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120+ Special Education Research Topics: That You Need to Know

Special Education Research Topics: That You Need to Know

Special education research topics study issues related to the quality of education people with disabilities get. Studying this field helps to improve the learning atmosphere for students with disabilities and address any challenges that they face. For instance, action research topics in special education help improve teachers’ classroom practices and how students adapt to the real world.

Social Issues Special Education Research Topics

Social media research topic in special education, best disability topics for research papers for your special education research, argumentative research topics for special education, easy special education thesis topics, current topics in special education for stem students.

  • Conclusion 

You can use several interesting special education research topics in your essay. However, if you need help with educational research topics, read on to find a list of 120+ topics we have compiled.

Social issues research topics play a critical role in identifying problems and solutions that people deal with in a community. That makes it a vital element for people studying special ed research topics. We have compiled qualitative research topics in special education you can use.

  • Ways that peer support can help children with disability socialize in the classroom
  • What are the social challenges faced by special needs children in mainstream schools?
  • A review of how to address the needs of a gifted child that has special needs
  • Best ways to address the needs of students with emotional disorders in special education
  • Special education feeds vs. school funding: Are there inequality issues?
  • How can the education system offer an easy transition to children with special needs in early education?
  • Strategies for creating a culturally responsive classroom
  • Do educators who work with children with special needs need counseling?
  • A look at how children with special needs transit from school to employment
  • What are the best practices for developing social skills in students with autism?
  • Is it fair to have alternatives to traditional testing for children with special needs?
  • In what ways does special education help to promote social justice and Equality in Education
  • How to identify students with hidden needs in special education
  • What is the role of cultural competence in special education?
  • Can poverty influence special needs outcomes?
  • Assertive technology in special education: The review
  • Are teachers for students with special education with low supply?
  • Should those who teach special education get better pay?
  • Can education improve the life of a student with special needs?
  • Ways that technology can make it easy for educators to train kids with special needs

If you are looking for trending and interesting topics that will impress your professor, then consider choosing anatomy research paper topics or social media research paper topics . Note that the best special edu topic will help take your essay to the next level.

  • How do social media help people with special needs in the community?
  • A look at how social media has advocated for special education
  • What role has social media played in cultural competency in special education?
  • Ways that social media has created a voice for people with special needs and the importance of them receiving education
  • A look at how social media has influenced adaptive physical education for people with special needs
  • Assistive technology in connection with social media for individuals with special needs
  • What is the impact of social media on people with hearing impairment?
  • Do people with special needs use social media to network and find work?
  • In what ways does social media impact the transition to adulthood for people with special needs
  • Can social media affect how students with special needs perceive the world?
  • Is there any role of social media for kids who need special education
  • What is the role of social media in special education
  • How to use technology and social media to improve the special education program
  • How can social media help students with special needs get more confident
  • What resources are available in social media that educators can use in their special needs classes?
  • Do social media affect the image that people have of people with autism?
  • How can teachers use social media to help kids with autism?
  • How does social media bullying affect children on social media?
  • Social media can be used to who special education and its importance
  • Why it is time for special education to be showcased on social media platforms

One of the topics that students doing special education research have to study is disability because the topics are related. With this subtopic, you have various options ranging from economics research paper topics , to controversial topics in special education. Here is a list of options to choose from.

  • Should suspending a student with a disability be an issue
  • What can be done to improve the education of people with disabilities?
  • Should children with severe disabilities be in a normal class setting?
  • In what ways has technology made it easy for people with disabilities to get educated?
  • A review of how a teacher’s academic background can affect students with disability
  • How should teachers make children with disabilities feel part of the classroom?
  • What are the benefits of post-education for adults with disability
  • A look at inclusivity policies in public schools when it comes to children with disability
  • Parents’ role in educating children with disability
  • Mainstream classrooms vs. special classes for students with learning abilities
  • How effective are peer support programs for students with disabilities in special education
  • Strategies that can help promote social skills development in children with spectrum disorder
  • What is the impact of language and communication barriers on the education of people with hearing impairment
  • How does early intervention help to support kids with a disability?
  • The importance of having community-based programs that help to support people with disability
  • Why do teachers teaching special education need to be appreciated
  • Can people with special education needs be taught online?
  • How can the community help those who need special education to get it?
  • Why do parents with special needs students need to work closely with teachers to give the child the best education?
  • How should teachers handle the different learning paces of students with special needs in their class?

If well-researched and presented, argumentative essay topics for your special education essay might be best.  With the right topic and information research topics on special education, you can be assured of getting the best grades. You may also be interested in these ideas for biochemistry topics .

  • A take on homeschooling for kids taking special education
  • Does the size of the classroom affect the ability of the teacher to deal with students who need special education?
  • Should special education students be sent to the next class even if they have not passed the current one?
  • Should physical education be a compulsory lesson?
  • Should the teacher’s proficiency in handling students with special needs to regularly tested?
  • Should students with special education needs sit for the same exam as those who do not?
  • In what ways can teachers avoid stereotyping?
  • How can teachers understand a student’s uniqueness so that they can offer them the right training
  • Why should children with special needs not pay extra?
  • Why should teachers train on special education outcome
  • Why should there be different learning strategies for students with a disability?
  • Why are charter schools better for students with a disability?
  • Funding for the special education
  • What role do paraeducators play in special education classes?
  • Do teachers teach students with special needs to require social skills training?
  • What is the challenge of transitional planning for students with special needs?
  • A review of Collaged admission for students with special needs
  • What role does self-advocacy play in students with special education?
  • How does remote learning for special education work?
  • What are the effects of AHDH medication in schools for people with AHDH?

Are you looking for research topics for special education that are easy? We have compiled great thesis topic ideas for special education; read on and choose one that you can easily handle, and take to review our thesis statement about social media .

  • How is co-teaching in an all-inclusive classroom effective?
  • In what ways does self-determination impact children with disability
  • Play therapy and why it is essential for children with special needs
  • The effect of peer tutoring in special education
  • What is the role of social skill training in special education
  • Is it possible for any qualified teacher to teach children with special needs
  • Parents and teachers have a role to play in special education
  • Applied behavior analysis and Special education
  • Picture Exchange Communication System and Special education
  • Why should students with a disability be included in the standard classroom?
  • Is mindfulness technique in special education effective
  • How does music therapy in the classroom help kids with special needs?
  • Analysis of Individualized Education Program in special education
  • Visual support while teaching learners with special needs
  • Why school psychology is necessary for special education
  • Literacy Intervention in special education
  • Why do students with disability need transitional planning?
  • Speech-language pathologist in special education
  • Why school inspection is important in schools dealing with students with special education
  • Special education students and learning sciences

You can always go right when you choose current topics as your research in special education topics. If you are searching for a research topic for stem students , here are great topic ideas you can use.

  • Comparing social interactions for special kids in stem schools
  • Importance of an inclusive teaching approach for stem students with special needs
  • What is the role of speech-language therapy in an inclusive environment?
  • What performance challenges do special children face due to certain lacks?
  • What is the effectiveness of sensory diets in special education
  • Physical therapy in kids with disability
  • What is positive reinforcement, and why is it important in special education
  • What is the role of service learning in children with special education?
  • Should special education schools approach stem subjects differently?
  • In what ways can special school educators help kids avoid bullying
  • How can parents with special needs students ensure better performance?
  • Should there be a free education right for children with disability from elementary to college?
  • What is the best environment for children with special needs to learn?
  • Is it possible for mainstream teachers to teach special education?
  • Story-based interventions in special education
  • Assistive technology on math skills for students with disabilities
  • Orientation and mobility specialist in special education
  • What role does a behavior specialist in special education
  • Should there be a school nurse in all special education schools?
  • Video modeling in special education

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Using technology in special education: current practices and trends

  • Published: 18 June 2020
  • Volume 68 , pages 1711–1738, ( 2020 )

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special education literature review topics

  • Oluwabunmi Adewoyin Olakanmi   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-6281-0285 1 ,
  • Gokce Akcayir 1 ,
  • Oluwbukola Mayowa Ishola 2 &
  • Carrie Demmans Epp 1  

4358 Accesses

12 Citations

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Recent reports suggest an increase in the number of individuals with cognitive and developmental disabilities. To ensure equal opportunities for these learners, special education practices must be appropriately improved and scaled. Educational and assistive technologies are a possible avenue for meeting this need. To provide insight into recent technology practices in special education contexts, this study reviews recent literature (2014—2018) on the use of technology to support learners with cognitive and developmental disabilities. This review included 126 publications, which were a combination of journal articles and conference papers, found through the ACM, IEEE, ScienceDirect, and SSCI databases. The publications were analyzed to determine their general characteristics (e.g., number and age of participants and lengths of interventions), the contexts of technology use, specific learner characteristics, the subjects or skills the intervention(s) aimed to improve, the characteristics of the technologies, and the outcomes associated with their use. The results revealed that the most examined technology was games and the most studied outcome was improvements to learners’ cognitive skills. Additionally, participants in the majority of the publications were pre-college students with learning disabilities. The most studied topics belonged to the natural sciences while job skills were one of the least studied. Interventions were primarily conducted in formal educational environments and were implemented over 5–10 weeks in most cases. Based on the review, more detail in reporting and more attention to promoting life, job, and social skills are recommended.

