Descriptive Essay Writing

Descriptive Essay Examples

Barbara P

Amazing Descriptive Essay Examples for Your Help

Published on: Jun 21, 2023

Last updated on: Mar 1, 2024

Descriptive Essay Examples

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Writing a Descriptive Essay Outline - Tips & Examples

Descriptive Essay: Definition, Tips & Examples

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Descriptive essays are very commonly assigned essays. This type of essay enhances students' writing skills and allows them to think critically. 

A descriptive essay is often referred to as the parent essay type. Other essays like argumentative essays, narrative essays, and expository essays fall into descriptive essays. Also, this essay helps the student enhance their ability to imagine the whole scene in mind by appealing senses.

It is assigned to high school students and all other students at different academic levels. Students make use of the human senses like touch, smell, etc., to make the descriptive essay more engaging for the readers. 

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Examples make it easy for readers to understand things in a better way. Also, in a descriptive essay, different types of descriptions can be discussed. 

Here are some amazing examples of a descriptive essay to make the concept easier for you. 

Descriptive Essay Example 5 Paragraph

5 paragraphs essay writing format is the most common method of composing an essay. This format has 5 paragraphs in total. The sequence of the paragraphs is as follows;

  • Introduction
  • Body Paragraph 1
  • Body Paragraph 2 
  • Body Paragraph 3
  • Conclusion 

Following is an example of a descriptive essay written using the famous 5 paragraph method. 

5 Paragraph Descriptive Essay

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Descriptive Essay Example About A Person

Descriptive essays are the best option when it comes to describing and writing about a person.  A descriptive essay is written using the five human senses. It helps in creating a vivid image in the reader’s mind and understanding what the writer is trying to convey. 

Here is one of the best descriptive essay examples about a person. Read it thoroughly and try to understand how a good descriptive essay is written on someone’s personality.

Descriptive Essay Example About a Person

Descriptive Essay Example About A Place

If you have visited a good holiday spot or any other place and want to let your friends know about it. A descriptive essay can help you explain every detail and moment you had at that place. 

Here is one of the good descriptive essay examples about a place. Use it as a sample and learn how you can write such an essay. 

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Descriptive Essay Example for Grade 6

Descriptive essays are frequently assigned to school students. This type of essay helps the students enhance their writing skills and helps them see things in a more analytical way.

If you are a 6 grader and looking for a good descriptive essay example, you are in the right place.  

Descriptive Essay Example for Grade 7

Here is one of the best descriptive essay examples for grade 7. 

Descriptive Essay Example for Grade 8

If you are looking for some amazing descriptive essay examples for grade 8, you have already found one. Look at the given example and see what a well-written descriptive essay looks like. 

Descriptive Essay Example for Grade 10

Essay writing is an inevitable part of a student's academic life . No matter your grade, you will get to write some sort of essay at least once. 

Here is an example of a descriptive essay writing for grade10. If you are also a student of this grade, this example might help you to complete your assignment.

Descriptive Essay Example for Grade 12

If you are a senior student and looking for some essay examples, you are exactly where you should be. 

Use the below-mentioned example and learn how to write a good essay according to the instructions given to you. 

Descriptive Essay Example College

Descriptive essays are a great way to teach students how they can become better writers. Writing a descriptive essay encourages them to see the world more analytically.

Below is an example that will help you and make your writing process easy.

College Descriptive Essay Example

Descriptive Essay Example for University

Descriptive essays are assigned to students at all academic levels. University students are also assigned descriptive essay writing assignments. As they are students of higher educational levels, they are often given a bit of difficult and more descriptive topics. 

See the example below and know what a descriptive essay at the university level looks like. 

Short Descriptive Essay Example

Every time a descriptive essay isn't written in detail. It depends on the topic of how long the essay will be.  

For instance, look at one of the short descriptive essay examples given below. See how the writer has conveyed the concept in a composed way. 

Objective Descriptive Essay Example

When writing an objective description essay, you focus on describing the object without conveying your emotions, feelings, or personal reactions. The writer uses sight, sound, or touch for readers' minds to bring life into pictures that were painted by words.

Here is an example that you can use for your help. 

Narrative and Descriptive Essay Example

A narrative descriptive essay can be a great way to share your experiences with others. It is a story that teaches a lesson you have learned. The following is an example of a perfect narrative descriptive essay to help you get started.

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How to Start a Descriptive Essay? - Example

If you don't know how to start your descriptive essay, check this example and create a perfect one. 

How to Start a Descriptive Essay - Example

Subjective Descriptive Essay Example

It is a common concept that a descriptive essay revolves around one subject. Be it a place, person, event, or any other object you can think of. 

Following is one of the subjective descriptive, easy examples. Use it as a guide to writing an effective descriptive essay yourself. 

Writing a descriptive essay is a time-consuming yet tricky task. It needs some very strong writing, analytical, and critical thinking skills. Also, this is a type of essay that a student can not avoid and bypass. 

But if you think wisely, work smart, and stay calm, you can get over it easily. Learn how to write a descriptive essay from a short guide given below. 

How to Write a Descriptive Essay?

A writer writes a descriptive essay from their knowledge and imaginative mind. In this essay, the writer describes what he has seen or experienced, or ever heard from someone. For a descriptive essay, it is important to stay focused on one point. Also, the writer should use figurative language so that the reader can imagine the situation in mind. 

The following are some very basic yet important steps that can help you write an amazing descriptive essay easily. 

  • Choose a Topic

For a descriptive essay, you must choose a vast topic to allow you to express yourself freely. Also, make sure that the topic you choose is not overdone. An overdone will not grab the attention of your intended audience. Check out our descriptive essay topics blog for a variety of intriguing topic suggestions.

  • Create a Strong Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is the essence of any academic writing. When you select the descriptive essay topic, then you create a strong thesis statement for your essay.  

A thesis statement is a sentence or two that explains the whole idea of your essay to the reader. It is stated in the introductory paragraph of the essay. The word choice for creating the thesis statement must be very expressive, composed, and meaningful. Also, use vivid language for the thesis statement.  

  • Collect the Necessary Information

Once you have created the thesis statement and are done writing your essay introduction . Now, it's time to move toward the body paragraphs. 

Collect all necessary information related to your topic. You would be adding this information to your essay to support your thesis statement. Make sure that you collect information from authentic sources. 

To enhance your essay, make use of some adjectives and adverbs. To make your descriptive essay more vivid, try to incorporate sensory details like touch, taste, sight, and smell.

  • Create a Descriptive Essay Outline

An outline is yet another necessary element of your college essay. By reading the descriptive essay outline , the reader feels a sense of logic and a guide for the essay. 

In the outline, you need to write an introduction, thesis statement, body paragraphs and end up with a formal conclusion.

Proofreading is a simple procedure in which the writer revises the written essay. This is done in order to rectify the document for any kind of spelling or grammatical mistakes. Thus, proofreading makes high-quality content and gives a professional touch to it. 

You might be uncertain about writing a good enough descriptive essay and impress your teacher. However, it is very common, so you do not need to stress out. 

Hit us up at and get an essay written by our professional descriptive essay writers. Our essay writing service for students aims to help clients in every way possible and ease their stress. Get in touch with our customer support team, and they will take care of all your queries related to your writing. 

You can always enhance your writing skills by leveraging the power of our AI essay writing tools .

Place your order now and let all your stress go away in a blink! 

Barbara P (Literature)

Barbara is a highly educated and qualified author with a Ph.D. in public health from an Ivy League university. She has spent a significant amount of time working in the medical field, conducting a thorough study on a variety of health issues. Her work has been published in several major publications.

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Descriptive Essay Examples

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descriptive essay examples 200 words

Jun 27, 2023

Descriptive Essay Examples: Bring Your Writing to Life with Vivid Descriptions and Engaging Language

Dive into the vibrant world of descriptive writing! Discover how to captivate your audience with rich details and stirring language, creating immersive experiences with your words!

Immerse yourself in the vibrant art of descriptive writing in this comprehensive guide. Throughout this article, we'll explore the intricacies of crafting descriptive essays, offering you useful tips, and showcasing compelling examples.

 You'll learn the essence of sensory details in creating vivid imagery, the structure of a captivating essay, and pointers for picking engaging topics. Our journey will feature rich examples like a description of the Grand Canyon, demystifying the language techniques used.

 So, are you ready to amplify your writing skills and charm your readers with words? Dive right into the world of descriptive essays and let your creativity flow!

Understanding Descriptive Essays

Before we delve into crafting engaging descriptive essays, let's clarify their fundamental purpose. Each essay type serves a unique role, and for descriptive essays, the objective is to paint an elaborate picture using vivid language and sensory details. As a writer, your goal is to transport readers to a particular location, event, or time, allowing them to experience it through their senses.

Among different essay types, each comes with a specific objective. Let's consider a few:

Narrative Essays: These essays recount a story or event. Your goal here is to craft a captivating narrative that keeps your reader engrossed from beginning to end.

Descriptive Essays: The focus of a descriptive essay is to create a vivid mental image for your reader. By using intricate details and expressive language, you invite readers into a sensory experience, making them feel as if they're part of the story.

Expository Essays: In an expository essay, the aim is to clarify or inform. You should present information in a clear, concise manner, educating your reader about a particular topic or issue.

Persuasive Essays: Persuasive essays aim to convince the reader to adopt a certain viewpoint or perform a specific action. Your task here is to utilize evidence and logical reasoning to support your argument, persuading your reader to agree with your stance.

In the context of creative writing, which includes forms like short stories, poetry, novels, and memoirs, descriptive writing serves as an essential tool. Through the use of metaphors, vivid descriptions, and other literary devices, writers can create a powerful impact and engage readers in an imaginative experience.

Whether you are aiming for fiction or non-fiction, creative writing offers a platform to explore your creativity, express your thoughts, ideas, and experiences in an original and unique way. It invites experimentation with styles, genres, and techniques, allowing for the creation of unique literary pieces.

Improving creative writing skills is an ongoing journey, with numerous resources available, including online courses and writing workshops. So, embark on your creative journey, explore your imagination, and unlock your creative potential!

In conclusion, understanding an essay's objective is a crucial step towards successful writing. A clear definition of the essay's purpose guides you to develop a robust thesis statement and structure your arguments effectively, making your essay a compelling read.

The Framework of a Descriptive Essay

Descriptive essays breathe life into words by painting a vivid picture of a person, place, thing, or experience. They employ sensory details and expressive language to make the subject come alive for the reader. Here's a basic yet effective structure you might use when crafting a descriptive essay:

1. Introduction

Your introduction should pique the reader's interest and provide some context for your essay's subject. Begin with an engaging statement about your subject, an intriguing rhetorical question, or an interesting fact to hook your audience. Subsequently, introduce your thesis statement, a clear declaration of the particular aspect or impression of the subject you will be describing.

2. Body Paragraphs

The body of your essay should dive into a detailed description of your subject. Each paragraph should spotlight a unique facet of your subject, using sensory details to paint a vibrant image for the reader. Language techniques such as metaphors, similes, and personification can enhance your descriptions. Depending on your subject and its characteristics, you may want to organize your paragraphs in chronological or spatial order.

3. Conclusion

The conclusion should encapsulate the key points of your essay, leaving a lasting impression on your reader. Restate your thesis statement and offer a brief summary of your main points. Conclude with a striking statement or image that underscores your essay's primary theme.

Bear in mind that this structural blueprint for a descriptive essay is flexible and may require adjustments based on the specific topic or purpose of your essay. Still, this basic outline provides a robust foundation to organize your thoughts and guide your journey in crafting a compelling descriptive essay.

Expanding Your Imagination: Descriptive Essay Writing Inspiration Ideas

Crafting a remarkable descriptive essay involves bringing a scene to life with your words. This immersive style of writing can be applied to a variety of topics. Here are some areas you might want to explore:

1. Recalling Cherished Memories

Our minds are vaults of experiences just waiting to be unraveled. Dive into your childhood memories and bring forth a moment that left an indelible mark on you. Remember to describe the environment, your emotions, people around you, and why this memory has remained so vivid over the years.

2. Exploring Unfamiliar Territories

Have you always dreamt about a certain place but never had the chance to visit? This is your opportunity to transport your readers to this location using your imagination. Research, craft an image, and explore this place in your mind, then share it with your audience.

3. The Magic of the Seasons

Every season carries its unique charm. Pick your favorite season and describe its essence. Use sensory details to communicate the change in the atmosphere, the transformation in the landscape, and how these alterations make you feel.

4. Delving into Personal Relationships

Consider a person who has made a significant impact on your life. It could be a family member, a friend, or even a celebrity. Describe them and explain why they are so influential. Discuss their characteristics, their words, actions, or ideas that have inspired you.

5. Relishing in the Gastronomic Delights

Food can elicit powerful memories and emotions. Describe your favorite dish or a memorable meal in great detail. Use descriptive language to convey its flavors, textures, and aromas, and share why it holds a special place in your heart.

6. Reimagining Historical Events

Historical events offer rich ground for descriptive essays. Choose an event that interests you and imagine you're a part of it. Describe the environment, the people, their emotions, and the atmosphere during this event.

Remember, the key to writing a compelling descriptive essay is to paint a vibrant picture using your words. By carefully selecting your subject and using detailed, sensory language, you can create a narrative that captivates your readers and provides them an experience to remember. Be creative, have fun with your writing, and let your imagination roam free.

Descriptive Essay Examples

Example essay 1: "my favorite place" .

My favorite place in the world is my grandparents' farm in the countryside. As I walk down the dirt road that leads to the farmhouse, I am greeted by the sweet smell of hay and the sound of crickets chirping in the distance. The rolling hills that surround the farm are covered in lush green grass and dotted with wildflowers of every color. The old wooden barn and weathered farmhouse are a testament to the many years of hard work and love that my grandparents have put into this land. I can't help but feel a sense of peace and belonging when I am here, surrounded by the beauty of nature and the memories of my family.

Example Essay 2: "The Haunted House" 

As I stepped through the creaky gate and onto the overgrown path that led to the abandoned mansion, I felt a chill run down my spine. The house's ivy-covered walls and broken windows loomed over me like a giant beast waiting to pounce. The air was thick with the scent of decay and mold, and the sound of rustling leaves and distant whispers made me feel as if I was not alone. As I explored the dark and eerie interior of the house, I couldn't help but feel as if I was stepping into a nightmare. The peeling wallpaper and rotting floorboards added to the sense of dread, and the only light came from the occasional flash of lightning that illuminated the shadows. I left the haunted house feeling as if I had been transported to another world, a world of darkness and fear.

Example Essay 3: "A Day at the Beach" 

The sun was blazing down on the white sand and turquoise waters of the beach as I settled onto my towel and let the warm breeze wash over me. The sound of crashing waves and seagulls filled the air, and the salty smell of the ocean mingled with the sweet scent of coconut oil and sunscreen. The water was crystal clear, and I could see schools of brightly colored fish darting in and out of the waves. As the day wore on, I built sandcastles with my nieces and nephews, went for a swim in the cool water, and soaked up the sun until my skin was golden brown. As the sun began to set and the sky turned fiery orange and pink, I knew that this was a day I would never forget.

Example Essay 4: "The City at Night" 

The city comes alive at night, its streets bathed in the glow of neon lights and the hum of activity. The air is filled with the scent of roasted peanuts and hot dogs, and the sound of honking horns and chatter of people fills your ears. The towering skyscrapers loom above you, casting long shadows that stretch across the sidewalks. The city never sleeps, and you feel alive in its energy and vibrancy.

Example Essay 5: "My First Love" 

The moment I laid eyes on her, I knew I was in love. Her eyes were like pools of emerald green, and her smile was like sunshine on a cloudy day. Her voice was soft and musical, and I could listen to her talk for hours. We spent every moment we could together, exploring the city, watching movies, and talking about everything and nothing at all. Even now, years later, I can still feel the warmth of her hand in mine and the thrill of our first kiss.

Example Essay 6: "A Winter Wonderland" 

As I stepped outside into the winter wonderland, I was struck by the beauty of the snow-covered landscape. The trees were draped in a blanket of white, and the snow sparkled like diamonds in the sunlight. The air was cold and crisp, and my breath formed puffs of steam as I exhaled. I bundled up in my warmest coat and gloves and set out to explore the snowy wonderland, feeling like a child again.

Example Essay 7: "The Perfect Day" 

The perfect day for me is one where the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the world is filled with endless possibilities. I wake up early and savor a cup of hot coffee as I watch the sunrise from my front porch. Then, I spend the day exploring the great outdoors, hiking in the mountains, swimming in a crystal-clear lake, and soaking up the beauty of nature. In the evening, I enjoy a delicious meal with my loved ones, and we laugh and share stories until the stars come out.

Example Essay 8: "A Magical Place" 

As I stepped through the door of the tiny bookstore, I felt as if I had been transported to a magical world. The shelves were lined with books of every size and color, and the air was thick with the scent of old paper and ink. The cozy armchairs and crackling fireplace invited me to curl up with a good book and get lost in a story. I spent hours exploring the aisles and discovering hidden treasures, feeling as if I had found a secret portal to another world.

Example Essay 9: "The Taste of Home" 

The taste of my grandmother's cooking is something that will always hold a special place in my heart. Her homemade apple pie was the perfect combination of sweet and tangy, with a buttery crust that melted in my mouth. Her hearty beef stew warmed my soul on cold winter nights, and her homemade bread was the perfect accompaniment to any meal. Every bite was infused with love and care, and I can still taste the flavors of my childhood in every dish she made.

Example Essay 10: "The Seashore"

 As I walked along the sandy shore, the sound of crashing waves filled my ears and the salty ocean air tickled my nose. The sun beat down on my skin, warming me from the inside out. I closed my eyes and listened to the seagulls calling overhead and the laughter of children playing in the distance. The water lapped at my toes, sending chills up my spine. It was the perfect day at the beach, and I never wanted it to end.

Example Essay 11: "The Concert" 

The roar of the crowd and the pulsing beat of the music filled the arena, making my heart race with excitement. The lights flashed in time with the music, casting the performers in a rainbow of colors. The lead singer's voice soared through the air, and I felt as if I were transported to another world. The energy was electric, and I couldn't help but dance along with the crowd, lost in the music.

