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Sample Personal Statement Accounting and Finance

personal statement sample accounting

by Talha Omer, MBA, M.Eng., Harvard & Cornell Grad

In personal statement samples by field.

The following personal statement is written by an applicant who got accepted to several top accounting and finance programs. Variations of this PS got accepted at the University of Michigan, Vanderbilt, and Indiana University. Read this personal statement to understand what a top essay in Accounting and Finance should look like.

Example Personal Statement Accounting and Finance

I have never made popular choices, whether academic or professional. Where high academic achievement irrefutably means pursuing a career in Medicine or STEM, I opted for a career in management. I was free to choose a path for myself, owing to my performance during an extensive pre-induction professional training program. Fortunately, I picked a path that everyone believed was insignificant.

My decision to move to a new city to pursue my path did not receive encouragement. Making my own decisions has given me the freedom to dream and make it a reality. It has strengthened my belief that I am the only one who can bring a difference for myself and those around me. Brazil’s institutions may seem frozen, yet, at the grassroots, Brazil is in perpetual motion with ceaseless creativity. To accelerate this motion, we need to bring better and more affordable solutions; I plan to do that.

Growing up in Brazil, I have constantly questioned why we are still not growing economically despite having abundant resources. I frequently discussed the economic factors affecting us with my father, leading me to work at local NGOs and attend voluntary programs. My interest intensified when I discovered during these experiences that the unequal distribution of resources was a major cause of our economic constriction.

Moreover, our medical, engineering and academic professionals would not work in rural areas due to a lack of facilities, further debilitating the imbalance. It made me realize that we could only reap the benefits of our efforts if there were a proportionate distribution of resources. Realizing how effective mobilization of resources can aid in eradicating social ills, I developed an interest in management. This equipped me with technical knowledge and provided room for opinion building.

Pursuing this path, I joined the leading undergraduate institution in the country. The zeal with which I made this decision led me to graduate summa cum laude. While studying, I taught communication skills to undergraduate business students from rural areas. Meeting these students compelled me to get involved even though I lacked formal teaching training. Through empathy and friendly get-togethers, I was able to help these students conveniently traverse in English. With this experience, I understood that my time and energy had been well spent and that as an agent of change, one does not necessarily need to be exceptional; instead, one requires creativity, patience, and emotional intelligence.

After graduation, I followed through with my goal of facilitating change by joining the banking sector as an accounting and finance trainee. By working in Brazil’s most vital financial sector, I was exposed to diversified experiences, from being as simple as issuing customer chequebooks to designing accounting and credit proposals to the tune of USD 1.2 billion. Furthermore, while working on individual projects, I developed an in-depth understanding of international accounting rules that regulated trade transactions; the learning opportunities were immense.

Two and a half years of experience in the finance sector brought me to work for the country’s central bank. The anxiety that accompanied moving away from home for the first time was overwhelmed by my professional and personal growth. Nine months of extensive training and on-the-job assignments exposed me to interminable learning opportunities. However, my real gain has been in the form of self-improvement and growth that accompanied my first experience living independently. Leaving the protective living that I enjoyed with my family is challenging, but it has developed and strengthened my capabilities of taking and owning my decisions. Above all, knowing that my family is not always around to guide me has instilled in me a greater sense of responsibility.

During the two a half years of experience in accounting and finance, I observed the financial exclusion experienced by some important yet financially constrained sectors of the economy. This exposure motivated me to join the Development Finance Department upon my appointment to the country’s central bank. Moreover, most of the firms operating in any country of the world are either small or medium enterprises. Thus, providing an enabling environment to such enterprises is significant for economic growth and employment generation.

In Brazil also, 90 percent of the enterprises are small and medium-sized, and lack of access to formal sources of finance is a significant impediment to these enterprises’ growth. Therefore, a huge room for improvement is available concerning the development of policy framework and market infrastructure for the financial inclusion of this sector. As a part of the central bank, I have been allowed to intervene in a system that is not effectively performing its role of financial intermediation. Innovation in financial products, development of accounting and risk mitigation strategies are requirements to alleviate this segment’s financial exclusion.

