
Resume Templates

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simple resume format in english

Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

Simple Resume Writing Guide

Get to grips with the simple resume format and design an effective resume from simple templates

RC Team

For some, Resume writing  can be a complex task that takes them out of their confort zone. Perhaps you have worked before but you were lucky enough not to need to present a resume initially or maybe you’re just getting started in the working world and it’s your first time creating one.

Do not worry! The following guide on  how to write a simple resume  will give you everthing you need to know to make sure you produce a resume that will get you noticed by a prospective employer.

To start off, a simple resumes need to be  clean and professional in terms of the design, the formatting, and the content . Usually, simple resumes are used to get straight to the point,  displaying the basic information a hiring manager needs to know about the candidate without any  extra fuss that may come with a more creative resume  or extended,  professional resume  for executives.

Due to it’s simplicity, this type of resume suits someone with limited experience, such as students, recent grads looking for an  entry-level  position or those searching for part-time work, who need less space for their accomplishments. There are many  simple resume templates  available to help jobseekers write a resume that stands out and impresses for their job application.

Sometimes known as a  traditional resume  or a non-creative option,  simple resumes  are often elegant but minimalist in the sense that they do not add extra flourishes that don’t relate directly to the candidate’s profile and the vacancy on offer. There is no need for graphics or fancy color because the applicant wants to  portray only their information in a plain and concise manner .

With this understanding of  what a simple resume is , it is time to look at how to create a simple resume through some standard advice for what to include in order to stand out in today’s competitive job market.

Although the idea of  simple or basic resumes  may bring to mind the notion of a less embellished resume, this does not mean that it does not require planning, investigation, and effort to ensure that the resume attracts attention from the hiring manager.

Check out the following  advice for writing a simple job resume  in order to offer your best possible application:

  • To begin a simple resume, candidates should do a little research into their own professional background, listing their main work experience, education and qualifications as well as any outstanding achievements and relevant skills that could be beneficial to a job application. With this information organized, jobseekers can start to form a  first draft basic resume .
  • After the initial stage of investigation to establish the information that will be used to  create an effective resume to self-advertise  each candidate’s profile, it is essential to decide on  how to structure a simple resume . More advice for this can be found below in the section on the simple resume format.
  • Following this, candidates should take each  simple resume section  in turn and carefully  select the relevant material  that will be displayed in each part. The standard main areas to consider are education and training, work experience, skills and a principle simple  resume objective  section that gives a  short but to-the-point introduction  of the candidate and how they can benefit the position or company they’re applying to. Each area should describe the most relevant and recent experience, whether in work or academia with a  description of the principal achievements  and responsibilities undertaken.
  • It is crucial for simple resume candidates to ensure they research and present  relevant keywords in the different resume sections , especially in the  core competencies  or skills and job history components. These keywords can be taken from the job vacancy description, the company website or alternatively from similar candidate profiles. They should  refer to the qualifications and technical or personal abilities required  or desired for the ideal applicant.
  • Simple resumes should adapt to each vacancy individually . This means jobseekers cannot create one basic resume to send to various job openings. Candidates must tailor each resume, as they would their simple resume  cover letter , to the position, company or sector they’re applying to.
  • Additional resume sections  that simple resumes could include depend entirely on the category of jobseeker and their professional experience. For example, if a candidate has lots of job training,  certificates  or qualifications, these can be added within another section or as their own part, dedicated specifically to these details as long as they are relevant to the vacancy.

An  online simple resume builder  is a great tool for jobseekers – especially first-time jobseekers – to create a winning resume that encompasses all the information necessary to capture the attention of a potential employer. With  ResumeCoach  you can make sure that your resume might be  simple but effective and error-free .

Simple resumes for graduates

Each year the working population is growing exponentially as more and more people graduate college and go on to look for a professional career. This means that it is becoming increasingly difficult to get a job based solely on your academic accreditations.  Recent grads  are having to use new methods to  make their resumes stand out  more than in the past and to add other information that helps convince hiring managers to meet for a job interview.

Whether it is a  first job resume  or as a  fresh graduate , you’ve had previous work experience, simple resumes are a good springboard to launch yourself into the working world. Beginning with a  simple resume objective , graduates can position themselves in the eye of a recruiter by using the right action words and highlighting relevant achievements.

