Letter Templates & Example

Top 10 Cover Letter Examples for Practicum Placement to Land Your Dream Internship

Letter sample 087

When it comes to applying for a practicum placement, one of the most important document you’ll need to submit is a cover letter. This letter serves as your introduction to potential employers and provides them with a brief overview of your qualifications, skills, and experiences. If done right, a well-crafted cover letter can land you the placement of your dreams.

But crafting a perfect cover letter can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not sure where to start. That’s why we’re here to help. In this article, we’ll provide you with some cover letter examples for practicum placement that you can use as a starting point. Whether you’re applying for a placement in healthcare, education, or any other field, you can find examples here and edit them as needed to suit your specific needs.

So, sit back, relax, and let us take the stress out of writing your practicum placement cover letter. With these examples and a little bit of creativity, you’ll be well on your way to securing the practicum placement of your dreams.

The Best Structure for Cover Letter Examples for Practicum Placement

If you’re a student looking for a practicum placement, writing a cover letter can be daunting. But fear not! We’re here to help you construct the perfect cover letter structure that will land you a great practicum placement.

Start by addressing the letter to the person in charge of practicum placements. You can usually find this information on the company website or by calling the organization. Try to use their name in the address line.

Begin your letter by introducing yourself and explaining why you’re interested in the company and their practicum program. This is where you should show your knowledge of the organization and why you believe their program will benefit you.

Next, bring up your skills and experiences that relate to the practicum opportunity. This is where you’ll want to detail any relevant coursework, extracurricular activities, or volunteer experience. Try to paint a picture of yourself as someone who is eager to learn and driven to succeed.

In the third paragraph, make sure to mention any specific projects or areas of interest that you would like to work on during your practicum placement. This shows that you’ve done your research and have a good understanding of what the organization does.

Close your letter by thanking the reader for considering your application and expressing your excitement at the prospect of working with the company. Make sure to include your contact information so that they can get in touch with you if they have any further questions.

In conclusion, the best structure for a cover letter for practicum placement is to start by introducing yourself and demonstrating your knowledge of the organization. Secondly, detail your skills and experiences that are relevant to the practicum opportunity. Thirdly, mention specific areas of interest you would like to work on. Lastly, close your letter by thanking the reader and expressing your excitement at the prospect of working with the company. Good luck!

Sample Cover Letter for Practicum Placement

For gaining hands-on experience.

Dear Practicum Coordinator,

I am writing to express my interest in the practicum program. As a student of business administration, I believe that gaining practical learning experience will provide me with the tools I need to become a successful professional. My skills and dedication to learning will enable me to work effectively in the chosen practicum field.

I am eager to work alongside experienced professionals in your organization, developing my skills and learning about the day-to-day responsibilities that come with working in the field. I am confident that I can make a significant contribution to your organization and am excited to learn from your team. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

For career exploration

Dear [Hiring Manager/Practicum Coordinator],

I am writing to express my interest in the practicum placement program. As a [major], I am eager to explore various areas of [industry] to understand my interests and potential. I believe that the program will provide me with the unique opportunity to learn about the day-to-day responsibilities in the field, furthering my career development.

As a quick learner and team player, I’m excited to serve as a valuable member of your team in whichever capacity necessary. With this opportunity, I hope to learn more about the industry, develop transferable skills, and build a network of connections with experienced professionals. Thank you for your time and consideration.

For professional networking

I am a [major] student at [school] and am writing to express my interest in the practicum placement program. I believe that participating in the program will offer me the chance to learn from senior professionals in the industry and build connections that will benefit my long-term career goals.

I’m eager to take on new challenges, contribute to the team’s success, and learn about the industry. The practicum program will provide me with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience and grow my professional network. I’m confident that I can leverage this experience to set myself apart and be successful in my career. Thank you for your time and consideration.

For academic credit

I am writing to express my interest in the practicum placement program as part of my academic curriculum. As a [major], I am eager to gain hands-on experience in the [industry] field as I complete my degree. I believe that the practicum program will provide comprehensive and practical experience learning that will greatly supplement my academic learning.

As a driven and dedicated student, I’m excited to take on new challenges and contribute to the team’s success. With this opportunity, I hope to gain a deeper understanding of the industry and develop transferable skills to excel in my career. Thank you for your time and consideration.

For developing transferable skills

I am excited to express my interest in the practicum program that your organization is offering. As a [major] student, I believe that the program will provide me with the opportunity to practice and develop transferable skills that are immensely valuable in any industry.

I’m confident that I can contribute to the success of the team while learning about the industry, honing my existing skills, and picking up new ones. With this invaluable experience, I hope to develop a broad set of skills and knowledge to propel me to success in my desired career. Thank you for your time and consideration.

For transitioning to a new career

I’m writing to express my interest in the practicum placement program that your organization is offering. As someone who is looking to make a career transition to the [industry] field, I believe that the program will provide me with the opportunity to gain practical and relevant experience to help me make the move.

I’m excited to take this opportunity to learn about the industry in-depth, hone my skills, and apply my transferable knowledge to the new industry. I’m confident that I can add value to your team and successfully transition to a new career. Thank you for your time and consideration.