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Department of Computing Science, Edtekla Research Group, University of Alberta, 2-32 Athabasca Hall, Edmonton, AB, T6G 2E8, Canada

Oluwabunmi Adewoyin Olakanmi, Gokce Akcayir & Carrie Demmans Epp

Data Edge Innovations Inc., 7-54 Three Valleys Drive, Toronto, ON, M3A0A1, Canada

Oluwbukola Mayowa Ishola

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About this article

Olakanmi, O.A., Akcayir, G., Ishola, O.M. et al. Using technology in special education: current practices and trends. Education Tech Research Dev 68 , 1711–1738 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-020-09795-0

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Published : 18 June 2020

Issue Date : August 2020

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-020-09795-0

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  • Special education
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High-Quality Systematic Literature Reviews in Special Education: Promoting Coherence, Contextualization, Generativity, and Transparency

High-quality systematic literature reviews provide a systematic process for identifying, synthesizing, and critiquing multiple studies and, in turn, inform theory, research, practice, and policy. With a focus on special education systematic reviews, we propose four core principles (i.e., coherence, contextualization, generativity, and transparency) to guide scholars in conducting meta-analyses, systematic narrative reviews, and qualitative meta-syntheses. Specifically, we articulate how scholars can promote each of these principles at each stage of the review process to enhance the rigor, relevance, and credibility of their systematic review: (a) framing the problem and research questions; (b) planning procedures to identify, analyze, and synthesize studies; and (c) presenting and interpreting results. Last, we discuss future directions in light of issues of equity and approaches to bridge synthesis findings and practice and policy.

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What is a literature review?

Research Methods in General

  • Research Methods Books
  • Search Strategies
  • Evidence Based Practices Module
  • Qualitative Research
  • Quantitative Research

In brief, the lit review is the part of a scholarly paper that discusses the relevant research, theoretical and methodological contributions on the topic. Watch these videos to learn more!

Here are some books that are useful in learning about and improving the research process.

special education literature review topics

Research Methods in Social Science

Here are some books that discuss researching methods specifically for the social sciences in general, and African American studies in particular.

Cover Art

Search Strategies 

1. Use the following  keywords  to identify qualitative research.  

These keywords will search the titles, abstracts and keywords of records held in the databases. Use quotations to search as a phrase:

2. Use  controlled vocabulary

Databases use controlled vocabulary to categorize each record stored. The terms they use are known as  thesaurus terms  or subject headings .  The thesaurus terms vary for each database according to their indexing system.

For example, qualitative research is indexed in  PubMed  as "Qualitative Research" or "Nursing Methodology Research", while in CINAHL  their subject heading "Qualitative Studies" is complemented by more detailed terms, including "Phenomenological Research" and "Grounded Theory".

Tutorials  for searching subject headings:

3. Use  qualitative research filters

Qualitative research filters are pre-formulated search strategies that have been constructed by librarians to help you retrieve articles in databases that deal with qualitative research. You can use the filter and then combine the results with your subject.

  • Go to  PsychINFO  database in  Database Finder .
  • Enter your topic in the search box.
  • In right column, under  Methodoly,   MATHEMATICAL MODEL , select  Qualitative study .
  • Under  Refine Search  section on the left, limit further your search under  Methodology  drop down menu.

Modify your search strategy accordingly by using thesaurus terms, such as qualitative research, grounded theory, interviews, observation methods, etc.

  • Evidence Based Practices Module The IRIS Center at Vanderbilt Peabody College has created a 3 part module to walk you through the theory and application of evidence based practices.

special education literature review topics

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EDSP 727 Critical Review of Special Education Literature

  • Course Description

This course provides a critical review of special education literature on a variety of topics with a focus on teacher education. Topics include universal design principles, evidence-based best practice in subject areas, post-secondary and community-based disability services, and assistive technologies.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the  Academic Course Catalog .

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*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.

Leaders in the field of special education need to make decisions based on evidence. This course is designed to equip the candidate with a deeper understanding of research and evidence-based practices in the field of special education as well as the skills and knowledge necessary to make evidence-based decisions in conjunction with disability characteristics and supports.

Course Assignment

Textbook readings and lecture presentations/notes.

No details available.

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations , the candidate will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Discussions (2)

Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the candidate is required to provide a thread in response to the provided prompt for each discussion. Each thread must be at least 400 words, demonstrate course-related knowledge, and contain a minimum of 1 citation in current APA format to support assertions. In addition to the thread, the candidate is required to reply to 2 other classmates’ threads. Each reply must be at least 200 words, demonstrate course-related knowledge, and contain a minimum of 1 citation in current APA format to support assertions. (CLO: B)

Assistive Technology Paper

The candidate will choose 3 peer-reviewed research articles related to assistive technology and augmentative/alternative technology to write a paper. The paper will: (1) distinguish between the varying uses of assistive and augmented/alternative technologies in relation to services and how these are addressed on an IEP, (2) report on 1 current issue in the field of special education related to assistive technology and augmentative/alternative technology, and (3) offer recommendations based on the research to resolve the issue. The 3–4-page paper will include a title page, abstract, and reference page (not included in the page count). A minimum of 6 citations must be included and must be paraphrased and/or summarized. Current APA format headings must be included for organization. (CLO: E)

Behavior Management Video

The candidate will read an assigned journal article and choose 1 evidence-based behavior management intervention/strategy for students with disabilities and create a 3–5-minute training video for a specific audience of interest. The video must include situation-specific information, instructions for implementation, and a resource list. At least three different resources must be cited. (CLO: A, D)

Literacy Research Paper

The candidate will read and analyze a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed journal articles on the topic of leadership and reading disability. The candidate will write a 5–7-page paper detailing the evidence-based best practices that define/characterize an effective reading program and curriculum. This assignment may be customized to K–6, 6–12, or remedial English in post-secondary education. The paper must include a practical, theoretical, and spiritual component; be in current APA format; and include a title page, abstract, and reference page. A minimum of 5 references must be included (the text, 3 journal articles, and the Bible). (CLO:B)

Universal Design

The candidate will analyze Universal Design (UD) principles in leadership and in the classroom to discuss qualitative and quantitative data necessary to create a needs assessment and implement UD principles in the district, school, and classroom. One additional course-related topic (assistive technology, behavior management, literacy, mathematics, or gifted education) must be included. The 4–5-page paper must be written in current APA format, contain a title page and reference page (not included in the page count), demonstrate course-related knowledge, and contain a minimum of 5 citations. Block quotations may not be used in the paper. (CLO: D)

Evidence-Based Writing Practices

The candidate will analyze and synthesize the information from 3 of 10 provided peer-reviewed journal articles regarding literacy innovation and literacy interventions. The candidate will write a 4–6-page paper on writing importance, development, evidence-based practices, and educator use. The paper must be in current APA format, include at least 10 citations total with at least 1 citation per section, and include a title page, abstract, and reference page. (CLO: B)

Mathematics Strategies Presentation

The candidate will create a PowerPoint or Kaltura presentation from the perspective of an administrator or leader in the field of education to be presented to pre-service teachers, in-service teachers, or university administration with regard to research-based strategies for teaching mathematics to students with exceptionalities. At least 1 Universal Design element must be included. Supporting evidence from the reading must be incorporated. Five additional scholarly sources must be utilized, and 1 of the 5 additional resources must be a meta- or mega-analysis. This must be submitted as a PowerPoint with a voice over or as a Kaltura video. If completing a PowerPoint, the presentation must include 20–25 slides (excluding the title and reference slides). If using Kaltura, the video must be 5–8 minutes. (CLO: B, D)

Gifted Education Research and Theory

The candidate will write a 3–4-page position paper on the topic of gifted education and programming for students who are gifted and talented. The candidate will make an evidence-based argument for the model he/she advocates, using the literature to support his/her position. The assignment must be in current APA format, and include a title page and a reference page. A minimum of 2 citations must be included. Only paraphrasing and summarizing may be used for citations. (CLO: B)

Controversy in Special Education

The candidate will read and analyze 3 journal articles and assess and determine what the research reveals about either brain-based learning, learning styles, Brain Gym, or a new/emerging issue in the field that the candidate feels warrants further research. The review must be 4–6 pages and follow current APA format including headings, a title page, abstract, reference page, and a minimum of 6 citations. One of the 3 given journal articles must be cited, as well as at least 2 more peer-reviewed journal articles published within the last 2 years pertaining to the topic of the candidate’s choice (either brain-based learning, learning styles, or Brain Gym). The journal article critique must consist of 4 parts: Overview, Analysis of Key Points, Critical Response, and Current State of the Literature. (CLO: B)

Transition Planning Presentation

The candidate will create a 5–8-minute presentation discussing best practices for supporting students in the following areas: special education versus ADA, post-secondary education, employment and work skills, independent living, self-determination and self-advocacy, and healthy relationships. At least 1 Universal Design element and 5 citations must be included. (CLO: B, C, D)

Social Skills and Cognition Paper

The candidate will choose social skills or social cognition to complete a 3–4 page paper elaborating on current evidence in the research (5 years or less). The paper must be written in current APA format and include a title and reference page. There must be a minimum of 5 citations. Only summarizing and paraphrasing may be used. (CLO: A)

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What is a Literature Review?

