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Disabled People: Problems and Challenges

1. introduction.

Disability is a physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities. One billion people, or 15% of the world's population, experience some form of disability. Persons with disabilities, on average as a group, are more likely to experience adverse social and economic outcomes than persons without disabilities. This overview report, organized around the thematic discussions, will seek to shed light on the difficulties and challenges faced by persons with disabilities, as well as the various initiatives in place to address these problems. It will also provide a brief outline of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) and consider the living situation of people with disabilities in Hong Kong and the initiatives that have taken place to implement the general framework under the UNCRPD. As well as developing a deep understanding of the plight of individuals suffering from disabilities, I hope this paper will help the reader to consider and understand the changes needed, both culturally and politically, to create a more inclusive and empowering society for all of its members. More efforts should be made to explore effective measures and policies which can help promote social development and inclusion for disabled persons. There is a need for increased public awareness and understanding of disability issues and the fundamental changes that would be brought about in society if persons with disabilities have effective access. Disability issues are social issues; they are the factors that shape the nature of individuals' lives and the life of the community as a whole. This therefore leads to our consideration of what is meant by 'disability'. The social model of disability proposes that what makes someone disabled is not their impairments, but the attitudes and structures of their society. The impairment is a problem for the person affected in a society which fails to take into account their needs; therefore, it is society itself that is one of the main causes of disabling people. The focus of the social model is on providing solutions and improving the world in which people live. This involves the identification of barriers within society and the search for ways of removing these, with 'disability' being the loss or limitation of opportunities to take part in the normal life of the community on an equal level with others due to physical and social barriers.

1.1. Definition of disability

The definition of disability is highly contentious for several reasons. It is not just a semantic question, but also a political and social issue. A lot of the debate relates to what conditions should be included in the definition and at what point do physical or mental impairments become a disability. Disabilities can be defined in a range of different ways: as physical or mental impairments, as socially constructed barriers, or as a medical condition. The medical model of disability says that disability is a physical or mental condition that limits a person's activities; these conditions are long-term or progressive, and the person with the condition may need support of some kind. On a societal level, disability can be seen as a socially created problem and a matter of human rights. This originated with the social model of disability, which saw poor treatment and social isolation as coming from other people's reactions to an impairment or mental health difficulty, rather than being a result of the impairment or difficulty itself. The definition introduced by the World Health Organisation uses a broad, international approach. It stresses that a disability is a complex interplay between features of a person's body and features of the society in which they live. This model simplifies the understanding of disability and provides a useful tool for analyzing disability within a social and political context. However, there is also recognition that, in practice, individuals are labeled as, and experience, disability in a range of different ways, because social and environmental factors interact with personal factors. Disability should be seen as an evolving concept that builds on both the medical and social models mentioned above. This understanding is associated with a human rights perspective, and emphasizes that a person's mental or physical state is just one element of their identity, and that society and the environment in which a person lives are just as important. The applicability of this definition to different conditions or situations would provide a real insight into disability life chances and how society is constructed. By moving away from an understanding of disability as a personal tragedy, the medical model and an impairment focus, this new definition is useful for developing an understanding of society that sees the interdependence of people. Different ways of defining and understanding disability can have very different impacts in a person's life. The legal definition of disability is used for the purpose of identifying who can benefit from special provisions or legal protection, and it emphasizes the role of professionals in assessing the extent of a person's disability. This means that this medical model has a direct impact on how and why resources and support are allocated to people. The social model of disability has been influential in developing legal definitions of disability, and it has inspired laws like the Americans with Disabilities Act, which define disabling conditions in terms of the barriers that people face. This definition is that used in most international human and civil rights documents, and so defines the term "disability" as something that can limit a person in key life activities and interactions as a consequence of a long term physical or mental impairment. This functional (or legal) definition is often used to decide who might be eligible for particular types of support, such as in school or work, and it is this definition that was used in the recent UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. So the medical model sees disability as a matter for diagnosis, treatment and cure, while it is the responsibility of society to adapt and change in order to include and support people whose impairments fit the criteria of the legal definition.