For improving language skills

I am writing to express my interest in the practicum placement program that your organization is offering. As an international student, I believe the program will provide me with the unique opportunity to improve my language skills and gain practical experience in the [industry] field.

With my ability to learn new things quickly and eagerness to contribute, I’m confident that I can make significant contributions to the team while improving my communication skills. I’m excited about how this opportunity can help develop my career prospects and understanding of the industry. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Tips for Cover Letter Examples for Practicum Placement

When applying for a practicum placement, your cover letter should be carefully crafted to stand out from the other applicants. Here are a few tips to ensure that your cover letter is effective:

1. Tailor your cover letter to the specific organization: It’s important to research the organization you’re applying to and include specific information in your cover letter that shows you’ve done your homework. This will show the employer that you’re genuinely interested in the position and that you’ve put in the effort to learn about them.

2. Highlight your relevant experience: Be sure to mention any relevant experience you have in the field, including any relevant coursework or volunteer work you’ve done. This will show the employer that you have some experience in the field and are eager to gain more.

3. Use clear and concise language: Your cover letter should be easy to read and to the point. Avoid using overly complicated language and stick to a clear and concise style.

4. Emphasize your skills: The skills you possess are the backbone of your practicum placement application. Be sure to emphasize skills that are relevant to the position, such as communication skills, problem-solving skills, leadership skills, and organizational skills.

5. Demonstrate your passion: The cover letter is your chance to showcase your passion for the field. Be sure to convey your enthusiasm for the position and explain why you’re drawn to it.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to create a cover letter that stands out from the rest and helps you land your dream practicum placement.

FAQs about Cover Letter Examples for Practicum Placement What is a cover letter for practicum placement?

A cover letter for practicum placement is a document that accompanies your practicum application and outlines your interest in the program, relevant experience, and skills.

Why is a cover letter important for practicum placement?

A cover letter is important for practicum placement as it introduces you to the employer, highlights your experience and skills, and sets you apart from other candidates. It’s your chance to make a good first impression.

What should be included in a cover letter for practicum placement?

A cover letter for practicum placement should include your introduction, your interest in the program, relevant experience, skills, academic achievements, and closing statement.

How should I format my cover letter for practicum placement?

Your cover letter should be formatted professionally and neatly. It should be organized into smaller paragraphs with proper headings and subheadings. Also, it should be free from grammar and spelling mistakes to avoid any errors.

Can I use a cover letter example for practicum placement?

Yes, you can use a cover letter example for practicum placement as a guide to structure your cover letter, highlight relevant skills, and ensure that the format is professional.

Where can I find cover letter examples for practicum placement?

You can find cover letter examples for practicum placement on various websites that offer sample cover letters and templates. You can also reach out to your career center or ask your peers for examples of successful cover letters.

What are some common mistakes to avoid in a cover letter for practicum placement?

Some common mistakes to avoid in a cover letter for practicum placement include mentioning irrelevant skills or experience, using informal language, failing to address the employer or program directly, and submitting a generic cover letter.

Happy Practicum Hunting!

Well, folks, I hope you’ve found these cover letter examples for practicum placement helpful and informative. Remember, a well-crafted cover letter can make all the difference in securing the practicum placement of your dreams. Don’t be afraid to tweak these examples to fit your own personality and experience, and always keep in mind the specific requirements of the placements you’re applying for. Best of luck to all of you, and remember to drop by again soon for more practical tips and tricks for success! Thanks for reading!

Sample Letter for Work Experience Placement: Tips and Examples 10 Impressive Cover Letter Examples for Placement You Should Copy Internship Letter Format for Students from Company: Tips and Examples How to Write a Strong Motivation Letter Example for Internship Top Tips for Crafting a Winning Resume Cover Letter for Internship The Ultimate Cover Letter Template for Internship: Stand Out from the Crowd

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Internship Cover Letter Examples and Writing Tips

application letter for practicum student

What to Include in a Cover Letter

Tips for writing an internship cover letter, internship cover letter examples, internship cover letter template, how to write an email cover letter, email cover letter example, frequently asked questions (faqs).

Emilie Dunphy / The Balance

If you are applying for an internship, you will likely have to submit a cover letter as part of your application. Your cover letter should be tailored to the specific internship for which you're applying and include examples from your work, academic, and extracurricular experiences.

When writing a cover letter for an internship position, it's important to share your most relevant qualifications with the hiring manager. When you don't have much (or any) formal work experience, you can include school activities, volunteering, educational programs, and other learning experiences.

Key Takeaways

  • Take the time to write a customized cover letter for each internship you apply for, and include your most relevant qualifications for the position.
  • When you don't have work experience, you can include academics, extracurricular activities, and volunteering.
  • Be specific, and share examples of the skills the employer is looking for in your cover letter.
  • Carefully proofread and edit your cover letter before sending it.

Your cover letter should include your contact information, a greeting, the reason you're writing, why you're a qualified applicant for the position, and a closing.

Contact Information:  How you address the cover letter will depend on whether you are sending a printed or email cover letter and the contact information you have for the employer. In a printed letter, the contact information will be at the top of the letter. For an email, add your contact information below your typed name.

Salutation:  The salutation is the  greeting you include  at the beginning of a cover letter. For example, “Dear Hiring Manager.”