Example Essay 12: "Autumn Leaves" 

The trees were ablaze with color, their leaves a riot of red, orange, and gold. The air was crisp and cool, and the sound of rustling leaves echoed through the quiet streets. The smell of wood smoke and pumpkin spice filled the air, and I felt a sense of peace and contentment wash over me. As I walked through the park, I kicked up piles of leaves and marveled at the beauty of the season.

Example Essay 13: "The Old House" 

The old house was a thing of beauty, its weathered exterior and ivy-covered walls telling the story of years gone by. As I stepped inside, the creaking floorboards and musty smell of old books greeted me, transporting me back in time. The rooms were filled with antique furniture and intricate wallpaper, and the sunlight streaming through the dusty windows cast a warm glow over everything. I felt as if I were a character in a novel, exploring the secrets of this forgotten place.

Example Essay 14: "The First Snowfall" 

As I looked out the window, I saw the first snowflakes of the season drifting down from the sky. The world outside was transformed, the trees and buildings dusted with a layer of pristine white. The air was cold and crisp, and the sound of snow crunching underfoot was a satisfying crunch. I couldn't help but smile as I stepped outside, feeling the snowflakes land on my cheeks and melt against my skin.

Example Essay 15: "The Mountain" 

As I hiked up the mountain, the air grew cooler and the scenery became more breathtaking with every step. The rugged landscape was dotted with trees and boulders, and the sound of rushing water filled the air. I paused to catch my breath and took in the panoramic view of the valley below, feeling small and insignificant in the face of such natural beauty. It was a humbling experience, and I felt grateful for the opportunity to witness it.

Example Essay 16: "The Market"

 The market was a cacophony of sights, sounds, and smells. The vendors called out their wares in a dozen different languages, and the smell of spices and fresh produce mingled in the air. I wandered through the crowded stalls, admiring the handmade crafts and sampling the local delicacies. It was a feast for the senses, and I couldn't help but be swept up in the energy of it all.

Example Essay 17: "The Sunrise" 

As the sun rose over the horizon, the sky was painted with hues of pink, orange, and gold. The world was quiet, and the only sound was the gentle lapping of the waves on the shore. I watched in awe as the sun slowly crept higher into the sky, casting its warm glow over everything in its path. It was a peaceful moment, and I felt a sense of renewal and hope for the day ahead.

Remember, when writing a descriptive essay, it's important to use sensory details to create a vivid picture in the reader's mind. These examples demonstrate how descriptive language can help to bring a place, experience, feeling, or season to life. Use these examples as inspiration for your writing and experiment with different techniques to find your unique style.

In conclusion, the art of crafting a compelling descriptive essay lies in harnessing sensory details and vivid language to immerse readers in your narrative. Constant practice and experimentation with various literary techniques will help refine your unique style.

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In essence, combining your creativity with potent AI assistance can elevate your writing quality, efficiency, and overall experience, ultimately taking your descriptive essay skills to the next level.

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What is a Descriptive Essay? How to Write It (with Examples)

What is a Descriptive Essay? How to Write It (with Examples)

A descriptive essay is a type of creative writing that uses specific language to depict a person, object, experience, or event. The idea is to use illustrative language to show readers what the writer wants to convey – it could be as simple as a peaceful view from the top of a hill or as horrific as living in a war zone. By using descriptive language, authors can evoke a mental image in the readers’ minds, engaging readers and leaving a lasting impression, instead of just providing a play-by-play narrative.

Note that a description and descriptive essay are not the same thing. A descriptive essay typically consists of five or more well-written paragraphs with vivid imagery that can help readers visualize the content, as opposed to a description, which is typically one or more plain paragraphs with no particular structure or appeal. If you are still unsure about how to write a compelling descriptive essay, continue reading!

Table of Contents

What is a descriptive essay, types of descriptive essay topics.

  • Characteristics of descriptive essays

How to write a descriptive essay using a structured outline

Frequently asked questions.

A simple descriptive essay definition is that it is a piece of writing that gives a thorough and vivid description of an object, person, experience, or situation. It is sometimes focused more on the emotional aspect of the topic rather than the specifics. The author’s intention when writing a descriptive essay is to help readers visualize the subject at hand. Generally, students are asked to write a descriptive essay to test their ability to recreate a rich experience with artistic flair. Here are a few key points to consider when you begin writing these.

  • Look for a fascinating subject

You might be assigned a topic for your descriptive essay, but if not, you must think of a subject that interests you and about which you know enough facts. It might be about an emotion, place, event, or situation that you might have experienced.

descriptive essay examples 200 words

  • Acquire specific details about the topic

The next task is to collect relevant information about the topic of your choice. You should focus on including details that make the descriptive essay stand out and have a long-lasting impression on the readers. To put it simply, your aim is to make the reader feel as though they were a part of the experience in the first place, rather than merely describing the subject.

  • Be playful with your writing

To make the descriptive essay memorable, use figurative writing and imagery to lay emphasis on the specific aspect of the topic. The goal is to make sure that the reader experiences the content visually, so it must be captivating and colorful. Generally speaking, “don’t tell, show”! This can be accomplished by choosing phrases that evoke strong emotions and engage a variety of senses. Making use of metaphors and similes will enable you to compare different things. We will learn about them in the upcoming sections.

  • Capture all the different senses

Unlike other academic articles, descriptive essay writing uses sensory elements in addition to the main idea. In this type of essay writing, the topic is described by using sensory details such as smell, taste, feel, and touch. Example “ Mahira feels most at home when the lavender scent fills her senses as she lays on her bed after a long, tiring day at work . As the candle melts , so do her worries” . It is crucial to provide sensory details to make the character more nuanced and build intrigue to keep the reader hooked. Metaphors can also be employed to explain abstract concepts; for instance, “ A small act of kindness creates ripples that transcend oceans .” Here the writer used a metaphor to convey the emotion that even the smallest act of kindness can have a larger impact.

  • Maintain harmony between flavor and flow

The descriptive essay format is one that can be customized according to the topic. However, like other types of essays, it must have an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The number of body paragraphs can vary depending on the topic and available information.

It is crucial to remember that a descriptive essay should have a specific topic and goal, such as sharing personal experiences or expressing emotions like the satisfaction of a good meal. This is accomplished by employing exact language, imagery, and figurative language to illustrate concrete features. These language devices allow the writer to craft a descriptive essay that effectively transmits a particular mood, feeling, or incident to readers while also conjuring up strong mental imagery. A descriptive essay may be creative, or it may be based on the author’s own experiences. Below is a description of a few descriptive essay examples that fit into these categories.

  • Personal descriptive essay example

A personal essay can look like a descriptive account of your favorite activity, a place in your neighborhood, or an object that you value. Example: “ As I step out of the front door, the crisp morning air greets me with a gentle embrace; the big chestnut tree in front, sways in the wind as if saying hello to me. The world unfolds in a symphony of awakening colors, promising a day filled with untold possibilities that make me feel alive and grateful to be born again”.

  • Imaginative descriptive essay example

You may occasionally be required to write descriptive essays based on your imagination or on subjects unrelated to your own experiences. The prompts for these kinds of creative essays could be to describe the experience of someone going through heartbreak or to write about a day in the life of a barista. Imaginative descriptive essays also allow you to describe different emotions. Example, the feelings a parent experiences on holding their child for the first time.

Characteristics of descriptive essay s

The aim of a descriptive essay is to provide a detailed and vivid description of a person, place, object, event, or experience. The main goal is to create a sensory experience for the reader. Through a descriptive essay, the reader may be able to experience foods, locations, activities, or feelings that they might not otherwise be able to. Additionally, it gives the writer a way to relate to the readers by sharing a personal story. The following is a list of the essential elements of a descriptive essay:

  • Sensory details
  • Clear, succinct language
  • Organized structure
  • Thesis statement
  • Appeal to emotion

descriptive essay examples 200 words

How to write a descriptive essay, with examples

Writing an engaging descriptive essay is all about bringing the subject matter to life for the reader so they can experience it with their senses—smells, tastes, and textures. The upside of writing a descriptive essay is you don’t have to stick to the confinements of formal essay writing, rather you are free to use a figurative language, with sensory details, and clever word choices that can breathe life to your descriptive essay. Let’s take a closer look at how you can use these components to develop a descriptive essay that will stand out, using examples.

  • Figurative language

Have you ever heard the expression “shooting for the stars”? It refers to pushing someone to strive higher or establish lofty goals, but it does not actually mean shooting for the stars. This is an example of using figurative language for conveying strong motivational emotions. In a descriptive essay, figurative language is employed to grab attention and emphasize points by creatively drawing comparisons and exaggerations. But why should descriptive essays use metaphorical language? One it adds to the topic’s interest and humor; two, it facilitates the reader’s increased connection to the subject.

These are the five most often used figurative language techniques: personification, metaphor, simile, hyperbole, and allusion.

  • Simile: A simile is a figure of speech that is used to compare two things while emphasizing and enhancing the description using terms such as “like or as.”

Example: Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving – Albert Einstein

  • Metaphor: A metaphor are also used to draw similarities, but without using direct or literal comparisons like done in similes.   

Example: Books are the mirrors of the soul – Virginia Woolf, Between the acts

  • Personification: This is the process of giving nonhuman or abstract objects human traits. Any human quality, including an emotional component, a physical attribute, or an action, can be personified.

Example: Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world – Louis Pasteur

  • Hyperbole: This is an extreme form of exaggeration, frequently impractical, and usually employed to emphasize a point or idea. It gives the character more nuance and complexity.

Example: The force will be with you, always – Star Wars

  • Allusion: This is when you reference a person, work, or event without specifically mentioning them; this leaves room for the reader’s creativity.  

Example: In the text below, Robert Frost uses the biblical Garden of Eden as an example to highlight the idea that nothing, not even paradise, endures forever.

Then leaf subsides to leaf.

So Eden sank to grief,

So dawn goes down to day.

Nothing gold can stay

– Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost (1923)

Descriptive essays need a combination of figurative language and strong sensory details to make the essay more memorable. This is when authors describe the subject matter employing senses like smell, sound, touch, and taste so that the reader can relate to it better.

Example of a sensory-based descriptive essay: The earthy fragrance of freshly roasted chestnuts and the sight of bright pink, red, orange fallen leaves on the street reminded her that winter was around the corner.

  • Word choice

Word choice is everything in a descriptive essay. For the description to be enchanting, it is essential to utilize the right adjectives and to carefully consider the verbs, nouns, and adverbs. Use unusual terms and phrases that offer a new viewpoint on your topic matter instead of overusing clichés like “fast as the wind” or “lost track of time,” which can make your descriptive essay seem uninteresting and unoriginal.

See the following examples:

Bad word choice: I was so happy because the sunset was really cool.

Good word choice: I experienced immense joy as the sunset captivated me with its remarkable colors and breathtaking beauty.

  • Descriptive essay format and outline

Descriptive essay writing does not have to be disorganized, it is advisable to use a structured format to organize your thoughts and ensure coherent flow in your writing. Here is a list of components that should be a part of your descriptive essay outline:

  • Introduction
  • Opening/hook sentence
  • Topic sentence
  • Body paragraphs
  • Concrete details
  • Clincher statement

descriptive essay examples 200 words


  • Hook: An opening statement that captures attention while introducing the subject.
  • Background: Includes a brief overview of the topic the descriptive essay is based on.
  • Thesis statement: Clearly states the main point or purpose of the descriptive essay.

Body paragraphs: Each paragraph should have

  • Topic sentence: Introduce the first aspect or feature you will describe. It informs the reader about what is coming next.
  • Sensory details: Use emphatic language to appeal to the reader’s senses (sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell).
  • Concrete details: These are actual details needed to understand the context of the descriptive essay.
  • Supporting details: Include relevant information or examples to improve the description.


  • Summarize key points: Here you revisit the main features or aspects of the subject.
  • Restate thesis statement: Reinforce the central impression or emotion.
  • Clincher statement: Conclude with a statement that summarizes the entire essay and serve as the last words with a powerful message.

Revision and editing:

  • Go over your essay to make sure it is coherent, clear, and consistent.
  • Check for logical paragraph transitions by proofreading the content.
  • Examine text to ensure correct grammar, punctuation, and style.
  • Use the thesaurus or AI paraphrasing tools to find the right words.

A descriptive essay often consists of three body paragraphs or more, an introduction that concludes with a thesis statement, and a conclusion that summarizes the subject and leaves a lasting impression on readers.

A descriptive essay’s primary goal is to captivate the reader by writing a thorough and vivid explanation of the subject matter, while appealing to their various senses. A list of additional goals is as follows: – Spark feeling and imagination – Create a vivid experience – Paint a mental picture – Pique curiosity – Convey a mood or atmosphere – Highlight specific details

Although they both fall within the creative writing category, narrative essays and descriptive essays have different storytelling focuses. While the main goal of a narrative essay is to tell a story based on a real-life experience or a made-up event, the main goal of a descriptive essay is to vividly describe a person, location, event, or emotion.

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  • Paraphrasing in Academic Writing: Answering Top Author Queries
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descriptive essay examples 200 words

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How to Write a Descriptive Essay: Writing Tips & Examples

Imagine painting a vivid picture with words, capturing the reader’s imagination, and transporting them to a different world. That’s the power of a well-written descriptive essay. But how does one harness that power and create a masterpiece? In this comprehensive guide on how to write a descriptive essay, we’ll explore the intricacies of descriptive essays, from understanding their purpose to mastering the language, and everything in between.

Table of Contents

Descriptive Essay Writing: Key Takeaways

  • Descriptive essays strive to create a vivid experience for the reader through concrete details and sensory language.
  • The purpose of descriptive writing is to provide an engaging representation of the subject, aiding in forming understanding.
  • Through self-review, peer feedback and editing tools one can craft a polished essay that leaves a lasting impression on readers.

What is a Descriptive Essay?

Descriptive essays are more than just a simple narration or description of a subject. They aim to provide a detailed and vivid depiction of a subject using concrete details and figurative language, engaging the reader’s senses. Whether it’s describing a family member, a favorite food, or a memorable experience, the goal is to paint a picture so vivid that the reader feels as if they’re experiencing it firsthand. A good descriptive essay achieves this by striking the perfect balance between narration and sensory details.

To achieve this, writers must use vivid language and create a strong sense of imagery. They are.

Purpose of a Descriptive Essay

The primary objective of a descriptive essay is to create a clear and detailed picture of a subject, allowing the reader to visualize and understand it. It’s about immersing the reader into the world the writer has crafted, much like an argumentative essay, which seeks to convince readers of a particular viewpoint.

A descriptive essay, however, focuses on creating a sensory experience, engaging the reader on a deeper level with the subject, rather than just communicating facts.

Characteristics of Descriptive Writing

Descriptive writing possesses certain key characteristics, which include organization, detail, sensory language, factual information, and the abstention of opinions. Organization is crucial as it helps the reader comprehend the essay and follow the writer’s line of reasoning.

Detail and sensory language bring the subject to life, creating a vivid image in the reader’s mind, while factual information and the absence of opinions ensure an accurate and unbiased portrayal of the subject.

Choosing Descriptive Essay Topics

The beauty of descriptive essays lies in the versatility of their subjects. From people and characters to places, objects, emotions, and experiences, there’s a whole world of topics waiting to be explored. When selecting a topic, consider aspects of your own experience, things that interest you, or subjects that hold personal significance.

The key is to choose a subject that you can describe in detail, allowing your reader to immerse themselves in the vivid world you create.

People and Characters

Descriptive essays about people and characters allow you to dive deep into the intricacies of their personalities, traits, and relationships. You can focus on family members, friends, teachers, or even fictional characters. When writing a personal essay about a person, consider aspects such as their physical appearance, personality, behavior, habits, and accomplishments.

This provides a comprehensive and engaging portrayal of the entire essay that will captivate your reader.

Places and Settings

Places and settings provide a rich canvas for descriptive essays. They can be real or fictional locations, such as hometowns, schools, or imaginary worlds. When describing a place, focus on its physical characteristics, cultural significance, or historical importance. This will create a multi-dimensional image that transports your reader to the location and enables them to experience it as if they were there themselves.

By focusing on the details of the place, you can create a vivid and engaging description.

Objects and Items

Descriptive essays about objects and items give you the opportunity to examine everyday items or objects with personal significance in a new light. From a cherished family heirloom to a simple household item, the possibilities are endless.

To create a vivid description, focus on sensory details such as texture, color, smell, taste, and sound. By exploring these aspects, you’ll breathe life into the object and make it come alive for your reader.

Emotions and Experiences

Emotions and experiences are a goldmine for descriptive essays. By delving into your own feelings and personal reflections, you can create an intimate and powerful portrayal of an emotion or experience. Consider topics such as love, fear, happiness, or sadness, as well as personal experiences, memories, and favorite things.

Through sensory details and reflection, you’ll create a palpable connection with your reader, allowing them to share in your emotional journey.

Crafting a Descriptive Essay Outline

An outline is an indispensable tool in crafting a descriptive essay. It helps organize your thoughts, create a smooth flow, and ensure that your essay is structured coherently. A typical descriptive essay outline consists of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

By following this structure, you’ll ensure that your essay flows seamlessly from one section to the next, making it easy for your reader to follow along and understand your message.


A strong descriptive essay introduction, also known as an introductory paragraph, is essential for capturing your reader’s attention and setting the stage for your descriptive essay. It should be brief, engaging, and introduce the subject you’ll be describing. The introduction should also include a well-crafted thesis statement, which provides a succinct overview of the main arguments of your essay.

By starting with a compelling introduction, you’ll entice your reader to continue reading and immerse themselves in the world you’ve created.

Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs of your descriptive essay should focus on specific aspects of your subject, using vivid language and sensory details to create a rich and immersive experience for your reader. Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that encapsulates the main idea of the paragraph and connects it to the overall thesis statement. By following the descriptive essay format, you can ensure a well-structured and engaging piece of writing, such as a five paragraph essay.

Remember to use transition words to guide your reader through your essay and maintain a logical flow. These words can help you to move from one idea to the next, and to connect the ideas.

In the conclusion of your descriptive essay, it’s important to restate your thesis statement and provide a brief reminder of the topics you’ve covered. This helps to reinforce your main points and bring your essay full circle.

