how to make a presentation on a mac

How to Make a PowerPoint on Mac? (A Step-by-Step Guide)

If you’ve ever wanted to create a professional-level PowerPoint on your Mac, you’re in luck! In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the entire process from start to finish.

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You’ll learn what Keynote is and how to open it on your Mac, how to create a PowerPoint, customize the slides, add text, images, and media, utilize themes and animations, and finally, save and share your PowerPoint.

By the end of this guide, you’ll be a PowerPoint pro on your Mac!

Table of Contents

Short Answer

Making a PowerPoint on a Mac is easy.

First, open up the Pages application on your Mac.

Then, select the File menu and choose New from Template.

From there, you can select a PowerPoint template and customize it to fit your needs.

When you are finished, you can save your presentation and share it with others.

What is Keynote?

Keynote is a presentation software program developed by Apple Inc.

and is available on all Mac computers.

It is a powerful program that allows users to easily create engaging and professional presentations.

Keynote provides users with a wide range of tools and features, including customizable slides, themes, animations, and more.

With Keynote, users can create stunning presentations in minutes.

It is a great tool for creating presentations for business, education, and personal projects.

Keynote is easy to use and is a great choice for anyone who wants to make a professional-looking PowerPoint on a Mac computer.

How to Open Keynote on Mac

Opening the Keynote app on a Mac computer is quite simple.

To open the app, you can either use the “Finder” app in your Applications folder, or you can use the “Spotlight Search” tool to quickly find the Keynote app.

If you choose to use the Finder, simply open the Finder app and navigate to the Applications folder.

From there, you will find the Keynote app.

You can then double-click on the Keynote icon to open the app.

Alternatively, you can use the Spotlight Search tool to quickly locate the Keynote app.

To do this, click on the magnifying glass icon in the top-right corner of your screen.

You can then type in “Keynote” in the search bar and hit the “Enter” key.

The Keynote app should appear in the search results.

You can then click on the Keynote icon to open the app.

Once the Keynote app is open, you can begin creating your PowerPoint presentation.

You can customize your slides by adding text, images, and other media.

You can further customize your slides by using various themes and animations.

Once you have created your presentation, you can save it as a .pptx file and share it with others.

With the Keynote app, you can easily create a professional-looking PowerPoint on a Mac computer.

Creating a PowerPoint on a Mac

Creating a PowerPoint presentation on a Mac computer is a straightforward process, whether youre creating a presentation for work or school.

The first step is to open the Keynote app on the computer.

Keynote is the presentation software for Mac computers, and it makes creating a presentation simple and easy.

Once you have opened the Keynote app, you can begin customizing your presentation.

You can add text, images, and other media to your slides, as well as utilize various themes and animations to make your presentation look professional and eye-catching.

You can also customize the layout of your slides, allowing you to add different elements and adjust their placement.

When your presentation is complete, you can save it as a .pptx file and share it with your colleagues, classmates, or anyone else who needs to view it.

You can also export your presentation as a PDF, a movie file, an HTML file, or a JPG file, depending on your needs.

With the Keynote app, creating a professional-looking PowerPoint on a Mac computer is easy and stress-free.

All you need to do is open the app, customize your slides, and then save your presentation in the desired format.

Whether youre creating a presentation for work or school, the Keynote app will help you get the job done quickly and efficiently.

Customizing the Slides

Customizing the slides is an important part of creating a stunning PowerPoint presentation on a Mac.

The Keynote app provides a variety of tools and features to help you design your slides.

You can easily add text, images, and other media to customize your slides.

To add text to your slides, simply select the text box and type in your desired text.

To add images, you can either drag and drop them into the slide or use the Insert Image button.

You can also insert shapes, charts, and other media to customize your slides.

Additionally, Keynote offers a range of themes and animations to help you further customize your presentation.

Themes allow you to quickly change the overall look and feel of your slides.

Animations can be used to add a touch of flair to your slides, such as transitions between slides and animated text.

To access the themes and animations, simply click on the Themes or Animations tabs in the upper right-hand corner of the app.

By taking advantage of the Keynote apps customization features, you can easily create a professional-looking PowerPoint on a Mac computer.

With just a few clicks, you can customize your slides and make them look stunning.

So, if youre looking to create an impressive presentation, the Keynote app is the perfect tool for the job.

Adding Text, Images, and Media

When it comes to creating a professional-looking PowerPoint on a Mac computer, adding text, images, and other media is key.

With the Keynote app, you can easily customize your slides by adding text, images, and other media elements.

To add text, select the text box icon from the top menu, and then type in the text you want to include in the text box.

You can also adjust the font type, font size, font color, and other text properties.

Once you have finished editing the text, click the Done button to save your changes.

To add images, click the Add Image icon from the top menu, and then select an image from your computer, or add an image from the web.

You can also adjust the size, position, and transparency of the image to make it look more professional.

Finally, you can add other media elements such as audio and video to your slides.

To do this, click the Add Audio or Add Video icon from the top menu, and then select the audio or video file you want to include.

You can also adjust the size, position, and playback settings of the media element to make it look more professional.

By using these methods, you can easily add text, images, and other media elements to your PowerPoint slides on a Mac computer.

Once you have added all the elements, you can save your presentation as a .pptx file and share it with others.

Utilizing Themes and Animations

Creating a PowerPoint presentation on a Mac computer is made easier with the help of the Keynote app.

Not only can you easily create a professional-looking presentation, but you can also customize your slides with various themes and animations.

With the help of themes and animations, you can create a presentation that is visually appealing and engaging.

When creating a presentation, you can choose from a wide variety of themes and animations.

You can choose from a variety of colors, fonts, and designs to give your presentation a unique look.

You can also choose from several animation styles to give your presentation a more dynamic feel.

For example, you can choose to have your slides transition in with a fade or a slide, or you can animate specific objects within your slides.

Themes and animations can also help to emphasize certain points in your presentation.

For instance, you can use animations to draw attention to a particular slide or element in your presentation.

Additionally, you can use themes to create a professional and consistent look throughout your presentation.

Creating a presentation with themes and animations is easy.

In the Keynote app, simply select the themes tab to access the available themes and animations.

From there, you can customize your slides with the desired theme and animations.

You can also preview your slides and animations before you save them.

Creating a professional-looking and engaging presentation on a Mac computer is easy with the help of the Keynote app.

With the help of themes and animations, you can create a presentation that is visually appealing and will help to emphasize certain points you want to make.

With a few clicks, you can quickly create a presentation that will be sure to impress.

Saving and Sharing Your PowerPoint

Once you have finished creating your PowerPoint presentation, you can save it as a .pptx file and share it with others.

To save your PowerPoint, click the File menu at the top of the Keynote window and then click Save.

You will be given the option to save your file to your Macs hard drive or to the cloud.

If you wish to share your presentation with others, you can do so by exporting it as a PDF file or by sharing it directly with other users.

To export your presentation to a PDF file, click the File menu and then select Export.

You will be given the option to export your PowerPoint as a PDF file.

If you would like to share your presentation directly with other users, you can do so by clicking the Share menu at the top of the Keynote window and selecting Share with Others.

Here, you can enter the email addresses of the people you would like to share your presentation with.

You can also set a password for your shared presentation if you wish.

Once you have saved and/or shared your presentation, you can open it up again at any time by double-clicking on the .pptx file.

This will open up the presentation in the Keynote app and you can make any changes that you wish.

With the Keynote app, creating a professional-looking PowerPoint on a Mac computer is easy and convenient.

The steps outlined above will help you create a great presentation and save/share it with others in no time.

Final Thoughts

Creating a professional-looking PowerPoint on a Mac computer doesn’t have to be difficult.

With the help of the Keynote app, you can easily create slides with text, images, and other media, and customize your slides with themes and animations.

Now that you know how to make a PowerPoint on Mac, you’re ready to create your own presentations and share them with others.

So get to it and start making your own PowerPoint today!

James Wilson

James Wilson has extensive knowledge in the information technology industry.His second love, besides dealing with computers, is smart home technology. He is continually updating information to better comprehend this problem and has a deep understanding of the apartment’s support system.

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How to Use a Mac With PowerPoint: A Step-by-Step Guide

Using a Mac with PowerPoint is simple. First, make sure you have PowerPoint installed on your Mac. You can find it at the App Store or through a Microsoft 365 subscription. Open PowerPoint, and you’ll be greeted with a range of templates to start your presentation. From here, you can add text, images, and animations to create an engaging slideshow. Once done, you can present directly from your Mac or save your presentation to share with others.

After you’ve completed your PowerPoint presentation on your Mac, you’ll have a professional and compelling visual aid to support your speech or lecture. You can also share it with others or export it into different formats such as PDF, video, or even a web page.


Are you ready to impress your audience with a stunning presentation? If you’re a Mac user, fear not – using PowerPoint on your macOS is as smooth as on any Windows PC. Let’s be honest, presentations are a part of life: whether you’re a student, a professional, or just someone with a story to tell, at some point, you’re going to need to put some slides together. PowerPoint for Mac has all the tools you need to create a presentation that’s both visually captivating and content-rich.

