Driving - Free Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

Driving refers to the operation of motor vehicles on roads. Essays on driving could explore the technical, cognitive, and physical skills required for safe driving, the impact of various factors (like alcohol, drugs, or distractions) on driving performance, or the role of laws, regulations, and education in promoting road safety. They might also delve into the social, economic, and environmental impacts of driving, the advancements in vehicle technologies and infrastructure, or the challenges and implications of autonomous driving. We’ve gathered an extensive assortment of free essay samples on the topic of Driving you can find in Papersowl database. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Driving Forces of European Imperialism in Africa

Africa, a nation is rich in natural beauty, natural resources, and oil. It's home to 1.2 billion people in 2017. But the effects of European imperialism in the late 1870s can be seen today, in the present day. But what were some of the driving forces of Europe imperialism in Africa? The driving force of European Imperialism in Africa Attributes to the resources, power, and national Darwinism/nationality. As the article, "Effect of Colonialism on Africa's Past and Present" It brings […]

Thesis and Preview: Drunk Driving

Introduction Attention Getter: Today, I will be talking about a very important issue so I’d like to ask you to give me your full attention for the next few minutes. According to the National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration, there were a total of 10,497 fatalities involving alcohol in 2016 (NHTSA, 2017). Thesis and Preview: Drunk driving is a problem that has severe and life-threatening consequences to those who are involved. If we take preventive measures, we can decrease this […]

Why you shouldn’t Text and Drive

I. Attention Material (focus attention on problem): Imagine you are running late to this class, you get in your car and head down the gateway. You aren't driving that fast, maybe 45 miles per hour, and you are lucky that there aren't really any vehicles on the road. Your phone dings, and you grab it and glance at the screen. It is your friend asking if you want to go to lunch today. You go to send a short reply. […]

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Driving while Intoxicated Persuasive Essay

Did you know that in 2016, 10,497 people died from alcohol-impaired crashes? That means every 50 minutes, one person loses their life due to a person driving under the influence. Drunk driving is a serious problem that needs to be put to an end. What even is a DUI? DUI stands for driving under the influence. A DUI is also sometimes referred to as a DWI, which means driving while intoxicated. Driving home with a BAC (blood-alcohol concentration) of 0.08% […]

Should the Legal Driving Age be Changed from 16 to 18

In society today, government officials and parents are whining about how teens are causing accidents, which would have never happened if the government had made teens practice driving more. While more responsibility does come with age, experience doesn’t just happen. Government officials and parents need to teach teens when they are younger about responsibility and give them more experience when driving. When turning 16 teens can start to help their parents out more, they are nervous when they are driving, […]

Bad Drivers

Individuals have fluctuating abilities with regards to driving, yet many fit into one of two significant classifications: the great drivers and the awful drivers. Great drivers are respectful out and about, comply with the transit regulations, and are not quickly drawn offtrack while driving. A decent driver will wave another driver by when the two of them pull up to a four-way stop simultaneously. They won't unnecessarily speed, however they won't drive more slow than the progression of traffic so […]

Driving is a Privilege, not a Right

"Driving is a privilege, not a right, yet something most people do need to thrive in everyday life. They use their cars to get around on an everyday bases to get place to place. In America alone there are more than 122 million and that’s only licensed. Imagine how many drive are driving without one or with any training, experience etc. On the back of a certified licensed from the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles). 1000’s of black motorist get […]

Discuss Paper – Drunk Driving

This paper will discuss many reasons why one shouldn’t drink and drive. There are many more cons rather than pros to discuss on this topic. Some of the things that will be discussed in this paper are the meanings behind some terms, death tolls, and other factual examples on why drinking and driving is bad. Another thing that will be discussed in this paper are charges you could be faced with if you are caught by the authorities. Let’s start […]

License Restrictions for Elderly Drivers

Every year, there are many accidents involving motor vehicles. With different age groups, there are different factors involved with the cause of the accident. In the age group of 65 years old and older, diminishing reaction times, medical issues, and changes in vision are some of the major causes. Moon stated it best when she said “driving is an over learned, yet complex activity that requires intact visual, cognitive, and motor skills to accurately and timely respond to a constantly […]

Revolution in Technology – Self Driving Cars

Humans are distinguishable from all other life on Earth due to their remarkable intelligence and need to advance and revolutionize the world around them. Our ancestors have worked tirelessly to renovate and make the world that we are so familiar with today. As more and more time passes, the technological advancements that people are achieving are happening more rapidly and more groundbreaking than ever before. The true meaning of the word automobile, is a car that drives itself. Intelligent minds […]

Dangers of Distracted Driving

In this day in age many millennials dont consider the risks of texting and driving in fact not a ton of people consider the risks of texting and driving in this day in age. statistics have been compiled in recent years display that every day in the u.s. 9 people die because they use their phone while driving and over 1 153 are injured in distracted driver crashes that is daily meaning texting and driving is one of the most […]

Racism: the Driving Force of Hate

Hatred can define a person, a group of people, and even a society. It can overpower kindness, generosity, and basic human decency. It can be a blinding force, making people capable of things that one could only imagine. Throughout the nineteenth century, antisemitism brought hatred into the hearts of the German people. Through early developed and deeply rooted blame, anti-Jewish activism and pogroms, and increasing detachment and restrictions put forth upon the Jewish people, one can see how the influential, […]

Self Driving Cars – Waymo

A self-driving car can be defined as ""a vehicle that can guide itself without human conduction"" (Techopedia, n.d.). Various companies are building these companies, with Waymo at the forefront of the industry. Waymo is a company owned by Alphabet Inc., located in Phoenix, Arizona. They started as Google's self-driving car project, then became an independent company. Their most recent vehicles are completely driverless, no longer equipped with steering wheels or pedals. These autonomous cars are a major technological advance that […]

Driving Ban for Women

"In June 2018, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ends its ban on women driving. While some western media has cheered such reform as a leap towards greater gender equality, many scholars disagreed and scrutinized it through a more doubtful lens especially with the imprisonment of female activists supporting the reform. This paper will investigate the development challenge of gender inequality in Saudi Arabia, focusing on gender gaps in employment. Large gender disparity in employment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia […]

Drinking while Driving

Drinking while driving is very dangerous because while you're under the influence you don’t know what you're doing. The first moment you step under that will and your under the influence you just messed up so bad. Because 9/10 your going hurt yourself and with that, someone else and you are going to wish you can take everything back that just happened but you're not going to be able to. When your driving under the influence it only takes a […]

Distracted by Technology while Driving

In today's technology filled world, it is not uncommon to be driving down the road and look to your left or right and see a driver holding their cell phone. They may be taking a call or responding to a text, however either one of these activities are an unsafe measure in a moving vehicle. Cell phones have taken over the twenty first century and are continuing to improve in technological features. These features cause more distraction for drivers on […]

Raised Age Limits for Driving

Introduction A national shift to delay teenagers from driving limit at sixteen to seventeen needs to be undertaken to reduce the greater statistical odds of crashes drivers face. The collaborative efforts of Sakai et al finds teenagers are physiologically incapable of being sensible drivers (2012). The brain of a sixteen year, according to the National Institute for Mental Health, is undeveloped in areas of impulse control and contemplation of future action consequences as compared to 18 and 21-year old drivers […]

An End to Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is putting not just the driver that is doing this at risk, but also our lives. Many of us have witnessed drivers being so distracted that they go over the lines. Something must be done in order for innocent people lives not to be in danger and to make the roads safer. According to the DMV, the Florida law is enforced as a secondary offense, which means that you cannot be pulled over for texting while driving. You […]

Distracted Driving: Motor Vehicle Safety

“The CDC estimates each day in the United States, approximately 9 people are killed and more than 1,000 injured in crashes that are reported to involve a distracted driver.” (“Distracted Driving| Motor Vehicle Safety| CDC Injury Center”, n.d.) Distracted driving is defined as the operation of a motor vehicle while engaging in any another activity that diverts attention away from the road. One needn’t look far to find a distracted driver. Simply glance to the left, right or in the […]

Drunk Driving

Drunk driving is a precedent issue that has taken a toll on a multitude of lives nationwide. Drivers have responsibilities which include driving sober, driving for the safety of yourself and others. Drinking and driving may seem harmless, until you take the lives of innocent people due to improperly operating a vehicle. When an innocent person dies due to drunk driving, not only does it affect the person who was drunk, but it affects the families and friends of the […]

Danger of Drunk Driving

"In 2016, 10,497 people died in the United States involving an alcohol-impaired driver, accounting for all traffic-related deaths," (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration). Drunk driving, a tragic occurrence in today's society, has greatly affected many lives. The damage caused by an alcohol-impaired driver is extremely costly. Vision impairment, delayed reaction time, and unsteady balance are just among the few effects a drunk driver may experience. Due to the damage and tragedies associated with drunk driving, there must be higher restrictions […]

Drunk Driving – Person Drives under the Influence of Alcohol

"Drunk driving is when a person drives under the influence of alcohol or when a person drives intoxicated. The difficulty in drunk driving is the driver is not on his or her conscious state of mind and it leads to accidents. This difficulty arises when a person who is supposed to drive starts to drink alcohol, especially over the legal limits. Effects of Drunk Driving Vision - According to sciencenetlinks.com, drinking intoxicated or drunk can alter eye movement, and alter […]

