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Textbroker is the proven content writing service provider to outsource your written content quickly and easily. Always get the exact content you need.



Let Textbroker take care of it! As the pioneer among content writing services, we offer flexible solutions for content creation.

Whether you need captivating blog posts, straightforward product descriptions or snappy advertising copy – our online writing platform has thousands of reliable, verified US authors who write articles that are optimized for search engines.


Which Textbroker service suits your project and budget?

Step 1: What kind of content do you need?


Topics with almost no need of explanation and little required research.


Topics that need explanation and a high level of research.


A native writer in the language of your choosing will write or translate your content.

  • Product descriptions (e.g. men’s blue button-up sweater, Monopoly)
  • Category descriptions (e.g. fashion, Children’s Board Games)
  • Social-media-posts (e.g. event-announcement)
  • News (e.g. sports, current events)
  • Blogs on everyday topics (e.g. travel, home decor)
  • Articles/Whitepapers (e.g. law or finance)
  • eBooks (e.g. digital marketing)
  • Case studies (e.g. website programming)
  • Press releases (e.g. company update)
  • Blogs on specialized topics (e.g. cloud computing)

A native writer in the language of your choice will write or translate your content.

  • Unique content writing in 36 languages
  • Translations available in all languages
  • Localization of your content

Step 2: What are your expectations regarding spelling, language style and price?

I accept mistakes in spelling, grammar and expression in favor of a lower price.

I need content with good expression, spelling and grammar at a reasonable price.


I require publish-ready content, and understand the pricing will reflect this.

Textbroker regularly evaluates the writing skills of every author and assigns them a quality level between 3 and 5 stars . The quality rating applied to every piece of content is based on factors including spelling, grammar and style . We do not evaluate authors‘ professional expertise.

If you prefer to order content at a lower rate, you must take into account the possible errors in spelling, grammar and style.

From a 3-star author , you can expect an article comparable to the one below.


  • Quality level:

BoDaS: The Practical and Elegant Men’s Sock

No longer are men confined to the run-of-the-mill socks in either dark shades or white. Socks have come into their own as clothing accessories that speak to different styles and personalities. Socks are trendy and now worn for both their comfort and their statement value. Women who want their men to be fashionably coordinated in their total look are giving their favorite guys our BoDaS Stylish Men’s Socks . Our customers appreciate the high quality of BoDaS socks and know they are that personalized, special beginning piece that every man’s wardrobe requires.

Unless you are at the beach or in a pool where bare feet are expected, socks are worn for comfort and to keep your feet dry and protected from potential blisters caused by bare ankles and toes rubbing against the backs and insides of your shoes. We wanted our socks to be the ultimate in comfort, to be breathable, to hold their shape and to be fashionable for both contemporary and trendy personalities. We also wanted our socks to give men a full spectrum of choices.

We did our research, and the best results were incorporated into our collection of BoDaS Stylish Men’s Socks that will meet and exceed the footwear expectations of men everywhere. BoDaS stands for Bold, Daring and Strong, and we’re committed to providing this in both quality and style.

What Makes BoDaS Socks So Special?

BoDaS socks are available in a wide assortment of styles to accommodate everyday and special needs.

  • Athletic Socks: Our comfortable performance socks have moisture-repelling properties, and they are breathable, non-slip and available in a variety of materials and thickness to keep feet warm in cold temperatures and cool in warmer climates. The selections are low-cut ankle socks, crew-length socks, soft cotton tube socks and skiing socks.
  • Mid-Calf Socks: Whether worn as casual wear or when getting a bit more dressed up, this sock length is the mainstay of every man’s ensemble. Our high-quality mid-calf socks can be worn with just about every shoe style. They come in a full range of basic and bold colors, patterns, designs, materials and thickness and are designed to match your personality, mood or occasion. They are non-slip, breathable, sweat-repellent and very comfortable.
  • Over-the-Calf Socks: These full-length knee socks are designed to keep your socks from dropping down and to prevent your skin from showing when the pant legs rise up. Our over-the-calf socks are made to last and to provide a compression quality to help support leg circulation.


Are you a fan of bright, bold and daring colors that let your personality shine? BoDaS has what you are looking for, in a rainbow of colors and patterns. Do you need to be more traditional for high-power occasions? We have the socks for those moments too. Do you want that unique pair of socks that will both gain attention and become a conversation starter? Look no further than BoDaS for your novelty socks that will fit seamlessly into your whole outfit.


BoDaS Stylish Men’s Socks are created with an array of materials with the goal of providing comfort and performance.

  • Cotton and Cotton Blends: Our cozy cotton socks are feet-friendly. They are lightweight, non-slip, durable, absorbent, breathable and cool.
  • Wool and Wool Blends: BoDaS wool socks are non-slip, breathable and moisture-repelling. They will also keep your feet warm in cold weather and cool in warm climates.
  • Silk and Silk Blends: Our silk socks are excellent for formal occasions and black-tie events. They are non-slip and give your feet a feeling of walking in luxury. The silk and wool blend adds warmth for colder weather while the silk and synthetic blends provide strength and durability.
  • Synthetic Blends: BoDaS lightweight socks combine synthetic and natural materials for comfortable, non-slip and lasting socks that you’ll be proud to wear.

Do you prefer content that has a balanced ratio of style and grammar for a good price?

You can expect an article comparable to the one below from our 4-star authors .


Stay Healthy Through Autumn and Winter: Home Remedies Against Colds

The common cold is just that: common. Around the world, adults and children alike can expect to struggle with a cold at least once each year. While no one is immune to all colds, there are a number of ways to protect yourself against colds, boost your immune system, and fight off colds quickly.

