Free 150-Word Essay Samples

163 samples of this type

A 150-word essay is a short piece. It might be assigned by a school teacher to test the student’s knowledge of the topic and their ability to formulate thoughts concisely. The most common genres for texts of 150 to 200 words are a discussion board post and a personal statement for a college application.

Obesity in School-Aged Children as a Social Burden

Obesity rates in school-aged children continue growing and influencing their development. In addition to personal concerns and social judgments, overweight and obese children are at risk for long-term health consequences, including cardiovascular problems, metabolic changes, and additional comorbidities (Karp & Gessell, 2015). Today, it is not enough to recognize and...

Spry and His Plea about the States

Graham Spry is known as the father of Canadian broadcasting and one of the most successful activists of the 20th century. In the 1930s, about 80 percent of Canadians listened to American programs to learn recent hockey news and achievements (Basen, 2015). However, the citizens outside Toronto and Montreal did...

Why Does Lucretia Commit Suicide?

Lucretia was a noblewoman known for her innocence, beauty, and suicide that she committed after a rape. Her death is a symbol of dishonor in human relationships in Ancient Rome. Livy introduced Lucretia as “occupying herself differently,” which tells about her high honor and the distinction from other women (79)....

Ambivalence in Livy’s Introductory Remarks

In “Preface”, several cases of ambivalence proved Livy’s mixed feelings towards his project. First, Livy demonstrated uncertainty about “any return for the effort” because he did not “bring some greater authenticity” or new contributions but celebrated “the memory of the past” (1). The author seemed to doubt his intent “neither...

Appius’s Demise and Verginia’s Death

The arrest and imprisonment of Appius Claudius resembled Verginia’s death in several ways. Verginius, a prosecutor in the trial, underlined that Appius “who had annulled the right of appeal was himself making an appeal” (Livy 232). He connected the outcomes of Appius’s decisions with the current situation and made the...

Is a 150-Word Essay Long?

A 150-word text usually takes about 0,5 pages. All the major citation styles assume that an essay will take approximately 250 words per page. The most common format is double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. The details might differ – for instance, in MLA 9 and APA 7, Calibri and Arial are also accepted. However, 12-point Times New Roman remains preferable.

How Many Paragraphs Is 150 Words?

A 150-word essay should include 1 to 3 paragraphs. In academic writing, a paragraph should contain at least 50 words and three sentences.

What Does a 150-Word Essay Look Like?

A 150-word essay is quite a short piece. However, it should be properly planned. Your essay should contain four to five concise paragraphs. It is to consist of an introduction paragraph, two to three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

How Long Does a 150-Word Essay Take?

It will take you about 3 to 6 minutes to type 150 words on your keyboard, depending on your typing speed. However, if you also need to perform research, make a reference list, add in-text citations, and graphic materials, you’ll need more time – not less than 0,5 hours for 150 words.

How Many Body Paragraphs Are in a 150 Word Essay?

An average 150-word essay contains 1 to 2 paragraphs. Each paragraph should be 70 to 150 words long.

Humans in the Universe: The Beginning of “Genesis”

In “Genesis 1-11,” two theories discuss the place of humans in the universe, including God’s intention to create an image of himself on Earth and the desire to undermine people’s mortality. The domination of the second theory of human mortality is evident. The Lord created humans last in his image,...

Hannah Arendt and the Ward System

The essence of Arendt’s idea was in the fact that the power of many would not become something substantial over the course of time, as the core of Jefferson’s ward system was the power of everyone and the personal competencies of every civilian (254). This turned out to be a...

‘Reindeer People’ and Their Spiritual Doubles

This essay analyzes the nature of the relationship between Eveny, also known as the ‘Reindeer People’, and their spiritual doubles. The connection between these people and the reindeer that live alongside them is almost magical (Vitebsky). While the primary cause for this bond is purely practical, over time, it expanded...

Homeless Veterans: Analysis of Cases

The number of cases of homeless veterans has been on the rise mainly because of poverty, lack of affordable housing, and mental illness as a result of war, drug, and substance abuse. Veterans have undergone specific barriers when seeking healthcare. These barriers include a lack of proper mental healthcare and...

Challenges and Opportunities for the Meat Industry

People continue developing various opinions about the future of the meat industry. The controversies are based on personal attitudes towards the topic and business knowledge. Despite the possibility to provide people with enough working placing, feeding opportunities, and economic stability, such concerns as animal rights, pollution issues, and alternative methods...

  • Communication

The Naming Concept in the Social Environment

Naming allows people to execute their power and creates a social environment. For example, many people are anxious about the proliferation of neopronouns because it is a way for a person to take control of themselves and take it away from others (Green and Calafell 306). In addition, naming constructs...

Poliovirus and Importance of Vaccination

The points on the poliovirus’s causes, manifestations, and outcomes presented in the discussion post are thorough and informative. To add to the discussion, it is relevant to address additional causes of poliovirus outbreaks to advance prevention approaches. Indeed, according to Georgieva et al. (2020), laboratory workers and medical staff working...

Camillus’s Religious and Non-religious Arguments

After the devastating attacks of the Gauls, the Romans wanted to leave the city and immigrate to Veii. Camillus, as a “Romulus and as the father of his country and second founder of the city,” developed a powerful speech (Livy 395). Using non-religious arguments, Camillus remembered the time when Romans...

Apologies from Socrates: Analysis

In Apology 28b-30c, Socrates admits that he is not ashamed of pursuing a life that has not put him at risk of early death. The philosopher’s convictions hinge on the rational premise that it is worse to “live as a bad man” and not consider justice when taking action (28b)....

Revolutionary Anxieties and the US Role

Pages 639 to 645 of chapter 20 address the issue of revolutionary anxieties, which was triggered by German radicals. The US President, Woodrow Wilson, believed that it was the best opportunity to facilitate peace and initiated the treaty discussion with France, Britain, and Italy, to caution the country against the...

“Let America Be America Again”: The Poem Analysis

The poem “Let America Be America Again” by Langston Hughes is highly controversial and concerns many arguable subjects. One of those subjects is the American Dream, and Hughes says it has changed (191). The author hopes the American Dream will one day become what it once was. Hughes also states...

The Documentary “A Brilliant Genocide”

The documentary “A Brilliant Genocide” shows how the Ugandan government killed over 800,000 people in just 100 days. I enjoyed this documentary because it was eye-opening and informative. I like how it provides many details about the killings. Additionally, the film gives a voice to the Acholi people, who are...

Cerebral Palsy, Its Causes and Symptoms

Cerebral palsy (CP) constitutes a group of severe neurological conditions caused by brain damage that affect children and impact their movement and motor skills, as well as their coordination. Other common symptoms include delays in the development of speech, tremors, difficulty swallowing and walking, seizures, blindness, and problems with muscles,...

Symptoms of Type I Diabetes

The patient provides information about chest pain, polyuria, and sweating. The patient also notes recurrent symptoms such as blurred vision and numbness of the limbs. The possible symptoms inherent to diabetes, which the patient also mentions, are unmotivated weakness, drowsiness, persistent thirst, and dry mouth. Pain in the limbs worsens...

Thalidomide Sedative: A Short History

Thalidomide was first licensed in July 1956, intended as sedative, treats many conditions. Initially it was considered safe for pregnant women. Caused significant developmental issues in babies. 1961: withdrawn after a major scandal. Thalidomide was greatly affected drug testing and approval. Birth defects if taken during pregnancy Can also be...

  • Globalization

Confucianism vs. Taoism: Comparative Analysis

Chapter 5 of the book “The World’s Religions” is devoted to Taoism in the 6th century B.C. by Laozi in China. Compared to Confucianism, Taoism is a more mystical, irrational religion whose central concept is “Tao” (the Way) (Smith, 2009). This is the metaphysical path of ultimate reality, which cannot...

Philosophy: The Trial of Socrates

Athens held the trial of Socrates to determine whether he was indeed guilty of asebeia (impiety) against the pantheon of the city and the corruption of youth. If Plato’s account of Socrates’ life in Apology is historically accurate, then it is safe to assume that Socrates shied away from religious...

Dengue Fever Prevention: Epidemiological Analysis

The severity of the Dengue fever has sparked multiple discussions and studies regarding its prevention. To combat this disease, locations like Indonesia, Taiwan and Ethiopia have conducted studies on the matter. For these important measures, the scientists from these areas have reviewed the information and approach towards the required prevention...

Dickinson’s “Recognizing Poetry” Literary Work Analysis

In Dickinson’s “Recognizing Poetry,” the author narrates about this genre and, more specifically, its significant trait. For her, it is the emergence of physical sensations “as if the top of my head were taken off” when reading a piece, and this factor correlates with the poetic expression (Kennedy and Gioia...

The Visual Analysis of the Collage

This collage is about youth lifestyle, including their favorite activities and past times, approach to life, way of thinking, and outlook. The pictures in the collage combine to tell a wholesome story about how youths conduct their lives. Youth are in a stage of life defined by self-realization and actualization....