Age Limit to Teen Driving

According to the CQ Researchers, “The most powerful influence on teenagers’ relationships with cars has been American pop culture, which has always viewed cars as more than merely a means of transportation.” During the past few years, many people have been debating whether teens should be able to get their license at 16 or be pushed to 18. Teens being able to drive at 16 will bring less stress to families because, they can drive themselves and driving at the […]

Tips on how to Get Driving License and Become a Good Driver

 Driving is the coordinated operation of mind and body for the movement of a vehicle, such as a car, truck, or bus. Driving, being considered as an everyday activity for most people still has an issue of driver safety. Over the 20 years from 1980 to 2000, the number of licensed drivers in the U.S. has increased 23.7%, from about 154.0 million to 190.6 million. Total annual mileage traveled annually in the U.S. increased 28.9% from 1990 to 2000 and […]

Driving Forces Emotions and Motivations Behind Suicide

Suicide is a universal epidemic that impacts families regardless of their background or upbringings. The World Health Organization estimates that 800,000 people die from suicide every year, which comes to one death every 40 seconds (Crowder, 2018). Programs were created to combat this issue: websites listing suicide prevention hotlines and information about people who may commit suicide give resources to people who need it. Unfortunately, until more people are educated on the psychology of suicide, it will continue to be […]

XYZ Motors: Driving the Future of the Automotive Industry

In the fast-paced world of automobiles, XYZ Motors is a name that commands attention. With a rich history spanning several decades, this company has consistently been a trailblazer, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the automotive industry. Let's take a closer look at the journey of XYZ Motors, its remarkable achievements, and the impact it has had on the automotive landscape. XYZ Motors owes much of its success to its relentless pursuit of innovation. From its early days, this […]

IDriveSafely: Driving the Roads with Confidence and Care

In the digital age, the way we learn and adapt to life's essentials, including driving, has transformed dramatically. Enter IDriveSafely – a pioneering online platform dedicated to making the roads safer, one driver at a time. This isn't just another online course; it's a movement towards responsible, informed driving, combining convenience with comprehensive education. IDriveSafely has been a beacon for both budding and experienced drivers aiming to polish their driving skills or navigate the often daunting DMV requirements. What sets […]

Safely Behind the Wheel: a Melodic Ode to Responsible Driving

In the dynamic symphony of contemporary transit, the ethos of "I Drive Safely" reverberates as more than a trite catchphrase—it emerges as a profound melody that harmonizes with the ebb and flow of vehicular existence. This is not a mere declaration but an intricate tapestry woven with threads of mindfulness, responsibility, and a commitment to forging a culture of safety amidst the asphalt labyrinth. The essence of "I Drive Safely" transcends the mundane act of steering a vehicle through lanes […]

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91 Driving Essay Topics

🏆 best essay topics on driving, ✍️ driving essay topics for college, 🎓 most interesting driving research titles, 💡 simple driving essay ideas, ❓ driving research questions.

  • Drunk Driving Essay: Effects, Dangers, and Prevention of Drinking and Driving
  • The Dangers of Speeding While Driving
  • The Driving License Ban for People Under 21
  • The Dangers of Texting While Driving
  • The Technology of Self-Driving Cars
  • Driver’s Today Have Dangerous Driving Habits
  • Dangerous Driving: Many Drivers Have Dangerous Habits
  • Driving and Police Stop in Dramatic Interpretation The experience of a police traffic stop can be analyzed as dramatic interaction, wherein the driver and passengers present a play to the officer.
  • Drunk Driving Problem: Facts and Statistics The given paper revolves around the nagging problem of the alcohol abuse and drunk driving. The research is based on the new and relevant statistics obtained from the credible sources.
  • Driving in Winter vs. Summer: What’s the Difference? Driving during the summer months differs considerably from driving in winter, when roads may be covered in several inches of snow.
  • Self-Driving Cars’ Impact on Employment The effect of using self-driving cars is a drastic reduction in workplaces that is likely to become more pronounced as fewer people will be engaged in the car industry.
  • Value Proposition of Smart Technology and Self-Driving Cars This paper will focus on the business opportunities of smart technology and self-driving cars by discussing customer fears, wants, and needs.
  • Accidents and Driving in the UK The detailed statistic of accidents in the UK demonstrates the type of vehicles involved, the casualties, and circumstances.
  • Drunks Driving Websites and Their Punishments Drunk driving is a serious offense with potentially deadly consequences. Several organizations and groups are against drunk driving.
  • Annotated Bibliography of Texting While Driving Researchers conduct a selective experiment, during which they find out that the habit and uncontrolled use of social networks is behind the desire to text while driving.
  • Dangers of Drunk Driving: The Role of Preventable Steps Drunk driving is considered one of the most dangerous offenses for drivers. However, it is equally dangerous to drive a car the next morning after a party.
  • Cell Phone Ban While Driving A person is talking on the phone, so his thoughts are directed in the other direction, and therefore the concentration weakens to some extent.
  • Accidents Due to Texting While Driving: Quantitative Reasoning The research explores whether the use of cell phones and texting while driving is a major reason for the increased distracted driving fatalities.
  • Distracted Driving as a Dangerous Practice The research paper aimed at discovering the topic of distracted driving and proving that it can be as dangerous as drunk driving.
  • Old Age Limits on Driving Privileges Attentiveness and response to circumstances significantly vary with age. Older people are characterized by a slower response to circumstances.
  • The Significance of Self-Driving Cars Over the years, the automobile industry has seen many technological changes, the most notable one being self-driving cars.
  • Driving Among Diabetic Patients There is a preconceived opinion against people with diabetes that they cannot be reliable drivers. However, diabetic drivers are not a threat to other road users.
  • Drunken Driving as a Problem in Many Countries Alcohol is a drink that is made from natural products like fruits and vegetables that are fermented by the use of yeast.
  • Adolscents and Drunk Driving The essay describes the problem of the drunk driving of adolescents and provides recommendations on taking care of that problem.
  • The Trolley Problem and Self-Driving Cars The Trolley Problem is an ethics thought experiment that deals with the choice of saving several people by killing one. It is used in various moral and ethical discussions.
  • Drunk Driving Statistics and Countermeasures This paper reveals drunk driving as another key factor responsible for deaths reported on many roads not only in the U.S. but also in other countries around the globe.
  • Driving Policy & License Restrictions for Elderly
  • Physiological Reason Behind Texting and Driving
  • Driving Over the Speed Limit
  • Cerebral Oscillatory Activity During Simulated Driving Using Meg
  • Teenage Driving and the Issue of the Right Age for a Driver’s License
  • The Legal Driving Age in Britain and the Positive Outcome of Restricting the Drivers’ Age on the Roads
  • Driving Cars and Its Effects on Public Roadways
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  • Highway Safety, Economic Behavior, and Driving Environment
  • Distracted Driving Regulation and Education
  • Driving Behavior and Control in Traffic System With Two Kinds of Signals
  • Has Increased Body Weight Made Driving Safer
  • Detecting and Quantifying Mind Wandering During Simulated Driving
  • Impaired Driving and Aggressive Driving
  • Driving Laws and Penalties for Teens
  • Laws Against Cell Phone Usage While Driving
  • Increasing Driving Age Limits in Alberta
  • Imposing Maximum Driving Age in the United States
  • Defensive Driving Lane Change Tips and Techniques
  • Making Laws Against Distracted Driving
  • Clinton Voices Her Opinion in Saudi Women’s Driving Campaign
  • Eco-Driving Technology for Sustainable Road Transport
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  • Should the Age Allowance for Driving Be Lowered to 16 Years?
  • Can Police Deter Drunk Driving?
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  • Should Driving Restrictions and Guidelines Be Stricter?
  • Has Increased Body Weight Made Driving Safer?
  • What Are the Dangers of Texting While Driving?
  • Are Self-Driving Cars Really a Problem?
  • How Should Drinking and Driving Be Punished?
  • Should Everyone Have Driving Privileges?
  • Does Sleep Deprivation Significantly Interfere With Driving?
  • How Do Driving Patterns Differ in Both Men and Women?
  • Why Has Distracted Driving Become a Societal Crisis?
  • Should Senior Citizens Have to Retake the Driving Test?
  • Are There Environmental Benefits of Driving Electric Vehicles?
  • How Do the Mind and Body Interact During Driving?

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StudyCorgi. (2022, May 10). 91 Driving Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/driving-essay-topics/

"91 Driving Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 10 May 2022, studycorgi.com/ideas/driving-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2022) '91 Driving Essay Topics'. 10 May.

1. StudyCorgi . "91 Driving Essay Topics." May 10, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/driving-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "91 Driving Essay Topics." May 10, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/driving-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2022. "91 Driving Essay Topics." May 10, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/driving-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Driving were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on December 28, 2023 .

Why People Should Study Driving? Essay

Introduction, works cited.

Driving plays a significant role in a person’s life. It is an act that allows people to move from one place to another with ease and convenience. In learning driving, a person is only able to move or drive a car, but other life important aspects such as attitude, efficiency, responsibility and risk management among others are earned.

