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Case Study Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Sorting Materials into Groups

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[Download] Case Study Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Sorting Materials into Groups

Here we are providing case study or passage-based questions for class 6 science chapter 4 Sorting Materials into Groups.

Case Study/Passage Based Questions

A list of objects is given as following: On the basis of this list of objects answer the following questions. A chair, a bullock cart, a cycle, a shirt, a rubber ball, a football, a glass marble, an apple, and orange. 1. The number of round objects in the list are (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 7 2. The number of articles made of wood are (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 5 3. The number of eatable articles are (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

We know that materials differ in some of their properties and they may also be similar in some of their properties. Materials can be grouped on the basis of similarities or differences in their properties. 1. Why we group materials in everyday life? (a) We consider it essential (b) We group them for our convenience (c) We group them as it is interesting (d) None of the above is correct 2. Which of the following materials can be placed into same group? (a) Books, shirt, table, newspaper (b) Books, notebooks, newspaper, calendar (c) Shirt, shoes, handkerchief, plate (d) All of these 3. Which of the following items, can be grouped as edible? (a) Refined oils (b) Kerosene oil (c) Beauty soaps (d) None of these

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What is case study question for class 6 science.

Case study or passage-based questions in class 6 Science typically require students to read a given scenario or passage and answer questions based on the information provided. These questions assess students’ comprehension, analytical thinking, and application of scientific concepts. Here is an example of case study or passage-based questions for class 6 Science:

Passage: Rahul conducted an experiment to investigate how different liquids affect the rusting of iron nails. He placed four iron nails in four separate beakers containing water, vinegar, oil, and saltwater. After one week, he observed the nails and recorded his observations.

a) What is the purpose of Rahul’s experiment?

b) Compare and contrast the appearance of the iron nails in each beaker after one week.

Best Ways to Prepare for Case Study Questions

To develop a strong command on class 6 Science case study questions, you can follow these steps:

  • Read the textbook and study materials: Familiarize yourself with the concepts and topics covered in your class 6 Science curriculum. Read the textbook thoroughly and take notes on important information.
  • Practice analyzing case studies: Look for case studies or passages related to class 6 Science topics. Analyze the given information, identify key details, and understand the context of the situation.
  • Develop comprehension skills: Focus on improving your reading comprehension skills. Practice reading passages or articles and try to summarize the main points or extract relevant information. Pay attention to details, vocabulary, and the overall structure of the passage.
  • Understand scientific concepts: Ensure that you have a solid understanding of the scientific concepts discussed in class. Review the fundamental principles and theories related to each topic.
  • Make connections: Try to connect the information provided in the case study to the concepts you have learned in class. Identify any cause-effect relationships, patterns, or relevant scientific principles that apply to the situation.
  • Practice critical thinking: Develop your critical thinking skills by analyzing and evaluating the information given in the case study. Think logically, consider multiple perspectives, and draw conclusions based on the evidence provided.
  • Solve practice questions: Look for practice questions or sample case study questions specifically designed for class 6 Science. Solve these questions to apply your knowledge, practice your analytical skills, and familiarize yourself with the format of case study questions.
  • Seek clarification: If you come across any challenging concepts or have doubts, don’t hesitate to ask your teacher for clarification. Understanding the underlying principles will help you tackle case study questions effectively.

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Extra Questions – Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Sorting Materials Into Groups

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Extra Questions – Sorting Materials into Groups Chapter 4 Class 6 Science

Deepen your understanding of material classification with these additional questions for Class 6 Science, specifically designed for Chapter 4, “Sorting Materials Into Groups.” These important questions for class 6 science chapter 4 are tailored to enhance your learning experience and are aligned with the NCERT and CBSE syllabus .

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These extra questions are created to reinforce the concepts discussed in your NCERT textbook . They will help you think critically about the properties of different materials and why they are grouped in specific ways. For example, you can explore why metals are lustrous or why plastics are grouped separately from wood.

These CBSE class 6 Science chapter 4 extra questions are ideal for exam preparation or class reviews. They will help you test your knowledge and prepare more effectively for assessments. By engaging with these questions, you can build a stronger foundation in science, making you more confident and ready for more complex topics in future classes.

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CBSE Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Extra Questions Answers

Below are the topics wise extra questions for class 6 Science chapter 4

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Objects around us

Question 1. What is meant by classification?

Answer: Classification refers to the process of grouping or categorizing things based on their similar or contrasting qualities or properties.

Question 2. What is the importance of classification?

Answer: Classification is essential for several reasons:

  • Identifying objects
  • Categorizing objects
  • Locating objects
  • Recognizing similarities and differences among objects
  • Facilitating and enhancing the study of items

Question 3. Why is mercury used in the production of thermometers?

Answer: Mercury is utilized in making thermometers because it is a liquid at room temperature, an excellent heat conductor, and its lustrous nature makes it easy to read the temperature displayed by the mercury level.

Question 4. On what basis can various objects be grouped?

Answer: Distinct objects can be grouped together based on the following characteristics:

  • Solubility in water
  • Heat conduction
  • Transparency, etc.

Question 5. What is the significance of grouping objects?

Answer: Grouping objects helps in organizing them in a logical order, making them easier to manage and understand their properties. It also facilitates comparison between two objects when they are grouped together.

Question 6. How does grouping objects benefit a shopkeeper?

Answer: Grouping objects makes it easier for a shopkeeper to work efficiently. By organizing items on distinct shelves, he can quickly locate items when customers ask for them. If items were randomly placed, it would be difficult for him to find them quickly.

Question 7. Name the materials used to make the following items: Shoes, chair, coins, utensils, clothes.

  • Shoes: Leather, rubber, plastic, canvas
  • Chair: Wood, metal, plastic, concrete
  • Coins: Copper, silver, gold
  • Utensils: Iron, copper, aluminium
  • Clothes: Cotton, wool, silk, rayon, nylon.

Question 8. Name four materials that can be used to make school bags.

Answer: Cloth (cotton, jute, nylon, etc.), plastic, metal, or alloy.

Question 9. List three solutions commonly used in households.

Answer: Salt solution, sugar solution, lime juice, etc.

Question 10. Why is water essential for our body?

Answer: Water is vital for the body as it can dissolve a wide range of compounds and is a crucial component of our body’s cells.

Properties of Materials – Sorting Materials into Groups Extra Questions

Question 1. List five opaque and transparent materials.

Answer: Opaque materials:

Transparent materials:

  • Cellophane plastic

Question 2. List five objects made from transparent materials.

  • Conical flask
  • Glass doors

Question 3. List five transparent liquids.

  • Hydrochloric acid

Question 4. List five objects made from opaque materials.

  • Wooden furniture

Question 5. Why is water called the universal solvent?

Answer: Water is termed the universal solvent due to its ability to dissolve a wide range of compounds.

Question 6. List three liquids miscible in water.

  • Soft drinks

Question 7. List three liquids immiscible in water.

  • Kerosene oil

Question 8. State conditions when pure water can lose transparency.

Answer: Pure water loses transparency when it cools and condenses into ice, which is not transparent.

Question 9. List substances soluble and insoluble in water.

Answer: Water-soluble substances: Salt, sugar. Water-insoluble substances: Sand, paint, chilli powder, desi ghee, blotting paper.

Question 10. Demonstrate the solubility of substances in water.

Answer: Fill six test tubes with water. Add a pinch of each substance to separate test tubes. Shake and observe. Common salt, sugar, and washing soda dissolve, while chalk powder, iodine, and sand do not.

Question 11. Describe a method to prove water’s transparency.

Answer: Mark a symbol on a white sheet. Place a beaker over the mark and observe. Fill the beaker with water and observe again. The mark remains visible, demonstrating water’s transparency.

Question 12. Why is a tumbler not made of cloth?

Answer: A tumbler is not made of cloth because it needs to hold liquids, which cloth cannot do effectively.

Question 13. Explain rough and smooth surfaces.

Answer: Rough surface: Uneven surfaces or ridged materials like coal. Smooth surface: Plain and even surfaces like marble.

Question 14. Name two gases soluble and insoluble in water.

Answer: Soluble: Oxygen and carbon dioxide. Insoluble: Hydrogen and nitrogen.

Question 15. List four properties of materials.

  • Solubility or insolubility
  • Float or buoyancy
  • Transparency

Question 16. What are the similarities between iron, copper, and aluminium?

  • They are all lustrous.
  • They are all metals.
  • They are hard.

NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science All Chapters

  • Chapter 1 Food: Where Does It Come From?
  • Chapter 2 Components of Food
  • Chapter 3 Fibre to Fabric
  • Chapter 4 Sorting Materials Into Groups
  • Chapter 5 Separation of Substances
  • Chapter 6 Changes Around Us
  • Chapter 7 Getting to Know Plants
  • Chapter 8 Body Movements
  • Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings
  • Chapter 10 Motion and Measurement of Distances
  • Chapter 11 Light, Shadows, and Reflection
  • Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits
  • Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets
  • Chapter 14 Water
  • Chapter 15 Air Around Us
  • Chapter 16 Garbage In, Garbage Out

Objective Type Questions – Extra Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4

Question 1. Match the following items given in Column A with that in Column B:

Question 2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

  • Grouping of things is done for ………….. .
  • Classification is done on the basis of some ……………. and ………… .
  • A thing can be made of different ……………. .
  • Different materials can be used to make ……………. .
  • Mustard oil is ……………….. in water.
  • A sugar syrup is a ……………….. .
  • Blue Vitriol (Neela though) is ……………… in water.
  • Sand is ……………. in water.
  • Lemon juice is ………………… in water.
  • …………………. substances are those through which we can easily see.
  • Materials which conduct heat quickly are called …………………….. of heat.
  • Iron is a …………… material.
  • Grouping of things is done for organization .
  • Classification is done on the basis of some similarities and differences .
  • A thing can be made of different materials .
  • Different materials can be used to make the same object .
  • Mustard oil is immiscible in water.
  • A sugar syrup is a solution .
  • Blue Vitriol (Neela though) is soluble in water.
  • Sand is insoluble in water.
  • Lemon juice is miscible in water.
  • Transparent substances are those through which we can easily see.
  • Materials which conduct heat quickly are called conductors of heat.
  • Iron is a natural material.

Question 3. State whether the statements given below are True or False:

  • Grouping is a useful process.
  • All objects are made up of same kind of materials.
  • Things can be grouped on the basis of their shape and size.
  • Different types of materials have different properties.
  • Same thing can be made from different materials.
  • Things made of gold and aluminium have no lustre.
  • Use of a material depends on its properties and the purpose for which it is to be used. ,
  • A looking mirror or thing made of metals are smooth to touch.
  • All materials can be felt by one or more of our senses.
  • The amount of matter in any object is called its weight.
  • The materials which do not allow light to pass through them are called opaque,
  • The materials which conduct heat very slowly are called non-conductor of heat.

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Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Extra Questions MCQs

Question 4. Choose the correct option in the following questions:

(i) What makes the basis of sorting materials into groups?

(a) Similarities in their properties (b) Differences in their properties (c) Both similarities and differences in their properties (d) All of these

Answer: (c) Materials are grouped on the basis of similarities and dissimilarities.

(ii) Which one will show a metallic lustre?