Body of Letter:  The body of a cover letter includes the sections where you explain why you are interested in and qualified for the job for which you are applying. This typically includes an introductory paragraph, a paragraph or two describing your qualifications, and a closing paragraph.

Closing:  When you're writing a cover letter or sending an email message to apply for a job, it's important to close your cover letter professionally. For example, use a closing such as “Sincerely” or “Respectfully.”

Signature:  In a printed cover letter, you’ll add a written signature above your printed name. For an email cover letter, add a line break after the closing and type your name.

Use business letter format. Use proper  business letter format  when sending a cover letter by mail. Include your contact information at the top, followed by the date, and the contact information for the employer. Be sure to provide a proper salutation, and sign your name at the bottom. If you are sending the  cover letter via email , you do not have to include the contact information at the top. Instead, place this as part of your email signature at the end of your letter.

Customize your cover letter. It's important to write a  unique cover letter  for each internship for which you apply. Highlight skills and abilities you have that relate to the specific internship listing. The main emphasis of your cover letter should be convincing the reader that you will be an asset as an intern.

Provide specific examples. If you mention you have a particular skill or ability in your cover letter, be sure to prove this with a specific example from your past work, academic, or extracurricular experience.

Add keywords to your letter. One way to individualize your letter is to use  keywords  from the internship listing. For example, if the listing says the intern needs to have excellent time management skills, include an example of how you have demonstrated time management skills in the past. You'll be able to show the hiring manager that they have the skills you are seeking.

Emphasize your academic experience. In the letter, you can mention academic experience, if applicable. Especially if you have limited work experience, you might use examples from school to demonstrate you have particular skills. For example, if the internship requires you to work as part of a team, provide an example of a successful team project you worked on during one of your college courses.

Include extracurricular experiences. You can also include details about your relevant experience from extracurricular activities or  volunteer work . For example, a reporter for a college newspaper can point to interviewing and writing skills; a history of volunteering at a shelter can provide an example of strong  interpersonal  and  organizational skills .

Mention how you will follow up. Towards the end of your letter, say how you will  follow up  with the employer. You might say you will call the office to follow up in about a week (don't follow up any sooner). However, do not include this if the internship listing specifically says not to contact the office.

Carefully proofread and edit. Be sure to thoroughly proofread your cover letter for spelling and grammar errors. Many internships are very competitive, and any error can hurt your chances of getting an interview. Also, avoid using too many words to convey your information and intent. Keep your points brief and targeted.

Review sample printed and email cover letters for internship positions, and get a template to download to use as a starting point for your own letter.

Download the cover letter template (compatible with Google Docs or Word Online), or read the example below.

The Balance

Internship Cover Letter Sample (Text version)

Joseph Q. Applicant 123 Main Street Anytown, CA 12345 555-555-5555 josephq@email.com

May 26, 2024

Director, Human Resources BC Labs 123 Business Rd. Business City, NY 54321

Dear Ms. Smith,

I am writing to apply for the scientific research summer internship position that was listed in the Anytown University Career Services Office. I believe my research and conservation experience make me an ideal candidate.

I have had a great deal of research experience in chemistry, biology, and geology, both in the lab and in the field. Most of my experience is in environmental field studies. I am currently conducting research in our school's outdoor laboratory to assess the water quality of a nearby pond. I know water quality assessment is a component of this internship, and I know my previous experience makes me a prime candidate for this.

Last summer, I worked as a conservation assistant at the National Trust's Clumber Park. Along with trail maintenance and building, I also served as a research assistant for the research organization at the park. I conducted an analysis of soil samples, and input data from various research projects. I received a special commendation from the director of the research organization for my attention to detail and dedication to research.

I believe that I would be an asset to your program. This internship would provide me with the ideal opportunity to assist your organization and expand my research skills.

I will call next week to see if you agree that my qualifications seem to be a match for the position. If so, I hope to schedule an interview at a mutually convenient time. I look forward to speaking with you.

Thank you for your consideration,

Signature (hard copy letter)

Joseph Q. Applicant

If you're sending your cover  letter via email , your format will be slightly different than a traditional letter. List your name and the  job title in the subject line  of the email message.

Include your contact information in your email signature, and don't list the employer's contact information (also don’t list your contact information at the top of the message). Start your email message with the salutation. 

Subject: Liz Lerner – Marketing Intern Position

Dear Mr. Peters,

It was with much interest that I read your posting on the ABC College job board inviting applications for a marketing internship at Brand Solutions Inc.

As an honors student in marketing, I have successfully completed upper-division coursework in marketing management, print and online advertising, social media management, and data analysis, which have provided me with a firm understanding of rising market strategies and technologies.

This coursework included on-site practicums with Boyd Brothers LLC and Boulevard Bistro, where I helped the owners of these businesses establish their first-ever social media presence on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. This involved setting up their accounts, creating photo and video content, writing posts, launching digital ad campaigns, and tracking user engagement via Google Analytics and Facebook Analytics. I am also well-versed in the use of Adobe Creative Cloud for graphic design and Microsoft Office suite.

Impressed by the press that Brand Solutions Inc. has received in Market Branding Today and on Forbes Online , I am eager for the challenges and opportunities I would experience as your next marketing intern. My resume is attached; may we please schedule a personal interview to discuss my qualifications for this role in greater detail? Thank you for your time, consideration, and forthcoming response. 

