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Essays about Culture and Identity: 9 Examples And Prompts

Writing essays about culture and identity will help you explore your understanding of it. Here are examples that will give you inspiration for your next essay.

Culture can refer to customs, traditions, beliefs, lifestyles, laws, artistic expressions, and other elements that cultivate the collective identity. Different cultures are established across nations, regions, communities, and social groups. They are passed on from generation to generation while others evolve or are abolished to give way to modern beliefs and systems.

While our cultural identity begins at home, it changes as we involve ourselves with other groups (friends, educational institutions, social media communities, political groups, etc.) Culture is a very relatable subject as every person is part of a culture or at least can identify with one. Because it spans broad coverage, there are several interesting cultural subjects to write about.

Our culture and identity are dynamic. This is why you may find it challenging to write about it. To spark your inspiration, check out our picks of the best culture essays. 

1. Sweetness and Light by Matthew Arnolds

2. how auto-tune revolutionized the sound of popular music by simon reynolds, 3. how immigration changes language by john mcwhorter, 4. the comfort zone: growing up with charlie brown by jonathan franzen, 5. culture and identity definition by sandra graham, 6. how culture and surroundings influence identity by jeanette lucas, 7. how the food we eat reflects our culture and identity by sophia stephens, 8. identity and culture: my identity, culture, and identity by april casas, 9. how america hinders the cultural identity of their own citizens by seth luna, 1. answer the question, “who am i”, 2. causes of culture shock, 3. your thoughts on dystopia and utopia, 4. gender inequality from a global perspective, 5. the most interesting things you learned from other cultures, 6. the relationship between cultural identity and clothes, 7. describe your culture, 8. what is the importance of honoring your roots , 9. how can a person adapt to a new culture, 10. what artistic works best express your country’s culture, 11. how has social media influenced human interaction, 12. how do you protect the cultures of indigenous peoples, 13. are k-pop and k-drama sensations effectively promoting korea’s culture , 14. what is the importance of cultural diversity.

“… [A]nd when every man may say what he likes, our aspirations ought to be satisfied. But the aspirations of culture, which is the study of perfection, are not satisfied, unless what men say, when they may say what they like, is worth saying,—has good in it, and more good than bad.”

Arnolds compels a re-examination of values at a time when England is leading global industrialization and beginning to believe that greatness is founded on material progress. 

The author elaborates why culture, the strive for a standard of perfection, is not merely driven by scientific passions and, more so, by materialistic affluence. As he esteems religion as “that voice of the deepest human experience” to harmonize men in establishing that ideal society, Arnolds stresses that culture is the effort to “make reason and the will of God prevail” while humanizing gained knowledge to be society’s source of “sweetness and light.”

“Few innovations in sound production have been simultaneously so reviled and so revolutionary. Epoch-defining or epoch-defacing, Auto-Tune is indisputably the sound of the 21st century so far.”

Reynolds shows how Auto-Tune has shaped a pop music genre that has cut across cultures. The article maps out the music landscape Auto-Tune created and examines its impact on the culture of song productions and the modern taste for music. While the author debunks accusations that Auto-Tune destroyed the “natural” process of creating music, he also points out that the technology earned its reverence with big thanks to society’s current custom of using technology to hide blemishes and other imperfections.

Looking for more? Check out these essays about culture shock .

“… [T]he heavy immigration that countries like Italy are experiencing will almost certainly birth new kinds of Italian that are rich with slang, somewhat less elaborate than the standard, and… widely considered signs of linguistic deterioration, heralding a future where the “original” standard language no longer exists.”

American linguist McWhorter pacifies fears over the death of “standard” languages amid the wave of immigration to Europe. On the contrary, language is a vital expression of a culture, and for some, preserving is tantamount to upholding a cultural standard. 

However, instead of seeing the rise of new “multiethnolects” such as the Black English in America and Kiezdeutsch in Germany as threats to language and culture, McWhorter sees them as a new way to communicate and better understand the social groups that forayed these new languages.

“I wonder why “cartoonish” remains such a pejorative. It took me half my life to achieve seeing my parents as cartoons. And to become more perfectly a cartoon myself: what a victory that would be.”

This essay begins with a huge fight between Franzen’s brother and father to show how the cultural generation gap sweeping the 60s has hit closer to home. This generation gap, where young adults were rejecting the elders’ old ways in pursuit of a new and better culture, will also be the reason why his family ends up drifting apart. Throughout the essay, Franzen treads this difficult phase in his youth while narrating fondly how Peanuts, a pop culture icon at the time, was his source of escape. 

“…Culture is… your background… and Identity is formed where you belong to… Leopold Sedar Senghor and Shirley Geok-Lin Lim both talks about how culture and identity can impact… society…”

In this essay, Graham uses “To New York” by Senghor and “Learning To Love America” by Lim as two pieces of literature that effectively describe the role of culture and identity to traveling individuals. 

The author refers to Sengho’s reminder that people can adapt but must not forget their culture even if they go to a different place or country. On the other hand, Lim discusses immigrants’ struggle to have double identities.

“Culture is something that surrounds all of us and progress to shape our lives every day… Identity is illustrated as the state of mind in which someone or something distinguishes their own character traits that lead to determining who they really are, what they represent.”

Lucas is keen on giving examples of how his culture and surroundings influence an individual’s identity. She refers to Kothari’s “If you are what you eat, then what am I?” which discusses Kothari’s search for her identity depending on what food she eats. Food defines a person’s culture and identity, so Kothari believes that eating food from different countries will change his identity.

Lucas also refers to “Down These Mean Streets” by Piri Thomas, which argues how different cultural and environmental factors affect us. Because of what we encounter, there is a possibility that we will become someone who we are not. 

“What we grow is who we are. What we buy is who we are. What we eat is who we are.”

Stephens’ essay teaches its readers that the food we grow and eat defines us as a person. She explains that growing a crop and harvesting it takes a lot of effort, dedication, and patience, which mirrors our identity. 

Another metaphor she used is planting rice: it takes skills and knowledge to make it grow. Cooking rice is more accessible than cultivating it – you can quickly cook rice by boiling it in water. This reflects people rich in culture and tradition but who lives simpler life. 

“Every single one has their own unique identity and culture. Culture plays a big role in shaping your identity. Culture is what made me the person I am today and determines who or what I choose to associate myself with.”

Casas starts her piece by questioning who she is. In trying to learn and define who she is, she writes down and describes herself and her personality throughout the essay. Finally, she concludes that her culture is a big part of her identity, and she must understand it to understand herself.

“When it comes to these stereotypes we place on each other, a lot of the time, we succumb to the stereotypes given to us. And our cultural identity is shaped by these expectations and labels others give us. That is why negative stereotypes sometimes become true for a whole group or community.”

In this essay, Luna talks about how negative stereotyping in the United States led to moral distortion. For example, Americans are assumed to be ignorant of other countries’ cultures, making it difficult to understand other people’s cultures and lifestyles. 

She believes that stereotyping can significantly affect an individual or group’s identity. She suggests Americans should improve their intellectual competence by being sensitive to other people’s cultures.

14 Prompts on Essays about Culture and Identity

You can discuss many things on the subject of culture and identity. To give you a starting point, here are some prompts to help you write an exciting essay about culture. 

If you are interested in learning more, check out our essay writing tips and our round-up of the best essay checkers .

Understanding your personality is vital since continuous interaction with others can affect your personality. Write about your culture and identity; what is your personality? How do you define yourself? Everyone is unique, so by writing an essay about who you are, you’ll be able to understand why you act a certain way and connect with readers who have the same values. 

