Higher Education Permission Letter: 4 Free Templates

A few of us always have an undying desire to acquire further studies 📚 and improve our education for a better future. But this can be challenging once you start working full-time in a company. 

As an employee, you are under a contract 🧾 of the company and are required to follow the policies of the company. You can make an effort to change the situation by writing 📝 a permission letter for further studies. 

Let’s discover all about it 😀

Table of Contents

What to Write in a Permission Letter for higher Studies 

Writing 🖋️ to your employer or supervisor can be a nerve-wracking thing, especially when you want to make such a big decision. What are all the points that you need to write in this letter? 

Let’s find out 🔎 in these pointers. 

  • First and foremost, give a brief introduction to yourself. Write your full name, place of designation, department of work in the office, and other employee details. 
  • Right after this, notify the authorities regarding the purpose of the letter- to seek permission for further 📖 studies. 
  • To set up a reasonable scenario, write all those details that are related to this study program. Mention the name of the 🎒 institution, subject of study, and other concerning information. 
  • Answer these questions while writing your letter – “why and when did you apply for this study program?” Answering these two ✌️ questions will give a good idea to the reader about your interest in studies. 
  • Throw some light 🕯️ on all the benefits you and the company could acquire by permitting you to study further while working in this company. 
  • Writing assuring words about managing your study and 💼 work. Reason out as to how you will balance these two things without hampering both of them.
  • Show your enthusiasm for the study and how you wish to take up this opportunity. 
  • Write a humble request 🙏 seeking permission from the authorities to continue your studies and work together. 
  • End the letter with a hope ☀️ to receive a positive response. 

How to Write a Permission Letter for Further Studies (Tips)

While writing a letter, there are certain points that need to be highlighted more than others. What are those points? Stop wondering, and start reading this section. It is filled with all those tips that can make your request ✉️ letter a top-notch one. 

An integral part of this letter revolves around your capability of ensuring the authorities. Try to build a bond 😁 of assurance through your words, and focus on how you can manage your studies and work hand in hand. 

Reasoning power

Reasoning power will give you an upper hand. If you can give reasonable points for delving into both your studies 📚 and a job at once, your request may get accepted. 

Humble request

Reflect politeness 😊 in your words. A humble request will show your resident toward the authorities. 

Highlight the benefits 

A company is always drifted by the aspect of benefits. If you successfully advance in showing your employer 👩‍💼 that joining this course could be advantageous for the company in the future, the letter could receive a positive response. 

Template: 1

Permission Letter for Further Studies

(Name of the sender)

(Designation of the respective person)

(Name of the address)

Subject- Letter of Permission for Further Studies

Respected madam/sir,

This letter is to inform (mention the name of the person) that I (mention your name) student of (mention the name of the college or name of the institution) would like to say you that I want to continue my further studies from (mention the name of the university).

Getting into this college was a dream. For my graduation, I didn’t get a chance to get into it, but for my post-graduate, I make up for it. I am really happy about it.

Now, I will be able to achieve what I have always dreamed of. This is a request to you please grant my permission for my further studies at your University.

Lastly, I would like to request you please grant my permission so that I can learn more and complete my further studies. I would like to assure you that I will work hard and will work with all my dedication. Please do grant my permission. I will be highly obliged to you.

For any further information or queries, you can reach me at (mention phone number) or through an email (mention email address).

Thanking you

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Template: 2

[Name of the sender]

[Address and contact details of the sender]

[Mention the name of the recipient]

[Designation of the recipient]

[Name of the institution]

[Mention the contact details]

This letter is to let you know (mention the name of the person) that I (mention your name), a student of (mention the name of the college or name of the institution), would like to inform you that I want to pursue my higher studies at the institution (mention the name of the university).

Getting into this institution was a lifelong dream of mine. For my graduation course, I didn’t get a chance to get admission to that institute, but for my course post-graduation, I make up for it. I am very excited about it.

Now, I will be able to walk on the path of what I have always dreamed of. This is my sincere request to you please grant me permission for my further studies at your University.

Lastly, I would like to offer you my request to please permit me so I can learn more and complete my further studies. I would like to tell you that I will definitely work hard and will with all my dedication. Please do permit me.

I will be highly obliged to you.

For any additional information or queries, you can reach me at (mention phone number) or through an email (mention email address).

With regards,

Template: 3

I am writing this letter to let you know (mention the name of the person) that I (mention your name), a student of (mention the name of the college or name of the institution), would like to state to you that

I want to continue my dream of higher studies at the institution (mention the name of the university). Getting admission into this institution was a long-cherished dream of mine.

For my graduation course, I didn’t get the opportunity to get admission to that institute, but for my post-graduation course, I have become successful.

I am very thrilled regarding this. Now, I will be able to continue my studies about what I have always dreamed of. This is my heartfelt request to you; please offer me permission for my higher studies at your University.

Lastly, I would like to beg you to please permit me so that I can learn about many more new things and complete my further studies. I would like to let you know that I will definitely study hard and will with all my dedication. Please do offer me permission.

I will be highly indebted to you.

For any information or questions, please feel free to reach me at (mention phone number) or through an email (mention email address).

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Rahul Panchal

“Business, marketing, and blogging – these three words describe me the best. I am the founder of Burban Branding and Media, and a self-taught marketer with 10 years of experience. My passion lies in helping startups enhance their business through marketing, HR, leadership, and finance. I am on a mission to assist businesses in achieving their goals.”

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Home » Letters » Permission Letters » Letter Seeking Permission for Further Studies – Sample Letter Requesting Permission for Further Studies

Letter Seeking Permission for Further Studies – Sample Letter Requesting Permission for Further Studies

application letter for higher education permission

Table of Contents:

  • Sample Letter

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To, The Employer, ____________ (Name Of The Company), ____________ (Address)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Permission for higher studies

Respected Sir/Madam,

I would like to state that my name is ___________ (Name) and I am working in your __________ (Company/ Institution) for last _______ (Months/ Years – Duration). I work as a ___________ (Designation) in __________ (Department).

Respectfully, I would state that I received a good opportunity for persuing _____________ (Course) from ____________ (Institute’s Name) which would help me in enhancing my skills and polishing my knowledge. I believe that this course will help me serve your _____________ (Company/ Institution) better.