Why is this important? Well, PowerPoint presentations are a staple in the professional world. They’re used for everything from business pitches to academic lectures. Knowing how to create an effective PowerPoint presentation on your Mac could be the difference between persuading your audience or leaving them unimpressed. And who is this relevant to? Everyone! Whether you’re a newbie to presentations or a seasoned speaker looking to refine your skills, this guide will help you master PowerPoint on your Mac.

Step-by-Step Tutorial: Using PowerPoint on a Mac

Before jumping in, let’s clarify what you’ll achieve by following these steps. By the end, you’ll be able to create, edit, and present a PowerPoint slideshow on your Mac.

Step 1: Install PowerPoint

Install PowerPoint on your Mac from the App Store or through a Microsoft 365 subscription.

After installing PowerPoint, you’ll need to sign in with your Microsoft account to activate the software, then you’ll be ready to start creating your presentation.

Step 2: Open PowerPoint

Open PowerPoint and choose a template or open a blank presentation.

PowerPoint offers a variety of templates to suit different presentation styles. If you choose to start with a blank slate, you’ll have complete creative freedom.

Step 3: Add Content

Add slides and content such as text, images, and shapes to your presentation.

Remember to keep your slides simple and not clutter them with too much content. Visual aids should support your speech, not replace it.

Step 4: Customize Your Slides

Customize your slides’ design with themes, colors, and animations.

This step is where you can get creative with your presentation’s look and feel. Just be sure not to go overboard with animations – they should enhance your presentation, not distract from it.

Step 5: Present Your Slideshow

Present your slideshow directly from your Mac or save it to share with others.

You can start your presentation by clicking the ‘Slide Show’ tab and then ‘Play from Start’. Make sure you practice your presentation beforehand to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Additional Information

Now, let’s sprinkle in some extra tidbits that could elevate your PowerPoint game on a Mac. First off, did you know that PowerPoint for Mac supports real-time collaboration? Yup, you can work with your teammates on the same presentation at the same time, no matter where you are. And if you’re all about shortcuts, PowerPoint for Mac has plenty. For instance, pressing Command + Shift + N instantly creates a new slide.

Another neat feature is the Presenter View, which lets you see your notes, the upcoming slide, and a timer, all while the audience only sees the current slide. And for those who value accessibility, PowerPoint for Mac has tools to make presentations more accessible, including options for larger text and high contrast. Just remember, when using PowerPoint on a Mac, you have all the essentials at your fingertips to create presentations that are not just informational, but also memorable.

  • Install PowerPoint on your Mac from the App Store or Microsoft 365.
  • Open PowerPoint and select a template or start with a blank presentation.
  • Add and customize your slides with text, images, and animations.
  • Present directly from your Mac or save your presentation for later use.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i use powerpoint on a mac.

Yes, PowerPoint is available for Mac users and can be downloaded from the App Store or included in a Microsoft 365 subscription.

Is PowerPoint for Mac different from Windows?

While there are some differences in design and available features, PowerPoint for Mac offers a comparable experience to the Windows version.

Can I collaborate with others using PowerPoint for Mac?

Absolutely! PowerPoint for Mac supports real-time collaboration, allowing multiple users to work on the same presentation simultaneously.

Can I open a PowerPoint presentation made on a Mac on a Windows PC?

Yes, presentations made in PowerPoint for Mac are compatible with PowerPoint for Windows, ensuring easy file sharing and collaboration.

Does PowerPoint for Mac support Presenter View?

Yes, Presenter View is available in PowerPoint for Mac, providing speakers with a private view of their notes and upcoming slides while presenting.

In conclusion, mastering the use of PowerPoint on a Mac can be a game-changer for anyone looking to create impactful and persuasive presentations. Whether you’re a student, educator, entrepreneur, or professional, the ability to present your ideas clearly and attractively is invaluable.

So, dive in, explore the features, and harness the power of PowerPoint on your Mac to captivate your audience. Remember, a well-crafted presentation can be the key to success. Happy presenting!

Matthew Burleigh Solve Your Tech

Matthew Burleigh has been writing tech tutorials since 2008. His writing has appeared on dozens of different websites and been read over 50 million times.

After receiving his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Science he spent several years working in IT management for small businesses. However, he now works full time writing content online and creating websites.

His main writing topics include iPhones, Microsoft Office, Google Apps, Android, and Photoshop, but he has also written about many other tech topics as well.

Read his full bio here.

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Simple Steps to Make a PowerPoint Presentation

Last Updated: April 28, 2024 Fact Checked

Creating a New PowerPoint

Creating the title slide, adding a new slide, adding content to slides, adding transitions, testing and saving your presentation.

This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Darlene Antonelli, MA . Darlene Antonelli is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. Darlene has experience teaching college courses, writing technology-related articles, and working hands-on in the technology field. She earned an MA in Writing from Rowan University in 2012 and wrote her thesis on online communities and the personalities curated in such communities. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 4,325,961 times. Learn more...

Do you want to have your data in a slide show? If you have Microsoft 365, you can use PowerPoint! PowerPoint is a program that's part of the Microsoft Office suite (which you have to pay for) and is available for both Windows and Mac computers. This wikiHow teaches you how to create your own Microsoft PowerPoint presentation on a computer.

How to Make a PowerPoint Presentation

  • Open the PowerPoint app, select a template and theme, then like “Create.”
  • Click the text box to add your title and subtitle to create your title slide.
  • Click the “Insert” tab, then “New Slide” to add another slide.
  • Choose the type of slide you want to add, then add text and pictures.
  • Rearrange slides by dragging them up or down in the preview box.

Things You Should Know

  • Templates make it easy to create vibrant presentations no matter your skill level.
  • When adding photos, you can adjust their sizes by clicking and dragging in or out from their corners.
  • You can add animated transitions between slides or to individual elements like bullet points and blocks of text.

Step 1 Open PowerPoint.

  • If you don't have a Microsoft Office 365 subscription, you can use the website instead of the desktop app. Go to to use the website version.
  • You can also use the mobile app to make presentations, though it's easier to do this on a computer, which has a larger screen, a mouse, and a keyboard.

Step 2 Select a template.

  • If you don't want to use a template, just click the Blank option in the upper-left side of the page and skip to the next part.

Step 3 Select a theme if possible.

  • Skip this step if your selected template has no themes available.

Step 4 Click Create.

  • If you're creating a PowerPoint presentation for which an elaborate title slide has been requested, ignore this step.

Step 2 Add a title.

  • You can change the font and size of text used from the Home tab that's in the orange ribbon at the top of the window.

Step 3 Add the subtitle.

  • You can also just leave this box blank if you like.

Step 4 Rearrange the title text boxes.

  • You can also click and drag in or out one of a text box's corners to shrink or enlarge the text box.

Step 1 Click the Insert tab.

  • On a Mac, you'll click the Home tab instead. [1] X Research source

Step 2 Click New Slide ▼.

  • Clicking the white slide-shaped box above this option will result in a new text slide being inserted.

Step 3 Select a type of slide.

  • Title Slide
  • Title and Content
  • Section Header
  • Two Content
  • Content with Caption
  • Picture with Caption

Step 4 Add any other slides that you think you'll need.

  • Naturally, the title slide should be the first slide in your presentation, meaning that it should be the top slide in the left-hand column.

Step 1 Select a slide.

  • Skip this step and the next two steps if your selected slide uses a template that doesn't have text boxes in it.

Step 3 Add text to the slide.

  • Text boxes in PowerPoint will automatically format the bulk of your text for you (e.g., adding bullet points) based on the context of the content itself.
  • You can add notes that the Presentation will not include (but you'll still be able to see them on your screen) by clicking Notes at the bottom of the slide.

Step 4 Format the slide's text.

  • You can change the font of the selected text by clicking the current font's name and then clicking your preferred font.
  • If you want to change the size of the text, click the numbered drop-down box and then click a larger or smaller number based on whether you want to enlarge or shrink the text.
  • You can also change the color, bolding, italicization, underlining, and so on from here.

Step 5 Add photos to the slide.

  • Photos in particular can be enlarged or shrunk by clicking and dragging out or in one of their corners.

Step 7 Repeat this for each slide in your presentation.

  • Remember to keep slides uncluttered and relatively free of distractions. It's best to keep the amount of text per slide to around 33 words or less. [2] X Research source

Step 1 Select a slide.

  • Slide content will animate in the order in which you assign transitions. For example, if you animate a photo on the slide and then animate the title, the photo will appear before the title.
  • Make your slideshow progress automatically by setting the speed of every transition to align with your speech as well as setting each slide to Advance . [3] X Trustworthy Source Microsoft Support Technical support and product information from Microsoft. Go to source

Step 1 Review your PowerPoint.

  • If you need to exit the presentation, press Esc .

Step 5 Make any necessary changes before proceeding.

  • Windows - Click File , click Save , double-click This PC , select a save location, enter a name for your presentation, and click Save .
  • Mac - Click File , click Save As... , enter the presentation's name in the "Save As" field, select a save location by clicking the "Where" box and clicking a folder, and click Save .

