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What To Write in an Email When Sending a Resume to an Employer? (+3 Email Templates)

  • Klara Cervenanska , 
  • Updated January 12, 2024 7 min read

Have you found a job posting that asks you to submit your resume via email? Or maybe you’ve decided to approach your dream company directly. If so, you’re probably asking yourself right now — what to write in an email when sending my resume so I will stand out?

Sometimes employers provide clear instructions on what the email format should include. If that’s the case, follow the employer’s directions closely. 

But if you can’t find any instructions, don’t worry — you can follow the best practices described in this article!

Additionally, there are also 3 email templates for what to write in an email when sending a resume to an employer that you can download and edit to your liking.

Table of Contents

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3 sample emails for sending your resume to recruiters:

How to email a resume: a few tips to keep in mind before sending the email.

  • Write an effective subject line. It's the first thing they're going to see

Email body for sending a resume: Keep it crisp, yet formal

Attaching files — resume and cover letter, what should you do before sending your email, what to write in your resume email key takeaways.

Feel free to use any of these templates as your first draft.

#1 Template of an email to send with your resume

#2 template of an email to send with your resume, #3 template of an email to send with your resume.

Additionally, these 10 more job application email templates will give you the help you need at any stage of the hiring process.

Finally, if you already have a fantastic LinkedIn profile but no resume, there's no need to write your CV from scratch. You can  convert your LinkedIn profile into resume  in seconds.

Before you start writing, ask yourself this:   Who is the person you're writing to?

Try to find the hiring manager's contact details so you can address them by name. A slightly more personal approach can decrease the chance of your resume being forgotten or disposed of.

Remember that   your email address needs to be professional . Emails like julezizcoolz@yahoo may have been cool in 2005, but not anymore. Instead, create a professional email address that consists of your first and last name.

You should also consider when to email your resume. In general, you want your email to be among the first ones they receive that day. This means you should send it very early — ideally before 8am.

The same applies for days of week. The later in the week you send your email, the lower the probability that someone reviews it. This is why you should send it very early on a Monday morning.

Naturally, do not put off applying if it's a first come first serve kind of job application. 

Key takeaways:

  • Look up the hiring manager's contact details;
  • Your email address needs to be professional;
  • Send it on a Monday, ideally well before 8am;

Write an effective subject line. It's the first thing they're going to see

Sure, the subject line is just a tiny part of the whole email. However, it's also the very first thing the recruiter is going to see. That's why you want the subject line of your resume email to be absolutely spot on.

First of all, check the job posting for instructions regarding the submission. There may be a preferred subject format the company uses. If that's the case, then you need to stick to it.

However, if there are no instructions, you should stick to the standard format for subject lines :

  • Subject: ‘Job application’ – Job title, Job ID (if applicable) — Your Name
  • Example: Job application – Office Manager, Job ID #1553 — Ian Lumberjack
  • Example (with referral): Referral from John Wick: Job application – Graphic Designer, Job ID #1554  — Nina Hughes

If someone recommended you for the job, definitely make this clear in the subject line. You can add your title or qualification if you wish — but remember, keep the subject line succinct.

Start off with a formal greeting and address the hiring manager by name (preferably last name).

In the first short paragraph you should state who you are, why you are sending this email and what the email contains.

Continue the next paragraph with a short but effective introduction of your best and proudest achievements. Of course, only mention those achievements that are relevant for the job. Close this paragraph by saying what value you would bring to the company and which skills you will use to accomplish this.

In the closing paragraph you need to say that you're looking forward to hearing back from them and meeting in person. You may add a captivating call for action   but be careful not to sound rude or overly keen.

Yours faithfully (US English) or Yours sincerely  (British English).

And finally, a professional signature is a must! Remember to include your contact details.

[Your name]

[Your job title]

[Email address]

[Phone number]

[LinkedIn profile] -  optional 

Remember, you want to keep the body of the email short and succinct. Don't go in too much detail otherwise you might loose the hiring manager's attention. 

Keep in mind that you simply cannot elaborate on every accomplishment and every work experience due to limited space. The email needs to be informative and concise.

This should go without saying but, don't forget to attach your resume to the email! 

Consider whether it's relevant to also attach your cover letter . When you apply for a job in bigger companies you may actually benefit from sending your cover letter as well as your resume. Just remember not to repeat yourself too much in your email body and your cover letter.

Avoid naming the attachments generically or randomly. Names like fghjvh.pdf or resume2.pdf can make it hard for the hiring manager to find these documents later. Name your a ttachments in a way that makes them easy to find   — Name_Surname_Resume.pdf and Name_Surname_Cover_Letter.pdf

The best format for sending your resume and cover letter is .pdf or .doc. We suggest saving your documents as  PDFs , since it's a universally accepted file format, it's easy to open and will not distort the formatting of your documents.

If you’re considering sending a video resume, you should know  how to convert video to MP4 , as it’s the most common format supported across different browsers and devices.

Keep in mind that files should not be larger than 10MB. Otherwise  they might be considered suspicious.

Last but not least, before sending it out, get your resume analyzed to make sure it contains everything it should.

  • Resume and cover letter need to be sent as attachments;
  • Name your attachments in a way that makes them easy to find;
  • Save documents in the PDF format;
  • Files should not be larger than 10MB.

Before you send the email with your resume and cover letter, you should check it for any spelling or grammatical mistakes.

Having bad grammar is definitely not something you want to be remembered for. Ask a friend to proofread all your documents. It can make a big difference. 

Additionally, it may be a good idea to send yourself a test email to see whether the formatting and layout of the email is up to the expected standard.

Don't forget to test download and open your files. Check whether you've attached the right file(s).

Also, avoid using any colorful fonts, pictures or emoticons. 

We can check your resume for you.

Scan your resume for issues and see how it compares against other resumes in our database.

Sending your resume attached to a well-written email can be a very effective strategy. It can help you find a way around ATS algorithms that filter out unsuitable resumes before they can even get to an HR employee for evaluation.

So how do you write one?

  • Before you start writing the email, make sure you know who to address. Knowing the hiring manager's name will make the email feel more personal and decrease the chance of it being forgotten.
  • Your resume address should sound professional. Send your resume email early on a Monday morning for maximum effectiveness.
  • We have provided you with email templates. No matter which one you choose, remember — keep the email short, informative and professional.
  • Attach your resume and cover letter in the PDF format and name them in a way that makes them easy to find, for example  Name_Surname_Resume.pdf and Name_Surname_Cover_Letter.pdf
  • After you have written the email and attached the documents, ask someone to proofread it for you to avoid any grammar errors and typos. Lastly, send yourself a test email to check the formatting and test download the files. 

After you send in your resume, cover letter and your job application, wait for a couple of days before sending a follow up email .

Christy's word of advice

For bigger companies, your application will probably be forwarded straight to the ATS, so just a short email referencing the attached cover letter/resume is fine. An exception is if you’ve been referred to them directly, in which case, keep it formal but mention the referee’s name. For smaller companies where your application is more likely to be manually reviewed, showing a bit of personality will help you to stand out.

Christy Morgan, Resident HR Expert

Concluding thought — even if you construct the perfect email to send with your resume, you still need to make sure you have an impressive resume and cover letter.  

