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Essay About Autumn: Top 5 Examples and Prompts

Autumn brings out different emotions within us. But how can you relay those in your essay about autumn? Read this article to get examples and writing prompts .

Autumn is the season when animals, people, and nature prepare for winter. Leaves turn orange, yellow, or brown. The weather becomes chillier, and the mist and fog appear more often. 

Many people in the United States associate Halloween, pumpkins, pine cones, corn, and harvest times with autumn. In Southeast and Northeast Asian countries, people celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. Many call it the Moon Festival because it is when the moon is brightest and most beautiful.

If you need to write an essay about autumn, you found the right place. Consider checking out the essays on autumn that we gathered below as a reference for your writing. 

If you are interested in learning more, check out these essay writing tips !

1. Autumn: The Best Season of All by Ernestine Boyd 

2. autumn essay by prasanna, 3. reasons why autumn is the best season by carrie smith, 4. essay on autumn season in india by readingjunction, 5. top (healthy) reasons to love fall by olivia delong, 1. autumn in my hometown or country, 2. favorite autumn activities, 3. top fall foods, 4. why i don’t like autumn, 5. psychological effects of the fall season, 6. marketing tactics often used in autumn, 7. symbolism of autumn, 8. best destinations or favorite places in autumn.

“People need beauty, and it comes around every year in the form of autumn. Not only does the beauty of autumn appeal to the eye, but the mild weather makes it feel just as comfortable as it looks.”

Boyd’s essay describes the wonders of autumn and why it is the best season for him. He describes the activities, attitudes, and weather. He also ponders why people might be jollier in the autumn than any other season.

“Autumn is agreeable to Poor individuals who work the entire day extremely difficult to get everyday dinners. They particularly face very tough challenges in winter, summer, and blustery conditions for supporting and everyday work. Autumn is awesome of all seasons with a ton of bliss.”

This essay discusses autumn by first describing it and then its advantages. Next, the writer talks about the things that happen in nature during autumn and their purpose. She also describes how people act more energetic and enthusiastic in autumn, thanks to the climate.

“It’s also the perfect time to start making hot cocoa and lighting a fire in the fireplace. This season creates the perfect setting for a sense of comfort, warmth, and reflection.”

Smith’s descriptive essay about autumn covers the changing colors of the trees, cool weather, later sunrises, holidays, and seasonal shopping. She also included some shopping tips and must-have items for the season. Smith also added what she disliked about fall and its symbolism in the essay.

“Even if each season comes with its beauty, [the] autumn season has an extraordinary place in nature’s art. Beautiful and clear colors on the trees like bright yellow, browns, ochre, rich auburn, and also the remnants of summer as lush green and many colors in between are splashed around everywhere.”

This essay on autumn puts more focus on autumn in India. It mentions various facts, benefits, and losses of the fall season in the country.

“The color yellow is often thought to convey energy, enthusiasm, fun, cheerfulness, and a positive emotional state. Red may help improve your attention span and boost your confidence. And it’s possible that fall foliage and cool temps may bring about happy memories.”

DeLong takes on a health-focused approach in this essay on autumn. She mentions the many health benefits autumn brings and the healthy activities people can do during this season. She even included a list of fruits and vegetables exclusive to fall.

9 Essay Topics and Prompts for Writing Essays About Autumn

Do you want to share your thoughts and opinions about autumn? Writing an essay about it is one way to share it with other people. Pick a topic below if you don’t know where to start or what to focus on.

No matter where they come from, everyone has a unique autumn experience. Some people follow cultural practices, like observing the Autumn Festival or Halloween. This essay idea describes how the fall season influences or changes your hometown or country.

Because autumn has a cooler temperature than summer but isn’t as cold as winter, many people can go outside and do more activities with their friends or family. Some families have days for pumpkin carving or hikes. Many kids like playing in the leaves, having backyard fires, and camping. What’s your favorite autumn activity? Write them down here and describe why you like them.

Do you enjoy eating seasonal foods, fruits, and vegetables that grow in the fall? It’s your chance to write about them and how much you love them. These fall foods can range from home-cooked meals to a restaurant’s yearly offer.

See this guide packed full of transition words for essays .

Some people like autumn but dislike the season. If you belong in the latter category, write about it in an essay. But, first, discuss what you don’t like about autumn and detail why you dislike it. For example, it may remind you of a sad time in your life.

Autumn often indicates shorter days or hours of daylight, lower temperatures, fog, and rain. These elements can have specific effects on the body and mind. Some people feel that autumn makes them more gloomy and anxious. For others, it is a time for socializing, positive feelings, and outdoor activities. Write about your general mood during the season and its positive or negative causes, depending on where you stand.

Did you notice that many businesses, stores, and establishments hold various sales from September to November? These sales typically coincide with Halloween, Thanksgiving, and even Oktoberfest. You can write about this seasonal occurrence and observations in your essay. It may also help research the common marketing strategies businesses use in the fall.

Autumn is a time for change, maturity, wealth, reconnection, balance, and sickness. Like the other seasons, autumn has a unique spiritual energy that resonates with the physical occurrences during this time. Worldwide, different cultures hold various celebrations during the fall. You can inspect this thread of thought further by writing about autumn’s different cultural understandings and symbolism.

Essay About Autumn: Best destinations or favorite places in autumn

How many places have you visited during autumn, and how did you enjoy them? If you’ve visited many autumn destinations, you’ve found a perfect essay topic. You don’t need to travel abroad or faraway places to describe the best autumn places you’ve visited. You could stick to local visits. 

You can even talk about a spot in town that isn’t necessarily a tourist destination but looks beautiful during the fall. For example, you could talk about the arcade, its fall promos, and how you enjoy going there with friends.

  If you’re looking for inspiration, check out our round-up of essay topics about nature .

essay on fall season

Maria Caballero is a freelance writer who has been writing since high school. She believes that to be a writer doesn't only refer to excellent syntax and semantics but also knowing how to weave words together to communicate to any reader effectively.

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Descriptive Essay

Descriptive Essay About Autumn

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Learn Tips to Write a Descriptive Essay About Autumn - Step into the Golden Season

Descriptive Essay about Autumn

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Write A Descriptive Essay About Nature With This Guide

Autumn is often regarded as one of the most beautiful seasons, spreading colors that refresh us after a hot summer. It's no wonder why many people look forward to this time of year! 

Descriptive writing about autumn is a great way to share your appreciation for this time of year.

You must be wondering, how can you describe your love for autumn in an essay. Don't worry! This guide is for you!

By following these examples and tips, you can craft an essay that brings the beauty of autumn to life!

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  • 1. Descriptive Essay - Overview

  • 3. Get Inspired by Examples of Descriptive Essays about Autumn 

Descriptive Essay - Overview

A descriptive essay is a type of writing in which you describe a person, place, thing, or event in detail. Unlike other forms of essays, this type requires you to use sensory details and figurative language to help your readers visualize.

In other words, the goal of a descriptive essay is to evoke an emotion, mood, or feeling in the reader.

Although descriptive writing is considered one of the easiest, it becomes very challenging when you don't know how to start.

Here’s a video about descriptive essays you can watch:

  Tips for Writing an Autumn Descriptive Essay

Here are some tips that you can use when writing a descriptive essay about autumn:

Step#1: Introduction - Set the Autumnal Scene

Before delving into the rich details of autumn, it's crucial to set the stage with an engaging introduction that captures your readers' attention. Begin by providing a brief overview of why autumn is a season worthy of exploration and description. 

You might want to mention its distinctive characteristics, such as the changing colors of the leaves, the crispness in the air, and the overall sense of transition.

Step#2: Use Sensory Details to Create Vivid Imagery

The best way to evoke emotion in your readers is to use vibrant language that appeals to all five senses. Include descriptions of the scents, sounds, and tastes that make up autumn. For instance, you can include how leaves turn bright yellow or brown as they fall to the ground.

This will help your readers imagine being in the middle of the season.

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Step#3: Remember to Use Descriptive Adjectives and Adverbs

Descriptive writing is all about the details. Make sure to use strong adjectives and adverbs to describe the season in vivid detail. This will help you create a more engaging essay that captures your readers’ attention.

Step#4: Include Vivid Examples of Autumn Activities

Autumn is a time for many activities, like apple picking, hayrides, and pumpkin carving. And it is also ideal for contemplation and meditation. Include vivid descriptions of these activities in your essay to make it more interesting and engaging.

Step#5: Use Figurative Language to Convey Emotion

Figurative language can help you evoke feelings and emotions in your readers. For example, you can use metaphors and similes to compare autumn to something else and create vivid imagery.

Step#6: Provide a Powerful Conclusion

Finally, make sure to provide a powerful conclusion that leaves your readers reflecting on the beauty of autumn. Use strong words and phrases to emphasize why you think autumn is one of the best seasons of all!

By following these tips, you will be able to write an autumn descriptive essay that captures its beauty perfectly. You can also use these tips to write on other descriptive essay topics .

So step into the golden season, and write a masterpiece that celebrates this wonderful time of year!

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Get Inspired by Examples of Descriptive Essays about Autumn 

Reading example essays is the best way to make sense of the tips provided above. 

Here's an example of a descriptive essay about nature, accompanied by an explanation of its effectiveness.

Why This Essay Works?

This essay is effective due to the following reasons:

  • Vivid Imagery

The essay employs vivid and evocative descriptions that paint a clear and captivating picture of autumn, making the reader feel immersed in the season's beauty.

  • Emotional Connection

It establishes an emotional connection with the reader by exploring the bittersweet and nostalgic aspects of autumn, evoking feelings of appreciation and reflection.

  • Seasonal Symbolism

The essay effectively uses autumn as a symbol of transition and change, connecting it to broader themes of life's cyclical nature.

  • Engaging Language

The language used is engaging and poetic, enhancing the overall reading experience and conveying the author's appreciation for the subject.

  • Well-Structured

The essay follows a logical structure, progressing from the visual elements of autumn to its sensory aspects and emotional impact. This provides a comprehensive exploration of the season.

  • Relatable Themes

It touches on universal themes of change, the passage of time, and the beauty in impermanence, making it relatable to a broad audience.

If you still need inspiration for your descriptive essay, explore the following examples for guidance.

Autumn Essay - Descriptive Essay Sample PDF

Descriptive Writing About a Park in Autumn

Description About Autumn Season - PDF Example

Descriptive Paragraph About Autumn

Descriptive Essay About Seasons

Descriptive Essay About Weather

These examples will give you an idea of how to use the tips and write a great descriptive essay about autumn. 

You can also read other descriptive essay examples to get a better idea.

To wrap it up,

We hope this guide is useful in helping you craft a captivating essay that celebrates one of the most beautiful seasons. Remember to use sensory details and vivid imagery when writing your essay that will help your readers relate to the topic. 

With these examples and tips in mind, you can write an amazing essay that captures the beauty of autumn.

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descriptive essay

Autumn is my Favorite Season

In this personal essay, the writer will express their fondness for the autumn season, describing the sensory experiences, activities, and feelings it evokes. The piece will discuss the aesthetic appeal of autumn, such as the changing leaves and cooler weather, and how these changes influence mood and lifestyle. The essay will also reflect on the cultural and personal significance of autumn, including traditions and memories associated with the season. It aims to provide a personal and descriptive account that resonates with readers who share a similar appreciation for autumn. Also at PapersOwl you can find more free essay examples related to Attention.

How it works

Each person has their own favorite season. Some people like winter, which brings New Years, skiing, snowballing. Others admire the spring, sometimes the awakening of nature from sleep. Sometimes, when streams ring and drops cry. Someone simply adores summer: vacations, swimming in rivers, walks with friends. And I like autumn.

I think autumn is the most beautiful time. The leaves of the trees change their color, if in the summer they were green, now they glow with golden, crimson, orange colors.

Nature is preparing for a long winter sleep, but there are still warm days, it is so good to walk in the autumn park when fallen leaves are barely audible and mysteriously rustling underfoot as if saying goodbye to the past summer.

Fresh air smells like rotten leaves, wet earth. High in the sky, cranes are chirping and flying to hot countries.

Walking in the autumn park, I really like to collect bouquets of fallen colorful leaves.

It turns out such wonderful bright bouquets, which are in no way inferior to bouquets of flowers. I also like to use autumn leaves instead of bookmarks for books.

Most of all, I like autumn because it is the rainiest time, I really like to walk in the rain. When it’s time for long rains, it’s so nice to get into a comfortable chair, cover yourself with a blanket and, listening to the sound of the rain outside the window, read some interesting book, or just dream about something.

Every year our school hosts the Golden Autumn holiday. The assembly hall is decorated with garlands of autumn leaves, and on the tables – gifts of autumn, because autumn is the time for harvesting.

All our poets wrote about autumn, showered it with dozens of epithets, autumn was depicted on their canvases by all great painters, conveying with paints all the splendor of this divine beauty.

Near my house, a rowan grows under the window, how beautiful it is in autumn! When leaves have already flown from all the trees, the mountain ash simply blazes with its clusters of scarlet berries.

I love the time of falling leaves, when the leaves slowly swirling in the air, slowly falling and covering the whole earth with a golden carpet. I also like it when in the fall the loose leaves gathered in a heap are burned. For some reason, the smell of these leaves always evokes in me a feeling of some kind of nagging sadness and sadness, but light and light sadness. I was born in the fall, maybe that’s why I love this most wonderful time of the year with all my heart and soul. I am always looking forward to the onset of this wonderful time, which gives me happiness and joy.