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • If you save your PowerPoint presentation in .pps format instead of the default .ppt format, double-clicking your PowerPoint presentation file will prompt the presentation to open directly into the slideshow view. Thanks Helpful 5 Not Helpful 0
  • If you don't have Microsoft Office, you can still use Apple's Keynote program or Google Slides to create a PowerPoint presentation. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

how to make a presentation on a mac

  • Your PowerPoint presentation (or some features in it) may not open in significantly older versions of PowerPoint. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 2
  • Great PowerPoint presentations avoid placing too much text on one slide. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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How to Get PowerPoint on a Mac

Get the widely used presentation tool

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  • Ithaca College

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  • Western Governors University

What to Know

  • From the Mac App Store: Apple Menu > App Store > search for PowerPoint > Get > Install > enter Apple ID if prompted > Open .
  • PowerPoint requires a subscription from Microsoft. You can sign up via In-App Purchase or at the Microsoft website.
  • Keynote, Apple's alternative to PowerPoint, comes pre-installed on new Macs (and can be downloaded from the Mac App Store).

This article explains how to get PowerPoint on Mac, its requirements—including a subscription—and some free alternatives available on the Mac.

How Do I Get PowerPoint on Mac?

Getting PowerPoint on your Mac is very easy. Just a few clicks, and you'll be ready to start making slides and building presentations. Here's what to do:

Open the Mac App Store by going to the Apple menu > App Store or the Applications folder > App Store .

You can also download PowerPoint directly from Microsoft , but these instructions focus on the Mac App Store.

Search for PowerPoint .

On the search results screen, click Get .

Click Install .

Enter your Apple ID password when prompted.

When the download is finished, click Open to launch PowerPoint.

Once you've opened PowerPoint, you'll need to sign into your Microsoft account or use a free trial.

Is PowerPoint Free for the Mac?

PowerPoint is not free on the Mac (or on Windows, for that matter). Microsoft offers a free, 30-day trial after you download PowerPoint. Once the free trial expires, you need to pay to keep using the app. Options include a one-time purchase price or a monthly or annual subscription , which provides cloud storage features and ongoing technical support. You can subscribe through Microsoft's website or use in-app purchases via your Apple ID.

Do Macs Come With PowerPoint?

No. To get PowerPoint on your Mac, you need to download and install it using the steps from the first section of this article (or, as noted before, directly from Microsoft).

What Is the Mac Version of PowerPoint?

While PowerPoint may be the most well-known program for making slides and creating presentations, it's far from the only one. Your Mac probably came with one of the alternatives pre-installed.

Apple makes a program called Keynote which is a direct competitor to PowerPoint. It offers all of the core features of PowerPoint—creating slides and presentations, animations, templates, presenter mode, etc. It integrates tightly with Apple's other software and services like iCloud.

Keynote comes pre-installed for free on all modern Macs. It's likely in your Applications folder as you read this. If it's not, and if your Mac and version of the macOS are compatible with it, you can download it for free from the Mac App Store by searching for "Keynote."

Need to make slides and want to avoid both PowerPoint and Keynote? There are many other PowerPoint alternatives , but one place to start is Google Slides , which is free, web-based, and integrates with your Google account and other Google productivity tools.

To print PowerPoint slides with Notes on a Mac, open your presentation and select Print . In the Print dialog box, select Show Details . In the Layout box, select Notes . Configure the rest of your printing options and select Print .

The easiest way to record a voiceover in PowerPoint on a Mac is to record by slide. Select the slide where you want to add the narration, then select  Insert from the menu bar and click Audio > Record Audio . Enter a name for the narration, select Record , read your script, and select Stop when you're finished recording.

To convert PowerPoint to video on a Mac, open the presentation you want to save and select File > Export . In the export window, next to File Format , select a file format option, such as MP4 or MOV . Choose your video quality, choose whether you want to include narrations, adjust timing, and select Export .

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How to share your Microsoft PowerPoint presentation on a Mac, PC, or web browser

  • It's easy to share a PowerPoint presentation on your Mac or PC app.
  • You can also share a presentation if you use the online version of PowerPoint.
  • Sharing a presentation can help you collaborate with friends or coworkers.
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When creating Microsoft PowerPoint presentations for work or school, it's often necessary to collaborate with others on your projects.

Thankfully, it's easy to share a PowerPoint presentation no matter what version you use. The process looks fairly similar on both Mac and PC programs, as well as on the online version that can be accessed from any web browser. The online option is helpful if you don't have the Microsoft Office program downloaded to your desktop.

For all of these options, you can add a collaborator (which operates similarly to sharing Google Slides ) or opt to send your file as a presentation or PDF via email. There are also alternative methods, such as sending via social media.

Here's how to share a presentation.

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Apple macbook pro (from $1,299.00 at apple), acer chromebook 15 (from $179.99 at walmart), microsoft office (from $149.99 at best buy), samsung chromebook (from $269.00 at amazon), how to share a powerpoint presentation on a pc.

Sharing a presentation on the PC version of PowerPoint should look similar on most computer types. The following steps and accompanying photos detail the process on a Samsung Chromebook.

1. Open the PowerPoint presentation you wish to share on your PC.

2. Click the "Share" symbol in the upper right hand corner of the screen. This should give you the option to share either the full document or just the current slide.

  • If you prefer to add a collaborator instead (similar to Google Slides functions), you will need to click the orange button to save a copy of the file to your OneDrive. 

3. Choose how you'd like to share the document or slide as an attachment. You can choose to send an email via Outlook or as a message via Zoom, for example.

Additionally, when you first launch the program, you can also find a "Share" tab on the left hand side. This will provide you with the same options for sharing a file.

How to share a PowerPoint Presentation on a Mac

1. Open the PowerPoint presentation on your Mac desktop or laptop.

2. Click the "File" tab in the top left corner. 

3. Select "Share" from the dropdown menu. This will grant you the option to either send or copy a link to share, send the file as a presentation or PDF, or manage access to a shared file. Select whichever option you'd like and follow the directions to add contact information.

  • If you wish to manage access and add collaborators, you will have to make sure the file has been uploaded to your OneDrive before proceeding. (If it hasn't, PowerPoint should prompt you to do so at this time.)

4. Sending the file as an email is the most common choice. Selecting this option will automatically open a new draft with the file attached. (Be sure to select "Send PDF" if you'd prefer it to send as a PDF file instead of as a presentation.) Add an address, subject, and body text before sending.

You can also share a presentation by clicking the "Share" button in the upper right hand corner. (This is similar to how it appears on a PC.)

This option is extremely helpful as it provides all of your possible options in a single pop-up. Enter a name or email address (along with an optional message) to send the document. 

You can change the permissions settings at the top before clicking "Send," "Copy Link," or "Mail" to share your work. Click "More Apps" to browse additional options, such as sending via social media or text message. Lastly, you can select "Send a Copy" to send as a traditional attachment.

How to share a PowerPoint presentation on a web browser

You can access PowerPoint online on either a Mac or PC, as long as you have your login information for Microsoft Office. Regardless of what browser you prefer to use, the steps to share a presentation are exactly the same.

1. Log in to your Microsoft Office account on your preferred web browser and open the presentation you wish to share.

2. Click the "Share" button in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

3. This will open a pop-up in the center of the page. Enter a name or email address (along with an optional message) to send the document. You can change the permissions settings at the top before sending the link by clicking the "Send" or "Copy Link" option. (Those who have followed these steps on a Mac will recognize that it looks similar.)

Additionally, when you open the main menu, you can click the "Share" tab on the left hand side. This will allow you to invite others to edit the presentation or embed the presentation for a blog or website. 

If you are looking to embed online, this will open a different pop-up that will generate a code for you. Select the dimensions desired and then paste the text as needed. Click the "Close" or "X" buttons to minimize the window.

how to make a presentation on a mac

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How to Make a PowerPoint on Mac OS 10.15 Catalina

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Elise Williams

2024-04-30 11:04:23 • Filed to: PowerPoint Tips • Proven solutions

The software that can be used to create a presentation on Mac includes, PowerPoint and keynote among others. In this case, we are going to learn how to make a PowerPoint on mac . There are a number of ways to go by on making a presentation on Mac which includes using Microsoft PowerPoint for Mac, creating a presentation using keynote, or Google docs and export as PowerPoint file (ppt or .pptx).

How to Make a PowerPoint on Mac

In this article, we will use Keynote on Mac to make a presentation and then export it to PowerPoint.

Step 1. Launch Keynote

Click on the “Keynote icon in the Launchpad to open it. A window displaying various theme templates “Theme chooser” will appear. In the case it does not appear, click the option key and on the “File” menu select “new” to open a new presentation template.

Step 2. Choose the Theme of the Presentation

Scroll to navigate in the theme chooser and choose the type of presentation you want to make then double click on it to open.

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Step 3. Change the Layout

To change to a different layout, you can click on the “Layout” button, and then select your desired layout.

add music in ppt

Step 4. Add Content

There are a number of activities you might need to perfume on the presentation which involves adding your content.

  • To add a slide, click on "Add Slide" in the toolbar and then select a layout.
  • To add text, there is a placeholder text on the slide which you should double click and type to replace it with your own.
  • To add an image, drag and drop or copy and paste an image to the slide from your computer or webpage.

Step 5. Save the File

After you are done with adding your content to the slide and your presentation is ready, you can click on "Save" and enter the file name. Meanwhile, you need to choose the location to save your file, and finally click “Save”.