By broadening my exposure and enhancing my knowledge, I aim to equip myself better to address the shortcomings of one of the critical segments of the economy.


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Rafal Reyzer

How to Write a Personal Statement for Accounting (Best Tips)

Author: Rafal Reyzer

Your personal statement for accounting school application must reflect your deep interest in the field.

It should signify your love for numbers and your passion for business and finance. It should also provide an in-depth look into your personality and evidence that you are qualified for this course. This article will show you how to write a captivating personal statement for accounting school in the simplest yet most substantial form.

What is a Personal Statement?

A personal statement is a detailed yet concise essay that requires you to elaborate on your suitability for your desired admission program, scholarship, or job. It is a pivot part of the university and college admission procedure. Besides your academic record and experiences, the personal statement is an integral part of convincing the selection committee to consider you for admission.

young man doing research

What to Include in Your Personal Statement?

A personal statement is not a lengthy essay to be filled with your life story and fancy goals. It must be a concise, realistic, and compelling justification of why you’re the most suitable candidate to be granted admission.

Include these in your personal statement:

  • Reason(s) for choosing the
  • Proof of your deep understanding of the course you are going to study.
  • Mention academics and work experiences that apply to the course.
  • Relevance of the course to your goals.
  • The value that you can bring to the course, society, and industry.
  • Validation that you know the program and that you are making an informed decision.
  • Clear career plan after completing the course.
  • Brief of relevant skills, experiences, and potential to complete the course.

According to James Seymour, Director of Marketing and Student Recruitment at the University of Gloucestershire , universities do not want a beautifully written essay with tens of achievements but a realistic picture of a candidate with all efforts, traits, goals, and hardships that shaped him for an accounting major.

How to Write a Personal Statement for Accounting (Step-by-Step Guide)

Writing a personal statement for accounting differs slightly from writing a personal statement for other business schools. Accounting is a straightforward and practical subject, and you must justify your position in choosing such an intensive course that requires hard work. Since accounting has nothing to do with creativity, personal statements for accounting are precise, simple, short, and directly explain your interest in the subject. Here is a step-by-step guide to writing a personal statement for accounting:

1. Do Your Research

Be very sure about what and where you are applying for and why you are applying for it. Do your research on:

  • What is unique about the institute?
  • What does the course prospectus look like?
  • Who are the instructors and what is special about them?
  • What are the achievements of their alumni?
  • The importance of accounting in every industry?
  • How do technology and business dynamics affect accounting and finance ?
  • What would be the demand for accountants in the future?
  • What will you do after completing this course?
  • What value will you bring to society and industry after getting an accounting diploma?

This research will make you confident about your choice and your plans. Reflect the knowledge gained from this research into your statement. Tip: Do thorough research and make notes on the achievements of instructors, industry leaders, and related case studies. This will help you in compiling evidence-based personal statements.

2. Brainstorm and Write

Once you have done enough research and analysis on pursuing an accounting and finance program, the next step is to jot it down. Take a paper and pen, and write whatever comes to your mind regarding the course and your application. Leave the structure and language for now, and think and write whatever comes to your mind. Support your every thought with evidence from the research you did in step#1.

3. Filter it Out

Now you have a very long, unstructured, raw content, the next step is to read it and group your sentences into the following sections:

  • Introduction and Passion for the subject and institute
  • Academics and research
  • Work experience
  • The value you will bring to society and the industry
  • Hobbies, interests, and soft skills

Group sentences into the above sections and then write them in paragraph forms under each section.

arrange and refine your essay

4. Arrange and Refine

Once you categorized sentences, the next step is to arrange them in a sequence and flow. Write your sentences in sequence in each section. Refine each sentence to make it more logical, more relevant, and worth reading. Re-read each section many times and think of ways to improve it. Make sure that every single sentence is supported with an example or evidence. Tip: Instead of writing, “Accounting and finance was my favorite subject since grade 7”, write “I won a Kangaroo math and puzzle-solving competition in grade 7, which sparked my interest further in solving mathematical problems related to real-world business”

5. Analyze and Improve Sections

Once content under each section is written, the next step is to analyze each section to make it much better and more logical. Think of every section as a separate essay. Analyze each section and think about what the reader will get from it. Each section must justify your choice of accounting and finance.