A Literature Review Is Not:

  • just a summary of sources
  • a grouping of broad, unrelated sources
  • a compilation of  everything  that has been written on a particular topic
  • literature criticism (think English) or a book review

So, what is it then?

A literature review is an integrated analysis-- not just a summary-- of scholarly writings that are related directly to your research question.  That is, it represents the literature that provides background information on your topic and shows a correspondence between those writings and your research question.

A literature review may be a stand alone work or the introduction to a larger research paper, depending on the assignment.  Rely heavily on the guidelines your instructor has given you.

Why is it important?

A literature review is important because it:

  • Explains the background of research on a topic.
  • Demonstrates why a topic is significant to a subject area.
  • Discovers relationships between research studies/ideas.
  • Identifies major themes, concepts, and researchers on a topic.
  • Identifies critical gaps and points of disagreement.
  • Discusses further research questions that logically come out of the previous studies.

Components of a Lit Review

1. Introduction

Not to be confused with a book review, a  literature review  surveys scholarly articles, books and other sources (e.g. dissertations, conference proceedings) relevant to a particular issue, area of research, or theory, providing a description, summary, and critical evaluation of each work. The purpose is to offer an overview of significant literature published on a topic.

2. Components

Similar to primary research, development of the literature review requires four stages:

  • Problem formulation—which topic or field is being examined and what are its component issues?
  • Literature search—finding materials relevant to the subject being explored
  • Data evaluation—determining which literature makes a significant contribution to the understanding of the topic
  • Analysis and interpretation—discussing the findings and conclusions of pertinent literature

Literature reviews should comprise the following elements:

  • An overview of the subject, issue or theory under consideration, along with the objectives of the literature review
  • Division of works under review into categories (e.g. those in support of a particular position, those against, and those offering alternative theses entirely)
  • Explanation of how each work is similar to and how it varies from the others
  • Conclusions as to which pieces are best considered in their argument, are most convincing of their opinions, and make the greatest contribution to the understanding and development of their area of research

In assessing each piece, consideration should be given to:

  • Provenance—What are the author's credentials? Are the author's arguments supported by evidence (e.g. primary historical material, case studies, narratives, statistics, recent scientific findings)?
  • Objectivity—Is the author's perspective even-handed or prejudicial? Is contrary data considered or is certain pertinent information ignored to prove the author's point?
  • Persuasiveness—Which of the author's theses are most/least convincing?
  • Value—Are the author's arguments and conclusions convincing? Does the work ultimately contribute in any significant way to an understanding of the subject?

3. Definition and Use/Purpose

A literature review may constitute an essential chapter of a thesis or dissertation, or may be a self-contained review of writings on a subject. In either case, its purpose is to:

  • Place each work in the context of its contribution to the understanding of the subject under review
  • Describe the relationship of each work to the others under consideration
  • Identify new ways to interpret, and shed light on any gaps in, previous research
  • Resolve conflicts amongst seemingly contradictory previous studies
  • Identify areas of prior scholarship to prevent duplication of effort
  • Point the way forward for further research
  • Place one's original work (in the case of theses or dissertations) in the context of existing literature

The literature review itself, however, does not present new  primary  scholarship.

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Special Education Resources: Literature Review: Overview

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  • Literature Review: Overview

What is a Literature Review?

A pair of reading glasses laid on top of a textbook.

A literature review evaluates the information within any published literature related to the topic or research question you choose. The literature review is meant to analyze the published literature related to your topic. A literature reviews reflects upon what has already been written about (methodical or theoretical), what the existing literature contributes to the field, and how your topic corresponds with the literature. If your topic exposes a gap in the existing research in your field, make note of that in the literature review.

This page will help you get started on how to conduct a literature review.

Resources About Literature Reviews

special education literature review topics

  • Literature Reviews: Tips & Tools -- UNC - Chapel Hill
  • Literature Review Tips -- UW - Madison

Why are Literature Reviews Written?

Here are some of the reasons why a literature review is important:

  • Provides background information on the research produced around a topic.
  • Helps focus your own research questions or problems.
  • Discovers similarities between research already conducted.
  • Identifies major themes, concepts, researches related to a topic as well as the significance of the research.
  • Challenges biases and assumptions related to the subject matter.
  • Identifies critical gaps, points of disagreement, or potentially flawed methodology or theoretical approaches. This can help with future research ideas.

Literature Review vs. Annotated Bibliography vs. Research Paper

Literature Review; Annotated Bibliography; Research Paper;

Literature reviews are often confused with annotated bibliographies and research papers.

Literature review: reviews the existing literature on your topic, identifies major themes and concepts, examines critical research gaps for the field, and sets the scene for what your research topic will discuss.

Annotated Bibliography: summarizes each article you reviewed for your paper under its citation, and explains why the information in the article is useful for your argument.

Research Paper: Creates an argument to support one side of your research topic and selects articles and other resources to support your argument.

Planning Your Literature Review

Knowing where to begin with literature reviews is not always the easiest. Keep in mind that leaving enough time to develop your research question and reviewing your sources is essential. It is best to start early in your process. 

Here are some tips to help guide your planning and writing process:

  • Explore various research questions that touch upon topics you are interested in.
  • Choose your topic and define a research question.
  • Some databases to search: ProQuest Education Journals , ERIC (Educational Resource Information Center) , and JSTOR .
  • Read through and analyze the literature you found. Seek out similar themes or other information you are looking for.
  • Write your review!

Developing Your Research Question

Brainstorming about your research question is important. Here are some questions to consider when reading through the literature you chose and finalizing your research question:

  • What interested you in this topic? What are you  curious  about when thinking of this topic?
  • What is already known about the topic?
  • How much research has been conducted on this topic?
  • Are there any gaps in research that you noticed?
  • What do you want to focus on?
  • Is there a specific time frame you are limiting this review to? (e.g. Last 10 years, last 5 years, etc.)

There are many more questions you could ask, but these are just a few to get you started.

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  • Last Updated: May 22, 2023 10:46 AM
  • URL: https://wssu.libguides.com/specialeducation

Digital Commons @ University of South Florida

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Digital Commons @ USF > Theses and Dissertations

Special Education Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

Saudi Parents as Advocates for Their Young Children with Disabilities: Reflections on The Journey , Sadeem A. Alolayan

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Graduate Teaching Assistants’ Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Students with Disabilities in Higher Education , Yanlys De La Caridad Palacios

The Specifics of Specific Learning Disability: An Analysis of State-Level Eligibility Criteria and Response to Intervention Practices , Lora M. Williams

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Barriers to Reducing the Assistive Technology use for Students with Autism as Perceived by Special Education Teachers in Saudi Arabia , Othman Ahmed Alasmari

Saudi Teachers’ Perspectives on Implementing Evidence-Based Practices Specifically Designed for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Ahmad Saad Alghamdi

Perceptions of Preservice Teachers of Students with Intellectual Disabilities About their Preparation for Inclusive Education , Abdullah Aljudaya

Experiences of Saudi Arabian Mothers of Young Children with Disabilities: An Exploratory Study , Samirah Bahkali

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Perceptions of Preservice Teachers of Students with Autism and Intellectual Disabilities in their Teacher Preparation Programs in Saudi Arabia , Salman Almughyiri

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

The Use of Assistive Technology with Students with Severe Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Saudi Arabia: Teachers’ Perspectives , Khalid Mohammed Abu Alghayth

Saudi Special Education Preservice Teachers’ Perspective towards Inclusion , Sarah Binmahfooz

The Teacher Evaluation Conundrum: Examining the Perceptions of Special Education Teachers , Gordon Brobbey

Autism and Inclusion in England’s Multi Academy Trust: A Case Study of a Senior Leadership Team , Danielle Lane

Threats to Teaching: An Investigation Into the Constructs of Compassion Fatigue in the Classroom , April M. Steen

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

General Education Teachers’ Perceptions of Response to Intervention Implementation: A Qualitative Interview Study , Adhwaa Alahmari

Deaf Lesbian Identity , Noël E. Cherasaro

Beyond Replicative Technology: The Digital Practices of Students with Literacy-Related Learning Difficulties Engaged in Productive Technologies , Aimee Frier

Learning in the Margins: The Educational Experiences of an African American Male with Disabilities , Aisha Holmes

Including children with learning differences: Experiences of independent school teachers , Lisa M. Lockhart

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Perceptions of Arab American Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Exploratory Study , Haifa Alsayyari

It’s Not All Sunflowers and Roses at Home: A Narrative Inquiry of At-Risk Girls and Their Perceptions of Their Educational Experiences , Jessica Aggeles Curtis

Improving Reading Comprehension of Children with ASD: Implication of Anaphoric Reference Support with Computer Programming , Seda Karayazi Ozsayin

Collaboration with Families: Perceptions of Special Education Preservice Teachers and Teacher Preparation , Mehmet Emin Ozturk

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

The Role of Prep Schools in the Middle to High School Transition of Students in Southeastern Turkey , Mucahit Kocak

Use of a Game-Based App as a Learning Tool for Students with Mathematics Learning Disabilities to Increase Fraction Knowledge/Skill , Orhan Simsek

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Examining Experiences of Early Intervention Providers Serving Culturally Diverse Families: A Multiple Case Study Analysis , Wendy Lea Bradshaw

Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors as Strengths, not Weaknesses: Evaluating the Use of Social Stories that Embed Restricted Interests on the Social Skills of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Maya Nasr

