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Speech on Discipline

Discipline is one of the crucial skills one should learn to succeed. A disciplined and focused man is the one who gains victory. The skill of discipline keeps a person in control and decisive in his actions. Here are some sample speeches on the topic "discipline".

  • 10 Lines Speech on Discipline

Discipline is an essential skill everyone should acquire in their life.

It is tough to learn to be disciplined but once learned, it is a significant asset.

A disciplined person succeeds in any field he/she chooses.

Discipline also motivates a person to progress in life.

In our student life, discipline is the most significant factor in determining our grades.

When disciplined, one learns to control their emotions and be a practical person in life.

Although it seems hard at first, once a person is disciplined, life gets more accessible and more organised for him.

Being in discipline is not only following rules but also includes day-to-day activities like organising our bed.

Discipline makes a person ready for the hardships of life. It makes a person strong.

We should always remain disciplined and obey all the rules.

Short Speech on Discipline

Long speech on discipline.

Speech on Discipline

Discipline is the practice of self-control achieved through the continuous repetition of good habits. Discipline is training oneself to obey rules and be organised in life. The habit of discipline should be cultivated in a person from childhood as it helps them throughout the growing phase of their life. Therefore parents must be disciplined too, as a child learns mostly from them.

Discipline is also a crucial skill in one’s student life. A disciplined student is more successful and gets better grades than one who does not value this essential skill. Being disciplined does not mean not having fun and staying focused the whole day; one can learn time management and enjoy other hobbies while being disciplined.

While being in discipline seems a very tough task in the initial days, once you get used to it, your life becomes very organised and accessible in general. It is the stepping stone to success. When you are disciplined, you will have more control over your life. You will find yourself closer to your dreams and aspirations. It is a gradual process, but it happens only with the help of discipline in your life. Therefore, learning the art of discipline is a skill everyone should inculcate in his life.

Discipline refers to the behaviour of following rules, staying in order and control and making good habits and routines which benefit one’s self in the long run. Self-discipline requires controlling emotions and ignoring our urges while staying focused.

Humanity and Discipline

Discipline has been a critical trait for humanity for centuries. In the pre-historic era, cave humans survived with the help of a closely knit and well-disciplined group that hunted animals. In war, discipline is one of the admirable and required traits a soldier needs. Sun Tzu, the Chinese military general, marks the importance of discipline in a soldier in his book The Art of War. Kings and military leaders have always sought to instil discipline among their soldiers. The victory of the Marathas was because of the rigorous training and disciplined nature of the soldiers. Hence, discipline has remained a crucial human trait for centuries. It is the formula for being victorious against the hardships of life. Therefore one should learn discipline, especially self-discipline, to grow in his life.


Self-discipline has been an essential principle in many religious tenets. In the Eight-Fold Path of Buddhism, self-restraint has been described as a moral principle. The Monks of Jainism and Hinduism also follow strict discipline rules to gain control over their senses. Discipline is a skill that helps us to control our worldly desires or even in fulfilling those desires if appropriately used. A disciplined person has the most chance of getting what he wants through hard work.

How to Develop Self Disciplined

Time Management | When a person knows how to manage his time efficiently. He is closer to discipline. He can carry out his daily chores efficiently and in an organised way.

Punctuality | Being punctual is an essential step toward being disciplined. A disciplined person is always punctual and vice versa.

Removing Distractions | Distractions are the biggest hurdle in the path of being disciplined. It can be in any form - your television to the latest Youtube video, whatever is deviating from your primary goals in life. It is against being disciplined and thus pushing you away from success. Hence, identifying and removing these distractions is crucial to being disciplined.

Taking responsibilities | When you take responsibilities, you learn to work and deliver results in a fixed time frame. You mature and get disciplined in your actions.

How I learned to be in Discipline

I learned the valuable lesson of being disciplined from my school principal. He was a retired army man and always emphasised the benefits of discipline in the school assemblies. I took his advice very seriously and started bringing small changes to my day-to-day activities. I started waking up at 5 AM every day and have been doing so for the last three years. I drink eight glasses of water every day. I finish all my work on time. Being in discipline doesn’t even feel like a burden to me anymore. It makes my life easier and more organised. I feel very close to achieving my goals because I have been very disciplined.

Discipline is one of the most valuable life skills one can learn. It gives a purpose to our lives and motivates us to work toward our goals.

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Speech on Discipline

3 minutes speech on discipline.

Good morning everyone presents here. I stand before you to deliver a speech on discipline. Jim Rohan has beautifully quoted that discipline is the link between goals and success. Discipline is an act of rules and regulation which we follow from our childhood till the end of our life. A well-disciplined people perform their work in the right way and in a given time.

Speech on discipline

Source: pixabay.com

Discipline is something that keeps every person in control. It motivates a person to progress in life. Everybody follow discipline in his/her life in a different form. Although, everyone has his own prospect of discipline. Some person considers it a part of their life and some don’t. The temporary pleasure that gives is not the real pleasure of freedom.

Importance and Types of Discipline

Without discipline, the life of an individual will become dull and inactive. Also, a disciplined individual can control and handle the situation of living in a sophisticated way than those who do not. Besides, if you have a plan and you want to implement it in your life. Then you need discipline. It makes things easy for you to handle. It ultimately brings success to your life.

If we talk about the types of discipline, there are two types. The first type is induced discipline and the second one is self-discipline. Induced discipline is something that others impart us or we learn by seeing others. While self- discipline derives from within. We learn it on our own self. Self-discipline needs a lot of motivation and support from others.

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The Need for Discipline

We want discipline in almost everywhere in life. So, it is good to practice discipline from the early stages of our life. Self-discipline means different things to different persons. For students, its meaning is different. For an employee its meaning is different. And for children its meaning is different.

Furthermore, the meaning of discipline changes with the phases of life and priority. Not everybody can be disciplined because it involves a lot of hard work and dedication. Also, it needs a positive mind and a healthy body. One has to be strict with discipline. So that he or she can successfully complete the road of success.

Advantages of Discipline

The disciple is a staircase by which the person can achieve success. It helps a person to concentrate on his/her goals in life. Also, it does not allow him/her derivate from the goal. Moreover, it brings perfection in a person’s life by training and educating the mind and body of the person. So that he or she can respond to the rules and regulations.

If we talk about professional life, then disciplined persons are always getting more opportunities than the undisciplined person. Also, it adds an exceptional element to the personality of the individual. Besides, the individual leaves a positive impact on the mind of people wherever she or he goes.

In conclusion, I may say that discipline is one of the key elements of our life. An individual can only be successful if she or he strictly live a healthy and disciplined life. Besides, the discipline also helps us in many ways. It motivates the person around us to be disciplined. Above all, discipline helps the individual to achieve the success that he or she wants in life.

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Discipline in Leadership: Achieving Success Through Consistent Practice

Discipline in Leadership

Choosing Between Now and Most: The Importance of Discipline in Leadership

Discipline is often associated with punishment or strict rules and regulations, but in the context of leadership development, discipline refers to the practice of consistently making choices that align with long-term goals and values. It is the ability to delay gratification and resist short-term temptations in order to achieve greater rewards in the future.

The quote “Discipline is choosing between what you want now, and what you want most” is often attributed to Abraham Lincoln, although its true origin is unknown. Regardless of who said it, this quote captures the essence of discipline as a decision-making process that involves weighing the benefits of immediate desires against the potential consequences of neglecting long-term goals.

In the context of leadership development, discipline is a critical skill that enables individuals to become effective leaders who are capable of inspiring and guiding others towards a shared vision. Whether you are a CEO, manager, or team leader, discipline is a key ingredient for success .

Discipline is not a fixed trait that some people are born with and others are not. It is a skill that can be cultivated and developed through intentional practice and self-awareness. By understanding the benefits of discipline, as well as the challenges that come with maintaining it, leaders can take concrete steps to strengthen their discipline muscles and achieve their long-term goals.

In this article, we will explore the importance of discipline in leadership development, the benefits of cultivating discipline, how to develop discipline, the role of discipline in effective leadership, and the challenges that come with maintaining discipline. By the end of this article, readers will have a better understanding of what it takes to be a disciplined leader who can navigate complex challenges and achieve great success .

Benefits of Discipline

Benefits of Discipline

Achieving Long-Term Goals

Discipline is critical for achieving long-term goals. It is easy to get distracted by short-term pleasures or to procrastinate when faced with difficult tasks. However, leaders who are disciplined are able to stay focused on their goals and take consistent action towards achieving them. By developing a clear vision of what they want to achieve, setting measurable goals, and breaking them down into smaller, manageable tasks, disciplined leaders are able to stay motivated and make progress even when faced with setbacks and challenges.

Developing Resilience

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity and persevere in the face of challenges. Discipline is a key factor in developing resilience because it enables leaders to stay focused on their goals and take action even when faced with obstacles. Disciplined leaders are able to manage their emotions, stay calm under pressure, and maintain a positive outlook even when things don’t go according to plan. By developing resilience, leaders can lead their teams through difficult times and inspire them to keep pushing forward.

Improving Decision-Making Skills

Discipline also helps leaders improve their decision-making skills. When leaders are disciplined, they are able to approach decision-making in a more thoughtful and deliberate way. They are able to weigh the pros and cons of different options, gather all the necessary information, and make decisions based on long-term goals rather than short-term desires. This allows leaders to make more informed decisions that are more likely to lead to success .

Enhancing Self-Control

Self-control is the ability to resist immediate temptations and impulses in order to achieve greater rewards in the future. Discipline is critical for enhancing self-control because it helps leaders resist the temptation to give in to short-term desires and stay focused on their long-term goals. By practicing self-control, leaders can avoid making impulsive decisions, manage their emotions more effectively, and stay focused on their priorities.

Boosting Productivity and Efficiency Finally, discipline is essential for boosting productivity and efficiency. When leaders are disciplined, they are able to manage their time effectively, avoid distractions, and focus on the most important tasks. By setting clear priorities, creating a routine, and sticking to it, disciplined leaders are able to make the most of their time and energy. This allows them to achieve more in less time and be more effective leaders overall.

Discipline is a critical skill for leaders who want to achieve their long-term goals, develop resilience, improve decision-making skills, enhance self-control, and boost productivity and efficiency. By understanding the benefits of discipline, leaders can take concrete steps to cultivate this skill and become more effective leaders.

Cultivating Discipline

Cultivating Discipline


Self-awareness is the foundation of discipline. Leaders who are self-aware are able to recognize their strengths and weaknesses, understand their values and priorities, and identify the triggers that lead them to make impulsive decisions. By becoming more aware of their own thought processes and behaviors, leaders can begin to make intentional choices that align with their long-term goals.

Setting Clear and Measurable Goals

Clear and measurable goals are essential for developing discipline. When leaders have a clear vision of what they want to achieve and specific goals to work towards, they are better able to stay focused and motivated. It is important to set goals that are challenging yet achievable, and to break them down into smaller, manageable tasks. By tracking progress towards these goals, leaders can stay accountable and maintain momentum.

Creating a Routine and Sticking to It

Creating a routine is another important strategy for cultivating discipline. When leaders have a consistent schedule, they are better able to manage their time, avoid distractions, and stay focused on their priorities. It is important to establish a routine that works for your individual needs and preferences, and to stick to it as much as possible. This may involve waking up early, dedicating specific time blocks to certain tasks, or taking regular breaks to recharge.

Avoiding Distractions and Temptations

Distractions and temptations can derail even the most disciplined leaders. It is important to identify potential distractions and temptations and take steps to avoid them. This may involve turning off notifications on your phone, blocking certain websites during work hours, or removing unhealthy snacks from your workspace. By removing potential distractions and temptations, leaders can stay focused on their goals and avoid making impulsive decisions.

Developing a Growth Mindset

Finally, developing a growth mindset is critical for cultivating discipline. Leaders who believe that they can grow and improve are better able to embrace challenges, learn from setbacks, and persist in the face of obstacles. By adopting a growth mindset, leaders can develop a sense of curiosity, resilience, and determination that helps them stay focused on their long-term goals.

Cultivating discipline requires self-awareness, setting clear and measurable goals, creating a routine and sticking to it, avoiding distractions and temptations, and developing a growth mindset. By practicing these strategies, leaders can strengthen their discipline muscles and become more effective in achieving their long-term goals.

The Role of Discipline in Effective Leadership

Discipline in Effective Leadership

Leading by Example

One of the most important ways that leaders can demonstrate discipline is by leading by example. When leaders practice what they preach and model disciplined behaviors, they inspire their teams to do the same. This may involve setting clear expectations, following through on commitments, and making intentional choices that align with long-term goals. By leading by example, leaders create a culture of discipline that permeates throughout the organization.

Creating a Culture of Discipline

Discipline is not just an individual trait, it is also a cultural norm. Leaders who prioritize discipline in their organizations create a culture of accountability, focus, and productivity. This may involve setting clear goals, establishing performance metrics, and holding team members accountable for their actions. By creating a culture of discipline, leaders enable their teams to work more effectively and achieve greater success .

Holding Team Members Accountable

Discipline also involves holding team members accountable for their actions. When leaders set clear expectations and establish performance metrics, they enable their teams to understand what is expected of them and how their performance will be evaluated. By holding team members accountable for their actions, leaders ensure that everyone is working towards a shared vision and contributing to the organization’s success.

Making Tough Decisions

Discipline is also critical for making tough decisions. Leaders who are disciplined are able to approach decision-making in a more thoughtful and deliberate way, considering the potential consequences of different options and weighing the long-term impact of their choices. By making tough decisions based on long-term goals rather than short-term desires, leaders demonstrate their commitment to the organization’s success and inspire their teams to do the same.

Balancing Short-Term and Long-Term Goals

Finally, discipline enables leaders to balance short-term and long-term goals. While it is important to stay focused on long-term goals, leaders must also be able to navigate short-term challenges and make decisions that balance immediate needs with long-term priorities. By developing discipline, leaders are better able to manage competing priorities and make decisions that enable the organization to thrive in both the short and long term.

Discipline plays a critical role in effective leadership by enabling leaders to lead by example , create a culture of discipline, hold team members accountable, make tough decisions, and balance short-term and long-term goals. By prioritizing discipline in their leadership development, leaders can become more effective in achieving their goals and inspiring their teams to do the same.

Challenges in Maintaining Discipline

Challenges in Maintaining Discipline

Overcoming Procrastination

Procrastination is one of the biggest challenges to maintaining discipline. It is easy to put off important tasks and focus on immediate pleasures or distractions. To overcome procrastination, leaders should identify the root causes of their procrastination, set clear goals and deadlines, break tasks down into smaller, manageable steps, and create a supportive environment that minimizes distractions and promotes focus.

Dealing with Setbacks and Failures

Setbacks and failures can also derail discipline. When leaders face challenges or setbacks, they may be tempted to give up or lose focus. To overcome setbacks and failures, leaders should focus on the lessons learned, identify the root causes of the problem, and make a plan for moving forward. By focusing on solutions rather than dwelling on the problem, leaders can maintain their discipline and stay focused on their goals.

Balancing Competing Priorities

Another challenge to maintaining discipline is balancing competing priorities. Leaders may have multiple responsibilities and tasks competing for their attention, which can make it difficult to stay focused on long-term goals. To overcome this challenge, leaders should prioritize their tasks, delegate responsibilities where possible, and avoid taking on too much at once. By focusing on the most important tasks and breaking them down into smaller, manageable steps, leaders can stay disciplined and make progress towards their goals.

Managing Stress and Burnout

Stress and burnout can also undermine discipline. When leaders are overwhelmed or exhausted, they may be more likely to make impulsive decisions or give in to distractions. To overcome stress and burnout, leaders should practice self-care, set realistic goals and expectations, and establish boundaries to protect their time and energy. By taking care of their physical and emotional well-being, leaders can maintain their discipline and lead their teams with clarity and focus.

Maintaining discipline can be challenging, but it is essential for effective leadership. By identifying the challenges to maintaining discipline and developing strategies for overcoming them, leaders can stay focused on their long-term goals and achieve great success.

Cultivating a Disciplined Mindset: Leading Towards a Better Future

Discipline is a critical skill for effective leadership. It enables leaders to achieve their long-term goals, develop resilience, improve decision-making skills, enhance self-control, and boost productivity and efficiency. By cultivating discipline, leaders can inspire and guide their teams towards a shared vision and create a culture of accountability, focus, and productivity.

However, maintaining discipline can be challenging. Leaders may face obstacles such as procrastination, setbacks and failures, balancing competing priorities, and managing stress and burnout. To overcome these challenges, leaders must be self-aware, set clear and measurable goals, create a routine and stick to it, avoid distractions and temptations, and develop a growth mindset.