1.2. Importance of addressing disability issues

With a social as well as a humanitarian perspective, Marius Baranauskas, President of Lithuanian Disability Forum, presented the impact of the disability movement in the Eastern European societies and the work that lies ahead, at a lecture entitled 'Catalysts for Change' which was organised by the Office of the Commissioner for Voluntary Sector in Malta. He spoke about the need for a greater collaboration among different social sectors and urged policy makers to understand better the primary principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. He mentioned the importance of the will of society in influencing Governments' decisions and actions and highlighted this with what disabled people have been achieving across Europe. "The disability movement is not 'just a movement', but an ongoing critical process that continues to shape countries. It is catalysing both the public thought and public violence in a more globalised and interconnected world." He commented that professionals and non-governmental organisations must seek actively to empower disabled individuals to have their say on their quality of life. He referred to a concept of 'full starring' and 'cosmetic participation' and stated the importance of civil society in the development of policies which are truly collaborative ones. He mentioned that excessive institutionalisation and artificial 'confined' environments, still exist to date, limit disabled people's inventive capabilities and ultimately impose a great burden on the wider society. He explained how the ideology of independent living is still objectified by distinct factors associated with lack of resources and awareness in both the public and governmental spheres. Baranauskas pointed out that funding and expertise to support disabled people are often a key problem in many countries. He concluded by pointing out the significance of modern technology and how laws and modern practices shall adjust so as to accommodate the increasing number of older people to the benefit of all individuals. Very often, these individuals with disabilities can contribute to the development of healthier, safer, more environmentally conscious and resilient communities, and we must work in identifying and removing the cultural and physical barriers which still exist. He stated that Governments and local authorities possess a responsibility to foster societies, which encourage mutual respect and awareness, where each individual has the opportunity to express his or her own opinions. The myriad of local and national practices throughout Europe presents both exciting opportunities for learning and sharing and formidable challenges for improving people's lives. Very often, complexities arising from differing socio-ethical, medical and political standpoints can puzzle the union of social and personal independence of people with disabilities such that disability can cause great dividedness. He gave a brief example on how Maltese and foreign experts, like German Professor Heinz Walters, can work together and help Malta in raising more awareness. By tracing the historical development and the scope of new research of disability studies, and by recognising cultural and demographic contexts, academic scholars are well-positioned to engage with the practical work of the disability movement by offering a deeper and more constructively critical examination. Such interdisciplinary and multifaceted development potentially creates a platform from which a full actualisation of the intrinsic nature of the contemporary socially inclusive society can be propelled. It is clear that the prejudice and discrimination against disabled people will only be ameliorated by a comprehensive education of society in general that human potentialities are naturally diverse and must be accepted by all members of a community.

2. Physical Barriers Faced by Disabled People

Physical barriers faced by disabled people are a major concern across the globe. While some of these barriers are created through the prevalence of stereotypes and societal attitudes, many physical barriers are directly attributed to a lack of accessibility. One of the most prevalent physical barriers is the presence of inaccessible infrastructure and public spaces. This can impede the ability of disabled people to access vital services, such as education and healthcare, and prevent them from engaging in the community. For example, disabled people may be unable to enter a library or government facility, use public transport, attend their local school or visit their doctor. This denies them key opportunities and further perpetuates social exclusion. Many European countries are faced with a general lack of accessibility, and with approximately 80 million disabled people living in the European Union, there is a vast unmet need for the provision of high-quality, accessible infrastructure. In particular, current standards for public transport accessibility are not being met, and rail and bus services are often limited and inaccessible for disabled users. Furthermore, research indicates that disabled people often encounter negative attitudes from the public either intentionally or unintentionally when trying to carry out day-to-day activities. For instance, the 2017 'Is Britain Fairer' report from the Equality and Human Rights Commission found that public attitudes towards disabled people had worsened. Such attitudes may not only harm the well-being of disabled individuals but may also result in individual acts of discrimination-creating a major barrier for many disabled people when contemplating the use of public spaces. With regard to the travelling and tourism, there is an urgency in creating infrastructure that encompasses all types of disabilities and fits with the EU rules on accessibility in public buildings. Many of our existing tourist favourites, including Italy, Spain and France, are the least equipped for disabled travellers, thus dismissing a clear financial opportunity as increasingly greater numbers of disabled people go on holiday each year. The European Network on Independent Living has pointed out that the physical environment can present barriers to disabled people in differing levels of functioning, causing a lose-lose situation; not only is the continuing segregation and stigmatisation of disabled people perpetuated, but dissatisfactory standards create an economy driven force against legislative changes i.e. some local business may resist installments of equipment with the perception that disability regulation is unfeasible and solely serves to burden them. This clearly demonstrates an urgent need for public perception to be altered, alongside the introduction of legal measures that work to promote the widespread accessibility across our public environments.

