Interview Guy

31 Jobs For Horror Fans (Hauntingly High Pay)

horror movie review jobs

Are you a true horror enthusiast? Love getting lost in the eerie realms of fear and suspense?

Then, prepare yourself for a thrill!

Today, we’re delving into a list of dream jobs for horror fans.

From paranormal investigators to horror film scriptwriters. Each one, is a perfect fit for those who relish and breathe everything spine-chilling.

Imagine being immersed in the grotesque and the supernatural. Day in, day out.

Sounds like a dark delight, right?

So, find your comfort zone – if you dare.

And get ready to uncover your dream job in the world of horror!

Haunted House Actor

Average Salary: $25,000 – $40,000 per year

Haunted House Actors are the spine-tingling heart of horror-themed attractions, providing thrilling experiences to visitors by portraying various spooky characters.

This role is perfect for horror fans who have a flair for the dramatic and enjoy bringing their love for the macabre to life.

Job Duties:

  • Performing in Character : Embody a wide range of frightening characters, ensuring each guest experiences the thrill of the haunt.
  • Scare Tactics : Master the art of the scare, utilizing timing, special effects makeup, and props to deliver a truly terrifying experience.
  • Improvisation : Think quickly on your feet to engage with guests and adapt scares to different audience reactions.
  • Character Development : Work with the creative team to develop backstories and behaviors for characters to enhance the authenticity of the performance.
  • Safe Operation : Maintain the safety protocols of the attraction, ensuring a secure environment for both guests and actors.
  • Team Collaboration : Work closely with other actors and staff to coordinate scares and maintain the flow of the attraction.


  • Performance Skills : Prior acting experience or a natural talent for performance is highly beneficial.
  • Communication Skills : Strong non-verbal communication skills to effectively scare and interact with guests without breaking character.
  • Passion for Horror : A genuine love for horror and a desire to create an immersive, spine-chilling experience.
  • Physical Stamina : The ability to maintain energy and enthusiasm throughout performances, often under physically demanding conditions.
  • Adaptability : Flexibility to work in various roles within the haunted attraction and adapt to the changing needs of the performance.

Career Path and Growth :

This role provides an opportunity to hone acting skills and specialize in the horror genre.

With experience, Haunted House Actors can progress to lead roles within the attraction, take on responsibilities for character development, or move into direction and production of horror-themed events.

For those with a creative vision, there may also be opportunities to design and manage their own haunted attractions.

Special Effects Makeup Artist

Average Salary: $30,000 – $75,000 per year

Special Effects Makeup Artists are the magicians behind the transformative looks seen in horror movies, creating everything from subtle aging effects to gory wounds.

This role is ideal for horror fans who revel in the macabre and enjoy using their creative skills to bring nightmares to life.

  • Designing Makeup Effects : Create a wide range of special effects makeup looks, from subtle character enhancements to full-body transformations.
  • Applying Prosthetics : Skillfully apply and blend prosthetic pieces, ensuring they look realistic and hold up under filming conditions.
  • Simulating Injuries : Produce convincing injury effects, such as cuts, burns, and other wounds that suit the script’s requirements.
  • Collaborating with Directors : Work closely with film directors and actors to achieve the desired visual effects for characters and scenes.
  • Maintaining Continuity : Ensure makeup continuity throughout filming, documenting each look for consistency.
  • Research and Development : Stay current with new materials, techniques, and trends in the special effects makeup industry.
  • Educational Background : A diploma or certificate in Makeup Artistry, with a focus on special effects, is highly recommended.
  • Artistic Skills : A strong artistic talent with an eye for detail, color, and texture.
  • Passion for Horror : A deep appreciation for the horror genre and a desire to contribute to the creation of chilling and memorable scenes.
  • Hands-On Experience : Comfortable working with a variety of materials and makeup products, as well as sculpting and painting.
  • Adaptability : Ability to work under pressure and adapt to on-set changes, including last-minute script alterations.

As a Special Effects Makeup Artist, you have the opportunity to work on a range of projects, from indie films to major studio productions.

With experience, you can become a key makeup artist, lead a makeup department, or even start your own special effects studio.

Your creations may become iconic looks that define horror films for generations to come.

Horror Writer/Novelist

Average Salary: $30,000 – $100,000+ per year

Horror Writers/Novelists craft chilling narratives designed to thrill and terrify their readers.

This creative profession is perfect for horror fans with a flair for storytelling and the macabre.

This role is ideal for horror enthusiasts who enjoy delving into the dark and supernatural to create spine-tingling tales.

  • Creating Original Content : Develop unique horror stories and plots, with a focus on building suspense, fear, and shock in the reader.
  • Character Development : Invent compelling characters that evoke empathy, fear, or revulsion, often facing or fighting against supernatural or human antagonists.
  • Research : Investigate various horror sub-genres, folklore, and psychological triggers to incorporate into your writing to enhance authenticity and terror.
  • Editing and Revising : Continuously refine drafts to tighten the narrative, improve pacing, and ensure maximum impact on the reader.
  • Networking and Marketing : Engage with the horror writing community, attend genre conventions, and promote your work through social media and other marketing channels.
  • Staying Current : Keep up with trends in horror literature and media to understand current market demands and reader preferences.
  • Educational Background : While formal education is not strictly necessary, a degree in English, Creative Writing, or Literature can be beneficial.
  • Writing Skills : Exceptional writing abilities, with a talent for crafting vivid descriptions, dialogue, and narrative tension.
  • Passion for Horror : A deep appreciation for the horror genre, with an understanding of its history, tropes, and what makes a story terrifying.
  • Discipline : The dedication and self-motivation to write regularly and meet deadlines, often without immediate feedback.
  • Thick Skin : The ability to handle criticism and rejection, using them as tools to improve your work.

Starting as a Horror Writer/Novelist often involves building a portfolio of short stories or self-publishing novels.

As you gain recognition, you may secure contracts with publishers, literary agents, or have your works adapted into other media such as film or television.

With experience and a strong readership, Horror Writers/Novelists can achieve notoriety in the genre, leading to opportunities to collaborate with other authors, participate in anthologies, or even branch into screenwriting or game design.

Horror Film Director

Average Salary: $47,000 – $200,000+ per year

Horror Film Directors spearhead the creative process of bringing spine-chilling stories to life on the silver screen.

This role is perfect for horror fans who possess a flair for storytelling and wish to create haunting cinematic experiences.

  • Developing Story Concepts : Generate or select compelling horror story ideas and transform them into detailed scripts.
  • Directing Cast and Crew : Lead and inspire actors and film crew members to craft authentic and terrifying scenes.
  • Creating Suspense and Fear : Use a variety of cinematic techniques to build tension and elicit fear from the audience.
  • Supervising Post-Production : Oversee the editing, sound design, and special effects to ensure the final product aligns with the intended vision.
  • Collaborating with Writers and Producers : Work closely with screenwriters and producers to refine the horror narrative and manage production elements.
  • Staying Current with Genre Trends : Keep up with the latest trends in horror cinema and audience preferences to create relevant and impactful films.
  • Educational Background : A Bachelor’s degree in Film, Cinematography, or a related field is often beneficial, though not always required.
  • Creative Vision : Strong creative instincts and the ability to visualize and execute a compelling horror story.
  • Leadership Skills : Excellent leadership abilities to guide and motivate a team under high-pressure conditions.
  • Understanding of Horror Genre : Deep knowledge of horror tropes, history, and what makes content genuinely frightening to audiences.
  • Technical Expertise : Proficiency with camera equipment, editing software, and other filmmaking tools.
  • Communication Skills : Superior communication and interpersonal skills to collaborate effectively with cast, crew, and production staff.

As a Horror Film Director, you have the opportunity to become a defining voice in the genre.

With experience and successful projects, you can gain recognition at film festivals, secure larger budgets for future films, and even establish your own production company.

Cultivating a unique style and a loyal fan base can lead to long-term success and influence in the horror film industry.

Ghost Tour Guide

Ghost Tour Guides lead and educate groups on haunted tours, exploring historic sites, graveyards, and locations known for paranormal activity.

This role is ideal for horror fans who enjoy sharing spine-chilling stories and the dark history associated with haunted places.

  • Conducting Haunted Tours : Lead captivating and eerie tours, guiding groups through haunted locations, and recounting tales of ghosts, spirits, and unexplained mysteries.
  • Presenting Historical Context : Provide historical background and context to the sites, explaining the origins of the hauntings and the stories of those who linger as spirits.
  • Answering Questions : Address queries from participants, ranging from historical facts to local legends and personal experiences with the paranormal.
  • Developing Tour Content : Create immersive and engaging narratives for tours, incorporating local lore, ghost sightings, and historical research.
  • Event Participation : Take part in or organize special events such as Halloween tours, night walks, and paranormal investigations to engage with the community.
  • Staying Informed : Continuously research and verify historical information, update ghost stories, and stay current with paranormal investigation techniques.
  • Educational Background : Knowledge of local history, folklore, or a related field is beneficial. A background in theater or performance arts can also be an asset.
  • Communication Skills : Exceptional verbal communication skills, with the ability to deliver stories in a captivating and suspenseful manner.
  • Enthusiasm for Horror : A strong passion for ghost stories, horror, and the supernatural, combined with a desire to share this excitement with others.
  • Public Speaking : Comfortable with speaking to groups, creating a dramatic and thrilling atmosphere, and providing interactive experiences.
  • Adaptability : Ability to tailor tours and stories to suit different audiences and age groups, and handle any unexpected occurrences with poise.

This role offers the opportunity to immerse people in the world of the paranormal and horror, potentially increasing public appreciation for historical and haunted sites.

With experience, Ghost Tour Guides can progress to managerial roles, create their own tour companies, or become experts in the field of paranormal tourism and investigation.

Paranormal Investigator

Average Salary: $30,000 – $70,000 per year

Paranormal Investigators delve into the unexplained, conducting investigations in locations reported to have supernatural activity.

This role is perfect for horror fans who have a fascination with the unknown and enjoy the thrill of exploring haunted places and uncovering ghostly mysteries.

  • Investigating Haunted Locations : Conduct onsite investigations at various locations reported to be haunted, collecting evidence of paranormal activity.
  • Using Specialized Equipment : Utilize an array of tools and technology designed to detect and record supernatural occurrences, such as EMF meters, audio recorders, and night vision cameras.
  • Documenting Evidence : Carefully document and analyze audio, visual, and physical evidence of potential paranormal phenomena.
  • Research and Historical Analysis : Examine the history of investigation sites to understand past events that may be related to reported hauntings.
  • Client Consultations : Meet with clients to understand their experiences and expectations, and provide them with findings post-investigation.
  • Continued Learning : Stay abreast of the latest theories, methods, and technology in the field of paranormal investigation.
  • Educational Background : While formal education in a specific field is not mandatory, a background in history, psychology, or a related field may be beneficial.
  • Analytical Skills : A keen eye for detail and the ability to analyze and interpret data critically.
  • Passion for the Paranormal : A strong interest in paranormal activity and a desire to explore the unexplained.
  • Communication Skills : Proficient verbal and written communication skills to effectively present findings to clients and the public.
  • Bravery and Composure : The courage to investigate potentially frightening situations and maintain composure in the face of the unknown.

As a Paranormal Investigator, you have the opportunity to contribute to a field that blends history, folklore, and science.

With experience, you can become a recognized expert in the field, publish research, host workshops or seminars, or star in paranormal-themed television shows or documentaries.

The role allows for significant personal and professional growth for those dedicated to exploring the mysteries that lie beyond the veil.

Creepy Prop Designer

Average Salary: $35,000 – $75,000 per year

Creepy Prop Designers create the spine-chilling and realistic props that make horror scenes genuinely terrifying.

This role is perfect for horror fans who have a knack for crafting the macabre and enjoy bringing their eerie visions to life.

  • Designing Horror Props : Construct haunting and detailed props that bring horror scenes to life, from gory makeup effects to sinister set pieces.
  • Collaborating with Directors : Work closely with film and theatre directors to create props that align with their dark and horrifying vision.
  • Research and Development : Stay up to date with the latest techniques in prop making and special effects to create the most realistic and unnerving items.
  • Material Sourcing : Find and select the appropriate materials that will endure the demands of production while maintaining an authentic look.
  • Quality Control : Ensure that all props meet safety standards and can withstand the rigors of use during production.
  • Set Dressing : Assist in arranging props on set to achieve the desired atmosphere and visual impact for each scene.
  • Artistic Background : A background in fine arts, special effects makeup, or a related field is beneficial.
  • Creativity : A vivid imagination and creative skills to craft visually disturbing props that are both convincing and memorable.
  • Attention to Detail : Keen eye for details to ensure props contribute to the overall horror aesthetic and storyline.
  • Technical Skills : Proficiency with various tools and materials used in prop fabrication, including knowledge of safety procedures.
  • Problem-Solving : Ability to troubleshoot and adapt when props don’t go as planned or need to be altered on short notice.

