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What is a Computer?

A computer is an electronic machine that processes raw data and outputs information. An electronic device that takes data as input and transforms it using a set of special instructions known as Programs to produce the desired output. A computer has an internal memory that stores data and instructions that are temporarily awaiting processing, as well as the intermediate result (information) before it is communicated to the recipients via the Output devices


What Does the Computer Require in Order to be Operational?

A Computer requires hardware devices and an operating system in order to be operational.

1. Hardware Devices

Monitor: It is a big television-like screen. It is an output device where you see what is happening on the computer.

Keyboard: It is an input device. It is a way of giving commands to a computer with the help of keys over it.

Central Processing Unit (CPU): It is a processing unit.It is considered the brain of the computer as it can’t perform any activity without CPU.

Mouse: It is an input device. This is the alternate method for cooperating with your PC. Most mice have two buttons — a right and a left button — and a looking over wheel.

Hardware Devices

Hardware Devices

2. Operating System (OS)

Operating System

Operating System

PCs without an OS are precisely similar to TVs without a signal. They will turn on, yet you will be checking a clear screen out without any desire to collaborate with it. The most famous working framework is "Microsoft Windows," and it is used by most PC.

The OS acts as the sensory system of the PC, interfacing the computer processor to all the PC programs. The OS permits you to run other programs, work on projects, and do essentially all the other things that PCs are prepared to do.

There are a wide range of renditions of Microsoft Windows, and a new adaptation is delivered every several years.

How to Operate a Computer

There are three states in which a computer is at any given time.

OFF : This is precisely the exact thing it seems like: The PC is off, and no parts are running or working. The screen is dark (no pictures), there is no "humming" sound from the central processor, and the PC is inert to mouse developments or pressing keys on the keyboard. 

ON : When a PC is on, you ought to see pictures on the screen, conceivably hear a "buzzing" commotion coming from the central processor and the pointer on the screen ought to answer when you move the mouse.

Rest Mode : Most PCs have a mode called "Rest," in which the PC is on, yet has expected an energy-productive, insignificant power mode. To "wake" the PC, basically move the mouse around or press the spacebar on the console, and it will "awaken" and return to the identical spot that it was at the point at which it fell asleep.

Signing On Screen

Signing on Screen

When you turn the PC on, the PC will go through a progression of mechanized undertakings before it is prepared for you to associate with it; this cycle is called "startup." This cycle will endure somewhere in the range of one and two minutes. Assuming the PC is not working accurately, you might see a blunder message during startup.


After you sign on, the PC will show what is known as your work area inside a couple of moments to a couple of moments. Here you will see a computerized portrayal of something almost identical to real-life office space, complete with a work area, documents and record organizers, and a recycling bin.

Features of Computer

Below mentioned are some of the features of a computer..

When executing mathematical computations, a computer works significantly faster and more accurately than a human.

Speed of computer

Speed of Computer

Calculations made by computers are always accurate. Data inaccuracy or consistency might lead to errors.

A computer contains internal storage for data called main memory. Data is also stored on removable media like CDs, pen drives, and other types of secondary storage.

Computer Memory

Computer Memory


When given the same set of data repeatedly, a computer will consistently provide the same output, demonstrating its dependability.

The computer completes every task automatically, that is, without human interaction.

Computer Automation

Computer Automation

Drawbacks of Computer

Although using a computer has numerous benefits, there are also risks and drawbacks. If used improperly, computers can cause a number of health problems.

The computer is emotionless.

It can't function alone. It requires somebody to work on it and give it instructions.

The computer must be supplied with each command.

No choice can be made by a computer on its own.

What is a Machine?

A machine is a tool that facilitates our job.

It helps us save time and effort.

Humans are not as productive as machines .

Machine Examples Include the Following:

For enjoyment, people use televisions.


To iron the clothes, use an iron box.

Iron Box

An automobile is used for transportation.


Calling is done on a mobile device.

Mobile Device

Mobile Device

Points to Remember 

Computer is an electronic machine.

The main components required for a computer are mouse, monitor and  keyboard.

The CPU is also known as the “Brain” of the computer.

OS stands for operating system.

The first screen you see when it starts is called the desktop.

Learning by Doing

Choose the correct answer:.

1. Which part of the computer contains the computer's brains?

B. Keyboard

D. All of above

Write True or False

1. Windows, Linux, and Android are examples of Operating devices(True/False)

2. Keyboard is an Input device. (True/False)

Sample Questions

1. Choose the correct statement

A. Computer is an electronic machine

B. It performs arithmetic operation

C. Both A) and B)

2.  What is an OS? 

Ans: OS stands for operating system.The OS permits you to run other programs, work on projects, and do essentially all the other things that PCs are prepared to do.

3. List various primary parts of the computer.

1. A Motherboard

2. A CPU i.e. Central Processing Unit’

3. RAM i.e. Random Access Memory

5. Hard drives

6. Computer Mouse

The monitor, CPU, keyboard, mouse, printer, sound system, RAM, hard drive, and many other components make up the computer system's hardware. There are various operating systems in computers such as Microsoft Windows, Linux and so on.


FAQs on Introduction to Computer

1. Which OS does Apple use?

An Apple Computer is called a Macintosh (Mac). Its Operating System is OS X while other PCs use windows.

2. Do computers require the Internet to operate?

A computer does not need to access the Internet in order to run properly. The Internet is a way of connecting to other computer users. You can interface with the web utilizing a telephone line, a link association, or by utilizing a remote interfacing gadget (wi-fi). For most home PC clients, this is a paid help, however you can use the Web for free in a few public areas, similar to the library or a café. A PC will actually want to carry out most normal roles (play music, type records, alter pictures) and run programs without a Web association. Notwithstanding, to see a page or send an email, you will require a Web association. 

3. What “My Computer is Possessed!” means?

“My Computer is Possessed!” It is a common misconception that computers have “a mind of their own.” In spite of the fact that PCs can play out specific assignments significantly more effectively and quicker than people (like counting, performing numerical computations, and so on), they are, eventually, machines and can't have an independent mind. Any reasonable person would agree that the PC can do nothing that you don't advise it to do.

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Computer Applications | High School

5 Best Computer Applications Lesson Plans for High School

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November 22nd, 2022 | 6 min. read

5 Best Computer Applications Lesson Plans for High School

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High school computer teachers face a unique challenge. You have hundreds of students to teach, so planning lessons takes hours of personal time every week.

Creating computer applications lessons that are current, engaging, and will prepare your students isn’t easy! Unfortunately, it can be overwhelming to find computer applications lesson plans that are engaging and relevant to high schoolers.

So where do you start?

In this article, we’ll share where you can find great computer applications lesson plans to teach 5 topics to high school students:

  • Digital Literacy
  • Microsoft Office
  • Google Applications
  • Internet Research
  • Computer Science

We’ll start with the basics — digital literacy.

1. Digital Literacy Resources for High School Computer Classes


Digital literacy (sometimes called computer literacy) encompasses a number of skills related to using technology effectively and appropriately, making it critical for your students to understand.