The most important thing to remember is that there will be a large number of jobseekers who will be equally or more qualified, in terms of training. Therefore,  freshman jobseekers should always adapt their simple resume  by adding sections that relate to their specific individual professional profile such as  honors and awards  or  internships .

These additional sections can help provide evidence that you can adapt your training and education to the workplace.  80% of employers  want to see this capacity on your resume according to  research from Ladders , so having this information is crucial

An additional element that is useful for  recent graduate resumes  is social media. This allows the hiring manager to access a site with a more extensive and detailed candidate profile. The optimal way to do this is to  add a link to your LinkedIn profile  or a professional blog where fresh graduates can display more of their extra-curricular activities and even in some cases, where appropriate,  personal interests .

Simple resumes for teenagers

Getting a  first job or part-time work  to accompany your studies as a teenager is the best start you can give your career from the very beginning. As soon as you get the chance to start volunteering or working or even taking part in events, etc. you can  build a simple resume that will outshine many of your peers .

Although you may at first find yourself lacking in paid work experience, there are many other ways of  making your professional qualities stand out in a simple resume for a teenager . It is advisable for teenage jobseekers to start with a  simple resume objective  that briefly details the key points of their profile in order to catch a prospective employer’s attention.

Throughout your years at school, you will most likely be involved in different associations, clubs,  volunteering activities  and various projects that help you to develop different skills and give you experience working independently, in a team, as a leader, with a range of people from assorted backgrounds, ages, etc.  These experiences are very valuable to student resumes  because they offer potential employers an insight into the character of each jobseeker including their interests, passions, and abilities.

Given that the  principal aspect of simple resumes for teenagers is the education section , it is most common to begin a  student resume  with this information as standard and add other sections as corresponds to the vacancy you’re applying to and to your other experience.

Simple resume format

Working within the parameters of  resume formatting , there are several basic resume formats candidates can choose from to create a  simple resume design.  These include all pertinent information for their application, whilst maintaining a simple layout.

There are three widely recognized resume formats that can be used to  create a winning simple resume  for any purpose.

  • Chronological resume:  The emphasis of the reverse-chronological resume format falls generally on the work experience section which displays the job history of the applicant in reverse chronological order.
  • Functional or skills-based resume:  The focus of the functional resume format is based on the skills of each applicant and explains the principle abilities with examples of accomplishments in different roles.
  • Combination resume:  The combination resume format is based on a mix of the two previous resume types, allowing the candidate to highlight both work experience and skills.

Whichever of the three styles a candidate decides to use, it should not affect the  simple resume layout  employed for their individual resume.

The following are some  tips on how to maintain a clear and constant format for simple resumes :

  • Simple resumes should not exceed two A4 page. You’re  17% more likely to get rejected  by adding a 3rd page.
  • Make sure to use easy-to-read fonts and do not use more than 2 fonts throughout.
  • You can use bold, italics, underlining and different sizing to show variations in text, such as the name of an employer, the job title, dates and then the description. But, remember to always use the same format for each job/training course, etc.
  • Do not use fonts over size 12 font or below size 10 for the main text. For titles, use a size that is appropriate and suits the formatting well, such as 24.

Readability is key  for a hiring manager to seek out the relevant information as quickly as possible to decide whether your simple resume makes it to the shortlist. Check out more tips on how to write your resume on our  Blog .

The simpler, the better.

When it comes to compiling your perfect job application, don’t forget to include a  simple resume cover letter  too which can give further details on any professional or academic achievements and even be used to explain any discrepancies in a candidate’s work history if appropriate.

Simple resume examples

For some jobseekers, the best way to go about applying for a job is by using a  simple resume template  which shows examples of how to write, format and finish a professional yet basic resume.

Simple resume examples  allow candidates to get ideas for what to include and how to best present their details in a straightforward manner that will give the hiring manager exactly what they want, without having to search through reams of text. A  good simple resume sample  will give jobseekers a visual to see how it’s possible to make themselves stand out without creating a flashy, design led resume, through creating a standard, yet professional layout.

Recent grad resume samples  are also useful for many first-time jobseekers who are just getting started with their career and have yet to experience the recruiting jungle. By employing  clear resume sections that highlight the most relevant and significant information  to the individual job post and candidate profile, simple resumes allow jobseekers to deliver their application without any fuss.