(a) Any surface of a metal (b) Freshly cut surface of a metal (c) Freshly cut surface of non-metal (d) Surfaces of all materials

Answer: (b) Metals when cut, their freshly cut surface shine.

(iii) An oily thin paper sheet will be

(a) transparent (b) translucent (c) opaque (d) cannot be predicted

Answer: (b) Only a part of the light passes through it.

(iv) Purpose of sorting material into groups is

(a) to study their properties (b) convenience (c) both (a) and (b) (d) inconvenience

Answer: (c) Materials are grouped for our convenience and to study their properties.

(v) Which is a set of transparent materials?

(a) Glass and air (b) Water and glass (c) Water and air (d ) All of these

Answer: (cl) Glass, air and water, all are transparent.

(vi) Choose the opaque object from the following:

(a) Charcoal (b) Air (c) Glass (d) Water

Answer: (a) Except charcoal, all three will allow the light to pass.

(vii) Which one of the following is not soluble in water?

(a) Turmeric powder (b) Common salt (c) Alum (d) All are soluble

Answer: (a) Only turmeric powder is not soluble in water.

(viii) Which object shines?

(a) Plastic toy (b) Cotton shirt (c) Steel spoon (d) Stone piece

Answer: (c) Steel spoon is a metallic object while all others are non-metals.

(ix) Which of the following has reddish-brown colour?

(a) Gold (b) Copper (c) Iron (d) Brass

Answer: (c) Iron has a reddish-brown colour.

(x) Which one of the following is insoluble in water?

(a) Alcohol (6) Sodium chloride (c) Coconut oil (d) Sugar Answer: (c) Coconut oil is insoluble in water.

FAQs on Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Extra Questions

What is the name of chapter 4 in class 6 science.

Chapter 4 in Class 6 science is titled Sorting Materials Into Groups. It teaches students how to classify different materials.

What is one word for sorting materials into groups in Class 6?

A single word to describe sorting materials into groups in Class 6 science is Classification.

Why is sorting in Class 6 important?

Sorting in Class 6 is important because it helps students understand the properties of different materials, making it easier to study and use them effectively.

Where to get Class 6 science Chapter 4 extra question answers?

You can find extra questions and answers for Class 6 Science Chapter 4 on educational platforms like Infinity Learn, which offer comprehensive study materials tailored to the CBSE syllabus.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Sorting Materials Into Groups

NCERT Solutions For Class 6 Science Chapter 4 have been provided below for CBSE Class 6 students. Interested students can check the complete NCERT solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4 on this page

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case study questions for class 6 science chapter 4

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4: NCERT Solutions For Class 6 Science Chapter 4 aims to help students grasp the concepts outlined in Sorting Materials into Groups, in accordance with the CBSE syllabus. This material is crucial for those preparing for the CBSE Class 6 annual examination. The answers in these solutions, crafted by experts at PhysicsWallah, assist students in resolving queries related to Sorting Materials into Groups. The responses offer a strong foundation by providing detailed explanations to the textbook’s exercise questions in simple language.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Overview

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science play a vital role in scoring well in the Class 6 examination and easing comprehension of advanced topics in higher classes. Accessible both online and offline, these solutions are excellent study resources. They cover topics like objects around us, different types of materials, their properties such as hardness and opacity, similarities and differences between materials, and the significance of grouping materials.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Sorting Materials into Groups, is comprehensively explained in the NCERT Solutions, ensuring a solid understanding. These solutions, crafted by subject experts, can be valuable for school exams and olympiads. PhysicsWallah’s NCERT Solutions are regularly updated to align with the latest syllabus, ensuring students focus on the most recent content.

NCERT Solutions For Class 6 Science Chapter 4 delves into the details of objects around us, different types of materials, and their properties.

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Exercise Questions

1. Name five objects which can be made from wood.

2. Select those objects which shine from the following:

Glass bowl, steel spoon, plastic toy, cotton shirt

Glass bowls and steel spoons are the objects which shine.

3. Match the objects given below with the materials from which they could be made. Remember, an object could be made from more than one material, and a given material could be used for making many objects.

4. State whether the statements given below are True or False.

(i) Stone is transparent, while glass is opaque.

(ii) A notebook has lustre while an eraser does not.

(iii) Chalk dissolves in water.

(iv) A piece of wood floats on water.

(v) Sugar does not dissolve in water.

(vi) Oil mixes with water.

(vii) Sand settles down in the water.

(viii) Vinegar dissolves in water.

5. Given below are the names of some objects and materials:

Water, basketball, orange, sugar, globe, apple and earthen pitcher. Group them as:

(a) Round shaped and other shapes

(b) Eatables and non-eatables

(a) Round shaped – Basketball, Orange, Globe, Apple, Earthen Pitcher

Other shapes – Water, Sugar

(b) Eatables – Water, Orange, Sugar, Apple

Non-eatables – Basketball, Globe, Earthen Pitcher

6. List all items known to you that float on water. Check and see if they will float on oil or kerosene.

A few items that float on water are as follows:

1. Sponge’s piece

2. Plastic bottle

3. Paper’s piece

4. Thermocol’s piece

6. Plastic ball

However, these items will not float on oil or kerosene.

7. Find the odd one out from the following:

a) Table, Bed, Baby, Chair, Cupboard

b) Rose, Boat, Lotus, Jasmine, Marigold

c) Aluminum, Copper, Iron, Sand, Silver

d) Sugar, Sand, Salt, Copper Sulphate

a) Baby – others are made up of wood

b) Boat – others are flowers

c) Sand – others are metals

d) Sand – others are soluble in water

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NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Sorting Materials Into Groups Topic-Wise Discussion

Here’s a topic-wise discussion for NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 4:

4.1 Things Around Us

NCERT Solutions for Class 6th Science Chapter 4 aim to assess what students already know about the things that are around us. The lesson primarily aims to show how to group these things. Students also learn how to organise things into different groups in this section. PhysicsWallah’s NCERT solutions highlight the methods and principles of sorting various things, helping students better understand them. When a thing is present, they can easily determine which category it belongs to.

4.2: Characteristics of Materials

In this part of Chapter 4, students can learn about the different characteristics of materials because things need to be categorised based on their characteristics. Things with similar characteristics are placed in a single group. Class 6 Science Chapter 4 NCERT Solutions mainly focus on things, their materials, their characteristics, and their purposes.

Without prior knowledge of the purpose of an item, we should not use the appropriate material to make it. Chapter 4 of Class 6 Science explains the concept of characteristics using a simple example that can be understood by sixth-grade students.

In CBSE Class 6 Science Chapter 4, students are encouraged to understand the first characteristic that helps in easily grouping objects – appearance. This visible trait, as explained in PhysicsWallah’s NCERT Solutions, includes examples like wood, iron, steel, plastic, etc. Students are also involved in activities where they collect various objects based on their appearance.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4 prioritise the use of sense organs to categorise objects. Moving on to the next characteristic, it is the hardness of the object. Students can comprehend this by simply touching the object. For instance, wood feels hard, while objects made of cloth or rubber feel soft. Using this understanding, students can group objects accordingly.

Soluble or Insoluble

As students explore different object properties in Chapter 4 of Class 6 Science using PhysicsWallah’s NCERT Solutions, another important aspect is solubility. The chapter guides students to test items by mixing them in water. If an item dissolves, it’s termed a solution, and if it doesn’t, it’s considered a nonsolution.

Objects may Float or Sink

This part requires careful attention from students, and the NCERT Solutions of Class 6 Science make efforts to clarify the distinction between these two properties. The chapter also introduces a visual aid method using photos to help students understand this concept.


In NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4, which focuses on sorting materials into groups, the last section enlightens students about transparent and opaque materials.

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4

Here are some of the main benefits of NCERT solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4:

1. Aligned with the Curriculum: NCERT solutions are designed to closely follow the curriculum prescribed by educational boards. This ensures that students receive information and guidance that is directly relevant to their academic syllabus.

2. Clear and Concise Explanations: NCERT solutions offer clear and concise explanations for each topic covered in the textbook. The language used is simple, making it easy for students to understand complex concepts.

3. Step-by-Step Solutions: Complex problems and questions are broken down into step-by-step solutions. This approach helps students understand the logical progression of solving a problem, enhancing their problem-solving skills.

4. Illustrative Diagrams and Examples: Visual aids, diagrams, and examples are often included in NCERT solutions to supplement textual explanations. This visual representation helps students develop a better understanding of the concepts and improves retention.

5. Correct and Authentic Information: NCERT solutions are known for providing accurate and authentic information. Students can rely on these solutions for correct answers and information, helping them build a strong foundation in the subject.

6. Exam-oriented Approach: NCERT solutions are crafted with an exam-oriented approach. This means that the content is structured to help students prepare for their examinations effectively. It covers key topics likely to be tested in exams.

7. Additional Practice Material: Apart from solving questions from the textbook, NCERT solutions often include additional practice questions and exercises. This supplementary material allows students to reinforce their understanding and practise more problems for better mastery of the subject.

8. Self-Assessment and Evaluation: NCERT solutions typically include self-assessment exercises and questions at the end of each chapter. This allows students to evaluate their understanding of the concepts covered and identify areas where they may need further clarification.

9. Encourages Self-study: With the help of NCERT solutions, students can engage in self-directed study. The clear explanations and structured format empower students to learn independently, fostering a sense of self-reliance and confidence.

10. Widely Accepted Resource: NCERT textbooks and solutions are widely accepted and recommended by educational boards across India. Many competitive exams also refer to NCERT textbooks, making these solutions a valuable resource for comprehensive learning.

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How to Prepare With NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4?

Preparing for Class 6 Science Chapter 4 with NCERT solutions involves a systematic and thorough approach to understand the concepts and principles covered in the chapter. Chapter 4 of the NCERT Science textbook for Class 6 is titled “Sorting Materials into Groups.” Here’s a detailed guide on how to prepare effectively:

1. Read the Chapter Thoroughly: Start by reading the entire Chapter 4 carefully. Understand the main concepts, definitions, and key points. Pay attention to the examples provided to illustrate different materials and their properties.

2. Highlight Important Points: As you read through the chapter, use a highlighter to mark important points, definitions, and examples. This will help you in quick revision before exams.

3. Understand the Concepts: Make sure you have a clear understanding of the concepts discussed in the chapter. If there are any terms or ideas that are unclear, refer to your class notes or additional resources to get a better grasp.

4. Solve NCERT Questions: After reading the chapter, solve the questions given at the end. NCERT questions are designed to test your understanding of the concepts. Attempt each question and cross-verify your answers with the solutions provided in the textbook.

5. Use NCERT Solutions: NCERT solutions are available at the end of each chapter in the textbook. Refer to these solutions to check the correctness of your answers. Understand the step-by-step solutions provided to improve your problem-solving skills.

6. Make a Summary: Create a summary of the chapter in your own words. This can be in the form of notes or a mind map. Summarising the chapter will help reinforce your understanding of the key concepts.

7. Practise Additional Questions: To enhance your problem-solving skills, practise additional questions related to the chapter. You can find extra questions in reference books or online platforms. This will expose you to a variety of problems and improve your ability to tackle different types of questions.

