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Essays About Unemployment: Top 6 Examples and 5 Prompts

Read our guide to see helpful essay examples and prompts to further your understanding and write essays about unemployment.

Unemployment is an unfortunate circumstance many find themselves in; it is a challenge that civilized society faces today. When people are unemployed, they look for jobs but cannot get them. As a result, they are left without a source of income and cannot adequately provide for themselves and their families. This, in turn, can lead to various issues, including depression.

Unemployment is a social, economic, and political issue. It leaves many people in poverty and prevents people from obtaining a source of income. As a result, politicians capture the eyes of voters by promising to lower the unemployment rate to get elected. 

You can get started by reading these essay examples if you are writing essays about unemployment.

6 Examples of Essays About Unemployment

1. unemployment reflection by christopher haynes, 2. what i learned from nearly a year of unemployment by becca slaughter, 3. why aren’t europe and canada in the same boat as u.s. for unemployment by glen hendrix, 4. a global dilemma: how unemployment creates poverty by tess hinteregger, 5. why has covid-19 been especially harmful for working women by nicole bateman and martha ross, 6. youth day and ordeal of nigerian youth by utomi jerome-mario, essay prompts about unemployment, 1. unemployment during the covid-19 pandemic, 2. the connection between unemployment and crime, 3. unemployment: whose fault is it, 4. the causes of unemployment, 5. the effects of unemployment.

“In order to secure work, we must be prepared to change or upgrade our skills and be willing to relocate if necessary. But some people are not interested in retraining to find work in another field, some people do not have the confidence to go out and look for work, and some refuse to accept a job they feel is below their level. Unless people like this change their attitudes, they will not be able to find work.”

Haynes provides two perspectives on unemployment; first, that the government should do more to address it, and second, that if people want work, they must adjust to make a living. He believes that many are unemployed because they are unwilling to change their skillset or relocate to get a job. Therefore, more should be done to reduce unemployment, but it goes both ways; everyone must put in the effort.  

“I remember feeling embarrassed and powerless. I was angry it wasn’t my decision. I was happy I didn’t have to go back there, yet I was stressed about not having anywhere to go. Ultimately, I felt an overwhelming sadness that left me terrified. While I was overflowing with confusing and contradicting emotions, I somehow felt empty.”

In her essay, Slaughter reflects on her unemployed time and how it changed her. Her previous job was long and stressful, but whenever someone would ask her what she did for a living, she was embarrassed and regretful for not being there anymore. In addition to losing her job, she feels like she lost a part of herself at that time. Thankfully, she got a new job, one less taxing than her previous one. 

“You would think paying all that money year after year to a government whose purpose is to “establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity” would entitle that person to a modicum of “blessings” to insure his “tranquility” and “general welfare” in case of some stupid virus pandemic. It would certainly be the “just” thing to do. And that person’s “posterity” might look a bit less bleak. European governments and Canada did just that. And it’s not even explicitly stated in the preamble to their constitution.”

Hendrix criticizes the United States’ response to the unemployment problem caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, saying that Canada and European nations have done a much better job. He discusses how much better their unemployment benefit system is compared to the U.S. and how it is ironic that the United States, whose constitution says all of these things promoting justice and wellbeing, cannot provide that for its citizens during a global pandemic. 

“While unemployment can create poverty, poverty also reduces the chance of being employed. To ensure that those who are affected by unemployment do not fall into the negative cycle, researchers believe that governments should focus on improving quality education and training all young people so they remain in school.”

Hinteregger, in her essay, explains the link between unemployment and poverty, writing that it leads to the loss of income. People will also have to raise their families in poverty, which perpetuates the cycle of poverty. In addition, the poor may resort to violence to make a living. She points out the sheer irony of this issue, as unemployment causes poverty while poverty may also reduce the chance of being employed. 

“COVID-19 is hard on women because the U.S. economy is hard on women, and this virus excels at taking existing tensions and ratcheting them up. Millions of women were already supporting themselves and their families on meager wages before coronavirus-mitigation lockdowns sent unemployment rates skyrocketing and millions of jobs disappeared. And working mothers were already shouldering the majority of family caregiving responsibilities in the face of a childcare system that is wholly inadequate for a society in which most parents work outside the home.”

Bateman and Ross write about the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on women. Many women are forced to go through so much to provide for their families; however, the lockdowns led to many of them losing their jobs. The unemployment rate for women rose dramatically, by 12 percent, from February to April of 2020. It has been difficult for them to balance work with taking care of their families, women’s primary role as dictated by society. 

“Youth unemployment is potentially dangerous as it sends a signal to all segments of the Nigerian Society. Here in Nigeria, the rate of youth unemployment is high, even at the period of economic normalcy i.e. the oil boom of the 1970s (6.2 per cent); 1980s (9.8 per cent) and the 1990s (11.5 per cent). Youth unemployment therefore is not a recent phenomenon. But if what happened in the 1980s/90s were a challenge of sorts, what is happening presently, going by the latest report by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), is a challenge.”

Jerome-Mario’s essay focuses on several issues affecting the Nigerian youth, including unemployment. The country has a high unemployment rate; over a fourth of the youth population is unemployed. He stresses the importance of the youth using their voice to make a change and to persuade the government to care for its citizens more. 

How COVID-19 contributed to the nursing shortage?

The pandemic and its lockdown policies have undoubtedly caused many people to lose jobs. Look into the impact of COVID-19 on the unemployment rate, particularly during the early months of the pandemic. Which sectors were most affected? Pull data and statistics to show how the public was affected by the covid-19 pandemic in terms of unemployment.

Many say that unemployment leads to higher crime rates. Do you believe this is true? Research how unemployment is linked to crime; examine the effects of unemployment on mental health; and conclude whether this may contribute to the increased likelihood of committing a crime. 

In Haynes’ essay, he claims that employers/the government, and workers are to blame for unemployment. After reading his essay and both arguments, who do you believe is at fault? Explain your response in detail, and make sure to provide a solid base of evidence.

Unemployment has many contributing causes. Assuming a non-pandemic setting, research what causes unemployment and list them down in your essay. Elaborate on each one and, if you can draw connections, explain them as well. 

As a grave issue, unemployment has many severe effects, notably poverty. For your essay, write about the effects of unemployment on a person, both physical and mental. How are they connected? What secondary effects might they produce? For a compelling and argumentative essay, answer these questions using research material and interview data.

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Unemployment Essay

500+ words essay on unemployment.

Unemployment is a serious problem among young people. There are thousands of people who do not have any work to do and cannot find work for themselves. Unemployment refers to the situation where a person wants to work but cannot find employment in the labour market. One of the major reasons that contribute to unemployment is the large population of India and the limited availability of resources. In this essay on unemployment, we will discuss all these issues responsible for unemployment in India and how we can overcome this problem. Students must go through this unemployment essay to get ideas on how to write an effective essay on the topic related to unemployment. Also, they can practice more CBSE essays on different topics to boost their writing skills.

Unemployment is measured by the unemployment rate, defined as the number of people actively looking for a job as a percentage of the labour force. The unemployment rate for the year 2013-14 in rural India was 4.7%, whereas it was 5.5% for urban India. In the short term, unemployment significantly reduces a person’s income and, in the long term, it reduces their ability to save for retirement and other goals. Unemployment is a loss of valuable productive resources to the economy. The impact of job loss in rural and regional areas flows through the local community, damaging businesses.

Reason for Unemployment

An unemployed person is one who is an active member of the labour force and is seeking work but is unable to find any work for himself. There are multiple reasons behind the unemployment of a person. One of them is the slow economic growth, due to which jobs in adequate numbers are not created. Excessive dependence on agriculture and slow growth of non-farm activities also limit employment generation. Unemployment in urban areas is mainly the result of substantial rural migration to urban areas. This has also resulted in a labour workforce in cities. The lack of technology and proper machinery has also contributed to unemployment.

The present educational system is based on theoretical knowledge instead of practical work. Thus, it lacks the development of aptitude and technical qualifications required for various types of work among job seekers. This has created a mismatch between the need and availability of relevant skills and training. This results in unemployment, especially among the youth and educated people with high degrees and qualifications. Apart from it, the lack of investment and infrastructure has led to inadequate employment opportunities in different sectors.

Steps to Eliminate Unemployment

Various strategies and proposals have been implemented to generate employment. Many Employment programmes and policies have been introduced and undertaken to boost self-employment and help unemployed people engage in public works. The Government of India has taken several policy measures to fight the problem of unemployment. Some of the measures are the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), National Skill Development Mission, Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY), Regional Rural Banks (RRBs).

Despite the measures taken by the government, India remains a country experiencing severe unemployment problems. It can be resolved by imparting education in such a way that youth get the necessary skills so as to get employment easily. Setting up various vocational training and vocational courses for undergraduate and postgraduate students will help in finding employment for youth. The government needs to emphasise these courses at the primary level and make them a compulsory part of the curriculum to make students proficient in their early stages of life. Career counselling should be provided within schools and colleges so that students can choose a better career option based on their interests and ability. Government should create more job opportunities for the youth and graduates.

India is a fast-growing economy. There is an enormous scope for improvement in the unemployment sector. The various measures and steps taken by the government to increase the employment rate have succeeded to a great extent. The widespread skill development programmes have gained popularity across the nation. With better enforcement of the strategies, the employment level can be significantly improved. Although, we have to go a long way before we can say that all the people in India will get employment.

We hope this essay on unemployment must have helped students in boosting their essay-writing skills. Keep learning and visiting the BYJU’S website for more study material.

Frequently Asked Questions on Unemployment Essay

Is unemployment still an existing problem in india.

Yes, unemployment is still a serious issue in our country. Steps need to be taken by the government and also by the youngsters in India to improve this situation.

Is it necessary for schoolchildren to be informed about unemployment?

Students at this young age should definitely be informed about this topic as it will motivate them to study and aim for higher scores in exams.

What points are to be added to an essay topic on Unemployment?

Add details about different age groups of people suffering from this state of employment. You can focus on the fact that poverty is an indirect reason for unemployment and vice-versa. Then, suggest steps that can be taken to bring about an improvement in education and increase the percentage of literacy.

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Unemployment Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on unemployment.

Unemployment is a very serious issue not only in India but in the whole world. There are hundreds and thousands of people out there who do not have employment . Besides, the problems of unemployment are very severe in India because of the growing population and demand for jobs. Moreover, if we neglect this problem then it will be going to become the reason for the doom of the nation.

Unemployment Essay

What is Unemployment?

Unemployment refers to a situation in which a skilled and talented people wanted to do a job. But cannot find a proper job due to several reasons.