2.1. Inaccessible infrastructure and public spaces

There are several things that people who have physical disabilities can find very inconvenient, such as stepping into or out of a particular building, using a lavatory, using public transport, and crossing roads. In many countries, the law requires that new government-funded public buildings have appropriate lavatories so that anyone can use them. However, this is not always the case, and many buildings do not have facilities suitable for disabled people. Additionally, not every employer is willing to pay for the change of facilities in their company because they may never employ a disabled person, and changing the whole lavatory may take up a lot of space that could be used for something else. Not having appropriate lavatories for disabled people, or people with pushchairs, has a big impact on people's choice of transport. Many people would like to use public transport to reduce pollution and vehicle emissions. However, many train and bus stations are not easily accessible for people with disabilities due to the lack of lifts and wheelchair access. Furthermore, many bus drivers park very close to crossings, making it difficult for people in wheelchairs and pushchairs to get on or off the pavements. Guide dog users also face difficulties when drivers do not stop in the correct position. Crossing the road can be a life-threatening issue for people with disabilities, especially those with visual impairments. Many crossings use beeping sounds with a green man sign, but some use vibrations, making it very difficult for visually impaired people to know when to cross. Some local councils may argue that they do not have enough money to update every crossing in the area, but I would argue that pedestrian crossings are a very basic facility that should be well maintained and upgraded whenever possible. Additionally, in rural areas where there are no pavements, the situation is even worse because people may find it hard to tell the edge of the road and pavement apart. A simple solution like extending the pavement would help many people with mobility problems.

2.2. Lack of assistive devices and technologies

Unlike the many forms of common physical barriers, such as the lack of disabled parking and the posted restrictions limiting access to certain areas, another form of physical and perhaps the most important barrier to the disabled community as a whole is the lack of assistive technology. Assistive technology is broadly defined as a form of technology that helps the disabled in their everyday lives, from using a computer to getting dressed in the morning. The main example of a lack of assistive technology comes from what is known as "social housing", which is the preferred system of providing the disabled community with homes; however, social housing is built with no technology in mind. An example to display this is the common inability for the home of the disabled to operate electronic devices, such as controlling the curtains or turning on a lamp from a bed, meaning the disabled is required to do these tasks without technology. Also, the main issue with social housing is that the technology often is installed so poorly where available, it is unreliable; in some cases, the software allowed by the builders has to be in a different language, meaning the home is unable to be tailored to the specific needs of the disabled, but instead tailored to whoever made the software. Such a problem can inherently prohibit the lives of the disabled, as they're unable to perform certain tasks; in the example of the language barrier with software, some are unable to use things like a phone to ask for help as this technology isn't compatible with their disability. This can lead to the fulfilling of the basic human rights and basic lifestyle needs, such as getting dressed in the morning or carrying out household tasks impossible without a carer as there is a lack of technology to allow for independence.

2.3. Limited transportation options

It may come as a surprise to many people that disabled people often have very limited options for transportation. The vast majority of drivers on the road have no idea what it's like to be confined to a wheelchair, completely blind, or in need of regular medical attention. While there are many resources dedicated to helping disabled people get around, many of them are often backlogged with requests for assistance or are only available in certain parts of the country. Even for those who are lucky enough to have access to these services, such as the popular Paratransit program, many would argue that such services are not the ultimate solution. Most Paratransit vehicles generally stick to a very small amount of standard routes and are often made of modified standard vehicles that are still very unwieldy and difficult to board for many disabled people. When it comes to standard public transport, things are often even worse. Buses, trolleys, and subways that all claim to have disabled access often provide them in name only. Lifts and ramps can be out of service for weeks without repair. Buses can leave early, leave late, or simply not show up, with no requirement to do anything other than display a paper notice of the delay. At times, drivers can be rude, impatient, or abusive to disabled passengers, and the rigid and overstressed schedule of many public transport services can make the thought of boarding them a more trying experience than getting to your actual destination.

