed the skyscraper technique and created even better content than what was ranking at the time.
  • Then, he reached out to people who had already linked to the specific content he was improving upon. Since they had already linked to a similar article, they were more likely to link to content that’s better.
  • Dale sent out 232 emails and obtained 15 links to his article. Though his rankings didn’t change significantly (extremely competitive niche), the technique proved to be a success for generating backlinks.

Want to learn more about the technique Dale used? Check out Backlinko’s write-up on the skyscraper technique here.

Looking to read the complete case study? Go here .

4. GotchSEO - Squeeze Page That Converts at 74.5%

google analytics page summary

  • Set up a squeeze page that converted at 74.5%.

Natchan Gotch set up a high-converting squeeze page that used a lot of trust signals to get the visitors to opt-in for the content.

  • Created a well-structured landing page & ran retargeting ads to it.
  • Presented his offer through a benefit-driven headline.
  • He used distinct trust signals (a recognizable logo, GDPR compliance, copyright notice) to mitigate any trust risks and maximize the chances of the prospect taking action.

You can check out the complete case study here .

5. Online Ownership - Winning in Local SEO for a Competitive Industry

keyword list

  • Ranked #1 for competitive taxi-related keywords ($1.38 CPC+) with local SEO .

Online Ownership, an SEO agency, helped a taxi company dominate local search rankings.

  • Created in-city location guide on how to get to/from the local airports which has been viewed over 170,000 times by now. ..
  • Mentioned info on long-term airport parking companies, got them to share the content once it was live.
  • The company was at the end of one county, and the beginning of another, which hurt their location-based search queries when the county was specified. So he changed the local NAP (name, address, phone number), and corrected the PIN marker to correctly account for the business location.
  • The business started appearing within the local pack for almost all main search queries within the city.

Check out the full case study here.

6. Kaiserthesage - The Definitive Guide to Enterprise Link Building

google analytics Kaiserthesage

  • Drove almost 5 million organic visits in 2 years through authority content. Focused 80% of the campaign promotion on acquiring high-quality backlinks.

Jason of Kaiserthesage wanted to create a process for generating high-quality backlinks. In this case study, he details his process outreach process:

  • Identified tactics they could effectively use for link acquisition campaigns (broken/resource link building and link reclamation).
  • Compiled list of high-authority brands that were likely to link back to them.
  • Conducted large-scale outreach campaigns, and followed up at least 3 times per prospect.
  • Tried out different content types for link building, including practical guides/tutorials, original research studies, case studies, infographics, and more.
  • Tracked results every step of the way, optimized relevant site pages (write for us, recommended list pages, etc.), and tested more outreach tactics.

You can find the full enterprise link building case study here.

7. Growth Machine - 0 to 150,000 Monthly Organic Visitors in 8 Months

digital marketing case study Growth Machine google analytics

  • Generated 150,000 monthly organic visitors in 8 months for a brand new blog project.
  • The site grew from a tiny blog to one of the most popular tea blogs on the internet.

Nat Eliason (founder of Growth Machine), grew a tea blog to 150,000 monthly searches in order to use it as a case study for his agency.

  • Nat chose a topic area he knew a lot about (tea) and knew there was an audience for.
  • Researched keywords with the perfect mix of low difficulty and high volume and arranged everything in a spreadsheet.
  • Started publishing high quality content surrounding the topic at a rate of four blog posts per week, every week, for 8 months.
  • Used Reddit, Facebook groups, and Pinterest to promote the content and drive traffic. inked back to the new content from owned websites, and mentioned it in interviews and guest posts.

You can find the full case study here.

8. Robbie Richards - 6-Step SEO Process That Generated 150,732 Visits

Robbie Richards digital marketing case study google analytics

  • Increased organic traffic by 11,065% in just 6 months and generated 20,314 organic pageviews with a single post.
  • Captured 2,335 emails.

Robbie Richards details the 6-step SEO process he used to grow his client’s drone site:

  • Found a topic (drones) with solid monthly search volume and a lot of secondary keyword targets.
  • Created the best online guide on how to fly a quadcopter - more in-depth and high-quality than other articles at the time.
  • Optimized the blog post for on-page SEO, included plenty of external/internal links, improved page speed, and made the content more UX friendly.
  • Inserted a pop-up and lead-box to start generating subscribers from the blog post.
  • Promoted content on Quora and relevant online forums.
  • Set up social automation to share content automatically
  • Submitted content on to relevant scoop.it pages.
  • Used 4 different outreach strategies to build high-quality backlinks.

Need help with your SEO?

Let's skyrocket your traffic together.

Noel Ceta - co-founder of Apollo Digital

9. Apollo Digital - $25,000+ From A Single Blog Post

  • Content piece went viral, generating $25,000 revenue in business from a single blog post.
  • 20+ leads, and over 11,000+ in page views over the first month.

Apollo Digital created and promoted epic content, which went viral and brought in over $25K in revenue (and growing).

  • Researched a topic that dealt with major pain points for SaaS founders.
  • Created a super in-depth 14,000+ words blog post full of actionable tips and tactics on SaaS marketing , all based on their unique perspective and experience.
  • Provided better content UX, used a ton of on-page visual elements, and a Smart Content Filter plugin to make the guide easier to digest.
  • Promoted on 12 different marketing channels, including Reddit, Hacker News, and Facebook groups
  • Ran ads on Quora, Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter.

Check out the full content marketing case study here.

10. Content Mavericks - This Content Distribution Strategy Got 87,591 Visits To One Blog Post

Content Mavericks digital marketing case study google analytics

  • Used a content distribution strategy to get 87,591 visits to one blog post in 60 days.

Chris Von Wilpert of Content Mavericks created a giant article that completely breaks down HubSpot’s marketing strategy. In this case study, he talks about the content promotion strategy he used to get the article to go viral.

  • Created keystone content on HubSpot’s growth strategy.
  • Promoted it to his fans: inner circle, social circle, and outer circle.
  • Used free traffic multipliers: email, push notification, Facebook messenger, and outreach lists to distribute content.
  • Used paid traffic multipliers to manufacture virality. Reached thousands of new fans by running retargeting ads on Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Outbrain

Check out the full content distribution strategy case study here.

11. OptiMonk - How iSpionage Increased Blog Referral Traffic by 58% in 1 Month Using Onsite Retargeting

OptiMonk digital marketing case study google analytics

  • Increased blog referral traffic by 58.09%.
  • Achieved a 5.47% CTR for blog redirect popup.

iSpionage was publishing new blog posts regularly, but their blog wasn’t redirecting a whole lot of referral traffic to their product page. Here’s what they did to fix that....

  • They used an OptiMonk exit-intent popup to entice users to check out their main homepage.
  • To redirect only interested visitors,the popup would only appear for readers who had spent a minimum of 10 seconds on the blog. And for better visitor experience, they set up the popup to appear a maximum number of 5 times per visitor, with at least 1 day between appearances.

Check out the full iSpionage case study by OptiMonk here.

12. SEO Travel UK - 11K Website Views in 2 Weeks From Infographic Marketing

SEO Travel digital marketing case studies google analytics

  • 11,304 website visits in 2 weeks.
  • 245% increased in referral traffic compared to the same period of last year.
  • More than 100 new high-quality domains linking to the site.

During the peak Game of Thrones popularity, SEO Travel UK went viral by creating infographic based on the popular show.

  • Researched the best/most popular Game of Thrones content on the web to make sure that their project was worth pursuing.
  • Created an infographic of all the real-life locations where the TV show was filmed.
  • Reached out to people who had shared similar content in the past and asked if they’d like to feature the infographic as an exclusive.
  • Promoted infographic on GoT fandom and other ‘geek’ sites and forums.

Check out the full content marketing strategy used and the case study here.

13. YesOptimist - Scaled a Startup From 0 to 100K Visitors/Mo In About One Year

YesOptimist digital marketing case study google analytics

  • Scaled College Raptor from 0 to 100K organic sessions per month in about one year.
  • Generated 1M+ visitors to the website.

YesOptimist used a content marketing strategy that combined evergreen, social/viral and link-earning content.

  • Used public data and visualcontent (infographics, maps, rankings, etc.) to score early wins and backlinks from high-quality domain websites.
  • Created a giant resource with rankings for overlooked colleges. Then, they reached out to the said colleges, and asked for a share. Overall, just this netted them around 250,000+ visitors in just one week.
  • Published 200+ articles over a few months to achieve explosive growth.

14. CanIRank - How Fieldwire Scaled Marketing Without Losing Their Focus on Product

CanIRank digital marketing case studies

  • Achieved top 3 rankings for nearly all of their primary keywords in 6 months.
  • The traffic (if they’d advertised on the keywords) would cost them more than $10,000 a year.

CanIRank helped Fieldwire (web and mobile collaboration platform) boost their rankings for all primary keywords in their domain, beating out larger and more established companies.

  • Used CanIRank’s “Improve My Ranking” tool to identify high potential pages with keywords that were ranking, but too low to get much traffic.
  • Used data-driven on-page optimization for high potential pages.
  • Revised content strategy and identified additional content topics that offered a good balance of value and ranking difficulty.
  • Reached out to relevant media outlets and pitched founder interviews and other relevant stories.

You can see the full Fieldwire content marketing case study here.

15. BuzzSumo - How BuzzSumo Achieved $2.5m Annual Revenue in its First Year: Case Study in SaaS Growth

Buzzsumo digital marketing case study

  • Gained over 160K freemium subscribers and more than 2K paying customers in their first year.
  • Gained 2.5M annual revenue total.

In 2014, as the use of AdBlock was growing, businesses were starting to rely on content more than ever. Here’s how BuzzSumo capitalized on the content marketing frenzy.

  • Spent most of their budget on their content marketing tool, which generated more awareness, sharing, and advocacy than any marketing expenditures.
  • Gained the support of important influencers (Larry Kim, Rand Fishkin, Neil Patel, etc.).
  • Focused on making the product sticky and reducing churn rate.
  • Created unique content based on data, gave away everything they knew, and started growing steadily over the year.

See the full case study of how BuzzSumo achieved 2.5M in annual revenue here.

16. GrooveHQ - Behind the Scenes: How We’ve Built a $5M/Year Business in 3 Years With Content Marketing

GrooveHQ digital marketing case studies

  • Achieved $5M/Year in annual recurring revenue and gained over 250,000 readers each month in over 3 years.

GrooveHQ wanted to rebuild their content marketing strategy with a focus on their target market's challenges and goals. Here’s how they accomplished that:.

  • Redesigned their content marketing strategy to be more transparent and focus on their own business challenges and goals.
  • Asked new email subscribers about their business struggles, and answered those questions in the form of blog posts.
  • Reached out to influencers, and asked for their thoughts and feedback on blog posts (Instead of begging them for shares).
  • Ran A/B tests on narrative-based storytelling blog posts to see which ones performed better.

Find the full GrooveHQ $5M content marketing case study here.

17. Zest - Generate MQLs for 15x less? Yes, please. How Whatagraph crushed it

Zest digital marketing case study

  • Lowered Whatagraph’s cost per marketing qualified lead (MQL) by 15x - from $60 to just $4.
  • Of all the users who signed up for a free trial as a result of the campaign, 9% were sales qualified leads (SQLs) that converted at a cost 4x less than Whatagraph’s usual paid advertising per-lead cost.

Whatagraph wanted to promote their annual marketing report template to the right audience without breaking their budget. Here’s how they did this:

  • Whatagraph partnered with Zest to extend their web presence and promote their marketing annual report template.
  • Paid $400 for a content boost strategy to promote their template on the Zest Content Stream and in their newsletter.
  • The campaign started just before Christmas and continued through January 23, 2020, which lowered Whatagraph’s cost per MQL by 15x.

Blog post not ranking?

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18. AdEspresso - Facebook Ads Case Study: The Million Dollar Indiegogo Campaign

AdEspresso digital marketing case studies

  • Secured pre-orders from over 76 countries, with over 2,000 backers on Indiegogo.
  • Achieved over $900K in funding.

BionicGym wanted to promote their Indiegogo page for an increase in sales and site visits. Here’s how they did this:

  • Set up one campaign per country ads and set the objective to ‘Conversions’.
  • Split-tested up to 252 ads and used the auto-optimization feature to relocate funding across the different ads, depending on how they performed.
  • Set up retargeting campaigns and split test to everyone who visited the Indiegogo page and watched the Facebook video ad.
  • Created lookalike audiences for the best-performing audiences.
  • Reached a 9x ROI for some of the campaigns.

Check out the full Facebook Ads million-dollar Indiegogo campaign case study here.

19. Andrew Hubbard - $36,449 In Revenue From a $4,159 Ad Spend

Andrew Hubbard digital marketing case study

  • Generated $36,449 in revenue from $4,159 ad spend,
  • Gained 769 new email subscribers and 128 new Facebook page likes.

Andrew Hubbard helped the client (Navid Moazzez) advertise his flagship course through Facebook ads.

  • Ran ads a week before the course opened to get email newsletter opt-ins.
  • Targeted warm traffic (Facebook fans, email list) first to an opt-in page.
  • Ran ads for cold traffic, directing them to an un-gated (no-opt in) blog post. Once people had read the blog post, they were retargeted with ads promoting a relevant lead magnet.
  • Created ads focusing on urgency and scarcity when bonus packages were starting to expire.

You can see the full Facebook Ads case study here.

19. Sugatan - Step-by-step Ecommerce Scaling from 50k/Mo to 520k/Mo with Facebook Ads

Sugatan digital marketing case study

  • $520K+ in monthly sales with 3.79x ROAS through the funnel.
  • 2.35x ROAS at top-of-funnel, spending $100k+/monthly.

Sugatan (eCommerce growth-hacking agency) scaled their client using Facebook Ads and by testing different kinds of creatives. Here’s what, exactly, they did:

  • Installed HotJar on the client’s eCommerce site to get insights on how customers behaved. Tested different video creative types, different ad ratio sizes, copy, thumbnails, and buttons to see what converted best.
  • Killed off smaller ad-sets with the same audiences to prepare for scaling. Increased budget 20-30% twice per day for 2-3 days.
  • Increased budget 1 month before Christmas and Black Friday sales, and launched a Facebook Messenger & email collection campaign 1 week before the sale started. Created VIP discounts for people who gave them their email addresses or subscribed to their messenger list.
  • Starting running ads for the whole week before Black Friday - giving 10% off to everyone tracked via Facebook Pixel and 20% for VIP sales which were on for 24h.

Check out the full agency eCommerce business Facebook ad case study here.