Step 6. Export to PowerPoint

It is always important to try playing your presentation by yourself before you present it to other people to familiarize with it and make any necessary changes.

  • Step 1. To export the file, you can click on “Share” on the menu, and then select “export”.
  • Step 2. Click on "PPT" from the menu and then click “Next”.
  • Step 3. Navigate to the location you want to save your file and change name if necessary.
  • Step 4. Click on “export”. Last but not least, you can open the exported PowerPoint file to confirm the content.

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Launch PDFelement on your Mac computer and import the PDF document to this program. And you can click the "File" > "Export To" option, then you select the format in which you want to convert the file like excel, word, and image, and finally click "Save".

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Open your PDFlelement program and click on "File" > "Create", and then choose the "Blank Document" option.

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Now click on "Form" on the left column, and pick one of the displayed elements and move the cursor to the blank area of the document to execute it.

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After that, you can set the properties of the form by double-clicking on it to either align, modify, adjust size or delete. Once you have drawn your forms, you can type in your text content. To open the created fields, you can double click on it, and then you can also open the properties window to set either calculation, options, or appearances. Finally, you can click “Save” when you are done.

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How to Make A PowerPoint on Macbook [Totally Free]

Many users wonder how to make PowerPoint presentations on a MacBook without Microsoft Office. While some of PowerPoint’s features are only available on Windows, Mac users have great alternatives through Apple's Keynote app or the impressive WPS Office suite. This guide will walk through your options to easily create PowerPoints on a Mac.

Microsoft PowerPoint Version: Windows vs Mac

PowerPoint was originally created by Microsoft for Windows operating system. The Mac version was released later and had limited capability compared to the Windows version for a long time.

Over the years, Microsoft has considerably improved PowerPoint for Mac, bringing it closer to feature parity with Windows. But there are still some differences:

Presenter View Differences: Certain elements in Presenter View operate uniquely on Mac, providing a distinct user experience.

Additional Mac Features: Mac boasts exclusive features such as AppleScript and automator support, enhancing user capabilities.

Dynamic Reorder: a noteworthy addition on Mac, facilitates seamless adjustment of layered objects in presentations.

Missing Features on Mac : Notable omissions on Mac include the absence of Animation Painter, the inability to enter correctly formatted equations, the lack of support for video or animation triggers, and video trimming.

Zoom Functionality Discrepancy: Zoom, a valuable PowerPoint tool, is currently exclusive to PCs, posing a limitation for Mac users. Future availability on Mac is anticipated with Office updates.

Color Representation Variations: When opening the same Microsoft Office file on both platforms, subtle differences in color representation may be observed due to the distinct ways Macs and PCs interpret colors.

The distinctions between PowerPoint on Mac and Windows result in subtle variations in user experience.

Keynote – PowerPoint on Mac

Keynote is a presentation software developed by Apple, designed to create stunning and memorable presentations. Its powerful tools, dazzling effects, and intuitive interface stand out. Keynote enhances presentations by offering over 40 eye-catching themes, animations, and dynamic backgrounds. It allows real-time collaboration across Apple devices, including Mac, iPad, iPhone, and PC.

Keynote stands out with its user-friendly design, featuring Apple Pencil integration for illustrations and animations. It's compatible with PowerPoint – presentations can seamlessly switch between the two platforms, ensuring smooth collaboration for users of Microsoft PowerPoint.

How to Create a PowerPoint on Mac

Here are step-by-step instructions to make a PowerPoint presentation using Keynote on your Mac:

Step 1 : Open Keynote, located in the Applications folder on your Mac. You can choose a theme or start with a blank presentation when launched.

Step 2 : If using a theme, click to select one that fits your presentation style. Themed slides will automatically populate.

Step 3: Customize slides by adding text, changing layouts, inserting images, and more. Edit and arrange slides from the left sidebar.

Step 4: When finished, export your Keynote project to PowerPoint format. Go to File > Export To > PowerPoint.

Step 5: In the Export Your Presentation window, select a file format from the Advanced Options field and then click Next to save your presentation.

And that's it! You now have a PowerPoint presentation created completely on your Mac. The process is very intuitive for both new and experienced users.

Create a Presentation Using a Theme

Keynote offers many professionally designed themes to jumpstart your presentation building. Themed slides provide layouts, fonts, colors, and graphics matching your selected style.

Explore themes efficiently in the theme chooser by browsing categories. Double-click the one that aligns closely with your vision. Refine your options by selecting a category from the left sidebar.

Using a theme saves tons of time designing layouts and formatting – you can focus on the content! And themes are easy to make your own by tweaking fonts, colors, and images.

Free Alternatives to Make a PowerPoint – WPS Presentation

If you want a free Office suite that works seamlessly across Windows and Mac, WPS Office is an excellent choice. The WPS Presentation software has all the key features of PowerPoint for creating stunning slide decks.

Compared to older versions of Microsoft Office, WPS offers significant advantages:

Lightweight and Feature-Rich: WPS Office is a lightweight and feature-rich office suite.

High Compatibility: Recommended for low-configuration computers, ensuring widespread usability.

Comprehensive Suite: Includes Writer, Presentation, Spreadsheet, and PDF editing functionalities in one platform.

Effortless Creation and Collaboration: Users can effortlessly create, edit, and collaborate on Word, Spreadsheets, Presentations, and PDFs in a unified environment.

Airpage Cloud Documents: Real-time synchronization and seamless collaboration across platforms.

Extensive Template Library: Over 100,000 professional templates across categories for creative document designs.

User-Focused Segmentation: Tailored features for students, teachers, business users, and finance professionals.

How to Create a Presentation Using WPS on Mac

Follow these simple steps to make presentations using WPS Presentation on your Mac:

Step 1: Open WPS Office, and click on New.

Step 2: Choose Presentation.

Step 3 : Select a blank presentation or template.

Step 4: From now on, you can edit slides by adding text boxes, images, shapes, and charts using WPS Presentation.

Multiply Templates of WPS Presentation

WPS Presentation offers a wide selection of professional templates and themes for free. Some of the noticeable themes are:

Blue Business Strategy Planning

Blue Business Strategy Planning template wps

This template is likely for business presentations focusing on strategic planning. Expect a professional, blue-themed design with elements conducive to illustrating business strategies.

Green Business Activity Planning

Green Business Activity Planning template wps

This template seems suitable for business activity planning presentations. A green color scheme might convey a sense of growth and productivity, aligning well with business-oriented content.

Blue Technology Big Data Product Display

Blue Technology Big Data Product Display template wps

This template likely targets presentations related to technology and big data. Anticipate a blue-themed design, possibly with futuristic and data-centric visual elements to convey a tech-savvy vibe.

Business Style Investment Analysis

Business Style Investment Analysis template wps office

Enhance your investment pitches with our sophisticated business template designed for in-depth analysis. Boasting a significant download record, expect compelling financial charts and visuals for clear communication of intricate investment ideas.

Browse all the templates at:

How to Download WPS Office

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Select your operating system – Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS and click on the Free Download button.

WPS Office download page

Step 3: Click on the downloaded file to open WPS Office Installer.

Open WPS Office Installer

Step 4: Click on Install Now and follow the prompts to complete the installation.

“Install WPS Office”

Use Word, Excel, and PPT for FREE, No Ads.

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How do I open PowerPoint on my Mac keyboard?

To open PowerPoint on your Mac, press Command + Space to open Spotlight, type "PowerPoint," and hit return when it appears in the results.

As for useful shortcuts, here are some for Mac:

Open a new PowerPoint: Command + N

Open existing PowerPoint: Command + O

Open print preview: Command + Option + P

View and Zoom: Command + 1 (Normal), Command + 2 (Outline), Command + 3 (Slide Sorter), Command + Plus or Minus (Zoom In/Out)

Presenting: Shift + Command + Enter (Start Slideshow)

What are the disadvantages of using Keynote?

Keynote slides have limited compatibility with Microsoft systems, potentially causing issues when exporting to PPT format. Transitioning from PowerPoint to Keynote can be time-consuming and frustrating, especially for experienced PowerPoint users.

Can I collaborate on presentations with KeyNote or WPS Presentation?

Yes, both KeyNote and WPS Presentation offer collaboration features, making it easy for multiple users to work on a presentation simultaneously.

Mac users can create PowerPoint-style presentations, including Office for Mac, Keynote, or the free WPS Presentation. WPS provides a full-featured alternative with hundreds of free templates and easy compatibility for exporting PowerPoint files. Any Mac user can quickly make professional presentations by following the step-by-step instructions.

  • 1. 5 Best Free Fonts That Make Your PowerPoint Presentations Visually Appealing
  • 2. How to Make a Shape Transparent in PowerPoint
  • 3. How to make a timeline in PowerPoint
  • 4. How to Make a PowerPoint on Mac (Easy Tutorial)
  • 5. How to Make A Beautiful Slideshow in PowerPoint-- Make Your Presentations Better
  • 6. Professional Tips to Make Your PowerPoint Slides Appealing to the Audience

how to make a presentation on a mac

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Create an Effective Slide Deck

A great presentation depends on more than the high-quality information you’re sharing. Here are some essential principles to help you create a memorable slide deck. Choose the right fonts. Use sans serif fonts like Helvetica or Arial for a minimal look and better readability. Stick to two font styles throughout your presentation—one for headings and another […]

A great presentation depends on more than the high-quality information you’re sharing. Here are some essential principles to help you create a memorable slide deck.