Another  advantage of simple resume examples  is that they can be used as a springboard for all kinds of jobseekers to make a more elaborate, creative resume or to  adapt as necessary for each individual . Simple resume templates are available on  ResumeCoach’s online resume maker , which allow jobseekers to personalize with their professional information as they require.

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Struggling with Resume Writing?

Ease the process with our templates

Resume Templates

/ 0 - 5 years of experience

Choose a [Free] Resume Template

Pick one of our professional resume templates to get started on your job application. Just fill out your favorite resume template to create a flawless, ATS-friendly resume in under 5 minutes. Try out one of our 8+ free resume templates to make an impressive resume and land your dream job in no time!

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Minimalist Resume Template


General Resume Template


Combined Resume Template

Why Novorésumé?

Free AND Premium

We offer both free and premium resume templates, so whatever your budget might be, you can still take advantage of our resume builder.

Creative & Professional Resume Templates

Whether you’re a creative advertiser looking for an outside-the-box creative resume template, or a banker seeking a more professional resume template, we’ve got a template for you!

NO Hidden Fees

If you’ve tried other resume builders, you’ve probably experienced this: You spend hours creating a resume, and when you click “download,” you get hit with a paywall asking you to subscribe.

At Novorésumé, we don’t do that . We have NO hidden fees - upgrade to Premium ONLY if you LOVE our resumes!

ATS Friendly

All Novorésumé resume templates are built with the most popular Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) in mind. What this means for YOU is that whichever job you apply for, the CV filtering software they use will be able to read your resume (and NOT automatically discard it).

Expert Reviews

Oana Vintila

Career Counselor

For over 10 years now, I've been on both sides of the fence, career counseling, and recruitment, and let me tell you, the writer's block hits hard when it comes to drafting your resume.

Novorésumé not only offers you a smart and modern template for you to fill in, but their team has also crafted a winning combo of aesthetics and functionality that will inspire you to apply for the job you thought was out of your league. Give it a try!

Biron Clark

Former Executive Recruiter

Novorésumé is one of the few resume builders that I recommend online. Their resume templates are modern and eye-catching, and will grab an employer's attention. As a former Recruiter, if a candidate sent me a resume built with one of these templates, I would take notice and be impressed.

The software also makes it easy to enter your info and handles all of the formatting for you, so you can get your resume ready to send out as quickly as possible. I recommend these templates whether you're a recent graduate or experienced candidate.

Gabriela Tardea

Career Strategist, Coach & Trainer

When I consult people on resume writing, the most common question that I am asked it is about the content and what components to add or avoid, when they have less than 5 years of work experience.

On this platform, you not only have access to many options, but you get guidance on what to choose and why. When the work experience is less than 5 years, the other components such as languages, projects, volunteering experiences, hobbies etc, make a huge difference.

Resume Resources

What is a resume.

A resume is a brief summary of personal and professional experiences, skills, and education history. Its main purpose is to show off your best self to potential employers.

When applying for a job, you’re (in most cases) going to be asked for a resume accompanied by a cover letter.

If you manage to create a “good” resume, you’re going to 2x your chances of getting hired . Want to learn how? Check out our complete guide on how to make a resume .

How to Write a Resume With No Experience?

The process of writing a resume might seem super scary to you. After all, most resume examples you see on the web are 80% about work experience. So, what the heck can you include in your resume if you have none?

Well, here’s some good news. If you’re applying for an entry-level job or an internship, no one expects you to have ANY work experience.

Instead, you should focus on what you DO have: education, projects, volunteering experience, hobbies & interests.

For a complete guide on how to make a resume with no work experience stand out, check out our article.

What to Put on a Resume?

The most common sections on a resume are:

Contact information

Resume summary or objective

Work experience

If you want to personalize your resume a bit more, you can also include the following sections:

Volunteering experience

Hobbies & interests

For more information on how to place these sections on your resume, check out our article on what to put on a resume .

How to Format a Resume?

Here are the three most popular resume formats:

Reverse-Chronological Resume

Functional Resume

Combination Resume

In 99% of the cases, you’ll want to go with the reverse chronological resume format . That’s the format most resumes you’ve seen follow - its main focus is your work experience, written down in reverse-chronological order.