20. Mark Brinker - How I Improved My Facebook Advertising By 400% In Just 4 Weeks

Mark Brinker digital marketing case study

  • Decreased cost per subscriber from $11.43 to $2.40 (79% reduction) in 4 weeks.
  • Increased number of weekly subscribers from 10 to 51 (400% increase).

Mark Brinker (consultant) increased his weekly subscribers at a cheaper cost through Facebook Ads by promoting his e-book.

  • Tested 6 different ad headlines and 3 ad images.
  • Let all the 18 variations of the ads run for 1 week, and then eliminated the ones that were performing poorly.
  • Deleted 3 more ads with headlines that were not resonating with the audience after that week.
  • Found the winning combination by end of week 4 and continued running that ad.

You can see the full Facebook advertising case study here.

21. Leadpages - From 4% to 40% conversion

Leadpages digital marketing case study facebook ads

  • Conversion rate shot up from 4% to 40% - a 10x increase from similar campaigns in the past.

Jenny Berk used Leadpage’s ad builder to promote her coaching services and optimize her micro funnel.

  • Queued up $50 budget, created a custom audience from her email database (.CSV file), and layered a lookalike audience on top of that.
  • Sent traffic to a targeted landing page, and created consistent ad copy and images throughout the whole funnel.
  • Ran Facebook Ads for her warm leads and lookalike audiences, based on her email subscribers.

Check out Jenny’s full Facebook ads case study here.

22. Brian Downard - $194 in Facebook Ads into $100K in Sales

Brian Downard digital marketing case study

  • Generated $106,496 in patio furniture sales from $194 in Facebook ads.

Brian Downard helped high-end patio furniture store client drive more sales and bring in more people into their local store;

  • Built a warm audience using the content the furniture store had been previously sharing (blog posts, eBooks, infographics, guides, and more).
  • Incentivized people to go visit the showroom in person by offering a 50% discount in the ads.
  • Redirected people to a landing page from the ad, which showed a variety of products to appeal to different target audiences.
  • Included a clear CTA for them to get in touch with the sales team.

You can find the full Facebook ad case study here.

23. Reinis Fischer - Spending $4 Per Day On Facebook Ads - Case Study

Reinis Fischer digital marketing case study

  • Top ads gathered 1,000+ likes and shares for a budget of $8.
  • Gained 50-200+ clicks per day back to the website and acquired 600+ new followers on Facebook.

Reinis Fischer grew his Facebook page about his tourism services through Facebook Ad campaigns promoting his article:

  • Targeted other countries for his blog articles about tourism activities in Georgia to build brand recognition and grow his Facebook page.
  • Spent $4 per day on Facebook ads and promoted only the best possible articles related to his audience.
  • Promoted 1 article for 2 days with an 8$ budget for 30 days.
  • Once each campaign was over, manually invited everyone who liked the posts to follow the Facebook page as well.

Check out the full spending $4 per day on Facebook ads case study here.

22. Paid Insights - AdWords Case Study: How $520 Turned Into $6,120

Paid Insights digital marketing case study

  • Spent $520 and acquired 6 new clients for local mental health counselors.
  • Gained $6,120 in revenue over 3 months.

Ross Kaplan of Paid Insights helped mental health counselor client gain new clients by running a local AdWords campaign:

  • Built a new website for the client & optimized it for conversions.
  • Used modified broad match keywords so that people would still get the ad even if they searched for it in a different order.
  • Targeted only local zip codes surrounding the client’s office so the drive time for her customers would be under 10 minutes

Check out the full AdWords case study here.

23. Daisy-ree Quaker - PPC Case Study: How We Cut AdWords Costs by 67% With a Simple Tweak

Daisy-ree Quaker digital marketing case study google analytics

  • Costs dropped by $10,000 while conversions remained the same.
  • The cost per conversion dropped from $87 to $16.
  • Impressions dropped by 72% while CTR went up 103%.
  • The conversion rate rose from 6% to 18%.

Daisy (online marketer) helped her SaaS client rethink their ad bidding strategy.

  • SaaS company client wanted to cut back on ad spend because constantly bidding for first place was becoming too expensive.
  • Realized most web users are trained to scroll past ads and decided to start bidding on 3rd position on Google as a test.
  • Saw campaign results start increasing over the course of 3 months. Lowering AdWords rank helped get more views on their ads, and widened the pool of people that could see the ads because of a closer association with natural listings.

You can find the full PPC case study here.

24. Exposure Ninja - How We Increased PPC Leads by 325% in 60 Days for a Dental Clinic

Exposure Ninja digital marketing case studies

  • Increased conversions by 252.94% (from 17 to 60).
  • Decreased cost per conversion from £154.28 to just £34.37.

Exposure Ninja helped a dental clinic, based in a competitive area for PPC ads, generate more customers.

  • Installed Hotjar to understand where users were dropping off on the landing page and which areas were acting as conversion blockers. Found that visitors weren’t able to find the information they needed about the client's top service.
  • Created a new landing page focusing on their priority, high-profit services.
  • Because the client was running a Google Ads campaign before, they could use historical data to experiment with advanced bidding strategies.
  • Introduced the new landing pages and tweaked the campaigns to maximize the client’s budget.

You can find the full increased dental PPC leads case study here.

25. ColaDigital - How We Increased Sales by 30% in 30-days Using Optimized Google Ads For a Local Business

Cola Digital digital marketing

  • Increased year over year sales for local business by 30% in 30-days

ColaDigital helped a client set up their Google Ads account campaign from the ground up after they had an unpleasant experience with another agency.

  • Created unique ad groups and ads for the client's most profitable keywords.
  • Set up a hyper-targeted campaign using 1 unique ad group and 3 different match types for each ad group keyword.
  • Set up negative keywords and turned on audience demographics in Google Analytics

You can find the full google ads local business case study here.

26. BoxCrush - AdWords Success Story

BoxCrush digital marketing case study

Helped an industrial client who had a lot of impressions but very little clicks:

  • Increase CTR from 2.41% to 3.89%
  • Decrease CPC from $2.24 to $2.17 in 1 month.

BoxCrush helped an industrial client improve their AdWords campaign when their click-through rate had fallen.

  • Rebuilt customer’s AdWords account from the ground up, splitting it into meaningful campaigns that targeted specific demographics.
  • Built Ad Groups within each campaign and created ads targeting audiences with each group.
  • Once they saw an increase in performance, they expanded the client’s campaign from three Ad groups to six.
  • Made the ads relate more to specific keywords, which caused the clickthrough rate to increase.
  • Refined and re-optimized the process over time, causing the results to grow even further after the 1st month.

27. Sumo - How Noah Kagan Grew A Website To 10K Visitors In A Month


  • Grew website from 0 to 10K visitors in a month.
  • Grew email list from 173 to 2,322 in 3 days.

Noah Kagan took on an apprentice (Julien Marion) and helped him grow his brand new blog about sleep from scratch, with no prior connections or budget.

  • Created a simple landing page to capture emails before the site was live.
  • Set realistic and SMART traffic goals of 10,000 visitors in 30 days.
  • Created a quant-based marketing approach strategy to build the plan, thus working backward from the 10K visitors goal.
  • Reached out to relevant companies to participate in a viral giveaway that he would then promote to the site’s audience through their newsletter.
  • Reached out to niche influencers for interviews to drive referral traffic.
  • Tracked daily results and goals to stay accountable.

See the full marketing plan and the whole growing website case study here.

28. HubSpot - How PureVPN Increased Website Traffic by 289% Through Storytelling

HubSpot marketing analytics

  • Gained a 289% increase in new visitors’ traffic site year over year.
  • Helped raise awareness on cyberstalking and attracted people who wanted to add to the conversation.

PureVPN wanted to tell the stories of cyberstalking victims and raise awareness on the subject. Here's how they did it:

  • Designed a buyer’s journey centered around raising awareness on cyberstalking and its effects on society.
  • Researched reading habits of their buyer persona, used keyword research tools for idea generation, and searched for topics on Quora based on questions real people were asking.Gathered statistical data of past and recent cyberstalking incidents. Identified and reached out to influencers who were associated with cyberstalking awareness campaigns and victims or people who could tell their stories.
  • Interviewed influencers and turned the interviews into blog posts. Experienced a significant spike in website traffic through influencers sharing the content.

See how PureVPN increased website traffic through storytelling and influencer marketing tactics here.

29. Beeketing - How Gymshark Grew by 200%+ Year On Year and Hit £41M in Sales

beeketing sales growth case study

  • Grew by 200% year on year and hit £41M in sales in nearly 7 years.
  • Achieved a cult-like following.

Ben Francis (founder of GymShark) disrupted the gym apparels market using social media and influencer marketing.

  • Only selected specific influencers with strong Instagram engagement and following to gain credibility.
  • Sponsored various fitness Instagrammers, YouTubers, and bloggers and organized meet-ups.
  • Partnered with fitness and lifestyle influencers on TikTok.
  • Announced the "66 Days" fitness challenge on their site and other social media platforms to drive user-generated content.
  • Built long-lasting relationships with fans on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Spotify, and other social media channels.

Check out the full Gymshark influencer growth story here.

30. Leadfeeder - How ConvertKit Grew from $98k to $625k MRR by Doing 150 Webinars in 1 Year

Leadfeeder marketing case study

  • Grew monthly revenue from $98K to $625K in 12 months.
  • Hosted more than 150 webinars in the first year, saw a 637% growth in monthly revenue.

Founders of ConvertKit (email marketing platform) wanted to grow their brand and generate revenue with a low budget. They decided to focus on webinars.

  • Focused on one marketing strategy (webinars) that didn’t require a lot of money and they could use to build a community around a relatively new product.
  • Maintained a wide-open affiliate program and started doing webinars with any affiliate partner, no matter how small their audience was.
  • Gave away tons of free information in 20-30 webinars per month, while asking for nothing in return.
  • Maintained a narrow target audience (blogging community), and kept the technology simple (minimal tech issues).

You can find the full webinar marketing case study by ConvertKit here.

31. Buffer - The Simple Facebook Posting Strategy That Helped us 3x Our Reach and Engagement

Buffer digital marketing case study

  • Tripled reach from 44,000 to 150,000+ people per week on Facebook.
  • Increased average daily engagement from ~500 to 1,000+.
  • Posts started reaching between 5,000-20,000 people

Buffer noticed their Facebook reach and engagement were decreasing for their posts over time. Here's what they did:

  • Noticed that the more they posted on Facebook, the less reach they received with each post.
  • Started posting only entertaining and educational content.
  • Posted only once or twice on Facebook and curated content to increase engagement.
  • Created a few brand awareness and engagement-focused posts to build an active Facebook audience.
  • Boosted posts that were already performing well to amplify the reach.

You can find Buffer’s complete Facebook posting strategy here.

32. SEMRush - Raise Your Game: A Step-By-Step Guide To Gamification Marketing

  • More than 9,300 users took part in their game.
  • Received 8+ million impressions on Twitter.

SEMRush wanted to educate their users on their different product features and stand out while doing so. For this, they used gamification marketing..

  • Customers were finding it hard to stay up to date with all the novelties the SEMRush tool offered. SEMRush wanted to increase their awareness of their platform’s wide functionality and increase the number of tools people used.
  • Aligned campaign with a global event (Easter).
  • Made it so that the Egg Hunt game looked good and felt satisfying from a gamification perspective. Those who found all 15 eggs were awarded a list of the 10,000 most searched keywords for 10 countries.
  • Created a special hashtag for Twitter (#semrushegghunt), which picked up and went viral, and made sure the customer support and social media teams were ready in case users needed any help.

Check out the full step-by-step guide to gamification marketing case study here.

33. Hootsuite - How the British Museum Increased Social Media Engagement by 126%

  • Gained 2M+ new followers on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
  • Gained 126% more tweet responses, increasing customer engagement.
  • Over 1,300 tweets tagged and analyzed to uncover actionable insights.

The British Museum turned to Hootsuite to set up a better social media campaign strategy and engage more frequently and more effectively with its audience.

  • Set a three key goal strategy to increase online reach and engagement, deliver digital-first customer service, and identify opportunities for income and revenue generation.
  • Identified opportunities to develop channel-specific content to make the best of each social media channel.
  • Used Hootsuite to adapt to the new social media strategy and to track and analyze results.

See the full British Museum social media case study here.

34. Saashacker - 19 SaaS Marketing Strategies That Bootstrapped Ahrefs To $40m ARR

Saashacker organic keywords analytics

  • Grew from 15 to 50 employees and over $40M in annual recurring revenue while being 100% bootstrapped.

Ahrefs used a mix of different SaaS marketing strategies to grow their brand.

  • Rejected conventional SaaS marketing wisdom, focused on product quality driving word of mouth marketing and boosted their exposure at the world’s biggest SEO event. Went semi-viral on Twitter by adding nerdy SEO data to the coffee cups at the conference and giving them away to attendees..
  • Produced a lot of content on how their SEO tool solved specific problems and used blog posts as ads.
  • Created and gave away courses on blogging for businesses for free, used word of mouth marketing to promote it, and pushed employee images to the front to gain readers’ trust.
  • Did 20 podcasts in 4 months, posted content a lot on Reddit, YouTube, their own blog, and other channels.
  • ...And a LOT more.

See the full case study here.

And that’s a wrap!

Ready to 10x your business through digital marketing now?

We hope the above case studies were helpful and you can use them as inspiration to drive amazing results.

For more industry-leading digital marketing content and tips, be sure to check out our blog .

Did we miss a case study? Have YOU done something interesting that deserves a mention in this list?

Let us know down in the comments, we’d love to hear from you!

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Brand Marketing Case Studies

This collection features brands and content creators that used video and other digital tactics to drive innovation, connect with their consumers, and drive brand and business metrics. Learn about best practices, creative executions, and how brands achieved success through digital.

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Digital Marketing Case Studies: 35 Examples for Online Success

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How would you like to read the best digital marketing case studies ever published?

More importantly, how would you like to copy the best practices for online marketing that are based on real-world examples and not just theory.

If that sounds, good then you’ll get a lot of value out of this post.

Below, you’ll find a list of the top 35 online marketing case studies along with the results and key findings from each example. There are 5 sections in total covering the different aspects of digital marketing, including content marketing, SEO, PPC, social media, email, video, and affiliate. Within each section is also a link to find even more expert insights and data examples on that particular topic.

By studying these Internet marketing case study examples and applying the lessons learned in your own digital campaigns, you can hopefully achieve similar results to speed up your online success.

Digital Marketing Case Studies

Table of Contents

Digital Marketing Case Studies

Content marketing case studies, appsumo grew organic traffic 843% & revenue 340%  – omniscient digital marketing case study.