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

The Fight Within: Experiences of School District Employees Who Advocate for the Rights of Their Own Children with Disabilities Inside the Districts Where They Work, a Heuristic Case Study , Keri Haley

Constructing an "Appropriate" Education in Florida Special Education Due Process Final Orders , Michelle Henry

Interagency Collaboration for the Provision of Services to Migrant Children with Disabilities: An Exploratory Study , Georgina Rivera-Singletary

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Reading Assessment Practices of Elementary General Education Teachers: A Descriptive Study , Sarah Mirlenbrink Bombly

Making a Difference in the Lives of Students: Successful Teachers of Students of Color with Disabilities or who are At-Risk of Identification of Disabilities at a High-Performing High-Poverty School , Tristan L. Glenn

Teacher Perspectives on the Instructional Impact of the Florida Alternate Assessment , Katherine Hawley

Blending Worlds, Reforming Practice?: An Instrumental Case Study Of Collaborative Early Childhood Teacher Education , Ann Marie Mickelson

The Perspectives of Graduate Students with Visual Disabilities: A Heuristic Case Study , Luis Perez

Connective Capacity: The Importance and Influence of Dispositions in Special Education Teacher Education , Scot Mcgregor Rademaker

Examining School Capacity for Inclusion Using a Multi-Dimensional Framework: A Case Study , Amy Lenee-Monnier Toson

Becoming a Teacher in Multiple Voices: An Exploration of Teacher Identity Formation Among Teachers of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Mary E. Wilt

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

A Multi-Perspective Exploration of a Cross-Age Tutoring Initiative: An Analysis of the Responses of All Students , Ann Elizabeth Gillies

Examining Teacher Identity and Prospective Efficacy Beliefs Among Students Enrolled in a Precollegiate Urban Teaching Academy (UTA) , Marsha Simon

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Preservice Teachers' Perceptions of their Perspective Transformations: A Case Study , Victoria Caruana

The Development of The Personal Strengths Intervention (PSI) to Improve Self-Determination and Social-Emotional Levels in Postsecondary Students with Learning Disabilities and/or ADHD: A Multiple Baseline Study , Jennie L. Farmer

Kujichagalia! Self-Determination in Young African American Women With Disabilities during the Transition Process , La Tonya L. Gillis

Perspectives of Teachers of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders Regarding the Factors Related to Their Intent to Remain in the Profession , Glenda Esther Koshy

High Stakes Play: Early Childhood Special Educators' Perspectives of Play in Pre-Kindergarten Classrooms , Joanne Scandling Manwaring

School-Wide PBS: The Link Between Action Planning and Outcomes , Stephanie Angelique Martinez

Guided by the Spirit: Understanding Student Behavior and Theological Philosophy Through the Lens of Secondary Catholic School Teachers , Angela Marie Mucci

It Takes More Than a Whistle: Perceived Characteristics of Effective School Based Coaches , Jenna Nicole Sage

Examining the Experiences of a Select Group of First Year Special Education Teachers: A Multiple Case Study Analysis , Roseanne Kaiser Vallice

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

A Canine Audience: The Effect of Animal-Assisted Therapy on Reading Progress Among Students Identified with Learning Disabilities , Julie Omodio Griess

The Lived School Experiences of a Select Group of Female Adolescents Labeled Emotionally/Behaviorally Disordered , Anna Robic

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Lived Experience: Diverse Perspectives on Raising a Child with Autism , Heather J. Brace

An examination of the implementation of the Second step program in a public school system , Lynn Pedraza

Portraits of Online Teaching and Learning: The Experiences of an Instructor and Six Graduate Students in a Course Entitled Educating Students with Autism , Sarah R. Semon

Striving and Surviving: The Phenomenology of the First-Year Teaching Experience , Michael D. Smith

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Transition Experiences of Selected Emerging Adults With Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties in Higher Education , Kathleen M. Fowler

A Qualitative Analysis of a Teacher Support Program for Educating Students with Emotional Disturbance in an Inclusive Setting , Crystal Williams Harmon

Evaluating the Efficacy of the Developing Algebraic Literacy Model: Preparing Special Educators to Implement Effective Mathematics Practices , Sharon N. E. Ray

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

The Effects of Mentoring on the Elementary Special Education Mentor , Maria Angeliadis

Prevalence of Language Disorders Among Children with Severe Behavioral Problems Referred for a Psychiatric Evaluation by a Large Urban School District , Brenda J. Curtwright

Implementing differentiated instruction in urban, Title I schools:: Effects of facilitated support groups and program fidelity on student achievement , Deborah W. Hellman

Key stakeholder perceptions of the expulsion process for high school students identified as emotionally disturbed , Suzanne R. O'Neill

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

An examination of the experiences of five African American male students with regard to school discipline practices , Simon Yohann Earle

Examining the characteristics of teachers in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program in varying exceptionalities: Responding to the "highly qualified" teacher mandate , Erica Djuan McCray

Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

"I've Got the Power!": Investigating Pre-service Special Educators' Perceptions and Abilities to Teach Reading to Students with Disabilities" , Tandria Milango Callins

Evaluating Positive Behavior Support Plan Implementation In The Home Environment Of Young Children With Challenging Behavior , Michelle A. Duda

Asperger Syndrome: A Case Study on One Family’s Understanding , Ben Graffam

An Examination Of The Relationship Between Urbanicity and Children With Emotional Disturbances Served In Restructuring Public Schools , Karen Monk Harris

Voices From a Marginalized Population: Life Histories of Individuals With Physical Impairments , James Peter Marsh

The Effects of Hand Fidgets on the On-Task Behaviors of A Middle School Student With Disabilities in an Inclusive Academic Setting , Karen S. Voytecki

Theses/Dissertations from 2004 2004

Speech-Language Pathologists’ Professional Efficacy Beliefs about Assessing the Language Skills of Bilingual/Bicultural/Bidialectal Students , Karen Patricia Harris

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What is An Annotated Bibliography?

An annotated bibliography is a list of sources (books, articles, websites, etc.) with short paragraph about each source. An annotated bibliography is sometimes a useful step before drafting a research paper, or it can stand alone as an overview of the research available on a topic.

Each source in the annotated bibliography has a citation - the information a reader needs to find the original source, in a consistent format to make that easier. These consistent formats are called citation styles.  The most common citation styles are MLA (Modern Language Association) for humanities, and APA (American Psychological Association) for social sciences.

Annotations are about 4 to 6 sentences long (roughly 150 words), and address:

  •     Main focus or purpose of the work
  •     Usefulness or relevance to your research topic 
  •     Special features of the work that were unique or helpful
  •     Background and credibility of the author
  •     Conclusions or observations reached by the author
  •     Conclusions or observations reached by you

Annotations versus Abstracts

Many scholarly articles start with an abstract, which is the author's summary of the article to help you decide whether you should read the entire article.  This abstract is not the same thing as an annotation.  The annotation needs to be in your own words, to explain the relevance of the source to your particular assignment or research question.

APA 7th Annotated Bibliography Examples

Journal article.

Alvarez, N. & Mearns, J. (2014). The benefits of writing and performing in the spoken word poetry community.  The Arts in Psychotherapy, 41 (3), 263-268.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aip.2014.03.004 Prior research has shown narrative writing to help with making meaning out of trauma. This article uses grounded theory to analyze semi-structured interviews with ten spoken word poets.  Because spoken word poetry is performed live, it creates personal and community connections that enhance the emotional development and resolution offered by the practice of writing. The findings are limited by the small, nonrandom sample (all the participants were from the same community).

  • APA 7th Sample Annotated Bibliography

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Special Education Masters Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

The Benefits of Trauma Informed Teaching Strategies and Interventions for Students , Ryan J. Abrahamson Over the years, schools have faced an uphill battle when discussing trauma in students. As the research continues to improve and the more it is studied, more schools are able to talk about it and learn about it. This can become a big weight...

Barriers and Strategies for Inclusion of Students with Severe Disabilities in General Education , Laura Ramberg The topic of educating students with severe disabilities in the general education setting is not a new idea. Inclusion of these students into the mainstream educational setting is supported by the Individuals with Disabilities Act and throu...

How Students Benefit from Trauma Informed Instruction and Strategies , John Michael Webb Trauma-informed teaching is a life changing undertaking that recognizes the important impact of trauma on students’ lives and learning experiences. This thesis provides a concise overview of the key principles and benefits of trauma-informe...

Children’s Access to Free Play in Nature in Relation to Mental Health and Overall Well-Being , Paige Olivia Wildenauer Children of the current generation are spending less time outdoors than ever before. Facing issues like excessive screen time, safety concerns, overscheduling, poor urban planning and inaccessible parks, children today are losing their abil...

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Primary Causes of Burnout in Special Education Teachers and Strategies to Help Cope with and Deal with the Challenges of Burnout , Marissa L. Auer Special education teachers encounter a variety of challenges throughout the academic school year. Burnout among special education teachers has proven to be a complex issue, with many factors playing a role. This thesis explored the primary ...

The Impact of Trauma on the Learning and Development of Students Receiving Special Education Services , Mikayla M. Bebeau Childhood trauma is known as a health crisis in America. Trauma can be defined in multiple different ways, can be displayed in different behaviors, and can be supported within school if done so appropriately. Within this literature review t...