South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles notes that a good driver has to own likable actions which can contribute to his or her driving experience. Perhaps having an accuracy of observation, attention, and apt use of a car control can increase his or contentment in driving.

Sobel and Nesbit argue that awareness of their personal limits and off the road and matching a car speed and the direction in the context can equally make driving a fulfilling undertaking (83). Driving skills are not meant for the road; a person who develops good driving can achieve success in ordinary life too. This is noted through their self-confidence, strong relationships with others, among other ethics. It is on this note that people should develop a habit of studying driving.

Effective drivers are efficient. Efficiency appoints maximum output for minimum input. Efficiency drivers ensure that whatever they do has a purpose and a reason hence there is no duplication of actions and their procedures are fulfilled with utmost economy. Besides, their engagements emerge to be smooth and stylish.

The drivers’ efficiency is extended to the vehicle. In this case, drivers show mechanical sympathy; they handle the vehicle’s controls carefully with coordination and feel that upholds tear and wear. They also complete their journeys at a considerably increased speed whereas using a reduced amount of gas than their counterparts with matching cars.

Texas Defensive Driving content that driving is a habit, a driver gains a habit when he or she continuously drives. However, ineffective driving can be a consequence because it leads to a crashing habit. The strength of a habit lies in what a driver does when he or she don’t consciously try to concentrate on what is supposed to be done. Texas Defensive Driving offers new insights into gaining driving habits. A driver should try to see and think about the familiar. This will construct new behavior of thinking.

Driving encourages responsibility. A person is the sole charge while driving hence all the decisions is perked on him or her. Drivers therefore accept responsibilities for everything they feel, think and do thus they are in control of their own actions. Drivers who avoid responsibility are always accompanied by guilt. This occurs because when they perform insufficiently they blame others or their car for their own failings. So, avoiding responsibility marries poor performance creating the feeling of being powerless and stressed.

Driving demands high awareness collected by a drivers’ senses. This awareness includes the emotions and other users of the road. According to Sobel and Nesbit (73) a driver should be aware of various stakeholders who use the roads. They include the pedestrians, a walker, individuals with disabilities on a wheelchair or on foot, a roller skater and a runner among others. The drivers need to be aware of these stakeholders.

The driver should be conscious to take all precautions or to be on a look-out not to harm these categories of people. It is the role of the driver to be cautious and be on a look-out not to harm these categories of people. Also, driving enables drivers to learn about various pedestrian victims such as the drinking public, small children and an older person Sobel and Nesbit (71).

These people, because of their circumstances and their position, can be vulnerable to risks connected to driving. A driver is therefore encouraged to be on alert and be on the lookout while driving to avoid risking the life of these stakeholders (South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles).

According to Industrial and Commercial Training, driving equips a person with great knowledge, to enable him or her succeed while moving and controlling a car (50). One important skill that drivers win is they know how to drive during various seasons of the year as in present times, weather patterns have become unpredictable. When it is supposed to be summer, we notice storms, when we believe it is cold, we see temperatures rising.

Hence, this situation has demanded new driving knowledge beyond the traditional learning skills acquired in a driving school. For example during the rainy season, a driver may go beyond the ordinary known driving skills learned, to a more creative or innovative approach. Skills which are acquired innovatively during this period are paying more attention when it rains after a long season of a dry spell.

Although this condition may seem a common sense issue, most people who have acquired driving skills seems to overlook it. Wells and Stacey (58) notes during a prolonged dry season, grease and engine oil heap and condense on the road surface. When it suddenly pours and the road or highway gets wet, the oil and grease mix hence making the road more unsafe than normal.

Another area of importance is the breaking system of the car. This is an important safety feature thus without it driving is almost impossible. It is therefore important for a person driving to guarantee his or her safety and that of others by clearly understanding the breaking system of his or her car (Industrial and Commercial Training, 49). Many things can happen or go wrong with the braking system of a car. To be on the safer side, regular inspection and preventive maintenance is important to avoid missing brakes while on the road.

The beauty of driving is stemmed from on defensive driving. Defensive driving allows a person to nurture good driving techniques. This includes; being able to manage time and space, proper planning and have the right attitude. This means using the available space a driver has to maneuver and time to react. Time works to the advantage of any apprentice to compensate for their inexperience and is worthless in reducing risk in traffic.

Kennedy (31) asserts that when driving defensively do it with the flow of other cars. Defensive drivers also should try to embrace anticipation. This is one of the most valuable arsenals for a defensive driver. The driver should anticipate the moves and needs of the neighboring drivers. Defensive driving is best utilized when the driver understands the road better. Knowing the road enables a driver to embrace defensive driving safer and better.

The change that a driver makes in driving largely influences other essential activities in his or her life. These activities are relationship with others, play and work among others. For example, by becoming a confident and competent driver will increase a person’s life esteem, being energy efficient will leave you with enough energy to do other activities. Besides, reducing anxiety from road relationship will have a positive effect in building strong relationship with others, and being judgmental on the road will support a person sporting activity.

Driving strengthens one’s effectiveness, responsibility and technical knowledge of a person. Rather than these skills being practiced in the driving field, they are part and parcel of a person’s life. They help a person to establish a healthy relationship with others and develop confidence. This is why driving is a must for everyone to learn.

Alexander, Don. Stock Car Driving Techniques . Minneapolis, Motor Books International, 2002. Print.

Industrial and Commercial Training. “Drivers Direct Reaches Training Milestone”, Industrial and Commercial Training , (2011); 46-69. Print.

Kennedy, Bill. The Most Complete Book on Advanced Defensive Driving , Kansas: Bill Kennedy Driving School, 2009. Print

Sobel, S Russell, Nesbit M Todd. Automobile Safety Regulation and the Incentive to Drive Recklessly: Evidence from NASCAR. Southern Economic Journal, (2007): 71-84. Print.

South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles. Important Driving Tips; Sharing the Road with Pedestrians , 2011. Web.

Texas Defensive Driving. The Importance of Driving, 2011. Web.

Wells, John, Stacey Margaret. Learn to Drive , London: Kogan Page Publishers, 2009. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2020, April 27). Why People Should Study Driving? https://ivypanda.com/essays/why-people-should-study-driving/

"Why People Should Study Driving?" IvyPanda , 27 Apr. 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/why-people-should-study-driving/.

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Why People Should Study Driving'. 27 April.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Why People Should Study Driving?" April 27, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/why-people-should-study-driving/.

1. IvyPanda . "Why People Should Study Driving?" April 27, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/why-people-should-study-driving/.


IvyPanda . "Why People Should Study Driving?" April 27, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/why-people-should-study-driving/.

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Essay on Driving

Students are often asked to write an essay on Driving in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Driving

What is driving.

Driving is the act of controlling a vehicle, like a car or a bike. It lets people go from one place to another faster than walking or biking. To drive, you need to learn the rules of the road and how to operate a vehicle safely.

The Importance of Learning to Drive

Learning to drive is important because it helps you become independent. You don’t have to rely on others to go places. But it’s a big responsibility. You must always pay attention and follow traffic laws.

Staying Safe on the Road

Safety is the most important part of driving. Always wear your seatbelt. Make sure your car is working well before you go anywhere. Never use your phone while driving because it can distract you and cause accidents.

Respecting Traffic Rules

Traffic rules are made to keep everyone safe. Stop at red lights, stay within speed limits, and use turn signals. If you break these rules, you could get fined or cause a crash.

Driving and the Environment

Cars can harm the environment by releasing gases that pollute the air. To help, you can drive less by walking, biking, or using public transport. When you do drive, try to share rides with others.

250 Words Essay on Driving

Driving is the act of controlling a vehicle, like a car, truck, or motorcycle. It’s a way for people to get from one place to another. To drive, you need to learn the rules of the road and how to handle the vehicle safely.

Learning to drive is important because it gives you freedom. Once you know how to drive, you can go to school, work, or anywhere else without waiting for a bus or a ride from someone else. It’s a big step towards becoming independent.

Rules of the Road

When you drive, you must follow the rules of the road. These rules help keep everyone safe. They tell you how fast you can go, where you can drive, and what signs like “STOP” and “YIELD” mean. If you don’t follow these rules, you could cause an accident or get a ticket.

Being Safe While Driving

Safety is the most important part of driving. Always wear your seatbelt and make sure your car is in good shape. Never use your phone while driving, and always pay attention to the road. Remember, when you’re driving, you’re responsible for your safety and the safety of others.

Cars can harm the environment, so it’s good to think about how often you drive. Walking, biking, or taking the bus can be better for the Earth. When you do drive, try to share rides with friends or family to help the planet.

500 Words Essay on Driving

Driving is the act of controlling a vehicle and moving it from one place to another. It is a skill that many people learn as they grow up. When someone drives, they sit behind the wheel of a car, truck, or motorcycle, and use their hands and feet to steer, speed up, slow down, and stop. It’s like being the captain of a small ship on the road, deciding where to go and how to get there safely.

Learning to drive is an important step towards becoming independent. It means that you don’t have to rely on others to take you places; you can go there yourself. For adults, driving can be essential for getting to work or taking care of their families. For younger people, it might be about exploring and enjoying the freedom of going wherever they want, whenever they want.