Nothing is quite so remarkable as the change that takes place in the autumn. Where not so long ago we were surrounded by bushes and trees resplendent in their summer greens, we are now living in a world of jumbled hues of orange and gold and rust. Where just days ago the lawn around the house was a well-vacuumed carpet of grass, clipped and tidy, it is now virtually covered over with fallen dried leaves. Autumn lingers like pleasant memories from a good friend’s visit, like the fresh-scrubbed oxygen that a thunderstorm leaves behind. It is a time of change when every morning brings new colors, new smells, and an altered vista. It is a time when even as the pace of change quickens in the natural world, the pace of man slows. It is the season of meandering strolls through multihued glens, through the melancholy fluttering of leaves falling to the ground.

Autumn is a time of introspection when the sniff of drying foliage and loam slow the mind to consider days past, the highs and lows of a life. Every season has its own beauty, but autumn, like spring, brings with it a mood. If spring exults in new life, autumn examines the old; if spring is the anticipation of tomorrow, autumn is a meditation on yesterday. So much of life is a process; so much of it is just paying attention. What good is our stumbling if we never look back to understand why we tripped? What good is a victory if it doesn’t leave us more humble? What good is life itself if tomorrow doesn’t find us better than we were the day before? In the magnificent untidiness of our life-walk, it is necessary to pause beneath the drifting, dying leaves of autumn and examine the grace just spent. I want to learn to pay better attention: to listen, to observe, to learn. Nature never stands still; it is always moving, pressing into the next day. Today’s tree will be taller tomorrow—or it will be fallen, lying dead and rotting in last year’s leaves. Today’s grass, luxuriously pliant and green, will tomorrow be brittle and parched, brown and sharp to the touch. The fawn that accompanies his mother today will next year be taller and on his own—or he may become a hunter’s trophy. Time never stops.

Season passes into season, change inevitably comes. As I gaze out my window, into the trees of Land Park that each day put on new clothes, I feel a sense of urgency. What have I accomplished today? The days continue to tick by; what am I doing that will yield eternal results? The person I pass on the street today will tomorrow be older—or dead. What have I done today so that his tomorrow will be something more than just his being one day older? Have I been kind to those around me, or have I been impatient and rude? Do I expect everyone to be perfect like me? Or do I allow for the imperfections everyone else permits me? Will the world be better—or larger—tomorrow, because of something I’ve done today? Have I filled up each day using the gifts God has graciously entrusted to me? Have I used them or have I squandered them? Some young plants and trees still need to be watered in the autumn. They ask for deep-rooted sustenance to carry them through the dormancy of winter. As I fill the old galvanized bucket with water and carry it to the base of the small tree newly planted in the yard, I notice a few drops leaking from the bottom edge, trailing a glistening path of drips through the drying leaves that carpet the grass. And I realize that when we are born, we are each given a bucketful of days. God fills our bucket to overflowing, pouring into it, as well, all God’s goodness and blessings, gifts and opportunities. As time passes, the days drip out, one by one, until, at our earthly end, the bucket is dry. Our days have run out. Our gifts and opportunities have reached their end. No more. Each of us begins with a bucketful of days. But only God knows how many days are in our bucket. Will we spend them well? 


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Why We Love Fall So Much, According to Psychology

Joni Sweet is an experienced writer who specializes in health, wellness, travel, and finance.

essay on fall season

Aaron Johnson is a fact checker and expert on qualitative research design and methodology. 

essay on fall season

Verywell / Madelyn Goodnight

Key Takeaways

  • Fall is a temporal landmark, a moment that influences how we see and use time, and tends to boost people’s motivation.
  • Many people see fall as a time for a fresh start, perhaps due to long-held associations with going back to school in September.
  • Psychology experts say we can maximize the mental health benefits of the season by spending time in nature, setting goals, and prioritizing favorite activities. 

If you’re not a die-hard fan of fall, chances are good that you know someone who is. They can be spotted sipping pumpkin spice lattes, snapping photos of the vibrant foliage, and savoring sweater weather. 

But is there something deeper than autumn’s colors and flavors that make people downright obsessed with this season? Perhaps, according to psychology experts, who say there are some distinct qualities of fall to which people feel deeply drawn.

Fall’s Fresh Start Effect

Fall can fit into our lives in a similar way to that of a birthday or a new year . They’re all temporal landmarks, or moments that create a structure for how we see and use time.

“Temporal landmarks divide life into distinct mental phases. They allow us to put in the past negative experiences and propel a fresh outlook,” says Yasmine Saad, PhD, a licensed clinical psychologist and founder and director of psychological services at  Madison Park Psychological Services .

Yasmine Saad, PhD

Temporal landmarks divide life into distinct mental phases. They allow us to put in the past negative experiences and propel a fresh outlook.

Research shows that experiencing temporal landmarks can boost motivation to pursue goals. And in fall—a season we’re socially conditioned to associate with going back to school—that motivation may be directed toward our careers in adulthood. 

“As young kids, we learned that the fall is filled with new people, places, and opportunities. It's when we got all of our new school supplies and were excited to dive into new activities. That association stays with us into adulthood,” says Ronit Levy, PsyD, director of Bucks County Anxiety Center . “There is a feeling of excitement and promise in the air.”

Other Psychological Reasons We Love Fall

Our obsession with fall may go beyond the season’s status as a temporal landmark, though. Part of it may have to do with the comfort of getting back into a steady routine after summer.

“During the summer, people tend to travel for vacation and have less predictable schedules. Once fall starts, most people resume their everyday routines, making it easier for friends to get together and socialize. There is a comfortable routine that this season brings,” says Sanam Hafeez, PsyD, neuropsychologist and director of Comprehend the Mind .

The weather may also present some mental health benefits. The cooler temperatures and spectacular foliage encourage us to spend time in nature, which has been connected with improvements in our happiness, wellbeing, relationships, and sense of having a life purpose.  

“In addition, with cooler temperatures comes clarity of thinking, in contrast to the fogginess associated with warmer temperatures,” says Dr. Saad. 

Plus, swapping out our summer clothes for cozy fall gear can take some of the pressure off our physical appearance, says Dr. Levy. In that way, we can be more at ease with our bodies and ourselves. 

“Depending on where you live, fall usually means the end of swimsuit season. People tend to feel more comfortable about their bodies and appearance in the fall because they're wearing more or bulkier clothing,” she adds. That, combined with the social acceptance to indulge in Halloween candy and decadent fall foods, means “there's less body shame and pressure to diet in order to maintain a picture-perfect, beach-ready body.”

Ronit Levy, PsyD

People tend to feel more comfortable about their bodies and appearance in the fall because they're wearing more or bulkier clothing.

Speaking of Halloween, it’s just one of many holidays we look forward to this time of year. Just around the corner are Thanksgiving and the major winter holidays, and we begin to anticipate the celebrations and gatherings with loved ones almost as soon as summer ends.

“Holidays can have you feeling nostalgic, which can play a role in people's excitement for the upcoming months,” says Dr. Hafeez. “We tend to create unconscious associations with specific times in our lives that make us the happiest.”

Making the Most of the Season

Considering the array of benefits fall can bring to our lives, it can be a particularly opportune time to focus on our resilience and stave off the winter blues.

“Fall is the time to gather all that we need to go through the winter. Psychologically, it means looking at our mindset and coping skills to endure the darkness of winter,” says Dr. Saad. “Are you equipped to deal with negative emotions and thoughts if they were to come your way? This is your preparation time.”

Everyone’s preparation can look a little different, but here are some suggestions of ways to boost your wellbeing this fall:

Get Outside

Whether you’re picking pumpkins and apples, taking your kids trick-or-treating, or going on hikes, spending time in nature can offer a mental health boost. “Getting outside and enjoying the fresh air is a natural way of raising the oxygen levels in your brain,” says Dr. Hafeez. “A rise in oxygen tends to release more serotonin, a neurotransmitter that promotes happiness.”

Map Out Your Goals

Since fall feels like a fresh start and a time of increased motivation, it can be an opportunity to figure out what you want to focus on in the upcoming months. Determine what your goals are, why these missions are important to you, and specific steps to make them happen. Completing goal-setting exercises now can also help you stay on track if you begin to feel stagnant in the winter. 

Make Time for Things You Love

Symptoms of seasonal affective disorder can begin to set in this time of year. One thing you can do to feel better is making time for your favorite activities, such as reading, getting together with friends, making art, and playing sports. If you’re feeling depressed, you may also consider connecting with a mental health professional for additional support.

What This Means For You

Ever wonder why many people are downright obsessed with fall? It might be because autumn is considered a temporal landmark, a psychological concept that refers to events (like birthdays and seasonal changes) that change how we see time. It makes us feel more motivated to take on new challenges and enjoy the bounty of the season.

With the winter blues looming around the corner, fall can be an opportune time to strengthen our resilience and emotional wellbeing, experts say. Consider spending time in nature, mapping out your goals, and prioritizing your favorite hobbies this season. If you begin to feel depressed or you just need some additional support, reach out to a mental health professional.

Dai H, Li C. How experiencing and anticipating temporal landmarks influence motivation . Current Opinion in Psychology . 2019;26:44-48. Published April 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.copsyc.2018.04.012

Bratman Gregory N., Anderson Christopher B., Berman Marc G., et al. Nature and mental health: An ecosystem service perspective . Science Advances . 5(7):eaax0903.Published July 24, 2019. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aax0903

Forneris CA, Nussbaumer-Streit B, Morgan LC, et al. Psychological therapies for preventing seasonal affective disorder . Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews . 2019;5. doi:10.1002/14651858.cd011270.pub3

By Joni Sweet Joni Sweet is an experienced writer who specializes in health, wellness, travel, and finance.

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Published: Jun 9, 2021

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Why I Love Autumn

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100 Words Essay on Autumn Season


Autumn, also known as fall, is one of the four seasons. It comes after summer and before winter. Autumn is known for its beautiful colors and cooler temperatures.

Characteristics of Autumn

In autumn, leaves change from green to vibrant hues of red, orange, and yellow. This transformation creates a stunning natural display. The days become shorter, and the weather turns cooler.

Autumn Activities

Autumn is a time for harvest. Farmers gather crops, and we celebrate Thanksgiving. It’s also a great time for outdoor activities like apple picking, hiking, and enjoying the colorful scenery.

Autumn is a beautiful and important season. It is a time of change, harvest, and preparation for the winter ahead.

Also check:

  • 10 Lines on Autumn Season
  • Paragraph on Autumn Season

250 Words Essay on Autumn Season

Autumn, also known as fall, is one of the four temperate seasons that brings a fresh crispness to the air. It is a season that beautifully bridges the gap between the intense heat of summer and the chilling cold of winter.

The Aesthetic Splendor of Autumn

Autumn is often associated with a visual feast of colors. The leaves of deciduous trees change from green to vibrant hues of yellow, orange, and red, creating a picturesque landscape. This transformation is due to the reduction of chlorophyll in the leaves as the days shorten and temperatures drop. The season paints a vivid canvas of nature, making it a favorite among artists and photographers.

Autumn: A Season of Harvest

Autumn is traditionally linked with harvest time. In many cultures, it is a period of gathering ripe crops and celebrating the bounty of nature. Festivals like Thanksgiving in the United States and the Mid-Autumn Festival in China highlight this aspect of the season. These celebrations not only acknowledge the agricultural abundance but also strengthen community bonds.

The Metaphorical Significance of Autumn

In literature, autumn is often symbolized as a phase of maturity or even decline, corresponding to the later stages of human life. This association is not merely about decay, but about understanding the cyclical nature of life, acceptance, and preparing for a new beginning, much like the trees shedding their leaves in preparation for winter.

In conclusion, autumn is a season of profound beauty and significant cultural importance. It is a time of transition, a visual spectacle, and a symbol of life’s cyclical nature. The charm of autumn lies in its ability to remind us of the constant change in life and the potential for renewal that lies within every ending.

500 Words Essay on Autumn Season

Introduction to autumn season.

Autumn, often referred to as fall, is one of the four temperate seasons marking the transition from the hot summer months to the cold winter. This season is characterized by the shedding of leaves from deciduous trees, a phenomenon that paints the landscape with an array of warm hues. Autumn is not just a visual spectacle but a season that impacts various aspects of life.

Symbolism and Cultural Significance

Autumn is often associated with themes of change, maturity, and preparation. As the leaves turn from green to vibrant shades of red, orange, and yellow, they symbolize the cycle of life, renewal, and transformation. Many cultures celebrate harvest festivals during this season, signifying gratitude, abundance, and the culmination of hard work. In literature and art, autumn often represents a metaphor for the fleeting nature of life.

Ecological Impact

Autumn plays a significant role in the ecological cycle. The process of leaves changing color and falling is known as senescence. This process is crucial for the survival of trees during winter, as it helps conserve water and energy. The fallen leaves decompose, enriching the soil with nutrients, thus playing a vital role in the ecosystem’s nutrient cycle. Furthermore, autumn is a critical time for many animal species as they prepare for the harsh winter months, either by migrating or storing food.

Effect on Human Psychology

The transition to autumn can also have psychological implications. The phenomenon of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a type of depression that follows the seasons, is often triggered during autumn. The shorter days and longer nights can disrupt our circadian rhythm, leading to feelings of lethargy and melancholy. However, for many, autumn brings a sense of calm and tranquility, a respite from the intense summer heat. The vibrant colors, the crisp air, and the cozy atmosphere can induce feelings of comfort and nostalgia.

Autumn in the Context of Climate Change

In the context of climate change, autumn’s timing and characteristics have been noticeably affected. Warmer temperatures are delaying the onset of autumn, disrupting the natural cycles of plants and animals. This can have cascading effects on biodiversity and human societies that depend on these cycles.

Autumn, with its unique blend of beauty and transformation, is a season that invites reflection. It is a reminder of the cycles of life, the importance of change, and the intricate balance of our ecosystem. As we witness the effects of climate change on this season, it also serves as a call to action towards more sustainable practices. In essence, autumn is not just a season; it is a profound symbol of life’s dynamism and interconnectivity.

