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Essay On ‘My Bicycle’ For Children Of Classes 1, 2 And 3


Key Points to Remember When Writing an Essay on ‘My Bicycle’

10 lines on ‘my bicycle’, short essay on ‘my bicycle’, long essay on ‘my bicycle’, what will your child learn from this essay.

Children love their bicycles. As they grow old enough to ride, they enjoy their first cycle, and it is a memory that stays with them for a long time. Children enjoy little moments associated with their bikes. Whether it is cycling around the compound with friends or feeling like the responsible little helper by riding to nearby stores to bring small household requirements, children and their bicycles are inseparable. When asked to write an essay on the topic, they can write small paragraphs discussing their experiences or elaborate compositions bringing in some facts and general knowledge with detailed descriptions. This exercise will lay the foundation of their English grammar and improve their writing skills. It also improves their vocabulary. Let us guide your children of classes 1, 2 and 3 to write a beautiful composition on this topic.

Your child needs to remember a few points while writing an essay about their bicycle. Let us guide your child stepwise on an essay adventure about their bicycle:

  • Let your child think about the ideas they want to include in their mind.
  • Ask them to pen down their thoughts on paper and form an outline of the composition, ensuring they have covered all the points.
  • Let your child write easy-to-read short and simple sentences from the outline.
  • Guide your child not to get too descriptive about any single idea and stick to the word count.
  • Direct your child to write with the flow. This will make them enjoy writing the essay.
  • Your child can write about the description of their bike, when they got it, where they ride it, the best features of the bike and how they feel about it.

Here is a sample essay to guide your child to write about their bicycle in simple lines:

  • I have a glossy pink bicycle.
  • My parents gifted it to me on my birthday last year.
  • It has two small wheels on both sides to help me to balance.
  • My cycle has a basket in the front.
  • Our tiniest furry family member named Lucky enjoys a ride sitting in the basket.
  • I ride my cycle with my friends in the neighbourhood.
  • At first, I didn’t know how to ride the bicycle, but my father taught me how to ride smoothly.
  • I wear a helmet when I ride my bicycle for safety.
  • I take a lot of care of my cycle. I wipe it clean whenever it gets dusty.
  • My bicycle is the best gift I have ever received.

Your child’s bicycle makes them feel like they are flying without wings. They get a sense of independence while venturing out in the world around them, albeit safely under the guidance of their parents. Let us guide your little one to write an enjoyable essay on their bicycle, suitable for lower primary classes:

I have a shiny pink bicycle. My parents gifted it to me on my birthday last year. I love riding my cycle with my friends in the neighbourhood. I go out to cycle every afternoon, along with my friends. Sometimes I take my cute little puppy, Lucky, with me too. She sits in the basket in front of the bicycle and enjoys the ride with me. Sometimes I use the basket to collect flowers that have fallen from plants and trees. I look forward to going out on cycle rides every day. It is refreshing when the pleasant winds blow on my face while cycling. I take care of my cycle and wipe off the dust settled on it every weekend. I like it when it shines.

Your child’s first bicycle is very special to them. Let us help your little one compose an amazing essay, suitable for class 3:

I got my first bicycle on my birthday last year. It was the cycle of my dreams, and my parents got it for me as a surprise gift. 

Bicycles were first invented by a German. The first-ever cycle didn’t have brakes or chains or pedals. Today bicycles have many advanced features for people of all ages.

My cycle is glossy pink in colour. Its body is made of sturdy metal, and the tyres are made of rubber. It has two brakes on the handle to control the speed. The seat is purple coloured made of strong silicone material. I can adjust its height as per my comfort. 

I have decorated my cycle with cute stickers and have tied short bunches of glittering ribbons to both handles. My cycle has a bottle holder where I carry my water bottle that matches the colour of my cycle. My bicycle also has a basket in the front. I carry my tiny furry friend, Lucky, in the basket, and we go around the neighbourhood along with my other friends and my brother. I also fill the basket with beautiful fragrant flowers for my mother. I enjoy riding my bike every day. It feels amazing when the cool wind blows against my face while cycling. 

Initially, my father used to hold the cycle from behind to teach me how to balance. Soon, I started riding on my own. I lost balance and fell a few times, but now I can ride smoothly for a long stretch. 

Cycles are the best mode of transport. They are good for our environment because they do not cause air pollution. We also don’t need fuel for riding cycles, so we save a lot of money and conserve our resources. Cycling is an excellent form of exercise and makes our muscles strong. So by playing on my bike, I am becoming stronger every day. My parents say that cycling is also good for our hearts. Cycles are very safe to ride, especially when I wear a helmet. I get only a few small bruises if I fall, which can heal soon. My cycle won’t hurt anyone on the streets, so every person and animal is safe from a bicycle. 

Many older students use cycles to go to school or tuition classes. Some adults use cycles to go to the office because of the benefits of riding a bike.

Everyone in my family loves riding bikes. My parents, brother, and I visit scenic locations for cycle rides on holidays.

I love cycling and will continue to ride bicycles even after becoming big. 