8. Discuss with Peers or Teachers: If you come across any doubts or difficulties, discuss them with your classmates or teachers. Group study sessions can be beneficial for gaining different perspectives and clarifying doubts.

9. Revise Regularly: Make a revision schedule and stick to it. Regular revision is crucial for retaining information. Use flashcards, summaries, or self-made quizzes to reinforce your memory.

10. Take Mock Tests: Practise mock tests to assess your preparation level. This will help you manage your time during the actual exam and identify areas that need further improvement.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4 FAQs

An object is a tangible item with mass and volume. Its properties include characteristics like colour, shape, size, and texture.

The chemical properties of an object refer to its behaviour in chemical reactions, such as reactivity with acids, flammability, and corrosion resistance.

Different materials can be sorted based on their physical properties, like density, hardness, and conductivity, or by their chemical properties, such as reactivity with specific substances.

The property of a material signifies its inherent characteristics, which can be either physical (e.g., density, melting point) or chemical (e.g., reactivity, combustibility).

Physical properties are inherent characteristics of a material that can be observed or measured without changing its chemical composition, such as colour, density, and conductivity.

Chemical properties describe how a substance interacts with other substances, including its reactivity, flammability, and ability to undergo chemical reactions.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Getting to Know Plants


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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Getting to Know Plants are available here. These solutions include answers to all exercise questions given in the NCERT textbook. NCERT solutions for class 6 science Chapter 4 contains various type of questions like match the following, fill in the blanks, MCQ and long answer questions.

All these solutions are prepared by expert teachers with detailed explanations of every important topic. It is important for the students to go through these NCERT solutions to get knowledge of the type of question asked in the chapter.

Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Getting to Know Plants Questions and Answers

Exercise Questions

Question 1. Correct the following statements and rewrite them in your notebook.

(a) Stem absorbs water and minerals from the soil.

(b) Leaves hold the plant upright.

(c) Roots conduct water to the leaves.

(d) The number of petals and stamens in a flower is always equal.

(e) If the sepals of a flower are joined together, its petals are also joined together.

(f) If the petals of a flower are joined together, then the pistil is joined to the petal.

Answer: (a) Roots absorbs water and minerals from the soil.

(b) Stem holds the plant upright.

(c) Stems conduct water to the leaves.

(d) The number of petals and stamens in a flower may not be always equal.

(e) If the sepals of a flower are joined together, its petals are separate.

(f) If the petals of a flower are joined together, then the pistil may or may not be joined to the petal.

Question 2: Draw (a) a leaf, (b) a taproot and (c) a flower, you have studied for Table 7.3.

Answer: (a) a leaf

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Getting to Know Plants image 1

(b) a taproot

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Getting to Know Plants image 2

(c) a flower

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Getting to Know Plants image 3

Question 3: Can you find a plant in your house or in your neighborhood, which has a long but a weak stem? Write its name. In which category would you classify it?

Answer: Money Plant has a ling but weak stem. It is a climber.

Question 4: What is the function of a stem in a plant?

 Answer: Functions of stem in a plant:

  • It holds the branches, leaves, flowers and fruits.
  • The stem transports water and minerals from roots to the upper parts.
  • It also transports the prepared food from leaves to other parts.

Question 5: Which of the following leaves have reticulate venation? Wheat, tulsi, maize, grass, coriander (dhania), China rose.

Answer: Tulsi, Coriander (Dhania) and China rose.

Question 6: If a plant has fibrous root, what type of venation do its leaves likely to have?

Answer: If a plant has fibrous root, its leaves have  parallel venation.

Question 7: If a plant has leaves with reticulate venation, what kind of roots will it have?

Answer: Taproot.

Question 8: Is it possible for you to recognize the leaves without seeing them? How?

Answer: Yes. We can identify the type of leaves by looking at its roots. Plants having leaves with reticulate venation have tap roots while plants having leaves with parallel venation have fibrous roots.

Question 9: Write the names of the parts of a flower.

Answer: The parts of a flower are sepals, petals, stamens and pistil.

Question 10: Which of the following plants have you seen? Of those that you have seen, which one have flowers

Grass, maize, wheat, chilli, tomato, tulsi, pipal, shisham, banyan, mango, jamun, guava, pomegranate, papaya, banana, lemon, sugarcane, potato, groundnut,

Answer : We have seen the following plants:

Grass, maize, wheat, chilli, tomato, tulsi, pipal, banyan, mango, jamun, guava, papaya, banana, lemon, sugarcane, potato.

Plants having flowers:

Maize, wheat, chilli, tomato, tulsi, pipal, shisham, banyan, mango, jamun, guava, pomegranate, papaya, banana, lemon, potato.

Question 11: Name the part of the plant which produces its food. Name this process.

Answer: Leaves produce food for plant with the process of photosynthesis.

Question 12: In which part of a flower, you are likely to find the ovary?

Answer: Ovary is located in the lowermost and swollen part of the pistil of flower.

Question 13: Name two flowers, each with joined and separated sepals.

Answer: Plants with joined sepals: Datura and Tomato flower. Plants with separated sepals: Lotus and Rose.

Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Getting to Know Plants Extra Questions

Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Getting to Know Plants From Extra Questions section includes multiple choice questions (MCQs), short and answer type questions etc. All these questions are very important from examination point of view.

Extra Questions

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

(i) Which is an example of a shrub?

(a) Spinach (b) Mango tree (c) Tomato plant (d) Lemon

Answer: (d) Lemon

(ii) Which of the following type of plants has thick, hard and woody stem?

(a) Tree (b) Shrub (c) Herb (d) All of these

Answer: (a) Tree

(iii) Which is not a part of a leaf?

(a) Petiole (b) Lamina (c) Veins (d) Nodes

Answer: (d) Nodes

(iv) parallel venation is not found in

(a) sugarcane (b) peepal (c) maize (d) wheat

Answer: (b) peepal

(v) Which one of the following is a function of leaves?

(a) Photosynthesis (b) Transpiration (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Support fruits

Answer: (c) Both (a) and (b)

(vi) Leaf venation and type of root is correctly paired in

(a) parallel venation, fibrous roots (b) parallel venation, taproot (c) no relation exists in leaf venation and type of roots (d) reticulate venation, fibrous roots

Answer: (a) parallel venation, fibrous roots

(vii) Male reproductive part of flower is

(a) sepals (b) petals (c) stamens (d) pistil

Answer: (c) stamens

(viii) Which is a correct set of parts of a pistil?

(a) Ovary, style and filament (b) Ovary style and stigma (c) Ovary, anther and filament (d) Filament and anther

Answer: (d) Filament and anther

(ix) Which of the following has fibrous root?

(a) Peas (b) Wheat (c) Radish (d) Neem

Answer: (b) Wheat

(x) The process of loss of water by a plant through leaves is called (a) evaporation (b) condensation (c) photosynthesis (d) transpiration

Answer: (d) transpiration

Short Type Questions and Answers

Question 1. What are herbs?

Answer: The small plants with soft/tender, green, short stem are called herbs. Herbs hardly attain height more than 1.5 metres. Their stems are not woody and can be bent. A herb may or may not have branches, e.g., tomato, mint, paddy, etc.

Question 2. Write the differences between a shrub and a tree, based on the properties of the stem. Answer:

Question 3. From the members of the various groups given below, find the odd one out.

  • Coriander (dhania), mint (pudina), jamun, grass.
  • Rose, mehndi, guava, morepankh.
  • Jamun (Jamun is a tree while others are herbs).
  • Guava (Guava is a tree while others are shrubs).

Question 4. What are climbers and creepers? Give some examples.

Answer: In some plants like grape vines, money plant, bean stalk, gourd plants, etc., the stem is so weak that it cannot hold it straight. They either stand up with some support or they just spread on the ground. In the first condition, the plants are called climbers and in second condition, they are called creepers or runners.

Question 7. Pitcher plant has green leaves which can prepare food by photosynthesis then why does it eat insects?

Answer: Pitcher plant eats insects to get nitrogenous compounds which it neither synthesizes nor can absorb from the soil.

Question 8. What are weeds?

Answer: The unwanted plants that grow in the field with the main crops or in their surroundings are called weeds. Weeds are the plants which are not grown by the farmers, e.g., grass.

Question 9. What is a stem?

Answer: The part of the plant which generally grows above the ground level and bears leaves, flowers and fruits is called a stem.

Question 10. Do you agree that stem is like a two way street?

Answer: Yes. Stem carries the water absorbed by the roots to the leaves and also the food prepared by the leaves to the roots

Question 11. What are the modification of stem?

Answer: Stem is modified to perform certain special functions:

  • Storage of food
  • Storage of water
  • Provide support
  • To make food
  • Multiplication or reproduction.

Question 12. What are nodes and internodes?

Answer: Nodes: The point where the leaf arises on the stem. They are attached to the stem by a stalk. Internodes: The portion of the stem between the two nodes.

Question 13. Define petiole and lamina.

Answer: The part of leaf which is attached to the stem is called petiole and the broad green part of the leaf is called lamina.

Question 14. What are veins?

Answer: There are some lines on the leaf called veins.

Question 15. What is midrib?

Answer: There is a thick vein in the middle of the leaf called midrib.

Question 16. Why are leaves generally green?

Answer: The green colour of leaves is because of the presence of chlorophyll.

Question 17. What are the modifications seen in a pitcher plant?

Answer: In a pitcher plant, the lamina is modified into a pitcher and apex into its lid.

Question 18. What are lateral roots?

Answer: The smaller roots that grow on the main taproot are called lateral roots.

Question 19. How do you identify the root system of a plant without pulling it out of soil?

Answer: By looking at the venation of the leaves, we can identify the root system of a plants. Plants with leaves having parallel venation have fibrous root and leaves having reticulate venation have taproot.

Question 20. What is a fruit? How does it differ from a seed?

Answer: After fertilization, the ovary of the flower gets stimulated by the action of seed and forms the fruits, like mango, orange, etc. Embryo surrounded by a hard wall is called the seed.

Question 21. Write the functions of sepals and petals.

Answer: Functions of sepals: Sepals protect the inner parts of flower when it is a bud. Function of petals: Petals attract the insects which are the agencies of pollination by colour and fragrance.

Question 22. In what sequence does a plant bear? Seed, Flower, Fruit.

Answer: A plant bears first flowers, then seeds and in the last fruits.

Question 23. Write the names of reproductive parts of a flower.

Answer: The reproductive parts of a flower are:

Question 24. What do you mean by a complete and an incomplete flower?

Answer: The flower with all whorls, i.e., sepals, petals, stamen and carpel in it is a complete flower. If anyone of these is absent in a flower, it is called an incomplete flower.

Long Type Questions and Answers

Question 1. Do all flowers have four separate whorls? Does any flower have more than four whorls? If so, write its name.

Answer: No. Some flowers have some additional whorls than others. Sometimes some of these whorls may even be absent. For example:

  • In Gudhal, an additional whorl of epicalyx is found.
  • In unisexual flowers, either stamen or pistil is absent.

Question 2. Do all flowers have the same parts and are they arranged in the same way?

Answer: The flowers of different species of plants are different. The number of petals and sepals are different in different flowers. Some of the flowers have stamens and some flowers have only pistil, others have both. Sepals may be connected with petals in some cases; but in other cases, these may be separated. Thus, the properties of flowers are different.