The 1,2,4,5-Tetrazines Synthesizing Method

The article by the Scripps Research Institute highlights the expected positive effects of a recent chemical discovery – now there is a general method that allows for the synthesis of 1,2,3,5-tetrazines, a previously unknown compound family. About sixty years ago, closely related 1,2,4,5-tetrazines were found, and their success and invaluable...

Pathology of Pneumonia: Overview, Symptoms, and Treatment

Pneumonia is one of the most common chest pathologies one can deal with in the clinical setting. It is commonly described as an acute infection in the lung parenchyma (Frank et al., 2013). It can also be of several types: bacterial, viral, lobal, or fungal pneumonia depending on the cause...

Market Research for Gain in Africa

Economic development in Africa has the potential to create a new consumer class shortly. This latent market could be a future source of prosperity for Gain if marketed correctly. The first analytical technique suited for this task is cluster analysis. In short, this method puts together similar variables inside a...

High School Diploma Is Important to My Future

All great paths start with a small footprint, and this first step can be considered as the most important and the hardest. It is an indicator that a person can accomplish. Individuals may use this fact to motivate themselves – if one goal can be achieved, then thousands can be...

The Role of Leaders’ Values in Organizational Culture

In the contemporary corporate world, there exists a belief that leaders are motivated by their ambitions rather than beliefs. For this reason, international companies are starting to invest substantial funds in developing value-based leadership. Therefore, this response will discuss the role of leaders’ values in the organizational culture. Fundamental beliefs...

  • Ancient History
  • Collaboration
  • Confucianism

Five Major Models of Education

In section 38 of the chapter, Ibn KhaldĂ»n emphasizes the existence of five major models of education: the methods of MaghribĂź, Spaniards, InfrĂźqiyah, Eastern world, and the instructions from Judge AbĂ» Bakr b. al-‘ArabĂź. Considering each approach, the author gives preference to the latter, as it encompasses the idea of...

An Organizer Mug for Traveling and Hiking

Organizer for cosmetics + Mug = Travel mug Smaller weight – more expensive product Organizer mug for traveling + hiking = three full-fledged travel cups Necessary skills: designer skills knowledge of ecology External expertise: marketing advertising pricing search for sales channels development of product positioning Market gap: Multifunctional tourist tableware...

Napoleon Bonaparte: Autocratic and Charismatic Leadership

Napoleon Bonaparte is often referred to as one of the most effective military leaders. According to researchers, the French leader was operating based on the techniques used within the autocratic style (Weiss, 2020). At the same time, current knowledge refers to soldiers as focused on the overall environment within the...

Greek Polis: Researching of Advantages

At around 1,000 B.C., Greece accumulated significant knowledge from nearby empires and invented a new type of settlement. Polis referred to an independent city-state governed by a set of laws instead of the king’s decisions (Hunt et al. 42). In my opinion, compared to the previous forms of reign, a...

The “Archetypes of Wisdom” Book by D. J. Soccio

The second chapter of Archetypes of Wisdom by D. J. Soccio (2015) was dedicated to the Presocratic period in the development of philosophy. In general, it introduces the term Sophos, which referred to wise men or first philosophers who aimed to understand natural processes and the essence of life (Soccio,...

Save the Rhino, Save the Plant

In the present day, a lot of animal species are threatened with extinction. The presented article deals with the fact that Sumatrian rhinos are the most endangered species of rhinoceros. Because of this, several plants are endangered as well, as only large animals can disperse their seeds by eating fruit...

Describing the Problem of Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity is a severe problem that adversely affects many children. The rationale behind this statement is that if individuals experience a health issue in their childhood, it is going to lead to negative consequences in the future. Multiple causes and effects demonstrate that the problem should not be ignored....

The Belmont Report: Ethical Principles

When it comes to the basic ethical principles that are integral to the behavioral and biomedical conduct centered around human subjects, these are outlined by the Belmont Report that was published in 1979. According to the report, there are three such principles: respect for persons, beneficence, and justice (U.S Department...

The Importance of Speed Limits and Letter of Complaint

Traffic speed limits set the legal minimum and maximum speed range on roads. They are usually placed by governmental authorities. While some people might be against them, I argue that speed limits are of high importance. Firstly, speed limits improve traffic safety and reduce the number of casualties. According to...

The Climate Change Scientist Vignette

Considering the scenario described in the third vignette, one may assume that Hannah Arendt would choose the path of telling the truth and publishing the study. She would justify her choice by interpreting a Latin idiom meaning “Let the truth be done, though the world perish” (Arendt 546). In such...

  • American Politics
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  • Christianity

Organizational Structure: Zara

Zara is a brand that belongs to Spain’s most prominent fashion retail company called Inditex (Inditex, 2021a). The latter’s executive chairman is Pablo Isla and CEO is Carlos Crespo González. The owner, founder, and leading board member is Amancio Ortega Gaona, and the head of the Zara brand is Óscar...

“The Person Who Bled Hearts”: A Unique Tale of a Captain

‘The Person who Bled Hearts’ is a unique tale of a captain who encountered a strange woman described as having an uncertain age, old and dusty, yet with a “childish Flutter” (Chamoiseau, 1997). In my opinion, the old woman represented the end of slavery. Before being thrown overboard, she pointed...

Biopsychosocial Factors of Stress

Stress is a biopsychosocial phenomenon, as it affects a person’s physical well-being, emotional stability, and social interactions. Stress can also be explained by a myriad of biopsychosocial factors that contribute to its development described by Sarafino and Smith (2017). First, stress is correlated with social support, which implies that increased...

Sima Qian: Reasoning on the Concept of “The Root”

When analyzing “the root” that Qian puts into the essence of The First Emperor, one can conclude that this term implies a natural order, which is the root cause. In his description of Li Si, the author notes that all attempts to interpret the consequences of the minister’s actions were...

The Philippine-American War or a Tagalog Insurgency

During this time, most people called the Philippine-American war a Tagalog Insurgency because the Philippine troops commenced surrendering to the U.S army. The war commenced on February 4th, 1899, lasting until July 2nd, 1902. The war was a struggle for independence, which had early begun in 1896 under the Philippine...

Principle of Interpersonal Communication on the Example of Image

The chosen artifact demonstrates an informal interpersonal communicative situation between a man and a woman of approximately the same age. They are sharing a personal moment on what appears to be a lunch date. The two people are sharing a hug and holding hands, looking pleased with each other’s company....

Nevada Harsh Land: Roughing It by Mark Twain

Roughing It was written by Mark Twain in 1872 to present his first-hand experiences from Nevada. He learned to write there and found inspiration that brought his talent to the surface. His adventures and impressions from this city are described in the piece Roughing It. Mark Twain never returned to...

The Greenhouse Effect, Clouds, & Atmospheric Warming

The Earth’s energy budget describes the balance between the radiant energy that reaches the Earth from the Sun and the energy that leaves the Earth back into space. The atmosphere absorbs a large amount of energy and radiates it into space, as well as back to the surface of the...

Animal Experimentation: Arguments For and Against

Science is very important in society because it is through it that different discoveries are made. Scientific methods for instance are used to discover a medicine to cure different diseases and come up with innovations that improve the lives of human beings (Brundage and Michael 10). In the field of...

The Role of Followership in Supporting Servant Leaders

Leadership and followership are inseparable as they always depend on each other. However, followership seems to be often overlooked because leaders tend to be in the spotlight due to their power, influence, and authority. This paper aims to discuss the role of followership in supporting leaders and highlight the importance...

  • George Washington
  • Segregation
  • Marine Life

Motor Performance and the Activity of the Primary Motor Cortex

The Goal of the Research The goal of the study was to determine whether the focus of attention affected the motor performance and the activity of the primary motor cortex when implementing strenuous tasks involving the right index finger (Kuhn, Keller, Ruffieux, & Taube, 2017). How the Goal Relates to...

Championing Quality and Patient Safety

The study by Mastal, Joshi, and Schulke (2007) reports that chief nursing officers (CNOs) need to be provided with an opportunity not only to play a key leadership role in closing the knowledge gaps and reshaping values about quality and patient safety in the boardroom, but also to apply leadership...

The Cultural and Psychological Aspects of Marriage

Marriage is a long-standing social and legal institution, and studying it through social sciences can change how we view it. Recognizing the cultural and psychological aspects of marriage and the shifts these aspects are currently experiencing is also important. For instance, separating marriage from childbirth and the rearing of children...

Socrates’ Understanding of God

Socrates is accused of impiety, or “not believing in the gods in whom the city believes (West & Plato, 1979, 24b).” At first glance, it appears as if Socrates is charged with atheism, but the philosopher is, in fact, ostracized for believing in “other new spiritual things (West & Plato,...

The Effects of Globalization on the Environment

The far-reaching consequences of globalization can sometimes be very obscure. Just like preeminent technological developments, globalization contributes to civilization as a whole but also inconveniences others. In terms of global trade, helps in reducing the isolation of poor countries by increasing specialization, it expands access to information through trade, increases...

