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Patriotism and unity in malaysia’s multicultural society, by dr. amerjit singh |  opinion  |.

Patriotism is a very important ingredient  in the process of maintaining unity. Patriotism often refers to feelings of love and affection for the country. In the context of Malaysia, the spirit of patriotism, among others, is focused on the characteristics of obedience to the law and unwavering loyalty to national sovereignty.

A comprehensive policy known as the ‘National Unity Policy’ was recently launched by the Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.  The “National Unity Policy” underscores the importance of unity in diversity. It strives to strengthen Malaysia’s national unity along with integration that is based on the Federal Constitution and Rukun Negara . This policy aims to form national identity along with the spirit of being patriotic, tolerance, mutual respect and as well as being responsible. Undeniably, patriotism is indeed significant in bringing about a united Malaysian society.

In this regard, in enhancing patriotism and the understanding of democracy, it is essential for us to enhance our appreciation towards Malaysian history. It is true that history has taught us the meaning of maturity – the state of being mature, both intellectually and emotionally.. The sharing of a balanced historical education, among others, encompasses the history of the Federation of Malaya in 1957, followed by the Formation of Malaysia in 1963. It also includes the sacrifices made by  local warriors such as Tok Janggut, Rentap and Dato Maharaja Lela and our heroes who fought for independence, for instance. Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj, Tun Tan Cheng Lock and Tun V.T. Sambanthan. This sharing should be nurtured from an early age. As such, the preservation of thought in historical education is believed to be able to increase the identity and spirit of patriotism among the younger generation in Malaysia.

Furthermore, the effort of enhancing literacy, understanding and appreciation regarding the sovereignty of the Federal Constitution and Rukun Negara are important in  our daily lives. The lack of understanding the principles and values ​​of the Federal Constitution, for example, will lead to confusion and turmoil over religious and race issues. This matter is feared to cause conflict among Malaysians. In this regard, various programmes and activities, for example, the National Speech Competitions, the National Storytelling Competitions, the Poetry and Short Story Writing Competitions as well as the entertaining Patriotic Stars programs are able to instil and strengthen the spirit of patriotism among the Malaysian plural society.

As the elderly saying goes, everything happens for a reason. Similarly, when applied in the context of patriotism, COVID-19 pandemic which has recently hit our country has successfully strengthened  the spirit of patriotism and, at the same time, the spirit of unity among Malaysians. This pandemic has shown that the Malaysian society is eager to help each other regardless of race, religion and political beliefs. Some are willing to provide food, clothing, necessities and others to the frontliners as well as people who are in need. In addition, the public has shown affection to the country by expressing their heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to the frontliners. All these clearly reflect the spirit of patriotism and strong unity among the Malaysian plural society.

In conclusion, it’s undeniable that the spirit of patriotism is the root to the unity of our multiracial society in Malaysia. In our effort to increase the spirit of patriotism and maintaining unity, we cannot rely solely on the role of government. Certainly, this is a shared responsibility collaboration and requires strong support and cooperation of non-Governmental organizations, the private sector, GLCs and related stakeholders. Such integrated involvement is indeed significant as they resemble unity amongst the people.  So, let us all continue to enhance the spirit of patriotism in our noble desire to preserve and maintain the unity of the country, and ultimately, for the sake of harmony, prosperity  and the well-being of all Malaysians.


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Fostering sense of patriotism, devotion and unity in malaysian youth.

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Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! proclaimed the late Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj as he created Malaysian history on 31st August 1957 by declaring our independence at the historic Merdeka Stadium.

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This year, our beloved country will be celebrating its 63rd National Day, which is just around the corner. Something to ponder: do our Malaysian youth really understand and appreciate the independence they have inherited, which was achieved before they were born or do they feel it is nothing but just an ordinary National Day, which comes every year, without any spirit of patriotism, pride, dignity or responsibility for the country. The late United States President John F Kennedy once said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”

Patriotism and loyalty signify much more than words

Patriotism and loyalty are not just words that are uttered but they come from the heart, the inner spirit of oneself. Hence, the value of devotion for the country should be nurtured in childhood years because when children love their home, land and country, they would grow up appreciating their inheritance, culture, social values, history, heritage and diversity, and strive to improve Malaysia in any aspect of their lives, either socially, economically or intellectually.