How to Survive the Cold and Flu Season

At times, it might feel as if you are doing everything right, yet you still come down with a cold or the flu. There are certainly some risk factors , such as working with children, that will increase the likelihood of catching a cold. However, there are also a number of lifestyle and behavior changes that can decrease your chance of having a cold this season.

Keep Your Hands Clean: By some estimates, adults touch their faces up to 3,000 times per day! Touching your eyes, mouth, or nose means you are increasing your risk of spreading germs. To ensure that your hands are clean, make it a habit to wash your hands at every possible opportunity. For those times when it might not be convenient to wash your hands with soap and hot water, carry hand sanitizer instead.

Avoid Those Who are Already Sick: When someone you care about is under the weather, it is normal to want to reach out and help them. However, be wary of spending a lot of time with those who are already sick. Encourage friends and colleagues to stay at home if they are feeling unwell. Instead of spending time with a friend who has a cold, drop off some soup at the door and pick up the phone for a quick chat instead.

Ditch Your Cloth Bag: Many people carry around a bag or a purse with them on a regular basis, but not everyone takes time to clean that bag. Since cloth bags can collect germs and encourage the spread of viruses, a better option is to invest in a vinyl or leather bag. These materials can be wiped down with ease and kept clean, reducing your exposure to unwanted germs during cold and flu season.

Steer Clear of Communal Foods: Sharing is caring, but not when it comes to food and drink during cold season. Skip the communal tapas platter or the shared appetizers at your next dinner party and stick to your own plate. While you can control your own hygiene habits, you can’t always tell who else might be coming down with a cold or who simply didn’t wash their hands before sitting down to dinner.

Boost Your Immune System to Fight Off Viruses

In some cases, there is no way to avoid coming in contact with someone who has a cold or the flu. Fortunately, there are ways to strengthen your immune system so that you can avoid viruses. Many different lifestyle factors can impact a person’s immune system, and each of the following tips can play a role in improving your immune health.

Stay Active: It is no surprise that exercise offers several health benefits. While extreme endurance sports may have a negative impact on immunity, regular, everyday exercise can go a long way in boosting your resistance to illness. Whether you enjoy walking in the morning or hitting the gym after work, regular activity could be a key to your health throughout the cold and flu season.

Eat a Healthy Diet: To operate at the highest level, your immune system needs to be fueled properly. Although vitamins and supplements can certainly help, the best foundation is a healthy, nutritious and varied diet. Ideally, you should enjoy foods that contain a wide range of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. If you have a deficiency in certain micronutrients, such as zinc or Vitamin C, you may be more susceptible to colds. Therefore, eating a nutritious diet can go a long way in boosting your immune system and protecting you from any colds going around.

Stop Smoking: There is a direct link between smoking cigarettes and being able to fight off infectious diseases. Smokers are more likely to be susceptible to colds, and they may also experience cold symptoms for longer. To greatly improve your immune system’s strength, reducing or minimizing the consumption of cigarettes is key. In addition, those who do not smoke may want to take care to avoid secondhand smoke, which can pose some of the same problems for the immune system.

Minimize Alcohol Consumption: Alcohol can have a tremendous and negative impact on the strength of the immune system. The microbes in your gut are part of the body’s defense against bacteria, but the consumption of alcohol can damage the lining of the intestines and make it easier for bacteria to enter the digestive system. While regular alcohol consumption can be a problem, binge drinking may be even worse. During cold and flu season, reducing your alcohol consumption can be one way to avoid risk and stay healthy.

Get Enough Sleep: Routinely skipping out on sleep could have a disastrous impact on your immune system, making you more susceptible to colds. When you sleep, your body produces cytokines, a type of protein that can be used to fight back against inflammation or infection. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body is not able to manufacture enough of those cytokines to keep your immune system working. Catching up on sleep and sticking to a regular sleep schedule may be the easiest way to reduce your chance of catching a cold this season.

Aim to Reduce Lifestyle Stress: The immune system is a complicated system of the body, and it can react to many different sources of stress. Even if you eat well, avoid cigarettes and alcohol, and even get plenty of sleep, you can still decrease the strength of your immune system if you experience high levels of stress. Activities like meditation, reading, or any other form of stress relief could boost your immune system and help you resist everything from the common cold all the way up to more severe illnesses.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Colds in Less Time

Even if you enact all of the suggestions listed above, there is still the possibility that you might come down with a cold. Fortunately, there are a number of home remedies that could help to treat an infection and get rid of a cold in less time.

Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can worsen the symptoms of a cold. At the same time, it can be challenging to drink enough fluids when you are feeling unwell. Staying hydrated is vital, so it needs to be a priority. While plain water is a great place to start, it may also be necessary to ingest calories or salt to boost hydration and increase energy levels. A glass of orange juice can provide some much-needed energy along with some Vitamin C, while a cup of broth can deliver salt as well as hydration. Warm fluids can do double duty as a way to stay hydrated and a way to loosen congestion and make it easier to breathe despite a stuffy nose.

Get Plenty of Rest: Above all else, it is important to rest when you have a cold. Although you might be tempted to get to work or keep up with your regular routine, doing everyday activities when you are under the weather will only prolong recovery. Allow your body to use its energy for healing and take time to rest. This is a great opportunity to take a nap or watch a movie. If you must get tasks done, stick to those jobs that are critical and delegate or postpone everything else.

Try Gargling:</b Having a cold can also mean a scratchy or sore throat. This might lead to discomfort, and it might prevent you from drinking fluids and staying hydrated. Gargling with a mixture of warm salt water can temporarily relieve a sore throat. Gargling warm salt water can be done safely up to six times per day.