6. Set the Flow

Once the content is completed, the next step is to arrange the paragraphs in a sequence. Read the individual paragraphs and make connections between them. Each new paragraph should be a smooth transition from the previous one. Arrange paragraphs in such a way that it keeps the reader engaged and gradually provides insights about you. Think of it as the art of storytelling . It goes from the introduction to the body of the story to the climax.

7. Proofread

Once done, proofread your personal statement. Re-read it several times to make it better. Make sure that it sounds strong and is not just a word waffle. Scan it for spelling, punctuation, grammar, and other errors. There are a lot of content writing and editing tools available for modern writers, one of which is Grammarly. If you are not using it yet, I suggest you download it immediately to your PC. It is very helpful.

8. Peer Check

After writing the final copy of your personal statement, get it reviewed by your friend, colleague, teacher, supervisor, and subject expert. Be open to critique. Listen to their reviews and comments, ask them what they thought while reading your statement, and then jot down the suggested improvements.

9. Don’t be Hasty in Submitting It

Yes, do not submit your personal statement along with your application if the deadline is still far off. Keep the final version with you and read it after a day or two. You will see lots of space for improvement after checking it with a fresh mind. Keep on improving and submit the best version a few days before the closing date. That’s it. We provided you with the best approach to writing a personal statement for an accounting school application. You may end up writing an amazing one if you follow these steps in a sequence. If you are still confused about structuring your accounting and finance personal statement, here is how you can do that.

How to Structure Personal Statement for Accounting and Finance

Making a general structure or outline for your personal statement will make your writing ten times easier and will give it a natural flow. The widely accepted personal statements usually follow the following structure:

Opening Paragraph

Begin your personal statement with an interesting opening paragraph. It is a very crucial part of your essay as it draws the reader in. Mention your interest in accounting and finance and explain what stokes your passion for choosing this course.

  • Keep it simple
  • Avoid cheesy, exaggerated, unrealistic, bookish, and cliche sentences
  • Express your strong passion for the subject
  • Grab the reader’s attention
  • Be very sure what you are getting into and how excited you are about it

Try to sum up the theme of your personal statement in the beginning lines. Don’t stress too much about it and keep it natural. The more you think, the more muddled your opening will become. Here is a complete guide for the opening paragraph of the personal statement.

Middle Part

Place your logical evidence in this part, showing your passion and suitability for accounting and finance. Prove it to the committee that you can do it.

You can divide this part into academics and work experience as follows:

  • Academics: Besides your academic track record, you can mention and elaborate on any book (print or ebook ), lecture, research paper, or case study that spiked your interest in the course.
  • Work Experience: Explain your past or current job and what learning experience in accounting and finance you got from them. If you do not have any work experience, then mention any online or offline courses you took or activities that show your passion for the subject.

Watch this and learn how to include academics and work experiences in your accounting and finance personal statement.

This part is a personal touch. This is where you can mention the least significant part of your story. Mention your interests, hobbies, and other activities and elaborate on how they help you develop relevant soft skills. Mention books, events, programs, or people by name that you follow. Tip: Even the least significant information must significantly relate to your passion for accounting and finance. For example, you can mention reading books like ‘Rich Dad, and Poor Dad’, listening to TEDx talks, etc. Check out this guide to learn how to talk about hobbies in a personal statement.

typing a personal statement

Tips for Writing a Great Accounting Personal Statement

Here are a few very useful tips for writing an appealing personal statement for accounting school. We gathered these tips after a keen analysis of multiple successful personal statements. They are going to help you stand out from the crowd.

