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Expository Writing: Definition and Examples

Hannah Yang headshot

Hannah Yang

expository writing

Table of Contents

What is expository writing, what is an expository paragraph, expository writing examples, how prowritingaid can help you with expository composition.

One of the most common types of writing is expository writing. Whether you’re a student taking an English class or a professional trying to communicate to others in your field, you’ll need to use expository writing in your day-to-day work.

So, what exactly does this term mean?

The short answer is that expository writing refers to any writing designed primarily to explain or instruct.

Read on to learn the definition of expository writing as well as some examples of what this type of writing can look like.

Before we look at examples of expository writing, let’s start with a quick definition of what this term actually means.

Expository Writing Definition

The term expository writing refers to any writing that’s designed to explain something. We use the word expository to describe any passage of writing that’s supposed to present information and help you understand it in an objective way.

Some common examples of expository writing include academic essays, textbooks, instructional guides, and news reports. Good expository writing should be factual, objective, and clear.

expository writing definition

To better understand what this term means, think about the difference between a scientific article, a short story, and an advertisement.

The scientific article is considered expository writing because its primary purpose is to explain a particular topic in more detail. It presents data, analyzes what that data means, and focuses on the facts.  

On the other hand, the short story isn’t considered expository writing, because its core purpose isn’t to explain or inform—instead, it’s probably trying to entertain you or to take you on a journey. Short stories are narrative writing.

Similarly, an advertisement isn’t expository writing because its core purpose isn’t to explain or inform—instead, it’s trying to persuade you to buy what it’s selling. Advertisements are persuasive writing.   

Here’s a quick rundown of what expository essays should and shouldn’t do.

An expository essay should:

Teach the reader about a particular topic

Focus on the facts

Follow a clearly organized structure

Present information and details from credible sources

An expository essay should not:

Try to change the reader’s mind about something

Present the author’s personal opinions

Include made-up narratives or stories

Follow experimental or nonlinear structures

3 types of writing

An expository paragraph is exactly what it sounds like—a paragraph of expository writing.

A well-written expository paragraph should follow a specific format to make it as clear and easy to read as possible. Most expository paragraphs do the following things:

Start with a topic sentence, which explains what the paragraph will be about

Then, include 3 – 5 body sentences that provide supporting details for the topic sentence

Finally, wrap things up with a closing sentence that summarizes what the paragraph has said

Writing an expository paragraph is a great way to practice expository writing. That’s because the paragraph follows the same structure as a more complex expository essay, just on a smaller scale.

Most expository essays should follow this format:  

Start with an introductory paragraph that includes the thesis statement, which tells the reader the core statement of the essay

Then, include 3 – 5 body paragraphs that provide factual evidence to support the thesis statement

Finally, wrap things up with a concluding paragraph that summarizes what the body paragraphs and thesis statement said

You can see the similarities between the two formats. If you can write a fantastic expository paragraph, you’ll be well-prepared to move on to writing a full expository essay.

Example of Expository Paragraph

Here’s an example of an expository paragraph that follows the structure described above.

The leading cause of death in the United States is heart disease, which can be fatal if it leads to heart attack or cardiac arrest. Heart attacks occur when a blockage in the coronary artery prevents oxygenated blood from reaching the heart. Cardiac arrests occur when the heart stops pumping entirely, which prevents the patient from breathing normally. Both of these problems can be deadly, even in seemingly healthy people who don’t have noticeable risk factors. As a result, heart disease is an important problem that many doctors and scientists are researching.

the definition of expository essay

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There are many ways you can present information in an expository essay. Here are four of the most popular ways, along with examples of each one.  

Problem and Solution Essay

A problem and solution essay presents the reader with a problem and then considers possible solutions to that problem. 

Here’s an example passage you might find in a problem and solution essay:

Among the many proposed solutions to rising carbon emissions, one promising possibility is carbon trapping. Scientists are figuring out how to pull carbon emissions out of the atmosphere and trap it in less harmful forms, such as by injecting carbon dioxide underground so it will turn to stone.

Compare and Contrast Essay

This type of essay takes two subjects and compares and contrasts them. It focuses on highlighting the differences and similarities between those two things.

Here’s an example passage of this type of expository writing:

Though country music and R&B music have very different sounds, they also share many similarities. For one thing, both types of music embody a specific cultural identity. For another, both genres trace their roots back to the 1920s, when the Victor Talking Machine Company signed singers from the American South.

Classification Essay

In a classification essay, you describe the categories within a certain group of things.  

Here’s an example passage you might find in a classification essay:

There are three ways in which artificial intelligence might become stronger than humans in the future: high speed, high collective intelligence, and high quality. A speed AI would be able to perform calculations and experience the world much faster than humans. A collective intelligence, like a hive mind, would be able to break down a complex task into several parts and pursue them simultaneously. Finally, a quality AI would simply be able to solve more complex problems than humans could.

Process Essay

In a process essay, you give the reader the steps for completing a specific process. This is similar to a how-to guide or an instruction manual.   

Here’s an example passage you might find in this type of expository writing:

Caramelize the chopped onions in a frying pan. When the onions have caramelized, mix in the bell peppers, mushrooms, and tomatoes and stir for 4 – 6 minutes or until all the ingredients have softened. If you want to add meat, you can add ground beef and cook for another 4 – 6 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste.  

Good expository writing should be easy to read. After all, the purpose of exposition is to explain things to your readers, and you won’t be able to accomplish that if they have trouble understanding your writing.

That’s why ProWritingAid can help you write an expository essay. The grammar checker can help you ensure your sentences flow well, you’re not missing any necessary punctuation, and all your words are precise and clear.

Good luck, and happy writing!

Hannah is a speculative fiction writer who loves all things strange and surreal. She holds a BA from Yale University and lives in Colorado. When she’s not busy writing, you can find her painting watercolors, playing her ukulele, or hiking in the Rockies. Follow her work on hannahyang.com or on Twitter at @hannahxyang.

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Expository Essay

Definition of expository essay.

Expose means to uncover or lay something bare, or to discover something in a way that others know what it is. Expository is derived from exposition , which is a noun of ‘expose.’ An expository essay is a genre of writing which tends to explain, illustrate, clarify, or explicate something in a way that it becomes clear for readers. Therefore, it could be an investigation, evaluation, or even argumentation about an idea for clarification.

Types of Expository Essay

Expository essay is further divided into five major categories .

  • Descriptive Essay : A descriptive essay describes something, some place, some experience, or some situation through sensory information.
  • Process Essay : A process essay explains or shows a process of making or doing something.
  • Comparison Essay : A comparison essay makes comparison and contrasts between two things.
  • Cause/Effect Essay : A cause and effect essay finds out the cause of something and then its effects on something else.
  • Problem/Solution Essay : A problem/solution essay presents a problem and its solution for readers.

Difference Between an Expository Essay and an Argumentative Essay

As is clear, an expository essay is an exposition, explanation, investigation, or illustration for the purpose of clarification, therefore, its tone is often kept neutral. However, in an argumentative essay , a clear position about something is taken before the argument is presented. There is no issue of objectivity or neutrality.

Examples of Expository Essay in Literature

Example #1: how chinese mothers are superior (by amy chua).