Increase Humidity in Your Environment: Dry air can worsen the symptoms of your cold, and it can also decrease your comfort throughout your recovery. To increase comfort and make it easier to breathe through blocked nasal passages, use a humidifier to quickly add moisture to the air. Another way to increase humidity is to run a hot shower and make the most of the steam created as a result.

Use an Extra Pillow: Since you’ll be getting plenty of extra rest when you’re struggling through a cold, make sure to add an extra pillow to your bed at night. That little extra bit of elevation can relieve uncomfortably blocked nasal passages, allowing you to breath better and sleep through the night. The right position will drain your sinuses and improve your sleep, helping your body to recover faster at the same time.

Each of these home remedies can play a part in keeping you healthy. Even during the cold and flu season, those who are able to boost their immune system have a fighting chance at avoiding illness.

Do you prefer an article that is publish-ready and written with the ideal style and tone? Is quality more important than price?

If so, you can expect an article comparable to the one below from our 4-star or 5-star authors .


Quality level: to

Cryptocurrencies: Are they the investment of the future?

The rise of cryptocurrencies over the past decade promises to transform the payments landscape. Since the release of the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin , in 2009, more than 6,000 alternatives have been created . Unlike other mediums of exchange, cryptocurrencies rely on decentralized controls using distributed ledger technology . Trusted third parties are not involved in the transaction processes. Cryptocurrencies are borderless digital forms of currency that are not controlled by governments . These digital currencies can be valuable investments, but investors should be aware that they are highly volatile.

What is cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is a virtual currency that is used as a medium of exchange . Unlike fiat currencies, cryptocurrencies do not have centralized controls. Instead, they are decentralized, with each user of an exchange having control over his or her wallet. Cryptocurrencies have seven key characteristics , including the following:

  • Digital forms of payment
  • Use of a decentralized network
  • Peer-to-peer transactions only
  • No involvement of trusted third parties
  • No personal information has to be given
  • Cryptography with each user having his or her private code to access his or her wallets

Unlike fiat currencies, which are the individual, physical currencies used in different countries, cryptocurrencies are entirely digital and only exist online . They use a decentralized network comprised of all of the individual users of an exchange. These currencies use distributed ledger technology to remove the need for the involvement of trusted third parties . The most widely used distributed ledger technology is blockchain technology , which is a database that contains the history of all of the transactions that have ever occurred with a cryptocurrency. The data on the blockchain cannot be altered and can be seen by everyone on the exchange.

Cryptocurrencies use cryptography to secure their exchanges and the transactions that occur. The users do not have to provide personal information , and they use private codes to access their wallets . Because of the pseudonymous nature of cryptocurrencies, it is crucial for investors who own Bitcoin or an alternative coin to closely guard their private codes. The only way that they can access their holdings is to use their codes, and it is impossible to prove that they own cryptocurrencies without their codes .

When a user wishes to make a transaction, the request to send bitcoin or altcoin is submitted to the decentralized network or announced. Individual nodes called miners take the transaction information and encrypt it in a process called hashing while adding additional transaction information and hashing that as well until enough information exists to form a block . The miners then work to solve cryptography puzzles to elucidate the encrypted code of the block. The first miner who can figure out the code will be able to add the block to the cryptocurrency’s blockchain, and he or she will receive a reward.

Once a new block is added to the blockchain, the other nodes on the network will verify it. The entire blockchain for the cryptocurrency will be checked to ensure that the information matches. Once the block is verified through a process called consensus , it will be validated and confirmed so that the miner will be allowed to add the block to the blockchain. The transaction will then be completed, and the recipient will receive the cryptocurrency that was sent by the sender.

A person cannot physically hold a cryptocurrency. Instead, it exists on the blockchain. People have public keys that they can give to others to send them cryptocurrency. They also have private keys that they can use to access the cryptocurrencies that they own. The private and public keys are stored in wallets, which can either exist as digital wallets online or offline on paper or a hard drive. The person who has the private and public keys owns the cryptocurrency, making it crucial for people to take steps to protect this information.

What are the advantages of cryptocurrencies as a payment system?

Cryptocurrencies offer several advantages as a payment system over fiat currencies. Moving a fiat currency across the world is more difficult because of the various exchange rates and governmental and banking regulations. Since cryptocurrencies are global , they are simple to send and receive across borders without requiring approval from external authorities or sources. The peer-to-peer focus of cryptocurrency exchanges removes the need for trusted third parties to verify and approve transactions.

Cryptocurrency transactions are much more discrete than other types of transactions. Since they are pseudonymous, a user’s transactions with cryptocurrency are not readily associated with his or her identity. While cryptocurrency transactions are not truly untraceable, they are much more difficult to link to an individual than traditional types of transactions are .

A major benefit of cryptocurrencies is the greater autonomy that they afford to people. Users have a much greater level of control over their money and how they spend it since there is no intermediary authority such as a government or bank in control of cryptocurrency exchanges.

Cryptocurrencies are also not subject to many of the types of banking fees that are inherent with fiat currencies and traditional banking systems. While there may be occasional fees for sending or receiving cryptocurrency, there are no minimum account balances, account maintenance fees, overdraft charges, or returned deposit fees associated with cryptocurrencies. International payments using cryptocurrencies are much cheaper than sending money by wire. Since the transactions occur quickly , there also are no lengthy weights for bank authorizations on international transfers of cryptocurrencies.

One great promise of cryptocurrencies as a payment system is its ability to provide access to money to people wherever the internet is available . People who live in areas without access to traditional banking systems may participate in cryptocurrency exchanges. Women in countries that don’t allow them to open bank accounts can have greater control over their money with cryptocurrency exchanges.