  • 1. Define what exactly appeals to you for the career rather than simply saying “I have wanted to be an accountant since a very young age”.
  • 2. Rather than elaborating on work experience, focus on transferable skills that you learned from your experiences.
  • 3. Focus on elaborating details that are not anywhere else in your application.
  • 4. Emphasize your interest in mathematics, economics, and business.
  • 5. Be realistic and genuine. Do not flatter the admission committee.
  • 6. Realistically present yourself in the light in which the admission committee wants you to be.
  • 7. Read profiles of selected and successful students to learn what type of person the institute prefers.
  • 8. Make your statement academics-oriented. Express your passion for accounting and finance courses.
  • 9. Do not mention books that are too common.
  • 10. Choose a trendy topic like a country or a company facing a financial crisis or technology affecting global finance, elaborate on it in a paragraph or two, and link it back to accounting.

Common mistakes:

  • Tending to express passion for business and entrepreneurship rather than for accounting.
  • Too many fancy words and unrealistic goals.
  • Showing off or exaggerating interests, goals, and skills.
  • Using flowery language.

Amazing examples of personal statements

After reading all the tips and tricks for writing a personal statement for accounting and finance, check out these successful examples that got selected for top-ranked institutes.

  • This personal statement got offers from four UCAS universities.
  • This video explains the accounting personal statement that got selected for all the top five choices of UCAS.
  • This personal statement got accepted for an accounting course at five UCAS universities.
  • This is a typical, very simple, and yet compelling personal statement for an accounting course.

Want more examples? Here is a list of the best accounting statements that have been shared by the UCAS admission officer.

Writing a personal statement for accounting is not simple. It requires you to express and justify your interest in this rigid subject. It also requires lots of background knowledge and research. We provided a very comprehensive guide for you to write the best personal statement for accounting. Go, grab your laptop, gather your knowledge, and follow these guidelines to come up with a landing personal statement for the accounting program of your dreams. If you are still on your educational path, learn how to write a “why do you deserve the scholarship” essay and get the funding you need. Next up, you may want to explore a guide on how you can stand out to employers .

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Rafal Reyzer

Rafal Reyzer

Hey there, welcome to my blog! I'm a full-time entrepreneur building two companies, a digital marketer, and a content creator with 10+ years of experience. I started to provide you with great tools and strategies you can use to become a proficient digital marketer and achieve freedom through online creativity. My site is a one-stop shop for digital marketers, and content enthusiasts who want to be independent, earn more money, and create beautiful things. Explore my journey here , and don't miss out on my AI Marketing Mastery online course.

  • Personal Statements
  • Accounting Personal Statement

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Accounting Personal Statement Example

Sample statement.

For all the grand plans played out on the world economic stage, it is the quality of the accounting at individual companies that really makes the difference between success and failure, profit and loss. Often forgotten, rarely credited, I believe that accounts are at the heart of any business and I want to learn how to make a difference, by studying best practice and the advanced techniques required to make accounts as efficient and effective as possible.

Human behaviour fascinates me almost as much as numbers do, and I think that both are important aspects of accounting. I have had two work placements during my A-level studies and I have saved money for both companies, not by being smarter than their accounts team, but by suggesting changes in behaviour. All too often, companies buy from the same supplier that they always have, despite the fact that there are cheaper sources. It is human nature to stick with the comfortable and familiar.

To support this approach, I have combined my A-levels in maths and business studies with A-level psychology. This way I am able to not only understand the numbers in a set of accounts, but also some of the reasons behind them.

I am interested in a career in accounting since it not only matches my interests, skills and abilities, but also offers a solid career path. Whether the figures are good or bad, impressive or disastrous, there will always be a need for an accountant to process and present them. In fact, as times continue to be tough for business, I believe that the skilled accountant will become ever more in demand.

Another key skill of a successful accountant is the ability to communicate well and build good relationships with people, and I believe that my volunteer work with our local youth group has helped me to develop this. In this role I not only work with young people aged ten to fifteen, but also liaise with their parents, teachers, and where necessary, social workers, to solve problems, enhance opportunities and generally help these young people to gain confidence and self belief. I believe these skills are directly relevant to the workplace, where I will need to keep many different stakeholders onside during changes such as financial cuts or restructuring.

Outside of my academic studies, I am a keen film buff, and have worked hard lobbying my local multiplex cinema to show a more varied selection of films beyond the mainstream blockbusters. I was delighted earlier this year, when they responded to my campaign by showing the Future Shorts collection of short films. I made sure that I rallied as many of my friends and family as possible to attend to make the event a success.