“I’m using the term ‘Chinese mother’ loosely. I know some Korean, Indian, Jamaican, Irish and Ghanaian parents who qualify too. Conversely, I know some mothers of Chinese heritage, almost always born in the West, who are not Chinese mothers, by choice or otherwise. I’m also using the term ‘Western parents’ loosely. Western parents come in all varieties. All the same, even when Western parents think they’re being strict, they usually don’t come close to being Chinese mothers. For example, my Western friends who consider themselves strict make their children practice their instruments 30 minutes every day. An hour at most. For a Chinese mother, the first hour is the easy part. It’s hours two and three that get tough.”

This is an excerpt from a comparison/ contrast essay by Amy Chua, which explains how mothers are different in different cultures. This paragraph compares mothers from Chinese, Iranian, Jamaican, and Irish contexts .

Example #2: Learning to Read (by Malcolm X)

“It was because of my letters that I happened to stumble upon starting to acquire some kind of a homemade education. I became increasingly frustrated at not being able to express what I wanted to convey in letters that I wrote, especially those to Mr. Elijah Muhammad. In the street, I had been the most articulate hustler out there. I had commanded attention when I said something. But now , trying to write simple English, I not only wasn’t articulate, I wasn’t even functional. How would I sound writing in slang , the way I would say it, something such as, ‘Look, daddy , let me pull your coat about a cat, Elijah Muhammad — ‘ Many who today hear me somewhere in person, or on television, or those who read something I’ve said, will think I went to school far beyond the eighth grade. This impression is due entirely to my prison studies.”

This passage has been taken from a process essay. In this essay, Malcolm X tells the process of his learning. In this paragraph, he gives full detail how he learns letters.

Example #3: Summer Ritual (by Ray Bradbury)

“About seven o’clock you could hear the chairs scraping from the tables, someone experimenting with a yellow-toothed piano , if you stood outside the dining-room window and listened. Matches being struck, the first dishes bubbling in the suds and tinkling on the wall racks, somewhere, faintly, a phonograph playing. And then as the evening changed the hour, at house after house on the twilight streets, under the immense oaks and elms , on shady porches, people would begin to appear, like those figures who tell good or bad weather in rain -or-shine clocks. Uncle Bert, perhaps Grandfather, then Father, and some of the cousins; the men all coming out first into the syrupy evening, blowing smoke, leaving the wSWomen’s voices behind in the cooling-warm kitchen to set their universe aright. Then the first male voices under the porch brim, the feet up, the boys fringed on the worn steps or wooden rails where sometime during the evening something, a boy or a geranium pot, would fall off.”

This is an example of a passage from a descriptive essay. It has full description which tells us about sounds and colors; a type of sensory information.

Functions of an Expository Essay

The function of an expository essay is to clarify and expose things, ideas, persons, and places through description, process, comparison/contrast, or through problem solution. The objective of this type of essay is to make readers aware of things given in the essay. It proves full and detailed information in a way that readers become knowledgeable about the topic.

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the definition of expository essay

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Expository Essays

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What is an expository essay?

The expository essay is a genre of essay that requires the student to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, expound on the idea, and set forth an argument concerning that idea in a clear and concise manner. This can be accomplished through comparison and contrast, definition, example, the analysis of cause and effect, etc.

Please note : This genre is commonly assigned as a tool for classroom evaluation and is often found in various exam formats.

The structure of the expository essay is held together by the following.

  • A clear, concise, and defined thesis statement that occurs in the first paragraph of the essay.

It is essential that this thesis statement be appropriately narrowed to follow the guidelines set forth in the assignment. If the student does not master this portion of the essay, it will be quite difficult to compose an effective or persuasive essay.

  • Clear and logical transitions between the introduction, body, and conclusion.

Transitions are the mortar that holds the foundation of the essay together. Without logical progression of thought, the reader is unable to follow the essay’s argument, and the structure will collapse.

  • Body paragraphs that include evidential support.

Each paragraph should be limited to the exposition of one general idea. This will allow for clarity and direction throughout the essay. What is more, such conciseness creates an ease of readability for one’s audience. It is important to note that each paragraph in the body of the essay must have some logical connection to the thesis statement in the opening paragraph.

  • Evidential support (whether factual, logical, statistical, or anecdotal).

Often times, students are required to write expository essays with little or no preparation; therefore, such essays do not typically allow for a great deal of statistical or factual evidence.

  • A bit of creativity!

Though creativity and artfulness are not always associated with essay writing, it is an art form nonetheless. Try not to get stuck on the formulaic nature of expository writing at the expense of writing something interesting. Remember, though you may not be crafting the next great novel, you are attempting to leave a lasting impression on the people evaluating your essay.

  • A conclusion that does not simply restate the thesis, but readdresses it in light of the evidence provided.

It is at this point of the essay that students will inevitably begin to struggle. This is the portion of the essay that will leave the most immediate impression on the mind of the reader. Therefore, it must be effective and logical. Do not introduce any new information into the conclusion; rather, synthesize and come to a conclusion concerning the information presented in the body of the essay.

A complete argument

Perhaps it is helpful to think of an essay in terms of a conversation or debate with a classmate. If I were to discuss the cause of the Great Depression and its current effect on those who lived through the tumultuous time, there would be a beginning, middle, and end to the conversation. In fact, if I were to end the exposition in the middle of my second point, questions would arise concerning the current effects on those who lived through the Depression. Therefore, the expository essay must be complete, and logically so, leaving no doubt as to its intent or argument.

The five-paragraph Essay

A common method for writing an expository essay is the five-paragraph approach. This is, however, by no means the only formula for writing such essays. If it sounds straightforward, that is because it is; in fact, the method consists of:

  • an introductory paragraph
  • three evidentiary body paragraphs
  • a conclusion

The Write Practice

Expository Essay: 3 Building Blocks to Propose an Idea and Defend It

by Dixie-Ann Belle | 0 comments

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If you saw the words “expository essay” on a writing assignment, would your mind draw a blank? Would you immediately feel as if you had stumbled into unexplored territory?

Well there's good news.

expository essay

This post is written by guest writer Dixie-Ann Belle. You can learn more about Dixie-Anne at the end of this article. Welcome Dixie-Ann! 

You might not realize it, but chances are this is not your first encounter with this type of essay. Once you have been writing essays in academic environments, you have probably already worked on expository writing.

In this article, I hope to help you recognize this essay type and understand the expository essay outline. Comprehending the building blocks is instrumental in knowing how to construct an exceptional expository essay.

Lay a Strong Foundation

Over the years, I have taught and tutored college students one on one as they write academic essays, in face to face classrooms and online, and I have noticed a pattern. They often approach essays in one of two ways.

Some consider them with apprehension and are fearful of making mistakes. Others feel confident that they have written many essays before and think they have already mastered expository writing.

Interestingly, it's the latter who often end up the most shaken when they realize that they are not as familiar as they think with this type of writing.

What I hope to instill in my students is that they should not feel intimidated whatever their situation or essay assignment.

I encourage them to make sure they understand the foundations of the expository essay structure. I try to get them to grasp the basic blocks that need to be there, and once they do, they have a good chance of crafting a substantial piece of writing.

What is an Expository Essay?