Question 3. Why roots are modified?

Answer: Certain plants have modified roots to perform specific functions:

  • Storage roots, e.g., carrot, radish
  • Supporting roots, e.g., banyan, rubber
  • Climbing roots, e.g., money plant
  • Parasitic roots, e.g., dodder
  • Breathing roots, e.g., mangroves.

Question 4. Explain the difference between taproots and fibrous roots.

Question 5. What are the main functions of roots?

Answer: Main functions of roots are:

  • Roots absorb water and minerals from soil for the other parts of the plants.
  • Roots hold the plant firmly to the soil.
  • Some roots transform to store food, e.g., radish.
  • Roots of leguminous plants contain symbiotic bacteria which add the fertility of soil by fixing atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates.

Question 6. What do you mean by

  • leaf venation
  • reticulate venation, and
  • parallel venation?
  • Leaf venation: The design made by veins in a leaf is called leaf venation.
  • Reticulate venation: If the design is net-like on both sides of midrib, the venation is called reticulate venation.
  • Parallel venation: In the leaves of grass, the veins are parallel to one another. This is called parallel venation.

Question 7. Explain the main functions of leaf.

Answer: There are following two main functions of leaf:

  • Transpiration: The extra water comes out of the leaves through stomata in the form of vapour. This process is called transpiration.
  • Photosynthesis: The process by which leaves prepare their food from water and carbon dioxide in the presence of sunlight and a green-coloured substance i.e., chlorophyll is called photosynthesis.

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Case Study Questions Class 6 Science The Living Organisms Characteristics and Habitats

Case study questions class 6 science chapter 9 the living organisms characteristics and habitats.

CBSE Class 6 Case Study Questions Science The Living Organisms Characteristics and Habitats. Important Case Study Questions for Class 6 Board Exam Students. Here we have arranged some Important Case Base Questions for students who are searching for Paragraph Based Questions The Living Organisms Characteristics and Habitats.

At Case Study Questions there will given a Paragraph. In where some Important Questions will made on that respective Case Based Study. There will various types of marks will given 1 marks, 2 marks, 3 marks, 4 marks.

CBSE Case Study Questions Class 6 Science The Living Organisms Characteristics and Habitats

Case study 1.

In the sea, plants and animals aresurrounded by saline (salty) water. Mostof them use the air dissolved in water.There is very little water available inthe desert. It is very hot in the day timeand very cold at night in the desert. Theanimals and plants of the desert live onthe desert soil and breathe air from thesurroundings.The sea and the desert are verydifferent surroundings and we find verydifferent kind of plants and animals inthese two region. Let us lookat two very different kind of organismsfrom the desert and the sea – a cameland a fish. The body structure of a camelhelps it to survive in desert conditions.Camels have long legs which help to keep their bodies away from the heat of the sand. They excrete small amount of urine, their dung is dry and they do not sweat. Since camels losevery little water from their bodies, theycan live for many days without water.

Let us look at different kinds of fish.The thing that is common in all fishis their streamlined shape, which helps them move inside water. Fish have slippery scales on their bodies. These scales protect the fish and also help in easy movement through water. Fish have flat fins and tails that help them to change directions and keep their body balance in water. Gills present in the fish help them to use oxygen dissolved in water.

Que. 1) What help fish to change their directions in water?

(b) Flat fins

(d) Both (b) and (c)

Que. 2) In water, plants and animals use theair that is dissolved in water.

Que. 3) Fish breathe through their …………………………………………………………………………………….…. .

(d) None of the above

Que. 4) Describe the features that enable camels to survive in desert conditions?

Que. 5) How the presence of Scaleshelp fish to live underwater?

Que. 1. d) Both (b) and (c)

Que. 2. a) True

Que. 3. c) Grills

Que. 4) Answer: The body structure of a camel helps it to survive in desert conditions. Camels have long legs which help to keep their bodies away from the heat of the sand. They excrete small amount of urine, their dung is dry and they do not sweat. Since camels lose very little water from their bodies, they can live for many days without water.

Que. 5) Answer: Fish have slippery scales on their bodies. These scales protect the fish and also help in easy movement through water.

Case study 2

The place where organisms live iscalled habitat. Habitat means a dwellingplace (a home). The habitat provides food, water, air, shelter and other needsto organisms. Several kinds of plants and animals live in the same habitat.The plants and animals that live onland are said to live in terrestrialhabitats. Some examples of terrestrialhabitats are forests, grasslands, deserts,coastal and mountain regions. On theother hand, the habitats of plants and animals that live in water are called aquatic habitats. Lakes, rivers and oceans are some examples of aquatic habitats. There are large variations among terrestrial habitats like forests, grasslands, deserts, coastal and mountain regions located in different parts of the world.

The organisms, both plants and animals, living in a habitat are its biotic components. The non-living things such as rocks, soil, air and water in the habitat constitute its abiotic components.

Que.1) Habitat means ……..………………………………………………………………………………..…… .

a) Grassland

b)Dwelling place

c) Terrestrial habitat

d) All of the above

Que. 2) Which of the following is an aquatic habitat?

d) Both (a) and (c)

Que.3) Non-living things are the biotic components of a habitat.

Que.4) Write a short note on biotic and abiotic components of a habitat?

Que.5) How terrestrial habitats are different from aquatic habitats?

Que.1. b) Dwelling place

Que.2. d) Both (a) and (c)

Que.3. b) False

Que.4) Answer: The organisms, both plants and animals, living in a habitat are its biotic components. The non-living things such as rocks, soil, air and water in the habitat constitute its abiotic components.

Que.5) Answer: The plants and animals that live on land are said to live in terrestrial habitats. Some examples of terrestrial habitats are forests, grasslands, deserts, coastal and mountain regions. On the other hand, the habitats of plants and animals that live in water are called aquatic habitats. Lakes, rivers and oceans are some examples of aquatic habitats.

Case study 3

Abiotic factors likeair, water, light and heat are importantfor the growth of plants. In fact, abioticfactors are important for all livingorganisms.We find that organisms exist in verycold as well as very hot climates, this is becausethey manage to survive through adaptation.

Adaptation is the method by whichorganisms get well adjusted to the climate. Adaptation does not take place in a short time because the abiotic factors of a region also change very slowly. Those organisms which cannot adapt to these changes die, and only the adapted ones survive. Organisms adapt to different Abiotic factors in different ways. This results in a wide variety of organisms in different habitats.

Que.1) Adaptation can happen in a short span of time.

Que.2) Which of the following is NOT an Abiotic factor?

a) Human beings

Que.3) …………………………………………………………………………………… helps organisms to exist in extreme climates.

a) Abiotic components

b) Habitats

c) Adaptation

d) None of the above

Que.4) Define the term Adaptation?

Que.5) Briefly explain how adaptation takes place?

Que.1. b) False

Que.2. a) Human beings

Que.3. c) Adaptation

Que.4) Answer: Adaptation is the method by which organisms get well adjusted to the climate.

Que.5) Answer: Adaptation does not take place in a short time because the abiotic factors of a region also change very slowly. Those organisms which cannot adapt to these changes die, and only the adapted ones survive. Organisms adapt to different Abiotic factors in different ways. This results in a wide variety of organisms in different habitats.

Case study 4

There are desert animals like ratsand snakes, which do not have long legsthat a camel has. To stay away from the intense heat during the day, they stayin burrows deep in the sand. These animals come out only during thenight, when it is cooler. Desert plants lose very little water through transpiration. The leaves in Desert plants are either absent, very Small, or they are in the form of spines. This helps in reducing loss of water from the leaves through transpiration. The Leaf-like structure you see in a cactus is, in fact, its stem. Photosynthesis in these plants is usually carried out by the stems.

Mountain habitats are normally very cold and windy. In some areas, snowfall may take place in winters. Here, Trees are normally cone shaped and have sloping branches. The leaves of some of these trees are needle-like. This helps the rainwater and snow to Slide off easily. Animals living in the mountain regions are also adapted to the conditions there. They have thick skin or fur to protect them from cold. For example, yaks have long hair to keep them warm. Snow leopard has thick fur on its body including feet and toes. This protects its feet from the cold when it walks on the snow.

Que. 1) Photosynthesis in desert plants is carried out through it’s ………………………………………………………………………………….…… .

Que.2) Which of the following can survive in mountain habitats?

a) Snow leopard

Que.3) Trees in mountain habitats are of cone shaped and have needle like leaves.

Que.4) Explain the features that help desert plants to survive in extreme heat?

Que.5) How animals in mountain habitats are adapted to its conditions?

Que.1. b) Stem

Que.3. a) True

Que.4) Answer: The leaves in Desert plants are either absent, very Small, or they are in the form of spines. This helps in reducing loss of water from the leaves through transpiration. Thus, helping plants to survive in such conditions.

Que.5) Answer: Animals in mountain habitats have thick skin or fur to protect them from cold. For example, yaks have long hair to keep them warm. Snow leopard has thick fur on its body including feet and toes. This protects its feet from the cold when it walks on the snow.

Case study 5

Apart from fish, many other Sea animals have streamlined bodies to help them move easily in water. There are some sea animals like squids and octopus, which do not have this streamlined shape. They stay deeper in the ocean, near the seabed and catch any prey that moves towards them. However, when they move in water they make their body shapes streamlined. These animals have gills to help them use oxygen dissolved in water. There are some sea animals like dolphins and whales that do not have gills. They breathe in air through nostrils or blowholes that are located on the upper parts of their heads. This allows them to breathe in air when they swim near the surface of water. They can stay inside the water for a long time without breathing. They come out to the surface from time to time, to breathe in air.

Plants growing in ponds, lakes and rivers have their roots fixed in the soil below the water. In terrestrial plants, roots normally play a very important role in the absorption of nutrients and water from the soil. However, in aquatic plants, roots are much reduced in size and their main function is to hold the plant in place. The stems of these plants are long, hollow and light. The stems grow up to the surface of water while the leaves and flowers, float on the surface of water. Some aquatic plants are submerged in water. All parts of such plants are under water. Some of these plants have narrow and thin ribbon-like leaves. These can bend in the flowing water.

Que.1) Sea animals like octopus and squids do not have a streamlined shape.

Que.2) Name the sea animal that do not have gills?

b) Dolphins

Que.3) Whales breathe in air through ………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

c) Blowholes

Que.4) Explain how some sea animals that do not have gills breathe in water?

Que.5) How roots in aquatic plants are different from those of terrestrial plants?

Que.1. a) True

Que.2. b) Dolphins

Que.3. c) blowholes

Que.4) Answer: There are some sea animals like dolphins and whales that do not have gills. They breathe in air through nostrils or blowholes that are located on the upper parts of their heads. This allows them to breathe in air when they swim near the surface of water. They can stay inside the water for a long time without breathing. They come out to the surface from time to time, to breathe in air.

Que.5) Answer: In terrestrial plants, roots normally play a very important role in the absorption of nutrients and water from the soil. However, in aquatic plants, roots are much reduced in size and their main function is to hold the plant in place.