Consider leaving your reader with something to ponder or a memorable phrase that encapsulates the essence of your essay. A strong conclusion will leave a lasting impression on your reader, ensuring that your descriptive essay is not soon forgotten.

Mastering Descriptive Language

The key to a captivating descriptive essay lies in the language you use. Mastering descriptive language involves harnessing the power of figurative language, sensory details, and strong word choices to create a memorable and vivid description. By employing these techniques, you’ll not only paint a vivid picture for your reader, but also evoke their emotions and engage their senses, creating a truly immersive experience.

Using figurative language, such as metaphors and similes, can help you to create a vivid visual.

Figurative Language

Figurative language, such as metaphors and similes, can add depth and creativity to your descriptive essay. These literary devices help convey unique perspectives and create memorable effects. For example, instead of simply describing a park as green and lush, you could use a metaphor to compare it to a paradise or a simile to liken it to an oasis.

By using figurative language, you’ll breathe new life into your descriptions and leave a lasting impression on your reader.

Sensory Details

Sensory details are the secret ingredient that makes your descriptive essay come alive. By appealing to your reader’s senses of sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell, you’ll create a vivid and immersive experience that goes beyond mere description. For example, instead of simply saying that a room is warm, you could describe the gentle caress of the sunlight on your skin, the soft hum of the air conditioner, and the faint scent of cinnamon in the air.

By incorporating sensory details, you’ll transport your reader into the world you’ve created.

Word Choice

The words you choose can make or break your descriptive essay. Precise and original words can help you avoid clichés and create a strong impression on your reader. Be mindful of your word choice, and consider using a thesaurus to find alternative words that better capture the essence of your subject.

By selecting the right words, you’ll not only create a vivid image in your reader’s mind, but also convey your unique perspective on the subject.

Reviewing and Revising Your Descriptive Essay

The final step in crafting a captivating descriptive essay is to review and revise your work. This process involves self-review, peer feedback, and the use of editing tools to ensure that your essay is polished and error-free.

By carefully reviewing your work and incorporating feedback, you’ll ensure that your descriptive essay is the best it can be, leaving your reader with a memorable and vivid experience.


Self-review is an essential part of the revision process. Start by taking a break from your essay to gain a fresh perspective. Then read your essay aloud, listening for awkward phrasing or unclear sections.

Ask yourself questions to ensure clarity and coherence, such as “Does the essay make sense?” and “Are there any areas that require additional clarification?” By critically evaluating your work, you’ll be able to identify areas for improvement and make the necessary changes.

Peer Feedback

Peer feedback is another valuable resource in the revision process. Sharing your essay with classmates, friends, or family members can provide fresh insights and suggestions for improvement. Be open to constructive criticism and consider the feedback you receive before making any revisions.

Remember, the goal is to create the best possible version of your descriptive essay, and sometimes an outside perspective can help you see areas for improvement that you might have missed.

Editing Tools

Finally, consider using editing tools to help polish your descriptive essay. Programs like Grammarly can help you identify and correct grammatical errors and improve the overall quality of your writing.

By using editing tools, you can ensure that your essay is not only engaging and vivid, but also polished and professional.

Descriptive Essay Examples and Analysis

Analyzing descriptive essay examples can provide valuable insights into effective writing techniques and strategies. By examining the work of others, you’ll gain a better understanding of how to craft your own descriptive essay and learn new approaches that can help you bring your subject to life.

In this section, we’ll look at two different examples of descriptive essays and discuss the techniques used to create vivid and memorable descriptions.

Consider this descriptive essay example, which showcases classic approaches to descriptive writing: “The small, sunlit room was filled with the scent of freshly brewed coffee and the sound of soft jazz playing in the background. Every surface was covered in a layer of paint splatters, a testament to the artist’s dedication and passion.

The large canvas in the center of the room captured the essence of a summer day, with vibrant colors and bold brushstrokes. This example employs vivid sensory details and strong word choices to create an engaging and memorable description that transports the reader into the world of the artist.

In this second example, the writer takes a different approach to descriptive writing: “The city was a maze of towering skyscrapers, their reflections shimmering in the glassy surface of the river below. The buzz of traffic echoed through the canyon-like streets, while the aroma of street food vendors wafted through the air.

It was a place where dreams and realities collided, each vying for dominance in the ever-changing landscape.” Here, the writer uses figurative language and a more poetic style to convey the atmosphere and energy of the city, creating a vivid and captivating description that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i start a descriptive essay.

To start a descriptive essay, begin by describing an event, place, object, or person in the opening sentence to engage the reader’s attention. Then provide relevant information to support your description, compile pertinent information on the topic, and create an outline prior to writing body paragraphs and a conclusion summarizing the essay.

Lastly, look for ways to enliven your language to make it more vivid and compelling.

How can I write a good descriptive essay?

To write a good descriptive essay, focus on a specific topic and compile information to create an outline. Use vivid details, figurative language, precise language and thoughtful organization to make your writing come alive for the reader.

Include a hook sentence in the introduction, a clear thesis statement and make sure to end with a summarizing conclusion.

What is the format of a descriptive essay?

A descriptive essay is a written account of a particular experience, with a good thesis statement at the beginning of the introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

It is written in a coherent style using formal language.

What are the 4 components of descriptive writing?

Descriptive writing typically employs sensory detail, vivid imagery, figurative language, action-packed verbs, and an overall evocative tone to create an engaging narrative for readers.

This type of writing can help readers visualize the story and feel as if they are part of the action. It can also help to draw readers in and keep them engaged with the text.

What is the main goal of a descriptive essay?

The main goal of a descriptive essay is to provide the reader with a vivid and detailed picture of the subject, enabling them to visualize and understand it.

By using descriptive language and sensory details, the writer can create a vivid image in the reader’s mind. This can be done through the use of metaphors, similes, and other literary devices. Additionally, the writer should use vivid verbs.

In conclusion, writing a compelling descriptive essay requires a combination of organization, detail, sensory language, and strong word choice. By understanding the purpose and characteristics of descriptive writing, selecting engaging topics, crafting a well-structured outline, and mastering descriptive language, you’ll be well on your way to creating vivid and memorable essays that captivate your reader.

Remember to review and revise your work, taking advantage of peer feedback and editing tools to ensure a polished final product. With practice and dedication, you’ll soon be painting vivid pictures with words, transporting your readers to new worlds, and leaving a lasting impression.


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Table of contents


Use our free Readability checker

A descriptive essay is a type of essay that aims to depict a particular person, place, object, or event in detail. The purpose of a descriptive essay is to create a sensory experience for the reader, using language that engages five senses.

  Descriptive essay might scare with its dreadful name, yet it is essential for improving writing skills. How else would you explain something to a person who doesn't know much about a particular topic? Our answer is always a description of a subject. Writing is the perfect way to use vivid language and create something genuinely unique. Power of convincing and telling is one click away. So save time and trust us in showing you exactly how you can master your next article.

What Is a Descriptive Essay: Expanded Definition

Descriptive essay is a map that guides its reader through the chosen subject. Your goal is to introduce people to something new. You, writer, succeed if they leave with a concrete understanding of the topic. Are you writing an article about diving? An audience might not become professional divers, but they indeed will seem like pros after reading. Envision yourself painting an image that makes a statement, as any painter would. Whether you are writing an essay about global warming or just how your summer went — descriptive writing is the way to go.   In case you need to explain something or analyze your idea, use our explanatory essay example . 

What Is the Purpose of a Descriptive Essay

The purpose of a descriptive essay is as simple as it sounds — describe. You didn't expect that, did you? The topic of that said description can be anything you want. Or, usually, anything your professor wants. You can write about any person, place, event, object, and the list is endless. The trick is using figurative language and adding as many details as possible, while making writing effective. So don’t overdo with adjectives as if you’re writing a novel.

Descriptive Essay Outline: How to Create One

The descriptive essay outline is the secret weapon in this war against sloppy writing. Bland words used only to describe never leave impressions. A good idea is to use language that triggers responses from the senses (smell, taste, vision, and any other sensory experience evoking emotion). Lastly, creating an outline will save your ideas from being thrown in the trash of your memory. You can always create a list with enumerated topics and ideas. Or you can also divide the outline for an essay into sections corresponding to paragraphs. This way, you’ll know what to write.

Descriptive Essay Structure: Main Elements

Descriptive essay structure doesn’t go far from its fellow articles. But let’s cover basics:  

  • Introduction — includes general facts about the subject without scaring readers with too much information.
  • Thesis statement — last sentence of introduction with the main idea.
  • Main body — shining moment to use details and figurative language we talked about.
  • Conclusion — excellent way of wrapping up the text. Let readers remember your work!

How to Write a Descriptive Essay: Step-By-Step Guide

How to write a descriptive essay? — you would ask. We can’t leave you just hanging with no answer! So check our guide for students. Learn how to leave an impression as you write an essay , add a personal touch, select the subject, and create detailed masterpieces.

Step 1. Choose a Topic for Your Descriptive Essay

Descriptive essay topics are hard to choose, but they’re your first step to success. Remember these words when thinking about the topic: clear, intriguing, and specific. An audience should know what they’re reading. As a writer, you also have another responsibility… Don’t be selfish! Choose something that will be interesting not only for you but appealing to the reader. You can always look through essay title examples to choose and create the best one.

Step 2. Craft a Good Thesis Statement for Your Descriptive Essay

Thesis statement for a descriptive essay is the cherry of your work. A jewel, if we might say so. It’s also not the time to be coy. Openness with several hints of mystery is the best policy for your thesis. Lure readers in and secure their attention. But your goal is still to include the most important idea. Consider these questions:

  • What are you trying to prove?
  • Why is this topic vital?
  • Why should the audience care?

Step 3. How to Start a Descriptive Essay

Descriptive essay introduction is all about intrigue as it’s the first chance to impress the readers with an epic start. Don’t worry, your only assignment here is to make people read further. It’s not that hard to hook them! Not literally, of course. But the first statement should be catchy, fun, or just memorable. It can be anything to make readers say ‘wow,’ without too much data. You have the main body for that.

Step 4. Creating Body Paragraphs for Descriptive Essay

Body paragraphs for descriptive essay are your chance to play with details and language. Traditional articles usually contain three paragraphs, if your professor doesn’t have special requirements. Thus, each body paragraph should have its own topic sentence, evidence, and concluding statement. They also develop distinct ideas. In other words: every paragraph must have its own idea linked to the chosen topic. Additionally, depending on the article, you can also explain your personal opinion, either negative or positive. But using academic research instead of your own beliefs is a more classy option, at least for this article. Maybe you will need an explanatory essay  or other essay kinds, we have got you covered. Find them in our blogs.

Step 5. Compose Conclusion for Descriptive Essay

Descriptive essay conclusion is like your final marathon mile. You’re almost there, just view your conclusion as a summary of your work. The last paragraph makes clearer what your goal was. So we recommend writing as if your audience hasn’t read your written work. Overall, keep it short, add no new information and finish with some food for thought.

Step 6. Proofreading and Editing Your Descriptive Essay

Descriptive essay needs editing, sometimes even more than its fellow papers. Our final step — proofread the text , please. Yes, we know, it’s boring and takes time. Deleting your own words is an ungrateful, whiny requirement. But it refines your work and helps you to avoid mistakes. No one wants to see ‘autism’ instead of ‘author.’ Here, we’re writing from personal experiences. Consider taking your time editing to avoid typos or grammatical errors!

Descriptive Essay Format: Basic Rules of Use

The format of a descriptive essay will depend on your professor's requirements. Usually, you’ll need to edit your word document and submit your complete version in one of the fowling formats:

  • APA (used more for hard science)
  • MLA (preferred by humanitarian subjects)
  • Chicago style format (also liked by humanitarian disciplines, but you’ll recognize it for footnotes)

Understanding all those formats is not a must, especially memorizing them. Just google templates!

Descriptive Essay Examples

Descriptive essay example will include all the basics that we’ve just covered. Your complete word document should be styled according to those tricky formats we talked about. Your article should also have standard five paragraphs (introduction, main body, and conclusion). Understanding this structure will secure a nice flow of your work. Just in case, buy online essay  if you want to do something different tonight than homework.

Descriptive Essay: Final Thoughts

Descriptive essay is not some monster under your bed. So don’t be scared of shining some light on it. Strong articles will have a clear purpose and an intriguing thesis. Keep in mind that your alluring introduction shouldn’t include data overload. Your main body is a mix of examples, details, and evidence. Lastly, your conclusion is like a red bow on the present that summarizes your work. Already excited to perform such an assignment?


In case you have any issues, get help from our outstanding essay writing service. We’re proud of our writers and their timely delivery. With our assistance, you will get a quality work conforming to all standards.

Frequently Asked Questions About Descriptive Essay

1. what's the difference between a narrative essay and a descriptive essay.

A descriptive essay doesn’t tell a story but simply contains information about a particular topic. So the main difference that distinguishes narrative works is a storytelling element. But a complete descriptive text is more of a guide and description with no plot.

2. How do I come up with a topic for my descriptive essay?

Descriptive essay topics are usually given by professors. If not, choosing places, people, events, or even objects is your best bet. Try to select something interesting. So you don’t have to struggle with boring material having no idea how to word it.

3. How many words should be there in a descriptive essay paragraph?

Descriptive essay paragraph is usually 100-200 words long. Fewer words will make an article non-academic. In contrast, longer sections will surely help you lose the attention of your readers. So keep it along the lines of this word count, and you’ll be good.

4. What is the difference between a descriptive essay and a definition essay?

Descriptive essay literally describes any topic using colorful words and figurative language to impress your reader. You’re painting pictures with figurative and bright words instead of colors. In contrast,  definition essay  is the type of article that explains any chosen concept or an academic term. So it’s slightly drier and more on the nose of academic writing.  


Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.


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Descriptive Essay Examples

A descriptive essay is a written account of your impressions from an event, person, or experience. The genre uses sensory details and imagery to convey the emotional background.

It could be not only about a person or place. But in such a case, it is challenging to disambiguate a descriptive text from other writing types. For instance, you can write an argumentative or a descriptive essay on the role of policy in curriculum development. But while the former argues why the policy is essential, the latter outlines its actual effects.

Explore these free descriptive essay examples to learn more about the principles of this academic genre.

182 Best Descriptive Essay Examples

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Online Education Goals and Instructional Objectives

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Direct and Indirect Costs

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“The Fall of the House of Usher” and “Benito Cereno”

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Methodological Bias Associated with Sex Depression

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Branding’ Process and Advantages

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The Views of Freud and Post Freudians on Human Nature

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European Exploration and Expansion in the 16th and 17th Centuries in Its Influence on Business London

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Multiculturalism in america.

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Kenya’s Maternal Shelters

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The Day of the Dead

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The Recommendations of the American Welding Association

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  • Words: 1971

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Descriptive Essays

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What is a descriptive essay?

The descriptive essay is a genre of essay that asks the student to describe something—object, person, place, experience, emotion, situation, etc. This genre encourages the student’s ability to create a written account of a particular experience. What is more, this genre allows for a great deal of artistic freedom (the goal of which is to paint an image that is vivid and moving in the mind of the reader).

One might benefit from keeping in mind this simple maxim: If the reader is unable to clearly form an impression of the thing that you are describing, try, try again!

Here are some guidelines for writing a descriptive essay.

  • Take time to brainstorm

If your instructor asks you to describe your favorite food, make sure that you jot down some ideas before you begin describing it. For instance, if you choose pizza, you might start by writing down a few words: sauce, cheese, crust, pepperoni, sausage, spices, hot, melted, etc. Once you have written down some words, you can begin by compiling descriptive lists for each one.

  • Use clear and concise language.

This means that words are chosen carefully, particularly for their relevancy in relation to that which you are intending to describe.

  • Choose vivid language.

Why use horse when you can choose stallion ? Why not use tempestuous instead of violent ? Or why not miserly in place of cheap ? Such choices form a firmer image in the mind of the reader and often times offer nuanced meanings that serve better one’s purpose.

  • Use your senses!

Remember, if you are describing something, you need to be appealing to the senses of the reader. Explain how the thing smelled, felt, sounded, tasted, or looked. Embellish the moment with senses.

  • What were you thinking?!

If you can describe emotions or feelings related to your topic, you will connect with the reader on a deeper level. Many have felt crushing loss in their lives, or ecstatic joy, or mild complacency. Tap into this emotional reservoir in order to achieve your full descriptive potential.

  • Leave the reader with a clear impression.

One of your goals is to evoke a strong sense of familiarity and appreciation in the reader. If your reader can walk away from the essay craving the very pizza you just described, you are on your way to writing effective descriptive essays.

  • Be organized!

It is easy to fall into an incoherent rambling of emotions and senses when writing a descriptive essay. However, you must strive to present an organized and logical description if the reader is to come away from the essay with a cogent sense of what it is you are attempting to describe.

descriptive essay examples 200 words

Descriptive Essay: Your Guide to Writing an Effective One

descriptive essay examples 200 words

A descriptive essay is one of the four main types of essays, alongside narrative, argumentative, and expository essays. Among these, descriptive essays can be particularly challenging because they demand a keen eye for detail and an appreciation for aesthetics. By vividly describing scenes and details, you engage your reader’s senses, making your essay memorable and engaging. In this guide, our essay writers will break down the writing process for you, offering step-by-step instructions, practical examples, and clear definitions to help you excel in your next assignment.

What is a Descriptive Essay?

Descriptive writing aims to vividly portray something through essays, helping readers visualize and feel the scene or object being described. Such essays draw on detailed descriptions to create a clear and impactful image that not only presents the subject but also evokes emotions and memories.

There are three main techniques used in descriptive writing: naming, detailing, and comparing .

Naming identifies the subject and its characteristics, answering questions like 'What is it?' and 'What features does it have?'

Detailing elaborates on these features, providing answers to detailed questions such as 'How many are there?' and 'What is its value?' Techniques like synesthesia and comparisons enhance these descriptions.

Comparing uses similes and metaphors to make descriptions more vivid, linking the subject to familiar concepts.

Description vs. Descriptive Essay

What Is the Purpose of a Descriptive Essay?

