• Kubernetes Secrets
  • Azure Files for AKS
  • Azure AKS HTTP Application Routing Add-On
  • Step-06: Create Kubernetes RBAC Role & Role Binding for Dev Namespace
  • Step-07: Access Dev Namespace using aksdev1 AD User
  • Step-08: Clean-Up
  • Best Selling Azure Kubernetes Service Course on Udemy
  • Best Selling AWS EKS Kubernetes Course on Udemy
  • HashiCorp Certified Terraform Associate - 50 Practical Demos
  • Kubernetes RBAC ClusterRole and Cluster Role Binding
  • Azure DevOps with Terraform for Azure AKS

Kubernetes RBAC Role & Role Binding with Azure AD on AKS ¶

Link to all the kubernetes manifests ¶, step-01: introduction ¶.

  • AKS can be configured to use Azure AD for Authentication which we have seen in our previous section
  • In addition, we can also configure Kubernetes role-based access control (RBAC) to limit access to cluster resources based a user's identity or group membership.
  • Understand about Kubernetes RBAC Role & Role Binding

Azure Kubernetes Service with Azure DevOps and Terraform ¶

Step-02: create a namespace dev, qa and deploy sample application ¶, step-03: create ad group, role assignment and user for dev ¶, step-04: test dev user authentication to portal ¶.

  • URL: https://portal.azure.com
  • Username: aksdev1@stacksimplifygmail.onmicrosoft.com
  • Password: @AKSDemo123

Step-05: Review Kubernetes RBAC Role & Role Binding ¶

Kubernetes rbac role for dev namespace ¶.

  • File Name: role-dev-namespace.yaml kind : Role apiVersion : rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata : name : dev-user-full-access-role namespace : dev rules : - apiGroups : [ "" , "extensions" , "apps" ] resources : [ "*" ] verbs : [ "*" ] - apiGroups : [ "batch" ] resources : - jobs - cronjobs verbs : [ "*" ]

Get Object Id for devaksteam AD Group ¶

Review & update kubernetes rbac role binding for dev namespace ¶.

  • Update Azure AD Group devaksteam Object ID in Role Binding
  • File Name: rolebinding-dev-namespace.yaml kind : RoleBinding apiVersion : rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata : name : dev-user-access-rolebinding namespace : dev roleRef : apiGroup : rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind : Role name : dev-user-full-access-role subjects : - kind : Group namespace : dev #name: groupObjectId name : "e6dcdae4-e9ff-4261-81e6-0d08537c4cf8"

Step-06: Create Kubernetes RBAC Role & Role Binding for Dev Namespace ¶

Step-07: access dev namespace using aksdev1 ad user ¶, step-08: clean-up ¶, best selling azure kubernetes service course on udemy ¶, best selling aws eks kubernetes course on udemy ¶, hashicorp certified terraform associate - 50 practical demos ¶.

Daniel's Tech Blog

Cloud Computing, Cloud Native & Kubernetes

Azure Kubernetes Service – Azure RBAC for Kubernetes authorization

At this year’s Ignite conference Microsoft announced the next major step of integrating Azure functionality into AKS: Azure RBAC for Kubernetes authorization.

-> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/manage-azure-rbac

Azure RBAC for Kubernetes authorization lets you assign built-in or custom roles onto the Azure Kubernetes Service object in Azure. So, you do not have to create Kubernetes roles and role bindings in Kubernetes assigning permissions to your developers.

Yes, you read it correctly with Azure RBAC for Kubernetes authorization you do your Kubernetes access management in Azure instead in Kubernetes itself.

The only requirement your AKS cluster needs to fulfill is the usage of the managed AAD integration. Also sometimes called the AAD integration v2. Besides the following limitations apply to the currently available preview version.

  • Only new clusters are supported. Existing will be supported with the GA version.
  • kubectl v1.18.3 or higher
  • New role assignments can take up to 5 minutes to be pushed to the Kubernetes API server
  • AAD tenant for the subscription and the managed AAD integration must be the same
  • CRDs are not represented as data actions when it comes to custom role definitions. But they can be covered with Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/*/read as data action.

Four built-in roles are available at the time of writing.

  • Azure Kubernetes Service RBAC Reader
  • Azure Kubernetes Service RBAC Writer
  • Azure Kubernetes Service RBAC Admin
  • Azure Kubernetes Service RBAC Cluster Admin

Those four built-in roles matching the permission set of the following Kubernetes cluster roles.