As a Creepy Prop Designer, you have the opportunity to set the standard for horror in the entertainment industry.

With experience, you may advance to lead design positions, oversee entire prop departments, or start your own prop studio specializing in horror productions.

Your work could become the nightmare fuel for audiences around the world, and you might even see your creations become iconic pieces within the genre.

Horror Movie Critic

Average Salary: $30,000 – $60,000 per year

Horror Movie Critics analyze and review horror films for various media outlets, including newspapers, magazines, blogs, and video platforms.

This role is perfect for horror fans who have a penchant for dissecting and discussing the nuances of the horror genre.

  • Watching and Analyzing Films : View a wide range of horror movies, from indie flicks to blockbuster hits, and analyze their content, style, and effectiveness in the horror genre.
  • Writing Reviews : Craft compelling and insightful film reviews, offering both critique and praise where appropriate, and rate the films based on various criteria.
  • Staying Updated on Releases : Keep abreast of upcoming horror film releases, festivals, and retrospectives to maintain relevance and timeliness in reviews.
  • Engaging with the Horror Community : Interact with horror fans and filmmakers through social media, forums, and events to understand audience perspectives and industry trends.
  • Interviewing Filmmakers : Conduct interviews with directors, actors, and other key personnel involved in the making of horror films to provide deeper insights to the audience.
  • Attending Film Festivals : Be present at film festivals and special screenings to network and stay informed on the latest developments in horror cinema.
  • Background in Film Studies or Journalism : A Bachelor’s degree in Film Studies, Journalism, English, or a related field is often preferred.
  • Writing Skills : Excellent writing abilities to craft engaging and thoughtful film critiques.
  • Love for Horror : A deep appreciation for the horror genre and a broad knowledge of its history and tropes.
  • Keen Analytical Eye : Ability to discern and articulate the elements that make a horror movie successful or lacking.
  • Communication : Strong verbal communication skills for interviews and potential multimedia content, such as podcasts or video reviews.

As a Horror Movie Critic, there is the potential to become an influential voice in the horror community.

With experience and a growing audience, critics can become leading authorities on the genre, be invited as guest speakers or panelists at conventions, or publish books on horror cinema.

Additionally, there is the opportunity to branch out into other related areas such as teaching film studies, hosting horror-themed events, or curating film selections for festivals.

Forensic Scientist

Average Salary: $50,000 – $70,000 per year

Forensic Scientists are crucial in solving crimes by analyzing physical evidence from crime scenes, using science to uncover the horrors hidden within the details.

This role is perfect for horror fans who have a fascination with the macabre and an appetite for solving mysteries.

  • Examining Physical Evidence : Collect and analyze evidence from crime scenes, such as blood, hair, and other bodily fluids to determine the events that took place.
  • Utilizing Laboratory Techniques : Employ a variety of scientific techniques, including DNA analysis, toxicology, and ballistics to extract crucial information from evidence.
  • Writing Detailed Reports : Document findings in detailed reports that may be used in criminal investigations and legal proceedings.
  • Testifying in Court : Serve as an expert witness, explaining evidence analysis and scientific conclusions to judges and juries.
  • Continuing Education : Stay current with the latest forensic science techniques, technologies, and best practices through ongoing education and training.
  • Collaborating with Law Enforcement : Work closely with detectives and other law enforcement officials to reconstruct crime scenes and contribute to solving cases.
  • Educational Background : A Bachelor’s degree in Forensic Science, Chemistry, Biology, or a related field is required, with many positions requiring a Master’s degree or higher.
  • Attention to Detail : Exceptional analytical skills and attention to detail are crucial for accurate evidence analysis and interpretation.
  • Scientific Knowledge : A solid foundation in scientific principles and laboratory techniques, with a specialization in forensics.
  • Communication Skills : Ability to communicate complex scientific information clearly and concisely, both in writing and verbally.
  • Emotional Resilience : The capacity to work with disturbing crime scene evidence while maintaining professionalism.

Forensic Scientists play a vital role in the criminal justice system.

With experience, they can advance to lead forensic analysts, supervisors, or lab directors.

Opportunities for specialization in areas such as DNA, toxicology, or digital forensics can further enhance career prospects and contribute to the evolution of the field.

Average Salary: $30,000 – $55,000 per year

Morticians, also known as funeral directors or undertakers, manage the preparation and presentation of the deceased, as well as the details of funeral services.

This role is ideal for horror fans who have a fascination with the macabre and are comfortable dealing with the themes of death and the afterlife.

  • Embalming and Restorative Art : Perform embalming procedures to preserve and prepare deceased bodies for viewing and burial, and apply restorative techniques to create a lifelike appearance.
  • Arranging Funeral Services : Organize and manage the logistics of funeral services, ensuring they meet the family’s wishes and comply with legal requirements.
  • Consoling Families : Provide emotional support and guidance to grieving families, helping them navigate the difficult process of saying goodbye to a loved one.
  • Preparing Legal Documents : Handle necessary paperwork such as death certificates, burial permits, and other legal requirements for the deceased.
  • Managing Funeral Home Operations : Oversee the daily operations of the funeral home, including staff management, financial planning, and maintenance of facilities.
  • Continuing Education : Stay up-to-date with advancements in mortuary science and changes in funeral service regulations and practices.
  • Educational Background : An Associate’s degree in Mortuary Science, which includes courses in embalming, restorative techniques, and funeral service management.
  • Emotional Stability : Ability to cope with the emotional stress of working with the deceased and their families.
  • Compassion and Sensitivity : A deep sense of empathy to assist families during their time of loss, with a respectful approach to different cultural and religious practices.
  • Attention to Detail : Strong organizational skills to handle multiple tasks and ensure that all aspects of the funeral service are carried out seamlessly.
  • Professionalism : Uphold a professional demeanor and maintain the highest ethical standards.

Morticians play a crucial role in providing dignified and respectful care for the deceased and their families.

With experience, morticians can advance to own and operate their own funeral homes, become specialized in certain aspects of mortuary science, or take on roles as consultants or educators within the field.

Dark Art Painter or Illustrator

Dark Art Painters or Illustrators create evocative artwork that explores themes of horror, the supernatural, and the macabre.

This role is perfect for horror fans who have a talent for visual arts and wish to express their fascination with the darker side of life through their work.

  • Creating Dark Themed Artwork : Produce compelling and haunting illustrations, paintings, or digital art that captures the essence of horror and the supernatural.
  • Developing Horror Visuals : Work on projects that may include book illustrations, album covers, movie concept art, or gallery pieces with a horror aesthetic.
  • Engaging with the Horror Community : Connect with other horror enthusiasts and professionals to share work, gain inspiration, and collaborate on projects.
  • Marketing Artwork : Utilize online platforms, attend conventions, or partner with galleries to showcase and sell your dark-themed creations.
  • Staying Culturally Relevant : Keep abreast of horror trends, literature, films, and other media to inform and inspire your artwork.
  • Experimenting with Techniques : Constantly explore new artistic methods and mediums to keep your work fresh and engaging for horror aficionados.
  • Artistic Skill : Proficient in drawing, painting, or digital illustration with a portfolio that reflects a strong inclination towards horror themes.
  • Creative Vision : Ability to conceptualize and bring to life imagery that resonates with fans of horror and dark art.
  • Understanding of Horror Genre : An in-depth knowledge of horror culture, including classic and contemporary works, that influences your artistic style.
  • Self-Promotion : Skills in marketing your work through social media, art shows, and other venues to reach a wider audience.
  • Technical Proficiency : Familiarity with artistic tools, whether traditional (e.g., paints, canvas) or digital (e.g., graphic tablets, design software).

As a Dark Art Painter or Illustrator, you have the opportunity to build a reputation within the horror community and potentially collaborate with authors, filmmakers, and game developers.

With experience and a growing portfolio, you may achieve recognition and command higher prices for your work, or even curate or participate in exclusive exhibitions.

For those with entrepreneurial spirit, there is also the potential to create a personal brand or studio dedicated to horror art.

Horror Podcast Host

Horror Podcast Hosts create and narrate spine-chilling stories, discuss horror films, books, and real-life events, and analyze the elements that make the genre so captivating.

This role is perfect for horror fans who have a knack for storytelling and enjoy sharing their love for all things eerie and unsettling with a community of like-minded listeners.

  • Creating Engaging Content : Develop captivating horror narratives or discussion topics that will keep listeners on the edge of their seats.
  • Interviewing Guests : Invite authors, filmmakers, paranormal experts, and other horror enthusiasts to share insights and experiences.
  • Community Interaction : Engage with the audience through social media, listener mail, and live events to build a loyal following.
  • Audio Production : Oversee the recording and editing process to ensure high-quality sound and storytelling effects that enhance the horror atmosphere.
  • Research : Dive into horror folklore, urban legends, and historical events to find new material and ensure factual accuracy in storytelling.
  • Marketing and Promotion : Strategize and implement ways to promote the podcast and grow its audience, including collaborations with other horror platforms.
  • Strong Interest in Horror : A profound passion for the horror genre and a wealth of knowledge about its history, trends, and cultural impact.
  • Communication Skills : Excellent verbal communication skills, with the ability to create a sense of dread and suspense through storytelling.
  • Audio Editing : Experience with audio editing software and podcasting equipment to produce professional-sounding episodes.
  • Networking : Ability to connect with other horror professionals and fans to build a supportive and engaged community.
  • Creativity : A creative mindset to devise innovative show ideas, segments, and interactive experiences for the audience.

As a Horror Podcast Host, you have the opportunity to become a prominent voice in the horror community.

With dedication and a growing audience, you could expand your show’s reach, launch live tour events, publish books, or even adapt your podcast content into other media forms like film or television.

Your expertise could also open doors to consulting roles within the horror entertainment industry.

Escape Room Designer

Average Salary: $47,000 – $70,000 per year

Escape Room Designers craft immersive, challenging, and thematic puzzle experiences for groups that are often horror-themed or suspenseful.

This role is perfect for horror fans who delight in creating interactive and atmospheric narratives that can send a shiver down the spine of participants.

  • Developing Engaging Narratives : Create compelling storylines that incorporate horror elements, setting the stage for a thrilling escape room experience.
  • Designing Puzzles and Challenges : Invent puzzles that are not only challenging but also integrate seamlessly with the horror theme, enhancing the overall atmosphere.
  • Setting the Scene : Collaborate with set designers to build immersive environments that evoke a sense of dread and suspense, crucial for a horror escape room.
  • Ensuring Safety : Construct experiences that are safe for participants, without compromising the scare factor.
  • Testing and Iterating : Rigorously test rooms for flow, difficulty, and fear factor, making adjustments based on feedback to perfect the experience.
  • Staying Current : Keep up with trends in the horror genre and escape room industry to continually innovate and offer fresh, spine-tingling experiences.
  • Creative Background : Experience in game design, theater, creative writing, or a related field is beneficial.
  • Problem-Solving Skills : A knack for devising intricate puzzles and challenges that are both logical and thematic.
  • Love for Horror : A genuine passion for the horror genre and an understanding of what makes an experience truly terrifying.
  • Attention to Detail : Skill in crafting detailed and atmospheric settings that are key to an authentic horror experience.
  • Technical Skills : Ability to work with technology and physical mechanisms that are often used in modern escape rooms.

Starting as an Escape Room Designer offers the opportunity to create unique horror experiences that people talk about long after they’ve escaped.

With experience, designers can advance to lead designer positions, manage multiple escape room locations, or start their own escape room business, pushing the boundaries of interactive horror entertainment.

Makeup Effects Instructor

Average Salary: $40,000 – $60,000 per year

Makeup Effects Instructors teach and guide students in the art of creating special makeup effects for film, television, and theater productions, with a particular focus on horror genres.

This role is perfect for horror fans who possess a talent for the macabre and enjoy imparting their skills in prosthetics, animatronics, and makeup artistry to aspiring artists.

  • Teaching Special Effects Techniques : Conduct hands-on workshops and classes on how to create realistic and horrifying special makeup effects.
  • Demonstrating Prosthetic Application : Show students how to sculpt, mold, and apply prosthetics to achieve various horror effects.
  • Sharing Knowledge of Makeup Products : Educate students about the different types of makeup and materials used in horror makeup effects.
  • Curriculum Development : Design and update course materials to include the latest trends and techniques in horror makeup effects.
  • Portfolio Development : Assist students in building a professional portfolio showcasing their best work in makeup effects.
  • Keeping Skills Current : Stay abreast of the latest advancements in special effects makeup and incorporate these into the curriculum.
  • Educational Background : A degree or certificate in Makeup Artistry, Special Effects Makeup, or a related field is highly beneficial.
  • Industry Experience : Proven experience in special effects makeup, preferably within the horror genre.
  • Technical Skills : Mastery of various makeup and prosthetic techniques, including aging, character makeup, injury simulations, and creature design.
  • Teaching Ability : Strong communication and instructional skills with the ability to break down complex processes into teachable steps.
  • Passion for Horror : A deep appreciation for the horror genre and a desire to contribute to the next generation of makeup effects artists.
  • Creativity : A creative mind with the ability to inspire and foster creativity in students.