3. Social and Emotional Challenges Faced by Disabled People

Another significant challenge faced by disabled people is mental health issues. Studies indicate that disabled people experience mental disorders, such as depression and anxiety, at a much higher rate than the general population. There are several reasons behind this. Disabled individuals may feel isolated, lonely, and devalued because of their impairments, even if they have other kinds of support. Limited access to services, such as mental health support or general healthcare, and the experience of discrimination may exacerbate a person's susceptibility to mental health challenges. Moreover, in some cases, the impairments themselves may lead to the development of particular mental health difficulties. For example, chronic pain, immobility, and functional impairment are linked to a high risk of experiencing depression. However, disabled people often do not receive the mental health care they need, even when their condition is compromising their daily functioning, independence, or quality of life. They are confronted by numerous barriers to accessing services, such as physical and informational barriers and negative attitudes from healthcare professionals. Mental health campaigns and services need to focus on approaches to addressing the psychological and emotional effects of impairments and the disabling society. This need is becoming even more pressing as the number of people living with long-term conditions or impairments rises and the results of life-prolonging medical advances are recorded. By raising awareness of the many factors that may contribute to the development of mental health difficulties and creating services that truly recognize the necessity for individualized care, we may expect to see a decrease in sudden and long-term mental health challenges that disabled people face. This will support more people in gaining personal happiness as well as contributing to their meaningful and valuable roles in society.

3.1. Stigma and discrimination

People with disabilities often face social and emotional challenges as a result of the attitudes of people in society. As the preceding explanations have shown, many non-disabled people tend to assume that disabled people are inferior in some way or another, and this often ends up in discrimination against disabled people. Disability discrimination occurs when an individual who has a long-term physical or mental impairment is treated less favourably than a non-disabled individual. Though disability discrimination can come in various forms, it often includes disabled people being treated and considered less favourably than non-disabled people in areas such as employment, access to services and public transport, and accommodation. When a person suffers from victimisation as a result of disability discrimination, it means that they are treated badly because they have previously made or supported a complaint under the Disability Discrimination Act. Such a thing can have detrimental effects on the psychological well-being of the individual, and affects them in negative ways such as making them feel lonely, isolated and of little worth to society. The discrimination may be obvious and direct, or it may happen in more subtle ways. For example, a service provider may offer a disabled person an inferior service compared to that offered to non-disabled service users.

3.2. Isolation and loneliness

Isolation and loneliness are major issues for disabled individuals. The problems are rooted both in the individual's experience and in larger social processes. On the one hand, many impairments limit personal independence, making assistance from others a regular necessity; as a result, the social networks of people with disabilities often consist of paid personal assistants or healthcare workers. This means that disabled people's social connections can end up being dictated by the schedules and availability of caretakers, which can then affect the emotional closeness and satisfaction they get from those relationships. Community programs and independent living centers could provide solutions to some of these challenges, since they offer opportunities to form a meaningful community of disabled peers. On the other hand, social isolation and loneliness are symptoms of a broad, societal failure to make space for disabled people. When people with disabilities are not properly included and accommodated in social institutions such as the education system and the workplace, segregation from "normal" society can go unchallenged - disabled people's social worlds become largely limited to interactions with family and paid caregivers. This sense of exclusion is obviously felt by the disabled individual, but there are wider consequences for society as a whole. For example, segregation can foster ignorance about the lives and needs of disabled people, which then contributes to the perpetuation of social barriers. Furthermore, disabled people are often kept separate from non-disabled people in the name of personal safety - for example, parents might think it's not safe for their child to play with a disabled child. But when these attitudes are left unchecked, interpersonal discomfort around disability builds and attitudes of fear or discomfort become normalized. This all presents a complex and large-scale problem - it's not just about fostering social connections for individuals with disabilities, but recognizing the social conditions that perpetuate such isolation and trying to tackle those too. This is definitely an area where both personal and collective experience of disability can inform and drive social and political change. It is also an area of great potential for the creation of a stronger alliance between the disabled community and the wider public because a more inclusive society benefits everyone - everyone would have a wider, richer array of experiences and interactions if society were properly accessible to all.