  • cluster-admin

Let us now dive in assigning one of the built-in roles and creating a custom role for our AKS cluster.

Built-in role – Azure Kubernetes Service RBAC Reader

In our first scenario we assign the Azure Kubernetes Service RBAC Reader role to the kube-system namespace. Yes, it is possible to do a role assignment on the whole cluster or only on a specific namespace.

I am using the following Azure CLI command assigning the Azure Kubernetes Service RBAC Reader role to my Azure AD user object onto the kube-system namespace.

As seen in the screenshot, a role assignment on a child resource is not represented in the Azure portal.

Role assignment overview

Instead download the role assignments and select only Children.

Download role assignments

There we go. As seen in the downloaded report, our role assignment was successful.

The Kubernetes permissions itself are represented as data actions in the Azure RBAC system.

AKS RBAC Reader Data Actions snippet

Using kubectl to show the pods in the kube-system namespace works as intended.

Doing the same on another namespace throws a permission denied message.

What is working with kubectl does not work with the Kubernetes resource view in the Azure portal as the resource view requires permission to list all namespaces on an AKS cluster.

Kubernetes resource view error

We will solve this with a custom role.

Custom role – AKS Namespace Viewer

We have seen how to use one of the built-in roles but sometimes we need a custom role.

The following JSON body describes the role definition we want to create to list all namespaces on an AKS cluster.

The role only gives read access to resources of the type namespaces.

We use the Azure CLI again to do the role assignment after creating the role definition.

AKS Namespace Viewer role assignment

Afterwards we can view pods in the kube-system namespace via the Kubernetes resource view in the Azure portal.

Kubernetes resource view

You find the full reference which data action for AKS are currently available on Azure docs.

-> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/role-based-access-control/resource-provider-operations#microsoftcontainerservice

I hope the Azure RBAC for Kubernetes authorization feature will GA soon. As this is a game changer on how to do permission assignments on an AKS cluster.

The good news is that permission assignments via roles and role bindings are still possible. So, for Kubernetes service accounts nothing changes. Furthermore, you can fallback to default Kubernetes mechanisms when a specific operation is not available yet as data action for AKS.

RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) in AKS - Tutorial

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is a crucial aspect of securing your Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) clusters. RBAC enables you to define fine-grained access policies, granting appropriate permissions to different users and groups based on their roles. With RBAC, you can ensure that only authorized individuals can perform specific actions within your AKS environment. This tutorial will guide you through the process of implementing RBAC in AKS.


Before getting started, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  • An Azure subscription
  • An AKS cluster deployed
  • Azure CLI installed

Step 1: Create Azure AD Users or Groups

To implement RBAC in AKS, you need to create Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) users or groups. Follow these steps:

  • Create Azure AD users or groups using the Azure portal or Azure CLI.
  • Make note of the Object ID for each user or group, which will be used in the next steps.

Step 2: Define RBAC Roles

Next, you need to define RBAC roles to control access to AKS resources. Follow these steps:

  • Identify the specific permissions required for each role, such as read-only access or cluster administration.
  • Create custom RBAC roles using Azure CLI commands, or use the built-in roles provided by AKS, such as "Azure Kubernetes Service Cluster User" or "Azure Kubernetes Service Cluster Admin".
  • Assign the appropriate roles to Azure AD users or groups using the following Azure CLI command:

Step 3: Verify RBAC Access

After defining RBAC roles and assigning them to users or groups, you can verify the access within your AKS cluster. Follow these steps:

  • Authenticate with Azure AD and obtain the AKS credentials using the following Azure CLI command:
  • Verify the access by running commands against the AKS cluster, such as:

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Not defining granular RBAC roles and relying solely on built-in roles.
  • Assigning incorrect roles to users or groups, granting excessive or insufficient permissions.
  • Forgetting to update RBAC roles when user or group access requirements change.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i create custom rbac roles in aks.

Yes, you can create custom RBAC roles using Azure CLI commands or Azure portal. Custom roles allow you to define specific permissions for your AKS resources.

How can I list the RBAC role assignments in AKS?

You can list the RBAC role assignments using the following Azure CLI command:

Can I assign multiple RBAC roles to a user or group?

Yes, you can assign multiple RBAC roles to a user or group, allowing them to have different levels of access to different resources within your AKS cluster.

Can I assign RBAC roles to Azure AD service principals?

