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Tourism in Odisha

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Tourism in Odisha is big business. But why is the tourism industry so important here and why does it matter? Read on to find out…

Nestled along the eastern seaboard of India, Odisha presents a compelling blend of natural beauty and spiritual depth. Its geography , punctuated by a pristine coastline, verdant forests, and shimmering water bodies, plays host to a rich tapestry of cultural and historical narratives. From the majestic temples of Bhubaneswar and Puri to the tranquil beaches of Gopalpur and Chandipur, Odisha is an embodiment of diverse attractions.

The state’s tourism palette offers not only spiritual pilgrimages and beach vacations but also ecotourism, heritage tours, and tribal experiences. In this exploration, we will traverse Odisha’s geographic charm, spotlight its premier destinations, delve into the different facets of its tourism sector, and understand the multifarious impacts—both constructive and challenging—that tourism brings to this captivating region of India.

Geography in Odisha

Odisha, also known as Orissa, is a state located in the eastern part of India. It is bounded by the Bay of Bengal to the east, West Bengal to the northeast, Jharkhand to the north, Chhattisgarh to the west, and Andhra Pradesh to the south. The geography and topography of Odisha consist of a diverse combination of coastal plains, rolling hills, plateaus, and mountain ranges.

The state has a coastline of approximately 480 km along the Bay of Bengal, which has a significant impact on its climate and economy. Coastal Odisha consists of soft sandy beaches and lagoons, which are ideal for fishing, aquaculture, and tourism.

Moving inland, the landscape becomes more rugged and hilly, with plateaus and mountain ranges running through the state. The Eastern Ghats run along the western edge of the state, and numerous rivers such as the Brahmani, Mahanadi, and Baitarani flow through the state, providing irrigation and transport facilities.

The state has a mostly tropical climate, with high humidity and temperatures.

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Tourism Industry in Odisha

Tourism is an important industry in Odisha, with the state offering a diverse range of attractions, including stunning beaches, ancient temples, wildlife reserves, and cultural heritage sites, drawing in visitors from across India and the world. Here are some key facts about the tourism industry in Odisha:

  • Visitor Numbers: Odisha has seen a steady growth in visitor numbers in recent years, with over 1.4 million tourists visiting the state in 2019.
  • Domestic and International Tourists: The majority of the tourists in Odisha are domestic, accounting for around 85% of visitors, while the remaining 15% are international tourists.
  • Popular Destinations: Popular tourist destinations in Odisha include the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Konark Sun Temple and the Jagannath Temple in Puri, the Chilika Lake, and the Simlipal National Park.
  • Adventure Tourism: Odisha offers opportunities for adventure tourism, including trekking, rock climbing, and river rafting, with many scenic locations across the state.
  • Cultural Tourism: Odisha has a rich cultural heritage, with ancient temples, traditional dance forms, and arts and crafts, which attract tourists interested in cultural experiences.
  • Eco-tourism: Odisha has diverse flora and fauna, including tigers, elephants, and migratory birds, making it an ideal destination for eco-tourism.
  • Infrastructure Development: The government is investing in developing necessary infrastructure to promote tourism in the state, including developing beaches and parks, improving public transportation facilities and investing in hotel infrastructure.
  • Tourism Promotion: The Odisha Tourism Department is promoting tourism in the state by organising events, festivals, and cultural programs, and by partnering with travel agents and airlines to attract visitors to Odisha.

Overall, the tourism industry in Odisha is growing, creating employment opportunities and driving economic development in the state. With its rich cultural heritage and breathtaking landscapes, Odisha is an attractive destination for both domestic and international tourists.

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Statistics About Tourism in Odisha

Here are some notable statistics about tourism in Odisha:

1 – In 2019, Odisha received around 1.4 million tourists, an increase of 8.56% from the previous year.

2 – Domestic tourists account for around 85% of the total tourists to Odisha, with international tourists comprising the remaining 15%.

3 – The average length of stay for visitors in Odisha is around 2-3 days.

4 – The top tourist attractions in Odisha include the Sun Temple at Konark, Jagannath Temple in Puri, the Chilika Lake, and Simlipal National Park.

5 – The tourism industry in Odisha contributed around 6.5% to the state’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2019.

6 – The state government is aiming to increase the number of tourists visiting Odisha to 2 million by 2022.

7 – Odisha is home to two prominent cultural festivals, the Rath Yatra in Puri and the Konark Dance Festival, which attract significant numbers of tourists.

8 – Most of the tourist arrivals in Odisha are from states like West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh-Telangana, Chhattisgarh, and Maharashtra.

9 – Eco-tourism in Odisha is becoming increasingly popular, particularly the observation of Olive Ridley turtles nesting and hatching at Gahirmatha.

Popular Tourist Attractions in Odisha

Odisha, also known as Orissa, is a state in Eastern India, having a wide range of popular tourist attractions, including historical monuments, natural landscapes, wildlife destinations, beaches, and cultural sites. Here are some of the most popular tourist attractions in Odisha:

Jagannath Temple: One of the most revered Hindu temples, it’s located in Puri and is an important pilgrimage site in Odisha.

Chilika Lake: The largest coastal lagoon in India, Chilika Lake attracts thousands of bird species and is one of the most popular ecotourism destinations in Odisha.

Lingaraj Temple: A mediaeval heritage site and the largest temple in Bhubaneswar, considered as one of the most sacred temples.

Puri Beach: A popular tourist spot, with golden sand and clear water, it is also a venue for the annual Puri Beach Festival.

Dhauli Hill: A significant historic place, where Ashoka converted to Buddhism and renounced war after the Kalinga War.

Udayagiri and Khandagiri Caves: A complex of rock-cut caves, consisting of ancient Jainic and Buddhist monuments.

Simlipal National Park: A bio-diverse region located in Mayurbhanj district, known for its flora, fauna, and natural beauty.

Mukteswara Temple: An inscriptional temple in Bhubaneswar

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Popular Types of Tourism in Odisha

Odisha offers numerous tourism possibilities and attracts various types of travellers. Here are some of the popular types of tourism in Odisha:

  • Cultural Tourism: Odisha has a rich cultural heritage with ancient temples, unique architecture, and traditional dance forms. Visitors to Odisha often explore these cultural attractions.
  • Heritage Tourism: Odisha has a link to India’s ancient history, with ancient temples, rock-cut caves, and archaeological sites like the Dhauli Hill and Udayagiri and Khandagiri Caves.
  • Eco-Tourism: Odisha has nature reserves, and its diverse flora and fauna make it an ideal destination for eco-tourism. National parks such as Simlipal and Bhitarkanika are popular destinations for ecotourism activities such as bird-watching, hiking, camping, and wildlife watching.
  • Religious Tourism: Odisha has many sacred and iconic destinations that religious pilgrims and devotees visit, including the Shree Jagannath Temple in Puri, the Lingaraj Temple in Bhubaneswar, and the Konark Sun Temple.
  • Adventure Tourism: Visitors to Odisha can participate in various adventure activities like trekking, rock climbing, and river rafting, making it an ideal destination for adventure tourism.
  • Beach Tourism: Odisha is home to several beaches, including Puri and Gopalpur on sea, and visitors come to relax, swim, and enjoy the water sports activities, making it an ideal destination

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Economic Impacts of Tourism in Odisha

  • Tourism has significant economic impacts on Odisha, generating employment, increasing the state’s GDP, and creating entrepreneurial opportunities. Here are some of the economic impacts of tourism in Odisha:
  • Employment opportunities: Tourism provides direct and indirect employment opportunities to the local people, including tour guides, hotel staff, transportation businesses, and small vendors.
  • Increased GDP: Tourism is a major contributor to Odisha’s economy, with the sector contributing 6.5% in 2019 to the state’s GDP. The state government has set a target to increase this contribution to 10% in the coming years.
  • Boost to local businesses: The income generated by tourism supports local businesses, including restaurants, souvenir shops, and tour operators, creating entrepreneurial opportunities and promoting a multiplier effect on the economy.
  • Infrastructure development: The government’s investment in tourism infrastructure development, such as airports, roads, and public facilities, increases the accessibility and attractiveness of the state to visitors, leading to further economic growth.
  • Promotion of ecotourism: Ecotourism in Odisha promotes conservation and management of the state’s natural resources, provides employment opportunities for local communities, and creates a source of income from tourism-generated activities such as bird watching, fishing, and trekking.
  • Increase in foreign exchange earnings: International tourists who visit Odisha contribute to foreign exchange earnings through their spending, supporting the state’s economy.

Tourism is an important sector of Odisha’s economy, generating employment, boosting local businesses, and contributing to the state’s GDP. The government’s investment in infrastructure development.

Social Impacts of Tourism in Odisha

Tourism also has social impacts on Odisha, both positive and negative. Here are some of the social impacts of tourism in Odisha:

Positive Impacts of tourism in Odisha :

1 – Preservation of cultural heritage: Tourism sometimes plays a critical role in the preservation of historic monuments, religious centres, and traditional art forms of Odisha, promoting local awareness and pride in their culture and heritage.

2 – Enhancement of cultural exchange: Tourism helps foster cross-cultural exchange between locals and visitors, promoting multiculturalism and understanding.

3 – Promotion of local crafts and products: Tourism provides an opportunity for local artisans and craftsmen to showcase their products, adding supplementary livelihoods while promoting the revival and iconic status of Odisha’s various crafts like Pattachitra, Dhokra art, and Stone Carving.

4 – Promotion of tolerance and peace: Tourism helps to promote peace and tolerance in Odisha by allowing people from diverse ethnicities to interact and to develop respect for each other.

Negative impacts of tourism in Odisha:

1 – Overcrowding and congestion: Overcrowding and congestion can lead to a strain on local resources, neighbourhoods, and infrastructure.

2 – Cultural commodification: The overcommercialization of cultural aspects like traditional clothing, art, and religion may lead to a loss of authenticity.

3 – Social Disruption: Arrival of mass tourism to specific areas may lead to the disintegration of social and environmental balance in neighbouring areas leading to negative impacts on local communities and ecosystems.

4 – Safety Concerns: An increase in tourist visits may lead to an increase in crime.

Environmental Impacts of Tourism in Odisha

Tourism in Odisha also has significant environmental impacts, both positive and negative. Here are some of the environmental impacts of tourism in Odisha:

Environmental Conservation: Many travellers to Odisha are attracted to the natural scenery along with conserving them. Tourism can contribute to environmental conservation and protection by promoting awareness among tourists and locals, promoting best practices of waste management, eco-tourism and reducing the carbon footprint.

Encourages conservation: Protected areas and national parks in Odisha such as Bhitarkanika, Simlipal, and Chilika are home to rare and endangered species. Tourism, when regulated properly, can encourage the protection of the environment and can conserve habitats and species.

Environmental Management: The presence of tourists has resulted in better management of natural resources and improvement in waste management, infrastructure monitoring, and regulation of water usage.

Negative impacts of tourism in Odisha :

Damage to natural resources: Rapid tourism growth may lead to the degradation of natural landscapes, forest loss, stress on water reserves, and deforestation that leads to soil erosion.

Increase in solid waste generation: Rise in tourist numbers leads to an increase in solid waste generation including plastic, chemical and food waste.