Road Safety Rules

When driving, it’s very important to follow road safety rules. These rules are like instructions that help keep everyone safe on the road. They tell you how fast you can go, where you can drive, and what signs and signals you need to pay attention to. For example, a red light means stop, and a green light means go. There are also rules about wearing seat belts to keep you safe in case of an accident.

Respecting Others on the Road

Driving is not just about you; it’s also about sharing the road with others. This includes other cars, bikes, and pedestrians. Being respectful means watching out for others, not driving too close to the car in front of you, and allowing people to cross the street safely. When everyone respects each other, driving becomes much safer and more enjoyable.

Cars and other vehicles can harm the environment because they produce pollution. This pollution can make the air dirty and harm plants and animals. That’s why it’s good to think about how often we use cars and if there are other ways to travel, like walking, biking, or taking the bus. Some cars are even made to be better for the environment by using electricity instead of gas.

The Fun of Driving

Driving can also be fun. It feels exciting to control a car and enjoy the scenery as you travel to new places. It’s like going on a mini-adventure every time you get behind the wheel. For many people, driving is a hobby, and they take great care of their vehicles, making sure they are clean and working well.

Driving is a useful skill that offers freedom, independence, and responsibility. It is important to learn how to drive safely and to follow the rules of the road. By driving respectfully and thinking about the environment, we can make sure that driving is safe and enjoyable for everyone. Whether it’s for a daily commute, running errands, or going on a road trip, driving is a part of everyday life for many people around the world.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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111 Drunk Driving Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Drunk driving is a serious issue that affects thousands of people each year. Whether it’s a drunk driver causing a fatal accident or someone getting a DUI, the consequences of driving under the influence can be devastating. If you have been tasked with writing an essay on drunk driving, it’s important to choose a compelling topic that will engage your readers.

To help you get started, here are 111 drunk driving essay topic ideas and examples:

  • The impact of drunk driving on society
  • The legal consequences of drunk driving
  • The emotional toll of losing a loved one to a drunk driver
  • The effectiveness of DUI checkpoints
  • The role of alcohol education programs in preventing drunk driving
  • The relationship between alcohol advertising and drunk driving
  • The effects of alcohol on driving abilities
  • The prevalence of drunk driving among college students
  • The dangers of buzzed driving
  • The impact of technology on preventing drunk driving
  • The relationship between alcoholism and drunk driving
  • The cost of drunk driving accidents to society
  • The role of law enforcement in preventing drunk driving
  • The effectiveness of ignition interlock devices in reducing drunk driving
  • The impact of media coverage on public perceptions of drunk driving
  • The role of peer pressure in drunk driving incidents
  • The relationship between alcohol consumption and risky driving behaviors
  • The consequences of a DUI conviction on a person’s life
  • The impact of drunk driving on insurance rates
  • The role of parents in preventing underage drinking and driving
  • The dangers of driving the morning after drinking alcohol
  • The relationship between alcohol availability and drunk driving rates
  • The effectiveness of sobriety checkpoints in deterring drunk driving
  • The impact of stricter drunk driving laws on reducing incidents
  • The role of alcohol addiction treatment in preventing repeat DUI offenses
  • The dangers of driving under the influence of drugs
  • The effectiveness of public awareness campaigns in reducing drunk driving
  • The impact of peer intervention programs on preventing drunk driving
  • The relationship between alcohol abuse and mental health issues
  • The consequences of drunk driving for victims and their families
  • The role of bartenders and servers in preventing drunk driving
  • The effectiveness of designated driver programs in reducing drunk driving incidents
  • The impact of social norms on drunk driving behaviors
  • The relationship between alcohol consumption and risky driving decisions
  • The consequences of drunk driving for professional drivers
  • The role of technology in detecting drunk drivers
  • The effectiveness of mandatory alcohol education programs for DUI offenders
  • The impact of alcohol addiction on a person’s ability to make responsible decisions
  • The relationship between alcohol availability and drunk driving rates in different countries
  • The consequences of drunk driving for underage offenders
  • The role of friends and family in preventing loved ones from driving drunk
  • The effectiveness of community-based prevention programs in reducing drunk driving
  • The impact of alcohol-related injuries on healthcare costs
  • The relationship between alcohol consumption and aggressive driving behaviors
  • The consequences of drunk driving for commercial drivers
  • The role of peer pressure in influencing drunk driving behaviors
  • The effectiveness of alcohol treatment programs for DUI offenders
  • The impact of drunk driving on workplace safety
  • The relationship between alcohol use and impaired decision-making abilities
  • The consequences of drunk driving for first-time offenders
  • The role of alcohol abuse in causing repeat DUI offenses
  • The effectiveness of school-based prevention programs in reducing underage drinking and driving
  • The impact of alcohol availability on drunk driving rates in rural areas
  • The relationship between alcohol consumption and fatal car accidents
  • The consequences of drunk driving for military personnel
  • The role of law enforcement in enforcing drunk driving laws
  • The effectiveness of zero-tolerance policies for underage drinking and driving
  • The impact of alcohol-related incidents on college campuses
  • The relationship between alcohol use and risky sexual behaviors
  • The consequences of drunk driving for professional athletes
  • The role of social media in raising awareness about the dangers of drunk driving
  • The effectiveness of peer education programs in preventing drunk driving
  • The impact of alcohol-related incidents on academic performance
  • The relationship between alcohol consumption and domestic violence
  • The consequences of drunk driving for individuals with prior DUI convictions
  • The role of alcohol abuse in causing impaired driving skills
  • The effectiveness of community service programs for DUI offenders
  • The impact of alcohol-related incidents on family relationships
  • The relationship between alcohol use and criminal behavior
  • The consequences of drunk driving for individuals with substance abuse issues
  • The role of public transportation in reducing drunk driving rates
  • The effectiveness of breathalyzer tests in deterring drunk driving
  • The impact of alcohol abuse on a person’s

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Essay on Road Safety

500 words essay on road safety.

In today’s fast-paced world, road accidents are happening at a very high rate. Although, the technological advancements in the automobile industry has thankfully brought down the mortality rates. Nonetheless, there are a lot of potential hazards that are present on the road. Thus, road safety is important to safeguard everyone. In this essay on road safety, we will learn its importance and its basic rules.

essay on road safety

Importance of Essay on Road Safety

Road safety is important to safeguard the well-being of everyone including humans and other living beings. This essay on road safety will help us learn about why it is important. A lot of environmental factors determine our road safety.

For instance, if it is raining or there is heavy fog or smog, the visibility of the driver will be hampered. It may result in pile-ups on the highway. Similarly, there are other factors like rain that lead to hydroplaning.

In this phenomenon, the vehicles that travel at high speeds start to slide uncontrollably as the tires of the vehicle push off the ground through a thin film of water present on the road.

However, road safety rules can help us avoid all these dangerous situations easily. When people follow the road safety rules rigorously and maintain their vehicles well, everyone can remain safe.

Most importantly, it is also essential to drive within the prescribed speed limits. Also, one must not use their mobile phone when driving a vehicle. Road safety is of utmost importance to make sure that everyone remains safe and healthy.

Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas

Basic Rules of Road Safety

There are a lot of general and basic rules that one must follow when they drive vehicles or use public roads in general. The first rule is to know the signals and pay attention to them rigorously.

This applies to both the driver as well as the pedestrian. Further, it is important for those who are walking to use the sidewalks and pedestrian crossings. It is also essential to be aware of all the rules and laws of the state and abide by them.

Most importantly, it is also mandatory to have an approved driving license before getting on the road with your vehicle. Road safety sensitization is vital to ensure the safety of everyone.

Making the general public aware of the importance of road safety can help reduce the rate of accidents and road mishaps that happen on a daily basis. Seminars and educating people can be helpful to guide them and make them aware of the consequences.

Conclusion of Essay on Road Safety

To sum it up, everyone must follow the road rules. Do not drive at excessive speed and try to enhance the general awareness so risks of traffic accidents can be reduced. One must also check the vehicle health regularly and its maintenance parts to eliminate any potential risks.

FAQ on Essay on Road Safety

Question 1: What is road safety?

Answer 1: Road safety refers to the methods that we adopt to prevent road users from getting injuries or being killed in traffic accidents. They are essential to maintain everyone’s well being.

Question 2: How can one avoid traffic accidents and enhance road safety?

Answer 2: One can avoid traffic accidents by following the road rules strictly. Moreover, they must also make sure their vehicles are always well-maintained. Further, it is also vital to drive within the speed limits of the state. Do not use phones when driving or be under the influence of alcohol.

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How to Write Effective Driving Questions for Project-Based Learning

Start by understanding that driving questions are for the teacher and the student.

A closeup of a female teacher standing in front of a projector. It looks as if she's addressing her class, speaking, with her hands out, gesturing.

Andrew Miller is a consultant for the Buck Institute for Education , an organization that specializes in project-based curriculum. See his previous blogs for Edutopia and follow him on Twitter @betamiller .

Driving questions (DQ) can be a beast. When I train teachers, they say the same thing, "Writing the driving question is one of the hardest parts of an effective PBL." I agree. When I am constructing a DQ for a PBL project, I go through many drafts. It's only now, after implementing many projects and having coached countless teachers that I consider myself adept.