Source: This tip is adapted from “How to Make a ‘Good’ Presentation ‘Great’” by Guy Kawasaki

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A simple guide to slideshows

Learn what slideshows are, how they’re used, common features, and how to choose a slideshow maker. Get started creating your own slideshows today with Microsoft PowerPoint.

What is a slideshow?

What are slideshows used for.

how to make a presentation on a mac

Meetings and presentations

Slideshows are most frequently used to create professional presentations for business meetings, conferences, and educational purposes. A  slideshow program  allows people to organize content, include visuals, and enhance the overall impact of their message.

how to make a presentation on a mac

Visual storytelling

Because slideshows sequentially display engaging visuals, text, and other multimedia, they’re a strong way to tell a cohesive and compelling narrative from start to finish.

how to make a presentation on a mac

Content creation

Slideshows give content creators a versatile and efficient way to organize information, increase visual appeal, and communicate effectively across different contexts.

how to make a presentation on a mac

Photo and video sharing

Slideshow makers are popular for creating photo and video presentations, especially for events like weddings, birthdays, and vacations. People can add transitions, music, and captions to fully bring the photo-sharing experience to life.

how to make a presentation on a mac

Training and tutorials

Slideshows help break down complex information into digestible chunks with the support of visuals and text, making them ideal for instructional materials, tutorials, and training modules.

how to make a presentation on a mac

Collaborative projects

In collaborative settings, teams use slideshow makers to create joint presentations or reports. The best slideshow makers enable multiple contributors to add their content simultaneously, which helps ensure a cohesive and unified presentation.

What are the features of a slideshow creator?

Slideshow creators vary in what they offer but ideally include:

A library of templates, themes, and images.

If you’re not a designer, this feature is huge. Simply browse the options available in your slideshow maker library to create a polished, professionally designed presentation in a flash. Be sure to confirm that access to the library is free and the images are approved for unrestricted usage.

Audio and video compatibility.

Keeping your audience engaged is key to any successful slideshow presentation. To mix things up, being able to add a multimedia element—like a song or a video clip—will help people stay focused and interested.

Presentation tools.

Handy presenter tools go a long way toward making your slideshow experience seamless. For example, straightforward slide navigation, slideshow keyboard shortcuts, pen and highlighter markup, and adjustable resolution settings.

AI assistance.

With AI revolutionizing content creation, using a slideshow maker that has AI capabilities will enhance efficiency and innovation. Depending on the slideshow app you have, creating an entire slideshow could be as easy as a quick prompt, like “Make a presentation about the benefits of sustainable fashion that has 15 slides.” 


Like audio and video, animations give your audience a bit of sensory surprise that can capture their attention. 

Slide transitions.

Add some pizzazz to how you change slides with visual effects like fading, wiping, and zooming. 

Screen recording.

Being able to record your screen in a slideshow maker is helpful when giving an instructional talk, software demonstration, and other types of presentations that require visual aids.

A place to put speaker notes.

Having somewhere to jot a few notes down will help remind you of everything you want to cover as you present.

Different viewing options.

Looking at different views—for example, a presenter view, an audience view, and a high-level view of slide order—is useful when organizing your slideshow’s structure and understanding and preparing for what you’ll see versus what your audience will see.

How do I choose the right slideshow maker?

When choosing a slideshow maker, keep the following questions in mind to make sure you get the most for your money:

Is it scalable with your business?

As your organization grows and changes, it’s important to have flexible technology that adapts to new needs. Having certain features—such as cloud-based collaboration, compatibility with other work apps, and a mobile app—will help ensure that no matter how your business changes, the slideshow maker is up to the task. This also applies to pricing plans. Consider choosing a slideshow app that has a subscription plan (so the software is always up to date), volume-based pricing, or enterprise-level pricing.

Does it have a variety of visual elements?

It’s pretty much a given that a slideshow maker will allow you to add images, but think outside the JPEG box—what other visual elements are available to you? Features like preset themes, free templates, SmartArt, a built-in clip art library, shape tools, background styles, 3D models, and charts and graphs provide diverse ways to switch up how a slideshow looks without relying solely on adding your own images.

Is it easy to use?

You could have the most feature-rich slideshow maker on the market, but if it isn’t easy to use, you probably won’t use it. Or you will, but you’ll be frustrated, waste valuable time, and have difficulty convincing people you work with to use it. As you research slideshow makers, look for videos that show the apps’ interfaces in action to help you decide if they’re intuitive and will have a shorter learning curve.

Does it have collaboration and sharing options?

Because making a slideshow is often a collaborative effort, it’s worthwhile to find a slideshow creator that was designed with this in mind. Pick one that offers editing controls and commenting, as well as the ability to work on a slideshow at the same time as someone else. Having a cloud-based slideshow maker will be key here. You’ll not only save yourself time but also keep things simple by not having multiple versions of the same slideshow.

Explore more about slideshows and slideshow makers

Copilot in powerpoint.

Transform how you make slideshows with the versatile AI in Copilot for PowerPoint.

Improve your presenting skills

Practice presenting with an AI speaker coach to get feedback on body language, repetition, and pronunciation.  

Six slideshow tips and tricks

Read up on tips about how to finesse your slideshows to give your most confident presentations.

Get free PowerPoint templates

Show your style with PowerPoint templates in more than 40 categories.

How to make a branded slideshow

Create a cohesive visual identity for your brand that goes beyond adding a logo to every slide.

Try a photo album template

Relive your favorite memories with photo album templates designed for all your unforgettable moments.

The benefits of visual aids in slideshows

Discover why using visual aids helps communicate ideas and messaging more effectively.

Slideshows that reach all learners

Explore the different ways that people learn and how to include all learning styles in your presentations.

Frequently asked questions

How do i make a good slideshow.

Making a good slideshow in PowerPoint is easy:

Plan what you’d like to include in your slideshow.

Launch your slideshow creator.

Choose the theme you’d like.

Import media.

Add text, music, and transitions.

Record, save, and share your slideshow.

Learn more about how to make a slideshow .

How do I add music to a slideshow?

To add music to a slideshow, first make sure that you’re using a slideshow maker with music compatibility. In PowerPoint, follow these steps:

Open your PowerPoint presentation and select the slide where you want to add music.

Click on the Insert tab in the ribbon menu.

Click on the Audio button and select Audio on My PC.

Browse to the folder on your computer where the audio file is located and select it.

Click on the Insert button.

How do I record a slideshow?

The steps for recording a slideshow in PowerPoint will vary depending on the version that you own. Get help with slideshow recording based on your version. 

What types of files can I add to a slideshow?

File compatibility in PowerPoint includes the use of JPEGs, PNGs, TIFFs, GIFs, PDFs, MP3s, WAVs, MIDIs, MPEG-4 Videos, and Windows Media Videos.  

How do I share my slideshow?

To share your PowerPoint slideshow, follow these steps:

Open your presentation and click Share at the top right of your screen.

If your presentation isn't already stored on OneDrive, select where to save your presentation to the cloud.

Choose a permission level, like Anyone with a link , or maybe just people in your company. You can also control if people can edit or just view the doc. 

Select Apply.

Enter names and a message.

Select Send.

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  • The new Magic Keyboard is compatible with the new iPad Pro. It is available in black and white finishes. The new 11-inch Magic Keyboard is available for $299 (U.S.) and the new 13-inch Magic Keyboard is available for $349 (U.S.), with layouts for over 30 languages. For education, the 11-inch Magic Keyboard is available for $279 (U.S.) and the 13-inch Magic Keyboard is available for $329 (U.S.).
  • The new Smart Folio is available for $79 (U.S.) in black, white, and denim finishes for the new 11-inch iPad Pro and $99 (U.S.) for the new 13-inch iPad Pro.
  • Logic Pro for iPad 2 is available on May 13 as a free update for existing users, and for new users, it is available on the App Store for $4.99 (U.S.) per month, or $49 (U.S.) per year, with a one-month free trial. Logic Pro for iPad 2 requires iPadOS 17.4 or later. For more information, visit .
  • Final Cut Pro for iPad 2 will be available later this spring on the App Store for $4.99 (U.S.) per month, or $49 (U.S.) per year, with a one-month free trial.
  • Apple offers great ways to save on the latest iPad. Customers can trade in their current iPad and get credit toward a new one by visiting the Apple Store online , the Apple Store app, or an Apple Store location. To see what their device is worth, and for terms and conditions, customers can visit .
  • Customers in the U.S. who shop at Apple using Apple Card can pay monthly at 0 percent APR when they choose to check out with Apple Card Monthly Installments, and they’ll get 3 percent Daily Cash back — all upfront.