Kindly grant me ___________ (study/ sabbatical/ unpaid/ any other) leave so that I can persue higher education.

Yours Truly, __________ (Signature) __________ (Name), __________ (Designation)

Live Preview

The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here’s how to use it:

  • Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea.
  • Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags in HTML for better readability.

The letter writing editor allows you to start with predefined templates for drafting your letters:

  • Choose a Template: Click one of the template buttons ("Start with Sample Template 1", "Start with Sample Template 2", or "Start with Sample Template 3").
  • Auto-Fill Textarea: The chosen template's content will automatically fill the textarea, which you can then modify or use as is.

Click the "Download Letter" button after composing your letter. This triggers a download of a file containing the content of your letter.

Click the "Share via Email" button after composing your letter. Your default email client will open a new message window with the subject "Sharing My Draft Letter" and the content of your letter in the body.

Click the "Share via WhatsApp" button after you've composed your letter. Your default browser will open a new tab prompting you to send the letter as a message to a contact on WhatsApp.

If you want to copy the text of your letter to the clipboard:

  • Copy to Clipboard: Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button after composing your letter.
  • Paste Anywhere: You can then paste the copied text anywhere you need, such as into another application or document.

For printing the letter directly from the browser:

  • Print Letter: Click the "Print Letter" button after composing your letter.
  • Print Preview: A new browser window will open showing your letter formatted for printing.
  • Print: Use the print dialog in the browser to complete printing.
  • A: Address the recipient respectfully using appropriate titles such as "Respected Sir/Madam" or "Dear [Recipient's Name]."
  • A: Yes, providing the duration of your employment helps give context to your request.
  • A: Yes, clearly mention the type of leave you are requesting, whether it's study leave, sabbatical, unpaid leave, or any other applicable option.
  • A: Yes, briefly explain how the course will enhance your skills and contribute to your professional development, as well as how it will benefit the company.
  • A: Yes, expressing gratitude shows professionalism and appreciation for the employer's consideration of your request.

Incoming Search Terms:

  • sample letter asking permission for higher education
  • request letter to company for availing leave for higher education

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application letter for higher education permission

Sample Letter Asking Requesting Or Seeking Permission

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]

[Today's Date]

[Recipient's Name]

[Recipient's Title/Position]

[Company/Organization Name]

Subject: Request for Permission [or Specific Permission You're Seeking]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request permission [or specify the type of permission you are seeking] from [Company/Organization Name]. I am [briefly introduce yourself and your role, if applicable, e.g., an employee, a student, etc.].

The purpose of my request is [provide a concise explanation of the reason for seeking permission]. I believe that this [activity or situation] will [mention the positive outcomes or benefits that will arise from obtaining the permission].

I assure you that I will adhere to all the guidelines, policies, and regulations set forth by [Company/Organization Name] while carrying out this [activity or situation]. I am committed to maintaining the utmost professionalism and responsibility throughout the process.

If necessary, I am more than willing to provide any additional information or documentation that may be required to support my request. Moreover, I am open to discussing the details of my proposal at your earliest convenience to address any concerns you might have.

I sincerely value the importance of seeking permission in advance and ensuring that all actions are conducted with integrity and respect for the policies set by [Company/Organization Name]. I understand that your decision may be based on various factors, and I genuinely appreciate your time and consideration of my request.

Please find attached any relevant supporting documents [if applicable]. If there is a specific form or process for seeking such permissions, kindly inform me, and I will comply accordingly.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your prompt response, and I hope to receive a positive decision from [Company/Organization Name].

Should you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address].

Once again, thank you for your attention to this matter.

application letter for higher education permission

Sample Request Letter for Permission to Study by Employee

Sample Request Letter for Permission to Study by Employee

[Below briefly focus on Sample Request Letter for Permission to Study by Employee. You can follow this sample letter asking permission to study while working or requesting permission to further study. You can also follow these applications for permission to continue to study. Customize the content according to the information you want to convey.]


Boss/Manager/Higher Authority…

Department Name…

Company/Institute name…

Office Address…

Sub: Letter Requesting Permission to Study

Respected Sir,

I am writing this letter to you so that I can ask for your permission. It is stated that I am doing my job with full of my dedications from last 2 years (More/less). Now I want to continue my studies from a university, I know it’s against the company’s policy that not work and study at any place during the contract.

Sir, I want to continue my studies which I have left two years ago, But please allow me; you won’t face any disturbance in my work I guarantee you. I request you to help me with my studies fee and give me permission to take my university classes. So I can continue my job and studies both parallel.

Your name…

Job Designation…

Another format,

Sub: Application for Permission of Study

With due respect, it is stated that I am serving as a lecturer (Job position) in your prestigious institute (School/ college name) from (Date), during this period I tried my best to serve and to some extent I have become one of the hardworking teachers during this period. (Describe in your own words). As you know I have written five research journals published from (Publisher or Publications name) and won many awards of the best researcher at a national and international level. (Explain the actual cause and situation).

Now I am planning to go for my Ph.D. (Explain your future plan). As per policy of your institute you give permission to your employs when they complete two years (Institute rules and regulations). (Cordially Describe your requirements). It will be your great favor if you give me permission for a further study

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University Application Letter Example: Free & Effective

In this article, I’ll guide you through a comprehensive, step-by-step process to write an impactful university application letter, including customizable templates to get you started.

Key Takeaways Understand the University’s Requirements: Each university has unique criteria and values. Tailor your application to reflect these. Start with a Strong Opening: Your opening statement should be engaging and reflective of your personality. Highlight Your Academic Achievements: Showcase your academic strengths and relevant accomplishments. Include Extracurricular Activities: Universities look for well-rounded individuals. Highlight your extracurricular involvements. Showcase Your Goals and Aspirations: Clearly articulate your future goals and how the university can help you achieve them. Proofread and Edit: Ensure your application is free from errors and well-structured. Seek Feedback: Before submission, get feedback from mentors or peers. Use the Provided Template: Adapt the template provided at the end of this article to suit your needs.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: research and understand the university’s criteria.

Before you start writing, research the university and the specific program you’re applying to. Understand what they value in their students—is it leadership, community involvement, or academic excellence? This will help you tailor your application to resonate with the admissions committee.