When teaching digital literacy in high school be sure to include these six topics:

  • Information literacy
  • Ethical use of digital resources
  • Understanding digital footprints
  • Protecting yourself online
  • Handling digital communication
  • Cyberbullying

All of this knowledge provides an important base that students build upon throughout the rest of your course and later in their education!

For digital literacy lesson plans and activities, check out these five steps to teaching digital literacy in the classroom .

2. Microsoft Office Lesson Plans for High School


Teaching Microsoft Office in high school is a must. While some students may be familiar with these programs, it’s critical to familiarize your students so everyone is on the same page.

Also, high school students can go more in-depth with the advanced features of each application, compared to middle school students.

You can find a ton of resources out there to build lesson plans, but there are almost too many for one person to read.

Instead, decide which Microsoft applications you will cover and go from there. Also, consider if your students will take Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification exams. If so, include some exam prep lessons in your course.

To find lesson plan ideas that will work for your classroom, check out these Microsoft Office lesson plans that your students will love .

3. Google Apps Lesson Ideas for High School


Along with Microsoft Office, Google Apps are important for high school students to learn.

Your course standards may already include Google Apps, but if not, you should still consider including some lessons on Docs, Sheets, and Slides in your course.

It comes down to the fact that many employers are now using Google instead of Microsoft. That means your students should be prepared to use either application suite in their careers.

One way to teach Google Apps is to mirror your Microsoft Office lessons. Another option is to focus specifically on how the two suites differ, such as with the collaborative features in Google Docs.

Either way, you’ll need some lesson plans and activities!

To start, check out the Google Apps lesson plans every teacher should own .

4. Lessons to Teach Internet Research Skills in High School


Your students need internet research skills to use throughout the rest of their lives.

With the constant changes in how search engines work and the number of websites out there, these lessons are crucial.

Having good online research skills can help students prevent costly mistakes, such as citing false information in a final project or believing fake news.

There aren’t many resources about web research that are appropriate for high schoolers, but luckily Google has a series of lessons that could be just what you need.

There are three levels of expertise for each topic area, ensuring you can provide lessons based on your students’ levels of knowledge.

Additionally, some lessons have teacher presentations and Google includes a full lesson plan map for quick reference.

Check out the lessons from Google here: Search Literacy Lesson Plans .

5. Computer Science Lesson Plans for High School


Programming may be daunting to teach , but these skills are essential in today’s workforce. Knowing how to write code can set your students up for incredible careers in the future!

Luckily, there are a ton of resources out there to teach these skills. However, like Microsoft lessons, there are so many out there that it’s a challenge to comb through them all.

Fortunately, Common Sense Education has some great computer science activities and lessons for high school students.

Some of the tools come with lesson plans and teacher resources. Others are less structured, intended as an extra supplement to your lessons.

Check out Common Sense Education’s list of the best coding tools for high school students .

Start Teaching Computer Applications in High School Today!


Choosing the most appropriate computer applications lesson plans for your students can be the difference between your learners falling behind or being ready to begin exciting careers.

Any of the lessons in this article can help you get your students on the way to success with computer skills. But many teachers have found success when using a comprehensive CTE curriculum throughout their high school computer classes.

If you're looking for a cohesive learning experience for your high school students, consider iCEV. iCEV provides a high school computer curriculum with pre-built lessons, interactive activities, and automatically graded assessments designed to save you hours in the classroom.

Check out the iCEV computer curriculum to see if it's the right fit for your classroom:

Discover the iCEV Computer Curriculum

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  • 1 About This Tutorial arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn what's covered in this free course.
  • 2 What is a Computer? arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn what a computer is and how it functions.

Hardware Basics

  • 3 Basic Parts of a Computer arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn the basic parts of a computer, including the monitor, computer case, and keyboard.
  • 4 Buttons and Ports on a Computer arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn the various ports and buttons on a computer.
  • 5 Inside a Computer arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn what's inside a computer.
  • 6 Laptop Computers arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn more about laptop computers and how they differ from traditional desktop computers.
  • 7 Mobile Devices arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how mobile devices work.

Software Basics

  • 8 Understanding Operating Systems arrow_forward_ios ✓ Get a better understanding of operating systems and how they function.
  • 9 Understanding Applications arrow_forward_ios ✓ Better understand applications and how they work.

Using a Computer

  • 10 Setting Up a Computer arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn know how to set up a computer.
  • 11 Getting Started with Your First Computer arrow_forward_ios ✓ Get started with your first computer.
  • 12 Getting to Know the OS arrow_forward_ios ✓ Get to know your computer's operating system.

Using the Internet

  • 13 Connecting to the Internet arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to get online and start using the Internet.
  • 14 Getting Started with the Internet arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to get started with and navigate the Internet.
  • 15 Understanding the Cloud arrow_forward_ios ✓ Gain a greater understanding of the cloud and how it works.

Safety and Maintenance

  • 16 Keeping Your Computer Clean arrow_forward_ios ✓ Use these tips to keep your computer clean.
  • 17 Protecting Your Computer arrow_forward_ios ✓ Employ these strategies to keep your computer well protected from threats.
  • 18 Creating a Safe Workspace arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn tips for creating a safe space at work.
  • 19 Basic Troubleshooting Techniques arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn these basic troubleshooting techniques.
  • 20 How to Use Your Computer's Built-in Help arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to use your computer's built-in help function.
  • 21 Learning a New Program arrow_forward_ios ✓ Use these tips for learning a new program, whatever it may be.
  • 22 Bringing Your Files with You arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how you can bring your computer files and folders with you wherever you go.
  • 23 Using Accessibility Features arrow_forward_ios ✓ Here's how to use your computer's various accessibility functions.
  • 24 Computer Basics Quiz arrow_forward_ios ✓ Test your knowledge of computer basics by taking our quiz.

Career Power

What is Computer? Definition, Characteristics and Classification

A computer is an electronic device that can store, manipulate, and process data according to a set of instructions. Know more about the Computer and its Classification, Characteristics, Functionality.


Table of Contents

What is a Computer?

In the modern world, computers have become an integral part of our daily lives, revolutionizing the way we work, communicate, and entertain ourselves. From desktops to laptops, tablets to smartphones, computers come in various forms, yet many people are still unfamiliar with their inner workings and potential. In this article, we will discuss everything about the Computer Definition, Characteristics, Components, Functionality, and Classification .

Definition of Computer

A computer is an electronic device wherein we need to input raw data to be processed with a set of programs to produce a desirable output . Computers have the ability to store, process, and manipulate data. The term “computer” is derived from the Latin word “computare,” which means “to calculate.” A computer is made to run programs and apps by using both hardware and software. It also has a memory to store data, programs, and what they produce.