Transportation: The carbon footprint of fuel-powered tourism transportation, including aeroplanes, buses, and cars, have a significant impact on the environment.

Destruction of marine ecosystems: Uncontrolled tourism activities such as coastal resorts utilising biodiverse areas.

Crime and Safety in Odisha

Crime and safety are significant concerns in Odisha, especially for tourists coming from outside the state. Here are some of the factors that affect crime and safety in Odisha:

Petty crime: Petty crime, such as pickpocketing, bag snatching, and theft, can occur in tourist areas such as beaches, markets, and train stations. Tourists need to be vigilant and keep their valuables close to avoid pickpocketing incidents.

Naxalism: Naxalism, an armed leftist movement, primarily affects isolated rural areas of Odisha that are less frequented by tourists. Tourists should consult local authorities to avoid high-risk areas.

Public Transportation: Odisha’s public transportation infrastructure, particularly buses and trains, often experience overcrowding, which can lead to incidents such as theft or unwanted groping. Prepaid taxis are available for a safe transport experience.

Natural disasters: Odisha is situated in a cyclone-prone area that sometimes causes damages, including infrastructure damage, power cuts, and in rare cases, casualties. Tourists must follow the prescribed procedures to take shelter and follow weather advice.

Demonstrations and Protests: Protests and public demonstrations happen across Odisha, often resulting in traffic disruptions, and the suspension of certain transport systems. Tourists should avoid joining protests and should seek to keep away from the demonstrations to stay safe.

Overall, Odisha is a relatively safe state for tourists, but it’s always important to take precautions and stay aware of recent incidents or credible threats. Visitors should consult travel advisories and avoid travelling alone, particularly at night.

Interesting Facts About Odisha

Now that we know a bit more about tourism in Iran, I would like to share with you my favourite facts about this fascinating nation:

1 – Odisha is home to one of India’s most visited religious destinations, the Jagannath Temple in Puri, which attracts millions of devotees and tourists every year.

2 – Odisha has the largest brackish water lake in India, Chilika Lake, and is a popular ecotourism destination.

3 – The world’s first and currently the only Sand art park, the Sudarshan Patnaik Sand Art Park is located in Puri, Odisha. It showcases a unique collection of Sand-related artwork.

4 – Odia cuisine is rich in seafood, spices, and vegetarian dishes, offering a mix of flavours from India’s Eastern coast.

5 – The state was once known as Kalinga and is associated with Ashoka’s bloody war in the third century BCE, which led to his conversion to Buddhism and promotion of pacifist policies.

6 – Odisha has a rich cultural heritage, with the art of Odissi dance originating from the state.

7 – Odisha is a stronghold for the endangered Olive Ridley Turtles, which come to lay eggs in large numbers between January and March each year.

8 – The Lingaraj Temple in Bhubaneswar is one of the oldest temple complexes in India and dates back to the 7th century AD.

9 – Odisha is home to one of the world’s largest banyan trees, the Great Banyan Tree in the Botanical Garden in Cuttack, which covers an area of around 4 acres.

10 – Mahima Dharma is a unique religious movement that originated in Odisha in the mid-19th century, and is based on the principle of a one God faith that rejects caste discriminations.

FAQs About Tourism in Odisha

Lastly, lets finish up this article about tourism in Odisha by answering some of the most common questions on this topic:

What are the major cities in Odisha that tourists can visit?

Some of the major cities in Odisha that tourists can visit include Bhubaneswar, Puri, Cuttack, Konark, and Rourkela.

What are the best tourist attractions in Odisha?

Odisha is known for its rich culture and heritage, as well as its beautiful beaches and temples. Some of the top tourist attractions in Odisha include the Jagannath Temple in Puri, the Sun Temple in Konark, the Lingaraj Temple in Bhubaneswar, the Chilika Lake, and the Nandankanan Zoological Park.

What is the best time to visit Odisha?

The best time to visit Odisha is between October and March when the weather is pleasant and there is no rainfall. However, if you are interested in visiting during the famed Rath Yatra festival, which takes place in July, you should plan your trip accordingly.

What are the popular festivals and fairs in Odisha?

Some of the popular festivals and fairs in Odisha include the Rath Yatra in Puri, the Durga Puja in Cuttack, the Konark Dance Festival, and the Puri Beach Festival.

What is the mode of transportation available for tourists in Odisha?

Tourists can use taxis, buses, trains, and flights to travel within Odisha. Private taxis are easily available at most tourist destinations in the state.

What are the popular dishes to try in Odisha?

Odisha is known for its unique cuisine, which includes dishes like dalma, chhena poda, machha besara, and rasgulla.

What are the popular shopping items to buy in Odisha?

Some of the popular shopping items to buy in Odisha include sarees, stone carvings, palm leaf paintings, and appliqué work.

What are the adventure activities one can indulge in while visiting Odisha?

Tourists can enjoy activities like trekking, camping, and wildlife safaris in the forests of Odisha. Water sports like surfing, kayaking, and scuba diving are also popular at the state’s beaches.

What is the history of Odisha?

Odisha has a rich history dating back to the 3rd century BCE. It was ruled by several dynasties including the Mauryas, the Guptas, and the Mughals, before becoming a separate state in 1936.

What are the accommodations available in Odisha for tourists?

Tourists can choose from a range of accommodations in Odisha, including luxury resorts, budget hotels, homestays, and guesthouses. Many of them provide easy access to popular attractions like temples, beaches, and national parks.

Tourism in Odisha- To conclude

Odisha, where nature’s grandeur meets spiritual sanctity, stands as a testament to India’s diverse and rich tapestry of experiences. As visitors navigate its pristine beaches, sacred temples, and lush terrains, they are offered a glimpse into a heritage both ancient and living.

As tourism gains momentum in this eastern jewel, it’s pivotal to champion sustainable practices that honour its natural and cultural assets. Through judicious tourism endeavours, Odisha can weave a future that balances growth with preservation, ensuring its stories and landscapes continue to enchant for ages to come.

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Odisha’s Tourism Tale: A Canvas of Culture, Nature, and Economic Flourish”

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Revitalizing Tourism in Odisha

Odisha, a radiant jewel nestled along the eastern coast of India, is casting off its veil of anonymity and emerging as a captivating tourist destination. In the vibrant tapestry of 2022, the state witnessed a remarkable 40% surge in foreign tourist arrivals compared to the enchanting echoes of 2019, revealing a dynamic shift in perception.Economic Flourish: Tourism’s Dance in Odisha’s GDP

Economic Flourish: Tourism’s Dance in Odisha’s GDP

tourism in odisha essay

Contributing to Prosperity

Tourism is not merely a fleeting affair in Odisha; it’s a flourishing partnership. In 2019, the sector gracefully contributed 13% to the state’s GDP, with the promise of a crescendo to 20% by 2025. This not only symbolizes economic growth but also forms the backdrop for employment opportunities, generously embracing over a million individuals.

Harmony of Growth: Key Catalysts in Odisha’s Tourism Surge

Unveiling cultural splendors.

Odisha’s allure lies in its cultural symphony. Temples, monuments, and festivals narrate tales of a rich heritage, while tribal communities offer a unique cultural tableau, inviting travelers to dance to the rhythm of authenticity.

Nature’s Canvas

Nature herself has woven wonders in Odisha — sun-kissed beaches, lush forests, and majestic waterfalls. Amidst them lies Chilika Lake, the world’s largest salt pan, a spectacle that beckons explorers to witness nature’s grandeur.

Infrastructure as the Enabler

Odisha’s commitment to a tourism renaissance is mirrored in its infrastructural endeavors. The government, like a visionary artist, is crafting new roads, railways, and airports to enhance the canvas of tourist experiences.

Government’s Overture: Initiatives that Echo in Tourist Hearts

tourism in odisha essay

Odisha Tourism Policy 2022

This visionary document outlines strategies to paint Odisha on the global tourist map — from curating new experiences to robust marketing and upgrading infrastructure.

Eco-Tourism Policy 2015

In harmony with nature, this policy nurtures eco-tourism, weaving a narrative where tourism and environmental sensitivity dance hand in hand.

Heritage Tourism Policy 2019

Dedicated to preserving the cultural heartbeat of Odisha, this policy transforms heritage into a living, breathing entity that beckons explorers through time.

Orchestrating Success: Tourism Chronicles from Odisha

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Bhitarkanika National Park: A Symphony of Ecotourism

Here, endangered species, including the Olive Ridley sea turtle, find sanctuary. The ecotourism project not only protects but also celebrates the delicate dance between wildlife and wanderers.

Konark Sun Temple: A Heritage Revival

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Konark Sun Temple stands proud after a rejuvenating touch from the Heritage Tourism Project, a testament to the state’s commitment to preserving its timeless treasures.

Puri’s Golden Sands: The Beach Tourism Sonata

Puri, a jewel in Odisha’s coastal crown, shines brighter with the Beach Tourism Project, inviting travelers to bask in the glory of its sun-kissed beaches.

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Odisha’s Odyssey: A Tourist’s Utopia in the Making

In numbers and beyond.

In 2022, foreign visitors to Odisha soared by 40%, underscoring the state’s growing allure. The tourism sector not only contributes 13% to the GDP but is also a nurturing haven for over a million livelihoods.

Closing Act: The Future of Odisha’s Tourism

With each initiative, investment, and preserved heritage site, Odisha strides confidently towards a future where tourism isn’t just an industry; it’s a symphony of experiences echoing through time.

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Incredible Odisha

Odisha Tourism – Places to Visit, History, Culture, Language, Festivals, and Food

Odisha, located in eastern India, is a popular tourist destination known for its rich cultural heritage, stunning temples, pristine beaches, and natural beauty. From the famous Jagannath temple in Puri to the sun-kissed beaches of Gopalpur, Odisha has something to offer for every type of traveller.

Odisha tourism

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Odisha tourism, including some of the top tourist attractions, accommodation options, and travel tips.

Odisha has an area of 5,287 sq km, 30 districts , and a population of over 33 million people. It is one of the fastest growing states in India, with its economy booming due to its rich natural resources like coal, steel, iron ore, etc., which makes it one of the most prosperous states in India today.

Page Contents

History of Odisha

As per the Govt. of Odisha website, Kalinga is known to be a powerful kingdom as early as the time of the Kurukshetra battle. Srutayudha, the king of the Kalinga, joined the camp of the Kourava in the battle and was killed in the battle by Bhimasena with his two heroic sons: Bhanumana and Ketumana.

Consider reading: History of Odisha

Culture of Odisha

The culture of Odisha plays a key role in Odisha Tourism. Odisha has a rich culture and tradition that are represented in its people, food, art, and architecture. The state has also been home to some of the most renowned artists in India.

There are many festivals that celebrate the harvest season or mark special occasions like Holi or Durga Puja. Some of these include the Maha Kumbh Mela (the largest religious gathering on Earth), the Rath Yatra, Rath Yatra Festival, and Kudremukh National Park Festival.

The culture of Odisha is rich in heritage and tradition. It is a place where people live in harmony and peace. The people here are friendly and cooperative.

Their hospitality towards guests is unmatched. The state is blessed with natural beauty and scenic places. The climate of the region is pleasant throughout the year. There are many tourist attractions in Odisha.