Liz Lerner liz.lerner@email.com 555-123-4567 www.linkedin.com/in/lizlerner (optional)

Do I have to write a cover letter for an internship?

If a cover letter is listed as optional, you don’t have to include one. However, a cover letter provides you with the opportunity to showcase the credentials you have for the position. When you don’t have formal work experience, your cover letter is a good way to highlight the talents, attributes, and experience that make you an ideal candidate for the role.

What can I include in a cover letter when I don’t have work experience?

When you don’t have work experience, you can share examples of volunteering, extracurricular activities, schoolwork, academic programs, sports, community organizations, and other ways you have gained skills and experience that qualify you for the position.

CareerOneStop. " Cover Letters ."

North Central College. " How to Write an Internship Cover Letter: Examples & Tips ."

University of Michigan. " Cover Letter Resources ."

Handshake. " Top 5 Tips for Writing an Internship Cover Letter ."

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Psychology Internship Cover Letter Sample

Land your dream job & learn creative tricks to use in your cover letter with our free, easily editable Psychology Internship cover letter sample. Use this cover letter example at no cost or alter it with ease in our online cover letter maker.

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

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Psychology Internship Cover Letter Sample (Full Text Version)

Dominika Zobor

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am excited to submit my resume and cover letter for the Summer Psychology Intern job within Smith Counseling, Inc. in Paramus, NJ. With developed field knowledge and multiple important skills and qualities, I am confident I would be an excellent fit for the role. What's more, I believe it would be a great opportunity for me to further improve my expertise and grow both professionally and personally.

To shortly introduce myself, my name is Dominika Zobor and I am a third-year Psychology student at the University of Bergen in Norway. At the university, I am not only among the top 10% of students with the best academic results (3.98 GPA) but I am also involved in multiple extracurricular activities, for example, Dance Club, Psychology Society, and Volleyball Club. Moreover, I served as a Project Manager at the Psychology Society for one year. This tremendous experience has helped me to become a good team player and allowed me to develop exceptional leadership and organizational skills as I was responsible for the planning and coordination of multiple society events.

Next, I worked as a Psychology Intern for three months at Arista Counseling & Psychotherapy, Inc. last summer. Besides completing professional psychological assessments, educating clients on various mental disorders, and monitoring and evaluating clients' progress, I also proactively participated in the development of new treatment plans and maintained confidential documents and records. During my time there, I had a great chance to not only collaborate with field professionals from around the world but I also acquired crucial critical thinking and analytical abilities. I am a patient-oriented individual offering a deep passion for Psychology, exceptional observation skills, and a strong determination to perform great work. It would be a pleasure for me to join your team and I would welcome the opportunity to provide further insight into my qualifications.

Thank you for your consideration.

King regards,

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Milan Šaržík, CPRW

Milan’s work-life has been centered around job search for the past three years. He is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) as well as an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Careers Coaches (PARWCC™). Milan holds a record for creating the most career document samples for our help center – until today, he has written more than 500 resumes and cover letters for positions across various industries. On top of that, Milan has completed studies at multiple well-known institutions, including Harvard University, University of Glasgow, and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

Edit this sample using our resume builder.

Don’t struggle with your cover letter. artificial intelligence can write it for you..

Don’t struggle with your cover letter. Artificial intelligence can write it for you.

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Sample Email

SUBJECT LINE: Harvard MPH Graduate Student Internship Inquiry

Dear Dr./Ms./Mr. [Last Name]:

My name is ___ and I am a graduate student in the Masters in Public Health (MPH) program at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health; my field of study is _____. I found your contact information through the Office of Career and Professional Development’s online CareerConnect system for employers. OR: I was referred to you by _____ who I met at ___. OR: I found your contact information online/etc. while researching your agency. I hope you don’t mind my reaching out to you directly as I am sure you must be very busy.

One of the requirements for the MPH program is a field experience (“Practicum”) with a host organization, which is an opportunity for students to apply what we are learning in a real world setting and to work alongside experienced professionals such as yourself to contribute to the work of our host agency.

I am interested in doing my practicum with [Name of Organization] because ____.  I would be grateful for an opportunity to meet or talk by phone about some potential projects and deliverables that would be valuable for you and your agency, and which would also help me develop my core competencies in public health practice. For example, I am interested in growing my skills in ___ and ___, and I would be interested in hearing more about your agency’s needs to see if there could be a good fit. Attached is my resume; more information about the Practicum is available here .

Would you be available to talk further, or is there someone else at your agency who you think would be a better contact for me? I sincerely appreciate your time and consideration and hope that we will be able to talk soon at your convenience.


[Include your professional email signature in addition to your full name]

Cover Letter Examples for Students and Recent Graduates

The Balance / Luyi Wang

  • Cover Letters
  • Skills & Keywords
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  • Letters & Emails
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What to Include in Your Cover Letter

College graduate cover letter example, student / recent graduate cover letter templates, student and recent graduate cover letter samples, how to write a cover letter, cover letter format and presentation tips.

If you're a student or a new grad, you may not have much experience in the workforce. This can make building a resume and writing a cover letter challenging. After all, if you haven't worked previously, what information can you include in these two documents?