Here’s a guide on writing a descriptive essay to effectively relay your experience to your readers.

Sometimes, people need to get out of their comfort zone and interact with other individuals with different cultures, beliefs, or traditions. This is to broaden one’s perspective about the world. Aside from discussing what you’ve learned in that journey, you can also focus on the bits that shocked you. 

You can talk about a tradition or value that you found so bizarre because it differs from your culture. Then add how you processed it and finally adapted to it.

Essays about Culture and Identity: Your Thoughts on Dystopia and Utopia

Dystopia and Utopia are both imagined worlds. Dystopia is a world where people live in the worst or most unfavorable conditions, while Utopia is the opposite. 

You can write an essay about what you think a Dystopian or Utopian world may look like, how these societies will affect their citizens, etc. Then, consider what personality citizens of each world may have to depend on the two worlds’ cultures.

Today, more and more people are fighting for others to accept or at least respect the LGBTQ+ community. However, countries, territories, and religions still question their rights.

In your essay, you can talk about why these institutions react the way they do and how culture dictates someone’s identity in the wrong way. Before creating your own, feel free to read other essays and articles to learn more about the global gender inequality issue. 

The world has diverse cultures, traditions, and values. When you travel to a new place, learning and writing about your firsthand experiences with unique cultures and rituals will always be an interesting read.

In this prompt, you’ll research other cultures and how they shaped their group’s identity. Then, write about the most exciting aspects you’ve learned, why you found them fascinating, and how they differ from your culture.

Those proud of their culture will wear clothes inspired by them. Some wear the same clothes even if they aren’t from the same culture. The debate over cultural appropriation and culture appreciation is still a hot topic. 

In this essay, you may start with the traditions of your community or observances your family celebrates and gathers for. Then, elaborate on their origins and describe how your community or family is preserving these practices. 

Learning about your roots, ancestors, and family cultures can help strengthen your understanding of your identity and foster respect for other cultures. Explore this topic and offer examples of what others have learned. Has the journey always been a positive experience? Delve into this question for an engaging and interesting essay.

When a person moves country, it can be challenging to adapt to a new culture. If there are new people at work or school, you can interview them and ask how they are coping with their new environment. How different is this from what they have been used to, and what unique traditions do they find interesting?

Focus on an art piece that is a source of pride and identity to your country’s culture, much like the Tinikling of the Philippines or the Matryoshka dolls of Russia. Explore its origins and evolution up to its current manifestation and highlight efforts that are striving to protect and promote these artistic works.

The older generation did not have computers in their teen years. Ask about how they dated in their younger years and how they made friends. Contrast how the younger generation is building their social networks today. Write what culture of socialization works better for you and explain why.

Take in-depth navigation of existing policies that protect indigenous peoples. Are they sufficient to serve these communities needs, and are they being implemented effectively? There is also the challenge of balancing the protection of these traditions against the need to protect the environment, as some indigenous practices add to the carbon footprint. How is your government dealing with this challenge?

A large population is now riding the Hallyu or the Korean pop culture, with many falling in love with the artists and Korea’s food, language, and traditional events. Research how certain Korean films, TV series, or music have effectively attracted fans to experience Korea’s culture. Write about what countries can learn from Korea in promoting their own cultures.

Environments that embrace cultural diversity are productive and innovative. To start your essay, assess how diverse your workplace or school is. Then, write your personal experiences where working with co-workers or classmates from different cultures led to new and innovative ideas and projects. Combine this with the personal experiences of your boss or the principal to see how your environment benefits from hosting a melting pot of cultures.

If you aim for your article to effectively change readers’ perspectives and align with your opinion, read our guide to achieving persuasive writing . 

essay about tradition and culture

Aisling is an Irish journalist and content creator with a BA in Journalism & New Media. She has bylines in OK! Magazine, Metro, The Inquistr, and the Irish Examiner. She loves to read horror and YA. Find Aisling on LinkedIn .

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Why Are Traditions Important (22 Reasons)

Every Sunday, we whip up a batch of pancakes at home—it’s our longstanding tradition. This goes beyond sharing breakfast. It’s a ritual that ties our family together.

Now, on the flip side, you might ask, “Aren’t these traditions kind of outdated? Why not start new ones?” Those are great questions. What may not be clear is the value these traditions hold today. Stick around, and I’ll show you how these old customs are surprisingly handy in modern times.

Table of Contents

Traditions Give Us Who We Are

Traditions keep our culture alive, traditions connect us to our ancestors, traditions keep families close, traditions keep communities together, traditions show off all the diverse cultures, traditions make us feel like we fit in, traditions help us get our history, traditions get us out and together, traditions share old wisdom with new generations, traditions feel like home no matter where you are, traditions help us make awesome memories, traditions guide moral values, traditions inspire creative expression, traditions keep us connected to our home, traditions help us take care of our planet, traditions honor those who came before us, traditions show us how time flows, traditions keep our faith strong, traditions show us how to respect older people, traditions help teach kids, traditions shape our everyday life, frequently asked questions, final thoughts.

What makes you ‘you’? That’s where traditions step in. They’re like your own personal signature but for your whole culture. They shout out where you’re from and the things your people love doing.

Think about yourself rocking clothes that your culture is known for. That’s like wearing a badge that says, “I’m proud of where I come from.”

Example:  Consider the Japanese tea ceremony. Participating in or even observing this ceremony can immerse you in the deep cultural identity that it represents, showcasing the intricate balance between who we are and where our roots lie.

Your cultural heritage—everything your community has ever made or thought of—is like a super cool heirloom, and it’s free! Traditions are all the stories, buildings, tunes, and crafts that we’ve got from our parents and grandparents.

Take a look at an old building in your place that’s been there forever. That’s not just an old pile of bricks; it’s like a diary of the past.

Keeping traditions around isn’t about stopping the future; it’s about making sure we don’t forget the awesome stuff that’s already happened.

Now, about those people who came before us—our ancestors. We’re not literally going to sit and chat with ghosts, but every time you do something the traditional way, you’re connecting with your family’s history.

Keeping up with traditions is like catching up with your great-great-great-grandpeeps. The things they loved—their songs, their skills—don’t just have to be old stories. They can be part of what you do every day.

Example:  Dia de los Muertos in Mexico honors those who have passed away, mixing memories with celebration to show that our love for our ancestors lasts forever.

Think about things your family does over and over. These things are like a secret handshake — they make your family feel special.

Having the same meal on a special day or going to the same beach every summer, we’re making memories that’ll stick around longer than just about anything.

Example:  Say your family makes pizza together every Friday night. It’s not just about eating; it’s about laughing, talking, and messing up together in the kitchen.

  • Everyone piling on their favorite toppings.
  • Taking pictures of the pizza fails.
  • Sharing the same jokes every time.

Now let’s talk about where you live — your community. Traditions here are like the neighborhood’s group handshake. They’re the things that everyone shows up for, like:

  • The fun street parties.
  • Local sports games.
  • The big yearly parade.

Doing stuff like this makes everyone feel part of the team, like all our neighbors are friends.

Our world is full of amazing cultures, each with their unique traditions. Celebrating these is a great way to show everyone’s invited to the party, no matter where they’re from. It’s a chance to see how other people live, share, and have fun.

Check out all the different holidays: there are the mooncakes and lanterns for the Mid-Autumn Festival , the bright lights of Diwali , and the wild colors and dances at Mardi Gras .

There’s something cool about being part of a group, and traditions are one way we get that feeling. Whether you’re cheering for your school team or singing the same songs your grandma did, traditions remind you that you’re part of a bigger family.