The state is known for its ancient temples and historical monuments. One can enjoy boating along the rivers, trekking in the hills and valleys, fishing in the lakes, and indulging in water sports.

The state is well-connected to major cities in India. Many people visit the state to experience its rich cultural heritage and beautiful landscape.

The People and the Languages in Odisha

Odia is the official language of Odisha. It is a Dravidian language spoken by about 40 million people all over India, including in other states like Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.

Odia script has been written using ink on paper since 1807. The script was invented by Sanskrit scholar Debendranath Tagore to represent the sounds of his mother tongue, Bengali (then known as Bangla).

It became popular with people who recognized its similarity to their own scripts, such as Devanagari or Tibetan. Today, it’s used in several countries around the world for writing purposes, including Canada, Australia, and South Africa, among others!

Odisha Tourism: Festivals Celebrated in Odisha

Odisha has many festivals celebrated throughout the year. Here are some of them:

  • Dola Purnima, a spring festival also known as Holi, is celebrated in Odisha. It is also the festival of colors.
  • Raja Sankranti is a harvest festival celebrated in Odisha. It is also the festival of Makar Sankranti.
  • Maha Shivaratri, is a Hindu festival celebrated annually in honor of the god Shiva. It is also the festival of Maha Shivaratri.
  • Rama Navami is a spring Hindu festival that celebrates the birth of the god Rama.
  • Jagannath Rath Yatra, also known as the Chariot Festival, is a Hindu festival dedicated to the god Jagannath.
  • Durga Puja is a Hindu festival that celebrates the victory of the goddess Durga over the demon Mahishasura.

Festival in Odisha contributes immensely to Odisha Tourism.

Consider reading: Festivals of Odisha

Dola Purnima Festival

Dola Purnima , also called Doljatra or Dolastomi, is a Hindu festival that falls on the full moon day in the month of Phalgun. It is celebrated in honour of the Hindu god Krishna.

The festival is observed mainly in the states of West Bengal and Odisha in India. It is also celebrated in the country of Nepal. Dola Purnima is considered to be an auspicious day for Hindus.

On this day, Hindus offer prayers to Krishna and take part in various religious rituals. They also fast and eat only vegetarian food. Devotees also take a holy dip in rivers and lakes.

The main attraction of the festival is the procession of lord Krishna. devotees sing devotional songs and dance in the procession. The procession is led by the priests who carry the idol of lord Krishna.

The procession ends at the temple where the idol is placed on the altar and worshipped. After the puja, the devotees break their fast and feast on the prasad (holy food).

The festival of Dola Purnima is a joyous occasion for Hindus and is celebrated with great enthusiasm and fervour.

Raja Sankranti Festival

Raja Sankranti is a popular Hindu festival that is celebrated in many parts of India. It is also known as Makar Sankranti and is celebrated on the 14th of January every year. The festival is celebrated to mark the beginning of the solar cycle. People celebrate the festival by flying kites, taking baths in holy rivers, eating special food and performing various rituals.

In some parts of India, the festival is also celebrated as a harvest festival. On this day, people worship the Sun God and offer prayers to him. They also thank him for giving them a good harvest. People also exchange gifts and sweets on this day. The festival of Raja Sankranti is a very important festival for the Hindus and is celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm.

Maha Shivaratri Festival

Maha Shivaratri is a Hindu festival that is celebrated annually in honour of the god Shiva. It is a solemn occasion that is observed by Hindus all over the world. The word Shivaratri means “the great night of Shiva”. This night is considered to be the most auspicious night of the year for worshipping Shiva. On this night, devotees offer prayers and worship Shiva with great devotion.

Maha Shivaratri is also known as the night of self-realization. It is believed that on this night, Shiva performed the cosmic dance of creation, preservation and destruction. This festival is celebrated on the 13th night/14th day of the Hindu month of Phalguna. This usually falls in the month of February or March in the Gregorian calendar.

The celebrations of Maha Shivaratri begin with a special puja or worship ceremony in the evening. This puja is performed in front of a lingam, which is a symbol of Shiva. Devotees fast on this day and spend the night in prayer and meditation.

Some also perform Rudra Abhishek, which is a special puja involving the pouring of holy water on the lingam.

Maha Shivaratri is a very important festival in the Hindu calendar. It is a time when Hindus reflect on their relationship with the divine and seek to deepen their understanding of the divine nature.

Rama Navami Festival

Rama Navami is a spring Hindu festival that celebrates the birth of the god Rama. It is also known as Rama Jayanti. The festival is a relatively minor one in the Hindu calendar, but it is an important festival for the Vaishnavism tradition of Hinduism, which worships Vishnu and his Avatars, of which Rama is the seventh.

Rama Navami is a one-day festival, typically occurring on the ninth day of the Hindu lunar calendar month of Chaitra. This typically occurs in late March or early April in the Gregorian calendar.

The festival is a public holiday in many parts of India and Nepal. The day on which Rama was born is a matter of debate. Most Hindus believe that Rama was born on the ninth day of the Hindu lunar calendar month of Chaitra, while some believe that he was born on the ninth day of the month of Shravana.

The Rama Navami festival marks the end of the nine-day-long festival of Navratri, and also the beginning of the Hindu new year.

On Rama Navami, Hindus all over the world celebrate the birth of Rama by fasting, singing devotional songs, reading the Ramayana, and performing special puja (worship) ceremonies. In some parts of India, Rama Navami is also a day on which Hindus perform Ayurvedic cleansing rituals and take special baths in holy rivers.

Jagannath Rath Yatra Festival

Jagannath Rath Yatra is a Hindu festival that commemorates the journey of Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra and Goddess Subhadra from their temple in Puri to the Gundicha Temple.

The festival is also known as Gundicha Yatra, Navadina Yatra, Dasavatara Yatra or Chariot Festival. It is observed according to the lunisolar Hindu calendar and falls on the second day of the bright half of the month of Ashada.

The Jagannath Rath Yatra is a symbolic representation of Lord Jagannath’s annual visit to his birthplace Gundicha Temple, which is located at a distance of about 2.5 kilometres from the main Puri temple.

The three deities are placed on separate chariots, which are pulled by devotees. The journey from Puri temple to Gundicha Temple is known as Bahuda Yatra, which is followed by a return journey to Puri temple, known as return Yatra or Agya Tirtha Yatra.

The Rath Yatra festival is observed for a period of nine days, starting from the day of Akshaya Tritiya. The first day is known as Bahuda Yatra, which is followed by eight more days, known as Ashadi Ekadashi, Ashadi Dwadashi, Sarvadarshan, Dwitiya Brata, Tritiya Brata, Chaturdashi Brata, Panchami Brata and Saptami Brata.

The Jagannath Rath Yatra is a popular festival in Odisha and is also celebrated in other parts of India In recent years, the festival has also been celebrated in other countries, such as the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, France, Netherlands, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore and Mauritius.

Rath Yatra Festival was the major driver for Odisha Tourism in the last few decades.

Durga Puja – Dasahara Festival

Dasahara is a popular festival celebrated in the Indian state of Odisha. It is also known as Durga Puja, as the festival is dedicated to the worship of the Hindu goddess Durga. Dasahara is celebrated over a period of ten days, culminating in the Vijayadashami or Dussehra day.

The Dasahara festival in Odisha is marked by a number of traditions and rituals. The most important of these is the construction of temporary wooden temples or pandals, in which the idol of Goddess Durga is placed.

The pandals are often elaborately decorated and attract large crowds of devotees who come to offer prayers and flowers to the goddess. Another important tradition during Dasahara is the performance of the Durga puja pantomime.

This is a folk theatre form in which a group of performers enacts the story of the battle between Goddess Durga and the demon king Mahishasura. The pantomime is a popular form of entertainment during the festival and is often accompanied by music and singing.

On the tenth and final day of the festival, the Vijayadashami or Dussehra day, effigies of the demon king Mahishasura are burnt in public squares across Odisha.

This signifies the victory of good over evil and is a symbolic reminder of the power of the goddess Durga. The Dasahara festival is a time of great joy and celebration in Odisha. It is a time to remember and worship the goddess Durga, and to reaffirm our faith in the triumph of good over evil.

Odisha Tourism – Best Places to Visit in Odisha

The majority of tourists who visit Odisha visit Bhubaneswar, Puri, and Konark which is the coastal side of Odisha. These places are highly popular because of their proximity to Bhubaneswar and Jagganath Dham Puri and contribute the maximum to Odisha Tourism. But Odisha is much beyond Bhubaneswar and Puri. here are some highly recommended places to visit in Odisha.

  • Bhubaneswar
  • Gopalpur Beach
  • Chilika lake
  • Bhitarkanika national park
  • Similipal national park

Odisha Tourist Map

If you want to enjoy all of the above places then you need at least 2-3 weeks to cover the entire list. If you don’t have time then we recommend you plan your Odisha trip as below.

Consider reading – 20 Must Visit Best Tourist Places in Odisha

Places to Visit in East Odisha

East Odisha is a treasure trove of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and architectural marvels. From the stunning beaches of Puri to the ancient temples of Bhubaneswar, there’s plenty to explore and discover in this part of the state.

Konark Sun Temple

One of the must-visit places in east Odisha is the famous Jagannath Temple in Puri. This temple, dedicated to Lord Jagannath, is one of the most revered pilgrimage sites in India and attracts millions of devotees every year.

The temple is also famous for its annual Rath Yatra, a grand procession in which the deities are taken out in decorated chariots.

Another popular destination in east Odisha is the Konark Sun Temple, a UNESCO World Heritage Site located just a few kilometres away from Puri. This magnificent temple is dedicated to the Sun God and is known for its stunning architecture and intricate carvings.

For nature lovers, Chilika Lake is a must-visit destination. This sprawling brackish water lagoon is home to a variety of migratory birds and is a paradise for birdwatchers. Visitors can also take boat rides to explore the lake and its many islands.

The city of Bhubaneswar is also worth a visit, with its many ancient temples and architectural wonders. The Lingaraj Temple, Mukteswara Temple, and Rajarani Temple are some of the must-visit destinations in the city.

Finally, Konark Beach is a perfect place to unwind and relax, with its golden sand and serene surroundings. Visitors can enjoy swimming, sunbathing, and water sports, or simply take a leisurely stroll along the beach.

East Odisha is a fascinating destination, offering a wealth of cultural and natural attractions for visitors to explore and experience. Whether you’re a history buff, nature lover, or simply looking for a relaxing getaway, east Odisha has something for everyone.

Places to Visit inWest Odisha

West Odisha is a beautiful and culturally rich region that offers a wealth of attractions for visitors to explore. From ancient temples and monuments to scenic waterfalls and wildlife reserves, there’s plenty to see and do in this part of the state.

Hirakud Dam

One of the must-visit places in west Odisha is the famous Sambalpur city, known for its beautiful handloom sarees and textiles. The Hirakud Dam, one of the longest dams in the world, is also located in Sambalpur and is a popular destination for tourists.

Another popular destination in west Odisha is the Debrigarh Wildlife Sanctuary, located in the Bargarh district. This sanctuary is home to a variety of wildlife, including tigers, leopards, and elephants, and offers visitors a chance to go on jeep safaris and nature walks.

For those interested in history and culture, the city of Bargarh is a must-visit destination. This city is known for its many ancient temples and monuments, including the famous Nrusinghanath Temple and the Danta Ambika Temple.