As leaders continue to develop their discipline muscles, they can inspire their teams and drive organizational success. By leading by example, creating a culture of discipline, holding team members accountable, making tough decisions, and balancing short-term and long-term goals, disciplined leaders can achieve great success and inspire others to do the same.

In conclusion, discipline is not just a skill, it is a mindset. It requires intentional practice and self-awareness to develop and maintain, but the rewards are immense. As leaders prioritize discipline in their leadership development journey, they can achieve their goals and inspire their teams to do the same.

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Speech on Discipline in English for Students and Children

Speech on Discipline in English for Students and Children

Points to Remember for Preparing a Speech on Discipline

10 line speech on discipline, short speech on discipline, long speech on discipline.

Discipline, often perceived as a set of rules, is indeed a ladder to reach the zenith of our potential. It’s a trait that not only shapes our academic journey but also our character. As students of life, you may come across opportunities to study discipline in detail and discuss it. To make learning easier, we have drafted some of the top speech examples on discipline for children. These speeches for school students aim to shed light on the significance of discipline and how it can be a guiding star in your journey of life. Let’s explore together, understanding why discipline is the silent force behind many success stories.

Delivering a speech on discipline is not just about sharing information; it’s about inspiring and motivating your audience. Whether you’re addressing students, educators, or a broader audience, the essence of your message should ignite a desire for self-improvement and a deeper understanding of discipline. Let’s explore some key points to consider while preparing your speech.

1. Define Discipline in a Relatable Context

Start by defining discipline in a way that resonates with your audience. Explain how it’s more than just following rules; it’s about self-regulation, commitment, and the pursuit of excellence. Use examples or stories to illustrate its importance in everyday life.

2. Highlight the Benefits of Discipline

Discuss the numerous benefits of being disciplined, such as improved academic performance, better time management, enhanced self-esteem, and greater life satisfaction. Make these benefits tangible and relatable to your audience.

3. Use Inspirational Examples

Incorporate stories or anecdotes of individuals who have achieved success through discipline. These can be historical figures, contemporary personalities, or even personal experiences. Such examples can serve as powerful motivators.

4. Address Common Challenges

Acknowledge the challenges in maintaining discipline, such as distractions, procrastination, and lack of motivation. Offer practical solutions or strategies to overcome these challenges, showing empathy and understanding.

5. Incorporate Interactive Elements

Engage your audience with questions, hypothetical scenarios, or quick exercises. This interaction makes your speech more engaging and helps in driving the point home more effectively.

6. Emphasize the Role of Discipline in Personal Growth

Discuss how discipline aids in personal development, character building, and the achievement of long-term goals. Highlight its role in shaping one’s future and its positive impact on various aspects of life.

7. Conclude With a Call to Action

End your speech with a compelling call to action. Encourage your audience to reflect on their personal discipline level and take steps towards improving it. Your conclusion should inspire and motivate them to make a positive change.

Crafting a concise yet impactful speech can be a challenging task. For young learners, especially those in classes 1, 2, and 3, it’s essential to keep the message simple and relatable. Here’s a 10-line speech, ideal as a 1-minute speech on discipline, tailored for young minds to grasp the essence of this vital attribute.

  • Good morning, everyone! Today, I want to talk about something very important – discipline.
  • Discipline is like a magic key that can help us be better at school and at home.
  • It means listening to our teachers and parents and doing our tasks on time.
  • When we are disciplined, we finish our homework, eat healthily, and go to bed on time.
  • It also means we are polite, don’t talk when others are talking, and wait for our turn.
  • Being disciplined helps us learn better and make good friends.
  • It’s not always easy, but when we try hard, we can do it!
  • Discipline is not just about rules; it’s about taking care of ourselves and respecting others.
  • Remember, even superheroes need discipline to be strong and kind!
  • Let’s all try to be a little more disciplined every day and see how it makes our lives better!

This short speech on Discipline for classes 1, 2, and 3 is designed to be engaging and easy for young students to understand, emphasizing the positive aspects of discipline in a fun and relatable manner.

In crafting a short speech on discipline, particularly for primary class students, it’s vital to strike a balance between simplicity and inspiration. The aim is to convey the message effectively within a limited timeframe. Here, we present two samples of speeches, each tailored for a duration of 2 to 3 minutes, perfect for engaging young minds in the concept of discipline.

Good morning, respected teachers and dear friends. Today, I want to share a few thoughts on a very special word – ‘discipline’. Discipline is the secret ingredient to doing well in school and life. It means doing our homework on time, listening to our teachers, and following the rules at school and home. But it’s not just about rules. It’s about setting a good routine, like going to bed early, eating healthy food, and keeping our things organized.

When we are disciplined, we find more time to play, study, and do fun activities. It helps us become better learners and friends. We feel proud and happy when we are disciplined. So, let’s promise to be disciplined, not just because we have to, but because it helps us grow into wonderful people. Thank you for listening, and let’s make discipline our best friend!

Good morning to all the teachers and my dear friends. Today, I am here to talk about something that helps us every day – discipline. Discipline is not just about following rules; it’s about self-control and responsibility. It means doing our schoolwork with care, being kind to our friends, and helping at home.

Imagine discipline as a magic tool that helps us do our best in everything. When we are disciplined, we wake up on time, finish our tasks, and even have time for playing and exploring new things. It makes us feel confident and proud. Being disciplined also means respecting others, waiting for our turn, and listening when others speak.

It’s like being the captain of a ship; we guide ourselves in the right direction. Sometimes, it can be hard, but remember, every great person we read about in books was disciplined. So, let’s try every day to be a little more disciplined. Let’s make it our superpower to achieve our dreams and be our best. Thank you for your attention, and let’s embark on this journey of discipline together!

These speeches, tailored as a 2 to 3-minute speech on discipline, are designed to be engaging and informative for primary class students, highlighting the importance of discipline in a manner that is both accessible and motivating.

Discipline Habits in kids

Delving into a long speech on discipline allows for a comprehensive exploration of this vital life skill. Such speeches are informative and transformative, providing insights and inspiring change. Whether addressing a student assembly or a broader audience, these speeches aim to illuminate the various dimensions of discipline. Below are two samples, each delving into different aspects of discipline, ideal for a detailed 5-minute speech on discipline.

Good morning to all. Today, I have the privilege of speaking about a topic that is fundamental to our success and personal development – discipline. Discipline is often perceived as a set of rules or restrictions, but in reality, it is the propellant that drives us towards our goals. The inner strength helps us overcome obstacles, maintain focus, and pursue excellence in all walks of life.

In the realm of education, discipline is the backbone of learning. It’s not just about adhering to school rules; it’s about cultivating a mindset of perseverance and commitment to your studies. Discipline is about setting goals, managing time effectively, and maintaining a balance between work and play.

However, the role of discipline extends far beyond the classroom. It’s a key ingredient in shaping one’s character. A disciplined individual exhibits qualities like punctuality, reliability, and self-control. These traits are essential in building a respectable persona and succeeding in various aspects of life, including personal relationships and professional endeavours.

Moreover, discipline is crucial in maintaining physical and mental well-being. It guides us to lead a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise, a balanced diet, or adequate rest. It also fosters mental resilience, enabling us to stay positive and steady even in challenging situations.

Before concluding, I would like to say that discipline is not about restrictions; it’s about liberation. It frees us from the shackles of procrastination, disorganization, and aimlessness. By embracing discipline, we open doors to endless possibilities and pave the way for a fulfilling and successful life. Thank you.

Good morning, everyone. I’m here to delve into a topic that shapes our lives in more ways than we often recognise – discipline. Today, we will explore various facets of discipline and how it profoundly impacts our personal, academic, and professional lives.

The Foundation of Academic Excellence

Discipline in academics is more than just about following school rules. It’s about creating a structured approach to learning, where you set goals, adhere to a study schedule, and actively engage in the learning process. This disciplined approach not only leads to academic success but also fosters a love for lifelong learning.

Building Character and Personal Growth

Discipline is instrumental in character building. It teaches us the value of hard work, persistence, and integrity. A disciplined individual is often seen as reliable and trustworthy, qualities that are highly valued in all spheres of life. It’s through discipline that we learn to control our impulses, make informed decisions, and act responsibly.

Enhancing Professional Skills

In the professional world, discipline is synonymous with efficiency and productivity. It involves meeting deadlines, maintaining a strong work ethic, and continuously striving for improvement. A disciplined professional is often a role model, inspiring others with their dedication and commitment.

Discipline as a Way of Life

In conclusion, discipline is more than just a set of rules; it’s a way of life. It molds us into better learners, professionals, and human beings. By embracing discipline, we equip ourselves with the tools necessary for success and fulfillment. Let’s all strive to incorporate discipline into our daily lives and witness its transformative power. Thank you for your attentive listening.

Please note. Both versions of the speech, while differing in length, effectively communicate the essence of discipline, highlighting its significance in various aspects of life and encouraging the audience to adopt a disciplined approach for personal and professional betterment.

1. What is the True Meaning of Discipline?

Discipline is the practice of training the inner self in obedience, self-control, and skill, guided by a set of rules or a code of behaviour, to achieve personal or professional goals.

2. How Does Discipline Affect Success in Life?

Discipline directly impacts success by fostering consistency, focus, and perseverance, which are crucial for achieving goals and overcoming challenges in various aspects of life.

3. Can Discipline Be Learned, or Is It an Inherent Trait?

Discipline can certainly be learned and developed over time. It involves cultivating habits and mindsets that promote self-control and orderliness, and it is not solely an inherent trait.

We must all remember that discipline is pivotal in shaping an individual’s journey towards success and personal fulfilment. It transcends mere adherence to rules, evolving into a lifestyle that enhances focus, perseverance, and self-improvement. Embracing discipline in various aspects of life leads to achieving goals and builds character and resilience, indispensable traits for a rewarding life.

Positive Discipline Techniques

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Speech on Importance of Discipline

Discipline is like a magic key that opens doors to success. It helps you stay focused, manage your time, and reach your goals. Without it, life can become a jumbled mess.

Think about a well-oiled machine. That’s what your life can be with discipline. It’s not about harsh rules, but about creating a smooth path towards your dreams.

1-minute Speech on Importance of Discipline

Good morning everyone!

Today, I would like to talk about an essential key to success that we sometimes overlook – Discipline. It is the bridge between our goals and our achievements. It is the glue that binds inspiration with achievement, dreams with reality, and capabilities with results.

Discipline is the habit of acting according to certain rules. It ensures that we respond to life in ways that prioritize our highest values and goals. One might have all the resources, ideas, and plans, but without discipline, it is almost impossible to bring any of them to life.

In school, discipline helps us acquire knowledge and grow as individuals. It motivates us to stay focused on our studies, complete assignments on time, and interact respectfully with teachers and classmates. In the workplace, discipline is equally important. It helps us meet deadlines, build a career, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Discipline is not just about control, but also about cultivating empowering habits that can guide our choices and actions. Think of discipline as an inner compass, guiding us towards the right path when distractions and temptations abound. It’s about self-control, persistence, and the ability to stay focused on our goals.

To conclude, discipline is a critical component of success. It fuels our motivation and keeps us on the right pathway. It is a quality that helps us lead our lives in a productive, meaningful, and fulfilling way. So, let’s embrace discipline, let it guide our actions, and watch how it brings us closer to our dreams.

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2-minute Speech on Importance of Discipline

Good morning everyone, I am here today to talk about a topic that is fundamental to our success in both personal and professional life. The topic for today’s discussion is ‘Importance of Discipline’.

Discipline, in simple terms, equals self-control. It is a trait that allows us to make rational decisions, without letting our emotions get in the way. It is a cornerstone of success. Without discipline, it is impossible to achieve any significant level of success, regardless of what your definition of success might be.

In our personal life, discipline plays a crucial role in shaping our character and attitude towards life. It curbs our impulses and reminds us to stay grounded. It helps us make the right decisions even when faced with adversity. It is discipline that helps us stick to our routines, to exercise regularly, eat healthily, wake up early, and live an organized life.

Moreover, discipline is not just about leading a well-structured life, it’s about self-control. It’s about being able to control our desires, our actions, and our reactions. A disciplined person doesn’t react impulsively; instead, he or she evaluates the situation and then responds in the best possible manner.

In the professional domain, discipline is equally, if not more, important. It is the backbone of any organization. It helps us to deliver our work on time, meet deadlines, abide by the rules, and maintain the decorum of the workplace. In the corporate world, discipline differentiates a leader from a follower. It is what drives innovation and growth.

Discipline is not just for personal benefit, it’s also for the good of society. A disciplined society is a harmonious society. When people abide by rules and regulations, it creates an environment conducive to growth and prosperity.

In conclusion, discipline is not a restriction but a tool for liberation. It frees us from the shackles of unproductive habits and impulsive behaviors. It’s the key to unlock the door to success and happiness. It is not something that restricts us, rather it is something that guides us towards a productive path, helping us make the most of our lives.

Let’s pledge today to inculcate discipline in our lives, not as a burden, but as a guiding light that leads us to our goals. Remember, discipline is not the enemy of freedom, but the very definition of it. So, let’s strive to be disciplined in our actions, our thoughts, and our lives. Thank you.

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Leaders that grow


Leaders that grow

Speech About Leadership and Responsibility

Ryan Lenett

Have you been called upon to give an inspirational speech on leadership and responsibility? But you are not sure, what to include in the speech, how to start or end the speech. Check the sample speech here and use it as your guide.

Motivational Address on Leadership & Responsibility

“Friends, respected guests, and fellow community members, I am here today to talk about something really important – being a leader and taking responsibility. In our fast-changing world, we really need good leaders who take their role seriously. Being a leader is not just about being in charge; it is about using honesty, kindness, and strong commitment to make our society better. Being a leader means inspiring and guiding people to work together towards a common goal. A true leader shows kindness, stays humble, and never gives up. They pave the way for society to grow and get better. We see many examples of great leaders in history who have made a big impact on so many lives through their dedication and taking their responsibilities seriously. Great leaders know that it’s not about showing off, but instead helping others to do the best they can. They present themselves as symbols of hope and positivity, motivating their group members to strive for the best. These leaders take complete responsibility for their actions, leading by example and creating an environment where everyone feels valued. Being a leader and having responsibility go hand in hand. A leader can’t ignore their duties and still expect people to stay loyal. Responsibility requires being open, honest, accepting mistakes, and learning from them. During difficult times, leaders stand out, providing comfort and guidance to their team through tough situations. They own up to their mistakes and give credit to their team for success, promoting a culture where everyone takes responsibility together. Leadership today also involves thinking globally . Leaders must tackle big issues like climate change, economic inequality, and social unfairness. Leaders need to look after not just people close to them but also people all over the world. To solve worldwide problems we need worldwide solutions, therefore leaders need to work together regardless of politics or geography. We live in a time where technology is advancing quickly, bringing both benefits and issues. Leaders in technology must tackle hard questions concerning privacy, artificial intelligence, and automation. Truly great leaders are those who make sure that technological progress is done ethically considering humanity’s interests. Education is another place where leadership and responsibility are strongly connected. Leaders in education help shape the future generations’ minds. They need to encourage students to think critically, show empathy towards others, and properly understand their responsibilities. But remember- leadership isn’t only for those in authority positions. Each one of us can showcase leadership within our own lives – in our families, workplaces or communities. Being a responsible leader means thinking about our actions’ effect on others, welcoming diversity and showing empathy towards others. To cap it off, leadership can’t exist without responsibility – if you have authority but no sense of duty, you’re not going to be able to make things better. As we move forward into an unknown future, it’s crucial we remember that real leaders carry the responsibility of guiding others towards a better tomorrow with inclusiveness always kept in mind. Let us all aim to become the leaders our world needs – caring, responsible leaders who intend to make difference for betterment of societies across globe. Thank you.”

Features of Leadership

  • Influence: Leadership is a trait that inspires others, altering their behavior and mindset to synergize towards common objectives.
  • Interpersonal Process: The relationship between a leader and their followers significantly determines the achievement of organizational goals.
  • Achieving Organizational Goals: Leaders unify efforts towards shared business objectives.
  • Continuous Process: Leadership is a perpetual journey, requiring constant guidance and direction to keep the team aligned.
  • Group Process: Leadership thrives in collective effort, fostering interaction and solution-driven dialogues.
  • Situation Dependent: Effective leadership is adaptable, molding itself as per the current circumstances.

Roles and Responsibilities of a Leader

A leader wears multiple hats, playing numerous roles that contribute to the overall success of the organization. These responsibilities vary but typically include the following:

Short Speech on Leadership Qualities

A great leader, above all, is known by their work ethics and the trust they instill in their team. This trust is earned through consistent actions, leading by example, and offering guidance even in challenging times. Renowned leaders like Nelson Mandela , Mahatma Gandhi, and Barack Obama showcased an unwavering commitment to their goals and a deep respect for every individual. The pathway to such leadership isn’t easy or swift but is marked by patience, understanding, and perseverance.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. what is the importance of a leadership speech.