3.3. Limited access to education and employment opportunities

Furthermore, disabled persons are also facing a lack of job and education opportunities. Education and job empowerment bring economic power to individuals and families. The majority of disabled individuals do not have any professional skills and are illiterate. They are unable to take advantage of available education and job opportunities. One of the biggest reasons cited is that the role of physical infrastructure and transportation in ensuring accessible and inclusive education and employment mainly focuses on the need to remove the environment and not the people with disabilities. As long as the education environment includes people with disabilities, their access to education and employment will widen. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities recognizes the right to education for persons with disabilities and guarantees non-discrimination. The Malaysian government has established four special education programs and services for children with learning disabilities. There are spaces for Bahasa Malaysia sign language, English language, and religious and moral values as part of the curriculum to create an enabling and empowering great educating and learning environment. The government needs to continue the efforts to step up protection and promotion of the fundamental rights of disabled citizens in Malaysia. The Persons with Disabilities Act 2008 and the government have implemented policies to help disabled individuals find jobs or at least guarantee a place in the job market. However, the public and the government sector have to work together to change their outlook before a real improvement can be seen. It is the entire nation's responsibility to ensure the well-being of those in need of care and protection.

3.4. Mental health issues

Mental health issues are a growing concern for this population, with increased evidence showing the high prevalence of mental health conditions and unmet need for mental health services. Individual disabled persons face an accumulation of substantial stress associated with the undesirable social model of disability: loss of role, fear of the future, dependency on caregivers, and financial difficulties. This might lead to higher rates of common mental health problems, like depression and anxiety, among disabled people than the general population. There are rates of 35 percent of all impairments among working age adults being attributed to mental health conditions in England and the Department of Health says that there has been nearly a 70 percent increase in the number of common mental disorders reported in people claiming employment and support allowance since 2010. However, access to services is very poor. Furthermore, according to The Patients Association (2015), due to a substantial increase in the mean number of suicides, the government has been prompted to investigate how the Department of Work and Pensions reviews benefit claims and supports the affected people with mental health conditions. The limited success of dealing with mental health issues in disabled populations underscores the necessity of recognizing it as a priority in disability research and public health policy. It is argued that, despite the recent progressive development in anti-discrimination legislation in the UK, mental health issues still remain the main battle for disabled people nowadays. As a country, we are aware of how disability causes physical impairments to individuals, but we sometimes lack the knowledge of understanding the mental incapacity. A significant amount of awareness and training programs are needed to promote the importance of positive mental health for disabled individuals. Through such education and prevention programs, and also with the financial investment by the government in improving the support services currently available, it is anticipated that it would raise the quality of life in disabled people and would encourage them to achieve their full potential in life.

4. Policy and Advocacy Efforts for Disabled People

Efforts have been made over the years to advocate for the rights of disabled individuals. Lobbying for legislation and policy changes has been a key goal in most countries, as there are laws that are essential for protecting the rights of disabled people. One aspect of these advocacy efforts is to push for the enactment of comprehensive disability rights laws. The main aim of such laws is to guarantee disabled people equal treatment, opportunity, and freedom from discrimination. Most of these statutes include provision of guidance and methods for eliminating physical and attitudinal barriers to people living with disabilities. For instance, key provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 require employers to provide reasonable accommodations to their employees with disabilities and also ban discrimination against such employees. On the other hand, it is increasingly being realized that it is not enough to only have disability laws that guard against discrimination; there also needs to be a shift towards creating a pro-disability culture. This is a culture that instead of merely seeking to prevent disabled people from being prevented from doing what non-disabled people are able to do, aims to enable them to pursue different but equally valuable ways of living. Disabled people and their non-disabled allies seek to promote a sense of interdependency and to challenge the idea that dependence is a negative state of being. For such advocacy and cultural efforts to succeed, there has been an increasing call for concerted efforts to change the public's attitudes and perceptions towards people with disabilities. There are various public awareness programs and media campaigns aimed at promoting disability pride and raising the expectations of people with disabilities. For example, the Paralympian Games and other events featuring disabled people have been utilized as platforms to showcase the capabilities and talents of people with disabilities. These advocacy efforts are aimed at not only increasing the self-esteem of people with disabilities but also at challenging societal notions about who disabled people are and what it means to live with a disability.