The Balangir district in west Odisha is also home to some stunning waterfalls, including the Harishankar Falls and the Ranipur Jharial Waterfalls. These waterfalls offer visitors a chance to relax and unwind in the midst of nature’s beauty.

Finally, the Gandhamardan Hills, located in the Bargarh district, offer a great opportunity for trekking and hiking. These hills are also home to the famous Harishankar Temple, a popular pilgrimage site for devotees.

West Odisha is a fascinating region, offering a range of cultural and natural attractions for visitors to explore and experience. Whether you’re interested in history, and wildlife, or simply looking for a relaxing getaway, west Odisha has something for everyone.

Places to Visit in North Odisha

North Odisha is a region of natural beauty, cultural richness, and ancient history. From the scenic waterfalls of Baripada to the pristine beaches of Balasore, there’s plenty to explore and discover in this part of the state.

One of the must-visit places in west Odisha is the Simlipal Tiger Reserve , located in the Mayurbhanj district. This sprawling wildlife sanctuary is home to a variety of wildlife, including tigers, elephants, and leopards, and offers visitors a chance to go on jungle safaris and nature walks.

Similipal Tiger Reserve

Another popular destination in west Odisha is the Emami Jagannath Temple , located in Balasore. This temple is a modern architectural marvel, built in the traditional Kalinga style and adorned with intricate carvings and artwork.

For those interested in history and culture, the city of Baripada is a must-visit destination. This city is known for its many ancient temples and monuments, including the famous Jagannath Temple and the Maa Ambika Temple.

The Jhadeshwar Beach, located in the Balasore district, is also worth a visit. This serene beach is known for its clear blue waters and pristine surroundings, making it a great place to relax and unwind.

Finally, the Barehipani and Joranda Waterfalls, located in the Simlipal Tiger Reserve, are two of the most stunning waterfalls in Odisha. These waterfalls offer visitors a chance to relax and unwind in the midst of nature’s beauty.

Places to Visit in South Odisha

South Odisha is a region of incredible natural beauty, ancient temples, and cultural heritage. From the famous temples of Ganjam to the picturesque beaches of Gopalpur , there’s plenty to explore and discover in this part of the state.

One of the must-visit places in South Odisha is the famous Chilika Lake, a sprawling brackish water lagoon known for its diverse wildlife and stunning scenery. Visitors can take boat rides to explore the lake and its many islands or go birdwatching to spot the many migratory birds that visit the lake.

Another popular destination in South Odisha is the city of Berhampur, known for its many ancient temples and monuments. The Taratarini Temple , Maa Bhairavi Temple, and the Mahuri Kalua Temple are some of the must-visit temples in the city.

For those looking to relax and unwind, Gopalpur Beach is a must-visit destination. This tranquil beach is known for its clean sandy shores and serene surroundings, making it a great place to escape the hustle and bustle of city life.

The Taptapani Hot Spring, located in the Ganjam district, is another popular destination in South Odisha. This natural hot spring is believed to have therapeutic properties and is a popular spot for locals and tourists alike.

Finally, the Koraput district in Odisha is a hidden gem, known for its stunning landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and ancient temples. From the scenic hills of Deomali to the majestic waterfalls of Duduma, there’s plenty to explore and discover in this part of the state.

One of the must-visit places in Koraput is the Deomali Hills , the highest peak in Odisha, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes. Visitors can go on trekking and hiking expeditions, and enjoy the scenic views of the surrounding hills and forests.

Another popular destination in Koraput is the Duduma Waterfalls , located on the Machkund River. These waterfalls offer visitors a chance to relax and unwind in the midst of nature’s beauty, surrounded by lush green forests and dramatic landscapes.

Duduma waterfalls

For those interested in history and culture, the Sunabeda plateau, located on the border of Koraput and Chhattisgarh, is a must-visit destination. This plateau is home to numerous ancient temples and monuments, including the famous Jagannath Temple and the Gupteswar Cave Temple .

The Kotpad Weaving Village, located in the Kotpad block of Koraput, is another popular destination in the district. This village is known for its unique handloom textiles, made using natural dyes and traditional techniques, and visitors can witness the intricate weaving process and purchase these beautiful textiles.

Koraput district is a fascinating destination, offering a range of cultural and natural attractions for visitors to explore and experience. Whether you’re interested in history, or culture, or simply looking for a relaxing getaway, Koraput has something for everyone.

Consider reading: 7 Must visit places near Jeypore Koraput

South Odisha is a fascinating destination, offering a range of cultural and natural attractions for visitors to explore and experience. Whether you’re interested in history, and wildlife, or simply looking for a relaxing getaway, South Odisha has something for everyone.

Jeypore has been a functional airport since November 2022 so if you are planning a trip to the southern Odisha districts then you can take a flight from Bhubaneswar or Vishakhapatnam to Jeypore airport.

Odisha Tourism Nature Camps

Odisha is a state blessed with a rich natural heritage, and nature camps are a great way to experience the state’s incredible biodiversity up close. These camps are located in some of the most scenic and pristine parts of Odisha, offering visitors a chance to explore the state’s diverse flora and fauna in a sustainable and responsible way.

One of the most popular nature camps in Odisha is the Bhitarkanika National Park , located in the Kendrapara district. This park is home to the largest population of saltwater crocodiles in India, and visitors can take a boat ride through the mangrove forests to spot these majestic creatures in their natural habitat.

Another popular nature camp in Odisha is the Similipal Tiger Reserve, located in the Mayurbhanj district. This park is known for its lush forests, stunning waterfalls, and diverse wildlife, including tigers, elephants, and leopards. Visitors to Simlipal can stay in eco-friendly cottages and take guided nature walks to explore the park’s many wonders.

For those interested in birdwatching, Chilika Lake is a must-visit destination. This sprawling brackish water lagoon is home to over 160 species of birds, including flamingos, pelicans, and herons. Visitors can stay in nature camps near the lake and take boat rides to spot the birds in their natural habitat.

Odisha nature camps offer visitors a unique opportunity to connect with nature and experience the state’s incredible biodiversity firsthand. Whether you’re interested in wildlife, birdwatching, or simply enjoying the serenity of the great outdoors, Odisha’s nature camps are sure to leave a lasting impression.

Odisha Tourism Eco Retreats

Eco Retreats in Odisha are a unique and sustainable way to experience the state’s rich culture, natural beauty, and warm hospitality. These retreats are located in some of the most picturesque and serene parts of Odisha, offering visitors a chance to relax, rejuvenate, and immerse themselves in local traditions and customs.

One of the most popular Eco Retreats in Odisha is the Konark Beach Resort, located just a stone’s throw away from the world-famous Sun Temple. This resort offers visitors a chance to stay in eco-friendly tents and cottages, enjoy delicious local cuisine, and take part in a variety of cultural activities and entertainment.

Another popular Eco Retreat in Odisha is the Daringbadi Eco Retreat , located in the Kandhamal district. This camp is surrounded by lush forests and rolling hills, offering visitors a chance to go on nature walks, birdwatching, and trekking. The camp also offers a range of adventure activities such as ziplining and rappelling.

For those looking for a luxurious Eco Retreat experience, the Chilika Lake Resort is a must-visit destination. This resort is located on the banks of the scenic Chilika Lake and offers visitors a chance to stay in spacious and comfortable cottages, enjoy world-class amenities such as a spa and swimming pool, and take part in a variety of cultural and adventure activities.

Odisha Eco Retreats are a perfect blend of luxury and sustainability, offering visitors a chance to experience the state’s rich culture and natural beauty in a responsible and eco-friendly way. Whether you’re looking for adventure, relaxation, or cultural immersion, Odisha’s Eco Retreats are sure to leave you with unforgettable memories.

Odisha Tourism – How to Get to Places of Interest?

You can get to places of interest in Odisha by air, train or road.

  • Puri is a popular tourist destination with many attractions. It is located about 70 km from Bhubaneswar and has an airport which offers daily flights to all major cities in India. You can also travel via bus or train to reach Puri from any location within the country.
  • Konark is another important tourist destination in Odisha where visitors come to see the ancient temple complex that houses some of the oldest temples dedicated to Lord Shiva across India including those at Konark itself; one such temple dating back approximately 1500 years contains sculptures depicting animals like elephants and tigers which were carved out stone blocks without using any tools whatsoever! These animals were created using only chisel marks made on their bodies through hard work (which took about six months). The same technique was used for other sculptures such as those depicting humans too!
  • Koraput is the most beautiful destination in Odisha in terms of natural beauty as the District is blessed with hills and waterfalls. The best way to reach Koraput is to take a flight to Vishakhapatnam which is 200 km away from Koraput and then take a train/cab to Koraput.
  • To visit western Odisha attractions like Sambalpur, You can take a flight to Jharsuguda which is the nearest airport.

Famous Foods of Odisha

Authentic Odia Food is a key part of Odisha Tourism. The cuisine of Odisha is a confluence of different culinary traditions, with a strong influence from Oriya cuisine.

The cuisine has been influenced by the cuisines of the neighbouring states of Bengal, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. The staple food of the people of Odisha is rice, which is usually accompanied by dal (lentils) and vegetables.

A typical Oriya meal includes rice, dal, vegetables, salad, pickles and chutneys. The Oriyas are fond of fish, and this is reflected in their cuisine.

The state is also famous for its sweets, which are made with milk, cottage cheese, khoya, jaggery and fruits. The Oriyas are known for their love of food, and this is reflected in the variety and richness of their cuisine.

The state has a number of regional and local cuisines, which are a reflection of the diversity of the people of Odisha. The cuisine of the state can be broadly divided into four regions – the coastal region, the hilly region, the central region and the eastern region.

The coastal region of Odisha is famous for its seafood. The dishes of this region are typically flavoured with coconut and tamarind and use a lot of fish and seafood.

The most popular dish of this region is the Macha Jholo, which is a fish curry cooked in a gravy of coconut and tamarind. Other popular dishes include Crab Curry, Prawn Curry and Fish Fry.

The hilly region of Odisha is famous for its use of spices. The dishes of this region are generally hot and spicy and use a lot of ginger, garlic, cumin and chillies.

The most popular dish of this region is the Rasagulla, which is cottage cheese and khoya balls cooked in syrup. Rasagulla has been in controversy for its origin, The Odisha Rasagulla received a GI ( Geographical Indication ) tag in 2022 to end the debate about the origin of the famous sweet dish.

Last but not least Chena Podo is probably a sweet dish that’s only made in Odisha. Chena podo is made by boiling yams in milk until they are soft, then pureeing them into a smooth paste. Sugar and spices are added to the puree, and the mixture is cooked until thick and creamy.

The dessert is typically served warm or cold and can be garnished with nuts or dried fruits. Chena podo is a delicious and easy-to-make dessert that is sure to please everyone!

Do Read – Famous Odisha Foods

Religion in Odisha and Religious Places to Visit

The region is home to several religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Islam. Hinduism is the largest religion in the state, with about 82% of the population being Hindu. Buddhism is the second-largest religion, with about 11% of the population being Buddhist.

Jainism is the third-largest religion, with about 2% of the population being Jain. Islam is the fourth-largest religion, with about 3% of the population being Muslim. Religion has always been an important part of the people of Odisha.

