
  • 12 Scholarship Application Letter Samples (PDF, DOC)

Published: 03 May 2024 Scholarship Application 1,785 views

12 Scholarship Application Letter Samples (PDF, DOC)

A scholarship application letter is a formal letter written by a student to an organization that provides financial assistance to support a student's education. Scholarships are available to students of all levels of education, from high school to postgraduate level.

If you're a student, applying for scholarships is one of the best ways to fund your education and a well written scholarship application letter is required to help you get one.

In a scholarship application letter, you will be expected to provide useful information about your accomplishments as a student and why you think you're a deserving candidate.

Before you start drafting your scholarship letter, review the requirements for the scholarship. This will help you have a better understanding of the ideal candidate the scholarship committee requires. You'll also know the credentials and information to include in your letter.

In this guide, we will discuss how to write a good scholarship application letter, a good application letter format and also provide 12 scholarship letter templates for you to download in pdf format.

What is a Scholarship Application Letter?

A Scholarship Application Letter is a formal letter a student writes to a scholarship committee to persuade them to be considered for a scholarship opportunity.

In a scholarship application letter, students are required to highlight their academic achievements as well as relevant skills and experiences that may not be outlined in their resume.

How to Write a Scholarship Application Letter?

Writing a scholarship application letter requires thorough understanding of the steps to write a good application. 

If you want to learn how to write the best scholarship application letter that will guarantee a positive response from the scholarship review community, follow the steps below;

Always start your scholarship application letter with a professional salutation.

Keep your letter short, a good scholarship letter typically ranging from 300 to 500 words. 

Ensure you give a clear reason for applying for the scholarship.

Always introduce yourself properly

Write about your relevant academic achievements, work experience, extracurricular activities, and any skills you may have.

Explain why you need the scholarship and how it will help you achieve your academic and career goals.

Write about your long term goals and close your letter with a strong conclusion summarizing key points in the letter.

Proofread your letter before submitting. You can give your letter to a friend to proofread for you- good scholarship application letters do not have typos or grammatical errors.

Always thank the scholarship committee for taking their time to read your letter and consider you for the scholarship.

Follow the correct scholarship letter format 

Application for Scholarship Format

To write a good scholarship application letter, you have to be familiar with its structure.

Following the right scholarship format will help you compose your letter in a better way. A scholarship application letter has six major components which includes; the header, the salutation, introduction, the body, the conclusion and the closing. 

The body of the letter contains the most important details required by the scholarship committee and it is usually divided into 2 or 3 paragraphs.

Here, we'll discuss the different components of a scholarship application letter. Keep reading to find out more.

Header: The header is the first part of a scholarship application letter located at the top of the letter.  It should include your complete contact information such as your name, address, phone number, and email address.

You can also include the title of the letter typed in a bold font.

Salutation: Next is a professional salutation to begin the scholarship application letter. Examples of salutations you may use include; "Dear Scholarship Committee" “Respected Sir/Ma” or "To Whom It May Concern."

Introduction: After the salutation is the introductory paragraph. This is the official first paragraph of the letter where the scholarship applicant is expected to briefly introduce themselves and state the purpose of the letter.

The introduction can be written in three to five concise sentences. 

An important tip to keep in mind when writing your introduction is to keep things as straight to the point as possible.

Body: the body of a scholarship application letter is where the main content lies. In the body of the letter, you'll provide details about your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and any relevant experiences that will convince the scholarship committee to grant you the scholarship.

As we discussed earlier, the body of a scholarship application letter can be divided into 3 paragraphs. Let's discuss each of the paragraphs.

First Paragraph: in the first paragraph, write about your academic achievement and record. You can outline all the degrees you have gotten and their grades, you can also highlight your future plans for your academics.

Second Paragraph:   The second paragraph details your work experience and extracurricular activities that may be relevant to the scholarship.

Third Paragraph:   In the third paragraph, you can go a little further to explain how the scholarship will help you achieve your academic goals and why you deserve the scholarship.

Conclusion:  The conclusion should be a strong statement summarising why you are a good fit for the scholarship. It should highlight key points you have made in the previous paragraphs and should fit into 2 or 3 sentences.

Lastly, thank the scholarship committee for their time and consideration in one sentence.

Closing:   Always end your Scholarship Application Letter with a simple closing remark, like "Yours Sincerely" or "Kind Regards.” 

It is important to keep your closing as professional as possible. The scholarship application letter is a formal letter so you want to avoid using any form of informal or casual remark or language.

Scholarship Application Letter Writing Format

A good scholarship application letter is required to follow a simple letter format that is easy to read and understand by the scholarship provider. 

Here, we'll share a simple format for your scholarship application letter.

Always use a professional font like Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial

Use a font size between 10 and 12 points.

Your margins should be 1 inch on all sides, this makes your work easy to read.

Use single-spacing within paragraphs and double-spacing between paragraphs.

Avoid using a casual or informal tone in your Scholarship Application Letter.Also avoid the use of slangs or cliche words.

The scholarship application letter should have a formal tone.

Always include your name and contact information at the top of the scholarship application letter and introduce yourself in the first paragraph 

Ensure you address the letter to the appropriate person or committee. Of you do not know who to address it to, use a generic term like ‘ Dear Sir/Ma’ or ‘Dear Scholarship Committee’ 

Scholarship Letter Template 

Here are 12 scholarship letter template for you.

Application for Fellowship Sample Letter 

Fellowship Sample Letter for download

Application Letter for Government Scholarship 

Government Scholarship Sample Letter for download

Application Letter for Grant Scholarship 

Grant Scholarship Sample Letter for download

Application Letter for Masters Scholarship 

Masters scholarship sample letter for download, application letter for nursing scholarship , nursing scholarship sample letter for download, application letter for phd scholarship .