In this digital marketing case study, you’ll find out how Omniscient Digital used a four-part approach to grow AppSumo’s organic website traffic by 843% and the revenue from that traffic by 340$. Includes details on the research process, strategy development, content production, and building links to those web pages.

From 0 to 100,000 Visitors Per Month  – Optimist Digital Marketing Case Study

This online marketing case study example shows you how Optimist took a startup called College Raptor from 0 to 100,000 organic sessions per month. It focuses on the big-picture strategy that was used to achieve that result and explains why it worked. This is a good case study example that demonstrates what successful content creation and promotion look like for startup businesses.

American Kennel Club Increased Online Traffic by 30%  – Contently Digital Marketing Case Study

If you’re in the animal niche and looking for good Internet marketing case studies that can help you grow your website with content creation, then this article by Contently can help. Inside, you’ll learn how the company used a digital content strategy to increase website traffic by 30% for the American Kennel Club. This method attracted both new puppy owners and seasoned dog lovers and resulted in $26.6 million in content value.

3,532 New Beta Users for alwaysAI  – Beacons Point Digital Marketing Case Study

Beacons Point is a digital marketing agency that partners with B2B companies in software and technology to execute results-driven online campaigns. In this case study example, you’ll learn how Beacons Point discerned the right market for alwaysAI, a software company, to target prospects with the content they wanted, and transform the audience into an avid user base using a well-researched Internet strategy and content planning process. As a result, alwaysAI gained 3,532 new beta users, 20,000 monthly website sessions, and a 2,021% increase in traffic within just 10 months.

Online Marketing Strategy Drives 452% Increase In Organic Traffic  – Top Rank Digital Marketing Case Study

In this case study, you’ll learn how Top Rank Marketing used a combination of several digital marketing resources (e.g., content, SEO, social media, and influencers) to help Introhive get more organic traffic to its site to create a higher demand for its SaaS product and improve the brand’s overall digital visibility. This online marketing campaign increased organic search traffic by 452% and raised the average session duration by 155%.

Check out the full list of 15+ Content Marketing Case Studies here .

SEO Marketing Case Studies

How i increased my organic traffic 652% in 7 days  – backlinko digital marketing case study.

Learn how Brian Dean from Backlinko used the “Skyscraper Technique 2.0” to increase his organic SEO traffic to one of his web pages by 652%. It’s also the same approach that helped a brand new post hit the #1 spot on Google within a few weeks. This online marketing case study example is full of screenshots, key findings, and guided steps for you to follow.

From 126 to 121,883 Unique Visitors In Under 6 Months  – Ahrefs Digital Marketing Case Study

This digital marketing case study example focuses on Northmill, a Fintech company founded in Stockholm. It reveals how you can analyze your top business competitors to develop higher-quality SEO content that can gain a large amount of traffic and convert those readers into customers. Read this case study to find out exactly what Northmill did during the search engine optimization campaign to go from 126 unique visitors to 121,883 in under 6 months.

From 0 to 75,000 Visits A Year  – Ryan Darani Digital Marketing Case Study

In this case study, you’ll get complete details on the challenges, limits, budgets, and timeframes for a client in the property industry that went from 0 clicks per day to 300-400 on average with only 60 pieces of content on the website. This is a good SEO marketing case study for any business that’s on a tight budget.

How We 4x’d Traffic and Doubled Revenue in E-Commerce  – Diggity Marketing Case Study

This is one of the best digital marketing case studies for e-commerce using SEO. Inside, you’ll learn how an e-commerce client grew its traffic by 417% in 8 months. You’ll get the exact SEO strategies deployed, content improvements, and backlink marketing tactics. The results speak for themselves: an extra $48,000 in additional monthly revenue was achieved for a total of 112% increase in overall revenue using a strategic online marketing strategy.

6-Step Process That Generated 150,732 Visits  – Robbie Richards Digital Marketing Case Study

In this case study, you’ll learn a repeatable 6-step process that one digital marketer used to get his client to #1 in Google using SEO. This strategy helped him outrank major digital media brands like Mashable, and increase organic website traffic by 11,065% in just 6 months.

Check out the full list of 25+ SEO Case Studies here .

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing Case Studies

32% increase in return on internet marketing ad spend  – adshark case study.

Learn how Adshark helped dogIDS, an e-commerce manufacturer and retailer of personalized dog collars and tags, achieve a high return on investment (ROI) for their pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns by analyzing historical search terms, categories, and product performance. This case study example demonstrates how Adshark segmented dogIDs Google Shopping campaigns in a way that allowed for better online bid and budget management.

49% Decrease In CPA  – Captivate Search Digital Marketing Case Study

In this case study, you’ll find out how Captivate Search, an Internet marketing agency, helped the Women’s Institute for Health (WIFH) in Atlanta, Georgia, decrease their cost per acquisition (CPA) from $98 to $50 with a strategic PPC optimization in Google Adwords.

20% Increase In Subscribers for Forbes  – Adventure Media Digital Marketing Case Study

Forbes Magazine has been in circulation for over 100 years; however, with print subscriptions on the decline, the company had to get strategic about bringing in new digital customers. The top goals for this online marketing case study were to increase the number of paid subscriptions. In addition to PPC optimization to attract a broad range of ages, income levels, and genders, Adventure Media also used a strategic video marketing campaign to bring in a new wave of college graduates.

139% ROI for a UK Clothing Brand  – Click Consult Digital Marketing Case Study

Boohoo is a British online fashion retailer that has been recognized by top consumer titles like Reveal, Heat, and Cosmopolitan magazines. When Boohoo came to Click Consult, the retailer had been running its own paid digital marketing campaigns for 18 months and seeing poor results (PPC revenue had fallen by 26% YOY). In this example case study, you’ll learn how Click Consult achieved a 139% ROI on online ad spend and a 431% increase in UK non-branded PPC revenue.

ROAS Up 3,197% for Natural Nutrients  – PPC Geeks Digital Marketing Case Study

Discover how PPC Geeks improved the Google Ads campaigns for Natural Nutrients and achieved a dramatic increase in revenue (5,789%) and ROAS (3,197%) year over year. Example paid marketing strategies include granular campaign extension, single keyword ad groups, ad copy A/B testing, KPI-focused ROAS, conversion rate optimization, and more.

Check out the full list of 20+ PPC Case Studies here .

Social Media Marketing Case Studies

793,500+ impressions for semrush on twitter – walker sands digital marketing case study.

Semrush is a global leader in digital marketing software; however, the company needed a strategic partner to help distinguish its brand from competitors, drive a higher engagement rate among its target audience, and build brand loyalty. In this case study, you’ll find out how Walker Sands implemented a premium Twitter microcontent program for Semrush that focused on three things: using humor, embedding the brand in trending conversations, and focusing on the audience’s interests over marketing messages. The result was an increase of more than 793,500 impressions, 34,800 engagements, and a 4.4% average engagement rate.

Viral Oreo Super Bowl Tweet – Digiday Digital Marketing Case Study

During Super Bowl XLVII, the lights went out in the stadium and the Oreo brand went viral with a single tweet that said “Power out? No problem. You can still dunk in the dark.” Read the historical account of that famous digital marketing moment from the people who lived through it so you can gather insights on how to be better prepared for your future online marketing campaigns that you can take advantage of in real-time.

Facebook Posting Strategy That Lead to 3X Reach & Engagement – Buffer Digital Marketing Case Study

In this case study, you’ll find out how Buffer cut its Facebook posting frequency by 50% but increased the average weekly reach and engagement by 3X. Hint: The strategy had to do with creating fewer, better-quality posts, that were aimed at gaining higher engagement.

Achieving a 9 Million Audience by Automating Pinterest SEO – Digital Marketing Case Study

This is a good digital marketing case study example for marketers who use Pinterest. Discover how Chillital went from 0 to 9 million engaged audience members and 268 million impressions. You’ll learn about the step-by-step research process of finding where your audience lives and breathes content, get a detailed analysis of how the author used Pinterest to generate brand awareness, and learn about using community-driven content promotion to scale online results.

5X Increase In App Installs – Bumble Digital Marketing Case Study

Find out how Bumble, a dating app, used TikTok more effectively for social media marketing by following the mantra, “Don’t Make Ads, Make TikToks”. This case study in digital marketing resulted in a 5X increase in app installs and a 64% decrease in cost-per-registration.

Check out the full list of 20+ Social Media Case Studies here .

Email Marketing Case Studies

Collecting 100,000 emails in one week  – tim ferris show digital marketing case study.

This digital marketing case study on email has it all: tips, templates, and code to create a successful email campaign. Discover how Harry’s, a men’s grooming brand, launched its brand online and how it collected nearly 100,000 email addresses in one week. You’ll learn everything they did using the marketing power of the Internet and email so you can try to replicate the results.

The Science Behind Obama’s Campaign Emails  – Bloomberg Digital Marketing Case Study

President Obama’s election has been cited as one of the best digital marketing campaigns in history. And a big part of that success was from strategic email campaigns. Most of the $690 million dollars Obama raised online came from fundraising emails. In this case study example, you’ll learn about the rigorous experimentation conducted by a large team of analysts and the strategies that made this Internet campaign so successful.

Increasing Open Rates from 20% to 29%  – Pipedrive Digital Marketing Case Study

This is one of the best digital marketing case studies on email that any business can learn from no matter the size of the email list. Inside, you’ll find out how Pipedrive used one simple tactic to increase open rates from 20% to 29% that can work with any email software.

25% Reduction In Churn for Peacock  – Braze Digital Marketing Case Study

This is one of the top online marketing case studies that prove why you shouldn’t send out a one-size-fits-all message to your mailing list. It’s a great case study to read about using a year-in-review email campaign to increase user consumption. As a result, Peacock experienced a 25% reduction in customer churn over 30 days, 6% free-to-paid upgrade rates, and a two-point lift in return rate when it came to returning to the service to view content.

The Amazon Email Experience  – Vero Digital Marketing Case Study

In this case study example by Vero, you’ll get a complete analysis of Amazon’s email experience for the user. It takes you from the initial subscriber welcome message to email receipts, shipping updates, thank you content, invites, Black Friday deals, the review email, and more. There are loads of data in this case study and useful tips you can gain and use for your own email campaigns to have better success.

Check out the full list of 15+ Email Marketing Case Studies here .

Video Marketing Case Studies

8,000 video views on linkedin – biteable digital marketing case study.

During the rise of #OpenToWork movement that hit the world during the COVID layoff, one digital marketer named Katie got creative to make herself stand out from the crowd for potential employers. Find out how Katie approached video in digital marketing to amass 800 video views, 54 comments, and 100 new connections. This case study includes simple tips you can also use to get noticed on LinkedIn with the power of video.

163 Million Views On YouTube – Dove Digital Marketing Case Study

Dove launched an online marketing campaign called “Dove Real Beauty Sketches”, which was a three-minute YouTube film about how women view themselves. The goal was to ignite a global conversation about the definition of beauty, and this case study proves how video in Internet marketing helped Dove reach their goal. During its launch, the video received 163 million global views, topped the Cannes YouTube Ads Leaderboard, and won the Titanium Grand Prix at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. Find out how a combination of great content, YouTube Brand Channels, YouTube Ads, and Google Ads led to this beautiful success.

Dollar Shave Club Viral Video – Making a Video Marketer Case Study

The ultra-famous Dollar Shave Club was a club that no one had heard about before the release of a single video. And within 72 hours, the brand went insanely viral and had more than 12,000 orders for its product. In this case study, you’ll get a complete analysis of the video that made the Dollar Shave Club one of the most talked about companies in Internet marketing that profits from selling $1 razors.

How Artists and Songs Go Viral – EDMProd Digital Marketing Case Study

Although it’s impossible to guarantee that a musical artist or song will go viral, there is a lot to be learned from examples that have gone viral. In this case study, you’ll discover the common threads in every viral music marketing campaign so you can try to use the same strategies for your own music or apply them to an online business.

10X Increase In Video Views – Vireo Video Digital Marketing Case Study

In this example, you’ll find out how Vireo Video helped the “We Are The Davises” YouTube channel 10X its video views. The digital marketing strategy and execution succeeded in driving over 1.2 million subscribers and over 60 million monthly views within 4 months. Inside, you’ll learn about the initial challenges, strategy solutions, and results.

Affiliate Marketing Case Studies

Going from zero to $10k in monthly revenue  – contentellect digital marketing case study.

Follow the steps Contentellect has taken to grow an affiliate marketing website from $0 to $10k a month in under 24 months. Includes a breakdown of the monthly costs, income, and traffic.

Zero to $20k/month In a Year  – Side Hustle Nation Digital Marketing Case Study

In this case study, you’ll learn how the owners of Finvsfin.com scaled their affiliate website from $0 to $20,0000 per month in one year. Includes strategies on keyword research, how to structure content, ways to attract backlinks, optimization tactics to grow traffic, and more.

How I Made $16,433 With One Product  – BloggersPassion Digital Marketing Case Study

This case study example explains how the site owner made $16,433 from a single affiliate product. The information and steps revealed in this digital marketing case study can be applied to any niche.

Amazon Site Earns $2,000/Month with 100 Articles  – Fat Stacks Digital Marketing Case Study

This is one of the best online marketing case studies for affiliate marketers. Dom Wells from Human Proof Designs posted complete details on the Fat Stacks Blog with example content types, content timelines, link types, and link timelines to help other affiliates improve their sites to make more money on the Internet.

Amazon Site Grows from $0 to $4500+ In 4 Months  – NichePie Digital Marketing Case Study

In this case study, you’ll learn how NichePie took a famous affiliate marketing website called 10Beasts to $4,500 in monthly earnings in just 4 months. The site then went on to make $40,000 by month 8 and kept growing. Luqman Khan, the owner, eventually sold the affiliate site for over half-a-million dollars. Inside this Internet marketing case study example, you’ll get important insights into the keyword research process, site structure, content setup, SEO, and link building process. This article also includes a lot of screenshots to help you follow along with the online journey to success.

Check out the full list of 10+ Affiliate Marketing Case Studies here .

What Is a Digital Marketing Case Study?

A digital marketing case study is an in-depth study of digital marketing in a real-world context. It can focus on one digital marketing tactic or a group of strategies to find out what works in online marketing to provide quantifiable results on the Internet.

Are Case Studies Good for Digital Marketing?

Case studies are good for digital marketing because you can learn about how to do digital marketing in an effective way. Instead of just studying the theory of digital marketing, you can learn from real examples that applied online methods to achieve success.

Online Marketing Case Studies Diagram

Digital Marketing Case Study Examples Summary

I hope you enjoyed this list of the best digital marketing case studies that are based on real-world results and not just theory.