Interview: Additions to Five Journalistic “W”s

As a means of communication and learning about a specific person or issue, an interview incorporates both ample opportunities and significant challenges. Although the format of an interview opens a plethora of chances for addressing multiple issues, reliance on the interviewee’s honesty requires that an interviewer should approach the task...

The Interview “I’m a Runner: Haruki Murakami”

I listened to Haruki Murakami’s interview “I’m a Runner: Haruki Murakami.” The writer explains how exercise has changed his social and physical lifestyle (Lee, 2005). In the second interview, Murakami talks about his writing process, general life, and characters that appear in his writing. Murakami reveals that he loves cats...

Discussion of the Film “The Batman”

Did you know that Batman has returned on the big screen? The hero, often known as the Dark Knight, is ready to fight villains again and protect people. If you have not watched the recent movie yet, here are some reasons why you should. The Batman does not have an...

Metabolism in Inorganic Systems

The definition of life and the definition of its criteria are debatable. Metabolism is the most important attribute of life, but many inorganic systems possess this property, albeit in a more primitive form. Without attempting to list all attributes of living matter, since this is impossible, in determining the criterion...

Migration Flows and Their Socio-Economic Impact

The deepening of globalization is associated with an ever-increasing level of international migration (Artal-Tur et al. 8). In order to better understand the implication of the phenomenon, it is necessary to explore it from the demographic, social, and economic points of view. One should understand that migration is a powerful...

  • Popular Culture
  • Accountancy
  • Patient Safety
  • Team Management

Boston’s Experiment: Harvard Business Review’s Lessons

In Harvard Business Review’s Lessons from Boston’s Experiment with The One Fund, Mitchell discusses lessons that anyone can learn from his experience with fund distribution to the victims of the Boston bombing. What stands out about Mitchell’s opinion piece is his entrepreneurial approach to charity. Many of the lessons described...

Sanitation Workers and Compensation for Their Efforts

Sanitation workers usually ride, drive, or push garbage trucks while collecting trash and fecal matter from people’s residences and workplaces. They carry out valuable tasks of tidying up communities by collecting waste and ensuring its safe or proper disposal. Sometimes their job entails washing toilets, emptying septic tanks and dustbins,...

“My Mother’s Strange Definition of Empowerment” TED Talk by Khadija Gbla

In this TED talk, Khadija Gbla discusses the two different definitions of empowerment she learned from her mum when they lived in Sierra Leone and the one she got when they migrated to Australia. Her mother’s definition of empowerment was circumcision. She told her that it stifled her sexual urges...

The War on Drugs in the United States

The United States government’s combat with substance abuse is called the “War on drugs,” addressing the campaign initiated by President Nixon and supporting the modern attempts to control the use. Drugs disapproved by diverse societies enable the administrations to offer strategies to influence the situation and eliminate abuse via addiction...

Biopsychologic Model of Alcohol Consumption

Treatments To achieve the best results, it is vital to incorporate methods effective against a specific type of addiction. Reportedly, medical treatment is the most effective in combating alcoholism (Anderson Redal, Thomas, Sim, & Campbell, 2019). The second and third best treatments are Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and non-medical outpatient care...

“Unemployment and Terrorism” TED Talk by Mohamed Ali

In this TED talk, Ali explores the relationship between unemployment and terrorism. Unemployment is one of the challenges facing young people in big cities around the world. As young people pursue their dreams of creating wealth and attaining their goals, they encounter many obstacles that cause frustration and push them...

Training and Development for Employees

The purpose of this proposal is to instruct the employees in order to increase their performance in the organization. There are several delivery methods for development programs, the most popular of which is instructor-led training (Lacerenza et al., 2017). It is best for creating an overall understanding of the raised...

The Funding Request of the Business Plan

Introduction: The Basis of the Project The business plan has: Information about the company, products; Calculations, prospects for the years; Further actions, methods to improve efficiency; Strategies for further promotion. The Business Plan Based on the Coffee Shop The coffee shop’s uniqueness is in: Aromatic tea and fragrant coffee; Freshly...

Sociology: Role in the Life of Society

Why exactly sociology now occupies a priority position among social and humanitarian disciplines, and how does it fit into the general system of social knowledge? The answers to these questions explain the reason for sociology being among the choices of required courses for Liberal Arts Majors in most college campuses...

Afghanistan’s Location as a Cause of Conflicts

It is possible to say that the history of the emergence of Afghanistan and its physical location has become the prerequisites for the “troubles” that take place on the territory. Afghanistan emerged as a “buffer” state that separated the territories of interest of Russia and Britain (Blijde et al 265)....

  • Space Exploration
  • Digital Marketing
  • Social Media

Global Health Problems: The Epidemic of COVID-19

In the discussion post dedicated to global health problems, my colleague clearly indicated the need for international cooperation and underlined the universal nature of health concerns, such as the recent epidemic of COVID-19. The statistics and numbers on premature infants support the author’s position, who claims that preterm birth is...

Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody Song Analysis

I think that Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody is a song of the decade for the 70s. It is an obvious choice, but I think it is really difficult to name a more iconic and long-standing track. Being a rock ballad, it combines unexpected shifts of melody and style to the point...

Leadership Transition Challenges in the Intersex Society

The Intersex board has experienced a few significant processes during its existence. Initially, Chase asked her friend and colleague, Alice Dreger, to chair the board that consisted mainly of friends. However, the further development of business required to make this body more extended and professional. That is why Chase decided...

Integrative Literature Review in Developmental Psychology

Name of the Domain Developmental Psychology Rationale Yau et al. (2021) highlight the existence of the relationship between societal expectations and individual performance, which eventually results in various courses pursued during the transition to adulthood. Similar conclusions and results may be related to the results of the study by de...

The Circle Packing Chart on “Kobe Bryant Shoots” Database

This circle packing chart shows values of variables in a hierarchical structure by using circle areas. The shot type variable creates two outer circles which display two types of shots in the database: 2PT Field Goal and 3PT Field Goal. Inside each of them, many other circles represent unique action...

Eating Disorders and Social Interactions

One of the possible aspects that affect the persons’ perception of their bodies and attractiveness is the closest social surrounding. Family, friends, or romantic partners sometimes unknowingly can make people feel insecure and push them towards the development of the eating disorder. It can happen by criticizing the body, compassion...

North Africa or Southwest Asia Area Classification

There is certainly controversy about classifying the North Africa/Southwest Asia realm. In (Blijde et al), we see that there are several approaches to classifying it. First, it is defined as the “Dry World” due to its climate (230); however, the majority of people live in the territories where they have...

American Psychological Association and Racism

For the past years, minority individuals in the U.S suffered from segregation in all fields including schools. For instance, the Negros had trouble in the past years when it came to academic issues. The experienced problems led to retardation of educational and intellectual development of Negro children. To solve this,...

The Film “A Time to Kill” by Joel Schumacher

In the film “A Time to Kill,” my opinion is that Carl Lee Hailey was right to have murdered rapists who assaulted his daughter. This is because of anger and the weight of the two white men’s injustice to his daughter. Therefore, he was justified in murdering the men in...

Investment. Net Present Value vs. Payback Period

Net Present Value (NPV) is a better indicator than Payback Period (PBP) because it tells precisely which value would be earned by the investors if they decide to undertake it. In general, NPV as an investment appraisal method is based on the idea that the project would be beneficial if...

  • The Great Gatsby
  • Environment
  • Organizational Structure
  • Jesus Christ
  • Spirituality

Zappos: Servant Leadership

Introduction Servant leadership is defined as an organizational style within a company where the leader’s purpose is to serve their customers and help their employees grow within the field. The purpose of this paper is to analyze how this philosophy is supported at Zappos, an online shoe and clothing retailer....

Managing Task Clusters in Organizations in Practice

Introduction At the Mixing Department, a range of staff members was unaware of the goals to which they contributed by performing their routine functions in the organizational setting. As a result, the arrangement of work was deplorable, with most staff members being quite disorganized. Experimentations However, after thorough clarifications and...

Rationale Strategy: PetSafe Pet Insurance

These emails are directed at buyers who have subscribed to the newsletter. Pyroplasmosis is an infectious disease triggered by a tick bite and leads to the loss of appetite, decreased energy, and other long-term effects on animals (Niu et al., 2017). This text attracts people who care about their pets,...

Jay Gatsby by F. S. Fitzgerald and the American Dream

“In his blue gardens, men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars.” (Fitzgerald 32) The chosen quote is important as it illustrates that Fitzgerald brilliantly portrayed the American society’s carnival lifestyle of the so-called dreamers, excited with fun and carelessness. The...

Modeling Methods and Techniques

Summary Analytical modeling consists in constructing a model based on the description of the behavior of an object in the form of formulas. Simulation modeling involves the construction of a model with characteristics adequate based on any of its physical or informational principles. Heuristic modeling is a mechanism of self-learning...

Hunger and Homelessness Consequences on Development

Consequences of Hunger and Homelessness on Children’s Development The article “New study reports strong links between food insecurity and negative developmental consequences for young school-age children is available on the FRAC website. The article discusses the consequences of hunger and homelessness during the early developmental years on children’s growth and...