Odisha is a secular state and therefore its people follow many religions. The main religion in Odisha is Hinduism. There are also many Buddhists, Jains, Christians and Muslims living here.

When it comes to religion in Odisha, there are three major sects: Vaishnavas (to whom Vishnu is the Supreme Being), Shaivas (who worship Shiva) and Shaktas (who worship Devi).

The temples of Odisha are not only places of worship but also centres of learning. The Jagannath Temple in Puri is one of the most important Hindu temples in India. It is also one of the four Char Dhams or the four most sacred Hindu pilgrimage sites. The temple is dedicated to Lord Jagannath, an avatar of Lord Vishnu. The temple is also known as the Black Pagoda, because of the black stone used in its construction.

The Sun Temple in Konark is another important Hindu temple in Odisha. It is dedicated to Lord Surya, the sun god. The temple is also known as the Black Pagoda, because of the black stone used in its construction. The temple is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Lingaraja Temple in Bhubaneswar is another important Hindu temple in Odisha. It is dedicated to Lord Shiva. The temple is also known as the White Pagoda, because of the white stone used in its construction. The region is also home to several Buddhist sites, such as the Ratnagiri site, the Udayagiri site, and the Lalitgiri site.

The Ratnagiri site is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Udayagiri site is home to the Udayagiri and Khandagiri Caves , which are important Buddhist sites. The Lalitgiri site is home to the Lalitgiri Mahavihara, an important Buddhist monastery.

Islam is also practiced in the region. The region is home to the Hazrat Maulana Ilyas Mosque, which is the largest mosque in Odisha. The mosque was built in the 16th century by the Muslim saint Maulana Ilyas. Odisha is a land of religious diversity and tolerance. The people of Odisha respect all religions and live in harmony with each other.

Religious tourism contributes to a major part of Odisha Tourism.

Final Thoughts on Odisha Tourism

In conclusion, Odisha is a beautiful state in eastern India that offers a wealth of cultural and natural attractions for tourists to explore.

From the magnificent temples of Bhubaneswar and Puri to the scenic beaches of Gopalpur and Chandipur, Odisha has something for everyone.

The state’s rich history and unique culture make it a fascinating destination for travelers seeking to immerse themselves in local traditions and customs.

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FAQs on Odisha Tourism

Which is the no 1 tourist place in odisha.

The No 1 tourist place in Odisha is Puri. Puri is a popular pilgrimage site for Hindus due to the renowned Jagannath Temple, part of Char Dham in India. Located on the Bay of Bengal coast, Puri also attracts visitors from West Bengal for its beautiful beaches, making it a favored destination for a short trip.

What is very famous in Odisha?

Some of the most famous attractions in Odisha are the Shri Jagannath Temple, Konark Temple, Bhitarkanika National Park, and Chilika Lake. These sites are renowned for their cultural and natural significance, making them must-visit destinations in Odisha.

What are the popular tourist attractions in Odisha?

The Sun Temple at Konark, Lingaraj Temple at Bhubaneswar, Jagannath Temple at Puri, Udayagiri and Khandagiri Caves, Chilika Lake, Bhitarkanika National Park, and Dhauli Peace Pagoda are some of the popular tourist attractions in Odisha.

What is the best time to visit Odisha?

The best time to visit Odisha is from October to March , when the weather is pleasant and ideal for sightseeing.

How can I reach Odisha from other parts of India?

Odisha is well connected by road, rail, and air to other parts of India. Bhubaneswar, the capital city, has its own airport and is well-connected to major cities in India.

Are there any budget-friendly accommodation options in Odisha?

Yes, there are several budget-friendly accommodation options in Odisha, including guest houses, lodges, and homestays. You can find them easily on websites like Air BnB,, MakeMyTrip etc.

Can I find good quality food in Odisha?

Yes, Odisha is known for its delicious cuisine, and there are plenty of restaurants and local eateries that serve delicious and authentic Odia food.

What are the two famous tourist places in Odisha?

 Two famous tourist places in Odisha are the Puri Jagannath Temple and Konark Sun Temple.

Is Odisha good for tourists?

Yes, Odisha is a great destination for tourists. With its abundance of beaches, biosphere reserves, temples, museums, and other attractions, the state offers a wide range of experiences for visitors. Whether you’re interested in nature, history, or culture, Odisha has something to offer everyone. Start planning your trip today and explore all that Odisha has to offer!

tourism in odisha essay

Experience the magic of responsible tourism in Odisha as you immerse yourself in the vibrant culture

Home / Blog / Experience the magic of responsible tourism in Odisha as you immerse yourself in the vibrant culture

Experience the magic of responsible tourism in Odisha as you immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of its indigenous communities

Welcome to the heart of India’s cultural and natural splendor, where Responsible Tourism in Odisha is more than just a concept—it’s a way of life. Nestled in the eastern part of the country, Odisha beckons travelers seeking meaningful experiences that leave a positive impact on the environment and local communities.

Embark on a journey of discovery as you explore Odisha’s diverse landscapes, from the sun-kissed beaches of Puri to the lush greenery of Simlipal National Park . But what sets Odisha apart is its commitment to responsible tourism, ensuring that every step you take leaves behind a footprint of sustainability and respect.

In Odisha, responsible tourism isn’t just a buzzword—it’s ingrained in every aspect of your travel experience. From eco-friendly accommodations that blend seamlessly with nature to community-based tourism initiatives that empower local tribes and artisans, every decision you make contributes to the preservation of Odisha’s rich heritage and natural wonders.

Experience the magic of responsible tourism in Odisha as you immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of its indigenous communities. Engage in traditional crafts with local artisans, savor the flavors of authentic Odia cuisine made from locally sourced ingredients, and witness age-old rituals that have stood the test of time.

But responsible tourism in Odisha isn’t just about preserving the past—it’s also about building a sustainable future. Take part in conservation efforts to protect endangered species like the Olive Ridley turtles or join beach clean-up drives to ensure that Odisha’s pristine coastline remains unspoiled for generations to come.

So whether you’re a nature lover, a cultural enthusiast, or simply seeking a more meaningful travel experience, look no further than Odisha. Discover the beauty of responsible tourism in Odisha and leave behind a legacy of sustainability, respect, and admiration for this enchanting land.

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Promoting Tourism for Growth: An Empirical Study of Odisha

Profile image of Dr Kavita Indapurkar

A few years back, one of the tourism ministers of Australia made a jovial but economically correct remark that they earn as much from a Japanese honeymoon couple holidaying in Australia for a week as they do from selling 50 tons of coal. To this the New Zealand minister claimed that a five day visit by a businessman from Australia adds as much to kiwi economy as the export of ten thousand lamb chops. Such comments and comparisons are enough to suggest how important the tourism industry is for these economies. It goes without saying that the tourism industry makes a major contribution in terms of providing employment, foreign exchange earnings and tax revenues for developing regions. The industry as a whole generates economic activity ranging from developing infrastructure to supply of consumer goods along with providing services of hospitality. Tourism is likely to make a robust Impact for low income countries to expand their economic activities and ignite the growth process. Althou...

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Tourism is one of the most significant sectors in the world economy. It is now considered as a well-organized tool for promoting economic growth as well as development of the host country. Since last few decades, tourism industry in India has been growing at a rapid pace and it has a vast potential for generating both direct and indirect employment and earning a large amount of foreign exchange besides giving a fillip to the country’s overall economic and socio-cultural development. This study tries to examine the present status of tourism industry in Odisha. The study uses popular semi log model for the period from 2000 to 2009 and provides the confirmation of tourism development in Odisha.Therefore the result suggests that as the time passes, there is significant increase in the Domestic Tourist arrival in Odisha. The tourist’s arrival registered a positive rate of 0.4 percent during the study period. All wings of central and state governments, private bodies and voluntary organization should become the active partners to attain sustainable growth in tourism in India as well as in Odisha. Keywords:annual average growth rate,Odisha,semi log trend equation,tourism development


IAEME Publication

This study is an attempt to analyse the recent growth of tourism in north eastern region of India based on secondary sources of time series data. In order to understand the variation of tourist inflow and the resultant revenue generation, a time period of 2005-06 to 2016-17 has been considered for the study. The study basically investigates the state wise trends and annual growth rate of domestic as well as foreign tourist's inflow across the eight north eastern states of India during the time period. The study also examined the growth rate of tourism revenue and its contributions to state GDPs across selected north eastern states of India. The findings of the study reveals that, States like Assam, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh have shown better performance in attracting more domestic as well as foreign tourists over the study period. So far as foreign tourist's inflow is concerned, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh have attracted maximum tourists of this category. It has found that, contribution of tourism revenue to state GDPs by north eastern states is very negligible. The study clearly reveals that, Sikkim is the topmost performer in tourism in recent years. Thus, enormous potentialities of tourism industry can become a significant sector towards economic growth of north eastern region of India. Policy makers and other stakeholders are expected to get fruitful information from this study to design suitable policies in favour expansion of this industry.

Journal of Modern Management & Entrepreneurship

Gaurav Rana

Tourism is one of the productive business activities directed for the production of the goods and services. It provides the goods and services for the customers (mainly visitors), generally while providing employment and income for the locals. Due to forward and backward linkages, Tourism industry in India is the major source for sustainable economic development with other prominent sectors of economy. The Indian Tourism Industry has flourished in the past few years, contributing to the Foreign Exchange Earnings, Gross Domestic Product, Employment in other words we can say in overall Nation's Development. Now-a-days, tourism is the flourishing industry. The advantages of tourism includes service sector growth, increase in opportunities of employment, earnings in foreign exchange, recreation, growth of economy, socializing, constructive and humanistic exchange for better international relations and no doubt enjoyment as well. Good health and better wellness is also among the advantages of tourism. In world trade measurement Tourism is an important factor for all the economies, which helps in foreign earning, tourism provides employment to various people, it is also an important tool which can be used for cultural and social exchange. Tourism is only an industry which creates many indirect employments with every direct employment. To finance the tourism sector, several strategies and sources may be tapped. Among these, domestic private investment, foreign direct investment, government budget and foreign aid (bilateral and multilateral) are vital. Therefore, here we will focus on review of economic and financial impacts of tourism industry in India.

Marcelino Sánchez-Rivero

Most scientifi c literature have begun to argue that while tourism growth can infl uence the economic and sociocultural development of society, the impacts of tourism do not always lead to increased economic development, especially in less developed countries. However, in spite of these limitations, some international organizations defend that tourism has become an economic activity that many poor countries are considering or implementing as part of their eff orts to alleviate poverty. In this context, the aim of this research has been to determine whether the economic growth experienced in the poor countries over the last decade infl uences an increase in their level of economic development. Th e results prove that, in poor countries, tourism growth does not infl uence the level of economic development, which supports the claims of some of the most recent scientifi c literature, and contradicts the position of many international organizations that make an indiscriminate use of tour...