So, unless you’re a student with no professional experience or a career changer, we’d recommend sticking with this format.

If you want to learn more about three resume formats , check out our comparison guide.

How to Write a Resume For a Student?

A good student resume takes advantage of the education section to highlight the candidate’s skills and qualifications.

So, the first thing you should do is talk about all your academic achievements, including any classes you’ve taken that are relevant to the position.

As a student, hiring managers don’t expect you to have extensive professional experience, so you don’t have to worry about the work experience section missing from your resume. Instead, you can focus on highlighting your extracurricular activities , any volunteering you’ve done, and your awards or certifications.

This student resume guide has all the information you need to perfect your resume and land your first real job.

How to Write a Resume For My First Job?

If you’re applying for your first job, chances are you don’t have substantial work experience. That’s fine - hiring managers expect that from entry-level positions.

First things first, go for the reverse-chronological format. Instead of writing a resume summary, use a resume objective to highlight your skills and career aspirations. If you have any work experience, do include it on your resume.

If not, you should put more focus on the following sections:

Internships , where you should focus on what you learned and achieved

Extracurricular activities , where you should highlight your role, responsibilities, and achievements.

Volunteering experiences , where you should mention the organization name, and relevant tasks and achievements.

Projects , where you talk about any personal projects you’ve worked on (that are also somehow relevant to the job you’re applying for).

Check out this guide on writing a resume with no experience to learn more about the topic and get inspired by real-life examples.

How Long Should a Resume Be?

Short answer: one page. If you're a seasoned professional with a lot of work experience that's relevant to the position, you can create a 2-page long resume MAX.

Long answer: check out our guide on how long should a resume be .

P.S. all of our templates are one page long , so you shouldn’t have a lot of trouble sticking to the one-page limit!

How to Write a Resume Summary?

Your resume summary is a “hook” that goes on top of your resume. Think of it as an introduction to the rest of your resume. It should, in 2-4 sentences, explain what your background is, and why it’s relevant for the position you’re applying for.

To learn more about how to create a resume summary that stands out, check out our guide.

How to List Work Experience on a Resume?

Work experience on a resume is one of those things that’s easy to learn but hard to master.

Each work experience entry should contain the following information:

Company name/description/location

Achievements or responsibilities

Dates employed

Now, if you want to create a work experience section that stands out, you want to make your achievements quantifiable. What this means is, instead of creating a responsibility-focused entry, like:

“Carried out sales operations.”

You list your achievements:

“Hit and exceeded monthly sales KPIs for 5 months in a row.”

This shows the employer that you’re not just a random candidate, you’re an A-player! To learn more about how to list achievements in your work experience (and land the job), check out our article.

How to List Skills on a Resume?

Simply create a ”skills” section on your Novorésumé resume template, and list your top skills. We usually recommend going for a mix of hard and soft skills .

Not sure what skills to include in your resume? Check out these 101 essential skills for any resume .

How to Make a Cover Letter for a Resume?

You should always submit a cover letter along with your resume for any job you apply to. Here are some of our top cover letter tips on how to do this right:

Tailor your cover letter to the employer. The more personalized it is, the more likely it is for the recruiter to like you.

Outline your general background (work experience, profession, etc.) and mention your top 2-3 achievements to show off your skills.

If you really want to stand out, create a cover letter that matches your resume template. To do this, you can use one of our cover letter templates here .

If you want to learn more about how to write a convincing cover letter, check out our comprehensive guide.

What Is the Best Resume Template?

There’s no such thing as “the best resume template” - every recruiter/employer has their own personal preference. Our general recommendation is to do your research on the company and its values.

For example, if you’re applying for a position at a bank, you’d want a more traditional resume template. Or, if you want a job in a startup where they value innovation more, you could opt for a creative resume template .

Alternatively, if you want your experience and skills to do all the talking, you can pick one of these minimalist resume templates .

Finally, if you’re still not sure which type of template is right for the job you’re applying for, you can just use a simple resume template just to be safe.

Do I Need to Include a Photo on my Resume?

No, you don’t need to include your photo together with your other contact details. Companies hire based on merit, which means your physical appearance shouldn’t matter to the hiring manager.