Jerrold Amplifiers Advertisement in the 1980s

Everyone wants a music system with crystal clear sounds that are appealing and entertaining. Jerrold Company presents the Jerrold amplifier, which is the absolute solution to the voice problems in homes, business places, and even campaigns. The amplifier has the Alternating Current (AC), making it easy for the user to...

Nursing Ethics in Patient Advocacy

Mr. Lilly needed to receive an increased dose of morphine, but his condition made health care professionals doubt whether he was looking for painkillers just to overcome his pain or he wanted to satisfy his addiction. It was also important not to harm his health in this way. The nurse...

Summary of Amy Tan’s “Mother Tongue”

Amy Tan reflects on the varieties of English she uses as an Asian American. She notes the differences between the grammatically impeccable language she uses in her writing and the often incorrect phrasing she uses when conversing with her mother and husband. Amy’s mother does not possess the same grammatical...

The Idea of Robert Frost’s Poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay”

The poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay” by Robert Frost is only nine lines long, but the author discusses complex topics through it. In early spring, the golden buds appear on the trees, but soon their color fades. Then flowers bloom, but they also soon turn into fallen leaves, reminiscent of...

  • Negotiation
  • Professionalism

Gender Representation in American Pop Culture

The selected excerpt of the book called “The Pop Culture Freaks” focuses on the representation of gender in American pop culture that is a powerful tool capable of impacting social tendencies and relations or creating particular attitudes. The objectification of women (or female bodies, to be more precise, since their...

Geographies of Race and Ethnicity I: Summary of Article

“Geographies of race and ethnicity I” compares and contrast two forms of racism: white supremacy and white privilege. These topics are then connected to a more generalized issue of environmental racism, with the author providing evidence of who might be responsible for its dynamics. Lastly, choosing the case of Exide...

‘The Last Night of the World’ by Ray Bradbury

‘The Last Night of the World’ is a short story by Ray Bradbury written in a genre of speculative fiction. It presents an evening dialogue between spouses who are drinking coffee and watching their daughters play on the rug. It is an entirely ordinary evening except for the dream they...

The Link Between Collaboration and Penetration Testing

Collaboration is critical to an organization’s information security because its lack can be exploited by an attacker as a vulnerability. There is also a tendency to use compartmentalized security measures that can be bypassed individually to gain access to an organization’s sensitive data (Secude, 2020). Furthermore, it is possible that...

The Scope Trial Legal Case and Social Implications

Although the main issues in the scope trial were Education and Science v. Religion, the proceedings had a substantial impact in defining the roles of the judicial system and individual’s trust in the administration of justice. Politics, religion, and other social civilities have conflicted for centuries. However, the judiciary plays...

How the Internet Transformed Design Fashion

Digital sketches help add changes to the existing work without starting drawing from the beginning. By using the Internet, people can shop online and avoid overcrowded shopping malls. It saves time, and people do not get tired while looking for a specific product. The Internet use allows people who love...

The Essay “Salvation” by Langstone Hughes

I was intrigued by Langstone Hughes’s “Salvation”, a story concerning the lessons and challenges that everyone can witness in the lives of youths. He discusses young people’s social and emotional difficulties by relying on his life experiences, including the time he was supposed to witness a 12-member revival while actively...

The Impact of Physical, Chemical, and Biological Agents on Marine Mammals

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My First Day at School (in 150 Words)

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120 to 150 words essay

How to Write on a Topic: Writing 150 to 200 words Examples

Writing on a topic is a part of all English proficiency tests.Writing a 150-200 word essay or paragraph on a topic in English requires effective planning, organization, and concise expression of your thoughts. Here are some tips to help you achieve this:

Understand the Topic : Before you start writing, make sure you thoroughly understand the topic or question. If it’s a complex subject, take some time to research and gather information.

Create an Outline : Outline the main points you want to cover in your essay. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure you don’t stray off-topic.

Stick to the Word Limit : Keep a close eye on the word count. If the requirement is 150-200 words, don’t exceed it. Be concise and avoid unnecessary filler.

Introduction (10-20 words) : Start with a clear and engaging introduction that provides some context for the reader. State your main point or thesis.

Body (120-160 words) : Divide the body of your essay into two or three paragraphs, each covering a distinct point or supporting evidence. Use topic sentences to introduce each paragraph’s main idea.

Transition Sentences : Use transition sentences to smoothly connect one paragraph to the next. This helps the essay flow logically.

Conclude Concisely (10-20 words) : Summarize your main points and restate your thesis or main idea in the conclusion.

Proofread and Edit : After writing your essay, review it for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Ensure clarity and coherence.

Read Widely : Reading a variety of materials, from newspapers to literature, can expose you to different writing styles and help you improve your own.

Time Management : Allocate enough time for planning, writing, and editing. Rushed writing tends to be less coherent and concise.

Here are few examples of writing at least 150 to 200 words on a topic.

Question 1: Write at least 150 words on the following topic.

Why do you think some people like to do their own business and not work as an employee? And why some others are always looking for jobs instead of working on a business idea?Explain

Sample Answer

There are people with different mindsets when it comes to choosing a career in life. There are many people who like to be an entrepreneur instead of working for someone versus many others who consider working with a big company or employer to become a paid worker.

The main reason for pursuing a career in business is that people have some business idea they want to put into practice. Additionally, they might be able to invest in their business. Some people also have their family business they want to run generation after generation. Moreover, many people believe that businesses yield huge profits which a traditional job does not.

On the other hand, if we talk about people who like to do a traditional job are the people who feel security in jobs and believe that doing business is a risky effort. In this category, we can find people who have professional degrees like medicine, engineering or teaching etc or are office workers.

These people don’t think of trying their luck in business because they are more comfortable with a 9 to 5 routine. They don’t want to risk their money or time in business although they are totally dependent on their employers for an increase in their income. These, in my opinion are the reasons why I believe some people like to become business owners and others job seekers.

Some people spend a lot of money on dining out? What reasons can you give why some people like to dine out instead of cooking at home? In your opinion, is it a healthy tendency?

First of all, I would agree to this statement. Definitely, there are many people who like to dine out or order food online. In my observation, the reasons for this trend can be multiple. Some people might not like to cook at home so they find it easy to buy food from outside. There is also a plethora of takeaways, pizza huts and restaurants and there is a lot of advertisement through social media and printing press offering great deals everyday.

As a result, people feel tempted to buy advertised food. Needless to say, dining out is a popular food culture in big cities. Although it is not very healthy, it can be justified in some ways.For example; some people might be too busy in their work outside home that they can’t find time for cooking. In that case they don’t have much choice but to purchase ready made food.

In my opinion, eating out is not a very healthy trend. I have a couple of reasons to say that. First of all it is a sheer wastage of money since you can cook better meal at home in at least half price as compared to the restuarant food. Secondly, the restuarants and take aways add taste enhancing agents in food that can be a health risk. Besides all that, it is a commonly known fact that people who eat a lot of junk food or restuarant food do not enjoy good physical health. I would suggest that people should eat outdoor food moderately. Making it a routine or cultural thing is not correct. It has lasting repercussions for your health and it can rip you off from your hard earned money really fast.

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How to Write an Essay in 150 Words

Writing a short essay can be a challenging task.

Typically, when you are asked to write an essay, you might expect a 400- to 700-word assignment; however, occasionally you might be asked to write something significantly shorter. Although shorter, a 150-word essay poses certain challenges that a longer essay doesn't. You must be concise, and have one main point and stick to it. Nevertheless, in writing an effective short essay you'll be using the same fundamentals of good essay writing that apply to any essay, regardless of length.

Begin your essay by doing some basic pre-writing. This might include brainstorming or a simple outline. Consider your topic and possible key points you want to make. If your topic relates to "Personal Ambitions," consider all the goals you have and then prioritize them, choosing the best for the purposes of your essay. Remember that for a 150-word essay, you should confine your essay to one primary point.

Develop a 30- to 40-word introduction. This introduction should begin with a broad context, such as "the difficulty in choosing a major in college," and then work toward your specific thesis: "Entering the nursing profession will provide me with an emotionally rewarding and lucrative career."

Move on to a single body paragraph of 50 to 80 words. This paragraph should basically provide support for your thesis statement. If your thesis is that nursing is a good career choice, then the body paragraph should emphasize how nursing is both emotionally rewarding and lucrative. Do not try to cover too much, and be specific with your examples.

End your essay with a 30- to 50-word conclusion that re-states your thesis and reviews the main points you made in your body paragraph. You also want to leave the reader with some final insight into the topic; this could be personal insight (your life will be better if you succeed at becoming a nurse) or insight into the subject itself (nursing is a field that more people should consider joining).

Proofread your paper carefully for grammar and spelling errors and any problems with clarity. One effective method of proofreading is to check your essay starting from the end and working backwards (last sentence, second to last sentence, and so on). This method will prevent you from focusing on your content and will allow you to concentrate strictly on sentence-level errors.