As you discovered, the digital marketing case study examples above demonstrated many different ways to implement an effective online strategy. By studying the key findings from these Internet marketing examples, and applying the methods learned to your own business, you can hopefully achieve the same positive outcome.

New online marketing case studies are being published every month and I’ll continue to update this list as they become available. So keep checking back to read the current sources of information on digital marketing.

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Husson University

5 Unique Digital Marketing Case Studies that Every Business Professional Should See

Published on: July 15, 2021

person giving a presentation on a projector screen

Businesses often rely on digital marketing to increase their brand awareness and bring in new customers. However, if the marketing efforts aren't effective, they can turn into a waste of time and money. In many ways, effective digital marketing is a process of trial and error. For this reason, a digital marketing case study can be a valuable source of guidance for today's business students and professionals, enabling them to learn from the results of others rather than having to start their own trial-and-error process from the beginning. As a business administration degree student, understanding and evaluating real-world marketing tactics is key to developing a solid foundation for your business career. With that in mind, let's take a look at five unique digital marketing case studies that you can use to inspire new ideas and hone your own future digital advertising strategy.

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Case Study #1: Fanatics Boosts Traffic Through Content Marketing

When Fanatics—an e-commerce store focused on selling sports apparel and other sports-related products—decided that it needed to provide customers with more reasons to engage with the company website,  it turned to content marketing as a solution . Fanatics chose a three-pronged approach for their content marketing campaign, one that included timely sports articles meant to coincide with current sporting events, evergreen content related to various events throughout sports history, and articles that capitalize on new trends and developments in the world of sports as they happen.

This strategy of producing both evergreen and trending content enabled Fanatics to establish itself as a desirable news and entertainment resource for sports fans all over the country. Thanks almost entirely to their content marketing campaign, Fanatics saw a 1,100% increase in organic search engine traffic along with a 230% increase in the number of ranking keywords on their website. The company's content marketing efforts also enabled it to publish high-profile features on popular sites such as Yahoo Sports, The Score, and USA Today.

Case Study #2: Wholesaler Drives Visibility and Conversions with Social Media Marketing

Case study #3: amazon leverages crm to become e-commerce giant.

Customer relationship management (CRM) is the process of managing interactions with customers to facilitate beneficial outcomes. Much more than simple customer management, CRM uses data processing to divide customer lists into a wide range of segments and formulate various interactions designed to speak to the needs and desires of each specific segment. If you would like a case study of a company that has leveraged innovative CRM with outstanding results, you need not look any further than the e-commerce giant Amazon.

As one of the first companies to really leverage CRM to its full potential, Amazon developed a CRM strategy that takes into consideration every possible interaction that the company has with its customers—from the user interface of the Amazon website to customer service interactions to data mining used for targeted marketing emails. Through this emphasis on CRM, Amazon has managed to create one of the most customer-friendly experiences you will find in the e-commerce sphere—and the results of these efforts are obvious. In 2020 alone, Amazon was able to boast a staggering $386 billion in revenue.

Case Study #4: The American Egg Board Boosts Organic Traffic Through SEO

Case study #5: revecent increases conversion rate with holistic ppc campaign optimization.

Earn a Business Administration Degree from Husson

In our increasingly digital world, digital marketing is now more important than ever before when it comes to reaching new customers. Whether you are seeking a rewarding career as a marketing professional or going into business for yourself, an education in business administration is incredibly valuable. At Husson University, we offer both undergraduate and graduate  online business programs.  To learn more about enrolling in these exciting programs and kick-starting your career as a business professional, contact us today!

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Digital Marketing Case Studies That Brought Amazing Results

Category: Case Study blogs Digital Marketing

Date: December 15, 2023

Digital Marketing Case Studies That Brought Amazing Results

Reading effective digital marketing case studies is one of the best practices to gain inspiration from other businesses. It helps you learn more about how digital marketers, including our team offering comprehensive digital marketing services , actively reacted to get results for unique situations.

Case studies provide in-depth knowledge about the uncommon situations faced by digital marketers, steps they took to overcome, and the end-results obtained.

As you can learn more from the other marketer’s mistakes, going through case studies will never become vain. You can avoid mistakes in your digital marketing activities and also take similar approaches to the issues you are facing.

In this article, we have covered a wide range of case studies under different aspects of digital marketing, that includes content marketing, social media marketing, SEO, PPC, and much more.

Let’s take a look.

Best Digital Marketing Case Studies for You

Here, we have listed the best digital marketing case studies that reveal the works of expert digital marketers.

Content Marketing Case Studies

Here, we have curated the best content marketing case studies that really worked well and brought amazing results.

a. On-site Retargeting

Digital Marketing Casestudies(OptiMonk) - ColorWhistle

iSpionage faced a problem in retargeting the readers from their referral blog website to their main website. To fix this, the site placed an on-site retargeting popup on their blog posts.

This made them increase their blog referral traffic by 58% and received up to 5.47% Click-Through-Rate (CTR). Moreover, 4,144+ popup impressions were generated, more than 227+ people were redirected to the main site. To learn more about the case study, click here .

Takeaway – By implementing an on-site retargeting technique, you can educate visitors about your services, create awareness regarding your offers, and drive traffic to your content.

b. Trending Topics

Digital Marketing Casestudies(Seo Travel) - ColorWhistle

Lawrence of Morocco gained coverage from the Game of Thrones buzz by designing and promoting a map that listed all the filming locations found in the Game of Thrones series. Click here to learn more about the case study.

This brought over 11,300+ visits to the website and outlets in top-tier publications like Washington Post, Mashable, Business Insider, and many more.

Takeaway – By making the best use of trending topics that have gained a massive outreach across the world, you can easily achieve more traction for your brand.

c. Trifecta Content Marketing Strategy

Digital Marketing Casestudies(Optimist) - ColorWhistle

College Raptor proved that it is possible to scale a startup from 0 organic traffic to 100,000 visitors per month within a year using the trifecta content marketing strategy . If you are curious to learn more about this case study, click here .

Takeaway – Content that falls under three categories that include evergreen, social viral, and link building will support you in dominating your SEO rankings. The number of backlinks and media outlets can be increased with the usage of public data and viral content.

d. User Acquisition Content

Digital Marketing Casestudies(Fractl) - ColorWhistle

Fractl’s dating app Sapio leveraged user acquisition efforts that led to a 3,072% spike in weekly app installs in just 5 weeks. Click here , if you like to learn more about the case study.

Takeaway – Understanding your target audience and publishing personalized content at the right time through powerful influencers will add value to your content.

Social Media Marketing Case Studies

Below, we have lined up the best social media marketing case studies from a trusted social media marketing company .

a. Usage of #Hashtags

Digital Marketing Casestudies(Whizsky) - ColorWhistle

Vogue India launched a social awareness initiative regarding the empowerment of women. They created a two-and-a-half-minute video with 99 high-profile women and hashtag #MyChoice. It went viral on the internet that attracted 2M+ views in two days. Click here to learn more about the case study.

Takeaway – Effective usage of catchy hashtags on your social media posts with popular influencers can boost your social media awareness.

Digital Marketing Casestudies(Walls.io) - ColorWhistle

Tinkham Veale University Center has innovatively built social media walls with keyword-rich content and user-designated #hashtags. It encouraged a number of attendees from all over the world for participating in the events. If you like to learn more about the case study, click here .

Takeaway – Curating your conferences, workshops, etc with the venue details on powerful social media walls is a super promotional point for your events among the aspirants.

b. Social Media Campaigns

Digital Marketing Casestudies(Digitas) - ColorWhistle

AstraZeneca has taken an initiative called #LVNGWith exclusively for connecting lung cancer attacked people with their loved ones. People were invited to leave their answers on Facebook and Instagram for this question – How will you spend your #GiftedDay? Click here to learn more about the case study.

#GiftedDay is such an amazing social media content series that earned half a million views in less than 24 hours, increased 500% of shares, doubled their number of followers and over 1,500+ people newly joined the LVNG With community and many more.

Takeaway – Successful social media campaigns are helpful in creating awareness among the audience and connecting people from all over the globe.

SEO Case Studies

Here, we have consolidated the best SEO case studies that established a stunning presence on the relevant search results.

a. 6-Step SEO Process

Digital Marketing Casestudies(robbierichards) - ColorWhistle

UAV Coach was striving to gain traction in the competitive organic search results.

Robbie Richard’s 6-step SEO process supported the UAV Coach to outrank global brands like Mashable, climb to better rankings on Google, generate over 152,732+ visits, drive 11,065% of recurring organic traffic in 6 months, and get many other perks. Curious to learn more about the case study, then click here .

Takeaway – Upgrading existing content with SEO strategies will generate long-term exposure, build authority in your industry, capture quality leads, and eventually convert them into valuable customers.

b. E-commerce Transactions

Digital Marketing Casestudies(Search Logistics) - ColorWhistle

Search Logistics assisted a furniture-seller who had a website that was hit by Google penalty and lacked in keyword-optimization techniques. SearchLogistics redesigned the website, built the domain authority through link building, managed the site structure issues, and many more. Click here to learn about a detailed explanation of the case study.

Within 6 months, they were able to experience the positive impacts on the website like a 122.27% increase in organic traffic, a 336% in e-commerce transactions, a 369% in revenue, etc.

Takeaway – Redesign your business website, create quality content, and build effective links to enhance your visibility on the results page for relevant search queries, such as website redesign services.

c. SEO Achievements at Affordable Budget

Digital Marketing Casestudies(Explosure Ninja) - ColorWhistle

Exposure Ninja supported an accountancy firm that followed a basic online marketing approach. It helped in redesigning the website, researching relevant keywords, optimizing the blog content, etc. To read the detailed case study, click here .

These effective SEO practices resulted in a 293% increase in leads, a 156% in site visitors, and a 31% in requesting for consultation.

Takeaway – With smart SEO tactics, it is easy to make a mark in the SEO search results at a shoe-string budget.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Case Studies

Below, we have broken down the best Pay-Per-Click (PPC) case studies that worked effectively.

a. Adwords’ Quality Score

Digital Marketing Casestudies(Seperia) - ColorWhistle

A large number of well-established firms and ad creative regulations have reduced the quality score of InterTrader in AdWords. It negatively affected the average ad positions, impressions on search results, and Cost-Per-Click.

Seperia supported InterTrader in maintaining Adwords’ quality score. This resulted in improving the CTR by 0.81%, average position by 6.1%, and quality score average by 3.3%. Click here to learn more about this case study.

Takeaway – Smart implementation of excellent PPC strategies can bring optimal results like great exposure, numerous CTRs, high average position, low Cost-Per-Click (CPC), etc for your PPC advertising campaign.

b. Revenue Generator

Digital Marketing Casestudies(Click consultant) - ColorWhistle

Truprint/Snapfish wanted to improve the overall performance of its PPC advertising activities. Being a premier Google partner Click Consult could whitelist Truprint for a range of exclusive Google beta features.

It brought exceptional results in increasing the revenue by 355%. Also, there was a reduction in the disruption activities of the newly revamped website. To elaborately learn about the technologies used for running this successful PPC campaign, click here .

Takeaway – By focussing on Google Shopping Campaign, Bing Shopping, dynamic remarketing, and many other tactics, you can easily get returns on your PPC investment.

c. Quality Leads

Digital Marketing Casestudies(Click consultant) - ColorWhistle

One of the clients of Spinutech was mindful of driving quality leads and high revenue to its website through PPC advertising campaigns.

With the effective use of AdWords, Spinutech could bring amazing results to its client’s website at the end of four-months campaign optimization. It increased the total number of branded leads by 85.71% and decreased the overall Cost-Per-Click (CPC) by 45.02%. Click here to learn more about the study.

Takeaway – By making the best use of high-search volume keywords, it is possible to reduce the CPCs and target the right audience who are interested in your products and services.

Video Marketing Case Studies

Here, we have curated the best video marketing campaigns that really worked in impressing the right viewers.

a. Social Message

Digital Marketing Casestudies(Strategies) - ColorWhistle

Canadian Tire’s advertisement video portrays a small Canadian boy seated in a wheelchair who was encouraged by another small kid to play basketball games. This advertisement about wheels turned out to be one of the viral marketing videos in 2017. To learn more about the case study, click here .

Takeaway – When your brand message is associated with a social cause, it turns out to be a psychological motivator that urges viewers to follow your brand. It evokes strong feelings in viewers at the same time conveys the brand message.

b. Impressive Content

Digital Marketing Casestudies(Unruly) - ColorWhistle

Android’s Friends Furever video campaign depicts featuring clips of unlikely animals playing and enjoying together.

According to Unruly, a video ad tech company this impressive video was shared more than 6.4 million times and gained the specialization of the most-shared video in 2015. If you like to learn a detailed explanation of the case study, click here .

Takeaway – With eye-catchy video content, it is easy to promote memorable brand messages to the desired audience.

c. Power of Influencers

Digital Marketing Casestudies (Hubspot) - ColorWhistle

Code.org created an excellent video marketing campaign that incorporated speeches of Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg about the importance of learning coding languages.

This video marketing campaign bought more traction to the website. Click here to take a look at the detailed explanation of the case study.

Takeaway – With the help of popular influencers, you can spread your brand message in an even more steadfast manner.

Voice Search Case Studies

Below, we have lined up the best voice search case studies.

a. Mobile Voice Search

Typing search queries can be cumbersome, error-prone, and even dangerous in some usage scenarios. Users are increasingly turning to their mobile devices when doing web searches.

In November 2008 Google introduced Google Mobile App (GMA) for iPhone that included a search by voice feature. GMA search by voice extended the paradigm of multi-modal voice search from searching for businesses on maps to searching the entire World Wide Web (WWW). To learn more about the case study, click here .

Takeaway  – By integrating mobile voice search, you can effectively provide the best user experience to your target audience.

b. Webpage Content Curation

Digital Marketing Casestudies(Jaywing) - ColorWhistle

Anglian Home Improvements had answers for three different FAQs curated on the same page at a single URL. This did not provide the best user experience and affected Google rankings too.

Epiphany Search supported Anglian Home Improvements by listing the FAQs on different pages with optimized content that best suits featured snippets.

As a result of this voice search strategy, the website marked significant visibility on voice search queries by driving 13 inquiries per month. Click here to learn more about the case study.

Takeaway  – Based on the high search volume keywords, you have to create quality content. This helps search engines to easily recognize your content and display it before your target audience.

Digital Marketing Case Studies – FAQ

Why are Digital Marketing Case Studies Important?

Digital Marketing Case studies are more important to analyze the previous patterns of strategies that businesses adopted to get results. At times, we would also get a glimpse of what did not work in the first place.

How to Write a Digital Marketing Case Study?

Writing a Digital Marketing Case Study is much different than any other normal case studies.