Characteristics of Computer

Computers are now an integral part of our daily lives, from managing student records in schools to handling patient records in hospitals. They have significantly simplified our tasks. Now, we can quickly access stored data and solve complex problems in just seconds. Some of the characteristics of Computers are listed below-

  • Saves Time: A computer saves time by completing tasks quicker and more efficiently. For example, it can solve big complex problems within seconds which can save many minutes of ours.
  • Internet: Computers connect us to the internet which can help us to know important information from around the world, it can connect us with people from around the world through social networking sites, etc.
  • Storage: The computer gives us enough storage space that can be used to store a large amount of data including your projects, ebooks, documents, movies, pictures, songs, etc.
  • Entertainment: Computers are also a big source of entertainment as you can play games, listen to songs, watch movies, and can also use social networking sites.
  • Organized Data: It not only stores the data for you for also organizes the data for you. You can create different folders for different types of data and can easily access them when required.
  • Helps the physically challenged: Computers are a big boon for the physically challenged people as Stephen Hawking, who was not able to speak used the computer to speak. It also can be used to help blind people by installing special software to read what is on the screen.

Features OF Computer

We have discussed a few points that will highlight the different features of computers. These features collectively contribute to the versatility and functionality of computers.

  • Processing Power: Computers can execute instructions and perform calculations quickly.
  • Storage Capacity: They can store vast amounts of data, from documents to multimedia files.
  • Memory (RAM): Temporary storage used for actively running programs and processes.
  • Input Devices: Keyboards, mouse, and other peripherals allow users to input data.
  • Output Data: Monitors, printers, and speakers display or produce results.
  • Upgradability: Components like RAM, storage, and graphics cards can be upgraded.
  • Portability: Laptops and tablets offer mobility compared to desktop computers.
  • User Interface: Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) or command-line interfaces for interaction.
  • Security Features: Passwords, firewalls, and antivirus tools protect against unauthorized access.
  • Power Management: Features to optimize energy consumption.

History of Computer

To understand the development of computers, and how they evolved from simple mechanical devices to the complex electronic machines that we use today. The knowledge can help to appreciate the challenges that computer scientists have faced over the years and the ingenuity they have shown in overcoming them.

Studying the history of computers can help to anticipate future developments in the field. The history of computers can be traced back to the ancient Greeks, who used the abacus to perform simple calculations. In the 17th century, Blaise Pascal invented the mechanical calculator, which could perform more complex calculations. In the 19th century, Charles Babbage designed the Analytical Engine, which is considered to be the first general-purpose computer. By understanding the history of computers that have shaped the development in the past.

Classification of Computers

Computers come in various types, primarily categorized by their data handling capacity and physical size. Based on the size, computers are 5 types namely, Micro Computer, Mini Computer, Mainframe Computer, Super Computer and Work stations. Whereas, based on data handling capacity, there are 3 types of computers namely analogue computers, digital computers, and hybrid computers. All the different types of computers perform different tasks and have been designed differently. For your reference, we have discussed all the types of computers and you can scroll through the page to read them all.

Based on Size

There are various types of computers available in the markets which are of different sizes. These computers are different from each other with respect to the amount of work they can do or the amount of data they can hold. Here we have classified the main 5 types of computers based on their size and have also provided the details regarding the same.

1. Micro Computer:

Micro Computers are mainly single-user computers and have comparatively lesser storage and speed than other computers. The first microcomputer was built with 8-bit microprocessor chips as these computers use microprocessors as CPU. Laptops, smartphones, desktop computers, etc. are all examples of microcomputers. These computers are made for everyday tasks like browsing the web and using programs like Microsoft Office MS Word etc..

2. Mini Computer:

Midrange computers or Mini-computers are multi-user computers designed in a way so as to entertain multiple users simultaneously. Small businesses and firms use these computers for their specific purposes. For example- a company or organization may use mini computers to look after the employee directory which may handle the payment history of its employees and any schools may use them to keep records of the students or for admission purposes.

3. Mainframe Computer:

Mainframe Computers are also not designed for single users, rather it is a multi-user computer that can handle thousands of users all at once. Large industries and government organizations utilize these computers to facilitate their business operations by storing substantial volumes of data. Banks and insurance companies use these computers to store the data of their customers, their policies, etc.

4. Super Computer:

Super Computer is the fastest type of computer amongst all and is also the most expensive. They can store a large number of data and can perform the most complex tasks within seconds. They can also execute millions of instructions per second. These computers are designed specifically to handle specific tasks such as weather forecasting, space research, and more. Supercomputers are also used by NASA for their Satellite launching.

5. Work Stations:

Workstations are single-user computers and have more powerful microprocessors than a microcomputer. When it comes to speed and storage capacity, it comes between a personal computer and a mini-computer. The most common uses of a workstation are desktop publishing, engineering designs, etc.

Based on Data Handling Capacity

Computers can be divided into 3 types based on their data handling capacity namely, analog, digital, and hybrid computers. These are different from each other with respect to the type of work they can do and the amount of data they can handle. We have discussed these types of computers in detail below.

Analog Computer:

The main function of Analog Computers is to process analog data. The data that changes frequently and does not have discrete values are called data and the analog computers are used at places where we have approximate values e.g., speed, temperature, pressure, etc. These computers can pick data from the devices without converting it into machine language. Some common examples of analog computers are speedometers, thermometers, etc.

Digital Computer:

Digital Computers are designed in a way so that they can perform calculations and logical operations at high speed. These computers input raw data and with the help of the programs stored in their memory, it gives the final output. Digital computers can only understand binary language i.e., 0 and 1 hence, the raw data to be given as input is converted into 0 and 1 and then it is processed. Examples are laptops, desktops, smartphones, etc.

Hybrid Computer:

Hybrid, as the name suggests is a mixture of both analog and digital computers. Hybrid computers are as fast as analog computers and also have accuracy like that of digital computers. These computers can process both continuous and discrete data as they accept analog signals and then convert them into digital signals before processing. Some common uses of Hybrid computers are in airplanes, hospitals, etc.

Components of a Computer

A computer mainly has two components i.e. hardware and software wherein the components of the computers having a physical structure such as wires, transistors, circuits, and hard disk make up the hardware whereas the programs and data make up the software. Some other important components of a Computer are discussed below.

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Often referred to as the “brain” of the computer, the CPU is responsible for executing instructions and performing calculations. It interprets and carries out the commands from software and hardware components.

Computer Memory

Computers have different types of memory for temporary and permanent data storage. Random Access Memory (RAM) provides fast but volatile storage, while the hard drive or Solid-State Drive (SSD) offers non-volatile, long-term storage for programs and files.

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

An arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is a key component of a computer’s central processor unit. The ALU is part of a central processing unit (CPU) and performs all arithmetic and logic operations that must be performed on instruction words. The ALU is split into two parts in some microprocessor architectures: the AU and the LU.

Input Devices of Computer

Input Devices of the Computer enable users to interact with the computer. These are tools used to provide information and commands to the computer. Examples include keyboards, mice, touchscreens, scanners, and microphones. They allow us to input commands, data, and instructions for the computer to process. Keyboards and mouse allow users to input text, navigate interfaces, and interact with software. Tochpads offer similar functions on laptops and touch-enabled devices. Microphones capture audio input, enabling voice commands, voice recordings, and communication in applications like voice chat and video conferencing.