  • Even though this is a short essay, do not write it as a single paragraph. Break the essay up into three separate paragraphs; this shows organization of thought.
  • Don't try to cover more than one or two key points in your body paragraphs and use as many specific details and examples as you can.
  • 1 Purdue Online Writing Lab: Essay Writing
  • 2 CollegeBoard: College Essay Writing Tips

About the Author

Jake Damon has his Ph.D. in English from Texas Tech University. Damon has been a writer and editor since 1998. He edits two professional journals, has published books including "Catullan Consciousness" and "Re-Reading Thomas Traherne," and written articles for various academic and trade presses, including Oxford University Press, Associated University Presses and the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Arizona State University.

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1250 Word Essay Examples + Topics for Papers

Feeling uneasy about writing a 1250-word essay? No worries! It’s not as complicated as it seems. Yes, it’s pretty lengthy and takes up about 5 pages. But this length is also the golden mean that allows you to create a deep and thought-provoking piece without taking too much of your readers’ time.

Papers of this length are typically book reviews, research proposals, case studies, and analytical essays. If you’re writing any of these and need help figuring out what to do, our informative article is just what you need. Here, you will find a detailed explanation of how to write an A+ 1250-word essay and find inspiration in our collection of unique topics. There is nothing like a good example to kickstart the writing process, and our free essay database has plenty of them.

Ready? Let’s get started!

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  • Trace the evolution of Sherlock Holmes’s image in popular culture.
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  • Describe and analyze the famous detective’s failures.
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  • Sherlock Holmes and criminal minds: analysis of the villains.
  • The false glitter of a golden opportunity in The Red-Headed League and The Stockbroker’s Clerk.
  • Discuss the use of codes and ciphers in Sherlock Holmes stories.
  • Mercy and judgment: lawbreakers from Conan Doyle’s stories who received a second chance.

đŸŒ± 1250 Words on Soil Fertility: Essay Topics

  • What are the factors affecting soil fertility ?
  • Soil fertility in arid and semi-arid regions: challenges and solutions.
  • Study the connection between land productivity and water quality.
  • Indigenous farming practices and soil fertility preservation.
  • Discuss the best methods to restore degraded lands.
  • Suggest how to keep ground fertile in permaculture farming.
  • What is the role of sustainable fertilizer use in maintaining soil fertility?
  • Explain how erosion affects the quality of land.
  • Pros and cons of no-till farming systems for soil health.
  • Analyze the ways of determining a nutrient deficiency in the ground.
  • Explore the impact of copper sulfate footbaths on the quality of soils.
  • Calcium to magnesium ratios and its effect on land fertility.
  • Soil fertility and the nutritional quality of crops.
  • Examine the strategies of soil sampling .
  • The role of government policies in promoting soil fertility.

🔬 Analytical 1250-Word Paper Examples

  • Social Rules in Gabriel Garcia Marquez’ “Chronicle of a Death Foretold” To begin with, it should be stated that the main idea of the title is to show that the social point of view and the rules which exist in the society are known for all […]
  • Impact of Technology on Healthcare Services This chapter will highlight some of the important milestones in the health sector in relation to health technology. The benefits of the spending will be weighed against the efficacy of the technology in this chapter.
  • The Rise of the Papacy Pope Leo the Great was of particular importance in the rise of papacy as he not only convinced the barbarians not to destroy the city of Rome, he also coaxed the emperor Valentinian into recognizing […]
  • Disequilibrium in the Labor Market for Nurses in Florida According to basic economic law, if the supply is in excess of demand the price falls as a result in order to accommodate the excess supply but on the other hand if the demand happens […]
  • Effects of Caffeine on Open Field Behavior of the Rat It was studies the psychological function of behavior of rats and the influence of caffeine on it through 8-9 weeks from the beginning of application of caffeine.
  • Walgreens and CVS Health: Proxy Statements & Annual Reports In order to better understand factors that influence the determination of external audit fees for Walgreens and CVS Health it is necessary to consider key characteristics of the companies.
  • Regional Trade Agreements It also accelerates the opening of enclosed economies to the rest of the world. It is true to say that the UK is a part of the EU.
  • Ford Automobile Strategic Business Model Ford as a one of the leading automobile manufacturers in the world operates on a strategic business model that enables its performance.
  • Sexism in the English Language The significance of Piercey’s discussion is the attempts to prove the idea that the English language is sexist in the nature, thus, the topic of the gender inequality is discussed with references to the linguistic […]
  • Methamphetamine Abuse and Foster Placement In this regard, placing a child in an environment that disrupts emotional and cognitive development poses threats of impaired brain development to the child.
  • Planning Law and Governance The duties of planners in ensuring the success of planning should include establishment of effective planning policies and creating the linkage between the various levels of governance. The planners should also work with the members […]
  • Communist Manifesto, Time and Social Issues The primary issue of the manifesto is the vagaries in which the bourgeoisie subject and subjugate the proletariat, all in the struggle for private property.

📑 Topics for Civil Service Personal Statement: 1250 Words

  • Why are you passionate about getting a job in civil service ?
  • Provide specific experiences demonstrating your suitability for the position of an HR specialist.
  • Describe the achievements that make you fit for a job in civil service.
  • Discuss your experience in managing projects related to urban planning .
  • Explain how your communication and organizational skills will benefit you as a social worker.
  • Showcase your analytical thinking and decision-making abilities that will help you as a police officer.
  • Share your experiences during engagement in community service.
  • As a future tax auditor, describe instances where you’ve demonstrated strong leadership skills .
  • Show how you can tackle complex problems as a future public health inspector.
  • Highlight your understanding of laws and regulations relevant to a tax auditor’s job.
  • How do your long-term goals align with the public service?
  • Write about your approach to handling crises or emergencies in police work.
  • How do you adapt to new challenges as a future social worker?
  • Demonstrate your commitment to ethical conduct and integrity as an environmental protection specialist.

Crafting a 1250-word essay is a lot of work. Most students would spend from 6 hours to half a day writing and doing thorough research. At the same time, if you are not careful, your paper will be overloaded with details and lack a clear focus.

So, how can you be on the safe side? Check out our helpful guide below!

What Do 1250 Words Look Like?

Every work needs proper planning. Instead of plunging into writing this very moment, we recommend you create an outline first.

A description of a 1250-word essay structure.

A good essay plan will comprise the following parts:

  • Introduction (1—2 paragraphs) that hooks your readers
  • Main body (6—8 paragraphs) that presents and explains all your arguments
  • Conclusion (1—2 paragraphs) that wraps up your writing.

Essentially, you can keep in mind that the whole essay will include about 10—12 paragraphs, 150—200 words each. It’s a perfect size that allows you to develop any topic properly.

Don’t want to spend too much of your time on planning? Use our outline generator ! This AI-powered tool can create a well-organized outline in mere seconds.

1250-Word Essay Introduction

After outlining, it’s time to start writing an introduction . How long should introduction be for a 1250-word essay? Well, it typically takes up to 10—12% of the text and is 150—200 words long. Depending on the difficulty of the topic, it can be slightly shorter or longer.

A good introduction always includes 3 main things:

  • Hook . This is a sentence that catches readers’ attention and makes them curious about the further content of the essay. If you need some assistance with that, you can find inspiration with the help of our hook generator .
  • Background information . It’s essential to give enough background, but it’s equally important not to go into too much detail. Try to stay focused on the main points and avoid fluff at all costs.
  • Thesis . This is a brief statement that reveals the main idea of your essay to your readers. You will have no problems writing it if you use our thesis statement tool . It can formulate a perfect thesis statement in no time.

1250-Words Essay Conclusion

The conclusion should tie together all your major points and make a lasting impression. Now, you may be wondering: how many words should the conclusion be in a 1250-word essay? Usually, it’s the same size as an introduction, that is, 150—200 words or 10—12% of the text.

The basic structure of the conclusion is as follows:

  • Begin with a paraphrased thesis.
  • Sum up your main points.
  • Explain why it matters by answering the “so what?” question.

To make your essay unforgettable, you will need a strong closing sentence. Using our concluding sentence generator will save you time and nerves and ensure an excellent result.

How Many Citations Should a 1250-Word Essay Have?

The number of citations typically depends on the essay type, your instructor’s guidelines, and the academic level. The rule of thumb is to include 8 to 12 citations per 1000 words. That means 8—12 references will also be enough for your 1250-word essay. We recommend using our citation generator to ensure flawless formatting.

🌍 Topics to Write a Paper of 1000-1250 Words on a Specific Cultural Group

  • Asian culture and nomadic folk art.
  • Explore the history and meaning of a red outfit at an Indian wedding.
  • The storytelling traditions of the Inuit people .
  • The unique cuisine of Malaysian culture.
  • Explain what makes African culture so artistic.
  • Belief in the will of God as a distinctive trait of Arabian culture.
  • Examine the major values of the British people.
  • Discuss how a holistic environment reflects the values of the Swiss people.
  • What influences South Korean beauty standards?
  • Study the role of respect for elders in Chinese culture.
  • Mosaic as an integral part of Moroccan architecture.
  • What elements of the traditional Maori culture still exist nowadays?
  • The historical aspects of unique Malaysian architecture.
  • What are the cultural specifics of the Ovambo people?
  • The art of Bonsai in Japanese culture.