Culture of Encounter: A Post-intentional Phenomenological Exploration of How Responses to Problematic Student Behavior Come to Be for Elementary Catholic School Educators , Caroline Becker “Phenomenological research has, as its ultimate aim, the fulfillment of our human nature: to become more fully who we are (van Manen, 1997, p. 12).” Rooted in van Manen’s purpose, this study was a post-intentional phenomenological explorati...

Trauma-informed Instruction and How it Influences Mental Health Outcomes in Students With Disabilities , Jeffery Phillip Bishop A growing body of research has shown that mental health needs among school-age children exceed the number of mental health professionals available to address those needs. Since students spend a lot of their time at school, much of the respo...

Responding to Disruptive Behaviors in Educational Environments , Kelsey A. Black Disruptive behaviors are a key factor in classroom management and student progress. Current research focuses on identifying the antecedents for such behavior in order to determine the style of intervention that will best support the student...

Beyond Resilience: Arming Special Education Teachers With “Hope Theory” in the Fight Against Burnout , Eden E. Buchwald-McGlennon Teachers have been forced to face many new workplace challenges since the COVID-19 pandemic emerged in March 2020; this has resulted in increased job-related stress. Pre-pandemic, teacher stress levels were already much higher than other oc...

Bullying: Who is at-risk, what are the effects, and what can we do to stop it? , Samantha Nicole Buckley The act of bullying is prevalent in today’s society. The average student in the United States experiences bullying in some form at least once throughout their academic career. Bullying can be defined as any act defined by the victim that is...

Misidentifying English Language Learners with Learning Disabilities , Suzan Cevheroglu This thesis explores the multifaceted issue of misidentifying English Language Learners (ELLs) with learning disabilities (LDs) in the educational system. The study begins by delving into the complicated reasons underlying such misidentific...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Special Education Students in the Mainstream Classrooms , Nikki L. Evens This systematic review of the literature aimed to understand the advantages of placing special education students in mainstream classrooms and identify barriers to positive experiences among special education students. Findings from seconda...

Community School Programming , Timothy D Gilbert Contemporary educational legislation is pushing a resurgence of historic educational program models to meet historic and contemporary barriers to student and school achievement. School districts, especially in urban centers are faced with i...

A Literature Review: Creating and Maintaining Inclusion , Emily Goodson This literature review examines the different parts that are needed in order to create and maintain an inclusive classroom. The success of students in an inclusive classroom, both special education and general education students, can be aff...

Autism across the globe , Megan N. Haack The purpose of this study was to investigate what autism is like across the globe. Autism is a developmental disorder that is associated with social difficulties, restricted and repetitive behaviors. The prevalence of autism diagnoses had i...

Targeting Post-Secondary Readiness Skills in Students With Disabilities for Successful Transition to Adult Living , Anne M. Helseth This study reviews the literature pertaining to post-school outcomes for students with disabilities in light of the IDEA mandate. It includes research into which skills students need, which are most lacking, and how to transfer these skills...

How do mindfulness-informed practices positively affect students with intellectual disabilities , Hilary Hinrichs Mindfulness-informed interventions have gained greater popularity as interventions for schools for a variety of purposes. There has been an increase in research regarding the effect of these practices on students. Adolescent students with i...

Reducing the use of restraint and seclusion in public education , Kimberly Jean Huls The use of seclusions and restraints in public schools is a controversial topic in education that has gained much media attention in the past few decades. Most scholars, educators, and policy-makers are in agreement that it should be used a...

The Impact of Outdoor Classrooms on Students , Minette Stalheim Johnson The learning environment for students, which has been indoors for decades, has moved outdoors in many locales. As the stakeholders contemplate the use of outdoor space for learning, questions about its benefit(s) for students have been expl...

How the Special Education Service Model Can Be Changed to Support Educator's Individual Strengths , Lisa A. Kermode This thesis focuses on research related to the current state of the special education model and it includes qualitative and quantitative literature, as well as current challenges that exist in the industry today. It will specifically addres...

​​Beyond Words: Fine Arts and Performance Art as Self-Expression for Developmentally Delayed Students , Elizabeth Maureen Ketz This thesis explores the research behind the implementation of special education curriculum in dance and music. Music education and dance have been shown to be effective means of self-expression, a necessary component of child development. ...

Types of anxiety diagnosed in individuals with autism spectrum disorder , Molly Elizabeth Larson This literature review unravels comorbidities that accompany Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), specifically the various types of anxiety observed in children and adolescents at school, in their home lives, and in the community. This review e...

Analyzing the Social Benefits of Inclusion for Students in Special Education , Margo LeMahieu Inclusive education has been on the rise in recent years. Now more than ever, students with and without disabilities are in the same classroom, learning together, and creating positive relationships with each other. Inclusive education has ...

Autism, anxiety and the impact of therapeutic practices and evidence based strategies , Roberta L. Luby This literature review examined research on the prevalence of anxiety disorders in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions for managing anxiety symptoms. Studies consistently demons...

Visual Supports and Autism , Donna L Macoskey Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental condition that involves persistent challenges in social interaction, speech and nonverbal communication, and restricted/repetitive behaviors. Children on the Autism Spectrum thrive o...

Implementing Positive Behavior Interventions in an Alternative Setting , Brooke L. Maday Historically alternative settings are known for their punitive approaches to behaviors. In the early 2000s, alternative education and juvenile residential settings adopted and adapted a positive approach to behavior intervention called “Pos...

The Benefits of Implementing Trauma Informed Teaching Strategies to Support Students in Special Education , Connor J. Malcolm The number of children experiencing traumatic events is occurring at an alarming rate. According to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA), more than two-thirds of children in the United States are going to or hav...

Reading interventions for students with emotional behavioral disorders , Erin O. Maly The focus of this literature review is to determine the efficacy of reading interventions for students with Emotional Behavioral Disorders with comorbid reading disabilities. Students with EBD frequently exhibit reading difficulties which p...

Restorative Practice Outcomes on Exclusionary Behavior in Schools with Consideration of Educator and Student Perspective , Bree D Medin The prevalent use of in-school and out-of-school suspensions persists despite evidence indicating behavior improvement and racial disparities in suspensions. Exclusionary discipline’s lasting negative consequences include poor academic achi...

Supporting the Mental Health Needs of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Rachel E. Nardelli This thesis studies interventions to support the mental health of students with autism spectrum disorder. According to Mazefsky (2019), more than 70% of youth with ASD have mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. According ...

Mental Health and How it Affects Academic Performance in Special Education Students , Jenna L. Newberger Mental health is an important topic about which many people have heard or learned about. It affects all people in various ways and can especially affect careers, schooling and social lives. Because of this, it is imperative to understand ho...

The Importance of Classroom Management in Autism Spectrum Disorder Classrooms , Lindsay C. Nicklason Children that are on the Autism Spectrum thrive on routine, visuals, and calm learning environments. When teaching in an Autism classroom, good classroom management is key to ensuring the students have all the tools they need to succeed. Th...

The Effects of Social Story Interventions Used With Autistic Students , Sarah J Ogren Social-emotional learning is an essential part of everyday learning for students in the classroom. Providing students with evidence-based social-emotional learning practices, such as Social Stories, increases student academics and behavior....

The Effects of Mindfulness on Special Education Students in the General Education Classroom , Jessica Ostendorf Can mindfulness interventions have a positive impact on both special education students and general education students in the classroom? How does mindfulness affect students’ behavior, academic achievement, and over all wellbeing? This lite...

How Does a Four Day Work Week Affect Students' Achievement, Attendance, and Behavior , Joshua David Palmquist This thesis focuses on a four-day school week and the benefits of this approach as it relates to student achievement, attendance and behavior. Over the past two decades, the popularity of a four-day school week has grown, most notably in ru...

Gender Differences in Autism Spectrum Disorder , Charlene Roach Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by a developmental disorder with multiple variations of severity which are characterized by the difficulties in communication, social interactions, and restricted or repetitive patterns of beh...

Collaborative teaching in the inclusive environment: A review of teaching models, benefits, barriers and preparation , Travis B. Rotegard This literature review explains the definition of collaborative teaching (co-teaching) in the inclusive environment. It explores the co-teaching models, and the opinions of those models through the lens of professionals and students. This r...

The Impact of the Inclusion of Movement and Exercise (Physical Learning) on Students in Educational Settings Receiving Special Education Services , Christopher P. Scanlon There continues to be an increase in child and adolescent obesity. Youth receiving special education services are particularly at risk of being more inactive than their peers. There are numerous benefits to engaging in physical activity, no...

Social Media Influence on Emotional and Behavioral Well-Being of High School Aged Students and Educator Intervention , Kayla M. Schroeder Social media use plays a significant role in the lives of adolescents worldwide. Social media allows for adolescents to build connections, express themselves, seek information, and share or view content. Globally, adolescent mental health d...

How Movement-Based and Sensory-Based Interventions Impact Emotional and Academic Success in Students with Disabilities (Autism/ADHD) , John Skalitzky Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder are two of the most prevalent diagnoses in education today. Each diagnosis is individual to the student. However, Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperacti...

The Impact of Autism Spectrum Disorder on Family , Christa R Skitsko As the prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) continuously increases, more individuals and their families are impacted. Parents may be significantly affected by raising a child with an ASD diagnosis due to increased stress from the di...