PhD Scholarship Sample Letter for download

Application Letter for Undergraduate Scholarship 

Undergraduate Scholarship Sample Letter for download

Application Letter for Scholarship Grant 

Scholarship Grant Sample Letter for download

Application Letter for Scholarship to Mayor

Scholarship to Mayor Sample Letter for download

Application Letter for Scholarship in University 

Scholarship in University Sample Letter for download

Application Letter for Scholarship for Poor Students

Scholarship for Poor Students Sample Letter for download

Application for Scholarship to Principal

Scholarship to Principal Sample Letter for download

Application for Merit Scholarship Sample

Merit Scholarship Sample Letter for download

Do’s and Don'ts your Scholarship Application Letter

Here are some do's and don'ts to guide you as you draft your scholarship application letter.

Do not use the same application letter for every scholarship application 

Do not paraphrase your CV

Do not quote others in your letter

Do not write about your flaws or deficiencies

Do not use slangs or informal language 

Do not wait until last minute to submit your application letter 

Do keep a positive tone

Do be concise 

Do be honest

Do avoid typos or grammatical blunders 

Do proofread

Do proper research before drafting your letter

Do highlight your accomplishments 

With these scholarship application letter templates, you stand a chance at getting that scholarship you've always wanted. Download a template today and edit it the way you like.

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Scholarship Tips

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Letter Templates

sample application letter for lgu scholarship

sample application letter for lgu scholarship 1

If you are seeking financial assistance to pursue your academic dreams, applying for a scholarship is a great option. In this article, we will provide you with tips on how to write a compelling application letter for an LGU scholarship, along with seven examples that you can edit as needed.

What is an LGU Scholarship?

An LGU scholarship is a financial assistance program offered by a local government unit to students who are residents of their area. This scholarship aims to support students who have demonstrated academic excellence and financial need.

Tips for Writing a Compelling Application Letter for LGU Scholarship

If you want to increase your chances of getting an LGU scholarship, consider the following tips:

Tip 1: Understand the requirements

Before writing your application letter, make sure you understand the eligibility criteria and requirements for the scholarship. This will help you tailor your letter to the needs of the scholarship provider.

Tip 2: Highlight your achievements

Make sure to mention your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and any volunteer work or community service you have done. This will help demonstrate your potential to succeed as a scholar.

Tip 3: Explain your financial need

Provide a clear explanation of your financial situation and why you need the scholarship. Be honest and transparent, and provide any relevant financial documents to support your case.

Tip 4: Keep it concise and to the point

Your application letter should be concise and easy to read. Avoid using jargon or overly formal language, and focus on making a clear and compelling case for why you deserve the scholarship.

Sample Application Letter for LGU Scholarship

Example 1: for academic excellence.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my interest in applying for the LGU scholarship for academic excellence. As an honor student with a consistently high GPA, I am confident that I have the academic capability to make the most of this opportunity.

However, my family’s financial situation has been challenging, and it has been difficult for us to cover the costs of my education. I believe that this scholarship would be a great help in allowing me to continue pursuing my academic dreams and contributing to my community.

Thank you for your consideration.

[Your Name]

Example 2: For Financial Need

Dear Scholarship Committee,

I am writing to apply for the LGU scholarship for students in financial need. Due to our family’s financial situation, I have had to work part-time while attending college to make ends meet. However, this has been taking a toll on my grades and academic performance.

If granted this scholarship, I would be able to focus more on my studies and participate in extracurricular activities that would help me develop my skills and contribute to my community. Thank you for considering my application.

Example 3: For Science and Technology

I am writing to apply for the LGU scholarship for science and technology. As a student majoring in computer science, I am passionate about using technology to solve real-world problems and improve people’s lives.

However, pursuing this field of study can be expensive, and my family’s financial situation has been a challenge. I believe that this scholarship would be a great help in allowing me to continue pursuing my passion and contributing to the development of our community.

Example 4: For Leadership

I am writing to apply for the LGU scholarship for leadership. As a student leader in my school and community, I have been actively involved in various projects and programs that aim to make a positive impact on our society.

However, the costs of pursuing higher education can be a challenge for me and my family. I believe that this scholarship would be a great help in allowing me to continue developing my leadership skills and contributing to our community’s growth and development.

Thank you for considering my application.

Example 5: For Humanities and Social Sciences

I am writing to express my interest in applying for the LGU scholarship for humanities and social sciences. As a student majoring in psychology, I am passionate about understanding human behavior and promoting mental health and well-being.

However, pursuing this field of study can be expensive, and my family’s financial situation has been challenging. I believe that this scholarship would be a great help in allowing me to continue pursuing my academic and professional goals and contributing to our community’s social and cultural development.

Example 6: For Sports and Athletics

I am writing to apply for the LGU scholarship for sports and athletics. As a varsity athlete in my school, I have been able to develop my skills and discipline while representing our institution in various competitions.

However, pursuing my athletic career can be expensive, and my family’s financial situation has been challenging. I believe that this scholarship would be a great help in allowing me to continue pursuing my passion and representing our community in various sports events.

Example 7: For Cultural and Arts

I am writing to apply for the LGU scholarship for cultural and arts. As a student majoring in fine arts, I am passionate about creating meaningful and impactful works that reflect our society’s values and culture.

However, pursuing this field of study can be expensive, and my family’s financial situation has been challenging. I believe that this scholarship would be a great help in allowing me to continue pursuing my artistic goals and contributing to our community’s cultural and artistic development.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: what is an lgu scholarship, q: who is eligible for an lgu scholarship.

The eligibility criteria for an LGU scholarship may vary depending on the provider. However, in general, applicants must be residents of the LGU and meet certain academic, financial, and other requirements.

Q: What should I include in my application letter for an LGU scholarship?

Your application letter should include your personal information, academic achievements, extracurricular activities, financial situation, and why you deserve the scholarship. Make sure to tailor your letter to the needs of the scholarship provider.

Q: How should I format my application letter?

Your application letter should be concise and easy to read. Use a professional and friendly tone, and follow a clear and logical structure.

Q: How many LGU scholarships can I apply for?

You can apply for as many LGU scholarships as you are eligible for. However, make sure to prioritize the scholarships that best fit your academic and career goals.

Q: When is the deadline for applying for LGU scholarships?