4.1. Disability rights legislation and frameworks

It cannot be overstated that comprehensive disability rights legislation and frameworks are essential in protecting and promoting the rights of disabled people. This is particularly crucial as there is a need to safeguard the inherently vulnerable disabled population from any form of exploitation, discrimination, and violation of their fundamental rights. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) is one of the most significant and far-reaching international treaties focusing on the rights and dignity of disabled individuals. The UNCRPD seeks to affirm the human rights and fundamental freedoms of disabled people, further encourage the respect of their inherent dignity, and outline the equal rights and full participation in society for disabled persons. From a domestic front, countries such as the United Kingdom and Malaysia have ratified and implemented the UNCRPD into their legal and political systems, manifesting a clear commitment in upholding the rights and well-being of the disabled population. In the United Kingdom, the Equality Act 2010 is one of the key legislative measures in place to protect and enforce the rights of disabled people. The Act serves the crucial role of harmonizing and enhancing the various anti-discrimination legislations and measures introduced before by providing a clear and consistent legal framework covering a wide range of areas such as employment, education, and provision of services. Under the Equality Act 2010, it is unlawful to discriminate against disabled individuals in areas such as employment, access to goods and services, as well as education. What's more, service providers are also under the obligation to make reasonable adjustments in order to ensure that their services are accessible by disabled people. This ranges from adjusting provisions, criteria, and practices, to the physical features of the premises, to the provision of auxiliary aids and services. As such, the introduction and implementation of the Equality Act 2010 has led to significant improvements in the protection and promotion of the rights of the disabled population in the United Kingdom, which is undoubtedly a positive move towards achieving a just and inclusive society for all. On the other hand, the Persons with Disabilities Act 2008 forms the primary legislation governing the rights and obligations of disabled individuals in Malaysia. Evidently, the Act reinforces the ongoing efforts and initiatives undertaken by the Government to enhance the well-being and quality of life of the disabled community in the country, including the alignment with the UNCRPD's principles and provisions. The Act comprises a total of seven parts and 20 separate sections, covering areas such as the registration and protection of rights of disabled persons, education and employment opportunities, as well as social welfare and recreational facilities. One of the noteworthy features of the Act is the establishment of the National Council for Persons with Disabilities, which is entrusted with the responsibility of supervising aid and appliance.

4.2. Accessible design and inclusive practices

Accessible design aims to produce a better human experience for everyone, including individuals with disabilities. The idea is to create a context in which the built environment, digital content, material, and information systems can be used by human beings in numerous scenarios and at extraordinary levels. With respect to the built environment, this could imply ensuring that there are no steps to get entry to a building, which allows for disabled access to be provided. It may also imply delivering guidelines and information on framing so that blind and partially sighted individuals understand the features of the building they are in or are leading towards. Disabilities vary massively from year to year, according to information from the Office of National Statistics. For instance, around 80,000 people every year develop dementia, and over 150 people per day develop at least one form of dementia. Assistive technology, inclusive practices, and land-use policies and guidelines are some measures used in the context of accessible design where improvements in the physical structure of the environment cannot be modified. An example of assistive technology in the context of digitizing and planning using inclusive practices is the recent development of mobile apps designed to aid inclusive map planning for people with dementia. These apps can play a huge role in accessible design and inclusive practices as they provide guidance for map makers with memory loss and are also designed to be helpful for building map knowledge and inclusive activities.