As a Makeup Effects Instructor, you have the opportunity to shape the future of horror special effects by nurturing talent and innovation in the field.

With experience, you can advance to higher academic positions, lead larger workshops and seminars, or establish your own school for special effects makeup.

This career can also serve as a springboard for collaborations with leading figures in the horror entertainment industry.

Cemetery Caretaker

Cemetery Caretakers maintain the serenity and appearance of cemetery grounds, ensuring a respectful resting place for the deceased.

This role is ideal for horror fans who appreciate the tranquil yet eerie atmosphere of graveyards and have a reverence for the past and its stories.

  • Maintaining Grounds : Keep the cemetery landscape well-groomed, including mowing lawns, trimming hedges, and removing debris to preserve a dignified environment.
  • Conducting Grave Site Preparations : Prepare sites for burials and ensure all procedures are handled with respect and according to protocol.
  • Assisting with Funerals : Help direct funeral processions and provide assistance during burial services to ensure they run smoothly.
  • Restoring Headstones : Clean and repair headstones and monuments, keeping the history of the site preserved for future generations.
  • Ensuring Security : Patrol the grounds to prevent vandalism and maintain the tranquility of the site, especially during after-hours.
  • Record Keeping : Maintain accurate records of burial plots and assist the public in locating grave sites of their loved ones.
  • Respect for the Deceased : A deep sense of respect for those who have passed and for their loved ones is essential.
  • Physical Stamina : The ability to perform physically demanding tasks in all weather conditions.
  • Attention to Detail : Meticulous care in maintaining the appearance and safety of the cemetery grounds.
  • Communication Skills : Good verbal communication skills for interacting with grieving families and providing clear directions.
  • Technical Skills : Knowledge of landscaping, grounds keeping, and basic repair work.

As a Cemetery Caretaker, there is potential for career growth into supervisory or management positions within the cemetery or funeral home industry.

With additional experience and possibly further education, one could advance to roles that involve more significant oversight of cemetery operations, historical preservation, or even management of multiple cemetery sites.

Horror Game Developer

Average Salary: $50,000 – $100,000 per year

Horror Game Developers create and design video games with themes and narratives centered around horror, aiming to evoke fear and suspense in players.

This role is ideal for horror fans who have a talent for storytelling and game design, and who wish to channel their love for the horror genre into interactive entertainment.

  • Developing Game Concepts : Create original and engaging horror game concepts that provide a spine-chilling experience to players.
  • Designing Gameplay Mechanics : Craft gameplay mechanics that enhance the horror atmosphere, such as limited visibility, suspenseful audio cues, and unpredictable AI behaviors.
  • Writing Narrative Content : Write compelling stories, character backstories, and in-game text that contribute to the overall eerie ambiance.
  • Programming Game Functions : Implement game functions and features, including puzzles, combat systems, and progression elements that align with the horror theme.
  • Creating Art and Visual Effects : Work with artists to develop the aesthetic of the game, ensuring it supports the mood and scares intended for players.
  • Testing and Refining : Playtest and refine the game, focusing on pacing, tension, and scare factors to deliver a truly terrifying experience.
  • Educational Background : A Bachelor’s degree in Game Design, Computer Science, or a related field is often preferred.
  • Creative Skills : Strong creative abilities to envision and design unique horror experiences that captivate and terrify players.
  • Technical Proficiency : Solid understanding of game development software and programming languages used in the industry.
  • Knowledge of Horror Genre : A deep appreciation and understanding of horror tropes, history, and what makes content genuinely frightening.
  • Team Collaboration : Ability to work effectively with a team of artists, writers, and other developers to create a cohesive and scary game.

As a Horror Game Developer, you have the opportunity to shape the way people engage with the horror genre.

With experience, you can take on lead roles in game design, become a creative director, or start your own indie game studio specializing in horror games.

This career path allows for constant innovation as you tap into people’s deepest fears and explore the dark corners of storytelling and gameplay.

Scary Storyteller

Average Salary: $30,000 – $45,000 per year

Scary Storytellers captivate and horrify audiences with chilling tales, often performing at haunted attractions, horror festivals, or campfire events.

This role is perfect for horror fans who relish the art of crafting and narrating spine-tingling stories that leave listeners on the edge of their seats.

  • Performing Live Narration : Deliver terrifying stories with dramatic flair, using voice modulation and pacing to build suspense and fear.
  • Writing Original Horror Content : Create your own hair-raising stories or adapt existing horror literature to keep your material fresh and engaging.
  • Engaging the Audience : Interact with listeners, gauging their reactions and adjusting your delivery for maximum impact.
  • Setting the Scene : Utilize props, sound effects, and lighting to enhance the eerie atmosphere of your storytelling sessions.
  • Event Participation : Take part in horror-themed events, workshops, or panels to share your storytelling expertise and promote the genre.
  • Staying Current : Keep up with horror trends, classic literature, and pop culture to provide a diverse range of storytelling material.
  • Creative Writing Skills : A talent for writing or adapting compelling and frightening stories that captivate a wide range of audiences.
  • Performance Abilities : Excellent oral communication and dramatic skills, with the ability to convey terror and suspense effectively.
  • Love for the Macabre : A deep appreciation for horror and a knack for understanding what makes a story truly terrifying.
  • Public Engagement : Comfort with public speaking and audience interaction, often in an intimate or interactive setting.
  • Flexibility : The capacity to perform in various environments, from quiet indoor venues to noisy outdoor settings.

As a Scary Storyteller, you have the opportunity to leave lasting impressions of dread and delight on your audience.

With experience, you can grow to become a renowned horror personality, publish your own collections of horror stories, or even transition into other horror media such as podcasting, screenwriting, or acting in horror films.

Monster Concept Artist

Average Salary: $40,000 – $75,000 per year

Monster Concept Artists create and design terrifying creatures for the horror genre, including films, video games, and theme park attractions.

This role is perfect for horror fans with a talent for drawing and a love for all things that go bump in the night.

  • Designing Original Monsters : Craft unique and horrifying creatures that fit the narrative and aesthetic of the project.
  • Collaborating with Directors and Developers : Work closely with creative teams to ensure that designs meet the project’s requirements and enhance the story.
  • Sketching and Rendering : Produce detailed sketches and renderings of monsters, often using digital tools to bring them to life.
  • Adapting to Feedback : Modify designs based on feedback from directors, writers, and other stakeholders to achieve the desired scare factor.
  • Researching Horror Tropes : Stay informed about horror trends and incorporate elements that resonate with audiences and elevate the genre.
  • Presenting Concepts : Clearly communicate the vision and rationale behind creature designs during presentations and reviews.
  • Educational Background : A Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts, Illustration, Graphic Design, or a related field is often preferred.
  • Artistic Skills : Exceptional drawing and illustration skills, with a keen eye for detail, anatomy, and creating mood through design.
  • Understanding of Horror : A strong grasp of the horror genre, including knowledge of iconic monsters and understanding of what evokes fear.
  • Technical Proficiency : Proficiency in digital art software such as Adobe Photoshop, ZBrush, or other relevant design tools.
  • Creativity and Originality : The ability to conceive and execute original concepts that bring fresh terrors to the audience.

As a Monster Concept Artist, there is the potential to become a key figure in the horror entertainment industry.

With experience, artists can advance to lead design roles, oversee entire art departments, or branch out as independent contractors working with various studios to shape the future of horror.

Gothic Fashion Designer

Average Salary: $40,000 – $70,000 per year

Gothic Fashion Designers create unique clothing and accessories that reflect the dark, mysterious, and often romantic aesthetic associated with gothic culture.

This role is perfect for horror fans who have an eye for design and a love for the gothic subculture.

  • Designing Original Pieces : Conceptualize and sketch garment designs that capture the essence of gothic style, from Victorian-inspired lace to modern punk elements.
  • Selecting Fabrics and Materials : Choose materials that embody the gothic palette and textures, such as velvet, lace, leather, and satin, in predominantly dark colors.
  • Monitoring Fashion Trends : Keep up with current trends in both mainstream and alternative fashion to incorporate innovative ideas into designs while maintaining a gothic sensibility.
  • Producing Prototypes : Create prototypes of your designs, working with seamstresses or tailors to bring your vision to life.
  • Collaborating with Stylists and Photographers : Work with stylists and photographers to showcase your designs in photoshoots, capturing the atmospheric quality of gothic fashion.
  • Marketing and Brand Development : Build a brand identity that resonates with the gothic community, utilizing social media and other platforms to reach potential customers.
  • Educational Background : A degree in Fashion Design, Textile Design, or a related field is often beneficial.
  • Creative Skills : A strong sense of style and creativity, with the ability to produce original and appealing designs that stand out in the gothic fashion scene.
  • Understanding of Gothic Culture : A deep appreciation for gothic aesthetics, literature, music, and history, to ensure authenticity in design.
  • Technical Skills : Proficiency in sewing, pattern making, and using design software to translate ideas into tangible products.
  • Networking : The ability to connect with others in the fashion industry, including suppliers, retailers, and customers, to build a successful brand.

As a Gothic Fashion Designer, you have the potential to influence the gothic fashion world and leave a lasting impression on the industry.

With experience, you can establish your own brand, gain a dedicated following, and potentially expand into broader alternative fashion markets.

Some may even become influential figures in the gothic community, contributing to the culture and its representation in the wider fashion industry.

Horror Convention Organizer

Horror Convention Organizers coordinate and manage events that celebrate horror culture, including movies, literature, and art.

This role is ideal for horror fans who enjoy bringing people together to celebrate and share their love for the spine-chilling and the macabre.

  • Event Planning and Coordination : Organize and oversee all aspects of horror conventions, from venue selection to scheduling events and guest appearances.
  • Guest Relations : Secure appearances from notable figures in the horror genre, such as directors, writers, actors, and artists.
  • Vendor Management : Arrange spaces for vendors selling horror merchandise, ensuring a diverse and appealing selection for attendees.
  • Marketing and Promotion : Develop promotional strategies to attract attendees and create buzz around the convention.
  • Programming : Curate a lineup of films, panels, workshops, and other activities that cater to the diverse interests of horror fans.
  • Community Engagement : Foster a sense of community among horror enthusiasts and maintain communication with attendees before, during, and after the event.
  • Event Planning Experience : Prior experience in event planning, coordination, or management, preferably within the entertainment industry.
  • Communication Skills : Strong verbal and written communication abilities, and the talent to network effectively with guests, vendors, and fans.
  • Passion for Horror : A deep appreciation for the horror genre and a broad knowledge of its history and cultural impact.
  • Organizational Skills : Exceptional organizational and time management skills to handle multiple tasks and deadlines.
  • Problem-Solving : Aptitude for quick thinking and resolving issues that may arise during the planning and execution of the convention.

This role offers the opportunity to strengthen and grow the horror fan community while also celebrating the genre’s rich history and contemporary works.

With experience, Horror Convention Organizers can advance to larger-scale events, become recognized figures in the horror community, or expand their expertise into other areas of the entertainment industry.

Prop Master for Horror Sets

Average Salary: $45,000 – $70,000 per year

Prop Masters for Horror Sets are responsible for sourcing, creating, and maintaining props that are essential to crafting the eerie and terrifying atmosphere in horror films and productions.

This role is perfect for horror fans who have a creative flair and take delight in bringing chilling and macabre elements to life on set.

  • Creating Spine-Chilling Props : Design and construct a wide range of props that bring horror scenes to life, from fake blood and body parts to aged artifacts and creepy dolls.
  • Set Dressing : Work closely with the production designers to ensure that every prop fits the scene’s aesthetic and contributes to the desired sense of dread.
  • Prop Maintenance : Keep all props in top condition, repairing and modifying as needed to maintain continuity throughout filming.
  • Sourcing Unique Items : Hunt down rare and unusual items that can add authenticity and depth to the horror setting.
  • Collaborating with Special Effects : Coordinate with the special effects team to integrate props seamlessly into practical and visual effects.
  • Script Analysis : Read through scripts to identify all necessary props, understanding the role they play in the narrative and their impact on the audience.
  • Artistic Skills : Strong artistic abilities with experience in crafting and constructing props, set pieces, and artistic creations that fit a horror theme.
  • Attention to Detail : Keen eye for detail to ensure that every prop contributes to the overall horror atmosphere and supports the story.
  • Understanding of Horror Genre : Deep appreciation and understanding of the horror genre, including knowledge of classic and current horror trends.
  • Problem-Solving : The capacity to think on your feet and resolve practical or creative issues that arise during production.
  • Collaborative Skills : Ability to work effectively with directors, designers, and other departments to ensure a cohesive and impactful horror environment.