Output Devices of Computer

Output Devices of Computers display or transmit processed information to users. These are tools that display or produce information from the computer. Common examples include monitors, printers, speakers, and headphones. They present the results of computations, provide visual feedback, or produce audio output. Monitors show visual data like tests and images, while printers create physical copies of documents. Speakers and headphones produce sound output, allowing us to hear audio from videos, music, or other multimedia on our computer.


The motherboard acts as the central hub connecting all the computer’s components. It houses the CPU, memory modules, expansion slots, and connectors, facilitating communication and data transfer between different parts of the system.

Functionality of a Computer

Computers possess remarkable versatility and can perform a multitude of tasks. Some basic Functionalities and uses of a Computer are discussed below.

  • Data Processing: Computers excel at processing vast amounts of data quickly and accurately. They can manipulate numbers, perform complex calculations, analyze patterns, and generate reports.
  • Information Storage: With their vast storage capacities, computers can store massive amounts of information, from personal files to entire databases. They enable quick retrieval and organization of data for efficient access and analysis.
  • Communication: Computers facilitate seamless communication through various means, such as email, instant messaging, video conferencing, and social media. They enable global connectivity and information sharing on an unprecedented scale.
  • Multimedia and Entertainment: Computers serve as multimedia powerhouses, allowing users to watch movies, listen to music, view images, play games, and edit videos. They provide immersive experiences and entertainment options for users of all ages

Finally, a computer is a remarkable electronic device that processes data, performs calculations, and executes tasks based on programmed instructions. It comprises various components working together to facilitate the input, processing, and output of information. From their ability to process data at incredible speeds to their role in communication, entertainment, and information storage, computers have revolutionized every aspect of our lives. The Computer was invented by Charles Babbage.  So he is known as the father of computers .

Some Interesting Facts About Computer

Below we have discussed a few interesting Facts about computers:

  • The first computer programmer was Lady Augusta Ada Lovelace, who wrote the first algorithm for Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine in the 1840s.
  • The word “Bug” in the context of computer glickes originated in 1947 when a moth caused a malfunction in the Harvard Mark II computer.
  • The world’s first computer mouse was invented by Douglas Engelbart in 1964 and was made of wood.
  • The term “Byte” was coined by Dr. Werner Buchholz in 1956 while working on IBM’s Stretch computer.
  • The first electronic computer, ENIAC, weighed around 30 tons and used more than 17,000 vacuum tubes.
  • The Apollo 11 guidance computer, which landed humans on the moon in 1969, had less processing power than a modern smartphone.

Generation of Computer (1st to 5th)- Read Now

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Q1. What is computer?

Ans. A computer is an electronic device wherein we need to input raw data to be processed with a set of programs to produce a desirable output. Computers also have the capacity to store, process and manipulate the data.

Q2. What are Super Computers?

Ans. Super Computers is the fastest type of computer amongst all and is also the most expensive. They can store a large number of data and can perform the most complex task within seconds. They can also execute millions of instructions per second.

Q3. How many types of Computers are there?

Ans. The computers can classified on the basis of their size and their data handling capacity. There are 5 types of computers based on the size whereas there are 3 types of computers based on their data handling capacity.

Q4. What are Hybrid Computers?

Ans. Hybrid computers are fast as an analog computer and also has accuracy like that of digital computers. These computers can process both continuous and discrete data as it accepts analog signal and then converts them into digital signals before processing. Some common uses of Hybrid computers are in airplanes, hospitals, etc.

Q5. What is the full form of COMPUTER?

Ans. The full form of COMPUTER is Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research.

What are the 4 types of computer?

Ans. Four types of computer are Supercomputers. Mainframe computers. Minicomputers. Personal computers (PCs) or microcomputers.

Aparna Tomar

As Team Lead- Content Writer, I take on leadership within our content creation team, overseeing the development of error-free educational content. My primary responsibility is to produce and analyse high-quality content educating and informing the aspirants about upcoming government exams published on our website. I have more than 6 years experience in content writing wherein 3.5 years of experience in ed-tech content writing.


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Basics of Computers - Introduction

Being a modern-day kid you must have used, seen, or read about computers. This is because they are an integral part of our everyday existence. Be it school, banks, shops, railway stations, hospital or your own home, computers are present everywhere, making our work easier and faster for us. As they are such integral parts of our lives, we must know what they are and how they function. Let us start with defining the term computer formally.

The literal meaning of computer is a device that can calculate. However, modern computers can do a lot more than calculate. Computer is an electronic device that receives input, stores or processes the input as per user instructions and provides output in desired format.

Input-Process-Output Model

Computer input is called data and the output obtained after processing it, based on user’s instructions is called information . Raw facts and figures which can be processed using arithmetic and logical operations to obtain information are called data .


The processes that can be applied to data are of two types −

Arithmetic operations − Examples include calculations like addition, subtraction, differentials, square root, etc.

  • Logical operations − Examples include comparison operations like greater than, less than, equal to, opposite, etc.

The corresponding figure for an actual computer looks something like this −

Block Diagram

The basic parts of a computer are as follows −

Input Unit − Devices like keyboard and mouse that are used to input data and instructions to the computer are called input unit.

Output Unit − Devices like printer and visual display unit that are used to provide information to the user in desired format are called output unit.

Control Unit − As the name suggests, this unit controls all the functions of the computer. All devices or parts of computer interact through the control unit.

Arithmetic Logic Unit − This is the brain of the computer where all arithmetic operations and logical operations take place.

Memory − All input data, instructions and data interim to the processes are stored in the memory. Memory is of two types – primary memory and secondary memory . Primary memory resides within the CPU whereas secondary memory is external to it.

Control unit, arithmetic logic unit and memory are together called the central processing unit or CPU . Computer devices like keyboard, mouse, printer, etc. that we can see and touch are the hardware components of a computer. The set of instructions or programs that make the computer function using these hardware parts are called software . We cannot see or touch software. Both hardware and software are necessary for working of a computer.

Characteristics of Computer

To understand why computers are such an important part of our lives, let us look at some of its characteristics −

Speed − Typically, a computer can carry out 3-4 million instructions per second.

Accuracy − Computers exhibit a very high degree of accuracy. Errors that may occur are usually due to inaccurate data, wrong instructions or bug in chips – all human errors.

Reliability − Computers can carry out same type of work repeatedly without throwing up errors due to tiredness or boredom, which are very common among humans.

Versatility − Computers can carry out a wide range of work from data entry and ticket booking to complex mathematical calculations and continuous astronomical observations. If you can input the necessary data with correct instructions, computer will do the processing.

Storage Capacity − Computers can store a very large amount of data at a fraction of cost of traditional storage of files. Also, data is safe from normal wear and tear associated with paper.

Advantages of Using Computer

Now that we know the characteristics of computers, we can see the advantages that computers offer−

Computers can do the same task repetitively with same accuracy.

Computers do not get tired or bored.