Types of Unemployment

Now we know what is unemployment but unemployment does not only mean that the person does not have a job. Likewise, unemployment also includes people working in areas out of their expertise.

The various types of unemployment include disguised unemployment, seasonal unemployment, open unemployment, technological unemployment, structural unemployment. Besides, some other unemployment is cyclic unemployment, educated unemployment, underemployment, frictional unemployment, chronic unemployment, and casual unemployment.

Above all, seasonal unemployment, under unemployment, and disguised unemployment are the most common unemployment that is found in India.

Reasons for Unemployment

In a country like India, there is much reason for a large section of the population for being unemployed. Some of these factors are population growth, slow economic growth , seasonal occupation, slow growth of the economic sector, and fall in the cottage industry.

Moreover, these are the major reason for unemployment in India. Also, the situation has become so drastic that highly educated people are ready to do the job of a sweeper. Besides, the government is not doing his work seriously.

Apart from all these, a large portion of the population is engaged in the agricultural sector and the sector only provides employment in harvest or plantation time.

In addition, the biggest reason of unemployment in India is its vast population which demands a large number of jobs every year which the government and authorities are unable to provide.

Consequences of Unemployment

If things will go on like the current scenario then unemployment will become a major issue. Apart from this, the following things happen in an economy which is an increase in poverty, an increase in crime rate, exploitation of labor, political instability, mental health, and loss of skills. As a result, all this will eventually lead to the demise of the nation.

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Initiative by Government

The government has taken the problem very seriously and have taken measures to slowly reduce unemployment. Some of these schemes includes IRDP (Integrated Rural Development Programme), DPAP (Drought Prone Area Programme), Jawahar Rozgar Yojana, Employment Assurance Scheme, NRY (Nehru Rozgar Yojana), Training for self-Employment, PMIUPEP (Prime Minister’s Integrated Urban Poverty Eradication Program), employment exchange, Employment Guarantee Scheme, development of organized sector, small and cottage industries, employment in forging countries, and Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana and few more.

Besides, these schemes the government also make some rules flexible, so that employment can be created in the private sector also.

To conclude, we can say that the problem of unemployment in India has reached a critical stage. But, now the government and local authorities have taken the problem seriously and working on it to reduce unemployment. Also, to completely solve the issue of unemployment we have to tackle the main issue of unemployment that is the vast population of India.

FAQs about Unemployment

Q.1 Why there is a problem of unemployment in India? A.1 Due to overpopulation and lack of proper skills there is a problem of unemployment in India.

Q.2 Define Disguised unemployment? A.2 Disguised unemployment refers to a form of employment in which more than the required numbers of people work in industry or factory. And removing some employee will not affect productivity.

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Essay on Unemployment: 100 to 300 Words

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  • Mar 30, 2024

Essay on Unemployment

Writing an essay on unemployment provides an opportunity to explore a critical issue affecting societies worldwide. Unemployment, a multifaceted problem, has far-reaching consequences that touch upon various aspects of individuals, families, and nations. In this essay, we will delve into the complexities of unemployment, examine its causes and consequences, discuss government initiatives, and shed light on potential solutions.

Table of Contents

  • 1 What is Unemployment?
  • 2 Essay on Unemployment in 100 words
  • 3 Essay on Unemployment in 200 words
  • 4 Essay on Unemployment in 300 words
  • 5 Tips to Ace in Writing An Essay

Must Read: The Beginner’s Guide to Writing an Essay

What is Unemployment?

Lack of jobs leads to unemployment. It is a very serious economic and social concern that is happening all around the globe leading to many social ills. This issue is a major one and hence many governments are trying to address it. When people of a nation are employed, that leads to the economic and social well-being of that nation. To address it, the education system needs to be modeled differently so as to increase the employability of people. In democracies, political parties use unemployment as a core issue in their election manifestos.

Essay on Unemployment in 100 words

Unemployment refers to the condition when individuals, capable and willing to work, are unable to secure gainful employment. It is a pervasive issue across the globe, with varying degrees of impact on societies. Unemployment results in financial instability, and emotional distress, and hampers individual growth. Governments and organizations must collaborate to create opportunities for employment through skill development and policy implementation.

Essay on Unemployment in 200 words

Unemployment, a pressing concern globally, stems from multiple factors that hinder the workforce’s engagement in productive activities. It affects both developed and developing nations, contributing to economic imbalances and social disparities. The consequences of unemployment include reduced income levels, increased poverty rates, and strained government resources. Moreover, the psychological toll it takes on individuals and families can be severe, leading to stress, depression, and strained relationships.

Essay on Unemployment in 300 words

The intricate web of unemployment is spun from a mix of causes, ranging from economic fluctuations to structural shifts in industries. Cyclical unemployment, driven by economic downturns, and structural unemployment, resulting from a mismatch between skills and job openings, are widespread forms. Additionally, technological advancements lead to technological unemployment as machines replace human labour.

Unemployment has cascading effects on societies. Diminished purchasing power affects market demand, thereby impacting economic growth. As unemployment rates rise, so does the burden on social welfare programs and the healthcare system. The phenomenon also fuels social unrest and political instability, making it a challenge governments cannot ignore.

Governments worldwide have initiated strategies to tackle unemployment. Skill development programs, vocational training, and entrepreneurship initiatives are designed to equip individuals with market-relevant skills. Furthermore, promoting labour-intensive industries and investing in sectors with growth potential can generate employment opportunities.

In conclusion, unemployment is a complex issue that necessitates a multi-pronged approach. Governments, industries, and individuals must collaborate to alleviate its impact. Effective policy implementation, education reforms, and the cultivation of entrepreneurial spirit can pave the way towards reducing unemployment rates and fostering a more stable and prosperous society.

Tips to Ace in Writing An Essay

Before we dive into the specifics of unemployment, let’s briefly discuss some tips to enhance your essay-writing skills:

  • Understand the Prompt: Ensure a clear understanding of the essay prompt to address all its components effectively.
  • Research Thoroughly: Gather relevant information from credible sources to build a comprehensive and informed essay.
  • Organize Your Thoughts: Create an outline to structure your essay logically, allowing your ideas to flow coherently.
  • Introduction and Conclusion: Craft a compelling introduction to engage your readers, and a succinct conclusion to summarize your key points.
  • Use Clear Language: Express your ideas using clear and concise language, avoiding jargon or overly complex vocabulary.
  • Provide Examples: Illustrate your points with real-life examples to enhance understanding and credibility.
  • Edit and Proofread: Revise your essay for grammar, punctuation, and coherence to ensure a polished final draft.

Also Read: Unemployment v/s Underemployment – What’s Worse?

Related Reads:-     

Unemployment refers to the state in which individuals who are willing and able to work are without gainful employment opportunities. It is a condition where individuals seek jobs but are unable to secure them, leading to financial instability and societal challenges.

Unemployment, as discussed in the essay, is a multifaceted issue encompassing the lack of employment opportunities for willing and capable individuals. It explores various forms of unemployment, its causes, far-reaching consequences on economies and societies, and the role of governments in implementing solutions to mitigate its impact.

Unemployment is the term used to describe the situation where individuals of working age are actively seeking employment but are unable to find suitable job opportunities. It signifies a gap between the available workforce and available jobs, often leading to economic and social challenges within a society.

Unemployment emerges as a prominent thread, influencing economic, social, and psychological realms. As we’ve explored in this essay, comprehending the causes and consequences of unemployment is pivotal in devising solutions. Governments, institutions, and individuals must strive collectively to unravel this issue’s complexities and weave a fabric of employment opportunities, stability, and progress. We hope that this essay blog on Unemployment helps. For more amazing daily reads related to essay writing , stay tuned with Leverage Edu .

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Manasvi Kotwal

Manasvi's flair in writing abilities is derived from her past experience of working with bootstrap start-ups, Advertisement and PR agencies as well as freelancing. She's currently working as a Content Marketing Associate at Leverage Edu to be a part of its thriving ecosystem.

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Unemployment Essay Writing Guide

Academic writing

Essay paper writing

writing essay unemployment

Employment is one of the major forces that bring on the economic growth of each country. In addition, unemployment rates can show how economic state of a country changes with time. That is why, it is crucially important to study the causes and effects of unemployment on the economy, social issues, and the life of every individual. Every student can do that by working on a research paper or essay about unemployment.

Luckily, you have come across this article, in which we collected the tips and ideas on how to write the best essay or research paper on unemployment. Stay tuned and read on to know all the intricacies of writing the best academic paper on this topic from scratch, even if you know little or nothing in this field. 

Purpose of writing an unemployment research paper

Let’s start with a discussion on how to write a research paper. Conducting unemployment research, you are encouraged to explore and identify issues that arise when willing workers can’t find a well-paid job or lose jobs as a result of their employers’ inability to maintain the growing rate of production.

Of course, this process affects the economy in general as well as the lives of each and every one of us. Having said that, when you look at this problem analytically and study it from different points of view, using recent data, it allows you to either find solutions to it or encourage other students, activists, or even scholars to further this research and propose their solutions.


Unemployment research paper topics

Here are some interesting research topics on unemployment for your consideration: 

  • Karl Marx’s theory of unemployment
  • To what extent can automation be helpful or harmful in the workforce?
  • What are the long-term consequences of unemployment?
  • What is a link between inflation and unemployment?
  • Why is unemployment particularly bad for women?
  • How does the unemployment rate affect the phycological state of people?
  • Unemployment during the Big Depression
  • Unemployment rate during COVID-19 pandemics
  • Automation of labor and unemployment
  • The effects of unemployment on students
  • The unemployment rate in the country of choice
  • Which population is the most vulnerable to unemployment?
  • The link between unemployment and crime rate
  • Ways of reducing unemployment

Unemployment research questions

When you have chosen the topic, it is important to formulate a few unemployment research questions and choose one or a few that you are going to focus on in your work. If your topic is broad, narrow it down to something more specific that you would be able to cover within the given word count. Make sure it is not too narrow to be researchable but specific enough for you to understand what kind of information to look for specifically.

The questions you formulate can be focused on the:

  • Comparison between certain aspects of unemployment.
  • Relationships between variables of your choice.
  • Advantages/disadvantages of certain aspects.
  • Causal relationships between specific variables.
  • Factors contributing to the problem or its solution.

There are a lot of ways to formulate a research question for an unemployment paper, and we suggest that you run the question of your choice by your professor before starting to write.


Unemployment research paper outline

While your outline should include as many details as possible, the main sections it will cover are:

  • Introduction
  • Introductory phrase
  • Background information
  • Statement of hypothesis/thesis statement
  • Body sections:
  • Literature review
  • Methodology
  • Restated hypothesis/thesis
  • Main points of research.
  • Further application/Significance of research.