Implications of Teacher Burnout Related to Being a Special Education Provider , William M Sprouls ABSTRACT The profession of special education instructor has evolved over the years. Special education teachers must often manage lesson plans that make accommodations for all intellectual and disability needs of students. Special education ...

Improving the Perception, Assessment and Diagnosis of Females with Autism , Sydney Anne Steen This literature review examines current biases in perception, assessment, and diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) for females. Males lead in the number of diagnoses of ASD, however, many of the assessments used to evaluate for ASD a...

A Comparison of Two Approaches Used Within a Multi-tiered System of Supports That Enhance Students' Academic Achievement , Michaella Marie Steinfeldt While students are receiving a high-quality education within the classroom, some students face difficulty performing adequately on assessments. These students typically receive intervention support to assist in increasing their skill defici...

Effective Methods of Teaching Phonological Awareness and Phonics to Individuals With Reading Difficulty , Lydia C. Stevenson Reading struggles have been a constant and pervasive issue for individuals. Reading struggles can be caused by various factors, such as poor reading instruction or, in some cases, a reading disability. Throughout the decades, there have bee...

The Impact of School Climate on Student Achievement , Matthew C Straumann This thesis reviews literature linking school climate and academic achievement. There are 30 sources that were reviewed and examined for this thesis. Three main points were found in this review. The link between school climate and bullying,...

Social emotional learning and its needs and benefits for students with down syndrome, autism spectrum disorder, and emotional behavioral disorder , Mariah Kay Uphoff Social Emotional Learning (SEL), the lifetime process of developing skills that enable healthy relationships with others and with the self, has continued to grow in importance as educational programs emphasize more and more the value in edu...

Effective Grading Practices Benefit Mainstreamed Students with Intellectual Disabilities , Jessie M. Wick This study reviews the literature pertaining to grading practices and how grades can affect students with intellectual disabilities who are mainstreamed. It includes research into teacher grading practices, messages that grades reflect and ...

The Impact of Teacher Attrition on Equitable Education for Students from Underserved Communities , Marian Alicia Williams ABSTRACT The current teacher shortage has created a looming crisis in education in the United States that most frequently impacts students from underserved communities. Receiving an equitable education in our country should not be assumed b...

Promoting Inclusion for Students Through Service-Learning , Charlene Marie Winter The following literature review explores how service-learning can be used in an inclusive setting. How can schools use service-learning to promote diverse learning by including students of varying abilities? Studies have shown that service-...

Constructive Influence of Music and Acoustics for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASF) , William Jay Ziesmer Music is one of the oldest building blocks in human civilization and throughout most of human history. It’s played a crucial role in the education system of many students throughout the United States and across the world. Music can provide ...

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Educator Support and Autonomy: Combating the Loss of Self-Efficacy Influencing Educators' Burnout , Chelsea L. Amell Educator trauma-informed teaching practices in education systems are paving the way for schools to meet the needs of students who have experienced trauma and support students from experiencing secondary trauma. Furthermore, exploring the ef...

Strategies to Teach Grit and Perseverance to Students with Special Needs Through the Growth Mindset , Melissa J. Anderson Recently, there has been increased attention on the importance of non-cognitive skills in achieving academic success. Grit and The Growth Mindset are two of the characteristics. Research has established a positive correlation between Grit a...

How Read Alouds Can Promote Higher-Level Thinking Skills in Students with Developmental Disabilities , Jennifer M. Bakken This thesis consists of a literature review of research in the area of read alouds and how they can promote higher-thinking skills in students with developmental disabilities. Historically, read alouds have been used in early elementary sch...

Classroom Management Strategies That Prolong On-Task Behaviors and Increase Success for Special Education Students with ADHD , Renee A. Barstow Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is one of the most common neurological disorders among youth, leading to symptoms of impulsivity, inattention, and cognitive processing differences when compared to same-age typically developing peer...

Impact of a Student’S Culture on Placement in Special Education , Anna Best IDEA requires that schools address the disproportionate amount of minority students in Special Education. This literature review will summarize current research (2010 or later) on the evidence of disproportionality of minority students in S...

Choosing Educational Strategies to Develop Social Studies Knowledge and Encourage Civic and Political Participation Among Students With Special Education Needs , Marc Louis Biermann This research will address three questions: 1) To what extent do people with disabilities participate in the political process, 2) What do studies reveal about social studies education for students with disabilities, and 3) How can teachers...

Disproportionality in Special Education: A Majority of Minority Students in Special Education , Sharon Hubbard Booth Disproportionality in special education has been discussed, written about among scholars, authors, and has been debated in courts for over four decades. Minority groups that are most often referred to in this context are African Americans, ...

Teachers' Union's Collective Bargaining Agreements and Their Impact on School Functions , Chad Jonas Borseth Teachers' unions have a vital role in public education. The collective bargaining agreements negotiated between them and school districts are viewed by many as the de facto rule book for how a school is organized and how it shall operate. D...

The Most Effective Transition Programming For Middle and High School Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) , Matthew Kjell Brunsvold This thesis is a research project focusing on Transition Services for students with autism spectrum disabilities (ASD). Research was completed regarding evidence-based and effective transition practices. The findings were organized specific...

How to Effectively Support Students with Dyscalculia , Robin M. Conley Dyscalculia is a neurodevelopmental disorder, which makes it difficult for some individuals to automatically recognize numbers, estimate, perceive pictures, and order items and procedures correctly. It is similar to dyslexia, a common comor...

Teaching Through a Polyvagal Lens: Using the Science of Safety to Co-Regulate in the Classroom , Anna Isolde Dahlen According to Stephen Porges’ Polyvagal Theory, social responses to environments are mediated by the limbic system either by vagal input or vagal withdrawal (Mulkey & Du Plessis, 2019). The nervous system preconsciously perceives threats thr...

Evidence-Based Interventions to Address Elopement in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Hailey Noelle Ek Elopement is a concerning behavior among autistic children. This thesis focused on evidence-based strategies and interventions used to treat elopement for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Response blocking occurs immediately after a...

Teacher Shortages and Student Learning , Julia M. Elliott Staffing shortages have been a growing area of concern for school districts, which has driven research over the years. This literature review examined the effects that staffing shortages have on student learning and student achievement. Add...

How Does Trauma Informed Teaching Impact Student Learning? , Keith Enstad This literature review will explore the impact of a trauma-informed approach on students' ability to learn. The reader will learn about key terms and definitions that are used throughout the literature. The following literature review explo...

Inclusion Strategies and Perspectives in Special Education , Meghan Filipek This work drives to discover evidence related to the reasoning for varying perspectives in special education- specifically focusing on negative perspectives and what the reasoning is, and supportive strategies to make the shift to more posi...

Trauma-Informed Practices and Students with Disabilities in Elementary School , Kimberly Jane Haney Trauma-informed practices have become more utilized within the education setting, which has led to the need for teachers to be educated in these practices. Educators need to know how trauma impacts their students and appropriate interventio...

Successful Co-Teaching Models in the Secondary Setting , Alexandra L. Hermoza Co-teaching is an educational practice that emerged in the early 1970’s with the creation of the IDEA act. In this inclusive teaching model, a special education and a general education teacher work together to share responsibilities of the ...

Trauma: How the Student Teacher Relationship Impacts Student Success , Eujeana Starr Hinkle High behavioral and academic expectations are exceptionally challenging for students who have experienced trauma. With increasing numbers of students who have experienced significant trauma, it is essential that teachers create trauma-respo...

The Effects of Trauma on Special Education Students Specifically Within Certain Disability Categories Such As Selective Mutism, Autism, and Other Health Disabilities , David R. Johnston Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) have been shown to have life-long consequences. The trail of trauma often associated with negative childhood experiences can impact students as they go through the developmental stages of adolescents all...

Factors Affecting the Academic Self-Concept of K-12 Students with Reading Disabilities , Jamie L. Kaihoi The way students perceive themselves as learners is referred to as their academic self-concept (ASC). ASC is made up of the thoughts and feelings a student has about their experience in the classroom with learning tasks and research has sho...

The Impact of Trauma on Learning and Behaviors in the Classroom and how a Trauma-Informed Classroom Helps , Susanne W. Karris As trauma is becoming more prevalent among our students, it is essential that districts, schools, and staff understand its impacts in the classroom. The American Psychological Association (2021) estimates that more than ⅔ of children experi...

The Impact of Poverty on High School Graduation Rates , Andrew Lanners Kids living in poverty is an issue that can impact students in many ways, especially educationally. This thesis paper goes in depth on how poverty negatively impacts graduation rates. Students living in poverty can be negatively impacted so...

The Influence of Restorative Practice on School Climate , Kay E. Lister The impact of restorative practices on school climate is affirmed as the fostering of teacher-student relationship impacts connection, empathy, and social skills. Bullying decreased, self-advocacy increased, and school communities became bo...

The Effects of Mindfulness Interventions to Enhance Educational Experiences and Sense of Well Being , Madeline Ruth Luoma More recently than ever, teachers are witnessing an uptick in aggressive behaviors and emotional dysregulation and decreased academic engagement within their classroom walls. This can impact the learning environments of all students and hin...