Patriotism can be instilled in Malaysian youth through awareness, education and knowledge. The education system should be tailored to inculcate not only in terms of bringing a sense of pride and dignity but also fostering in their hearts and minds the sense of belonging to the country and nation.

We should be proud as Malaysia is a unique, blended multi-racial country comprising different races and a diversity of cultures and customs. It acts as a melting pot and requires strong assimilation and nation-building, not only to strengthen and prolong the peace and unity among Malaysian adults and youth but also to break down the barriers and bridge the gaps in their differences.

It requires a strong quality of youth and inspirational people from good personalities to bring glory and joy for Malaysia and represent the country in the sectors of education, trading, economy, sports, technology and entertainment locally and internationally.

Fundamentally, a sense of belonging is a core element that needs to be seriously infused, supported and preserved in youth. This is vital as only through a deep sense of belonging can Malaysia’s younger generation be moulded into responsible and matured citizens as well as shaped into charismatic, honest and respectful future leaders of the country.

Cultivating the spirit of independence in the young generation

The young generation can be moulded into looking at things not only with a rational, sensible state of mind in a broad perspective but also brilliantly thinking out of the box. Let the youth embrace democracy by mingling, mixing with good peers. Let them grow up together so that they will be able to get to know, understand and appreciate the values of the different races, ethnic groups and cultures without compromising their traditions, cultures and religious beliefs.

As a matter of fact, the younger generation or Gen Z must be made aware of the importance of unity, social cohesion and reconciliation as they are not only the cornerstone of the nation’s success but also key to the political, social and economic growth of the country. As youth are the future leaders of the nation, it is imperative that they have good moral values and interpersonal communication in navigating the differences in race, language, culture and religion.

Education plays a role in inculcating awareness and nation-building

Now, education plays an important role in educating and cultivating the young generation on history, religion, morals or civic-minded unity early in school where efforts can be made to instill the values of inter-racial harmony, unity and peace among them as they will grow up to become healthy, responsible Malaysian youth. This helps to prevent them becoming rebellious or racist.

Educators need to use creativity and skills to get the Gen Z of all races to participate in indoor or outdoor activities that enhance racial integration and unity so that nation-building will take place efficiently. They must be the prime movers of our educational transformation, not only to teach, and impart knowledge and skills but also to unite the young generations of the different races through activities in line with the aspiration of unity.

In fact, the books, curriculums or the content of programmes should be interesting, informative and helpful in assisting, revitalising and exposing the younger generation in nurturing the spirit of patriotism, thus enabling them to appreciate the heroes who sacrificed their blood, sweat and tears fighting for independence.

Healthy activities such as speech or debate competitions and museum visits or bringing the Gen Z down memory lane, and narrating to and exposing them to history like other Asian countries such as Japan, Indonesia and India will make them proud of their origins so that the young generation know how to appreciate the sacrifices made by their forefathers and have devotion for the country. This is to bring about mutual respect, a sense of belonging, humility and good social values among the younger generation to learn and respect the elders or senior citizens in Malaysia. Consequently, this will not only prevent our youth and culture from being imperialised or colonialised but also reduce the social problems among Malaysian youth. This is line with the efforts to develop civilised youth to serve the country as noble citizens and make a successful nation of Malaysia.

Challenges of parents in bringing up Gen Z

Parents should not neglect their responsibility, not only in the upbringing but also in adapting positive values so as to inspire their children to be of good behaviour which would help them in creating durable qualities of youth in catering to the needs and wants of the nation.

Values such as honesty, integrity, modesty, tolerance, diligence, fairness, respect for elders and civic-consciousness must be upheld dearly. In reality, it is a big challenge for the parents as they have to strike while the iron is hot as youth are the gems of the nation.

After 63 years of Malaysia having gained her independence, we Malaysians should be more dignified being united as we share the same hopes, aspirations and dreams. All of us should proudly identify ourselves first as Malaysians. Personally, I have always believed that to be a Malaysian does not make me as a person less Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan, Iban, Bidayuh or others.