Real-Life Example: When I applied to the University of XYZ for their journalism program, I noticed their emphasis on real-world experience. So, I highlighted my internship at a local newspaper and my role as an editor for my school’s magazine.

Step 2: Crafting a Strong Opening

Your opening paragraph should grab the reader’s attention. Start with a personal anecdote, a unique insight, or a compelling fact about your field of interest. This sets the tone for the rest of your application and gives the admissions committee a glimpse of your personality.

Table: Example Openings for Different Fields

Step 3: Highlighting Academic Achievements and Skills

Trending now: find out why.

In this section, focus on your academic strengths. Mention awards, high grades, or any unique academic projects. Also, include skills relevant to your field of study.

List: Items to Include

  • GPA (if it’s a strong point)
  • Awards or honors
  • Significant projects or research
  • Relevant skills (e.g., coding, lab techniques)

Step 4: Extracurricular Involvements

Universities seek well-rounded individuals. Discuss your involvement in sports, clubs, volunteer work, or any other extracurricular activities. Explain how these experiences have shaped you.

Chart: Extracurricular Activity and Its Impact

Step 5: Articulating Your Goals and Aspirations

Explain why you’re applying to this program and how it aligns with your career goals. Be specific about how this university, in particular, can help you achieve these goals.

Step 6: Proofreading and Editing

A well-written application is free from grammatical errors and is well-structured. Take time to proofread your application or use tools like Grammarly. Also, getting a second opinion can be invaluable.

Step 7: Seeking Feedback

Before finalizing your application, get feedback from a teacher, mentor, or someone who has been through the process. They can provide insights and suggestions for improvement.

University Application Letter Example Template

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Admissions Office] [University Name] [University Address] [City, State, Zip]

Dear Admissions Committee,

Introduction: Your Passion and Purpose I am writing to express my enthusiastic application for the [Program Name] at [University Name].

My interest in [Subject or Field of Study] was sparked by [brief personal anecdote or experience that ignited your passion in the field].

This program, renowned for its [mention specific attributes of the program or faculty], resonates deeply with my academic interests and career aspirations.

Academic Background: Showcasing Your Achievements My academic journey thus far has been a blend of diligence and curiosity. At [Your Current or Previous School], I achieved [mention any notable academic achievements, honors, or GPA if relevant].

Particularly, I found my experience in [mention any significant project or research experience], which further solidified my desire to pursue [mention the field of study or research interests]. This experience has equipped me with [mention relevant skills or knowledge gained].

Extracurricular Involvements: Demonstrating a Well-Rounded Profile Beyond academics, I have engaged in [mention significant extracurricular activities], where I developed [mention skills or experiences gained].

For instance, my involvement in [mention a specific activity] helped me hone my skills in [mention relevant skills like leadership, teamwork, etc.].

These experiences have not only enriched my understanding of [mention how these activities tie into your chosen field or personal growth] but also prepared me for the collaborative and diverse environment at [University Name].

Career Aspirations: Connecting Your Goals with the University My goal is to [mention your career or research goals]. I am particularly drawn to [University Name] because of [mention specific courses, faculty members, research opportunities, or campus resources that align with your goals].

I am eager to contribute to [mention any specific university clubs, groups, or activities you plan to engage in] and immerse myself in the vibrant community at [University Name].

Conclusion: Reinforcing Your Commitment and Fit I am excited about the prospect of joining [University Name] and am confident that my background and aspirations align well with the ethos of your institution.

I am eager to bring my passion for [Subject or Field of Study] to your esteemed program and look forward to the opportunity to contribute to and learn from the diverse and talented community at [University Name].

Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the possibility of contributing to and growing within the [University Name] community.

[Your Name]

NOTE: This template is a starting point. Adapt it to suit your style and the specific requirements of the university and program you are applying to.

Writing a university application can be a transformative journey of self-discovery and reflection. By following these steps and using the provided template, you’re well on your way to creating an application that not only stands out but also truly represents who you are.

Your Feedback Matters!

Did you find this guide helpful? Do you have any specific strategies that worked for you in your university applications?

Share your experiences and suggestions in the comments below – your insights could be invaluable to others embarking on their application journey!

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Q: what should i include in my university application letter to stand out.

Answer : In my experience, including a personal anecdote that highlights your unique qualities and aligns with the university’s values can really make your application letter stand out. It’s not just about listing achievements; it’s about telling your story in a way that resonates with the admissions committee.

Q: How can I make my university application letter more personal?

Answer : I’ve found that researching the specific program and faculty at the university and mentioning how they align with my academic interests and career goals adds a personal touch to the application letter. It shows the admissions committee that you’re genuinely interested in what they offer and not just sending a generic letter.

Q: Is it necessary to mention my academic achievements in my university application letter?

Answer : Absolutely, mentioning your academic achievements is crucial, but it’s equally important to contextualize them. In my letters, I always connect my achievements to broader personal goals or experiences, giving the admissions committee a sense of who I am beyond the numbers.

Q: How long should my university application letter be?

Answer : From my experience, keeping the application letter to about one page is ideal. It’s long enough to cover essential aspects of your profile and motivation, yet concise enough to maintain the reader’s interest and respect their time.

Q: Can I use the same application letter for multiple universities?

Answer : While it’s tempting to use the same letter for efficiency, I always tailor my letters to each university. Personalizing the letter to reflect how I resonate with each specific institution’s ethos and offerings significantly increases the impact of my application.

Q: How do I address a gap in my academic or professional journey in my application letter?

Answer : I’ve addressed gaps in my journey by framing them as periods of learning and growth, highlighting how the experiences gained during the gap contribute to my academic and professional aspirations. This shows resilience and a proactive attitude to the admissions committee.

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  • Sample Letter Of Request For Study Sponsorship

Aspiring students often face financial challenges when pursuing their educational dreams, whether at the high school, undergraduate, master's, or doctoral level. To help alleviate these obstacles and secure sponsorships, we have prepared four templates for requesting study sponsorship. Each template addresses a specific level of education and is designed to convey the student's passion for learning and commitment to academic excellence.The templates cover various academic stages, ranging from high school to doctoral programs, and emphasize the importance of sponsor support in fulfilling the student's educational aspirations. Each letter expresses genuine gratitude for the potential sponsor's consideration and highlights the applicant's dedication to excelling in their chosen field of study.By utilizing these templates, students can effectively communicate their financial needs and demonstrate their determination to make a positive impact through education. Personalizing these letters with specific details, such as the name of the recipient and the student's academic achievements, will make the request more compelling and persuasive.We believe that with these templates as a starting point, students can confidently reach out to potential sponsors and increase their chances of obtaining the necessary financial assistance to pursue their academic endeavors. Education is a gateway to success, and we hope these templates will help students on their journey towards a brighter future.