We've got you covered. Check out these articles to help you create the perfect resume and cover letter:

  • How to Write a Resume: The Only Resume Guide You’ll Need in 2024
  • The Only Cover Letter Guide You’ll Need in 2024 (+Examples)

When emailing your resume to a hiring manager, start with a formal greeting using their last name. In the first paragraph, briefly introduce yourself and explain the purpose of your email. Next, highlight your most relevant and proud achievements, linking them to the value you can bring to the company and the skills you'll use to achieve this. Conclude by expressing your eagerness to hear back and the hope of meeting them in person. Sign off with "Yours faithfully" (US English) or "Yours sincerely" (British English), and include a professional signature with your contact details.

When sending your resume to a hiring manager via email, the subject should always include your name and purpose, e.g. Job application – Job title — Your Name .

In your email when sending a resume with a reference, briefly introduce yourself, mention the position you're applying for, and how you came to know about it. Specifically mention your reference's name and your relationship with them . Then continue by highlighting your most relevant and proud achievements, linking them to the value you can bring to the company. Conclude by expressing your eagerness to hear back and meeting them in person. Sign off.

Klara graduated from the University of St Andrews in Scotland. After having written resumes for many of her fellow students, she began writing full-time for Kickresume. Klara is our go-to person for all things related to student or 'no experience resumes'. At the same time, she has written some of the most popular resume advice articles on this blog. Her pieces were featured in multiple CNBC articles. When she's not writing, you'll probably find her chasing dogs or people-watching while sipping on a cup of coffee.

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5 Human Resources (HR) Cover Letter Examples for 2024

Stephen Greet

  • HR Cover Letter
  • HR Assistant
  • HR Generalist
  • HR Director
  • Write a HR Cover Letter

As an HR professional, you know how to make employees and the corporation productive, especially when you bring in new talent. But even though you know the ins and outs of the hiring process, getting hired yourself is a different ballgame. 

It’s tiring enough having to assess hundreds of candidates’  job skills  all day only to head home and polish off an  HR resume , create a cover letter , and prepare another application for yours truly. 

We understand that getting hired isn’t easy—even if you’re familiar with the process. Our guide, complete with five HR cover letter examples, will walk you through how to write a cover letter that will land you an interview and, hopefully, your dream job.

cover letter for sending resume to hr

Human Resources Cover Letter Example 


Microsoft Word

Google Docs

Block Format

Human resources cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • Find a way to link the company to you. Derek does this by demonstrating values both he and the employer share, like his belief that employee relationships are at the heart of HR.
  • You can tell a short story, laugh at the witty  HR job ad , explain how you found the company, or state your enthusiasm for the high-impact position. 

Level up your cover letter game

Relax! We’ll do the heavy lifiting to write your cover letter in seconds.

Human Resources Assistant Cover Letter Example

Human resources assistant cover letter template

  • As far as the body is concerned, make it digestible and easy to read especially where you express your main skills and accomplishments as it helps you to convey your skills in an impactful manner.

Human Resources Generalist Cover Letter Example

Human resources generalist cover letter template

  • Another addition to creating an unforgettable piece is signing off with an optimistic attitude and exemplifying how your skills can contribute to the company’s ethos and objectives.

Human Resources Manager Cover Letter Example

Human resources manager cover letter template

  • Don’t be afraid to use a narrative style in your cover letters when it’s applicable, especially if you’ve had a good experience with the company.
  • Aidan starts his cover letter with a story about how he visited PLANTA and later states how he’s looking forward to “enjoying some amazing vegan meals.”
  • Remember what you’ve written in your body paragraphs when writing your conclusion and support your points. Don’t overthink it.

Human Resources Director Cover Letter Example

Human resources director cover letter template

  • In your cover letter, address what the company offers, such as amazing software or a killer hotel experience, and express your wish to experience more of what makes them unique.
  • If you decide to implement this technique, pay attention to tone and word choice. You never want to make it sound as if the company was poorly managing its employees, even if that was the case. 
  • For example, Julian explains Cedar Garland’s need for updated procedures for experienced employees and how The National Hotel needed modernized programs for payroll. 

Build your human resources resume for a complete application

Before we dive into the specific ways you can write your cover letter, don’t let  writing your resume  slip through the cracks. We make it simple with  professional resume templates  just like this one.

Human Resources Resume

Need a resume to pair with your human resources cover letter?

or download as PDF

Human resources resume template

Write a Winning Human Resources Cover Letter

Rocket taking off from a laptop on a desk depicting writing a winning human resources cover letter

Writing a stunning human resources cover letter is difficult, so let’s break it down into three simple factors: research, details, and presentation.

cover letter for sending resume to hr

Step 1: Research the organization and its needs

As an HR professional, you know that reading generic cover letters is exhausting and annoying. They fail to show initiative or explain how the candidate will help you once they get hired. 

So, in your cover letter, show you care about the company and can help them reach its goals.  But you’ll only know what to write once you know what the business wants.

Start by reading the  human resources job description  to get a feel for their personality. Then scan their website to find their mission statement, vision, and goals. 

Assure the employer that you can deliver the results they desire by addressing their unique concerns and applying your relevant qualifications.

cover letter for sending resume to hr

Step 2: Share the details about one or two accomplishments

As you know, reading redundant paperwork is a complete snooze-fest. So, your human resources cover letter can’t be a repeat of your resume, or the recruiter will be snoring before they hit the second paragraph.

Think of your cover letter as a presentation. Pick one to two of your accomplishments that echo the job description’s requirements and give the full scope of those experiences. You could:

This example stays focused on one goal or talent (photography/videography). Although the candidate could have just focused on responsibilities, they focus instead on  how  their efforts helped the company.

  • Address your work and successes in revamping the onboarding process for seasonal hires
  • Share how you listened to employees and made lasting changes via surveys, check-ins, evaluations, etc. 
  • Talk about how you decreased the employee turnover rate

cover letter for sending resume to hr

Step 3: Convey the right tone and a clear message

Your cover letter should strike a balance between unique and professional, personal but not sentimental. Easier said than done, right?

Start by limiting your cover letter to one page .  Then you can start modifying your message. Present a logical argument with enough ethos (credibility) and pathos (emotion) to sell anyone on your skills. 

Then adjust your tone. Your cover letter can be funny, heartfelt, or candid—but moderation is key. Let the job description help you choose your content, your words, and how you phrase your message. Most of all, shoot for a tone that matches the company. 

Present a logical argument with enough ethos (credibility) and pathos (emotion) to sell anyone on your skills. 

Don’t despair if this is difficult; next up is revision, where you can fix any errors and tweak the content. Now is also a perfect time to let someone else read your cover letter to recommend improvements. 

Outlining Your Human Resources Cover Letter for Success

Two people helping each other on outlining a human resources cover letter

Starting any project with a blank slate is intimidating, so use this HR cover letter outline to get you started on the right foot!

cover letter for sending resume to hr

How to start a human resources cover letter

Your contact info:  Give employers a helping hand and provide your contact information right from the get-go. List your name, number, email, and physical address right at the top of your cover letter template. 

  • Formatting : If you’re using a block format, only include your physical address, and save your name for the signature.

Date:  Even in a virtual letter, you should include a date. It makes your cover letter look more professional, and it gives the hiring manager a timeline for your application.

Just make sure the date on your cover letter reflects the day you submit it, especially if you re-work your cover letters based on previous submissions.

  • Formatting : Write out the full date, e.g., January 5, 2023.

Inside address:  Your address isn’t the only one that matters; also include the inside address, aka the employer’s address. It should have the hiring manager or recruiter’s name, their title, and the company’s physical address. This shows the employer you’ve researched their company and know to whom you’re speaking. 

If the company doesn’t list its address or has multiple locations, check sites like LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and the company’s website (you can also check Google Maps).