Yes, you can assign RBAC roles to Azure AD service principals, which are used for authentication and authorization of applications accessing your AKS cluster.

How can I remove an RBAC role assignment in AKS?

To remove an RBAC role assignment, use the following Azure CLI command:

Implementing Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is crucial for fine-grained access management and securing your AKS clusters. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can create Azure AD users or groups, define RBAC roles, and assign them to users or groups. Avoid common mistakes like not defining granular roles or assigning incorrect permissions. With RBAC in AKS, you can ensure that the right individuals have appropriate access to your AKS resources, enhancing security and maintaining control over your cluster environment.

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While deploying to AKS cluster we might sometime face permission issue like "Unable to execute list release command" despite following the docs here /docs/platform/connectors/cloud-providers/add-a-microsoft-azure-connector/#aks-role-requirements

Problem Statement ​

we are not able to perform deployment to target cluster as it throws below error.

"Error: query: failed to query with labels: secrets is forbidden: User "addd761x-f76d-89f7-ee6f-21fgec090a7a" cannot list resource "secrets" in API group "" in the namespace "default": User does not have access to the resource in Azure. Update role assignment to allow access."

aks update role assignment to allow access

Resolution ​

From the error it seems the user addd is trying to access secret resource (cluster) of which it does not have access.

We need to update the creds such that the tenent have access to this clusters resources or add the particular role to the AKS cluster that would authorise the access to resources. Adding the group which contained user ID in Cluster admin ClusterRoleBinding should solve the issue [In Cluster configurations].

To further verify if we a list permission which seems to be misssing, we will run the following commands? This will ensure that their creds are valid and have the required permissions?

AzCLI Login on Harness Delegate using the creds with which they created the connector

az login --service-principal -u <app-id> -p <password-or-cert> --tenant <tenant>

Now, get access credentials for a managed Kubernetes cluster.

az aks get-credentials --name MyManagedCluster --resource-group MyResourceGroup

Next, convert the kubeconfig to spn format using kubelogin binary

Now, verify that the creds are able to access fetch the secrets in default namespace

kubectl get secrets -n default

For all of the above steps delegate must have kubelogin and azcli installed

After running the commands if you see following error :

the error Error from server (Forbidden): secrets is forbidden: User "eccd991a-e39a-47d3-aa7f-36bddc340d4a" cannot list resource "secrets" in API group "" in the namespace "default": User does not have access to the resource in Azure. Update role assignment to allow access shows that User does not have access to the resource in Azure which needs to be provided.

To do so can you please follow the below steps:

Identify the user or service principal: Confirm the identity (user or service principal) associated with the “addd761x-f76d-89f7-ee6f-21fgec090a7a” user.

Determine the desired level of access: Decide what level of access you want to grant to the user. For example, you may want to provide read-only access or full control.

Grant appropriate role or permissions: In Azure, you can assign roles to users or service principals to control their access to resources. Here are the steps to assign a role:

  • Open the Azure portal (portal.azure.com) and navigate to the desired resource or scope where the secrets are located.
  • Under the resource’s “Access control (IAM)” section, click on “Add role assignment” or “Add”.
  • In the “Add role assignment” dialog, select the desired role that grants access to secrets, such as “Secrets Reader” or a custom role with appropriate permissions.
  • Specify the user or service principal “addd761x-f76d-89f7-ee6f-21fgec090a7” as the assignee. Save the role assignment.
  • Verify access: After the role assignment is saved, the user “addd761x-f76d-89f7-ee6f-21fgec090a7” should now have the necessary permissions to list secrets in the “default” namespace.
  • Problem Statement



Using Azure RBAC to Secure AKS Clusters

Role-based access control (RBAC) is the way that Azure secures access to its resources. With recent advancements in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), you are now able to use this same security mechanism to control access to your AKS clusters!

Being able to use this same mechanism means that your existing Azure RBAC knowledge and experience transfers to Kubernetes cluster security, not to mention the additional security benefits of Azure access control. This blog post will go over how to create and control access to AKS clusters with RBAC.

Creating the cluster

Currently, the way to create an AKS cluster that is secured by RBAC, you need to specify --enable-aad and --enable-azure-rbac when creating the cluster:

And that’s it! Now you have an AKS cluster with RBAC!

Built-in AKS RBAC roles

If you already have experience with Azure RBAC, you know that it is based on permissions that are given to roles . To give a security principal access you create a role assignment .