Students are typically assigned one of at least four types of essays: the persuasive/argumentative essay, the descriptive essay, the technical essay, or the expository essay.

Writing an expository essay is one of the most important and valuable skills for you to master.

According to the Purdue Online Writing Lab:

The expository essay is a genre of essay that requires the student to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, expound on the idea, and set forth an argument concerning that idea in a clear and concise manner.

Keep in mind that your expository writing centers on giving your reader information about a given topic or process. Your goal is to inform, describe, or define the subject for your readers.

As you work to achieve this, your essay writing must be formal, objective, and concise. No matter what your discipline, it's almost guaranteed that you will be required to write this common type essay one day.

Some expository essay examples could include:

  • Define the term ‘democracy'
  • Compare and contrast the benefits of cable television vs streaming
  • Outline the process that generates an earthquake
  • Classify the different types of tourism
  • Outline the aspects of a good fitness program

The possibilities are endless with expository writing, and it can cover a wide variety of topics and specialties.

3 Building Blocks of a Great Expository Essay

To make sure you're on the right track with this type of paper, it helps to understand the three building blocks of the expository essay format and how to apply them to the final expository essay structure .

1. Write an introduction

Most students know that an introductory paragraph should grab the interest of the reader. However, they might not realize that it should also provide context for the essay topic.

Ask yourself : What are you talking about in this essay? Why is this topic important? Some background details could help to establish the subject for your reader.

For example:

If you were writing an essay on the impact smartphones have on society, you might want to start with some information on the evolution of smartphones, the number of smartphones in society, the way people use the phones and more.

The introduction should start off with general information.

You then work your way down to the more specific and principal part of your introduction and the crown of your whole essay, the thesis statement.

What is the thesis statement?

Your thesis statement states in concise language what this essay is going to be about. It is one clear sentence which expresses the subject and the focus of this piece of writing. If there is a prompt, the thesis statement should directly answer that prompt.

Our smart phones topic might create a thesis statement like:  Smart phones have many positive impacts for adults in the business world.

Right away the reader has some idea of what's ahead.

2. Write your body paragraphs

With your thesis statement clear in your mind and your introduction setting the scene, it is time to write your body paragraphs.

Each body paragraph contains supporting information including factual evidence for your essay topic. Each paragraph should each focus on one idea.

Depending on your word count and the teacher requirements, you can write any number of body paragraphs, but there are usually at least three for a basic five paragraph essay.

Each body paragraph should start with a topic sentence. A topic sentence is one single statement that explains the point of the paragraph. It directly refers to your thesis statement and tells you what the body paragraph is going to be about.

Remember our smart phone thesis statement? You need something that will relate to that thesis sentence and will alert the reader to what is to come.

Here's one possibility: 

Smart phones can help increase productivity  for professional adults.

This topic sentence not only reminds us that you are talking about positive impacts for adults with smart phones, it now shows us what the following paragraph will cover.

The best body paragraphs will go on to include different types of details, all of which would support your topic sentence. A good abbreviation to encapsulate the different details is spelt TEEES.

The TEEES Body Paragraph Structure

Let's break down this abbreviation and explore the types of details you'll need in your body paragraphs

T: Topic sentence

You'll begin with your topic sentence establishing the purpose of this paragraph. We'll use our example from above:

Smartphones can help increase productivity for professional adults.

E: Explanation

This is where you expand on your topic and include additional supportive information.

If you were talking about smartphones and productivity, maybe you could mention what elements of the smartphone make it optimal for productivity.

E: Evidence

This is the information from reputable sources you researched for your topic. Here's where you can talk about all the information you have discovered from experts who have carefully studied this subject.

For our smartphone essay, perhaps you could mention a quote from a technology reporter who has been following the rise of smartphones for years.

E: Examples

This would be concrete subject matter to support your point.

Maybe here you can list some of the smartphone apps which have proven to increase productivity in the workplace.

S: Significant/Summarizing sentence

This is the last sentence in the body paragraph which summarizes your point and ends this part of your essay. There should be no doubt in the reader's mind that you have finished talking about your topic, and you are moving on to another in the next paragraph. Here's how we could conclude this paragraph on smartphones and productivity:

Smartphones have transformed the productivity of the modern workforce.

3. Write the conclusion

Once you have written your body paragraphs, you're in the home stretch. You have presented all of your points and supported them with the appropriate subject matter. Now you need to conclude.

A lot of students are confused by conclusions. Many of them have heard different rules about what is supposed to be included.

One of the main requirements to keep in mind when ending an expository essay is that you do not add new information.

This is not the time to throw in something you forgot in a previous body paragraph. Your conclusion is supposed to give a succinct recap of the points that came before.

Sometimes college students are instructed to re-state the thesis, and this puzzles them. It doesn't mean re-writing the thesis statement word for word. You should express your thesis statement in a new way.

For example, here's how you could approach the conclusion for our smartphone essay.

You've come up with three points to support your thesis statement, and you've explored these three points in your body paragraphs. After brainstorming, you might decide the benefits of smartphones in the workplace are improved productivity, better communication, and increased mobility.

Your conclusion is the time to remind your reader of these points with concise language. Your reader should be able to read the conclusion alone and still come away with the basic ideas of your essay.

Plan Your Essay Based on an Expository Essay Outline

While writing fiction, it is sometimes okay to “pants” it and just leap into writing your story.

When writing essays in academia, this is rarely a good idea. Planning your essay helps organize your ideas, helps you refine many of your points early on and saves time in the long run.

There are lots of great brainstorming techniques you can use to get your ideas together, but after that, it's time to create a topic to sentence outline.

There are three steps to creating your topic to sentence essay outline.

  • Develop a powerful thesis statement. Remember, this is the overarching idea of your entire essay, so you have completed a significant step once you have one done.
  • Come up with the ideas you would like to support your thesis statement.
  • Based on your points, craft your topic sentences.

Here is an example of a topic to sentence outline:

Having these important foundation details completed is a great way to develop your essay as you build on each part. It is also an effective method to make sure you are on the right track.

Depending on your instructor (or tutor, if you have one), you can show your outline to them to get feedback before you launch into your entire essay.

Even if you don't have anyone to provide a critique, the outline can make it easier to revise how you will approach the rest of your paragraph essay.

You now have some firm foundations to help you as you construct your expository essay.

How do you organize an expository essay?  Let us know in the comments .

Take fifteen minutes to practice writing your own expository essay.

First, choose an expository writing assignment topic. If you can't think of one, use one of the expository essay examples below .  

  • What are the nutritional elements of a healthy breakfast?
  • What are some of the most influential types of music?
  • Compare and contrast the benefits of electric and gas cars. 
  • What are the major steps to planning a stress-free vacation?
  • How do smartphones affect mental health?
  • Define true love.

Craft a thesis statement about your topic. Then, write three topic sentences for your body paragraphs.

With the time you have left, start writing your essay. You might be surprised how much you can write in fifteen minutes when you have a clear outline for your essay!

When your time is up, share your outline and your essay in the Pro Practice Workshop here . After you post, please be sure to give feedback to your fellow writers.