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essay on fall season

Mr Greg's English Cloud

Short Essay: My Favourite Season

Everyone has a favorite season. Whether it’s the blossoming of spring, the warmth of summer, the colors of autumn, or the chill of winter, each season holds a unique charm and significance. Writing a short essay about your favorite season can be a delightful way to express your personal feelings and observations. Here’s how to articulate your fondness for a particular time of year in a structured and engaging way.

Table of Contents


Begin with an introduction that captures the essence of your favorite season. Use sensory details to create a vivid image in the reader’s mind. This could be a personal anecdote or a series of striking descriptions that convey why this season stands out to you.

Divide the body of your essay into a few paragraphs, each focusing on different aspects that make this season special to you. Here’s a way you might structure it:

  • Describe the changes in the environment during this season. For autumn, you might discuss the transformation of foliage, the migration of birds, or the first frost.
  • Use imagery to help the reader visualize the landscape and feel the atmosphere of the season.
  • Detail the activities that are particularly enjoyable during this season. This could be about seasonal festivals, holidays, or simple pleasures like walking through a park or baking with seasonal ingredients.
  • Explain how these activities make you feel and why they are more enjoyable during this season.
  • Share personal memories or traditions that you associate with this season. Reflect on moments that have deepened your appreciation for this time of year.
  • Discuss how this season influences your mood, behavior, or choices in your daily life.

Wrap up your essay by summarizing why this season holds a special place in your heart. Reflect on the broader implications of the season on your life and possibly on others.

My Favourite Season Essay Example #1

Seasons come and go, each with its unique characteristics that make it stand out. However, my favorite season is autumn. It is a time of change and beauty. The cool weather, the beautiful foliage, and the many outdoor activities make it a season to look forward to. In this essay, I will explain why autumn is my favorite season.

My favorite season is autumn because of the cool weather and beautiful foliage. After the hot and humid summer, the cool weather that autumn brings is a welcome relief. The temperature is just right, not too hot and not too cold. The air becomes crisp and refreshing, making it perfect for outdoor activities. The leaves on the trees change color and fall, creating a beautiful landscape. The red, yellow, and orange colors of the leaves are a sight to behold. The cool weather and the beautiful foliage are the main reasons why autumn is my favorite season.

During autumn, the air becomes crisp and refreshing, and I enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking and apple picking. The cool weather makes it perfect for outdoor activities that were not possible in the summer. Hiking is one of my favorite activities, and during autumn, the weather is perfect for it. The trails are not too crowded, and the scenery is beautiful. Apple picking is another activity that I enjoy during autumn. It is a fun activity that allows me to enjoy the cool weather and the beautiful foliage.

The changing colors of the leaves create a picturesque landscape that is a joy to behold. The red, yellow, and orange colors of the leaves make the landscape look like a painting. The changing colors of the leaves also symbolize change and remind us that nothing is permanent. The leaves fall, and the trees become bare, but they will grow new leaves in the spring. The changing colors of the leaves make autumn a season of reflection and appreciation.

In conclusion, autumn is my favorite season because of the cool weather, beautiful foliage, and the many outdoor activities. The cool weather makes it perfect for outdoor activities such as hiking and apple picking, and the changing colors of the leaves create a picturesque landscape that is a joy to behold. Autumn is a season of change and reflection, and it reminds us that nothing is permanent.

My Favourite Season Essay Example #2

Every season has its own unique charm and beauty, but there is always one that stands out as a personal favorite. For me, that season is autumn. From the stunning foliage to the comfortable temperatures, there are so many reasons why I love this time of year. In this essay, I will explain why autumn is my favourite season by exploring its beautiful scenery, outdoor activities, and cozy atmosphere.

The first reason why autumn is my favourite season is the breathtaking foliage that it brings. As the leaves begin to change colour, the entire landscape transforms into a stunning display of red, orange, and yellow. The trees appear to be on fire, and it is truly a sight to behold. I love taking long walks during this time of year, admiring the beauty of nature and feeling the crisp air on my face. There is something incredibly peaceful about being surrounded by such natural beauty.

Another reason why I love autumn is the perfect weather it brings. The heat of summer has subsided, and the chill of winter has not yet arrived. This makes it the ideal time for outdoor activities such as hiking and apple picking. The cool, dry air is refreshing and invigorating, and it makes physical activity much more enjoyable. I love spending my weekends exploring the outdoors during this time of year, soaking up the beauty of the season and staying active at the same time.

Finally, autumn is a special time of year because of the cozy atmosphere it creates. As the days get shorter and the weather gets cooler, people tend to spend more time indoors. This creates the perfect opportunity for indulging in seasonal treats such as pumpkin spice lattes and apple cider. The warm and comforting flavours of these drinks make them the perfect accompaniment to a cozy night in. Additionally, the soft lighting and warm blankets create a relaxing and inviting atmosphere that is perfect for spending time with loved ones.

In conclusion, autumn is my favourite season for many reasons. From the stunning foliage to the perfect weather and cozy atmosphere, there is so much to love about this time of year. Whether I am enjoying a brisk walk through the woods or cuddled up with a warm drink, I always feel a sense of peace and contentment during the autumn months. It is truly a special time of year, and I am grateful for the beauty and joy it brings to my life.

My Favourite Season Essay Example #3

Seasons are an essential aspect of nature that brings changes in the environment and our daily lives. Each season has its unique charm and beauty, which attracts people differently. In my opinion, my favourite season is autumn. Autumn is the transitional season between summer and winter, and it is marked by a cool, crisp air and beautiful fall foliage. During this season, there are many fun outdoor activities to enjoy, and the cozy atmosphere makes it the perfect time for enjoying warm drinks and spending time with family and friends. In this essay, I will elaborate on why autumn is my favourite season.

The first reason why autumn is my favourite season is the cool, crisp air and beautiful fall foliage. The temperature during autumn is perfect, and the air is fresh, making it a pleasant experience to be outside. The fall foliage is another factor that makes this season unique. The leaves on trees change colour from green to yellow, orange, and red, creating a beautiful sight. Walking through a park or forest and seeing the leaves falling gently to the ground is a magical experience. Furthermore, the sound of leaves crunching underfoot adds to the autumn season’s beauty.

The second reason why autumn is my favourite season is the fun outdoor activities to enjoy. During this season, there are many activities to do, such as apple picking, hiking, and camping. Apple picking is a fun activity to do with friends and family, and it is an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors while getting fresh fruit. Hiking is another activity that is enjoyable during autumn because the weather is perfect, and the fall foliage adds to the scenery’s beauty. Camping during autumn is a unique experience, and it is an opportunity to escape from the city’s hustle and bustle and relax in nature.

The third reason why autumn is my favourite season is the cozy atmosphere. The weather during autumn is perfect for enjoying warm drinks such as hot chocolate, coffee, and tea. The cool air creates a cozy atmosphere, making it the perfect time to spend time with family and friends. Autumn is also the season for holidays such as Halloween and Thanksgiving, making it an opportunity to enjoy time with loved ones. Furthermore, autumn is the season for comfort food such as pies, soups, and stews, making it the perfect time to indulge in delicious food.

In conclusion, autumn is my favourite season because of the cool, crisp air and beautiful fall foliage, fun outdoor activities to enjoy, and the cozy atmosphere. The season’s unique charm and beauty make it a memorable experience, and it is an opportunity to enjoy nature and spend time with loved ones. Autumn is a season that brings joy and happiness to people’s lives, and I look forward to it every year.

Final Tips for Effective Writing

  • Be Descriptive:  Engage all the senses when describing the season. Talk about the sights, sounds, smells, textures, and tastes that define this time of year for you.
  • Be Personal:  This essay is an opportunity to share your unique perspective and personal experiences. Let your personality shine through.
  • Stay Structured:  Even though the essay is personal and descriptive, maintaining a clear structure will help keep your writing coherent and engaging.
  • Proofread:  Always revise your work. Ensuring your essay is free from grammatical errors and typos will make your writing more professional and enjoyable to read.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

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essay on fall season

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Autumn Writing Prompts, Essay Ideas, and Fall Writing Activities

Kids reading and writing in autumn.

Be sure to check back for the Thanksgiving writing prompts coming soon. You may also enjoy “ Back to School Writing Prompts .” Remember: Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay is the fastest, most effective way to teach children essay writing… Guaranteed !

If you plant writing success in the fall, you will have a mighty spring harvest!

Please Note : Alexander Bain’s widely accepted century-old model holds that there are only four modes of discourse: 1) descriptive 2) narrative 3) expository and 4) argument/persuasive. Many of the headings below are “organizational models or patterns” and can be combined with the four main modes of discourse. Example: The “cause and effect pattern” can be expressed in the descriptive, narrative, expository, or argumentative genre.

Autumn Cause and Effect Essay

!   Leaves change color in fall. What makes the leaves change color? What effects do the colorful leaves have on the tree, on the environment, and on people?

!   The amount of daily sunlight decreases during autumn. What are the causes of this? What are its effects?

!   Some students go to summer school – what effect does this have on students once school starts up again in fall?

!   The weather changes in fall. How does it change? How does this affect the way people dress? Does the change in weather also affect people’s moods?

!   Kids are back in school during the fall – what effect does this have on family life?

!   Some people get depressed in autumn. It’s called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). What are some of the causes of SAD? What are its effects?

!   Because of daylight savings time clocks are set back one hour in the fall. Why do we do this? What effect does this have?

Autumn Persuasive Essay   

!   Fall is the beginning of school – kids need to get focused and put summer daydreams behind them.

!   There is an old fashion mantra that says one should not wear white after Labor Day (the first Monday in September). Persuade others that this rule of thumb is what keeps the human race civilized… or that it is an outdated way of thinking and must be abolished!

!   We set our clocks back one hour in the fall (we fall back one hour). Persuade others that we must stop this disruption to our lives; or that this “falling back” has great benefit.

!   There is no debate about this: fall is the best season of the year… or the worst season of the year.

!   Having two names for one season (fall and autumn) is confusing. We should simply change the season’s name to “football season!”

!   The new TV season begins in fall. Write a persuasive essay for or against television.

Autumn Compare and Contrast Essay

!   Fall contains the end of baseball season and the beginning of football season. Compare and contrast the end of baseball season with the beginning of football season.

!   In farming, one plants in the spring and harvests in the fall. In school, one plants in the fall and harvests in the spring.  Compare and contrast these.

!   Fall weather is different in different parts of the country – compare the fall weather where you live to the fall weather in a different part of the county.

!   Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere vs. Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere.

!   Fall is considered the opposite of spring. Compare and contrast these two seasons.

!   Fall vs. Autumn – What’s the Deal?


Need help teaching beginning writers or struggling writers, check out pattern based writing: quick & easy essay, autumn process essay or how-to essay.

!   How to prepare for colder weather on the way.

!   Explain to others how to implement excellent learning habit early in the year so that they will reap a wonderful harvest full of rewards in the spring.

!   How are kids supposed to have any fun? There are fewer hours of daylight in the fall compared to summer. Additionally, kids are back in school. Learn how to have fun in the fall.

!   How to harvest a crop.

Autumn Expository/Informational Essay

!   Many activities are connected to specific seasons of the year. What are some interesting and fun fall activities that you participate in?

!   The science of autumn – everything you ever wanted to know about autumn.

!   Autumn leaves special report – the real truth!

!   The seasons in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere are reversed. Explain why this is so.

!   Fall holidays: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Autumn Story Ideas

!   Falling Up: The Year Autumn was Spring

!   The Lazy Squirrel Who Gathered No Nuts

!   Fall: The Beginning of the End

!   The World’s Most Persistent Little Flower

!   Leaves Revolt!

!   Raining Leaves All Day Long

!   A Fall Harvest Gone Bad!

!   The Little Apple Who Wouldn’t Fall

!   Johnny Appleseed had a Brother? Johnny Pumpkin Seed?

Autumn Descriptive Essay

!   Describe the first rainfall of fall.

!   Describe the day-by-day change from summer into fall.

!   Do a Google search for “fall pictures” and describe what you see. (You will be amazed!) Use your imagination and all five senses to make fall come alive.

Autumn Five-Paragraph Essay

!   Three things you don’t know about autumn.

!   Three autumn activities.

!   Three crops that are harvested in fall.

!   Back to school, the apple festival, and Thanksgiving – Fall is Fabulous!

Autumn Narrative/ Personal Narrative Essay

!   Fall harvest on the farm.

!   An apple’s journey from bud to fall harvest.

!   Fall reflections on my journey through life.

!   Picking fresh ripe apples straight off the tree.

!   Fall holiday stories and tales.

!   Grandma’s journey into the autumn of life.

Autumn Response to Literature

!   Analyze and respond to some of the autumn poems found here: Autumn Poems for Kids  

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English Summary

My Favourite Season Autumn Essay

Autumn is one of the four major seasons in a year. Autumn changes the season from summer to winter because it falls between them. Autumn falls at different time in different part of the Earth.

In our country, this season falls from the month of September to November. Every season has its own features. Autumn is also known as ‘fall’ because the leaves from the trees start falling in Autumn. Due to lack of rain, leaves start drying up and then they fall and the new leaves come up in winter.

In Autumn everything turns from green to yellow. Trees and grass become yellow in colour and the fallen leaves cover the face of the earth. Autumn has its own unique beauty.

Animals start preparing for winter in this season. Some birds like Cuckoos migrate to warmer places. Small animals like squirrels and mouse start storing food. In winters, they do not come out from their holes and eat the stored food only. Animals like Bears, Turtles etc find a warm place where they can hibernate in winter.

Autumn season is a great season for growing vegetables and fruits. Carrot, Cauliflower, Beans, Apples, Grapes, Oranges are the gifts of this season. In our country, festivals like Durga Puja and Garba are celebrated in Autumn.

This season shows a totally new face of nature. The weather in this season is loved by all because it is moderate. Autumn season teaches us that even if the leaves fall, new leaves will take their place one day.