Emergence of Tourism in Sustainable Growth of India

Lakshmi Nagaraju , Nagaraju L G

Tourism has emerged as one of the world"s largest growing service industries with sizeable economic benefits and immense opportunities. With the emergence of technological advancement, and competitiveness in service-based industries the tourism sector is playing a vital role in contributing to improve gross domestic product (GDP), creation of employment, poverty alleviation and sustainable human development across the world economy. Tourism has the potential to stimulate other economic factors through its forward and backward linkages with a host of sectors like agriculture, manufacturing, transport, hospitality, education, health, banking, etc. Expenditure on tourism induces a chain of transactions requiring supply of goods and services from these related sectors. The consumption demand emanating from tourist expenditure also creates more employment and generates a multiplier effect on the economy.

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research)

lateef ahmad mir

Journal Approved)

Tourism is recognized as a powerful engine for economic growth and employment generation. The tourism sector is the largest service industry in the country. It is much of the labour intensive type of Industry as it undertakes to provide work for a large number of people. The employment and tourism is directly co-related to each other as it has long-term socioeconomic impacts on the host economy and community. The tourism has also impacts on employment in sectors in which tourists directly spending their money, such as hotels, restaurants and airlines. As compare to other economic activity the tourism provides direct employment opportunities. International tourism is an invisible export that creates a flow of foreign currency into the economy of a destination country, there by contributing directly to the current account of the balance of payments. Like other export industries, this flow of revenue creates business turnover, household income and employment and government revenue. Ministry of Tourism has taken some steps like Tourist Visa on Arrival facility, Low Cost Airlines, Safety of Women Tourists, Hygiene and Cleanliness at tourist destinations, Trained Language Speaking Guides etc for increasing foreign tourism in India. Since tourism is a multi-dimensional activity, and basically a service industry, it would be necessary that all wings of the Central and State governments, private sector and voluntary organisations become active partners in the endeavour to attain sustainable growth in tourism if India is to become a world player in the tourism industry.


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Essay on My State Odisha

Students are often asked to write an essay on My State Odisha in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My State Odisha


Odisha, formerly known as Orissa, is an eastern Indian state. It is surrounded by West Bengal, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, and Andhra Pradesh. Its capital is Bhubaneswar.

Natural Beauty

Odisha is known for its scenic beauty. It has a long coastline with beautiful beaches like Puri and Gopalpur. It also boasts of lush green forests, home to diverse wildlife.

Culture and Heritage

Odisha’s culture is rich and diverse. The state is famous for its classical dance Odissi, and its temples, especially the Sun Temple of Konark and Jagannath Temple in Puri.

The economy of Odisha is primarily based on agriculture, industries like steel and aluminium, and tourism. The state is also a major producer of rice in India.

250 Words Essay on My State Odisha

Geographical landscape.

Odisha, formerly known as Orissa, is a culturally rich state located in the eastern part of India. It is renowned for its lush green landscapes, extensive coastline, and a plethora of tribal cultures. The state is surrounded by West Bengal to the northeast, Jharkhand to the north, Chhattisgarh to the west and northwest, and Andhra Pradesh to the south.

Cultural Heritage

The cultural heritage of Odisha is deep-rooted in its classical music, dance, drama, and art. Odissi, one of the oldest surviving dance forms of India, originated in Odisha. The state’s art and architecture are prominently reflected in the ancient temples of Bhubaneswar, Puri, and Konark, famously known as the “Golden Triangle” of eastern India.

Economy and Industry

Primarily an agrarian economy, Odisha is also rich in mineral resources like coal, bauxite, and iron ore, making it a significant player in India’s industrial sector. The state has made substantial progress in sectors such as steel, aluminum, power, refineries, and ports, contributing significantly to its economic development.

Education and Social Indices

Odisha has made significant strides in education, with numerous universities and colleges offering a wide range of courses. However, the state still grapples with challenges related to literacy rates and quality education, particularly in rural and tribal areas.

Environmental Concerns and Sustainability

Odisha’s extensive coastline and varied topography make it prone to natural disasters like cyclones and floods. The state’s focus on sustainable development and disaster management is crucial for preserving its rich biodiversity and ensuring the well-being of its residents.

In conclusion, Odisha is a state that beautifully blends tradition with modernity. It is a testament to India’s diverse culture, rich history, and economic potential.

500 Words Essay on My State Odisha

Odisha, located on the eastern coast of India, is a state rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. It is a land of diverse landscapes, from coastal beaches to forested mountains, and a hub of ancient architecture and vibrant traditions.

Historical Significance

Odisha’s history traces back to the ancient Kalinga kingdom, which was a prominent maritime and trading power. The famous Kalinga War, fought between Emperor Ashoka and the Kalinga kingdom, led to a significant turning point in Ashoka’s life, prompting him to embrace Buddhism. The Ashokan edicts, scattered across the state, are a testament to this transformation and an integral part of Odisha’s historical legacy.

Odisha is a melting pot of various cultures, each with its unique customs and traditions. The state is renowned for its classical dance form, Odissi, which is one of the oldest surviving dance forms in India. Odisha’s rich literary tradition, with works in Oriya language dating back to the 13th century, is another significant aspect of its cultural heritage.

Architectural Marvels

Odisha houses some of the most magnificent architectural marvels in the form of temples. The Sun Temple at Konark, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is one of the most iconic examples of ancient Indian architecture. The intricately carved stone wheels and the chariot-shaped structure are a testament to the exceptional craftsmanship of the era. Similarly, the Jagannath Temple in Puri, one of the four sacred ‘Char Dham’ pilgrimage sites for Hindus, holds immense religious and architectural significance.

Odisha’s diverse geography offers a rich array of natural beauty. The state’s coastline, stretching over 480 kilometers, boasts beautiful beaches like Puri and Gopalpur. The Chilika Lake, Asia’s largest brackish water lagoon, is a paradise for bird watchers, hosting a plethora of migratory birds during winter. The lush green forests of Simlipal and Satkosia are home to a wide range of flora and fauna, providing an immersive experience for nature enthusiasts.

Economic Potential

Odisha’s economy has shown promising growth over the years. The state is rich in mineral resources, including coal, iron ore, and bauxite, making it a significant player in India’s mining sector. Odisha’s coastline and ports present ample opportunities for maritime trade and the development of a blue economy. The state’s focus on sectors like tourism, agriculture, and IT also points towards a balanced and sustainable economic future.

Odisha, with its rich history, cultural heritage, architectural marvels, and natural beauty, is a state that captivates the heart and mind. Its economic potential, coupled with its diverse resources, positions it as an important state in India’s growth story. As we delve deeper into understanding Odisha, we find a compelling narrative of resilience, transformation, and progress, making it a fascinating subject of study for college students.

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  • Essay on Odisha
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  • 30 Tourist Places In Odisha To Visit In 2024 For A Fun Vacation

23 Mar 2023

Odisha, formerly known as Orissa , is a heritage & culturally enriching state in East India. The long list of beaches, biosphere reserves, temples, museums, and other tourist places in Odisha make the state a must-visit destination. This coastal state offers marvellous architectural wonders of forts & temples and the natural beauty of sun-kissed beaches and serene lakes. Here is a list of the top places to visit in Odisha.

30 Tourist Places In Odisha In 2024

Odisha is a vibrant land. On one side where you find temples and a whole bunch of religious sites, on the other, there are hill stations, valleys, national parks, beaches and rivers. Odisha destinations are innate combinations where God’s presence is deeply acknowledged with the splendour of mother nature. Take a look at some of the best tourist places in Odisha . While some of these are known names, others are quite uncommon.

  • Bhubaneswar – Land Of Beautiful Architecture
  • Puri – Witness The Unique Sand Art
  • Konark – Ancient Temples
  • Cuttack – The Vintage City
  • Bargarh – Explore The Mythological Treasures
  • Jeypore – Gaze At The Famous Waterfall
  • Barbil – See The Magnificent Waterfall
  • Paradip – The Famous Sea Port
  • Rourkela – One Of The Largest Cities
  • Sambalpur – A Haven For Nature Lovers
  • Chandipur – Home To Sea Turtles
  • Pipli – The Town Known For Handicrafts
  •  Roopark Village – The Eco-Friendly Resort
  • Taptapani – The Hot Water Spring
  • Atri – The Place To Relax
  • Baripada – Cultural Centre Of Odisha
  • Gopalpur – The Beautiful Port Town
  • Berhampur – The Temple Town
  • Dhauli – The Land Of Peace Pagoda
  • Daringbadi – The Hill Town
  • Talasari Beach – Relax Under The Sun
  • Tikarpada Wildlife Sanctuary – Enjoy The Wilderness
  • Rayagada – The Land Of Historical Gems
  • Shree Jagannath Temple: Witness the famous Rath Yatra
  • Lingaraja Temple: The oldest and the largest temple in the city
  • Chilika Lake: Largest brackish water lake
  • Simlipal National Park: Witness the famous Bengal Tiger
  • Hirakud Dam: The longest dam in India
  • Khandagiri Caves: Explore the beautiful motifs and carvings
  • Satkosia Tiger Reserve: Explore the diverse flora and fauna

1. Bhubaneswar – Land Of Beautiful Architecture

Ornately carved buildings inside a walled compound of Lingaraja Hindu Temple complex

Known as the Temple City of India , Bhubaneswar is among the best tourist places to visit in Odisha. It is a classic example of history, heritage, and urbanization. The place has marvellous temples showcasing amazing artwork, wildlife sanctuaries, and exhilarating caves.

Key Attractions In Bhubaneswar : Dhauli Hills, Udayagiri & Khandagiri caves, Ratnagiri Buddhist Excavations, Bindu Sarovara, Nandan Kanan Zoological Park, Satkosia Tiger Reserve, and temples of Mukteswar, Lingaraj, Brahmeswara, & Parasurameswara Places To Stay:  Paradise, Atithi, Paradise Convention, Fortune Park Sishmo, Hotel Priya Best Time To Visit: October to March Entry Fee: N.A.

Must Read: 25 Spectacular Caves In India 

2. Puri – Witness The Unique Sand Art 

A sand artist making a beautiful piece of sand art at the Golden Beach of Puri

Image Source

If you are planning to visit Odisha for a relaxing vacation by the sea, Puri is the place to be. Ranked among the top tourist places in Odisha, you can explore the temples in Puri , the sun-kissed beaches , and local bustling markets that tempt tourists round the year. It is also among the original Char Dhams that hold significance in the Hindu religion.

Key Attractions In Puri : Puri Beach, Puri Beach Festival, Puri Jagannath temple, Chilika Lake & Bird Sanctuary, and Gundicha Ghar Temple Places To Stay:  Hotel Sun City, Pride Ananya Resorts, Hotel Holiday Resort, Hotel Niladri, Desert Villa  Things To Do:  Visit Temples and Explore Beaches Best Time To Visit:  July to March Entry fee: N.A.

3. Konark – Ancient Temples 

An evening shot of the famous Sun Temple in Konark

Konark is a hub of ancient art and sculpture and the best Odisha destinations. The carvings of the Konark Sun Temple, one of the seven wonders of India , attract large flocks of tourists throughout the year. Along with the marvellous temples, the city has a serene beach and an engrossing archaeological museum to explore. Discovering the finest artwork & sculptures of the Konark Sun Temple is surely one of the primary reasons to visit Odisha, especially for art lovers.