Happy writing!

the definition of expository essay

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Dixie-Ann Belle

Since she started scribbling stories in her notebooks as a child, Dixie-Ann Belle has been indulging her love of well crafted content. Whether she is working as a writing teacher and tutor or as a freelance writer, editor and proofreader, she enjoys helping aspiring writers develop their work and access their creativity.

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the definition of expository essay

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How to Write an Expository Essay: Writing Tips & Structure

Have you ever been tasked with writing an expository essay and found yourself struggling to convey information clearly and concisely? Expository essays are a unique form of academic writing, requiring a neutral stance and factual evidence to educate the reader on a specific topic.

In this step-by-step guide on how to write an expository essay, we’ll delve into the intricacies of crafting a compelling expository essay, from brainstorming to polishing the final draft. Prepare to embark on a journey to enhance your writing skills and master the art of expository writing.

Table of Contents

Expository Essay Writing: Key Takeaways

  • Expository essays are structured academic writing that analyze a given topic objectively.
  • This guide provides a comprehensive approach to crafting an expository essay, from idea generation and research through outlining, drafting, refining and polishing techniques.
  • The structure of the essay should include a precise thesis statement with evidence-based body paragraphs and transition words for coherence.

The Essence of Expository Essays

Expository essays are a type of structured academic writing that utilizes factual evidence to analyze or investigate a designated topic. Different from descriptive essays and personal opinion pieces, expository writing focuses on providing the reader with information about a given topic, maintaining a neutral stance. This objective description is crucial in academic settings, where expository essays are often assigned as a means of assessment and featured in various exam formats.

To write a good expository essay, it is important to select an engaging topic and articulate a precise, well-informed thesis statement. Examining expository essay examples can offer valuable insights into constructing a well-organized, informative essay. Remember, creativity and artistry can still be incorporated into expository writing, so don’t let the formulaic nature of such essays discourage you from developing a captivating piece.

Crafting an Effective Expository Essay Outline

An effective expository essay outline is crucial for organizing your thoughts and research, as it serves as the foundation of your essay. The basic structure of an expository essay comprises an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The more comprehensive your outline is, the less time you’ll need to spend on research and writing, ultimately making the writing process more efficient.

There is no specific length for an expository essay; however, it should be sufficient to effectively articulate the thesis statement. Typically, a five-paragraph essay is a common approach, with an introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. By crafting a detailed outline, you can ensure that each section of your essay supports and builds upon your thesis statement, resulting in a cohesive and well-structured piece.

The Writing Process: Step-by-Step Guide

Now that we’ve covered the fundamentals of expository essays and the importance of outline, let’s dive into the step-by-step guide to writing an expository essay.

This guide will cover idea generation, research, outlining, drafting, refining, and polishing, providing a comprehensive approach to crafting a compelling expository essay, including problem and solution essay techniques.

Generating Ideas and Researching

The first step to write an expository essay is brainstorming potential expository essay topics. Consider the topics discussed in class, anticipate what your teacher might expect, and choose something that genuinely interests you. This will ensure that you are engaged in the writing process and motivated to create a captivating essay. After narrowing down your options, conduct research on each topic to determine if reliable sources are easily accessible and gain a more comprehensive understanding of the subject.

Once you have gathered sufficient information, it’s time to analyze your research and select an expository essay topic that best suits your interests and meets your instructor’s guidelines. Keep in mind that your chosen topic should be able to provide enough factual evidence to support your thesis statement, as this will be the core of your essay. By selecting a strong, engaging topic, you set the foundation for a successful expository essay.

Organizing Thoughts with an Outline

Creating an outline is essential for organizing your thoughts and laying the groundwork for your expository essay. Start by developing a strong thesis statement that outlines the main idea of your essay and provides a well-informed, reasoned response to your research question. Your outline should specify what information will be included in each paragraph, ensuring that each section of your essay supports your thesis statement.

The outline serves as a roadmap, guiding you through the writing process and helping you stay focused on your topic. By organizing your thoughts and research in a logical manner, you’ll find it easier to begin writing and stay on track throughout the development of your expository essay.

Drafting the Essay

With a comprehensive outline in hand, it’s time to start drafting your expository essay. Focus on crafting well-structured body paragraphs that stay on topic and provide factual evidence to support your thesis statement. It’s often beneficial to postpone writing the introduction until after you’ve completed the body paragraphs and conclusion, as this will allow you to develop a more accurate and engaging introduction based on the content of your essay.

As you write, use transition words and sentences to connect ideas, maintain narrative flow, and guide readers through your argument. This will ensure that your essay is coherent and easy to follow, ultimately enhancing the reader’s understanding of your topic.

Refining Your Draft

Once you’ve completed the first draft of your expository essay, it’s time to refine your work. Start by reorganizing content, ensuring that each sentence serves its purpose and enhances the reader’s understanding of your topic. Edit for clarity and coherence, and double-check that your essay remains focused on your thesis statement throughout.

As you review your draft, read the paper as if it’s your first encounter with the topic. This will help you determine if the essay is coherent and if the information provided is relevant to the intended purpose of each section. Remember to abstain from attempting to make a persuasive argument and to utilize opinions as evidence, as this can detract from the objective nature of your expository essay.

Polishing the Essay: Editing and Proofreading

The final step in crafting a compelling expository essay is editing and proofreading. Check for errors in grammar, spelling, and formatting, and ensure that your citations are accurate and adherent to the assigned style guide. Tools like Grammarly can be helpful in detecting errors and phrases that lack clarity, as well as ensuring a uniform tone throughout your essay.

In addition to self-editing, consider having someone else review your work. This can provide a fresh perspective and help identify any remaining inconsistencies or areas that need improvement. With your polished expository essay in hand, you’ll be ready to present your well-researched, informative, and engaging piece to your audience.

Analyzing Expository Essay Examples

Examining expository essay examples can be an invaluable tool in understanding how to create a well-structured, informative essay. By analysing the structure, style, and use of evidence in an expository essay example, you can gain insight into crafting your own compelling piece. Remember, it’s not recommended to directly source information or text from expository essay examples, but they can serve as an inspirational reference for your work.

Take note of how the thesis statement is presented, how the body paragraphs are organized, and how the conclusion effectively summarizes the main points of the essay. By carefully studying expository essay examples, you’ll be better equipped to create your own well-crafted, engaging, and informative piece.

Diving into Expository Essay Types

Expository essays come in various forms, each with its own unique purpose and structure. Understanding the different types of expository essays can aid in selecting a subject and organizing your essay’s overall trajectory and framework. The primary types of expository essays include classification, definition, process, compare-and-contrast, and cause-and-effect essays.

Classification essays identify and organize various subjects within one category, outlining their individual characteristics. A definition essay, on the other hand, provides a clear and concise explanation of a subject matter. A process essay outlines the steps necessary for completing a task, providing the reader with an understanding of the procedure.

Compare-and-contrast essays analyze the differences and similarities between sources cited. Cause-and-effect essays investigate the reasons behind a particular occurrence and the consequences that follow. Familiarizing yourself with these expository essay types will expand your writing capabilities and help you craft a compelling piece.

Structuring Your Expository Essay

To ensure a coherent and engaging expository essay, it’s crucial to understand the expository essay structure, which includes a distinct introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion that support your thesis statement. The introduction should include a precise and succinct thesis statement that outlines the primary focus of your essay, providing the reader with a clear understanding of the topic at hand.