Template Letter of Request for Study Sponsorship - High School

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient's Name] [Organization/Company Name] [Address] [City, State, ZIP]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to humbly request your sponsorship to support my high school education at [Name of High School]. I am a dedicated and hardworking student with a strong academic record, and I am determined to pursue higher education to achieve my career aspirations.

Unfortunately, my family's financial situation poses a significant challenge in funding my education. Despite their best efforts, they are unable to bear the full cost of tuition, fees, and other educational expenses.

I believe that with your generous support, I will be able to focus on my studies without the burden of financial constraints. Your sponsorship will not only assist me in achieving my educational goals but also open doors to a brighter future.

I am committed to excelling in my studies and giving back to the community through active participation in extracurricular activities and volunteering. I am more than willing to provide progress reports and updates on my academic achievements to keep you informed about the impact of your sponsorship.

Thank you for considering my request. Your support will make a significant difference in my life and help me reach my full potential. I am eager to discuss this opportunity further and can be reached at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address].

[Your Name]

Template Letter of Request for Study Sponsorship - Undergraduate Degree

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to seek your kind sponsorship to support my undergraduate studies at [Name of University/College]. As a passionate and ambitious student, I am eager to pursue a degree in [Your Chosen Field of Study].

I come from a family with limited financial resources, and the cost of attending university is beyond our means. However, I firmly believe that education is the key to a successful future, and with your support, I can turn my dreams into reality.

Your sponsorship will not only alleviate the financial burden on my family but also motivate me to excel academically and contribute positively to society. I am committed to maintaining high academic standards and actively engaging in extracurricular activities that promote personal and professional growth.

I assure you that your investment in my education will be used wisely, and I will provide periodic updates on my academic progress and achievements. Additionally, I am open to representing your organization as a grateful sponsored student and participating in any relevant events or programs.

Thank you for considering my request. I am eager to discuss this opportunity further and can be reached at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address].

Template Letter of Request for Study Sponsorship - Master's Program

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request your sponsorship to pursue a Master's degree in [Your Chosen Field of Study] at [Name of University/College]. I am deeply passionate about this field and believe that higher education will empower me to make a significant impact in the future.

As an ambitious student, I have maintained an excellent academic record throughout my academic journey. However, funding my Master's program poses a considerable financial challenge. I am in need of financial assistance to cover tuition, living expenses, and related costs.

Your sponsorship would not only enable me to pursue my academic and career goals but also contribute to research and projects that address real-world challenges. I am dedicated to making a positive difference in my field and society at large.

I am committed to excelling in my studies and actively contributing to the university's community. I am eager to participate in internships, research opportunities, and other experiences that will enhance my skills and knowledge.

Thank you for considering my request. Your support will be a stepping stone toward my personal and professional growth. I am eager to discuss this opportunity further and can be reached at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address].

Template Letter of Request for Study Sponsorship - PhD Program

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to request your generous sponsorship to pursue a Doctoral (PhD) program in [Your Chosen Field of Study] at [Name of University/College]. I am passionate about research and dedicated to making significant contributions to my field.

My academic journey has been marked by academic excellence and a strong commitment to research. However, the cost of a PhD program is substantial, and my family's financial resources are limited. Your sponsorship will be instrumental in making my educational and research aspirations a reality.

I am deeply committed to advancing knowledge in my field and addressing critical issues facing society. Your support will not only enable me to pursue my doctoral studies but also impact the advancement of research and innovation.

I pledge to make the most of this opportunity, dedicating myself to cutting-edge research and collaborating with peers and mentors. I am eager to contribute to conferences, publications, and other academic engagements that promote knowledge dissemination.

Thank you for considering my request. Your support will have a profound impact on my academic and research journey. I am eager to discuss this opportunity further and can be reached at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address].

We are delighted to extend our professional proofreading and writing services to cater to all your business and professional requirements, absolutely free of charge at Englishtemplates.com . Should you need any email, letter, or application templates, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at englishtemplates.com. Kindly leave a comment stating your request, and we will ensure to provide the necessary template at the earliest.

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  • Application For Permission

Application for Permission | Format and Samples

Applying for permission or leave is most often something people worry about. Every time you want to seek permission for something, you will have to write an application for permission to the higher authorities. A permission letter is basically a formal letter written to seek permission for any particular event or occurrence. Read the article to understand the format in which it has to be written.

Table of Contents

How to write a permission letter in english, sample letter of request for permission for 10 days leave, permission letter to principal from parents, permission letter for conducting an event, frequently asked questions on application for permission.

In order to write a permission letter in English, it is essential to know the basic application format for permission. If you want to take leave or plan an event, you will have to get permission to take time off from school/work. Everything is documented and so you will most often be asked to write a letter for permission. To get a clear understanding of the format, we have provided sample letters of request for permission.

Format and Samples of a Formal Letter for Permission

The format of an application for permission is just like that of any other formal letter. The only thing that would change would be the information you provide in the body of the letter. You will have to mention why and when you need permission. You can also state when you would be back. Go through the following sample letters for a clearer idea.

#45, Nandini Layout

Brindavan Nagar

Bangalore  – 560032

11th February, 2022

Girish Nanda

UI Pvt. Ltd.

Bangalore – 560029

Sub: Seeking permission for 10 days leave

I am writing this letter to inform you that I will have to travel to my hometown tomorrow as my sibling is undergoing an emergency surgery. I will have to take 10 days off since my family needs my support. I will make the necessary arrangements on my behalf so that the work doesn’t get delayed in my absence. Kindly understand my concern and grant me permission to go on leave from 12.02.2022 to 23.02.2022. I shall be highly obliged to you for the same.

Awaiting your response.