Key Attractions: Archeological Museum, the temple of Sun God & Ramchandi, Chandrabhaga Beach Places To Stay:  Lotus Resort, Labanya Lodge, Goroomgo Sun Plaza Lodge Konark, Goroomgo VIP Lodge Konark, Hotel Blue Ocean Best Time To Visit:  September to March Entry fee:  INR 40 for Indians and INR 600 for foreigners

Suggested Read : 13 Wonderful Places To Visit Near Bhubaneswar

4. Cuttack – The Vintage City 

The road leading to the Barabati Fort in Cuttack

Cuttack is one of the vintage cities and popular tourist places in Orissa. The business capital of the state is known for many ancient pilgrim centres, forts, museums, lakes, and islands. Moreover, this place also boasts of local handicrafts. It tops the list of places to visit in Orissa .

Key Attractions: Mahanadi Barrage, Fort of Barabati, Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary, Ansupa Lake, and Temples of Singanatha & Bhattarika Places To Stay:  Hotel Seetal, SD VILLA GIRLS HOSTEL, Shree Ram Residency, The Blue Lagoon Hotel Premium, Pramod Convention & Club Resort Best Time To Visit: July to March Entry fee:  N.A.

5. Bargarh – Explore The Mythological Treasures 

The Shiv Temple in Bargarh

Bargarh is one of the less popular tourist destinations of Odisha. However, the amazing century-old temples and the surrounding scenic beauty makes it a must-visit destination. The place has a mythological significance as Gandhamadan Parvat, which finds a mention in the Hindu epic of Ramayana , is located here.

Key Attractions: Chal Dhar Waterfall, Gandhamadan, Pampanga Hills and Temples of Nrusinghanath and Kedarnath Places To Stay:  Hotel SS Palace, Hotel Swastik, Sri Sai Krishna Palace, Hotel Keshmin, Hotel Vd Palace Best Time To Visit : October to March Entry fee: N.A.

Suggested Read: 12 Wildlife Sanctuaries In Odisha 

6. Jeypore – Gaze At The Famous Waterfall 

A beautiful shot of the Duduma Falls in Jeypore

Jeypore is one of the delightful tourist places in Odisha for nature lovers. It is known for offering spellbinding views of rocky outcrops, picturesque waterfalls, and lush green biosphere reserves.  Deomali , the highest peak of the state, is another popular picnic spot is Odisha that is located not very far from Jeypore.

Key Attractions: Gupteshwar caves, Sunabeda, Deomali, Duduma Falls, Jagannath Sagar, Hatipathar, and Kolab Falls Places To Stay:  Hotel City Plaza International, Zabeer Hotel International Best Time To Visit:  October to February Entry fee: N.A.

7. Barbil – See The Magnificent Waterfall 

The serene Murga Mahadev Falls at Barbil in Orissa

Located by the bank of Karo River in Keonjhar , Barbil is a lesser-known tourist spot in Odisha. The place, surrounded by luxuriant forests, offers breathtaking beauty and a break away from the maddening city crowd.

Key Attractions: Hawa Mahal, Gonasika, Thakurani Hills, Murga Mahadev Waterfalls, Uliburu Reserved Forest, and temples of Hanuman & Shiva Places To Stay : Lucky India, Hotel Aadhar, The World Barbil Hotel Best Time To Visit : October to March Entry fee: N.A.

Suggested Read: Top 10 Haunted Places In Odisha

8. Paradip – The Famous Sea Port 

A beautiful shot of the dockyard at Paradip

Paradip or Paradeep, the famous seaport of India , finds its place in the list of popular tourist destinations of Odisha. It is located at the confluence of the Bay of Bengal and Mahanadi. In addition to the busy dockyard, the city also has some amazing beaches that offer mesmerizing views of the surroundings.

Key Attractions: Paradip Port, Gahirmatha Sanctuary & beach, lighthouse, and Jhankad Places To Stay : Empires Paradip, Sea Pearl Hotel Bar Restaurant, Hotel Golden Anchor Best Time To Visit : October to February Entry fee: No entry fee

9. Rourkela – One Of The Largest Cities 

The tall Hanuman Statue at the Hanuman Vatika in Rourkela

Rourkela is one of the largest cities of Odisha . The place is primarily known for the steel plant and associated industrial growth. However, it also pulls tourists with its vintage temples, parks, dams, and waterfalls making it one of the best places to visit in Orissa. Some of the wonderful things to do in Rourkela are trekking, picnic, and shopping.

Key Attractions: Darjeeling, Nehru Traffic Park, temples of Vedavyas & Vaishno Devi, Hanuman Vatika, Mandira Dam, Pitamahal Dam, Badaghagra Falls, and Khandadhar Falls Places To Stay:  Hotel Rainbow Regency, HOTEL AV DORMITORY, Hotel Anurag, Hotel Comfort Best Time To Visit: October to March Entry fee:  N.A.

Suggested Read: 14 Famous Festivals In Odisha

10. Sambalpur – A Haven For Nature Lovers 

The Samaleswari Temple in Sambalpur region of Orissa lit at night for the prayers

Sambalpur, known for its natural splendour & cultural sites, is one of the important tourist places in Odisha. The landscape is dotted with numerous waterfalls and lush green forests that allure photography buffs, nature lovers, and adventure enthusiasts.

Key Attractions: Hirakud Dam, Cattle Island, Chiplima, Huma, Samaleswari Temple, Vikramkhol, Hatibari, and Debrigarh & Ushakothi wildlife sanctuaries Places To Stay:  Hotel Royal Retreat, Hotel Olive, The Welcome Resorts, Hotel Sai Krupa, Shree Shyam Lodge Best Time To Visit:  September to March Entry fee:  N.A.

11. Chandipur – Home To Sea Turtles 

Turtles on the vanishing beach of India, Chandipur in Orissa

Image Source If you are looking for a sea resort, then this has to be the top pick from all the places to visit in Odisha. Other than its unique disappearing sea, which results due to the high tide and low tide, Chandipur is famous for its seafood. Do try the prawns and pomfret. Also, the town is quite peaceful. It is a quaint seaside town which offers complete serenity and tranquillity. Head here to spend some quality time with your loved ones. 

Key Attractions: Chandipur Beach, where the sea recedes up to 5 km providing the scope to walk on the sea bed see collect seashells, red crabs, turtles, and other underwater marine particles Places To Stay:  HOTEL ASHA NIVAS, International Tourism Resort, Hotel Chandipur, Shanti Guest House Best Time To Visit:  November to March Entry fee: No entry fee

Suggested Read: 22 Natural Wonders In India

12. Pipli – The Town Known For Handicrafts 

Appliqué work being sold in Pipli village, one of the must-visit tourist places in Odisha

Image Source This small town of Odisha is famous in the world for its craft and handicraft. The Applique handicrafts of this town are especially famous. The artisans do a great job with embroidery and colours, making this town stand out in the country and the world. If you happen to visit Odisha, then do head to this town and buy handicrafts and souvenirs from here. It is amongst the most popular Odisha points of interest.

Key Attractions: Beautiful Applique handicrafts and colourful bazaars Places To Stay : Nest Guest House, Royal Orchid Residency Best Time To Visit : October to January Entry fee:  N.A.

13. Roopark Village – The Eco-Friendly Resort 

The front view of the Roopark Tribal Village Resort in Orissa

Image Source This is a beautiful resort located in Odisha. The place is famous as it is eco friendly. If you want to enjoy nature then this should be your top pick. The place offers beautiful scenic vistas of the mountains and lush green lands that surround the village resort. Enjoy dreamy sunsets and energetic sunrises while on your vacay here.

Key Attractions: Roopark Tribal Village Resort Places To Stay:  Hotel Royal Suites, NOCCi Residency, HOTEL Barjorjis BANJARA, HOTEL AYUSH INTERNATIONAL Best Time To Visit : October to March Entry fee:  N.A.

Suggested Read: Weekend Getaways From Kolkata

14. Taptapani – The Hot Water Spring 

Taptapani hot springs is one of the tourist places in Odisha that have a divine significance

Taptapani is famous in Odisha for its hot water spring. This spring is supposed to have medicinal attributes, making it a tourist attraction amidst people. There is a pond next to the hot spring where people can bathe and make use of the medicinal properties of the hot water spring. It is one of the most visited Odisha tourist places.

Key Attractions: Hot springs atop a hill surrounded by lush forest cover Places To Stay:  Srinivas Residency, Hotel Ganesh Bhavan, Nirmalya’s Maharaja, Hotel Bhawani Palace Best Time To Visit : October to March Entry fee:  N.A.

15. Atri – The Place To Relax

The natural hot springs of Atri

Image Source This is a small village in the Khurda district of Odisha. This is again famous due to a hot spring that is present here. If you are wondering how to reach this small place in the state of Odisha, then the nearest airport is at Bhubaneswar. The medicinal properties of the spring are said can cure skin diseases. It is one of the most important  Odisha points of interest.

Key Attractions: Hot springs and bathing complex maintained by Government of Odisha Places To Stay : Hotel Landmark, Hotel Suryamukhi Best Time To Visit : October to February Entry fee:  No entry fee

Suggested Read: 15 Temples In Odisha 

16. Baripada – Cultural Centre Of Odisha 


Image Source Baripada is a cultural centre of Odisha, situated in the Mayurbhanj district. Known for its art and culture, it is one of the famous tourist places at Odisha . One can also see a lot of stars of the Ollywood emerging from this Odisha town of Baripada. The town also has its own dance form which is quite famous in the world, known as the Chhau dance.

Key Attractions: Maa Ambika Temple, Shri Jagannath Temple, and Mayurbhanj Palace Places To Stay:  The Belgadia Palace Best Time To Visit:  October to June Entry fee:  N.A.

17. Gopalpur – The Beautiful Port Town 

Gopalpur is one of the famous tourist places in Odisha

Image Source If you like port towns, then Gopalpur should be your pick. Located on the Bay of Bengal coast, this town is towards the south of the state. It is one of the top tourist places of Odisha . The town is a port city and has famous beaches. Go beach hopping here, in this Odisha town and chill and relax here, on one of the beaches, on your next trip to Odisha

Key Attractions: Gopalpur Beach, Dhabaleshwar Beach, Gopalpur Sea Beach, and Haripur Sea Beach Places To Stay:  Mayfair Palm Beach Resort, Mahaveer Service Apartment, Pipul Sea view Resort, Hotel Kavin’s Inn Best Time To Visit:  November to February Entry fee: No entry fee

Suggested Read: 8 Best Resorts In Odisha

18. Berhampur – The Temple Town

Berhampur is one of the popular tourist places in Odisha

On the eastern coastline of Odisha lies the town of Berhampur, also known as Brahmapur. Reaching here is easy as the town is connected to all the major towns of the state through roadways. The town also has its own railhead for those commuting by railways to tourist places near Berhampur. The city has some temples that one can go to on their visit here. It is one of the most visited Odisha tourist places.

Key Attractions: Kedareswar Temple, Thakurani Temple, Bhairabi Temple, and Biju Patnaik Park Brahmapur Places To Stay:  Hotel Ganesh Bhavan, Nirmalya’s Maharaja, Hotel Bhawani Palace, Hotel Bhubaneswari Classic Best Time To Visit:  October to June Entry fee: N.A.