Each body paragraph should contain evidence that supports your thesis statement, ensuring that every section of your essay contributes to the overall argument.

Finally, the conclusion should succinctly summarize the main points and provide a clear and concise statement of the essay’s overarching message. By following this structure, you’ll create a well-organized, informative, and engaging expository essay that effectively communicates your ideas to your audience.

The Role of the Thesis Statement

The thesis statement serves as the foundation of your expository essay, providing a succinct, precise synopsis of the primary point of your essay. A strong, clear, and memorable thesis statement is essential, as it gives the reader a clear understanding of the main focus of your essay and sets the tone for the entire piece. Examples of effective thesis statements include: “The effects of global warming are becoming increasingly evident in our environment,” “The use of technology in the classroom can have both positive and negative effects,” and “The rise of social media has had a profound impact on our society.”

To create a thesis statement, identify your essay topic, conduct research on the topic, and formulate a main idea or argument based on your findings. This statement should be concise and direct, ensuring that your essay remains focused and well-organized throughout the writing process.

Enhancing Your Essay with Transition Words and Sentences

Transition words and sentences play a crucial role in connecting ideas, maintaining narrative flow, and guiding readers through your argument. They serve as the binding element that keeps your essay’s foundation intact, preventing confusion and ensuring that your argument remains coherent and easy to follow. A lack of logical progression of thought can make it difficult for the reader to comprehend your essay’s argument, ultimately compromising its structure.

Examples of transition words and phrases include “however,” “in addition,” “on the other hand,” and “as a result.” By incorporating these transitions into your expository essay, you’ll create a seamless reading experience that effectively communicates your ideas and maintains the reader’s interest throughout the piece.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you start an expository essay.

To start an expository essay, begin with a general statement about your topic that captures the reader’s attention. This should be followed by your thesis or main point of the essay, which can be further supported with three body paragraphs.

Use a formal tone and avoid introducing unnecessary information or summaries.

How do you write an expository essay step by step?

Writing an expository essay can be done step-by-step by organizing your thoughts, researching the topic, formulating a thesis statement, writing an introduction, composing the body paragraphs, and summarizing the essay in the conclusion.

Finally, revise and proofread the essay to ensure its quality.

What is an example of an expository essay?

An example of an expository essay is one that provides readers with a step-by-step guide on how to do something, or a descriptive essay that is loaded with details.

These types of essays seek to explain a particular topic in an informative and logical manner.

What are the 4 parts of the expository essay?

An expository essay is composed of four parts: an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

It provides a clear and organized explanation of a specific topic.

What is an expository essay?

An expository essay is an essay that communicates factual information, requiring the student to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, expound on the idea, and set forth an argument concerning it in a clear and concise manner.

It is important for the student to be able to organize their thoughts and ideas in a logical manner in order to effectively communicate their argument. Splitting the text into paragraphs is a key to better readability. Start a new paragraph whenever you introduce a new idea or change direction in your argument. This will be a success.

In conclusion, crafting a compelling expository essay requires careful planning, research, and organization. By understanding the essence of expository essays, creating an effective outline, following a step-by-step writing process, and analyzing examples, you can develop your writing skills and create an engaging, informative piece.

Familiarize yourself with the different types of expository essays and the importance of structuring your essay to support your thesis statement. Remember to enhance your essay with transition words and sentences, ensuring a smooth, coherent reading experience for your audience. With these tools and techniques in hand, you’re well on your way to mastering the art of expository writing.

Understanding What an Expository Essay Is

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If you search the Internet for a definition of an expository essay , you might become confused. Some books and websites define them as "how to" essays, while others give a long and confusing definition that seems to include every possible essay type out there.

Expository essays are simply essays that explain something with facts, as opposed to using opinion to inform the reader. Sample styles for expository essays may include:

  • Papers that described how to do something ( how to essay ).
  • Papers that analyze events, ideas, objects, or written works.
  • Papers that describe a process ( step by step essay) .
  • Papers that explain/describe a historical event ( descriptive essay ).

Expository essays are often written in response to a prompt that asks the writer to expose or explain a specific topic. Essay questions on tests are normally written to prompt an essay in this very style, and may look like the following:

  • Explain the events leading up to the Revolutionary War.
  • Explain how to balance a checkbook.
  • Describe the composition and function of a chicken's egg.
  • Explain the process of changing a tire.

An expository essay should have the same basic structure as any typical essay , with an introductory paragraph , body paragraphs , and a summary or conclusion. The length of your essay can vary, according to context.

The introductory paragraph will contain the thesis sentence , and the topic of the thesis should be grounded in fact.

A concluding essay will provide a summary of your main points and re-statement of your goal or thesis.

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4.1: Expository Essays

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Learning Objectives

  • Understand the function and use of expository essays
  • Identify eight types of expository essays
  • Apply expository essay structure

What Is an Expository Essay?

An essay that explains a writer’s ideas by defining, explaining, informing, or elaborating on points to allow the reader to clearly understand the concept.

Many of your future academic workplace writing assignments will be expository–explaining your ideas or the significance of a concept or action. An expository essay allows the writer the opportunity to explain his or her ideas about a topic and to provide clarity for the reader by using:

  • Explanations
  • Definitions

It may also include the writer outlining steps of a procedure in a way that is straightforward for the reader to follow. It is purely informative and often contains elements of summary.

Imagine you need to verbally explain a concept to your classmates, maybe a behavioural theory. What are the key elements on which you would focus? How would you organize the information? You could explain who came up with the theory, the specific area of study to which it is related, its purpose, and the significant details to explain the theory. Telling these four elements to your classmates would give them a complete, yet summarized, picture of the theory, so they could apply the theory in future discussions.

Although you did this verbally, you were still fulfilling the elements of an expository essay by providing definition, details, explanations, and maybe even facts if you have a really good memory. This is the same process that you would use when you write an expository essay. You may actually be doing this all the time; for example, when you are giving someone directions to a place or explaining how to cook something. In the following sections of the chapter, you will practise doing this more in different expository written forms.

The Structure of an Expository Essay

Sections versus paragraphs.

Before looking at the general structure of an expository essay, you first need to know that in your post-secondary education, you should not consider your essay as writing being constructed with five paragraphs as you might have been used to in high school. You should instead think of your essay in terms of sections (there may be five), and each section may have multiple paragraphs.

To understand further why you need to think beyond the five-paragraph essay, imagine you have been asked to submit a six-page paper (approximately 1,500 words). You already know that each paragraph should be roughly 75 to 200 words long. If you divide the required word count by five paragraphs (1,500 by 5), you end with 300 words per paragraph, way above the number you should have in a paragraph. If your paragraphs are too long, they likely have too many ideas and your reader may become confused. Your paragraphs should be two-third of a page at most, and never longer than a page.

Instead, if you think of your essays being divided into sections (with possibly more than one paragraph per section), your writing will likely be more organized and allow your reader to follow your presentation of ideas without creating too much distance between your paragraph’s supporting points and its topic sentence.

As you will see in Section 4.5, some essay forms may require even more than five paragraphs or sections because of how many points are necessary to address. For the rest of this chapter, the term paragraph will also imply section.