  • First, identify the scenario you wish to document (A success or a Learning in this case)
  • Use a story telling method to make it readable
  • Identify the pain points and key strategies followed
  • Highlight the result including the timeframe to achieve (This will help the peer community to understand the timeframe)
  • Suggest the alternate strategies you had in mind if they are relevant

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Did we miss any interesting digital marketing case studies? Comment your thoughts in the box below. We are glad to hear back from you.

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Pavithra Samuel

About the Author - Pavithra Samuel

I'm a word-aholic copywriter who always loves to share a close bond with digital marketing. Google, being my father of research, accompanies me shoulder-to-shoulder in every step of writing. I always look up to copywriters who generate educative, persuasive content impeccably seasoned with creativity & innovation. I can deliver content for web service pages, blogs, social media, emails, and so on. I can engage myself in content-related works for B2B, B2C, SMEs, niche-specific businesses. Other than reading & writing, my other two escapes are sweets & songs. My dream desk would be more of creative writing projects, desserts, music, & minions.

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Amazing tips about affiliate marketing. Keep up the great work……!

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Case Studies

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Case study: taking control of digital campaign on-target reach, 1 minute read | july 2020.

As budget constraints caused by global disruption compel marketers to scrutinise their online spend allocations, it is more important than ever that advertisers have a clear view of their digital campaign’s effectiveness to reach the target audience and avoid wasted spend.

In wanting to explore the potential of digital channels to more effectively reach younger target demographics than their traditional TV campaigns, T-Mobile challenged their media agency, Searchresult, to prove the success of their online campaigns to target 18-44 year olds, and better maximise their digital investment.

Using Digital Ad Ratings’ next-day view of an in-flight campaign’s on-target reach, advertiser and agency took advantage of the solution’s optimisation capabilities to rethink and refine placement strategies, resulting in improved targeting of the intended audience and saved budget.

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+45% Recall for New SNCF Connect Brand using Outbrain’s Click-to-Watch Video Solution

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Bosch and segmenta Reduce CPC by 80% for Cookit #LikeABosch Campaign with Outbrain

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ntv Increases Revenue and Engagement on Ticker Pages with Read More Button

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Velasca Reaches a Qualified Audience and Reduces CPA by 15% with Outbrain


The Open University Drives Interest and Leads for its Distance Learning Program

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Union Square Media Creates Quality, Inclusive Campaigns with Outbrain

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VisitDenmark Brings Awareness to City Odense as a Tourist Destination with Outbrain’s Nativ...

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Bosch Increases Brand Awareness for its Cordless Vacuum Cleaners by 30% with Outbrain

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Mercedes-Benz Raises Awareness for its New Car with Outbrain

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Home Furnishing e-Commerce Site Made.com uses Outbrain to Successfully Drive Online Convers...

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FUNKE Digital Increases RPM by Over 50% with Outbrain’s Optimization Engine

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BeerBazaar Opens a New Direct Sales Channel With Outbrain

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Fidelity, a Leading Financial Services Company, Generates 900+ Leads with Outbrain

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Avon Boosts Video Completion Rate with Native Programmatic

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Elvie Increases Brand Awareness with Outbrain’s Full Stack Native Solution

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Orange Achieves a 44% lower CPA with Outbrain’s Advertising Platform for the Open Web

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Mattress Firm Attracts New Customers with Outbrain

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Nespresso Generates Awareness for its New Coffee Machine at a Competitive Cost

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Care by Volvo Generates Awareness for its New Subscription Model with Outbrain

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Gray TV Drives Organic Engagement and Increases Revenue with Smartfeed

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Outbrain Helps Le Slip Français Reach New Qualified Audiences and Boost Online Sales

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TacoTax Uses Outbrain’s Interest Targeting to Deliver a -44% CPL Compared to Other Ch...

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Vodafone: Outbrain is 2X More Profitable than Display and Other Native Channels

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A Leading Telecom Company Drive Awareness and Engagement to its Internet TV Services with O...

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Buzzfeed Propels Amazon Prime Day Shopping With Outbrain

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Red Bull Achieves Outstanding Results Thanks to Outbrain’s Click-to-Watch Video

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Lifesum Increases App Downloads and Gains High Value Customers with Outbrain

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Peugeot Uses Outbrain’s Click-to-Watch Video Experience to Increase Brand Message Recall

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Sapporo Amplifies its Video Content using Outbrain’s Click-to-Watch Video Solution

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Eargo has 100%+ Greater Lead to Sales Conversion with Outbrain Compared to Social

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L’Oréal Partners with Outbrain to Drive Quality Traffic to its International Corporate and ...

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Outbrain Delivers 50% Lower CPC for App Blinkist Compared to Social

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Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday Newspaper Increases Print Subscriptions with Outbrain

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Outbrain Becomes the Top Lead Source for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung’s Subscriptio...

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Verisure Achieves a 5X ROI by Implementing Interest Targeting on its Native Ad Campaigns

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inFranken.de Increases Engagement and Monetization of Facebook Traffic

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Personal Shopping Service Outfittery Builds Lucrative Customer Base with Outbrain

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Cabify Increases App Downloads by 50% with Zemanta

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Taurus Pharma Achieves a High Completion Rate with Outbrain’s Click-to-Watch

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Naked Wines Sells 80,000 Bottles of Wine and Reaches High Value Customers

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E.W. Scripps Company Maximizes Revenue and Reader Quality with Outbrain Smartfeed

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South African Tourism Reaches Qualified Users with Lookalike Audiences and Lowers CPA by 20%

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Outbrain and Agency GeistM Increase Customer Signups

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iSelect Drives Conversions and Lowers CPA With Outbrain

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CBR Achieves 66% More Sales Through Retargeting During Black Friday Weekend

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InterContinental Hotels and Resorts Increase Brand Consideration and Preference with Outbrain

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GSK Achieves Outstanding Video Completion Rates with Outbrain Click-to-Watch

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Findus Uses Story Sequencing to Build a Qualified and Engaged Audience for Recipe Content

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UBI Banca Generates Quality Leads Using Outbrain

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Three Drive Consumer Sign-ups for Their Online Petition

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Velasca Increases Brand Awareness by 17% with Outbrain

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Garmin Uses Outbrain to Build a Qualified and Engaged Audience

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Booking.com Increases Down-the-Funnel Conversions with Outbrain

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Outbrain’s Click-to-Watch Campaign with Israel’s Ministry of Tourism Drives Res...

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Blinkist Increases App Downloads With Outbrain

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Grab Singapore Uses Outbrain to Drive Acquisition and ROI

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InnoGames Reaches a Highly Profitable Audience and Ensures App downloads

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Brooklinen Uses Outbrain Lookalikes to Deliver a 50% Lower CPA

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Grunt Style Uses Outbrain to Drive 82% New Traffic

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Microsoft Drives Conversions with Outbrain’s Advanced Targeting Tools

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Esurance Takes its Content Strategy from Awareness to Conversion

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Leading Fashion Retailer Lane Bryant Drives Engaged Traffic

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Hindustan Unilever’s Kissan Uses Outbrain to Drive Video Engagement

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Trend Micro Uses Outbrain to Drive Awareness and Engagement

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The Line Converts Readers Into Shoppers

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Shelter Finds a Home for Content Discovery

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International Communications Firm Turns Local Press into National Coverage with Outbrain

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Revolution Agency Uses Amplify to Get Voters Out

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Singapore EDB Engages Senior Business Decision-Makers

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EverQuote Scales Conversions With Outbrain Lookalike Audiences

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Babbel Leverages Outbrain to Engage 4.5M Users in One Month

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Hg2 Targets iPhone Users and Achieves 17% Download Rate

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Vertbaudet, Kid’s Fashion Retailer, Reaches a Qualified Audience

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Outbrain Outperforms Display for Tourism Ireland

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Swanson Health Products Increases Dwell Time by 24% with Outbrain

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SEAT Auto Brand Drives 48% Higher Conversion Rate

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REISS Achieves a 36% Higher Average Order Value with Outbrain

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Money Dashboard Drives Conversions with Content

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8FIT IncreaseS App Downloads and Registrations

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One Kings Lane, a Home-Decor Retailer, Reduces Its CPA by 50%

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Outbrain Helps Nissan Boost Visibility with Over 54,000 Site Visits

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Huggies Engages its Target Audience with Outbrain

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Visa Uses Video to Influence Decision-Makers

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McDonald’s Amplifies Positive Earned Media

Digital marketing case studies.

Thousands of brands worldwide advertise with Outbrain to boost awareness , engagement , conversions, and sales among their target audiences. Read the digital marketing case studies of brands such as Samsung, Suisse, Nestle, L’Oreal, Honda, Red Bull, and dozens more, who leveraged Outbrain’s native advertising network and targeting tools to achieve measurable results for their online campaigns. 

Performance marketers of the leading brands, as well as enterprises and small to medium sized businesses , can get inspired and learn new tactics with the marketing case studies from the Outbrain network. 

Native advertising case studies

Native advertising case studies demonstrate how companies can use Outbrain to meet and even exceed their marketing KPIs . A perfect example is Nestle, which used Outbrain’s Click-to-Watch video ad format to boost consumer engagement. Outbrain solutions cover the entire digital marketing funnel, from awareness to consideration and conversion. The marketing campaign examples featured here are drawn from every part of the funnel, showcasing how Outbrain can help brands drive interest among their audiences, no matter where they are on the customer journey . Outbrain ad formats such as Outstream Smartads, help build awareness by promoting your brand video to potential customers at the right moment. The Carousel Smartad and Clip Smartad help to boost engagement by providing opportunities for the audience to interact with the brand’s content and offer. App Install Smartads are designed to encourage users to download your app, increasing the lifetime value of customers from the moment of conversion. Every native campaign is unique, with specialized messaging and ad creatives based on the audience you are targeting. The marketing examples in these Outbrain stories demonstrate how other brands have succeeded, detailing the approach that worked for them. New advertisers to Outbrain can learn from the advertising campaign examples as they navigate the world of native and test campaigns in their niche and among their audiences.

Almost every industry is represented in Outbrain digital marketing case studies, from affiliates and automotive, to Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG), Health, Retail, Telecom, Transportation and Logistics, and more. There are marketing campaign examples for every objective type: Awareness, App Downloads, Consideration, Conversions, Engagement, Lead Generation, Monetization, Qualified Traffic, Video Engagement, Subscriptions, Sales, and others. Whichever industry your brand belongs to, and whatever your campaign objective and KPIs, the advertising case studies listed here reflect the previous success of a wide range of brands with Outbrain, and the potential of Outbrain’s advertising platform to boost the performance profile of your digital marketing activities.

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Elevate Ad ROAS

Best Programmatic Advertising Case Studies for Exceptional ROAS

Reviewing successful or innovative programmatic advertising case studies can inspire your own ad campaign.

Programmatic ads have proven to be a game-changer in the marketing world by using automated technology and data-driven strategies.

To help spark new ideas, we’ll go over seven inspirational case studies that showcase the immense potential and remarkable results that programmatic advertising can deliver.

From global brands to local businesses, you’ll learn about the power of programmatic advertising in driving engagement, increasing conversions and, ultimately, achieving business goals.

case study advertising digital

Their expertise has helped Nextiva grow its brand and overall business

What Is Programmatic Advertising (with Examples)?

Programmatic advertising is an automated approach to buying and selling digital ad space in real time. It involves using software and algorithms to make data-driven decisions about ad placements, targeting, and bidding:


Here’s a basic overview of how programmatic advertising works:

  • An advertiser creates a campaign and specifies their targeting criteria, such as the demographics of the audience they want to reach, the websites they want their ads to appear on, and the budget they are willing to spend.
  • The advertiser’s ad is placed in a programmatic ad exchange, which is a marketplace where publishers sell their ad space.
  • When a user visits a website that is part of the ad exchange, the ad exchange will auction off the ad space to the highest bidder.
  • The advertiser who wins the auction will have their ad displayed on the website.

Some popular examples of programmatic ad formats are Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Native Ads, Connected TV Ads, and Mobile In App Ads:


You’ll recognize these companies and their use of programmatic advertising:

  • Amazon  uses programmatic advertising to deliver personalized ads to their users based on their browsing and purchasing history.
  • Google  uses programmatic advertising to sell ad space on its search engine results pages (SERPs) and other websites.
  • Facebook  uses programmatic advertising to sell ad space on its social media platform.

Dive Deeper: The Ultimate Guide to Programmatic Advertising for Brands in 2023

Best Programmatic Advertising Case Studies That Drove Exceptional Results + ROAS

These programmatic marketing success stories showcase the transformative impact of programmatic advertising in driving revenue growth, enhancing brand visibility and engaging the right audience.

Case Study 1: Hestan Culinary Sees Over 300% Increase in BOFU ROAS After Switching to Programmatic Advertising

Advertiser : Hestan Culinary

Advertising Agency That Drove Success : Single Grain

Challenge :

  • Hestan Culinary experienced a continuous decline in performance during Spring 2022, posing a significant challenge.
  • As a brand renowned for premium cookware, its customers followed a thoughtful and deliberate purchasing journey.
  • Maintaining an exceptional Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) was a key priority for Hestan Culinary.
  • The company aimed to develop a strategic solution to overcome the performance decline and address the challenge effectively.

Marketing Approach :

  • Single Grain recognized the need to revitalize advertising efforts and explored programmatic ads using StackAdapt’s platform.
  • We implemented a full-funnel approach, targeting a qualified prospecting audience and utilizing various tactics to guide target customers toward conversion.
  • A combination of native and catalog feed ad units was used, and both delivered impressive results. However, the catalog feed outperformed in terms of conversions, proving to be the more effective option.
  • Our team of programmatic ad experts leveraged StackAdapt’s dynamic retargeting units, resulting in an immediate and significant performance improvement.

Key Results:

  • Retargeting ROAS experienced a remarkable 381% increase, soaring from 1.91 to an exceptional 9.20 within the first month.
  • Overall conversions witnessed a significant surge of 281%.
  • The exceptional growth did sustain for over 45 days since the launch of the programmatic advertising campaign.