As a Prop Master for Horror Sets, you have the opportunity to define the visual terror that captivates audiences around the world.

With experience, you can move up to head the props department, become a production designer, or specialize further in horror effects.

Your expertise may also open doors to consulting roles for haunted attractions or horror-themed events.

Horror Film Editor

Horror Film Editors are the maestros behind the suspense and shock in horror movies, skillfully stitching together scenes to craft a terrifying narrative.

This role is perfect for horror fans with a keen eye for detail and a love for creating spine-chilling cinematic experiences.

  • Editing Raw Footage : Assemble raw footage into a coherent and effectively paced horror film that maximizes tension and scares.
  • Sound Design : Work with sound designers to integrate eerie soundscapes and effects that heighten the fear factor.
  • Visual Effects Integration : Collaborate with VFX teams to seamlessly blend practical effects and digital enhancements that enhance the horror.
  • Color Correction : Set the film’s mood and atmosphere through meticulous color grading, ensuring a dark and foreboding visual style.
  • Collaborative Storytelling : Work closely with directors and producers to realize their vision while contributing your own creative touch.
  • Staying Current : Keep up with the latest trends in horror cinema, editing techniques, and software advancements.
  • Educational Background : A Bachelor’s degree in Film Editing, Film Production, or a related field is often preferred.
  • Technical Proficiency : Strong skills in film editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or Avid Media Composer.
  • Love for the Genre : A passion for horror films and an understanding of the genre’s conventions and how to subvert them.
  • Attention to Detail : Keen attention to timing, pacing, and narrative continuity to maximize suspense and shock value.
  • Collaborative Spirit : Ability to work effectively with a team of creative professionals and take constructive feedback.

As a Horror Film Editor, you have the opportunity to shape the final product of horror films that may become cult classics or mainstream hits.

With experience, you can advance to lead editor positions, work on higher-budget projects, or even transition into directing, where you can further influence the horror genre.

Your contributions can play a significant role in the success of the films you edit, potentially leading to award recognition and a notable reputation in the industry.

Scary Sound Effects Technician

Average Salary: $30,000 – $65,000 per year

Scary Sound Effects Technicians are the maestros of macabre audio, creating the spine-tingling sounds that make horror films and haunted attractions so frighteningly immersive.

This role is perfect for horror fans who have a knack for audio engineering and love to contribute to the eerie atmosphere that horror enthusiasts crave.

  • Creating Eerie Soundscapes : Design chilling audio environments that enhance the sense of dread in horror settings.
  • Sound Editing and Mixing : Use software to edit and mix sounds, ensuring they fit seamlessly into the project and heighten tension.
  • Recording Original Sounds : Capture unique audio, from creaking doors to blood-curdling screams, to use in productions.
  • Collaborating with Directors : Work closely with directors and other audio professionals to achieve the desired horror effect.
  • Foley Artistry : Use creative techniques to replicate the sounds of bones breaking, flesh tearing, and other gruesome effects.
  • Keeping Up with Technology : Stay current with audio technology and software to produce high-quality sound effects.
  • Educational Background : A degree or certification in Audio Engineering, Sound Design, or a related field is highly beneficial.
  • Audio Production Skills : Proficient with audio editing software and sound production equipment.
  • Creative Flair : Ability to think outside the box to create truly terrifying and original sound effects.
  • Attention to Detail : Keen ear for detail to ensure all audio contributes to the overall atmosphere and narrative.
  • Collaboration : Strong teamwork skills to work effectively with other members of the production crew.

For those with a love for the horror genre, a career as a Scary Sound Effects Technician offers the opportunity to be at the heart of what makes horror so gripping.

With experience, technicians can advance to lead audio roles on bigger projects, become audio directors, or even start their own sound design companies specializing in horror productions.

Creepy Costume Designer

Creepy Costume Designers create and fabricate costumes for horror productions, haunted attractions, or themed events.

This role is perfect for horror fans who have a flair for the macabre and love to channel their creativity into spine-chilling attire.

  • Designing Original Costumes : Craft unique and horrifying costume designs that bring to life the stuff of nightmares.
  • Fabrication and Sewing : Use a variety of materials and techniques to construct durable and effective horror costumes.
  • Styling for Impact : Ensure costumes are styled to maximize their eerie and unsettling impact on an audience.
  • Collaborating with Production Teams : Work closely with directors, actors, and makeup artists to create a cohesive and terrifying visual experience.
  • Researching Horror Trends : Stay up-to-date with the latest trends in horror to keep designs fresh and relevant.
  • Custom Fittings : Tailor costumes to individual actors, ensuring a perfect fit for both performance and scare factor.
  • Artistic Skill : A strong artistic background with a portfolio showcasing costume design, particularly in the horror genre.
  • Sewing and Fabrication Skills : Proficiency in sewing, crafting, and manipulating various materials to create high-quality costumes.
  • Horror Genre Passion : A deep understanding and appreciation for the horror genre, including knowledge of classic and contemporary horror aesthetics.
  • Teamwork : Ability to work collaboratively with a creative team to achieve a singular vision of terror.
  • Attention to Detail : Keen eye for detail to ensure that every element of the costume contributes to the horrifying overall effect.

This role provides the opportunity to influence the horror industry by setting new trends in costume design.

With experience, Creepy Costume Designers can move on to head costume departments, become brand designers for horror franchises, or start their own specialty costume shops catering to the horror community.

Dark Attraction Designer

Dark Attraction Designers conceptualize and create the haunting environments of haunted houses, horror-themed amusement park rides, and other dark attractions.

This role is perfect for horror fans who revel in the macabre and wish to channel their love for all things frightening into creating immersive and spine-chilling experiences.

  • Designing Scary Environments : Develop detailed plans for horror-themed attractions, ensuring a terrifying yet safe experience for guests.
  • Creating Storylines : Craft compelling narratives and themes that resonate with horror enthusiasts and elevate the overall attraction.
  • Building Tension and Fear : Employ a deep understanding of horror psychology to design sequences that build suspense and deliver scares.
  • Overseeing Construction : Collaborate with construction teams to bring your dark visions to life, adhering to budgetary and safety constraints.
  • Incorporating Special Effects : Integrate special effects, sound design, and lighting to enhance the eerie atmosphere of the attraction.
  • Keeping Up with Horror Trends : Stay informed about the latest trends in the horror genre to keep attractions fresh and engaging.
  • Educational Background : A degree in Theatre, Scenic Design, Fine Arts, or a related field can be beneficial.
  • Creative Skills : Strong creative and artistic skills to design original and captivating horror experiences.
  • Knowledge of Horror Genre : A deep understanding of horror tropes, history, and what elicits fear in people.
  • Technical Skills : Familiarity with the technical aspects of attraction design, including special effects, sound, and lighting.
  • Project Management : Ability to manage projects from conception to completion, ensuring they meet creative and operational goals.

As a Dark Attraction Designer, you can influence the horror industry and bring nightmares to life for eager thrill-seekers.

With experience, you may advance to lead designer positions, consult for larger theme park companies, or even start your own company specializing in dark attractions, establishing yourself as a master of horror experiences.

Horror Film Critic

Horror Film Critics analyze and review horror movies, providing their audience with insights into the cinematic quality, storytelling, special effects, and scare factors of the genre.

This role is perfect for horror fans who have a way with words and enjoy dissecting the elements that make for a truly spine-chilling film experience.

  • Watching and Analyzing Films : View a wide range of horror movies, from indie flicks to blockbuster productions, and assess their various aspects.
  • Writing Reviews : Compose articulate and engaging reviews that offer a critical perspective on the narrative, direction, acting, and scare quality of horror films.
  • Staying Current : Keep up with the latest releases, trends, and news in the horror film industry to provide timely and relevant content.
  • Engaging with the Audience : Interact with readers or viewers through comments, social media, or public events, discussing and debating horror films.
  • Attending Film Festivals : Participate in horror film festivals to gain early access to upcoming films and network with filmmakers and industry professionals.
  • Cultivating Industry Contacts : Build relationships with directors, producers, and actors within the horror genre to gain insights and exclusive information.
  • Educational Background : A Bachelor’s degree in Film Studies, Journalism, English, or a related field is often beneficial.
  • Writing Skills : Excellent writing abilities, with a knack for crafting compelling reviews that capture the essence of horror films.
  • Passion for Horror : A deep appreciation and knowledge of the horror genre, including its history, tropes, and classics.
  • Critical Thinking : The ability to analyze and critique films, identifying both their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Keen Eye for Detail : An observant nature, with attention to the subtleties that contribute to the horror atmosphere and storytelling.
  • Public Speaking : Some roles may require speaking at events or participating in panel discussions, requiring confidence and eloquence.

Starting as a Horror Film Critic might involve contributing to smaller publications or creating content for personal blogs or YouTube channels.

As you build a reputation for insightful and compelling reviews, opportunities may arise to write for larger platforms or even publish books on the genre.

Critics with a strong following can also become influential voices at film festivals and within the horror community, potentially leading to roles as industry consultants or screenwriters.

Horror-Themed Event Coordinator

Horror-Themed Event Coordinators organize and execute events that cater to fans of the horror genre, such as haunted houses, horror film festivals, and spooky interactive experiences.

This role is perfect for horror fans who love creating thrilling and chilling environments for others to enjoy.

  • Designing Spine-Chilling Experiences : Develop and set up immersive horror-themed events, ensuring they are both scary and safe for attendees.
  • Coordinating with Makeup Artists and Actors : Work with makeup artists to create ghoulish characters and train actors to deliver bone-chilling performances.
  • Managing Event Logistics : Oversee the logistics of the event, including venue selection, ticketing, and security to ensure a seamless experience.
  • Curating Horror Content : Select films, stories, or themes for events, staying current with horror trends and fan expectations.
  • Marketing and Promotions : Create and implement marketing strategies to attract horror enthusiasts to events.
  • Maintaining Safety Standards : Ensure all events comply with safety regulations and that emergency protocols are in place for the well-being of participants.
  • Background in Event Planning : Experience in event planning or a related field, with a focus on themed or entertainment events.
  • Love for the Horror Genre : A deep appreciation and understanding of horror, from classic literature to modern cinema and games.
  • Strong Organizational Skills : Ability to manage multiple tasks and coordinate various elements of an event smoothly.
  • Effective Communication : Excellent verbal and written communication skills for dealing with vendors, team members, and attendees.
  • Creative Flair : A knack for crafting unique and memorable horror experiences that stand out.
  • Problem-Solving Abilities : Quick thinking and problem-solving skills to address any issues that may arise during events.

Horror-Themed Event Coordinators have the unique opportunity to bring the world of horror to life for fans and newcomers alike.

As they gain experience, they can take on larger and more complex events, become consultants for horror experiences, or even expand into creating their horror entertainment company.

Creepy Art Sculptor

Creepy Art Sculptors craft unsettling and macabre sculptures, often used in horror movies, haunted houses, or themed attractions.

This role is perfect for horror fans who have a talent for visual arts and enjoy sending shivers down spines with their eerie creations.

  • Designing Horror-Themed Art : Create original sculptures that evoke fear and intrigue, drawing inspiration from various horror genres and themes.
  • Material Selection : Choose appropriate materials to construct durable and impactful sculptures, considering texture, color, and form for maximum creepiness.
  • Detailing and Finishing : Pay meticulous attention to the details of your work to ensure a lifelike and haunting presence in every piece.
  • Collaborating with Clients : Work with clients to understand their vision and deliver sculptures that align with their needs for horror settings or events.
  • Exhibiting Work : Display sculptures in galleries, themed events, or online platforms to attract a wider audience and potential buyers.
  • Staying Inspired : Continuously explore the horror genre, including films, literature, and art, to keep your work fresh and innovative.
  • Artistic Background : A degree in Fine Arts, Sculpture, or a related field is often beneficial, but not always required.
  • Sculpting Skills : Proficiency in sculpting techniques and the ability to manipulate various materials to achieve desired effects.
  • Horror Genre Knowledge : A deep appreciation and understanding of the horror genre to create authentic and impactful art.
  • Attention to Detail : The ability to focus on the finer points of your work to make sculptures come alive.
  • Creativity : A strong creative mindset to develop unique and chilling pieces.

As a Creepy Art Sculptor, you have the opportunity to make a name for yourself in the horror community.