Min Ju Ha, Director of Talent Acquisition 50 Eggs Hospitality Group 7350 Biscayne Blvd  Miami, FL 33138

  • Formatting : Each part of the address should be on a new line. Double space between the inside address and greeting. 

Greeting:  A polite greeting is always in vogue, so start your human resources cover letter with a formal, yet personal, salutation. Use the tried-and-true “dear,” followed by “Ms.” or “Mr.” and the hiring manager’s last name to avoid ruffling feathers (some businesses don’t appreciate casual introductions).

Finding the person in charge of hiring can be a pain, but people love to be addressed by name, so it’s worth it to spend the time to make a great first impression. Worst case scenario, address either the whole HR team (“Dear HR Hiring Team”) or the department head (“Dear HR Manager”). 

  • Formatting : After your greeting, you’ll need either a comma or a colon; a colon is the preferred business option, but if the business is more casual, you can get away with a comma. Let the job description guide you.

cover letter for sending resume to hr

How to write your human resources cover letter

Body:  This is the hardest part to get right, but we have you covered. First, focus on cutting your letter down to three to four short paragraphs.

Within those paragraphs, express your enthusiasm for the job, your qualifications, and your desire for future discussion. 

Opening paragraph:  Remember the last time you read a book that started like, “I am writing to inform you of my purpose, which is to write a really good book?” Yeah, us neither. Yet, most people begin their cover letters with similar statements that are polite but boing, like this: 

I read your job post on LinkedIn, and I am eager to apply. This human resources director position sounds like a perfect fit for my experience, and I know I can help your department reach its goals. My years of experience in human resources and management makes me an ideal candidate.

This information might not be  wrong , but it’s vague and generalized—and like 95% of other cover letters in the stack of applications. A good opening is unique and exciting while still being formal. It should address the company and express personality immediately, like this opener: 

Central New Mexico Community College’s core values of connection, compassion, and inspiration resonate with my values as a human resources professional. Your unique value-based approach has unsurprisingly made CNM one of the top 5 community colleges in the U.S. That, combined with your defined vision plans, inspired me to apply because my work would make a concrete difference for students and staff.

From the start, this candidate explains what they appreciate about the company and how they align with its beliefs and goals. 

Paragraphs 2-3:  These paragraphs should provide evidence for your qualifications and dig deep into your achievements; it’s time to define your part of the project and how you turned it into a success. 

However tempting, don’t try to tackle a job’s worth of success. Your letter will just sound cluttered and unfocused. Instead, focus on one accomplishment at a time, and provide plenty of details about that experience. 

I also have experience solving complex employee relations issues. As the HR manager with Cygna Labs, positive mediation was roughly 50% of my role. I investigated complaints, ensured compliance with legal employment requirements, and developed new policies and procedures. By the end of my position, our retention rate had increased by 45%, our human capital return on investment had improved by 23%, and the number of promoter-level NPS scores had increased by 42%.

Although 50% of their role focused on other tasks, this candidate only mentioned mediation/resolution and their successes with such.

Closing paragraph:  Don’t quit while you’re ahead—finish strong with a closing paragraph that summarizes your values, qualifications, and eagerness for an interview. This can sound like a lot, but rest assured, it can be done.

Start with a sentence summary of what you value based on the work experience you’ve described and how that adheres to the company’s values. Next, describe what you hope to accomplish in the position. Lastly, thank the employer and reassure them of your willingness to talk further. 

Just remember: you are an ideal candidate, but you shouldn’t sound like this:

As you can see, I have done everything you require (and more) at my previous jobs, which makes me the perfect candidate for this position. I know I can handle all employee relations responsibilities and ensure complete compliance as I have done at every HR job so far. Please give me a call or email at your earliest convenience; I look forward to making your day at my interview. 

Even if all this was true, it’s self-centered and doesn’t address the company at all. Instead, remind the employer of what they stand to gain when they hire you. Further establish how your goals align with theirs and what you’ll do for their HR department. 

I strive to improve the lives of employees by implementing modern practices and offering practical solutions to common problems. As your HR director, I desire to develop new training programs, ensure compliance, and increase employee engagement/satisfaction. Thank you for considering me for this position, and I hope to experience your restaurants first-hand soon.

This candidate explains their competency and their goals without sounding brash. It’s a delicate balance, but we know you can find it!

  • Formatting : Single space in your letter but double space between paragraphs. 

Signature:  All that’s left is to sign off and say “thank you” if you didn’t in the closing paragraph. Use a professional closer along with your name. 

Derek Annais

  • Formatting : If you’re presenting any hard copies of your human resources cover letter, quadruple space at the bottom to leave room to sign your name. 

Enclosure(s):  Many people don’t know about this section, but it’s important. It lists the other documents you’re submitting, reminding employers there’s more to come. It also helps them keep track of what you’ve included. 

HR positions usually require a job application and a resume, but some also require a supplemental questionnaire or references. Carefully scan the job description and application to make sure you provide everything requested.

Enclosures: Resume Application

  • Formatting : Use the singular or plural form of “enclosure” depending on how many documents you’re enclosing. Most of the time, it will be plural, but you should check it every time.

Is Your HR Resume on Par with Your Cover Letter?

Woman comparing on blackboard to see if human resources resume is on par with her cover letter.

Now that you’ve written your human resources cover letter, you’ll likely want to hit “submit” immediately. But don’t forget you still need to  outline your resume  and polish it to shine.  

You have a great persuasive argument, aka your cover letter, but you still need a document that quantifies your work experience, aka your resume. When combined, they paint a glowing picture of your career.

Want to know how to make your HR resume just as impressive as your cover letter? A look at our  resume examples  will give you the boost you need, and you can even edit this HR resume directly. 

Human Resources Director Resume

Need a resume to pair with your human resources director cover letter?

Human Resources Director Resume Template

If you’ve already started, try out our  resume checker  to get AI-powered advice to make your resume the best it can be. 

Now go snag the dream job you’ve always wanted!

Usually, you would address cover letters to the HR hiring manager, but that role may be vacant if you’re applying for it! Other times, the information may simply not be in the job description. Try searching LinkedIn or the company website for the name of an HR manager or higher-up company leader. If you can’t find any information, you can just lead off by saving “Dear [Company Name] hiring staff” or something similar.

HR is a bit more formal than other positions, with greater needs for cultural awareness and professional communication. However, with cultural awareness in mind, you ideally want to match your tone to the HR job description to show how you’ll fit in with the company’s culture. For example, if the tone comes across as innovative and creative, you could use a similar style when describing your HR abilities. Plus, you may want to emphasize innovative HR practices, like managing employee needs through workplace flexibility.

One page is the ideal length for HR cover letters. You may have been involved in hiring processes before and understand how fast-paced these decisions can be. Keeping your cover letter concise is essential to help hiring managers identify your top skills in aspects like employee relations and advising. That way, they can easily connect the dots that you’re the right pick for the role.

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5+ Sample Emails When Sending a Resume to an Employer [Mail Templates]

Emails When Sending a Resume to an Employer [Mail Templates]

Are you applying for a job via Email?

If yes, then this guide will help you understand the fundamentals of sending a resume to an employer via email. 

In this digital age, sending your resume via email has become the norm. However, it's not just about attaching your CV and hitting 'send.' The email you craft to accompany your resume can be the game-changer that sets you apart from the crowd.

The answers to these questions will help you understand the professional approach of sending your resume via email:

  • How to Email a resume in 2023?
  • What should you avoid while sending a resume to employers?