Value the solidarity, virtues and true identity of Malaysia

National unity and integration can be made stronger and more vibrant through implanting the value of patriotism, adhering to the Rukun Negara and practising true Malaysian identity. It means everything, not only raising our Jalur Gemilang flags, singing our national anthem Negaraku, pledging our Rukun Negara at every assembly or meeting or attending the National Day parade but also proudly speaking the Bahasa Kebangsaan language, respecting one another, practising good vibes, a healthy culture and appreciating independence.

History has proven that Malaysia was able to overcome any challenge when Malaysians remain united. It is not about fighting the enemy with guns, it is about defending our country or speaking for our own rights through the correct medium rationally and sensibly, not by being barbaric, staging uprisings on the streets, protesting with rage, violating regulations and the Federal Constitution and democracy of Malaysia.

Our diversity is our strength and it is essential for achieving development and socio-economic progress as well as our ability to conquer various adversities. Malaysians of different languages, races, ethnicity, cultures and religions complement each other and our diversity should not be an obstacle for us to lead a live of happiness, harmony, solidarity and peace.

All Malaysians, especially the younger generation, need to appreciate the concept of unity where everyone accepts our uniqueness and togetherness so that we can live together in mutual respect and trust. It is the key to a peaceful country and wellbeing of Malaysians.

Nationhood and nation-building are meaningless if the younger generation is not injected with the appropriate values as they grow up to fill the role of today’s citizens and future leadership.

Transformation of youth for the nation

Youth have the power to transform the nation into a better place and bring on positive changes in the country. Equipped with good and positive values, they can influence their social circle into contributing to vast national development and nation-building. We need to give our youths a chance to prove themselves and to excel. We also need to instill good social vibes and moral values in them to handle conflicts positively and to address problems related to social disorder.

Our youths must have the ability and take initiatives to be “ethnic bridge builders” to improve ethnic relations in the country by neutralising the politics of hatred, racial polarisation and racial exclusiveness which seem to be on the rise now, including the COVID-19 xenophobia racism. This happens widely now in the United States, China, Canada, Australia and other European countries where there is a fuelling of sentiments of racism during the COVID-19 pandemic. Certainly, it creates prejudice and misconceptions, thus jeapordising harmony and affecting nation- building.

Social activist Tan Sri Dr Lee Lam Thye once said 2020 is not only a year to make Malaysia a fully industrialised nation in the economic sense but also to ensure it is completely developed in all aspects, including the moral, social stability and ethical dimensions. Hence, this is to ensure a better production of civilised and valued Malaysian youth, standing in the eyes of the world and surviving the test of time.

Malaysians, treasure our peace and independence and preserve our sovereignty as we never know for how long it will last. United we stand, divided we fall.

Norazlinda Hj Mohammad is Senior Lecturer at the Alor Gajah (Melaka) Campus of Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).

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Q-dees Blog

Q-dees Blog

Parenting & Early Childhood Education Tips

5 Reasons to Instil Malaysian Patriotism in Young Children — And How

As Malaysia’s 64th Independence Day draws near, many of us feel excited to renew our patriotic spirit to celebrate Merdeka. Fostering a sense of patriotism in Malaysia means educating oneself on the country’s history, heritage, cultural and ethnic diversity. Inculcating patriotism from a young age comes with a list of lifelong benefits that enable children to: 

  • Develop independence

Patriotism teaches children to become more independent. When you talk about how Malaysia first achieved its independence to your child, relate this to how they too can be independent. Learning more about Malaysia’s history of independence encourages preschoolers to be more self-reliant in which they are more willing to learn how to complete tasks and solve problems on their own.

  • Promote sense of belonging

One of the ways to instil patriotism in young children is to familiarize themselves with the history of the country. It is believed that the younger generation is less patriotic than the older generation because they lack exposure to history. Children do not have the same privilege as adults when it comes to experiencing milestones and hardships Malaysia has gone through over the years to have emerged as successful as it is today. Therefore, by getting to know Malaysia’s history, they will develop a sense of attachment and pride of being a citizen of the country.