4.3. Supportive services and programs

Supportive services and programs are provided to disabled people in Hong Kong. These services and programs aim to assist and provide resources for disabled people in Hong Kong, allowing them to live in the community and further integrate into society, to avoid unnecessary or inappropriate admission to residential care services and to support carers in the caring role. There are two types of services and programs. First, integrated community-based rehabilitation services, provided by non-government organizations, aim at maximizing the potential of individual disabled people to participate in social, recreational, educational, vocational and employment activities. Second, district support centers for persons with disabilities, operated by the Social Welfare Department, provide district-based professional support, personal care and counseling services for disabled people to help them maintain their optimum level of self-care as far as possible, to facilitate their early discharge from hospitals and to support their carers. Disability allowance is another kind of supportive program. It is a non-means-tested allowance for disabled people to meet the special needs arising from his or her disability. The objective of disability allowance is to contribute towards meeting the extra expenses for daily living and to provide increased opportunities for those disabled people who find difficulties in taking up or remaining in employment. When assessing a person's eligibility under disability allowance, only the extent of handicap and personal care needs as a result of disability would be taken into consideration. The amount of disability allowance ranges, depending on the age of the recipient and the level of disability. The family members of a disabled person often experience stress and burden in various aspects such as finance, mental and physical health and social life. The government takes into account these situations and provides programs to support the carers. One of the programs is the carer allowance under the Social Security Allowance Scheme, which provides a certain amount of financial support to eligible carers who take care of disabled family members. This can help release carers from their financial burdens and fulfill households' daily living needs. Another supportive program for carers is the provision of respite service, which aims at providing a break to family carers taking care of disabled people. This service allows carers to arrange some free time off from caring duties, getting themselves refreshed and relieved, while persons receiving care may have the chance to participate in and contribute to different activities and to live in the community. Such services also create more choices and flexibility for both the carers and the persons in need of care and allow them to participate in more community. By providing respite service, it will help maintain family stability and prevent unnecessary institutional care for disabled persons.

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Home — Essay Samples — Nursing & Health — Disability — How Society Treats Disabled People


How Society Treats Disabled People

  • Categories: Disability Inclusivity

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Words: 678 |

Published: Jan 29, 2024

Words: 678 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

Table of contents

Historical perspective on disability, societal perception of disability, legal and policy frameworks, education and employment opportunities, accessible infrastructure and services, social support and attitudes, case studies and personal experiences.

  • The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. Retrieved from https://www.ada.gov/pubs/adastatute08.htm.
  • Disability Inclusion Helps All of Us. (2019, August 1). Forbes. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2019/08/01/disability-inclusion-helps-all-of-us/?sh=1b553c137920.

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disabled people's problems essay


Essay on Disability

Students are often asked to write an essay on Disability in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Disability

Understanding disability.

Disability means having a condition that makes it tough to do certain things. Some people are born with disabilities, while others get them from accidents or illnesses. Disabilities can be seen, like when someone uses a wheelchair, or unseen, like trouble with learning or hearing.

Types of Disabilities

There are many kinds of disabilities. Physical ones affect the body, like trouble walking. Sensory disabilities impact senses, like being blind. Mental health and learning disabilities affect the mind, making learning or feeling good harder.

Living with Disability

People with disabilities can do many things. They go to school, work, and play sports. Sometimes they need tools or help to do these things. It’s important to treat everyone with respect and kindness, no matter what.

Support and Rights

Laws protect people with disabilities, giving them the same chances as others. Ramps, special software, and support in school are examples. These help make sure that everyone, regardless of ability, can join in all parts of life.

250 Words Essay on Disability

Disability is when a person has a condition that makes it more challenging for them to do certain things. This can be because of problems with their body or their mind. Just like everyone is different in their own way, disabilities are different too. Some people are born with disabilities, while others may get them because of an accident or illness.

There are many types of disabilities. Some people might have trouble seeing, hearing, or walking. Others might find it hard to learn or remember things. It’s important to know that just because someone has a disability, it doesn’t mean they can’t live a full and happy life. They can still play, learn, and work; they might just do these things in a different way.

People with disabilities use tools and help from others to make their lives easier. For example, someone who can’t see well might use a cane or a guide dog to walk around. There are also special computers and programs that help people with different kinds of disabilities to study or do jobs.

Being Kind and Respectful

It’s very important to be kind and respectful to everyone, including people with disabilities. They should be treated just like anyone else. You can be a good friend by understanding their needs and helping them when they ask for it. Remember, having a disability doesn’t stop someone from being a great friend, artist, scientist, or anything else they want to be!