Before sending your resume, we recommend proofreading it twice to remove unwanted errors. For instance you can also use the resume scoring facility of HyreSnap Online Resume Builder to check your resume’s compatibility with the opportunity.

We highly recommend sending your resume only after you are completely satisfied that you have a perfect resume. For now, let’s move ahead and check the guidelines that you must follow while sending your resume to employers via email:

How to Email a Resume in 2023?

Emailing a resume in 2023 follows many of the same principles as in previous years, but it's important to ensure your email and resume are well-formatted, professional, and tailored to the specific job application. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to email a resume effectively:

  • Create a Professional Email Address: Use a professional and straightforward email address for sending your resume. If your current email address is unprofessional, consider creating a new one with your full name or initials.
  • Craft a Clear and Concise Subject Line: Your email subject line should be clear and relevant. Include your name and the purpose of the email, such as "John Smith Resume for [Job Title]."
  • Address the Recipient: Use a polite and appropriate salutation, such as "Dear [Hiring Manager's Name]" if you have that information. If not, you can use "Dear Hiring Manager" or a similar generic greeting.
  • Write a Professional Email: Compose a well-written and professional email. Start with a brief introduction of yourself and the position you are applying for. Mention where you found the job listing.
  • Attach Your Resume: Attach your resume as a PDF or Word document. Most employers prefer these formats. Make sure the file name is clear and includes your name, such as "JohnSmith_Resume.pdf."
  • Cover Letter (Optional): If you are sending a cover letter, include it as a separate attachment. Mention in the email that the cover letter is attached.
  • Signature: Include a professional email signature with your full name, phone number, and LinkedIn profile (if applicable).
  • Proofread: Carefully proofread your email for spelling and grammar errors. Mistakes can create a negative impression.
  • Send a Test Email: Before sending the email, send a test email to yourself or a friend to ensure everything appears as intended, including attachments.
  • Follow Up: If you don't receive a response after a reasonable time, it's acceptable to send a polite follow-up email to express your continued interest.
  • Respect Privacy: Ensure the recipient's privacy. Don't share personal or sensitive information in your email.
  • Save the Sent Email: After sending the email, save a copy in your "Sent" folder for your records.
  • Mobile Optimization: If you are sending the email from a mobile device, make sure the email and attachments are properly formatted.

Remember that every job application is unique, so customize your email and resume for each application. Tailor your email to express your interest in the specific position and company.

Things to Remember & Avoid While Writing an Email to Employers

When writing an email to employers for job applications or professional communication, there are certain things to remember and specific pitfalls to avoid. Here's a comprehensive guide on what to keep in mind and what to steer clear of:

Things to Remember:

  • Professional Email Address: Use a professional email address that includes your name, such as " [email protected] ."
  • Clear Subject Line: Craft a clear and specific subject line that conveys the purpose of your email.
  • Polite Salutation: Use a polite and formal salutation, e.g., "Dear Mr. Smith" or "Hello [Hiring Manager's Name]."
  • Professional Tone: Maintain a professional and courteous tone throughout your email. Avoid casual language and slang.
  • Concise and Organized: Keep your email concise and well-structured. Use short paragraphs and bullet points for clarity.
  • Personalization: Tailor your email for each employer and job application. Mention specific details about the company or job to show genuine interest.
  • Grammar and Spelling: Proofread your email for grammar and spelling errors. Mistakes can create a negative impression.
  • Attachments: Clearly state if you have attached documents, such as your resume or cover letter. Ensure they are properly named and formatted.
  • Respect Their Time: Keep your email concise and to the point. Avoid lengthy emails and respect the employer's time.
  • Highlight Your Value: In job application emails, briefly highlight your qualifications and why you're a strong fit for the position.
  • Express Gratitude: Express appreciation for the employer's consideration, e.g., "Thank you for taking the time to review my application."
  • Professional Signature: End your email with a professional signature that includes your full name, phone number, and LinkedIn profile (if applicable).
  • Follow Application Instructions: Ensure you follow any specific application requirements or instructions provided in the job posting.
  • Prompt Response: If the employer responds to your email, respond promptly, as it demonstrates your professionalism and interest.

Things to Avoid:

  • Unprofessional Email Address: Avoid using unprofessional or inappropriate email addresses for job-related communication.
  • Vague Subject Lines: Don't use vague or generic subject lines that don't indicate the purpose of your email.
  • Casual Language: Avoid using overly casual or informal language in your email. Maintain professionalism.
  • Lengthy Emails: Don't send overly long emails. Keep your email concise and to the point.
  • Ignoring Instructions: If the job posting provides specific application instructions, do not ignore them.
  • Ignoring Attachments: If the job posting requests specific documents, don't forget to attach them to your email.
  • Neglecting Proofreading: Avoid sending emails with grammar and spelling errors. Always proofread your messages.
  • Impersonal Communication: Don't send generic, one-size-fits-all emails. Personalize your messages for each application.
  • Lack of Follow-Up: If the employer responds to your email, don't forget to follow up and continue the conversation.
  • Inconsistent Tone: Maintain a consistent professional tone throughout the email. Avoid switching between formal and informal language.
  • Ambiguity: Be clear and specific in your email's content. Avoid ambiguity or unclear language.

By remembering these best practices and avoiding common pitfalls, you can create professional and effective emails when communicating with employers, ultimately increasing your chances of success in your job search.

5+ Email Samples When Sending a Resume to an Employer

Here are five professional email samples that you can use as templates when sending your resume to potential employers for different purposes, such as job applications, follow-ups, and networking:

Job Application Email

You can refer to the below listed job application email sample while sending your resume for the first time to any employer via email:

Subject Line: Application for [Job Title] - [Your Name]

Email Content:

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my strong interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], as advertised on [Job Board/Company Website].

I have attached my resume and cover letter for your consideration. I believe my [mention a relevant skill or experience] makes me a strong candidate for this role.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my qualifications align with the needs of your team.

[Your Full Name]

[Your Phone Number]

[LinkedIn Profile (Optional)]

Follow-Up Email After Application

You can use the below given email example to follow-up with your employer after some days of sending your resume via email:

Subject Line: Follow-Up on My Job Application

I hope this email finds you well. I recently applied for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] and wanted to follow up on my application.

I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to join your team and believe that my qualifications align with the requirements of the role. If you need any additional information or would like to schedule an interview, please feel free to reach out.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Networking and Introduction Email

You can refer to the following email sample to expand your professional network and make new connections in your service niche:

Subject Line: Introduction and Networking Opportunity

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I recently came across your profile on LinkedIn and was impressed by your experience and expertise in the [Industry/Field].

I am passionate about [mention your career interests or goals] and am always eager to connect with professionals in the field. I have attached my resume for your reference and would welcome the opportunity to connect and learn from your insights.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to the possibility of networking with you.

Best regards,

Thank You Email After Interview

You can use this email sample to thank your employer after attending a personal interview session:

Subject Line: Thank You for the Interview - [Job Title] Position

Dear [Interviewer's Name],

I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to interview for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I enjoyed our conversation and am even more excited about the possibility of joining your team.

I appreciate your time and consideration and look forward to the next steps in the process. Please feel free to reach out if you need any additional information from my end.

Thank you once again for the opportunity.

Response to a Networking Contact

You must refer to this email sample before responding to any connection request by any other professional in your service area:

Subject Line: Re: Our Recent Conversation

Dear [Contact's Name],

Thank you for reaching out and for our recent conversation. It was a pleasure to connect and learn more about your experiences in the [Industry/Field].