What this looks like:

  • Wearing your team’s colors on game day.
  • Joining in on local festivals.
  • Celebrating the same holidays your community does.

Let’s talk history, but in a way that’s not snooze-worthy. Traditions let us live it .

When you’re stirring up a batch of cookies using your great-grandma’s recipe or sitting around hearing stories about your town’s first days, you’re getting a taste of history without cracking open a textbook. You’re in the thick of it, learning through action.

It’s like when you drop by historical spots or museums right in your backyard, and you get a real, up-close feel for the life, hustle, and bustle from days gone by.

Getting out and doing things together—because of tradition—is a great excuse to hang out and meet people. It’s not just about having fun; though let’s be honest, that’s a huge perk. It’s about being part of the community action.

You could be lending a hand at a local charity, stopping by the house next door where there’s a barbecue going on, or handing out sweets when your town is throwing a big bash. 

Here’s an idea: An outdoor movie night brings everyone to the town square with blankets and popcorn, turning a regular night into something special we all share.

Traditions go beyond just hearing old sayings or advice; it’s about observing and picking up the smart choices and valuable lessons others before us have figured out.

When your granddad fixes something with his own two hands, you learn practical skills that you can’t get from a book. And those folk tales filled with clever tricks and life hacks? When grandparents share them, it’s more than story time — they’re giving us a whole box full of clever knowledge.

There’s this warm and fuzzy feeling we all love, like a favorite cozy blanket. That’s what traditions are.

For instance, no matter where you find yourself, if you celebrate your usual holidays, you’re instantly back to a familiar place. Your family’s yearly camping trip or the big pot of soup mom makes after a long day—it’s a built-in safety net of feel-goods.

Traditions are things we do a lot, like family dinners on Fridays or going to the same spot for each vacation. These are the times when we have fun and remember the good stuff in life.

When we keep doing these things, they become special memories—like the best days we always want to remember.

Example: Friends who now live in different places around the world meet once a year for a meal or a trip. They laugh and catch up, and those moments become great memories they treasure.

Traditions give us a set of rules that make it easier to know how to live right. They’re built on the good stuff that our families and teachers have been following for a long time.

By sticking to these traditions, we learn how to act and treat others, like being honest or kind. They help us grow up to be good people who know the difference between what’s okay to do and what’s not.

Traditions give us a chance to be creative. They’re not just about doing things the same old way; they let us add our own touch.

Traditions get us to sing, dance, paint, and tell stories that have been around for ages but still feel new when we do them.

They encourage us to tap into our imagination and share what’s special about our culture. This helps us keep old art alive and gives us a cool way to show who we are and what we love to everyone else.

Traditions also keep us close to the place where we come from. Whether it’s a city or a countryside, traditions can be about planting trees, fishing, or cooking with local ingredients.

Doing these things reminds us of our home and keeps us connected to the land and the environment. Traditions help us respect nature and remember the importance of taking care of our home turf.

Traditions often include ways of doing things that don’t waste resources or harm the environment. They teach us to use what we have wisely, like reusing old things or growing our own food.

These practices have been around for a long time because they work without causing damage. Tradition is about doing things in a way that we can keep doing them for many, many years.

Traditions connect us to our ancestors — our family members from the past. They keep the stories and achievements of our ancestors alive. It’s like saying “thank you” to them for the good things they’ve passed down to us.

Here’s an idea:  Some families have a tradition of visiting their ancestors’ graves, cleaning them, and maybe leaving flowers. 

Traditions like celebrating birthdays, annual holidays, or the first day of school are markers that another year has gone by. They help us remember the important stuff as time passes. Without these traditions, it would be harder to keep track of the special moments that make up our lives. 

Here’s an idea :  Think about how we celebrate New Year’s Eve. It helps us say goodbye to the past and welcome the future with hope.

For many people, traditions are tied to their religion and help make those beliefs stronger. These are things like:

  • Going to worship.
  • Saying prayers at meals.
  • Celebrating religious holidays.

When people practice these, they’re reminded of their faith and what they believe in. It helps them feel connected to something bigger and keep up their religious practices as part of their everyday life.

Traditions often involve listening to and learning from older family members. This might be through stories, recipes, or just their way of doing things.

When we follow these traditions, we’re showing our grandparents and other older people that we value their knowledge and experience . It’s like giving them a thumbs-up and saying their lives and stories are important to us.

Kids learn a lot from traditions, like how to behave, what’s important to their family, or skills they can use in life.

Traditions work like a fun class where kids learn about their culture and the world around them just by being part of a family doing its thing.

Example:  Making a craft or cooking a traditional dish together can be a fun activity, but it’s also a way for kids to learn about their culture and pick up new skills.

Think about the regular things you do every day or week—that’s where traditions fit into our lives. It might be a morning coffee, a walk after dinner, or a weekend sport. These little routines might seem simple, but they’re a big part of who we are.

They set the rhythm of our days and weeks, making life feel more predictable and comfortable. They’re small, but they have a big effect on how we go about our daily life.

Can traditions change over time?

Yep, traditions can change. As families and societies grow and change, the way we do things might get a little update to fit better with how we live now.

Can traditions be individual, or do they have to be shared with others?

Traditions can totally be individual. If you have a special way of doing something that’s just yours, that’s a personal tradition. Sharing with others is great, but not a must.

Do traditions have to be serious and formal?

Not at all! Traditions can be fun and relaxed. It’s all about doing things that have meaning to you—and that can be as goofy or as chill as you like.

What if someone doesn’t want to follow a tradition?

That’s their choice, and it’s cool. Everyone has their own way of living, and what’s important is to be respectful of each other’s decisions, whether that’s keeping a tradition or letting it go.

Remember when we asked if sticking with old traditions was really a good idea? The answer is yes because traditions keep us grounded. They remind us who we are and link us to our past and future. It’s not just about making pancakes on a Sunday; it’s about belonging to a bigger story.

So, don’t just sit on the sidelines! Jump in the mix with your family recipes, group hangouts, and all those yearly get-togethers. Make the most of these traditions; they’re yours to enjoy and pass down.

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Jessa Claire

Jessa Claire is a registered healthcare provider. Music lover. Daydreamer. Thalassophile. Foodie. A hardworking Capricorn. Most days, an incurable empath. An old soul. Down-to-earth. Vibrant.

When she's not writing, she can be seen relaxing with headphones on or engrossed in her favorite fan fiction book.

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  • Indian Culture and Tradition Essay


Essay on Indian Culture and Tradition

As students grow older, it is important for them to improve their understanding and hold over the language. This can be done only through consistent reading and writing. Writing an essay is a task that involves cooperation and coordination of both the mind and body. Students must be able to think as well reproduce their thoughts effectively without any confusion. This is important when it comes to writing answers and other important documents as ones go to higher classes. The art of writing effectively and efficiently can be improved by students through writing essays. To help students in this domain, Vedantu provides students with numerous essays. Students can go through the same and learn the correct manner of writing the essay. 

Indian Culture and Tradition

India enjoys a wide variety of cultural and traditional presence amongst the 28 states. Indian origin religions Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism are all based on dharma and karma. Even, India is a blessed holy place which is also a native place for most of the religions. Recently, Muslim and Christianity also practised working amongst the whole India population. The pledge also added the line, ‘India is my country, and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage.’  