Text of this article

May 7, 2024


Featuring a new thin and light design, breakthrough Ultra Retina XDR display, and outrageously fast M4 performance with powerful AI capabilities, the new iPad Pro takes a huge leap forward

CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA Apple today unveiled the groundbreaking new iPad Pro in a stunningly thin and light design, taking portability and performance to the next level. Available in silver and space black finishes, the new iPad Pro comes in two sizes: an expansive 13-inch model and a super-portable 11-inch model. Both sizes feature the world’s most advanced display — a new breakthrough Ultra Retina XDR display with state-of-the-art tandem OLED technology — providing a remarkable visual experience. The new iPad Pro is made possible with the new M4 chip, the next generation of Apple silicon, which delivers a huge leap in performance and capabilities. M4 features an entirely new display engine to enable the precision, color, and brightness of the Ultra Retina XDR display. With a new CPU, a next-generation GPU that builds upon the GPU architecture debuted on M3, and the most powerful Neural Engine yet, the new iPad Pro is an outrageously powerful device for artificial intelligence. The versatility and advanced capabilities of iPad Pro are also enhanced with all-new accessories. Apple Pencil Pro brings powerful new interactions that take the pencil experience even further, and a new thinner, lighter Magic Keyboard is packed with incredible features. The new iPad Pro, Apple Pencil Pro, and Magic Keyboard are available to order starting today, with availability in stores beginning Wednesday, May 15.

“iPad Pro empowers a broad set of pros and is perfect for anyone who wants the ultimate iPad experience — with its combination of the world’s best displays, extraordinary performance of our latest M-series chips, and advanced accessories — all in a portable design. Today, we’re taking it even further with the new, stunningly thin and light iPad Pro, our biggest update ever to iPad Pro,” said John Ternus, Apple’s senior vice president of Hardware Engineering. “With the breakthrough Ultra Retina XDR display, the next-level performance of M4, incredible AI capabilities, and support for the all-new Apple Pencil Pro and Magic Keyboard, there’s no device like the new iPad Pro.”

The new iPad Pro — the thinnest Apple product ever — features a stunningly thin and light design, taking portability to a whole new level. The 11-inch model is just 5.3 mm thin, and the 13-inch model is even thinner at a striking 5.1 mm, while both models are just as strong as the previous design. The 11-inch model weighs less than a pound, and the 13-inch model is nearly a quarter pound lighter than its predecessor — allowing pro users to extend their workflows in new ways and in more places. The new iPad Pro is available in two gorgeous finishes — silver and space black — both with 100 percent recycled aluminum enclosures.

The new iPad Pro debuts the Ultra Retina XDR, the world’s most advanced display, to provide an even more remarkable visual experience. The Ultra Retina XDR display features state-of-the-art tandem OLED technology that uses two OLED panels and combines the light from both to provide phenomenal full-screen brightness. The new iPad Pro supports an incredible 1000 nits of full-screen brightness for SDR and HDR content, and 1600 nits peak for HDR. No other device of its kind delivers this level of extreme dynamic range. Tandem OLED technology enables sub-millisecond control over the color and luminance of each pixel, taking XDR precision further than ever. Specular highlights in photos and video appear even brighter, and there’s more detail in shadows and low light than ever before on iPad — all while delivering even more responsiveness to content in motion. For pro users working in high-end, color-managed workflows or challenging lighting conditions, a new nano-texture glass option comes to iPad Pro for the first time. 1 Nano-texture glass is precisely etched at a nanometer scale, maintaining image quality and contrast while scattering ambient light for reduced glare. With its breakthrough tandem OLED technology, extreme brightness, incredibly precise contrast, brilliant colors, and nano-texture glass option, the new Ultra Retina XDR display is the world’s most advanced display, giving iPad Pro customers an unparalleled viewing experience.

The incredibly thin and light design and game-changing display of the new iPad Pro is only possible with M4, the next generation of Apple silicon that delivers a huge leap in performance. M4 is built on second-generation 3-nanometer technology that’s even more power efficient, which is perfect for the design of the new iPad Pro. With an entirely new display engine, M4 introduces pioneering technology for the stunning precision, color, and brightness of the Ultra Retina XDR display. The new CPU offers up to four performance cores and now six efficiency cores, 2 with next-generation machine learning (ML) accelerators, to deliver up to 1.5x faster CPU performance over M2 in the previous-generation iPad Pro. 3 M4 builds on the GPU architecture of M3 — the 10-core GPU includes powerful features like Dynamic Caching, and hardware-accelerated mesh shading and ray tracing, which come to iPad for the first time. Coupled with higher unified memory bandwidth, pro rendering apps like Octane will see up to 4x faster performance than M2. 3 M4 also delivers tremendous gains and industry-leading performance per watt. Compared to M2, M4 can deliver the same performance using just half the power, and compared to the latest PC chip in a thin and light laptop, M4 can deliver the same performance using just a quarter of the power. 4 A new advanced Media Engine includes support for AV1 decode, providing more power-efficient playback of high-resolution video experiences from streaming services.

The new iPad Pro with M4 features Apple’s most powerful Neural Engine ever, capable of 38 trillion operations per second, which is 60x faster than Apple’s first Neural Engine in the A11 Bionic chip. Combined with next-generation ML accelerators in the CPU, a high-performance GPU, more memory bandwidth, and intelligent features and powerful developer frameworks in iPadOS, the Neural Engine makes the new iPad Pro an outrageously powerful device for AI. With iPad Pro with M4, users can perform AI-enabled tasks even faster, like easily isolate a subject from its background in 4K video with just a tap with Scene Removal Mask in Final Cut Pro. With this advanced level of performance, the Neural Engine in M4 is more powerful than any neural processing unit in any AI PC today.

iPadOS also has advanced frameworks like Core ML that make it easy for developers to tap into the Neural Engine to deliver phenomenal AI features locally, including running powerful diffusion and generative AI models, with great performance on device. iPad Pro also supports cloud-based solutions, enabling users to run powerful productivity and creative apps that tap into the power of AI, such as Copilot for Microsoft 365 and Adobe Firefly.

The updated camera system on the new iPad Pro delivers even more versatility, and with its rich audio from four studio-quality mics, users can shoot, edit, and share all on one device. The 12MP back camera captures vibrant Smart HDR images and video with even better color, improved textures, and detail in low light. It also now features a new adaptive True Tone flash that makes document scanning on the new iPad Pro better than ever. Using AI, the new iPad Pro automatically identifies documents right in the Camera app, and if a shadow is in the way, it instantly takes multiple photos with the new adaptive flash, stitching the scan together for a dramatically better scan.

On the front, the TrueDepth camera system moves to the landscape location on the new iPad Pro. The Ultra Wide 12MP camera with Center Stage makes the experience of video conferencing in landscape orientation even better, especially when iPad is attached to a Magic Keyboard or Smart Folio.

iPad Pro includes a high-performance USB-C connector with support for Thunderbolt 3 and USB 4, delivering fast wired connectivity — up to 40Gb/s. Thunderbolt supports an extensive ecosystem of high-performance accessories, including external displays like the Pro Display XDR at its full 6K resolution, and external storage, all connected using high-performance cables and docks. iPad Pro supports Wi-Fi 6E for super-fast Wi-Fi connections for pro workflows on the go. Wi-Fi + Cellular models with 5G allow users to access their files, communicate with colleagues, and back up their data in a snap while on the go. Cellular models of the new iPad Pro are activated with eSIM, a more secure alternative to a physical SIM card, allowing users to quickly connect and transfer their existing plans digitally, and store multiple cellular plans on a single device. Customers can easily get connected to wireless data plans on the new iPad Pro in over 190 countries and regions around the world without needing to get a physical SIM card from a local carrier.

Apple Pencil Pro features even more magical capabilities and powerful new interactions that take the Apple Pencil experience even further. A new sensor in the barrel can sense a user’s squeeze, bringing up a tool palette to quickly switch tools, line weights, and colors, all without interrupting the creative process. A custom haptic engine delivers a light tap that provides confirmation when users squeeze, use double-tap, or snap to a Smart Shape for a remarkably intuitive experience. A gyroscope allows users to roll Apple Pencil Pro for precise control of the tool they’re using. Rotating the barrel changes the orientation of shaped pen and brush tools, just like pen and paper. And with Apple Pencil hover, users can visualize the exact orientation of a tool before making a mark.

With these advanced features, Apple Pencil Pro allows users to bring their ideas to life in entirely new ways, and developers can also create their own custom interactions. Apple Pencil Pro brings support for Find My for the first time to Apple Pencil, helping users locate Apple Pencil Pro if misplaced. It pairs, charges, and is stored on the side of iPad Pro through a new magnetic interface. iPad Pro also supports Apple Pencil (USB-C), ideal for note taking, sketching, annotating, journaling, and more, at an incredible value.

Designed for the new iPad Pro, an all-new thinner and lighter Magic Keyboard makes it more portable and versatile than ever. The new Magic Keyboard opens to the magical floating design that customers love, and now includes a function row for access to features like screen brightness and volume controls. It also has a gorgeous aluminum palm rest and larger trackpad that’s even more responsive with haptic feedback, so the entire experience feels just like using a MacBook. The new Magic Keyboard attaches magnetically, and the Smart Connector immediately connects power and data without the need for Bluetooth. The machined aluminum hinge also includes a USB-C connector for charging. The new Magic Keyboard comes in two colors that perfectly complement the new iPad Pro: black with a space black aluminum palm rest, and white with a silver aluminum palm rest.