Instead, in your contact information section, make sure to include the following:

Professional title

Valid phone number

Email address

Location/where you’re based

Link to website/ LinkedIn /online portfolio, etc.

What’s the Difference Between a Resume and a CV?

In most cases, when people are talking about a CV or a resume, they are referring to the same thing! The only difference is that it's called a resume in the US and a CV in Europe (and most other countries around the world).

Now, in the US, a CV is a very in-depth document that describes your career journey step-by-step, including all sorts of personal information . Depending on your amount of experience, a CV can range between 2 to 8 pages and it’s typically used when you’re applying for jobs in academia.

Check out our guide for a more comprehensive run-down of the differences between a CV and a resume .

6 Tips for Creating a US Resume (That’ll Land You the Job)

Looking to get hired in the US? Check out our tips for creating a US resume below!

Keep your resume between 1-3 pages . A one-page resume is preferable unless you’re a seasoned professional. In such a case, you can go for two or even three, if your experience is really relevant.

Use Standard American English . So, for example, write “color” instead of the UK version, which is “colour.”

Leave out personal information , such as marital status, birthday, gender, photo, number of children, age, religion, personal identification numbers, and ethnicity/country of origin. They can be grounds for discrimination.

Don’t include references , unless the employer specifically asks you to.

Don’t list English as a foreign language.

Don’t list your GPA, SAT, TOEFL, or ACT scores on your US resume unless otherwise stated. Hiring managers usually don’t care.

Check out this guide for the full list of resume tips and tricks !

Get Inspired with Our Resume Examples

Resume templates faq, how to make a resume with novorésumé.

Follow these simple steps:

Choose one of our top resume templates above

Follow the tips & tricks built-in our resume builder

Fill in your work history and other experiences

Hit download and start applying to jobs!

What If I Am a Student?

All of our resume samples are student-friendly! If you’re looking for something a bit more tailored, we’d recommend picking the “college resume template”

Or, if you want to learn how to create a convincing student resume , check out our guide.

Do I Really Need a Resume?

Yes, you definitely need a resume!

Practically every job out there requires that candidates submit a resume and a cover letter, so if you want your application to be considered by the hiring manager, you definitely need a resume .

Are These Resume Templates Free?

Yep, all of the templates listed above are free resume templates.

However, our resume builder comes with a ton of premium features. So if you want to personalize your resume and make it truly yours, you can upgrade!

Who Created These Resume Samples?

At Novorésumé, we put extensive care in creating each resume template.

We interviewed recruiters and analyzed applicant tracking systems to create resume samples that will maximize your chances of getting hired.

Then, our professional graphic designer worked his magic to make the resume samples compelling, well-designed, and easy to read!

Which Template Do Most Employers Prefer for Resumes?

Typically, employers prefer simple, professional-looking resume templates that follow the reverse-chronological format and don’t surpass two pages MAX in length.

All the Novoresume templates above meet these requirements, so rest assured hiring managers will dig whichever one you choose.

Are These Resume Templates ATS-Friendly?

Yes! All Novorésumé templates are ATS-friendly .

Keep in mind, though, that using the right template is step #1. You should also optimize your resume content for applicant tracking systems. For more on that, check out our guide to creating an ATS-friendly resume .

Do You Offer One-Page Resume Templates?

Yep. All the templates you see above are one-page resume templates. They are, however, pretty flexible, so if you decide to go for 2 pages, our templates will get the job done!

Should I Download My New Resume In PDF or Word?

You should always download and save your resume as a PDF .

Here’s why:

PDF formatting never gets messed up.

It’s compatible with practically any system or device.

PDF documents look cleaner and are overall more professional.

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Resume templates

Put your best qualities on display with professional, customizable resume and cv templates. no matter your line of work or length of professional history, you'll find resume and cv templates that'll help you get the gig..

Resume template surrounded by 3D design elements

Download free resume templates

Land your dream job with free, customizable resume templates. Showcase your potential to recruiters and stand out from other candidates with a professional template. Whether you're applying to corporate positions or creative roles, go with a sleek design or show your creativity with bold colors .