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essay on fall season


PTE Academic Exam Practice Material

Autumn Season Essay

Learn how to write autumn season essay in 300 words. Know more about an essay on autumn season in English language for students of class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 class. Now you can also write my favourite season autumn essay in 300 words.

Autumn Season Essay

Autumn season starts before the starting of winters usually in the month of September. Specifically, the autumn season ranges between September and November in the northern hemisphere. This season is also known as fall season in many countries. Autumn season commences with its own beauty and brings the moments of joy and happiness. This season adds extraordinary beauty in nature and the environment as compared to other seasons.

During autumn or fall, you can see the beautiful colours on the tree leaves like vivid yellow, rich reddish-brown, ochre and the scraps of the trees and plants beautifully coloured and splattered around everywhere. Well, you can experience the best of nature during this season as you can see the changing colours of the trees that turn from lush green to shades of red, orange and brown. Many people make travel plans during this season as it is one of the most pleasant seasons of the year along with exhibiting the most beautiful aspects of nature.

Also, during fall, there are diverse varieties of sweets available in the market such as candies, caramelized apples, bonbons, fudges and much more. In addition to this, you can have the delicious apple pies, pumpkin pies and any kind of pie you desire. Well, it’s not only about food and sweets, another interesting thing about the autumn season is we can wear fashionable clothes that exhibit unique style statement and many designers come up with the exclusive designs for their autumn collection.

After experiencing the scorching sun in the summers, autumn brings cool winds and help us get relieved from the intense heat. The climate gradually starts cooling down and the heat waves become less severe thus enabling people to come out of their houses and enjoy the evenings.

In conclusion, the autumn season brings a lot of excitement and zeal among the people as it is the season to take pleasure in the beauties of nature.

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16 Fantastic Fall/Autumn Writing Prompts

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For some, fall (or autumn) symbolizes harvest, and the beginning processes of hibernation before winter. For others, fall means that hay rides, Halloween and Thanksgiving are just around the corner!

With all this fun to look forward to, it's easy to forget about school, but we're here to help! We’ve created a list of fun fall writing prompts to keep your child on track and make writing a part of your fall/autumn routine!

Child holding autumn leaves.

What colours and scents do you associate with fall? Write about everything that comes to mind.

What three words do you associate with autumn? Write a short story including these words.

When you think of autumn what images come to mind? Can you describe the scenery? What happens to nature?

Write a report about magical animal that would love fall!

Write a short story about a magical pumpkin that comes to life!

Can you think of a nice memory you’ve shared with someone during fall? Write a letter to them reminding them of the memory.

Autumn can be a spooky season. Write a story about Halloween and think about what makes the holiday so spooky.

Can you write a play about a little ghost who got lost on his way back to his haunted mansion? Make sure to give him a name!

Did you know this season is called both “fall” and “autumn”? Write a persuasive essay about why you think it has both names.

Think about the sound leaves make when you step on them. Write a poem describing this.

What would your magical creature dress up as for Halloween? Write a story about their costume! What would they wear?

Think of your favourite Halloween candy. Can you create a brand new flavour and candy type?

What’s your favourite season and why?

Autumn is usually associated with the colors red, orange and yellow. If you could pick a color for leaves to turn, what would you pick and why?

Imagine you’re going on a hay ride with your magical animal. Write an adventure story about what happens.

You’re on your way to check on your animals in the Night Zoo and you run into a ghost! Write a conversation between the two of you.

Family going trick or treating.

More seasonal prompts

  • Winter Writing Prompts For Kids
  • Spring Writing Prompts For Kids
  • Summer Writing Prompts For Kids

Night Zookeeper logo, displayed on tablet screen.

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“My Child Hates Writing.” What do I do?

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The Write Practice

15 Fun Fall Writing Prompts

by Sue Weems | 87 comments

Fall is a transitional season with lots of opportunities to delve into memories, activities, or seasonal fun with fall writing prompts. Try one of these creative writing exercises to get you writing during this beautiful season!

essay on fall season

Writing prompts are one of the best ways to get in your daily writing practice and hone your writing skills. Whether you're a parent or teacher trying to help reluctant writers get started or a seasoned pro looking for new ideas, today we have a series of fun fall writing prompts to help you transition from the summer season into the autumn, writing all the way.

Fun Fall Writing Activities

Write a scene about a character who is participating in their favorite fall activity. Bonus: add a secondary character who hates doing that activity.

Choose a genre (mystery, horror, romance, sci-fi, fantasy, thriller). Write a scene in that genre that begins in a pumpkin patch where something has gone horribly wrong. 

Create a unique fall competition that turns traditional fall activities on their head. (Largest pumpkin rolling contest, apple pie competition with odd ingredients, corn maze with some unique element that makes it extra fun or terrifying). The write about the winners and losers of the event you created. 

Write a story about a haunted (or otherwise magical) apple orchard. 

Create a scene where characters are surprised by a friendly scarecrow. (Or alternately a less friendly scarecrow!)

Story Starters for Cooler Weather

He dreaded the colder weather. It always…

The pile of colorful leaves began to shake until suddenly…  

Hot apple cider used to be her favorite fall drink until…

Football season was probably going to be canceled…

They'd been hiding for hours, but then the crunching leaves broke the silence…

Fall-themed Writing Prompts

Write about your favorite fall activities, including the first time you participated and any specific favorite memory associated with them. 

Create an epistolary story that could only happen during the fall. (Epistolary= told through personal letters)

 Write about the changing of seasons, how it feels to transition between the two. 

 Tell a creative story about how fall began (or alternately about the adventure of a single autumn leaf). 

Create a cute fall book or short story for children about autumn animals, decorative scarecrows, or your favorite fall holiday. 

Now You Try 

The change of season brings with it a wealth of new opportunities. From hot chocolate and warm sweaters to the crinkle of leaves beneath your feet, there's plenty to look forward to in autumn. Hopefully one of these creative writing prompts sparked some new ideas or got your creative juices flowing as you write this fall. 

Looking for additional prompts? Try our most popular article of short story ideas ! 

What is your favorite thing about fall? Share in the comments

Choose one of the prompts above. Write for fifteen minutes without stopping. Share your practice in the Pro Practice Workshop and leave feedback for a few fellow fall writers. 

Not a member? Join us ! 

How to Write Like Louise Penny

Sue Weems is a writer, teacher, and traveler with an advanced degree in (mostly fictional) revenge. When she’s not rationalizing her love for parentheses (and dramatic asides), she follows a sailor around the globe with their four children, two dogs, and an impossibly tall stack of books to read. You can read more of her writing tips on her website .

title on chalk board



It’s that single branch among all the green ones that captures my attention every fall. There’s something special and admirable about this one branch boldly stepping out among the ordinary. It glistens in the sunlight, dances in the breeze and beckons to the rest.

Joe Bunting

Mmm… it beckons to the rest. I love that.


It took many a year to acquire a taste for autumn.

As a boy, I was all about summer romance; with her campgrounds and road trips. I also admired old man winter; looking forward to his snow days and holidays. And I gladly anticipated spring renewal of flower and green; coming forth from her rain-soaked earth.

But autumn? Fall? Death and dying? That’s what it meant to me as a boy; Dread of back-to-school, chore of raking leaf, death of summer fling.

But now I find myself in the autumn of my life; And I have discovered the joy and beauty of fall. Cooling summer heat; fling’s romance reborn to enduring golden love. Trees’ hair turns grey and loose, displays strength in facing winter’s brutal death.

I love the taste of autumn now, the sweetness of cider kiss; The apple of my eye comes close to snuggle and remember. Stories of spring’s rebirth and summer fling and romance cannot compare To the aroma of home fires and tables set for family celebration.

It took many a year to acquire a taste for autumn; And it was worth the wait.

This, to me, was worth the whole thing: “Trees’ hair turns grey and loose, displays strength in facing winter’s brutal death.”

What a great way to personify a tree in fall, like an old woman about to die, losing her hair to age, facing it with calm strength. Beautiful.

Anne Peterson

I liked this post. The pictures you painted were readily seen. It was easy to conjure some of my own after reading yours. Liked it a lot.


This is beautiful. “the autumn of my life”, the “apple of my eye comes to snuggle”, the “aroma of home fires”. Lovely images! Thanks for sharing.

Katie Hamer

You’ve come up with a wealth of ideas here. I like how you linked the seasons, and put the Autumn in the context of Summer before it and Winter following: “summer romance” and “old man winter”. Also anticipating “spring renewal of flower and green”. Very nicely and poetically expressed. A joy to read.


“Sweetness of cider kiss” Beautiful.


ah, fall, the one season i turn into somewhat of a nature nut.

“autumn glory”

i thought it was raining but i wasn’t getting wet. i felt no droplets from the sky. though it was overcast and cloudy there was no rain.

it was the rustling of leaves that i heard, not the rush of rain. or was it? instead of water, drops of yellow cascaded from the trees; they whispered loudly, like a hush that washes over a football stadium, the best kind of surround sound.

i should’ve run under the trees and danced in the leaves.

how i would’ve loved to linger even longer along skyline drive that day; it was the one day i didn’t mind driving 40 miles per hour (at most).

these days, i swear i hear the leaves’ siren call – in their auburn, orange, burnt sienna, yellow, and golden glory – beckoning me to sit among the trees from whom they’re about to depart, especially along baron cameron avenue, en route to somewhere, something to do.

as the days get colder, it takes more and more self-control not to pull over and just lay on grass and gaze at the autumn rainbow with a cloudless sky as a backdrop.

Wonderful, Sara.

I love how you frame it. Is it raining? How come I’m not getting wet? No, it’s raining LEAVES. I think that is the best part of this piece.

This is an interesting transition, “i should’ve run under the trees and danced in the leaves.” It’s “raining” but you can’t give into your emotions and get lost in the moment. You’re repressed somehow. Why? You don’t really say, but the desire to let go into nature becomes stronger and stronger.

The only fault with this piece is that there are essentially two parts: the mystery surrounding the rain, and the conflict between your desire to give into nature and your self-control. Can you integrate them?

duly noted.


Fall is nothing more than life giving up on itself so that death will come and flutter it down to the ground in a frenzy of golden crimson glory until life comes and takes authority once again at some time in April or May. Really, it is nothing more than that. It has nothing to do with steaming coffee with vivial conversation, or brandy and intimate warmth, or the twinkling eyes of one who stole your heart many harvest moons ago. It has nothing to do with all that faded romance or frosted glory, even though the autumn leaves are turning to the color of her hair. No, fall is when you understand that the fleeting feigned permanency of life is celebrated most intensely because one true life-mate has come and rescued you from all that old romantic nonsense, and then spent more quivering autumns with you than you had felt before all that misty memory occupied your mind. Truly, that is all fall is.

Yes, Carey. Excellent.

This is my favorite, “nothing more than life giving up on itself so that death will come and flutter it down to the ground in a frenzy of golden crimson glory.” Although, I might have put a period between that and the next phrase.

And I love the (almost) refrain, “Fall is nothing more than that.”

I don’t know what the old romantic nonsense is, that was a bit obscure. But I did like the references to the “one who stole your heart” and was wondering whose hair you are referring to.

Adriana Willey

even though the autumn leaves are turning to the color of her hair.

this is the point that i caught on to what you were saying, that i became engaged. i like how you discard the hollywood-ized version of fall (though i actually they are pretty accurate in their depiction) for something deeper, more permanent and real. i like that.

Carey Rowland

I opened the door and was met with a gust of chilly air. The hair stood up on my arms and my heart sank. No, please no. I turned toward the sun and glared. It deceitfully looked the same as it did during summer, but I knew it wasn’t the same. It was weaker. Unable to provide me protection from the cold. Why must you let me down?

Before slamming the door, I stopped for a moment and closed my eyes. I saw leaves falling and dancing on her tombstone. I felt the same numb feeling that paralyzed my body as her casket was lowered into the ground. Was it cold outside? I didn’t know. The goosebumps on my arms were the only sign that it was. I remember looking at them curiously, and wondering if I was having an out of body experience.

I opened my eyes, confused. Where was I? Was it last fall again? No, please no.

I like the mystery. I wonder where this is going?

Are you angry at death or at God or the weather or all at once?

I picked up you were angry at death. Me too. Could resonate with this. Lots of feelings packed into few words.

in autumn, i hear the wind. he is alive and leans into whisper. his words are gentle and flowing. they carry a cadence of up and down, loud and soft, strong and still. he tells me that it will all be ok, everything will turn out in the end. the silence is his breathing in.

in autumn, i see passion. in red i see blood; in brown i see death; in green i see life. orange is fire, yellow is sun, purple is glory. in the fall i see colors unafraid of their own strength.

in autumn, i feel the cold. it presses itself against my hot skin and brings relief. the cold lays its hand on mine, covering them completely, making them hard to move. with stiffened hands, i am forced to slow.

in autumn, i taste apples. sauced, pied, spiced, cider-ed, left whole – i taste them all. slurp. gulp. crunch. wet, sweet, with a bitter end. mmm, fall is yummy.

in autumn, i smell the earth. all the other senses have prepared me for this moment. i stand, a mere speck in the middle of this land. i lift my face to sniff deeply. the earth is carried to me by the wind, preserved by the cold, mixed with apples trees, and explained by the colors that i see.

the earth – in the fall – is delicious.

“the silence is his breathing in.” Wow, gorgeous personification. This one too, “The cold lays its hand on mine.”

I don’t like this line as much, “in the fall i see colors unafraid of their own strength.” It’s a little too abstract for me. Why would colors be afraid of their own strength? Is that what colors are anyway, strong?

Ha, nice interjection, “mmm, fall is yummy.”