Indians are great with cooking; their spices are special for medicinal purposes, so visitors are difficult to adjust to with such heavy spices. The cricketers touring Indian pitches are out due to such food. Frequently, it's been observed that the sportsperson arrived in India either with cooking skills or with a cook. Spices such as cumin, turmeric and cardamom have been used for a long period, to make the dishes more delicious and nutritional. Wheat, rice and pulses help to complete the meal. The majority of the population is a vegetarian one due to their religious aspects.

Talking about the language, India is blessed with a wide range of languages used. Each state has its own language. A major part of the state is unable to speak other languages than the native one. Gujrathi, Malayalam, Marathi, Tamil, Punjabi, Telugu and many more are the representative languages of the respective state. It's easy to recognize the person with the language he spoke. There are 15 regional languages but almost all of them Hindi is the national language of the country. Sanskrit is considered an ancient and respected language. And most of the legendary holy texts are found in Sanskrit only. Along with these, most of the people are aware of plenty of foreign languages. 

Indian clothing is adorable to most of the foreigners. Woman wearing a sari is the pride of a nation. These create a pleasant effect and she looks so beautiful that a majority of foreign country’s female want to be like her. The origin of the sari is from the temple dancers in ancient times. Sari allows them to maintain modesty and freedom of movement. On the other hand, men traditionally wear a dhoti and kurta. Actually, Dhoti is a type of cloth without any further attached work done on it. The great Mahatma Gandhi was very fond of it and in their dignity, most of the people used to wear the same. 

Apart from all the above facts, Indians are legends with arts and studious material. Shah-rukh Khan, Sachin Tendulkar, Dhirubhai Ambani, Amitabh Bachchan Rajnikant, Sundar Pichai are many more faces of India who are shining and representing India on a global scale. There are 20-30 grand festivals celebrated every year in which every festival pops up with history and respect to the respective religion. Even in terms of business, India is not behind. Agriculture is the best occupation of 70% of people in India. It’s our duty to protect the wonderful culture that we have. 

Indian culture is one of the oldest and most unique cultures known across the globe. It has various kinds of traditional values, religion, dance, festivals, music, and cloth, which varies from each state or town even. Indian art, cuisine, religion, Literature, Education, Heritage, Clothes etc has a huge impact on the whole world where everyone admires and follows it. It is known as the land of cultural diversity.  India thrives on a variety of languages, religions, and cultures due to the diverse race of people living in the country. It can be referred to as one of the world’s most culturally enriched countries. When one thinks of India, they picture colors, smiling faces of children running in the streets, bangle vendors, street food, music, religious festivals etc. 


India is a land where different religious beliefs are followed. It is the land of many religions such as Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism.  Four Indian religions namely Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, and Buddhism were born in India while others are not of Indian origin but have people following those faiths. The people of India keep a solid belief in religion as they believe that following a faith adds meaning and purpose to their lives as it is the way of life. The religions here are not only confined to beliefs but also include ethics, rituals, ceremonies, life philosophies and many more.


Family plays a vital role in every Indian household. Indians are known to live together as a joint family with their grandparents, uncles and aunts, and the next generation of offspring as well. The house gets passed down from family to family throughout the generations. But with the new modern age, nuclear families are starting to become more common as children go out of town into cities for work or studies and get settled there, also everyone now prefers to have their own private life without any interference. But still, the concept of family get together and family gatherings are not lost as everyone does come together frequently. 

Indian Festivals

India is well known for its traditional festivals all over the world. As it is a secular country with diversity in religions, every month some festival celebration happens. These festivals can be religious, seasonal or are of national importance. Every festival is celebrated uniquely in different ways according to their ritual as each of them has its unique importance. National festivals such as Gandhi Jayanti, Independence Day and Republic Day are celebrated by the people of India across the entire nation. Religious festivals include Diwali, Dussehra, Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Zuha, Christmas, Ganesh Chaturthi, etc. All the seasonal festivals such as Baisakhi, Onam, Pongal, Bihu etc are celebrated to mark the season of harvest during two harvesting seasons, Rabi and Kharif. 

Festivals bring love, bond, cross-cultural exchange and moments of happiness among people.

Indian cuisine is known for a variety of spicy dishes, curry, rice items, sweets etc. Each cuisine includes a wide range of dishes and cooking techniques as it varies from region to region. Each region of India cooks different types of dishes using different ingredients, also food varies from every festival and culture as well. Hindus eat mostly vegetarian food items such as pulao, vegetables, daal, rajma etc whereas people from Islamic cultural backgrounds eat meat, kebabs, haleem etc. In the southernmost part of India, you will find people use a lot of coconut oil for cooking purposes, they eat a lot of rice items such as Dosa, Idli, Appam etc with Coconut chutney, sambhar.

Indian Clothing is considered to be the epitome of modesty and every style is very different in each region and state. But the two pieces of clothing that represent Indian culture are dhoti for men and saree for women. Women adorn themselves with a lot of bangles and Payal that goes around their ankles. Even clothing styles varied from different religions to regions to cultures. Muslim women preferred to wear salwar kameez whereas Christian women preferred gowns. Men mostly stuck to dhoti, lungi, shalwar and kurta.In modern days, people have changed their sense of style, men and women now wear more modern western clothes. Indian clothes are still valued but are now in more trendy and fashionable styles. 

There is no single language that is spoken all over India; however , Hindi is one common language most Indians know and can speak or understand. Every region has a different language or dialect. As per the official language act, Hindi and English are the official languages in India. Other regions or state wise languages include- Gujarati, Marathi, Bangla, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Kashmiri, Punjabi etc. 


FAQs on Indian Culture and Tradition Essay

1. What are the Popular Spices in India?

Popular spices in India include - Haldi(Turmeric), Chakri Phool(Star Anise), Til (Sesame seeds/ Gingili seeds), Saunf(Fennel Seeds), Kesar(Saffron), Laal Mirch(Red chilli), Khas(Poppy seeds), Jayphal(Nutmeg), Kalonji(Nigella Seeds), Rai/Sarson(Mustard Seeds), Pudina(Mint), Javitri(Mace), Patthar ke Phool​(Kalpasi), Kala Namak/ Sanchal/ Sanchar powder(Black salt/ Himalayan rock salt/ Pink salt), Sonth(Dry ginger powder), Methi dana(Fenugreek seeds), Suva Bhaji/ Sua Saag(Dill)

Kadi Patta(Curry Leaves), Sukha dhania(Coriander seeds), Laung(Cloves), Dalchini(Cinnamon), Sabza(Chia seeds), Chironji(Charoli), Ajwain(Carom seeds, thymol or celery seeds), Elaichi(Cardamom), Kali Mirch(Black Pepper (or White Pepper), Tej Patta(Bay Leaf), Hing(Asafoetida), Anardana(Pomegranate seeds), Amchoor(Dry mango powder)

2. What is the Language Diversity Available in India?

The Indian constitution has 22 officially recognized languages. Apart from it, there are around 60 languages that are recognized as smother tongue with more than one million speakers. India also has around 28 minor languages spoken by over one hundred thousand and one million people. Apart from these, there are numerous dialects spoken by a various sect of people based on their region of origin. 

3. Who are Some of the Most Famous Indian Celebrities Popular Across the Globe? 

India has people excelling in all aspects of art and activities. Few prominent celebrities to garner global fame include - Sudha Murthy, Amitabh Bacchan, Virat Kohli, Saina Nehwal, Sania Mirza, Priyanka Chopra, MS Dhoni, Sachin Tendulkar, Mohanlal, A R Rehman, Mukesh Ambani, Ratan Tata, Narayana Murthy, Kiran Majumdar Shah, Narendra Modi, Amith Shah. all these people have received great accolades in their respective area of expertise globally and getting recognition to India on a global level. 