Oftentimes you can utilize built-in roles for Azure RBAC, and that’s no different with AKS. Here is a current list of AKS RBAC roles:

To see the specific permissions in a role, you can do the following:

Designating cluster admins

To designate a user as a cluster admin, assign the Azure Kubernetes Service RBAC Cluster Admin role:

This gives the user cluster admin privileges on the scope of a specific AKS cluster.

User cluster access

Not every user of the AKS cluster should be a cluster admin though. It’s a typical use-case to grant a user just the ability to work inside a specific namespace. Remember to adhere to the principle of least privilege !

User credentials

To connect to your Kubernetes cluster from your local machine with kubectl , you need to retrieve your credentials:

For a user with no RBAC permissions, you’ll get the following error:

The client ‘[email protected]’ with object id ‘…’ does not have authorization to perform action ‘Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/listClusterUserCredential/action’ over scope ‘/subscriptions/…/resourceGroups/rg1/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/aks1’ or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials.

To give a user the ability to get credentials to this AKS cluster, you need to grant the principal Azure Kubernetes Service Cluster User Role permissions:

Cluster access

Now the user should be able to successfully run az aks get-credentials . But, by default, if they try to do anything (such as listing pods), they would get an error:

Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User “[email protected]” cannot list resource “pods” in API group “” in the namespace “default”: User does not have access to the resource in Azure. Update role assignment to allow access.

This user effectively has no permissions in the AKS cluster. If you want to give the user the ability to read everything in the AKS cluster, you can grant Azure Kubernetes Service RBAC Reader for the scope of the whole cluster:

Now this user will be able to successfully run kubectl get pods .

Namespace access

Users typically need write access in one or more namespaces (for instance, a dev team that needs to create Kubernetes resources in the cluster). If a user tries to create (i.e. “write”) a deployment, for example, in that namespace:

They would get the following error:

error: failed to create deployment: deployments.apps is forbidden: User “[email protected]” cannot create resource “deployments” in API group “apps” in the namespace “appnamespace”: User does not have access to the resource in Azure. Update role assignment to allow access.

To grant this user write access in only that namespace, grant Azure Kubernetes Service RBAC Writer permissions at the scope of only the namespace:

Note that the --scope is in the formation of AKS_ID/namespaces/NAMESPACE .

Now this user will be able to successfully create that deployment in the appnamespace namespace, but in no other namespace!

AKS is a great service allowing users to run managed Kubernetes clusters. With the security flow and familiarity of RBAC for access to the clusters, it makes it an even easier experience to work with!

Authenticate to Azure from Python

Using journalctl Effectively

Further Reading

Cheap aks update - basic load balancer.

I recently wrote about how to run Kubernetes in Azure the cheap way. Since then I’ve learned that there is another thing we can do for even more savings! Note: Just like the in previous blog post,...

SSH into AKS Nodes

One of the great things about Kubernetes is that it abstracts away the underlying compute so that we only have to worry about our application workload running on the cluster. But there might be a c...

Schedule AKS Clusters to Start and Stop Automatically

Want your dev AKS clusters running only during working hours? Need your test AKS clusters to run only when weekly tests are running? One of the really great features of AKS is the ability to stop...

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Cluster-user can't access to AKS cluster with RBAC enabled #505


mleneveut commented Jul 6, 2018 • edited


jonaspetersorensen commented Jul 6, 2018

Sorry, something went wrong.

mleneveut commented Jul 6, 2018

  • 👍 1 reaction
  • 👍 2 reactions


amanohar commented Jul 6, 2018

  • 👍 3 reactions

jonaspetersorensen commented Jul 7, 2018

Mleneveut commented jul 9, 2018.


mswidde commented Aug 10, 2018


sowsan commented Sep 14, 2018 • edited

Mleneveut commented nov 7, 2018.


weinong commented Nov 7, 2018

Mleneveut commented nov 8, 2018.


ajinkya599 commented Nov 27, 2018 • edited


yves-vogl commented Dec 8, 2018

  • 🎉 1 reaction

weinong commented Dec 8, 2018

Ajinkya599 commented dec 10, 2018.


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What are the roles required to create namespace in Azure Kubernetes Service?