The deadline for applying for LGU scholarships may vary depending on the provider. Make sure to check their website or contact their office for more information.

Q: What are the benefits of getting an LGU scholarship?

Getting an LGU scholarship can help you cover the costs of your education, develop your skills and knowledge, and contribute to your community’s growth and development. It can also open up new opportunities for your academic and professional career.

Writing an application letter for an LGU scholarship may seem daunting, but with the right mindset and strategies, you can create a compelling and persuasive letter that can increase your chances of getting the scholarship. Make sure to follow the tips and examples we provided in this article, and don’t hesitate to ask for help or guidance from your school or community resources. Good luck!

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10 Strong Scholarship Recommendation Letter Examples

Help make college more affordable for your students.

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Paying for college takes a lot of planning. Tuition costs rise every year and graduates are buckling under the weight of debt from loans. For some, the expense of higher education is prohibitive, with many talented students being forced to cut their dreams short. Scholarships can make getting a degree more affordable. Students qualify based on academic performance, special interests, or financial needs. If you’ve been asked to help with the process, we’ve got you covered! Here’s a list of sample recommendation letters for scholarship applications that best meet your students’ needs.

How To Write Scholarship Recommendation Letters

If you’ve been asked to write a recommendation letter for your student’s scholarship, you might feel overwhelmed. You want to help your student, but you’re worried your letter won’t be good enough. In the end, you can only do your best, so lead with your heart and consider the following suggestions:

  • Use letterhead and add your personal information (full name, title, school name, etc.) in the top left corner. 
  • Fill the whole page (at least 300 words) with an introduction, two or three paragraphs, and a conclusion. 
  • In the first paragraph, introduce your student, specify the scholarship for which they are applying, and share details about the nature and length of your relationship. 
  • In the body paragraphs, describe the ways your student is suitable and deserving of the scholarship. 
  • In your final section, pull everything together and emphasize your student’s strengths as well as the reasons why you are endorsing them. 

Here’s a quick video on how to craft an effective scholarship recommendation letter:

Don’t feel you can honestly provide a positive recommendation? Gently decline their request for a letter. Avoid putting yourself in a position where you will have to be insincere. You don’t want to write something negative because it could cost the student an opportunity to earn a scholarship. 

Sample Recommendation Letters for Scholarship Applications

1. general scholarship recommendation letter.

This is a great sample scholarship letter if you’re trying to offer a rounded view of a student’s performance in high school. You’ll include information about your experience with them as well as your thoughts on their potential success in a higher-education setting.

2. Sample Rhodes Scholarship letter 

If your student is a candidate for a prestigious award such as the Rhodes Scholarship, this sample scholarship letter will give you an idea of what to share with the selection committee. With these types of recommendation letters, you want to provide as much praise and positive information as possible.

3. Scholarship letter for math students

There are many great scholarship opportunities for strong math students. This sample recommendation letter outlines how to share not only your student’s math talents but the other traits that make them a good candidate as well.

4. Leadership scholarship sample letter

This helpful scholarship recommendation letter offers an example for highlighting leadership skills. Back up your endorsement by sharing specific situations as well as participation in any committees, programs, and events where your student excelled.

5. Scholarship letter for international studies

Does your student plan to go abroad? If so, review this sample for writing a strong letter of recommendation for this specific type of scholarship. Be sure to include evidence as to why you believe your student is well rounded and exceptional. 

6. Environmentalist scholarship letter

Has one of your students decided to pursue a degree in environmental sciences and wildlife? If so, this scholarship recommendation letter is a good example because it concisely highlights their strengths and shares why they would make a good candidate.

7. Scholarship letter for students who need financial assistance

No one should miss out on a college education because they can’t afford to pay. You can help them overcome this barrier! This excellent sample letter of recommendation shows the details to include for scholarships based on financial need. 

8. Scholarship recommendation letter for STEM students

There are many scholarships for students who plan to pursue a career in STEM fields. If you’ve been asked to write a letter of recommendation for this type of scholarship, this sample will give you a good idea of what to include. 

9. Greek society scholarship letter sample

Fraternities and sororities can be a great source of financial support for college and university students. Review this sample recommendation letter for scholarship applications for Greek society candidates.

10. Personal endorsement for scholarships

This sample recommendation letter for a scholarship application is best when you can’t vouch for the prospective student’s academic performance but want to share information about their personal character and how it relates to the scholarship program. 

Do you have a great sample recommendation letter for scholarship applications? Please share it in the comments below!

Plus, check out  the ultimate guide to college scholarships, want more articles like this be sure to subscribe to our newsletters ..

Help your students cover the high cost of tuition. Choose a sample recommendation letter for scholarship applications from this list!

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Got some questions regarding Scholarships? Check out our FAQs

How do I find the right scholarship for me?

In applying for scholarship, you should consider these seven (7) things so that you can determine which kind of scholarship you are looking for and what you really need.

To qualify for a full or partial academic or merit scholarship, you should belong to the top 10% of your graduating class, or the top 10% of passers in the college entrance exam. Scholarships typically support students who have a certain grade point average, and it is usually 85% or above. Your grades are an indicator of your academic ability. Scholarship providers want to be sure that they are supporting a scholar who will be successful through their education.

Identify the specific program level you are aiming for. Are you applying for senior high, college or graduate studies? Determining this will right away narrow down the scholarships that apply according to your need.

It is common for scholarships to only cover certain courses or tracks (i.e. medical courses, STEM-related). Knowing which course you want to take up from the get-go will help you identify which scholarship opportunities are relevant for you to apply under.

Many scholarships require proof that your family income is below a certain amount. They want to make sure that they support students who demonstrate the need for financial support. Students belonging to families with below PHP 100,000 annual income are usually considered for full scholarships, on top of other eligibilities and based on the type of grant being given.

Look at what type of scholarship fits you. Some organizations offer scholarships for various merits. It can be merit-based, skills-based, context-based, needs-based, among others. Knowing what your selling points or strengths are can help determine the type of scholarship you can apply for. Skills-based scholarships (i.e. athletic and arts) usually require the applicant to take a performance test or to provide a portfolio of their work.