While there are many opportunities to start young in the accounting industry, and learn on the job gaining qualifications along the way, I think that studying the subject to degree level is a more focused, and ultimately more rewarding path. I have ambitions to one day be a financial director of a major company and I believe that this course is a significant step in achieving that dream.

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Accounting and Management Personal Statement: Effective Guide

Table of Contents

Accounting and management involve recording, and summarizing financial transactions to provide helpful information for business decisions. Organizations employ account and management personnel now and then to carry out these responsibilities. When applying to organizations for such roles, you need to present an  accounting and management personal statement. 

A personal statement briefly summarizes an individual’s skills, qualifications, and experiences. It is meant to help the recruiter learn about the job applicant and the unique qualities he/she can contribute to the job. This guide will teach you how to write a brilliant personal statement for an accounting and management job.

What Is A Personal Statement?

A personal statement is a document used to introduce yourself and your skills to a prospective employer . This document is a vital part of the job application process. It is the employer’s first impression of you, so it has to be a good one. This will get them to read through your job application.

Recruiters use the personal statement to see if a job applicant is a perfect fit in skills, experience, and attitude.

The most traditional personal statement starts with an introduction. This is where you introduce yourself, your education, skills, and qualifications. A personal statement also typically includes experiences, goals, and personal qualities.

Key details to include in the personal statement

When writing an accounting and management personal statement , there are several important details that you should include:

  • Your background and experience in accounting, including any relevant education or training you have received.
  • Your specific interests and goals within the field of accounting and management. And what motivates you to pursue a career in the field.
  • The skills and qualifications that make you a strong candidate for the job. This may include your ability to analyze financial data, problem-solve, and work well in a team.
  • Your past achievements and accomplishments, such as awards, internships, or other relevant experience.
  • Your long-term goals and plans for your career in accounting, and how you hope to contribute to the field.
  • Any additional pertinent information. This may include your interests, hobbies, or experiences.

Writing an Accounting and Management Personal Statement

black Android smartphone near ballpoint pen, tax withholding certificate on top of white folder

You cannot just approach your summary like any random essay. The process of writing an accounting and management personal statement typically involves the following steps:

  • Research the job you are applying for, and make sure you understand the requirements and qualifications. This will help you tailor your statement to the specific opportunity you seek.
  • Think about your background, experiences, and goals and how they relate to the accounting field. Consider what makes you unique and what sets you apart from other applicants.
  • Write a personal statement draft, focusing on the key points you want to highlight. Be concise and clear, and avoid unnecessary details.
  • Edit your statement until you are satisfied with it. Make sure it accurately reflects your skills, qualifications, and experiences. And that it is tailored to the specific program or job you are applying for.
  • Proofread your statement carefully to ensure it is error-free and ready to submit.
  • Finally, submit your statement and other application documents, and follow up with the program or employer as needed.

Examples of Accounting and Management Personal Statements

A highly motivated individual with aspirations of becoming a successful accountant and manager. I have the determination and drive to achieve my goals and the ability to work hard and persevere through any challenge. I am confident in my skills and believe that with perseverance and dedication, anything is possible. My past experiences have taught me valuable lessons that will allow me to be an asset to any organization or team I join.

I have always been interested in how businesses operate and the factors that affect their success. That is why I decided to pursue a degree in accounting and management. My coursework has given me a strong foundation in financial accounting, managerial accounting, and business law. I have what it takes to be a great accountant and manager.

In addition to my academic qualifications, I have experience working in the private sector and with not-for-profit organizations. This breadth of experience has helped me develop essential skills such as teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking. I am eager to put these skills into practice by joining an organization where I can make a meaningful contribution.

I am a senior accounting and management major at [university name] and am passionate about using my skills to help businesses grow. Throughout my coursework, I have developed strong analytical and problem-solving skills, which will be invaluable in helping me become an effective manager.

In addition, I have also gained experience working in teams, which has taught me how to collaborate effectively with others. After graduation, I plan to use my skills and knowledge to work for a top accounting firm or business organization.