Case study 6

When we inhale, the air moves from outside to the inside of our body. When we breathe out, the air moves from inside our body to outside. Breathing is part of a process called respiration. In respiration, some of the oxygen of the air we breathe in, is used by the body. We breathe out carbon dioxide produced in this process. The process of breathing in animals like cows, buffaloes, dogs or cats is similar to humans. Respiration is necessary for all livingorganisms. It is through respiration that the body finally obtains energy from thefood it takes.Some animals may have different mechanisms for the exchange of gases,which is a part of the respiration process. For example, earthworms breathethrough their skin. Fishhave gills for using oxygen dissolved inwater. The gills absorb oxygen from theair dissolved in water. Respiration also takes place in plants. Exchange of gases in plants mainly takes place through leaves. The leaves take in air through tiny pores in them and use the oxygen. They give out carbon dioxide to the air. The amount of oxygen released in the process of food preparation by plants is much more than the oxygen they use in respiration.

Changes in our surroundings that makes us respond to them, are called stimuli. All living beings respond to stimuli, including plants. Flowers of some plants bloom only at night. In some plants flowers close after sunset. In some plants like Mimosa, commonly known as ‘touch-me-not’, leaves close or fold when someone touches them. These are some examples of responses of plants towards changes in their surroundings.

Que.1) Respiration in ………………………………………………………………………… takes place through their skin.

b) Earthworms

Que.2) During photosynthesis, the amount of …………………………………………………………………………….……… released by plants is much more than it uses during Respiration?

b) Carbon dioxide

Que.3) The leaves of mimosa or touch me not plant closes or folds, when someone touches them?

Que.4) Define the term respiration?

Que.5) Explain the process of Respiration in plants?

Que.1. b) Earthworms

Que.2. a) Oxygen

Que.4) Answer: Breathing is part of a process called respiration. In respiration, some of the oxygen of the air we breathe in, is used by the body. We breathe out carbon dioxide produced in this process.

Que.5) Answer: Exchange of gases in plants mainly takes place through leaves. The leaves take in air through tiny pores in them and use the oxygen. They give out carbon dioxide to the air. The amount of oxygen released in the process of food preparation by plants is much more than the oxygen they use in respiration.

Case study 7

All organisms need food. Not all thefood that is eaten is completely used,only a part of it is utilised by the body. The rest has tobe removed from the body as wastes. Ourbody produces some wastes in other lifeprocesses also. The process of gettingrid of wastes by organisms is known asexcretion. Plants also excrete. They do, butnot as seen in animals. The mechanismsin plants are a little different. Some plantsfind it possible to store the waste productswithin their parts in a way that they donot harm the plant as a whole. Someplants remove waste products assecretions.Excretion is another characteristiccommon to all organisms.

Animals reproduce their own kind. The mode of reproduction may be Different, in different animals. Some Animals produce their young ones through eggs. Some animals give birth to the young ones. Plants also reproduce. Like animals, Plants also differ in their mode of Reproduction. Many plants reproduce through seeds. Plants produce seeds, which can germinate and grow into new plant. Some plants also reproduce through parts other than seeds. For example, a part of a potato with a bud, grows into a new plant. Plants also reproduce through cuttings. Living things produce more of their own kind through reproduction.

Que.1) Only a part of food is required by our body and the rest is removed through secretion.

Que.2) Which of the following is a mode of Reproduction in plants?

c) Cuttings

Que.3) Living things produce their own kind through the process of …………………………………………………………………………………………… .

a) Excretion


c) Reproduction

d) Secretion

Que.4) Define the term Excretion?

Que.5) Explain the process of excretion in plants?

Que.2. d) All of the above

Que.3. c) Reproduction

Que.4) Answer: The process of getting rid of wastes by organisms is known as excretion.

Que.5) Answer: Plants also excrete. They do, but not as seen in animals. The mechanisms in plants are a little different. Some plants find it possible to store the waste products within their parts in a way that they do not harm the plant as a whole. Some plants remove waste products as secretions.

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  • Important Questions for CBSE Class 6 Science 2024-25


CBSE Class 6 Science Important Questions - Free PDF Download

Class 6 Science contains interesting chapters based on various crucial topics. These chapters need to be studied to develop the scientific concepts and knowledge to proceed to the next level. This is where the Class 6 Science Term 2 Important Questions with Solutions for all the chapters will be the best platform to practise and study. These questions come with solutions framed by the subject experts that will help you resolve the doubts and proceed with the subject preparation.

Class 6 is the base for students to prepare well for upcoming courses. Science is the most important subject in our school lives. Students need to develop their practical approach with it. Students learn to know about living and nonliving things, different creatures on the earth, and different scientific incidents. Important Questions for Class 6 Science CBSE cover all the important questions to set the base for students to score good marks in finals. Thus these questions are meant to reduce exam stress such that students become confident enough to clear their concepts.

Class 6 Science covers different topics related to the human body, the food they eat, clothes they wear, matter, the body movements, forces, motion, and much more. These CBSE Class 6 Science Important Questions help students to clear out difficult concepts at a go. Vedantu is a platform that provides free CBSE Solutions (NCERT) and other study materials for students. Maths and Science Students who are looking for the better solutions, they can download Class 6 Maths NCERT Solutions and NCERT Class 6 Science Solutions to help you to revise complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Significance of CBSE Important Questions for Class 6 Science Board Exam

There are 16 important chapters in the Class 6 Science syllabus. These chapters cover crucial topics related to air, water, magnets, electricity, motion, body movements, organisms, etc. We can clearly understand that all these chapters are the basic concepts that start the division of science into different subjects. Hence, studying all these chapters becomes very important.

This is where the Important Questions for Class 6 Science Board Exam will be very important to solve. Once a chapter is finished along with the exercises, students can proceed to solve the important questions framed by the experts. These questions will help students to find out which part of a chapter needs to be focused on more.

The solutions will enable students to find out how to answer such fundamental questions in a neat way. Hence, these questions will not only make the students better in the subject but will also show how to score more in the science exams.

Advantages of Class 6 Science Important Questions with Answers PDF

The important questions designed by the experts will add a new perspective to all the chapters included in this syllabus. You will learn the probable questions suggested by the experts and will become ready to appear in the exams.

The questions come with solutions framed by the experts by following the CBSE Class 6 guidelines and standards. The answers are kept in a simpler version to make them easily comprehensible for you. Hence, your practice sessions will get the right boost.

Resolve doubts faster on your own by referring to the solutions given with these questions. Find out how the experts have answered these fundamental questions and learn to do the same to score more.

The answering format utilises the concepts taught in the chapters perfectly. Learn this skill of using the concepts to answer questions accurately and become better in this subject.

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Also, check CBSE Class 6 Science Important Questions chapterwise.

Chapter wise Important Questions for CBSE Class 6 Science


Important Questions Class 6 Science - Free PDF Download

Students learn better with practical knowledge. However, theory exams are too important for them to pass and move to the next class. Also, extensive science syllabus can confuse them to cover every topic precisely. Thus, they need to know about important questions.

There is a detailed PDF prepared by Vedantu experts for 6th Class Science Important Questions . The PDF covers different important questions chapter wise such that students will be aware of important questions that are supposed to be covered from each chapter. Class 6 is the base class to learn self-study and include practice time in the schedule. If it is so, for science questions practice, students can follow up the PDF as prepared by experts after following the proper pattern from the CBSE syllabus .

Sometimes, students cannot solve some questions and couldn’t find appropriate answers to a particular problem. Also, they might don’t even know to answer a question according to marks weightage. Thus this PDF on Important Questions of Class 6th Science can help them best during exam preparations.

Important Questions for Class 6 Science CBSE

It is very important to work on theoretical concepts that align with practical ones. However, it could be not very clear for students to cover every chapter and hence detailed answers to Important Questions of Class 6 Science can let them score good marks. Below are the listed chapters for which different essential questions are to prepare.

Chapter 1: Food: Where Does It Come From

This chapter is to impart knowledge of the various food sources and comprehensive concepts on food. There are different questions covered upon the type of food eaten in various regions of India. Also, it covers other animals that eat plants, plants and animals both, and the animals that eat only animals. You will come across questions based upon various food, plants and animals eaten as food, food sources, and what animals eat to get energy.

Chapter 2: Components of Food

This chapter will have to come across four main topics: food, nutrition, malnutrition, and diet. Food is an edible substance with which animals get the energy to perform various tasks. Nutrition is how humans consume food and get energy and required nutrients.

Amount of food that we consume at a particular defined diet. However, if a person does not intake all the required amounts of nutrients, he becomes malnourished. Also, students will come across three classes of food components.

Chapter 3: Fibre to Fabric

In chapter three, you will come across types of fabrics we wear, fibres and fabrics, how fibre converts to form the fabric and the history of clothing. Also, students come across important questions based upon plant fibre, commercial ways of converting yards to fabric, and much more.

Different types of questions are covered, which include one-word answer type to long answers. All the questions are available according to the latest CBSE pattern .

Chapter 4: Sorting Materials into Groups

The chapters cover two main subheadings as Objects around us and the second one as properties of materials. Usually, one-line question-answers appear from this chapter. Also, this chapter forms a major part in true and false. Usually, there are two types of materials- hard and soft.

Chapter 5: Separation of Substances

In this chapter, students will come across learning of separating two or more mixed substances. They will have to learn different ways of separating substances and also know the application of each method.

Chapter 6: Changes Around Us

Class 6 Science Chapter 6 Important Questions will rely on different reversible and irreversible changes around us. These changes can occur when you heat any substance or mix some different substances. Thus it is a complete real-life based concept.

Chapter 7: Getting to Know Plants

It deals with plants' study, their parts, transpiration, types of roots, stems, and leaves. Also, it covers the functioning of flowers and stems.

Chapter 8: Body Movements

Here students will learn about the human body with subtopics as joints, bones, and movement in the human body. Also, it covers a study on animals like snake, cockroach, snail, earthworms, etc.

Chapter 9: Living Organisms and Their Surroundings

It includes basic surroundings, habitat, adaptation, habitat of aquatic animals and other living organisms with their habitats on earth.

Chapter 10: Motion and Measurement of Distances

Class 6 Important Questions for Science Chapter 10 cover different physics topics, including motion in the body, measuring distance, speed, and time including motion in the body, how to measure distance, speed, and time. It is a practical and mathematical chapter. Students need to relate questions according to real-life objects.

Chapter 11: Light, Shadow, and Reflections

Students become familiar with opacity, translucent objects, transparent objects, how shadows form, the reflection of light, how pinhole cameras are formed and uses of the mirror.

Chapter 12: Electricity and Circuits

As the name suggests, the chapter covers various sub-topics to learn and understand. It covers electric cells, which happens when you connect the bulb to the electric cell, electric circuit, electric switch, conductors, and electrical insulators.

Chapter 13: Fun With Magnets

You will learn magnets, magnetic and non-magnetic materials, like and unlike poles, an attraction in magnets, and repulsion forces. Also, you will learn how magnets help in finding directions.

Chapter 14: Water

Water is our basic need, and hence you will learn how it benefits us. Also, the topics will cover how to utilise water properly with management. But the topic will also cover how water quality degrades due to water pollution.

Chapter 15: Air Around Us

In the chapter, subtopics covered include: what air is made from, is air present all around, how animals inhale oxygen and much more. Also, it covers how air pollution is a major cause of diseases these days.