Many scholarships are allocated for students in specific programs and schools. You will have to prove that you were accepted into a school and have passed that their entrance exam in order to gain certain scholarships. School scholarships are mostly granted to incoming or newly enrolled students, while there are some scholarships that are also available for current, higher year level-students.

Scholarship coverage benefits highly vary from one scholarship to another. Some scholarships cover full or partial tuition discounts. On top of tuition cover, there are some which also provide additional allowance or stipend for school supplies, transport, and the like. On the other hand, some scholarships solely provide allowances to help with day-to-day expenses. This type of scholarship is usually offered to students of state-funded colleges, of which tuition is already subsidized by the government.

Scholarships FAQs

Full scholarship.

Full scholarships cover full tuition and fees, and may also cover other miscellaneous expenses such as accommodation, stipend, book allowance and the like. Full Scholarships are usually automatically offered to students who scored at least 95% in the college entrance examination. Some universities and colleges also offer full scholarships to students who graduated valedictorian or salutatorian of their high school. Some institutions may also grant full scholarships based on a specific and comprehensive set of requirements. You are likely to have higher chances based on the quality of your submission and your overall fit to the scholarship opportunity.

Partial Scholarship

If you scored 90-94% in the college entrance examination or are part of the honor roll of your graduating batch, you may have a chance to score this scholarship! A partial scholarship or a partial tuition grant covers a varied range of tuition discounts from 25% to 75%, with the most common one covering half or 50% of the total tuition amount. Having a higher discount will likely mean accomplishing or qualifying for a higher-level requirement.

The process of receiving scholarship money varies by provider. Some scholarships will pay the school directly, while others may set up a direct bank account for scholars and deposit money on a regular basis. You can inquire with the scholarship provider or the school to find out how you will receive the benefits.

If you wish to pursue your application for a scholarship, the first step is to fill out and submit an application form before the deadline. Some of the most common supporting documents you need to submit are:

  • Proof of acceptance from the school you applied to
  • Copy of Grades (Report Card/Transcript of Records)
  • Essay/Letter of Intent
  • Certificate of Good Moral Character
  • Parents’ (legal guardian) Income Tax Return (ITR) for a year/Certificate of Indigency
  • Recommendation Letter

Scholarships have different timelines and processes. It is best to begin your scholarship search as early as possible, ideally a year before your target semester. If the process involves an interview, it may take up to a month or more from the initial application submission to acceptance. You may check the provider’s scholarship procedure for the application process. The earlier you complete your requirements, the higher your chances are in having your application processed.

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Under the My Profile Tab, click on the Apply Scholarship button. Read the Application Important Notice and fill-up all the fields. Lastly, agree to Oath and click the Submit Scholarship Application button.

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How To Write Letter of Intent for Scholarship in the Philippines (FREE Sample Templates)

How To Write Letter of Intent for Scholarship in the Philippines (FREE Sample Templates)

Letter of Intent (LOI) is usually one of the documentary requirements you must submit to apply for a scholarship. Unlike your Transcript of Grades or Certificate of Good Moral Character, an LOI is not released by a particular office. Instead, you have to write one on your own.

In this article, we’ll guide you on how to write a letter of intent that helps you ace the scholarship you’re aspiring for. 

Table of Contents

1. letter of intent for university-based scholarship (for college students), 2. letter of intent for school-based scholarship (for high school students), 3. letter of intent for government scholarship, 4. letter of intent for private scholarship, 5. letter of intent addressed to a public official (i.e., mayor, governor, congressman), 6. letter of intent for post-graduate scholarship, 7. letter of intent for foreign scholarship, what is a letter of intent (loi) for a scholarship, what is the difference between a letter of intent and an application letter for a scholarship, what does the letter of intent for scholarship look like, 1. gather important details related to the scholarship you’re applying for, 2. write the letterhead and salutation, 3. introduce yourself and indicate your intent to apply for the scholarship, 4. briefly state your qualifications, experiences, academic performance, and other reasons why you deserve the scholarship, 5. express your gratitude to the letter’s recipient, 6. conclude your letter, tips and warnings, at a glance: letter of intent for scholarship templates (free download).

No time to write your LOI for a scholarship? Fret not, as you can choose from any downloadable and editable LOI for scholarship templates below. Just click the link and wait for the Microsoft Word file to download.

letter of intent for scholarship philippines 1

A letter of intent is a formal document that informs the reader about your intention to perform something that they must give attention to. So, an LOI for scholarship emphasizes someone’s desire to become a scholar of a specific institution or organization.  

For instance, the Quezon City Government requires students taking specialized courses to submit a Letter of Intent to the Mayor 1 . If someone submits an LOI for this scholarship, he/she is informing the assigned office that manages this scholarship about his/her intention to become a scholar of the Quezon City Local Government. 

The main distinction between the two lies in the purpose they serve. An LOI is focused more on sending a clear message regarding your desire to apply for a scholarship. The letter’s message of intention is supported by a summary of your qualifications, academic achievements, and so on. Thus, an LOI is usually short and simple. 

On the other hand, application letters are focused more on highlighting yourself to show that you’re the top choice for the grant. Although this letter has a formal tone, you can include some personal anecdotes and testimonials from your referrals to make it more convincing. In short, an application letter is more “fleshed-out” than an LOI.

An application letter is also more tailored to fit a particular scholarship program . For instance, if the scholarship looks for students with high mathematical aptitude, the application letter will be geared towards an in-depth discussion of someone’s mathematical ability (math competitions won, grades in math subjects, etc.).  

letter of intent for scholarship philippines 2

  • Title: This indicates that the document is an LOI for a scholarship
  • Date: This part indicates the date when the letter was sent to the recipient
  • Letterhead: Shows your recipient’s information (name, position, institution, etc.)
  • Salutation: Short greeting for the recipient. If you’re uncertain about the letter’s recipient, use “To whom it may concern.”
  • Introduction: This contains a brief introduction of yourself and your intention to apply for a scholarship.
  • Body: This elaborates on your qualifications, academic performance, and other reasons why you deserve to have the scholarship.
  • Concluding paragraph: This is where you express gratitude to the reader and wrap up the letter
  • Closing remark: This includes a short formal closing statement
  • Sender’s information and signature

How To Write a Letter of Intent for a Scholarship

Before drafting your LOI, research the scholarship you’re applying for. This is to ensure that every detail you put in the letter is accurate.