I have always been interested in numbers and how they dictate financial outcomes. This interest led me to pursue accounting as my undergraduate major, and I am now a licensed CPA. My experience with clients, individually and in groups, has given me an intimate knowledge of accounting standards and principles. I can utilize this knowledge when advising individuals on their finances. In addition to my passion for numbers, I enjoy working with people; this combination makes being an accountant a perfect fit.

I am an accountant with over six years of experience in the field. My skills include bookkeeping, preparing financial statements, and providing tax advice. In my previous roles, I worked with clients from various industries. So I have a strong understanding of what it takes to be successful in accounting. I am looking for an opportunity to continue developing my skills and contribute value to the team.

I am [Your name], a recent graduate of [Your institution]. My concentration was in accounting, which has always been of great interest to me. My experience as an intern at [Organization] allowed me to learn about various aspects of accounting, from financial statement analysis to auditing. This hands-on experience solidified my desire to pursue a career in this field.

I have always excelled academically and possess the necessary skill set and drive required for a successful career in accounting. I am detail-oriented and thrive under pressure; both qualities are essential in this field. Additionally, strong communication skills are critical as accountants must liaise with clients and management effectively.

I would be an excellent addition to any accounting team and am eager to take on new challenges while continuing to grow professionally.

A well-written accounting and management personal statement is valuable in your application process. You don’t just want to ramble through the whole thing without making sense. 

Your personal statement is designed to give you an edge over other applicants , so create it in a way that shows that uniqueness. Follow the tips in this guide, or use Hey INK to generate the perfect personal statement. Then sit back and wait for that interview call! 

Accounting and Management Personal Statement: Effective Guide

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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Personal Statement - MSc Professional Accounting

  • Sample personal statement

personal statement sample accounting

28 July, 2022

Personal statement - msc professional accounting share.

  • 12 May, 2013

I am intending to pursue the MSc Professional Accounting programme at the University of East London because I believe my accounting skills will blossom in this programme as it is a place where I will be challenged and where I can develop my Professional Accounting knowledge. In this course, I will learn to apply the theory of practice and be able to know the latest thinking, practice and techniques in the profession. Successful completion of the program will help me qualify to join the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants through an accelerated route designed specifically for MBA and accounting graduates. Ultimately, I believe the course will help me qualify as a professional accountant.

I have done extensive research on the course and am satisfied with the modules, syllabus and learning outcomes offered in these fields, which will enable me to form an idea about different areas of modern Professional Accounting. Throughout the course, it will provide practical work opportunities to test my knowledge and allow me to demonstrate my practical understanding of accounting policy. This course includes face-to-face learning tutorials, workshops, lecture classes, and seminars. This course is designed to understand the theoretical concepts, principles and strategies of accounting and finance by striking a balance between theory and practice. It will help to gain investigative and analytical skills, the ability to critically evaluate data and concepts, and the confidence and skills to communicate effectively face-to-face. Since I want to work in Professional Accounting, I aim to gain complete knowledge from the modules of this course. The core modules include are Strategic Business Leader, Strategic Business Reporting, Advanced Taxation, Advanced Auditing and Assurance, Mental Wealth and Applied Research, Applied Business Project. In addition to this, the University offers different assessment methods in my chosen programme which will contribute to my development and enhance my employability skills. As of the moment, I am interested in learning all the related skills and knowledge from this course. In particular, I am happy to be able to apply for the course properly as it encourages me to pursue a long career. After completing my chosen course, I would like to go on to establish my career as a Financial Analyst or Managerial Accountant in a reputed organisation. I believe this course will be the right choice for my career plans and objectives.

I completed my Intermediate and Secondary education from the business studies group respectively at the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Sylhet, Bangladesh. I studied Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting in 2022 from Moulvibazar Govt. College, Moulvibazar, Bangladesh. At this moment, I realize that I needed a higher degree from abroad to improve my knowledge and skills. I would like to pursue an MSc Professional Accounting course that would benefit me professionally. As I want to explore my career in accounting positions, this course will give me an upper hand to understand any professional accounting contexts and situations. Moreover, I will learn how to work independently and collaboratively with a large number of colleagues with different experiences. Meeting the customers’ needs and giving them a high-quality service will be my first priority. In addition, I am dedicated and self-motivated to learn new skills. So, I am confident that my professional goal makes me a suitable candidate for the course.