Fortunately, on-the-job experience is not the only thing that shows your abilities. Here's guidance on what to include in your resume and cover letter, along with cover letter examples and cover letter templates are designed especially for high school students, as well as for college students and recent graduates seeking employment.

Academic Achievements and Extracurricular Activities

You can mention volunteer work, academic achievements, participation in clubs or activities (particularly those in which you held leadership roles), and internships. Your academic background is also an asset. Include details that are relevant to the position you want (use the job description as your guide to the qualities and training the employer seeks).

GPA and Honors

If you are an honors student with a GPA higher than 3.5, it is a good idea to mention this on a cover letter as well, along with any honors societies you have been inducted into.

Skills and Abilities

Other things you can mention are soft skills—interpersonal “people” skills like creative thinking, communication, teamwork, or time management that will help you to adapt easily to the people and clients or customers you will be working with.

Your goal in this cover letter is to show how you would be an asset to the company, describing the skills you bring that would allow you to perform well in the position.

Below, you'll find a list of student cover letters, listed by position and level of experience, to help you develop your own cover letter. 

Watch Now: 7 Tips for Finding Your First Job

You can use this sample as a model to write a college graduate cover letter. Download the template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online), or read the text version below.

College Graduate Cover Letter Example (Text Version)

Lucy Applicant 123 Main Street Anytown, CA 12345

555-555-5555 lucy.applicant@email.com

October 18, 2021

Eric Lee Media Director Kansai Collaborative Arts 123 Business Rd. Business City, NY 54321

Dear Mr. Lee:

I am writing to you to express interest in the graphic design position as advertised on Indeed.com. As a recent graduate with experience in 3-D animation software and the Adobe suite of software, I believe I am a strong candidate for a position at Kansai Collaborative Arts.

 During my time at the University of Northern State, I was awarded the top prize in the student design competition for my version of an app that would allow students to learn Japanese characters on their own time.

In addition to graduating with a 3.75 GPA, I spent a semester at a university in Japan, and I have strong conversational skills in the Japanese language. I believe this would be an asset, as I know your studio does a lot of collaborations with major design studios in Japan.

 Although I am a recent college graduate, my maturity, artistic skills, ability to work with others, and knowledge of the Japanese language and culture will make me an asset to your studio.

 I have enclosed my resume and will email you within the next week to see if we can arrange a time to speak further. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Signature  (hard copy letter)

Before you can begin writing your cover letter, it's important to know the guidelines governing these letters. Unlike a casual email to a friend, there are set standards for how to greet recipients, organize the letter's content, and much more. That's where templates can help: they allow you to know what information to put where, and they help you format your letter correctly. Review the templates below: 

  • Cover Letter Format
  • Cover Letter Template
  • Email Cover Letter Template
  • Email Cover Letter Sample
  • Cover Letter Sample: General
  • Cover Letter Sample: Block Format
  • Microsoft Word Cover Letter Templates

These lists of cover letters include both general examples that will help you format your letter, as well as sample cover letters used to apply for specific positions, such as roles as a nanny or a marketing assistant.

Do not copy these sample letters—instead, use them as a guide to help you know what kind of information to include, and how to format your letter. 

Entry-Level Cover Letters

Have a look at these samples to see how best to present your experience when applying for an entry-level job.

  • Entry Level Inquiry Letter
  • Cover Letter Sample: Entry-Level

Student Cover Letters

As a student, the information you should emphasize in your cover letter will vary depending upon your level of education. Here are examples of effective cover letters created for students at the high school, college, and graduate levels.

  • Recent College Graduate Sample #1
  • Recent College Graduate Sample #2
  • Response to Job Posting
  • College Senior
  • Graduate Student
  • Networking Letter

Job-Specific Cover Letters

These cover letter samples target specific career fields. They demonstrate how to incorporate industry-specific keywords into your narrative.

  • Email Cover Letter - Psychology Job
  • Internship Cover Letter
  • Finance Internship Program
  • Entry Level Marketing

Cover Letters for Summer and Part-Time Jobs

Being able to write an enthusiastic and informative cover letter will set you apart from your competition when you apply for summer or part-time jobs while you’re still in school.

Make sure you send your cover letter and resume as soon as possible after a job is announced—these opportunities are snatched up quickly.

These samples can be modified to both summer and part-time work.

  • Part-Time Job
  • Summer Assistant Job
  • Email Summer Job
  • Summer Job #1
  • Summer Job #2
  • Summer Job Email Message
  • Camp Counselor
  • Email Editorial Assistant
  • Sales Associate
  • Summer Camp

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BG program giving students real-world experience

Seniors pursue their goals outside the classroom setting during practicum.

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Flying Apache helicopters, researching modern political issues, a master’s program in Switzerland and a Formula SAE team all have one thing in common: they are the college and career aspirations of four Bishop Guilfoyle Academy students graduating today.

Throughout their senior year, these students took part in BG’s new practicum program, which Chief Education Officer Joan Donnelly said was designed to “provide students with real-world experience in their field of interest.”

“By allowing students to tailor their learning experience through internships, research projects or other hands-on endeavors, they can achieve outcomes that go beyond traditional classroom learning,” Donnelly said.

Program faculty advisor Chris Brown said most of the work setting up the internships was done by the students.