Here’s some information that you need to look for:

  • Name of the scholarship (e.g., President’s Scholarship Fund)
  • The institution that offers the scholarship (i.e., university, local government, NGO, etc.)
  • The department/office that facilitates the scholarship application (e.g., Office of Student Affairs, Office of Scholarship and Financial Assistance, etc.)
  • Coordinating person or officer that facilitates the scholarship application

Based on the information you’ve collected from your research, you can now start writing your LOI. Complete the letterhead by writing essential information about the recipient (i.e., name, position, institution, address, etc.).

Afterward, write a formal salutation to the letter’s addressee. You may use words such as “Dear …”, “Greetings…”, and so on.

Let’s now write the letter’s body. The first paragraph must include your name and current educational attainment. If you’ve graduated recently and are enrolling in a new school, you must state your alma mater. 

The most crucial part of the introduction is your statement of intent, so you must clearly state it. However, most institutions offer a variety of scholarship grants, so you need to specify which of those you want to apply for.

In the example above, the sender specified that he wants to apply for the “President Scholarship Fund.” Note that he didn’t just write that he wants to apply for a scholarship (which sounds too broad).

You may also indicate how you’ve learned about this scholarship (although this is optional).  

It depends on how many paragraphs you allot for this step. The purpose of this section is to convince the reader that you’re qualified to become their scholar. 

However, make this portion concise and straightforward. In the letter above, the sender just provides an overview of his academic qualifications and extra-curricular experiences. In the succeeding paragraph, the sender mentioned his economic conditions, which is another reason he deserves the grant.

For your LOI’s last paragraph, thank the recipient for giving you a chance to apply for their scholarship. 

Close your letter by affixing your signature and indicating your contact details.

  • Make it short and sweet. If possible, keep the letter one page long only. No need to use highfalutin words or lengthy sentences.
  • Don’t forget to proofread. To avoid delays in the processing of your scholarship application, check the accuracy of the information indicated in the letter, such as the recipient’s name, address, institution, and so on. 
  • How To Apply For Scholarship. Retrieved 31 August 2022, from

Written by Jewel Kyle Fabula

in Career and Education , Juander How

lgu scholarship application letter

Jewel Kyle Fabula

Jewel Kyle Fabula is a Bachelor of Science in Economics student at the University of the Philippines Diliman. His passion for learning mathematics developed as he competed in some mathematics competitions during his Junior High School years. He loves cats, playing video games, and listening to music.

Browse all articles written by Jewel Kyle Fabula

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Scholarship Application Letter

Last Updated On February 20, 2020 By Letter Writing Leave a Comment

A scholarship is purposed to help the student with the cost of his/her studies. A scholarship application is written by a student who is from an unprivileged background and needs support for their academics. Such a letter is written to the individual or committee of the funding organization.

A scholarship application letter is important to enable the selection committee to choose a suitable candidate for the funding. The funding organization can also assess if the application complements its objectives. Students also write this letter to sell themselves to the funding organization by describing their motivation and plans after the award. It is a formal document that is used for record-keeping and future reference.

Tips for writing a scholarship application letter

  • Read about the funding organization and tailor the application to their objectives
  • Mention your motivation for applying for the scholarship
  • Provide support documents like academic credentials  to your application
  • Describe the course you hope to take
  • Write the letter in a professional and polite language
  • Describe what you aim to gain from the scholarship
  • Demonstrate financial need
  • Describe why you are a suitable candidate for the scholarship
  • Mention the education and career goals
  • Keep the content formal and a clear structure

Scholarship Application Letter Templates

When you cannot afford fees for your university education you can apply for a scholarship. See the scholarship application letter template that will get you started and sample letters for more information.


Date (date on which letter is written)



Dear _________________,

I hereby write to apply for the ____________ scholarship at ____________ University for the ____________ postgraduate program. I am motivated to apply for this scholarship because of its purpose to offer young professionals from unprivileged backgrounds, opportunities to engage in postgraduate education and training in specialized studies. 

I completed my bachelor’s degree with financial strain hence I am unable to pay my postgraduate education. While at the university I gained skills in ____________, ____________ and ____________. Pursuing this master’s will enable me to develop these skills and understand how to implement them in my community.

I wish to study at your university because of its commitment to teaching and research with the support of the sustainability of the current social model. This master’s program will enable me pursue ____________ studies to take a career as a ____________. I aim at acquiring skills in ____________ and ____________ that will be important in developing policies to protect human rights in my country. 

I hope that you will consider my scholarship application.

Yours Faithfully,


From, ____________ ____________ ____________

Date: ____________ (the letter was written in this date)

To, _____________ _____________ _____________

Sub: Application of _________ (name of scholarship) at your institute.

I am currently associated with _____________ (organization name) as a _____________ (designation). Now I desire to do my _____________ (name of course) in your university. To expand my information in this area, I desire to focus on the area of developed administration. I have finished my intermediate written test with a percentage of ____________(grade). This know-how gave me much self-assurance and knowledge to work in this area. I aspire to work with a well-reputed business and for accomplishing that goal this _________(course) will help me an allotment.

I will be much obliged for your kind consideration.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


Name and Signature

Scholarship Application Letter Samples

A student from an un-wealthy background can write a letter to request for financial support in form of a scholarship. Check out our scholarship application letter that you can write to a funding organization.

Katrina Wilson,

4 Orange Ave.

Piscataway, NJ 08854

United States

Date:____________ (Date on which letter is written)

The Scholarship Selection Committee,

Brooks University

7280 Meadow St.

Goshen, IN 46526

Sub; Application for a scholarship

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would wish to appreciate the opportunity to apply for the International Training Program (ITP) scholarship to attend the International Module in Spatial Development Planning (IMSDP) training at Brooks University.