I have attached my resume for your reference. I would welcome the opportunity to explore potential collaboration or any insights you can share regarding [mention a relevant topic or interest].

Thank you once again for connecting, and I look forward to the possibility of future discussions.

These email samples can serve as templates that you can adapt and customize for your specific circumstances and job applications.

HyreSnap Online Resume Builder

These email guidelines and samples will help you interact with your respective employers effectively and professionally. However, we recommend checking your resume before sending it to the employer. For that, you can use HyreSnap Online Resume Builder that offers a resume scoring facility.

Apart from this, you can use this marvelous resume building to craft a technically strong resume for your next job search. Below are some highlighting offerings of this 21st century resume-making platform:

Key Takeaways

We have listed every important step to craft a professional email for interacting with employers and sending them resumes professionally in 2023. However, if you missed anything, please check the key takeaways mentioned below:

  • Use a professional email address like [email protected]
  • Write a catchy subject line to help the employer understand your motive
  • Use easy-to-read English language for better readability
  • Attach your updated resume to the email
  • Proofread your email twice before sending it to your respective employer

Apart from this, if you have any confusion, please tell us your queries at [email protected] . Our experts will be more than happy to solve all your career issues and help you build a bright career in this highly competitive era.

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cover letter for sending resume to hr

13 Human Resources Cover Letter Examples

Human Resources professionals are the gatekeepers of an organization, adept at identifying talent, fostering a positive work environment, and ensuring compliance with employment laws. Similarly, your cover letter is your first step through that gate, showcasing your skills, experiences, and commitment to fostering a positive work culture. In this guide, we'll explore the best cover letter examples for Human Resources professionals, helping you to present a compelling case for your next role.

cover letter for sending resume to hr

Cover Letter Examples

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The best way to start a Human Resources cover letter is by addressing the hiring manager directly, if their name is known. If not, use a professional greeting like "Dear Hiring Manager." Then, begin with a strong opening line that grabs their attention and clearly states your intent. For example, "As a dedicated HR professional with X years of experience, I was excited to see your job posting for [Job Title]." This not only shows that you've done your research, but also immediately presents you as a qualified candidate. It's also beneficial to mention any personal connection or referral you may have to the company, as it can make your application more memorable.

Human Resources professionals should end a cover letter by summarizing their interest in the position and their belief in their ability to fulfill the role effectively. This can be done by reiterating key points made in the body of the letter, such as relevant skills or experiences. The closing should also include a call to action, such as expressing eagerness for an interview or further discussion. It's important to end on a professional note, using a formal closing like "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your full name. Remember to thank the reader for their time and consideration. This ending not only shows your enthusiasm for the position but also your respect for the reader's time and effort.

A Human Resources cover letter should ideally be about one page in length. This is because hiring managers often have to go through a large number of applications, so keeping your cover letter concise and to the point increases the chances of it being read in full. Your cover letter should be long enough to clearly outline your skills, experience, and interest in the position, but short enough to maintain the reader's attention. Typically, this equates to about 3-4 paragraphs. The first paragraph should introduce yourself and state the position you're applying for, the middle paragraphs should highlight your relevant skills and experiences, and the final paragraph should conclude by expressing your interest in the role and the company.

Writing a cover letter with no experience in Human Resources can seem daunting, but it's entirely possible. Here's how you can approach it: 1. Start with a strong introduction: Begin your cover letter by introducing yourself and expressing your interest in the position. Explain why you are interested in the field of Human Resources and how your interest was sparked. 2. Highlight relevant skills: Even if you don't have direct experience, you may have transferable skills that are relevant to the role. These could include communication skills, organizational skills, problem-solving abilities, or any other skills that you think would be beneficial in a Human Resources role. Be sure to provide examples of how you have used these skills in the past. 3. Show your knowledge of the field: Do some research about the company and the HR field in general. Show that you understand the role of Human Resources within a company and how it contributes to the overall success of the organization. This will demonstrate your commitment and enthusiasm for the field. 4. Mention any relevant education or training: If you have taken any courses or received any training related to Human Resources, be sure to mention this. This could include courses in business administration, psychology, or any other related field. 5. Conclude with a strong closing: In your closing paragraph, reiterate your interest in the position and your eagerness to learn and grow within the field. Thank the hiring manager for considering your application and express your hope for an opportunity to further discuss your qualifications. Remember, everyone has to start somewhere, and a well-written cover letter can help you stand out, even if you don't have direct experience in the field.

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cover letter for sending resume to hr

Beginner Human Resources Cover Letter

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Entry Level Human Resources Cover Letter

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Human Resources Cover Letter Example & Guide for 2024

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Human resources representatives are the unsung heroes of every company, juggling roles, understanding the ins and outs of workplace dynamics, and ensuring everyone else fits in just right. 

It's like you have this secret superpower to match the right talent with the right role. 

But when it comes to writing a cover letter for yourself, you suddenly get stuck.

We don't blame you. Showcasing your HR prowess in just a few paragraphs isn't a walk in the park. 

After all, how do you condense all those years of people management, conflict resolution, and organizational development into one page?

We’re here to give you the answer. Here’s what we’ll cover: 

  • A Stellar Human Resources Cover Letter Example

5 Steps for the Perfect Human Resources Cover Letter

  • 3 Essential Human Resources Cover Letter Tips

Let’s dive in!

Human Resources Cover Letter Example

Human Resources Cover Letter Example

You know just what an outstanding human resources cover letter looks like. 

Now, just follow these steps to write your own :

#1. Put Contact Information in the Header

Kick off your human resources cover letter with your contact details. Pop them in the cover letter's header, just like you would on your resume .

Here's the rundown:

  • Full Name. Write down your complete name right at the top left corner of your cover letter.
  • Professional Title. List the exact HR role you're eyeing. Remember, the HR head might be juggling applications for varied roles. Be crystal clear to make their job easier.
  • Email Address. Go for an email that's both easy to read and professional, like a blend of your first and last name. Leave your teenage email out of this. For instance, [email protected] is a no-go, but [email protected] is spot on.
  • Phone Number. Make sure the number you add is correct, and if you're reaching out internationally, include the dialing code in there too
  • Location. Just your city and state, or country, will do. If you're eyeing a remote role or planning a move, give them a heads up in both your resume and cover letter.
  • Relevant Links (optional). Feel free to drop links to useful websites or social media, like your LinkedIn profile .

Got your details down? Sweet!

Time to add the contact information of the hiring manager who’ll be evaluating you.

Here’s the scoop:

  • Company Name. Jot down the name of the company you've got your sights on.
  • HR Head’s Name. If you can, find out who's heading the HR department. Look at the job ad, their website, or their LinkedIn page.
  • Location. Specify the city, state, and country, especially if they’re global giants. If they have more than one office in your city, you can also add their street name and number.
  • Email Address (optional). If you can dig it up, drop it in the HR head's email.
  • Date of Writing (optional). Slide in the date you penned down your cover letter. It's all about the finer details!

#2. Address the Hiring Manager

Once you’ve listed all your contact details, make sure your cover letter speaks directly to its reader.

That means skipping the old-school ‘To whom it may concern.’ It's a bit last century.

The right greeting, on the other hand, can make your letter stand out in the right way.

First up, play detective. Dive into the job posting, company website, or LinkedIn page to see if you can find the HR manager's details.

Once you find what you’re looking for, greet them accordingly . Going with "Ms." or "Mr." followed by their surname is a safe bet. But if you're in the dark about their gender or marital status, simply use their full name. Here’s what that looks like:

  • Dear Mr. De Vries,
  • Dear Loren De Vries,

Hit a dead end in your detective work? No worries. 