4. How to Improve Writing and Reading Skills for Producing Good Essays?

Writing an essay becomes a tedious task when the mind and hand do not coordinate. It is important for you to be able to harness your mental ability to think clearly and reproduce the same on paper for a good essay. Always remember the first few thoughts that you get as soon as you see an essay topic is your best and purest thoughts. Ensure to note them down. Later you can develop your essay around these points. Make sure your essay has an introduction, body and the final conclusion. This will make the reader understand the topic clearly along with your ability to convey the any information without any hesitation or mistake. 

5. How many religions are there in India? 

As of now, there are a total of 9 major religions in India with Hinduism being the majority. The remaining religion includes- Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism and the Baha'i Faith. 

6. Which is the oldest language in India? 

Indian classical oldest language is Sanskrit, it belongs to the Indo- Aryan branch of Indo- European languages. 

7. What are the few famous folk dances of India? 

Folk dances are the representation of a particular culture from where they are known to originate. Eight famous classical dances are- Bharatnatyam from Tamil Nadu, Kathakali from Kerala, Kathak from North, West and Central India, Mohiniyattam from Kerala, Kuchipudi from Andhra Pradesh, Odissi from Odisha, Manipuri from Manipur, Sattriya from Assam. 

8. How many languages are spoken in India? 

Other than Hindi and English there are 22 languages recognised by the constitution of India. However, more than 400 languages and dialects in India are still not known as they change after every town. Over the years, about 190 languages have become endangered due to very few surviving speakers. 

9. Describe the Indian Culture. 

Indian culture is very diverse and the people of India are very warm and welcoming. They have a strong sense of family and firmly believe in unity in diversity. In India, there's a saying saying 'Atithi Devo Bhava'  means 'the guest is equivalent to god'. So if one visits India, they will never feel unwanted. no longer supports Internet Explorer.

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Culture And Tradition Essay

Profile image of Tina Plante

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Culture and Tradition" can be both challenging and rewarding. The complexity arises from the vastness and diversity inherent in these topics. Culture encompasses a broad spectrum of elements, including language, customs, beliefs, art, and social norms. Similarly, traditions are deeply rooted in historical practices, passed down through generations, and can vary significantly across different societies.

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essay about tradition and culture

How to Write an Essay about Your Culture

essay about tradition and culture

Do you need to write an essay about your culture but don’t know where to start? You’ve come to the right place! I’m Constance, and I’ll show you how to write an essay about your culture. I’ll guide you step by step, and we’ll write a sample essay together. Let’s dive in. 

Writing an essay about your culture includes 5 steps:

Step 1. Plan how many words you want in each paragraph.

When you know the exact number of words you need for an essay, planning the word count for each paragraph will be much easier. 

For example, a 300-word essay typically consists of five paragraphs and three key elements:

  • The introductory paragraph.
  • Three body paragraphs.
  • The conclusion, or the concluding paragraph.

Here’s a simple way to distribute 300 words across the five paragraphs in your essay:

essay about tradition and culture

You’ll get 300 when you add up these numbers. 

Step 2. Decide on what your main and supporting points will be.

First, you must take a stand, meaning you must decide on your main point. What do you really want to say about your culture? Whatever you want to say, that becomes your thesis. 

For example, “My culture is very rich.” That is enough to get started. You’ll get a better idea of how to expand or tweak your thesis after the next step.

Next, divide your topic using the Power of Three to prove the point that your culture is rich using three supporting ideas.

essay about tradition and culture

The Power of Three effectively divides an essay’s main idea into its supporting points. It means your main idea is true because of the three reasons you will provide in the body. So, it is a three-part structure that helps produce your body paragraphs .

Let’s try it for an essay about Filipino culture!

For example, here are three supporting ideas explaining the richness of Filipino culture:

  • The Philippines has incredible food .
  • Traditional Filipino clothing reflects the country’s heritage.
  • Family values in the Philippines are essential.

Great! Now we have everything we need to write an essay about Filipino culture. We’re all set for the next step!

Step 3. Write your introductory paragraph.

Here are the key components of an introductory paragraph you need to remember in writing your essay:

essay about tradition and culture

Our first sentence is the introduction, which should pull our reader into the world we want to portray in our essay.

And the rest of the introductory paragraph is our thesis statement. It includes our main idea and three supporting points.

Example of an introductory paragraph about culture

“Having been colonized for centuries, the Philippines boasts a vast heritage. It has a rich culture characterized by food, clothing, and family values. Filipino culture has delicious food inherited from diverse parts of the world and periods of conquest. Traditional Filipino clothing reflects the country’s history, as well. And Filipinos prize their family values probably above all else.”

Look at how the introductory paragraph goes from a general statement to specific ideas that support our main idea.

Our introductory sentence is a general statement that serves as the opening in our essay. It briefly sets the essay’s context. Next comes the thesis statement — our main idea. Finally, we have three supporting ideas for our thesis.

Step 4. Write your essay’s body paragraphs.

Again, a 300-word essay typically has three body paragraphs containing your three supporting ideas. Here’s how to structure a body paragraph:

essay about tradition and culture

Looking back at our word count plan, we know that our body paragraphs should have roughly 70 words each. Remember your word plan as you write.

Body Paragraph 1

“The Philippines boasts a diverse food culture. It reflects indigenous flavors and foreign influences, such as American, Spanish, Indian, and Chinese. Whether it’s a typical or special day, Filipinos love eating these various dishes with rice, a staple. For example, rice goes well with curry, noodles, and adobo. It is also common to see various foods like pizza, pancit, lumpia, paella, (Filipino-style) sweet spaghetti, cakes, and ice cream at parties.”

As you can see, the first sentence in this body paragraph is a topic sentence . It gives context to the paragraph and briefly summarizes it.

The second sentence explains why the Philippine food culture is considered diverse. 

The remaining sentences illustrate your main point (topic sentence) by providing examples, starting with rice in sentence 3.

Body Paragraph 2

“Traditional Filipino clothing reflects Philippine cultural heritage. Although Filipinos now conform to current fashion trends in their everyday lives, the traditional clothing style is often used during celebrations. The traditional fashion sense exhibits influences from indigenous tribes, Chinese immigration waves, the Spaniards, and Americans, portraying the chronology of Philippine historical events. For example, the Philippines’ national costume, the baro’t saya, is an elegant blend of Spanish and Filipino clothing styles. Even some modernized forms of clothing also display other global influences.”

Just like Body Paragraph 1, this paragraph follows the same structure outlined in the diagram. It proceeds from a general statement to more specific points :

  • The topic sentence.
  • An explanation.

Body Paragraph 3

“Family values are vital in the Philippines. The daily lives of most Filipinos revolve around close and extended family, making them known for their family-oriented lifestyle even when they’re overseas. It’s common for children to live with their parents after reaching legal age; some even stay after getting married or obtaining a job. Filipinos also cherish their extended families (aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins) and hanging out or celebrating significant events together.”

Once again, this paragraph follows the body paragraph structure. Now, we’re all set for the final step — the conclusion.

Step 5. Write the conclusion.

The easiest way to write a concluding paragraph for your essay on your culture is to restate your main idea and its supporting points using different words. You can even paraphrase your introduction — a time-proven method!

Let’s write the conclusion for our essay.

“Because of its history, the Philippines has a rich, diverse culture rooted in a vast heritage. Filipino cuisine is a blend of indigenous and foreign flavors. The nation’s history is reflected in its traditional clothing. And family values display a distinct Filipino trait.”

Note that this conclusion uses different words to restate the points we’ve already made, including those in the body paragraphs. 