“The earth–in the fall–is delicious.” Great line.

as always, thanks for the feedback. it’s informative to me that you didn’t like the one line that i projected my feelings into the object (the colors). i think it was so personal that only i would have understood that line. reminds me that if i am going to do such a thing, there needs to be context within the piece itself – not just my brain. thank you for catching this so i could think on it longer. i do this often when i write.

hey, i notice we don’t give you feedback on your practice that often. are you open to that?

Absolutely. Feedback away 🙂

Kati Lane

(I heard somewhere that when writing a novel you should incorporate things from your day into your writing. So I took my fall moment — tumbling with my sister in a huge pile of leaves that my dad had raked up — and I incorporated it into a scene in my nanowrimo experiment.)

I need to get on with what happened once the ambulance left with my dad. But tonight I’d rather talk about autumn leaves. *** Three months after Trent started taking note of me at work, he talks me into taking lunch at the park next to the lab. The oak trees sparkle that golden yellow hue, and the aspens clink their muffled sounds.

We come into a clearing. We see a mountain of leaves, shuffling, crunching. Suddenly one tiny head pops up. More rustling, then tiny head number 2. More scuffle-ing, then tiny head number 3. Soon six arms, three torsos, and six legs appear, but never all at the same time. They are laughing, rolling, throwing leaves into each others’ hair. Trent’s face lights up. He bursts out laughing, a certain kind of laugh that makes me want to laugh, too.

My eyes are drawn to two red wagons a bit further into the clearing. One holds three stuffed bears, the other a small pile of pink socks and dirty white shoes. And then, I see a man beside the wagons, leaning heavy against a rake. He has an odd look of delight on his face. Same as the look I just saw in Trent.

Trent follows my gaze. He too, sees the man and notes his happy fatigue. He tells me the look is about total immersion, the absorption that comes from working to give the people you love something completely good.

I think it’s presumptuous to say you know something when you don’t have the facts to back up your claim. When I start to tell him so, his face muscles go slack and his eyes glaze into the aspen-soaked path ahead.

In an instant, his face had morphed from simple delight into something I can’t name. And I decide in that moment that I’m going to see this guy again.

* * * * Six weeks later, I learn that the day Trent turned 16, and his mother finally walked away for good, he became the guy with the rake for 3 triplet girls, and a toddler boy named Earl.

Kati, I’m so sorry I missed this because it’s so good!

This is such a good paragraph,

“Three months after Trent started taking note of me at work, he talks me into taking lunch at the park next to the lab. The oak trees sparkle that golden yellow hue, and the aspens clink their muffled sounds. ”

You perfectly set it up as a “date” that you’re not so sure about. And then beautifully and seamlessly transition to the park. Where’d you learn to transition like that? I’m going to steal this technique from you.

The pile of leaves is surprising and fun and childlike in a way we can all relate to. I like it. Then you complicate it by the interaction between Trent and the man with the rake. I was a little confused about that last paragraph, but once I got what you meant I was struck by its power. These are interesting characters, Kati. You’ve got something here.

Thanks. You make a good point about the last paragraph, i was curious about the result it would create. confusion is okay i guess…but only if it motivates a reader to go back and try to figure it out.

Sometimes I worry if the subtle messages i try to hide into a piece are so hidden they’re missed altogether, or if they are picked up on but just frustrate the reader because they’re too hard to understand. But Tim tells me its okay to ask a lot of a reader. He also says i should offer things with an open hand (i don’t have to control what my readers learn). it’s been hard for me not to be an over-talker in my writing. but poetry, and now fiction, help me because they both demand so much. poetry demands economy, and — like you say every so often — fiction works best when there is more showing than telling. thanks again for your time to read our stuff carefully!

I am glad you added the last paragraph. It gave closure for me and an understanding of Trent’s change in attitude.

Kiki Stamatiou

Such beautiful, captivating images bringing out such mesmerizing details. The scenes are so full of life exploding with such radiant color.


Fall; I turn my closet inside out; rearrange the hangers and put the summer things in the back of the closet, farthest from my reach. The open toed shoes and sandals moved to allow the closed toe shoes space front and center. It doesn’t take very long. As a matter of fact, it was only fifteen minutes. So a casual Sunday afternoon trip to my favorite clothing store becomes necessary.

Fall; football all weekend, gearing up for the world series and gardening shears to prune the roses for the coming of winter. Pool drained and supplies stored until next year. Cooler months mean open windows and a dry breeze blowing through the house. Rainy weather with a hit-and-miss shower across the hill country makes the rivers rise and the lakes fill. The Bermuda grass readies itself for dormancy and begins to wither and shrivel and turn slightly brown.

Fall; it is a time to retreat and regroup, a time to reorder and rejuvenate with celebrations and quiet moments. We all live for fall.

i agree that we do rejuvenate and have quiet moments. Sometimes with candles lit. The only thing I have against fall is what follows. Liked your post and your imagery.

Thank you Anne.

The Real Story about Leaves

All my life I’ve thought of leaves as helpless. Sure they get a time of glory before their number is up. Some of them become spectacular and have people oohing and ahhing all over the place. They show up on calendars in the autumn months. Kid’s draw them and trace them. Even in their death they supply satisfaction as children crunch them underneath little feet.

Trees are full of leaves that I thought hung on till their time was up and then float down.

But I’ve had a change of mind. A transformation if you will.

Sure, there are trees who succumb to strong winds and watch their little leaves stripped and blown far and beyond. Everyone knows that happens.

People can look out their windows and see a tree with half their leaves and following a gust of wind be stripped of half of them. Yes that goes without saying, and yet it needed to be said.

But I’m talking about something very different. I’m talking about what I witnessed that I just have to share. It wouldn’t be right if I kept it to myself.

I think leaves jump. I think they decide when they will give themselves over to the wind and they just let go and ride that wind to their resting place.

Leaves are not victims. They do not have to hang there as they watch loved leaves leave before them. They don’t have to crumple up before their time just waiting to see when their number is up.

No, I witnessed it myself.

I watched some leaves in living color. Once green then in between and finally a brilliant red. A red that glowed and seemed transparent.

I watched those leaves and could hardly take my eyes off of them. I felt like I somehow became part of the tree as I saw their swaying, watched their tenacity. And then it was wonderful to watch. They simply released their little hold on life. They submitted to a force greater than them and with all the dignity in their veins they let go.

It makes me feel differently about leaves, about trees for that matter.

I mean I read where in the end trees will actually clap their hands. Now that will take some will power, don’t you think?

So leaves have more to them than just a thin membrane that reflects color. They have life.

In the spring you see them poke little heads out as they first appear as buds. Desperately they try to compete with the blossoms some trees display, but alas, it is pointless. The blossoms emit a smell that mesmerizes.

Then in summer people find shelter underneath them. Are they thanked? Hardly. And yet, you will see people rush to be beneath the shade they provide.

I think we need to give leaves more credit.

And so, I thought it was time to let the world know. Yes, some leaves do fall. But it’s also true, some leaves jump.

Oh, there goes one now. Bravo!

Belinda Arch

Wonderful Neverland tones. Your story made smile broadly at the imagery of leaves’ joyous jumps into the winds that carry them onward. Thanks for sharing 🙂

Thanks, Belinda. It was fun writing it.

I really enjoyed reading your story, which breathes life into leaves. I love this ‘In the spring you see them poke little heads out as they first appear as buds. Desperately they try to compete with the blossoms some trees display, but alas, it is pointless. The blossoms emit a smell that mesmerizes.’ I really smelt the blossom. Like Belinda, I’m also very glad you shared your story here 🙂

Thanks Katie. I appreciate your comments so much.

Autumn. I always feel melancholy at the change of the season, particularly as the weather cools into the months of March to May. Its not so much that the land changes, in most of Australia and where I am currently living the summer is so scorching that the flora here has already mostly died off and is well and truly browned. Though there are places where you can see the leaves change colour but its not any place that I’ve ever afford to live, actually ever to even visit. The places where the real trees are kept and cared for and fed the precious water that might keep souls alive long enough to find a way out of this nightmare we created so long ago, are not for the likes of me, not that its an option anymore.

I’ve seen what Autumn looked like all those years ago in the books before they too were snitched up into the history vaults. No the melancholy I feel for Autumn is for the 15 lives I sacrificed to test the portaviability device that the much lauded Dr Sanville assured us would save the whole world. It didn’t. It didn’t save anyone, it condemned us and those we trapped on the other side of prism.

I sigh that now I’ve lived here so long that all the regret, rage, and heartache at the loss of our people and our home has now dwindled into the sad pathetic tones of melancholy. ‘Liv, I’m sorry to bother you ma’am but I think you should come and see this’. Liv put down the pen closing her journal as she stood and turned towards the door. A man stepped into the door way and Liv felt the blood run from her face. ‘Dr Sanville’ his voice low and cold, ‘we’ve been looking for you for a long time, will you come with me now please?’. It didn’t sound like a question. Dr Livia Sanville placed the journal discreetly on the corner of the desk and stepped toward the man she knew very well, ‘do I have a choice?’ her question rhetorical as she walked passed him and out the door. ‘No Liv, you don’t. You can’t possibly be surprised by that’. He close the door to her office and followed her out.


Ooooh, a little science fiction mystery for us! I’d like to know more about the end of this world and the prism device.

Cheers Missaralee 🙂 I’d like to know more too! It pretty amazing this writing caper, its an interesting experience this not knowing where the story is going to go while being the one on the keyboard. Si-Fi Mystery – you made me smile. Thanks.

Megan DaGata

I was lost wandering around D.C. waiting for the museums to open. I had taken the commuter train into the city expecting to find throngs of people this cool November morning, but I found nothing except old newspapers blowing in the wind. I closed my eyes and inhaled the power, the history of this place. The cold air coursed through me and I pulled my coat tighter. I wasn’t lost exactly I had seen the scene many times on television. The proximity of the White House to the Lincoln memorial across the reflecting pool to the Washington monument, it was strangely familiar for never having been there before. I spotted the Vietnam Veterans memorial and somberly walked past the cold marble structure. The names so small you have to get up close to see them and press your hand to them and whisper a prayer for their sacrifice. I came around to the other side and found another reflecting pool, this one with ducks and leaves floating across the surface. Around the perimeter were trees. I have no idea what kind of trees I only know they were beautiful and unlike anything we had in Texas. They stood like sentinels with dark trunks and large purple leaves, perfectly spaced watching over the Veterans. At the end of the pool like a guard stood the most radiant yellow and orange leafed trees I had ever laid eyes on glowing like sunshine through the darkness. I walked to the coffee cart then sat on the park bench staring in awe at the beauty and heartache and said a grateful prayer.


My dog stood still in the pile of leaves. At first she was afraid of the rake, but grew accustomed as my yard went from a layer of leaves to piles of orange, yellow, red and brown dotting the landscape of a once-manicured lawn. The cool chill on the top of my cheekbones faded with the exertion.

It’s this in-between period that’s hard to read. Symbolically, we’ve been over it a million times. English teachers and philosophers, scientists and theologists denote different definitions of autumn, but, for me, it’s the period of maybe. Maybe it’ll cool down enough so we’ll need extra blankets tonight; Maybe we’ll be fortunate to get that week were summer wants to hold on those extra hours.

These are the days of mindfulness. We schedule hikes that overlook valleys of foliage. We make chilis and soups to go with Sunday afternoon football games, feeling their warmth and spice as we over-induldge. We sneak a little closer to our spouses under the cover of a soft blanket. We feel the light autumn sweep through the apple trees.

I used to be afraid of autumn. The start of school, the summer loves packing their things. The constraints of a routine overshadows the freedom of summer. This has always hurt.

James Hall

I don’t think I’ve shared my To Autumn short story with The Write Practice community. Since the line I write about the leaves is probably my favorite, I would love to share it with you wonderful writers!

I might come back and write a new story, too! I’ll be back!

It’s definitely worth a read. It’s short, as short stories go, but packed full of emotion and meaning. Very thought-provoking.


Kay sat gazing out the window of her bedroom, mesmerized by the beauty overhead. What is it about the blue of September skies that makes it so special from all the rest? She was sure there was a scientific explanation having to do with the angle of the sun this time of year, or some other equally-as-boring reason for its uniqueness. But Kay preferred to imagine it like a divine (either small or big “d”) overture playing a sentimental recap of summer that gracefully segued to a seductive preview of the coming autumn.

Delora Dennis

Kay sat gazing out the window of her bedroom, mesmerized by the beauty overhead.

What is it about the blue of September skies that makes it so special from all the rest?

She was sure there was a scientific explanation having to do with the angle of the sun this time of year, or some other equally-as-boring reason for its uniqueness. But Kay preferred to imagine it like a divine (either small or big “d”) overture playing a sentimental recap of summer that gracefully segued to a seductive preview of the coming autumn.

Gill Andrews

It was 11 years and 25 days ago, but there are some things in life one never forgets. The bus driver stopped at the middle of the road and told me to get off right there. The way to the bus stop was blocked by construction work. And so I got off in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of nowhere in a foreign country I have never been to before. The bus drove away leaving me and my suitcase on an empty road. I took a deep breath and looked around. A quiet street on a September evening. Cars parked on a side walk, roofs covered with leaves. Leaves everywhere. Red, yellow, green. A wind blow, and here they come, dancing in the air till they silently reach the ground.

It was 11 years and 25 days ago, but there are some things in life one never forgets. Every year when autumn dyes the trees yellow, when the leaves rustle under my steps, I take a deep breath and smell something in that autumn air that always makes me remember that day I finally reached home.

Don’t go into the woods. The leaves are piled deep in the dark. The crush of boots and the rise of musty scent would bring THEM near. They fear the colour of the dying wood. Green was bad enough, but the symphony of red and yellow and orange reaching a crescendo in the silent woods would unravel their plans so carefully set. When the moon looms high over the sleeping wood, stay on the path. Make not a sound in the dark, stay not a second in the silver pooled light or the Grey Men will come for you to snuff out your light.