Resumes don't need to look boring—add flair to your professional experience with a creative resume template. There are plenty of resume designs to choose from, like simple resume templates and modern resume templates. Each resume template is fully customizable in Microsoft Word , so you can personalize each design element and add your own text. Using a template also makes it easier to customize your resume for each position you apply to.

Print out as many copies as you'd like or download the template for free to share digitally when applying online. These professional resume templates are perfect for any stage of life or career. Whether you're a high school student, actor, or seeking a career in nursing, you can find any format for any job type.

There are also a variety of free CV (Curriculum Vitae) templates to choose from. A CV is often longer than a resume and contains an in-depth look at your education and professional accomplishments. Like our resume templates, these CV templates are also customizable in Word.

Remember, your next job is only a template away! Once you've customized your resume, explore free cover letter templates to help you land the job.

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  • Resume Examples Nurse Student Internship Teacher Accountant View all
  • Resume Builder
  • Cover Letter Templates Simple Professional Modern Creative View all
  • Cover Letter Examples Nursing Administrative Assistant Internship Graduate Teacher View all
  • Cover Letter Builder

Simple cover letter templates

Finish your application and get hired with ease. Our simple templates are the right balance of attractive and functional design.

London Template

Reviewed by the community. Trusted by professionals

The perfect simple cover letter template to get the job done.

Who ever said simple was a bad thing? Sometimes a basic design that’s both straightforward and classy is just what you need to get your application finished and in the hiring manager’s inbox. After all, you can’t get hired if you don’t submit your materials. Our simple cover letter templates are perfect for the moments when speed and ease count for everything.

One of the biggest advantages of simple cover letter templates is their versatility. Whether you’re a high school student looking for your first job, a seasonal employee or skilled professional in a trade industry, a simple cover letter template keeps the focus on you, your abilities and experiences.

When to pick a simple job application letter template

There are dozens of instances when a simple job application letter template is the best choice. When applying to multiple positions at similar types of companies, in retail for example, you’ll want a job application letter that you can put together and edit quickly. These templates are perfect for when the content of your job application letter should be the star of the show.

That’s not to say that a simple job application letter lacks style. On the contrary, its strengths lie in its ability to highlight your skills and achievements without calling too much attention to itself. This collection of templates are elegant and timeless, meaning the cover letter you create today will look its best even in future applications.

How to write your resignation letter (with examples & templates)

Explore why a good resignation letter is important and how to write it, and check out our free resignation letter examples.

Top 5 why choose a simple cover letter for a resume

  • This is your first cover letter and you want to keep the format simple
  • You’re aiming to keep the focus on your letter’s writing and content
  • You appreciate classic design that works well for a variety of positions
  • You work in a skills-based industry where no-frills formatting is preferred
  • You need to create a cover letter quickly and easily

What makes a basic or simple application letter

A basic or simple application letter doesn’t get bogged down by the details. It remains classy and classic by keeping the focus on the important stuff – your strengths and abilities. Our basic and simple application letter templates help you to achieve this goal by serving as a blank canvas for your personal expression and perspectives.

One mistake many applicants make is writing with too much professional jargon or overly complex grammar. Just like your template, it’s OK to keep your writing simple and effective. Don’t be afraid to capture your natural tone of voice.

In order to make your basic application letter stand out, you should use emotive language and strong action verbs to bring your anecdotes and experiences to life. It’s also important to keep your letter concise and focused on the key qualities that make you a great fit for the position. With an application letter or resume , there’s no need to over-complicate the process – it’s all about writing a letter that gets you hired!

Free simple cover letter template – download as PDF or Word file

At, our mission is to help you land the job you’re after without wasting precious time and energy. That’s why we offer a free simple cover letter template that you can download as a PDF or Word file. Edit your document in the program that’s most comfortable for you so you can submit your application and get back to the things that matter most.

How to write a cover letter - expert guide [2024]

Here is exactly how you can write a cover letter that will stand out from the crowd, and help you land that interview.

With our free simple cover letter template, you can be sure you’re getting a classic design that will benefit you in virtually any position or industry. These simple templates are the best of both worlds when it comes to style and functionality. And most importantly, they make sure the emphasis stays on you. Check out our collection to see how a free simple cover letter template can enhance any application and don't forget to check out our simple resume templates ! 

Try our professional Resume builder now!