I am an Urban and Regional Planner who’s inclined towards governance and development, spatial planning policy research and analysis, urban mobility, and settlement upgrading. I wish to partake in this training to improve my knowledge of analytical skills for sustainable development. This program is of value to my country as challenges that result from rapid urbanization increase.

I wish to take this training to impact sustainable development in my country. I am glad that your university offers students from economically unprivileged backgrounds to pursue this training under a scholarship. This scholarship will enable me to acquire skills to be an advocate of sustainable ideas in my country

I would highly appreciate it if you award me this scholarship.

Yours sincerely,

Katrina Wilson

I am currently associated with QPR organization as a JKL. Now I desire to do my MBA degree at your university. To expand my information in this area, I wish to focus on the field of developed administration. I have finished my intermediate written test University with a percentage of TY. This know-how gave me much self-assurance and knowledge to work in this area. I aspire to work with a well-reputed business, and for accomplishing that goal, this Master’s Degree will help me an allotment.

I accept as true that for developing this attitude, the studies in your university are welcoming one for students who come from all parts of the world, which would be of large support to me. I will be obliged if you kindly supply me with the possibility to study at your university.

Scholarship Application Email Format

Are you thinking of applying for a scholarship to take further education but you can afford it? Have a look at the scholarship application letter in an email format that you can use to request financial support.

Dear Scholarship Committee,

I hereby write to apply for Learn Africa 2019 Scholarship Program to pursue a Master’s Degree in Science, Technology and Environmental Management at Universidade da Coru?a. I am motivated to apply for this Scholarship Program because it aims at promoting knowledge transfer, exchange and training of African students to contribute to development in their own countries especially in reducing poverty levels.

My passion for the environment has motivated me to apply to take this master’s program. This course aims at equipping students with skills in environmental quality management, renewable energy resources, and the environmental economy. Additionally, this program compliments my career goals of securing a position in public service after graduation.

I took a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies and this master will give me additional skills and understanding of environmental issues. I have a great interest in promoting environmental management in my country but I am financially weak. This scholarship is a stepping stone for me to be an environmental management influencer in my locality. 

Kindly receive the documents attached herewith to support my application. I would appreciate this scholarship to allow me to engage in postgraduate education.

Kind regards,

Estella Maynard

Dear Mr. Daniel,

I am aware that your esteemed university grants scholarships for worthy and needy students as its ambition and motto.

I, therefore, would like to apply for the scholarship as I am financially week, but have a lot of interest within me to pursue a law degree from a well-known university like yours.

I would be obliged if you would go through my application to see that I have had a successful school career.

Herewith I have enclosed my profile with all the essential credentials required by you. I hope that you will give me a positive response after careful examination.

Thanking you in advance

Susan Antonio

A scholarship application letter identifies a student as a prime candidate for the scholarship. It should describe your education and career goals to the scholarship requirements. In such a letter, you should describe why you are a suitable candidate and your motivation to make the application. Additionally, demonstrate financial need and tailor the letter to the objectives of the funding organization.

Megha Kothari

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Sample Letters

Writing an Application Letter for Scholarship That Works

As someone who has written many unique scholarship application letters, I’ve learned what works and what doesn’t. In this guide, I’ll share my experiences and provide you with three unique templates to help you write a compelling application letter for a scholarship.

Key Takeaways

TopicKey Points
Importance of PersonalizationTailor each letter to the specific scholarship
Structure of the LetterFollow a clear, concise, and professional format
Highlight AchievementsShowcase your achievements and how they relate
Express Need and GoalsClearly state your financial need and future goals
ProofreadAlways proofread your letter for errors
TemplatesThree unique templates included for reference

Understanding the Structure

When writing your scholarship application letter, it’s essential to follow a structured format. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Introduction : Briefly introduce yourself and state the purpose of the letter.
  • Body Paragraph 1 : Explain why you are applying for the scholarship.
  • Body Paragraph 2 : Highlight your achievements and how they relate to the scholarship.
  • Body Paragraph 3 : Discuss your financial need and future goals.
  • Conclusion : Reiterate your enthusiasm and thank the committee for their consideration.

Tips from Personal Experience

  • Personalize Each Letter : Tailoring your letter to the specific scholarship shows that you have done your research and are genuinely interested.
  • Be Clear and Concise : Avoid unnecessary jargon and keep your letter focused.
  • Highlight Relevant Achievements : Make sure to showcase achievements that are relevant to the scholarship criteria.
  • Express Genuine Need : Clearly state your financial situation and how the scholarship will help you achieve your goals.
  • Proofread : Spelling and grammar errors can detract from your message, so always proofread your letter.

Real-Life Example

In one of my scholarship application letters, I emphasized my leadership role in a community project that directly related to the scholarship’s focus on community service. This personalization and alignment with the scholarship’s values played a crucial role in my application’s success.

Template 1: General Scholarship Application

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Date]

[Scholarship Committee’s Name] [Scholarship Name] [Organization’s Name] [Organization’s Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Scholarship Committee’s Name],

I am writing to express my sincere interest in the [Scholarship Name]. As a [current academic status] at [Your School], I have consistently demonstrated my dedication to [field of study]. This scholarship will significantly aid me in pursuing my educational and career goals.

My academic achievements include [briefly list relevant achievements]. Furthermore, I have been actively involved in [mention any relevant extracurricular activities or community service]. These experiences have honed my skills in [relevant skills], which I believe align perfectly with the criteria of this scholarship.

Financially, this scholarship is crucial for me to continue my education without the burden of excessive student loans. My goal is to [briefly state future goals], and receiving this scholarship will bring me one step closer to achieving these aspirations.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the [Scholarship Name] community.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Template 2: Merit-Based Scholarship

I am honored to apply for the [Scholarship Name]. As a student with a strong academic background and a passion for [your field of study], I am excited about the opportunity to further my education with your support.