The purpose of a descriptive essay is multifaceted. Primarily, it allows writers to give readers a vivid impression of a person, place, or event, making the subject come alive through words. By using detailed descriptions, writers can help readers visualize settings and characters as if they were seeing them firsthand.

Additionally, descriptive essays can serve to clarify abstract ideas. By describing these concepts with concrete images and examples, writers make complex ideas easier to understand and more relatable to the reader.

Descriptive essays also aim to make information more memorable. When details are vivid, they are more likely to stick in the reader's mind, enhancing recall and engagement with the text.

Lastly, it can bolster an argument by providing concrete, detailed evidence that supports a point of view. This helps persuade the reader by making the argument more tangible and credible.

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Descriptive Essay Topics

When you're tasked with writing a descriptive essay, you'll usually get a prompt that asks you to describe something. These descriptive essay prompts allow you to explore different settings, time periods, and imaginative scenarios in your essays. 

Personal Prompts:

  • Describe a favorite childhood memory.
  • Describe a treasured family heirloom.

Imaginative Prompts:

  • Describe a day in the life of a pirate.
  • Describe what it would be like to explore an underwater city.

Historical Prompts:

  • Describe the atmosphere of a bustling ancient marketplace.
  • Describe the experience of witnessing a significant moment in history, like the moon landing or the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Nature Prompts:

  • Describe the sights and sounds of a peaceful forest at dawn.
  • Describe the feeling of standing at the edge of a majestic waterfall.

Everyday Prompts:

  • Describe the chaos of a busy morning commute in a big city.
  • Describe the tranquility of a sunset picnic in the countryside.

If you need topic ideas for other essay genres, consult our guide on narrative essay topics .

How to Write a Descriptive Essay in 8 Steps

Now that you understand the essence and purpose of this type of essay let's explore some fundamental yet valuable tips for writing a descriptive essay. 

How to Write a Descriptive Essay in 8 Steps

Step 1: Select Your Topic

The first step in creating a captivating descriptive essay is choosing the right topic. Start by paying close attention to your surroundings. 

  • Consider describing a person you know well in your life, like a sibling, a close friend, or a teacher who has made a significant impact on you.
  • Alternatively, you could focus on a specific place or object that holds sentimental value to you, such as a favorite vacation spot, a cherished childhood toy, or a meaningful piece of jewelry.
  • Another option is to explore a strong emotion that you have experienced, like excitement, nostalgia, or determination. 

Avoid using overly technical or jargon-filled language in your topic selection. Instead, aim for simplicity and clarity to ensure that your chosen topic resonates with your audience and allows you to convey your unique perspective effectively.

Step 2: Gather Details

Once you've selected your topic for your descriptive essay, the next step is to gather details that will bring your chosen subject to life on the page. Start by closely observing your subject, whether it's a person, place, object, or emotion. Pay attention to its appearance, characteristics, and any unique features that stand out to you.

For example, if you've chosen to describe your childhood home, take note of its architectural style, color scheme, and any distinctive elements like a front porch or a cozy fireplace. Recall memories associated with the home, such as family gatherings or quiet moments spent reading in your favorite spot.

If your topic is a person, like a close friend or family member, observe their physical appearance, mannerisms, and personality traits. Consider the ways in which they interact with others and the impact they have on your life.

Step 3: Draft an Outline

When structuring your essay, you can organize your paragraphs from top to bottom or near to far, chronologically, or from general to specific. Here's a simple descriptive essay outline from our custom writers to guide you: 

Step 4: Develop a Thesis Statement

When developing your thesis statement, consider the main points or aspects of your subject that you want to highlight in your essay. Think about the emotions or impressions you want to evoke in the reader and tailor your thesis statement accordingly.

For example, if you're writing about your favorite childhood memory, your thesis statement could be: 'My summers spent at my grandparents' farm were filled with laughter, adventure, and a sense of belonging.'

Or, if you're describing a beautiful sunset, your thesis statement might be: 'The breathtaking colors and serene atmosphere of the sunset over the ocean evoke a sense of peace and wonder.'

Step 5: Craft the Introduction

Start your descriptive essay introduction by hooking the reader with an engaging opening sentence or anecdote related to your topic. This could be a vivid description, a thought-provoking question, or a surprising fact. For example:

  • Growing up on my grandparents' farm, each summer brought new adventures and unforgettable memories that still warm my heart to this day.

After hooking the reader, provide some background information or context for your topic. This could include brief details about the setting, time period, or significance of your subject. For instance:

  • Nestled in the rolling hills of the countryside, my grandparents' farm was a sanctuary of simple pleasures and cherished traditions.

Finally, end your introduction with your thesis statement, clearly stating the main point of your essay. This ties everything together and gives the reader a roadmap for what to expect in the rest of your essay. 

Step 6: Compose the Body Paragraphs

Once you've crafted your introduction, it's time to compose the body paragraphs, where you delve into the details and descriptions that bring your topic to life.

Each body paragraph should focus on a specific aspect or detail of your topic, expanding upon the ideas presented in your thesis statement. Use vivid language, sensory details, and descriptive devices to paint a clear picture for the reader.

For example, if you're writing about summers spent at your grandparents' farm, you could dedicate one body paragraph to describing the sights and sounds of the farm:

  • The rolling fields stretched out before me, golden waves of wheat swaying gently in the breeze. The air was filled with the sweet scent of wildflowers, mingling with the earthy aroma of freshly turned soil.

In another body paragraph, you might explore the adventures and activities that filled your days:

  • From sunrise to sunset, there was never a dull moment on the farm. Whether we were exploring the woods, splashing in the creek, or helping with chores, each day brought new excitement and adventure.

Continue with additional body paragraphs, each focusing on a different aspect of your topic and providing rich, detailed descriptions. Be sure to vary your language and sentence structure to keep the reader engaged and interested.

Step 7: Conclude the Essay

The conclusion should bring together all the ideas presented in your essay. Avoid introducing any new information in the conclusion. Instead, focus on evaluating your thoughts and reflections on the topic. End with a strong final sentence that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

For example, if you were writing about summers spent at your grandparents' farm, your conclusion might reflect on the significance of those memories:

  • 'As I reminisce about the summers spent amid the rustic charm of my grandparents' farm, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude for the simple pleasures and cherished moments that shaped my childhood. The laughter echoing through the fields, the adventures awaiting around every corner, and the sense of belonging that enveloped me there will forever hold a special place in my heart.'

Step 8: Refine Your Essay

Once you've finished writing your essay, it's time to refine it for clarity and impact. Start by reading your essay aloud to yourself. Listen for any sentences that sound awkward or unclear. Mark these sentences so you can revise them later.

You can also read your essay aloud to others and ask for their feedback. Invite friends, family members, teachers, or mentors to listen to your essay and share their thoughts. Ask them if there are any parts that are difficult to understand or if they have trouble picturing the subject you're describing.

Be receptive to constructive criticism and feedback. Use it as an opportunity to improve your essay and make it stronger. And if it sounds too demanding right now, you can buy cheap essay to sidestep the hassle and reclaim some much-needed free time.

Descriptive Essay Format

The standard format for a descriptive essay typically includes five paragraphs: an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. However, you can also organize your essay into sections, allowing for flexibility in the length of the body paragraphs.

Introductory Paragraph: This paragraph sets the scene by describing where, when, and to whom the experience occurred. It should include descriptive words to capture the reader's attention.

First Body Paragraph: Here, the writer provides details that allow the reader to visualize the situation. Descriptive language is key in painting a clear picture for the reader.

Second Body Paragraph: More details are provided, with a focus on using descriptive adjectives. Figurative language, such as metaphor (e.g., describing the city as a 'jungle of concrete'), can enhance the imagery.

Third Body Paragraph: The writer continues to appeal to the reader's senses with visually descriptive words. Figurative language, like personification (e.g., describing the wind as a playful dancer), adds depth to the description.

Conclusion: The conclusion alludes to another sense, such as touch or sound, and uses strong words to signify closure. It ends with a powerful concluding sentence to leave a lasting impression on the reader.

Descriptive Essay Examples

In this section, you'll discover essay examples that demonstrate how to captivate your readers' attention effectively. After exploring these examples, you might find yourself tempted to ask, 'Can someone do my homework for me?' - and that's completely understandable! We're here to help you become more confident and articulate communicators through your writing!

3 Additional Tips for Writing

While writing a descriptive essay, your goal is to make your subject come alive for the reader. Unlike more formal essays, you have the freedom to be creative with your descriptions, using figurative language, sensory details, and precise word choices to make your writing memorable.

3 Additional Tips for Writing

Use Figurative Language: Figurative language, like metaphors and similes, adds flair to your descriptions. Instead of sticking to literal descriptions, use comparisons to create unique and memorable imagery. 

  • For instance, describing a city as a bustling beehive of activity ' or a forest as ' a blanket of whispers ' adds an unexpected twist that captures the reader's attention.

Engage Your Senses: In a descriptive essay, don't just focus on what something looks like; appeal to all the senses. Describe how things smell, sound, feel, and even taste, if applicable. This adds depth and richness to your descriptions, making them more immersive. 

  • For example, instead of just describing a beach visually, include sensory details like feeling the warm sand between your toes , hearing the rhythmic crash of waves , and t asting the salty sea breeze.

Choose Your Words Carefully: Use effective adjectives, verbs, and nouns to convey your impressions vividly. Avoid clichés and opt for original, precise language that reflects your unique perspective. Take the time to review your sentences and consider if there are better word choices that could enhance your description.

In Wrapping Up

To sum it up, descriptive essays are all about encouraging students like you to explore your surroundings and unleash your creativity by describing scenes in detail with words. When you carefully select and organize these descriptive details, it not only enhances your writing but also sharpens your critical thinking skills. Plus, diving into this expressive writing style allows you to appreciate the beauty of language and feel more connected to written communication. And remember, if you ever need a little boost in your writing journey, our descriptive essay writing service is here to help!

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How To Write A Descriptive Essay?

What is a descriptive essay, what is the purpose of a descriptive essay.

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

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is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

  • New samples
  • New information on each of the rest sections 

Axelrod, R. B. and Cooper, R. C. (2008). The st martin’s guide to writing. (English Edition). New York: Bedford/St Martins

Okono, U. M. (2021). Descriptive essay: An assessment of performance by undergraduates of AkwaIbom State University. Erudite Journal of Linguistics and Languages .

Okono. U. M. (2020). “Qualities of a good essay: An assessment of the writings of Nigerian undergraduates.” International Journal on integrated Education. 3: vi.

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Descriptive Essay

Descriptive Essay Examples

Last updated on: Nov 20, 2023

Descriptive Essay Examples - 8 Examples To Help You Write Better

By: Cathy A.

10 min read

Reviewed By: Rylee W.

Published on: Dec 31, 2019

Descriptive Essay Examples

Do you need some good descriptive essay samples to understand how these essays work? We are here to help you write a descriptive essay with remarkable success!

So stay with us to learn the basics with the help of some great descriptive essay examples.

Descriptive Essay Examples

On this Page

What is a Descriptive Essay?

A descriptive essay describes and gives sensory details about a person, place, event, or thing in an in-depth and detailed manner. It is different from writing a narrative essay.

The aim of descriptive essay writing is to make the reader feel and see a certain thing, place, or person from your perspective. Your readers may have different points of view about the topic, your job is to make them see what you feel and believe.

These types of descriptions are often found in the literature; novels and dramas, where the writer constricts the whole scene through his or her words. 

Ever noticed how you feel like actually seeing the character from a novel in your mind? Or a place? This is the power of a descriptive narrative.

What is the Aim of Descriptive Writing? 

The sole aim of a descriptive essay writer is to draw a realistic and actual picture in front of the reader. These essays are a part of high school and college level and students. 

Teachers give this type of descriptive writing task to students for developing the students’ skills of describing and explaining something in a detailed manner.

This skill is quite helpful in professional life as the students will know how to analyze something in detail and by considering its different angles.

While writing a descriptive essay can be a fun and enriching experience. Describing your emotions and feelings and dealing with a sensitive topic can be a challenging and daunting task. However, with practice, you can do it successfully.

Good Descriptive Essay Examples

It is not an easy task to write a descriptive essay at first attempt. This is why many students turn to the examples of a descriptive essay to understand its structure and content.

Samples and examples are great to help the students understand how to write certain types of essays. Every essay and assignment is different and, therefore, to score well, you need to be mindful of the content that you add to them.

Effective descriptive essay writing is more about describing different aspects and traits of the chosen subject and the type of feelings they inspire. Commonly, these types of essays describe a particular person, an event, a place, or an emotion with the aim to make the reader feel your way.

Descriptive essay example for grade 6

Descriptive essay example college

Descriptive essay example for university

Don’t give up! Continue reading to explore more amazing examples

Descriptive Essay Example about a Person

Writing about a person is probably the first choice of many students. They like to describe their parents, especially siblings, best friends, and teachers in their essays. However, when you choose to write about a person, it is better that you write about someone who you know.

Descriptive Essay Example about a Person (PDF)

Descriptive Essay Example about an Event

As humans, we come across a number of events and happenings. From casual friends get together to very formal weddings and parties, each one of us has something to talk about.

The descriptive essays about events describe the event, how the writer felt about it along the surrounding details.

Just like we say, a descriptive essay ‘describes’ the topic. In the case of descriptive essay examples about an event, the details will include the kind of event, the level of excitement of the writer, the surroundings, and an overall feeling.

Descriptive Essay Example about an Event (PDF)

Descriptive Essay Example About a Place

Describing a place that you visited in your summer holidays is quite an enjoyable experience. It is like you are visiting the same place again and having the same feelings.

When describing your favorite place in an essay, use vivid language. You can describe the details like the weather of the place, the main place that you visited, the kind of feeling you had.

Descriptive Essay Example about a Place (PDF)

Descriptive Essay Example about Emotions

Describing emotions and feelings is difficult.

Memories, emotions, and feelings are abstract and, therefore, explaining them is not easy. They cannot be explained independently, as you can explain a place or event.

A descriptive essay about emotions includes an event and the feelings associated with it. These could be feelings of sadness, anxiousness, confusion, surprise, and happiness.

Whatever emotions you describe, you can use related adjectives and adverbs to describe them.

Descriptive Essay Example about Emotions (PDF)

Descriptive Essay Example About a Visit

A visit to a doctor, a visit to a zoo, and your first visit to a museum, all make excellent descriptive essay topics.

If you go somewhere for the first time, it is natural to have a plethora of feelings and emotions. These could be feelings of joy and even fear.

Descriptive Essay Example about a Visit (PDF)

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Descriptive Essay Outline

Like every essay sample, a descriptive essay has an outline and format. The essay follows the traditional essay structure and includes:

1. An Introductory Paragraph

The first paragraph of an essay is the introduction and it usually sets the mood for the entire essay.

A good descriptive essay has a strong opening. It introduces the reader to the main topic and what the essay will be about. However, these details are brief and introduce the main topic only.

Some students think that adding more details in this section will add value to their work. Wrong. It will only minimize their chances of expanding the topic in the main paragraphs and leave them with fewer details.

2. Thesis Statement

A thesis statement tells the reader about the thesis question, based on the topic, and the writer’s claim and main argument. It is written after the introduction and before the main paragraphs.

A thesis statement is written at the end of the introduction, it is mainly a single sentence that describes the essay objective.

3. Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs take more than half of the entire essay and include all the main claims and arguments of the essay. Generally, it has three paragraphs but depends on the topic and its scope. Some topics may not have much to write about while others may have a wide scope and material.

However, if you feel that your topic does not have much room for expansion, do not try to drag it. It will only ruin its essence and overall feel.

4. Conclusion

A solid closing means a solid essay.

Some students think that because it is a closing paragraph, it requires less focus and is less important. But it is not the case. A clumsy conclusion will leave a bad impression and all your hard work may go to waste.

But, a conclusion is also not a place for new ideas. Stay brief and to the point.

To learn more about descriptive essay structure, you can watch this helpful video

Now that you know the basic outline, you can learn how to write a descriptive essay by visiting our blog and working with those tips and tricks.

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Descriptive Essay Topics 

Got inspired by the examples and looking to write your own essay? So select the topic of your choice from the list below and write a tempting essay…

  • The street I love to walk around  in
  •  Exploring the beauty of nature
  • The pleasing sounds of rain 
  • The most meaningful experience I had in college
  • Exploring a hidden gem in my hometown 
  • My favorite book character 
  • A day spent in my dream destination 
  • Memories of various festivals I have celebrated  
  • My favorite food that always brings back memories
  • These are some
  • The beauty of the rising sun in winter

Choosing a Topic for your Essay

Choosing a topic for your descriptive essay can be difficult and challenging. The reason is there are so many things to write about like

  • Relationships
  • Favorite place
  • Experiences
  • Things 
  • Scenarios and many more.

All of these subjects make great descriptive essay topics. Some quick tips to help you choose a great descriptive essay topic include:

  • Choose a topic that interests you
  • Choose a topic with a good scope
  • Choose something that inspires you emotionally
  • Choose a topic that appeals to all five or at least one to two senses
  • Choose the topic according to your audience
  • Choose a topic that is interesting and will keep your readers glued and engaged

For interesting essay topics and ideas, visit our blog and get 100+ descriptive essay topics to choose from.

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Elements of a Great Descriptive Essay

Great essays are based on elements relevant to the main topic and explain it in detail. Just like other types of essays, descriptive essays are specifically based on describing the main topic. You can do this by using figurative language and words that appeal to the five senses like touch, taste, sight, etc. of the readers.

Some core elements include:

  • Choosing a specific subject:

Choosing the right and appealing subject is essential for a good descriptive essay. Research and make a list of the topics that interest you and see which one you could use for your essay. make sure that you know how to work on that topic before finalizing it.

  • Select the Details:

You cannot write about everything. No matter how many details there are, you have to choose the most dominant ones and stick to them closely.

  • Organize the Details:

Once you have chosen the details and organize them in chronological order. This step is especially important if you are talking about an event because then you have to add details related to the event.

  • Use Descriptive Language:

Descriptive and figurative language is a must if you want to draw a clear picture in front of your readers. Adjectives and adverbs, similes and metaphors, and comparisons are some techniques that you could use to compose your descriptive essay.