You can address your letter to the broader HR team or the company:

  • Dear Human Resources Team,
  • Dear Recruitment Team,
  • Dear Talent Acquisition Department,
  • Dear Head of Human Resources,

#3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement

Hiring managers often scan a candidate's application swiftly, sometimes only taking about seven seconds to decide whether it’s worth their attention.

So your human resources cover letter needs to make an impact from the start.

Begin by expressing your interest in the position. Demonstrating your genuine enthusiasm for the HR field or a particular role can pique a hiring manager's interest, making them eager to learn more about you.

Taking the time to research the company can make all the difference here. The deeper your understanding of the organization's culture and objectives, the better you can position yourself as an excellent fit. 

This shows your genuine interest in the job and that you're not just applying left and right in hopes of any job. If you have any notable accomplishments or specific skills tailored to the HR role, leading with that can give you an advantage. 

However, it's essential to keep your cover letter’s introduction short. The objective here is to intrigue the hiring manager enough to make them want to read your entire cover letter, so you shouldn’t give them all the details from the start.

#4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details

The body of your cover letter is where you can go into detail about what makes you the perfect fit for the role.

But don’t just repeat the contents of your human resources resume . This segment of your cover letter is the spotlight moment to elaborate on your HR expertise and the unique skills that you bring to the table. Your goal is to persuade the hiring manager that you’re the most fitting candidate out of the entire pool.

Highlighting your relevant achievements in the world of HR and drawing parallels with the job ad can be a game-changer. For example, if the role requires expertise in talent acquisition, employee engagement, or organizational development, highlight your experiences and skills in these specific areas instead of using a broad-brush approach.

You can also use your human resources cover letter to explain how the company's ethos, organizational structure, and HR challenges align with your professional journey. If you have insights into the company's HR practices, recent initiatives, or the technology stack they use, show them. Your research skills will leave a good impression and do a great job of convincing them you’re right for the job.

#5. Wrap It Up and Sign It

Always end your cover letter with finesse and professionalism to leave on a high note. After all, you want to leave the hiring manager with a lasting impression that’ll make them want to call you for an interview.

In your conclusion, confidently revisit the reasons you're an ideal fit for the human resources position in their company. Reiterate the unique skills or experiences you bring that set you apart from other candidates, and keep a positive attitude throughout.

Then, wrap up with a call to action. By suggesting the hiring manager take the next step, like having a more in-depth conversation about your application, you're increasing your odds of them actually doing it.

Finally, sign off on your human resources cover letter. Pick a respectful closing line and follow it with your full name. Here’s an example:

I'm eager to further discuss how my expertise in human resources aligns with your organization’s goals. Please feel free to reach out to me via the given contact details so that we have the chance to arrange an interview.

If "Warmly" feels a tad too common for your liking, you might consider these alternatives:

  • Yours truly,
  • Best regards,
  • With respect,
  • Thank you for your time,

Human Resources Cover Letter Structure

 Essential Human Resources Cover Letter Tips

You've mastered the basics of cover letters! Now, let's fine-tune yours with some key cover letter tips tailored for HR specialists. 

#1. Match Your Resume

When applying for a role in human resources, presentation matters!

If you want to showcase your attention to detail and organizational skills , your cover letter's design and format must align with your resume.

Make sure your text and contact details are neatly arranged, and maintain a consistent font style and size. Also, be mindful of the page margins and line spacing, all while aiming to keep your cover letter within one page .

Or Use A Cover Letter Template Instead

Matching your application got you stressed? 

Try our resume builder and cover letter templates ! 

Designed with hiring managers from around the globe, they blend a sleek, professional look with industry requirements. Grab one, match your resume, and boom—you're all set!

Human Resources Cover Letter Examples

#2. Be Enthusiastic 

Hiring managers appreciate applicants who display a genuine passion for the HR industry, so an enthusiastic tone can set your cover letter apart

That said, while it's great to show admiration for the company you're applying to, remember to keep it balanced. There’s no need to lay on the compliments too thick. What you should aim for is a reflection of your confidence and genuine excitement about the role.

Just remember to stay grounded and don’t sound too confident, or else you might come off as arrogant. Convey your genuine enthusiasm that you’re the right person for this specific HR job, not that you’re the greatest candidate they’ll ever get.

#3. Be Formal

While it's tempting to give your cover letter a casual flair, keep in mind that professionalism is highly valued by hiring managers. There’s nothing wrong with being friendly, but foregoing formality is a huge mistake .

By adopting a formal tone, you’re showing the employer that you’re a serious candidate and that you’re taking the role seriously, too. Even in companies with a casual work culture, this can convey that you respect their ethos and that you’re ready to fit into their environment. 

Just remember, "formal" doesn't mean robotic. Your personality can still shine through, just in a more polished and polite manner.

Key Takeaways

And that’s all there is to human resource cover letters! Hopefully, you’re ready to land that dream HR job in no time.

But before you submit your cover letter, here are some main points from our article:

  • Begin your human resources cover letter by detailing both your contact information and that of the HR manager. Your details must be accurate so the HR manager can contact you for a potential interview.
  • The introductory paragraph of your HR specialist cover letter should grab the attention of the hiring manager and encourage them to read further.
  • In the main section of your cover letter, delve into your most significant achievements and skills that align with the human resources role you're after.
  • It's a good strategy to use a compelling call to action towards the end of your human resources cover letter, nudging the hiring manager to possibly call you or set up an interview.
  • Keep your cover letter’s design consistent with your resume. If you're pressed for time, consider using a set of our resume and cover letter templates for a harmonized look.

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Home » Career Guidance » Email Templates & Tips To Send Your Resume To HR

Email Templates & Tips To Send Your Resume To HR

send resume to HR

Quick Summary

  • The email should include a compelling subject, a concise body introducing yourself and accomplishments, closing words and a signature.
  • When emailing a resume, do include a concise subject, short body content and emphasize your skills and experience.
  • The email should not contain generic attachment names and excessive follow-up when sending the resume to HR.

Table of Contents

To apply for a job, must you send your resume to HR?

If so, you can become perplexed regarding the appropriate course of action. Is it better to submit your resume and cover letter as attachments or as text within the email?

People frequently put a great deal of thought and work into crafting their resumes to send resume to HR. On average, recruiters spend about 6-8 seconds reviewing your resume.

When applying for a job online, the email to which you attach your CV is as crucial as the document itself. Therefore, you must ensure your email is concise, visually appealing and effectively communicates your intentions. Now let’s dive into the steps of crafting a perfect mail for sending the resume to HR.

How do I Send a Resume via Email?

What should I include in an email while creating a resume for recruiters? It’s something you might be thinking. Sending a resume to recruiters on your own initiative is more successful than using an anonymous web form. It creates a personal bond between you and the recruiter and grows your chances of getting shortlisted for the interview round of the job. In this article on emailing a resume, we demonstrate how to do that.

So, here is complete guidance on how to send a resume to HR to seek employment, including preparing and editing plain text resumes as well as attaching PDF files in your professional email .

elements of email cover letter

Email Format to Send Resume to HR

As hiring managers and CEOs are busy individuals, you should write a concise email. You should also provide the correct contact details so they can contact you easily. Your messages will be simpler and easier to write if you keep them simple, allowing you to spend more time looking for work. Following a clear email format to send HR helps your chances of getting the job so let’s take a closer look at the essential aspects of emailing the resume:

1. Use a Professional Email Address

Before you send your resume to HR, make sure you have a professional email address. About 70% of resumes are rejected due to unprofessional email addresses . Research shows that a formal email ID can increase your chances of being shortlisted. Hiring managers usually notice the email ID the email is coming from. An email address like ‘[email protected] ” is considered unprofessional and can be a pitfall in your selection process.