One of those students is Ryan Hagg, who credited his acceptance into the U.S. Military Academy at West Point to his practicum.

Noah Kelleher

“I stood out on the application because a million kids had the same exact application as I do, same exact SAT,” Hagg said. “So just having the ability to do something like this in high school, just helps me stick out.”

He interned at the Van Zandt VA Medical Center, using his placement in physical therapy as an opportunity to talk to the veterans.

He knew he wanted to attend an academy like West Point, like his brother and uncle before him, so his goal was to hear the veterans’ stories and ask for their opinions, Hagg said.

It was “eye-opening,” Hagg said, because, while he realized that PT wasn’t a fit, he was “definitely interested” in a military career.

He said there was one thing he noticed about the vets that stuck with him, and helped in his decision — they are usually wearing hats with their unit and service location embroidered on it, with most saying Vietnam.

Molly Burke

“Just that little thing, that just kind of stood out to me, saying that it meant something to them,” Hagg said. “You just don’t have that on if it didn’t mean something to you. If I was going to do this and essentially sign my life away and put my life on the line — that if it meant something to them, it will mean something to me.”

Hagg wants to go into aviation and fly Apache helicopters, while his civilian-minded fellow senior, Noah Kelleher wants to stay on the ground — preferably in something equally as fast.

Kelleher started toward that goal by interning at Keller Engineers, where he worked with blueprints, design, digitized physical files and backed up data.

He also went on a bridge inspection, although he wasn’t allowed on any of the equipment. The bridge was near Bedford, Kelleher said, and they were looking for things like cracks and fissures.

“It’s pretty obvious” when you inspect a bridge and know it shouldn’t pass, Kelleher said. “I don’t think a bridge should be like that.”

Marklin Myers

For his efforts, Kelleher was awarded a full scholarship to West Virginia University’s Honors College. He’ll dual major in mechanical and aerospace engineering, earning two degrees in five years.

At WVU, Kelleher plans on joining the Formula SAE team, which every year builds a race car and races it against other colleges like UCLA.

“They’re bigger than go-karts, but they’re more at that level,” Kelleher said. “It’s not Formula One level. You still go pretty fast and you design it. You design everything, except for the engine and the wheels.”

With his degrees, Kelleher could work at NASA, NASCAR, Formula One or be a mechanical or chief engineer at companies like Tesla.

“Growing up, my grandfather had this old 1957 Chevy pickup truck that was rusted in the garage and I was able to restore that with him,” Kelleher said. “That’s kind of what got me into cars.”

Like Hagg and Kelleher, Molly Burke attributed her acceptance into the Culinary Institute of America to her practicum at the Mayfield at the Capitol Hotel.

Burke said her family is “scientific” because her dad is a doctor, her mom is a scientist and her siblings have scientific degrees. While she also wanted to go into a science-related field, she wasn’t very academic.

“When I was five, my dad was making sourdough bread with me and he was explaining the science behind it,” Burke said. “In sophomore year, I really had no idea what I wanted to do. My mom brought up cooking, because I always cook, and those two moments clicked together and just made sense.”

Burke was working at Mayfield for about a year when the opportunity came up for her to work there during her internship. A hostess for nine months, she started plating food and was also responsible for the dessert, bread, salad and sending out orders.

Burke said the experience taught her about time management as working in a restaurant is “very fast-paced.”

“I work in the kitchen, but there’s two different restaurants, there’s the Mayfield and the Pipe Room,” Burke said. “The food comes out of the same kitchen.”

Burke expects to earn a bachelor’s in food business management. She then plans on taking a summer off to travel before beginning her master’s program in Switzerland.

Marklin Myers will also be traveling, but will be doing so with state Sen. Judy Ward as part of a paid summer internship.

“I’ll be traveling around Pennsylvania, talking to business people, but at the same time I’ll be helping her research specific topics of modern day politics,” Myers said, giving AI as one example.

Myers contacted Ward and asked if he could intern with her for his practicum, but was turned down because he hadn’t graduated high school yet. Ward did invite him to shadow her for a day and took him to Harrisburg to see the Senate and meet other politicians.

Still deciding between law and politics, Myers interned in the Blair County Courthouse’s Juvenile Probation Office.

“It really focused me on what specific law I want to get into and what law I don’t,” Myers said.

Working with juveniles wasn’t for him, he said, and he is now exploring business law.

He said the practicum also helped him prepare for life at Duquesne University, where he’ll study political science and psychology.

“It definitely helped me get ready for college, not only by getting first-hand experience through things that I’m interested in going forward, but also by preparing me for what I can do, like getting internships and how to contact certain people in the political science field,” Myers said.

Brown said these seniors would be successful doing “pretty much anything,” but the practicum took them “to the next level.”

“They definitely have a level of clarity that I absolutely did not have as a high school senior,” Brown said.

Mirror Staff Writer Rachel Foor is at 814-946-7458.

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Frequently asked questions: Admitted DEOHS graduate students

Accepting your offer.

How do I accept or decline the offer of admission? April 15, 2024 , is the deadline to accept or decline our offer. When you are ready to make a decision, please do so through the Online Application . If you accept an offer of admission, instructions and next steps will appear on your Graduate Application Status Page. International students who indicated that they would request an I-20 or DS visa application will also see instructions there. 