Overview of common cryptocurrencies

After Bitcoin’s creation and subsequent success, many other cryptocurrencies have been created and released. While there are thousands of these altcoins , a few have emerged that are more common than others.

Bitcoin (BTC) was the first cryptocurrency and was released in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto , an unknown person or group of people. As of Feb. 6, 2020, Bitcoin had a market cap of $177.5 billion and was trading at $9,753.11 for one Bitcoin.

Ethereum (ETH) is an altcoin that offers a software platform from which developers can build and run decentralized applications and smart contracts without concerns about fraud, control, or downtime. Ether is the token offered by Ethereum. This cryptocurrency was launched in 2015 and is now the second-largest cryptocurrency behind Bitcoin . As of Feb.6, 2020, it had a market cap of $23.3 billion and was trading at $213.05.

Litecoin (LTC) was launched in 2011 by Charlie Lee , a graduate of MIT. It is similar to Bitcoin but offers a faster confirmation process because of its quicker rate of block generation. As of Feb. 6, 2020, Litecoin had a market cap of $4.7 billion and was trading at $73.22.

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) was created in 2017 as a hard fork from the original Bitcoin . A hard fork occurs when a disagreement arises between the coders and miners. In the case of Bitcoin Cash, its creation arose out of an argument about the size of the blocks allowed by Bitcoin. The proponents of Bitcoin Cash wanted to make the blocks larger to make the transaction process faster. As of Feb. 6, 2020, Bitcoin Cash had a market cap of $8.0 billion and was trading at $439.08.

Libra (LIBRA) is the much-hyped digital currency that Facebook has yet to launch as of Feb. 2020 . On June 18, 2019, Facebook released a whitepaper on Libra. This digital currency is planned for launch later in 2020. With Facebook’s massive global reach, Libra will likely garner substantial attention because of the potential for large exchanges on its platform.

In addition to these common cryptocurrencies, there are thousands of others. Investors should conduct due diligence and thoroughly investigate any cryptocurrencies before investing money because of their high degree of volatility .

Criticism of cryptocurrencies

Governments and taxing authorities around the world have had some strong criticisms of cryptocurrencies. Since they are relatively anonymous, governments worry that they could be used for money laundering and illicit trade .

A few countries ban cryptocurrencies , while most have some type of regulatory scheme to address and tax profits made from cryptocurrencies. In the U.S., cryptocurrency profits are taxed at the capital gains tax rate, which starts at 15%.

As an investment, cryptocurrencies are known for their volatility . Investors who fail to conduct due diligence before investing in cryptocurrencies could sustain substantial losses. Like other high-risk investments, investing in cryptocurrencies should not be viewed as a get-rich-quick scheme. Individuals should take the time necessary to learn about cryptocurrency and to thoroughly research any altcoin that they might be considering before getting into the digital currency market.

A big problem with cryptocurrencies can occur when someone dies. If the person has cryptocurrency holdings, those holdings may be lost if no one else has access to his or her private and public keys. Some cryptocurrency owners are wary of giving these numbers to anyone. However, if they have not made arrangements for the keys to be passed on to their intended beneficiaries, their holdings will vanish when they die. A solution to this issue is to draft a will. Some people are concerned about providing their lawyers with their keys, but including cryptocurrencies in estate planning is important for ensuring that their loved ones will have access to them after they pass away.

Outlook on cryptocurrencies: Where is the journey headed?

While cryptocurrencies occupy a small space in the financial marketplace, they are unlikely to go away. Following a meteoric rise in 2017 and a large crash in 2018, cryptocurrencies had a relatively quiet year in 2019. Various cryptocurrencies have been unstable assets. However, many tech and financial industry experts believe that cryptocurrencies are disruptive and transformative , making it likely for them to change the banking and payments landscape in the future .

Bitcoin and altcoins have experienced tremendous volatility as investment assets, however, they could become more stable with greater acceptance . Many transactions are increasingly occurring online, including banking and payment functions. The availability of cryptocurrencies as a safe, decentralized option for payments could help to move them more into the mainstream. The key to whether to invest in cryptocurrencies depends on an investor’s understanding and acceptance of blockchain technology and his or her willingness to conduct the necessary research before getting into the market. As with any other type of investment, people should make certain that they are diversified to protect themselves when they invest in cryptocurrencies.

Step 3: How many articles do you need?


content writing services

Top rankings on Google typically have larger word counts!

Determine the number of articles you need.

How many words should each of your articles have?

content writing services

Determine the number of words per article.

The number of words for your content should depend on the genre, content type and topic. The relevance for the user should always be focused. The aim should be to inform the reader comprehensively. The word count can influence search engine rankings, and the current trend is towards longer, more in-depth articles.

Some recommendations on the word count for your article:

  • Blog article starting at 2,000 words
  • Product description starting at 500 words
  • Category description starting at 500 words
  • Press release starting at 800 words
  • In-depth article starting at 2,000 words
  • Buying guide starting at 1,300 words
  • Advertising text starting at 500 words
  • Landing page content starting at 800 words

Our recommendations and costs for your content order:



  • Starting at:
  • Total price starting at:


  • AI-powered translations polished by certified language professionals

We’ll handle your entire project for you.


  • Request a custom quote starting at an order value of $ 2,500.

We write unique content in any language.

  • Request a custom quote. Minimum order of $1,000.

In Self-Service, you manage your orders yourself and process them via our user-friendly platform.

With DirectOrders , you place an order directly with the author of your choice . You can choose an author based on his or her special expertise or linguistic talent.

You negotiate the delivery date and price for your article individually with the author.