Tips for writing an essay on unemployment

Writing an academic essay on unemployment might appear like quite a difficult task. In order to make your life easier, we have decided to provide with the best writing tips:

  • Choose the topic which you are genuinely interested in. This way, the writing process will be exciting and productive.
  • Make an outline. This is an essential part of employment essay writing, which helps you to keep your ideas in order and write a well-structured text.
  • Write the first draft. It will help you understand how to present your arguments and evidence as well as frame your essay.
  • Look for well-written examples. There are a lot of sample essays on unemployment on the Web. Therefore, if you are not sure what to focus yours on or how to put your ideas on paper, reading a few examples might help.
  • Proofread your essay. It’s a good idea to revise your paper the next day after you finish writing it. This way, you will notice more grammatical errors and common structural and stylistic mistakes.

Topics for writing an essay on unemployment

  • Essay on educated unemployment
  • Essay on unemployment among graduates
  • Essay on unemployment and poverty
  • Essay on rural unemployment
  • Essay on the evils of unemployment
  • Essay on poverty, illiteracy, and unemployment
  • Essay on poverty and unemployment in specific countries/states
  • Essay on unemployment and underemployment after wars
  • Essay on effects of unemployment (psychological, sociological, financial, etc.)
  • Causes of unemployment essay
  • Essay on reasons for unemployment
  • Essay on the impact of unemployment
  • Causes and effects of unemployment essay
  • Cause and effect of unemployment essay: is there a link between low quality education and unemployment?
  • Argumentative essay on unemployment: should government help the vulnerable population with job search?
  • Cause and effect essay on unemployment and inflation
  • Unemployment problem solution essay
  • Essay on employment and unemployment
  • Essay on unemployment in America
  • Essay on unemployment and its long-term effects


Unemployment essay outline

Whether you are writing a one-page essay on unemployment or a longer well-researched one at the end of the semester, making an outline is an important step you should never skip. Just like with a research paper, an unemployment essay outline also has a specific structure:

  • Unemployment essay introduction. For starters, you need to provide readers with background on the topic and some justifications as to why you have chosen it. At the end of the intro, present your thesis statement with the main points that you will be discussing in more detail further.
  • Body paragraphs. The main part is the most extended and informative section of the whole essay. It usually consists of 3-5 paragraphs (however, there can be more or less, depending on the specific requirements). Each paragraph has to include the argument connected with your thesis statement, which is reinforced with evidence and examples. Make sure that your body paragraphs are logically interconnected. In this case, transition words will be of great help.
  • Conclusion for an essay on unemployment. At the final stage, here comes the time to briefly remind the readers about all the arguments discussed throughout the essay and the thesis statement that you have put forward in the intro. Don’t make new points in a conclusion for an unemployment essay. This is the part where you reflect on what was written without adding factual or statistical info to continue the discussion. In the final sentences of the unemployment essay conclusion, try coming up with a catchy phrase to wrap up everything that you have showcased before effectively and to encourage your readers for further reflections. 

Statistics for your essay on unemployment

We have collected some interesting and somehow shocking statistics, which you can use in your unemployment essay or research paper:

  • Developed countries often cannot offer permanent positions for an excessive number of college graduates, both local residents and international students. This problem creates enormous competition for permanent positions in their chosen fields of study. One great example of such a situation is the US economic recession of 2007-2008 when the employment rate of candidates with bachelor's degrees suddenly dropped to as low as 9%.
  • One of the recent American surveys showed that some of the highest unemployment rates were among Philosophy (6.2%) as well as the English Language (6.4%) and Mass Media (7.4%) graduates. On the other hand, the lowest unemployment rates were fixed in the fields of Industrial Engineering (1.7%) and Medical Technicians (0.9%).
  • Youth are approximately three times more likely to be unemployed than adults (2.7).
  • Among all developing regions, East Asia has the largest unemployment rate.
  • The number of unemployed workers in the world’s developing economies is roughly the same as the population of Bangladesh (156.6 million), the world’s eighth-most populous country.
  • Despite COVID-19 pandemics, the US unemployment rate has fallen to 7.9% (from 8.4%). The most prosperous are the restaurant, retail, and healthcare sectors.

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Essay on Unemployment

Here we have shared the Essay on Unemployment in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 300, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Unemployment in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

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Essay on Unemployment in 150-250 words

Essay on unemployment in 300-500 words, essay on unemployment in 500-1000 words.

Unemployment is a pressing issue that affects individuals and societies globally. It refers to the state of being without a job or a source of income despite actively seeking employment. Unemployment poses significant challenges, both economic and social, for individuals and communities.

The consequences of unemployment are far-reaching. Financial instability decreased living standards, and a loss of self-esteem and confidence are common outcomes. Individuals may face difficulties in meeting their basic needs, providing for their families, and planning for the future. Moreover, unemployment can lead to social unrest, increased crime rates, and a strain on public resources.

Addressing unemployment requires a multifaceted approach. It involves creating favorable economic conditions, promoting job growth through investment and entrepreneurship, and providing individuals with the necessary skills and training for employment opportunities. Furthermore, social safety nets, such as unemployment benefits and job placement services, play a crucial role in supporting those who are unemployed.

Efforts to reduce unemployment should also focus on addressing structural issues in the labor market, promoting fair employment practices, and encouraging inclusive growth. Additionally, fostering a supportive environment for innovation, research, and development can stimulate job creation and economic prosperity.

In conclusion, unemployment is a complex issue with wide-ranging implications for individuals and societies. It demands comprehensive strategies that encompass economic policies, skill development, and social support systems. By addressing unemployment effectively, we can strive towards a society where individuals have access to fulfilling work opportunities and can contribute to the overall well-being and prosperity of their communities.

Title: Unemployment – The Economic and Social Challenge

Introduction :

Unemployment is a pressing issue that affects individuals, families, and societies worldwide. It refers to the state of being without a job or a viable source of income despite actively seeking employment. High levels of unemployment have significant economic and social consequences, making it a critical challenge to address.

Causes of Unemployment

Unemployment can stem from various factors. Economic downturns and recessions often result in job losses as businesses struggle to sustain their operations. Technological advancements and automation have also led to job displacement, particularly in industries that rely heavily on manual labor. Globalization and outsourcing practices have contributed to the relocation of jobs to countries with lower labor costs, creating unemployment in certain regions.

Impact of Unemployment

Unemployment has far-reaching implications. Financial instability resulting from joblessness can lead to increased poverty rates, limited access to healthcare, and housing insecurity. It also strains social cohesion, as unemployed individuals may experience psychological distress, low self-esteem, and a loss of purpose. Moreover, long-term unemployment can lead to skills deterioration and a loss of work experience, making it increasingly difficult for individuals to re-enter the labor market.

Addressing Unemployment

Addressing unemployment requires a multi-faceted approach:

Economic Policies: Governments should implement policies that promote economic growth, investment, and job creation. This includes fostering a business-friendly environment, reducing bureaucratic barriers, and providing incentives for entrepreneurship and innovation. Additionally, targeted industry development strategies can identify sectors with growth potential and encourage job creation in those areas.

Education and Skills Development: Investing in education and skills development is crucial to equip individuals with the necessary competencies for available job opportunities. Collaboration between educational institutions, employers, and government agencies can help bridge the skills gap and ensure that individuals are prepared for the changing demands of the labor market. Upskilling and reskilling programs can help unemployed individuals acquire new skills and improve their employability.

Job Creation Initiatives: Governments should prioritize job creation initiatives, particularly in sectors with high growth potential. This can be achieved through infrastructure projects, green technology investments, and support for small and medium-sized enterprises. Public-private partnerships can also play a significant role in stimulating job creation and economic development.

Social Safety Nets: Establishing robust social safety nets is crucial to support those facing unemployment. Unemployment benefits, healthcare coverage, and access to retraining programs can help individuals meet their basic needs and regain economic stability while actively seeking employment. Such support systems alleviate the financial burden and provide a safety net during challenging times.

Conclusion :

Unemployment is a complex and persistent socioeconomic challenge that demands comprehensive solutions. By implementing effective economic policies, investing in education and skills development, promoting job creation, and providing social safety nets, societies can mitigate the impacts of unemployment and strive toward a more equitable and prosperous future. It is essential to address this issue with urgency, as reducing unemployment rates not only improves individual well-being but also fosters economic growth and social cohesion.

Title: Unemployment – A Dual Crisis of Economic Stability and Human Dignity

Unemployment is a complex and pervasive issue that affects individuals, families, and societies at large. It refers to the state of being without a job or a viable source of income despite actively seeking employment. High levels of unemployment have severe economic and social consequences, making it a pressing challenge that demands effective solutions and interventions. This essay aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the causes, impacts, and potential remedies for unemployment, recognizing its multifaceted nature and the need for a holistic approach.

I. Understanding Unemployment

Unemployment can be classified into various types based on its causes and duration. Structural unemployment arises from shifts in the economy, such as technological advancements or changes in market demand, rendering certain jobs obsolete. Cyclical unemployment, on the other hand, is caused by economic downturns and fluctuations in business cycles. Frictional unemployment occurs when individuals are between jobs or in transition, while seasonal unemployment is linked to seasonal variations in certain industries.

II. Economic Implications

Unemployment poses significant challenges to the economy at both micro and macro levels. At an individual level, it leads to a loss of income and financial instability, making it difficult for individuals to meet their basic needs, contribute to the economy, and plan for the future. Moreover, the lack of economic opportunities leads to a decrease in consumer spending, which negatively impacts businesses and reduces their profitability. This, in turn, can trigger downsizing, closures, and a negative cycle of job losses, further exacerbating the unemployment crisis.

On a macroeconomic scale, high unemployment rates hinder economic growth and development. The decline in consumer spending decreases demand for goods and services, creating a ripple effect throughout the economy. Governments also face challenges in generating tax revenues, leading to reduced public investment in infrastructure, education, and healthcare. Additionally, increased government spending on unemployment benefits and social support places a strain on public finances, potentially leading to higher budget deficits or cuts in other areas.

III. Social Consequences

Unemployment not only impacts individuals’ economic well-being but also has profound social implications. Financial instability resulting from joblessness can lead to increased poverty levels, housing insecurity, and limited access to healthcare, further exacerbating social inequalities. The psychological toll of unemployment cannot be overlooked, as individuals may experience feelings of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and a loss of purpose. This can strain relationships, lead to social isolation, and create a sense of hopelessness among the unemployed.

Furthermore, long-term unemployment can result in skills deterioration and a loss of work experience, making it increasingly difficult for individuals to re-enter the labor market. This perpetuates a cycle of unemployment and hinders upward social mobility, reinforcing existing inequalities and social divisions.