To get a better sense of this, I encourage you to watch some videos at the Buck Institute for Education's " How To Do PBL " playlist on their YouTube Channel before we dig in.

Our Driving Question Now Is: How to Write an Effective Driving Question?

First, we need to understand why we have them. Driving questions are there for two entities, the teacher and the student.

For the teacher : A DQ helps to initiate and focus the inquiry . Remember the project shouldn't be trying to solve the world's problems. Instead, it should be a focused action, and focused inquiry; the goal is to ensure the students are focused. The teacher needs to help focus the teaching and learning, and the driving question help with that.

It also captures and communicates the purpose of the project in a succinct question. When reading the driving question, the teacher and student should be clear on what the overall project is as well as its purpose. Also for the teacher, it helps to guide planning and reframe standards or big content and skills. I will say more about this later, but the driving question should not sound like a standard reimagined in the form of a question. Instead, use the driving question to reframe the standards in ways that are accessible to both you the teacher and the student.

For the student Ultimately, the driving question is for the students. It creates interest and a feeling of challenge so that even the most reluctant student thinks, "Hmmm, I guess that sounds kinda cool."

It guides the project work . All work for the project, including the culminating project and daily lessons and activities, should be trying to help students answer the driving question. Whether it's a lesson on commas, or implementation time, or drill-and-skill with math problems, the work needs to connect to the driving question. Why? The seemingly "boring" activities of the day-to-day have reason, relevancy and purpose, and then guess what? They aren't boring anymore.

This relates to my next point. It helps student answer the question: "Why are we doing this?" This is the Golden Question that many administrators ask students when they are visiting. If your driving question is good, it can help connect that work so that students can articulate the reason behind daily lessons and activities.

My driving question is posted all over my classroom. It's on worksheets, the project wall, and the online blog. It is continually referred to while we are working on the project so students are reminded of the purpose of the project and daily work.

The Tale of the "Snarky Kid"

I must tell the story about "Snarky Kid." Snarky Kid is the kid who pretends to hate everything in school or your class, but still shows up and does work. In my class, we were doing some comma practice sheets in class right after a direct instruction lesson. Our driving question was: "How do we get a government official to preserve both casinos and the culture of local native peoples?"

My administrator, of course, came up to Snarky Kid, and asked, "What are you working on and why?"

Snarky Kid replied, "We are working on stupid commas."

"Oh, I see," said my administrator. "Why are you working on commas?"

"Because we are writing letters to the senator to make her change her mind, and we don't want our letters to suck. We want her to read them, and not look bad."

Fantastic, right!?! Despite the crass answer, Snarky Kid was able to articulate the immediate relevance of the task. I'd like to think that maybe the driving question helped that student to answer the administrator's question.

In my next blog, we will explore different types of driving questions, look at some transformations from bad to good driving questions, and look are some further criteria. In the meantime, I'm leaving you with a task to practice refining driving questions.

Practice Refining Driving Questions

Watch the video on the Tubric, a useful tool to help create effective driving questions, and then follow this link to create one of your own. (courtesy of my colleagues at the Buck Institute for Education)

Even nerdy activities have their place in the classroom. (Can I get an amen?)

Next, use the Tubric to refine the poorly written driving questions below. It's true, you have not yet received all the tips and tricks I have to share, nor do you know exactly what the PBL projects are that connect to the driving questions presented. However, you can still practice, and maybe come up with questions of your own around creating effective driving questions. (Hint: I'm modeling part of the PBL process in this exercise.)

Here are some driving questions for you to refine. Feel free to pick one and focus your work. I'll be covering some of the tips and tricks to refine driving questions in my next post.

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Home — Essay Samples — Law, Crime & Punishment — Crime — Drunk Driving

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Essay Examples on Drunk Driving

Drunk driving essay - raising awareness and saving lives 🚫🍻.

Drunk driving isn't just a topic for essays; it's a matter of life and death. Writing an essay on drunk driving is more than an academic exercise; it's a chance to shed light on a pressing issue that affects countless lives. So, why should you write an essay about drunk driving? Let's explore the importance together! 🚫🍻

Drunk Driving Essay Topics for "Drunk Driving" 📝

Selecting the right essay topic is crucial for making a meaningful impact. Here's how to pick one:

Drunk Driving Argumentative Essay 🤨

Argumentative essays on drunk driving require you to defend a viewpoint or argument. Here are ten compelling topics:

  • 1. Argue for stricter penalties for first-time drunk driving offenders to deter potential future incidents.
  • 2. Defend your perspective on whether alcohol manufacturers should bear some responsibility for drunk driving incidents linked to their products.
  • 3. Debate the effectiveness of mandatory alcohol education programs for individuals convicted of drunk driving.
  • 4. Argue for or against lowering the legal blood alcohol content (BAC) limit for drivers to reduce drunk driving accidents.
  • 5. Defend the idea that drunk driving should be considered a felony rather than a misdemeanor, regardless of previous offenses.
  • 6. Debate the role of ride-sharing services and their impact on reducing drunk driving incidents.
  • 7. Argue for implementing advanced alcohol detection systems in vehicles to prevent drunk driving altogether.
  • 8. Defend your perspective on whether alcohol advertisements should carry warning labels about the dangers of drunk driving.
  • 9. Debate the impact of community-based initiatives and education programs in reducing drunk driving rates.
  • 10. Argue for the responsibility of friends and family members to report loved ones who are habitual drunk drivers to authorities.

Drunk Driving Cause and Effect Essay 🤯

Cause and effect essays on drunk driving explore the reasons behind incidents and their consequences. Here are ten topics to consider:

  • 1. Analyze the causes and effects of alcohol addiction and its correlation with repeat drunk driving offenses.
  • 2. Examine how stricter DUI laws and penalties have contributed to a decrease in drunk driving accidents.
  • 3. Investigate the effects of alcohol impairment on decision-making and reaction times while driving.
  • 4. Analyze the causes and consequences of underage drinking and its association with future drunk driving incidents.
  • 5. Examine how public awareness campaigns and advocacy groups have influenced societal attitudes toward drunk driving.
  • 6. Investigate the impact of drunk driving on the families and communities of victims and offenders.
  • 7. Analyze the causes of variations in drunk driving rates among different regions and demographics.
  • 8. Examine the effects of technology, such as breathalyzers and ride-sharing apps, on reducing drunk driving accidents.
  • 9. Investigate the consequences of legal measures, such as ignition interlock devices, in preventing drunk driving recidivism.
  • 10. Analyze the causes and effects of alcohol-related accidents and fatalities on society's healthcare and legal systems.

Drunk Driving Opinion Essay 😌

Opinion essays on drunk driving allow you to express your subjective viewpoints. Here are ten topics to consider:

  • 1. Share your opinion on whether first-time drunk driving offenders should receive mandatory counseling and rehabilitation instead of jail time.
  • 2. Discuss your perspective on the responsibility of bartenders and alcohol servers in preventing drunk driving incidents.
  • 3. Express your thoughts on the importance of parental guidance and education in reducing underage drinking and its associated risks.
  • 4. Debate the significance of advocating for the installation of more sobriety checkpoints to deter drunk driving.
  • 5. Share your views on the role of media and entertainment in influencing societal attitudes toward alcohol consumption and drunk driving.
  • 6. Discuss the impact of personal stories and testimonials from victims of drunk driving accidents in raising awareness and effecting change.
  • 7. Express your opinion on the responsibility of businesses to provide alternative transportation options for patrons leaving their establishments intoxicated.
  • 8. Debate the merits of stricter monitoring and enforcement of DUI laws, such as random breath testing, to curb drunk driving incidents.
  • 9. Share your perspective on whether individuals convicted of drunk driving should have their driver's licenses permanently revoked.
  • 10. Discuss your favorite anti-drunk driving campaign or initiative and its effectiveness in your community.

Drunk Driving Informative Essay 🧐

Informative essays on drunk driving aim to educate readers. Here are ten informative topics to explore:

  • 1. Provide an in-depth analysis of the historical evolution of DUI laws and regulations in the United States.
  • 2. Explore the psychological and physiological effects of alcohol consumption on driving abilities and judgment.
  • 3. Investigate the role of advocacy groups and non-profit organizations in combating drunk driving and supporting victims.
  • 4. Analyze the impact of alcohol awareness programs in schools and communities on reducing underage drinking and drunk driving incidents.
  • 5. Examine the effects of alcohol addiction treatment programs on the rehabilitation and recovery of individuals with multiple DUI convictions.
  • 6. Investigate the consequences of repeat drunk driving offenses on an individual's criminal record and future employment prospects.
  • 7. Provide insights into the technology and methods used in law enforcement for detecting and apprehending drunk drivers.
  • 8. Analyze the connection between blood alcohol content (BAC) levels and impairment while driving, with a focus on legal limits and penalties.
  • 9. Examine the effects of victim impact panels and offender education programs on reducing recidivism among drunk drivers.
  • 10. Investigate the therapeutic benefits of counseling and support groups for individuals struggling with alcohol addiction and its relation to drunk driving incidents.

Drunk Driving Essay Example 📄

Drunk driving thesis statement examples 📜.