Computers can take up routine tasks while releasing human resource for more intelligent functions.

Disadvantages of Using Computer

Despite so many advantages, computers have some disadvantages of their own −

Computers have no intelligence; they follow the instructions blindly without considering the outcome.

Regular electric supply is necessary to make computers work, which could prove difficult everywhere especially in developing nations.

Starting a computer or a computer-embedded device is called booting . Booting takes place in two steps −

  • Switching on power supply
  • Loading operating system into computer’s main memory
  • Keeping all applications in a state of readiness in case needed by the user

The first program or set of instructions that run when the computer is switched on is called BIOS or Basic Input Output System . BIOS is a firmware , i.e. a piece of software permanently programmed into the hardware.

If a system is already running but needs to be restarted, it is called rebooting . Rebooting may be required if a software or hardware has been installed or system is unusually slow.

There are two types of booting −

Cold Booting − When the system is started by switching on the power supply it is called cold booting. The next step in cold booting is loading of BIOS.

Warm Booting − When the system is already running and needs to be restarted or rebooted, it is called warm booting. Warm booting is faster than cold booting because BIOS is not reloaded.

Essay on Computer and its Uses for School Students and Children

500+ words essay on computer.

In this essay on computer, we are going to discuss some useful things about computers. The modern-day computer has become an important part of our daily life. Also, their usage has increased much fold during the last decade. Nowadays, they use the computer in every office whether private or government. Mankind is using computers for over many decades now. Also, they are used in many fields like agriculture, designing, machinery making, defense and many more. Above all, they have revolutionized the whole world.

essay on computer

History of Computers

It is very difficult to find the exact origin of computers. But according to some experts computer exists at the time of world war-II. Also, at that time they were used for keeping data. But, it was for only government use and not for public use. Above all, in the beginning, the computer was a very large and heavy machine.

Working of a Computer 

The computer runs on a three-step cycle namely input, process, and output. Also, the computer follows this cycle in every process it was asked to do. In simple words, the process can be explained in this way. The data which we feed into the computer is input, the work CPU do is process and the result which the computer give is output.

Components and Types of Computer

The simple computer basically consists of CPU, monitor, mouse, and keyboard . Also, there are hundreds of other computer parts that can be attached to it. These other parts include a printer, laser pen, scanner , etc.

The computer is categorized into many different types like supercomputers, mainframes, personal computers (desktop), PDAs, laptop, etc. The mobile phone is also a type of computer because it fulfills all the criteria of being a computer.

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Uses of Computer in Various Fields

As the usage of computer increased it became a necessity for almost every field to use computers for their operations. Also, they have made working and sorting things easier. Below we are mentioning some of the important fields that use a computer in their daily operation.

Medical Field

They use computers to diagnose diseases, run tests and for finding the cure for deadly diseases . Also, they are able to find a cure for many diseases because of computers.

Whether it’s scientific research, space research or any social research computers help in all of them. Also, due to them, we are able to keep a check on the environment , space, and society. Space research helped us to explore the galaxies. While scientific research has helped us to locate resources and various other useful resources from the earth.

For any country, his defence is most important for the safety and security of its people. Also, computer in this field helps the country’s security agencies to detect a threat which can be harmful in the future. Above all the defense industry use them to keep surveillance on our enemy.

Threats from a Computer

Computers have become a necessity also, they have become a threat too. This is due to hackers who steal your private data and leak them on internet. Also, anyone can access this data. Apart from that, there are other threats like viruses, spams, bug and many other problems.

assignment about computer

The computer is a very important machine that has become a useful part of our life. Also, the computers have twin-faces on one side it’s a boon and on the other side, it’s a bane. Its uses completely depend upon you. Apart from that, a day in the future will come when human civilization won’t be able to survive without computers as we depend on them too much. Till now it is a great discovery of mankind that has helped in saving thousands and millions of lives.

Frequently Asked Questions on Computer

Q.1  What is a computer?

A.1 A computer is an electronic device or machine that makes our work easier. Also, they help us in many ways.

Q.2 Mention various fields where computers are used?

A.2  Computers are majorly used in defense, medicine, and for research purposes.

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Computer Hardware

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Computer hardware includes the physical parts of a computer, such as a case, central processing unit (CPU), random access memory (RAM), monitor, and mouse which processes the input according to the set of instructions provided to it by the user and gives the desired output.

The computer has mainly has two major components:

In this article, we only discuss computer hardware.

assignment about computer

What is Computer Hardware?

Computer hardware is a physical device of computers that we can see and touch. For e.g. Monitor , Central Processing Unit , Mouse, Joystick , etc. Using these devices, we can control computer operations like input and output .

Computer Hardware Parts

These hardware components are further divided into the following categories, which are:

  • Input Devices
  • Output Devices
  • Storage Devices
  • Internal Components

1. Input Devices

Input devices are those devices with the help of which the user interacts with the computer. Or, In other words, with the help of input devices, the user enters the data or information into the computer. This information or data is accepted by the input devices and converted into a computer-acceptable format, which is further sent to the computer system for processing.

Now we discuss some input devices:

  • Keyboard: It is the most common and main input device for computers. The data is inputted by typing on the keyboard. It consists of 104 keys in total. It contains numeric keys, alphabet keys, and different function keys as well. Earlier, it was connected to the computer via cable, now as technology has advanced, you can connect a keyboard using Bluetooth.
  • Mouse: A mouse is a kind of pointing device which is rolled over to control the cursor on the screen and it has functional keys like left, middle, and right buttons. Using these functional keys, on by the click of which an object is selected or to open a file by just a click of a mouse. It also consists of a sensor inside which notifies its speed to the computer and according to which the cursor is moved on the screen.
  • Scanner: As the name suggests, it scans images, documents, etc., and converts them into digital form and that can be further edited and used. It works just like a Xerox machine. 
  • Track Ball: It is a device much like an upside-down mouse. It does not use much space for movement like a mouse. As the trackball remains stationary and the user moves the ball in various directions, it affects the screen movements directly.
  • Light Pen: It is a light-sensitive device and it is touched to the CRT screen where it can detect, a raster on the screen as it passes by and, with the help of this user can draw anything like lines, figures, or any objects. 
  • Microphone: It is a kind of voice input system that can be attached to a computer system to record sounds. It converts human speech or voice into electrical signals . This electrical signal is processed by the computer and the word is recognized.  
  • Optical Character Reader: It is used to detect alphanumeric characters that are written or printed on paper using a low-frequency light source. This light is absorbed by the dark areas and reflected by the light areas, now this reflected light is received by the photocells. It is like a scanner.
  • Bar Code Reader: It is used to read bar codes and convert them into electric pulse which will further processed by the computer. Here, the barcode is data that is coded into white and black lines(or light and dark lines).

2. Output Devices

These are the devices that are used to display the output of any task given to the computer in human-readable form. 