Case Study 2: California-based Healthcare Staffing Agency Witnessed a 131% Increase in Applications With Programmatic Ads

Advertiser:  California-based healthcare staffing agency

Advertising Agency That Drove Success : Haley Marketing

  • Clinical healthcare staffing poses challenges for handling both clinical and non-clinical positions.
  • Allocating a job advertising budget for both roles required careful management and time investment.
  • The recruitment strategies for registered nurses and janitorial positions differ significantly.
  • Their job board sales representative advised the staffing agency to increase spending by 60% to enhance job visibility before collaborating with Haley Marketing.
  • Haley Marketing recommended a more innovative approach to the company instead of increasing spending.
  • Proposed a programmatic advertising recruitment strategy with three main elements: strategic budget allocation based on job priority, broad distribution of jobs across multiple sources, and automated tracking and reporting of sources.
  • Developed an automated system to manage clinical and non-clinical job postings efficiently.
  • Enabled recruiters to assign priority status to each job through their applicant tracking system, streamlining the overall process.
  • Generated a remarkable 131% increase in monthly job applications . Successfully reduced their job board spending by over 6% per month.
  • Expanded their job board portfolio by adding four additional platforms.
  • Prior to partnering with Haley Marketing, the client averaged 379 applications per month on Indeed, costing $3,000.
  • With Haley Marketing’s management, the client now averages 876 monthly applications across multiple job boards (Indeed, Zip, Appcast Xcelerate job board network, Monster, Nexxt) at a reduced cost of $2,807.

Case Study 3: Clearfly Increased Contact-Us Form Fills and Brochure Downloads With an Outstanding Average CPA of $6.70

Advertiser: Clearfly SIP Trunking Solutions

Advertising Agency That Drove Success : Kinetic Marketing and Creative

  • Clearfly, a brand specializing in SIP trunking solutions and voice services, partnered with Kinetic Marketing & Creative.
  • Collaborated to develop an omnichannel digital marketing strategy.
  • Partnered to create targeted, segmented audiences to deliver tailored messages.
  • Developed highly targeted digital ads with dedicated landing pages for each audience tier.
  • Launched paid advertising campaigns on LinkedIn and programmatic advertising channels.
  • Maintained monthly organic social media presence on LinkedIn and Facebook.
  • Implemented targeted email automation tailored to engaged and unengaged partners, accompanied by quarterly newsletters and a welcome email series.
  • Revamped the website to provide a user-friendly experience, allowing users to engage at their own pace and opt into a fully branded email marketing campaign aligned with their service needs.
  • Programmatic advertising campaigns led to increased contact-us form fills and brochure downloads, resulting in an average cost per acquisition (CPA) of $6.70 .
  • The paid LinkedIn campaign served as an awareness tactic, generating 136,811 impressions and 146 visits to the contact page.
  • Coordinated messaging across organic social content on Facebook and LinkedIn fostered community engagement, with an average rate of 14.49% and a combined 15,000 organic impressions.
  • The concise messaging and consistent brand presence effectively reached Clearfly’s customers at various stages of the sales funnel.
  • Targeted email automation series improved awareness of Clearfly’s Unified Billing services and re-engaged unengaged partners, yielding a 28% open rate and 4.9% click rate (exceeding industry benchmarks).


Case Study 4: Gerard Achieved 1,00,000 Impressions from Programmatic Distribution

Advertiser: Gerard, Hungarian roof manufacturers

Advertising Agency That Drove Success : Advant Technology

  • Gerard, a roofing manufacturer, targets a broad range of homeowners as their audience.
  • The timing of potential purchases limits the audience to a niche group, as not everyone will be currently seeking a new roof.
  • The brand wanted to raise awareness among new users actively looking for a new roof.
  • Advant used programmatic targeting strategies to reach untapped audiences through a programmatic display campaign.
  • To increase awareness among users actively seeking a new roof, they implemented a combination of display banners, native ads, and video-led campaigns.
  • They also created a list of publishers to target individuals aged 30-64 currently constructing or renovating their homes.
  • The digital campaigns consistently achieved over 1 million impressions .


Case Study 5: Local Now Experienced an Impressive 282% YoY Revenue Increase by Leveraging Server-Side Programmatic Advertising

Advertiser: Local Now American OTT service

Advertising Agency That Drove Success : PubMatic

  • Local Now sought a select group of partners to enhance their expansion across CTV and streaming platforms.
  • The chosen partners were expected to provide unique demand, bolster online sales, and improve the fill rate.
  • Local Now aimed to have multiple technology options, including premium PMP and PG toolsets, for efficient execution of their direct-sourced business.
  • In the competitive ad-supported streaming industry, they prioritized partners who could help them differentiate themselves from other providers.
  • Local Now partnered with PubMatic for a comprehensive audit and optimization review of their content portfolio.
  • PubMatic offered enterprise-level support, guiding Local Now on signal passing, inventory curation, and ad server integration.
  • Advanced programmatic advertising tools and services were crucial in facilitating demand growth.
  • Local Now witnessed a rapid increase in revenue and a significant rise in ad requests.
  • They experienced a +282% YoY revenue .


Case Study 6: Kellogg’s Increased Their Ad Visibility by 25% with Programmatic Ads

Advertiser: Kellogg Company

Advertising Agency That Drove Success : Cyber Publicity

  • Kellogg Company has a strong presence in the American frozen foods sector. However, they were not able to deliver personalized messaging to their target audiences.
  • Moreover, they managed a diverse portfolio of over a dozen brands. Hence, Kellogg’s sought a solution to upscale its advertising efforts.
  • Cyber Publicity helped Kellogg Company utilize programmatic buying through DoubleClick Digital Marketing, leveraging display and video campaigns.
  • The programmatic advertising approach helped them to deliver personalized messages to their target audience.
  • The ads team at Cyber Publicity also helped Kellogg Company leverage its in-depth consumer knowledge for effective ad targeting.
  • The visibility of their ads increased from 56% to more than 70% .
  • Programmatic buying was an effective tool to attract and retain their customers’ favor.

You may also like: Content Creation for Programmatic SEO Pages

Case Study 7: Telemedicine Company Achieved a 300% Return on Ad Spend with Automated Media Buying

Advertiser: A telemedicine company headquartered in Dallas Fort Worth, Texas

Advertising Agency That Drove Success : Genius Monkey

  • Timing is crucial in the telemedicine industry, especially during cold and flu season when patient visits typically increase.
  • The company primarily marketed through social media but had limited experience with display and audio advertising.
  • Their previous attempts at display advertising were inconsistent. Breaking into audio advertising was challenging due to high minimums and a lack of support from platforms like Spotify.
  • The company aimed to explore OTT (Over-the-Top) advertising to increase brand exposure and generate more impressions.
  • Increasing the average number of patient consults per day was a specific goal for the company.
  • They closely monitored the number of “completed patient visits” daily.
  • The company sought to improve its overall digital presence to enhance its marketing efforts and explore audio and OTT advertising opportunities.
  • The telemedicine company chose Genius Monkey for its data-driven approach and customized client dashboard.
  • Genius Monkey helped the company break into the audio and OTT advertising space with a budget that other vendors deemed insufficient.
  • The company expanded its marketing approach by adding display ads.
  • Achieved a remarkable 300% return on ad spend , reflecting the effectiveness of the programmatic display campaigns.
  • Witnessed a substantial 150% increase in completed patient consultations, indicating the successful impact on their business.
  • Notably, 50% of the patient consults were new patients, demonstrating the ability of programmatic ads to attract fresh clientele.
  • Implemented improved tracking capabilities through pixel and product ID tracking, enabling more precise campaign performance monitoring.

case study advertising digital

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Leveraging Programmatic Advertising for Business Success

A programmatic advertising case study helps to demonstrate the effectiveness and potential of using programmatic technology in driving targeted online advertisements, optimizing ad spend, and achieving specific business goals.

The seven inspirational programmatic advertising case studies presented in this article demonstrate the transformative impact of this advertising approach across a diverse range of industries and business sizes.

If you’re ready to level up your ad campaigns, Single Grain’s programmatic ads experts  can help!👇

Programmatic advertising faqs.

Programmatic advertising utilizes technology platforms that connect advertisers (buyers) and publishers (sellers) in a real-time auction environment.

Advertisers bid on ad placements, targeting specific audiences based on data such as demographics, interests, and browsing behavior. The highest bidder wins the auction, and the ad is instantly delivered to the targeted user.

Programmatic advertising offers several benefits, including:

  • Allows precise targeting based on demographics, interests, behavior and location.
  • Reduce manual labor and increase operational efficiency.
  • Enables efficient spending by eliminating wasteful impressions and allowing for better control over ad budgets.
  • Provides detailed analytics and data insights for informed decision-making and campaign optimization.

Programmatic advertising provides businesses with various targeting options to effectively reach their desired audiences. These options include demographics, geography, behavior, context, interests, devices, retargeting, and lookalike audiences.

Traditional advertising involves manual negotiations and direct buying of ad space. In contrast, programmatic advertising relies on automation, real-time bidding, and data-driven decision-making.

Programmatic allows for more targeted and efficient ad delivery compared to traditional methods.

Programmatic advertising relies on data and algorithms to target specific audience segments. It can be highly effective if a business has sufficient consumer data with them or prominent data sources.

However, if the company does not have sufficient buyer persona and behavioral data, programmatic advertising may not be as beneficial.

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IN Advertising Are Google Ads Still Effective in 2024? BY Eric Siu Are Google Ads effective in 2024? We break it down with insights on CTRs, CPCs and reasonable expectations for ROI in this guide. Read Article

IN Advertising Best Social Media Platforms for Advertising (It’s Not What You Think) BY Eric Siu Explore the best social media platforms for advertising this year, with insights on ROI and strategic ad placements for maximum impact. Read Article

IN Advertising New Perplexity Ads: What Marketers Need to Know BY Selena Templeton Perplexity.ai, a conversational search engine, is rolling out advertisements. Here's what marketers need to know about Perplexity ads. Read Article

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case study advertising digital

LVMH, Digital Advertising & Strategy Case Study

It was a sign of the times when the luxury conglomerate LVMH appointed former Apple executive Ian Rogers as its new chief digital officer. His task: to foster the group’s digital innovation and explore new opportunities as the market showed an increase in eCommerce trends. And though an Apple executive without experience in the luxury world may have been an unconventional hire, if anything else, Rogers’ decades in the digital sector signals that the most recognizable luxury conglomerate was finally taking its digital strategy seriously. ‍

LVMH’s Digital Trans formation

At such an opportune moment, LVMH is poised to have a strong digital infrastructure for when it is estimated that a quarter of the global market value of personal luxury goods will be sold online—a trend that has accelerated in 2020. The move is a fortunate one for LVMH, who, like other luxury brands and conglomerates, had been resistant to the idea of embracing a digital extension. The hesitation stemmed from protecting the aura of exclusivity that luxury brands have spent time building and cannot risk losing, else jeopardize their wares’ perception and desirability. The skepticism surrounding the digital experience dissipated when it became clear it would not be optional for any brand to have an online strategy but completely necessary.

In that digital transformation, LVMH has found a footing that allows it to continue exuding the same qualities that make its brands the coveted names consumers flaunt. Of course, LVMH is known for its very close guard of its brands; you can only find an LVMH brand at one of their selected distributors. As such, the same philosophy has been applied to LVMH’s digital innovation. Its multi-brand eCommerce site, 24 Sèvres , features the group’s brands on an accessible online platform built on the sort of experience consumers can expect from Le Bon Marché. 

G & Co. is a luxury advertising agency: LVMH launched 24 Sèvres, its multi-brand eCommerce website to gain ground in the digital age

Notable in 24 Sèvres is the availability of Parisian stylists for live, one-on-one video consultations. On the iOS app, consumers can chat with the brand’s stylists while browsing the store. In addition to the convenience of having a style professional at a shopper’s disposal, LVMH has also taken to Facebook to augment its customer experience on social media, as well. On Facebook specifically, shoppers can interact with 24 Sèvres ’ Style Bot to make the most out of the shopping capabilities the social media platform has offered.

Then there’s LVMH’s inception of La Maisons des Startups accelerator program, in which dozens of startups are invited to innovate new products and services for LVMH’s fashion houses and the overall luxury market. Not to mention the conglomerate’s participation in Viva Technology, where it exhibits its LVMH Luxury Lab and Retail Lab, its internal organization established to help its Maisons develop the needed innovative solutions for both the digital and retail landscape. Such leaps in adopting both an online approach and an embrace for inventive ideas suggest LVMH aims to have an advantage over its competition as we embark further in the modern age of luxury consumer shopping. 

G & Co. is a luxury advertising agency: LVMH started La Maisons des Startups as an accelerator to innovate new products and services

In the advertising sense, LVMH can be described as more experiential than promotional. Through the use of augmented reality at Sephora stores, personable tasting experiences with Moët Hennessy, and an incredibly innovative use of a compact traveling boutique with Bvlgari’s Dream Machine, the level at which LVMH has invested in its advertising strategy is clearly defining of how the conglomerate values customer experience above all else. “It’s indicative of the group’s commitment to its customers and consumers everywhere,” says Juan Manuel Gonzalez, founder of UI/UX and luxury marketing agency G & Co., “that experience is quintessential to both the luxury world and in all of their Maisons.”   ‍

G & Co. is a luxury advertising agency: G & Co. has worked with luxury brands like Burberry

LVMH’s Customer Experienc e (CX) ‍

Important to LVMH’s advertising strategy is customer experience. Granted, their investments in personalized interactions through their miniature boutiques and online services are certainly a mark that the luxury conglomerate acknowledges the strength in delivering a captivating experience. 

But what sells that experience across all of LVMH’s Maisons is anticipating a customer’s need and providing them with all the components expected of in purchasing a luxury good. The other side of the equation in a luxury transaction is the very premise that goes with spending a considerable amount of money. As such, the experience has to justify the purchase, and it must, at the very least, fulfill consumer expectations, if not transcend them. 

And while LVMH has done this exceedingly well with its brands in-person, it has now adapted to incorporate and accelerate the needed infrastructure to successfully provide a rewarding experience to consumers online. Part of why this has been a growing focus for the luxury conglomerate is not just because the market sees a growing segment of its sales coming online but because the luxury world sees more younger consumers as part of its customer base. Of course, this demographic lives and breathes online.  ‍

LVMH’s Advertisin g Strategy ‍

Traditionally, the French luxury conglomerate largely committed its advertising and marketing strategy efforts on print media. However, LVMH has recognized that it has needed to evolve its targeting to the digital sphere because of the shifts in the luxury market demographic. The way LVMH and other luxury brands build brand awareness and customer engagement is through the digital touchpoints younger consumers dominate. 

The strides LVMH has made in its digital strategy check the boxes off on the list to excite younger consumers. What they did was utilize the acclaim of style icons today. Celebrities like Pharrell Williams, Jennifer Lopez, and Billie Eilish brandish LVMH’s crown jewel, Louis Vuitton, whereas Lady Gaga, Dakota Johnson, and Natalie Portman have been seen sporting Celine.