I am getting "namespaces is forbidden: User cannot create resource "namespaces" in API group " at the cluster scope: User does not have access to the resource in Azure. Update role assignment to allow access"

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) An Azure service that provides serverless Kubernetes, an integrated continuous integration and continuous delivery experience, and enterprise-grade security and governance. 1,856 questions Sign in to follow

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If an answer has been helpful, please consider  accepting the answer  to help increase visibility of this question for other members of the Microsoft Q&A community. If not, please let us know what is still needed in the comments so the question can be answered. Thank you for helping to improve Microsoft Q&A!

User's image

Namespaces is forbidden. User cannot create resource "namespaces" in API group " at the cluster scope: User does not have access to the resource in Azure. Update role assignment to allow access

The error message indicates that the user account you are using does not have the necessary permissions to create namespaces in the Kubernetes cluster.

To resolve this issue, you will need to update the role assignment for the user account to allow access to the necessary resources. You can do this by following these steps:

  • Open the Azure portal and navigate to the Kubernetes cluster that you are working with.
  • Click on "Access control (IAM)" in the left-hand menu.
  • Click on the "Add" button at the top of the page to add a new role assignment.
  • In the "Add role assignment" pane, select the appropriate role that grants the necessary permissions to create namespaces. For example, you could select the "Kubernetes Cluster Administrator" role.
  • In the "Assign access to" section, select "User, group, or service principal".
  • In the "Select" field, enter the name of the user account that you are using.
  • Click on the "Save" button to save the new role assignment.

Once you have updated the role assignment, you should be able to create namespaces in the Kubernetes cluster without encountering an error message. Reference: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/role-based-access-control/built-in-roles#azure-kubernetes-service-cluster-admin-role

Please accept answer and upvote if the above information is helpful for the benefit of the community.

For anyone who is like me and still had issues. There are two different roles:

Azure Kubernetes Service RBAC Admin

Azure Kubernetes Service RBAC Cluster Admin

The second one (as mentioned above) is the one that you need. I added the first one and could do everything but namespaces (as the role says when I read the fine print). /sigh


  1. Kubernetes RBAC Role & Role Binding with Azure AD on AKS

    aks update role assignment to allow access

  2. Overview of Azure Active Directory role-based access control (RBAC

    aks update role assignment to allow access

  3. Kubernetes RBAC Role & Role Binding with Azure AD on AKS

    aks update role assignment to allow access

  4. Kubernetes RBAC Role & Role Binding with Azure AD on AKS

    aks update role assignment to allow access

  5. Kubernetes RBAC Role & Role Binding with Azure AD on AKS

    aks update role assignment to allow access

  6. Getting Started with Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

    aks update role assignment to allow access


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  1. Use Azure role-based access control for Kubernetes Authorization

    Roles assignments scoped to the entire AKS cluster can be done either on the Access Control (IAM) blade of the cluster resource on Azure portal or by using the following Azure CLI commands:. Get your AKS resource ID using the az aks show command.. AKS_ID=$(az aks show -g myResourceGroup -n myManagedCluster --query id -o tsv)

  2. aks not showing the list of namespaces and workloads

    Update role assignment to allow access.. '[email protected]' does not have the required Kubernetes permissions to view this resource. Ensure you have the correct role/role binding for this user or group. Similarly for workloads as well. But when I try from console the following commands I get the required list of namespaces pods or services.

  3. Use Microsoft Entra ID and Kubernetes RBAC for clusters

    Create an Azure role assignment to grant members of the group the Azure Kubernetes Service Cluster User Role. ... we'll configure the AKS cluster to allow these different groups access to specific resources. Get the cluster admin credentials using the az aks get-credentials command. In one of the ... Test the SRE access to the AKS cluster ...

  4. Concepts

    With Azure RBAC, you create a role definition that outlines the permissions to be applied. You then assign a user or group this role definition via a role assignment for a particular scope.The scope can be an individual resource, a resource group, or across the subscription.

  5. Access control in AKS (Role-based access control RBAC)

    RBAC is the authorization system you use to manage access to Azure resources. To grant access, you assign roles to users, groups, service principals, or managed identities at a particular scope. In basic terms: A role is a set of permissions; A subject is an object that is assigned the role (e.g. a user or application in Azure AD)

  6. Kubernetes RBAC Role & Role Binding with Azure AD on AKS

    Step-01: Introduction. AKS can be configured to use Azure AD for Authentication which we have seen in our previous section. In addition, we can also configure Kubernetes role-based access control (RBAC) to limit access to cluster resources based a user's identity or group membership. Understand about Kubernetes RBAC Role & Role Binding.