Writing about their bicycle will be a fun experience for children. While thinking of all the activities they enjoy associated with their bikes, they will learn to express their feelings in words. Thinking about the benefits of cycling will also make your child contemplate matters like health, fitness, nature and conservation.

These sample essays will help your little one write a beautiful composition on their first bicycle. It will also improve your child’s linguistic skills and enhance their vocabulary. Developing their writing skills will benefit your child and lay the foundation of good communication skills. Your child will remember their first cycle all their life and perhaps find this essay years later among their old possessions, making them reminisce all the fun moments of childhood.

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My First Experience in Riding a Bicycle

Being a child involves dealing with new issues almost every day and learning how to overcome your fears. My first experience of riding a bicycle at the age of five is among my most vivid memories when it comes to the joys of childhood and conquering fears. On that day in summer, I acquired new skills and became more confident in my physical abilities, and these memories still help me today.

As a five-year-old child, I regarded riding bikes as something exciting but scary. At that age, I was still riding my bike with one training wheel to develop a sense of balance and become confident enough. I still remember my bike with white, pink, and purple elements, a small bicycle bell, and two colorful handlebar pompoms. On one bright and sunny day during summer break, my uncle finally told me that training wheels were only for babies and that it was high time for me to start riding my bike without assistance.

My uncle’s determination to take the training wheel off deeply affected me and, to some degree, instilled mixed feelings in my heart. I actually wanted to prove that I was old enough to master the skill of riding a bike and said with confidence that I was not a baby. However, from the perspective of a young child, taking the training wheel off was similar to a drastic change in life.

To my surprise, my fear of falling gave way to excitement and enthusiasm a few minutes after we started practicing. My uncle devoted enough time to teach me how to turn, and we practiced near my grandfather’s house until I was able to ride to the corner without falling. Of course, that experience was not without unpleasant moments because I fell a few times and scraped my knee due to having no protective equipment.

In conclusion, I often remember that day with happiness and sweet sadness. Most importantly, the day when I learned to ride a bike bubbles to the surface of my memory when I hesitate to try something new. This experience has helped me to realize that what seems scary often turns out to be fascinating and refreshing.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, January 27). My First Experience in Riding a Bicycle. https://studycorgi.com/my-first-experience-in-riding-a-bicycle/

"My First Experience in Riding a Bicycle." StudyCorgi , 27 Jan. 2022, studycorgi.com/my-first-experience-in-riding-a-bicycle/.

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1. StudyCorgi . "My First Experience in Riding a Bicycle." January 27, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/my-first-experience-in-riding-a-bicycle/.


StudyCorgi . "My First Experience in Riding a Bicycle." January 27, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/my-first-experience-in-riding-a-bicycle/.

StudyCorgi . 2022. "My First Experience in Riding a Bicycle." January 27, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/my-first-experience-in-riding-a-bicycle/.

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Essay on Bicycle

500 words essay on bicycle.

A bicycle is a useful vehicle that helps us reach a destination without polluting the environment. It is composed of steel and has two wheels. In addition, it has got a seat and handle with two pedals and also a bell. Some bicycles have a carrier while some don’t. It is a popular choice amongst poor people and students . Essay on bicycle will help us understand its importance.

essay on bicycle

Importance of Bicycle

Bicycles have become even more important in recent times. While they have been offering us many advantages for a long time, they are very vital now. It is because of the rate at which pollution is growing in the world, they offer a greener way to commute.

In other words, bicycles do not require any petrol or diesel which harms our atmosphere. Further, it does not leave a carbon footprint as well. Thus, it is a great choice for everyone especially those who are environment-friendly.

After that, we see that bicycles do not possess the potential to harm anyone, unlike bikes, cars and buses. If you ride a bicycle, you are less likely to hurt someone or get in an accident as compared to ones who ride bikes or drive cars.

Most importantly, bicycles are great for our health. There are numerous benefits which cycling offers to ensure a healthy life. It is not only a great alternative to gym workouts but also helps prevent cardiovascular diseases .

Therefore, bicycles help to preserve our health. Similarly, they do not harm the environment. Moreover, they are also very beneficial as we can go through narrow roads with a bicycle which we cannot do with bikes or cars.

I have a bicycle which is red and black in colour. My father gifted it to me on my birthday and it is my most cherished present. The name of my bicycle is Turbo Thunder and it has many interesting features.

It comes with different gears and a basket as well. Moreover, it also has a bottle holder and a lock. I cycle every evening with my friends from the neighbourhood. It is very liberating to me to be able to cycle in the pleasant weather without any care.

My father ensures that I always wear my protective gear while cycling to prevent any injuries. I have decorated my cycle with stickers as well to make it more personalized. In addition, I go to my coaching classes on my bicycle only.

Therefore, I love my bicycle and I wish to keep it with me even after growing up. As cycling is good for the environment and our health, I plan to keep cycling for a long time to lead a healthy life and make the environment clean.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Bicycle

To sum it up, bicycles are great in every aspect, whether it is regarding our health or the health of nature. Moreover, it is also not heavy on the pocket. With the world getting polluted at a faster rate day by day, it is essential for us to switch to bicycles for a healthier life and greener future.