Make sure to use a professional email ID with your full name. You can also use your initials in the email address.

Example : “ [email protected] ” or “ [email protected]

2. Create a Compelling Subject Line

It will be the first thing they see. Yes, the subject line is a very small portion of the entire email. But the recruiter will notice it right away as well. You should be extremely precise with the subject line of your CV email when you send your resume to HR.

First, look over the job description for any submission guidelines. The company could have a preferred style. If such is the case, you must adhere to it. You should indicate in the subject line if someone has referred you for the position. If you’d like, you can add your position or credentials, but keep the subject line accomplishment in mind.

Example : Resume: Job Title: Your Name Resume: Your Name for Job Title Your Name Resume: Job Title

3. Body of an Email

To send a resume to HR, a formal introduction is crucial. So, introduce yourself formally and use the hiring manager’s name. Make it professional and clean .

You should introduce yourself, explain why you are writing this email, and describe what is within the first brief paragraph.

Provide a succinct but impactful introduction of your greatest accomplishments in the next section. Naturally, only highlight accomplishments that are pertinent to the position. Finish this sentence by outlining the value you would provide to the organization and the talents you would employ to achieve this. You need to end your email by expressing your eagerness to meet with them in person and hear from them.

You may include a compelling call to action but take care to avoid sounding unpleasant or overly eager.

Write yours genuinely or faithfully. Finally, a formal signature is required! Don’t forget to provide your contact information when you send your resume to HR.

Example : First Name and Last Name Email address Contact Details

Keep in mind that the email’s body should be brief and to the point when you send a resume to HR. Avoid giving the recruiting manager too much information, or else you risk losing your chances of getting a job.

Always remember that, due to space restrictions, you cannot go into detail about every success and employment history. The email must be clear and informative.

4. Add CV and Cover Letter as Attachments

Be sure to include your CV in the email as well!

Examine whether including your cover letter is necessary. Submitting your cover letter and resume when you apply for a job with a larger company may be advantageous. But be careful not to overuse repetitions in both your cover letter and email content.

A generic or unstructured name for the attachments is not acceptable when you send a resume to HR. These documents may be difficult for the recruiting manager to locate later if they have names like ggjhj.pdf or resume.pdf.

Example : Soumya-Kapoor-Resume Alok_Kumar_Resume

Your cover letter and resume for recruiters should be sent in PDF or Word format. Given that PDF is a widely used file format, it is simple to open and preserves the layout of your papers.

5. Proofread and Send a Test Email

Check your resume, cover letter, and email carefully for any spelling, punctuation, or formatting errors before you send your resume to HR. Sending yourself a test email can help you spot any mistakes properly. Before you send your resume to HR, download the attachment from your test email and check that it is the correct document. Also, checking if the attachments are the proper documents is very necessary. Many people get confused between a CV and a resume therefore it is your responsibility to make sure your resume is delivered to HR.

Example : You can use free tools like Grammarly to remove grammatical and spelling mistakes. Double-check all the essential information, like your name, company name, the position you are applying for, etc.

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Sample Emails to Send Resume to HR

If you are wondering how to craft the perfect email when you send a resume to HR, here are some email formats for sending a resume that will increase your chances of getting a job.

Hello (Name of Recipient), I am (name) and I’m interested in the post of (job name). To this email, I’ve attached my resume. After going through the job posting, I believe I possess all the necessary abilities and credentials. Details about my current employment and previous roles are also available. My expected pay for the position is (insert details). You can reach me at (insert details). I’m interested in your response regarding how to proceed further with my application. Thanks, and Regards Your name

Dear Sir/ Ma’am, I am interested in applying for the job position of Project Manager at ABC company. I am confident that I will be a strong fit for this position. As of now, I possess 6 years of experience in software development projects and experience in embedded and application software development, along with 3 years of project management experience. In my past experiences, I have managed complex projects on time and within budget. I would appreciate it if given a chance to prove my value addition for this job role. Please find my attached resume and cover letter. Thank you so much for your time. I look forward to hearing from you about the next steps. Sincerely, (Your name)

   Sample 3

Dear Hiring Manager, As a [mention your major achievement], with a proven record of [experience], I aim to leverage my skills and knowledge to help ABC company succeed. I look forward to meeting you in person to share my insights on [how you’re going to help the prospective employer with their goals] and discuss the various prospects of the role. Please let me know if any additional information is required. You can check my portfolio and sample article here (attach the link). Please find attached my resume and a cover letter for your reference. Sincerely, (Your email signature)

Subject : Application for Marketing Dear Hiring Manager, I would like to apply for the role of marketing assistant. Please find my CV and cover letter in the email attachment. I have overseen the development of marketing strategies for several firms for the last five years and carried out marketing strategies on my own and given clients marketing guidance. I value the time you spent reading through my cover letter and CV. Looking forward to your response. Sincerely, (Your name)

Subject: Application for Content Writer Dear Mr. Shikhawat, My name is Tina and I have done my graduation from IP University. I have recently worked for an exciting company named ABC. I am enthusiastic to use the abilities and knowledge I have gained from my internship to support this wonderful company. My resume and portfolio have been attached here for reference. I appreciate you looking over my application. I look forward to learning about any actions or processes. Sincerely, (Your name)

Guidelines to Send Resume to HR

How to write a mail to hr – key takeaways.

The article describes in detail how you can write a professional job application email to the HR department of a company.

Learning what to write in each section of the email and how to style it is crucial to getting your application examined when delivering your resume to recruiters by email.

When you send a resume to HR via email, it requires proper email formatting. The best course of action is to submit your resume in any format requested by recruiters. When you send a resume to HR through email, adhere to standard business letter formatting guidelines if none are specified. Most importantly, do not forget to add your contact details so that they can revert back once they have their decision.

While not being as extensive as a cover letter, the email you send to HR with your application form should showcase your qualities and abilities and include an attachment of your professionally written resume. This way it will increase your chances of getting shortlisted for the interview and getting the job.

When sending your resume by email, format it as professionally as you can, including the email address, the subject line, the signature and also your contact details.

Be distinctive in your job application. Read resume tips and advice that can help you make a positive impression on hiring managers.

Frequently Asked Questions

When you send a resume to HR, make sure you follow all the guidelines given by the hiring manager. If you do not follow the instructions, then your application may be rejected. Keep emails short and simple. It should not be long and contain only relevant information. You can mention your name and the job position you are applying for. Briefly mention your experience and skills and your interest in joining the company.

To send a resume to HR, make sure to add a proper email, addressing the recruiter or hiring manager. Do not send a resume to HR without a professional email. Make sure your email highlights your skills, experience, and interest in joining the company.

Make sure you include a proper subject line, as it’s the first thing they’ll notice. If required, include a professionally written cover letter explaining why you are interested in the job. Keep the body of the email short and to the point. Not only this, but the file format in which you send your resume to HR also matters. Your resume for recruiters should be in docx. or pdf format when you send it to HR.

Always remember these points while emailing a resume: 1. Use a clear subject line. 2. Maintain Simplicity. 3. Attachments. 4. Choose a file format for a resume. 5. Your attachment’s name 6. Add your signature. 7. Edit and proofread your documents thoroughly.