A leadership speech plays a crucial role in inspiring and motivating individuals to embrace their potential as leaders. It provides insights into the traits and qualities of effective leadership, emphasizing the significance of leading by example, making informed decisions, and fostering a productive environment. As John Maxwell aptly puts it, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”

2. What is the role of leadership?

Leadership involves guiding, organizing, and managing a team toward a shared objective. Leaders are visionaries who motivate their teams and foster a conducive environment for growth. The roles of a leader can vary from training and mentoring to decision-making and conflict resolution. They may employ different leadership styles such as transactional, transformational, autocratic, or democratic based on the context and the team’s needs.

3. How do you introduce yourself in a leadership speech?

Introducing oneself in a leadership speech requires a careful balance of authority and humility. It’s essential to communicate your values, vision, and expectations clearly while also expressing your eagerness to learn and grow with the team. The way you deliver this speech can significantly impact the team’s perception of you, emphasizing the importance of preparing and practicing your speech. Strive to make your introduction an accurate reflection of your leadership style and ethos.

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Ryan is a car enthusiast and an accomplished team builder passionate about crafting captivating narratives. Known for his ability to transport readers to other worlds, his writing has garnered attention and a dedicated following. With a keen eye for detail and a gift for storytelling, Ryan continues to weave literary magic in every word he writes.

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How to Write a Speech on Discipline?


  • Updated on  
  • Dec 1, 2020

speech on discipline

The content for Speech writing varies for each topic. There are various kinds of speech like motivating speech, informative speech, entertaining speech, achievement speech and many more. Every type requires a unique and different structure and are used on different occasions. In this blog, we shall guide you through writing a speech on discipline which comes under the category of motivational speech.

Speech Writing Format 

The basic structure to write any speech includes 3 parts:

  • Introduction : Greet the audience and briefly describe your topic- discipline, by giving a quote or a story. Continue relating the story or quote you mentioned, and emphasize the importance of the soft skill. Add rhetorical questions to encourage proactive thinking among the audience. 
  • Body : In this part, mention how can you acquire discipline? How the manifestation of the skill varies from each individual. Further, describe how the people listening can begin implementing the soft skill. How can they work on their schedules and make their lives more organized? Give them reality-checks and examples that help them feel motivated towards being more disciplined in life.
  • Conclusion : In this part state why being disciplined is essential. Persuade the audience towards a collective decision of beginning with small steps for a disciplined life. Appreciate their active listening and conclude your speech.

Also Read: Notice Writing For Class 8

Points to Mention in a Speech on Discipline

While writing a speech on topics like discipline, it is important to keep these things in mind:

  • Since a topic like a discipline is often discussed by elders and teachers,  make sure you don’t use repetitive or mainstream information. 
  • Add interesting factual points.
  • Give realistic examples and procedures. Do not straight away tell your audience to be disciplined. Give them positive small goals that can add up to acquiring the soft skill. 
  • While writing a speech on any soft skill, add psychological angles and consequences to help them understand the cognitive functions of the skill.

Must Read: Letter Writing Format, Samples and Tips

Sample Speech on Discipline

Hope this blog helped you through writing an effective speech on discipline. Let us know your views in the comment section below. Stay tuned with Leverage Edu for more such awesome content!

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Speech On Discipline

In the pursuit of personal development, discipline emerges as a powerful but often underestimated force. This article highlights the importance of discipline and how it impacts our journey towards self-improvement. Be it setting goals, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, or honing new skills, discipline plays a vital role in achieving success.

Discipline involves a series of habits and behaviors, including consistency, focus, and self-control. It requires a willingness to make sacrifices, overcome obstacles, and face challenges. By adopting discipline, we gain the power to break free from procrastination, eliminate distractions, and prioritize what really matters.

Studies have shown that discipline has a profound impact on personal development. It increases our ability to learn and retain information, builds resilience, and promotes a strong work ethic. Furthermore, discipline promotes a sense of responsibility, self-confidence, and inner strength. It empowers us to make positive choices, stay committed to our goals, and ultimately live a purposeful and fulfilling life.

Speech No.1: Speech On Discipline For Students

  • Speaker: School And College Student, Teacher
  • Audience: Students, Teachers, General Publi c

Good morning

Respected principal, teachers, and my dear school fellows

Although we are aware of what discipline is, do we understand what it actually means?

The definition of discipline goes well beyond simply respecting authority figures. Everyone, including non-living things and animals, should be disciplined. Every day’s sunrise in the east and every night’s sunset in the west are likewise forms of discipline.

In practically every aspect of life, including schools, homes, places of worship, playgrounds, and, in today’s world, even online, discipline is required. Being disciplined is essential for success. You need self-assurance and a high level of attention in order to thrive in life. And the only way to achieve these things is through discipline. Being punctual is the first indication of the subsequent discipline in life, which brings about a lot of changes in our daily lives.

You all are in uniform and sitting quietly and listening to me; isn’t that also a part of discipline?

Discipline is essential in all aspects of life. Life will be in shambles without it. In colleges and universities, discipline is really essential. Results won’t improve if students disregard the regulations set out by the headmaster and teachers for the benefit of all students. The students will eventually suffer. Such education, in my opinion, is pointless if it does not instill discipline.

Any country’s future is in its students, and discipline is essential to their growth and success. In order to develop a student’s character, demeanor, and behavior, discipline is crucial. It assists kids in developing into capable, accountable, well-organized, and goal-oriented people. Students who are disciplined also learn to respect authority, rules, and regulations.

In extracurricular activities like athletics, music, and drama, discipline is also crucial. Disciplined students are more likely to practice frequently, put in extra effort, and advance their abilities. This improves success in contests and events and fosters the growth of kids’ sense of leadership, teamwork, and sportsmanship. Following rules and regulations is only one aspect of discipline; another is forming positive habits and values. Disciplined students acquire traits like honesty, diligence, and timeliness.

However, there are so many people who are undisciplined. Our nation’s most urgent issue is indiscipline. When there is no discipline, corruption occurs.

In the words of Aristotle, “Discipline is the obedience to rules formed by society for the good of all.”

Therefore, it is the practice of following rules. It is prompt compliance with the ruling party’s instructions. We have to abide by certain rules everywhere we go. Man exists in society; it is only through society that he can advance. Therefore, the good of an individual must be for the benefit of society. An individual occasionally needs to put the interests of the community ahead of their own. Discipline achieves this.

In the end, discipline is necessary for success in both the personal and professional spheres of life. We can uncover hidden potential and achieve more than we ever imagined by fostering this characteristic within ourselves.

How do I maintain it?

By establishing specific objectives and developing a plan to reach them, one may maintain discipline. You’ll be able to focus and stay motivated by using this. Maintaining your regimen even when you don’t feel like it requires consistency. Distractions frequently cause our efforts to maintain discipline to fail. Distractions should be minimized or avoided altogether to prevent this.

Therefore, discipline is a crucial quality of life that aids people in achieving their objectives and leading successful lives. Disciplined students are more likely to succeed academically, form positive habits and values, and grow into mature, responsible adults.

As a result, it’s critical that children develop discipline in their lives from a young age and incorporate it into their daily routines.

Thank you for being disciplined.

Customize Speech on Discipline

Title for your speech.

  • The Power of Discipline: How It Shapes Successful Individuals
  • Mastering Self-Discipline: Key Strategies for Improved Performance
  • Why Discipline Matters: Unraveling Its Impact on Personal Growth
  • Unleashing the Benefits of Discipline: A Guide to Achieving Your Goals
  • The Psychology of Discipline: Understanding Its Importance in Modern Life

Sample of The Flow of Speech

  • Defining discipline: Understanding what discipline entails
  • The benefits of discipline: How discipline positively impacts personal growth
  • The role of discipline in achieving goals: How discipline helps in goal setting and achievement
  • Developing discipline: Strategies and techniques for cultivating discipline
  • Overcoming challenges in maintaining discipline: Common obstacles and how to overcome them
  • Discipline in different areas of life: Exploring discipline in relationships, health, and finances
  • Discipline and self-care: Balancing discipline with self-compassion and self-care
  • Discipline and long-term success: How discipline contributes to long-term personal growth and success
  • Conclusion: Emphasizing the importance of discipline as a catalyst for personal growth
  • The importance of discipline in personal growth
  • Discipline and goal achievement
  • Developing discipline in daily routines
  • The role of discipline in self-control and willpower
  • Overcoming challenges and maintaining discipline
  • The impact of discipline on time management
  • Discipline as a mindset for success
  • Cultivating discipline through habits and accountability
  • Conclusion: Harnessing the power of discipline for personal growth.
  • Understanding the concept of discipline
  • Discipline and goal-setting
  • Developing discipline through habits and routines
  • Discipline in different areas of life – work, relationships, health, etc.
  • Discipline vs. motivation – finding the balance
  • Tools and techniques for cultivating discipline
  • Conclusion: Embracing discipline for personal growth

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Leadership Speech

Leadership speech generator.

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Leadership is a character a lot of us wants yet only a few can master. Being a leader entails great responsibility. Speech writing could be a challenge for some but for a leader, it is more of a necessity. It requires both the mind and the spirit to come up with a powerful speech.

A leadership speech could be likened to a keynote speech because it stirs emotions among the audience. However, a leadership is more of an encouragement message. It should be filled with words of unity, camaraderie, and trust. Let us discuss in great detail what a leadership speech is.

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What Is  a Leadership Speech?

A leadership speech is a particular kind of speech that is used to deliver a strong message with the purpose of influencing others and providing inspiration when necessary. It is a composition designed with the objective to motivational speech others, lead them in the right direction, and drive them towards a common goal.

Although most speeches require to use proper language to deliver a message, a leadership speech takes more than that. The language to be used should be easily understood by the audience yet able to convey a strong and powerful effect.

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How to Give a Leadership Speech

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1. Be Confident.

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2. Show Enthusiasm.

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3. Use Body Language.

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1. Start with a Strong Opening.

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2. Create an Outline.

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Discipline®: Developing Your Leadership Skills

Webcast details.

  • Gallup CliftonStrengths Podcast, Season 2: Discipline
  • What is the power of Discipline in a leadership role?
  • How could Discipline help or hinder you in leading others?

Below are audio and video plus a transcript of the conversation, including time stamps.

Explore Gallup's CliftonStrengths ® for Leaders Report and discover its ability to help you maximize the impact of your -- and others' -- unique leadership talents and strengths, in this Season 2 episode of The CliftonStrengths Podcast . Join Jim Collison and Dr. Jaclynn Robinson as they discuss the Discipline ® theme , its power in a leadership role, how it can help or hinder you as you lead others, and how you can leverage it with the CliftonStrengths for Managers and CliftonStrengths for Sales Reports. Unlock the leadership potential of your Discipline talent -- because everyone leads something.

Their need for structure as a leader brings a lot of stability into the workforce, because they're that leadership that's guiding people. Jaclynn Robinson, 1:59
If you've got a sales leader with high Discipline, then team members can count on them to help them create a sales strategy or territory schedule that's going to be most efficient in meeting the needs of their clients. Jaclynn Robinson, 9:10

Jim Collison 0:00 I am Jim Collison, and this is The CliftonStrengths Podcast, Season 2 , recorded on March 10, 2023. Jim Collison 0:20 In this CliftonStrengths Podcast series, we look at the CliftonStrengths for Leaders Report one theme at a time, and today's theme is Discipline . If you're listening live, love to have you join us in chat. There's a link right above me to it. Or if you're listening to questions after the fact, you can always send us your questions: [email protected] . Dr. Jaclynn Robinson is our host today. She works as a Senior Learning and Development Consultant, joined me for Season 1 of The CliftonStrengths Podcast , where we, where we looked at Wellbeing at Work one theme at a time. Jaclynn, always great to have you. Welcome back! Jaclynn Robinson 0:49 Thank you. I just realized, try saying, " Wellbeing at Work " fast. That can be a tongue twister.

Introducing Discipline

Jim Collison 0:55 That can be, well, those with Discipline would slow down enough to get it right. We're talking about -- I don't have that; I have Activator and Arranger , and I always want to move fast. But we are talking about Discipline today. Kick us off with that, when we say Discipline, what do we mean? Jaclynn Robinson 1:11 If you have Discipline high , you enjoy routine and structure. Your world is best described by the order you create.

What Is the Power of Discipline in a Leadership Role?

Jim Collison 1:18 I think sometimes we think that only Discipline has that. And I think that, listen, there are people who don't have it that crave routine and structure. I like it. Doesn't mean I'm best in it, you know, all the time. Doesn't mean it makes me successful all the time. But so I hear from people all the time -- this is one of those strengths envy ones, where people, Oh, I wish I had higher Discipline; super low for me. But I still like it. And I've learned to appreciate it. We're talking about it in the context of a leadership role, right, and, and this CliftonStrengths for Leaders report . So what's the power of this theme in a leadership role? Talk a little bit about that. Jaclynn Robinson 1:59 Their need for structure as a leader brings a lot of stability into the workforce, because they're, they're that, that leadership that's guiding people. They've got employees moving towards a course of action with expectations and timelines in place and deadlines. And in addition to that, when change or chaos occurs, this leader can be counted on to reset and find a new, predictable pathway through. So it's like pause, reset, OK. I've got a plan. I think they create a lot of structure and stability. Jim Collison 2:32 Yeah, talk about it. It comes out of the Executing Domain . Talk a little bit about, how do you see that in working with people, what, flush that out just a little bit more. What does that look like? Or -- hold on, Mark would want me to say, "flesh that out a little bit more"! Would you do that? Jaclynn Robinson 2:52 Well, if I'm thinking of this individual at the leadership level, then when they're in those strategic meetings, they can keep the agenda tight. This is what we've got set; let's make sure we're covering it. They're the folks that can help just to streamline ideas or initiatives to make sure that it's going to be tackled through and through. So little, little unlike Focus , where we think more about what's the goal we're trying to achieve here. That person with high Discipline can help shape the path, make sure timelines are set, make sure each leader might know what their communication message is or what their responsibilities are, and just make sure that everyone is really running like a well-oiled machine. And then when we think about how that starts to cascade down, you know, employees are now streamlined on their communication and aligned, because that leader's helped shape the other leaders around them.

How Can Those With Discipline Lead Others?

Jim Collison 3:47 Yeah. And I think, again, important to remind folks, they're good at this and successful at it, and they do it every time. Like, folks with high Discipline. There are moment, I have moments like this. But I'm, they're not always successful, and I don't do it all the time. Right. And so, great to hear. I love this theme, because it's so, I love talking about these themes that are low for me, because it really, I, it gives me some insight on how to lean into them with others. As we think about others, how could this theme lead others? Give us some -- a few, maybe a few more specific examples of how it could lead others. Jaclynn Robinson 4:25 They can set clear standards and expectations, for one. So those within their sphere of influence have role clarity timelines, and they also have the resources they need to make sure that they can carry out their role with efficiency and accountability. Jim Collison 4:41 And you're using some words that are just foreign to me -- accountability. Jaclynn Robinson 4:46 I saw you pausing there. I'm like, he's thinking! Jim Collison 4:50 And probably shares some, some, some talents with Command too. I hear a little bit of that, right, all these Executing themes in here, right. Jaclynn Robinson 4:59 That's a really good callout!

How Could Discipline Hinder Your Leadership of Others?