🏠 Topics for Writing a Narrative Paper of 1250 Words on My Community

  • Describe the unique celebrations or festivals in your community.
  • Discuss the level of cultural diversity in your area.
  • Volunteering at the local care center.
  • Explain what community you associate yourself with.
  • Describe your role in improving local public spaces and gathering areas.
  • What youth engagement and empowerment programs did you participate in?
  • Write about the role of art in your community.
  • How do you help your local animal shelter?
  • Tell about local heroes or people who made a significant impact in your community.
  • Discuss environmental efforts and initiatives within your community and your role in them.
  • Describe the social issues of your community. How do you help fight them?
  • Aging population and local senior services.
  • Share how you help students with special needs at your school.
  • Tell the stories of local businesses and entrepreneurs.
  • Explore the role of sports and athletics in your community.

📚 Persuasive 1250-Word Essay Samples

  • Would 1997 Movie Titanic Be Considered a Great Epic? Griffith, the “father of film technique”, “the man who invented Hollywood” and “the Shakespeare of the screen,” “a film is a cooperative effort between the director and the audience.
  • Reflection on “Concept of Hospital Readmission” and “Tele ICU Concept Analysis” Noticeably, the concept of Hospital Readmission has continued to take the largest part of health care discussions and this element is currently the criterion being used to measure competence in hospitals.
  • Transition of Novice Nurse to Registered Nurse The experiences and challenges of newly qualified nurses in their attempt to transition to registered practitioners have been well documented in the literature, with several scholars arguing that these experiences and challenges are embedded within […]
  • Can We Consider the Second Iraq War to Be a Just War? In his book Just and Unjust Wars, Michael Walzer offers the example of the Second World War as the epitome of a just war, in that the Allied forces came together to resist the aggression […]
  • Scholastic Aptitude Test for College Admissions The SAT is used to evaluate the writing skills and literacy which are required for academic achievement in college. Hence, SAT is not a perfect way of predicting the performance of a student in college.
  • GRE Is Not an Effective Measurement for Graduate Admission During the recruitment process of the US army, the authorities needed to check the efficiency of the candidates. In this kind of exam, instead of evaluating the real abilities of candidates importance is given to […]
  • Discrimination in Education and Unfair Admission The significance of equality in education is due to the natural development of society and the transition to a civilized order, where any manifestations of bias for various reasons are unacceptable.

📌 1250 Word Essay: Answers to the Most Pressing Questions

📌 how many pages is 1250 words essay.

How many pages is 1250 words of academic text? According to the guidelines of all the key citation styles, one page should contain approximately 250 words (12-point Times New Roman, double-spaced). If you follow these guidelines, your 120-word essay will be 5 pages. If you make it single-spaced, it will take 2 and a half pages.

📌 How Much Is 1250 Words in Paragraphs?

How much is 1250 words in paragraphs? A typical academic paragraph contains 100 to 150 words. So, a 1250-word essay will consist of 9-12 paragraphs.

📌 1250 Words Is How Many Sentences?

How many sentences is a 1250-word essay? A typical sentence in academic writing consists of 15-20 words. So, 1250 words are not less than 63-66 sentences.

📌 How to Write a 1250-Word Paper Outline?

An essay of 1250 words is an extensive piece that requires a serious approach to researching, outlining, and writing. The three parts of a 1250-word essay are the introduction (15% of the total volume), body (70%), and conclusion (15% of the total volume). The exact number of paragraphs will depend on how many arguments you have. Note that a typical paragraph contains 100-200 words on average.

📌 How Fast Can You Write a 1250 Word Essay?

How long does it take to write a 1250-word essay? It will take you 25-50 minutes to type 1250 words on your keyboard (the total time will depend on your typing speed). Writing an academic paper will take more time because you’ll have to research, make an outline, write, format, and edit your text. It would be best if you planned to spend a little over 4 hours for a 1250-word paper.

📌 How Many Body Paragraphs Are in a 1250 Word Essay?

A typical 1250 words essay consists of 11 to 13 paragraphs. Each of the paragraphs should contain 75-150 words.

  • Chicago (A-D)
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IvyPanda. (2023, November 21). 1250 Word Essay Examples + Topics for Papers.

"1250 Word Essay Examples + Topics for Papers." IvyPanda , 21 Nov. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '1250 Word Essay Examples + Topics for Papers'. 21 November.

IvyPanda . 2023. "1250 Word Essay Examples + Topics for Papers." November 21, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "1250 Word Essay Examples + Topics for Papers." November 21, 2023.


IvyPanda . "1250 Word Essay Examples + Topics for Papers." November 21, 2023.

Guide to Exam

Water Source of Life Essay in 100, 120, 150, 200, 300 & 400 Words

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Table of Contents

Water Source of Life Essay in 100 Words

Water: the source of life.

Water is the essence of life, an invaluable resource that sustains all living beings on Earth. From the vast oceans to the smallest raindrops, water is a source of sustenance, vitality, and harmony. It nourishes plants, animals, and humans, providing essential hydration and enabling diverse ecosystems to flourish. Water is a gentle caress, as it cascades down mountains in pristine waterfalls and meanders in peaceful rivers. It is a majestic force, embodying power as it churns in roaring waves and creates breathtaking canyons. Water breathes life into barren landscapes, transforming them into flourishing havens. It is an irreplaceable source of life, reminding us of nature’s profound wisdom and generosity.

Water Source of Life Essay in 120 Words

Water is the essence of life, the elixir that sustains all living beings on Earth. It is the source of life itself, nourishing every organism, from the tiniest plant to the largest animal. Its significance goes beyond quenching thirst; it shapes entire ecosystems and supports countless interconnected processes. Water sustains agriculture, providing for the cultivation of crops that feed the world. It acts as a medium for transportation, commerce, and recreation. Its soothing presence calms the mind and rejuvenates the soul. In its many forms, water is a symbol of purity, clarity, and resilience. Truly, water is the ultimate source of life, the bountiful gift that keeps our world alive.

Water Source of Life Essay in 150 Words

Water, a transparent, odorless, and tasteless liquid, is undoubtedly the source of life on our planet. It holds a remarkable significance in sustaining all forms of life. With its ability to quench our thirst, water is an essential part of our daily routine. It plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems, serving as a habitat for countless marine species and providing nourishment to vegetation. Additionally, water helps regulate the Earth’s temperature, acting as a climate controller. Its importance goes beyond mere survival, as water offers relaxation, peace, and tranquility. From serene rivers to majestic waterfalls, water mesmerizes us with its beauty and brings us closer to nature. In summary, water is much more than just an essential resource; it is the very essence of life itself.

Water Source of Life Essay in 200 Words

Water is an essential element for the existence of life on our planet. It is not only important for human survival but also plays a crucial role in sustaining all living organisms. The significance of water as a source of life cannot be overstated.

Water serves as a medium for several biological processes. It helps in the breakdown of food, absorption of nutrients, and elimination of waste products from our bodies. Without water, these vital functions would cease to occur, leading to the demise of all life forms.

Furthermore, water acts as a habitat for various organisms. It supports a wide range of aquatic life, including fish, marine mammals, and countless microscopic organisms. These creatures not only depend on water for survival but also serve as a crucial part of our ecosystem, contributing to the overall balance of our planet.

Water also has the power to shape the natural landscape. Through erosion and weathering, it sculpts mountains, carves valleys, and creates impressive formations like canyons. These natural wonders, formed over millions of years, are a testament to the enduring force of water.

In addition to its biological and geological importance, water is also essential for social and economic development. It provides sustenance to agricultural activities, enabling the growth of crops and the development of farming communities. Water is also vital for various industries, supporting manufacturing, energy production, and transportation.

Water Source of Life Essay in 300 Words

Water: source of life.

Water, the source of life, is truly a marvel of nature. It is a vital element for all living beings and has played a crucial role in shaping our world. From the towering mountains to the serene rivers and vast oceans, water has a beautiful presence in every corner of our planet.

Water is essential for our survival. It is the foundation of all life forms, from the tiniest microorganisms to the largest mammals. We, humans, are composed mostly of water, with it making up about 60% of our bodies. It regulates our body temperature, aids digestion, transports nutrients, and flushes out toxins. Without water, life as we know it would cease to exist.

Furthermore, water sustains the planet’s ecosystems. It provides a habitat for countless species of plants and animals, creating a delicate balance that ensures biodiversity. Rivers, lakes, and wetlands are home to a diverse array of flora and fauna, whose existence is interdependent on water availability. Additionally, aquatic environments play a crucial role in maintaining the overall climate balance through evaporation and precipitation.

Water is also a source of solace and tranquility. It has a soothing effect on our minds and can bring a sense of peace and serenity. The sound of crashing waves, the gentle flow of a river, or the soft pitter-patter of rain can be incredibly calming. Many cultures around the world recognize the healing and therapeutic properties of water, using it in various rituals and practices.