Characters reactive to colour. Nice one. I haven’t read something like that before. Let’s hope i’m not trying to explain to my mate the creeped-out felling I’ve got on my next woods walk 😉

Not since childhood had she seen leaves like this, when walking to school through a golden carpeted walkway. The Blue Ridge Parkway made her gasp as crimson dogwoods, flaming maples and oaks fell into bouquets across the hills. Each vista exposed a new canvas painted in autumn’s finest hues. As the sun set over the western ridge, a deep rosy glow extended its fingers across the entire masterpiece. She pulled off the road for a moment and stared, holding her breath lest the magic disappear. Breathing in the cool, damp air she was joined by the chirp of a single chickadee basking in the waning light. Like a child, her cares fell away in the quiet beauty. A single tear spilled across her cheek.

You’ve painted vividly such a sweet memory. I can picture it as if I was there. Sometimes you just have to take a moment to reflect. I can relate to that.

I liked your descriptions. Especially,” a deep rosy glow extended it’s fingers…” Really nice.

the fall guy

The smell came first. Then as I’d walk along, scuffing my feet deliberately in the scatterings of crisp downed leaves, reveling in their crackling, I’d come upon strangely huge heaps of them, orange, brown, and scarlet, with tendrils of blue smoke giving off that enticing, compelling aroma of fall.

Sometimes the piles of leaves would be surmounted by a flicker of orange flame, other times they’d simply smolder. Strangely, I never seemed to see the ashheaps that such burning must entail. It’s as though the pilers-up of these aromatic monuments to Autumn never allowed them to burn clear down to the asphalt roadway, but quickly gathered newly fallen fire-fodder to reinvigorate the ritual.

Sometimes shards of pumpkin would be visible near these piles, depending on the date being late October or early November. The smell of raw pumpkin, ahh, that’s a memory. The luxuriant taste of freshly made, gleaming pumpkin pie, another. And the look in Jackie’s eyes when I’d carved her name in the huge pumpkin we’d won in the ‘guess the weight’ contest at Fred’s Market…

There was the tangy, acrid smell of the furnace being run for the first time, invisibly blowing the accumulated dust of half a year into the air. The gentle transition from a cool beer on a warm deck to a glass of Shiraz on the sofa, with drops of condensation forming on the picture window as a cherrywood fire winked and hummed in the fireplace (good dry cherry never crackles), was an inevitable demarcation between the unbounded freedom of summer and the condensed, self-contained sheltering of the season of snow to come. Winter coats would be found. Gloves, unthinkable in July, became inevitable in November… Jackie’s ski stuff would be retrieved from the attic…

I watched a gleaming white cattle ibis strut its stately way along the sand between impossibly tall swaying coconut palms. Leaning to my left, I retrieved my cellphone from the orange beachy duffle I’d been using as luggage for the past three months.

“No thanks”, I said to the florid faced, flower shirted waiter who had been politely plying me with mai-tais all afternoon.

I speed-dialled a number. It was time to go home to New York. Or at least, try.

Brianna Worlds

Autumn has always considered a certain, intoxicating atmosphere for me. The aroma of decaying foliage mixes with the rich flavour of rain on the forest floor. The crash of bright, exotic colours that mixes and flares on the reaching branches of trees, stark and beautiful against the frosty blue sky beyond. The sharp, not entirely unpleasant cut of the air that cleans out your lungs and not without a bite to remind you how great it is to be alive. ~~~ Not feeling inspired right now… That’s all I’ve got 🙂

You’ve made a good start here, Brianna. You’ve created a sensory experience I can see, smell and touch. It kinda makes me want to go for a walk right now. Here, it’s not frosty. The sun is out, making the Autumn leaves all golden. Who could resist?

Thank you! 🙂

Sorry, had to repost due to some mistakes —————————————————–

It was 11 years and 25 days ago, but there are some things in life one never forgets.

The bus driver stopped in the middle of the road and told me to get off right there. The way to the bus stop was blocked by construction work. And so I got off in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of nowhere in a foreign country I have never been to before. The bus drove away leaving me and my suitcase on an empty road. I took a deep breath and looked around. A quiet street on a September evening. Cars parked on a side walk, their roofs covered with leaves. Leaves everywhere. Red, yellow, green. A wind blow, and here they come, dancing in the air till they silently reach the ground.

It was 11 years and 25 days ago, but there are some things in life one never forgets. Every year when the sun dyes the trees yellow, when the leaves rustle under my steps, I take a deep breath and smell something in that autumn air that always makes me remember the day I finally reached home.

Hi Gill, I like the last paragraph it feels like a story could start right there.

In your main para, I felt like I was pulled around by the imagery, for example, ‘in the middle of the road’, ‘in the middle of nowhere’, ‘on an empty road’, but then on a ‘quiet street’ and with ‘cars parked on a side walk’ as descriptions of the same place. I might have a different visual image of ‘nowhere’ thanks to the Australian outback but a nowhere scape and a street scape feel very different to me.

Thanks for sharing your words.

Hi Belinda. Thank you very much for taking the time to read. This is such an interesting observation you made there! Indeed, there is no such thing as “Australian in the middle of nowhere” in overpopulated Europe. So when I say “in the middle of nowhere” i usually mean an unknown place with few or none people, where there is nothing nearby that can help you identify where to go. When I think back, in this case it also describes rather my feeling than a place. I got off not at the bus stop as expected, but some other completely unknown place where there was nothing around except trees, some small houses and cars. So it literary felt like “the middle of nowhere”. I never thought about that this could mean something entirely different to other people 🙂 Thanks for pointing it out!

Oh you were in Europe 😀 I was secretly wondering, hehe. It is interesting how its all different for different folks isn’t it 🙂 Here in Australia, even when in one of our crowded cities most locals are still acutely aware of the great nowhere laying not far beyond the suburban sprawl. You’ve made me think about how description works for a reader. Cheers for your feedback too.

Hi Joe. I loved your Autumn story. Here’s my practice:

This is where I played hide-and-seek when I was little. Here, where the beech trees drop their spent leaves, forming a soft carpet under-foot. The woodland forms a maze of paths, each weaving its way through a series of dips and hollows. Ancient tree roots thread their way across the surface of the hollows forming raised knotted veins.

For me, and my brother, being here as children was just a fun day out. Chasing each other, we hollered our way through the woods, pretending to be cowboys and Indians.

However the forest had a more serious side. The dips and hollows that I loved, as a child, hadn’t been formed by a sublime act of nature. They were there for a reason.

Nearly a century before I had set foot here, grown men had shaped these dips. Their specific intention was to hide in them in order to practice warfare. Nature had reclaimed them, but couldn’t eradicate entirely their past. For these were the practice trenches for the Great War. The men who trained in these woods later fought in the trenches at Flanders. Many didn’t return.

Autumn, my favorite time of year and life. Funny, I wrote this little exercise for writing group, yesterday, before looking at this practice prompt.

Click, click click, the solar flowers tick like my aunt’s old Keininger rose mantel clock, soothing. The dryer hums counter point, with the children in the park next door laughing and squealing the melody of days gone by.

The old maple sheds one brown leaf at a time, still mostly green and yellow, holding tightly to it’s youth.

Enjoying this season of my life. Striving to be as content and beautiful as the warm colored trees. Peace is the gift of aging while the sun casts long shadows signaling the end to another perfect day.


(More poetry, but it’s still writing) four girls printed sand two-on-two ball in hand sleeves rolled down chilly air dusty knees ball is fair drifting leaves sides reverse play resumes bodies terse shoulder swings wrist snaps down sand sprays up four hearts pound dipping sun golden blur sandals on home returns hugs around glistening eyes fall hellos and summer goodbyes.

Bev L.

Never posted anything before – I’ve never used facebook or twitter or anything so not sure I’m posting correctly but here goes my ‘out of place’ practice: I stretched my arm to balance the black bin against my hip, coffee mug in my other hand as I used the bottom of my shoe to nudge the car door closed. The lobby door was already propped open so Linda could breathe summer air while watching the world go by in the parking lot as she occasionally peered up from the screen of her laptop. “Hey”, she said glancing up as I angled into the lobby with my load. “I have more in the trunk”, I answered, setting my first bin on the table. “Two bins full. I was outside ‘til almost dark getting the stupid things scrubbed.” By now I was mumbling more than talking, heading down the hallway to get the cart.

I should’ve just pulled my car around the side of the building and set the gourds out by the tables of pumpkins and watermelons, but I hated being outside with the produce – someone invariably stopped when I was out there, then tried to figure out who I was by asking round-about questions that would piece it together for them. If that didn’t work, they’d come right out and ask ‘now, who are you?’ It would start with “where are these grown?” as they gestured to the pumpkins on the table. “Bloomsdale” I’d answer, and they’d throw out the name of any farm in Bloomsdale, knowing that I’d have to say no, we live out on ‘X’ road. “Who has a farm out there?” And when I gave our last name, my cheeks burning under the scrutiny, they kept going until they named enough people with my last name, to figure out exactly where I fit into the scheme of things. They weren’t happy until they knew who I was married to, and who his family was.

I’m a very private person; anti-social even. Few people know who I am by sight. This is a good thing in a town where gossip is the true currency.

Now for a transaction of two or three dollars, I dodge questions and feign interest in who’s married to this person’s son, or did one of my relatives work at the hotel a few years back, “seems like I remember a Tanner working there…” I want to interrupt with “This isn’t even my stuff – I have to get back inside to my real job, so buy a pumpkin or don’t, makes me no difference!”

But I can’t do that because my husband has decided he’d like to farm on his time off. So we haul this stuff in here every morning and set the tables with our imperfect produce. Marks left by too many dry days in a row, or too many rainy days and nights. We can’t remove the cracks and scars that mother nature haphazardly flings onto everything; sweet potatoes with crevasses, pale marks where the gourds sat plump and waiting on the damp ground. Gray-haired ladies lift and examine, judging.

sorry – posted below to wrong link and don’t know how to move it – should’ve been the ‘out of place’ link.


“It’s not like it was,” I tell my children as we kick a smattering of damp leaves from the sidewalk. They each snatch a soggy maple leaf from the concrete and hold it aloft, letting the rain drip from it and onto their heads. “It was better when I was a kid,” I insist. My mind wandered to a faded photo I discovered in the bottom drawer. My sister and I and our little dog, posing before a hand-sheaved corn shock in the backyard. I was seven, maybe eight, my sister was twelve. Our dad took that photo with his Polaroid Insta-matic, so proud of his self-taught photography skills. We had enormous piles of leaves, gathered together with the help of the lawn sweeper, unwillingly operated by one of my older brothers. The piles that weren’t used for jumping in were made into bonfires for cooking our hotdogs and marshmallows over. Chilly nights were warmed, and our friends and neighbors visited every day for the enjoyment of leaping from the swing-set into the leaves. My children, living in this nearly treeless subdivision are surrounded by concrete sidewalks and families with too-cautious parents who won’t let them meet the neighbors. They are unknowingly bereft of those Autumn adventures. “It was better then.”

Jodi Sway (pen name)

It’s my favorite time of year, when nature struts flamboyance no fashion designer can touch.

If it weren’t a yearly thing, I’d almost swear it was magic, the way trees shed their vibrant greens for gold, red and brown.

It’s not until October that I feel the season coming, the one that makes me eager for those cooler, shorter nights.

I’m from Down South, where summer heat hangs tough. I wait eagerly for our first day of fall. Just the word itself seems to conjure breezy days.

When the sun sets earlier and the wind begins to chill, and colored coats of every tree transform I cry, “Relief!”

Yes, relief. Fall is under way.

Prompt #13: I Stood In My Backyard Overlooking The Fields By Kiki Stamatiou a. k. a. Joanna Maharis

I stood in my backyard overlooking the fields covered with leaves. I saw the blanketed collage surrounding every step of the path. Reminders of yesteryear from when I was a small child overlooking the life now just a few faint breaths radiating from left over age of the country.

I watch the birds fly into their nest. I can hear them chirping while teaching their children to fly. A baby sparrow took its first steps off of the branch, ascended into the air taking flight, then dove down only to rise again. The little bird flew high up into the grey skies as the rain settled onto my flesh. Just little droplets of tears given off by the angels up in heaven guarding the gates allowing access to the Lord’s latest flock of children to take homage and passage into the realms of the beyond.

As I stood there overlooking the fields where the leaves of gold, red, and brown blanketed the earth, I thought about the times my brothers and I tossed a football around in the yard with our cousins, and closest friends. I remembered the barbeques we had in the summer time celebrating my birthday.

However, fall is a time where the phoenix goes into the earth comprised of ashes, such as the leaves do when they wither and die. They become food for a new lineage line of plants that will emerge in the spring. The earth is replenished of its sustenance. In a realm of the dead, the new life is carried away into the masses of they who await to welcome him home.

I hear the sounds of birds teaching their young the ways of the world. As they get lost in the world of survival, only the strong will survive and go on to dominate in a world filled with tears wear war breaks out overseas. Yet, I remain humble as I look on at the sight before me.

I can see a squirrel gathering nuts for the winter in the distance and burying them into the earth. The warmth they shall receive shall keep them until the night falls on the heads of the living. There are no empty roads. For there are only roads filled with promise, regardless of the obstacles getting in the way of success. For every light found within nature, each leaf is counted as a life no gone, but not forgotten.

Sending out their signals to the latter part of the world, the pigeons soar high into the heavens in a beauty arrow shape they form when in alignment. Now they are soldiers of the Lord. For one day, they to will become angels in the wake of my dreams.

Drifters come, and drifters go, but elongated are the streams of the heart, when the light of heaven unfolds in a leaf fallen to the ground, and now rests on top of my feet, gathered around piles and piles of other leaves who have also met their match and taken their stance of the wiles of their dance.