With experience, you could become a renowned artist in the horror circuit, collaborate with film studios for set designs, or mentor others in the art of horror sculpting.

The more your reputation grows, the more opportunities will arise to expand your craft and perhaps even start your own studio or gallery specializing in horror art.

Occult Bookstore Owner

Occult Bookstore Owners curate and sell a specialized selection of literature and artifacts related to the occult, mysticism, and the supernatural.

This role is perfect for horror fans who have a deep appreciation for the macabre and enjoy fostering a community around the dark and mysterious.

  • Curating Occult Literature : Carefully select books and texts that cover a wide range of occult topics, including witchcraft, paranormal phenomena, and esoteric traditions.
  • Hosting Themed Events : Organize book signings, readings, and discussions featuring authors and figures in the horror and occult community.
  • Answering Customer Inquiries : Provide knowledgeable responses to questions about occult practices, book recommendations, and the significance of occult symbols.
  • Managing Inventory : Maintain a diverse and intriguing selection of books, artifacts, and other items to attract a wide audience of enthusiasts.
  • Community Engagement : Create a welcoming atmosphere for discussions and exchanges on horror and occult topics, potentially including book clubs or tarot readings.
  • Staying Updated : Keep abreast of the latest releases, trends, and discussions within the horror and occult genres to ensure relevance and expertise.
  • Knowledgeable Background : A deep understanding of occult subjects and horror literature, which may come from personal study or experience in the field.
  • Communication Skills : Excellent verbal and written communication abilities, to discuss complex and nuanced topics with customers and the community.
  • Enthusiasm for Horror and the Occult : A genuine passion for the darker side of literature and culture, coupled with the eagerness to share it with others.
  • Customer Service : A friendly and approachable demeanor, ensuring customers feel comfortable exploring the store’s offerings.
  • Business Acumen : Skills in managing a retail business, including inventory management, marketing, and financial planning.

As an Occult Bookstore Owner, you have the opportunity to become a cornerstone of a niche community, providing a hub for like-minded horror and occult enthusiasts.

With experience, you might expand your business, establish multiple locations, develop an online presence, or become a recognized authority in occult literature and artifacts.

Escapology Entertainer (Horror Themed)

Escapology Entertainers with a horror theme captivate audiences by performing daring escapes with a chilling twist.

They combine the art of escape with elements of horror to create spine-tingling performances.

This role is perfect for horror fans who enjoy the thrill of live performance and the art of illusion, all while engaging their audience with a touch of terror.

  • Performing Daring Escapes : Execute intricate escapes from handcuffs, chains, boxes, and more, often under timed or seemingly dangerous conditions.
  • Creating Horror Experiences : Integrate horror elements such as suspenseful music, eerie props, and storytelling to enhance the thrill of the escape acts.
  • Engaging with the Audience : Interact with spectators to build anticipation and fear, making each performance a unique and immersive horror experience.
  • Designing Performance Routines : Develop original and creative escapology acts that blend horror themes with escape artistry.
  • Public Appearances : Appear at horror conventions, special events, or themed venues to showcase your escapology skills and connect with horror enthusiasts.
  • Staying Current : Keep up-to-date with the latest trends in horror entertainment and escapology techniques to maintain a fresh and engaging act.
  • Performance Skills : Proficiency in escapology and performance art, with an ability to create a captivating horror atmosphere.
  • Communication Skills : Strong verbal communication abilities to engage and entertain an audience, and to elicit the desired emotional response.
  • Passion for Horror : A genuine love for horror and an understanding of what makes a horror experience truly frightening and enjoyable.
  • Public Speaking : Confidence in speaking and performing in front of diverse groups, ensuring a memorable and interactive experience.
  • Adaptability : Flexibility to tailor performances to different venues, events, and audience demographics.

As an Escapology Entertainer with a horror theme, you have the opportunity to push the boundaries of traditional escape acts and create a niche for yourself in the horror entertainment industry.

With experience, you could expand your repertoire, develop a significant following, and potentially tour with horror-themed shows, collaborate with other horror acts, or even produce and direct your own horror performance productions.

Spooky Theme Park Attendant

Average Salary: $20,000 – $30,000 per year

Spooky Theme Park Attendants immerse visitors in a frightening and thrilling environment, typically found in horror-themed parks or attractions.

This role is perfect for horror fans who take delight in bringing spine-chilling experiences to life for guests seeking a good scare.

  • Performing in Attractions : Take on various roles within the park’s horror-themed attractions, ensuring a convincingly eerie experience for visitors.
  • Managing Scare Zones : Oversee designated areas meant to startle and entertain guests, maintaining the delicate balance between horror and fun.
  • Answering Questions : Engage with visitors to respond to their inquiries while staying in character to enhance the eerie atmosphere.
  • Developing Haunt Themes : Collaborate with the creative team to develop themes and stories that make each attraction uniquely terrifying.
  • Event Participation : Partake in special events such as Halloween nights, horror festivals, or themed seasonal activities within the park.
  • Staying Informed : Keep up-to-date with horror trends, special effects makeup, and scare tactics to continuously improve the guest experience.
  • Performance Skills : Ability to perform and stay in character for extended periods, often in makeup and costume.
  • Communication Skills : Strong verbal skills, with the capacity to interact with guests and provide safety instructions when necessary.
  • Enthusiasm for Horror : A genuine love for the horror genre and an eagerness to create memorable, frightening experiences for guests.
  • Public Interaction : Comfort in dealing with diverse groups of people, including the ability to handle guests who may be scared or disruptive.
  • Adaptability : Flexibility to work in various roles within the park, from scare actor to guide, and the ability to adjust scares to suit different audience sensitivities.

For those with a passion for horror and entertainment, this job offers the chance to be a part of a thrilling industry, with opportunities to grow into roles such as attraction lead, creative director, or special effects coordinator.

With time and experience, Spooky Theme Park Attendants may also advance to higher management positions within the park or branch out into other areas of the horror entertainment industry.

And that sums it up.

A thrilling catalogue of extraordinary jobs for horror fans.

With a multitude of options at your fingertips, the perfect job awaits every fan of the macabre.

So step up, chase your dreams and carve out a profession in the horror industry every day.

Remember: It’s NEVER too late to transform your passion for horror into your livelihood.

Beyond the Traditional: Remote Jobs That Can Make You Wealthy!

Stress at Its Peak: Careers That Demand Extreme Endurance!

Break the Workday Monotony: Exciting Jobs That Pay Well

Beyond the Bot: Professions Where Humanity is Key

Career Gold: The Definitive List of Highest Paying Jobs in 2024!

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The Editorial Team at is composed of certified interview coaches, seasoned HR professionals, and industry insiders. With decades of collective expertise and access to an unparalleled database of interview questions, we are dedicated to empowering job seekers. Our content meets real-time industry demands, ensuring readers receive timely, accurate, and actionable advice. We value our readers' insights and encourage feedback, corrections, and questions to maintain the highest level of accuracy and relevance.

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Horror Writers Wanted! Join Our Team.

We are always looking for enthusiastic and talented writers to join our team. Experience is preferred but not a must. The position will offer the chance to interview recognizable names in the industry, provide early access to a number of feature film and television screeners, and may even lead to the occasional paid assignment down the road. But please know everyone starts out unpaid.

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We are looking for new writers in 2023! If you’re good at making film lists and want a platform to share it with more than 600,000 movie fans, we want you to join Taste of Cinema as a contributor!

We’re gathering a team of passionate and skillful writers to join us in bringing high-quality content to the millions of monthly readers that visit Taste of Cinema.

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4. How long have you been following Taste of Cinema? (assuming you do…but it’s fine if you don’t — we might still like you).

5. If you were a TOC contributor, how often would you post?

6. If you were a TOC contributor, what ideas do you have for your first list? (this is important, so think carefully)

Last thing, don’t forget to check out your inbox after sending us the email, we will reply to your application within 3 weeks (if we think you are the right person to write for us). 

127 Replies to “Write For Us and Get Paid”

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hi friend i want to write guest post for you because i am a fan of your blog due to your hardwork and also want becz of that i have some posts related to movies . so if you want that i will write for you as a guest post contact me ( [email protected] . i think good response will come from your site.

paras bhanot

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Yes…I could do a post a week at 500 words. But there would have to be some form of compensation. [email protected]

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1. 39. Own my own Italian Ice/Frozen Custard business 2. Anything from Malick to Tarantino to John Hughes 3. English major with Creative Writing Emphasis. Wrote features for a local newspaper. 4. Just discovered your site, via a friend. Am checking it out as much as I can today. 5. Could post once a month no problem. More depending on desired word count. 6. Some examples of my writing. regards

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I’ve just emailed a summary of my awesomeness.

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Good luck to you, ma’am! Your confidence is killer.

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21 fantastic french romance films … and “Emmanuelle” is not in this list …

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Hello Taste of cinema!

Hats off for your service!

your top 25 film composer list honored by ilayaraja.

And we are regretted for gave him 9th place. For his soul mixed music composition 9th place is so bad.

Pls watch this sample music of Maestro.

hope you revise the list of 25.

we are expecting!

-Manoj Chennai

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A R Rahman name is missing in the list. On what basis, 25 film composer was chosen? Based on the number of movies???? Of course i m happy for the great Illaiyaraja.

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Where is R.D.Burman, MSV, A.R.Rahman… Shame on Taste of Cinema>>>

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I can write in spanish, but then again who reads articles in spanish.

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Me too. I can write in spanish and I Know many people who read this articles they speak (read) spanish, Maybe, write the articles in spanish or maybe do the translation can be a new idea.

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I can write in both, english and spanish. Or translate too.

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Y bueno escriban en ambos idiomas, alguien lo va a leer 😛

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Great. Maybe now you can hire someone who doesn’t think ‘Midnight Cowboy’ is a western.

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Can you please suggest me the films which have only two or three charters?

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What happened to top 25 composers list? Disappeared? Market intervention?secular forces.

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This link is broken, please, could you fix it?

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i can discuss and write about biopics and documentaries. i have knowledge about Indian cinema and contemporary Indian film culture.

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hey if you are interested we could work on the similar blog

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that’s a great idea, in fact most of my friends in college see this page because we know English, but if they had items in Spanish would be madness. 😀

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Hi, I love discussing writing about movies. Here is an example of some of my writing there are some news articles and some reviews also. Most recently ‘The Maze Runner’. Thanks, John.

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I am Thai so far from you but this is my paper model action

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I have too, sent you an email with an interest in becoming a write on here.

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How much do you pay contributors?

I WANT YOU TO PAY ME for my writing… ‘Cause you know… A girl’s has got to eat…

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why do i not find the 25 greatest composers of World of cinema.It was there earlier

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why have you removed 25 greatest film music composers list. any pressure or something from some influential composer who was not worth it but insisted that his name should be in the list. that list was 100% accurate. be bold and please put it back.

[…] Why not contribute a list yourself?  Head on over and find out how! […]

Why are you people scared to put back the list of the 25 best film music composers. come on guys. lift your chest up and put it back. Ennio was and is the best and the remaining 24 deserve to be in the list. Dont get cowed down.

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I’m not good at making lists but I can translate in Italian. Or write reviews since I have my own blog

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Visited your blog and I just wanna say:

Marry me! 😀

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You have a great blog. Kudos.

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If following directions is part of the “vetting” process, I imagine some commentators here hope Hiring Director/manager won’t see this.

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I have a question.. Do minors like me are allowed to apply for this? I’m just only 17 years old but I’m a 1st year Film student from De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde (Philippines). Thank you for your response.

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I have sent them mail twice, they didnt replied yet!

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I have also not received any reply :/

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Submitted an application via email 😀

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waiting for a reply.

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Hi. I wrote an e-mail two days ago… Should resend it?

I wrote two days ago… Should I resend it or… I´m incompetent? Jaja

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Honestly, I’d want to re-write that character actors list. No females on it, & there are a LOT of wonderful actors missing off the list..

Submitted an email about a month ago with no response yet…

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I am bad at writting but it would made make me happy if some one could make a list of best stage to film adaptaions 🙂

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Would you like a list of films that connect homosexuality psychopathy to exemplify an academic paper.

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*waves hand* I AM the writer you’re looking for.

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Graduate in Cinema and Photography and have seen more films than most, however, this stupid idea of “The 20 Best” or whatever is just ludicrous, list are good but calling them best is WRONG.

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i m no good with words know nothing about film craft and even about production houses specially apart from bollywood but the taste of a brilliant film …i can smell it.

and must say your site impresses me the most your movies list matches with my fav. film collection with amazing numbers..just what i am lookin for …

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I emailed my letter 3 days ago

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I write top 10 lists for Neal Damiano

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What you need is an editor.

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It has been 2 months, still no reply!