G & Co. is a luxury advertising agency: LVMH’s star power boasts icons like Pharrell Williams, Billie Eilish, Lady Gaga, and Jennifer Lopez

Of course, one should not neglect the hiring of Virgil Abloh, CEO of Off-White as artistic director of men’s wear and the rehiring of Johnny Coca to creative director of accessories at Louis Vuitton, signaling not just a call to action from the brand in an effort to excite younger consumers. The pair’s appointment to head LVMH’s crown jewel brand also demonstrates just how more inclusive the world of luxury has become. In Virgil Abloh’s own words, his hiring by Louis Vuitton represented a moment in which he would define fashion rather than be defined by it. That moment also reflects the inclusivity and diversity of talent entering the luxury world. 

In more commercial matters, LVMH struck a deal with Rihanna to create a new Maison in Fenty. The move marked the first of many for both Rihanna and LVMH: Rihanna became the first woman and the first woman of color to be added to the LVMH group with Fenty’s founding. Such an initiative gives way to the recognition of celebrity stardom and its influence on younger generations, and that there is a solid path in tapping the popularity in today’s celebrities that have just as much star power and influence as the style icons that brandished luxury items in the 20th century. That Fenty was called the first brand of the Instagram age to be supported by one of the three largest conglomerates that have defined the global luxury era only gives more credence to the rise of popularity that social media plays in LVMH’s marketing strategy. 

G & Co. is a luxury advertising agency: Rihanna’s Fenty marked the first time a woman and a woman of color headed an LVMH brand

Historically, luxury brands turned to magazine advertising horizons but were only so targeted—and ran thousands of dollars per a single page. Now, the accessibility of the online world has opened the luxury marketing strategy doors to more ways to reach consumers, most of whom fall exactly in line with the growing segment of the luxury market of younger shoppers. 

It’s clear from LVMH’s marketing and advertising expenditures that the group knows this fact. In 2018, LVMH increased its total marketing spend to €5.6 billion to compose 12% of its group revenues. Half of Louis Vuitton’s marketing costs go to digital media, up significantly from the brand’s traditional use of print media as part of its marketing strategy. LVMH’s other Maisons, such as Christian Dior, Marc Jacobs, and Givenchy, made Tribe Dynamics’ top 10 brands in 2018—a mark earned for having demonstrated a high level of online savviness. As an advertising agency and a great enthusiast of LVMH’s recent push to embrace the digital world, we can only anticipate further breakthroughs in LVMH’s advertising strategy that lead the way in how luxury brands interact with today’s affluent consumers.  ‍

Furthering the experienc e ‍

While Ian Rogers, the Apple executive turned chief digital officer at LVMH, is stepping down from his position, the luxury conglomerate has designated Louis Vuitton Vice President as its chief omnichannel officer. The move is one that cements LVMH’s conviction in enduring for the long run, both online and offline. 

G & Co. is a luxury advertising agency: LVMH’s former chief digital officer Ian Rogers spearheaded the group’s digital initiatives we know of today

The intermittent store closures stressed the necessity of expanding the set of features LVMH employs in its digital approach. Such features include item availability information, click-and-collect ordering and payments, and even booking appointments to try on products in-store to subsist traffic. LVMH has taken note from Rogers and his coordination of online sales and marketing across the conglomerate’s 75 plus brands to further expand its online offers.

In addition to the acceleration of digital innovation at LVMH, recent months have demonstrated the conglomerate’s doubling down on retaining control of its Maisons. Speaking about the strategy for 24 Sèvres, LVMH chairman and chief executive Bernard Arnault said, “Ian [Rogers] has helped us integrate digital more deeply into our organizations with a sensitivity to the codes of luxury .” That sensitivity also includes holding true to the complex nature of the group itself. After all, LVMH should not be thought of as one company but as a composition of various Maisons consisting of fashion brands, spirits, and hospitality servicers and each with its unique personality. Not to mention, every brand in the LVMH portfolio has its own organizational structure and policy.

Now that the time has come to embrace a digital transformation and not just consider it a sideshow, LVMH is in the midst of implementing holistic online approaches for their brands, experimenting with what works before making substantial alterations to all of the group’s companies. One substantial benefit that does come with dozens of brands to oversee is the flexibility in testing what changes will be implemented. Small adaptions and utilizing a feedback loop from customers is one way that can confirm any of LVMH’s proof of concepts. For a conglomerate that houses a vast array of individual Maisons, LVMH is certainly approaching the realities of the digital age while staying true to the character of its brands. And that will be key in how their stories will unfold in the next few years. ‍

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How much does LVMH spe nd on digital marketing and advertising? ‍

LVMH spent approximately $7.67 billion on advertising and promotion in 2019.  ‍

What did LVMH do for a digital transformation ? ‍

LVMH took the initiative to launch 24 Sèvres , its multi-brand fashion eCommerce site, to boost its digital strategy. The group’s hiring of former Apple Music executive Ian Rogers fostered the site’s creation as a way to speed up LVMH’s digital transformation. 

Although Rogers no longer works with LVMH, the group’s appointment of Michael David to the newly-created position of chief omnichannel officer shows the luxury conglomerate’s growing conviction of a digital strategy in the middle of a pandemic that’s prompted countless store closures and highlighted the importance of an eCommerce strategy. LVMH’s response to the disruption of in-person experiences was boosting its customer experience on the digital front, adding online support features such as item availability info, scheduling appointments to try on a product, and click-and-collect ordering and payments. Such improvements to LVMH’s digital strategy epitomize the group’s value of making the buying experience as convenient and rewarding as possible. ‍

What is LVM H’s digit al strategy? ‍

Given that LVMH has seventy-five plus brands under it, each with their own personalities, the digital approach would have to be tailored to their Maisons. But if there is one thing that’s uniform in LVMH’s digital strategy, it would be expanding the usability and convenience factor of their Maison’s eCommerce sites. 

Because LVMH is particularly cautious over its subsidiaries’ and very own brand image, one can make the case that the luxury conglomerate’s business model resembles that of the direct-to-consumer approach. By holding a tight hold of distribution channels, LVMH controls every aspect of their brands’ image and the customer relationship, which they can use to improve the existing customer dynamic through purchasing behavior and preference history. Through such accessibility, LVMH can iterate and deliver on what they identify their customers desire most. That solidly makes a case for why LVMH can gain the ground to create one of the most defining digital strategies in the luxury industry. ‍

What is LVMH’s cus tomer ex perience (CX)? ‍

There’s no denying how sacred the customer experience is for LVMH. Perhaps their stressing about the customer experience is one reason why LVMH hesitated to emphasize digital channels: why focus on alternative mediums when luxury consumers can rely on the indelible experiences they are assured in physically visiting in-store locations where every interaction has been perfected? Of course, as much as in-store experiences will live on, they have no doubt been disrupted in the last few years, with eCommerce strategies taking on a whole new level of importance in the luxury industry. 

In response to the consumer shifts, LVMH’s customer experience has extended beyond the magic of their in-store encounters. By translating the personalizing and rewarding elements of shopping online, LVMH has successfully exemplified the qualities of a luxury experience. As part of expanding the customer experience beyond traditional brick and mortar shopping, LVMH has invested heavily in catering to its consumers through an importance on convenience and accessibility. The group’s launch of the 24 Sèvres website and encompassing features such as having a stylist available for one-on-one video consultations and a chatbot geared to produce a personalized email after garnering individual style preferences show a wholehearted effort to deliver the single-best customer experience in luxury . ‍

Who is LVMH’s target market/cu stomer? ‍

While there is no certain group one can attribute to LVMH and it’s collection of over seventy-five Maisons, there is a market the luxury conglomerate is targeting in its digital approach: those with a passion for the chic and effortless Parisian-inspired style, and is typically between the ages of 28 and 45.  ‍

What is luxury brand digital mark eting, how is it different? ‍

Because of the brand positioning, a luxury brand’s digital strategy will have to be different than any other brand’s in how it engages with customers, showcases its products, and communicates its value. 

As an advertising agency and luxury marketing agency, we understand that instead of the push promotion strategy, luxury brands need to pull consumer interest through engaging and relevant content. How a luxury brand chooses to pull that interest is for them to choose. 

Do you have a question about luxury digital marketing? Shoot us an email at [email protected] . ‍

Why is UI/UX importa nt for luxu ry brand eCommerce stores?‍ ‍

There’s no question about it: a good user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) is essential for any eCommerce store in that it helps browsers easily navigate a website for the sole purpose of making their customer journey easier to finish. Any great digital agency will tell you an eCommerce store is a window into a brand’s image; the first impression a browser makes when coming across a shop can easily determine whether or not they will continue browsing and ultimately purchase something.‍ ‍

Why is eComm erce importa nt for any luxury business?‍ ‍

In such a rapidly shifting consumer-driven world, it’s important now more than ever for brands to adapt to evolving consumer needs. And that includes meeting them where they are. ‍As an advertising agency and luxury eCommerce agency, we know the value in a consumer-centric strategy to help luxury brands excel for the future.  ‍

How is eComm erce differ ent for luxury and non luxury brands?‍ ‍

It’s not enough for luxury brands to have a branded site and consider their eCommerce strategy complete. Consumers today want an experience that matches the quality of a luxury product they purchase. That’s why luxury brands must place a great emphasis on tailoring their approach to play on consumer sentiment and meet the mark of exclusivity. 

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Case Study: Nike’s Digital Marketing Strategies 2024 Edition

  • July 18, 2023


Table of Contents

When we think of businesses that sell sports shoes or running shoes , one of the first names that come to our mind is Nike .

The business giant initially started as an American import-export company that imported the infamous Tiger shoes from Japan and sold it to American citizens.

Founders of Nike

Phil Knight , a college student, and his coach Bill Bowerman came together to start this venture in 1964 under Blue Ribbon Sports .

Founder of Nike - Phil Knight

Their business was a success from the start as they bridged the gap that existed in the community. They provided superior quality shoes at affordable prices in comparison to their now competitors, Adidas or Puma.

In 1971 , due to a conflict with Tiger shoes, Blue Ribbon Sports officially split from their supplier and renamed themselves, Nike. Inc. based on one of their revolutionary designs the “Tiger Cortez” or the “Nike Cortez” which was the reason for the conflict in the first place.

Nike Revenue from Financial Year 2005 to 2022 (in Million USD)

Nike has generated over 46.71 billion USD in revenue in 2022 establishing itself time and again as a force to be reckoned with.

Nike Revenue graph from Financial Year 2005 to 2022 (in Million USD)

As of 2022, Nike is operating in over 1000 retail stores across 170 countries and has over 80,000 employees . Their world headquarters are located in One Bowerman Drive, USA, and have several head offices across the globe.

They have expanded their product inventory from selling just sports shoes to selling shoes, clothing, equipment, and sports accessories for men, women, and children.

Nike – Company Highlights

Over the years, Nike has come up with some of the most innovative and creative ad campaigns . From their infamous “Just do it” campaign in 1988 to its most recent “Dream Crazy” campaign in 2022 , Nike has experimented with and tested several different marketing strategies.

So let us now analyze the different marketing strategies that were implemented by Nike to sustain and thrive across decades.

Nike’s Ideal Target Segment

Over the years Nike has gradually treaded into the luxury industry . They not only have a wide range of inventory, but they also have versatility in their price range.

This has expanded their target demographic. Individuals from high-income families and socio-economic groups form Nike’s Ideal target audience.

Consumers who are sports enthusiasts and prefer a healthy lifestyle but are still conscious of their image and brands form their major target segment.

North America generates the most revenue for Nike.

When we further analyze this data, it can be concluded that men form a vast majority of their consumer group, responsible for 55.06% of the total engagement and women contribute 44.94%.

Nike’s ideal target segment

Three primary age groups generate the most traffic on their online sites. Those in the age group of 25-34 form the majority by contributing 31.18% of the traffic. Those in the age group of 18-24 and 35-44 contribute 26.84% and 19.09% respectively.

Now that we have discussed the ideal target audience, let us look at some of Nike’s digital ad campaigns to better understand the strategies and practices implemented by them.

Nike’s Successful Digital Ad Campaigns

Nike’s campaign 1 – the wonder woman of vogue.

“The wonder woman of vogue” campaign was Nike’s way of showing that they are proud allies of the LGBTQ+ community while still promoting their latest collection called “#BeTrue” .

This video ad campaign was produced by Public Record and was aesthetically conceptualized and shot by Daisy Zhou .

Nike collaborated with Leiomy Moldonado a Vogue artist and ballroom dancer who is also a part of the LGBTQ+ community. The entire short film’s audio appeal was enhanced with wonderful narration by Precious Angel Ramirez .

Every athlete can leave a mark on this world. @wond3rwoman1 takes the #BeTrue collection to the ball. Learn more: https://t.co/qRCpTZQ0SN pic.twitter.com/R2LZvwW5qX — Nike NYC (@NikeNYC) June 22, 2017

The ad campaign was shot as a short film that served three primary purposes. The first purpose was to explore the contributions of the LGBTQ+ community to art , particularly the birth and culture of Voguing.

The second was to promote their latest collection

And third, the purpose was to celebrate PRIDE month . And the ad managed to do all this in a duration of a minute, and that is the power of storytelling .

The ad was released on Nike’s official social media pages like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and others.

Nike’s Campaign 2 – You can’t stop us

Nike launched the “You can’t stop us” campaign in July 2020, to inspire people when all hope was lost during the pandemic. The goal was to motivate and give hope to people that things will get better and that they can overcome challenges and emerge victorious.

The ad was conceptualized and created by Weiden+Kennedy . The whole process involved analyzing and handpicking a few videos from more than 4000 videos showcasing brilliant moments of human resilience and the power of determination across different sports like tennis, baseball, gymnastics, basketball, skateboarding, athletics, and so on.

The edit, flow of the story, and the raw emotions that can be felt in the ad form the entire crux.

The ad was released on major social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and others. The 1.5-minute ad inspires, motivates, and gives hope to people to stay positive during difficult times as there is always a meaningful light at the end of the tunnel.

This ad campaign was not created for sales or to generate revenue . It was created with a consumer-centric approach to stand as a source of support to all those suffering in a major healthcare crisis .

It reflected Nike’s brand and its image and mission through powerful storytelling, visuals, and auditory elements.

Nike’s Campaign 3 – Reactland campaign

Nike’s Reactland campaign was launched in March 2018. The ad campaign was one of a kind with its perfect blend of technology and product placement.

Nike collaborated with Wieden+Kennedy Shanghai to create a unique AI experience for their customers while showcasing their latest collection of running shoes.

The experience allowed shoppers to try on the new collection , and get their pictures clicked to help in the creation of their 8-bit avatar .

The customers would then step on the treadmill and start running. And this would reflect on the screen as their avatar. At the end of this immersive experience, the customers would receive a 10-second customized video of this experience.