Now we discuss some output devices:

  • Monitor: The monitor is the main output device. It is also called VDU(visual display unit) and it looks like a TV screen. The Monitor displays the information from the computer. It is used to display text, video, images, etc.
  • Printer: A printer is an output device that transfers data from the computer in a printed format by using text or images on paper. There are both colored and black & white printers. Further, there are also different types of printers, like Laser Printer, Dot-matrix printers, and Inkjet printers.
  • Plotter: It is similar to a printer but potters are large in size. A plotter is used to generate large drawings, architectural blueprints, etc. on paper and these are high-quality images and drawings and large in size.
  • Speakers: It is a very common output device and it gives sound as an output. Speaker is generally used to play music or anything having sound.

3. Storage Devices

There are some devices that are used for storage purposes and are known as secondary storage devices. Some of them were discussed below:

1. CD (Compact disc): A CD is circular in shape and made up of thin platted glass and plastic polycarbonate material. It has a storage capacity of 600 MB to 700 MB of data. It has a standard size of 12 cm with a hole in the center of about 1.5 cm and 1.2 mm in thickness. There are basically 3 types of CDs, which are:

  • CD-ROM (CD – Read Only Memory): Contents of this type of CD cannot be erased by the user. Only the publisher is allowed to access the data imprinted on this CD. CD-ROM is basically used for commercial purposes like for a music album or any application package by a software company.
  • CD-R (CD-Recordable): In this, content or data can be stored once. After that, they can be read many times but the data or content cannot be rewritten or erased. (Kind of one-time use)
  • CD-RW(CD-Rewritable): As the name suggests, this type of CD is used to rewrite the content or erase previous content and again write new content many times.

2. DVD (Digital Video/Versatile Disc): A DVD is the same as a CD but with some more features. A DVD comes in single and dual-layer formats. It has much greater storage capacity in comparison to CD. The storage capacity of a DVD with one-sided single layer is – 4.7 GB, one-sided double layer – 8.5 GB, double-sided single layer – 9.4 GB, and double-sided double layer – 17 GB. There are also some types in DVDs, which are :

  • DVD-ROM: In this type, the contents of the DVD cannot be written on or erased by the user. DVD ROM is used for applications and database for distributing them in large amounts.
  • DVD-R / DVD+R: DVD-R (DVD minus R) and DVD+R (DVD plus R) are two different kinds of discs and they are once recordable format. Also, they have no difference virtually.
  • DVD-RW / DVD+RW: This is a kind of rewritable disc and it allows up to 1,000 rewrites.
  • DVD-RAM: DVD RAM is accessed like a hard disk. It provides high data security and storage capacity. This is a kind of rewritable disc and it allows up to 1,00,000 rewrites.

3. Hard Disk: An hard disk is a non-volatile storage device that uses its read/write heads to store digital data on a magnetic surface of a rigid plate. It is generally 3.5 inches in size for desktops and 2.5 inches in size for laptops. A hard disk can be classified further into 3 types, which are:

  • Internal Hard Disk: It has a common storage capacity stated as GB or TB. A system case or cabinet is the place where it is located. It can perform faster operations and its storage is fixed. It is mainly used to store large data files and programs .
  • Internal Cartridges: The Internal hard disk can’t be removed from the system cabinet easily. To resolve this problem Internal Cartridges are introduced. So, Internal cartridges are easy to remove CDs. It has a storage capacity of 2 GB to 160 GB. It is used as an alternative to an internal hard disk.
  • Hard Disk Packs: It is used by organizations such as banks, and government sector organizations to store large amounts of data. It has a storage capacity of a range of PB( Peta Bytes).

Hardware Components

Some important hardware devices known as the internal components are discussed below: 

1. CPU (Central Processing Unit)

The CPU is also known as the heart of the computer. It consists of three units, generally known as the control unit, Arithmetic Logical Unit (ALU) , and the memory unit . Below is the block diagram of the CPU is given:

assignment about computer

As shown in the diagram input is given to the CPU through input devices. This input goes to memory and the control unit gets instructions from memory. The control unit now decides what to do with the input or instructions and transfers it to ALU. Now, ALU performs various operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, logical operations, etc. After that, the final result gets stored in memory and finally passed to output devices to give the output. So, this is how the CPU works.

2. Motherboard

It is the main circuit board inside a computer and it contains most of the electronic components together. All the components of the computer are directly or indirectly connected to the motherboard . It includes RAM slots, controllers, system chipsets, etc. 

3. RAM (Random Access Memory)

It is also known as temporary or volatile memory. It holds the program and data, which are currently in process or processing. All the data is erased as soon as the computer is turned off or in case of a power failure. Data stored in this memory can be changed. There are two types of RAM:-

  • SRAM (Static RAM): SRAM basically consists of a flip-flop using a transistor or Mosfet (MOS). It is fast and has less access time. In this refreshing circuits are not required. But it is costly and requires more space. For e.g. cache memory.
  • DRAM (Dynamic RAM): DRAM consists of capacitors and the data is stored in the form of capacitors. Capacitors charge when data is 1 and don’t charge if data is 0. It requires refreshing circuits, as leakage of current in the capacitor can occur, so they need to be refreshed to the data. It is slower and has a higher access time. It is cheaper in comparison with SRAM . For e.g. Main memory.

4. Video Graphics Array Port

A video input commonly used on computer monitors is called a video graphics array (VGA) port. Verifying that there isn’t a loose connection, a damaged cable, or a broken display is one step in troubleshooting a VGA port. Compressed air can also be sprayed inside the VGA port by a computer expert to make sure it’s dust-free.

5. Power Supply

All of a computer system’s parts are powered by a power source. Typically, a power cord is used to connect a computer tower to an electrical outlet. By turning off the computer, unplugging and separating the power supply cord, or trying a different cord or socket, a technician can diagnose the power supply.

6. Cooling Fan

A computer’s system to prevent overheating uses cooling fans. To aid customers who use their computers intensively, such as when streaming video or playing games, many computers contain more than one cooling fan. If a user detects their computer overheating, a computer expert might need to repair the cooling fan. The blades may be examined for any damage and cleared of any foreign objects. A technician’s standard method of troubleshooting may involve replacing computer fans.

7. Hard Drive

On a computer system, files, programs, and other types of information are stored on hard drives, which are data storage devices. They utilise hard drives, which are magnetically coated discs used to store digital versions of information. A computer technician can suspect a corrupt hard disk when a hard drive dies.

Relationship Between Computer Hardware and Software

  • Both the Hardware and software are mutually dependent on each other. Each should function properly so that the computer produces an output.
  • Software utilization can not be done without supporting of the hardware.
  • Relevant software should be loaded into the hardware to get the latest software.
  • Hardware is a one-time expense while software is not.
  • Software development is very expensive while hardware cant be developed if in use once.
  • Many software applications and their sub-applications can be loaded on hardware to run different jobs.
  • The software acts as an interface between the user and the hardware.

FAQs on Computer hardware

Q.1 why is computer hardware important.

The term hardware for a computer system refers to the actual, physical tools and components that support crucial operations including input, processing (internal storage, computation, and control), output, secondary storage (for data and programs), and communication.