In conclusion, water is undoubtedly the source of life. It sustains our bodies, supports diverse ecosystems, and brings peace to our souls. It is a precious resource that must be cherished and protected. Let us strive to conserve water and ensure its availability for future generations so that the source of life continues to thrive.

Water Source of Life Essay in 350 Words

Water is the source of all life on Earth. It is a vital element that sustains every living creature, from microorganisms to plants, animals, and humans. With approximately 70% of the Earth’s surface covered by water, it plays a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance of our planet’s ecosystems. In this essay, we will take a descriptive journey into the significance and beauty of water as the ultimate source of life.

Firstly, water is essential for the survival of all living organisms. Its presence is directly linked to the existence and prosperity of various ecosystems. From the depths of the ocean to the highest peaks of mountains, water can be found everywhere, adapting to different forms such as lakes, rivers, and glaciers. It sustains an abundance of diverse species, providing them with hydration, nourishment, and a habitat to thrive.

Furthermore, water acts as a natural purifier and regulator of Earth’s climate. It cleanses our environment by cycling through the processes of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation, ensuring the continuation of life. In addition, water significantly contributes to climate regulation by absorbing heat from the sun. This controls the Earth’s temperature, preventing extreme fluctuations and creating favorable conditions for life to flourish.

Not only is water integral to our physical well-being, but it also holds immense aesthetic value. Its tranquil and mesmerizing presence brings a sense of calm, serenity, and beauty to our surroundings. From the soothing sound of waves crashing against the shore to the picturesque views of lakes reflecting the skies, water has the power to evoke emotions and create an enchanting environment.

In conclusion, water is the ultimate source of life. Its necessity for the existence of all living organisms, its ability to regulate climate, and its aesthetic appeal collectively emphasize its incomparable value. As stewards of this precious resource, it is our responsibility to protect and preserve water to ensure the sustainability and well-being of future generations. Let us cherish and respect the water that has gifted us life.

Water Source of Life Essay in 400 Words

Water, often described as the source of life, is an essential element for the existence and sustenance of all living organisms on Earth. Its abundance and significance cannot be undermined. Our planet, covered mostly with water, showcases the magnitude of its importance. From the smallest microorganism to the largest mammal, every life form has a profound connection with water.

From the moment we come into this world, water plays an integral role in our lives. It is the fundamental component of our bodies, making up approximately 60% of our weight. It serves vital functions such as regulating body temperature, aiding in digestion, and carrying nutrients to our cells. Without water, our bodies would fail to function properly, leading to dehydration and ultimately death.

Furthermore, water serves as a habitat for numerous species, creating an ecological balance that sustains life on Earth. The oceans, for instance, are home to an abundance of marine life, including millions of unique species, some of which remain undiscovered. Not only does water provide shelter and a source of food for these creatures, but it also plays a critical role in maintaining their lives through various natural cycles.

Moreover, water is essential to the growth and survival of vegetation and agriculture. Through the process of photosynthesis, water enables plants to convert sunlight into energy, facilitating their growth. It acts as a transport system, delivering nutrients and minerals from the soil to the plant’s cells. Without water, lush green landscapes, vibrant flowers, and bountiful harvests would be a distant dream.

Water also possesses healing properties. Its therapeutic effects are evident in various forms, such as hydrotherapy and hot springs. Water has been used for centuries to alleviate physical ailments, calm the mind, and promote a sense of relaxation. It is no wonder that many cultures believe in the sanctity and cleansing power of water in religious and spiritual practices.

In conclusion, water truly is the source of life. It is an extraordinary substance that supports the existence of all living organisms on Earth. Its presence is not only vital for our physiological needs but also plays a critical role in maintaining the delicate balance of ecosystems and providing a nurturing environment for both flora and fauna. Undoubtedly, water’s abundance and significance make it an invaluable resource that deserves our utmost care and conservation efforts.

History of Brazilian Independence for Early Childhood Education

Essay about Motherland in 100, 200, 300, 400 & 500 Words

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How Many Pages Is 150 Words?

150 words is 0.3 pages single-spaced or 0.6 pages double-spaced . Documents that typically contain 150 words are short memos, blog posts, or marketing copy. It will take approximately 1 minutes to read 150 words .

A 150 word count will create about 0.3 pages with single spacing or 0.6 pages double-spaced when using normal 1-inch margins, 12 pt. Arial font, and a standard A4 (letter size) page size.

However, the number of pages will vary depending on your margins, font family, font size, whether you use multiple spaces after a period , and your paragraph spacing settings. For example, 1 page single spaced created using Arial font will generate only 0.9 pages with Calibri or Times New Roman font.

Table of Contents

How many pages is 150 words single-spaced.

150 words single-spaced is 0.3 pages. A standard single-spaced page contains 500 words.

How Many Pages Is a 150 Word Essay or Paper?

A 150 words essay will be 0.3 pages single-spaced or 0.6 pages double-spaced. A standard single-spaced page contains 500 words.

How Many Pages Is 150 Words Double-Spaced?

150 words double-spaced is 0.6 pages. Teachers may ask you to write an essay using double spacing so that it's easier to read and easier to add comments/feedback to. A standard double-spaced page contains 250 words.

How Many Pages Is 150 Words Handwritten?

150 words handwritten and single-spaced produces 0.6 pages. Handwriting is about twice as large as words typed in 12 point Arial or Times New Roman font which makes single-spaced handwritten pages equivalent to double-spaced pages.

How Many Paragraphs Is 150 Words?

150 words is about 0.75-1.5 paragraphs for essays or 1-3 for easier reading (to allow skimming). A paragraph length typically has 100-200 words and 5-6 sentences.

How Many Sentences Is 150 Words?

150 words is about 7-10 sentences. A sentence typically has 15–20 words.

How Many Words Is 0.3 Pages?

0.3 pages is 150 words when single-spaced or 75 words when double-spaced. A standard single-spaced page contains 500 words.

Which Font Produces More Pages?

Of the standard fonts used in essays and other documents, Verdana will create the most pages. On average, Verdana will create 1.1 pages for every 1 page written using Arial and 0.9 pages for every page written with Times New Roman or Calibri in Microsoft Word or Google Docs. These are just estimates . If you're looking to write the fewest number of words for your school assignment to meet a page count, we recommend using Verdana (if allowed) or Arial. A good rule of thumb is to use Arial font unless your teacher provides different guidelines for font or spacing.

How Long Does It Take to Write a 150 Word Essay?

On average it will take approximately 3.8 minutes for the average writer typing on a keyboard at a typing speed of 40 words per minute.

How Many Words per Page?

To quickly find out how many pages various word counts make, see the table below. You’ll be able to understand quickly how many words you need to write for your essays, blog articles, or memos with page limits:

Word CountPages (single-spaced)Pages (double-spaced)Font Size
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120 to 150 words essay

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✍Essay on Online Classes: Samples in 100, 150, 200 Words

120 to 150 words essay

  • Updated on  
  • Oct 20, 2023

Essay on Online Classes

Online classes, also known as virtual classes, have over time revolutionized education. They are known for providing students with the flexibility to access educational content and at the same time interact with professors in the comfort of their homes. With time, this mode of learning has gained huge popularity due to its accessibility and the ability to cater to diverse learning styles.

In this digital age, online classes have become a fundamental part of education, enabling all individuals to acquire knowledge, skills etc. Are you looking to gain some more information about online classes? Well, you have come to the right place. Here you will get to read some samples of online classes. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 What are Online Classes?
  • 2 Essay on Online Classes in 100 Words
  • 3 Essay on Online Classes in 150 Words
  • 4 Essay on Online Classes in 200 Words

Also Read: Online Courses

What are Online Classes?

Online classes are educational courses or learning programs which are conducted over the Internet. They provide students with the opportunity to study and complete their coursework remotely from the comfort of their homes. Online classes are a part of formal education. They can be taken in schools or colleges or can be offered by various online learning platforms. 

Online classes may include a variety of digital resources as well as tools. These may include quizzes, assignments, video lectures, discussion forums, connecting with friends via email, chat video calls etc. This type of learning offers the student flexibility in terms of when and where they can access their coursework and study. It is also helpful for those who study part-time have busy schedules and prefer remote learning. 

With the onset of COVID-19 , online classes became a huge hit hence the evolution of online classes. It offers one with different levels of education, skill training and much more. 

Essay on Online Classes in 100 Words

Online classes have become a central aspect of modern education. They offer flexibility, accessibility, and convenience, allowing students to learn from the comfort of their homes. The rise of online classes was accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic, making a shift from traditional classrooms to virtual learning environments. 

However, there are many disadvantages to online classes. Students may struggle with distractions, lack of in-person interaction, and technical issues. Additionally, they have opened up new avenues for global collaboration and lifelong learning. In an increasingly digital world, online classes are likely to remain a significant part of education.

Essay on Online Classes in 150 Words

Online classes have become a prevalent mode of education, especially in the past two years. These digital platforms offer several advantages. First, they provide flexibility, allowing students to learn from the comfort of their homes. This is especially beneficial for those with busy schedules or who are studying part-time. 