IV. Causes of Unemployment

Unemployment is influenced by a combination of economic, structural, and policy-related factors. Economic downturns, such as recessions or financial crises, can lead to widespread job losses as businesses struggle to stay afloat. Technological advancements and automation also contribute to job displacement, particularly in industries that rely heavily on manual labor. Globalization and outsourcing practices can result in the relocation of jobs to countries with lower labor costs, further aggravating unemployment in certain regions.

Inadequate education and skills training also contribute to unemployment. Rapid changes in the labor market demand individuals with up-to-date skills and knowledge. Failure to adapt and provide relevant training can leave individuals ill-equipped to secure employment in sectors with higher demand.

V. Addressing Unemployment

Effectively addressing unemployment requires a comprehensive approach that combines economic policies, education and skills development, job creation initiatives, and social safety nets. Some potential strategies include:

  • Economic Policies
  • Education and Skills Development
  • Job Creation and Support
  • Social Safety Nets

Economic Policies:

Governments should implement policies that foster a conducive business environment, promote investment, and stimulate job creation. This may involve reducing bureaucratic barriers, providing incentives for entrepreneurship and innovation, and investing in infrastructure projects to generate employment opportunities.

Education and Skills Development:

A focus on education and skills training is crucial to equip individuals with the necessary competencies for available job opportunities. Collaboration between educational institutions, employers, and government agencies can help bridge the skills gap and align education with labor market needs. Upskilling and reskilling programs should be promoted to ensure individuals can adapt to evolving job requirements.

Job Creation and Support:

Governments should prioritize job creation initiatives in sectors with growth potential, such as renewable energy, healthcare, technology, and infrastructure development. This can be achieved through investment incentives, public-private partnerships, and targeted industry development strategies. Additionally, providing job placement services, vocational training, and financial assistance to unemployed individuals can enhance their employability and facilitate their transition back into the workforce.

Social Safety Nets:

Establishing robust social safety nets is essential to provide temporary relief and assistance to those facing job loss. Unemployment benefits, healthcare coverage, and support for retraining can help individuals meet their basic needs and regain economic stability while actively seeking employment. Such measures help alleviate the negative impacts of unemployment and support individuals during periods of transition.

Unemployment is a dual crisis of economic stability and human dignity, impacting individuals and societies on multiple levels. The economic and social consequences of unemployment demand comprehensive and coordinated efforts to address its causes and mitigate its impacts. By implementing effective economic policies, investing in education and skills development, promoting job creation, and providing robust social safety nets, societies can strive towards reducing unemployment rates and creating a more inclusive and prosperous future for all.

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Home — Essay Samples — Economics — Unemployment — Understanding Unemployment: Types, Causes, and Solutions


Understanding Unemployment: Types, Causes, and Solutions

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Words: 792 |

Published: Feb 12, 2024

Words: 792 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read


  • Hidden unemployment: This refers to cases of unemployment that are not officially recorded. Many instances of unemployment go unreported, and government statistics do not accurately represent the true extent of the problem.
  • Cyclical unemployment: This type of unemployment occurs as a result of fluctuations in the economy. During periods of economic downturn, there is a decrease in job opportunities, leading to a rise in unemployment rates.
  • Seasonal unemployment: Some jobs are only available during specific seasons and are not available year-round. Individuals working in such seasonal jobs are considered unemployed during the off-season (Abbot, 2010).
  • Long-term unemployment: This refers to individuals who have been unemployed for an extended period, usually six months or more. Long-term unemployment can have severe consequences for individuals and society as a whole.
  • Underemployment: Underemployment occurs when individuals are employed in jobs that do not fully utilize their skills and qualifications. They are often working in positions below their educational or experiential level.
  • Hardcore unemployment: This type of unemployment is caused by personal reasons such as mental, psychological, or physical barriers that prevent individuals from securing employment.
  • Structural unemployment: Structural changes in the economy, such as technological advancements or shifts in industries, can lead to job losses and a reduction in work opportunities. This type of unemployment is referred to as structural unemployment.
  • Frictional unemployment: Frictional unemployment occurs when individuals become unemployed due to conflicts or incompatibility between two different jobs or occupations.
  • Economic growth: Economic growth can have both positive and negative effects on unemployment. While economic growth indicates a thriving economy, it can also lead to a decrease in employment opportunities. As the economy grows, certain industries may become obsolete, resulting in job losses.
  • Technology: Technological advancements often lead to job displacement as machines and automation replace human labor. This trend is particularly evident in industries where capital-intensive mechanisms are used, making it more cost-effective to employ machines than humans.
  • Seasonal fluctuations: Certain industries, such as agriculture and tourism, experience seasonal variations in demand. During off-peak seasons, workers in these industries may face unemployment.
  • Microeconomic policies: Changes in microeconomic policies can impact employment levels. The implementation of new policies may lead to economic uncertainty, causing businesses to reduce their workforce or delay hiring.
  • Constraints in economic growth: Economic constraints and uncertainties can discourage companies from hiring new employees. During periods of economic downturn, companies may lay off staff to cut costs.
  • Abbot, L. (2010). Theories of the Labour Market and Employment: A Review. Washington: Industrial Systems Research.
  • Harris, N. (2001). Business economics: theory and application. London: Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • Hooks, G. (2003). Unemployment: Causes and Solutions. New York: Routledge.
  • Symes, E. (1995). Unemployment: A Social Analysis. London: Routledge.

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  • Unemployment Essay


Essay on Unemployment

The three basic needs of human beings are - food, home and clothing. All these needs can be properly fulfilled only if a person has money. And to earn this money, the person must be employed, that is, he or she must have a paid occupation. However, there are many people in the world and our country too who have failed to secure a job. As a result, they have an insignificant source of income. This state of joblessness is called unemployment.

Why Unemployment is a Serious Issue?

To live a dignified life, people need to earn money and fulfil their basic needs. Unemployment snatches this right from them and their standard of life gets degraded. 

The lack of money due to unemployment leads to the lack of nutritious food. The health of the unemployed is bound to deteriorate. The children of unemployed people cannot get the proper diet. Hence, they suffer from various illnesses. Their quality of life reduces drastically over time.

An unemployed parent cannot give proper education to his child. As a result, the child too will not be able to get a good job once he grows up. Thus, unemployment breeds unemployment.

Unemployment and Social Instability

An unemployed person is open to doing socially unacceptable work to get money. Thus, very often in a society where there are a huge number of unemployed people, there will be a great proliferation of thieves, snatchers, bank-robbers and much more serious anti-social elements. 

Covid-19 & Unemployment in India and the World

In March 2020, India entered into lockdown to stop the spread of Coronavirus. While the lockdown was effective, hundreds of people got jobless because of the prolonged shutdown of the offices. The unemployment rate has climbed up to 27.1% in April. Sure, once the offices are opened, this rate will come down. However, this grim scenario will haunt us for at least one year.

The situation in other countries is the same. 30 million people in the US have filed unemployment claims. The unemployment rate, there, is 14.7%. In the UK the number of unemployment claims has shot up by 70%.

How Can We Come Out of The Muck?

1. Self-Dependence

As the Prime Minister of India proclaimed, the Indians need to be self-dependent. We need more vocational training. Gone are the days when being employed meant being an engineer or a doctor. A farmer is an employed person. He produces his food and that of the others. There is no shame in being a farmer. We have to stop depending on foreign countries for IT work - Let us open more startups. Why do we depend on China for Diwali firecrackers or Holi colors - We can make them ourselves. Self-help is the best help.

2. Shifting The Manufacturing To India

To create more jobs, India needs to make more manufacturing hubs in the country. Let us not just assemble the Smartphone parts, let us scour the mineral-rich country and take out silicon to make circuit boards.

3. Educating The Women 

There is a real connection between the lack of education and unemployment. To educate the children of the country, we first need to educate the women of the country. Only then can the children be educated properly.

4. Stopping Politics Based On Religion And Region

Stopping petty politics is the need of the hour. The politicians need to work in a concerted way to make Indians employed.

As Charlie Chaplin said, there is no glory in poverty. Let us not pride ourselves on being compromising. Let us remain hungry for a better life. Let’s get employed.


FAQs on Unemployment Essay

1. What are the types of unemployment prevalent in the world?

Unemployment is a serious issue across the globe and is of four major different types, that is, demand deficient unemployment, frictional unemployment, structural unemployment, and voluntary unemployment.

Demand deficient unemployment: it is the biggest form of unemployment occurring generally during a recession. A recession is a period when the demand for a certain product in the market decreases, and in reaction to that company reduces its production and cuts down on the workforce.

Frictional unemployment: it is a stage of unemployment where the worker by his own will is searching for a job that is more suitable for his/ her skills and also pays him equal to or more than what he was getting in his previous workplace.

Structural unemployment: In this particular unemployment, geographical location acts as a barrier or the skill set of a worker is not following the skills desired by the jobs available in the market.

Voluntary unemployment: this type of unemployment is by the will of the worker because the worker leaves his/ her job on his own because the pay he is getting is less than his cost of living.

2. What are the causes of unemployment?

Unemployment is a global concern across the globe. Unemployment can be due to any possible reason. Unemployment doesn’t need to be from the employer side only, it can even be from the demand side, that is the demand of the product is low, therefore production is reduced due to which the workforce is also cut down. Unemployment is also from the worker side, that is, the current job doesn't pay him well according to his skill set or the current job is not much of his desired skills. In both these cases, the worker himself leaves his job.

3. What is meant by long-term unemployment and short-term unemployment?

Long-term unemployment refers to the phase of unemployment that lasts for more than 27 weeks, that is 189 days. Short-term unemployment refers to a state where the individual is not unemployed for more than a month and gets a new job very quickly. Long-term unemployment is very dangerous as compared to short-term unemployment and has adverse effects on the economic condition of an individual because of obvious reasons. The main effects of long-term unemployment on an employee are:

There is a significant decrease in the net worth reported in almost 56% of the long-term unemployment cases.

Unemployment not only affects the financial status but family relations as well, 46% of the cases of unemployment experienced strained family relationships.

Unemployment also poses an adverse effect on the career growth of individuals. Almost 43% of the long-term unemployed have observed a drastic effect on their ability to achieve their desired career goals.

Apart from financial and effect on career, long-term unemployment also affects the self-respect of individuals that was reported among approximately 38% of cases of long-term unemployment. Out of these 38% cases, 24% cases required professional help to come back to normal.

4. What are the major reasons that cause unemployment?

Unemployment can persist in a country due to many different reasons. 

One of the main reasons for unemployment is population growth because an exponential increase in population has given rise to higher rates of unemployment. After all, the number of people looking for a job is increasing but the jobs available in the market are constant or are not increasing significantly as compared to the rate of population growth. 