Here are five examples of strong thesis statements for your drunk driving essay:

  • 1. "In a world where the consequences of a single choice can be catastrophic, addressing the issue of drunk driving is not just a responsibility but a moral imperative."
  • 2. "Drunk driving is a grave societal issue that demands immediate attention, as it affects not only the lives of individuals but also the safety of our communities and roadways."
  • 3. "Our pursuit of a world with zero tolerance for drunk driving begins with acknowledging the devastating effects of this behavior and implementing comprehensive measures to combat it."
  • 4. "The fight against drunk driving is a collective responsibility, and as a society, we must unite to enforce stricter laws, raise awareness, and protect innocent lives."
  • 5. "As we delve into the complexities of drunk driving, it becomes evident that our commitment to eradicating this menace is not just a legal obligation but a moral duty."

Drunk Driving Essay Introduction Examples 🚀

Here are three captivating introduction paragraphs to kickstart your essay:

  • 1. "In a world where the steering wheel becomes a weapon when in the wrong hands, the fight against drunk driving is a battle for lives, a battle that each of us must engage in. As we embark on this essay journey into the heart of this critical issue, we unravel the layers of responsibility, awareness, and change."
  • 2. "Picture a night marred by the recklessness of a single decision, where blurred vision leads to shattered lives. Drunk driving, a menace that haunts our roads, demands our immediate attention. Join us in this essay's exploration as we navigate the twists and turns of this life-and-death challenge."
  • 3. "Amid the clinking glasses and carefree laughter, a dark shadow looms on the horizon: the specter of drunk driving. As we venture into the heart of this essay, we are reminded that the responsibility to combat this issue lies not only with lawmakers but with every individual who values life and safety."

Drunk Driving Conclusion Examples 🌟

Conclude your essay with impact using these examples:

  • 1. "As we draw the curtains on this exploration of drunk driving, we recognize that our collective responsibility is the key to change. The journey to safer roads continues, with each essay, each advocacy effort, and each responsible choice propelling us closer to a world without the devastating consequences of drunk driving."
  • 2. "In the final stretch of our drunk driving essay, we stand at the crossroads of awareness and action. The road ahead is clear: we must steer away from complacency, accelerate our efforts, and ensure that the tireless pursuit of safer roads never loses momentum."
  • 3. "As the echoes of our essay on drunk driving linger, we are reminded that the fight against this perilous behavior extends beyond words on a page. It is a call to action, a commitment to change, and an unwavering dedication to preserving lives and safeguarding our communities."

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Drunk driving refers to the act of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, impairing one's ability to safely control the vehicle and posing a significant risk to oneself and others on the road. It involves driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) that exceeds the legal limit set by the jurisdiction, typically measured as a percentage.

Drunk driving is a serious issue that poses a significant threat to road safety in the United States. It refers to the act of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, impairing one's ability to drive safely. This dangerous behavior has severe consequences, both for the individuals involved and for society as a whole. Statistics reveal the alarming impact of drunk driving. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in the US, an average of 10,000 lives are lost annually due to alcohol-impaired driving accidents. Drunk driving is not only a risk to the driver but also to innocent pedestrians, passengers, and other drivers sharing the road. It can lead to devastating injuries, lifelong disabilities, and emotional trauma for victims and their families. Efforts to combat drunk driving include strict enforcement of DUI (Driving Under the Influence) laws, public awareness campaigns, and initiatives promoting responsible alcohol consumption. The implementation of measures like sobriety checkpoints, ignition interlock devices, and education programs aim to reduce the incidence of drunk driving and protect lives.

MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) is an organization founded by Candy Lightner in 1980 after her 13-year-old daughter was killed by a drunk driver. MADD has played a significant role in raising awareness about the dangers of drunk driving and advocating for stricter laws and penalties. Liam Neeson, the renowned actor, has been involved in campaigns against drunk driving following the tragic death of his wife, Natasha Richardson, in a skiing accident involving alcohol. Neeson has shared his personal story to emphasize the importance of responsible alcohol consumption and the devastating consequences of impaired driving. Jacqueline Saburido, a survivor of a drunk driving accident, became a prominent advocate for raising awareness about the dangers of drunk driving. Despite suffering severe burns and permanent injuries, she dedicated her life to sharing her story and educating others about the devastating impact of impaired driving.

Drunk driving has a long and troubling historical context. The issue gained significant attention in the United States during the Prohibition era in the 1920s when the production, sale, and distribution of alcoholic beverages were banned. Despite the ban, illegal speakeasies and bootlegging operations flourished, leading to an increase in drunk driving incidents. In the mid-20th century, as automobiles became more prevalent, the dangers of drunk driving became more apparent. However, it wasn't until the 1980s that the issue gained widespread public attention. The implementation of stricter laws and public awareness campaigns aimed at curbing drunk driving began to take place. Organizations like MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) emerged as influential advocates for change. Advancements in technology, such as the introduction of breathalyzer tests and ignition interlock devices, have also played a crucial role in combating drunk driving. These devices help prevent intoxicated individuals from operating a vehicle, reducing the risk of accidents and fatalities. Today, efforts to address drunk driving continue, with law enforcement agencies, advocacy groups, and government initiatives working together to raise awareness, enforce laws, and provide support for victims and their families.

Public opinion on drunk driving is largely united in its condemnation of the behavior. The vast majority of individuals recognize the severe risks and consequences associated with driving under the influence of alcohol. It is widely understood that drunk driving poses a significant threat to public safety and can result in devastating accidents, injuries, and loss of life. The public's stance on drunk driving has evolved over time. In the past, there may have been a more lenient or tolerant attitude towards the behavior. However, with increased awareness and education about the dangers of drunk driving, public opinion has shifted towards a zero-tolerance approach. Today, there is widespread support for strict laws and penalties targeting drunk driving offenses. Public opinion favors stringent law enforcement measures, such as sobriety checkpoints and breathalyzer tests, to deter individuals from getting behind the wheel while intoxicated. Furthermore, there is growing recognition of the importance of prevention, intervention, and rehabilitation programs to address the root causes of drunk driving.

Education and Awareness: Promote educational campaigns that highlight the dangers of drunk driving and raise public awareness about its consequences. Strict Law Enforcement: Implement and enforce laws that penalize individuals caught driving under the influence, including sobriety checkpoints and license suspension. Ignition Interlock Devices: Mandate the use of breathalyzer devices in vehicles, which require drivers to pass a breath test before starting the car. Designated Drivers: Encourage the use of designated drivers who remain sober and are responsible for driving others home safely. Alternative Transportation: Promote the availability and accessibility of alternative transportation options, such as public transportation, ridesharing services, taxis, or designated driving programs. Community Support: Establish community-based programs and initiatives that offer support, counseling, and treatment options for individuals struggling with alcohol abuse. Responsible Beverage Service: Train bartenders and servers to identify and refuse service to intoxicated patrons, preventing them from driving while impaired. Social Norms Campaigns: Shift societal attitudes towards drunk driving through campaigns that emphasize responsible drinking and discourage peer pressure. Parental Involvement: Educate parents about the risks of underage drinking and empower them to have open conversations with their children about responsible alcohol consumption.

One notable example is the film "MADD: Mothers Against Drunk Driving" (1983), which tells the story of Candy Lightner, the founder of the organization Mothers Against Drunk Driving. The film highlights the personal tragedy she experienced when her daughter was killed by a drunk driver and her subsequent efforts to combat drunk driving. Another example is the television show "DUI" (Driving Under the Influence) that aired from 2004 to 2008. The show followed real-life cases of individuals arrested for drunk driving, providing a glimpse into the legal consequences and personal impact of such actions. Public service announcements (PSAs) have also played a significant role in addressing drunk driving. For instance, the impactful "Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Drunk" campaign by the Ad Council in the 1980s urged people to intervene and prevent friends from driving under the influence.

1. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), approximately 28 people in the United States die every day in motor vehicle crashes involving an alcohol-impaired driver. This accounts for one death every 52 minutes. 2. Studies have shown that the risk of being involved in a car accident increases significantly with higher blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels. For example, drivers with a BAC of 0.08% (the legal limit in many countries) are four times more likely to crash compared to sober drivers. At a BAC of 0.15%, the risk increases to about 25 times higher. 3. Despite increased awareness and efforts to prevent drunk driving, it remains a persistent problem. Based on data provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it was reported that in the year 2019 alone, an estimated 10,142 individuals lost their lives in motor vehicle accidents involving alcohol impairment in the United States. This accounted for nearly 29% of all traffic-related deaths that year.

Drunk driving is an incredibly important topic to write an essay about due to its profound impact on individuals and society as a whole. This issue poses serious risks to public safety, leading to tragic accidents, injuries, and loss of lives. Exploring the topic allows us to delve into the complex factors contributing to drunk driving and understand its consequences from various perspectives. An essay on drunk driving enables us to raise awareness about the dangers associated with impaired driving and the importance of responsible behavior. It provides an opportunity to discuss the legal, social, and ethical aspects surrounding this issue, including laws, regulations, and public attitudes. Moreover, addressing this topic can shed light on prevention strategies, such as education campaigns, stricter penalties, and technological advancements like ignition interlock systems. By writing about drunk driving, we can encourage open dialogue, prompt policy discussions, and advocate for change. Ultimately, it serves as a call to action, urging individuals to make responsible choices, support initiatives aimed at preventing drunk driving, and work towards creating safer roads for everyone.