Chapter 16: Garbage In, Garbage Out

You will learn to deal with garbage, benefits of 3 R’s, think and throw, recycling of the paper, is plastic good or bad, and how to deal with garbage.

CBSE Class 6 Science Important Questions

6th Class Science Important Questions PDF will help students master during exams and avoid the last-minute rush. However, below we have some listed important questions for Class 6 students which will help them score good marks in their finals. It will also help them know a proper CBSE pattern for future reference.

Which is the highest nutritious food for animals?

What is a balanced diet?

How can you water is our basic need?

Give names of five products prepared from milk.

What is the major cause of air pollution?

What are luminous and non-luminous objects?

What are good and bad conductors of electricity?

Name any two magnetic and non-magnetic materials.

What do you mean by forces and motion?

Name animals with aquatic habitat.

Which bones protect our heart?

How plants perform photosynthesis?

What are reversible and irreversible processes?

What is the filtration?

Why are cotton clothes good for summers?

How can you classify objects?

Benefits of Class 6 Science Important Questions

NCERT is the foundation for CBSE syllabus . Thus if students will master syllabus according to CBSE guidelines, it will help them score good grades. Know about the basic benefits of Class 6 Important Questions for Science .

Students can quickly get a basic knowledge of types of questions asked and how to answer them in exams.

Teachers always look for the point answers and the important questions and answers prepared by Vedantu experts will help them score good grades.

Questions listed in the PDF are all according to the new guidelines of CBSE . Students need not search for important topics and concepts anywhere else.

Class 6 Important Questions for Science are designed according to the CBSE NCERT syllabus. All types of questions are covered in the PDF ranging from one-word answers to one-liners, from short answer types to long-answer types of five marks each. Thus students can prepare for the exams and even clarify their concepts through these. If they refer to these questions, this will prepare their minds according to the competitive edge. Students will become familiar with question paper patterns and types of questions that can appear in exams.

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FAQs on Important Questions for CBSE Class 6 Science 2024-25

Q1. What is the syllabus of Class 6 Science?

The syllabus of Class 6 is given below:

Chapter 1– The Food: From Where Does It Come 

Chapter 2–Components of Food

Chapter 3–Fibre to Fabric

Chapter 4–Sorting Materials Into Groups

Chapter 5–Separation of Substances

Chapter 6–Changes Around Us

Chapter 7– Getting to Know Plants

Chapter 8–Body Movements

Chapter 9–The Existing Creatures and Their Surroundings 

Chapter 10–Motion and Measurement of Distances

Chapter 11–Light, Reflection and Shadows

Chapter 12–Circuit and Electricity

Chapter 13–Fun With Magnets

Chapter 14–Water

Chapter 15– Air Around Us

Chapter 16–Garbage In, Garbage Out

Q2. From where and how can students download chapter-wise important questions of Class 6 Science?

Students can download chapter wise important questions of Class 6 Science from Vedantu by following the given steps:

Go to the link of Important Questions for CBSE Class 6 Science, Chapter wise Solutions.

The link will land you on Vedantu's official page.

There you will see the list of chapters for Class 6 Science.

Choose the lesson whose important questions you want to download.

After selecting the chapter, click on the option of “Download PDF” present at the top of the official page of Vedantu.

  Q3. How can one score good marks in the Class 6 Science exam?

Students who desire to score well in the Class 6 Science exam must follow the given tips:

They should attend all the lectures so that they can discuss the topics in the class.

Study chapters from the NCERT book as this book is based on the CBSE guidelines.

Prepare notes of the chapters so that you don’t face any problems at the time of revision.

Solve all the NCERT questions to comprehend the concepts easily.

For a better understanding of the chapters, try to clarify your doubts regarding the topics.

Q4. What are the best study materials for a student of Class 6 Science?

When the exam approaches students often get confused regarding their preparation. They do not understand how to prepare for their Class 6 Science exam. The NCERT books are one of the best study materials from which students can prepare for their exams. Also, the NCERT questions will help in a better understanding of the topics or concepts. They can prefer “Vedantu” for getting all the NCERT Solutions and important questions of all the chapters. Guidebooks are also considered as the best study materials for the preparation of Class 6 Science exams. These solutions are available at free of cost on Vedantu( and mobile app.

  Q5. Is Class 6 Science easy or difficult?

The answer to this question depends on the student's capability of grasping things easily. If they are determined to score well in Class 6 Science exams then this Class becomes easy for them. If they do not want to face any problems in Class 6 then they have to take their studies seriously. They should focus on what the teacher is teaching. The NCERT books should be your priority while preparing for your exams. They can also study from the Vedantu app. By doing this, Class 6 can become easy.

Important Questions for CBSE Class 6

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case study questions for class 6 science chapter 4

Chapter 4: Sorting Materials and Groups


  Chapter 4: Sorting Materials and Groups

  Class: VI

  Exemplar Solutions

Multiple Choice Questions

An iron nail is kept in each of the following liquids. In which case would it lose its shine and appear dull?

(a) Mustard oil  (b) Soft drink

(c) Coconut oil    (d) Kerosene

Pick one material from the following which is completely soluble in water.

(a) Chalk powder  (b) Tea leaves

(c) Glucose  (d) Saw dust

You are provided with the following materials

(i) Magnifying glass  (ii) Mirror

(iii) Stainless steel plate  (iv) Glass tumbler

Which of the above materials will you identify as transparent?

(a) (i) and (ii)  (b) (i) and (iii)

(c) (i) and (iv)  (d) (iii) and (iv)

Boojho found a bag containing the following materials

(i)  Mirror

(ii)  Paper stained with oil

(iii)  Magnet

(iv) Glass spectacles

Help Boojho in finding out the material(s) which is/are opaque.

(a) (i) only  (b) (iv) only

(c) (i) and (iii)  (d) (ii) and (iv)

While doing an activity in class, the teacher asked Paheli to handover a translucent material. Which among the following materials will Paheli pick and give her teacher?

(a) Glass tumbler  (b) Mirror

(c) Muslin cloth  (d) Aluminum foil

Which pair of substances among the following would float in a tumbler half filled with water?

(a) Cotton thread, thermocol

(b) Feather, plastic ball

(c) Pin, oil drops

(d) Rubber band, coin

Which among the following are commonly used for making a safety pin?

(a) Wood and glass  (b) Plastic and glass

(c) Leather and plastic  (d) Steel and plastic

Which of the following materials is not lustrous?

(a) Gold  (b) Silver

(c) Wood  (d) Diamond

Which of the following statements is not true?

(a) Materials are grouped for convenience.

(b) Materials are grouped to study their properties.

(c) Materials are grouped for fun.

(d) Materials are grouped according to their uses.

Question 10

Find the odd one out from the following

(a) Tawa  (b) Spade

(c) Pressure cooker  (d) Eraser

Question 11

Which type of the following materials is used for making the front glass (wind screen) of a car?

(a) Transparent

(b) Translucent

(d) All the above

Very Short Answer Questions

Question 12

It was Paheli’s birthday. Her grandmother gave her two gifts made of metals, one old dull silver spoon and a pair of lustrous gold earrings. She was surprised to see the difference in the appearance of the two metals. Can you explain the reason for this difference?

The silver spoon on long exposure to moist air has lost its shine and appears dull whereas gold does not tarnish.

Question 13

Mixtures of red chilli powder in water, butter in water, petrol in water, and honey in water were given to Radha, Sudha, Sofia and Raveena, respectively. Whose mixture is in solution form?

Raveena has got a solution because honey will dissolve in water.

Question 14

On a bright sunny day, Shikha was playing hide and seek with her brother. She hid herself behind a glass door. Do you think her brother will be able to locate her. If yes, why? If no, why not?

Yes, Ground glass is translucent, so Shikha can be located.

Question 15

Take a small cotton ball and place it in a tumbler/bowl filled with water. Observe it for at least 10 minutes. Will it float or sink in water and why?

Cotton ball initially floats and then sinks as it absorbs water.

Short Answer Questions

Question 16

Which among the following materials would you identify as soft materials and why?

Ice, rubber band, leaf, eraser, pencil, pearl, a piece of wooden board, cooked rice, pulses and fresh chapatti.

Rubber band, leaf, eraser, cooked rice and fresh chapatti are soft materials because they can be compressed or scratched easily.

Question 17

You are provided with the following materials— turmeric, honey, mustard oil, water, glucose, rice flour, groundnut oil.

Make any three pairs of substances where one substance is soluble in the other and any three pairs of substances where one substance remains insoluble in the other substances.

(i) honey in water  (ii) glucose in water

(iii) groundnut oil in mustard oil

(i) turmeric in water  (ii) rice flour in water

(iii) mustard oil in water

Question 18

During summer holidays, a group of children collected a lump of salt, green grass, broken glass piece, a small thermocol box, pen, iron nail, glass marbles, hair, naphthalene ball, a piece of sugar candy (mishri) and tried to group them on the basis of properties given in Table 4.1 below. Help them in filling the Table.

ncert science class 6 chapter 4

Question 19

Arrange the jumbled words to arrive at the appropriate names of materials and also write two uses of each.

(a) milaunuim

(b) tcaslpi

(c) soekrnee

(d) gavnier

(a) aluminum – foil, aircrafts, etc.

(b) plastic – bucket, pencil box, etc.

(c) kerosene – fuel, solvent, etc.

(d) vinegar – food ingredient, preservative, etc.

Question 20

Match the objects given in Column I with the materials given in Column II .

ncert science class 6 chapter 4

a- (iii)  b- (iv)  c- (i)  d- (ii)

Question 21

Pick five objects from the word box given as Fig. 4.1 which are opaque and would sink in water.

ncert science class 6 chapter 4

The answer may include other items as well.

Long Answer Questions

Question 22

Chalk, iron nail, wood, aluminum, candle, cotton usually look different from each other. Give some properties by which we can prove that these materials are different.

Write on the basis of lustre, hardness, softness, roughness or smoothness.

Question 23

Why do you think oxygen dissolved in water is important for the survival of aquatic animals and plants?

Dissolved oxygen is available for animal and plants for respiration and survival.

Question 24

Differentiate among opaque, translucent and transparent materials, giving one example of each.

Objects cannot be seen through opaque materials.

Example: Cardboard.

Objects cannot be seen clearly through translucent materials.

Example: Oiled paper.

Objects can be seen clearly through transparent materials.

Example: Hand lens

Question 25

Sugar, salt, mustard oil, sand, sawdust, honey, chalk powder, petals of flower, soil, copper sulphate crystals, glucose, wheat flour are some substances given to Paheli. She wants to know whether these substances are soluble in water or not. Help her in identifying soluble and insoluble substances in water.