Jim Collison 5:00 Actually, as we think about any of those by domain , and you start hearing some of the similarities in them, you think it sounds, you think it sounds like it. Let's, let's flip that. In the report, we talk about helps. But we've got some hinders in there as well. How could this theme hinder the leadership of others? Jaclynn Robinson 5:17 When it comes to an unclear path ahead, so when the path changes, and it's necessary to make some quick adjustments, this leader could struggle. So with self-awareness and a moment of reflection, and they can put a new plan in place and move forward. But they do tend to need that think time to just pause and go, Wait a minute! Let me, let me reset mentally and figure out where we're going. And this is where really being open to the creative thoughts and ideas or strategies of other people can really help them as well, whether it's a direct report or a fellow colleague. Jim Collison 5:52 I think I'd add a little bit to that of understanding that everybody's not built like you are, right. This is one of those where it's easy. I think it's so visible at times, that I'm either there, or I'm not, to say, Well, if you would just buckle down; if you would just do it the same way twice, Jim. Right. If you -- oh, did I, was that my example? You know, because that's, right, I mean, and the, I think that it can get it, it can get demotivating to others if it's taken without understanding. Right? If you're just saying, "You know, if you would just -- ." So if you find yourself, high Discipline folks , if you find yourself using that phrase, "Well, you know, if you would just -- " check yourself at that point. Jaclynn Robinson 6:44 If you would just stick to this schedule, this routine. That can feel so suffocating for people that need freedom to think or freedom to explore their workplace in the way that suits them, like high Adaptability. They're going to be at their best when they're reacting, not when you're trying to force them to be proactive. So I'd love that. I think that's a, another key hindrance that we would see. Jim Collison 7:10 We're spending some time thinking about this in the context of the 4 Needs, right? So Hope, Stability, Compassion and Trust . What, where do you think, where do you think Discipline fits in in that structure? What does it provide? Jaclynn Robinson 7:23 See Stability right off the bat. We're going to create some order, some structure. Even when there's change, there's going to be some predictability that helps you feel like you can anchor down. And to that degree that that, I think, brings Compassion, because of that person high in Discipline is disconcerted by the change or the movement; they're going to want to make sure that they maybe overcommunicate or make sure that they get that structure in place pretty quickly, so people can feel more secure in their role or what the road ahead looks like. And I think that brings Trust, for sure. Because it's, OK, we trust that this person is going to have a plan. Jim Collison 8:05 Yeah, even, for me, it even brings Hope, at times, knowing, like, when there's chaos around and things are falling off my plate that they're, that those with high Discipline, chances are they got a better shot at it than me. So I just cling to that -- I'm dying here! Jaclynn Robinson 8:25 Clinging, like it's a life raft.

How Can You Use Discipline as You Lead, Together With the Managers and Sales Reports?

Jim Collison 8:27 What do we need to do? Like, you know, especially in those where it's consistent processes that need to happen the same way all the time. Those do exist, right? So that brings great Hope to me. And so I always appreciate that. This season, we're spending some time thinking about this idea of report dynamics -- what would happen, we have these three role-based reports, right: CliftonStrengths for Leaders we're focusing this year, CliftonStrengths for Managers , and then CliftonStrengths for Sales . And so let's think about this. If we, if we took kind of those two ideas of, of leaders and sales and put them together, what, how would we think about that, Jaclynn? Jaclynn Robinson 9:04 These are so fun to start thinking about how these combine together, by the way. So with Discipline, if you've got a sales leader with high Discipline, then team members can count on them to help them create a sales strategy or territory schedule that's going to be most efficient in meeting the needs of their clients. And then I think even beyond that, this leader can help them think about how to scope out their day, so they can effectively respond to emails, hold follow-up calls, complete administration, and even, you know, walk into their accounts. So I love thinking of this person as that, that Go To, that thought partner, so to speak, to help them think about how to maximize their day, little "m." But they can, they can certainly, you know, create that high return on investment through the structure that they can help this person craft. Jim Collison 9:54 Taking, taking that me to we concept and saying, OK, I've been successful with this these things, but now knowing you and your sales talents, how can we create some structure around you that make, that makes it work for you in this situation? I think that's the, that's the growth in this is to, as a sales leader or as a, as a leader in sales, to say, you know, we got to follow up. How are we going to? Because you have to in sales. You have to follow up, or you starve. So how are we going to follow up? This is what's worked for me. But let's figure out a way to make it work for you, based on who you are, right? Maybe automation, or maybe it just needs to be someone else helping you do that or whatever, right. Fill in -- I don't know, would you add anything to that? Jaclynn Robinson 10:41 No, I love that! It's, I think what a blessing that is for the newer sales folks, too, that are trying to figure out how to manage their territory, especially if it's large. Well, let's think about where you might be on a Monday. How do you want to manage those accounts that might be closer in that region? Or if you're waiting to go see a prospect or a client, to your point, is that a good time for you to do some admin and respond to emails in your car while you wait? So, yeah, I think that's, that was well said. Jim Collison 11:09 Yeah, well, you know, we're going through, we're, currently it's, as it's, it's March of 2023, folks will listen to this much later. But we're going through some process to make some things more efficient for our certification-recertification process for our coaches. And part of, I consider part of the sales process the follow-up that we do to certification. That's just as important as the communication we do. And now I have really, because I have really, really low Discipline, I have to really lean on partners in this who will ensure, Hey, I can keep track of all of the pieces. But I need to hand those off in the sales process to others, and say, I need you to do this for me, and make sure this gets done right. And so that is not just -- when we think about sales, it's just not widgets and licenses and product. It might be, it might be promises made in a sales cycle to be fulfilled after the sales. That's just as important in sales. OK, this is not a sales podcast. When we think about, sorry -- Jaclynn Robinson 12:18 But we were talking sales; we were talking sales. Jim Collison 12:19 At least I was close. As a leader, as, thinking then with the Leaders Report and the Manager Report , how might those two work together? Jaclynn Robinson 12:28 Well, the individuals on this leader's team likely feel a lot of stability just within their day to day. There's that steady cadence that's happening. And I think that lends itself to trust and reliability on the team. Team members know that meetings are going to start and end on time with that set agenda. They know what goals they're striving towards, what timelines necessary to meet those goals. And I think what can elevate this leader's management style is to really have an awareness -- and you mentioned this earlier -- of how individuals manage their calendar in day-to-day tasks with success. And they might prefer less structure and more adaptability. So really starting to kind of individualize and know what it is that helps this person be successful can help them be an even more effective leader. They might not want all that structure. But it's great to have from that, maybe, you know, that collective standpoint, when it comes to team meetings or, or goal setting. Jim Collison 13:25 Yeah, it gets me thinking about this idea of having adaptable structure and structured adaptability, right. They both have to coexist together. And they can look a little bit different, and based on the needs, I think, for this leader or manager, of structuring this, and for those who are a little more free-flowing, of figuring out ways to add structure for accountability. And for those who have high structure and accountability, how do we make it so they can adapt to the situation, right? Because we have to do both. It's not, it's not, it's almost never one way. It's always both. And, and -- shouldn't say "always"; that's probably -- most of the time, a lot of the time we need, we need both, right. And I think a good leader-manager is constantly thinking how to create that structured adaptability or adaptable structure to make it work. So, Jaclynn, as we kind of wrap this up, any final thoughts on Discipline? Jaclynn Robinson 14:22 That was good. I feel like you just found some new trademarks with those phrases. Jim Collison 14:28 I was channeling, since we talked about him earlier, I was channeling my inner Curt Liesveld on that. That's something he would have said. And he might have, maybe I just stole it from him. But final thoughts. Jaclynn Robinson 14:41 Yeah, so those with Discipline , I think that, you know, you've, you've got a lot that you can offer teams and colleagues, in terms of making sure that people feel like they are tackling what they need to for the day or within that meeting itself. And then it's also that caveat of remembering that some people need freedom to think, freedom to ideate, freedom to manage their day to day with maybe less structure and a little bit more adaptability and fluidity. So with that, Godspeed! Jim Collison 15:15 Good luck! Jaclynn Robinson 15:16 Good luck! Jim Collison 15:18 With that, we'll remind everyone to take full advantage of all the resources we have available now in Gallup Access. If you head out to gallup.com/cliftonstrengths , sign in, and actually we have a resource area, upper, menu upper left-hand corner, drop it down, choose Resources. There's a search bar in there. You can put a theme in; everything we've done around this theme, available for you there. And just a great way to get some additional learning and some resources. Stay up to date with all the webcasts by following us at gallup.eventbrite.com . Join us on any social platform by searching "CliftonStrengths," and we want to thank you for joining us today, if you're listening live. And then make sure you Like and Subscribe so you never, you never miss an episode. Thanks for listening. If you're, if you're listening live stay around for a little bit of the midshow. With that, we'll say, Goodbye, everybody.

Jaclynn Robinson's Top 5 CliftonStrengths are Achiever, Strategic, Maximizer, Positivity and Relator.

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July 17, 2023 Gallup https://www.gallup.com/cliftonstrengths/en/508757/discipline-developing-your-leadership-skills.aspx Gallup World Headquarters, 901 F Street, Washington, D.C., 20001, U.S.A +1 202.715.3030

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Speech on Self Discipline and its Importance in English in simple and easy words

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Table of Contents

Speech on Self Discipline: Selecting engaging and relevant English speech topics is crucial for captivating your audience’s attention and delivering an impactful presentation. Self-discipline, often overlooked yet profoundly transformative, stands as a unique speech topic that not only resonates with students but also serves as a guiding principle, encouraging them to embrace consistency, prioritize their goals, and cultivate habits that lead to a fulfilling and successful journey through education and beyond. Self-discipline is an important aspect of everyone’s life. Self-discipline helps you achieve perseverance and the capability to win as well as resist temptations. Everyone knows its importance, yet from time to time, speeches and lectures are delivered on the topic. You may be required someday to deliver speech on self-discipline and its importance. We have shared here some sample speeches on self-Discipline and its Importance for you to take ideas and prepare your own Self-Discipline and its Importance Speech.

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Long and Short Speech on Self Discipline and its Importance in English

Our long speech on self-discipline and its importance can be delivered in colleges; universities and organizations while short speech on self-discipline and its importance can be delivered at schools; community programs, etc.

The language of the speeches is very simple but highly impactful and meaningful.

By going through these speeches on self-discipline and its importance, you would be able to understand the theme and share your own ideas when encountered with sudden situations where you may have to deliver speech on self-discipline.

Self Discipline and its Importance Speech 1

Good Morning Teachers, Parents and Dear Students,

First of all, I would like to welcome you to the 10 th summer camp organized by our school. Before we begin the programs, I would like to speak about self-discipline and its importance in one’s life.

I am sure, whenever someone wants you to be disciplined; it sounds more like a command, especially for students. Have you ever wondered why we hate or dislike to be disciplined? It’s because, we feel someone is controlling us. Then how can we ever become self disciplined? In order to become one, it is important that you understand the meaning of self-discipline and its importance in your life.

Discipline refers to code of conduct and behavior and self-discipline means the art and ability of controlling one’s own behavior, habit and etiquettes. It is important in one’s life as it helps in overcoming one’ weaknesses and lead a useful life. While, it is okay to pamper oneself sometimes and be little casual on weekends, etc; self-discipline is essential in helping you lead a successful and fruitful life. Discipline could be imposed externally, while self-discipline is more like a self resolve to stay disciplined. No matter how much harsh it may sound, discipline is an important part and parcel of our life since it is required at any age of life.

Discipline is not only imposed on children; it is also important for the grown-ups to be self-disciplined; whether one is at home, office, playground or gym or anywhere for that matter. It teaches us to respect our time as well as others’ time. Self-discipline is also important to be healthy in life since it requires us to eat and drink on time.

When children are small, they are required to be told everything to do, for instance, brushing, bathing, washing hands, eating, doing homework, etc. However when they grow up, they start doing all these things on their own, this is called self-discipline. Discipline helps in differentiating between the right and the wrong and it makes people sensible and respectful. Though, one needs to be disciplined always; the fundamentals of discipline can be taught only at a young age.

Children learn fast and if they are made aware of the benefits of being self-disciplined, they would stay positive and encouraged throughout their lives. They must be taught to behave properly in front of others. Small habits like sharing food, toys, chocolates, etc. would inculcate habit or respect in them for years to come.

It is not only the parents’ duty to teach their child to be disciplined, teachers must also work upon children and teach them good manners, especially the benefits of self-discipline while in school, playground, assembly hall, etc. Many kids are lured and bribed for behaving properly. This act must be avoided by the elders and being disciplined should not be projected as a choice; it must instead be portrayed as rule of lifetime. However, you must always appreciate your child if your child behaves well and remains disciplined when out or at home.

Self-discipline is good since it constructs character and develops unity, teamwork and strength. It develops the team work and leadership qualities in people. Good characters always help in achieving success in life and the more self-disciplined you are, the better it is for yourself and the people.

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Self Discipline and its Importance Speech 2

A very Good Morning to Everyone!

Today is the last day of our annual sports week. Last week had been very fun-filled, exciting and full of enticing sports competitions.

All through last week, I was surprised to see how disciplined children were. They had nicely displayed the art of self-discipline and team work and some of you exhibited great skills of leadership. Ever since I was young, I had been told by my parents, elders and teachers that self-discipline is a very important and one of the most useful skills that help everyone succeed in life. During those days, I used to think that only children are required to maintain self-discipline, but later I realized that self-discipline is an important aspect of everyone’s life whether some is working or non working individual, big or small, man or woman, young or old, or whether one is at office or home.

It is because self-discipline teaches us good habits and manners and it help us grow up as an individual that respects self and others. Self-discipline is usually considered being harsh towards self and boring in life; but it’s not at all true. Self-discipline is nothing but just following the right practices, punctuality, good eating habits and respect for time, self and others.

Self-discipline must be taught at the young age of life because young and fresh minds learn things fast and easily. Discipline when taught at young age becomes the habit of individuals and such kids do not need to be threatened or scolded while teaching or training. Students who want to pursue sports as their career are specifically required to be self-disciplined because only then can they be successful in their fields.

Waking up early, doing exercise regularly, eating healthy and timely meals, drinking milk and juices, water, etc. in sufficient quantity, etc. are some of the very common expectations from such students. These practices are impossible to achieve if one is not self-disciplined in life. Self-discipline is also important as it helps people control their feelings and emotions and be practical in life because such people are focused in life.

Though self-discipline is required by everyone and at every phase of life but school and home are the best places to learn discipline because these are the foundations of our life. It is also the duties and responsibilities of the teachers at school to teach students about the importance and benefits of self-discipline along with studies, so that they become responsible in life.

It is also important in life as it gives individuals the right kind of attitude and approach towards life and helps sticking to one’s decisions through the thick and thin. People who are self-disciplined do not have fluctuating minds and such people achieve their goals in the long run. For instance, when a student decides to become a doctor; he/she would make study routines, attend coaching classes, do group or self study, eat, drink and sleep on time and hence he/she is self-disciplined. Self-discipline basically helps you strengthen your inner strength, overcome weakness, laziness, procrastination and addictions; instead, it helps you to stay agile, time bound and energetic.

Thus, self-discipline is one of the most important and most desired characteristics required in every phase of our life and don’t think that only young children or students require it. Self-discipline is required by everyone to stay fit, happy, active and successful.

Self Discipline and its Importance Speech 3

Respected Teachers, Parents and Dear Students – Welcome to our school auditorium!

It’s a grand day for all of us as our school has completed 25 years today. Our school is one of the most popular schools, especially for studies, games and discipline.

The school has produced many Doctors, Engineers and sportspersons only because it inculcates the habit of self-discipline in each student and it teaches students to be confident, disciplined and self dependent. Self-discipline is very important in everyone’s life as it not only builds character; it also widens unity and strength. It also teaches students about team work and develops feeling of co-operation. Self-discipline by many people and children is considered an obstacle to enjoyment, fun and playing. But it is not true, as self-discipline, in fact, makes a child perfect in everything they do. It must be inculcated in people from their childhood as it helps people in succeeding in life.

You must be thinking why self-discipline is so important in life. It is because, self-discipline teaches us to be punctual and utilize our time in the best manner and self-control. It also develops the talent of making good choices in life with zero procrastination. Self determination and perseverance and being focused with decent moral character are some of the core things you would learn, if you are self-disciplined. You would start observing ethics and morals in life and you would never be instructed to behave properly or do certain things in life, if you are self disciplined.

Many children dislike being disciplined as they miss on many pleasures, fun, play and enjoyment. However, gradually you would learn the talent to avoid momentary and instant pleasure and happiness, in order to gain some better advantages and more satisfactory results and you would start putting more time and effort to accomplish a task.

If you are self-disciplined, you would also gain the ability to follow your dreams and decisions without altering your mind; this would help you be successful in your later life and achieve all your goals. Self-discipline would help you to select and then stick with the thoughts, actions and behavior, leading to success and growth. It would also give you the ability and internal strength to conquer addictions, laziness and procrastination in life that are major hindrances in one’s life.

Life would always throw challenges and stresses; problems and issues, on the road to achievement and success. In order to overcome life’s challenges and issues, you must first control your emotions, stay calm and overcome life’s challenges with confidence and self-discipline. This would also help you fight many diseases in later life as you would be able to mend your addictions, eating disorders, bad habits such as drinking alcohol, smoking and all other unconstructive and harmful habits.

Almost everyone is aware of and acknowledges the benefits and importance of self discipline; but very few would take concrete steps to learn, enforce and strengthen it in life. Self-discipline can be taught, especially to children by presenting to them some examples and through persistent trainings. Along with self-discipline, children and young adults must also be taught to do regular exercises and mediation, etc. These would help them control their emotions and be self-disciplined in life.

Thus I appeal to everyone present here, to be self-disciplined and successful in life.