  • Build determination and resilience

Malaysia’s journey to independence features yearslong struggle, courage and bravery by people who fought hard for this beloved country. When children develop a sense of patriotism, they will emulate the same kind of determination whenever they are faced with everyday challenges of childhood. This makes preschoolers more resilient to overcome different obstacles in their lives.

  • Cultivate good moral values

“Budi Bahasa, Budaya Kita” — Malaysians are known for their warmth and hospitality. Instilling love for this nation within young children means instilling exemplary values at a young age. Values such as respecting elders, modesty, and politeness are sought after among Malaysians; therefore, developing these core values earlier on offers preschoolers lifelong advantages.

  • Foster ambition

It is important to nurture ambition from a young age as it encourages children to have a positive outlook in life, to perform well in everything that they do and to work hard in accomplishing their goals. Patriotism guides your child to take pride in their own accomplishments, strengths and talent. This motivates them to unleash their full potential.

Celebrating Merdeka During the Pandemic

Although Merdeka Day celebrations usually mean large gatherings at the Dataran Merdeka , colourful parades, flag-waving cheer and fireworks, the pandemic has put a halt on these lively celebrations.

It is devastating, to say the least, that many preschoolers do not have the opportunity to experience Merdeka Day celebrations from a young age due to the pandemic. National celebrations such as this are crucial for children’s healthy development and growth. This is because these events broaden children’s understanding of the world around them and cultivate important values such as gratitude, respect and tolerance.

Despite this, there are actually plenty of ways to celebrate Merdeka day with your whole family during the pandemic. In embracing the new norm, celebrations can now be carried out whilst still practising the same precautions that ensure our family’s well-being, safety and health. 

Merdeka day celebrations are all about showing appreciation, love and pride for our country.. Here are some ideas to make your ‘at-home’ Merdeka 2021 celebration more exciting for your children:

  • Dress up in colours of the Malaysian flag

Did you know that the colours of the clothing you wear can impact your emotions and mood? Wearing colours of the Jalur Gemilang on Merdeka day could uplift your child’s patriotic spirit and make them feel more excited to celebrate Merdeka day. 

You can also encourage your whole family to dress up in traditional costumes to embrace the multiracial diversity of Malaysia while wearing a hand made Merdeka headpiece. 

Here’s a tutorial video on how to make your very own Merdeka headpiece:

Template for the headpiece can be downloaded here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ixfjvmi2tvw88nc/Q-dees%20Negaraku%20Merdeka-Headpiece%20Craft%20Template.pdf?dl=0

  • Have a patriotic-themed karaoke party at home

Preschoolers learn more effectively through songs, rhymes and dance. This is why most preschool activities incorporate music and movement to keep young children engaged and excited to learn. Patriotic songs are part and parcel of independence day celebrations. Malaysia too has many iconic Merdeka-themed songs for children to sing along to such as Sudirman’s Tanggal 31 as well as Keranamu Malaysia ! 

Looking for some fresh patriotic tunes this Hari Merdeka? Listen to this Q-dees Negaraku Merdeka song that was recorded during the pandemic:

  • Take merdeka-themed photos and videos

What better way to treasure family memories than to eternalize them in photos and videos? As we now live in the age of the internet, we can now share these cherished moments with all our friends and family from across the globe! 

Besides that, when you upload your Merdeka-themed photos and videos with the hashtag #QdeesAnakMalaysia on your social media, you and your whole family could stand a chance to be featured in our Merdeka song compilation video!

All you need to do is:

  • Complete the Merdeka headpiece craft and take photos of you and your family wearing the headpiece.
  • Record a video of you and your whole family singing the Q-dees Negaraku Merdeka song.

Remember to submit your best and most creative photos and videos before August 23, 2021 !

Independence day celebrations sow the seeds of patriotism within our children. Patriotism, in its most basic sense, is a sense of pride and love for one’s country. Take advantage to educate your children on Malaysian heritage and history through Merdeka celebrations. This way, children get to explore the multicultural landscape of Malaysia more effectively. More than that, Malaysian patriotism nurtures love and appreciation for one’s country. So, join the Q-dees Negaraku Merdeka campaign today to make your Merdeka 2021 celebration worthwhile for your whole family.