ASD Social Skills Development Using Immersive Virtual Environment Head-Mounted Display Interventions: A Review of Feasibility and Effectiveness , Kasey Lynn This literature review determined the feasibility and effectiveness of Immersive Virtual Environment (IVE) virtual reality head-mounted display (HMD) interventions to develop social skills for children with ASD. Data summarized 11 research ...

The Female Autism Experience: A Literature Review , Megan Elizabeth Maas Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is characterized by communication challenges, difficulties in socialization, and the occurrence of restrictive, repetitive behaviors. Current data in the United States indicates that 1 in 44 children are diagn...

Teacher Burnout , Michelle L. Miller Every year thousands of teachers across the world leave the classroom due to teacher burnout. Teacher burnout syndrome is the emotional and physical exhaustion originating from excessive job stress. Burnout originates from excessive workloa...

Self-Advocacy and Postsecondary Program Achievement in Students With High-Incidence Disabilities , Alyssa Nelson This literature review examines studies that investigated and evaluated the relationship between self-advocacy and college program completion in postsecondary students with disabilities. Research was reviewed that used school-aged participa...

The Benefits of Co-Teaching Students with Special Education Needs in the General Education Classroom , Stephen R. Nelson This research project has focused on co-teaching students with disabilities in the general education classroom. Co-teaching is synonymous with cooperative teaching and has been increasing in school districts across the United States and int...

The Impact of the Pandemic on Social Emotional Learning , Bryan Kilbourne Norman The COVID-19 pandemic declared in March of 2020 disrupted the landscape of education and presented students and teachers with unforeseen impacts and obstacles. Notably, negative social and emotional issues arose as these changes drove stude...

Facing the Teacher Shortage of America , Cheryl L. Novine With the nationwide shortage of teachers and the decrease in those entering the field of teaching, school districts are suffering the impact and ultimately students will be impacted as well. In one way or another, those impacted by the qual...

The Effects of Poverty on Students' Mental Well-Being , Esther P. Nyagwencha-Nyamweya Poverty is a global problem that has impacted the mental well-being of students. Research shows that in the US, one out of five children under the age of 18 live in poverty. This literature review sought to determine the effects of poverty ...

Best Practices for Elementary Reading Interventions , Kathleen E. Owen Literacy skills are essential for success in school, work, and social life. In spite of years of research and reform, there is still an alarming rate of illiteracy in America today. This literature review, with application emphasis thesis, ...

School-Based Health Centers and Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Students , Jena Parker School-based health centers (SBHCs) improve health equity by increasing access to primary care and eliminating many barriers that underserved students often face. Convenience, confidentiality, and cost are just some of the benefits of this ...

The Role of Inclusion in Creating a Positive Learning Experience and Outcomes for Students with Disabilities , Jacob Rath This paper reviews the current research regarding the inclusion of students with special education services in the general education setting and what steps would be necessary to effectively implement more inclusive approaches in schools tod...

Benefits, Barriers, and Supports in Sports and Activities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities , Stephanie O'Neal Sauer This literature review examines the benefits of inclusion in sports and activities for those with intellectual disabilities, the barriers that exist that inhibit or prohibit the inclusion, and the supports that can be implemented to establi...

Food Waste In Schools , Aimee Beth Schaefer Kueppers This literature review examined the history of the National School Lunch Program from its inception to now. Ongoing questions and concerns related to food waste from school lunches have been explored by many researchers to understand its ef...

How Can Animals Benefit Students with Special Needs in the PreK-12 Academic Setting? , Ruthie L. Schneider Animals and children are often associated together because there is an innate connection between them. That connection is even more compelling concerning children with special needs. In the past few decades studies have increased involving ...

Facilitating augmentative and alternative communication for non-verbal students with developmental disabilities , Michelle (Shelly) L Sieben This literature review with application emphasis examines the history and impact of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) for limited and non-verbal communicators with developmental disabilities. Research targets AAC implementati...

Training and Supporting Paraprofessionals Who Work with Students with Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities , Brian P. Solum The roles and responsibilities of paraprofessionals in special education have increased over the years. Just as special education teachers see their caseloads, paperwork, and IEP responsibilities increase, the roles and responsibilities of ...

Educator Burnout Prevention , Anna Sophia Stroebel Burnout is a universal experience that impacts many educators. Within the first five years of teaching, 40% of educators will leave the profession (Mielke, 2019). Teachers of high needs students, including special education teachers, are at...

Sensory Informed Teaching and the Impact on Student Learning , Rebecca Thavis This thesis explores the impact that sensory stimuli have on students with sensory disorders and how this impacts their academic growth. It was hypothesized that sensory impact was a great hindrance for students that suffered from hyper or ...

How Can Educators Better Inform Parents about the Special Education Process So That They are Empowered to Increase Their Role as Active Participants in Their Students’ Education? , Beth Ann Thibodeau The benefits of family involvement in students’ education range from academic and behavioral growth to better attendance and social skills. Parent involvement in the educational process for students with disabilities is a legal right, yet b...

Increasing the Quality and Quantity of Inclusive Practices in Grades K-12 , Emily B. Wakefield In the 21st century, many students with disabilities who might have previously received most of their education in a self-contained room or resource room are much more frequently in classrooms with typically developing peers. However, many ...

Improving Transitional Support for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Amanda Hall Wicklund Despite access to transition programming and planning, students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) face reduced post-secondary school outcomes compared to students in other disability groups. Research explores factors that diminish or incr...

How Do the Zero-Tolerance Policies Lead Students of Color to the School to Prison Pipeline , Deanna Minnie Williams The school-to-prison pipeline in the United States is significantly affected by the zero-tolerance policies and mainly impacts students of color. The school to prison pipeline refers to students of color who are disproportionately placed in...

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120 Fresh and Thought-Provoking Topics for Literature Reviews in Different Disciplines

A literature review is an account of the scholarly works published on a topic. It is different from an annotated bibliography – and far more interesting at that. Instead of being just a list of summaries, a literature review synthesizes the information from all available sources in an overall relationship to your guiding concept. This may be the problem you are discussing, a statement you are arguing, a theory you are verifying, etc.

The goals of a literature review may vary:

  • giving a historical overview of the research in the field
  • summarizing the existing state of the topic
  • finding a problem or a gap in the research field
  • developing a new theory, etc.

That is why good literature review topics are often formulated as research questions. This type of paper is not an easy writing. You will need to parse immense volumes of information, synthesize and summarize coherently. You also need to devote plenty of time to reading.

This post contains a list of literature review topics suggested for various subjects. However, when choosing the most fitting one to dig into, ask yourself, what are the passions that you can apply to this research? This assignment will take a while, so you will need more than just a good study discipline to soldier on. A bit of enthusiasm and intrinsic motivation will get you much farther.

Literature Review Topics Examples on English and World Literature

Some of the suggestions in this post are linked to literature review examples in our free database. By clicking on a title, you get to a corresponding sample page, where you can read the entire text. If the topic you like isn't linked, but you would like to read an example, you can order it. We will arrange the most qualified paper writer to prepare it for you exclusively.

Ready? Let's start with topics for literature review papers on English and World Literature.

  • Phoenix as a symbol for endurance in a worn path
  • The novel Intuition by Allegra Goodman
  • Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Birthmark through Girard's Lens
  • Ender's Game by an Orson Scott Card
  • Depiction of freedom and happiness in Brave New World
  • Feminism and Post-Colonialism in Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake and Suzanne Collins's The Hunger Games
  • Rationality, logic, and mathematics in the novel The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time
  • Victims of their time as a character type in the World literature
  • The last days of Judas Iscariot : a play by Stephen Adly Guirgis
  • The use of symbolism in Kafka's prose
  • Naturalism in American literature
  • Grotesque and Sublime in the prose of Edgar Allan Poe

Lit Review Topic Ideas on Science and Technology

Next are some literature review topic ideas on science and technology.

  • Electronic library and effects of its implementation
  • Benjamin Franklin: scientist and inventor
  • Virtual Reality, science fiction, and society today
  • Science, Technology, and Society as a field of knowledge
  • Frederick Winslow Taylor and the principles of scientific management
  • What is the future of work
  • Concepts of science and technology
  • The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis and influence of technological advancement on man and nature
  • Types of machine learning
  • Internet of Things and biometrics: implications, benefits, threats
  • Emotional intelligence and natural language processing
  • SmartCity projects that have already been implemented and their lessons

As the field is vast, we can barely scratch the surface with these suggestions. To help you with brainstorming, here are a few tips on how to choose good topics for a literature review yourself:

  • Make sure the topic ties nicely with class requirements as well as your interests
  • Do some preliminary research to see if there is enough literature on your topic
  • Scale up if the information is scarce or down if there are too many sources to handle
  • Use sources recommended for reading in the class materials
  • Supplement the list with only trustworthy scholarly sources

Follow these guidelines, and you are on a path to some great ideas!

Psychology Literature Review Topics

When brainstorming topics on psychology, don't forget about the subdisciplines: biopsychology, social, educational, organizational, etc. If the suggestions below won't be enough, try looking for inspiration in Biology, Sociology, Education, or Business. The most exciting topics are often at the intersection of different areas of knowledge!