1. Beck, K. H., Rauch, W. J., & Baker, E. A. (2014). State alcohol laws and motor vehicle fatalities revisited. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 73, 220-228. 2. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018). Impaired driving: Get the facts. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/motorvehiclesafety/impaired_driving/impaired-drv_factsheet.html 3. Fell, J. C., Scherer, M., & Thomas, S. (2017). A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of mandatory alcohol ignition interlock installation. Journal of Safety Research, 61, 177-182. 4. Hingson, R. W., & Winter, M. R. (2003). Epidemiology and consequences of drinking and driving. Alcohol Research & Health, 27(1), 63-78. 5. McCartt, A. T., Geary, L. L., & Nissen, W. J. (2004). Observational study of compliance with a state law requiring use of child restraints. Injury Prevention, 10(2), 112-116. 6. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. (2017). Traffic safety facts: Alcohol-impaired driving. Retrieved from https://crashstats.nhtsa.dot.gov/Api/Public/ViewPublication/812450 7. Shults, R. A., Elder, R. W., Sleet, D. A., Nichols, J. L., Alao, M. O., Carande-Kulis, V. G., ... & Reviews of Evidence on Interventions for Alcohol-Impaired Driving. (2001). Task Force on Community Preventive Services. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 21(4), 66-88. 8. Voas, R. B., Torres, P., Romano, E., & Lacey, J. H. (2012). Alcohol ignition interlock effects on a national scale: A 10-year follow-up. Traffic Injury Prevention, 13(6), 594-600. 9. Williams, A. F., & Wells, J. K. (1995). Characteristics of drunk driving recidivists. Addiction, 90(7), 907-914. 10. Zador, P. L., Krawchuk, S. A., & Voas, R. B. (2000). Alcohol-related relative risk of driver fatalities and driver involvement in fatal crashes in relation to driver age and gender: An update using 1996 data. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 61(3), 387-395.

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A high school senior was killed just weeks before graduation when a suspected drunk driver, speeding at over 120 mph, split his car into two during a crash in a Chicago suburb.

Marko Niketic, 17, was driving with his 16-year-old girlfriend in Glenview, IL when a sports car struck their vehicle at an intersection just after 11 p.m. on May 12.

The driver, Taeyoung Kim, 21, had been driving his 2021 Ford Mustang with a passenger from his home in Northbrook to downtown Chicago and back earlier in the day, according to court records obtained by NBC Chicago.

“The investigation revealed at 2308 hours (11:08 p.m.) on May 12, Kim drove his vehicle westbound on East Lake Ave, at a high rate of speed in a reckless manner,” the Glenview Police Department said.

Kim’s car crashed into Niketic as the teen was making a left turn through the intersection of East Lake Ave and Meadow Lane, approximately 20 miles northwest of Chicago.

17-year-old Marko Niketic was killed when a suspected drunk driver crashed into his car on May 12, 2024.

Kim had been racing past other cars going westbound on Lake Ave, with one driver noting Kim increasing speeds and turning his headlights off.

“As Niketic began turning, Kim’s vehicle approached the intersection at an immense rate of speed, still with the headlights off,” the court documents allege. “Just as Kim was entering the intersection, the headlights turned back on as Kim’s vehicle crashed into Niketic’s vehicle.”

The front of Kim’s car struck the driver’s side of Niketic’s vehicle, splitting it into two.

Taeyoung Kim was arrested and hit with several charges including reckless homicide and aggravated DUI resulting in death.

The front half of Niketic’s sedan remained in the road, with the back half being sent flying through a nearby fence and landing in a backyard.

Kim’s car, which had a dashcam recording his joyride, came to a halt near a tree on the side of the road.

Witnesses inside the homes near the scene of the crash immediately called 911 before rushing to the scene and observed Niketic inside his vehicle, appearing to be deceased, Kim’s bond court proffer read.

Niketic's sedan was split into two due to the speed force of the crash.

Other witnesses observed Kim sitting inside his car and admitted he had been drinking, while his passenger was lying on the ground bleeding heavily, WMAQ reported.

The teen was pronounced dead at the scene.

His girlfriend and Kim’s passenger were both rushed to the hospital in critical condition.

Niketic’s girlfriend, who remains unidentified, suffered a subarachnoid hemorrhage, hematoma of the brain, a fracture of the pelvis vertebrae and hyper-density of the left frontal lobe of the brain with loss of consciousness and seizure.

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She was released from the hospital on Friday.

Kim’s passenger sustained a fracture to his back and a severed artery in the crash.

Kim suffered a broken femur, and a blood-drawn test concluded he had a blood alcohol level of .088, the test also revealed he had cannabis in his system.

During their investigation, police found a bong, rolling papers, a one-hitter cannabis pipe with residue and two plastic containers with cannabis residue inside Kim’s vehicle.

A vigil was held for Niketic days later at the scene where he died.

Kim was arrested on Friday and charged with two counts of aggravated DUI causing death, reckless homicide, aggravated DUI causing great bodily harm, DUI of alcohol, DUI of drugs, and several traffic violations including speeding 35 mph over the limit.

He appeared in court on Saturday.

Kim is being held without bond, and his next court date is scheduled for May 24, according to jail records viewed by The Post.

The back half of the teen's car was sent flying through a nearby fence and landing in a backyard.

Niketic’s funeral was held on Thursday, two days before his high school, Glenbrook South, held its prom.

Niketic was set to graduate on June 2.

“He’s one of those people, you meet him, and he’s glowing. The most genuine human ever,” friend Preston Shute told NBC Chicago. “He had a lot of stuff ahead of him. I can’t really process it.”

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17-year-old Marko Niketic was killed when a suspected drunk driver crashed into his car on May 12, 2024.


Inflation eases in April as prices fall for eggs, bacon and bread, CPI data shows

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Inflation eased in April as declines in grocery and used car prices offset another rise in rent and gasoline.

After inflation picked up notably early this year, the report revealed more progress in the battle to tame prices, with an underlying inflation measure reaching a three-year low . Still, it may not be enough to convince the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates in the next couple of months .

"Today’s numbers brought welcome signs of cooling price pressures," Kayla Bruun, senior economist of research firm Morning Consult wrote in a note to clients. She added, though, that that monthly inflation is still "not low enough."

Overall prices increased 3.4% from a year earlier, down from 3.5% in March, according to the Labor Department’s consumer price index, a gauge of goods and services costs throughout the economy. On a monthly basis, costs rose 0.3%, below the 0.4% rise the previous month but above the 0.1% to 0.2% readings that prevailed last fall.

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What is core inflation in the USA right now?

Core prices, which strip out volatile food and energy items and are watched more closely by the Fed, increased 0.3% after three straight 0.4% bumps. That pushed down annual inflation from 3.8% to 3.6%, the lowest since April 2021.

Is inflation expected to go down?

After easing rapidly last year, inflation unexpectedly accelerated in the first quarter but is still down substantially from a 40-year high of 9.1% in June 2022.

As pandemic-related supply chain troubles have resolved, goods such as used cars, furniture and appliances - whose prices soared during the health crisis - have gotten less expensive. But the cost of services such as rent, car insurance and repairs, and recreation have steadily drifted higher. That’s partly because wage growth is slowing just gradually following pandemic-induced labor shortages.

By December, Barclays expects yearly inflation to slow to 3.1% and the core index measure to fall to 3.3% – still well above the Fed’s 2% goal.

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Are interest rates expected to drop?

Wednesday's report "keeps alive the prospect of the Fed starting to cut rates in September,” Nationwide Chief Economist Kathy Bostjancic wrote in a note to clients.

Fed rate cuts would lower borrowing costs for mortgages, credit cards and auto and other consumer loans, especially aiding low- and middle-income Americans. They also would push down bank savings account yields that have finally have gotten more generous after years of meager returns.

As recently as late March, the Fed was forecasting three rate cuts this year after price increases had slowed dramatically in 2023. From March 2022 to July 2023, the Fed raised its benchmark short-term rate from near zero to a 23-year high of 5% to 5.25% to subdue inflation.  

But a third straight month of hot inflation in March 2024 led Fed Chair Jerome Powell and other central bank officials to proclaim that rates will likely stay higher for longer as they await a more sustainable move to the Fed’s 2% target.

Powell repeated that message at a conference in Amsterdam on Tuesday, saying, “We’ll need to be patient and let restrictive policy do its work.”

The futures market now foresees the Fed's first rate cut in September and another in December. Before the inflation flare-up, it was betting on an initial cut in June and a total of three decreases in 2024.

What is the stock market doing today?

Investors welcomed the modest inflation slowdown that maintained hopes for at least some rate cuts this year. All three major stock indexes set new records. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed up 349 points at 39,908. The S&P 500 index was up 1.2% to 5,308. And the tech-heavy Nasdaq rose 1.4% to 16,742.

Why are US gas prices rising again?

Gasoline prices rose 2.8% in April, the third straight increase after four straight monthly declines. Demand is picking up as the spring driving season gears up and refiners switch to more expensive summer blends.

Will rent go down in 2024 in the USA?