The new Smart Folio for iPad Pro attaches magnetically and now supports multiple viewing angles for greater flexibility. Available in black, white, and denim, it complements the colors of the new iPad Pro.

iPadOS is packed with features that push the boundaries of what’s possible on iPad. With Reference Mode, iPadOS can precisely match color requirements of the Ultra Retina XDR display for tasks in which accurate colors and consistent image quality are critical — including review and approve, color grading, and compositing. Stage Manager enables users to work with multiple overlapping windows in a single view, resize windows, tap to switch between apps, and more. With full external display support of up to 6K, iPad Pro users can also extend their workflow, as well as use the built-in camera on an external display for enhanced video conferencing. Users can take advantage of the powerful AI capabilities in iPad Pro and intelligent features in iPadOS, including Visual Look Up, Subject Lift, Live Text, or Live Captions and Personal Voice for accessibility.

With iPadOS 17 , users can customize the Lock Screen to make it more personal — taking advantage of the larger display on iPad — and interactive widgets take glanceable information further with the ability to get tasks done right in the moment with just a tap. The Notes app gives users new ways to organize, read, annotate, and collaborate on PDFs, and working with PDFs is also easier with AutoFill, which intelligently identifies and fills fields in forms.

Logic Pro for iPad 2 , available starting Monday, May 13, introduces incredible studio assistant features that augment the music-making process and provide artists help right when they need it — all while ensuring they maintain full creative control. These features include Session Players, which expand on popular Drummer capabilities in Logic to include a new Bass Player and Keyboard Player; ChromaGlow, to instantly add warmth to tracks; and Stem Splitter, to extract and work with individual parts of a single audio recording.

Final Cut Pro for iPad 2 , available later this spring, introduces Live Multicam, a new feature that transforms iPad into a mobile production studio, allowing users to view and control up to four connected iPhone and iPad devices wirelessly. 5 To support Live Multicam, an all-new capture app also comes to iPad and iPhone, Final Cut Camera, 6 giving users control over options like white balance, ISO, and shutter speed, along with monitoring tools like overexposure indicators and focus peaking. Final Cut Camera works as a standalone capture app or with Live Multicam. Final Cut Pro for iPad 2 also allows users to create or open projects from external storage, giving editors even more flexibility, and offers new content options. 7

The new iPad Pro is designed with the environment in mind, including 100 percent recycled aluminum in the enclosure, 100 percent recycled rare earth elements in all magnets, and 100 percent recycled gold plating and tin soldering in multiple printed circuit boards. The new iPad Pro meets Apple’s high standards for energy efficiency, and is free of mercury, brominated flame retardants, and PVC. The packaging is 100 percent fiber-based, bringing Apple closer to its goal to remove plastic from all packaging by 2025.

Today, Apple is carbon neutral for global corporate operations, and by 2030, plans to be carbon neutral across the entire manufacturing supply chain and life cycle of every product.

Pricing and Availability

  • Nano-texture glass is an option on the 1TB and 2TB configurations of the 11-inch and 13-inch iPad Pro models.
  • iPad Pro models with 256GB or 512GB storage feature the Apple M4 chip with a 9‑core CPU. iPad Pro models with 1TB or 2TB storage feature the Apple M4 chip with a 10‑core CPU.
  • Testing was conducted by Apple in March and April 2024. See for more information.
  • Testing was conducted by Apple in March and April 2024 using preproduction 13-inch iPad Pro (M4) units with a 10-core CPU and 16GB of RAM. Performance was measured using select industry‑standard benchmarks. PC laptop chip performance data is from testing ASUS Zenbook 14 OLED (UX3405MA) with Core Ultra 7 155H and 32GB of RAM. Performance tests are conducted using specific computer systems and reflect the approximate performance of iPad Pro.
  • Final Cut Pro for iPad 2 is compatible with iPad models with the M1 chip or later, and Logic Pro for iPad 2 will be available on iPad models with the A12 Bionic chip or later.
  • Final Cut Camera is compatible with iPhone X S and later with iOS 17.4 or later, and iPad models compatible with iPadOS 17.4 or later.
  • External project support requires iPadOS 17.5 or later.

Press Contacts

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Everything you need to create the ultimate ipad pro desk setup.

Avatar for Ryan Christoffel

The M4 iPad Pro is capable of being used by many as their primary computer. Maybe you just want the best iPad for PDFs, spreadsheets, note-taking, and other simple tasks. Or perhaps you’re a creative professional who truly pushes the performance of the iPad with video editing work, AI-driven photo edits, and more.

If you rely on the iPad to get things done, you may be interested in building an iPad-centric desk setup for your primary workspace. Sure, the iPad’s portability and versatility make it a great computer for lounging outdoors or taking to a coffee shop. But if you can build a true workstation at home or in the office, you’ll need some key accessories to go with it.

Here are some of the best accessories to create the ultimate iPad Pro desk setup.

Best accessories for your iPad-centric desk setup

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  • Twelve South Compass Pro Stand : This stand is ultra portable and thus can be easily folded up and thrown in a bag for using it on the go. When in use, the Compass Pro can set your iPad into a drafting orientation or prop it fully upright.
  • BENKS Magnetic iPad Stand ( 11-inch / 13-inch ): Raise your iPad Pro to eye level while gaining the flexibility to rotate it to your preferred orientation and angle. Easily attach and detach from the magnetic base when you’re ready to work elsewhere. This versatile stand is on display in the featured image up top.

Keyboard and Trackpad

  • Apple Magic Trackpad : If you’re going to use your iPad at a desk, you almost certainly want a trackpad to go with it. You could buy Apple’s all-in-one keyboard/trackpad solution , but for desk use, you’re likely better off with a standalone trackpad.
  • Apple Magic Keyboard : Not the iPad-exclusive keyboard/case combo , this is the Mac Bluetooth keyboard that also happens to work exceedingly well as an iPad desk accessory.

Anker USB-C hub for iPad Pro

  • Anker 341 USB-C Hub : This hub covers a robust array of connection needs at a compelling price point. It supports SD, microSD, and HDMI plus provides multiple USB-C and USB-A ports.

Apple Pencil Stand

Apple Pencil silicone stand next to an iPad

  • Uppercase NimbleStand for Apple Pencil : This silicone vertical stand for the Apple Pencil will give your desk the classic look of having a quill at the ready.

MagSafe Charger

Twelve South HiRise 3 MagSafe charger

  • Twelve South HiRise 3 Deluxe MagSafe Charger : This isn’t specific to the iPad, but your desk setup won’t be complete without a solid iPhone charger. This one features a clean look and supports iOS 17’s StandBy mode, while also being able to charge AirPods and an Apple Watch at the same time.

Apple Studio Display connected to an iPad Pro

  • Apple Studio Display : iPadOS at last offers full external display support, and the best way to experience that is with Apple’s Studio Display, which will effectively double the number of apps you can run at once.

Within Apple’s product lineup, the iPad is the most versatile device available. You can use it with multitouch only, or grab a Pencil, keyboard, or trackpad. This versatility means there is no shortage of accessory options out there. If you’re aiming to build out your iPad setup, there are abundant possibilities to choose from. The recommendations above are just a start.

Are you planning to build an iPad-centric desk setup? What are your desk essentials? Let us know in the comments.

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Ryan got his start in journalism as an Editor at MacStories, where he worked for four years covering Apple news, writing app reviews, and more. For two years he co-hosted the Adapt podcast on Relay FM, which focused entirely on the iPad. As a result, it should come as no surprise that his favorite Apple device is the iPad Pro.

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Manage push notifications

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Photos User Guide

  • Get started
  • Overview of importing
  • Use iCloud Photos
  • From a camera or phone
  • From storage devices, DVDs, and more
  • From Mail, Safari, and other apps
  • From another Photos library
  • Where are the photos I imported?
  • Browse your photos
  • View individual photos
  • Play video clips
  • Play Live Photos
  • View memories
  • Personalize memories
  • View photo bursts
  • View photos others have shared with you
  • Interact with text in a photo using Live Text
  • Use Visual Look Up to learn about a photo
  • Isolate and copy a photo’s subject
  • Add titles, captions, and more
  • Add keywords
  • Show specific types of items
  • Find photos by text, content, or date
  • Find photos of a person or pet
  • Find photos by location
  • Create and work with albums
  • Group albums in folders
  • Create Smart Albums
  • Delete photos or recover deleted ones
  • Remove duplicates
  • Hide photos from view
  • Photo editing overview
  • Editing basics
  • Crop and straighten photos
  • Use a filter to change a photo
  • Adjust a photo’s light, exposure, and more
  • Retouch photos
  • Remove red-eye
  • Adjust a photo’s white balance
  • Apply curves adjustments
  • Apply levels adjustments
  • Adjust definition
  • Apply changes to specific colors
  • Reduce noise
  • Sharpen a photo
  • Change a Portrait mode photo
  • Apply a vignette
  • Write or draw on a photo
  • Use other apps when editing in Photos
  • Change a Live Photo
  • Change a video
  • Edit a Cinematic mode video
  • What is iCloud Shared Photo Library?
  • Set up or join a Shared Library
  • View a Shared Library
  • Add photos to a Shared Library
  • Remove photos from a Shared Library
  • What are shared albums?
  • Turn on Shared Albums
  • Create shared albums
  • Add, remove, and edit photos in a shared album
  • Add or remove subscribers
  • Subscribe to shared albums
  • Use Messages and Mail to share photos
  • Use AirDrop to share photos
  • Share photos using other apps and websites
  • Export photos, videos, slideshows, and memories
  • Export a Live Photo as an animated GIF
  • Export a still photo from a video
  • Create slideshows
  • Create projects using third-party apps
  • Order professional prints
  • Print your own photos
  • System Photo Library overview
  • Create additional libraries
  • Back up the Photos library
  • Restore from Time Machine
  • Repair the library
  • Change where photos and videos are stored
  • Photos settings
  • Keyboard shortcuts and gestures

how to make a presentation on a mac

Create slideshows in Photos on Mac

In Photos, there are two ways to create slideshows:

Quickly play an instant slideshow of the photos from a day, complete with a theme and music.