  • Use Appropriate Language:

Relevant language will help you in presenting the information in a coherent and simple manner. The topic of your essay will decide the kind of language that you will use in your essay.

  • Do Not Drag the Essay:

Dragging the essay will do no good for your essay. Writing an engaging essay is essential for successful descriptive essay writing. Coherent, relevant, and engaging facts will add credibility and a natural flair to your essay.

Not sure if you could write an impressive and engaging descriptive essay? is here to help you write an essay . With us, you get high-quality, affordable, and timely help. Our quality assurance is rigid and we make sure all the spelling and grammar checking is done before final submission.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How many paragraphs are in a descriptive essay.

Like any other essay, a descriptive essay also must have at least five paragraphs. The number of paragraphs could increase, based on the scope and need of the topic.

How can I write a good descriptive essay?

Writing a good descriptive essay requires vivid and detailed descriptions, creating an experience for the reader. To do this, it’s important to use clear language that creates images in the reader’s mind. 

Additionally, using sensory details can help engage the reader and make them feel as if they are partaking in the experience described. 

What are some examples of things you could describe in a descriptive essay?

Examples of things you could describe in a descriptive essay include a location, person, object, or event. Each of these should be explored in detail to help the reader form an accurate mental image.

Cathy A.

Finance Essay, Education

Cathy has been been working as an author on our platform for over five years now. She has a Masters degree in mass communication and is well-versed in the art of writing. Cathy is a professional who takes her work seriously and is widely appreciated by clients for her excellent writing skills.

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How to Write a Good Descriptive Paragraph

  • Writing Essays
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  • Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia
  • M.A., Modern English and American Literature, University of Leicester
  • B.A., English, State University of New York

A good descriptive paragraph is like a window into another world. Through the use of careful examples or details, an author can conjure a scene that vividly describes a person, place, or thing. Whether it's found in fiction or nonfiction, the best descriptive writing appeals to multiple senses at once—smell, sight, taste, touch, and hearing.

See below for examples of strong descriptive paragraphs, and then get some tips to start writing your own.

5 Examples of Strong Descriptive Paragraphs

In their unique ways, each of the following writers (three of them students, two of them professional authors) have selected a belonging or place that holds special meaning to them. After identifying that subject in a clear topic sentence, they proceed to describe it in detail while explaining its introspective significance.

"A Friendly Clown"

"On one corner of my dresser sits a smiling toy clown on a tiny unicycle―a gift I received last Christmas from a close friend. The clown's short yellow hair, made of yarn, covers its ears but is parted above the eyes. The blue eyes are outlined in black with thin, dark lashes flowing from the brows. It has cherry-red cheeks, nose, and lips, and its broad grin disappears into the wide, white ruffle around its neck. The clown wears a fluffy, two-tone nylon costume. The left side of the outfit is light blue, and the right side is red. The two colors merge in a dark line that runs down the center of the small outfit. Surrounding its ankles and disguising its long black shoes are big pink bows. The white spokes on the wheels of the unicycle gather in the center and expand to the black tire so that the wheel somewhat resembles the inner half of a grapefruit. The clown and unicycle together stand about a foot high. As a cherished gift from my good friend Tran, this colorful figure greets me with a smile every time I enter my room."

Observe how the writer moves clearly from a description of the head of the clown to the body to the unicycle underneath. More than sensory details for the eyes, she provides touch, in the description that the hair is made of yarn and the suit of nylon. Certain colors are specific, as in cherry-red cheeks and light blue, and descriptions help the reader visualize the object: the parted hair, the color line on the suit, and the grapefruit analogy. Dimensions overall help to provide the reader with the item's scale, and the descriptions of the size of the ruffle and bows on the shoes in comparison to what's nearby provide telling detail. The concluding sentence helps to tie the paragraph together by emphasizing the personal value of this gift.

"The Blond Guitar"

by Jeremy Burden

"My most valuable possession is an old, slightly warped blond guitar―the first instrument I taught myself how to play. It's nothing fancy, just a Madeira folk guitar, all scuffed and scratched and fingerprinted. At the top is a bramble of copper-wound strings, each one hooked through the eye of a silver tuning key. The strings are stretched down a long, slim neck, its frets tarnished, the wood worn by years of fingers pressing chords and picking notes. The body of the Madeira is shaped like an enormous yellow pear, one that was slightly damaged in shipping. The blond wood has been chipped and gouged to gray, particularly where the pick guard fell off years ago. No, it's not a beautiful instrument, but it still lets me make music, and for that I will always treasure it."

Here, the writer uses a topic sentence to open his paragraph and then uses the following sentences to add specific details . The author creates an image for the mind's eye to travel across by describing the parts of the guitar logically, from the strings on the head to the worn wood on the body.

He emphasizes its condition by the number of different descriptions of the wear on the guitar, such as noting its slight warp; distinguishing between scuffs and scratches; describing the effect that fingers have had on the instrument by wearing down its neck, tarnishing frets, and leaving prints on the body; listing both its chips and gouges and even noting their effects on the color of the instrument. The author even describes the remnants of missing pieces. After all that, he plainly states his affection for it.


by Barbara Carter

"Gregory is my beautiful gray Persian cat. He walks with pride and grace, performing a dance of disdain as he slowly lifts and lowers each paw with the delicacy of a ballet dancer. His pride, however, does not extend to his appearance, for he spends most of his time indoors watching television and growing fat. He enjoys TV commercials, especially those for Meow Mix and 9 Lives. His familiarity with cat food commercials has led him to reject generic brands of cat food in favor of only the most expensive brands. Gregory is as finicky about visitors as he is about what he eats, befriending some and repelling others. He may snuggle up against your ankle, begging to be petted, or he may imitate a skunk and stain your favorite trousers. Gregory does not do this to establish his territory, as many cat experts think, but to humiliate me because he is jealous of my friends. After my guests have fled, I look at the old fleabag snoozing and smiling to himself in front of the television set, and I have to forgive him for his obnoxious, but endearing, habits."

The writer here focuses less on the physical appearance of her pet than on the cat's habits and actions. Notice how many different descriptors go into just the sentence about how the cat walks: emotions of pride and disdain and the extended metaphor of the dancer, including the phrases "dance of disdain," "grace," and "ballet dancer." When you want to portray something through the use of a metaphor, make sure you are consistent, and that all the descriptors make sense with that one metaphor. Don't use two different metaphors to describe the same thing, because that makes the image you're trying to portray awkward and convoluted. The consistency adds emphasis and depth to the description.

Personification is an effective literary device for giving lifelike detail to an inanimate object or an animal, and Carter uses it to great effect. Look at how much time she spends on the discussions of what the cat takes pride in (or doesn't) and how it comes across in his attitude, with being finicky and jealous, acting to humiliate by spraying, and just overall behaving obnoxiously. Still, she conveys her clear affection for the cat, something to which many readers can relate.

"The Magic Metal Tube"

by Maxine Hong Kingston

"Once in a long while, four times so far for me, my mother brings out the metal tube that holds her medical diploma. On the tube are gold circles crossed with seven red lines each―"joy" ideographs in abstract. There are also little flowers that look like gears for a gold machine. According to the scraps of labels with Chinese and American addresses, stamps, and postmarks, the family airmailed the can from Hong Kong in 1950. It got crushed in the middle, and whoever tried to peel the labels off stopped because the red and gold paint came off too, leaving silver scratches that rust. Somebody tried to pry the end off before discovering that the tube falls apart. When I open it, the smell of China flies out, a thousand-year-old bat flying heavy-headed out of the Chinese caverns where bats are as white as dust, a smell that comes from long ago, far back in the brain."

This paragraph opens the third chapter of Maxine Hong Kingston's "The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts," a lyrical account of a Chinese-American girl growing up in California. Notice how Kingston integrates informative and descriptive details in this account of "the metal tube" that holds her mother's diploma from medical school. She uses color, shape, texture (rust, missing paint, pry marks, and scratches), and smell, where she has a particularly strong metaphor that surprises the reader with its distinctness. The last sentence in the paragraph (not reproduced here) is more about the smell; closing the paragraph with this aspect adds emphasis to it. The order of the description is also logical, as the first response to the closed object is how it looks rather than how it smells when opened.

"Inside District School #7, Niagara County, New York"

by Joyce Carol Oates

"Inside, the school smelled smartly of varnish and wood smoke from the potbellied stove. On gloomy days, not unknown in upstate New York in this region south of Lake Ontario and east of Lake Erie, the windows emitted a vague, gauzy light, not much reinforced by ceiling lights. We squinted at the blackboard, that seemed far away since it was on a small platform, where Mrs. Dietz's desk was also positioned, at the front, left of the room. We sat in rows of seats, smallest at the front, largest at the rear, attached at their bases by metal runners, like a toboggan; the wood of these desks seemed beautiful to me, smooth and of the red-burnished hue of horse chestnuts. The floor was bare wooden planks. An American flag hung limply at the far left of the blackboard and above the blackboard, running across the front of the room, designed to draw our eyes to it avidly, worshipfully, were paper squares showing that beautifully shaped script known as Parker Penmanship."

In this paragraph (originally published in "Washington Post Book World" and reprinted in ​"Faith of a Writer: Life, Craft, Art"), Joyce Carol Oates affectionately describes the one-room schoolhouse she attended from first through fifth grades. Notice how she appeals to our sense of smell before moving on to describe the layout and contents of the room. When you walk into a place, its overall smell hits you immediately, if it's pungent, even before you've taken in the whole area with your eyes. Thus this choice of chronology for this descriptive paragraph is also a logical order of narration, even though it differs from the Hong Kingston paragraph. It allows the reader to imagine the room just as if he were walking into it.

The positioning of items relative to other items is on full display in this paragraph, to give people a clear vision of the layout of the place as a whole. For the objects inside, she uses many descriptors of what materials they are made from. Note the imagery portrayed by the use of the phrases "gauzy light," "toboggan," and "horse chestnuts." You can imagine the emphasis placed on penmanship study by the description of their quantity, the deliberate location of the paper squares, and the desired effect upon the students brought about by this location.

Writing Your Own Descriptive Paragraph

Writing your own descriptive paragraph ? Always start by observing your subject closely, using all five senses. Think about and write down as many details as you can; then, try to associate different metaphors or expressions to convey those details. Don't forget to identify what your topic sentence should be. And of course, be open to whatever your imagination explores. Need ideas for a topic? Check out this list of 40 descriptive paragraph topic suggestions .

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Descriptive Essay

Descriptive essay generator.

descriptive essay examples 200 words

Essays are written due to various reasons and purposes. Some of the authors want to inform, some want to expose while some want to persuade. However, in descriptive essay writing , the essayist composes for the sake of displaying a picture out of his/her describing words. It may sound easy and simple but don’t be deceived, there are still more to learn. Read through this article to get hold of significant and beneficial new knowledge.

What is Descriptive Essay? A descriptive essay is a type of writing that aims to vividly describe a person, place, object, or event. In this type of essay, the writer uses sensory details such as sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch to create a clear and vivid image in the reader’s mind. The goal of a descriptive essay is to evoke a strong emotional response or create a vivid impression of the subject being described.

Descriptive Essay Format


Hook: Start with a sentence that captures the reader’s attention. This could be a striking fact, a question, or a vivid description. Context: Provide some background information to set the scene. Describe the setting, the situation, or the object of the essay. Thesis Statement: End the introduction with a clear thesis statement that outlines the main aspects or the overall impression of your subject.

Body Paragraphs

Each body paragraph should focus on a specific aspect or a detail that contributes to the overall picture you are trying to paint. Use the “show, don’t tell” technique by employing vivid imagery and sensory details.

Paragraph 1: Sight

Topic Sentence: Introduce the aspect of sight. Details: Describe what you see in vivid detail. Use adjectives and adverbs to bring the scene to life. Closing Sentence: Wrap up the paragraph by summarizing the importance of the visual details.

Paragraph 2: Sound

Topic Sentence: Focus on the sounds related to your topic. Details: Describe what can be heard, whether it’s the background noise, a specific sound related to the subject, or the absence of sound. Closing Sentence: Conclude by explaining how the sounds contribute to the overall impression.

Paragraph 3: Smell

Topic Sentence: Highlight the aspect of smell. Details: Describe the aromas and scents. Whether it’s pleasant or pungent, detail how it impacts the scene or the subject. Closing Sentence: Summarize how the smell adds to the depth of your description.

Paragraph 4: Touch

Topic Sentence: Discuss the sense of touch. Details: Describe the textures and temperatures. Explain how something feels to the touch and why it’s important to your description. Closing Sentence: Link the tactile details to the overall experience.

Paragraph 5: Taste (if applicable)

Topic Sentence: Introduce the sense of taste, if relevant. Details: Describe the flavors and the experience of tasting something related to your subject. Closing Sentence: Reflect on how taste enhances the description.
Summary: Briefly restate your thesis and summarize the main points of your essay. Significance: Explain the significance of the subject and the impact it has made on you or the impression it leaves. Closing Thought: End with a final thought or reflection, leaving the reader with something to ponder.

Example of Descriptive Essay

“The Sunset at the Beach” As I walked down the sandy path towards the ocean, the first thing that struck me was the vast expanse of the sea, stretching endlessly towards the horizon. The sun was beginning to set, painting the sky in shades of orange, pink, and purple. The beauty of the sunset at the beach was a breathtaking spectacle that I had come to witness. Introduction The beach has always been a place of serenity for me, especially during the sunset. The way the sun dipped below the horizon, leaving behind a tapestry of colors, always seemed magical. On this particular evening, the scene was set for a perfect display of nature’s artistry. Body Paragraphs The Vision of the Sunset As I stepped onto the soft, warm sand, my eyes were immediately drawn to the horizon. The sun, a fiery orb, was slowly descending, casting its golden glow across the sky. The clouds, mere wisps earlier in the day, now looked like cotton candy, stained with hues of pink and lavender. The reflection of the sunset on the water added a layer of brilliance to the scene, with the light dancing on the waves as they gently lapped against the shore. The Symphony of the Waves The sound of the waves provided a soothing background melody to the visual spectacle. Each wave crashed against the shore with a rhythm that was both calming and invigorating. In the distance, seagulls called to one another, their cries adding to the orchestral performance of nature. The rustling of the palm leaves in the gentle breeze played a soft, whispering harmony, creating a symphony that only the beach at sunset could offer. The Aromatic Breeze With every breath, the salty tang of the sea air filled my lungs, a distinctive aroma that immediately relaxed my body and mind. There was a freshness to it, a reminder of the vast, untamed ocean before me. Mixed with the faint scent of sunscreen and the earthiness of wet sand, the beach’s aroma was invigorating, grounding me in the moment. The Touch of Nature As I walked along the water’s edge, the cool water washed over my feet, providing relief from the day’s residual heat. The sand, now cooler than the afternoon sun, felt soft and comforting beneath my toes. Occasionally, a stronger wave would rush further up the beach, encouraging me to dig my feet into the sand, feeling the grains shift against my skin. Conclusion The sunset at the beach was not just a visual masterpiece; it was an experience that engaged all the senses. As the sun finally disappeared, leaving behind a sky painted in dark blues and purples, I felt a sense of peace and contentment. The beach at sunset had offered me a moment of beauty, tranquility, and a deep connection with nature. It was an unforgettable scene, etched in my memory, reminding me of the simple, yet profound joys of life.

Descriptive essays generally focus more on visualizing a specific topic of interest. Considering that aspect, showing you what it looks like may be helpful as well. Thus, we cautiously gathered the best samples and templates of descriptive essays for you to rely on, here are they:

Bright Topic Ideas for Your Descriptive Essay

The list of the possible topic ideas for your descriptive essay is limitless. There are a lot of choices to choose from and sometimes, it is really difficult to pick one. If you are being indecisive regarding your topic idea, here are some smart concepts to help you select one.

Descriptive Essay Ideas About People

  • Description of your favorite music genre
  • Treating a popular villain as a good protagonist
  • The right words that would compliment your singing idol
  • Why your squad is the best?
  • What qualities should your future spouse possess?
  • Why your aunt is the best?

Descriptive Essay Ideas About Places

  • Why Manila Bay has the best sunset?
  • The perfect adjective to describe your hometown
  • Details on your recent vacation destination
  • Why your favorite coffee shop is worth the visit?
  • What makes Paris unique?
  • The best description for your workplace

Descriptive Essay Ideas About Things

  • Why your wedding ring is the most luxurious?
  • The description of your favorite blanket
  • What makes your research paper great?
  • Description of your proposed food product
  • Perfume: more than just the bottle
  • Why your bag is great

Descriptive Essay Examples & Templates

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Free Simple Descriptive Essay Plan

Free Simple Essay Plan

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Assignment Discriptive Eassy

What are the 4 types of essays?

An essay is an extended piece or composition that shows and supports a thesis or proposition. Essays help the expression of an author’s ideas in various ways. Before composing your own essay, it is important to identify its purpose first, and in doing that, distinguishing its type would be a great beginning. Correspondingly, here are the four different types of essays:

Narrative Essays: to tell

Taking it into its most basic sense, narrative essays are used if the author wants to tell a story about a real-life adventure. This type of essay is expressed in a particular point-of-view. Commonly, it is the author’s viewpoint that is being followed. Moreover, in writing your own short narrative essay , apply realistic emotions and appropriate sensory details to provide your readers with the full taste of your story. By doing this, you are not simply telling them but also engaging them in the story’s sequence and elements. It is also advisable to state verbs as vivid and as precise as possible. The thesis statement of a narrative essay is commonly found in the opening sentence or the last sentence of the introductory paragraph.

Descriptive Essays: to describe

You may confuse yourself between narrative and descriptive essays ; however, differentiating both is really easy. Rather than telling a story, a descriptive essay illustrates a specific topic such as a person, place, experience, emotion, event, etc. by means of words. You don’t simply state your experience in this type of essay; on top of that, you let your reader experience the same thing through your descriptions. In writing your own short descriptive essay , it is important to remember that you are not writing to tell but to show. Using sensory and vivid words is also recommended.