What are the tuition rates? The tuition rates for all degrees for 2023-2024 are listed on the SPH Tuition and Funding page. The 2024-2025 rates will be published in August 2024. If you have been admitted to a MS or PhD program and are a resident of one the Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP) states , you may be eligible to pay Washington resident tuition. Please note the MPH is not eligible . MS and PhD students who are residents of one the  Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP) states  should submit the  Western Regional Graduate Program (WGRP) Resident Tuition Rate Application Form , and contact Amy Gundlach Ritter ([email protected] )  with any questions. Where can I find resources for finding funding? The Graduate Funding Information Service (GFIS) helps current and admitted UW graduate students learn skills and tools to find funding for graduate school-related expenses. You can find more information on their website at  https://www.lib.washington.edu/commons/services/gfis . 

I’m an international student, what steps do I need to take? Please follow the instructions on your application status page: UW Online Application . Please also review the UW Graduate School’s resource page for admitted international students. https://grad.uw.edu/admission/understanding-the-application-process/international-applicant-information/admitted-international-graduate-students/  

Changing your degree or Area of Emphasis

Can I change to a different Area of Emphasis? Yes. You can change to a different Area of Emphasis through your first quarter (autumn 2024). The only exception is if you have funding that is tied to a specific Area of Emphasis. This will be noted in your offer letter.  To compare the curriculum requirements for the Areas of Emphasis, view  degree requirements and competencies sections on each degree pages:

  • Master of Science in Environmental Health Sciences  
  • Master of Science in Environmental Health Sciences: Applied

Need help? Contact Amy Gundlach Ritter ([email protected] )

Can I change from the MS to the MPH or the MPH to the MS? Yes. The curriculum for the MS and MPH are quite different. You need to make your final decision before classes start in autumn quarter. The only exception is if you have funding that is tied to a specific degree; this will be noted in your offer letter. 

Can I change from the MS Applied to the MS Thesis or the MS Thesis to the MS Applied? Yes. The curriculum for the MS Applied and the MS Thesis degree are the same for the first two quarters, so you have time to decide which option is best for you. You’ll need to make your final decision before spring quarter of your first year. 

Coming to campus

Are there campus tours? See the Visit Week schedule for opportunities to virtually tour DEOHS lab and research spaces. You can also take a virtual tour of our new building, the Hans Rosling Center for Population Health: https://www.washington.edu/populationhealth/hans-rosling-center-tour/  If you’d like to tour the full campus, there are student-led and self-guided tours available through the UW Admissions Office: https://www.washington.edu/visit/ When do autumn quarter classes start? Autumn 2024 classes begin on Wednesday, September 25. There will be orientation events at the beginning of the quarter, and we will send you those details once they are confirmed. Please see the UW’s academic calendar for other important dates: http://www.washington.edu/students/reg/calendar.html When do I register? The first day of autumn quarter registration is Monday, June 17. Please review the "how to register with SLNs" section of the registrar's website: https://registrar.washington.edu/registration/resources/ before June 20th.  Between April 17th and June 17th, all incoming students will be invited to schedule individual advising appointment with Amy Gundlach Ritter, which will cover course registration, degree requirements and any questions students have about the program. To see the full requirements and a sample schedule for your degree, view the  degree requirements and competencies  sections on each of the degree pages:

  • Master of Public Health - Environmental Health Sciences

Will I be assigned a faculty adviser? Students will meet with Amy Gundlach Ritter, Graduate Program Adviser. All incoming students will have their initial appointments between April 17th and June 18th, when registration opens. Amy will help students with all questions related to degree requirements, program expectations, registration, and academic regulations. Incoming masters students will also be assigned an Initial Faculty Mentor in early September. The Initial Faculty Mentor will work with the student to help them think through their research, practicum and project interests. The Initial Faculty Mentor does not need to have expertise in their student's area of interest, and in many cases the Faculty Mentor will not ultimately become the student's Thesis Chair or Practicum/Project Adviser. But the Initial Faculty Mentor will help the student to think about which members of faculty might be good fits for those roles.

Will classes be in person or online?  Currently, the University is planning for fully in-person instruction in autumn quarter 2024. Please refer to the UW’s COVID-19 response page for the most up-to-date information: https://www.washington.edu/coronavirus/ . You can see recent quarterly schedules here: https://deohs.washington.edu/course-information   Are there resources for finding on-campus and off-campus housing? See the UW Housing Website for information about on-campus housing options. For off-campus options, this Neighborhood Guide created by Transportation Services takes your commute into primary consideration as you consider locations. You may find this Google map useful showing communities by transportation type: google map of UW commuting communities . Another great resource for getting to know Seattle is this video: Black Life in Seattle , created with support from the UW's Office of Minority Affairs . The Graduate Student Equity & Excellence (GSEE) has a Facebook group for students looking for housing: GSEE Find a Roommate/Housing Facebook Group

What are the immunization requirements?