Hope this was helpful. Now go ahead and write an essay about your culture!

Tutor Phil is an e-learning professional who helps adult learners finish their degrees by teaching them academic writing skills.

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Essay on Indian Culture for Students and Children

500+ words essay on indian culture.

India is a country that boasts of a rich culture. The culture of India refers to a collection of minor unique cultures. The culture of India comprises of clothing, festivals, languages, religions, music, dance, architecture, food, and art in India. Most noteworthy, Indian culture has been influenced by several foreign cultures throughout its history. Also, the history of India’s culture is several millennia old.

Components of Indian Culture

First of all, Indian origin religions are Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism . All of these religions are based on karma and dharma. Furthermore, these four are called as Indian religions. Indian religions are a major category of world religions along with Abrahamic religions.

Also, many foreign religions are present in India as well. These foreign religions include Abrahamic religions. The Abrahamic religions in India certainly are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Besides Abrahamic religions, Zoroastrianism and Bahá’í Faith are the other foreign religions which exist in India. Consequently, the presence of so many diverse religions has given rise to tolerance and secularism in Indian culture.

The Joint family system is the prevailing system of Indian culture . Most noteworthy, the family members consist of parents, children, children’s spouses, and offspring. All of these family members live together. Furthermore, the eldest male member is the head of the family.

Arranged marriages are the norm in Indian culture. Probably most Indians have their marriages planned by their parents. In almost all Indian marriages, the bride’s family gives dowry to bridegroom. Weddings are certainly festive occasions in Indian culture. There is involvement of striking decorations, clothing, music, dance, rituals in Indian weddings. Most noteworthy, the divorce rates in India are very low.

India celebrates a huge number of festivals. These festivals are very diverse due to multi-religious and multi-cultural Indian society. Indians greatly value festive occasions. Above all, the whole country joins in the celebrations irrespective of the differences.

Traditional Indian food, arts, music, sports, clothing, and architecture vary significantly across different regions. These components are influenced by various factors. Above all, these factors are geography, climate, culture, and rural/urban setting.

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Perceptions of Indian Culture

Indian culture has been an inspiration to many writers. India is certainly a symbol of unity around the world. Indian culture is certainly very complex. Furthermore, the conception of Indian identity poses certain difficulties. However, despite this, a typical Indian culture does exist. The creation of this typical Indian culture results from some internal forces. Above all, these forces are a robust Constitution, universal adult franchise, secular policy , flexible federal structure, etc.

Indian culture is characterized by a strict social hierarchy. Furthermore, Indian children are taught their roles and place in society from an early age. Probably, many Indians believe that gods and spirits have a role in determining their life. Earlier, traditional Hindus were divided into polluting and non-polluting occupations. Now, this difference is declining.

Indian culture is certainly very diverse. Also, Indian children learn and assimilate in the differences. In recent decades, huge changes have taken place in Indian culture. Above all, these changes are female empowerment , westernization, a decline of superstition, higher literacy , improved education, etc.

To sum it up, the culture of India is one of the oldest cultures in the World. Above all, many Indians till stick to the traditional Indian culture in spite of rapid westernization. Indians have demonstrated strong unity irrespective of the diversity among them. Unity in Diversity is the ultimate mantra of Indian culture.

FAQs on Indian Culture

Q1 What are the Indian religions?

A1 Indian religions refer to a major category of religion. Most noteworthy, these religions have their origin in India. Furthermore, the major Indian religions are Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism.

Q2 What are changes that have taken place in Indian culture in recent decades?

A2 Certainly, many changes have taken place in Indian culture in recent decades. Above all, these changes are female empowerment, westernization, a decline of superstition, higher literacy, improved education, etc.

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Essay on Indian Culture and Tradition 1000+ Words

Indian culture and tradition, akin to a captivating mosaic, are comprised of myriad vibrant components that constitute the nation’s multifaceted heritage. With deep historical roots, they are commemorated through various avenues such as festivals, art forms, and daily customs. As we embark on this essay, we will delve into the profound essence and importance of Indian culture and tradition. This exploration will encompass their distinctive attributes, their societal significance, and their enduring pertinence.

Diversity in Unity

Indian culture and tradition are renowned for their diversity. India is home to a multitude of languages, religions, cuisines, and customs. Despite this diversity, there is a strong sense of unity that binds the nation together.

Historical Significance

India’s culture and traditions have evolved over thousands of years. The Indus Valley Civilization, the Vedas, and the teachings of ancient sages have all played a role in shaping the culture we see today.

Festivals and Celebrations

India is known for its vibrant festivals, such as Diwali, Holi, Eid, Christmas, and more. These celebrations bring people together, fostering a sense of unity and joy.

Cultural Art Forms

Indian culture finds expression in various art forms such as classical dance, including Bharatanatyam and Kathak, as well as music, encompassing Carnatic and Hindustani traditions, and theater. Furthermore, these art forms boast a rich historical heritage and persistently flourish in contemporary times.

Traditional Clothing

Indian clothing is a reflection of culture and tradition. Attire like the saree, dhoti, and kurta are not just clothing items but symbols of identity.

Expert Opinions

Cultural scholars like Dr. Kapila Vatsyayan emphasize the role of culture in shaping society and providing a sense of identity. They believe that culture is a dynamic force that evolves with time.

Spiritual Practices

Religion and spirituality play a significant role in Indian culture. Practices like meditation, yoga, and visiting temples or mosques are common ways for individuals to connect with their spirituality.

Traditional Medicine

Ayurveda, India’s traditional system of medicine, has been practiced for centuries. It emphasizes holistic well-being and natural healing methods.

Family Values

Indian culture places a strong emphasis on family values. Respect for elders, strong family bonds, and the concept of joint families are integral to Indian society.

Conclusion of Essay on Indian Culture and Tradition

In conclusion, Indian culture and tradition, as a testament to the country’s rich history, diversity, and unity, provide a sense of identity and belonging to millions of people. Moreover, as India continues to evolve in the modern world, it is crucial to preserve and celebrate these cultural treasures. By valuing diversity, promoting cultural exchange, and passing on traditions to future generations, we can ensure that Indian culture and tradition continue to thrive and enrich the lives of all who embrace them. Consequently, India’s cultural heritage is a source of pride and inspiration, forming a tapestry of traditions that we must cherish and protect for generations to come.

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Home — Essay Samples — Arts & Culture — Tradition — The Role Of Tradition In People’s Life


The Role of Tradition in People's Life

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Words: 564 |

Published: Dec 3, 2020

Words: 564 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

Table of contents

Tradition in our life, significance of tradition.

  • Accords a sense of consolation and identity. It gathers families together and empowers individuals to reconnect with companions.
  • Strengthens values such as opportunity, confidence, judgment, a good guidance, individual duty, a solid work ethic, and the esteem of being magnanimous.
  • Provides a platform to exhibit role models and honor the things that truly matter in life.
  • Provides an opportunity to say “thank you” for the commitment that somebody has made.
  • Powers us to exhibit the standards of our Founding Fathers, celebrate differences, and join together as a nation.
  • Serves as an avenue for making abiding recollections for our families and companions.
  • Offers an amazing setting for significant delay and reflection. So traditions can be either inhibiting or liberating.
  • Pg6. Museum Anthropology 24(2/3)6:11. American Anthropological Association

Should follow an “upside down” triangle format, meaning, the writer should start off broad and introduce the text and author or topic being discussed, and then get more specific to the thesis statement.

Provides a foundational overview, outlining the historical context and introducing key information that will be further explored in the essay, setting the stage for the argument to follow.