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  3. How To Use a Simple Resume Format (With Examples and Tips)

    Learn how to write a simple resume format that's easy for hiring managers to understand and that highlights your skills, experience and qualifications.

  4. Basic or Simple Resume Templates [Word & PDF] Free Download

    When to pick a basic or simple resume template. Basic or Simple templates are best for situations where your experience needs to speak for itself. Candidates applying for positions in transport and logistics, maintenance and repair, retail or food service can all benefit from simple resume templates. A basic or simple template sends the message ...

  5. What Is a Simple Resume? (With Template and Examples)

    Learn what a simple resume is, explore a list of tips for writing one and review a template and several examples to guide you as you craft your own.

  6. 18+ Simple, Basic & Easy Resume Templates for 2024

    Simple resume templates can help you win the job. And there are plenty to choose from. Pick one of our best easy resume templates and impress the recruiter.

  7. Free professional simple resume templates to customize

    Design fuss-free resumes that get straight to the point with Canva's collection of simple resume templates you can customize and print in minutes.

  8. Resume Templates to Download in 2024 (+Free)

    Professional & free resume templates for any job. Pick a resume template, add ready content created by certified resume writers, and download in TXT, DOC, or PDF.

  9. How to create a simple resume: guide, format and examples

    Get the best advice to make a simple resume that stands out with helful resume templates, simple resume formatting tips and a practical resume builder.

  10. 20+ Simple Resume Templates: Basic Templates For Any Job

    You can never go wrong with basic resume templates. Pick one of our 20+ simple resume templates, personalize it, and make your job-winning resume now.

  11. How to Make a Resume in 2024

    A simple resume template can help get your application straight to the hiring manager. A clean layout can also make sure that your resume is easily readable and looks professional. This can focus the hiring manager's attention on your work experience and skills without excessive clutter or flashy colors to distract them.

  12. 430+ Resume Examples for Any Job or Experience Level

    Over 430 HR-approved resume examples. Sample resumes for every industry and job & writing tips + copy-paste templates. Download for free.

  13. How to Write a Simple Resume: Definition and Format

    Learn how to write a simple resume for different positions and experience levels and which formats are acceptable for employers.

  14. 550+ Free Resume Templates for 2024

    550+ free resume templates to download in Word & Google Docs. Each professional resume template is HR-approved + easy to fill & print.

  15. Best Resume Format for 2024 [Guide & Templates]

    There are 3 main resume formats: chronological, functional, and combination. Before choosing a resume format, think about your career and the role you're after.

  16. Free Resume Templates for 2024 [Download Now]

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  17. Free printable resume templates you can customize

    Design your own resume with Canva's free and easy-to-use templates. Choose from a variety of styles and impress hiring managers.

  18. Free resume templates to download and print

    Resumes don't need to look boring—add flair to your professional experience with a creative resume template. There are plenty of resume designs to choose from, like simple resume templates and modern resume templates. Each resume template is fully customizable in Microsoft Word, so you can personalize each design element and add your own text ...

  19. Resume Samples and Examples

    Write an engaging resume using Indeed's library of free resume examples and templates. Customized samples based on the most contacted resumes from over 700 resumes on file.

  20. Simple Resume Examples (With Tips)

    Review the importance of simple resume examples, learn steps on creating a simple resume, explore relevant tips for doing this, and see a template and examples.

  21. How to Write a Fresher Resume (With Simple Format Examples)

    Writing a resume without experience? We've compiled a list of tips on how to write a fresher resume and simple format examples to get your started.

  22. Resume Examples & Samples for 2024

    Craft a professional resume with our diverse samples. Explore targeted examples tailored by certified professionals for any role - elevate your job search!

  23. Top Resume Formats: Tips and Examples of 3 Common Resumes

    Learn about the top resume formats to use and review our examples and tips to help your resume format stand out to a hiring manager.

  24. Simple Cover Letter Templates [Word & PDF] Download for free

    Use our simple cover letter templates to create a winning application in minutes. Download as Word or PDF and get expert tips from

  25. CV Template: 48 Professional CV Templates (Free Download)

    Find a free CV template that will help you land the job you're seeking. All of our CV templates are fully compatible with Microsoft Word, so download your favorite now.