Self Discipline and its Importance Speech 4

Respected Principal Sir, Teachers, Parents and Dear Students!

Thank you for giving us an opportunity to conduct the show on self-discipline! Our institute not only demonstrates the importance and value of self-discipline in life, but we also conduct classes on it, especially during summer and winter holidays.

Self-discipline is one of the most important steps towards a person being a better individual. Though, self-discipline is seldom liked by most of the people but the truth is that only those people, who are self-disciplined, are successful. Many people think that self-discipline is important only for people who want to pursue their career in academics and want to become doctors, scientists, etc. But that’s not true; self-discipline is required by and important for every individual. Even if you are creative and want to become a singer, dancer, actor, painter or you may go in any field; you would need to be self-disciplined. Self-discipline is important for office goers as well as for those who stay at home.

Our mothers wake up early in the morning and prepare breakfast for us, pack our lunch, bag, bottle, etc. When we come back home, she feeds us, clean our uniform, irons it; she also helps us with our homework; prepares our dinner. She can achieve all these so beautifully because she is also self-disciplined. Basically, it teaches us to love and care others as well as ourselves. Though, it is important for everyone and at every phase of life; self-discipline can best be learnt at a young age. Young minds are fresh and have a zeal for learning; therefore, anything taught at this age becomes people’s habit at a later age. Many children however, do not like to be instructed; they feel that things are being imposed on them forcefully.

Hence, parents and teachers need to be extremely cautious while inculcating the habit of self-discipline in children. They must be taught the benefits and importance of self-discipline in one’s life with examples. Children and young adults are attracted towards actors, singers, sportspersons, etc. Instructors can quote the examples of famous personalities, sportspersons, actors, dancers, etc. and explain to them that their ideals go through rigorous training and practices in order to become popular and even when they become popular, they remain self-disciplined and focused.

Self-discipline is the only quality that can help people overcome hurdles and achieve success in life; because it teaches us to value time, resources and money. It also teaches us to be determined, dedicated and insistent. There is no particular framework or book that can guide you to be self-disciplined; it’s just in our mind. The time we decide to be self-disciplined, nothing can stop us from being one.

By understanding the importance of self-discipline in your life, you would not only strengthen your will power but your character would also get enhanced and your life would get real meaning. Self-discipline not only improves our eating and sleeping habits; it also reinforces our inner character and helps us overcome bad habits such as playing video games, watching TV continuously and being lazy all the time.

In the end, I would only say that self-discipline is not a rule; it’s just a way of living that helps us live a better, healthier, vigorous and successful life. Therefore, through this platform, I appeal to everyone sitting in the hall to be self-disciplined and love your life.

Related Information:

  • Essay on Discipline
  • Paragraph on Discipline
  • Speech on Discipline
  • Speech on Value of Discipline in Student Life
  • Essay on Self-Discipline and its Importance
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  • Leadership Speech


Long and Short Speech on Leadership for Students

A leader is someone who has a powerful intellect and not mere intellect. Leadership is a skill that not everyone is blessed with, a skill that allows an individual to lead people for the greater good of society. Leadership can not be learned or taught but it is a skill that is developed through time. Leadership is all about guiding and leading the people in a group or organization which leads to the success of the group. Leadership is all about having a vision that will help in bringing a change in society.

We often see that many people claim they are leaders all based on the position they are in. They might be the managing directors or the CEO of the company. Does that mean having a good position is directly linked to being a good leader? And what are the qualities that make up a good leader?

Here we have provided long and short leadership speeches and along with that we have also given 10 line pointers about the leadership speech for students.

These speeches of great leaders will help the students to understand the qualities required to be a good leader.

Long Speech on Leadership Qualities

Good morning to everyone present here today. Today I am going to give a leadership speech and I hope it’s helpful. I would like to thank everyone for giving me this opportunity to speak about leadership.

So who is a leader? and what is leadership?. A leader is someone who can think and question and does not merely follow the herd. A true leader has a powerful intellect and they impact the people around them to work hard.

Throughout history, the world has produced great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Barack Obama, and the list goes on. So what is common between all these leaders that makes them truly grateful? What is the quality of all these leaders that made people believe in them?. Well, the answer is that they could guide huge populations of people for the greater good. A quality leader will always think about people and help them in solving problems and that’s what all the great leaders in the past have done.

Mahatma Gandhi after being in South Africa for twenty years came back to India after witnessing the discrimination that was done by the white people against fellow Indians. He taught people about Satyagraha and the nonviolent ways through which everyone could fight back the British. During all the nonviolent protests he was not just commanding people, he walked with everyone, he led the movement and that is the true quality of a leader.

Similarly, Barack Obama after becoming the 44th president of the united states of America, helped the country to fight the recession. American people were suffering during 2008 because of the recession as the country's economy was falling slowly. The middle class could not pay bills, There were no insurance policies for the poor and the country's growth was declining slowly.

Barack Obama was able to understand the difficulties that everyone was facing and he did what every great leader does, he guided the country out of recession. He made sure to lead from the front and fight the difficulties that his people were facing and that is the quality of a true leader.

So after getting to know about great leaders in the past, how can anyone figure out a leader? Well, there are a few qualities that define a good leader. A great leader motivates you to be successful. A leader is a great influencer who does not force anyone to follow him but due to his actions, people follow him on their own. A strong leader is also characterized by having a strong personality. An aura that makes people listen to him or her. A good leader is not about commanding people to do their work but it is always about helping people to get the work done.

For example, if a task is assigned to a group, a good leader will always make sure to distribute the task equally within the group and will also make sure to help anyone if they are facing difficulties. He or she also makes sure that there are no loopholes in the process and he makes sure that everyone finishes their work in time.

Leaders are not born, they are made throughout time and leadership is not an easy task. It cannot be done by people who allow their emotions to take control. Leadership is all about having a good aim and vision. A leader will always think about achieving the goal even if there are many hurdles in the way. 

Leadership is always about impacting people in such a way that it will help them to reach their goals. It is about having the ability to decide on the worst picture possible. It is about seeing the bigger picture for a better future. Leadership is linked to communicating with the team and finding the answer. It is about showing determination towards your goal, it is about listening to the team and helping each other to find a solution, and above all leadership is about earning respect from the team and accepting the challenge without fear.

The qualities found in a leader are not cultivated in a day or a week but it is done after seeing a lot of failures and learning from them.  Does that mean you can never be a leader? Anyone can be a leader and it can be done by learning through failures. Leaders who possess great leadership qualities have earned and learned them with time. Leadership is all about thinking for the benefit of everyone even if it means you are at loss in the beginning. It is about thinking of society and how your leader's goals could help in the betterment of the country.

To conclude this speech I want to say that great leaders were not born great, they made themselves great by observing their surroundings and doing their best to change them. The real essence of leadership is when a leader pays attention to the needs of the followers and works in the direction to fulfil all those needs.

As I said before, history is filled with examples of great leaders, and one thing that is common in all leaders in the act of selflessness. They never thought about their gain but they always strived for the betterment of everyone. To be a great leader you need to have led people for the greater good. To be a great leader you have to be a good human first, show kindness to every living organism. So start cultivating the habits that will make you a good leader and I can assure you that the world will benefit from it. Thank you very much for listening. Have a great evening.

Short Speech About Leadership

Good morning to everyone present here. I feel grateful that I was chosen to give a small leadership speech for students. I hope my speech inspires everyone to be a good leader.

A leader is someone who is characterized by many qualities. Teamwork, hard work, calm, selflessness, help.

A leader is someone who always thinks and questions a situation to bring a solution. A leader never follows the herd but he or she is the one who is followed by people because of his or her ability to create an impact on people.

Great leaders in the past such as Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and so on have always thought of the greater good of society. They have always led by example and have always directed people in the right direction.

The qualities found in leaders are not formed within a day or weak but they are cultivated through years of hard work, patience, and learning from failures.

To conclude I want to say that great leaders are not born great but they make themselves great by being selfless. They always think about the bigger picture and will always try to help people who are in trouble. To be a great leader you need to be a good human first who shows kindness to every living organism around him or her. You can also be a great leader by cultivating these habits. 

10 Lines About Speech on Leadership Qualities

A great leader will always lead the people for a better future.

Leadership is all about selflessness. It is about thinking about the goals of society before personal goals.

A good leader will always lead by example and will always be focused on his or her goals.

Leadership is about understanding the followers and understanding them completely.

Leadership is about actively listening and adapting to the changes.

A leader is not born but anyone can become a good leader by applying constant efforts.

Leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandella, Barack Obama, and many more great leaders have always thought about the better good of society.

leadership is linked to selflessness, determination, loyalty, teamwork, and efficiency.

While writing speeches of great leaders remember to always include examples of leaders in the past who have helped society.

Some of the famous speeches by leaders that changed society are Martin King Luther’s speech, Mahatma Gandhi’s speech, Barack Obama’s speech before getting elected as the 44th president of the United States of America.

The following points also can be used as a reference for the students to include in their speeches and have a better understanding of the features and styles of leadership.

Features of Leadership

Leaders play an important role in the growth of any organization. A great leader can establish and maintain good interpersonal relationships with subordinates or followers and motivate them to achieve their desired organizational goals.

Here we are discussing some important features of leadership that every good leader possesses.

Influence the Behaviour of People - Leadership is the skill of an individual that influences the behaviour of other people or employees in any organization so they can work together to achieve a common business goal.

Interpersonal Process - This process occurs between the leader and his followers. The relationship of the employees with the leaders determines how efficiently and effectively the business goals would be met.

Achieving Similar Organizational Goals - The objective of leadership is to provide a direction to the employees to attain common business objectives. The leader combines the people and their efforts for the same.

Continuous Process - Leadership is a time-consuming and continuous process. At every point, employees need guidance from the leader to ensure that they are working in the right direction and their efforts will pay them back. Moreover, a good leader makes sure that his employees are not deviating from the path.

Group Process - Leadership is certainly a group process. Imagine if there are no followers then to whom will the leader guide? Therefore, leadership involves the interaction of two or more people that allows them to discuss their issues with their mentors and get relevant solutions.

Dependent on Situations - A leader is dependent on the situations that he has to tackle in the current scenario. His leadership style changes when the situation changes. The advice which he gives to solve a situation will also be effective to tackle other problems.

Leadership styles

Leadership style refers to the approaches or strategies adopted by a leader for motivating his followers while trying to achieve common targets. As discussed above, leadership style is dependent on situations. This means that the way of handling a problem can change depending upon the present scenario.

Leadership styles are classified into three types. These are-

Autocratic Leadership Style - In this style, the leader takes all the necessary decisions by himself without discussing them with his followers.

Democratic Leadership Style - Here, the leader consults his subordinates before taking the final decision.

Free-Rein Leadership Style - It is also known as the Laissez-faire style. In this, the leader gives complete freedom to his followers to take the decision.


FAQs on Leadership Speech

1. What is the exact meaning of leadership?

Leadership is the quality or skill of an individual which helps the individual to lead people in the right direction, inspire them and build confidence in them. The person who has this leadership quality is known as the leader. With this skill, the leader takes steps for the good of society. 

Not everyone in this world is blessed with this ability. Leadership is the ability that is developed with time and cannot be learned. The people possessing this quality effectively influence people to reach their goals. In other words, it is the ability that turns vision into reality.

2. What are the best leadership qualities?

Some of the best leadership traits are listed below:

Trustworthiness - A leader must be honest and should not hide anything from his people. This trait creates a strong relationship between the leader and the group members.

Responsibility - It is the leader who is responsible for his actions. Also, the leader has the responsibility of his members.

Vision - It is the leader who has the vision and knows the methods to reach their goals. The leaders turn their ideas into actions.

Good Communication Skills - A leader must have this skill so that he can openly talk to his group members.

Self-Confident - A leader needs to be self-confident. This skill enables them to believe in themselves and gives success in most situations.

3. What are the major differences between a boss and a leader?

Underneath are the differences between a boss and a leader:

A boss is in charge of people or a company.

He is the person who takes away all the credit. 

The boss uses people for his and his company's benefit. 

He blames others for the breakdown.

He commands people to do the task.

A leader inspires and influences others to complete the goals.

He is the person who gives credit to his members. 

The leader helps people in developing their skills.

With the help of the members, a leader fixes the breakdown.

He asks people to do the task.

4. Give an example of any person who has the quality of leadership.

Barack Obama is the best example of transformational leadership. He was the first African - American president of the United States for 8 years. He saw possibilities and opportunities in every situation while others saw obstacles in those situations. He made a friendly atmosphere for his staff members so that they can share things with him. He was honest and transparent towards his people. 

He also organized a campaign named "Yes We Can". This rally inspired and convinced many people that there is a better future if they get united with him and trust the government. He was the best leader who thought and did well for the country.

Leadership Exchange

Top 6 Speeches to Inspire Leaders

by Emily Waddell | Jun 14, 2018 | Explore , Quotes , Uncategorized |

Top 6 Speeches to Inspire Leaders

While Merriam-Webster defines a leader as “the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country”, we can all agree that in the past few decades , its become a lot more than that.  Leadership has become a mindset that is praised in most every field of work.  Even more recently, leadership has gained influence in the context of an individual’s personality.  We’ve compiled some great stories and influences that can easily be applied to your day to day routine or leadership development journey that enables you to create broader change.  Sit back, but don’t relax. Prepare to be inspired.

speech on leadership and discipline

Enjoy 13 minutes of suave feminist politics as Justin Trudeau addresses Davos at the World Economic Forum.  

The Canadian prime minister informs the public of the integral role women play in society.  The reason we like to include this at the top of the list is how Canadian politics and their cultural attitude towards women has been translated into the public.  First, Canadian universities have very progressive women’s activist groups and women’s communities are prioritized in most fields of education. It’s proof that Trudeau and the Canadian government mean business, and that government has impact on cultural shifts towards inclusion.  As a Leader and Prime Minister, Trudeau is using his platform for good, and the next generation of Canadian women have a voice because of it. Lastly, note his authority and compassion throughout; these can be tools you use as a leader in your community.

speech on leadership and discipline

Malala Addresses the UN Youth Takeover

Malala Yousafz ai is the selfless and young Pakistani girl who stands up for children’s rights.  I think that there is a few really powerful things we can learn from her in becoming leaders in our own right.  First, Yousafz inspires a sense of intention that makes us question our own; she has a passion for children’s rights that she knows is beyond her, but that doesn’t discourage her from trying.  

In addition, she exhibits the forgiveness and compassion that is a maturity most people don’t ever figure out.  In conclusion, Malala uses her platform that she acquired with the utmost act of bravery to speak for voices that cannot be heart, in the name of universal peace.  The speech caused me reflect and evaluate why I try to lead, is it for a cause bigger than me? Is it for status? I urge you to do the same in your leadership development.  

speech on leadership and discipline

3.David Logan on Tribal Leadership

David Logan addresses University of Southern California at a TEDx talk to preach about a very important component that isn’t always brought to mind when one thinks about in becoming a leader; others.  Then, he employs the natural “tribe” creating process that humans socially undergo to teach how individuals can be leaders by advancing the group, or tribe, or “nudging them forward”. In addition, Logan defines the potential influence of a group of people who share a similar passion and calls individuals to recognize, mindfully, how they communicate with their tribe in efforts to improve the human condition universally.  

4. Barack Obama’s Speech on Leadership and Power

Former president Obama’s focused on Leadership and Power in his speech, and highlights practical applications of what he’s learned.  A few of the main takeaways:

  • Failing publicly can be liberating.  
  • Empower others.
  • Power is isolating.
  • It’s not enough to be the squeaky wheel.  
  • Know how to shape public opinion in the internet age.  

A you can see, Obama inspires listeners to stand up for a cause and affect real change and provides insight on the tools to do it. He holds a place on Google’s list of Top Orators, so it’s worth the watch.

speech on leadership and discipline

J.K. Rowling 2008 Harvard Commencement Speech

When J.K. Rowling gave the Harvard commencement speech in 2008, she focused on the power of failure with a humble wisdom and authenticity.  In doing something worthwhile, failure is inevitable at some point. Next Rowling comforts us (or really, the Harvard graduates) in that inevitability and brings to light the role creativity plays in rebuilding one’s life after that failure.  It had very much the colloquial spirit of being at “rock bottom”; where Rowling had nothing left to lose. And at this place, she indulged her failure to emerge with creativity and build the Harry Potter series.  Failure is often recognized as in integral ingredient in leadership development, where one can improve.  Lastly, she bravely credits her accomplishments to failure, from that, we should learn how to turn our failure into accomplishment.

speech on leadership and discipline

  6.Learning from Leadership’s Missing Manual by Fields Wicker-Miurin

Social Entrepreneur Fields Wicker-Miurin connects leaders around globe the for her job; thusly, she delivers a breadth of wisdom to a TED talk audience.  She argues that we need new models of what it means to be a good leader. Wicker- Miurin meets with communities around the world, “ people who see the world differently, who are asking different questions, who have different answers, who understand the filters that they wear when they go out into the world.”  In other words, s he understands the value of seeking advice from other cultures to become a more holistically successful leader.  Watch the full talk to understand the impact of this work for the next generation and how you can achieve this cultural influence in your personal development

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Motivational Speech on Leadership – Tips and Examples

Editorial Team

Motivational Speech on Leadership

Giving a motivational speech on leadership is quite different from preparing to deliver any other regular talk. This is because motivational speeches are meant to inspire change and spur action. They are intended to cause your audience to do different and do better.