Throughout my academic career, I have maintained a [GPA], which reflects my commitment to excellence. My involvement in [list relevant activities or projects] has provided me with a deep understanding of [related field or subject]. These accomplishments demonstrate my dedication and preparedness for the challenges and opportunities this scholarship represents.

This scholarship will not only ease my financial burden but also enable me to focus more on my studies and extracurricular activities, which are crucial for my development and future success.

I am grateful for your consideration and look forward to contributing positively to the [Scholarship Name] community.

Template 3: Financial Need-Based Scholarship

I am writing to express my sincere need for the [Scholarship Name]. As a [current academic status] at [Your School], my academic journey has been both rewarding and challenging. This scholarship will play a pivotal role in alleviating my financial burdens and allowing me to focus on my studies.

My academic performance, as evidenced by [mention GPA or specific achievements], reflects my dedication and hard work. However, despite my efforts, financial constraints have been a significant challenge. My family’s financial situation has made it difficult to cover the costs associated with my education.

This scholarship will not only provide the financial assistance I need but also give me the peace of mind to continue pursuing my academic and career goals. I am committed to using this opportunity to further my education and make meaningful contributions to [related field or community].

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to demonstrate my potential and contribute to the [Scholarship Name] community.

Additional Tips for Writing a Scholarship Application Letter

  • Research the Scholarship : Understand the values and goals of the organization offering the scholarship.
  • Be Authentic : Let your genuine passion and personality shine through in your writing.
  • Provide Specific Examples : Use concrete examples to back up your claims and demonstrate your achievements.
  • Seek Feedback : Ask teachers, mentors, or peers to review your letter and provide constructive feedback.
  • Follow Instructions : Adhere to any specific guidelines provided by the scholarship organization, such as word count or format requirements.

Final Thoughts

Writing an application letter for a scholarship requires a blend of personalization, clarity, and professionalism. By following the tips and templates provided in this guide, you can craft a letter that effectively communicates your qualifications and needs. Remember, each scholarship application is an opportunity to tell your unique story and demonstrate why you are the ideal candidate.


How to Write a Good Scholarship Application Letter (6 PDF Sample Examples)

Published: 09 Sep 2020 Scholarship Application 191,708 views

How to Write a Good Scholarship Application Letter (6 PDF Sample Examples)

Are you uncertain about how to write a scholarship application letter? You are in the right place. We will teach you how to write a killer scholarship application letter. Over 6 PDF application letter sample examples available for download. After examining the scholarship cover letter, we will then check out some scholarship letter samples. 

We will discuss

  • What is a scholarship application letter?
  • Parts of a scholarship application letter
  •  Scholarship Letter Format
  • What not to include in a scholarship application letter (Scholarship cover letter)
  • Sample Application Letter for scholarships
  • Scholarship Application Letter sample pdf
  • Scholarship Application Letter samples Templates

Application Letter for Scholarship in College

Application to principal for grant of scholarship.

  • Application Letter for financial need
  • Application letter for master's degree
  • Application letter for university

Checkout ongoing scholarships for internation students to study abroad


So, a scholarship request letter is a cover letter that indicates your interest in a scholarship and ways in which the award would help you achieve personal and professional goals. It is a letter requesting scholarship consideration.This type  of letter is usually required along with other important documents by the University committee. The purpose of the scholarship application letter is to convince the committee that the candidate in question is highly eligible for the award. It is an instrumental tool in seeking financial backing. Further in this article, you will encounter scholarship application letter sample ad hoc. Checkout  best way to apply for scholarships and get taken


As you must have seen in other articles , documents such as a scholarship essay or scholarship CV are drafted with caution, organization and professionalism. A scholarship application letter is not an exception. In order to capture the attention of the committee deeply, a scholarship application letter must be written in a well - structured manner. An application letter for scholarship pdf will be provided (scholarship cover letter pdf). The following parts make up an appealing scholarship application letter:

Contact Information

Self introduction and a milestone achievement.

  • Middle Part
  • Key details of you and reason why the committee should choose you
  • Expression of passion and reason why you want the scholarship
  • Call to action paragraph
  • Best Regards

Just as every formal letter contains the contact information of the sender and the receiver, the same applies here. A scholarship application letter should contain the name, street address, telephone and email of the sender (at the right side). Afterwards, the name of the organization, street address and zip code are placed on the left side when writing an application for scholarship request

First impression matters a lot and so is the first paragraph of a scholarship application letter. The first paragraph should indicate your zeal and your understanding of having such an award. It would whet the appetite of the reader. Start with a significant achievement that shows how much you value this particular course of study.

Key Details about Yourself and reasons for Choosing you.

A scholarship cover letter for students should entail relevant information about your achievements, the role models you look up to, your struggles to attain the scholarship and the victory you would achieve for getting this scholarship.

Expression of your passion

In this paragraph, the committee wants to encounter the zeal in attaining the scholarship and perhaps the sacrifices you must have made. This doesn't mean that you want to sound desperate. But you are expected to express how much you want the award in a constructive manner.

Call to action

In a letter to scholarship committee, a call to action paragraph is the last but not the least important. Do you want the committee to call you back? Then you just have to say it. Ask for a meeting arrangement and leave the notable  impression that you have more to discuss.


Let's reiterate a point here. The content of the letter is as important as the structure of the letter. This means the format has to be set in a way that makes the content edible and appealing. It can also serve as a scholarship letter format for school. So how about you follow the few guidelines below:

  • Use the correct spacing: 1 or 1.5.
  • Don't be tempted to use justification. Left side align is easy on the eye.
  • There should be one - inch margins for some white space and friendly impression.
  • When it comes to the paragraph, there should be double spacing between them.
  • Fonts like Calibri, Arial and Times New Roman are welcome.


To be more certain that you write only within the context of what is needed, here are some traps you just avoid.

1. Don't include your weaknesses

This is an opportunity to zone in your main strengths, achievements and skills. This is not the stage where you explain your weaknesses. Just like the example of letter of intent for scholarship below, focus on matching your strengths with some vivid examples.