The minimum price for a DirectOrder is 3.4 cents per word , which we’ve used to calculated the shown pricing. However, authors set their own price per word, which is viewable on their profile, so the final price may be higher .

In OpenOrders , an author of your chosen quality level writes your order.

You have no influence over which author writes your order. However, by choosing the quality level you ensure that the author meets the respective Textbroker quality standard for spelling and grammar. In addition, your content is written at the fixed price per word of the respective quality level .

Our OpenOrder prices are based on the quality level of the author. You can find an overview of our pricing HERE .

With TeamOrders, you select several authors exclusively for your own team. You can select the authors based on their expertise or linguistic talent and combine them into a group. You then make your orders exclusively available to this selected group of authors.

TeamOrders are recommended if you have many orders on a specific topic , and if you want to ensure that your articles are written quickly.

You determine the conditions and the pricing of your team. The minimum price for TeamOrders is 3.5 cents per word , which we’ve used to calculate the shown pricing.

Our recommendation: Higher word prices increase the interest of the authors and encourages them to complete your orders quickly.

In Self-Service, you manage your translation orders yourself and process them via our user-friendly platform.

With TranslationOrder, you can have us translate your desired article into any of the available languages at a great price. You can order Western languages for just 6.5 cents per word and Asian / Nordic languages for only 8.5 cents per word.

Simply select our TranslationOrder to receive an AI-powered translation that has been checked and fine-tuned by a certified translator.

In our calculator, 6.5 cents/word was used as the basis for calculating the final price.

With our Managed-Service, we handle the entire content creation process up to the delivery of the finished, publish-ready content in the desired format.

We guarantee fixed delivery dates for your final content so you know your orders will be completed on time.

In addition, you will have a dedicated Account Manager to work with on an ongoing basis. This allows you to be hands-off and worry-free.

A minimum order of $ 2,500 is required for Managed-Services. We calculate the final price for your Managed-Service project based on your requirements and provide you with a custom, no-obligation quote .

With our Translation Service , your content can be translated by qualified authors in any language of your choosing.

Alternatively, native speakers can create unique content in 36 languages . Localization of your existing content is also possible.

A minimum order of $ 1,000 is required for a project with our Translation Service. We calculate the final price for your project based on your requirements and provide you with a custom, no-obligation quote .

Once you have placed your order, we handle the rest of the process and deliver the completed content in the language of your choice to you.


Get content quickly.

There is always a suitable writer for hire among the many creative members on our platform. Cumbersome author searches and missed deadlines for your content projects are things of the past. Our content writing service saves you time and allows you to concentrate fully on your most important tasks.


Our authors have expertise in a wide variety of fields. Whether it’s travel, health or cryptocurrencies, Textbroker can provide any type of written content. Among our authors, there is definitely someone with experience in your subject.


Control all costs of your written content order.

There is no monthly fee at Textbroker. You determine the quality and length of written articles and only pay for what you order. Take a look at our pricing page .


Your entire content order is processed via our easy-to-use platform – from your author briefing to the export into your content management system. You don’t have to write an invoice for every single author anymore! We take care of the billing.


Easily add your target keywords to our order dashboard. You can also rely on our plagiarism check. Tools like these will provide you with unique and optimized copy that search engines reward with better rankings.



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Over 80,000 clients worldwide have already processed more than 10 million content orders via our content writing platform. Check out our case studies and list of clients to learn about how we support our clients all over the world with custom content.

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Content that works

Whatever industry you’re in, you need expert writers who can engage your audience. We’ll find those writers for you.

We partner with agencies to support the content and copywriting needs of their clients.

We support digital publishers by writing targeted content for their different sites at scale.

We write product descriptions, web pages, and category pages with an emphasis on SEO.

We develop your voice and tone and write custom content for brands big and small.

Content You Can Trust



Natalie Winzer B2C Marketing Manager

ContentWriters has been a great partner for us in providing relevant, helpful information to our customers.

Road Runner Sports

Sam Kerstetter Senior Content Marketing Manager

The CW team is nimble and incredibly helpful. They not only help you execute on your vision, they truly endeavor to understand what your editorial needs are and how their team can best help meet these needs. They ensure the content CW is creating is not only engaging, but also purposeful.


Katie Hudson Creative Manager

Working with ContentWriters has been incredibly helpful for our brand. By relying on their team, we've been able to launch a blog, improve our SEO, and create new product descriptions quickly. I'd highly recommend working with them

KBI Benefits

Chris Freitas Director, Business Development

The ContentWriters team has been very professional, prompt, and proactive. I researched diligently for content creators and CW was by far the best option.

Solv Health

Michael Barber Director of Marketing

There are so many outlets to create content these days. We're fortunate to have found a partner in ContentWriters that enables us to move quickly, trust their team to execute reliably, and publish great content.

Alex Neal President

ContentWriters has been a great cost effective solution for us to get relevant original content in a timely manner. I would definitely recommend them.


Steven Collinge Founder & CEO

Since the very moment we started working with ContentWriters almost 5 years ago now, we found them to be just great to work with. Their services have been vital to our growth and the constant support is why we continue to enjoy every single communication and have done for all these years.


Matthew Rickerby Director of Marketing

ContentWriters have been such a help to our marketing team, they've created content that has helped us rank better for key search terms and have driven lots of organic traffic.

Aaron Rosenthal Director of Marketing was named the 79th fastest growing private company by Inc. Magazine. ContentWriters helped obtain this growth without employing a single full-time writer on staff.


Chris Fasano Director of Marketing

We needed top notch quality writing and in volume, which ContentWriters provides for us week in and week out. We are very pleased with ContentWriters’ work thus far.