Due to the rapid growth of technology on a global scale, most of the work that was done through human interference is now carried out through machines and technologies. The advancement in technology has completely replaced the unskilled and low-skilled labourers in factories and companies. All factories now prefer technology over labour simply because technologies are more accurate and fast. 

Lack of education and desired skills is another major cause of unemployment. Currently, with technologies driving the world, the demand for skilled and educated workers has increased and the employment opportunities for people without adequate education have decreased, raising the unemployment rate of the country. 

Also, the rising pay scale sometimes makes it difficult for companies to hire employees and pay them the optimum salary.

5. What are the initiatives taken by the government to deal with increasing rates of unemployment?

The government has taken the issue of unemployment very seriously. There are various programs, schemes, and initiatives taken by the government to deal with this situation efficiently. Some of the schemes started by the government to reduce unemployment are Integrated Rural Development Program (IRDP), Drought Prone Area Program (DPAP), Employment Assurance Scheme, Jawahar Rozgar Yojna, Nehru Rozgar Yojna (NRY), Prime Minister’s Integrated Urban Poverty Eradication Program (PMIUPEP), Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojna, employment guarantee scheme, employment exchange, promoting small and cottage industries and development of the organized sector. There are many more schemes launched by the government apart from the ones mentioned here. Also, apart from schemes, the government has launched training for self-employment and skill India program, to help individuals learn skills which can help them in finding a satisfactory job for themselves and their families.

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Essays on Unemployment

Unemployment is one of the main social-economic problems in the world, making unemployment essay writing an important task to help understand unemployment and its consequences. The unemployment rate in the country influences the level of crime, people’s living conditions, the availability of skilled labor force, emigration, etc. The task of the government is to keep the unemployment rate low. This is achieved by taking various measures: creating new jobs, updating the education system to meet modern labor market conditions, creating favorable conditions for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, etc. – people explore various possible measures in their unemployment essays. We compiled some great unemployment essay samples for you to check out if you're having trouble with your essay. Reading samples of other people’s essays on unemployment is an efficient way to study the subject through other people’s opinions.

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Essay on unemployment

Essay on unemployment 15 Models

Essay on unemployment is important for every student, and we will write several models for essay on unemployment, such as a short essay on unemployment or a paragraph, or a 250-word essay, a long essay on unemployment.

Unemployment is a serious social problem and has negative effects on both the individual and society. Therefore, we find that writing an essay about it is important and should deal with an introduction and a conclusion as well, and we will present an essay on unemployment with the elements.

There are several models to suit all students, in the primary, preparatory and secondary levels.

Essay on unemployment

Unemployment is one of the biggest problems facing countries, and this problem has increased recently as a result of the spread of the Corona virus (Covid-19), as many factories, companies and stores were closed, export and import stopped, and the tourism sector and other government institutions. stopped working

The high unemployment rate in some countries was a clear indication of the deterioration of their economy and the low level of per capita income.

The government is working to solve this problem to avoid the negative effects that result from it, because unemployment has negative effects on both the individual and society.

Definition of unemployment

Unemployment is defined as the increase in the number of people looking for a job over the number of jobs offered  in the labor market.

The unemployment rate is determined by calculating the percentage by dividing the number of job seekers by the number of the labor force. The labor force means the sum of working people and people looking for jobs.

Undoubtedly, the higher the unemployment rate in society, the more this indicates the existence of major economic problems.

Therefore, we find that there is a continuous follow-up to determine the unemployment rate in society, and to try to develop solutions to this problem.

The main types of unemployment

There is no doubt that every young man dreams of having a job after graduating from university, but this dream is not easily achieved, and the percentage of the unemployed has increased.

And we can define the unemployed as the one who is looking for a job and wants it but does not find it, and we do not mean by it those who do not want to work, such as some rich young people or the elderly and those who receive a pension, and the young people who are still studying, all of these are not from the unemployed, and they are not counted in the unemployment rate in society.

Among the most important types of unemployment are the following:

1- Classic unemployment among young people

Unemployment among young people is one of the most dangerous types of unemployment, because young people are the energy of society, and they are able to work well.

A job is the dream of every young man after he finishes his studies. But often young people are shocked by the bitter reality, after he finished his studies, he could not find any suitable job for him. As a result, young people are forced to do much less work than they had previously dreamed of. In most cases, they are jobs that do not require a great deal of education.

And some of the young people refuse to work, and keep looking for their dream job, and in many cases they do not find it.

2- Disguised unemployment

The name disguised unemployment is called the increase in the number of people who work in a job, more than the number required to complete that work, We see this clearly in government institutions and bodies. Where it is overcrowded with employees and there is no real production commensurate with their number.

Accordingly, the numbers in excess of the need for work are unemployed people, but they receive salaries. The state cannot take measures against them (such as dismissing them or firing them from work) in order to take into account their social conditions.

3- Seasonal unemployment

Seasonal unemployment is unemployment that recurs permanently, because there are some jobs associated with certain times of the year, or related to some projects. Many workers work in this business. When the project or work season ends, these people become unemployed.

4- Long-term unemployment

The number of citizens looking for work is monitored through labor offices and other government institutions.

The numbers who join a job, and the numbers that did not find a job, are monitored. People who are looking for work and they did not find during a period of more than 27 weeks they are called long-term unemployment.

5- Short-term unemployment

The number of citizens looking for work is also monitored through labor offices and other government institutions.

The numbers who join a job, and the numbers that did not find a job, are monitored. Individuals who are looking for work and have not found a job within a period of less than 27 weeks is called short-term unemployment.

6- Cyclical unemployment

Cyclical unemployment also occurs in a large proportion, and it is due to the capital cycle, or because a person moves from one job to another. But in most cases, the period of unemployment is limited, and the individual can join work again.

Causes of unemployment

  • The gap between the number of job seekers and the number of existing jobs. Some may attribute this reason to the increase in population. But we must benefit from human wealth by preparing and training them, and providing job opportunities that benefit both the individual and society.
  • The mismatch between the skills of individuals and the skills required for the labor market. The state bears the biggest mistake in this matter, as the academic preparation of students does not comply with the requirements of the labor market.
  • The high interest rate, which is one of the reasons for the high unemployment rate in society. As businessmen and the rich prefer to put their money in banks if the interest is high, Thus, they do not invest in agriculture, industry, or trade. All of this leads to a lack of job opportunities and an increase in the unemployment rate.
  • Natural disasters, which are also one of the factors that increase the unemployment rate, For example, earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, hurricanes, heavy rain, drought, desertification and other natural phenomena, all of these phenomena have an impact on human life and may lead to unemployment of many of them. Where many people lose their jobs and money as a result of natural disasters.
  • The spread of epidemics is one of the factors that increase the unemployment rate, and we have recently witnessed the impact of the Corona epidemic (Covid-19) on the economy of countries, especially developing countries, where their economy has deteriorated, and many people have lost their jobs and money.
  • Technological development and machine solutions in place of labor was one of the most important causes of the unemployment problem. The problem of unemployment appeared after the Industrial Revolution, in which the machine became more widely used, and the labor force was laid off. The greater the technological progress, the greater the layoff, and the greater the unemployment.
  • Internal or external migration is one of the causes of unemployment. This is like the migration of citizens from the countryside to the cities, which makes the number of people looking for work much greater than the number of jobs.
  • The global recession greatly affects the economy of all countries, especially developing countries, as the world has become intertwined in economic matters, and the movement of trade, import and export, and others. When the economy is weak and buying is scarce, many people lose their jobs and join the unemployed.

The effects of unemployment on the individual

Unemployment has many negative effects on the individual, as it affects all aspects of his life, especially if he is married and has a family he is responsible for.

The biggest problem that a person can face is his inability to provide the necessary money to buy his basic needs and the needs of his family.

1- The low level of income and consequently the deterioration of living conditions, which puts the person under severe psychological pressure.

2- Increasing the financial burden, as the unemployed person cannot compensate for the money he spends, and therefore he will spend all his savings, and after that he will not find what to spend.

3 – Borrowing and the accumulation of debts, happen a lot because there are basic requirements, and it is impossible to dispense with them.

4- The high rate of mental and physical diseases. Undoubtedly, the unemployed person is under great psychological and nervous pressure, which causes him psychological diseases such as depression, stress and anxiety. In addition, he suffers from other diseases such as high pressure, heart disease and others.

5- The tendency to commit suicide is the most dangerous effect caused by unemployment, because the unemployed person who is unable to provide for the needs of his family is under great nervous and psychological pressure, which may lead him to commit suicide if he does not find a solution to his problem.

6- Hatred of society is one of the negative effects resulting from unemployment, because the unemployed person will hate others, and hatred will spread among members of society.

7- Lack of loyalty to the homeland is one of the most dangerous negative effects of unemployment, as a person will hate his homeland and search for another country that provides him with a better living.

The effects of unemployment on society

Unemployment has negative effects on society, as unemployment is closely related to the economy. The stronger the economy, the more projects and job opportunities, and thus the lower the unemployment rate in society.

Certainly, the economy is a sign of the strength or weakness of the state. In recent times, wars have become very economic.

Among the negative effects of unemployment on society are the following:

1- The loss of political stability, and this is a dangerous thing because political instability will lead to a deterioration in the state of the economy.

2- The high crime rate is one of the negative effects of unemployment, as some individuals resort to theft, bribery and other crimes to get money.

3- Family disintegration and the high rate of divorce, as a result of the man’s inability to provide for the family’s needs.

4- Searching for illegal ways to immigrate, and this is what young people always think of without caring about the risks that may take their lives.

5- Weakness of the economy as a result of not benefiting from the workforce.

6- Skilled migration abroad in search of good job opportunities.

7- Increasing financial allocations for subsidy, which helps the economy deteriorate rapidly.

8- The spread of poverty among the classes of citizens and the arrival of large numbers of citizens below the poverty line.

The effect of unemployment on the economy

There is no doubt that the relationship between the economy and unemployment is close, as unemployment is an important indicator of the strength or weakness of the economy.

The higher the unemployment rate, the weaker the economy, and the lower the economic growth. While the low unemployment rate indicates the recovery and strength of the economy.

Among the negative effects of unemployment are:

  • Lack of production, and not benefiting from the unemployed workforce.
  • Consumption of products, and the need to import larger quantities.
  • Increase aid, and borrow from abroad.

All of these negative effects exacerbate economic problems, which may eventually lead to the state’s inability to pay its foreign debts.

The policy adopted to solve the unemployment problem

Encouraging the private sector.

Encouraging small businesses.

Develop education according to the required jobs.