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Six ways Malaysians can show their patriotism

Friday, 24 Aug 2018

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Patriotism in Malaysia Essay Example

Patriotism in Malaysia Essay Example

  • Pages: 7 (1687 words)
  • Published: March 21, 2017
  • Type: Article

The compulsory national service training 'programme is intended to foster the spirit of patriotism, encourage racial integration, and develop "positive and noble traits" among the younger generation' (Malaysiakini 13/6/2003). The targeted group is our youth of about 18 years. The object of this programme was expressed by Defence Minister Najib Tun Razak, who chairs the special cabinet committee. The programme will focus on basic military training, patriotic training and personal development including community service. ' (Malaysiakini 17/6/2003) In the military, one is trained to follow orders of superiors without question. Would this be one of the characteristics graduates of this training would be instilled with?

Hopefully not, because for a person to be a patriot, he must be a person concerned with the well being of the

nation and this means that he must be a person who will be brave enough to stand up to criticize bad leaders, bad policies, bad laws, corrupt practices, lack of transparency in the leadership and/or the government of the day, injustices around him, abuses of powers and everything that is not good for Malaysia and Malaysians as a whole. He must be a participative citizen of Malaysia, and not a by-stander silenced by fear and/or other self-interest.

A patriot must be a person who will also get involved in the day-to-day politics of the nation, at every level; this would mean he will not only support good candidates for leadership, but will also offer himself as a candidate. There was, at one time, many Malaysians who were like 'Hang Tuah', a person with total and blind loyalty to the rulers of the day, irrespective of whether justice or injustic

was done or ordered to be done - but today we find that more and more Malaysians are becoming like 'Hang Jebats', a person who would voice out and protest injustices done even by the rulers of the day.

Hang Jebat protested against the injustice done to Hang Tuah, unlike the blind unquestioning loyalty of Hang Tuah (although I may not agree with the form he employed). Many Malaysians, especially the youth of Malaysia, who were once all-believing of what their leaders said and of all that they read in the media are today in 2003, more critical and questioning.

This questioning in the minds of Malaysians has today gone beyond private chit-chats in coffee shops in low voices to actual expressing of their opinions, views and questions freely. This questioning of the leadership and their actions, is not just at the level of the 'wakil rakyats' but is happening at all levels of society where election of leaders is still allowed, and is beginning to result in the rejection of bad leaders and the raising of new and hopefully better leaders.

This, I believe, is good for the nation and country as a whole. This active participation of the patriotic citizen must be encouraged and supported. The government should have faith in its citizens and should do away with the present appointment of town councillors, members of Jawatankuasa Kerja Kampung (JKKK), Jawatankuasa Kerja Taman (JKKT) and such bodies, and give back the power of choice of leaders to the citizens of Malaysia.

It is a misconception that Malaysians are not patriotic and need special compulsory 'patriotic training' to develop patriotism. Patriots shackled and prevented from the expression of

their patriotism by a controlled media, the inadequacies of means of free expression, and lack of avenues of participation in nation building would and have inadvertently suppressed this sense of patriotism.

For example, the increase in the amount of the deposit for persons interested in running for elections as wakil rakyats and state assembly men is definitely not in the best interest of the nation for it would only serve to prevent good people who are not financially well off from offering themselves as peoples' representatives. It is many a time not only the rich that make the best leaders, and I believe that the creation of greater obstacles to a person who is offering himself or herself as a leader of the nation and the Malaysian people cannot be for the good of the nation.

Suppression of patriots kills patriotism. The announcement by the Minister of the 'removal of the controversial clause in the National Service Bill which makes it an offence to incite others from not participating in the programme was retracted due to complaints from the public' (Malaysiakini 25/6/2003) must be applauded as a success for the cause for freedom of expression and as an example of a good leadership trait, ie of a leader that listens to voices of the Malaysian people.

In tabling the Bill, the Minister was reported to have said that it is the responsibility of the people to ensure that multiracial Malaysia continues to be stable and strong to achieve development in view of various new attacks such as globalisation and liberalisation. Therefore, we cannot let the polarisation and alienated relation among races to continue. (Malaysiakini 25/6/2003). The national service

training council is to have persons representing the major races. Malaysia is a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-religious nation.