  • Tricyclic antidepressants vs. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) in treatment of depression
  • Stress, its causes, effects, and coping strategies
  • The family system and psychology
  • Tibetan compassion practices: working with terror, trauma, and transcendence
  • Behaviorism psychology
  • Culture and psychopathology
  • Correlation between diet and cognitive functions in primary school students
  • The evolutionary role of phobias and intrusive thoughts
  • Popular psychology and its implications
  • PTSD in mass disasters survivors: immediate relief and long-term assistance
  • Cults and vulnerable populations
  • False memories and gaslighting

Nursing Literature Review Topics

Nursing lit review topics are probably the most diverse in scale, as you can see from the examples below. They can describe a larger issue or a concrete solution applied to a narrowly defined problem. Following this principle, you can modify our lit review topics suggestions zooming out or in on the subject material.

  • Legalization of medical marijuana and its effects on the youth
  • Health effects of fiber: research findings
  • Achieving higher levels of education and training for nurses
  • Organic foods and cardiovascular disease
  • The importance of Central Venous Line (CVL) and Central Venous Access Devices (CVAD)
  • What effects do different types of music have on humans and their mental health?
  • The use of laboratory-grown organs for transplantation
  • The role of xylitol in alleviating dry mouth
  • The detection of tar and nicotine content of cigarette smoke extract using HPLC
  • Rheumatoid arthritis: etiology, diagnosis, vulnerable populations
  • Mobility aids for the elderly and quality of life
  • The role of play in the recuperation of hospitalized children

Education Literature Review Topics

To get more ideas from these literature review topic examples, try isolating an issue and put it in another educational context. For instance, student motivation in primary school vs. middle school or sleep deprivation in high school vs. college. This should give you plenty of material for brainstorming.

  • Simulation education for crisis prevention program
  • A critical consideration of the new pedagogy in its relation to modern science
  • Lack of students interest in studying science
  • Discovery-based learning and student-centered learning with a focus on mathematics at a high school level
  • The adverse effects of sleep deprivation on academic performance: a college student's struggle
  • Gender bias in special education programs
  • Higher education for senior citizens: challenges and best practices
  • Significant challenges of the teaching profession in the US
  • Factors contributing to international student mobility
  • Student motivation in private vs. state colleges
  • Benefits and challenges of homeschooling for students and families
  • Correlation between workload, stress levels, and self-esteem in middle-school students

Sociology Literature Review Topics

The best advice on finding current sociology topics is to look at the challenges your community faces. Become the first one to notice and address these issues!

  • Are video games affecting our current and future students ?
  • Ways to prevent social media bullying
  • Spanking of children in the USA
  • The relation of poverty and exposure to crime in adolescent men
  • Transgender discrimination
  • The link between science and Utopia in Utopia and the New Atlantis
  • Effectiveness of group therapy in social work
  • Peer pressure, depression, and causes of suicide in the adolescents
  • Religious separatism social issues connected with it
  • Causes and effects of domestic abuse
  • Physical appearance and social status
  • Race, nationality, ethnicity, and identity

Political Science Literature Review Topics

Political science is one of the more formal disciplines on this list. Being heavy with abstract concepts, it doesn't lend itself easily to casual brainstorming. Well, at least start with these:

  • Electoral College, its functions, and role in public life
  • Why American and the British IPE are so different
  • Contingency planning
  • Effects of political gerrymandering
  • American political parties
  • The present urban regimes in Canada
  • International policies and domestic regulations: precedence and clashes
  • Tolerance as a political virtue
  • Grassroots activism and its impact on state and federal law
  • National security and constitutional freedoms
  • Historical analysis of anarchism
  • The effect of social media on civic engagement

Criminal Justice Literature Review Topics

Criminal justice is a complex field. It's ripe with variance and challenges – which is good for topic ideas at least. And you have state, federal, and international levels to add more variables.

  • Juvenile justice and the Missouri model
  • Car-related crime in the USA
  • An analysis of the impact of sexual harassment/sexual assault in the military
  • The process of the arbitration without the involvement of national courts
  • Serial killers and profiling
  • Policing and criminal justice systems
  • Psychological effects of cyberbullying on adolescents
  • Sexual human trafficking from the Central America region
  • Human sex-trafficking: the Canadian perspective
  • Gender and racial bias in criminal investigations
  • Possible ethical and legal dilemmas of using sniffer dogs
  • Sting operations vs. entrapment: ethics and regulations

Chemistry and Biology Literature Review Topics

Biology is fascinating. It has something for everyone: from biochemistry and genetics to ecosystems and nature preservation. Here are some suggestions to guide your choice:

  • Brain size correlation
  • Haruko Obokata, ethics of stem cells research, and scientific misconduct
  • Genomic and molecular genetics major and its perspectives for students
  • DNA use in mass disasters
  • DNA detection from dried blood spots
  • Captive breeding of marine mammals: pros and cons
  • The Dynamics of ER and mitochondria
  • Biomarkers in gastric cancer treatment
  • The chemistry behind gene splicing
  • Carcinogens and hyper-processed foods
  • Primates and monkeys as potential sources of novel zoonotic infections
  • Natural gases, ecosystems, and the global warming

Business and Marketing Literature Review Topics

Finally, here are some business and marketing topics as well. These disciplines might be relatively new, but they are among the most dynamic and information-rich – which means great fun to explore.

  • Effectiveness of neuromarketing in comparison to traditional marketing methods
  • Green supply chain management
  • Effectiveness of e-marketing to non-profit making organizations
  • The value of information
  • Shareholder engagement/activism and corporate performance
  • The relationship between ethics, stress, and productivity in the workplace
  • The role of integrity in business
  • Client confidentiality and its role in a prosperous business
  • Businesses, their impact on the community, and social responsibility
  • Startup fundraising stages
  • Innovative marketing in the age of instant feedback: risks and possibilities
  • Strategies for staff motivation

Jana Rooheart

Jana Rooheart

Jana Rooheart came to WOWESSAYS™ with a mission to put together and then slice and dice our vast practical experience in crafting all kinds of academic papers. Jana is an aspired blogger with rich expertise in psychology, digital learning tools, and creative writing. In this blog, she willingly shares tricks of pencraft and mind-altering ideas about academic writing any student will find utterly beneficial.

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    perspectives arising from the literature on such widely debated issues. Section three will review the origin of the term 'Special Educational Needs' (SEN), its definitions, and the types of special education needs as well as discussing the definitions and models. Section four will review the pedagogy of children who are SEN. 1. Cross-Cultural ...

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    120+ Special Education Research Topics: That You Need to Know. Special education research topics study issues related to the quality of education people with disabilities get. Studying this field helps to improve the learning atmosphere for students with disabilities and address any challenges that they face.

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    This study employed a systematic literature review method which has been defined as conducting secondary research by identifying, analysing, and outlining primary research on a specific topic (Andrews 2005; Hallinger 2013).In this systematic literature review, we examined research on technology use in special education, particularly literature on the use of technology to support learners with ...

  4. The Journal of Special Education: Sage Journals

    Acceptance Rate: 5.3 %. Average review time for manuscript: 8.8 weeks. Average time from acceptance to online publication: 35 days. LEARN MORE. The Journal of Special Education. Published by the Hammill Institute on Disabilities and SAGE in association with the Division for Research of The Council for Exceptional Children, this journal ...

  5. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education: Sage Journals

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  6. Perspectives of Special Education: Literature Review and Interview

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  8. High-Quality Systematic Literature Reviews in Special Education

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  10. Critical Review of Special Education Literature

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  11. The Literature Review

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    of identification for special education services as compared to children in other Chicago early education programs (Conyers, Reynolds & Ou, 2003). The study found that 12.5% of children in the CPC program were subsequently identified for special education, as compared to 18.4% in the non-CPC group.

  18. PDF Special Education Literature Review

    Prepared for Arlington Public Schools. In the following report, Hanover Research reviews best practices in the management and organization of processes for identifying and serving students needing early intervention services, 504 plans, or individualized education plans. We begin with a brief review of Federal and State requirements before ...

  19. Annotated Bibliography & Literature Review

    An annotated bibliography is sometimes a useful step before drafting a research paper, or it can stand alone as an overview of the research available on a topic. Each source in the annotated bibliography has a citation - the information a reader needs to find the original source, in a consistent format to make that easier.

  20. Evaluating Article Search and Selection Procedures in Special Education

    Narrative reviews, which rely on the subjective expertise of authors in identifying relevant literature, possess considerable flexibility in defining questions of interest and in selecting material eligible for review (Talbott, Maggin, Van Acker, & Kumm, 2018).Authors often frame narrative reviews as conversations pertaining to a topic or series of topics, a format that is accessible to ...

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    29 Jul 2021. A literature review is an account of the scholarly works published on a topic. It is different from an annotated bibliography - and far more interesting at that. Instead of being just a list of summaries, a literature review synthesizes the information from all available sources in an overall relationship to your guiding concept.

  23. Evaluating Article Search and Selection Procedures in Special Education

    Discussion. Literature reviews guide research, inform practice, and identify significant trends in special education. This article evaluated search and selection procedures in literature reviews—with an emphasis on reporting in systematic and meta-analytic reviews—published in special education from 2004 to 2016.

  24. PDF School Libr*: A Review of Published Research Articles from 2019

    literacy among students. Other researchers have chosen to review the research for a particular topic of interest, such as Soulen et al. (2020) who focused on resilience. Buchanan et al. (2016) shared a review of the literature about inquiry-based learning in K-12, drawing from the extensive literature used in Buchanan's dissertation.