Investing the components of the state to provide job opportunities for young people, such as investing waste lands in agriculture and animal investment, or encouraging small industries that complement other industries.

At the end of a topic about unemployment and its negative effects on both the individual and society, we must advise young people to acquire the largest number of experiences in order to be able to find a job for themselves.

Also, small projects, in which several people participate, are a good solution.

It is also important in order to eliminate the phenomenon of unemployment to study the needs of the labor market, and to make education in line with these needs.

Unemployment Essay in English

Many people suffer from difficulty in getting a good job opportunity. This is because job opportunities are much less than the number of people willing to work. Some of these people prefer unemployment rather than working in jobs below their educational level.

There are some tips that young people should follow in order to get a good job. Including self-development through the diversity of experiences in their specialization.

University study is no longer sufficient, but the young man must develop himself through specialized courses, learn more than one language, learn computer science and other modern sciences.

This is what every individual should do after job opportunities have become few, because unemployment has a negative impact on an individual’s life, whether in the economic, social and health aspects.

Paragraph on unemployment

The problem of unemployment arose with the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, as the machine became more widely used, and thus labor was largely dispensed with. This problem is exacerbated by increasing technological progress. As a result, a large number of individuals cannot find suitable work for them.

And the jobs required a special quality of employees, and they were required to be fully acquainted with the English language and computer science.

Therefore, young people must gain several experiences in order to get a good job, and there is a great development in the requirements of the labor market.

Trade, for example, through the Internet (online shopping) has become the most prevalent, and technology has become more widely used in agriculture and industry as well.

Unemployment solutions essay

The problem of unemployment has become a global problem, and it is important that we look for realistic solutions to this problem. Among these solutions is the encouragement of small projects, which are managed by one individual or a group of individuals, in addition to encouraging investors to establish huge projects that provide many job opportunities for young people.

It is important that education at the secondary and university levels meet the demands of the labor market, so that the student will not be shocked after graduating from university that what he has studied has nothing to do with the needs of the labor market.

Also, allocating funds to subsidize non-workers until they find a job is necessary, in order to avoid the risks that result from the high rate of unemployment in society, such as the high crime rate in society, family disintegration and other social and health problems.

Unemployment Essay in English 250 Words

The problem of unemployment has become a global problem, and it is a serious problem that affects both the individual and society. Therefore, the causes of this problem are studied and followed up, in order to find real solutions.

The causes of the unemployment problem differ from one society to another. There are societies that attribute this phenomenon to overpopulation, and thus encourage families to control birth, provide them with the necessary medicines for this, and use the media to direct families to birth control.

While other countries encourage national and foreign investment, in order to provide job opportunities for their citizens. Other countries encourage the establishment of projects that require many labors, and thus we find that there are many solutions to overcome the problem of unemployment.

It is important for each country to study this phenomenon separately, and to know what its causes are, so that it can develop appropriate solutions to solve the problem of unemployment. Individuals must also develop their skills, and have multiple experiences that qualify them to join the work.

The existence of solutions to the problem of unemployment is very important, because unemployment has negative effects on both the individual and society, and unemployment is considered an indicator of the strength or weakness of the state’s economy.

Unemployment essay introduction

Undoubtedly, the problem of unemployment troubles many countries, especially developing countries. This is because the high rate of unemployment in society leads to political instability.

When the government cannot provide the needs of citizens, by providing them with job opportunities, and they receive a salary sufficient to purchase their needs, then demonstrations, crimes and other acts of violence and sabotage will increase, and all this leads to political instability.

While the rich countries solve this problem by giving unemployment aid, which is an amount of money that is sufficient to purchase the needs of individuals, and is given to unemployed people until they find a suitable job for them.

The high unemployment rate among members of society will lead to an increase in poverty and the spread of psychological and mental illnesses.

Youth unemployment essay

Undoubtedly, young people are the most important group in society, and they must hold great hopes for nations.

Young people are characterized by strength, enthusiasm, and aspiration for a better future. Therefore, the government must provide job opportunities for young people, so that these opportunities are appropriate to their scientific abilities.

It is desirable for young people to arm themselves with science, and to acquire all the experiences that qualify them for the labor market. It has become necessary to learn modern sciences, especially technological sciences, and computer science. English language proficiency has also become a requirement for most jobs. The government must look for real solutions to solve the unemployment problem, because the risks of unemployment are very bad for both the individual and society.

Short essay on unemployment

The unemployment rate is a real indicator of the state’s economy. When the economy is strong, there are huge projects in various fields. Thus, job opportunities will be available to many of the unemployed.

A strong economy is followed by a circulation of money, sales increase, and imports and exports increase. All of this provides many job opportunities for the unemployed youth. Therefore, there must be projects that absorb the unemployed labor force.

The work is beneficial to both the individual and society, whereby the individual can live a decent life and provide for his family’s needs easily. The society can advance economically, and thus it can progress in all other areas, such as health, education and services.

Technology and unemployment essay

Technology has caused the disappearance of many jobs. The machine has become more accurate and faster than the human being. This made many people lose their jobs, especially in the agricultural and industrial fields. Where the agricultural and industrial sectors absorb large numbers of workers and employees. As for today, it has become mainly dependent on machines.

Also, modern jobs require that the employee be qualified to deal with modern technology, Therefore, young people must develop themselves and learn modern sciences, especially technological sciences.

The educational curricula should also be developed, and provide students with skills required in the labor market.

If everyone does what he should do, the unemployment rate in society will decrease.

Unemployment as a social problem essay

Undoubtedly, unemployment is a social problem that affects not only the individual but also his family, and unemployment has negative effects on society as a whole. The causes of unemployment differ from one society to another. But we can define unemployment as the increase in the number of people looking for a job over the number of people required for this job.

In this case, the person may accept a job that is less than his ambitions, and may refrain from working until he finds a job suitable for his academic qualification.

In all cases, there must be various solutions to this problem, such as encouraging foreign investment, establishing large projects, encouraging the private sector, encouraging self-projects and small projects.

All the previous solutions help to solve the unemployment problem to a large extent.

Problem of unemployment essay

There are negative effects of unemployment, some of which pertain to the individual and others to society.

One of the serious negative effects that the individual is exposed to is his lack of money to buy his basic needs and the needs of his family.

At that time, we expect the person to react badly. He may accept a bribe, steal, or kill in order to get money.

Thus, the crime rate in society will increase.

As a result, investors will flee to safer countries. Thus, job opportunities will decrease further, and thus the unemployed will increase and crimes will increase, and so on. The unemployment problem will only get worse if it is not resolved quickly.

One of the problems facing society as a result of the increase in the unemployment rate is the spread of poverty, and thus the increase in financial allocations to provide aid to unemployed people, and this becomes a burden on the economy of poor countries.

Essay on unemployment in 250 words

Unemployment may signal the beginning of the end of the state. In many countries that collapse and declare bankruptcy, the beginning of the matter is the high unemployment rate in them.

When there are fewer projects, less investment and production, and import becomes much greater than export, it will be difficult to solve the problem of unemployment.

As a result, the crime rate in society increases, and it is difficult to control citizens. Demonstrations and anti-government revolutions erupt, causing the state to collapse.

Therefore, the government must find real solutions to the unemployment problem. Such as encouraging the private sector to set up projects that require a lot of manpower, or allow citizens to immigrate to other countries with good job opportunities.

The damages of unemployment do not affect society only, but also affect the individual, causing him economic problems and represented in his inability to provide for his family’s needs, which causes him psychological and nervous pressure. In many cases, people commit suicide because of their inability to earn enough money for their lives.

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Essay on Unemployment Rate


The essay is focused on examining the issue of unemployment among people in various societies and countries around the world, the reasons for unemployment, types of unemployment, ways to overcome the issue of unemployment and examine the costs associated with unemployment. Unemployment is a major social issue among people in the economic market today, there are several reasons for unemployment in economics depending on the type of unemployment available, these can be directed to government, employer, supply of labor, among others. The types of unemployment can be directed to frictional unemployment, structural unemployment, cyclical unemployment, and seasonal unemployment. There is a need to solve the unemployment problem in the social economies, this can be done in several ways including enhancing political stability, promoting education, controlling the growth of population, among others. The issue of unemployment in the social economies has several costs ranging from loss of income among individuals, low standard of living among unemployed people, low production, and economic growth, among other costs.

Unemployment and reasons for unemployment

Unemployment is a major problem in various countries around the world, this is a situation whereby people do not have any work that can generate income and are actively searching for a job (Hauser & Burrows, 2018). Individuals in this situation are mostly employable and are actively searching for jobs. This can also include people who are working in jobs that are below their qualifications, experience, and satisfaction. The situation where there is a high level of unemployment will result in several economic distress and problems. The situation of unemployment hinders people to engage in productive work to facilitate development in the country. This will result in a decrease in economic productivity and development (Hauser & Burrows, 2018).

The two categories of unemployment are voluntary and involuntary unemployment, the situation where one moves out from a job to search for another is known as voluntary unemployment, and a situation where a person is laid off and now looking for a job is known as involuntary unemployment. Wolcott et al., (2020) in 2020, the coronavirus pandemic affected Singapore and the world, causing a high level of involuntary unemployment. There are several reasons for unemployment, inadequate job opportunities in a country can cause unemployment in the country. The slow economic development issue can result in unemployment, especially when the population growth is increasing.

The high growth of the population can result in unemployment challenges when the country is not developing and when fewer job opportunities are in the country. Also, people who depend on agriculture production work can become unemployed when the season is not favorable for plant growth. A decrease in industrialization and investment can account for unemployment in several countries that are not developing, the situation where there are few industries and investments are not available will have a severe influence on the employment of people in a developing country. Improper economic planning can also result in unemployment challenges, situations, where there is a gap between supply and demand of labor, which will result in unemployment.

Various types of unemployment

Hauser & Burrows, (2018) Types of unemployment can include frictional, cyclical, structural, institutional, and seasonal unemployment. These types of unemployment are based on voluntary and involuntary unemployment. Frictional unemployment is a situation where a person voluntarily moves from one job to another in a country. The time spent to get another job can be linked to unemployment, it may take some time before the person gets another job. Some people move to another location to search for a new job which can take some time before getting the desired job. When fresh graduate students’ transit to search for a job, the time spent before getting a job is also linked to frictional unemployment. The time can be very short or longer depending on the availability of the job the applicant is seeking (Hwang, 2019).

Hwang, (2019) cyclical unemployment is another type of unemployment where the decrease in production and demand for products results in a decrease in employment of new workers. The situation where a company is not getting enough purchases of goods from the market will decrease income level and ability to pay workers. This can lead to a decrease in salary, and an increase in savings. People will not be able to buy enough goods when their salary is decreased and savings are increased. The situation is cyclical in nature but can be resolved when economic growth and investment are facilitated in the country.