Expository Essays: to uncover and clarify

From its name itself, an expository essay is used to expose something on matters that are known to others. This type of essay is a genre of composition that aims to explain, illustrate, clarify or explicate a certain subject for the readers. Thus, an expository essay could include investigation and evaluation of ideas. This could be derived through comparison and contrast, definition, giving examples, assessment of cause and effect, etc. Moreover, in composing an expository essay, the author set his/her emotions aside for this type of essay is based on mere facts. The first point-of-view is not applied in this essay as well.

Persuasive Essays: to convince

If the expository essays talk about the facts then persuasive essays talk about arguments. The main purpose of a persuasive essay is to win over the trust of the reader to accept your viewpoint, opinion or proposition as the author. In writing a persuasive essay, your opinions should be supported by relevant facts and logical and sound reasoning. Though the essayist should lay all necessary details from both sides of the argument, he/she must comprehensibly explain why one side is correct or more favorable than the other.

Despite essays being categorized into four types, it is also important to know that an essay is not limited to one type only. In some cases,  a narrative essay could also be mixed with a short descriptive essay or a short persuasive essay combined with an expository type. Nevertheless, identifying the purpose of your essay is vital before writing. However, if doing it challenges you, knowing these types is a great substitute.

What Is the Purpose of a Descriptive Essay?

Some people like to watch movies rather than to read books. This is because an actual image is easier to absorb than that on writing. This is why it’s important for a writer to pay close attention to detail. A descriptive essay conclusion should provide the reader with a mental picture of a given matter.

This is especially essential when writing pieces meant for a younger audience, as they have a more imaginative mind than the average adult. A writer must be creative when using imaginative language in order for the reader to properly comprehend what is being portrayed. To do so, the writer should also be knowledgeable about the topic. After all, you don’t want to give your readers the wrong interpretation .

How to Write a Descriptive Essay

A good descriptive essay comes from a knowledgeable and imaginative mind. Thus, in  descriptive writing , it’s important for one to be specific on details. After seeing a few samples that we have shown earlier, here is a step-by-step guideline to help you in composing a descriptive essay worth reading.

1. Choose a topic.

If there is no given topic, it would be great to select one that you are knowledgeable and familiar with. Considering that your whole descriptive essay would revolve on this specific subject, choosing a topic that you recognize would keep everything simpler for you. By doing such, you can freely decide what words are the most appropriate to use; as a result, it will be easier for you to describe your topic. Furthermore, your reader could be meticulous and educated on your subject, so being knowledgeable about your own topic is wise prevention against bad impression.

2. Construct your thesis statement.

Alright, now that you have your own topic already, it is important to know what specific message you want your reader should focus on reading your whole essay. Thus, it is important to always provide a thesis statement , the umbrella sentence of all your ideas. Write this in one concise sentence in your introduction and conclusion. Often, a thesis statement is mentioned in the last sentence of your introductory paragraph.

3. Gather the necessary information and ideas.

Though you are already proficient in your topic, it is still recommendable to research about your specific subject. With this, you are not just gaining new information but also checking the correctness of your knowledge. It would also be great to expand your vocabulary, especially in adjectives and adverbs, since writing one of these involve loads of describing. Moreover, also focus on the sensory words that correspond to sight, smell, taste, sound, and touch of the given subject.

4. Create an outline.

Obtaining all of the significant details, crafting an  essay outline  for your work will allow you to arrange your contents in a rational and chronological order. Also, being educated with different formats in writing an essay would really make a great difference in your composition.

5. Proofread.

After writing your own descriptive essay, it might feel perfect already, but most of the time, it is not. Hence, read your entire work and review if there are any errors pertaining to your grammar and spelling. Furthermore, asking for help from a well-versed friend of yours to conduct a peer-review to your work would be extremely useful.

6. Finalize your composition.

The next thing to do after the editing is to finalize your descriptive essay to its finest version. Make sure that your essay follows a specific format, consisting of the proper  parts of the essay .

Smart Tips for Writing a Descriptive Essay

The fundamentals of the descriptive writing procedures are now given to you; nevertheless, it would always be great to aim for something better. Now, here are some intelligent tips that would make your essay certainly more compelling.

Establish a connection with your writing.

The key to writing a good effective essay  is to have the passion to write it; thus, in choosing your topic it would be great to have a familiar one or a subject that truly makes you curious. Let your interest be the seed of your fruitful composition.

Spend time to think.

In writing your own descriptive essay, let your brain do its job. Do not rush, give yourself an adequate amount of time to ponder on the necessary details that you should include and what approach you should apply. Provide yourself a clear plan of your descriptive essay writing. Moreover, look at your topic from different angles. This will allow you to take a closer look at every detail of your subject.

Apply the word vomit technique.

The word vomit technique or also called as “ free writing ” is the spontaneous use of words without considering any rules. This is a good technique in making a draft of your  starting an essay . It allows your ideas to keep flowing without exerting much effort. Once this is done, you can pick out points that would go well with your essay.

Take a break before finalizing it.

Because right after writing your composition, your thought highly recognizes your word construction; thus, it does not really notice the errors and automatically treats them as correct pieces of your work. Allowing your mind to clear out for a while will make it easier for you to critic your own work. Furthermore, utilizing grammar-checking software is also a splendid move.


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The budgeting processes of a company and a government have several differences. Governmental budgeting is less flexible compared to business; it requires allocating resources regarding various federal agencies. Authorities adopt top-down budgeting considering fiscal stress (Hendrick, 1989). A top-down approach means that the government implements the budgeting process with minimal...

Social Justice and Civil Rights

Justice has been one of the most discussed topics for thousands of years. As such, Steiner (1994) concluded that justice is primarily concerned with the termination of resolving conflicts that develop as one follows ambitions in a social setting, which means that there should be an authoritative source for fairness:...

  • Social Media

Implications of Media Influencing Society

Rupinder provided a fairly convincing argument about the currently emerging shift of power from traditional media to citizen journalism. At the same time, the posts offer a fairly unambiguous picture of the phenomenon without highlighting the potential problems and wider social implications. The suggestion that professional and non-professional journalists may...

Future Fuel Price Rise and Its Impact on Population

For this discussion, I found an article discussing future fuel price rises. Given world events and the instability of the global economy, this news should be put into the context of possible prospects. Changes in logistics routes for raw materials and the revision of investment currencies are also strongly influencing...

Differentiation in the Classroom Setting

Approaching a diverse group of learners requires adjusting the relevant teaching strategies to meet unique needs of each learner. Therefore, a teacher needs to incorporate differentiation into the range of strategies to integrate into the classroom context and ensure that all learners are provided with equal opportunities. However, the excessive...

Managing Dilemmas: Homer’s “The Odyssey”

At this point of the story, Odysseus’ and Penelope’s strategies for dealing with the crises they face are similar in that both of them utilize cunning to gain their goals. Such a practice seems to signify the insecurity of both spouses since individuals who reach their objectives by negotiating are...

Increase in Social Media Usage and Marketing Future

Today, billions of people worldwide use social media platforms, making it the most advanced technology for the current and future generations. Current statistics show that social media usage is estimated to cover over half of the world’s population, which accounts for 4.20 billion people who use the internet. For example,...

Researching of Financial Ratios

Financial ratios allow a business to assess many aspects of the performance, being an integral part of financial statements analysis. The ratio compares companies, industries, different periods of activity of the same company, and the results of the organization with the average industry ones. In financial statement analysis, the following...

The Advantages of Dating Online

In my opinion, online dating is a good way of finding a like-minded partner. People often do not have enough time to focus on their personal lives, but dating online provides individuals with the opportunity to be matched with someone who shares their interests and views. Usually, people have to...

Dante’s Inferno: Controversial Topics

I think Dante’s inferno is very popular because it talks about one of the most controversial topics in the common world. Its popularity can be attributed to the description of hypothetical experiences, imaginations and the description of hell. Most of us fear discussing weird stories, such as imaginative experiences or...

Wolfgang Mozart and Lorenzo Da Ponte: the Winning Duo

Abstract A leading and most efficient composer of operatic music and plays, Mozart is a genius since his childhood. His mastery extended over a hundred plays and operas. He was assisted by his librettists in his success. One of the most noted librettist is Da Ponte. While Ponte’s work on...

Statistics. Dependent and Independent Variables

An explanatory variable is an independent variable. Normally, these variables are any factors that can influence the outcome generated by the response variable. On the other hand, a response variable is a dependent factor that evaluates the results of a particular study. It is the specific factor and quantity through...

  • Communication
  • Health Promotion

The Pay Gap in Women and Minorities

The frame of reference The gender wage gap persists in most countries, including the world’s most developed economies. The reasons why women are paid less than men for the same job with the same qualifications are often explained by differences in experience, education, working conditions, or even self-confidence (Binns, 2021)....

Grit! By Angela Duckworth: ”The Virtue of Hard Work” by Smith

In her article “Grit! By Angela Duckworth:” The Virtue of Hard Work “, Esfahani Smith discusses the definition of “grit” and reviews the information of the original book. Referring to Duckworth, Smith describes grit as “a combination of passion and perseverance” in order to reach an achievement. Smith cites the...

Russians Fear Mariupol Abuse Will Backfire by CBS News

The article provides a recently declassified intelligence summary of which the cases of war crimes, torture, and abuse of Mariupol residents and local government officials by Russia. The intelligence data was shared with CBS news by an anonymous US official. The article explains that the facts of abuse may lead...

Development at 4 Years Analysis

It is understandable if one is frustrated and impatient with his or her child’s development. One can behave in ways that are difficult for an adult to understand. However, such odd behaviors are a necessary part of a child’s development. At 4 years of age, the child is in the...

Trans-ocean Transportation: Environmental Study

The ocean has always been an inseparable part of human existence. It serves as a source of food and a transportation network, linking all continents. Nowadays, airlines have given access to every place around the globe, but marine shipping continues to develop. The purpose of this paper is to give...

“On Care of Our Common Home” by Pope Francis

In his writing titled On Care of Our Common Home, Pope Francis contends that the evils and sources of suffering are part of labor that he uses to gain humans’ cooperation with Him. With the gospel of God’s love for all His creatures, the question then beckons; why would God...

The Film “Concussion” by Peter Landesman

The ethical perspectives of the NFL include the provision of help to the people in need. The support should mainly be directed towards the youth, especially those who suffer from concussions. In addition, benevolence is required in managing the players and football, in general, to ensure success in the sport...

Utilitarianism Theory and Its Subtypes

In general, utilitarianism is a theory in ethics that claims that the best actions are the ones that provide maximum utility. Regarding the utility, in this case, it is an overall pleasure which all parties receive during the time that the consequences of these actions are in effect. Utilitarianism is...

Competence and Performance Definitions by Chomsky

Welcome to our sample paper on competence and performance definition. Get some inspiration for your paper while learning more about competence and performance with our essay example! Competence and Performance Definition Chomsky defines ‘competence’ as “the ability of the idealized speaker – hearer to associate sounds and meanings strictly following...

Order vs. Chaos in World Creation Stories

The common themes of order versus chaos are addressed in the stories. The differences demonstrated in stories are various Gods and ways of creating the world. For instance, the myth of Enuma Elish describes how the mighty God, Marduk created order at the beginning of the universe by defeating the...

  • African American
  • Nursing Theory

Brain Disorders’ Effects on Human Health

Symptoms of Depression Negative moods. Lack of interest in usual activities. Troublesome sleeping. Lack of appetite, which may cause weight loss. Fatigue usually accompanied by low energy. Slowed physical movements/inactivity. Low self-esteem. Reduced or complete lack of concentration. Hopelessness. Recurrent thoughts about death. Effects of Long-Term Depression on Health Long-term...

Aviation Shortages: Problem Statement and Methodology

Problem Statement The world’s growing population and availability of plane trips mean more air travel consumption (Abdullah, Chew, & Hamid, 2016). Impending shortages might impede the industry from meeting consumers’ needs. It is well-known that the aviation industry lacks workplace diversity: out of all pilots, technicians, and cabin crew, only...

“The Game Changers” Documentary on Nutrition

The documentary titled “The Game Changers” had an ambitious objective of having a strong impact on society, as implied by its name. The film has assembled a team of prominent personalities in the spheres of sports and cinematography. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jackie Chan, Lewis Hamilton, and Novak Djokovic were among the...

Understanding “The Other Side of the Bar” by J. Kaida: Analysis

The author of the story primarily uses the descriptive type of narration incorporating metaphorical elements. Such a hidden comparison connects the emotions of the characters with the surrounding atmosphere. For example, “evening clarity reigned over the damp green and brown diamond” (Kaida, 2010, p. 1). This allows the reader to...

The Term “Oriental” as Discrimination Against Asian People

The term ‘oriental’ remains disputable because of the historical context and numerous cases of mistreatment. In some contexts, it is used to speak about violent and discriminative policies related to Asian people or culture. At the same time, it demonstrates that Asians were not integrated into U.S. society and were...

Nursing Knowledge and Theoretical Models in Practice

The Theoretical Model of Interpersonal Relations developed by Hildegard Peplau can be used to look at a conflict from a psychodynamic perspective. A nurse is able to understand the behavior of others and herself, applying the principles of human relationships to identified needs. It is a progressive process, evolving from...

Importance of Identity: The Value of Human Being

“As Though a Metaphor Was Tangible”: Baldwin’s Identities article by Aliyah I. Abdur-Rahman (2015) examines the concept of identity in James Baldwin’s “Giovanni’s Room” (1956) and “Going to Meet the Man” (1965). Abdur-Rahman argues that Baldwin politicizes identification by showing that it is not internally coherent. In addition, the article...

Music Listening: “Say a Little Prayer“ Song by Bacharach & David

“I Say a Little Prayer” is written by Burt Bacharach and Hal David. The genre of the song is pop, but it can be called soul too. The song is about a woman praying for her husband who is fighting in Vietnam. It is very lovely and romantic, and the...

Adolescence and Human Development Challenges

There are various questions about how puberty affects adolescents because not all people are impacted in the same way. The fundamental answer is associated with the environment of a certain adolescent, experiencing cognitive, biological, and social changes. The three mentioned changes and the very context shape an adolescent’s perception of...

Conflict: Positives, Negatives, and Strategies

Conflict is a significant part of interpersonal interactions, arising from a perception of incompatible goals between interdependent parties. Conflict can have both positive and negative consequences, depending on the behavior of both parties. For example, two people can have shared plans to start a creative or business project, but disagree...

  • Marine Life
  • Environment

“Don’t Misrepresent Africa” TED Talk by Leslie Dodson

In this TED talk, Leslie Dodson explores the complexity encountered by journalists and researchers in presenting their narratives to the public. Journalists and researchers could be covering the same event or issue. However, their approaches to presenting them to the public are very different—sue contradictors ethics and practices in reporting....

Beauty and the Beast’: Movie Review

The beautiful, but swaggering Prince Adam was punished for arrogance and exorbitant pride. The sorceress cast a spell on Adam and his entire castle. The handsome Prince turned into a terrible furry monster, and his faithful servants became household items: utensils, candlesticks, watches, and other trinkets. This sorceress left Adam...

The Offer to Expand the Curriculum With New Topics

The initiative to update the curriculum with specific topics related to credibility and bias in the news is relevant. Your proposal is relevant because false facts and difficulties with validity do appear. We appreciate your objective to promote literacy on this topic. At the same time, updating the curriculum is...

“Severn Cullis-Suzuki at Rio Summit” Speech Analysis

To achieve the desired level of attention to the issue, the author calls on the audience’s feelings of respect towards her and her peers for her effort, which provides ethos. Suzuki calls for the audience’s reason and rationale when she states that “if you don’t know how to fix it,...

Food Safety Issues in Modern Agriculture

Food safety constitutes proper preparation, storage, and preservation of all foods. According to the United Nations Asian and Pacific Center for Agricultural Engineering and Machinery (APCAEM), an upsurge in international trade on agricultural products has made food safety a major concern. Furthermore, food safety is becoming a serious policy matter...

Modern Issues in “The Myth of Sisyphus” by Camus

The article by Camus titled “The Myth of Sisyphus” is dedicated to the account of mythology and its reflection on the modern situation of the middle of the 20th century – the author ties the myth telling about eternal tortures of Sisyphus and the human sufferings that he sees at...

Rosetta Stone in Ancient Egyptian Culture

Rosetta Stone is famous because of its role in enabling experts to read Egyptian hieroglyphs. Aside from the hieroglyphs, the stone has demotic and Greek types of writing. The writers inscribed the same message on the stone using these writing styles. Therefore, experts who could read either demotic or Greek...

Attachment Theory and Cycle of Violence

Injuries which are mechanical, associated with sex, mental attack, and deprivation are the four kinds of violence identified by the typology of PlanStreet (2022). “Attachment theory” discusses how early childhood trauma has shaped a particular manner of relating to others. According to another idea called the “cycle of violence,” domestic...

Food Safety: A Policy Issue in Agriculture Today

Graduate nurses’ required leadership attributes.

Graduate nurses need certain attributes to perform optimally in their work. These attributes include self-awareness, accountability, time management, and social awareness (Finkelman & Kenner, 2010). Self-awareness means the proper understanding of one’s emotions and their effects on oneself and other people. Graduate nurses need to understand their emotions in order...

  • Human Rights
  • Ancient History

Newton’s Third Law With an Example

According to Newton’s Third Law of Motion, a body exerting force on another body experiences a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. As bodies experience acceleration proportional to the magnitude of the force and inversely proportional to their mass, lighter objects exerting force on heavier ones accelerate away...

Germany After Signing Versailles Treaty

The signing of the Versailles treaty was done on the 28th of June 1919 at the Versailles Palace. It is one of the critical pacts in history since it helped end World War I. According to the reports from the sessions, Germany was treated unfairly since it was the only...

Tecnocap’s Recycled and Recyclable Aluminum Closures

Introduction Sustainability is a prominent trend. Recycling enables people to achieve sustainability. Tecnocap’s aluminum cans are 100% recyclable. Product Identification Tecnocap’s metal closures are made of recycled material. Tecnocap’s cans can be recycled themselves. Tecnocap’s products can be customized. Benefits for Consumers Tecnocap’s bottles are extremely durable. Consumers can use...