FAQ of Essay on Bicycle

Question 1: What is the importance of a bicycle?

Answer 1: Bicycles are very important as they offer us many health benefits if we cycle regularly. In addition to that, it serves as a great workout session. Most importantly, they are great for the environment as they do not pollute it.

Question 2: Who invented the bicycle?

Answer 2: Karl von Drais was a German who invented the first bicycle. He developed it and named it the ‘swiftwalker’ which hit the road in the year 1817. The early bicycle came with no pedals and the frame was a wooden beam. It has two wooden wheels with irons rims and leather-covered tires.

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Essay on My First Experience of Riding a Bicycle

Students are often asked to write an essay on My First Experience of Riding a Bicycle in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My First Experience of Riding a Bicycle

Discovering the bicycle.

As a child, I always found bicycles fascinating. The way they moved, the freedom they promised was truly captivating. One sunny day, my father promised to teach me how to ride.

The First Attempt

With a racing heart, I climbed onto the bicycle. My father held the back, steadying it as I placed my feet on the pedals. The initial wobble was scary, but I was determined.

The Joy of Success

After several attempts, I finally managed to ride a few meters unaided. The moment was exhilarating. That day, I discovered a new sense of freedom and self-confidence. Riding a bicycle was indeed a memorable experience.

250 Words Essay on My First Experience of Riding a Bicycle


My first experience of riding a bicycle was a fusion of exhilaration and fear, a rite of passage that marked the transition from childhood to a semblance of adulthood. The bicycle, a symbol of freedom and mobility, stood before me, a challenge to be surmounted.

The Preparation

Before the actual experience, there was the anticipation. The bicycle, a shiny new contraption with a gleaming frame and sturdy wheels, was my ticket to a world beyond the confines of my immediate surroundings. I spent days observing others, trying to decipher the secret of their effortless navigation.

The day of reckoning arrived. With a racing heart and clammy hands, I mounted the bicycle. My father, my guide in this new adventure, held the back of the seat, providing the necessary balance. As I pushed off, I felt a rush of adrenaline, a sense of impending freedom. The initial wobbles were a stark reminder of the challenge ahead.

The Triumph

The moment of triumph came unexpectedly. My father let go, and I was cycling on my own, a feat that seemed impossible just moments before. The wind rushed against my face, the world blurred around me, and I was flying, liberated from the constraints of pedestrian life.

My first experience of riding a bicycle was a lesson in perseverance, resilience, and the joy of overcoming obstacles. It was a testament to the human spirit’s ability to conquer fear and embrace new experiences. It was more than just a physical activity; it was a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

500 Words Essay on My First Experience of Riding a Bicycle

The first glimpse.

My first encounter with a bicycle was a memorable experience that has been etched in my mind since childhood. It was a shiny red bicycle, standing majestically in the corner of our garage, waiting for its rider. As a child, I was both intimidated and fascinated by it. The bicycle represented a rite of passage, a step towards independence, and an exciting challenge to conquer.

Preparation and Anticipation

Before I could embark on this adventure, I had to prepare myself. I spent countless hours observing my older siblings, who were already adept at riding. I watched their every move, trying to understand the balance and coordination required. I also spent time learning about the bicycle itself, its parts, and their functions. This phase was filled with anticipation and a sense of impending achievement.

The Initial Struggles

The day finally arrived when I decided to take my first ride. I remember feeling a rush of adrenaline as I climbed onto the bicycle. The initial moments were challenging. I struggled to maintain balance, and the fear of falling was overwhelming. I fell multiple times, bruising my knees and elbows. However, each fall taught me something new about balance, control, and resilience.

Lessons in Perseverance

Despite the initial struggles, I did not give up. I was determined to master this skill. Each fall was followed by an immediate attempt to get back on the bicycle. This experience taught me the importance of perseverance and resilience. It was a practical lesson in the saying, “If you fall seven times, stand up eight.” It was a testament to the human spirit’s ability to overcome challenges and learn from failures.

The Moment of Triumph

After numerous attempts, I finally managed to ride the bicycle without falling. The feeling was exhilarating. It was a moment of triumph that filled me with a sense of accomplishment. I was no longer a mere observer but an active participant. I had learned to control and balance the bicycle, thus overcoming my fears and proving to myself that I could conquer challenges.

Reflection and Growth

Looking back, my first experience of riding a bicycle was more than just a childhood adventure. It was a journey of personal growth and learning. It taught me the importance of patience, perseverance, and resilience. It was a physical embodiment of the struggles we face in life and the triumph that follows when we refuse to give up.

In conclusion, my first experience of riding a bicycle was a transformative event in my life. It was not just about learning to ride a bicycle, but about understanding the essence of life’s challenges and the joy of overcoming them. It was a lesson in resilience and perseverance, values that continue to guide me in my life’s journey.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on My Bicycle
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Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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