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Content marketing resources.

Check out some of our latest blogs, white papers, and case studies to see how we help writers and clients work together to achieve success.

The Value of Writing Services Without AI (But With Heart)

June 5th, 2024.

I am not a robot. Do I really have to say that? Maybe I do. After all, the writing landscape …

  • White Papers

How AI Has Impacted the Content Marketing Landscape

February 20th, 2024.

We dive into the burst of generative AI and its impact on content creation and SEO. Learn how marketers are harnessing AI’s potential while navigating its limitations.

Case Studies

Points group agency & contentwriters boost traffic by 14% for healthcare clients.

ContentWriters frees up Points Group team's bandwidth and helps increase healthcare clients' online traffic.

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Sam Kerstetter

“The CW team is nimble and incredibly helpful. They not only help you execute on your vision, they truly endeavor to understand what your editorial needs are and how their team can best help meet these needs. They ensure the content CW is creating is not only engaging, but also purposeful.” Sam Kerstetter Senior Content Marketing Manager
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11 Best Content Writing Services in 2024 (Reviews & Pricing)

Engineering Team

December 7, 2023

Content is king. From email marketing campaigns to landing pages, content writing services have the potential to make a big difference to your bottom line.

Professional writers possess the skills and expertise to draft content that will speak to your audience, drive organic traffic, and get results. ✅ ✍️

The trick is finding content writing services you can count on. That’s where we come in!

We’ve rounded up the 11 best content writing services (with an emphasis on SEO) so you can execute a content plan that gets the job done.

  • What Should You Look For in Content Writing Services?

1. Writing Studio

2., 3. contentwriters, 4. wordagents, 6. contentgrow, 7. express writers, 8. scripted, 10. crowd content, 10. my content pal.

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What Should You Look For in Content Writing Services ?

With countless content writing companies to choose from, how do you find the right one? Here’s what we suggest looking for in high-quality content writing services:

  • SEO expertise: Search engine optimization (SEO) is an ever-changing skillset that makes your web content visible, so look for a service with expert writers who specialize in SEO 📈
  • Unique content : Opt for custom content that speaks to your unique target audience and engages them 
  • Strict vetting : Look for content writing services that vet their freelance writers to avoid plagiarism and ensure you’re working with trusted professionals 
  • Fast turnaround times : Find a content writing service that can produce the turnaround times you need to keep your project plan on schedule
  • Free revisions : You deserve content you’re happy with, so look for a service that includes revisions in the cost of the content

The 11 Best Content Writing Services to Spruce Up Your Copy

Whether you need social media posts, blog writing, or white papers, we’ve highlighted content-writing services that can make it happen. Let’s dive into 11 content creation apps and websites you can count on. 🙌

Content writing services: How It Works page in Writing Studio

Writing Studio is a professional content writing service that can help you create ebooks, ecommerce product descriptions, SEO-optimized blog posts, white papers, press releases, and more. 📃

You’ll receive fully managed content writing services, including SEO keyword research, proofreading, fact-checking, CMS formatting, and more.

Writing Studio best features

  • Strict content quality monitoring to ensure you’re receiving top-notch online content
  • Several content types, ranging from ebooks to newsletters
  • Clear communication to work out your requirements before writers start the project
  • Professional services like SEO optimization, CMS formatting, and fact-checking included in every project

Writing Studio limitations

  • Limited customer feedback on popular review platforms
  • Some users say the project launch surveys are too long and time-consuming

Writing Studio pricing

  • 1-10k Words: $0.20/word
  • 10-100k Words: $0.16/word
  • 100k+ words: $0.15/word

Writing Studio ratings and reviews

  • G2: 5/5 (5+ reviews)
  • Capterra: N/A

Content writing services: project list in is a content and article-writing service specializing in SEO and blog writing services. The company’s team is made up of entrepreneurs and content marketing experts who can execute cohesive content projects and produce blog articles that rank high for competitive search terms. ⬆️ best features

  • Comprehensive SEO plans can target short- and long-tail keywords for tangible increases in traffic
  • Free written content sample before you commit to a paid plan
  • An account management team guarantees instant access to thoroughly vetted writers with experience in a range of specific industries
  • No long-term contracts, just web content writing that can fit your budget 💰 limitations

  • Some users say you can’t request a favorite web content writer to handle your entire content plan
  • Reviewers report that it may take some time to hone in on the exact brand voice you want in your blog articles pricing

  • Content Writing Services : $700+/month ratings and reviews

  • G2: 5/5 (10+ reviews)

Content writing services: rating and commenting on a drafted blog post in ContentWriters

ContentWriters is a website content copywriting platform that connects you with specialized writers to bring your growth strategy to life. 🌱

Connect with freelancers who can meet your content needs on time while writing to your target audience and demonstrating an understanding of your subject matter.

ContentWriters best features

  • SEO services allow you to target keywords and terms that will increase visibility and help your site rank higher on search engine results pages
  • 100% content satisfaction guarantee with revisions included in every piece of content
  • Secure platform that allows you to connect with hand-selected professionals
  • Account management and custom content calendars make it easier to execute your SEO strategy

ContentWriters limitations

  • Advanced content management features are not available on the Self Service plan; interested users must upgrade to the Managed Services plan
  • User reviews mention the need for a 12-month contract on the Managed Services plan with no shorter contracts available

ContentWriters pricing

  • Self Service: $99+/piece
  • Managed Services: Contact for pricing

ContentWriters ratings and reviews

  • G2: 4.6/5 (80+ reviews)

Content writing services: orders page in WordAgents

WordAgents is a content writing agency run by a team of SEO pros who specialize in improving search rankings.