Customer Success Associate

5/33, Navy Nagar

Bangalore – 560030

February 11, 2022

The Principal

Bangalore -560021

Sub: Application for leave for 5 days

I am Sujay Ahuja, father of Amrita Ahuja (class 6, section C), beg to state that my ward cannot attend classes from the 15th to 19th of this month as she will be travelling to her grandparents’ place because of some medical emergencies. I will make sure she completes all the work assigned and also stays up to date with all the lessons. I request you to kindly permit her leave for the above-mentioned days.

Expecting a positive response from you.

Yours sincerely,


From address


Name of the organisation

Sub: Seeking permission for conducting ____ (event)

With utmost respect, I _____ on behalf of class/batch _____ students, would like to inform that we are conducting a/an _____(event) on ______(date). We have taken permission from our Class Teacher/HOD.

We assure you that there will be no disturbances because of the event, and we shall be responsible for any mishap. Waiting for a positive response from you at the earliest.


Class of ____

How do I write a letter to my higher authority for taking permission for leave from office?

You can write an application seeking permission for leave by following the format of a formal letter. Make sure that the application is written in simple and polite language. Address the letter to your HR or your higher authority. Mention the dates of your absence.

What is the purpose of writing an application for permission?

An application for permission is written to seek permission from a higher authority to do something. It is a formal way of taking permission.

How to be polite in the permission letter?

The language you use is what will make your letter sound polite; using simple words and sentences that indicate humility and politeness will help.

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application letter for higher education permission

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  • Permission Letter Format

A permission letter can be written for a variety of reasons, including requesting leave to go on vacation, attending a ceremony, granting permission to use someone else’s copyrighted work, and so on. In any case, knowing how to draft a permission letter is critical to ensuring that the recipient has the authority to carry out a specified action without legal repercussions. In this article, we will look at the permission letter format along with its sample letters.

Permission Letter

Permission Letter

A permission letter is a formal letter submitted to higher authorities seeking authorization for a specific condition or forthcoming intentions. Always remember to address the letter to the correct person, who has the ability to grant authorization. The language of the letter should be formal and simple; polite terms (may I, could I, shall I) should be used to convey the purpose of the message.

Guidelines to Write a Permission Letter

  • Keep the letter free of grammatical faults and errors.
  • Make sure the wording used in the letter is formal and to the point.
  • Send your request to the appropriate authority.
  • Please provide your contact information for future reference.
  • Make certain that the information you submit, such as your address and contact information, is correct and accurate.
  • Avoid missing the most vital topics by being explicit and addressing your reasons for writing the letter.
  • It’s a good idea to print a duplicate or three copies so you have one for your records.
  • Sign permission letters by hand using only black or blue ink.

Recipient’s Name

Recipient’s Designation

Recipient’s Address

Subject: Requesting permission for ____________

Body of the letter: The first paragraph can describe the letter’s purpose, while the second paragraph can focus on the specifics of the situation at hand.

  • Complimentary Closing

Sender’s Name

Contact Details (if necessary)

Permission Letter Samples

Sample 1 – letter of permission for leave from work.

Senior Project Manager

ACL Technologies

Mumbai – 20

10 th November 2021

Subject: Requesting Permission for Granting Leave

My name is Ravi Mishra, and I work in your team as a Senior Software Developer. And I’m writing to ask for permission to take a three-day leave from November 20th to November 23rd. The reason for my leave is that my cousin is getting married, and I need to travel out of town; the journey will take one day each way.

I will complete the tasks allocated to me, and my absence will have no effect on the ongoing project. For that time, my colleague, Prakash Jha will handle the remainder of the task in my absence.

Looking for a favourable response from you.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,

Ravi Mishra

Senior Software Developer

Explore More Sample Letters

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  • Joining Letter After Leave
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  • Enquiry Letter
  • Cheque Book Request Letter
  • Application For Character Certificate
  • Name Change Request Letter Sample
  • Internship Request Letter
  • Application For Migration Certificate
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  • DD Cancellation Letter

Sample 2 – Letter of Permission to Work as an Intern

CubiQs Pvt. Ltd.

5 th January 2022

Subject: Seeking Permission for working as an Intern

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am Joel Johnson, a final year student of IT Engineering at XYZ Institute of Technology. I’m writing to express my desire to serve as a Backend Developer intern for your organization for three months. I’ve been learning everything there is to know about coding and have been hoping for an opportunity to work with a thriving firm like yours.

I request you to kindly allow me to be a member of your Development team as this would be an excellent opportunity for me to learn everything there is to know about being a Developer and help me take a significant step further in shaping my future career. I commit to trying my best, dedicating my time to learning, and putting what I learn into practice throughout my time there. I am also sending my résumé, and I am prepared to go through an interview round to demonstrate my abilities and tenacity.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Joel Johnson

Sample 3 – Copyright Permission Request Letter

Anglo Indian Café

34 th Street, Della Adventures

3 rd April 2022

Subject: Request For Use of Copyrighted Material

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope you are well as I write this letter. I’m writing to ask for your formal permission to combine and use the video bytes I shot of your stylish cafe as a YouTube video on my channel.

I am a Vlogger, and your café is one of the greatest in town. If you grant us permission, I would like to promote it in my YouTube video. I truly appreciated your great cuisine and how attentive you were to your clients.

If you allow me permission, I will ensure that all copyright credits are given to you, and I feel we will both profit from our collaboration. At the bottom, I’ve included my email address and a link to my YouTube account.

Thank You For Your Time and Consideration

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What exactly is a permission letter?

Answer. A permission letter is an official letter issued to request permission from your superiors to do or go somewhere. The purpose for requesting permission could be anything, such as requesting leave for vacation, going on a trip, attending a ceremony, and so on.

Q2. How should a Letter of Permission be written?

Answer. Permission letters should be authentic and truthful to the best of your ability. Be specific with your reasons and facts before writing an appealing letter. When writing a permission letter, make sure to include appropriate subject lines and closes.

Q3. What is the Permission Letter Format?

Answer. The Permission Letter Format is as follows:

  • Correct heading
  • Address the intended recipient
  • Recipient’s Address
  • The Letter’s Body

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Letter Writing

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  • Request Letter for School Admission
  • No Due Certificate From Bank

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University Admission Application Letter (with Samples & PDFs)

I have listed sample templates to help you craft an effective and professional university admission application letter.