Sections of an Expository Essay

An expository essay, regardless of its purpose, should have at least five sections, which are:

  • Introduction
  • First body section/paragraph
  • Second body section/paragraph
  • Third body section/paragraph
  • Conclusion.

The introduction should state the topic of your paper: your thesis statement as well as brief signposts of what information the rest of the paper will include. That is, you only want to mention the content of the body paragraphs; you do not want to go in to a lot of detail and repeat what will be in the rest of the essay.

The first body section or paragraph should focus on one of your main points and provide evidence to support that point. There should be two to three supporting points: reasons, facts, statistics, quotations, examples, or a mix of these. Both the second and third body sections should follow the same pattern. Providing three body sections with one point each that supports the thesis should provide the reader with enough detail to be convinced of your argument or fully understand the concept you are explaining. However, remember that some sections will require more explanation, and you may need to separate this information into multiple paragraphs.

You can order your sections in the most logical way to explain your ideas. For example, if you are describing a process, you may use chronological order to show the definite time order in which the steps need to happen. You will learn about the different ways to organize your body paragraphs in the next chapter.

The concluding paragraph , or conclusion, can be a little tricky to compose because you need to make sure you give a concise summary of the body paragraphs, but you must be careful not to simply repeat what you have already written. Look back at the main idea of each section/paragraph, and try to summarize the point using words different from those you have already used. Do not include any new points in your concluding paragraph.

Consider Your Audience: How Much Do They Know?

Later in this chapter, you will work on determining and adapting to your audience when writing, but with an expository essay, since you are defining or informing your audience on a certain topic, you need to evaluate how much your audience knows about that topic (aside from having general common knowledge). You want to make sure you are giving thorough, comprehensive, and clear explanations on the topic. Never assume the reader knows everything about your topic (even if it is covered in the reader’s field of study). For example, even though some of your instructors may teach criminology, they may have specialized in different areas from the one about which you are writing; they most likely have a strong understanding of the concepts but may not recall all the small details on the topic. If your instructor specialized in crime mapping and data analysis for example, he or she may not have a strong recollection of specific criminological theories related to other areas of study. Providing enough background information without being too detailed is a fine balance, but you always want to ensure you have no gaps in the information, so your reader will not have to guess your intention. Again, we will practise this more in Section 4.9.

What Comes Next?

In the next eight sections (4.2 through 4.9), we will look at different expository modes, or rhetorical modes, you will often be assigned. These are:

  • Illustration
  • Description
  • Classification
  • Process analysis
  • Compare and contrast
  • Cause and effect

Rhetorical modes refers simply to the ways to communicate effectively through language. As you read about these modes, keep in mind that the rhetorical mode a writer chooses depends on his or her purpose for writing. Sometimes writers incorporate a variety of modes in any one essay. In this chapter, we also emphasize the rhetorical modes as a set of tools that will allow you greater flexibility and effectiveness in communicating with your audience and expressing your ideas.

In a few weeks, you will need to submit your first essay–an expository sample–and you will be given the choice of topic: one from each of the modes. Think about which types of expository essays are easier and which are more challenging for you. As mentioned, as you progress through your studies, you will be exposed to each of these types. You may want to explore a mode you find more challenging than the others in order to ensure you have a full grasp on developing each type. However, it is up to you. As you work through the sections, think about possible topics you may like to cover in your expository essay and start brainstorming as you work through the self-practice exercises.

After we explore each of the individual modes in the eight sections that follow, we will look at outlining and drafting; it is at this point you will want to fine tune and narrow the topic you will write about, so you can focus on that when doing the exercises.

the definition of expository essay

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Expository Essay – Definition, Types & Structure

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An expository essay is a type of writing where the author presents facts and evaluates a concept about a place, an object, a person, or an experience. The writer is expected to present information regarding the concept unbiased and accurately while ensuring it is written in the third person and delivered in chronological sequence. Writing an expository essay is a common task for high school and college students, and knowing what it entails sets a successful and an unsuccessful student apart.


  • 1 Expository Essay – In a Nutshell
  • 2 Definition: Expository essay
  • 3 The purpose of an expository essay
  • 4 Types of expository essays
  • 5 Structuring an expository essay
  • 6 How to write an expository essay

Expository Essay – In a Nutshell

An expository essay aims to provide a solution or explanation of a subject or issue at hand. Techniques in writing this type of essay can come in handy when a fact-based analysis is required in any field. Learn everything you need to know about writing an expository essay in this article:

  • There are 4 types of expository essays: Descriptive essay, process essay , compare and contrast essay , and cause and effect essay .
  • An expository essay includes 3 main sections : Introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Learn tips and tricks to consider when writing an expository essay

Definition: Expository essay

A style of academic writing known as an expository essay tries to clarify, observe, and describe a thought, problem, or notion. It entails looking into a theory, assessing the supporting data, outlining the theory, and then developing an argument based on the research.

Expository essays follow a format similar to other types of academic essays , such as persuasive essays or argumentative essays . The primary distinction is that the expository essay necessitates more investigation and factual information to substantiate the claim. Common examples of expository essays include a process, or how-to essay that provides instructions on how to accomplish a task, assembly instructions, and newspaper articles.


The purpose of an expository essay

An expository essay is written when the researcher intents to provide a solution or an explanation about a specific topic or issue. The primary purpose of such an essay is to explain or analyze a complex topic and is often used to explore complex or controversial issues. Mostly, these essays investigate an idea or subject, evaluate the evidence available, develop the idea, and provide an argument regarding that idea clearly and concisely.

Types of expository essays

There are four main types of expository essays:

Descriptive essay

A descriptive essay gives details on a particular person, place, thing, or experience. The author describes the topic with sensory information describing an individual, place, thing, or experience while giving in-depth information about the subject. Providing an intricate description of something or an event is the primary objective of such an essay.

Process essay

A process essay describes how to carry out a task or how something is supposed to take place. The author must ensure that the steps in the process are described in chronological order. A process essay’s primary goal is to give comprehensive directions on carrying out a task with minimal mistakes.

A beach description essay can discuss the sound of the waves lapping against the shore, the salty air, and the sensation of sand between the toes. Additionally, a person’s physical attributes, psychological traits, and interests could all be discussed in a descriptive essay about that individual.

A process essay on how to bake a cake might describe the processes involved, from combining the ingredients to placing the cake in the oven. Also, planting crops must follow a specific process lest they fail in their tracks.

Compare and contrast essay

A compare and contrast essay explains the differences and similarities between two or more individuals, things, places, or experiences. In a comparison essay, two objects are compared, and their similarities and differences are discussed. This essay’s primary goal is to make the reader understand the subjects under comparison.

Cause and effect

A cause and effect essay explains the reasons for something or the effects of something. This essay will discuss the causes of a problem or situation and its consequences. The main purpose of a cause-and-effect essay is to help the reader understand the reason behind a problem or situation.

In a compare and contrast essay about two nations, you might talk about how the two nations’ cultures, languages, and religions differ. Further, a compare and contrast essay on two books can discuss how the themes are similar but the character development differs.