Soluble in water – Sugar, Salt, Honey, Copper sulphate crystals, Glucose

Insoluble in water – Mustard oil, Sand, Sawdust, Chalk powder, Soil, Petals of flower, Wheat 


Other Chapters

  • Chapter 1: Food - Where Does It Come From?
  • Chapter 2: Components of Food
  • Chapter 3: Fibre to Fabric
  • Chapter 5: Separation of Substances
  • Chapter 6: Changes Around Us
  • Chapter 7: Getting To Know Plants
  • Chapter 8: Body Movements
  • Chapter 9: The Living Organisms and their Surroundings
  • Chapter 10: Motion and Measurement of Distances
  • Chapter 11: Light, Shadows and Reflections
  • Chapter 12: Electricity and Circuits
  • Chapter 13: Fun with Magnets
  • Chapter 14: Water
  • Chapter 15: Air Around Us
  • Chapter 16: Garbage in, Garbage out

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NCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Sorting Materials into Groups

These NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Sorting Materials into Groups Questions and Answers are prepared by our highly skilled subject experts to help students while preparing for their exams.

Sorting Materials into Groups NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4

Class 6 science chapter 4 sorting materials into groups textbook exercise questions and answers.

Question 1. Name five objects which can be made from wood. Answer: Table, chair, doors, boat and bed.

Question 2. Select those objects from the following which shine: Glass bowl, plastic toy, steel spoon, cotton shirt Answer: Glass bowl and steel spoon are shining objects.

Question 3. Match the objects given below with the materials from which they could be made. Remember, an object could be made from more than one material and a given material could be used for making many objects.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Sorting Materials into Groups

Question 4. State whether the statements given below are True or False: a. Stone is transparent, while glass is opaque. b. A notebook has lustre while eraser does not. c. Chalk dissolves in water. d. A piece of wood floats on water. e. Sugar does not dissolve in water. f. Oil mixes with water. g. Sand settles down in water. h. Vinegar dissolves in water. Answer: a. False b. False c. False d. True e. False f. False g. True h. True

Question 5. Given below are the names of some objects and materials: Water, basketball, orange, sugar, globe, apple and earthen pitcher Group them as: a. Round shaped and other shapes b. Eatables and non-eatables Answer: a. (i) Round shaped: Basketball, apple, orange, globe, earthen pitcher (ii) Other shapes: Water, sugar

b. (i) Eatables: Water, orange, sugar and apple (ii) Non-eatables: Basketball, globe and earthen pitcher

Question 6. List all items known to you that float on water. Check and see if they will float on an oil or kerosene. Answer:

  • Dried leaves

All these materials float on water and they sink in oil or kerosene.

Question 7. Find the odd one out from the following: a. Chair, Bed, Table, Baby, Cupboard b. Rose, Jasmine, Boat, Marigold, Lotus c. Aluminium, Iron, Copper, Silver, Sand d. Sugar, Salt, Sand, Milk, Milk powder Answer: a. Baby b. Boat c. Sand d. Milk

NCERT Extended Learning Activities and Projects

Question 1. You may have played a memory game with your friends. Several objects are placed on a table, you are asked to observe them for a few minutes, go into another room and write down the names of all objects that you can remember. Play this game, with a difference! Ask all the participants in the game to remember objects with some particular property’ while playing this memory game – remember and write down the names of objects that were made of wood or objects that are edible and so on. Have fun! Hint: Do it yourself.

Question 2. From a large collection of materials, make groups of objects having different properties like transparency, solubility in water and other properties. In later chapters you will also learn about properties of materials related to electricity and magnetism. After making different groups from the collected materials, try and find out if there are any patterns in these groups. For instance, do all materials which have lustre conduct electricity? Hint: It is not necessary to find a correlation between all properties. For example, mirror has lustre but does not conduct electricity.

Objective: To study whether the given material is soluble or insoluble in water. Materials Required: Water, sugar, chalk, washing soda, sand, copper sulphate and sulphur. Procedure:

  • Take 6 beakers and fill each of them to half with water.
  • Add a pinch of sugar, chalk powder, washing soda, sand, copper sulphate and sulphur in separate beakers.
  • Stir the contents of each beaker well and allow them to stand for a while.
  • Observe after few minutes.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Sorting Materials into Groups 1

Objective: To study the solubility of different liquids in water. Materials Required: One spoon each of vinegar, lemon juice, honey, milk, coconut oil, mustard oil, kerosene and seven glass tumblers with water. Procedure:

  • Add a small amount of vinegar to the first glass, lemon-juice to the second and similarly, add small amounts of the other liquids into other glasses containing water.
  • Stir contents of each of them with a spoon. Wait for 5 minutes.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Sorting Materials into Groups 2

  • Metal: It is a hard, shiny, usually solid material which is able to be shaped and can conduct or allow electricity and heat to pass through it.
  • Transparency: Light can pass through certain objects. Due to this, we are able to see through the objects. This property of materials to allow light to pass through them and enable visibility is called transparency. On this basis, objects can be of three types:

i. Transparent: If almost all the light can pass through an object, it is called transparent. We can see clearly through transparent materials such as air, water and a clear glass. ii. Opaque: If no light can pass through an object, it is called opaque. We cannot see through an opaque material at all, such as cardboard, milk, stone and metal. iii. Translucent: If light can pass through an object partially, it is called translucent. We cannot clearly see through a translucent material such as a frosted glass, turbid water and dust-laden air. Such materials allow partial visibility.

Objective: To distinguish between transparent, opaque and translucent materials. Materials Required: Apiece of a clear glass, a cardboard, oily paper and torch. Procedure:

  • Take a torch and point it to each of the three objects-a clear glass, a cardboard and oily paper one by one.
  • Write down what happens when light is pointed to each of the objects.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Sorting Materials into Groups 3

  • Rough or Smooth: An object having an uneven or irregular surface is said to be rough, such as sandpaper. On the other hand, object having a smooth and levelled or a polished surface is said to be smooth. For example, mirror and metals.
  • Floatation: Many materials float, whereas many others sink in water. This property is called floatation. Materials such as wool, leaves and feathers float on the water whereas rocks and metals sink.
  • Density: The mass per unit volume of a substance is known as its density. Materials which are less dense than water float on it. Materials denser than water sink in it.

Objective: To classify different materials on the basis of floatation. Materials Required: Wooden piece, dry leaf, pebble, eraser, iron nail, pencil, table tennis ball and a bucket half-filled with water. Procedure:

  • Take all these materials at a time and drop them in the bucket of water.
  • Observe whether each material float on water or sink to the bottom of the bucket.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Sorting Materials into Groups 4

Materials can also be grouped on the basis of whether the object is solid, liquid or gas, whether it is conductor of heat or it is a non-conductor of heat. For example, metals are conductors of heat but wood and plastics are non-conductors of heat.

Need to Group Materials: We group materials due to the following uses:

  • Sorting of materials into groups makes it convenient for us to view them.
  • We can store similar things together and hence can locate them easily.
  • Dividing materials into groups makes it convenient to study their properties and the patterns in these properties.

Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Sorting Materials into Groups Additional Important Questions and Answers

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Why do we need to group materials? Give reason. Answer: We often group materials for our convenience. It helps to describe their properties.

Question 2. Is a substance which can be compressed soft or hard? Answer: Soft.

Question 3. Choose a lustrous material out of the following substances: Wood, aluminium, plastic, cotton Answer: Aluminium.

Question 4. Name two objects made from opaque materials. Answer: Wooden doors and blackboard.

Question 5. What is a translucent object? Answer: Materials that allow light to pass through them partially are called translucent.

Question 6. Name three things made from glass. Answer: Bowls, mirrors and windowpanes.

Question 7. Name any three materials that can be used to make school bags. Answer: Cotton, jute and leather.

Question 8. Name two gases which are insoluble in water. Answer: Hydrogen and nitrogen.

Question 9. Name any three objects having rough surface. Answer: The bark of tree, rock and sand paper are objects having rough surface.

Question 10. Define density. Answer: Density is mass per unit volume of a substance.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Why is a tumbler not made with a piece of cloth? Answer: We use tumblers made of glass, plastic and metal to keep a liquid. These substances can hold a liquid. A tumbler made of cloth cannot hold a liquid because:

  • cloth piece is not hard enough to hold liquids, and
  • cloth piece has very minute pores through which the liquid oozes out.

Question 2. Make a table and state whether the following materials mix with water or not. Vinegar, lemon juice, mustard oil, coconut oil and kerosene. Answer:

Question 3. Name five objects each which can be made from the following materials: wood, cotton, leather, paper Answer:

Question 4. Metals generally occur in solid state and are hard in form. Name a metal that exists in liquid state and a metal that is soft and can be cut with knife. Answer: Mercury is a metal that exists in liquid state. Sodium and Potassium are soft metals and can be cut with knife.

Question 5. Why do we cook food in utensils made of aluminium or other metallic materials? Answer: Cooking utensils which are used to cook food are made from aluminium or other metals. The reason is that metals are good conductors of heat. They allow the transmission of heat through them and food cooks quickly. Therefore, utensils are made of metals.

Question 6. Universal solvent (water) is very essential for the human body. Why? Answer: The universal solvent is able to dissolve a number of substances. So it is essential for the human body. It constitutes a major part of the cells located in human body. All materials are transported across the body in dissolved form.

Question 7. Classify the following into transparent, translucent and opaque materials. Butter paper, cardboard, ground glass, clear glass, water, air, brick, wall, aluminium sheet Answer: Transparent: Clear glass, water, air Translucent: Butter paper, ground glass Opaque: Cardboard, brick, wall, aluminium sheet

Question 8. Classify the following into hard materials and soft materials. Cotton, iron, diamond, chalk, wood, wax, clay, sponge, bone, feathers Answer: Hard materials: Iron, diamond, wood, bone, chalk Soft materials: Cotton, wax, clay, sponge, feathers

Question 9. Write three common characteristics of materials. Answer:

  • All materials can be felt by one or more of our senses.
  • All materials occupy space.
  • All materials possess mass.

Question 10. Write a short note on texture. Answer: Materials may be rough or smooth. The surface of paper or a glass tumbler feels smooth since there are no uneven surfaces. The bark of tree, rock and sandpaper are rough to touch because their surfaces are uneven and bumpy. So, materials can be classified on the basis of their texture.

Question 11. Write a short note on floatation. Answer: Many materials float, whereas many others sink in water. This property is called floatation. Materials such as wood, leaves and feathers float on the water whereas rocks and metals sink. If you weigh equal volumes of cotton and water, the cotton weigh less than water as cotton is less dense than water.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. What is classification? How is it useful? Explain with examples. Answer: The method of grouping objects on the basis of certain similarities and dissimilarities is called classification. We can understand the importance of classification with the help of simple examples.

a. The things in your house are the most common examples. You classify or group them while arranging them. You keep the utensils in the kitchen, the books in the study room and the bed in the bedroom. It helps in locating the things easily.

b. Classification also enables us to make a systematic study of anything. For example, if you observe the way things have been stocked in your kitchen, you will find that various items are classified. Certain items are classified as spices and stocked together.

Other items may be required for a common activity, say, making a tea. Hence, these are stocked together. You also classify your items and arrange your study table in such a way that you do not have to waste time trying to locate a given item.

Question 2. Define solubility of materials in water. Give examples. Answer: Some materials are soluble in water whereas some are insoluble. For example, sugar is soluble in water whereas sand is insoluble. Actually, water causes all molecules in a solid piece of sugar to break apart. The individual molecules, when separated, are so small that we cannot see them. We can say that sugar is soluble in water. Some solids like sugar and common salt are soluble in water.