2. Don't use an informal tone.

In the process of appealing one's heart, you may want to shift to an informal tone. That shouldn't happen. Your letter has to be precise, clear and formal. The scholarship letter examples below will give you a hint

3. Don't submit without proofreading

In a letter of interest for scholarship, it is essential that you check for grammatical errors and rectify them. One way you can achieve that is by asking someone to read the letter. That way you will have a more objective viewpoint.

4. Don't add unnecessary information.

You may find yourself adding unnecessary details that would only make your letter sound lethargic and unappealing. True, it is a personal letter for scholarship. However, details such as height, family tree or any other irrelevant information should be avoided.

5. Don't hide your need for financial assistance.

You may conclude that expressing your inability to pay tuition fees would sound desperate. Wrong! A scholarship is meant to alleviate a financial burden. So asking for financial assistance is highly expected. So an application letter for scholarship financial assistance is just appropriate. Relate your strengths and academic achievements. In the middle part of the scholarship application letter, you are free to explain how beneficial the organization's financial assistance would be to you.

Checkout how to get scholarship to study abroad


Here is a sample scholarship application letter.

Mary Rowland

23, Streetview, Los Angeles,

California, USA,

[email protected]

+565 325 36771

7, September 2020

Admission Board,

Quebec University,

Lilyland Park,

Quebec, Canada

Dear Admission Officer,

I can't imagine any better opportunity to further my career in Marine Biology than this. So I am applying for a scholarship award for Masters in Marine Biology in the University of Quebec. This would be an added achievement to my victory in a 200 member school competition for Marine Biology. This would testify to my fervor for this field of study.

Ever since I was a kid, my parents would take me to all sorts of aquariums. Every time was a fascinating experience. But going back home never stopped my curiosity. I kept researching the nature and functionality of sea creatures. In time, I developed research and analytical skills, critical thinking and problem solving skills. Once, there was an elevator pitch competition with the title "The Impact of Whales in the Lives of Scuba divers". The topic sounded amusing and daunting at the same time. But my passion for Marine Biology never stopped me from giving it a shot. At the end, I was applauded for my great speech. In time, my presentation skills were furnished.

So shortlisting me for the scholarship award would be a privilege on my part as it would reflect on my grades, courseworks and projects.

Understanding the nature of sea animals and plants has propelled me to draw closer to high school students who are equally curious and craving for answers. So I took up full time as an aquarium tour guide. With this job, I shared my passion and enjoyed the satisfaction that pupils had after an interesting tour. However, my job provides a meager income. As much as I aspire to study Marine Biology, I would need financial assistance to bring my dream to reality. Therefore, I am humbly seeking monetary support.

How about we hold a meeting and discuss the impact the course of study would have on the next generations and the facilities that University has to contribute to the exposure of Marine Biology as a discipline?

Best Regards,

Mary Rowland.


So the above section of this article entails a sample scholarship application letter. For faster accessibility, we would advise you to download the scholarship request  letter sample PDF so as to fully be absorb every step that has been applied. Dowload Sample Scholarship Application Letter


You may have a more specific purpose in mind when writing a scholarship application letter. The purpose could be to gain admission in college or in University, appeal for a financial need or application for masters. In any case, here are the following templates and letter intent sample for scholarship and their sources.

Here is an application letter for high school

Download scholarship application letter for high school

Here is a request letter for scholarship from students

Download application to principal for grant of scholarship

Scholarship Application Letter for financial need

Here is a “reason for applying scholarship” sample letter.

Download scholarship application letter for financial need

Scholarship Application Letter for Master's Degree 

Here is a sample scholarship application letter for masters degree scholarships

Download scholarship application letter for masters degree

Scholarship Application Letter for University

The last application letter for applying scholarship

Download scholarship application letter for university

Striving to get a scholarship is a great goal to set. So kudos to you. With guidelines, tips and samples in the article, you will have no other choice but to succeed. Also you have been provided with a letter requesting scholarship consideration pdf. So write an application letter for scholarship confidently. However, that would not be the end of the scholarship application process. You will definitely be asked for a scholarship interview and even a scholarship recommendation letter. In any case, ScholarshipTab has all the answers. Simply subscribe to our newsletter and have a good digest of scholarship application strategies. Till we meet again.

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Scholarship Application Letter Sample

Here’s a scholarship application letter sample you can use as guide.

SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION LETTER SAMPLE – Here is an example of a letter you can use as a guide while writing a scholarship application letter.

Sample letters are among the numerous articles online. It is because there are several kinds of letters and a lot of people are new to job and required to do these letters.

Since not all of the types of letters can be taught in school due to the limited time, people turn to the online resources to look for guide on how to write them. This is where the sample letters come in.

Scholarship Application Letter Sample

There are several types of letters usually used in offices, schools, and other fields and agencies. In schools, one of the most common is the scholarship application letter.

In your application letter for a scholarship, it is important to stress both – your determination to finish your studies and the financial situation of your family or parents. Here is a scholarship application letter sample:

December 18, 2020

MR. ARNOLD AVENCINO President Colegio Scholarship Foundation Makati City, Philippines

Dear Mr. Avencino:

Good day! I am Justine Miguel Perez, a fourth year high school student of Don Ramon National High School. I have learned from one of my teachers that your foundation is looking for ten (10) graduating high school students to be your scholars for college. Sir, I am honestly very glad to know about it as it came like as a chance for me to go to college.

I am determined to really finish my education. I humbly attach in this letter my high school grades which are the products of consistent studying habits and hard work in school. However, despite my dedication, I may not be able to pursue college in case I won’t have a sponsor because of our financial status now. My father lost his job amid the pandemic while my mother has no fix income as she earns from doing laundries. I have six younger siblings as I am the eldest.

It would really be a great help for me and my family if I’ll be blessed to be one of your scholars in college. I promise to really give my studies my best. Thank you so much for your time, sir. May people like you continued to be blessed for your generosity.


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READ ALSO:  Employee Sample Letters ,  Student Sample Letters ,  Referral Sample Letters ,  Business Sample Letters

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