An essay on obesity’s causes and effects can go over the factors contributing to the country’s rising obesity rates. Also, a cause and effect essay about the Vietnam War can go into the conflict’s origins and how it affected the Vietnamese people

Structuring an expository essay

The structure of this essay is similar to that of other essays, such as the five-paragraph essay.


The introduction:

Introduces the essay’s core idea while providing critical background information. Start your introduction with a catchy sentence to draw the reader in, such as rhetorical questions, quotations, anecdotes, concessions, intriguing facts, or questions that will be addressed in your body section. The thesis statement for a narrative essay has a slightly different function than an expository essay because the former can introduce the plot’s events.

A three-paragraph body is the standard format for such essays. The topic is introduced in the first paragraph, followed by complementary information in the second paragraph, and then the bottom-line section as the third body paragraph.

The conclusion:

An expository essay also has a conclusion, acting as the summary of the essay’s main points.

How to write an expository essay

The most efficient method to begin an essay is simply, to begin writing. Get your ideas down on paper first without worrying about grammar or spelling. Check it for grammatical and spelling issues when you’ve finished writing your essay.

Make sure your thoughts are concise, and your essay flows naturally while editing. Read your writing aloud as a means to verify this. If you become lost or confused while reading your work, this is a good indicator that you have probably not adequately ordered your work.

What is an expository essay?

This type of essay explores a specific subject or issue in detail and is often used to analyze a complex or controversial topic.

What are the different types of expository essays?

The most common types of such essays include cause and effect essays, compare and contrast essays, process essays, and descriptive essays.

What is the purpose of an expository essay?

This type of essay is usually used when the aim is to analyze complex and controversial topics.

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How to Write an Expository Essay?

27 April, 2020

12 minutes read

Author:  Tomas White

Mastering the art of writing a good expository essay is the backbone of writing A grade essays. This extensive guide written by the Handmade writing team will help define exactly what an expository paper is in fact. This is done by examining it in relation to other genres of essays as well as giving you a broad view on a range of different essays that fall into this category.

Expository Essay

What is an expository essay?

The definition of an expository essay is to expose an idea by explaining the evidence and facts surrounding the topic. Its purpose is to explain or clarify information on a subject. It is important to present the topic in an impartial and non-biased fashion without forming a conclusion.

All types of academic papers such as argumentative and persuasive essays include expository writing in some shape or form. Due to this, it can be hard to define where the expository paper ends, and the other papers begin. To get a clear understanding of how expository writing differs, it is best to compare it to different essay genres.

Is an argumentative essay an expository essay?

An expository essay is objective, neutral and focuses on explaining all sides of a situation, whereas an argumentative essay is about arguing for and supporting one side of the debate by contrasting it with different viewpoints. Below is an illustration of the conventions and structures of both essay genres.

is an argumentative essay an expository essay

How are a persuasive essay and an expository essay different?

A persuasive essay and an argumentative essay are extremely similar in format and will follow most of the rules outlined for argumentative essays. A persuasive writing is used to persuade. Expository writing is used to inform.

How to write an expository essay

The main points of what an expository essay should contain have been summarized in the graphic above. Good expository writing needs you to know how to present and write the information in the correct format. This guide will take you through the things you need to do to write a fantastic and detailed paper step by step. The first step is understanding what type of expository essay you are going to write.

What are the main types of expository essays?

Good writers understand the purpose of their essays. Identify the type of paper that you need to write and focus on answering the question in a suitable format. Here are five main types of expository papers:

Main types of expository essays

A Descriptive Essay

The purpose of a description is to describe something in detail. It could be a person you know, a place that you have visited or even describing the steps in a natural process such as photosynthesis. You should explain the subject matter in detail but not necessarily include any conclusion or analysis.

A Process Essay

The purpose of a process essay is to recount the steps taken. Good examples are scientific reports of experiments or a guide on how to create something. The essay explains the process that was taken and the results that were gained without judgment.

A Comparison Essay (Compare and Contrast Essay)

A comparison essay’s purpose is to compare and contrast two subjects. Examples of this can be how a theme is present in two books, two perspectives on social theory or even a flowers appearance. The essay should just list the differences without any kind of analysis or argument attached.

A Cause and Effect Essay

A cause and effect essay identify the reason why a phenomenon occurs and what happens as a consequence. These essays lend themselves to social research in topics like “ What causes dyslexia and what effects will it have on learning? ” Or history topics that discuss the cause of policies and their effects on society. An expository essay should detail the causes and effects without any further analysis.

A Problem and Solution Essay

A problem and solution essay will identify problems in a system and offer solutions that could fix or lessen the burden of those problems. As an expository paper there shouldn’t be an argument for one solution but an outline of all possible solutions.

Read the question you have been set or the criteria of your assignment and measure it against these expository essay formats to choose the best question for you. For more in-depth advice on how to write the styles of essays detailed above please follow the embedded links!

How to choose a title for an expository essay?

When you are given free reign, it can be hard to decide what to write an essay on. The easiest method of how to start an expository writing is to decide on the topic and title. A simple way of coming up with a basic title for an essay is to insert its type into the title.

  • A description of Stephen King/Harlem/Photosynthesis
  • The process of baking a cake/testing Boyle’s law/of camping.
  • A comparison of Byron’s poetry / international social policy / political stances on taxation.
  • The cause and/or effects of potato blight/obesity/voter apathy
  • The problems and/or solutions to gun regulation / gendered language/stigmatization of mental issues.

Creating a basic title will give your essay direction, and a subject to focus on. It can act as a primary thesis statement as research and can be narrowed and to a more meaningful title later. News channels&papers and websites are sources of current and ongoing issues to discuss.

Formulating a clear title will help clarify the purpose of your paper by giving the reader your topic and the context in which you are reporting on it. When choosing a title and essay type always consider whether they are appropriate to the guidelines and subject matter. The most important thing is to choose a subject you enjoy.

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Expository essay topics for high school and college

Being given the freedom to choose an essay topic in high-school or college is a hard assignment. Here are some general expository essay topics for high school and college students to help you brainstorm and decide on a subject.

Keep in mind that learning to write good essays has benefits that go beyond your academic life. Good writing skills are essential for your future career as well. As many as 80 percent of corporations with employment growth potential evaluate the writing skills of their applicants during the hiring process.

Here are some colorful examples of topic titles that we suggest looking into.

Process titles

  • The perfect recipe for an amazing summer vacation
  • How to test the resistance of an electrical current

Comparison titles

  • A comparison of positivism and communist perspectives on social education
  • Compare and contrast the use of technology in Harry Potter and Frankenstein

Cause and effect titles

  • Explain how the Treaty of Versailles contributed to Hitler’s rise to power.
  • What are the causes and consequences of climate change?

Problems and solution titles 

  • What problems arise from the depiction of violence on in the media?
  • What can you do to help someone with a hearing impairment adapt to mainstream education?
  • How is the representation of women a problem in video-gaming and what can game developers do to stop it?

Expository essay Outline

The structure of this essay type usually consists of five paragraphs. These include the introduction, three supporting paragraphs that comprise the body of your essay, and a conclusion that sums up your points.