While giving a motivational speech on leadership will be rewarding for the audience, it will also be very impactful on the one giving the address to know that they are doing something to make the world a better place.

It would help if you prepared beforehand to ensure that you deliver the speech successfully. Let us look at some of the few tips that will ensure your delivery is on point and that your speech influences action.

Tips on delivering a motivational speech on leadership

Some of the critical things to put in mind while giving a motivational speech on leadership are capturing your audience’s attention, being relatable, grasping your topic well, inspiring emotion, and compelling action. Let’s take a more in-depth look at each tip and how they’ll help ensure your speech delivery is successful.

1.    Capture The Attention of Your Audience

To get your audience’s attention, you need to know what they expect to gain from the talk. You will need to engage your audience to be able to interact with them. You should also ensure that you have their attention before getting into the real content on leadership to ensure that they don’t miss a thing.

You can start the speech by asking a lingering question. It can be about the leadership skills that your audience has. You can also inquire where they see themselves in the future applying those leadership skills. This will get the audience in the right mindset and get them thinking about leadership. You can also present your audience with interesting facts about leadership to raise their curiosity and want to hear what more you have to say.

Humor can also be a great way to pick the interest of your audience. You can tell funny personal stories or those you have heard from other leaders. Jokes are always a great conversation starter, and you cannot go wrong with that. It will also help reduce the room’s tension and create a conducive atmosphere to have a serious conversation.

2.    Be Relatable

Getting the attention of your audience is one thing, but maintaining it is something else. You have to deliver your motivational speech on leadership in a simple way that interests your audience and also be relatable to create a rapport with them.  Make them talk about the challenges they might face on their leadership journey and how they will be impacted.

3.    Grasp Your Topic Well

You cannot speak and inspire a group of people on something that you have no idea of. When giving your speech, ensure to provide specific examples. You can prepare statistics in advance and provide details on the leadership skills that will enable your audience to succeed.

Research your topic and have an outline of the key things to talk about. This will ensure that you are well organized and you will be able to speak with confidence. You will also talk passionately since you will be well prepared, and the motivational speech will be memorable.

4.    Inspire Emotion

You should evoke emotions in your audience and make them as passionate as you are about leadership. Try and make your speech make them feel strongly about being different and starting change. People tend to remember more the things that happened while they were deep in their feelings.

You are likely to have more memories of experiences you have had while extremely happy or sad, frightened or disappointed. When speaking to your audience about leadership, creating vivid mental pictures of where they are and where they would like to be will help make them feel strongly about the issue.

It is the feeling that you invoke in your audience that will then compel them to take action.  They will want to see change, and the passion within will cause them to be the changemakers. To do better and be better.

5.    Compel Your Audience to Take Action

As mentioned before, inspiring emotion in your audience and making them passionate about leadership will compel them to take action. However, you should know your audience first to ensure you are on the same page.

Ensure that the audience is engaged before starting to enable them to grasp the contents of your speech. Once you have their attention, have them feel inspired, and then call them to action. You can do this by using a call-to-action, which is a statement or question after your motivational speech that will persuade and guide the audience to take action to get to where they want to be.

When making a call-to-action, make it very direct and straightforward. Ensure that the audience acts promptly. You can also help explain to your audience how they can overcome obstacles and reduce barriers that prevent the action. You should also explain why it is essential for the action to be taken and make it as specific as possible to help them know what they are working to attain.

It is crucial that you not only leave your audience thinking about making a difference but also motivate them actually to do something.  

Examples of Motivational Speeches on Leadership

Example 1: what differentiates a leader from a boss.

“It is my greatest pleasure to be addressing the world’s top CEOs today. I have never been in a room full of power like this, and I am truly humbled.

Have you ever wondered if your employees listen to you because they respect you and whatever you say makes sense, or because you are the boss? Do they consider you a leader? What do they say about you behind closed doors?

I can see you are all thinking about it now. I know you wish to know what your employees have to say about you. If you haven’t been the best of leaders, worry not because leadership is a learning journey. Today I want to talk to you about what differentiates a leader from a boss. Being a CEO does not automatically make you a leader.

You must be wondering, what difference does it make if your employers see you as a leader or boss? The truth is, it matters. It will even affect the output you get from your employees.

All a boss does is manage their employees. On the other hand, a leader motivates and inspires innovation. A leader helps employees to think creatively and innovatively. If, as a leader, you are chasing greatness, your employees will follow you and even have you as a role model or mentor. This translates to them pursuing greatness and giving their jobs the best. Eventually, the organization does well. A boss or manager just has people working for them.

While a business needs to have set goals for the employees to achieve, a leader sets more than goals. They offer the organization a vision. A boss will push employees to attain their goals, while a leader will ensure they share the same vision for the organization with the employees. The organization will, therefore, be working with a long-term existence in mind.

Being a manager means mimicking and adopting an already existing leadership skill. However, leadership calls upon the individual to be bold and proud to walk in their shoes. As leaders, you need to work extremely hard to build your brands to stand out. Authenticity and transparency are all part of the leadership journey.

Some of you in this room have taken huge risks for your organizations. If you have, then pat yourself on the back because you are a great leader! Leaders always take risks for their businesses. Bosses work to avoid risks.

To be a boss or manager, you will need to have proven your skills already. There is no pressure to grow and horn your skills once you are up there. Therefore, it is no shock when some of you think that this is the end of the journey for you; being a CEO. However, leadership is an endless journey of learning. To better and improve your skills. It is upon you to seek personal growth every day.

It is expected of a boss to direct and give employees instructions on how to get things done. Leaders coach their employees and offer guidance to make them be at their best. Leaders are optimistic about their employees and believe that they know what is expected of them. Therefore, they refrain from telling the employees what to do and barking orders.

As movers and shakers in your various fields, I must clarify nothing wrong with being a boss or manager. However, it is crucial that you also take charge and be a leader. Your organization needs both—an excellent manager who is a great leader. Therefore, I urge you to take charge today and see your organizations flourish with the excellent leadership that you offer”.

Example 2: What makes a Great Leader?

“It is my greatest honor today to be addressing the young leaders and changemakers of this great country. Having been in the leadership scene for a while now, I have seen many leaders rise to the top. I have also seen the unfortunate fall of some.

Have you ever wondered what makes a great leader? Leadership is a journey, and it takes time to horn your skills.

To be an excellent leader, you need to be thoughtful. You should be able to portray that you have a strategic vision in place. As a leader, you need to be conscious of what is happening around you to make wise decisions. Leadership is about having a voice. You should be bold and confident enough to communicate clearly to people under you.

Dear young changemakers, do not be fooled into believing that you are the only one with a say since leadership is about being the guiding voice. Many a time in this journey, leading will require you to listen and learn. This will also present you with an opportunity to groom other leaders. And when such an opportunity arises, do not be selfish. Share your skills. You do not dim your shine by lighting others.

You cannot walk this journey of leadership alone. You will need to have a mentor that will hold your hand and guide you. This will allow you to learn from both their mistakes and experiences. You will be lucky as you will have first-hand guidance on how to overcome some barriers and obstacles.

How will you be able to meet other movers and shakers if you live in your small bubble? Get out there and connect. In the current times,  the world is run through social media, and you must connect with people. Volunteer for seminars and workshops or even organize events. Take part in committees and remember to network with purpose in mind.

As a leader, think positively and proactively. Always aspire to be part of the solution and not the problem. Exchange ideas with fellow leaders or people under you. You can also seek guidance from your mentor on how to solve certain issues. Be enthusiastic and passionate about what you do. It is only by doing so that you can pass on the passion and convince others to do better.

I urge you, young leaders of today and tomorrow, to hold each other hands. This journey of leadership is not a short race but rather a marathon. That to eventually get there and see the change that we want, we must start now. No matter how small, just start”.

When preparing to deliver a motivational speech on leadership, take time to learn from your audience. Find out what motivates and drives them and where they see themselves in the future.  Assist them in envisioning their leadership journey and keeping the fire within them burning. At the end of your speech, your audience should be left knowing very well and leadership is a journey, and every day is a learning process.

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Sam manekshaw on leadership and discipline.

speech on leadership and discipline

Commandant, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am fully conscious of the privilege, which is mine, to have been invited here to address the college. A while ago, I was invited to a seminar where the subject was youth, and people said that the youth of this country was not pulling its weight, that society generally was not satisfied with how the young were functioning. When I was asked what I thought about it, I said that the youngsters of this country are disappointed, disturbed and confused. They cannot understand why all these untoward things are happening in this country. They want to know who is to blame. Not them. If they want to study at night and there is no power, they want to know who is to blame. Not them. If they want to have a bath, there is no water; they want to know who is to blame. Not them. They want to go to college and university and they are told there are not any vacancies; they want to know who is to blame. Not them. They say – here is a country which was considered the brightest jewel in the British Crown. What has happened to this Bright Jewel?

The problem with us is the lack of leadership.

No longer are there excuses with the old political masters saying that the reason why we are in this state is because we were under colonial rule for 250 years. They turn around and say that the British left us almost fifty years ago. What have you done? They point to Singapore, they point to Malaysia, they point to Indonesia, and they point to Hong Kong. They say that they were also under colonial rule and look at the progress those countries have made.

They point to Germany and to Japan who fought a war for four and a half years- whose youth was decimated and industry was destroyed. They were occupied, and they had to pay reparations; Look at the progress those countries have made. The youngsters want an answer. So, Ladies and Gentlemen, I thought I should give you the answer.

Commandant, Ladies and Gentlemen, do not misunderstand me, when I say lack of political leadership. I do not mean just political leadership. Of course, there is lack of leadership, but also there is lack of leadership in every walk of life, whether it is political, administrative, in our educational institutions, or whether it is our sports organizations. Wherever you look, there is lack of leadership. I do not know whether leaders are born or made. There is a school of thought that thinks that leaders are born. Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a population of 960 million people and we procreate at the rate of 17 million-equaling the total population of Australia-each year, and yet there is a dearth of leadership. So, those of you who still contribute to the fact that leaders are born, may I suggest you throw away your family planning, throw away the pill,throw away any inhibiting factor and make it free for all. Then perhaps someday a leader may be born.

So, if leaders are not born, can leaders be made? My answer is yes. Give me a man or a woman with a common sense and decency, and I can make a leader out of him or her. That is the subject which I am going to discuss with you this morning.

…there is lack of leadership in every walk of life, whether it is political, administrative, in our educational institutions, or whether it is our sports organizations.

What are the attributes of leadership? The first, the primary, indeed the cardinal attribute of leadership is professional knowledge and professional competence. Now you will agree with me that you cannot be born with professional knowledge and professional competence even if you are a child of Prime Minister, or the son of an industrialist, or the progeny of a Field Marshal. Professional knowledge and professional competence have to be acquired by hard work and by constant study. In this fast- moving technologically developing world, you can never acquire sufficient professional knowledge.

You have to keep at it, and at it, and at it. Can those of our political masters who are responsible for the security and defence of this country cross their hearts and say they have ever read a book on military history, on strategy, on weapons developments. Can they distinguish a mortar from a motor, a gun from a howitzer, a guerrilla from a gorilla, though a vast majority of them resemble the latter.

Ladies and Gentlemen, professional knowledge and professional competence are a sine qua non of leadership. Unless you know what you are talking about, unless you understand your profession, you can never be a leader. Now some of you must be wondering why the Field Marshal is saying this, every time you go round somewhere, you see one of our leaders walking around, roads being blocked, transport being provided for them. Those, ladies and gentlemen, are not leaders. They are just men and women going about disguised as leaders – and they ought to be ashamed of themselves!

What is the next thing you need for leadership? It is the ability to make up your mind to make a decision and accept full responsibility for that decision. Have you ever wondered why people do not make a decision? The answer is quite simple. It is because they lack professional competence, or they are worried that their decision may be wrong and they will have to carry the can. Ladies and Gentlemen, according to the law of averages, if you take ten decisions, five ought to be right. If you have professional knowledge and professional competence, nine will be right, and the one that might not be correct will probably be put right by a subordinate officer or a colleague. But if you do not take a decision, you are doing something wrong. An act of omission is much worse than an act of commission. An act of commission can be put right. An act of omission cannot. Take the example of the time when the Babri Masjid was about to be destroyed. If the Prime Minister, at that stage, had taken a decision to stop it, a whole community – 180 million would not have been harmed. But, because he did not take a decision, you have at least 180 million people in this country alone who do not like us.

Professional knowledge and professional competence have to be acquired by hard work and by constant study.

When I was the Army Chief, I would go along to a formation, ask the fellow what have you done about this and I normally got an answer, “Sir, I have been thinking… I have not yet made up my mind,” and I coined a Manekshawism. If the girls will excuse my language, it was ‘if you must be a bloody fool – be one quickly’. So remember that you are the ones who are going to be the future senior staff officers, the future commanders. Make a decision and having made it, accept full responsibility for it. Do not pass it on to a colleague or subordinate.

So, what comes next for leadership? Absolute Honesty, fairness and justice – we are dealing with people. Those of us who have had the good fortune of commanding hundreds and thousands of men know this. No man likes to be punished, and yet a man will accept punishment stoically if he knows that the punishment meted out to him will be identical to the punishment meted out to another person who has some Godfather somewhere. This is very, very important. No man likes to be superceded, and yet men will accept supercession if they know that they are being superceded, under the rules, by somebody who is better then they are but not just somebody who happens to be related to the Commandant of the staff college or to a Cabinet Minister or by the Field Marshal’s wife’s current boyfriend. This is extremely important, Ladies and Gentlemen.

We in India have tremendous pressures- pressures from the Government, pressures from superior officers, pressures from families, pressures from wives, uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews and girlfriends, and we lack the courage to withstand those pressures. That takes me to the next attribute of Leadership- Moral and Physical Courage.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I do not know which of these is more important. When I am talking to young officers and young soldiers, I should place emphasis on physical courage. But since I am talking to this gathering, I will lay emphasis on Moral Courage. What is moral courage? Moral courage is the ability to distinguish right from wrong and having done so, say so when asked, irrespective of what your superiors might think or what your colleagues or your subordinates might want. A ‘yes man’ is a dangerous man. He may rise very high, he might even become the Managing Director of a company. He may do anything but he can never make a leader because he will be used by his superiors, disliked by his colleagues and despised by his subordinates. So shallow– the ‘yes man’.

…what comes next for leadership? Absolute Honesty, fairness and justice…

I am going to illustrate from my own life an example of moral courage. In 1971, when Pakistan clamped down on its province, East Pakistan, hundreds and thousands of refugees started pouring into India. The Prime Minister, Mrs. Gandhi had a cabinet meeting at ten o’clock in the morning. The following attended: the Foreign Minister, Sardar Swaran Singh, the Defence Minister, Mr. Jagjivan Ram, the Agriculture Minister, Mr. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, the Finance Minister, Mr. Yashwant Rao, and I was also ordered to be present.

Ladies and Gentlemen, there is a very thin line between becoming a Field Marshal and being dismissed. A very angry Prime Minister read out messages from Chief Ministers of West Bengal, Assam and Tripura. All of them saying that hundreds of thousands of refugees had poured into their states and they did not know what to do. So the Prime Minister turned round to me and said: “I want you to do something”.

“Yes, it is my job to tell you the truth. It is my job to fight and win, not to lose.”

I said, “What do you want me to do?”

She said, “I want you to enter East Pakistan”.

I said, “Do you know that that means War?”

She said, “I do not mind if it is war”.

I, in my usual stupid way said, “Prime Minister, have you read the Bible?”And the Foreign Minister, Sardar Swaran Singh (a Punjabi Sikh), in his Punjabi accent said, “What has Bible got to do with this?”, and I said, “the first book, the first chapter, the first paragraph, the first sentence, God said, ‘let there be light’’ and there was light. You turn this round and say ‘let there be war’ and there will be war. What do you think? Are you ready for a war? Let me tell you –“it’s 28th April, the Himalayan passes are opening now, and if the Chinese gave us an ultimatum, I will have to fight on two fronts”.