Also, I would like to point out that you can also download a PDF containing all the samples at the end of this post.

Successful Application Letter for University Admission

First, find the sample template for university admission application letter below.

To, The Admissions Committee, [Name of the University], [Address of the University], [City], [State], [Postal Code]

Subject: Application for Admission to [Name of the Course]

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, [Your Full Name], resident of [Your Address], am writing this letter to show my keen interest in applying for the [Name of the Course] at your esteemed university for the academic year [Year].

I have recently completed my [last educational qualification] from [Name of School/College] with an aggregate of [Your Percentage/CGPA], and I am eager to further my studies in the field of [Field of Study]. I believe that studying at [Name of the University] will provide me the right knowledge, skills, and exposure to excel in this field.

I am particularly drawn to the [Name of the Course] at [Name of the University] because of its reputation for providing high-quality education and its focus on practical learning. I am confident that this course will help me achieve my academic and career goals.

Enclosed with this letter are my mark sheets, certificates, and other required documents. I kindly request you to consider my application and provide me with an opportunity to prove my potential and contribute to the university.

I am looking forward to being a part of your esteemed institution and assure you that I will put in my best efforts in all my endeavours.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Full Name] [Your Contact Information] [Your Email Address]

Below I have listed 5 different sample applications for “university admission application letter” that you will certainly find useful for specific scenarios:

Crafting a Persuasive University Application Letter to Showcase Leadership Skills

Crafting a Persuasive University Application Letter to Showcase Leadership Skills

To, The Admissions Committee, [University Name], [University Address].

Subject: Application for Admission to [Desired Course Name]

I, [Your Full Name], a student of Class XII from [Your School Name], am writing to express my keen interest in applying for the [Desired Course Name] at your esteemed university. I believe that my strong leadership skills, coupled with my academic accomplishments, make me an ideal candidate for this course.

I have consistently excelled in my studies, but more importantly, I have taken the initiative to lead and guide my peers through various activities. As the Head Boy/Girl of my school, I’ve learned to inspire and motivate my fellow students, organize events, and address issues efficiently. These experiences have honed my leadership abilities and have taught me how to balance my academic commitments with extracurricular responsibilities.

I played a pivotal role in initiating a ‘Clean Campus Drive’ in my school, where I led a team of students to maintain cleanliness and fostered a sense of responsibility among them. This initiative not only improved the school environment but also instilled a sense of community and teamwork among the students.

Moreover, I represented my school at the [Local/State/National] Leadership Summit, where I had the opportunity to interact with other young leaders and share innovative ideas to improve our communities. This experience broadened my perspective and reinforced my desire to lead and make a difference.

If given the opportunity to join [University Name], I assure you that I will bring these leadership qualities to contribute positively to the university community. I am eager to leverage my experiences to participate actively in student-led initiatives and further develop my leadership skills.

I am confident that [University Name] is the perfect platform for me to grow not just acadically but also as a leader. I humbly request you to consider my application favorably. I look forward to the opportunity to be a part of your esteemed institution.

Thank you for considering my application.

Yours Sincerely, [Your Full Name], [Your Contact Information].

Writing a Compelling University Application Letter Highlighting Athletic Achievements

Writing a Compelling University Application Letter Highlighting Athletic Achievements

To, The Admissions Committee, [Name of the University], [Address of the University]

Subject: Application for Admission and Highlighting Athletic Achievements

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I am [Your Name], a student from [Your School Name], [Your City], intending to apply for the [Course Name] at your esteemed university.

Academically, I have consistently performed well, securing a GPA of [Your GPA] in the previous year. However, I am not just a diligent student in the classroom, but also a passionate sportsperson. I believe my athletic achievements will contribute to the vibrant sports culture at your university.

Over the last few years, I have been an active participant in athletics and have had the honour of representing my school at various district, state, and national level competitions. In the recent [Name of Sports Event], I clinched the gold medal in [Name of the Sport], making my school and family immensely proud. Additionally, I was also the recipient of the prestigious [Name of the Award] given for outstanding performance in sports.

My commitment to sports has not only honed my physical abilities but has also helped me develop leadership skills, team spirit, and resilience. I believe that these qualities will not only aid me in my academic pursuit but also contribute to the overall diversity and vitality of your university’s student community.

I am enthusiastic about bringing the same dedication and spirit to your esteemed university and contributing to its athletic teams. I am certain that the comprehensive education and diverse opportunities provided by your university will help me grow, both acadically and athletically.

I am hopeful that you will consider my application favourably. Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the possibility of becoming a part of your prestigious university.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

Articulating Academic Excellence in a University Admission Application Letter

Articulating Academic Excellence in a University Admission Application Letter

The Dean of Admissions, [University Name], [University Address], [City], [State], [Pin Code]

Subject: Application for Admission

Dear Sir/Madam,

I, [Your Name], am writing this letter seeking admission to the [Course Name] course at your prestigious institution for the academic year [Year]. I have recently completed my [last academic degree/course] from [Your School/College Name] in [City, State].

I have always been passionate about [subject(s) related to the course], and I am confident that my academic achievements reflect this. I have consistently maintained a high academic standing in my schooling years, ranking in the top [percentage/rank] of my class. My teachers have commended me for my dedication and commitment to learning, which is evident from my grades and participation in various academic competitions.

Moreover, I have been an active participant in various extracurricular activities that have helped me develop a holistic understanding of the world. I have led [mention some leadership roles], worked on [mention any projects or initiatives], and engaged in [mention any community service or volunteer work]. These experiences have taught me the importance of teamwork, leadership, and responsibility, and have fuelled my desire to further my learning.

Your institution, with its exemplary faculty and state-of-the-art facilities, stands as the ideal platform for me to deepen my knowledge and broaden my horizon. I am particularly drawn to the [mention specific aspects of the course or university that attract you], and I am confident that these will provide the right environment to nurture my academic and personal growth.

I am committed to maintaining my academic excellence and contributing positively to the university community. I am hopeful that I will be given the opportunity to bring my passion, dedication, and academic prowess to your esteemed institution.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to and learning from the [University Name] community.