19. Dhauli – The Land Of Peace Pagoda 


Image Source Situated on the banks of the river Daya, Dhauli is close to Bhubaneshwar, at a distance of 8 km from the city. This place has got its significance from the Kalinga War which is supposed to have been fought on Dhauli Hill. There is a famous Shanti Stupa here which attracts visitors from far and wide. It also makes Dhauli one of the famous places to visit in Orissa.  Do add this place in your itinerary and head to the Peace Pagoda.

Key Attractions: Dhauli Shanti Stupa, Dhabaleswar, Kalinga War Battlefield, and CIFA Aquarium Places To Stay:  Dhauli Palace, Treebo Trend King’s Court, CAMPENERS ODISHA, Rajani house  Best Time To Visit:  July to February Entry fee:  No entry fee 

Suggested Read: 5 Water Parks In Odisha

20. Daringbadi – The Hill Town 


Image Source If you are wondering if there are any hill stations in Odisha , then Daringbadi is the place. It is one of the best tourist places in Odisha state which is also referred to as the ‘Kashmir of Odisha’. Take a road trip to this hill station and enjoy the scenic vistas along the way. The nearest railhead is at Brahmapur from where one can take the bus to the city.

Key Attractions: Doluri River, Putudi Waterfalls, Dasingbadi waterfalls, Badangia waterfalls, and Hill View Park Places To Stay:  Utopia Resort Best Time To Visit:  September to May Entry fee: N.A.

21. Talasari Beach – Relax Under The Sun

Talasari Beach is one of the must-visit tourist places in Odisha

This is one of the most beautiful beaches in Odisha located in the Baleswar district of Odisha at a distance of 10 km from Digha. Surrounded by pristine surroundings, this beach is considered to be one of the secret beaches which enhances the beauty of the place. Away from the hustle and bustle, this beach is adorned by sand dunes, palm trees and cashew trees. It is amongst the most famous Odisha tourist places.

Key Attractions: Shankarpur, Digha Places To Stay:  Ditto Room Odisha Guest House, Cozy Inn, Hotel New Digha International, Cygnett Lite New Digha Best Time To Visit:  October to December Entry fee:  No entry fee, only INR 40 for a boat ride

Suggested Read : Top 10 Road Trips From Bhubaneswar 

22. Tikarpada Wildlife Sanctuary – Enjoy The Wilderness 

Tikarpada Tiger Reserve

Image Credit: Rajani3737

Spread across an area of 795.52 square kilometres, this wildlife sanctuary is considered to be one of the best places to visit in Orissa . Resting by the Mahanadi river and surrounded by lush greenery, this place is home to a wide variety of species of wild animals, birds and plants. One can spot tigers, gaurs, simbal, four-horned antelopes, sloths, gharial and simbal.

Key Attractions : The variety of wildlife, trees and forests  Places To Stay:  Wooden Leaf Satkosia, Bluebay 08 satkosia Tarava, Bluebay 05 satkosia Baliput, Bluebay 07 satkosia Purunakote Best Time To Visit:  October to March Entry fee: No entry fee

23. Rayagada – The Land Of Historical Gems 

Jaganath Temple

Image Credit: HP Satapathy for Wikimedia

This is a district located in Odisha which is known for its rich history and a vast culture that is worth experiencing. Alongside that this place is also famous for treasuring the local tribal culture. Apart from the historical places, there is delicious cuisine, handicrafts and handmade products. Located at the South Eastern border, this is an upcoming destination which is visited by the tourists every year. The heritage of this place belongs to the Mauryan empire which makes it one of the best tourist places in Odisha .

Key Attractions: Majhighariani Temple, Maa Markama Temple Places To Stay:  Hotel Sai International, Hotel Ashok Best Time To Visit:  October to February Entry fee: No entry fee

Suggested Read: Best Odisha Food

24. Shree Jagannath Temple: Witness the famous Rath Yatra

Shree Jagannath Temple, Puri

Image Credit: সন্দীপ সরকার for Wikimedia

Dedicated to Lord Jagannath, this temple holds importance in the Hindu religion. Located in Puri, this temple is famous for its Ratha Yatra also known as the chariot festival which happens every year. It is one of the Dhamas (holy places) out of the four holy places: Puri, Dwarika, Rameshwaram, and Badrinath. It definitely tops our list of places to visit in Orissa.

Key attractions: Alarnatha temple, Sakshi-Gopala temple, Konark sun temple Places to stay: Madhusmruti, Mayfair waves, Judges court Best time to visit: June to March Entry fee: No entry fee

25. Lingaraja Temple: The oldest and the largest temple in the city 

Lingaraja Temple is one of the religious tourist places in Odisha

Image Credit: Rajashree Talukdar for Wikimedia

Located in Bhubaneshwar, it is one of the oldest and the largest temples in the city. Dedicated to Lord Shiva, it was built by King Yayati in the 11th century. Being the classic example of Kalinga architecture, this temple is built in red stone. The temple is referred to as Swayambhu (self-originating Shivling). The temple premises are divided into four sections: Garbha Griha (sanctum sanctorum), Yajna Shala (the hall for prayers), Bhoga Mandap (the hall of offering) and Natya Shala (hall of dance).

Key attractions: Rajarani temple, Mukteshwara temple, Baitala temple Places to stay: Swosti premium hotel, Lemon tree premier  Best time to visit: January and March Entry fee: No entry fee

Suggested Read: Migratory Birds Spotted In Odisha

26. Chilika Lake: Largest brackish water lake

Chilika Lake is one of the serene tourist places in Odisha

Image Credit: Rajanikant Mishra for Wikimedia

Spread over the districts of Orissa like Puri, Khurda, and Ganjam, Chilika Lake is the largest brackish water lake. It is amongst the largest lagoon in the world and was given the designation of first Indian wetland of international importance. Home to a large number of migratory species and birds, it is the most visited place amongst the other tourist places in Ganjam Odisha.

Key attractions: Satapada, Kalijai Temple, Rambha Bay Places to stay: Swosti Chilika resort, Chilika Island resort, Daveen Chilika Resort Best time to visit: October to March Entry fee:  No entry fee

27. Simlipal National Park: Witness the famous Bengal Tiger

Simlipal Tiger Reserve

Image Credit: Byomakesh07 for Wikimedia

Located in the Mayurbanj district of Odisha, Simlipal Nationa Park is a tiger reserve and a national park. Being the 7th largest national park in India, it is also been a part of the UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves since 2009. Home to Bengal tigers, Asian elephants, Chausingha and gaur, this national park got its name from the abundance of red silk cotton trees growing in the area.

Key attractions: Devkund waterfall, Ramatirtha, Chahala Places to stay: Similipal Khairi resort, Similipal hotel, Aranya Nivas Lulung Best time to visit:  October to May Entry fee: N.A.

Suggested Read: 27 Places To Visit In Bhubaneswar 

28. Hirakud Dam: The longest dam in India

Stunning Mahanadi River near Hirakud Dam, one of the scenic tourist places in Odisha

Image Credit: Rajesh Unarkat for Wikimedia

Located about 15 km from the Sambalpur districts, Hirakud Dam is built across the Mahanadi River. Being the longest dam in India, this dam holds historical importance as it was the “First multipurpose river valley project undertaken by India” post-independence. It is the best place to visit with your friends and family for a picnic.

Key attractions: Debrigarh Wildlife Sanctuary, Samaleswari Temple, Huma Temple. Places to stay: Eco retreat Odisha, Hotel the Grand SIBA Best time to visit: September to March Entry fee: No entry fee

29. Khandagiri Caves: Explore the beautiful motifs and carvings

Khandagiri Caves, is one of the best tourist places in Odisha for history lovers

Image Credit: Yash Raina for Wikimedia

Located in Bhubaneshwar, depicting the best of Jain and Buddhist culture these caves are beautifully built with paintings and motifs. It is believed that these caves were inhabited by some Jain scholars. Home to 15 caves, these caves have carvings of the twenty-four Jain Tirthankars. It is definitely a must-visit historical place in Odisha for all the history and art lovers.

Key attractions: Udayagiri caves, Kedareshwar Temple, Swarnajaleswar Temple Places to stay: The Presidency, Hotel Hindustan International Bhubaneshwar Best time to visit: November to March Entry fee: INR 15 per person (Indians), INR 200 per person (Foreigners)

Suggested Read: 9 Romantic Places In Odisha 

30. Satkosia Tiger Reserve: Explore the diverse flora and fauna

Mahanadi River near Satkosia Tiger Reserve, one of the best tourist places in Odisha

Image Credit: Soumyadeep Chatterjee for Wikimedia

Located in the Angul district of Odisha, Satkosia Tiger Reserves is the best ecosystem in India. Presenting the diverse flora and fauna, this place is known for its scenic charm and stunning natural beauty. It comprises two sanctuaries of Odisha named Satkosia Gorge Sanctuary and Baisipalli Sanctuary. It is amongst the most famous Odisha points of interest.

Key attractions: Tikarapada, Chhotakei, Purunakote. Places to stay: Satkosia sands resort, Satkosia Hill View Resort Best time to visit: October to March Entry fee: INR 20 per person (Indians), INR 100 per person (Foreigners)

Further Read: 101 Places To Visit In India Before You Turn 30

So, what are you waiting for? Pack your bags and plan a  trip to Odisha to these amazing tourist attractions. Let us know about the holiday, once you are back. Also, do not forget to share the list with your friends and folks.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Tourist Places In Odisha

What is Orissa famous for?

Orissa is famous for its temples, beaches, street food, rivers and hilly terrains. Also, the state has a lot to offer, it has something for every kind of tourist.

What is the best time to visit Odisha?

The winter season i.e. October to March is the best time to visit Odisha, especially during the months of November, December and January. We will not recommend you to travel during summer season i.e. April to May as it gets very dry and hot during this time. Monsoon season starts from June and lasts till September.

How can I reach Orissa?

If one is traveling by air, then Biju Patnaik Airport at Bhubaneswar is the best way to reach Orissa. Otherwise, the state is well connected via a rail network and roads to other parts of the country.

What is Odisha’s famous food?

Chhena Podo or Burnt Cheese, Chaat, Rasgulla, Gupchup, Pakhala Bhata are some famous foods in Odisha.

Name a few beaches in Odisha?

Here are a few beaches in Odisha: Aryapalli beach, Konark beach, Puri beach, Chandipur beach, Ramchandi beach, and Paradeep beach.

Which city has the most number of temples in Odisha?

The capital city of Bhubaneswar or “City of Temples” has the most number of temples counting to approximately 700.

Are there any wildlife sanctuaries in Odisha?

Yes, there are many wildlife sanctuaries in Odisha including Debrigarh Wildlife Sanctuary, Sunabeda Wildlife Sanctuary, Hadagarh Wildlife Sanctuary, Kotagarh Wildlife Sanctuary, Satkosia Tiger Reserve, Chilika Wildlife Sanctuary, Gahirmatha Marine Sanctuary and many more.

How many days are enough for Puri?

You can at least expect a stay time of 4 days to explore the full beauty of Puri. However, the number of days will depend on the places you want to visit.

How many national parks are there in Odisha?

There are 3 major national parks in Odisha including Bhitarkanika National Park, Sanjay National Park and Simlipal National Park.

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    The change in domestic tourists compared to previous year was 9.10 per cent in 2017. The foreign tourists increased to 30.98 per cent in 2017 as compared to the previous year. In the year 2016 ...

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