Cornerstone of the essay, presenting the central argument that will be elaborated upon and supported with evidence and analysis throughout the rest of the paper.

The topic sentence serves as the main point or focus of a paragraph in an essay, summarizing the key idea that will be discussed in that paragraph.

The body of each paragraph builds an argument in support of the topic sentence, citing information from sources as evidence.

After each piece of evidence is provided, the author should explain HOW and WHY the evidence supports the claim.

Should follow a right side up triangle format, meaning, specifics should be mentioned first such as restating the thesis, and then get more broad about the topic at hand. Lastly, leave the reader with something to think about and ponder once they are done reading.

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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essay about tradition and culture

Threads of Faith: a Journey into the Heart of Ancient Chinese Spiritual Traditions

This essay about the intricacies of ancient Chinese spirituality explores its core elements, including the concept of yin and yang, ancestor worship, celestial deities, and the teachings of sages. It emphasizes how these aspects interweave to form a rich tapestry of belief, tradition, and wisdom that shaped the cultural landscape of ancient China. Through reverence for cosmic balance, familial connections, and philosophical insights, ancient Chinese religion offers profound insights into the human experience and the quest for harmony amidst the complexities of existence.

How it works

Ancient China, a land steeped in mystery and tradition, whispers secrets of a bygone era where the ethereal dance between mortals and the divine painted the very fabric of existence. Within this realm of antiquity lies a tapestry woven with threads of belief, where the sacred and the mundane intertwine in a symphony of harmony and balance. Let us embark on a journey of discovery, as we unravel the intricate layers of ancient Chinese religion, illuminating its essence through the lens of time.

At the core of ancient Chinese spirituality lies a reverence for the cosmic order, a delicate equilibrium that binds together the disparate threads of the universe. This foundational principle finds expression in the concept of yin and yang, two primal forces whose interplay shapes the rhythms of existence. Yin, the essence of darkness and receptivity, finds its complement in yang, the embodiment of light and activity. Together, they form a dynamic duality that permeates every facet of life, from the cycles of nature to the complexities of human relationships. It is within this dance of opposites that the essence of ancient Chinese religion is revealed, a harmonious interplay of forces seeking balance amidst the chaos of existence.

In the tapestry of ancient Chinese spirituality, the veneration of ancestors occupies a sacred place, weaving a thread of continuity that spans the generations. Ancestor worship, rooted in the belief that the spirits of the departed wield influence over the affairs of the living, serves as a bridge between the earthly realm and the realm of the divine. Through rituals of remembrance and offerings of respect, the bonds of kinship are reaffirmed, ensuring that the wisdom and guidance of past generations are not lost to the sands of time. Thus, the ancestors become guardians of tradition, guiding their descendants along the winding path of destiny with whispered words of counsel and admonition.

Alongside the reverence for ancestors, the pantheon of celestial deities occupies a prominent place in the mosaic of ancient Chinese religion. From the Jade Emperor, ruler of the heavens, to the myriad gods and goddesses who preside over the domains of earth, water, and sky, the divine realm is populated by a colorful array of beings, each imbued with its own unique powers and attributes. These celestial beings, worshipped in temples and shrines throughout the land, serve as intermediaries between mortals and the cosmic forces that govern their fate. Through prayer and supplication, the faithful seek the favor of the gods, invoking their aid in times of need and offering thanks for blessings received. Thus, the celestial deities become partners in the dance of life, guiding the steps of humanity with divine grace and wisdom.

Yet, amidst the pantheon of celestial beings and ancestral spirits, it is the teachings of sages and philosophers that form the beating heart of ancient Chinese spirituality. From the sage-kings of antiquity to the luminaries of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism, the wisdom of the ages is passed down through the generations, a beacon of light illuminating the path to enlightenment. Confucius, with his emphasis on filial piety and social harmony, Dao De Jing, with its celebration of spontaneity and naturalness, and the Buddha, with his teachings on the nature of suffering and the path to liberation, each offer a unique perspective on the human condition, guiding seekers towards a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. It is through the study and contemplation of these teachings that the faithful seek to transcend the limitations of the mortal realm, attaining union with the divine and finding peace amidst the turbulence of existence.

In conclusion, the tapestry of ancient Chinese religion is a rich and vibrant mosaic, woven from the threads of belief, tradition, and wisdom passed down through the ages. From the cosmic dance of yin and yang to the veneration of ancestors and the teachings of sages, each aspect of this spiritual tradition offers a unique perspective on the nature of existence and the quest for meaning. As we gaze upon this intricate tapestry, let us not only marvel at its beauty, but also seek to unravel the mysteries it contains, for within its folds lie the secrets of the universe itself.


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Threads of Faith: A Journey into the Heart of Ancient Chinese Spiritual Traditions. (2024, May 12). Retrieved from

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"Threads of Faith: A Journey into the Heart of Ancient Chinese Spiritual Traditions.", May 12, 2024. Accessed May 12, 2024.

"Threads of Faith: A Journey into the Heart of Ancient Chinese Spiritual Traditions," , 12-May-2024. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 12-May-2024] (2024). Threads of Faith: A Journey into the Heart of Ancient Chinese Spiritual Traditions . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 12-May-2024]

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The Importance of Culture

11 January, 2019

11 minutes read

Author:  Richard Pircher

Culture can be defined as “the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.” It can also be understood as the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a particular people or society. Therefore, it’s the shared patterns of our behavior and interaction which are learned through socialization. People of the same culture share a group identity that is fostered by social patterns unique to the group. Culture encompasses for example values, beliefs, symbols, norms, and patterns of behavior. It has a far-reaching impact on our everyday actions, on how we talk and think, what we wear, what we believe, how we sit at the table, and how we behave among other people. But what is the importance of culture in our society? And which components constitute our conception of culture?

Essay Samples

Components of culture

  • Patterns of behavior

What defines culture?

All cultures are characterized by constant change. As a dynamic phenomenon, cultures are under constant change and they must adapt to environmental changes. This is one of the universal features of a culture. After globalization, the world became more interconnected and today most societies consist of ethnically diverse populations. This has given rise to conflicts associated with ethnicity, religion, and ethical beliefs which are all central concepts in cultures. More than ever before, culture is no longer fixed but rather in constant motion. At a time when cultures adapt and become more fluid, a need has been identified to protect and preserve the past. There are organizations such as the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) whose objectives include conserving and protecting cultural and natural heritage along with the promotion of international cooperation, peace, and security.

what is importance of culture essay sample

To answer the question about the importance of culture, one has to consider its role in people’s everyday lives. Because culture affects how people behave and interact with each other, it helps you build relationships with others when you understand other cultures and perspectives. It’s also good to understand how much in common we have with other people even if at first glance their cultures might seem completely different. We are all humans and have similar needs, hopes, fears, and things that make us happy. It doesn’t mean, however, that our cultural differences don’t matter at all. A better strategy is to acknowledge that differences exist and to fight against discrimination. The world is becoming more and more diverse as different languages, religions, economic and cultural groups blend together. We need to appreciate and understand different cultures and establish relationships with people from other backgrounds. This is the only way to build successful communities, improve our living conditions, and solve problems.

If we take a closer look at the characteristics of culture, we can identify five basic traits that define the concept of culture.

Five characteristics of culture

  • Based on symbols
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Culture is learned

Culture is learned because it’s not biological or ingrained in our DNA. Children don’t inherit culture from their parents. Instead, they learn it and much of this learning occurs subconsciously without us paying any attention to it. We learn our culture not only from our families but also from institutions, other people, and the media. This process of learning is called enculturation. All humans share the same biological needs, for example, food, water, sleep, shelter, and sex, but the way we choose to fulfill those needs varies across cultures.