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hey Mr.taste of cinema your taste is awsome but where are comedy movies … i havnt seen much comedy lists … you people can make thousandz of comedy lists … acctually im Epileptic and mostly im in deep depression thats the simple reason for me

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interested (y)

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I sent an email to you guys three days ago and no response. Is there an updated email or something?

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you guys never responded to my mail

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I can write a lot about Malayalam Movies in English language. Would there be any use here? I follow this website regularly.

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with all due respect, your article of the best dip’s…Robert Elswit did not shoot The Master…Mihai Malaimare Jr. did…

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Considering that I am physically disabled and pretty much do nothing but watch movies and read books, I am thinking about applying for this. I have read TOC on and off but not thoroughly.Before I submit an application, I think it would be prudent to review previous articles to insure that my first list ideas don’t overlap or contribute a topic that has already been covered.

I have noticed that it has been two years since anyone has posted here (with a few exceptions from responses), so I am not sure if this request for writing is still active or not. It would be get a response about the status of TOC still looking for writers. I am a writer for and plus a few other websites.

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Les escribí y nunca me contestaron!!!

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This Zou character is sketchy AF.

I emailed him with my CV and ideas for lists, he replied asking me for the titles in my top list, I replied with 30 titles and never heard from him again.

He’s clearly fishing for ideas. Furthermore he’s published lists made up entirely of descriptions plagiarized word for word from Criterion Collection descriptions.

It’s the risk you run when applying for this kind of thing but this guy has a well-established history of sketchy behavior. Don’t send him specifics.

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I emailed a week ago but no reply…. does this mean I’m rejected?

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Pay close attention to your email inbox.

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They published my article and up untill today I’ve not received my payment.Similar stories???????????????

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I’ve sent an application and it’s been two weeks and no response. What does this mean?

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I m very passionate about reading books articles and Blogs. I read your Blogs many times because i get many new things to know from your end. I shall be very thankful to you for this. I am also having a movie website to know more please visit

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Hi Adam. Are you referring to a film article that I wrote for Taste of Cinema?

Joseph DeGregorio

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didn’t got a reply from you guys

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easily understandable Mr. “didn’t got” guy

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If you want some nice content for spanish/latin fans in TOC, please check my work writing about great topic in cinema here:

I really love have some contributions here.

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Wonderful, I really enjoyed your work. Keep it up!

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I despise how they lure you in with ‘paid articles’ yet you never hear from them again when you mention it after publishing two elaborate articles on their website. I would keep this in mind when signing up.

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They don t pay?

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visit for all movie related news gossips and for viral videos

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Movies blog –

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How old do you have to be to be eligible for this job?

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Dear taste of cinema, I am a regular follower of your website, but as an independent film lover I feel really bad about your website when I only read the good reviews of independent films insisetcan’t watch theam online on your website. I know the ethical issue but what about the copy left in the time of free information/communication?

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Check out my latest blogspot about Ryan Reynolds, I’ll be pleased to write for someone else as well

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Hey, my name is Manuel Oliveira and I sent you an email about one week ago. I suppose I wasn’t selected but I’m writing just to make sure you received my message.

Greetings, Manuel Oliveira

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Hi Everyone > Visit this movies site . I Make it new .Check my content.

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I’m on a lot of film sites. TOC is just one of them. At the beginning I liked some of the good in depth analysis from some writers. But honestly, I’m really tired and bored of the lists on each post. It’s boring, it’s laziness,and it actually hurts some writers. As some of the writing on film are good, but doesn’t jive with your superlative of ‘lists i.e. best ever, greatest, worst, most………… doing that actually ruins what’s written about each film. And I know I’m not the only one. It does make it clickbait, when you do that,and that is not a positive sign

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Here you will get my movie site

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Hello David , This is Rudraksh Bhardwaj , I’m writing this just to confirm that you received my mail . Thankyou

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You would be the best writer on this website based on your comment!

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check out CinemaCatharsis for good articles

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Greetings. Adding my name to the list of writers who have reached out about writing for the site but have not gotten any kind of response. Has anyone had any success lately getting a response to their “Write for Us and Get Paid” inquiry? Please post your response. Based on the traffic below, we are not alone.

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Better than you lolo

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Bit sick of your tactic. You get people to go through an involved process and do not even have the balls to respond. Shame on you

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They say they will reply within 3 weeks if they think you’re right for them. Clearly you weren’t. Get over it.

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A writer for artists are teachers to professors, a palace of thesbians ripping flesh for themselves off a mammal they just tripped over

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what is full form of toc ?

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taste of cinema

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Hey! I read about Guest posting opportunity on your website, and I am a movie buff just link you. I can write a detailed Movie review for Extraction movie starring chris hemsworth for you if you can link back to my content at

Let me know if you like my offer. Keep up the good work!

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I am glad that i have this oppotunity to have written for

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If you need help with movie review writing you can get it here: Write My Film Review Online . Good luck!

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Wow! Great, I also have a movie website- Kalank . I would love to write an article for this website!

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Just sharing my Movie Blog with you guys(Link below) You will find genuine movie analysis, recommendations and reviews! Hope you like guys like it

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I have made a discovery of hidden symbols in movies. Before you trash this post, and think I’m a nut case, please view the first 5 minuets of my video. Then you will see that what I’m saying is absolutely true. Please also note the professors I have been working with at the end of this video. They are from USC, UCLA, Columbia, Yale, and Chapman University.

Here’s my video showing my discoveries:

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Steve Weston

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Just have a look and you will love to visit again

You will be glad to know that, we are providing all the job opportunity providing platforms here on our website, . It is also one of the Free Website which is providing you the guest posting opportunity.

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One you will visit, you will come back again because we are actually providing the true opportunities to you and mainly to those who really want to write and promote content. You can earn as well.

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Is this still valid? I’m saying this because I read some comments that were made some years ago where some people that sent email to you people did not get a response.

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I would love to write for you guys

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This is a valuable resource for anyone interested in writing movie reviews. I found similar site who accept guest posts, click here

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Jobs in the Horror Industry

The Exorcist. Dracula. The Night of the Living Dead. Friday the 13 th . Paranormal Activity. The Blair Witch Project. A Nightmare on Elm Street. Whether it’s zombies, monsters, demons or serial killers, we love to get scared at the movies—which is why horror films are among the biggest contenders at the box office.

What Jobs exist in the Horror Industry?

If you want to join the list of horror film legends like George Romero, Wes Craven and Sam Raimi, you’re going to have to know more than just how to run a camera: you’re going to need to know the ins and outs of the film business. That kind of education doesn’t happen in a film school classroom; it happens on real movie sets and real film productions. That’s why the Film Connection places you in the heart of the action by getting you in the door of a real film production company as an extern. As a Film Connection student, you will learn one-on-one from a seasoned filmmaking professional who specializes in your area of interest. You’ll learn everything you need to know in order to produce the scariest horror flick ever, from script writing to casting to shooting to editing to special effects—and you’ll learn it from someone who actually knows the business, inside and out. You’ll get to work on actual film projects, receive hands-on instruction with the latest equipment and software, and make dozens of valuable industry connections that can advance your career as a filmmaker—all while learning the ropes. With the guidance of your mentors, you’ll even have the opportunity to develop your own horror film idea, and to pitch that film to real Los Angeles movie executives!

What better place to learn to make movies than where movies are actually being made? See our course curriculum page to find out exactly what you’ll be learning.

As a fully recognized film school, the Film Connection has been continually updating its curriculum over the past 30-plus years to reflect the latest changes in filmmaking techniques and technology. Our cutting-edge program gives you hands-on access to the most current software and technology available, and teaches you how to make movies in the real world. You’ll receive one-on-one instruction from someone who makes a living in the business, and you’ll form working relationships with many other film professionals. By the time you finish the program, you’ll essentially be an industry insider yourself, properly prepared for a successful career in film.

Are you ready to get started on the path to success? Apply now!

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Bloody Disgusting!

We Want to Pay You to Write Horror Articles for Bloody Disgusting

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For the past few years now, the Bloody Disgusting platform has been wide open for literally *anyone* to contribute to, and that’s all been part of our initiative to make sure we’re spotlighting a wide array of fresh, diverse and exciting voices on the horror scene. It’s through this “open door” initiative that we’ve been able to bring countless freelance writers into the fold – writers who need not have connections or any set level of experience in order to have their work featured here on the site. This initiative has been incredibly important to me personally, as it’s the sort of opportunity I spent years hungry for in the time between starting my own little blog and becoming part of the Bloody Disgusting family.

Now more than ever, in these scary and uncertain times, we’re looking for new writers.

The global coronavirus pandemic has been sweeping the entire world and changing normal life in ways most of us have never had to deal with before, and one particular industry that’s already been hit hard by the pandemic is the movie industry. Productions around the world have been shut down, major movie releases postponed, and movie theaters closed for indefinite periods of time. This has rapidly become “the new normal,” and even the experts can’t say with any degree of certainty when our lives will start going back to the old normal.

For years the term “slow news day” has been found in the comments sections of various different articles that were, truth be told, published when the news cycle was anything but slow, but right about now we certainly can’t deny that “slow news day” is part of that “new normal” for sites like this one. With no new horror movies being made or released in theaters, well, the horror movie news cycle has dried up in a way we haven’t quite seen before. How are we going to weather this storm in the coming weeks and months?

We’re going to beef up our editorial content. And that’s where YOU might come into play.

For the foreseeable future, we’re opening that open door wider than ever before, and we want to give horror writers around the world the opportunity to write some articles and make some money. Not only do we want Bloody Disgusting to continue pumping out interesting, fun and informative articles in the same way we (hopefully) always have, but we also want to make sure that we’re supporting the writers who are currently struggling due to everything that’s going on around us. So if you’ve ever wanted to write for Bloody Disgusting and you’re finding yourself with a little bit more extra time on your hands, that opportunity has arrived.

What are we looking for, you ask? Well, pretty much anything other than news and new release movie reviews. Opinion pieces. List-based content. A cool thing you found on the internet and want to write about. You name it. Think outside the box. We don’t have word limits or deadlines, and we don’t have any real specific guidelines in place. We want to hear YOUR ideas, and when we feel that they’re right for the site, we want to give you a blank page to fill out with your words. And yes, above all else, we want to pay you what we’re able to. It may not be much, and I assure you none of us are making much to do this, but we do have a budget for freelancers and we do want to make sure we’re spreading it to as many as we can.

How do you pitch us an article? Good question.

We’ve set up a brand new e-mail address for this very purpose:

[email protected]

We’re looking for fully-formed article ideas here, with a quick and to the point overview of what you’re looking to write about and maybe even a potential headline idea for the article. You don’t need to include a resume or anything of that sort, but if you do have a couple links to articles you have previously written, go ahead and include those. But again, we have no experience requirements to write for Bloody Disgusting, so that’s all entirely optional. Many great writers may have never written a single article before. And all of us here at BD understand that.

One thing I do want to mention is that we absolutely will not have the time to reply to every single pitch that we receive, so please do keep that in mind. If you don’t hear back from us for several days, it’s perfectly fine to give us a little nudge, but please understand that we’re doing the best we can – we are, after all, a very small team – and will reply to as many e-mails as we possibly can. Truthfully, that will be a fraction of them. But don’t let that stop you.

TIP: To make sure you’re getting our attention, put your article headline in the subject!

If you have any questions, please drop them in the comments section below and I will do my best to hang around here in the coming days and answer as many of them as I can.

Stay inside. Watch horror movies. Write about horror movies. We’ll get through this together.

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Writer in the horror community since 2008. Editor in Chief of Bloody Disgusting. Owns Eli Roth's prop corpse from Piranha 3D. Has four awesome cats. Still plays with toys.

horror movie review jobs

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‘High Life’ Explores the Prison of the Human Body [The Lady Killers Podcast]

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“She’s mine, and I’m hers.”

The prison movie is a cornerstone of the cinematic landscape. Often adjacent to horror, there’s something inherently horrific about a building full of “convicts” jockeying for power. Criminal masterminds and the wrongfully convicted alike become pawns in a dehumanizing system and struggle to stay alive in the restrictive environment. Claire Denis pushes this genre to its outer limits with sci-fi and horror elements comparing incarceration to the prison of the human body. Her 2018 film High Life follows a group of prisoners turned astronauts who struggle to retain their humanity after the world has cast them out.

When we first meet Monte ( Robert Pattinson ), he’s raising a toddler on an isolated space station in the galaxy’s outer reaches. His daughter Willow was conceived through assault by fellow inmate Dr. Dibs ( Juliette Binoche ) as a part of her mission to reproduce in space. As Denis unpacks the story of this troubled crew, they slowly realize they have been discarded and forgotten. Some find freedom to enact their violent agendas while others try to retain a semblance of normalcy in the extreme environment. Essentially guinea pigs, Monte and his crewmates hurtle through space and grope for a reason to keep existing.