Start your introduction with a strong sentence that pulls the readers in. The introduction of your expository essay is the first thing that readers will see, so it directly influences how they receive your essay. You should take your time to make it effective. Keep in mind that the purpose of your introduction is to hook your readers and provide a guideline for your topic and main argument, known as the thesis statement. This hook should tell your readers something they didn’t know before, for example, an interesting fact, a surprising statistic, or a quote from a well-known person.

Related Posts: How to write an Essay outline | Essay format guide  | How to write an Essay introduction  

Next, the best expository writing format is to choose three items about the topic that you will discuss in the body of your essay. These are the points that you introduced in your introduction and should discuss in more detail in the body.

No matter the style or the type of essay  – choose three points about the subject that you can elaborate on and explain in detail.

Finally, your conclusion should restate your thesis statement and give details about the end goal. You can also make a prediction based on the discussion of your essay and provide closure for your readers.

What should I include in the introduction?

The introduction of an expository essay should  have a thesis statement . The thesis statement here is simply to introduce the subject you are explaining and in what context.

How should I write the body paragraphs?

Each paragraph of the body paragraph should discuss a single idea on the subject. The first sentence of each paragraph should introduce the topic that you will discuss. The following sentence should elaborate and describe the subject in detail. Use facts, evidence, and quotations to support the statement and elaborate. The final sentence should be conclusive to signal the topic has ended. Writing in this formula will sign-post your work and make it easier to read.

All information should be objective and written in the third person.

An expository writing purpose is to describe subjects in detail to explain and clarify. As such the focus should be on simple, clear sentences with concentrate messages. It is important to stay focused on the topic at hand and not go off on tangents.

How to write a conclusion?

The conclusion of an expository paper should recap all the points made previously and avoid coming to a conclusion about which side of the argument is right or adding new ideas to the essay. You can signal the end of the paper with a final general point, for example:  “Only by evaluating all aspects of homelessness we can come to an understanding of what causes it and how to implement better solutions.”

Expository essay example

Do’s and don’ts of expository essays.

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  1. How to Write an Expository Essay

    The structure of your expository essay will vary according to the scope of your assignment and the demands of your topic. It's worthwhile to plan out your structure before you start, using an essay outline. A common structure for a short expository essay consists of five paragraphs: An introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

  2. Expository Writing: Definition and Examples

    The term expository writing refers to any writing that's designed to explain something. We use the word expository to describe any passage of writing that's supposed to present information and help you understand it in an objective way. Some common examples of expository writing include academic essays, textbooks, instructional guides, and ...

  3. Expository Essay

    Definition of Expository Essay. Expose means to uncover or lay something bare, or to discover something in a way that others know what it is. Expository is derived from exposition, which is a noun of 'expose.'. An expository essay is a genre of writing which tends to explain, illustrate, clarify, or explicate something in a way that it ...

  4. Expository Essay in Literature: Definition & Examples

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  5. What Is an Expository Essay? Examples and Guide

    An expository essay is a type of essay that involves explaining an idea or theme within a given subject or topic. We guide you through writing one with examples.

  6. Expository Essays

    The expository essay is a genre of essay that requires the student to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, expound on the idea, and set forth an argument concerning that idea in a clear and concise manner. This can be accomplished through comparison and contrast, definition, example, the analysis of cause and effect, etc.

  7. Expository Essay: 3 Building Blocks to Propose an Idea and Defend It

    The expository essay is a genre of essay that requires the student to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, expound on the idea, and set forth an argument concerning that idea in a clear and concise manner. Keep in mind that your expository writing centers on giving your reader information about a given topic or process.

  8. How to Write an Expository Essay: Types, Tips, and Topics

    You can write an expository essay using the following steps. 1. Define your thesis statement. Because an expository essay generally goes in-depth on a given subject, it's important that you specify your thesis statement from the get-go. State it in a clear and concise manner in the first paragraph of your essay.

  9. Expository Essays

    An "expository essay" is an umbrella term used to describe different types of essays. These essays include classification essays, definition essays, process essays, compare and contrast essays, and cause-and-effect essays. Now that we've understood what is an expository essay, let's look at its types. 1. Classification essay

  10. How to Write an Expository Essay (Updated for 2021)

    A Clear Definition. An expository essay is a piece of formal academic writing. The term "expository" means to expose, expound, and explain. When you write an expository essay, you are exposing the main ideas of the subject, expounding on a topic in detail, or explaining the meaning of a topic, idea, or phenomenon. ...

  11. How to Write an Expository Essay: Writing Tips & Structure

    Writing an expository essay can be done step-by-step by organizing your thoughts, researching the topic, formulating a thesis statement, writing an introduction, composing the body paragraphs, and summarizing the essay in the conclusion. Finally, revise and proofread the essay to ensure its quality.

  12. What Is Expository Writing?

    Key Takeaways: Expository Writing. Just the facts, M'am: Expository writing is informational, not creative writing. Anytime you write to describe or explain, you use expository writing. Use a logical flow when planning an expository essay, report, or article: introduction, body text, and conclusion. It's often easier to write the body of your ...

  13. Expository Writing

    Expository writing is a type of writing that is used to explain, describe, and give information and uses evidence, details, and facts to support the topic. An example of expository writing is ...

  14. Expository Essay: Definition, Outline, Topics & Examples of ...

    An expository essay is one which is used to explain something, in the most simple terms. The word expository comes from the word expose, and this means to uncover something so that other people are able to understand it for what it is. This type of essay is therefore used as a way of explaining or clarifying the subject for the reader.

  15. Expository Essay Definition and Structure (Outline)

    The purpose of expository essay writing is to present some information to the reader in a clear and objective way. As brought up above, expository essays shouldn't contain personal viewpoints on the topic. Here, the writer's job is to do factual analysis, find the most reliable sources, and include them in the essay.

  16. Understanding What an Expository Essay Is

    Papers that explain/describe a historical event ( descriptive essay ). Expository essays are often written in response to a prompt that asks the writer to expose or explain a specific topic. Essay questions on tests are normally written to prompt an essay in this very style, and may look like the following: Explain the events leading up to the ...

  17. 4.1: Expository Essays

    An expository essay allows the writer the opportunity to explain his or her ideas about a topic and to provide clarity for the reader by using: Facts; ... Although you did this verbally, you were still fulfilling the elements of an expository essay by providing definition, details, explanations, and maybe even facts if you have a really good ...

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    Expository Essay Definition. Expository essays are fact-based essays focused on proving their writers' point. A variety of different structures can be used to argue for, and support, that point ...

  19. How to Write an Expository Essay in 5 Steps

    How to Write an Expository Essay in 5 Steps. Written by MasterClass. Last updated: Jun 7, 2021 • 3 min read. Learning how to write a good expository essay is an academic writing skill that lays the foundation for the type of expository writing that's necessary for numerous professions.

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    Definition: Expository essay. A style of academic writing known as an expository essay tries to clarify, observe, and describe a thought, problem, or notion. It entails looking into a theory, assessing the supporting data, outlining the theory, and then developing an argument based on the research. Expository essays follow a format similar to ...

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    The definition of an expository essay is to expose an idea by explaining the evidence and facts surrounding the topic. Its purpose is to explain or clarify information on a subject. It is important to present the topic in an impartial and non-biased fashion without forming a conclusion.