A ‘yes man’ is a dangerous man.

Again Sardar Swaran Singh turned round and in his Punjabi English said, “Will China give ultimatum?”

I said, “You are the Foreign Minister. You tell me”.

Then I turned to the Prime Minister and said, “Prime Minister, last year you wanted elections in West Bengal and you did not want the communists to win, so you asked me to deploy my soldiers in penny pockets in every village, in every little township in West Bengal. I have two divisions thus deployed in sections and platoons without their heavy weapons. It will take me at least a month to get them back to their units and to their formations. Further, I have a division in the Assam area, another division in Andhra Pradesh and the Armoured Division in the Jhansi-Babina area. It will take me at least a month to get them back and put them in their correct positions. I will require every road, every railway train, every truck, every wagon to move them. We are harvesting in the Punjab, and we are harvesting in Haryana; we are also harvesting in Uttar Pradesh. And you will not be able to move your harvest.

I turned to the Agriculture Minister, Mr. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, “If there is a famine in the country afterwards, it will be you to blame, not me.” Then I said, “My Armoured Division has only got thirteen tanks which are functioning.”

“Because you are the Finance Minister. I have been asking for money for the last year and a half, and you keep saying there is no money. That is why.”

The Finance Minister, Mr. Chawan, a friend of mine, said, “Sam, why only thirteen?”

“Because you are the Finance Minister. I have been asking for money for the last year and a half, and you keep saying there is no money. That is why.” Then I turned to the Prime Minister and said, “Prime Minister, it is the end of April. By the time I am ready to operate, the monsoon will have broken in that East Pakistan area. When it rains, it does not just rain, it pours. Rivers become like oceans. If you stand on one bank, you cannot see the other and the whole countryside is flooded. My movement will be confined to roads, the Air Force will not be able to support me, and, if you wish me to enter East Pakistan, I guarantee you a hundred percent defeat.”

Click to Buy: Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw: The Man and His Times

“You are the Government”, I said turning to the Prime Minister, “Now will you give me your orders?”

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have seldom seen a woman so angry, and I am including my wife in that. She was red in the face and I said, “Let us see what happens”. She turned round and said, “The cabinet will meet four o’clock in the evening”.

Everyone walked out. I being the junior most man was the last to leave. As I was leaving, she said, “Chief, please will you stay behind?” I looked at her. I said, “Prime Minister, before you open your mouth, would you like me to send in my resignation on grounds of health, mental or physical?”

“No, sit down, Sam. Was everything you told me the truth?”

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No Use of Combat Air Power in 1962

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speech on leadership and discipline

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38 thoughts on “ SAM Manekshaw on Leadership and Discipline ”

It’s really an inspirational and great article.

I fortunate to have a great speech from Mr. Sam Manekshaw. It is an inspiration to my Life. I use to follow most of the traits of a leader but this will enrich my career

He was a great team leader and Hero of 1971 war and again India must produce Sam Manekshaw

Winning combination of india 1971 victory is Political-will+Military Morale+Strategic-Alliance+India Strong Strategic offence and Pakistan politico-military decision making blunders……………………………………….. Jai Jawan Jai Kisan Jai Vigyan

Thank you so much for the information Sir, the information what you told is very important for Growth and Well begin , It is a booster dose for my career .

Once again I am very thankful to Mr Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw Sir.For the immense knowledge what he has given thorough his experience and from his point of View.

Thank you so much for the information Sir, the information what you told is very important for Growth and Well beign , It is a booster dose for my career .

Every word in his address is so true and so normal. Since I practised most of these traits in my own carrier in the corporate world where I rose from a very humble beginning to become the managing director and remained so for18 years I can very easily relate. A very simple man endowed with great virtues.

we miss you Field Marshal Sam I salute you

We miss you SAM.

An inspirational speech. We certainly need leaders like him in every field, most so in defence

Thought-provoking and a very inspiring lecture.

Kudos.. True leadership is not about following orders but to have courage to speak the heart out at any condition and situation.

Salute Marshal SAM

I have had the privilege of hearing the Field Marshal a few times. It was a treat to listen to him. He never looked down to see any notes. He looked into your eyes and you know he meant every bit of what he was saying. His speech at the Passing Out Parade in IMA in Mar 72 was extremely inspiring. I cannot forget his words ” You will now be in command of men who have won, men who are best soldiers in the world, men who expect a lot from you. make sure you give it to them.” or words to this effect. I had attended the parade. Had about 15 months service at that point in time. I was totally impressed, highly motivated and felt extremely proud of the uniform I was wearing.

Happy Birthday SAM. We miss u. Indian Army needs more SAMs

Happy Birthday SAM. I fondly remember you, Miss you,and love you.can’t forget your aura. Please be born again this Indian army needs you badly to save it from downfall. I know you will be watching it from heaven ,leave heaven come to lead it once again. Show it the way as it has got lost after you left it. I m sure you are listening.come before it becomes BER.

You live in our hearts for ever.Thank you SAM for being our leader

SAM BAHADUR IS BORN : Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw, 8th Chief of Army Staff was born on 3rd April, 1914 (Amritsar Punjab).Indian Army under his leadership compelled Pakistan to kneel before India along with 93000 troops in 1971 Indo-Pakistan war. This war resulted in creation of Bangladesh which was earlier known as East Pakistan.


Leaders make or break a country. History has umpteen examples .

Where’s the doubt? lack of leadership,right FM is.

There are academies to teach leadership to officers but where do you teach the politicians and how.until unless they learn problem not going to be solved. And I don’t find an answer to it .Winston Churchill’s warning has come true

The British Trained officers who later rose to become fieldmarshals , generals like Carriapa , Himmatsinghji,SAM Bhadur and dartmourth trained admirals LIike Ronny Pierra Marshal of the airArjan singh were the jewels in the crown of the Indian army navy and airforce . If the poorly paid , poorly equipped forces performed well in 65 and gave india a resounding victory in 71 it was because of their leadership and many unsung heroes . Who can forget the battle of Rezang la in 1962 when the brigade under the brig RAINA AWORLD WAR -2 expierenced vetran gave a bloody noze to the chinese with so many chinese casulties and the IndianS led by maj Shaitan singh faught to the last man and to the last bullet all falling near the posts without abandoning or withdrawal . TIMES HAVE CHANGED . WE NOW HAVE CHIEFS STEALING HOUSES IN ADARSH SCAM MEANT FOR WIDOWS , RATION WALLAS , MEDICINES WALLAS , RENT SEEKERS , ARMS MERCHANTS , DALALS and commission agents ready to sacrifice the service interests for petty joint secretary level ambassoderships and governerships . THE INSTITUTIONS OF NDA , IMA NAVAL OR AIRFORCE ACADEMIES SIMPLY DO NOT MAKE THEM ANY MORE LIKE THEM . TIMES HAVE CHANGED . THE AURA , PRIDE AND HIGHER VALUES OF LEADERSHIP HAVE ALL FALLEN TO THE WAYSIDE, CRASS COMERCIALISM AND PERSONNEL GREED

An excellent reading. Had the good fortune of escorting the Field Marshal to College of Naval Warfare, Mumbai in 1990 and listening to his lectures on two occasions. So I could visualize him delivering this lecture too, in his typical charismatic style! His lectures were full of experiences, anecdotes, humour and always with a glint of mischief in his eyes! He was undoubtedly the most dynamic Military Leader the Indian Army has had – whether he was a born Leader or made through long experience and training, I am not competent enough to say! He stressed upon moral courage, discipline and character, traits which are very much wanting in the modern youth and society in general. One only wishes that he should have been at the helm during 1962!

the speech is very stimulating and describes stste of art in India. leadrers are made and not born.

we lack leadership in all fields of life. we need to develop a system for our country and people.

political system is corrupt. govt employees are corrupt

political system is corrupt.

from the experience of Manekshaw and Gen VK Singh, Indian Army officers are true moral leadership citizens of or nation. So they can also put incharge as the politician masters and other government Officers. Because today Indian Defence Services stand tall in nature. I hope all soldiers and citizens can joined together to make INDIA prouder in the countries among the world.

A very inspiring speech. But I wish to point out a minor lapse _ in the page 3 of the post the portrait is not of Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw, but of Field Marshal K M Cariappa

Thank you for pointing it out

Awesome speech… Must appreciate him for his frankness and courage…..Thanks for posting this so that we could have an idea of his persona… JAI HIND..

Amazingly inspiring speech! I’m thrilled & moved! We need leaders like you General. May your soul RIP! Amen!

Hats off to the Field Marshall. Now thats how one delivers a lecture. Full of lively, engaging anecdotes with messages that are direct and tacitly forcing our minds to retrospect and learn. Alas, we do not have The Field Marshall physically today; but he lives on, in our minds and hearts. A true leader and an example to us all Bharatiyas. Jai Hind.

What a wonderful speech… a very academic pitch with notes of humour in between (typical with Manekshaw) All points conveyed in detail and attested with elaborated examples. This must be added to the curriculum of young officers’ academy. A great speech by the soldiers’ General, with conviction.

Yes, knowledge of your job/ subject is absolutely paramount, thats why Manekshaw was able to rattle our PM. Now take our politicains, most of them have no bloody knowledge of their ministry except how to rake in the moolah for themselves and their relatives- Mayawati, Mulayam, Laloo, Jayalalitha etc readily come to mind, and these mo fuc@@ers have the gall to become prime ministers. If they do so even god cannot help this country


He was the upfront and down to earth person. Our Indian Army was very lucky to have such a person of high caliber and compassion for his subordinates. This was an answer to claimants of nationalism who only offer the lip services but totally lacking in leadership. He has won the hearts of millions of people in India and abroad. He was the true nationalist, a true Hindi and last but not the least a true Parsee. Jai Hind !

Take a decision and also the responsibility for the same, so simple mantra yet so rare today! Just read Bharat Verma`s Article on intelligence failure of all big guns during Kargil,

An awesome article that must be read by everyone in our armed forces and in our government. Wish we had people like Field Marshal Manekshaw in the army – and indeed in all walks of life in our country – today.

A Superb Article- Late Field Marshal Sam Maneckshaw was a True Legend & a Icon for the Armed Forces. In India,There is NOT ONLY LACK OF LEADERSHIP AT ALL LEVELS,but also Wrong type of so called leaders [Scoundrels ] at all levels. These Scoundrels [ Politicians ] are able to Fool,Sway & get support of the illeterate & gullible masses by making False promises,by lies & by promising Freebies etc… Ultimately, People get the leaders they Deserve & Leaders get The opposition they deserve & this Rigmarole goes on & on.The Aam Aadmi in India is NOT A SIMPLETON !!!-Always Remember the Golden Saying – ” THE STRENGTH OF THE WOLF IS THE PACK, THE STRENGTH OF THE PACK IS THE WOLF “.

Sam was the man with balls, we need leaders like him, or I should rather say we must aspire to be like him.


It is very singular, that this speech was for army personnel. I must express, it is very singular and people see it as so, that Gen. V. K. Singh does speak about matters to do with, and to people, who do very much want to shake his hand, but wouldn’t perhaps understand him. It appears, he didn’t and others also don’t perhaps communicate at all, so that they need to really be understood, in the armed forces. I really seem to feel, he cannot understand what people might understand of him, in measure. I mean, if he was discussing military matters, in uniform or not, people might not be interested at all, but he would be heeded, with regard.

Awesome like always…there is so much one can learn from this legend & I generally find myself short of words when it comes to praise him.

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Home Inspiring Leadership Now

30 of the best ted talks on leadership that every great leader should watch – 2nd edition.

Last updated: 4 March 2020

30 Of The Best TED Talks On Leadership That Every Great Leader Should Watch – 2nd Edition

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Love inspiring Ted Talks on leadership? So do we!

That’s why we put together this list of our  crème de la crème TED Talks on leadership.

So next time you’re needing a little boost, take a 20-minute break to listen to one of these and learn from some of the most forward-thinking and innovative experts to discover what’s given them their little-known edge.

1.  How Great Leaders Inspire Action , by Simon Sinek

With more than 29 million views , Simon Sinek is now on the A-List of leadership gurus, after he gave this incredible talk.

As Sinek himself says, “As it turns out, all the great inspiring leaders and organizations in the world, whether it’s Apple or Martin Luther King, Jr. or the Wright brothers, they all think, act and communicate the exact same way. And it’s the complete opposite to everyone else. All I did was codify it, and it’s probably the world’s simplest idea. I call it the Golden Circle.”

For Sinek, the difference between these inspirational leaders and everyone else is they start with “why,” which is the core concept of his Golden Circle . By asking why, how and what, you can set yourself on a trajectory of tremendous success that, statistically speaking, very few people attain.

2.  The Puzzle of Motivation , by Dan Pink

To be an effective leader, you need to know what makes people “tick,” and especially what motivates them in the workplace to give you their best. Interestingly enough, money only takes you so far.

In this compelling video –which has clocked over 13 million views – Pink (author of  Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us ) untangles the web of motivation in a way that makes sense for leaders. Here’s a hint : traditional rewards aren’t always as motivating as we think.

3.  Why We Have Too Few Women Leaders , by Sheryl Sandberg

Sandberg left Google to become Facebook’s COO in 2008. In this video, she looks at why so few women make it to the C-suite, and offers up three important pieces of advice to women who want to buck the trend and get there. The key, in Sandberg’s view, is ensuring women remain in the workforce.

As it turns out, having more women remain in the workforce has other positive benefits on society and households, such as equal earning and equal responsibility between partners. As Sandberg notes, households that demonstrate this equality also have half the divorce rate.

4.  The Difference Between Winning and Succeeding , by John Wooden

To be a successful leader, what better place to start than by defining exactly what you mean by success? The man affectionately known as “Coach” redefines success to be much more than merely winning. Coach James Wooden explains this difference with profound simplicity, and urges everyone to pursue the best in themselves. The Coach’s 17-minute talk is uplifting as much as it is inspiring.


5.  What Makes us Feel Good About Our Work ? By Dan Ariely

Dan Ariely is a behavioral economist who has gained a deeper understanding of human motivation than most economists could ever hope for. He even designed experiments that would help solve the mystery of motivation, which is what this video is all about.

As it turns out, money isn’t the only thing that motivates us to work. It isn’t exactly joy, either. The real motivation for going to work every day is to make constant progress and lead a life of purpose . Strong leaders care about the bottom line, but are about much more than that. They have a sense of purpose, and get out of bed every single day to fulfill it.

6.  Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe , by Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek’s material is so good that he’s the only one to appear twice on this list. You know building trust among your followers is important, but actually doing it is another thing entirely.

Sinek’s video on the topic will take your understanding of trust to a whole new level. After all, humans are emotional species who struggle with insecurities and vulnerabilities. A good leader brings his or her employees into a circle of trust. This is especially important in today’s economy, where jobs are destroyed as fast as they are created. Leaders have a responsibility to make their workers feel safe.

7.  Dare to Disagree , by Margaret Heffernan

When it comes to forming your dream team, the last thing you should do is surround yourself with what Heffernan calls “echo chambers” who only tell you what they think you want to hear. Mastering the art of disagreement is essential to effective leadership. Leaders must also be willing to cope with others disagreeing with them. Only through disagreement are ideas challenged.

Hefferman outlines a rubric for avoiding echo chambers and allowing ourselves to experience what she calls constructive conflict.

“So what does that kind of constructive conflict require? Well, first of all, it requires that we find people who are very different from ourselves. That means we have to resist the neurobiological drive, which means that we really prefer people mostly like ourselves, and it means we have to seek out people with different backgrounds, different disciplines, different ways of thinking and different experience, and find ways to engage with them. That requires a lot of patience and a lot of energy.”

8.  Lead Like The Great Conductors , by Itay Talgam

You’ve no doubt heard leadership described through the metaphor of conducting an orchestra. Itay Talgam operationalizes that metaphor by sharing what leaders can learn from 6 different 20th-century conductors. Don’t worry, this TED Talk requires no formal background (or interest) in the symphony.

Talgam describes the “magical moment” when a conductor turns chaos into blissful music. It’s a very small gesture, “not very pomp, not very sophisticated.” And suddenly, out of the chaos, noise becomes music.

9.  As Work Gets More Complex, Six Rules to Simplify , by Yves Morieux

Everyone knows that a staggering number of people are disengaged from their work. Yves Morieux argues that our reaction to the unfathomable complexity of modern work has a lot to do with that disengagement. Traditional organizational management certainly doesn’t help, either. His antidote includes 6 refreshing ways to engage in what he calls “smart simplicity.” The first rule is understand what your colleagues actually do. This is especially important for business leaders if they wish to simply the workplace and boost employee engagement.