Create and save a slideshow project. You select a group of photos, then add text, choose a theme, add music, and set how long each slide appears. You can export a slideshow project to play it on a Mac, iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV.

The Photos window showing a slideshow in the main part of the window, with the Preview button, Play button, and Loop button under the main slideshow image, thumbnails of all the images in the slideshow at the bottom of the window, and at the right, the Theme button, Music button, and Duration button.

Open Photos for me

Play an instant slideshow

When you play an instant slideshow, you can select a theme and music for the slideshow, but you can’t customize the slideshow further.

Select some photos in a day, then choose File > Play Slideshow.

Click Themes, then select a theme.

A preview of the theme appears in the pane.

Click Music and select the song you want.

To turn off or select different music, click the song again to deselect it, then select a different song.

Click Play Slideshow.

To stop playing the slideshow, press the Escape key. Press the arrow keys to skip forward or back through the slides, and press the Space bar to pause the slideshow.

Create a slideshow project

Choose File > Create > Slideshow > Photos.

Click the Slideshow pop-up menu and choose New Slideshow.

Type a slideshow name in the Slideshow Name field, then click OK.

To reorder photos, drag photos into the order you want them in the bottom of the window.

how to make a presentation on a mac

You can change the theme at any time. The theme you choose determines text position, fonts, and the transitions that appear between slides.

how to make a presentation on a mac

Choose Theme Songs from the pop-up menu to see music included with Photos, or choose Music to see music from your Music library. Drag the songs you selected to change the order they play in. To delete a song, select it and press Delete.

how to make a presentation on a mac

Set the slideshow to match the length of the selected music: Select Fit to Music.

Set a specific display time for the slideshow: Select Custom, then drag the slider to specify how long the slideshow should play.

Set a transition for the entire slideshow: Select the Transition checkbox, then choose a transition type from the pop-up menu.

Set slides to fit the screen: Select the “Scale photos to fit screen” checkbox.

To see a preview of the slideshow, click the Preview button.

how to make a presentation on a mac

To stop playing a slideshow, press the Escape key. Press the arrow keys to skip forward or back through the slides, and press the Space bar to pause the slideshow.

Note: Slideshows appear in the My Projects folder in the sidebar. If you use iCloud Shared Photo Library , you must choose Both Libraries from the Library pop-up menu in the toolbar to see projects you’ve created.

To share a slideshow, see Export photos, videos, and slideshows .

Add or remove photos and text in a slideshow project

Note: If you use iCloud Shared Photo Library , you must choose Both Libraries from the Library pop-up menu in the toolbar to see projects you’ve created.

Do any of the following:

the Add Object button

Delete text from a photo: Select the text in the photo or select the T frame before the photo in the row of thumbnails, then press Delete.

Delete a photo from the slideshow: Select the photo you want to delete, then press Delete.


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  1. Create a presentation in Keynote on Mac

    To play the presentation, click in the toolbar, then press the arrow keys to advance through the slides. To end the presentation, press the Esc (Escape) key. For more ways to show a presentation, see Play a presentation on your Mac. To close the presentation, click the red close button in the top-left corner of the window.

  2. How to Make a PowerPoint on Mac? (A Step-by-Step Guide)

    To do this, click on the magnifying glass icon in the top-right corner of your screen. You can then type in "Keynote" in the search bar and hit the "Enter" key. The Keynote app should appear in the search results. You can then click on the Keynote icon to open the app. Once the Keynote app is open, you can begin creating your PowerPoint ...

  3. How to Create a Basic Keynote Presentation (On Your Mac)

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  6. PowerPoint for Mac Help

    Apply or change slide layouts. Customize a slide master. Change the page orientation of your PowerPoint presentation. Create and use your own presentation template. Create your own theme in PowerPoint. Learn about SmartArt graphics. Compress the picture size. Crop a picture. Add a transparent picture (watermark) to your slides.

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    Open the PowerPoint app, select a template and theme, then like "Create.". Click the text box to add your title and subtitle to create your title slide. Click the "Insert" tab, then "New Slide" to add another slide. Choose the type of slide you want to add, then add text and pictures. Rearrange slides by dragging them up or down in ...

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    Step 1: Open the App Store on your Mac. App Store Icon on Mac Launcher. Step 2: In the search bar at the top right, type in "PowerPoint" and press Return. App Store Search Bar. Step 3: The Microsoft PowerPoint app should appear as the first result. Click on the Get button and then Install.

  13. How to Get PowerPoint on a Mac

    To convert PowerPoint to video on a Mac, open the presentation you want to save and select File > Export. In the export window, next to File Format, select a file format option, such as MP4 or MOV. Choose your video quality, choose whether you want to include narrations, adjust timing, and select Export.

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    Step 1. Launch Keynote. Click on the "Keynote icon in the Launchpad to open it. A window displaying various theme templates "Theme chooser" will appear. In the case it does not appear, click the option key and on the "File" menu select "new" to open a new presentation template. Step 2.

  16. Create a presentation in Keynote on Mac

    To play the presentation, click in the toolbar, then press the arrow keys to advance through the slides. To end the presentation, press the Esc (Escape) key. For more ways to show a presentation, see Play a presentation on your Mac. To close the presentation, click the red close button in the top-left corner of the window.

  17. How to Make A PowerPoint on Macbook [Totally Free]

    Follow these simple steps to make presentations using WPS Presentation on your Mac: Step 1: Open WPS Office, and click on New. create new file in wps office. Step 2: Choose Presentation. open wps presentation. Step 3: Select a blank presentation or template. "wps presentation templates".

  18. Create an Effective Slide Deck

    A great presentation depends on more than the high-quality information you're sharing. Here are some essential principles to help you create a memorable slide deck. Choose the right fonts. Use ...

  19. How to create a Powerpoint on iMac or Mac

    How to create a powerpoint on Apple products of iMac or MacBook or MacBookAir

  20. How to Make a Video Presentation With Audio in 8 Steps

    What Makes a Good Video Presentation? A good video presentation will capture your audience's attention until the very end. When it comes to creating a video presentation, there is no definite checklist as to what constitutes a good video presentation. But there are some things you can do to make sure that yours is good enough to keep the viewer engaged.

  21. Slideshow Maker Software Guide

    To add music to a slideshow, first make sure that you're using a slideshow maker with music compatibility. In PowerPoint, follow these steps: Open your PowerPoint presentation and select the slide where you want to add music. Click on the Insert tab in the ribbon menu. Click on the Audio button and select Audio on My PC.

  22. Welcome to Claude

    Claude 3 technical presentation. If you're more of a visual learner, check out our Claude 3 technical presentation slides for a visual overview of some of the content also covered in our documentation. There is also a Bedrock version of these slides. ...

  23. Hello GPT-4o

    Prior to GPT-4o, you could use Voice Mode to talk to ChatGPT with latencies of 2.8 seconds (GPT-3.5) and 5.4 seconds (GPT-4) on average. To achieve this, Voice Mode is a pipeline of three separate models: one simple model transcribes audio to text, GPT-3.5 or GPT-4 takes in text and outputs text, and a third simple model converts that text back to audio.

  24. Choose how to navigate your presentation on Mac

    To set how to navigate your presentation, do the following: Open the presentation. In the Document sidebar, click the Document tab. Select one of the following options in the Presentation Type menu: Normal: The presentation changes slides or starts animations when the presenter or viewer presses the Right Arrow or Left Arrow key, or clicks a link.

  25. Apple unveils stunning new iPad Pro with M4 chip and Apple Pencil Pro

    CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA Apple today unveiled the groundbreaking new iPad Pro in a stunningly thin and light design, taking portability and performance to the next level. Available in silver and space black finishes, the new iPad Pro comes in two sizes: an expansive 13-inch model and a super-portable 11-inch model. Both sizes feature the world's most advanced display — a new breakthrough ...

  26. Everything you need to create the ultimate iPad Pro desk setup

    Sure, the iPad's portability and versatility make it a great computer for lounging outdoors or taking to a coffee shop. But if you can build a true workstation at home or in the office, you'll ...

  27. Create slideshows in Photos on Mac

    Create a slideshow project. In the Photos app on your Mac, select the photos you want in your slideshow. Choose File > Create > Slideshow > Photos. Click the Slideshow pop-up menu and choose New Slideshow. Type a slideshow name in the Slideshow Name field, then click OK. To reorder photos, drag photos into the order you want them in the bottom ...