The Lady Killers continue Killer Moms Month with Claire Denis’ beautifully complex film. Co-hosts Jenn Adams ,  Mae Shults , Rocco T. Thompson , and Sammie Kuykendall chart the mysteries of the cosmos in their quest to understand the glacial plot. They’ll chat about screaming babies, space gardens, black holes and spaghetti along with heavier themes like reproduction and bodily autonomy. Why is Dr. Dibbs so obsessed with pregnancy? Why doesn’t Monte partake of the sex box? Does Mia Goth actually have a big booty and what really happened on that spaceship filled with dogs? They’ll approach the black hole and try to withstand spaghettification while zeroing in on the unpleasant themes of this exceptional film.

Stream below and subscribe now via Apple Podcasts  and  Spotify  for future episodes that drop every Thursday.

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vector graphic showing an illustration of people getting paid to watch horror movies

How to Get Paid to Watch Horror Movies [9 Options for 2024]

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Brett Helling is the founder of He has been a rideshare driver since early 2012, having completed hundreds of trips for companies including Uber, Lyft, and Postmates.

Since that time, he has expanded his knowledge into the Gigworker site, as well as writing the book Gigworker: Independent Work and the State of the Gig Economy Paperback,  now available on Amazon .

Do scary movies give you the creeps? Don’t worry; many people who watch them aren’t hardcore horror fans themselves.

Considering some folk don’t have the stomach for terrifying thrillers and spectacular slasher films, you have to wonder why they get made at all.

However, what if I told you that they’re an excellent way to earn extra cash? And that you don’t have to do it during the spooky season?

This article reveals nine ways to get paid to watch horror movies in 2023.

  • How Much Can You Make by Watching Horror Movies
  • What You’ll Need to Get Paid to Watch Horror Movies
  • 1. FinanceBuzz
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. Market Force
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. ScreenRant
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • Why You Should Consider Watching Horror Movies As a Side Hustle
  • Problems With Watching Horror Movies for Money
  • Step 1: Sign Up to A Platform/Enter a Competition
  • Step 2: Watch Movies or Apply for a Staff Writer Position
  • 1. Your Constitution
  • 2. Available Free Time
  • 3. Your Schedule
  • 4 Your Connection Speed
  • 5. Fulfillment
  • Can You Earn $1,300 to Watch 13 Stephen King Movies?
  • How Can I Get Paid to Watch Horror Movies?
  • Are There Any Apps for Horror Fans?
  • Similar Ways to Get Paid
  • Wrapping Up

Can You Get Paid to Watch Horror Movies?

Yes, you can get paid to watch some of the scariest movies ever made. This side hustle can take numerous forms, with some gigs involving more work than others.

You can get paid to write about the high-budget horror movies you watch; some companies will pay to monitor your heart rate while watching flicks with stronger scares; in some cases, you don’t even have to watch the whole film.

The amount of money you can make watching horror flicks is as varied as the types of spooky movies and horror movie buffs.

If we’re talking hard figures, you can expect to earn between a couple of cents to as high as $50,000+, depending on the nature of the gig you land.

Please bear in mind that the estimate doesn’t factor in movie rental costs, subscription fees, or ticket amounts. And those costs can impact how much you earn.

If you plan to earn some cash watching scary films, you’ll need the following:

  • A Screen: You need a screen to watch horror films on. It can be a TV, laptop, tablet, mobile phone, or cinema screen.
  • An Internet Connection: You’ll  need an internet connection to stream them.
  • A DVD Player or Streaming Website: You’ll need a DVD player to watch disc-based movies. In the case of online movies, you can only watch them on specific websites.
  • A Mode of Transportation: Not every gig pays you to watch scary cinema from the comfort of your home. If you have to get out there, you’ll need a car or other transportation.
  • Writing Skills: You’ll need solid writing skills if you plan to earn money reviewing horror films.

Where to Get Paid to Watch Horror Movies

Intense scenes and CGI scares got you rearing to earn some money? Here are nine places you can get paid to scare yourself silly:

A screenshot of the finance buzz homepage

FinanceBuzz is a financial website with a mission to democratize “financial independence.” It writes about credit cards, making money, etc. Although FinanceBuzz seems like an odd place to get paid to watch horror cinema, the company hired someone for that very reason.

In August 2022 , FinanceBuzz offered to pay someone to watch 13 scary films as a Horror Movie Heart Rate Analyst. 

Related: make money from your phone

How Much Can You Make?

FinanceBuzz offered the winner of its promo $1,300 to marathon 13 movies, amounting to $100 per movie.

What Makes This Option Great?

The FinanceBuzz promo is incredibly lucrative when you do the math. If each movie lasts two hours long and the winner receives $100 for each one, they earn $50 per hour watching horror films. 

  • Typical Fees/Commission: FinanceBuzz doesn’t charge any fees or take commissions.
  • Typical Payment Methods: FinanceBuzz doesn’t state how it pays. However, it’s safe to presume the company pays via direct deposit into a provided bank account.

A screenshot of the homepage is a website that helps people “find internet and cable TV providers in your area.” The site compares providers and creates content like “Best Of” lists to help its readers make decisions.

As part of a 2022 Halloween promo , offered a lucky winner the chance to stream a 24-hour horror movie marathon in exchange for prizes and cash.

The prizes offered in exchange for participating in this fright fest included an Annual subscription to Full Moon Features, a $50 Starbucks gift card, and sweet treats like candy corn.

Related: watch ads for money

The promo’s winner netted $2,000, amounting to roughly $83 for every hour of the day. It wasn’t the first promo has done, and it likely won’t be the last.

In addition to the cash and prizes you win, you can also get bragging rights for binging horror movies over a 24-hour period.

  • Typical Fees/Commission: doesn’t charge any fees or take commissions.
  • Typical Payment Methods: doesn’t state how it pays. However, it’s safe to presume the company pays via direct deposit into a provided bank account.

A screenshot of the homepage (a.k.a. DISH Network) offers satellite TV services to thousands in the United States. It’s not the first place you think about when considering places to make money while enjoying a horror flick.

However, like above, it ran a Halloween-themed promo in 2022 that offered a lucky winner money to sit through 13 Stephen King flicks.

Related: get paid to read books aloud offered $1,300 for its Stephen King marathon challenge. You can expect to earn a similar amount if the company does a similar promo this year.

This side hustle option is excellent because, unlike similar promos, you get to watch horror films that originate from the mind of the same creator. 

  • Typical Fees/Commission: doesn’t charge any fees or take commissions.
  • Typical Payment Methods: doesn’t state how it pays. However, it’s safe to presume the company pays via direct deposit into a provided bank account.

A screenshot of the market force homepage

Market Force is a website that reimburses people to become mystery shoppers. Not only can you get paid to shop through the site, but you can also earn by visiting the cinema on the company’s behalf.

This gig involves doing theater checks and is a fantastic opportunity for people who want a gig that takes them off their couch.

Naturally, not every movie you’ll be paid to see will fall into the horror genre, but it’s nevertheless not a bad way to make some money doing something fun. 

You can make back the money you spend going to the movies. While this side hustle won’t put extra money in your pocket, it can be an excellent way to recoup the money you spend having fun.

This is an excellent option because it’s easy to get into. You can register to become a shopper by filling out a form.

  • Typical Fees/Commission: Market Force doesn’t charge any fees or take commissions.
  • Typical Payment Methods: Market Force doesn’t state how it pays. However, it’s safe to presume the company pays via direct deposit into a provided bank account. is a website that pays you to watch TV shows and movies, listen to the radio, and so on.

It rewards you for your exposure to media, and you can earn redeemable points, which the company pays into your PayPal account (you can also get a cash alternative like an Amazon Gift Card).

This platform offers an easy way to make money watching different genres, meaning you’re not limited to reviewing horror films. 

Related: survey for Amazon gift cards

You can earn a couple of cents to a handful of dollars depending on your media exposure. While not life-changing money, it can get you a cup of coffee or a beer. is an excellent option because you don’t have to watch movies to earn money. You can stream them in the background while doing other things and rack up points regardless of your attentiveness.

  • Typical Fees/Commission: doesn’t charge any fees or take commissions.
  • Typical Payment Methods: PayPal account.

A screenshot of the found footage critic homepage is an ultra-niche website that specializes in reviewing horror flicks in the found-footage genre.

Since 2015 , the website has been open to receiving applications from writers interested in writing for it.

You’ll need good writing skills to make money with this option, and it requires you to talk to movie directors about their work.

Related: get paid to watch movies doesn’t provide details about its pay on its website.

This is an excellent option because of its specialized focus. If you enjoyed The Blair Witch Project and similar movies of its ilk, FoundFootageCritic might be your cup of tea.

  • Typical Fees/Commission: doesn’t charge any fees or take commissions.
  • Typical Payment Methods: doesn’t state how it pays. However, it’s safe to presume the company pays via direct deposit into a provided bank account.

A screenshot of the screen rant homepage

ScreenRant is a well-known entertainment website that covers TV, games, movies, and technology.

The company publishes reviews, editorials, and similar content that cover a wide array of genres and media, including comedy, action, and horror.

You can earn money with ScreenRant by becoming one of its writers. As its Careers Page reveals, ScreenRant is always looking for writers. 

Related: make money with a laptop

According to the salary information shared on GlassDoor , ScreenRant’s freelance writers earn between $30,000 and $54,000 a year.

You can earn money with ScreenRant even if you don’t have any writing experience.

According to the company, it takes a “passion-first, experience-second approach to hiring writing talent.”

In addition, the role is fully remote and on a freelance basis, meaning you can earn wherever you are.

  • Typical Fees/Commission: ScreenRant doesn’t charge any fees or take commissions.
  • Typical Payment Methods: ScreenRant doesn’t state how it pays. However, it’s safe to presume the company pays via direct deposit into a provided bank account.

A screenshot of the homepage specializes in everything horror – flicks, TV series, and games – describing itself as “the #1 entertainment destination for horror.”

Based on this 2020 post and this 2021 tweet by its Editor-In-Chief, the company occasionally accepts pitches from writers who love and can write about horror-related entertainment.

Related: get paid to type doesn’t provide information about its per-hour or per-article rates.

Aside from its podcast, the majority of the content it publishes on its website is in written form. Therefore, this is one of the best places to get paid for writing about the creepy movies you watch.

  • Typical Fees/Commission: doesn’t charge any fees or take commissions.
  • Typical Payment Methods: doesn’t state how it pays. However, it’s safe to presume the company pays via direct deposit into a provided bank account.

A screenshot of the homepage is another entertainment website that will pay you to write about movies (horror included). It’s been around since 1995 and specializes in reporting on TV and movie news.

Judging from the information on the website’s careers page , the company is always willing to hire new writers.

If you join the team, you’ll be expected to produce a minimum of two to three articles every week.

Some of the articles you write will touch on entertainment in the horror genre, which may require that you sit through the movie before writing.

Related: write reviews for money

According to Glassdoor, freelance writers at makes as much as $55,020 per year . Note that those figures are for a writer based in the city of Philadelphia.

Working for is an excellent option because you’re not expected to write a huge amount of output each week, which can be quite lucrative, depending on your output.

  • Typical Fees/Commission: doesn’t charge any fees or take commissions.
  • Typical Payment Methods: doesn’t state how it pays. However, it’s safe to presume the company pays via direct deposit into a provided bank account.

Watching horror films to earn money can be an excellent side hustle for the following reasons:

  • It’s Fun: You can enjoy yourself while lining your pockets. You can even do it with friends and family.
  • A Low Effort Side Hustle: With the exception of movie reviewing gigs, it doesn’t take a lot of effort to watch a horror film.
  • It Has a Low Barrier to Entry: If you’re reading this, it’s likely you already have many of the items you need to earn money (like an internet connection and a screen).
  • It’s Quick Cash: Watching horror cinema can be a quick-paying gig. Some gigs pay as soon as you complete the movie.

Before you jump at the opportunity to earn cash in exchange for scaring yourself silly, consider the following issues associated with this side hustle:

  • It May Not Pay Well: Depending on the type of gig you go for, you might not earn more than a few cents for the time you put in.
  • It Can Be Time-Consuming: Some fright flicks last over two hours. That’s a long time to spend watching a film that may not interest you. If you’re watching to review the movie, you can add another three to four hours spent gathering your thoughts and writing.
  • It’s Not for Everyone: If you’re squeamish about blood and gore or easily spooked, this side hustle probably isn’t for you.
  • It’s Not Intellectually Stimulating: If you’re looking for an intellectually-stimulating way to earn money, watching slasher flicks isn’t it.