  7. Azure RBAC for Kubernetes authorization

    Update role assignment to allow access. What is working with kubectl does not work with the Kubernetes resource view in the Azure portal as the resource view requires permission to list all namespaces on an AKS cluster. We will solve this with a custom role. Custom role - AKS Namespace Viewer

  8. K8S RBAC Cluster Role & Role Binding with AD on AKS

    Step-05: Create Kubernetes RBAC ClusterRole & ClusterRoleBinding. # As AKS Cluster Admin (--admin) az aks get-credentials --resource-group aks-rg3 --name aksdemo3 --admin. # Create Kubernetes Role and Role Binding. kubectl apply -f kube-manifests/. # Verify ClusterRole & ClusterRoleBinding. kubectl get clusterrole.

  9. RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) in AKS

    Implementing Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is crucial for fine-grained access management and securing your AKS clusters. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can create Azure AD users or groups, define RBAC roles, and assign them to users or groups.

  10. Permission issue for AKS deployments

    Here are the steps to assign a role: Open the Azure portal (portal.azure.com) and navigate to the desired resource or scope where the secrets are located. Under the resource's "Access control (IAM)" section, click on "Add role assignment" or "Add". In the "Add role assignment" dialog, select the desired role that grants access ...

  11. Using Azure RBAC to Secure AKS Clusters

    Built-in AKS RBAC roles. If you already have experience with Azure RBAC, you know that it is based on permissions that are given to roles. To give a security principal access you create a role assignment. Oftentimes you can utilize built-in roles for Azure RBAC, and that's no different with AKS. Here is a current list of AKS RBAC roles:

  12. Use a managed identity in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

    Before you begin. Make sure you have Azure CLI version 2.23.0 or later installed. Run az --version to find the version. If you need to install or upgrade, see Install Azure CLI.. To use a pre-created kubelet managed identity, you need Azure CLI version 2.26.0 or later installed.. To update managed identity on an existing cluster, you need Azure CLI version 2.49.0 or later installed.

  13. Custom cluster role binding doesn't seem to work #2803

    Update role assignment to allow access. What you expected to happen: Access the cluster resources from the group of users specified in cluster-role-binding. How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible): Create an AKS cluster with azure AD enabled and try using a AAD group user to access the cluster with custom cluster-role ...

  14. Cluster-user can't access to AKS cluster with RBAC enabled #505

    We can access the cluster as a cluster-admin : az aks get-credentials --resource-group myAKSCluster --name myAKSCluster --admin. kubectl get nodes. set the provided code in the Azure device login page. get the nodes details : OK. But for a normal user : az aks get-credentials --resource-group myAKSCluster --name myAKSCluster.

  15. New AAD user can't access AKS resources : r/AZURE

    Update role assignment to allow access. But they already double-checked and we have the same access level. How can I debug this further? He can show stuff using az-cli, for example he can use az aks nodepool list and list the information for the cluster's node pools.

  16. How to allow AKS Cluster access to Azure Container Registry: issues

    I am following Kubeflow's End-to-End Pipeline Example on Azure tutorial and am stuck on how to allow the AKS Cluster access the Azure Container Registry. ... content. This browser is no longer supported. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. ... az role assignment create ...

  17. User can't get cluster resources

    Cause 1: Incorrect role and role binding permissions. When you enable role-based access control (RBAC) for your AKS cluster, you control the permissions for a User through Role and RoleBinding (or ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding) settings. If a User hasn't defined the correct permissions, the User sees errors when it tries to get the details ...

  18. Insufficient privileges to view Azure Kubernetes (AKS) resources which

    Ensure you have the correct role/role binding for this user or group. When creating the cluster, the --aad-admin-group-object-ids option was given the ID of an AD Group which is already used to manage another cluster, and I have sufficient privileges to view that cluster's resources.

  19. What are the roles required to create namespace in Azure Kubernetes

    Open the Azure portal and navigate to the Kubernetes cluster that you are working with. Click on "Access control (IAM)" in the left-hand menu. Click on the "Add" button at the top of the page to add a new role assignment. In the "Add role assignment" pane, select the appropriate role that grants the necessary permissions to create namespaces.

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    Question and details How can I allow a Kubernetes cluster in Azure to talk to an Azure Container Registry via terraform? I want to load custom images from my Azure Container Registry. Unfortunat...