Q.2 How does SCCM handle hardware inventory?

SCCM’s hardware inventory gathers data on hardware components utilized throughout your IT infrastructure. You must enable a few parameters before you can begin collecting hardware inventory data. Once the hardware inventory settings have been enabled, it is simple to store inventory data in the SCCM database.

Q.3 What is the basic use of hardware?

Hardware describes the physical parts of the computer or its delivery systems for the software’s written instructions to be stored and executed.

Q.4 How do you make a computer run faster?

Consider giving your computer extra RAM if you’ve previously removed debris from the interior and uninstalled any superfluous files or apps. Your CPU will normally operate more efficiently with extra memory, which could improve performance.

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If you are reading this, you are surely in need of some excellent computer science topics. The good news is that you have arrived at the right place. We have 201 brand new computer science topics that should work great in 2023. The even better news is that each and every one of these research topics in computer science is 100% free to use. You can reword our topics or use them as they are; it’s up to you.

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  • How safe are social networking platforms?
  • Policing the Internet
  • The role of the dark net
  • Corporations using personal data
  • Targeted ads
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  • Video streaming with IoT

Quantum Computing Ideas

Truth be told, quantum computing is one of the hottest ideas and works great for 2023. Pick one of our quantum computing ideas for free:

  • Discuss a quantum algorithm
  • What is quantum computing?
  • Discuss adiabatic optimization
  • Discuss quantum annealing
  • Cryptography in quantum computing
  • 5 requirements for quantum computing
  • Quantum computing and financial modeling
  • Implications for Artificial Intelligence

Computer Science Project Topics

So, you are interested in starting a computer science project. Pick one of these computer science project topics for free right now:

  • Securing a workstation
  • Face detection application
  • An Android battery safer system
  • Create your very own search engine
  • Write a group chat app in Java
  • Selenium browser automation applications
  • Mitigate a DDoS attack
  • Load balancing applications

Computer Engineering Research Topics

Researching good computer engineering topics can take hours. Why waste your time when we have some computer engineering research topics right here:

  • Clustering in data mining
  • The advantages of data mining
  • The disadvantages of using big data
  • Artificial intelligence in security applications
  • Strong AI vs. Weak AI
  • Pattern measurement in image processing
  • Computer-aided image restoration methods
  • DNA/RNA simulations using bioinformatics

Interesting Computer Science Topics

Want to make sure your professor notices your paper? No problem! Simply pick one of these interesting computer science topics:

  • Green cloud computing
  • Spectral clustering in data mining
  • Fraud detection using big data
  • AI uses of computer vision
  • CNN Advanced Machine Learning
  • Augmented reality vs. virtual reality

Computer Networks Topics

Writing about networks and networking never gets old. We have some highly interesting computer networks topics just for you:

  • Create a network (practical project)
  • Network security best practices
  • The IPv6 protocol
  • The TCP/IP protocol
  • How does the Internet work?
  • Banking computer networks

Current Topics in Computer Science

You are probably interested in writing about the newest and hottest topics, so here are some current topics in computer science:

  • Define data science
  • The 5G network
  • What are swarm robots?
  • NoSQL databases
  • Programs creating programs
  • Using computer science in biology

Cool Computer Security Research Topics

Do you want to impress your professor and secure a top grade? Pick one of our cool computer security research topics:

  • Humans: the weak link in network security
  • Analyzing the top 3 online scams
  • Discuss endpoint security best practices
  • IoT security
  • What is a cyber security audit?
  • Best algorithm for data encryption
  • Ransomware and ways to prevent it
  • Discuss unified user profiles

Computer Science Presentation Topics

Our team of ENL writers managed to put together an excellent list of computer science presentation topics for you:

  • Importance of biometrics in computer security
  • Windows vs. Linux vs. MacOS security
  • DDoS attacks on vehicular ad hoc networks
  • Describe a software-defined network
  • Using artificial neural networks effectively
  • Model-free versus model-based reinforcement learning
  • The future of wireless: the 5G network

PhD Research Topics in Computer Science

Are you looking to start on your PhD but don’t know which topic to choose? We have some ideas of PhD research topics in computer science you might like:

  • Database architecture: literature review
  • Develop a novel search algorithm
  • Creating a new network protocol
  • Advanced computer vision in robots
  • Write a deep learning algorithm
  • Solving the decoherence problem with quantum computers

Computer Forensics Research Paper Topics

Ever wonder how law enforcement manages to catch cyber criminals? We have some of the best computer forensics research paper topics right here:

  • Recovering data for computer forensics
  • Identifying users on the darknet
  • The Fourth Amendment and computer forensics
  • Discuss digital steganography
  • What is criminal profiling?
  • Cyber surveillance

Artificial Intelligence Topics

AI is what everyone’s talking about right now, so it’s the perfect topic for 2023. Fortunately, we have some very nice artificial intelligence topics:

  • What is reinforcement learning?
  • Discuss recommender systems
  • The 4 types of AI
  • Is AI dangerous?
  • Predicting housing price using AI
  • AI in the medical profession

Interesting Cyber Security Ideas

Are you interested in cyber security? It’s an awesome field, we have to admit. Pick one of these interesting cyber security ideas and start writing:

  • Best anti-virus system today
  • Discuss secure passwords
  • What is a brute force attack?
  • The human element in cyber security
  • Security awareness
  • Working remotely security solutions

Trends in Computer Science Topics

If you like to analyze trends, computer science is one of the best subjects to try your hand on. Take a look at our trends in computer science topics:

  • The appearance of Mini-VGA connectors
  • Discuss multiprocessing in 2023
  • How was the Small-Scale Experimental Machine built?
  • Computers and education in 2023
  • Computers and medicine in 2023
  • The evolution of computing power
  • What is a neural computer?
  • The Internet of Things in 2023

Need More Computer Topics?

Didn’t find the computer topics you were looking for? No problem! In addition to our computer architecture topics, computer science controversial topics and PhD research topics in computer science, we can help students with many others. Professionals providing computer science homework help can quickly put together a list of unique computer related topics for you. All you have to do is ask.

If you need more computer science topics for research or if you just need some simple computer science essay topics, don’t hesitate to contact us. We can send you a list of original computer research topics in no time. Each one of our topics can win you a top grade.

So, what are you waiting for? Get your list of computer science research papers topics right now. Get in touch with us!

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Intro to Computers Using PCs

Computer networking & infotech.

A computer literacy course using personal computers. Prepares students to use computer applications. Provides an overview of computer components including hardware, software, and data, as well as computer concepts related to networks and security. Includes fundamentals of Windows and other operating systems and applications such as word processing, spreadsheets, database, presentations and the internet. Students use computers to complete class assignments.

This class has no scheduled meetings and requires the use of Canvas. All coursework is completed on Canvas using an internet enabled device. For course details, students must check the instructor’s website .