Structural unemployment is when there is a new change in the operation of a business, technology, and production. The situation whereby a company adapts to a new technological system or process will result in laying off workers who do not have the relevant skills for the new changes. There will be a need for retraining of staffs or workers to understand how to use new systems in the company (Wolcott et al., 2020).

Institutional unemployment occurs when there are changes in policies, institutional incentives, and interference of the free market condition in a country. The change in employment policies and strategies can result in laying off some workers in order to regulate the new policies.

Seasonal unemployment is a situation whereby workers that depend on jobs that operate in different seasons are not having jobs due to the unfavorable season or weather conditions to engage in such jobs. An example is farming, among others.

Various ways to overcome unemployment

Education is very important in solving the problem of unemployment, educating people will help increase their skills and ability to be employed and start their own businesses. Education will enable workers to advance their skills and employability level. The education system has to be improved in order to enhance the admission of students into higher studies in colleges and universities. The availability and improvement of vocational institutions can also facilitate the development of skills among students in the higher level of education. Students from these training institutions can start their own businesses after completion and reduce the unemployment rate in the country. The industrial technique can be enhanced to identify the employment needs of the country and improve labor-intensive technology in order to employ more people instead of using machines and other fully technological systems (Sari, 2019).

There is a need to design a policy to solve seasonal unemployment issues, mostly in the agriculture sector, the provision of alternative job opportunities for workers who depend on seasonal jobs will help reduce the unemployment rate during unfavorable seasons. Also, the use of multiple cropping can be encouraged in order to facilitate the production of crops favorable in any given season. The addition of varied plantations, animal husbandry, food processing, and other farming practices will enhance employment.

The use of communication and employment exchanges can be provided to enhance the dissemination of information regarding job opportunities available anytime. This will alert the public in order to enhance the employment rate and reduce frictional unemployment. There is a need to assist self-employed individuals in order to facilitate their work and production. This can be in a form of financial support, technical training, and raw material support in order to improve self-employed businesses.

The development and implementation of policies that encourage the development of more jobs in a country will help reduce unemployment. There is a need to increase development of jobs in a country and increase employment of labor in order to help them gain benefits and contribute towards societal development. There can also, be enhanced employment program facilitation, this is done by setting plans to develop infrastructure, power supply, roads, and other facilities that encourage production (Sari, 2019).

Costs associated with unemployment

There are some costs associated with unemployment which include individual and societal costs; the major cost to unemployed individuals is income lost, this is the situation where a person does not get any income due to unemployment. Unemployment affects people’s ability to earn money. The situation can hinder people’s ability to finance and take good care of themselves. The well-being of people becomes disrupted due to a lack of income to support themselves. The cost to society is a reduction in productivity through a decrease in goods and services, the people do not have money to purchase goods and services, this also affects the performance of companies and organizations in the society. The situation also causes waste of resources including labor, since the economy does not utilize these resources efficiently. The situation, when people take up jobs below their qualifications, brings about inefficient use of labor. This also results in the loss of skills and labor capital in the economy (Alrasheedy, 2019).

The situation of unemployment can affect the health of people in the country, this includes the mental and physical wellbeing of individuals in the country. There is an incidence of family and social unrest, an increase in the crime rate, and other bad practices in society. The situation of unemployment can cause disruption on confidence and self-esteem among people who are unemployed (Alrasheedy, 2019). The situation can drastically deplete the skills, motivation, and well-being of people in the country. The situation of unemployment also causes loss of tax and revenue to the government, development of the country will be slowed and hindered. The expenditure incurred by the government increases as a result of providing support to unemployed people in the country. The situation of a high rate of unemployment will bring about severe problems to individuals, the situation where the unemployment problem takes longer duration, the country resort to borrowing from other countries and becoming indebted to those countries.

Unemployment is a major social issue in many countries in the world, the situation of unemployment is a challenge to the government, employers, and individuals in the society. The types of unemployment can be directed to frictional unemployment, structural unemployment, cyclical unemployment, and seasonal unemployment. The situation of unemployment can be identified when a person is actively seeking a job but does not get any available. This can also include people who are working in jobs that are below their qualifications, experience, and satisfaction. The situation where there is a high level of unemployment will result in several economic distress and problems. The situation of unemployment hinders people to engage in productive work to facilitate development in the country. This will result in a decrease in economic productivity and development.

The two categories of unemployment are voluntary and involuntary unemployment, the situation where one moves out from a job to search for another is known as voluntary unemployment, and a situation where a person is laid off and now looking for a job is known as involuntary unemployment. There are several causes of unemployment, including population growth, slow economic development, people who depend on seasonal jobs such as agriculture production work can become unemployed. A decrease in industrialization and investment can account for unemployment, improper economic planning can also result in unemployment challenges. The situation of unemployment can result in social unrest, an increase in the crime rate, and other bad practices in society. The situation of unemployment can cause disruption on confidence and self-esteem among people who are unemployed. Unemployment can be solved when there is education, development of new jobs, investment, and support of self-employed workers.

Alrasheedy, A. (2019). The cost of unemployment in Saudi Arabia.  International Journal of Economics and Finance, 11 (11), 1-30.

Hauser, M. M., & Burrows, P. (2018).  The Economics of Unemployment Insurance  (1st ed.). London: Routledge.

Hwang, G. J. (2019). How fair are unemployment benefits? The experience of East Asia.  International Social Security Review, 72 (2), pp.49-73.

Sari, A. I. (2019). Social Entrepreneurs and Innovation for the Unemployment.  International Journal of Economics and Management, 1 (3), pp.72-79.

Wolcott, E., Ochse, M. G., Kudlyak, M., & Kouchekinia, N. A. (2020). Temporary Layoffs and Unemployment in the Pandemic.  FRBSF Economic Letter , p.34.

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Unemployment Issue in the United States Essay

Introduction: unemployment rates remain dangerously high, major cause: increasing deficiency in the number of jobs, leading second cause: downward revisions, other reasons: long-term unemployment and part-time jobs, vacancies deficiency and its impact on economy, people and the lack of vacancies: spurring competition, reference list.

Despite a rapid increase of SMEs and large entrepreneurships evolution enhanced by the globalization process and the opportunities that it provides, unemployment remains a major issue in a range of states, the USA not being an exception. While the situation regarding unemployment rates is comparatively steady at present, the current rates leave much to be desired. The progress is obvious, yet the economic growth of the state must occur at a faster pace, and the unemployment rates hinder the growth considerably. Though a shrinkage in the number of vacancies and the rapid increase in the number of part-time jobs have had their toll on the unemployment rates, the lack of vacancies still remains the key cause of unemployment in the U.S.

United States: Unemployment rate from 2004 to 2014.

At present, the people seeking for work in the United States suffer from the lack of vacancies. According to the official data, the U.S. government cut jobs by 13,000 positions in May, 2012 (Rushe, 2012). The specified strategy did not seem to work well for the state’s economy, since the solution, which seemed reasonable two years ago, resulted in a major lack of job opportunities and the unemployment rates hitting 6.2% in 2014 (Rushe, 2014). Even the introduction of 209,000 new jobs in 2014 did not seem to have a tangible effect on the issue: the unemployment rates among certain U.S. demographics, teenagers (20% (Rushe, 2014)) and African American people (11.4% (Rushe, 2014)) in particular. While the specified social strata are affected by unique range of factors, including cultural and social ones, the overall unemployment rate, though admittedly lower than in 2010, still raises a lot of concern.

Not only has the number of jobs available ceased to grow, but also experienced a major drop in 2012, which the changes applied to the U.S. economy in 2014 did not affect in the slightest (Rushe, 2014). True, the U.S. economy has admittedly passed its pre-recession peak and is slowly recovering, yet the effects in massive job cuts, which the American population experienced in 2012, are drastic: The specified issue is partially related to the increased competition rates among candidates, which, in its turn, is the result of peaking immigration rates (Harding, 2014).

The lond US labour market recovery.

Psychologically, long-term unemployment (LTU) is obviously the most depressing factor that keeps unemployment rates rising (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014). In 2014, the rates of LTU reached 37.7% and have been growing since (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014). Indeed, when being rejected by a range of companies, one is most likely to lose their spirit and abandon the attempts to get a job. This, in its turn, may lead to a major depression. It is remarkable that such depressive attitudes among parents are quickly acquired by their children; as a result, unemployment becomes a family issue.

The abundance of part-time jobs has also contributed to the evolution of unemployment in the U.S. (Rushe, 2012). While often viewed as a reasonable alternative, working part time leads to loss of outstanding professional qualities and becoming a rather mediocre employee, who can hardly become a member of the full-time staff (Rushe, 2012).

As a rule, with a growth in unemployment rates, the money flow process is slackened greatly (Schmidt, 2013). Without the curricular flow of finances, the economy of the state becomes stagnant. Another significant effect of unemployment concerns wealth drainage. Carving money out of the budget to support the unemployed, the government sacrifices a lot of alluring prospects (Schmidt, 2013). Finally, the increase in debts in public spending must be mentioned. The unavailability of funds leads to a major economic recession (Schmidt, 2013).

As it has been stressed above, the unavailability of certain jobs affects people’s personal and professional growth, reducing their self-esteem and depriving them of belief in their success. Naturally, the rates of economic and financial well-being of the people, who are affected by unemployment, drop significantly as well. Unless the measures for terminating unemployment or at least bringing unemployment rates a few notches down are introduced into the affected field, poverty rates are most likely to start rising increasingly.

In search for the jobs that are still available, people affected by unemployment and poverty are likely to resort to illegal means of money-making. The rates of crime peak in the area, where unemployment is an issue, thus, tearing the moral fabric of the community apart. It would be wrong to claim that such crimes are restricted to thefts and armed robberies; even such types of illegal business as drug peddling may possibly emerge, not to mention money laundering and tax dodging (Andersen, 2012).

Andersen, S. H. (2012). Unemployment and crime: Experimental evidence of the causal effects of intensified ALMPs on crime rates among unemployed individuals . Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark.

Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2014). Long-term unemployed account for 37.7 percent of all unemployed persons in December 2013. U.S. Department of Labor . Web.

Harding, R. (2014). US employment passes pre-recession peak. Financial Times . Web.

Rushe, D. (2012). US unemployment: six reasons May figures show a troubled recovery. The Guardian . Web.

Rushe, D. (2014). US adds 209,000 jobs in July as unemployment rate rises to 6.2%. The Guardian . Web.