In Peninsular Malaysia, as an example, the major ethnic group cannot simply be said to be Malays, Chinese and Indians. Take Indians for example: they are in reality comprised of many ethnic groups like the Tamils, Telugus, Gujeratis, Punjabis, Malayalees and Goanese. Then there are also the Sri Lankan Tamils (Ceylonese) and the Sinhala communities. Similarly with the Chinese and the other races in Malaysia. Within each of these ethnic groups, there are also people of different faiths like Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs, Bahai and others.

In fact, many Malaysians by reason of inter-marriages, some going back many generations, can now no longer be simply identified with any particular ethnic group. There has been integration but alas till this date, many of us still prefer (or are forced to) to identify ourselves by our ethnicity and not as Malaysians. To develop the patriotic Malaysian irrespective of ethnicity, religion and/or cultural difference is our hope and aspiration, but so long as race and religious-based political parties exist both in government and in the opposition, it becomes a difficult task.

As long as there is an insistence on Malaysians to identify their 'bangsa'(race) in official forms, we have a difficult task in developing the patriotic, resilient and united Malaysian equipped and ready for the 'various new attacks such as globalisation and liberalisation', and other challenges facing our nation. Compulsory national service itself will not work without a change in our political party identities.

There has to be serious evaluation within the various political parties in Malaysia to review their present objectives and causes

with the realisation that race-based and religious-based struggles and causes must give way if we truly want to develop a patriotic, resilient and united Malaysian nation, prepared to meet the new challenges and threats of this era which will face our nation. http://www. malaysianbar. org. my Powered by Joomla! Generated: 15 February, 2011, 00:58 The Malaysian Bar

The very fact that the now proposed national service training council is to have persons representing the major races itself goes against the very object of this national service program. The training council should be comprised of the best and most qualified persons, irrespective of race, ethnicity, religion, political affiliations, gender, whether they are in government or not, etc. A compulsory national service for Malaysian youth only, I believe, is insufficient to achieve the object of developing the patriotic Malaysian. There has to be a total review of many aspects of Malaysia.

For one, our education system that still primarily uses a banking methodology, which is hard on critical and differing opinions and views, and which seems to be geared primarily to generate good obedient workers for our various economic sectors needs to be reviewed. An education system that develops a thinking, expressive, critical and holistic Malaysian is needed. Similarly, there must be a review and repeal of all legislation that curtails and/or which instils the fear to dissent, if we truly want to develop stronger, united and patriotic Malaysians who will be ready to face the challenges and threats of tomorrow.

Like the withdrawal of the offensive clause, the government of the day and all leaders at all levels must encourage Malaysians to voice out their views, opinions and suggestions,

and the leaders must listen to their people and respond accordingly. That will definitely better achieve what this national service program seeks to achieve rather than the compulsory program itself. Encouraging participation of the Malaysian people, will develop a more patriotic Malaysian people concerned with the betterment and the strengthening of the nation.

The silence, the 'tidak apa' attitude, the 'lepak' culture, the indifferent behaviour of many Malaysians today can be linked to the fact of curtailed freedom, the inadequacies of avenues of expressions, the general feeling that leaders do not listen to the people after getting elected. As such, I am of the opinion that the Bill should be made accessible to the members of the public, and the Minister and Parliament should allow for more views before passing of this Act, if that is what the Malaysian public really wants.

The Minister, when he removed that controversial clause, demonstrated that our present leaders do sometimes listen to the views of the Malaysian public, but alas, that alone is not sufficient, for if we really desire 'to foster the spirit of patriotism, encourage racial integration, and develop "positive and noble traits" among the younger generation' and all Malaysians, we must ensure that multi-racial Malaysia continues to be stable and strong to achieve development in view of various new attacks such as globalisation and liberalisation.

Lastly, I must say that I believe that patriotism, racial integration, and 'noble and positive traits' cannot be developed by force, threats and compulsion. Hence, the very existence of all kinds of offences and penalties within the Bill itself must be reviewed. Remove the shackles that curtail freedom of expression and participation, increase

accountability and transparency in government, and then we may no more need the compulsory national service program to achieve the objects of this program.

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