Code of Ethics in Medical Practice

The code of ethics, which regulates the relations between clinical nurses and general practitioners, can be correlated with Peter Drucker’s theory of management. Specifically, according to the author of the insightful book about entrepreneurship, the structure, and effectiveness of working processes are damaged by the general practice of subordinate-directed relations...

Inspiration for Women to Address Inequality

When you think about inequality, according to you, what kind of people face it now more than others? Blacks? Latinos? The right answer is women. They share this planet fifty-fifty with men, but they are less respected. At the same time, you may ask – how women do not have...

The Three Types of Managers’ Skills

There are three basic types of business in the market, depending on which competent managers should choose their activity methods. Competition is divided into perfectly competitive, monopoly, and oligopoly. In the first case, all goods in the industry are perfect substitutes, so managers need to build a policy without raising...

Effects of Colonization on Women in Canada

Introduction These traces were manifested most strongly in the rapist policy of sterilization of women, which was carried out in Canada by the then authorities. In addition, there were multiple significant violations of their rights, which will be studied in this work (Ryan et al., 2021). Forced Sterilization Forced sterilization...

Personal Experiences and Social Imagination

There are a number of factors throughout my life that have shaped my understanding of the world and the self. In particular, I think that gender has been an interesting topic to think about and a theme that has given me considerable trouble throughout my life. Gender is a complicated...

How Mass Media and Entertainment Influences Our Culture

Mass media are quickly becoming a real power in the political, social and spiritual spheres of people’s life. Lule (2016) states that “throughout U.S. history, evolving media technologies have changed the way we relate socially, economically, and politically” (6). Zengotita (2008) adds that human culture has always filtered reality through...

Organizational Change Management and Communication

The previous post emphasizes the importance of integrating organizational changes with the needs or input of the employees. As Belkis outlines, under-negotiated or poorly consulted changes can cause serious adverse effects. This caused a serious increase in workload for employees and therefore decreased their well-being, energy levels, and work satisfaction...

  • Ancient Civilizations
  • Western Civilization

Health Education and Health Promotion Revisited

McCauley’s nursing tradition has been referred to as Careful Nursing, a method of nursing created in Ireland in the early 19th century and adopted by Irish nurses in the Crimean War. Even though records of careful nursing have been preserved, little emphasis has been given to it in the literature...

Epigenetic Drugs for Cancer Treatment

Currently, cancer is a disease that requires special attention since it is not curable in all cases. However, scientists are developing new epigenetic drugs, which include HDAC inhibitors. The mechanism of action of pills is that they deactivate checkpoints during the cell cycle when cancer cells increase. The role of...

Religious Beliefs in Egypt and Mesopotamia

Polytheism was the most outstanding feature of the ancient religious belief system among the Egyptians. Several deities or gods interacted with Egyptians. The gods had full control of nature and that nothing could take place without their influence. Hence, it was the role of individual Egyptians to act according to...

Constructive Criticism in Public Administration

I was quite negative about any type of criticism as I did not want to hurt people’s feelings. I often felt uneasy when heard some criticism concerning my actions, behavior, ideas and so on. However, I have acknowledged the benefits of constructive criticism. In my studies, I find it rather...

Abstracting and Persuasive Discussion of “The Green Knight” Movie

The Green Knight is an aesthetically pleasing movie that managed to intrigue and mesmerizes the audience with its visual presentation. I have watched the film recently and came out of it thinking that the cinematic aspects of its presentation were the strongest, far outshining the story or the characters themselves....

Concept of God and Philosophy of Religion

What characterizes good? The concept of good, by definition, has two defining characteristics. The first one is the presence of perceivable benefits to either the person (personal good) or the community at large (community good) (Howing, 2016). The second characteristic of good typically involves the absence of harm to either...

The Problem of Microplastics Contamination

Technology is not standing still, and humanity is faced with innovative products that can change the quality of life every month. If breakthrough solutions have the right characteristics for everyday use, they become part of life. Nevertheless, there is a downside to inventions, such as the one with plastic. Indeed,...

“The Slave Ship” by Turner: Romantic Landscape of Death

Joseph Turner, a prominent Romanticist, expressed strong opinions on the anti-slavery agenda, and The Slave Ship is a part of his activist statements. The background portrays a lost ship caught in the storm (Turner). Foreground displays sea creatures and chained black slaves pushed into the water. I find it fascinating...

The Abortion Issue Regarding Human Rights

This article discusses how the ruling on laws about abortions can impact other rights rooted in privacy. These rights include gay rights, contraceptives, marriage, and others not written in the constitution but vested in the human race because people are human (Glenza). The court ruling seems to undermine these inalienable...

Chapter 9 of The Archetypes of Wisdom by Soccio

René Descartes was the first philosopher who focused on acquiring knowledge about knowledge, giving rise to the new era of epistemology in philosophy, becoming the pioneer of rationalism. According to rationalists, knowledge relies primarily on reason and not on sense evidence. The coherence theory of truth states that knowledge is...

  • Food Safety
  • Agriculture
  • Ukraine and Russia War

Non-Literal Language Understanding: Sally-Anne Task

Before getting down to explaining why autistic children typically have difficulties in an understanding of non-literal language such as metaphor and irony utilizing the Sally-Anne task/test, the main idea of this test is to be considered. Sally-Anne task/test is the ability to recognize the false beliefs in others (Gehring, Debry...

Professional Networking: Advantages and Disadvantages

Available literature demonstrates that the use of online professional networking comes with obvious advantages, particularly in this era where many professionals and businesses rely on information and communication technologies not only to communicate but also to conduct business. The foremost advantage of online professional networking is that it can enhance...

Effective Communication and Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal Communication Process of developing a good relationship with other people Interpersonal skills can be learned and developed Effective communication is an essential skill and is related to success Principles of Interpersonal Communication Good listening is being interested in what you are being told Judgment should come after the information...

Biostatistics and Public Health Study Evidence

Biostatistics is the application of statistical knowledge to aid the interpretation of biological and public health related data. For research to provide scientific evidence, data should be correctly collected, analyzed and the findings interpreted. At this point, the role of biostatisticians becomes crucial because they engage in interdisciplinary collaborations through...

Mark Harris’ Pessimism as to Movie Industry

In his article on the current movie industry trends, Mark Harris expresses his extreme skepticism about the future of American cinematography. The title of the article, “The Birdcage”, stems from the famous “Birdman” film (Harris, 2014). The example is employed by the author to reveal the nature of contemporary movies’...

Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership

Five different practices of exemplary leadership are discussed in modern research. The first of them is “model the way,” which implies clarifying the values by finding your voice and affirming the shared values, and then aligning the actions with the shared values (Kouzes & Posner, 2017). One has to fully...

Health Education and Promotion

Today, health promotion has become more relevant than ever in addressing challenges related to public health. The adverse effects of climate change, sedentary lifestyles, financial crises, security threats, and access to unhealthy foods contribute to public health challenges (FRAC, 2017). Therefore, implementing efforts to make healthier lifestyle choices can help...

Road Speed Limits Importance

Many drivers can find speed limits to be annoying, distracting, or lacking any meaningful contribution to road safety. However, there is an alarming trend that reveals the increase in the number of road fatalities in the past few years (Farmer, 2019). I believe that human lives must be put above...

Jane Addams’ History of Activities

The history of Jane Addams’ activities in this module seemed particularly interesting. This is due to the fact that my research paper focuses on the study of the activities of women politicians; hence the story of Jane is of particular curiosity. Her contribution to the development of social homes for...

Nietzsche’s Philosophy: Nihilism, Slave Morality

Nietzsche is considered the first philosopher to recognize the main flaw of modernity – viewing science, morality, or religion as the basis of meaning. Instead, he versioned art as what needed to be the answer. He rejected the idea of a neutral stance or the lack of perspective. He insisted...

  • W.E.B. Du Bois
  • Christianity
  • Web Technology

The Cold War Era’s Impact on the US Politics

The Cold War era included many reforms that occurred internally and externally in relation to the politics of the United States. In terms of domestic conflicts, the anti-communist movement became a major cause of concern for the government. In that way, while the national statement itself called for an open...

Female Martyrs in Early Christianity

The persecution of early Christians was a process accompanying the development of religion in the past. From this perspective, a life of a missionary at the time was not easy, especially when the series of martyrdoms started with St. Stephen being the first victim of this policy initiated by Roman...

How Database Views Restrict Access to Data

Any database is, first and foremost, a large body of information, not all sections of which can be read by humans. Typically, databases have access levels, which determine whether a specific individual (basically a specific device) is allowed to access certain sections of the database. Views in SQL are database...

Philosophy. The Problem of Personal Identity

A possible thesis of this reading is ‘personal identity is flexible on a number of levels but remains based on a solid foundation of rarely changing principles.’ The author says, “if you are like me and you have a strong attachment to the belief that we persist through time …,...

Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes: Overciew

All creatures can be divided into two groups: prokaryotes or eukaryotes, depending on their cells’ structure. Prokaryotes are unicellular living organisms; they do not transform into a multicellular form, capable of autonomous existence. They can be bacteria, including cyanobacteria or blue-green algae and archaea. These organisms are the oldest and...

An Investigation of HIV/ AIDS Prevention Program

Dear Editor, Your article on the Investigation of HIV/AIDS prevention program targeted to a unique population group in Bangkok makes an important contribution to resolving the common problem of sexually transmitted diseases. (Svenkerud, 1998) Thai department of health statistics indicated that the overall number of HIV infected is more than...

Analytic Philosophy and Its Conceptual Differences

The idea of analytic philosophy in contrast with other schools of philosophy Analytical philosophy has flourished in the United States and England. Analytical philosophy is characterized as a meta-linguistic discipline different from other schools of philosophy regarding empirical science (Stadler & Camilla, 2001). This philosophy is mainly concerned with our...

State Vocational Rehabilitation Agency Staff Evaluation

The article is a study of the factors that bar or facilitate evidence by staff in a vocational agency. The report addresses, among other things, the ease of locating and comprehending research findings, implementation funds, professional collaboration, and upcoming research. This article relates to the professional association because it focuses...

“Twentieth Century Crisis of Belief” by Marheine

The article by Marheine titled “Twentieth Century Crisis of Belief” summarizes many ideas and social phenomena that distinguished 20th-century ideology, philosophy, and art. The main trends discussed by the author in the compilation of famous artists’ abstracts are the disgusting wartime pictures in literature and reflection of despair and exhaustion...

Chronic Conditions: Definition and Assessment

Chronic conditions are often complicated by psychological symptoms or emotional suffering (Conversano, 2019). As adolescence is a critical developmental stage associated with a high risk of mental conditions, chronic diseases “contribute to the risk of psychosocial stress and unhealthy psychosocial development” of the youth with higher intensity (Santos et al.,...

  • Organizational Change
  • Sigmund Freud

Brief Description of the Tesla Company

Current Organizational (Model) Design and Features Started in 2003 as Tesla Motors, Inc., but became profitable in 2013, Tesla’s organizational model supports continuous growth development, corporate sustainability and profitability over the seasons under the u-form structure. With the function-based strategy, the company has several offices and units that manage both...

Cross-Sex Friendships: The Main Benefits

Although this is a subject of a very long debate, I believe that men and women can form platonic friendships. In the clip from “When Harry Met Sally,” Billy Crystal’s character, Harry, claims that the reason men and women cannot be friends is that sex always gets in the way....

Good Health and Well-Being Promotion Initiatives

It goes without saying that all people across the globe deserve good health and well-being. As I am pursuing a degree in nursing, I know that the responsibilities of health care specialists include not only the provision of quality health care delivery but the prevention of health issues as well....

Police Shooting of Richard Cabot in Pittsburgh

On September 7, a police officer shot a 32- year-old Richard Cabot. The incident unfolded near the sports bar in Pittsburgh, where the victim and his friends watched the Pittsburgh Pirates vs. St. Louis Cardinals game. “The family’s account differs vastly from the statements of dozens of witnesses,” officer Debra...

Leadership Qualities and Their Role in Nursing Practice

The most important leadership qualities that represent excellence in nursing practice are empathy, communication skills, conflict resolution, and delegation (Weberg, Porter-O’Grady, Mangold, & Malloch, 2018). They may be reflected in different nursing roles: Nursing leadership role Empathy Communication skills Conflict resolution skills Delegation At the bedside helps to understand patients’...

Vietnam’s Emerging Market Potential

The western countries can help Vietnam improve its business climate by assisting the country in improving its legal, political, and regulatory frameworks. Since Vietnam’s exports depend on multinationals such as Samsung, the country must focus on providing opportunities for local companies. Western nations can instruct the Vietnamese officials on how...

Graduate Nursing Role and Leadership Skills

Parsons and Cornett (2011) believe that leadership is a meaningful aspect of every level of nursing. Leadership competencies make it easier for nurses to inspire others and promote the most desirable health outcomes. Graduate-level nurses should have specific leadership skills and attributes in order to become competent promoters of health...

“Children’s Visual Imagery” by DeWindt-King and Goldin

DeWindt-King and Goldin are considered the brains behind research in cognitive approaches to problem-solving and their qualifications and expertise in technological approaches in solving mathematics problems cannot be debated. Serving as full-time professors in their respective universities, the authors have made immense contributions to the field of mathematics education. Mediterranean...

General Understanding of It and Is Concepts

Whether one should purchase or build an information system (IS) is a decision that requires specialized expertise to make. For the upper-management, the outcome of both decisions may be the same, but the cost, risk time and labor requirement may differ greatly. Furthermore, the problem for which system acquisition is...

“Metropolis Berlin”: History of Berlin

In the book Metropolis Berlin: 1880-1940, edited by Iain Boyd Whyte, and David Frisby, the authors write about the different stages of the city’s development. It reflects various events that influenced the structure, development, and population of the town. For example, one of the most important milestones in Berlin’s growth...

  • Pride and Prejudice
  • The Yellow Wallpaper
  • Indigenous People

Protecting Ourselves from Food Article by Sherman & Flaxman

The primary purpose of the article “Protecting Ourselves from Food” was to examine the defensive mechanisms that humans adopted to protect themselves from multiple food-borne bacteria and microorganisms. To achieve this objective, the authors investigated the function of spices in various cuisines and analyzed the role of “nausea and vomiting...

“Precision Conducting” by Timothy Sharp

In his book, Precision Conducting, Seven Disciplines for Excellence in Conducting, Timothy Sharp looks into the different ways of inspiring a conductor. Chapters 1 to 3 discuss analyzing, internalizing, and marking the score. The author argues that it is critical for the conductor to first analyze the score. At this...

Pulmonary Diseases’ Diagnostic and Assessment

Anamnesis and examination For assessing cough in adult patients, I would follow the PQRSTU mnemonic. I would ask when the cough started, whether the cough is productive, and what seems to aggravate it (Jang et al., 2017). I would also look for any of the following symptoms: chest pain or...

The Issues of Public Health, Ethics, and Human Rights

Thesis Point The modern development of medicine and human rights system appeared to be under the power of state government that is why challenges in the ethical behavior of the population, caused by right violations, can result in epidemic brunt and high spread of dangerous viruses within the society. Public...

Flexibility in Design Instructions

While processes and models can be useful, it is still significant to maintain flexibility in design instructions for a specific reason. In particular, it is necessary to remember that these instructions are not only a set of discrete steps that should be taken in any event (Dousay par. 17). The...

The Complementary Nature of Faith and Reason

Faith and reason are not entirely interrelated, as neither can be effectively derived from the other. With that said, I believe that the two complement each other; Aquinas believed that to grasp what one could of the divine, one had to develop their reasoning (“Saint Thomas Aquinas,” 2014). Reason without...

End-of-Life Decision-Making Research Methodology

In their research, Ko, Nelson-Becker, Park, and Shin (2013) seek to locate the tools for building a more coherent framework for end-of-life issues management among Korean adults. Since there is no particular need for quantifying the outcomes of the analysis, the authors of the study use the qualitative research design....

Interview Report on the Presidential Debate

The first face-to-face presidential debate took place on September 26, 2016. Hillary Clinton kept her cool, while Donald Trump was impassioned and engaging. The meaningful part of it was dedicated to economic issues. Teresa Garcia, a 20-year-old civil engineering student, carefully followed the presidential campaign and the debate as well....

The Art of Dancing: Public Education

Introduction Jacques d’ Amboise is an American dancer known for his widely successful program aimed at teaching young school children the art of dancing. He began by teaching just 30 kids, but the course was so popular that it quickly expanded to have over a thousand students and many talented...

Marketing Research of Competitors on the Market

Research Question There is no doubt that the development of business enterprises in conditions of the modern market is becoming challenging, caused by a number of political and economic factors, including the abundance of competitive core companies. This means that modern business cannot develop without hindrance, as when entering the...

  • Social Media Marketing

Twinings Tea Firm’s Eco-Friendly Production

One of the components of the definition of the sustainable product is a life-sequence positioning, which implies that sustainable manufactured goods are continually ecological-friendly throughout its whole time of existence (Chopra 2003). To be more precise, if the product is claimed to be eco-friendly, from the second the raw resources...

The “Old Boys, Old Girls” Story by Edward Jones

According to Rolston (2018), Edward Jones’s stories, mainly Old Boys, Old Girls, reflect how institutions and social circumstances shape the life and struggles of the African American male ex-convicts. Indeed, by portraying the life of Caesar Matthews, Edward Jones’ stories give insight into the African-American individuals’ criminal record complicate their...

The Media and Print Relationship

While journalists feel over-communicated and overburdened, the audience gets stuck determining what is real and what is fake. To cut through the media “noise,” Journalists create their own space, develop new inventive methods and employ artificial intelligence that offer better ways to analyze and source news materials (Braun and Eklund,...

Paying More is Not Receiving More

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400 Descriptive Words List to Make Your Writing Shine

Do you want to make your writing more engaging? Check out this descriptive words list with 400 words you can use today.

As you strive to be a more engaging writer, using  descriptive words  can help. It’s easy to overuse these words, but sprinkling them in here and there is a great way to colorize your writing.

Descriptive words are adjectives , which describe nouns and pronouns, or adverbs, which describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Identifying and using these will help you write stronger pieces and descriptive essays .

This descriptive word list is a good place to start. It also pairs nicely with our list of mood words .