Connect with writers who can turn briefs into SEO-friendly content. They’ll help you improve brand awareness and lead generation without having to worry about keyword stuffing or plagiarism.

WordAgents best features

  • Connect with SEO writers, editors, and strategists who can help you rank and build authority in any industry
  • Rely on AI and SEO article writing tools to create web pages and blog posts that drive conversions
  • Preview writing samples before you pay anything to ensure you know what you’re signing up for

WordAgents limitations

  • SEO Lite plan does not provide human-written content; users get access to AI-generated content that has been edited by humans
  • Full marketing services are restricted to the SEO Supreme plan

WordAgents pricing

  • SEO Lite: $290/month
  • SEO Supreme: $890/month

WordAgents ratings and reviews

Content writing services: content queue in Verblio

Verblio is an SEO content writing service that boasts low per-word fees and content designed to drive conversions. Get access to a network of more than 3,000 vetted SEO content writers capable of producing effective, satisfaction-guaranteed copy for businesses in any industry.

Verblio best features

  • User-friendly interface is easy to navigate
  • Content writing services specialized for startups, marketing agencies, ecommerce brands, service providers, and digital publishing companies
  • Content writing services include homepage writing, blog articles, social media posts, marketing emails, white papers, press releases, and more
  • Network of U.S.-based writers and editors who speak English as their first language

Verblio limitations

  • Most content is not written by people; customers receive AI-created content with human editing
  • Reviews mention that preferred writers often reject articles, which may delay content strategies until another suitable writer is found

Verblio pricing

  • Self-Serve: $49.50/month plus $0.06/word
  • Enterprise : Contact for pricing

Verblio ratings and reviews

  • G2: 4.5/5 (40+ reviews)

ContentGrow's home page

ContentGrow is a platform designed to match freelance writing talent with clients using a straightforward workflow app. Each writer is carefully vetted through a multi-step process. Build your team of preferred freelance writers who can accept content orders on a first-come, first-serve basis. ✨

ContentGrow best features

  • Get access to a shortlist of project-appropriate writers to make it easier to connect with the talent you need
  • Request article pitches from a wide range of writers and only pay for content when you receive a story idea you like
  • Chat with the ContentGrow team if you have questions about how to create briefs, request pitches, or connect with freelancers
  • Receive quick response times and satisfaction-guaranteed work

ContentGrow limitations

  • No flat pricing plan; writers may give preference to clients who are willing to pay higher per-word prices
  • The hiring process relies on commissioning pitches from writers before an article is written, which may result in slower content-writing services

ContentGrow pricing

ContentGrow does not provide pricing information. However, users state clients can set preferred per-word rates that writers must accept before taking on a project.

ContentGrow ratings and reviews

  • G2: 5/5 (2+ reviews)

Steps on how to order custom content in Express Writers

Express Writers is an SEO content writing service that provides high-quality copy and access to seasoned industry professionals. Let the writers do the heavy lifting and creative content production , whether you need infographics, ebooks, blog posts, or all of the above. 🏋️

Express Writers best features

  • Content Shop lets you browse different types of content and average service costs before choosing a writer
  • Pay per word to ensure your content calendar fits your budget
  • Writers do in-depth research and fact-checking for all copy to ensure you’re getting high-quality content
  • Revisions and proofreading are included in the per-word prices so you get publish-ready content every time

Express Writers limitations

  • Users report that content sometimes encounters unexpected delays, making it hard to stay on schedule
  • Some users say they struggle to get quality consistency between writers even when requesting expert-level service providers

Express Writers pricing

  • Self-Service: Flexible per-word pricing

Express Writers ratings and reviews

  • G2: 4.5/5 (10+ reviews)

Giving feedback in Scripted

Scripted is a content writing service that combines AI-powered copywriting with human expertise so you can enjoy the best of both worlds. Take advantage of flexible pricing options to suit any budget, place orders with ease, and communicate with writers in real time.

Scripted best features

  • Free access to AI writing tools so you can draft content for your in-house teams to edit and improve
  • Access to thousands of freelance writers who specialize in various industries so you get the expertise you need
  • Members on paid plans can work with the Scripted team to create a winning content strategy (not available for Free plan users)
  • Connect with writers through the Scripted team so you can enjoy consistent communication

Scripted limitations

  • Free plan only provides access to AI-generated content; most plans emphasize AI-generated content with human editing
  • Some users report that finding the right writers for their needs is time-consuming

Scripted pricing

  • Starter: Free
  • Pro: $199/month
  • Team: $499/month
  • Enterprise + Agency: Contact for pricing

Scripted ratings and reviews

  • G2: 3.1/5 (50+ reviews)

Search tool in Upwork

Upwork is a freelance marketplace with professionals from a wide range of industries, including a massive network of content-writing specialists. 