Schmidt, J. (2013). Why does the minimum wage have no discernible effect on employment? Washington, DC: Center for Economic and Policy Research.

The Statistics Portal. (2014). United States: Unemployment rate from 2004 to 2014. Statista: The Statistics Portal. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, May 11). Unemployment Issue in the United States.

"Unemployment Issue in the United States." IvyPanda , 11 May 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Unemployment Issue in the United States'. 11 May.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Unemployment Issue in the United States." May 11, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "Unemployment Issue in the United States." May 11, 2020.


IvyPanda . "Unemployment Issue in the United States." May 11, 2020.

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Why One Trump-Leaning Battleground Is Especially Worrisome for Biden

President Biden appears especially weak in Nevada, where Hispanic voters have soured on him and economic pessimism abounds. But Democrats note that the state has rallied for them in the past.

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President Biden speaking at a lectern, behind blue and gold signs, to union workers.

By Kellen Browning and Nicholas Nehamas

Kellen Browning reported from Las Vegas, and Nicholas Nehamas from Washington.

When the country catches a cold, Nevada gets the flu. That’s the common wisdom for the economy in the state, which is heavily dependent on tourism and suffered more than any other from pandemic lockdowns.

The same idea could apply to President Biden’s polling numbers. New surveys by The New York Times, The Philadelphia Inquirer and Siena College published on Monday showed Mr. Biden trailing former President Donald J. Trump in nearly every battleground state, but he appeared to be in the roughest shape in Nevada, where he was down by 12 percentage points among registered voters.

In Nevada, two of Mr. Biden’s biggest problems — his weakness with Hispanic voters and pessimism over his handling of the economy — seem magnified. With the state’s economy slow to recover from the pandemic , 61 percent of registered voters in the poll said they trusted Mr. Trump to do a better job handling the economy, compared with 32 percent who trusted Mr. Biden. And Hispanic voters, whose support was crucial to Mr. Biden in 2020, said they preferred Mr. Trump to him by nine points in a head-to-head matchup.

Democrats in the state acknowledge the challenge ahead of them. But they note that Nevada is a notoriously difficult state to survey, with polls in recent cycles underestimating Democratic candidates who went on to win. A Republican presidential candidate has not won Nevada since 2004.

“Like everything in organizing, it’s not going to be easy,” Ted Pappageorge, the secretary-treasurer of the state’s 60,000-member Culinary Workers Union, a key part of the Democratic coalition in Nevada, said in a statement. “But we do have a plan to win and we think that voters, when confronted with receipts of Trump and his chaos, and Biden and his leadership and what he has done for working people, will make the right decision.”

Other Nevada polls also show Mr. Trump ahead of Mr. Biden, although by a smaller margin.

Few political operatives expect anything other than a close race in the state in November, and certainly not a double-digit blowout; even Republicans expressed surprise at the size of Mr. Trump’s polling lead. Mr. Biden won Nevada by about 2.5 points in 2020, capitalizing on the powerful organizational advantage that Democrats have long enjoyed in the state. And Democrats said their political machine — made up of members of the Culinary Union and party loyalists assembled by Harry Reid, the former Senate majority leader who died in 2021 — was not yet fully active.

Mr. Pappageorge said an enormous political effort from his union, which knocked on more than one million doors in 2022, would begin in earnest by early fall. “Expect polling numbers to start to move as more voters and canvass operations focus on the presidential race,” he said.

Nothing is likelier to bolster Mr. Biden’s chances than abortion, an issue that has aided Democratic candidates since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, ending a constitutional right to the procedure. Even in conservative states, voters have turned out in droves to back abortion rights. Nevada is likely to have a measure on the November ballot that would enshrine access to abortion until fetal viability, or about 24 weeks, in the state’s Constitution.

“Nevadans have a choice between President Biden, who got our economy back on track, and Donald Trump, who will ban abortion and stands with the corporate landlords squeezing our families,” said Tai Sims, a spokesman for the Nevada Democratic Party.

But Nevada was the only battleground state to move to the right from the 2016 election to the 2020 contest, and economic indicators have flashed warning lights ever since the pandemic decimated Nevada’s ability to welcome tourists to casinos and sporting events in Las Vegas and Reno. The state’s Democratic governor lost re-election in 2022.

As in many states, Nevada voters said the economy and inflation were the most important issues to them. A strong majority of voters said the political and economic systems of the United States needed “major changes” or should be “torn down entirely.” Voters were far more likely to say that Mr. Trump would provide such drastic changes.

Although the state has recovered since the pandemic, with visitors to Las Vegas in March nearly matching prepandemic levels and Nevada’s unemployment rate cut in half since Mr. Biden took office, many Nevadans say they are not seeing relief. More than 80 percent of registered voters described the economy as “only fair” or “poor.” Gas prices stand at about $4.40 per gallon , close to the highest in the nation, and as of March, Nevada trailed only California and Washington, D.C., for the highest unemployment rate .

Republicans are trying to capitalize on these statistics, telling voters that Mr. Biden is to blame for high prices and day-to-day challenges.

“When Biden came out last year saying Bidenomics is working and bragging about it, people didn’t understand why — that’s not the reality,” said Eddie Diaz, the Nevada strategic director for the Libre Initiative, an arm of the conservative group Americans for Prosperity that focuses on Hispanic voters. “People are struggling.”

Libre and Americans for Prosperity have railed against Mr. Biden’s economic policies, arguing that his pandemic relief aid and infrastructure spending contributed to soaring inflation and that his environmental restrictions are part of the reason gas prices are high. The groups have knocked on tens of thousands of doors in Nevada and held events at grocery stores and gas stations around the state.

Americans for Prosperity endorsed Mr. Trump’s top rival, Nikki Haley, in the Republican primary race, but both groups are spreading an anti-Biden message and campaigning for Sam Brown , the Republican favored to face Senator Jacky Rosen, a Democrat, in the state’s competitive Senate contest this fall. Ms. Rosen is running well ahead of Mr. Biden , with a two-point lead against Mr. Brown among registered voters, according to the Times/Siena poll.

Democrats have been worried about Mr. Trump’s apparent gains with people of color around the country, especially among Hispanic voters without a college degree. Still, in Nevada, the Times/Siena poll suggested that Mr. Biden had time to turn things around.

The poll indicated that Hispanic voters in particular were still making up their minds: Fewer than half said they were “definitely” going to vote for the candidate they had chosen in the poll. And they were less likely to say that they were paying close attention to the news and politics. Nevada is also difficult to poll, given its transient population, high percentage of Spanish speakers and the number of blue-collar employees who work late-night shifts.

Nationally, the poll had plenty of other bad news for Mr. Biden, showing that he trailed among registered voters in every battleground state except Wisconsin.

Mr. Trump’s campaign suggested the poll numbers were a result of a backlash over the criminal charges he is facing.

“Democrats’ strategy to weaponize the justice system against President Trump is backfiring and rallying Americans of all backgrounds to support President Trump,” Karoline Leavitt, a campaign spokeswoman, said in a statement.

Mr. Biden has dismissed the utility of polls this far before the election, saying voters aren’t paying attention yet. His advisers say his huge advantage in campaign infrastructure in Nevada will propel him to victory there.

So far, Mr. Biden has outspent his rival on advertising in the state by millions of dollars. Several of those ads are geared toward Hispanic voters, including one highlighting Mr. Trump’s history of inflammatory comments about immigrants. Others include a Spanish-language ad featuring a Marine Corps veteran slamming Mr. Trump over abortion.

The Biden campaign has also opened 11 offices and hired more than 40 staff members in Nevada. And he, Vice President Kamala Harris and surrogates like Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey, whose mother lives in Las Vegas, have made several appearances in the state.

At two events last weekend in Las Vegas, Mr. Booker spoke with volunteers and snapped selfies to celebrate the Biden campaign’s first door-knocking event in southern Nevada. Then volunteers went out to meet voters, spreading messages about abortion, Mr. Biden’s efforts to lower costs and the threat to democracy they say Mr. Trump poses.

Democrats in Nevada have been helped by long-running dysfunction in the state’s Republican Party. But conservative operatives are building up a ground game in Nevada through third-party groups like Turning Point Action.

At a recent training for Republican activists in Las Vegas, Nevada-based representatives from Turning Point and other conservative groups said they were working to encourage early voting and collect ballots before Election Day. That’s an area that Republicans in Nevada and elsewhere had all but ceded to Democrats in the past.

“The radical left is really beating us at the ballot game,” Amy Wood, a Turning Point field representative in Nevada, told activists at the training session. “We’re going to chase the vote.”

Reporting was contributed by Ruth Igielnik , Alexandra Berzon and Jennifer Medina .

Kellen Browning is a Times reporter covering the 2024 election, with a focus on the swing states of Nevada and Arizona. More about Kellen Browning

Nicholas Nehamas is a Times political reporter covering the re-election campaign of President Biden. More about Nicholas Nehamas

Our Coverage of the 2024 Election

Presidential Race

President Biden and Donald Trump have agreed to two debates  on June 27 on CNN and Sept. 10 on ABC News. The first debate raises the likelihood of the earliest general-election debate  in modern history.

Biden’s economic policies have helped spur billions of dollars in new investments in Arizona and Georgia, yet Trump has maintained a significant lead over Biden in both states .

In an about-face, big financiers on Wall Street, in Silicon Valley and elsewhere are increasingly on board for a second Trump term  after the first one alienated them.

May 14 Primaries:  Hundreds of thousands of voters in Maryland, West Virginia and Nebraska weighed in on primaries whose results pointed to a desire for moderation, achievement and diversity .

Maryland Senate Race:   Angela Alsobrooks  won the Democratic primary, setting up a showdown with Larry Hogan , the popular former two-term governor, in a race that could determine which party controls the Senate .

West Virginia Senate Race:  Jim Justice, the state’s second-term governor, won the Republican primary , positioning him to win the seat being vacated by Senator Joe Manchin III, a Democrat, and flip it to the G.O.P.

Trade War With China:  Biden ran for the White House as a sharp critic of Trump’s crackdown on trade with China. In office, though, he has escalated Trump’s trade war  with Beijing, albeit with a very different aim .


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  23. Unemployment Issue in the United States

    Another significant effect of unemployment concerns wealth drainage. Carving money out of the budget to support the unemployed, the government sacrifices a lot of alluring prospects (Schmidt, 2013). Finally, the increase in debts in public spending must be mentioned. The unavailability of funds leads to a major economic recession (Schmidt, 2013).

  24. Why One Trump-Leaning Battleground Is Especially Worrisome for Biden

    Gas prices stand at about $4.40 per gallon, close to the highest in the nation, and as of March, Nevada trailed only California and Washington, D.C., for the highest unemployment rate.