Second, online classes often offer a wider range of courses, enabling learners to explore diverse subjects. Additionally, these classes promote self-discipline and time management skills as students must regulate their own study routines.

However, there are challenges associated with online learning. Technical issues can disrupt classes, and the lack of face-to-face interaction may hinder social development. It can also be isolating for some students.

In conclusion, online classes offer convenience and a variety of courses, but they also present challenges related to technology and socialization. The future of education likely involves a blend of traditional and online learning methods, catering to diverse learning needs.

Also Read: Online Learning

Essay on Online Classes in 200 Words

Online classes have become a prevalent mode of education. However, this shift has brought about both advantages and challenges.

One significant benefit of online classes is accessibility. They allow students from diverse backgrounds and locations to access quality education without any constraints. This inclusivity promotes diversity and global learning experiences. Additionally, online classes often offer flexible schedules, enabling students to balance their studies with other responsibilities.

However, online classes present challenges too. Technical issues and a lack of face-to-face interaction can hinder effective learning. Students may even struggle with self-discipline and motivation, leading to a decline in academic performance. Moreover, the absence of physical facilities like libraries and laboratories can limit hands-on learning opportunities.

In conclusion, online classes have revolutionized education by providing accessibility and flexibility. Yet, they also pose challenges related to technical issues, motivation, and practical experiences. 

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Every student has their own pace of study, and this is where distance learning’s benefits really shine. You can go at your own speed in online classes, go over the material as needed, and complete the work in a method that best suits your learning preferences.

Online courses can be successful provided they are well-designed and delivered, just like any other course or programme. However, this depends from person to person as not every student is meant for online classes. 

In online education, students get to study online using a computer/laptop and only need a proper internet connection. 

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Malvika Chawla

Malvika is a content writer cum news freak who comes with a strong background in Journalism and has worked with renowned news websites such as News 9 and The Financial Express to name a few. When not writing, she can be found bringing life to the canvasses by painting on them.

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150-Word Short Stories


Although I primarily write novels , magazine articles, and essays, several years ago, I started writing very short stories, all of them exactly 150 words long, as a fun way to keep my fiction writing skills from getting rusty. It was also great to be able to write a story from start to finish in just an hour or so. Some of these stories are posted on this blog page . I’ve also included a few of my favorites below.

If you enjoy reading my 150-word stories, please also consider reading one of my books , and telling others about them, too.

Outside the funeral home, I heard a boy say that she had fallen off the back of her boyfriend’s motorcycle. Broken her neck. She never knew what hit her, he said. I was 13. The dead girl had been a junior in high school.

The line to see her snaked around the building. Boys with long hair, wearing ties they’d borrowed from their fathers, and girls with thick blue eyeshadow smoked cigarettes in the parking lot. Someone passed a bottle of Jack. There were no adults there, just very old kids.

She almost looked like she was sleeping, except that she was too still. There was a puffiness to her face that didn’t seem quite right. They had dressed her for the prom; the crinoline sleeves of her gown like poofs of pink cotton candy. Some kids prayed, but I couldn’t. I just stared at the roses in her corsage.

“Come on! It’s starting!” Greg, my neighbor, hollered from the sidewalk. 

“What’s starting?” I said. Behind him, groups of kids hurried down the street.  

We’d moved to the neighborhood just weeks before. I was shy; a bookworm, waiting for school to start. Greg was the only kid I’d met.

“The magic show!” said Greg, exasperated. “At Mr. Hale’s house!”

At the end of the Hales’ dirt driveway, rows of kids were seated on the grass.

White-haired and very thin, Mr. Hale wore a black top-hat and tails. In his hand he gripped a wand, producing doves from an urn. He asked for a volunteer to be sawed in half. I raised my hand. No one breathed.

“Just relax,” Mr. Hale whispered. “There’s nothing to it.” I got into the box and held my breath.

A collective gasp went up. And when I emerged in one piece, I was a star.

Cat in the Wall

“How’d he get in there?” said Amy, peering into the opening in the basement wall with her hands cupped around her eyes.

“Got me,” I said, taking a look. Barney, our 18-pound Maine Coon, peered up at me with his yellow eyes. The cat had squeezed his massive frame through an opening in the wall that an animal half his size would have had trouble with. He was trapped. 

“What are we going to do?” said Amy. “We can’t just leave him there.”  

A metallic aroma, the scent of panic, perfumed the damp cellar air. She was right. We couldn’t leave him. But we wouldn’t get him out without tearing down the wall, and we were only summer tenants.

The cat let out a mournful meow.  

“Barney’s going to die!” Amy cried. 

So, I brushed the tears away from her little cheeks and grabbed the hammer from the toolbox.

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English Aspirants

Essay on Discipline in English | 100, 120, 150, 200, 250 Words

Essay on Discipline in English | discipline essay for class 10: In this article, you are going to learn how to write an essay on discipline in English. Here, we’ve provided 5 essays (100, 120, 150, 200, and 250 words) on this topic. These essays are helpful for the students from class 1 to class 12. So, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Essay on Discipline: 100 Words

Discipline means complete obedience of certain rules and regulations. Discipline is an essential and noble quality. It helps a man to be honest, self-satisfied, happy and successful in life. Discipline is essential in family, society, sports, battlefield, school, organizations and everywhere. It develops strength, unity and cooperation.

Discipline is the first and foremost thing for a student. No student can achieve academic brilliance without discipline. Disciplined students are able to concentrate more on their studies. Life without discipline is a ship without a rudder. If we do not abide by discipline, there will be chaos and confusion in all aspects of life. Therefore, everyone should be disciplined in life.

Essay on Discipline in English

Discipline in Student Life Essay: 120 Words

Discipline is the training of mind and character. It teaches us to be respectful and obedient to those in authority. Everyone who has a good character has a strong sense of discipline. This discipline can be acquired, only when one is strong. It helps us to build up a strong character and a strong will.

Those who are obedient to teachers in school, become obedient citizens when they grow up. Such people become responsible citizens of the country. Those who have no discipline become disorderly violent and irresponsible citizens. Hence, it is very important that children should be disciplined in student life so that they might become worthy citizens of their country.

Also Read: Paragraph on Discipline in English

Discipline Essay in English: 150 Words

Discipline means obeying some general rules of conduct. It gives us better health, more respect, more money and above all it makes us a perfect human being. Every society has certain rules to control the life and activities of its members. If any of the rules is broken there will be trouble and disorder everywhere and the society will suffer. There will remain peace and happiness in a family when the younger members obey their superiors and every member follows the established rules.

On the other hand, if the members do not obey their superiors and do what they like, peace and happiness will completely disappear from the family. Discipline is best observed among soldiers. It is essential to ensure maximum efficiency of the soldiers. Discipline in schools and colleges is important for students. A disciplined student not only become successful in life but also become a responsible citizen. So discipline is necessary at every step of a man’s life.

Discipline Essay in English

Value of Discipline Essay: 200 Words

Discipline means obeying the rule or following the rule. When we develop discipline, then our life becomes organized. There comes a kind of orderliness in our life. Students are the future of a nation. So, they should be properly disciplined. This is the reason why efforts are made to maintain discipline in schools. Discipline has great importance in the army and police forces. Similarly, there should be discipline in the family and society also.

Nation progresses through discipline. A person living disciplined life benefits in many ways. Qualities like courage and patience are developed in him. Therefore, we should follow the discipline created by society, government or any other organization. Whereas, lack of discipline creates confusion and difficulties. Instead of peace and progress, it creates a lot of complications in life.

The life of each and every great personality of the world has been full of discipline. Nobody can succeed without discipline. A disciplined person respects others and is respected by others. Discipline helps a person become to become a better human being. Discipline is the only solution to the problems like corruption, bribery, scams, cheating, terrorism, etc. Only educated and disciplined youths can give our country a bright future.

Value of Discipline Essay

Also Read: Paragraph on My Aim in Life

Importance of Discipline Essay: 250 Words

Discipline is an important virtue in one’s life. Discipline helps people to build an attitude that becomes the key to becoming successful. It helps us to improve our self-confidence and self-control. Discipline helps us to stay focused on our goals. This helps develop strength and efficiency in a person.

Discipline is necessary wherever we are. Whether in society, school, office, battlefield or playground discipline is a must. No organization can run well without proper discipline. Lack of discipline creates chaos, disorder and confusion. Most of the successful people follow discipline in their life on a daily basis. Discipline shapes our life and teaches us how to handle different situations.

Discipline in student life is very important. It helps one to achieve better grades in school. A student should wake up early. He should give most of his time to his studies. He should respect his elders. A student should not tell lies. He should never cheat. He should never be disrespectful to anyone. He should keep good company. These habits finally make a student disciplined.

Home is the first place to develop discipline. The peace and progress of a family largely depend on it. A disciplined person becomes a responsible citizen. He keeps himself away from corruption and cheating. And only responsible citizens can bring change to the country. It is a virtue that everyone should have.

Read More: 1. My School Paragraph in English  2. Paragraph on Early Rising 3. My Daily Routine Paragraph

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