May the wisdom of the birds be carried out and live in the hearts of man for ages to come.

© Copyright, Kiki Stamatiou, 2015


In the middle of my tenth autumn, the day after my best friend moved away from the house next door, I tried to climb a tree. I had never attempted something so bold before, mostly because I was and am still not a very coordinated boy. The tree wasn’t tall but as I remember it only had a few foot holds. It is gone now. It looked like a pair of hands, joined at the wrists, ready to clap.

I placed my foot in the V and stepped up the right side of the tree, an inch or two at a time. After a while and many short breaths, I had ascended about five feet. It was as high as I’d ever been unless you count being in a plane or standing on the back of the couch in the living room.

There was no one around to see the climb, but I felt triumphant. I paused to see my world from a new angle. I noticed the roofs of the cars in the driveway, and in the hills past my friend’s old house I gazed at new homes and fresh woods, speeding up in anticipation of winter. The fall flies and when cold comes it flees. People do this, too. I do this, too.

The jagged bark of my tree dug into my fingers. My hands still had a decent grip, but my weight was all behind me, all wrong, so when my foot slipped and I fell I did so down and back, ass first on the ground. My head bounced off the grass and my ears rang and after I opened my eyes I realized my leg was caught in the tree. I wiggled it. I tugged on it. I couldn’t reach my toes so I couldn’t try to pull on my shoe. I was stuck there, on the ground after having been in the air. I called for my parents and looked up at the tree, split open in the middle like it had been spliced by lightning.

It’s leaves had changed already. I was laying on a bunch of them. They were brown and crinkled when I moved. I didn’t really know why the one I was caught in looked like it was dying faster than the other trees in the yard. I didn’t know that some things change quicker than others. I didn’t know why the tree had to die; the sky still rained warm water on occasion. I heaved a big breath and my chin tensed up and I cried.

My parents rushed out of the house, frightened by the assumption that my tears were painful ones. My dad used a piece of lumber to pry the tree further apart and unhinge my leg. The crying had intensified to a sob.

“Can we save it?” I said.

“Your leg’s fine, don’t worry,” she said.

“No, mom, the tree.”

“What’s wrong with the tree?”

“It’s losing its leaves faster than the other trees.”

She hugged me a little harder. I felt her look up at the trees.

“It’s just getting ready for the winter,” she said. “It’s only changing. That’s how it lives.”

“Does it have to?”

“It would have to die if it didn’t.”

I was young and hysterical and full of longing then so I didn’t comprehend life’s purpose, but she held me and my dad wrapped up my scratched leg and we went inside.


I laid down on the cool grass, spreading my fingers through the soft, green blades. I was thankful that it was autumn time, for their were no bugs waiting in the grass, ready to bite me. I looked up, not blinded by the sun because of the cloudy weather. A leaf from the old maple tree next to my home fell from a branch, landing on my chest. I picked up with my hand, bringing it to my face so that I can see it’s distinctive patterns. It was a redish orange color, and the size of the leaf as large as my hand. I twirled it around on my fingertips, before letting it fall to my side. There are plenty more of those leaves in the pile of them that I had raked up yesterday. A nice breeze went through the air, sliding through my light jacket and onto my skin. I shivered, yet in a good way. I closed my eyes thinking; this is why fall is my favorite season of the year.

Ana D

The Fall (teenager, English as my third language)

Brown, yellow, red. Step after step I run into a different colour. It feels as though each encounter wants to tell me something. Dying, living, resting. I feel bad for stepping into them, and I cannot help but notice all the amount of brown-ish leafs piled on the side of the path by which I run. The palisade of black-ish iron on which the load of leafs rest, seems to want to reach its highest, as the arrow at the top shows its direction. Leaving on the bottom, the broken, dying leafs. Each howling breeze takes them away from the place they were, taking them into the deepest of the forest as if saying ‘that’s where you belong’. Again, step after step, now I even see orange, green and fuchsia. I leave behind me the darkest part of the way. Now, upon reaching the end of the path, a new world opens in front of me. The wind taking with it all the falling leafs from the trees. The sun letting its shinning light show me all the leafs flying. Another Autumn day awakes.


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The four seasons of the year: spring, summer, autumn (fall) and winter

The four seasons have very different characteristics.

Seasons are periods of the year with distinct weather conditions and day lengths.

Autumn (Fall)

Seasons are not the same everywhere, what causes the seasons, additional resources, bibliography.

Seasons are periods of the year with distinct weather conditions and day lengths. 

The four seasons — winter, spring, summer, autumn — can vary significantly in characteristics and can prompt changes in the world around them. Here, we explore the seasons of the year in more detail. 

Attributes of the seasons may vary by location, but there are still broad definitions that cross most of the boundaries.

In the spring , seeds take root and vegetation begins to grow. The weather is warmer and often wetter. Animals wake or return from warmer climates, often with newborns. Melting snow from the previous season, along with increased rainfall, can cause flooding along waterways, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).  

In the summer , temperatures may increase to the hottest of the year. If they spike too high, heat waves or droughts may cause trouble for people, animals, and plants. For example, in the summer of 2003, the high temperatures claimed more than 30,000 lives, according to Encyclopedia Britannica . Rainfall may increase in some areas, as well. Others may receive less water, and forest fires may become more frequent.

When does summer start?

In the Northern Hemisphere, summer starts on June 1 and runs to August 31

What is the hottest summer on record?

Historically, the heatwave during the Dust Bowl Summer of 1936 was considered the hottest summer on record, but in 2021 the average summer temperature of the contiguous U.S. was 74.0 degrees Fahrenheit (23.3 degrees Celsius), 2.6 degrees above average, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

In the autumn , or fall, temperatures cool again. Plants may begin to grow dormant. Animals might prepare themselves for the upcoming cold weather, storing food or traveling to warmer regions. 

Various cultures have celebrated bountiful harvests with annual festivals. Thanksgiving is a good example. "Thanksgiving in the United States is a historical commemoration but it has a spiritual dimension strongly associated with homecoming and giving praise for what has been bestowed upon us," Cristina De Rossi, an anthropologist at Barnet and Southgate College in London, told Live Science.  

Why is it called autumn instead of fall?

Both 'autumn' and 'fall' are words used in the English language to describe the season that starts on 1 September in the Northern Hemisphere, with fall being commonly used in American English. According to , the word autumn comes from the old French word 'autompne', which itself originated from the Latin 'autumnus'. The roots of the Latin name are obscure, but it was first recorded in the English language from the late 1300s.

Winter often brings a chill. Some areas may experience snow or ice, while others see only cold rain. Animals find ways to warm themselves and may have changed their appearance to adapt. "In a similar way to the Autumnal theme, Winter festivals celebrate the return of the light during a time of deepest physical darkness," said De Rossi. The Indian festival of Diwali, for example, which takes place between October and November, celebrates the triumph of righteousness, and light over darkness. 

Is winter the longest season?

Although it is easy to imagine the seasons neatly fitting into four equal lengths, according to NPR this isn't quite the case, they are all slightly different — and their duration changes depending on which hemisphere you are in. 

Due to the elliptical orbit of Earth around the sun, at certain points in the year the planet is moving faster and shortening the season. However, the distance from our star has less impact on Earth's seasons than the planet's tilt, which means that summers are warm in the Northern Hemisphere despite being further from the sun. As it is moving slower, the spring-summer season is also actually longer, by about seven days.

The timing and characteristics of the seasons depend upon the location on Earth . Regions near the equator experience fairly constant temperatures throughout the year, with balmy winters barely discernible from warm summers. This is because it gets fairly constant light from the sun, due to its position on the outer curve of the Earth, according to the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) program.

For areas to the north and south, the seasons can change more significantly. People closer to the poles might experience icier, more frigid winters, while those closer to the equator might suffer hotter summers. 

According to Time and Date : 

– Spring: March 1 to May 31;

– Summer: June 1 to August 31;

– Autumn (Fall): September 1 to November 30

– Winter: December 1 to February 28 (February 29 in a leap year).

Other factors can also affect the weather and temperature over the seasons; some areas experience dry summers as temperatures spike, while others might call summer their "wet season." A wet season is when a majority of a country or region's annual precipitation occurs, according to the Met Office . Mountainous regions might experience more snowfall than plains within the same latitude, while oceanfront property could see an increase in violent tropical storms as the weather shifts.

The time of year a region experiences a season depends on whether it is in the northern or southern hemisphere. The Southern Hemisphere experiences winter while its northern neighbors encounter summer; the north sees the slow blossom of spring while the south brings in the autumn harvest.

A diagram demonstrating how the seasons are caused by the Earth’s axial tilt

The cycle of seasons is caused by our planet's tilt toward the sun . The Earth spins around an (invisible) axis. At different times during the year, the northern or southern axis is closer to the sun. During these times, the hemisphere tipped toward the star experiences summer, while the hemisphere tilted away from the sun experiences winter, according to NOAA .

At other locations in Earth's annual journey, the axis is not tilted toward or away from the sun. During these times of the year, the hemispheres experience spring and autumn.

The astronomical definition of the seasons relates to specific points in Earth's trip around the sun. The summer and winter solstice, the longest and shortest day of the year, occurs when Earth's axis is either closest or farthest from the sun. The summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere occurs around June 21, the same day as the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, according to NOAA. The south's summer solstice occurs around December 21, the winter solstice for the north. In both hemispheres, the summer solstice marks the first day of astronomical summer, while the winter solstice is considered the first day of astronomical winter.

Equinoxes are another significant day during Earth's journey around the sun. On these days, the planet's axis is pointed parallel to the sun, rather than toward or away from it. Day and night during the equinoxes are supposed to be close to equal. The spring, or vernal, equinox for the northern hemisphere takes place around March 20, the same day as the south's autumnal equinox. The vernal equinox in the southern hemisphere occurs around September 20, when people in the north celebrate the autumnal equinox . The vernal equinox marks the first day of astronomical spring for a hemisphere, while the autumnal equinox ushers in the first day of fall.

 – Seasonal Affective Disorder: SAD symptoms and therapy

– 9 allergy season symptoms

– Cicadas: Facts about the loud, seasonal insects  

But changes in the weather often precede these significant points. The meteorological seasons focus on these changes, fitting the seasons to the three months that best usher them in. December to February marks meteorological winter in the Northern Hemisphere and meteorological summer in the southern. March, April, and May are lauded as spring or autumn, depending on the location, while June through August are the months of summer for the north and winter for the south. September, October, and November conclude the cycle, ushering in fall in northern regions and spring in southern, according to NOAA.

The seasons can bring a wide variety to the year for those locations that experience them in full. The weather in each one may allow people to engage in activities that they cannot perform in others — skiing in the winter, swimming in the summer. Each season brings with it its own potential dangers, but also its own particular brand of beauty.

Explore the seasons in more detail with this educational material from Lumen Learning . Earth is not the only planet with seasons, if you would like to learn more about seasons on other planets check out this article from NASA .  Discover what causes the seasons with this informative piece from the National Weather Service . 

  • De Paor, Declan G., et al. " Exploring the reasons for the seasons using Google Earth, 3D models, and plots. " International Journal of Digital Earth 10.6 (2017): 582-603. 
  • Khavrus, Vyacheslav, and Ihor Shelevytsky. " Geometry and the physics of seasons. " Physics Education 47.6 (2012): 680. 
  • Yolen, Jane. Ring of Earth: A Child's Book of Seasons . StarWalk Kids Media, 2014. 

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essay on fall season


My Favorite Season Essay : Fall Is My Favorite Season Sample Essay

  • Author Writer-20314

June 10 th , 2021

My Favorite Season

It is certainly a deep and reflective question when I am questioned about my favorite season of the year. I like the brightness and colors of the summer along with all the outside activities that can be done daily. I also enjoy the flourishing of the spring and the nice natural breeze in the air that follows me during my evening walks. I love the looks of the winter and the enjoyment of being inside enjoying my coffee or hot tea while watching the beautiful view outside of my window. Although all three seasons have many pros to them, I believe that fall is my very favorite considering the mix of the warmth of summer and the cold winds of the winter, along with the dark evenings and the looks of the leaves falling from the trees after being hit with the winds alarming that the winter is coming soon.

One of my favorite hobbies is to go on walks, sometimes I like to walk around in busy areas such as downtown or at the mall, sometimes I go for a natural look and feel of a local park, and sometimes I visit hiking places in the country to change the views and mix things up a little. I enjoy walking in the fall the most, mainly because the as the sunset hits I can see the transition from a busy day of work to an evening rest that people express in their body language either when driving or walking past me. I also enjoy walking in the open around trees, lakes, and grass, where I can hear the birds, feel the wind and enjoy the purity of the air while appreciating the view of nature. I also enjoy the falling of the leaves and the new colors and look that nature gets with the approach of the winter.

I enjoy watching college sports including football, soccer, and volleyball which are all fall sports and can keep me busy by keeping track of results, watching highlights, and going to the local college to watch and support them in person. As a former student-athlete, I know that I will always have a competitive spirit in most things that I do, and simply by attending games and following my favorite teams perform, I fulfill my competitive spirit to a certain extent. I also like to follow the growth of the players who develop throughout the years to become better and better throughout their college careers. Another aspect of fall sports that I really enjoy are the arguments and debates between my friends and I on plays, coaches, games, and players all over the country. We usually have weekly gatherings to talk and get together and the only subject that matters during the fall is sports.