On the other hand, sand is insoluble in water. It settles down in water and does not dissolve even on stirring. Some solids are insoluble in water, e.g., wood, stone, chalk and wax. Materials in each state can therefore be classified on the basis of their solubility in water.

Question 3. Define the properties of matter. Answer: Some important properties of matter are discussed below:

  • Appearance: Materials can be classified on the basis of their appearance. Different materials have different appearance.
  • Lustre: Materials can be classified on the basis of their lustre or shine. Some shine a lot whereas others are quite dull.
  • Texture: Different materials feel different when touched, so they have different textures. Some can be rough and others can be smooth.
  • State: Most materials can be placed into one of the three states: solid, liquid or gas.
  • Solubility in water: Some materials are soluble in water whereas some are insoluble. Miscible liquids mix with each other while immiscible liquids do not.
  • Transparency: If almost all the light can pass through an object, it is called transparent. If no light can pass through an object, it is called opaque. If light can pass through an object partially, it is called translucent.

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MCQ Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Sorting Materials Into Groups with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Sorting Materials Into Groups with Answers

We have compiled the NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Sorting Materials Into Groups with Answers Pdf free download covering the entire syllabus. Practice MCQ Questions for Class 6 Science with Answers on a daily basis and score well in exams. Refer to the Sorting Materials Into Groups Class 6 MCQs Questions with Answers here along with a detailed explanation.

Sorting Materials Into Groups Class 6 MCQs Questions with Answers

Choose the correct option.

Question 1. Which of the following floats on water? (a) Wax (b) Marble (c) Coin (d) Eraser

Answer: (a) Wax

Sorting Materials Into Groups with Answers

Question 2. Which of the following is a matter? (a) Air (b) Steel (c) Water (d) All of these

Answer: (d) All of these

Sorting Materials Into Groups Questions with Answers

Question 3. Which of the following is not a matter? (a) Carbon (b) Air (c) Milk (d) Sadness

Answer: (d) Sadness

Question 4. Anything that has a mass and occupies space is called (a) classification (b) volume (c) matter (d) air

Answer: (c) matter

Question 5. Which of the following has a fixed shape? (a) Iron (b) Oxygen (c) Milk (d) CO 2

Answer: (a) Iron

Question 6. Which of the following can be compressed easily? (a) Stone (b) Iron (c) Steel (d) Gas

Answer: (d) Gas

Question 7. The process of grouping the things on the basis of similar properties is called (a) roughness (b) classification (c) matter (d) arrangement

Answer: (b) classification

Question 8. The liquid that floats on water is (a) milk (b) coconut oil (c) alcohol (d) all of these

Answer: (b) coconut oil

Question 9. Which gas is responsible for fizz in soft drinks? (a) Oxygen (b) Hydrogen (c) Nitrogen (d) Carbon dioxide

Answer: (d) Carbon dioxide

Question 10. Transparent materials allow the light to pass through them (a) partially (b) completely (c) sometimes only (d) not at all

Answer: (b) completely

Question 11. Tables are made up of (a) plastic (b) wood (c) leather (d) none of these

Answer: (d) none of these

Question 12. Which of the following is transparent? (a) Wood (b) Stone (c) Glass (d) both (a) and (b)

Answer: (c) Glass

Question 13. Which of the following is hard? (a) Cotton (b) Sponge (c) Iron (d) Mirror

Answer: (c) Iron

Question 14. Which of the following is soluble in water? (a) Salt (b) Sand (c) Chalk powder (d) None of these

Answer: (a) Salt

Question 15. Purpose of sorting materials into groups is (a) to study their properties (b) convenience (c) both (a) and (b) (d) Mud

Answer: (c) both (a) and (b)

Question 16. An oily thin paper will be (a) transparent (b) translucent (c) opaque (d) cannot be predicted

Answer: (b) translucent

Question 17. Choose the opaque object from the following (a) charcoal (b) air (c) glass (d) water

Answer: (a) charcoal

Question 18. Which object shines? (a) Plastic toy (b) Cotton shirt (c) Steel spoon (d) Stone piece

Answer: (c) Steel spoon

Question 19. Which of the following gets reddish brown in colour on exposure to air? (a) Gold (b) Silver (c) Iron (d) Aluminium

Question 20. Which one of the following is soft? (a) Iron (b) Wood (c) Cotton (d) Stone

Answer: (c) Cotton

Question 21. A good example of grouping can be seen in a (a) playground (b) hospital (c) supermarket (d) storeroom

Answer: (c) supermarket

Question 22. If no light can pass through an object, it is called (a) transparency (b) opaque (c) translucent (d) all of these

Answer: (b) opaque

Question 23. Mustard oil and kerosene are the examples of in water liquids. (a) miscible (b) immiscible (c) viscous (d) sticky

Answer: (b) immiscible

Question 24. Sugar and common salt can be dissolved in (a) sand (b) water (c) air (d) all of these

Answer: (b) water

Question 25. All gases including air are ………… conductors of heat. (a) good (b) bad (c) both (a) or (b) (d) none of these

Answer: (b) bad

Question 26. Which of the following is a transparent substance? (a) Wood (b) Stone (c) Glass (d) Metal

Question 27. Which of the following is hard? (a) Cotton (b) Sponge (c) Iron (d) None of these

Question 28. Which of the following is soft? (a) Iron (b) Wood (c) Cotton (d) Stone

Question 29. Which one of the following liquids is immiscible with water? (a) Vinegar (b) Glycerine (c) Lemon juice (d) Kerosene

Answer: (d) Kerosene

Question 30. Which of the following is lighter than water? (a) Iron (b) Ice (c) Stone (d) Book

Answer: (b) Ice

Fill in the blanks with suitable word/s.

Question 1. Wood is ………….. than rubber.

Answer: harder

Question 2. Heavy substances ………….. in water.

Answer: sink

Question 3. Earthen pitcher is an example of ………….. object.

Answer: round

Question 4. Materials that have lustre are usually …………..

Answer: metals

Question 5. An object can be made of different …………..

Answer: materials

Question 6. Gold has a ………….. shine.

Answer: yellow

Question 7. In a solution, the substance present in a small amount is called …………..

Answer: solute

Question 8. Classification is done on the basis of some ………….. and …………..

Answer: similarities, differences

Question 9. Iron is ………….. in appearance.

Answer: lustrous

Question 10. Lemon juice is ………….. in water.

Answer: miscible

Question 11. A liquid ………….. its shape on changing the container.

Answer: changes

Question 12. Grouping of things is done for …………..

Answer: convenience

Question 13. Water is called the ………….. solvent because it dissolves large number of thing.

Answer: universal

Question 14. Different objects have different shapes and …………..

Answer: sizes

Question 15. The object through which we can see is known as ………….. object.

Answer: transparent

Question 16. Sand is ………….. in water.

Answer: insoluble

Question 17. Different materials can be used to make …………..

Answer: same thing

Question 18. A sugar syrup is a …………..

Answer: solution

Question 19. ………….. substances are those through which we can’t see anything.

Answer: Opaque

Question 20. Water and milk are ………….. liquids.

Question 21. A piece of glass is transparent but a piece of cardboard is …………..

Answer: opaque

Question 22. Those materials which cannot be easily compressed, cut, bent or scratched are called ………….. materials.

Answer: hard

Question 23. The aquatic animals use dissolved ………….. in water for the process of respiration.

Answer: oxygen

Question 24. The ability of some materials to shine is called …………..

Answer: lustre

Question 25. Wood is a material which is ………….. than water.

Answer: heavier

Question 26. Sugar is soluble whereas sand is insoluble in ………………….

Answer: water

Question 27. When two liquids dissolve in each other, they are known as …………………. liquids.

Question 28. Materials in solid or liquid states can be good or bad conductors of ………………….

Answer: heat

Question 29. Clothes, paper, wool, plastic, thermocol and bamboo are …………………. conductors of heat.

Answer: bad

Question 30. Liquids have no definite shape but have a definite ………………….

Answer: volume

Question 31. Placing or sorting similar things together is called ………………….

Answer: grouping

Question 32. The ability of some materials to shine is called ………………….

Question 33. Wood is …………………. than water.

Answer: lighter

Question 34. Sand is …………………. in water.

Question 35. The materials through which objects can be seen but not clearly are called ………………….

Answer: translucent

True or False

Question 1. Solids have neither a definite shape nor volume.

Answer: False

Question 2. A hard substance can scratch a soft substance.

Answer: True

Question 3. Grouping is a useful process.

Question 4. Things made of gold and aluminium have no lustre.

Question 5. All materials can be felt by one or more of our senses.

Question 6. Iron is not a natural material.

Question 7. Cardboard is translucent.

Question 8. Carbon dioxide gas is soluble in water.

Question 9. Mirror is transparent.

Question 10. We can see clearly through an opaque object.

Question 11. The amount of matter in any object is called its weight.

Question 12. Ail objects are made up of same kind of materials.

Question 13. Things can be grouped on the basis of their shape and size.

Question 14. The heaviness of substances is also called density.

Question 15. Honey is immiscible with water.

Question 16. All objects around us are made up of one material.

Question 17. If almost all the light can pass through an object, it is called transparent.

Question 18. Sugar and salt can dissolve in water.

Question 19. All gases including air are good conductors of heat.

Question 20. Materials can be classified on the basis of their hardness.

Question 21. Materials in a solid or liquid state are always bad conductors of heat.

Question 22. Diamond is the hardest natural material known.

Question 23. We can see partially through translucent materials.

Question 24. Oiled paper is a translucent material.

Question 25. Carbon dioxide gas is soluble in water.

Match the items given in column I suitably with those given in column II.

Hope the information shed above regarding NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Sorting Materials Into Groups with Answers Pdf free download has been useful to an extent. If you have any other queries of CBSE Class 6 Science Sorting Materials Into Groups MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, feel free to reach us so that we can revert back to us at the earliest possible.

case study questions for class 6 science chapter 4

Class 6 Science Extra Questions with Answers

Chapter-wise extra questions for CBSE class 6 science with answers are given below. All these questions are prepared by our expert teachers and easily downloadable for free in PDF format. Going through them students understand the types of questions asked in the exam. Students are advised to learn these questions to score good marks in the exam.

Extra Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter-wise PDF

Extra questions for all chapters of Class 6 Science are provided here with free PDF download. These extra questions are totally based on the NCERT Science Textbook and are designed to help students brush up the important concepts. Therefore, practicing with all these questions is definitely going to help students make good preparations for the exam and boost their confidence level.  

Extra Questions for Class 6 Science – All Chapters

  • Chapter 1 Food Where Does It Come From
  • Chapter 2 Components of Food
  • Chapter 3 Fibre to Fabric
  • Chapter 4 Sorting Materials Into Groups
  • Chapter 5 Separation of Substances
  • Chapter 6 Changes Around Us
  • Chapter 7 Getting to Know Plants
  • Chapter 8 Body Movements
  • Chapter 9 The Living Organisms Characteristics and Habitats
  • Chapter 10 Motion and Measurement of Distances
  • Chapter 11 Light Shadows and Reflection
  • Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits
  • Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets
  • Chapter 14 Water
  • Chapter 15 Air Around Us
  • Chapter 16 Garbage In, Garbage Out


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