And about 50% of the customer s who tried on Nike’s react running shoes and had this immersive AI experience ended up making their purchase.

This installation was introduced in only four stores and also a pop-up store in China for about a month.

The customized videos and campaign ads were promoted on different social media handles with the hashtag “Reactland” and “Nike” .

It was an extremely unique and innovative marketing strategy that took in-store trials to the next level. It proved to be immensely successful in reflecting Nike’s brand value. 

Nike’s Website Strategies

The main purpose of the website is to generate a stream of revenue and an online presence for the brand.

Nike’s website is well organized and categorized to ensure a seamless customer experience . It has a mobile-first approach to ensure that consumers can access and log in to the website through any device.

The look and feel of the website are minimal and cohesive with the brand’s image and have a user-friendly UI design .

Having said this, some argue that the color choices and style of design might be a little too boring and forgettable. It is a fast-loading website that has clear and distinct labels and hyperlinks placed to ensure easy navigation throughout.

Nike's Website Strategies - products and categorization

All the different products are categorized accordingly to ensure customers can easily access what they are looking for.

Flexible payments and filters encourage consumers to buy with ease and also help with quality lead generation.

The brand’s website also supports easy ordering and tracking by all teams and consumers to ensure the entire process is smooth. They also facilitate consumers to customize their orders and this is completely done through their website.

The website is also highly interactive and has quality links embedded to access the homepage and sub-pages. Nike has also implemented an efficient feature that allows its customers to access any part of the website with just a click.

And the website has over 92 technologies embedded to ensure no lagging occurs at any stage of the ordering process.

Overall, Nike has a well-rounded and inclusive approach to its website to ensure the best experience for its customers.

Hence, we can conclude that Nike has a consumer-centric approach to creating and developing its website.

Nike’s SEO Marketing Strategies

Nike has an optimized online presence which is reflected in its website traffic. According to SEMrush, Nike receives a total of 179.1 million average online visitors every month . Consumers surf through the website for an average of almost 4 minutes .

And Nike occupies the 4th position in the US in the category of “Fashion and apparel” .

These statements reflect the quality of the plans and SEO strategies implemented by the brand.

Nike has performed timely on-page and off-page SEO audits for its multiple websites to ensure that it is bringing in quality leads.

24.45% of the total traffic on their website is generated organically. Hence, we can conclude that their keywords, landing pages, and content have been fully optimized for the purpose.

 Nike’s website migration to nike.com, optimization of the homepage to add value to internal linking, and its investment in launch pages have significantly improved its ranking online.

Nike’s Unique Product Landing Pages

Uniquely created product splash pages are a great tool to drive consumers into downloading and installing the Nike app to facilitate conversions.

  • https://www.nike.com/air-max
  • https://www.nike.com/air-force-1
  • https://www.nike.com/jordan

The brand has optimized and retargeted its keywords to ensure that the business ranks high even when generic terms are searched.

Nike has optimized its website for over 112k keywords out of which some of the top searches are:

  • Jordan shoes
  • Nike air force 1
  • Nike shoes for men

Nike SEO keywords strategies

Overall, Nike has focused on fully developing all aspects of its website to ensure maximum reach and engagement .

Their design and approach are cohesive with their brand. They have impeccable and innovative site architecture and pages that not only create a seamless experience for the consumers but also generates quality leads and conversions for the brand.

Nike’s Main Organic Competitors

The top five competitors of Nike are:

  • Foot Locker
  • Dicks Sporting Goods
  • Sports Direct

Each of these brands focuses on the sports and athletics category and caters to a similar clientele. Hence, Foot Locker and Nike have an affinity score of 100%. Food Locker receives a total of 17 million visits a month in comparison to Nike’s 179.1 million visits.

Nike’s Social Media Marketing Strategies

2.70% of the engagement on Nike’s website comes from their social media. Given that their total revenue was 44.5 billion USD in 2021. They are active on several different social media platforms, 26 to be exact.

Out of these, YouTube (37.97%), Facebook (32.64%), Reddit (7.03%), and Twitter (6.38%), are the most popular ones.

Nike's social media traffic and marketing strategies

They have a multiple-account approach which means that Nike is operating more than 300 official accounts on several different social media platforms simultaneously. This is a common strategy adopted by large brands to ensure that each of their product categories is being marketed effectively and accurately.

These social media accounts are for their men’s collection, women’s collection, kid’s collection, yoga, swimwear, basketball, football, skateboarding, and so much more.

Nike’s content team creates highly specific and brand-cohesive content that can be shared on all platforms with just a few minor tweaks.

Powerful story-telling through an emphasis on EQ and simple yet catchy slogans is their signature approach. Powerful visuals speak louder than words and hence most of their social media campaigns prioritize the auditory and visual spectacle over the spoken word.

Very cleverly, they have established themselves as not only a business that sells products but as a brand that promotes a healthy and conscious lifestyle . This is crucial to influence the consumers and convert them into loyal customers.

Nike’s social media content always ensures to bring to light any issues or movements unfolding in society. Hence, they have shown their support by conceptualizing and creating campaigns against racism, hate, and violence .

Nike has a huge list of A-list athletes who endorse the brand. And this facilitates the creation of likable and shareable social media content.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Nike (@nike)
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Nike Football (Soccer) (@nikefootball)

Top athletes like Lebron James, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Serena Williams, Marcus Rashford MBE, and Christiano Ronaldo endorse the brand, appealing to a much wider demographic.

Overall, Nike has a very clear, concise, and no-nonsense approach to its marketing which stands cohesive with its brand image. 

Nike’s Influencer Marketing Strategies

Nike is one of the many brands that has actively utilized the power and reach of celebrities to promote the brand right from the start. Hence, they have always been aware of the influence of those select few who can take the brand to the next level.

The type of marketing that involves onboarding celebrities or social media influencers to promote the products of a business to their respective fan base is called influencer marketing . The system of payment between the influencer and the business client can vary accordingly from freebies, benefits, and memberships to financial payments and sponsorships.

The Lebron XX. These aren’t your father’s shoes. Well, unless you’re Bronny. #LeBronXX 👑🕰️ pic.twitter.com/Pvb16JscuD — Nike (@Nike) November 2, 2022
Thank you, Sue 💛 We partnered with @nike and friends to celebrate @S10Bird ’s epic career. pic.twitter.com/FrfNwFDcPU — TOGETHXR (@togethxr) August 7, 2022

Nike believes in the “Pyramid Spillover” approach which means that the athletes who endorse the brand influence consumers and also reflect the image of the brand.

And this belief can be seen in most of Nike’s ad campaigns which involve top athletes from different sports and games.

Nike has also collaborated with other well-known personalities like Drake, Kanye West, J Balvin, Anna Wintour , and so on.

From Steve Prefontaine and Michael Jordan to Rafael Nadal and Tiger woods , Nike has a checklist of traits that it actively seeks out in its ambassadors.

Roger Federer & Rafael Nadal Nike's influencer strategies

And so far, all have proved to be immensely successful.

Due to its brand value and legacy, Nike does not pay social media influencers to promote its products. These influencers do reviews and unboxings of Nike products to gain traction for their accounts and all the brand has to do is permit them.

Overall Nike has a fully optimized influencer marketing strategy which has facilitated not only sustaining its brand value but also enhancing it.

Nike’s E-commerce Strategies

A successful e-commerce strategy facilitates a wide reach and more revenue generation. And before the pandemic, Nike had optimized its e-commerce strategy which was based on the “Triple Double strategy” . This strategy involved doubling the efforts and focusing along three lines, innovation, speed, and direct contact with consumers.

Since 2017, Nike shifted their focus from solely catering to the wholesale needs of retailers to directly supplying shoes to consumers in the retail category.

And hence, they began reducing their dependence on departmental stores and directly connecting with buyers online. This was the start of their innovative e-commerce strategy.

They developed their channel of communication to ensure the best experience for their customers. They stopped selling on Amazon in 2019 and decided to go with only 40 strategic retailers and maximize their sales on their e-commerce platform .

With a highly efficient app and website , they cater to every need of the consumer to ensure maximum lead generation and conversions.

Keeping consumers engaged in between their purchases is crucial to retaining them in the long run. And Nike continued with product launches even during the pandemic to maximize their sales by analyzing consumer behavior and relevant data. A great example of their strategy and innovation was their launch of active maternity wear in 2020 to cater to a unique clientele.

Similar to Apple, Nike has built an efficient ecosystem that facilitates consumers to step into the business from several entry points.

Their training apps and running cubs are a few of these entry points. This is a great strategy to optimize e-commerce while expanding their demographic.

Overall, Nike is one of the leaders in successful e-commerce strategy which has enabled it to not only reach out to a versatile demographic but also grow its business exponentially.

Nike’s App Strategies

Nike’s app strategy is very clear. They believe that a unique and unforgettable experience needs to be provided in both mobile shopping and traditional stores.

So, to optimize their mobile apps, they have ensured quick download and installation followed by an easy registration process.

They have a multi-app approach to ensure each of their categories receives the attention and focus they need to expand and generate revenue.

Nike's App Strategies

Their apps are compact and designed to bear less load. They have a clear and simple inventory display which allows consumers to navigate effortlessly and make their purchases.

Nike has introduced built-in tracking systems that allow the app to collect user data which is then analyzed and implemented at every stage of the design process and marketing.

And lastly, they create unique experiences and a sense of exclusivity which can be seen in the launch strategy of their app exclusively for sneakerheads . They focus on a narrow consumer pool for such launches and build on the traction received from the exclusive clientele.

Overall, their app strategy is unique and holistic that ensuring the brand is optimized at all levels efficiently.

Nike’s Content Marketing Strategies

Content marketing is a very powerful tool that facilitates customer retention and also quality lead generation. It refers to the concept of creating unique and engaging content in the form of videos, blogs, commercials, podcasts, etc, and promoting that on different mediums.

It reflects the brand value and is extremely valuable for engaging customers in between their purchases and ensuring that your brand is memorable.

Nike has effective content marketing strategies that consist of immersive social media posts and challenges, engaging blogs, and even video content on trivia about the brand and also their stand on certain topics of importance like equality, discrimination, and so on.

Their content strategy relies on powerful storytelling that pays homage to raw human emotions.

Their content is inspirational and aims at motivating and encouraging people to practice a healthy lifestyle and stay resilient in tough times.

Overall, their content marketing strategy is inclusive and well-rounded and perfectly bridges a unique gap. It balances what Nike wishes to achieve as a brand and what the audience finds interesting and engaging.

1. What is Nike doing to improve its digital marketing strategies for the next two years?

Nike has recently focused on improving its digital marketing strategies by investing in data analytics and personalization technologies to better understand and target its customers. The company has also increased its social media presence and launched innovative campaigns such as the Nike Run Club app and the Nike Training Club app to engage customers and promote its products.

2. What digital marketing strategies does Nike use?

Nike uses a variety of digital marketing strategies including social media marketing, email marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and online advertising . They also invest in creating engaging and interactive websites and mobile apps to improve customer experience and drive sales. Nike’s digital marketing campaigns often focus on storytelling , inspiring and motivating their audience with powerful messages and relatable content.

3. What is Nike doing to stay ahead of the curve in digital marketing?

Nike is leveraging technology and innovation to stay ahead of the curve in digital marketing. They are investing in data analytics to better understand their customers and personalize their marketing messages. Additionally, Nike is exploring new technologies such as augmented reality and virtual reality to enhance the customer experience and create unique marketing campaigns.

Nike has been operating for decades and hence has built up quite a few strengths through years of innovation and testing.

One of Nike’s biggest strengths is the clarity it has in its brand image and value. This facilitates the creation of well-planned marketing strategies to produce beneficial results.

Nike has a very loyal customer base, high-profile celebrity endorsements that are not superficial but genuine, and its focus on sustainability are some of the factors that give Nike an edge over its competitors.

A versatile inventory and product category list, trained professionals and experts, low manufacturing cost, support from the black community, and a high market share value are some of the other factors that strengthen Nike’s brand image.

With strengths come weaknesses and Nike has its share of those. Debts and arrears which are yet to be paid, lack of labor regulations in foreign manufacturing units, market share of retailers, internal conflicts within the brand, dependence on the US consumer base, and lack of a diversified category are some of the weaknesses that Nike needs to overcome.

Nike has several brilliant opportunities to further expand and grow. Prioritizing the retail sector over wholesale, diversifying their product inventory, and embracing new and exciting technological advancements and tools in their product development and marketing are great ways to further drive their brand toward success.

Fun Fact: Learning about the  latest marketing case studies , and strategies   of brands  will provide you with an edge over your competitors. And this edge is extremely beneficial in the long run.

Implementing innovative and creative marketing strategies also facilitates expansion and better revenue generation.

Nike also experiences severe competition from other similar brands. This dilutes the quality and flow of traffic to their site, thereby impacting sales and revenue.

Fake products and dupes divert leads and prevent conversions and sales. Budgeting issues, foreign exchange issues, and disputes over patents and authenticity drain energy and resources.

Overall, Nike has a well-rounded and cohesive marketing strategy that aims at inspiring consumers.

It has an engaging and interactive approach to its strategies and ensures a clear representation of its brand image in all its marketing endeavors.

Nike has grown tremendously over the last 5+ decades and will continue to do so.

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Written By Digital Scholar

Digital Scholar is a premier agency-styled digital marketing institute in India. Which offers an online digital marketing course and a free digital marketing course worldwide to elevate their digital skills and become industry experts. Digital Scholar is headed by Sorav Jain and co-founder Rishi Jain, who are pioneers in the field of digital marketing. Digital Scholar’s blogs touch upon numerous aspects of digital marketing and help you get intensive ideas of different domains of digital marketing.

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What Digital Advertising Gets Wrong

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Too often, ads end up targeting people who would buy the product anyway.

Digital ads look way more effective than they are because they’re sold on the number of people who buy after clicking on them. Most of these people are likely to buy anyway, without an ad’s prompt. You can reduce the amount you spend on ads and get more sales from the ones you make if they’re targeted at people who aren’t already your customers.

The effectiveness of digital ads is wildly oversold. A large-scale study of ads on eBay found that brand search ad effectiveness was overestimated by up to 4,100%. A similar analysis of Facebook ads threw up a number of 4,000%. For all the data we have, it seems like companies still don’t have an answer to a question first posed by the famous 19th century retailer John Wanamaker : Which half of my company’s advertising budget is wasted?

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  • Sinan Aral is the David Austin Professor of Management, Marketing, IT, and Data Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, director of the MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy, and author of The Hype Machine: How Social Media Disrupts our Elections, our Economy and our Health — and How We Must Adapt .  

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