10.  What It Takes To Be A Great Leader , by Roselinde Torres

Roselinde Torres has developed a deep understanding of what makes leaders effective. She poses 3 laser-like questions that will spur your own thinking on what it takes to be a great leader.

In a world filled with executive leadership programs and expensive seminars, Torres argues the best way to learn leadership might be right under your nose. Torres’ 9-minute talk is candid and to the point.

11.  A Life of Purpose , by Rick Warren

His book, Purpose-Driven Life, has sold more than 30 million copies. The church he pastors, Saddleback Church, has more than 22,000 members. Clearly, Rick Warren understands a few things about leadership.

This video is an intimate presentation of his own thoughts and crises around leadership. For anyone who’s ever looked at their existence and said, “There’s got to be more to life than this” will certainly find solace in Warren’s 21-minute talk.

12.  Listen, Learn… Then Lead , by Stanley McChrystal

Stanley McChrystal is a 4-star general who spent decades in the military. What he gleaned about leadership that can build a shared sense of purpose among an incredibly diverse set of followers boils down to how well you listen and learn, as well as how you position failure.

McChrystal’s view of leadership can be summarized with the following quote:

“[A] leader isn’t good because they’re right; they’re good because they’re willing to learn and to trust. This isn’t easy stuff.”

13.  Got a Wicked Problem to Solve? First, Tell me How you Make Toast , by Tom Wujec

Making toast is simple, right? But what happens when someone asks you to draw how you make toast? Suddenly things get interesting, and complicated.

This simple exercise reveals much about leading solutions to complex problems. Tom Wujec invites listeners to run the exercise themselves while explaining what he’s learned from observing thousands of people draw toast. From this talk, leaders will learn some important truths about how to handle real-world challenges .

14.  Everyday Leadership , by Drew Dudley

Drew Dudley’s whole approach is to make sure everyone understands how to bring out the leader within. Too many people think great leadership is reserved for extraordinary people.

His humorous take will remind you of all the little things leaders do each day. Leadership may be self-taught, but certainly isn’t reserved to a special segment of society. Dudley reminds us that leadership is an everyday act that should be celebrated.

15.  Tribal Leadership , by David Logan

It’s easy to think that as a species we have evolved far beyond the days of tribalism, but management consultant David Logan argues that effective leaders understand the 5 kinds of tribes that still crop up naturally in nearly any setting. Logan’s talk takes you through the 5 tribes, or stages, beginning with “Life sucks” and ending with “Life is great.”

16. Learning From Leadership’s Missing Manual , by Fields Wicker-Miurin

If you missed the opening line of this article, Fields Wicker-Miurin will remind you that leadership is self-taught. People who are looking for the holy grail leadership manual will wait forever in vain.

Leadership comes from within , but that shouldn’t stop you from developing the qualities that people admire in a great leader. Instead of looking for a how-to manual, learn the inspiring story of a local leader in your community. They’re not as far away or elusive as you might think.

17. How To Make Work-Life Balance Work , by Nigel Marsh

Leaders may be workaholics, but they also value work-life balance. That’s Nigel Marsh’s main thrust in this 2010 talk. Marsh shows you how to share a balance lifestyle between family, personal time and productivity. He also drops some inspiration from his books Fit, Fifty, and Fired Up and Overworked and Underlaid (yes, he has a great sense of humor).

Achieving an ideal work-life balance may seem like a jigsaw puzzle, but isn’t nearly as hard as our productivity-obsessed culture makes it out to be. Through small changes, you can have a big impact on work, relationships and life in general.

18. The Key To Success? Grit , by Angela Lee Duckworth

Successful consultant-turned-teacher Angela Lee Duckworth reminds us that success requires hard work and grit. While this is nothing we don’t know, why are these characteristics so difficult to apply? As Duckworth says, “as much as talent counts, effort counts twice.”

Duckworth’s quick talk is an essential listen for anyone getting suckered into taking shortcuts. As it turns out, all the old adages about success and hard work are true.

19. The Secret Structure Of Great Talks , by Nancy Duarte

The ability to move others through motivational speech is one of the greatest qualities of a true leader. Author and CEO Nancy Duarte gets it, and that’s why she developed this 18-minute talk to help aspiring leaders take their presentation skills to the next level.

Duarte dissects the speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Steve Jobs to uncover the essential qualities of a great presentation. If leadership is your passion, be prepared to spend a lot of time talking in front of people.

20. How To Start A Movement , by Derek Sivers

Don’t let the name of this short TED Talk fool you – Derek Sivers isn’t calling for revolution or political anarchy. Using interesting footage, Sivers shows you how surprisingly easy it is to start a movement. As they say, it takes two to tango. That’s all that’s needed for leaders to inspire a movement.

21. Got A Meeting? Take A Walk , by Nilofer Merchant

“Sitting has become the smoking of our generation.” – Nilofer Merchant

In her TED Talk, business innovator Nilofer Merchant offers a simple message about the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle . Leaders spend a lot of time in meetings. Merchant suggests you turn your next one-on-one meeting into a “walking meeting.” Not only do you hit two birds with one stone – by meeting and elevating your heart rate – the simple act of walking allows your ideas to flow much better than they otherwise would sitting in a cramped office.

22. The Leaders Who Ruined Africa, And The Generation Who Can Fix It , Fred Swaniker

Africa has struggled to live up to its development goals, and its leaders are to blame, says TED Fellow and founder of the African Leadership Network Fred Swaniker.

Having lived throughout Africa, Swaniker highlights the vital role true leaders play in building a society, and what can happen in their absence. Swaniker’s description of the next great African leaders is anybody who wants to make a difference in their society, especially where strong institutions are lacking.

23. The Happy Secret To Better Work , by Shawn Achor

It’s generally assumed we have to work to be happy, but what if we have it backwards? That’s the argument psychologist and CEO Shawn Achor makes in this 2012 talk. Achor says we need to be happy independently of work , and only then will we be able to increase productivity and success in the workplace.

Searching for happiness in the workplace can be a deep rabbit hole that often leads to less happiness overall. This is an important message for leaders, who seek to inspire other people in their line of work. It just so happens that developing happiness outside the 9-5 hours is the most important for our health and success.

24. How to Fix a Broken School? Lead Fearlessly, Love Hard , by Linda Cliatt-Wayman

You don’t have to be a teacher to appreciate Linda Cliatt-Wayman’s inspirational talk about her time as principal at a failing school in Philadelphia. It didn’t take long for her to realize that leadership was more than just “laying down the law.” We won’t spoil it for you, but let’s just say she managed to turn around her struggling school. There were 3 key principles that helped her get there.

25. Trial, Error and the God Complex , by Tim Harford

If the title of Tim Harford’s TED Talk doesn’t pique your interest, nothing will. Harford, an economics writer who studies complex systems, talks about the importance of trial and error in achieving success. Except he doesn’t just “talk” about it, but presents the findings of his studies on complex systems.

As the title suggests, Harford’s talk centres on the concept of a God complex – refusing to admit the possibility of being wrong regardless of the complexity of the situation – and the importance of trial and error in achieving better results.  Go down the list, virtually every successful business leader used trial and error to perfect their craft.

26. The Surprising Habits Of Original Thinkers , by Adam Grant

“The greatest originals are the ones who fail the most, because they’re the ones who try the most.” – Adam Grant

Suffice it to say, all aspiring leaders want to be recognized for their creativity and originality. While creativity often lies within, psychologist Adam Grant studies the lives of “originals” – thinkers whose ideas transform the world. Over the course of 15 minutes, Grant explains the unexpected habits of original thinkers, and their fearlessness in the face of failure.

Fear of failure is one of the biggest inhibitors to success in all of life’s endeavors. While never easy, leaders must learn to overcome that fear. Studying the habits of original thinkers will teach aspiring leaders they “need a lot of bad ideas in order to get a few good ones.”

27. Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are , by Amy Cuddy

Four years and more than 38 million views later, Amy Cuddy’s powerful TED Talk has resonated with many aspiring leaders. As a social psychologist, Cuddy explains how “power posing” – showcasing a posture of confidence even when you don’t feel confident – can affect your brain chemistry and move you to positive action.

While some of the findings presented in the study are controversial among social scientists, Cuddy’s talk is a great reminder of the importance of projecting confidence in every situation . Whether that holds up to tests of academic rigor are less important.

28. How to Get Your Ideas To Spread , by Seth Godin

If you think the answer to Seth Godin’s talk is “social media,” try again. This TED Talk took place back in 2007, a few years before social media became as ubiquitous as it is today. As a leader, getting your ideas to spread requires more than just a Twitter handle. Godin, himself an author and marketing guru, explains the importance of standing out, and why even the craziest ideas can become the most successful ones.

29. Secrets Of Success In 8 Words, 3 Minutes , by Richard St. John

Analyst and bestselling author, Richard St. John, managed to condense 7 years of interviews into an unforgettable 3-minute presentation about what it takes to be truly successful. Believe us, nobody is as cognizant of your time as St. John. This 3-minute talk is normally presented as a 2-hour presentation to high school students.

30. Why We Do What We Do , by Tony Robbins

No list of inspiring TED Talks is complete without Tony Robbins, the globally renowned life success coach who has spent decades helping people achieve their dreams. Robbins shattered many preconceived notions about his work a mere 36 seconds into his presentation.

“I’m not here to motivate you, you don’t need that, obviously. Often that’s what people think I do, and it’s the furthest thing from it. What happens, though, is people say to me, ‘I don’t need any motivation.’ But that’s not what I do. I’m the ‘why’ guy. I want to know why you do what you do.”

He then goes into detail explaining the “invisible forces” that make us do the things we do. He also high-fives Al Gore in the front row. With more than 18 million views, Robbins’ TED appearance is one of the most popular.

There you have it. More than 8 hours of pure leadership inspiration to help turn you into the type of leader others admire, respect and want to follow.

>>To discover more invaluable leadership lessons from some of the most successful and inspirational leaders and leadership experts, become a Leader’s Edge monthly member to receive practical tools on how to be a leader, run a business and live a successful, fulfilling life! Hurry, join now to take advantage of our 14-day FREE trial !

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Selassie's speech on Leadership

undated speech

Leadership does not mean domination. The world is always well supplied with people who wish to rule and dominate others.

The true leader is a different sort; he seeks effective activity which has a truly beneficient purpose. He inspires others to follow in his wake, and holding aloft the torch of wisdom, leads the way for society to realize its genuinely great aspirations.

The art of leadership is in the ability to make people want to work for you, while they are really under no obligation to do so. Leaders are people, who raise the standards by which they judge themselves and by which they are willing to be judged. The goal chosen, the objective selected, the requirements imposed, are not mainly for their followers alone.

They develop with consumate energy and devotion, their own skill and knowledge in order to reach the standard they themselves have set.

This whole-hearted acceptance of the demands imposed by even higher standards is the basis of all human progress. A love of higher quality, we must remember, is essential in a leader.

The true leader is one who realizes by faith that he is an instrument in the hands of God, and dedicates himself to be a guide and inspirer of the nobler sentiments and aspirations of the people.

He who would be a leader must pay the price in self-discipline and moral restraints. This details the correction and improvement of his personal character, the checking of passions and desires and an exemplary control of one's bodily needs and desires.

To be first in place, one must be first in merit as well.

He who has not learned to render prompt and willing service to others will find it difficult to win and keep the goodwill and cooperation of his subordinates.

A leader will kindle interest, teach, aid, correct and inspire. Those whom he leads will cooperate with him in maintaining discipline for the good of the group. He will instruct his followers in the goals towards which to strive, and create in them a sense of mutual effort for attaining the goal.

speech on leadership and discipline

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Education | Defense Secretary lauds 2024 Naval Academy…

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Education | Defense Secretary lauds 2024 Naval Academy class for grit, adaptability during challenging times

Secretary of Defense, Lloyd James Austin III speaks at the Naval Academy's Class of 2024 commissioning and graduation ceremony Friday at Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium in Annapolis. (Paul W. Gillespie/Staff photo)

Arriving in summer 2020, their time at the academy was shadowed by the coronavirus pandemic, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin III acknowledged in his keynote speech to the graduates, just hours before he was set to undergo a medical procedure at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Austin transferred power temporarily to deputy secretary of defense Kathleen Hicks during the procedure.

United States Naval Academy Class of 2024 Graduation | PHOTOS

As first year students, or plebes, the class faced an unusually calm Induction Day experience , spread across four days. For weeks, they rarely left their rooms, bonding with their classmates over video calls. Classes were rough, but they “still passed plebe chemistry — eventually,” Austin said.

“During your plebe year, liberty was rare, and I’m told that you used some unconventional tactics to protest — more specifically, you threw printers out of windows and off bridges,” Austin said, drawing cheers from the crowd. “I understand one intrepid member of this class even climbed up the chapel dome to put a printer on top — that’s pretty impressive, considering how long it took the Class of 2024 to climb Herndon.”

The class completed the climb in 3 hours and 41 minutes , the second-slowest time in Naval Academy history.

Austin lauded the graduates for their perseverance in the face of an unconventional start at the academy.

“I hope that you’ll see your years here as a long lesson in grit, adaptability and discipline,” he said. “You put in the reps and sets to succeed as a team and grow as teammates, and that’s exactly what we’ll continue to expect of you today and every day.”

In her first commencement speech as Naval Academy superintendent , Vice Adm. Yvette Davids voiced similar expectations for the class.

Even though what lies ahead is uncertain for the midshipmen who commissioned as ensigns in the Navy or 2nd lieutenants in the Marine Corps, Davids urged the new officers to continue developing their character.

“When you get to the fleet, you must continue to cultivate a curious mind, rise above mediocrity, strive for excellence and strengthen your character every day,” she said.

Watch: Naval Academy graduation and commissioning ceremony

Though the class is only beginning their military careers, Davids said her confidence in them is strong.

“They are leaders, they are problem solvers and the fleet will be in good hands,” she said.

Of the more than 1,000 midshipmen who graduated Friday, 18 are from Anne Arundel County, including six from Annapolis, three from Pasadena, two from Arnold, two from Odenton and one each from Crofton, Davidsonville, Gambrills, Millersville and Riva.

For Julia Christie, an Arnold resident who commissioned as a 2nd lieutenant in the Marine Corps, the pandemic did not make acclimating to plebe year easy. The friends she made, however, made the difference.

“You get through it all together, everyone’s going through the same thing,” she said. “As long as you’re with a good group of people to keep you on the right track, it’s honestly not as hard as I think people think it is.”

Though the day was full of celebration, it was also one of remembrance and reflection for those who did not make it to graduation day.

Mason Halsey , 22, died at his home in Gulfport, Mississippi of unknown causes Jan. 1. Luke Bird , 21, died in July 2022 while visiting Chile for a semester abroad program at the Arturo Prat Naval Academy. A Texas resident, Bird reportedly lost his footing and fell over a waterfall to his death.

In a nod to what he told graduates last year, Austin passed along a message from two ensigns in the Class of 2023 — “ You are ready . Believe it.”

Those ensigns, he said, were aboard the USS Carney, a guided missile destroyer that engaged with 51 Houthi missiles and drones during its time in the Red Sea. To them, the academy was the ultimate team building exercise.

“What comes next is not a drill,” he said. “You will lead sailors and marines through tension and uncertainty. Your teammates will look to you for leadership, for grace under pressure, for calm under fire, and you will be ready.”

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    Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw's Lecture at Defence Services College, Wellington on Leadership and Discipline 11th November, 1998. Commandant, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am fully conscious of the privilege, which is mine, to have been invited here to address the college. A while ago, I was invited to a seminar where the subject was youth, and ...

  22. 30 Of The Best TED Talks On Leadership

    That requires a lot of patience and a lot of energy.". 8. Lead Like The Great Conductors, by Itay Talgam. You've no doubt heard leadership described through the metaphor of conducting an orchestra. Itay Talgam operationalizes that metaphor by sharing what leaders can learn from 6 different 20th-century conductors.

  23. Selassie's speech on Leadership

    A love of higher quality, we must remember, is essential in a leader. The true leader is one who realizes by faith that he is an instrument in the hands of God, and dedicates himself to be a guide and inspirer of the nobler sentiments and aspirations of the people. He who would be a leader must pay the price in self-discipline and moral restraints.

  24. Secretary of Defense commends 2024 Naval Academy class for grit, leadership

    For the midshipmen in U.S. Naval Academy's Class of 2024, the road to Friday's graduation and commissioning ceremony wasn't an easy one. Arriving in summer 2020, their time at the academy ...

  25. Campus Protests: Republicans Accuse University Leaders of 'Giving In

    A Democrat zeroed in on U.C.L.A. Republicans spent much less time focused on Gene D. Block, the chancellor of the University of California, Los Angeles, where more than 200 pro-Palestinian ...