It was difficult to pick a specialization from the various options available to me, but I finally decided to build a career in the professional accounting sector. My confidence would increase if I received a lot of abilities from my higher education. I'll be able to set goals that are more expansive. The course focuses on making me highly employable and preparing me for a career that helps me take my career to the next level. Making my nation's accounting sector one of the best would undoubtedly be a long-term aim. In addition to the accountancy profession, I will have the opportunity to establish my skills in other fields such as management consulting or research. For professionals, I believe this course will be the right choice for those looking for a successful career.

I'm determined to complete this course in the UK because I firmly believe that there are high standards for applicants with these degrees and that UK education is built on the proper professionals. I like the UK culture because they teach to be realistic. However, the study environment in my country follows the theoretical system of education which is quite different and no soft skills are acquired. UK universities have a worldwide reputation and rank among the best on the planet. In recent years, Bangladeshi companies have been hiring graduates with degrees from abroad because they believe that these graduates are capable of playing a key role in changing business attitudes. In particular, I am happy to apply for the course properly because it encourages me to pursue a long career. A recent survey of International Graduation Results in 2019 produced by iGraduate by Universities UK International shows that 82% of international graduates say their UK degree is valuable for financial investment and a similar number of graduates say they are satisfied or delighted with their careers. About 83% think a UK degree has helped them get a job. Since the course is an opportunity to study in the UK, I would like to take this opportunity to further enrich my knowledge and skills which will help me in my future career. These aspects have driven my ambition to get a degree from a UK institution. So, I believe it will be helpful for my professional career.

My choice is University of East London because it accepts international students so warmly. To support students the University have invested heavily in their facilities to shape the physical and intellectual environment of learning. The course learning outcomes are also the reason why I choose this university where they said they do focus on both book- based and practical-based knowledge. Additionally, University of East London is committed to helping international students get the knowledge, creativity, and mental acuity needed to succeed in a world that is continuously changing and a competitive job market. According to the working-age population, 91% of UEL graduates and postgraduates are in employment (DLHE 2017) compared with 70 per cent of non-graduates. In addition, the university offers modern and secure on-campus accommodation which will add extra convenience and experience for international students. In addition, the university has a good reputation for teaching, research and business partnerships. Moreover, The University works hard to ensure that all students reach their full potential. I will look no further if I get this opportunity to study at the University of East London.

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PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE Accounting and Finance Personal Statement

Submitted by Ravina

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Accounting and Finance Personal Statement

My interest in business mainly stems from my experience of selling various items independently in order to make a profit. I do this by purchasing them at low prices, and selling them to customers for a higher price. I recognised gaps in the market and using my initiative supplied products, such as rare clothing and shoes, to fill this gap. I have managed to enhance my trading skills such as negotiation and business skills for deciding prices.

My interest has been further stimulated by the impact Brexit has had on businesses. Due to the Brexit vote, businesses entered an interesting and challenging phase. The uncertainty over the UK's future relationship with the European Union is discouraging business investment as the pound depreciated in value immediately after the result, creating a challenge for firms based in the UK, as exports have become dearer and faced a fall in demand. This fuelled my curiosity for the accounting and financial side of business as I enjoy quantitative analysis and analysing strategies best for firms depending on their circumstances. I find the difficulties that businesses face very intriguing and would especially like to analyse business figures to help provide a solution to problems, such as cutting costs.

I attended a taster session for business management, as well as accounting and finance at City, University of London . This allowed me to not only explore the different options available, but also gain an insight into the skills needed to be successful. I learnt that application and analysis are skills that are very important and are needed to be successful, not only when studying towards a degree, but also when managing a business. Attending a placement at Barclays enabled me to explore the financial sector and gain an understanding into the role of a financial advisor. Some of the tasks I completed included aiding customers deposit money into their bank accounts, counting large amounts of money, and ensuring that the tills were balanced. I also got the chance to observe interviews between customers and advisors regarding the creation of new accounts and applications for loans.