Descriptive Words List: 400 Words to Make Your Writing More Colorful

Example sentences using adjectives, common endings for adjectives, list of adverbs in english, example sentences using adverbs, a final word on descriptive words list, what are some good descriptive words, what words describe movement.

Descriptive words list

Descriptive words take writing from boring to engaging. Consider this sentence:

  • She swam across the water.

While this tells you what is happening, it has little to help you imagine the scene. If you add some adjectives and adverbs and transform the statement to this:

  • She swam speedily across the choppy water.

Now you have a better picture of what happened. In order to transform your writing in this way, you need a number of descriptive words at the ready, and this list of descriptive words will help.

List of Descriptive Adjectives in English

Ruins of abandoned factory architecture

Adjectives are the most common type of descriptive words, so first we will look at these. These words describe features like shape, texture, color, and size. They help differentiate between items in a group by calling out distinguishing features.

In  English  grammar, you can use the following to describe nouns and pronouns:

  • Adventurous
  • Accomplished
  • Comfortable
  • Embellished
  • Enthusiastic
  • Everlasting
  • Fashionable
  • Intelligent
  • Quarrelsome
  • Querulous 
  • Questionable
  • Thoughtless
  • Uninterested

This list is not exhaustive, and there are many synonyms and other words that could be added. In addition, all colors are considered adjectives and describing words . Nationalities, like American or English, can also fit this list.

As you work on creating descriptive writing, get used to using these and similar words. You might also find our list of pronouns useful.

To better understand how adjectives look in sentences, consider these examples:

  • The fuzzy red fox jumped over the tall fence. (red, tall)
  • We like to visit the beautiful forest (beautiful)
  • The garden shed feels damp this morning. (garden, damp)
  • The trip to Disney World was magical. (Magical)
  • The beautiful bird sat on the rough branch and sang. (beautiful, rough)
  • The woman is short, but her husband is tall. (short, tall)
  • I prefer cold climates. (cold)
  • The luxurious hotel included soft robes for each guest. (luxurious, soft, each)

Because listing all adjectives in the English language is impossible, knowing their endings is helpful, especially for ESL language learners. Some of the common endings for adjectives include:

If you see a word ending in one of these, and you know it isn’t a noun, chances are high it is an adjective.

The English language also uses adverbs to describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. These descriptive words show intensity, number, and extent. They often end in -ly.

  • Accidentally
  • Aggressively
  • Apathetically
  • Assertively
  • Astronomically
  • Beautifully
  • Begrudgingly
  • Blearily 
  • Deceivingly
  • Deliberately
  • Differently
  • Dramatically
  • Emotionally
  • Exceptionally
  • Frightfully
  • Frenetically
  • Frivolously
  • Hysterically
  • Inquisitively
  • Intelligently
  • Impressively
  • Ludicrously
  • Methodically
  • Mysteriously
  • Neglectfully
  • Obnoxiously
  • Occasionally
  • Pointlessly
  • Significantly
  • Splendidly 
  • Substantially
  • Technically
  • Unexpectedly
  • Victoriously
  • Vitally 
  • Vivaciously
  • Voluntarily

Again, this is not an exhaustive list. As you learn to identify adverbs or use them in your writing, look for words that describe verbs and other descriptive words that end in -ly.

Editing tip: Sometimes adverbs can also serve as filler words that you can remove or use to slow down or speed up a piece.

To better understand how adverbs show up in sentences as descriptive words, consider these examples:

  • The electric car drove so quietly we didn’t hear it coming. (so, quietly)
  • My dog barked angrily at the intruder. (angrily)
  • The girls sang beautifully. (beautifully)
  • He swam across the pool quickly. (quickly)
  • The box is surprisingly heavy for its size. (surprisingly) 
  • The toddler walked very carefully across the slippery floor. (very, carefully)
  • Language learning is incredibly easy for some students, and incredibly hard for others (incredibly)

As you learn how to become a better writer , descriptive language is a big part of the picture. Adjectives and adverbs are the parts of speech that allow you to describe other things vividly. While you can overuse them, they can add color and interest to your writing when used well.

Keep this list of descriptive words handy. When you have a need, pull it out and find one that fits your writing. Whether you’re writing a sentence, a short story, or an entire novel, you’ll find it easier to get descriptive when you have these words on hand.

Check Like this? Check out our list of sensory words .

FAQs on Descriptive Words List

Descriptive words are words that make something easier to identify by describing its characteristics. Some good words that fit this include: Bright Adventurous Jovial Charming Peaceful

Some descriptive words describe the movement of an object. These include: Swiftly Fluidly Gracefully Smoothly Disjointedly

descriptive essay examples 200 words

Nicole Harms has been writing professionally since 2006. She specializes in education content and real estate writing but enjoys a wide gamut of topics. Her goal is to connect with the reader in an engaging, but informative way. Her work has been featured on USA Today, and she ghostwrites for many high-profile companies. As a former teacher, she is passionate about both research and grammar, giving her clients the quality they demand in today's online marketing world.

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Descriptive Essay

Descriptive Essay About A Person You Admire

Cathy A.

How to Craft the Perfect Descriptive Essay About A Person You Admire

Descriptive Essay About A Person You Admire

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Are you looking for tips on how to write a descriptive essay about someone you admire? Do you have someone special in your life that you would like to immortalize through words? 

A lot of people find writing a descriptive essay about a person quite challenging. But with the right structure and steps, you can easily create an engaging piece of writing.

Look no further! You’ll get these steps right here! 

This article will provide you with examples and helpful advice that you need to craft an effective and engaging essay. Plus, we’ll show you what makes a great descriptive essay with examples.

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  • 1. The Basics of Descriptive Essay
  • 2. How to Write a Descriptive Essay About Someone You Admire
  • 3. Descriptive Essay About a Person You Admire Examples
  • 4. Key Points for Writing A Descriptive Essay On The Person I Admire The Most 

The Basics of Descriptive Essay

A descriptive essay is an essay that requires the student to provide a detailed and precise description of their chosen subject.

When writing about a person, the goal is to introduce your reader to the person you are writing about. 

You will want to include important facts about them and discuss their personality, including their beliefs, hobbies, and interests. You should also provide vivid examples that illustrate the person's characteristics.

Watch the video below to learn more about expository writing:

How to Write a Descriptive Essay About Someone You Admire

Now that you know what makes a great descriptive essay about a person , it’s time to start writing. Here are some steps that will help you create an effective and engaging essay:

1. Choose a Person You Admire:

Select someone who has impacted your life in a special way, or someone whose qualities you admire greatly. Look for role models in your life. In addition, it is important to choose someone you have enough information. 

For example writing a descriptive essay about mother is easier than writing an essay about anyone else.

You can also polish your descriptive writing skills by writing on other descriptive essay topics .

2. Research the Person Thoroughly:

Before you begin writing, make sure you have enough information about the person. You can research by talking to people who know the person well, or reading books and articles written about them.

3. Create an Outline:

This helps keep your essay organized and focused. You can use the basic structure of an essay with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion as a guide. So make sure you include all of the important points in your outline.

4. Use Vivid Language and Imagery:

Describe anything that stands out about the person, such as their physical appearance and mannerisms. Use powerful adjectives to give life to your essay and make it more interesting for your readers.

5. Include Relevant Examples:

Using real-life examples adds depth and texture to your essay. These can be anything from stories of when you met the person or a unique trait that they possess. Examples will also help make your essay more illustrative and descriptive.

6. Write an Effective Conclusion:

Your conclusion should serve as a summary of all the points you have discussed in your essay. Make sure to end on a positive note and provide your readers with a lasting impression of your subject’s character.

Reading some example essays will clarify it even more. So let's check out some examples below.

Descriptive Essay About a Person You Admire Examples

If you are given a task to write a paragraph about a person you admire, these examples will help you!

The Person I Admire The Most Essay 200 Words

The Person I Admire The Most Essay 250 Words

The Person I Admire Most 300 Words

Here are some more examples to get a better idea of how a descriptive essay looks like:

A Famous Person You Admire Essay

The Person I Admire The Most My Mother Essay

Descriptive Essay About A Person in My Life

You can read more descriptive essay examples on various other topics as well. 

Key Points for Writing A Descriptive Essay On The Person I Admire The Most 

Writing a descriptive essay about the person you admire the most can be a rewarding experience. 

Here are some key points and tips to help you create an engaging and meaningful essay:

  • Vivid Descriptions: Use descriptive language to paint a clear picture of the person, including their qualities, achievements, and impact.
  • Emotional Connection: Explain the emotional connection you have with the person and why their presence is meaningful.
  • Use Concrete Examples: Provide specific anecdotes and examples that illustrate the person's admirable qualities and actions.
  • Reflect on Life Lessons: Discuss the lessons you've learned from this person and how they've influenced your personal growth and values.
  • Stay Authentic: Be genuine and sincere in your writing. Your admiration for the person should come through as a heartfelt expression

To conclude,

Writing an engaging descriptive essay about someone you admire can be quite challenging, but it is definitely worth the effort. With these tips in mind, you will be well on your way to writing a great essay.

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Academic Essay Writing Made Simple: 4 types and tips

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The pen is mightier than the sword, they say, and nowhere is this more evident than in academia. From the quick scribbles of eager students to the inquisitive thoughts of renowned scholars, academic essays depict the power of the written word. These well-crafted writings propel ideas forward and expand the existing boundaries of human intellect.

What is an Academic Essay

An academic essay is a nonfictional piece of writing that analyzes and evaluates an argument around a specific topic or research question. It serves as a medium to share the author’s views and is also used by institutions to assess the critical thinking, research skills, and writing abilities of a students and researchers.  

Importance of Academic Essays

4 main types of academic essays.

While academic essays may vary in length, style, and purpose, they generally fall into four main categories. Despite their differences, these essay types share a common goal: to convey information, insights, and perspectives effectively.

1. Expository Essay

2. Descriptive Essay

3. Narrative Essay

4. Argumentative Essay

Expository and persuasive essays mainly deal with facts to explain ideas clearly. Narrative and descriptive essays are informal and have a creative edge. Despite their differences, these essay types share a common goal ― to convey information, insights, and perspectives effectively.

Expository Essays: Illuminating ideas

An expository essay is a type of academic writing that explains, illustrates, or clarifies a particular subject or idea. Its primary purpose is to inform the reader by presenting a comprehensive and objective analysis of a topic.

By breaking down complex topics into digestible pieces and providing relevant examples and explanations, expository essays allow writers to share their knowledge.

What are the Key Features of an Expository Essay

descriptive essay examples 200 words

Provides factual information without bias

descriptive essay examples 200 words

Presents multiple viewpoints while maintaining objectivity

descriptive essay examples 200 words

Uses direct and concise language to ensure clarity for the reader

descriptive essay examples 200 words

Composed of a logical structure with an introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion

When is an expository essay written.

1. For academic assignments to evaluate the understanding of research skills.

2. As instructional content to provide step-by-step guidance for tasks or problem-solving.

3. In journalism for objective reporting in news or investigative pieces.

4. As a form of communication in the professional field to convey factual information in business or healthcare.

How to Write an Expository Essay

Expository essays are typically structured in a logical and organized manner.

1. Topic Selection and Research

  • Choose a topic that can be explored objectively
  • Gather relevant facts and information from credible sources
  • Develop a clear thesis statement

2. Outline and Structure

  • Create an outline with an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion
  • Introduce the topic and state the thesis in the introduction
  • Dedicate each body paragraph to a specific point supporting the thesis
  • Use transitions to maintain a logical flow

3. Objective and Informative Writing

  • Maintain an impartial and informative tone
  • Avoid personal opinions or biases
  • Support points with factual evidence, examples, and explanations

4. Conclusion

  • Summarize the key points
  • Reinforce the significance of the thesis

Descriptive Essays: Painting with words

Descriptive essays transport readers into vivid scenes, allowing them to experience the world through the writer ‘s lens. These essays use rich sensory details, metaphors, and figurative language to create a vivid and immersive experience . Its primary purpose is to engage readers’ senses and imagination.

It allows writers to demonstrate their ability to observe and describe subjects with precision and creativity.

What are the Key Features of Descriptive Essay

descriptive essay examples 200 words

Employs figurative language and imagery to paint a vivid picture for the reader

descriptive essay examples 200 words

Demonstrates creativity and expressiveness in narration

descriptive essay examples 200 words

Includes close attention to detail, engaging the reader’s senses

descriptive essay examples 200 words

Engages the reader’s imagination and emotions through immersive storytelling using analogies, metaphors, similes, etc.

When is a descriptive essay written.

1. Personal narratives or memoirs that describe significant events, people, or places.

2. Travel writing to capture the essence of a destination or experience.

3. Character sketches in fiction writing to introduce and describe characters.

4. Poetry or literary analyses to explore the use of descriptive language and imagery.

How to Write a Descriptive Essay

The descriptive essay lacks a defined structural requirement but typically includes: an introduction introducing the subject, a thorough description, and a concluding summary with insightful reflection.

1. Subject Selection and Observation

  • Choose a subject (person, place, object, or experience) to describe
  • Gather sensory details and observations

2. Engaging Introduction

  • Set the scene and provide the context
  • Use of descriptive language and figurative techniques

3. Descriptive Body Paragraphs

  • Focus on specific aspects or details of the subject
  • Engage the reader ’s senses with vivid imagery and descriptions
  • Maintain a consistent tone and viewpoint

4. Impactful Conclusion

  • Provide a final impression or insight
  • Leave a lasting impact on the reader

Narrative Essays: Storytelling in Action

Narrative essays are personal accounts that tell a story, often drawing from the writer’s own experiences or observations. These essays rely on a well-structured plot, character development, and vivid descriptions to engage readers and convey a deeper meaning or lesson.

What are the Key features of Narrative Essays

descriptive essay examples 200 words

Written from a first-person perspective and hence subjective

descriptive essay examples 200 words

Based on real personal experiences

descriptive essay examples 200 words

Uses an informal and expressive tone

descriptive essay examples 200 words

Presents events and characters in sequential order

When is a narrative essay written.

It is commonly assigned in high school and college writing courses to assess a student’s ability to convey a meaningful message or lesson through a personal narrative. They are written in situations where a personal experience or story needs to be recounted, such as:

1. Reflective essays on significant life events or personal growth.

2. Autobiographical writing to share one’s life story or experiences.

3. Creative writing exercises to practice narrative techniques and character development.

4. College application essays to showcase personal qualities and experiences.

How to Write a Narrative Essay

Narrative essays typically follow a chronological structure, with an introduction that sets the scene, a body that develops the plot and characters, and a conclusion that provides a sense of resolution or lesson learned.

1. Experience Selection and Reflection

  • Choose a significant personal experience or event
  • Reflect on the impact and deeper meaning

2. Immersive Introduction

  • Introduce characters and establish the tone and point of view

3. Plotline and Character Development

  • Advance   the  plot and character development through body paragraphs
  • Incorporate dialog , conflict, and resolution
  • Maintain a logical and chronological flow

4. Insightful Conclusion

  • Reflect on lessons learned or insights gained
  • Leave the reader with a lasting impression

Argumentative Essays: Persuasion and Critical Thinking

Argumentative essays are the quintessential form of academic writing in which writers present a clear thesis and support it with well-researched evidence and logical reasoning. These essays require a deep understanding of the topic, critical analysis of multiple perspectives, and the ability to construct a compelling argument.

What are the Key Features of an Argumentative Essay?

descriptive essay examples 200 words

Logical and well-structured arguments

descriptive essay examples 200 words

Credible and relevant evidence from reputable sources

descriptive essay examples 200 words

Consideration and refutation of counterarguments

descriptive essay examples 200 words

Critical analysis and evaluation of the issue 

When is an argumentative essay written.

Argumentative essays are written to present a clear argument or stance on a particular issue or topic. In academic settings they are used to develop critical thinking, research, and persuasive writing skills. However, argumentative essays can also be written in various other contexts, such as:

1. Opinion pieces or editorials in newspapers, magazines, or online publications.

2. Policy proposals or position papers in government, nonprofit, or advocacy settings.

3. Persuasive speeches or debates in academic, professional, or competitive environments.

4. Marketing or advertising materials to promote a product, service, or idea.

How to write an Argumentative Essay

Argumentative essays begin with an introduction that states the thesis and provides context. The body paragraphs develop the argument with evidence, address counterarguments, and use logical reasoning. The conclusion restates the main argument and makes a final persuasive appeal.

  • Choose a debatable and controversial issue
  • Conduct thorough research and gather evidence and counterarguments

2. Thesis and Introduction

  • Craft a clear and concise thesis statement
  • Provide background information and establish importance

3. Structured Body Paragraphs

  • Focus each paragraph on a specific aspect of the argument
  • Support with logical reasoning, factual evidence, and refutation

4. Persuasive Techniques

  • Adopt a formal and objective tone
  • Use persuasive techniques (rhetorical questions, analogies, appeals)

5. Impactful Conclusion

  • Summarize the main points
  • Leave the reader with a strong final impression and call to action

To learn more about argumentative essay, check out this article .

5 Quick Tips for Researchers to Improve Academic Essay Writing Skills

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Use clear and concise language to convey ideas effectively without unnecessary words

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Use well-researched, credible sources to substantiate your arguments with data, expert opinions, and scholarly references

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Ensure a coherent structure with effective transitions, clear topic sentences, and a logical flow to enhance readability 

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To elevate your academic essay, consider submitting your draft to a community-based platform like Open Platform  for editorial review 

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Review your work multiple times for clarity, coherence, and adherence to academic guidelines to ensure a polished final product

By mastering the art of academic essay writing, researchers and scholars can effectively communicate their ideas, contribute to the advancement of knowledge, and engage in meaningful scholarly discourse.

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    Descriptive essays breathe life into words by painting a vivid picture of a person, place, thing, or experience. They employ sensory details and expressive language to make the subject come alive for the reader. Here's a basic yet effective structure you might use when crafting a descriptive essay: 1. Introduction.

  4. Guide to a Perfect Descriptive Essay [Examples & Outline Included]

    The use of literary devices such as personification and metaphor makes the banyan tree in the second example come to life. This is how you can make your writing more vivid, descriptive, and poetic. 2. Use your senses. Sensory descriptors are one of the most important aspects of a descriptive essay.

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