  • Measles: All students are required to provide proof of measles (rubeola) immunity before they can register. The immunization page provides additional information and instructions. 
  • Covid-19: All students are required to be vaccinated against COVID-19 if they do not receive a medical or religious exemption. See details and instructions here: https://www.washington.edu/coronavirus/vaccination-requirement  
  • Additional Immunization Requirement for MPH Students: MPH students have additional immunization requirements and a different process for submitting documentation. Please review this checklist: https://www.ehs.washington.edu/system/files/resources/HSIP-Requirements-Checklist.pdf

Connecting with Resources

How can I connect with the Disability Resources Office? The UW's Disabilities Resources Offices (DRS) serves over 2,400 students with temporary and permanent physical, health, learning, sensory, or psychological disabilities. DRS partners with students to establish services for their access and inclusion on campus. DRS works with admitted students as soon as they have accepted their offer of admission. Please see their getting started page:  http://depts.washington.edu/uwdrs/prospective-students/getting-started/

How can I connect with Veteran's Services? The UW Veterans Education Benefits Office supports current and former service members and their dependents during their time as UW students. Please see their website for more information:  https://www.washington.edu/veterans/  

Is there a student health insurance option? International students will enroll in the  International Student Health Insurance Program – ISHIP . Academic Student Employees will have insurance through the  Graduate Appointee Insurance Program (GAIP)  . See your offer letter to confirm if you have an eligible appointment. UW does not offer a general insurance plan. However, the UW does offer services and support to help students find insurance plans  https://wellbeing.uw.edu/medical/insurance-cost/

Are there resources for Graduate Students of Color and First-Generation Graduate Students?

The UW Graduate School has a variety of resources. Here are links to their student resources pages for First-Generation Students and the Office of Graduate Student Equity & Excellence (GSEE) which provides a variety of resources to support and promote the success of graduate students of color.


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    555-555-5555. [email protected]. Smith Counseling, Inc. Paramus, NJ, United States. 22/11/2019. Application for the position of Summer Psychology Intern. Dear Sir/Madam, I am excited to submit my resume and cover letter for the Summer Psychology Intern job within Smith Counseling, Inc. in Paramus, NJ. With developed field knowledge and ...

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    You can send your letter using U.S. mail or email. This letter is written assuming you will use email, and that you will attach copies of your resume and the Internship Program Fact Sheet. If you use U.S. mail, instead, you should change the words "attached" to "enclosed" in the second‐ to‐ last paragraph.

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  16. PDF Sample Psychology Intern Cover Letter

    Sincerely, John P. Covletter. Sample Practicum Cover Letter. PAPRIKA P. COVLETTER. 7896 Heart Court Maple Tree, CA (323) 456-7890 [email protected]. November 1, 2012. Dr. Angela Flame Pepperdine Community Counseling Clinic 18111 Von Karman Avenue Irvine, CA 92612. Dear Dr. Flame: I am applying for the practicum position listed with the ...

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    1. Add a header with contact information. Adding a header with contact information towards the top of your cover letter can set a formal tone while providing important details. Specifically, this section might include: Your full name. Your phone number. Your email address. The date.

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    As a student, the information you should emphasize in your cover letter will vary depending upon your level of education. Here are examples of effective cover letters created for students at the high school, college, and graduate levels. Recent College Graduate Sample #1. Recent College Graduate Sample #2. Response to Job Posting.

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    Sample Student Application Letter February 2, 2011 Thank you for your interest in the Pre-Professional Teaching Practicum — an excellent way for high school students interested in pursuing a career in teaching and training to experience the classroom as a teacher.

  20. PDF SOCIAL WORK & Human Services Practicum

    Revise this letter as needed to highlight your relevant interests and strengths (e.g., motivations, skills). Margins: 1" (2.54 cm) margins all around. Attached is my resume in application for a Social Work Practicum I or II placement during the _____ semester. For this practicum, I seek to expand my knowledge, skills and experience in social ...

  21. Practicum Application

    Request the Site to provide you with a letter ... Proof of liability insurance documentation must be submitted with the student's practicum application. Students must maintain a current professional liability insurance policy throughout the practicum. As a general rule, students should purchase an insurance policy limit up to $2 million. ...

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    1. Format your letter. Use a standard business letter format for your nursing student cover letter. Choose a professional font, such as Times New Roman or Helvetica, in a 10- or 12-point size so it's easy for the recipient to read. Align text to the left and use 1-inch margins.

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    To best serve Saskatchewan's diverse population, the FSW offers the full Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) and Master of Social Work (MSW) programs at its Regina and Saskatoon Campuses.This position is located in Regina, SK. Reporting to the Faculty Administrator and to the Field Education Coordinator, this position will facilitate agency outreach and student practicum placements in the Faculty ...

  24. BG program giving students real-world experience

    Throughout their senior year, these students took part in BG's new practicum program, which Chief Education Officer Joan Donnelly said was designed to "provide students with real-world ...

  25. Frequently asked questions: Admitted DEOHS graduate students

    International students who indicated that they would request an I-20 or DS visa application will also see instructions there. ... and in many cases the Faculty Mentor will not ultimately become the student's Thesis Chair or Practicum/Project Adviser. But the Initial Faculty Mentor will help the student to think about which members of faculty ...

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    Here's a list of steps you can follow to write a cover letter for a position as a counselor: 1. Add a header. At the top of the page, add a header that includes your full name, phone number, email address, the city and state where you live and a link to your professional website, if applicable. Consider writing your name in bold font to make it ...