Additionally, I observed the business manager give advice to business owners about their finances. This observation made me realise that there are a lot of roles available in the banking sector, all of which have different responsibilities. During my time at Barclays, I improved on my customer service skills, as well as extending my knowledge about the financial sector. I discovered the many tasks involved in being a financial advisor, as well as gaining experience on the tasks. I have another work experience placement at an accountancy firm in the upcoming months and I hope to further my knowledge. A part time job in retail as a sales associate has enabled me to interact with people from an array of different backgrounds, improving my interpersonal skills and communication skills. Working in a well built, international company has enabled me to gain business awareness. I have gathered knowledge into how the company operates, and the importance of customer relations. Balancing a part-time job in retail with my education and social life has prepared me for life at university as it has helped me to improve my time management and organisational skills.

Within my school community, I am a Year 11 House Prefect and a Business Prefect. I have the responsibility of supporting lower school students in their courses and any other issues they may face. I work with a team of students, which has enabled me to enhance my team-working skills. With the skills I have obtained and my genuine interest in business, I look forward to the challenges, opportunities and rewards life at university will bring and feel that I have the passion and skills needed to be successful.

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Accounting and finance personal statement example 18.

When thinking of how much power polymer notes hold, it was normal for a child like myself to ask, 'What is money?'. Looking back the answer was obvious. The literal meaning might be 'a medium of exchange' but I simply see it as 'to sustain'. I came to my interpretation of money through a trip to my motherland, Ghana.

For years, Ghana has experienced severe electricity supply challenges due to the economic crisis that led to the scarcity of consumers' payments. The frequent lack of electricity during my time there, impacted my daily activities. Although this was a short stay, having to come up with solutions everyday was frustrating, but it also made me think about the people who go through it every day.

This made me acknowledge the importance of business strategy and investment management. The ability of the Ghanaian government to come up with solutions for their monetary purposes is what inspired me to choose Accounting and Finance.

Studying A-Level Accounting has re-enforced the idea of wanting a to pursue a career in Accounting and Finance. I really enjoyed learning about suspense accounts due to their ability to give clarity to transaction errors along with doubtful entries. I believe that my further comprehension of basic accounting principles, shows transferable academic skills such as communication and debate. Heartland Payment Systems data breach in 2008 was the debate topic that questioned whether businesses should modernise their accounting records or not.

As a student of Business, A-level, I discovered how to form a profitable organisation through conducting internal and external analysis and judge financial performances. Learning about the techniques used in strategic analysis enabled me to assess the strategic position of a business, which is also one of the key components of a business' approach to become financially stable, and it’s something that’s vital to know for the work done in Accounting and Finance.

Studying Spanish and Italian, helped to improve my overall understanding and enhanced my knowledge on Spain's cultures and traditions along with both countries political and economic issues which were covered in the course. The courses brought various skills such as interpreting skills gained via translation and understating the link between ideas, acquired through linking topics of the course like financial impacts of tourism in Spain to employment.

The EPQ was an opportunity of fulfilling my curiosity gained from crime documentaries and series. Their cases are inhumane. This stimulated an interest to investigate an understanding of morality and the human brain distinctions. My independent study and time management skills have all come from the commitment and dedication I have put throughout the project, which shows traits that will support me in higher education.

When volunteering to the British Heart Foundation as a cashier, I realised the deeper sentiment of customer service. The existence of Gift Aid which I promoted when taking donations, is for charities to have extra money from HRMC but only if the donator pays tax. This gave me a broader understanding of the different types of businesses. To be more involved in the world of music, I learned guitar. I now play in my free time and I'm able to play complex pieces of music like 'Tears in Heaven' by Eric Clapton and thanks to joining a band, I played in a concert at the Staller Hall in Manchester in front of hundreds of spectators.

I’m eager to enhance my skills and I believe that my maturity, persistence, and curiosity are traits that will support me throughout the journey at university.

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