500 Words Essay on Disability

When we talk about disability, we mean a condition that makes it hard for a person to do certain things. This could be because their body or mind works differently from what most people consider usual. Disabilities can be seen, like someone in a wheelchair, or unseen, like someone who has trouble learning.

Disabilities come in many forms. Some people are born with them, while others might get a disability because of an accident or illness. Physical disabilities affect the body, making it tough to walk, see, hear, or move around. Mental disabilities can make learning, communicating, or handling emotions challenging.

Life with a Disability

Living with a disability means facing challenges that others might not think about. Simple things like climbing stairs, reading a book, or remembering directions can be hard. But it’s important to know that having a disability doesn’t stop someone from living a full and happy life. People with disabilities go to school, work, play sports, and enjoy time with friends and family just like anyone else.

Accessibility and Support

To help people with disabilities, we need to make places more accessible. This means creating ramps for wheelchairs, having books in Braille for those who can’t see, and using sign language for those who can’t hear. Support also comes from friends, family, and helpers who give their time and love to make sure everyone can join in.

Respect and Understanding

Sometimes, people don’t understand what it’s like to have a disability, and they might act in a way that is not kind. It’s very important to treat everyone with respect, no matter how they look or what they can or can’t do. By learning about disabilities, we can be better friends and help make sure everyone feels included.

Technology and Disabilities

Technology has done a lot to help people with disabilities. There are computers that speak for those who can’t talk, wheelchairs that can climb stairs, and apps that help people who have trouble with learning. These tools open up a world of possibilities and help break down barriers.

The Power of Positivity

Having a disability might make some things tougher, but it can also teach us about strength and courage. Many people with disabilities have done amazing things and have shown that it’s not the disability that defines them, but their talents and personality. With a positive attitude, anyone can overcome challenges and reach their goals.

Disability is part of the human experience, and it touches all of us in one way or another. By learning about it and creating a world that is good for everyone, we build a kinder, more understanding society. Remember, it’s not our differences that matter, but how we treat each other. With care and support, we can all help make life better for people living with disabilities.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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My Problem With College Admissions Essays as a Disabled Person

disabled people's problems essay

As a 20-year-old transfer student who spent a summer studying abroad, dragging out the old same elegized story of my life as a young person “robbed of a normal carefree youth” is a bit boring. I’m tired of hearing my story, too. The story isn’t untrue or unworthy of being heard; it’s just so often associated with the disabled community that it becomes the only story expected of me. The disabled community is the largest marginalized minority in the world. There are many narratives worthy of being told, but so often they are overlooked for the inspiration porn , instantly shareable Facebook headlines.

Don’t get me wrong, I love a good overcoming adversity story. These stories are valid and so important. The essays I write for those college admissions boards, outside of how my disability affects my life, are not necessarily a Penguin Classics level work ready to be sent off to the closest corporate bookstore. The essay I try to write focuses more on my personal journey of self-discovery that genuinely starts out with “I’m a cliche” and goes on to wax poetic about the magic of soul searching. But when does the disabled community get to stop “overcoming adversity” and allow members to be known as individuals? My multiple sclerosis is an important part of my life, but as I’m sure many disabled kids who have applied to college can attest: it’s also the hardest to make sound not boring.

Personally, before I was diagnosed my life was a whole lot of sleeping all day, then vomiting if I ate anything. Really fun to relive as you beg a school for scholarship money, right? This is why I wholeheartedly believe college application essays are inherently ableist. I understand my privilege in this world as someone who was diagnosed later in her youth and was fortunate enough to have opportunities — like study abroad, or even being able to afford my medical care.

This is not what colleges want to hear about, though. Sure, maybe under the veil of how my disability affects such experiences and how I overcame it. (Spoiler: Sometimes I don’t; life for disabled people isn’t endless amounts of awe-inspiring obstacle climbing.) The personhood of any disabled person cannot be boiled down to one label. A disabled life is more than just one bad thing after another, so let me revel in the good once in a while.

Now, excuse me as I finish my Common App essay with this last line of lamenting my disabled experience. Hey, I still need that scholarship money.

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My journey to self-acceptance as disabled was full of realizations about what labels are and who gets to define them. I am disabled with a lot to say and not talented enough to join a punk band.

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Real Problems Faced By Disabled People in the Society

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