Culture is shared

Culture is shared because we share our culture with other members of our group. We know how to interact with these other members and we can predict their behavior based on our knowledge and expectations. The shared nature of culture doesn’t mean, however, that cultures are homogenous.

Culture is integrated

Because the various parts of a culture are interconnected, culture is also integrated. All components of culture are connected to one another and to gain a comprehensive understanding of a culture, one must learn about these different components.

Culture is dynamic

Culture is dynamic because cultures interact with each other. Cultures share ideas and symbols and they adapt to changes in the environment. Since cultures are also integrated, it means that if one component of a culture changes, it will affect all the other components, too, forcing the entire system to adapt.

Culture is based on symbols

Symbols are an integral part of every culture and they vary across different cultures. Cultures not only use symbols but they are also based on them. Symbols get their meaning when people in the same culture agree on how they should be used. Language is the most obvious example of the use of symbols within a culture but other things such as art, clothing, and money can also be defined as symbols.

It should also be pointed out that not all cultural adaptation is positive. Not all cultural practices are adaptive, and there are many examples of cultural adaptation that have been detrimental such as fast food, pollution, and climate change. But due to their dynamic nature, cultures have the ability to adapt and find solutions to these problems.

How does geography affect culture?

What influences our cultures then? One of the most profound of these factors is geography. The development of a culture is largely dependent on its geographical location. For example, locations that are ideal for hunting influence that culture by encouraging people to teach their descendants to hunt, tell hunting stories, and organize ceremonies that celebrate hunting skills. A factor such as hunting can thus become a defining characteristic of that culture. Another good example is the Japanese culture which relies heavily on the attribute of water. The fact that Japan is an island surrounded by water has influenced its culture from its creation myth to natural resources such as fish and growing of rice. Even more so, Japan as an island has historically been limited because of its geography, and this has given rise to art forms such as haiku poems and bonsai trees which are characterized by their limitations. Geography affects cultures from the number of languages spoken in a given area to the clothes people wear, their political ideas, and even religions. For example, on the island of Guinea, people speak more than 800 languages. This is because New Guinea is mountainous and it’s difficult for people from one area to come into contact with people from other areas. These different groups, therefore, learned to keep to themselves and developed their own languages. Culture also has its impact on the clothes that people wear, and this has historically been determined by geography, too. People in the Arctic whose culture relies on hunting whales and seals wear several layers of warm clothes, usually manufactured from animal skin. In contrast, tribes in the rainforests wear very little clothing and their economies are centered around plant life. In terms of government and religion, the ancient Greeks, for example, developed a political culture centered around city-states because their geography was mountainous and it was thus difficult for large kingdoms to arise. The Mesopotamian and Egyptian religions, on the other hand, differed in the fact that Mesopotamian gods were considered less kind than the Egyptian gods. This is believed to be the result of unpredictable floods in the Mesopotamian rivers and rather consistent and predictable floods in the Nile.

what is culture essay

How does culture affect business?

When looking at modern cultures, we can see the many effects that cultures have, for example, on business. During a business meeting where people from different cultures are communicating with one another, cultural differences have to be taken into account. There is more than merely a language barrier that needs to be overcome. These differences can concern people’s sensitivity to time, the way of communicating, risk-taking, decision-making, and thinking of others, all of which need to be addressed. Cultural differences can often impact the success or failure of multicultural business negotiations. When segmenting target groups for a product or service, businesses have to spend time on examining the cultural expectations and values of different groups. Culture influences people’s tastes and preferences, and the same strategies will not work for all audiences. Americans, for example, have very different expectations from advertising and marketing than Asian consumers. Business owners must account for differences throughout the product’s life cycle, from its design to marketing and beyond.

Culture affects our every facet of life. Most societies these days have become multicultural as more and more people migrate across countries and continents. We live around, socialize and work with people from different cultural backgrounds and different parts of the world. While their values and beliefs might be different from ours, we should accept these differences and broaden our own views in order to attain harmony in these culturally diverse environments. We should acknowledge the importance of culture in communication and in contributing to our identity and sense of belonging as part of a social group. Culture can be seen as a uniting force that is part of our daily lives and an integral part of our being, defining the way we treat other people and ourselves.

  • Caplan, L. (2018): “What Factors Influence Culture? What are the Characteristics of Culture?” eNotes.
  • Community Tool Box (2018): “Understanding Culture and Diversity in Building Communities.” The University of Kansas.
  • eNotes (2015): “How Does Geography Affect Culture?”
  • Nowaczyk, J., (2018): “The Five Basic Characteristics of Cultures.”
  • OpinionFront (2018): “Why is Culture Important and How Does it Influence People?”
  • Oxford Dictionaries (2019): “Definition of Culture.” Oxford University Press.
  • Zimmermann, K. A. (2012): “What is Culture.” Live Science.

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essay about tradition and culture

Essay on Culture and Tradition

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Explore the cultural and traditional values of different societies, and how they shape our understanding of the world. Learn how culture and tradition can have an impact on our daily lives, beliefs, and values.

Culture and tradition are important parts of our lives. They are the things that make us who we are and help us to understand the world around us. Culture is the knowledge, beliefs, and customs shared by a group of people. It can include language, religion, food, clothing, music, art, and much more. These things can change over time, but they are passed down from generations to generations. Traditions are activities or customs that are passed down from older generations. These traditions can be as simple as celebrating a holiday or as complex as a cultural practice. They are important because they give us a sense of identity and help us to connect with our past. Culture and tradition are important because they give us a shared identity and help us to understand the world around us. They can also be a source of comfort, as well as a way for us to express our creativity. By understanding and respecting other cultures, we can learn to appreciate their differences and find commonalities among us. All in all, culture and tradition are very important and should be respected and celebrated. They are the things that make us who we are and help us to understand the world around us.

FAQs Related to Essay on Culture and Tradition

1. what is the definition of culture and tradition.

Culture and tradition are terms that often go hand in hand, but they have different definitions. Culture is defined as the shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts of a particular group or society. Tradition, on the other hand, refers to a practice or belief that is passed down through generations and is often seen as a part of a culture.

2. What are some examples of culture and tradition?

Culture and tradition are an integral part of any society. They give a sense of identity to individuals and help to define a particular group or community. Examples of culture and tradition include religious celebrations, language, arts and crafts, music and dance, cuisine, and social customs and rituals. In some cultures, there may also be special ceremonies and rites of passage, such as weddings and funerals.

3. What is the relationship between culture and language?

The relationship between culture and language is complex and interconnected. Language is a form of expression, and culture is a form of identity. Language is strongly linked to culture, as it is a reflection of how people communicate with one another and express their ideas within a society. Culture creates and shapes language, as it contains the values, beliefs, and norms of a group of people. Therefore, culture and language are inextricably linked, as they both influence and shape each other.

4. What is the importance of preserving culture and tradition?

Preserving culture and tradition is important for many reasons. It gives us a sense of identity and helps to preserve our shared history. It also helps to keep our communities connected, as many of our celebrations, customs, and festivals are rooted in our cultural heritage.

5. What can people do to maintain their culture and traditions?

People can maintain their culture and traditions by engaging in activities such as celebrating traditional holidays, teaching their children about the history and values of their heritage, participating in cultural events, and sharing traditional stories and customs with others. They can also preserve artifacts, photographs, and other items that are important to their culture, and learn to speak the language of their ancestors.

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