Together, the cost of housing and gas accounted for more than 70% of the monthly increase in overall prices

Rent increased 0.4% in March, the latest in a long string of hikes. That nudged down the annual rise to a still elevated 5.4% from 5.7%. Economists expect rent increases to moderate, based on new leases, but that has rippled just gradually to existing leases.

The cost of some other services also kept moving higher. Auto insurance leaped 1.8% and is up 22.6% in the past year. Medical care increased 0.4%. and personal care services, such as haircuts and laundry jumped 1.1%.

But as the summer travel season draws near, airfares fell 0.8% and hotel rates edged down 0.2%. Car repair costs were flat but still up 7.6% from a year earlier.

Are food prices increasing or decreasing?

Grocery prices dropped 0.2% after flatlining the previous two months, nudging down the annual increase to just 1.1% and giving consumers continued relief from the pandemic’s supply chain snarls and food price run-ups.

The prices farmers received for items such as vegetables, dairy and poultry softened in March, leading to drops in retail prices last month, according to Barclays and the Agriculture Department

 Egg prices tumbled 7.3%; bacon fell 0.7%; chicken dropped 0.8; and bread dipped 0.2%.

Other items got a bit more expensive. Breakfast cereal prices rose 3.1%; rice, 0.4%; and uncooked ground beef, 0.3%.

Will the cost of goods come down?

Goods prices continued to slide as pandemic-related supply snags and demand surges faded. Used car prices declined by 1.4; furniture, by 0.5%; and appliances, by 0.9%.

Tesla plans a data center for self-driving in China, report says

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Tesla is reportedly in the early stages of planning to build a data center to train its self-driving AI in China.l

According to a new report from Reuters, Tesla is looking to build a data center for self-driving in China:

As part of that effort, Tesla has been developing plans for a data center in China to train the algorithm needed for more fully autonomous vehicles, according to two people, who asked not to be named because the work remains private.

Following Elon Musk’s recent visit to China, Tesla seems to have made progress toward bringing its ‘Supervised Full Self-Driving’ to the country.

The automaker has reportedly secured conditional approval to deploy the system in the market .

Part of why it reportedly gained this approval is a supposed deal to handle self-driving data in China.

Tesla has had issues with data management in China for a few years. The company’s  vehicles were even banned by Chinese authorities  at times in certain locations due to fear of spying related to the use of cameras on Tesla’s vehicles and its data management.

When it was reported that Tesla had secured the conditional approval, it was reported that Tesla had satisfied the government’s request regarding data management.

Electrek’s Take

Top comment by aroma man.

CCP can't secure access to the data if it remains in US

It would make sense if Tesla had appeased the government with its data management; there would be a major local data center in the works.

Tesla is going to need to train its neural nets with a lot of videos from its cars in China in order to adapt its Full Self-Driving neural nets to Chinese roads. It sounded like the government had concerns about these videos making it outside the country.

Therefore, I wouldn’t be surprise if this report turns out to be true.

Electrek previously reported that Tesla plans to build its own ‘first of its kind’ data centers .

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Tesla is a transportation and energy company. It…

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Reporting by Mike Spector and Chris Prentice in New York Additional reporting by Hyunjoo Jin in San Francisco and David Shepardson in Washington Editing by Brian Thevenot and Matthew Lewis

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Mike Spector is a correspondent at Reuters covering corporate crises that span bankruptcy, mass tort litigation and government investigations. He was the first to expose Johnson and Johnson’s plan to offload into bankruptcy lawsuits alleging its iconic Baby Powder caused cancer. He later revealed in an investigative series how J&J and other businesses and nonprofits use the bankruptcy system to escape liability for lawsuits over deadly products and sexual abuse while avoiding filing for Chapter 11 themselves. Mike has also contributed to an award-winning Reuters series on pervasive secrecy in American courts that covers up evidence of deadly products. Mike previously worked at The Wall Street Journal, where he covered bankruptcy and private equity on the paper’s mergers and acquisitions team, and also the automotive industry. He has been part of award-winning teams that covered the government-brokered rescue and bankruptcy of General Motors; insider trading and related bankruptcy debt-trading issues; and emerging concerns with Tesla’s self-driving car technology. He has a master’s degree from Columbia University’s journalism school and an undergraduate degree from Johns Hopkins University.

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Chris Prentice reports on financial crimes, with a focus on securities enforcement matters. She previously covered commodities markets and trade policy. She has received awards for her work from the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing and the Newswomen’s Club of New York.

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Pennsylvania to ban cell phone use while driving and require police to collect traffic stop data

FILE - Gov. Josh Shapiro, D-Pa., speaks at a campaign event, Tuesday, April 16, 2024, in Scranton, Pa. Republican lawmakers on Tuesday advanced legislation for a $3 billion tax cut, their just-unveiled counterproposal to Democratic Gov. Josh Shapiro's budget plan as each side offers a competing vision for how to use a massive cash surplus sitting in the state treasury. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)

FILE - Gov. Josh Shapiro, D-Pa., speaks at a campaign event, Tuesday, April 16, 2024, in Scranton, Pa. Republican lawmakers on Tuesday advanced legislation for a $3 billion tax cut, their just-unveiled counterproposal to Democratic Gov. Josh Shapiro’s budget plan as each side offers a competing vision for how to use a massive cash surplus sitting in the state treasury. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)

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HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Pennsylvania will join the majority of states that ban motorists from handling a cell phone for almost any purpose while driving, as backers of the legislation hope to reduce distracted driving accidents and deaths after nearly two decades of pressing the measure.

Gov. Josh Shapiro’s office said Thursday that the Democrat will sign the bill, 18 years after he first introduced a similar bill when he served in the state House of Representatives. The ban will take effect a year after he signs it, which is expected in the coming days.

The bill also includes a provision long-sought by the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus as a bulwark against racial profiling. That provision requires bigger police departments, as well as the Pennsylvania State Police, to collect and publicly report data on traffic stops, including a driver’s race.

The bill passed both chambers of the state Legislature this week and will bring Pennsylvania into alignment with the law on motorists’ cell phone use in every one of its neighboring states. Currently, Pennsylvania’s restriction on cell phone use while driving applies only to texting.

FILE - Signage hangs at CNN center, April 21, 2022, in Atlanta. Alice Stewart, a CNN political commentator and veteran political adviser who worked on a number of GOP presidential campaigns, has died at age 58, the news network reported Saturday, May 18, 2024. (AP Photo/Mike Stewart, File)

Sen. Rosemary Brown, R-Monroe, had pushed for more than a decade to toughen Pennsylvania’s restriction on cell phone use while driving. Its passage is a “monumental victory” for Pennsylvania that will protect drivers, prevent crashes and save lives, Brown said in a statement.

Under the bill, police can ticket a driver who is handling their phone for almost any reason. Drivers can still use their phone to make phone calls or for other functions, such as listening to music, if they are using it hands-free with technology such as a docking station, Bluetooth or speakers.

The ban applies to motorists sitting in traffic or stopped at a traffic light, but does not include a driver who has parked on the side of the road or another place where the vehicle can remain stopped safely.

Other exceptions include for navigational use or alerting emergency responders. A first offense is punishable by a $50 fine and offenders who cause serious accidents could get more time in prison.

Shapiro called the bill “common sense.”

“I’ve met too many families that have an empty seat at the dinner table because of distracted driving. I’ve met too many people with injuries that they’re going to live with for the rest of their lives because they were hit by a distracted motorist,” Shapiro told WILK-FM radio in Pittston during an interview last month.

Crashes where a distracted driver was a contributing factor are down in Pennsylvania in the past decade, as crashes overall have declined, according to state data.

In some years, it was the second-leading cause of accidents. In 2022, it was the third-leading cause. That was behind speed and improper turning, but ahead of drinking alcohol, careless passing and tailgating.

Twenty-eight states already ban cell phone use while driving, according information from the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Meanwhile, at least 23 states have laws on collecting data on traffic stops, the group said.

Rep. Napoleon Nelson, D-Montgomery, the chair of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus, said caucus members were concerned that police could abuse a broad new power to pull over motorists and target racial minorities.

Collecting traffic stop data is important for accountability, Nelson said.

“I think this will be a significant win for transparency and help to continue building trust between community members and those who are sworn to serve and protect,” Nelson said in an interview.

Rep. Donna Bullock, D-Philadelphia, who worked for several years to get the provision into law, called it a “big step for Pennsylvania.” The Pennsylvania State Police recently began voluntarily collecting and reporting traffic stop data and some municipal police departments do as well, Bullock said.

But the methods of individual departments aren’t uniform, like they will be under the new law, Bullock said.

Data released last year by the state police and analyzed by the National Policing Institute showed no disparities between racial and ethnic groups for warnings, citations or arrests. But troopers were more than twice more likely to search Black and Hispanic drivers than white drivers, the report showed.

Under the forthcoming law, data that police must report includes the reason for the stop, details from a search of the vehicle and the race, ethnicity, age and gender of the driver who was stopped. Police forces that serve municipalities under 5,000 people are exempt from the requirement.

The data collection requirement takes effect in a year and a half. After the cell phone ban takes effect, drivers get a grace period of another year in which they only receive a written warning for violating it.

Follow Marc Levy at twitter.com/timelywriter .



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