How To Get Paid to Watch Horror Movies: Step-By-Step Instructions

Here’s a step-by-step process you can follow to start earning money while watching horror movies.

If you intend to mystery shop or view movies on a streaming platform, you’ll have to sign up first.

This process involves filling out an application form, providing your email address and other details, and possibly creating a profile.

However, if you enter a competition, you’ll have to follow the organizer’s rules.

Once you’re signed up, all that’s left to do is watch movies. Depending on your chosen platform, you might either have to visit a cinema or stream a movie on your laptop.

Alternatively, if you take the freelance writing route, you’ll have to apply to write for websites that specialize in horror or movies in general. The process entails emailing your CV and cover letter to the email provided.

Things to Consider When Watching Horror Movies for Money

There are several factors to consider when watching scary flicks to earn money, including:

Scary movies can be exciting, and that might be a bad thing for some. For example, if you suffer from blood pressure issues, it probably won’t be wise to earn money through this side hustle, as you could raise your blood pressure.

Whether you find them enjoyable or not, horror films take time to watch. Many of them have a minimum running time of an hour and a half, with some stretching over two hours in length.

You need to consider whether you’re willing to spend two hours of your free time earning money this way.

If you’re busy throughout the week with little time to spare, you might need to consider relegating this side hustle to the weekend. Otherwise, there are other side hustles you can fit into your weekly schedule.

Some even allow you to earn money on the commute to work like getting paid to advertise on your car .

Streaming movies over the internet requires a fast internet connection. If you don’t have one, it could significantly extend the time you spend on this side hustle.

Slow internet speeds mean frequent buffering pauses that’ll break your immersion and hurt your viewing experience.

This is a fairly passive side hustle in the sense that it doesn’t involve too much activity on your part (in most cases).

That may be an issue for you if you’d prefer a side hustle that requires your active participation. If that is the case for you, you’d be better off trying to get paid to play games .

Frequently Asked Questions

Not currently. You could in the past, as ran a promo back in September 2022. But the company hasn’t announced a similar promo so far.

There are several ways. You can enter a competition, sign up on a platform, write for online publications that specialize in horror, or be a mystery shopper.

Yes. Slasher is a horror-community social network on Apple’s app store that you can download for free to connect with like-minded fans of the genre.

If you’d rather not scare yourself for extra cash, check out some similar ways to get paid below:

  • Get Paid to Watch YouTube Videos : Why not try watching YouTube videos for money using apps like Swagbucks? You might even learn something while earning money.
  • Make Money With a Drone: Try making drone footage if you’re looking for a fun side hustle that lets you get out of the house.
  • Get Paid to Write Short Stories: If you’d rather use your imagination to earn money, people and companies are willing to pay you to write short stories.

Getting paid to watch horror movies can be an interesting way to make some extra money.

This side hustle doesn’t require many resources, and you don’t have to be a horror movie buff to earn. If you’ve got the time and nerves for it, it’s a side hustle that’s worth considering.

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Halloween horror hustle: get paid $1,300 to watch 13 scary movies.

Wanted: A horror lover for hire who is brave enough to watch 13 scary movies to find out whether high-budget horror movies deliver more scares than low-budget ones.

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We love a good side hustle at FinanceBuzz and this is one that will make you scream (we hope!) We’re looking for someone to record their heart rate while watching 13 of the scariest movies ever made. We’ll pay the hired Horror Movie Heart Rate Analyst $1,300 and send them a Fitbit to record their heart rate.

See who we hired as our Horror Movie Heart Rate Analyst!

Why we want to pay someone $1,300 to watch horror movies

Of all the different types of movies to hit the silver screen, movies of the horror genre are the most profitable, regardless of the budget set to film them.

For a movie to make your hair stand on end and send shivers crawling up your spine, it's not all about high-end special effects and CGI scares. More often than not, horror movies are scary because of their story… not the budget of the production studio. Some of the most spectacular slasher films and terrifying thrillers were made with chump change compared to superhero sequels and well known franchises. In 2007 Paranormal Activity was produced with just $15,000 and racked in over $193 million dollars from the box office.

With Halloween around the corner, all streaming services and channels are going to start playing some familiar fear-inducing favorites. In honor of the upcoming spooky season, we at FinanceBuzz are dying to know whether or not high-budget horror movies deliver stronger scares than low budget ones.

The assignment

You’ll help us discover whether or not a movie’s budget impacts just how dread-inducing it can be by wearing a Fitbit to monitor your heart rate while you work your way through the list of 13 movies below. You’ll also rank the movies based on your prediction of the size of their production budgets.

The scary movie queue:

This is a mix of high-budget and low-budget horror movies .

  • Amityville Horror
  • A Quiet Place
  • A Quiet Place Part 2
  • The Blair Witch Project
  • Halloween (2018)
  • Paranormal Activity

What you’ll get

FinanceBuzz will provide the hired Horror Heart Rate Analyst with a Fitbit to track your heart rate throughout your movie analysis, along with $1,300 and a $50 gift card to cover rental costs to fund your fright fest.

How to apply

Think you’ve got what it takes to sit through a series of scares and help us determine which fear-inducing films deliver top-notch frights? Fill out the form below to show us why you are the best hire for this side hustle.

Applications are due by September 26, 2021 at midnight ET. The chosen candidate will be selected by October 1, 2021 and contacted via email. We will send out the Fitbit by October 4th, 2021. Then the candidate will have from October 9th, 2021 until October 18th, 2021 to watch the movies and complete the assignment. Applicants should be based in the United States and at least 18 years of age. We will also update this page to announce our newest team member.

More ways to make money

While you wait to find out if you’ve been hired as our Horror Heart Rate Analyst, check out other ways to make extra money . There is no shortage of things you can do to boost your bank account with some extra cash, so here are a few steps to take to increase your income.

  • Use your creative talents to create additional income: Whether your creative skills are in crafts or cooking, dog grooming or DJing, there is a way for you to earn some extra cash. In fact, creative talents can become some of the best side hustles. And speaking of creative talents, if you’re a pro painter or the next Flip-or-Flop star, signing up for a platform like HomeAdvisor might be the perfect fit for you. Check out our full HomeAdvisor review here.
  • Drive your way to more dollars: If you have your own car and don’t mind hitting the road, there are a bunch of ways for you to learn how to make money . You could deliver groceries with Instacart . Or you could drive delivery orders to their destination. There is no shortage of ways to use your wheels to help you make money.
  • Your weekends are worth something: Why not use some of your weekend time to make more money? Especially if the side jobs available are actually fun, instead of feeling like a time sink. From house sitting to pet sitting, bartending to becoming a brand ambassador, there are so many options for you to use your weekends towards your financial goals.

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New horror movie debuts to a perfect Rotten Tomatoes score, as first reactions call it an "instant body horror classic" that is "one for the sickos"

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The Substance has landed rave reviews at the Cannes Film Festival, as the new Demi Moore and Margaret Qualley-led horror movie is called an "instant body horror classic".

Landing an 11-minute standing ovation at the festival, the film is written and directed by  French filmmaker Coralie Fargeat. Taking its inspiration from cell division, the movie imagines a new revolutionary product called The Substance, which allows users to create an alter-ego that’s younger, more beautiful, and more perfect.

Reviews have been glowing so far, with a score of 100% on Rotten Tomatoes currently, based on seven reviews. It’s early days for the new movie, but in general, the reviews and first reactions have been pretty glowing.

Our own The Substance review gives it four stars as our critic James Mottram writes: "Packed with ideas, blood-curdling FX, and a full-on Demi Moore, The Substance is a movie you’ll want to mainline."

Elsewhere,  Indie Wire’s David Ehrlich  writes: "The Substance is absolutely fucking insane and by *far* the best film in competition so far. An instant body horror classic, equal parts Freaky Friday and The Fly, Demi Moore going full demented. Loved."

Meanwhile,  Next Best Picture’s Josh Parham  tweets: "The Substance is like David Cronenberg made Death Becomes Her, a dark and twisted fable regarding Hollywood’s obsession with youth and beauty. Demi Moore and Margaret Qualley are both superb in this excessively gory spectacle of body horror. This one is for the sickos."

Variety’s review  reads: "Shocking and resonant, disarmingly grotesque and weirdly fun, The Substance is a feminist body-horror film that should be shown in movie theaters all over the land."

"With her second film, Coralie Fargeat not only addresses this question but takes aim at ageism and sexism in the entertainment industry with a riotous, dreamlike horror-thriller that ends in a delirious symphony of blood, guts and otherwise undefinable viscera," adds  Deadline in their first-look review .

Mubi is due to distribute the film, but no release date has been announced yet. For more scares, here’s our guide to the best horror movies around and all the upcoming horror movies to get excited about.

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The Garmin inReach Mini 2 can help you stay connected even when you're off the grid. Right now, it's 25% off thanks to the REI anniversary sale.

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Humane, the company behind the much-hyped Ai Pin that launched to less-than-glowing reviews last month, is on the hunt for a buyer, Bloomberg reported citing anonymous sources. The company has reportedly priced itself between $750 million and $1 billion, and the sale process is in the early stages, Bloomberg cited the sources as saying. Founded in 2017 by former Apple executives Bethany Bongiorno and Imran Chaudhri, Humane had raised around $230 million from backers such as Microsoft, Qualcomm Ventures, Marc Benioff, and OpenAI’s Sam Altman before any part of its product was even publicly revealed.

Praktika raises $35.5M to use AI avatars to make learning languages feel more natural

Most apps that help you learn languages feature a user experience that has you selecting options or swiping away wrong answer cards — you're more or less interacting with a machine. Language-learning app Praktika is adopting a different approach: It lets you create personalized AI-powered avatars to replicate the experience of having a private tutor, leveraging inflections like tone of voice and emotions to help make learning a language feel more natural. Praktika claims to have 1.2 million active monthly users across 100 countries, and said it generated revenue of almost $20 million in the last 12 months.

'A perfect soft-serve consistency': Scoop up this Ninja Creami Ice Cream Maker for just $149 — plus other deals of the day

Also on our cheat sheet: Spring savings on Kate Spade, Crest, KitchenAid and more early Memorial Day deals.

Stock market today: US futures slip as wait for Nvidia earnings nears its end

Stocks face two big tests in Nvidia's pivotal earnings report and minutes from the Federal Reserve's last meeting.

'The Masked Singer' Season 11: How to watch the finale tonight, plus who has been revealed so far

Start making your Goldfish and Gumball predictions. Season 11 of the 'The Masked Singer' comes to an end tonight.

Target earnings miss the mark as inflation-battered shoppers avoid buying things they don't really need

Target comes up short after having shown signs of improvement in its business to cap off 2023.

US federal budget crosses grim milestone as interest payments overtake defense spending

Interest payments on the national debt are set to eclipse defense spending this year for the first time ever.

Kristin Chenoweth relies on this secret drugstore find for her summery glow, and it's on sale for just $10

The No. 1 bestseller is also formulated to fade wrinkles, scars and stretch marks.

  • Cast & crew

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (2024)

This is a follow-up to the comedy Beetlejuice (1988), about a ghost who's recruited to help haunt a house. This is a follow-up to the comedy Beetlejuice (1988), about a ghost who's recruited to help haunt a house. This is a follow-up to the comedy Beetlejuice (1988), about a ghost who's recruited to help haunt a house.

  • Alfred Gough
  • Miles Millar
  • Seth Grahame-Smith
  • Jenna Ortega
  • Monica Bellucci
  • Winona Ryder
  • 1 Critic review
  • 1 nomination

Teaser Trailer

  • Lydia Deetz

Michael Keaton

  • Beetlejuice

Willem Dafoe

  • Wolf Jackson

Justin Theroux

  • Delia Deetz

Burn Gorman

  • Father Damien

Gianni Calchetti

  • Dead Suave Gentleman

James Fisher

  • Mummy Immigration Officer

Leah Perkins

  • Funeral Mourner

Filipe Cates

  • Trendy Influencer
  • All cast & crew
  • Production, box office & more at IMDbPro

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Did you know

  • Trivia Tim Burton has said that this film would only be made if Michael Keaton would return to reprise his role. Keaton said in March of 2014 that this is the only sequel he's interested in doing.

Beetlejuice : The juice is loose!

  • Crazy credits The Warner Brothers logo is black and white.
  • Connections Follows Beetlejuice (1988)

New and Upcoming Horror

Production art

  • When will Beetlejuice Beetlejuice be released? Powered by Alexa
  • September 6, 2024 (United States)
  • United States
  • Ma Siêu Quậy
  • East Corinth, Vermont, USA (Winter River, CT)
  • Plan B Entertainment
  • Tim Burton Productions
  • Tommy Harper Productions
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro

Technical specs

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Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (2024)

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  25. Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (2024)

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