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How to Write a Cover Letter When You’re Changing Careers (Sample + Tips)

As a career changer, you need to help recruiters understand why you’re moving away from your former line of work and what you want to achieve in your new career path..

[Featured Image] A man in a blue button-up is sitting down in a conference room holding pieces of paper.

You will inevitably change jobs throughout your career as you seek more responsibility, growth, or even a higher salary. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average employee stays at each job for around four years [ 1 ]. However, for career changers—or those interested in exploring an entirely new path or industry—making that switch can sometimes involve unique challenges. 

Even so, making a career change has become an increasingly popular move. More than half of workers in the United States anticipated looking for a new opportunity in 2022 [ 2 ]. Changing careers can allow you to find more meaningful work, better align your career path with your larger goals, and move into a more energizing role.  

When you draft your cover letter to apply for a job in a new line of work, you must take time to explain your larger objectives. In this article, we’ll review specific information you can feature in your cover letter to help recruiters understand your goals and reasons for changing careers. 

Learn more: How to Plan for a Career Change: Step-by-Step Guide

How to write a career change cover letter

A cover letter is a chance to expand upon the bullet points outlined in your resume . It’s a space where you can explain your interest in the role and company, highlight your experience and skills, and sell a recruiter on the overall fit you’d make. 

But a career changer needs to do all of that and more. You also need to help recruiters and hiring managers understand why you’re moving away from your former line of work, what you want to achieve in your new career path, and any transferable skills that will help make your transition smooth. 

Let’s review four key pieces of information you can weave into your career change cover letter.  

1. Clarify your career change context

Explaining why you’re interested in changing careers and how the role you’re applying to fits within your larger career aspirations can preemptively contextualize your story. Plan to include a career change objective somewhere in your cover letter, much like you would a resume objective to provide a summary of a person’s experience and goals. Don’t be afraid to build a sense of personality so recruiters can better connect you with your objective.  

What this looks like: I’ve spent the last six years translating complex topics for various users as a technical writer. But in that time, I’ve realized that what drives me is the user’s experience. It’s the lightbulb moment behind my career change to UX design . I believe I’ll make a strong addition to your team because my work has largely put the user front and center, and now I’m interested in focusing on a different facet of that goal. 

2. Specify the value of your certificates, courses, or trainings

It costs over $4,000 to hire an employee, according to the Society for Human Resources Management [ 3 ]. That’s all the more reason why recruiters and hiring managers want to find the right candidate. It can be costly otherwise. Help explain what you’ve done to prepare for your career change by highlighting any professional certificates or trainings you’ve completed to prepare you for your new line of work. 

What this looks like: In order to familiarize myself with the tools and processes used in data analysis, I completed the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate , which taught me SQL and R, and trained me to clean and visualize data. Thanks to this preparation, I feel confident that I will make a strong addition to your team from the very start.  

3. Bring attention to your transferable skills 

Transferable skills are “portable,” in that you take them from job to job. They include problem-solving, critical thinking, attention to detail, and more. Show recruiters that you have important skills to help you do the job so they can understand the unique value you’d bring to their company.  

It can also help to find out the key technical skills the job requires and spend time learning what you can, especially when it comes to important software or tools. 

What this looks like: As a software developer, I regularly relied on my problem-solving skills to think through complex issues. I’ll bring that same skill, as well as my attention to detail, listening, and decision-making, to ABC High School as the new algebra teacher. 

4. Highlight your past achievements 

Any time you can highlight what you’ve managed to accomplish in your past roles, you help a recruiter see your potential in a new role. Where possible, summarize any moments that showcase your strengths and illustrate your work ethic or character. 

What this looks like: I pride myself on being a team player and a problem-solver. As a social media manager at Company X, I identified a better program to help my team schedule content. Using that tool improved my team’s efficacy, leading to our most successful quarter. 

Why is a cover letter important when changing careers?

The idea of a career path can sometimes be rigid, suggesting that people only follow one specific track. Although that perspective is starting to shift, it’s still prevalent. You can help recruiters and hiring managers understand more about your interest in a role by explaining why you’re changing careers and what you’ve done to streamline your transition. 

It helps to align your cover letter with a resume objective, which can be especially useful for career changers. An objective on your resume is a place where you can contextualize your larger career aims, quickly summarizing what you’re hoping to achieve in your next role. Repeat that same information in your cover letter and expand on it slightly to give your application materials more cohesiveness.  

Read more: How to Use Resume Sections to Shape Your Professional Story

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Career change cover letter sample

It's common practice nowadays to submit your cover letter digitally. In that case, include some of your contact information in the top left corner so recruiters can easily see how to get in touch.

Thomas Bennett

Nashville, TN

(555) 555-1234

[email protected]

Dear Ms. Tufte,

I’m writing to apply for the project manager role at Company X. I initially began my career as a marketing coordinator and eventually moved into email marketing , where I was responsible for strategizing and developing new campaigns. But in that time, I realized how much I thrived when managing our quarterly campaigns from start to finish. That’s why I’m interested in segueing into project management. 

Knowing that, despite my experience, I still needed to learn more specifically about project management, I completed the Google Project Management Professional Certificate . Over six months, I’ve learned Agile project management as well as how to create product documentation, among other key skills. I believe this training, along with my previous experience, will help me transition to a project management role at Company X and make a big impact.   

I’m an organized problem-solver with a sharp eye for detail, all important project management skills. I believe my previous work in email marketing provided hands-on training in managing projects, albeit without the official title. I identified new tools to help my team create more effective quarterly campaigns. As a result, we increased our click-through rate (one of our key metrics) to 1.87 percent, bringing it closer to the industry standard—an immense achievement. 

I’m proud of the foundation I gained through marketing, but in realizing where my true passion lies, I’m keen to transition into a project management role with more growth opportunities. I appreciate your consideration. 

Tips for strengthening your cover letter 

Much like you would for a standard cover letter, you can strengthen your cover letter as a career changer using the following tips: 

Tailor your letter for each role.

You should tailor your resume for each role you apply to, and the same goes for your cover letter. Research the company, find out about aspects of their work that interest you, and insert those details into your cover letter. You should also tailor your experience and skills, highlighting each job's most relevant skills and accomplishments. 

Get specific.

Your cover letter should expand upon your resume rather than repeating the same information. One way to do this is by giving details about your past achievements. When possible, quantify your impact with numbers and explain how these accomplishments make you uniquely qualified for this new role.

Use action words. 

Build action words into your resume and your cover letter. Rather than more staid words that don’t capture your unique story or responsibilities, action verbs can liven up your cover letter and make it more enticing to read. Find verbs that succinctly and accurately depict your previous experience.

Start advancing your skills today

Brush up on your cover letter writing skills by taking the University of Maryland’s free course, Writing Winning Resumes and Cover Letters . Or develop important skills for an in-demand career with a Professional Certificate from industry leaders like Google, Meta, and IBM. Most certificate programs take less than seven months to complete, and you can start for free with a seven-day, all-access trial.

Article sources

US Bureau of Labor Statistics. “ Employee Tenure in 2020 , https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/tenure.pdf.” Accessed April 26, 2024.

CNBC. “ The Great Resignation is Likely to Continue , https://www.cnbc.com/2021/08/25/great-resignation-55-percent-are-looking-to-change-jobs-over-the-next-year-.html.” Accessed April 26, 2024.

ADP. “ Calculating the True Cost to Hire Employees , https://www.adp.com/spark/articles/2019/07/calculating-the-true-cost-to-hire-employees.aspx.” Accessed April 26, 2024.

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