Fall is also when Thanksgiving happens. Family and friends get together usually at my grandparent’s house to enjoy the most delicious food of the year as well as to catch up and update one another of what is going on in their lives. It is really enjoyable to meet my family members who I do not get to see very often and play board games, throw a football around and watch movies after filling up with the special traditional thanksgiving meals that everyone makes and brings as their contribution to the meal preparation. Another event that I really enjoy is Halloween. Although, I am an adult now and do not get to go over from one house to the next trick or treating I still get to dress up every year and get creative with costumes based on shows that I watch, superheroes, basketball players such as James Harden (my favorite costume ever) and book characters that I bring to life. I usually get together with some friends, and we go out and enjoy the night by looking at other people’s costumes, playing with kids along the way, and distributing candy to people that we find on the streets. It is a lot of fun because we get to have a different spirit after we put on the costume. We are just children once more and get to enjoy simple things such as being gifted with a chocolate bar or our favorite candy. That is all we need in order to put on a smile in our faces and move on to the next interaction of the night.

Lastly one of my favorite aspects of fall is simply the temperature outside. It is usually an inviting temperature that makes me wear my favorite clothes and feel a calm, peace and empowering breeze while having the view of the change of colors of the trees as well as the leaves falling. It is a very pretty season where nature just puts on a show of colors and design and many times, we take it for granted being caught up in our busy schedules and our daily routines. It is incredible how often in the fall nature just catches my eyes and make me reflect on how beautiful our lives can be if we focus on the little things, which most of the time is not bought but given by the beauty that is nature around us.

Fall is a season of appreciation and reflection, as years pass by, we are always going from one summer to the next or focusing on work, school and all the problems that we have without giving time to ourselves as well as having contact nature. This interaction should help us reestablish ourselves physically and mentally by putting our minds at easy and letting go of our problems. Fall is the perfect season for this internal peace and renewal that is necessary for our function and mental health.

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About Writer-20314

I have a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and a Master's degree in Teaching with emphasis in Business and Marketing. I have a full time job however I am passionate about writing and expressing myself through being creative and imaginative in my essays.

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natural english

55 Sentences On Autumn Season: Enhance Your English Vocabulary!

These 55 sentences on autumn season can be used to improve your English speaking and vocabulary. A handy resource for any English learner. 

Did you know that most people think “fall” is American English? It was actually used in England until fairly recently. Whichever word you prefer, let’s now enhance our English with 55 sentences on autumn!

10 sentences on autumn season, autumn in a sentence, autumn sentences, 5 sentences on autumn season

Related: 232 Uplifting Lines On Spring: Give your English Spring!

A few lines on autumn season of a nostalgic type

To get us started today here are a few sentences on autumn season with a nostalgic slant to them:

  • I remember kicking through the autumn leaves in my garden as a child.
  • I remember carving pumpkins before Halloween.
  • The crisp weather of autumn always told me that winter was just around the corner.
  • I loved the dry sunny days of autumn season.
  • I used to enjoy all the autumn greens and fruits that we used to grow in our garden.

essay on fall season

Related: 66 Sentences About Winter: Better Speaking Guide

Fall vs autumn: Know which one to use

The words fall and autumn can be used interchangeably . Autumn is more common in British English, whereas fall is more common in American English. Now we will look at some sentences on autumn season, (or fall!) using both of these words.

  • Because it is fall, I need to rake the leaves in the garden.
  • I enjoy the crisp weather in the fall.
  • Autumn season is my favorite time of the year.
  • I like to eat roast chestnuts in the autumn.
  • Last fall it snowed in my area.

Related: 27 Sayings About Fall: Natural English, Better Speaking!

5 simple sentences on autumn season

For beginner students and young learners, here are five simple sentences on autumn season.

  • The leaves are brown.
  • The weather is cool.
  • Halloween is in autumn.
  • It is getting cold.
  • I like to eat persimmons.

5 intermediate sentences on autumn season

After the beginner sentences, we will now look at some intermediate sentences on autumn season. Here you will see more adjectives and prepositions used.

  • I like to work in the garden more often during the fall.
  • The weather is feeling rather crisp right now.
  • My appetite increases in the autumn.
  • I like to take walks in the park in autumn.
  • My children like to carve pumpkins and go trick-or-treating at Halloween.

5 advanced sentences on autumn season

Now that we have looked at simple and intermediate sentences on autumn season, we will now look at some more advanced ones. Again, we will look at using more prepositions and adjectives, as well as using different verb tenses .

  • I was given a new jacket this autumn, and it is absolutely perfect for this weather.
  • Michael is planning on going camping this autumn if the weather stays fine.
  • The skies are blue, the temperature is mild, and the views are amazing.
  • I’d like to have a walk through this forest, seeing as the weather is so beautiful right now.
  • Kicking my way through fallen leaves is one of my fondest childhood memories!

Fall words: Let’s make some nice sentences about fall season

Here are five words that we can use to talk about fall. After we have looked at them, we will use these fall words to make sentences.

  • The weather feels very crisp in the fall.
  • The red leaves of New England and Massachusetts are simply amazing.
  • Autumn season is the most stunning of them all, in my opinion.
  • The weather tends to become chilly in the fall.
  • Also, the nights start to draw in, so it gets dark much earlier.

5 sentences about fall weather

Continuing on from our fall words, now we will look at vocabulary specifically to do with fall weather, and then make some sentences on autumn season – with the aim that you also can do this after!

  • As we are approaching winter, gales become more common.
  • It doesn’t rain much in the autumn where I live.
  • The temperature sometimes drops quite low, though.
  • It is common to see mist in the mornings.
  • Luckily, where I live, overcast days are few and far between in the fall.

Sentences about fall fruit: common but delicious ones!

Do you love fruit? I do! My favorite fruits are apples and cranberries. The fall is a great time of year to harvest fruits. Let’s make some sentences about fall fruits.

  • I like to pick blackberries in the fall.
  • Sometimes I even get raspberries in the fall, too.
  • Apples are usually ready in the fall.
  • Figs are often ripe in the fall.
  • Have you ever grown blackberries?

A few lines on autumn greens

Here are a few lines on autumn greens, if you’re feeling hungry! First, here are some popular autumn greens:

Now we will make five lines on these autumn greens:

  • We grow spinach in the garden.
  • I don’t like to eat cabbage!
  • I love putting lettuce on hamburgers.
  • Although I don’t like the taste, I know that kale is very healthy.
  • Chinese cabbage grows abundantly in many areas.

Fall activities: 5 active sentences about fall season

What do you like to do in the fall? With its calm and cool weather, fall is the perfect time to take part in a variety of recreational activities. We will now look at 5 sentences about activities to do during the fall.

  • I like to catch up on the gardening over fall.
  • Harvesting all my fruit and vegetables is a really rewarding experience.
  • Emma likes to go hiking in the mountains in the fall.
  • John likes to take his dog for walks on the beach in the fall.
  • We like to visit the hills in New England to look at the fall colors.

Five crisp fall leaves sentences

So far we have gone over 50 sentences on autumn season . To draw things to a close today, we will now look at 5 sentences about fall leaves, Completing our 55 sentences on autumn season!

  • The fall leaves look tremendous.
  • This year‘s leaves have a huge variety of colors in them.
  • What are some famous spots in your country to view fall leaves?
  • Red maple leaves are my favorite ones to look at.
  • With the weather so crisp and dry, I think the fall leaves will stay on the trees for a week or two yet.

Fall paragraph

To complement our sentences on autumn season , we will now look at a fall paragraph. Please feel free to use this as inspiration for your own writing assignments.

Fall is a very calm time of year in my neck of the woods. We tend to have clear skies, cool temperatures, and a lack of strong wind. It might actually be my favorite time of year. The leaves on the ground make a rustling sound as you walk, and the squirrels and other animals are busy finding food for the upcoming winter. The same thing happens every year like clockwork. The fall colors are also really pretty where I live. I feel very lucky. We see all kinds of red and brown hues. My only complaint about autumn is that it doesn’t last long enough!

Autumn season essay to enhance vocabulary

So far we have done many autumn sentences and even a full paragraph. Next, we will lengthen our writing and try a short autumn-season essay. As ever, if you have any school writing assignments, don’t hesitate to use this as inspiration for your own writing projects.

Today I’d like to talk about autumn season. While in some parts of the world, they call it fall , and in other parts autumn , it’s the same thing. Where I live autumn usually happens from early October until late November. After that, the cold of winter approaches. 

Why I like autumn

There are many reasons why I like autumn. The first of these is the food. I really enjoy in-season vegetables, greens, and fruits. My favorite is probably apples. Also, I really enjoy eating sweet potatoes. Another reason I like autumn is the weather. The autumn weather where I live is calm and peaceful. We don’t get many storms or rainy days. It is usually dry and clear. It is actually the perfect time of year, in my opinion. We’ve never had snow in autumn, either, so it is very easy to plan outings or day trips without worrying about the weather.

Autumn activities

Naturally, depending on where you live the activities we do in autumn vary. In my neck of the woods, people like to go apple picking, and also blackberry picking. It’s so fun to find natural and tasty treats. And as mentioned before, clear and dry weather is the norm where I live. So, it stands to reason that outdoor activities would be popular. Many people like to take strolls, or actually go hiking in the countryside. Camping is a really popular pastime here too. Autumn really is a time for getting out into nature.

Autumn clothes: what should we wear?

As the heat of the summer fades away, and cool evenings and mornings become more usual, it makes sense that people reevaluate what kind of clothes they’d like to wear.

The type of autumn clothes that people wear in my area include things like sweaters, light jackets, long sleeve t-shirts, jeans, socks, and boots if people go walking or hiking. Thick coats, gloves, and hats aren’t really necessary in the autumn here.

In summary, I like autumn because the weather is crisp and clear. The food produced in autumn is also fantastic. Autumn activities such as apple picking up always popular. Common autumn clothes include jeans, sweaters, and light jackets.

10 sentences on autumn season ( Bonus )

To wrap up this article, here are an extra 10 sentences on autumn season, I thought I’d write them whilst I am in the autumn mood!

  • I like the weather in autumn.
  • I am not too keen on autumn nights, though. They get chilly.
  • Autumn skies are often clear.
  • It is not too windy in autumn where I live
  • I like to make a jack-o-lantern in autumn.
  • Do you do anything like that?
  • I like to eat fresh autumn fruits.
  • Vegetables are often harvested in autumn, too!
  • It’s the time of year when I start thinking about the upcoming Christmas season.
  • What’s the weather like in autumn where you are?

Sentences on autumn season for all levels of English

I hope you have enjoyed and learned something from today’s sentences on autumn season . Today we have looked at simple sentences, all the way up to advanced sentences. We have also discussed fall vocabulary, food to eat, and activities to take part in. Along with this, we have also shown an example fall paragraph and an autumn season essay. I would recommend reading this article several times so that you can fully absorb all the autumn phrases.


  1. 10 Lines On Autumn Season

    essay on fall season

  2. Essay on Autumn Season in 100 Words for Class 1, 2, 3, 5

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  3. 3 Well Written Paragraphs on Autumn Season For Students

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  4. Top (3+) Essay on Autumn Season 10 Lines, 200 & 1500 Words

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  5. Autumn Season Essay in English for Students in 300 Words

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  6. Why Autumn is My Favourite Season Free Essay Example

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  1. 10 Line Essay on Spring Season in English// write an essay on Spring season in English// Basant Ritu

  2. Essay on My Favourite Season in English ( Spring Season ) || Study Pride Corner

  3. Essay on Spring Season in English || Spring Season Essay

  4. 20 lines essay on winter season in English

  5. NYU Wagner Video Essay Fall 2024

  6. Essay on summer season// summer season essay in english


  1. Essay About Autumn: Top 5 Examples And Prompts

    This essay on autumn puts more focus on autumn in India. It mentions various facts, benefits, and losses of the fall season in the country. 5. Top (Healthy) Reasons to Love Fall by Olivia DeLong. "The color yellow is often thought to convey energy, enthusiasm, fun, cheerfulness, and a positive emotional state.

  2. Favourite Season Autumn Essay in English

    Long Essay on Autumn Season 600+ Words in English. The Autumn season begins before the beginning of winters as a rule in the long stretch of September. In particular, the fall season ranges from September and November on the northern side of the equator. This season is otherwise called the fall season in numerous nations.

  3. Reasons Why Autumn Is the Best Season

    The Weather Is Perfect. Autumn is the "cooling off" month right between the blazing summer and chilling winter. When the cooler temperatures of fall start rolling in, saying goodbye to summer is not hard to do. Autumn is a great time to break out the jackets, coats, boots, scarves and hats in preparation for the change in season.

  4. Fall: The season of cozy, delicious, wisdom-inducing rediscovery

    Fall is the season for all senses. The feel of cooler temperatures after a long summer. A warm, visually pleasing palate of reds, oranges and browns. ... Style, Science and Wellness. This essay is ...

  5. Writing a Descriptive Essay About Autumn: Tips & Examples

    Reading example essays is the best way to make sense of the tips provided above. Here's an example of a descriptive essay about nature, accompanied by an explanation of its effectiveness. Title: "Autumn's Elegance: Nature's Grand Finale". Autumn, the season of transformation and melancholic beauty, casts its enchanting spell upon the world.

  6. Why Autumn is the Best Season for Me: [Essay Example], 770 words

    Sample. Details. "Why autumn is the best season" is a sentiment I've held for a long time. Autumn is such a sensational time of year. There are multitudinous festivities to engage in. The weather is lovely, the way the leaves change colors is very appealing to me, the fair is here, and everybody is hyped for the football season.

  7. Autumn

    autumn, season of the year between summer and winter during which temperatures gradually decrease. It is often called fall in the United States because leaves fall from the trees at that time. Autumn is usually defined in the Northern Hemisphere as the period between the autumnal equinox (day and night equal in length), September 22 or 23, and the winter solstice (year's shortest day ...

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  22. 55 Sentences On Autumn Season: Enhance Your English Vocabulary!

    Autumn season essay to enhance vocabulary. So far we have done many autumn sentences and even a full paragraph. Next, we will lengthen our writing and try a short autumn-season essay. ... we have also shown an example fall paragraph and an autumn season essay. I would recommend reading this article several times so that you can fully absorb all ...

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