Yours Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Pin Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number]

Tailoring a University Application Letter to Highlight Community Service Experiences

Tailoring a University Application Letter to Highlight Community Service Experiences

The Admission Committee, [University Name], [University Address], [City, State, Zip Code]

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am [Your Name], a student of [Your School Name], seeking admission to your esteemed university for the upcoming academic year.

I am writing this letter to express my keen interest in the [Course Name] program at your prestigious institution. I have always been intrigued by [Subject Name], and I am eager to explore this field under the guidance of the accomplished faculty at [University Name].

During my time at high school, I have actively participated in various community service programs that have not only enriched my life but have also enhanced my understanding of society and its needs. I was a part of the ‘Clean-Up Drive’ in my local community, where we focused on maintaining cleanliness and educating people about the importance of hygiene.

In addition, I volunteered in the ‘Joy of Giving’ initiative, aimed at providing essential supplies to underprivileged children. This experience truly humbled me and made me realize the value of giving back to society. I believe these experiences have shaped me as an individual and have taught me the importance of empathy, teamwork, and leadership.

I am certain that these experiences will enable me to contribute to the diverse community at [University Name]. I am eager to bring my commitment to service and dedication to learning to your campus, and I look forward to the possibility of contributing my skills and experiences to your distinguished institution.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my application with you further.

Yours faithfully,

[Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

Penning a University Application Letter Expressing a Deep Passion for a Specific Field of Study

Penning a University Application Letter Expressing a Deep Passion for a Specific Field of Study

To, The Admissions Office, [University Name], [University Address],

Subject: Application for Admission in [Specific Field of Study]

I, [Your Full Name], a resident of [Your City Name], am writing this letter to express my deep interest in applying for the [Specific Field of Study] program at your esteemed university for the academic year [Year of Admission].

My passion for [Specific Field of Study] was kindled during my school years, when I found myself fascinated by [Mention something specific about the field that fascinated you]. Since then, my curiosity and interest in this field have only grown. I have spent countless hours learning and honing my skills, and now I aspire to take this passion forward and delve deeper into this field at a university level.

Your esteemed university, with its excellent faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and a rich history of producing exceptional talent in the field of [Specific Field of Study], is my dream institution. I am especially drawn to the [mention a specific aspect/feature of the university’s program that appeals to you], which I believe would greatly enhance my learning experience and provide me with a holistic understanding of the subject.

I have consistently excelled in this field during my school years [mention any achievements, awards, or recognition received]. I am confident that my dedication, coupled with the guidance of the exceptional faculty at [University Name], will equip me with the necessary skills and knowledge to contribute positively to this field.

I assure you of my utmost commitment and dedication towards my studies, and I am eager to make the most of the opportunities offered at your prestigious institution. I am hopeful that you will consider my application favorably.

Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity of being a part of [University Name].

Yours Sincerely,

[Your Full Name] [Your Contact Information]

How to Write University Admission Application Letter

Some writing tips to help you craft a better application:

  • Start with your personal information including your full name, address, the date, and the recipient’s address.
  • Open the letter with a formal salutation, addressing the admissions committee or specific admission officer, if known.
  • Introduce yourself, your current educational status and the program you’re applying to.
  • Describe your academic interests, why you chose this university, and how it aligns with your career goals.
  • Highlight your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and any relevant work or volunteer experience.
  • Explain any gaps or anomalies in your academic record, if applicable.
  • State how you could contribute to the university and its community.
  • End with a strong closing statement expressing your enthusiasm and gratitude for being considered.
  • Include a formal sign-off, your full name and signature.
  • Proofread your letter multiple times for any grammatical errors, spelling mistakes or typos.

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  • University Admission Application Fee Payment Slip
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I am sure you will get some insights from here on how to write “university admission application letter”. And to help further, you can also download all the above application samples as PDFs by clicking here .

And if you have any related queries, kindly feel free to let me know in the comments below.

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application letter for higher education permission


Copyright for Students: Sample Permission Letters

  • Copyright: Finding the Balance
  • Copyright Basics
  • Sample Permission Letters
  • Copyright Warnings & Notices
  • Copyright Resources
  • US Supreme Court Cases
  • Codes of Best Practices in Fair Use
  • Copyright Term & Public Domain
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Sample Permission Letter I

The request should be sent, together with a self-addressed return envelope, to the permissions department of the publisher in question.

Permissions Department


Dear Permissions Editor:

I am requesting permission to copy the following for continued use in my classes in the [semester and year] for [course name and number]:

Material to be duplicated: [chapters, page numbers; volume; issue number]

Number of copies:

Distribution: The material will be distributed to students in my classes and they will pay only the cost of the photocopying.

Type of reprint: [photocopy, computer disc, electronic reserve, html, pdf]

Use: The chapters/pages will be used as supplementary teaching materials.

If you do not solely control copyright in the requested materials, I would appreciate any information you can provide about others to whom I should write, including most recent addresses if available.

I have enclosed a self-addressed envelope for your convenience in replying to this request.

Sample Permission Letter II

Material Permissions Department

Hypothetical Book Company

100 Main Street

Chicago IL 60601

To Whom It May Concern:

I am requesting permission to copy the following for continued use in my classes for [course name and number]:

Faculty Member

Sample Permission Letter III

To Whom it May Concern:

I am writing to obtain permission to use the following material:

Nature of materials: ________________________________________________________ [describe]

Publisher: ______________________________________________ Date of publication: ____________

Author(s): ___________________________________________________________________________

Page numbers or other description of material: ______________________________________________

(Check if applicable)

¨ A photocopy of the materials in enclosed.

I wish to use this material in the following work:

Title: _______________________________________________________________________________

Publisher: ________________________________ Proposed date of publication: ___________________

I am requesting nonexclusive rights to use this material as part of my work and in all future editions and revisions thereof, however they may be exploited, in any language or medium now known or hereafter discovered, including, but not limited to: print, aural, and electronic media.

Unless you specify otherwise, the material will be accompanied on publication by the following credit line and copyright notice: __________________________________________ [specify credit line and copyright notice]

Other conditions, if any: __________________________________________________________________

If you do not control the world rights to the request material, please specify here any additional source from whom permission must be obtained: _______________________________________________________

Thank you for your prompt consideration of this request.  For your convenience, a release form is provided below and a signed copy of this letter is enclosed for your files.

Very truly yours,


[Your signature]

Permission is granted for the use requested above.