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  2. Microsoft Windows

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  3. Computer Science (Assignment/Report) Template

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  4. Computer Science Assignment Help from Experts

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  5. Basic Computer

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  1. Ch3 Assignment Computer and Informational Systems

  2. Assignment Computer Software Ikhwan Hamidi

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  5. Advanced Computer Networks ASSIGNMENT 1 WEEK 1 NPTEL SWAYAM 2024

  6. Computer Integrated Manufacturing // Week-10 // Assignment Solution nptel 2024


  1. What is a computer? (article)

    Every computer takes in input data, stores and processes it, and outputs results in some way. In this unit, we'll dive deeper into the workings of computers, starting with understanding how computers represent data as 1s and 0s, then finding out how they process 1s and 0s with logic circuits inside a CPU, and finally learning about file sizes ...

  2. Introduction to Computer: Learn Definition, Examples and Types

    1. Hardware Devices. Monitor: It is a big television-like screen. It is an output device where you see what is happening on the computer. Keyboard: It is an input device. It is a way of giving commands to a computer with the help of keys over it. Central Processing Unit (CPU): It is a processing unit.It is considered the brain of the computer ...

  3. Computer

    computer, device for processing, storing, and displaying information.. Computer once meant a person who did computations, but now the term almost universally refers to automated electronic machinery.The first section of this article focuses on modern digital electronic computers and their design, constituent parts, and applications. The second section covers the history of computing.

  4. Computing

    Intro to computer science - Python. Computational thinking with variables. Designing algorithms with conditionals. Simulating phenomena with loops. Playing games with functions. Learn how to code computer programs, how to design algorithms that make computers more efficient, and discover what a career in computing could look like.

  5. Assignments

    Assignments. pdf. 98 kB Getting Started: Python and IDLE. file. 193 B shapes. file. 3 kB subjects. file. 634 kB words. pdf. 52 kB ... Computer Science. Programming Languages; Download Course. Over 2,500 courses & materials Freely sharing knowledge with learners and educators around the world.

  6. 5 Best Computer Applications Lesson Plans for High School

    In this article, we'll share where you can find great computer applications lesson plans to teach 5 topics to high school students: Digital Literacy. Microsoft Office. Google Applications. Internet Research. Computer Science. We'll start with the basics — digital literacy. 1.

  7. Computer Fundamentals Tutorial

    Functionalities of Computer. Any digital computer performs the following five operations: Step 1 − Accepts data as input. Step 2 − Saves the data/instructions in its memory and utilizes them as and when required. Step 3 − Execute the data and convert it into useful information. Step 4 − Provides the output.

  8. Free Computer Basics Tutorial at GCFGlobal

    4. Buttons and Ports on a Computer Learn the various ports and buttons on a computer. 5. Inside a Computer Learn what's inside a computer. 6. Laptop Computers Learn more about laptop computers and how they differ from traditional desktop computers. 7. Mobile Devices Learn how mobile devices work.

  9. 1.1: Welcome to Computer Applications and Concepts

    Welcome to ITE 115 - Introduction to Computer Applications and Concepts. Computers are important tools in nearly every profession, so almost everyone can benefit by knowing how they work and how to use them. In this course, you will learn the basics of computer hardware, software, and networking.

  10. PDF Chapter One Introduction to Computer

    Computers can be generally classified by size and power as follows, though there is Considerable overlap: • Personal computer: A small, single-user computer based on a microprocessor. In addition to the microprocessor, a personal computer has a keyboard for entering data, a monitor for displaying information, and a storage device for saving data.

  11. Assignment 1

    Computer Systems Unit 2 Overview of computers A computer is an electronic device that processes information and/or data. It also can store, retrieve, and process data.[ CITATION GCF17 \l 2057 ] Further to the web source, there are also many different types of computers.

  12. What is Computer? Definition, Characteristics and Classification

    A computer is an electronic device wherein we need to input raw data to be processed with a set of programs to produce a desirable output. Computers have the ability to store, process, and manipulate data. The term "computer" is derived from the Latin word "computare," which means "to calculate.". A computer is made to run programs ...

  13. Basics of Computers

    Input-Process-Output Model. Computer input is called data and the output obtained after processing it, based on user's instructions is called information. Raw facts and figures which can be processed using arithmetic and logical operations to obtain information are called data. The processes that can be applied to data are of two types −.

  14. Essay on Computer and its Uses in 500 Words for Students

    Frequently Asked Questions on Computer. Q.1 What is a computer? A.1 A computer is an electronic device or machine that makes our work easier. Also, they help us in many ways. Q.2 Mention various fields where computers are used? A.2 Computers are majorly used in defense, medicine, and for research purposes.

  15. Introduction to Computer Applications and Concepts (Lumen)

    Page ID. 18577. Covers the basics of computer hardware, software, and networking and helps students develop basic skills in using Windows and Microsoft Office, and creating web pages. Students also learn how to use computers safely, and to consider ethical issues related to computer usage. Covers the basics of computer hardware, software, and ...

  16. Assignments for Introduction to Computers for Computer ...

    ict assignment chapter no 1 introduced to computer. Assignments. International Islamic University (IIU) Introduction to Computers. 5 pages. 2019/2020. (2) Assignment 3 from Unisa. Assignments.

  17. Computer science

    Computer science is the study of computation, information, and automation. Computer science spans theoretical disciplines (such as algorithms, theory of computation, and information theory) to applied disciplines (including the design and implementation of hardware and software).. Algorithms and data structures are central to computer science. The theory of computation concerns abstract models ...

  18. Computer Hardware

    Computer hardware includes the physical parts of a computer, such as a case, central processing unit (CPU), random access memory (RAM), monitor, and mouse which processes the input according to the set of instructions provided to it by the user and gives the desired output. The computer has mainly has two major components:

  19. 201 Best Computer Science Topics for 2023

    Fortunately, we have some AP computer science topics that can help you write a great paper in no time: Discuss computer-assisted education. Novel emerging technologies in computer science. Open-source vs. proprietary software. Natural language processing real life applications. Evaluating 3D models effectively.

  20. Free Computer Assignment & Assignment topics

    Computer Assignment Computer Assignment Introduction Internet serves as a revolutionary technology, connecting distant places of the world. The technology has transformed the traditional ways of using computers. Internet has a number of benefits. However, it is undeniable that the technology can compromise security of the Internet users.

  21. Intro to Computers Using PCs

    A computer literacy course using personal computers. Prepares students to use computer applications. Provides an overview of computer components including hardware, software, and data, as well as computer concepts related to networks and security. Includes fundamentals of Windows and other operating systems and applications such as word ...

  22. Assignment (computer science)

    In computer programming, an assignment statement sets and/or re-sets the value stored in the storage location (s) denoted by a variable name; in other words, it copies a value into the variable. In most imperative programming languages, the assignment statement (or expression) is a fundamental construct. Today, the most commonly used notation ...

  23. Assignment (computer science)

    In computer programming, an assignment statement sets and/or re-sets the value stored in the storage location (s) denoted by a variable name; in other words, it copies a value into the variable. In most imperative programming languages, the assignment statement (or expression) is a fundamental construct. Today, the most commonly used notation ...