Find talent, manage contracts, improve collaboration in the workplace , review work, and pay freelancers, all from one secure platform. 🔐🥇

Upwork best features

  • Check freelancer profiles, see projects they’ve completed, read reviews from their past clients, and sort writers by rating
  • Secure payment platform keeps you and the freelancer protected; you can add tips for a job well done, break projects into milestones, or pay by the hour
  • Create job postings for writers of specific skill levels, locations, time zones, and other qualifications
  • Build long-lasting relationships with writers, editors, and other freelance professionals

Upwork limitations

  • Users report the quality of content and communication varies between freelancers
  • The rating system can result in low star ratings on your client account, discouraging top talent from accepting work

Upwork pricing

  • Basic: $49.99+/month plus cost of content
  • Enterprise : $849/month plus cost of content

Upwork ratings and reviews

  • G2: 4.6/5 (1,800+ reviews)
  • Capterra: 4.5/5 (100+ reviews)

CrowdContent's dashboard

Crowd Content is an enterprise content writing service with a network of more than 6,000 freelance copywriters. Use the platform to connect with writers of your chosen skill level and area of expertise to help scale your business with targeted content. 🎯

Crowd Content best features

  • Projects that require fast turnaround times are often completed within 24-48 hours
  • Flexible pricing allows you to adjust the per-word rate to match your project’s budget
  • User-friendly platform makes it easy to place orders, pay freelancers, and review content
  • Multiple content types, ranging from landing pages and blog articles to social media posts and marketing emails 

Crowd Content limitations

  • Reviews mention difficulty finding freelancers who consistently produce high-quality work
  • Users say the internal scoring system for writers and written content can be confusing

Crowd Content pricing

  • Marketplace: $0.035+/word

Crowd Content ratings and reviews

  • G2: 3.9/5 (10+ reviews)

content writing services

My Content Pal provides you with stress-free, well-researched content. They have a strict no AI policy, guaranteeing 100% human-crafted, SEO-optimized content that will resonate with your brand’s unique voice and your audience. 

My Content Pal is one of the only agencies that allow you to work directly with the writer. They provide your brand with a dedicated writer who’ll work on your campaigns and interact directly with your team.

My Content Pal best features

  • Strict no AI policy: Each piece of content is crafted by skilled human writers, ensuring brand alignment and authenticity. 
  • SEO Success Manager: You’ll benefit from expert SEO insights from a dedicated SEO Success Manager.
  • Build a relationship with your writer: You can engage directly with your dedicated writer.
  • Loyalty program: Long-term customers will receive credits to use on the editing service or graphic design services.
  • Affordable excellence: You can get premium content for as little as $0.08 per word.
  • Customizable plans: Purchase words based on your requirements, from just 10,000 words to 200,000 words.

My Content Pal limitations

  • You don’t get to pick your writer, but they’ll happily replace the writer if it’s not a good fit
  • Reviewers report that it may take some time to get started. My Content Pal has a lengthy but thorough onboarding process.
  • Content turnaround time of 72 hours for Dedicated Writer clients

My Content Pal pricing

  • My Content Pal offers pricing from $0.08 per word with no hidden fees. Their packages are scalable to accommodate unique content needs. They offer a full refund if you’re unhappy with the content.

My Content Pal ratings and reviews

  • Trustpilot : 4.8/5 with 54 reviews

Other Content Writing Tools

Not ready to hire a copywriter or commit to a content writing platform? Want to provide your in-house writers with the tools they need to succeed? We’ve got you covered with everything from content writing templates to industry-leading AI content generation.

ClickUp is the leading project management software on the market. While the platform doesn’t offer content writing services, it has several tools to help with press releases, product descriptions, and more.

Need to produce great content in a snap? ClickUp AI can generate emails, blog content, digital marketing copy, project briefs, meeting agendas, and status reports with simple prompts. It can also summarize meeting notes and generate action items, saving your team time and money. 🤩

Ready to connect your content to your workflows? Use ClickUp AI to create quality content in ClickUp Docs to enable seamless collaboration.

Want to give your content marketing strategy a facelift? Use ClickUp’s Content Management template to dial in your project plan. ✅

ClickUp can do it all. Seriously. Take a look at what you get:

  • Content writing templates and communication plan templates for every purpose
  • Hundreds of AI writing tools purpose-built for project management
  • Content calendar templates to keep your projects on track
  • Tools and features designed to improve workplace collaboration

ClickUp Teams Marketing makes it easy to brainstorm, plan, and execute content marketing campaigns across all platforms. Use it alongside ClickUp AI to generate campaign ideas, content briefs, case studies, and more without ever leaving the platform.

ClickUp best features

  • Content calendar software to keep your marketing and SEO plans on point
  • Hundreds of AI tools to help you produce high-quality content
  • Library of over 1,000 ready-made templates to fast-track every project
  • Content marketing software to boost your search engine rankings and drive traffic to your site

ClickUp limitations

  • Some users report a learning curve when familiarizing themselves with ClickUp’s tools (solved with free video tutorials and FAQs)
  • ClickUp AI is only available on paid plans

ClickUp pricing

  • Free Forever
  • Unlimited: $7/month per user
  • Business: $12/month per user
  • ClickUp AI is available on all paid plans for $5 per Workspace member per month

ClickUp ratings and reviews 

  • G2: 4.7/5 (9,200+ reviews)
  • Capterra: 4.7/5 (3,900+ reviews)

Words That Win

This curated list of the 11 best content writing services reflects evolving industry standards in industries across the board. Whether you’re in the market for SEO content writing services for your ecommerce site or need a freelancer to craft social media posts or white papers, you want vetted professionals who can deliver high-quality, original, and engaging content. 

Explore what other content writing tools can do for you. Get started for free today and sign up for ClickUp ! 🌞

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Create tons of publish-ready content with the best content writing service. AI makes it faster and cheaper .

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Enterprise content

Custom solutions for publishers, agencies, and in-house marketers who need more content than the average bear and worker bees to handle the rest.

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Feel the Love

I'm in love with your service. I added another topic the other day and got a post back in less than 10 hours that felt like the writer read my mind. BJ E.  Enterprise Agency client
After just two months of consistent blog posting with content from Verblio, we ranked on the first page of Google for four of our critical keywords. Ben A.  Manufacturing client
The writers are fantastic, and quickly turned around edit requests. The results speak for themselves—our organic traffic is up 46% in the past 9 months. Mark z.  E-commerce client

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