[Specify name and title, if any]


  • << Previous: Getting Permission
  • Next: Copyright Warnings & Notices >>
  • Last Updated: Jan 16, 2024 4:43 PM
  • URL: https://masters.libguides.com/copyright

How to write Application for seeking permission higher education?

User Avatar

The Administrative Officer,




Please grant me permission to join …………………………… (nature of class)

in the local college which will be held from ………………………….. hours to

……………….. hours to which effect a certificate from the Principal/Head of

the college/Institution is attached and do not conflict with my working hours

in the bank. I further undertake that this permission, if allowed, will not bind

the bank to keep me in ……………….. (station) for the period of my studies

nor I will claim any special consideration for leave. The bank will have

absolute discretion to transfer me at any time out of station and will also deal

with my leave application according to the existing rules. I also undertake

that I shall neither come late nor leave the bank before the scheduled office

hours on any day without permission and if required to put in overtime to

complete my work, I shall have no objection.

Signature of employee:

Place of Posting:

Add your answer:


How can you develop your world?

By seeking higher education and making something of yourself.

How can someone find higher education jobs?

More information about a higher education job can be found online at the Jobstreets.com. The website gives you information about the application procedure, which jobs are available and based salary for certain jobs.

Which is usually part of the application process for higher education?

Typically, the application process for higher education includes submitting academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, standardized test scores (such as SAT or ACT), a personal statement or essay, and an application fee. Some programs may also require additional materials like a resume, portfolio, or interview.

What has the author Mary M Licklider written?

Mary M. Licklider has written: 'Grant seeking in higher education' -- subject(s): Higher Education, Finance, Research grants, Handbooks, manuals, Proposal writing for grants, Faculty, Universities and colleges, Educational fund raising

What is the motto of Center for Excellence in Higher Education?

Center for Excellence in Higher Education's motto is 'Higher Education'.

Why it important for an MA?

The higher one's education, the more opportunities that will be available.The higher one's education, the more opportunities that will be available.The higher one's education, the more opportunities that will be available.The higher one's education, the more opportunities that will be available.The higher one's education, the more opportunities that will be available.The higher one's education, the more opportunities that will be available.

Is there a grant for higher education ?

Is there a grant for higher education for an elder person?

What has the author Gary W Adams written?

Gary W. Adams has written: 'How California can maintain its commitment to higher education' -- subject(s): Education, Higher, Finance, Higher Education, Higher education and state

Where can you download HELB loan application forms?

Forms are available on the Higher Education Loan Board's official website. See the Related Link below for more information.

When was The Journal of Higher Education created?

The Journal of Higher Education was created in 1930.

When was The Chronicle of Higher Education created?

The Chronicle of Higher Education was created in 1966.

When was Higher Education - journal - created?

Higher Education - journal - was created in 1972.


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Edited By Anne Marie Lee

Updated on: May 23, 2024 / 11:38 AM EDT / CBS News

The White House on Wednesday said it has approved $7.7 billion of student debt cancellation for 160,500 borrowers, part of its ongoing effort to provide relief after the Supreme Court last year  blocked  President Joe Biden's plan for broad-based college loan forgiveness. 

With the latest round of forgiveness, the administration has erased a total of $167 billion in student loans for 4.75 million people, or about 1 in 10 student loan borrowers, the Department of Education said. 

The people who qualify for forgiveness in the latest round of debt cancellation include public servants such as teachers and law enforcement officers, as well as tens of thousands of people who have signed up for Biden's new loan repayment program , called SAVE. That program, created last year, pegs a borrower's monthly payment to their income, lowering their financial payments, and is designed to fix a pitfall of earlier repayment programs that allowed interest to snowball.

"One out of every 10 federal student loan borrowers approved for debt relief means one out of every 10 borrowers now has financial breathing room and a burden lifted," U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona said in the statement. 

Concerns about the cost of college are on the rise, with about half of Americans saying college is worth the money only if you don't have to go into debt, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis . And only about 1 in 5 Gen Z college grads say their diploma was worth the investment, compared with more than half of baby boomers, MassMutual found  in a new survey.

Here's what to know about the latest round of forgiveness. 

Who qualifies for loan forgiveness?

The Biden administration said there are three groups of borrowers who have been approved for forgiveness in the latest round.

  • 66,900 borrowers will have $5.2 billion forgiven through the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program, which is designed to help public servants such as teachers, nurses and law enforcement officers get their debt canceled after 10 years of repayments. 
  • 54,300 borrowers will have $613 million forgiven through the SAVE plan. 
  • Another 39,200 borrowers will have $1.9 billion forgiven through adjustments to their income-driven repayment plans. These plans were sometimes mismanaged by loan servicers, which made it more difficult for some borrowers to achieve forgiveness. 

How will I know if I qualify for forgiveness?

The Biden administration said that people who qualify under this latest round of debt cancellation will get an email about their approval. 

The debt cancellation will then be processed in the next few weeks, it added. 

Will Biden offer more student loan forgiveness? 

Yes, because the Biden administration is working on a new effort to provide broad-based loan forgiveness through the Higher Education Act. 

The new plan could provide relief to about 30 million borrowers, either erasing some or all of their college loans. 

The Biden administration on Wednesday said the public comment period on the new regulation closed on May 17, with the Department of Education now reviewing the thousands of comments it received. 

"Our goal is to publish a final rule that results in delivering relief this fall," the Education Department said in the Wednesday statement. 

How can borrowers sign up for SAVE? 

The SAVE plan is open for enrollment here .

The income-drive repayment plan bases monthly payments on income and family size, with some lower-income households with more family members paying little to nothing each month. For instance, a family of four with less than $50,000 in annual income would have monthly payments of $0. 

Another benefit to the program is that it eliminates snowballing interest. In previous plans, borrowers sometimes saw their balances grow if their monthly payments didn't cover all their interest, a financial situation called "negative amortization." That's why some borrowers may have left college with, say, $20,000 in debt but ended up with much larger balances even after years of repayment.

  • Biden Administration
  • Student Debt

Aimee Picchi is the associate managing editor for CBS MoneyWatch, where she covers business and personal finance. She previously worked at Bloomberg News and has written for national news outlets including USA Today and Consumer Reports.

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